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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends First 20140523 09:00:00

they their windows. the hail makes it look like a strin spring snowstorm. hello everybody. severe weather pummelling portions of the country yesterday and today. in the carolinas and mexico and western parts of texas we could be looking at more large hail and strong winds and tornadoes in these areas. thunderstorms are firing up this afternoon and evening hours. as we head into the afternoon the first half of the weekend we have a holiday weekend and across texas and mexico we could be seeing strong to severe thunderstorms. heads up if you live in san angelo and lubbock, texas. you could be looking at severe weather on saturday and sunday. it could be a very slow moving weather pattern out here across the plains states. we are expecting areas of heavy rain. locally more than 4-6 inches of
rain is possible in texas, oklahoma, also parts of missouri. flash flooding could be an issue into the weekend and anna and ainsley take a look at the temperatures for today heating up across parts of the southeastern united states. temperatures into the upper 80s, 90s widespread in florida and it s going to stay warm to kickoff the week on saturday out there in the southeast. the northeast cool in the low 70s. let s head over to you. maria molina thank you very much. brand new information about the massive beef recall. we have learned the beef tainted with e coli was shipped to stores in ten different states, florida, illinois, indiana, kentucky, michigan michigan, ohio, pennsylvania, tennessee, wisconsin and north dakota. included on the list gordon food service marketplace, georgio s italian dell kau tess sant and butch el food mart.
it will has the number 2574 b. nearly 2,000 pounds of beef from wolverine packing company after people in 11 states got sick. for a full list you can head to fox & friend fox & friends first the administration breaking its silence about the war hero locked up for over a p month over a simple mistake. what is the state department saying this morning? although they are not going into extreme detail the state department acknowledged john kerry raised it in meetings in mexico city. this as u.s. lawmakers are getting more involved and bringing attention to andrew tomarese has been jailed in mexico since the first of april after accidentally crossing the mexican border with firearms in his car. at the time he told agents he
was not only logged but he volunteered the information about the legally obtained and owned guns. officials say there has been progress. since his arrest he has been visited 11 times by consulate m officers. we have been very engaged and the secretary did raise this issue yesterday during his meeting, but i don t have anything to update you on beyond that. the critics say representative duncan hunter tried to bring national attention to the case. they say it is a good development but it is still not enough. many argue it is time to move forward calling for the administration to move more aggressively. i think it now moves this case to an entirely different and much more appropriate level. the basic function of the state department that can t do anything else is help protect americans overseas forget international agreements that get you noble peace prizes.
the foreign ministry has to protect citizens. it was may 9th. he does have a hearing coming up. we will stay tuned. anna, back to you. elizabeth prann, thank you so much. breaking news from syria. at least 20 people are dead in an attack by a rebel group. 11 civilians including a child were killed at mortar hit. a third seven year term for president assad. although opponents say the election is a facade. in the wake of a nationwide shortage of
u.s. just blocked to the senate. senate democrats say they want more time to go over the three-page document. meantime the head of the largest federal employee union calling for more money to fix the system. pentagon spokesperson jd gordon says it doesn t makes a difference. they have plenty of money to do their job. there s no sense of urge again t see / urgency at the va. having this government gone wild type mentality in the va is hurting our veterans and it s not fair. our veterans deserve a lot better than this. 33 percent blaholder rick
shinseki responsible. 17 percent say it s our president s fault. the president now is how do we fix our problems for the veterans? adam kin singer and columnist charles krauthammer weighing in on this. how do you attack the problem right now? you give everybody on the list a voucher to go anywhere they want and they will get their care within days. if the budget won t hold it you do a separate appropriations. how about a hospital administrator to come in a ceo of the company somebody who knows how to fix the backlog and get what s done. how about eric holder the attorney general of the united states convening a lot of grand juries. gone from incompetent which is bad to criminality. i want to prosecute the people who come up with a secret waiting list that is wrong illegal and ir reprehensible for
the veterans of our country. one step closer to banning the nsa from spying on americans. vote to go restrict the agency from collecting and storing phone records. it still allows the nsa to get court permission to get lan line if it is part of an interrogation. after being rushed to the hospital paul mccartney expected to make a full recovery. the 71-year-old beatle was forced to cancel his entire japan tour for what his publicist says is a virus. he has been receiving treatment. his out there tour is expected to resume june 14th in texas. before you break out the chips and dips this memorial day weekend, a popular dip being recalled over fears of deadly listeria. check your fridge everybody. 7 tons of humus recalled over
fears of deadly wisteria. many of the archer farms humus as well as trader joes and giant eagle brands. it is a voluntary recall. it comes after a single tub tested positive for the bacteria in texas. no sicknesses have been reported but it can be deadly. more deadly than salmonella and e coli especially for pregnant women. do toyota recalling 30,000 cars in three separate recalls in the u.s. the first 370,000 minivans sold in cold water states. road salt can core road the spare tire under the vehicle and the tire can fall off. the secondary call more than 10,000 2013 lexus.
highlander and hybrid suv s because the car may not properly calculate the size of the front passenger when firing the air bag. ebay personal information may be up for sale. data said to be stolen from the hack attack now making its way on-line. the good news is that the information put on the data bases is real. we seem to be okay after that hack attack. thanks lauren. have a great weekend. 11 minutes after the hour. no arrests in the terror attack at benghazi. the secret waiting list allegedly. why are the washington redskins at the top of the prior the l priority list for congress. they are taking out almost all of the games in field day. good idea for the wussification of america? we report, you decide. if you are preparing to hit
the road this weekend here are the new gasoline prices 3.64 is the average today. clear [male vo] inside this bag exists
this very second. this exact moment. [woman] that s good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee. i m d-a-v-e and i have copd. i m k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don t want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that s why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won t replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis,
and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at a man charged with kidnapping. garcia s lawyer claims his client didn t do anything wrong. he says the alleged victim who is now 25 is lying because the couple is separating. garcia is accused of abducting his then girlfriend s daughter in 2004 forcing him to marry her and have a baby. she just alerted police this week after finding her sister on facebook. michael j. charged with the murder of his wife. if convicted he faces 50 years in prison. jace who played a police officer on the shield was in court
yesterday. the couple s two sons were in the house at the time of the shooting but police aren t sure if they witnessed the shooting. he told the emergency dispatcher he had shot his wife. 50 united states senators urging the nfl to change the name of the washington redskins. in a letter sent to commissioner roger godell senate majority leader harry reid and 49 other democrats said the team name mocked natety americans and compares it to donald sterling as racist remarks. the despicable comments made by sterling opened up a national conversation about race relations. we believe this conversation is an opportunity for the nfl to take action to remove the racial slur from the name of one of the marquis franchises. fox news contributor jim gray says there is no way the name bh will change. i don t think the league is going to do anything.
the folks i have spoken to through out the league across the board are more irritated with congress with an eight percent approval rating. the one thing that sports fans hate they hate when politics gets involved in sports. the nfl response the team name has never used in a disrespectful way. here is another reason to raise your glass this weekend. red wine is apparently good for your teeth. a brand new study finds it helps protect us from getting cavities. researchers say the grape seed extract and wine stop the growth of bacteria which damage your teeth over time. that s the long-term. short term red teeth not good. it s an iconic american company but harley davidson making an unamerican claim about riding with the stars and stripes on the back of their bikes. it is where the wild things are. some paddle borders get too
close for comfort with one of the largest animals in the world.
narrative for the attack that left four americans dead. a story at odds with conclusions reached by the people on the ground. the united nations approving sanctions against boko haram saying the terrorist group is creating chaos in nigeria. they abducted 304 girls last month. the sanctions are an important acce step to support nigeria and hold the murderous leadership accountable. they are assisting with surveillance hoping to find the group. islamic terrorists verses christians leading many to renew their plea for president obama to fill a gaping hole in the roster of ambassadors. shannon green goes ini d to get the answers. as religious persecution continues around the world many are asking questions about why the administration isn t doing
more. rae pub can senator roy blunt to the growing chorus of voices demanding to know when the president will nominate a new ambassador at large for a international freedom. from christian churches bombed and parishioners killed in the mid eels to wore shirps being harassed jailed and beaten in places like north korea and china. and boko haram and a death sentence for a pregnant sudanese woman simply because she is christian. minorities are under attack. we are a super power in this place of history which we occupy seoully. we have the responsibility to stand up for the needs of those around the world. president obama first nominated someone to the post a year and a half into his first term. susan johnson cook was elected in 2011. president obama noted u.s. efforts to protect religious
minorities around the globe. i look forward to nominating our next ambassador at large for international religious freedoms to help lead these efforts. months later still no nominee. the white house and state department are, woulding to nominate someone as soon as possible. we neglect this issue in the geopolitical callous at our considerable grow. the vast majority of deadly conflicts around the world are based on intersection of religion and politics the u.s. can no longer appear to be disengaged on the issue. says he believes if the president were serious he could name a nominee and get the person confirmed quickly. # 24 minutes after the hour. all students are inwithers. that s the message from officials at a michelle elementary school about their annual field day event. a letter was sent home to parents at north hill saying in
part the need for athletic ability and competitive urge to win will be kept to a minimum. the real reward will be the enjoyment and good feelings of participation. is that fair? experts are split on this issue. it is success shaming. i don t know why any one would want to bring this abuse on a child teaching them winning isn t a healthy good thing. we are not trying to shame those children that may not be as athletically inclined as the others. folks, what do you think? is forcing kids to curb their urge to win contributing to the wussification of america? send us a twitter or facebook or to share. the juice trying to squeeze another chance out of the justice system. why this time he deserves a day
in court. as you pack up for the memorial day weekend there s a reason to rethink your destination. the best speech in america just named. take a live look outside at our plaza where fox & friends summer country series about to kickoff with country star sara evans.
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extreme weather every where from twisters tearing apart homes to massive hail forcing a plane to make an emergency landing. will she let up for the three-day weekend? i am sorry, sort of. marc cuban stirring up more controversy about apologizing for just some of his comments. a car stuck on the track. the women behind the wheel with only seconds to spare. the surprising ending to the crash you have to see to believe. fox & friends first continues right now.
little marvin gaye this morning. it is friday we thank our veterans out there. it is may 23rd, anna. i am ainsley earhardt. i am anna kooiman in for heather childers. 31 minutes past the hour. extreme weather pounding the country. a u.s. air buys flight making an emergency landing because of hail. a tornado leaving a trail of damage. homes completely torn apart and reduced to piles of wood. in the u.s. drivers near denver, colorado having a hard time seeing out of their windows during this intense storm. the hail makes it look like more of a spring snowstm. will the weather cooperate for memorial weekend? maria molina is outside where the summer concert series is about to kickoff.
a lot of weather, but the american concert series kicks off today and conditions through out the summer every friday on 48th and 6th. today we have sara evans and of course free barbecue. great news across parts of new york city. we want to take a look at the areas that are expecting severe weather because across the carolinas and across parts of texas and new mexico you could be looking at severe weather. as we continue into the weekend saturday and sunday we have a chance for more severe storms across texas and parts of mexico. those states are going to be looking at several days of not only possible severe weather but heavy rain. flash flooding across the southern plains will be a concern. 1230 not just there but parts of mexico. there is possibility to see flooding out there for member cal day weekend. temperature wise we have temperatures heating up across parts of the southeast well into
the 90s across the state of florida. that is very widespread in the state. also saturday and sunday. you want to be warm down there. for your family if you are packing up and heading out aaa says you better be on the road by 9:00 a.m. to avoid the traffic. doug luzader is cruising around the nation s capital. doug, what are you hearing? oo we are heading for the dc beltway which isn t always that great of an experience. aaa may be right. traffic not too bad. it is still early in the morning. if you are getting ready to hit the road or heading to the airport today you may be in for sticker shock. they hope the economy will get a boost. the plane is more packed
today and if the nations highway seems more tedious you can thank this. winter. it plablanketed the country t is driving the hot demand for summertime travel. aaa says 600,000 more americans will be traveling over this weekend than the year prior. even the president was talking travel yesterday meeting at the white house with tourism industry ceo. his pitch continued at the baseball hall of name cooperstown new york. it translates into jobs and economic growth. when visitors come here they don t just check out the home they rent cars, they stay in hotels, they eat in restaurants. the president is talking about making life easier for air travelers and for foreign visitors. of course it is easy for him to
travel aboard air force one for one thing it doesn t cost him anything. for the rest of us it is pretty expensive. air fair is up hotel prices are up. gas prices expected to be steady through the summer. gas praises have been more and that s a drain on the economy each an every day. doug luzader live. such a cool live shot. the u.s. marine jailed in mexico, the administration finally breaking its silence about the war hero locked up for more than a month ore a simple mistake. elizabeth prann is live in washington. what s the state department saying about this? oo the state department acknowledged secretary of state john kerry did raise the issue during his meetings this week in mexico city.
u.s. lawmakers across the board many are getting involved in the situation. he has been jailed in mexico since the first of april after accidentally crossing the mexican border with firearms in his car. officials say there has been progress. the consulate and embassy talked to numerous mexican officials including the authorities at the prison and mexican foreign ministry about the case. we have been very engaged. critics say representative dunc such as duncan hunter tries to bring national attention to the case. it is not enough. they call for the administration to move more aggressively. i think he should call on the authorities over there including the president of the country and make this a priority. again, they are going to argue they have their own judicial system they have to work there
but this gentlemen doesn t fit the profile of anybody who is dangerous. tahmooressi s last visit by any one in the states waudz may 9th. have a great memorial day weekend. you, too. fox news alert in syria. 20 people are deaden in an attack by a rebel group. 11 civilians including a child were hit after a mortar hit a campaign event. next month election is expected to bring a third seven year term for the president. his opponents say the election is a complete farce. the electric car returning at the wake of a nationwide shortage of lethal injection drugs. they will allow the state to electrocute death row inmates if prisons can t get the drugs if they are scars or too many
boycotts. lawmakers want to bring back the firing squad in utah. both will have bills in the legislature. the road to restoring accountability at the va stall. a republican attempt to pass the bill making it easier to fire officials responsible for the recent healthcare scandal in dozens of hospitals in the united states just blocked in the senate. senate democrats say they want more time to go over the three-page document. they are planning to review the legislation and hold a hearing when the senate returns from recess next month. lawyers filing another appeal to the nevada supreme court over his conviction in a 2007 armed robbery. his trial was biased by notoriety after the acquittal in the death of his wife s and his wife s friend. a couple of paddle borders in california, the men were in the san francisco bay when two gray whales popped up out of the
water. one bumped into the side of the board and splashed him a bit. they can grow up to 50 feet long and weigh 40 tons. amazingly the two didn t get hurt at all. hang 10 the list of the best beaches in the united states are out. honolulu comes in at number one. florida and saint georges island and saint park in the florida panhandle are in the top three. two other hawaii beaches round out the top five. they are based on cleanliness, safe conditions and amenities. maybe we need to do a were ro on that. 39 minutes after the top of the hour. a fast moving train slams into a car stuck on the tracks with the driver still inside. an outcome you won t believe. bon jovi banned from bars. why the rock star is getting the boot?
worse spot. it slammed into the car at 35 miles an hour. marc cuban apologized to trayvon martin s family abofter making comments about black kids wearing hood des. we are all prejudiced in one way or another. if i see a black kid in a hood de it s late at night i am walking to the other side of the street. if i am on that other side of the street there s a guy that has tattoos all over his face, white guy, bawled head tattoos every where, i am walking back to the other side of the street. starting a social media firestorm in the fallout after the racist comments made by donald sterling. some branding cuban a racist. he says everyone has quote prejudices and bigotry on some level but offered an apology for his choice of words. in hindsight i should have used different examples. i didn t consider the trayvon
martin family. beyond apologizing the martin family i stand by the words and substance of the interview. can a company blame old glory for voiding our warrantee? harley davidson says yes. lawmaker david dean says harley davidson voided the repair warrantee because of the patriotic flag he let fly from the back of his chopper. the company says the bike was not made to handle the wind resistance for multiple flags at high besides. therefore the claim on his power train was denied. before you grill out this memorial day weekend we now know which stores sold beef contained wi contaminated with e coli. if you are grilling burgers be sure you know the source of the ground beef. the food safety inspection service is recalling 1.8 million pounds of ground beef for fear it is contaminated with e coli.
so where is the beef? ten states including florida, illinois, pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, indiana, wisconsin, tennessee, kentucky and north dakota. among the large er retailers selling the potentially contaminated meat the agency named gordon food service marketplace, blairsville seafood market and barger foods. check out fox & friends .com for more information. it is all on the web site. 46 minutes after the hour. a 6th grader gets the graduation gift of a lifetime. why this memorial day weekend is one he will never forget. the hottest woman in the world, hold tight, the answer is straight ahead. we are not telling you yet. speaking of hot we have famous dpaif s right here. it is the first friday in the summer. that means we are going to
kickoff our all american summer concert series. today we start with sara evans. she is in the green room right now. if you are in the neighborhood 48th and sixth avenue stop by. also stop by the va in baltimore to try to get answers for the vets. also wynona judd today, geraldo rivera, we have chris wallace. it s fleet week so if you are in the neighborhood stop on by 48th and sixth avenue. we are going to buy you breakfast if you like barbecue. [ male announcer ] people all over the world know us, but they don t yet know we re a family. we re right where you need us. at the next job, next adventure or at the next exit helping you explore super destinations and do everything under the sun.
12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. so wherever you want to be, whatever you want to do, chances are we re already there. save up to 25% and earn bonus points when you book at
here we go. are you with me? hey, maria. are you with me? i passed out. she is going to hate us for showing this again. that was our maria molina flying with the blue angels in march. quite a wild ride. today the blue angels will fly again after budget cuts grounded them last year. wnyw in long island. is it going to be the same for you? good morning. good morning. any excuse to use that maria molina video; right? we found another excuse today. i am sitting in a b-17 bomber. there are about 14,000 of these manufactured. there are only ten of them still flying. we will be seeing one of them, the one i m sitting
in now flying this weekend at the bethpage show. that will take place at jones beach. we mentioned the blue angel as it relates to maria. but the blue angels will be returning this year. they made a thunderous return as they flew in. this is always a huge draw here in new york. hundreds of thousands of people expected this weekend to see planes like the one i have the honor of sitting in right now. that is the latest. live from farming dale, new york. be careful, robert. it looks like bon jovi s plan to buy the buffalo bills is hitting some resistance. that rocker who reportedly wants to buy the
new york team and move them to toronto is being banned by local businesses. a tpwraoup calling themselves the 12th man thunder started a petition to make buffalo a bon jovi-free zone. more than 80 businesses have agreed to ban and more than 7,000 people signed the petition to keep the bills in buffalo. guys, this is the story you have been waiting to hear. maxim released its annual hot 100 list. so who made the cut? number three, katy perry, number two scarlet johannson and the one who snagged the number one spot, victor victoria s secret swanepol. one school is taking out almost all the games on field day. good idea? we report, you decide. a baby falls out a
window and survives. the amazing catch. you have to see it to t it s great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it s got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it s just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work! captain: and here s a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. when you save money on hotel rooms, it s just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins.
from td ameritrade. it s just common sense. it s the trusted resource. and now, has a whole new way to help you decide on your next new car by showing you what really matters. use 5-year cost to own to compare the long term cost of maintenance, insurance and gas. read reviews. woman: gas milage is awesome. from actual owners and kelley blue book experts. and get the full picture on what it s like to own the cars you re considering
friends if you re hitting the road this holiday weekend, you should be on the road, they say, by 9 a.m. otherwise be prepared for a lot of traffic according to triple a. they say more than 36 million of you are going to hit the road. time to look at the good, the bad, and the ugly. first the good. two heartwarming reunions. a sixth grader in colorado gets a graduation surprise. his big brother, a senior airman, returning home for the first time in three years. he was stationed in italy. a marine reunited with his war buddies. one says they were inseparable while in afghanistan in 2010. a police officer in russia gets run off the road while trying to stop a drunk driver. the guy ran the cop car, flipping it off the road into a ditch. the officer wasn t hurt badly. finally the ugly. surveillance cameras in china capture the moment a one-year-old is caught
after falling from a two-story building. the baby had gotten through an open window and slipped. luckily this man with a great pair of hands happened to be walking by and caught that baby. earlier we were telling you about a michigan elementary school not allowing winners at their annual field day event. officials sent a letter home to parents saying in part the need for athletic ability and the competitive urge to win will be kept to a minimum. the real reward will be the enjoyment and good feelings of participation. so we asked you, is sports and kids, to curb their urge to win contributing to the wussification in america. dan says if they win, congratulate them. if they lose tell them they did good for at least trying just like the real world. waylon says wrong. if there is no drive to compete what are they going to do later in life to reach their goals? what thanks to everyone who

Hail , Everybody , Windows , Strin-spring-snowstorm , Summer-country , Weather , Parts , Texas , New-mexico , Winds , Tornadoes , Portions

Transcripts For CNNW Debate Night In America 20161010 06:30:00

this is not an ordinary time and this is not an ordinary election. we are going to be choosing a president who will set policy for not just four or eight years, but some of the important decisions we have to make at home and around the world to energy and so much else. so there is a lot at stake. it s one of the most consequential elections we had. that s why i tried to put forth specific policies and plans. try to get it off of the personal and put it on to what it is on i want to do as president. that s why i hope people will check on that for themselves. so they can see that yes, i spent 30 years, actually a little more, working to help kids and families and i want to take that experience to the white house and do that every single day. mr. trump? well, i consider her statement about my children to be a very nice compliment. i don t know if it was meant to be a compliment, but i m proud of my children. they have done a wonderful job and they have been wonderful kids. i consider that a compliment. i will say that about hillary.
because of that tape. he spoke for 40 minutes and 10 seconds and hillary clinton spoke for 39 minutes and five seconds. almost exactly the same amount of time. you didn t hear a robust emotional apology. from donald trump, did you? the inbox from republicans, that s one of the things they are worried about. that s powerful for hillary clinton to use him saying such vulgar things about women and he didn t say anything aggressively to apologize. he didn t do that behavior and he was pressed by anderson cooper and he said and talks in the tape about assaulting women. he said he didn t do those and he apologized. nowhere near as aggressive as many republicans wanted. he went into the personal attacks of bringing bill clinton
into it. i think it will be based on where do you stand from a partisan perspective. what donald trump is doing is getting more engaged and counter punching. throwing mike pence under the bus at a time when mike pence is standing by him is an interesting dynamic and he did say that yes, he took that giant deduction so he wouldn t pay federal income taxes. you can bet that s coming to a tv ad without a doubt. that is true. back to you. let s check in with the panel of experts. i said it was a wash, but feel free to disagree. at the beginning donald trump did the opposite of what i thought he should have done. he said he was embarrassed by this. the videotape. he said it was locker room talk. he did not apologize to the
women involved and he kept saying it s words and it wasn t anything more than that. period. end of sentence. so there was nothing more than anything he already said. he had already had the press conference about bill clinton. we knew that story and when asked are you different than at the young age of 59, he said i m not proud of it and i have great respect for people, my family. hillary got him on that because she said you needed to apologize. for the rest of the debate. i think donald trump when he got over that was more disciplined, attacking hillary on the e-mail issue where she is vulnerable. i think in a sense he may have done enough. she seemed a little stilted at times and i think he may have done enough to stop the bleeding
and i m not sure minds were changed. so much has occurred over the last 48 hours and the last week that people have to digest all of this including the debate tonight to see where they stand. i want to echo one thing that dana said was the mike pence remark. he is praising a dictator who was trying to interfere with our election, period. whom his running mate said we should stand up to and putin is propping up. that struck a note. here disagrees with him. i m sure you watched the debate as we all did. we commented on the issues. we are not the same policy.
give it a broader look. much better counter puncher. i think he did poorly on that he was much more animated and much better counterpuncher i think that he did poorly on that question and he did poorly on the strange syria discussion where he got off on a rant there. which i think will leave a lot of questions and led to the mike pence question. the truth is hillary clinton has her struggles with the same issues she always struggles with, e-mails, speeches. i thought his counterpunch on
the lincoln comment was good. at the end of the day, i come to the same conclusion. i think she probably wins at some point and i don t think it changes much. just to set the stage, this has been one of the most disastrous periods for a presidential nominee in the history of the united states. from the first debate and before this debate. did he change that at all? i think he stopped the panic among most of the republicans there who were panicking. at least for now. i thought it was basically a draw which is basically a good thing for donald trump thinking that hillary clinton was going knock him out of this debate and have such a strong performance that there would be no question of where this race stood.
i don t think she had that great of a performance. he was odd pacing around and standing over here in some of those shots. i think there ll be a lot of material stylistically, for snl, she counterpunched well on the you ve been there for 30 years what have you been doing and listed all of the things she had done. children s health care, expa expanding health care. veterans and secretary of state and 400 pieces of legislation. that was a good moment for her. she dropped one of the hillary clinton new information things and the alicia machado things. with she talked about trump gobbling up illegal steel from china. to build his buildings. i bet we ll hear more about that. i believe thaefs a news week story about how two out of three buildings that are using the steel that hurts american workers. what d you think?
i think the night belonged to donald trump. we re not talking about the trump tape. he was able to pivot away and barely controlled at some point. it was a greatest hits real for the 14 million who voted for him. no hand shake at the out set. bill s infidelities and the e-mail erasure and islam and dishonesty and the media, you will hear a lot about how they reported the role of the moderators in this. i think those who voted for him got everything they wanted in their vote. did he grow? i can t see if there was any outreach. i looked carefully where i thought he could have expanded the base that he already has. not a knockout, but his night on points. where could he have expanded the base? obviously there was a muslim
american woman who spoke. there was an african american who wanted the country african american gentleman, james carter who wanted the country to be united would he be devoted to bring us together? where were the opportunities that he didn t take? he could have been more expansive on health care reform and rather than repeal and replace it with what and how and whom it would benefit. he could talk more about the reform he wants in the tax code aside from getting rid of interests for wealthy people. where he always falls down is that he goes on the attack without when a direct question is asked. what would you do about x, y or z, he deflects and goes on the attack that hillary has been here for 30 years and didn t do anything. the way you bring people into the tent is to tell them exactly what you would do for them. like taxes and health care, i
still do not think that we got much beyond obamacare is a disaster and why didn t she fix the tax code? and by the way, i think we might have heard him admit, i m not sure about this, that he did use on the $918 million debt, that he actually used that not to pay taxes. he did say. he didn t say how long but he did say he use it. i think the trump teams thinks they are reaching out to suburban, white women and college-educated women when they talk about african-americans and hispanics, he hurts his case because of his record and the way he talks about african-americans and the way that he tends to say the african-americans and not just african-americans, which is a way of referring to folks in deeply odd. i think they are doing that but i don t think there s any success in growing that tent.
the real question is, they fear he doesn t have the right temperament or command, were they assured tonight or think of him differently as a result of this performance? i agree with michael, he was speaking to the base and i think the base is probably very happy. the base is just not big enough to win the election. the demographics of the country are such i m sorry to hit this point again, george herbert walker bush and mitt romney got the same percentage of the white vote. 59%, what earned bush 136 electoral votes got mitt romney only 56. and there is the changing demographic of the country and that s why the missed opportunity was with the muslim woman and the african american man at the end. that was magnanimous. where he s doing poorly, he
needs to improve significantly, has to do with college educated white voters. he s even with college educated white men. health care and their families. there was a poll out today in your home state and your home state that had him leading among college educated voters, white voters by 20 points. this is a cohert that romney carried by 14% in 2012. that s a stunning tolerance, right? they think he s a bigot. right. that s why you hear hillary clinton, all of her ads, are about donald trump and what he said and those words, whether it s about women, whether it s about the birther controversy, those things turn off college-educated white voters. he can t undo that because he spent so much time branding himself in that way as this kind of unreconstructed alpha male and the tape only underscores that. let me say one thing about the tape. we re all talking about the debate and that s going to be our focus until 1:00 in the
morning. tomorrow morning we wake up in a world where the debate is over. we re not talking about it. we re talking about something else. i can t help but think the clinton campaign is going to make sure that that tape is everywhere from now until the election. it s about the image of the women from this point forward. four women and donald trump and that story s going to get told. college educated white women that we ve been talking about. can i just make one other point in which is it s very clear they don t like each other very much. it was kind of an irritating debate in that sense because they were firing these jibes back and forth. and what was missing from it was any invocation of people, humanity. we re in a town hall meeting. the only person that was raised i think hillary clinton raised an individual and just as in the last debate she raised an individual to weap weaponize that story against donald trump but the day-to-day struggle. health care, nobody mentioned anybody who was actually struggling with health care.
i was surprised by that. let s go back to the tape. i want to play donald trump s response when the subject of this access hollywood tape, him talking very crudely about women, seeming to boast about grabbing women, assaulting women inappropriately. here was his response. you called what you said locker room banter. you described kissing women without their consent, grabbing their genitals. that is sexual assault. you bragged you sexually assaulted women. do you understand that? no, i didn t say that at all. i don t think you understood what was said. this was locker room talk. i m not proud of it. i apologized to my family. i apologize to the american people. certainly i m not proud of it. but this is locker room talk. you know, when we have a world where you have isis chopping off heads, where you have and frankly drowning people in steel cages, where you have wars and horrible, horrible sights all
over, where you have so many bad things happening, this is like medieval times. we haven t seen anything like this, the carnage all over the world, and they look and they see. can you imagine the people that are frankly doing so well against us with isis and they look at our country and they see what s going on. yes, i m very embarrassed by it. i hate it. but it s locker room talk and it s one of those things. i will knock the hell out of isis. we re going to defeat isis. isis happened a number of years ago in a vacuum that was left so because of bad judgment. and i will tell you, i will take care of isis. so the basic response there, van, it was locker room talk but nothing compared to the horrors of isis and i m going to stop isis. i just thought that was just horrible. he rather than apologizing he minimized. and that was something that everybody here agreed he should avoid doing. and basically, if the only thing you have to say about yourself is i m not as bad as isis, i
mean, that s your defense, there s something wrong with that kind of response. [ cheers and applause ] the other thing is that you cannot underestimate the history that was made in our country. a line was crossed that i don t know has been crossed in my lifetime, maybe ever. he threatened to jail his opponent. right. he threatened to jail hillary clinton if he became president of the united states. that is something i think is a new low in american democracy. but i will say something maybe provocative. i think hillary won because donald trump kind of won. in other words, the worst possible outcome for hillary clinton could have been if she knocked him out. if she had knocked him out and forced him out of the race, you could have been in a situation where the republican party could rally, get somebody else in there. it was actually a good outcome for her. she did well enough. he did well enough. he stabilized himself. and he s going to bleed out. and she s going to be able to get across the finish line.
i m not sure we watched the same debate because read the transcript. donald trump issued three more apologies. he s now up to issuing five. that s enough for most of the american people. i m still waiting on the media to call on the apology for hillary clinton lying to the families of benghazi members when she told them their families were dead because of a video. i m still waiting for a call for that apology. but i think something very big happened tonight that is lost upon most of us. what we saw tonight was someone speak for the people against the washington elite. there are people in this country, 2/3 of the country thinks we re in the wrong direction. they re tired of being promised hope and change, which is what president obama promised millennialed, promised the american people and it did not materialize. and you saw donald trump flawlessly expose the double standards of justice when he said when he said if someone, an american citizen had done 1/5 of what you had done with your e-mails their lives would have been destroyed. and there was an audible boo from the audience because people know hillary clinton lied when
she retorted with the fact that i didn t do anything wrong with my e-mails. the audience booed because there are two standards. the washington elite get one and we the american people get another. i think that was explosive. i think the audience had trump supporters and clinton supporters and we heard both sides. but let me go into let me play some of what you re talking about and specifically, van jones, it s the moment you that referred to where he said that were he in charge of the laws she would be in jail. i didn t think i d say this but i m going to say it. and i hate to say it. but if i win, i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception. there has never been anything like it. and we re going to have a special prosecutor. when i speak, i go out and speak, the people of this country are furious. in my opinion, the people that have been long-term workers at the fbi are furious.
there has never been anything like this where e-mails and you get a subpoena. you get a subpoena and after getting the subpoena you delete 33,000 e-mails. and then you acid wash them. or bleach them as you say. a very expensive process. so we re going to get a special prosecutor and we re going to look into it. because you know what? people have been their lives have been destroyed for doing 1/5 of what you ve done. and it s a disgrace. and honestly, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. secretary clinton everything he just said is absolutely false but i m not surpris surprised. i told people that it would be impossible to be fact-checking donald all the time. i d never get to talk about anything i want to do and how we re going to really make lives better for people. so once again, go to we have literally trump. you can fact-check him in real-time. it s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. because you d be in jail.
secretary clinton [ cheers ] so jeffrey, i heard you laughing. obviously that is a crowd pleaser for trump supporters. there s no question about that. he already has trump supporters. they already support him. is that the kind of line that exemplifies the kind of temperament that those who are undecided want to hear from him? yes. and i ll tell you why. this is about as kayleigh was saying, this is about the american people versus the political class in this country. media elites, politicians, et cetera, who as he said repeatedly there, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk and they never get anything done and they lie and they dissemble. and she would in fact, if she were not hillary clinton, she would be in huge trouble with these e-mails. and she would conceivably be going to jail. i mean, other people have gone to jail for these kind of problems. so what he s doing there is hitting the broad themes, one, the division between the
american people and the political class. two, her character. if you remember that famous quinnipiac poll from last year where they asked people to free-associate one-word descriptions of the candidates and for her it was dishonest and liar. you know that s kind of a bogus poll where they i mean, i think the biggest ones for trump were unflattering as well. but i take your point on the fact that she has very, very low trustworthy and honesty numbers so he was hitting this. okay, paul. the strategic context in which this debate occurs is the trump campaign in meltdown. a meltdown especially with women because of this really horrific tape where he brags about committing sexual assault. i don t think he put it to bed. you keep hearing stories that there s more tapes to come. the guy did 10 or 14 years on television and people keep saying we re going to go through these tapes. maybe they will. maybe they won t. but he certainly did nothing to put it behind him or even to inoculate against the stories to come. now, tonight s audience, i bet
you a nickel, would be much more female than male. first off more voters are female than male. but tonight we re up against qupt sunday night football. packers by the way 17-9 over the giants leading right now fourth quarter. the performance he put on, first being so bizarre about this sexual assault. in one of the answers he mentioned isis, immigration, and the economy. in one of the follow-ups he rambled on about michelle obama, sidney blumenthal, debbie wasserman schultz, bernie sanders, e-mails. that doesn t assuage any women voters. and then the style throughout the debate i kept hearing from a lot of women, they didn t like that the pacing, the stalking. yeah. the really kind of creepy behavior when he wasn t speaking. toward hillary. last time it was he got in trouble for interrupting. he did a fair amount of that again. he seemed to actually pick a lot of unwise fights with martha raddatz also. less so with anderson. this is not if i m as a super pac guy, i work for the super pac that s opposing trump and is supporting hillary. i m happy about this. if i were a trump strategist i d
say boss, we ve got a problem with women and you just made it worse. we re going to keep it there. everyone stay. we ve still got two hours. wolf, let me throw it back to you. anderson anderson. jake, thanks very much. we ve got an excellent moment right now to discuss something i d never heard in any of these debates before between two presidential candidates. and dana, let s talk a little about this. one candidate says not only is he going to put forward a special prosecutor to investigate his rival but, and this is very significant, he s going to put her in jail if he s elected president of the united states. that s pretty extraordinary. okay. not to sound too corny, but what makes this country different from countries with dictators in africa or stalin or hitler or any of those countries with dictators and totalitarian leaders is that when they took over they put their opponents in jail. to hear one presidential candidate say, even if it was a
flip comment, which it was, you re going to be in jail to another presidential candidate on the debate stage in the united states of america, stunning. just stunning. certainly is. john king. most of his strategy on these issues was clearly designed, a, listening to his alt-right advisers. this was a breitbart strategy from the predebate and the debate. if he s bleeding across the electorate, if his goal priority one is to stop the bleeding on the right, then it may have succeeded in that. if you look at state by state, if you look at the battleground states, if you look at the demographic breakdowns in the states he is losing now heading into the last 30 days. remember, the timing of this is critical. in the last 30 days there are some people already voting. more people will start voting this week. even more will start voting after that. many in the most important battleground states. 30% of the american people last tight voted early. that will probably be a little higher this time. so the election is not on november 8th. it is now for many people in the
states that matter. and if donald trump needed to shore up his conservative base, his team is very happy. he was much modern gauged than he was tonight. he was much more aggressive. he did more counterpunching. he got to some of the issues that he believes are her weaknesses but to dana s point there is that going to win you the vote of a moderate woman in the philadelphia sbushds? i think not. is it going to get you raves on zruj and breitbart and the conservative media and the other network, we all know who i m talking about, most likely. but at least he ll stop the bleeding among his own base. yes. i think that is a fair assessment that you can see in the mood and even the republicans who don t like trump. they think this is the worst possible outcome because they thought if he tanked tonight there would be pressure to get him out of the race. exactly. and now they re saying he did well enough to stay in. they don t think he can win and they think he hurts other senate and house candidates. but they think he did well enough to sustain himself without a doubt and i know that s what they think inside team trump. without a doubt they think they had a strong night. we re just hearing that eric holder apparently just said that trump s threat was like nixonian. not so much the jail threat but
the threat that if he becomes president he s going to instruct his attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor. it s first of all, i believe it s kind of a misunderstanding of what is even allowed and the way that the process works. but even so, putting that aside, just the threat is something that is going to this is something that s going to have ripple effects in the days to come. i also think another giant question tonight, again, people view these things through their partisan prism but we know that hillary clinton has barack obama, michelle obama, bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, joe biden, bill clinton. donald trump has mike pence. there are no other senior republicans out there. and he threw mike pence under the bus tonight. he threw his running mate under the bus tonight, who has stood by him mike pence did not defend donald trump on the specifics in the vice presidential debate. i was told that got under donald trump s skin a little bit. mike pence did stand by him this weekend. mike pence, a christian conservative whose wife i m told was horrified when she heard that tape and who talked to her husband about it, mike pence did
stand by donald trump even though he did say the language is offensive. dysfunction in the campaign in the last 30 days is dangerous. he just did put out a tweet mike, pence that s what i was looking for. going ahead and endorsing congrats to my running mate @realdonaldtrump on a big debate win. proud to stand with you as we make #make america great again. brianna keilar you ve got a special guest in the spin room. i have hillary clinton s campaign chair john podesta. and i want to get your reaction to something first. donald trump called hillary clinton the devil but he also made a threat that if he were in charge of the laws of the country that he would jail her, he would imprison her. what is the campaign s reaction? well, it s one more over-the-top statement by donald trump. and fortunately, he s not in charge of the laws of the united states and never will be. but i think that maybe he was trying to appeal to his base. what we ve seen over the last few weeks and particularly over the last few days are
republicans peeling off him in droves. so maybe all he s got left is his base. so to call her the devil is i think beneath a presidential candidate. it s one more reason yes he doesn t have the temperament to do the job of being president or being the commander in chief. the optics from the beginning of the debate were that we sea chelsea clinton not there to shake the hands of melania trump and her kids as we saw during the first debate. and then hillary clinton did not shake hands with donald trump at the beginning of the debate. that s a very clear signal she was trying to send. well, look, i think he came in here sort of pulling this stunt that he did at the beginning of this and was on the attack from the beginning. again, i think maybe he was just trying to stabilize his own base of voters even as that s shrinking. but i think that given what we saw, what we saw on the
videotape, what we re seeing now in the howard stern tapes, his she s trying to signal something. she s trying to signal that she that his behavior is doesn t really deserve the respect of a handshake at the beginning. she did shake his hand at the end. but i think that, you know, he came in tonight and even walked back whatever bit of an apology he gave for the access hollywood tape that every american now has probably seen over and over again. i know that one of the strategies coming into this was thinking that after that tape came out there were people who were newly open to hillary clinton. but the assessment seems to be that she really just rallied the base and whether or not she has really expanded it seems that she and donald trump just rallied their base. what do you say to that? i think she came in trying to answer the specific questions. this was supposed to be i think in my mind a town hall where voters got to ask specific
questions. the moderators asked a lot of the questions tonight. but the voters did get to ask questions. and i think she wanted to talk about the specific ideas, the specific plans, what she s been able to do in a bipartisan way when she was first lady, when she was senator, the children s health insurance program, the other program she talked about. but most importantly what she wanted to do to build an economy that was going to work for everyone, not just those at the top. so if n. doing that i think what she wanted to try to accomplish was to say i want to be a president for everyone and i want to have you listen to me with a positive message, an optimistic view of what america can be. in contrast i think he was dark and divisive again. john podesta with the clinton campaign. thank you so much. back to you guys. all right. thanks very much, brianna keilar. let s play a clip. this is donald trump speaking about the former president of the united states, bill clinton. i told you, that was locker
room talk. i m not proud of it. i am a person who has great respect for people, for my family, for the people of this country. and certainly i m not proud of it. but that was something that happened if you look at bill clinton, far worse. mine are words and his was action. his was what he s done to women. there s never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that s been so abusive to women. so you can say any way you want to say it, but bill clinton was abusive to women. hillary clinton attacked those same women. and attacked them viciously. four of them are here tonight. one of the women, who is a wonderful woman, at 12 years old was raped at 12. her client, she represented, got him off. and she s seen laughing on two separate occasions, laughing at the girl who was raped. kathy shelton, that young woman, is here with us tonight.
so don t tell me about words. absolutely i apologize for those words. but it is things that people say. but what president clinton did, he was impeached. he lost his license to practice law. he had to pay an $850,000 fine to one of the women, paula jones, who s also here tonight. and i will tell you that when hillary brings up a point like that and she talks about words that i said 11 years ago i think it s disgraceful and i think she should be ashamed of herself if you want to know the truth. he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses. he gets it decide what he wants to talk about. instead of answering people s questions, talking about our agenda, laying out the plans that we have that we think can make a better life and a better country, that s his choice.
when i hear something like that, i am reminded of what my friend michelle obama advised us all. when they go low, you go high. [ cheers and applause ] she got some applause for that line but i didn t hear a robust vote of confidence, a defense of her husband in that response, because he really went after bill clinton. hillary clinton didn t mention bill clinton s behavior or actions at all. she didn t defend her actions at all. she just went after more or less donald trump essentially saying you re trying to go back and we re talking about you here. a couple of points on that. donald trump clearly tried to gin up support on the r50i9d right with his base. if you talk to conservatives, especially the all the rooilt conservative media they think these issues have been ignored or forgotten. you and i covered the white house at the time. the paula jones case, kathleen willey case, monica lewinsky impeachment that dominated our lives. i had color in my hair when that started. that was several years of our lives. they think we should still be talking about this later. and trump was trying to connect hillary clinton to that.
will that be a winning strategy in the general election? we ll see how it plays out. but clearly donald trump came here tonight saying when i m asked about me i m going to deflect to bill clinton. i do think it helped him rally conservatives. i also know from e-mail conversations with clinton campaign people anderson cooper said this is sexual assault. and what donald trump he said he didn t do it. he said he was just talking about it. he did say tonight which he did not say in that weekend night video-e didn t address whether or not it actually happened. he just said he was sorry. donald trump did say he never did those things. so he was bragging about sexually assaulting women. and he said no, it s locker room talk. the clinton people that s going to be in an ad probably by the time we get to the end of this week. with anderson cooper asking a direct question and donald trump saying it s locker room talk. it s not locker room talk. it is not locker room talk to whether you re fantasizing about it speculating about it or talking about it of groping people, sexually assaulting people. that s a crime. but i will just say, and probably getting similar notes from republicans, i just got one from a top republican who s very
skittish about donald trump saying that he did okay acknowledging the bar this is among republicans. that the bar is pretty low right now for him to kind of bring some of them back into the fold but that in the words of this republican he moved the conversation beyond the caught on tape hot mike situation. on the flip side of that i ve been hearing from some democrats who think that hillary clinton did well but wondering why didn t she put it away, wondering what could she have done differently to after the weekend that donald trump just had to just end it. just completely end his candidacy. and that she possibly could have with this debate but didn t. but you think that s in part the result of an hour before the debate he invites these women no. to come here not only to do a little joint photo opportunity with him but then to sit in the front row you mean whether she was rattled? yeah. i mean, i don t know. i didn t get the sense that she
really changed her strategy much at all. that she was going to do what she was going to do. she clearly was ready for bill clinton s name to come up in the context of these women or in any other context. and he she made the decision she wasn t going to go there. she was going to instead hit all the demographics that she thinks that donald trump has offended, whether it s the disabled or the hispanics or muslims and so forth and she was just going to pretend like the bill clinton question didn t happen. she s trying to keep what she s got. she d she s ahead right now. she s head in the moltum in the last ten days and we don t know about the weekend. we don t know how that will be processed by voters or this debate which they ll be processing at the same time. what they learned over the weekend about donald 2ru78. and now this debate. hillary clinton came saying if i protect what i have i win the election. and she was it was clear she was hoping that donald trump hurt himself with his own words and donald trump turned in a much stronger performance in terms of punching, counterpunching and getting to the issues more favorable to him. a much better job tonight than in the first debate no doubt.
our exclusive cnn/orc poll results momentarily. who won this debate? in the meantime let s go back to jake. thanks so much. appreciate it, wolf. i m back with our panel. something i want to throw out to everyone here. i ll start with this side and work over. the alicia machado moment was a throwaway line at the end of the last debate and it became a huge story because of how the clinton campaign went with it and because of donald trump s reaction. one thing i m wondering if donald trump introduced at this night s debate that we just talked about over here that might become a bigger thing for the clinton campaign and i think we can agree they re much more effective at the attacks and the commercials and with surrogates, et cetera. that is with donald trump saying if he gets elected president he s going to ask his attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to put hillary clinton in jail. yeah. this is the kind of thing they do in countries not like the united states, where you lock up and jail your political opponents. this feeds into something a criticism we ve heard actually
more from conservative critics of donald trump than liberal critics of donald trump. can you imagine this man with his dem pramt and his drive for vengeance having instruments of government at his hands, the irs, et cetera. i wonder if that was a much bigger gaffe than we are making it out to be. i think it is. i think it s a huge gaffe. republicans talk about the imperial presidency and how barack obama has abused his executive powers. imagine somebody being asked to serve as attorney general if you knew that a president was going to direct prosecutions. i m not a lawyer. but i get that. and it is as dana was pointing out nixonian to a great degree. and i think that it is also un-american to a great degree. and i think that is something the clinton campaign can use and can use very fevtly. also to me when he said i d put her in jail.
remember during the convention lock her up. lock her up, lock her up. and he kind of tried to quiet it a little at the convention because he was in presidential mode. now this was a primary campaign debate to me tonight and what he was doing was rallying the base by saying lock her up effectively, which he did also, calling her a liar multiple times and the devil. multiple times. and saying he d put her in jail. and he said she had hate in her heart. i don t think that s going to play very well with voters. i think what happened was he said i m throwing out the playbook and i m going with, as you point out, i m going with the material that s worked for me when i go out there and speak to these rallies. this line of prosecuting hillary clinton is something he s used in his rallies. this is not a new idea. he just raised it to the level of a debate point here. and my guess is it will resonate well with his base and it will antagonize the people he needs
to grow who worry about the things you point out, who worry about his temperament, worry about whether he would handle the job of president in a responsible way. so you know, i think he galvanized the base again, perhaps at the expense of expanding it. it s another iteration of her argument, which is in an ad, about having him near the nuclear codes. a man you can bait with a tweet shouldn t be near the nuclear codes. and he also probably shouldn t have the instruments of the military, of the justice department. so yeah, i think that ll certainly end up in an ad. and again, it s going to turn off those moderate swing voters who want a steady person, who want somebody who is steady in terms of their temperament, in terms of their manner, in terms of their speech and approach to issues. so i think this it wasn t a plant by hillary clinton in any way. i don t think it s going to
end up in an ad because this isn t the issue she doesn t want to i don t think alleged criminality those who watched it i think it was cringeworthy for a lot of folks who watched it. jake, the two of us have ties to the philly suburbs. i still live there. you have family who are there. i ve waited, we re now a month out from the election, less if you start and think that people are already voting and i ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for the pivot or the outreach to the folks who come in from our area because if we had a nickel for every time they get invoked, even on snl, we d be wealthy individuals. it s never going to happen. i mean, this is the donald trump who got this far. i think there potentially is an emperor has no clothes thing going on around him where perhaps the people who could say to him you need to pivot won t do so for whatever reason. but this is what got him thus far and this is how he s going to ride it out. and i think that he feeds on the reaction that he gets from that base which is what keeps him
hitting but michael, maybe he felt like he took the advice of the people who were telling him to pivot and be more muted in the last debate and it didn t turn out well for him. could be. so he decided well, the hell with that, i m going to throw all that out and go back to the stuff i know works. and just to elaborate, it s not michael and i are biased because we re from philadelphia but it s not just the philly burbs we re talking about, we re talking about white college educated voters, the people in the i-4 corridor in the middle of florida, we re talking about the people in northern virginia, in the suburbs of denver. these are voters that mitt romney did well with, that john mccain did well with. still not well enough to win harrisburg, where thousands show up for donald trump. and donald trump is underperforming with them. and i know that this i m sure he will win every online poll. i know that the breitbart crowd ate this up. my question is did he win over any suburban households in philadelphia? sure. i think he can. and let me use the issue here that you were just talking about
to illustrate. talking about jailing the opponent and how this is dictators and all this kind of stuff. there is another side to this. and on a side that independent voters, the kind of folks you were talking about are very concerned about, and that is the politicization of the department of justice where you have an attorney general, eric holder, who said in that case of the black panthers group there that were at the polls in philadelphia and they were armed and they were in uniform. he said he wasn t going to do it because these are my people. again, i m sure he s winning fox news voters. that s not my point. when you talk about he said he would some fact checker is the fact check machine is going tilt right now. you re speaking against the politicization of the justice department under the obama administration. his answer was i ll tell my attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to lock her up. that s not what he said. he said i will appoint a special prosecutor to look into it.
yes. and then later in the same exchange he said if he were in charge of the government she d be in jail. as a response. i know the media doesn t get satire and humor but that was a humorous line we do. we get satire. you compare him to hitler and stalin locking people up when he said i don t think anybody mentioned hitler or stalin. but let s play it. let s play the exchange. i didn t think i d say this but i m going to say it. and i hate to say it. but if i win i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception. there has never been anything like it. and we re going to have a special prosecutor. when i speak, i go out and speak, the people of this country are furious. in my opinion, the people that have been long-term workers at the fbi are furious. there has never been anything like this where e-mails and
you get a subpoena. you get a subpoena, and after getting the subpoena you delete 33,000 e-mails. and then you acid wash them or bleach them, as you would say. a very expensive process. so we re going to get a special prosecutor and we re going to look into it because you know what? people have been their lives have been destroyed for doing 1/5 of what you ve done. and it s a disgrace. and honestly, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. secretary clinton everything he just said is absolutely false but i m not surprised. oh, really? i told people that it would be impossible to be fact-checking donald all the time. i d never get to talk about anything i want to do and how we re going to really make lives better for people. so once again, go to we have literally trump, you can fact-check him in real time. it s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. because you d be in jail.
secretary clinton. yeah. humor right there. you re saying he wasn t being serious? i m saying he used that line. it was humor to illustrate the point. and the point is as with the e-mails i mean, how many so he thought she was innocent of anything wrong with e-mails? how many stories have we seen, jake, in the last two weeks about destruction of computers, special privileges, the president president clinton gets on the plane i love you guys know i love jeffrey lord. i do. i m not joking. here we go. and i greatly appreciate this is a clearing of the throat. this is it. jake, you may want to get out of the way. but the idea that you are threatening to prosecute your opponent is as best i can tell unprecedented in american history. and i will say this. you don t appoint a prosecutor to investigate. you appoint a prosecutor to lay the groundwork to put somebody in jail. and here s the problem i have with the whole thing. but hold on a second. here s the problem i have with the whole thing. look, we do have a criminal
justice system that is unfair, that is biased, but when people like black lives matter point this out people like yourself say they re race baiting, they re racist, and turn a deaf ear. so you can t have it both ways. you can t pretend to care about a broken criminal justice system only when donald trump is scoring political points about hillary clinton and then turn your deaf ear to the cries of actual people who are suffering. and there was a big missed opportunity tonight. when that muslim woman stepped forward, donald trump could have very easily said to her, i understand what you re going through. and he did. and he didn t. he did. let me finish. we ll get the tape. we ll get the tape. he very briefly said one thing. and then he basically gave an islamophobic answer to a question about islamophobia. why do i say that? because he said you the muslims
have to report on the things that are going on. as if only the muslims have to do this. as if all of the mass shootings are done by muslims. you can say you want everyone in the country you see something say something. that s an american position. he says the muslims have a special responsibility. that s an islamophobic response. and he missed opportunity after opportunity to reach out. but don t play games with criminal justice with me. so kayleigh, let me ask you. you maintain and tell me what you think. that the first part, special prosecutor, serious, but then the other thing about because you d be in jail that was a joke. i do. and the audience laughed. so i think they clearly got the humor. but you know, to van s point about criminal justice and double standards and caring about citizens, you know who i care a lot about? petty officer christian saucier, who s sitting in a jail right now sentenced to one year in prison for taking eight photographs on a submarine to show his family and bringing back classified information home for him. christian saucier s in jail. hillary clinton did the same thing.
she s out free because the fbi, to jeffrey s point, is politicized. they re friends. four of the people sitting at this table have worked in the white house. the white house must maintain an arm s length relationship from the prosecutorial power of the justice department. and it always has. except in the nixon administration where nixon did try to politicize both the fbi and the cia. it was one of the darkest moments of our history. what trump has suggested is straight out of the dictator s handbook. and it came during the same debate when he publicly broke with his running mate who dared to question vladimir putin. now, ken vogel of politico points out, but i remember this from my own work, that in ukraine a putin puppet, viktor yanukovych, did the same thing. he became president. he was a putin puppet. he locked up his predecessor, yulia tymoshenko. this guy is laying the groundwork for exactly he wants to crack down on the first amendment against journalists. in every rally he attacks journalists. now he wants to lock up his opponent just like putin s
buddy. and even his running mate takes second fiddle to his pal putin hold that thought. coming up who won tonight s debate? what do voters think? we ll reveal the first results of our instant poll of debate watchers. and we ll get the first reaction from our focus group of undecided voters in the key battleground state of ohio. stay with us. yeah mom, the new kitchen s great. hey! if you want somethig to cook faster,
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we re here in the spin room getting reaction from all the candidates both the candidates surrogates. lots of reaction coming in. we re also standing by for the exclusive results of our cnn/orc poll of voters in ohio. we re going to get that momentarily. stand by for that. first official unofficial but poll results. scientific poll that we ve got, you re going to get those results momentarily. david chalian will be with us for that. the big question of the night, what did undecided voters think about donald trump s answer to the question about the leaked tape? pamela brown watched the debate with a group of these voters. we re about to show you what they thought. while you watch look at the bottom of your screen. if the lines go up, voters liked the answer. if the lines go down, they didn t like the answer. men s responses are in green, women in yellow. here s donald trump s response. just for the record, though, are you saying that what you
said on that bus 11 years ago, that you did not actually kiss women without consent or grope women without consent? i have great respect for women. nobody has more respect for women than i do. for the record you re saying you didn t do those things? you hear these things are said and i was embarrassed by it but i have tremendous respect for women. have you ever done those things? and women have respect for me. and i will tell you no, i have not. and i will tell you that i m going to make our country safe. pamela, these voters didn t seem to like his answer. yeah, as you saw the very strong reactions from these 29 undecided voters from the ohio state university. so let s get straight to them to see what their reaction was when donald trump defended himself against that access hollywood video. what did you think, barb, when you heard what he had to say? i find it hard to believe whatever he says. he just doesn t seem to be a
truthful person. reporter: and you have two sons and you had sort of a visceral reaction to what he said in defense of that video and what he was saying in that video. what did you think? well, i just feel that everyone has placed all of the accent upon young women and how we should protect them. we are equal citizens. i would hope that my sons would not talk like he did and i have tried to raise them not to act that way. reporter: it s interesting, because he reiterated in his defense that this is locker room banter, that this is just words. what do you think, larry? did that resonate with you? no. because that s not locker room talk. and for a 59-year-old man to claim that that s locker room talk i think is offensive to the young men who are out playing sports and doing the right thing. to me, it s pure and simple, sexual assault. and he should be held accountable for his thinking and actions of sexual assault.
so to you that is not just locker room banter? that s not. not at 59 years old, especially. i don t know any 59-year-olds who are in locker rooms. i just want to get quickly a show of hands. who thought that donald trump did enough to put that controversy surrounding the tape behind him? raise your hand if you think he did enough tonight in defense. okay. and there were some positive reactions when hillary clinton actually spoke after donald trump defended himself against that video. let s take a listen to what she had to say during the debate. this is who donald trump is and the question for us, the question our country must answer is that this is not who we are. that s why, to go back to your question, i want to send a message. we all should. to every boy and girl and indeed to the entire world that america already is great but we are great because we are good.
so i want to ask you, what was it about hillary clinton s argument that resonated with you following donald trump s defense of the video? she stated that america is already great and i tend to agree with that. though we are slow in progressing in a number of areas, we are progressing and we need to continue the momentum. what about you? what did you think about hillary clinton s argument, the way that she reacted, particularly when he brought up bill clinton s past and the allegations against him? what did you think? i think that she tried to clarify that they weren t the same, that what donald trump had done was she had talked about her children and other people s children and daughters and that it just it was uncalled for and he should not have done it and didn t feel that his apology was sincere. and it s interesting because she largely sort of stayed away from going there. do you think that was a smart move? raise your hand if you think
that was a smart move. and raise your hand if you think it was a smart move for donald trump to bring that up, if that was fair game. why do you think that? well, i think, you know, if everything is out on the table, then everything is fair game. is it apples to apples, absolutely not. but i don t think in these debates it just doesn t ever seem like anything s off the table. i m going to get a show of hands now. the big question, who do you think won this debate? hillary clinton. raise your hand if you think hillary clinton won tonight s debate. okay. raise your hand if you think donald trump won this debate. okay. so clearly there are some of you who thought this was a draw. raise your hand if you think tonight s debate was a draw. all right. there you go. there you have it, wolf. mixed response. coming up, we re going to talk about what they thought and who they are going to vote for, these undecided voters, if any of them cemented their vote after tonight s debate. you won t want to miss that. hillary clinton is now speaking to reporters aboard her aircraft. i want to listen in.
go back and lean up against my stool but he was very present. we re going to take off. then we re going to bring you - you . [ inaudible question ]. nothing surprises me about him really, dan. i was surprised by the absolute avalanche of falsehoods. i mean, i really find it almost unimaginable that someone can stand and just tell, you know, a falsehood after falsehood. you all remember politifact said he was the most untruthful candidate they d ever evaluated. and we sort of did the numbers. i think they said he was like 70% untruthful. and so i think he exceeded that percentage tonight. how did president clinton anyway, thank you, guys. we ll come back in a few minutes.
there she is. hillary clinton going to the back of her plane to speak to reporters, making some tough statements once again against donald trump. we have the results now of our instant poll. we ve been waiting for this. david chalian, our political director. give us the results. wolf, as you know, we did a pofl debate watchers. this is not a national poll of all voters. this is a poll of debate watchers and just like we saw in the first debate and the vice presidential debate, the audience skews a little more democratic. debate watchers are a little more democratic than we would see in a national poll overall. having said that, who won the debate? according to the debate watchers we polled, hillary clinton won the debate. 57% to 34% for donald trump. that s not as big of a victory as she got in our poll in the first debate but it is a clear victory here. but talk about besting expectations. take a look at this. did donald trump best expectations, did he do better
than you thought he would do? 63% of debate watchers said donald trump did better than they expected. only 21% say that he did worse and 15% say he did the same as they expected. how about hillary clinton s expectation game? take a look at these numbers. did hillary clinton do better or worse than you expected? 39% say she did better. 26% said she did worse and 34% said she did about the same. hillary clinton the winner in this poll of who won the debate. but donald trump significantly overperforming expectations. but the polls show that she did win this debate. let s get immediate reaction from kellyanne conway, the trump campaign manager who is with us. what s your reaction to that? my reaction is that i m glad that people think that 60% according to your online poll believe that hillary clinton either did worse or the same as they expected. it showed she wasn t very well prepared for tonight s debate. and that really surprises me. because if she s anything she s, you know, very wonky. she s very pedantic, lawyerly in her responses.
i would have thought she d be better prepared for this debate. ail heard all week, wolf, is that the town hall format is really great for her. whereas we know it s our sweet spot because donald trump is out there every single day engaging with voters. he loves that. he s at the rallies. he s at the smaller forum round tables. he s at his own town halls. he clearly won the debate tonight why? because if you watched anybody s shows this whole weekend we ve just been left for dead, it s all over, why even show up, will there be a debate, are people jumping ship. he came here to play tonight and he came here to take the case right to hillary clinton and to show americans this race is still what it s always been. past versus future. politician versus successful businessman. washington insider versus disrupter. and he made that case very clearly. he did not back down. kellyanne, i want to ask you about what he said at the beginning of the debate. more than one time he referred once again to what he said on that tape as locker room talk. you re his campaign manager, the only woman at the head of that campaign. what did you think when you saw
and you heard that? truthfully, what was your reaction? my initial reaction was very close to what melania trump said. i was offended. and i think that language is offensive and disgusting. and i m also very happy that he apologized. i m glad that he holds himself excuse me. accountable. because i look at the full measure of people, what they ve said, what they ve done, dana, and how they deal with adversity that comes to him to them. and donald trump is absolutely correct. these are words compared to actions. and he made that very clear tonight that hillary clinton blaming and shaming the women in her husband s life, that is not somebody who s standing up for women. but the term locker room talk. you had the highest-ranking woman in congress, republican woman, kathy mcmorris rogers, blowing that off and saying no, no, no, this is suggesting sexual assault and that s a very unfortunate phrase and people should stop using it. why? because i know him better. and i know better. but it s what he said.
he did not say the word sexual no. it s what he implied you want to talk about sexual assault, right here in the hall i know cnn doesn t want into the view them for whatever reason. you give miss universe a big platform. but we have in the hall tonight juanita broaddrick and paula jones and kathy shelton the 12-year-old rape victim that two years before the rape shield laws were implemented in arkansas hillary clinton defending her 42-year-old rapist successfully defending him getting him a plea bargain. she was willing to blame and shame that victim as well who was 12 years old. we can talk about sexual assault but let s have a full conversation about it. this is what i know. i have to assess people based on what i see in totem. this is a man i ve been alone with many times who s never been anything but gracious and a gentleman and elevated me to the top level of his campaign the way he s elevated women in the trump organization for decades. because he respects women. let me just say that cnn at the time many, many years ago did fully litigate these two gentlemen were actually covering
the clinton white house fully, talk about and report on their stories at the time. because it is very old. and i just because you brought it up i just have to say, kellyanne how she treated them. no, no. it was real time. i just have to say because you brought it up that your boss himself back in 1998 told neil cavuto about these victims. i don t necessarily agree with his victims, talking about bill clinton. his victims are terrible. he, meaning bill clinton, is the real victim himself. he put himself in that position. and he talked about how unattractive these people are. so in 1998 we re not going to talk about paula jones because it s too old but we ll talk did what i m saying is at that time he was defending bill clinton and going after these guys and now he s changed he s gotten to know them. we took note of hillary clinton s comment on the campaign trail and actually she said all sexual assault victims deserve to be heard and believed. these are her words. she s running for president now. she wants to be the president of all people. i assume except for the ones she
thinks are deplorable and airredeemable which is tens of millions. but in fairness i know we want to talk about this because we certainly don t want to talk about tonight s campaign performance. when hillary clinton just on her plane lying that donald trump said falsehood after falsehood. i was watching the debate in real time. politifact, the fact checker said he was right about her wanting to have a 550% increase in sir refugees let me ask you another question about the debate. donald trump said he had not spoken to his vice presidential running mate mike pence about syria and he disagreed with him. we re 30 days from the american people voting. mike pence will be out there campaigning tomorrow. is the message to the american people at mike pence rallies don t believe what he says because not at all. they were talking about two different things. i just talked to governor pence not ten minutes ago. he says hello. he and mr. trump had also talked about what a great debate we ve had between tuesday night the vice presidential debate and tonight obviously donald trump winning here. in a vice presidential debate the conversation was about
humanitarian crisis. and that s what governor pence was referring to. and mr. trump said and he said the united states might have to use force. governor pence the united states might he might have to. and donald trump said tonight i disagree with that. and i haven t spoken with him. about that particular aspect of it since the debate. that is true p they ve spoken many times this week. but let me be clear. on tv on your network today cnn s jake tapper took tim kaine to account because he couldn t answer a simple question about what hillary clinton said in the e-mails about having open borders. we know she s for open borders but the only way we know it now is because we saw it in her e-mails we did hear something extraordinary from donald trump today. he said if he s elected president he will ask the justice department to name a special prosecutor to go after hillary clinton. and then he went one step further and said he would arrest her and lock her up he would put her in jail. in all of the years, i don t remember a time in american history when one candidate has said of the other candidate if
he wins the other candidate s going to jail. donald trump is channeling the frustration of a lot of americans he hears from, wolf. so many americans say i can t believe that people have been their lives have been ruined, their livelihood gone, they face jail time for doing far less than hillary clinton did hear and yet she was completely exonerated for deleting 33,000 e-mails, not turning over another 17,000. that s 50,000 right there. setting up the private server to begin with. saying that there s no classified information. fbi director comey said that s not true. i only had one device. she had many. they took a hammer to them. the story goes on and on. and it s an active investigation. in other words, just less than two weeks ago did ybut you understand the enormity of that statement. he s going to lock up his opponent if he wins. well, no, what he said is he wants to appoint a special prosecutor because he feels and he channels nearly public will here he hears all the time if we don t hear about the disasters in obama care and her failure with the russian reset
and benghazi we re always hearing about the e-mails. and he is telling he told america tonight what america has told him. the frustration that there s a different set of rules for this woman as goes for e-mails. and she i you ve got to run. i m going to put up on the screen the results of our poll. you re a professional pollster. you ll see the results. these are people who actually watched the debate and millions and millions of americans watched. who won the debate? 57% said hillary clinton won the debate. 34% said donald trump won the debate. that s the results of our cnn/orc poll. kellyanne, thanks very much for joining us. i watched a different debate, but thank you. coming up we re going to have a reality check on some of the most contentious statements we heard from the candidates tonight. and we ll reveal more results from our own poll of watchers. what was their response to trump s attempts to explain his vulgar comments caught on tape? stay with us.
welcome back. we re here in the spin room following this historic debate. we ve got a reality check, some fact checking with tom foreman and phil mattingly. tom foreman, first to you. what have you found out? wolf, attacks and insults have characterized this campaign for months now. and tonight as well. with hillary clinton saying donald trump has gone after women again and again. but it s not only women and it s not only this video that raises questions about his fitness to be our president. because he has also targeted immigrants, african-americans, latinos, people with disabilities, p.o.w.s, muslims, and so many others. that is really an enormous list of people up there. could this possibly be true? well, if you go all wait back to when he announced his candidacy, yeah, at some time or another he s either said or done something to disparage people on every one of these lists.
this was actually a very easy one to check. and her claim is true. wolf? thank you, tom. phil mattingly, you ve been doing a reality check as well. yeah, that s right. it wasn t just hillary clinton that was taking some swings tonight. donald trump rolling off a litany of attacks against bill and hillary clinton. included this one. that bill clinton lost his law license. but what president clinton did, he was impeached. he lost his license to practice law. so here s the claim, that bill clinton lost his law license. quite simply was no longer allowed to practice law. so here are the facts. in the wake of revelations that bill clinton lied during the monica lewinsky investigation the arkansas supreme court brought a disbarment lawsuit against clinton. now, clinton agreed as part of the resolution to that lawsuit the day before leaving office to a five-year suspension of his arkansas law license as part of that plea deal to put an end to the lewinsky investigation.
so where does that leave us? the verdict. it s true. on donald trump s claim that bill clinton lost his law license for five years. it s accurate. for this and all of tonight s reality checks go to wolf? cnn s coverage of the second presidential debate continues right after this.
a high one. donald trump s campaign staggered after the video where the bragged he could grab a woman s genitals. then he went to attack mode and hillary clinton responded. look, it s just not true. you didn t delete them? personal e-mails. not official. we turned over 35,000. what about the other 50,000? please allow her to respond. she didn t talk while you talked. that s true. i ll try not to in this debate because i d like to get to the questions that the people have brought here tonight to talk to us about. and get off this question. okay, donald, i know you re into big diversion tonight. anything to avoid talking about your campaign and the way it is exploding and the way republicans are leaving you. the news this morning,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW MediaBuzz 20170109 08:00:00

i m howard kurtz and this is mediabuzz. julian assange and, of course, the media and punching back on twitter, let s get back to my interview with sean spicer, i spoke to him from trump tower. sean spicer, welcome. thank you, howie. donald trump tweeted, i m asking the chairs of the house and senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with nbc prior to me seeing it. i can understand his concern, but does that signal as president he will be ordering leak investigations to find out reporter sources? well, it s not the reporter sources, it s trying to figure out where it came from. there s a big difference between reportest doing their job and
sourcing thicks and people in the government improperly giving classified information to people or potentially doing that. i think there s a big difference whether you re targeting the source or recipient. right. trump s twitter feed paralyzes and some seem say, hey, we shouldn t cover tweets which is ridiculous, why do you think the short messages are unnerving to the establishment? it s not just the length of them but whose behind him, he has 50 million across three different platforms. what people have realized in washington and elsewhere when he tweets, he has a movement that s behind him. hi understands the frustration and concerns of the american people like nobody else and he can speak directly to them and the thing about twitter that s unique is you see the number of
retweets and actions taken and the coverage it gets and people understand that, you know, mountains get moved when he tweets, businesses react. governments act, he gets things done, he is successful because of the message that he has and the movement that he commands. you re not getting the memo in advance and you have to respond to questions about this, do you think that will change a bit after january 20th? nope, not at all. the thing that i find interesting about the question, i know you re asking from a lot of the mainstream media they ask a question if there s something wrong. i think it s been phenomenally successful. to some degree, the headline that you read it s right. he has tremendous amount of sway and influence on other politicians, on companies, executives, foreign leaders because they understand that he has tapped into where the country is and where the support is finish key positions in policy.
that he stated in an interview with sean hannity. right, trump accused the media of peddling lies in painting him, he says you re very good at this. do you think the media lie and are intentionally dishonest? i think some reporters clearly have a bias. and choose to look at only part of the story. there s no question about it. i ve been doing this for a long time. thank you for the complement but i also believe that some reporters have chosen to look at the model of reporting which is ignore some facts before more will be sensational and will generate more retweets and clicks and i think that s dishonest. a job of a good reporter should be that you put all the facts out there, report the entire story in context and for some reporters they would rather overlook certain facts because the story wouldn t be as glamorous and sensational.
makes it harder when your boss says the job is dishonest. and i have, we will continue to do that and reporters will do job fairly and and responsibly, and what i think some of these folks when they bepped bend dishonest, they should be called out. reporters have a first amendment right to write whatever they want, frankly. i think the president elect has a right to correct the record and make sure that factual inaccurate chris is actually called. and you actually have that right. something every day, may not be televised, maybe off xara gaggle or meeting, what s the argument about televising every
briefing? what i m doing is the same thing that the president elect has challenged everyone that he has asked to serve in his administration to look in, press briefing or getting information out or whether it s reforming the va. right. on the question of the cameras right. sometimes once the cameras goes on it becomes a show than informational session where news is discontinued and back and forth with the press core. it wasn t until, you know, it hasn t been that long since
that s been the case and i think there are other institutions that have done that, again, maybe we don t change anything. maybe we add a gaggle to the to the daily press conference, maybe we just invite more of the american people into this conversation, which i think the president elect is very keen on because this is a conversation that shouldn t be limited to just the big media, if you will. there s a lot of proliferation specially on conservative media side and people have done a good job and they should have equal access and have questions asked and answered to get that perspective out to key constituencies. thanks for coming in front of our cameras, hope you will come back. of course, howie. have a great weekend. joining us political commentator, amy holmes and charles, fox news contributor. erin, donald trump is accusing the media outright lying about
skepticism, essentially accepted the findings of this report. is he going too far of that charge of lying? i think he is. i think this would be unpopular but the media doesn t always lie. what sean spicer said that the media would include some and exclude others. you re saying there s bias, there s tilting, out of context but you don t think it s intentionally lying? no. trump told the new york times that all amounts to a political witch hunt. what the press sees unusual skeptical what i mentioned to spicer, incoming president at odds with the u.s. intel agencies over russia, he says as detractors using the hacking issue to ill light miez victory? i think he would be right.
as conservative knew existed. conservative commentators that despise julian assange, making him into an icon because he damaged the democrats during the election. i think among conservatives there s mixed views about julian assange because national security issues were at stake and now there s still mixed views of julian assange if you read, they take what julian assange has to take with a lot of salt and looking at exactly what he did expose and whether or not that was helpful to republicans in the election. six years ago sarah palin linked assange to a terrorist when he attacked personal emails that they were boring. what s going on here? people don t have principles.
the cancer of american politics which is that people will believe or say what suits their partisan interest in the short-term. both parties do this. across the board phenomena. we have a lot of people that used to talk about how a menace he is. this is the fundamental problem with american politics across the board. people no longer make principled arguments, they make opportunistic arguments and this is a galling and extreme case of it. here is what donald trump tweeted. dishonest media like saying that i m in agreement with julian assange, wrong, i simply state what he states, i am for the people. a clip you might have seen of donald trump and businessman billionaire talking to brian kilmeade.
evolution of views about assange? maybe so. that s the principle we would like to call saving the tape. we might see the rest of the conservative elites who are now, you know, siding with assange, flipping back is at some point wikileaks put out more about what s going on in the government in the next couple of years in trump s administration because inevitable things will go wrong. nbc joe scarborough, joe, what s repulsive says, hannity is the patheticically low ratings you have. i will let them have their food fight and watch. conservatives have always had a conflicting attitude toward assange. the information is important, how we are getting it, that s something we need to look
for the first moment out the gate they had the story out there. when i woke up when i saw this this morning, i thought to myself, you ve got to be kidding me. howie: within hours reversed the vote on the ethics office. a lot of people credited trump tweeting but wasn t he in part react to go negative headlines. in the sense he didn t know it was going to happen in advance, he probably just read about it in the papers and it s a tribute to donald trump s common sense if he was able to see that what everybody else saw which was a bone-head move and terrible he could have said nothing. leads me to my next point, in the whole matrix of factors that cause gop representatives to back down on this, the trump tweet was the most important and showed that he was willing to go up against them and sort of bring them into line and, you
know, the question is how many more times is that going to happen over the next few years. it was a little opening power struggle. howie: the house was also flooded with angry calls from constituents and that always gets the attention of members of congress. this happened on the morning where the big front page stories and new york times and washington post that basically said, this is the first thick you guys are going to do in the trump era? okay, there are negative headlines about house republicans all of the time. why does anybody think that this time negative headlines forced the republicans to reverse course. howie: very little effect? i think it s more the calls in trump s tweets. of course, when donald trump has has the ability to separate himself from house republicans who are not popular, still, he s going to do it. he is going to show independents. there maybe arguments both democrats and republicans hate the independent office but one
hot button for the press is this was done behind closed doors on a federal holiday? certainly it seems sneaky. i want to leave it at chuck saying that is a tribute to donald trump s common sense. howie: we will write that down. i do. [laughter] what little he has. but i do think that that trump role is what s decisive because it is true that the republicans get bashed in washington post headlines every day. gets criticism across the board including from conservatives and conservatives on this network. he ran against the gop establishment. think about this, a lot of voters in the rust belt might have voted for obama in 2008 and 2012 and put donald trump over the edge. he knows that. when he has the opportunity to bash obama, he s going to do it.
howie: he s a fugitive from justice, i want to underscore that hold in ecuadorian embassy for sexual assault allegations. great to see you this sunday. up next, tucker carlson on the challenge of succeeding megyn kelly and responding to critics and next time
time star, your ego is soaring out of control? no. it s a little intimidating. but, you know, the beauty of working at fox, fox has a big audience. i m not going to convince myself that it s about me. where it works makes all the difference basically. howie: you do things differently at 9:00 o clock it s live hour in prime time. are you going to make tweaks and adjustments here? of course. my view is that you can have a newsy interview that cuts through a lot of the cant and gets to the core point, doesn t need to be confrontation and not direct, i think viewers want that. howie: founder of the daily caller, some media critics react to this by saying, you re sympathetic to donald trump and
now fox doesn t have a skeptic, fair on unfair? voters want deep skepticism taped on washington specially but on all concentration of power. there s not enough about that at all. at all. our team and their team, it s very partisan but i think there s a lot of sucking up to power. now more than ever. howie: you said trump wasn t your first choice for president and you weren t sure if he wanted the job. when you launch the choice, you want to hold people accountable and people tend to lie and does that apply to the new president and the new administration? of course, it does. it will apply to anybody who is taking my money and power over me. of course. despite his flaws as a man, he was saying things that no one
else dared to say that were not only true but forced republicans to look at economic views, forced them to reckon with a way he looked at economics. i said that, wow, people don t buy the republican economic program actually. howie: you ve told the story about 15 years ago in cnn you got a voicemail from him, too vulgar for air, what did you take from him? he s vulgar, that s obviously not a departure from me, he s hilarious, he can be thin-skin and he s interesting. howie: everybody will be asking you off the air, what did he say.
sot critics thought you were aggressive some young from teen vowing, vogue and you took her on for criticism and she called you a bully. is there a line about being aggressive and being too rough with the guest? i would be timid with a lot of guests who weren t there to push political views on other people but the second you re out there spousing views and demanding people conform to your views, i think, i have a right to press you and ask you to explain your views. that s all i was doing to her. i was treating her like an adult. she didn t care for that and started yelling at me but i didn t treat her any differently than i treat anybody else that wrote what she wrote. a lot of people i know dislike trump and more legitimate to disagree with trump which i do myself sometimes. i didn t think she was explaining herself. howie: you had a show in nbc,
you were on cross fire when you got into it with john stewart. i don t know, i mean, i think maybe my one advantage is i have failed in the past and i would recommend failure to anyone. howie: how so? winning doesn t teach you anything. it tells you whatever you re doing work, keep doing it. exactly. failure forces you to assess yourself in a way that nothing else does and real failure, like your neighbors and you pull into driveway anight. you re ashamed. i learned a lot about my own shortcomings, i m a much more self-aware person than i was, that s for sure. howie: i can see just in the exchange. are you feeling the pressure? i mean, i guess. i m a pretty small thinker to be totally honest. if i thought about a lot, wow,
i m anchoring the 9:00 p.m. what s the show tonight. what am i going to ask. as long as you keep thinking about that every single night, let s make the best show we can tucker carlson, great to see you. thank you. howie: tucker will be on at 9:00. can megyn kelly succeed in different formats later. is it fair to call the president elect a liar
howie: as we were saying, it was front news this week when megyn kelly decided to leave, here is what megyn said on the kelly file about feeling a rapport with her audience. that after all is why we believe here we are, human connection. the truth is, i need more of that in my life and in particular when it comes to my children who are 7, 5 and 3. so i will be leaving fox news at the week s end and starting a new adventure. joining us now media reporter from the hill. joe, let s start with the obvious.
megyn kelly was a huge star here. number two show on cable. impact on fox, fox, i compare to the university of alabama football program this week because alabama keeps playing for championships every year yet they are graduating players and going to the nfl. i looked at the two examples. glenn beck leaves, highly rated host, fox takes off their bench five people and puts them around the table and say talk about stuff, highly rated show, same thing with greta, she leaves 7:00 o clock, tucker carlson comes, if you compare them year over year. i think the bottom line, howie, fox bus not rebuild, it reloads and that s scary if you re a competitors. howie: right. starting a show at msnbc. some people say that megyn kelly left for money. i believe she s taking somewhat less money to go to nbc.
a lot of this was schedule in her life and the three kids you heard her mention. tucker carlson, he s only had his own show here for a few weeks. he gets a 9:00 p.m. slot, how do you see that looking out? if you re looking at december ratings, we have never seen, howie, a debut like tucker carlson has had for his show. not just ratings which have been off the charts, but also it seems like every day i m seeing a viral video of a segment that he does the night before debating somebody. tucker certainly is going to be just fine and to your point about megyn, you re exactly right, this is about your children. this is why you leave prime time for daytime for less money. we have never seen at the top of her career and i read her book cover to cover. i interviewed her a couple of weeks ago. she wanted to be there when her kids were getting home from school, doing their homework and
tuck them into bed at night and that s why you take less money. she will be starting a die time talk show which has been graveyard period for successful journalists, how do you see her fairing? exactly. anderson cooper has a show in daytime to do a talk show like megyn is going to try to do. it fails in two hours. this is in the an apples to apples comparison. megyn in her 30 s leaves a corporate lawyer and years later becomes one of the most watched people on television. i wouldn t bet against her if her own personal history is any indication. howie: starting a news magazine show, sunday night is 60 minutes, tough competition head to head. yeah, 60 minutes has been around for years. all right, i put it on later.
nbc has the number one rated show in sunday night football from september to january, where are you going to put that show? certainly unanswered questions as how nbc is going to utilize megyn kelly. she s going to be in daytime. we don t know the time slot. we will find out exactly in september exactly. howie: i wish you all the best too, joe, and you probably fed tucker carlson s ego during our conversation. after the break, wall street journal editor jerry baker on taking slack for his approach of covering donald trump s misstatements. later joe scarborough wants you to know he was not partying with donald trump on new year s eve
howie: set off a big of furor on how it was covered inaccurate. it implying deliberate intent to mislead. howie: i spoke to the editor from new york. thanks for having me. howie: you got coverage of accusing the president elect a liar. you say in the wall street journal you stand accused of imperilling the republican. how do you plea, sir? i thought i was going to be a
fugitive from media justice for a while and i was wondering whether i should go and lie low. thank you very much for your concern, i weathered it okay so far. howie: after dan called your remarks disturbing is the following, i will confess, it feels like being on the virtues of abstinance. it s a little bit rich to be honest with you to be criticized for reporting ethics specially something like this where i m convinced we are doing the right thing but somebody who remembers had employment terminated by the network because he was involved in making up a story about president george w. bush. so for me to be criticized by
somebody like that, i take it with a pride. howie: story that couldn t be confirmed and cbs try today retrack. editorial page has been tough on donald trump, has pointed out some statements that are inconsistent with the facts. mass illegal voting, birther issue with president obama. and the paper describing it that way and explain the distinction. first of all, politics speak untruths all of the time. a lot of people speak untruths a lot of the time and we report that and so the right thing to do, i believe, is to say, when someone says something we report what they say, somebody as important as donald trump, the president elect, which we reported and we measure what he says, examines what he says against the facts an we give an estimate as to whether or not as
far as we can tell the statement is true. and donald trump has said things that aren t true. there s a difference that a person, a subject said something that was untrue and saying that they lied because lying is autoknow that somebody is lying you have to know state of knowledge and state of mind that they had deliberate to deceive. you may be able to infer a lot of what you think you know, when somebody says something is untrue. muslims on the roofs of new jersey celebrating after 9/11, that s a much, much higher standard of proof. howie: do you think there would have been media criticism if you said something similar of hillary clinton if she won the election, what does this say about the media s mind set toward president elect? you re absolutely right, howie. politicians lie all of the time.
we didn t get criticism at all when president obama said if you like your health insurance plan you can keep your health insurance. we didn t describe that as a lie. it was untruth and we haven t described things that donald trump said it was a lie. the answer what you re getting at is a large section of the media had decided that there s something specifically and uniquely threatening about donald trump that they actually have to take a posture of confrontation and opposition to him and they have they have to be in the arena and saying this man is a terrible threat to our freedoms and democracy and they have to be out there actually in a partisan way disagreeing with him. howie: great to have you on the show, thanks very much for joining us. thanks, howie, thanks for having me. howie: scary story about the russians supposedly hacking our grid and joe scar bow row calls the reporter a liar for tweeting about his relationship pickckckck
howie: washington post with dramatic headline last week. russian hackers hacked electricity grid but the story quickly short circuited. the danger about relying on anonymous resource. 90 minutes after discovery of code associated with russian hackers that posed vulnerability for america s electric grid, the utility said only a single line of code was found at one laptop, not connected to the grid. the next day ran note but this week retracted the entire story in a piece headline, russian government hackers do not appear to have targeted vermont utility. people close to the
investigation, internal discussions to make sure something similar did you want happen again. bad week for the washington post. cover splash on the women s march plan to go protest trump s inauguration and uses university symbol for the male gender. the editors need their eyesight checked? joe scarborough had dinner with donald trump last week and met with president elect mar-a-lago as new year s eve party was getting underway. morning joe partied with trump, called him a liar and explained on the air that they didn t get dress up, it was just a 20-minute meeting seeking an interview. judging from the response that i get every time i meet with anybody associated with him, no journalist have ever done this before. 60 minutes has ever gone to a president or new york times.
we know ben bradley ever did. i m not going to let them lie because they have been lying for a year or so. you two meet the president elect when the staff says you can meet the president elect. howie: that s true. every president holds off the record chats, reagan, obama, this is only controversial because it s trump. i m glad they patched things up. trump even went over on friday and met with vanity fair carter who has been mocking him since spying magazines in the 80 s this after tweeting, no talent, will be out. that s it for this edition of mediabuss, i m howard kurtz. let us know what you think. stick to the media questions, comments, mediabuzz at continue the conversation on twitter and do you know, i do a

Media-buzz , Howard-kurtz , Course , Julian-assange , Media , Interview , Sean-spicer , Twitter , Trump-tower , Donald-trump , Pickckckck-howie , House

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170315 00:00:00

senator lindsey graham whether or not there is an investigation ongoing into the donald trump campaign and those contacts that allegedly occurred with russian officials during the presidential election. since they have not confirmed the existence of an investigation, they have not even confirmed with senators, so in a private meeting between graham and whitehouse on march 2nd, james comey would not tell these two senators whether or not there was an investigation ongoing, even though they sit on a judiciary subcommittee investigating the issue of russia. comey according to sheldon whitehouse said he would confirm whether or not that investigation is occurring by this hearing that they re having tomorrow in this senate judiciary committee subcommittee exploring russia s meddling in the election. eastern yoeuropean elections as
committee and the top democrat mark warner told me going into the briefing there s no evidence whatsoever even though he met with james comey last week. one other senator demanding more information is senator john mccain, who said it s time for the administration to explain if there s any evidence there. what s your reaction to saying that need more time to respond to the wiretapping claims? i hope this they can ascertain as soon as possible the answer to that because americans need to know if indeed former president wiretapped the trump towers. that is a violation of the law and of the utmost seriousness. we need to know the answer. reporter: if there s no evidence, what s your reaction? let s wait and see. let s wait and see what the results are. the american people need an
answer and deserve an answer. reporter: the question is whether or not the fbi or the justice department will respond each in a private setting or a public setting and if they don t respond privately there been questions that james comey will get at a march 20th house hearing where they ll be discussing this issue of russia interference in the election but also the senate intelligence committee announcing today they plan to have their own public hearings later this month and senator mark warner also wants to hear from some trump associates about the contacts with russian officials including roger stone, the former trump adviser, who admitted to some contact with russians during the campaign season. manu raju, appreciate that. van jones has a town hall coming up thursday night. jason miller here. our chief political analyst analyst gloria borger is here. and ryan liz sa from the new yorker. paul begala joins us. the congressional budget office
clearing this up. i think we ll find what we all know, that there was no collusion between the trump campaign and foreign governments or foreign entities. this is absolutely ludicrous. it makes no sense. the fact look, the election is over. donald trump won. he s now president of the united states. it s very clear that there is this effort of folks whether it s the career bureaucrats or insiders or people who are upset that applecarts are getting tipped over, they re still trying to delegitimize this presidency. dangerous for the country. tomorrow hopefully they ll make clear this is nonsense. van, is it an attempt to delegitimize? it s such a weird thing because i think if the shoe were on the other foot obviously people would want to know, did barack obama conspire with the chinese? you guys med made up kenyans and muslims and all kinds of stuff. if the tfbi says they are not
hillary s election. that was a big exception comey created. i m deeply distrustful of mr. comey. he needs to know, he s walking into that hearing tomorrow, before that, he was attorney general of the state. he knows the justice department well. knows the questions to ask. by the way, lindsey graham is a pretty good attorney as well. he s said on the record he ll be tough if they don t come and respond to the questions he s already asked about any alleged allegations of wiretapping by obama. in a way it s return to normalcy. we ve had so much happening in the media and leaks and what not, and now you have some adults who are serious on how to be prosecutors coming into a room and maybe actually having some closure. and it would be awesome if that closure were to clear the president. i think it s entirely possible
especially the democratic party, have been so quick to jump on this and attack the president. the president has been right a lot of his predictions, whether it be sensitive materials on computers, the rise of he could come out and say this is what i know, he could call the fbi and say release the information, i know it. there s a process. a second ago you said there was no investigation. now you re saying he might confirm trump was right about the surveillance which would mean there s an investigation. there are a lot of things we don t know and will find out. the president knows. he can declassify anything he wants. he could call up james comey or anybody else and say, you know what, declassify this. why not? let the american public know that i was somebody was listening in on my phone conversations. i think ultimately or microwave. i think part of the thing that i think trump s defenders need to take some responsibility for is that if this happened, this is a huge crime committed
by obama against not just trump but against our democratic process. you don t handle it with a tweet. you don t throw it out there in this way and create all this hoopla because, guess what, if trump is right, you ve got a whole country to hold together. this is a massive constitutional crisis. he devoted three tweets to it. my point is even if you guys are right i think what you re seeing is if this is a precursor to how donald trump handles major issues and constitutional crises, you have real problems. doesn t it bother you? you wouldn t advise him to handle something this serious in this way, would you? he has a clearly different approach. the secretary of state has a different approach. president of the united states, most important position in the world, to van s point, a tweet, you know, in advance of an arnold schwarzenegger tweet,
the best way to accuse the former president of the united states, one of the greatest crimes. the media have attacked the president over and over for his presentation style. if it works for him he ll keep going back to it. the russian hacking. he s an extraordinary salesman. i don t take that away from him. he s le legitimately my president. he was also illegitimately helped by the russian hack. he s trying to divert attention from that by attacking the former president obama for doing something monstrous which i don t believe at all. to believe his theory, you have to believe that barack obama subverted the constitution, committed an outrageous crime, to spy on donald trump and it took that spy material and hid it, allowed trump to become president and went off water skiing with richard branson. very smart. next, is the white house trying to have it both ways on the gop replacement for
obamacare? run eight way from estimates it could leave 24 million more americans without insurance. later, jorge ramos on congressman steve king and remarks directed to him. their experience is coveted. their leadership is instinctive.
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trying to have it both ways, replacing the obamacare replacement bill, liking some but dismissing another part. the other part is estimate that 24 million fewer would be insured under the legislation. the reaction has been intense all day with moderate house republicans shy eight way from the bill, a number of senate republicans calling it dead on arrival, democrats salvaging it. the president facing pressure to how he squares the cbo projections with his promise of hi hi health insurance for everyone. jim acosta. reporter: it s rare moment president trump passes up on a chance to speak his mind but he did when asked about the congressional budget office analysis of the proposal to replace obamacare. this is the american health care act, the president is proud of it. reporter: the white house pushing back on the cbo score of the health care plan that found 14 million americans would be uninsured by next year, 24 million by the year 2026.
as one top gop source put it, the headlines are terrible. cbo coverage estimates are consistently wrong. reporter: the white house did concede scores of american, perhaps millions, will be without health insurance if they re no longer mandated to buy it under obamacare. would you concede there will be some coverage losses? perhaps in the millions? that will there would be millions of people who will not have health insurance as a result of what you re doing? well, again, sure, except you have to look at the current situation. reporter: press secretary sean spicer tried to explain how the republican plan satisfies the president s promise to cover every american. the president is okay with millions of people no, he s not. right now they re not getting that. by giving them more chois at a lower cost, more americans can buy health care for their family or themselves or in a lot of cases for their business without paying the penalty. is system now is not working. reporter: even though the white house is rejecting the cbo s predictions on coverage it
seems they like other parts like a reduced deficit and reduction in premiums. the cbo is saying just with what we re doing, first prong alone, 10% decline in the original market. that s a significant reduction. we re talking about bringing costs down and increasing choices. reporter: cherry-picking of data is low-hanging fruit for democrats. all this hocus-pocus language that they talk about, well, you re not going to be able worried about costs but then they don t seem like they re that much worried about coverage. and so what i m saying to them is that the american people need coverage. jim joins us now. i understand the white house is working on changes to the bill. what are you hearing? reporter: they are working on changes with republican leaders on the bill. if you need to add to your washington jargon, a so-called managers amendment.
i talked to a republican source involved in the process who said these managers amendments are typical with any bill of this size and that at this pointitis not envisioned that they re going to have major changes made to this piece of legislation but if you re listening to the handwringing on capitol hill among republicans they are talking about coverage right now, not covering americans but covering their rear ends in case all this blows up in their faces. no question, if they want to get this out of the house, a lot of republicans are saying privately they re going to need changes to the bill. jim acosta, thanks. now more on political side effects, some in the republican party. phil matting hi has the latest from capitol hill. jim acosta was saying the white house working with republican leaders trying to make changes. what are your sources telling you about the effort? the process hasn t been helpful. when i talked to senior gop leadership officials say they the white house was on board with the bill as is. the white house was on board
with the strategy included not making major changes going forward. every time the president tells conservatives this is up for negotiation, every time the press secretary stands in front of reporters and says there could be major changes, that undercuts this effort entirely. there s a lot of concern inside gop leadership circles right now that what the white house is doing is not helping the process at all. in fact, it s making their job difficult. i think jim hit on the crucial point here. as it currently stands, house republican leaders even as much of their conference remains unsettle are not planning major changes to the bill. every time the white house says the opposite, that creates more problems as they try and wrangle votes. what would republican leaders like to see from the white house to get it passed? sell. they don t want individuals coming to capitol hill and meeting with leaders. they want the president himself starting to bring the hammer down. he s traveling tomorrow, going to have a rally in nashville on health care. those types of events are helpful. but the reality remains when i talk to gop sources that the president is going to have to come down hard, particularly on
conservatives. conservatives where he s very popular in his district. at some point he ll have to lay out an ultimatum. it can t be glad handing or pizza parties and bowling. he has to tell members it s time to get in line. short of that, they ll be short of votes. what are your sources telling you about what it might look like in the right place? what i m hearing a lot of is the focus obviously has been a lot on conservatives and for good reason. they ve been the most boisterous about their concerns. the real concern up here especially amongst house leaders is the moderates. if you look at the coverage number, if you look at some of the issues the conservatives are picking on right now, if those issues start to move, if some of those changes that white house officials say they re open to actually come to be, those moderates start to leave enmass. the reason is simple politics. these are the individuals that serve to lose their races in these swing districts if these
major changes are made, if this the concerns about the coverage numbers are not assuaged at any point. that more than anything else why you see republican leaders telling the white house, look, you need to stay unified with us, you can t freelance because those are the members that in the end they believe will be the hardest to bring around. phil mattingly, thanks. back with the panel. you have to white house pushing back on the cbo report but only kind of part of it, embracing other aspects. they like the deficit reduction part of it because it reduces the deficit $337 billion over ten years. but much of that comes from the cutbacks in medicaid to the states. that s what the moderates are upset about. and i just have to ask a question after listening to phil. if you re a republican house moderate, why would you go out on a limb and vote for this bill if you know it s going to get changed in the senate? then you ll be on the record voting for something that is unpopular in your district and
mitch mcconnell in the senate has already said we re this won t be the final bill. unless they can get together on what they re going to do, the house members who have to go first on this are saying why am i going to walk the complaint for you in the senate? today was a big day under the radar. conservatives starting to real hi move against this bill. we ve seen breitbart for a couple days. eric bowling on fox news saying this is not good. chris ruddy, the news max guy, says we need a more populous plan. conservatives are walking away from this. tom cotton saying there is no bona fide conservative, u.s. senator from arkansas, doesn t like this at all. i think donald trump has to make a decision. it either needs to be cut and run, abandon this, sell out paul ryan, or stay and fight. but he has to decide because
when you say fight you mean back the current you have to go to those conservative members of congress and say you ran on this for the last six years, you side you wanted to repeal obamacare. you promised you were going to repeal obamacare. this is your chance. if you don t do it, i m going to campaign in your district and imgoing to tell all of your constituents that you lied to them. jason? what should the president do? i m continually bewildered how the republican party didn t have a bill. as somebody who s helped to elect a lot of these conservatives and republicans, i think what have you guys been doing? a couple things. one, i was glad to hear an openness to potentially making changes that there might be a managers amendment, a little inside baseball, clean this up. several things we need for success for this bill. one, a much better job of making it clear to the american people or reminding them this bill obamacare is heading off a
cliff. look at the raitts going up the white house has been hammering that message. still i think people don t realize the urgency that we need to act here. i think the second part we need to do is make sure it s clear how people are going to benefit and how they ll be helped by passing this particular piece of legislation. the third and final piece is this is the time, now we ve seen what the hill has been able to come up with ryan care or whatever the bill is. the president needs to engage and say he s the negotiator in chief. if we re going to save this i think dan prefers the term trump care. couple things. this is the most important part of the overall drama because up until now trump has been able to say i am the deal maker. i know how to make deals. nobody makes better deals than me. so far he s made every mistake he can possibly make in trying to put this thing together. he s negotiating against himself, he moves in one
direction, signals another, he s undermining his own position and his partners . if you watch this closely, it may turn out that he hasn t read his own book. he doesn t actually know how to negotiate. quick break. more with the panel on this. have republicans promised too much on health care and which voters stand to lose the most or gain? your path to retirement may not always be clear. but at t. rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call us or your advisor t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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themselves and i will do that through a different system. i don t care if it costs me votes or not. everybody will be taken care of much better than they are now. everybody will be taken care of. have they overpromised? what would happen is he let paul ryan write the bill and the people who voted for trump are the losers in the paul ryan bill. if you are poor, white, rural, older american, you re getting less assistance from the government to buy health insurance on the individual market in this bill because there s not the subsidies. not as generous as in obamacare. or if you re just over the poverty line and in one of the states they expanded made cade, you could lose that. you listen to those clips. trump on sort of the welfare state has a very different view than sort of the neolibertarians in the republican party and what s so interesting is he has a faction in the white house who are nationalist pop you lis and have a different view of the
paul ryan party. this health care bill does not represent that view. this is the ryan wing of the party, not the trump wing. it s not just that they don t like each other but they have complete hi different world views. paul ryan believes like a ronald reagan, jack kemp philosophy, and, you know, you could argue that the bannon/trump wing is liberal. they have not brought through what an alternative plan would be. it would be populist and what this bill is not is populist. trump got elected by the white working class, an older white working class. they get hammered by this bill. bloomberg looked at which counties get more and which get less. by 3-1 counties that voted for hillary get more. why? because there s a $600 billion tax cut that only applies to the richest americans.
which rays the question the it starts to go south, why would donald trump go down with it? this is off brand for him. one of the things donald trump has been to brilliant about during the campaign is understanding his message, understanding who his voters are and speaking to them when other people weren t. hillary clinton certainly wasn t the same way donald trump was to the point paul was making and ryan that this is paul ryan s plan and he s not speaking to chose voters. go back to what i said, we need to focus on the choice and competition aspect of this to create more health care opportunities for people. the president, when he was running in the campaign, talked about being able to buy insurance across state lines, talked about small businesses being able to pool together, talked about expanded hsas. i know the folks on capitol hill are saying because of the reconciliation process, current mechanism, they can t do it. if i were in the white house, advising the president, i would say load it up on the same day,
you ran on this, off mandate, put it to the democrats, especially democrats up in 2018, make them take this society voetd because this is something the president won on and let s go and watch the democrats sweat a little. democrats are standing by watching. what i noticed during the campaign was that trump would do these things where he would stick up for poor people, he would stickum for the needs of people, even stuck up for planned parenthood, people forget that, and while he was doing that, we were aten toich the heart land, this particular mix working. i don t think the people in washington, d.c., who are in the republican party, hooray, we now have all these majorities, understand how they got those majorities. they didn t get them based on a paul ryan world view, whatever his positive points are. that wasn t what won. what you now have is a guy who has a philosophy when he remembers it that actually is
for though folks. it won t work. the question is, if the president is for universal health care and ryan s bill is for universal access in some way, shape, or form to health care, the president wants to guarantee health care to everybody, it won t be popular but that s what i m going to do. what does he do? he doesn t love paul ryan. paul ryan doesn t love donald trump. we know that. now he s stuck. it s an arranged marriage and they re stuck with each oh. does trump wul away from ryan and say we re starting all over again or does he go down with the ship or betray the people who voted for him? i think this is where the president steps in and saves this bill and approves it, makes it something that go ahead and get through. do you think he can do that? i think so. he s the negotiator in chief. of course he can go and get this thing through. again going back to the point that leaving obamacare in place
as it is isn t an acceptable option. see the premiums going up, people s access to you have to do something about it. [ talking over each other ] opposition is easy. proposition is hard. what you guys are failing to do as a governing party is put forth something you can agree on. we re your fans. [ talking over each other ] help us to make it work and your party let people wither on the vine, refused to expand medicaid, did horrible things to people in your own state. now you get a chance to governing and governing is hard. i ll take to jorge ramos about what steve king accused him of. jorge ramos stock and trade is identify between race. trading tools, give you access to in-depth analysis,
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controversial remarks saying we can t restore our civilization with somebody else s babies. he doubled down. attacked jorge ramos and mapged to make another inflammatory remark. jorge ramos stock and trade is to identify and trying to drive wedges between race, race and ethnicity to be more correct. when you start escalating the differences then you end up with people at each other s throats and he s adding up hispanics and blacks who he predicts will be in greater number than whites in america. i will predict the hispanics and blacks will be fighting each other before that happens. what he meant by that he can explain. but jorge are ramos, the target of his comments. jamie:s me. first of all, your reaction to congressman king s comments about you. what s your response saying you re trying to drive a wedge between race and ethnicity?
the fact is that this country is changing. this demographic revolution, i call it the latino way. it is not what i think but what is happening. the census bureau projected in 2044 nonhispanic whites will become a minority. not something that i want or decided. that s the way it is. congressman says you re celebrating that white people are demographically becoming a majority minority in this country. i m celebrating is the diversity of this country, which i find incredibly beautiful. the essence of the united states is its diversity. the essence is it s a multicultural, multiethnic, multiracial country created by immigrants. that declaration of independence which we know all men and women are created equal, that s what i m celebrating, the diversity. what i m concerned about is what he s saying and that he might with the support of the white house or some in the white house, he might want to make america white again. that s not the united states
that i know, not the united states that i celebrate and love. when it comes to the congressman s original tweet that the u.s. can t restore it civilization with somebody else s babies he s standing by that but amended it saying if you can go anywhere in the world and adopt these little babies and put them into households that were already assimilated to america, they will grow up as american as any other baby. essentially, his whole notion is such a rejection of the belief that immigrants to this country actually add to the culture, that it s not just about, you know, kind of adopting that culture is a changing thing and that s a positive thing that we learn new things from new people who arrive. what can you expect from a member of congress that once compared immigrants to dogs or who once proposed to electrify the walls between mexico and the united states? that s what he s saying.
whose babies is he talking about? the united states is already changing. before doing this interview i was checking the latest numbers. right now, anderson, all the babies being born in the united states right now more than half are minorities. do you feel he is using sort of code language? his original tweet was in support of talking very much against muslim immigration, wants to shut down mosques in the netherlands. those are code word. using culture or civilization, he means he wants america to be white again, he wants to take us back to 1965 when white nonhispanics were about 85% of the population. that won t happen anymore. everything changed after the immigration act of 1965. a tweet of his last night, he tweeted make western civilization great again, again that idea of western
civilization versus the rest of the world basically. remember, this was never a white country from the beginning. there were native americans before the pilgrims came here. africans came in the 17th century. spanish was being spoken here before english in 1513. so this has always been a diverse country. and i think that s exactly what we have to celebrate and to protect. also the notion of who is american now when you look back when irish immigrants were coming here in large numbers. there were there was a huge movement against irish immigrants. now they are, you know, part of they are just a american as everybody else who s an american citizen here. it s very much how you view what an american is i mean that changes over the decades. exactly. and, you know, lately, some
people don t like the fact that i ve been saying that this is our country. it is yours and mine and ours. when i mean our country, i mean it s ha tino, white, african-americans, natives, asian. there is a push at least on left to try to attach congressman king s comments to the president. is that fair? sean spicer today said i think the president believes this not a point of view he shares. he believes he is president for all americans, i ll leave it at that. i want to hear him tomorrow. he s giving an interview to fox news tomorrow. i would like to hear president trump saying no i do not agree congressman king. that would be fantastic. that s a question for the interviewer. on the other hand, we have to remember trump during the campaign made many racist remarks. he criticized mexican-americans for being rapists and criminals and drug traffickers and that s
false. many are making the comparison between congressman king and president trump it s for a reason. something trump said on june 16th, 2015. modern life dese president trump s taxes, we ll be right back with that. so you don t miss his first birthday. tickets, i need to see your tickets sir. i masterpassed it. feeling like father of the year: priceless masterpass, the secure way to pay from your bank don t just buy it. masterpass it. including the full-sized introducingsprintercedes-benz family of vans. and the mid-sized metris. .if these are your wingtips.
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this is cnn breaking news. brakieaking news right now, white house putting out the subject of trump s taxes. that s right. the white house is trying to get ahead of a story that is floating ot there, it s about to be reported that president trump back in 2005 pa$2005 paid $38 m in taxes on $150 million in income. there s a report out there that his 2005 tax return was obtained and that s where that information is coming from. and so the white house is trying to get ahead of this story, because obviously, the president has refused time and again to release any of his tax returns, but of course it looks like the
2005 return is getting out there. we have obtained a pretty scathing statement from the white house. they are none too pleased about this. let me read this and put it up on the screen. it says you know you are desperate for ratings when you are willing to violate the law for a story about two pages of tax returns. mr. trump was one of the most successful business men in the world. he paid $38 million on an income of more than $150 million as well as paying tens of millions in other taxes such as sales and excise. and this illegally-published return proves just that. it is totally illegal to steal and publish tax returns.
the president will focus on tax return that will benefit all americans. so anderson, it does appear that even though the white house did not want this information out there, they didn t obviously want this tax return made public, they re not disputing what s in that 2005 tax return. as a matter of fact, they re trying to get ahead of the story by essentially giving the rest of us some of the pertinent information there. this just goes to show you, and i think this escalates the desire of many out there to obtain these tax returns. it makes it the holy grail of all holy grails, when it comes to covering president trump when it s this closely-held secret, when he doesn t want to release his tax returns to this extent. i think it s just going to make people to want to see those tax returns even more. we should point out during the campaign, then candidate s trump s reasoning was he s under audit. his own attorneys put out a letter explaining that tax
returns if memory serves me, up to 2004 or something were no longer under audit. i might be wrong about the year, but theoretically, those returns could have been released because they weren t under audit, but still, donald trump refused to release any tax return. and that s right. there was that story that came out in the new york times, there was a metro desk reporter obtained one of the tax returns for then candidate trump and it showed something in the magnitude of $1 billion in losses in his casino businesses. and that essentially allowed the rest of the world to extrapolate out that he was able for many, many years, perhaps 18 or so years to not pay any income taxes. hillary clinton tried to make that an issue during the campaign and donald trump still won the presidency. that is why you hear him say time and again, if americans care that much about my tax returns, they would not have
made me president of the united states, and he does have something of a point, although you do have a lot of democrats in washington, even some republicans who would like to see the law changed to require candidates in the future to release that information to the public. it has been tradition to release this on their own, donald trump buck tha bucked that tradition, blaming it on the excuse that he s on a routine audit. i think donald trump deep down inside feels like the public doesn t care enough about this, so he s just not going to do it. but it does raise the possibility apartment spectre that every once in a while, one of these is going to leak out and cause a mess for this white house. back now with the panel, also joining us, philip bump. what do you make of this? we re understanding their is is supposed to be one return from 2005 and the 1040 form.
what s really important is we don t really have that many tax returns. if you go back to 1975, there s been a handful of times we ve learned how much donald trump has paid in taxes. but how much he paid in taxes is probably the least interesting part of what could be contained in that tax return. we d like to know how much he gave to clarity, how muharity. where he earned his income. that s the big question. what donald trump just got ahead of the $38 million, that s interesting. we didn t know that before. but it really is the tip of the iceberg. and the charitable contributions. because during the campaign he said he d given tens of millions to contributions, echoed by his vice president. there are a lot of questions about overseas business dealings and whether tax returns would give us indication of dealings in other countries and where.

Investigation , Donald-trump , Campaign , Election , Lindsey-graham , Contacts , Officials , Russian , Whether , James-comey , Senators , Meeting

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor 20170408 00:00:00

protection from the law. a good country, right? we will be watching him monday. have a good weekend, everybody. bill o reilly of next life. see you monday bill o reilly up next life. see you monday. bill: the o reilly factor is on tonight. we can confirm now that the u.s. has lost tomahawk missiles at syria. the action by president trump has caused worldwide reaction. did the usa did the right thing by attacking the brutal dictator assad? we will have multiple tonight. it doesn t make sense for assad to make these decisions. bill: there is some on the friends you will not support american military action the matter what. we will take a look at that situation. the nomination of neil m. neil m. gorsuch to be an associate justice of the supreme court of the united states is confirmed.
also ahead, the usa has a brand-new supreme court justice. is that a good thing for you? caution. you are about to enter into the no spin zone. that the factor begins now. hi max, i m bill o reilly. thank you for watching the sniper the usa attack syria, that is around nine eastern time, 50 missiles were launched from american warships in the eastern mediterranean sea. 59 missiles hit their targets. the goal is to destroy an air base from which syrian planes recently dropped sarin gas on civilians, killing 30 children. 30. and 20 women, according to the syrian observatory for human rights. according to reporting based on a variety of cities, this is the
fifth time, at least, the fifth time, syrian dictator assad has violated the geneva conventions and use poison gas to go civilians get back in 2012, president obama threatened assad. the use of chemical weapons is and would be totally on acceptable. and if you make a tragic mistake of using these weapons, they will be consequences and you will be held accountable. bill: but assad is not held accountable. but instead, , the obama administration did what it always did, talk, and announced a deal with the dictator. a fascinating footnote to that is susan rice was on point alongside john kerry. we were able to find a solution that actually removed the chemical weapons that were known in syria in the way that use of wars would never accomplish. with respect to syria, we struck a deal where he got 100%
the new president on the ascending a message to the worl world, the united states will not tolerate war crimes from syria. the action is a reaction, so security has tightened here in the usa as we become a bigger target for evildoers. summing up, america was justified in destroying the syrian air force. the lone superpower has a responsibility. even most of the trump haters in congress agree that if we can stop children from being gassed to death, we should do so. and that is the memo. the top story reaction at this hour, joining us from palm beach florida where he s covering president trump s meeting with the chinese leader, john roberts. understanding that president in china has departed from mar-a-lago. what s going on there now? he left this afternoon, just having a typical friday night. he s having the rest of the week and here. the president, bill, i m told is
feeling pretty good about what happened last night. he thinks that the military did a terrific job while one cruise missile fell into the sea, 59 of the 59 remaining hit their marks and he is facing praising the military to his staff and his friends that they performed marvelously here. and he s happy to see you in the most part with the international reaction is, he does know there are a couple of numbers in congress saying he should ve come today, but he feels like he s an absolute firm ground here because as he pointed out last night this was a matter of urgent national security for the united states because i m told the president believes that if bashar al-assad was able to do this and not suffer some consequent support this, that would normalize, at least in the area of the world, the use of chemical weapons and therefore might come back to bite the united states at one point if somebody decided, well, if bashar al-assad can use weber chemical weapons, will use the weapons.
bill: i.d. rapid fired answers. the chinese foreign minister said they shouldn t have done it. everyone should come down. was there anything coming outside of the president talking with mr. trump today on the missile attacks? anything at all? any utterance? spent well, there wasn t any public utterance, but i m told, bill, that the white house believes it was pretty impressive show of force that the president went out last night to his chinese counterpar counterpart. and that will be taken back to beijing and sort of turned into that whole pot with north korea where it might give them something else about leaving mara longo and president trump s request to lean on north korea. if they do it in syria, but they do it in north korea? bill: did we get anything in north korea, any pr better cooperation in china? did they say anything? bill: they didn t say anything there was an agreement to deal with.
it was discussed. bill: but we don t have any joint statements? no concrete joint statement on that. no. but the secretary of state rex tillerson he s very disappointed with the russian response to all of this. according to rex tillerson, he said that this means russia is still in the camp of bashar al-assad. he says he s disappointing, but he s not surprised to hear what he s heard out of russia. he look, this is how we ll deal with these guys in syria. if you want to deal with bashar al-assad, it s going to put you on the wrong side of history. bill: john, we appreciate it very much. let s bring in catherine harris joining us for washington. doesn t seem to be any chinese reaction in the sense that sometimes after a meeting, a day and a half meeting, there is a joint statement that we didn t get any joint statements. putin postures behind the scenes.
is there any serious, serious reaction tonight? i wouldn t say serious reaction, but i would say the leading edge of this investigation right now is into whether russia had some kind of role, bill, in this chemical attack earlier this week, and whether a second strike on that town in syria was really an effort to destroy evidence and be part of a larger cover-up of that crime. and that is really where military intelligence is focused tonight. bill: they had a drone, i understand! correct. bill: russian drone over the area where the chemicals dropped and killed children. and a russian bomber bombed the hospital where civilians were taken. is that what we are talking about tonight? that s right. there was a drone immediately over the site where the sarin gas was released. and then about 4-5 hours later when the victims have been taken to the hospital, another drone showed up. shortly after that, there was a military strike on that hospital. the people i m talking to tonight say that fits a patent
that they have seen before with the syrians especially and possibly this case the russians that they wanted to destroy evidence at that hospital compound. bill: we can i.d. drones anyway, so they were russian drones in that area. is that correct? that is correct. bill: okay, now. the ron pauls of the world say, oh, no. how solid is the evidence that assad killed these 20 kids with sarin gas? i was told by my contacts that we have very high confidence and there were multiple streams of information from overhead imagery to radar, from information gathered by our partners in the region. and today they release a graphic that showed radar information. and you can see the syrian government chats over the site of the attak twice within a nine minute time
slot which is exactly when the sarin gas was released. there is really no doubt. bill: okay. there was always doubt among those who will not believe, no matter what you present, through them. i iran has been strangely signed about this. i haven t heard any saber rattling. have you? that s a little bit more worrying. what you don t know. bill: right. one of the possible plans for retaliation that they considered when they were planning this whole thing out is that syria and iran would use their proxy hezbollah to launch an attack, that third party retaliation. we have not seen that yet, but that is an idea that was on the table, bella. bill: do we have any information on the swedish attacks, again, president trump made that a centerpiece that sweden was destabilized by all of these muslim refugees pouring into the country. the country reacted vehemently against president trump, but we
now have it will take a terror attack in stockholm, right? that s right. a truck was hijacked and then it was driven right into this department store in central stockholm. really, at the height of rush hour, people were getting ready for the weekend. this sadly fits a profile that we ve seen mostly with isis or self radicalized al qaeda followers. and they are using trucks and cars bill: to kill people speak . today, they took one cost suspect into custody, but we have not been able to verify his claims is accurate. but these are the types of plots as you know, bill, that are almost impossible to disrupt. and they go right to the heart of the economy and also people s sense of morality what is right. i mean, it s so offensive. bill: we appreciated as always, thank you. next on the run down from a senior u.s. military officials
effective? it was effective in two ways. number one, punishing bashar al-assad for the use of chemical weapons and reestablishing u.s. military credibility in the region. a lot of people talk about political solutions, they talk about the poetic solutions. there is never been at the poetic solution or political solution in the absence of military credibility. we can t predict where president trump is going from here, but in the narrow entrance for punishing bashar al-assad for using chemical weapons, and setting an effective deterrence for future use of chemical weapons, this attack was a success. bill: you heard of the talking points memo that the obama administration trotted out susan rice and john kerry a few years back to say, no, we negotiated with assad and he gave up all of his chemical weapons. of course, that turned out to be false. do you see this as mr. harmer does as an effective use of military power that will inhibit future chemical attacks?
um, i think it was a very effective attack. i think it was smart to uses with cruise missiles. there are still russians at the base to attest the accuracies of the weapon systems. i do not think it will guarantee it won t be used again. i think there is a very limited message being sent to assad, a very powerful message, overwhelming force. it was as our friend already said, a narrow message well delivered. but no. i don t see this guaranteeing. i think assad will trot this out again. and if we got the russians involved bill: why would he do that though? if you trotted out again, that doesn t make any sense to me. he knows that trump is going to up it, because trump is not going to say, okay, i m not going to do anything after you spit in my eye after i give you a warning. the next time instead of it
being 50, it will be 150. it will devastate the whole infrastructure of syria. don t you believe that? don t you think donald trump is going to back away from a punk like assad if he uses gas again? i didn t say anything about the president of united states backing up. you asked me if it s going to stop it bill: why would he risk his own neck? okay. we are dealing with a crazy man in the middle of a war with a thousand different factions, and he still has, i believe, he destroyed 1300 tons of that stuff back in 2012-2013 and he still got it. i think you could use it again in a few months. in small doses. i wouldn t be surprised at all if he uses it again. bill: mr. harmer, would you be surprised if this guy because it again knowing that the next time, going going to be ten times worse? i would be surprised if basher assad uses chemical weapons again for two reasons. number one, he cannot afford
direct conflict with the united states. he can survive with al qaeda and isis. what he cannot do is cross a redline that has been firmly established and a penalty is being affixed to that. second of that, bashar al-assad s military is on the narrow margins of survivability. the air force and all practical purposes barely exist anymore. the syrian air army no longer desists. that is why they need conscripts and mercenaries from afghanistan, he the syrian people will not fight on the behalf of bashar al-assad. he does not have the bandwidth to risk conflict. bill: doesn t he have the iranians he didn t have it before, guys! bill: let s not allocate our coverage. doesn t he have the iranians helping him out, though? absolutely. he s got the full support of the iranian government, the islamic revolutionary guard, the full support of hezbollah and russia. with that said, bashar al-assad
has a very narrow definition of success right now and that staying alive. there is no fallback option. those under to bill: you mentioned this last night. it russia. is russia stupid enough to get involved with poison gas? bad drones, as you talk about with catherine. i don t think i don t think, i know. assad is not doing anything without russian approval and russian involvement. this country was gone and lost until the russians showed up. assad is absolutely dependent on bill: if you were putin and you knew the world is horrified at poison gas killing 20 children. why would you i mean, why? i m not sure, bill. look. why would a former kgb lieutenant colonel say okay to use sarin gas? bill: this kind of attention to syria because i
think this hurts assad. his survivability rate just went down. of course it does. the russians the russian involvement in this, they haven t stopped. again, i say this. they have been in syria, assad killing his own people. which got everyone obviously upset about this is the 20 kids, babies, that were killed. bill: yeah, the gas. i get it. but he s been doing this for 5-6 years. i don t see any reason that they gave him gas. putin would say, don t do that. bill: do you think putin would okay a gas attack, mr. harmer? i think it s a dispute that the russians weren t aware that syria was resuming its chemical weapons capacity. i don t think the russians suggested this for there s a big difference between assad being dependent on russian help, which he is, and assad functioning as a mercenary for the russians, which is a stretch.
bill: the warships that putin is moving into the mediterranean sea, is that just for show? yes, that s part of the counteraction package. they send their ships in close proximity edge, it s is an easy way to show that they are viable, they can still stand up to us without risking escalation. it happens in the pacific, atlantic, mediterranean, it s not a big deal. it s just a show of force. bill: do you agree with that? yeah. this ship has been coming in the mediterranean a lot. bill: check out colonel hunt s new book without mercy about nukes in the hands of terrorists. directly ahead, security tightened all over the world after the attack and another alleged terrorist incident in sweden, as we mention. now judge neil gorsuch shea supreme court s to justice. what does that mean for you? those reports after these messages.
white house security council under presidents bush and obama. do you see any unintended consequences from this attack in syria? um, there s always a possibility for unintended consequences. i feel like the demonstration would not do this if they had not gamed out the potential side effects here. there s always a risk wherever the united states undertake military action abroad, whether or not we have come under direct attack or not, there will be risks here. this is not offensive action, as you know. that the united states was very have taken. the russians shows a side in the syrian conflict a few years ago when they decided to insert themselves under it under the false pretense of fighting isis. this is a smart move and a brave, bold move on the part of the u.s. but really defensive. bill: you were in the obama white house, i will play two sound bites with kerry and susan
rice. we didn t negotiate it, we didn t need to go to war, that was the mantra of president obama eight years, we can negotiate anything. and we saw, he probably destroyed some stuff, but he did destroy all stops, and that is when babies are dead. when you are in the obama white house, did you notice there was a reluctance to do what donald trump did? well. i don t think you had to be at the white house to notice the reluctance to do it. bill: you are on the outside looking out. did you notice that when you were there that reluctance? i will go with yes. i think it would be hard to not see, you know the decisions that the folks made in the administration in 2013 when i was already gone from the white house, i did not see firsthand. but the results of the conversations they had were seen all around the world. and the effects are felt up
until today. so it s obvious there was rekay. colonel wood, when you saw the missiles hit the airfield in syria, did anything pop in your mind like a ron is doing this and put in is going to do that? that s what we mean by unintended consequences. i think there will be unintended horizontal consequences where putin will not see whole opportunity to up the game in syria, especially if he doesn t want to go to war in the united states. but he can do that in other theaters, ukraine continues, dismembering that country. much more provocative action against the baltic states. very concerned about what they are doing in the baltics and the are tics. there are a lot of other places where putin can play a strong hand to stymie u.s. efforts, dismember alliances, and certainly with a veto power on the u.n. security council, they can create all kinds of havoc. anything to do with israel or
u.s. efforts to get sanctions against north korea. reactions in the south china sea and against china i think it s a pretty broad playing board and putin will move his checkers where he thinks he can get an upper hand in other areas. bill: but i can t imagine that val ida between you and cares about assad on a personal novel or any other the chinese were interesting because the foreign minister came out and he didn t really condemn the action. he just said that everyone should calm down. that s why i was looking for a joint statement of any kind by the chinese president and donald trump, but today we didn t get anything. all they did is they had snacks at mar-a-lago i guess. i don t know what else they did there. they sidestepped out of the resort. got on the plane. bill: there wasn t any we will settle on out of here. it was strange.
i can t imagine how awkward, like, you know on the protocol level that must ve been for these two leaders the first time they ve ever met face-to-face? so many issues between them and meanwhile there is this huge elephant in the room, which is that the president is going back to his room at night and, you know, dropping bombs in syria. it s a little bit i don t think it was awkward for max trump at all. he saw this as a big advantage. comes in big and bold, taking military action against a bunch of vile people, dropping sarin gas on davies at all. it came from a competitive advantage in any bill: the chinese never show their hand. they never let you know what they are thinking. the chinese bureaucrats i m talking about. sure. bill: so you don t know, you know. there is a s face they put on. i was looking for something out of president xi, we don t
even know if you like the food or anything. is that what you want to know, bill? how were the burgers ? it was very aggressive, no warning, he just acted. and ten hours later, the chinese government is trying to figure out with that. i m not surprised by the silence or having to recalculate their interest in north korea. keeping mom was probably the best course of action for the chinese. bill: they would do that anyway on american soil. but it was fascinating to see donald trump oh, resident xi past the pipe. by the way, in 3 minutes, 60 tomahawk s launched into syria. would you like a little bit more tv? during the dinner, that s where they all went. i thought they would wait until
factor would finish. we will talk to the white house advisor, dr. sebastian gorka about the world reaction from the missile attack. now the judge gorsuch is on the court and liberal americans are not happy! stay tuned for those reports.
gorsuch is is this good for the folks? professor, cut through the nuclear option and all the stuff. the regular people, the regular americans, many of them who don t even know who judge gorsuch is or what he does. is this man going to improve the country for the folks? i think he s going to improve the court. i think this country is better off when you have people who are intellectual leaders. too often we select nominees because they have never had an interesting thought in their lives. we really need people who see a horizon that can describe where the law should go. this is a conservative president that has the right to nominate a conservative bill: but how conservative is mr. gorsuch? he is conservative. he is a textualst.t
she s very conservative when looking at the original content. none of those things should bar him from the court. a lot of people share those views. bill: you ve testified for judge gorsuch. i did. bill: what did he say? what did you see. i sense that gorsuch is something of a departure, welcome departure in that he has a long record. he s not a blank slate. we know what type of justice he will be. he will be a very good one for people might not like his conclusions always, but i think he s an honest intellectual and that honesty may take him across the ideological spectrum. bill: that s what i said last night. there is a chance in some of these rulings that conservatives will be angry if it is not like scalia. scalia was a i ve never seen gorsuch promote that. that s the key people
conservatives, i ve said for months, you should be not trying to replace a conservative with a conservative, but an intellectual with an intellectual. that is what gorsuch is and that is what scalia was. bill: okay. do you believe that judge gorsuch will be sworn in monday morning got caught up in the trump hate campaign! honestly i don t see a basis to oppose gorsuch, so i hope he doesn t carry a lot of baggage into this. a lot of democratic senators didn t feel they could vote for him, which i think is a terrible shame. bill: why? why didn t they think they could vote for him? three did. but why do the other things they couldn t? what you are saying is true. honest man, very smart, forward-looking, respects the constitution above all. why couldn t our democratic elected senators vote for him? i think it s an incredible of the ploys of
to we can no longer separate people from the politics. yet in honest good faith jurist that judge neil gorsuch is. bill: senator feinstein said she couldn t vote for gorsuch because she didn t believe the constitution was a living document that evolves as society evolves. i guess it s a living document. you have to feed it, walk it. that s why she couldn t vote for him, no matter how brilliant or honest, it had to be a justice who believes in evolution of the constitution. you your head must ve blown off. i thought that was a particularly sad moment, because i have great reservations about the cause of a living constitution because i don t know how it s been defined and i ll tell you bill: is defined by your ideology, whatever you think is
the right policy. there is this broad spectrum that includes now with justice gorsuch on monday that people often separate originalists from living constitutions. there is this medal, good faith jurist that try to get it right. in the case of judge gorsuch, he starts with this original sense of the to present that move out of the main screen is the czar. bill: you see two more things really quick. second amendment is now bolstered by judge gorsuch. i think he would agree with that. second 11 religious people. they bill if there is a major case that he s going to hit the court just in time to hear the trinity lutheran church case. it has a huge case. bill: tell me what that case is quick to make this
was a church that was denied funds to a repay their playground because they are a religious organization. other nonfor profits that were given their funding. the church said that is not fair. just because we are religious groups, we are still nonfor profit. this is a case that could have far-reaching implications for how they handle the religion clauses of the first amendment. bill: i think religious people should be celebrating over the weekend, it s palm sunday and everything. that was a good discussion there, professor. thank you. bill: you didn t come across as a pinhead. [laughs] bill: i even understood it. you did a great job. we appreciate it. thanks, bella. bill: when we come back, missile attack defense. some people think president trump s actions were flat-out wrong. we will go to white house advisor to find out what could come next as president trump sending messages to the world. we will be right back.
dr. nick gillespie, , and emma ashford who works the cato institute. you know, a lot of people say if you are going to kill babies with poison gas, somebody s got to take care of you. and that somebody was president trump and the united states. you oppose it. why? well, i think that is frankly a false argument. i think that the attacks that president trump undertook does nothing to resolve the syrian civil war. it does nothing to prevent the further killing of syrian civilians. it makes the isis campaign more difficult, and it risks dragging us a larger conflict in syria. those are big negatives that we should be paying more attention. bill: that s why we have you on the air. so let s walk through and we will get to talk to gillespie. he uses poison gas, assad. that s against the geneva convention. the united nations is not doing anything because i never do. so donald trump, i am personally
going to write this wrong and i m going to hit him, and if he doesn t again i m going to hit him and take them out completely. you don t think that is an inhibitor? you don t think that s going to stop assad from using the gases? i don t think these tracks we undertook will do much to dissuade assad. bill: you expect assad to drop more poison gas on the civilian people? it s a distinct possibility. and even if he doesn t use chemical weapons, we have done nothing from this waiting him using barrel bomb s and other very nasty weapons to kill the people he s killed. bill: i want to wrap up the first round with you. so if you were the president, you would not have taken any action against assad for what he did? i wouldn t have taken military action like president trump did. i would have tried to restart diplomatic negotiations bill: like the obama administration and you her john kerry and susan wright say we got it all out there, but they did not.
let s go to dr. gillespie. the emotional you are the president, and you do nothing to assad after he does that? first off, it s not up to the united states to enforce the geneva conventions. bill: cool would that be bill: who would that be? we are coming out of 15 years in the middle east where we have accomplished very little other than destabilizing the entire region and creating a iran bill: say on this no. bill: whose responsibility is this? the united states could start to build a coalition in the area. it s up to them to deal bill: if saudi arabia launched a few tomahawk s, you would be okay with a? it wouldn t be the united states. as a citizen of the united states, it s not our business to police what syria is doing in its civil war.
if that carries forth to other countries, you have a water barbarity so nobody is going to support the geneva convention that is a leap of you know, a leap of judgment that is not borne out by the facts. bill: weight. we all see what s happening in north korea, iran, do is what s happening in libya, after we dropped bombs in the name of humanitarian intervention, bill: you would hope that this is not an occupying situation. it s the beginning of one. bill: i m going to go to dr. ashford. 30 seconds each. how would you deal with assad. specifically, dr. ashford? i would try and push for a diplomatic solution. i know what you are saying, but the obama administration try to do this, but president trump is
in a much better situation for far better relations with the russians, taking a harder line on iran bill: so you say diplomacy? i do say diplomacy because it s the only way civil war ends. bill: dr. gillespie, how do you deal with assad? we do not have to dealassad. our interest in iran right now or in the middle east has to do with islamic terrorism, not the assad regime which is a disgusting regime. you go after the terrorists. we are not in the business of policing what the assad does. bill: we are going after terrorists. we are doing two things here. very good discussion, appreciate it. sebastian gorka on next. we will get the white house. it what severity as it stands tonight. that as the factor continues around the usa and all the worl world.
bill: let s go back to washington and bring in sebastian gorka, deputy assistant to mr. trump. we assume that you are happy the missile attack was successful. you are a strategist, dr. gorka. we heard a lot tonight that this is not going to dissuade assad from using gas, he will use it again. number one, i don t believe that what i could be wrong. if he does do it again, have you guys been game planning for that? oh, absolutely. there are people inside the of the pentagon, people on the national security council, my good friends, they have gamed out the possible scenarios. unfortunately, i don t want to disappoint you, mr. o reilly. unlike the last administration, we are not going to give those away in advance because that is very, very unwise. bill: sure. i think everyone understands that. except penn had a journalist who
except pinheaded journalist who goad you into doing that. you will have a plan, there are other things that may happen. am i correct on both of those? absolutely. bill: here s a key question. would you, you being the white house represent in the white house, tell assad if you use poison gas again, something worse will befall you. will that message be delivered personally to you? that message, i think, there are many ways to communicate strategic narratives. what you have seen in the last 48 hours is president trump being more decisive than obama was in the last eight years. messages can be given directly or indirectly. again, we are not going to give away how we communicate it. bill: would you give it directly because you could if you wanted to? yes. it s completely within the
mandate of the president, secretary to listen, or even secretary mattis to do that. bill: you don t love assad, you want to be on this planet, you better not do it again because it s not going to be pleasant. iran, we haven t heard much from them. usually, they ve got a lot of people in syria doing bad things. can you tell us anything about their reaction? yes. i think is very interesting in the past eight years, they have been very, very loud, they have been very offensive in their comments even after events such as the hostage taking of our naval personnel and other other very dangerous things that they have done. i think their silence is a very positive sign because as the sponsor of the regime in damascus, they have to draw conclusions as well. this is about messages that are sent to nations like russia, china, and iran. bill: let s take russia. if putin condemns the act and sends a warship into the
mediterranean, saber rattling a little bit. you take that seriously or do you think that is where short? that is a classic standard operating procedure. we are the most powerful nation in the world has ever seen. this is just classic classic showmanship. it s not even brickman ship. they don t have the capacity to do something with our naval basil. it standard kgb kind of tactics coming out of moscow. bill: as he mentioned we did not get any chinese reaction at mar-a-lago. we did get a statement from the foreign minister that he wants everyone to calm down. that channel, do we know anything about how china processed the attack? if i did, i wouldn t be talking about it in front of your huge audience, i m afraid, mr. o reilly. bill: can you give me, again [site] looks, we are all americans. we want safety for this country.
we don t want to tea them off. do you think they were upset that we did this to syria or they don t care? i think they are incredibly strategic. they play for the long game. if there is one nation out there that understands the long game, it s china. look at history, look at sun tzu, look at everything they publish and classify domain. i think they understand. i think the bigger part of this is a new, really, this is proof that we have a new president and they are going to have to draw the right conclusions with regards to countries like north korea. i think it will have a positive effect because they are not irrational, bill. they are not irrational. bill: so you can reason with the chinese food that s what you re saying. yes. bill: what s the deputy assistant do, what do you do? whatever the president, whatever jared kushner wants me
to do. bill: would you read that and give us analysis, is that what you do? it can be. i meet with delegation with our allies, our partners. i work with counterterrorism issues, i was asked for my opinion on the first eos, including the immigration ones. i am your general player in the national security field within the white house. bill: you are the utility player. i am. bill: you play every position in the infield. that s it. bill: is a pleasure to have you on tonight, doc. factor tip today. would you like to meet jesse watters? if so, why? the tip moments away.
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many. the attack is justifiable on a human rights basis the liberal community is on human rights, that their dilemma. if missoula, montana, where is the u.n. help on that syria, where it always is, being discussed in meetings. mr. oh, you let lois lerner off too easy, what she did at the irs was criminal and she should have gone to prison. this may come as a shock to you but i do not have the power to incarcerate. if i did, prison overcrowding would be a far worse problem that it is now, i would open alcatraz, i would get to devils back from france. am i rambling here? i believe i am. dan kaiser omaha, nebraska, what makes people think that even if susan rice is guilty, if director called me will not prosecute clint and he will not go after miss rice.
i am so tired of congressional hearings that go nowhere, me too. if roger ellis, north hampton england, your interview with ambassador bolton was just brilliant, certain questions and excellent responses, the segment should be used as a teaching tool for college courses. i appreciate that. if killing the rising sun is amazing, although today s american warriors are just as brave, the jodi s home and on campus don t have the necessary love of country to win a war is brutal against the japanese. i ve thought about that a lot and you are most likely correct. america s kids raised during the great depression during the 1930s, much tougher than modern young people. here s the thing, future wars as i mentioned will not need millions of infantry, there will be high-tech driven. the weapons today make world war ii tactics obsolete. after reading old school, i am rooting for global warming, it will melt the snow flakes.
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Protection , Id , Friends , Decisions , Matter , Situation , Military-action , Associate-justice , Look , Nomination , Neilm-gorsuch , Supreme-court-of-the-united-states