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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20171121

coming up with impeachment proceedings set to begin against robert mugabe as zimbabwean president is still refusing to quit and for many in the country change can t come fast enough. then in football dortmund seeks to end its losing streak the black in the yellows faced tottenham in the champions league tonight a crucial match for controversial coach peter. low i m terry martin good to have you with us germany has been thrust into political uncertainty talks to form a new coalition government collapsed late on sunday after four weeks of marathon negotiations the german president says he will meet with the leaders of all parties and press them to try once again to cut a deal meanwhile chancellor i m going to michael is weighing her options she says she s ready to run for chancellor again in a new election if necessary. the german chancellor would have gladly spared herself and germany from this walk of shame but after the collapse of coalition talks it s up to the german president to decide the next step. another. a new government is always a difficult political process one involving struggle and disagreement but the task of forming a government is very important possibly the most important task that voters give their representatives with in a democracy and this task remains. of light. maya plans to meet up for talks with the various parties over the next few days my refuses to accept that they are incapable of fulfilling the voters mandate his message is also addressed to his own party the social democrats who are still insisting they will join the opposition after their poor showing in the elections. by expect everyone to be willing to participate in talks and make it possible to form a government in the foreseeable future. those who hope to gain political responsibility in an election cannot shirk that responsibility when they have it in their hands. we re not going to pull our ministers out of the serving government so there is all the time in the world to find a solution that s what we re offering our way of taking on responsibility. the far right are not concealing their glee in their election campaign they demanded that uncle americal step down now they see themselves one step closer to that. we re pleased that this coalition has failed that would have been a coalition that did not represent social change it would not have heralded the start of a different type of politics instead the coalition would have represented business as usual. but german voters don t understand why the four way talks failed they had a task and still were not capable of coming to a compromise that is a shame this is horrible these politicians can t agree the f.t.p. announced their withdrawal from the negotiations saying it would mean too many compromises and would betray the promise of change they ve made to their voters. if the f.t.p. had agreed to what was on paper it would have had to abandon its basic political position in this situation we saw it as our responsibility not to join the government but to ensure democratic diversity in our country is retained and reinvigorated. but the greens believed they were on the verge of finding a compromise even a migration. compromise would have been a good thing for our country this irresponsible action is just reopening old we re just the. chancellor angela merkel insists that even in this phase germany remains a stable country. i m not planning on a minority government but we will have to wait and see what happens in the next few days this time the path to fresh elections is one way. but according to polls the results of new elections would find the c.d.u. their sister party the c.s.u. and the s.p.d. with about the same number of votes as last time. for more on germany s political impasse and joined in studio here by sun s bond our political correspondent morning hans mekel says she would prefer fresh elections to leading trying to lead a minority government do you think a rerun of the election is likely yes it is likely obviously the german president who is in charge of this process now and has to decide when or how this is all going to happen has said that he is not in favor of that that he would prefer political parties that have a mandate now to actually implement that mandate but it seems very unlikely that there will be any change in the preparedness of the various parties to participate in coalition talks so fresh elections is the most likely outcome it seems no chance of michael c.d.u. party won the last election they got the most votes but their performance really wasn t that strong do you think that chancellor merkel is betting that her party can perform better in fresh elections adopted very much i mean the most recent polls show that there s not likely to he meant much change and one can assume that i m going not only has access to polls that we know nothing about they ve always said to the christian democrats and various other parties involved in these talks that they re not really interested in new elections that they want to form a government now but i think the situation just is the situation as it is they have to accept the way it has developed now and they have to accept that new elections are the likely outcome so obviously all parties will then find as as good as well as they can and try to do as well as they can but it was not the choice of anglo-american to go for fresh nation what about the other parties that are also going to have to put themselves up for election again let s take the d. for example the far right a.f.d. just entered the german parliament for the first time could it maybe strengthen afresh lection strengthen the far right a.f.p. that s one possible outcome indeed well be. an. rescind this feeling of dissatisfaction within the german electorate which has already led to a quite spectacular success of the f.t. by entering this parliament with double figures and with these coalition talks having failed there s a chance that this will. increase the protest and that would increase support for the f.t. there are those could also be the possibly be possible the market liberal free democrats have been moving towards the right into the spectrum that the f.t. has also covered so they i think might actually be quite happy about new directions and hope to increase their. their support at the expense of the f.t. and there s a great deal of speculation about chancellor merkel s future right now some say that her failure to cobble together a workable coalition this time around shows that she s used up all her political capital do you think her days are numbered well if you if you will answer that question honestly her days are numbered even if she gets reelected she was re-elected now but it s clear that it will be her last term as chancellor but it s not something that s happening you know immediately she is going to stand again as candidate for her party that her party is likely to come out of new directions as the strongest party so it s very likely that she will stay on this johnston so in the immediate future i think she will stay in charge and she s obviously status of that she once that party has that party wants her to say as top candidate as leader of the party so it s not something that s happening immediately. a future for the short term is assured and spawn from our political desk thank you so much. well as we all know germany plays a key role in europe and not just because of its economic prowess in recent years it s gained a reputation as one of your european union s most stable democracies so at a time when the e.u. itself is craving stability the current confusion in berlin is causing nervousness in brussels date obvious georg motus has more. it s one of those rainy days that brussels could have done without ministers now know that the e.u. s biggest member state germany is unlikely to have a stable government for the next few months slowing everything down from foreign policy to euro zone reform. so let me bring you up to speed what do you ministers make of the collapse of german chancellor angela merkel s coalition talks for instance austria. i believe that the failed talks confront us with a very very difficult situation not just regarding germany but also the e.u. germany has always been one of the key drivers of the european idea we are currently in a crucial phase to decide if we want further integration in the e.u. and if so how and germany place here a crucial role to the country that has the biggest concerns about the political crisis in germany is france a political expert told the french president my call has been waiting for support from berlin ever since presenting his ambitious e.u. reform agenda after germany s election in september now everything is on hold obviously the french are not happy mccall is not happy. marco knows how important merkel is for him which is why the first phone call that merkel received less than an hour after the talks failed well might. belgium was without government for eighteen months and the netherlands just finished the longest talks in history to form a government with four political parties i think pretty lections is that. we could have a month or so to have to think a little bit more than five to go to. that thing is to rethink your arguments and may be that moment start talking again brussels is still hoping for a speedy solution in germany that would help clear up the e.u. skies. just our reporting from brussels well let s take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today russian president vladimir putin and his syrian counterpart bashar al assad have revealed they met yesterday in salt she the two leaders agreed to focus their efforts in syria on switching from military operations to the search for a political solution to the country s civil war. us president donald trump has declared north korea a state sponsor of terrorism trump said the move to blacklist the regime again was long overdue john yang was removed from the list in two thousand and eight north korea and the us are at loggerheads over kim jong un s controversial nuclear program and hopes of finding a missing argentinian submarine had been dealt a setback a navy spokesman said the noise detected by search and rescue teams did not come from the sub there been no signs of the vessel and its forty four man crew for nearly a week. to zimbabwe now where the ruling party has moved to begin impeachment proceedings against president robert mugabe the embattled leader s refusal to quit following a military intervention has plunged the african nation into crisis and center p.f. party says impeachment proceedings are likely to start today meanwhile in a new twist the army says mugabe is in contact with his ousted vice president who is set to be his successor in a statement issued yesterday evening the head of the army said former vice president. was working with the president on quote a solution to the deadlock we have made fit. consultation with the president to our roadmap on that. this defense and security services i encouraged by new developments which include one back to between the president and the form of vice president clinton it mustn t down with them then that well we did in the country shortly thereafter the nation would be advised that one day. of talks between the two and i was ahead of zimbabwe s military there splaying his take on the situation well to talk more about what s going on in zimbabwe let s cross over to ray he s a journalist in harare ray thanks for talking with us this morning any news on the possible deal between mugabe and the army. well thank you for having me this morning i can confirm with you that as of this morning emma someone got to release his own statement to the media where he basically rubbished the proposed deal with the military between robert mugabe and himself to have talks and to meet and have face to face talks with amazon and google simply putting it across that prisoner but mark of a must to resign and step down so this is an indication that zimbabwe s political crisis is far from over as long as president obama remains in office and he s a rival his form of vice president he s not in any way and detaining any overtures to meet and discuss we ve got. what about of the prospects of. will gobble getting in touch with one god while and trying to work something out is are we going to see an orderly succession there or is there going to be some backroom deal. well i think given the fact that we have a fresh statement that was released this morning by emerson and which i very fight to be able to and dick i think there is no room for back room back behind the scenes that arrangement of sorts between the two where in fact i met someone got. a ph m.p. s to go i did and impeach him as head of state and tells mugabe that he needs to listen to the voice of the people the people came out on saturday where they demanded that he steps down and held my cheese that it is a huge turnout of tens of thousands of zimbabweans and i think as i live to that fact that the ease of popular support that he can stand on and plate and he has rejected any grounds any room for mugabe to try and you know an equal share and speak to him behind the scenes ok the focus now is clearly on. the the former vice president what or zimbabweans expecting from him what i think at the moment they aren t any expectations of sorts in terms of leadership i think the only expectations can be summed up in two first awful we know that zanu p.f. . has rejected an effective phrase didn t open guy but is this party leader and chosen one guy quite to replace him as the interim president so for in fact we know that one got quite easy now the third person to take charge. and we ll also know that you use also being chosen by the same party to be the state president so i think for now they want to see that process complete and they don t next step as to expectations let s talk about process then just very briefly impeachment proceedings can expect a start today can you walk us through that when are they going to be over. yes well that the fishman process expected. today. they should likely be concluded barring any unforeseen surprises by tomorrow we basically today the charge is the motion rather will be moved to impeach the president and. stand up pointed to those charges or not grounds president mugabe s being in. impeached and after that the vote is conducted and so basically it s a process which could be expected to be completed by but i spoke to someone who says it might take some time but watching that ok ray thanks so much red and blue over there journalist in harare thank you so much. you re watching the news still to come a big night for one in the champions league they face a threatening spurs side as they seek to arrest a desperate slide in form. well the u.s. government is giving its thumbs down to a big company merger kristoff as it s an eighty five billion dollar deal terry and the u.s. department of justice has sued to stop proposed acquisition of time warner now eight hundred eighty is the united states biggest telecommunications company time warner a major producer of media content allowing both companies to merge would mean a concentration of power detrimental to consumers the d.o.j. argues however with president donald trump s outspoken dislike for time warner s news channel c.n.n. some also see a political twist to the story. plans by a.t.m. t.v. to purchase time warner one of the leading media companies in the u.s. were ready controversial when they were announced in two thousand and sixteen even before he became president donald trump was already critical. a deal we will not approve in my administration because it s too much concentration of power in the hands of too few like trump has called c.n.n. which is owned by time warner fake news this is why plans by the department of justice to sue eighteen t. to stop its acquisition of time warner a controversial but c.e.o. has said he will fight the u.s. government s suit in court there s been a lot of reporting of speculation whether this is all about c.n.n. and frankly i don t know but nobody should be surprised at the question keeps coming up because we ve witnessed such an abrupt change in the application of and i trust law here. so any agreement that results in us forfeiting control of c.n.n. whether directly or indirectly is a nonstarter the u.s. has not seen such a high profile antitrust case in decades already many are asking whether the lawsuit is about protecting consumers or political interference in america s press freedoms. the city of paris has been picked to host a key institution after britain leaves the european union and twenty nineteen european banking agency is currently located in london but britain s imminent departure from the block had left it looking for a new home competition to acquire the body which employs over one hundred sixty people had been fierce dublin and early favorite frankfurt lost out in the vote by e.u. member states who earlier voted for amsterdam as the new post breck said location of the european medicines agency a total of twenty three cities were in the running for both agencies and let s get some reactions to this result from our correspondent conrad bose and germany s financial capital frankfurt conrad how much of a blow is this for frankfurt and our banks they re surprised. you know christoph of course it s a blow to people who work here in frankfurt on the application they had an opportunity to show off frankfurt beauty look at the beautiful building right behind me frankfurt old after a house but this wasn t recognized at least from the point of view of those people but if you talk to insiders here in frankfurt of course they are also quite aware that european politics always have to be balanced and you know we already have the european central bank here in frankfurt which has a strong supervising or forty s most important banks in the european union in the european area in the euro area and we have aopa which is the supervising off already for the insurance companies and the pension funds for people outside germany of course it might have looked as too much of a concentration of power here in frankfurt if frankfurt had gotten the. banking or thora t. so a lot of oversight located in frankfurt already now what about paris is the french capital a good second best choice can people in frankfurt live with this compromise you know from a frankfurt point of view paris is a much better choice than dublin which was also in the race to go to dublin you have to take a plane but to paris you can go from frankfurt on a high speed train in less than four hours the french capital paris is actually much closer to frankfurt then burlington and you know who knows maybe here in frankfurt we will get soon a little bit more of parisian early garth s because the parisian supervisors will have to come to frankfurt and work closely with the real superpower in the european financial sector and that s the european central bank conrad bowser in frankfurt thank you so much. to kenya now where violence has broken out after a controversial court ruling terri crist two people have been killed in protest after kenya s supreme court upheld the reelection of president hu or kenyatta the court dismissed two legal challenges to the vote could be sworn in next week but many opposition supporters are saying they won t accept the ruling. since the ruling nairobi has become a tale of two cities some people have been celebrating the supreme court decision confirming the reelection of president two who are kenyans are of the jubilee party that after he won ninety eight percent of the vote last month. but supporters of the leader of the main opposition alliance have had running street battles with police the diff cost lives the election rerun came after ryan successfully challenged an earlier version or guess that kenyatta who also won the nation remains divided the verdict is what can an expected in for the king in expected something that. the body does going to the site. after the new ruling a lawyer for kenyatta said justice had been served. because. that really there was no case in the first place and there was no reason on or modify the elections and i think it s good for the country i mean would in the sense that we have gone through a constitutional process. but the opposition leader raul had this warning the international community must. have to move this country from present place otherwise it s going to be. you know a country the swearing in ceremony for president a hurricane yet is scheduled for next tuesday. some sports now starting with football got two german teams in champions league action tonight in the penultimate round of group stage matches which could prove to be decisive dortmund are looking to save their season and their match at home to tottenham this week could prove crucial for coach peter bosch with a game against fierce rivals shocker this weekend at dismissal dismal run of results at home and in europe has left the dutch coach on the brink of is this thing the other one as they decide in action tonight or champions league newcomers leipzig the bulls are third in their group still and with a chance of advancing to the knockout stage but first they face a tough game bottom side monaco leipzig coach ralph is in a somber mood ahead of his side s must win game against monaco the bulls debut champions league campaign has been lackluster to say the least but they are the only disappointing team out there on tuesday much of his fall of c.h.p. both teams will play to win because otherwise their chances to advance are as good as gone off if we can t get three points on the road we don t deserve to qualify for the next round that s it end of story but monaco are a far cry from the team that reached the champions league semifinals and were crowned french champions last season the club sold most of their standout players during the transfer window colombian striker about a male cow and coach leonardi yeah diem remained behind in the principality team doesn t underestimate the challenge at hand the objective of the goal to qualify for the next round of the champions league is not in our hands but qualification for the europa league is our job is to win this match that s the objective. going in tuesday night as a final showdown for the monica asks and the bulls on the court desi are the winners virtuous short of extending their european campaign. and before we go just a reminder of the top story we re following for you here today on t.w. news german chancellor angela merkel says she would prefer fresh elections rather than trying to rule with a minority government that s after coalition talks collapsed the country s president on fatah steinmeyer trial will now try to persuade the potential coalition partners to return to the negotiating table. to find more on that story on our web site that s at g.w. dot com we ll be back the top of the next hour with plenty more news for you they would. take off the bundesliga highlights. dortmund sink deeper into crisis. stuttgart send them packing and down to fifteen the table. going off to gold for braman as consistent against time over. hands and their first win of the season. to go next d.w. . his friends used to live out on the street. yes to live and has big plans for the future how did they get well enough was behind it. a story of trust activism and boundless optimism. and sixty minutes on d w. your children like chocolate. you can t live without your smartphone. or tomatoes in the supermarket. as we go about our daily lives schuman writes often the last thing on one minds. the invisible hand of slavery in the twenty first century starting december second on d w. c.

United-states , Paris , France-general- , France , United-kingdom , Nairobi , Nairobi-area , Kenya , Austria , Colombia , Syria , Dublin

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - DW - 20171121:07:21:00

Some reactions to this result from our correspondent conrad bose and germany s financial capital frankfurt conrad how much of a blow is this for frankfurt and our banks they re surprised. you know christoph of course it s a blow to people who work here in frankfurt on the application they had an opportunity to show off frankfurt beauty look at the beautiful building right behind me frankfurt old after a house but this wasn t recognized at least from the point of view of those people but if you talk to insiders here in frankfurt of course they are also quite aware that european politics always have to be balanced and you know we already have the european central bank here in frankfurt which has a strong supervising or forty s most important banks in the european union in the european area in the euro area and we have aopa which is the

Germany , Morning-hans-mekel , Frankfurt , Blow , Banks , Capital , Result , Reactions , Conrad-bose , People , Course , Application