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Transcripts For DW Made In Germany - Human Beings - Just Another Product 20181031 16:30:00

in january twenty eighth teen we met a chinese mother looking for her son after she was sold by human smugglers. now we re back with changing and she s still looking. we accompany her to police stations playgrounds boys. will turn changing never see her son again. the whole story didn t report her on t w. when we talk about rich people we often say she s worth one hundred million when disaster strikes we say the tragedy has cost more than one hundred lives the
workforce of a company is often described as human capital wealth cost capital our language shows it we put a value on ourselves what is the value of a human being can we put a number to it and if so what is that number how can it be quantified and is the same figure for everyone that s what we re talking about today on made in germany the value of human me the value of human life. but turns out there are various ways to calculate a person s worth it s just a question of the stale use if you look at by a mosque for example you and i don t add up to much but if you apply a different scale you could be worth millions. what s a human being worth. if you break down the body it s about sixty six percent water twenty percent carbon six percent oxygen and two percent all told
the elements in the human body are worth about ten euro. the body also contains some gold nickel and copper but in trace amounts too small to calculate so in chemical terms that humans know more valuable than fish meat or autumn leaves in terms of organs however the body is a gold mine they re worth an estimated one point seven million euros. on the black market that is whether the donor would see any of that some is another matter some people s body parts are worth even more. soccer player cristiana rinaldo his legs for example are insured for one hundred forty million euros let s look at productivity as a measure. the term human capital was coined by a columnists to describe the economic value of human capacities. to
some the term has connotations of slavery to others it reflects a progressive idea of employees as capital rather than expense what about dependence and compensation how much can dependents be compensated if you lose your life in an accident or a disaster when that varies. the family of a policeman who died in the nine eleven terror attacks was paid eight hundred fifty thousand dollars in federal compensation. but the family of a stockbroker who perished received six million dollars on the grounds that the stockbroker earned more and would have continued to do so loss of future earnings in other words that s how capitalism works. and humans emotional words insurance companies can t put a price tag on that only our loved one s hand. now some people actually have made it that business to calculate
a human being s worth because after a disaster for example a plane crash or a car accident any incident that costs human life compensation is often paid by those responsible to the relatives of the victims that money has to be fairly distributed and that is what kenneth feinberg specializes in he spoke to our reporter liz ahead when you say you can t value a life with money you have a better idea this is how you compensate this is how you provide assistance to an innocent victim the stockbroker who gets hit by an automobile right here in washington will get his family will get more money then the waiter or the busboy who gets struck. down talk to me time and again dispute resolution expert kenneth feinberg has called in when a catastrophe has claimed many victims and lots of compensation money is at stake
calculating the value of a life it might be one of the most unenviable task in the world. feinberg s most high profile case so far involves the nine eleven terrorist attacks which killed nearly three thousand people in two thousand and one. feinberg was responsible for administering the money from the u.s. federal government september eleventh victim compensation fund but who was to get it and how much how do you calculate what a life is worth what would the victim have and overall work life but for nine eleven and something for pain and suffering emotional distress is the award what you need is a calculating machine not a law degree. sounds pretty cold isn t that system completely unfair
i agree that it s unfair but everything about these funds is unfair what s fair about telling somebody well you lost just sista. i will give you three million dollars because with calculated your sister s life earnings. i mean don t expect people in grief emotionally vulnerable don t expect them ever to say mr feinberg thank you. as compensation fund administrator kenneth feinberg had sole discretion to decide who was eligible and how much they d receive. it was a lot of power in the hands of one man. in germany bereaved families all get the same amount. after the boston marathon bombing he was in charge of administering about eighty million dollars.
for the deepwater horizon oil rig explosion in the gulf of mexico he distributed twenty billion dollars feinberg says interacting with the suffering families is the hard part i initially in nine eleven assume and i m a lawyer i ll approach this as a lawyer would approach big mistake i should have approached it like in the boston marathon as a rabbi or a priest or a psychiatrist when i take on one of the society that s gracious self in the emotional tsunami feinberg has awarded compensation to thousands of surviving dependents that hasn t only made him friends the biggest criticism is that he has too much power without transparency and he s also been well compensated during the deepwater horizon settlement oil company b.p. paid his law firm over a million dollars a month in nine eleven i worked for the victims congress passed
a law that i was working to help the victims and i did that pro bono patriotic you could get paid for that. in b.p. there was a dispute. i was paid a lot of people complained that even though i was independent i was really in the back pocket of b.p. the way you overcome that is by getting very generous money out to doris and she can can it feinberg s work is far more than a job it s become a calling if the president of the united states calls and says can you know how to do this we need you what you going to tell him i m busy can t do it not comfortable. you re a citizen you want to get back to the country. you do it. well one way to determine a person s worth is very simple just take a look at that person s paycheck the value of your labor as one key measure of your
was some countries define a lower limit on the value of your labor that s the minimum wage but if you end up in prison for example you might end up losing a lot of that value. the inmates at this present are hard at work from seven in the morning until three in the afternoon five days a week. in most german states work is compulsory in prisons. and guards have said in germany prison inmates are in one to three year olds an hour or that s well below the legal minimum wage it s the same here in this prison but is a system fair or are companies that outsource their manufacturing to prisons exploiting this cheap labor. here at the plame affair at present and lower saxony about two hundred seventy convicted criminals are held serving sentences ranging from months to years. their cells measure just ten square
meters. all of the inmates here work. we ask manuel how much he earns. i mean wage bracket for i get the highest rate in your eyes five all fifteen of these a day yes it s not much but it s a bit more than what the others get. on fin is that enough and no it s not enough it could be more every month it s just never anonymous before. he works thirty five and a half hours a week and earns three hundred euros a month. so just over two euro s an hour. on the regular labor market the minimum wage in germany. is eight years eighty four an hour. that s one thousand two hundred euros a month. that also allows for pension contributions. but prison inmates are
officially excluded from the national pension system. i have a meeting with prison director on of even. new from the. minimum wage doesn t apply to prison inmates that s a political decision i don t need to comment on that. but as a person director i can tell you that if the national minimum wage applied here we probably wouldn t have any work here at off to shift it s important for the prisoners to have something constructive to do just imagine if they had to spend seven days a week in their cells with only a few hours a day of activities for exercise we see a lot more on rust and aggression shift. but it s also clear that outside companies are benefiting from the ready source of cheap labor the authorities here
won t tell me which companies are working with us present. nationwide the firms outsourcing work to prisons include mena not the seat b.m.w. and dima. we want to know how these companies justify this massive undercutting of the minimum wage. most of those contacted gave us similar answers. it helps with rehabilitation and reintegration into society they say. companies simply pass the buck believing they re not responsible for the low wages. it s a political question they say it is for lawmakers. twenty seventeen german companies paid over one hundred sixty million euros for work done in the country s prisons. one
businessman his he s cheap prison labor is competition as. he says outsourced production in prisons is destroying his business. has a packaging company based near hanover business used to be good and he had sixty employees now it s just him and his wife he s lost one customer after another. this you say prisons are unfair competition why. some companies i ve spoken to have told me outright that i just can t manufacture as cheaply as the prisons can. i can only speak for my line of business which is packaging where the ratio is about one to three. isn t as it so you re three times as expensive as present. right of course i m out of the running to put it bluntly they re using convicted criminals to work for them at rates that are
criminal on the free market if you don t pay the minimum wage and you don t pay pension contributions and be eighty then you re taken to court and penalized i don t see how you re hoping someone reintegrate into society if you re basically exploiting them. his frustration is clear after all it s his livelihood that s at stake. the prisoners can make purchases with their wages but their money doesn t go very far young kristen has been behind bars since early this year. in france i have forty one year olds left after i ve paid my share of the electricity and other bills on the phone fortunately i don t drink coffee coffee here it s very expensive which is hard for people who need both coffee and cigarettes extreme. how much do you have left after that. just enough to get through the month. he s also required to put some money aside for when he gets
out. my system this to what s more important to him passing the time for earning money. for me for me personally it s more about making my time here go faster than earning a wage to me but it s hard to compare the two i can t really compare them because of course you want to have some money too so the wage is just as important in a way but right now it s more about passing the time with the gives me a better device. to just. after a day s work the prisoners go back to their cells as for me my work day is over to . i m left feeling grateful for my freedom and for being able to choose the work that i do. this painting here that you see here behind me is sold for four hundred fifty million dollars last year it was
painted by leonardo da vinci school sold out on monday and is the most expensive piece of art ever sold you know not of himself was not a poor man but the value of his works only rose astronomically hundreds of years after his death this is the same as many artists live today in precarious circumstances and the capricious art market puts little value on an artist s current life. and i think that painting is the right place for someone who is both sensitive and ruthless and someone who doesn t care if they make their parents happy and more if they are in money than them it.
daniel covers plastic films in paint and creates collages with them. a single work can take him weeks to complete sometimes even months. and financially i never look past next month s you know that sometimes ok and sometimes less so kind of means no holidays away and with the threat of a poverty and all the age. then the one in the rewards of painting or in painting itself you know. having the freedom to live our lives such a way that we devote ourselves to find our fulfillment in it there s ecstasy and joy in that and in doing the right thing. and. contracts and
bells financial matters can track you back to earth as an artist life is usually hunting mouth for all those who can t crack the commercial side of the art world and daniel has problems with the notion of marketing himself and money his paintings cost upwards of fifteen hundred euros a piece he usually only sells five or six in a year and often need state welfare to supplement his income. the german capital has become a magnet for artists from all over the world. but
a few artists do make it big like those who exhibit at one of the eigen plus part gallery. overt get how they look represented some of the biggest names in german contemporary art like neo i m just i m not so the best thing as a young artist is to open your own gallery or several join together to do it. we don t take on new artists are such little it s more a case of don t call us we ll call you with all of you and. if something catches the team s attention or if one of our artists says hey check this out as well then we ll check it out. but we don t have time to look through all the applications that arrive here. does it fit don t we all the freedom to create the art he wants is more important than profiting from it so far he s sold his pictures more or less by chance to friends family and if you collect it here for. the
freedom to do what i want nothing is the most precious thing i have asked for and so i m willing to accept necessarily compete with the others like everyone else does. nothing is ever for free not even desk because that will cost you your life and then some here in germany dying will set you back up to six thousand euros and there s a thriving business around everything mortal by colleagues of mine took a closer look at the business of death. as i mean i ve never really thought much about cough and. definitely not
it s pinewood individually decorated coolness of rectangular walnut birch. italian style solid wood which i like. most of the coffins here cost between one and three thousand euros. less that is not crucial if i were picking one for my own burial i d be asking how much am i worth. or if it s for one of my loved ones what are they worth to me should i shell out one two or three thousand euros and cards when i have not had to ask myself that question so far but it s one that everyone probably has to ask at some point. what are we worth when we die. this funeral home has been dealing with death since eight hundred sixty one fabiani lensing who heads the family business says the funeral i ve picked would cost three and a half thousand euros the price reflects not just the coffin and the flowers i ve
chosen but also the fact that lensing is available around the clock. as it s different with sometimes we spend five hours with a client discussing all the details that we might work on the text for the death announcement or on the decorations of the funeral service the music there are lots of details as and and i think you can only do them justice by discussing them in person. because anything is pretty good i just. undertakers are often criticised for charging too much the bereaved tend not to haggle. but what p.r. involved has his company can offer funerals thirty percent cheaper with no hidden costs the berlin startup has raised millions from investors the purchasing and planning processes have been digitalized customers can select everything on their
computers or via telephone hotline that way they can see how much each item costs and what the total price will be. as an exception i get a personal consultation here the same package i d picture earlier would cost around six hundred euros less. but what kind if because people don t really have a sense of what it costs we made a video about that we went out and asked people what they thought of funeral costs and the answers ranged from five thousand to fifteen thousand euros or much more we heard everything this is a pretty long time so people don t know what a fair price would be yes exactly i don t think they have any sense of what the right price might be but if the up prices the. deficit big business. in germany about nine hundred thousand people die each year with funeral revenues totaling two billion euros it s a market that conventional full service undertakers like fabienne benson are having
to share with more and more new competitors and. here he is making the final preparations in the chapel before the mourners his clients arrive he says his company s image has less to do with pricing than its reputation for reliability. and he says he can t compete with startups that have the backing of big investors. feeling these are often institutional investors that put money into lots of things of their like we ll see maybe it ll pay and it may be at work that market leads to a distortion of the market for the smaller businesses that might not have the resources to keep up with prices like that squeezed out. digitalisation is changing things in his industry. true most people still prefer to hire undertakers to guide them personally through the funeral process rather than
plan the event themselves on their computers. but i m convinced that for my generation that will have changed when our time comes. well thomas come that s all for today before you go though a personal note here at made in germany we had an intense discussions about the topic today how much any human is worth if you can actually put a number to it and here is what we all agreed on. so in ethical terms it s impossible to calculate what a human being is worse rich or poor in the ways that matter we re all the same economic logic and human dignity just can t be weighed on the same scale. well there you have it.
yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. glad. to.
see. the conflicts running the books. some damaging state election results. is visibly waning how no clothes and good luck will cling on to calm my guess is most gun shy this one of the most famous and
infamous politicians here in germany conflict so for thirty minutes the dog looks. most. closely. carefully i don t know this suit. needs to be a good. match. to discover the ultimate. subscribe to the documentary on to.
me. the first of the oldest of the twentieth century. the more to end all wars cost millions of lives. world. number marks the hundredth anniversary of its. what has humankind learned from the great work. place as if learning the books is real peace and impossibilities play.
nineteen eighteen long forgotten w.c. november focus. was his date of leaders live from goal and the race to succeed i m going to pace friedrich met some launches his bed something germany s christian democrats one sidelined by chance i m back and he s now hotly tipped to take over her job also on the program nato stages joint military exercises in northern europe involving troops and hardware from all twenty nine member states moscow describes the event

Value , Human-capital , Number , Human-being , Cost-capital , Wealth , Language , Human , Germany , Everyone , Ways , Figure

Transcripts For DW Made In Germany - Human Beings - Just Another Product 20181031 12:30:00

people here don t have a clue about feminism but there are women who want to instigate change in everyday life for justice and equality. under the skin pressures women starts november thirteenth d.w. . meaning. when we talk about rich people we often say she s worth one hundred million when disaster strikes we say the tragedy has cost more than one hundred lives the workforce of a company is often described as human capital wealth cost capital our language shows it we put a value on ourselves what is the value of a human being can we put
a number to it and if so what is that number how can it be quantified and is the same figure for everyone that s what we re talking about today on made in germany the value of human me the value of a human life. but turns out there are various ways to calculate a person s worth it s just a question of the stale use if you look at by a mosque for example you and i don t add up to much but if you apply different scale you could be worth millions. what s a human being worth. well if you break down the body it s about sixty six percent water twenty percent carbon six percent oxygen and two percent all told the elements in the human body are worth about ten year of us. the body also contains some gold nickel and copper but in trace amounts too small to calculate so
in chemical terms a human is no more valuable than fish meat or autumn leaves in terms of organs however the body is a gold mine they re worth an estimated one point seven million euros. on the black market that is whether the donor would see any of that some is another matter some people s body parts are worth even more. a soccer player cristiana rinaldo his legs for example are insured for one hundred forty million euros let s look at productivity as a measure. the term human capital was coined by a columnists to describe the economic value of human capacities. to some the term has connotations of slavery to others it reflects a progressive idea of employees as capital rather than expense what about
dependence and compensation how much can dependents be compensated if you lose your life in an accident or a disaster well that varies. the family of a policeman who died in the nine eleven terror attacks was paid eight hundred fifty thousand dollars in federal compensation. but the family of a stockbroker who perished received six million dollars on the grounds that the stockbroker earned more and would have continued to do so loss of future earnings in other words that s how capitalism works. and humans emotional words insurance companies can t put a price tag on that only our loved ones can. now some people actually have made it that business to calculate a human being s worth because after a disaster for example a plane crash or a car accident any incident that costs human life compensation is often paid by
those responsible to the relatives of the victims that money has to be fairly distributed and that is what kenneth feinberg specializes in he spoke to our reporter lisa have when you say you can t value a life with money you have a better idea this is how you compensate this is how you provide assistance to an innocent victim. the stockbroker who gets hit by an automobile right here in washington will get his family will get more money then the waiter or the busboy who gets struck. down talk to me time and again dispute resolution expert kenneth feinberg has called in when a catastrophe has claimed many victims and lots of compensation money is at stake calculating the value of a life it might be one of the most unenviable task in the world. feinberg s
most high profile case so far involves the nine eleven terrorist attacks which killed nearly three thousand people in two thousand and one. feinberg was responsible for administering the money from the u.s. federal government s september eleventh victim compensation fund but who was to get it and how much how do you calculate what a life is worth what would the victim have and overall work life but for nine eleven and something for pain and suffering emotional distress is the award what you need as a calculating machine not a law degree. sounds pretty cold isn t that system completely unfair i agree that it s unfair but everything about these funds is unfair what s fair about telling somebody well you lost just sista we ll give you three million
dollars because with calculated your sister s life earnings i mean don t expect people in grief emotionally vulnerable don t expect them ever to say mr feinberg thank you. as compensation fund administrator kenneth feinberg had sole discretion to decide who was eligible and how much they d receive. it was a lot of power in the hands of one man. in germany bereaved families all get the same amount. after the boston marathon bombing he was in charge of administering about eighty million dollars. for the deepwater horizon oil rig explosion in the gulf of mexico he distributed twenty billion dollars feinberg says interacting with the suffering families is the hard part i initially in nine eleven assume and i m
a lawyer i ll approach this as a lawyer would approach big mistake. i should have approached it like in the boston marathon as a rabbi or a priest or a psychiatrist when i take on one of this assignment gracious self of the emotional tsunami feinberg has awarded compensation to thousands of surviving dependents that hasn t only made him friends the biggest criticism is that he has too much power without transparency and he s also been well compensated during the deepwater horizon settlement oil company b.p. paid his law firm over a million dollars a month in nine eleven i worked for the victims congress passed a law that i was working to help the victims and i did that pro bono patriotic you could get paid for that in b.p. there was a dispute i was paid
a lot of people complained that even though i was independent i was really in the back pocket of b.p. the way you overcome that is by getting very generous money out the door was insured ken feinberg s work is far more than a job it s become a calling if the president of the united states calls and says can you know how to do this we need you we re going to tell him i m busy i can t do it. not comfortable. you re a citizen you want to get back to the country. you do it. well one way to determine a person s worth is very simple just take a look at that person s paycheck the value of your labor as one key measure of your was some countries define a lower limit on the value of your labor that s the minimum wage but if you end up in prison for example you might end up losing
a lot of that value. the inmates at this present are hard at work from seven in the morning until three in the afternoon five days a week. in most german states work is compulsory in prisons. and our time said in germany prison inmates are in one to three year olds an hour or that s well below the legal minimum wage it s the same here in this prison but is a system fair or our companies that outsource their manufacturing to prisons exploiting this cheap labor. here at the plame affair are present in lower saxony about two hundred seventy convicted criminals are held serving sentences ranging from months to years. their cells measure just ten square meters. all of the inmates here work. we ask manuel how
much he earns. to feed i m in wage bracket for i get the highest rate in thirteen your eyes five all fifteen of these are created by day yes it s not much but it s a bit more than what we get. on fin is that enough and no it s not enough it could be more every month it s just never anonymous before. he works thirty five and a half hours a week. and earns three hundred euros a month. so just over two year as an hour. on the regular labor market the minimum wage in germany is eight years eighty four an hour. that s one thousand two hundred euros a month. that also allows for pension contributions. but prison inmates are officially excluded from the national pension system.
i have a meeting with prison director on of even. the minimum wage doesn t apply to prison inmates that s a political decision i don t need to comment on that. but as a person director i can tell you that if the national minimum wage applied here we probably wouldn t have any work here at all to shift it s important for the person or staff something constructive to do just imagine if they had to spend seven days a week in their cells with only a few hours a day of activities for exercise we see a lot more on rust and aggression from the shift. but it s also clear that outside companies are benefiting from the ready source of cheap labor the authorities here won t tell me which companies are working with us present. nationwide the firms outsourcing work to prisons include the nod and the seat. and dima.
we want to know how these companies justify this massive undercutting of the minimum wage. most of those contacted gave a similar answers. it helps with rehabilitation and reintegration into society they say. companies simply pass the buck believing they re not responsible for the low wages. it s a political question. say a decision for lawmakers. in twenty seventeen german companies paid over one hundred sixty million euros for work done in the country s prisons. i don t tell you about it one businessman has he s cheap prison labor as competition is quite buycott he says outsourced production in prisons is destroying his business. tycoon
has a packaging company based near hanover business used to be good and he had sixty employees now it s just him and his wife he s lost one customer after another. you say prisons are unfair competition why. some companies i ve spoken to have told me outright that i just can t manufacture as cheaply as the prisons can. i can only speak on my line of business which is packaging where the ratio is about one to three. isn t as it so you re three times as expensive as present. right so of course i m out of the running to put it bluntly they re using convicted criminals to work for them at rates that are criminal on the free market if you don t pay the minimum wage and you don t pay pension contributions and v.a. t. then you re taken to court and penalized i don t see how you re helping someone
reintegrate into society if you re basically exploiting them. his frustration is clear after all it s his livelihood that s at stake. the prisoners can make purchases with their wages but their money doesn t go very far young christian has been behind bars since early this year. i have forty one year olds left after i ve paid my share of the electricity and other bills on the phone fortunately i don t drink coffee coffee here is very expensive which is hard for people who need both coffee and cigarettes. how much do you have left after that. just enough to get through the month. he s also required to put the money aside for when he gets out. as a stand this to what s more important to him passing the time or earning money. for
me personally it s more about making my time here go faster than earning a wage but it s hard to compare the two you can t really compare them because of course you want to have some money too. so the wage is just as important in a way but right now it s more about passing the time with the gives me a better job i. after a day s work the prisoners go back to their sounds as for me my work day is over till. i m left feeling grateful for my freedom and for being able to choose the work that. this painting here that you see here behind me sold for four hundred fifty million dollars last year it was painted by leonardo da vinci school sold out on monday and is the most expensive piece of art ever sold you know not of himself was not
a poor man but the value of his works only rose a tsunami clee hundreds of years after his death this is the same as many artists live today in precarious circumstances and the capricious art market puts little value on an artist s current life. thank. you. it s. the attack it s. just always there and i think painting is the right place for someone who is both sensitive and ruthless and someone who doesn t care if they make their parents happy and more if they are in money within them it. says.
danielle as singer covers plastic films in painters and creates collages with them . a single work can take him weeks to complete sometimes even months. old. and financially i never look past next month s you know not sometimes ok and sometimes less so kind of what it means no holidays away but the threat of a poverty and old age. then the one in the the rewards of painting or in painting itself so yeah having the freedom to live our lives such a way that we devote ourselves to find our fulfillment in it there s an ecstasy and joy in that and in doing the right thing pointing to the sky pond. contracts and bells financial matters can track you back to earth as an artist life is usually
hunting mouth for all those who can t crack the commercial side of the art world and daniel has problems with the notion of marketing himself and money his paintings cost upwards of fifteen hundred euros a piece he usually only sells five or six in a year and often need state welfare to supplement his income. the german capital has become a magnet for artists from all over the world. but a few artists do make it big like those who exhibit at one of the eigen plus part
galleries. overt get have a look represent some of the biggest names in german contemporary art like neo i m just a moment so the best thing as a young artist is to open your own gallery or several join together to do it. we don t take on new artists are such little and it s more a case of don t call us we ll call you with all things. if something catches the team s attention or if one of our artists says hey check this out as well then we check it out. but we don t have time to look through all the applications that are right here. does it fit don t we all the freedom to create the art he wants is more important than profiting from it so far he sold his pictures more or less by chance to friends family and a few collected here for. the freedom to do what i want my son is the most precious thing i have of course pastor and so i m willing to accept
necessarily compete with the others like this everyone else does. nothing is ever for free not even death because that will cost you your life and then some here in germany dying will set you back up to six thousand euros and there s a thriving business around everything mortal by colleagues of mine took a closer look at the business of death. as was no mean i ve never really thought much about coffee and. definitely not. pine wood individually decorated coolness of rectangular walnut birch. italian style solid wood which i like. most of the coffins here cost
between one and three thousand euros. less that is not crucial if i were picking one for my own burial i d be asking how much am i worth. or if it s for one of my loved ones what are they worth to me should i shell out one two or three thousand euro s and cards when i have not had to ask myself that question so far but it s one that everyone probably has to ask at some point. what are we worth when we die. this funeral home has been dealing with death since eight hundred sixty one fabiani lensing who heads the family business says the funeral i ve picked would cost three and a half thousand euros the price reflects not just the coffin and the flowers i ve chosen but also the fact that lensing is available around the clock.
as it s misconstrued with sometimes we spend five hours with a client and discussing all the details that we might work on the text for the deaf announcement or on the decorations of the funeral service the music there are lots of details and i think you can only do them justice by discussing them in person. because anything is pretty good i just. undertakers are often criticised for charging too much the bereaved tend not to haggle. but the p.r. involved says his company can offer funerals thirty percent cheaper with no hidden costs the berlin startup has raised millions from investors the purchasing and planning processes have been digitalized customers can select everything on their computers or via telephone hotline that way they can see how much each item costs and what the total price will be. as an exception i get
a personal consultation here the same package and picture earlier would cost around six hundred euros less. credit if because people don t really have a sense of what it costs we made a video about that we went out and asked people what they thought a funeral costs and the answers ranged from five thousand to fifteen thousand euros or much more we heard everything that comes with somebody like them so people don t know what a fair price would be yes exactly i don t think they have any sense of what the right price might be but if the. death is big business. in germany about nine hundred thousand people die each year with funeral revenues totaling two billion euros it s a market that conventional full service undertakers like fabienne benson are having to share with more and more new competitors. here he is making the final preparations in the chapel before the mourners his clients arrive he says his
company s image has less to do with pricing than its reputation for reliability. and he says he can t compete with startups that have the backing of big investors. instance a. good feeling and these are often institutional investors that put money into lots of things they like about we ll see maybe a little paranoia maybe at work that market leads to a distortion of the market for the smaller businesses that might not have the resources to keep up with prices like that squeezed out. digitalisation is changing things in his industry. true most people still prefer to hire undertakers to guide them personally through the funeral process rather than plan the event themselves on their computers. but i m convinced that for my generation that will have changed when our time comes.
well thomas come that s all for today before you go though a personal note here at made in germany we had intense discussions about the topic today how much any human is worth if you can actually put a number to it and here is what we all agreed on. so in ethical terms it s impossible to calculate what a human being is worse rich or poor in the ways that matter we re all the same economic logic and human dignity just can t be weighed on the same scale. well there you have it. yes yes yes yes yes. yes. yes. yes. yes
yes. yes. yes. yes. yes yes yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. get. the be. the be the be.
the be . the be. the bird. once upon a time. there was a plane flew. into crazy characters. up. these are called the fear of the night. on its thirtieth anniversary the puppets are still showing off their talents. and their homes and thirty minutes on t.w. .
nico is in germany to learn german english finical. why not learn with him d w z e learning course because vic. entered the conflict zone confronting the powerful. after thirteen years in power in some damaging state election results. of thirty is visibly waning how long can those who do. cling on so calm my guess is both gun shy playing one of the most famous and infamous politicians speak in germany. conflict zone starts october thirty first on the telling of. the close of. the first the global disaster of the twentieth century. the
war to end all wars cost millions of lives. world war one. the march the hundredth anniversary of its. what has humankind learned from the great more. as it must come up. body. is real peace and impossibilities. leg . length one teenager long forgotten lead to w.c. nov focus. he had

People , Value , Human-being , Human , Number , Everyone , Germany , Figure , Person , Example , Ways , Question

Transcripts For DW Close Up 20190408 22:30:00

so long even by us i was it would have made more. my choice to discard if i was given their way to transmit the straw. men in the cash mom match and i will. tell you. the world seems a pretty topsy turvy place right now u.s. president donald trump has been doing what he can to turn the long existing system of international trade on its head he is a keen africa to trade wars and a slap to punitive tyrants from china and germany. says that german cars are exported unfairly to the u.s. and claims that they pose
a threat to america s security. because they do their. best twenty first the first. the day where it s just. this is nonsense ling trending global trade and it comes at a time when more and more people are worried about their jobs or feel completely marginalized so it s all rich man s game. they re destroying america that s what they re going. to jog around here and. everything is minimum wage or little. system of then you get scared when you hear jobs are at risk somewhere. it s a vicious circle you just can t get away from globalization for a. group as asian simply. for many people. how our president trumps aggressive high state policies impacting on international
trade and our trade practices any better. all. of. this intervene to hunger managing director of a german steel company says trump s america france trade policy doesn t make sense when targets b.t.h. factories produce about two hundred thousand tonnes of stainless steel a year ten percent of that is exported to the yo ass. but in spring twenty eighteen those exports were hit with a twenty five percent importer of that of course raises the price of german steel in the u.s. but a number of american manufacturing companies need that steel so they pay the extra tax.
is also their demise. most of those companies have to import steel from other countries. it s the only way they can get it because the u.s. just doesn t produce enough high quality steel i mean. that s why steel imports are so high it. looms with a symphony of paying more to cover the cost of those terrorists themselves so it is on with. the father and the steel processing industry in the us is extremely worried about those higher prices because it in turn makes their products more expensive. so in kevin dougherty predicts that trumps terror of policy will backfire because the u.s. products that are made with german steel including cars machines and industrial pipes now cost more turnover remain stable for now because the companies can supply
the high quality product needed but the tariffs are also making german still manufacturers very nervous. i just say you know to say that we re stuck in a trade war that slowly escalating and we can t get out of it how do you see it. if i said to the danger is that things will eventually spin out of control and at some point trade will just collapse. i definitely describe this as a war not least because of the huge scale of it. i think that i doubt if any of tariffs are imposed on the automobile industry we re talking about a situation that could affect many jobs was not the all right that your fear so we re really concerned about it. but also these ideas all. the years economists and politicians have been telling us global free trade is good for everyone president trump apparently disagrees now we ve got
a trade war on our hands. what s up in the u.s. . we ve come to the rust belt a part of the u.s. which has been an industrial decline for decades new terrorists were supposed to help the steel industry there but that hasn t happened on business after another has gone bankrupt the downturn in the steel industry in this part of the country began in the nine hundred seventy s. and it has had a massive impact on local communities. president trump tweeted about this decline repeatedly during the election campaign as he tried to win over blue collar workers.
general motors was once the well it s not just manufacture of a want to might be but now three of its factories are on the verge of collapse like this one in town ohio where the chevrolet cruze is spelt. scott she took used to welcome the concert sandy like he drives a chevrolet but not a cruise he prefers a powerful gas guzzling tamara. this is a twenty seventeen fiftieth anniversary camaro s.s. two s.s. convertible quad black edition so it s black black roof black interior and black wheels these cars don t exist you ll find for twenty seven seasons for sale on the internet. but only have a c.m. president trump visited out of high and demanded the general motors keep the hope and g.m. plans to close the plant anyway. of the whole plant is going to close and it s
a this get a break everyone s heart because all these people like to do truthfully is to make decent money and work hard and then go out and spend their money in the community and thrive in the community and general motors is the largest thing we have employer wise and trouble. was living the american dream and he believed that donald trump could do something to change the laws of free trade that so often destroy jobs. maybe that we call in at the drive in restaurant wescott see still lacks. a c.c. doesn t much money hand that s typical to many people in this part of i hire a lot of the jobs that pay well have disappeared. still she makes great food. all about but long. now the g.m. plant is closing what do you think you know what does it mean for your brother. or
you wouldn t just not their jobs around here now. everything is minimum wage or little bugs. and there is a standard person just can t live on that it s. impossible for thirty bucks so hour to ten bucks an hour warmer every work very well you see there are dogs that even do. the eversley they re very close a mother. sconce sister is thinking about buying a new car a german car for the first time in my life to ever thought to buy another product besides general motors and she likes what i m lazy all of them i get out. and they make us any more we are going to leave i have money around car and i say last time i don t know of the smaller doesn t appear in germany it s a big issue. so here s a rust belt resident who wants to buy a german s.u.v. that s built in tennessee for the u.s.
market only well trained in the age of globalization pays no attention to international borders but that s not what president trump simplistic catchphrases and punitive tyrants would have you believe. in. many of high residents like scott and he says to have bought into trump s promises but a local official of the auto workers union says that tariffs don t protect jobs quite the opposite in fact. that tariffs and they want to impose these tariffs it actually kind of hurt the auto industry because still the price of still what are so it cost g.m. to build it cost them more money to build the cars here now if the prices still is higher so they re continuing to move this work to mexico bailey david greene points out that the president has rewarded big corporations that transferred jobs to mexico to comp labor costs. president trump gave them huge tax breaks in this
g.o.p. tax plan and in that tax plan it s actually cheaper for companies like general motors to import cars instead of paying twenty one percent tax now they only pay ten and a half percent tax right on their profits so it s cheaper for them to actually bring these cars in from outside the country now and we think that that s wrong and we think that that s not helping our cause here at all. so instead of america it s jobs lost still trumps tyrus and trade wars remain popular with many voters the president recently claimed that imported german concept resent a threat to america s national security and he threatened to stop a tariff of up to twenty five percent on them. i ve come to the city of youngstown to meet the associate editor of the business journal brian he s the newspaper s expert on the decline of the automobile industry . a number of us presidents of trying to
change american trade policies particularly skeptical of donald trump s approach. the trade deficit hasn t changed people are still buying imports despite higher prices in and whether or not those prices will really be that detrimental to the consumer is yet to be seen. in the answer isn t as you said tariffs per se. the answer is in the trade war the answer is actually finding different ways more innovative ways to manufacture products in this country. trade wars no one ever wins a trade war we have to remember that. the chances yes. i may if differ with the president on that issue because no one really wins a trade war. it s who loses the least i think when it comes down to it. and
studies indicate that while global free trade has helped the rich to increase their wealth it has also destroyed the jobs of many blue collar workers a trade war would likely make this situation worse. dan o brien talked about innovative jobs but what happens when new technologies end up competing with each other. we ve seen that in germany in the effort to rebuild the economy and infrastructure in the former communist east the chemical production sector in the beautiful dolphin region was wiped out by government subsidies helped to create a new solar technology industry there and various konetzni worked as a supervisor at a company that made solar cells. what was the mood like back then sell a valley sounds like silicon valley exciting. there was a new sense of optimism people were saying that the technology sector was growing
and creating more jobs in the region unemployment started falling. more than you know. government subsidies help the new solar cell sancta to get started and compete effectively in world markets but at about the same time china massively increased subsidies in its solar cell industries in the german sector crashed once again and drabs come yet sneek found it himself facing an uncertain future on. this if you get scared when you hear jobs are at risk somewhere. and it s even worse for older workers. who are afraid that you won t be able to find a new job in the same region. like you and german minister of economics and technology at the time. was opposed to more subsidies he preferred a free market approach. yes it is because who wants and i go see a video here of iceland speaking in the bundestag and he s talking about whether
the subsidies for the solar energy center should continue. or not. i don t think there s been a record increase in the solar cell sector and eighty million customers and four million small to medium sized businesses are paying the price this sort of command economy policy is not acceptable here in europe i was in this case even though this is it what do you think he meant by that. but it is well that s politics for you it hasn t changed. it s a complicated situation. and it is pretty hard to make any sense of it first the german government provided subsidies and then cut them then the e.u. stepped in with protective tariffs but china with its command economy became the world leader in the production of solar cells as konetzni was demoted to a janitor s job at the factory. tariffs and subsidies seem to be
part of the cutthroat world of international trade and prayers konetzni and probably feel like pieces on the chessboard of globalization. economist yes zicam says the populist donald trump is playing to the existential fears of these workers. there s one reason why donald trump became president. he won states that had been hit hard by globalization in the midwest plus pennsylvania and ohio. these states traditionally vote democrat but he managed to carry them by attacking globalization and china in his campaign speeches without these states that have lost out because of globalization it s impossible to understand donald trump success. for. president trump has clearly abandoned the principles of free trade in favor of tariffs and trade walls but free
trade has never really been free. for. everyone s talking about free trade right now. but free trade does not exist it never has existed. there s always an element of protectionism in trade policy. this is just sometimes more concealed in some cases than others. i don t think it would be a good idea in the long term for world trade to develop into a sort of jungle where the u.s. china and the e.u. subsidies and protectionism to compete with each other. trade may not be fair but now more than ever one rule seems to govern survival of the fittest for example in africa where the u.s. and china are expanding their trade presence. both countries see excellent opportunities in the west african country of ghana or the
gold coast as it was once known. this part of the continent is rich in natural resources. the european union is also involved in trade here and is acting in its own interests by demanding duty free market access for subsidized european agricultural products garner of course would prefer to continue to produce its own farm products to keep young people in rural areas gainfully employed. but the e.u. is having none of that. because i ve come to ghana s capital our crowd to meet economist and labor expert. we stopped by tomato market oh to says the prices are set here on a daily basis. citizenship that someone is someone in the market who is fixing the prize in the morning or a lady who was worse than the sellers tell me that they need a fat price it s the dry season now so tomatoes have brought down from ghana s
found north east they can t compete with inexpensive tomato paste that s imported from europe and china. you can find it on sound just about everywhere. fresh local tomatoes are left to rot. just it s hot and humid right now so those tomato should be processed quickly but that s not an option there s nothing disagree here john. locke our bodies are all work it. was important competition for you guys but there s a message to dismiss. this story as must apply to bring your four year old the lies that are metal from italy is focused on the guys commission of all for the jets to sell for too long a manufacturer an entire life little by. little more they re going for yourself as
artillery shells are. goners man agricultural exports is cocoa it is the world s second largest producer and exporter of rollitt. but almost none of it is processed into chocolate here fats down in other countries. germany for example is europe s leading producer of chocolate has. such the local markets for chocolate basket but couldn t find any we finally managed to track some down at this carriage the shortage of processed chocolate here comes as no surprise to old to whose father was. produced close. by how to make a special effort to locate structures hot liking germany the way you produce zero
amount of coke. is everywhere so many. problem is that truckload before and i m not to throw it out my father had it before you buy it or you produced montauk out there is no possible the producer explored destructors. to say germany are your. clothes you re using the best it s probably because of the trip policies you ve mentioned so it doesn t force us to. ignore long as. i m. not surprised really what this one was you know says it would. have tired and that s why you tariff escalation. tariff escalation is a new concept for accounting for years the country was allowed to protect itself against cheap agricultural imports and exports its own farm products duty free.
but in recent free trade agreements the e.u. ordered ghana to drop its tyrants if it wanted to continue export. some pressure from the you again you interrupt your tribe that i don t know how that to impose a. significant amount of pressure without warning that if you don t know push a terrorist and i remember this deadline. yeah poor countries are going to lose their market assets into a well if you have followed the way e.p.a. negotiations have gone. you clearly see that this is a. first policy would clear interests. everybody has acted in the past like mr wood i see important as our trances. so when it comes to international trade it s europe first and germany first
although we don t shout about it back here and stance we just put pressure on our next powerful trading partners. i head back to europe via italy. i ve come to the southern province of where tomatoes are grown german this summer for export. i m on my way to visit one of the farms. the crop is being harvested mostly by african immigrants. one of them is e.t.c. in new south from ghana he wanted a better life so he made his way to north africa and then to italy now he s stuck here. i ask him what he earns picking tomatoes from the mobs are still going to do so much closer to three year old fifty cents per hour and not pay i want
a son i say. how much do you hear oh i. mean you take one hour one hour to miss one hour you make one. you know so you you get three your three year fifty. your family or. the two or. you not ritual that s the problem they just you tell it it s almost black like it s libya. i guess it is hard to say. you three see is earning next to nothing for harvesting e.u. subsidized tomatoes and in the process he is indirectly hurting the tomato industry in his home country. like scott chittick in the u.s. some time trask on its knee in pitiful it three c. in new south is subject to the forces of international trade the local farm workers union is demanding higher wages for these people union official daniel like
a valley is looking into it receives cakes. but it notes that edriss last employer paid him less than half the national minimum wage. the bill s fear. was to sell out a bus. with such low wages they can t afford to pay rent and it s impossible for them to become integrated into italian society. because it is going to leave it in a bundle and many of them live illegally in abandoned houses in the countryside yet there is a will or they live in ghettos near towns. they go into. i want to see where he treats he lives so i drive him home to an abandoned military airfield. migrant workers leave in barracks and containers set out on what used to be the runway.
and these are all the houses for people of how many are. always trying to drive the people. it s a ghetto for migrant workers right in the middle of the european union. this replace. to me to do. it three see in news is caught between a rock and a hard place he can t become part of european society and he can t go back to ghana where he would be shunned as a loser he s one of the victims of globalization i d like to talk to the e.u. trade commissioner about subsidies tariffs and worker exploitation but she has no
time for an interview so instead visit to continue chancellor merkel s personal representative for africa policy and ask him the same questions. do germany and the e.u. treat the victims of globalization any different than the us stands right now. tired and almost as quick to respond. immediately we saw african farm workers being treated essentially like slaves on a lot less than italy s minimum wage harvesting tomatoes that are then exported to ghana it has ruined the domestic tomato market that is that makes sense as he was marcus was in kinds and you know unfortunately i think maybe ghana overestimated its own ability. it improved in the interim trade agreement that wasn t in its own favor. is that fair trade. they took those clubs as
we did not seek a serious discussion on trade issues. we had decided that free trade is good. and we wanted to get our products into that market and so we try to persuade the africans to agree to our proposals and so. we didn t even think about the fact that it s ridiculous to bring people from ghana to italy to harvest tomatoes and then send those tomatoes back it will make a lot more sense to produce tomatoes in africa it has the right weather for it support and say i m busy just chancer agrees to the chancellor sees it like i do. know who says those policies have to be reconsidered to improve trade relations and end the migration of refugees from africa to europe. a prosperous africa is in the best interests of germany and europe you ve now and that means. you firstly we simply cannot try to integrate hundreds of millions of people into europe is. to put it simply for every job that exists in africa means
one family less that wants to come to europe you ve always got some africa is not for me having an open. europe fast china fast america fast. and in the us sculpture took all wanted a better life. they didn t get it major donald trump international trade has become a game that only powerful states can where it s now the survival of the fittest but what happened to the promise of prosperity for everyone. an idea that was coined in germany.
cut. russian anniversary. by an destroys bookman might melt in the hundred days and classes. and lights this state the most beautiful goal of the day in a furious comeback against live. a. minute on. when the hour starts rising people fight for survival on a case on a budget limited budget when there s a flood water comes up to a waist by your clothes faster everyone me but. the lack of water is equally

Us- , Threat , Security , First , Twenty , Jobs , People , International-trade , Game , More , Rich-man , Everything

Transcripts For DW Business 20190620 14:45:00

and african swine fever is going global as vietnam has to kill off millions of pizzas expert experts are calling it the largest animal disease outbreak. also on the show the number of millionaires is rising. tension up in the race of the rich. this is business as welcome she s in pain has become the 1st chinese leader to visit neighboring north korea for 14 years it s a sign of improving relations between the 2 traditional allies despite a drop in trade between them both president g.m. kim your own will want to make sure that trade remains strong despite u.n. sanctions against china secretive communist brother country. the chinese president s arrival on north korean soil was a momentous one clearly not everything that crosses the border between the 2 allies is rooted with such excitement most of the exchanges between china and north korea happen here the friendship bridge across the yalu river 70 percent of bilateral
trade passes here between dandong and the north korean city of sin nature traditionally heavy metal is made of a big part of that trade the u.n. sanctions imposed in 2017 banned exports of them to and from north korea with electrical coal cars and textiles also subject to restrictions un sanctions have taken their toll in 2800 exports from north korea to china are thought to have dropped by 88 percent trade in the other direction fell by a 3rd. north korea can at least rely on one commodity crossing the border the number of chinese tourists is thought to be a to record high trade relations are healthy enough that a new border crossing was opened in april this year and is around the same time north korean officials were invited to a key summit on president she s flagship belts and road initiative the maintenance of imports and exports remains essential to both countries kim jong un needs china s help to develop a struggling economy and beijing needs influence over its unpredictable and
excitable ally. as to what his relationship with our resident china experts cliff including cliff just said that north korea looks set to become part of beijing s belgian road initiative what bill china gain from including north korea well these are these are old friends no country likes instability on its borders for a start and i think china particularly is aware of this and it wants to prop up its old friend you know we used to say they were as close as lips and teeth at that relationship became a little bit strained over the nuclear issue but they seem to be back on track again so i think there s a lot to gain by keeping things stable across the border atonement nuclear the nuclear issue and trade. there are sanctions are in place will china just go ahead and break them. i think it s a question of they how they will paint that i think that they will effectively break them but it will be presented as humanitarian aid i think what they want to do the way china is thinking is that in return for advances on nuclear they will
give small advances on reducing the sanctions and i think that s possibly the approach that they will take so are they are they trying to sort of beat the trumpet the denuclearization game of north korea i think so i think they re definitely i mean if they do break the u.s. sanctions will come to us do i mean they contemn impose sanctions because it s already got trade vocal terry holt going on so it s it s put into that into that position where the chinese are very strong position here. if we just look at geez. i didn t hear in the last 2 weeks he visited north korea took minustah and russia what does that tell say to an experienced china watch a lot of yourself well i don t i would like to exaggerate this but i mean in some ways we re seeing a kind of a new world order be in for sure i mean we re china s be friending all these countries it needs allies in the trade war with the u.s. some analysts here are talking about how this is more than a trade war this is a new cold war if that s the case what we re seeing here is that the chinese it s
becoming friends with people who the u.s. doesn t want to be friends with the u.s. is looking more and more in words as this is happened happening china is looking at all these other countries around the place not only the other countries rather not looking just at the pariahs they also look at the western countries of. italy for example which would have included in the belgian road will greece in the same way yeah absolutely it s looking out countries everywhere it s seeing where it can it can build influence and how it can use its economic strength to promote its its place in the world i mean germany has been has been very keen to keep things on an even keel because germany s economy is heavily dependent on china so even though italy got a lot of stick at the time over belt and road it s not just italy as a lot of other countries are doing this so i think as you say it s really looking to expand its reach at the time when the u.s. is looking inwards politically thank you very much.
despite its name african swine fever is not an african problem highly contagious diseases sweeping through asia right now farmers in vietnam have killed more than 2500000 pigs to try and contain an outbreak that is in danger of engulfing the whole country meanwhile across the border in the world s biggest pork market that is china break that started nearly a year ago shows no sign of abating experts are already calling it the largest animal disease outbreak in history. china is the world s top pork producer and consumes more pork per capita than any other country apart from vietnam but pork prices are rising as african swine fever devastates an industry worth $113000000000.00 euros annually the disease kills almost all the pigs it infects china s agriculture ministry says the breeding herd has declined by 24 percent nearly a year after the virus emerged in china scientists are still trying to deduce how
they can stop the disease which has been able to spread between farms separated by hundreds of kilometers. with a virus like africans 5 here that can actually fairly easily although all spreads and they aren t really. really good ways of controlling disease we believe that we may have anything between 10 and 30 percent of the animals in china infected. pfeiffer s says it s the most complex and largest animal disease outbreak ever china s national statistics office indicates that the national herd has declined by 40000000 pigs in the last year an indication of how many have been slaughtered due to the disease. while the disease cannot be transmitted from pigs to humans the impact on the food production industry is likely to be severe.
compound and by the high density of pigs in chinese piggeries. now to some of the other global business stories making headlines today bus has sold 15 new long range planes to american airlines the a 3 to one exe was also this week s paris air show and is yet to go into production the deal came a day after the surprise announcement that british airways had put in an order for boeing s grounded 737 s. . tons of germany s carrier. tells us passengers there may be in for some strike chaos this summer with subsidiaries euro wings and german wings likely to be hardest hit the focus is on a wage dispute staff will vote next week on whether to take action on not move tons of says it will retaliate with legal action. the f.b.i.
is reported to be investigating whether broke u.s. money laundering the new york times last month reported that transactions flagged by employees at its compliance division as suspicious were not referred to the authorities some of the transaction was for allegedly linked to companies controlled by president trump and his families. now a hint seems to have been enough the u.s. federal reserve s indication that rates cut good afternoon as soon as next month that s not a significant impact on markets the price of gold rose to its highest level in 5 years and it reached around $1386.00 an ounce this rise of almost 3 percent on the start of trading. let s bring in our financial correspondent danielle kopi standing by in frankfurt
for us daniel where is this gold rush coming from just the fit. well garrett there is the hope among investors that interest rate cuts by the big central banks around the world can mean new world wide economical grows and all of this is as a result we have seen the dax in frankfurt but also the your stocks 50 going up and yes i guess we can talk about this gold rush as you just said because the gold price indeed went up by one percent gold is always considered as a safe haven here for investors and even though investors are again more optimistic they see gold as a very good investment in order to secure themselves when you talk for example about higher inflation rate this has been something that investors have been talking about for quite some time this latest development and that s very interesting is certainly paying off for a gold mine companies like there s new york for example down share price went up by 5 percent today some investors see all of this though a little bit more reluctant they are waiting for the g 20 meeting by the end of the
month in japan that s where u.s. president donald trump and his chinese counterpart are scheduled to meet possibly with the goal to find a long awaited solution for the trade conflict between the 2 nations because we remember that this entire conflict has been overshadowing the markets for quite some time now. in frankfurt thank you. and i want to leave you with a piece of really good news and emerging economies people are getting richer and not only that the number of millionaires is rising around the world according to a study by the boston consulting group there are now more than 22000000 millionaires across the globe though they continue to be spread very unevenly most of the world s a 1000000 as one a 11800000 of them live in the u.s.
but china is catching up measured in u.s. dollars the people s republic now boasts around $1300000.00 as followed by japan with $1100000.00 the study also says that just 3 percent of the world s population owns around hoffer of global wealth that set things could well change over the coming years as the met suggests that by 2023 so in 4 years the number of millionaires in asia and africa could actually rise by 10 percent that s there s hope for you and me and that s it for me and the business team here in berlin for more business news and lots of background stories check out d w dot com slash business states unity w. news is next right after this quick look at global markets it s watching your business age.
surrounded by coal mines. this is the village of a creamy in northern greece. people were getting ready to move away until it turned out there s no cool here. that was 8 years ago. my job is a disaster that no insurance carrier ever got to. 30 minutes w.-a. what keeps us in shape what makes us see and how. my name is dr carlson
the i talk to medical experts. watch them at work. and i discuss what you can do to improve your health. state use and let s all try to stay in good shape. promptly w. . bursts. home. of species. call home. worth s if you can. get those are big changes and most start with small steps with global ideas tell stories of could induce people into innovative projects around the world. to use the 2 screen image solutions and resource to show. the community interactive content teaching the next generation what it took to touch it. using the channels available to people trying to catch

Trade , Sanctions , Chinese , China-secretive-communist-brother-country , North-korea , Border , Gm , Allies , Soil , China , Most , Excitement

Transcripts For DW DocFilm 20190525 12:15:00

future despite the weather looks bright. you re watching the w. news next up as a documentary about europe s right wing populists expected to make significant gains in the e.u. elections make sure to stay tuned for that and don t forget you can catch all the latest news on our website that s d.w. dot com and you come 1st for me and the entire team here in berlin thanks for joining the w. . shifting powers the old order is history the world is real you know is in itself and the media s role is keep the topic in focus at the global media forum 29 change today one out of 2 people is online who are we following whom do we trust to beijing and
shape the future at the georgia dome a global leader for 22 countries. the alternative for germany politician gabriel raul is him brussels the power center of the european union. so i have to see where i need to go. the road leads to the european parliament hile is number 2 on the f.t. list for the european elections it s very likely he ll be earning his living here soon his aim is to undermine the e.u. from within. that s our idea seems to be set in the gearbox and open things up a bit so that. rightwing populists are on the advance throughout europe together they are flexing their muscles more than ever. for millions of followers they offer hope. and the promise of being part of
a movement. we made up we used to be a feared $500.00 now will soon be a ferrari that if. we take a look around europe who votes for the right and why in italy france germany and hungary and what kind of europe do the right wing populists want. in france shot in france the french 1st in italy the italians. are they united only because they see a common enemy. to . get over lets a colleague s show him around more than bake a migrant district in brussels he thinks it s the perfect place for his message he
announced during the election campaign that he would actually move here the f.t. candidate love stunts like this is happening is that i wanted to move to more than beg so when i come home each day i can see why i m fighting. i guess not all the streets among them back look like this. there must be a few corners where you can still live in safety of the trolley but. its style is 1st time in modern bake and he s not even trying to talk to the people there but he s quickly reached a verdict anyway. so many muslims in one place makes him a quick easy. but of course he says he has no beef with other cultures but while islam somehow is through a tough situation i feel the freedom we have enjoyed for decades is under threat that i feel threatened by too many immigrants who come from a completely different cultural background which i m a very who have a completely different community of values and they live according to them so much
of your white but the worst is the fact that they practice their peculiarities openly. i go i think i was also a good. while solution is simple isolation. he wants to adopt a tough stance in brussels no common european asylum system and no quotas for the distribution of refugees the a.f.p. actually wants to abolish the e.u. parliament but as long as it s there the f.t. will use it as a stage. if our borders were protected like the e.u. parliament i d be a huge fan of the e.u. . after several others step down if the leader york martin is the party s only m.e.p. he s hoping for a new allies europe s right wing populists are spread across several political groups morton is trying to forge a grand alliance. as it s doubled up screaming in the end it s all about winning
votes. it s easier with a large group than with a small one so simple as that we will be able to exert more political influence if we re part of the right wing conservative camp. a few days later my turn is meeting matteo salvini italy s interior minister and leader of the northern league the lady annoyed salvini has called for a new right wing alliance and although only 3 european politicians have accepted his invitation so far he s still attracting a lot of support. your. i m also representing the french the austrians the dutch the belgians etc etc etc. italy is interior minister as a potential leader of a new right wing europe he s celebrated on it. as
a shock to the old political elite. college tuitions talk like politicians but salvini is different he speaks the language of the people of all of us. by simone a couple of darcy is 37 years old and works as a caretaker in a municipal nursing home in matter in eastern italy he doesn t want to be filmed at work he s a well known laker supporter and his employer the city s leftwing mayor has his eye on him. he calls his fascists nazis and all that what he doesn t get is are not a racist i only have something against the criminals who come to my homeland. much about it s actually a tranquil place. but last year it attracted national attention after a nigerian was suspected of murdering an 18 year old italian woman.
then a right wing radical went out and randomly shot it anyone with dark skin. legge abbas salvini was under no illusions about who was morally responsible for the violence the european union s refugee and migration policies were flooding the country with illegal immigrants and yourself even many migrants are to me renie don t let anybody out there already too many. saw the nice rhetoric went down well in much editor in the parliamentary elections but legate jumped from less than one percent to almost 21 percent of the vote and it s likely to take even more in the european elections and many recent surveys show the lega at over 30 percent and across italy. we go into the center of much of that is all down to visit somebody a medic at least shop she also supports the lega in addition to kitchen knives and
razors she now also sells pepper spray because there are so many strangers in town . those africans i don t know if they bring the drugs from their countries but they sell them here other ethnic groups are not so difficult. i mean the indians for example a nice quiet people i mean. generalizations like these are doing great harm to many here social worker danniella muncie is a native nigerian and an italian citizen he s lived here for 40 years. so a few of them before racism is becoming more and more open in the past it was less visible now everything s exploded. fuck this but plenty of people also oppose it lunch with the montana is one of the guests is from mauritania
he s the 2nd african refugee the family has taken into its home the fact that sullivan is government refuses to allow wesley boats to dark and persecutes aid organizations makes them angry. so look at love over salvini is only using fear fear of the stranger of the migrant but his scaremongering is a double edged sword so he also attacks anyone who disagrees with him and his policies including us your children or the montanas don t get any money for their hospitality they act out of conviction or him will stay with them for up to a year. in this really nice to be. worthy of what i ask you say you live with us. and i know it s true you re my 2nd family. for all of them. daniel is angry that the government is increasingly neglecting its responsibilities
when for example they cut funding for language and integration courses for migrants it doesn t help society on the contrary. i support the slogans of the populists are working their way into the heads of people who don t have much themselves so the me and his crew have started a war by inciting poor people against other poor people. an apartment block just a few minutes drive away symbolizes poverty and social tensions hundreds of people from dozens of nations lived here many of them illegally most of the original residents have moved away. over the years the block has changed beyond recognition . salvini voter and labor member look at everyday lives on the 3rd floor he s one of the last italians here look as mother is visiting him today she bought the apartment 4 decades ago.
it almost brick that it looked just wonderful here that even how can i put it it was like a fairy tale of a great story downstairs all nice and tidy in the evening we went down to the piazza there was music and we used to dance. it was really beautiful beautiful. then that then either that. today the apartments here have lost their value and nothing remains of the splendor of those bygone days. a lot of things have not worked here for a long time. prostitution drugs and a lack of security are the biggest problems lucas says. and every other country of the world the police will judge. all over you if you commit a crime it s just our country where people get away with that everyone in this house no matter what country they come from says the say. the police are more
aggressive back home. before. interior minister salvini has already been here he said he would help the residents and even have the building torn down but that hasn t proved easy the ownership structure alone is too complicated. so be always full of love course we know that selby any is not a magician who can solve all our problems but at least he inspires decent people like us to change things one can all. look at and his mother don t think much of the european union italy pays in too much money they say and gets too little out of it a widely held opinion. only 44 percent of italians would vote in favor of remaining in the e.u. in a referendum fewer than in any other member state. when legace supporters seem on
a capital c. walks his dog he can still see the damage caused by the 2016 earthquake he wanted more support including from the e.u. . bynum s from a board i felt badly treated like a son whose father won t give him anything so no i certainly do not see myself as a citizen of europe you know bent on the age of the. simone as boss mayor of all manner current timi acknowledges that the center left parties have gambled away a lot of trust in recent years but he refuses to resign himself to the rise of the right in his city. and yet he believes the answer to many questions is more not less europe. we must defeat this sort of ignorance and solving these terrible mater italians 1st. he said vinie. the mayor repeatedly invites us to information events highlighting the positive aspects of the e.u. but not many citizens turn up. there s more going on at the labor event and wine
and pizza salvini has even sent a senator to stir up the party s grass roots for the european election campaign with great success. we have grown up the party is growing and growing i always say we used to be a feared 500 now will soon be a ferrari. rome in spring time and italy s right wing populist are trying to export their newly found self confidence beyond their national borders the legacy youth wing has invited its counterparts from around europe to meet in a hotel in the city center the instagram generation is out in force as young european politicians mount the podium to fire off what seen more like war cries them political speeches that s themselves and the true spiritual and political scavengers of our continent and these people to serve nothing else but to
be overrun. the days stark asked. the french writes top candidate he may only be 23 years old but he s already got big plans. you ll be in to get to the current european union does not work because it cannot defend the peoples of europe the nations want to emancipate themselves. we the young generation of the right call for a europe of nations and we could soon be the ones to govern its europe together. the right wing populists in brussels are also dreaming of this german m.e.p. marcos behind it is one of the manipulators in the background at the e.u. parliament. there your behind is young eloquent and well connected he s linked up with populists from austria france and the netherlands. this is a party with
a strong personality cult. these personal ties bode well for the new alliance. what i was. going to dodge a gritty yes we appreciate german thoroughness. marcos always does it well the voters important you can ask each other questions you always have to see if you can reach a compromise. used to be in the conservative c.s.u. but now he s got a career with the f.t. he too will probably soon be a member of the e.u. parliament his contacts are useful for the f.t. especially since the right wing alliance has come across some sticking points the italians debt policy for example annoys the head of the f.t. . if i think about fiscal and monetary policy i can imagine that those very areas where we re doing well with migration policy will prove problematic for our monetary policies of the. political scientist susie denison says such
contradictions are currently still largely hidden by the election campaign she works for pro e.u. think tank and warns that populists could slow down the e.u. from within and what they re doing instead is trying to create this idea of a europe of sovereign nation and within that that means that the power lies at the national level if you take it away from the european level. and therefore they re not really interested in this more flexible more responsive europe that. the reform ideas of. trying to create so for them that is the advantage to paralysis in showing that the institutions don t work they are necessary and power is better off at the national level. according to surveys right wing populists can expect about a quarter of the seats in the e.u. parliament but what would cooperation look like and what about countries that violate the e.u. s democratic rules and values. the agreement these sanctions
is only going to get harder in an environment where the far right parties have a strong showing in these elections. and i think that that will be significant because if it becomes clear that actually the can t be the sanctions then the threat falls away and so i think we will see. a kind of an increasing recognition that the e.u. is quite toothless. hungary is one country that would be well served by a toothless e.u. . brussels is currently taking action against prime minister viktor or balance government accusing it of systematically undermining democracy and restricting fundamental rights. only troop hungry has changed it has become a radical right wing country. we are experiencing the rebirth of a world we have only known from history books literature or films. shortly
before the broadcast of the political talk show cooked up for gosh. regular commentator shunned or to learn presenter eastbound devaney and the other guests are preparing for the weekly show under very makeshift conditions. last year they were all sitting in a fancy t.v. studio. then an oligarchy loyal to or a band took over the station and kicked out the government critical program. any moment now the show only runs on the internet and they soon won t be able to afford that either. we still have a lot of viewers but hardly anybody places advertisements with us anymore the companies don t want to make fun of the powerful and avoid us. the state advertisements in turn are distributed according to the political preferences of the government so we don t get them either that s how the un garion media landscape
works now you ve. got. more and more private broadcasters and publishing houses and hungary have been brought into or bands line as has state radio other media houses have closed down hungary has slipped to 87th in the world on the reporters without borders press freedom rankings. we have an interview with hungary s minister of state for relations she disagrees i wouldn t say in any event they are limited in the expression not to mention the social media you can put everything on the net what you want to express so this is a clear this information. is hungry just a victim of fake news many here see it that way including catalina hampel a fashion designer known in budapest. her shop in the city center sells traditional constants to both locals and tourists. she sees herself as
a kind of cultural ambassador. to gather all of the clothes we sell meant to reflect hunger in values they history of our great nation the importance of hungary at that at these she. casually hampel is an orbit and fan as an entrepreneur she benefits from low taxes but it is not true. the government s economic policy that she approves of or bans feeder s party could make hungary strong again she doesn t think democracy is in danger. as america think about it or been has won 3 elections in a row and has a 2 thirds majority they had carians want him that s something you in western europe finally have to accept. illiberal democracy is as or about himself once called the form of government he aspired to are admired by right wing populist throughout europe and viewed critically by their opponents. canadian
and my colleague mary of as a university rector and has been observing or been system for a long time and the liberal democracy is a democracy in which you have elections but you don t have an or any of the counter balancing institutions that balance majority rule taken out of central european university has itself become a plaything of or bounds policies last year it decided to move part of its campus from budapest to vienna as the government increased pressure or ban seize the universities founder hungary an american billionaire george soros as an enemy of the state declaring soros wants to destabilize hungary and europe for them. and for george soros and there s non-governmental organizations want to attract a 1000000 migrants a year to the european union or. if george
soros didn t exist they d have to invent him this kind of politics needs an enemy they ve created an enemy the idea that george soros is responsible for the migration flows is a paranoid fantasy but it s a useful one it has no basis in fact but it allows them to mobilize their political base in this country. and that grassroots base lives mainly in the countryside. and dress for the cause is a wine grower about a 2 hour drive from budapest he says he s very interested in politics. and that he does government is the only one you can trust it follows a clear path because it s committed to longer in interest that s why we elected. you. andrus says he is proud of his white wines but also of his homeland what he likes about viktor orbán is that he is committed to hungary and families at
against migration. the fact that virtually no foreigners live in the area does not detract from the fear. of it when the flood of migration reaches us were done for i don t know how well you know i m gary in history but we ve already stood against the tartars and turks we ve defended europe against islam several times. of certain. orbán is also against muslim immigrants settling in hungary many of his supporters couldn t care less whether he joined salvini is new right wing alliance or not the main thing for them is his continued opposition to the distribution of refugees within the e.u. . a leg audition without even legal migration is in reality just a cover name for a population x. . change program in europe that s what the elections are about. population exchange
a phrase straight out of the right wing conspiracy theorists handbook. but despite all the anger at the policies hungary is still happy to take agricultural subsidies and other financial aid from brussels. we drive home on the motorway is cold financed by the e.u. hungary receives more than $3000000000.00 euros from the e.u. budget each year. nevertheless a lot of hungary and live in great poverty and the young and well educated are leaving the country. blucher nudge is 19 years old and will graduate from high school this year if possible she wants to stay in hungary and study but a lot of people aren t making her life easy right now. for meg i m subjected to repeated verbal attacks messages from strangers say i should die that i should have
died in my mother s womb i m trying to ignore all this yet i get that as a couple of the sounds that. last winter this blurred internet video made blanca famous. she was at a demonstration against or bonds policies and threats to the rule of law and she launched a foul mouth tirade against the government as a disgusting gang of thieves. she s been publicly hunted down ever since commentators and journalists close to few days have been reporting on her private life and even making fun of her school grades on television blanca says she follows the media circus with bewilderment and discussed most of the media don t mention that her protest has a serious background blancas father died of cancer in 2015 cents than she has mainly directed her scorn at the hungry and health system. is still trying to one
x. and there are people lying on gurneys in the hallways and nobody cares. and then i hear of a government is once again building a stadium or a friend of the government has been seen with a furtive 1000 euro watch. that really makes you think that i could have them and i won t book of them but. every now and then a bubble bursts and hungary and people take to the streets to protest against labor laws the restructuring of the judiciary corruption and the system as a whole. vedettes you have failed in 3 important subjects integrity humanity and honesty. but the opposition is in the minority here their opponents who present brussels as an enemy have the upper hand they re likely to win further victories in the near future including in the european elections. back to essen and the rural
valley in germany the home of f.t. candidate hisle the former miner spent 26 years in the liberal s.p.d. then he switched to the f.t. . the party has used his working class roots promoting him as the miner for europe . but others have sprayed his house with graffiti kyle doesn t see himself as a raw. when agitator and believes people here understand what he s talking about. but now they doing up there nothing they make sure bananas are crooked and cucumbers have got to be like this but for the people themselves. they have nothing left for them but the refugees will affect pensions they ll finally have to start closing the borders. but most of us know this will be all. but many questions go unanswered but i ll says he is fighting for little people in the if
he s fractious social policy debate and he also avoids complex questions. he didn t i m not someone who knows everything like a true professional politician i m just learning i m a hobby politician i m a minor. hobby politician and number 2 on the party s m.e.p. list i talk to media coaches and reject that i need 3 points on each topic and everyone all think i m smart but no i just be a talking dummy who practiced the answer i don t ever want to be that. if need be are always so while hurries from appointment to appointment students at the camp flint for high school have invited politicians to a panel discussion a lot of students took part in the climate demos. concert climate hysteria he says that mr ailes the a.f.d. denies climate change what s your opinion of the kind i like there s no evidence of
manmade climate change whatsoever there s no evidence whatsoever that c o 2 is responsible in any way and the best thing is there s no evidence that one or 2 degrees warmer might not be quite beneficial we ve had these warm phases before when rome was at its zenith it was much warmer yet we were no worse off. politics beyond all scientific knowledge. while tries again and again to dominate the podium with his ideas or. europe has never really worked that all the projects they take are never really work. they talk about peace security and prosperity. but only it s not true. why is that us and them with us when i have to directly disagree this is so
wrong that not even the opposite is right we don t always have to say that everything s great i don t like all the government s policies yet i don t question the federal republic all the time but if. the child says he wants to encourage the students to think. but his statements draw some criticism yeah i mean yes and i think in some respects he may be right that not everything in the e.u. works but you can solve that by simply abolishing the e.u. or taking away some of its opportunities to do better. as the other productions of said the only thing we can do is strengthen that. there is still this feeling this disquiet something s going wrong if the officials call germany an opinion dictatorship whereas the party says its truth is the only truth this is eroded public confidence in democracy. well democracy looks different it would mean that you know exactly freedom of speech yes absolutely i ve been freedom of speech
should be the supreme good but you just can t have the wrong opinion that s how it is so the f.t. . no other party comes into question why not you know why there are too many arguments to go into in detail. but one of the most important ones. well try to sum it up. a lot of things aren t going right here. if you move. the feeling of not being understood by the powerful in france that s driven a lot of people out onto the streets. on saturdays the yellow vests always call for a man who calls resignation even illegal in northern france. the demo started in protest at the president s reforms now some are even talking about
revolution. did he and his friends come regularly they want to see more direct democracy lower taxes and higher minimum wages they see the european elections in a purely french light. see. micron s party wins the european elections they ll say the french want me to continue i want to prevent that so i m going to vote. yes i mean it that now my family can t really complain i m a lawyer my husband is a computer scientist and we have a. child but we pay 40 much in taxes we re still making quite a good living but we have to be here because of everything else that isn t going well about the battle with some of them but they re still undecided who to vote for marina lappin would like to direct their anger to the ballot box with votes for her right wing populist party formally the fall nasional the national front now
called the hot summer moments in our national rally. mcconnell is the perfect target for them pen and top candidate by delegate make a commitment to the party s grass roots. he says you know it s about the saying let s call. that s what many people in the name think too. it was once a prosperous steel and mining town but that s now history. the poverty rate here is more than 40 percent. just owns one of the bars that hasn t had to close. his regular customers keep him afloat they eat dinner together once a month but we call better times. that flow so in the eighty s or ninety s they tore this place down all these buildings. where you
normally see them we re right here. all that area was using our company the sports field the district. all that belonged to the company. we were the richest here in the north. they have experienced a lot of change 1st economic and political demand used to be communist then socialist. but the left lost a lot of ground and left a gap to be filled by the right wing populist. in the presidential election a large proportion did not vote at all of the rest 57 percent voted for le pen. josepha openly says he supports her. but sadly this is discontent from across.
the world is if you gave them a little more money they d go to a restaurant with a big boost the economy can have a good time of the look even bosses of you leave their job to prove people can live on 80900 euro the same goes for pensioners. now we ve been demanding purchasing power for 20 weeks. but my khans gone deaf he s not listening. cause opponents of the pen wants to capitalize on this discontent. many 1st of all we know of their manifesto preachers economic patriotism french goods french workers france 1st and leading candidate. demands that mike mentioned take a backseat because of the self-satisfaction although as i prefer to choose with the means of the state which are becoming more and more limited to help our poor are
unemployed and our pensioners. it s common sense some call it all going for the boss but mcconnell is fighting back he wanted to reform france and remake the e.u. and present himself as a counterpoint to le pen and salvini. we live in a world of migration i don t believe in walls and. back in legal citizens meeting without all the presidential razzmatazz are still discussing the same issues ecology democracy taxes is too much work to see. the cause of an accused of being a president of the big cities giving people a voice at the local level is important and where. everyone has something to discuss here. but one issue still seems to dominate emanuel mark hall seen by his critics as the president of the rich since the abolition of the wealth tax.
was refugee with some i think the abolition of the wealth tax is good others don t but maybe a higher tax would be levied on luxury goods that s really what the news above with up was for the problem is that we tax very little of the assets that consist of enormous blocks of stocks so people constantly make up to 10 percent return in share trading. the bottom. of it was mad can they say later now has to prove that he has got the message. his town hall dialogues have raised expectations and now his making concessions to the yellow vests. did that s bullshit i want to provide relief for people who work and significantly reduce income taxes we need to see how we finance whistles. mccance offer might have brought him a little breathing space but many think that s still too little. people
enter now and don t feel his policies are aimed at them anyway a good 35 percent of the people here are without a job the right wing populist have conquered the city. of van sanzar also is fascinated by the social fractures it has photographed in and its people for a graphic novel he called it the roots of anger. was the matter is this what fascinated me was giving people a face and a voice people who would otherwise be made invisible. from exactly the right wing populists are also interested in those people they present themselves as attentive listeners whereas the socialist mayor is absent. in the national rally formally national front has always defended the french people
we re not defending the international corporations or the e.u. we re defending the interests of france the people here in the village a very sensitive they understand that. that s why they choose us you know it was for both work and the little vote for. this is where they re trying to win over undecided voters and there are votes to be won here. no 2 for survives with our jobs and says he s neither right nor left wing the rally team wants to meet him. and. yes the member of parliament wanted to meet me talk to me in his office or why not. i didn t reject his offer i accepted all of those jobs at that. so the right wing populist are trying to expand their network in germany. like here in often borg.
and a.f.d. meeting on the one side and counter-demonstrators on the other. there is great resistance to the f.t. . police provide a buffer between the camps the kind of look at this is where this is not a democratic project where everyone can feel at home this is a project of exclusion of selfishness and i m demonstrating against it here today it was the end that. the f.t.c. says it wants to defend europe and brussels. its speeches are full of fear and path else as if our very survival is at stake. as it looks we are the last chance for our culture for democracy which was invented in europe for humanism for enlightenment we are the last chance for european freedom
for you feel at all costs. are testing all of those who are destroying europe their names are young to man s shows druggy mckelvey but these are the destroyer. but european idea ladies and gentleman gave. him the right wing vision of the future is still rather fake and not only in germany right wing populist above all emphasize what or whom they are against if you ask them what they re for they often resort to slogans such as europe of nations. susie dunson warns against getting drawn in by what she sees as a trick. that framing of it being kind of a pen that says mccollum or no why do you sense of it being the macro nation of europe that says that. any i think is very much the way that the far right are trying to frighten these elections but i think that it would be a mistake but the pro european parties including back home so to work with that i
think is far more important to sell the importance to mobilize european voters through the idea of what europe can deliver on the right wing populist have an easier job simply targeting the enemy in brussels which could pay off for them in the coming european elections. climate birdland little tourist guide for germany s booming capital i love berlin discover the multicultural metropolis with our euro max series from. 15 issues 50 stories and 50 very personal chips from berlin to very best features.
look no. 30 minutes on d w. to make sure you say. to yourself. don t miss out. an action packed life for. me. anything is possible as long as our coffee and his friends can drink. this movie and kenya s dadar refugee camp. his life story may have ground to a halt. 27 years ago but there s no holding back his dreams. thank

People , Topic , Focus , Beijing , Global-media-forum , One , 2 , 29 , Countries , Brussels , Germany , Gabriel