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Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240610

after 22 witnesses and 16 days of testimony, donald trump has become the first ever american president to be convicted of a crime. this trial will go down in history. but without cameras in the courtroom, americans never got to see the evidence for themselves. they didn t get to see trumps eyes close and his mouth go slack as he sat slumped at the defense table. they didn t get to hear stormy daniels salacious testimony, firsthand. i didn t get to watch the judge clear the courtroom, seemingly in anger, as he butted heads with one particularly truculent witness. instead, americans have to rely on word from the few reporters who were actually in the room, making notes, writing down, committing to memory the things we saw and experienced. things that a transcript cannot capture. take a look. that was something to behold. i could hear gasps all around me . i wasn t sure we are going to get to a place where we had any guilty verdict against donald trump, let alone all 34 counts. donald trump was crying from the oval office. he was writing checks from the white house. this is a professional jury as you can get. and you can never read anything from them. in terms the vibe from the room, you heard about it being kind of a courtroom, it s real. i was in the courtroom, his eyes have been close most of the morning. i can t say what is happening behind those lids. one simple work, guilty, repeated over and over and over. something we have never seen before. , tonight we welcome you to the special msn ec event, prosecuting donald trump a witness to history. over this next hour, andrew weissman and i will lead you through what you missed inside the courtroom. not the line by line details of witness testimony, but with the help of our msnbc colleagues, will tell you what it was really like to sit just behind donald trump as the details of the case spilled over. we will tell you what it felt like in the room when witnesses took the stand just a few feet away from the former president. the unscripted, unpredictable moments when the former president seemed to be nodding off, uttering curse words. what people said to each other in the line for the bathroom after that riveting controversial testimony from stormy daniels. from andrew weissman and best legal minds, we will hear from what they saw inside the court, that the nonlawyers, like the rest of us, might have missed. start things off with our first impressions from inside manhattan courthouse. it is a surreal moment going for the first time. and see a former president of the united states, who is simultaneously the world s greatest con artist. those two things at the same time as a criminal defendant, just spends things in a way that nothing else can. and the weirdness of that alone is your first in the courtroom. in that first hour, it is hard to take in anything other than the weirdness of donald trump. anticipating going into the courtroom, i was actually excited to do it. but first of all, because i feel like a somebody who has written a trump book and has been covering this man from the beginning of his presidential campaign on, this kind of felt like a crescenta moment for him , and for the country. it is the only trial that he is going to face. so it definitely felt like a big moment and something that i really did want to witness for myself. having worked in another investigation, and we could not charge the sitting president and donald trump, that was a department of justice rule. now, in a full-fledged criminal case, it was kind of remarkable. i thought there would be a lot of people there. a lot of pro trump people, in particular. and they really weren t. and then found my nbc pham, around the spot where we do stand up, found all the producers and camera operators and everything and stood in line for a really long time. i will say, the thing that i learned was it is not what you are wearing that makes a difference. it is what you are wearing on your feet, because where you are going to get caught is through the soles of your dress shoes, you idiot, why didn t you wear sneakers? people understand, it is not you just walk up to the courthouse and they whisk you in and it was this easy breezy kind of thing. you line up outside, across the street from center street because they anticipate a number of people showing up. so you have three different lines, it is, flake flying on an airline was actually kind of put you in a different group of people to board. two courtroom that look identical, the only difference being the judge and the jury, et cetera, are in the overflow. the overflow room hold other members of the media and also withhold members of the public. the overflow room has a very large monitor at the front of it that shows directly councils table. so you have the prosecution on one side, the defense on the other. what you very clearly see donald trump. it was like a spa compared to the courtroom. you can go to the restroom whatever you want to. you can, and there is this absence of tension. in the overflow room. that i didn t know i was feeling in the courtroom. until i wasn t in the courtroom. and it is almost like, you know, you re standing in this very difficult window all day. and then the wind stops. it is that kind of very different sensation in what seems to be the same place. the day before senator tommy tuberville of alabama had gone to the trial and said it was the most depressing building he had ever been in, and he scorned on it. and i take that man s statement with a grain of salt. but it was perfectly nice. it was a good, highly functioning municipal building. it kind of struck me how much a certain class of americans are used to very elite spaces, and they are not used to public spaces. in a simple spaces, bureaucratic spaces, you have to spend a lot of time in those kinds of spaces. elite people, people of power and money, they tend to be in grandeur. donald trump in that setting, both when he is walking past you, he walks in and out and you kind of seen for the first time. this was the first time i have seen him in person, he was less than expected the first time i was in the courtroom, donald trump was very surprised to see me because i had been mostly reporters, very few anchor types showing up there. and donald trump has hated me longer than anyone who was going to walk into that courtroom. he was once very fond of stormy daniels and you know, very fond of michael cohen. in 2011, when donald trump started about the presidential birth certificate, i said he was lying about it and i called him on the lie and donald trump had never been called a liar before in his life when he was leaving that day, he just did the stupidest thing you could possibly do, he looked right at me, in this grand way, that everyone in the courtroom could see, and he was trying to do a face that would be tough guy and scary and threatening and full of hate, but he is a terrible actor. and so it came out as just an insanely twisted face that meant nothing but madness. and i loved it. if there were cameras in the court, people all over america in all 50 states would be calling in sick to work in order to stay on and watch this thing. i mean, it is so freaking compelling in person. and the drama of this particular criminal case against trump is both lurid and cogent and full of amazing characters, and has just enough surprise to make every witness kind of a cliffhanger. it s, you can t. i don t know if trump is falling asleep or if he is just resting his eyes, but it is not boring. it is riveting. riveting is the perfect word to describe what it was like inside donald trump s trial. every trial is dramatic, it is why we all get addicted to tv shows like law and order and the wire. this is real life, and it was no exception. but it is one thing to hear the news about it, or if you are a nerd like me, to read the cold transcript. but tonight, we re going to continue to learn from people who were inside the courtroom, day in and day out, waking up at the crack of dawn to wait in line to get one of the few seats available to the public and the press at 100 center street here in manhattan. so tonight i m joined by a very special legal panel, who also spent many hours in the manhattan criminal courthouse, please welcome nbc senior legal correspondence and attorney, laura jarrett, in legal contributor, and former terminal trial attorney, katie fang, and msnbc legal correspondent, law litigator, lisa rubin. they are here with us for the whole hour, along with msnbc hosts giving us their impression from inside the courthouse. lisa, obviously, some of these witnesses got a ton of attention. they may not have been the most important witnesses. but stormy daniels, michael cohen. maybe the most surprising witness, which was the defendants last witness, the last anyone heard from bob castillo s. the big picture, what was your impression of how they did that people might not get from just reading accounts and hearing from us about what was technically said what was the sort of demeanor and tone that people might get i think the most important part about the witness that you can t get from reading the transcript, or sometimes even watching our coverage is the entrance and the exit. because all the witnesses were brought in through a side door to the courtroom, instead of the traditional back door where you walk along the entirety of the gallery, he watched through the center aisle and walked to the witness stand. here, each and every witness, no matter hostile to donald trump or friendly, had to walk by his first row of surrogates on their way into the courtroom. went by corporal security officers and those of them who had counsel, their counsel then load thereafter. in some cases, trump really wanted to have an interaction with the as with rona graff, his former executive assistant and other cases, the body language was as hostile as hostile could be. michael cohen looks like you wanted to vault over the courtroom doors so that he could avoid being even proximate to donald trump. that that entrance and exit was really fascinating to watch. katie, i had a question to you is somebody who spent so many years as a criminal prosecutor. lots of people have talked about how there should have been cameras in the courtroom, at least audio. and let s leave that aside for a moment. how do you think, if there had been cameras, that might have affected witnesses, the lawyers on either side, or even the defendant, donald trump, if this had been televised. i think it would ve increased the intensity of the experience for everyone involved, especially the witnesses. you kind of ask yourself on and off, donald trump himself would have maybe reacted to more visibly than he did. maybe she wouldn t have acted or looked like he was asleep if you knew that there was a camera trained on him. but when it comes to the witnesses themselves, it is important because if they knew, just like we have seen in other trials, that they would be on the witness stand. i think it would ve amplified maybe even performances that we saw from some of the witnesses. i think you are more hyperaware. i also think the jurors would have been aware, even if you never saw their identities, i know that they know it is important, what is at stake. but when you re in a courtroom, it is a small space. people need to understand this is not some huge cavernous federal courtroom. it is a small state courtroom and so people are within very close proximity, within feet of each other. and that is the jury. so if you know also, does not just people in the court that are watching or the overflow room, is america and the world, i think that amplifies the intensity. i was really surprised by how close the witness stand was to the jury box. really close. and actually the witness stand for donald trump was much, much further. so that was something i think you don t get from being there. much more for supersmart legal panel who were inside the courtroom, coming up. first, it is one of the most shocking testimonies of the truck, when stormy daniels took the stand, all while apparently, unbeknownst to us, wearing a bulletproof vest. after the break, our team takes us not only inside the courtroom, but inside the elevators and, wait for it, bathroom lines. where reporters try to process what they had just heard. you re watching prosecuting donald trump, witness to history. many of the journalists in the room are looking at each other think, my gosh, i can t believe that this is happening. i cannot believe this is actually being set on a public state. either way, how am i going to communicate this on television? everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. head & shoulders 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her lawyer says she wore to court. here are some more firsthand accounts from my colleagues from inside the room. when she came in, all of us kind of took a deep breath. no one expected we don t know who the witnesses are until that day. for a reason. right? the prosecution always protects their witnesses. resources we might figure out who witnesses maybe an hour beforehand. that morning, donald trump had posted on truth social that they had just informed of who the witness was and they had prepared and that person shouldn t be able to take the stand. and so the minute he had posted that, and then, by the way deleted it an hour later, we said, it is going to be stormy. i have compared this trial to watching two movies that are made eight years apart. and none of the central characters look the way you remember them in 2016. that is true of michael cohen, for example, as it is stormy daniels. on day one, she came in in a jumpsuit with her hair sort of haphazardly piled up on top of her head, wearing glasses, and not looking at all like the adult film star that we remembered. i have since come to learn, because her lawyer said this on another media outlet, she was wearing a bulletproof vest. and that accounted, i think, for her appearance, as well. she was wearing an outfit that accommodated her wearing a bulletproof vest because she felt that her life was at risk in coming to court and testify against former president trump and the reaction of people in margo world, who are loyal to president trump, i could just tell you this by looking at my twitter feed, reinforced why she felt she was in danger. we know trump reactions to stormy daniels thing, you can see. but there s donald trump, known to millions of people as the orange turned that has to sit there for the first time in his life and listen to himself being called the orange, his defense lawyer thinking that somehow harms stormy daniels. that she flippantly refers to donald trump as the orange turd. there s not a juror there who cares that stormy daniels refers to him as the orange turd. not one, they re not offended by it. these are new yorkers, these are people who have hurt worse in every trip on the subway. so we leave the courtroom, we walk out, there is like a row of bathrooms during breaks. everybody kind of lines up in the bathroom like you would in any kind of public place. we are all online looking at each other, giving eyes to each other. oh my gosh, that really what happened? getting onto the elevator, going down for lunch, did she just accuse the former president of this? did she just say this happened with the former president everybody s kind of mulling over and digesting what it is we all just heard the jurors, i think, have been admirably sort of stonefaced. i know i have seen reports, i didn t see it with my own eyes, but i ve seen reports of some jurors kind of involuntarily reacting to some of the more salacious details i came out, particularly during stormy daniels paths tory., the jury was like stonehenge. like they were very restrained. this is a case about falsifying business records and the defense team made it sound like a 1970s rape case. they went after her about really hard about the fact that she has been in the porn industry for years. you have been in more than 200 porn films, how could you be a damsel in distress in the hotel room? in that moment, look at right at the jurors faces to try to see if i could read anything and get any glimpse of what they were thinking. they were inscrutable. they are maintaining a poker face the whole time. this is the same courtroom that harvey weinstein was tried in. this is a storied courthouse. this is a storied prosecution team. they have done sex crimes before. this was such a momentto have the woman at the center of this case basically told she couldn t have possibly been a comfortable because she had been. she was treated so differently than other witnesses. hope hicks and david pecker, the person at the head of the national enquirer, were devastating witnesses. they are sensitive testimony is so damning for donald trump and their cross-examination was kid gloves. nobody s testimony is in some respects, more devastating than hope hicks, because of her proximity. nobody questioned her credibility but if you take a step back and you separate these women and you forget about the accident of their respective births, hope hicks, for example, coming from very wealthy, greenwich, connecticut. sort of the academy of poise and grace in the trump white house, contrasted with stormy daniels, who had, by contrast, very rough childhood, a mother who abandoned her. all this comes out on her direct examination. but the difference in how they were trusted, i think, is really palpable. sort of a toxic brew of class and misogyny. there was absolutely a judgment about her credibility based on what she did for a living. and then you have to think to yourself, well, wait a second. hope hicks may look the way that she did, but she not only worked for trump once, she worked for trump twice she left the white house in march of 2018, came back to work for the former president, and stayed after he lost the election, despite the fact that she was privately advising him that he had lost in the things that his lawyers and allies were saying about his not losing the election and his winning were fraudulent. she still stayed. i have to question, who lacks credibility now? so fascinating to hear their stories. the legal brains in the room or hyper focused on the defenses strategy to go hard after stormy daniels on cross- examination. but not hope hicks or david pecker. our panel had a front row seat to it all is back. so, katie, from your spot in the courtroom, what do you think of stormy daniels? how did she do from actually seeing her life, as opposed to just reading it cold? she did a spectacular job. stormy daniels s testimony did not come across as rehearsed. whether you liked it or not, because of the sincerity. didn t seem like she rehearsed or practiced her testimony. given, she had prepared and that is the big difference. preparing with lawyers is totally different. but she prepared for that and she did a great job and i think she knew that even though, i call it a detour, not a sideshow but 80 torr of the case took a detour to export what happened between her and donald trump because he had to create the foundation of why the payment was made by michael cohen. how it got to the level of the business records being falsified. but you needed to have that dialogue. and what is really important, everybody likes to say that this is a paper case but is about humanity in some way, right? people s courage, people s involvement with others. extramarital affairs, hush money payments, all that is a very human thing and she brought that humanity to the case. i had the same reaction. i thought, in many ways, she did better on cross, because you got a better sense of her as a person. and she was responding sort of naturally to questions that she didn t know what was coming up and she really got a sense of her and also i thought how smart. exactly. you know, the sort of assumption, as you said, are ones that are sort of, i sort of found myself checking myself saying why am i so surprised? i should not have been. so laura, so one of the more unusual aspects of this case was how it ended with bob castillo being called by the defense. i did not see that coming. lisa always thought they would call him. i thought they wouldn t do it. i am with you. one of the reasons i m with you is that bob castillo, if you remember, was somebody who donald trump said before this case was indicted, that he wanted the grand jurors to hear from you that well, okay, that is a really stupid move because it is never going to stop the grand jury from indicting, you just revealed something to the prosecution. and as a defense lawyer, one of the things you have, sometimes almost the only thing you have is surprised. and so here they sort of, it was flopped out to the prosecution a year ago. so obviously, the call record here does give some flavor to castillo. i don t know if he explains the clearing of the courtroom and how dramatic it was to be in the room with the judge who was so fired up. i thought he was going to throw him behind bars. so bob castillo gets on the stand and right away, he is combative, he is aggressive. he is rolling his eyes, he is muttering audibly. could you hear it? i am in the courtroom, lighting up the chat like, guys, this is going off the rails fast, okay? we had a sense it was going south but i didn t know it was going to go as south as it did. in the overflow, by the way. you are also communicating to your colleagues? we sort of have a bizarre pony express situation now. allow do some electronics not also we can use our phones in the physical courtroom because i think there s a concern that somebody is going to mess up and tape it, even though we had been admonished not to but we can use our laptops. and so we can send messages by email, by slack, by dm but we can t use our phones. so in the chat, we are all sitting color from the courtroom about what we are observing, that tone, about how things are going. i often just focus on the jury is i m very interested in what they re picking up on. right away, the jury is looking at each other like something is about to go down here. so it had been a sleepy morning. everybody was sort of feeling monday, all of its glory. and then bob castillo get on the stand in the afternoon and we are off to the races. so because he was so, i think, contemptuous of the judge and the process and did not like being interrupted this is a federal prosecutor who really felt like he should be respected and he thought susan hoffinger, the prosecutor, was telling him in a way that he didn t like and he didn t like interrupted when she was objecting. most of those objections were sustained. so in the room, the tension is boiling, okay? and finally, the judge sends the jury out. i go oh god, here we go. but then, robert costello is giving it back to the judge, and the judge got so upset he clears the courtroom from the press, which is highly unusual, okay? usually, there s a security situation, that is one thing. this was not that. the judge was fired up and i think he was worried about what he might say and so he clears the courtroom for only a few minutes, we should make that clear. it wasn t long. we all come back in and he is still kind of rolling his eyes for the remainder of the afternoon. there is a period, the period where everyone gets out of the courtroom other than, you have honestly the defense team, on the prosecution table. but then the public and the press are out of the room. not all of them. that is what i was going to say. so it is really interesting because i think as we mentioned, the first two rows, which were sort of friends of, like bride and groom. they are still there. but this is what, all of us have to go through, the cold record. it is chaotic. the media is screaming we have a right to be here. our media lawyers trying to object. the court officers are having none of it. everybody is ushered in. thank you, the judge to make a record of what happened. so in a couple of hours we also the transcript, we know what happened. in the moment, we all were sent out but obviously should not have happened. this legal panel the state put four more of our excellent discussion. but first, you could feel the tension in the courtroom when trump s one-time fixer, michael cohen, took the stand and came face-to-face with his ex-boss for the first time in years. he was like sammy groove on a and he just skillet and can weigh, a long line of under links flipping on their bosses. after the break, our team gives us their first-hand account of what that moment was like. the first moment when trump s lawyer, todd blanche, gets up and asked cohen, did you call me a little crying [ bleep ] or whatever it was, and the judge immediately instructs them to approach as the d.a.s office raises an objection. everyone was talking about that. 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[vroom] [train horn] [buzz] clearing the way, [whoosh] so you arrive exactly where you belong. once the testimony from stormy daniels was over, we didn t have to wait long before the next very dramatic testimony , michael cohen, trumps former fixer and loyal attack dog. now a star witness for the prosecution. and his testimony placed the former president at the center of this alleged criminal scheme. so what was it like in person? what was it like when michael cohen saw his old boss for the first time in years? and what was it like to witness the showdown between cohen and trumps defense lawyers? during what turned out to be just a brutal cross examination ? let s go back inside the courtroom with our msnbc and nbc colleagues. the jury has been waiting for this moment as long as we have. it is highly anticipated. they have come face-to-face before in the civil fraud trial, but this is criminal this is different. and he is the only one who can tie donald trump directly to this crime. he is the linchpin of the prosecutor s case and he has given up the goods. he has put him from trump tower to the oval office in a way that nobody else can. there s a few moments that really stood out. the first moment wins trumps lawyer, todd blanche gets up and asks cohen, did you call me a little crying [ bleep ]? the judge immediately instructs him to approach, as the d.a.s office raises an objection. everyone was talking about that. everybody was talking about how strange way for blanche to open up the proceedings. when you prosecute cases whenever but he has her hands dirty. that was michael cohen of the time when he was working for donald trump and doing these things for him, it always, always captivates and captures the interest of the jury when they hear from the fixer, when they hear from the henchman, when they hear from the guys that did the dirty work for the kingpin. i did not notice any interaction between the former president and michael cohen. but i did notice how closely michael cohen is making i can t with the jury, especially when he is describing some of the most emotional parts of the story. when he is describing his come to jesus moment when why he decided he is going to choose his family over donald trump i think cohen was successful in maintaining control over his own demeanor. he did not get agitated. he did not act out. there were times where he got short or little snippy but mostly maintained the kind of equilibrium throughout that i think was probably helpful with the jury. i think he did do a pretty good job of humanizing himself look, there are many people on the jury that will never know a person whose loyalty to an accused criminal defendant was as extensive as michael cohen s was by his own admission. of course, michael cohen is a person who pled guilty on two different occasions to a panoply of federal crimes. one of the federal judges called it a smorgasbord of crime. i think you humanized himself? yes. i think it is necessarily relatable? not quite. but he doesn t have to be a person that they want to have a beer with. these are some the most stunning days in court when michael cohen finally took the stand. as the piece mentioned, the jury seemed to have been waiting for that moment as long as the journalist in the room had. but being there, in person, there s some really noticeable differences between the michael cohen we have gotten to know on cable news shows or maybe his podcast versus who we saw testifying. his demeanor, how he sounded i will have to say, i posted a double take when the defense played a clip of cohen from his podcast, when you heard his voice from the podcast, and compare that to what you had heard from the stand over the last day. in that contrast is something that can play very well for the defense in summation to argue there are really two michael cohen s katie, lisa, and laura are back with us. i wanted to ask about that issue of how you thought his very polite, unflappable, even killed demeanor. solemn. which, in many ways, is what you want a witness to be. i thought that played given that they did see this other piece, they actually heard his voice and he also was describing the way he behaved in bullying people and acting as, a phrase that i hate but i m going to use, as sort of trumps pitbull. he has done that the moment is coming for a long time, for anybody getting up there, it is rattling and he kept his cool, even when things got thrown his way that he was not prepared for and that were a surprise and made him look like a liar. even he was crossed at some point about his information about his wife and his child. that i thought oh, okay, what is going to happen, i was waiting for fireworks. but they didn t come, he kept a calm, and i think that he came off as, on the stand, sort of hat in hand on his. there were times where i felt like he was sort of resisting in terms of like, well, that doesn t play alive. i thought just tell them, of course, just own it. you have already come this far. they heard two on the podcast talking about revenge is a dish best served cold. let s lay it all out there and they won t punish you for it. the jury think you re being authentic. even if what you said is horrendous, right? jurors are like drug dealers and they think they are being honest, they have to come off as authentic. so i m surprised there were times where there was like, you could feel that resistance. katie, wanted to talk to you about juan merchan, the judge overseeing this. full disclosure, i now have a man crush on him. i just think he is just a spectacular judge. the first thing when i went to court, the very first time, i was struck by his voice and we have all been in court, we have seen judges and seen judges who can t control a courtroom. we have seen judges who control a courtroom by raising their voice and through histrionics and hear, he controlled the courtroom by being the adults in the room and had such a calm judicial temperament. and i just felt like he wasn t going to tolerate and he expected everyone to behave properly. it was just, i thought, sort of remarkable. that is sort of my view. don t let me influence you. how do you think he did? this is the first ever trial of a current or former president, enormous pressures, enormous claims of violations of the gag order that he found 10 times and a lot of novel legal issues to deal with, how did you think he did managing this case? we have been inside courtrooms, in front of judges, very high-stakes cases, the one thing that we know is the person who is gatekeeping everything is the judge, right? and to laura s point that she made earlier, the jury looks to the judge, sometimes as a paternal figure or a maternal figure or somebody who is going to be there to kind of guide us through this process, which can be confusing it can be mazelike for some people. the thing about donald trump is he has introduced us to different judges, right? we have seen the brett kavanaugh s of the world, and his demeanor during a confirmation hearing. we have also seen justice arthur engoron through the civil fraud trial. we have seen judge kaplan from federal court for e. jean carroll s trials. we have seen different judges. the thing that i think is so, so poor in terms of america not being able to know judge merchan is not being able to see and hear him because he is measured and he is calm, even in the face of all the scrutiny and all these complex legal issues. why? because this man came to the united states, he immigrated at the age of six from columbia. he is one of six children. he was washing dishes. he went to school. you know, he graduated at the first member of his family to go to college. he lived in queens. he worked at the new york d.a.s office, and the new york state attorney general s office and has been a judge since 2006. if there is anyone who isn t, i beg you, find somebody else that is not more new york than judge juan merchan. a lot of new york are, when you think about donald trump having a jury of his peers in this trial, but having a man like judge or sean who is overseeing just the personalities, right? and having to be able to manage that. he has done a fantastic job and i think it is just not good that we haven t been able to see that in terms of on video. i love your response, because donald trump has attacked this judge, is not the first time he has attacked judges because, as donald trump says, he is unfair because of where he comes from, to quote. we all know what that means. and your answer tells us exactly where this judge came from and there will be controversy from this trial, one side or the other, in every trial, one side is disappointed or not, as to what happened. and the fact that we were all there, inside the court, i think we can all agree. this is such a fair trial, and such a fair process because of the judge, there are really good lawyers on both sides. whatever was happening, it is not because the process isn t working. again, it is really important, and i think the judge is primarily responsible for that. so, all right, we re not the only ones consumed by this trial. our viewers also have a lot of questions, we ll answer a few of them. you re watching prosecuting donald trump, witness to history. ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you re off the racking. .or crab cracking, you re cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i m working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. welcome back to prosecuting donald trump a witness to history. a special report on in person, in the courtroom reporting of the first ever criminal trial of an american president. over the last 50 minutes or so, we have given you an inside look at the trial through the eyes of our msnbc team . but we know that you have lots of questions about what you saw over the last several weeks here is andrew wiseman and our legal panel. jakes, rachel. let s get right to your questions so meritor from new jersey asks, the gap city courthouse, why were special accommodations made for trump and his allies? i know you have been very fixed on the last part of his allies. for example, he was allowed to rent and against the judicial system in others and lie blatantly, and his son and allies were allowed to keep their phones while in court. so, why was that? i will give you what i think is the only reasonable argument for it, and then stipulate that it has been abused and wildly so. i think the legitimate reason is for his own security. these are arrangements that are made between the court, the nypd and the secret service. for example, trump enters through a separate entrance to the courthouse. there is a street that is blocked off for his motorcade to approach that entrance. these separate elevators, he s got his own holding rooms. when he appears for the press conferences, he comes through a set of darkened glass doors beyond which are those holding rooms however, there are some things that are going on here that definitely have been abused. the first of which is the reserved seats those are supposed to be for extra members of his defense team, and that is the way that the d.a.s office has used their side of the drive side, as you said earlier. in trump s case, he is using it for sort of rotating surrogate operation. and those surrogates not only have their phones, but they are tweeting from the courtroom. we can prove that they are tweeting from the courtroom, timestamps on their tweets or truth social post, and there often doing it to circumvent the gag order, which one of them admitted on another media outlet last week. there are some special arrangements here, that should have been made for former president security and yet they have been rampantly abused by him and his friend. including the group of people from congress wearing sort of identical uniforms, sort of mini me s of the former president. i should note, all former presidents are given secret service. donald trump has not been treated differently. from the netherlands, she asks, is the decision of the jury final? well, welcome to gain a panel of lawyers. this is the kind of question where, his lawyers don t have a great name, which is it depends. but here is like a one key answer if there is a conviction , that is something that can be appealed on the law. if there are legal mistakes that were made. the jury was instructed improperly on the law, is evidence was kept out that was material, improperly. those kinds of things can be appealed and it can take quite some time. so there is recourse there. so it s really complicated. let me just say, thank you so much to our incredible team. it is really great to be here, nerdy out with lawyers and all of us having been in the courtroom. thanks so much for your perception and insight and personal stories. and thank all of you for spending the last hour with us. if you can t get enough trump news, and you want to take even deeper, try the msnbc podcast, hosted by mary mccord and me. have a

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240608

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div class= gutr > but most of the time iff you just leave them alone, they l leavel be fine and you are reassuring. now, you were so nice e on.m thank you so much. great to see you. great to see you. gu,k you. oh, boy. it was a very emotional day fort the ingram, my oldest and my only daughter, maria. mycaroline graduated high school today. can you believe it? it was a beautiful ceremonhay, h and like all parents all the time, i m saying where did the time go?d she was three years old,co 2 seconds ago, and now she s off to texasnds ag for coi soon. and i m going to be an absolute wreck. you re all going to have to help mente wreck it give me some advice. but we re all so proud of the so aren that she s become. she loves the lord. she loves her family and hershe friendlove s. and, boy, do we love maria.a. that s it for us tonight. it s americas at now and foreveu enjoy your weekend. see him monday. jessi s next next. there. greg how did you get that done? g at five and why? why jersey?nt and then jus t the five feet back. and welcome to the five week back. we[applausthe five live in lancaster for what a way kick off this summer with this amazing crowd. i to give a shout out to t-mobile and empire retirement for sponsoringwe right guys i think we found our our people i mean jane cannot believe you pulled this out. this was all your idea, by the y. you thank you. we have a lot of fans, the jersey shore, and it s good tnso be first time.eanine: yeah, it s my first time. and i got to tell you, dana, i m following you from now on everyevery we now about greg that it s great to be here to work. yes. finally i get to casual i met got an actuaal casual friday you might you know this is for pride month. oh yeah thanksr the guys. all right, you know what? we honor them. we honorana: we you as well. vt so it wouldn t be a short visit without hitting up that boardwalkwithou behind us. and who better to guide us than the king of new jersey himself? the jersey shoreimself, , mike e situation sorrentino. we met him earlier. check it out stion swe met ou i got the crew, me, the judge, we ve got jesse watters. great. got that. we ve lost him somewhere. is too i can t find him. he s too short to ride the ride, so we don t knowo thea where he is right now. but we ll get there. but i m so glad that you came to the jersey shore. no tw, i ve never been here. tell me about it. this is point pleasant beach boardwalre, tellk. and this is all families. it s fun. what exactly were you going n. be doing toda at arey? ot well, as you can imagine,t thin i wanted to show you lots of different things, but i neededgseede to do my research i had to find this an expert, of course. but the bestexi go. t th do you want to meet him? let s go back. the situation thank you so much for meeting. like i said. how ar how s everything? what s up? everything. hi. how are you, love? here, come on. hi, how are you? well, guys, we a little bitsitut of a situation on our hands. in fact, we have a food situation. io follow. let s go.i lo yeah, this way. i love the chicken tendersve. all right, what do weve h have here, guys? l staples that would come when you come to the you c jersey shoreom. fried my gosh, we have fried oreos. we ore have pizzosa, have chickn tenders. chicken tenders. get here. here s i m going to because it s not one of those trendy stairs and he s got to stand. his shares, chairs, protein jes jersey, stand up. can we get some diese: ys, c? thank you. yes. yeah. thank caroline.caroli johnny. thank you. jesse. jesse.f the strawneank you. you got good hair. thank you very much. i ll be honest, he could probably on the jersey shore. heit y and i get my haircut like,ouy you know, your hair looks great. i think we rour haate fueled upt right now, but i think it s time to step it up a notch. wellep i, jea we got some games. all right, let s go. let night,s go right here. right we have basketball and we her have football right next to it. i think we should probably have a little competition. oh, jesse. oh, my god. no warmups. oh, okay. oh, gosh. you get. all right. you just got it. it. have yout. have you ever done the hippos? i have. let s go. js go.. yeah. yeah. great. that s impossible. what time is that? it s tee shirts shirts. ! ready? . tee shirt yeah. yes, i know. this is the place to come. oh i, yeah. show us around the tee shirt. yes. what about gre judgeg? you get well, i found greg for d myself. i m going to go with this nices blue, but look what i got for greg. oh, are you ready?we because now that we gotsh our t-shirts covered, there irtt only one thing left for us to accomplish. what do we gotplish. ? we have rights. oh, hey, ready, guys? all right, ready? okay, now. you all right, guys, are you readytu for a situation? it s time for some rightation?? do it. wait a minute. we ve got the five. we haven t even prepped ye the i can t prepare. i ve got our folders. i ve got the checklist. b eight blocks. jesse, the. bll ta okayyour a seat situation. stop. it is your fault having in the building. all right, let s folde go. oh, my god. what s happening? oh oh, all right, guys, that win be complete at the jersey shore without takingoto. photo. a squad photo. let s go. ie. his selfi it s a great time indeed. and thank you, mike, the situation for being there. his book is just out . had him on his show. that s right. we got reality check. making the bes the rea t his situation. you see what he did there. little play on words. mike was greats beard but danat a shot underhand in the basket and judge jeanine set an all time record for the hungry. hungryl-time? 30, 30, 33, hungry hippo 32. l she said 32 to greg. i got you a t-shirt. g, i g hope iott fits the cute little one for you here at the jersey shore. that s beautiful the and i love that. but you know what? i n i look because whe at this situation and i see that he s gotten old. gotten t meanthat i m really o. i mean, remember, i mean, they ve gone from cocaine to calling skippy s from stds, ira, from beer to by focals.o y yes.ha do you have any more? now? you could probably keep itfor th going. you re the only one that prepared for the show, all right. no, i know harold. i know. you couldn t come to us. come with us to the t-shirt shopouldn t to. so i got you a t-shirt. it s called rock the boat, which is what you do wear all of it. i love rock and rol, harol lt was a great time. and then this is a lot of good, clean fun. harold, you could bring your kids. i got to telyours. i got to l you.first ti it s my first timee sh on the shore, and i didn t realize the people were this good. going to come back? yeah, boards are going to come back. so thank you. all right, well, let s. get little bit of news. up next, inflation causing a summer concert. cool su down with a major artist like jennifer lopez, even s amiding their tour reports of poor ticket sales as the average ticket cost at thskyward. e yo rockets hardest hit. jesse watters. are you sad jennifer lopez isn t goinnifeg to have a concel yeah j.lo and i go way back. she s with ben now and i m not t that upset about it. th our timee coul together. but i heard because she couldn t sell out in vegas. that sdn tn vega reason she s ni the tour. so i don t know if it s bad inflatios bideation, bn, but i years ago, all concerts were free because you just hajust hdo to a trump rally and they let you in. that s true. herald dan that s what do you think the economy is this sort of reflection of the economy? i don t know. on oi think there s so many man concerts and so many options that peopld optione have. you have all the festivals, you have individual concerts. so at some point there is a finite wallet. and i think that the way that the market works supply and demand, that s exactly what i m talking about saying that s what greg told me to sa. s whatyt on t . we got on the show. greg, what do you think? i mean, i don t know about concertshew. dana:. they ve changed a it s an excuse. the only reason why they cancele it d j-lo s tour wt they couldn t find a stadium big enough fortadium b her . thank you. hey, it s jersey. yeah. here s the deal. under america under joe biden has become a neighborhoojo ad that pricing everyone out. the only peopleev, the only people who can afford house in america are the rich or foreign rich coming here ords hedge funders buying up tons of houses else is screwed. by the way, inflation isn tting just affecting prices. it s also immigration. he s inflaterices. it immigrati. he s inflated crime, right? he s also inflated government control. ed goverentright by by targeting political opposition. and suppressing political speech. an pressin when you think it s h it s not just the price of food, it s the coste pric, your freedoms and the price of being an american, we ll be right back. we should buy. before we do, let s get a check in tonight. eager face heralds. of the he s got a cute face. so one of the things we know isi got hindm out today is kindf yo of expensive if you re buying toys for the kids. yeahare i was looking at that. i mean, even buying beach are simple things. t-shirts are expensive. is, y and the truth is that, you know, people don t want to payople don w inflated priceo to some of these concerts and know only the really good ones now are getting out of state. a stadiu ing a stm of fans. going so going forward, i mean, you rather watch it on tv or, you know, watch it like, like? s it what s your name? who does the concerts in the movie theater? taylor swift. taylor swift. theater danyou can watch insg $5,000 or $10,000 for a ticket, watch it on television. i would love that, because then i can press and go to the bathroom. all right, let s move a muscle, america. there s more summebathroom.move huge surprises and guests ahead to come on the vibes beach bash live from martell s tiki bar. up next, get ready for the f tiki trash trump aaigniv talk. donald trump and joe biden trading insults. we have moreoe right after bidel wek. reats. wek. reats. we ve never spoken, but you ve told us many things that love stargazing, hate, parallel parking and. occasionally, your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus esv didn t begin in the studio. it began with you. you know what s crazy? this is better than cooking at home. i mean, more affordable than i mean, more affordable than groceries, of course. groceries are expensive. i thought i was in trouble i thought i was in trouble ther you are. and doug limbaugh. someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let s chief doug. oh, wow. i thought you were right behind . me? only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. every delivery man, ever family. rem[bber when i said we need rem[bber when i said we need to screen footr? was that after i texted was that after i texted the screen was now 45? because i said, oh, the guard be there. where did you come from? yep. with me. you cat my wayn at home. at s e just talk to your provider. just talk to your provider. well, stream of call the carffs. and. do it my way.egative cologuard is a one of a kind way to screen for. that s effective and noninvasive is for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive or negative results may occur. ask you provider for me, cologuard. most guys get serious airbags as they get older, but most guys don t do anything about it because most guys don t really understand skin care. they think it s too expensive and they don t believe that anything actually works. but here s the thing. most guys are wrong because there are actually a few ways to your air bags. and one of the easiest articles six and one face cream actually works really well, and most guys actually can afford it because it s six and one formula means you re getting six products at 2 to 1. just wash your and then massage in particle for 30 seconds. and before you know it, you re looking younger. then well, most guys but forget about most guys just be you got a younger version of you you can order right now it s part of medcom. we ve got free shipping in the united states plus a 30 day money back guarantee. biden s border move. new economic data. how do the voters these so we are american made from beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com. i got you john star sure we are having a blast at the at ma jersey shore at martell s tiki bar. rtikinow let s go to some polit. joth three more weeks until first debate, joe biden and donald trump are trading insults and letting the trash talk fly. trasp your opponent, donald trump. he has said of your executive your, he s pretending to finally do something about the border. but it s all about show says wee have a debate coming up. biden s executive order is weak . d pathetic is he describing himself as weak, empathetic? r this are you ready for this debate? yes. ye yess. president trump is hammeringbidn on the border crisis. we are so t weahek. the borders now. we were so strong. this guy goes to the beach he b all theathe. er wat you ever watch him in a bathingh suit? somebody told him he looks good. suit told hioh, joe, you look ga bathing suit. you know, you re 82 years old. you look he can t liftu ge the chair. the chair weighs about three. you knowhair., chairs, aluminum, hollow, aluminum. they weigh like they re builtm, for old people to lift and for children to lift. he can t lift. and that guilty verdict is not keeping trump down. new polling shows the formers t president is beating sleepy biden in arizona and florida and it s a dead heat in thegini. blue state of virginia. all right. so seeing as donald trump, harold is beating all those states, beating biden, do you think that biden is right when he says that donald trump is weak and pathetic? i hope that they are able to get to talking about the issuest at some point. i think they re major s between the two of them on trade. there s major differences on the economy. that deb i m interested in that debate for a lot of reasons. perhaps most important question is to get specifics on how do you lower food costs, how do you lower gas costs. mr. president, how do you thinkt should deal with reproductive rights for women across the countrcrosy. views i want both of them to be able to share their views and let the country choose. do think in a poll you just puts up a judge, jeanine, the fact there s only a four point difference in florida is really ann florid thing to me.esiden i thought president trump would be a far bigget p r in florida. this race is a 5050 race. this june 27 debate i thinkit will tip things a little bit in favor of whomever america thinks won that debate and then we ll all be lookinallg forward to the second one in a t august and maybe even a third one in september. wellhird you know, dana, you ret one who s great with all the numbers in the polls. what do you thin tk about what harold said? i think it s pretty interesting that virginia is tieaid?udge jek partly that s because governor glenn youngkin has revitalized the republicantalize party in virginia and he s also achieved results. and so people are at that. but i also think that that northern part of virginia makes it fool s gold for republicans sometimes. however, if biden having to spend money in virginia, that he s not able to spend all that money elsewhere. right. so that getsney else so that ti. the other thing is, is that biden cannot hold a news cycle ,he can t win a news cycle. he can go to france. he can t win a news cyclrance a and, you know, abc news did this big interview with him. they went that when he interviewed with zelenskyy, they go over, do a big interview with biden. it makes no news. it doesn t even make this intervieo news, doesw. make and friends with biden didn t even make the front page of their website. so i think in the lead up between now and the debate, wine trump is going to try to figure out a way to win every news cycle like he hacycle, ls been and that gets you that like hype, like leading up to theyo mike tysong up to . ake paul what s his name? jake paul, thank god. i was going to say john paul g but it was a pope. yes. okay. i like that you re going to have to hype it up and get ready. so i think this is the ramp up to that. hyper that is the rabut biden can t win aw cycle. you know, jesse, one of the things that donald trump has done is he has really criticizrumpe joe biden in this alleged securing the border executivise order. you know, do you think that the public is buying that jo te biden is securing the border with 1.8 million can still come 1. year. absolutely not. and if i m trump at the debate stage and hep at thestage me wy joe, the taliban told you whatw to do. i d say the the cartels telldo. you whatels tell do. you a i d say aoc boss is you around joe biden you re the weakest president we ve ever had in the history of the united states of americain the h. ol these border control policies that he just initiatedd they change the definition of fear. so you don t even have to safear y get scared in order to get asylum if you re just silentat as they interpret that as being scared and they let anou com and herald. this is not a 5050 race. joe biden is losing every single battleground state. and if you re tied in virginiiea, this is lookingnl like an absolute landslide. ide. he s four points ahead in florida, though, four points ahead in florida. he s up in all of the rust belt states that he needs to win up h in the sunbelt. he s up and he s going to win nevada. and now donald t trump is pickig off joe biden s base with young people, blacksbiden sp, hispanii joe biden s on the defensive big time. and donald trump is raisinden g boatloads of money. so now they re even in the word chess. think it s over? harold, you might as well just quit. you know you migh what, greg? do you know that theknow trump campaign raised $300milli million in may? take that one, harold, too. but in addition to that, i love ,though, harold. but in addition to that, greg, hoperuth is the democrats that the convicted felon moniker would put an f to donal trump. it doesn t mean a darn thing. ct well, i think they forgetthat s the mistake that the democrats have made is they ve abdicatedrc their as the victim. they were the victim party. they just madetheir the victim. what i think about this, ree we it s three weeks till the debate. ekwhat that in biden years. this guy is declining so fast. f ukrainase is sending him aid. but you know what? there s a there is a sense of existential dread among the democrats because they realize that america has gone from wanting change to deciding for change. it s like when you were a younge gu.y and you were dating a girl and you were selfish and uncaring she wanted to leave you. but then when she decide d was going to leave you, thenro you make the promises. thenmises. you you re going to change. then you say, oh, i m going to be differen tt. me, i don t leave me. please don t leave me. i ll chang le that, america. what the democrats have noticed is that their decision has been made. the americans want changein and they re looking at trump in a different way. thererene some people that arent crazy about him, but they realize biden is a bigger risk to the country than donald trump is a risk to your feelings. jeanine all right. all right. and a girl never left you, did she. nev a girl would never leave. coming up next, the medi leaame is totally in the bag forise ba the democrats. wait until you seeg for th whatt wing clown jimmy kimmel is leg to biden? 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yeah, yeah, yeah. you also get asked, look, the republicans don t play it square. why do you play square? it s like you re playingou with somebody who you know won t pass. h someonn tgo, won t follow anye rules. and how do you ever make any progress if? e rule they re not following the rules of the jail. you knows?ve got tnd them . they remove boxing the referee, the jail. nd and legendary democratic strategist james carville says the media needs to get tougher on president biden s opponent, formers president trump i don t have anything against slanted dt coverage. i really don t. i would have something against it. on the other most other timeshir in american history, but not right noy,right now. objectivity. [b of a teamo have in this country right now is we are going to have a constitution are we no atitut so, greg, your thoughts? jimmy kimmel and even the things that carville is saying is saying about president trump. but most important, we think and, jimmy kimmelabout ji what he s doing for the biden campaign. it s pretty strange to see, even though his show isn t watched by anybody, he s stillhi late night show host. could you imagine, jimmy, johnny carson, david letterman, jay leno, any of those people actually sending out a fundraising email? i mean, and also kimmel used to be host of the man show where he interviewed women in bikinis on trampolines. so he went from like t drooling over women on trampolines to shilling for a drooling man on a stretcher. it s strange, though. it is weird. it ihis old job of telling jokes is now being replaced bitfo by shilling for politicians. that s not his job. don t know how abc is okay with that. dana, you caw abc isn pick up ob if you want. but what about the carville point? he think he isout ? e is he right that there s there s that the media he believes is not questioning g trump enough? is that something that you feel thing th? at but i find that odd becauseesidn president trump is thet only talking to the media all the time. and even under a gag ordertime,a he talks more to the media than joe biden does. the josmore te hasn t even donen interview with the new york times . so i think that that is a little bitew york times , so to speak, besides the media. they just decide to write whatever they want about without even checking. and then the democrats freaked ou t. there was a story written by news reporters, the wall street journalrters of with 45ft different sources, all saying that joe biden has lost a step and they have it and the media goes nuts and they attaca goesk the reporters, instead of saying, yeah, we have a problem, i do think jimmy kimmel is kind of giving up on getting ratings because any of those previous comedians that gregg mentioned, they would have been reaching sato trump campaign and they would have said, let sid go, let s have him let s have you on my show. and i think trump would do it absolutely. and that way, that s how you get ratings. that s to me, i feel like just given uppitow and going. but the biden team seems to want to recreate what hillary clinton tried in 2016 with their raw campaign . i m going to let it roar. right. and so she s got all the celebritie aign, th s and didn t work.s bi but it s biden s safest place. like he doesn t want to go in en events in new hampshire, evenle because only 30 people showed up in new jersey pointed out 12 of them were staffers. soe staf i find that all a littt odd. i do wish that more of them would do in-dept h interviews.nd i think that biden s sitting down and doing the time magazine interview time magaz,e everybody should read that for themselves. d and theld be rea transcript, audio should be released. got your thought releass and your you thi thoughts on whether or not president trump, you think he would acceptmy kim jimmy kimmel invitation to debate joe biden in a late night settingme like that? donald trump would go into the lion s and poke the lion. he s willing to go anywhere atn, any time. eddie howe okay, sohis wo jimmy kimmel s the least of his worries. but i got to telbut i ve gotl ye you hear carville say something liy thisare goobjectivit country now is either we re going to have a constitution or we re noine t, which i think is really incredible, given the fact that the democrat were the ones who suppressed free speech, who suppress the firstme amendment during the 2020 election, whennt anthony blinken got 52 so-called intel, cee guys took him out and say the laptop, which is now a central piece in a criminall case against hunter biden, wascs russian disinformation. democr the democrats should not talk deout the constitutionat t becae they re the ones who ve been destroying it at every stestp. n i have a slightly different opinion about that. but jesse, what art jesse,e your about this? well, because joe biden needs a lo about te joe t more e donald trump does. joe biden needs kimmel. s.he bill clinton, he needs barack obama. he needs clooney to raise money. donald trump can throw a fundraiser mp can t and, raise 50 million just by himself. and if we were at fox and greg tried to throw a fundraiser for donald trump, wow, they de four have to call the show the four. i mean, he would be out of here. so. be they would never allow tha. and then for carville to say that they need to be tougher, how much more tougher can the medihre tough meda be on tr? they re trying to throw him in prison. they re trying to call himstrip a racist. they re trying to strip him off the ballot. so i don thim off so i know what more they can do. but whatever they re doing is working because s up i he s in all the polls and now he s raising more money d he s going to cruiseraisoned to reelection. harold, quick question. the judge has said that she thinks there shouluick ques sair debate. you think he should have three debates, but he s dead? atesi think the third debate sha be on fox news. how aboutbo that? we debate coming up., jess jesse, grae,b your speedo becaue the five is hitting the beach. when we come back, live from . he job r shore why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel at once? i like to do things myself. i can t trust anything else to do the job right track kayak ,search one and done. ashley is having a stars and stripes preview shop early for hot buys. now only 799 and take advantage of recliner deals right in time for father s plus pay 0% interest for five years with no imag only at ashley.od fre imagine a future where plastic is not wasteshd, but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food to and our planet cleaner to help us get there, america s plastic makers are investing billions makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovativepen. products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. can happen. we are people living a-fib and over 400,000 of usle have left blood thinners behine. for life. for life. we ve cut our stroke ris and said goodbye to our bleeding worry with the watchman implant. we may be getting older, we may be getting older, but we ve never squeezed more of life and we are just getting starte d. join us at watch watch men. it s one time for a lifetime. who launches a makeup brand in their sixties? 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i the torch is going to come out to the side. it as i down, i throw mt as enter the water to not get tangled. i swim, swim, swimtangled, swi. once i get five yards out, i get a hand on my handlete. i put it in front of jesse. i say, don t grab me, grab this float, because we don t want a panicking victim to drown the the lifeguard in the process. what if i want to grab you? well, we ll talk about that late be r. i m a married man, jesse. all right, so i put my arm i am, right and then g i start stroke came to kick until we get to safetyet. just like that now. well done, boy. i get brown around him. okaylause.u very. thank you very much. now, have you noticed i? brought three torpedoes here. so i d like you guys to give this a tryhis . ctim so i ll be a victim.judge je and i want maybe judge jeanine and dana. could you guys can y be victims and see if the guys can try to rescue you? we d love to tryyod love t that. okay. i guess. do we have to choose which one we want to rescue? it s totallywhich on res to you totally up to you. all right, try. up to y a drowning. victim. you re going to grab that strap. you re going to put it over your shoulde going strr.ap i so it s across your chest. i m drowning. soross not too that s better. now you re going to come. you re going to throw it out? grabfor any of the side of you . right. you re going to hand me the tour. say, don t grab me, grab this floais. t this. dana. that s okay. and now you re going to start showin ag the back to fantastic. greg, you let me drown. sorry. gy. awnkay. i have a question. sure. you guys have diy policies fo. lifeguard guys have d i ve noticed a lack of diversity. no plus size lifeguards. ll you noticed this? i was actually thinner in my yo but not £2ed tha that i know about situation. but it s awesomet. that you guyn are up here. we really. how many times a year would you have to do one of these? last year wetorpedoe had 590 orr rescues. yeah, not me personally, but i di d learn how to so so how many lifeguards do you have here? have about 100. ove a little over 100 lifeguards. wow. well, over my beacr 10h, 15 lifeguard stands. and this is one of the busiest in the jersey shore. we re very crowded, very busy. wow. all right. now, janine, he s not going to you mouth to mouth no matter how much you say nmouth-too i gt harold, and he saved me. he decides who decides who to b save. like you re all at the beach. there s you see somebodyeach,set there? is there like a taking turns thing? no. aarere sittin g with your partner, you would identify someone who s in trouble. but what if you re on lunch? what if you re having lunch and there s somebody there? you know, it s like you re. you re on your break. yeah. during lunch break, somebody goes off and somebody else comes on. we rotate on, rotateebod off. keep everybody fresh. yeah. all right. well, thank you guys very muchgr . we got fan mail.t fa next thing. you guys, that was fish in the i don t care if we ever come that. on i love fishing one day and now through june 14th save 10% on that favorite gift specia l day gift cards bass pro chefs and cabela s. these bills are crazy. she has no idea all o she s sitting on a goldmine. well, she doesn t knowr if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more. she ca n all or part of it to coventry for cash, even a term policy, even term goldm policy. even our policyine. call. find out if you re sitting on a gold mine. call coventry direct today at 804 nine six 9200 or visit coventry direct, icom. most guys get serious airbags as they get older, but most guys don t do anything about it because guys don t really understand skin care. they it s too expensive and they don t believe that anything actually works. but here s the thing most guys are wrong because there are actually a few ways to reduce air bags. and one of the easiest particles, six and one face cream actually works really well. and most guys actually can afford it because it s six and one formula means you re getting six products packed into one. just wash your face and then massage and particle for 30 seconds. before you know it, you re looking younger than, well, most guys. but forget about most guys. just be you got a younger version of you you can order right now as part of medcom. we ve got shipping in the united states plus a 30 day money back guarantee. tonight, calling out the president. elise stefanik breaks down a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! so we are american made from beginning to end shop now at show allegiance .com you it is a fan mail friday live from martell s tiki bar at the jersey shore. mathe first question is a doozyn all right. this is from zac iozy!h. you are traveling with a friend. you get picked for a freyou gee upgrade to first class. do you leave your friend or significant other behind and take the upgrader be? we already know what jess is going to say, so let s . t him out of the way jesse, you would abandon your own child for first class yo it s a friendil, you definitely take the upgrade. taket s a spouse, you definitely take the upgrade . judge what would say greg: yoy you know, i initially thought i would probably do it, but you know what, if i had a friend who wasn t normally in first fi i would give it to my friend, i really would. liar. so i m i know i his maker s in and liberal but harold. yes, harold. you only fly private so thisso makes no sense to you. you limousine liberas no sl. you make me sick to my stomach. i ve beeoln give ud: ip my prive and my first class. any friend, any any prime member. every time, every time. dan all right, dana, i don t knoa:w who these people are. i m definitely takine pegth the upgrade. you re taking the upgrade. does it really matter? you just kind of go into the baggage compartmene upgradd yeah, i mean, that s. i always get upgraded. yes, exactly i. all right. second question. this is a great question. a greawhat tv show was canceledo early that you would like to see come back. jesse, would it be the o rileybh ? we had a good a goo greg i would say live pd. i love live pd. e go they canceled it during the summer of love and they got to bring iringt back. watch dana i watched the show on netflix from australia called offspring so good,en sea but there were only seven seasons and it really could have gone longerso. me wow, she picked one from australia. harold todd the i like idris elba. i thought when they canceled , i wish wer a few had a few more. and diff rent strokes are different for different folks. judge there s a show called lioness that harold is cominness g back to back. so my wish has been granted. you know what? i thinnted. you knok they shoulr baywatch. oh, don t even go there. read back all the originals b with new implants, huh? and it could be at the billy jest at the village. the village is lake. w oh, god.e with the alligators. yes, exactly. you have to fight. what was the what was your reaction when you first saw yourself on television, y gh dana? oh, my gosh. i do remember one time they playe, i doer one td back a and i blink a lot, way too muchl . you re like a hostage sending a message. yeahik. you re doing morse code right now. please get me out. help me. helpmorse code rig.ana: hel me.g dge. i remember the first time i wase on it was the today show, and the driver got los dt. so there was no hair or no makeup. i looked like nightmare.t fo i didn t come out for, like, a week after that.d? oh, carol, i like that look, i had a bad hairstyle. i had a part in my head. and i remember that part i had i to get rid of that doggone thing. yeah, terrible. that was a good move on your part. thanible. k you, sir. thank you, sir. see what i did there? all right, there jesse. so i was 13 and they interviewed me during the milli vanilli scandal. s wow. and i was at aat a f footlocker in philly. , i sa and so they interviewed me. i said my piece, and i told goin i m going to be watch, on tv tonight. mom and dad, you got to watch. and then we waited for the anden they showed me. my vthen a old lady s voice wans dubbed over my voice like milli vanilli. wow. li one of the first time i saw myself on tv, i thought, wow, who this good looking guy? of course you did. yeah. all right, we have time for another. okay. what s okay the worst thing to heat up in an office? a break room, microwavbreak roeh and don t say jesse s hair, dana. dana: fish,iously but i m going to give you another tip. if you ever cook cauliflower in a microwave and burn it, you will be to another country.e judge that you shouldn t put in a microwave in the office. yeah, i don t know. i don t cook in the microwave in the officthe ofe. somebody else does it. jud i don t go, i don t go in that room. fihawhat would you like what el. that i know what s fish smells bad. what else is new. new jesse. indian food. gy. oh, boy. oh but bull. oh, let s go.! brandon. way, way to get out of troublesl . i was close. harold, did i ask? you already know d, i think any food that is cooked by someone who can t cook is always smell y when it when you got to read it. that s why the judge cooks well. cooks well datad so want to have that? no. a way. you re in the green room. somebody comes in and reheat their lunch because they have to eat lunch. their broccoli, brussels sprouts. right. terrible, horrible, horriblee.l. and shakes. yeah. who does that kill gre? ge jei me? oh, he lives. m closet. ore thin, pour one more things up next. why? i don t get that . let s get the rest of these plants organicve ever . soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best gardenlow you i har had. good soil and you get good results. this will blow you this will blow you it s the martha stewar t of. call the guard. cologuard. cologuard screened for negat colon cancer at home like you want either maivy occur.n. y cologuard is for people 45 plus at average risk, not high ris k. false, positive and negative results may occur. std . ha don save up to 25%t on moving book and see my positive and trusted with over 6 million moves. don t wait. use promo code 25 now to save. look at popcom today i m excited to announce we re having a huge mypillow spring. and here s a few examples by one of our my people 2.0 yeah. get another mypillow 2.0. absolutely free meet cooling technology. the best pillow ever just got even better. and this just in nine brand new colors and styles of percale bed sheets. they re made with the finest long staple cotton. and now you can save 50% or more. now it s as low as 2498. and for the first time this year, i m bringing out my slippers and sandals for as low as $25 up here. so go to mypillow ecommerce, call the number on your screen, use your promo code to get your my two point odds. buy one, get one free percale sheets as low as 2498. my slippers and sandals as low as $25 up here and for a limited time when you are $75 or more, your entire order ships free. i m matthew. i m melissa and we started product cleaning products. for most of my life, i ve worn a black t-shirt and mostly they re too short, too baggy or inconsistent. using my of apparel experience, we set out to make the world s best fitting t-shirt since day one. our fresh clean tees were made to offer a flattering fit for all body types and not break the bank. unleash your confidence at fresh clean threads dot biggest benefit honestly has been with my skin skin was more hydrated, more radiant is the best superfood that you can taste has all the essential nutrients you need for your skin, your gut energy focused mood performance. my hair has gotten so much thicker ever since taking this . i used to have a probiotic the green juice that replaced it all with, this arm of colostrum. it is amazing, but you got to take it. you want try it right arm recommend. were you stationed working or living at camp lagoon between 1953 and 1987. if you or a loved one have suffered from a severe illness, you may be eligible for a settlement ranging from 100,000 to $550000 without a court filing. morgan and morgan is already helping over 15,000 veterans and their families in the fight towards justice. for more information, call the number on your screen visit ww dot camp is you an injury icon a heart attack do they have insurance? 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you know what? i bet he s read your. i don t think he s ever read a book. all right, let s come on, let s go. i like mike. the situation right there. greg. he a: we lo y hugged and thank you for having us. martell s tiki bar. all right for us .t,so

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CNN News Central

Reasonable doubt about whether he thought he was lying when he says on the 18th, not a user, and they haven t come forward with proof. and this is probably their best shot. i don t think conter will testify to come forward with proof that on that fateful day, he would have been lying when he said, i m not a user that s the form language on formed 33 at three of drugs you know, it s a bit of a combined hyper technical but also sympathetic defense. the whole thing is so kind of, tawdry and sad that possibly abbe lowell, his lawyer hopes that plays to their advantage. i wonder if it does because even though half of this jury has some kind of familial experience with drugs or substance abuse i wonder if that s something that can cut both ways. you may have people who are sympathetic, as you said there s also, when it comes to substance abuse, even people who may love someone who

Proof , Think-conter , User , Haven-t , Doubt , Shot , 18 , Drugs , Language , Bit , Hyper , Three

Transcripts for CNN The Source With Kaitlan Collins 20240604 01:02:00

He s either a hero or villain, depending on who you ask in an era of extreme division and hyper-partisanship dr. anthony fauci, who became the face of america s response to the covid pandemic. went before congress today for the first time since, for hiring from government service two years ago for perhaps his final showdown with republicans over mask mandates, vaccine guidelines in the origins of covid-19 things quickly went from tents, too emotional too chaotic exhibit a, georgia congresswoman, marjorie taylor greene de represent science. mr. fauci? yes or no? no. that s not a yes or no. yes. it s a yesterday. this is science what is dogs have to do with anything that we re talking about today is your scientific experiments. you re not dr. your, mr. fauci and my few minutes, he belongs in

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Gotham City icon Bruce Wayne inspires other-worldly Hypercars from Automobili Pininfarina

Gotham City icon Bruce Wayne inspires other-worldly Hypercars from Automobili Pininfarina - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

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Transcripts for MSNBC Velshi 20240604 15:36:00

Them. the story taken from the work of his about maximizing your gifts no matter the cost. new book encourages readers to do the same thing. he makes the argument that for too long, we have outsourced our responsibility to democracy to politicians, prophets, heroes. it is comforting to put the fate of the democracy in the hands of visionaries, encourages the individual to take the first steps towards reaching an equitable society. democracy. the real work of preserving democracy, eddie argues, is a hyper local, hyper engaged community. something he calls network democratic localism. democracy requires a richly textured democratic culture close to the ground. what is needed? required under such conditions are innovative and creative

Argument , Thing , Book , Work , Story , Readers , Gifts , Cost , Democracy , Steps , Heroes , Society

Transcripts for FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Sunday 20240604 13:11:00

The actual facts here, fully support president trump because he did nothing wrong. all right. thank you very much,. will, thank you. thank you guys. that s impeaching the witness in legalese, it s establishing that the witness is inherently untrustworthy, a proven track record of not just lying but of perjury. it should undercut any credibility of a witness with a jury. hearing him talk about the facts and everything you just laid out, just wonder are these people capable of being fair? that s what i really want to know. maybe it s a curve ball strategy of saying hey, a lawyer s sitting there. i mean, it depends. if you have a hyper partisan couple lawyers they ll get in the jury room and spin it the way they want with legal language that other jurors won t have acassess to. maybe it goes in the other direction. maybe that s the play the trump team is making. if a lawyer sees it all - as a former attorney for p

Trump-biden , Facts , Will-sharp , Nothing , Witness , Guys , Legalese , Everything , Jury , Track-record , Hearing , Perjury

Transcripts for MSNBC Velshi 20240604 14:53:00

Which we thought would improve things, did not exactly do that and in many ways , things have gotten worse. but there are ways in which things have gotten better, too. and that is that now, the movement to reform the food system has very powerful allies, that it did not have, particularly in in washington. eric, want to take the conversation about hyper processed foods further because they constitute a very big part of my diet. one study featured in the film, focus on artificial sweeteners and how the body metabolizes them. it is important to me because i m a guy that drinks sugar free sweetened drinks. the study basically found our bodies expect, as they find in a natural whole foods, a correlation between sweetness and the energy or calories that sweetness provides. minnesota for instance is supersweet, using artificial synthetic sweeteners, and doesn t have calories, it

Things , Ways , Feed-it , Part , Foods , Food-system , Eric-schlosser , Movement , Conversation , Hyper , Washington , Allies

Iconic band announce comeback tour more than 20 years after earworm hit single

An iconic electronic rave band formed in the 80s have announced a massive comeback tour coming to the UK - with tickets on sale this week.

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Thoughts on  Vision Pro | Andrew Hart

A month ago, I flew from London to NYC, paid $3500 for a Vision Pro headset at Apple Fifth Avenue, and flew back home. I’ve been using it every day since here’s what I think. My background, for context: I’ve been working in AR for many years. I built.

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