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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20160909

this is cnn tonight. i m don lemon. meanwhile trump insisting he was against the iraq war from the beginning and he says his interview with esquire magazine proves it. and in august of 2004, very early in the conflict, extremely early in the conflict, right at the beginning, i made a detailed statement in an interview to esquire magazine. tonight the writer who did that interview tells me what else trump said. plus libertarian candidate gary johnson finds himself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. what would you do if you were elected about aleppo? about? aleppo. and what is aleppo? you re kidding? no. will johnson s voters jump ship and who will get their support? i want to go to executive editor mark preston. we re going to talk about that, but what a stunning moment that was. i saw it happening live. let s talk about this fallout, lots of fallout from last night s military forum, a lot of back and forth attacks today. does any of this change the state of this race? i think what it does is that it s setting up for what s going to be a very explosive first presidential debate between hillary clinton and donald trump that s going to take place in a couple weeks. the reason why is we re actually going to see these candidates now not solo standing on a stage, casting accusations about one another, they re going to have to stare at each other in the face so when it comes to issues about foreign policy, i m sure you re going to hear hillary clinton press donald trump for more specifics. we didn t see that from drfrp hast night. on the issue of e-mails, it won t be a moderator, it will be donald trump pushing hillary clinton on the e-mails so not only will their answers be interesting but i think their body language is really going to be telling, don. and their high expectations, especially from hillary clinton. according to this new cnn/orc poll, americans say they expect hillary clinton to outperform donald trump. 63% think donald trump will do better. what can we expect? you said they re going to be face to face with eechl other. this is going to be fireworks. and we only have to go back four years to see how important they are. at that time, mitt romney was losing to barack obama in the polls and he came out and a lot of people thought barack obama was rusty and mitt romney really cleaned his clock politically during that debate and for a few days anyway changed the course of that race. so these debates are really going to mean a lot and don, while we have been focused on this presidential race, the whole country is now focused on this race. this debate is going to air on every television network, practically, so you can see upwards of 100 million people tuning in to this debate so that s why there s a lot on the line. now i want to turn to what donald trump really said about the iraq war and when he said it. cnn s tom foreman breaks it down. don, donald trump has attacked hillary clinton for supporting the war in iraq while saying he opposed it strongly quite early on. and as evidence, he points to a profile of himself in esquire magazine. this is a quote. absolute quote. look at the war in iraq and the mess that we re in. it s right after the war started. i would never have handled it that way. does anybody really believe that iraq is going to be a wonderful democracy where people are going to run down to the voting box and gently put in their ballot and the winner is happily going to step up and to lead the country? so, when did trump tell the magazine those words? let s go to the time line and we ll start with september of 2002, when there was a lot of talk about a possible war and trump was on the howard stern show. this is what he said. invading iraq? i guess so. i wish it was i wish the first time it was done correctly. so, we move through the holidays, and we move into march, march 20, the ground war begins and the very next day, trump says that it looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint. but less than a week later, he tells the washington post, the war s a mess. what changed? well, there were a lot of successes but there were some casualtied, an american servicewoman was captured, maybe that was it, but we do know by september, this is what he was saying. trump said, it wasn t a mistake to fight terrorism and fight it hard and i guess maybe if i had to do it, i would have fought terrorism but not necessarily iraq. so, where is that strong condemnation from esquire magazine? you have to go past the end of 2003 and deep into 2004, all the way to august before those statements were made. and a lot of people were now speaking out against the war, so we know this. trump was for the war before it started. we know that he did say some things early on against the war, but that strong condemnation that he said came right after the war started actually came a year and a half into the fighting, almost. by that time, as we said, a lot of people were against it. esquire magazine was pushing this out online today as proof of what they say is trump s continued lying. we re going to have to agree with them on that and say in terms of his strong condemnation right after the war started, that is false. thank you, sir. appreciate that. here to discuss, cal fussman, he interviewed donald trump for that article and mark preston back with me as well. so, cal, thank you so much for joining us. i really appreciate it. trump has been using your 2004 interview with him in esquire magazine as proof that he opposed the war. you heard him today, but your piece didn t come out until almost a year and a half after the fighting began. what do you make of it all? it s almost impossible to register how startaled i am by all of this. the interesting thing is, he went on a rant about that war, and when he finished, my first thought was, wow, i think this is going to make some news. little did i know it was going to take 12 years to do so. so, this is all startling to me. and listen, you guys, as tom foreman has said, you know, you pushed it out again today, there s an editor s note that goes along with it and says, the following story was published in august of 2004 issue of esquire during the 2016 presidential election, donald trump has repeatedly claimed to be against the iraq war from the beginning and he has cited the story as proof. the iraq war began in march to have 2012, more than a year before this story ran, thus nullifying trump s time line but he said again this was proof that he was against the war, again, a year and a half after the war started. this was supposed to be a light, fun piece, a concept was, what it feels like to be donald trump. would you have ever thought that this man would really be running for president and would have made it this far? because the thing on the side says, how i would run the country. that was the original article. did you think he would ever make it this far, cal? it s shocking to me, although at the end of the story, he says, what am i going to do next? i don t know. but to give you the set-up of how it all came about, this issue was about what it feels like, and so my job was to go in and ask him what it was like to be donald trump. and his point was, he looks at life in one question, how would i handle that. if he goes into a pharmacy and he needs shaving cream, he looks at all of the cans of shaving cream, looks at the prices, at the contents, and he makes the best purchase. if he s watching a basketball game, he s wondering, what i whooi did they take carmelo anthony third in the 2003 draft, and then he got to iraq and he went on a rant, and everything he said really seemed to make sense at the time. i wasn t thinking, like, this was a presidential interview. i didn t walk in saying, well, mr. trump, let s get down business. it was a very light, fun time. in fact, in the middle of it, regis phil bin called up and said, look at this, trump is pushing me off the screen. so it was a very funny, loose hour, and i could have no idea that, what, 12 years later, he d be up on stage saying, who s going to build the wall and people would be shouting, mexico. it s just a whole it s startling to me. and you can see if you put the cover back up, sort of was tongue in cheek, he s wearing the gold chains, sort of popular culture, and then again it was titled, what it s like to be me. you talked about more things that he would do as president that didn t make it into the interview, like what? well, i think a lot of it had to do with what he s saying now about, like, trade imbalances and it was all business-related where he thought that america was getting screwed by foreign countries and he wasn t going to let it happen anymore. it was it s the same sort of rhetoric you re getting now, only then, it was more about two guys sitting and just throwing ideas back and forth. now it s serious. yeah. what do you say to him, if you had the opportunity to be face to face with him or talk to him over the phone or however, about using your article as proof that, you know, he was against the war when, you know, it was actually a year and a half after the war started? what would you say to him? well, here s the thing about it. i don t know exactly when donald s thoughts crystallized and put him in a place where he s saying, i am against this war. so, it s hard for me to know, outside of what i heard in the howard stern interview, which was on september 11, 2002, it s hard for me to know when his mind made that switch, although i just saw on your time line, you know, there were several interviews where he was saying different things. so, i can see why he s clinging to that story, which the interview took place in late spring 2004, i can see why he s clinging to it. but it s impossible for me to know when those thoughts really started. so, i could see why he s saying it. and i can also see why even esquire came out today and was saying that, you know, this nullifies those claims, because he was saying other things beforehand. it s it s i kind of get it. from both sides. and i i it s hard for me to explain to you how, like, startling this thing is. if you were in the room with me, in the spring in 2004, and hearing regis over the speakerphone and this very convivial interview turning into a parsing of sentences and dates, it s just hard for me to imagine how all this happened. i d like somebody to explain to me, how did this happen? and you re the person who s involved in the interview. mark, so, that s a good question. mark, how the heck did this happen? how the heck do i know? i mean, listen, the bottom line is, we don t know how and why donald trump makes decisions and how he goes back and forth and, look, we only have to look at his biggest policy issue, the one that propelled him, really, to win the republican nomination or certainly one of the major components, that was building the wall with a big beautiful door and sending home 11 undocumented workers, but hey guess what, i m going to change my mind on that but no, i didn t really change my mind on that. even the last week or, so we ve seen him flip-flop back and forth on that issue, so donald trump, i do think that he s certainly a person, and perhaps this is the way that he has conducted himself throughout his life, but he seems to be a person that, whatever he says, he believes himself and he kind of sticks to that, and he wants everyone else to follow suit. and i think that s what we ve seen in this presidential campaign, perhaps that s what we re seeing with this iraq war vote. but don, i would say this. i don t think he s going to back down off the iraq war vote because he s trying to use that, really, as a wedge and really a big political liability against hillary clinton, certainly in her judgment when it comes to foreign policy and making big, you know, decisions to the safety and security of the nation. well, it s important for both candidates, facts do matter, and this one just does not weigh out in donald trump s favor with the time line and with his own words. thank you, gentlemen. i appreciate it. cal, thank you very much. when we come back, trump refuses to change his tune on iraq, but what do voters think about all of this? donald trump visiting cleveland today to talk about education but devoting a lot of his speech to talk about the war in iraq. here is major general james spider marks and counter terrorism analyst buck sexton uh and andre bauer, he supports donald trump. i want to talk about donald trump s false claims that he has been against the war from the start. he doubled down again today. listen. before the war, much closer to the war, i gave statements that we shouldn t go in and shortly thereafter, immediately thereafter, and honestly, a lot of reporters said, hey, right at the beginning, he made this statement. and that statement was a very major story in esquire magazine. soy ju so i just wanted to set the record straight. there is so much lying going on. and hillary clinton lied last night about numerous things, including her e-mail, but she also lied about this. general marks, what s your take on this? yeah, well, i must say there are a lot of people that are finding religion on the legitimacy of the war in iraq. my concern is that this is just more of mr. trump s ability and proclivity to say what s on his mind and not to be supported by facts. that s what concerns me, primarily. you know, don, when i watched with great interest his national security speech, and frankly, he said all the right things, you know, the military needs to be stronger, larger, etc. however, what he said has been said hundreds of times before. this is a campaign promise. you really have to lead with some real legitimacy and with tradeoffs. very interested in the tradeoffs and i very much want to hear what hillary clinton has to say on the very same subject, and i doubt it will be too dissimilar. so, my concern is he has this tendency and he needs to back away from it, because he s going to be he s being called on it as a matter of routine. why do you think he s insisting on this false claim? because he likes to double down on things. he doesn t like to change his mind once he s set it in one direction. everything the general said is fair and accurate. i think this was the weakest moment in trump s plfrps. i think hillary clinton had some weak moments too, like if something isn t marked classified in a header, it isn t classified. she knows better than is that. why is donald trump saying this? because he finds it to be a useful talking point, maybe he ll back away from it but given what he s done in the past, this seems to be something he s going to stay with. he was a private citizen, however, and i think he can say that he didn t vote for the war, it doesn t really matter all that much and when he decided, as you had that guest on before, kwhe decided to be for or against the war is really anybody s guess. why say it? if he s a private citizen yeah, he shouldn t say it, don. i wish he wouldn t. andre, you said that you re not sure if it really matters what his position is because it shouldn t matter, don t you think, that he admits the truth? especially if he s going to keep calling hillary clinton out for her falsehoods as well. she does have her own. looking back, he was a private citizen with no intel briefings whatsoever, and what howard stern asked him that question, it wasn t unequivocally, yeah, i think we ought to go to war. it was like, well, um, uh guess so. so it s a john q. citizen, no other information, talking about a total, you know, wide range of topics and this is one. aren t you making a point against him because he didn t say either way? he goes, yeah, if anything, you re making the point against him because he s saying, yeah, i guess so. if he had said, i guess not, then i would understand your point. but he was saying, i guess so, so in some to sit wacit way, he saying, yes, i support the war. it is an important take away because the whole point of it was that the moderator did not fact check them on certain issues. this is one of them. right. well, the other one, which i already brought up was hillary s completely preposterous claims. i know with the e-mails. why does trump do these things? i don t think anybody has a good answer but a hello lot of people don t really care. hillary clinton was a sitting u.s. senator who voted for the authorization to go to war in iraq, that s a much more momentous and important thing and now she says she was wrong, she does say that. i get it. but i m just saying for donald trump, this is on the list of things that he says, this is pretty low in terms of level of importance. but every single time to the general s point that he made at first that donald trump can say things that are not true and people continue to gloss over it. he says so many things if you look at the fact checks that are not true and then every single time, someone like you will come on the air and say, well, it doesn t matter. well, hillary lies a lot too. not as much as look at fact checks. we re getting we re slicing the onion pretty thin. hillary clinton lies a lot less. she s been gone for so long, nobody could ask her a question. the bar s been set very low in this election for truth. don, let me jump in just for a second. the issue is that we probably shouldn t be talking about this. donald trump has offered up enough falsehoods and has thrown not only bromides but a fit as a matter of routine and we should talk about those things that really matter. his statement about putin is totally out of bounds. you know, putin talked well about me, so i m going to talk well about him. what is this, high school? that s absolutely crazy talk. he also talked about dumping the generals. first of all, i guess if he is the commander in chief, that s totally can i play part of that, when he talks about the generals and being rubble? listen to this. rubble. rubble. reduced to rubble. i think under the leadership of barack obama and hillary clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble. they have been reduced to a point where it s embarrassing for our country. go ahead, general. i just want to get that in so the audience can hear. well, this isn t about me, but let me tell you, i take that personally. i was one of those guys. i don t think at any point i was reduced to rubble. and i think the leadership we have today and the military that we have today is unmatched in our history. the leaders of the finest, the troops are the finest and the kit is the finest. don t talk to me about the number of troops that we need to have or the number of ships or airplanes. that is a non seq. sec wi tir. talk to me, mr. potential president, at the policy level, from that i can derive strategy and tactics and what the force structure needs to look like. don t come up and say, i need x number of ships and airplanes and by the way, it s the smallest since before world war ii. that s a false comparison. let s talk about what we are trying to achieve at the policy level. i want predictability from a president, and then we can figure out all that we, the leadership in the military and the national security staff can figure out all that stuff. i want calmness. i want measured approaches. i want our allies to be emboldened and our enemies to take a heck of a lot of pause and frankly, i want them scared because they are not they, our enemies, are concerned about what this president has said he s going to do with clarity and with purpose. that s what we need. buck, i have to wrap it up. if you can do it quickly. five seconds is really quick. everything the general said is true. i think that trump really mostly misspoke there. i think what he meant is the general s opinions have been reduced to rubble. i don t think he was trying to defame our generals. don t you understand that every single time, whether it s hillary clinton or donald trump, if every single surrogate comes on and says, oh, that doesn t matter, it s not true i already told you trump shopt say the first thing. everybody says it s not important, no one cares, but i think everyone should care about every single untruth that either candidate and i haven t had a chance to talk about anything hillary said. that seems bizarre. that s not bizarre because we talked a lot about what hillary says. maybe we have you here just to talk about donald trump. maybe there are other people who come on and talk about hillary clinton. it makes me sad? did i hear that? makes me sad on the inside, general. thank you for your service, sir. thank you, appreciate it. when we come back, the libertarian candidate is in the spotlight tonight for all the wrong reasons. this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let s get comfortable with our food again. rudy giuliani says donald trump now believes that president obama was born here in the u.s. here to discuss, john phillips, a trump supporter, also andy dean, bakari sellers, a hillary clinton supporter and democratic strategist maria cardona, also a hillary clinton supporter. so the former new york city mayor, rudy giuliani, in a heated exchange with chris matthews now saying that donald trump believes president obama was born in the u.s. take a look. couple of his people, including his vice presidential running mate, mike pence, the governor of indiana have come out and said they believe that president obama is a rejust a minutely elected president of the united states. in other words, he was born in the united states. do you confirm that? do you agree with that? i confirm that and donald trump now confirms that. you know, hillary clinton -when did he do that? he did that two years ago. three years ago. when did he he has now accepted that birtherism was nonsense? when did he do that? chris, hillary clinton s campaign he did not do that yet. i m waiting for him to do that. hillary clinton s campaign was the first one to bring up the fact that there was a question. where did they do that? donald trump has said that. give me an example of when they did that. has hillary clinton ever accused the president of being foreign born ever? her campaign did during the primary. hillary for president campaign did this? no, it didn t. there s no evidence that hillary clinton i was always responsible. i want to know when you believe that your candidate for president believes he would succeed a legitimate president or not? donald trump believes now that he was born in the united states. but that issue was raised originally that issue was raised originally. when is he going to say that this president is legitimate? this is a fundamental question, mr. mayor. is the president of the united states legitimate or not? he do you believe it? if you believe it, why doesn t your candidate sfat it? i believe it, he believes it, we all believe it. are you speaking for donald trump tonight on live television? are you saying, for him, i m saying he s about to buckle and say finally is that barack obama is the legitimate president of the united states? he is the one that got him to finally produce the bifrt certificate. hillary clinton s campaign first raised this issue. he picked this up from hillary clinton when she was viciously attacking him. can you commit to your candidate saying within the next 24 hours that president obama s a legitimate president? can you commit for him that he will say that? he has said it already. just go back and look. and the fact is no, he hasn t. that is an issue that was originally introduced you re wrong on the facts, mr. mayor. every once in a while, i am, but i think he did. wow. andy, does that was very interesting. does donald trump now believe president obama was born in the u.s.? by the way, it s rough watching msnbc. even while we re on cnn, that is just brutal. but i will tell you this, don. is that donald trump was the only one that was able to get barack obama andy, can you just please answer my question and then you can extrapolate, expound, whatever you want. i will. i will. yes. he does, okay. yes, okay. so, donald trump was the only one that got him to produce a long form birth certificate which shows his negotiating power. hang on. point by point. andy, it s going to be you and i just for a moment. point by point. why was it necessary? why are you thinking that is some sort of point, you know, that you win points for getting someone to produce their birth certificate when he was wrong about having him to produce it anyway? well, look. there were questions, and remember, he was born right around the time where hawaii even became a state. so there was a question about that. there was a question look, i m just telling you the reality. but you guys make it seem like this is an anti-obama thing or a racial thing. he did the exact same no one said race. i just asked you a question. that s the underlying thing. we re not dumb here. i never said that. i just asked you a simple question. that s a lot of the birther stuff, they make it into a race thing. ted cruz, who was born in canada, trump was harder on ted cruz than he ever was on barack obama s birth certificate and ted cruz is a white guy from texas who s a canadian. but ted cruz admitted that he was born in canada and it was known that he was born in canada. that could have been disqualifying and should have been disqualifying. president obama said all along that he was born in hawaii and not born in kenya. correct. we just wanted to see the long form birth certificate. trump got it. end of story. and by the way, i do have to say, bakari, i m going let you jump in here. i do have to say that it has been fact checked over and over and over again, the hillary clinton campaign did not start birtherism. it may have been started by supporters of hers through an e-mail, but there is no official evidence anywhere that hillary clinton had anything to do with birtherism. she has spoken out about that as well and said that she believes the president was born in the united states. bakari. we all believe he s an american who was born here. i just i mean, and just to kind of piggyback on what andy was saying, just last year, donald trump actually sent out a tweet and then again stated it, that he didn t even feel as if the birth certificate was real. and so whatever andy s saying about the fact that he got him to show his long form birth certificate or whatever, it actually doesn t even hold water when you realize that donald trump is still a man who said that his birth certificate doesn t even appear to be real t. frustrating part for me is that usually i parse my words and try to be so politically correct, but on this issue, donald trump is just plainly a coward. what he attempted to do and what he s done in his own eyes, in his supporters eyes is delegitimize the first african-american president we ve had in the united states of america and for me to see him delegitimize the first african-american president and then attempt to go and woo black votes, it just doesn t survive very well. that s unfair. and it s very, very difficult for me to sit here and have someone who s running for president of the united states just exude so much cowardice when it comes to the delegitimatization of the first african-american president of the united states and i hope in the next 24 hours, rudy giuliani s just flatout lying, donald trump s never refuted his birtherism or stood up and said that barack obama is an american citizen and the fact that we have to have this argument in 2016 is disappointing to say the least. do you think that since he s now courting the black vote, do you think you ll see donald trump come out and say what rudy giuliani said, that he does believe president obama was born in the u.s.? one of the things that i m envious of president obama over, being born in hawaii. i think this is on virtually nobody s mind except for maybe chris matthews here. that s not true. it s on every it s on every black voter s mind. no. he did is the same thing in the republican primary with ted cruz. john and bakari, hold on. john, you re doing the same thing when you say voters don t care that donald trump is lying or voters don t care that hillary clinton is lying. voters don t care about taxes. you re doing the same thing. voters do actually care, especially african-american voters about the birther issue. there are polls that rank the issues of importance among voters. this is not in the top five. but it is important. when you re courting black voters. john, john, why don t you you have two black voters you have two black voters right here with you, john. you have two black voters right here, me and don. let s poll it. does it matter? it matters to me. it matters to don. so you re outnumbered. did he do it in the primary to ted cruz? yes or no? it s not the same thing. we know that ted cruz was not born in this country. it is absolutely not the same thing. ted cruz was not born in this country. so he s getting in their head. that s what he does. he was accusing president obama of not being a legitimate american citizen and therefore delegitimizing his presidency. it is absolutely not the same thing that he did to ted cruz. he was saying because ted cruz was born in canada, that there is yes, he was questioning his ability to serve in office. whether or not he could be president, not that he was that s what he does, he gets in people s mades. this is more than getting in people s heads. this is actually, i think, now backfiring with him and clearly we have seen the polls with african-american voters. let me rephrase the question, then. do you think that because he wants the black vote and because african-americans, whether you think it s a big issue or not, because african-americans think it is a big issue. it is at the top of their minds. it may not be the number one issue, jobs, like everybody else, supporting your family, health care, all of that. that s at the top. but it is somewhere along the lines. and it may stop them from supporting donald trump. should he talk about this and apologize for being wrong on this issue, for his actions on this issue? look, i don t know why he s doing it. i ve never believed in this conspiracy theory. i believe it is a conspiracy theory. i think it s been very clear from long ago that president obama was born in hawaii. if you look at the polls, yeah, he s doing poorly among african-american voters right now, but he s doing better in recent polls than mitt romney or john mccain did in 2008 or 2012. but if you want to know why he s doing it now, you ll have to ask him. that s not true. he s not doing better than those. anyway, we ll discuss. we ll be right back. he is in the cnn poll. all right. we ll be right back. this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let s get comfortable with our food again. and we re back with a very dull panel. i want to talk to you guys, this is about let s talk about gary johnson, the libertarian candidate this morning. look at this. what would you do if you were elected about aleppo? about? aleppo. and what is aleppo? you re kidding? no. aleppo is in syria. it s the epicenter of the refugee crisis. okay, got it. got it. okay. well, with regard to syria, i do think that it s a mess. is this disqualifying as a presidential nominee? bakari, you first. no. i mean, it s not disqualifying. you forget that donald trump didn t even understand that russia had annexed crimea or what the nuclear triad was, so i think that would be disqualifying as well. but i am quite disappointing in gary johnson, because i m a huge proponent of the dicriminalization of marijuana, not quite the legalization and i think he set that movement back just years. i heard lindsey graham say it earlier, but he set it back years, if not decades, but his statement today and not proving that he could kind of show up when he needed to. john, do you think this is disqualifying? sorry, maria. well, we ve spent so much time talking about bifrts, i m a birther, i m gary johnson, i want to see his birth certificate because i think it will say, none of the above as his actual name. because let s be honest. that s the role that he s playing in this campaign. he s not a viable candidate. but the answer to my question is, do you think it s disqualifying? it s a big enough gaffe? no, because look, if you were to if jimmy kimmal were to ask that duo people at hollywood and highland, maybe one out of a hundred would get it. they re not running for president. the reason why misspelling potato was so damaging to dan quail is because everyone can do it. i don t think people will hold this against him as a disqualifying sort of moment. i think he s there because he s occupying the real estate of none of the above because the negatives of both trump and hillary are so high. maria, sorry to interrupt. go ahead. so, i don t think it s disqualifying because as bakari said, and i was mentioning this to you, donald trump has had those moments as well, and yes, they are embarrassing and yes, they underscore why some of these candidates actually don t have the experience and don t have the knowledge to be commander in chief. but i have to say, i admire gary johnson for doing one thing. for owning it. and for saying, yes, he should have been more prepared. he apologized, he should have known this. let s watch this. he owned it and he moved forward. he did that. this is him on the view. no excuse. i was thinking in terms of acronym, aleppo. that was no excuse whatsoever. i think it s a disqualifying statement, frankly. fair enough. i will say that it is a process, and i respect the process, and for those that believe this is a disqualifier, so be it. never heard a candidate say that. that was pretty big of him. he has likability. that s honesty. i mean, that s a big takes a big person to admit you re wrong and you apologize. especially when you contrast with somebody like donald trump who has never in his life apologized for anything and probably never will. especially when he short circuited, right? you can tell, by the way, that gary johnson is actually lying about the acronym part because if you watch that clip over again and he says, what is aleppo? and then the gentleman says, it s in syria. if you look at the wide shot, he s still not sure what s going on. he just didn t know aleppo was in syria and then the commenter explains a little bit more, that it s the epicenter of the refugee crisis and he s like, now i should talk about syria. but if you watch that clip again, he did not know, it s very clear, that aleppo was in syria, which is reinforces the fact that he s an isolationist and he s not ready on foreign policy issues. donald trump didn t know who the leader of hezbollah was. i wouldn t go there if i were you, andy. gary johnson is his biggest enemy, sadly, and he s actually an interesting guy, he s climbed mount everest, but he lacks chris ma and knowledge. so does your candidate. he s a pure isolationist. donald trump s got tons of charisma and tons of energy, that s why the american public loves him. not a lot of knowledge. people were pretty surprised that he did own it and say, i m sorry, i screwed up, and in this political climate right now. that s a rarity. very big of him. yeah, but rick perry owned remember, rick perry owned his massive error. i m not saying he s going to win. not to say that, but for someone to be on that on the stage, finally gaining some traction, and to go on national television and say you know what, i screwed up, i m sorry, i was wrong. that s pretty big of him. i don t see candidates doing that. rarely, rarely if ever see candidates do that, especially in this election. very refreshing gary johnson is still we re going to talk about foot in mouth disease. we ll be right back. ow. are you okay? yeah, i just got charged for my credit monitoring. that s how i know it s working. ah. you know you can go on and check it out there. it s completely free. really? yeah oh, that didn t hurt at all. yeah, completely painless. credit karma. give yourself some credit. approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you re sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that s where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesn t, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you ve learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. that s what it means to go long™. call now and request this free decision guide. it s full of information on medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. unitedhealthcare insurance company has over thirty years experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. so call now and discover how an aarp medicare supplement plan could go long™ for you. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. remember, medicare doesn t cover everything. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. libertarian candidate gary johnson has made the question, what is aleppo infamous but he is far from the first presidential candidate to be publicly embarrassed by being stumped. cnn s jeanne moos has the cringe worthy classics. reporter: we dare you to try and look away even if you ve seen it ten times already. what would you do if you were elected about aleppo? and what is aleppo? you re kidding? no. reporter: the exchange instantly gave birth to #what is aleppo, granted 11 out of 14 people we asked on the street couldn t identify the syrian city at the epicenter of the refugee crisis. what is aleppo? i have no idea. i don t know, but i know the libertarian candidate got it wrong and i don t know it either. one of those animals? not an animal. reporter: speaking of animals, someone tweeted, donald trump probably wouldn t know the difference between aleppo and alpo, but when you re criticizing someone for screwing up, you better be sure you don t screw up yourself. a former u.s. ambassador to iraq called libertarian johnson aleppo johnson, then proceeded to mischaracterize aleppo. but the capital of isis. reporter: actually, the isis capital is raqqa, not aleppo. the new york times made the same mistake, then printed a correction, then a correction to the correction. candidates hate what they consider to be gotcha questions, though then governor bush gave as good as he gotcha. can you name the president of csechnya? no, can you. reporter: it was more like what happened to sara pallen. do you agree with the bush doctrine? in what respect, charlie? and when herman cain was asked if he agreed with president obama on libya. libya. reporter: the silence was deafening. what wasn t twirling in rick perry s head was the third department he s eliminate. gary johnson said he first thought aleppo was an acronym i blanked, but trying to guess could be worse. would it be a disease? reporter: one tweet formed johnson s gaffe as if it were jeopardy, a three-word sentence meaning, end of campaign, johnson, what is aleppo. trebec sighing, that is correct, gar. reporter: jeanne moos, cnn. and what is aleppo? reporter: new york. only jeannie. that s it for us. i ll see you right back here tomorrow. . . . overnight, north korea conducts its largest nuclear test yet. new concern over the fast paced nuclear program. and donald trump going on a russian government sponsored television station to say he does not think russia is meddling in the u.s. presidential election. his appearance coming after days of criticism for his praise of russia s president. hillary clinton says she will focus more on herself and less on donald trump, but she got hard hits

New-york , United-states , Canada , Texas , Washington , California , Indiana , Syria , Aleppo , Lab , Russia , Mexico

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20170127

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class= share-icon > ata-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:00 pm data-idx= 0 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:01 pm data-idx= 1 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:02 pm data-idx= 2 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:03 pm data-idx= 3 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:04 pm data-idx= 4 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:05 pm data-idx= 5 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:06 pm data-idx= 6 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:07 pm data-idx= 7 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:08 pm data-idx= 8 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:09 pm data-idx= 9 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 20170127 030000 Hannity/start/636.4/end/648.6 data-toggle= tooltip title= 350 plays data-placement= top data-container= body > quote 7:10 pm > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:10 pm data-idx= 10 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:11 pm data-idx= 11 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:12 pm data-idx= 12 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:13 pm data-idx= 13 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:14 pm data-idx= 14 class= js-tv2-col clicked > > data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:15 pm data-idx= 15 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 0 > 0 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:16 pm data-idx= 16 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 80 > 80 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:17 pm data-idx= 17 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 40 > 40 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:18 pm data-idx= 18 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 00 > 00 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:19 pm data-idx= 19 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 60 > 60 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:20 pm data-idx= 20 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 20 > 20 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:21 pm data-idx= 21 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 80 > 80 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:22 pm data-idx= 22 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 40 > 40 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:23 pm data-idx= 23 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 00 > 00 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:24 pm data-idx= 24 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 60 > 60 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:25 pm data-idx= 25 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 20 > 20 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:26 pm data-idx= 26 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 80 > 80 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:27 pm data-idx= 27 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 40 > 40 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:28 pm data-idx= 28 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 00 > 00 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:29 pm data-idx= 29 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 60 > 60 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:30 pm data-idx= 30 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 20 > 20 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:31 pm data-idx= 31 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 80 > 80 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:32 pm data-idx= 32 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 40 > 40 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:33 pm data-idx= 33 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 00 > 00 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:34 pm data-idx= 34 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 60 > 60 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:35 pm data-idx= 35 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 20 > 20 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:36 pm data-idx= 36 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 20170127 030000 Hannity/start/2226/end/2272 data-toggle= tooltip title= 7700 plays data-placement= top data-container= body > Check 80 > 80 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:37 pm data-idx= 37 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 40 > 40 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:38 pm data-idx= 38 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 00 > 00 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:39 pm data-idx= 39 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 60 > 60 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:40 pm data-idx= 40 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 20 > 20 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:41 pm data-idx= 41 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 80 > 80 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:42 pm data-idx= 42 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 40 > 40 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:43 pm data-idx= 43 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 00 > 00 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:44 pm data-idx= 44 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 60 > 60 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:45 pm data-idx= 45 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 20 > 20 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:46 pm data-idx= 46 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 80 > 80 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:47 pm data-idx= 47 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 40 > 40 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:48 pm data-idx= 48 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 00 > 00 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:49 pm data-idx= 49 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 60 > 60 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:50 pm data-idx= 50 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 20 > 20 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:51 pm data-idx= 51 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 80 > 80 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:52 pm data-idx= 52 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 40 > 40 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:53 pm data-idx= 53 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 00 > 00 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:54 pm data-idx= 54 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 60 > 60 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:55 pm data-idx= 55 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 20 > 20 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:56 pm data-idx= 56 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 80 > 80 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:57 pm data-idx= 57 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 40 > 40 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:58 pm data-idx= 58 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 00 > 00 data-toggle= tooltip data-placement= bottom title= Play one minute from “Hannity”, starting at 7:59 pm data-idx= 59 class= js-tv2-col clicked > 60 >

New-york , United-states , Canada , Japan , Germany , North-carolina , Iran , Washington , Tel-aviv , Israel , China , Florida

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20170127

be eradicated. we will begin immediate construction of a border wall. we will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action. the time for empty talk is over. now arrives the hour of action. sean: welcome to hannity. we are in our nation s capital, washington, d.c. we will take you inside the white house for our cable exclusive interview with the w 45th president, donald j. trump. it s been a very busy week for our new commander-in-chief. earlier today, we asked president trump about his agenda, mainstream media bias, repealing and replacing obamacare, his upcoming nominee for the supreme court, fightingd isis and the job of the presidency, if it has changed him. let s take a look. sean: and mr. president, good to see you. what a week this has been. president trump: it s been a great week, we have accomplished a lot. sean: i got some time to talk with you earlier in the week. in the oval office. the thing that really stood out to me is you seem to be enjoying yourself and very focused on all the promises you made in the campaign. is it your intention to keep every promise? president trump: i m going to keep as many as i can. in politics, you make a promise and for some reason you can t,as opposition makes it impossible.l i will keep a lot of them. everyone is talking about it. we are going to do things that k said we are going to do. and we are going to take care of a lot of people that were mistreated by governments for many, many years. that s really how i won the election in the first place. you know that other than probably anybody. sean: let s talk about the policies on syria, iraq, sudan, president trump: beyond those countries. we are going to have extreme vetting for people coming in to our country and if we think there is a problem, it is not going to be so easy for people to come in anymore. you look at what s gone wrong. we can go one after another. but then you go to other countries and look at different places all over europe, what s happening with germany, it is a mess. crime is incredible. we are just not going to let that happen here. sean: would be gambling if at some point, when there is a procedure in place, if you cann: ascertain whether somebody has been radicalized or not, or whether they are treated by some of their soldiers on how to get in. does that mean no-go? if you can t see what s in theis heart? president trump: we don t want to have gambles, our country has a lot of problems. well beyond this. i found out a lot over the last week, we have serious difficulties. we don t need another difficulty. right now the fbi has over 1,000 investigations going on. 1,000. all over the place. these are people that we let in. we don t need this. we don t need this. some people have come in with evil intentions. most haven t, i guess. we can t take chances. it s a big gamble. you are throwing something up. i love this country.we we can t let this continue to happen. we have taken in tens of thousands of people. we know nothing about them. they have no how can you vet somebody when you don t know anything about them and you have no papers? you can t. on your show i ve seen they have fbi agents, all these people as experts, they say it is impossible to vet them. i don t have to see that to know that they are right. we are people in this country that will cause problems. we are going to be very tough and very, very vigilant. sean: you do not need congress now as it relates to building a wall. you said in an interview last night that you plan to do this expeditiously. that s about 700-mile of fencing. other measures as well. do you think you ll need more than that? we have to go to congress to get their support? president trump: the wall is necessary. that is not just politics. people want protection. a wall protects. all you have to do is ask israel. they were having a total disaster coming across and they had a wall. it s 99.9% stoppage. a proper wall. not a wall that is as high as they have now. they have little toy walls. on even know why they are wasting their time. i don t even know why they build a ramp. it s cheaper to knock it over. sean: impenetrable. president trump: a real wall. serious, you will have people violate it but you will have people waiting for them when they do. general kelly, a great man who just got approved very quickly by the senate recommended highly by general madison and others, he is going to be taking very good care of us, homeland security. he s going to be taking very, very good care of us. he didn t even give an order yet and all of a sudden the border started tightening up. you saw that. they talked about the borders. just by naming general kelly. sean: you announced on thursday you will make your supreme court announcement. will it be from the list that you gave out during the campaign? president trump: the answer is yes. sean: is it an originalist? president trump: i can t say that yet. i have made up my mind, mostly. i think this will be a great choice. sean: others threatening, we ve never had a supreme court justice filibuster but there is a chance that might happen. president trump: whatever happens happens. sean: would you want mitch mcconnell to use the nuclear option? president trump: we have obstructionists. what they did to jeff sessions who is a great man, a wonderful man and then they delay it another week because they have a one week delay option? that is not fair to a man. other people are delayed look at pompeo for cia. this is a great choice. everybody agrees. they delayed him a number of days also. even though he was voted on a very, very great choice. why are they doing that? they are obstructionists. i go to a meeting with them. it s supposed to be a quiet meeting. they leave the meeting and have a news conference about what i said. talking to the cameras about what exactly i said. which is fine. because i would say things that i don t mind going out on because the deal was they would talk to the press. sean: a leaking in washington? that s a shock. president trump: but 15 feet away from the door. look, these are obstructionists. sean: i don t number you saying this in the campaign. i was on the road with you quite a bit. you re not talking about a 10% reduction in spending. in other words, eliminating well, you surprised republicans before you got here, $9.7 trillion debt ceiling? president trump: sometimes you have to fuel the well in order to get the economy going. we have to take care of our military. our military is more important than a balanced budget. we have a military that is really depleted. i am negotiating the price of airplanes. can you believe that? i understand i cut off hundreds of millions of dollars off one particular plane. hundreds of millions of dollars in a short period of time. it wasn t like i spent weeks, hours, really less than ours. many hundreds of millions ofks dollars. and the plane is going to be better. sean: but you do want that 10% short of the military. president trump: i want have a strong military. to me that is much more important than anything. sean: one of the worst ways to spend money it seems is going through the washington bureaucracy. everyone has their pet project. infrastructure, the democrats want $1 trillion. i think you talked about $137 billion to start. is that something want a pay-as-you-go?rt something you would rather president trump: our country is in bad shape. we spent $6 trillion in the middle east. $6 trillion, sean. how do we do this? by the way, the middle east, i do want to be like the speech can be dark on occasion. but we spent $6 trillion. when i was interviewed last night, david muir said aren t you going to make them angry? i said i thought it was a sort of strange question. they are all angry now. the whole world is angry right now. there are such problems in theow world, such anger. we spent all of this money in the middle east and other places and in the meantime, we have to rebuild our country and infrastructure. some republicans are fine with it. some republicans don t like it. actually, the democrats probably like that more than the republicans. our roads, bridges, highways, schools, our country is in bad shape. sean: i hear yourur helicopter out there the background. you took great pride meeting with carrier, saving jobs. saving jobs in florida. general motors. president trump: we have a lot of plants, that are to be built in north carolina, pennsylvania. i ve only been here four days. they understand that if they build a plant outside of the united states, fire all of their employees, when that product, whether it is a car or air conditioner or washing machine,r when that comes through the border, it is going to be heavily taxed.r sean: you want to get rid of 75% regulation or more? president trump: by the way, we will have the same amount of protection for the consumer. this is very important to me. we will also be able to create jobs. right now you can t even start a company in this country. sean: the media, a little bit of a contentious start. i ve seen out the new york times, cnn, abc, they use the word liar to describe you.or president trump: these are very hostile, angry people. sean: they also colluded against you on the campaign. president trump: the media is very dishonest. they are very dishonest people. sean: i said journalism is dead, so we agree. president trump: never dead, but they are very dishonest people. in many cases. i get stories that are so false and so dishonest. sean: martin luther king s bust. president trump: yeah, they said it was taken out of the oval office. that is a very serious charge. they are not saying the bust is taking out, what they are saying is that i am a racist. it s a very serious charge. then it turned out the bust in fact, i got very angry at my people. i said who took the bust out? and they said it was never moved. and i said, how can they say that? a reporter said it was taken out. that s a very, very serious charge because that is a racisth charge. then, when it was revealed that they were wrong, nobody even talks about it. there s a headline, massive story, i would never do that, i have great respect for dr. martin luther king. i would never do that. but when it was revealed that it was wrong, there was no story. there has been like a line. i ll give you another example. i went to the cia, i have great respect for intelligence. i don t have any respect for the head of the cia john brennan. i did not think he was good. i ve got great respect for the cia and the people. i ve even more respect now because they showed me. they are amazing. i made a speech. i am really good at knowing that i do well or do poorly. i could not have done so poorly because i won. in your own head, you know you did great or didn t do so great. i gave a speech that really wasg a 10. i had a standing ovation like you wouldn t believe. everybody.y. it was such a success. now i see cnn and other people saying well, who was in the audience? i went there with a few people. there is nobody. it was all cia. but i heard the first row you saw a press conference, sean did a great job. i didn t even know who he was, he was saying that we stopped at the audience. i can t stack the audience of the cia. i paid great homage to the wall with the stars. and the audience was standing ovation. they are standing from the beginning. they didn t even sit down. it was one standing ovation the whole time. i get back, and fox said it was great. they treated me great. when our new person running, mike pompeo who is fantastic, he said to me the other day, it was so great. everybody loved it. when i got back, i saw the speech, they didn t like it, it wasn t respectful, it was a smattering of applause. it was like 300 350 people in the room. if i took a vote right now, i would ve won 350 to 0. even that was the main much of the media, not all of it is very, very dishonest. honestly, it is fake news. they make things up. sean: here s my thing between twitter, instagram, facebook, if we know now through wikileaks, some of theses networks were colluding with hillary clinton s campaign, to defeat you. i ve seen newspapers, two cable networks that use the word liar. my question is, does not make you want to rethink entirely how this administration will deal with the media? president trump: they are the liars. let me give you an example. when sean got up, they talked about the audience, the largest audience. i did. if you had television, all the sources, the largest audience in the history of inaugurations.. i did. they try to demean it. i d love to show you a picture, when i was in that speech, i looked out. there is a sea of people. i don t even know when that picture was taken, by the way. it wasn t taken from where i was. they take a picture from the back, from the washington monument.. a backward picture. they are so demeaning and they are so dishonest. in many cases sean: i don t remember them treating barack obama that way. president trump: they would never. he has been very nice to me, he wrote me a beautiful letter. but the martin luther king bust for example. that was a terrible thing. sean: coming up, more of mymy exclusive interview with president donald trump in the white house. i will ask him how he will repeal and replace obamacare. that, and more, as we continue from our nation s capital. ore ae from our nation s capital. we will have an ambitious legislative agenda as well. our legislative work starts with repealing and replacing obamacare and saving families from the catastrophic rise in premiums and debilitating loss of choice and just about everything else. the president is eager to get moving on this agenda and so are we.ab already, we have hit the ground running. taking the first steps to repeal and replace obamacare. obamacare is a disaster. the democrats are up and saying making signs like it s wonderful. it is a disaster. i actually talked with paul and the group about just doingng nothing for two years. the dems would come begging to do something. because 2017 is going to be catastrophic price your deductibles are through the roof. you can t use it. our priority is to give the american people a health care system that is more affordable, accessible, with more doctors, more plans. we can t every time they tell you about obamacare, we are taking them out of a big jam. out of a big .as a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, .who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service. .like our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises. we ve done well in life, with help from our advisor, we made it through many market swings. sure we could travel, take it easy. but we ve never been the type to just sit back. not when we ve got so much more to give when you have the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. ameriprise sean: welcome back to hannity, as we are outside the white house and earlier today during my cable exclusive interview with president trump, i asked him about his campaign promise to repeal and replace obamacare. take a look. obamacare. the republicans, the meeting in philly, you re going to see them, they had an artificial deadline. they set the deadline for tomorrow. they don t think they re going to make that. you want the same time, repeal and replace. what is crucial for you to have in that plan? president trump: what is crucial for me is for the public to understand that obamacare is a disaster. okay? because now the democrats are saying oh, it is wonderful. it is a horror issue. you have 116% increases like in arizona. it is a disaster. it will be worse this year than it was last year. it explodes in 2017. i told republicans, if you really want to do something, just let it explode. and then they will come begging us, begging us. that s not the right thing for the public because we have to get it fixed. but obamacare doesn t work. it doesn t work.he president obama told me something that i thought was terrific. and i believe he means it. he said, if you came up with a better plan and you can get a better plan approved, he will support it. i actually believe he means it. i do believe we are going to have a much better plan, a cheaper plan. i believe it s going to be a lo less expensive. obamacare is the un-affordable care act. the governor of minnesota, who hopefully, he is better now because he took a pretty bad tumble he said a month ago actually during the campaign and after the campaign, he said the unaffordable care act or he called it the affordable care act is now unaffordable.un bill clinton called it crazy. sean: it went up $5400 when it was supposed to be down $2500 a year. president trump: it isit unaffordable. it doesn t work. sean: you can t even buy a catastrophic plan. president trump: thesi deductibles are so high that unless you get hit by a tractor, you will never be able to use it. sean: let me ask you. energy it is the lifeblood of our economy. we are dependent on foreign nations, many of whom do not like us. we have more shale, new technology, hydrofracking, natural gas, the middle east, how important a goal is do you want this country to move towards energy dependence? president trump: very important. sean: four years? president trump: they stop you environmentally. we can do it and less than four years. they stop a lot of good things, not only energy, buildings, factories, plants. they use it to stop things. it is like a roadblock. it s not going to happen anymore. i am an environmentalist. i believe solely in the environment in i will protect the environment. you don t have to have a man who wants to build a factory or a person or a company wait ten years going through approvals at the end of the 10-year, get a rejected. okay? sean: you have mentioned the forgotten man a lot president trump: and woman. sean: you mentioned it last night, i gave you statistics, the very first interview i did with you, 95 million americans out of the workforce. 44 million americans on food stamps. president trump: i have never heard you say that, sean. sean: i say it every night. explain, by getting rid of regulation, energy independence, jobs that will be created, a 15% tax rate reduction. trading, trillions. how does that help those people i talk about all the time? president trump: hugely. we are going to have they are going up good jobs. ford is moving back, general motors is going to be spending massive amounts of money. fiat chrysler, the head is a highly respected man, sergio. flew all the way from italy. foxconn. alibaba. he is a great guy by the way. these companies are all excited. oh, they would have done anyway is what the media said. if you see jack ma, he had no intention of doing it until i got elected. he said i m only going to do this because of donald trump. what difference does it make? as long as he doesn these are great people. these are great companies. they re going to spend a tremendous amount of money. it s all because they know how good it s going to be and what it means is jobs. sean: and trade deals, you got rid of tpp. president trump: they didn t do anything which is a killer for our country, because we don t do it and everyone else does it. sean: you want bilateral? w president trump: absolutely. you know what? if the deal doesn t work out, we terminate the deal. when you get into the mosh pit, when you have all these countries together, you cannot get out of the deal. you take the lowest denominator, in other words, your countries that do not treat us well.e they are in there, we want a deal with the ones that treat us well. if they don t treat us well, we terminate or we give them a 30 day notice of termination and then they come back and they want to renegotiate in those 30 days and we get a better deal. we do not make good deals anymore. you almost wonder, who makesr these deals? how did it happen? we are going to make great trade deals, we are going to have jobs, strong military, we are going to do great. sean: coming up, i asked president trump about the threat of radical islam and how he plans to defeat it. that, and more, as we continue from washington, d.c. please stay with us. we will reinforce all the lives and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical islamic terrorism. which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth. we have to get rid of isis. we have no choice. this is evil. this is a level of evil we haven t seen. yesterday, i had the honor of swearing in general john kelly as our secretary of homeland security. it is going to be amazing. tomorrow, i will swear in general james mattis as our new secretary of defense. these men have devoted their lives to defending america and now i look forward to working with them. to keep our country safe from the many threats we face today. that includes protecting americans from radical islamic terrorism. slamic terrorism. you totaled your brand new car. nobody s hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they ll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you d get your whole car back. i guess they don t want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we ll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. how to win at business. step one: suck on and point decisively with the arm of your glasses. it is no longer eyewear, it is your wand of business wizardry. abracadabra. you ve just gone from invisible to invincible. step two: before your meeting, choose la quinta. the only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly so you can prepare to win at business. book now at and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit live from america news headquarters i am jack ibanez anywhere. president trump is scheduled to hold a joint news conference with british minister teresa may. following the meeting at the white house. there will be mr. trump s first meeting with the world the leader news conferences since his inauguration last week they adjust g.o.p. lawmakers in philadelphia thursday, stressing it s in the best interest of both britain and the u.s. to stay strong together. the state department announcing that several officials and top arms are leaving. they all have submitted resignation before president trump s inauguration. the state department said the officials were not required to leave service, but chose to resign or retire for personal reasons. none of them publicly link their departure to mr. trump. i am jack ibanez. now, back to hannity. for all of your headlines, log onto fox sean: welcome back to hannity we are back in washington, d.c., we are outside the white house. during my interview sit down with president donald trump, i asked about radical islam and his plans to defeat it. here s what he told me. we have evil in our time. winston churchill dealt with evil in this time. h roosevelt. president trump: they had evil with uniforms on. we have evil but lurks around the corner without the uniforms. ours is harder. the people that we are going against, they don t wear uniforms. they are sneaky, dirty rats. and they blow people up in a shopping center. and they blow people up in a church. these are bad people. when you are fighting germany, they had their uniforms. in japan, they had their they had their flags on the planes and the whole thing. we are fighting sneaky rats right now. that are sick and demented. and we are going to win.k sean: waterboarding black sights came up in your interview last night. i was thinking, if i had an opportunity to speak with david muir, i would say, two guys going to your house, kidnap your child, one guy gets away with their child and you chat tackle the other guy. that guy knows where your child is. would you not water board that guy?de president trump: it used to be used because they said it really wasn t torture, it was the one step slightly below torture. torture is real torture. waterboarding is i m sure not pleasant, but waterboarding is just short of torture. when all of a sudden they madebo it torture, i spoke with people the other day, who are in this world that we are talking about. they said absolutely it works. absolutely. general mattis said he doesn t intend to use it. i am with him all the way. do i believe it works? yes, i do. sean: we actually know it a works. there are only three people that america waterboarding. that led us to the courier, which led us to bin laden and i talked to the guy that was running the program at the time. president trump: do you have even a doubt that it works? sean: none. not one. president trump: neither do i. i watch these people on television that they owe, donald trump is in favor of torture. the people that knocked down the world trade center, people going into a club sean: we both lost people that day. president trump: everybody. all over the world. they go into a club and theyal machine-gun everybody down. and then we are not allowed to water board? it seems so foolish and so naive. but this is what we have to put up with. sean: i would asked david muir if someone kidnapped your kid, what would you do to get them to tell you where they could not do your child? it s over at that point. president trump: it s too late. i m not into it, i will tell you though, it works. i just spoke to people who told me it worked. that s what they do. sean: i spoke to the guy that ran the program and saw the waterboarding of those three i would go through these very quickly. israel, one of our closest partners. prime minister netanyahu. tel aviv to jerusalem, the u.s. embassy. how important is it to repair this relationship and what about that move president trump: it s repaired. got repaired as soon as i it s repaired.d. we have a good relationship. israel has been treated very badly. sean: your holding back the money that obama gave to the palestinians? where do you stand on the embassy from tel aviv? president trump: i do want to talk about it yet. it s too early. sean: i know you spoke to el-sisi did you ever see the speech he gave on radical islam? president trump: we have a very, very good relationship with the general, we are going to have a very good relationship with eachh of. we went into a tough situation and all i can say is i like him. sean: do trust the saudis over the years? i would argue president trump: i do want to tell you about that. i don t want to tell you how i feel about people because i do want to be put in that position. i hope i get along with i everybody. it s possible i won t. a lot of money is being spent on certain countries on radicalizing the people. i don t like that. i don t like that. sean: have you talked to vladimir putin yet? have you had discussions with him? president trump: he called me after i won. i understand we will be having a discussion soon. sean: how about the leaders of china? president trump: yes, i have spoken to him, we have been dealing a little bit. sean: i know you spoke to the leaders in india, what about pakistan? president trump: yes, i have. sean: let me ask you. i think this is important. i agree wholeheartedly with the iranian deal. president trump: i think it s one of the worst deals i ve ever seen. how about $1.7 billion and that was a ransom payment? in cash. $1.7 billion in cash. that s not even the important thing. i think it s one of the worstnt deals i ve ever seen. my carrier didn t get up out of the chair and leave is hard to believe. sean: let me ask about the power of the pardon which is absolute for a president. one night, i know you were watching my show and i had the mother of this young who is spending a year in jail because he use took six pictures for his own use in a submarine. would that be something early on you would consider?? president trump: i think it is very unfair in light of what has happened with other people. sean: another guy got 30 years, doing his job, protecting his guys. president trump: by the way, if another event did not happen, i will look at it. but how can you have somebody else get away with such a tremendous amount and then this person who takes a picture of his desk on an old submarine? if china or russia wanted information on that submarine, they h that i can tell you. sean: when you saw the women s march this weekend and you hear madonna say i thoughtht an awful lot about blowing up the white house, imagine if i said that? when barack obama was here?e? president trump: honestly, she is disgusting. i think she hurt herself very badly. i think she heard that whole cause. her and a couple of others. i think she was in particular, what she said was disgraceful to our country. sean: last question, you were very passionate last night about chicago. about the violence. in the course of barack obama s presidency, 4,000 people died, murdered. another however many thousand were shot. you might go in and help fix it if they can t? president trump: there were many people shot last night. the news this morning is that many, many people were shot last night in chicago. chicago is worse than some of the countries you read about in the middle east where there are wars going on. t there is no reason. there is no reason for it. sean: coming up, president trump takes me inside the oval office. this exclusive interview with the 45th commander-in-chief continues.s. stay we will get our people off of welfare and back to work. rebuilding our country with american hands and american labor. from this day forward, it s going to be only america first. bringing manufacturing back to the united states and its happening, it is happening big league. toyota will reportedly invest money into a factory in indiana. they will also add 400 jobs. foxconn, partnering with apple is considering a $7 billion plan in america. 30,000 jobs, here. he has one after another made announcement after announcement, jobs are coming back. we are going to put a lot of people back to work. we re going to do it the way it s supposed to be done. together, we will make america strong again. we will make america wealthy and yes, together, we will make america great again. make america great and they re absolutely right. they say that it s hot. when really, it s scorching. and while some may say the desert is desolate. we prefer secluded. what is the desert? it s absolutely what you need right now. absolutely scottsdale. sean: welcome back to hannity. we are at the white house in washington, d.c. earlier today, president donald j. trump gave us a tour of the oval office. here is more of my cable exclusive interview. you gave your speech, you go to the balls, you come back, and you are in the white house. and that is marine one right there. my question is, what are you thinking? president trump: it was a beautiful evening, incredible day. people like the speech, which was good. it was a surreal experience, to be honest. but i don t have too much time to think about it because there are so many things to do, so money problems to solve. m sean: what a beautiful helicopter. president trump: this country has some difficulties, some difficult situations. b we will get them straightened out. sean: i have known you for on a personal level, whenever i have ever talked to you, it is either 11:00 p.m. 12 midnight, or 6:00 a.m. you are a workaholic. president trump: i like working. i just like what i m doing. i don t do too much with the vacations, because i m bored. sean: you get bored on vacation? president trump: i plenty to do. sean: i met your son, your 10-year-old. what a wonderful, smart, charming kid. and then they attacked him. president trump: a person from saturday night live was terrible. it is a failing show. it s not funny. alec baldwin is a disaster. he is terrible on the show. for them to attack for nbc to attack my 10-year-old son is a disgrace. sean: he is a great kid. president trump: is not an easy thing for him. believe me. sean: i know you talked a little bit about the nuclearbe codes. how long was that meeting? how in depth was it? president trump: i don t go into it. i can tell you though, that is serious stuff. when you see the kind of destruction that is explained to you, you realize that getting along with people is a really good thing. sean: that s what you said about putin. we can get along, we get along. president trump: i don t know putin but if we can get along with russia, that is a great thing. it s good for russia, it s good for us. we go together and knock the hell out of isis. because that is a real sickness, it s a real sickness. i if we get along with russia and other countries, we should get along with everybody. if we can. sean: in many cases, it s going to be harder countries that practice sharia law. we are in the oval office. president trump: a great statue of abraham lincoln.e sean: there is the bust. president trump: the bust of martin luther king. which was falsely reported falsely reported that it was taken out of the office. when i arrived, it was immediately taken out. these are lying people. lying people. martin luther king is here, he will always be here. the apology was just alexander hamilton, thomas jefferson. i moved paintings around the white house. i just thought it would be great. george washington, honest abe lincoln, andrew jackson who they say was the most like my campaign because his was a vicious campaign. sean: it was a pretty rough campaign. president trump: that was the most vicious campaign in the history of our country until his campaign. sean: when you first walk in this office every day, and you think of it president trump: look at my desk. papers. sean: you have ivanka, jared has young kids. will they be crawling through there? president trump: that was john john, the secret door in that desk. that was a famous picture. sean: why d you pick that desk? president trump: a lot of great presidents. we had a lot of great presidents using this desk. i thought that would be the appropriate desk. when i came here, you have a right to use your desk, they have like seven desks. sean: you were very impressed with your phones. president trump: the technology that we have in this country is incredible. unfortunately, perhaps we don tt use it. sean: but we need to. president trump: it is great. the experts that do this work, we really great brilliant people doing this. sean: there is a picture of your father. president trump: boy,he you pick that up fast. sean: why did you choose the reagan rug? president trump: i liked it. i liked the look, the lightness. i like having it be reagan. i disagreed with him on someoo things, primarily trade. he was not as strong on trade as i thought he should have been. but that s okay. but he represented us very welle sean: who is the president that may be admired the most? president trump: he was okay on trade, reagan. but not great. sean: my last question. i was surprised, you are holding up the letter that barack obama had left you, it looked like a lengthy letter. you seem to have a personal rapport with him. this was a really, really incredibly vicious campaign. president trump: what amazes me is that i was vicious to him and statements. he was vicious to me and statements. and here we are, getting along. we don t even mention it. i guess that is the world of politics. i was tough on him, he was tough it s on me. i like him, he likes me. i think he likes me. you are going to have to ask him. sean: he doesn t talk to me. i can t figure out why. president trump: he wrote me a very nice letter. sean: hopeful to you? president trump: it s something to think about. sean: very, very last question. has this whole experience changed you in ways in any way you can think of? president trump: i don t think i ve had the time to be changed. i m cutting the prices of airplanes, army tanks, c submarines. we re going to build new submarines but the prices too high. so i m cutting the price is way down. doing a lot of work. in addition to getting ford, general motors. sean: thank you for your time, mr. you have been very generous. we have more hannity after this break, as we continue outside of the white house in washington, d.c. as hannity continues. the first one is withdraw the united states from the trans-pacific partnership. the president thinks fair trade deal is a great job, increase american wages and reduce american trade deficit. tpp wasn t the right way. we are going back to those countries one on one. that ll be easier. president trump hosted labor union leaders, guys and gals. and at some of the workers. it was a remarkable exchange. we will work with him and his administration. his plans on infrastructure, trade, and energy policy so wewe can get america back to work. middle-class jobs, all americans are demanding. jobs, all americs are deman (vo) do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. do not go gentle into that good night. hey, how s it going? um. who are you? i m val. the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. i represent the money you save for the future. see? we re putting away acorns to show the importance of being organized. that s smart. who s he? he s the green money you can spend now. what s up? oh you know, gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. tennis racket for a squirrel? he s got a killer backhand. when it s time to get organized for retirement, it s time to get voya. nice to win. do we agree? it has been a while. we are here now because tens of millions of americans have placed their hopes in us to transfer power from washington, d.c., and give it back to the people. since taking office, i have taken major contractual steps to restore the rule of law and to return power to everyday americans. we want to get our people off of welfare and back to work. [applause] and we believe that the world s best country ought to have the world s best infrastructure. at the same time, we will unleash the full power of american energy, ending the job killing restrictions on shale, oil, natural gas, and clean, beautiful call. all of us are joined in the senate. all of us are bound by duty. and bound by god to give our full devotion to this country and its people. that obligation forms the moral foundation of our agenda. to that agenda includes a lean, efficient government, appointing supreme court justices, so important, who will uphold and affirm our constitution, reducing taxation and regulation, fair trade that creates a level playing field as opposed to what weht now and fostering respect for our country and its flag. we are now only at the beginning of this incredible journey together. i am honored to be your partner in this amazing quest. i am privileged to stand with you shoulder to shoulder as we work every single day to make america great again. skidoo welcome back to hannity. unfortunately, that is all of the time have left this evening. as always, thank you for being martha: breaking tonight, a battle of wills between our new president and our neighbors to the south as he doubles down on the border wall. tonight, raising the stakes once again, i am martha maccallum, good evening tonight. this is day seven. so mexico s president under seas at home balked at any suggestion that they would pay the billions of dollars that it would take to build the border wall. mr. trump then responded on twitter, writing this. hours later, the mexican president did just that. mr. trump, holding his ground. i ve said many times that the american people

New-york , United-states , Japan , North-carolina , Germany , Iran , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Tel-aviv , Israel , China

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor 20170215

the no spin zone. sb 16 begins. bill: hi, i am bill o reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the first casualty of the trump administration, that is a subject of this evening s talking points memo. national security chief michael flynn has resigned. the general got into trouble over a phone call he had with the russian ambassador before, before donald trump took office. the issue is centered on sanctions president obama slapped on russia, apparently, general flynn discussed that with the russians. michael flynn should have known that his call was being taped, both by american and russian intelligence agencies, that is standard. but then, things get foggy. i don t know what general flynn said, nobody knows at this point, except government officials because there is a transcript of the conversation, as yet unreleased. according to fox news correspondent john roberts, general flynn misled vice president depends about the content of the call. that is the big reason he was fired. vice president pence has a lot of power in the white house right now and subordinates simply cannot mislead him. so, the trump administration is now searching for a new national security advisor. the story really ends here. unless general flynn was ordered to say something to the russians that was inappropriate. again, speculating on that, foolish. if evidence surfaces, we will certainly reported. perhaps, the most intriguing aspect on the flynn saga is the p.r. component. yesterday, kellyanne conway said to the general was safe. general flynn does enjoy the full confidence of the president and it is a big week for general flynn. he is a point of contact for many of the foreign visits. bill: did ms. conway mislead or did she not know the general was in trouble? either way, not a good situation. talking points understands the complexity of running this country. but it s becoming clear that president trump needs better coordination among his staff. there should be someone in charge of call it dominant quality control and accurate messaging, that someone should be chief of staff reince priebus, who is experience and skill. no way kellyanne conway should be out saying all is fine with general flynn when all was not fine. a kind of confusion doesn t do anyone in his country any good, especially because president trump has legions of people trying to hurt him. summing up, flynn is outcome a new security person will be appointed, and the trump white house needs to become better organized. and that is the memo. now, to the top story, how is president trump doing according to the folks? new fox news poll just out spotlights that. do you approve? of trump s executive order on immigration? 46% say yes. 52%, no. should the order, the immigration order, be described as a terrorist hot spot restriction or a muslim ban? 56%, restriction. 37%, ban. does the order make the usa safer? less safe? no difference? seifert, 42%. less safe, 33, no difference, 24. next, the job approval rating. approve, 48%, disapprove, 47%. finally, are you confident and donald trump s judgment and a crisis? 50% are confident. 49 are not. in october, that number was 43% confident, 56%, no. there has been aching for for the president there. it is clear the country remains divided on president trump. joining us from dallas, one of his critics, mark cuban, billionaire ntb star. let s talk some policy. what is your biggest concern about president trump in that area? i think his management style. i think you hit the nail on the head. i don t think he has been able to show any leadership. i don t think he has taken responsibility for the white house and i don t think he has shown them any direction. i think the results of that are the issues that you have mentioned. there is a divergence in communications. the people at work for him seem to be fearful of having the mistakes pinned on them and that has led to leaks. just inconsistency coming out of the white house. bill: that is not really policy. i have to say, that i have never seen, in my lifetime, a new president do as many things as donald trump has done in 26 now, you may not like those things, and that is why we invited you on. that is the policy. we can start with policy. let s talk about jobs. all right? he is meeting with all of these companies but he hasn t really gotten to the point where he understands that the nature of work is changing. technology is changing, how jobs, how people are hired, the jobs are going to do. he is shuffling the deck chairs on the titanic by going and talking to these companies and dealing with five and ten and even 25,000 jobs at a time. look, there is nothing wrong with trying to get more jobs. that is a good thing. but at any given month, our economy gains and loses 5 million plus jobs. we got to start dealing with the macro issues. bill: would you see that his goal of keeping manufacturing and plants here in the united states is a good one? would you cede that? not really. bill: you think it is good for the country to have plants built overseas? do you think that is good? that is not what i m saying at all. bill: that is what his goal is, have them both here. i get that he wants plants built here. but you are not going to see new buildings, new facilities. what you re going to see our changes to exacting facilities. bill: already, some companies say they will build in factories here because they don t want to play a tariff of bringing their goods back into the usa. bill: now, we re into semantics, bill. a new factory, does that mean re-modifying a facility? bill: what it be fair, then, to give the president a year to see if the job we are talking good jobs, not service, marginal jobs, the median income goes up, that was president obama, he couldn t raise the median would it be fair to give president trump a year to see if his aggressive approach results in good jobs appearing in america! would that be fair? sure. i have no problem with giving him time. but you have to look at the bigger picture. he hasn t demonstrated that he understands the bigger picture. what i will tell you with 100% certainty, every single one of those companies that he is talking to, whether it is ford, whether it is united technologies, however it may be, their total number of employees will be fewer in three years and it is today, no matter what he does for you bill: we all understand that changing technology and that people have to become educated and edge. that is not what i m saying. no, that is not what i am saying. bill: in order to do the new jobs, you need to have a new set of skills required. no, that is not correct at all. what i am saying is, with artificial intelligence, neural networks, we are going to see more technological change over the next three years than we have seen over the last bill: in order for people to harness that change, they are going to have to know the new technology inside and out. no, no. i am just telling you, that is not the way it works. people are going to be replaced by these technologies. what we have to do during that disruptive. max, we have to find places for them to go. we have to find new places to put them to work. bill: there is always going to be marketing, things like that that they have to do. unless you want to set up a socialistic thing, where everybody is guaranteed a job, which is never going to happen here. let s get to health care for a minute because i know that is a big issue for you. is it fair to give the trump administration and the republican party six or seven months to come up with a plan? is that fair? of course. here is the real question, bill. if you are going to adjust, replace, whatever you want with obamacare, you have got to answer a simple question. out of health care providers, insurance, insurers, and consumers, who is going to take less? that is what we don t know. bill: he is trying to drive down the cost by having more competition among the insurance companies and then, browbeating the the farm companies, the drug companies to lower their prices. what you re saying is, all these insurance companies are now willing to have lower profits bill: nobody, because their profits will be going on a wider canvas in which to sell, so, the volume goes up while the price goes down. where will they sell that they didn t sell before? they are ordered to sell in certain states. he wants to open it up to the whole country. it is not like the companies couldn t start, couldn t initiate bill: it is a very regimented health care system that we have. mr. cuban, i would love to have you back. you are a smart guy and we want to hear from you from time to time. thanks for coming on. next on the rundown, yale university may honor the black panther party. can you believe it? we will tell you what is going on in new haven. later, bowe bergdahl, will he get off because of comments made by donald trump? we have the latest on that as the factor continues all across the usa on all around the world. z282uz zwtz y282uy ywty tech: don t let a cracked windshtrust safelite.plans. with safelite s exclusive on my way text . you ll know exactly when we ll be there. giving you more time for what matters most. (team sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. bill: impact segment segment. as you know, yale university is an ivy league stalwart, very procedures institution. now, two controversy that may harm yale. first, the university is taking john calhoun s name off of one of the residential colleges. he served in the tenant for many years before the civil war. he was an ardent proponent of slavery. however, john f. kennedy named calhoun one of the greatest senators in history. i disagree with that assessment. also, the yale daily news come the student paper, is backing at printed that says the african-american cultural center at yale will honor the black panther party as part of black history month. joining us now from new haven, connecticut, gabby cudjoe-wilkes, a yale graduate student, and here in the studio, coyote tierney, a senior at yal. john calhoun, he was associated with the yale way back, gave them a lot of money, had a college named after him, right? but no more. no, sir. bill: what happened? asserted about two years ago, the calhoun renaming process really picked up steam. then, they decided last april to not rename calhoun. they had a whole committee established over the summer. bill: who is they? the administration, the yale corporation. it bill: this was basically faculty members that did this? not so much faculty members. faculty and students wanted to the name changed bill: because of the slavery issue, right? yes, sir. bill: now, that is gone. it s been on, i assume you support the banishment of john john c calhoun, correct? i support the renaming of the college. we are still going to be remember his legacy. we are not erasing him. i do support the renaming of the college. bill: you know there is a lot of thomas jefferson, george washington, they were slaveholders. a lot of things named after the them. what is the difference? he is not just a slaveholder. not just someone who was a racist. he really built his legacy around and equality. he is really an individual whose lifelong work was around any quality. he wasn t even really for the parts that say that all men are created equal. when you think about residential colleges, this is where the students are formed, a place of community. when you think about those names that we want on those institutions with those colleges within our institutions, it is important to think about that. bill: you are distinguishing between the legacy of calhoun and jefferson at washington. why do you think yale even name to the college after calhoun? surely, they knew, because he was not a quiet guy, it was all pretty much up front with him. surely, they knew who he was, why did they name it? i m sure they didn t know. it is 2017. i know the conversation that we are and now, watches, we can look at our legacy, we can look at the history, and make decision based on who we are now as yale university. bill: you don t have any thought about why they would put up calhoun as a guide worthy of having a college named after him? you don t know? i have a lot of questions about the decisions that have been made. bill: let s turn to the black panthers. the yale paper booted in, right? there is no honoring going on in new haven about the black panthers. what is there? i think it is students who want to be a part of a movement and they want to compare them getting calhoun renamed, being part of these protests against things that they represent. bill: wear to the black panthers command? ed is a black history month. it looked like a few students went in the fall to go visit a thing at berkeley that was presenting a story about the black panthers. bill: they will report back to yale about what their experiences are? i was a part of that. i bill: you went out there. i went out there. we were in oakland, it wasn t affiliated with the berkeley. it was a conference celebrating 50 years of the black panthers forming. and we went out there as students to really learn the history, to chronicle it, to understand what is going on. you are probably familiar with the made a event that took plac. yale has a long history of activism. we went as students, to go out bill: did you come out with a favorable impression of the black panther movement? oh, absolutely. bill: let me have your react to a sound bite that we have from stokely carmichael, who was associated with the panthers. we have to recognize who our major enemy is! the major enemy is not your brother, flesh of your flesh and blood of your blood. the major enemy is his institutions of racism! that is the major enemy! bill: the white man, based on a pig reference. you must know that alex rackley, a black panther, in new haven. he was murdered there allegedly by other black panthers. that was back in 1969. there is a long legacy of violence associated with even the new black ant panthers today. how can you look favorably upon that group? there is a long history of racism in this country. i think we can all agree that racism exists in this country. bill: do you think that black panthers are part of the racism with their antiwhite event? it wasn t about antiwhite, it is pro-black. it is about the making sure they provided for the community, food programs, health care programs. the language on the rhetoric is your choice. we are not using that language and rhetoric now. we are not using that rhetoric bill: it makes me a little uneasy that a very intelligent woman like yourself could even think that these people were worthy of being considered in black history month. because they are not that much different than the ku klux klan. oh, while matt, really? bill: if you look at the history i m interested to see how you compare the two. bill: if you look at the history of all of the black panthers, although shootings come all the violence, all the rhetoric, the police officers killed, over the top, antiwhitee violence and antiblack rhetoric of the kkk, there is not a lot of difference. the kkk did community programs, as well. i will give you the last word because i really appreciate you coming on. i will ask you a personal favor to me. reassess the black panthers situation. there are groups that are far, far better for you to tout as helping african-americans. but go ahead, last word. last word. but i would say is that the black panthers were pro-black. they made sure that their community was provided for, every organization makes a decision in a time but they are in. however, yale, we are studying at archiving and making decisions for ourselves that what our future looks like. i am privileged to have been able to be a part of that cohort that went to oakland to study that living history. bill: kyle, gabby, thank you very much. directly had, a powerful democratic senator has had his party as lost its way. later, we will analyze whether the trump administration is on tv too much. the factor is coming right back. oh, hey, rob. what s with the minivan? it s not mine. i don t dale, honey, is your tummy still hurting, or are you feeling better to ride in the front seat? oh! is this one of your motorcycling friends? hey, chin up there, dale. lots of bikers also drive cars. in fact, you can save big if you bundle them both with progressive. i d like that. great. whoo. you ve got soft hands. he uses my moisturizer. see you, dale. bye, rob. heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho it s off to work we go here s to all of you early risers, what s up man? go-getters, and should-be sleepers. from all of us at delta, because the ones who truly change the world, are the ones who can t wait to get out in it. bill: factor followup segment tonight. trouble within the democratic party. on sunday, former senator jim webb from virginia, a well-regarded democrat, said this. the democratic party for the past five or six years have moved very far to the left. when you can t have a jefferson, jackson dinner, which was the primary celebratory event of the democratic party for years because jefferson and jackson were slaveholders, they were also great americans in their day, something different has happened to the democratic party. do you think they are too focused on identity politics? i think that the message that has been shaped by the democratic party has been shaped toward identity politics. they have lost the key part of their base, the people bill: joining us now from washington, lisa boothe and juan williams. juan, it used to be that democrats held fundraisers under the banner of jefferson jackson dinner s. but you can t do that anymore. it is like john calhoun is out the window, jefferson and jackson are out of the democratic party window. what is going on? i think obviously, you have the base of the democratic party now as black, latino, educated, young people. i think they are attitude toward jefferson, jackson, and the old part of the democratic party is that they are not comfortable with it, they don t like it, especially, as they were discussing in the previous segment, you have the reaction to the fact that many people were involved with slavery, slaveholders. remember, the older democratic party was the party of the segregationist south, especially after the civil war. so, to celebrate that, but this newer, 21st century constituency of the democratic party, it doesn t fit. bill: i think that is going to shrink the party even further, lisa, by turning their backs on thomas jefferson and people like that, it just becomes more radicalized. am i wrong? no, i absolutely agree with you, bill. i think it is not only the racial identity of politics, it is also focusing on gender, it is focusing on issues like transgender bathrooms are issuee more geordie of americans don t list these as their top issues. i think you can see the way it does impact the democratic party, by looking at the current house makeup. you have got more than one-third of democrats coming from california, massachusetts, and new york. two-thirds of democrats are from either the east or west coast. the problem for the democratic party, you got to be able to end these blue-collar states. you got to be able to win. bill: do you think political correctness is strangling the democrats now? at really is out of control, to some extent. i don t think so. clearly, what you have, as a democratic party that i think is more in touch with the changing face of the country, right now bill: then, why is donald trump president? oh, i think donald trump was successful in winning the electoral college. he didn t win the electoral votes. bill: if you think of the democratic party is more in touch with the folks, that never would have happened, juan. no, no, no. i think donald trump stirred a lot of racial division in the country. but i think he also appealed, that is how he broke through state like michigan, wisconsin, where obama had won previously. suddenly, they went the other way. these people aren t racists. they just saw something different and what donald trump was offering, i think, was a strong appeal to blue-collar whites. bill: we will give you the last word, lisa, let me ask you the same question. you think political correctness and strength to the democratic party? i do think is strangling the democratic party. what have we seen from them? we have only cmis can continue to shift to the left. right now, they are in the wilderness. they are trying to figure out how to get out, bill. if you look ahead to 2018, there are ten senate seats where democrats are running and states were president trump won. there are five of those states that he won by double digits. they are looking at a very red map. bill: it all depends on how the president does. thank you very much, guys. plenty more ahead as the factor moves ahead this long. military judge on the bowe bergdahl case it says he is disturbed by comments made by donald trump edge of the white house not being on much? we have some thoughts. and we hope you stay tuned for those reports. i realize that ah, that $100k is not exactly a fortune. well, a 103 yeah, 103. well, let me ask you guys. how long did it take you two to save that? a long time. then it s a fortune. well, i m sure you talk to people all the time who think $100k is just pocket change. right now we re just talking to you. i told you we had a fortune. yes, you did. getting closer to your investment goals starts with a conversation. schedule a complimentary goal planning session today. bill: unresolved problems segment tonight. earlier this week, north korea launched a ballistic missile in violation of a u.n. mandate. they did that to provoke a response from president trump. here now is dana perino, spokesperson for bush the younger. i assume you are involved with a lot of conversations about these nuts, right? north korea was probably in the top 20 issues. bill: president bush labeled them one of the axis of evil, along with iran and iraq. that was early on in 2002, in which he said that these are countries who are pursuing weapons of mass destruction and they are regimes that could have terrace pick up those weapons of mass destruction i could hurt other people. bill: there is the current leader, kim jong-un, you dealt with his father, who is as crazy as he is. i don t know, this one might take the cake. bill: okay. when you are dealing with a rogue outfit like this, president trump said, we will deal with them harshly, the only way to deal with them harshly is to blow them up, is that not? they are not going to listen to reason. i think that north korea is a special case, given that it is such a closed society. there is very little information. have you ever seen one of those map that shows electricity throughout the world, pretty much all dark. this leader starves his own people. they are in concentration camps. they are so brainwashed that it s very hard to get information in or out. the one of the things that prest bush decided to do with that the clinton administration approach of offering concessions before they change their behavior, you are only going to get concessions if you change your behavior. bill: it didn t work. a remember specifically, july of 2006, fourth of july, great time, then, the north koreans always want attention. they are like a child, throwing a tantrum just around the time when you don t want it. we spent the rest of the time that evening trying to be with the fact that they had issued, sent off these missiles. now, they re doing it again. i m not surprised they re doing it to president trump. bill: okay, i don t know if it is a problem, you have a different kind of president now. i would say that president bush and barack obama were much more restrained, at least in their rhetoric. certainly true. bill: so, trump is coming across as a guy that says, you cross us, you are going to pay a heavy price. president trump campaign saying, i m going to be unpredictable. then, he thinks that that is bill: that is pouring a lot of people. i think that because president trump had such a good meeting with the prime minister of japan, shinzo abe bill: that can help. the only ones that sway are the chinese. that is why president bush put together the six party talks to make sure that china, russia, japan, south korea, everybody was in the same direction. bill: do you feel that president trump will try the diplomacy route? i don t see any reason for him not to. i mean, what is the alternative? bill: he can blockade them. sanctions are one thing. bill: he can put a pretty big hurt on them. but you are dealing with a leader that starves his own people. bill: there are things you can do to north korea that would provoke the situation upward. i don t think that is to anybody s benefit. they can t be shooting missiles off every three days. also, we need to understand better if weather capabilities are, they can shoot missiles off, but are they aggressive advancing? they have an atomic weapon. they have one. so, that has to be he seems willing to use it. bill: i think we should send dana over there to talk to the guys. [laughs] do see that his brother mysteriously turned up he was murdered? bill: who, kim jong-un s brother? is dead? you are going to send me over here? we will sent bodyguards with you. we will send hemmer with you. gutfeld, too, please. bill: no, you don t want to travel with him. will sergeant bowe bergdahl get his case thrown out because of comments made by president trump? we are investigating. the story is next. as a control enthusiast, i m all-business when i travel. even when i travel. for leisure. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle - without starting any conversations- -or paying any upcharges. what can i say? control suits me. go national. go like a pro. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. the markets change. at t. rowe price. our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain. but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. announcer: the o reilly factor, the number one cable news show for 16 years and counting. bill: thanks for staying with us. i am bill o reilly. in the law and order segment, the fate of sergeant bowe bergdahl. he is charged with very serious crimes after leaving his post at afghanistan and putting his army unit in danger. president obama yesterday in north carolina, lawyers for bergdahl through military judge to throw out the case because oy donald trump. we have guys like bergdahl to get caught, i mean, he left, he was a deserter. he was a deserter. he was a dirty, rotten deserter, and we knew he deserted it when we made the deal. now, why would you make a deal for a deserter? what do we do with sergeant bergdahl 50 years ago? that s right. boom. boom! bill: here now to analyze, eboni williams and kimberly guilfoyle. this trial is supposed to get underway in april, it has been going on forever, far too long. but the judge apparently said that he was disturbed by donald trump s statements, correct? okay, these were statements made by candidate trump and i haven t been any statements subsequent to him being sworn in and becoming the 45th president of united states. bill: surely, the judge knows that. nevertheless, he wants to make sure that there aren t any issues that specifically will have a litigation on the motion like this. it should not be granted. you cannot say that there it should not be thrown out. they already tried to get a pardon odidn t work. they are try to do because of the popular thing to do bill: if i were his lawyer, i would try to get it thrown out. it is a military court, eboni, so, we are not going to be suggested to politics as he would in a civilian court. ideally. bill: ideally. you never know what is in a judges mind. he understands the seriousness of desertion. particularly because the charges are coupled with some soldiers getting hurt. hurts, absolutely. we have got then candidate trump saying that people were killed. we know that is debunked. i agree with bill: what you mean, people were killed? that is what candidate trump bill: that evidence has been debunked. we don t know that it is true. bill: but it hasn t been debunked. be careful. it is going to be presented in the trial. we don t have any evidence that it is factually correct. bill: we haven t seen him at trial. when president trump said this, he is allowed to save us. but now, he is the commander-in-chief. a sitting united states president. i think for a lot of people, even in this military capacity, this five person panel, i don t know that he will be able to make a distinction. you can t unring the bell. although he i wouldn t throw it out either. i will argue it is a problem. bill: as it trust the judge making the decision? the judge will make the decision. bill: the ultimate trial? it is a five panel five-member panel. they can decide and help other people. if they are prejudiced by their statements, they can remove them. but you can t unring the bell. that s out there. bill: let s get to an immigration situation. there is a woman who was deported because she had identity theft, which is a felony, on her sheet. it was brought up last night. roll the tape. guadalupe garcia, she has been in this country for 23 years. look at what donald trump did. this is what donald trump did. here is my question back to you this is exactly what donald trump, the deportations are, has been doing. bill: let s clear that up. the woman is not legal in this country, correct, eboni? that is correct. bill: jorge misled us. the children are. how old are the children? 14 and 16. they are u.s. citizens. guadalupe has been deported because she had, was it a felony conviction? now, are you okay with that, guilfoyle? i am okay. i have a serious problem of identity theft in this country, she committed a felony. bill: she has to go kids here. i understand that. she was giving some leniency under the obama administration. bill: you are okay with that? i m not saying that i m happy for her and her family. i think it is disturbing. bill: the law is clear ans here illegally according to the law. my issue is this. it is inconsistent from what we have heard candidate trump say on the campaign trail. we are supposed to be bill: time crunch, as always. here s what i would do if i were the president. i would give her clemency. you are a gracious man. bill: no, no. that is true, of course. [laughter] but that would make his case, look, i m going to sign clemency for this woman. she can come back and rejoin her teenagers here. but we don t want any more of this. we will concentrate other really bad the children are u.s. citizens. they have subsequently bill: b an amazing p.r. move. it would come of that, you are in establishing a president. bill: you are not establishing a president. she has the right to get clemency. may be saved that political bill: got to go. gutfeld and mcguirk on deck. is it possible that the trump administration is on tv too much? then, tip of the day, zombies influencing the the factor . her. just put on a breathe right strip. it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right. a 401(k) is the most sound way to go. let s talk asset allocation. -sure. you seem knowledgeable, professional. would you trust me as your financial advisor? -i would. -i would indeed. well, let s be clear, here. i m actually a deejay. 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[laughter] and animals, too, would be fun. bill: i think the messaging has to be a little bit more disciplined. all right, gutfeld and mcguirk, there they are. tip of the day , eboni seen d the walking dead. the tip, moments away. bill: tip of the day, the walking dead versus the factor. but first, the male. let me get this straight, adam, you are equating the issue of criminal aliens rolling around the country with a crowd and speculation about voter fraud? come on, man. that information came directly from homeland security. because it is not a fact. it is your opinion. and that is a reactionary opinion, just so you know. not a fact. we have an obligation to invite her if we are going to analyze her comments. but i would be very surprised if miss meryl streep would show up to discuss these things. i might even keel over if that happens. you know, i don t know. it was no such effort, chris. at its finest. [laughs] thanks, for bringing that history to us. you re welcome. finally, tonight, the factor tip of the day, the only shows on cable that beat us where the walking dead and the talking dead on amc. for a while, i thought the walking dead was the bio of former senator harry reid. how wrong i was! the walking dead are zombies who chase people around in slow motion. kind of place thematic the loss rams. we are thinking of incorporating some of that into the factor. what about a segment about how obamacare can subsidize zombies, most of which don t have jobs because employers frown upon cannibalism in the marketplace. if i.c.e. rounds up zombies in the country illegally, will radicals insist on open borders for the undead? here is a tip, we are seeing some very unusual things, as we become more inclusive on the factor and sensitive to those who are dead but not buried. as the ninth circuit appeals said, you don t necessarily have to be alive to vote. that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news packed a web site, from word of the day, do not be a buffoon. or a zombie. again, thank you for watching us tonight. i am bill o reilly. please remember, the spin stops here. we are definitely looking out for you. tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight, tonight, a former mexican official said that if the president trump does build a wall, mexico ought to stop helping the united states. even if that laws that means ag terrorists in. but first, general michael flynn, we hardly knew you. the national security advisor is gone after spending less than a month in the white house. he was brought down after his conversation with russia was wiretapped by u.s. intelligence. even though they were supposed to block such

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20170516

the post story are accurate. we re not quite four months into the trump presidency and senator bob corker puts it bluntly tonight the white house is in a downward spiral. global affairs analyst, david row and diplomatic analyst, john kirby. good evening to all of you gentleman. what are you hearing from your sources tonight about this bombshell report? from myself and jake tapper, two former officials knowledgeable say that president did share classified information with the russian foreign minister, the russian ambassador. the information did not directly reveal the source of the intelligence. but intelligence officials tell cnn there is concern that russia will be able to figure out that highly sensitive source. there is some disagreement as to how far the president went. this intelligence relates to what is known as special access programs or s.a.p. which cover some of the most highly classified information and is protected with unique access and security protocols. as you know, don, with intelligence often there are different views, different analysis. and what we re told is that some are more concerned about the degree the president went with this information than others. but the concern remains, did he go far enough that russia could, based on this information, and the details, could russia conclude where it came from? in particular what partner of the u.s. the source the information, which would be uncomfortable. what s the reaction from the white house? well, the white house is somewhat unified, although their messaging is a little confused as to what they are denying. in general they re saying this story is false. let s listen on the white house national security advisor, h.r. mcmaster. there s nothing that the president takes more seriously than the security of the american people. the story that came out as reported is false. the president and the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries including threats to civil aviation. at no time, at no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed and the president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known. two other seniors officials who were present including the secretary of state, remember the meeting in the same way and have said so. their on the record accounts should outweigh those sources that are anonymous. i was in the room. it didn t happen. thank you, everybody. let s be clear what he denied. he said the president did not reveal the source and did not talk about any military operations. we are told by more than one source with knowledge of this meeting that president revealed sensitive intelligence that, based on that intelligence, they may be able to conclude where it came from. he didn t explicitly say the source, but that would lead the way for the russians to that source. and be to specific about what s in the washington post report, it s reporting that he was boasting about inside knowledge of a looming threat from the islamic state. why was he bragging about something like that? well, it s the long tendency of the president to talk big and the difference between micking a sale, frankly, and being president. and this presents a real problem for republicans. this is again where his tendency to brag, to over state things, to frankly not tell the truth. it s putting more and more pressure on republicans on the hill, particularly those who care about national security. that statement from senator bob corker, mccain, senator graham. this is a very serious issue for the republicans. this is terrorism, islamic state and national security and it s a republican president who s doing this. and when rex tillerson put out a statement disputing this report but a senior state department official tells cnn that he didn t know about it. they learned about the statement from cnn and were left scrambling. as a former state department spokesman, what do you make of that? it s very unusual. i can t remember a single time working for secretary kerry or two prior to that where we didn t have a hand in it, it wasn t staffed, well coordinated, both within the building and across the river at the white house. so it s pretty amazing. i ve talked to some colleagues at state. it looks like this was on real fast track. the white house specifically wanted to put out all three statements at the same time to look like a very cohesive communications approach and in the speed to do that, they didn t do all the staffing you would normally do with the rest of the building and at least the communications staff. i think this continues to speak to the dysfunction at the state department as well. why would they reach out if the president didn t do what the report says? it s hard to say. i m kind of where jim is on this. their denials are not full denials. they re simply denying things that story s never said. why they didn t do a better job staffing this, again i is this an attempt to confuse the public that they may get confused by the details and think it s a full throated denial of a that it s not? i think it s an attempt to get the temperature down on this. it s ironic. when you put your national security advisor out in front of cameras, you re elevating it and even though the statement seemed to try to deflate it. so they ve already elevated it. i think it was trying to take the air out of the story as quickly and efficiently as they could. that s another reason i suspect he didn t take any questions. jim sciutto, before these reports, this meeting before the president and the russian foreign minister and ambassador was already raising red flags last week because it was a day after the president fired fbi director james comey. which he later admitted was because of russia. he admitted in the interview with lester holt and a russian photographer was included but not u.s. media. are these the kind of optics vladimir putin wanted when he interfered in the election? you forget something that happened 72 hours ago but in the span of less than a week, president fires james comey. for he admits later the russian investigation, he wants to draw it to a close. then he invites the russian foreign minister and ambassador, who remember it s conversations with that ambassador that got his previous national security officer fired michael flynn. then he gives classified information to russia and this happens after an election where an intelligence community found russia interfered in the election process. all of this has to let s just raise those questions higher. to raise questions about why the president doesn t look at this country as his entire intelligence community does as a threat. and don t forget the attorney general reaccused himself from the russia investigation, devin nunes who had to step down from the investigative part of this russia. every day there seems to be something. we re talking about classified information. the election wasn t that long ago, though it seems like ages ago. this candidate slammed hillary clinton throughout the campaign for her alleged handling of classified information for which she was never indicted for. he slammed her. watch this. we can t hand over our government to someone whose deepest, darkest secrets may be in the hands of our enemies. i don t think it s safe to have hillary clinton be briefed on national security because the word will get out. we can t in the oval office who doesn t understand the meaning of the word confidential or classified. and then he tweeted this crooked hillary and her team were careless in their handling of sensitive highly classified information not fit. how does this compare to what hillary clinton was accused of? the key words are not fit. there could be this huge dark conspiracy and somehow donald trump is in line with russia. there s no proof of that and i don t personally believe it but it s his temperament. he can t the reports he can t stand the criticism, that comey is talking about russia, so he fires him. he s somehow bragging to the russian ambassador, fights with the australian prime minister on the phone. it s the president himself. i mean more than anyone else and his fitness. and always putting up sound bites from something that donald trump the candidate or donald trump the president said which contradicts something he has done in the moment, every time. every single time. listen, it makes it harder for him to be credible when he pushes back against these things. remember, the issue with hillary clinton s e-mails were could by using this private server that information could have been used by a foreign power? in this case you have an active sharing of classified information with a hostile power face to face in the oval office. not good. it s not like the russians to hack into his e-mail. he gave them the information voluntarily. should this investigation be part of the investigation into president trump or the then candidate s trump s campaign? i don t know if we have three now investigations going on. but i think it needs to be carefully looked into and scrutinized. and damage control needs to be done if it hasn t already. i think it s important for people to keep this in context. we have three investigations into russia s involvement into our election process. we are in odds with syria and certainly over ukrain. and we have a president who doesn t appear to have a careful nuance to understanding the information and the intelligence that he s getting, if he s even getting it every day. we ll come back. i just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance with geico. huh. i should take a closer look at geico. geico can help with way more than car insurance. boats, homes, motorcycles. even umbrella coverage. this guy s gonna wish he brought his umbrella. fire at will! how d you know the guy s name is will? yeah? it s an expression, ya know? fire at will? you never heard of that? oh, there goes will! bye, will! that s not his name! take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more. our breaking news tonight reports president trump shared highly classified information with russian officials last week. i want to bring in now michael weiss. good evening to both of you. how damaging is this, michael? well, if this is true, it s colossally damaging. i spoke to an ex-cia officer this evening and said what do you make of this and they said whoever gave us this intelligence isn t going to give us anymore of this intelligence if this is true. again, the denial that mcmaster has given and that the trump administration and the urists gts is hanging on is the president did not disclose sources or methods. that s not ingravamen of the the washington post exclusiveimates it s the information explain that because they re saying they didn t reveal sources and methods, he didn t do this. that s not what the report says. explain to the viewer what the report says. well, when it comes to the intelligence you can give a certain scenario. you can say, well, we have certain intelligence coming out of such and such place in syria, that isis is looking to hit a western city or commercial airliner or something like that. and the russians because they have their own intelligence gathering methods which includes partnering with the iranians and syrians can piece together thou americans know. sources is pieced together from raw information or credible information. when the dni came out with the report that said what they did not disclose was sources and methods. right, we dopt know how u.s. intelligence knows this because if they were to give that away, they would essentially allow the russians nooults their intelligence gathering mechanism. the russians would no know-how we do cyberwarfare, what our weapons cape nlt is in mus cow, et cetera. by the way, for officials to leak this press, this is the other thing my excia source said, indicates a level of complete agigation and almost they re driven to distraction about how frustrating this is. this is a case in which the commander in chief might have possible blown an active intelligence opjarkz if not, then hung out his own intelligence communty to dry in the event the russians are now able to blow this intelligence. go ahead, julia. in your pns, is the white house, this administration tonight being too cute because they re denying something they know that s not in the report? well, they may and they may be trying to protect the intelligence relationships they have with this country that trump may have sort of blown the relationship with. so they want to minimize the impact. the notion that intelligenceagies would floif the washington post that not only this happened but remember the second piece and the amazing piece of the story is that then there s a scrambling after that meeting to notify the intelligence agencies that this had happened so they can begin to notify our nato allies or whoever it was, other allies and to protect what assets we have and what intelligence gathering resources we have going on. because the most important thing here we all know over the last week there s been these growing rumors, you have done stories about it, about this highly credible concern about the laptops and was the united states going to extend the laptop ban. so we know there s serious investigation, serious intelligence gathering going on. and then out of the blue something s shared with the russians. and i can t explain that. it s a cap at best it s a casualness about his own job and about his responsibilities as president that it s just it s hard to be able to explain it anymore. if i just give the president the best of intentions, it s just this is a serious job that he wanted. code word information, julia. that s what the washington post says on the islamic state. what is this and how secretive is it? it s one of the highest if not the highest sort of intelligence designations for information that would be kept exclusive even within your own intelligence agencies. so in other words you may have such a discreet group of people working on one small, you know, operation, one small cell, that they are actually not going to share that information with maybe a larger isis group or with the defense intelligence agencies or with the defense department or homeland security. that information would then go to of course the national security advisor especially if it was an imminent investigation. and then for some reason that information, probably part of the daily brief, gets to trump. and that may include, look, we know that country x has an asset in isis. and that asset is highly vulnerable but willing to share information with us. and something as casually as that said to the russians then will release a series of responses by other countries who do not have our best interest in mind. so julgia, michael said at the very least our intelligence officials and the white house tried to minimize the damage to what s the president did in the oval office. so is leaking this to the washington post, does that further damage u.s. security? no, i mean again as i said the intelligence committee i think is trying to protect itself. because if this whole thing exploded or if the operation goes awry, they want to make it known this isn t because of they re own incompetence. it s because the president of the united states gave up the goods to the russians. the other part i found compelling is this information is so sensitive we did not share it with our allies. now there s some information the allies have they do not trust completely why? because those intelligence agencies have been penetrated by maybe france, germany. so could our allies stop sharing intelligence with us because of this? yes, and also the reason we didn t share the intelligence with our allies because we didn t want the russians to get ahold of it. but now that s gone because the president shared it in the oval office. remember kislyak as a spymaster in washington, d.c., this is no light matter. you re giving the keys to the kingdom in moskow center here. and also on the intelligence side, we are a country that s actually good at intelligence gathering. we share with other countries that aren t as sophisticated. so they re only as strong as we are. so the weaker we become in terms of ourcapacity to get intelligence from europe or any of our allies, those other countries become weaker. that includes a country like canada which is highly dependent on us for intelligence. so it s not just us that s going to be impacted. other countries that are sort of intelligence consumers will also be impacted by this. there s just a casualness about the sharing of this information, which it s just jaw dropping. these are the russians. i just don t know how more we can say it. i have this big sigh like this is unreal. it really is truly unbelievable. but i just want to know is kislyak, did he play the president? did he play by buttering him up and getting him into the oval office? i don t think he had to. look, president trump s twitter feed is a gold mine for any kind of hostile foreign intelligence service. this is a president who you don t have to get exclusive access to the white house to understand what s going on inside his head. i mean everything what s on his lung is on his tongue kind of thing. and he s telling you in realtime what he s thing, any type of personality disorder he wants to exhibit, he s exhibiting. he is sort of cream cheese for a foreign spy service. so for kislyak to come there, and remember this came a day after the president fired james copy, the director of the fbi overseeing a counter intelligence investigation into possible conspiracy of donald trump s campaign regarding collusion with with the russian government and then who does he invite? lavrov, kislyak, again somebody jeff sessions was meeting with and plus got fired. and the first thing that lavrov jokes with the press corp oh, was comey fired, i had no idea, get out of here. they re controlling the united states, and the president is allowing them to. quickly, julia, i ve got to run. as michael knows being in counter terrorism, the kunsquence of this is isis knows it s been exposed. so two things will happen. it will either delay what it s doing, which is good. or it ll speed up. i don t mean to sound alarms but we know how terror organizations respond to being potentially infiltrated. they ll either recede or speed up. we ll just have to monitor it. is he competent to be in the oval office? that s a good question. when we come back how member s of the president s own parties are respondsing to tonight s breaking news. one describe describing the white house as in a downward spiral. mattress firmness? enter sleep number. she likes the bed soft. he s more hardcore. you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. save $700 on the temperature balancing i8 bed. go to for a store near you. the shlike a bald penguin. how do i look? [ laughing ] show me the billboard music awards. show me top artist. show me the top hot 100 artist. they give awards for being hot and 100 years old? we ll take 2! [ laughing ] xfinity x1 gives you exclusive access to the best of the billboard music awards just by using your voice. the billboard music awards. sunday, may 21st eight seven central only on abc. republicans on capitol hill reacting to reports that president trump shared classified information with russian officials. a spokesman for paul ryan saying the speaker hopes for a full explanation from the administration. here a republican consultitant and also a republican strategist with me and a cia operative. i want to start with you because both sides are already criticizing president trump, a key ally during the campaign. and cork, says tonight they re in a downward spiral right now and has got to yigier out a way to come to grips. i think it creates a worrisome environment. are you worried? anybody looking at this, don, is concerned. everything that s happened over the last week is concerning. but i guess i would urge us and encourage us not to, you know, through trump derangement syndrome go to 100 here. let s sort of be measured about this. this is deeply troubling, but you re not going to expect to see republicans mass pile on the president. what s the number, though? nafgt they don t want the president anywhere near it. what you re starting to see is republicans pull away from the president and hopefully despite him still get some passed because the president doesn t care about the details. so they re all trying to hunker down. so they re using him to get their stuff down. you said 0 to 100, bullet can they ignore this the. this could jepper dies all the progress they be any hope of making. i said ignore, but you can t ignore it. the reason you re not seeing mitch mcconnell and paul ryan and every republican rank call-out the president is because they still want to get things done. this is their chance to do it. this was the new york time tonight. it says quote, in fact the ally has repeatedly warn in fact the ally has repeatedly warned officials it would cut off if it were shared. how do you respond to this former cia? well, it s a common concern between allies that share intelligence information back and forth. i mean there s constant bickering and concern raising in this realm about this very issue. but generally you don t have the president of the united states compromising sensitive information to a foreign advery just brazenly. and it really is cause for concern. inrussians will take this information, donald trump didn t have to talk about sources or methods. but if the information was very detailed, the russians can go then use their knowledge and their other resources to reverse engineer the information. it s not certain, though, they ll be able to do this. but it is very possible. and let me tell you how this works because i ve watched the russians do it before. it russians may identify, for example, if it s a human source who that human source is, approach that human source and say, look, we know you are working for x country or whatever, you re spying on isis. well, we re going to compmizia to isis and you ll bedead or you can work for us. and so that source, if it s a human source, begins to work for russia as well as trying to stay safe. it gets very complicated. but the big picture is ultimately we lose control through our allies of an important stream of intel. and that puts americans at risk. but shouldn t americans care about that, even? well, of course they should, don, like many things. so earlier you said there s no buyer s remorse among republicans. no, i was not saying there s buyer s remorse. but i m going to let john go. so john, you said there s no republican but there s buyer s remerse. there are three people who have come in the room and said this story is not accurate. so if they interviewed three eyewitnesses versus people who let s do it one point of the time. what they re denying is not actually in the report. what they re saying is the report is false. they ve made that very clear that as written the report is false. they re saying sources and methods were never shared. that s not what the report says. so they re denying something that s not in the report. so there s actually not a denial. so if i say, you know, i never said you had gray hair and then i deny it, then it s not there. they deny that donald trump was on the grassy knoll. the point is all of a sudden come on, john john. i think you re being disengine ws. hold onto the first point. if they re denying something that s not in the report, how is that a denial of the report? they re saying that as written the report that people are sourcing is wrong. they were very clear about that, three people who were in the room. second, let s be clear of one other thing. we keep acting like he gave the launch codes of our nuclear weapons. the truth of the matter is as much as we re an adversary with russia on other things, we re actually in the fight with isis. the information he shared is relative to the fight against isis. third of all, let s also not forget it wasn t him but president obama who was caught on tape secretly telling the russians that after the election he was basically going to give them the store when it came to missile defense. what does that have to do with sharing classified information? it s apples and oranges. if donald trump go on, even. look, if i m saying if they d treat donald trump different than russia than anybody else. if president trump was caught giving away national security secrets, i think everybody would be outraged. you re comparing apples and oranges. for someone saying give me a chance, and hang on. it was roundly criticized. so you re comparing things that aren t necessarily comparable here. president obama didn t give away security secrets on classified information. let s get back on track. to your knowledge, did president obama ever give classified information away to our enemies? no, he gave away negotiating techniques to our enemies. that s what the story is about. and i don t remember we have to go back and check, but i don t think it s necessary. it doesn t really matter. but go on, even. yeah, look, i am so tired of hearing people justify some stupid action that president trump takes by some counterclaim or argument about what happened in the past with barack obama or hillary clinton. get over it. it s not the world we re leaving in right now. for heaven sakes, donald trump is the president of the united states, he s woefully unprepared for this role. he s stepping on himself left, right, and center. he doesn t care to learn the job. he s too slow on the up take. he s sloppy, and he s making mistakes, left, right, and center. get over this. what about hillary clinton and obama, get over it. we have real interest here. and actually that is the most obtuse excuse. we are allies alone in that war. it would be barely cooperating. that s not true at all. that absolutely is true. john, i m out of time. there are times we re going to have to deal with russia. there are times we re going to have to deal with china. that s not what this is about. the president can declassify anything he wants anytime. but this is a president who was basically trying to brag about the intelligence he has with our archenemy across the table. and margaret is a republican. when we come back, more on aerobreaking news plus why jeff sessions is in hot-water in the firing of james comey. our bombshell breaking news tonight. sources confirm tacnn that president trump shared highly classified information with russian officials. let s discuss now. a former white house ethics lawyer and page pate. good evening to all of you. page, you don t think the president broke the law but you say he used bad judgment. how specifically and how bad? i don t think there s any question he used bad judgment. the question is how damaging it s going to be to the country. if anybody else had done with what he did in connection with meeting with foreign representatives and leaking classified information they would be prosecuted and put in jail. fortunately for the president these two laws that govern the release of classified information basically let the president do whatever it wants to do with classified information but it s horrible mistake of judgment because the information he s putting out there cannot just endangerer american citizens but put our relationship with people and government that give us information at great risk. you saw in the last segment there are people defending this. is this defensible or indefensible? all i could say is when i was chief for the bush administration we made it very clear how critically important it was not to reveal a classified information to anyone without a security clearance and it would have been a joke if i d said and don t release it to the russians. i mean, this is just ludicrous and of course the law will allow the president to do this legally just like he doesn t have the financial conflicts of interest statute applies to him but apply tuesday the rest of the entire executive branch. and he can run around saying he s observe the law where and he doesn t have to do this, that, and the other thing. and he can give out classified information to the russians. but at a certain point people are going to get tired of it. and this is putting our country s national security at risk. the president should only be sharing classified information with foreign powers after he s been advised by his national security team it s in our interest to share classified information. and with the russians of all people. trusting the russians with classified information is like trusting bernie with your pun money. it makes no sense what s going on here. all these happen would the backdrop of the president having fired the fbi director james comey in part of the recommendation of attorney general who repeat lad ereaccused himself because he said he didn t want to deal with it because he said he did not disclose contacts he had with the russian ambassador. did jeff sessions violate his recuseal when he did this? well, there are two issues. whether or not you really meant if i m going to look at things even if they overwhelmingly not just tangentally touched on these issues. instead he is fixated it is more of a personnel issue, that he has every right as head of the justice department to ensure his chief investigator is somebody who s credible among his ranks, credible among the people he works with the fbi. so that s his excuse there. but remember donald trump has consistently given many but different explanation about why he chose to terminate james comey. one of them being the russia investigation and trying in some way to stop what he thought was a conspiracy. well, if jeff segs was aware that was even one of the motivations behind trump s firing of comey, then he has not only violated ethically his duty to recuse himself, but also perhaps in the obstruction world to say he knows of a reason someone s trying to undermine the investigation and he played a part. but, don, reel important here to keep in mind is the backdrop here. the same day we have a trabl ban argument with the ninth circuit where the president s own men are saying listen, the national security issue gives me deferred judgment, is the same day we learned he has aapparently disregarded the national security of a nation perhaps or is acting in a way to undermine it. it s a very, very big issue here. watch this. i have now decided to recuse myself from any existing or future investigations of any matter relating in any way to the campaigns for president of the united states. could he be in serious legal or ethical trouble the. well, i don t know about legal trouble because i don t know who s going to holds him accountable. i don t know if the president is going to hold him accountable. obviously congress is not going to do much about it. they can t remove him from office. but i think he said to american people he s not going to have anything to do with the russian investigation. and i have no idea how you can be a parts of velting a new fbi director and you re not discussing the russian investigation to make sure your new director can move forward with that investigation, to have the proper resources. so i find it important for the director to be involved with that even on the personnel side. thank you all. when we come back is president trump s staff secretly slipping had him fake news? 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to some extent it goes to man at the top here. he talked last week he had some communications plans about the firing of his fbi director. they can t spin that in a way that makes it a positive story for the president. he says you can t always listen to them because they don t always have the information he does. yeah, and they went out and undermined him. two days later he said nope, i had already decided when i gut that recommendation. and not only that, it was my decision and no one else s. and it had to do with russia. that s it for us tonight. i ll see you right back here tomorrow. pcountries thatk mewe traveled,t what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. so when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. i m everything. i m from all nations. i would look at forms now and wonder what do i mark? because i m everything. and i marked other. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at the story that came out tonight as reported is false. i was in the room. it didn t happen. the white house with a full-throated denial after the president of the united states was accused of sharing classified information with the russians. what did he say? why does it matter? and how does this white house stop what one republican senator called a downward spiral ? good morning and welcome to early start on another extraordinary day. how many times have we said that in politics? i m dave briggs. there is not a chaos-free day

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