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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140923 23:00:00

allowed access to the white house. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. fair, balanced and unafraid, greta goes on the record right now. this is a fox news alert. an al qaeda group ready to strike the u.s. a u.s. intelligence officer says khorasan was operational and in the final stages of plans to attack the u.s. homeland or europe. and last less than 24 hours ago, the u.s. launched air strikes in syria, bombing eisis targets inside syria first, john kirby, just moments ago, we spoke with him about the latest u.s. military action. admiral, thank you for join being us, sir. thanks for having me.
what did khorasan have 24 hours ago that it doesn t have right now? we re still assessing the effects of the strikes that we took against the khorasan group in syria. we do know we hit what we were aiming at. some of it was their weapons-making capabilities and command-and-control. we re still assessing the effectiveness, the thoroughness of those strikes, and we ll know probably in the next day or so. how long have they been on our radar screen? i thought isis was our target in iraq and in syria. now i m hearing about khorasan. how long have they been on our so-called radar screen? we ve been watching this group khorasan for quite some time now. we ve been aware of them. they re a derivative of al qaeda, an offshoot of al nusra. while it may be a new name to many americans, it s not a new name to the defense department
or intelligence community. we know what they re planning, and that s what led to the urgency of the strikes last night. what were they planning and has it been thwarted? they were planning attacks against western targets, either in europe or in the u.s. homeland. we also know they were very close to the end game on those efforts, and they getting close to the execution. it s hard to pinpoint exactly how long, but we know they were getting near the end just based on intelligence we were able to collect. i m not at liberty to go into too much detail about the attack itself, but i can tell you they were getting close. if we were fully successful in these strikes we believe we will have been able to thwart those attacks, but, again, we still need to wait and watch and take another look. okay. i note you use the word targets, i don t want to push you any further i know you don t want to tell me, and i got that.
but does the pentagon know what the targets are or were? they re very specific? we have specific intelligence, specific information about the nature of the attack. that s really as far as i m able to go. now turn to isis. what did isis have 24 hours ago that it doesn t have right now in syria? we hit targets that get right at isil s community, excuse me, targets that fwekt their ability to command-and-control, to sustain themselves, to train themselves to recrete. we know that we hit hard targets that they have been using to sustain themselves in the fight in iraq and frankly, in syria. and this is not just like any other terrorest group. this is a dwrun that tries to grab ground. they have governing expectations. you ve seen some of the video and images. we know we hit what we were aiming at. we will be assessing for quite some time to get a better sense
of how effective we were. but we know these strikes were at the very least successful. have we heard from the assad regime, president assad of syria since this happened? we ve been, from the military perspective, greta, we ve not been in any communication with the assad regime, before, during or after. do you know of others within the government that has been in contact with the assad regime before, during or after? through, through our u.n. ambassador the assad regime was notified of our intent to conduct air strikes in syria, but there was no deep-level coordination or communication about that, and certainly, again, from a military perspective, we have not and have no plans to coordinate our activities with the assad regime. we have been told that this is going to be a long, sustained effort to get isis. how do you define lock and sustained? is that a day? week? years? can you give me a little
more of a time frame? sure, i think to put it simply, we need to steel ourselves for an effort that could take years, greta. everybody s here at the pentagon about the scope of this challenge and how significant it is to our interest, to our people in the region, but also to the interest of our partners and allies. and i think that you saw arab nations, sunni arab nations participate in air operations last night. that s a real statement. it speaks volumes of how they, too, share the significance of this threat. i think we re very, very honest with ourselves about the challenge here and we re prepared to be at this for a while. but in terms of scope, i would say, yeah, probably years. no matter which way you fall on any of this, i think we can all be proud of our military for executing a plan well done. no one has heard, at least not on our side. thank you very much for joining us. thanks for having me, greta. why now? what maid the unit decide to strike in syria right now?
jennifer griffin live at the pentagon with the latest. reporter: we ve just learned that there were two additional air strikes carried out this morning at the end of the third wave of air strikes, raising the number of targets hit to 24. the president authorized the air strikes last thursday after visiting cent-com. the arab coalition came together in the past four days. that s when the u.s. decided it was ready to strike. cent-com commander lloyd austin gave the command on monday and they began at 8:30 eastern last night. the first missiles fired came from the uss army burk and the uss philippine sea. 47 tomahawk missiles were fired at command and control headquarters of the khorasan group, a group made up of pakistani and afghan fighters that u.s. officials claim was plotting against the united states. this group is a rival of isis.
pentagon officials say the mission to defeat isis could take years. the significance of saudi and emiraty and jordanians cannot be understated. five nations joined this mission including qatar which flew but did not drop bombs. they targeted this group of pakistan and afghani fighters. they are a rival to isis. it was suggested they had entered a new phase of plotting against the u.s. and the west, possibly the homeland. jennifer, we re now, u.s. intelligence official says that khorasan was operational, was operational. is it still operational? because you know, we hit a lot of buildings and everything, but what makes everyone think that
it is not still operational? what we know from pentagon officials that we talked to today is that they were not targeting high-value targets, the leaders of these groups. they were not going after any big names. and in fact, we know that the leader of khorasan, there was a tweet this morning suggesting he d been killed, but pentagon and intelligence officials say they have no indication he was killed. so in essence, the leaders of eye significance and the chore son group survived. the question is, will they try to target them. right now that does not seem to be part of this mission. and also, without boots on the ground, remember, greta, it is not that easy to, you need to be able to capture people, interrogate them to get the top leadership. it may not be mission, but everyone is wondering whether khorasan is operational still and whether they still plan on fulfilling their latest terrorism threat. anyway, jennifer, thank you.
and the pentagon insisting the obama administration did not coordinate with the assad regime, but the u.s. did inform syria through our u.n. ambassador of our intent to take military action. so is thebama administration walking a fine line here? john bolden joins us. it s looking at the reports it doesn t look like assad is seriously upset because we helped kill his enemy. that s correct. but the difficulty here that the administration doesn t fully realize is that we ve got multiple enemies sitting right next to each other. and certainly the strike against isis was warranted and long overdue and presumably against khorasan as well, but that doesn t mean that it s to our advantage to see the assad regime encouraged or built up or given any sense that the united states is now prepared to accept its continued existence. and iran needs to know that even more directly. well, what gave us permission to do this? or gave us, you know,
justification was the fact that at least the white house is saying is that iraq invited us in to help, and that iraq was being attacked by groups in syria, meaning isis. we, then, of course went on to go after a group that s threatening us which was not part of article 51, but i m curious if there s been any sort of backlash by the u.n., whether or not that we do have, that we were justified by article 51. i don t think we have to be justified by article 51. i couldn t care less in a sense. the united states has an inherent right of self-defense, whatever the u.n. charter says. that would be against khorasan. would that be against isis as well? of course. what the obama administration is saying is they did it for iraq. well, of course that s what they re going to say, because they don t want to be involved at all. they don t have their heart in it. the administration wishes they weren t going through this. but if you have to construct a legal definition, that s what article 51 says, that every nation retains the right of
self-defense. but the united states has a right of self-defense independent of the u.n. charter. it didn t arise in 1945. is it not significant that we did get a coalition of five nations going alongside with us? is that not hugely significant? here s why it s newsworthy. not that the five arab nations joined us, but that we finally got off our posterior and joined them. they ve been allied with the united states. i m going to leave qatar aside for the second, but the other four have been tearing their hair out at the weakness and the threat that isis poses to them. i think they were delighted to fly with us and wished they could have done it six weeks ago. ambassador, thank you. and the pentagon warning that the battle will not be a quick one. we are striking through the depths of isil s formations because we are trying to disrupt
their support bases. while we enable in iraq their iraqi security forces with the help of partners to dislodge and ultimately remove isil from iraq. could this take years? i would think of it in terms of years, yes. and nice to see you, sir. thank you, greta. a u.s. official says khorasan was operational and in the final stage of plans to attack the u.s. homeland or europe. that s why we attacked. right. what i don t get from anyone, is khorasan now handled? are they still in the operational stages? nobody knows. the taker of khorasan is that they bring two things to bear that are still out there. number one is the technology to develop second-generation bombs. this is non-metallic bombs that cannot be sniffed out by dogs. the second thing they bring since they re in syria is the
ability to get a u.s., western passport holder. we say you can shoot at 50 meter targets. khorasan is a 50-meter target because all they had to do is put those two elements together, put this guy on an airplane and the results would have been a disaster. any idea why they didn t drop any bombs? what s so interesting is they from flying mirage 2,000s. i guess they were just up there boring holes in the sky. you think it s peculiar? i think it s weird. but it s a good thing that the other four states dropped bombs. the idea that they could put together these coalitions and strikes and the idea that they had intel jengs, good intelligence is pretty impressive by cent-com. what s next, tonight?
no. we re going to continue this drip, drip, drip. their is a bombing campaign that s more of an aggravation than decisive. and it s going to last for years. and until we re able to put eyes on the ground, special forces into syria to start killing the middleman and the leadership in syria, the long-term effects of these periodic bombing strikes are not going to be decisive. all the attention has been on isis and this little group of khorasan that we have heard about. it s like that sort of a real and new threat that i think many of us woke up to today. absolutely. and what scares me, the bottom line is, these people are still there, and they have a sanctuary in syria, and they have the syrians looking the other way. and now they have the technology to start this all over again. it scares me to death. thank you, sir. thank you, greta. this is a fox news alert. police issuing an arrest warrant in connection with the
disappearance of university of virginia student hannah graham. just minutes ago, the police chief announced the development. this afternoon we reached that point where the commonwealth felt we had sufficient probable cause to seek an arrest warrant. so we appeared before a magistrate, detective sergeant mooney did, late this afternoon and obtained an arrest warrant for jesse leroy matthew junior of charlottesville, charging him with a class two felony of abduction with the intent to defile. now i ve learned and on the record is investigating this case. we went to the home of jesse matthews grandmother. we ll show you what we found coming up. and new information about the chor son terrorists. they were ready to attack, having gone from the plotting and research phase to the carrying out phase.
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this is a fox news alert. it is not just isis. most of us were stunned to find out today that u.s. air strikes in syria also targeted another terror group, an al qaeda group who the obama administration says was nearing the execution phase here or in europe. kathrcatherine herridge joins u. i get it today who they are. what s the story? the khorasan group is really like the old boys club of al qaeda. these are folks that go way back with osama bin laden.
they have family ties with him, and they trained in the camps in the 90s before 9/11. so this is kind of al qaeda seen ro senior leadership in syria. apparently the reason why the pentagon and the white house says they struck is because they ve gone from the plotting and research phase into the operational phase. what i don t get though, is if we did last night eliminated them or is the operational phase still in tact. where are they? one of the reasons that we went when we did is because we had updated location information for the leadership of the khorasan group. so we knew they were moving towards executing a plot. can you know that, but if you don t have good information about where they are, there s no point launching strikes. number two, just because you put them under pressure or take out some of the leadership, you re
not really getting at the cancer at the heart of this, and these are the bomb makers who ve been trained to use the nonmetallic bombs such as the underwear bomb. you cannot drone this group out of existence in simple terms. we don t have confidence that they have been finished. they have been hit, but that s all. they are under pressure. and they re going to go to ground. but you can t have confidence that the operation is over, because it s bigger than just a single individual. cathrine thank you. we heard about the threat of khorasan, but it was not long ago that president obama said this. al qaeda is on the run, and we have decimated their leadership. al qaeda is on the run. a new tower rises above the new york skyline. al qaeda is on the path to defeat.
al qaeda s on the run, al qaeda s on the run. today, al qaeda is on the run. the war in iraq is over. the war in afghanistan is ending. al qaeda is on the run. osama bin laden is dead. and joe trippi joins us. do you want to respond to all that? it looks like al qaeda is not on the run. well, they are. they re not gone. these guys were with osama bin laden. he s dead. now they re in syria, and they just got hit again. and they re running begin. as kathryn said, you re never going to extinguish every single one of these guys. you have to know where they are and monitor them and our intelligence said now is the time. they re trying to get operational, and we hit them. when he was at the democrat convention in 2012, he said al qaeda is on the path to defeat. i would not use that description. today we spend more of our
time worrying about isil and that s wrong. there are other cells out there like this one that can be a much bigger threat to the unit today than isil is today. is the president s commencement of operations in syria, does that have any impact for democrats in the midterm elections? i don t think so. look, i just don t think that his approval ratings or anything else, any action he takes right now is really going to change the dynamic of the low approval ratings he has in terms of how it impacts democrats. they re all fighting their own races out there, staying competitive. he s going to be an anchor on them, and that s not coming off, no matter how successful these raids are. how about the impact on secretary of state hillary clinton runs in 2016. is this something that will have an impact on her? i don t think so at all. i think hillary clinton s going to stand on her own in 2016 if she runs. i m still not sure that she will. but i am not sure that anything
the prid does right now is going to impact her standing. it doesn t seem that they re connected in that way. i know people try to do it, but she ran against them. they definitely have differences, and syria, arming the syrian rebels was one of them. how about vice president biden? he didn t run against them, he ran with him. yeah, he s got to carry the obama record with him. i mean, that s just the way this thing works. hillary clinton opposed him. he beat her. she went into his administration. she gave him advice, he didn t take it. i mean, these are all well-documented things that are not going to change. leon panetta said the same thing. i don t think she s going to be hurt much by anything the president does or doesn t. successor failure won t abide to her. so biden s married to him, she isn t. right. and it s a surprise. five arab nations attacking a
sunni militant group. what does this mean for the region?
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united states bombing inside syria and we re doing it with the help of five arab nations. so who is that coalition and who hit where? jason bellini joins us. defense officials told us that the vast majority of the strikes were fired by the u.s. and they were concentrated in three areas of syria, and there were three rounds of strikes.
the first one involved cruise missiles aimed at the al qaeda group khorasan. they re in the far northwest corner of syria, near aleppo and raqqah. now only the u.s. was involved in this round of strikes. and those missiles hit at least two khorasan training camps. now jordan, united arab emirates and bahrain were involved. and the finance center was struck. the third wave was against targets in eastern syria. and we also have images today of a purported islamic state residence near the iraqi border. and, this is just the beginning. jason, in terms of the training camps, do we have any kind of asisment as to how successful they were in hitting
khorasan? well, the pentagon said that they were successful. what that means exactly, we don t know. and we don t have images that show us what that means exactly. but the pentagon is saying that the real main aim of last night s strike was to not go after individuals, not to go after foreheads, but to go after mechanisms they use to communicate, and that these were very precision weapons they were using to attack chore son and to disable their ability to carry out a potential strike against the united states and other allies. i guess i don t have enough of a sense of this khorasan. i would like to think they were all in one group and at the other end of a cruise missile. but for some reason i m believing they re spread out over europe with their passports. these are veteran al qaeda. do you have any the indication at all as to the breadth of this group? i was talking to a source today who was saying that, you know what, there really is no
difference between al nusra, that s the al qaeda affiliate inside of syria and this drupe that khorasan that we re now hearing so much about. they re pretty much one and the same. and, yeah, they re spread out. and they re in multiple nodes, so s hard to assess what their numbers are. but pretty much, if it s al qaeda, you re pretty much talking about the same thing, according to sources i spoke with. jason, thank you. thank you. five arab countries taking part in strikes against isis in syria. joining us is president of the american forum for democracy. good evening. good evening. it s great to be with you. thanks for having me. nice to have you. what does this mean that we had five arab countries go along with us against these sunni militants? i think it s obvious that the president s intention was to make it clear that this is not a sunni versus shiite sectarian war, that he stayed away from the shiite access and used the
sunni countries, but i think the reality is, i m not impressed, because what he s doing is allowing the sunni monarchies, the gulf autocratic mafia, if you will, to maintain status quo. in the wake of the arab awakening, we lost some major opportunities. we re sort of on the side of our friend anies that create the ideology that creates isis. and the reason the qatarys didn t drop any bombs, i believe, is one of the spiritual heades of the brotherhood is probably saying we don t want to have any blood on our hands to kill any fellow sunni muslims. i think that s the narrative we re missing. the other awkward twist is that we actually helped president assad because isis is a problem for him as well, and he s a guy who gases his people. so there s that ugly twist to
it. so, what would you do? well, i think, the saddest thing is we don t have nato. the narrative we need to push is an arab awakening. the people want reform. they see the arab fascist dictators, and on the opposite side of the coin, the islamist faction, the hezba law. they re looking for a third pathway. this is about liberty, freedom, about the free syrian army to replace assad. the political nuclear winter that created isis was because of american absence. that s the narrative. unfortunately is that we re pushing the old status quo of arab monarchies. the free syrian army, have they changed in the last year? because i know there was some discussion to arm them or equip
them a year ago, does it make much difference that we re a year late on this? it does. they become more radicalized. but there are secular parts of them that we cannot find, the ones that are there for jihad. the more we do nothing, the more radicalized they become and the more unsettled the entire region is. so we need to at least show some push, if you will, towards the anti-assad movement that is more liberal rather than jihadist. thank you. i can t resist the little trivia that he s from appleton, wisconsin originally. thank you. thank you. and it s being dubbed the latte salute. the unusual gesture. plus the arrest warrant just issued in the case of the missing student.
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well, president obama s not going to like this one. according to a cbs new york times poll taken just over a week ago, before the strike in syria, over 41% approve his handling of terrorism. does he really think this is going to help his image? just hours after thanking the troops, he saluted two marines by holding a coffee cup in one hand. some are calling it the latte salute. john, first, how about that salute? the whole world s watching to see how our president does, and probably it s a minor gaff.
minor gaff? you re not supposed to salute with things in your hand, but this would be way, way, way down on the list. tiny. susan? part of the larger narrative, that he doesn t have a lot of reverence for the military. he s practically upside down on where he was a few years ago on foreign policy after he helped kill osama bin laden, but i think his poll numbers are probably going to improve. the poll was not taking in account last night. i think he ll start looking better, but only for a certain time. i think the lack of the strategy, the tone of the long mission in the middle east. it s a precarious situation for him. i think the handling of terrorism will go up as long as we don t get hit. i m troubled by this thing with
khoran. they d gone behind the plotting and planning but they d gone to operational, which means ready to go. i don t know if hitting buildings defeats that or not. and this is a newell e that comes after this poll. republicans in this poll are the toughest against obama, obviously. they say he s not, he s not strong enough. but americans in this poll still said they don t want troops in the ground. some republicans say we need this. generals saying we need this. but on the campaign trail, as far as candidates and contested races, they re not saying it. so that s going to be an interesting thing to watch. do republicans in contested races start to come out and say we need more to be done? you can see the way the numbers have gone down, starting may 2011. look how high that was, 72%. and we haven t been hit by terrorism, but his numbers have
gone down. as you pointed out correctly, the president run the platt forge that al qaeda was decimated. they re not decimated by any means, they re growing in power in the middle east. they have this terrorist army of 30,000 people. we don t know how many fighters were killed in syria and iraq yesterday. it s a very small number. this should have been launched months ago, al qaeda in iraq and isis, they were traveling down the road in open conveys. now they re hunkered down. there s more that can be done with air strikes. there s a photo someone should not have put on instagram for us to see. we haven t been hit by terrorism, so why is this number going down? there was the bombing at the boston marathon. these are things that lower the
confidence. if you look at the poll number, those were taken, again before the strikes started. i think he ll start to improve on the terrorism aspect, but the whole quandary about people not wanting boots on the ground, and strategists saying nothing really can happen without boots on the ground. it s a real quandary. last night, numbers go up or down for the president? i think it s a very tough call. i think he s going to be in the 40s on every data point, whether it s the economy, immigration, foreign policy. you ve got a conflagration of events. there is a sense that he s a slow to this uptick. he s addressing this now. that hurts him, probably through the midterms, he s in the 40s. panel, thank you. let s all go off the record for a minute. a decision to go to war is the
most important decision made on behalf of the nation. and last night the president made the decision without authorization from congress to bomb syria. this off the record is not whether the president s strategy is a smart one or not but a decision about syria should have been made a year ago or not. but about whether he should have made the decision to bomb without congress. if any members of congress have any problem at all, get on a plane and get back to d.c. and start the debate. not by describes from a campaign trail or some hastily sent press release or twitter account. they could have debated it last week but did not. war s a very serious issue. if any congress member, house or senate has an objection, get back now, not after midterms. and if no one shows up, it s fair to assume that congress
feels that the president acted alone. if you are not here tomorrow, put up or shut up. and that s my off the record comment tonight. and straight ahead, news just in on theearch for the coed. live from virginia next. [ inhales deeply ] [ sighs ] [ inhales ] [ male announcer ] at cvs health, we took a deep breath. [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] and made the decision to quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. now we invite smokers to quit, too, with our comprehensive program. we just want to help everyone, everywhere, breathe a little easier. introducing cvs health. because health is everything. introducing cvs health. just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional. or managing your investments on your own.
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this is a fox news alert. just moments ago police issuing an arrest warrant in connection with the disappearance of hannah graham. the warrant charges jesse matthew with abduction and they have just release add new wanted poster. so who is jesse matthew? reporter: tell me about jesse matthew. what was he like? i remember him being a standard cabdriver. he was nice, courteous to the
customers. he was reliable. if i september him on an order, that order always got picked up. he didn t play games, you know, like some people do. and any feedback from clients was always positive. reporter: does a cabdriver have an expert knowledge of this area? in depth knowledge. very in depth knowledge. i can think of five or ten places to hide a body, easy, in this town. it s a smallish town. but the one thing people need to realize, cabdrivers we are consfatantly in our cars, 13 hos a day, constantly driving around the town, all the little nooks and crannies, where the stockyards are, over in hog waller, up to the little developments that you go in and there are 20 ways into it but only one way out of it. there are a lot of places in
here that have nooks and crannies like that. and griff jenkins joins us live from charlottesville. i take the warrant s been executed by now or they don t now where he is. reporter: that s correct, greta. in a very short press conference, they said federal and state resources have been deployed to locate him. as you heard from his former taxi driver boss he was shocked that this nice fellow may have done this. and we are on the latest. we ve called the hospital as well, where he s currently employed, to get a reaction to find out if he s still employed. they have not gotten back to us. but as the chief said, the search for hannah continues. the last time he was seen he sped away in his car. there was that episode, they had the warrant because he was driving recklessly. is that the last time anyone has seen him? reporter: that s correct. the last time he was seen was speeding away in that 1997 blue
nissan believed to have belonged to his sister nikki. we tried to find relatives today, including nikki, to find out where he was, but the last time he was seen was speeding away from authorities in that car. griff, thank you. and former d.c homicide detective is also in charlottesville. he and griff went to the home of jesse matthews grandmother. we just want to ask when you last saw him? i have nothing to say to you. get off my property. when was the last time you saw jesse? a girl is missing. reporter: have you talked to jesse? no one here has no comments. bye. and ted williams joins us live from charlottesville, that didn t work too well. reporter: no, it did not. but his grandmother is a victim of a grandson who s now, greta, been charged with a felony.
a felony abduction with the intent to defile. the statkes in this case have nw been raised hugely. the ante is up. the grandmother had made some statements that she raised jesse matthew. so we wanted to talk to her. he s, as you know, on the run. and when you re on the run like that, greta, you re more likely to go to people who love you and care for you. and a grandmother, like i said, is someone we wanted to talk to. have you been to, has jesse lived by himself or have an apartment? where s he been living? reporter: well, greta, yes. we have been on numerous occasions to jesse matthew s apartment. they told me that he
fellow. that he was wireird. while we ve heard that he was mr. nice guy, i ve got to tell you, there are people saying just the opposite about jesse matthew. maybe you can find jesse and he can talk to you. he s got a warrant out for him, though. and coming up, a member of the fox news team is on the terror watch list. really? who is it and why? send your guess to me on facebook at greta wire and find out the answer next. i think james rosen? so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight. a new investing and banking experience with personalized guidance and online tools. visit a branch, call or go online today. and cialis for daily use
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engineers. that s who. that s what i want to do. be an engineer. [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america s future engineers. energy lives here. hi! can i help you? i m looking for a phone plan.
it has to be a great one, and i don t compromise. ok, how about 10 gigs of data to share, unlimited talk and text, and you can choose from 2 to 10 lines. wow, sounds like a great deal. so i m getting exactly what i want, then? appears so. now, um, i m not too sure what to do with my arms right now cause this is when i usually start throwing things. oh, that s terrifying at&t s best-ever pricing. 2-10 lines, 10 gigs of truly shareable data, unlimited talk and text, starting at $130 a month. iprise asked people a simple question:
in retirement, will you outlive your money? uhhh. no, that can t happen. that s the thing, you don t know how long it has to last. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive.. confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. well, knowing gives you confidence. start building your confident retirement today. ready, set, the speed-read. a new york judge sentencing osama bin laden s son-in-law to life in prison. he was arrested on charges he tried to kill americans after the 9/11 attacks he became the
voice of recruitment tapes. temporary buffer zone has been set up in front of the sidewalk in front of the white house. the closure will stay in place while the secret service continues its review of last week s fence-jumping incident. steve hayes tweeting, just inferred i m on the dhs watch list. explains why i ve been subject to extra screens. naturally, when i went to file a redress form on the dhs website, the form could not be process. so why is hayes on the watch list? he thinks it s because he took a one-way trip to turkey in july. obviously, it s a mistake that hayes is on this list. we hope that gets sorted out soon. if you can t watch live, use your d.v.r. we have something new, called

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20140924 23:00:00

laptops. thank you for your time this evening. and certainly, we re got go continue watching as the world deals with this threat to the united states homeland and other parts of the world. well, thank you for watching. i m al sharpton. hardball starts right now. targeting evil. let s play hardball. good evening. i m chris matthews in washington. another beheading. this time a french citizen by an isis ally in algeria. the killers call it retribution for france joining the u.s. air strikes in iraq. this come as president obama calls on the world for action against isis demanding the country stop giving money and stop spewing the hate filled ideology that fuels the
terrorist group. obama used all of his skills at the u.n. today. his goal was to recruit a global possie capable of degrading and eventually destroying isis. he made clear today he wants country to takes concrete steps and will be taeg keeping tabs on whether they may be delivered or not. only the we look at why the congress, democrats and republicans are shirking a vote on the obama-led air strikes. our hardball roundtable will look at these questions and look at the way some on the right are using the isis threat to heat up the immigration fight. we begin only the with the breaking news in syria. the u.s. military and arab partners carried another round of air strikes against isis targets. jim miklaszewski joins us from the pentagon. what do we do today? who did we hit? the intent of today s target was to hit isis where it hurts. in the pocket book. tlrm 13 strikes with u.s.
military and our arab allies gel 12 modular oil refineries. they are easily disassembled, put on skids and put somewhere else. they produce up to 500 barrels a day. just these 12 alone would have provided as much as $250,000 in income a day. it is believed that isis collects about $1 to $2 billion a day in their black market soil sales. now, this was a much smaller strike than the first strike on monday which was about 20 targets. and aircraft and cruise missiles. so this was a more compact strike. but again, u.s. officials think this is going to be hitting isis where it works. the big concern is so far, we haven t seen any kind of reaction or retaliation from isis. either against our allies in the region or elsewhere.
one of the creedos is the enemy always has a vote. so everybody sitting back and waiting for isis to respond. did we do all the bombing today or were we joined by real allies in the air? we were joined in the air by allies, both saudi arabia and united arab emirates. and on monday four out of five of our arab allies actually dropped women s. qatar was the only one on the periphery. you know the problem with qatar. sometimes allegedly, even indirectly, sunni extremists in the region. but qatar in fact was participating. what is interesting about this, even if none of them dropped a single weapon, the fact that their flying is very significant. in past operations, those countries have not even expressed support for u.s. operations. so this was a huge step forward that was engineered.
not only by president obama and john kerry. but the centcom commander down will in tampa. thanks for that great report. today an algerian terror group released video showing the beheading a french tourist in retaliation for his country s air strikes against isis in iraq. he call it a cowardly assassination and said he wonderful give in to black male by these barbaric acts. the washington post columnist eugene robinson. ron, thank you for joining us. it seems to me we re up against guys they re willing to keep beheading. this will be what we ll watch. we re probably going to be with us for a lifetime. that s what the president was steeling the country for today. i was struck by one of his best features of his presidency. it wasn t poetic. it was practicing matic. wasn t soaring, it was searing.
he put it in an historic context. to a commander in chief, from a hawk from a dove to practically a hawk and how we have to think differentbly the whole world. what do you make of the zombie like look. it reminds me of what a priest must put up with that people showing up. what do you make of the faces? the vagueness of the faces. were they not allowed to express yes? these are professional diplomats. they re trained in this. and they re not giving reactions. support or opposition or whatever. what i found interesting, when president obama came into office, one of the things he wanted to do was to affect some sort of change in this conflictive relationship between islam and the west. and today, he sort of changed the conditions. he said we must do that. you guys have to help.
and he points. he took a shot. he also took a shot at the fat cat who spew this. and supports the terrorist cede. there s the shot. the money they re giving to the terrorists. some of the leaders over there who spew this religious extremism which undermines, it underwrites the arguments of the terrorists themselves. there should be no more tol ranls of so-called clerics who call on people to harm innocents because they re jewish or because they re christian or because they re muslim. it is time for a new compact among civilized peoples of this world to eradicate war at its most fundamental source. the corruption of young minds by
violent ideology. that means cutting off the funding that fuels this hate. it is time to end the hypocrisy and then siphon funds to those who teach children to tear it down. the pro gand a turns students, young people full of potential into suicide bombers. we must offer an alternative vision. prince bandar on years ago and i said the word we have, you will push your young people to blow up the world. tunneled deal you don t do it inside. he said that was bull. his term, not mine. this is what the countries do. the president did something remarkable that we rarely see. normally they re speaking, when the president come to the u.n. they re speaking to americans. the folks out there are just promises. he was speaking directly to the
leaders. he was calling them out unlike any president since george bush. what is it, dollars and cents, the deal we cut. he says i m going to be keeping tabs on you guys. i want concrete steps to sign this. and he didn t specify. it is a complicated relationship. obviously, now in term of the oil, we got a lot of oil and that s a card that previous presidents haven t had to play and it is something they worry about. the world s depend yenlts on saudi oil is going to wayne and therefore, people will be less tolerant of that behavior. you can use that card against russia. here s two things that might be working. nobody wants to hear about the mideast peace process. couldn t it be something going on, the targets of these makers is ultimately to overthrow government of jordan, saudi arabia, not overthrow government in texas. i think they can spook us a little but that s not what they re going to get done in
their life times. they get a shot at knocking off the governments. they re getting the message. this isn t about liking the united states. it is about the united states being the law magic here. we re willing to support because it is our neck. they are in the business of self-preservation. the reason the president has a chance to rewrite the rules for the next century, they get the message. the president hasn t changed things. let s talk about europe and the french. the little skedaddle in australia the other day. that they tried to behead somebody down there. they ll try to get out their diaspora of beheadings. they could grab someone in oregon, not to mention that specifically. that could happen. one suspect that s the beheadings of americans, that we saw leading up to this.
on the only lodgeeck was that they bring the united states in. figuring they would get bogged down. in the edge, they would and you know and i know. the crusaders were there for 128 years. they probably thought they won 100 of those years. but they didn t win. because they were waiting for them. and you see what happens. what could be different this time is participation of the arab states surrounding isil. that is different. he is right. the bombings won t work long term unless we get boots on the ground. they need them to be boots on the ground. he wornld today that the world must come together to confront isis. there can be no reasoning, no negotiates with this brand of
evil. the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. so the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. today i ask the world to join in this effort. those who have joined isil should leave the battlefield while they can. those who continue to fight for a hateful cause will find they are increasingly alone. for we will not succumb to threats and we will demonstrate that the future belongs to those who build. not those who destroy. so we ll kill. we ll kill as many arab who s have joined isis as we can. we ve warned them. get out. that s how far yeah. how many countries have we bombed that are arab and muslim since the beginning of the century? we just keep bombing them. what is our alternative? i know. it is our problem. the question is whether this
president can hold the country together. build a coalition, hold that coalition together and we can roll these folks back. we ll watch beheadings. and the other thing, we don t know. are we going to watch? are we going to see boots on the ground that are not american? they come from elsewhere. programs the arab countries in the coalition. you think that s an alternative to waiting for this one-year training program which will ideally produce 8,000 free syrian army recruits that will then turn their attention to isis, not assad. i think the president was right when emthat s a fantasy. thank you. if there s one thing congress wants to agree on, they do not want to take a war vote.
they are all too happy to skip town. it can jeopardize their re-election. then around tampa, digs into the politics of war. the republican candidates wasted no time creating anti-terrorism ads that slammed both the president. you see with it scott brown. take a look. anyone who turns on the tv these days knows we face challenges to our way of life. radical terrorists are threatening to cause the collapse of our country. president obama and senator seem confused about the night of the threat. i want to secure the border. keep out the people who do us harm and restore america s leadership in the world. that was a cheem scare tactic. trying to convince people isis will take over the united states. and bill clinton seemed relieved yesterday to avoid the question about whether the united states should be arming
those syrian rebels. that s now above my pay grade. the more i tell you the more likely i am to cause trouble for the decision. . can t be true. he is more now than he was as president. certainly not above his pay grade. hillary clinton said she supports the president. and let me finish with this failure of politicians to simply vote on war or peace. hi! can i help you? i m looking for a phone plan. it has to be a great one, and i don t compromise. ok, how about 10 gigs of data to share, unlimited talk and text, and you can choose from 2 to 10 lines. wow, sounds like a great deal. so i m getting exactly what i want, then? appears so. now, um, i m not too sure what to do with my arms right now cause this is when i usually start throwing things. oh, that s terrifying at&t s best-ever pricing. 2-10 lines, 10 gigs of truly shareable data, unlimited talk and text, starting at $130 a month. who s going to do it? who s going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power.
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it helped me a lot. comcast nbcuniversal. helping to bridge the digital divide. welcome back to hardball. degrade, destroy, crush, follow them to the gates of hell. this is war time rhetoric from the white house because it is a war. we ve sent soldiers into combat zones to help arm and train syrian fighters, american fighter jets are leading a massive air campaign as we speak along with five other arab nations. we re dropping bombs on the enemy in two countries. iraq and in syria. so where s the u.s. congress? did they vote to approve the use of military force? after signing off on a measure to train, congress left town until after the november election. harry reid and mitch mcconnell are rarely on the same page but they don t show any inkling to
could that back and vote and the white house seem happy to have them gone. isn t this why we have a congress? to take hard votes on whether or not to authorize a war? the british parliament is set to be recalled to vote. president obama led the security council. will president obama call congress back? this is also rhetoric on my part because obviously they re not coming back paul, since you re new here, let s talk it over. harry reid has gotten in trouble for fighting. nobody really likes him much. i discovered there s something worse than not getting along with each other. it is getting along. when they said let s protect all the incumbent in the interest of incumbents. they don t want to come back and call people back. they don t really have a whole lot to say. i would call it
constitutional. they don t have a lot to say. all they would be doing is the bombing that s already taking place. that s consistent with the war powers act to get in there a little late. spell for the left. minority from a big city. a liberal from the bay area in new york or chicago. why would a person in a deep blue congressional district or state give a dam about voting for this. they won t get defeated in the general. it is progressives. they probably want the vote the most. they do believe in the war powers act and bringing that. i think a lot of them would vote against it. the one reason you don t want this on either side. harry reid, they all want it is because it divides democrats and democrats and republicans and
republicans. where would rand paul he would vote against it. marco rubio would vote in favor of it and ted cruz would be against it. and john mccain. and it would be loot of posturing on the republican side on the 2016 side. on the democratic side, nancy pelosi will support barack obama. because? she supports the president. these are hard calls. there will be progressives who have. said they don t like this call. there are some conservatives. isn t that why we have a congress? the problem is, there is no you don t pay for not voting against this. if you don t have a vote. you don t usually do that. you re not morally justifying it. i m explaining it. it is wrong. i think there should be debate. there should be a vote. there s no way. what i know, the interesting thing. when we voted, the congress
voted on whether to arm this free syrian army. the northeast liberals, people like gillibrand, elizabeth warren. bernie sanders. that segment of the neat which i like generally. they all said they didn t want to vote for that. which tells you which way they would vote. this seems like a contradiction. they ll have to have that vote again. here they are. the vote armed and trained the syrians is something they will have to come back and vote on again. they ll have to vote to fund this war. sooner or later okay. three months from now, they have to start writing the checks. not their checks, our checks. they start running up the debt. how will he get, deal with that? he will get a majority of republicans and probably a significant portion of democrats to agree to continue to pursue this war because isis will keep
beheading people. so he won t dance with the ones that brung him. it will be a war fought. already out there today you have the conservative thought leaders. i hate to call them that. rush limbaugh and others who are coming one conspiracy theories that obama didn t do anything by hitting cover sanl. this is all about mid-term politics. how s does rush limbaugh figure this out? it is bad and it has to be some hidden motive here. so the tea party republicans in the house, rand paul republicans in the senate and the house who will vote against any of this. it will be a very messy debate. and it will cause problems for the 2016 presidential race on the republican side. maybe even on the democratic
side. the constitution grants the president the authority to call congress back into session. and he says he may under extraordinary circumstances convene both houses. this is a great moment. harry truman failsly return to washington during his speech when he gave it at 2:00 in the morning with no air conditioning 2. a moment which won him an election. my duty as president requires that i use every means within my power to get the laws the people need on matters of such importance and urgency. i am therefore calling this congress back into session on the 26th of july.
now that s the reason why every republican s favorite democrat is truman. i m going on lose this election? no. i m going to win this election. a political convention he made a foreign policy. do you know what he said? i invite them back to washington. i demand they come back to washington and pass their platform which they didn t do and they lost. america wouldn t want to see this congress come back to do anything. why are you saying that? suppose they did that. obama doesn t want a dysfunctional congress looking over his shoulder. he is exploiting the fact that they can t get their act together. that they are abandoning their constitutional prerogatives so he can do this war without having to bother with the obstructionism. so this purpose here. that was never an american passion. once these beheadings occurred.
he could have called and the next day he passed. he could have done it right then. i don t think he could have gotten them. there was a lot of heat. call the vote. call the vote. i do think he should have them in every day. when it cools off like the nfl. let s have a commission. then we ll talk about it. they have a lot in common. they do. like their jobs. thank you. up next, the brad pitt of the republican party. his hair style, wealth, custom made for a devastating attack ad. this ain t serious but it is ludicrous. what would happen. if energy could come from anything? or if power could go anywhere?
or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens? anything. and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away.
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syria is a country we have never bombed before. which means i get to put a whole new hole in my frequent mideast bombing card. there you go. we ve already bombed afghanistan, iraq, pakistan, yemen, somalia, and libya. all we need to do, all we need to do is bomb oman and i get a free falafel. the democratic congressional campaigning committee is running attack ads against candidate stewart mills. this spring the 42-year-old candidate was touted as the new face of the gom. he was called, as you can see, the brad pitt of the republican party because of his hair style. and they pointed out his part doesn t reject the compare sonl. then came this. it costs a lot to get this
look. lucky for stewart mills iii, he inherited millions and a job with a six figure salary. but that s not enough for mills. so he is running for congress. now they re going after his wealth directly in what resembles life styles of the rich and famous. stewart mills iii got a big inheritance and a job at the family business that pays half a million a year. but in congress, mills will leave you on the hook for higher taxes because mills opposed tax cuts for the middle class. even as he wants to give another huge tax break to millionaires like himself. there s always a catch. finally the secret service announced they are unlocking the door to the white house. it is not bad enough when you re president but now there s
guys hopping the fence duffle hear about this? the guy, and he this beefed up security at the white house. thank god security is in place of joe biden s residence and there has been no security breaches. here is his place. that s joe right there. everything is fine. up next, i guess he likes to meet people. up next the hardball roundtable and the politics of war. you won t believe it or maybe you will. how some republicans are stoking fear of isis to win votes. we have another race to watch. governor tom corbett is fighting for his job. they faced off this week in a televised debate. let s look. everybody makes mistakes. okay? have i communicated the best? probably not. we re in a much better position than when i took office. one thing to talk about specific things you re proud of. but overall, how are thing
working out for us? what we re doing isn t working. i am an unconventional candidate. i don t look like candidates you ve probably seen before but i think these are unconventional time for a commonwealth. better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don t start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels
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breaking news, authorities have arrested jesse matthew, the suspect wanted in the disappearance of hannah graham. on tuesday matthew was charged with abduction with attempt. police say he has had no other run-ins with law enforcement. they believe he is the last person to have seen her. graham, who is 18 years old, disappeared cement 18th. now back to hardball.
welcome back. the gop, the grand old party, taking advantage of the radical islamist group by and by extension, democratic candidates as being soft on national security. republicans say democrats aren t up to the challenge of identified isis. the latest ad gene shaheen. anyone who turns on the tv knows we face challenges to our way of life. radical islamist terrorists are threatening our country. president obama and the senator seem confused about the nature of the threat. not me. i want to secure the border, deem out the people who would do us harm and restore america s leadership in the world. i m scott brown and i approved
this message because protecting the home lanl is the first step to america safe again. in georgia, david purdue says his democratic opponent favors amnesty and warns that isis could across the border from mexico. she s from amnesty while terrorism experts say our border breakdown could provide an entry for groups like isis. if a country can t protect its borders, what can it protect? secure or borders. enforce our existing laws. and wugs and for all forget amnesty. joining me, the contributing editor of u.s. news and world report. the senior political reporter with nbc news. it seems to me the republicans are turning this into an ethnic thing. here s our way of bashing hispanics. well, yes. they can t really go after the president very much on bombing syria because they don t
disagree. they re trying to take this issue and finesse it into an immigration issue. they whoever they are is somehow going to come over the border. i think what he has to worry about, particularly that scott brown is that he is trying to use fear to get votes. what he doesn t understand is that people don t just fear isis. they fear getting involved in another long protracted costly war. he is trying to lump hispanics and isis together which is reprehensible. the idea of hoards too. new hampshire, a little state with white people, being overrun with guys with guns and knives and bombs. and basically ending its existence. also taking it from immigration. republicans were very excited about it.
as much as possible, they re excited. you want to talk about isis. we know people are gerd. that we have this issue that we ve been polling. let s jam it in. the biggest magnet for people coming here is not welfare. it is to get a job. the minute they stop the illegal hiring, which he this never mention, ever, it would stop the mass of immigration. let s look at the ad. this is the old thing they did. here s the kind of ad they ran in 2002. this is further back. this is when sacksby chambliss, while don t despite, but i do despise this ad. let s take a look. as america faces terrorists and extremist dictators, max cleland runs television ads
claiming he has the courage to leefl he says he supports president bush at every opportunity. since july max kleeland has voted against the president s vital security efforts 11 times. he says he has the courage to lead but the record proves he is just misleading. he lost three limbs in vietnam and they re attacking him for being not a patriot. that ad is infamous for this reason. somebody in a wheelchair serving his country every single day as a senator. and that is a veterans guy. it was outrageous. it is being played to this day as an example of bad advertising. exempt it worked. the fact that it is a red state had more to do with it. that add probably contributed. these are dangerous in part. isis is not in mexico. they re not going to cross the border. so they re very misleading. in sense.
we don t want to scare americans if isis is coming over. our intelligence does not suggest that they are going to attack on the u.s. soil. it is a fear amongering and unhelpful to people. i never liked it. we call at this time united states. they re coming to america. they re coming here. civil defense. you don t need a new word. the word homeland is essentially ominous. they re going to hit the homeland. for scott brown to talk about, people are coming in and they re going to take your jobs. they re going to cause the collapse of the united states. that s the most apocalyptic language i ve heard. is he desperate? yeah. that s a tough race for him all the way around. to come in as an outsider. where does he go next? if he loses in massachusetts to elizabeth warren. then he goes out and loses.
too liberal. i think maine. he has to he won t go over in maine. it is really cold there too. we were talking about it before. why don t they want to vote on it? if i were a member of congress, i would say the reason i want to be a congressman or a senator. the big stuff. the stuff in the books, the movies. 55 and consent. i think that s why you see, it is not just one part. hillary clinton voted wrong. not because she voted. they re worried about voting wrong. that s the thing. the democratic party. the howard dean effect. in 2003 howard dean opposed the war when everybody else supported it. and he was right.
and he ran against every democratic candidate in the primary field against the war and it worked for him and then for obamacare. the republicans don t want to vote on it. a lot of them don t because they don t want to align themselves with the president of the united states. they want to attack the way scott brown is. and there are some people who i think are general wently concerned about the vote in the sense, they don t know whether they re looking at iraq 2.0 or al qaeda 2.0. i ve been listening to these guys saying, he is cutting us out of the process. he is not asking for our input and then they won t vote. i get the feeling we re getting attacked by ail yengs from another planet. they would say, i m not sure where he was born. we ll be right back. up next, as hillary clinton readies for a presidential run, she make her first public comments supporting the syrian air strikes.
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welcome back to hardball. today hillary clinton gave her support of the syria air strikes. the situation now is demanding a response and we re seeing a very robust response. it s something that i think the president is right to bring the world attention to. clinton addressed policy differences she had with the president over syria saying whatever the debates might have been before, this is a threat to the region and beyond. i can t sit here today and tell you that if we had done what i had recommended we would be in a very different position today. i just can t. you can t go and prove a negative. i think you can always go back and forth, certainly when i was in the administration we had some very dw debates on what to do and how to do it starting in syria. i was on one side of the debate and others were on the other side. this is so fascinating. what i found fascinating was the
new dennis thatcher role of bill clinton. he said that s above my pay grade. that thing he does. he was waiting for hillary clinton to make a statement so he d be in sync with her. i think she was look, she was burned by this issue once before. she voted one way, obama who didn t have to make a vote said he was opposed to the war. on iraq. on iraq, so she doesn t want to make that mistake again. now she s in the position of not having to actually make a decision but to support or not support it. bringing it up, if we had done what i suggested who knows if it would be different. it looks presidential and gracious. who brought it up that they disagreed before? the questioner? i think so. i think so. it was, that s all right. the thing is it s a very legitimate concerns about arming people we don t really know who s on what side. we still don t know if we have somebody to arm. go for it. she s damned if she does and
if she doesn t in the fact that we re all obsessed does she des like obama, does she approve, does she not. did somebody say something negative about hillary clinton that you had to defend? not at all. we re parsing everything she says. well, we will. that s what they get. that s probably good. who parses? i parse. that s my job. let s get back to what you said in the last segment. hillary clinton back when they voted on the war in iraq decided that the cautious probably smart vote was to vote to authorize. now she can say i authorize not for the war but to let the war go. but now what s the smart move? what s the smart vote, for or against the president? i think probably the smart vote is for right now especially with this other terrorist group cropping up. people are worried this the another al qaeda. but in terms of we should have armed them a year ago when he don t know who they are.
if they use weapons we gave them against us what s the smart vote. if you re running for president, the smart thing to do is oppose it. because you ll be running in a very liberal democratic primary, it s generally an anti-war primary. you have martin o malley sitting out there who hasn t said anything. this is how howard dean went, he let everybody take the vote and. if himry doesn t run, gillibrand and warren will run and they voted against it. that tells you they thought about this. why is the smart vote politically back in the iraq war to vote for the war and smart now to vote against it. democrats were seen as being too weak and against defense. now the policy is much different. but they re beheading our people every couple weeks over there. how does that work? in a state like arkansas or a purple state, the smart vote is to be tough on anything.
in a democratic presidential primary, the smart vote is to be a pacifist against the war. even with the beheadings? doesn t that change the gut reaction? i think it depends how this goes. again, is this iraq or al qaeda? we don t know. that s the problem. by the way, i, you know, i think that you can make the case that she did what she had to do secretary clinton. yeah, but that doesn t mean she didn t create an opportunity for somebody on the left. the person on the left may not be squeuccessful but there s an opportunity on the left do you think somebody could actually beat her on the left? somebody did before. she s a better candidate now. she is, but by the way, i don t think anyone will beat her. could somebody beat her? absolutely. bernie sanders somebody she could knock off. nobody running right now. if she can knock them off, shows positioned herself in the
general, could be a weird general if rand paul is running to her left on policy. really weird. susan milligan, my buddy forever. and all my friends. demanding re so i offered to help. at ge capital, we bring expertise from across ge. so i call in our access ge engineers, and together with columbia, we work backwards. from the cabinet factory, to the place they peel the logs. we find the source and help replace the machine. problem solved. if you just need a loan, just call a bank. but at ge capital, we re builders. what we know, can help you grow. that s the way i look at life. looking for something better. especially now
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world to join us. he made this decision on his own. is this the way it s supposed to work in our form of government? one person deciding whether our armed forces go into battle or not? what if the president decided not to go to war against isis, would that have been rightfully his decision, his decision alone? how much power do we give our presidents these days? can they get up one morning and go to war or get up the other day and decide not to? doesn t this strike you as strange, as undemocratic, as more befitting an ancient monarchy where one king goes to war with another and the people honor their wishes. what purpose does it serve that the congress abdicates its congressional power to represent the people in matters of war? i ll give you a motive. it makes it easier for them to get re-elected. i ve heard it said that harry reid and mitch mcconnell don t get along. what s worse, they don t get along or they re in a quiet mutual agreement not to utter those two words let s vote that would make this government

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141001 10:00:00

jeffrey says it is not hate. it is heritage. thank you to evan who responded. appreciate it. we ll see you back here tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. fox & friends starts now. bye. good morning. it is wednesday, october 1. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. ebola here in america and this morning a warning to you, the very deadly and contagious virus may have spread. a hive report from the hospital straight a live report from the hospital straight ahead. the federal government getting involved now in the redskins controversy. the f.c.c. perhaps ready to ban announcers from saying the name redskin or face a big fine. as the secret service tries to explain how a guy with a knife ran into the east room, lawmakers offer a simple solution. have you ever heard of these guys? this morning the big question: how did a
convict with a gun get face-to-face with the president in a separate incident? but be happy everyone. mornings are better with friends. i m bobby bowden. you re watching fox & friends. bobby and everybody else, you re watching fox & friends, and today we are clad in pink because october is breast cancer awareness month. it is. we encourage you to wear pink with us today. pink pajamas. throw on a pink tie like the guys. all of out there have a big head start on us. we had to remember at 3:00 in the morning. look at us and say now i remember why we should wear pink today. we ll remind you throughout the hour as well. this is one of those days where there s a lot of news and it starts in texas. a fox news alert. the first case of ebola found in america. at this hour the man this deadly disease in isolation at a
dallas, texas, hospital. that is where we have a reporter live. what is the latest on this very scary news? reporter: the patient in isolation in i.c.u. because of privacy laws, they can t disclose his condition or his nationality or age. but we can tell you that, they re telling us that he is communicating and even saying that he s hungry. here s what we know. this is the time line. the patient left liberia on september 19 arriving in dallas on the 20th. no symptom for four days. on friday, september 26, he came to the e.r. here at the presbyterian hospital. doctors say he showed no signs of anything unusual, nondescript systems, they say. lab results, they were not impressive as they called it. he did not say, though,
where he had traveled. he was given antibiotics, sent home. two days later on sunday, september 28, he was brought back to the hospital by ambulance to the e.r. he had diarrhea and other symptoms. it is important to know ebola is not an airborne virus. people have to come in contact with either blood or bodily fluids. we protect people in this case by making sure we find the contacts, identify them and make sure they re traced every day for 21 days. if they develop a fever, they re immediately isolated. officials here working with the c.d.c. to identify those who came in contact with him, including family members as well as other patients in the e.r. who were here on friday. again, they don t believe that those folks are in immediate danger, if you will, because of how this
virus is transmitted. live in dallas, texas, at the hospital where this is an interesting bit of trivia. guess where my daughter works in dallas, texas? across the street from that hospital. i was talking to her last night. she said people down this, are you kidding? ebola is in america? we heard the president say it wasn t going to come here but it s here. the guy who heads up the c.d.c. with us in about an hour from now. he says they re on it. you don t have to worry. i watched him about 6:00 yesterday. the press conference was almost surreal, in the phone, on person, anybody else come in. we got it under control. got to run. it is interesting as we move into our next story, the president is actually visiting with the c.d.c. to get information on this situation. and this is where a huge
secret service breakdown took place worse than we ever thought. apparently a convict came within inches of our president. this is two weeks ago. and no one even knew he had a gun until he ended up turning it over. shocking. this is on the heels of the guy who ran into the east room of the white house with a gun, omar gonzalez, you saw right there. what s extraordinary about this case is and jason chaffitz found out about this from a whistle-blower. some people are trying to throw the director of the secret service under the bus. the president is in an elevator in atlanta and a security contractor who had three felony convictions over in the corner he s got a cell phone and taking a picture of the president. one of the secret service guys says stop that. he keeps doing it. the president gets off the
elevator and the agents go over and say what is your deal? they ran a background check, found out he had three convictions for assault and battery. they called his supervisor and the supervisor said you re fired. then the guy goes, all right, fine, then i m going to turn in my weapon. then they go he had a gun? are you kidding me? not until that point did they know. no idea. a huge breach. you understand why the grilling took place with the head of this department there on capitol hill. this is a systemic issue here. why aren t they taking it seriously? we re talking about the director, judy pierson. don t let somebody get close to the president. don t let somebody get close to his family. don t let them get in the white house ever. if they have to take action that s lethal, i will have their back. this, ladies and gentlemen, is not a democratic issue. this is not a republican issue. this is an american issue.
this is also an issue of national security. have you ever heard of these guys? i wish to god you protected the white house like you re protecting your reputation here. this is unacceptable, and i take full responsibility. and i will make sure that it does not happen again. all these excuses. moral is down. some actually said sequester cut into the funding. the guys are overworked. a lack of leadership. just unbelievable because the secret service, if you come to new york when the president comes here, everything stops. innocent people can t get anywhere and you almost think it s overkill. on the other hand, you find out there s no excuse for the fact that this guy, omar gonzalez, gets over the fence, gets into the house, across the lawn with the ushers deciding to suppress the alarm as he gets inside. off-duty secret service officer is the one who tackles him, who is the detail assigned to the
children. all this happens, and i think this woman in a way i feel so bad for her because she just took over a few months ago. she took over to bring some, i guess some sensitivity within the secret service because of two international incidents. she was also asked how many times she brings it to the president s attention when something like this happens. once in the past year in 2014 where this was actually brought to the president s attention. this is something looked at to be a systemic issue where those in the secret service apparently close to this situation feel as though they don t feel comfortable going to their superiors when they re not comfortable in a situation that could be potentially deadly or dangerous for our commander in chief. there s a fellow named dan emmet, former secret service marine as well. he says there s got to be big changes at the secret service. he says she has got to go. she s great. she s a career officer. she s a former cop. she was in the secret service for a long time but
she s got no military background. and he makes the argument we are a nation at war. you need somebody with a military background. what he s suggesting is the military take over. he suggests lieutenant colonel allen west because he s a leader, he s got great diplomatic skills and you know what? he s got a military background. that is the facebook question. do you believe it is time for the military to take over the secret service? in your mind is lieutenant colonel allen west the perfect mix of military and congressional leader? meanwhile heather nauert is poised to tell us what else is happening. hi. you were talking about the c.d.c. they are still investigating what has so many parents nervous this morning. an alarming report is out that that fast moving mystery virus that has sent thousands of children to the hospital all across the country and is believed to be paralyzing some is growing this morning. doctors first reported ten cases in denver, colorado, and now there are four new cases in boston. the victims there range in
age from 4 to 15 years old. a christmas party turned into a scene of mass murder and today muhammad muhammad will learn if he gets to leave prison if he is an old man. he was arrested in 2010 but he pressed a button on his cell phone to trigger a bomb and to try to kill thousands of people at a christmas tree lighting in portland. the bomb turned out to be a fake. pras provided by undercover it was provided by undercover agents. he could spend 40 years behind bar. police are saying aaron lewis, the suspect accused of murdering the real estate agent in arkansas is the only suspect in the case, even though we heard this yesterday. he pointed the finger at another man on live television. [inaudible] the air force has a military base why beverly? she was a rich broker.
do you have anything to say to the family? beverly is the victim right there. police question that man trevor he spoke about but they ruled him out. lewis could face the death penalty. he is behind bars for murder but this morning van der sloot is now a father. his wife whom he met while he was in prison gave birth to a baby girl. van der sloot is behind bars for a 20 year sentence for a murder in peru. he remains the prime suspect. in the world of sports the f.c.c. yesterday says they re considering complaints filed to them by a person who is concerned about the renewal of the washington sports station that carries the redskins, wwxf f.m. why? they keep using the name
redskins because that is the name of the team in the national football league and tom wheeler is considering whether they should get a license or not because they use this name. they could get severe punishment to be determined here. the owner, dan snyder, said he s not going to change the name. earlier this year the u.s. patent and trademark canceled the team s trademark on the famous logo saying it was disparaging to native americans. the team appealed the decision. this fine or punishment for anyone saying it over the air waves is a significant consideration. the f.c.c. would have to first pull the license that radio station. if they do, they effectively ban the use of that word on other radio stations and tv stations as well. wouldn t impact cable and stuff like that. nonetheless, we want to know what do you think? here s the administration once again injecting themselves into this debate about whether or not it is appropriate to use the word redskins. the name redskins. until they change the name, the name is the name.
sitting bull called himself a redskin. the team was named in salute to the redskins. the redskins fans want it. the indian tribes in 2004, 90% had no problem with it. now 70% have no problem. what is the problem? let us know what you think. 6:13. coming up, he murdered a police officer in cold blood and is in prison but that won t stop him from giving a college commencement speech and you won t believe who invited that guy. chef emril is dipping into politics. his opinion on why the economy is tanking and why the president is to blame.
at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. a fox news alert. for the first time ebola is here in the united states, and the c.d.c. warns the deadly and contagious virus may have spread. so what do we need to know? joining us is the infectious disease expert dr. saul. thank you for being with us. scary information, as we
know one confirmed case of ebola in the united states. what more do we know about this patient? we don t know a whole lot more than what the c.d.c. said. we we know is the patient traveled from liberia, got on a plane, was completely well when he got on the plane and developed symptoms after arriving in the united states. a few days later presented to medical care and was identified as a suspected ebola case. have they confirmed whether or not he came into close contact with any others and testing them as well? they know he s been in close cabt with some family contact with some family members and the health care providers who have been caring for him. they are in the process my understanding is the c.d.c. is in the process of investigating those close contacts and checking them for symptoms. is this virus, ebola, is it different here? is it different here in the united states than africa? if so, why? the virus itself isn t any different but the way we can care for it is different. the big problem with
transmission in africa is they don t have as many resources in terms of protective equipment. they have care practices that sometimes involve coming into contact more with bodily influence. here we ve got modern equipment so it is a different beast. is it contagious if you re near somebody? is it contagious through air? how do you get it? it is not contagious through air per se. if i had ebola and sneezed right now and happened to get mucous on your face that potentially could transmit it. you need direct contact from fluids. if somebody is having vomiting, having diarrhea, bleeding and spitting up or sneezing, things like that. casual contact like we re having here is not a concern. i guess what s going through my mind and i m sure many others, he went on a plane. that s close contact and that air is recirculated.
humidification systems et cetera. likely the chance for transmission or contamination is high. what are they doing to keepthese so the next round of people who get on there are not at risk or those who were on the plane are not at risk? you would think they were at risk but ebola is only transmitted when people have symptoms. what they re doing is at the airports they re screening everybody with thermometers. and anybody who has a temperature they re pulling aside. someone who is a symptomatic when they get on the plane can t transmit the virus. dr. hymes, thank you for joining us on a very important medical day. coming up, a television reporter makes a mother break down in tears. what did he do? we re going to roll that videotape for you. he dropped to his knees in prear and in prayer and was slapped with a
penalty. was he punished just because he s muslim? love campbell s soup?
well, it s been the number one soup in america. (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) for four generations. (family laughs) some things just run in the family. (slurps) ahhhh. (family laughs) (gong) campbell s! m m! m m! good! for four generations back to school? time to stock up on the soups they always love. campbells!
it s news time for you now on this wednesday morning. the sister of the accused boston bombers waking up in jail this morning. she couldn t come up with 5,000 bucks for bail money. she is accused of threatening to blow up her ex-husband. police busted her driving past the woman s house after the arrest. the suspect in hannah hannah graham s disappearance under investigation in a third case. investigators looking at whether jesse matthew was involved in the 2009 murder of a 23-year-old woman in virginia. brand-new evidence in
the manhunt for cop killer eric frain. eric frein. police found two pipe bombs he left behind. they had a long trip wire meant to booby trap and try to kill more cops. two democratic candidates feeling the heat for being m.i.a. when it comes to the war on terror. the armed services committee holds a hearing on new global threats. senator kay hagan absent. missed half the armed services committee hearings this year. while isis grew obama kept waiting and kay hagan kept quiet. the price for their failure is danger. with american national security threatened, warnings of islamic extremists, isil talks but what does mark udall say? isil does not present an imminent threat to this nation. really?
can we take that chance? with just five weeks until election day, will the democrats handling of the isis threat or not handling the isis threat help the g.o.p.? here to weigh in is former new york senator al d amato. who would have thought three months ago that foreign policy would matter so much and the war on terror matter so much. how does it play in this election? you just saw those ads. it is huge because isis and the threat and they re taking over major cities, taking over vast areas in iraq beheading americans. it has gotten the american public to wake up and say what s going on. when you look at the polls, you see people say this administration and the president is not handling this the right way. the president fails. and so those in the congress who didn t either listen to the briefings or didn t go to the meetings, who said isis is no threat,
they re in trouble. look at this poll from the u.s. times and cbs, they worked together and came up with this. when asked who is going to deal with terrorism? 48% of americans say republicans are. 31% say americans. you believe it could play into what s happening in new hampshire? no doubt. scott brown, former military presents himself he is also in the national guard. he is now within striking distance. the polling has him, some of it one or two points down, some one or two points up. in new hampshire, no one thought republicans had a chance there. but what s happening is democrats are going to stay home. they are because they re very disaffected. and independents, polling shows, are coming over to the republican way. and for the first time foreign policy has really become an issue because we see it as a threat to the united states. people begin to understand when they see what these
militants are doing. the beheading of the two american journalists really brings this home. and the failure of the president to follow his intelligence briefings, and he failed because the lieutenant general who is in charge of the defense agency, he said this in april. he said you better watch out guys. and was out there and is out there and his quotes can t be denied. senator, thanks so much. one of the new hampshire residents is one who was beheaded and now all of new hampshire, that independent state are really think upset, scott brown wins it. two minutes before the bottom of the hour. coming up straight ahead, he murdered a police officer in cold blood and is in prison but that will not stop him from giving a college commencement speech and you won t believe who invited him. celebrity chef emeril lagasse is dipping his
ladle into politics and he s grilling the president. you ll hear what he has to say because he is seethed. say because he is seethed. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you re talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. it s proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver,
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(cheering) yeah!! touchdown! nice catch! who s ready for half time? yes! ok i m going to draw something up new. wide receiver goes deep all the way to the corner and. who ate the quarterback? share what you love with who you love. kellogg s frosted flakes. they re grrreat! it s your shot of the morning. that is a 301-pound bear that gave cops and wildlife officials a run for their money in bergen county, new jersey yesterday. it was spotted roaming the streets of ridge wood. it went from tree to tree because one of the trees was near a school, they wound up locking down the school. you know what? take a look at this picture. two days ago my neighbor,
j.r., called and said look out your window. there s a bear. it s going to visit you, steve. that s your bear? frankie, my next door neighbor texted me that picture. that is a bear in my neighborhood. that is the day before yesterday. brian, you complained about a squirrel on your house. i got a 300-pound bear in front of mine. you see the bear, what do you do? the bear yesterday in ridge wood was eventually tranquilized and captured and apparently he was hauled off to the woods. you know what? it was a crazy situation over in ridge wood, new jersey, yesterday because there were news helicopters and there were a thousand police, and they were all working with the cops to try to do something about the bear up in the tree next to the school. it sounds like a crazy question but do we know why the bear left the woods? because we moved into their neighborhoods. the same reason the chicken crossed the road. why yesterday?
like what happened? he knew october was coming. if i don t get there it will no longer be spring. i m glad everyone s okay. very scary as we saw right there on the screen. take a listen to this. a former cop killer, black panther member actually was nominated to give a commencement address at a vermont college, chosen by the students to do so. we are talking about mumia abu-jamal. he was actually convicted of killing daniel faulkner, philadelphia police officer there. he was sentenced to death, by the way, and then nominated by one of president obama s selections to head a civil rights department. this guy is infamous. bad guy, convicted. he was sitting on death row. while he was there in prison, he graduated from this particular school in vermont. goddard college. he got a bachelor of arts
degree by mail also it sets up the insensitivity of this new class of students who don t realize that somebody lost their husband and father when they were shot in the head by this guy. marie faulkner had this to say. i am outraged they would have such a hate-filled murderer on as a commencement speaker. i mean, this man, he
murdered my husband with malice and premeditation. he is evil. what does he have to offer on any commencement? their commencement speech. exactly. she also said the selection of him was despicable. you know, here s the thing. les let s review. these nitwits at goddard college can choose anyone they want to. this choose this killer to be their commencement speaker. across the river at rutgers they said we don t want condi rice. is there a problem with this picture? this is a woman who already suffered the loss of her husband who was serving to protect his community. and every single time that this man, third time now, has been asked to give a commencement speech, she has to relive and hear his words, the pain there is immeasurable, i m sure. 24 minutes before the top of the hour. tell us what you think about that on twitter and
on facebook. you can write our show directly. we ll go over it at some point. heather nauert, what s happening in your world. a family is feeling some pain this oklahoma today. he is accused of exegd beheading a co-worker. his facebook page includes pictures of osama bin laden but don t call it an act of terrorism and that is what has some people upset. alton nolen is now charged with murder. new details reveal he and a colleague fought about race earlier in the day. he was suspended and escorted off the property. police say he went home, got a knife and came back and then committed murder. what do you think of that? two hackers pleading guilty to stealing more than $100 million in u.s. army and x box technology, hackers accused of breaking into the u.s. system to steal helicopter training
software. they also stole training secrets and financial information. it is not every day that a reporter becomes a part of the story but that is exactly what happened in tampa, florida. a reporter was reporting on a missing ten-year-old when all of a sudden he and his camera man spotted the boy hiding in a bush. the boy says that he ran away because he needed to get away from hi little brother. pollen tweeting out this photo with paul saying he is just happy to help. emeril lagasse may be rich and famous but he s even got a beef with the nation s economy. this morning he s pointing the finger at president obama. he says his policies of regulation are killing the restaurant business. he says, quote, it s becoming a very challenging industry and then you add all the obama nonsense in the last several years. i just say the government should stay out of things. what do you say about that? those are your headlines. i ve got some sports.
husain abdullah was flagged down for prayer. players can thank god after scoring touchdowns. think of tim tebow. they did not give a penalty for that. the league now clarifying. there is an exception for players going to the ground for religious reasons. olympic gold medalist michael phelps apologizing for his d.u.i. he was pulled over in baltimore for failing a sobriety test. tmz reporting he just finished an eight hour gambling session. he said i take full responsibility. i know these words may not mean much right now but i am sorry to everyone i let down. for phelps this is his second d.u.i. in the last ten years. tiger woods trying new courses. the 14 time major exam i don t know opening
champion opening up a restaurant in jupiter, florida. who would live in jupiter, florida? it is expected to open up early next year. no word on what kind of food will be served but it will be gluten-free. yes, but it will be low key. woods says he wants it to be a place where people can, quote, meet friends and watch sports on tv. we should point out brian was actually multitasking. not only was he walking over from doing the sports but he also kicked over his coffee. that s where that little almost expletive came off. with that much pause he managed to reset it. later, highlights of the big move game last night. big playoff game last night. where are you headed today? i m heading to dallas. president bush is warrior
open where elite wounded warrior golfers compete to be the best of the best. and the president is going to sit down with us. he ll be live on our show tomorrow. president bush 43. it s been a tradition with you. this is a different tournament and i promise i don t play. cannot wait for that. this coming up, critics call the candidate s independent, will this race determine the balance of power in washington? would this school s players like to touch this historic statue before a game?
a a a
just about 15 minutes till the top of the hour. we have some headlines. just call it the end of an era. the end of classic cartoons on saturday morning. could it be? this past saturday the c.w. became the last broadcast television network to air cartoons in their classic time spot. broadcast channels face increased pressure from cable forcing them to replace the programming. so no more scobeeee and the gang in the morning. get ready for the coffee maker-toaster combo. it can brew coffee and make toast at the same time. that is some good news, steve. that is a game changer. meanwhile, g.o.p. incumbent pat roberts, a senator,
neck and neck with independent greg orman who is making his message very clear. we are sending the worst of both parties to washington, bitter pts partisans who care more about pleasing the extremists than they care about moving our country forward. he is running as an independent because they essentially forced the democrat to get out of the race. but is he really a democrat in disguise? here to way in from this made big news a couple of weeks ago where harry reid called the democrats running for senate in kansas and said you ve got to drop out and this left this guy, mr. orman, who is now neck and neck or a little ahead of of the incumbent. it has been fascinating
to watch. roberts had trouble there, made it through the primary and republicans thought it would be okay in this three-way race. the democrat got out of the race and the independent is running almost ahead of him in some cases. and the republican party has flown out all the top surrogates that they can think of to campaign for roberts, spending some money this. this is a real wild card to watch in an extremely close race across the map. and he s running right now as an independent and he says i did vote for barack obama in 2008, the same year that i ran for senate against pat roberts as a democrat. john mccain came out to campaign on his behalf and said, look, the guy s a democrat. and republicans are pushing this very, very strongly, saying that he s kind of a democrat disguised as an independent. republicans are trying to get kansas voters to think about that in these last few weeks of the campaign.
meanwhile pat roberts has a new campaign ad out, and here s 15 seconds of it. politician greg orman would make things worse. orman gave thousands of dollars to elect barack obama, even harry reid. now orman says he supports giving amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. greg orman is not independent. what s curious right now kaitlyn is the fabt that now that he s surging he s been asked questions like where are you on keystone pipeline? i don t know. what about an assault weapon ban? i don t know. what about whether you would cawkdz with the whether you would caucus with the democrats or republicans? i don t know. he s not really saying where he stands on particular issues, giving broader assessments. what s so fascinating about this race is that if there is a tie in the senate
outcomes of these races, this could be a deciding race. and that will determine which party he caucuses with. all eyes on kansas. kaitlyn, thank you for joining us live today. coming up on this wednesday, so many of you have questions about the ebola virus. so do we. the director of the c.d.c., dr. tom frieden will join us live to answer them. a high school football team touches this historic statue before every game. it is a tradition, but atheists say it s too christian. one of those football players who touches that statue joins us next. will that be all, sir?
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a high school football team s pregame tradition of touching a statue is making atheists furious. they claim engraved biblical verses violate the constitution and demanding that it be removed. sam bartlet is one of the football players fighting to keep the statue there and he joins us now. sam, thanks for getting up early this morning. we appreciate you being here. tell us what this statue actually means to you guys as players. well, it was actually donated to us by the same person who built our new locker room and it s a very nice facility. what it personally means to me is i am a christian and it does have the biblical versines there
and i m very proud of this because it s a way to represent my faith and get christ s name out there where i can glorify him. talk about stepping up the defense there. what do your teammates say? do they want it to go or stay? many of my teammates agree with me and we personally are very thankful for the man that built this statue because he did it and donated it where it was totally free to our school. our school had no part in it. it was just a donation given by him along with the locker room. and so when you hear someone say look, this is a violation of my right to not believe in god, what do you say to someone who wants this removed, to the atheist group saying take this out of here? i personally don t have any anger towards them. i disagree. i feel like this is a way for me to represent my faith because
jesus christ died on the cross for my sins, along with everyone else s. i don t feel like they re in the wrong because i understand where they re coming from, but the thing is like god, even before the statue was put up, was still god. even if that has to be altered or taken down, he will still be on his throne and he will still be my god and i will continue to glorify him. i have no anger or resentment toward them. kind of strong message. what s the school doing? right now the school is under like they have about a two-week period to make a decision on how this will be modified by either the statue being modified or taken down so we don t violate any laws or anything and get sued for them. okay. let me tell you something, i know this week is a tough one for you. hurt your ankle. you got two weeks out, i believe, and i m sure the verses
on there, ones you will rely upon, we want to thank you for being with us. we wish you guys good luck this weekend and we ll stay on this. thank you. coming up, your e-mails are already pouring in on this story. if you could believe it, the ftc ready to ban announcers from saying redskins or face a fine. we re going to read your comments, top of the hour, without a fine. and they waited hours for their food on their anniversary. so why then did they give the waiter a $100 tip? that couple generous love, will that couple generous love, will join us next
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good morning. it is wednesday, october 1. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. ebola arrives in america. a man in texas infected. this morning a new warning, the
deadly virus may have spread. a live report from the hospital straight ahead. wow. the secret service left fumbling trying to explain how a convict with a gun got face-to-face with the president. is it time for somebody else to take over security of our commander in chief? and they waited hours for their food on their anniversary. so why did they give their waiter a $100 tip? you know what? we re going to ask them because they are here live on this wednesday morning and live from new york city, you re watching fox & friends. this is dr. phil. you re watching fox & friends, the best treatment for waking up in the morning. i wonder if that s going to bug dr. keith ablow. of course. we re wearing pink for a great reason. it is breast cancer awareness month as we begin october and we just want to reach out with our
awareness. you can join us in wearing pink, maybe send us a photo. also this morning, it s ebola awareness because ebola, ground zero, for ebola in the south. we re going to get to that fox news alert for you. the first case of ebola found on american soil. the cdc confirming a patient diagnosed with the deadly disease is in isolation in a dallas hospital. this is where we have k dfw reporter saul garza to give us the latest. good morning to you. reporter: good morning. in isolation, in icu. that s pretty much it. we do not know his condition because of privacy laws. all we know is that he is communicating. let s tell you what we do know and give you a time line here. the patient left liberia on september 19, arriving in dallas on the 20th. no symptoms at all for four days. then on friday, september 26, he
came to the e.r. here at texas presbyterian hospital. doctors say he showed no symptoms of anything unusual, they say. lab tests were not impressive, as they call it. but he did not tell the staff here that he had been or had just traveled from liberia. but he was given antibiotics and then sent home. two days later on sunday, 28th, he was back here at the hospital, brought by ambulance to the emergency room and since then, he has been in isolation and yesterday is when it was official that he did have the ebola virus. officials here working to identify right now those who came in contact with him and that includes his family members, the folks here at the e.r., both from friday and on sunday, as well as the paramedics who brought him here. all those folks now being carefully monitored to see if they start showing any symptoms.
all right. saul garza live in dallas with the very latest, we thank you very much. we know you have a lot of questions about ebola. in a couple of minute, we re going to have the director of the cdc, dr. freeden, with us. if you have a particular question of interest to ask the good doctor, e-mail it to us right now or facebook it or tweet us and we will pass it on. that s right. now this, a shocking secret service breakdown, just three days the white house fence jumper now disclosed security breach that has everybody up in arms, to say the least. a report claimed an armed convict got into an elevator with president obama. this is two weeks ago, and no one even knew he had a gun. he was taking videos and photos of the president and three convictions on his record there for assault. he s in an elevator, probably inches away from the president of the united states and no one
even knew he had a gun about on him until he handed it over. if he wasn t such a knuckle head and ignoring the secret service saying turn it off, we never would have found out how bad he was and how much danger the president potentially could have been in. jason chaffetz heard about this particular breakdown from a whistle blower and he said, quote, the president s life was in danger. this country would be a different world today if he had pulled out his gun. so this very embarrassing news for the secret service came on the same day the director of the secret service was in the hot seat trying to answer the questions about how the guy with the knife and only a partial foot was able to jump the fence, run in through the unlocked front door of the white house and got into the east room before somebody who was off duty and just happened to be passing through saw him and tackled him. how does that happen?
well, it was a substantial grilling and here is the director trying to answer the congress questions. we have an automated system that can lock down the white house. $800 million a year and that door was unlocked with no one standing at it when mr. gonzalez came through it. is that correct? the door was unlocked at the time of mr. gonzalez ent)y, that s correct. the full length of the east room, down to the green room, to the american public, that would be half of a white house tour and there should be an immediate understanding that there is not a restraint factor here. this is not the nice cuddly secret service. so the big question is, and there was an editorial today, as we see that the secret service has fallen on the job at least two times, it was all about the international incidents that took place a few years ago and we know this, most are extraordinary people who sign a letter saying i will take a
bullet for somebody i barely know. very brave people. but maybe it s a situation where being that we ve been on a war footing really for 13 years whether they admit it or not, is this time for the military to take over? that s the case that dan emmitt, former secret service agent, former c.i.a. guy, he s a marine, he says the fence jumping and the fact that this particular guy, mr. gonzalez got that far, will embolden isis and others because you can do that. we need somebody who has got military background and he suggests number one, bring in the u.s. military essentially to guard the president of the united states and also says while julia pierson, former cop, 30 years at the secret service, highly competent, has good record, okay, she s done okay so far. but she s not the person for the job. we re in a war footing. he says we need somebody to lead in this time of war who has got some military background. he suggests somebody like
lieutenant colonel allen west who was actually on this program a couple days ago. he s a leader. he s got a military background. he s got good diplomatic skills. he suggests somebody like that instead of the person who is at the head of the agency right now. good leadership would be key. right. and also we put that on facebook. people are going crazy writing back and forth. seven minutes after the top of the hour. other big news today, accused of beheading a co-worker while shouting arabic phrases. his facebook includes photos of osama bin laden. casey stegall live outside the jail in norman, oklahoma, where the suspect is expected to arrive today. it was a bizarre set of circumstances yesterday, casey. where are we at? reporter: yeah. we have a clearer picture now after this press conference of the district attorney held yesterday. this clearer picture of what happened inside that food processing facility where this
unspeakable crime occurred last week. the d.a. now says that the man involved had been in some kind of an altercation with his co-workers earlier in the day over race. those co-workers apparently went to human resources and turned him in and then when hr later confronted 30-year-old altton nolan and suspended him for a few days, initially we were told he had been fired. he was actually suspended, escorted off the property. he went home, got the knife and then returned they say to exact revenge on the people who had turned him in to hr. officials have backed off their initial story that he had been turned in for trying to convert his co-workers to islam. however, listen to this interesting bit of information the d.a. said. my understanding that he was using some arabic terms during the attacks and certainly that s
one of the many reasons why the f.b.i. is involved at this point in time. reporter: he is still in the hospital this morning. we are told he is expected to be released at some point today. he will then be brought to this location where he will be formally arraigned by video conference. we ll be here and keep you posted. all right. casey stegall live in norman, oklahoma with the latest. it s interesting that the d.a. should say arabic phrases. i mean, the average person in oklahoma, what arabic phrases do they know, have they heard, aside from alu akbar? we don t know what it is, but if it is something other than that, why haven t we heard whatever it was? also they want to make it about race and is it really about terror or both? nine minutes after the top of the hour. heather nauert here with the latest. he tried to turn a christmas party into a scene of mass murder. this happened four years ago. today mohammed mohammed will
learn if he gets to leave prison before he s an old man. he was arrested in 2010, he pressed a button on his cell phone to trigger a bomb and kill thousands of people at a christmas tree lighting in portland, oregon. the bomb turned out to be a fake. it was provided by undercover agents. he could spend the next 40 years hyped bars. an alarming new report out that fast-moving virus that is sending thousands of children to the hospital in virtually every state is believed to be paralyzing some is now growing. this morning there are now four cases that have now been reported in boston. the victims there range in age from four to 15 years old. doctors first reported ten cases in denver, colorado, a few days back. the cdc is now investigating. talk about adding insult to injury, an already crumbling atlantic city. look at this. battered this time by a massive fire. this video just in to fox & friends a short while ago. those flames ripping through several buildings just steps
from the boardwalk there. no one has been hurt so far. but 17 people are now without a place to live this morning. atlantic city reeling from the closure of several casinos. i can t believe wal-mart is blaming me. that from tracy morgan. he is now firing back at the company after the company pointed the finger at him. wal-mart saying that the injuries from the crash were, quote, caused in whole or in part by the plaintiff s failure to properly wear an appropriate available seatbelt. he felt compelled to speak out. not too happy. thank you very much. the sec received a petition to deny renewing the license of a radio station, sports radio station in washington, d.c. because they used the term, redskins all the time. it s the name of the team. well, if the fcc pulls the license, that will effectively
ban stations from using redskins. we asked you in the last hour what you thought about it and the twitter machine and e-mail machine has lighted up. that s right. one says this, new sec means federal control of citizens instead of federal communications commission. david says on twitter, they are going way too far. but yet again, the pc police just will not stop. and bill e mailed us and writes, i m not a big football fan, but i feel the redskins name is no different than the indians or chiefs. the government needs to keep their noses out of it. or braves. there go. keep them coming. we ll watch and read. 12 minutes after the hour. many of you have questions about the ebola virus that is in dallas right now. so do we. the director of the cdc about be here to answer them live coming up next. and he dropped had his knees in prayer and slapped with a penalty. was he punished because it s a muslim prayer? the football controversy brewing this morning.
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ok who woh, i do!t rolls? (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king s hawaiian bread. e music there s never been a better time to come to bass pro shops than right now. announcer: bass pro shops is the place for huge savings. like our #1 selling angler jacket for under $20. and rugged, lockable plano storage totes starting at just $10. fox news alert. for the first time, the ebola virus is in the united states. the patient in isolation after being diagnosed at a dallas texas hospital. cdc director dr. tom frighten
joins us live from atlanta, georgia. good morning. good morning. i saw your press conference yesterday. i know you say the public has nothing to worry about, but my daughter works in the building directly across the street from the hospital and i talked to her last night. she s a little freaked out. i understand. people are scared. it s a scary disease, but she s not a contact. let s go back and look at the plain truth of how ebola spreads. it only spreads from someone who is sick and only spreads from direct contact with the person or their body fluids. all right. we asked folks if they had any questions for you and we have hundreds of questions. somebody by the name of sally, my daughter s name, wrote this: why are we not stopping air travel between liberia and other nations struggling with the virus? why allow flights into the united states, doctor? the bottom line is that the best way to protect americans is
first stop it at the source in africa. second, make sure that every single traveler who leaves the countries where ebola is spreading gets screened for fever. and cdc teams are on the ground and have made sure that that happens 100% of the time. and third, make sure that doctors and other health work increase this country think about the possibility of ebola in anyone who has been in west africa for the past 21 days. and test them and isolate them if they have been. let me ask you this, you say that we ve got cdc people there on the ground in west africa screening people as they get on the airplane. how do they do that? do they say, do you have a fever? do they have a wand to wave to see if they ve got a fever? do they just ask them? two different processes. one is a questionnaire where a series of questions is asked and second, hand held thermometers that work from a distance. so every single patient s temperature is measured at least once, often two or three times before they get on a plane.
that s important not only to protect other people, but also to keep the airlines flying. the impulse might be to isolate these countries. if we do that, we ll be increasing our own risk because really the simple truth is by stopping it there there and by helping them stop it there, we re helping ourselves. you talked about how this guy s family there in the dallas area, you re monitoring them. i know three of the emergency workers who drove the ambulance are being monitored. what about the people who were in the emergency room when he first came in and said, i don t feel good, and they said, take some antibiotics, go home? those people are being monitored, too, right? we have a nine-person team in dallas working with the hospital, with the health department and the family to identify every possible contact and will be monitoring every one of those individuals for 21 days. that s the tried and true public health means of stopping an ebola outbreak. one other theme we got on the e-mail was this, this is a
political thing, but you re part of the administration. they feel that the administration has misled a lot of people on a lot of things. why should we believe you when you re telling us this stuff? well, our approach at cdc is always to tell people more rather than less. we are going to tell you what happens, when it happens, when we don t know something, we ll tell that you as well. we level with people because that s the most important way, and that s the most effective way to get the information across and to get people to understand what we need to do and the fact is that what we need to do here is to trace every one of the contact carefully. and more broadly, stop it in africa for not just their sakes, but for ours. dr. frighten, i know you got a busy day, thanks for spending time with us today. thank you. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, how would you like some free legal advice? you can t have it, but illegal
immigrants can at taxpayers expense. the multi million dollar program that s bound to cause some controversy this morning. they waited hours for their food on their anniversary. why did they give the waiter a $100 tip? that couple joins us next to explain.
$100 million, that s how much taxpayer money the pentagon spent bringing military trucks we do not need back from afghanistan. the new report finds in one year alone, 1,000 vehicles were shipped. the cost per truck? $107,000. please don t use it. next, $9 million. that s how much you the taxpayers pay to give children that cross into the country illegally from mexico, an attorney. the feds shelling out the amount over the last two years. over the next two years. finally, 788 hours. that s how much time president obama has spent golfing since
taking office. he s only attended 700 hours of his daily intelligence briefings. you make the call on the difference. elizabeth? thanks. it was supposed to be a nice night out to celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary. instead they waited 20 minutes for a server to take their drink order and we ve all had experiences like that and been on the other end. but what they decided to do next was pretty extraordinary. instead of leaving a bad tip, they left a $100 tip on a 66-dollar tab. and a note that said we ve been in your shoes. paying it forward. their kind act has to say the least gone viral over 1.5 million likes on facebook. joining me are the couple. happy anniversary, first of all. we keep hearing how horrible this dinner was. thank you. tell us exactly describe the night for us. how bad was the night? well, from the moment we sat down, we could tell it was a
little chaotic in the whole restaurant. you could see that they were understaffed and it was dinner time. so people were coming in the door fast and sitting down. so we sat down and within took us probably 20 minutes before we even were greeted or had water at the table. we decided to stay. we just were excited to try the food and from the minute we started the meal, we could just tell that everything was going to take a really long time. the server really didn t have much time to interact with us at all. so we could hear tables around us complaining and just really upset with the service and saying they weren t going to be coming back. one table did get up and leave. actually one table walked in and decided to leave and another table said the service is so bad, i don t think you ll want to stay here. so they went to another restaurant. we fell into that negativity at first and were kind of talking to each other about it and but halfway through the meal, we
just said, we have nowhere to be, it s our anniversary, why are we in such a hurry all the time? let s kind of enjoy this extended dinner. this guy is working hard. he s doing all he can. he doesn t have enough time. at one point he had 12 tables plus the bar. more than any one person could handle. so we were just giving him a little bit of credit, like he s trying and there is nothing he can do but do his best. and then not only that, you left him such a generous tip. i ve waited tables before, you depend on them. anyone who has done that knows four tables is a lot. kyle hanson is his name, this is how he reacted to your big tip. i wasn t expecting that. it was a good ending to a really stressful night. my gosh, almost tears in his eyes. steven, were you surprised at how many people liked and
related to your message? went viral, 1.5 million likes. yeah, i know. it s kind of surreal, but it s one of those things where he everybody can relate, either being in the service industry or as a patron. everybody can relate to the story. you ve also said in your post that everybody makes mistakes, right? so this is a great message of grace. we want to wish you again a happy anniversary and for a message of real love that millions of people have liked. thank you very much. great story there. coming up, she is facing criminal charges for making bomb threats. but apparently that s not enough to make the sister of the boston bombing suspects behave. what she just did. and the baggage claim bandits strike again. how are they getting away with your stuff? give it back.
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downy. wash in the wow. two weeks after the white house fence jumper made news, there are claims this guy not only got into the white house, he actually made it as far as the east room. yeah. even crazier, reports that president obama almost made it as far as the oval office the other day. is there a golf ball in here? golf joke. jimmy fallon, right across the street. 28 minutes before the top of the hour. we ve got a fox news alert for you on this wednesday morning. the first case of ebola in america. the centers for disease control have confirmed a patient diagnosed with the deadly
disease is in isolation at aita. john roberts is live at the cdc headquarters in atlanta. john, are we we just had the guy who runs the cdc on and he wants to make sure everybody understands don t panic. reporter: right. that is the job of public health officials is to tell people not to panic. but there certainly are plenty of reasons for people to be concerned, particularly people who were in close contact with this fellow while he was showing symptoms. it looks like that might be limbed to family members. the doctor said yesterday that he expects at least a couple more patients may come forward presenting with symptoms of ebola in the wake of this. what he did say, however, was he doesn t believe that people who were on the aircraft that flew with this fellow from liberia here and we don t yet know how he got here. but it could be logical to assume maybe he flew an african regional carrier to nigeria and
then flew from there here because there are plenty of flights between the united states and nigeria. he thinks because he was asymptomatic at the time, there is no need to screen those passengers. if you look at the math here, eight to ten days on average for incubation, ten days ago he flew here. if somebody was going to get sick, we might know about it by now. he was also asked this morning whether or not it made sense to suspend flights between the united states and west africa or other european countries in west africa. here is what he said. the impulse might be to isolate these countries. if we do that, we ll actually be increasing our own risk because really the simple truth is by stopping it there and by helping them stop it there, we re helping ourselves. reporter: obviously when there was a big outbreak you need to stop it in those countries. however that, is very problematic because of the lack of medical facilities. if you look at what happened in
nigeria where the american flew in august, 19 other people were infected after he died from ebola. nigeria was able to get a lid on it and yesterday the cdc said it looked like that outbreak there was contained. our facilities here in the united states, much better than in nigeria. in terms of what s happening in west africa, that s still out of control and as long as people are migrating between the countries, there is always a chance that someone will get on an aircraft and land here in the united states infected with ebola. of course, are you just are you saying there is going to be no follow-up to the passengers of that plane as reported of yet, not in eight days, not in five days to see if any of them are displaying symptoms? reporter: at this point in time, the centers for disease control sees no reason to go back and monitor people who were on board the aircraft because dr. frieden says there is absolutely zero chance he passed along the virus to anyone traveling with him. what they re going to focus on immediately is family members that this guy had contact with,
medical workers he had contact with when he first came to the hospital on the 26th of september presenting with symptoms and then when he came back on the 28th and was admitted. i don t know if everybody on the aircraft will feel comfortable about being monitored, but that s where they re going right now. john roberts. thank you. heather inaugurate, turning our attention to boston. the sister of the accused boston bombers is complaining hyped bars. she says she never threatened to blow up her boyfriend s ex and is being targeted because of her family. she was sent to the slammer when she couldn t come up with $5 million in bail. the luggage thief striking again. look at this video here. two men get out of a red car, make their way into phoenix sky harbor airport.
they go to baggage claim, they walk away with three pieces of luggage, just sort of calmly putting the cases into their cars, like they owned them. weeks before at the same airport, a guy hops off the airport train, stole a suitcase, hopped back on without anyone noticing. a woman found alive after she was kidnapped and then shoved into the trunk of her car and held captive there for two days. dehydrated and struggling to breathe, she pounded on the car from the inside. good samaritans heard her. they called 911. but they could not wait for the emergency vehicles to get there. they threw a brick through the window and then were able to pop the trunk. the victim says she has no memory of what happened. listen. she got to a vehicle, there was a man inside, a white male in miss positive. she drove him around for a couple of days. she s not sure exactly where and what that situation was and subsequently she ended up inside
the trunk. thank goodness she s okay. she s now in the hospital with a broken arm. no arrests have been made just yet. in kansas city, the nfl admitting they got it wrong by flagging chief safety for celebrate ago touchdown monday night with a muslim prayer, excessive celebrations include kneeling. they get an automatic penalty. there is an exemption for players going to the ground for religious reasons. those are your headlines. october is national pizza month, heather. entire month dedicated to one of america s favorite foods. to celebrate, we re cooking up personal pizzas with papa murphy s. so we re getting our gear on to celebrate. how many slices of pizza are consumed throughout the year? starting with national pizza
month, we re launching five brand-new products this month. starting today. what makes you guys you guys? we start with fresh dough. the freshest of ingredients. it s made fresh, taken home fresh and baked in your oven. we don t cook it in the stores. how many locations do you have? 1450. and at each of those location, people are tossing the dough every day. we take it up here like this. with your knuckles up. like that. knuckles. then you kind of spin it like that. there you go. she s a natural. no one has ever tried a different way? why do you throw and why wouldn t you just leave it in the pan and gradually pull it out? you have to be really careful cause you don t want the hole there. it s fresh dough.
haven t we invented a robot to do this yet? good job. look at that. we re going to make how many different kinds of pizza? we re going to do four today. you ve got a gluten free. our brand-new gluten free dough. we re going to make thai chicken, spicy fennel sausage pizza and two others. you can put anything you want to on it. angus steak just this month on gourmet delight, that s what i m putting on. what s the number one pizza you sell? straight pepperoni. mama mia. does science come up with new pizzas ou you guys? we have food science people. each pizza is less than 250 calories. each one is 250 calories a
slice. thank you. thanks for papa murphy s coming out. coming up straight ahead, police keep us safe in the most dangerous situations. how does the attorney general feel about cops? i also carry with me an understanding of the mistrust that some citizens harbor for those who wear the badge. wow. is the administration turning its back on officers for political points? former f.b.i. assistant director ron hoskow next.
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the police protect us. that s the nature of their job. who is forgetting our police? officer deaths in the line of duty, up 16% from last year. the president and members of his administration are giving speeches like this. as an african-american man who has been stopped and
searched by police in situations where such action was not warranted, i also carry with me an understanding of the mistrust that some citizens harbor for those who wear the badge. in too many communities around the country, a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement. too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement. wow. is the obama administration turning its back on our police officers? ron hoskow is the former assistant director of the f.b.i. and president of the law enforcement legal defense fund. ron, is this the wrong tone or just an accurate tone we re getting from the white house? i think that it s a tone they ve been setting both the president and the attorney general for some period of time where race has become the topic of the conversation. the president has made some comments about having the bigger conversation. from my view of law enforcement, i think law enforcement would welcome that conversation.
but you want to have a conversation that s a little bit broader than mistrust. you want to talk about actually race and law enforcement and who is committing the crimes and the role of the officers officers is well as the assailants. absolutely. everybody should be on the table. we look at places around our country. you can count chicago and philly and camden, oakland, flint, michigan, detroit that are high crime areas that police, it s their role to go there and police and sort through the bodies in the street and try to identify witnesses and build cases. and there is great distrust in those communities. in places where it s not police doing the killing, it s somebody else doing the killing. assaults are up, deaths are up. what about attitude on the streets for those who enforce the law, who don t make a million dollars and one of the few jobs you get up in the morning and not sure you ll go home at night? that s a great point. i m very troubled by the tone of
the conversation, particularly in the wake of the ferguson situation. every year there are dozens of police officers killed in the line of duty. every year there are somewhere between 50 and 60,000 law enforcement officers assaulted while they re doing their job or trying to do their job. a mile from me is a memorial with over 20,000 names of deceased law enforcement officers carved into stone walls. i think that has to be part of the conversation, the role of our police in a civil society and i m not sure about the balance of the current administration. i noted three cases this summer where police officers were killed in the line of duty. and violent crimes. i did not see comments by the president. i did not see representatives from the white house at their funerals. i did not hear from the attorney general on any of those. the good news is, i think, the attorney general is leaving, we don t know how much damage he s actually done.
ron, thanks for what you ve done and do and thanks for all those who serve. appreciate you joining us this morning. thank you. 13 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, we watched this disturbing confession from the the realtor beverly carter, live as it happened. she was a rich broker. do you have anything to say to the family? sorry. yeah, right. this morning there is more. dr. keith ablow takes us inside the mind of this accused killer next. first on this day in 1908, henry ford introduced the model t. in 1961, new york yankees slugger roger maris broke babe ruth s record that stood for 34 years and it should still stand today. in 1980, another one bites the dust by queen was the number one song in america and it s on steve s ipod and walkman.
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the man charged with murdering arkansas real estate agent beverly carter and burying her body outside a concrete mixing plant speak out in a disturbing live tv interview. there is the perp walk right here as you saw it live yesterday morning. how do you explain what happened? the military base. why beverly? she was a rich broker. do you have anything to say to the family? sorry. sorry. police say trevor was interviewed but doesn t appear to be involved in the crime. what s going on inside the mind
of this suspected killer? we re talking to psychiatrist and fox news contributor dr. keith ablow. good morning to you. good morning. first of all, what did you make of the fact that he oftentimes there are news cameras around during the perp walks. usually nobody says anything. why would he feel like this is his chance to spill the beans? well, here is the thing, we don t know whether the guy is absolutely guilty or not. one thing i ve noticed in researching killers, particularly ones with a lot of narcissism, is that they think they re more believable than they are. so because they can t empathize, they can t feel the suffering of victims, they can t beauty emotions, so they think you ll believe their tall tales. and that may or may not be happening here because we don t know for sure whether the guy is guilty. so that i m sorry doesn t necessarily mean anything? well, i m sorry for this fellow may not mean much.
it seems very surgical in its approach. it doesn t mean he wasn t there or in some way knew about it, but it s a hollow i m sorry and almost like look, you re in the wrong place at the wrong time, i m sorry the car hit you. but i don t feel anything about it. so it s fascinating and horrifying. listen to him a little later that afternoon. are you hurting for some reason? yeah. what s hurting? i got in a car wreck the other day. i haven t been to the hospital yet. you pled not guilty. why? because that s what my lawyer said to do. reporter: why? just wanting this all over with. just sorry it all happened. i just want it all over. wants it all over with. your characterization of his attitude? again, you would say if this were a fellow who was for some reason wrongly accused, sure, you would want it all over with. but the reason this is chilling is because of the lack of
affect. if you or if i were in that situation and wrongly accused or god forbid had done something that was against the law, you d be weeping, yelling, let me out of here. i can t believe this happened. not this guy. this guy is generally very even, even after saying i m in pain. absolutely. and before he said i m sorry, is he why her? he said, she s a rich broker. what is the fact that she s a rich broker have to say? well, i think he said she was working alone. i believe he said that. i think we may see more of this. in other words, the division that has been encouraged between different classes in our culture, which is wrong, we re one people, can lead to violence because it suggests the person is the other, in the same way that folks hobbled by prejudice look at other races as the other. this could happen with socioeconomic groups and that
would be devastating for our country. it was almost like him saying of course, why wouldn t i? she s rich, alone. i got money. is that a justification in his mind? again, imagine this fellow attacking you or stalking you or trying to plead with somebody like this because what you get back is arithmetic. not feeling. she was a rich broker. what do you have to say? sorry. why did you plead not guilty? my lawyer told me to. why are you doing this to me with the knife? because. thanks so much. yep. it s troubling. thank you, dr. keith. coming up. he considered himself a progressive, even worked for liberal michael moore until he made a documentary about islam, then everything he believed in changed. that film maker will join us here. then the federal communications commission ready to perhaps ban announcers from saying the name redskins, which is the name, or they face a fine. is it really the job of the
government? congressman paul ryan works for the people of wisconsin and he s here and we ll talk to him coming up next half hour. [coughing]
dave, i m sorry to interrupt. i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don t take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine.
good morning. it is wednesday, october 1. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with o a fox news alert. ebola here in america. this morning a warning for you. it may have spread. what you need to know about this very deadly and contagious virus straight ahead. and as the secret service tries to explain how a guy with a knife ran into the east room, lawmakers offer a simple solution. have you ever heard of these guys? just 39 bucks a month. but this morning the big question, how did a convict with a gun get face-to-face with the president on an elevator? and the government getting involved in the redskin controversy. the fcc ready to ban announcers from saying the name or face a
fine? your e-mails pouring in on this because mornings are better with friends. hi, this is sam waterston. you re watching fox & friends . we re really kind of a law and order kind of show. but today we re talking medicine and we re talking about things you re worried about regarding ebola. the first case of ebola found on american soil at this hour, a man, sounds like he s from liberia, diagnosed with the disease in isolation at that dallas hospital. we spoke to the director of the cdc earlier about the fears of the virus could be spread on airplanes. he says everything is fine because there is a strict screening process before they get on the plane. one of the questionnaire, where a series of questions is asked. and second, there are hand-held thermometers that work from a distance, so every single patient s temperature is
measured at least once, often two or three times before they get on a plane. that s important not only to protect other people, but also to keep the airlines flying. what exactly do we all need to know this morning? we re going to ask disease specialist the very questions. this is a big deal. when we re talking about ebola, how contagious is it, in your mind? you have to be in close contact. now it s here in the united states. the conversation is reved up. it s not as contagious, it s very infectious virus burks it s nots contagious. you can t catch ebola from food, from talking to someone. got to have contact. you really have to have contact with bodily fluids. so that puts a little extra barrier. the other issue is that you really the infectious time is when you develop symptoms. so we re fortunate to at least have that because some diseases are infectious even before you
develop symptoms. how concerned are you about the people that he may or may not have been in contact with? there seems to be a lax attitude about that and i m wondering if they re trying not to panic us or them. again, it s because we have his contacts will be monitored for 21 days with temperature regulation. the minute you develop a fever, that s when the infectious part develops and begins. so they will have to be monitored for 21 days during the period of time of incubation. what about those on the plane with him? no follow-up just to be safe? no eight to ten day follow-up with anybody on the plane? they were a symptomatic while on the plane. so there is no risk on the plane ride this time. but there should be obviously heightened caution because you really can t get on a commercial plane with a fever coming from an indemic area. right. and the doctor made it very clear, they screened people before they get on.
maybe they should start screening people as they get off because it takes two days to get here from liberia oftentimes. so maybe they should be making sure people don t have a fever when they get off the airplane as well. that s a consideration. yeah. the other question, going back to what brian was talking about, people who came into contact with this person, the person comes to the united states, is here in the united states, no symptoms. and then a couple days later, feels lousy, goes to the emergency room. they say yeah, you got a fever, but we re going to give you some pills and he went home. all the people in that emergency room, he had the symptoms right then. shouldn t those people be monitored? they will be. that s part of the investigation and it should be because from the time that there were symptoms, anybody that potentially could come into contact with his bodily fluids should be monitored. you have a very calm tone. do you think the rest of us are saying, wait a minute. there is panic when it comes to flu, to lice.
as a parent, i m thinking, there should be a little bit of justification for worry here. am i wrong? the virus behaves a little different and were you virus is something flu virus is contagious through the air, date of birthlets. this is a little different. it requires bodily fluids. but it s here. it is here. but we re not in the same infrastructure as other areas where this has taken off. dr. frieden was on earlier and talked about the possibility, should we isolate the countries that are experiencing this and protect the rest of the world? here is his take. it is certainly possible that someone who had contact with this individual, a family member or other individual could develop ebola in the coming weeks. but there is no doubt in my mind that we will stop it here. right. that wasn t so should you just say okay. let s avoid that area, the rest of the world?
there should be no travel to that area unless completely necessary. the point is, is it irresponsible to not check people for temperature and fever as they exit a plane, in your estimation? minute with that travel history and with symptoms should definitely be evaluated. whether they re getting off the plane or two days after they arrive, anybody with that travel history, as health care professional, need to have a heightened sense of awareness. all right. thank you very much for making a couch call today. thanks a lot. meanwhile, we ve been talk being this the last couple of days. remember the guy who jumped over the fence, ran into the white house. he had a knife in his pocket and then tackled by somebody who was off-duty. just so happened to be in the east room, said, wait a minute. there is not supposed to be a guy here. there he is right there. mr. gonzalez. now on the same day that the director of the secret service was grilled on capitol hill for that security lapse, news comes out from a whistle blower that apparently two weeks ago when
the president as it turns out was down at the cdc talking with the people there about the ebola virus, he got into an elevator at one point and he was face-to-face with a security contractor who had a gun in his pocket and he had three convictions for assault and battery, and now the secret service is scrambling because they have to explain how the president of the united states was next to a guy, a convict with a gun. if he wasn t so obnoxious with his camera and ignoring the secret service when they said, can you stop that, and then getting fired, they wouldn t have gone into his background, found out he had a gun and found out how in jeopardy the president could have been in. apparently the screening is supposed to keep people with a criminal history is supposed to keep them out of the reach of the president. it makes you understand why julia pierson with all that s going on with the secret service has been coming under extreme scrutiny and yesterday in her
hearing she faced the music. don t let somebody get close to the president. don t let somebody get close to his family. don t let them get in the white house ever! if they have to take action that s lethal, i will have their back. this, ladies and gentlemen, is not a democratic issue. this is not a republican issue. this is an american issue. this is also an issue of national security. have you ever heard of these guys? i wish to god you protected the white house like you protecting your reputation here. this is unacceptable and i take full responsibility and i will make sure that it doesn t happen again. they re going to do a separate investigation and get independent counsel to look into it. is that going to be it? are heads going to roll? as you said, she had to face the music. now what? right. will there be a consequence? then he also said, how many times did you tell the president
his security has been breached? she said once. he s not even being candid with the person she s protecting. more big news, he s accused of beheading a co-worker while shouting arabic phrases. his facebook page includes pictures of osama bin laden. but don t call him a terrorist. he s charged with murder. casey stegall is live outside the jail in norman, oklahoma, where the suspect is expected to arrive. they seem to be emphasizing more race than terrorist. why is that, case reporter: you know, it s some conflicting information. you mentioned the arabic phrases that the district attorney said he was saying during the attack itself. but what he was exactly saying, the translation, that has not been made clear. let me backtrack. shear what we expect to happen today. according to the district attorney, they believe that the suspect is going to be released from the hospital. when that happens, he s going to be brought right here to this location. the cleveland county jail in norman, oklahoma, where he will be formally arraigned.
but it will happen via video conference. he won t physically go before the judge himself. meantime, the confusing investigation into this horrific crime continues. initially authorities had told us that 30-year-old alton nolan had been fired from his job at the vaughn food processing plant because he was trying to convert his colleagues to islam. now the d.a. said that he was not fired; he was suspended because he had been in an argument with co-workers earlier in the day over race, saying that he did not like white people. regardless, a virginia congressman has written a letter to eric holder demanding this be investigated as terrorism. not workplace violence. it is an act of terror, should be prosecuted at the federal level as an act of terror. what i m worried about is that the agents on the ground who believe this could be terror are being told by the leadership at the justice department workplace
violence and sort of a disconnect. reporter: there is no terrorism statute here in the state of oklahoma. so as this investigation plays out, if it is determined that terrorism was a factor that, would have to be pursued at the federal level. of course, the f.b.i. among many agencies now investigating. and they wouldn t do it given what frank wolf just said. casey, thank you very much. we turn now to heather with the news. good morning. he tried to turn a christmas party into a scene of a mass murder. today mohammed mohammed will learn if he gets to leave prison before he s old. the f.b.i. arresting the somali american in 2010. he pressed a button on a cell phone to try to trigger a bomb. he wanted to kill thousands of people at a christmas tree lighting in portland, oregon. that bomb was fake. it ended up it was provided to him by undercover agents. he now could spend the next 40 years behind bars. an alarming new report of the fast moving virus that s
sending thousands of children to the hospital. in virtually every state across the country, it s now believed to be paralyzing some children and it is growing. there are four cases that have been confirmed in boston. the victims ranging in age from four to 15 years old. doctors first reported ten cases in denver. the cdc is now investigating. and there is brand-new evidence this morning in the manhunt for the accused cop killer eric frien. police finding two pipe bombs that he allegedly left behind in the pennsylvania woods as a trap. they were covered and had a long trip wire that was meant to go off. and he is behind bars for murder. remember this guy, making headlines for creating a life. the convicted killer is now the father to this young baby. his wife, he met in prison, just giving birth to a baby girl. he s serving a 28-year sentence for murdering stephanie flores
in peru. what a story. those are your headlines. he s the father? he is the father. how does that work if he s in prison? conjugal visits. okay. thank you. murderers get that. yeah. 28 years. meanwhile, coming up, the fight against isis is not a religious war? i made very clear, we are not at war against islam. islam is a religion that preaches peace. okay. a guy who once worked for michael moore is even disagreeing with the president. his firsthand evidence next. plus, emeril legace will share his recipe for why the economy is tanking and who is to blame. bam! [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day,
you notice a few things. like the fact that you re pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that s alright. because we ll text you when your package is on the way. we re even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is.was. and always will
i made very clear, we are not at war against islam. islam is a religion that preaches peace. president obama stressed for a second time this week america is not at war with islam. my next guest, a former liberal film maker, disagrees with that. eric allen bell, used to be a
blogger for the daily coast and michael but his entire view changed unexpectedly while reporting on a controversial mosque in tennessee. he saw a darker side of islam that our politicians certainly won t touch. eric joins us this morning. great to have you here. what exactly did you find in tennessee while going through the footage for your documentary that really switched what you intended to do? i really read the koran and i read the hadif and i asked the tough questions to the islamic clerics and i found their answers matched the answers of people who wrote books that were critical of islam and i found out that islam is the greatest threat to human rights in the world today and the greatest threat to global stability. why do you say that? that realization changed my world view. i think we can judge islam first and foremost by its actions. you played a sound bite where the president said something to the effect that no faith teaches
this. well, i would encourage anyone to simply read the koran. there are numerous 9:5, kill them wherever you find them. it teaches kill the unbeliever. it s obsessed with killing the unbeliever. do you believe that there are those that practice it peacefully? yeah. i think that islam is explosive, but thankfully not all muslims are explosive. the islamic world seems to be going through a bit of soul searching and i think they estimate two out of three muslims world wide don t know how to read or write, a lot of them don t really know what islam is. a lot of them are in it because they can t leave, because the penalty for apostasy is death. so a lot of people are captured by islam or indoctrinated, but don t know what it really is and don t stand behind it. what do you want people to take away from your words here
and also why won t politicians touch this angle? i d like people to take away from my article why i do not hate muslims is that it is important as americans, as leaders, as an example that we not let ourselves become captured by hatred, that we not let that pollute our spirit. hating our enemy is not going to help us achieve anything meaningful. not all muslims are our enemy. islam, which is a belief system and not a human being, absolutely is our enemy and if you doubt that, read the koran, it makes it abundantly clear. as to why our politicians not touching this issue, i think that they do not yet have the sense that the american public will support them if they do. if they heard from more of their constituents that they re concerned about the spread of islam in america and radical islam in particular, i think they would go in another
direction. okay. eric alan bell, provocative piece that you ve written. thank you for joining us this morning at fox & friends. we ll be right back. thank you insurance companies are spending millions of dollars
trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here s the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too.
i m bob pack, and i m fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don t want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. story thousands of sudanese children orphaned by a brutal civil war told by some who survived. taken away by soldiers. instead of me. to protect us. to protect me. the stars of the good lie, a movie inspired by the more
than 20,000 displaced children now known as the lost boys of sudan. good morning to both of you. thank you. tell me about when you were eight years old and the war broke out, what happened? well, as you can see in the movie, when the civil war broke out, it was very i was very young, probably eight years old. then the helicopter came in the village and started bombing and everybody started running, scattered everywhere. those are my early memories as a child. people started running and you wound up walking how far? that s in south sudan. now we have to walk for thousands of miles to go all the way to ethiopia where we can find safety. so i was among those kids that really fled the country by foot and made it to ethiopia. not only that, we encountered different civil war in ethiopia where we had to come back to south sudan. so it was a lot of war in 1991, which by then i was about eight or 13, 14. how emotional was it for to you make this film?
very emotional, but we know that we need this story to be out there and in order for it to be told, we re lucky enough o have some sudanese telling the story. it s almost told through the eyes of kids who become adults. correct? what s that like, when we go see this film what, are we going to experience? you re going to experience the story of humanity because this is a story of survival, young kids who fled their homes, so their home destroyed. now they re in america. so from being children to adults. titanic humanitarian effort that brought this story out and saved what was left of the kids, right? yeah. it s a story that s going to create conscious global awakening. a story that s going to touch people s hearts and become more empathetic. because so many people don t know the story burks this is very personal for you, when you were eight, you wound up joining
the army. yeah. this is the story, it s deep. i was born in a difficult time and i saw how the war affected my family. all my aunties died in the war, including my mom, and all my uncle the. by eight, i was trained to become a child soldier. what did you do? well, we plan escape and escaped, i got rescued by a british aid worker. she smuggled me too kenya and now the world broke loose. i became a recording artist, and as you can see now you re a movie star. trying survive in new york. we came from the bottom, like lobsters, now we re rolling on very good.rock never heard that before. that s great. what an expression. 400 started out, 16 survived. you re here to tell the story. reese witherspoon also plays a key role in this. great message to be told to those who don t know the story,
and important, in fact. we see reese right there. she talked about it on fox news sunday with chris wallace. the movie opens in some big cities on friday and then opens across the country on october 24. the movie is called the good lie. thank you. rock star. america has been good so far. thank you. coming up on this wednesday, he murdered a police officer in cold blood, but that won t stop him from giving a commencement speech at a college and you re not going to believe who invited him. and then congressman paul ryan may have run against the president, but this morning they re actually agreeing on something, believe it or not. congressman ryan joins us and in a few minutes. come say hello to the congressman. cold. i took nyquil but i m still stuffed up. nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don t unstuff your nose.
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our shot of the morning. wisconsin congressman paul ryan stumping in iowa and making two new friends at the anderson ericcson dairy. and joining us now is former vice president no, ma amy and chairman of the house budget committee, congressman paul ryan. he s the author of the new york times best seller the way forward. where was that? that was at the dairy in des moines. we have cows just like that in wisconsin. it looks so familiar. what would you doing in iowa? i was helping joany ernst. she ll be the next u.s. senator from iowa. she s running for tom harken s
seat. she s part of our plan to get the majority of the united states senate. according to polls, she s starting to pull ahead. up six points now. let s talk about what s going on in the world. isis, a lot of people are terrified by the prospect of the beheadings and everything else. now in congress, it seems like a lot of republicans are on the president s side. we re glad he s taking the fight to isis. we ve been critical of his policy all along. he messed up iraq with not getting the agreement. series of missteps in syria. that helped give rise to isis. at least he s now taking the fight to them on both sides of the border. we were concerned he wasn t going to take it to them in syria. so we re supporting that. but my big fear now is we were talking, i worry he s going to in this case the and dime and micromanage the military. just like lbj did in vietnam. you never tell the enemy what he s doing. i saw that story this morning in politico.
if you look, we almost bombed the free syrian arm a few days ago and heard from anglican priest that they are a mile from bad dad and the iraqi doesn t want to fight. when you say i won t put any boots on the ground what, you re basically saying is the things that make our air strikes much more effective, having special forces team on the ground coordinating air strikes, working with foreign fighters, working with sunnies and peshmerga and free syrian army, if you say they can t be there to do that, then we re much less effective. we learned in afghanistan, putting special forces on the ground, coordinating air strikes really makes a difference. i worry that he s pulling punches that we should not give the military the mission and stand out of their way. it s the words that i m hearing that are maybe troubling to you. what we re forecasting to the enemy, but also how we re depicting our fight, are we at war or not at war with isis? are you content with how the
president portray this is war we re in? i worry a little bit about it. i think his speech at the u.n. was much, much better. it was more like a george bush speech. but he ll say something good on tuesday and then on wednesday walk it back. he has to communicate with the country. commander in chief needs to bring the american people along with the fight and show them we re going to have the resolve to see this through. so i think sometimes there is politically correct things that get mixed up in his wards that project ambiguity. do you feel bad for the president that he missed over half of his daily briefings? i used to get those briefs from the campaign. we get intel briefs in congress. we ve been warned about isis by the intelligence community for quite some time. how long? the intel community has been telling us for a couple of years. this is not new. it did not come as a surprise. maybe the speed of what they did
in iraq, but isis has been a threat gathering for quite some time. what s the advantage of getting it verbally as opposed to reading it on your own? president bush wanted it read. president obama says 41% of the time. the rest i ll do it. i go down to the reading room in a classified room of the i read the briefs and then go and get intelligence officers and pick and prod on them with questions. the key is to getting an oral briefing, you can ask questions of the person who would be writing the brief. is it possible he doesn t have questions? i don t know the answer to that. this statistic about the daily brief, i have a hard time comprehending that because the primary job of the commander in chief is to keep the country safe. and you need to get from your intelligence community, the defense community, especially when we have troops in harm s way what s going on. so i m just dumb founded at that statistic. i hope it s not true. we all hope that. but remember, you mentioned george w. bush in this conversation. in one of the presidential daily briefings before 9-11, there was a reference to osama bin laden
and he may try to attack the west. that s as specific as it got. he was excoriated for ten years and then you got the president of the united states, the current one, hearing about isis for 18 months in these briefs, nothing. the intel community has been telling us about isis. from isis to obamacare, once again we re coming up on another anniversary of the institution of it on the american system. you re worried a lot of people don t simply understand what s yet to come. oh, that s right. there are so many shoes have not dropped yet. this is one of the reasons why i wrote this book, is this which is we have real problems in this country and the government is going in the wrong direction. my point is we can turn this around. it s not too late to get things right. that s why i wrote a book to show how we can get things right in this country. with obamacare, the employer mandate hasn t kicked in yet. it s designed to kick people off their job-based insurance and put them into the exchange. the other point is the 15-person
board that the president appoints to put price controls on medicare, to cut medicare by quota each and every year which leads to denied care for seniors. that hasn t even happened yet. that s this so-called death panels we heard about when it was first proposed. correct? these haven t even been started yet. so so many more things which will cause people to lose their current insurance. we have a new set of rate increases coming in a few weeks for the people already on obamacare. then we have all these price controls in medicare that have yet to hit seniors. is the government about to get it wrong for the redskins? the government shouldn t be involved in this. i d call every team the packers if i had my druthers. but the government has other things to do. considering a been now on the term and actually putting the brakes, the fcc is, putting the brakes on a station. if it goes forward, it could mean they can not this is a private business.
people in the community and the owners of the business should make this decision. the federal government has other things to do and they should stick with it should be doing. once again, his book is a new york times best seller called the way forward. thank you very much. good to be with you. we want to see how the balance sheet is going. don t show us. there is the book right there. heather nauert has something to tell us. i ve got news now. controversy on a college campus after students select a convicted cop killer as their graduation speaker. abu jamal spent decades behind bars for murdering a police officer and this has been a big liberal cause celeb for years and years. now he s been asked to speak over the weekend at goddard college where he briefly studied. the police officer s widow is outraged. this man, he murdered my husband with ma little and
premeditation. he is evil. what does he have to offer? the graduating students believe that he has a message coming from prison f a unique perspective and speaks to issues that are important to them. a unique perspective indeed. that speech of his has been prerecorded by prison radio. it s not every day a reporter becomes part of the story. this happened in tampa, florida. he was reporting on the missing ten-year-old when all of a sudden, the reporter and his cameraman spotted the little boy hiding in a bush in his neighbor s yard. listen. his family so happy to see that little guy. paul says he ran away because he needed to get away from his little brother. emeril legace may be rich and famous, but even he has a beef with the nation s economy. this morning he s pointing the finger at the president.
he says his policies and regulations are killing the restaurant business saying, quote, it s become a very challenging industry and then you add all the obama nonsense. that s what it s become in the last several years. i m just saying the government should stay out of things. and those are your headlines at this hour. a lot more stuff coming up. bam. coming up, it doesn t even sound possible. a convict with a gun comes face-to-face with the president in an elevator. the secret service be held accountable for all of these security breaches? peter johnson, jr. next. but first it s the end of an era. no more saturday morning cartoons. just sleep til noon. dad, i know i haven t said this often enough, but thank you. thank you mom for protecting my future.
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the head of the secret service in the hot seat trying to explain how a guy with a knife ran into the east room. the history of misbehavior, security failures has clearly blemished that record. don t let somebody get close to the president. don t let somebody get close to his family. don t let them get in the white house ever! this is not high math. it is processing a crime scene. i wish to god you protected the white house like you re protecting your reputation. this is unacceptable and i take full responsibility. okay. but it only gets worse. this morning we have learned that a convict with a gun came face-to-face with the president. who is going to be held accountable for that and the other stuff? peter johnson, jr. joins us live. this is something all americans are upset about this morning. on september 16, a trip to the cdc, the president was in the elevator with a so-calledsecuri. he had a record. he was questioned for
videotaping the president, then it came out he had three convictions for assault and battery. the secret service was unaware, unaware that that contractor had a record and, in fact, had a gun in that elevator. he was fired after that incident. the head of the secret service, miss pierson, should be fired today. in fact, she should resign today as a matter of honor, duty and service to this country. this is the thing that affects all americans in a way that we really can t understand at this point. peter, you know how washington works, though. people go in front of a congressional committee and they say, i m sorry. i take full responsibility. the buck stops with me. and then that s it. nobody quits, nobody gets fired. we ve got to help the president and the first lady and the first family on this issue because it s embarrassing for them. it s hard for them to fire the first woman head of the secret service. we need to say, mr. president, we need you and your family, the free world needs you and your family. we can t allow political
considerations to deter security. look what happened in december 2013 when the president, when alt empty men della s funeral service was a man who was a schizophrenic and said later he was delusional during the ceremony. what is that about? that s right. and you look at that, but you don t have to go that far back in american history. how about famously one of the president s first big wing dings at the white house, these two people come in, the solahi family. i absolutely forgot about that. things were supposed to change. the failures of the presidency, the failures of assassination have been secret service failures in the past. the kennedy assassination, the near reagan assassination. we need to understand and we need to tell the world that our president is protected. maybe, in fact, it takes the
military to supplement what the secret service is doing. they re an incredible force. they re incredible people. but they need leadership from the top beginning with the president and then the secret service director. we need to change. we need it changed today big time. we shouldn t be discussing this. peter johnson, jr., saying she s got to go today. it s clear. all right. what do you think? please e-mail us. thank you very much. thank you. coming up, nascar race star danica patrick is here with a very special surprise under that rap. yes. i wonder what that is. some sort of a car, i got a feeling. martha mccallum joins us now. that can t possibly be your car parked under there. could it? that s the big surprise. good morning, everybody. there is a lot to take on today. ebola in the united states. what it means for all of us. my interview with governor chris christie, his strong words for the president on leadership and on isis and trey gowdy takes on
the mess in the secret service when bill and i see you on america s newsroom at the top of the hour h! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king s hawaiian bread.
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even develop a customized energy plan for your company. think of it as a way to take more control over your operating costs. and yet another energy saving opportunity from pg&e. find new ways to save energy and money with pg&e s business energy check-up. she has stopped racing around the track and pulled into fox & friends on the plaza now for a pit stop to mark a very special occasion, it s nascar driver danica patrick. we love when you re here. we know you love racing. tell us why today is so special and what we re going to be unveiling. it s the first of october and for anybody who knows anybody, you know somebody that s been affected by breast cancer, or if you watch sports, you see all those football players running around with pink. i love the support. for me and nascar, i have a special paint out for breast cancer awareness.
until noon eastern tomorrow, you can go to and anything over $10 you can nominate names to put on the car. i can put my mom and both grandmothers on that car? i ll run that car. anyway, it s pretty cool thing. and yeah, it s great cause. i ve been affected. we were talking before we came on air. you had two. i ve got this name, this name. you have a friend. my friend, heather. she tested positive for breast cancer gene. so 25, she had a double mastectomy and she went through all the hoops to take care of it. but far better than getting diagnosed, having that trauma, losing your hair, getting being sick. the brca. this is all through awareness, donation. the pink is part of the awareness and also the item we ve got behind us, it looks kind of big. we re going to unveil it right now. it s a car!
this is a big moment! can we unveil it? ready, set, go! look at that! go daddy! it s time to go! the names are all on the back of the car. you can see on the back what it s going to look like when names go on the car. so you can rest assure that had i ll be posting a lot of pictures from martinsville race weekend so everybody can get a look at the names that they have donated for, so that they can put someone s name on the car. it s a cool thing. can you stick around? yes, i can. the car is in park and we don t have the key. there is no hand brake, but i think we have some sandbags. back in a moment. more with danica
before we go, here someone for the road. you won t be hearing this anymore on saturday mornings. scooby doobie, doo where are you . danica patrick is outraged. this saturday cw became the last network to air cartoons. forcing broadcast channels to replace their programming. no more sunday morning? because that was scooby do was the only show that we watched. it was my sister and i would lay on the couch and she would have a quick. do you remember that chocolate drink? absolutely. was it bunny. she would have her quick on the couch and we would watch scooby doo. don t call me steve. call me shaggy.
meanwhile, here is another one. a bear giving police and wildlife officials a run for their money in new jersey. the bear spotted roaming the streets went from tree to tree. they locked down a school yesterday and you know what? there it is. in my neighborhood. the 301-pound bear eventually was tranquilized and been captured and now it has been sent back to the woods where it won t knock over my garbage can. at the end of every rainbow, there s a pot of gold. just ask this little girl who called her grandma with the good news. mimi, there is a rainbow hitting your house. i think you have the treasure. so when you get home, look in the garden and find the treasure. call me back. bye (. that s awesome! precious. tomorrow, i ll have a chance to go to dallas because there is a warrior open.
president bush hosts this tournament for elite wound warrior golfers and we ll have a chance to talk to him live. you ll hear from him and other vips live on this show tomorrow. travel safely. we ll see you live there. we ll talk with danica patrick in the after the show show. see you tomorrow. bill: good morning be everybody, our first case of ebola here in the united states. the first case of the deadly virus being diagnosed at a hospital in dallas. what you need to know. i m bill hemmer and welcome to america s newsroom. martha: the unidentified patient now in isolation, the situation is said to be contained. he traveled here from liberia. no symptoms showed until nine days after he arrived. he went to the doctor once, went home and

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20140824 23:00:00

birthday party. that s it for today. we ll see you next week on fox news sunday. for this urgent. on a very busy day and night for news, i m harris faulkner, an american journalist has been freed in syria after being held for two years. she s now to be safe. let s first go to california. serious injuries, widespread damage across california s napa valley in the wake of a powerful earthquake. at this hour, parts of the historic wine country are under a state of emergency. some people were able to see this by camera. it awakened them. they were on the move.
6.0 quake striking early this morning with devastating force. six miles from the picturesque town of napa. this is the strongest earthquake to rock that part of california in 25 years. at least 120 people now reported hurt, some critically. structural and fire damage is massive in that area. at least 15 buildings now tagged inhabitable. in and around the city of napa, roadways are cracked. thousands of homes without electricity or water. we think it may take a whole week to get ever restored. we are going to go as quickly as possible, but it may take us that long. here s what they re dooling with. officials say one of the biggest concerns right now, ruptured gas line which could ignite more fires in the coming hours, especially after dark, as the earthquakes continue to push off aftershocks. adam housely joins us now from
napa. adam, your hometown is where you are, one of the heaviest tourism areas in the nation. reporter: yeah, one of the busiest times of tour season. so basically most of the hotels and motels in this town were absolutely booked when this earthquake hit. i m going to show you some of the damage. you mentioned about six or eight downtown buildings have been tagged. that number has gone up significantly. there are hundreds and hundreds of homes that have major damage. these are this is basically a retirement mobile home park that would four of these burned to the ground. you can see six others damaged. the water main burst here, and it took a water truck basquely to fuel the fire fight this morning. they were here for hours. there s still some smoldering smoke as you walk around, but harris, we have driven all over the city since this morning. no matter went, you see cracks in buildings, bricks down, udrive by and see a how
that looks normal, and you ll see the foundation even buckled. so there would be a lot of investigation that will take some weeks to figure out the entirety of the damage here. i m curious about the whole thing with water lines and ruptured gas lines. i know that sometimes you can t always smell this, and some of it has been treated and you can smell the natural gas. what is the situation? they re doing a pretty good idea of checking thousand. if you have any thought at all there might be a gas leak, a smell, sound, if you re not getting consistent gas service to your home or where you live, obviously called the pacific gas & electric, and the same with water. they think they have determined where the leaks are, but there s still a lot of to fix. it s eyes and ears for everybody. you have only so many technicians. i mentioned the personal connection that you have. in fact your family has businesses there. i know you sustained some damage there. tell me about the local economy. you mentioned this is the time
for tourism to really burst. i can tell you i delivered groceries to this park since i was about 12, 13 years old. you know a lot of people here, so there s that element. when you go to the local businesses, whether it s my family grocery store, some video my brother gave me. the damage will probably by in excess of $100,000 just for them. i went to some businesses in downtown in napa. like taquerita rosita, and every soda, every bottle of sauce, everything is oregon. restaurants are trying to clean up. this is the height of tourism season. most will not reopen until tomorrow. some are buildings that have sustained major damage. the downtown napa revitalized the buildings. a lot of those buildings are no longer inhabitable or not fully inspected.
so there s a lot of issue hugheser to deal with. the wine think s multibillion won t affect the harvest, but we still don t have the full report from the wineries, whether some of the barrels came down. more importantly it s about human toll. i can tell you, harry, i was walking in downdown about a week ago, and also in the morning, there were hundreds of people walking around. if this had happened about four hours later, the fatalities would have been much, much worse. on the three people who are listed in critical condition, a man, a woman and child at this time, adam we ll come back as the news warrants. thank you very much. and as is the case following most powerful earthquakes, the threat of aftershocks can continues days, week, even months after the initial jolt. our scientists on staff this evening, janice dean will join me. not a weather event, but the science of earthquakes has you concerned? absolutely, harris, they re
already feeling aftershocks. i ve seen reports of 3.0, and we have a 50% chance of a large aftershot over the next couple days that could cause more damage. i ve heard totals of over 30 already in the napa area of small aftershocks, and there s three different categories, foreshocks, the main shocks, and the aftershocks that occur. taking a look at the classification. this was a strong equality. above 7.0 is major, 8 or greater is great, and you remember the quaem just off the coast of sumatra in 2004, that was 9.1 magnitude. so there s what we typically look for and categories. how often do we see a 6 to 6.9?
around 134 times a year. greater than that, 15 for over 6, and then 8 or greater very rare. so this area could be experiencing aftershocks in the next couple days, next couple weeks. let s shift to the weather. a storm by name. tell me about it. this is cristobal. it s a tropical storm, the third named storm of the season. of course the bahamas is getting drenched right now. i do have in great news report. we are not expecting this to make a landfall across the u.s. we ll still see high surf. rip currents will be a concern, but it s going to remain mainly offshore. becoming a hurricane, our third of the season. quick mention, harris, we have severe weather to talk about this evening. we have a tornado watch in effect for parts of minnesota as well as active tornado warnings right here in the red shaded area. these are tornado warnings, so some of these cells are producing some rotation.
we ll continue to monitor this situation, it s a busy, busy sunday. harr harris, back to you. i see st. cloud at the bottom of the area. that s not too far between the twin cities? there s brainard, of course, heavily populated areas, where we could see some damaging winds, hail and tornado threats. my old home. janice dean, we ll come back to you. the obama administration says an al qaeda affiliate took peter theo curtis near the syrian border about two years ago. officials now expect him to be reunited with his family. his freedoms just days after the horrific video we saw, the terror group isis posted a graphic video showing the behinding of james followy. dominic dediini-natale picks up
story. apparently he going under the guise of teachers as english. that s how journalist often try to get into the country. so we ve had a second video. harris, you and i were talking about it earlier. the second has emerged in which he appears he was being held under duress. listen to this. i have a message for governments in france and america and england, across europe. it has been 20 days now. 20 days of contact he s the only person that can save me. my life is in very, very grave danger. i have three days, three days to live, three days.
if you don t do anything, i m finished. i m dead. now, the family very much kept under wraps he was being held, which is why we re only seeing this video right now, but the family releasing this statement, saying that please know we are eternally grateful and we appeal to the captors of the remaining hostages to release them in the same humanitarian spirit that prompted theo s release. those that were holding peter are not necessarily the same ones holding the other u.s. journalists, one of whom has been threatened to be executed imminently. back to you. what we know about this group, this group, it actually had a split with isis and al qaeda, and they ve actually fought each other, if in fact that s the group that was holding him. what is the white house s role in the release of curtis? we don t know how direct it s been.
they have a close relationship with the qataris. they have brokered all sorts of agreements including with you recently very controversial with the taliban. so we know they will have been operating on their behalf. john kerry saying the white house and u.s. government relieved, issues this statement which gives us an idea of perhaps bhofs involved. the united states reached out to more than two dozens countries, asking for urgent help to secure theo s reese release and the release of any americans held hostage in syria. we continue to use every diplomatic, intelligence and military toad at our disposal to find them and bring our fellow citizens home. in fact we understand they re holding 20 journalists in total. how many of those are american we can t actually confirm, but if the qataris do have any influence, and they are sunnis, so they may be able to reach them, there could be movements on that, but that really is a
big prayer. back to you. great information, dom. we appreciate it. as one hostage was released, we re learning more about the man behind is the mask that swung the blade. what the u.s. is doing to hunt down this man you see. apparently, according to reports. he loved rap music so much, he posted his singing online. and victims in today s earthquake getting a ten-second headstart thanks to a seismic warning system. have you heard about this if lin negatively impact good bacteria? even if you re healthy and active. phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. i m doubly impressed! phillips digestive health. a daily probiotic.
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we saw so many nights of violence. their son was shored and killed by a police officers. we do not know all the facts. we ve been waiting. as you ve been following the story. they re investigating at a federal and local level and state level. we re waiting to see if that family will step up. michael brown s parents are listed as special guests. let s watch. i appreciate all love and support from his mother and myself. tomorrow all i want is peace while my son is being laid to rest.
can you please, please take a day of silence, so we can . and thank. and is this tun today, attorney ben crump and darrell we ve got a fight in the the fight starts tomorrow. so we have watching this rally. that is michael brown, the father you just heard from calling for a day of silence. their memorial funeral is planned for funeral. the correspondent on the scene who s been there. mike, are you with us?
fill in some of the gaps. i have watching it, and basically it was a concert up until about four minutes ago. right. they call it peace fest. it s as much about community outreach and politics as much about the death of mike brown as it is about music. you have a stage, and it really looks lie the festival was planned in advantage and they re using this as an opportunity to get out the most recent events. we had a strong voice really walling for calm. . he wants peace more than anything else so he can get through the day of the funeral without street democrat stations. previously they had one from the nation of islam, asking people not to demonstrate tomorrow.
mike, i want to tell everybody that person they just saw on the. benjamin crump, the attorney for the family in the trayvon martin case. go ahead, mike. speaking of the trayvon martin, someone we saw in that case, someone we saw backstage is tracy martin, the father of trayvon martin. he is expected to get up here and address this crowd i expect a similar message. keep things peaceful tomorrow. let mike brown sr. and mike brown s mother lay their son to rest in peat without the distraction of everything else that has been happening in ferguson, missouri. mike, i want to ask this question, you ve got this rally going on, and people can see, watch and hear what s happening. and people are raising money,
they re raising funds, they ve done a crowd funding effort for him. give me the latest on that. that is happening at another side of town, a bar called barney s it s attracting some controversy, because demonstrators from this side, if you will, people supporting the family, have gone there to try to disrupt it. they don t like that kind of thing happening, and the message that the supporters of officer wilson are trying to little out is they support the police, and they re raising money to the tune of some $400,000. mike tobin, thank you very much. i know that rally continuing tonight. you said across town, the supporters for officer darren wilson. we appreciate you popping up and reporting. we didn t know what we had here. and then we heard from the parents of michael brown calling for piece.
before we step away smolder debris. the biggest earthquake in years area. plus chaos after gunfire in a hollywood nightclub. stay close. when you run a business, you can t settle for slow.
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here s the video which shows some of those weapons taken just by isis captured the base. it does come as some military leaders that are expanding the air campaign into syria. and then into syria. where isis terrorists have captured wide swaths of territory and are now prayeding in a virtual safe haven for them. meanwhile, british intel gens executing american journalist james foley. britain s ambassador says they re using techniques including sophisticated voice recognition software to identify that killer. molly, i am hearing this i don t even have a word he posted his own voice online. he did. he posted his own voice, and a western official tells fox the clues from the horrific
execution video, including the mufrder s voice have led the, to a former hip-hop rapper from london. he left london last year to travel to syria to fight with the isis terror group. he with lyrics such as, quote,ivity differentiate the angels from the demons. i ain t got normal feelings. then after going to fight with terrorists in syria, he started a twitter account and posted a gruesome picture of himself holding a severed head. harris? . actually, this guy is not exactly a top isis leader. exactly. certainly the u.s. wants to get this guy, but one former u.s. intelligence tissues says the u.s. shouldn t focus solely on
foley s killer. it doesn t really matter who the executioner was. this was the group that killed james foley. this order came from the very top of the group. his egyptian-born father was expedited on terrorist charges in 2012. allegedly a close associate of osama bin laden, and u.s. officials believe he was connected to the 1998 bomb us of u.s. embassies in africa. molly, thank you very much. james foley s hometown is paying transcribed to butte to him. remembers james as a loving and caring man who went out of his ways to help those less fortunate. they called it a mats of healing, hope and for peace. speakers praised foley s determination to report on the victims inside of syria, but the ceremonies were not limited to just here in the united states. a crowd also gathered in erbil in northern iraq for a special memorial service.
most people there never knew him, better wsh appalled by his death. the recovery is already under way in the golden state, but pretty soon it would be darkness setting in. they have to watch for dangers as aftershocks continue. the strongest earthquake to strike the bay area in a quarter century rocked napa valley today. our team coverage continues from the scene, next. and president obama is returning to the white house tonight following two weeks vacation on martha s vineyard. what will his first crisis be that he ll deal with? there s so many to choose from, unfortunately. our political insiders are coming up. can chime in while you tune in. get in on the conversation on twitter. also like me on facebook. and we ll read your tweets and postings, state close.
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the damage extensive, the threat may be far from over. let s go to will carr in napa valley. i do want to start with the human elements. we have three people in critical condition, will. and 120 morn that had to go to the hospital for various things. so it really had a big impact. a number of people injured. i want to show exactly why on the bottom floor, there was a restaurant. at you work your way up to the second and third floors. you can see at the very top where the brick walls just came flying down. right now there s pieces of metal being blown around in the wind. everybody is having to stay back, because authorities of worried that the roof could come flying down at any point.
home, buildings, businesses, almost every block of napa that i ve gone through has some kind of destruction. for trailers in the area were completely destroyed, it sparked numerous fires. 120 people to the hospital like i mentioned, harris, three people with the critical injuries. three people are telling us they feel very lucky that more people weren t hurt or killed. will carr, live from there. at the top of the hour there s a scheduled news conference from napa. we heard from them the napa city manager talking about the cut gas lines and how dangerous it could be overnight as the darkness sets.
we re also monitoring other situations. we have a lot of news tonight, so stick with us. we re going to do a second hour. for those of you clamors for the next three gentlemen, dreams do come true. president obama is returning to the white house after vacation on martha s vineyard. he certainly will have a lot waiting on his plate when he gets home, including how to stop isis. the fox news political insiders are here. you can join the conversation here #frw for fox report weekend, baby. john leboutillier former congressman from new york. pat caddell, a former pollster for jimmy my carter, and and th
to the good lord, a freed american journalist. it is great when a hostage is leg go. we re all happy, about you now we ve got to find out in light of what happened with bergdahl, and giving we think a lot of money and firch taliban guys to get bergdahl out, and then we allegedly wouldn t pay to get mr. foley out, the poorman who got beheaded. did we reverse again and pay to get this guy out. you re talking about bowe bergdahl, five prisoners let go at gitmo. let s remember, they were the leaders in afghanistan of the taliban effort. these were not minor people. these were their leadership.
the ga has done it was done another incidence of that, and john s raised the right question here. we know that qatar we know john kerry reached out to people begging them to help us. i think they were concerned about another beheading, doing something to alleviate the bad news isis said they would do do, doug. the personal dimension, pat and john have covered extremely well. i would focus what you re reported from northeast syria about the taking of the assad s regime of the last real base. we re in a war with isis. it is a multinational war.
we are learns that isis may have recruited hundreds of americans. while the beheadings are unspeakably tragic, and john is right, we should be very, very pleased that a life was saved we are in a fight that involved our freedoms, or democracy and our core values. that s what the president will take up, i hope, tomorrow in the oval office. besides that base you mentioned in syria, also the airport in tripoli was taken over today. the chinese really buzzed one of our planes really close. yeah, that didn t get a lot of play this week.
how can you? we kept describing we have a huge stove with all these pots bogeys. the bottom line, with all due deference to doug is that people, leaders in the world, believe they can take obama s measure and push is any way they want. that is the real problem going on. i think one of the turning points was 2 1/2 years ago the president was at a summit conference and medvedev, then the president of russia was there. you remember they caught them talking on a live mike, and the president says to medvedev, after i m reelected, will be able to be more flexibility. i wonder how flexible he s feeling now? but flexibility in the minds of a guy like putin is a bad thing. look what s happening. i know we re jumping around, but i asked the question before the commercial break which crisis
do you start with when you come back from vacation, right? you ve got an estimated 18,000-plus massing at the border from russia into eye crane, you re putting their gear at the border. they were supposed to send 35 trucks last week with aid. ukraine tried to keep them at a check station, because they weren t trusting it, like a trojan horse. they spent more than 130 trucks from russia into ukraine. that s like an invasion. nato said on friday, right, doug? that there were artillery pieces in the ukraine manned by russian uniforms. potential we re told 10:00 p.m. eastern, air force one will touch down or so, and he ll be back from vacation. what do you hit first, pat? i think the first thing is isis. the defense the group that he described in january is the junior varsity, the jv team, is anything but. i mentioned this earlier in the
week on another program during the day that we had to, i think, in syria, look, we cannot allow the isis in syria. we saw the base taken today. you have what we had in vietnam, which is the equivalent of a sanctuary. that s where the ammo dumps are. that s where the base troops are, and the pentagon is already pushing to hit them in syria. second, can they get any coalition support? they ve got to help the kurds. we need to step push some of our allies we need turkey to prevent isis from getting into syria and iraq. the president has to lead. he s got to lead. on both crises at the same time. he said during the campaign, i can multitask. can i ask a question? the president says the people are war weary. i m looking at the facebook page. one says isis should be killed and blown up. are people ready for us to go to war? or is the president right?
i think with all due respect, erica is right. it s one thing to fight a foreign war in afghanistan or iraq, harris, where there s no great or immediate connection to the united states and our freedoms and liberties, but the beheadings send a message that we are all at risk. indeed the use of a executioner with a british accent under scores that point. pat and john are right. we need a strategy for our foreign policy, as john mccain said today on i believe it was fox news sunday he s quite detached, as senator mccain said, and we need a strategy of engagement to take on isis, to stop the russians and rally or allies. the reason the president has been so reluctant, again leading from behind as they like to say, is he s worried about his constituents and the democratic party, just as the white house is sending three people to the funeral tomorrow in ferguson for
the young man that was killed. by the way, as you and john pointed out, think of the last time they sent three aides to one of our soldiers who died. they re worried about the minority politics. they re worried about their liberal base. they re worrd about this, and the president has gotten caught, because everyone now is worried about i was just going to say there s bipartisan concern now. you said leading from behind. what that brings up in my mind is shepherd. that s great if you re sheep. i don t know. i just thought of that. we re going to come right back. we ve got a lot of place on social media. if you can t get it all in now, second hour we re going to do a total block just social media, but i have some tweets and facebook posts to get to. we ll continue the conversation. stay close.
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terrorists claiming a big
victory today, not in iraq but in syria, captures a major syrian military base just after a three-week fight and with the base possibly scores of new weapons, including an entire squadron i shouldn t say that, several squadrons of fighter jets. you mentioned it right before the commercial break. john, pad and doug are back. doug, i want to go to you first. one of our tweeters writes real leaders don t take into account the pup s sporesed war wearyness when a threat like isis rears its head. they couldn t have put it more intelligently franklin del no roosevelt understood the threat, hedges hence the declarf
war in 19421. clearly we are facing the threat that may not be the equivalent of then, but it s a real threat, and leaders have to lead, not stand back. we need to fully engage with the kurds. we need to provide military assistance to the iraqi army. before we go forward. do we have that from mike rogers? can we roll that? then you want your thoughts. no, we ll come back to it. some words from the chairman of the select committee on intelligence really interesting. hopefully we ll get he basically says isis could already be here in the united states. do we have it? no.
some could be american citizens. they are, in eye says. one of problems is it s gone unabated for nearly two years. that drawing people across europe, even the united states to go and join the fight they are one plane ticket away from u.s. shores. that s why we are so concerned about it. pat? i think we had it a couple weeks ago, an isis fighter was taken into custody at jfk. i called him the advance team already. who knows how many are in here or coming up southern border, or anywhere. but yes, i just want to say parenthetically yesterday we were at yankee stadium with our boss, where we were having political insiders and baseball insiders. at one point, joe torre day, you
want to all of us, who do you think the american people would rather have viewing with getting something done? barack obama or joe torre. everyone in the owners box cracked up, because they knew the answer. this is the problem with nonleadership. qpotus doesn t realize all the nations are wading for us to go in. we have a definite enemy now, not smoke. the first thing the president did wrong is the day of the beheading, he should have at least canceled that day of vacation. i mean, make it look like within five minutes, he was on the links already. meanwhile, david cameron gave it up and went back. they thought the man on the tape was british. i know, but that was before they had even identified him. but the victim is an american. if there was ever a
precipitating event for the president of the united states to switch strategy, this is it. he stayed in martha s vineyard. we have six seconds. k.y. writes did isis get the weapons too? stay close. so what we re looking for is a way to plus our accounting firm s mobile plan. and minus our expenses. perfect timing. we re offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be. one-seventy-five a month. good calculating kyle. good job kyle.
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share in any more wars. we can t put it all on the same soldiers and families every five years. so let s have a draft, put everybody in, have a tax to pay for it, and let s have shared sacrifice. how many people want that? you see leadership, if the president wanted to lead when i said do it smartly, we could use, as we did in afghanistan, we could bring in allies, turkey, this the gulf states, their troops, we have special forces troops. we didn t put large units on the ground in afghanistan when we knocked the taliban off. airpower, we could do this smartly, but we need allies, and we need a leadership, as you said, a president who can not only lead the united states. look, the british, germans and french are already showing how concerned they are, and the first time we could rally if the president weren t so weak and weren t spending all of his time
just sending images. of being on a golf course laughing and joking. and with you ukraine, the same thing. same allying, right, doug? in western europe? absolutely. look real quickly, doug. angela merkel was in germany yesterday providing assistance to ukraine, underscoring or absence there, our absences in iraq, indeed or absence leading the world, which is our responsibility. one quick line stop worrying about the election and start worrying about the country. wow. truer words haven t been said. on twitter right now, i have just put out, because people are responding to the word draft with regard to the military. guess what? second hour, you guys are going to come back for an all-social media segment, and we are going toedly as many of these as we possibly can. people have been clamoring for this. on a day of a lot of news. we re going to bring you guys back so we can have a further discussion.
draft, i want to people are going to say about that. stay with us, everybody. we ll be right back.
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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140828 10:00:00

start to the labor day travel weekend. aaa expects it to be the busiest since the great recession. plus, there s going to be a three day birthday tribute to michael jackson. that s going to michael jackson will get under way in his boyhood home of gary, indiana. family members including his mother katherine and his children are expected to attend that celebration. that is going to do it of thursday s edition of way too early. morning joe starts right now. haes good morning. mike has been ordered around going back to parochial school. trying to get him ready for school is like getting a village ready. maggie is ready. you guys. a princess. i don t know where to start today. so much to talk about. when you re looking at the threat that isis proposes and
it s hard for americans who poses a threat and who doesn t, let s face it, they have been lied to a lot over the past decade but the wall street journal has this great article talking about the industry that isis is, an industry of extortion. they have hundreds of millions of dollars and very dangerous. then the fallout yesterday from a story we first ran here yesterday morning on the tragic death of the gun range at the gun range. bullets and burgers is actually what they call the tourist the tour that these people were taking yesterday. they shoot all sorts of weapons. this girl girl was from new jersey and they drove out from las vegas. the parents, we find out, are the ones that are videotaping
this. i talked to so much friends, because i have so many friends being from the south that grew up in a culture of guns. there s so many things that are wrong here. even the most ardent second amendment right supporters saying this should have never happened. it is so shocking that it has been covered around the world. my father was in town last night and he watches the bbc and they covered it in depth because it raises so many questions ranging from parenting to why in the world would an 9-year-old in this case would be handling a weapon like that? the gruesomeness of what happened. you hate to talk about the instructor who died tragically, but i ve heard so many people that have worked at ranges saying he should have had his hands on the gun. of course. there were so many things that went wrong here.
and for the nuts, the absolute nuts to go online yesterday defending this is beyond me. i had a guy. oh, no. i had a guy tweet, and i asked the question, why would we have a -year-old girl shooting an uzi. and he showed a picture of somebody walking down a street in iraq carrying a separate hand and he said, this is why! this is why! i wanted to reply but my followers always told me don t feed the trolls. i wanted to reply, if we are depending on putting uzis in the hands of 9-year-old girls to save american, we might as well put the islamic flag over the
brooklyn bridge right now. the family says it s fun for them. one could argue whether that should be, but, i mean, the reality was the instructor, she could barely hold the gun. i think you look at this poor girl and what is her life story from this moment on? and you can put aside all of the gun nuts and anything else of that, but you look at this. how is this little girl going to move forward? the thing is, i think there has to be a lot more regulation at these gun ranges. my argument has always been if you want to fire an automatic weapon, like a real not a semi. but if you want to fire these military style weapons, a gun range request proper training is actually the best place to do that. i ve always said, all of these people that want to have these massive weapons, military-style weapons in their home to protect from home invaders, that s
crazy. people love firing these guns, that s great but fire them at gun ranges and have the gun ranges regulated so 9-year-old girls from jersey can t come in and get an uzi and fire it. it is a real tragedy. but we will get to that later in the show. yep. i want to get to the morning grind. toppling the news this morning a law enforcement official tells nbc news it appears a second american has been killed while fighting for the militant group isis in syria. his identity has not yet been revealed but reports suggests he died in the same firefight as american doug mccain who joined ranks with the terror group after crossing the border from turkey. let s get this right. another american goes to syria and joins isis and how does that end up? badly. they die. it s going to happen to you, okay? just stay in minnesota, okay? it s not going to end up well
for you. when you go over there, we are going to kill you, right? don t join isis, okay? go to disney land. by some accounts up to 100 u.s. citizens are fighting along the lamic extremist. the mother of another u.s. journalist being held hostage by isis is speaking out. shirley sotloff made a plea to the leader of the islamic state, the group that executed james foley. since steven s capture i ve learned a lot about islam. i ve learned that they teach that no individual should be held responsible for the sins of others. steven has no control over the actions of the u.s. government. he s an innocent journalist. i ve always learned that you, the kaliff can grant amnesty. i ask you to please release my
child. that was really compelling, mike barnicle. she put a challenge to this guy, basically, saying if you re so mighty and powerful, then you, islam teaches us, you have the power to show mercy to my son. unfortunately, sadly, it will fall on deaf ears because we are dealing with people with an apock apocalyptic version of the future. i doubt they will pay any attention to this woman. we will see. they will pay for what they did to jim foley and they will find out as the days and weeks or months go by that they have pissed off the american people who are war weary and wanted to stay out of iraq. i think that moment is going to do more to show the nature of this group s evil and they will rule the day.
like i said before, we know how this story ends. osama bin laden, bullet through his eyes. saddam hussein head ripped clear off his shoulder. you could go through one terrorist after another terrorist. the most dangerous job in the world is being the number three world at al qaeda and this always ends this way. mike, i know you re the only one here old enough to remember like me. remember when noriega gives a speech and if americans come down to panama and has a sword and banging, they will die in the junglgles of panama! now he is in jail and he is going to rot in jail! this is how it always ends. we always get the enemy. we always get the thug. the vision of panama lasted about 45 minutes and noriega is
in jail in florida and still in jail in florida. this is different. this is a hydra headed monster. we have been killing the number three person at al qaeda for 14 years. there is a always a new number three and there will be a new number one, two, and three of isis no matter what we do. the benefit we might gain from this is when congress comes back, they might be forced and the president might be forced to have a legitimate national discussion about this. guess what some they are going to come together. this is the danger. they have access to oil and they have access to extortion to hundreds of millions of dollars. they have the power. they have got money. they have the power to get their hands on some weapons that could kill a lot of people in the united states, kill a lot of people in london and kill a lot of people in paris and if we don t stop them and we don t take the territory away from them and seize their assets, we are all this is this is
as grave of a threat as osama bin laden in 2001. a texas father has been acquitted of murder. david barajas was acquitted of shooting a drunk driver that killed both of his sons in a wreck. the family was in tears in the courtroom moments after the jury found him not guilty. bandas car slammed into barajas truck. he and his young sons were pushing it along the road to their nearby house. the prosecutor claimed barajas went home and got a gun and came back to the scene and shot banda in the head. in the end the jury acquitted barajas and he emerged to applause as he spoke to his family and media. how does it feel, david? a lot of weight lifted off my back. i ll still destroyed. i m missing my sons. always and forever.
it s been a lot of weight lifted, but i m still hurt. i m still hurt. very hurt. listen. this story is heart breaking. it is so heart breaking. maggie, i m sorry, everybody on the jury and everybody in that courtroom and everybody in america knows who went home and got the gun and came back. like they were looking for an excuse not to convict this father and none of us can put ourselves in the position where this father is and where he was that night after he saw his two sons killed. if it happened, a crime of passion. that s what the prosecution said according to the reports that i read that the jury there was no actual physical evidence that linked him. there was no gun powder on his hands. i think the challenge is this is a crime of passion. the town, 50%, 60%, you go on the blogs this morning, i would have done the same thing.
that s what parents say. unfortunately, the challenge is many people lose their family members, they don t go and take the law into their own hands and i think the challenge is how do we manage this and does it say something bigger about where we are with our justice system that most people felt this was justice versus the system. you wonder if i would have done the same thing is perhaps what was part of the equation in the decision that was made because so many people chiming in, what would you have done? what would you have done? and they are saying i have no idea what i would have done. i know most people in line say they would have done the same thing. i think all of us in this situation feel like our lives came to an end. yeah. i don t know in that moment what i would have done. you lose your mind. removed from it all, mike, we are a nation of laws, not a nation of men. that s what separates us from other countries. so if this man did this, if they
had the evidence, then just letting him go revenge is understandable but it s not a code of law. yeah. he now lives with three losses. his two sons and the loss of something internally because if you kill another human being, that sits with you forever. he was acquitted. he was acquitted. i think that also the emotionalness of this trial, little boys were killed before christmas and they were buried with their toys that they were going to get. the entire town was really emotionally fighting. let me get one more story in. let me ask you this. in all of your years in working with news, did you ever have a fellow anchor or a news executive come up behind you, squeeze you and say, you know what? don t lose toomp weig much weig. i like my children chubby.
no. it s been keep losing weight, please. i can t lose enough. they are just heartless around here. dresses aren t going to fit. senator kirsten gillibrand i was wondering where you were going with that. this is one of the most unbelievable i can t believe neanderthals. kirsten gillibrand is making new rounds for her book and revealing comments she made. people magazine details some of the more uncomfortable moments of the book. for instance, while in the congressional gym, the mother of two says another male colleague told her, quote, good thing you re working out because you wouldn t want to get porky. you were working there, right? no. on separate occasion you can t put that one on me. after she lost 50 pounds, a member of the senate squeezed her stomach saying, don t lose too much weight now. i like my girls chubby.
who did that? it s madmen all over again. maggie, it s still madmen in a lot of places. i m sorry. tv networks. a lot of friends that work at a lot of tv networks. it s crazy. congress, crazy. i think it s worse than ever because we live in a visual age. our kids take pictures all of the time and they know how to pose and do all of these things. we are kind of caught in this middle ground between what sells, what people think sells, and what we are supposed to be which is real and normal. mike and i go through when we walk down these halls. you could see what happens to me in central park. bill called you yesterday and told you you needed to look more like a gq model. i need to lose a little bit
of weight. no, that was me. ahead we talk to an owner of a gun range. tina wilson colin will join us ahead. rand paul gives hillary clinton a taste of what is to come if she decides to run for president. why the kentucky senator said good thing hillary didn t get her way while serving as secretary of state. a panda fakes her pregnancy to get special perks at a research center. i like that. that s a smart panda. you re watching morning joe. we will be right back.
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time to take a look at the morning papers. wall street journal, the fbi and secret service are looking into whether russian hackers are behind recent attacks on jpmorgan chase and four other financial institutions. according to bloomberg news, officials are investigating whether the incident is possible
retaliation for u.s. sanctions against russia. officials say the cyber attack resulted in the loss of sensitive data. the new york times has a new report shedding like on ube, sneakee means. unbelievable! their competitor is lift. according to e-mails and interviews obtained by the verge, uber attempt to siphon drivers from other companies are using former contractors saying uber tries to recruit them and they offer anything to get started including iphone, cash, even a contract on the spot so lift is accusing uber of booking and cancelling rides. they had burn phones so they couldn t be traced. bad news. the production behind the
show cops is vowing to support the family of a crew member killed while filming this week. a seven-year vet of the show was struck by an officer s bullet during a shoot-out with a robbery suspect in omaha on tuesday. while crew members wear protective gear officials say the bullet slipped through an open spot in his vest. the police department is investigating the incident. this marks the first time a crew member was killed in the show s 25-year history. wow. the new york daily news out with a newly released transcript for john lennon killer saying he bragged about his nincredible stalking of the former beatle. he scoped out the apartment building, the famous apartment on the upper west side here in new york. the building where lennon was living with yoko ono on new york s upper west side. he expressed remorse acting like
an idiot. chapman was denied patrol for the eighth time running. usa today bob dylan s six disk compilation basement tape is released. it will be released nearly half a century after it was recorded. the collection was restored from original tapes recorded in 1967 during dylan s sessions with musicians who later became the band. during that time, they recorded over a hundred songs at a studio in sagertese, new york. the album hits the stands november 4th. you ran six miles yesterday? i know. in that hot sun. insider trading suspect made a run for it yesterday while barefoot after noticing camera crews in front of his house. michael lukarelli ran for it
after spotting tv cameras. he has on a tank and khakis. he kept running as his flip-flops flipped off. he was indicted on 13 charges of securities fraud. he has pretty good form there. making nearly $545,000 in illegal profits. he has wheels. he does have wheels. six miles? i didn t know that is what you were asking me. i went running but not from the police. here is another story. diane sawyer signs off unexpectedly a little bit early. what? why? did you not know this? no, i didn t! it was in the daily news yesterday. i was watching the bbc with my dad. yesterday she decided. she has been doing this a long time. she s tired. she leaves and as it said, she exits on top and now david muehr will take over.
the evening news battle is going to get pretty fierce. we knew the announcement came that david muehr would be taking over and diane sent a tweet in the afternoon saying this is it. by the way, i m out of here. that is really the way to do it. you don t need all of the confetti and everything else. i agree. that would make you tired. she s not going anywhere. she will be on abc for a long time to come. she is amazing. a new poll breaks down how women really feel about the republican party. hey, guys, it s not good. we have to do something about this. kind of ugly. it s just part of this world. first, the struggle against the forces of darkness. how the islamic state hijacked iraq s religion. we will be back with more morning joe.
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mika, since the tragedy of ferguson first happened we still don t know what happened there, the sometimes is now suggesting that there was, in fact, a struggle inside the car and then michael brown ran away, then came back.
they are trying to figure it out. trying to figure it all out. we would already have it figured out through body cams. i ve been talking about this for several weeks. body cams only hurt bad cops. everybody else is protected by body cams. claire mccaskill, yesterday, she said if you wanted to get this military equipment from the united states government, you re going to have to have every cop wearing body cams. i think that s a good idea. on wednesday, denver announced some of its policemen wearing cameras for month and next year each officer will be equipped with one. the first major city to do so. small cities already in the technology as well. there is video from selena, texas, a officer taking down a suspect for no reason. this is a camera on the dashboard. you look at the camera on the dashboard looked like the cop is using excessive force but look at it from the body cam it shows something different. you can see the officer is
attacked. the chief says officers know they are being documented at all times but how important it is to get as many angles you can get. it can change the story. it can change from that angle, you see the cop is attacked and you hear the cop saying you don t want to do this. this doesn t end well. i don t know who the cop is. i don t know who the attacker is but this will also, even in a situation like this where a cop has to use force to get a suspect down, you re pretty sure when they have the cameras on, they are going to use the right amount of force. but this kind of juxtaposition of angles is what we will perhaps make it very difficult sometimes in some cases to find out what really happened. the one thing we have talked about police misconduct the past several weeks the one thing you don t realize is what is going through cops mind at all times. the danger they are in at all times. they want to get thome through their wife and children and husband or their children. they don t want to die.
they see so many bad things day in and day out that we don t see on cameras. this puts us actually and has us walking a mile in their shoes and puts it into the right perspective. here you see the cop is attacked. he doesn t know if that guy has a gun or if if that guy has a knife so he takes him to the ground. nick christoff. is everyone a little bit racist? help wanted ads between white and black sounding names. they found it took 50% more mailings to get a call back for a black name. a white name yield issed as much benefit as eight years of experience according to the study. that is pretty revealing. it is revealing and that is the country that we live in and we have got to face up to it. we have made great progress. at the same time, we have a long way to go.
we have julie pace with us from washington. welcome, julie. the washington post this is written the islamic state has hijacked a religion. the governor of anbar province provide this. we are fighting because we want to live free and rid the world of this cancer that hijacked our region. we are concerned that a generation will be brain washed. history will not forgive us if we allow this cancer to spread. it must be stopped. we cannot stop it alone. you know, mike, chairman said it was darkest before it completely went black. you are starting to see things as bobby ghosh said yesterday, a watershed moment. i don t know with exactly what happened if uae and libya did attack.
if they did, it s an arab state saying we are not going to let freaks and radicals height our religion and it s a damn good thing that the united states is not putting this all on our own. if so i couldn t be more grateful to egypt and the uae for doing it. given their apocalyptic vision of the world and kill anyone and anything in their path, it could well be you see an unusual coalition coming together, amman, jordan, tel aviv and cairo and egypt because they are all in the scope of this threat. and assad in syria and the ayatollah s in iran. and turkey. see if turkey decides to be a responsible player. seriously. this is by rand paul how u.s. interventionist embedded the
rise of is sisis. new regime might be isis. no to say the u.s. should ally with assad but we should recognize how regime change in syria could have helped and emboldened the islamic state and recognize that they are calling for war against isis and syrian civil war. we should realize that the interventionists are calling for islamic rebels to win in syria and for the same islamic rebels to lose in iraq. our middle eastern policy is unhinged flailing about to see who to act against next with little thought to the consequences. those not a foreign policy. it s very easy to say that after isis explodes. but, julie,, obviousl obviously the things that haunted the president and samantha powers
200 dead in syria because of a civil war. we find ourselves in a position that winston churchill said. if satan himself was fighting against hitler you may not ally with him, but at least he might say a good word or two for him on the floor of the parliament. rand paul is speaking to what is an incredibly complex situation in syria. and there are two pieces of this. one, there is this horrific humanitarian crisis as a result of this civil war but, second, all of these players involved in syria that are involved in this swrar. not all of them good. even the moderate opposition, the so-called moderate opposition is still loosely defined and the president has resistance of putting heavy arms in the hands of those moderate rebels. richard haass was on yesterday saying we are going to have a de facto alliance with
assad. i know nobody will come out and say that publicly. does he realize the white house is whispering they understand if isis is going to be defeated in syria, we can t just bomb, we need help from assad? yeah. even before james foley s death, there was some conversation about going after the islamic state in syria and the question, those was if you do that, do you also have to strike assad targets? because if you don t, are you essentially helping him. the president is resistant to do that because if you take that step, then the u.s. has some responsibility perhaps to solving syria s larger political problem so you re looking at a situation do we have sort of a wink and nod relationship with assad if we do go after the islamic state? julie, stay with us. still ahead, one of the tv s biggest unsolved mysteries. the fate of tony soprano. up next, barack obama may be
our first nation s post-vietnam president but is that a good thing? bob woodward joins us next. nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. there s a reason it s called an all you can eat buffet. and not a have just a little buffet. because what we all really want is more. that s why verizon is giving you even more. now, for a limited time, get more data! 1 gb of bonus data every month with every new smartphone or upgrade. our best ever pricing with the more everything plan
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yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is.was. and always will 40 past the hour. we are going to continue the conversation about the threat of isis and the president s view. let s bring in editor of the washington post bob woodward. bob, great to have you with us. first question. you ve written so many books the past 10, 12 years of the inner workings of the white house. the war council around bush and barack obama. who is left in the white house when obama has to listen to. do i have to bomb syria or not, who has his ear? he has his own ear.
you know, i think he feels he s done this for so many years. you have to remember the starting point for him. he doesn t like war and he said in that nobel prize acceptance speech that war is always an expression of human folly. indeed, thought and was one of the first to say that the iraq war was the dumb war, so he is resistant all of this. he said iraq war was a dumb war and right now he is having to go into that, quote, dumb war. i ve been saying it and i saw in your notes you re saying basically the same thing. you got democrats that want to say the republicans were on from 2003 to 2008. saying obama was run from 2009 to know. he is a hard step for him to take, isn t it? the first step should be let s not relitigate the iraq war and you ve got all these people are saying, we were right
to support it, so, you know, this is just a continuation. those who opposed is say, no, no, wachlit a minute, we need te careful. obviously, it s a challenge for obama. i think it would be useful to look at it through optimistic lens for a moment. it s an opportunity for him to do the sort of meetings and discussions and bringing people in, not just from the administration and the cabinet and the white house straff, but from dreaded congress and come up with some strategy here. you know, one of the great conclusions from the vietnam war was that politics is the enemy of strategy. let s play less politics here and come up with a plan. mika, it was very interesting. mitch mcconnell said yesterday on the campaign stump in kentucky and said i ll surprise
a lot of people. i think the president is doing the right thing now. you ll see when a lot of people come back to washington, d.c. a little more unity on foreign policy finally. maybe in this moment of crisis politics can end at the water s edge. that is hopeful. bob, i go back to joe s first question because i still can t get my sort of mind around who is putting their fingerprints at least on the president. i know he is against the war. i understand that. it starts and ends with him, but he has a group of advisers. what is the dynamic? what is the relationship with john kerry? is there one? and who are the others who have a consistent time with his ear in terms of helping him shape his decisions? as you said, one of the biggest problems managerially with this white house is barack obama and nobody can tell him no. i can t imagine. of course, know one can tell him no. mika, that is a really important question, but this gets to the
mysteries of the white house, any white house. right. and you need to go back after it happens and piece it together. it takes a great deal of time. you know, let s be honest. we don t know. but, joe, i think you re right, that the early waves of, wow, this is a real serious new set of problems, this islamic state. let s get together and come up with some plan, but that takes a lot of time and that means time off the golf course, time on the phone, going up to congress, having people from congress down to the white house, the normal process of negotiation. i think it s possible here. surely the stakes are so high, so it ought to be done in a more methodical way. bob woodward, thank you so much. bob, it s great having you here again. hope to see you soon. nice to see you. up next, a new poll shows
the republican party has a long way to go to win over female voters. it s really bad. okay? they are losing republican women. then smarter than your average bear. how a panda i tried this once, it didn t work. no, it almost worked. still didn t believe me. i almost had it. but you had the look going. a panda was able to pull off a fast one to trainers to get special perks. something about faking a pregnancy is all i m going to say.
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our friends at poe little coat has seized a report from female voters and it shows that the republican party has a lot to do before we get the support of feeling. according to the poll they find the gop are stuck in the past and intolerant and lack compassion and more than 50% of women have unfavorable view of the republican party. this is important too. we always hear people in new york and washington going it s all about abortion, it s all about abortion. no. the top four issues for women
are the economy, health care, education, and jobs. guess what, republicans? they say we can t ever be the democrats because we will not compromise on abortion. it s not abortion. it is not. it s about moms being able to take care of their children or being able to take care of their aging parents. women also, though, if you keep going they believe that equal pay for equal work is a policy that would help women the most. something you talk about an awful lot. let s bring in mike and right now. mike, not really surprising reports but i think a message to my party you re seen as intolerant and it s not all about abortion. you got to get better on the bread and butter issues for all americans and that is getting them back to work and giving them fair wages. no that is a great point, joe. the surprise here is that republicans have made up no ground since mitt romney lost. the day after mitt romney lost you and i talked about the fact
they needed to do things to close the gap with women. that hasn t happened. joe, the four issues that you ticked through, education, health care, economy, jobs, that the campaign is going to be fought on, women go overwhelmingly on democrats. isn t that something? what do you do about this? the solution in this poll that was taken by crossroads gps and american action network is acknowledge those differences on abortion that you mentioned. quickly move on. talk about policies. connect with women on exactly those issues that you were mentioning. eric cantor was saying we can reconnect with women through charter schools. no. mika, the type of issues that will work are enforcing gender bias rules in the workplace, making it possible to for home health care through medicare.
i ism. i-working on a book and it is about money, julie pace. women are really having an they are in a really kind of a time of change in terms of how they handle money, how they control it and what they feel about it. and republicans are going to need to tap into exactly where we re at. this, julie pace, an opportunity for a female candidate? it s a huge opportunity for a female candidate. obviously, the only real female candidate out there for president is on the democratic side and a bigger issue for republicans as well. it s not just necessarily having policies that appeal to women, though a huge part to it but you have to promote women on the leadership ranks on the hill and gubernatorial races and eventually for president and right now that is another weakness for the republicans. i think the other thing you ve got to understand the vast majority of businesses, entrepreneurial and small town businesses are started in the next five to ten years are
started by women who have read and know your value and women are the business leaders of the next ten years, and that is where the republican party has an opportunity. those rotary clubs, those women who are starting businesses and really going to create the backbone and that is where the opportunity is. i always say we have got to make sure i say this to republican groups, if you want to win again you ve got to make your policies as relevant to a 17-year-old latino in south central l.a. starting first job as a 55-year-old hedge fund broker in connecticut. a 33-year-old woman who wants to start up her own business because she is quitting the first job she has that she doesn t like. she has been downsized and she wants to start again. create. why a texas father was acquitted gunning down a drunk
driver who killed his two sons. outrage after a 9-year-old shoots and accidentally kills her instructor with an uzi. who is to blame? how senator kirsten gillibrand responds to sexism on capitol hill. did david chase reveal the new ending to the sopranos ? news you can t use is next. where the reward was that what if tnew car smelledit card and the freedom of the open road? a card that gave you that i m 16 and just got my first car feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one. redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac - with no limits.
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and today, serve over 1 million meals a week. until every kid has built those life-long eating habits, we ll keep working. i went ahead and ordered for the table. don t stop believing
hold on to that feeling street light people don t stop believing don t stop believing, everybody! it is one of the great unsolved mysteries in tv history. well, this morning, there is even more confusion if tony soprano survived the infamous the sopranos. in an article, the writer asked the show s kraert if tony was dead. she writes he shook his head no and simply he said, no, he isn t. hours later, though, a publicist said whether tony is alive or dead is not important.
the final scene of the show raises the suspicion. blah, blah, blah! i m bored. that was a sneaky tease. we got the answer. no, we didn t. the show s creator said he is still alive. do you think he is? i think it was a perfect ending. did you think at the end of show he was still alive? yes. did you really? i was sure he got what kind. no. that s crazy! it s kind of like all is lost. bob woodward. i m sorry, robert redford may be coming on the show in a couple of weeks. i can t wait to talk to him again about all is lost because that movie is extraordinary because at the end, you have no idea whether he lived. i guess i should shut up. such a scam to the academy not giving him the nomination! you want to talk about a
scam? here is a panda who knows all about scams. this is a panda smarter than your average bear. experts believe a giant panda may have faked her pregnancy to get better care. workers at the research center where the 6-year-old is being kept after showing prenatal signs, the mothers-to-be on moved with air-conditioning and round-the-clock care and receiving more buns and fruits and bamboo. mike used to do that. no bamboo. they say it s common for a panda to fake a pregnancy to improve their quality of life. this was supposed to be the world s first live panda birth. nielson to say, it s called off. broadcast on tv. not the first panda birth but first on tv. maybe she thought she was
pregnant and now she is very sad. tony lives! i never saw that coming! you know what else i didn t see coming? what? it s not as exciting but this is the biggest story when it comes to the long-term debt of this economy you will never hear on most tv shows. i m reading it right now. it is stunning. the cbo came out yesterday and they had, hey, by the way, we have revised our estimates and actually medicare is going to cost us $100 million less in 2019 than we thought. if you take the money that has been saved over the next decade just in that one year, 2019 is that more money that year than paid in unemployment. if it s bought of obamacare, i m
saying, hell yeah. the debate begins but great news for the democrats on the campaign trail. the changes in medicare are big. the difference between the current estimate for 2019 budget and estimate for the 2019 four years is $95 billion. that sum is greater than than what the government is expected to spend that year in unemployment insurance and welfare and amtrak combined. oh, my lord. this is, as i ve said a zillion times, it is medicare and medicaid that is driving us towards debt, that is driving us towards bankruptcy. this is just great news. let s keep our fingers crossed. a couple of caveat. the great recession was causing inflation to go down before obamacare passed and it hasn t really passed all ever this stuff because, blah, blah, blah. i will just tell you if i m a democrat the most compelling
argument is when hillary clinton started talking about health care reform in 1993, suddenly, medical inflation went down. a chilling effect. people who were overcharging we are about to kill the golden goose. even the threat of major structural changes may have also caused health care providers to say, hold on a second, we better stop spending like there is no tomorrow because, obviously, we are about to kill the golden goose. i think this is great political news for democrats. don t know if what their argument is going to be but the republican argument that obamacare is going to bankrupt america doesn t look so good now. great for the president s legacy at what he accomplished. one final thing we know. republicans will no longer call it obamacare. obamacare worked. it will be the affordable care act. remember when president obama said a huge if. if, if, if it is, in fact, what
bent the curve. then yeah. it will not you the affordable care act. remember when the president said you can call it obamacare. i know in the long run this is going to pay off. we shall see. with e shall see. this is great news for younger americans. let s go et to other news stories of the morning. a law enforcement says it appears a second american has been killed while fighting for the militant group of isis in syria. his identity has not vet been revealed but reports say he died in the same firefight as american douglas mccain who joined the terror group after crossing the border in turkey. by some accounts u.s. citizens are fighting along the islamic extremists. the mother of another u.s. journalist held hostage by isis is speaking out. shirley sotloff made a plea to the leader of the islamic state the group that executed james foley.
since steven s capture i ve learned a lot about islam. i ve learned that they teach that no individual should be held responsible for the sins of others. steven has no control over the actions of the u.s. government. he s an innocent journalist. i ve always learned that you, the caliph, can grant amnesty. i ask you to please release my child. a texas father has been acquitted of murder. david barajas was accused of shooting to death a drunk driver who killed both his children in a wreck. barajas family members were in tears in the courtroom moments after a jury found him not guilty. nearly two years ago, jose bandas car slammed into barajas truck. he and his young sons david and caleb were pushing it along the road to their nearby house. the prosecutor claimed barajas went home by the way, it was right by his home. they were so close to getting
home safely. it was right before christmas. got a gun, came back to the scene and shot bandas in head. business defense said investigators never looked for other possible suspects. in the end the jury acquitted barajas and he emerged to applause as he spoke to family and media. how does it feel, david? a lot of weight lifted off my back. i ll still destroyed. i m missing my sons. always and forever. it s been a lot of weight lifted, but i m still hurt. i m still hurt. very hurt. what do you think, mika? i think that we probably will never know whether he did it, but i think it s pretty obvious. uh-huh. i think the fact is obvious he did it. i don t think somebody ran out of like the bushes and shot this guy and then ran away. i think it s pretty obvious he did it. i think the jury was looking for a reason to acquit a man, any reason whatsoever who lost his
two sons and they gave him that opportunity. i m sure they couldn t even figure out how they would handle it. you go online. most people in the social media say if they were in his position, they would do the same thing. yeah. a brand-new poll shows mitt romney is still the clear favorite among republican voters in iowa. can you believe this? it s not even close! for 2016. the usa today poll shows the 2012 republican nominee with 35% support. let s just keep that number up there. 10% undecided and 9% backing mike huckabee. undecided is coming up fast. coming up fast. mike barnicle, let me tell you something. we have all said romney is not going to run, this can t happen. mitt romney, the longer this moves forward and you got chris christie and jeb bush who is playing hamlet and still doesn t know whether he is to be or not to be, the longer that goes on,
let s look at what is happening right now in new hampshire and in iowa. if you went iowa and new hampshire even now. he wins both. if you win both, you get the nomination. mitt romney is up right now by 26 percentage points in iowa. a state that he struggled in twice. and he s killing it in new hampshire. if you are romney, are you going to let him run against hillary and let him go through this again? yes. really? yes, you are. if you re this far ahead and the republican party is facing eight more years of a democrat in the white house making supreme court appointments, regulating businesses the way they are regulating business, et cetera, et cetera, this, that and the other. i m saying if you put yourself he is this far ahead, just got to sit there and think i have to do this. he has a couple of big things going for him and it s really filled with irony. he has got dysfunctional field of candidates on the republican
side and he s got vladimir putin that he can continual saying, see, i was right. whether he was or not, he continues to say, i was right. what my dad was saying too. he was right about vladimir and he was right about iraq. he actually, in the debates, went after barack obama for talking about how proud obama was that he got everybody out of iraq and he mocked mitt romney for wanting to keep a force there. i m telling you, the world stage right now, the only 30-second commercials he d have to do is go back and show clips from his last debate with president obama and then have people ask, how would the world have been different over the last four years? i m not saying it s a lock. he s got a lot of problems. he is awkward on the campaign trail. he is a wonderful man. but maybe the third time is a charm for him. i will tell you this, if he is this far ahead, at some point the republican establishment is going to look and say, please? please. please? please?
all right. while we are on the issue of russia, a new offensive by separatists is under way in southern kraen. official say russia is leading the charge. the government in kiev say russian armored vehicles are pouring across the board. they are engaged in fierce battles. russian troops were captured this week by ukraine. moscow says they accidentally wandered into the country. whatever. on tuesday. accidentally? hey, by the way, canada has put out a helpful map. did you guys see this? yeah. i tweeted it. guys, if you can get it up. i retweeted it. canada has put out a map and say we understand you guys keep wandering into russia accidentally so we are going to help you out. they have this huge map of the world and they have russia, and then ukraine not russia. and say, you just use the map any time you want. on tuesday, president
vladimir putin met with his ukraine counterpart but they are not no tangible signs that russia is pulling back. we will follow that. senator kirsten gillibrand is making media rounds for her must book and revealing offensive comments she said she endured in office like in this decade. this happened, the book off the sidelines is part biography and part call to action for the women s movement and people magazine are revealing the uncomfortable moments in the book. while in an congressional gym an older male colleague told her, quote, good things you re working out because you wouldn t want to get porky. that never happened to me once in the congressional gym. you know what? because you look so good. because i never once went to the congressional gym, except to smoke. a great place to smoke and hang out and talk to guys on the treadmill. a couple of rolling rocks. heart was beating like a
rattle. sturm thurmond pinched me, i can remember that. that was a million years ago! this is now. on a separate occasion after she had lost 50 pounds, a member of the senate squeezed her stomach and said, don t lose too much weight now. i like my girls chubby. this is incredible. this is just unbelievable. yuck! how do you do that without it being awkward? you don t go there! you touch someone s shoulder but not their stomach. that doesn t happen. so many awkward things that happen down in the congressional gym. is that possible? really? what happens? what happens in the showers, joe? yeah. tell us about the showers. can we get a report on that? i m always concerned about that. michael sam, i always waited until i went into the shower because treadmill time for you.
i was 40 years younger than everybody else. the most awkward moment for me, i decided anyone it was full. i decided i would go into the steam room, right? no! why would you decide that? i don t do steam rooms. because i was fresh off the farm. i had never been in a steam room before. for us the steam room was meeting in your double-wide trailer and closing all of the doors. now my mental image. i go in there and all of these members are like 87 years old. sitting around naked! i walk in, right? got my towel wrapped around me. they are all fat and old and naked and i just looked at them. i said, sweet jesus, deliver me! and i turned around and walked out. here we are 20 years later. the middle image still. some of them are still there! the last quote that you read from kirsten gillibrand s book or whatever it is, is the
strongest argument i ve heard in a long time for term limit. get them out of there. can i just say we talk about cameras on cops. i think we need cameras on congressmen at all times except when in the steam shower. an accomplished elected woman senator, i like my girls chubby. come on. i think he was trying to be funny but not what you should do. on the steam room issue, i m just going to say, those things should be banned. you had an issue like this, right? i don t understand. sitting around with a bunch of strangers naked! fat and all over the steam room. it s repulsive. what happened? it s just not right. i don t understand. i hope i don t sound like borne out of eastern european countries. are they? to wrap it up. if you re at home, wrap a towel
around it. still ahead on morning joe, everything you never needed to know. we got a really fascinating story in the new issue of time magazine. then troubles in the skies. malaysia air is reeling and their planes disappear and blown out of the sky and the airline is now facing tough decisions on how to keep its business alive. josh shaw admits he lied to usc officials how he injured himself and now he has retained a criminal defense attorney. thomas told us about this yesterday. it ain t looking good today. up next several u.s. companies hacked including jpmorgan and some are saying the russians are behind. it s always the russians. you re watching morning joe. we will be right back. lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won t cause me discomfort. exactly, no discomfort, because it s milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it s real milk! come on, would i lie about this?
[ female announcer ] lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for more 100% real dairy treats you ll 100% enjoy look for lactaid® ice cream and lactaid® cottage cheese. and for more 100% real dairy treats you ll 100% enjoy great. this is the last thing i need.) seriously? let s take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good ol midas touch. hey you know what? i ll drive! i really didn t think this through. brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) (vo) ours is a world of the red-eyes. (daughter) i m really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that s kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting. .trusting. .waiting. .for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you. .care for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it s not just a sedan.
it s a subaru. that s why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator.
the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn t i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. coming in with the replacements. this is out of the boston
globe. one of the sisters of the boston bombing suspects is now facing charges for making an alleged bomb threat. police say sarnev called a woman in new jersey and said, quote, i have people that can go over there and put a bomb on you. officials the say woman has a child one of the alina s children and she was arrested in new york city and charged with aggravated hamilton. usc cornerback josh saw is suspended indefinitely after admittedly saying he lied. he supposedly saved a nephew? right. he said he saw his nephew struggling in the pool and he was on the second story balcony when he witnessed it so he jumped off. broke his ankles and we shed a tear for him. so he suffered these high sprain ankle strains. a little bit more vetting from the school and it turns out it was not school. the school put out a statement. the head coach there saying we
are extremely disappointed in josh. he let us all down. i ve said nothing in his background led us to doubt him when he told of his injuries and nothing after our vetting of the story. shaw rah retained a criminal defense attorney david etra and confirming shawl injured himself in a fall but did not specify further. who wants snoop dogg s attorney? they say nothing criminal about this whatsoever. the allegation was that she was spotted potentially involved in some type of burglary. something i m looking at right here. we talked about it before. the media wars kick in in full force. david muir who i got to say this is the nicest guy. he is adorable. every time we see him, i don t know why mika feels compelled to be mean to him. i ll tell you why. david is so patient with you despite the fact you re very mean to him. no.
but he s he does very well. he knows i m kidding. i don t know that he does. oh, well i ll apologize. the last time i had to whisper to him. the next time she does that, just go up and grab her stomach. has he done that yet? no, david has not done that. i remember we were in an elevator in new hampshire and you were like, mika! you were so rude to him. stop. it was a joke. i know you re joking with him. congratulations to david who is taking over abc. as we said before, quick and unexpected change. diane is going to travel the world and we will see her. hopefully, she will rest a bit. she hasn t slept in a decade. the wall street journal. the fbi and secret service are looking into whether russian hackers are behind the recent attacks on jpmorgan chase and four other u.s. financial institutions. according to bloomberg news officials are investigating the
issue as possible retaliation for u.s. sanctions against russia over ukraine. officials say the cyberattack resulted in the loss of sensitive data. let s bring in nbc news justice correspondent pete williams. we have heard a lot of people and a lot of experts telling us the next war is going to be fought and it s going to be a cyberwar. here we have russia in the middle of it. what do you know? reporter: there are signs they say this came from russia. the series of attacks carried out earlier this month, but they say and that has led to speculation you noted that this could be in retaliation for u.s. economic sanctions after the moves into ukraine. but the officials say, normally speaking, when somebody wants to show they are retaliating they do it in a public way like denial of service attacks so you can t get into the website. this didn t get any attention at the time. they say the hackers scooped up a huge amount of data on customers and bank employees.
but they haven t said whether that included bank account or credit card numbers or account passwords. the banks say so far no sign this information has been used to take money from any customer account. so it s still unclear what exactly the hackers were after. were they after money or were they after intelligence about the banking industry? nbc s pete williams, thank you very much. coming up, how long will we have to tolerate miley cyrus? it s like a rash that never goes away. a bad rash. it s a horrible rash. why? i like her. you do not! i do! you re giving me a rash! it s all right. i ll give you an ointment. i probably would like her too. i feel bad for her. that is from the steam room. when you start talking about creams and ointments, i m out of here. are you uncomfortable, joe? that s your days in the steam room up on the hill. yeah, baby. where should you sit to catch a foul ball?
sit closer to me. okay. want to go to the u.s. open and catch a foul ball there? i m off tomorrow. what are you doing tomorrow? two of the most pressing issues you never thought to ask. plus how to make sure your vote counts on an election day. there is an app for that. is the camera really close? i hope so. is thomas a little close? no, never close enough. you shouldn t lose that much weight. i ll tell you once more before i get on the floor don t bring me down
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so, mika, mike knows we talked for sometime about this grocery store chain that started as a neighborhood grocery store and got really big. great service. low prices. they had a family feud. yeah. we had a workers revolt. this is an extraordinary story out of new england. it became a chain. it is resolved, though, this morning. market basket, which saw an emotional fight erupt sending its employs to picket lines and leaving its shelves empty. look at the pictures. literally. this is a staple in the area. some shoppers had to turn to food pantries. the governors of new hampshire and massachusetts had to get involved over who should lead the company. jennifer egan of our boston affiliate whgh reports on the
fight. reporter: word of a deal quickly reached market basket workers at the chain s headquarters, hugs, handshakes and relief. the right thing came out. it was too good to be wrong. do you know what i mean? it s the right thing. it s definitely a roller coaster that i m absolutely glad to get off of. the emotions, it s crazy. really excited now. we wouldn t have been doing it if it wasn t worth it. the man was worth it, absolutely. reporter: the man he is talking about artie t. the ousted market basket ceo who inspired nearly six weeks of protests and rallies to bring him back. we just want back the same as it always has been! we just want our job back! sno expectations. just what it was before. reporter: late wednesday, a spokesperson for market basket confirmed there is an agreement. artie t. who was fired by his cousin in june from the family owned chain will return to run the company s day-to-day operations. artie t. bought out his cousin s
majority share of market basket for reportedly $1.5 billion. the deal is expected to be completed in the next two or three months. a statement reads in part our shared goal is to return mathematic basket to the supermarket that its customers have come to rely on for service, quality, and best prices. no shelves across the chain s 71 stores are bare. workers say that will be straightened out soon. give us a little bit. it s going to take a little time to stock so don t go crazy on us but we will get it there for you. don t worry about it. wow! what a story! what an amazing story and how the workers just basically quit their jobs in support of we hear about all of these horrible ceos and get a hundred million dollars on their exit. these working class americans in boston went out because they so believed in one guy running their company. that s crazy. a larger lesson here for i
think anyone running sort of a company, large or small. the two cousins, arthur t. ran the stores until he was fired six or seven weeks ago. the majority of the work of market basket walked off the job in support of arthur t. why? because they knew him. more importantly, he knew the workers. he would go through the stores. he would know their names. he would know something about their families. hundreds of workers. and they stayed off the job in support of him. he is the victor. wow. i can t think of i can t either. i can t think of something else ever happening. it s great. fantastic. let s talk about the midterm elections and the big question for the mid terms, how will the president s approval rating impact voters? it turns out it may be as simple as throw the bums out. i think it is. here is derrick hits.
he has the numbers in the mojo polling place. reporter: the popular prediction heading into this fall s midterm election says with the president s approval ratings in the cellar the end results may sink the democrats in congress. in looking at the polling data over the past year, there may be a different theme emerging. the president s poll numbers are down. in fact, the latest nbc news/ wall street journal poll has his job approval at all-time low. however when compared to the approval numbers of congress, the commander in chief doesn t look quite so bad. the public s discontent cuts both ways when it comes to the two parties on capitol hill. with the democrats faring only slightly better. it is the same discontent that fuels a 20-year high in a recent gallup pole showed most americans believe that most members in congress couldn t deserve re-election. this poll says 19% of the voters said they are dissatisfied satisfied with the way our political system functions. last october when votes asked if they would like to replace every single member of congress 60% said yes.
we have seen signs of antiincumbent wave and house majority leader eric cantor losing earlier this summer and in hawaii, governor neil abercrombie the first incumbent government in his state s history to lose in a primary election. both suffering tough losses so far on the republican side the power of incumbency is not the power it s been historically. a new app is looking to reshape the way americans get involved in the political process and have their voices heard. joining us now is duncan dash. the founder and chairman and ceo of i citizen. derek hits joins the table as well. what does the app do? we needed to create a platform to leverage the technology and create that so there would be real transparency and accountability in terms of the issues you personally care about on a day-to-day basis so you can hold your representatives accountable. not only issues i care about
but this is where you micro target as a consumer, as a constituent. i can pick out the issues that matter to me but also look at my representative. really almost sort of like a civic gps tracking device on the person that you elect. it s a very interesting analogy. you hit on a subtle point here which is important. first time it s ever happened that i hit on a subtle point. he s not so subtle. the subtle point you actually hit on is i-citizens is a nonpartisan platform. we focus on what we consider is the individual s dna. on you you may care about three or four issues at the federal, state, and local level and based on world events tomorrow that may change. those are really things that are important to you that will influence your voting behavior. there are things you want to monitor and you want to make sure your representatives are actively acting on. derrick, talk about the
elections coming up. we are looking at all of these polls. larry sabato had this great piece in politico saying the republicans are expecting at this point in the election cycle to be moving out ahead and it s not happening. it s not happening. larry says the presser from virginia says, it s starting to cause a little crisis. you talked about a throw the bums out election. what is going on? i think the numbers are the highest they have been in 30 years, where the anti-imcouple bent out there. the anti-incumbent senate is out there. eric cantor is thrown out and abercrombie loses for the first time in the state of hawaii. you always laugh about it. lawyers walk out of courtrooms and say everybody hates lawyers, except their own. you can t get people. they are like velcro.
what did they do? we always said the same thing about congressmen and congresswomen. everybody loves their own. that changed this time. the majority of americans want their own congressmen or congresswoman out. if given the opportunity to remove all of them and put in somebody new, they would take the opportunity. maybe i-citizen can bring the love back. thank you very much. you re very grateful. derrick, thank you as well. roll tide, how are we doing this year? we will see our second performs and what happens with our quarterback. there you go. he s edging it. i m going for florida state. morning joe will be right back.
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with us now the managing editor of time magazine. mika is furiously looking to see who scores and predict the future for you because if they do, we are screwed! this is the answers issue. everything you need to know. buckle up, my friends. here we go. nancy, i ve got some questions. the first question, what is the safest place to live in america? sweet grass county, montana. really? sweet grass! because you re too far east for the wildfires but they don t get the tornadoes. what is the most dangerous place to live in america? ocean county, new jersey because of tidal surgeries and storms. what is the most dangerous intersection in missouri? flux county, pennsylvania. why is that? we are crunching this whole issue is a celebration of big data and amazing what we can now find out. i had a huge team of people crunching all of this data and that is from the national
transportation safety board. how many photos are we going to take? we are a people now with digital photos. everyone takes a million photos. how many photos will americans take in a year? 880 billion photos. are you kidding me? 880 billion. 880 billion photos! wow. when do men lose their virginity? 16 years, 9 months. are you kidding me? i was 43! are you kidding me? this is a whole opportunity for you to compare yourself to the whole world. you talk about a misspent decade! what about women? 17 years and 4 months. holy cow. lock them up, paints! stop that right now! just stop it! you want to know where you can sit and catch a foul ball? i i i i would say down past up from the third base dugout toward left field.
we charted in a bunch of stadiums, in citifield section 110 and at&t park in san francisco section 101. on we have the interactives you can look how safe your county is where you live. when are we going to discover aliens? we have an answer for everything, joe. that s the beauty of the data. in 2040 at the rate we are exploring star system. how many guns are there in the united states? i have no idea. 310 million. unbelievable. really important question for men. i actually had andrew, my son, tell me this. he always like grows a beard and drives me crazy. not good, andrew, not good. not good. no, not good. if you re a man you can do three things. let me ask thomas this. you can be clean shaven like you. you re perfect. you can have a beard and be like grizzly adams and have a stubble. what do women find attractive.
how many days? two to three days. ten days of stubble. grow it out for ten days, guys, if you re trying to impress a woman. probably depends on the individual, doesn t it? i would think so. did you figure out, mika, do s.a.t. scores predict whether we are going to be success? let s hope not because mika and i just got triple digits. i am so bad at the s.a.t.s. either i m broken out in hives but i don t understand this answer. what we looked at, because we talked a lot about income and inequality. we looked in the top 5% what are the typical s.a.t. scores of those families for people who are in the medium, 30%. you do find that as income levels go down that average s.a.t. scores go down. really? there is a connection. it is not a cosmic effect. that is because institutions put too much emphasis on them
and don t look at someone s creativity and moxie and talent. that s what i say! that s what i said to the president when he rejected me because of my s.a.t. scores. 31% of kids have tried drugs by age 16 and 32% of kids have had sex by the age of 16. pretty frightening for us old people. i don t want to hear stuff like that. who will choose the next president? unmarried people. right. we are looking at which demographic groups are growing fastest since the last election and which way they are leaning and a challenge for the republican party. republicans do very poorly with unmarried women. how long will we endure miley? i think she is good and i think around to stay. no. joe, it gives him a rash. we mapped people s couriers and comparing them to the history on the billboard top 100 and she most closely track s chef s career which suggests she is going to be with us for a long time. chef started her farewell
tour i think in 04. she went on for a long time. it has been said before of chef that along with cockroaches, only cher will survive in the holocaust. only two species that will survive a nuclear holocaust. i know you love cher. which one has the most cash? apple. look. we could go on forever! this is a good one! nancy gibbs, thank you. that was great. the answers issue. everything you needed to know ask out now. when will i get a raise? airlines in huge trouble after two disasters this year in
malaysia. we will be right back. narrator: summer. you know it can t last forever. but that s okay. because a fresh start awaits. with exciting worlds to explore, and challenges yet unmet, new friendships to forge, and old ones to renew. it s more than a job. and they re more than just our students. so welcome back, to the students, and to the educators. ready to teach. and ready to learn. for over 19 million people. [ mom ] with life insurance, we re not just insuring our lives. we re helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow.
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moments ago malaysian airlines reported a loss of $8
million. it s leading to the big questions about the future of the company. which will announce a major restructuring plan tomorrow. let s bring in nbc keir include? reporter: well, mika, reports say there will be layoffs, review of aircraft orders, even replacing the chief executive officer. they were already facing tougher competition before the two tragedies where hundreds died and which left many passengers frightened. no line for the check-in desk an hour and a half before a flight. seats at the gate empty. these are pictures tweeted by malaysian airlines passengers seemingly showing ghost flights. fliers are skittish people, so they tend to stay away. no airline has ever faced such two disasters in a row with such mystery attached to them. reporter: the images of flight malaysia 17 in pieces sent a chill through the frequent flying public. but first, there was flight
mh-370 which disappeared in march. there is still no sign of the wreck in the indian ocean. then last month, mh-17 crashed over ukraine, apparently shot down by accident. cabin crew is still waiting for the bodies of people to be returned. that really took a big toll on many of our people and now we are facing another big crisis. reporter: experts are predicting thousands of layoffs and route cancellations. there s talk that the chief executive officer may be replaced and orders for new aircraft could be cancelled, while the malaysian government plans to buy the airline back from sherareholders. it will give them a much freer hand to do things. they can terminate staff, unfortunately, start to retire uneconomic assets. reporter: but a freak series of accidents may be only partly to blame. there were more people on board
this flight. the family behind this tweet says, suggesting social media has increased the pressure on an already struggling airline. and the continued confusion over what happened to flight mh-370 isn t helping. australian authorities believe it turned south earlier than previously thought based on an attempted phone call to the plane after it vanished, but you know, mika, i covered, as you recall recall, both mh-370 and mh-17. even at the time you really thought, wow, this really does represent a stunning sequence of disasters unprecedented in aviation history. you know, keir, the u.s., with valujet going into the everglades destroyed the company. here you have two accidents that have caused a disappearance and a shootdown that have literally caused an international incident in both cases. you just wonder if they even if they survive, do they rebrand? do they rename? what do they do to make flyers a
little less skittish. i don t know that i d be getting on a plane called malaysian air right now and i fly a lot. reporter: right. passenger numbers are down about 11% they say in a year. what they are doing, joe, is they are taking the company basically back into state ownership. they are buying shares from shareholders. frankly, the reason why they re doing that is because they want to keep malaysia airlines going even while making enormous losses in the hope that down the line they can get it back on track. keir simmons, thank you so much. we always love having you on. we kind of wish we were in london because if we were in london, we wouldn t have to wake up at 4:00 a.m. to do this show. so maybe we ll see you over there sometime. morning joe starting at 11:00 or 12:00. i love that. coming up at the top of the hour, the call to arm police with body cameras. we ll show you the one incident that shows exactly why they could be a game changer for violent police encounters.
plus is mitt romney the man america needs? this guy is blowing out republicans in iowa and new hampshire. well, who else is there? blowing them out. also, the closest thing you ll get to a friends reunion. we ll break down that in hollyweird and it was really weird. first, the west coast bracing for a big storm. bill karins will have that and more when morning joe returns.
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this morning both coasts of the united states are feeling the effects of a hurricane and a tropical storm causing high waves, rough surf and dangerous conditions. here s bill karins hey, bill. yeah. bill, we put up with all of your crap because, you know, quite frankly, phil wouldn t let us fire you. i slip phil half my salary is the reason for that. is that where he gets the extra $14? i love that, to get a burger. no, seriously, bill, you ve got to give us good weather this weekend, because i m hearing hurricanes on both coasts, not acceptable. we need a really nice labor day weekend. and i d say for about 90% of the country, you re going to get just that. but, you know what though, bill, i m not really interested in 90% of the country. i m just interested in mika s top 1%. how is mika s top 1% going to do? it s going to be about
perfect. let s talk about those waves and show you those pictures. the largest waves in southern california from a hurricane in about the last 20 years. just look at that guy. there was even one or two piers that was tore apart because of these large waves. in one case a lifeguard had to be rescued that was in the water trying to rescue other people. the surfers love it. holy cow! look at these shots, bill! that s crazy! the new technology and the new gopro cams, we re just getting these amazing pictures from right in the water so it s pretty crazy stuff. this is all from what s tropical storm marie. now, on the east coast we ve got big waves. nothing like the california stuff, but hurricane cristobal is still a hurricane out there, it s now off virginia beach by 700 miles. that s going to cause six to ten-foot waves the next two or three days. yesterday was warm and the next two or three days looks warm in the east, less humid and pretty
beautiful as we go throughout your friday for your travel day into what should be a great holiday weekend forecast for the east coast. came out to the range, had a nice lunch and shot the gun she wanted to shoot. it s something she wanted to do and her parents wanted her to do it. the chilling video shows a 9-year-old girl learning how to use an uzi submarine gun. moments before the accidental shooting of charles baka. i can t second-guess him, i wasn t there. but under normal circumstances he would not let a 9-year-old shoot an automatic weapon. have the gun ranges regulated so 9-year-old girls from jersey can t come in, get an uzi and fire an uzi. steven has no control over the actions of the u.s. government. he s an innocent journalist. 31-year-old steven sokloff
who disappeared a year ago, today his mother made a dramatic plea for his release. appealing directly to the isis leader. i ask you to please release my child. for another american mother today, anguish turned to joy. total strangers have been coming up to me and saying, hey, we re just glad you re home. welcome home. if you guys only knew how much fun we have over here. this is the real disneyland. as much as the american hostages have focused attention on the syrian terror groups, it is the american recruits that have joined them that most worry authorities. in addition to this man, douglas macarthur mccain, a second isis fighter was killed in the battle northeast of aleppo. u.s. officials estimate 70 to 100 americans have gone to syria to join isis or other militant groups. this idea that foreign fighters could go over there, get radicalized, get equipped, get trained and come back to their homeland. we ve got so much to talk
about, i don t know where to start. i was going to actually talk to bill karins. for the first time i wanted to talk to bill and t.j. cut me off. but this hour we re going to talk to a gun range owner. i talked to a lot of gun range owners, a lot of gun experts and a lot of my friends who spent their life hunting in northwest florida and alabama and they all said the same thing. this is not about gun rights or anything, this is about a very bad decision by sadly you hate to say it by parents, very bad decision by the young man who tragically died and we feel so badly for him. and also for gun range owners, you just don t let we ve got a gun range owner here and i m going to ask whether she would allow a 9-year-old girl to fire an uzi. there is a time and place for everything. i did find talking to a lot of gun range owners and second amendment champions, they said this is the sort of stuff that hurts us. yes. they say, joe, we re on the same side on 90%, 95%.
that 5%, things like this, hurt the cause of fighting for the second amendment. but the question is, should there even be an opening for something like this to happen? it shouldn t be allowed. not for a 9-year-old girl. no. should a grown man or woman be able to do it under the right regulated circumstances? be my guest. a 9-year-old girl, no. let s go back to bill karins for a second. bill, some extraordinary pictures. the first shot of the surfer, i was asking t.j. to do something he s not going to do, we ll probably get pictures of the oakland a s baseball game but some of the surfer shots are extraordinary. but you ve got hurricanes going up and down the coast. incredible surf. but i saw the hot across the middle of the country. the debate is always going on about global warming. we live in the northeast and it s been a really cold year and yet actually this has been a warmer year worldwide, hasn t it? look at that shot. that s the hardest part to
grasp of the whole climate change debate. everyone associates with what they experience, that s how we pretty much do life. but a lot of other areas like the coldest spot almost in the entire globe throughout this last year has been areas of central, eastern canada all the way down through the great lakes and the northeast. they never really have had summer in parts of minnesota, have they? there are people that will state that with the climate warming, some areas will be cooler and that may be some areas of north america, so we ll find out in the decades ahead, obviously, but, you know, joe, you have to remember, september 10th is the peak of hurricane season. that s when we get to the pinnacle. so the first two weeks of september is when we get these huge storms. there s nothing brewing over the next week or two. and we never know what s going to happen. everybody sees what s right in front of their nose. we will be able to tell a decade or two. i remember a decade ago, you and i were working together, 2004, 2005, and i remember in 04
there were three hurricanes in rapid succession. we went jean, frances, charley. it was like a blur. it was like six weeks, three hurricanes in florida. and we were escaping our house every couple of weeks. there were all of these articles that were written saying this is global warming and this is the new era of hurricanes, so what did i do? i went out and bought a generator. it was a big investment. that was the best insurance for northwest florida never having a hurricane again because we haven t had another one in a decade. the last major hurricane to hit this country, wilma. we have to go all the way back ten years. so we just don t know. we do know, though, these pictures absolutely extraordinary. and you re right, just because it s cold in your neck of the woods doesn t mean that the globe is still not warming. apparently this year, another year where it s getting warmer, mika. thanks, bill. have a great weekend, man. let s get to our top news
stories. he cut him off again. well, there is a delay. let s try this again. thank you. bill, i hope you, your wife and kids have a great weekend. thank you, t.j. mika, let s get to the news right now because we don t know what t.j. will do next. there s going to be streaming porn somewhere in one of these screens if we don t hurry up. i m going to try. a law enforcement official tells nbc news it appears a second american has been killed while fighting for the militant group isis in syria. his identity has not yet been revealed, but reports suggest he died in the same firefight as american douglas macarthur mccain who joined ranks with the terror group after crossing the border with turkey. by some counts up to 100 u.s. citizens are now fighting long side the islamic extremists. meanwhile the mother of another u.s. journalist being held hostage by isis is speaking out, shirley sotloff made a plea
to the islamic state, the group that executed james foley. since steven s capture i ve learned a lot about islam. i ve learned that islam teaches that no individual should be held responsible for the sins of others. steven has no control over the actions of the u.s. government. he s an innocent journalist. i ve always learned that you can grant amnesty. i ask you to please release my child. you know, mika, it s probably not going to work. like mike said, they are dealing with absolute animals over there, but that mother s plea i think was strategically was a pretty smart plea. it s also basically daring him. do you really have the power? are you big enough, all powerful mighty, are you powerful enough to let him go? if they re smart, and they don t seem to be smart, they will let him go because i tell you what, hell is going to rain down from
above for what they did to james foley. it just is. do that to another american and really your death warrant is signed. we can only pray they will make that equation. you know they re going too far. hopefully. we are following developments new from kiev where ukraine s president claims russian forces have entered a southeastern border town but stopped short of calling it an invasion. poroshenko is convening an emergency meeting of ukraine security and defense council to decide the government s next step. the russian defense ministry has yet to comment on these latest claims. a new poll shows mitt romney is still the clear favorite among republican voters in iowa for 2016. the usa today /suffolk university poll shows the 2012 republican nominee with 35% support from likely caucus voters. 10% undecided. 9% backing mike huckabee. without romney s name in the
poll, the top choice is undecided with 17%. so keep that up, mike. you also don t see a lot of names you would have seen a year ago, people like ted cruz and other conservative stal watwart. i think it shows that main street republicanism coming more in vogue because a lot of rock solid conservatives are saying we have to win in 2016. well, that s look, given the demographics of this country, they have a minimal chance of winning the white house, republicans. women, hispanics. mitt romney gives them their best chance one would think from looking at the rest of this field. i think rand paul will move up, we ll see. i m watching him. there s a growing push to arm police officers with body cameras that give a more complete view of incidents like the one involving michael brown. senator claire mccaskill says if
departments want federal funding, the video recorder should be added to their everyday equipment. denver police announced they have been wearing cameras for months. small cities are already using the technology as well. look at this video from celina, texas, showing a police officer seemingly taking down a suspect for no reason. it s cut and dry, right? this is the dash cam and it looks like the cop is being aggressive and just tackled this guy for no reason. when you look at his body camera, you can see the officer is attacked. it tells a completely different side of the story. the chief there says his officers know they re being documented at all times. this is an incredible example of why you can t judge just one report from an event, just one side of the story or just one angle from a camera. you just can t. one angle from a camera so often doesn t tell the story. it also doesn t talk about the
stress cops are under all the time. as i said before, you put cameras on all cops, the only people it hurts are bad cops. it s a great benefit to the police because what happens and the public because what happens, you get those two camera angles, those two events occur, obviously the police officer didn t do anything wrong really. he was attacked. what you do is given the power of social media is you put both of those right up on social media to calm any potential public unrest. yes. it s transparency at its best. and we still don t know what happened with michael brown. if those cops had been wearing cameras, we would know by now. and you know what would have happened by now? the cop would have either been indicted and in jail or it would have been seen as justified. and a lot of this hell that we ve gone through in august and the suffering that the people in ferguson have gone through in august would have been avoided. put cameras on cops. the one thing we do see out of this is whoevers alleged
suspect is, what the cop had in his hand, the flashlight. we don t see him ever draw his weapon. so we don t know what happened in the michael brown story. we don t know exactly when the cop drew his weapon. there is cell phone video that s been turned in, but that s what that video shows, that there was a different assumption made. but that suspect, he thought he was trying to take someone into custody that wasn t going to be violent. that person turned out to be violent. but the cop didn t draw a weapon initially. senator kirsten gillibrand is making the roubnds. her book is part biography and part call to action for the women s movement. people magazine details some of the most uncomfortable moments in the book. while in the congressional gym, the mother of two said an older male colleague told her, quote, good thing you re working out because you wouldn t want to get porky. i think, joe, you ve come up
with the answer. cameras on congressmen. especially congressmen. congresswomen usually are okay. on another occasion after she lost 50 pounds, a member of the senate squeezed her stomach who seiqueezes stomachs? who does that? and saying this while squeezing her stomach. don t lose too much weight now. i like my girls chubby. what a line. what a guy. so in usa today, your favorite republican candidate of the year, jodi ernst. oh, the castration candidate. she s in a deadlock in iowa. i ve got to say these races this fall, it s going to be one of the most fascinating midterm elections in our life times, because, mike, you said before, first of all, who s going to vote. low turnout. really low turnout. but secondly, every one of these races in close. in states where republicans should be ahead by five, ten,
still close. it is deadlocked. these are going to go down to the wire and determine the last two years of barack obama s presidency and his legacy is pretty darn amazing how close all these races are. which of the senate races that are all contested senate races that we once thought would go gop big, which one surprises you the most? i m shocked by arkansas. me too. we had tom cotton on here. we all said when tom left why don t you just go ahead and call him senator. that guy is like this. well, but tom was forced to take a lot of votes in the house of representatives that a lot of people in the house of representatives thought made him cool to their constituents, to their base. and now even in a conservative state like arkansas, tom is having to answer for some of those votes. and that one shocks me. i thought arkansas would be off the board by now. it s not even close. is it okay to say that i did my run yesterday in a joni ernst t-shirt with a castrated pig on
it? they re good, they re really soft. she is amazing. rick perry rick perry, we need we all wanting the wanted t-shirts. somebody won t be grabbing that. coming up, the national outrage over the shooting involving the 9-year-old girl with an uzi. still ahead, the founder of chic and shoot, tina wilson-cohen joins us next. she has a gun range. we ll ask her if she d ever let this happen. plus a man suspected of insider trading makes a run for it. that s pretty darn good form. he lost his flip-flop. and things get weird when jimmy kimmel tries to get jennifer aniston to relive her days on the set of friends. i know, jimmy, i know it s my line but this is a really stupid line. it s dumb. this is really dumb. is it dumber than living in a huge apartment in new york city for eight years even though you
work at a coffee shop? that s in hollyweird. you re watching morning joe. [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you re pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that s alright. because we ll text you when your package is on the way.
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the accidental shooting death of a gun instructor by a young girl is stirring an important debate in arizona and across the country. let s bring in nbc news correspondent joe fryer live in white hills, arizona. joe, the shooting range is apparently a really popular tourist destination. reporter: yeah, that s right. this is a very remote part of northern arizona. it s an hour away from las vegas, but a lot of tourists from vegas do come here to take part in activities at the
shooting range. it is open once again, but after a 9-year-old girl accidentally shot and killed an instructor while operating an uzi here, there is a debate. should kids so young be allowed to shoot guns that are so powerful. can you see the target? reporter: to many it s a shocking sight. a child holding an automatic weapon. if anything happens, i ll be right there to grab the gun, okay? reporter: but to some it s responsible parenting. once you desensitize your kids and let them shoot enough, they re not going to be curious. reporter: jeremy is the ceo of tactical firearms in texas. keep going, keep going. reporter: he teaches his children how to shoot guns starting at age 5. people may criticize me but i guarantee if something happens, i feel comfortable that my son is going to be alive. reporter: his son, ian, just turned 10, and usually doesn t shoot fully automatic weapons. he did wednesday with his dad s close supervision. i think it s fun and it s
more of learning stuff. reporter: in most states, children with legally fire fully automatic guns at shooting ranges if they re supervised. but that practice is being questioned after a 9-year-old girl accidentally killed an instructor at an arizona gun range. she was firing an uzi at a place called bullets and burgers. these submarine guns are designed for military purpose. children 9 years old shouldn t shoot them, even with supervision. reporter: 39-year-old charles baka was killed. we loved charlie. reporter: the gun range allows supervised kids as young as 8 years old to fire guns but plans to review its policy after talking with authorities. it s not a terrible big loss if we don t let any children shoot, because they re on1% of r business. reporter: states are responsible for regulating gun access. after a connecticut boy died in
a similar incident, that state did limit access to machine guns for kids who are under 16 years old. mika. nbc s joe fryer. thank you very much. let s bring in former secret service agent and founder of chic and shoot, tina wilson-cohen. good to see you again. you actually have a business that encourages women to learn how to shoot guns but how to shoot guns responsibly we talked to a lot of gun owners yesterday and people that have grown up around firearms their entire life. they just look at this video and they can t believe it happened. talk about all the things that went wrong. exactly. good morning. good morning. first of all, yes, i was i was shocked when i read this. first of all, my condolences to the family of this tragic death that did not have to happen, but
also my apologies, you know, for every sensible, responsible gun owner out there to the family of this young girl. i m just appalled that we have children that will actually be able to shoot these types of weapons. you just wonder not only i talked to a lot of grown men that use these weapons and they talk about how much of a kick there is and weapons for even grown men, i m sitting there wondering, and you hate to talk about this young man that passed away, it s a terrible tragedy. but everybody said why wasn t his hands on the gun? why wasn t he behind her? it seems like pilots tell me airplanes don t crash for one reason, they crash when ten or 11 things went wrong. i think this is exactly what happened yesterday or the day before. you know, i agree with you on that.
i can go ahead and provide maybe a flight class or have my son or daughter take a flying lesson but that doesn t mean i would release an f-18 for them to go ahead and go out and fly. the same analogy can be used in firearms. i mean this was a powerful gun that of course is used out in the field with our military or law enforcement. why would i let a 9-year-old child shoot this type of gun. so then i think i m going to try and ask this question because i think i don t want it to sound judgmental, i really don t, but even the name of this place and serving burgers and kids shooting uzis, tina, i think the question i have for you, especially since the business that you run, is it selling a good time to teach people how to use military weapons? shouldn t it be packaged differently? i mean this is a serious thing that people are learning to do. i m not sure i m against that.
i m not sure i m against women learning to shoot weapons and what you do. but i think i am against it being a fun, great time to videotape your kid shooting an uzi. is it funny? what is the attitude toward this? a better way to put it is, i m just saying from somebody that has a lot of friends in the gun culture it s not funny. tina, i ve heard one instructor after another instructor say the first thing we do is we try to teach younger americans to respect the power and the danger of the weapon, just like a lifeguard might say respect the power of the ocean. but it s not child s play. yeah, it s not a little tourist trap. i totally agree with you. we have lost, it seems like, in this country the sensibility and also the liability or the consequences, you know, that when we get into the firearms and dealing with guns. it seems like we are it s the
way it s packaged now to come out and have a good time. right. and shoot this type of weaponry, you know, burgers, fries and whatever else it may be. but we ve kind of gotten away from the responsibility that we have as gun owners. you know, i have to make sure that not only am i being safe, but i m also providing a safe environment for other people in that vicinity, in that area. tina, can you provide any common sense answer to the following question. why would anyone teach a 9, a 10, 11 or even a 12-year-old how to shoot a gun, any gun? for any gun, i am a firm believer that, yes, if you re going to have a firearm in the home, i have seen where if you take a mature child, and only you as a parent know the maturity level of your child. if you take a child and you feel that he or she is mature enough,
responsible enough and understands and grasps the responsibility, then i ve seen it on many levels many times that this is prudent, it s wise to go ahead and introduce firearms training to a child. but to go ahead and take this type of gun, though, and place it in the hands of a child that even i myself when i was an agent out in the field, i would have a difficult time as a 105-pound woman shooting this type of gun. they do tend to ride up. we re talking about a fully automatic gun. there s no reason why you would want to introduce this type of skill to a child. as i said yesterday, thomas, you know, in certainly northwest florida and certainly when i was young in mississippi, a lot of dads would take their sons out hunting with them when they were 6, 7, 8, but it was all about gun safety. it was almost like yes, son, this is what i do every weekend
in the fall. come along with me and i m going to show you the right way had to it. those kids grow up as responsible gun owners that respect the power of the weapon that they hold. most definitely. tina, real quickly, are you disappointed that the nra has not come out with any type of statement about what happened in arizona? frankly, and this is just my opinion, i m very disappointed in the nra. not only not coming out and speaking against this but on many other levels. there are other organizations out there like the national shooting sports foundation that maybe let s hear what they have to say. but yeah, i am very disappointed. all right, tina, thank you so much. tina wilson-cohen. thank you. the nra may come out with a statement later on, we ll just wait and see. it is such a tragedy, and i tend to think the further i get away from this that this is not really as such of a gun rights
issue as it is decisions made by parents, decisions made by gun range owners. i don t know how a gun range owner allows an 8-year-old girl, a 9-year-old girl, because you may have parents, if it s like burgers and bullets, that come in that don t know the power of these weapons themselves. and it s selling a good time? i mean let s the video of susie shooting an uzi? it s in the interest of protecting everyone s right to the second amendment and protecting everyone s legal right to own guns would come out with a common sense approach that says we need better policies around the country to not put an uzi in the hands of a child. an overwhelming majority of nra members out there and i certainly know a hell of a lot of them, they don t think you should put an uzi of an 8 or 9-year-old girl. 50 years in the making, bob
dylan s basement tape sees the light of day. and the stars of the basement tapes? roddy robinson, the band. and by the way, unlike martin scorsese we put leon s name first. he was the band. we ll be right back. ups is a global company, but most of our employees live in the same communities that we serve. people here know that our operations have an impact locally. we re using more natural gas vehicles than ever before. the trucks are reliable, that s good for business. but they also reduce emissions, and that s good for everyone. it makes me feel very good about the future of our company.
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burger king is moving to
canada and they think that it s a tax dodge. they think if they move to canada and they bought up the doughnut place, tim horton s, now the government is not happy about it. president obama is not happy about it. take a look at what happened when he heard that burger king was moving to canada. watch this. financed by billionaire warren buffett, burger king will purchase canadian doughnut chain tim horton s in order to avoid paying american taxes. upon hearing about the deal, president obama immediately took back buffet s medal of freedom. more news after this. that s very cold. you know, bob dylan s six-disk compilation basement tapes complete. the bootleg series, volume 11, will be released more than half a century after it was recorded. this collection was restored from original tapes recorded in 1967 during dylan s legendary sessions with the band that
levon helm ran called the band of the during that time they recorded over 100 songs in a studio in new york. the album hits shelves november the 4th. mike, i was just telling the story about the band told the story how they would just be sitting in a room. dylan would come over, say i wrote another song. he d teach them to them, record the song. dylan would come in and say i just wrote another song. they d go in. it was an extraordinary time for bob dylan as an artist. what a band to have backing him up. levon helm was such an artist and such a good man. i heard he was such a great man. played up until a few weeks before he died up in saratoga not saratoga woodstock, new york. would perform concerts nearly every weekend up in his barn up there. they re still doing it up there, right? you know something, at 9:00
we re going to go to spotify. can you imagine being that talented. where you leave the room, write a song and then record a song. this next story from an insider trader suspect making a run, doing it barefoot, after noticing camera crews in front of his place. he fled from his manhattan apartment after spotting cameras. he kept running even after his flip-flops flipped off. he was indicted on 13 charges of securities fraud and was accused of making nearly $540,000 in illegal profits. but yep, they got the close-up of the flip-flops. the wall street journal, the fbi and secret service are looking into whether russian hackers are behind recent attacks on jpmorgan chase and four other u.s. financial institutions. according to bloomberg news, officials are investigating whether the incident is possible retaliation for u.s. sanctions against russia. officials say the cyber attack resulted in the loss of sensitive data. just moments ago a jpmorgan
spokesperson said the company is taking additional steps to safeguard sensitive information. and that brings us to cnbc s sara eisen. sara, take us behind the scenes of jpmorgan and this hacking scandal. there s a lot we still don t know about this hack attack. the biggest question that the authorities and fbi are going to figure out at this point, is it financially motivated? in other words, we are hearing from sources that some of the credit card and account information was stolen, but not clear whether they re doing anything about it or using it or any consumers are facing losses. was it that or simply to gather intelligence which would point more to the direction of the bloomberg report that it could be state controlled. no definite answers on this point so i don t want to overplay what the motivation or who the source was. hold on. sara, that s what we do here on morning joe. we overplay things, we generalize. we try rumors, speculation. that s it. you have just described like that s our show.
that was a pitch for a show. we re just going to make a lot of stuff up. let me ask you something about this warren buffett, burger king/tim horton s deal. now it appears that it s going to go through but they re not going to escape to canada. what do we know about warren buffett s dealings in this and when did they make the decision that they weren t going to move to canada to evade taxes? here s the deal. they are moving corporate headquarters, the address domicile will move from miami to ontario. they say it s not tax driven, it s not motivated, it s because they are acquiring tim horton s which is the largest fast food chain and the bulk of their assets will be in canada. analysts will tell you no question about it down the road, even if not immediately, this will save burger king, tim horton s if the deal goes through on taxes. it is lower tax rates. so this is a classic inversion, right? it is a classic inversion. if they want to call it that or
not, that s become a very dirty word in washington right now and comes with all sorts of political ramifications. what they re saying also in terms of the head quarter mixup thing is burger king s operational headquarters will remain in miami so they re saying that in a nod to the criticism that they re getting about taking the whopper and moving it up north. so they will be doing a corporate inversion. it is wrong i m trying to figure out am i going to boycott the whopper for the rest of my life or just east at crystal s or not? look, some members of congress will probably tell you to do that. the point is, though, they re saying they re going to pay all of their american taxes. warren buffett is going to pay his u.s. taxes as he helps finance this deal. and the fact is, this is legal. they re not doing anything wrong. sure, the president has called them corporate deserters and the treasury secretary has called it unpatriotic, but that is just what companies do. they have a responsibility to their shareholders and to their businesses and they re trying to run them smoothly, efficiently
and grow them. exactly, sara. thanks so much. greatly appreciate it. you know sara is right, if you re a ceo, your job is to maximize profit. but if you re a member of congress and you re the president of the united states, your job is to protect american workers and make sure that burger king doesn t have all of us pay their taxes. washington needs to do something. a corporate inversion is a corporate inversion. baseball s bad boy from the 1990s gets a makeover. we ll explain it in hollyweird.
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[ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. my mom works at ge. you ve got three sharks here, we should get 10% each at least. so are these the final offers on the table? 250,000. we re at 30%, they re at 25%.
three sharks, two sharks. and everybody has connections. the more sharks you have, the more connections you get. it s that simple. and in reality the differentiation is they re not going to walk you into theater chains, they re not going to walk you into food service for arenas and for stadiums. yes, we are, because we re going to walk you into every chain that they can walk you into. it s so rare in the shark tank where you ve got everybody involved. three is better than two. what are you going to do? all right. shows like shark tank have made household names out of some investors but what exactly are angel investors looking for? here with us now an angel investor who backed over 90 pioneering companies. david s. rose, the ceo of a company that connects startups with investors across the globe and the author of angel
investing, having fun investing in startups. you describe angel investors as some of the most important and least understood players in business today. help us understand. well, if you think about starting a company, it often takes money. the question is where does that money come from? starting a company is a risky. the reality is most startups fail so, therefore, it s a very, very risky investment to make. therefore, traditional sources of capital, the stock market, banks, so on and so forth will not invest isn t startups. so who is going to take that risk and fund those startups? that s what angels do. how do you minimize the risk? what are you looking for? ultimately to be a serious professional angel investor who does this on more than one occasion, you have to effectively play the numbers because the majority of startups are going to fail. so you have to invest in a whole lot of startups ultimately if you re going to make money. i see. mike. david, i ve got an idea for a
company, for a had pproduct. i go to a bank. the bank will do due diligence before they give me a loan to start up the company. no, no, no. stop right there. they won t? they won t. banks do not loan money to startups, period. end of discussion. the question is why. because banks are not in the investing business. banks are in the renting money business and so banks don t care if your startup goldman sachs. well, goldman sachs is a little big so what kind of due diligence do you do as an angel investor, that s my question. you do the most that you can, which is ultimately it comes down to we call it betting the jockey, not the horse. you look at the entrepreneur. this is the person that you re backing to do this new thing that hasn t been done before. you look at the market, is the market big enough. are people willing to pay for what this person is doing. do they have the experience, the background and team toitd? do you have any kind of traction? do you have people who signed up for your kickstarter campaign or
who like you. you add up all those factors. we came in with that clip about shark tank. you re presenting yourself as an angel. angels i think do good. sharks will eat you up and spit you out. but you re obviously in the business of making money. so are you always betting on the winner? because there has to be some failure in all of this. so how do you evaluate what s going to win and what s going to lose? there s an enormous failure rate. i love shark tank. but the relationship between angel investing and shark tank is roughly the relationship between archaeology and indiana jones. i mean there is that is not angel investing, that is wondersful tv but it has nothing to do with angel investing. the book is angel investing. david rose, thank you so much. look forward to reading that. learn much more behind day-to-day s sedavid s secrets at up next, the story of a
clown school reject come on in. featuring one of the entertainment industry s funniest bearded men. plus breaking news just coming in on a celebrity power couple getting hitched. here s a hint, they re important enough to have one of those weird combined names, like hollyweird, which is next. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. my mom works at ge.
(vo) ours is a world of my mothe red-eyes.. (daughter) i m really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that s kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting. .trusting. .waiting. .for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you. .care for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it s not just a sedan. it s a subaru. who would have thought masterthree cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it s a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what s our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e ?
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all right. i thought, mika, earlier this morning i felt the earth move under my feet. you did? it s a huge, huge aftershock from hollyweird. maybe you just stepped forward. all right, breaking news in the entertainment world. stepped in what? who better to report than our own louis bergdorf. a spokesman says that angelina jolie and brad pitt were married in france on saturday. what? the couple has three biological children and three adopted kids. they met while filming the action movie mr. & mrs. smith back in 2004. that brings us from the bright lights of hollywood to the strange ways of hollyweird. real-life clown zack gal fin
ak is is teaming up on the show that will center around his character, chip, as he pursues his dream of becoming a respected clown. the first season is expected to premiere in 2016. cbs has unveiled its 18-person cast for its diabolical upcoming season of survivor where contestants will compete against their loved ones. form mlb pitcher john rocker, one of the most defensive players in the history of the national pastime, his attitude served as inspiration for kenny powers on hbo s eastbound and down. do you have any comments on the steroid allegation? and to mark friends 20th anniversary, warner brothers is giving a cafe a makeover. for one month people will enjoy a real-life version of the coffee shop. leave it to jimmy kimmel to do
one better. reuniting them for the closest thing to a friends reunion. your job is a joke, you re broke, your love life is doa. don t. don t do this. it s like you re always stuck in second gear. when it hasn t been your day, your week, your month or even your year. but? i ll be there for you. thank you, rachel. and that s why we re all friends. i think for what we learned, guys, when you do a dramatic reading of smelly cat. of what? excuse me? do you watch friends ? no. she wrote the song smelly cat. that would be good. brangelina, it s a great hollyweird. i m so glad to know all of this. welcome back, louis. thank you, louis. welcome back. louis bergdorf.
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who s more excited about back to school sthe moms? staples? or the dads? with guaranteed low prices on colored pencils, it s definitely the dads. staples. make more happen for less. welcome back to morning joe. the sweet sound of the band. it s time to talk about what we learned today. mike, what did you learn? i learned, joe, that i ve
missed so much. yeah? from reading time magazine the answers issue, when do men lose their virginty. the average age was 16 years 2 months. i was 41. i have missed so much. what have you learned? you made up for a lot of lost time. you ve got the kids to prove it. stop! thomas. i learned brad and angelina getting married over the weekend after being together for ten years, so congratulations to them. so i learned a couple things. the first thing i learned, mika, is you can spin around on high heels. i don t want to try this on the air. you ve been doing it nonstop. also i learned the cameras on cops actually can protect cops too. there s some pretty crazy video here. this guy from another angle it looks like the cop is being abusive. but here the guy stops to fight with the guy. claire mccaskill has it right, you want weapons from d.c., you
put cameras on your cops. i learned if it s way too early, what time is it, joe? morning joe. but stick around for the daily rundown with the great chuck todd. fear and loathing in the voting booth. 68 days until the midterms and we still don t see one thing that will make or break it for both sides. right now democrats want to make it about shouts of a gop shutdown and republicans want to make it about outrage over executive actions on immigration. it s all about fear, folks. this morning we ll hear from white house communications director jennifer palmeri. plus mitch mcconnell needs to flip six seats to change two letters in his title. we ll have the latest on which states harry reid hopes stand in his way. good morning from washington. it s thursday, august 28th, 2014. this is the daily rundown. it s my next to last day hosting

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