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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240611

, but i think we need a week off. i m not here to tell you a thank you for what you did but it has some stressful days. there s days were your black and you go, yeah, i. he rented to hit list of water biden accomplished trying to win black voters over. laura: it s late. thank you. that is it for us tonight, make sure to follow me on social media, thank you a watching. it s my son make my sons dimitris 16th birthday today. that is what he looked like when i saw him for the first time and that s what you looks like now. happy water happy birthday! so proud of you. great young man. jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime . tonight. what he think about joe biden? he didn t do [ bleep ]. whatever he does. jesse: the left says off what was biden s head. sent a [ bleep ]. donald trump wins, people stop flying out of windows, they will end up in gulags as donald trump said,. jesse: the media fantasizing about trumpet the dictator. but what of biden loses and he doesn t leave? president biden: i m not going anywhere. [ ] [ bleep ]. holy [ bleep ]. jesse: it s a wild animal summer. plus. [ ] jesse: it was mostly peaceful weekend in washington, the sun was shining, the birds were singing and little johnny g. how to you was surrounded the white house. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ] police. jesse: desecrating the statute of general low shampoo, the frenchman who in washington forced the surrender of dish general. effectively winning the revolutionary war. police made no arrests, actually that was one arrest, but you escaped. biden said he is defending democracy but cannot defend the statute of the general who helped started. it is also biden s biggest turnout of the season, crowded size, into the tens of thousands. more democrats protested abiding in one night than it showed up to support him all year. will harris also got showered with surreal love in michigan. we mourn all of the innocent lives that have been lost in gaza including those tragically killed today. for the past eight months, president biden and i have been working every day to bring this conflict i m speaking right now. and i value and respect to your boys but i m speaking right now. jesse: while biden and kamala harris were getting heckled out of their own blue backyards, trump was on his their home turf getting some california love church or. [ cheering ] [ ] jesse: 4500 and come home empty-handed, more on that in a minute. kenny flu to vegas for campaign but rally it was so hot of the tell and ponder broke. student can you imagine of biden was up without of the teleprompter? could you imagine of the teleprompters when document cures biden. ahh. he wouldn t even say nothing because he is incapable. how about when he s reading the teleprompter and they say pause, maybe about three people clapping and he just walks off the stage like this, oh, teleprompter. [ laughter ] [ cheering ] this guy is the worst. jesse: after the comedy show, trump revealed a new economic policy that hard-working americans will love. mr. trump: you know people are saying, where we better off for four years ago or better off now and i wasn t even close to the head of the greatest economy and history, when we did in taxes nobody has ever done. this is the first time i have said this and for those hotel workers and people who get tips you will be very happy, because when i get to office, we are going to do not charge taxes on it tips. people making tips. [ cheering and applause ] jesse: when i was in a bell it gave me about form out dollars and 25 cents an hour but made hundreds of dollars in tips which we do not report obviously because they can tax it. but everything is on credit cards now, you cannot hide it. uncle sam s taxes tips. biden hired 87,000 extra irs people to do it. trumps to a tax cut makes biden look like a sinister old geezer and is already moving the needle i did talk with some hotel workers and service workers here in las vegas about how that is playing with them, about six people told me that would change their vote. that is enough to make them such from voting democrats to republican of donald trump s promising something like that to them. jesse: sources in delaware tell me biden is a terrible tipper. usually has 70 ells pay for him. but when he does pay, no window. bad tipping the president who taxes tips. does not get reelected. and ucb has pulls as the economy is the number 1 issue for americans, not the trump conviction. that is at the bottom of the list. and it s not just the economy, it turns out most of america ones mass deportations as well. would you support a new government program that would deport all people living in the u.s. illegally, and that finds majority favor, that finds six in a 10. unpack that a little bit, the 62 percent of americans favor deporting all undocumented immigrants? some of what mr. trump talks about could be illegal, it doesn t seem practical in some sense to round up children. so what exactly do people think they are supporting? jesse: deporting illegals could be illegal is it kind of a brilliant analysis americans are blessed with on cbs sunday. remember biden s executive order to shut down to the board if border crossings had over 2500 today? while border crossings have been over 2500 a day every day since biden signed the order. and he has not shut it down. the day after he signed the order, there were 4000 border crossings. the next day? 10,000. anybody hear anything about a biden shutting down the board? he did not. because he did not. why would democrats support a man like that? they don t. a friend of the show, neck surely, went to compton. watch. horry voting for 2024? obama. obama isn t running the. [ bleep ]. trump, you put money in our pockets. i ll say sleepy joe. now i m just plain. probably trump. i m gonna move trump. oliver drum because biden is in showing his name. trump is for the people. it was so? here is for us. joe biden 2020, 2024. difference of his in the past eight years? everything is going up. foods going up, the economies going up. it s a difference, amazing a difference. still in the ghetto, still in the hood. i haven t seen no changes. today from compton to silicon valley, democrats are walking away from a guy who can barely walk. trouble holding $30 million from his holiday when california s and, coming to straight at nancy pelosi s backyard. tech billionaire said they were impressed by how eloquent and articulate trump was an open of the checkbooks. one source told the post, he was very thoughtful and self-deprecating. one of the billionaires who hosted the fundraiser for trump was a lifelong democrat was that he was forced into political homelessness. as a democrat who had been left homeless, who is now definitely in the center, probably increasingly right, and left yet again with an appreciation despite of the messenger of the message of the trump administration. jesse: the remorse is ripping through the democrat ranks and clinton grew, james cargo said don t blame me, i never wanted the guy. it is not a choice that i was crazy about. i thought president biden should not run for reelection but he did and it s him and trump and that s where i am. his lack of enthusiasm among younger people for public policy or public celebration, being involved in the public is quite disheartening. jesse: and the democrat numbers grew, nate silver, announced today that the biden approval rating has reached an all-time low, and says biden is in a much worse shape than he was four years ago, and is on track to losing and suggests we might have hit the threshold where biden dropping out would help democrats more than if you stuck it out. because what does it say about a man who won t protect america s symbolic landmarks? won t protect our national sovereignty? won t even protect workers a meager tips from vicious irs agents during an inflationary bubble that he caused? if you love this country, you fight to protect it. number 1, take any of the greatest fighters of all time, trump is number 1. the most resilient human being and the ever met in my life. why keep doing those? yeah, but money, gave a great life, whatever. why keep doing this. one thing i can tell you in this is a fact, this guy loves this country. and he loves all americans. regardless of what color, religion or whatever it is, he is not a racist, is a good human being and he loves america and he cares about this country. to end of story. jesse: from waitresses to whales, from compton to adventure capital, to lafayette park, the anti- biden avalanche is building up speed and is taking all of us along for the ride. from the bottom up to the top down, the selection blows down to those, reason triumphing over fear, given of americans is a common sense and deliberate, they don t allow their passions to be inflamed by demagogues, joe biden will be soundly defeated in the numbers. in western onto bernard, it even sachs joins me now. right david, avenue billionaire buddies, it out of there in silicon valley. is it just you and a couple of guys, help bag is this anti- biden movement out of the upper salons? i think it s getting surprisingly big jesse. we agreed to do the fundraising for president trump guided the goal was to raise $5 million we were not even sure bigger do that because as you know, silicon valley is pretty much a liberal faction. but we had a brazing $12 million. we had over a hundred people and it was a total love avast. and out of the streets, the newspaper it has been trying all week to get up protesters and nothing really materialized at all but hundreds of people? to demonstrate in favor president trump and they were cheering, even so if that s the enthusiasm gap in a liberal place at san francisco, what is a tell you about the rest of the country? jesse: it tells a lot and we have seen it across the country, bodegas, compton, it shocks you. you said there was a lot of love for trump in the room, obviously people definitely there to donate. is that of the anti- biden feeling or is it to the pro trump feeling? how would you define it? we had a lot of people in that room who had never donated to republicans before or to donald trump, they were new donors or they have always been democrat donors yet they came up. i believe chubey that to the fact that trump is making inroads into silicon valley and biden is really alienating people. he pursued a very hostile program towards immigration, very hostile towards crypto innovation wants to overregulate ai, sizing that is a lot of people in technology were asking what good is this for us? how does it help us to have another four years of president biden? and i believe that trump has shown that he is the crypto president, he is in favor of innovation, he is the link it to listen and you listened extremely well to everybody in that room and he wants america to do well. anything that people in tech who get to meet the president get to get to know him, see that he really cares. anything they can be won over by him and i think they were. jesse: using the biden biden administration is trying to two overregulate ai, i think that kamala harris might be the a day czar? the age factor, because kamala harris is in play. of biden is reelected he will probably give it kamala harris in the first or second year. how much a factor is that? the white house had an ai summit and they did trot kamala harris with a hundred plays schmekel hundred page plus ai regulatory plan and it was absurd, the level of detail they worked and in terms of regulating the single. ai is brand-new, at some point we will have to regulate but not right now. anything for a lot of people in tech it was over this is how the government reacts to the internet back in the 1990s, would have never materialized or blossomed into the region revolution the internet was which is good for american jobs and productivity and leadership in the world. we don t want to do is kill this ai innovation, and i think there was not a great deal of confidence that kamala harris was the person was going to be the ai czar was going to led us to this glorious future. jesse: that s an understatement. [ laughter ] at the biden administration is way too trigger-happy on regulation and that s the bottom line. jesse: money talks and there s 12 million things to say at this fundraiser. a lot of talk. david sacks xp thank they much, go check out of podcast. johnny goes to the puerto rican day parade. a lot of puerto ricans are saying they re voting for donald trump, are you? i say yes, my president kicke my axts when i got back home.l [ ]ju and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. don t wait, use promo code 25now to save. book at today. ( ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. [ ] jesse: fox news lord, closing arguments are rabid and hundred biden s fate is now and the fate of the drink! we could have a verdict as soon as tomorrow morning. into the courtroom today, david? those jury deliberations began probably a 9:00 am tomorrow, we could get a verdict, the jury was handed this case officially late this afternoon. they met about an hour before heading home. hundred biden declined to uses the rights to testify in his own defense, he walked into this courthouse you can see him there with his uncle, james biden who was there to support him. had a big showing a family members included the first lady, his wife, valerie who is the president sister and uncle jim, the president s brother and the sister ashley watching in the front. the jury has to wait what will felonies, the first is did hunter biden lie to employees over the delaware going to swear on october 12th 2018 when he checked no to being a drug user or being addicted to drugs, did he lie on the form itself when he checked no in did he illegally possessed of the gun for 11 days in october 2018 if he was a drug user. the government does not have to prove that hunter was on drugs out of the exact moment he bought the gun were even in the whole month of october 2018. jurors have to look at the entire time frame talking about months and weeks before and after. leah wise, of the jurors had not to focus on the presence of famous people sitting in the courtroom meaning the first lady and others, did not want jurors to be distracted, pointing to the gun form which says are you an unlawful user or addicted to illegal drugs, it is not as a have you ever been. are below saying it s all about hundred biden s frame of mind. those are some of the things the jury has to wait hunter biden it has been quite a trial, the courtroom today and maxime to cheery, he was walking around giving people xoxox thanking them for coming to support him. that was a moment out in the hallway where he, the first lady and his wife bowed their heads with somebody who seemed to be a religious figure. possibly praying before going to court. he could face up to 25 years behind bars, tomorrow we are likely expecting to get a jury. if we don t, clearly there s something going on if it is not come back tomorrow. jesse: thank you? fox news legal editor who was also in the courthouse today, carry, i hunter biden look happy to me, smiling got good spirits. what does he have to be so happy about? it may be he is happy about the possibility that of the showing of his family members is having an effect on the jury. it seems like they are concerned because they opened their closing with a pretty stark statement. it was bold, it was gutsy. they were leaning in for a reason and they gestured just like this to joe biden and the family members sitting right there, several feet away and he said this is not evidence. they went on to say how, to the jurors, they may have watch them watching that you, you may have seemed the implied emotional reactions, he may have seen them on the news but respectfully none of this matters and then they presented what felt like frankly overwhelming evidence of hunter biden s drug use both for, during and after during the time of that purchase of the gun. jesse: i have the form here, clear as day. are you in on lawful user of or addicted to narcotics? why are they even still deliberating? is. we have been sitting and listening to two below, hundred biden s defense attorney talking about what does or actually mean? we had a lot of data, we have a lot of discussion about when hunter biden was testing the wife of his dead brother, at that point he was in a relationship with and saying he was smoking crack on a car, and various drug users, 711, his defense attorney said he was just mad so he was saying start to get under her skin. reader know why he s at that and you know what, he may have been getting a at 711. jesse: oh, yes,, mookie makes the best decaf. that s where i go for my copy. mookie at 711. thank you jack may be more action tomorrow. see you soon. [ ] fax fox news lord, is really forces pulled off a stunning rescue operation in gaza, bringing five hostages back home. we are learning more details about that remarkable hostage rescue that took place on a saturday morning. is really special forces releasing new video captured by a helmet camera in central gaza as a mom the forces go into a building to clear separate rooms and ultimately find three of the hostages being held by hamas g-2 gas for their names, telling them to stay calm and he were before taking them out of the building through hamas exchanges of fire into a wooden helicopter along the shores of gaza, ultimately back to hospital here in tel aviv. the wall street journal report submission almost failed, israeli were coming under rpg and small arm to fire, when this operation was taking place and other local media is reporting it was weeks in the making, the israelis are using top-level intelligence to try to locate as many hostages as possible and bring them home. jesse: absolutely incredible. what if it is a biden who refuses to leave the whiteta house? 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[ laughter ] so if somebody s going to destroy the country, and you lose, would you say, okay,, my transition team will be in touch and these are the passwords to the executive building, right, you wouldn t. you would not do that. what he think joe is going to do? is is a realistic scenario? you know is interesting about the left is that a lot of people talking about projection, it s usually an unconscious thing, where it s really a confession of what you, yourself, is doing, what your side is doing you blame the other side of your key was the other side of doing. but it is usually, and unconscious think. here it s part of a delivered strategy on the part of the left. they are lying to everybody by donald trump, you re lying to everybody about it the right and conservatives. what are they themselves for decades have spent a lot of time and resources burning down the country. whether it was the nt file, black lives matter at the pro- hamas protests. the issue was always the solution. jesse: constant revolution to destabilize american society. try to turn the conversation around and flip the script and say donald trump and maga will do this when clearly we had eight years of maga and all he hasn t done is a delivered booming economy and enforce at the border, peace, prosperity, world order for. jesse: and they say he will deliver civil unrest if he s reelected. that is probably them in, at the resistance, colliding with people and causing the civil unrest because of not going to be deprogram to peacefully. [ laughter ] especially by george conaway who know offense about the really important piece about this is knowing what we know the deep state and what they are capable of doing, her knowledge is going to allow donald trump to march back in, have that come back. i think a lot of people, in the deep state, of the regime may have. jesse: they are capable of anything. we have seen that evidence very clearly. thank you monica crowley. thank you jesse watters. jesse: present trump campaigning in las vegas is weekend offering support is a very adjusting hypothetical, would you rather be a relic to get it or eaten by a shark? mr. trump: water goes over the battery, and the boat is sinking, do i stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do i jump over by the shark and get not trying to not get electrocuted? because nobody has ever asked me that question, is that as he gets a good question, i think there s a lot of electric current coming through that water but you know what i do have there s a shark where you get electrocuted? à la take electrocution time. i m not getting near the shark. jesse: electric car, electric sharks plaque didn t come out of nowhere. this weekend, two separate shark attacks sent a pair of teens to the hospital and left a woman armless. of the attacks happen within miles of each other on a separate beaches in walton county florida. friday before 1:30 pm, a woman so mega near a sandbar was a bit and again lost her arm. an hour and half later, and other shark attacked two teenage girls. these people were hurt badly. life-threatening life-threatening, life altering. jesse: thankfully nobody died, but remember, a shark expert told us, you re supposed to punch the shark in the face, not swim away. and he is an expert. land is no safer. what a bullet leave out of the rodeo, charging the crowd and flipping the fans. holy [ bleep ]! holy [ bleep ]! jesse: johnny hits the streets. what s going on with the border? and biden better [ bleep ] showed the border [ ]um contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it s good medicine. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! 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[ ] jesse: the blast peddled myths for years, missing partial young americans take out a massive college years for uses degrees, put off having the children and rearrange their lives to account for impending climate apocalypse. the people who believe these lies are significantly worse off for it. an entire generation is convinced that a college degrees or golden tickets to success. now they are beginning to do begin the government bail them out. climate hysteria s trade earned millions of young americans and anxious rex,? i m sure that helped with inflation a lot. worst of all, women were told hold off on having kids, prioritizing individual fulfillment over starting families as if he could not do one or both. according to the new york times, the left sold its followers on a bill of goods that was a childless life is not only fulfilling the, it was good for you, and 48 the joint of the environment. choosing to not have children wasn t just about focusing on your career, it is about sticking into conservatives who believed in the nuclear family. 34 percent of people surveyed chose to not have kids themselves. or new somebody who was intentionally childless. it turns the woman who prioritized childless childless liberalism are wrecked with regard. lila rose joins me now? i see this is a good thing, lila? that finally liberals are waking up to the fact that at this crazy propaganda is unhealthy, mentally and physically. we may be shifting ballots here? and ingrid definitely shifting balance, the endgame is the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. the most meaning you can find in life comes from relationships and love, in the most meaningful relationships are within families, so i think marriage is going to be made great again, because people are realizing the epidemic of loneliness is only solved through commitment, fidelity and opening up your love and having the children, the beatable risk of children. you might even joke that the liberals not having kids, the conservatives will outnumber them but i think as liberals wake up into the valley of children it makes them more conservative. jesse: i m sure that s not how it works, my parents were liberals and they had me. you are special. jesse: even though my mom says i m not, spee think very much. everyone: this country was founded on cleaning a government to encourage the pursuit of happiness. happiness involves work, happiness involves family, happiness involves tranquility, not worried about the earth ending in 10 years, everything they have structured goes against everything that the founders prescribed. by what they do that? it s the propaganda of the climate crises, would say marxism and all spies saying that children act or happened having children is selfish, that the family project is selfish, you should just care of the state and the environment, at the carbon footprint is the biggest problem in the world we are facing. that is all a lot. the reality we are facing the demographic decline in all of the west meaning we are not replacing ourselves, because people are not having enough children. they have gone to the far extreme in pursuit of what? what is the point of government, the point of the environment it? it s the future of humanity for children. those who are having to children those who are raising families, in the future will belong to those people. and think more people are waking up because so many people are so miserable right now. jesse: we cannot have a country of an happy woman. would not be good for women and it would not be good for men. happy wife, happy life. jesse: you got it in. [ laughter ] see when they data is so interesting, almost 80 percent of drum voters 80 care about, they prioritize family and society. and its 19 percent of biden voters stated family matters and children matter for the future. even that just shows you the divide. jesse: really is a stark divide. you think so much. [ ] jesse: the puerto rican day parade marched in manhattan yesterday, so johnny was there obviously to ask about our big puerto rican president, joe biden. [ ] [ cheering ] let s go! what is the best thing about being puerto rican? we love to make noise! toxic as hell. puerto ricans are hot. and bless father for him about his sin soon we love music. we love to salsa. [ ] what is the world and not know about puerto ricans? we re not yelling that s just how we speak. umass it with us, we will throw flip-flop right at you. [ ] how proud are you to finally have the first puerto rican president of united states? a what? soon what? he puerto rican? he says he s puerto rican. he is lying. he s not puerto rican. you think i m kidding don t you? i don t think he had got the flavored. he got none of our blood running through his veins stood he is white cheese. i maybe a white boy but i m not stupid. what has job and does for the latinos? nothing, nothing. soon i m going to keep it honest, i don t know one thing. not a damn [ bleep ] thing. not important enough for him to do a damn thing. coric at a you re fired. get out of here is a knack. [ ] mayor adams, puerto rican community not happy with the joe biden, what s happening? i know whether happy about, unhappy about but another happy to be out here and i m happy to be out here today. i got a test the product. what will we do part of the open border? send everybody back home. biden has to shut the border down or trouble take his seat. mr. trump: on the best thing that happened for peter rico. what s happening to the migrants? this country is open for everybody but due to the right-of-way. this country doesn t look like america anymore, it looks like venezuela. [ bleep ]. mr. trump: what he said is a bunch of country garbage. a lot of latinas are saying they voted for donald trump, are you? soon i am back at go trump! go trump! if i say yes, my president will kick my they believe when i go back home. did i not explain trust to you? trump did it way better than biden did. people don t like it. because he speaks the truth and we puerto rican speak the truth. number 1 in the polls with the has pannek s and everybody is surprised, i am not surprised. one is a capasso to jesse watters? que paso jesse watters! we love you! jesse: more from our movement, next. 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Transcripts For MSNBC Inside With Jen Psaki 20240611

weeks. the israelis want a campaign. with lebanon even with yemen, we have seen the increased tensions. deploying troops and naval forces. none of that will stop until there is a cease-fire in gaza. s almost there is a line drawn, diplomacy on any of these friends continue. the biden administration s credit has been cleared. they don t want to see a war but it is not up to them as we have seen with the israelis on the hostage cease-fire deal as well. so i think the risk is extremely high. and lebanon is the war of another magnitude. thank you so much. . there is a lot going on tonight. the former president of the united states and presumptive republican nominee had a meeting with the probation officer today, which i guess is the sort of thing we just have to get use to seeing these days. we will talk about what may have come up during the meeting and how it could impact his sentencing coming up in a month. pennsylvania governor josh schapiro was going to join me to talk about one of the biggest political questions of the moment. how should joe biden and democrats be talking about trump s conviction and how much? we will start with the supreme court. in a mountain of ethics scandals that just got bigger, and just get bigger because of a woman named lauren winsor. in case you don t know who she is, she is a progressive activist known to approach her public and figures and pretend she is an ally, statements and then record her targets making candid comments. comments recorded by lauren winsor at the supreme court historical society s annual dinner earlier this month, the supreme court justice samuel alito offered his assessment of the political and ideological struggle in america. i don t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that needs to happen for the polarization to end. i think that it is a matter of, like, winning. i think your probably right. on one side of the other, one side or the other is going to win. i don t know. i mean, there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully, but it s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can t be compromised. they really can t be compromised. so it s not like you can split the difference. one side or the other is going to win. now heard in a vacuum by someone, those comments may not seem particularly striking. but remember samuel alito is one of nine justices on the supreme court. the highest court in our country. it is supposed to conduct itself with utmost fairness and impartiality in interpreting our constitution and adjudicating the laws. and one of the justices, samuel alito, you just heard him, as telling a stranger at a crowded event, that he believes that one political side is going to win. that there is no place for compromised. and for anyone who has followed samuel alito s time on the court, there is no secret to what side the justice firm and thinks he is on. look at the past few weeks. he has refused to recuse himself from a generous six case in the trump immunity case sitting before the court currently. even after reports that his homes displayed flights with right wing political symbolism including an upside down american flag in the days after january 6th. samuel alito, who built a reputation over the course of years, has been tough on crime and generally unser but that it to criminal defendants and also has a newfound empathy for generally six defendants of all people and donald trump. during or go arguments in two cases. take for example, the case of a january 6th defendant. sim allele used costumes the justice department to question people in the capital attack. he suggested that if the court does not intervene, prosecutors could seek to use it against people involved in these will demonstrations like those that take place in a courtroom from time to time. but the protest is clearly not at all same as people are smashing windows and doors to invade the capital and causing members of congress and the republican vice president of the united states to flee for their lives. in the face of multiple ethics scandals, we have been talking about involving undisclosed gifts from her publican mega- donors to members of the supreme court, samuel alito has been unapologetic telling the wall street journal late last year that the quote no provision in the constitution gives congress the authority to regulate the supreme court period. look, fairness and impartiality in both appearance and action are the principles judges are supposed to follow. especially in the highest court of the land. and at least at some point, samuel alito knew that. take a listen to an answer from his confirmation hearing back in 2006. to believe there is any room for a judge s own value or personal beliefs when he or she interprets the constitution? judges have to be careful not to inject their own views into the interpretation of the constitution. and for that matter, into the interpretation of statutes. that is not the job we are given. that is not the authority we are given. that is not the authority we are given. it is not the job we are given. alito knows or at least knew then what his job entailed. and despite all the actions and statements, he also apparently can t stand those who claim he is not living up to those standards. as he told the wall street journal, everyone is free to express disagreement with our decisions and to criticize our reasoning as they see fit. but saying or implying that the court is becoming an illegitimate institution or questioning our integrity cross is an important line. see, justice alito wants to be revered as an impartial judge. just call balls and strikes as they are supposed to. but as this new tape and his time on the bench have shown, especially over the last several weeks and months, he is actually more of a player, actively engaged in one side s struggle to win. so is giving us every reason to expect this from him, given all the actions. it also doesn t mean it is something we should or need to accept. this is the former president of the naacp legal defense fund and joins me now. i always want to know what you are thinking. but as i listen to these tapes today, i wanted to know, what is share anable thinking. we talk to a becoming two things. how big of a deal is this? i think it s a big deal. i think it s a big deal in the cumulative sense and as you point out in your opening, this is not a colloquy that floats around in the air that is surrounded by plenty of context. we have seen all these statements from justice alito, not only in his decisions but when he went to rome after the dobbs decision. we heard him in very similar ways. what is it that is disturbing about this particular excerpt of the conversation? i think there are two things. one, i think is the way in which he was bantering back and forth with this woman who he did know was taping him in a way that suggested sympathy to her position. she was saying some pretty extreme things. probably the worst of it is when she said that we have to work to move this country back toward godliness. and he said, i agree with you. to me, that is just a very shocking statement. i don t think that is his charge as a supreme court justice to suggest that he believes the country needs to move toward godliness. she spoke often of what it was like in the past and that we need to return to some period in which things were more moral pick and he was agreeing with her. i don t know what period they were referring to. were they referring to a period in which there was much more religious talk in american life but there was also talk about keeping black people out of schools? what was the time period? i think the reason this is important is because the standard is a reasonable person standard. and justice alito refused to recuse himself from a variety of cases. said it is because a reasonable person, knowing all the facts of that is what he said about the flight controversy. but when we probe, we realize we don t know all the facts and the facts he has told us are not necessarily that accurate facts. we learned that from the flag flying issue when justice alito gave us a timeline that is not up. now, the reasonable person would reasonably believe perhaps that this justice was not impartial and that is the standard for recusal. but we will never get there unless parties actually file motions to recuse and that is i am hoping that this will show the united states, which is the party and the trump privilege case and others, that they have to have the courage to demand that these justices come forward in the context of recusal practice and explain themselves. we are not going to get it from sending letters to the justices we are not going to get it from having the justices just recuse themselves because they won t do it. we need to get really serious. and of course we need hearing from the senate judiciary committee so we can get to the bottom of this. it is quite serious. quite disturbing. quite alarming. and it is not a legitimate question the legitimacy of the court we have had this barrage of across the line conduct and misstatements and disclosures that would call into question the impartiality of any court. one of the things that was striking to me too is how he blames the erosion of trust in the court. what he blames it on. he blames it on all sorts of things. i was reminded of this today. he said this in 2023. and then talk to you about it on the other side. it is easy to blame the media. but i do blame them because they do nothing but criticize us. it is pretty rich, given his actions in his own words. it is not the first time he blame somebody else. his wife. everyone attacking him. what is that about? you were talking about accountability. people watching, what should they be doing if they are just outraged about this as well? i find this just really mortifying. and embarrassed for the court. we hear it with clarence thomas as well when he talks about the nastiness in washington d.c. and we hear it with alito. it is the media that eroded trust in the supreme court. no, it is the supreme court that eroded trust in the supreme court. in this kind of teenage refusal to take responsibility for their own actions is really incredibly alarming and disturbing and i put that at the feet of chief justice roberts. he is running the court. if i were running in institution and something extraordinary happens and like what happened in the dobbs case, which is something that never happened before in the history of the court, and a decision was leaked out to the public, i wouldn t just be trying to get to the bottom of who leaked it as vigorously as possible. i would want to understand what i created or what we created in our culture that encouraged such a breach of culture and protocol. all of these things should require the court to self reflect. to look at themselves. why do you have a justice on the court like clarence thomas who is not making the appropriate disclosures? we know they are appropriate because he is making them now that he has been found out. this has nothing to do with the media. the media is doing its job. in fact, the media has often been quite kind to the supreme court including around this flag issue which we had not heard about until three years late. it is not the media. these justices have to grow up and stop being stubborn teenagers and take responsibility for their own actions. this is where the leadership of the chief comes in here and when the chief allows a code of conduct, a voluntary code, as he allowed several months ago, a code so much more weak than the code that holds all other federal judges, he is essentially allowing and creating this culture of impunity in which they create rules that accommodate the actions they have already taken. so we have a real problem, ethical problem on the supreme court appeared to be honest with you, i blame us. i blame congress. we have failed. we have counted on the good behavior and the norms of the supreme court instead of putting in place real rules that they have to follow. and congress does have the power to be able to issue a code of ethics for the united states supreme court and they should do so. we cannot blame this just on the justices. we can t blame it on trump. we can t blame it on anything else but our believes that norms were enough. they are not enough as we are learning across the united states government and we have to get serious about what kinds of protections we need in place for the integrity of our nation s highest court. a lot of homework, including for chief justice roberts. thank you as always for joining me this evening. really appreciate it. coming up, governor josh shapiro joins me live to talk about donald trump s promises of revenge. first, the nominee had a meeting with his probation officer today. we will tell you what he was likely asked about and how it could affect his sentencing. christie greenberg is a former deputy chief of the criminal division in the southern district of new york and joins me in 60 seconds. seconds. let s get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. today, donald trump met with the probation officer had of his sentencing for his 34 felony convictions in new york city. and the biden campaign cochair reminded me yesterday that this is one of those times where we need to pause and reflect on the extraordinary moment we are in. can we just stop on that fact. i will talk about the debate and a second. a guy that wants to be president of the united states first test to go sit down with his probation officer. that is just an astounding statement that sometimes people walk by. i don t think most americans are going to walk by that. he is completely right. we cannot just breeze by this stuff. trump s probation interview today happened virtually from mar-a-lago which is not typical. these meetings typically happen in person. but he is not a typical person who was just convicted either. but the interview itself is standard procedure for anyone convicted of a felony in new york. and one standard question trump may have been asked is whether he associates with criminals. you know, other convicted felons like steve bannon and oliver stone and his other buddies. we should not forget how extraordinary this moment is. kristi greenberg is the former deputy chief of the criminal division in the southern district of new york and joins me now. thank you so much. you tweeted today. i will start there. that trump would try to convince the probation officer not to recommend a jail sentence. but you said probation should reject the argument. how does that conversation exactly go down during one of these meetings? i think what you probably saw this was just 30 minutes. a short interview. you probably saw todd blanche taking the lead to try to highlight positive aspects of donald trump s character that they think or mitigating circumstances and things that they think will show he is amenable to supervision. so they will say, look, this criminal conduct which he denies, there is no victim here. but they need to look closer. we are victims. the american people are victims, not getting information that he was paying off a pornography start to make sure she didn t share that could have affected the election outcome. other things i think he will focus on are, i was the former president of the united states. i performed a great public service and you should take that into account. but it is also aggravating in the circumstance because he committed some of this crime like signing the checks to reimburse michael cohen right in the oval office. you could argue that. and he will point to the fact that he is a first-time offender. you know who else is a first- time offender? michael cohen, and he got sentenced to jail for the same conduct. allen weisselberg is essentially the same old one year apart. a lot of the factors that i expect todd blanche tried to highlight today in his interview, really it is going to be on the prosecutors to make their case separately to the probation office in presenting the fact that the trial record shows all the gag order violations and to show he is not following the court orders and he certainly won t follow the orders of probation. a lot of things to argue. i wanted to ask you, i mentioned one of the standard lines of questioning during one of these probation meetings. whether or not the person convicted of a felony associates with criminals. trump has a number of people who happen to fall into that category. i presume he is going to say no. i don t know what he said but what happens if he does associate with convicted criminals? are there repercussions? there are. there if he were sentenced to probation, there would be conditions to that probation term. among them is he cannot associate with other convicted felons. and so, steve bannon for example, is somebody that was convicted for criminal contempt charge and it has a trial that will start in a few months before the judge on a separate fraud case. with someone like that, someone who he has not pardoned because he is pardoned a number of his other criminal associates, for someone he is not pardoned, i would think he would not be able to associate. these are people that like we are involved with his campaign and that he would want to associate with. so we figure he will try to do that through intermediaries if he is sentenced to probation. quite a time to be alive, kristi greenberg. thank you for explaining this to us. that is always helping us to understand. i appreciate it. donald trump is not going to be able to append democracy on his own. he will need help. and a lot of help is available. we will introduce you to someone who could be his chief of staff and who has chilling plans for a second term. later, governor josh shapiro joins me to talk about all the ways the rule of law will be on the ballot in 2024. we are back after a quick break. so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. i m still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. i did not want a dramatic change. i wanted something subtle. and i m really, really happy with the results. it s still me, but with fewer lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow s feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at they say we should stop eating so much meat. as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. so we made meat out of plants. because we aren t quitters. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. i bought the team! kevin.? 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every d.a. starting investigations right now? when donald trump gets elected, should he lock them up? no question. should there be a list of democrats that go to jail? 100%. it is a terrible path they are leading us to. and it is very possible that it is going to have to happen to them. in that description, as you just heard, it is all about karma. it is an eye for an eye. fighting fire with fire. that is the story they are telling over and over again. and it is one that far too many headliners are running with. as a near public had, in the media, the story tends to be framed as follows. will trump seek revenge for his legal travails or won t he? . it implies that he is bound to do to democrats what was done to him. you see, obviously, there is a big difference between what happens to trump and what he is promising to do to democrats or anybody who he is mad at. despite with the former president and his allies claim, trump was legitimately investigated, indicted, tried and convicted unanimously by a jury of his peers. 12 everyday americans. there was a legal basis and evidence for all of it. all presented during a six-week trial. not trying to hold people accountable for actual wrongdoing but reshape the american justice system and make it a political tool to go after democrats or anyone who has done trump wrong. political prosecutions were a major goal for the maga movement long before trump got indicted or convicted. i was reminded of this this week in. the washington post published an incredibly eye popping piece on the influential figure in trump s orbit that you might not be familiar with. for what it is worth, i had never heard of him either. the former director of the office of management and budget. and his name is russ vote. according to the piece, he is a potential chief of staff for a second trump term and could wield a lot of power. a self-proclaimed christian nationalist to crafted parts of the heritage foundation s project 2025 on how to remake the executive branch a trump presidency. then back in september of 2022, before trump got indicted or enter the presidential race, he wrote an essay saying that the left to drive america into a post- constitutional moment. saying it was time for the right to reinterpret the constitution and a radical new way. he encouraged conservatives to throw off precedents and legal paradigms that have wrongly developed over the last 200 years. and their place according to the post, he laid out plans for donald trump to deploy the military for civil unrest and use more control over the justice department and assert the power to hold congressional appropriations. that is just on trump s first day back in office. let s pause on that. is not calling for accountability through due process of the law to hold people accountable. he wants to reshape the system for the purpose of punishing trump s perceived enemies. last year, he told the heritage foundation crowd that the department of justice is not an independent agency. and if anyone brings up in a policy meeting in the white house, i want them out of the meeting. here s the larger picture. outside of the week to week news cycle and the latest republican reactions, the republican line of fight fire with fire that you hear over and over again is really just cover. framing a plan to overhaul the justice system and executive branch at large. and by the way, this plan completely predates trump s convictions and indictments and what he had in mind all along. pennsylvania governor josh shapiro is standing by and join say next. we are back after a quick break. join cken, cr ies all wrapped up these wrapare amaz people can hear my thoughts? 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there is a trial and a jury finds someone innocent or guilty? or do we prefer a country where he president uses the justice department as his personal law firm? are we okay with the current system where every american is accountable to the same set of laws? or do we prefer a country where the president can just prosecute whomever he chooses simply because he does not like them? the election will be about a lot of things no question. but that is definitely one of them. joining me now is pennsylvania governor josh shapiro. he was previously the state s attorney general. i m grateful you are here with me. i want to start with what i laid out in the earlier block. basically, this idea that donald trump and his allies are bowing what they are telling supporters. simply fighting fire with fire. you are doing something with our guy and we are going to go back to you. but to me, when you look at the specifics of the plan, it feels like it is not exactly the right description. it is not just revenge but a plan in my view to reshape the system and go after their enemies. and last week, you said something that really struck me. you said i m scared to death if he is in charge with the system. is a strong statement. i want to see what you anticipate or expect. what worries you about what could happen to the system? i m deeply concerned by the system. it is why we should not put the country at risk by putting donald trump back in charge of the justice system or back in charge of the military. donald trump came out of those 34 convictions doing what he always does when he gets in legal trouble. kind of a cut and paste job, if you will. and a room with us well from my time as attorney general. he complains. he bemoans the fact that he lost and he makes up excuses and tries to pipit away from personal responsibility. remember, i was attorney general in pennsylvania where he and his cronies and allies took us to court 43 different times to try to stop certain people from voting and stop the votes from being cast. by the way, he went 0-43. we went 43-0 unprotected the rule of law and the will of the people. and now donald trump wants to come back. as he said, exact revenge. the idea he would be put in charge of the justice system and have people surrounding him that that should scare all americans. it is another example of the kind of chaos he would inflict on the country if he was given the opportunity to lead this nation. we have always been a nation that respects the rule of law and respects the institutions. donald trump has tried to undermine our faith in one another and our faith in the institutions. we didn t let him get away with it in 2020 and i hope and pray we won t let him get away with it in 2024. i will be doing everything in my political power here in pennsylvania to ensure he is not successful and the institutions stand and hold. let me ask you about something you just alluded to which is the takeover of the justice system. i think people hear that and they think it is the reshuffling of the government and what does it actually mean? i talked about this influential figure apparently and trump residence world. and could end of being his chief of staff of for trump was reelected. who knows? this is a man who openly says he does not believe the department of justice is an independent agency. i just want to ask you, what is the danger of that quick sometimes i think it feels like just bureaucracy in washington but it is much more than that. it is a lot more than bureaucracy. dangerous if he controls a bureaucracy as well. think about the justice department. he would have the power to criminally prosecute people who didn t do anything wrong but are just his enemies. go after companies that he disagreed with the products they are selling or the manner in which they are conducting themselves and to use the justice department to strip away people s liberties, rights and freedoms and undermine the constitution. ignore the courts and essentially just have his way with good people of this nation. and it should scare the hell out of everybody. remember in 2016 ever donald trump won and then took office in 2017, he and most people around him did not know what the hell they were doing and there were still a few people around him that provided some guardrails for his chaotic conduct. now those people that might provide the guardrails are gone and a lot of the dangerous people around him know how the bureaucracy works. they know how the justice system works. they know how the military works. and if he is given the opportunity to lead this nation again with those people around him, who want to do danger and take away your fundamental freedoms, that should scare the hell out of everybody and that is not the kind of chaos we want in this country. it is such an important point. it is the people that know how to manipulate and it is also the plans being written. a lot of the more online. keeping with the legal discussion here, i want to ask about the supreme court. at the top of the hour, we talked about the supreme court and specifically, justice samuel alito. and this audio come he agreed there should be a fight to return our country to a place of godliness. this comes after the reporting of a flag outside of his house that has been a symbol associated with january 6th and serious ethical scandals around justice thomas and a lot of things. it feels like there is a credibility crisis for the supreme court. i just want to ask you, what is the solution here? remember, this is the court that donald trump packed in order to take away woman s right to choose. in order to make my daughter and other women out there have fewer rights today then they were born with. so this is purposeful on donald trump residence part, to pack the court with these people that want to restrict our freedom. people that have their own agendas. and justice alito, samuel alito, is showing his agenda by the way he flies his flags and apparently the way he runs his mouth as well. what the american people need to do is take that into consideration when they go vote this november. do you really want to give donald trump the ability to appoint more samuel alito as opposed to the court or more clarence thomas is to the court. you want to give him the ability to put more people on the court who will take away our fundamental freedoms? remember that justice thomas wrote that abortion is just the beginning. the very fundamental reasoning or foundation or reasoning they used to overturn roe v wade could be applied in other ways. it could be used to restrict your ability to marry who you love or undermine your ability to be able to go out and take the medications that you and your doctor want you to take. i really fear that this was just the beginning. and if donald trump is given the ability to lead this nation again and put more of those kinds of justices on the court, it will not only set us back for four years but it will set us back for 40 years. the stakes are so high in the selection. and while donald trump and joe biden s names are on the ballot, this is a binary choice. and don t let anybody tell you anything else. there a bunch of randoms on the ballot that have no chance of winning. this is a binary choice between donald trump and joe biden. it is not about those two. it is the kind of country want for ourselves. it is whether we value freedom and care about our institutions and whether we believe we have to move forward to brighter days or whether we will go back to a very dark time. this election is a referendum and a reflection on all of us. and we have a responsibility to turn out and to get others to turn out who will stand up against the kind of extremism we have seen on the supreme court and in the white house with donald trump and instead stand up for freedom and for fundamental values as americans and continue to move our country forward. before we let you go, i have to ask you about pennsylvania. you know the politics of your state. you know them extremely well. we have seen it. it has not been that long since the convictions. we have seen a little bit of impact in the polls. there are a lot of things that will be on the ballot and on voter mines. as you are talking to voters and knowing your state as you do, you think trump s conviction will be something that helps people to decide who are on the fence at this state? i don t know how that conviction will ultimately play out. i know the people of pennsylvania, they care a lot about four basic things. they want good schools. they want safe communities. they want economic opportunities. and they want their freedoms to be protected. i think they want to be led by someone who is honest and decent. someone who actually is on their side like joe biden. all they hear from donald trump is a whole bunch of whining about this country and i think donald trump has to quit whining. quit trying to divide us. we are producing more energy than anyone before the in this nation. we have the strongest economy in the world and we are beating china for the first time in decades. more people went to work this morning in america than any other time in our nation s history. i have a message to donald trump and all of his negativity and whining, stop shit talking america. this is the greatest country on earth and it is time we start acting like it. the good people of pennsylvania understand this is a great country. they understand we have a lot going for us. and we have time to continue this path of progress that joe biden has laid out and not go back to a negative time. and not listen to the whining of the former president and instead, focus on a positive future for all of us. quit your whining. it is a good message. thank you so much governor schapiro. i always enjoy talking to you. i appreciate it. we will be right back after a quick b break. ack it himmune fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you ve had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. first, we did the impossible. then, you ate so many of the impossible that we completely ran out. and now. they re backk! the footlong cookie is back at subway! organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. 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( ) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. we don t even know yet how any americans will be moved by donald trump s conviction when it is said and done. it is only a couple weeks old. but there early signs that the verdict may be swaying some former trump voters. here s what we heard from some trump voters in a focus group. if they violate the law, then they should be subject to exactly the same rules that all of us are expected to abide to. pay the penalty for the crime. we all know what is going to happen. they will negotiate and he is not going to serve any time. but he will get more time on television. just to underscore, those are a couple of two time trump voters that are essentially saying, lock him up. the publisher of the executive accountability project and conducted the focus group he just heard. dan pfeiffer is the former communications director for barack obama. they are both joining me now. we only played one clip of your great focus groups but that was the two time trump voters that want trump to be held accountable it sounds like. did you get this sense, because the big leap here is the one who to be held accountable, but are they just turned off by trump? or the whale will they just vote for biden instead? or do we know that by your conversations? in this particular group, five out of nine of them, trump voters, five of them were going to vote for biden. i think there are a lot of people that think, somebody that voted for donald trump twice, it seems like a long shot to get them to vote for biden. but i think it is important to understand that for a section of voters who kind of held their nose and voted for donald trump twice and then saw what happened on january 6th, saw donald trump s claims and lies about the election, they were already pretty that was sort of a red line for them. they were pretty far out. what the conviction does is it moves them from and i hear this a lot from a two time trump voters who were upset. saying, i m not going to leave it blank. it got them to a place where they said, this guy is totally unfit to be in the white house. i will vote for biden, not because i want to vote for biden and not because i want to vote for a democrat but because i will vote for anybody that will keep donald trump out of the white house because he is that dangerous. you are always in the selection, especially with the swing voters or the right. for them, you are not building it pro joe biden coalition but an anti-trump coalition. and as donald trump gets back into people s consciousness which is a lot of what is happening with the conviction, people are remembering, yeah, i don t like that guy. you are seeing a shift in voters were before, they were focused on negative things they thought about biden and now they are remembering the negative things they don t like about trump. it is so interesting to watch the focus groups and listen to you talk about them. you know well and i know well that they are big moments in campaigns. we have also seen the campaign sharpening rhetoric around the convictions. and there is a difference between what the campaign says and what michael tyler is saying and what the candidates say. when you look at the debate coming up, is a couple weeks from now, what should the president be saying? he is trying to appeal to the voters and to base voters. what is the right framing of language? the conviction is the elephant in the room. you have to talk about it. and you also don t get in a situation where you would just call him a convicted felon as many times as possible and try to win on points. the conviction is the critical data point in the story that a lot of the polling and focus group say we should be telling about trump which is that he is in this for himself. is running for office to protect himself from further legal jeopardy to help himself and his rich friends and to bring revenge to his enemies. it was that exact attitude, that me first attitude, that got him in this trouble to begin with. you have to take the conviction. this moment that actually caused people to brave out of their anti- politics bubble for a few minutes and pay attention to this race and then use that to tell the more broad story. you can do that in a debate over and over again and do it in a disciplined, calm falls way that is not allowed trump to drag you down into the mud. that makes a huge amount of sense to me. i wanted to ask you a similar version of the story. there are a couple of audiences biden has to appeal to. of these people you talk to and focus groups, is there anything president biden could say about the convictions that would turn them off? is there anything that is a trigger for them about it? when it comes to the swing voters, it is not just what he says but how he says it. for them, they want to see that joe biden can do this job. you have to get people over this hump that they think joe biden is too old. because this is where trump kind of wins often times. he has big lunatic energy that make him seem just more vivacious or more aggressive. and sometimes when he listened to voters, they get into kind of a strong framing where they are like, trump is bad but strong and biden is okay but weak. biden has to show strength. i agree with dan. you can t just say conviction over and over again. but he does have to go on offense. in fact, the whole campaign right now has to go on offense. we are in the moment to push. we have to stop talking about democracy being at stake and the campaign has to campaign like democracy is at stake. joe biden has to show that he is ready to go. i think it is not just the name- calling of convicted felons but being able to say, this man is unfit and i m good to go. and you have to show that and not just tell it. state of the union energy. it is about the vibes i m hearing. i wanted to ask you about you encouraging people not to be stressed. everyone should find it and subscribe to it. we will talk about it next time. thank you both for joining me. we will be right back after a quick break. don t go anywhere! dangerous ladders. gutter muck. yuck. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing there s leaffilter. our patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever. guaranteed. call 833- leaffilter to get started. and get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. they took the time to answer all of our questions. they really put us at ease. end clogged gutters for good. call 833.leaf.filter, or visit today. with fastsigns, create striking custom visuals that inspire pride district-wide. fastsigns. make your statement. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you d like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga when we say it ll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. the rachel maddow show starts right now. hi, rachel. hi, yen. thanks very much. much appreciated. thanks to you at home. really happy to have you here. we have an interesting show for you tonight. particularly glad you re here for it. we re going to start a ways

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240610

check out this footage mountain pass outside of teton pass outside of jackson, wyoming. the road has completely collapsed what is interesting about this is this is the road that connects jackson hole, the playground of billionaires with eastern idaho the only place you can afford to live out there. looks like this summer bunch of them billionaires are going to have to learn how to do their own yardwork. will this survive? hard to say it. [laughter] tough work. before we go do not forget to follow the big weekend show on x, on facebook, on instagram at the big weekend show but that doesn t for us but thank you for joining us we see it next weekend. life, liberty & levin starts right now. . mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is life, liberty & levin sunday. powerful gas for your we have america s governor, florida governor desantis. of america s a wiseman victor davis hanson will be joining us shortly. i ve always said you re the smartest of all audiences, why? we get into things others are not going to get into and other networks and self. i do not do the fan dancing and everything else to grab your attention. substance, intelligence, that is what i do here. we are going to need that today, right now. going to explain something to you. not enough attention is given to what happened manhattan case. the options for donald trump and the american people s in that case s decision i m very frustrated with lawyers who come on tv will heard or read articles that basically says donald trump is stuck in that new york judicial gulags. he is not paid in very troubled by it lawyers who do not do their research. who do not look at the precedent that is in front of us. for the opportunities for president trump and his lawyers to try to get out of what is the new york judicial gulags. there are certain rents we ve talked about before the supreme court can issue but it has to be asked. if it is not asked us not going to do a thing. it does not have original jurisdiction we do not have a court system like they have in israel and other places that can see something in separate going get involved in that, that s not the way it works and we do not want it to work that way we do not want a super legislature for the court system in this country is bad enough quite frankly. so what do we do? what to walk through this slowly so even the lawyers on msnbc and cnn can understand although i don t think they care but we do. the american people. you have in this case, apart from all the local issues and all of the rest issues involving federal election law. issues involving presidential election the highest of federal official in the nation being chosen. you have federal constitutional issues, first amendment, free speech the gag order yes but even more than that the idea a nondisclosure agreement violates campaign laws is not only falls on the law but that would violate the first amendment. the fifth amendment, due process and equal protection rights also conveyed on the states by the 14th amendment as they were ratified that amendment after the civil war the sixth amendment you have a right to counsel the cancel cannot be competent when they re endlessly being interrupted, sabotage cannot call proper witnesses, do not have notice of what laws are involved and so forth and so on. then you have facts. facts that suggest the timing of the case after the federal authorities rejected it, and local authorities rejected at this case was brought for the purpose of interfering in eight itfederal election. a federal campaign. in usurping federal authority. it was timed in order to create a very convoluted, slow appellate process within the state. so major issues could not be resolved because the proper length of the appellate court before the election. so this is an ongoing violation. now the question is whether donald trump will have to wear an ankle brace for that they ll have to get permission from a probation officer every time he travels to a state. whether his sentencings will be stayed in on and on and on. we are all waiting around for politically democrat judges to make decisions that belong in the federal government. this is fundamental. it is not just one instance these are multiple federal constitution and legal issues. they cannot be resolved by the state of new york. must be resolved at the federal level. must be resolved at the federal level the issues are compelling, they are overwhelming for this election in future elections for this republic how we elect presidents and for our electoral system. there has ever been a case that the supreme court should take up and argue would take up it is this case. it checks off all of the unconstitutional and unlawful activities that would trigger supreme court intervention. now i cannot predict that in advance the basic pushback i get from some of the lawyers who do not understand what they are saying is the court is not going to take it up. how do they know? the court took up bush versus gore. bush and cheney campaign or not waiting around for a final decision by the florida supreme court. said while i supreme court will not take up the case, they took that case to the supreme court but they were not even sure how to characterize their case as an emergency appeal the court accepted as written it does not matter. on december 84 3 decision florida supreme court ordered immediate manual recounts up over votes for the office of president and all county were such recounts had not already taken place they were changing state election law. there were chair picking counties out help gore and the bush campaign petition the u.s. supreme court fo first day of te recount order which was granted on december 9 treating the petition as it former request for review. the court agreed to take up the case bush versus gore. the florida supreme court was out of control for their interfering with the eventual electoral count in florida brother trying to deliver the race to gore. the justices, among other things, their flesh and blood. they are human beings for the shower like we did with the eat like we did they do other things like we do and they see what is taking place they saw this court was out of control changing election loss to advantage outdoor the supreme court knew it. oral argument december 11 bush s legal team asserted the florida supreme court exceeded its authority by ordering the manual recount under votes on gore s team contend the case having already been decided at the state level was not a matter for consideration at the federal level. in a ruling issued the following day the court found seven two due to inconsistencies and minute recounting methods the status of jim florida counting florida court order of a mental recount a mandatory violation of equal protection clause in the 14th amendment. by a smaller majority five for the court also ruled note new recount could take place because none can be finished by the safe harbor deadline the date set by federal law by which states were required to resolve any disputes regarding the selection of presidential electors in order to guarantee their final determination quote shall be conclusive and shall govern in the counting of electoral votes is provided in the constitution unquote the extent to which the court went. the stop the florida court was doing to stop that recount in the middle of the recount. to say that is unknown if your deadline has been met that is the end of it. in florida. it is far more extraordinary, far more extraordinary than anything donald trump and his lawyers to be asking the supreme court to do, why? these are federal law, federal constitutional violations. federal jurisdictional violations. by an acting state judge and a prosecutor, by two people. and it is ongoing. sentencing and other issues have to be decided by the local judge. and then the appellate level on the level after that but this is an ongoing violation. it does not matter w what the final court has to say. again if i m donald trump s lawyers i go through that process. but you go to the supreme court of the united states now how do we get to the supreme court of the united states? this is where people get bogged down. the arthe art writs and common . and it really does not matter which you follow here is a piece by former attorney general griffin bell would later become attorney general under jimmy carter. the southern methodist university l law school law revw the fellow appellate courts and it discusses what common law are a discusses it in the context of a specific statute that was passed as part of the original judiciary act in 1789. about to get in the weeds, we are smart and can follow this. the preemptory common law writs are among the most potent weapons and the judicial arsenal. common law writs are used, they are rare use more and more than the federal chain of courts. so, what does he say here? the basis for general judicial supervision over inferior courts if you are a federal court your extraordinary preemptory writs can be found and early, and allow the alt writs act as a direct descendent of the judiciary act of 1789. other than the supreme court which is created by the constitution everything else is created by congress but all of the other courts, the number of courts, how many justices are on the supreme court granted federal courts the power to issue extraordinary writs in aid of their respective jurisdictions for it while it is clear the all writs act authorizes the issuance of traditional, not writs of prohibitions the phrase all writs encompasses common law injunction subpoenas. do not worry about all of that. what that really means is there are many ways of characterizing this direct appeal to the supreme court and relaying the facts and what is taking place under the law to the court. in fact you can use multiple requests it says choosing the correct to obtain the desired relief is no longer necessary in the federal courts, different may be sought alternatively or cumulatively. the choice is not unimportant these subtle distinctions among the various have no effect on the relatively usefulness as vehicles for review. we are not seeking until lockard tory review at the federal level but in effect we are of the state courts activities. hello count before you finish on the estate side we have big questions at the supreme court needs to answer. the jurisdictional pre-requisite for application of the art writs act is simply it beat necessarily appropriate in aid to the jurisdiction of the issuing court the supreme court the company explain the power of the courts of appeals under the act quote the question of negative powers long been settled by this court presents a courts of appeals could at some stage of the proceedings entertain these cases the power and proper circumstance to reaching them. this is an expression of prospective or concurrent appellate jurisdiction, the power of the courts of appeals is not limited to cases where an appeal has already been filed. rather this power of review extends to all proceedings for the actions of the trial judge at some future stage of that litigation may be reviewable parade that applies to the federal chain but as i explained here, we have violations of federal law, federal constitutional provisions by a state court. now the supreme court, the federal government ever get involved in state court decisions? or state law decisions or state regulatory decisions? you better believe it. they are things called express federal which is what we have here federal constitution, federal due process rights. equal protection rights under the constitution applies to the state. federal jurisdiction under the federal election law under a presidential election and i can go on and on and on you have implied federal preemption. you have the states that are obstructing federal preemption of this litigation of presidential activities taken place before it gives the supreme court jurisdiction a states cannot regulate congress which is what it is doing and that court when it takes over authority for determining what a federal election violation is. that is important. the equal protection clause or the due process clause or the first amendment free speech clause about a nondisclosure agreement. federal court started with the supreme court of intervene in state actions before the civil rights issue, death penalty issues, bush versus gore a presidential election issue. you have federal jurisdiction issues and how are they used? the supremacy clause t of uc commerce clause that necessary because when it comes to regulating federal elections, especially presidential election congress has exclusive plenary power the supreme court has overall authority. you have an extraordinary radical extreme multitudinous case of a violation of federal law. whether it is substantive. whether it is processed. whether it is jurisdiction, this is the case. mia s is at first out of the gate i would file comment lot writs for a writs of prohibition that extremes a body exercising public power from exceeding its powers. it does not have it seems like this. you can file a writ of mandamus ordering a lower court to state their action while the court considers it. it might go if they writ a us or see your itchy argo and there s a statutory basis it does not matter. you have got to take it to the door of the supreme court they will decide whether to take it or not and if they don t, shame on them. because if there is ever a basis for what we call a common law writ, it is this. they do not take it in the trump case they will have to take it in the future because these dark blue states are not going to stop unless they are stopped. when i come back america s when i come back america s governor, governor ron desantis. -it really is both. -hmmm. the lexus rx plug-in hybrid. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. there s news, and there s good news. like thousands of patients receiving free life changing surgeries, from volunteer doctors and nurses on hospital ships. all made possible by donations. we love good news. mark: welcome back america. america s governor, governor ron desantis. welcome. governor, if member of the house he been a governor for a while now you are considered a very, very successful governor. you look at joe biden. he has executive order he puts out he says i m going to fix the border. he destroyed the border. he signed over 90 executive orders and now he signed another executive order. we hear nothing is changing on the border. he not only violates the take care because of the constitution were it not only violates multiple parts of federal immigration law he lies, and lies and lies to the american people more that michael cohen. what do you make of this? ask mark when you re in the position of executive responsibility sometimes bad things may happen that are not your fault for their sometimes bad things are happening if you would have had some foresight you could have headed it off and then there are things that are the sins of omission. the border is a sin of commission by joe biden. he overturned the trump policies that is what has caused the crisis this did not just happen out of thin air it was manufactured and engineered by joe biden. the policy consequences have been disastrous you have highlighted people, i have highlighted people who have lost loved ones for criminal aliens coming in we know what s happening with human trafficking we do with the cartels are doing. then of course that just the sheer number of people you have a liberal jurisdictions but in the interest of illegal aliens over their own people which is outrageous. then you have the constitutional question that you cite. when you put your left hand on the bible and raise your right hand to take the presidential oath you are taking an oath to take care of the laws be faithfully executed. joe biden has systematically violated that oath. he has not lived up to the office of president duty to make sure our laws are enforced and even doubly so as commander-in-chief he has a responsibility to ensure and enforce the sovereignty of our country and he has not done that. and they have lied and 10, 20, how many millions of people it is had negative consequences on american society and in our country and in our sovereignty. then they re going to want to try to pull over the wolves over people eyes sink he is the one doing something for the border. he s going to blame the republicans and congress but the republicans in congress have made mistakes. i think they should have attached the border to all of these appropriations they refuse to do it. but the bottom line is this executive order is windowdressing it is a farce. you and i both know the corporate media s going to run interference for him on this for the rest of the election are going to try to act like the border is taken care of they re going to try to act like he solved the problem. first of all that is not true. second of all whatever happens between now and the election the day after the election he s going to open it back up again. we know that is going to happen it s really up to the american people at this point to put a stop to it. mark: you know joe biden likes accusing president trump of being a dictator, when to put people in prison. that sounds like projection, doesn t it? and on top of that he lies about so much. for instance he supreme court of the united states twice ruled against him. he has defied the courts, the fight a supreme court to supreme court rulings was talk about democracy and the constitution and the rule of law. then he lies and says effectively trump is going to do what he does. what do you say to this a president who is defying the supreme court who defies immigration laws? in fact defies a lot of laws when it comes to this country. what do you say to him? once you have two things one is, you are right this guy is a serial liar. on all host of issues on the border, on the student loans, even minor things he is constantly doing it. the difference is when donald trump was a president he would ve said something with her, out of place you d have 10 quote unquote fact checker from corporate media organizations trying to say that s not true they would do all this and spin this all up there with biden these guys have gone on three aand a half year vacation they basically let him do all of this stuff very rarely is he held accountable. often times an indirect await with just friendly fire. from the whole corporate press you have a president who lies constantly have a president who is not up to the job that is not something they don t want to talk about but on the constitutional question ease in violating the constitution with the student loan gambit. they had the statute on the books for 20 years and all of the sudden that can be used to have taxpayers bai of bail out people with student loans? if eight truck driver is taxed to be able to pick up the student loan of somebody who got a degree in gender studies, that is wrong but it s also not legal. he has not gotten congress to enact that policy do you know why? if congress voted to enact that policy a lot of them will get voted out of office is not with the american people want. he s a flouting the law in a number of different ways. one of the things that is frustrating is there s a lot of people who are apathetic out there about all of this and i do not think there is sufficient outrage and at how he has condud himself in office. mark: we will be right back. nee e and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let s fly! 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one 100%. think about when he came into office, what did he do? an unprecedented spending spree that is spark the worst inflation we have seen in the last 40 years. he pulls at grocery bills have gone up 50, 60, 70, one 100% since he has been president. their wages have not gone up that much. he also came in and tried to force covid vacs and mandates on people threatening truck drivers with losing their job and other blue-collar people he has allowed the open border and people working some of these states illegally that is depressing wages from working people. then of course if you look at his overall approach to energy policy, he is putting climate ideology over bread and butter economics for the american people. he wants you to pay more for gas pretty want you to pay more for electricity and he wants you to pay more for automobiles. mark, most people do not want an electric vehicle but most people cannot afford an electric vehicle and yet he wants to plunge us in that area. it has been a frontal assault on the middle class, on working people all in service of this bankrupt ideology and by the way, a lot of the big city mayors and prosecutors deserve a lot of the blame for the crime. but biden is right in there with them on wanting to put people back on the streets he supports eliminating cash bail he supports the soros funded proseoffendedprosecutors acrossy and incidentally, in florida we had two of them here one in tampa, one in orlando i removed both of them from their post. they are gone because they put their ideology and their political agenda over their duty to enforce the law. tampa people in their jurisdictions at risk. we are not standing for that in the state of florida. biden was to facilitate that all across this country. in fact you were sued when you fired that prosecutor and you won in court the other day. this is what i mean conservatives need to take risks i do not mean or reckless risks they need to follow their principles and take them through action. this is the one of the things you ve been doing as governor over, and over, and over again it s not enough to whine and complain and wring their hands and we are in positions of power we have to do things people look at your experience in your success as governor, this is what it is about i promise this, these are my principles i am implementing it we will duke it out if we are sued. let me ask you this, why does joe biden hate the state of israel? that is my view and hate the prime minister of israel he never talks down the fascist fundamentalists that run ironic. never talks about president xi and a negative way i don t think he needs knows how to spell kim jon owens name in north korea so it s a relentless war against the israeli, the idf against trent one. what is his problem? what sees a puppet to the far left in this country. he does not want to offend the far left tease he s virtue signg to them. those of pro- hamas people at columbia and harvard aren t taking over the campus for their taking over offices. that is joe biden s base. he s got to cater to them by attacking israel the pro- hamas people, their anti- semitic, anti- israel and that is what joe biden has reduced himself to comment to virtue signal being anti- israel all in the service of trying to scrape up votes among the far left fringes in this country. but what he is doing is not serving america s interest. israel is the only ally in the middle east that we can depend on through thick and thin. they re the only country in the middle east that reflects western values and american values. and benjamin netanyahu has been a tremendous friend to the united states. this is rooted in the biden s ideology and in his weakness as a leader he is sick cow child to some of the craziest moms this country has seen in quite some time. mark: governor, one last question. even that you and in europe has condemned iran for pushing out inspectors because iran is on the precipice of having a nuclear weapon. the biden administration was lobbing france, britain and germany not to rebuke them. they finally voted for it was prolonged of those countries wanted to do it in september. i run as going to get a nuke on his watch because he s not doing the thing to stop them. this is so bizarre obama was the same way and the obama nuclear deal was a total disaster donald trump came in and turn the screws on the iranian regime and that worked the room she on its heels they did not have cash coming in. they could not do a weapon they did not have the wherewithal to do it. biden comes out, floods them with cash their funding terrorism all across the middle east october 7 would not have happened had we had a strong iran policy. he is paving the way for iran to get a nuclear weapon and it is delusional policy but it s a double lead so given his democratic predecessor when vice president tried the same policy and that policy totally flopped. mark: it governor desantis home to think of her think of that in the state. i think you ve done in the country my best to you and your family. god bless you my friend. godspeed, mark. mark: we will be right back. sara federico: at st. jude, we don t care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it s a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. mark: welcome back america. i always love having victor davis hanson on the program s got this book out how you get it at at any major bookstore and i strongly recommend it. victor davis hanson are the great historian i watched joe biden give the speech at d-day. went back and listen to reagan, his was nothing like there is despite the propaganda in that media i saw the cheap shots. i saw him talk about crane which is good in my view. even though we re spending a lot of money in ukraine he s holding back. hholding the leash back for the seam to determining military pulse in the oval office with a bunch of eggheads. world war ii and part two and the holocaust. many left and went to israel. even more than that give speeches like a black universities and elsewhere trashing the united states. think people in the audience do not have a chance but they have to work extra hard. i am watching him at d-day with great heroes behind him. who fought their lives on the line and someone died to defend an america joe biden does not believe in. emmett wrong about that? so you re absolutely right. as they are leading a group and just exudes how much we owe that generation. reagan was coming off a disastrous and was there in the lecture like biden he talked very softly. it was with a big stick. he had to increase the defense budget he restored deterrence. biden is coming off a successful administration a and the sending and talks loud of her he screams but does not have any sustenance to back it up he talks loud and carries a twig. he kind of yells or emphasis does not fit the somber occasion. reagan is as close to d-day as it reagan is to biden. this generation, the baby boomers he has a baby boomer as am i. you look at perspective we did not carry the burden. i am being candid in comparison to the people at omaha beach. look was sent to the military. recruitment is a weight down because people do not want to be treated this way in the united states military. what he did with the troops on the vaccine for a look at what he does on the budget for china is on the rise. the access is on the rise. russia, ironic, north korea, he does not act like it pretty screams about democracy and a russia and a war coming. is he preparing the american people psychologically? is he preparing the defense department? eight national security and so forth what s with this guy? works i do not know he speaks more negatively of donald trump in cap the country that voted for him they does the existenial enemies abroad for the only thing that excites him is when he says semi- fascist or hyper magna or super maga. he s done a lot of damage and people do not realize the we are borrowing $10 billion a day at a trillion every three months. we alienated you mentioned 45000 recruits and that is the demographic the white mail demographic accounts for that shortfall. the died twice of numbers in iraq and afghanistan and overtly or almost every in the country. that doesn t work. that is on top of the 8500 he drove out who most of them have natural covid immunity they did known to be vaccinated. this is a terrible record i think everyone is worried why that this is recoverable and what year or two or three. if he has another term i am pessimistic for the first time in my life. if we can recover from it. twenty-six oh we come back victor davis hanson how do you come back with all of those crosses behind him on d-day. all of those men the vast majority of whom are white and christian. and then the next day you re more than happy to give a political speech attacking the nation s founding. attacking the nations history. attacking racialized and everything trying to turn america against america. you stood there in front of these men 95, 98 over 100 years old to put their lives on the line. so many died that day and so many battles. not just of the civil war, world war i, world war ii and we go on and on and on. and yet lower yourself to the lowest most grotesque part of the gander and trying to get elected president of the united states for that is my question to you victor davis hanson. we will be right back. home inspectors, general contractors, roofers; all kinds of pros recommend leaffilter. why? 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works i get very upset. that generation is buried beneath the white crosses. they were eight wonderful a wonn if it was not for them they ve not had discussions on a race and the eia. they were a chain make a leak in this great chain of america. i m named after victor hansen who died on okinawa 1945 on may 19 and my father flew 40 missions on a b-29 over japan. they were wonderful people. they were not racist of the type of people who built this country the people coming across the border from all over the country for there not from europe they re coming to a country that was established by so-called toxic white mail founders but why is that? these white mail founders were ecumenical. that it wrote in the declaration all men are created equal the logic extension is that multiracial democracy they created it yet all we do is smear and label them. it is one of the worst things for a leader to speak ill of the dead and they cannot respond. they use modern ideas of morality to go back centuries and condemn them. demagogues especially when he does to the people in the military. you are the only commentary, mark, i ve ever been asked that. that is very sad. most people are afraid to even mention it. mark: it is very frustrating to me. i am jewish. this nation was founded on judeo-christian beliefs. if it was not for the christian majority in this country, i don t think the jewish people would have had a place to go where they could feel safe. and now you see fusion of the marxist islam a and the colleges and universities in the democrat party. which is threatening the whole foundation of this country. this demand, and joe biden just not speak against it pretty gives a speech or to his government does not act against it. and in fact he lobbies it in dearborn, michigan and other places of the country because he wants to get elected. he really is as donald trump says the worst president in american history certainly modern history. lexi is. all you have to say if you are guest from the middle east and you are on a student visa and you break the laws of your host, that is us. you re not going to be here any longer. you ll get your wish to go back to where you re came from since you want to go there anyway pretty always told us is a much superior place to live than where you are now. at if the college of presidents would say it we have rules, you broke then you are suspended for you are expelled. but they don t at stanford university they say if you break our rules and something might happen or could happen or would happen the logical result is a storm the president s office like they did this week and burglarized it. they do not understand deterrence simple deterrence it. if you say something follow it through and treat them if they should beach treat it as a break the laws of the country. mark: the brief moment we have can you think of a single speech in the united states that joe biden has given that is patriotic, that is inspiring, that is uniting to the american people? it because i cannot. because i don t think he can because he has a base of support and this new democratic party. it s not even a democratic party it s up radical neo- socialist party. their world view white males are toxic. anything he says about the past might be acquainted with the majority of white males. he can t say it and he won t say it. it s very ironic talks about privilege but no family has used his for greater privilege from themselves. yet he attacks the white middle class at they have privilege he enjoys. i really do not like what he does at all. think that is one of the reasons he is so unpopular now, so hypocritical. mark: he goes a place like the holocaust museum talks about anti-semitism. he has his foot on israel s throat cutting off armaments to mcgough s independent told this to me is the holiest site our government has. he viciously attacks half of the american people. i think this guy is an arsonist. a political economic societal arsonist. this election is our ability to put the fire out. victor davis hanson thank you for everything you do. it s always an honor to have you. god bless you my friend for a quick thank you for have me, mark. i really appreciate it. mark: we will be right back. e l. the three-row lexus tx. 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[ryan laughs] lakesha: childhood cancer is it s a long road. it s hard. but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope that you have a chance at life. and it goes such a long way for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. it s awesome. [music playing] welcome back america, when i think about joe biden i asked myself many questions but this one in particular, what exactly has he done for america. he and his family have gotten rich, they ve gotten powerful, he has the highest office in the land. what has he done to deserve to be president? is he inspiring, does he give great statesmanlike speeches, is he securing our country from enemies without and within. izzy building up her institutions, is he encouraging young people to embrace our country and learn our history and our principles? is he bringing peace and prosperity to the country? is he doing things about crime in the inner city that are effective, what the hell has this guy done throughout 50 years that has been positive for this country, nothing. nothing. i will see you next time on life liberty and levin .

Life , Liberty-levin , Road , Jackson-hole , Footage-mountain-pass , Teton-pass-outside-of-jackson , Wyoming , Person , Speech , News , Spokesperson , Public-speaking

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240610

narendra modi sworn in as the prime ministerfor a record third term. the party is just getting started as celebrations kick off around the world for pride month. welcome to the programme. it is sam welcome to the programme. it is 8am in singapore and at 2am in brussels, where we start. next exit polls suggest there have been big gains forfar right parties, in elections to the european parliament. this was the first projection for the 720 seat assembly the darker colours to the right representing those right of centre parties seem to have moved to take up more of the seats. the most headline grabbing outcome appears to have been in france, where the far right national rally party has taken more than 31% of the vote. that s more than double the coalition which supports president macron. he has responded by calling an entirely unexpected snap election. translation: the rise - of nationalists and demagogues is a dangerfor our nation, but also for europe. the but also for europe. position in europe and the world. i say this even though we have just celebrated with the whole world of the normandy landing, and in a few weeks we welcome the world for the olympic and paralympic games. yes, the far right is both the result of the impoverishment of the french and the downgrading of our country. so at the end of this day, i cannot act as if nothing had happened. added to this situation is a fever which has gripped parliamentary and public debate in our country in recent years, a disorder which i know worries you, sometimes shocks you, and to which i do not intend to give in. however, today the challenges that present themselves to us, whether external dangers, climate change and the consequences, or threats to our own cohesion, it requires clarity in our debates. ambition for the country and respect for every french person. this is why, after having carried out the consultations provided for in article 12 of our constitution, i decided to put back in your hands the choice of our parliamentary future by the vote. in a few moments, i will sign the decree convening the legislative elections which will be held onjune 30th for the first round and july seventh for the second round. for the french far right, the result is one to celebrate. here s marine le pen. translation: the french have spoken and this - historic election shows that when the people vote, the people win. by giving more than 32% to the national rally, the french have just given us their highest score, all parties combined, in a0 years. it s a real emotion to see this beautiful popular force rising up throughout the country. the big question now where does this leave the european parliament? here s the president of the european comission, ursula von der leyen, who has promised to build a bastion against extremes in the eu s assembly. no majority can be formed without epp, and together, and that is important. together with others, we will build a bastion against the extremes from the left and the right. we will stop them. this is for sure. my colleague christian fraser has been in brussels, watching the results and exit polls unfold throughout the evening. he spoke to our europe editor katya adler, and started he asked what the biggest news was from the evening. the polls are closed and the finance rejection would be worked out within the 27 countries on stage. behind me, the european parliamentary president, who is about to give us the latest projections. we already know from the exit polls in these 27 countries that there has been a definitive shift to the right. in austria, the freedom party, top of the pile. geert wilders in the netherlands taking seven seats. marine le pen, a record 32% in france. the afd in germany coming second. that is one story tonight, but already this election has provided us with extraordinary news in france, where emmanuel macron, who sank to 15% of the vote, calling a snap election in the last week ofjune and the first week ofjuly. it is an enormous gamble on the back of a pretty humiliating defeat tonight in the european parliamentary elections. you can see behind me, we are about to get the latest projection, and here it is. you can see the epp, the biggest in the european parliament, is up from 176 seats to 189. big losers on the greens, 72 all the way down to 52. on the right hand side that chart, the european conservatives and reformists, up from 69, and identity and democracy, up from 49 to 58. those are the two groupings that include the populists and the hard right. there seems to be some confusion from the figures they have put up, and she did say they would continue to check the results and they will be refined through the evening, because the main polls in italy have closed just a short time ago. with 76 seats in the parliament, that will very much affect the projections they are putting out. what does this all mean at the end of the day? the big story, i suppose, aside from those rather dramatic headlines about the hard right, is that the centre and the centre right have largely held. they will control the majority of the seats. on the right, there tend to be some disparate groupings, they don t see eye to eye on issues like ukraine, for instance, giorgia meloni very much in favour of sending arms to ukraine, whereas marine le pen has been much softer on russia. it may be issue by issue where the groups on the right to try to work together, but certainly it is the centre and the centre right which will control the agenda. the question is how much will they need those parties to get some of the things through over the next five years? things like green policy, transition policy, migration and borders, the european budget still to be decided. billions of euros being put into the industrial defence strategy in europe as well. those are all big questions. of course integration and enlargement, always a thorny issue in brussels. so the impact of the shift to the right still to be worked out, i would think, in the coming months, as the parties arrange themselves in the various groupings. no question the story tonight, though, the shift to the right, and a very big backward step for the green playback the centrists. let s turn our attention to india now when arranger moody has taken the oath of office and has been sworn in for a third term as the indian prime minister. this time he will be a coalition government after his party, bjp, failed to win an office is in the general election to govern alone. thousands of guests attended the inauguration at the presidential palace, including the heads of several neighbouring nations. he was a little bit of what he had to say. translation: i little bit of what he had to say. translation:- say. translation: i will faithfully say. translation: i will faithfully and say. translation: | will. faithfully and conscientiously discharge my duties as the prime minister of the union, and that i will do right to all manner in accordance with the constitution. and the law. without fear or favour, affection or ill will. despite his victory. affection or ill will. despite his victory, why affection or ill will. despite his victory, why are - affection or ill will. despite his victory, why are these i his victory, why are these elections significant and different? here is my colleague with war. an oath that narendra modi is more than familiar with. but what follows is uncharted territory. a weakened prime minister, dependent on a coalition for the first time. there are hundreds of pictures of mr modi all over delhi today, and it s something we ve gotten used to here in india over these past ten years. his picture s been on welfare schemes, on vaccine certificates, so that doesn t seem to have changed. but what has is that while this is a win, it s a victory that feels like a defeat for brand modi. the aura of invincibility that has come to surround him has been damaged. and clues to why some voters turned away can be found here in the politically crucial state of uttar pradesh. it was considered to be a stronghold of mr modi s bjp, but it delivered the biggest shock. in a predominantly hindu village in muzaffarnagar, we met men who ve traditionally supported the bjp. but not this time, says shyam singh, who has four post graduate sons who are unemployed. translation: since four years, they have been searching - forjobs, but there are no vacancies. the government talks about development, but we can t see it happen on the ground. price rise has gone beyond limits, it s tough to put food on the table. translation: people had blind faith in modi, - but now they ve opened their eyes to the reality around them. a hindu temple opened by the prime minister ahead of the election, was expected to galvanize votes like these for the ruling party. translation: temples are a matter of faith, i but to feed ourselves, we need work. just opening temples doesn t help us. in another part of the constituency we met people from india s muslim minority who had found themselves to be the target of an overtly divisive campaign by the bjp. translation: when the results came in, we were happy - because we were worried that if they came to power with a full majority, they would make laws that would discriminate against minorities. bell ringing. a leader who s achieved an almost godlike status for his followers has been brought down to earth by the will of india s voters. for mr modi, keeping his allies together will be the test of a new skill. yogita limaye, bbc news, delhi. let s get you news from israeli aware benny gantz, one of the most senior members of the israeli war cabinet which was set up after the hamas attack in october has resigned from the group. he threatened to stand down unless he felt there was a postwar plan for gaza with a deadline set for saturday. he told reporters he was not satisfied and this is the moment he confirmed he was standing down. translation: unfortunately, netanyahu is preventing us i from approaching true victory, which is the justification for the painful, ongoing crisis. and this is why we quit the national unity government today with a heavy heart. yet we feel that it is the right decision. we are now in the midst of a campaign that will impact the fate of israel generations ahead. in order to guarantee true victory, this coming fall, when it will be the one year anniversary of this disaster, we should go for elections and reach a new government. i call on netanyahu to set a date for elections. mr netanyahu had called on benny gantz to remain in the war cabinet. he posted this message on the social media platform x. our correspondent donnison is injerusalem and put the announcement into context. well, i don t think it was a shock because he has been threatening to resign for some time. and he, in fact, was due to give a press conference yesterday and postponed that when we got news of the raid in the centre of gaza taking place. it s not going to bring down the government of benjamin netanyahu, who still maintains his majority in the knesset. but what it does do is i guess it isolates mr netanyahu a little bit at a time when he is calling for unity, and it removes a voice of experience and a more centrist voice from that war cabinet. you have to remember that the coalition cabinet is made up of, really, people with very little experience. that cannot be said of benny gantz, who is a former army chief of staff, a former defence minister, and someone with a long history in the military at a time when israel is now at war. and what it means, i think, is that those further to the right, the likes of itamar ben gvir, who is from the far right of israeli politics, are going to have more influence. and i m just seeing that mr ben gvir has requested himself that he now should be allowed to join the war cabinet. officials from the hamas run health ministry in gaza say that the israeli raid on a refugee camp on saturday which led to the rescue of four hostages led to the deaths of nearly 300 palestinians. a spokesman for the armed wing of hamas says that three hostages were also killed during the operation. we haven t been able independently to verify that claim. several hundred palestinians were also wounded in the raid. hamas accused the israelis of carrying out a massacre. that phrase was echoed by the european union s top diplomatjosep borrell, who described the deaths as another massacre of civilians . more footage has emerged of the rescue israel used helicopters to evacuate the hostages from an area around the nuseirat refugee camp in central gaza. the head of the hospital where they are being treated said none of them require emergency care or large procedures, but that they will need long term evaluations. being deprived of so many things for so long and living under this unbelievable stress is something that leaves its mark, both on the body and on the soul. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. you are live with bbc news. turning to the south china sea were a stand off between the philippines and china has seen tensions ratcheting up in the area. manila accused the chinese coins out of barbaric and inhumane behaviourfor and inhumane behaviour for stopping and inhumane behaviourfor stopping its navy evacuating six servicemen last month. the chinese foreign ministry accuses the philippines of lying and they see the philippines will be allowed to access these only forgives advance notice. chinese ships have repeatedly been accused of harassment of philippines ships, including firing water cannons and ramming boats. the foreign ministry honestly blame the us for tensions in the region. to understand the conflict as it stands at the moment, i am joined conflict as it stands at the moment, iamjoined by conflict as it stands at the moment, i am joined by a strategic and defence studies professor at the australian national university. thank you for your time here today. how seriously are you viewing these incidents? do they have the potential to spark a wider conflict? potential to spark a wider conflict? , ., ., , conflict? there is no doubt this is the conflict? there is no doubt this is the potential - conflict? there is no doubt this is the potential to - conflict? there is no doubt. this is the potential to spark a wider conflict but it depends on the resolve of the participants in this house. the philippines is not well armed and not in a position to assert itself strongly, china has more ships operating in this area, maritime militia, coastguard and navy vessels then the combined fleets of the philippines and the us navy operating in the east asian waters, particularly the south china sea. the question that china sea. the question that china has the numbers here but this has to be put in the context of your context as well. we have what my colleague describes as the full flashpoint of east asia, the korean peninsula, the east china sea, the south china sea and taiwan. my sense is that what we see in the second is the demonstration, if you like, when china is trying to say. including in taiwan and that it is prepared to press to a point by looking to not cross a kinetic threshold, if you like, not firing any bullets or guns or missiles, looking to provoke and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps trigger a reaction from the philippines or the us or someone in taiwan or elsewhere in a similar circumstances to then be there one so they can say see, we are not the starters of this conflict, you guys are. my senseis conflict, you guys are. my sense is that what we see here is not so much in the west we tend to view things in terms of war and peace and we tend to view things through a lens of traditional 19th and 20th century strategists, classing the classic one, and my sense is what we see here is not so much what could be putting the metaphor in a game of chess by perhaps more appropriately described as the game of go. in the game of go you do not remove players from the board, you flip them, you cajole and persuade them, you black male and you do not give them an option other than to be flipped. my sense is this happens with the philippines. i want to pursue one another point. basing blame the us on sunday for the increase tensions are missing a move to deploy medium range missiles in the area, dragging the region into the world is full of an arms race. allies like the us and evenjapan have fledged ironclad support but what is the level of commitment if things escalate? it the level of commitment if things escalate? the level of commitment if things escalate? it is touch and no things escalate? it is touch and go because things escalate? it is touch and go because we - things escalate? it is touch and go because we know . things escalate? it is touch i and go because we know the tribunal ruling in 2016 ruled in the favour of the philippines about its exclusive economic scene but the second is more clouded, much more grey, it says this is not something that has categorically legal recognised jurisdiction falling under the philippines, it is in there, but not the territory itself. the ship that has been lodged on this shoal having troops and people living there on a semipermanent basis is designed to provide evidence of the war that he philippines can legitimately claim that probably that is not recognised. china knows that it is the grey zone and echoes what happened 12 years ago over scarborough shoal where there was a contest between the philippines and china over who could control it, and the us did not want to back the philippines over that because it was not a clear issue in terms of the jurisdiction. similarly with the second shoal today. china knows it is putting the us into a difficult position because legally the actions of the filipinos are not ones that everybody is all that sure about, backing them over, except in terms of the fact it is inside the explicit economic zone and, of course, china did not accept the tribunal ruling of 2016 asset that dashed line does not count. ironically china did sign up to the un convention of the law of the scene. it is trying to have it both ways. i am afraid that is all the time we have but thank you very much for your views on that. main political parties in the uk will also manifest this week and they are being quizzed on how they will fund some of their key pledges was that the conservatives say they can save billions on the benefits bill but labour wants to provide more prison fleeces without having to raise household taxes. here is ian watson. cheering. the main parties are preparing to launch their manifestos this week. the whole country has been longing for and waiting for this election to come. labour s promising to provide more prison places and clamp down on anti social behaviour. now the big parties know you can t pay for policies from small change, but the labour leader wasn t keen to identify spending cuts or tax rises. instead, he insisted it was all about the economy. all of our plans are fully funded and fully costed and none of them require tax rises over and above the ones that we ve already announced. what we do need to do, just to take up the challenge that s being put to us, is we do need to grow the economy. cheering. the prime minister s keen to move on from his d day misstep. today his party wasn t talking about warfare, but welfare. they ve been looking for cash for tax cuts and claim they could save £12 billion from the benefits budget by the end of the next parliament. in my area of welfare, we ve saved £7.7 billion over measures that we ve brought in over this parliament. we cut fraud and error within the welfare system, within benefits by about 10% last year and we can go still further. the lib dems have been banging the drum for investment in the nhs to the tune of billions of pounds. they say they won t raise income tax to pay for this, but other taxes are available. we said we d increase the digital services taxes on the social media giants, the likes of amazon and google as well. so i think unlike the other parties, we ve actually already begun to show very clearly where the money for our health and care policies would come from. the snp accuse the main westminster parties of being deliberately in denial about the public finances. it s important at this election that people focus on the conspiracy of silence that is going on between the labour party and the conservative party. the tories have signed up to £18 billion worth of spending cuts, according to the institute for fiscal studies. and labour, according again to the institute of fiscal studies have not demurred from those figures. the parties manifestos will provide a political sense of direction, but they may be less clear aboutjust how rocky a road lies ahead. iain watson, bbc news. that is all for now, thank you for watching. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. india s prime minister begins a third term. we ll look at the challenges he could face when pushing through economic reforms. plus. how the death of an actor in the nigerian film industry comparable to hollywood is raising safety concerns. hello and welcome to business today. i m arunoday mukharji. we will start the programme in india. narendra modi has been been sworn in as india s prime minister for a third consecutive term. however, it marks the first time his bharatiya janata party has needed allies to form a government. so will that impact mr modi s ability to push through economic reforms? priyanka kishore, the director and principal economist at research company asia decoded, gave us her take. modi is actually working with an alliance which has a lot of experience of pushing through successful reforms under the government. and they will draw upon that experience. of course, i think there will be a slowdown in decision making in certain areas and the big calls that people are expecting, that won t come through. but we will not completely see a stalling. labour reforms, i think, will be prioritised. we can debate the outcomes, but the reality many people talk about is that in the last ten years, india has seen bold economic decisions as well made by the bjp government, and many feel that has worked in a way for international investors. are you likely to see that continue?

Translation , Nations , Heads , Bit , Palace , Duties , Say , Term , Narendra-modi , Party , World , Prime-ministerfor

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240610

with the liberal democrats launching their manifesto later this morning. and coming up in business we ll be exploring the rise of swiftonomics as the billionaire pop star s eras tour gets under way in scotland. hello, i m sally bundock. a very warm welcome to the programme. we start in france, and in what s been described as a huge political gamble, the french president emmanuel macron has called a snap parliamentary vote after his alliance suffered a big defeat by the populist right in european union elections. mr macron said he couldn t ignore the result and dissolving parliament was an act of trust in the french people. the national rally party led by marine le pen is on course to win a record 32% of the vote in the elections for the european parliament. that s more than double the coalition which supports president macron. he responded by calling the unexpected snap election. translation: the rise - of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation but also for europe, for france s position in europe and in the world. and i say this even though we have just celebrated with the whole world the normandy landing, and as in a few weeks we will welcome the world for the olympic and paralympic games. yes, the far right is both the result of the impoverishment of the french and the downgrading of our country, so at the end of this day, i cannot act as if nothing had happened. added to this situation is a fever which has gripped public and parliamentary debate in our country in recent years, a disorder which i know worries you, sometimes shocks you and to which i do not intend to give in. however, today, the challenges that present themselves to us, whether external dangers, climate change and its consequences or threats to our own cohesion, these challenges require clarity in our debates, ambition for the country and respect for every french person. this is why, after having carried out the consultations provided for in article 12 of our constitution, i decided to put back in your hands the choice of our parliamentary future by the vote. in a few moments, i will sign the decree convening the legislative elections which will be held onjune 30th for the first round, and july 7th for the second round. for the french far right, the result is one to celebrate. here s marine le pen. translation: the french have spoken and this historic- election shows that when the people vote, the people win. by giving more than 32% to the national rally, the french have just given us their highest score, all parties combined, in a0 years. it is a real emotion to see this beautiful popular force rising up throughout the country. but elsewhere in europe, voters snubbed the governing parties of germany, spain and belgium. results show that overall the centre parties will be the largest bloc in the european parliament. here s its president, roberta metsola. translation: this parliament does not work with a government and in opposition, it works with majorities, we can see that the constructive pro european centre has held and it is that centre has held and it is that centre that will be projected to build on the european project that we need to work with. the president of the european commission, ursula von der leyen, has described the results across the eu as a victory for the centre. translation: this election has given us two messages, first, there remains a majority in the centre for a strong europe. and that is crucial for stability. in other words, the centre is holding. but it is also true, that the extremes on the left and on the right, have gained support. and this is why the result comes with great responsibility, for the parties in the centre. my colleague christian fraser is in brussels and watched the results unfold throughout last night. he sent this summary. the polls have closed he sent this summary. the polls have closed and he sent this summary. the polls have closed and incoming - he sent this summary. the polls have closed and incoming hours| have closed and incoming hours the final projection will be worked out from the results within the 27 countries on stage behind me as the european parliamentary president who is about to give us the latest projects in. we already know from exit polls on the 27 countries, there has been a definitive shift to the right. in austria at the freedom party top of the pile, the netherlands goodfellas taking seven seats, marine le pen for france, a record 32% of the vote, the a b in germany coming second to the cdu there in germany. that is one story tonight but already this election has provided us with some extraordinary news from france where the french president whose party slumped to 15% of the vote called a snap election tonight, parliamentary elections coming for the last week ofjune and first week ofjuly, that is an enormous gamble on the back of a pretty humiliating defeat tonight in the european parliamentary elections. you can see behind me we are about to get the latest projection and here it is. and you can see the biggest group in the european union is up from 176 seats to 189, the big losers on the night, the greens from 70 all the way down to 52, but look on the right hand side of that chart, but as the european conservatives and reformers who are up from 69 and identity and democracy, up from a9, 258, those are the two groupings that include the populists and hard right, there seems to be some confusion from the figures they have put up there, roberto nizzolo said they needed to check these results and they will be refined through the evening because the main polls in italy have all closed, only a short time ago. so with 76 seats in the parliament, that will very much affect the projections they are putting out here. what does all this mean at the end of the day? the big story i suppose aside from those rather dramatic headlines about the hard right, is the centre in the centre right have largely held, they will control the majority of the seats, and on the right, you tend to be some quite disparate groupings, you don t see eye to eye on issues like ukraine stop georgia maloney very much in favour of sending arms to ukraine, whereas marine le pen has been much soft on russia. it may be issue by issue with those groups on the right tried to work together but certainly it is the centre and the centre right which will control the agenda, the question being how much will they need those parties to get some of the things through over the next five years. things like green policy, green transition policy, green transition policy, migration, borders, european budget to be decided, billions of euros being put into the industrial defence strategy here in europe as well, those are all big questions, of course integration always a thorny issue for brussels as well, the impact of the shift to the right to be worked out in coming months as parties arrange themselves in the areas groupings. no question what the story is here tonight the shift to the right and a very big backward step for the greens and the centrists. christian fraser covering these issues for us in brussels. let s go live to brussels now and get reaction from james kanter a politicaljournalist who produces the podcast eu scream. the dust is starting to settle a little, give us your reaction to this result, we are expecting this dominance of the centre right and far right? there was certainly an expectation that europe would be moving at right words, and after all there are a growing number of governments that are in alliance with the far right nationally. and so in many ways the result that we saw on sunday, orsort the result that we saw on sunday, or sort of a confirmation of that. now, i mean, as your previous reporter said, it does look like the centre will hold. however, the centre will hold. however, the centre of gravity of the european parliament has most certainly moved rightward. in france we have seen the immediate reaction on the part of emmanuel macron calling for a parliamentary election there. for him in particular it was a pretty shocking result? i would, this is the big story of these european elections, president micron calling these snap elections, before the olympic games notice, seen as a huge step in a giant gamble, sort of a poker move with a very uncertain outcome. and it doesn tjust put very uncertain outcome. and it doesn t just put the future of french policy in question but to some degree european policy. france and germany as part of the duo that powers the eu, and having france with a far right, potentially in government and pulling the strings, and a significantly more right leaning european parliament, that makes some big questions facing europe even more stark. in questions facing europe even more stark- questions facing europe even more stark. in terms of ursula von der leyen more stark. in terms of ursula von der leyen into more stark. in terms of ursula von der leyen into future, - more stark. in terms of ursula von der leyen into future, is l von der leyen into future, is it likely she will be re elected as european commission president question max she is holding the cards at the moment. her max she is holding the cards at the moment. the moment. her party, the centre-right the moment. her party, the centre-right dpp the moment. her party, the centre-right dpp got - the moment. her party, the centre-right dpp got a - the moment. her party, the centre-right dpp got a very| centre right dpp got a very strong result stop she could continue this traditional grand alliance with the socialist and liberals but it is not going to be easy negotiations and there still is this open question as to whether she will ally with the greens in order to ensure a very stable majority or possibly with one of these radical right groups, probably the meps from the party of georgia moloney initially, the brothers obviously. there is a lot to play here. but it looks like ursula von der leyen will have another five year term as president of the european union. ,, , president of the european union. ,, . ., ., union. she may choose to align with the greens, union. she may choose to align with the greens, their- union. she may choose to align with the greens, their slice - union. she may choose to align with the greens, their slice of l with the greens, their slice of the pie has shrunk, and the eu has been trying to be a leader when it comes to hitting climate change targets, sustainability goals etc, but thatis sustainability goals etc, but that is likely to be watered down more is it not, going forward? down more is it not, going forward? ~ . ., ., , , forward? we have already seen it watered forward? we have already seen it watered down, forward? we have already seen it watered down, it forward? we have already seen it watered down, it is forward? we have already seen it watered down, it is almost i it watered down, it is almost certain as part of these negotiations, the question of what will happen to the so called green deal will be front and centre. and one can imagine that will be absolutely centre stage with these negotiations. centre stage with these neotiations. , ., ., negotiations. james, thanks for our negotiations. james, thanks for your analysis. negotiations. james, thanks for your analysis, good negotiations. james, thanks for your analysis, good to - negotiations. james, thanks for your analysis, good to get - negotiations. james, thanks for your analysis, good to get your| your analysis, good to get your take on the outcome of the european elections, a lot more on that in business today, we will talk to a leading economist based in brussels because the european union is a huge player in the global trade market. on the campaign trail across the uk, the parties begin setting out their manifesto promises this week. labour are pledging to create more than 3,000 nurseries based in primary schools in england to ensure there are enough childcare places. the conservatives are turning their attention to policing, promising to recruit an extra 8,000 neighbourhood police officers over the next three years if re elected. the liberal democrats are launching their manifesto later this morning. here s iain watson. cheering. the main parties are preparing to launch their manifestos this week. the whole country has been longing for and waiting for this election to come. labour s promising to provide more childcare places. now the big parties know you can t pay for policies from small change, but the labour leader wasn t keen to identify spending cuts or tax rises. instead, he insisted it was all about the economy. all of our plans are fully funded and fully costed and none of them require tax rises over and above the ones that we ve already announced. what we do need to do, just to take up the challenge that s being put to us, is we do need to grow the economy. cheering. the prime minister s keen to move on from his d day misstep. today his party wasn t talking about warfare, but welfare. they ve been looking for cash for tax cuts and claim they could save £12 billion from the benefits budget by the end of the next parliament. in my area of welfare, we ve saved £7.7 billion over measures that we ve brought in over this parliament. we cut fraud and error within the welfare system, within benefits by about 10% last year and we can go still further. the lib dems have been banging the drum for investment in the nhs to the tune of billions of pounds. they say they won t raise income tax to pay for this, but other taxes are available. we said we d increase the digital services taxes on the social media giants, the likes of amazon and google as well. so i think unlike the other parties, we ve actually already begun to show very clearly where the money for our health and care policies would come from. the snp accuse the main westminster parties of being deliberately in denial about the public finances. it s important at this election that people focus on the conspiracy of silence that is going on between the labour party and the conservative party. the tories have signed up to £18 billion worth of spending cuts, according to the institute for fiscal studies. and labour, according again to the institute of fiscal studies have not demurred from those figures. the parties manifestos will provide a political sense of direction, but they may be less clear aboutjust how rocky a road lies ahead. iain watson, bbc news. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. the us secretary of state is embarking on another tour of the middle east in an effort to boost support for a ceasefire in gaza. it s antony blinken s eighth trip to the region since the war between israel and hamas began last october. during the three day visit, which begins in egypt, he ll urge arab leaders to pressure hamas into accepting the draft peace deal unveiled at the end of last month by president biden. benny gantz, one of the most senior members of the israeli war cabinet, which was set up after the hamas attack last october, has resigned from the group. he had threatened to stand down unless he felt there was a post war plan for gaza with a deadline set for yesterday. he told reporters that he wasn t satisfied, and this is the moment he confirmed he was standing down. translation: unfortunately, netanyahu is preventing us i from approaching true victory, which is the justification for the painful, ongoing crisis. and this is why we quit the national unity government today with a heavy heart. yet we feel that it is the right decision. we are now in the midst of a campaign that will impact the fate of israel generations ahead. in order to guarantee true victory, this coming fall, when it will be the one year anniversary of this disaster, we should go for elections and reach a new government. i call on netanyahu to set a date for elections. mr netanyahu had called on mr gantz to remain in the war cabinet. after mr gantz made his announcement, mr netanyahu posted this message on the social media platform x: let s speak to dr benjamin radd political scientist at ucla s middle east centre for development. benny gantz stepping down and pulling his party from the coalition, no surprise, what was your reaction? it coalition, no surprise, what was your reaction?- was your reaction? it is telegraphed was your reaction? it is telegraphed he - was your reaction? it is telegraphed he said - was your reaction? it is telegraphed he said he| was your reaction? it 3 telegraphed he said he would do it and he expects benjamin netanyahu to offer a day after proposal what would happen once israel did manage to rout hamas from gaza, netanyahu failing to clearly articulate a vision for a post gaza reconstruction programme leaving benny gantz little choice but to leave the cabinet if that were to happen. where does this leave benjamin netanyahu? it where does this leave ben amin netanyahuvfi where does this leave ben amin netanyahu? it leave some with a cabinet of even netanyahu? it leave some with a cabinet of even more netanyahu? it leave some with a cabinet of even more members | netanyahu? it leave some with a| cabinet of even more members of parliament, ultraorthodox parties, ultranationalist parties, ultranationalist parties now, any attempt by netanyahu to forge an agreement that would leave a post, post reconstruction coalition in gaza that includes remnants of the palestinian authority or other groups the right wingers deem desirable they will threaten to dissolve the government and bring netanyahu hoedown, he is now captive to that far right flank if he wants to stay in power. now secretary wants to stay in power. now secretary of wants to stay in power. now secretary of state wants to stay in power. now secretary of state anthony l secretary of state anthony lincoln is in the region hoping to persuade hamas via other middle east leaders to sign up to president biden s plan? this to president biden s plan? this is something to president biden s plan? ti 1 is something viewers should to president biden s plan? t1i1 is something viewers should be clear on, the plan put forward by president biden which netanyahu himself had neta nyahu himself had articulated, netanyahu himself had articulated, has yet to be responded to by hamas, they have not signalled they will sign off on it as well, it was crucial if this is to move forward hamas signalled their approvalfor this. forward hamas signalled their approvalforthis. he forward hamas signalled their approvalfor this. he he cannot secure that and it is made complicated by the fact that four hostages were rescued five days ago it is unclear what the next step will be to bring about a ceasefire. in next step will be to bring about a ceasefire. in terms of the israeli about a ceasefire. in terms of the israeli position about a ceasefire. in terms of the israeli position on - the israeli position on resident biden s plan that is very unclear? resident biden s plan that is very unclear? you have had, netanyahu very unclear? you have had, netanyahu is very unclear? you have had, netanyahu is yet very unclear? you have had, netanyahu is yet to - very unclear? you have had, netanyahu is yet to formally j netanyahu is yet to formally come out and endorse the plan, however it matches with what he himself had put forward, the understanding is it is consistent with the netanyahu vision but however with the departure of benny gantz and the rescue of the four hostages, that becomes a bit more complicated because it calls into question whether other members of the netanyahu coalition on the far right would support the plan as it stands today. would support the plan as it stands today. thank you very much, stands today. thank you very much. dr stands today. thank you very much, dr benjamin stands today. thank you very much, dr benjamin radd - stands today. thank you very much, dr benjamin radd for| stands today. thank you very - much, dr benjamin radd for your time and analysis. tributes are coming in here. here is what many are saying. he was wonderful, funny and kind. that s the tribute paid by the wife of the broadcaster, michael moseley, who s been found dead on the greek island of symi, following a four day search. he went missing last wednesday in scorching temperatures while out walking on holiday. joe inwood has the latest from symi. it was here on a rocky hillside michael mosley was found. just metres from safety when he was seemingly overcome by the heat and collapsed. the people of the silent and the greek authorities have done everything they could just fight that he was not found for nearly four four days. it was on that beach that the body which has now been identified as michael mosley was found. he was found lying just at the right side of that fence you can see over there, so really close to where people would have been relaxing and playing on this popular and busy beach. we spoke to a police source, who said the body of michael mosley had been there for a number of days. it s a tragic end to a story that had begun on wednesday, when michael mosley left the beach where he d been with his wife, clare, atabout1:30pm. he was then picked up on a camera at a coffee shop here, a second one at a restaurant here, and then finally the one at the marina, before he walked out of the town, heading towards agia marina. but despite an extensive search and rescue operation involving police, fire, helicopters, dogs, even members of the public, in the end he was found by accident. it has emerged a greek television crew were filming with the mayor, and only noticed michael mosley s body in their shot when they got back to edit their pictures. translation: when we returned here in symi and the footage - was prepared to send to athens, we spotted the body of a man. we informed the mayor and the authorities were immediately mobilised with the doctors. michael mosley s death was confirmed by his wife, clare. she said. a medical team carefully moved him to a waiting coastguard vote and two roads for postmortem. there has been a sense of sadly after the disappearance and death of michael mosley. a man most had never met. imagine then the pain of those who knew and loved him. joe inwood, bbc news, on the greek island of symi. so much more on oui’ so much more on our website about the death of doctor michael mosley. spectators at a rodeo in oregon got a little too close to the action when a bull jumped over the fence during the night s finale. this is the bull called party bus circling the ring along with two riders on horseback during the musical end to the night s activities. all of a sudden, the bull decided to make a bolt forfreedom clearing the fence, running through the arena s concessions area and into the car park. he was eventually caught by wranglers who managed to get him back into a pen. organisers said three people suffered minor injuries. more then you were perhaps expecting at that event. back with the top business stories next, including swift own onyx, you knew? you will soon, i will see in a moment swiftonomics. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. far right parties put pressure on the centreground as results roll in on europe s parliamentary elections. what does that mean for economic policy? we get an expert view. translation: our reputation in the world has translation: our reputation in the world has never translation: our reputation in the world has never been - translation: our reputation in the world has never been as - translation: our reputation in the world has never been as bad j the world has never been as bad as it is now. economically speaking, we are on the way to becoming a developing country. that s the head of germany s stock exchange who provokes politicians with sharp criticism about the performance of europe s biggest economy. following the death of nollywood starjunior pope, we have a special report from lagos on the safety of the nollywood film industry. and we ll be exploring the rise of swiftonomics as the billionaire pop star s eras tour gets underway in scotland. welcome to business today. i m sally bundock. more now on the results in europe as the bloc s parliamentary elections come to a close. as you ve been hearing, we ve seen a surge on the right across the region. we ve seen a surge to the right across the region. in france, the strong showing for marine le pen s national rally triggering a snap election in france called late yesterday by president emmanuel macron. the outcome of these elections are of significance because the politicians in the european parliament will be agreeing on the bloc s budget and economic policies and its position on trade. the european union is the world s largest trading bloc

Elections , Result , France , Round , Marine-le-pen , Decree , July-7th , Onjune-30th , 7 , One , 30 , Manifesto

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240610

check out this footage mountain pass outside of teton pass outside of jackson, wyoming. the road has completely collapsed what is interesting about this is this is the road that connects jackson hole, the playground of billionaires with eastern idaho the only place you can afford to live out there. looks like this summer bunch of them billionaires are going to have to learn how to do their own yardwork. will this survive? hard to say it. [laughter] tough work. before we go do not forget to follow the big weekend show on x, on facebook, on instagram at the big weekend show but that doesn t for us but thank you for joining us we see it next weekend. life, liberty & levin starts right now. aunt stark is seen as veterans of normandy returned to the country they liberated 80 years ago at me with the leader fighting to save his country now. cracks you are the savior of the people. shannon: emotional commemoration of d-day in an already present invited me with g7 leaders in italy facing increasing criticism from european allies were standing by israel in its war against hamas while trying to bolster support for ukraine as it struggles in its war with russia peopl will talk with repn tom cotton mr. summit intel and armed services committees. then, five months out for election day present by the family takes executive action to try to secure america s a broken border pit where the top issues voters say is hurting the country. plexus will help us gain control of our border, restore order in the process. lexa biden s order is not a border security plan. it is a concession to the fact he has lost control over our borders. shannon: more than 8 million micro encounters at the bar since present invited tech officer it will his moves be enough to stem the flow of migrants have overwhelmed cities and a red and blue states including these nations of the biggest end, new york city plus democratic congressman ritchie torres who played host to a trump rally last month. plus pick works when someone lies to congress that is a crime. even if you are the presidents on the progress knew trouble for hunter biden house republicans accused him of lying to congress part of the same time his defense team prepares to fight back against the prosecution case in this felony gun trial at our sunday pan on the particle blowback for the president. all right now on fox news sunday at hello fox news in new york. headlines today, the celebration israel this weekend as for israelis are rescued and the largest hostage rescue operations and the largest since began to report reno with family after 246 days in captivity. hamas says a 200 side of our palestinians were killed during the raid. built by that military in gaza is back up and taking and food and humanitarian aid for palestinians after it was blown apart and high winds and heavy seas last month. voters across europe are set to decide the direction of the european union s in parliament today. early polls suggest they could shift the largest trading block to the right. a bit concerned over the war in ukraine and migration for those issues sure to be a top party g7 leaders prepared to meet and a link this week including president biden part a moment we ll get reaction from republican senator tom cotton. first we have team coverage from trey yingst in israel and where we began with white house correspondent peter doocy in paris. good afternoon of a present bidens that part s last day here in paris and greeting u.s. embassy staff to rezone his weight right now to go lay a wreath at world war i memorial port all while warding he thanks another big war in this part of europe could be possible if the west stops sending nine figure munition packages to ukraine. you know putin is not going to stop at ukraine. it is not just ukraine it s much more than ukraine. all of europe will be threatened. we are not going to let that happen. later this week the g7 western allies will work not just to help ukraine but figure how to counter china economically present biden claim during during a coffee s getting complaints lately from president xi this will be subtitles because the president was speaking so softly. might last discussion. present biden is not acknowledged the large broke pals and protest at the white house saturday that wrapped all the way around campus. is that is keeping the talk about the war and gossip focused on the rescued hostages. pursuant to ech echo presidents comments welcome this save rescue of four hostages returned to their families in israel. we won t stop working to all the hostages come home and a cease-fire is reached that is essential to happen. but before attending this week s g7 in italy which is a very short flight from here, president biden is going to fly home to delaware for a couple of days which will mean he will be home if there s a verdict in his son s trial by midweek. shannon: will talk much about that later in the show peter doocy thank you very much from paris is go to trey yingst in tel aviv where people are celebrating the return of those for rescued hostages. hate shannon, good morning. almost 250 days into the war, the israeli people received a rare piece of good news amid the conflict. twenty-six year old noa argamani aperture 56 days in captivity she s headed home. israel special forces conducted complex hostage rescue mission and successfully rescued four of our hostages from captivity and gossip it with a daring rescue operation taking place in central gaza at two locations is really forces engaged in fire fights with hamas gunmen before securing the hostages. helicopters arrived at israeli hospital, crowds cheered, for israelis after more than eight months in gaza were reunited with their loved ones. a father, with his daughter but a man with his friends, a mother with her son. thank you. thank you for bringing my son to me. to us. i am so excited that i could hug him today. this story does not come without dark preacher in the operation one israeli officer succumbed to his wounds sustained during the battle and according to the hamas run palestinian health ministry over 200 people the majority sibley were killed during the operation that included extensive israeli airstrikes. but they did not send u this warning or leaflets or nothing. body parts spread in the streets. the rescue operation illustrate the contradictions of war for palestinians it was a day of the death and destruction. for the israeli people exactly 35 weeks after black saturday it was a day of hope. shannon: trey yingst live in israel for starting is now arkansas senator tom cotton print welcome back to the show i want to start with your reaction to the daring rescue and the good news. quick shannon, thank you for having me on. what a wonderful day for the people of israel to have four of these hostages rescued in a truly heroic well executed mission yesterday had a chance to speak with prime minister netanyahu shortly after the mission pretty commended the israeli defense forces and the israeli police who helped execute this operation. i am very dismayed by sources and the progressive left here in america including the new york times, washington post or somehow condemning israel for saving for hostages at the cost of the supposedly more than 200 palestinians. we cannot take at face value what hamas says and the ministry of health. but my advice to them if you don t want your people killed in a hostage rescue missions you should not take hostages in the first place. you should release what you have you certainly should not hide them in civilian areas. so hats off to the israeli security forces for a fantastic day in a rescue release for hostages. we understand there are still americans being held. there s been discussion whether our own special forces should be operating in that region there is great concern u.s. forces being on the ground there s been a pledge that will not happen but what about our hostages and getting them out? quick shannon, our military is several units specifically trained in hostage rescue. they always have to be available and ready to rescue american citizens, wherever they may be. those are our responsibilities not israel s or any other nation. that said the israeli defense forces and security forces have the expertise operating in gaza working with the american government specifically our intelligence services as well. i am confident israel s government had a chance to rescue american citizens they would you the exact same for our citizens that they would do for israel but our hostage rescue teams always have to be available we simply would not want to have any kind of conflict with israel hostage rescue teams who want to work with them hand in glove to make sure every hostage gives it back alive. shannon: are more than 100 of that we re still try to figure how they come home for the meat of the present given injury to time magazine a few days ago he said this sum and is or have suggested netanyahu is a prolonged the war for his own political self-preservation do you believe that? president biden responded i m not going to comment on that but added the source every reason for people to draw that conclusion. what do you make of that response from him in the region what you say to critics who say that is exactly what netanyahu is doing? this is another slander by joe biden against benjamin netanyahu and the israeli government at large. prime minister netanyahu policies are very popular. is it war cabinet signing off on missions like you saw yesterday. at every turn tries to limit israel s action their ability to defend themselves and put more pressure on israel. not pressure on hamas and its patrons in the middle east. just look at what happened yesterday outside of the white house fo but anti- american pro- hamas lunatics defacing and desecrating the statues of our great veterans. which is a violation of our federal law. joe biden s government allowed it to happen. i bet we will not see any arrest or prosecutions for violating that law will introduce legislation this week that impose stiffer penalties we can lock these lunatics up. biden thanks these lunatics should be guiding american policy towards israel. what we should be doing is backing israel to the hilt really done that since october 7 attacks this war would probably already be over for the hostages would be free there be less civilian casualties and suffering in gaza. joe biden is instead catering to the small pro- hamas wing of the democrat party and set a backing israel like the large approach israel s majority of the american people want astute. shannon: that is what the polling shows let s talk about another ho hotspot, ukraine. present been spending time with he apologize for the delay of a this latest round that came through. he said he blames him a very conservative members holding it up and said we finally got it done. you blocked when the earlier packages read concerns about it. there are changes you ultimately vote for. you think is pointing the finger at you? quick shannon, he shall be pointing the finger at himself. for more than two years joe biden pussyfooting around and did not give ukraine the weapons it needed to defend itself. every turn and this war ukraine has asked for certain types or quantity of weapons. weapons. joe biden has refused only to reverse three or six or nine months later when it was too late. take a step back and look at the broader context. joe biden is largely responsible for tempting vladimir putin to do it he always wanted to do. which is invade and annex ukraine back to russia. and, if you notice vladimir putin only tends to invade ukraine when democrats are present till it did under barack obama he did und did under joe d not happen under donald trump. for four years we had peace and stability and effect donald trump reversed barack obama and joe biden s failed policy of sending ukrainians and blankets and ponchos proven donald trump was in office we sent them the javelins that were essential for winning the battle and the way to have peace in europe and for that matter peace and stability around the world is to remove joe biden from the white house on election day this year and return donald trump. that is how we get back into peace and stability. shannon: you talk about annexation want to bring this up the reports of resident trump plans to do is to potentially push ukraine to give up crimea, if that is the plan do you agree with that strategy and would that be rewarding putin in order to wrap this up in the way he intended to start it and take some of the territory is not just giving him what he wanted? quick shannon, president trump and his campaign has said in eight reports of plans like that are not authorized and are not coming from the president himself but furthermore president trump has said he strongly supports ukraine s strength and survival. he is strong relationship when he was in office with president zelenskyy bird president trump is the one who provided ukraine the weapons they needed to fend off this russia invasion that happen in large part because of joe biden s weakness. i do not think president trump was to prejudge what the situation will become january, nor do i. in part because we have no idea how much worse and joe biden can screw things up but if you judge the circumstances as they exist next year when he returns to office and hopefully will be have a republican majority in congress as a welt to make decisions about what best protects america s interest in the interest of our allies and partners. shannon: on the talk is about you being on the shortlist for vice president. can you confirm whether being vetted formally? quick shannon, as i have said i think only one person know who s on the shortlist. thirty-six at paperwork, requests and those kinds of things? quick shannon i think he will make a choice when he is ready to make that choice i m confident he s going to make a good choice for the ticket and the party but more importantly for the country. i think uganda will make that choice and the time is right. i am focused on helping him win this election. helping republicans win that majority in the congress so we can begin to reverse the damage joe biden has inflicted on this country for four years. shannon: is fair to say you all made statements like things like nato, international organizations, america s role in the global stage that are different. would you come as a vice president advocate for policies that may not line up with your commander-in-chief? are you two different on issues of poor foreign-policy question puts president trump and i ve long been lined on foreign policy both subscribe to what you might say was ronald reagan s vision which is peace through strength for four years of president trump of the white house we had peace and stability around the globe we did not have wars breaking out in europe and the middle east and being the threats and in asia. we believe sometimes you have to use a military force indiscriminate fashion way president trump did when he authorized the strike against iran s terrorist mastermind sulla money. we believe we need to pressure allies to take more responsibility providing our defense or taking responsibility for what is happening in their own region in part because america needs to take the lead against china and the western pacific to preserve peace and stability there. i believe president trump and i rely on foreign policy just like ronald reagan was which is peace through strength strategy which is where the vast majority of not just republicans but normal americans think. only pro- hamas anti- american lunatics the democrat party think america is to blame for what s happening in the world or that we should retreat from strength and confidence in the world. shannon: we hope to hear more from president trump maybe the debate stage on his plans for ukraine in the meantime s senat, thank you for your time keep us updated on that paperwork. thank you, janet. [laughter] protects border cast thousands of migrant so crossing into the u.s. daily despite the presence executive actions fox news will take you alive to the border new york congressman democrat ritchie torres is here in studio next that we have not shut down a silent but we have done is further strengthen the border through executive action. which can be challenged and will be challenged in the courts which is why we need congress to act. shannon: homeland security secretary friday after president biden issued executive actions the white house says are aimed at controlling the flow of migrants illegally crossing the border. how is the reality playing out on the ground? matt finn is live at the border in california with the real world impact. border patrol agents here tell us this area just outside of san diego for the past three years has been a hotspot because human smugglers of their gaping holes in the border wall and they can easily push illegal migrants through. just outside of san diego fox camera captured yet another group of 40 50 migrants illegally crossing. coming from all over the world including china, india, vietnam. one migrant posed for parents whose loaded onto a bus. this week facing mounting political pressure and concerning poll numbers, president biden announced executive order that suspends and limits the entry of noncitizens which will remain in effect until the daily average of migrant encounters drops below 1500 for seven consecutive days. and moving past and using executive authorities available to me as president to do it i can on my own to address the border. migrants will be restricted from receiving asylum at our southern border unless they seek after entering through establish lawful process. ask biden claims migrants who now cross illegally will be in eligible for asylum unless they have exceptionally compelling circumstances. i will terminate every single open border policy of the biden administration as soon as i take the oath of office. or has not been any immediate change as far as any significance of a decrease in illegal border crossings since the announcement. this week fox crew spo box ch migrants from across the globe to the major american san diego metropolitan. all from egypt? america. jordan. jordan? why did you come to egypt? why did you come to america? for a job. for a job? yes you know it s illegal to cross a word like this, right? yes but you don t care? yes. shanna, looks like president biden executive order on immigration could be indefinite for the threshold for it to end is when the daily average hits about 1500 the latest numbers obtained by fox news show we are sitting about 3900 right now. shannon: matt finn live at the border thank you very much. for joining me now insert ignorant congressman democrat ritchie torres. it s good to see if it. is a pleasure to be here in person. shannon: has a very nice to see you. let s talk about new york city there s an influx of some estimates wonders 35000 migrants in a relatively short period of time. no city council member said we are spending more taxpayer money to care for foreign nationals that we are on the annual budget at nypd, at the end why the department of sanitation combines. i know your reaction this week to some of the executive action by the president was where you do not want to be indistinguishable you said from republicans you are worried about excluding or erasing certain communities of color. what do you say to the people of color are your constituents or people live in this town who are worried about the system being overwhelmed, public safety, education. mayor adam said it could destroy the city. the concerns are fair. the migrant crisis has put an enormous strain on the social safety net system of nurse that we in the nine states have a dysfunctional asylum system. anyone anywhere can cross the border, claim asylum, enter the country and border patrol has no emergency authority to limit crossings in the event of a search. that s the gap executive order is billing but in the end executive order is no substitute for an act of congress only congress can fix what s broken in our asylum system for quick to note both sides to point the finger at each other. house republicans will say we passed hr to it s very comprehensive. the president say what about the deal this cent you guys had together? it seems it does not matter who is in charge of this problem is intractable does not get salt. there s one party that has a by camera by partisan order security it is the democratic party we the democrats negotiated border security compromise with the republicans but there are number of republicans press a small handful. most notably mitch mcconnell he was before is for the bill before is against is pressured by donald trump to oppose legislation. those republicans are actively obstructing oppose the border security compromise have no interest in actually solving the problem they re interested in playing politics and demagogue the issue against president biden. there is a difference fink governing and grandstanding and governing as compromise have refused to compromise if you let the enemy of the good you re not part of the solution part of the problem. shannon: they had a number of problems many saying they felt they had no say it was negotiated to a point where they could not go along with what wasn t it. we look at the issue of immigration is not good for the white house or the president. new pulling out a number of key states and virginia. when people were asked who you trust to handle immigration more double-digit you see on our screen they think president trump is a much better handle on us. looked out encourage you to look at new york three long island was ground zero for the red wave in new york and tom was able to win back new york three by an even larger margin that we lost in 2022 he was largely campaigning on border security so tom has shown democrats can proactively on the issue border security i do not think we should proceed to the republicans. shannon: when you look at a 20-point deficit for president biden and is really critical states that s got to be a warning sign to the white house. does it then make you question as some do this executive action is just a political ploy in an election year? the present is acting because of congressional in action. congress needs to do its job to keep in mind the political establishment has a history of underestimating president biden he has proven the conventional wisdom is wrong i suspect is going to outperform the polls and out perform the predictions of the political pundits and the prognosticators. quick so they get tighter people now to make a decision third-party candidates the pole with significant numbers once devoted to the ballot box or early vote they ve got to make a decision is often times tighten up. i want to ask about all these recent reports questioning the president s ability to run, to be effective for the four years forgives in the polls is not just republicans as democrats and independents of questions about the sea atlantic had a really tough piece out yesterday. referring to the president as another ruth bader ginsburg she does not know when it s time to leave and it cost the country that seat across the democrats that seat they say this about him and i say he remains a comprehensively weak income but weighed down by the same liabilities that burden from the start. beginning with the largest and completely unfixable one at 81 he is much too old to run for president. you said last year 80 is not ideal for the age of a candidate running. but here we are. what do you make of these reports you think the president is up to the four years? have full confidence in the presence through the present is old so is donald trump. cooher toys and people differeny because our people seem less concerned about president trump s age. is a narrative but if you actually look at his record it speaks for itself. he is most productively by partisan presidencies in recent memory you bring down democrats and republicans together to provide healthcare to veterans exposed to toxic substances, but brought democrats republicans to mix in the largest investments in infrastructure more than half a century. brought together to address the national security risk around tiktok. when you judge him based on substance rather than narrative i think he deserves reelection. shannon: on the estimate the big rally president trump had a couple of weeks ago in your district prints a very diverse district. a lot of folks showed up at we talk to some of them out there but one gentleman says you are taking everything from blacks and browns everywhere it is hispanics or the other people do not have a lot for your taking it and giving it to illegal aliens which is totally wrong. he talked about why he was attending this at many other similar statements from folks. why do you think your constituency is moving and poll numbers shows hispanic and black waters moving to president trump in a way they did in 2020. first approximate overwhelmingly vote for president biden despite a few anecdotes because it will be shocked if it were other ways. the latina boat in 2000 george w. bush went up 40 40% oe latino votes. puerto ricans and dominicans of the south bronx are different from cubans and venezuelans in florida who are different from mexicans in california are different from mexicans in the south texas. the latino vote ha is been a bipartisan vote for long time despite what the polls say we should be campaigning if we are 10 or 20 points bite we should never take any constituency for granted but we should campaign for every single vote. always a good base for any campaign despite any polls be fighting for every single vote congressman thank you for taking time to come and we appreciate it. up an excellent president trump makes a massive fundraising hall in the space once a dime to buy democrats less than three weeks ahead of the first presidential debates. our sunday panels are to break the new polls showing significant movement with key voting blocs that could make the difference for either candidate come november. i rally and backgrou battlegrt after rigging and big fundraising over the weekend. fox news senior correspondent is live on the ground with the very latest. former president trump arrives here in the silver state after striking gold big dollar donors in california. silicon valley is not a place republicans typically tap for campaign cash former president trump got a boost after tech investor david zach s held a packed private event in san francisco. the bay area is liberal and so we thought that 5 million might be a big lift turns out we got all the way to 12 are. he trust trump more than present by the issues including the economy, border and foreign policy. he types are beginning to change in california but they re starting to look at who are the people they are electing? the answer is postconviction or chestrust which ballooned to a combined $291 million from self-reported funds, are and see many organizations are back in. biting campaigns as well trump s case mabe reenergized his base, monies being spent on legal bills not voters. and it comes to money this is going be very competitive race. we note donald trump is going to raise a lot of money. we raise a lot of money but as of april biden cash on hand advantage is about $35 million. trump started his west coast swing in arizona he promised to resend biden s executive order limiting asylum-seekers to the united states. cooks i will terminate every single open borders a policy of the biden administration. bided narrowly won arizona and nevada in 2020 new fox news polling shows voters are unhappy with their finances the president s job performance. and head to head match ups he leads bided by five points in both states. former presidents rally begins in las vegas later this afternoon but the national weather service has issued excessive heat watch. the campaign is telling supporters to be mindful of the temperatures they will be providing water and have cooling stations. shannon, the high today forecasted in las vegas 103. are right live in vegas and boris. thank you very much. time for our sunday group. fox news contributed present of american spirit tammy bruce author of the new book, fear itself predisposing the left mind killing agenda but former tennessee democratic congressman cohost of the five fox news contributor harold ford junior former new york republican congressman, former gubernatorial nominee and prosecutor of lee is eldon. good to see you all the new york studio in person pre-thank you for being here but let s start with the fox news polling we have out and ke he states. will stop on a couple of them but let s put up florida. president trump up by four they re pretty going to nevada he is up by five. and then in arizona he is also up by five. but there is another twist to this i want to put up in arizona there is an abortion measure they ll be on the ballot and people asked whether they would vote for constitutional amendment to the right to abortion on the statement of the 70% say yes 27% said no. tammy, how could that impact could be a spoiler for president trump went into arizona has a comfortable lead at the moment? what that is the issue the democrats have relied upon to increase their enthusiasm. people are going to rush to vote for joe by if you put an issue on this it could be a variety of issues that is something people are passionate about. it will get them to the polls. however, i do not think this poll also says biden said about five point on the issue of abortion when it comes head to head with trump. suicide a huge lead. you ve got republicans who were alarealso agreeing with that bat measure. i think the trump enthusiasm we have seen this, even after the verdict, this poll it is monstrous, it is huge. this is the one thing thing the democrats have been relying on from the beginning because of biden s weakness. even that is not playing as much as they thought it would even suburban women have moved to trump. is going to be the push for the next few months i don t think it s going be a problem for trump i think they re able to beat that. and got sick at the turn out both sides of got to get operations i mean democrats seem to have an advantage they are underway and some the things he trump team seems applicable catch up on there in arizona will say that let s look to the issues we talked about abortion, president biting at the edge on climate change, abortion, election integrity and healthcare. president trump by much bigger margins gets the wind from these folks on israel/hamas where the economy, immigration and the border and harold, those are issues people say are more important to them. happy sunday, thank you for having us do. i think a couple of things big democrats we should be concerned about the state-by-state polling data showing us down for five-point to president trump at 50. anytime your opponent is at 50 and president trump is a unique opponent he s been a president before that should b because for some concern. but there are some things working in favor president biden but first off president trump s most pessimistic major candidate for president i ve ever seen everything is the worst. president biden is the worst, the economy is the worst scum of the borders the worst there s still an element of americans wantamerica swanting positives g some optimism regardless of how tiktok and social media has influence politics. two, president biden s got to talk about his record if he is straight 50 million-dollar jobs, enter thousand manufacturing jobs investments in arizona including phoenix where they become a manufacturing hub and will continue to be one going forward. you cannot underestimate the power of abortion. keeping it legal and safe. it certainly has been an issue in 2006 same-sex marriage went about and say someone to ensurienshrine that and state constitutions hoping to bring out bigger republican voting numbers. this issue will certainly do that. and the question will come down i think to a viable election had a people feel about their finances? how to go about their future and economic security come october? whomever has the advantage at that moment will have the advantage come november. shannon: would have a question thank you for getting us there will say because we ll get the tweets if i don t 59 jobs created but no give tests on the sill go back and say it most came back because of covid. there s been job creation. but, as a result the latest round of unemployment good jobs anumbers but again previous months have been revised downward seems to have a house every month progress wages are going up also. whatever the number is been 14.9 million jobs created. we can quarrel about all day but if we lost 14.9 million jobs, the tweets will be saying biden is the reason. of the economic issue come up to this point in virginia where there is a thai head to head president biden wen one bite 10 points more than 10 points there last summer and they were tied one of the questions asked what about your family s financial situation? will put this up. holding steady 43% 40% of people say falling behind. lee, you are to the ballot box in october people are going to vote based on their own economics, their own pocketbook. no doubt. the household debt being very high for a lot of families for families who want to get the first home interest rates are higher for some people there but they are in a home prioritizing upper economic mobility harder to be able to afford that larger house. the economy as an issue decide your vote in november is a bigger issue for people who are not benefiting from the economy right now. the point whether it s arizona, florida, nevada, for it voters a lot of them are talking about the border as a top priority there talk about the economy as a top priority. they are not talking as much about some these other issues. into the conversation about abortion being on the ballot they have backed the blue measure in arizona they ha devae white amendment to comment child sex trafficking. i think in the end of the day comes onto the mechanics and campaign it comes down to both sides as ritchie torres was talking t in his message of democrat that applies to republicans take absolutely nothing for granted but work hard on all day every day progress every campaign is at the absolute truth panel do not go far. up next hundred biden s federal gun cases back in session tamara s attorney taken this weekend to decide if the president s son will take the stand. plus, if you need a break available for streaming right now vaccination 80s quiz show you ll recognize a lot of familiar faces including mine. we get a little crazy because super competitive if you ve need a break this is fun hosted by the one and only chuck woolery on fox nation. treated any differently than any other american pickers. they argue, jason smith argues he did not tell the truth. jake and smith kim pursue every remedy available to him burke says that is what is doing a house ways and means chair jason smith oversight ranking member congressman this week. house republicans announce head and criminal referrals to the justice department recommending hunter and james biden the charge of making false statements to congress related to the house impeachment inquiry by the republicans against president biden democrat say this is all a stunt we are back out the panel. lee i will start the former prosecutor this is the letter they re sending over too d.o.j. hundred biden and james may provably false statement oversight committee and judiciary. is d.o.j. going to rethink with this? they should. you see steve bannon on his way to prison, peter was sent to prison, these are chargers that get treated very seriously by the d.o.j. when you are going after the right. it is the d.o.j. s and jute duty to treat the serious is coming from a nine states congress there is testimony given under oath. no one is above the law. those are joe biden s own words right after this verdict came out of manhattan a week and a half ago. the d.o.j. should absolutely investigate it. i happen to agree, knowing the evidence that was presented i agree hundred biden and james biden lied under oath. and for whatever reason, it means to justify the ends of and you re going after president trump to lock him up for the best of his life are bankrupt him and his family or from some cases remove them from the ballot for the left assignment attack on democracy this is everything we have had to witness and they have not even stopped yet they are still going. i think you re the d.o.j. has a responsibility you take it serious it s a referral finances congress with evidence to back it up. shannon: d.o.j. it may be done with at contempt citation for the eternal time itself james, was to send one over potential they re moving forward with this heahe says house oversight and judiciary committees issued lawful subpoenas for the audit records record the present biden interview special counsel her yet he continues to defy our subpoenas there must be consequences for refusing to comply with lawful congressional subpoenas. what, i am fatigued by all of the referrals, by the investment i was fatigued when democrats were doing it against president trump this is a group of people in the congress the last 40 years or 41 years of only submit a budget on time four times. this is a group of people in congress hamas attacked israel october 7 it took them months to finally provide some funding for our neighbors for our friends and allies. the blame goes on both sides i would agree with lee, if there is reason for the justice department no reason to believe they will not take these referral seriously. i hope they do what i hope they give us an answer more quickly than not it s important to note the issues were held in contempt because they did not show up. but if indeed there were allies here in myth truth or not truth i hope they go after but i hope at some point to get back to during their day jobs. democrats and republics if democrats are fortunate to gain a majority in the fall which is not out of the room i hope they take a lesson and realize people want them to behave seriously and do serious things i do not consider this the most serious of efforts by congress. shannon: you guys have broken free but former members of congress didn t break free i was i would ve stayed there. you look at the polling, congress get some of the worst stuff 19% was the lesson we had on that. may not want to make sure we touch on this there s a number of democrats out there warning of president trump is reelected he s talked to be about being a dictator being vindictive or revengeful. here s a little bit from left will hear from the former president too. i am telling it trump could end up rolling the score of got congress, and about the supreme court. i own it all. i am a dictator. it s very reasonable to assumed. people are actually worried abouome sort of extrajudicial detention as crazy as this sounds in the united states of america people should really consider these are possibilities. okay here s what president trump said when he is asked by sean hannity about these accusations. at number one, they are wrong it has to stop otherwise were not going to have a country. we cannot have this stuff go on. when biden goes out everyone says bye-bye and he gets indicted two days later and they go after him. the country does not want that. they did not want i with hilary clinton either. shannon: what do you make of the back-and-forth? works ciampa said even before about hilary when asked specifically put her in jail line, is that will be too divisive this is been a consistent position of his for years now. at no point has he created an action or made a point of statement going to be a dictator through everyone in jail it s been the opposite. then you got that left using meeting to try to guess i people. the fact of the matter is a biden has joked about defying the supreme court on the student loan decision. he has joked about that. only president trump is the one who has been on trial and faces being put in prison which many, including eye, think they will infect incarcerate him in some fashion. it seems a little bit but rejection considering the nature of what s been going on i think it is a shame. the american people can see the difference trump is been vocal about this consistently with piercing simply not true. shannon: before we go does hunter biden testified next week? i don t think he does, do you anybody? i think you should but no question. s second greatest letter all times or no. oh boy. we ll see if the jury thanks about that his father sank this week he is not planning to pardon him. all right panel thank you very much. coming up i m going to introduce you to an israeli man who survived the october 7 the taxi was huddled with his family in a safe room as friends and family members were murdered and kidnapped. here about his mission to all the remaining hostages a home fm gaza now. sleepy? headaches? dry skin? you re probably dehydrated. try liquid labs rapid hydration. it s packed with all five essential electrolytes. taste amazing and way less sugar than sports drinks? rehydrate and feel better with liquid labs. grab liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today. shannon: sending good news for hostage wreck rescued and gaza highlighted the fact hamas is still holding more than 100 people taken on october 7. talked with a survivor of the attacks he lost his father in law and many friends is now fighting to get the remaining hostages home including several from his own community but we spoke before the news that this weakens courageous rescue. it is this week s sunday special. shannon: how are you doing several months out but still very fresh? first of all, thanks for letting me speak here. difficult times we live in difficult times. for the last eight months i live in a hotel. it s not so easy in a very small room with my four kids and my wife. and actually with my dog. it does not matter. only about 125 people from israel who are still in gaza kidnapped. eleven of them are our community, our family. this is the hardest event. the hardest thing to do. not knowing. going to ask you both your ribbon and the necklace you have we in the when called a dog tag but it is very similar in israeli culture what it is because it israel you knew sir e the army you get one with your number, your personal number in the army. and now here in english is ha is and bring them home now. and in hebrew which means our hearts is to gaza. the yellow ribbon is a symbol again to beat with the kidnapped people in their families and friends as a symbol we empathize with them. so they will know we are thinking about them all day long all the time. this is incredibly difficult. people were taken some have not survived. we know we continue to find out there hostages who have not survived their captivity with hamas. what is your message here in the u.s.? we need to get help from everyone we can. first of all to bring everybody home. what you make of the conversations ongoing? there have been some releases. can t israel negotiate with hamas over these things? are they a reliable actor in these negotiations? one of the problems we have is we have some targets, not one. we have some targets it s very difficult to know what to do first. think the israel government we need to first win the war. i do not know what it is we lost the war on the seventh of october. we lost the battle. to win the war we bring the citizens back. not soldiers at citizens, civilians, they were taken from their homes. so, to win the war first bring them back. and then we will deal with gaza. can you envision a future? you grew up on the border with gaza your entire life. can you envision a future post war in which you can live peacefully and live safe on that border? i hope so. i am optimistic. we need to change something. i still do not know what. we cannot go and live the same way we live. now, when my kids hear a siren for example to think the terrorists are going to come. we are refugees in our own country and i m going to go back it will take time physically and mentally. but we go back and we want to go back we are not ler home paragrh to the israeli people feel supported by the americans? i want to think yes the majority think the united states to help us very much. i met with many, many people these last few days from the congress i feel the love that i feel we are together on this occasion is not just a fight between israel and hamas. it is in between good and bad. good and evil. shannon: thank you for sharing your story with us we appreciate it. thank you. shannon: and so we sat down with naor pakciarz we learned of the rescue of those in gaza he sent us a statement we are very happy poor of our captives were rescued by the idf. but we must remember the job is not done. we are still missing 120 hostages we need to bring back home fast. we continue to call upon the international community until all of our families are back home but we think a first time for a quick note my podcast is outliving the bremen this morning i sat down at tonya sheet one to give hope to students on the auburn campus where her husband is a basketball coach. it led to a gathering started revival on numerous campuses across the south. what how it happened where they re going next rate living in the bremen anywhere you get your podcast for that is it, thank you for joining us. i am shannon bream. have a wonderful week and we will see you nex

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom 20240610

you are done with this? yeah, maybe, or maybe need some plastic surgery, who knows? you never know. it s usually settled by an arm wrestle. we should mention special guest on the tour is john wait is on first and then foreigner or stix depending on the night and who wins the coin toss. it is lot of hits on stage. i think there are four or five number ones and just a lot of great songs that you certainly will know. four hours of classic rock which is amazing to unfold over the course of 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. steve: we love both of you. the renegades and juke box hero tour kicks off tomorrow in grand rapids. kelly and lawrence, thank you very much and good luck to you. want to make sure everyone goes to live nation or ticketmaster. dana: and breaking news on the hunter biden gun trial. we re waiting to find out if the first son will take the stand. good morning. i m dana perino. bill is off today. good morning to you, john. john: good morning. i was surprised to see foreigner and stix. i will see them in hershey, pennsylvania in july. stix are good friends of ours. america s newsroom a live look at the delaware courthouse. this as the president s son tries to avoid conviction for allegedly lying on a gun application. dana: also in delaware president biden and first lady jill biden. they returned there after their visit to france for d-day and the first lady this morning is back in court to support her son. john: team fox coverage today. andy mccarthy is on deck but let s go to rich edson in wilmington, delaware with news out of the courtroom. we just got an update from the courtroom. what s going on now, the jury is not seated yet but there are some preliminary discussions underway right now. in it there has been an indication from the defense that hunter biden will not testify. that is not fully confirmed yet. we re still waiting to here if he will or will not testify. he arrived for his second week in court with his wife, melissa. jill biden is here and his aunt and uncle. james a business partner of hunter s. if hunter declines to testify it would have closing statements as early as this afternoon. if hunter biden testifies it will go deeper into the october. prosecutor allege in october of 2018 hunter was a drug user but he produced witnesses and passages from hunter s own audio book to try to prove their case. called hunter s ex-wife and ex-girlfriend and sister-in-law hallie who hunter had a relationship with after beau died in 2015. the defense has drawn testimony that none of the witnesses actually saw hunter use crack the week and a half he possessed the gun. if convicted the charges carry a maximum of prison and fine. hunter would be a first time non-violent offender. once this trial wraps it s september in los angeles. his court date on federal tax charges. we re waiting to see if he takes the stand here today. john, back to you. john: rich edson with the latest. the very latest coming out of the courtroom in delaware. thank you. dana: thank you, john. let s bring in andy mccarthy. you know if it s a monday we have more trials to talk about. today is hunter biden. with this decision it indicates that hunter biden will not take the stand. i don t think that would be a surprise to you. but his lawyers had really presented quite a bravado going into this case but it is unlikely he will testify. do you think that s a good decision? it is a good decision, dana. i think looking at his potential sentencing guidelines it looks to me like even if he gets convicted he has a good chance of avoiding a prison sentence. that calculation can change if a defendant takes the stand, gives a version of events that the jury obviously rejects, especially what we just heard is true, the government would come back with rebuttal witnesses. the consequences of that under the sentencing guidelines would be to add additional points to computing his offense level as it is called in the guidelines, which would lean closer toward a prison sentence. i think it is a smart move. john: they took the weekend to decide what to do. the way i looked at this on friday and turley and others have talked about jury nullification. members of the jury who know someone addicted to drugs or alcohol at one point. if hunter biden were to testify he could potentially present a very sympathetic character that the jury might look at and have sympathy for and say you know what? let s not convict him on this. what do you think the decision tree was over the weekend as to whether or not to have him testify? i don t disagree with that analysis, john. i think they may feel like they accomplished that with calling his daughter last week. i think factually in terms of the evidence in the case, that was not a great strategic decision but if what you are trying to do is gin up sympathy for hunter, i think his daughter s testimony may have done just that. my own view of it is, of course they are trying for a nullification decision from the jury but also tee up their appeal. the second amendment is a very live issue in the appellate courts on the federal level. and i think what they are trying to show is that his kind of cocaine use was more like alcohol abuse than mental illness because in this country, there is not much history for regulating drug use in terms of gun possession but there is a lot of history of taking rights away, including gun rights away, from people who are adjudicated to be incompetent. they are trying to set this up and why the stress on the fact that no one can say he was using crack with certainty in the days around the time that he purchased the gun. that s where they are going, i think. dana: listen to president biden last week. he did an interview with david of abc news and asked if he would pardon his son. as we sit here in normandy, your son, hunter, is on trial and i know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution. but let me ask you will you accept the jury s outcome, their verdict no matter what it is? yes. have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. dana: all right, give you a final word on that revelation. he says he is not going to pardon him. and i believe he won t right up until election day. there is nothing enforceable what he just said. that s about as enforceable as saying i can t do anything about the border because congress won t pass the legislation and then they don t pass the legislation and he issues this cockamamie order he did a week ago. it s the position he has to take in the run-up to the election. john: he also didn t say he would commute his sentence. dana: that s true. john: anti-israel agitators haar hasing police officers and defacing statues at president biden s front door calling on his administration to pull support from the top ally in the middle east. but one republican lawmaker is now pushing for an investigation into alleged crimes committed on lafayette square. they didn t get inside the fence to spray graffiti but did a lot of damage across the street. that s right. beyond yelling about a cease-fire in gaza there was also vandalism beyond the white house gates. statues outside the white house including one of andrew jackson were vandalized on saturday, desecrated by protestors, red paint hand prints and spray paint graffiti. national park service officials are assessing the extent and cost of the damage. arkansas republican senator tom cotton had photos of statues. free gaza sprayed on a number of the statute. it is a blatant violation of federal law and calling on the justice department to investigate. if not d.o.j. will next year. you have anti-american pro-hamas loon particulars desecrating the statues of our great veterans, which is a plain violation of federal law. but joe biden s government allowed it to happen and i bet we re not going to see any arrests or prosecutions for violating that law. saturday s protest was a combination of pro-palestinian and anti-war groups. protestors wearing red were forming a human red line around the white house with some saying they stand with hamas. white house spokesman andrew baits responded to that. president biden has been clear that every american has the right to peacefully express their views but he is also always been clear that anti-semitism, violent rhetoric and endorsing murderous terrorists organizations like hamas is repugnant, dangerous, and against everything we stand for as a country. his statement does not condemn the vandalism of those statues, john. john: all right, thanks very much, we ll see what happens across the street and whether or not the investigation results in any charges. a lot of people might think that s a foregone conclusion. thank you, now this. we re going to make our country great again and greater than ever before. it is going to be special. and the world is going to look up to us with respect. they aren t going to be laughing at us. they right now are laughing at us. dana: donald trump goes west on a campaign swing. it was hot out there. he made a major promise and hauls in a boatload of cash. we have that next. idf going deep behind enemy lines rescuing four hostages from the hands of hamas in gaza. retired four star general jack keane on how it all went down. and critics accusing usa basketball of shooting an air ball for leaving caitlin clark off the olympic team. i ll root them top win gold. hopefully in four years i can be there. and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. don t wait, use promo code 25now to save. book at today. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog s food to the farmer s dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there s no magic involved. 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[shouting] dana: a buck wild scene at an oklahoma rodeo when a bull leaps over the arena fence and into a group of spectators. you can see it right there. they immediately descended on the action and eventually able to restrain the bull and put it back in its pen. four people suffered just minor injuries in the process, which is amazing. thank god. they are expected to make a full recovery. john: that s something. former president donald trump wraps up a four-day campaign swing out west including fundraisers in donor-rich california where the cash tap was on full blast. trump also made a no tax pitch to millions of people who work off of tips. senior correspondent alicia acuna live in vegas with more. that had to go over well in sin city, alicia. the crowd really loved it, john. he had a big weekend here in las vegas. former president trump also made a much-anticipated endorsement ahead of the gop senate primary race in nevada. after he left las vegas he endorsed leading candidate retired army captain sam brown who was injured in an explosion while serving in afghanistan. trump writing on truth social i have gotten to know sam and his beautiful wife, amy, first lieutenant and i know in the next chapter of their life of service together they ll continue to make us all proud. sam has already proven his love for our country being horrifically wounded and making a comeback of a lifetime. tuesday s primary winner takes on democratic senator rosen in november. rosen said donald trump endorsed my extreme maga opponent sam brown. banning abortion, gutting healthcare and slashing social security is wrong for nevada. we ll defeat maga extremism in november. on sunday trump also made that campaign promise. for those hotel workers and people who get tips you ll be very happy. when i get to office we re going to not charge taxes on tips. people making tips. the culinary union that represents 60,000 hospitality workers responded, relief is needed for tip earners. nevada workers are smart enough to know the difference between real solutions and wild campaign promises from a convicted felon. congress has the power to change the tax law. a trump spokesperson later told fox president trump will ask congress to eliminate taxes on tips. biden has stepped up the i.r.s. going after tip workers. we ll see where this goes, john. john: i wonder who the culinary workers union is backing in this election? alicia, thank you. dana: want to bring in kevin o leary, chairman of owe leery ventures joining us on the five once in a while. it would be popular for people who make tips but economically i love lower taxes, so what do you think? it is a very interesting proposal. congress has to approve it. tips have been controversial at the taxation level for decades because some of the tips they still are coming in cash are never put onto your form. a tremendous amount of leakage in terms of what s really due to the i.r.s. why not abandon these small amounts? tips are ten to 20% of a bill, maybe 150 or less for a meal in las vegas and so instead of going after these small amounts which for a i.r.s. are really $20, give it up, put some relief on these people squeezed by inflation both in their costs and labor costs for restaurants causing a lot of them to shut down in states like california. politically i see the point. it works. obviously if you are helping them out. a lot of these jobs are transient. you don t want to be a waitress in a fast food location for the rest of your life or waiter. and it s kind of helping young generation move forward. i like it. dana: let me ask you this. you are right on the politics. president trump at 50%, biden at 45%. i have a friend in democratic politics tell me they re writing off nevada at this point and thinking that trump will win it. i also wanted to ask you this looking forward the way the economy is going, there are many more people putting together their income based on the gig economy. a lot of that is based on tips. you re right, that s true. uber drivers, etc. that is a big boost. a tax gift, a giveaway. it may be political. in terms of changing the outcome of the election, i don t think anybody can call this election now. i ve never seen it tighter. dana: no, i just meant for nevada itself because it s looking really good for trump. i don t write off any state for any candidate. the polling has been so volatile over the last two election cycles i don t believe any of it. you have to show me the actual data the night of the election and then i ll believe anything. i would say the biggest issue for both candidates one way or the other is inflation and definitely playing up nevada on home and protein on energy. it s than issue. calling a state now impossible. that s certainly as an investor i m not doing that. dana: it was just a chat with my friend about politics. okay. let me ask you about home and auto insurance. this is the wall street journal earlier today in its editorial saying a politically-made insurance panic. auto and home rates are soaring and the causes are inflation and lawsuit abuse. look at the rates of insurance. it increases in homeowner s insurance. arizona a battleground state. a lot of this has to do with outside influences. listen to senator elizabeth warren and why she is blaming the insurance company. the insurance companies have kind of been playing every part of this game and now when climate risks are rising, they are trying to hang american families out to dry here and demanding either higher premiums or get out of the market all together. so there is a lot going on that poses risk to our economy. dana: i wanted to ask you about that. i ve been watching the costs of car insurance and home insurance really hurting people. while they re dealing with inflation they see at the grocery store. 100% right. 100% right. let me say out of the gate my family grew up in massachusetts. we don t live there anymore. a lot of it is because of elizabeth warren. a great politician, very successful. i don t like her management style and policies. she is wrong on this. the actual facts why inflation has hit insurance so hard is not just weather. there is a tremendous amount of contingency litigation going on here where a lawyer can take down capital from a hedge fund and litigate until the cows come home and get winnings. that policy should be changed. if you lose you pay the legal costs. weather is a factor as well. one sector in our economy that benefits from a.i. this is one of the biggest. so much investment going on trying to write policies from data to a micro level of your street address that it could bring some relief to people in the next 24 months. i m in the insurance industry and consumer goods industry. we look at this like a hawk. i have to buy insurance for my restaurants. are costs are up higher than our food and labor. we want relief there. elizabeth warren is not being helpful bashing the insurance companies. that s never useful. you have to look at why the rates have gone up. there are multiple causes. dana: i feel vindicated. i am obsessed with this issue and wanting to talk more about it and glad we did. kevin o leary, thank you, have a great monday. this whole thing, this whole tragedy could be over. all the hostages could be home. there could be a cease-fire if hamas would step up and say yes to the deal. john: a celebration of freedom after israel rescues four hostages from the clutches of hamas. new details on the daring raid and why the anti-israel mob just won t give up coming up next. plus potential crunch time in hunter biden s federal gun trial. will the president s son take the stand? we re watching. customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! 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(laughing) call 1-800-977-3322 to schedule a free hearing evaluation and unlock our best deal of the year! dana: we re learning new details about israel s dramatic rescue of four hostages in gaza over the weekend. the raid in gaza bringing home one woman and three men. the largest hostage rescue operation since the war began last october. trey yengst live in tel aviv with the latest. this morning i listened to a podcast where they had wonderful detail about how all this happened. tell us more. good morning. it was certainly the happiest weekend in israel since the war began, four hostages were rescued from hamas captivity. tears erupted across the country from the streets to the beaches of tel aviv. at a hospital here the israeli civilians were reunited with loved wonder. embraced, laughed and cried. part of what the daring operation to save them looked like. israeli special forces engaged in intense gun battles with militants as they stormed two apartment buildings. they later took the hostages to safety. one mother describes what her reunion was like. very happy to see he is healthy. he looks himonty and happy. he is infinitely happy he is back home and very happy to see him. for israelis it was a day of hope, for palestinians a day of death and destruction. hamas-run palestinians health ministry stays nearly 300 people, mostly civilians, were killed during the operation. videos showed a hospital overflowing with injured and dead patients, as we gather new information about the raid over the weekend there is some political instability in israel. two members of the israeli war cabinet resigned from their positions in the emergency government. dana: also secretary blinken is heading to tel aviv this morning expected to meet with president netanyahu? absolutely. he just made some new remarks on the tarmac in cairo before heading to israel. there is a deal on the table and israelis have accepted the cease-fire deal and now up to hamas to sign on. dana. dana: trey yengst, thank you. john: let s bring in marc thiessen. former speech writer for president bush and fox news contributor. here is what the national security advisor jake sullivan said over the weekend to free the hostages. we should point out that they released the woman seen being taken away in the back of the motorcycle. literally without incident. the idf tried to free the other three hostages a gun fight ensued and all hell broke loose. here is what jake sullivan said about that. civilians were killed and it is tragic. the whole tragedy could be over. all the hostages could be home. there could be a cease-fire if hamas would step up and say yes to the deal that the israelis have accepted and that president biden elaborated a week ago. john: could be over if hamas would surrender and give up all the hostages. we don t hear the administration calling for that. i ve been stunned by the response to this hostage raid in the media and other places. if your response to heroic rescue of israeli hostages and the scenes of these hostages being reunited with their families after 245 days is to blame israel and be outraged an israel you may be an anti-semite. the reason why were civilians killed? because they were holding hostages in civilian areas. that s why civilians were killed. when you hear the news that israel carried out a raid to rescue hostages in a palestinian refugee camp the first question should be why were hostages being held in a refugee camp? that should be the outrage. one other thing. one of these this young lady was being held by a wealthy palestinian family who used her as a housekeeper. they would call her out of her room after family dinner and make her wash the dishes. i m sorry, in the 21st century the days of used being used as slave labor is over. israelis were right to rescue the hostage. wall street editorial said. haters of israel will blame and excuse hamas every time. media are manipulated to playing along. has the west loss lot the moral instinct for self-preservation to defend itself in a world of killers? hamas could not survive if not for its enablers around the world. experts say hamas will not unconditionally surrender or agree to any cease-fire where it would lose power is because it is holding out long enough for the outrage to grow against israel and the pressure from this administration on israel to accept the cease-fire is great and finally everybody caves and hamas stays in power. as a p.r. strategy it s working. keep in mind these civilian casualties here were intentional on the part of hamas. they are responsible for every one of them through their decision. it was hamas who made the decision to start this war and massacre and rape israeli civilians. it was their decision to take israeli civilians hostage and bring them into refugee camps and hide them among the civilian population using palestinian civilians at human shields. hamas s decision not to agree to a cease-fire and release the hostages and hamas s decision to take weapons into the palestinian refugee camp and when the israeli rescuers come, to open fire forcing the israelis to respond. people blame israel for the civilian what hamas understands is that there are millions of anti-semites out there who will give them a pass and blame israel for every action it takes to defend itself. unfortunately this administration cowering and the israelis aren t listening doing what they need to do to protect their country and not allow another holocaust to happen and their people to be massacreed. john: the video of the woman being kidnapped and taken away on the motorcycle and the look of terror on her face. for her to be back home is a miracle. dana reads sports. dana: two heroic plays in men s college baseball yesterday as the florida gators stun the clemson tigers 11-ten ending their season. clemson center fielder making an unreal over the head catch at the bottom of the 10th. the catch saved the game with a 9-nine. it was michael robertson who played hero for the gators punching a ball for the win at the top at the bottom of the 13th inning. and sending his team to the college world series that takes place in omaha. i felt i was on a high wire without a net with that read. john: the top is the first part of the inning the bottom the last part of the inning. the catch was amazing. dana: you don t see that every day. john: we ll talk next hour about my favorite topic, caitlin clark being snubbed from the u.s. owe ole owe limb particular team. patrol agents are being told something far different. what do you think of president biden? biden? i love biden. why do you love him? biden helped us. ild diagno sed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. it s awesome. [music playing] it s time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer s dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog s needs. it s an idea whose time has come. our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges. who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple.with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. dana: a landslide causing part of a major highway at teton pass in wyoming to collapse. it forced the closure of a key transit route between idaho and the beautiful town of jackson, wyoming. state officials describe it as a catastrophic failure and it is not clear how long it will take to reopen the road. that s a tough one as we go into the summer. john: that s a big one. maybe the landslide will bring you down. not even a week into president biden s border action we capture migrants illegally pouring across the san diego border sector. border patrol agents getting word to let those people into the country. matt finn is live along the california border with the latest for us. matt. all weekend long we saw migrants illegally cross right here coming from places like china, india, egypt, africa and beyond and just last week president biden promised that his new executive order would suspend illegal migrants from being released into the united states. but now a new border patrol memo obtained by fox news seems to contradict what the president promised. that memo reads in part that agents here in the san diego sector should continue mass releasing single adult migrants into the united states from all but six countries in the eastern hemisphere including russia, moldova and bill: others are being released on the honor system. it reads border patrol agents are ordered to refer to ice single adults from hard or very hard to remove countries. all other migrants are processed and released with a notice to appear on their on recognizance. here in san diego we are talking to migrants coming from all over the world. many tell us they fly into mexico and are smuggled into the united states. did you pay anyone to help you get here? no, i just searched the internet and then follow those guy. can come here. what do you think of president biden? biden? i love biden. why do you love biden? because biden, we love. why do you love him? biden helped us. many of these migrants tell us that they pay $10,000 and beyond to find these cartel coyotes or human smugglers to help them get into the united states, john. john: wow, anybody who thought this executive order was going to change things is sadly mistaken. matt finn for us in california. thank you. dana: want to bring in retired border patrol chief chris clem. curious let s put up the memo again about releasing not releasing from those countries in the eastern hemisphere. why would they do that, chris? this is first of all it s a great topic, very telling about the administration. since day one they have been about catch and release. hard to remove or hard countries, those are mandatory referrals to ice. it doesn t mean it s a mandatory detention. border patrol is not going to release those themselves. it is ice that is supposed to put them in longer, sometimes indefinitely. but as we know and what we ve seen most likely they will be released if nothing has come up. i want to say it s very interesting that we are a week into this executive order, nothing has changed. the numbers continue to rise in san diego. it s another pull factor. if you are a single adult and not listed in those countries you ll be released. so guess what? they ll keep coming. dana: here is what mayorkas thinks about the timing of it all. what has the impact been? how many migrants have been turned away between those ports of entry? we re at a very early stage. implementation as you noted has just begun. our intent is to really change the risk calculus of individuals before they leave their countries of origin and incentivize them to use the lawful pathways that we have made available to them and keep them out of the hands of ex employ station smugglers. it s early. dana: he says it s early. the new york post says it s already failed. the headline, the border crack down has failed as illegals flood across. how do you see it and where do you fall? it s early and already failed. he uses fancy words that don t make sense. reality is this. they ve known since day one this has been a problem. they ve been working on catch and release and doing this the whole time. now they say it will take time. what have they been doing the last six months when mayorkas and blinken went to mexico and the foreign policy expert that sits in the white house who hasn t made arrangements. one last thing i ll say specific to the memo, it is not uncommon to have some specific efficiency directives in those correspondence going to the field. ice is not going to take certain people. let s not waste the time and process them. one particular pathway if it is not going to result in a detention. so there is some efficiency rules in that memo but at the end of the day what should be alarming to everybody is that single adults are being released if knee aren t from those six countries. who has been committing the crimes around the country have been single adults released out of border patrol and ice custody. we need to detain these folks. they have had years to plan for this. to sit there and say it will take time. how many more lives and migrants have to be exploited because this administration will not secure the border and hold people accountable? dana: chris clem, thank you for joining us today. we ll continue to watch it because the migrants continue to come. thank you. as i was turning, a shark grabbed ahold of my hand i looked down and there was a shark attached to my hand. i started punching it. john: a streak of shark attacks putting the florida panhandle on high alert. what authorities are telling swimmers. usa basketball under fire for leaving caitlin clark off the olympic team and how the superstar is responding. no disappointment something to work for. it s a dream. hopefully one day i can be there. they get it. they know how it works. more importantly, it works for them. i don t have any anxiety about money anymore. i don t have to worry about a mortgage payment every month. it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. linda, dinah, joanne, very different people. but they do have a couple things in common. they love their home, and they know their stuff. they all talked about the counseling they got, so they knew how a reverse mortgage worked. and how it could be a real financial solution for their retirement. if you re 62 or older and own your home, find out how you could access your home s equity to give you cash now, and when you need it in the future. a reverse mortgage could put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments, paying off higher-interest credit cards and covering medical costs. a person like me needed to get a reverse mortgage it changed my life, it was the best thing i ve ever done. really? 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listen to your heart. repatha plus a statin dramatically lowers ldl-c by 63%, and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won t let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. john: fox news alert. firefighters in miami working to extinguish a three alarm fire at a multi-story apartment building after a person was found shot inside that building. police also investigating. more details as we get them. dana. dummies, for the first time in the history of basketball you have arguably a player the most popular player in the world. and you leave her off the olympics team? dana: basketball fans are slamming a decision by usa basketball to leave caitlin clark off the team for the paris olympics that takes place in eight weeks. mike tobin has more from chicago. what happened? the biggest name in women s basketball won t be on the u.s. team this olympics and indications that the decision to not include her on the roster didn t really have to do with who would play the best in the olympics. moment i million dollar sensation and name drawing eyes to the wnba caitlin clark is left off the olympic roster. she was excluded from team usa because there was concerns she would not play as much in the olympics as she does in the pros and concern her fans would have a negative reaction. they wrote it s an admission of tension that the old guard in women s basketball harbors for the rookie who has drawn worldwide attention to women s basketball. clark took the high road and took the disappointment in stride and says the snub from team usa gave her something to work for. the most competitive team in the world and it could have gone either way. i m excited for them. going to be rooting them on to win gold. i was a kid that grew up watching the olympics so yeah, it will be fun watching. the coach of the indiana fever for which clark plays says behind the scenes clark s reaction was more competitive. they just woke a monster. women have been dominant in basketball. they have won every gold in the olympics since 1996. dana: thanks. lots a chitchat on that today. appreciate it. john: weird changes coming up in europe. the european parliament swinging to the right as conservatives win elections in france, italy and germany. alex hogan in london has more on the shift. what s going on? we re starting to see these results roll in from the european unions parliamentary elections and results showing this right-leaning shift especially in countries that hold a large number of seats. let s look at france, for example. the right-leaning party is projected to get more than double the share of french president macron s pro-centrist europeans. m he called for a new election. they will take place at the end of this month set to take place before the country hosts the olympics. looking at germany, chancellor schultz social democrats saw their worst-ever result of 14% losing to the conservative opposition. and in austria, the right-leaning freedom party out performed the conservative party as well as the social democrats. meanwhile looking at italy, italian prime minister conservative brothers of italy s group doubled their seats in the e.u. assembly. why it all matters is the 720 seats will really determine the state of affairs of what takes place within the e.u. over the next five years and new data from today from the e.u. suggests those voters who made their way out voiced concerns, three main concerns at this point in time immigration, international conflicts and economy. definitely making those voices heard this weekend.

Hunter-biden , Defense , Jury , What-s-going-on , Indication , Discussions , Guest , Plastic-surgery , Arm-wrestle , John-wait , Lot , Stix

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Big Weekend Show 20240609

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thanks for watching fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. set your dvr to 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday on fox news and don t forget on social media and i everybody calm down to her, hey girl. parks across and listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. good night from new york city. it can be they republican, you can be a democrat, just don t be a [bleep]. there is. joey jones and charlie hurt, welcome to the big weekend show . the big boy tonight, calm, circumstance and politics for president biden in paris, biden telling the world that climate change is the only existential crisis to humanity. then claims is the son of the american revolution. what has correspondent peter doocy with the president tonight in paris. where the sun is setting what president biden is trying to say, he thinks putin could move further into alluding to the fact that a different dictator did that here in france, not that long ago. i meant france for the leadership as well. over 107 billion dollars in ukraine since the war began because you know what happened. there is a greater that can t be battled with standing armies or drones. the president said during a brief statement, it s climate change directly work together for peace and stability like good security and counterterrorism. that threat of climate change growing later working together to accelerate to net zero. only existential threat to humanity including nuclear weapons is that we do nothing on climate change. i could go on. president biden and first lady attended equity stake dinner a palace denver nuggets. tomorrow morning they will light a refund world war i memorial before jetting off to delaware. with us. thanks guys, gorgeous. what you think, existential threat of climate change is the only word? if you go with the horror movie and make climate change the only existential threat, you need to. the problem is he s making his mixing it with others like vladimir putin and. nuclear war. maybe i misread this but the way i heard him and who knows what he s saying ever but i thought he said including nuclear weapons, climate change is still the only existential threat which raises the question like thank god this guy isn t in charge of protecting the united states from auto, nuclear war. it does seem to be the same he focuses on regularly climate change in general so he s fitting it into a broader message about democracy and ukraine and the things the man was a what is important to president joe biden, climate change, he thinks it s an exit central threats to democracy it s funny, he said we know what happens if putin succeeds and he didn t say this because of where he was in the 80th anniversary don t want to talk about the campaign but media has, we know what happens of donald trump wins the election. there is this constant comparison by many on the left that trump is just like putin, i ll go further, the clinton said it hitler and that is the scare tactic they are trying to say. he must vote blue because of the don t, you will see what happens. there will be no more democracy and three branches of governm government. president biden does seem to get out there and enjoy telling a good story once in a while and me but genealogist to work with this one. one thing that s been election to my family is my middle name. allegedly i ve been told i my grandfather not going to get, maybe someone could help me, i am a son of the american revolution because he came over with lafayette and never went home. stayed in the united states it makes me a son of the american revolution the middle of the story, the french pronunciations he worked in, i love it. what you think, are you a son of the american revolution? i am a son of a penal colony so my ancestors were indebted came in for hard labor. [laughter] he pronounced his own name two different ways that. i can t get over that, is it robin a, robinette he s inferring whoever that is, was french so he s been irish, he s been italian, he s been mexican and puerto rican, he s been some version of african-american and now french. he is the baskin-robbins of presidents, we love him. [laughter] this is not something we should even concern ourselves with. it s not what you hope they can, is just no concern, he s lied his way all the way to the top of our government we obviously as a voting demographic except these lies. we let someone you play dress and lie about important things like how his family was killed in a car wreck and let him lie about his son and everything. let him lie about being french, do you want to be french? i want to be french. fine, go ahead at least get the right country though. i was impressed he dropped the french pronunciation in french, that s a step in the right direction. i think it was coincidental. [laughter] he corrected himself a few moments later. he touched we touched on this a few moments ago, the subject of democracy must make sure you are worried about democracy, take a listen. they understood democracy as democracy. here we prove i guess of our democracy when democracy is at risk across the world in world war ii, we defend democracy. it s never guaranteed. talk about democracy. american democracy. american democracy democracy. democracy. political calling it a wake up call to americans but it seems fear mongering may not be working. this is in newport beach, california, hundreds of trump supporters lined the streets as a former president) fundraiser. this crowd, liberal californ california [chanting] two days ago in san francisco trump raised $12 million at the silicon valley fundraiser. my house was sold out and by the way, the protesters outside, those were broke trump demonstrators. the number of people who were protesting against trump, there s maybe a couple dozen versus hundreds who are broke trump so even on the streets, a tremendous enthusiasm gap and that s what s happening in the broke san francisco, what does that tell you throw the country? so much money in politics is mind blowing and this is postconviction. it is liberal campuses. 85% of san francisco voted for president biden in 2020. i thought the number would have been higher. if you are republican in san francisco or even california for the most part, you re in witness protection. now you have, for years later, broke trump rally outside and the man who endorsed donald trump, venture capitalist, a popular podcast, he represents ingenuity and what we are seeing from the biden tc, biden d.o.j. is trying to strangle american innovation and what we do with artificial intelligence and etc. they don t like that. the law like but now that they are hosting a dinner for the president, former president and having supporters outside, it is mind blowing. there s this headline, it may mark the end of an american era. this cnn, no time since june 6, 1944 has the unshakable u.s. leadership of the west and support for international values has been so in question, democracy facing stern tests generations from far right populism. i think if you believe in i don t know what that person means but internationalist world order but if you believe in america first like donald trump thus, you believe in a strong concerned about american interests first that includes having a strong hand abroad. what it does mean is launching in two unnecessary wars or allowing unnecessary wars to happen and what we have seen president biden is supposed to be the world s greatest expert on foreign policy, we seen two wars start in the world because of his inability to govern and in america first agenda so i think it s all politics and you re right, the idea that joe biden is talking about concern for democracy is the party in america, democrats are trying to jail their primary opponent, nuts. final thoughts as we are talking about joe biden s perception of this threat to democracy. i guess, want to impeach someone twice and now convicted or found them guilty in several criminal court, more popular than they ever are, he speaks to what people are thinking at home. after january 6, trump didn t really hand them talking people casually observe politics, turned off by january 6 and have trump handled it, i can say that objectively. i was turned off, i thought it was ugly. now you fast-forward and they have this football they can run with and they spike it on third down. they don t use it, to go into this law fair and economy and foreign policy and national security are greatly more important to people then the character, no matter how you slice it, the individual who runs those policies he may believe biden is a good person, he s ruining the country. he may believe donald trump is the person we saw in the apprentice for ten years that makes comments in mexico all my god but think about where you were five years ago and that is the conversation, just can t hold? a lot of people care about kitchen table issues, that is for sure. coming up on the big weekend show [chanting] a stunning side-by-side as israel rescues hostages held by hamas since the seventh, thousands of pro- hamas protesters causing chaos steps from the white house. plus, facebook post that could throw out trumps conviction. also ahead, finished fanatical strike extremist? absurd claim about people who like to work out. welcome back to the big weekend show . for hostages held by hamas since october 7 are not home with the families and israel after baroque rescue by the idea. hours after rescue, chaos outside the white house at the hands of protesters all while the president is in france. i want to echo president macron s comments walking the rescue of hostages returning to the families. won t stop working until all hostages from home cease-fire is reached. chief washington correspondent mike emanuel the anti- israel protest in d.c. he is would here with us tonig tonight. good evening, protesters calling on president biden and his administration to stop sending bombs and military aid to israel. we are told some of the protesters here today travel as much as 16 hours ciattarelli in our nation s capital. the folks here are furious the president said israeli military operation would be a redline yet israel ignored him so protesters were read to create a human redline around the white house. joe biden, you may speak in our name but not with our consent. we charge you with genocide. it was designed to make us become quiet. protesters vandalized the statue of andrew jackson handprints suggesting the biden administration has blood on its hands. they used books raping to call for the boycott of israeli products. this was the third major pro- palestinian protest in washington over the past eight months. secret service took extra precautions with crowds expect expected. we heard free palestine and biden, biden, he will see. palestine will be free referring to the president is genocide j joe. of course president biden is in here, he is in paris. still, protesters sending a message to the president and his administration. thank you, mike. important to say in comparison of this moment on the left, pro, s supporters surrounded completely surrounding the white house with a red banner that protesters declare is there redline. they do not want the u.s. to support israel. on the right, pure joy of rescued hostages and families reunited after more than eight months. those hostages affected from the music festival. it is boggling we are even having to discuss this because it s amazing to think of these for hostages among over a hundred ducted and 120 we think are either now in custody but still in custody if they are still alive. emerging from captivity on this glorious day only to find out in washington d.c. there are protests in favor of their captors. i can t even wrap my brain around it is so insane cynical remarkable date and to see home, it s wondrous. one of the most recognizable hostages taken they and swept away from the music festival on the back of a motorcycle and one of the most torturous parts is hamas is given little information about the people that continued to hold among them, americans including : where they released video in april, a young man, american in california kidnapped had his arm blown off. miraculously survived in a forced video so remember there are still right now 100 hostages held and among them, americans. many headlines note many casualties as a result of this effort and successful rescue, a brave rescue but they were not being held, they want nothing elderly men and women and they take miraculous bravery, it wouldn t be necessary. miraculous day but there are two sides. these are not combatants held, these are innocent people at a music festival. joey, your among the few people that can imagine what this is like but israel lost a commando, portmanteau for others live. hamas only gives up one of their lives in an effort to kill people but the guy dies a hero obviously. i will take that everyday, if i die and for innocent people come home, that s why signed up for. they work but about a leader, commander so the way israeli army operates, their leader closing from what i ve read, it s a cultural thing food of the labor of going in he would never know that from these lunatics spray painting andrew jackson statue at the park. read handprints and the numbers in the headline of the washington post from the ap come from the health ministry gaza and consider the numbers because they have access to the hospitals and marks. i ll put numbers on because these facts could help inform the public debate about what is going on as many the size isra israel. sixty children killed in gaza climbed sharply, 64% of casualties after in october after the invasion and killing and in april it went down to 38%. did you see the headline in washington post and i would like to think it s a turn but maybe not. you will never find a case where israel intentionally killed innocent people. to get a heads up and they weren t about to do this. the entire tactic is to kill an object innocent people, the story and if that doesn t tell the difference in your hopeless i guess. coming up, social media, facebook post that could get trumps conviction thrown out. that s next. i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol s extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. welcome back to the big weekend show . possible bombshell and follow trunk trial. the judge notified trump defense team about facebook post : one of the jurors discussed guilty verdict with the family before the jury set up. the post said my cousin is adjourned incest trump is getting convicted. thank you folks, for all your hard work. trump campaign official those books and digital it is investigating the matter. it s important to note it s not verified the person who posted this can do any of the jurors but the judge sent a letter not just trumps team but the assistant da and if the judge is a letter that this person is akin to a juror it looks the judge like he s not on top of it so where to be dealt with this? i think this might delay it might delay the sentencing because trumps team will say let s push for an investigation and the judge has to bring in jurors say this is anyone s cousin? i go back to the way it s handled by the judge and the legal person for donald trump said why did you let these men and women go home for memorial day instead of sequestering them? high-profile unprecedented case is what is going to want to talk about and they would have spoken about with friends and family so if it s true must judge merchan might have wanted to do it in the beginning. i m in line with that, it makes the judge look kind of b bad. take all the things we ve heard from jonathan turley and others on the network how this is how a normal case would go and look at objectively 130 million people in this country, billions on social media block don t know if this person is legitimate and sent a letter to both teams and it seems like he would investigate that before you notify. you would think. you have to assume the judge knows more than we do. the judge knows more than what he put in the letter again, we have no idea if there is in relation the end of the cousin really is on a jury but you have to assume he knows more of the other thing is, the problem is the judge denied everything they ve made and what i saw, i thought maybe this is the off ramp where guy gets to embarrassing him self and it s out of doing whatever crazy think he ll do that will haunt him the rest of his career because the trial has to go down as the worst thing in his career so i don t have any faith that he will recognize that. next step is sentencing and applying for an appeal and is pushed out that way, is this grounds for mistrial? do you want a mistrial, what do you want? if you watch it, we seen a number of legal and was talking about transfer appeal that could potentially happen here in the course had but when it comes to specific individual who may or may not be a cousin of roger and the precise timing of the post before the deliberations, he had a 25% chance of being right no matter what the individual posted. i can t believe there are hundreds of thousands being investigated. it s like somebody tried to stir something up, carlo how real that is, a lot of questions house taken. the judge mentioned is so it takes it up, it has to be taken seriously and republicans are concerned. it seems a lot to me. there will columnist and attack on getting jacked claiming right wing if you work out. that s next. make sure you re watching one nation that o clock eastern ti time. there s me and then there is dana white. exclusive sit down with one of the most successful people in the country, advice for you and magic of donald trump and ufc plus keepsake except welcome back to the big weekend show . they say working out builds muscle. you need to go? i wasn t expecting company. this doing my workout. two says back. you asked me to come by. one liberal columnist, working out will turn you into a right wing jerk. she writes, you caps on and more energetic and you think you are master of your own destiny high on self-righteousness and you situate others problems within your failure. this is true if you don t know them and it s just a bunch numbers. these people with ibs, imagine how much better it would be they took responsibility for their health the way you have. charlie, you work out a lot. [laughter] i do the same and have the same results to show for it. or lady, she s confused and obviously bad at the gym and were set friday. she talks how she thinks is conservative to be the master of your own destiny and the cannabis and climbed the whole thing for independence, taking control of your life because you get to choose your own destiny. how is that a bad thing? i didn t disagree with the word of that. [laughter] i m sorry if i hurt your feelings. it might be the answer for a lot of people. where is the problem here? i didn t understand. she also says in the article, fitness has a capitalist logic because there s so much money in it so nothing is ever enough it as soon as you can run a 5k, you want to run ten was competing and striving for growth even of micro human strength. you have internalized market unfortunately. you re getting on everyone s nerves, does it change your mind? the whole premises if you work out, his ethical and legal and now set another one. stop the press, could you believe somebody would live their life that way? what are we supposed to do? they re supposed to wallow in our city believe the truth is we can t survive without the government, we can t take control of ourselves and lives in destiny, supposed to taken everything offered for all the symptoms we have, not change our diet or physical health, but big pharma from that. we are supposed to buy in to the system that makes us invalid every way possible because that s what makes naturally week or choosing to be weak people about i m sorry but i don t do it. i ve had my legs blown off in afghanistan and will be in the gym everyday and it makes me a jerk [laughter] right wing joke. [laughter] why bring politics into this? she s pretty for herself. i want to yield my time, i don t have enough to say but i googled about this to see if it was something emphasis fyi story five years ago, more likely to be right wing. a cousin to the studies so it s not the most original article of work. if you are republican, prettier, more attractive than the democrat a lot of people would defend that and say us because we republicans have more money, they can spend more on what they look like. to cinderblocks workout with. by choice. he lives an alternative lifestyle and is in good shape. one last thing on wheel of fortune so where do game shows go from here? we have that next. (birds chirping) well this isn t gonna work. try this. (celebratory choir sings) this. will work. scooore! pick up score! at walmart. a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! welcome back to the big weekend show , the end of an era. sajak officially retired as the host of wheel of fortune, christina coleman more on his office from los angeles. millions of loyal viewers thank during his farewell speech something. big time has come to say goodbye and i ve always felt privileged came with responsibility to keep his daily our is a place for family. no social issues, no politics, nothing embarrassing. gradually became one of place where kids learn about us and people from other countries home and wish skills and famous concussion) neighbors and entire generations. what an honor to have played even a small part of the mexico city look or should 41 years and post a thousand episodes. every time he went to the show, he met three people from all parts of the wonderful country is that they were kind and considerate to write and talking of the family, friends and hometown. during his goodbye speech he expressed how great it was to work with dana white who cohosted the show with him 1982. i will miss our nightly closes and laughter and good nature. a very special one and i know you are all pleased to know joe be back next season ryan seacrest will post wheel of fortune from now on as for pat, he has his next gig lined up and will start a plane is in downtown duluth. he looks amazing. congrats to pat sajak and he had a nice thing to say, no politics, it s about the letters and something you can watch at the family cement pat sajak is a staple in my life, my grandmother watched the show and my mom watched the show and now about to turn 38, i ve never watched more in my life and i do now but my daughter, she s not about to going to kindergarten and in the letter show right now it s recognizing letters so it is a great thing to do with her and she loves it. got one right, he s a native veteran and a lot of people know that in my past life i would take groups of limited veterans show them around and go on site with different shows and end with the motorcycle ride so one trip i took on wheel of fortune last and they were in the middle of taping and we went in to look from the side and they stopped the taping thank you ñ-letter letters behind the. afterwards i found out they do that every time and every time, a group of veterans coming in the culture of the show, i wish him well but i will miss it a wonderful source look tough to follow macbeth is beautifully set beautifully set. the idea when you look around people s longevity and jobs, it s like eight years now and not only for a guy to do this for 41 years but do it with his partner 41 years is extraordinary. they had amazing chemistry, they really did. i said i wonder if they have an affair it was like no, never say that tv royalty it was the chemistry, relationship like brother and sister and they said an interview i did, they had one fight in 41 years. [laughter] was about whether a hotdog should catch up. she likes ketchup and mustard. speaking of, we have a clip from the 80s show hosted by chuck on fox nation. take a look. we love each other but very competitive. but no matter what happens, we will still love each other. [laughter] i wouldn t touch that with the forklift so here we go. deceptively simple around. i feel like you re not paying attention and it probably doesn t matter. [laughter] some punks sexy ladies. [laughter] doesn t stand a chance but you can see on fox nation it looks amazing. i m not into game shows, i am not a big wheel of fortune guy but i definitely will watch that for sure. shannon bream listen i love chuck, one of the og s just like the police exciting about the clip you shared that. the people in it it looks awesome. it is magnificent and is probably a suit of his. i am jealous i lived in the 80s decade but old enough to like that. the make up the apartment had a blast, for sure. they need to get me on. [laughter] fox nation s most of check in case much and now available on fox nation and stick around. big weekend flops are next. okay back to the big, it is the time for a big weekend flops these are big for what we think the biggest feels the week and i m going to go first, yes this one is pretty tough, hardly democratic town council, in wethersfield connecticut refused a thin blue line like to honor fallen to relate kind of duty. it is now been used by poison from certain other far right types of fruits and even many police department thoroughly country has indicated that i think it s a authorize or use that like to employment out of the city councilmember literally, that would was wondering do damage control for female number of female and don t remember her name is that some pretty important things and really, within blue line flight to racism and hatred in all be think about i guess what bothers me think of pride flag they flew to half mast of the american flag this one of the things were this bike has been around for hundred years enemies were going to memorialize those give their lives serving their community and if trying to hijack that, pushback and keep ownership of it and then to be it means from adobe so week pretty. it seems pretty simple okay major bill of the major discovery of essential for thousands of tons of lithium to be extracted annually from wastewater generated by tracking has been discovered a bit dirt dream difficult to refusing covenant have into the source it is further evidence, that that the whole environmentalism, green new deal, fa is a given to give more power to government and they do not actually want to solve anything because they cannot have a utopia without lithium and batteries. it is better for to get from china. [laughter] i guess right. porch pirates a doorbell camera captured footage of a thief fake amazon best posted as a delivery driver hazel packages from a home in massachusetts and so he walks up and he was dressed as a delivery driver within of the box and put them to box down on the porch and then stole the real box and porch piracy $8 billion a year theft in. there s one video pretty polls the box it blows up on him and i think everybody needs to be able to do that. go out. with dog manure. the latest bizarre food trended making the rounds of social media kcal bars smothering catch up yes and the skills here you go. and this is for you. no no no. this is a break me off moment, these are made it to be shared. that s not possible, that is not possible. the vertex, the vertex, charlie. no no no. i think the thing to do is you look awfully cancer first and then you eat the chocolate. this is an improvement on catch up. and the dozen for us and we will see you tomorrow the big we can show starts right now.

80th-anniversary-don-t , Everybody , Thanks , Fox-news , Saturday-night , Social-media , Jimmy-failla , Dvr , 00 , 10 , Person , Product

Transcripts For CNN Secrets Spies A Nuclear Game 20240609

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you re still at the mercy of what these storms decide to do. autumn kirks: i have a very healthy respect for mother nature and tornadoes and what they can do. it can ruin your entire life. it can destroy everything you know. in 2011, after the joplin tornado, amber munson had lost her house, most of her possessions, and all of her treasured photographs. but months later, a miracle. there was a craigslist post from a stranger over 50 miles away who had found a photograph in their yard. it was a picture sucked up by the tornado. a baby photo of amber. the only one to survive. the woman mailed it back to amber along with $5, all she could afford, but wanted to give to help amber start her life over. and with $5, well, she could afford it, wanted to give to help amber start her life over for more information on what you can do in a tornado and what you can do to help combat the growing climate crisis go to violent earth i m liev schreiber. thanks for watching. goodnight the listeners as it were the kgb, who had pulled the surveillance equipment lived on the floor above us. and in moscow and you knew they were then on the whole ones just intuitive i mean, i remember my wife and i had some kind of argument about where we could take the children for a weekend picnic in another and manly were, hey, i addressed the silina said, well, you up there, which we agree. and to my amazement, within about two or three hours, somebody had slipped in a note under our front door saying, well, you had agreed on costco vogue or cheerios over whatever was erase some some picnic place i felt that was a kgb surveillance who had a good sense of humor actually this is the unseen story of the cold war but not by politicians that by secret agents there was complete misunderstanding on either side. it s very difficult to determine whom you can trust as the soviet union faces off with the west in the early 1980s to spies play a dangerous game from the shadows they seek to win the upper hand while the world stands on the brink of nuclear war these are their stories in their own words testimony piece together from interviews over the years after 11 years of sigurd worth maybe i developed paranoia and never before heard recordings molten five go up adapting mod getter has been in service i understand the two nadh while catch-all that reveal the deadly intrigues at the heart of the battle between east and west look this is a war a secret war meant at tool was a time when people in soviet union s still believe reality of nuclear war confrontation between west and east was very serious sometimes it was not only iron curtains, it was like iron sphere this is a dangerous moment for the soviet union. almost 40 years into the cold war their economy is overstretched. the military entrenched in afghanistan, and support for communism in decline. the soviet leadership led by leonid brezhnev stockpiles nuclear arms in a show of strength against the west but there s a much subtler weapon to secret intelligence yuri andropov is the head of the soviet intelligence service. the kgb kgb have been running the rational life for years under opa was getting more and more convinced of the menacing was he was a full-blown kgb person who thought that it s either us or them. and basically better be your and drop-off concludes that the superpowers are on the verge of a nuclear war and so he begins a process of collecting information there would be indicators of the approach of nuclear war. this running tally of signs is called operation riyadh and every time andropov gets new intelligence, he takes note there was a chart four american said this the breadths said that somebody was caught here and the plane cross that border and i think and then drop up his mind. he was absolutely convinced nuclear confrontation is coming once this chart is full, andropov is convinced the soviet union should strive and so he uses every resource to keep close watch on his adversaries. being a skilled intelligence officer a spike the life was exciting it for thrilling it was romantic i was thrilled by being involved in specific kgb operation. so like a dead letter boxes or leg, or dsk are very high qualification intelligence officer he was born in a family working for kgb. his brother working for kgb i think was a good example of soviet intelligence service so get tenure on august keen to put agent or the rounds of all the kgb never sent abroad unmarried man there was married to my second wife later as we helped to children i wanted to participate some daring operation i wanted to get a broad as soon as possible in 1982, the kgb sends gordy fc to the uk disguising his identity as a soviet diplomat his posting comes at a tense time relations between east and west are at a knife s edge in december of 1979, the soviets had invaded afghanistan. soviet allies in central america. we re making gains nicaragua and we re trying to make gains in el salvador. meanwhile, on africa soviet allies were fighting in angola. and we re making new friends in other parts of sub-saharan africa. this picture seemed to contradict soviet commitment to better relations with the united states why are they behaving this way? if they really want better relations with us? why are they on the march in what was then called the third world? but we now call the global south there s a political standoff, and neither side shows any signs of backing down the cold war was a view of the world where you had a communist, totalitarian empire run out of moscow. and western countries led by the united states, but including western europe and britain, facing off against each other you have the soviet union, which is at this point a i ll minute superpower, nuclear leader, neck and neck with united states in terms of innovation and development but at the core their ideologies as we know, are completely different democracy versus communism what began as an ideological conflict has escalated into a terrifying nuclear arms race. and neither side wants to appear weak the soviet union had something like 33,000 nuclear weapons. we had something like 22,000 way too many and way too scary. the cold war was an existential struggle over the future of world civilization and that s what makes this moment in history so dangerous is you have both sides completely misunderstanding both the power of their adversary and the intentions of their adversaries assignments are going off. the tornado here you cannot it s one you cannot outrun it it really is a terrifying experience. it is a stuff of nightmares. you just hear it and feel it is o brien. i m thinking i m going to die and i thought that was it. along with earth, with liev schreiber tomorrow at nine on cnn imagine a future where plastic is not wasted. but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food fresher our family safer and our planet cleaner to help us get there. america s plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to 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which is one car chase freedom unlimited. so if your off the rack in or grabbed fracking. your cash back. you cashback on flap jacks, baby back for tacos at the taco shack. i m working on my six pack. let s do a king sweet silent tree. xylene retreat answers this. bacchiads. all right, now madison, have a tree cash back when everything you bought will chase freedom on limited with no annual fee. got a you cashback. j, make more of a job i won t let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me emerge as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin for months. and the majority s stay clearer. i d five years, cbs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine, are planning to emerge as you emerge drum phi it asked your doctor about trump via s a starch anti-communist, ronald reagan crusades against everything the soviet union stands for and he s not alone president reagan s vast limousine has just drawn up here outside the normal porch of income from buckingham palace there s going to be the first time that an american president has addressed both houses of parliament here in westminster run reagan, that maggie thatcher in was amazed that they thought alike right mr. thatcher really did, despite her uptight bearing and her hairdo really loved to be row with or i ll reagan, there s certain magnetism, there s certainly laurie to him and she she felt that tingling i don t want chancellor speaking for all americans. i want to say very much at home we feel in your house ronald reagan said that soviet communism will lie, cheat still to advance its mission around the world. that was the idea that ronald reagan had to delegitimized the soviet union. the decay of the soviet experiment should come as no surprise to us. we see totalitarian forces in the world who seek subversion and conflict around the globe to further their barbarous assault on the human spirit even before he became president ronald reagan said the cold war will end. and i know how it s going to end we win, they lose and he s about to ramp up the rhetoric even further the march of freedom and democracy will leave marxism-leninism on the asieh history. as it has left other trnas, which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self-expression of the people ronald reagan is rallying the troops. is rallying the nato alone, trying to send a signal that the united states should be respected and even fear the america of the 1970s, which was licking its wounds after losing the vietnam war. that s over. we re back, we re strong, and we should be fear making america great again, if you will. we re going to win in the end. we will outlast them people like me, hardliners stopped. that was terrific most of the people in attendance of the speech didn t think it was to serve him think at all why? because he was too radical it did cause a reaction so that speech, it was offensive and was actually offensive to a lot of people. a lot of people i remember saying while the who the hell are you to? to tell us that we are be people who had streaked that fed into the sense in moscow that ron reagan was account boy and he intended to use nuclear weapons against the soviet union in a war that is really thought psychologically, it is think about how dangerous that is closer cooperation between the uk and the us is exactly what andropov fears and in this cold war, andropov looks to his agents for proof what intelligence did in those days where he gave us details of the overall picture we could follow the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles that they had deployed. we could follow the number of new submarines who could follow the number of new tanks you could follow all these things that you could see from the satellite and we could hear about rumblings from poland or texas czechoslovakia hungary, or bulgaria are the unit to russia this is very typical. one of my wife and my arms eating ice cream in the snow i ve cited the bolshoi that s i was head of sas station in moscow in 19, early 1980s, the civil servants old signatures of official secrets act and set what s not in the public domain is rarely not for discussion by bias station and moscow was quite a small one. the whole apparatus of control and surveillance is very sophisticated than they used to paint radioactive paint on the bottom of our cars i know trackers we were thin on the ground, rarely it is extremely hard for outsiders to discover anything significant about the soviet political intentions while british agents seek a foothold in moscow in london, all or gordy ascii joins his fellow spies london was one of the major cities where serwer bianna is going on the kgb quarters and london, it s called station because you get station it s located in the russia membership that london job was extremely advantageous for gerd gsk it means that he was trusted and that he was decent cooperative, and it was good for him at the kgb station in london, there are two agents above gordy ascii in the hierarchy one of them is the kgb station chief are cati good general beep, fat he was not able to speak good english so he could not do anything. he could not write. he only was able to sign guard duty. sql was supposed to spend most of his time nine to five in the embassy doing she s official job being a diplomat and then during the evening on weekends, she became a spy their job was to get british secrets especially sucrose concerning britain s foreign policy gardi ascii is under pressure to send intelligence to moscow that validates operation rayon at the same time, he s had to hide the fact that he is a kgb spy from the british in their eyes, he s just a diplomat if he blows his cover or fails to feed the soviet leadership with good intel, he ll be on the next plane to moscow boards are very good career move for gorgias by the british counter intelligence service by far, phrases considered one of the most professional services in the world i m purchase sure. she knew that wouldn t be a picnic for him the ceo is about to take off. there s no one that goes the things i do we are personnel in what, four wrestling can be we wednesday night dynamited aid on tbs if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer, but up devo plus your voice is the first combination of two immunotherapies for adults, newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer but to spread tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene up devo plus your voice is not chemotherapy. it works differently it helps your immune system fight cancer. and two from ways up, devo and year s way can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment, these problems can be severe and lead to death. see 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much information as possible and intelligence was one of the sources when the government, there was a special box in number ten in which there would have been regular reports of anything which became known about soviets activity in uk mi6 has a very big secret. they re keeping from the prime minister in britain. i was supposed to be just an official civilian official of the soviet state. but zervos, a number of secrets in my life i was a kgb spy, spying against britain but he isn t just a kgb spy pretending to be a soviet diplomat when the telephone call to business intelligence service that s what you hear welcome. orleck, london. we ve been waiting for you i ll let go ascii is a double agent i became secret agent for the british intelligence in the 60s and 70s, gordy fc was based in denmark as a loyal and dependable kgb agent and it s there that he begins to see things in a different light. a turning point for him was that the soviet decision to crush the prague spring and attempted liberalizing the soviet style regime in czechoslovakia in 1968 gardi f ski katz had an internal personal shift he recognizes the inherent repressive snus of the soviet system, which as a kgb officer, he sworn to defend this is an ideological decision for him if this photo government or security services realized that i was spying for britain, i would have been dead it is not betraying. my country, russia i hated the communist system. i wanted to fight against it i simply would have regarded myself as not an honest person. if i wouldn t be fighting against that system there are some things that i really cannot going to i know you ll understand the nature of what we re talking about. when all lag arrived in london in 1982 it was invaluable to have the views of an insider in the russian embassy in london, who use the meaning of everything that was happening only eight people in the country know about this highly sensitive operation at a highly sensitive time it would be very, very few people anywhere you about all you. don t want anybody at any stage. so betrays a source because accidents happen usually things are very, very carefully contained only people who need to know as a great principal to know you have to keep completely tight to a very few people especially extended 9:00 news with michael president brezhnev, ruler of russia for nearly two decades is dead. so the soviet people tonight, five days of mourning begin the leaders who ve grown old in his shadow, the chance of ultimate power who will take over administration officials so there will be no change in us foreign policy toward the soviets until there is a change in soviet policy the soviet union finds reagan s aggressive tone not just insulting but an existential threat right now, the last thing the communist party wants is to be seen as weak so it decides to promote someone with a very clear agenda one adviser, calm front lawn or yuri andropov, a hard line man who would be we ve talked to deal with 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they would like the american delegation to meet with andropov after the funeral monday, but have no assurance the meeting will be arraigned here was a guy who came out of the soviet intelligence community you had the feeling during and drop-offs period that, you know, things were really inert. and the old generation was still still running the country my family was simply terrified. a great grandfather was crews shift. it was said the general secretary of the communist party of the soviet union khrushchev dismantled or as much as he could, he dismantle the kgb after stalin s death. so i m drop-off as my mother was convinced, was going to come back at us and the family with a vengeance. and there was even a talk that the gulags are going to be reinstated he is going to push forward certain policies including international policies as leader of the soviet union. andropov takes his operation rayon charts from the kgb back rooms to the heart of soviet policy you re andropov is a very conspiratorial figure. he is convinced that the united states is seeking domination over the soviets and ultimately a nuclear victory and then so the soviet union has to be completely and utterly prepared to push that button all eyes are now on reagan in this uncharted new landscape reagan was adamant that he is not going to deal with this red, red and for and rope of reagan, was that cow boy who s going to destroy the soviet union because he was playing an oldest films like john wayne reagan, and drop him always found each other neither of them would be a cough this was moment when we were really scared of the nuclear war that really stayed with me as the scariest time that i ve ever experienced in my life. and the soviet union the opposing sides and the cold war could not be further apart britain s double agent is now vital to understanding the level of andropov his paranoia he s got access to the operations being were on against the united kingdom by intelligence officers in the embassy and he s got a knowledge of the politics of moscow god, yes, get of course was able to brief his handlers on the gossip he knows a lot of people in the system and therefore, he s got this unrivaled insight into how decisions are taken, how they think in the senior reaches of the politburo he would be able to leave the embassy on a regular basis and to a safe house where he would be debriefed and if he could smuggle documents out of the embassy so much the better and the b arrangements for copying those in the safe house gordy? yes. skis actions make him so valuable. mi6 decides to inform ten downing street in? december. 1982 margaret thatcher is told that a highly placed kgb spy now works as a double agent for the british but she isn t told his name two months later, gordy ascii provides crucial intelligence operation. reihan is now official soviet policy what the soviets didn t understand is that there was a possibility that operation reihan could be a self-fulfilling prophecy operation reihan was perfect example of starting with a conclusion and then looking for justification for that conclusion. agents were asked are the americans and the british on the verge of nuclear war they were asked, proved to us find the evidence that they are, so that we re be ready for it. and that was the fundamental flaw with operation rayon we were instructed to watch for signs of special activities greetings within particularly by night. blitz, windows of the means of defense, and 40 law office. the american embassy, wrecking overtime until early morning hours what you like that jeff skate really brought was an insight, understanding of what operation rayon was really about it we re showing a paranoia but the paranoia was real asu, they very seeing reports the number of clauses was slowly, slowly growing visuals lucky the point, yes they re preparing when two sides don t know one another, they both misread signs you can see how dreadful things can happen by that kind of misunderstanding gardi of skis intel on the deepening soviet paranoia is so vital to the british that they must conceal their source even from the american the reason the british did not want the americans to know who gordy xq was, was the more people who know the name of a source the more imperiled the source becomes. reagan doesn t have the luxury of the brits inside knowledge. he feels the most effective approach is to scare the soviets into backing down he takes a brazen and terrifying new stands cnn special event. it s time to celebrate freedom progress and the trail blazers. he paved the way this is a festive day for all black americans. we still have a lot of work to do joins cnn s victor blackwell for a native interviews and performance is by john legend smoke robinson and so much more cnn special event, june celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday, june 19 at ten when cnn i have relapsing a mess but i still want to spend my time my way. i chose cuts into because it works for 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all these nuclear weapons. there s an moral equivalence between the two. ronald reagan was saying there s no moral could lead us, pray for the salvation of all of those who live in that totalitarian darkness. they are the focus of evil in the modern world everybody suggest this was, and how inflammatory this was. people worried that this cowboy from the west was irresponsible and he could blow us all on reagan s approach is to aggressively arm europe as a way to force the soviets to back down the whole idea of whether you were taught tough or soft on communism was still very much part of our political landscape. he decided to assure the right wing of the republican party that he was tough on communism. and i was dismayed because what is the strategy to call somebody? the global center of evil, if you insult people publicly, you ll have a hard time getting cooperation out of them. reagan also promotes a defense system nicknamed star wars these space lasers would identify and prevent incoming nuclear missiles its critics ridiculed it as unrealistic but the prospect of taking the nuclear arms race to space terrifies andropov there s the idea that we need to be very strong the only way to deter the soviet union from any kind of regression is to show them that they cannot win. and anything second thing that was going on was that we re going to increase our defense spending quite a bit in the soviet unique can t do that. they can t keep up with us. so we re going to spend them into oblivion. as reagan ramps up his rhetoric, a drama unfolds on the other side of the world that threatens to push the cold war over the edge governments around the world have expressed indignation over the soviet union s action and shooting down a korean jumbo jet over the cluster and pacific. the un security council will take up that incident later today. that tragedy later today, it s now reported that at least 50 of the 269 people on that jet were americans. the search goes on for the planes wreckage the crisis of our flight deck below seven just about half were korean, japanese, and taiwanese the free world was outraged once it s no exaggeration to say that western governments have been stunned and evening little frightened what s the news comes at a soviet had shut down the korean airliner, ronald reagan mediately goes on national television and uses every dirty word for their behavior that he can find. the source what can be said about soviet credibility when they so flagrantly lie about such a heinous act the soviet union becomes very defensive, very quiet, and makes no apologies at all. the military in moscow explain the korean jumbo was spying. so our missiles brought it down hi, my name s is robert mental cable news network. wondering if you will be having any type of statement not to say about the carolinas, not thank expect one soon. so that drove people in the west, especially conservatives like me, to think, boy, they are even worse than we thought they were. the incident raises the frightening thought that the finger on the soviet nuclear trigger could be as unstable as the individual who gave the order to shoot down the korean airliner it sparks protests and condemnation around the world i mean, there was really significant fear that this was going to lead to something big and extremely, extremely dangerous when the competition is a nuclear competition spying is extraordinarily important the russians were trying to spy on us we were spying on them it s very difficult to determine whom you can trust i was telling frank everything got that a control this is a war. the secret was secrets and spies, a nuclear game. sunday at ten on cnn, let s any landlord find qualified renders and signed leases and collect payments from any place even here and whirs here, he sled dave and ada, the place to list of place every time i need a new phone, i had to switch carriers. i told him that verizon everyone can get the best deals like that. iphone 15 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which paint color matches your bold style with my lows rewards credit card, you can say 5% every day. you got this and we got, you doctors preferred better science, better results. chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts in late 1983 piece hangs in the balance between the east and the west in a bid to be ready for soviet nuclear attack west launches able archer it s an annual military operation. but this year s exercise is more realistic than before 40,000 us and nato troops gather across europe right on the ussr s border. april archer was a normal military exercise by dado command to prepare naval forces in europe for an attack from the soviet union. but the way it was done was not normal at all the nuclear component of the exercise was hyped up the idea of it was make this as realistic as you could possibly make it the western powers show an almost naive ignorance of how this huge training exercise will be received in the ussr for andropov, it looks like his operation rayon prophecy is coming true they really see much more cables payable agile i knew, it wasn t dramatic moment i knew moscow was nervous and it came i m at a very sensitive moment for moscow that it had been humiliated on the global stage following the downing of that jet in particular. so every move was interpreted probably to a larger degree than it should have. b52 bombers with nuclear capabilities now arrive at the us airbase in germany andropov watches everything unfold from his hospital bed the soviet people are unaware of their leaders declining health as he keeps his hands firmly on the reins of power they re all puffy is dying, but he s clutching that red button. she really thinks if it s not him, who else he s in charge the soviet scrambled to respond nuclear submarines are primed and ready soviet troops are put on a 15 combat standby oh, ola go dfc probably was the one person who could convey to western sources what was going on inside the mind of soviet leadership at the time of able archer ascii helps his handlers realize that they re dealing with sheer paranoia at the hands at the top leadership in the soviet union. now unfortunately, it didn t come in time enough for this exercise to be canceled the exercise continues oblivious that a nuclear confrontation is now just a phone call away. but it s again, but i mean, it but it s not a game too. and i think what happened is that everything got out of control. this is just something that people can t comprehend that human error could bring the end of the world people just can t absorb that ultimately, you i kind of have this mid udacity. you believe in you own propaganda of your own greatness. you re in the control of the state all russian and soviet dictator s the problem is they always think that the, the last line of defense you are in power you have the right to if you decide to destroy it. so nobody else forget the united states doesn t even notice that the soviet der, on edge. they didn t even put the soviet reaction into ronald reagan s presidential daily brief before andropov can act, the able archer operation wraps up on schedule andropov is finally persuaded he that this really was just an exercise. this time life contribution was explained that this is dangerous you ll playing with fire the liver simply daughter the stands and intelligence. old russian leaders they able archer exercise world came very close to nuclear war the united states didn t know the ratchet down the tension when it really matter that is an indicator of just the lack of understanding that the united states and the soviet union headed each other. but in a nuclear confrontation, lack of understanding can have catastrophic consequences when adversaries have nuclear weapons pote

Kgb , Us , Moscow , Surveillance-equipment , Floor , Listeners , Storms , Mercy , Person , Suit , Photograph , Speech

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240608 05:48

Certainly not the case for a large majority of the people crossing heremajority ins diego sector. we ll send it back to you. wow. bill, thanend back. ining what a shame.mes joining me now, texasngre congressman wesleyssma hunt.r be wesley, thanks for being here. you t. rd bill s reporin joe is going to sweep in and e everything was going to change. doesn t look likve we it. absolutely not. to do t that he joe biden had to do three years ago. was pres control ct control the cut and paste president trump s policies and to what we are seeing todayv and we would never have this problem. the reason why he s doing thisp. right now is because he is getting killed and the polls on immigration thas gett and wet seen kamala harris who was the borders are in sight forr the past three or four years as well. and this is why w years as w. are having this problem. they re getting killed in the polls. they know president trump is doinging kille absolutely veu on this particular issue and that then they know amat thelaissu america that the american public is watching and this is a complete disasteer for them. and it s not going to work because it s too little, too late. joe bide s to t n on this issue is 2008 when it comes to border policies. a

People , Case , What-a-shame-mes , Reporin-joe , Bill-milligan-justso , Thanend , Congressman-wesleyssma-hunt-r , You-t-rd-bill , Texasngre , Ining , Majority , Crossing-heremajority-ins-diego-sector