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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20180824 21:00:00

A roundtable ensemble discusses and debates the day s news.
happened and tries to move on. whether that s because they don t want to look into that because they have their own problems of their own is one question. politically, this is not a good situation for the president. it s difficult to confirm someone who is as conservative as jeff sessions on these issues. when it comes to what sessions said when he fought back, he focussed on other issues. i have worked on violent crimes and illegal immigrant illegal immigrant s. good luck. there was a silver lining. yes, there is you. there is a good picture of you. [laughing]. tell us. i am sitting between the two gentlemen. the silver lining that i saw in this was when jeff sessions spoke first and said they are
have been investigated all by the justice department. what? the fbi is not run by a republican. the head of the justice department not a republican. these are republicans! you guys are attacking your own. it s hard to believe they are republicans. unless you are a trumpian or trumpeter, then you are not allowed into the club anymore? what about the politics of this? if me cuts sessions loose before the mid-terms it creates an impossible scenario to reconform. let s say they keep the senate. i could see him replace sessions
and have the new person confirmed in january. i don t know. who knows? who knows? i don t know if he stays or goes. i like sessions. a nice guy. too nice maybe. there has never been a more transparent administration. he castigates his staff publicly but the least deceptive president i have ever seen. none of this would have happened if trump didn t win. we know trump was not supposed to win. he set up punishment from all sides. if hillary this won, would you have seen the same kind of investigations about her corruption? the dossier story with worse than anything trump has done. this is craziness! crazy? it s horrible! let me stay away from the conspiracy. if there is someone president trump has in mind to replace
attorney general sessions it would have to be someone who would agreed to fire mueller. it would have to be someone who would agree to attack the democrats. it will be a political move. our law enforcement, top law enforcement organization. the justice of the united states would be politicized. the law enforcement in this country is going where we have never gone before. eric holder undermines. i don t think so. what? we have a 51-49 republican majority in the senate. i don t think with what john cornyn said today there is any chance the senate would confirm a new attorney general. i agree right now. the man in charge of the senate judiciary committee said we don t have time on the dockett to deal with this. he opened the door to having time later in the year. that s a big question.
i covered the obama administration scandals and nobody was fired. the idea that peter strzok and andrew mccabe got fired. it may have taken a little longer, but there is a process to go through. i think it says a lot about getting those guys fired. i think christopher wray should get credit. and in the commercial break pam will tell us the conversation the president and it better be good. hear nancy pelosi s delusional comments up next. surance that won t replace the full value of your new car? you d be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i m gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement we ll replace the full value of your car. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty
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running for president. her district is a mess literally. i won t say the word. you know what i am talking about. it s disgusting in san francisco. i don t think she is going to get knocked off by the democrats. if the democrats do win the house, then they are going to not want to create some leadership crisis. they will be so happy that they have taken back the house after so many years, nancy pelosi will get them to say consolidate power and start moving. although she gives the republicans a lot of gaffes with crazy comments about ms-13, she is an effective leader. this will be her swan song in the democrats take back the house. yes, but flash back to 2016. 63 democrats were against her. a 3rd of the democrats. that s right. 1 out of 3.
look at today. already we have 57 incumbents and candidates saying they will vote against her. we have paul ryan going across the country to the battleground states raising money. i think she needs to be really careful. she has become a gop pinata. she ll be in all of the republican ads this fall. republicans want to make it a referendum on her and not on donald trump. katie? if nancy pelosi is the speaker she ll oppose everything that donald trump does in the house and battle the republican senate if the republicans keep the senate. sure, they should warn about the fact she wants to become speaker and all of these people are going to support her once they get in office. she made a deal saying look on the campaign trail say whatever you want. but i guarantee they will have to vote for her.
she is a power broker in washington and has been for a long time and controls the money where it is in d.c. because she is a woman? you hit it on the head. she has to go because she is sexist. i can take the heat and that s why i stay in the kitchen. that s why all women should be? [laughing]. unbelievable she would say that. she said have said i can take the heat and stay in the bathroom because sf is the poop capital of the world. oh. you were not going to say it. i was. katie, who would republicans like to see? nobody! [laughing]. what about elizabeth warren? i should not have to school
you politics. [laughing]. you guys go after democratic woman. i am naming all of the women. cathy that s a republican. no, no, no. the defense of nancy pelosi. she is a effective speaker. jesse said that a moment ago. not only a great fundraiser but the key vote in terms of the simuleus that got this economy growing again. oh! she is a pole vaulter. maybe she is better than i thought. no! [laughing]. i think democrats will take her money gladly. i think she is one of the most
unpopular member of congress. i don t think that. if you look at paul ryan and senate mcconnell they are unpopular. they are republicans. in democracy. i see. juan, if they privitized just 1% of social security people would be awash in cash. the argument from the democrats it s time for s new leader. i can see that. if the democrats take the house, it doesn t take away from the fact there is a huge rift in the democrats party about the bernie sanders people. it s not just about age. it s all about philosophy and the wing of the party being
socialist. democrats are like the raft behind the other raft that went over. the raft that went over was the republican party in 2016. now it will happen to the democrats. they are about to go down that chute. will they come out far left or be like a comfortable sweater and be moderate and attraction americans who are exhausted so much news every day, maybe they just want to put on a big snuggie. i don t think they will be moderate. they want to abolish ice and want open borders and socialism. i don t see a moderate sweater at all. no. [laughing]. maybe like the ripped ones. they only half a shirt because they gave the other half to someone who didn t have. oh, that s a good thing. i thought you were a
republican. greg things we are going down the chute. i don t know who is the democrats s version of trump. rosie o donnell. a disputed report from the new york times next on the five. how do you win at business? stay at laquinta. where we re changing with contemporary make-overs. then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? start winning today. book now at
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this will have. if you start arming teachers and say black and brown students are being disciplined than their white counter parts, you could see statistics where black students are getting shots when their teachers are trying to shoot or use gun safety measures. so, i am confused. this is unbelievable. the secretary devoce has this money in a fund for student support in academic enrichment grants. that s going into our poorest communities throughout the country. well rounded education and improves school conditions. it s flexible. congress even said that. this has nothing to do with the secretary. this money goes to schools and
states and local governments. if certain states want to try it and apply for this grant, i don t see why not. some states including texas allowed teachers or administrators to be fire armed trained and ready. just outrageous commentary by this msnbc contributor. i can t believe they pay this money to say these things. to make the allegation that teachers would shoot misbehaving minority students is insane and irpossible. irreponsible. someone disciplining a opportunity for misbehaving would not take a fire arm out and shoot them. i hope not.
if you look at suspension rates, it s based on race. hold on. that s not what this is about. this is about money to help schools. it could be used for many, many ways. the secretary devoce is not getting involved in this. it s for the state and the locals communities to decide. rural communities need these funds. this is for teachers to protect students from harm. this is already be done in districts across the country. in texas there are 110 districts that allow teachers and
administrators to carry guns. more than a dozen states have an allowance to allow teachers to protect their students. to say this is about giving teachers done so they can shoot their students for discipline says a lot about what they think about teachers in this country. the people i talked to who work in classroom think this is a good idea. they would rather have a chance to defend their students. those students are their responsibility during the day, with a fire arm than to stand in front of the door with their body than hope the shooter comes and leaves. [overlapping talking]. hold on. greg, the bottom line is the majority of the billion dollars is going to all of these different things that can help schools across the country. rural schools have asked about it to help them when law enforcement is not that close. it s a fact that in all of these shootings, the amount of
damage done by a shooter is dictated by the amount of time it takes to get a second gun there. you shorten that time, you have fewer victims. i want to address the msnbc thing to show how absurd this is. we missed the big point. wanting to protect black and brown students from mass shooters who are almost all the time white is being construed as racist. most mass shooters are white men. the idea this is racist. you are trying to protect black and brown students as white shooters. this is the same argument that leftists applying to communities. if you have a lot of police officers you are unfairly target minorities. they skunk that down to the classroom situation. you could say that the armed security are there to protect the black and brown students the way the police officers who are often black and brown like the teachers are black and brown will be there to protect the
community members who are minorities. that s bs! coming when a white man right now. katie, maybe you should notice that 82% of teachers and staff in this country have said they don t want to carry guns. 58% say that having guns like that in the classroom will make them less safe. this is about the gun lobby. anyway, the second thing is nobody is forcing anybody to carry a gun. frankly, not everybody is qualified to carry a gun. but you should not take away the right to protect yourself and the students for the teachers who are willing to take on the responsibility for the children in their care every day.
they would rather defend themselves against an active shooter with a gun. they could find other ways. with what? stay there. the fastest 7 is next. it s absolute confidence in 30,000 precision parts, or it isn t. it s inspected by mercedes-benz factory-trained technicians, or it isn t. it s backed by an unlimited mileage warranty, or it isn t. for those who never settle, it s either mercedes-benz certified pre-owned, or it isn t. the mercedes-benz certified pre-owned sales event, now through august 31st. only at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer.
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nearly 3 grand. it respond to real dog commands like sit. real dogs some cost 3 grand. juan thinks 3 grand is affordable. it s not loyal. i don t know how you program loyalty into. it i like you don t have to walk it to, to the bathroom. it doesn t shed and it doesn t smell bad. there is an upside. greg, you don t have pets. there is no robot poop, yes! it would not smell. put robot in front of anything and it gets better. robot humans, cars. we are the next dinosaurs and robots are the next humans. we are creating our replacement. that s why is different. why did you ask him this question? it s the truth. it s going to happen. greg, would you marry a robot or marry your wife?
i would marry my wife. we don t have that choice in 100 years. you would have to marry the robot? yes, it would not be a marriage with the robots. it would be polygamists. you have a dog and right now shelter dogs are free. you can get many that don t shed. you have to walk them. maybe that s what we will get you for christmas. i am not spending that much money. [laughing]. a shelter dog for free. hopefully your wife will take care of you. we used to call them pound dogs. these are expensive fancy dogs. a congressional candidate in florida claims she was abducted by aliens when she was 7 but doesn t want to be defined by that. he is a long shot.
the miami herald is endorsing her for the gop nomination. pam, a florida woman. there are aliens on your street? i have not seen them yet. i haven t endorsed her. she would want to be in charge of the space force program. i think she s been there herself in space. a little troubling. i think she was abducted by james carville and confused him as an alien. who hasn t been abducted by aliens? abduct juan please. she is a republican. here s the thing. she said she is still in touch with aliens. she talks to them. she does. this is very interesting. the miami herald endorsed her. i don t get this. it s amazing.
you should not hold that against anybody, right? [laughing]. juan, a republican who is pro-alien. you should be happy. i am. [laughing]. how are her claims any more absurd than anything from cuomo or bernie sanders? i will take an alien abduction over socialism is good for the economy or america was never great. lower my taxes. exactly. a new study says people admire others who are selfless and considerate but don t want them as friend or marriage partners. je jesse, this is you not wanting to be held accountable? i pam am considerate.
i call him the mother teressa. why are you so sarcastic. i think will he be like jimmy carter and do habitat for humidity. i have done that. i hammered nails. you should issue looking out for me. that s why people don t want them as friends and romantic partners because they are helping the world instead of helping me. hold on. the study from the daily mail says would you want somebody who would be doing habitat for humanity or spending time with your mother? come on! [laughing]. you want someone who loves your family. and a robot.
it s about skewed priorities. real do-gooders you don t hear about it. dana perino likes to toot his horn. the stereotypical version of the do-gooder is the activist. that person puts the snail darter before their family. they will worry about climate change but won t change the diaper. everybody in a roommate in college who was about global this and that but never paid their rent. they can t take care of themselves. that s true. stick around. it s time for the biggest sale of the year on the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and now, all beds are on sale.
save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery. ends saturday. (electronic dance music) we re all under one roof now. congratulations. thank you. how many kids? my two. his three. along with two dogs and jake, our new parrot. that is quite the family.
quite a lot of colleges to pay for though. a lot of colleges. you get any financial advice? yeah, but i m pretty sure it s the same plan they sold me before. well your situation s totally changed now. right, right. how bout a plan that works for 5 kids, 2 dogs and jake over here? that would be great. that would be great. that okay with you, jake? get a portfolio that works for you now and as your needs change from td ameritrade investment management.
i am always looking down on it. it will change the way we carry our bodies. yes, human evolution. exactly. i agree with you. you are walking down to the street and they are talking to themselves. that always happens to you juan, i am not talking to you. what is that? they talk to themselves? they have the thing, the ear bud. that s a terrible idea. all right. mine is the apple watch. i don t have one. my boyfriend does. it s going off all the time. you can never get away from electronics. i would disinvent plastic straws. very good. either the internet because i
miss the public library or socks. an unnecessary addition to the wardrobe. we can smell you. you have ever been nervous leading up to meeting someone? juan? don t say me. well, that was nerve wracking and you should see leaving with you. obviously if you are going into interview the president, you want to be prepared. you know your bosses will be like why did you ask that and the audience is why did you ask that. i met reba mcentire and i was nervous. did you say anything good? hi and that was fast. i got a picture. pam? pat benatar. my campaign song hit me with
your best shot. scared to meet her and she was the nicest woman. i not up to alonzo mourning and went to get a selfie and he denied me. he is now my favorite athlete. he said in a minute. i waited. i am not waiting for a selfie. he made me feel like an idiot. that s funny. come on. hold on. i will stop everything i am doing for a selfie with jesse watters. get this guy away from me. i have a picture. i got this sent to me from the regan library. that s me meeting reagan in 88 with a really bad sports coat. it will come back. we have time for more. if you ran for president, what
would your campaign slogan be and who would be your running mate? i will go to you, pam. hit me with your best shot! pat would be my running mate. very good. juan? make america talk again. we are all talking here. why can t america talk. my running mate? i don t know. are you available? i am available. there you go. jesse? stillwaters run deep. oh my god. and i would not have a running mate because i would not trust them. they would back stab me to get to the top spot. [laughing]. run by yourself. this guy is an insider. if i was running for president in 2020, clear vision
for 2020. that will be the anniversary of the women getting the right to vote. a woman should be running in 2020 and say i think trump will run again. i was talking about the other side. my motto would be make america greg again. and my running mate would be a robot dog. [laughing]. they don t have any emotions. they make clear decisions. replace everything with robot. if you could create your own town what would its name be and where it would be located? jesse? the jim carrey movie? which one. watters world. there you go. waters town. thanks for the save. brit hume comes from a town in virginia and it s hume, virginia. that s pretty cool.
named after a town. that s why he is so cocky. brit hume, named after a town! [laughing]. katie? i don t know. what i would name my town. just katie. there is katy, texas. i am italian. i love the beach. juan s town will be a sanctuary city. [laughing]. we would let you in. thank you. juan, did you pick a name? for my own town. i don t know. williams town. that s where the college is. how about juanville. that would be in canada. [laughing]. i will go with unicorn-ville. the model of the town will be a
place for nice things and fun stuff. oh. one more thing is up next. so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes. start them off right, with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. and i don t add up the years. but what i do count on is boost®. delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33% more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. be up for life. boost® high protein. as moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b
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let your perfect drive come together during the final days of the lincoln summer invitation event get 0% apr on select 2018 lincoln models plus one thousand dollars bonus cash. uhp. i didn t believe it. again. ooh, baby, do you know what that s worth? i want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh i m not hearing the confidence. okay, hold the name your price tool. power of options based on your budget! and! we ll make heaven a place on earth yeah! oh, my angels! ooh, heaven is a place on earth [ sobs quietly ] block . time for one more thing. we have news today that senator john mccain will stop all medical treatment for his brain cancer. his family said that since he s
been diagnosed, he has surpassed expectations for survival. they said their family is grateful for all of the expressions of love from people in every walk of american life. senator mccain served in the senate for 30 years and i have known him for most of that time. we joked that we were both born in panama. that s true. here we are at a baseball game. he is a classy guy. a true american hero and served his country in war and a pivotal political voice. join with people all over america and the world and saying, john, you are the best! you are family and our prayers are you with. what a fighter. robin leach known for lifestyles of the rich and famous passed away. he was 76 years old. born in england. worked for news outlets before the hit show broke big in the 80s. he signed off with champagne
wishes and caviar dreams. i interviewed him a few times. a great guy and survived by three sons and four grandchildren and we will all miss him. saturday night 8 p.m. watters world. we will have coulter and mark levin and a spy hunter that will show me tricks of the trade. stay tuned. greg. saturday 10 p.m., boy do we have a show. terry and mike baker and if you miss it i will come after you and yell. saturday at florida i will be at barnes and nobles. come and by a book. the villages. that will be excited. google has a new app.
you just ask google tell me something good. all of the bad news, tell me something good. i tried it this morning. i am with the florida gators. google said urban meyer has a chance now to spend more time with his families. i changed location services to ohio and it said ohio state investigates ohio state and decides not to ruin their football season. sunday might life, liberty and levin at 10 p.m. eastern. thanks to mark for having us on. this next story. unbearable. look at this. a black bear in colorado is looking for a better night sleep and wanderd ed into the lobby of a historic hotel. it was the inspiration for the
shining which king wrote after staying there. 300 of the hotel guests were sleeping and no damage. catch us on minute. special report up next. black bear to bret baier. good transition. thanks. this is a fox news alert. i am bret baier in washington. reports of the detect of the north korea nuclear weapons program may have been exagger e exaggerated. president trump cancelled the trip by his secretary of state. in june after his meeting with kim jong-un the president tweeted the communist nation was no longer a nuclear threat. ed administration and president trump still press hopes for future talks. the latest trip has been scrapped.

Attorney-general , Someone , Question , Situation , Problems , Conservative , One , Sessions , Issues , Jeff-sessions , Crimes , Silver-lining

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Military Industrial Complex - The Business Of Defense Part 1 20181021 15:15:00

victory over stuttgart else by their back went down to hoffenheim spoke in leipsic share of the spoils of them hung over each take away a point but a man beats shotgun in saturday s lates game on friday from full from to do so golf at us is freiburg has got to be drawing to a close while gladbach meet minds in sunday s game. you re watching live from berlin wall coming at the top of the ah the eyes are going to all of us follow us all the major stories on our website dot com see you soon. it s all happening to children. who are linked to news from africa and the world your links to exceptional stories and discussions can you and will come to the debut suffocating program tonight from phone from the z town while we ve seen the deputy africa join or something stupid and g.w. africa.
right now a soldier is sitting in this tank. but soon it might be a weapons company employee. military operations are growing more and more expensive and specialist private defense contractors have taken over many military tons of development some regard with. the very system the structure smacks of the mafia you should believe all the politicians are independent once you like marionettes and dancing to the tune of the weapons industry. but in talking to the longer a war lasts the more the companies earn that s diametrically opposed to the
interests of our heads of state and government it s their duty normally to bring wars to a swift and the us notes movie super freak. in france and germany private defense contractors on just supplying equipment they re also providing expertise and personnel. for just like it when it comes to such privatization the first issue is the harm to taxpayers. in every case we ve examined private contractors are more expensive than public ones here this year is too big. in both france and germany the military is in a state of transition political circumstances a complex and the military is feeling the pinch. of us sure the military must innovate and modernize before it is up me they have
also tones and the challenges are immense what new tasks lie ahead how can we modernize promotes digitalisation what new demands will our personnel face. when it comes to public displays of current prestige france s armed forces enjoy more visibility then to germany. every july the fourteenth on bastille day front celebrate its national holiday with a military parade in paris it s a demonstration of military might fighter jets thunder overhead and some four thousand soldiers march down the show s eliezer. but the french military doesn t just come from as it may seem like the german bundeswehr it has to contend with short for. although in funding personnel and equipment. yet the french of forces
often take part in military missions abroad and as an antiterrorism measure they also help protect key locations at home. since one thousand nine hundred five france has deployed its military to more than one hundred locations around the world some seven thousand three hundred french soldiers are currently deployed abroad germany has just four thousand soldiers on foreign missions. france s military expenditures are currently about one point eight percent of g.d.p. a figure the country plans to increase substantially most french weapons manufacturers a majority owned by the state. in germany that figure is one point two percent of g.d.p. an amount it s also pledged to increase defense and weapons companies a privately owned the border spares currently making headlines for gaps in equipment. the i m tired as
a small family of eight men just isn t that look folks are good at the aircraft transport helicopters tanks some armored divisions shared tanks depends it makes no sense given our political and security situation in the tasks they ve been assigned by parliament for. the bundesliga also has a personnel shortage in twenty sixteen germany had about one hundred eighty thousand active military personnel a historic low france has two hundred nine thousand troops on active duty. the french and german armed forces are under pressure outsourcing and cooperation with private contractors promise lower costs and fast results. what are the risks of this strategy how closely to the french and german militaries collaborate. with private contractors and what s the impact on democratic control and oversight. to find out more we go
to camp mama near the city of mazar e sharif in northern afghanistan some two thousand soldiers from twenty two countries are stationed here the majority from germany. germany has come on discount mom i am just going to say as launches never deployment. today many jews in the camp have been taken over by contractors those before private companies are active at camp mama the number of german troops has been slashed. when nato as i surf mission ended germany cut its deployment to a maximum of nine hundred eighty troops in afghanistan while the mission of come from our model is now a more limited one it would be impossible to run the camp without the private contractors.
one tree bordered mine commanded camp mom are for nearly a year before returning from afghanistan in late twenty seventeen. under the guise of operation we conducted our own operations particularly in the north of afghanistan talk of missions with our afghan partner in london now under mission resolute support were limited to what s called train advise and assist training advise afghan security forces at the higher leadership levels there are problems in the outskirts don t these offer off moves even. while the mission has changed the danger is still real when the advisors go to meet their afghan colleagues they move in an armored convoy the advisors are under heavy protection. they all wear bulletproof vests and helmets and they re armed. the bundeswehr has been calling
for an increase in the german presence in afghanistan for some time in march twenty eighth in the german parliament agreed that a dentition all three hundred german troops may be deployed at camp mama. left tenant colonel marco how busy responsible for the smooth operation of the camp is that he says the troop reduction has caused difficulties it isn t up to me yet we are not demised for our mission here or. in corner of and what that means is that if any soldier is unable to perform their duties we re no longer able to carry out certain functions. and. that s also why we ve passed on many duties to civilian companies which provide various services. or and. given the limitations we face due to troop reductions or that we couldn t carry out our mission here without them just because you can cause.
or snooty it. with one hundred sixty seven employees equal log is the largest private contractor at camp mom miles just off base company which specializes in work in war zones handles waste management laundry and other services at the camp. most ecological ploy to use here afghans the rest come from southeastern europe and india. but there are also limits to us instead ecomog head of marketing has flown in from just a little. as of his in the thrill of the whole full part of the fun arms of this and of course we re prepared for missions like this when we don t go anywhere without providing the proper training in health safety and i m vironment appalling our own health safety and environmental policies and our employees receive training in the food so they re prepared for the work here is in the form of our thoughts
and. more than three years after the end of the nato military mission the security situation in afghanistan has deteriorated drastically according to a un report two thousand three hundred people were killed in suicide attacks during twenty seventeen. to protect themselves from possible ambush the troops travel in a heavily armed convoy on their way to a training exercise near the camp. ecomog employees don t receive these protections they do the camps laundry off site it s a fifteen minute drive with new security the soldiers receive maximum protection the civilians not.
become dogs head of marketing concept ford says the risk is manageable was his mission here to force in those islands in the high kong the one hand you have a military force operating in a foreign country. and there s us a company. we live here and employ local staff and the military must undertake measures of an entirely different order than we don t under the demons want us for missing. an afghan security company guards the entrance but it s unlikely that a handful of aam guards could offer protection against an attack. some five hundred fifty civilian employees work at camp mama about a third are afghans. for civilians welcome to the camp can be dangerous in two thousand and six eight economic employees were kidnapped in southern afghanistan. for will kill.
anyone in the bundeswehr today knows they re likely to be deployed abroad in afghanistan to mali they d be risking their lives. when it s a private firm say the caterers that s problematic. what happens if poorly paid filipino employees are injured or even killed in a rocket attack the looted and that. the military leadership on the ground has no choice but to rely on outsourcing. for general boredom and the operational readiness of his troops had to come first before. dusk we have an upper limit here when it comes to troop numbers and accounting and every service provided by a civilian means that we don t need a soldier to do it you know if they can focus on the military. minds at some point the german parliament has to approve every mission and it just damages troop levels
for each mandate employees of civilian contractors aren t counted in those limits critics say it s a way to evade the parliamentary mending. the german ministry of defense responded to our inquiry in writing. it said the commissioning of private service providers takes place outside the area of core military capabilities i.e. particularly in the area of logistical and technical support for this reason it does not fall under the scope of the constitutionally established parliamentary oversight. the bundeswehr defines its core military mission in afghanistan as reconnaissance surveillance security evacuation and the training of local security forces. in the case of laundry and fuel services it s easy to distinguish between
civilian and military duties. but what about when the contractor is a weapons manufacturer. house muff i.v. command is a german base defense company that specializes in homage vehicles it s also well parades repair facility in mazar e sharif. that s been on football you can read and they have contracts with various companies there are hardly any military service staff here anymore present on my nose duties of all been handed over to private industry. i was barred from security related duty the military still handles. day to day camp operations have all been taken over by civilian companies in mind for the people in the. time another german defense contractor also will parade some maintenance facility next door. we re not permitted to film that. without civilian support the surge is here and would have now wolf known treat all meals and their
vehicles wouldn t be operational. but even some of the troops have misgivings. to susie who is finnish mish. if we become too dependent on private service providers. and they don t perform those services properly we ll have no we course. it s munitions clean finish them end of this talk is let s say we take them to court and win what good will that do us if we no longer have the capabilities we need on a foreign deployment. so often out so that s the risk i take when i outsource something to civilians that i prefer to keep as part of our core capabilities. the repair and maintenance of drones most experts would agree is a coal military capability. yet even here private contractors are taking over.
about twenty m. buss employees are responsible for the operation of the header and reconnaissance drones germany leases these unmanned aerial vehicles from israel. the drills provide aerial photographs of northern afghanistan. they operate around the clock detecting booby traps generating movement profiles and supporting the assessment of the situation on the ground and. air bus technicians and soldiers sit side by side in these containers where the drone operation command center is found the german military says civilians working only within clearly defined limits. the difference in figure they re allowed to carry out technical preparations and make notes but not to fly them or to undertake surveillance the boundaries are clear audition it. why can t they fly them to do this when they re committed to fly during takeoff and landing if they re trained
drone pilots and that s in our contract in london although that doesn t always get what they don t handle any operational asked banks. this group of we ve. got it all of when you control a drone on a military airfield during takeoff or landing you re at the hypocenter of military activity as. one hundred homes are being used for military purposes as they are in afghanistan. around areas of fiction come under the time. many experts say the operation of military drones by a private company poses many risks. but specific ideas of cause and one option what if one of these big heavy drones crashed harming people. and if it wasn t a german soldier a military combatant under international law controlling the drone but
a private service provider to go which can you let the situation know legal expert in the defense ministry would want to be confronted with. how would germany respond if the afghan police came to arrest that civilians wrong pilot and his name through . official government policies notwithstanding it would seem that military capabilities are being outsourced to civilian providers in afghanistan even in very delicate areas of operation. the german bundeswehr however insists that no core military capabilities are being transferred to private companies. many of the civilian drone pilots were once in the border disappear the boundary between the military and private industry is becoming increasingly plugged the military is losing control of the core competencies and private defense contractors are reaping the benefits. and the film of the what s
a company like airbus doing there anyhow it shouldn t be there defense contractors are suddenly there purely out of self interest the airbus group wants to expand its expertise and become europe s leading manufacturer of combat drone of a kind of french german military axis as on the door transition military ox it. yet says they re joining forces with the bundeswehr to test and optimize weapons often to test. weimar alterman goal is to produce our own french german combat drones and sell them on the world market for. the german ministry of defense denies this scenario and says that in light of the worsening security situation the drones needed to become operational quickly. this one time decision which has been renewed annually until now there s no precedent for future procurement procedures. the americans have taken outsourcing
a step further at one point more than thirty thousand private security contractors were active in afghanistan and iraq. germany and france are nowhere near this but the idea of recruiting civilians for military missions could also be appealing in germany. the trees missions abroad the bundeswehr has launched a major advertising initiative to burnish its image. this is fascinating off people can survive in this and are. welcome that s not as bad as you ve been hearing it s worse. the video campaign may be racking up the views but it s done little to alleviate the personnel shortage. these new
recruits at a base in central germany are demonstrating what they ve learned in basic training . the bundeswehr has opened its doors to recruits who have no high school diploma and even to young people under the age of eighteen in the area of i.t. the bundeswehr has even refused to physical fitness requirements. today s recruits don t need to clean latrines or do endless guard duty. these tasks have been taken over by private companies since twenty sixteen the guards in front of german military barracks are no longer some judges but civilians. good luck with that sort of i believe this is contributing to a loss of prestige it s similar to the way that i prefer to have actual teachers providing instruction in the classroom rather than the private outside employee us
. on that it would miss the enemy. but i m going to say or should be providing security for its own turps when. i do it s almost absurd to think that security for our military base else is no longer being provided by our own armed forces but he wouldn t touch that effort the guards provided by private security companies receive only very basic training the way the contract to rewarded is also open to criticism. the biggest reason they do is as if the bundeswehr is bound by public procurement law which favors the lowest bidders for god a bid from a high quality company might not even receive consideration in the in on our budget laws give preference to the lowest bidders which will often provide the poorest service in this is a voice to give interested. in the security business labor costs a key the company with the lowest wages can offer the lowest bid but the bundeswehr
says quality also counts when i was in contract. more and more often outside security contractors don t just supply the personnel they also supply the entire security setup. security consultant stefan lojka used to be in the bourne despair he believes relying on private security companies is risky. the sleazy could have gone it was invoked is the private contractors retain ownership of their technology and infrastructure so if my employer withdraws from our contract because i ve performed poorly or there was a better breach of trust the technology still remains my property which will stop when i leave the facility when the contract ends i take my property with me that means less and also eliminate in the worst case scenario of course i m exaggerating here the facility could be left without
a fence security cameras or guard post with out everything i brought with me all of this was issued with a part in france the country s most important military complex is at the mercy of private industry a consortium of three companies manages the operation of the ministry of defense building. called the by law. it was completed in twenty fifteen the three hundred thirty thousand square meter complex has three thousand offices and one hundred eighty live eight has nearly ten thousand civil servants work here. political scientist dion fart has studied the ministries contracts with outside vendors. boutique the balart was president nicolas sarkozy s pet project but he wanted a french pentagon as he called it. said it was highly political for secrets of
a bell or had to be built cost what it may do this and it had to be built quickly but it doesn t get on the you can on the you know. president sarkozy approved the construction shortly after taking office. secretary general poor buddha oversaw all the ministries move into the new complex. see the movie walking with this decision allowed us to consolidate everything dispirit see that we used to be spread across twelve different buildings in paris that we invested one point eight billion euros in its construction and we were renting the complex for twenty seven years were you given quickly if like people during that time the rent will cover not only construction costs but also operating costs and i just figured that would be we re paying about one hundred fifty million euros a year when. the buy now is france is not just to have a public private partnership three companies covered most of the construction costs
i mean vestment that looks as if it ll pay off handsomely. the three investors also operate the building so dick so handles catering and operates what s now the largest canteen in from. the we can construction group is responsible for building management and french defense contractor tireless is providing security technology and i.t. services. the tallis group which specializes in aviation and military technology is a global plan the french state is a koan or but holds only a twenty five percent share in essence the french ministry of defense is headquartered in a building that is partly owned by a private defense contractor. the
bonobo also has a high security under ground control and command center. former general levy to now much recently became leader of the consortium. hope to sit on his all of the. raiders are united under a single roof but before we call it a fuss with an officer the major benefit is that the ministry can rely on specialists who focus exclusively on their area of expertise to news interests. to do this allows the ministry to focus on its core business. it can focus on military missions or the administration of the armed forces or pos who were doing to resell the design me. critics say the french military doesn t need to outsource in the long run they say only z.
investors will profit from the bailout and that the french government will pay through the names. of the bella the the balance was already running into trouble just weeks into the contract this is security the military complained that certain maintenance operations were far more expensive than envisioned systems but there were disagreements regarding the interpretation of the contract innovative perry we ll tell you that she didn t get us will recall how one of the major bones of contention is the fee charged for even minor modifications. the installation of an additional electrical outlet reportedly costs five thousand four hundred euro. the fee to install and maintain a printer and scanner is reportedly thirteen thousand your answers. the ministry refuses to confirm or deny those costs the complex s operators say the prices they charge a reasonable under the circumstances. sort of
a single move of the system our rights as are typical for a system that involves very highly qualified people. who change affects the entire structure if. it s not like a home where you can just install an extra outlet or a new printer you know all the people have to get used to that. is it going to fall for them over time we hope to make fewer and fewer adjustments until everything is as the ministry wants it all someone else from the city. despite that optimistic prediction expenses remain high. what s a critical role told you we ve taken the criticism on board and are negotiating with our partners to review the price and performance catalog. we ve spent a lot of time discussing the situations and you will make some adjustments. clearly shows. the board into
a government audit the ballarat cost about ninety million euros more than planned during its first two years of operation. moreover at least portions of the contract could have been returned to. the french ministry of defense disagrees saying the public private partnership made it possible to build the balance with few delays and two years after the move the ministry is happy with the building. about all contracts will remain in effect until twenty forty one a call. into the order to us estimate the french taxpayers will by then have shelled out five point eight billion euros for a. french minister of the armed forces for the whole spangly is diplomatic in her assessment. so i for move i believe a private public partnership was a good choice in but for me it allowed us to build the ministry very quickly
dismissed them or civil it was but it can have disadvantages and increased costs set up a debt that is why p.p.p. models need to be employed wisely and only on a case by case basis this year. the french minister of the armed forces and her cabinet have yet to move into the new headquarters they still reside in the historic hotel de brienne something the government auditor s also criticized for its inefficiency. at the seven hundred people ensure that the complex runs smoothly they handle everything from the canteen to the computers their employees not civil servants and that means they re permitted to go on strike. you don t look after them the cleavage effect this model means that we re risking an interruption
of service because you do say that risk wouldn t exist if the ministry had responsibility for operational services and employed only military personnel who are not permitted to go on strike when it breaks possessors so could the french ministry of defense be blindsided by a large scale strike the question seems to catch on poor border almost by surprise at all. or if a support staff went on strike then we d have to find a solution by drawing on military personnel and civil servants from the ministry. to replace them i think could be better than the military of a do better than decision he s given us their. orders as it s written contract stipulates that under normal circumstances there s also losses will be provided by our partners back when also. today. the french military is struggling with a lack of funding personnel and equipment but the last construction and operating
costs appear to have swallowed any facts that remain in the defense budget. in germany to the armed forces are becoming increasingly reliant on outside contractors. the eastern german state of saxony unhide it is home to the g. using it one of europe s largest and most modern combat training facilities it s operated by heinemann time germany s largest weapons manufacturer and one of the border smears name suppliers soldiers trained here for military operations. a motorized infantry battalion based in fear ak in northeastern germany has arrived with sixty ahmed tanks.
for many soldiers this is their first contact with an actual enemy in the well not just a theoretical construct but a real enemy is the first time you see an armored battalion charging toward you it s intense soldiers need to understand what that feels like it doesn t build up from. during a military exercise the battalion that just arrived from fear will attack the units that are stationed here. left tennant can avoid gun cool has often brought his ahmed battalion here for training. because it is. for the soldiers and for me the combat training center is a highlight here set up for battalion level operations. bank haggis simulation system allows us to train under conditions that are quite realistic you can. laser attachments on the weapons record every shot and hit every person
and every vehicle also carries a g.p.s. transmitter when soldiers fire their weapons they trigger and they. each laser carries an individual signature which makes it possible to trace the weapon used to fire it. the system also registers when a soldier is hit and calculates the severity of the damage. control station is located in the training center. officers from the g. using head and from the units that have come here observe the exercise live. if something goes wrong they can intervene if necessary. to zealously it soon in france we see the enemy taking position down here he was honest about it i can also see the training group right here which is probably receiving a briefing. to clifton. who are clearly enemy in red will go into position.
listen folks it s a folks armored personnel carrier with a crew and souls that this will also be used later in the auditorium or in the mobile auditorium for assessment purposes and in the sun and then we ll tell the soldiers what they did right was us what do they gain an overview ah but they could have allowed some other soldiers to help them it was. some employees of all the t.s.a. heineman times the chin jury are also in the control room they re recording every action every movement and communication. even yet when military strategy is on show a private contractor is playing a crucial role. tasks that were once in the hands of the military are being carried out by a private company. the
bundeswehr benefits from the company s technical expertise for the company the contract is worth some twenty million euros a year. critics say this kind of outsourcing poses a danger. that shortened the markets surprising that our state would disempower itself from this one. girl in question its monopoly on the use of force here in germany is overwhelmingly considered to be a state responsibility. for that though. it s quite startling that this is being intrusted to the private sector. but i don t relevant to our national security is being used and made available to you think the state would want to ensure that private actors don t have access to it. for the military allowing outside vendors to handle certain tasks is a practical solution come a robot cough is in charge of the training center and has eight hundred sixty eight soldiers under his command two hundred fifty heineman tarn employees also work in.
the sloth to. get our work with civilian operators runs without a hitch during an eight hour day a soldier might have to leave for a shooting drill exercise or some other military task. then when they re not available for the score duty. to civilian operator does exactly the same job for the entire eight hour workday this is far more efficient to be understood as this is and if it s since given. in the armory military and civilian personnel work side by side line matal employees and soldiers attach sensors and lasers to the ahmed vehicles before the training exercises on this task they must always went together. civilian and military areas of operation one that the boundaries aren t always easy to maintain.
manon g.a.m. describes how it works. different as you can see from tonsil most of us would do that s what we re committed to do anything that has to do with the simulation system on the vehicle but we can t touch anything involving the weapon system or munitions would have off one dog would i mean it wouldn t be ten minutes you will need twenty seven that s why military personnel always need to be on hand. in case we need someone to do that kind of work with off the theme and all but more so soon this training center will also be equipped to handle other kinds of military exercises. the bundeswehr has expanded the training ground and built a modern urban training center. up to one thousand five hundred soldiers at a time will train in house to house combat here. soon there will be more than five hundred buildings including an industrial area a school and even
a prison in the future every german soldier will receive training here. come o hagan boy is in charge of the construction. he will i know because this will fall we employ a construction method allows us to use a relatively limited set of prefabricated components to construct various kinds of buildings. just wasn t your scene they can be up to five stories tall you couldn t make these with double park but we can also use them to build small single family homes and also need some bush group in order to see over there a bank and a pharmacy would take a. climatologist being paid twenty four million euros to modernize the facilities i.t. system so that the new urban training center can use its simulation technology. the training center will cost some one hundred forty million euros but it will remain
state property. when it comes to the role of the private contractors colonel boyer is tightlipped. the industry and we have an industrial service provider that s already securing much of the training operation and who might become a partner in the future so they go mythical eyes open to come up with and. it s since been announced that heineman time will operate the genes it s training center through september two. hundred nineteen. for the defense contractor it s a lucrative operation from twenty fourteen to twenty nineteen the deal will have been worth some ninety six million euros and i m a tire can use the buildings and the soldiers to acquire new clients. to those features on the movie here everyone wants to see what we re doing here
every country every military is keen on it when it s all home or they see it at our combat training and simulation center and want one just like it and. for the private contractor the training center is a marketing and sales opportunity for it representatives come here to be shown the military maneuvers technology and expertise on display and find matal acquires new customers. germany and france are facing similar challenges their militaries are in transition and both are likely to see their roles and missions continue to expand in the future.
if. the board. in spite of unrest abductions and murders the rangers are still here. we have chosen this work and we re ready to give our lives to save the mountain gorillas from extinction. rangers and firemen going to national park in congo trying to fight off thousands of heavily armed rebels who rob the land of its natural resources on. protecting resources and go real habitat in thirty minutes on t.w. .
it was a human made cataclysm. the first global disaster of the twentieth century. want to end all wars cost millions of lives. world war one. marks the hundreds anniversary of its end. what is humankind learned from the great war. as it learned anything at all. is real peace and possibility. nineteen not for god w. s november focus.

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Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Protecting Resources In Gorilla Habitat 20181020 23:30:00

africa on the moon. stories about people making a difference in shaping their nation. and their continent africa on the move stories about to move a vision of change makers taking their destinies into their own hands. d.w. multimedia series from africa. d w dot com africa. the last gorillas of the room africa s oldest national park because of its immense riches it s also the most endangered. in april twenty twelve wolf once again flared up in north kivu in the eastern democratic republic of congo
a rebel group the m twenty three took control of the region including covering up a park in. yet another episode in what s often been called the forgotten war in the country. it is claimed six million lives in twenty years. suddenly we heard shots. really ran away and the villagers being shot. they killed my husband and my parents in law all. the treasures of the congo are occurring. at the heart of the seemingly endless war other regions extensive resources its forests lakes and soils are systematically plundered to finance the slaughter.
supermom where mining town here is that dangerous. yes we could die here and if we survive there s still the minerals from. what should be a blessing is a curse here in the virunga region its vast mineral wealth has plunged the population into extreme poverty. research it gets to be seen. the civil war is driven by ok on the currency. it s closely intertwined with the illegal exploitation of natural resources. and the world s poorest have to pay the price but this environmental destruction just goes on. in the us is the director of the national park he and his ranges want to break the vicious cycle of over exploitation and war.
in the forests of room on mountain iraq angle they risk their lives to restore the last bond between humans and nature. is a jewel of nature it was founded in one nine hundred twenty five with the aim of protecting the mountain gorilla population but walls and insurgencies are destroying the region s ecosystem. right. zero six by. the dozens of groups who roam the park pose a permanent danger says a man who admitted. in the southern sector in the forest areas near the city of goma that over
a million people eat firewood. it s controlled timber production which is now done on an almost industrial scale. it s mainly the f.b.i. the democratic forces for the liberation of rwanda they re considered the perpetrators of the genocide that. then there are the regional my my militia groups no. here they are the main course behind illegal fishing they make a fortune with it. there is also the a.t.f. now do a ugandan rep agrippa that is murdered over one thousand civilians in the last year and a half. here in the middle of the danger zone so to speak in the last year they have been countless attacks we ve lost five rangers here.
is home to the headquarters of the park s southern sector which is where the guerrillas live. every time the rangers go patrol they risk confrontation with militias the six hundred ranges to find eight thousand square kilometers of forest three hundred kilometers from north to south an area about the size of. the fighting on two fronts not only do they have to drive the troops out of the park they also have to keep the local population out. our mission is to protect the system. we have chosen this work and we re ready to give our lives to save the mountain gorillas from extinction. many of our colleagues have died doing their jobs i tell my men to be proud of
their work as rangers of your anger national park. if you think of that that that if it. were. a could into united nations estimates the virunga national park ranges are up against five to eight thousand heavily armed militia men and army of different rebel groups all with the same goal the illegal extraction over all materials. the ranges of the last line of defense protecting nature and often deadly position. when the civil war was raging here there were dangers looking everywhere for the rangers. about one hundred forty of our men lost their lives protecting the ecosystem. something will stop. in fact in twenty years
of civil war a total of one hundred and fifty rangers have been killed the highest bloodshed ever to occur in protecting in the nature of his a the militias in the area where the guerrillas live mainly control the illegal timber trade and poaching. in light of the ten security situation in the new end of mcleod made a radical decision he has his ranges undergo combat training. so i guess well this girl not just focusing six you know ok. here in the room nature conservation is more like a military operation. the rangers are trained by former belton and french elite soltis.
twenty six her own accord there are problems and also at the moment the central sector is most affected. these are the militias facilities the heavily armored. humvee an army. here the recruiting new soldiers on. the park s technology has been upgraded so the area can be monitored more efficiently every yunis and every operation is coordinated in real time. the seat illegal fishing on lake edward that generates an annual turnover of around forty two million dollars africa shadowing legal logging in the south of the park which is destroying more and more virgin forests kegs which has an annual turnover of thirty four million dollars. dollars forty now so lots of money is involved we re talking about over one hundred million dollars
a year and enough to maintain these private armies these come back to groups and militias who are responsible for the desolate situation in the eastern democratic republic of congo yes and second i know why i left and they are. look. i think the illegal trade in charcoal feeds the entire province of north kivu it s the feel of war. eleven million people depend on it some three hundred thousand tons are illegally produced here every year. this is how the black gold is made. we will force you to do it we lay a new fire to make charcoal. feel can only be long we ll move. to an opportunity i even first we cover it with leaves. and then seen it tightly with mud. so that the leaves don t catch fire. the wood should burn very slowly.
while. we use it to buy salt clothes or oil we pay the school fees for the children. everything with money from the charcoal the mccollum. to say. my beautiful run we bring the cold sharks to the wholesale markets and saki and go home. when i do a book. the color is transported to the cities by bicycle or on trucks steep population growth has led to soaring demand for charcoal. in north kivu ninety seven percent of people live without electricity coal is their only source of energy. in goma the capital of
north kivu the streets are black with search. this huge cold is run by cecile couple who will. stand mccallum because there s no electricity here and tell me you have only one option charcoal in goma and in the rest of congo. who label everywhere heat and coke with macand. i begin to meet one of your frying meats or cooking beings a cone you need. coal is the only fuel source in our everyday lives ritual pool we all depend on my car. my site also has more than a million inhabitants who get three hundred and fifty to two hundred truckloads of mccalla every day. there are between a hundred forty and two hundred bags on each truck.
that s thousands of felled trees every day none of them from the room or park supposedly. garner from the national park is very rare in the past f.t.l. are militia soldiers supplied us with charcoal from virunga park. but if we get caught selling them a card today we go to jail for years. but the fact is the illegal charcoal trade is impossible to control and it s destroying the park. if it goes unchecked there will be no forests left in eastern congo in less than ten years. that s why part director money where the mojados top priority is to develop alternative energy sources. he wants to use the launch ridges in the
ring to supply the province of north kivu with electricity. a first hydroelectric power plant was completed last year in the taping. much of it never was on pretty much just the beginning so far the power plant has been producing thirteen megawatts but with a bit of luck we ll reach one hundred megawatts in five years watts to five hundred megawatts is twice rwanda s total energy production and twenty five times the amount of electricity currently supplying the city of goma so i don t think you get the point could make an enormous contribution to the energy supply and the profits . for each of them explicitly. to the really natural event by building a new energy economy that doesn t depend on the need to exploitation of natural resources we re cutting off the source of money on groups that we don t have and secondly we offer alternative employment to the young men who would otherwise join
these groups i ve seen no. doubt made. an ambitious project for a region like north kivu. the park is pushing the twenty million dollar cost with money donated from foundations. him anywhere that believes it s worth it and argues that in the long term alternative energy will create up to one hundred thousand jobs he wants to prove to the locals that protecting nature is more profitable than destroying it. more and more households throughout north kivu are now connected to the red tape a power plant. but where they get their energy from is not necessarily the population s first concern farmers are desperately looking for new arab a land food has priority. conflicts on the edges of the conservation zone are multiplying the rumor has
already lost tens of thousands of hectares of land here in ritchie route farmers are challenging the current boundaries of the park. the father going to we are a thousand metres away from the national park. in other words the border of the park supposedly runs a thousand meters from the flood but it s moved five hundred metres closer. and now the locals in the park and ministration are arguing about it still. a loss for the . beautiful animals and we want them to be protected the environment must also be protected but not at the expense of the people who live here so.
the national park conflict with the one of the emanuel demo is trying to negotiate with the people his rangers have to protect the park but they must also understand that we. are no want to put the. if you let my kids eat up with less leverage with some animals come out of the forest and destroy our fields so what about our interests version with of of us are going to quit meeting the animals with our harvest if only there were at least development projects here if only areas were cleared for roads and fields and schools built for our children. or. for the locals the national park means less income a congolese family can make one thousand dollars a year with one hector of arable land there one million hectares of protected land in the reset. the park administration is aware of the problem.
don t get to three many to be pretty easy to go for us to continue having these to relisten elephants the local population loses out on more than a billion dollars a year. that s a high price and it s not fair. it s a city nature s peace deal but we have to find a solution of the park is the survivor that s true because in the end it s up to the locals and their point of view is understand the political point. that the families have to make a living somehow knew that they need a future. so if we want the park to continue we need an alternative that generates at least a billion dollars a year. and we can t do that alone. it took so long before you get to sell. the park director has formed partnerships with public and private donors and investors the e.u.
has awarded to the room to park fifteen million euros. scale project called eco mccullough has also been launched to cultivate sustainable resources here on the edges of the protected area. fast growing eucalyptus trees have been planted on eleven thousand hectares of land in a project designed to conserve the forests in the reserve and also to help the locals. the premier is the project has two aspects first it converts the poverty of the local population to newly planted trees provide small farmers with an income but the bizarre bit of blunt the. secondly the eco mccollough projects reforestation effort protects the people here from the threat of armed groups lurking in the jungle. you saw it here but.
no money then money. it s much better to work on this plantation it s too dangerous in the park that does it one hand out how many women and young girls have to go there every day some raid others even killed now and you know i know why our i ve been spared that fate a man i mean i m lucky enough to manage this little piece of forest the two of you need the new crop. you not touch wood make my karma and i can feed my family you know. bus. those who do not have their own plot of land continue to collect wood on the edge of the park. almost four million people live in less than
a day s walk from the room and they all help themselves a small bundle of brushwood provides what they need for daily survival. that live after that. i know it s forbidden to cut wood near the park but what should i do. either that or i can t give my children anything to eat today. the brushwood earns me five hundred congolese francs and i buy sweet potatoes with it it s not much but everything else is too expensive for us. as they are one manly. thing an income this way puts the women in great danger thousands of armed men roam the reserve and here at the edge of the forest women are easy prey. you know if you know that my world that. we come here with fear in our hearts. and
we work fast so we went to be raped. they catch you. until my life is broken. he can t tell anyone you must live alone with your suffering. daily life is fraught with risk here in the ring. to locals the national park is both a vital resource and a looming threat. to. environmental conservation is a constant challenge in the democratic republic of congo. the park rangers face a moral dilemma should they protect people. or nature. to my sister if you don t go on the slopes of the wrong as volcanoes including in
rwanda and uganda there were only eight hundred eighty mountain gorillas left and they need protection you just put this you see they re threatened with extinction just eight hundred eighty mountain gorillas on our huge continent and only three countries congo uganda and rwanda it s a city on the ground for being studied little or no gun. a little under. that based on democracy population growth is threatening the grill is natural
habitat. skill level just people here in need fertile farmland and the park is the only place where they can find it get it back. and back that s why they destroy the gorillas habitat they need fertile farmland. in fifteen. silverback has become a symbol of the park s struggle for survival. but the fight also takes a heavy toll on the families of the one hundred fifty ranges killed in action just see these tragedies are often eclipsed by the plight of the gorillas. are funny if you will my husband died in one thousand nine hundred ninety two. he was killed in
the park working to protect the gorillas. while my husband died on january twenty second twenty sixteen. he was on duty in kabaddi but hunting poachers. i do fear my husband was killed on patrol in for i m going to park. to help the widows of the rangers who lost their lives the park set up a sewing business last september the women make seventy is for tourists. that come up to walk the walk in the park built this little workshop for us because our men were killed in it service and i think. a man who had to move out and his coworkers collect their nations have brought in
order to pay these families thirty dollars a month. each of these stars stands for a ranger who was killed in every day every star longs to a ranger who died for the park. but i think he did it last to my husband died i was completely destitute so the park or sorry trees offered me help. but now the park provides a livelihood for me and my family. my children can even go to the park so no school for you charge what parking lots. of folks that passage come to accept me we must accept that we are first and
foremost at the service of the people who live in the surrounding area people that we don t succeed in sharing the resources of the park with them we have failed in our work and we have failed in our mission i don t know if ya know.
the the. the but the be. the be. remembered. long your match highlights. love asked the best. the best we can just never has enough blood let.
her love the highlights playing the role of the sublime. the mall. more. carefully observed. to get the biscuit the be be the. subscribe to the documentary on you tube.
clips of. the first the leaders of the twentieth century. the more to end all wars cost millions of large. lump. sum up. the marks the hundredth anniversary of its lead. what has humankind learned from the great more. plain as the beasts real peace and impossibilities legislation

Dw-dot-com-africa , War , Region , Control , Country , Episode , Sparkin , Twenty-three , Shots , Shot , Villagers , Twenty

Transcripts For DW EcoAfrica - The Environment Magazine 20181105 10:30:00

where putin s patriarchy rooms today women s rights were already gaining traction a hundred years ago. people here don t have a clue about feminism but there are women who want to instigate change in every day life for justice and equality. under the skin of russia s women starts nov thirteenth doubling. up. hello and welcome to a new edition of he called off eco environmentalists stories and ideas from africa and europe today will discover a brand new forest in blue wanda and remote areas in south africa where little tiny
frogs are living let s not get lost in the details first of all welcome know timely and i welcome my beautiful colleague from the show in johannesburg hi n.t. happy to be with you again presenting once again our coproduction from quest set dates from ala and channels t.v. my name is felice endlessly and i ll be a cause for the show here s what s coming up in the program. we ll show you how some of the others in madagascar capital water. well check out as the invention that concludes the world s oceans. we ll tell you how i jury and launches the successful business books are made from natural ingredients. stuck on the island of madagascar.
frequent droughts and an exploding city population have made claim drinking water a scarce resource in the capital on our evil many of the cities rely on contaminated water collected from swamps and self-willed wells with simple but effective means the older has ation water and sanitation for the urban poor proves that not much money is needed to provide clean water and the method also has great benefits to the environment. accrue from jerome america ask his national water utility is repairing a broken pipe in a tent in a river about forty percent of the city s drinking water is lost due to needs like these repair teams are advised and trained on how to detect and fix such leaks by the end water and sanitation for the poor.
nevers our record towson is a program officer. saving resources doesn t need to be big as creating a new treatment for anything but all money made seem better managing the resource that google have now so better management says already helping john michael improve the service that they give to the. w s u p is working to improve antananarivo is water management the metropolitan areas population has doubled to some three million over the past twenty years. two thirds of the people have no access to clean drinking water according to w.s.u. about one quarter of deaths among children under the age of five here a link to water borne diseases. members are and her team at w.s.u. p. help provide basic infrastructure to prevent waste water from polluting the environment and improve access to clean water in partnership with the city the
n.-g. o. has already built five hundred will take us that sell drinking water. they ve also built larger blocks across the city. remember hanta comes here to watch a laundry she also does laundry for a few customers which provides her a source of income. i know from the phone was one of my own phone on the phone this brings happiness in my family allows me to earn a beatle morning now i don t have to go to the river the french were trying which makes my life much easier now i can come and do have to go to an amoeba which is for the team for the fun of it was a lot of family cook up cook for. many locals still rely on contaminated surface water to meet their daily needs the river which passes through antananarivo is a city s largest source of water local people fish and do their washin here but the
water is contaminated by both sewage and the waste that litters the river bank members are about to towson says providing better infrastructure isn t enough political action is also necessary to create a lost in change. the work that we are doing is contributing to to show to the governments how the how will be impact of this type of a petition to the people of the lie and how the government could improve this people s life through our work to our priority our action we will show we will influence the government that there is some action that could be taken to avoid people s lives destruction. the municipal water utility agrees but lacks the resources to take action only a small part of a ten an hour ago is connected to the sewage system. and none of its waste water is
properly treated. the director of the municipal waste water facility worries that environmental pollution will soon make it impossible to provide local residents with save drinking water. just to meet the needs. of all. with w s u p s assistance the city has drafted a proposal to expand its waste water treatment facilities these improvements in water management agency needed as many bizarre knows only too well otherwise the co-pay revo will not be a source of life but a threat to the local environment and people. are our friends our precious there are hundreds of beautiful coral amazing whales and rays and the fishery. but as you know that up to eight or nine million tons of plastic are dumped in the
world s oceans every year by twenty fifty that might be more plastic than fish in them that s insane so it s got together and invented a tool called the been which can help clean up the ocean another video in our series doing your bit. every year we dumped more than eight million tonnes of plastic trash into the world s oceans. small harbors like this one are good places to test a new clean up to buy ice. on the spanish island of majorca andrew turkey and peterson glinsky are trying out there floating rubbish collector the c.b.d. and. here s how it works and external pump creates a vacuum that sucks in water along with the floating trash. the filter bag inside
the big. even remove the oil and detergents from the water. the designers say it doesn t harm fish because only objects at the surface are pulled into the bin. at present the pump is still being powered by gasoline. but in the future andrew and peter plan to use renewable energy sources like wind and solar to run their ocean clean up device. like that. you are also doing your bit tell us about it. is it on the website or send us a tweet. as to drink or bad. your stories. now we switch over to south africa where a very small crater is endangered we re talking about a tiny is
a frog it s only habitat is on a small stretch of wetlands what is so interesting about the pick a gills read frog and see well conservationist hoping to fight a round because they say thanks to this probably can measure changes in v.n. bob and the biologist have teamed up with johnny s begs you to try to save the species through research and breeding program. this little fellow is less than three centimeters long he s a pickle skills read from an endangered species since last year the johannesburg zoo has been breeding the rare amphibians to increase their numbers. now some of them are being moved to their nation habitat six hundred kilometers away in the coastal wetlands. boy. and you plessy says one of a team of researchers involved in the amphibian conservation project. tonight
they re setting about two hundred frog three. hundred really learn here in europe even in cuba where it s very rare bali going to further near drowning we re going after spread the biggest deals out there is the lower older level to ensure that it is going to spread throughout that area. the project is a collaboration between the zoo another state organization and a private in geo in south africa the only place in the world this species of frog lives is here in these wetlands near the durban airport. that habitat is very small around twelve square kilometers the scientists realised that noise and contaminated waste water from the agricultural industry weigh on the wetlands. the future of the tiny frogs is also threatened by urban development in the nearby city according to the researchers. the idea to launch the project came from scientist adrian
armstrong he and gene terrence from the n.g. s who have been involved in the fraud project since twenty seventeen. we knew of some sites with the frog occurred and so we asked the janice biggs to come and collect some and take them back to the city and greet them in captivity we don t actually know a lot of our history so what s really great about this project in particular with breeding this. frog is learning a lot more about its biology learning about its breeding behavior and learning about the things that it does in captivity which we would like to think also happens in the wild. the same is true for other amphibians about seven thousand worldwide the scientists know very little about them and a growing number are endangered the conservation project aims to shed more light on the habitats of amphibians particularly from. this so important that we maintain a relational d.b. s because also assisting us in numerous ways.
as well as other sources of the war. is also helping with other controls like other insects we ve. also feel it s believed that half the world s vertebrates have disappeared over the past fifty years that s why the researches in south africa are doing all they can to prevent that from happening to these tiny for all and it s habitats. i just learned something new on eco africa even the smallest of creatures have their place in the ecosystem but there is no room in nature for certain chemical products for example many cosmetic products contain chemicals that can damage the skin and of course the environment in the pursuit of living more simply naturally unconsciously cosmetics made from natural ingredients are getting more popular one man in nigeria s capital lagos is producing some from organic
products it s gotten so popular here that he s now shipping it worldwide. the camp would tree is native to west africa for centuries people here have used it for all kinds of purposes from woodworking to making diet and health and beauty products. when ground into powder the coal beneath the bark is good for treating various skin problems. day needs to wood to make is due to assume black so it is pounded it is ground and it s made into a paste to exfoliate the skins of babies it is also used as a beauty regimen to make the skin supple. because a we milled this. introduces into the soap in a very smooth water from. three d.
and his team are constantly working on improving the formula which also includes honey share butter and alex they re all natural ingredients harvested locally. building a manufacturing business for ghana quality nigeria has been challenging business for structure. there s no government assistance the detention system is dysfunctional. the government house is literally the existing when it comes to manufacture or business so if you re looking to the government to help you. with your time figuring they set up this company in one thousand nine hundred ninety five i did not produces more than one hundred fifty thousand dollars per day from production to packaging everything is done in the large factory and during the places great value on national in regions and tradition we know that people have
skin problems around the world people of different races different color but the skin is the same and the healing characteristics of this will benefit mankind. of his soul throughout nigeria and it sells well. even though it is somewhat more expensive than regular soaps. i think is that close to nature which i had met a lot so we tend to spend more needs a market without t.v. using something that has cost but you get in the venue so you will have in mind the cost of the products salads right now of us is going to have much of this i don t think i m thinking of changing or did you assume is already marketed in several countries but greedy wants to really establish the brand internationally is also diversifying the portfolio with organic share better and by the illusions he hopes
his success will inspire others to become entrepreneurs who want to provide something that the up and coming young want to send ok i want to be like that person i want to beat his record if he can. you know. and successful in the work market we can. do that as the month keep doing the company is planning to buy more land where he can cultivate and sustainable fashion the trees and plants he needs for his old natural presence. have you ever stopped to wonder why so many people drive alone especially in europe you do could just get more people to travel together traffic jams on pollution would be reduce them more than a billion cause worldwide a figure that could double by twenty forty while that s shocking in
germany for instance there are already some areas in big cities like hamburg and frankfurt where it s forbidden to drive with a diesel car but a life of small and congested roads could be avoided and i don t mean we ll all be flying around inside file style hover cars many of the vehicles of the future are a lot more modest see for yourself. this is only palin s first self driving bus he s not allowed out on the road yet senses on the front of the vehicle allow it to recognize obstacles ali has spent three months practicing on the testing ground transport research a vet councilor believes self driving vehicles are the future even if ali isn t quite perfect yet. only needs to practice it s got a ways to go the technology is relatively new and highly complex. but in a few years time the self driving buses are expected to be in regular operation
but that s not all this is what tomorrow cities could look like autonomous vehicles of various descriptions bring us to wherever we need to go and we ll be able to choose between several forms of transport. for the key is in term of dallas where various forms of transport are linked but no private cars there inefficient and i think in the medium to long term personal cars will disappear from our inner city. transfers. our roads are already full enough. the result is noise congestion and poor air quality that s inspired a number of visionary entrepreneurs to come up with alternatives one startup company called clever shuttle operates a taxi sharing service with a fleet of electric vehicles. a smart phone app allows you to order a car you are then picture taken to your destination other passengers may be picked
up along the way it s a lot like a classic taxi service but more efficient a much cheaper. this month the idea is to bundle short trips in the city of two customers book similar routes by that make sense to transport them together with that. reduces traffic on the roads and each passenger saves a lot of money. in future be shared taxis could become part of the local public transport network they might travel on rails but with no fixed stops you d simply order them by phone and they would ordinary route automatically. that could see the number of private cars in the city drop significantly giving way to more car sharing experts believe the number of car sharing vehicles is set to multiply five times over the next two decades.
so does that mean we ll have to forfeit our zero cost one burn initiative has developed an app called getaway which ends to at least make better use of the cars that exist. the idea is whenever you don t need your car your neighbor could use it . but initiative is also introduced a second idea instead of keeping car you could hire a cargo bike when you need one equipped of course with an electric motor. back to africa until just a few years ago forests were being mercilessly cut down what was and is an indispensable fuel source and building material for the rural population but things are getting desperate around there is one of africa s most densely populated countries more and more people are living from fewer resources the government has decided to take action. it s poncing large areas of forests as part of an africa
wide initiative that have an ambitious goal to create two million hectares of new forest and i were cultural lead by twenty thirty our ports along you know how close they are to achieving it. these two men have another busy day ahead of them they re planting a small forest. as a farmer in eastern rwanda and uses a lot of wood. for the past few years agro forestry experts like a lot and dolly have been teaching farmers and other people here about the importance of protecting the forest and how to plant trees. has been prepared to plant the seed like i ve already put a bit of fertilizer in it once the seedlings in place i ll pack some good fertile soil around just enough so that the rainwater won t accumulate on myspace dot. you
know is known as the land of a thousand hills in the center of the capital kigali is situated on one of them. but many of the others are covered in forests or what s left of them deforestation has been a major problem in rwanda. the country s population has been growing rapidly for decades it s quadrupled since one nine hundred sixty. is an invaluable resource for heating cooking and construction through countless trees a failed across the country to meet the demand. a few years ago the government realised that major changes were needed and introduced the ambitious goal of restoring two million hectares of forest land by twenty thirty. that s why some fast growing non-native species of tree are playing a key role such as the eucalyptus from australia. they re being bred and planted here in large numbers. we have. for adoption we
get. very few years like short cycle for four to five years for first harvests and they have this second generation without planting if it s reforestation at breakneck speed thanks to the eucalyptus two years ago this hill was bare now it s a thriving young forest. other species are also being planted about fifteen percent native or naturalized ones such as the silky oak and the sea olive tree. it may seem overly ambitious to aim to reforest the entire country but rwanda is determined to try. its a member of after one hundred and initiative of twenty seven african countries to reforest one hundred million hectares of land that s about the size of egypt.
rwanda s lands and forest ministry takes pride in its accomplishments so far. we is proud of the countries to commit to played. in commitment this country. to be the leading country in terms of recession and our friend it. what do all the new trees mean for ordinary people in rwanda judyth is a farmer she never had enough firewood now she has plenty because she s been growing her own trees she makes a good living selling wood thanks to reforestation as a business model she could afford a new home. she used to send her children out to forage for wood all day now they have time to attend school as well. as in there s a. i m really happy because my life has improved so much that i m evil and move
a ms in my kids can go to school and are doing well and we. managed to save some money for my household through selling what i do you will know and now i can afford a water tap in my own home and when i m going to move on i bonds. as the forests disappear new ones are being created given that self-imposed deadline it s a race against time for a while and it s going all out to win. and that was it for today we hope you like this show my name is felice endlessly and i m here in south africa. it was such a pleasure being with you n.c. and i look to see all of you next week for another episode of eco africa. and it s goodbye from me to here in lagos nigeria if you want to share your ideas or want to know more about our environmental topics please check out our website and all social media platforms i will be showing on your screen by.
the. private concert in the summer on wheels. the ball tossed a more intimate with not support the german country rockers and during a pitstop jesus comics want to change thirty minutes g.w. should.
kill the they were not hard and in the end this is a me you re not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. are you familiar with this. with the smugglers we re liars and. what s your story. on what numbers of women especially in victims of violence. take part and send us your story we are trying always to understand this new culture. are not a villa turnoff and yet you want to become a citizen. in four migrants your platform for a while information. you can tell a lot about a society by its garbage. just spew some worthless for the rich look for many poor people it offers their only chance of survival. and i could be
lunch for today just like you. know reporters travel to nairobi and work and meet people who know the true value of garbage. it has created a surprising parallel economy. but what does all this mean for economic inequality around the world you guys are stored in class warfare the response to that statement should be yes we are starting to let s walk here because with time we could actually destruct and you could play the bridge to claim the truth of the solution report starts november seventeenth on g.w. . please. play.

Where-putins-patriarchy-rooms-today-womens-rights , Show , Frogs , Colleague , Welcome , Details , Johannesburg , Thint , Program , Cause , Eco-production , My-name

Transcripts For DW Eco India - The Environment Magazine 20181117 14:30:00

they deploy the powers of social media. their messages are spreading like wildfire a social media spectacle is critical to the boat and thousands of. cars. on the streets and they are winning more than changing the are already. digital. stars in the twenty fifth d.w. . hello welcome to equally near sustainability magazine where reading to do seem to change may cause people like you and i who are finding solutions to some of the most pressing problems in the world to be. coming to us from new like india.
this week let s look at how an organization like mumbai is changing people s perception of the city streets. when the engines are doing to reduce their carbon footprint. and how an art project is making or statement to combat air pollution and climate change. what caused the war story that has a brutal beginning but luckily a happy ending in the eighty s in the early ninety s or four hundred thousand stray dogs of mumbai were caught and killed most of the sunni didn t mean. local n.g.o.s have fought hard to make sure this practice never brought back for the. street which is at the forefront of this fight along the road ahead. of. the.
when a buddha has walks in the streets of the city street towards unfeelingly greet him with a strong sense of recognition. many times to the surprise of passers by. as a kid i used to see dogs being taken over by you know dogs that went on neighborhood dogs that we knew was damiana blackie and the months used to pick up and kill there. really are lives that i mean why should this be done when that ultimate there s. something. for twenty two years old this in this n.g. the welfare of stray dogs have been looking towards the old goanna to. be nothing
is happening for. nothing is happening here than i infection on every sunday one of the many routines the follow religious leave is to provide first aid to about twenty dogs in the forty area of south mumbai. you know. the full cooperation is to kill them because they thought that was the only way it could bring down rabies or the stray dog population. for me of this twenty two year old johnny it s a long term relationship and you know every time a dog passes over part of me and dice. on the. street dogs in mumbai would typically belong to the indigenous body happy to have had a history. even considered a nuisance and a treat because the potential carriers of the fighters.
in the early ninety s it was organizations like ours is that for hard for their right to be treated humanely. it s. the way to still walk that dog used to be kept for three days by the months of all cooperation in the dog and if nobody claimed them to electrocute them so there we function is abuse to go and rescue these dogs. in the group. if.
we convince them once a bill called petition that figures of how these vets have not gone down the speed doc population has not gone down that lead does. an alternative it was a scientific humane method of controlling the dog population which is what we call an animal birth control. are what we call sterilisation osprey and you know. it wasn t until two thousand and one that deceptive foods under the prevention of cruelty to animals act we did mandatory for loopy governments to sterilize street builds instead of. infrastructure and funds has meant that it has fallen the bone interviews which are often financed
through missions and grants to control of meeting the students population in mumbai my wife was. my. with a. bit of snow still is a back seat he s cruised to three hundred dogs and juliana living in war. and we ve been feeding her what this means is that they don t feel it was trained dogs and few months back and soothing and so that will prevent it from getting any maggots which is almost no and we ve been feeding up for the last. five weeks later think want to recall three dogs surely not three part of the world health organization want to call them. beds so they are looked after by somebody on the street the policeman the person lives on the street you know so they are the
ones who look after them give them names. they don t need. so bad yeah yeah yeah. yeah robert you know how i don t want con kids from behind such fine tuning but. make sure. on one of the city s streets. she works as a housemaid and leeks just enough. but it has been easy. living. like many of the. dogs in the city. just. twenty. the
last few of them. she has employed there carries the back lunch boxes to the dogs. to be meeting. with. the little chill. but there s a big response of it. all started then we wouldn t . said yes to it. was. given them. more than that maybe.
they re. just. people coming in. so the thing that if these dogs are not full. because they are not so they realize that this is the best are we that you know the street dogs and humans can live live in harmony. now experts see that stray dogs try in the indian cities because it s become easier to find food it looks like it s not twenty different in germany either except it s white boards who wandered into the cities limits in often back into the white german capital but now has a commissioner for wild animals and his primary job is to be
a skinny conflict between humans and the city is growing up in by life. a wild boar strolling through berlin. is a vice we re not deep in the forest but in a large park where thousands of people are out and about they don t appear to be frightened of us. still the boers keep their distance. just the cities point man for wild animals people often call them when they see a boar in the garden or a raccoon on the roof he knows where the various species like to hang out locals out for a walk tend to take the company in their stride. while the poor have been here for ages since i was a kid. when he got to know how to deal with them. coming towards me i walked towards them and they scatter. company spano and over to where i live in the suburbs where used to them i used to run with the boys on my way home now but they
still make me a bit nervous. so there are probably between two and four thousand and berlin. several other species also feel right at home in the city. these are species that have got used to us and have adopted this is there are various reasons first the physical environment in the country intensive farming deprives them of their habitat or here they can reproduce with abandon. second in the city they are hunters a few to. see. on the other side of berlin and the tear practising to lay on battle is looking for hedgehog nests he s a biologist at the lightning institute for zoo and wildlife research. and i want to home. when he. made use of this tree trunk but he s not here at
least. not in the third nest. hedgehogs go out at night and sleep all day but as we ve just seen not always in the same place. in the room or hedgehogs in cities than in the country that s because i was gardens and parks of a great natural habitat. the project he s working on is about how hedgehogs bats boars raccoons and other wild animals live in cities. not the ones in zoom enclosures but those living free. i mean is this like it s in for one of our aims is to inform the public about the animals that might be living in their gardens and to encourage them to leave the creatures a little space and leave gaps in their fences so animals can come and go. that we can that s important if certain species are to survive what many people don t
realize is that because we ve deprived so many species of their natural habitats their numbers are declining. back to the park where we met the wild boar in the middle there s a large lake. and it s not just humans who like to chill on it shores. wars aren t known to be keen swimmers but they are if you go to consumers of crisps and cookies. run the governesses i like and love i really how come i have a look and as isis not tradition it is really interesting to see the animals in the city it always happens always great to be able to show them to my son but we all know about the downside to not tell your kids i had a brief past they were in the garbage and they can spread disease. and stuff on
them so i had no idea also works with the public that s really important because people need to do their part to enable the peaceful coexistence of humans and animals in the big city. was even done in africa other animals say want hogs or elephants move into towns and villages and cause a commotion. australia has similar problems of his edible image we have to engage with both the supporters on the critics and having animals in our midst and we have to find a way to live with animals it can t be right to simply fight them off what are the many cities have blossomed into hubs of biodiversity it s often in the urban jungle that wild animals find what they need to survive and even to thrive. let s shift focus to one of the most urgent problems of the twenty first century india stompin emissions are still very low at one point eight percent compared to
the us is sixteen point eight tons per person but most of its energy needs are still makes my pool the dirtiest of fossil fuels will be needed in the midst of the quite problem as in the world and the plan to double the koolau by twenty twenty is having a disastrous impact on the environment and on people are deported travel to china in the eastern part of the country the heart of india s corn belt. saw the three month old is seventy years old. she scavengers in the coal mines of tokyo. the birth of a ship is just not. it to begin work at dawn every day it s fraught with dangers the corn has to be hacked out of explosives. once ship kamar badly injured himself while working. in the open cold pit is one hundred fifty meters deep. salvatore makes four to five crips each day.
just to watch out for the police who chase them away and confiscate the cult. where christ name i don t have a choice i have to do this work my parents are illiterate they ve worked as laborers all their lives they can t do anything about. what s happening so i try to help them but owning money i really don t like the work my heart isn t there then they get a few hours of work which is the equivalent of three euros that s more than what people earn here as day laborers of some thirty thousand people workers called scavengers. but they pay a heavy price burning rockwall releases toxic smoke and gases causing widespread asked and respiratory illnesses in the area. carrier sits atop one of the world s largest gold reserves. to try again to open pits and deep mines here account for
a quarter of india s coal production. but the corn is also on fire. dozens of places below the ground some have been smoldering for more than one hundred years when underground mining first began most fires ignited spontaneously when the roads in the exposed call heat up. continued mining at the surface has opened up cracks that feed oxygen to the flames. the resulting toxic emissions have devastated the environment. the coal fires destroyed houses and triggered landslides. in the short of a while has been campaigning for the rights of illegal cold workers. tree. india is being a huge human cost stash because. this government just doesn t bother right now paul
is very important it is very important for the development of the border develop massive cities to shoulder the world that they re wired with them and at the cost of these people. huge amount of human beings who are going to be deprived of what we even there s some of the other eking out a living that will also go. for trees determined to find a way out of the coal mines. scavenging also helps pay for college. she goes there every day after work. to ensure her dreams of getting a good job. don t go up in smoke. no alternative sources of energy are definitely the need especially in a country with high energy consumption and c.d. s air pollution in big urban centers now the government is keen to meet in the country and its economy was environmentally sound but it needs to convince consumers and it s hoping
a new economy we help i ve reported is headed to the capital city of kuala lumpur to find out. if only it was this quick and easy to get around malaysia s capital city. in reality rush hour looks more like this c o two emissions produced by traffic at one of malaysia s biggest climate but that s all set to change. for example with this electric scooter it was developed by the malaysian company. they re especially proud of the high performance potteries they designed themselves . with. the power direct drive. the batteries that we uses for kilowatt hour. this is
one of the technology breakthroughs that we have actually of so far not only comparing malaysia i was comparing to the wall. the malaysian government supports companies that bring eco friendly products on the market like equally my. financial aid in tax breaks are supposed to help malaysia become a green a country. but over the past three and a half years only four hundred scooters have left the factory that s around three thousand seven hundred euros they cost twice as much as conventional models. but i will be says more though right now is two of the two to go for the fit because the most heavily used. right now the biggest is kentucky fried chicken keirsey using it for home deliveries police been battling using the bikes and we also have a local council in force when people going a rope are calling the routes we have not. surprised me for the fleet customers
there are also already in use at the malaysian ministry of energy where manufacturers of eco friendly products can apply for support from the environmental incentive scheme it s being implemented by malaysia green technology corp with support from the g i said germany s international cooperation and development agency more than eight hundred fifty different products and services have already been accepted they carry a special label green malaysia but private consumers are still hesitant when you go to the market for example they re looking at how much the scores in comparison of course so there is still a challenge there so unless we have economies of scale being we can produce these green products that skew then we can reduce the cost. more and more companies want to jump on the eco bandwagon. but first their products are put through their paces for example here at the serum certificate in isolation in kuala lumpur. cyrano
wards its own eco label which companies can use to apply for the mighty john scheme . with this detergent meet the standards. company things that support that use biodegradable so we haven t been tested on the bio degradable we keep but then show the body to get over this matter of. the sample is mixed with a bacterial culture. if the sample hasn t dissolved within twenty eight days the detergent twenty granted the label. leaflet . the criteria that have to be fulfilled for the eco label tailored to conditions in malaysia. not only with respect to health and environmental sustainability but also with respect to economic feasibility.
so that it has to because he didn t because he said it. so we have to look into the economic situation of the country and. read the. book. the next step is to establish uniform ecological standards by region. the german development agency is also supporting malaysia s neighboring countries indonesia thailand and the philippines. because the more people buy eco friendly products the better it is for the environment. now. and most times on an individual level often watch desperation is to put on a mosque and get on with life but
a collector opt for change twenty one and it s mosque book project is getting people from around the world or use their mosques to make a board statement and demand for change. indian cities are among the most polluted in the world poisonous smog can last for days on and sometimes the sky itself in yellow even breathing is painful. activists in jeli are using art to highlight the problem. individually designed. to help raise awareness of pollution and climate change. most book was launched by the ngo office of change twenty one. portrayed gallery of more than two thousand five hundred photos showcases mosque book activities in more than forty countries the activists perform on the streets and visit schools. where
king with local partners like sweat shop in delhi nearly a hundred workshops have been organized in recently is where participants learn about sustainability and how to change their behavior and live in a more environmentally friendly way. do you like them. if you are also doing your beauty around. visit our website or send us a tweet. during your been. your story. to the story. be the change you want to see in the world we ll be back next week with more substories each one taking us one step closer to a sustainable future good bye and have
a wonderful week. the big.
block. comes. close to. the a. mob. becoming. more. sure the stores deliver miles informants or some goofy street foray into the fields very tense music going to pensacola is once again touring the remains of.
the bombing during the concert and. it s. more for. the small thieves in my city. where i come from amman jordan means uninformed contact means soft transmitting. new spend for mish and when i was young my country was in brawley and confidence the war throb enough to keep most people would cause that entourage receivers. it was my job to tour in one salon just roger say it s sold out every once in the column. listen to those updates and see. nothing has been from in-situ my norm codea into
a mountain more design. even top i caught us by most it s wicked for me for. my choices in this cottage because given the way i told transplants to troops. men in the question how much and i was a nazi did up. a continent is reinventing itself. as africa s tech scene discovers it s true potential. inventors entrepreneurs and high tech professionals talk about their visions successes and day to day business to present. its. history you know everyone. seems to know how to efficiently. digital

India , People , Engines , South-mumbai , Organization , Art-project , Perception , Air-pollution , Statement , City-streets , Carbon-footprint , War-story