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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20161008 00:00:00

hollywood. they were talking first about a married women trump had tried to seduce but he didn t use that word. and then talking about the co-star they were going to make. much of is the graphic and obscene. the very fact the such a videotape of the presidential candidate needs such a warrant speaks for itself. i moved on her actually. she was down in palm beach. i moved on her. and i failed. i ll admit it. i did try and [ bleep ]. she was married. wbr id= wbr941 /> her name was nancy. i moved on her heavily. in fact i took her out furniture shopping. i told her i ll show you where you can get some nice furniture. i moved on her like a bitch. but i couldn t get there. and she was married. and all of a sudden i see her, she s now got the big phony tits and everything. she s totally changed her looks. /b>
your girl is hot at [ bleep ]. in the purple. whoa. yes. the donald has scored. whoa, my man. wait you got to look okay. you are a maybe it is a different one. no that s her. you got to get this [indiscernible]. you and i will walk out. oh my gosh. maybe it is a different one. no it s her. yeah that s her. with the gold. i got to use some tic tacs just in case i start kissing her. you know i m automatically attracted to beautiful people. it is like a magnet. i start kissing her. when they are a star you can do anything. they let do you do it. grab them by the [ bleep ]. you can do anything. all i can see is the legs. oh looks good. come on shorty. ooh nice legs. get out of the way, honey. ooh, that s good legs. just got to make sure you don t fall out of the wbr-id= wbr1784 /> bus. like ford, gerald ford, remember?
hello. how are you, hi. mr. trump, how are you. good good. terrific. good to see you. billy bush. hello. are you ready to be a soap star? we re ready. let s go. make me a soap star. have a little hug for the donald. he just got off the bus - have a little hug for the bushy, i just got off the bus. as soon as a beautiful woman shows up always has. come here. yeah. let the little guy in. hard to walk like this. yeah you get in the middle. that s better. that s better. now if you had to choose honestly between one of us. me or the donald. i don t know. that s tough competition. seriously. you had to take one of us as a date. i d have to take the fifth on that one. really? i ll take both. which way?
make a right. here we go. here we go. i m going to leave you here. my microphone. you re finish sfd. i m going to go to a show. so nearly immediately after this tape was released by the post the trump campaign put out a statement which used the word apologize, though you can judge for yourself whether it was an apology or not. id reads there is locker room banter that took place many years ago. bill clinton has said worse to me on the golf course. not even close. i apologize if someone was offended. for hillary clinton s part she put out a tweet. this is horrific. we cannot allow this man to become president. let s get more reaction to all this which could impact sunday s debate which anderson is moderating. and mike pence was asked about it while on the trail in ohio.
as you heard, no answer from governor mike pence there. however rnc chair reince priebus just weighed in. he said no woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner, ever. joining us cnn s mj lee and dana bash who just received some new information on how the trump campaign is reacting, literally at this moment. and gloria borger. dana, what s going on inside trump tower right now. as you can imagine deaf con five would probably ban understatement. we only at this point have the statement which is a couple of sentence, which was referring to bill clinton and things that he allegedly said to donald trump on the golf course which he said are worse and so forth. we haven t heard from donald trump himself beyond that. and they are huddling right now
the primaries. but he s got to grow. he s got to add people. he s got to add suburban women. married women. women just women. independents. into his voting block. and he s not going to do that with this kind of language. so i think just in terms of the political conversation and the it is just kind of stunning to watch this unfold. dana? john, i just want to add sort of one way to answer that question why is this different now? with the statement that the highest ranking republican member of congress kathleen rogers just put out which is the most telling so far because it is not just about donald trump the words. it is what he suggested do to
no those words. or violence against women. if that is the context in which donald trump is caught on tape saying that that is being interpreted, it is a thousand miles further away than him calling somebody a pig or too fat or anything he said about rosie o donnell. this is in a whole different league. he can touch people how he wants, he can grab people ow he wants because he s a star. we got to take a break but before i want to read a tweet from mitt romney who was the last republican nominee. hitting on married women, condoning assault. such vile things degrade our wives and daughters and the world. just ahead. the reporter who broke this story. and also the latest on hurricane matthew. that s ahead on 360. when i was a little kid, i made a deal with myself
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get 20 gigs and 4 lines for only $160. with no surprise overages on america s best network. two big breaking stories tonight. we re following hurricane matthew now spinning off northeast florida and still very much a throthreat to millions o shore. and then donald trump caught
bragging to billy bush that as a star he could grab women by their genitals and get away with it because he s a star. he also bragged about trying to sex with a married women. the tape surfaced just 48 hours ahead of the presidential debate in st. louis. a the described reaction when it broke, gasps. we re trying to get our heads around it and there is no way to spin this. this isn t. we spoke to the man who broke the story a while ago. david i know you are not going to disclose your source on this but whoever gave it to you or alerted you to it obviously had something bug on their hands. i really can t say anything about how we got ahold of this. when you heard it what was your reaction? it was shocking. this is the voice of donald trump you have heard now for a
couple of years solid and a voice you have gotten used to hearing in a political context and here he is discussing this in a pretty lewd and outrageous manner. i was pretty surprised. he calls this locker room bantder. the thing is he s 56 years old. and it is not just crass language. it is predatory. when you are a star you can do it. you can do anything. you can grab them by the and then he goes on. and right. it is not just hey look at that woman, isn t she hot? it goes beyond that. what he does. not describing what he d like to do but what he has done apparently to women. how he s a star he can kiss them if he wants to. he can grope them. that just makes this more interesting and shocking. it is not just like look at that women. she s a ten. he s saying this is what i have done to women in the past and will do again. and you can judge the magnitude of this by the fact that the trump campaign
responded very quickly with a statement that included the word apologi apologize. which he s apologizing if anyone was offended. which is a non apology, apology. obviously leaves room for the view that people will listen to this or see this and not be offended by. ive. but certainly is a full step from just apologizing for something you wish you hadn t done. apologizing is different from i m sorry i ever said it. i shouldn t have said it at all. that said he uses the word apology which i m not sure he has used at all this campaign season. so that is a big deal in and of itself from the trump campaign. it is unusual. right though that he s apologizing sort of in a way as i apologize if you take offense. not that i looked at myself and took account of my own moral conduct and decided it was wrong of me to have done this. and in that statement he of
course takes on bill clinton. he says bill clinton has said worse things to me on the golf course. i guess it is not surprising he goes after bill clinton on this because that is what he tends do whenever the subject of woman comes up. but again he s not running against bill clinton is he. and bill clinton wasn t on the bus with him that day. this was donald trump and billy bush. donald trump leading the conversation. so whatever he may have heard from bill clinton, unless he s claiming he didn t know these words until bill clinton taught him, i think it is a little irrelevant to what trump said that day in the video. there was not a clinton on the bush. there was a bush on the bus. billy bush who now works for nbc news, i m sure we ll get a response from him also at some point. what kind of legs do you think this has going forward? it is friday night before the second debate. what questions remain unanswered here? i think this will continue to
be something people talk about. the difference here is this is audio and video. you are hearing trump in his own words saying these things. it is different hearing it secondhand. i ve been wrong about everything else about the election but it may come up in the debate and something trump is asked about later on. and maybe something mike pence, a strong independent christian will be asked about. and trump s evangelical supporters will be asked about. and a kind of thing that goes to trump s moral character and that could last the next week, maybe longer. people who appear with trump, who have endorsed trump. people like paul ryan certainly could and will be asked about this going forward. thank you so much. thank you. late tonight billy bush did in fact put out a statement. it reads obviously i m embarrassed and ashamed. it s no excuse but this happened eleven years ago. i was youngerish less mature and acted foolishly in playing
along. i m very sorry. it is sounds like the kind of thing a lot of college students might be hearing about or warned about on orientations on sexual assault on campuses. lot to discuss here. joining me now. also with us. cnn chief political analyst gloria borjer and cnn political commentators and the political supporters. kayleigh, said no woman should be talked about in this manner ever. exactly right. it was hard to hear those words today s. it is inexcusable. i think the statement was not enough. i think donald trump needs to humble himself and come out to the american people and say i m not the person i was 11 years ago. i m a different person. i m not that person. and i think that he needs to
apologize to the american people. because if we know anything about the american people they are forgiving people. they forgave bill clinton for his transgressions in the oval office. and i think they forgive when you humble yourself. and i think that is what he needs to do. apologize. bottom line. inexcusable. not just if people were offended but apologize period. yes. apologize to the american people directly, all of them. amanda carpenter, when you heard this, you had a somewhat visceral reaction. yeah. this is bigger than trump. this is about the republican party. and if there is any elected republican official who doesn t know what to say, they should call up a rape survivor tonight and ask them what they heard when they heard donald trump say these words? this isn t as reince priebus said talking about something that trump describes women this way. trump is saying this is something that he did. this isn t harassment.
it is not locker room talk. he is talking about sexual assault. there is no other way to frame this. and listen, i have a 4 and a half-year-old daughter. last night we had the news on and she pointed at the tv and she said is that man a trump. in a couple of years she s going to watch shows like this and know what s going on. and right now this election is going to be about how the republican party treats women. and right now seeing the statements come out from other republicans trying to dismiss this or go past it? i don t know what that answer is. i want to be in this party. but if they will not respect women and recognize that donald trump is boasting about sexual assault, we women cannot stand by this. scotty. well these were comments that were made 11 years ago. and let me agree with kayleigh and amanda. these were horrible comment. no place whether you are a republican or democrat, there is no place for them in america
today. and i think we need to hold people that are in pop culture and hollywood who are in our rap music and in our reading we need to hold them accountable just as much for donald trump. but this reconfirms he was not running for office back then. he was a part of a different world than he is now. and he always said i would only run for president if there were no one else to solve the problems we have today. and officially he feels like he s the one who can do it and 14 million people in the primary agree with him. and now i think it is wonderful the timing of this video mahas come out. the same day wikileaks comes out. and . because for political reasons. she says she and her husband she can t really relate to middle class people right. now due to the fact she s not one of them anymore because of all the money her and her husband made. so the timing of this video
hang on. it is eleven years ago. yes. but it is not like donald trump was in junior high. he was 59 years old when he said it. so he was a fully formed individual. and gloria borger, again, let s talk about amanda s point right there. the pressure this puts on the republican party now to deal with this. paul ryan is supposed to be on a stage with him tomorrow in wisconsin. what s gonna happen? right. this goes beyond crude talk, to predatory behavior. and i think it is a tipping point right now for the republican party. and i think, you know, my e-mail has kind of been blowing up from republicans who are saying to me. i mean, bush s former campaign manager said to me he s a pig, i m voting for hillary clinton. this is a republican. i think that democrats are going to force republicans to say whether they still support donald trump for president. i think you are going to start hearing calls from republicans
privately and then maybe publicly to say what is our plan b here? i think this has gone beyond, again, a matter of crude talk and crude behavior to insults to women to something that s quite frankly predatory. and i think the party has to grapple with this. you have the chairman saying this is inexcusable and then there is a second thing, okay. then what? now what, reince priebus? and i think people are asking themselves that question tonight and i think these are very sad conversations. i feel for the young people who are working in the donald trump campaign who spoke to mj lee about how they feel about pouring their heart and soul into a campaign, and now this tape comes out. so anna navarro. we re going to take a quick break. but when we come back i m going to ask you this question. is there anything donald trump can say tonight to make this go away?
is there anything that paul ryan or other republicans that are supporting donald trump can say over the next 24 hours that will satisfy you and make this go away at least for the next 32 days until election day. that is to you anna after the break. also a close watch on hurricane matthew now blamed for four deaths in florida and a new update from the hurricane center coming up. 6 only a few. truly move us. with over one million on the road, wbr id= wbr17955 /> lexus hybrids are always charged and always ready. /b>
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just a small snippet of the tape. what donald trump needs to do is humble himself before the american people and apologize for the words he said. admit that they were beyond the line. would that satisfy you? no. look, i think what donald trump needs do is quit. i think he needs to stop being the republican nominee. he s dragging this entire process down the gutter. he s dragging the entire republican party down the gutter. you have to understand he cannot win. he is irredeemable. this is not something you are going to recover from. and the reason is because this is consistent behavior from donald trump. this is not a one-time occurrence. we ve heard him throughout the campaign call rosie o donnell a fat wbr-id= wbr20948 /> big, about miss universe. megyn kelly s menstrual cycle. and giving numbers for scores
for scoring their bodies. how many times does he get away with saying something image i misogynistic or sexist before we call him it. it is time to condemn the man. it is time to ask him to step down. it is time to tell america he does not represent republican values. he is a pig. he is vile. this is consistent behavior by him. the only difference is that now we have it on tape and now we have it on video. but this man is not fit to be president of the united states. he is not fit to be the republican nominee. he is not fit to be called a man. kailg mcenany, to that point is this an aberration, as scotty was saying, 11 years ago? or is this part of who donald trump is?
wbr id= wbr21600 /> because he s said things on the campaign trail this year about women that have raised a lot of eyebrows. he was tweeting about miss universe a week ago. where i disagree, is i don t think any human being is irredeemable. i think the comments is inexcusable. as a christian they don t lay right with me or sit right with me. but also a christian i know when you apologize for something, you are forgiven. and you can wipe away anything you have done in the past because you can be forgiven by the blood of jesus christ. that is what i believe as the christian. i don t think he s irredeemable. i think he s a different person now than he was then and i think if he humbles himself and explains to the american people that i ve learned from people around me and i m a man of honor and i ve learned from that. a father, a grandfather. and everything about this is redeemable. what about mike pence? the trump campaign kicked the pool out. he didn t answer questions on a rope line. how does he respond to this /b>
wbr-id= wbr22200 /> going forward? he really has to examine his heart. i mean, to be sure god does forgive but there are just some things that are just disqualifying for someone who wants to be president of the united states. in that tape he s saying that he believes, and he did, he could do anything to women because he was a star. that means he felt he was entitled to assault women because he had power. he s running if are the most powerful office in america. what does that mean he thinks he would be entitled to do? there is really no bounds. once you say you can grab a woman like that, he can t stop himself from kissing someone? assaulting someone? i don t think there is any limit. so i hope mike pence examines his heart, his soul. and, you know, christians may be able to forgive donald trump for his actions and his words. but that does not mean he gets a pass to become president of the united states is this. scotty, how do you respond to
this? because you have heard kayleigh who was a trump support say this crossed the line. you have heard folks who are not supporters say this makes them question the very party you are a member of. you are a shrewd political observer and you have followed politics a lock time. trump is having a real problem with women voters. a real problem with independents. does this hurt him irreparably. tlurm a number of women supporting donald trump for one reason only. because he s not hillary clinton. her actions have been even worse and going forward the reason we re supporting mr. trump, why i personally is for my family. i want to be able to protect for my family and i want to be able to provide for my family. nothing do with these words from 11 years or any other things he s said in the past. i care he s going secure our border and preserve my constitution and second amendment rights. and other than that let s stay
for the tabloids and talk about the things that matter most for most mother, most women in this world is please, protect my family, provide for my family. something he s put a plan out and we know he will co-and hillary clinton doesn t put emphasis on that. here is the problem. before we even get to discuss agenda. before we even get to discuss policy there is a minimum requirement of morality, of moral compass, of decency, of human empathy, of behaving like an adult. of behaving not like a sexual predator. and if you are incapable of meeting that minimum requirement you can t even talk to me about policy because you are unfit to be on the ballot. and it is time not only donald trump think about what he s doing but republicans who have endorsed him, this is the time to disavow this man. paul ryan, our lonely highs look to you. you are my friend. i though you. you are a decent human being. you are a good husband, a good
father. you cannot stand by this man tomorrow. reince priebus, same goes for you. he will ruin the republicans that are on the ballot with him. we cannot afford this. if we re going to have a party that survives we must disown donald trump tonight. we re going take up that thought. we re also going to take up what s going on inside trump tower right now because i have to believe there are big decisions being made as we speak about when he will address this, how he will address it. seems to me he s got to get to this sometime before he takes that debate stage sunday night. a debate by the way that anderson will be moderating. just 48 hours away now from the second presidential debate. in st. louis. our coverage here all day long on sunday. anderson will be one of the moderators along with abc news martha raddatz. and more on hurricane matthew as it makes up the southeastern coast.
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joining me now from st. augustine florida, michael holmes. a big concern where you are there, the storm surge. all this flooding. what are you seeing? reporter: yeah absolutely. i m standing in storm surge. it is not very deep here. but st. augustine, the city itself, what s known as the oldest city in america, dating back 400 years when a spanish admiral founded it. it is back that way. and this water goes all the way back into the city. and in fact the city is officially closed. emergency services and an officer coming through now. they are the only ones going in and out of the city. it is officially closed. there is in fact a cur fay from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. what happens is when the storm surge came in it was meant to be eight feet of storm surge. the mayor said everyone get out. population of about 13 and a half thousand. half of them said no, we re
going to stay. they are stuck there now. roads and bridges closed until emergency services say it is safe to reopen them. so that is just one example of what s happening up and down the southeast coast when it comes to storm surge. you know, thousands of people being affected by this. and a lot of damage been done. very historic city st. augustine. probably dmoen to a lot of people. that is the concern up and down the coast. st. augustine, michael thank you o much. a new advisor from the hurricane center just out. what s the latest. well as the category two storm but that means absolutely nothing. it s built up strength for so many days now that category, 3, 4 hurricane is going to see all the water under the eye slam northward and they could see even great storm surge than in st. augustine and jacksonville. we re going to see heavier amounts of rain than we ve
already on the coastline. tornado watch is expected from yesterday because of the angle of approach. we dodged a major bullet today with that eye stay 20-25 miles off shore. yesterday talking with anderson we talked about every mile counts. the difference between catastrophic damage and then moderate to severe damage which, occurred. don t get me wrong. it s very bad but it could have been much worse. but now it is going to get worse. the large precipitation shield is all from the eye northward. the greatest effects in the colors of yellow on the northern prieriphery of the i eye will sm with full momentum. georgia south carolina and north carolina. head.e concerned about hilton a big concentration of pine trees. they blow over easily in 45, 50 miles per hour gusts. weak root systems. this model which has been spot on, continues to take it very
close. this is a saturday/sunday event. so far good news, it was low tide at jacksonville at 7:30. it is going to be low tide tomorrow morning in charleston, where it approaches at its closest event. again now category 2 but the angle of approach, john, mooens everything. let s hope it moves out and away. yesterday we were talking about the big curve it is going to take. i wouldn t worry about that so much. it is undergoing shear right now and we re hoping it breaks down further. so not much event coming back around. we re already seeing the surge five, six peat above average in some areas. big areas of concern in georgia, particularly south carolina. thank you so much. just ahead, back to other breaking news. donald trump caught on tape talking crudely about women. a highlight reel in a moment plus the latest on hurricane
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the crisis, a tape surfacing of hill doing what he has a history of doing. here s randi kaye. reporter: donald trump says he loves beautiful women. he also loves to talk about women. and it often lands him in hot water. like during his long-running feud with rosie o donnell. she came to my wedding. she ate like a pig. after his dustup with megyn kelly during the fox news debate, trump said this about her on cnn. she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions. and you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her, wherever. critics charged he was referring to menstruation. trump insisted it was a big misunderstanding. i was going to say nose and/or ears. because that s a very common statement. blood pouring out of somebody s nose. it s a statement showing anger. kelly wasn t the first female journalist trump sparred with. decades ago after new york times columnist gail collins wrote about rumors of trump s bankruptcy, he sent her a copy
of the article he d written and circled her photo, writing across it, quote, the face of a dog. much of what trump has said about women was during his many appearances on howard stern s radio show. in 2005, he made this remark, talking about a woman in a beauty pageant. first of all, she s unbelievably short. and i m a little bit surprised. i think that the boob job is terrible. you know, they look like two life posts coming out of a body. after he bought a pageant, stern asked trump how he might change it. they said, how are you going to change the pageant? and i said, i m going to get the bathing suits to be smaller and the heels to be higher. a woman s breasts were always a hot topic for him. i view a person who s flat chested is very hard to be a 10. it has to be extraordinary. you have to have the face of vivienne leigh to be a 10. but she went from an 8 to solid 4. reporter: in another appearance on the show. some incredible, beautiful women, they ll walk up and flip their top.
wow, and they ll flip their panties. i ve been with women with extraordinarily bad breast jobs. isn t it unbelievable? one women, beautiful, had big, beautiful, real boobs, really beautiful. and she wants them reduced. years later on t the howard sten sho show , trump boldly mocked kim kardashian s any seek. does she have a good body, no. does she have a fat [ bleep ], absolutely. and just last week, trump has to defend comments he d made about former miss universe, alicia machado, calling her miss piggy and an eating machine. he doubled down on those comments on fox news. she was the winner and she gained a massive amount of weight. and it was a real problem. we had a real problem. a candidate struggling to win the support of women come election day, in his own words. randi kaye, cnn, new york.
much more on this in the next hour of 360 on this leaked donald trump tape. reaction from the republican party and we expect, at some point, from the trump campaign itself. we ll also have the latest on hurricane matthew heading for georgia and the carolinas after causing so much damage in florida. stay with us. now that fedex has helped us simplify our e-commerce, we could focus on bigger issues, like our passive aggressive environment. we re not passive aggressive. hey, hey, hey, there are no bad suggestions here. no matter how lame they are. well said, ann. i ve always admired how you just say what s in your head, without thinking. very brave. good point ted.
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Word , Married-women-trump , Candidate , Fact , Warrant , Videotape , Much , Graphic , Co-star , Furniture , Name , Bleep

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20161025 01:00:00

mean it. car stereo blowout blitz. communications on sale now! crazy eddie prices are insane! like i said, his prices are insane! starting in 1975 and running through the end of the 1980s, there were more than 7,000 of these various, deliberately manic screaming crazy eddie ads. they all end with that tag line, his prices are insane! the guy who actually appears in those ads was not crazy. he was an actor. there was a real crazy eddie. there was a real crazy guy named eddie running the company. his name was eddie antar. i think it s fair to call him crazy not just because of the name of his business but because eddie and his cousin cooked the books at that company really terribly. they ripped off something like
$100 million in cash out of that company. crazy eddie, according to court documents, he would tape wads of cash all over his body and then fly overseas and stash the money he was stealing from the company in cash in all sorts of various foreign hidey holes. they were ripping tens of millions of dollars out of the crazy eddie stores for years. in the end, the worst thing about it for crazy eddie himself, when they got found out, when their scheme was uncovered, when they got caught, eddie fled the country but his cousin did not. the cousin with whom he had been stealing all the money, the cousin stayed behind and the cousin ultimately went state evidence against crazy eddie. he also found time to do this crazy eddie s crazy cousin interview on cnbc. it was one of the most
successful electronic chains in the u.s. blowout prices are insane! crazy eddie, controlled by the brash eddie antar dominated the market. but there was a dark side. built on deceit. behind the scenes, eddie s cousin sam antar was cooking the books. what i did was pure evil. i m probably going to fry in hell for many years before i get upstairs. they scammed shareholders more than $100 million. eddie fled with the cash. sam turn s state s witness. you turned around and turned on your family? yes. i put them all in jail. he did put them all in jail, including crazy eddie himself, his cousin, who got seven years in the pokie. now, speaking of pokey, stick a pen in that for a second. you know how donald trump s sister is a federal judge it
hasn t really been a big point of discussion in this campaign but his sister is a federal judge. it came up a little bit during the republican primaries. he asked who he wanted to put on the supreme court and the first name suggested was his sister and then we all had to check to see if he was joking. he said he was joking. but his older sister is a well-regarded moderate federal judge on the circuit court of appeals. donald trump s sister, the federal judge, was married to the man who was the lawyer for crazy eddie all through the crazy, crazy eddie scandal. his name was john barry. he did white collar defense and corporate litigation. he s passed away now. but he was crazy eddie s lawyer through the wads of cash, taped to crazy eddie s body and the cousin narking them out and the whole thing. crazy eddie s lawyer was married to donald trump s sister. crazy eddie s lawyer was also donald trump s personal lawyer
for years. and on top of all of that, john barry was also the lawyer that is freaking out the party right now. new jersey is one of those states that holds its statewide elections in off years. their race was not in 2012. it was in 2013. the next one will be in the fall of 2017. they hold their statewide elections in odd number of years. new jersey has been that way for a long time. virginia is the same way. there aren t many states who do that. one of the consequences of being an off-year election state is when they elect their governor in these weird, odd numbered years, they don t have a lot of competition for attention, right? there are not a lot of big ticket races going on to compete for everybody s dollars and the national parties to get involved. just by virtue of the weird schedule. they can get a bunch of national
attention and that s what happened in 1981. so in context, that was a year after ronald reagan was elected to the presidency in 1980. the year after that, november of 1981, new jersey had its governor s race. and in that governor s race in 1981, the national republican party newly energized from that huge win with reagan and how they took the seats in congress and the senate, republican party decided they had another shot to go for another big race and they decided to basically flood the zone in that new jersey governor s race in 1981. the republicans flew in national political operatives. they launched this very aggressive scheme where they challenged the registration of thousands of new jersey voters who turned up to the polls in newark, camden and trenton. and in about 75 minority heavy precincts across new jersey that year in that race, they put up these four-foot tall warning signs. when i first saw images of these
signs online and in old newspaper articles and stuff, i thought these were like flyers and the piece of a paper and put them on telephone poles or something. they were sandwich board posters, four-foot tall signs that they put outside of polling areas saying, warning, this area is being patrolled by the national ballot security task force. it s a crime to violate election laws. and they were not bluffing. the rnc did actually invent something called a ballot security task force and put these guys on patrol in minority heavy precincts. it s interesting. nobody had advanced warning that they are coming. they just showed up on election day and nobody knew to expect it. they had off-duty police officers and sheriff deputies carrying walkie-talkies wearing
ballot security task force arm bands. many were openly carrying guns and they stalked around polling places in minority-heavy districts while they demanded that election workers strike these people off the election rolls. several of these signs were reported at polling places at newark s fourth ward. poll watchers, some of them off-duty policemen wearing guns and arm bands were also near the polls as part of the task force set up by the republican and national state committees to guard against fraud but democrats charge it was a scare campaign to intimidate voters primarily in minority neighborhoods. yeah, you think? who knows how many people were blocked or intimidated from voting in that election in new jersey in 1981. but as voter suppression schemes go, this one clearly worked. both parties would claim that it definitely worked. there were 3 million votes cast
in that governor s race. it was decided by less than 1800 votes. and the republican won. and then the democrats sued. the democrats sued the republican party over this ballot security task force stunt. and you know who the republicans used as their lawyer to defend them in that case? donald trump s brother-in-law. the crazy eddie guy who was married to donald trump s sister. he was the lawyer for the republican party in that case in new jersey. and he got creamed in court. i mean, the damage was already done in terms of that governor s race. the republicans won that election by this many votes, right? and the democrats weren t going to be able to get that election back. but what the democrats did get was something called a consent decree, which bans the republican national committee from doing this kind of thing again, from doing anything like this, that problem hib bits them from being involved in any poll-watching shenanigans that
targets minority voters. and now today, in 2016, now the snake starts eating its own tail. in 2016, it s not donald trump s brother-in-law, it s now donald trump who is losing that exact case all over again for the republican national committee. go down to certain areas and watch and study and make sure other people don t come in and vote five times. so important that you watch other communities because we don t want this election stolen from us. so go and vote and then go check out areas because a lot of bad things happen. when i say watch, you know what i m talking about, right? you know what i m talking about. take a look at philadelphia, what s been going on. take a look at chicago, take a look at st. louis. every time he says that, you can go ahead and picture reince priebus hiding under a desk, because that s a really
dangerous path for the republican party to be on legally. the republican party is still bound by that consent decree from that case in 1981. that case that was lost by donald trump s brother-in-law on behalf of the republican party. because of that case, the republican party has promised they are legally bound to not do the kind of racially charged poll watching they got caught doing back in the battle days in new jersey in 1981. they ve promised not to do it. they are legally bound not to do it through the end of that consent decree and that consent decree was put in place by one way or another since the early 1980s. it is finally set to expire next year. in 2017. the republican party would desperately like to get out from under that consent decree that they have been under since the 1980s but they will not get out from under it if they get caught violating it. they won t get out from under it if they get caught doing
racially charged, racially targeted poll watching again like they used to do and that they got caught for. they will not get out from that consent decree if they actually do what donald trump is now asking all republicans to go do now on his behalf. go down to certain areas and watch. watch other communities. go check out areas. when i say watch, you know what i m talking about, right? you know what i m talking about. take a look at philadelphia, chicago, st. louis. or don t. or don t. or don t. thanks to that old case, lost by donald trump s brother-in-law in the early 80s, one of this year s more unexpected freakouts within the republican party is now officially under way. the republican party has issued a special request to all rnc members to please not do what donald trump is asking them to do, to please not gather around polling places in philadelphia and st. louis and chicago or
anywhere no matter what the republican presidential candidate is saying on the stump. the national party sent a whole the whole rnc a memo to, quote, remind you of the restrictions placed on the rnc by the consent decree. quote, you are encouraged not to engage in ballot security activities even in your personal state party or campaign capacity if you elect to do so, please be aware that the rnc in no way sanctions your activity. i mean, right now, as it stands, the republican party is legally bound to not do any racially specific poll watching through next year, through 2017. if they get caught doing it, though, the consent decree gets extended until 2025. and the republican party does not want that. they really do not want that. crazy eddie s lawyer is now long gone. but it is kind of amazing that it is now his brother-in-law, the republican nominee for president this year who s the one screwing up that big case,
that john barry lost for the republican party back in the 80s. i mean, in the waning days of these elections, in the last two weeks, donald trump is telling his supporters that he doesn t trust the polls anymore and neither should they. he tweeted this this morning. we have not edited this in any way. see if you can figure out why i m saying this. major story that the dems are making up phony polls in order to suppress the the trump. we are going to win. democrats are making up phony polls to suppress the the trump. is that the the so? anything could happen. election day may be a hulla-ba-loo. if they do go try to have a task force or what have you, anything
could happen. but right now, the new york times probability that the the trump will lose this election is 93%. the 538 probability is more conservative. they put it at 86%. those are pretty high numbers. it may be that the actual drama in this case is moving down. 538 says there s a 74% chance. the democrats are going to take the senate. new york times puts that probability slightly lower at 67%. because of those kind of numbers, democrats are thinking about long term, right? democrats are thinking about how they can make this a big win for the democratic party beyond winning the white house for hillary clinton. we ve got a bunch of interesting reporting on that subject still ahead tonight, including one race that the democrats are really screwing up. on the other side of the aisle, though, republicans are also thinking long term. republicans are looking at donald trump and thinking about
what else it is that they have to lose this year besides the presidency. the republicans basically know now that picking donald trump to be their presidential nominee has almost certainly cost them the white house. what they have to worry about now is whether that s it, whether the price of choosing donald trump might actually be sort of insane. we ve got more ahead tonight. stay with us. his prices are insane. hit me, hit me. ha, ha. whenou he cold, you just want powerful rief. ly new alkseltzer plus fr oarfici dyes d presvative liquid gels delive towerful co symptomelief you needithout thennecessa dives you don t. store manager: cln up, aie alkaeltzer plus liquidels.
on this show a couple of days ago. i ll correct it this evening. there s something that i think the democratic party is currently getting very, very wrong but in that case i have no expectation that they will correct it because i don t think they think that they are wrong. but i do. and that story is next. ing 60,000 points from my chase ink card i boug allhe frark. wire. and plants needed to give my sh. a face. neededno oneill forget. e what the power of poin can do forour business. learn more at
e t the best place toren castart is in the forest. ku: i y somethin beginnin e t the best place toren castarbeetle: snow.orest. kubo: . etle: snow covered trees. monkey: nothing to do with snow. narrator: head outside to discoverncredible animals and beautifuplants that come together narratorto can outside to diunfoettae adnture.imals kubo: wow! and beautifuplants that come together narrator: so grab your loved ones monkey: n t even. narratorand explore a world of possibilities. ku: comen, this way. narrator: visit to find the closes forest or park to you. he thinks that because he has money, that he can call women fat pigs and bimbos. he thinks that because he s a celebrity that he can rate women s bodies from 1 to 10. he thinks that because he has a mouthful of tic-tacs he can
grope any woman within groping distance. i ve got news for you, donald trump, women have had it with guys like you. [cheers and applause ] and nasty women have really had it with guys like you. yeah. and get this, donald, nasty women are tough. nasty women are smart and nasty women vote. and on november 8th, we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever.
elizabeth warren i think coining nasty feet for the first time in political history. we keep saying things are unprecedented and then we keep saying, oh, yeah, in the 1860s. i think nasty feet is first. i think that was a first. elizabeth warren on the campaign trail with hillary clinton. this is the first time they have campaigned together in the same place since the democratic convention. as you saw there, elizabeth warren scorched donald trump but she saved some of her other best bolts for one of the senate colleagues for kelly ayotte of new hampshire who is up for re-election who may not survive. donald trump, call latinos rapists and murderers, trump stayed with him. trump called them thugs and kelly stuck with them. trump attacked a gold star family and kelly struck with
him. trump even attacked kelly ayotte and called her weak. and kelly stuck with him. i mentioned at the top of the show that the chances of the democratic party taking control of the senate are pretty good right now. that s 67% from the new york times, the highest probability the times has put on that yet all year long. and that is just one number for an overall probability that the democrats will win control of the senate. but it s not just one election, right? taking the senate doesn t happen in one fell swoop, it happens race by race and candidate by candidate. that s why the top campaign events now sound like this. marco rubio said donald trump is a con man and donald trump is dangerous. therefore, i support whoa, whoa, whoa. wait a minute. how can that work? if he won t stand up against donald trump and there are plenty of republican who is are standing up against donald trump
and calling him out. marco rubio won t. and patrick murphy will be a great u.s. senator. tim kaine taking some shots at republican senator marco rubio who is up for re-election in florida. senator kaine there also talking up the democratic candidate in that race, congressman patrick murphy. and you would think things would be going reasonably well for patrick murphy right now. the polls have definitely tightened in that race. the latest poll in florida shows him within two points of marco rubio. last week, patrick murphy got the endorsement of marco rubio s hometown paper, the miami herald. he s been endorsed by all four of florida s largest newspapers, three of which backed marco rubio when he first ran for the senate. also, the prevailing climate looks good for democrats in florida. hillary clinton leading trump by about four points at the top of the ticket. democrats running a huge ground operation in that state. and so, mystery, here s the
mystery. why is the democratic party just pulled its money out of the senate race? last week, the campaign arm of the senate democrats canceled millions of dollars of florida ads they were going to run against marco rubio and for patrick murphy. that followed by a couple of weeks the biggest democratic super pac doing the same thing. why is that? i mean, i know that the democrats have to make choices. i get that, obviously. democrats want to win as many seats as possible advertising florida as expensive. the amount of money it takes to advertise a week in florida, you could spend the same amount of money and advertise in two or three cheaper states, states like north carolina or missouri. the timing and strategy of this is still weird. florida would really appear to be a winnable race for the dems. these are the last three polls. they ve either shown a tie or it s within two points. early voting has started in most florida counties. democrats are psyched with where
they are. they believe they are ahead of where they were four years ago when romney beat obama in florida. the latino vote in florida is up, oh, i don t know, 99%, from this same point in the race four years ago. 99% increase in the latino vote. how do you think donald trump s going to do with the latino vote? by all objective measures, marco rubio would appear to be beatable in florida in a race which could determine control. he got shellacked there in the presidential primary. now, he s going to win there while donald trump likely loses the state? really? why are democrats giving up on this race? does it make sense? joining us now is steve, former state director for the 2008 obama campaign in florida and senior adviser in 2012, now a democratic strategist. mr. shell, it s really nice to have you here. thanks for having me on, rachel. do you think i mean, first of all, am i describing the
democratic calculus here right, that it s so expensive to spend money in florida that maybe you re better off spending that money in the same states in is that basically the map that they are doing here or have they got other factors? they viewed this very anti-septically. the reality is, patrick murphy shouldn t be standing and i think they were right in september when down 7 or 8 points to slow walk the race. but the last four polls have shown even two and down one in two polls and down in another. we re basically in a dead heat. 14 days out, it s like it was and i don t understand the decision at this point. well, and is this the sort of thing where in these last two weeks money from the democratic party is what he needs? obviously you think that he s in shooting distance but in terms of what he needs to do to win,
would tv ads and radio ads be the sort of thing that would make the difference here? yeah, absolutely. there s an old saying in florida that the win state you have to lose statewide and it comes from name i.d. or without money. murphy really shouldn t be standing. he s out 4-1 since the primary but he is. and what he needs is help with hispanics, which the president has cut an ad in spanish for him and needs help with name i.d. and the i-4 corridor. places li places like tampa and orlando and i think with the clinton turnout operation, today the early vote numbers and major i-4 counties are phenomenal for us. i mean, really almost shockingly good. i think he s right in this thing. in terms of the more personal picture here, it s also not that it s just any senator. it s marco rubio. yeah. and i wonder, within florida,
having been beaten so badly in his home state primary, i mean, he lost the republican presidential primary badly but he really lost at home, what s marco rubio standing in the state and what are his long-term prospects as a politician coming from florida right now? well, i think there s two ways to look at it. first of all, if you look at our u.s. senate races, in the same term as presidential elections, our democratic nominees are usually within a point or two of the top of the ticket. the only exception is bill nelson who outperformed president obama in 2012. marco rubio is no bill nelson. he didn t get a majority of the year when he ran and, you know, we go into this thing and republicans acknowledge it s a race at this point and, again, i don t really want to have this conversation with you in 2019 and say, wow, if we had only spent 4, 5 million more, we could have taken him out when we had the chance. senior adviser, 2012, democratic strategist, steve, thanks for being with us.
nice to see you. thanks again, rachel. all right. still ahead, some surprising and slightly nauseating news from a person who i think is the most surprising senate candidate of the year. that s ahead. stay with us. miles per ho. to wboth on the track matters. d thousands of miles away. wi t help of at&t, red bull racing can sha critical information about every inbrakes a gettingarm.tually anywhere. coirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. vi tm the agility to hek 2ally spee& precisn. becae no one knows & l at&t.
[a[oer] i m lindsey. i m the shipfounder ofzpz.and i veet my accouant. .hs almost like my dad in this wrd way. yeah, i m proud of you. you actually did some of the thgs i asked you to do the otheday (laughs). [owner, , ha. [account i ve been able to say,kay. the otheday (laughs). e s the chalngesou re [owner, ,into have. and wean get it confmed rough our ickbooks. and what ste are we going to e toeat the obacles before they really become problem. [announcer] t 30 days free at quickbooks.c [baby talk] [child giggling] child: look, m nhas. children: i j , k . [bicye bell rings] [indistit chatter] [telephone rings] man: hello? [boing] [lghter]
man: you may ks e bride. [applause] woman: ahh. ndistinct conversation] announcer: a full lifemeasus starts with the righ early on. car crashes are a leading iller of children 1 to 13. learn how to prevent dehs and juries bysing the right c seat for yourhild s agand size.
the ku klux klan. despite being a well-known, full-on white supremacist, proud racist, wearing a bed sheet with arm holes, david duke really did win a seat in the louisiana state legislature in 1989. he served just a single term. since then, he s been to prison for a good long stretch but now he s back in politics and running for a united states senate seat in louisiana this year. it s the race to replace republican senator david vitter. there s a giant field of 16 candidates in that senate race. david duke, for his part, says he has benefited in this race from having donald trump as the republican nominee at the top of the ticket. he says trump voters are duke voters. naturally. well, now we have news that david duke, former imperial wizard of the ku klux klan and republican hopeful, he has qualified to participate in the next debate for that louisiana senate seat. he needed to clear 5% in a
statewide poll to make the stage. he made it with 5.1%. that debate is going to happen next wednesday, including the klansmen. if your stomach is turned by that news, it s about to turn further when you hear the rest of it, which is at the location of that senate debate is an issue here. that senate debate is going to be held at dillard university in new orleans. dillard is an historically black university. michelle obama gave the commencement speech there a couple of years ago. now it s 2016 and the former klansmen is on the way to the black college that did agree to hold the debate but honestly they did nothing to deserve this. this election is going to be over before you know it this year, but in a lot of places, its stink might last longer than a few weeks. watch this space.
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if you re former speaker of the house john boehner, retirement looks a little bit like this. this is the coolest wine opener ever. i don t remember the last time i did an interview with a glass of wine. [ laughter ] cool. he s pouring like fish bowls full of red wine there. the key to a happy retirement, everybody says, is to keep busy. now that john boehner has escaped washington and floor votes and object stin nant caucus goers, he can drink wine and take care of his lawn. also, hitting the open road in his rv on his youtube channel he says he s out in freedom one in this clip, that s the name of his rv, freedom one. he says he s, quote, somewhere upon america s asphalt prairie. retirement looks different for everybody, right? president obama is about to have
his own political retirement, forcibly thrust upon him as of late january. we ve now got word that his retirement is apparently going to involve a lot more politics than what john boehner has been doing. we ve got some of that reporting ahead. stay with us. have fun with your replaced win. run away! [ grunts ] leave hi leaim! [ music continues ] brick and ar, what?! [ music continues ] [ tires screech ] lahs ] [ doorbell rings ] when you bundle home and auto insurance with progresve, you get more than a bigiscount. that s whayou get for bundling home and auto! jamie! u get sneaky-good coverage. thanks. we re gonna live forever! i m one unluckyuy. the chance of being involved in a robbery is 1 in 757. the chces ofeing struck by lhtning. [thuder] [coughs]
1 in 750,00 [ding] woman p.a.: please fasten ur seatbelts for uxpected tubulee. the chces of being iold in a carrashre far greater than lightning strikes and plane crashes. and if y are texting ile driving, no i may be an unlucky guy but i don t have to be part of that statistic, and her doou drive reonsibly.
2008, republican political operatives started a project they called the redistricting majority project, red map for short. the idea behind red map was to flip as many state legislators from blue to red. and the timing was important because every ten years when they do the census, state legislators get to redraw election districts. in the lead-up to the 2010 midterm election, red map starting raising money to flip districts, to flip legislative seats, to approach that whole problem systematically. they raised a little over $30 million and that s a lot of money. it s not a ton of money for a political project. but here s the genius. instead of pumping that $30 million into high-profile senate and congressional districts and all of the big races, instead, they put all of that money into states where the legislators would have the most control over the redistricting process that was going to happen after the census.
they focused scientifically on finding flipable seats in key legislatures around the country and because they were obscure races, they had to spend very little money to flip these seats. they flipped a bunch of these seemingly obscure seats in places like new york where they ended up losing control at the new york state senate and alabama, where they flipped the house and the senate from democratic control to republican control and they picked off these key seats that they targeted around the country, they executed this plan that basically had them strategizing all the way down the ballot, specifically so they could get control over redistricting. so by doing that in that low-profile way out of that one election, they were able to impact the results of their congressional districts for at least a decade, until the next census, in 2020. you want to know what everybody keeps saying, the way the house
districts are drawn, even if the democrats have a huge night on november 8th, this is why. because the districts are drawn in the way they are drawn and they are drawn that way because of some genius political strategizing went in to who would be in power to redraw those districts. at a certain civic level, you probably hate this, right? redrawing congressional districts along party lines feels flat-out wrong but it is, in most cases, how the system is built and republicans really did pull off this amazing trick in 2010 with very little money and no hoopla and republicans have had nothing equivalent to this in their toolbox. after president obama won in 2008, republicans mobilized this little thing, they were able to mastermind it and execute this plan. it was political genius. mr. jankowski, welcome to genius week. i think you were a genius. president obama has 87 days last in office. he s almost done. we have now learned a little bit about what he s going to do next
after leaving office. and so, behold, the national democratic redistricting committee. he s going to be focused on redistricting reform for democrats. they are going to organize initiatives and legal challenges to redistricting maps and push for democrats winning in down-ticket races. president obama s former attorney general eric holder is going to chair the group and president obama has decided he wants this to be the main political focus of his post-presidency life. redistricting. what a better time to start than now. and as of right now, president obama is taking his first presidential jab at those key down-ticket races. he s doing something he s never done before. this week, president obama is endorsing 150 candidates for state senate and senate assembly across 20 different states. he specifically is targeting state candidates who win might flip a state legislature. this is a huge effort. this is something that president obama has never done.
it s something no president has ever done. but what does this mean for democrats down-ticket in this election cycle and in election cycles to come? is this a good answer which republicans did so effectively after president obama was first elected in 2008? how effective will this be? joining us now, steve kornacki, host of the 4:00 p.m. hour here on msnbc and an all-around smart man. how you doing? president obama is am i right to say that president obama is doing something that presidents otherwise haven t done? we ve never seen this kind of an effort systematically. yeah. we ve entered into a new era. it s on people s radar in a way it hasn t been before. it s a strategy and on the minds of democrats and they feel they need to do something. there s a structural component of this, too, where republicans can come up with a plan they came up with and they are sort of running downhill. they are at an advantage when you start talking about redistricting, when you start talking about congressional
district lines or state legislative lines. this is the legacy of the obama era, how the two political coalitions have evolved. the democratic coalition right now probably has the numbers to win a national election. you talk about it all the time. it s young people, single women in particular, nonwhite voters, white collared professionals. those people more and more ever are packed more and more tightly into cities in metropolitan areas. the geographic reach, if you re talking about square miles, if you re talking about land mass, area, the geographic reach arguably has never been smaller. so the numbers are there but they are increasingly packed into smaller and smaller really into smaller numbers of districts. uh-huh. it s much easier, if you re a republican and want to draw lines to give yourself control of the state legislature or congressional map, it s much easier to do that because you don t have your voters aren t in these rural areas, you might not have 90% but you ve got 60%. democrats are sitting on 90% in
a lot of here s the stat that i think explains the evolution of politics better than anything else. go back to 1988. michael dukakis got wiped out in a landslide loss. a solved victory for barack obama. he wins 690 counties. the gentlemen graphic share shrinks that much that in a big win they lost ground. if em democrats don t want to concede, that geographic is destiny. if they want to roll that stone up that hill, is this the way to do it, to try to be strategic about winnable seats, to try to flip legislatures in a way that s advantageous? absolutely. it s a longer-term question and the best news for democrats on that front is, look, in 2010, which is the legislatures that
were seated is a result of the 2010 election. it was an off-year election and a mid term election with a democratic president. this is a democratic president. that recipe is the best thing republicans could ever hope for. . the next time that s going to happen, 2020, not a mid-term year. they have maybe more of an opportunity in 2020 than in 2010. and maybe by starting it in 2016 they ll get their training wheels on. exactly. lots more to come, stay with us.
and i could take him behind the gym, that s what i wish. i westeish we were in high sl and i could take him behind the gym. apology presumably coming from the vice president s office in three, two let s check it. for saying on friday that he wishes he could take donald trump out behind the gym and teach him a lesson, joe biden would soon issue an apology. was that true or was that false? very false. not only did vice president joe biden not apologize for saying that, he said it again today in toledo, ohio. i ll get myself in trouble and say something like i d like to take him behind the gym if i were in high school. all kiddin aside, wouldn t you? i mean, for real. can you imagine a guy in the locker room talking that way and your sister s out there watching
the game? not a joke. if i were in high school. i want to make it clear. i understand what assault is. i m not in high school. if i were in high school. i ued to be, i used to have a temper in high school. i don t have a temper anymore. i don t ever, nothing ever bother the me. look, folks. i get it, no. no. vice president clearly working it today, restraining himself, having a little fun, but in no way apologizing for saying that he wants to take donald trump behind the gym to teach him a lesson. our playfully pugilistic vice president. i was very wrong about that. we don t know who the next vice president will be. but tomorrow night we will have a chance on this show to get a really close look at the leading contender. democratic vice president nominee tim kaine will be joining us exclusively here in
studio. senator kae eoe eor kaine has b before, but we ve not talked to him since he s running for vp. i m very much looking forward to that. that s tomorrow night. stay with us. using 60,000 ps fr my cse ink card i bought all the framework. wire.. and ts
a face. no one wilforget. learn more at no one wilforget. esurance does auto insurance a smdiscnt.. they offer a claime beuse ferivers cost less to iure, which saves mey. and when they save, you save. th s auto home inscefor the mod. esurance, an allstate company. ance does auto insurance a smarter way. like tir photoims ol. hpsete your claim quy, whh sas timewhh ves money.d when they save, you sav. that suto and home insuran r thmodern world. esurance, an allstate company. ick or cal from the creatve galaxy in my idea box
would yohelp me make a each one of our journeys eeps us youn y, i have an idea! wear: go be amazngder. amazing! announcer: give your caboard box another life. trust number oneoctor recommended lcolax constipated? use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief
suppositories for reef in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard odulcolax, desied for dependable rie we ve been keeping track here at the show of newspaper endorsements in the presidential race. it s been a weird year for that. the names listed on the left are a selection of hillary clinton s formal daily newspaper endorsements. she has a lot of them. the last time we reported on trump endorsements, he had three, one each from tiny papers in santa barbara, california, waxahachie daily light in texas. you guys have been super helpful at tracking these endorsements, particularly, when they re really tiny papers. send us tips, please. it s been very helpful. tonight thanks to you guys we can add the times gazette.
there s also for the first time, a big one. shelton adeleson, a big league republican donor, funded the gingrich campaign all by himself in 2012. this winter, when a paper got a mystery owner, it was the las vegas review journal s own staff who was forced to ferret out their own owner. that was sheldon adeleson. it s not at all weird for super rich people to give money to political candidates nor weird for them to buy newspapers. it was weird that he tried to buy and run a newspaper anonymously, but his reporting staff caught him. he went into this election cycle planning to donate $100 million

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20161027 01:00:00

national republican party to be clear, in context, there s a whole bunch of problems that the trump dpan has for the republican party. there s a new poll that puts donald trump nationwide 14 points behind hillary clinton. 14 points behind? now, that is not the only poll in the world, right? there s another national poll out also tonight from fox news that says he s only 3 points behind hillary clinton. we ll be talking later on in the show with an expert about how to read the various polls right now. how to know what s right, especially when you ve got results like these that are so disparate. in either case 13 points behind or 3 points behind, he is still behind. the headwinds seem very clear right now. tonight at they re reading those headwinds for the presidential race and looking at the senate polls.
fivethirtyeight is giving the republican party a 68% chance of losing control of the united states senate this year. so that is just one of the problems that it appears the donald trump candidacy has created for the republican party. here s another new one that i think nobody s been talking about thus far at the national level but this could be really important. today the national conference of state legislatures said that they re watching for party control to potentially flip this year in 11 state senates and in 7 state assemblies. in the vast majority of those they expect to flip they are republican controlled now, which means if they flip, they re ready to flip to democrat, if the now expected blue wave comes in just at the right time and the right way. that s another part of the bad news that the republican party i think can largely blame on the presidential candidacy of donald trump. so i get that.
but what we reported here on monday night that has now all of a sudden come to fruition as truly bad news for the republican party brought upon them by donald trump, it s a very specific thing. it s something that leading republicans are tearing their hair about tonight. and it is having to do with this. several of these signs were reported at polling places in newark s north ward. republican poll watcher, some of them off-duty policemen wearing guns and arm bands were also near the polls. it was all part of the national ballot security task force set up by the republican national and state committees to guard against vote fraud. but democrats charge it was a scare campaign to intimidate voters primarily in minority neighborhoods. this was 1981, the new jersey governor s race that year. we reported on this monday night. this is the case where the national republican party got involved in that gubernatorial
election. they flew in basically a goon squad of national operatives on election day and these guys flooded into minority precincts as basically vigilante poll watchers. governor s race in new jersey was going to be close that year. this group from the rnc decided they wanted to keep the vote down, so in trenton, camden, newark, they put up these big warning, warning, warning signs telling people that these voting locations would be patrolled by the ballot security task force and they brought in off-duty cops and off-duty sheriffs deputies who in many cases wore guns on their hips and these guys put on these hooptie ballot security forces arm bands which made them look quasiofficial, then they physically patrolled the voting sites in dozens of precincts that had mostly minority voters. if you did call the phone number that was listed on the big warning signs because you wanted to collect their thousand dollar reward for voter fraud, the
1-800 number reportedly went directly to the republican national committee headquarters at the time. so there was no obfuscating this. it was straight up an rnc op. and it worked. the republican won the governor s race that year in new jersey by a tiny, tiny fraction. both parties at the time claimed that this ballot security task force stunt is how they did it. these armed guys in semiofficial looking arm bands stomping around minority neighborhoods. both parties claimed at the time that was probably enough to make a difference in that race. so for the short-term political calculation that op worked for the republican party, but for the long-term that was a bad move because they re still living with the consequences of what they did there and the fact they got caught for it. because the democratic party sued them over what they did in new jersey that year and the democrats won. and now 35 years later the republican party is still trying to get out from under the legal
restrictions that were placed on them because of them getting caught and losing that case. and that is the problem that donald trump has now gotten the national republican party into tonight. in that news footage from that time in 1981, you saw those arm bands that the ballot security task force wore? you could go to a website called stop the steel or another called vote protectors, they directed you to the same place. if you went to those websites until tonight, you could use something called an i.d. badge generator. you enter your details and print out effectively this year s version of the republican party ballot security task force. this year in 2016, this is the badge you get if you use that thing onhine. a vote protector semiofficial looking i.d. badge. that s the picture there and the name of a reporter from the huffington post on the left. she also added in joe schmo, not
a real person and a picture of the frog racist trump character from online to show that you can enter anybody s photo and anybody s name and get one of these badges. makes you look quasilegit, right? back in the day when they got in trouble for it in new jersey, the republicans ballot security task force targeted 75 different minority heavy precincts. this year the pro trump vigilante effort. the forces using the fake i.d. badges, online tutorials teaching people to videotape and livestream video of voters at their polling places. this year they haven t pick just three minority heavy cities in one state. this year the effort is targeting minority heavy cities in swing states, cleveland, ohio, detroit, michigan, philly, las vegas, milwaukee, ft. lauderdale, richmond, virginia, fayetteville and charlotte,
north carolina. these are parallel efforts, right? what the republicans got caught for in 1981 was organizing these supposed poll watching intimidation schemes, specifically in minority-heavy areas. what s that list look like to you for 2016? right. they only did it in new jersey in 1981, now they re all over the map. but you see the theme there. also a key element of the intimidation back in the day that they got caught for was that they used off-duty law enforcement. that helped both in terms of you know, these intimidating ballot security task force personnel having firearms. they re off-duty cops, off-duty sheriff sheriffs. they had firearms. that added a quasiofficial character to it. random citizens can still be intimidating on their own whether or not they re armed. but when you get law enforcement to do it, that s like the gold
standard. we have a lot of law enforcement people working that day. we re hiring a lot of people. we re putting a lot of law enforcement. we re going to watch pennsylvania very quickly. we re going to watch pennsylvania go down to certain areas and watch and study and make sure other people don t come in and vote five times. let me just tell you, i looked all over pennsylvania. and i m studying it. and we have some great people here. some great leaders here of the republican party. they re very concerned about that. and that s the way we can lose the state. we have to call up law enforcement and we have to have the sheriffs and the police chiefs and everybody watching because if we get cheated out of this election, if we get cheated out of a win in pennsylvania, which is such a vital state, especially when i know what s happening here, folks. i know. she can t beat what s happening here. the only way they can beat it, in my opinion and i mean this
100% if in certain sections of the state they cheat. okay? so i hope you people can sort of not just vote on the 8th. go around and look and wam other po watch other polling places. you guys go make sure. you guys go watch. we have a lot of law enforcement. we have to call up law enforcement, we have a lot of law enforcement people working that day. we re hiring a lot of people. we re putting out a lot of law enforcement. a lot of observers of this election, journalists and just regular citizens have been a little ubbed out by the campaign. not just saying the election is rigged, it s being stolen but telling his supporters to go out and do this vigilante poll watching this swing state cities in particular. and when i say watch, you know what i m talking about, right? you know what i m talking about.
take a look at philadelphia, what s been going on. take a look at chicago, st. louis. it s not been a subtle thing. people have been ubbed out about it when trump has been calling for people, you know what i mean, go out and watch in these cities. but listen to what he s saying there about the getting law enforcement out there to do the watching. i mean, beyond the ick factor of what he s been doing, the fact that this just seems a little sketchy to a lot of people, but beyond that there is this now plainly observable fact and legally important fact that what the trump campaign seems to be ginning up for election day this year is really a carbon copy of what the republican party did back in 1981 with their arm bands and their off-duty cops and their targeting minority districts. that s what they did in 1981 in new jersey. that s very clearly exactly what they are trying to do now, targeting minority districts,
having off-duty law enforcement show up. right? identifying themselves as semiofficial officials of some kind. right? it s an exact parallel to what they did in 1981 in new jersey. that s not just an interesting parallel in history. it s now a huge, huge legal problem for the republican party. don t just take it from me. take it from the man who for many years was the top lawyer in the republican party. that s a huge problem for the republican party. the republican national committee is under a consent decree that severely limits its election day activities because of some actions back in the 80s. if they prosecute that the consent degree due to come off next year will not come off. the rnc is very eager to have that consent decree come off next year when it expires. this activity i can promise you will cause the democrats to go back into court to try to extend
it. ding. that was republican lawyer ben ginsberg warning after the last debate that what the trump campaign and republicans were threatening in terms of this poll watching effort that trump keeps talking about out on the stump, he was saying that is a clear and present danger to the republican party because when they got in trouble for that with the court, they ended up signing a consent degree that prohibits them from doing any poll watching like this whatsoever because of their terrible history with this stuff. the republican national committee is banned from any election day poll watching stuff at all that in any way targets minority districts. they ve been banned, legally banned from doing that stuff since the 1980s. and it s really important to them that they follow what they are legally bound to follow here because that consent decree restricts what they re allowed to do and that is finally due to expire next year. the only way it won t expire is
if the court finds the republicans are violating it, that they are doing racist poll watching again in defiance of the court in which case that consent decree won t expire next year, it will get extended for another, oh, eight years or so. ben ginsberg on our air sounded the alarm last week that the trump campaign was edging up against a legal line. we reported on monday in the activities very much looked like they are violating this order with the consent decree, then last night huffington post reported that the online training for donald trump poll watchers, for them to learn how they can livestream and videotape people while they were voting. and here s where you go online to down load your fake, semiofficial looking badge that defines you as a vote protector. and now tonight it s happened. the democratic party has just filed papers in court in new jersey asking that court to hold
the rnc in violation of that ancient consent decree to which they are still legally bound. they re asking the court to stop the rnc from helping the trump campaign organize these poll watch voter intimidation efforts in minority areas around the country. they re asking that the consent decree should be extended since they say the republican party is in violation of this consent decr decree, democrats say it should be extended another eight years until 2025. so those papers were filed in federal court tonight. i told you that donald trump was creating a big problem for the republican party here. this is going to prove to be a fascinating new test of whether or not the republican party thinks it is in its interests to officially try to dump him in some way ahead of this election that he really looks like he s going to lose anyway. we re told by election law experts tonight including rick hazen from the university of california irvine, we re told that this case, now that it s been filed, it may hinge on
whether or not the republican party can tell the court that they re totally divorced from donald trump, that anything highways happening by trump supporters, that anything that donald trump is asking him supporters to do, anything happening from the point of view of the trump/pence campaign, that has nothing to do with the rnc. he s not an agent of the rnc. they can t be judged by his behavior, held accountable for it. that may be the only way the republican party can legally save their skins on this. we re also told to expect that the court may act very fast on this case given that the election is two weeks away. one of the things the democrats are asking for is for the federal court to immediately step in and stop these poll watching efforts that trump and pence continue to try to organize. we re further told that if the court does move on this case quickly because of the timing, because of the stakes, this may rocket quickly right to the united states supreme court. as the republican party tries to
stop donald trump from burying them once again in a hole that they have spent 35 years trying to dig themselves out of. now, i should tell you, we reached out to the rnc for comment on this tonight after this filing went in. this is exactly what they told us. quote, the filing is completely meritless. just as in all prior elections in which the consent decree was in effect the rnc strictly abides by the consent decree and does not take part directly or indirectly in any efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud. nor do we coordinate with the trump campaign or any other campaign or party organization in any tefrts they may make in this area. the rnc remains focus on getting out the vote. part of the reason ben ginsberg said that he could guarantee the democratic party was going to file this motion tonight in federal court is because the trump campaign was bragging,
they re bragging to reporters and bragging on the stump, bragging in interviews that they were working with the rnc, working with the republican party up and down the ballot, working with the national republican party, working with the state parties, working with the local parties on this effort to protect the integrity of the vote. watch those polls. they ve been bragging that they re working with the rnc on this. the rnc in this stam telling us they do not coordinate with the trump campaign in any efforts to prevent of remedy vote fraud. in order to save the republican party on this, they re going to have to divorce themselves from donald trump. i wonder if they ll think it s worth it? the candidacy of donald trump for president of the united states has not been a gift to the republican party this year. but on a night like this, with this much at stake for the party, this thing they ve been trying to defeat for 35 years and him plainly not caring about it at all, what does he care if the republican party is still stuck he doesn t care.
it s not going to affect him after this. the republican party s got to be looking at these court filings and looking at this guy thinking, what else can this guy do to us? i don t know what s going to happen here, but watch this to move quickly in federal court in new jersey. watch this space. my business was built with passion. but i keep it growing by mg every dollar count. that s why i have the sparcash card from capital one. with it, i earunlimited 2% cash back on all ofy purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cashack from spark means thousands of dollars each year gog back into my business. which dsuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet? but the best place tostart. kubo: i spy something beginning with. s beetle: snow. kubo: no. beetle: snow covered trs. monkey: nothing to do with snow. narrator: head outsi to discover incredible animals and beautiful plants that come gether
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[smokey whistling a tune] i guessing smokey liked that idea. 20 years ago exactly, 13 days out before the election that year in 1996, senator bob dole was not just losing in the polls, he was getting eaten alive. in the three-way race between president clinton, senator dole and ross perot, dole was behind clinton by a margin of something like 17 points at this point in the race. and the republican party saw what was coming. the party leadership basically gave up on dole altogether. they told their down-ballot candidates to save themselves. feel free to distance yourself from the top of the ticket. and so 20 years ago, 13 days before that election, just as we re 13 days before this one
now, 20 years ago bob dole hatched a plan. he did something no one expected. good evening. it appeared to be an act of desperation. bob dole way behind in the polls sent an emissary to ask ross perot if he would get out of the race and endorse him. unfortunately for dole, it backfire. it gave perot an opportunity to belittle the dole campaign. dole sent his campaign manager to perot and perot dismissed his request out of hand, it was one more bad piece one for piece of bad news for the republican candidate. david bloom is with him tonight as he s been all during this campaign. bob dole not a happy man tonight. tom, unhappy is putting it mildly. a top dole aide said this was a hail mary pass and when it failed and the story quickly leaked dole was angry and it showed. spurned by ross perot and admittedly frustrated bob dole lashed out today at voters wake up, america.
at president clinton s ethics. this is a disgrace. and especially at the liberal media who dole blamed for trying to engineer his defeat. we need the media to tell the american people the truth and the truth is that bill clinton ought to be voted out of office in a landslide. in washington, ross perot called dole s maneuver weird and totalli totally inconsequential. some called dole desperate. and some admitted to being stunned and disappointed that dole would even try to court perot. but this afternoon in a huge rally in front of alabama state capitol, dole, former governor george wallace looking on, focused instead on questions of presidential character. is there no honor in this administration or in this white house? don t inflict this on america for four more years. the problem for dole is that he s having to spend much of this week campaigning in what
should be core republican states already, florida, texas and alabama. that was the bob dole campaign 13 days out from the 1996 election. that hail mary overture to ross perot. and ross perot swatting it down and leaking it. and we are also now 13 days out from our presidential election this year. it is a fair point there at the end of that package from nbc that to note that bob dole, one of the ways you can really tell he was in trouble was the fact that he was having to campaign in deep red states like alabama. republican leaders were abandoning bob dole all over the country, but he did go to alabama in the waning days where he at least got former segregationist jormg wallace to rally with him. really, bob dole? why did you do that? this year it s not alabama where pence and trump are campaigning. it s utah. that s where republican vice presidential nominee mike pence
held a campaign rally tonight in salt lake city, utah. tomorrow mike pence will be in nebraska. a second deep red state that republicans have not lost since 1964 and where they should never have to campaign. now, in the parallels aren t exactly the same. luckily for the trump campaign, there is no ross perot to humiliate the republican candidate this year, right? the trump campaign doesn t stand the risk of asking mr. perot to please drop out of the presidential race only to have it backfire, have perot call it weird and get, you know, ridiculed for it. the closest thing the trump campaign has this year the a third party challenger is not ross perot, it s probably the libertarian ticket of gary jo johnson and bill weld. today well, now bill weld has just endorsed in the other direction, although he s being a little coy about it. at a press conference bill weld released a statement saying if you re deciding between the two major party candidates don t vote for donald trump. not in my lifetime has there
been a candidate for president who actually makes me fear for the ultimate well-being of the country, a candidate who might in fact put at risk the solid foundation of america that allows us to endure even ill-advised policies and the normal ebb and flow of politics. i would like to address myself to those who are torn. i have come to believe if donald trump were elected president he would not be able to stand up to pressure and criticism without becoming unhinged and unable to perform competently the duties of his office, donald trump is not stable, donald trump should not, cannot and must not be elected president of the united states. but beyond that, no further guidance from the libertarian vice presidential candidate bill weld. his advice is if you re choosing between two major party candidates, don t choose that one. don t choose trump. but you can do the math yourself to figure out what you should do instead. i m not endorsing hillary clinton, but you can figure it
out. that s actually nicer than what ross perot did to bob dole in 1996. trump and pence should maybe be happy with that. before taking his team to e r the first time. gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. .coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1%asck everhere, every time. places like the batting cas. [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now atholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his ayers somethg extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most.
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intercom: the library [ kis now closing.] ok kid, closing up. goodnight. the hardest part about homework shouldn t be figuring out where to do it. through internet essentials, comcast has connected over 3 million people in need to low-cost internet at home. welcome to a brighter future. comcast. zblrkts when you woke up this morning and checked your phone or whatever it is you look at first thing to get your news, you probably saw a headline like this one declaring that the polls are tightening between hillary clinton and donald trump. we have seen some recent evidence of that. a bloomberg poll of florida voters today showed donald trump
actually up by two points in florida. most other florida polls have shown hillary clinton very consistently ahead in that state. we also have the nbc wall street journal marist poll today showing donald trump tied with hillary clinton in nevada. the early voting numbers for trump in nevada have looked terrible, but they re tied in the latest poll out of that state. then, as i mentioned at the top of the show, there was no national polling. there was this new ap national poll that s out tonight that puts donald trump nationwide, 14 points behind hillary clinton. trump is only at 37% in this new national poll that just came out tonight from the ap. for a little perspective on that, go back to 1984 when walter mondale only took one state in the whole election that year. if donald trump really is at 37% right now, which is what he s at in this new ap national poll that just came out, if he s really at 37%, then donald trump right now is polling 4 points
worse than mondale did in this electoral scenario. which is finito, right? just as we were digesting that mammoth new lead in that ap poll with trump down by 14 points, just as we were digesting that we got another poll from fox news. fox news is editorially conservative but their polling is for real. yes, hillary clinton is leading nationally by only by 3 points. and that s in a poll with a 2 1/2-point margin of error. so these winning nationwide by 14 points, she s winning nationwide by 3 points. i mean, obviously, it all comes down to individual states, but still i m popping numbers from the ap and fox today and ones that don t make much sense together. how should we make sense of these numbers? where exactly are we at right
now? we ve got expert help on that, next. honey.our turn?urn? ye, we go left right here (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we ll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it s whamakes a subaru, a subaru.
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they are going crazy because they put out these phony polls and then the real polls come out. so today bloomberg has a poll, they re very disappointed. trump is up in florida by two points. they re very disappointed. these crooked pollsters. got their thumb on this. joining us is a senior political writer for a young man we ve been increasingly turning to for poll interpretation help. thanks for being here. pleasure. what do you make of the ap national poll coming out tonight showing clinton with a 14-point lead right before fox comes out with a national poll showing her with a 3-point lead? how do we absorb that information responsibly as humans in. i would say what i always say and that s average them. you have to keep in mind we re getting 50, 60, 70 polls day now. survey monkey released all these
polls on the state level. you ll have a normal curve, some on the left part, some on the right part. the fox news poll was on the left part and the ap poll from the right part. and they had a poll from abc news this morning which had her up about 9 points. don t believe anything that looks too much unlike the other things you re seeing? essentially that s right. if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. or too bad to be true. depending on your angle. based on the way you look at the polls and your data and your systems for absorbing it responsibly, do you feel that the race is tightening a bit right now? if it s tightening, it s barely tightening. the last model had hillary clinton with a s7-point lead no it s 6.3. if donald trump continues to tighten that with two weeks remaining he won t be able to catch hillary clinton. unless he tightens the race
at a faster pace. part of that time calculation is how many votes have been cast already. well over 10 million votes cast already. is there anything that tells you that you re watching in particular that s particularly presiptive or illuminating in terms of the early vote? you have to be very careful because some states changed the way. in nevada, a reporter out there will tell you that the trends look the same as in 2012 and when hillary clinton carried that state sorry, barack obama carried that state by five percentage points. it looks different for hillary clinton but overall be careful about reading too much into the early vote. any one state you re looking at, whether polling or early voting numbers that you feel like you re counting on as a barometer in terms of how the state will go? one is florida and the other is pennsylvania. donald trump must win in florida and hillary clinton must win in pennsylvania. there were three other polls
today that had him down by three percentage points. that s very bad news for him in that state. if you could only look at two states per day from here on out, you d look at florida and pennsylvania. right. senior political writer for fithirtyeight, thank you for being here. using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i boug all the frawork. wire. anplan need to givey shop. a face. no one will forget. e wh the power of poin can do for your business. learn mo at i m one unlucky guy. the chance of being involved in a robry is 1 in 757. the chances of being struck by lightning. [thunder] [cous]
1 in 750,000. [ding] woman on p.a.: please ften your seatbelts for unexpected rbulence. annncer: the chances of being a victim in an airline crash, 1 in 29 million. the chances of bng involved in a car cra are far great than lightning strikes and plane crashes. and if you are texting while driving, your risk of crash increases 23times. now, i may be an unluc guy, but i d tave to be part of thastatistic, and neither do you. drive responsibly.
independents, then finally the pirates. the pirate party of hackers and anarchists whoever else just feels like being a pirate. they re on course to win next week in the parliamentary elections in iceland even over the parties named bright future and regeneration. i m not jealous exactly, i m just thinking maybe we could aim a little higher when naming our own parties there. more from our own partially pirated election straight ahead. i love that my shop is parof the morning ritualround here. people rely on that first cup ani wodn t want to mess with that. t when (my) ck pain got bad, i coul sleep. had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a slp aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. look up at a new dada hey guys! now i m back. aleve pm fora better. now i m back. teachers, firefighters and nurss support prop 51.
prop 51 repairs older schools and removes dangerous lead paint and pipes ensuring classrooms are safe for all students. for safe schools vote yes on 51. teachers, nurses and firefightes support prop 51. prop 51 will upgrade libraries, science labs, and classroom technology and relieve school overcrowding creating more opportunity . . . and better learning for students help students succeed vote yes on 51.
all right. the very first question in the last debate between the two presidential candidates was an open-ended question about the supreme court. where do you want to see the supreme court take this country? and hillary clinton went first. she responded in a sort of tight direct way. she said she wanted a supreme court that stood up for the people against powerful interests that otherwise get their way. she wants the court to uphold row v. wage and uphold major equality. she wants the court to overturn citizens united to get dark money out of politics. it was just title down the line name check several decisions. she was first. then the moderator turned the same question to donald trump. where do you want to see the court take the country. how in your view should the constitution be interpreted? and donald trump s answer was that there s this one justice on the supreme court who said a bad thing about me once and that was terrible. and if you think i m being hyperbolic, i understand, you
think i m being hyperbolic. i m not, though. that s exactly where i had went right off the bat in response to an open-ended question about the supreme court. secretary clinton, thank you. mr. trump, same question. where do you want to see the court take the country and how do you believe the constitution should be interpreted? well, first of all, it s great to be with you and thank you, everybody. the supreme court, it s what it s all about. our country is so, so it s just so impair ittive that we have the right justices. something happened recently where justice ginsburg made some very, very inappropriate statements toward me and toward a tremendous number of people, many, many millions of people that i represent. and she was forced to apologyize and apologize she did, but these were statements that never should have been made. donald trump, what s your view of the importance and the proper role of the united states supreme court, thank you for being here, justice ginsburg
once said a mean thing about me, isn t that terrible? but enough about me. what do you think about me. that was just a weird moment to start the very last debate. right off the top, first question, what s important about the supreme court is something one justice once said about donald trump. on the one hand that was just a fantastic display of ignorant narcissism, right? hey, the supreme court isn t about you. but it s also possible that it was more than that as well. because justice ruth bader ginsburg having once said a critical thing about donald trump really isn t the most important thing everybody needs to know about the supreme court of the united states unless, unless the supreme court of the united states on which she sits is going to be called on to decide the presidential election between hillary clinton and donald trump. right now there are only eight justices on the supreme court since justice scalia died. four of the remaining justices were appointed by democrats, four were appointed by republicans. for more than seven months now republicans in the senate have refused to even consider plb b
president obama s nominee for the ninth seat on the court. and if the supreme court deadlocks in a 4-4 tie, they can t rule. i mean, if hypothetically clinton versus trump goes through a contested recount situation in one state like george w. bush versus al gore did and if that happens and if the supreme court was narrowly divided like they were in bush versus gore, we wouldn t have the option this year of getting a 5-4 ruling. if the justices broke on partisan lines, we would, in fact, get a 4-4 ruling and that would mean they could not issue a ruling to decide about the contested recount in whatever state was contested. and so some random lower court or some board of elections decree in some backwater would be left to decide 40 wwho was president of the united states. then hopefully, fingers crossed, hopefully we d all decide we d go along with it because some
partisan elected state judge said who the president should be so the whole country and the whole world would all salute and go along with it for four years, hopefully? just a nightmare a nightmare sc right, for the country. a nightmare scenario for the legitimacy of the presidency. a contested election and a 4-4 tie on the supreme court. that means it can t be nationally resolved. but you know what? nobody ever said you needed to have five votes to have a supreme court majority. right now it s an even number on the court. eight justices with a 4-4 ideological split, which could conceivably lead to a 4-4 tie. but if one of the justices was pressured into recusing herself, then the court would be 4-3, not 4-4. and 4-3 is not a tie. so if one justice could be persuaded to recuse from a case involving a contested presidential election, then a closely divided supreme court
could decide a contested election. it would just be a 4-3 ruling. and if justice ginsburg were the recusal, it would be a republican majority 4-3 split, donald trump win. justice ginsburg made some very, very inappropriate statements toward me. when donald trump answered a question what is important about the supreme court and he immediately answered by attacking justice ginsburg for something critical she once said about him, i m not saying that wasn t a shocking display of raw narcissistic self absorption in terms of what s important about the supreme court. but it also may have been him laying the groundwork how he would contest the election if he can get it close enough or wild enough of that the election results somehow winds up in the courts. he is already laying the groundwork for demanding justice ginsburg s recusal. meanwhile, president obama s nominee to fill the vacant seat on the court has been weight 7 1/2 months since the president nominated him while republicans
won t give him so much as a single hearing. will that nominee, merrick garland still be the nominee for the supreme court if hillary clinton is elected in two weeks? or will she pick her own nominee once she is sworn in january? if clinton does win, will republicans suddenly change their mind about merrick garland and decide they want to confirm him after all, right after the election, so they can fill that seat with a known quantity before the new president clinton has a chance to pick somebody new for the bench? and in that instance, clinton s running mate, vice president-elect tim kaine, he would still be in the senate and able to cast a vote. how would he vote if that happened? if the senate goes democrat in november, and if you and hillary clinton win on november 8th, the republican-controlled senate will have the opportunity in the lame duck to change their mind about merrick garland. yeah. to try to approve him because they would worry that somebody more liberal would come along. or 20 years younger. yeah. even if it was the same person 20 years younger, i don t
know if i want that. if that happen, and that s not outside the realm of possibility, president obama would then have the opportunity to withdraw the nomination in deference to president-elect clinton. do you think president-elect clinton at this point would want merrick garland to be the nominee? what she pick somebody new? what would you want? i haven t talked to hillary about it. i have to tell you, this is in criminal of the republicans. mitch mcconnell has been very unequivocal, we re not take him up. we re not taking him up. but the prospect of seeing an election, boy, maybe we should, they will make that call. if he comes up for a vote in the senate, i m voting for him. because he so clearly gets over the hurdle of the fitness and character test that is supposed to be the test for advise and consent. but, you know, if the session ends and he is not approved, you know, then hillary should appoint the person that she thinks meets her criteria for being on the supreme court. should she consider merrick garland?
of course. that is who president obama said this meets my criteria. hillary will be the president. it s not bill clinton term 3, and it s not barack obama term 3. it s hillary clinton term 1. and she should make the decision what she thinks is her criteri for that vacancy. tim kaine speaking with me last night about whether or not hillary clinton is going to renominate president obama s pick for the supreme court, merrick garland if she is elected president in two weeks. no one, including clinton herself or kaine here last night or anybody associated with the clinton campaign, nobody is clearly stating that she would pick someone different than merrick garland if she is elected. i think, just my take from the way they all talk about it, though, that it s fairly reasonable to expect now that she would pick somebody other than merrick garland. if she is elected. and that s going to be really interesting. because if that happens, president obama is going to be in this position after the election where the republican-controlled senate really might all of the sudden be willing to approve merrick garland, his supreme court nominee. and at that point president obama will have to consider
whether he wants to have his nominee approved to sit on the supreme court or whether he instead would withdraw that nomination so hillary clinton would be free to pick her own choice when she is sworn in january. and i think i know what president obama would do in that instance. but are you sure? the supreme court and the presidency are always intertwined. this year it s starting to feel less like that traditional intertwining. it s starting to feel more like they re choking each other out. he is the steward of the office. part of our inheritance is our democratic system. that s what the office of the president of the united states is about. and when it s undermined by a candidate for the presidency, we have to understand how cancerous that is. thatchism did not rise in the 30s because it was strong, but because democracy was weak. we need to understand that.
[indistinct chatter] [telephone ring] man: hello? [boing [lghr] man: youay kiss e bride. [applause] woan: ahh. ndistit corsation] announc: a full life measurd seats starts with the right es early on. car crashes are a leading killeof children 1 t13. learn how to prevent deaths aninjuries by using the right car seat for your child s age and size. they offer alaim-freesurce smardiscount. because sa driversost less to insur which ses money. and en they ve, you sa. that s auto and home insance for the modernorld. esurance, an allstate mpany. click or cal ance ds auto insurance a ter way.
like their photo claims tool. it helps stle your claim money. qukly,which saves times and when they sa, you save. that s autand homeurance for the modernrnorld. esurancean allstate compan click or call. and something amazing ppens. th s our inspiration f fancy feast medleys. wild saln primaver tastes amazing. gfancy feast medley at the top of the show tonight, we broke the news that the democratic party has filed motions in a federal court in new jersey over the sort of vigilante poll watching stuff that the trump campaign has been threatening for election day. donald trump, mike pence, and some of their supporters have been talking about an effort to flood trump supporters into
cities in swing states, particularly minority heavy swing states, cities in various swing states to watch the vote in those places. to make sure that the vote isn t stolen. it s an inchoate effort. there has been some unusual stuff, including trump talking about including law enforcement to be part of that effort. and until last night when the huffington post started asking questions about it, there was apparently an online effort to sign people up for this vigilante approach of poll watching, an effort that included an online forum where people could printout their own semi official looking badge to make themselves look like they had a reason to be at poll watching places while they videotaped people while they were voting. and reported on whatever was happening there. tonight we reported that the democratic party has filed papers in court in federal court in new jersey, saying that the republican party is in violation of a on sent decree that they ve

National-republican-party , Marist-poll , Trump , Problems , Context , Bunch , Trump-dpan , 14 , Poll , Points , Fox-news , World

Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20161026 00:00:00

trump is already scrambling the map this year. in utah where the mormon electorate is especially unfavorable to trump his lead is down to 5.5. prompting the campaign to dispatch mike pence to salt lake city less than two weeks before the election to do damage control. he s there tomorrow. mitt romney himself a mormon won utah by 48% in 2012. given trump s polling deficit his lack of ads it came as a surprise that according to the washington post trump has stopped holding high-dollar fund-raisers and relying on online donations which tend to be much smaller. that s after campaign financial reports show more money spent than raised in the month of september. reports add to growing speculation that donald trump is not in very deep psychological sense running to be president of the united states so much as he s running to build up a fan base for donald trump. with the advent of trump tower
and then i could advertise a project that i m doing. like doral or something. and spend half a million dollars on it or a million dollars. or i can do the show and spend nothing and be on for a lot longer. on the very day those tapes went public, that s exactly where trump was, doral. his resort and golf club outside miami. the event was ostensibly a campaign photo op with a group of employees, many who are hispanic and support the republican nominee. it sounded like this. 800 acres in the middle of miami. if you look at the ballroom, that was brand-new that didn t exist. it s one of the great places on earth. we had a construction crew here of 1600 people. we rebuilt the whole place in 14 months. we did it under budget although i did increase the scope of the work because we decided to use the finest marbles. while trump was hanging out at his golf course with the finest marbles, hillary clinton was holding an event at broward
alternative, which it is a business proposition, a poor business proposition and he s handling it terribly because he s incompetent at doing the one thing he says he s good at. that s a possibility. i think he s far too smart for that and at 70 years old as a billionaire mogul. we ll have to see the tax returns. that s not on his agenda right now. i don t think anyone can doubt this. even if you have the most malicious and nefarious view of donald trump you can t doubt that he s poured his body and soul into this campaign. everyone who runs for president does that. no, no. it s incredibly special. if you were to compare his schedule to hillary clinton s you would see a frenetic campaigner on one side, a man who could be my father all the time, yeah. i could never keep up his schedule versus hillary clinton who campaigns every few days. but you realize this is like one of trump s sons said this is
a huge step down for him to run for president. he s not doing it donald trump isn t doing anyone any favors for running to be the most powerful person on the planet, right? i disagree by saying a step down the presidency is never a step down. good, i m glad we agree on that. i think he misspoke there, chris. having said that, i truly believe this, i did, and i came to the trump train late. i m a convert to the trump train. i haven t been drinking trump kool-aid since the very beginning but i ve become a true believer. i really believe this. this man, do you think that at this stage of his life, of his fortune, his career, he needs any of this? no, he doesn t. he is doing this because he sees that our country is gravely ill. we are economically and nationally sick i understand that that s the theory of the case for trump supporters and it s what donald trump says and it s possible that that is actually the case. the other theory of the case and it s not just one that
people opposed to him politically believe, but people that share the republican party s beliefs but don t like donald trump is he s fundamentally a narcissist who has become addicted to the attention, is sort of compulsively driven by attention and this has given him an outlet for that attention and crucially doesn t actually care about the party that he is nominally representing in two weeks. that s an important point. chris, to your point, and i will concede this to you, there are some people whom i respect who hold those views. i would counter that by saying that generally they are part of a washington establishment that exists for its own self-aggrandizement yes, i get that. we are the outsiders and the establishment can t stand what we represent. and by the way, i m glad they can t because we re not coming there around the edges. i can say i get that argument. there s some truth to that. you re talking about this wired part of the establishment.
but the random mormon voters that wanted nothing to do with the guy are now part of the establishment have come to the same conclusion. thank you. congratulations the campaign just bought a bunch of copies of that book. that s money in your pocket. well, no, it isn t. i ve given away so far $85,000. is that true? $85,000 in royalties so far this year and i ll continue to give it away to anti- pro-immigration causes. trying to make sense of he s going to this hotel. he s at doral today. we ve got the tape saying he s going to his hotel tomorrow. there s a sense in which it could be the case that the incentives of running for president and getting maximum attention for yourself sometimes align and at some point they stop aligning and you just keep going with the incentives for maximum attention for yourself. that s the only incentive he has. so what you said poor steve cortez, what a horrible,
horrible job to have to defend this man. and you can see how impossible it is at this point. let me just note on steve s behalf and steve believes in what he s saying and i don t doubt for a moment all the people you see on donald trump have not been drafted into it. everyone has entered into it of their own i don t mean he s doing it against his will. it s a crappy job. no, so i think the point you were making about his need for attention, listen, he has kept upping the ante in terms of getting attention. the new york times peace about michael d antonio s interviews really brought that up again, this desperate feeling that if i m not getting attention, that i barely exist. he s like he s rowing the boat across a river and the promised land is on the other side but there s a hole in the boat and he s bailing, bailing, bailing, and he s bailing so much that he can t actually row the boat. so the promised land is never
going to be reached. it s funny you said that because the way this gets understood in the campaign context oh, they re not doing the blocking and tackling, the organizational operational things they need to do in this election, why is he going to his hotel. that s called lack of discipline. if you were just lazy, you would offload that to someone else and let them do the work for you. his incentives are not aligned with the republican party. they are part of the time but not all the time. i also wonder if at this point, given his noted inability to deal with shame, humiliation and loss and what seem like epically deep psychic wounds that he carries around, he just wants to go and be in a place that he feels like he created and right. go back to home. go back to somewhere, something that he maybe can feel good about.
yeah, he did end today s doral event by just muttering rosebud over and over again. no, i think the fascinating several different pieces of the trump psyche revealed by what happened today and one of them is this decision not to hold more fund-raisers. what s that about? that s very simple. he s already in revenge mode. desperate. he wants to get the republican party. and if it means blowing up the republican party, the democracy, whatever it takes, donald trump is going to try to get back some semblance of self-worth. and to me, the biggest lesson i ve learned up till now with two weeks to go before the election and the thing i have to take myself back to kind of parse is just how powerful a personality can be when it is as not worried about norms or shame as a normal person. like that s been the big lesson.
like, wow, you can really go pretty far and you can get away with a lot. at the risk of violating goodwin s law, this is the big lie, that s why it s so powerful. that most people will not accept the fact that you are who was it that said that eventually donald trump will go on television and insist he never ran for president? his ability to be so shameless, i think that it s impossible for most people to parse. they assume that there must be something to his grandiose self-presentation because who could be a con man on that big of a scale? well yeah, go ahead. my question to you is the other thing you have to remember about this guy is he s not been a politician. running for electoral office is deeply humbling, not in the way like i m deeply humbled. you go and shake hands and beg people for your vote and you lose races. he s not gone through that. so huh reacts this last two
weeks is a totally open question. i think it s pretty clear how he ll react. he ll keep doing those things that make him feel like it s somebody else s fault that this has happened and he ll keep doing those things that serve his self-interests. the clash of civilizations that really this represents is between self-interest and a greater interest. it s between me and we. thank god it looks like we is going to win because if it doesn t win, the planet isn t going to survive. and if trump i really believe that. i believe that we re at a turning point here. and there are concentric circles of we, the we of the planet, the we of a whole bunch of stuff. thank you both. the early returns from early voting. president obama s battleground states director on what early
votes tell us about where this race stands two weeks out and why the odds democrats take back the senate are getting better after a quick minute break. on the roaoaagn [ front assi sounds [ musi on the roaoaagn [ girl lghs ] ike a band of gypsies weo down the highway [ beetle horn honk standardeature you gete foless than you expeed hurry and lease for just $199 pa month. would you lp me make art? each one of or journe keeps us youn hey, i have an id! we ll never get old. artygoe amazing! amazing!
announcer: give your cardboard box another fe. woman: how do we protect them from $4 billion in new cuts to california schools? man: vote yes on proposition 55. woman: prop 55 doesn t raise taxes on anyone. man: not on working californians, not small businesses. no one. woman: instead, prop 55 simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. man: so those who can most afford it continue paying their fair share. woman: .to prevent new education cuts. man: .and keep improving california s schools.
woman: vote yes on prop 55 to help our children thrive. as donald trump s fortunes continue to slide, he s increasingly dragging the fortunes of senior republicans with him. the cook report saying that senate democrats are poised to pick up five to seven seats which would give them the majority. races in the toss-up column never split down the milled. one party tends to win the lion s share of that. there s not enough time for republicans to recover toss-up seats in the states where hillary clinton is leading. early voting is under way and trump won t be any help especially since his campaign doesn t have a ground game to speak of. between the dnc and state party operations campaign finance reports show democrats employ 5,138 staffers across 15 battleground states.
trump s campaign, the republican national committee employ just 1400 staffers in 16 states. how well does that work for those who turn out for election day. early voting data offers some potential insight. according to the washington post, the end of saturday, staffers s s celebrated 39,148 people had vetted compared to 33,187 in 2012. no wonder katy perry held a rally for clinton in clark county on saturday literally gave a ride to some attendees to some of the early voting spots afterwards. in a one-two punch, president obama was in the same county the next day. if there s a single person on earth who knows this data inside and out, it s mitch stewart. currently a partner at 270 strategists. i want to start with this before
we get to the early voting data. it s important for folks to understand when you were sitting at your perch in the 2012 campaign and folks were running the operation in clinton s campaign, you re not looking at the real clear politics or 548, you have internal data. what is that made of and what does it say and tell you that we on the inside don t know? you have a voter file that has all kinds of different data information on these specific individuals. their vote history, likely candidate preference. all kinds of things that you can look at. what you get then from the county auditor or from the secretary of state are individual level returns. so you know exactly who voted early, and many times you know how they voted early, either in person or by mail. then you can imagine that back to your existing database or voter file. and you know enough about those people you sort of profiled the them whether it s
through their age, their education level, their ethnicity to be pretty confident who they re actually voting for based on the models you have. no, exactly right. you look at two separate data points. the first is what we call a preference candidate model. every voter will have a score from 100-1. out of 100 mitch stewarts, barack obama would get 1 vote. ten people would vote for barack obama. 90 for mitt romney. you look at that and then you also look at your turnout score. how likely are you to vote if somebody were not to remind you? you have a score of 100-1 on every single voter in that state. what you want to do with early vote, in most states, you want your supporters who have a middling turnout score, folks you aren t superconfident they will vote on election day unless you remind them. you want them to vote early. if somebody lass a high turnout
score, irrespective if you remind them or not. you have the two scores. how likely am i to support the candidate that mitch stewart is supporting which would be barack obama you want people you are sure will vote for your candidate but in the middle of the propensity to turn out bau you can work on them in this sort of sustained fashion for this period and make sure they get in their own time and choosing. that s exactly right. not only do you measure your success from a field operation, you also measure your opponent s success and who are they getting to turn out early? are these getting out election day voters and just doing it early or are they reaching into the people who would be less likely to participate so they re growing their pie? so you look at both. you can do something like in 2012, say in a state like nevada, your campaign basically knew who won nevada before election day. you will have 80% of nevadans
vote early. we had about a 12-point lead with 80% of the electorate in. the republicans would be literally like a 70-30 win on election day to make up for that early vote deficit. iowa is another example. just 40% voted early and we had about a ten-point lead. on election day republicans had almost an insurmountable gap to fill. you felt very, very comfortable with a couple of those states or you knew that this could be really, really close like florida. so it does provide you some assurance of what s going to happen on election day. but more importantly from a campaign perspective, it allows you to allocate resources more efficiently. so we stopped spending a ton of money in nevada once we realized that 80% of the electorate voted. we wind down the budget there and focus on a state like virginia where 90% of the state
will vote on election day because there s very little vote happening there. we ll check in on elizabeth warren who is speaking moments ago. take a listen. she gets up every day no, i hope you heard donald trump in the debate when he said that he was smart not to pay any taxes. that s right. he is smart and all of you who pay taxes are dumb. everyone who pays taxes. to keep our roads and bridges working is dumb. everyone who pays taxes to support our world class military is dumb. everyone who pays taxes to support medical research and scientific research is dumb. dumb because donald trump doesn t plan to pay. he just plans to use all those things you paid for. what kind of man does that?
a selfish little sleazeball. a man who will never be president of the united states. you bet. now, donald trump s been out there. he hasn t been hiding who he is. he s been out there from the very beginning. he s been out there and where has your senator, richard burr, been all this time? i wanted to look this up, make sure i got this right before i came here. richard burr said make no mistake, i am fully supportive of donald trump. no dancing around that one. so donald trump called latinos rapists and murderers and burr fully sports trump. trump called african-americans thugs and donald trump and
burr fully supports donald trump. trump attacked a gold star family and burr fully supports donald trump. trump praised vladimir putin and compared himself to dictators. and burr fully supports donald trump. trump calls women fat pigs and bimbos and brags about sexually assaulting women. and richard burr is like a puppy on a leash sticking right there with donald trump. you know, if richard burr is just going to be donald trump s lapdog, then let him go off and do that, but the people of north carolina need a strong, independent voice to fight for the families of north carolina.
and that is deborah ross. that was elizabeth warren speaking in north carolina just a few moments ago in support of deborah ross who is the democratic senate candidate challenging richard burr in a tightly contested race, yolking him to trump. as you just saw. spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order, we had to launch the missile th. i prayed tt callwould ver come. self control m be all at keeps these misses frofiring.
i wbr id= wbr16813 /> ulbomb the s[ be ]ut of ebe all i want to unpredictable. i lovear. the thoughonald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. i hillary clinton and i approve this msa. donald trump has spent his entire presidential wbr id= wbr17118 /> xap both obsessed with media coverage and harshly critical of the press. his rhetoric has grown ever harsher in recent weeks as his poll numbers collapsed. these people are among the most dishonest people in the world, the media. /b>
they are the worst. they re trying to fix the election for crooked hillary. the media is entitled, condescending and even contemptuous of people who don t share certain elitist views. reporters are ritualistic booed when they re escorted into the trump rallies where they stand in pens and heckled while they cover them. this video shows the view from the press area. reporters describe did vitriol they face at trump rallies as increasingly hostile with people flipping middle fingers at them. a trump rally in cleveland buzzfeed reporter rosie gray reported that two men outside the press pen were quoted picking up after one of the men said the word lugenpresser.
lugenpresser. you said it right. that s right. the word that man there was so excited to learn, lugenpresser means lying press in german. and it s the term the nazis used to demonize and the media and stir anti-jew hatred. while trump has traveled further into the fact-free swamp and a cocoon where he doesn t like anything that he says is false. it must be cured if the party is to be saved. we ll break down her diagnosis next.
[baby talk] [child giggling] child: look, ma. no hands. children: i , j , k . [bicycle bell ring [indistinct chatter] [telephone rings] man: hello? [boing] [lghter] man: you may kiss the brid [applause] womanahh. [itit conversation] annouou: a ll life measured in seats srtwith the right on early on. car crashes are a leading killer of children 1 to 13.
lea how to prevent deaths d injuries by using the rht car seat for yo child s age and size. is clean was le pow!o everything well? it added ts othe level of clean to . 6xaning my teeth are glowing. they are so white. 6x whitening á i actuallyeally like the 2 sps. step 1, cleans step 2, whitits. evy ti i used this together, it felt like leaving the dentisoffice. evy ti icrest hd.s together, 6x cleing , 6x whitengá the dentisoffice. i would switch to crest hd ov what i was using before. crest. healthy, beautil sm for life. they also claim that, in fact, hillary did in fact have a romantic relationship with vince foster. that, you know, that was pretty much of an open secret in our circles. lead story on hannity on fox news in primetime last night
beamed out to million of viewers. a fixer for hillary clinton named jack rogan was recently featured as hillary s hit man in a national enquirer cover story claiming that clinton is a quote and i m quoting here a secret sex freak who paid fixers to set up elicit romps with both men and women. he s an editor of the weekly world news that printed news of hillary s alien abduction complete with photographic evidence. hannity gave rogan a primetime platform in spite of admitting the network could not verify his claims. rush limbaugh claimed the mainstream media would not ignore this if it was about trump. would you think that the
national enquirer allegation of a guy saying he s procured women for hillary would even make its way well, of course not, but if the story was about trump, it would. this less than impeccable source makes the rounds of the right, limbaugh, drudge, hannity. championed by drudge and who today called into the limbaugh show to complain of what of all things, the mainstream media. hethese are vicious people. these are lying people. they re evil people, the press, the media. they re bad people. and nobody, nobody lies like they do. joining me now catherine rampell. the only way to save the republican party drain the right-wing media swmp. when trump gets the trouncing that erybody expects, the republican party will regroup and say, what s our autopsy this time around? if they re going to lay it at the feet of donald trump and say, you know, if we d only had
a candidate with maybe the same package or policies but a little more empathic gloss, a little less boorish, less bigoted, hadn t been caught on tape saying he harassed women. that s wrong. the problem is not donald trump, the problem is that a large share of their base believes completely bonkers bigoted things. they ve been fed this again and again over year business the right wing what do you mean by bonkers bigoted things. birtherism, data trutherism. is that like large significant parts of fox viewers and conservatives and republicans that think that all the economic data is being juiced. the polls are skewed. even the fox news polls are skewed these days according to the republican base. beyond that, you know, that the weather numbers that we get are wrong. you know, that matt drudge had recently said that nobody should evacuate their homes when a
hurricane was coming. right, a liberal media conspiracy. it was a conspiracy. the numbers were made up, the projections were made up to gin up fear about global warming. the idea is that there s this sort of context tu wal environment in which trump has flourished and the environment is more important than trump because the environment is the environment that s so self-contained and untethered from connections to external reality that you can have a candidate like this yes, basically the alt-right for years has created an alternate reality that has ultimately led to trump. you mean the right. the alt-right. i think i would say that there s a self-identified white nationalists of the alt-right. it s larger than that. i don t mean to paint all conservative leaning journalists with the same brush, those that are pedalling crazy conspiracy theories saying that obamaas not born in the united states, there sort of thing. that s part of the issue
because there s tons of conservative journalists and writers and folks at fox. there are places that people have integrity. they re opinionated with an ideological ax to grind but who doesn t have one. phil klein has been reporting on obamacare, conservative, doesn t like obamacare, is embedded in the facts of what obamacare is, there s subject matter, knowledge, there s expertise, all these things. that s a very small group of these folks with a very small and my concern is that republican leadership has been playing along for years with these conspiracy theorizers. they re controlled by them. they re terrified of them. look what happened to eric cantor in his primary race to david bratt when basically right wing radio decided to take him on. so i think there are two issues going on here, why they haven t been willing to take on the crazies essentially. one is that they desperately need the imprimatur of these places because they re influential, handy is
influential, drudge, whoever else, if they tick them off, they ll potentially lose those voters. to some extent the conspiracy theories have served their interests, in the short term. the popular mandate of the first black president, maybe that was useful to their cause in the near term, but in the long run it stoked a lot of racial resentment. the same thing with clinton voter fraud. it has been extremely useful. but in the pretext by which they passed actual pieces of legislation that made it harder for actual populations that actually vote for democrats in large numbers to vote. yes, and in the long run it set the stage for a presidential candidate to explain to his many voters that the election will be sto stolen from them. today a large share of republicans in particular believe that that election will be stolen. i think that it s absolutely the case and you re seeing it in
its sort of death throes now. karl rove in 2012 saying it s not over. but then they just went back to the script. the big question for the right is do they go back to the script or is there some kind of reckoning and catherine rampell, thanks for joining me. proud of y, son. ! a manufacturer. well that s why i dug this out for you. it s your grdpappy s hammer and would have wanted y to have it. it meant aot to him. yes, ge makespowerful . bui lle writing the code yes, ge makespowerful . that will allow those machines to shai be changi the y the worlworks. (interrupting) you n t pick it up, can you? go ahead.hean t lift th. it s okay though! u re going to changethe wor. on a perfect c, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raes your rates. maybe yoshld ve done more research on them.
for drivers with accident forgiveness, libertmutual won t raise ur rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance the bonus thing 1 thing 2 tonight without commercial break in the middle. where he or she stands on their own nominee for president. because there are distinct categories. those who have always backed donald trump like for instance senator jeff sessions. there are a select few who have maintained never trump like senator ben sask, charlie baker and a handful of congress members. there were those who decided
relatively early to oppose, mark kirk, lindsey graham, susan collins and those who stood with trump until october through all the nasty statements, banning an entire religion, but finally threw in the towel after the infamous audio of trump bragging about grabbing women by the genitals. that list of late trump unendorsers includes john mccain, kelly ayotte and senate candidate joe heck of nevada. the supporters who heard trump on that bus bragging about sexual assault and defiantly proceeded to unendorse trump and call for him to step down only to then days or weeks later reendorse trump. this crowd has supported and opposed in disgust before reendorsing him, john thune, deb fischer and mike crapo. then there s pat toomey. who will be in charge of the
nuclear codes. pat toomey has his own answer. and that s thing 2 tonight. see, for the entire general election, senator pat toomey has simply refused to say whether or not he ll support the gop nominee. he won t endorse nor will he rule out voting for donald trump. he won t give a simple direct answer one that every single american has to answer for themselves all of which made for an interesting debate last night. i know you have been waiting for this debate. in fact, i know you ve been waiting for this moment to say whether or not you will vote for the nominee of your party. so is it yea or nay? so, jim, unlike katie mcginty, i m not a hyperreflexive ideologue who thinks he has to give blind obedience to his party s nominee. so i guess that means you haven t been waiting for this debate? i have refused to endorse donald trump. katie mcginty says that s supporting donald trump. that doesn t make any sense.
look, i m not going to badger you to say something that you re not going to say, but don t you think your constituents, the people of pennsylvania deserve to know if you re going to support the nominee of your party? i don t think my constituents care that much how one person is going to vote. they re going to make their own decision. something new has arrived. iquely designed fo the driven. intring the rst-ever infiniti qx30 0 ossover. visit your loc infiniti retailer today. infiniti. power the drive. naator: adventure start isn but theo kubo: i spy somethg ginbeetle: snow. kubo: no. beetle: snow cored trees. monkey: noing too with snow. rrator: headutside to discover incredible animals
d beautiful plants th come together to create an unforgettable adventure. kubo: wow! narrmonkey: so gradon t even.d ones narrator: and explore a world of possibilities. narrmonkey: kubo: comen, this way.s narrator: visit narrator: and explore a world of possibilities. tod the closes forest opark to you.
u.s. service member. 34-year-old chief petty officer was attached to a navy s.e.a.l. team advising troops. he was in a vehicle and telling other members of his team he had spotted a roadside bomb when he was killed. he leaves behind a wife and a 7-year-old son. the stakes of this battle with both american and iraqi troops in harm s way are clear and progress has been steady in first week of the operation. iraq s prime minister says the offensive is going faster than planned. u.s. command says iraqi forces are making solid progress. but the attack on mosul is turning out to be a total disaster. we gave them months of notice. the u.s. is looking so dumb. vote trump and win again. that tweet prompting this response from secretary clinton. i was so appalled when donald trump tweeted that the new effort under way to push the terrorists out of the key city of mosul is already, and i quote
him, a total disaster, and that our country is again a, quote, looking dumb. really? he s declaring defeat before the battle has even started? he s proving once again he is unqualified to be commander in chief of our military. we are right now as a nation in the midst of choosing someone to command the most powerful, most deadly military on earth. it is not just mosul or the fight against isis that will be in the new president s portfolio. right now the u.s. is, get this, conducting air strikes or missile strikes with special ops, troops the on the ground in at least six different countries. yemen, libya, somalia, afghanistan, iraq and syria. that is what the next president will inherit in our era of constant war. that s what s front of mind for military members and their families and it should be front of mind for every voter.
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at you re at the y, top your game.pyou. at wk or at pl, yore unstoable. nothing can throw you off track. oh hey, e cute. niceoing man. things are going great for you. you ve ened a night out. good dris, good fends. yeahwe can go ahead d ca this goodight. wait, is that your car uh oh. not smar ye, i w that cing. say odbye to her. that will hurt your bank account. you re lookit around ten grand in fine gal fees, and creased insurance rates. i hope you lik eating frozen dinners. alone. les try this again. art move cause buzzed dring is drunk driving.
miami this morning flanked by about 200 of his employees and tried to make the point that obamacare is a disaster for them. you can say all of my employees are having a tremendous problem with oba obamacare. you folks, this soot grogroup, another statement, this is horrible because of obamacare. except the vast majority is not on obamacare because their health care is provided by their employer donald trumps a resort. it seemed to catch a local camera operator by surprise. i d say 99% of our employees are insured through the hotel, through our insurance and maybe there s a few that are insured through obamacare. but very, very few. i would say and i haven t gone flu the records, but over 95%, without a doubt. a short time later on fox news trump was asked how his employees are hurt by obamacare. a moment ago at your event in florida we re watching it live here in new york, you said that
it s costing jobs within your business itself. specifically how? obamacare, i must be honest with you, because it s so bad for the people and they can t afford it. i m at trump international doral in miami and we don t even use obamacare. we don t want it. joining me now political reporter for the new york times and msnbc contributor. the perfect moment to me for two reasons, one it displays donald trump s general level of sort of policy expertise. and number two, most americans still now in 2016 don t know what obamacare is, couldn t tell you what it is, or who it affects. it s become this kind of culture war issue or symbolic thing. can you put a creche in the public square? you know, and if you called it trumpcare, it would probably poll better or call it like powellcare, it s the social with
president obama that drove down the approvals. obviously for some people the premiums are going up, it will be a hardship, but much more than the exchanges. the gaurns on coverage and parents plans. you re saying the bill itself, the law itself. you can stay on till you re 26 there s a whole lot of laws about pushing the cost down and innovation in medicare and medicaid delivery and health systems and integrated care and there s no lifetime maximums, yada, yada, but a tiny percentage of voters are in there. but if we re dealing with a candidate who had any grasp of public policy or the idea of how to talk to voters 13 days before an election, we might see someone who could frame could make that argument. very clearly. this is a horrible day for sort of obamacare and ergo hillary clinton. trump can t help but make everything either, a, about himself or he doesn t much knew,
know about obama, the language of this man is deplorable. he didn t seize the opportunity to break it down to the public. everyone is there asking him questions about it. he could have walked them through it briefly. to me it remains so we were talking about there s 3% of the people who are roughly insured should get their insurance through the exchanges. 80% of them are subsidized, more or less, we re talking about 1% of people that get the full heft of this subsidy increase. there are 7 million people who are not on the exchanges but are buying plans, individual plans or small plans so they ll also see the premium hikes. this is the a small percentage of voters. this law as controversial as the day it passed is actually a thing out there in the world which i have to say continues to astound me. because i don t think that was the expectation. i think president obama was
not great about selling it in the early years. that s one problem. they tried to rectify that. i do think that the reason the focus is on the exchanges is that the exchanges are the broken part. and the interests that want to kill obamacare would not want to focus on the parts that are very, very popular, such as you can t be denied coverage for a prior condition and if the conditions were such that you could focus on the popular part, it would probably be a different conversation. kind of weird that none of the democrats or the gop has managed to really steer that conversation in the presidential election. but here s what i want to ask you as a political scientist, i sort of feel in the long run that the sort of lines of politics and policy should converge, right? if there s something that there s a lot of scare tactics and it will destroy america and turn us into this socialist monster and the thing happens and it s not that but maybe has some broken parts but opinion would converge on it but instead a health reporter called it like roe v. wade, there s no convergence on the sense it s
just as polarizing. people have their fixed views about these things despite the fact that it s an operating thing that you can empirically assess. that goes back to nick s point when obama did something that fdr couldn t do, something lbj couldn t do and william jefferson clinton couldn t do and he passed obamacare and put his name on it. he took the negative. they put his name on it. exactly. but he never framed this. we saw it with the stimulus package and the affordable care act. there s still so much confusion and misinformation from the very beginning we re still sort of seeing how this has played out eight years after the fact. there s fascinating science that shows people s perceptions of what it is and what it constitutes and who it helps are crazy skewed. people perceive the stimulus bill and obamacare to be aimed at black people that it s not true which accounts for the hatred and resistance to it.
who benefits from it. he s done very few racially targeted policies. you know, he is under the for better or worse, but you know all what is it, all tides lift all boats? yes, so there s going to be certain segments of the population that are disaffected good or bad but this is not a racially targeted policy by any stretch of the imagination. but that doesn t mean the perception of it perception becomes reality. democrats thought this would be a real boon to them. bill clinton said pass it, people will love it. that will be a political boon. that s not been the case. it s not the kryptonite that republicans believe. republicans keep thinking obamacare is so terrible. you want to reject this. look at the demographics. not getting republicans rich. there are certain republicans who are destitute and they realize a small segment realize that this is actually what s been keeping them afloat. that s true. so many people are one injury away from yeah. but also like with people on the exchanges, the people

Campaign , Lead , Utah , Mormon-electorate , Mike-pence , Map , Salt-lake-city , 5 , Election , Given-trump , Polling-deficit , Damage-control

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin 20170215 18:00:00

does it affect to change reality here? do they believe that two-state system is impossible, that is the talk in israel. now, that it is appears to be the new framework for a discussion, that is a fundamental change. special correspondent for the network, 25, 26 years. good to see you, thank you for popping in it you saw this news conference. play identity here a few minutes ago, the president and the prime minister as well. what struck you most from what we heard from the two gentlemen? what struck me most, netanyahu arriving, and the press conference, if i was a palestinian leader looking at this i would be deeply concerned. it was a love-in between the trumps and the netanyahus, that means between israel and the
united states. there it was a mention that netanyahu made about the movement, the friendship with trump, saying, it was long overdue. a side mention of the relationship between he and president obama for a long time. that is what struck me. it is a new deck of cards on the table. i wouldn t go to say the two-state option is dead. it remains the only solution politically. if the wider arab world are brought into the negotiations, which seems to be the direction that things are going, they are not going to agree to a larger jewish state. they will only agree to a two-state solution. i think it is not dead. it is urgently needed. quick progress is urgently needed.
we expect to see president trump and the prime minister in the oval office. other news, donald trump, as well as his associates, pushing back hard on the new york times story. blaming all of us to a certain extent for the fall-out with regard to general michael flynn. you are exactly right. it was striking, atmospheric, it does matter in terms of substance. pem netanyahu said, president trump didn t allow for real questions, trying to zero in on the issue of mike flip. the now former national security advisor. he said he blamed leaks, he called criminal acts, an effort
to distract from millry clinton s terrible loss, he said he has been treated unfairly. if this was fake news, why, mr. president, did you fire lim? what was the basis for that? the fact that from the time of the department of justice sally yates, 15 days before mike pence was alerted to it. and january 26th, until a couple of days ago, that you kept mike flynn as your national security advisor, involved in the briefings, and announced the position on iran. having concerns, that you told about, did you keep him for that period of time. in many way, it is unclear if we will get those answers from
the president. pete williams is standing by, unnamed sources, so many unnamed sources talking to media outlets about the investigations into trump s election team. as well as general flynn as well. walk us through the inquiries. for months now, they are looking at in hillary clinton s campaign. do did the russians do this by themselves? interesting inning any contacts between people in the u.s., and the russians during that time. it has been well known, some connected to the calm pain, others, business associates, were in russia during that time. number one, that there has been
nothing found in any of the investigation that includes any collusion between people in the u.s., campaign, or the number of contacts wasn t very large, wasn t contact. that there were some communications, and that they are well aware of which ones those were. standby, we are going to the oval office. president trump, and prime minister netanyahu. nice article. i said, was that sara? any comment there was senior advisor. [ inaudible ] thank you.
office. you were saying the reports, some of these reports, they may be a bit overheated. is that a fair adjective? based on your sources? they are midway through this t several months to go. no indication that there was any collusion, the number of these contacts was not a large number, they were not constant. they were not contacts, as far as the u.s. knows with russian intelligence people. one official told me today, you never know with the russians, there is no confirmed connection between the trump associates and intelligence figures. casy, talk to us about the democratic, national divide as the investigation of general flynn goes. so far, republican leadership
is saying, any investigation into what happened to flynn and the increasing reporting that pete was talking about, be left with senate and house intelligence committees. this is important, partly because they do their work largely behind closed doors, working with classified information, yes, it gives leaders control over what is released afterwards. calls are increasing, senator graham saying a select committee should be formed to investigate this. in in fact, the trump campaign had contact with russian operatives. the investigation of russian they don t have a lot of tools, to work with, they need republicans, there is pressure on leadership. you if it gets too great, you
may see a change in strategy. thank you as always. he is the ranking member of the armed services committee. congressman smith, thank you for your time. start with your reaction to what we heard from president trump, about flynn, saying he was treated very, very unfairly by the media. called it the fake media, and said the leaks are criminal. that makes no sense. if all of that is true, why did president trump fire him? obviously, this isn t something that is made up it is something that michael flynn d troubling enough to the white house, they had to let him go as the national security advisor. they found out the content of michael flynn s phone call wasn t what michael flynn said it was. in fact, it was about the
sanctions, part of it was about the sanctions that penalty obama just leveed. president trump knew this, it was only that the media got to the story and made it public that made it public. i wish president trump would have some responsibility or have some of his administration take responsibility for their actions. the we might learn more about the relationship between general flynn and russia. some of his counterparts, perhaps in russia. do you have any more information about that? i don t have any more information than what is out there. the media, a remarkable job of pulling it out. one thing we don t have is
exactly what is said in those conversations. we know that general flynn characterized what it was. that is something to be determined. frankly. and the larger issue, which you have been talking about, what exact influence has russia had. obviously, they hacked into the election, what influence do they have over the trump administration, the president has to tell us what is going on, instead of ignoring the questions, and claiming that everything that he doesn t like is fake news. that will get old. i think a select committee is what we need.
you can i served on the benghazi commonwealth, for longer than i care to remember. select committees are not something that republicans are opposed to. i applaud senator graham, and senator mccain approached it in a reasonable way, it is bipartisan. on the house side, it has been ignored. some senators are admitting it is a legitimate issue. congressmap, thank you for your time, sir. thank you. microsoft poll question of the day. that is the question the pulse is live. it is we will check the results later the broadcast. will the trump administration get behind the two-state
solution. joe lieberman will stop by. he is outside the window. bringing him in after this. why was vice president mike pence kept in the dark for so long. why are some more interested in leaks. the future of business in new york state is already in motion. companies across the state are growing the economy, with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and world-class innovations. like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. and in corning, where the future is materializing. let us help grow your company s tomorrow - today at
ago. the senior news editer is here to describe how the two-state solution would work in practice. here is the understanding for middle east peace until this morning. the two-state solutions based on the 48 borders, gazaa and the west bank, one state here, palestine. gazaa and the west bank, the rest of it is israel. one of the problems with that, one of the reasons that palestinian leaders said it wouldn t work. is the settlements, one of the questions is, what happens to them? the bigger question, what happens to the 2.5 million palestinians that live here in the west bank? what kinds of rights do they have? keeping in mind, this would all be one country, under a one state solution, minus the strip is one country. military service. all israeli have to serve in the military, three years for men,
two for women. after that you are in for life as a reservist. land, that was there theirs, equal rights. would palestinians have the right to vote? same rights at israelis? the occupied west bank is under israeli military control. would that become under civilian control? these are a few of the very difficult questions that will have to be answered. walking us through what it all could mean. i want to bring in former senator joe leiberman, form als special correspondent, and bureau chief, and still with us as well.
senator, i want to start with you. a snippet of what we heard from prime minister netanyahu. we will talk about it on the other side. here it is. the great opportunity for peace comes from a regional approach from involving our new-found arab partners in the pursuit of a broader peace and peace with the palestinians. i look forward to discussing this in greater detail with you mr. president. i think that if we work together, we have a shot. what does it sound like to you? a recognition of reality. the major conflicts in the middle east are sunni verse
shi ite and isis, and the arab nations sharing a lot of opinions with israel, mostly about iran. there is a new reality. the arab nations are closer to israel. there is an opportunity to build on that. in my opinion. that close relationship between the arabs and israelis will not go public, if you will, unless there is progress within the israelis and the palestinians. that gets us back to the two-state solution. the two-state solution, i want to say quickly, is not the goal. the goal is peace. between israelis and palestinians, and hopefully, israelis and arabs, up until now, the general feeling has been, you can t do it. you can t achieve peace unless there is some respect for the rights of the palestinians, whatever the nature of that
state may be. if you abandon that concept, i don t think there is a lot of chance for peace between israelis and palestinians soon. i hope i am wrong. we heard in the news conference or before the news conference, the cia director meeting in the west bank with palestinia palestinians. they are trying to get ahead between the loving between the israelis and united states, the palestinians must be looking at this with great concern. this was to reassure them their interests would not be ignored. this weekend be the end of the two-state solution. there is not like there has been negotiations for a one-state solution. in the absence of success of looking for a two-state solution, it will be one large state as israeli continues to
settle large parts of the land. there is no chance that israel, who controls the land will ever agree to a one man, one vote situation in that piece of territory. while i have you talk about the dumpster fire that appears to be raging at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. are you a long-time member of the so-called washington establishment. how do you characterize the first 27, 28 days of the trump administration? unprecedented. tumultuous, president trump is so different from anybody we have had as president in modern times and committed to change. what has happened, beyond the changes that he has talked about and tried to begin to implement through executive orders, is the
hint of scandal. president getting hold of it, he would benefit as much as anybody as a credible, independent investigation in the first instance of the contacts with russia. we know from american government intelligence conclusions, law enforcement, that the russians were hacking and trying to effect the outcome of our election last november. now, we have these connections between general flynn who now left and others in the campaign. we don t know what the nature of those connections were. whether it was worth listening to, it is not time to reach conclusions yet. it is profound questions.
it is in president trump s, so he can get answers to them to governor the way he said he would governor. which questions would you be asking specifically, do you believe it is an instance that requires a select committee or that intelligence committee is more than capable of handling something like this? i have a lot of respect for both committee committee, they get a quick run at this. a special committee would be best. in order to be done. you have the separate investigation going on now through the fbi, and that is not going to be done soon either. so, this is a cloud that will hang overhead. the media is not going to level it go. it runs the risk of distracting the administration from doing
what they said they were going to do, including getting the economy going again. do you think the national security advisor could call his counterpart in russia, without the president instructing him to do that or the senior members of the staff. remember, they weren t in office yet. general flynn, as part of the transition. of course, it is all quite suspicious. i haven t seen the transcripts of those conversations, fblg, it happened around the time that president obama imposed sanctions on russia because of the case they tried to effect our election. i don t want to run to a conclusion. he wasn t in the white house. he wasn t next to the president. if he did it on his own, that was reason enough to wonder whether he was ready to be national security advisor.
mr. fletcher, good to have you back in the building as well. i will be around. new calls for an investigation into precisely who knew what, when did they know it, when it comes to michael flynn and dealings with russia. republican, tom cole will join me at the other side.
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growing number of republicans are calling for an investigation into general mike flynn s resignation to determine precisely what the white house ties are with russia. moments ago, president trump talked about the issue during a joint news conference with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. michael flynn, general flynn is a wonderful man. i think he has been treated very, very unfairly by the media. as i call it, the fake media, in many cases. papers are being leaked. things are being leaked. criminal action. i think it is very, very unfair, what happened to general flynn, the way he was treated and the documents and papers that were illegal, i stress that illegally leaked. republican congressman tom cole of oklahoma, is a senior member of the house, thank you for making time this afternoon. is that issue here? the issue the leaks or is it
more complex than that? i think it is more complex than that. i had the opportunity to interact with general flynn a number of times i have a lot of respect for him. he served the country with disstinkz. i am sorry this happened. at the end of the day, there are serious questions, he deliberately or accidently mislead the vice president. there is a lot of controversy. i think the appropriate vehicle would be the intelligence committee, if someone thought it was illegal, the judiciary would be the appreciate place. explore and investigate it, have a thorough and professional investigation, and give general flynn a chance to tell the story. when, i don t have any questions about his patriotism.
my question would be, you know, where you forthcoming with the vice president, and why not? national security advisor, i don t have any problems with him talking to other countries, that is their job. preparing transition is appropriate. even if he was talking about the sanctions? it depends on how it is phrased or what you say. we did not have a lot of diplomats expelled. that was a good thing, i think it is appropriate to be talking to people. it is not appropriate to mislead the vice president or members of the administration. they have to know what is happening. for whoever reason, honest and forthcoming, explain it straight up. he is not there now. that does suggest that there was a loss of confidence in the white house and his judgment. according to vice president mike pence s press secretary, the white house kept the vice president in the dark for at
least two weeks. at least two weeks, about what it knew with regard to general flynn. does the sidelining of vice president pence, does that erode trust in this administration at all? i don t think so. there is a difference between sidelining and checking out something. just because you have been told something, doesn t mean it is true it intelligence can be inaccurate. you are dealing with an attorney general, the member of the preceding administration. i am not suggesting that she would do anything untoward. you don t know the source. you don t have a high degree of faith in it if you are thinking through your options, that is fine. in the end, the president did the right thing. came to then t handle the situation appropriately. and got the resignation.
i don t know if you have had the opportunity at the press conference. when asked about it at the news conference, in addition to blaming the media, said it was connected to the defeat of hillary clinton. and it was a bit bizarre. hearing him explain it. to be fair, the only thing i have heard is the clip you played before i came on. i wouldn t agree with that clip. something went wrong here. that is yet national security advisor is the ex-national security advisor. that isn t the media s fault. no matter what administration you belong to, that is a fact you have to deal with in this town. the president made the right decision. i am sure it was a tough decision. if someone that you have faith in, that is your friend, a
strong supporter, i don t blame the president for taking a couple of weeks to think it through, double check the facts, then he acted. did the right thing. paul mannafort, the former campaign manager is out, amid ties and concerns about ties to russia. are you at all concerned about this administration s connection to russia? no. i look at general maddis, and rex it tillerson. my view is tougher, as we should say, about valdimir putin and russia, the previous two administrations came n trying to set things with russia. i don t think it will happen. again, i tend to be more guarded on this.
i don t think that i do believe the russians tried to manipulate the election, i don t think they were successful. you pay attention. calls growing louder for an independent investigation. the standing committee system would be sufficient. we look at the political fall-out. and the white house, that appears to be in chaos. our panel of experts after this. !
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for longer lasting one chewable tablet try duo fusion from the makers of zantac the fall out over michael flynn s dismissal, continues to dominate washington today. we bring in the national security analyst, former secretary of defense malcomb nance, and let me start with you evelyn. we heard from president trump, talking about the controversy, blaming the media and leaks as
well. what do you make of that? i think, look, if president trump has something to hide, day one of his presidency, would have been, i want to look at how russia influenced the elections. there were carter page, the guy going back and forth, roger stone, the guy who tweeted right before the hacks of john of the campaign advisor to secretary clinton. he alerted the world to it. there were a lot of questions swirling around already. president trump has not chosen to do that. that opens up the line of questions about what his involvement with russia is. we haven t seen tax papers, why he refuses to say a bad word
about valdimir putin, why his party line, his foreign policy, we are unclear what it is across the board. when it comes to russia, it seems, no matter what, he wants to cooperate. he doesn t want to say anything negative. it raises too much suspicious. malcomb, you have been on the record with trump aides and intelligence officials communitied with each other, during the campaign. what do we know about the communication? what do we know about the content of that communication? well, as you know, i wrote a book about this five months ago. having worked at nsa, i will stick what i know from the new york times. what they said, over the last year, several of these personnel on the campaign, the only named
person was paul manafort were in direct communication with those recognized at russian intelligence officers, this was multiple contacts, and done, obviously, it was collected through nsa, under the jurisdiction of the fbi. where they monitored their communications and apparently, have some definitive information these people were either being handled or unwitting assets of russian intelligence, and were bringing their views to the white house. you know, what is most important to understand here is, that donald trump s loving embrace or moscow has never been adequately explained. it has to be explained. does he owe them money? what is the impetus why he
believes that foreign policy is until that is done, it moves on from suspicious to sinister. those are the pish suspicious, moves on from suspicious to sinister. what s the end game for putin for russia here? what would their motivation be? can i if i could, i wanted to put it in that bigger con tek conte context, we don t think we re at war with russia but the way the russians defei feigfine their w on operation cyber offensive against us, fake news, harassing our diplomats in moscow. across the board, they have r.t., their propaganda network broadcasting here in the united states. the russians believe they re already at war with us. it s a war without bullets so far. and i think it s really important for us to wake up and understand that and the president needs to publicly acknowledge that because i think it s very dangerous for the american people to be under the illusion that somehow we can be
friends with russia, when they view us as their adversary. jonathan that s right. i want to talk to you about new reporting you have with regards to steve bannon. steve bannon, of course, senior adviser, i forget his official title there in the white house, but he certainly has the ear of the president, perhaps more than just about anybody else in the west wing depending on who you believe. chief strategist is his official title. what can you tell us about this explosion that he had on a breitbart reporting? so there s a mythology that steve bannon is conducting all of his warfare through breitbart at the moment. look, you can say a lot of things about steve bannon but he s not an idiot and we know that he s very acutely sensitive to the fact that people think that breitbart news is a proxy for his views, and he s also acutely sensitive to the story line that there s this cold war between him and the chief of staff, reince priebus.
anyway, breitbart s matt boyle, washington editor, punches out a story that published yesterday, which got the attention of a lot of senior people in the white house. it was a story basically saying that reince priebus was on his last legs, and steve bannon which, you know, i reported today, far from leaking that story, a lot of people reported that, you know, it must be done with bannon s consent. he actually got boyle on the phone and it was described to me was gave him both barrels so he was furious about this and genuinely furious. i ve run this story down through a number of different channels. evelyn, malcolm, jonathan, i wish we had more time. thank you for your time this afternoon. thanks, craig. breaking news from denver. an undocumented woman, mother of three american-born children, seeking refuge in a church right now to avoid deportation. our gaudy schwartz is on the scene. we ll check in with him right after this to find out what she is doing now to avoid deportation.
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she held a news conference a few moments ago. let s get right to gadi schwartz live in denver with the latest. gadi, what can you tell us? reporter: yeah, that s news conference is still going on right now. see jeanette standing behindm e, that is ja neanette and her you daughter, siri, she s 6 years old. she was scheduled to show up for an i.c.e. check-in, after checking with her kids she decided to not run the risk of immediate deportation. i.c.e. issuing a statement saying jeanette has two misdemeanor convictions and in 201 2011 a judge originally issued a final order of deportation to mexico. she s an i.c.e. enforcement priority. her authority says the conviction was based on a 2009 incident of which jeanette was found guilty of using a fake i.d. so she could work. she s been here for 20 years. her done sattorney says there a pending stay applications in the work, one based on a u visa,
because she was a victim of a crime here in the united states. for now it appears as though a lot of those fights and those stays will take place from inside of this church where this name is now seeking sanctuary. she s behind us right now saying that she is willing to stay here as long as it takes. craig, back to you. if he is deported, gadi, what happens to those kids? reporter: well, their naur is he here in the united states so they have a support system that has been set up. there s also a big community here that has rallied around this family. just talking a little bit about that, one of the case that influenced her decision, he says, was that case that we saw in phoenix, arizona, where a family in a similar situation showed up for their i.c.e. check-in and that mother, guadeloupe garcia was deported to mexico. that s what she said inspired this today. gadi schwartz for us in a church in denver, colorado, following breaking news for us. gadi, do keep us up to speed on what s happening there.
i know you will. time now for one last look this hour at our microsoft pulse question. there was the question. can peace in the middle east be achieved in united states abandons two-state solution between israel and the palestinians? that was the question. a bit lopsided today. 97% of you say no. you still have an hour to share your thoughts, though. the pulse is still alive. that s going to do it, though, for this hour of msnbc live. my colleague, katy tur, picking things up right now. hey there, craig. thank you. breaking news from the white house. president trump says the real problem isn t his former national security adviser who lied to the administration and the american public, it s who caught him in that lie. general flynn is a wonderful man. i think he s been treated very, very unfairly by the media. the fake media in many cases. papers are being leaked, things are being leaked. it s criminal action, criminal act. people are trying to cover up for a terrible loss that the

Greater-israel , Reality , Two-state-system , Talk , Discussion , Framework , Two , Director-meeting , Change , Network , Special-correspondent , 25