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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140806 23:00:00

your home. we apologize to the viewers of the five. greta has you covered right now. this is a fox news alert. the israelis andnd palestinians are still talking, indirect negotiations in cairo and the fragile cease-fire is still holding at least for now. how long? rick in gaza city with the very latest. rick. reporter: we are right in the middle, the longest quiet in gaza in the past 30 days. the question is how long will it last? israel said it s willing to extend the cease-fire agreement past 72 hours, past the friday morning cutoff. there is less indication hamas is willing to keep its finger off the trigger. there are reports hamas said unless there are significant
advancements of the negotiations this week they will let rockets fly at 8:00 a.m. friday morning when the cease-fire ends at 8:00 a.m. that s tough talk to any who has seen the extensive damages in the gaza strip. there is extensive devastation, houses flattened and the death toll approaching 2,000. we visit add home right next door to the tunnel hamas used to ambush and kill three israeli soldiers last friday morning. that broke the last 72 hour peace agreement 90 minutes after it started. the family that lived in a house there said it left the home days earlier when the first rockets started flying and when they came back yesterday found their home virtually destroyed. this is what the israeli prime minister is saying is happening across gaza, innocent civilians are being used as shields and homes being destroyed on purpose and the prime minister said because hamas wants to use them as a pr tool to drum up support
for hamas and criticism. it is an unlikely scenario israel would allow hamas to have the freedoms it wants based on all the things we are hearing and seeing in gaza tonight. it is extraordinary. we just heard from the president of the united states who said he has no sympathy for hamas. it is a terrorist organization. i would expect he would say that. the fact israel is willing to consider extending that 8:00 a.m. cease-fire and hamas isn t, they re getting pummeled by israel, who is making decisions and what and why for hamas? reporter: the hamas leadership apparently wants this message to continue to resonate around the world. it wants people to see its civilians being killed in gaza. it wants the an mossmo moss animosity and opposition to get israel to lift the blockade and open the borders to give more freedom, allow the
people of gaza to come and go and make this, as they call it, a free country. israel has its hands tied. i doesn t want to allow more arms into gaza because of what hamas is doing and the president has supported israel and says israel has a right to defend itself and understands why it wouldn t want to give these kinds of freedoms to hamas but at the same time the president and many others support the palestinian people and feel they re being victimized and should have some freedom. i is a very difficult situation and unclear how it should play out. it is. hamas should see the writing on the wall. the only friend they have is the u.n. right now. things are very bleak looking at those pictures you re reporting. thank you. reporter: you re welcome. as talks are going on in cairo, prime minister netanyahu addressed the world over the civilian deaths in gaza. the goal of this operation
was to protect our people from the threat of terror tunnels built to send death squads into israel, to commit terrorist atrocities against israel s civilians, to kidnap and to kill. israel deeply regrets every civilian casualty, every single one. we do not target them. we do not seek them. the people of gaza are not our enemy. our enemy is hamas, our inmy are the other terrorist organizations trying to kill our people. the tragedy of gaza is they are ruled by hamas, a fanatical terror group that relishing civilian casualties. they want civilian casualties and use them as pr fodder. this is the issue that stands not only before the international community regarding israel and stands before the international community with a wave of radical
terrorists now seizing vast cities, civilian population and doing exactly the tack ttic ham is doing. that s exactly what others are doing. 90%, a full 90% of the fatalities in this conflict could have been avoided had hamas not rejected then the cease-fire that it accepts now. hamas must be held accountable for the tragic loss of life. it must be ostracized from the family of nations for its callous abuse of civilians and hamas must be prevented from re-arming, as part of gaza s general demilitarization. every civilian casualty is a tragedy, a tragedy of hamas own making. my colleague, sean hannity is in israel and will interview tomorrow prime minister netanyahu. good evening, sean.
hi, greta. i m listening to that again. you know what was interesting about that press conference the prime minister held, to me, he was challenging the world community and the media all at the same time saying, okay, what would you do, 3,000 rockets? what would you do if three kids are kidnapped because of a tunnel network we have now spent the better part of a month destroying, in terms of infrastructure of terror with hamas, three weeks ago, hamas, think about this, three weeks ago, hamas had a tunnel network, 32 of those elaborate well engineered, very expensive tunnels, at least 32 have been destroyed, their rockets and infrastructure has been destroyed and a lot of leadership been killed and three weeks ago they were offered the same cease-fire they now took and tells me they only agreed to it because of the idea.
and we will see if it sticks and learn more about what the prime minister has to say when you sit down with him. i m curious. you talk about the three teenagers murdered that was the catalyst of this. i understand you spoke to at least one family member of the three teenagers? i did. i spoke with michelle franco and her 16-year-old son was one of of the three. he also had dual u.s. citizenship and for 18 agonizing days they were kidnapped and killed almost immediately but the people of israel didn t know that. for 18 agonizing days she was hoping and praying her son would be found andnd found healthy an found alive. her hopes were evaporated when she heard about this. this is the real life challenge of the people of israel. the thing that on the ground you learn more than anything else, greta, is that this is their everyday existence. the reason that the prime minister is so outspoken and
talks about and challenges the world to ostracize terror groups is because they ve had 3500 rockets fired at them in the last month and what they live with every day and every week and every year. it s a very different challen challenging existence. unless you have been here i find those that criticize israel so quickly, i wonder if they would send their kids to a border town near gaza and liver there for a week or month, i tend to doubt it. it s a very different reality on the ground. i guess i think to myself, what would i do? what are israel s options? we ve been through this drill so many times, three wars in six years. what was prime minister netanyahu s option? yeah. i don t really think if there 3,000 rockets being fired at your country, i don t see many
options, when the people doing the firing. i spent a lot of time on my radio program going over hamas charter, what it says. it wants to obliterate israel. it wants to destroy the jews. it even suggests trees and inanimate objects will speak out and call out if the jews are hiding behind them so they can be killed by those righteous. it is a sick twisted perverted ideology, a religion hijacked by radicals and manifests itself in different forms. muslim brotherhood, islamic jihad, isis, al qaeda, and we actually go into the history tonight. 10:00 p.m. tonight, hannity will be aired from israel. tomorrow night is the night we re all looking forward to seeing the interview with prime minister netanyahu.
10:00 tonight and don t miss tomorrow night. thank you, sean. great work, greta. great work last night. i was watching what you re doing. nothing like what you re doing. thank you. thank you. appreciate it. joining us from new york is am b ambassador in new york. good evening. what is the impact of what s going on? you have the secretary general, ban ki-moon saying israel is guilty of war crimes in gaza. put those two issues together for me and tell me where you stand on all that. the united nations should be united standing behind israel because israel is standing on the front line and encountering phenomenas the western democracy has yet to encounter. we are encountering jihad iist d
you see algeria, isis, hamas, terrorist organizations day in and day out bring death and destruction to everyone around them. in the united nations in the general assembly, we have the worst human rights abusers stand up and criticize israel standing up because what iael is fighting terrorists today, people will find that tomorrow terror on the doorsteps if they don t stand with us today. guess i had a hard time understanding that the u.n. seems virulently against israel. at least in this round, it seems, it was started by hamas with the kidnapping of those three and the murder, that s where this all began. we have israel agreeing to
several cease-fires and willing to agree to extension and hamas getting pummeled like crazy and nothing is left and they still want to fight on. i don t get what hamas gets out of this other than the pr of the united nations behind them. that s aolutely right. people forget the following. look, greta. israel wants peace. we disengage completely out of gaza never to look back into gaza. we left gaza and gave them greenhouses which they burnt to the core and opened gaza from our point of view. the view was to have gaza flourishing. it s an amazing place. and if it s going to be quiet in israel it will be quiet in gaza. and hamas wants to destroy the state of israel. this looks very simple, we have a right to defend ourselves. if rockets fly over to major
cities in israel you don t have to have an iq of rocket scientists to understand if rockets fall on your head, you re allowed to defend yourself. i m curious in the u.n., when you run into secretary general ban ki-moon and said your country is committing war crimes. when you run into the hallway, what s the exchange like? do you look at each other or have a casual exchange? yes. we talk to each other. the secretary general is a respect handball go-respectable good person. you have 22 countries of arab league and 57 islamic countries and the non-alignment movement. they can practically get every resolution through with mere numbers. for example, they can decide terrorist tunnels are just irrigation systems and rockets flying into israel are shooting stars. this is absolutely absurd. we have in that organization, at
the united nations, abusing human rights, pointing fingers at israel. but in watching this, today, watching this, even if there s a resolution condemning israel or whatever i m trying to think what does it even mean? is it just talk? even if you jump across the pond to the international criminal court they have gotten indictments for genocide for the president of sudan and nothing happens. it seems like there s this whole international discussion of talk that doesn t mean a lot and what really matters is what s happening on the ground and hamas is getting pummeled and so are the civilians and i don t know why they won t come to the table at this point. hamas is to blame for everything that takes place there. hamas is committing a double war crime, using people as human shields and shooting missiles into civilian areas, not just
kindergartens, schools, mosques, terror tunnels, their whole purpose is to maim, kidnap and murder israelis. at the end of the day, israel, all we want is to have peace with our neighbors. we ve shown that in the past with anwar sadat in egypt, a serious partner in jordan. israel is willing to make peace but we cannot make peace with an organization that has a clear mission to obliterate israel. in the sense we in israel feel today we are on the front line, like we did 45 yea 25 years a we began checking people at airports and people said how can you do that? human rights, privacy? and look at today understanding those terrorists are doing everything they can to deroy
the values we all cherish. we are standing up, the state of israel and the people of israel not just to defend ourselves but to defend the values that we as western communities really cherish and have fought for, for many years. i want to take the last word out harking back to what prime minister netanyahu said that the cease-fire of hamas accepted friday morning, that had they accepted that cease-fire earlier, 90% of the deaths wouldn t have occurred, stunning and all terribly distressing. i am getting the last word on that. hope you come back. thank you. news on the ebola outbreak, the cdc declaring a level 1 activation of its emergency activation center. jonathan. reporter: hi, greta. this is the highest level of activation something the cdc has not done since the 2009 h1n1
pandemic. a spokesman says this is largely an all hands on deck call for africa and not increased threat in the u.s. where modern quarantine and hygiene procedures are in place. here, hospital patients and international travelers are screened and if need be, isolated. the cdc has a number of quarantine rooms and we got a picture of one such room at the airport in newark, a person suspected of having ebola can be isolated or cleared and sent to a hospital. hospitals are screening patients with recent travel to africa who have gastrointestinal problems and a person at mount sinai hospital has tested negative. and the patient continued to improve. h
at auburn university it appears to stop the effects in animals but won t be available until the future. and another drug administered to two american missionaryies for ebola and took it before they left africa and say it s too early to tell whether z map has played a role of improving in their isolated conditions. they are currently improving in the hospital and wrightbol s son said mom is tired but continues to fight the virus and strengthen her faith in her redeemer, jesus and we were able to spend a few minutes with her to encourage her and be encouraged by her condition. the people in africa will travel to europe and other
countries. are they containing it in africa? do they make sense of that? it continues to spread in africa and they re trying to attack it at its source. if they can stop its spread in africa they can protect the rest of the world. modern containment and hygiene procedures are in place in many european countries. they re not worried about a substantial outbreak in the western world but it s all about containing it in africa because until they do, hundreds of more lives could be lost, greta. no kidding, if we don t contain it in africa, it will not be contained elsewhere. we have to look at that quickly and seriously. thank you. certainly. 76% of adults say they are very worried. why? former governor johnson here next and man caught between a train and platform. what happens next? caught on camera. you will see it coming up. phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria
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switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. you might want to sit down before you hear this. , are you sitting? here it is. 76% of american adults lack confidence that their children s generation will have a better life than they do. that is according to the latest wall street j journal, nbc ne poll and former new hampshire governor johnson who joins us. 76%. and 71% of the country thinks we re on the wrong track look, these have been tough years for the american family. the parents and the grandparents are understanding it. the amazing thing is there s an increase in the same number that young people are beginning to understand that this administration has done them no favors. has cost them job opportunities, taken 2 to $3,000 a year out of
their pocket with obamacare and created a tax burden on them they will have to pay the rest of their life because of the 7 trillion new dollars in debt. they re beginning to understand that. it is a shame this administration doesn t seem to want to acknowledge a, their responsibility for that and b, make any effort to change. it you say administration. do you mean president obama zbl. president obama. do you get the sense that he it s an ideology or he doesn t know how to do this or that the republicans are opposing him, which happens with every president, you get opposing political party. what is this? there are two things. one, i don t think he has a sense how serious the problem is. believe it or not, there is an isolation that occurs in the white house and he doesn t know what s happening. b, what he does know about, he has absolutely no idea how to deal with it. if you look at this press
conference he had tonight and one he had on vacation a year and a half ago, he acts to me like he lacks he doesn t have a fire in the belly for it. i think the fire in the belly would be important to inspire the american people. it inspires business and makes people think we can fix things. you hear these numbers like 76% lack confidence, the next generation, 71% say we re on the wrong track, you feel like, well, it s over. i think he came into the presidency thinking all he had to do was enunciate grand goals and it would be done. unfortunately, the presidency demands more. it demands interaction with congress that he has not done. why hasn t he done that? i don t know. he came out of the senate. he was sort of aloof while he was there. if you talk to his colleagues, both parties they ll say he didn t even interact with them as part of the senate. now, as president you ve got to work hard talking first of all to your own democratic leadership and then you ve got
to bring the republicans down and talk to them loot. you can t have a meeting with them and then abuse them in the next news conference. there s an art form to working with them. bill clinton knew how to do it. lyndon johnson knew how to do it. george herbert walker bush actually knew how to do it. this president doesn t like doing it, so he doesn t. do you think he even likes the job? he likes the perks of the job but he doesn t like the responsibilities of the job. i think he s just found it to be a very different job than he ever wanted, what i think. i think he discovered it s work he never counted on doing. the numbers are blink. thank y are bleak. nice to see you, sir. thanks for having me. off the record, hollywood upheaval, two stars. have jer and penelope cruz stepping up, not each other but
a pen to politics, talking about genocide and other actresses signed onto their bombshell letter and fired it off and kaboom and accusing israel of genocide disgusting many including john voigt. they retreated fast and p penelope cruz confessing on the topic of israel she s not an expert. that was obvious. and another problem erupted one hollywood never thought it would see again. bar del and cruz are allegedly being blacklisted by some in hollywood. and that s where john voigt stepped back in as much as he hate what they said, he does, he said about blacklisting, don t go there, don t create a blacklist. good for him, john voigt, he stands up for free speech, even free speech he doesn t like. that s big.
if you think there s something we should know about, go to greta and tell us about it. a border patrol agent murdered in front of his wife and children and parents. ost with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what d you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, we fill our freshly baked flnflat flavors. like taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. so you always get flavor that s anything but flat. new flatbread sandwiches, try one today.
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an off-duty texas border patrol agent murdered in front of his wife and children and
parents. two arrested and found out this is not their first brush with the law. casey. no, it isn t their first brush with the law. according to court documents obtained by fox news, these two particular suspects had quite the rap sheet with i.c.e. immigration enforcement. boast mexican illegals in the country when this happened. the 30-year-old, the man you see on your left, has been arrested at least four other times for entering the united states illegally but obviously kept coming right back over. 40-year-old hernandez, the man on the right has been deported at least twice. they tried robbing the off-duty border patrol agent and his family at gunpoint, when agent javier vega junior fought back and was shot to death. he had been a border patrol
agent more than six years. he knew the area he was killed in quite well, the rio grand valley area we have been hearing so much about the humanitarian crisis and the sector he worked. we have since found the 36-year-old really lived a life of service. prior to becoming an agent he served this country by being a member of the u.s. marine corps and survived by his parents, wife and three young children. it is hard to imagine they witnessed that murder. absolutely horrible, casey. thank you. obviously, our border in crisis. is any doing anything about it? the national news, jim garrity and washington news, betsy woodruff and rick klein. what will it take? first a humanitarian crisis they all claim is so devastating, i agree with that. now we have a gunned down border patrol agent in front of his
wife, kids and parents. you can t cast a story more tragically to have two men six times arrested for crossing illegally and still here, just adds fuel to the fire. this is the debate we re having for now. forget the children for the momenta humanitarian crisis, say the border situation is involved, still a very porous problematic border. for a lot of people the concerns stereotype of who is coming over the border. this is a vast minority but when it happens, tragic. politicians are gone. they created this problem and they have gone. don t they give a damn? i would think if they cared they would be trying to work on this. given the things they haven t given a damn about so far it makes sense. this isn t just politicians, federal agencies. the documents that came out recently showed immigrations and
customs enforcement officials released 68,000 illegal immigrants who could have been de ported after they were charged with crimes. this shouldn t happen. i know the whole thing about in washington you can t get people to agree. every single day of the week divorce lawyers put warring spouses something and they work out an agreement and the spouses hate each other or labor and management and picketing with signs d they work it out. here, they re all gone. they don t even try. for a lot of people in washington the problem of an unsecure border is entirely theoretica theoretical. the president wouldn t go there to look at them. they re not shown them sneaking into camp david and the president won t run into any at maha s vineyard. you say the administration likes to brag about the number of deportations they have. it doesn t mean anything if you
throw them out and they come back over that same uncured border. does any know whether in this shooting a fast and furious gun was used? i do not. the president, his demeanor seemed engaged or disengaged, tell me what you thought. maybe we re close to vacation mode with all of this. the president, i don t think he had a strong message this is what i m delivering tonight. a lot of different issues covered tonight. talked about aids conference and ebola and i thought an interesting answer he crafted trying to dance on what he can do for immigration. right now, all of washington is pretty close to summer mode. for some reason, i m scandalized by that i d be so ashamed if i said i m on vacation mode and have an ebola problem. unbelievable. ebola is not in martha s vineyard. at least there s that. it s cartoonish. the most shocking is this is very much the norm.
this is the way washington d.c. work works. i actually criticized the media. the media should be all over these people and the politicians and all over president obama. that s the way washington works, we let them go off on vacation with incomplete jobs. clearly this president doesn t care. the house when they didn t pass something on thursday last week stuck around on friday. we can argue what that bill says. at least they realize if we leave town and nothing gets done we will get pilloried and throwing rotten fruit on us. you say they re only voting for political reasons not to get pilloried? that s not flattering. it s not flattering but at least get something passed and something on paper. the senate passed a bill a year ago. why couldn t they send a senate bill. why couldn t senator harry reid
stay in town and send his bill? they re vastly different bills. so? that s more than they re doing now. if you want to talk about rotten fruit getting thrown, the house republicans would have been pitching the produce. you have to do something. last week, said the immigration bill was going through. they re doing this for purely political reasons. nobody was under illusions legislation would get passed. they almost left town without doing it and then had to get it done even though doing it didn t get attributed to anything. i think there is something in the president s style, frustrating. that s how he is. he has a very low resting heart rate. wouldn t mind if he was completely laid back and had everything if we didn t have a border crisis and have all these other problems around the
world, i don t care if they go on vacation if they get their jobs done, i have no problem at all. my problem is there are all these problems and they go. there are always problems and this has been a problematic summer. the other thing to bear in mind when we look at this humanitarian crisis on the border, it s a crisis and crisis implies temporary. this could become the new normal. there have been 73 are sfwau a there have bee no knew policy changes to discourage these kids from crossing the border and make sure it doesn t become a crisis. whatever. it s a problematic summer, our new slogan. maybe i take this way too seriously, i think it s way disgraceful. i take it way too seriously. thank you for joining us. thank you. and ambassador john bolton
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former u.n. ambassador john bolton saying america is descending into chaos. how are we descending into chaos, not necessarily disputing it. i think the middle east is already in chaos. the series of crises country by country have converged into something the entire region is unstable. you can see it with isis destroying the border between syria and iraq and states breaking down. in ukraine we re facing a circumstance where vladimir putin appears to be seriously considering another use of military force to come to the aid of the separatists.
the point here is knot that chaos itself arrives tomorrow, much farther away, but people should begin to understand and consider the implications of the failure of america to act in its own interests internationally and how the consequences of that failure impact us here at home. that, i lay at obama s door. i once had a conversation with former senator evan bayh about how we can t solve these problems. he said we can t solve them, the most we can do is manage them. we re not managing them, unbelievable what s going on around the world. with all due respected to evan bayh, that s a very european way to look at things. a lot better than where we re at now. that s true. but the american way is to make sure we solve the problem or make sure it doesn t affect our interest. in case after case we re not doing anything. are we managing them?
one other quote we will go into anarchy if the u.s. continues to pull back internationally. what minimal order and stability there is in the world and it is pretty minimal is supplied by the united states, by its presence, by its system of alliances, its inherent economic military and political strength. when we pull back from the rest of the world, the underpinnings of that minimal stability are going to disappear. the international economic trade and communication, travel, didn t appear by accident, it was because there was enough stability to allow it to happen. when the united states doesn t provide that stability a lot of people free ride on it and don t pay their share, when we pull back, we risk collapse. we see it now and not just within the obama white house, we see it inside the republican party, too. let me ask you a quick question about the u.n. and
israel. secretary general ban ki-moon says israel is committing war crimes within gaza. does that mean anything? i think that s the single worst statement of his entire career of secretary general, the kind of conclusion that leads people quite reasonably to believe the u.n. is hopelessly biased against israel and against the united states. it was bad enough when the commissioner said it. for ban ki-moon to say it is a mistake on his part. it won t do anything in the real world, won t change anything but i think it is another stain on the u.n. s reputation. thank you. thank you. trapped on the train tracks, could it get any mortifying? an incredible scene. you have to see this next. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america.
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trapped between the train and the tracks. panic. a man fallen between the train and station getting stuck all caught on camera. a commuter calling for help telling the conductor don t move the train but the man s leg wedged all the way into the gap. he is totally stuck. so a few options left, the passengers all jumping into action, dozens of people swarming the train pushing it out of the way and the man finally getting enough space to pull his leg out. men, women, children pushed the train back to help someone who is in a bit of trouble. the man amazingly not hurt at all. it s really heartwarming to find an incident like this where everyone pitches in. and after he was freed, the man even caught the next train. what a great story. catch me if you can with police and the woman gets caught after she sneaked on board a southwest airlines flight
without a ticket. come fly with me let s fly away you ve seen it in the movies. it s been a while since i ve done this. which one is the jump seat again? but this time it s real life. police say a san francisco woman managed to board southwest flight 3785 to los angeles and get through this tsa security checkpoint without a ticket. marilyn hartman somehow flying from san jose, california, to los angeles with no ticket. the 62-year-old woman sneaking through security as tsa was screening another family. one single person able to do something like that raises the hackles on the back of the neck. this is not her first time. she has become a frequent flier of ticketless travel. just this year she tried to fly without a ticket six times and at least twice slipping right past securityheckpoints unchecked. that is concerning because i mean that means anyone could just get on a plane. this time hartman making it to her destination but after
landing southwest counting the passengers on board and realizing there were move passengers than tickets. she was caught in the act. in terms of the overall safety factor, it does it makes me wonder a little bit. police arrested hartman at the airport and she is charged with trespassing. and coming up the search for a missing 6-year-old girl intensifies. the very latest is next. there s a gap out there. that s keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe the gap will close when healthcare gets simpler. when frustration and paperwork decrease. when grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. so let s do it.
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get ready to speed read your way through the news. an army general assassinated in afghanistan will arrive in dover air force tomorrow. harold greene was murdered by an afghan soldier during the general s visit to a military academy yesterday. general greene was a key figure in the coalition s training of afghan troops. and the fbi joining the search for a missing 6-year-old girl in washington state. jenise wright was last seen by her parents in her home saturday night. her parents did not report her
missing until sunday night. they say she often wanders off. police are searching the mobile home park where she lives and nearby woods but so far no sign of her. caught on camera. a utah family watches their house collapse and a landslide forces other neighbors to evacuate. luckily no one was hurt. and a mystery in mexico. two lions found abandoned in a large cage. authorities say they may have been left behind by a circus. it set up the show but could not get a permit and just left and left them behind. police rescued them and took them to a zoo. a kansas city detective vowing revenge on a fellow cop. they played a birthday prank on him on his 50th birthday they found his patrol car covered in 4,000 post-it notes and that s tonight s speed read. we ll see you tomorrow night at

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20150109 00:00:00

problems and with mutual respect and the upholding of the law for all, and respect for all lives. thanks for watching. i m al sharpton. hardball starts right now. still out there. let s play hardball. good evening, i m chris matthews out in los angeles. the manhunt continues tonight for the two men believed to have carried out the deadly terror attack in paris. the men are brothers both in their early 30s, born in paris to algerian born parents. one of them was convicted in 2008 for recruiting muslims to fight in iraq. there are reports that one of the brothers got training from al qaeda in yemen in 2011.
earlier today, two masked gunmen robbed a gas station northeast of paris. police are going door to door in nearby villages searching for them. also this morning in what may have been a copycat attack, a police officer was shot and killed by an assailant wearing a bullet-proof vest. there are 88,000 security people taking part in the manhunt and investigation. and france s interior minister said that nine people were detained overnight for questioning. in paris today there was a remarkable site. the eiffel tower went dark. in tribute to the victims of the attack. once again thousands poured into the streets in a show of solidarity. three mosques were attacked around the country. marie la pen, the leader ever the far right in in france called for a national referendum to reinstitute the death penalty. she said it is islamists it
declared war against france. i m joined by richard engel in paris, and pete williams and also tom ridge, the former secretary of homeland security. richard, the manhunt, how s it going? well the french authorities believe that they have perhaps located the area where the suspects may be. but if you can listen to that sentence they don t know a whole lot. there was a dragnet under way. they hope that the suspects may be confined to an area north of paris, near a forest. but they are asking for tips. they are putting the suspects photographs on the television at the top of every hour. they re asking people to call in if they see or hear anything. they think they may have them cornered, but they really don t know. tell us about the gas station hold-up. what does that tell us about the
fugitives? we again this is based on one witness account. the gas station owner thought he saw people resembling the brothers description, involved in the stick-up. he also thought he saw weapons and a car resembling the one that the suspects were using. but there have been so many rumors that have been floating around here because once the government activated the public there have been rumors on social media. there s been a lot of misinformation. at one stage today, it was thought that the suspects were driving on a very main road on their way to paris. and we saw police here in paris scrambling to intercept these suspects. so frankly, we don t really even know if that gas station report is accurate. it s being treated seriously and that is one of the reasons that this manhunt is under way in
that area. but until they are found, we really won t know if they ever were in this neighborhood north of paris. richard, tell us if you can about the crime scene in paris at the magazine headquarters. what does it look like to the people who came upon it? today we spent a good deal of time at that corner. it is right in the center of paris. a lot of journalists have set up there. their camera positions around it. but there s been a steady stream of people arriving bringing candles, flowers. i saw one person come today, she started crying as she was standing there quietly to herself. it has become a place where people come and say that they will not accept terrorism, that they will not be silenced. i saw one woman holding up a pencil. that has become a symbol of defiance against this act of
terrorism. so it is a memorial site now. let me bring in pete williams. what do we know now about these people who are now fugitives? two of them we heard about a third, a younger man who perhaps has turned himself in. where does it all stand? in terms of the younger man, we just don t know. his friends have said he wasn t involved he was in school at the time. there s suggestion that he s related to the two. but the french authorities have never made it clear what role they think he played. all day yesterday there was confusion about whether there were two people involved in the shooting or three. so we don t know about him. in terms of the older brothers there s a bit known about them because they ve been on the french radar for some time. one s 34, one s 32. was convicted in 2008 after he was arrested in 2005 planning to go to syria, and then into iraq to join in part of a cell of people that was recruiting young people from france to go fight against the u.s. in iraq.
his lawyer said at the time that he was relieved that he was arrested because he got cold feet. but apparently during the 18 months that he was in prison he was changed. he came out perhaps much harder according to some of his friends. the terror police in france had him under some surveillance but as one of the officials and richard can probably pick this up today they eventually decided he wasn t worth watching anymore. let me get back to richard on that, then i ll go to tom, the former secretary for homeland security h war, they said. then when cherif was put in jail, he was actually put in a prison cell with one of the most notorious algerian terrorists in custody in this country and became much more radicalized while incarcerated. it sounds like the worst case of people going to prison and coming back the worst criminals in the world because of the company they ve been forced to keep. tom, thanks for joining us.
here we go again. it must resonate all through your being the challenge of surveillance, of security against the rights of freedom. especially with the immigrant populations who are always sensitive to being profiled. you re absolutely right. first of all, i think we finally have to admit to ourselves it s a global scourge, number one, but the greatest notoriety is when they kill innocence in the western world, beheading journalists or humanitarian aid workers, going into the parliament in canada or assassinating cartoonists. the question is how do we minimize and reduce that risk? is it a question of more surveillance? is it a question of profiling? these are debates we re going to have. but i also think it calls now more than ever for louder more sustained voices within the muslim community to assist us in this effort in finding solutions and reducing the risk that these
youths, who we better not think of them in western terms, because they do not embrace western values but quite frankly we know most muslims don t abide by the perverted and distorted interpretation of the koran. let me get back to that problem. what do we do? if the talk now is of profiling in france and i can certainly understand, we ll talk about that later in the program with marie la pen and the national front. that would be one of the battle stations you take we have too many people who aren t loyal to the republic. what should we do about them? they have capital punishment. i can understand that right now. given the american experience people come to our country, by and large, want to become americans, want to be treated like americans and should be. then how do we make sure that some who come here without that intention are watched? who have a negative intention toward our country. chris, i think the answer to your country is really embedded in the way you ask the question.
the bottom line is that in a democracy, a multicultural society like the united states and i think we do a much better job of integration and absorption, but you share values, and you tolerate people and you tolerate diversity and you accept freedom of speech. and any country, france great britain, united states we draw a horrible conclusion that says that anybody that embraces religion has adopted the mind-set of these zealots. we have to start with that premise and not categorizing all muslim sbos one. beyond that we need to reach out and start working much more closely, intimate way with the muslim community. one would wonder whether or not these zealots made their intentions known in their community and whether or not a fear of retribution or for whatever reason law enforcement authorities in france were not informed of that. was there a disconnect between the law enforcement in that community and if there was, why did that exist.
there are so many fundamental problems in terms of integrating that community into any democracy. we re going to have tho wrestle with it because it s with us for a long long time. let s go back to pete williams about the question of eric holder going over there and getting together with the interior minister in france pulling together a summit right now. what can be gains boo iy a getting-together of the western powers? i think part of the issue and this is something that holder has talked about before is this balance between on on the one hand and tom ridge went through this when he was homeland secretary the united states wanting to know as much information as possible for example, about people traveling, trying to get lists of passengers before the plane takes off. as opposed to the european approach, which has always been much more oriented toward privacy. and this is a continuing dialogue between the u.s. and the rest of europe especially. although, as these attacks increase in scope in europe
that mood is very much beginning to change and the officials there are much more willing to share information. so that s one thing, information sharing. but secondly the mere fact they re getting together goes back to what secretary ridge was talking about, that it is a global challenge. ask and third, on this point of surveillance, it really say manpower issue. if you have an increasing number of people coming into your country that you think might be a terrorist, and you want to keep an eye on them 24 hours a day, there simply are not enough federal agents and police to do that. you have to make decisions about who are the biggest risks. it appears that the french decided that this young man, for whatever reason these two were not as big a risk put their attentions elsewhere, and now they ve got this decision to live with. and that s why we are. thanks so much pete williams, richard engel and tom ridge. coming up the attack in paris has united many in the creative community. here in the united states jon
stewart and conan o brien are among those defending the right of free speech around the world. plus some of the right led by lindsey graham of south carolina are saying that president obama is personally to blame for the terror attacks. these are pretty strong statements and there are going to be more of them. and later new trouble for new jersey governor chris christie, a federal prosecutor hit his re-election campaign with a subpoena. more on his tactics coming up on hardball. and republicans are building their stockpile of arguments against, guess who? former secretary of state hillary clinton. they must expect her to run. they re not waiting for the announcement. they re prepping for it right now tonight. this is hardball, the place for politics. they re still after me. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you?
no. it s called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. they cut the power. it ll fix itself. power s back on. quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable. president obama made an unplanned stop to the french embassy within the last hour. the president was returning from his trip in phoenix when he stopped by the embassy here in washington. in washington, to pay respects to the victims of yesterday s attack. he signed a condolence book and
expressed his solidarity with the french people. and we ll be right back after this. to your company, your customers and all your data. stopped by the embassy here in dge from aig is more than insurance. it s proactive technology and specialists to help keep you ahead of the curve. claims specialists and advisors to protect you as cyber risks evolve. cyberedge to help you change the internet of risk into the internet of opportunity. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn t it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie s list now it is. we ve made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today. angie s list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today.
in this country, we just take it for granted that it s our right to poke fun at the untouchable or the sacred. but today s tragedy in paris reminds us very viscerally that it s a right some people are inexplicably forced to die for. welcome back to hardball. conan o brien there, one of many comedians expressing solidarity with those murdered at that satirical magazine. they all stepped out of their comedic roles to reflect on the power of free speech and satire. our hearts are with the staff of charlie edbow and their families tonight. i know very few people go into comedy as an act of courage, mainly because it shouldn t have
to be that. it shouldn t be an act of courage. it should be taken as established law. but those guys at hedbo had it and they were killed for their cartoons. i m a satirist who deals with this subject particularly, it s kind of scary. tina fey was at a television critics press conference was asked about the attacks and their effect on free speech particularly satire. she said we all must stand firm on the issue of free speech. we re americans. even if it s just dumb jokes in the interview, we have the right to make them. and cartoonists around the world weighed in as well. this was a portion of the report by nbc s lester holt. in an expression of solidarity cartoonists around the world have penned their own tributes. je suis charlie reads this one. another shows a paintbrush writing the words down with
terrorism. and this one shows a weeping charlie brown. joining me now is liz win stead, co-creator of the daily show. and ted johnson, senior editor of variety. liz, what do you feel about these people who went to work the other day in an editorial room thinking about how to be creative and sarcastic, doing what we do for a living in many cases and getting gunned down for that? for that. i feel how so many of those comics expressed it brilliantly. i think, for me if feels like when you deal with sacred cows and you are a satirist and your goal is to not just be funny, but to expose hypocrisy, and now when you look at the world, chris, you know what it s like. when you add the internet and twitter and facebook and so much rage and anger and you re taking all that on it feels extra
scary. bill maher was right. it feels like when you see hypocrisy in the nra, whether it s zealots from climate deniers. whether it s the anti-abortion zealots. when you want to take the sacred cows on and you see every step of the way that there s been violence even in our own communities, it feels really scary. ted, you re thinking about the community in l.a., in hollywood. yeah. this is coming just on the heels of what happened with the interview. i think the worry certainly is of danger over you know even satire. there s a lot more arab terrorists out there, even if they re only a small part of the community than north koreans. exactly. but there s also this counter-worry that yes, there s awareness, yes, there is this unity in the wake of the paris bombings, but this is going to make studio executives this is going to make financiers even
more skittish to take on some of these projects. they re not going to even finance them in the first place, they re not going to green light them, because they ll look at it and say, it s just not worth it. some of these projects it s hard enough making money, but when you add on top of that the idea that you face this little from terror so all the bad guys are going to be gary busey? i was thinking of true lies the schwarzenegger movie where they show a terrible portion of a terrorist. they re not good guys. let me talk to you about sarcasm in satire. we all grew up with it. i remember going to a football game back in the 60s where holy cross played harvard and somebody from harvard, some wise guy was running around dressed like the cardinal cushing of boston shaking holy water on everybody. and then we played army in west point and i had some friends of
mine, went out there and made fun of the soldiers at west point and we got away with it. i mean, this hij inks is sort of who we are. it s not just professional. it s the way you get through life laughing at things. that s right. and i think that the second there s a chilling effect i mean i personally the studio system and hollywood haven t been green lighting all sorts of edgy comedies for the most part. they re always pretty safe in that which is why these interesting places you know like the satirical magazine in paris, are independently run. like some of our best social critics are the ones who have done it on their own terms and have been able to do it on their own terms. prediction now. it seems like taken, the first was great. they had to find the weirdest
bad guy, so they get the albanians. you got to find the most exotic bad guys. i think we ll see more of wall street financiers as the bad guys. that s always the easiest one to fall back on. or the amish because they have zero technology. great movie. and the amish looked very good in that movie. i hope we can maintain our freedom to be sarcastic. and i hope we keep it. i don t like my religion being attacked one bit but i understand it s the price of living in this society of freedom, which i m very happy to be living in. liz, thanks so much. ted johnson, thank you. up next look who is already playing the terrorist card. lindsey graham says as long as barack obama is president, we can expect many more attacks like the one in paris the other day. lind lindsay, please make the connection. and the prosecutor has
subpoenaed chris christie s campaign about his tactics. we ll talk more about that. this is hardball, the place for politics. i m letting you go. i knew that. you see, this is my amerivest managed. balances. no. portfolio. and if doesn t perform well for two consecutive gold. quarters. quarters.yup. then amerivest gives me back their advisory. stocks. fees. fees. fees for those quarters. yeah. so, i m confident i m in good hands. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this.
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is without equal. start investing with as little as fifty dollars. welcome back to hardball. those deadly terror attacks in paris have ignited a political feeding frenzy among conservatives here in the united states who are looking to destroy president obama s credibility and standing. no surprise but it s pretty ghastly. today republican senator lindsey graham of south carolina launched a series of accusations aimed sharply at the president. i think he believes that strength is offensive. that he doesn t want to be bold because he may offend somebody. president obama s policies are making us very much less safe here at home. when he left iraq he did so based on a campaign promise. he s trying to close gitmo based on a combineampaign promise.
our intelligence-gathering abilities have been compromised. these policies of being soft and weaken and indecisive are coming home to haunt us. it s just a matter of time before we get here at home if it s not addressed soon. michael, you first. what s the causality, can you find it between obama s commitment to close gitmo and end the war in iraq finally after all these years, as something to do with what happened in paris? i don t know the correlation. i don t understand the context of which that answer was given. look, the bottom line chris, is that the president of the united states is not in a position to trump the president of france when something of this magnitude happens on his soil. the president, i think, took the appropriate at least in the beginning, a very measured tone and approach to this as he should. this is not about, you know gitmo and what happened in
france. they re two very separate issues. what frustrates me a lot of times and i think a lot of americans is when our politics and particularly our politicians con flates into something as sears as this and distorts really what we should be focused on. what is it in the american blood stream that makes us look for bad guys among ourselves? it just looks like we got to blame somebody. how about blaming the fact that we live in a free world, it s the price we pay to have bad people exploited, who can get guns and who are willing to kill. living in a free society, there s not much you can do about it. the idea of some guy from south carolina blaming some president from chicago for something that happened in paris is weird. there s some kind of weird projection. i m not a shrink. but there s something weird about him, about weakness and strength and this macho thing that is really disturbing. because it s totally weird. and i like the guy, but he s weird about this stuff.
what is this projection of weakness and the need to be more macho? what s that about? what s that got to do with paris. i don t know about his projection. explain to me why he s talking like this. i couldn t begin to explain that. but you ve heard rhetoric like this for a long time from republicans. i was on the campaign trail i heard republicans saying this president doesn t take terrorism seriously. this president doesn t think we re in a war on terror. which is just not true. this president refers to isis as the j.v. team which he said long before americans were being beheaded. but the reality is and i assume everyone knows this no matter who is president, no matter how many wars we involve ourselves in there s still going to be the risk in a free society of having something like this happen. john bolton was saying this means this can happen if this could happen in paris, it could
happen in washington and new york. it s already happened in washington and new york. well, bolton s a flamer anyway. he predicted an attack here and blamed the coming attack which he predicted, on the president, already. here he is. the leadership of the country has to acknowledge that we re in a war. if it can happen in paris, it can happen in washington or new york. you can count on it. unless the president of the united states understands that western civilization is under attack here and responds accordingly, we ll see this tragedy repeated endlessly. you know i know why these guys, jonathan, bolton s back there like bill crystal and all the rest of them they can t wait to get us to attack another arab country, as if that s going to make us more secure. i fail to see the connection. we could have gone to war in hamburg where a lot of 9/11 people were operating out of. we could go to newark. look for any place they might be
and go to war with that place, it s not going to protect us. it s about surveillance hunting down the bad guys making them pay where you can, killing obama, it s about drone strikes, all the efforts we ve taken. why do they still want to have a boogieman? why do they still have to blame the president of the united states who s tried to deal with this problem and has effectively done so in many cases? i think they re trying and failing to score political points off tragedy. i think that s why chairman steele just a moment ago said this didn t make much sense. there wasn t a logical connection here. ambassador bolton is like a wind-up soldier. you wind him up stick him in any direction, in any environment and he wants to go to war. there s not a lot of sense to it. rush limbaugh says the paris shootings are the result of benghazi. figure that one out. michael, you got to do that too, make this connection. by going to the u.n. and saying that a video was
responsible for the death of a u.s. ambassador and three other americans, when it wasn t by sending susan rice on five sunday morning talk shows to spread that lie, to run ads in afghanistan or pakistan starring obama and hillary, continuing this lie that these actions have consequences ladies and gentlemen. my point is this country s leadership has fed the beast. this country s leadership has fed the rage. you know i can t follow him. because clearly the people who killed the satirists in paris were angered by their satire. there is a connection between those two. absolutely no justification for doing it but there was a connection. is he saying that we shouldn t point to connections when we find them? what is he arguing? again, the causality, how is obama responsible for what happened? i was going to say, it sounded a lot like sort of the talking points that we re going
to hear for the presidential campaign laying out these arguments early to sort of lay down the predicate against both the administration and a future hillary clinton campaign. the reference to hillary clinton in this context to me makes no sense. the reference to benghazi makes no sense. this is about what paris and in particular the president of paris has been of france has been doing, globally engaging along with the united states in fighting terrorism. this was a direct response to that. and the fact of the matter is again, the president of the united states is not the president of the world. as much as we sometimes want to make the world even the president sometimes may come off as that if you want to say. these realities are here for us right now. we are engaged in a global war on terror. all of our partners and allies are fighting this battle and as has already been noted, we have to stick together. we cannot pretend, we talk about benghazi and we connect it to
paris, that everybody s going to thing, oh yeah, that works. it doesn t. that s not how this is playing out, i don t think. there are some good arguments you can make. don t draw red lines unless you intend to enforce them. they re legitimate arguments. the crap from rush bo and the rest of these, i m so dis discouraged by lindsay. he ought to relax and stop being stupid. when we come back a new front in the federal prosecutor s investigation of the big guy, new jersey governor chris christie, you re watching hardball, the place for politics. oney with that broker? dad: yeah, 20 something years now. thinking about what you want to do with your money? you re watching hardball, the place for politics. . you re watching hardball, the place for politics. you re watching hardball, the place for politics. you re watching hardball, the place for politics. dad: i don t know exactly. daughter: if you re not happy do they have to pay you back? dad: it doesn t really work that way. daughter: you sure? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab.
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welcome back to hardball. it now appears that federal prosecutors have opened up
another front in their criminal investigation into new jersey governor chris christie s office. the wall street journal is reporting that federal prosecutors in new jersey have subpoenaed governor chris christie s re-election campaign for documents relating to government meetings that were allegedly canceled with jersey city s mayor after he declined to endorse the governor. get the pattern here. as the new york times reported, steve faub had the rug pulled out from under him after he failed to endorse christie s re-election bid. they reported he was promised access to the heads of seven governmental agencies after he won re-election, but once christie s team learned he was not endorsing christie every single one of those meetings was canceled. quote, almost all cancellations came within an hour and the remaining ones followed closely on their heels. i m back with michael, melinda and jonathan. it looks to me, i m not a lawyer, but i m looking at rico
kinds of things patterns of running a criminal enterprise. you re looking at patterns of where you punish and you don t punish, or you reward and most of the time you do punish. in fact we ll show you a tape in a moment of somebody with megan kelly, of course talking about this pattern. it s pretty clear that someone on governor christie s team just a minute here had it out for the new jersey mayor. and when christie s team shut down the bridge a different mayor called christie s appointee at the port authority, but was ignored. in one e-mail change, christie s deputy chief of staff asks the official of the port authority, did he call him back? to which the official responds radio silence. his name comes down after mayor philip. in other words, we have a pattern here treat them like we did philip. cut them off. radio silence. he isn t playing on the team. is that criminal? i m not a lawyer so i m not
going to say whether that would be criminal. it doesn t look good definitely. and if he s thinking of running for president, this would certainly play into the narrative that he s a bully who uses his power for himself and not for the people of the state of new jersey. but of course, it depends, you know, how long is the investigation going to go on and what does it find? you know this certainly doesn t help. you know you have the public behavior of the governor which is kind of a bully, but it s public, not criminal, certainly and wise guy at least. then you see the evidence of how he rewards and punishes people on whether they back him or not. then you have a u.s. attorney looking into this subpoenaing documents. you question where does hardball politics end and criminality begin in and clearly this u.s. attorney thinks it might be criminal. certainly that s why they re looking into it.
and obviously there are lawyers and prosecutors who will make a decision about whether there s criminal behavior. there are certainly ways in which politics can get there. i think often times there s a reluctance on the part of the justice department on the part of prosecutors to pursue political retribution, unless it involves some sort of bribery, some sort of money exchanging hands, or not exchanging hands, denial of benefits. so i think it s a hard case to make. prosecutors are reluctant to bring those cases. at the same time having this investigation over his head makes it harder for him to run for president, as does the entry of jeb bush into the field. if you look at his recent behavior behavior, it suggests that he may not run, hanging out with jerry jones at the dallas cowboys games. unpack that. why would it be a sign you re not running for a higher office if you hang around with the dallas cowboys? aren t they america s team?
isn t that a good thing? [ laughter ] not in his home state of new jersey or in south jersey you d be an eagles fan or giants or jets fan. don t forget the eagles. i mispronounced it. it s the eagles. they re concerned about this. michael, is your party squeamish now enough about big city ethnic politics to say, we don t want a president that uses muscle like this, even if he does escape the judge? yeah i think the idea of the use of muscle is something that all politicians are going to be careful about. just as we saw the outcome of the virginia governor s situation where mcdonnell. i think everyone s going to be very squeamish about associations and relationships and the gifts that they get. so these efforts to sort of rein in political behavior because that s what we re talking about, at least initially, chris
this is political behavior between the governor and the mayor of new jersey. i think the back story on this is less about the bridge and the politics of the bridge and the federal funds that were that are questioned with respect to the distribution after hurricane sandy, and whether that had some type of you know, issue attached to it as well. so there are various aspects of this on the legal side but this is mostly political right now. i agree. and i don t see this much getting out of the dirt beyond that. what we re seeing michael, you know the world as well as i do. sometimes people are doing things they don t think are criminal. i don t think mcdonnell thought he was committing crimes. i think he was grabbing some opportunities. his wife was too. he was enjoying the office with the perks that come with friendship when you re in a high position. you have new friends who want to be generous. i don t think he thought he was a criminal. in this case, i m sure christie didn t think he was committing crimes. he s not a crook. i don t think he is anyway. i don t think so either.
i was going to say in virginia under state law, he wasn t committing a crime. he still says he didn t commit a crime. prison is filled with guys like that. anyway, the roundtable is coming back to talk about hillary. she s getting hit mostly from the right. i want to talk about that because i think that s on the table. this is hardball, the place for politics. and alert you if anything looks unusual. wow! you re really looking out for us. we are. and if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you re never held responsible. just to be clear you are saying frog protection right? yeah, fraud protection. frog protection. fraud protection. frog. fraud. fro-g. frau-d. i think we re on the same page. we re totally on the same page. at discover, we treat you like you d treat you. fraud protection. get it at
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in 2016. a california democrat a champion of liberal causes during her four terms in the u.s. senate including gun control, women s rights and protecting the environment. she s been a fireball. she was first elected in 1992. the so-called year of the woman. when four women won seats in the u.s. senate. she served ten years before that in the house. she always won. senator boxer said the vote she s most proud of is her vote against going to war in iraq. ted kennedy said the same thing. boxer s retirement means that california will have its first open senate election in 24 years and that scramble has begun. and we ll be right back. welcome to the most social car we ve
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vrjts vrjts vrjts. welcome back to hardball. hilly clinton hasn t even announced running for president and the republicans are preparing to do so. jeb bush has jumped into the match last night. he spoke to attendees at the event who wanted to remain anonymous. bush told his audience if hillary runs she ll have to answer for president obama s foreign policy and won t be able to, run on her husband s legacy legacy. if someone wants to run a campaign about the 9 90s nostalgia, it s not going to be very successful. accusing her of padding her pockets. for the low, low cost of $2,777 per minute folks, that s just $46 per second.
you, yes you, can promote hillary clinton as your featured guest at your next event. mrs. clinton reserves the right to cancel the event for any reason what so ever at any time. that s an irritating ad. anyway john this attack to me looks like they re preparing for the landing. this is like some early bombardment of hillary on the way into toannouncement some kind in the next couple of months. yeah, i don t think that will change. the speaking engagements, ties to wall street from the bush side like at some point, that will probably look like they live in a glass hougs. jeb bush is giving paid speeches. what about mitt romney? he s on all kinds of boards? how can he attack her iffor being them. they take away the biggest knocks against each other, the dynasties, the ties to wall
street, the ties to corporate america. the two of them are in a really good position to sort of lock arms on that thing and get them out of the way. well, wanthat about saying it s all fair game to go after bill and his behavior back in the 90s. this s no surprise, either, i think. it depends on what behavior you re talking about. we know which behavior you re talking about. i don t know if i d go that way. those boys intended to help her more than they wanted to hurt her. i think they should be, if they re serious about running. i mean she s not only the front runner, she s the only runner across the right right now. why go after what fruit she
requires? because that makes her look so out of touch. that makes her look like the woman in you know who has to have everything just so that old, you know marie antoinette slam against her that has always been tried. and some of that she pointed the way toward those attacks herself when she said something, like referring to herself as we were dead broke when we left the white house. so i think that s completely predictable and not a bad way to go. for them. anyway, thaing,nk you. when we return we ve got a preview of the big hollywood movies up for the golden globe this week. will selma , i m thinking, will selma win a prize? that s ahead. this is hardball. r from six creations for just $15.99. so open wide for crispy jumbo tempura shrimp with soy ginger sauce,
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this. we re back here in los angeles where awards season is officially underway and the 22&end annual awards fair takes place on sunday. birdman as well as the imitation game and the theory of everything. the nominees include several political tv shows with strong women in lead roles with house of cards and of course the good wife got three nominations a piece while homeland and veep got one each. i m joined now with kim aldman, hollywood reporter. kim, i haven t seen the movie yet.
se plrks s selma seems like it s getting a lot of noise. is there a chance? i suppose there s a chance. people are probably thinking boyhood and maybe birdman. there s a musical and comedy category plus a drama category. so i think that s where it is. i have to say, chris, i think that the confersversation about selma is not necessarily the best conversation because it s about the role of l.b.j. and his ability of voting rights act and whether he was dragging his feel. i feel that it s a bit confusing, certainly for the academy, for the oscars they get fer vous with things like that. is it right? is it wrong? it s simply not true. l.b.j. was one of the great champions of voting rights. anyway, i should also mention my role in the coming up sold of
the good wife. it s about the battle for state s attorney, and, as i said, some very hot seats. let s look at this quickie. this sunday. what is she doing? the good wife. i love it. three days in brooklyn to put this story together. i ve got to tell you, marguelise is such a pro. thank you, kim. that s it for now. all in with chris hayes starts right now. tonight on all in. the city of lights goes dark as the man hunt continues in paris. tonight, the latest on the suspects who continue to elude capture. our first look inside the offices where masked gunmen opened fire.
a look at the small, diverse group of people and the look by some media out lets to not publish charlie cartoons. we ll have the latest on the

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140902 10:00:00

responded. and don t forget, keep talking. #keeptalking on our facebook page, and i will join in the conversation shortly. thank you for joining us today. ainsley has headed downstairs for headlines and fox & friends starts right now. see ya! hello, and good morning. today is tuesday, the second of september 2012. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. the uk pushes to be terror-free, and as the president avoids the topic altogether, critics say there is a past leader he can learn from. who is it and will he respond? straight ahead. another flight diverted midair over legroom. this woman who was sitting next to me knitting, actually, just tried reclining her seat back. the woman behind her started screaming and swearing. really? to recline or not to recline, that is the question.
right. we will handle other questions, too. the fbi now on the case after a massive hack attack leaks nude photos of hollywood s hottest stars. now one comedian under fire for telling celebrities to keep their clothes on and stop taking pictures of themselves naked. but isn t he right? why are they mad? mornings are better with friends and we have clothes on. this is gavin degraw and i hope your morning is a little bit sweeter with fox & friends. well, thank you very much, gavin degraw. well, even though labor day is the unofficial end of summer, it s going to be like 100 degrees here today. right, it s okay. right, so, welcome, summer. it s been so long. finally! hello. i just realized i had a total white suit on for the show and i realized you cannot wear white after labor day. yeah, you can. all the rules are out the window. no, no, they will jail you. who s they? who? de blasio will throw you in jail you ve never worn a white suit in your life, have you?
i might have. i might have. some on the upper east side of new york city, tom wolf is about to be taken into custody. and as gavin just pointed out to me gavin degraw, who just did the open? yes, who looks very nice, a successful pop star, pointed out to me that i did go to p. diddy s party you did? i was invited. i never followed through, though. but i had a white outfit ready to go. a lot going on there. in the hamptons. was he p. diddy? diddy puff? p. daddy puff? he was right over there brian asked him, so, about that white party? then he goes, yeah, you should come some time, and then there was no official invitation. p. diddy, if you re watching, call into the show. we normally don t take phone calls. we ll put you on the air. 88-tell-fox. right now, we need to go to ainsley for what s really making headlines. that s really important, though. thank you. let s continue to talk about the white party. thanks, brian and anna and steve. overnight, two midair
emergencies. first, the front windshield of a plane packed with people shattered. the american airlines flight had just taken off from the los angeles airport when that glass cracked. the pilot immediately turned around. it s still unclear what caused it to shatter. then, a delta flight diverted in another case of air rage over legroom. witnesses say the plane was heading from new york to florida when a passenger tried to recline her seat. the woman sitting behind her got mad, and the two got into a heated argument. one woman insisted to get off that plane, forcing the plane to land in jacksonville, where she was escorted off. she said, you know, something to the effect that i don t care about the consequences, put this plane down now. this is the third clash over reclining seats in recent weeks. last week during a flight from miami to paris, a french national was arrested by air marshals. the other was on a flight from newark to denver when a passenger used the controversial knee defender. today, doctors are expected to find out the extent of brain damage joan rivers has suffered
as they take her out of a medically induced coma. as a result, producers canceled the taping of her e! show fashion police. rivers was hospitalized last week after she stopped breathing during a procedure on her vocal cords. happening today, detroit s historic bankruptcy trial gets under way. lawyers will ask a federal judge to approve a plan to wipe out about $7 billion of detroit s debt. most creditors have endorsed the plan, which includes commitments from the state, companies and foundations to donate $800 million to soften cuts to city pensions. but detroit s bond insurer opposes that plan. frantic passengers on a florida greyhound bus call police on their driver, as he fell asleep at the wheel, nearly running a car off the road. the driver had been swerving into other lanes for more than 30 miles before being pulled over. he was arrested when he failed his sobriety test. and those are your headlines. scary stuff. cannot drive drunk. yes. ainsley, thank you very much.
thank you. overnight, the united states struck somebody with our drones. apparently, we took out the leader of that al qaeda-linked group called app shabaab. remember, al shabaab took that mall hostage last september. 67 people were killed. so, that s what we re doing with al shabaab. what are we doing with isis? not much, in comparison to the united kingdom. the prime minister on friday raised the threat level from substantial to severe. he knows that 500 british nationals have traveled from the country of britain to fight with isis, and he doesn t want them coming over here. yeah, so, he said that i m going to give the authority to law enforcement to seize and suspend passports of suspected terrorists to try to stop this home-grown terrorism that westerners are starting to see. let s listen to david cameron on isis yesterday. there should not be a knee-jerk reaction or the introduction of sweeping, new blanket powers that would ultimately be ineffective. dealing with this terrorist
threat is not just about new powers, it is also about how we combat extremism in all its forms. passports are not an automatic right. the home secretary already has the discretion to issue, revoke and refuse passports under the raw prerogative if there is reason to believe that people are about to take part in terrorist activity. we will in the end defeat this extremism and we will secure our way of life for generations to come. so, he comes out with a motion, he speaks with passion president needs to take notes there. i know exactly where he stands. he s get a concrete plan going forward. he jones jeh johnson, our homeland security secretary, eric holder, our secretary of defense saying isis is the biggest threat, the most serious threat we have faced here at home, including al qaeda. but where s our plan of action? germany s got one! germany s on the move. well, you listen to george will yesterday, and he s the conservatives conservative. he says, i m tired of america putting the ground forces in of our own guys in there. he goes, let s get everybody
else. there s about a million muslim countries who are upset about isis in the surrounding middle eastern area. there are other of our allies that could also fight, but charles krauthammer points out something else. as much as we think that should happen, it won t happen, because america has to lead. listen. living with isis, diplomacy and economic sanctions have no place whatsoever. it s going to be all the military. and the fact is that the example here isn t cameron, it s george h.w. bush, as ed says. what did he do? he said of the invasion of kuwait, this will not stand, and a coalition formed behind him. obama says i have no plans, and he expects the muslim world will rally behind him? but is the president a leader who doesn t want to take advice from any past presidents, any of his advisers? and we ve seen this relationship between the pentagon and the white house. sure. become icier by the day, it seems. well, you know, we ve heard this president is the smartest
guy who has ever been president, but he has a phone and he has a pen, but he doesn t have a plan. meanwhile, the president had glowing things to say about how things had turned out for people over in libya a while back. i m going to play this sound bite from the president in 2011. remember all the time and treasure that we put into making that a safe place? well, here s the president a couple of years ago, and we re going to show you how libya s doing right now. this is a momentous day in the history of libya. the dark shadow of tyranny has been lifted. we ve taken out al qaeda leaders and we ve put them on the path to defeat. without putting a single u.s. service member on the ground, we achieved our objectives. and our nato mission will soon come to an end. that was the beginning of the leading from behind. france said, hey, why don t we do this? hillary clinton says, mr. president, you ve got to do it. and of course, gadhafi s now gone. and now you re looking at our
consulate. this is what s happening right now. i don t know if the chlorine levels make it safe to swim, but i don t think the islamic extremists who have taken over the embassy care that much. seems like they re taunting us, doesn t it? they take over this cia annex which has been abandoned with sovereign soil, and now they re occupying it and throwing spring break parties. yeah. the dawn of libya militias says they are guarding it, and they re doing that because the united states pulled out in july. and so, they re taking over that, along with the airport as tripoli fell. well, other news that a lot of people think is huge. it is big. the fbi is on the march because they need there s an emergency. celebrity photos have now been downloaded, taken off a cloud, perhaps, and made public against their will. we re talking about jennifer lawrence, there seen, and of course, kate upton, the multiple sports illustrated cover girl. their stuff has been hacked, stuff that they say is deleted is now out, and their lawyers are saying if anyone downloads,
expect to be prosecuted or pursued. right. they don t know exactly how hackers got a hold of the images. they think it might be related to some vulnerabilities with the iphone. some are suggesting too many celebrities just have really easy passwords, which make it easy to hack. nonetheless, ricky gervais, the comedian from the united kingdom, went out there with this tweet that seems like common sense. he writes, celebrities, make it harder for hackers to get nude pics of you from your computer by not putting nude pics of yourself on your computer. essentially, what he s saying, don t be stupid. and you know what? he s right. and yet, he was attacked online relentlessly by celebrities. by everybody! i said the same thing on fox & friends yesterday. i said the same thing. if you re going to not want everybody to see it, don t take it in the first place. it s the same thing parents teach their kids about sexting. you don t take pictures and send them to somebody and expect them not to share them with anybody.
this is a little different because you expect it to be different. sure. when you put it in the cloud. there are reports that it came from the find my iphone app, that there was a flaw in there somehow. apple at this point, from what i m hearing, hasn t come forward and said whether that s true or not. but either way, i mean, we need to have very secure passwords. is this the fbi s priority list? i can understand an investigation maybe locally. these guys have the resources to pursue it. apple s looking into it. do we need the fbi looking into it? yes, yes. brian, come on, it s not just because it s 100 celebrities, it s because it s showing that there is a weakness in the system. and how many people use the cloud? so, the celebrities have proven it? but brian, your credit card information is there, your bank information that s a reason! nude photos are not a reason to dispatch the fbi. but it s all sensitive if you re a celebrity, shower in a bathing suit, just to make sure. never get naked. it s a symptom of a bad problem. if people get hacked, you know,
it s a national security issue in some cases. not the nude pictures, but if hackers have that easy a time getting into stuff, that s bad. right. but if chris chulo is just as important as jennifer lawrence, whoever chris chulo is. whoever chris chulo is. all right, anyway, let us know. it is now exactly 12 minutes after the top of the hour on this tuesday that feels like a monday. coming up, schools, teachers and theaters and churches, and even highways. our next guest warns these are the american targets that isis will strike in this country. then, no food or water on the way, a call for help. a couple stranded on a broken down boat at sea for a week. hwow. how they managed to get home. story of survival, ahead.
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great. this is the last thing i need.) seriously? let s take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good ol midas touch. hey you know what? i ll drive! i really didn t think this through. brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) schools, movie theaters, churches, and even highways. our next guest warns, we need to be prepared, because these are the soft targets inside america that isis will strike and wants to strike. dr. william forstchen is historian and author of the new book day of wrath. pleasure to be with you. unfortunately, we have to discuss something that s not so
pleasant. you wrote this book in june about isis. yes, i did. why? i wrote it as a warning to america. i m a college professor besides being an author. i take very seriously the threat of isis. they say they re coming to america. they re not coming for our hard targets, as some experts proclaim. i believe they are coming for the soft targets, which means our schools, churches, community centers. why do you think they re coming? they said they are. everything that isis has said they re going to do for the last six months they have achieved. sure. we saw that tweet outside the white house where we are here and somebody is holding up the black flag of isis just outside the white house. and of course, the secret service says they re investigating. when you say that soft targets are the way they re going to go, what are you talking about? why go for the hard targets? now, consider 9/11. those were commercial military targets. isis has learned to manipulate social media to the utmost. imagine 9/11 with moderate
social media. imagine isis going into a new town, and rather than 28 children dead, we have 300. i wrote day of wrath as a warning, because i am a college professor. i m also a military historian. well, because there are so many soft targets in the united states, how do we protect ourselves? that is the tough question. we have to rethink our school security today, starting today. a lot of state schools are starting this morning. rethink security. it s not going to be one gunman. it s going to be three or five professionally trained killers that in 15 minutes could wipe out an entire school. what do you think about the theory that it could be at a shopping center, where there are hundreds of people in a food court? i heard one of your experts talking about that last week, possibility. but realize, shopping malls have dozens of exits. think of the contained area inside a school or a church. place of worship or synagogue. so, you say that a church would be much more lethal? terrifying. and also remember their hatred for christians and jews. they would love to knock off a
synagogue or a church. what are what, a little more than a week away from 9/11. do you think that is a symbolic target for isis? i ll have to be one who says no, because i believe they want their own date. there will be a date in the future that people will say, same way we speak of 9/11, the day isis struck. remember, they hold bin laden in contempt. they want to up him. and they re coming. because they re radical groups. right. they hold him in contempt. look at how al qaeda s recruits are now moving over into isis. and thousands of westerners are joining them as well. so, if al qaeda s going to hit the united states, it most probably, as they did two years ago, might be on september 11th, whereas isis, if they re going to hit the united states, they would steer away from that because that day belongs to al qaeda. then they can claim, oh, we re imitating bin laden. they want to set their own precedent. they could bring america to its knees in an hour if they hit the soft targets. it s day of wrath.
doctor, thank you very much for joining us live. thank you, sir. coming up, a d at the beach takes a terrifying turn when a teenage boy, a body surfer, that is, gets bidden by a shark. the scary details, straight ahead. and it sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, erasing bad memories and replacing them with good memories. well, that would be terrific. how would it work? find out next. you can eat that on weight watchers? looks amazing. looks like my next dinner party. that s only 4 points? with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. dine out on favorites or cook up something new. i can do this every day. join for free and start losing weight now. learn how to eat healthier while enjoying the foods you love. get inspired at meetings, online, or both. hurry, and if you join by sept 13th you ll get a free starter kit. weight watchers because it works.
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quick headlines now. a shark attacked a 13-year-old girl, biting her on her leg while she body surfed in boca raton, florida. her father carried her out of
the water. she was taken to the hospital but is expected to be okay. this is the sixth attack in that area this year. and two florida highway patrol troopers hailed as heroes after they saved an elderly woman s life. they were eating at a restaurant when the 89-year-old customer stopped breathing. one trooper gave her cpr while the other called an ambulance. she s now recovering in the hospital. all right, two good stories. thanks, brian. it s a scene you would only expect to see in hollywood, when jim carrey s character decides to wipe out all memories of his past girlfriend in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. there s an emotional core to each of us and when you eradicate that core, it starts its degradation process. by the time you wake up in the morning, all the memories you ve targeted will have withered and disappeared. well, now groundbreaking, new research claims this may soon become a reality, but what are the drawbacks of manipulating our memories? here to explain is drexel
university psychologist dr. charles williams. what an interesting subject this morning. thanks for being with us, dr. williams. thanks for having me. good morning to all of you. good morning. so, this study was done on rodents, and it found that the storage place for memories is very different from where the emotional storage is for memories. explain what the study found. so, what happened was, a group of neuro scientists took some male mice, they delivered an electric shock to them, they let them loose into a maze. and when they wandered into a certain area, they gave them a blue laser light, a light emitted through the skull into the brain and into the hippocampus, which is largely responsible for memory formation. the emotional part of that is the emibula, which is sort of in the front area of the brain. so, a negative memory was created because of that. they then replaced that negative memory with a positive one by allowing these male mice to spend quality time with female mice. at the same time, they hit them
again with that blue laser light on the hippocampus. and guess what? not only did it create a positive memory, but it erased the negative one. wow. okay, so, if we start seeing this actually done in humans, what are the down sides? don t we learn from our mistakes, from our bad, painful memories? right. i mean, so, for example, if you are riding a bike and it s very early on in your experience with it, and like myself, you fall off a couple of times, you scrape your knee, then you learn from that experience by reflecting back on how painful it was or uncomfortable falling off the bike, being embarrassed and scraping your knee. so, in that sense, it s a way that we learn. so you re right. if we take those experiences away, that motivation to get things right, so we re not uncomfortable, so that we don t get harmed, then there could be some ethical considerations to think about there. and even sometimes don t we make our positive experiences come from comparing them to our negative experiences, too? we don t want to dilute the good memories. right. so, the other thing is, one of the reasons why we work hard to have these very positive experiences is because we
remember the negative ones. and nobody wants the negative experiences, right? so, we avoid them. so, we try to do the right thing so we can have these positive experiences. but without the negative ones, then what s a positive experience? it s almost like without that, then how can we experience good? so, it s this balance. it s this yin and yang that makes life more complete and more whole, so we erase the negative memories and maybe we re not as whole and complete as we used to be. doctor, one thing that fox & friends really cares about is our military, and ptsd diagnoses, and this is just what s been diagnosed for post 9/11 war veterans, is nearly 120,000 cases. how could this research help our veterans with ptsd? well, think about this. a lot of them, unfortunately, are returning back to the home front from afghanistan, from iraq. they have these traumatic experiences, which can lead to diagnoses like post-traumatic stress disorder or ptsd. if we can go in and erase those negative memories or replace
them with positive ones, they won t have that debilitating psychological disorder and can live richer, fuller lives, which we all want. and their families would do. doctor, thank you very much. 26 minutes after the hour. here s what s coming up on fox & friends . do you text behind the wheel or even eat while driving? in the near future, your car could be watching you. and it s supposed to educate our children about the isis threats facing our nation, but is it too much for kids or just enough? the publisher behind this coloring book here live next. but first, a big happy birthday to nfl hall of famer terry bradshaw. he is 66 years old today. sweet! spicy! savory! enjoy it all. cause red lobster s one and only endless shrimp is now!
endless choices! endless variety! kick it up with our spicy new wood-grilled sriracha shrimp and it s back: parmesan crusted shrimp scampi! the year s largest variety of shrimp flavors! so many to explore! as much as you like, any way you like! endless shrimp is here! but not for long. so hurry in and sea food differently.
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who s picking the music this morning? there s been a big hack attack, on the cloud, perhaps. a bunch of celebrities, including kate upton and jennifer lawrence, pictured there, two of the most famous women in the world, their nude photos displayed out on the internet over the weekend. ricky gervais got a lot of heat, because he told his 6 million viewers and followers, celebrities, do you want to make it harder for hackers to get nude pics of you from your computer? by not putting nude pics of yourself on your computer. so, don t be stupid, stop taking naked pictures of yourself. extraordinarily, he was attacked so hard online that he took down the tweet. he doesn t like celebrities.
he is one! remember when he hosted the emmys and just put down celebrities all day? apple s investigating to find out why it happened. meanwhile, we asked you, who s right in this mess? tom says this, yes, if you don t want to be peeped at, don t take any pictures in your birthday suit. tony says sending explicit material over the web, you must expect it will not be private. that s right. margie says the fbi doesn t have time for irs scandal but lots of time for hollywood! wow! so, we re watching facebook and twitter with the same question right now. we ll see if ricky gervais is actually happy about being the antihero again. keep the comments coming. well, he s right. all right, 27 minutes now before the top of the hour. ainsley ehrhardt is here doing the headline duty. thanks, steve. good morning. russia s president threatening to take ukraine s capital. vladimir putin claims that he can take it in two weeks if he wants to. he made the remarks during a phone call with the outgoing european commissioner. the russian president s threat
comes as nato announces it would build a new spearhead rapid reaction force to respond to possible russian aggression. operations on board the uss mesa verde are back to normal this morning after a marine corps helicopter crashed off the coast of africa. all 25 people on board are safe. this happened as the chopper was attempting to land on the ship s landing deck. three suffered minor injuries. no word yet on the cause of that crash, but the aircraft was transferring troops back to the ship from training. well, the trip was only supposed to be a couple days, but a florida couple s lucky to be alive now after spending a week adrift in the gulf of mexico. they were trapped 80 miles off the shore without any food. they had to drink water out of an old bucket. the two were sailing from apollo beach when their engine cut out. then a powerful storm ripped their sail. a friend contacted the coast guard after she didn t hear from them for several days. and those of you who can t keep their eyes on the road, general motors has a fix for you. it is set to launch the world s
first car to detect distracted drivers. how does this all work? well, a camera inside your car measures your head and your eye movement to determine where you re looking. if your eyes are not on the road, and instead, your head might be down looking at your phone, for example, you will get an alert. radio. what if i want to switch the radio station? you have to do it, like, looking out how can you do that? hit the seek button. distracted driving. just listen to your radio show and you don t have to worry about it. leave it on that one station. okay, thank you, ainsley. extreme weather hitting all over the country this labor day weekend. a house in georgia set on fire after being struck by lightning. the woman inside escaped unharmed after a bolt struck her attic. and in massachusetts, residents still stunned after a tornado touched down in massachusetts, destroying cars and houses as well. maria molina is tracking all that severe weather and joins us from 48th and 6th avenue. reporter: hey, good morning.
hello, everybody. we had severe weather over the weekend and also yesterday. and across michigan there were also two tornadoes there. they were confirmed by the national weather service as being ef-1 strength, so between 100 to 110-mile-per-hour winds. and in kansas, what looked like a tornado touching down as well. a lot of pictures circulating across portions of twitter. and today, that storm system, it s a cold front, it s moving eastward, and it is going to be producing that potential for severe storms yet again today, anywhere from parts of kentucky to upstate new york. we don t have as much wind shear with some of these storms as we had yesterday, so we re not really thinking the tornado potential. it s very high, but you still need to keep an eye out for tornado warnings, if they are issued for your county. ahead of this storm system it s very warm out there and also very humid. temperatures are going to be in the 90s from new york city down into parts of texas. and by the way, tropical storm dolly, a high pressure system, is keeping it off towards the west, so landfall forecast tonight in mexico. rip current concerns across the coast of texas and also expecting areas of heavy rain out there. let s head over to you, brian.
all right. thanks, maria. welcome back. all right, you re looking at images right now of a coloring book meant to teach kids about terror threats facing our nation as we get closer to looking at another year since 9/11. now they re being rereleased with new pages so children can understand what isis is all about. it s meant to be a teaching tool. so, why is the publisher receiving nasty notes from the white house? joining us right now is wayne bell, founder of the really big coloring books. wayne, we ve talked to you before. you ve gotten blowback before about doing this. why update? well, we re doing this update because isis is such an incredibly difficult subject for parents, teachers and educators. i know that the very first book that we made, the we shalt never forget 9/11 book in 2011 was followed up in 2012 by the true faces of evil terror. they both face children a difficult subject, but the subject itself is difficult, not the books. the books are pretty accurate
and fair and straight across the board about terrorism. so, during our second book we published the true faces of evil terror, we got an e-mail from the white house calling the books basically trash. what the company is trying to do is simple. we ve talked to a lot of parents, teachers and educators, and people we talked to, the parents want terrorism to be taught in schools just like you teach antibullying, nutrition. they want educational subject, something to give to their children to explain to them what this terrorism is all about. but you also say our company you do set for example the bowe bergdahl prisoner exchange, which i find abhorrent. we gave away five higher-ups to get bowe bergdahl back and nothing since then, but that s a page in this. don t you think that s a little sophisticated for 5 to 10-year-olds? well, the best way to teach terrorism, according to the parents that we speak to, is to provide materials that they can use in the privacy of their own home. i mean, kids are pretty smart these days. they have access to instant media. they see things 24/7. and so, what better way to teach
a child about a very super difficult subject than to give a parent, teacher and educator a title or a book on that actual subject and let them sit in the privacy of their own home and teach those children what is really happening out there. i mean, when kids hear on tv that there s a country called iraq, and children, little boys and girls are being cut in half because they re christians, that s a very difficult thing for a child to process. and so, we don t put that in the book, but we do put crucifixions in the book. i mean, we have some fairly graphic images, but nothing over the top. but you have crucifixions, which you know are happening, and children are being abused there. so, i guess it s stuff that could give kids nightmares, but educate them at the same time. if they just did it in the schools, you wouldn t need crayola s array of colors to explain. we sent these books to all 50 state departments of education across the country, including the federal department of education. and we asked them, we says, here s the books we have. if you don t like what we have,
we will make you a custom book about terrorism. tell us what to do. we will provide it for you. if you don t like the way we present it, tell us how to present it and we will help with it. all right, wayne. wayne, founder of the really big coloring books, updated for the isis terror. wayne, thanks so much. you re very welcome. all right, so, would you want a coloring book in your kid s classroom? would you buy it to color with your child at home? go on facebook, fox & friends, or on twitter and tell us what you think. we ll share it. steven, tell me what s next. president obama claims in order to get fair pay, you need to join a union. if i were busting my butt in the service industry and wanted an honest day s pay for an honest day s work, i d join a union. really? well, charles payne, the king of pain, says it s the very unions fault you make less money. and it was the wedding everyone was waiting for, and now we have the photographs. the first pictures of angelina s
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people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america. hello, and good morning. some quick entertainment headlines now. no viva las vegas for miranda lambert and blake shelton. the country couple just turned down a $1 million offer to perform three shows at caesars palace. it was reportedly not enough money. must be nice to be able to turn that cash down. and fellow country star carrie underwood taking to twitter to announce she is expecting her first child with nhl husband mike fischer. congratulations. she posted this photo of herself holding her two dogs wearing t-shirts that say i m going to be a big brother and big sister. how adorable. and we ve got your first look at angelina jolie on her big day, on her wedding day.
her simple gown featured an interesting twist. she had drawings by her six children sewn on top of it. wow. finally! congratulations. meanwhile, at a big labor day rally yesterday in milwaukee, president obama claims in order to get fair pay, you need to join a union. you know what? if i were looking for a good job that lets me build some security for my family, i d join a union. [ cheers and applause ] if i were busting my butt in the service industry and wanted an honest day s pay for an honest day s work, i d join a union. but apparently, union members disagree. recent numbers show union memberships have seriously declined. here to discuss is host of money making on the fox business network, charles payne. good morning. good morning. so, we ve seen the president s numbers on foreign policy dwindle, so he s focusing on things here at home
domestically, but do these numbers add up that he s saying? no, they don t add up. here s the interesting thing. honestly, if you were the idea is that there are some great-paying jobs that are going begging in this country. under the obama administration, we have not produced the sort of education platform for americans to get those jobs. so, now he s actually out there begging for foreigners to come and get these great, you know, jobs that pay big money. in the meantime you mean high-tech jobs? engineering jobs? even, listen, welding jobs. there are a lot of amazing, great-paying jobs from the s.t.e.m. jobs to welding jobs and those things that we re not producing in our public education system, in part because of unions. and here s a more interesting part, guys. the president s economy has gotten to the point where right now only 49% of americans feel like they re middle class, down from 71% just a couple years ago. and what s happening this year is amazing. people have stopped spending. they re saving money. savings rate is at the highest level since december 2012. what is it that the american public knows?
forget about the political spend. what is it we are so afraid of? why are we so in the dumps? why do people feel so bad about themselves? that s what the president needs to be talking about, not about busting your butt in a service job, flipping burgers, you should be busting your butt so you never have to get one of those jobs. no kidding. charles, there was news this morning in the news feed that we got that showed some of the lois lerner e-mails, which apparently were lost, not so lost. apparently, they showed that, speaking of big unions and labor, the amount of money and contributions to labor reported to the irs was much different than they actually took in. and lois lerner just wrote it off. well, it s okay. they re not breaking any laws here. yeah, how does a group like, for instance, the flicio report to the labor department but zero to the irs? same with teachers union, teamsters. $7 million. they told the labor department, this is what we put into political contributions. they told the irs it was zero. how do you keep doing that?
how do they say $1.4 million to the labor department, zero to the irs? how do you keep doing it, the education and teachers union, $25 million, they told the labor department. they told the irs zero. they put these on the forms. i mean, this is inconsistent at best, maybe illegal. and they get away with it! they get away with it. but here it is, guys. it stands to reason, if your job is to crush any political opponent of the president, and particularly in this case, the tea party, then the other part of the job is to look the other way. by the way, service workers and fast-food workers are going to have demonstrations to become a union to up their a lot of those people are busting, a lot of it s a facade. less than 3% of american workers are minimum wage, and these are small businesses we re talking about crushing. the answer, prepare those people, tell them to bust their butts, give them the opportunity to bust their butts, president obama, so they don t need the service job. that s what he should be doing. this is the kind of stuff charles talks about on his program, making money over on
fox business tonight at 6:00 p.m. he s going to be the first one in the office today. right. all right, charles, thank you. thanks a lot. coming up on fox & friends, it happened again. she said something to the effect of i don t care about the consequences, put this plane down now. another flight grounded when passengers start fighting over legroom. why s this keep happening? wait a second, i don t think we have any legroom. and did the nsa miss massive terror threats because it was too busy spying on thousands of americans? we have got judge napolitano. it s official, labor day s over. he s back. he s going to tell us what s going on. hello. i don t have to worry about legroom. baby, you just ain t seen nothing yet you ain t been around i rebalanced my portfolio on my phone. you know what else i can do on my phone? place trades, get free real time quotes and teleport myself to aruba. i wish.
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as isis terrorizes the middle east and the list of global threats plaguing the world grows, is u.s. intelligence doing enough to combat these threats or are agencies like the nsa and c.i.a. being misused and misguided? here to weigh in, fox news senior judicial analyst, judge andrew napolitano. welcome back. good morning. the president of the united states has ahead in very clear we don t have a strategy, as if this is a sudden shocker that we didn t seem but our intel people knew about it, didn t they? well, either they did or they didn t. and if they did, they can t claim surprise. and if they didn t, it s because they ve dispatched 60,000 agents to spy on americans in the united states of america instead of on these monsters as they started to acquire more wealth and more of our former military equipment and more geographical
area in the middle east. so for the government to say oh, all of a sudden isis is here? either the government is not doing its job or the government is lying to us. where did you get those numbers from, the 60,000? the 60,000 is from your friend edward snowden. so he s the one who released this? yes. do you believe those orders came from the white house or the nsa going rogue? no. i think this is from the white house, brian. i think that the president this is just my opinion is more concerned with wanting to know what americans are doing rather than dispatching our intelligence agencies to find out what people who really can cause us harm are doing. so for them to say this is the j.v. team, for them to say all of a sudden they re on the scene, either they re not doing their job or not telling us the truth. and neither is the government we should have. so if this isn t a blatant reregard for the constitution, where is the outrage from the american people?
two disregards for the constitution. one is spying on innocent americans without any evidence of criminal activity on the part of the americans. the other is failing to keep us safe by allowing an entity the size and the magnitude and the per rossity of isis to develop. theoretically the c.i.a. would be perfect for something like this. what is the main threat? going overseas and coming back. are they a terror threat when they go over there and say i want to come back to north carolina or florida, if we re monitoring that situation cause we have a suspicion that they could have terror intentions, then the nsa would be doing its job. look, if somebody goes over to isis and fights against the iraqi government by the way, that s not a crime to fight against the iraqi government. it s insane. and then they want to come back? that is absolutely a sufficient basis for the nsa to know what that person is saying and to whom they re saying and what their plans are when they come
back. actually be a sufficient basis to prevent them from coming back. like they re doing in britain? yeah. so keeping an eye on the people who go over there and come back. it s the spying on the rest of us, that s the problem n it doesn t keep us safe. just less free. how is that for an eye opener the day after labor day? way to go. thanks. did you hear joe biden this weekend? folks, it s time to take back america as we ve said. one problem with that take back america part. eric holder says that phrase is racist, at least when republicans say it. details on the double standard straight ahead. someone should tell him he was in charge of america for six years. and they re top jobs with six figure salaries. that s right. and no college degree need. we ve got list next hour.
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great to be with you on this tuesday morning, the 2nd of september, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. forget iraq and isis. overnight the white house launches a new campaign of strikes in somalia. is the president taking his eyes off of the real threat to america s safety? we report. you decide. meanwhile, joe biden riling up the unions on labor day. so folks, it s time to take back america as we ve said. but the vice president may soon be forced to eat those words because the take back america business is racist. we ll explain. according to some. and the most shocking headline of the day. hold on to something or somebody. my favorite guilty pleasure, the
latte from starbucks contains no pumpkin at all. mornings are better with friends. hi. this is brooklyn decker and you are watching fox & friends. thank you very much, brooklyn decker. welcome to mrs. roddick. she married andy roddick. appropriate since he s the last american to win the u.s. open on the men s side. good morning, everybody. you re in, great to have you. thanks for having me today. heather is off. ainsley is in. filling in for heather today. evidently i talked too much in the first hour, so we got to go right to you. we re going to talk with a fox news alert. massive manhunt underway now for seven juvenile inmates who escaped a center in tennessee. 32 teen-agers ranging from the age of 14 to 19 broke free by crawling under a fence last
night. the escape happened during a shift change. 15 of them were caught near the facility. the rest of them are still on the loose. be careful. happening today, chicago school security following a violent labor day weekend. three people were killed. 33 wounded in 11 separate shootings in chicago over the last three days. when students return to school today, another 100 safe passage workers in those yellow vests will be on routes as they re walking through the crime-ridden neighborhoods to get to school the state is promising $10 million to put another 600 guards on the streets. the f.b.i. now looking into the hacking scandal targeting hollywood s hottest celebrities. the feds trying to figure out whether a glitch in apple s find my iphone app allowed hackers to come in. apple patched the flaw
yesterday. stars who were hacked vowing to strike back against anyone who helped leak those pictures. and the kurdish oil tanker that went missing off the coast of texas was found in the most obvious spot. the ship carrying $100 million of crude oil disappeared from the coast guard track systems on thursday. now out of nowhere, it has blipped right back into radar in the exact same spot where it vanished. yeah. it s believed the ship turned off its responder as it was attempting to offload cargo at sea. the 1 million barrels of oil at the center of this debate, iraq seized kurdish oil deals as smuggling. those are your headlines. they have to go through baghdad before they sell it. thanks a lot. good news in the war against terror. last night we understand we struck one of the headquarters of another al-qaeda group called al-shabab over in somalia.
they were responsible for the mall shooting in nairobi. they think they got the leader. we have a strategy it looks like for certain elements of africa, including boko haram to a degree in trying to contain the terror threat. when it comes to isis, it doesn t seem like the president is in a big rush to come up with a comprehensive plan. sure. we can do something about al-shabab, that s great. but what americans are worried about is what s going on with isis. there is a story out in the washington times that says that the u.s. government is tracking 300 u.s. passport holders who are currently fighting for isis. those are 300 americans who could want to come back. why is isis so serious? here is captain chuck nash. once upon a time there was a guy named osama bin laden and he gave a four point strategy brief. one, attack the far enemy and force it to withdraw. that would be us.
number two, upset, destroy, and take over the i will legitimate governments in the reasons. three, destroy israel. four, establish a caliphate. we re following his time line. just like that. we are withdrawing. went from everywhere to nowhere. when you talk about what else is happening, everyone was talking about isis over the weekend. but it seems like we changed gears because the president of the united states wants to change the topic. number one it s labor day. so i get it to a degree. but he feels like he has positive economics to talk about. joe biden says remember me? i m looking to run for president when barak obama is done, so he wanted to address the underprivileged, the underserved middle and lower class in our country. he talked about taking back a country that he s really been in charge of along with the president for the last six years. so let s listen. here is joe yesterday at old tiger stadium in detroit. folks, the american people have not stopped dreaming. the american people have not
walked away from what they believe they are entitled to. just give them a chance. no handout. just give them a chance because once you give americans a chance, they have never, never, never, never ever let their country down! never! so folks, it s time to take back america as we said. so the end of that sound bite, it s time to take back america. all right? that s a great sound bite. however, eric holder, the attorney general of the united states of america says that expression is racist. he said this just about a month or two ago. there is a certain level of vehemence it seems that s directed at me, directed at the president, you know, people talk about taking their country back. you know, i can t look into people s hearts, look into
people s minds, but it seems to me that this president has been treated differently than others. there are certain racial components to this for some people. i don t think this is the thing that s a main driver, but for some, there is this racial animas. it s hard to understand. if you re a republican and you say it, then you re a racist. but if you re joe biden and you say it, then it s fine. but the message is inconsistent, too, cause the president has said basically the same thing as eric holder has said about those very words. so let s try to get the white house on the same page with that message similar to the same message that they ought to be sending about isis and the strategy or no strategy or whatever is going on between the white house and the pentagon because there seems to be a big divide there. we have been watching joe biden for years, ever since he got the spotlight on him, we ve been noting how many times he misspoke or was inartful in his description. even the day he said he wanted to run for president, he had an interesting description of then senator barak obama. can you imagine as he gets
closer, if the president remains running, as the president remains under 40% or around 40% approval rating, as he tries to separate himself how off the script he s going to get. this could just be the beginning. joe also said yesterday, don t give up. for six years he was vice president. how bad did they make it? anyway, that s joe. now we re moving on to the friendly skies. the delta flight 2370 from la guardia to west palm beach was diverted to jacksonville where they had to take somebody off the plane because there is this woman who was sitting back in economy. she was trying to move her seat back, but behind her was another woman who apparently had her head down on the tray like that. so the lady with the head down on the tray was like, you can t move back here, my head is on the tray! she started screaming. she started cussing. the flight attendant came over and she said, i don t care if you got to land this thing, i don t care about the
consequences. what s funny is the woman who reclined her chair was just knitting. can you imagine? she was just like oh, i m just knitting. this woman starts just flying off the handle. this is so crazy because this is the third time this has happened in two weeks. one of the other flights that actually got diverted, too, was because of this thing called the leg defender. it s like tough plastic hooks that you basically put on the chair in front of you so the person in front of you can t recline. a knee defender. you can get it for under 30 bucks and it keeps you having a little bit extra leg space. i think they is this the only thing that can change is if they give us all our own couch. just give us a little more leg room of the they ve tried to make so much money. here is somebody who was in that area on that delta flight with an eyewitness account of what happened. yeah. she said, i don t care about the consequences. put this plane down now. so they did put that plane down right there in
jacksonville, florida, and the woman who was cussing and cussing up a blue streak, i guess as my mom used to say, she was escorted off the plane. of course. so is it really so bad to recline? no. the seats do recline. over the weekend we talked about it a lot. viewers say it s disrespectful to recline your chair. tucker carlson said you recline into others as you would have them recline unto you. right. you can react by going all the way back this much. you go back six inches. on what flight? that would be first class. i m just saying. come on. put it this way, i think the knee defender has to stop. it s illegal. right. it should be. it is illegal. let us know what you think about this. are we getting too sensitive because we re living in this post-9-11 world where we re worried about planes flying into building, every time there is an unruly passenger, should we be diverting these flights? i wonder if she put her head
down in a tray in a jail later. think about that, why we re wondering in jacksonville. coming up. as we wait for president obama to come up with his own strategy to deal with isis, our next guest has a simple way to start. look to his predecessor, president bush 41. this idea might actually work. then the government s common core standards were supposed to make america s kids smarter. the record card is in. it turns out the only thing our kids have in common is zeros. searching with devotion for a snack that isn t lame but this. takes my breath away
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president obama says he really looks up to, gary burrson the former commander of c.i.a. forces in eastern afghanistan, spokesperson for concerned veterans for america. what did 41 do that could help 44? first of all, good morning. bush 41 built a coalition of the willing. he made phone calls himself. he called morocco, got him in the coalition. he also sent jim baker on a trip around the world that was known as the ten cup tour and he raised money. nine different countries in the first trip donated money. when the gulf war was over in 1991, the united states didn t owe a penny. we got everybody else to pay for that conflict. as opposed to after 9-11 with iraq and afghanistan, we had a $6 trillion debt. we ve got a leverage the world. we ve got to go weather build a coalition of people to fight together led by the u.s. and then we ve got to get those that don t fight to pay. germany and japan paid billions
for the 1991 conflict and they never sent any people on the ground there. this has got to be a coalition to face isis. you know what? the thing is there seems to be a willingness to take action. germany is already moving on their own with arms and supplies. you had the saudi arabian king coming out saying listen, this terror threat is going to be hitting u.s. shores in a couple of months. you have jordan very scared about what s happening over there. so what do you do? how do you rally them? as well as australia set to say we have put aside forces. we re waiting to be asked to take part. brian, the vatican has stated that we need to deal with isis and use military force against them. the white house needs to get off of the they need to get the president off the lynx. they got to get together and put a plan together. but they re so they seem to unprepared and unwilling to
confront isis. they re looking for someone else to do this. so it appears that the administration doesn t want the responsibility. it s really just shocking. the thing is, george bush was the former c.i.a. director. he was a vice president prior to that. he had decades of experience. president obama comes in at the age of 50, two years in the senate. he does not have the gravitas as these other leaders. can he do the same? it doesn t look like he s equipped to do this, quite frankly. president bush 41 also had a national security advisor, 20 years before, and had just as much or more experience. that was the dream team. right now what we re looking at is a really weak reflection of american policy makers. it s very unfortunate. i think president obama has got to get help in that white house. and get people in there. does time matter? you say a lot of military guys
like you say, i like a thoughtful plan that thinks about the ramifications first. but is this time sensitive, in your mind? it is time sensitive. they re a new group, but they re planning now. they ve got people now. they ve got capacity. they ve got a willingness to attack us. they ve got the longer we wait, the greater the danger is. the sooner we act, the more certainty we can have that we can preempt actions against our country and protect our citizens. i would sort of hope that this administration will recognize the danger, stop giving public statements. build that coalition and get themselves into action. nato is meeting this week, it will certainly help a lot, especially containing russia. you have other countries on the record very concerned. you have the foundation for a massive coalition. gary, great points. thanks so much. pleasure to be with you. 19 minutes after the hour. so much for those sanctions,
russian president vladimir putin saying if he wanted to take over ukraine, he could take over kiev in two weeks. school has only been in session for a week and already students are fed up with the government is serving. one of those students is fighting back. he wants to bring pizza back. you can do it. he s here next. musical chairs. fun, right?
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mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. your ticket to a better night s sleep time for news by the numbers. zero. that s the number of black or hispanic students in new york city schools that passed the standardized tests based on more strient common core standards. that stinks. 163. that s the number of laws that congress passed.
that s obama has signed. the current congress is on track to be the worst ever at passing laws since modern record keeping began. and four days. that s how long a marathon baseball game lasted in japan. it went 50 innings. most starting pitchers played the whole game. that s impossible. crazy and apparently true. the food police. all across the country school is back in session. with barely a week under their belts, hungry high schoolers are already fed up with what is being served for lunch. they claim they re being starved by government mandates. our next guest says enough is enough. she started a petition to bring back the pizza and french fries. joining us is madeline taylor, thanks for being with us. any time. i want to ask you this because you say that it s not that the kids are upset about
what s being served necessarily. it s that they re not eating it completely and so that s why they re hungry. it s not that they re eating it and then they re not satisfied. so if there is more protein and more fiber in the food that s being served to them, how is french fries going to fill somebody up instead? it s not that we re not happy with the choices that we re getting. it s the way that it s being served and prepared. it s making students not want to eat at all. so food is getting thrown away and money is being wasted. eventually if you re that hungry, you re going to eat, aren t you? not really. students are making their own choices not to eat because whenever they get home, they can eat. they can eat whatever food that they want to eat or whatever food that their parents have available for them. sure. and so a lot of kids i would imagine are going to start bringing their own food. but the problem is so many kids
rely on the great prices of the school lunches. so kids are winding up hungry and this is of great concern not only to the parents, but also the teachers as well, right? yes, sir, definitely. explain why. well, just because some students bring lunch boxes, that doesn t mean that all students can afford to because 61% of my district is on free or reduced lunches. so a lot of students can t afford to bring lunch boxes, which means they re not going to be eating the food because it s not good. it doesn t taste good and it s not appealing. which means their performance in class is going to decrease. at the same time, you carry your habits from childhood into adulthood and the government is not necessarily supposed to be able to tell you what you can eat outside of school, but within school, it is a police of education place of education and a place of educating kids, is it not? it is, but i believe that the students should have way more input on what they re eating.
sure. students should have an input. you have an input in particular because you had started a petition and what you re asking your school district to do is what? i m asking them to bring healthier, more appetizing choices to the menu to where students will want to eat school lunches. so what s your suggestion? i don t know the answer. i really don t. but i believe my school is saying that they have they want to serve whole wheat pizza and certain types of food, but it s unavailable to them. and i think we should bring back maybe the unhealthy choices until we have availability to the healthy choices so students aren t going home eating. that s right. and they re not sitting this in class for four hours starving cause that doesn t really help anybody. all right. madeline taylor who has started
a petition to get the school district to change things, thank you very much for joining us today from south carolina. thank you. when she grows up, she wants to be a lawyer or d.a. she s got good arguments under her belt. she sure does. coming up on this tuesday that feels like a monday, she targeted conservative groups and lost all her e-mail proving it. but that s not all. new details this morning that show lois lerner was in the pocket of big labor. and the most shocking headline of the day. the pumpkin spice latte from starbucks contains no pumpkin at all. smoking with chantix. as a police officer, i ve helped many people in the last 23 years. but i needed help in quitting smoking.
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it s time for your shot of the morning. it might be the funniest video you ll see all day. a father secretly films her daughter as she takes 100 selfies in the back seat of his car. apparently tried to get the perfect shot. you can even see her working her facial muscles. no word on if she s speaking to her dad this morning. oh, my goodness. is this safe that the dad is doing this while driving and look the other direction? yeah, really. i m wondering what s ahead of him. i got a feeling that most of those are snapshot pictures. some people in my family have been known to do that. doesn t she know the perfect selfy picture is taken from above like this. it supposedly makes everybody look the best. really? it gets rid of the double chin. who knew? not that she has one. what an informative television show. yes. it s now 28 minutes before the top of the hour. now we ve got some extreme weather for you on this tuesday
morning. tragedy strikes in pennsylvania when an 11-year-old boy is killed in a lightning strike while swimming in a creek. just the latest lightning strike in a series of many. experts saying the high numbers are rare. just this weekend a house in georgia caught fire after being struck by lightning. maria molina tracking more severe weather on a very nice day here in new york city. yeah. that s right. it s a little muggy and we are expecting some areas of rain as we head into later on today and into tonight. that s all associated with the same storm system responsible for all of that severe weather. we had two confirmed tornadoes yesterday in michigan of ef-1 strength. that means winds between 100, 110 miles per hour with those two tornadoes and another tornado that will be surveyed by the national weather service later today across portion of kansas. i want to show where you we re looking at possible severe weather, between parts of kansas and into portion of upstate new york. the threat for tornadoes today isn t as high as it was yesterday, but you could get any
rotation with some of these storms and could be possibly looking at a tornado touching down. anywhere from kentucky into portions of upstate new york, storms are going to be firing up later this morning into the overnight hours. as far as your high temperatures go ahead of the storm system, it s going to be another hot one from new york city to texas. highs widespread in the 90s and even triple digits for some of you. you factor in that humidity and it will feel even hotter than that. otherwise tropical storm dolly out in the gulf of mexico as storm system forecast to make landfall in mexico, parts of texas could be look at areas of heavy rain, rip currents along the coast and also rough surf. let s head back inside. all right. hello dolly. thank you very much. ainsley earhart has been scrambled to tell us what else is happening. we begin with ukraine. thank you so much. russia s president threatening to take ukraine s capitol. vladimir putin claims he can take kiev in two weeks if he wants to. putin made those remarks during a phone call with the outgoing european commissioner, the
russian president threat comes as nato announced it would build a new spear head rapid reaction force to respond to possible russian aggression. she targeted conservative groups and lost all of her e-mails that proved that. but that s not all. new details this morning show that lois lerner was in the pocket of big labor. a new report revealing she ignored political expenditures by unions. two of the biggest inconsistencies in 2006, nearly $30 million reported by the afl-cio to the labor department. none reported, however, to the irs. the national education association reported 24.9 million to the labor department. again, zero of that reported to the irs. the arizona mom who left her kids in a hot car during a job interview can finally smile. after five months of fighting to regain custody, she is reunited with her two children. the child abuse charges against her will be dismissed when she finishes a parenting program.
her tearful mug shot went viral on line sparking support for the unemployed mother. she joined us back in july and defended her actions. i had to choose between either providing for them or caring for them at that moment and i made the best choice out of a bad set of options. on line fundraising of more than $100,000 helped pay for her legal fees. colorado residents are outraged after local officials give the green light for a beer company to take over one town. it s part of bud lite up for whatever ad campaign. they re saying the town of crested butte to fence it all in and paint it blue. paint the fence blue. many residents say the $500,000 is not worth it. i think it s inappropriate. we are here for people from out of town. that s what we thrive on. that s what we live on. i m here because i love this.
fences are already going up and the festivities start on friday. those are your headlines. brian? thanks. 24 minutes before the top of the hour. starbucks pumpkin spice latte is out and many are jumping for joy to get tho their first taste of everyone s favorite we bithe way, statistically it is the favorite holiday drink. our next guest says you should think before you drink. since ironically the one thing not in the pumpkin spice latte is pumpkin. joining us with the real ingredients, bonnie har are, y. thanks for being with us. before we target starbucks, you have been doing this for a while with great success, pointing out thanks to a lot of your followers on line and everywhere else, where there is false advertising out there and you re making these major companies responsible. that s right. eating fresh at subway isn t eating fresh if you re eating chemicals.
yoga mat chemicals? that s right. you had some companies change their policy because of it. that s right. and it looks like starbucks is going to be changing this policy as well. one of the things i found out about the pumpkin spice latte is not only does it not have pumpkin in it, which was the least surprising thing t has two doses of carmel color level four. that, according to the national toxicity program, and the international agency for research on cancer, has said that these ingredients are linked to cancer. can cause cancer in one in 100,000 people. that s a risk that i don t want to take and actually you don t need to color something brown that s in a white opaque cup like this anyway. really starbucks needs to take this out and give us a time line of when they re going to take it out. you also point out that carmel color is created in a lab by reacting corn sugar with ammonia and sulfites under pressure and produces things
that taste like pumpkin. i don t know, but it shouldn t be in our food. this is definitely an ingredients that starbucks is trying to hide because they re not posting their ingredients on line. their competitors have all of theirs listed on line. when you go to starbucks web site, you don t know the ingredients in their drinks. that s a problem. they re probably trying to save their trade secrets, but with people who have food allergies, it can be a real problem. or people who want to avoid cancer it s a problem. kentucky fried chicken, we ll never get the secret recipe. let s move through this. talk about other things that stand out. okay. so in here we ve got vanilla nes quick and strawberry. they say one thing but have another thing when you look closely at the ingredients list. this has no vanilla. this has no strawberry. it s artificially flavored. wow. this has more butter, right? right. it says extra butter, but it has
fake artificial butter that people have tried to get banned because of the health issues associated with it. this. peaches and cream, quaker oates, no peaches in this. crystal light? crystal light natural lemonade, it s being sued by the centers of science and public interest because of the false advertising, has no lemons in it. take this. this is a kicker right here. this is something kids have all across the country. it s from yoplait. strawberry and banana bash. it has this eyes with colors. no is that you berry and banana. we have all these other stuffs and problems. but no more time. this is some of the things you re investigating to making america a better place. make our food more nutritious. thank you. look out, starbucks. steve, tell us what s straight ahead. condolences on your beloved pumpkin spice latte. i know. terrible news. coming up, british prime
minister david cameron saying if you turn to terror, you get kicked out of the country. should america do that? if not, why not? the golden arches are no longer golden. why the mcdonald s logo is now blue. first trivia question, born on this date in 1964, this actor learned to surf for his role in point break. who is he? first one wins. you can eat that on weight watchers? looks amazing. dine out on favorites or cook up something new. with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want.
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all right. headlines now. mcdonald s forced to ditch their iconic golden arches for a tower coy color? strict regulations in arizona prevent buildings from ruining views of the desert. people on twitter were quick to turn the restast food photo op.
pretty nice. american made sneaker prototype that could become standard issue for soldiers. it would eliminate the cash allowance that let s recruits buy foreign made shoes. here is steve and peter on something else. we got a fox news alert. a fox news just confirmed that president obama has received detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of isis in his presidential daily briefing for at least a year before isis took large swaths of territory this june. so it wasn t a surprise. he knew all about it. this just hours after british prime minister david cameron took aggressive steps to address a potential terror threat from isis. he s allowing police to seize the passports of suspicious travelers. passports are not an automatic right. the secretary has the discretion to reverse them if there is
reason to believe people are planning to take part in terrorist-related activity. david cameron, a man of action. his move in stark contrast to our president s announcement last thursday admitting that the president and the united states really doesn t have a strategy to combat isis. should we be taking similar steps to stop radicalized citizens from entering our country? peter johnson, jr. here. this is going to become a huge, huge problem going forward. let s look at the u.k. anti-terror plan. they say they have the power to cons if state the passport of people who are suspected of terrorism. they want to block british terrorists from returning to the united kingdom and want the ability to relocate the suspects. here in the united states, steve, we do have that same issue. there are about 100 u.s. citizens who have been identified or have traveled or tried to travel to syria to join the conflict there. for example, troy castigar was killed in 2009. douglas mccain and mohammed
were killed this month fighting syria. so we see people from minneapolis, from new york, from los angeles, from florida traveling to syria to fight with isis. sure. and on the heels of the fact that it looks like the guy was behead that had jim foley was a subject for the united kingdom, so david cameron is stepping up. the washington times said today there are 300 american passport holders that the u.s. government is tracking who are fighting for isis. 3,000 perhaps. we re talking about who is who on the terror watch list. and that s become a problem as talk about it, in terms of gangster rap needing islamic jihad. here there are approximately 420,000 individuals on the watch list. 98% are nonu.s. citizens. now, how do we stop suspected american terrorists? there is something called a no fly list. there is approximately 16,000 people on that no fly list.
less than 500 are u.s. citizens and u.s. airlines, this is important can refuse to transport someone, airlines are required to submit their manifests to the faa to exclude those passengers. so we are not taking passports away here in the united states at this point. but effectively we have the right to say you can t get on the plane and come from the united arab emirates to new york. you can t get on the plane and fly to the middle east where your final destination is to fight with syria. the issue becomes what do we do effectively to stop american terrorists from returning to our homeland after fighting in syria with isis when they have proclaimed they want to raise a black flag in the white house? cameron says take their passports away. relocate them. i believe that we need to do something similar to that at the same time protecting the civil rights of americans. we need to figure out an administrative procedure by
which we say no. we re not going to make this ease for you and bring you back into the country and allow you to blow up a mall, to allow you to go to the soft targets that you are talking about with your guest earlier in the show. how do we balance civil rights with the need to protect the homeland? that will be the balance going forward. but when the administration says it has no strategy to fight isis and people are in a dither and a panic and we have coloring books to educate our children about isis but no government program to stop them, there needs to be a robust, effective program to stop these folks at our borders, especially when they are americans. you don t want government enemy lists. we don t want hate lists. we don t want political watch lists, but we do want to stop the people who are trying to kill us, even if they re americans. the president doesn t have a plan. but peter johnson, jr. does. let s work at it. let s hope somebody in the white house is watching.
thank you very much. coming up on this tuesday, they are top jobs with six figure salaries and no college degree is needed. cheryl casone has the list and brian is following up on that. and in 1985, john parr had the number one song in america all about that movie saint elmo s fire.
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7 hello, everybody. time for the answer to today s trivia question. it s keanu reeves. congratulations to dan in pennsylvania. you ll get a copy of george washington s secret six. moving on, the average cost for college now more than
$20,000. did you know you won t need a degree to land a successful six-figure job? cheryl casone is here to break them down. good morning. good morning. this is big. it s over 40,000 a year and a lot of people can t afford an education anymore. we were looking around, found some jobs that actually pay very well, but you don t need a bachelor s degree. the first is transportation storage and distribution management. what does this mean? it s shipping. everything has to be shipped. domestic, international, things like that. the range can be pretty substantial. 83,000. we found jobs that paid 140,000 in this. so this is all managing the infrastructure of a shipping that happens around the country. next up, installers and repairers. do you need to go to a trade school for these jobs? a lot of these are going to require on the job training or require, yes, trade schools. but again, you don t need that
college degree. that s where the big money can come in. this is escalator repair. if you can actually install an escalator in a mall, that s a $78,000 a year job on average. if you can do power lines, 64 grand. this is a job section of the country that s going to be growing 24% growth in the next ten years for these types of jobs. you wouldn t think of them, but maybe you should, especially in today s environment. this is kind of glamorous, detectives and criminal investigators. wouldn t it be fun? you get to get paid for super stalking. detectives, crinal investigator, 76,000 up to 125,000 a year. about 2% growth as well. then there is even this one i think you would like. commercial pilot. this is not an airline pilot. this is being a tour operator. helicopter pilot. nonscheduled air schedule.
we re thinking of people that i ll take a helicopter there. i m going to take the helicopter today. that kind of stuff. finally, transportation inspectors. this is just cargo. you re basically inspecting cargo. security clearances, checks. look, most of these guys and gals do have college degrees, but 40% of other types of transportation inspection, i think railroads, don t need college degrees. you can make up to 112,000 on the high end. think outside of the box if you re not somebody who can pay for college or wants to pay for college. where can we go for information? i m going to put everything up at casone perfect. thanks so much. 56 minutes after the hour on tuesday. coming up, royalty riding the rails. why prince william and kate are taking the train.
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good morning. today is tuesday, the 2nd of september, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck.: a fox news alert. president obama has been getting daily briefings detailing isis for more than a year and still the white house has no plan to address it. that s big. meanwhile, another flight diverted midair over leg room. this woman was sitting next to me knitting actually, reclining her seat back. the woman behind her started screaming and swearing. to recline or not to recline? that is the question. right. let s just move on. this is now the most wanted wedding dress in the world. take a look.
angelina jolie s wedding pictures revealed. it s white and she had a veil. mornings are better with friends. a fox news alert. a former pentagon official just confirmed to fox news that president obama has been getting specific intelligence reports on isis for at least a year before their rise in iraq. and says there could have been no misinterpreting the danger. let s go right to peter doocy live at the desk in washington. tell us what you know. reporter: you re right. the white house says they are still formulating a strategy for dealing with isis militants abroad, but their rise shouldn t be much of a surprise for the president because the former pentagon official has confirmed to fox news the president s daily brief is classified update on all the intelligence u.s.
government feels important enough to share with the commander in chief has featured granular detail about isis for at least a year. this former pentagon official also tells us the intelligence about isis has been strong for months and at the conclusion drawn by anybody who saw it should have been that the situation with isis was getting bad. president obama apparently likes to read it with all this intelligence on his own, whereas previous presidents have been briefed by experts on its content. later today he ll head for europe and this week the white house says the president will huddle with western allies to talk about what to do about the increasingly dangerous terrorist group, isis. back to you in new york. wow. that s pretty extraordinary. thanks a lot. so listen, we knew about the growth of isis, we knew when fallujah fell and mosul fell. now we know the president got daily briefings. according to the same report, the former pentagon official who
has gotten very good source, they say that traditionally his predecessors would come back after getting documents like this with a series of questions having briefed him. but the cot back with further questions or tasking saying can you develop this more or develop this more? as to describe the frequency, the official says not generally. the other thing, the time line doesn t make sense on this. if it s been a full year, remember when those j.v. comments that the president can t get away from now? that happened in january. that was well into the time period that he was apparently getting these briefings daily about how dangerous these isis butchers were from the pentagon. the other thing on this is the huge divide that we re seeing between the white house and the pentagon. it seems like the pentagon is getting to the point where they ve had enough. they re realistic and it s the white house throwing everybody under the bus. also according to katherine herrage s report, the official said some of the intel was so
good, it was described as exquisite when the president drew a red line on chemical weapons used in syria in 2012. so what s curious is the president has known all about the rising tide of isis for over a year and chose not to act. extraordinarily on thursday, the president said we didn t have a plan. he s known about it and yet we didn t have a plan. the prime minister of great britain, mr. cameron, however, does have a plan. what they re going to do is they ve already ratcheted up the terror level in great britain. plus anybody who comes back after spending time abroad, they re actually going to seize their passports. here he is. listen to this. all european countries are taking necessary steps to tackle this problem of radicalization. we should be clear about the root cause of this threat. a poisonous ideology of islamic extremism which believes in august the most brutal forms of
terrorist to force people to accept a warped world view and to live in a medieval state. we need a tough, intelligent, patient and comprehensive approach to defeat the terrorist threat at its source. we must use all the resources at our disposal, our aid, diplomacy and our military. what would seem is a classic push back in our government which doesn t help anyone because when the president came out and said there is no plan, he s insulting the defense department who essentially says what do you mean? you haven t signed off on a plan. you could have said we re considering a series of plans and decide which one is best as opposed to we have no plan, or that we didn t know about this group. that makes the intelligence officials look bad. so they re not in it for the money. the defense department is not making a killing. they re saying, wait a second, you re hurting my credibility by saying the things you re saying and the way you re saying it. so now we re saying classic push back through undisclosed sources. gary burnstein says i don t care
who is right or wrong. there is things we could be doing right now and have to be doing right now to get other people involved. listen. the white house needs to get off of the needs to get the president off the lynx, get together. they ve got to start calling people. they got to put a plan together. but they are so they seem so unprepared and unwilling to confront isis. they re looking for someone else to do this. they re a new group but they re planning now. they ve got capacity. they ve got a willingness to attack us. the longer we wait, the greater the danger is. he went on to say we ve got to form a coalition and they re willing, believe it or not, australia, french, the british are all in. saudi arabia s king came out and said this is a griff threat that will hit europe. two months later it will hit the u.s. you got jordan worried about their utter existence, let alone our enemies who are concerned, like iran. this goes back to 2012 when
the president of the united states in the argument keep me as president rather than mitt romney, he has decimated al-qaeda. you don t have to worry about terror around the world that. was not true. then he said the thing about j.v., that s come back to haunt him. now he calls it a cancer. the narrative from the political people at the white house simply has not been accurate and now this morning we re learning that the white house knew more than a year ago that isis was growing, would be a threat to the united states, and here we are without a plan. which it makes a lot of sense why we heard from diane feinstein over the weekend saying the president is too cautious and has been with isis and sounds like for a year. i want to make sure he s reading it. because the president usually gets briefed, someone telling him from the c.i.a., like michael hayden what s going on of the evidently the president said leave the document. i ll read it. and he never had follow-up questions. was he reading it? that s a great question. remember before 9-11, the presidential daily briefing
apparently there was some passage talking about the rise of osama bin laden and al-qaeda? so they went back and they pinned that on the george bush administration saying it was right there in it. did he read it? we don t know if this president has read it. you would hope so! everybody is talking about it. we re talking about it. let us know what you think about these latest developments. first, ainsley earhart has a look at what else is making headlines. thank you so much. we start with this. fox news alert, a massive manhunt underway now for 17 juvenile inmates who escaped a detention center in tennessee. officials at the wood land hills youth detention center say 32 teen-agers ranging in ages 14 to 19 broke free by crawling under that fence. the escape happened during the shift change. 15 were caught near the facility. the rest of them are still on the loose today. overnight, two midair emergencies. first the front window shield of a plane packed with people shatters. look at that.
the american airlines flight had just taken off from los angeles when the glass cracked. the pilot immediately turned the plane around. it s still unclear what caused the windshield to smart shooter. then a delta flight diverted in another case of air rage over leg room. witnesses say the plane was heading from new york down to florida when a passenger tried to recline her seat. the woman sitting behind her was mad because she was trying to sleep on her table. the two got into a heated argument. one woman insisted on getting off the plane, forcing it to land in jacksonville where she was escorted off. she said, i don t care about the consequences. put this plane down now. this is the third clash over reclining seats in recent weeks. just last week during a flight from miami to paris, a french national was arrested by air marshals. the other was on a flight from
newark to denver when a passenger used a controversial knee defender. today doctors expect to find out the extent of brain damage joan rivers suffered as they take her out of that medically induced coma. as a result, producers canceled the taping of her e show, place. she was hospitalized last week after she stopped breathing during a procedure. even the royals ride the rails. check out kate and prince william as they were trying to blend in with the crowd at the train station in london. they didn t bring prince george with them, but another member of their family, as you can see down on the ground. their dog. they were taking the train home after a quick trip out to the country. those are some of your headline headlines. always need to save money. i was asking, i got caught asking during that sound bite, can you just say i want to get off the plane and the plane will just stop and land in jacksonville? no! i wouldn t think so. only in a medical emergency. i would think so. so i don t know why they allowed
it. apparently they thought she was troubled and put it down and locked her up. thank you. thank you. coming up on this program, their son died when his military chopper was shot down by terrorists in afghanistan. this morning they re calling for president obama s resignation. why? they ll tell brian next. and a brand-new car about to hit the market can tell you if you re driving distracted. and guess who wants the information? the insurance company. is that legal? fact. every time you take advil you re taking the medicine doctors recommend most for joint pain. more than the medicine in aleve or tylenol. the medicine in advil is the number one doctor recommendation for joint pain. relief doesn t get any better than this. advil
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fox news alert. fox news is confirming president obama has received daily briefings on the growing threat from isis for more than a year. yes, today despite repeated warnings, the white house still has no plan. that news especially upsetting to our next guest. the parents of navy seal who was killed in action, they think our commander in chief should resign, writing this, lack of leadership has left a gaping hole not only in american security, but the security of the entire globe. joining us with the parents of aaron vaughn, a seal team six member killed in action in 2011, all chronicled in their book
called betrayed. welcome back again. thanks for joining us. what prompted you, billy, to put this in writing? well, many things. your report there at the top of the hour is a perfect example, brian. ever since president obama has been in office, our national security has gotten worse and worse and worse. our allies are not contacting us anymore. they re doing attacks on their own. they re doing operations on their own. nobody respects us. the president s not home. i think it s simple for all the world to see. well, that is one way to look at it. other people watching at home say wouldn t it keep people like aaron safe because the president is not throwing them into war, into battle. he s not putting troops on the ground. how do you feel about that? you know, the thing that we ve always believed as americans is that if you take our sons and daughters to war,
your ultimate goal should be victory. that has never been the goal of this administration. billy and i are fed up with watching families suffer the same thing that we ve suffered, losing our only son at the hands of an administration and frankly senior military leaders who do not care about the boots on the ground, who care more about political positioning than the human cost of our sons and daughters being slaughtered on the battlefield with rules of engagement to favor their enemies. what s been the reaction to you putting this in writing? you guys putting this in writing and coming forward as the parents of a slain navy seal? well, i tell you, it s been very positive. there have been tons and tons of comments back on the internet and facebook and stuff. it s been positive. and listen, we have to do this. aaron s family has paid too big a price for karen and i to sit back and be silent and watch what is going on in our republic. right now today isis is a
threat. russia is a threat. china is a threat. but i will tell you today the greatest security threat the united states of america faces resides at 1600 pennsylvania avenue in washington, d.c. by this president not having his head in the game. brian, can i add something to that? sure. the truth is this is not a republican or democratic issue. this is an american issue. billy and i would not care what party occupied the white house. the truth is we have to start behaving as a nation and our leaders have to start behaving in a way that they prove to us that the next election cycle is not their only goal. at winning the next election cycle, staying in power. we are looking for leaders who care about the security and prosperity of this country. stop playing political games with our nation. and the next big thing for the president would be ending afghanistan the right way. will he leave a residual force
and learn from what happened in iraq? that directly affects you and your family cause that s where aaron lost his life. thanks so much for coming forward, telling your story. thank you, brian. 19 minutes after the hour. coming up, feminists say they re fighting to stop a war on women. but these ladies say those liberals are actually dragging women by the hair back into caves? you got to hear their argument. and wait til you see what this lioness does after getting out of her cage. (vo) get ready!
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quick entertainment headlines. forget visa las vegas for miranda lambert and blake shelton. the couple turned down a $1 million offer to perform three shows at caesar s palace. it was reportedly not enough money. i hear you. and carrie underwood expecting her first child with her husband. his name is mike fisher, plays hockey. on twitter she posted this photo of her two dogs wearing t-shirts that say, i m going to be a big brother and a big sister. no reference to hockey. and we ve got your first look at angelina jolie on her we had taking to brad pitt. her simple gown featured a twist. she had drawings by her six children sewn on to it. that s the advantage of waiting to get married til after you have kids. anna? thanks. 23 minutes after the hour. lot of ladies on the couch. feminists claim they help empower women, but are they
suppressing them? our next guests say yes. it s one of many conservative stereotypes they re crushing in the book what women really want. ann marie, morgan and dr. gina join us now. thanks for being with us. good morning. nice to be here. what a lovely cover you have there. thank you. that was me. my aunt actually looked at this and she looked at me and said, which one of you is supposed to you hear all the time that executive women are intolerant. in this book, you have a new definition. yes. okay. they claim they re feminists. but what they actually are, they are sexualists. it has nothing to do with empowering women anymore. we earned the right to vote. we had equality in the workplace. if we don t, we can fight that on a one on one basis, but everything they re about now is kind of about from the head down. it has nothing to do with women s brains or their hearts. right. so morgan, would you say the left is tolerant as long as you
agree with them 100%? oh, absolutely. absolutely. i mean, we re getting to a point now where conservative women are afraid to speak out on anything. for instance, i talked to a lot of mothers about the common core issue. and they re a little bit afraid. they re a little hesitant to go in and talk to their school boards because they know they re going to get shouted down, possibly arrested like that father did just by asking questions. so there is no tolerance on their side unless you agree with them. you have a unique perspective. you used to be a democrat and switched parties. so did ann marie. which i was a kid, of course, i worked for bobby kennedy way back in the day. of course, growing up in hollywood like i did, that s all i knew. i mean, i ve been in the business since 1956 work. as a child actor. and that s all it is. it was liberal hollywood. i saw it get more and more and more liberal and push an agenda and our culture started to
deteriorate. we have seen very strong women, beyonce and sofia vergara get very different receptions from hollywood. when sofia vergara standing up there and everybody clapping for her, she is a hot woman. oh, beautiful. people saying she was sexualizing herself. what do you think about that? well, this is something that we talk about in our book. women don t want to be object feed. what the feminist movement has successfully done is really sexualized women instead of helping them. we re here with a new brand of feminism saying drop the shackles of the old feminism. it s time for women who really want to be women, who want to be feminine, who want to be what god designed them to be. we are here to say that it s time for that era. if you take the example of those two women side by side and you realize one was fully clothed. she was not being objectified.
hollywood wasn t crazy over that. she definitely had more clothes on. but beyonce s argument for being the way she is is it s okay for women to be sexual beings like men are. what do you think about that? what they ve done, they claim we put women back into the 50s where women stayed home and took care of their children and their families. i say that what they re doing, they are like cave women waiting for cave men to bonk them on the head and drag them into the caves by the hair. that s who they are. they re the ones putting us back into the stone ages. is there really a problem for women who are well educated, maybe even have a law degree, to stay at home with the kids? is that something where they want to have the access to be able to do that? yes. women do. and they want less government in their lives. they want to make their own decisions. they want freedom to choose for their children, their families. that s what women really want. and they also want real men. we love real men. love them. absolutely love real men.
absolutely. we absolutely love real men. stop shaving, men! we want no more politicizing our bodies and what happens in our bedrooms. that s all that the feminist movement has successfully done and we are here to battle back and say we know what women really want because we ve talked to thousands of women across the country and that s what the book is about. here is the book what women really want. thank you so much. thank you. coming up on fox & friends, schools barely started a week ago and already students are fed up with what the government is serving. now students fighting the feds to bring back the pizza and french fries. and the f.b.i. on the case after a massive hack attack leaks nude photographs of hollywood s hottest stars. now one comedian under fire for telling celebrities to keep their clothes on. is he right? your e-mails pouring in on this
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it s your shot of the morning. your ultrasound shot of the morning. this baby hasn t been born yet, but it s already a viral sensation looking like fonzie, giving a thumbs up to the doctor in his ultrasound. mom and dad say they re expecting twins in january. they ll find out the sex of the babies soon. either the fonz or a politician, right?
one fonzie and one potsy. that would be fantastic. not many people have named their kids potsy since happy days went off the air. maybe in colorado. this was a lot more of entertainment photograph than what the f.b.i. is investigating right now. over 100 celebrities had their iclouds apparently hacked into with some racy photographs, including kate upton and jennifer lawrence. rickey gervais said, you no he what? maybe celebrities make it harder for hackers to get nude pictures by not putting nude pictures of yourself on your computer. so basically saying, it s your own problem. don t take the picture in the first place, you won t be faced with this problem and he s been getting all kinds of backlash. absolutely. to the point where he wound up deleting the tweet. we asked you what you thought. curt said on facebook, if the celebrities themselves hadn t started talking about their outrage, most of the world would not have known about this joke
of a controversy. it s almost like they want the publicity. hey, wait a minute. good point. yeah. that s a good point. i don t understand why the f.b.i. has to investigate celebrities pictures and not ours. another says if they were stored on lois lerner s hard drive, no one would ever have seen them. amen. denise said, wonder if there would be outrage if the pictures were of sarah palin s family. it would be joked about on all main stream media stations. f.b.i. investigates, ain t happening. remember when her e-mail was hacked and people thought it was a big joke because it was sarah palin? eventually they caught the kid and he got in big trouble, as well people should when they hack into people s accounts. which makes you believe we have to have strong passwords. or don t ever use social media. i sense social media is going the other direction. maybe. you would be the one thinking like that, considering everything seems to be exploding. maybe the message is don t take
naked pictures of yourself. just stop. there is this thing called a mirror. if you want to see yourself naked, look in the mirror. tonight take a picture of yourself naked in the mirror. is there a lot of that? no, i want to be clear. look in the mirror, don t take a picture. exactly. now ainsley earhart with a look at the headlines. i m not touching that subject. school is now back in session, right? and with barely a week under their belt, hungry high schoolers are already fed up with what s being served for lunch. they claim they re being starved by government mandates requiring smaller portions of healthier food. one south carolina student has started a petition to bring back the pizza and bring back french fries. madeline taylor says it s not about being picky, but wanting a hot meal that tastes good so students can stay focused throughout the school day. it s not that, you know, that
we re not happy with the choices that we re getting. it s the way that it s being served and prepared. it s making students not want to eat at all. so food is just getting thrown away and money is being wasted. 600 people have signed her petition so far. frantic passengers on a florida greyhound bus calling police to report their driver was drunk. look at that. they suspected he had been drinking, clearly he was by the way he was driving. then he fell asleep at the wheel. they say he was swerving in and out of other lanes for more than 30 miles before finally being pulled over. he was eventually arrested after failing, as you can see, that sobriety test. and for those of you who can t keep your eyes on the road, general motors has a new fix for you. gm is going to launch the car, the first car in the world to detect distracted drivers. how does this work? a camera inside your car will measure your head and eye movement to determine where you re looking. if your eyes are not on the
road, for instance, if you re looking down on your phone, then you re going to get an alert. this new technology is raising privacy concerns. insurance companies already want the information so that they can adjust premiums according to the driver s use of their car. a heart stopping scene as a lion jumps on a man in africa. would you let a lion out of its cage? this overwhited lioness, look at that, pounces on the man as he opens the gate to that compound. but this is why. it turns out that guy raised the lioness from birth at the wildlife park. apparently the lion remembered him. the preserve specializes in saving lions and other big cats by capturing the animals that could be killed by the farmers proceed ticketing their livestock. those are your headlines. what if you re not the person who raised it? you could be in trouble. don t open the door.
anyone that watched born free would expect that lion to remember you. if you watch this program five years ago, you know elsa was reunited with the people who let her go. remember that part? i remember that. then we had him on our show. i remember born free and brian s song tame. a lot of people were crying. for a look at what s make weather news. yep. extreme weather. trees and power lines falling to the ground after a storm slammed through nebraska, trapping some people in their homes, as you can see. and in massachusetts, residents still stunned after a tornado touched down in massachusetts destroying cars and homes. there has been some crazy weather through portions of the northeast. maria molina, especially if you were watching the u.s. open a couple days ago, it was torrential. yeah, it s been a couple of crazy days. sun is when the tornado happened in massachusetts and the delay that happened at the u.s. open that you just mentioned.
and yesterday across michigan, we had two confirmed tornadoes out there and multiple reports of tornadoes across parts of the plains. that storm system is on the move and today we could be looking at severe weather from parts of kentucky, up into upstate new york. the main concern is going to be damaging winds and large hail. we don t really have that here in place where that elevated tornado risk is in place. however, any storm that starts to rotate could potentially produce a tornado. temperatures ahead of the storm, very, very warm. in the 90s from new york city to parts of texas. factor in the humidity and it will feel hotter than what the thermometer reads. in the tropics, tropical storm dolly. high pressure system in place across the gulf and southwestern united states. that will help steer dolly toward mexico. southern parts of texas are still going to deal with areas of heavy rain and rip currents along the coast. let s head back inside. all right. maria molina, thank you very much. coming up on the program, teachers in one school district packing heat and they want everybody to know about it. but how do parents feel about
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now to a fox news alert. a massive manhunt underway for 17 missing inmates. late last night, the teen-agers escaped a youth detention center in tennessee. wztv reporter samantha singer live outside the detention center. did they climb under a fence? was it that simple? reporter: yes, it was a weak part of the fence. that s what we re told. 32 total teenage felons. they have to have at least three felons to be here. it happened last night. as of right now, they re still looking for 17 of them. heavy it several metro police officers, tennessee highway patrol, department of children services employees, a chopper scanning the area. we ve been here for several hours this morning and still 17 on the loose. this is not the first time it s happened. we ve had several escapes here and just recently an attempt in
may and at that point, they did up the security enhancements here, but unfortunately, they had a large, large breakout. still 17 of those teens considered dangerous are on the loose and live here in nashville, samantha singer, fox 17 this morning. wow. thanks a lot. not too good. we ll track that story. steve has got something else. what s happening? thank you very much. controversy with gun activists across the country. a texas school district warning everybody who steps on their campus that their staff is armed and it will use whatever force is necessary to protect its students. that s the actual sign outside the school. so how do parents feel about that? lacey has two daughters in that elementary school, joins us live today from the beautiful city of dallas, texas. good morning. good morning. so you ve got two kids, one in first grade, one in second grade. they started last week. this is something that every
parent worries about their children s safety at school. but when you saw that sign at the end of last year, what did you think? you know, teachers and administrators, they care so much about the future of the kids that they teach and i had no doubt that they would stand in the line of fire to protect one of their students. but most of them have families of their own that they go home to each night and i feel if someone crops into their classroom and threatens their lives or the life of their students, i feel they have a right to protect themselves and deserve that. we ve got a quotation for you from the executive director to stop gun violence. he says, exponentially, more schools have said thanks, but no thanks. we d rather not have guns on school property. their response is let teachers teach and let law enforcement officers just do their jobs. what do you say about that? you know, to anybody opposed to it, i guess i would just ask should your child ever be in
such a horrible situation as a shooter in their school, would you be okay with it taking five, maybe ten minutes before law enforcement could arrive? i ve heard most of these school shootings are over with in three to five minutes. by that time the damage is done. you know what? you have just made a point that was echoed last week on this program. listen to greg corker, former special operations vet and founder of a program on fox & friends last week talking about how time is of the essence when somebody on a campus has got a gun. four numbers that come to mind. so 30 seconds, if i can show them where we can slow that person down for 30 seconds, they re going to move to the next breach point. two seconds, a properly trained individual can draw and shoot in two seconds. five minutes, most of these are over in five minutes. and ten minutes is about the average for our law enforcement response time to any incident.
that s right. lacey, that s the worry. everybody trusts their police officers as soon as they re on location. but unfortunately, it takes a little while before they actually get there. in the meantime, who knows what could happen? absolutely. we use guns to protect our homes. we use guns to protect our money and banks. so why shouldn t we use them to protect our children? you completely trust the teachers and staff members who are going to have the guns on your kids campus? absolutely. i do. i know that they ve all gone through psychological evaluation s, extensive training. i do. that s good news. tracy joining us, she s got kids in the argyle school district. she joins us from dallas. thank you very much. thank you. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, her patriotic mission, a glowing success. o say can you see by the
dawn s early light the woman who set out to sing the national anthem in all 50 states just pulled it off. why did she do it? she s live with us again next. first let s check in with bill hemmer for a preview of what happens on his show in 12 minute. what the president was told about the isis threat a year ago. information on that that s breaking this morning. what putin is saying about what might be in ukraine. three americans held in north korea are seen and heard. what this might tell us. what if your car can know exactly when you re not watching the road? like that? join martha and me in ten minutes. see you at the top of the hour
she made a promise earlier this year right here on fox & friends to sing the national anthem in all 50 states and this morning jeanine is back because she has just completed that mission. good morning to you. good morning. you joined us last in april. yes. you were halfway through. yeah. i didn t know if you really thought you didn t? i didn t know if you would or not. do you think you would? yes. why? because i was determine. 27 states, right? yes, i think i was at 27 states when i came. what did you notice about our great nation as you got a chance to see every single state? most americans don t get an opportunity to do that. two things, number one, i feel like we re all family. we re all different. we have different accents. we look different. we drive different cars. we re all family and we all really, really love all those who serve. the other thing is really america is beautiful. i would drive and i d be like oh, my gosh, i have to stop like every five feet to take another photo. it s gorgeous. you ve seen so much. why did you decide this was
going to be your quest? the national anthem turns 200 september 14. and i really felt there needs to be something done to really raise the awareness that there are men and women who give this song meaning and they need to be honored. so i wanted to do that. before you sing what is next, what are you doing with your accomplishment? i always talk about the brave men and women and i want to do a gift from america to those americans who have given their all and given sacrifices. so i want to invite artists from every genre to record a version of the national anthem that s purely patriotic. it will be downloadable. all the money will be able to go to a specific account in my nonprofit, all the profits will since i ve gone to all 50 states, i want to identify families of those who have served and also those who are serving that have tangible needs that we can meet. that s fan taste fantastic. go to our web site to figure out how to get ahold of her. yes. we need people.
do you remember the words? yes, i do. we re going to get out of the way. o say can you see by the dawn s early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilight s last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight o er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there o say does that star spangled
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this morning. quote, mommy, i am ready for first grade. quote, mommy, are you going to get us there on time like daddy would? oh, oh. looks like they re eating a healthy meal. and good looking chairs there. i need to ask her where she got those. pretty kitchen. your kids are kind of cute, but i love your chairs. i she they got them from the view . we asked you your comments regarding the woman at the end of our program, lacey, i referred to her incorrectly as tracy. would you feel comfortable with your school where the teachers have guns? somebody wrote back, if i had kids in the public school in dallas area, i would like to see that it was attended where the staff was armed. so they do feel comfortable with that there. shootings always happen in gun free zones. in the after the show show, i
want you to weigh in. we re going to read some of your comments on whether or not you think celebrities, because they got hacked, does that mean the f.b.i. has to investigate? i ask this question, what about us? i have one second left. now none. bill: good morning on. tuesday. a fox news alert. stunning new revelations on how long the fissions have been warning president obama about isis. he was getting briefings on what they were planning for more than a year. good to see you again. it s been some time. martha: sources are telling fox that the information the president received was strong and granular in detail west it came to the news on isis they gave him. they say there is no way to intere

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20150121 23:00:00

kelly. so you can spend your evening watching that. i will be on at 9:30. you don t want to be involved. when you get caught for being a you know what. set your dvr so you never miss an episode of the five. special report is next. political war over iran s potential for nuclear war. republicans pursue sanctions. president obama promises a veto and now another world leader is involved. this is special report. welcome to washington. i m bret baier. the senate wants a say in the president s negotiations with iran. the president is promising to veto any new or increased sanctions and basically telling republicans to stay out of it. that is a recipe for a political mushroom cloud here in washington. chief congressional correspondent tells us tonight republicans are lighting the
fuse in an unusual way. i have invited prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu to address a joint session of congress on the grave threats of radical islam and the threat that iran poses. reporter: hours after the state of the union boehner invited netanyahu to address lawmakers on february 11. i did not consult with the white house. the congress can make this decision on its own. i don t believe i m poking anyone in the eye. there is a serious threat that exists in the world and the president last night kind of pafred over it. wbr id wbr996 reporter: the president reiterated his call for congress to stand down on new sanctions and made this claim. our diplomacy is at work with respect for iran where for the first time in a decade we have halted the progress of the nuclear program and reduced the stock pile of wbr id wbr1196 nuclear material. /b
reporter: many don t believe iran has halted anything related to the nuclear program and even top democrats worry the administration may cut a bad deal. iran is clearly taking steps that can only be intrrperated as provocative yet the administration seems to excuse these developments. reporter: that comment is not a surprise to administration officials after menendez expressed his concerns to the president last week. today the depity secretary of state. our assessment remains that we have a credible chance to reach a deal in the best interest of america s security. our goal is to conclude the major elements of the deal by the end of march and complete the technical details by june. reporter: the new foreign relations chairman vented about a failure to keep congress in the loop. consultations up to this point has been a phone call in
the morning that something is happening and generally speaking while we are receiving the phone call we are reading reports. reporter: arizona republican urged his colleagues to be cautious. the purpose of sanctions is to get parties to the table. they are at the table. so i m confused by the notion that some would want to impose additional sanctions while negotiations are going on. reporter: yet idaho republican suggested the administration is being duped by tehran. i think you guys are being bamboozled. i hope you can come in here someday and say you had no idea what you are talking about. i don t think that is going to happen. reporter: fear of a bad deal is why many lawmakers support passing a bill to get congress final authorization. some say they need to know the final package is a good deal for the u.s. live on the hill, thank you. now to another major hot
spot, yemen. it s difficult to know just who is in charge there tonight. one thing is certain, the situation there is extremely fluid. national security correspondent is watching it all tonight from the pentagon. reporter: a day after iranian backed militants stormed the palace surrounding the president inside his home officials and state run media say both sides agreed to a truce. the pentagon and state department refused to call it a coup. the government is led by the president. he is in his home. we have seen a break down in the institutions in yemen and obviously there is a great deal of violence and tension on the ground. reporter: including reports that the militants overtook a ballistic military base near the capitol leading to concerns that scud missiles could fall into the wrong hands. let s be clear, they are armed, trained and operating on behalf of the government of
iran. and they have been very patient and very deliberative of this. the long game is to extend iranian influence on both sides of the gulf. reporter: the u.s. government has spent $275 million in counter terrorism aid to yemen s military for it to fight al qaeda. the leader of the militants had this message for the u.n. translator: i would like to tell the security council that any measures they are taking to subdue our country in order to pass this conspiracy will not benefit you at all. we are prepared to face any consequences. reporter: the fort mchenry remained on station off the coast of yemen in the red sea in the event that the u.s. embassy needed to be evacuated. the u.s. increased security sending a fast team of marines and members of the special marine air/ground task force. the rapid reaction force created in the wake of benghazi. things are quiet in yemen as
of a little while ago. our personnel are well protected. we have a minimum of personnel presence and a strong security presence. as part of the truce the militants will leave the presidential palace and pull back from the residence. such truces have broken down before. thank you. we will be watching this one. president obama has just finished up remarks and will be on his way to kansas. he is back in campaign mode promoting the tax and spend program he outlined in tuesday s state of the union address. chief white house correspondent tonight with the list of promises. reporter: hits the red state of idaho today to send the signal he can work with the republican congress. i am not going to stop trying
to make our politics work better. reporter: republicans teed off on how that contrast with hyperpartisanship in last night s state of wbr id wbr4315 the union where he did not acknowledge the gop won the mid terms. when republicans offered mock applause about the president leaving office soon. i have no more campaigns to run. my only agenda i know because wbr id wbr4515 i won both of them. reporter: liberal groups rejoiced and said the president sounded a lot more like senator warren with the progressive change committee on issues like taxing the rich. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell suggested the veto threats will result in little deal making. this kind of partisanship is wbr id wbr4780 what we have become accustomed /b
to from the president. reporter: the presidential oversight may be due to the fact that some key lines from this policy address this country does best when everyone gets their share shot everyone does their fair share, everyone plays by the same set of wbr-id wbr4980 rules. reporter: were literally ripped from the 2012 campaign. america has done their best when everybody has a shot and everybody plays by the same rules. reporter: while the president was cheer leading economic gains by declaring it is time. the state of the union is strong. reporter: republicans suggested the president was also trying to turn the page on terror by making sure the phrase al qaeda was not mouthed in the state of the union for the first time since 9/11. i think he defies the reality of the threats out there in the world as it relates to radical islamist extremism.
reporter: the president senior adviser defended the prft for using the phrase violent extremism instead of islamic extremism. let s look more broadly at terrorism. let s look broadly at it and attack it together. reporter: in the official republican response deficits or debts were not mentioned. left out the fine print about how the national debt has continued to sore. the one that takes the most gall is for him to say we have been reduced and cut the deficit more than any other president. if you quadruple it to begin with you can lessen the deficit. reporter: the president continues tomorrow at university of kansas reprising an old campaign tactic where he goes to college campuses to drum up support.
up next some of the people who want to replace president obama react to his state of the union address. here are what fox affiliates are covering. fox 25 in boston where the cardiac surgeon shot yesterday has succumbed to his injuries. he was shot twice reportedly by the 55-year-old son of a patient who had recently died. the shooter then killed himself. fox 35 in virginia with an update about a state lawmaker being reelected despite being jailed for a sex scandal with a 17 year old. he is facing new charges. he says the charges are false and will go to court to fight them. and this is a live look at snowy philadelphia from fox 29. some tourists got quite a surprise. they ran up the steps of the museum of art and ran into the real rocky. the three finished the popular climb when sylvestor stallone said you guys are fast making me
look bad. he is in philly shooting the latest rocky movie. that is tonight s live look from special report. you get sick you can t breathe through your nose suddenly, you re a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle. [ male announcer ] when john huntsman was diagnosed with cancer, he didn t just vow to beat it. i vowed to eradicate it from the earth. so he founded huntsman cancer institute.
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if you see it i hope you ll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. presidential contepders from both parties have a few new things to run for or against. chief political correspondent carl cameron goes down the list tonight. reporter: the president setup of a line of proposals for hillary clinton to serve liberals and embracing the agenda she tried to put the onus on the gop from canada. i thought the president laid down a bunch of markers and now we will see whether there will be any positive response coming from the republican side. reporter: thinks she is too cozy with wall street. it was co-hosted by the bank of commerce which is under
investigation in the u.s. for helping wealthy americans evade taxes in the caribbean. jim west who formed a committee to challenge clinton live tweeted his criticism quote not a fan of middle class lingo. republicans agree accusing the president of pitting rich against poor and ignoring the election ten weeks ago. tonight the president told the american voters not only does he not hear their message but he intends to do precisely the opposite intends to double down on failed policies of the last six years. he is going to add more debt to our country than all previous 43 presidents combined so you have to wonder about the guy s sincerity. reporter: atop gop polls mitt romney and jeb bush used media. on instagram he all but accused the president of class warfare.
this nation needs to create economic opportunity for all americans. it is sad that president obama wants to use the tax code once again to divide us. what we need is broad based reform so that all people can rise up. reporter: mitt romney on facebook looked quote true to form is more interested in politics than leadership. the best way to lower tax burden is straightforward, lower rates and simplify the tax code. rick santorum says the problem is barack obama doesn t want to just take from the rich and give to the poor. he wants to take from the rich, poor and everyone in between and give to hisadministration. in canada mrs. clinton refused to answer questions on the stalling. clinton says she is just not going to talk about it. thank you. the obama justice department is reportedly about to close its civil right investigation into
last summer s shooting in ferguson, missouri without filing charges against the white police officer involved. the new york times reports investigators found no evidence to support charges against darren wilson who has resigned from his job. a county grand jury declined to bring charges. the probe into police behavior in ferguson is still ongoing. house republicans are trying to smooth out differences over language of new abortion legislation as pro-life advocates come to washington tomorrow. this bill criminalizes virtually all abortions after 20 weeks. it has several exceptions. many lawmakers are unhappy with requirements that women report incidents of rape and incest. the gop female house members argue women should be taken at their word when they say they have been raped. new home construction was almost up 9% in 2014.
it topped the 1 million mark for the first time since the height of the housing boom in 2005. the dow gained 39. the nasdaq was up 13. still ahead did an nfl team purposefully use deflated footballs to gain an unfair advantage? it s all the talk heading into the super bowl. what could be the beginning of the end of 50 years of isolation for cuba. your eyes really are unique. in fact, they depend on a unique set of nutrients. that s why there s ocuvite to help protect your eye health. as you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite is a vitamin made just for your eyes from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. ocuvite has a unique formula that s just not found in any leading multivitamin. your eyes are unique so help protect your eye health with ocuvite.
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president obama is touting the biggest change in u.s. relations with cuba in 50 years with the start of negotiations today in havana. chief washington correspondent james rosen reports on the administration s game plan. reporter: it s the highest level u.s. delegation to visit
havana since 1980. the opening round focused on lesser issues like washington s wet foot dry foot policy under which those who reach cuban soil get to stay despite the long standing displeasure state department negotiators made clear it is one aspect that isn t changing. the sets of migration related policies that are known as wet foot dry foot very much remain in effect. i want to welcome everybody to the committee. reporter: back in washington a republican on the senate foreign relations committee extracted an apology of sorts from the new deputy secretary of state. i asked you a question at that time during your nomination about whether there would be unilateral changes or changes in cuba policy. your answer said anything that in the future might be done in
cuba might be done in full consultation with this committee. i regret that i did not live up to the standard i set during that hearing and the remarks you quoted. reporter: meeting at the state department with policy chief america s top diplomat sketched out the kinds of issues his team will be raising. lifting travel restrictions on diplomats. we have to negotiate lifting caps on the numbers of diplomatic personnel. reporter: at a breakfast senator rubio hinted at actions to block the cuba initiative. we are not going to fund a facility that is not allowed to operate out of the country. reporter: secretary kerry says he looks forward to traveling to cuba in order to quote open an embassy. thank you. more on this with the panel, as well. one of the president s top advisers does not seem apologet
apologetic about the release of a former al qaeda operative from an american prison before his sentence was up. this was this morning on the release due to what was termed time served. people who serve their sentence are then released. i will refer to the justice department on the details of every single case that you are bringing up. the overall picture is to do everything within our power to keep america safe. amari admitted to plotting against civilian targets in the u.s. the long war journal reports. a palestinian man stabbed 11 people on or near a bus in tel aviv today. three of the victims were said to be in critical condition at one point. about a dozen people have been
killed so far. french officials are responding to home grown terrorism with promises of better equipment and a lot more boots on the ground. reporter kitty logan has more details. reporter: paris remains on high alert, troops guarding key buildings wary of possible new attacks. today the french government announced new measures to counter the terror threat it is facing. translator: in extra years there will be new jobs dedicated to the fight against terrorism and the police defense and justice services of the state. reporter: the government says around half of the new recruits will be intelligence staff after previously admitting to short falls in monitoring the charlie hebdo attackers. police were initially unable to confront the heavily armed charlie hebdo gun men. in all three officers lost their lives during the paris attacks. at the charlie hebdo offices today the mayor of jerusalem pays his respects to those who
died and vows to back the fight against extremism. the people that support them the whole infrastructure of the terror has to be dealt with on a global basis. reporter: in belgium the crack down on terror cells is already underway. three men detained in a raid last week was taken back into custody today and a fifth person was arrested. underlining the commitment the government is making to counter the terror threat. this is not an issue which can be resolved overnight. today the prime minister said the country is in it for the long haul. the grapevine is next. later if you are feeling a little deflated after last weekend s nfl playoff games you have plenty of company.
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state of the union nights are often ripe for pickings and president obama is no exception. last night at one point he criticized the state of politics. many of you have told me that wbr id wbr18449 this isn t what you signed up for, arguing past each other on /b
cable shows, the constant fundraising, always looking over your wbr-id wbr18649 shoulder at how debates will react to every decision. imagine if we broke out of these tired old patterns. imagine if we did something different. that different he mentioned did not last long. less than an hour after the speech a fundraising e-mail from the democratic party went out signed by the president. one frustrated tweeter wrote you can t be serious after taking a dig at constant fundraising obama sends out a fundraising e-mail. post state of the union criticism is bipartisan. republicans are taking flack and the speeches were similar in some ways. both members offering personal stories. immigration was a key difference. earnest never mentioned the word
but hoped president obama would work with republicans to do so. said both speeches were a blend of the party s priorities and ideas and then some of our own priorities and ideas, too. critics say it points to a divide in the gop. he was one of seven republicans to vote against an amendment to de-fund the president s immigration executive actions. the president called climate change the biggest threat to the next generation and a national security issue. that is a big topic at the world economic forum in switzerland. apparently getting there is less of an environmental concern. news week reports 1,700 private jets are expected to be used. so many that the swiss armed forces have opened up one of their military air bases as a jet parking lot. today al gore announced a new concert to build support for a
u.n. climate pactism one equilibriumed i take action every day. park the jet and get on your bicycle. instead of enjoying the two-week prelude to the super bowl nfl officials are coping with a scandal over the most fundamental part of their game, the football itself. tells us about a situation that has a lot of fans feeling a little deflated. reporter: some of the air has gone out of the new england patriots crushing afc championship victory over the colts amid reports that 11 of 12 footballs provided by the patriots of sunday s game were found not to be inflated to the league s mandated minimum potentially making the balls easy to throw and catch in wet conditions. in the nfl each team provides 12 footballs to be used by its offense. those balls are checked prior to the game by the referees and then handed back to the respected teams. the patriots say they are cooperating with the nfl
although some players have made light of the issue. quarterback tom brady who was previously acknowledged for throwing a less inflated ball described it as the least of his worries. vice president biden weighed in on cbs this morning. deflate gate that 11 of the 12 balls allegedly that patriots used in the championship game were under inflated. what do you think of that soft balls? having been a receiver i like a softer ball. that is all i can tell you. some colts players are less amused. corner darius butler tweeted suggestion the game be replayed. the patriots and coach bill belichick have been called up in controversy before being fined for having an assistant spy on signals. if any wrong doing proven here fines may be leveed.
and commissioner roger goodell who is likely to want to appear tough could also look at taking away some patriots draft picks. the nfl apparently wants to wrap up the investigation this week so that the scandal tainted season can end with a focus purely on football and next week s run up to the super bowl. thank you. who is the boss? senate wants a piece of the iran nuke talks and no one is sure who is in charge in yemen. looking for a loan? how s your credit? i know i have an 810 fico score, thanks to the tools and help on and your big idea is hot dogs shaped like hamburgers? nope. hamburgers shaped like hot dogs. that s not really in our wheelhouse. you don t put it in a wheelhouse. you put it in your mouth. get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90%
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battles on immigration wbr-id wbr23414 when we got to fix a broken system. and if a bill comes to my desk that tries to do any of these things i will veto it. it will have earned my veto. veto threats and fantasy land proposals from the white house will not distract the people s house from the people s priorities. reaction to the state of the union today and the president talking about all of the proposals going forward. let s start with our panel radio talk show host laura ingram. i want to play first this biggest part of the controversy today and that is iran. panel one iran about the new sanctions that the congress really wants to move forward with, the president does not. we don t have that sound byte. at that point we will talk about it.
here is what happens. the house speaker invites benjamin netanyahu to speak to congress february 11. bob menendez says these are tehran talking points coming from the administration. getting hit by both sides. remember in october when the piece came out where a senior obama administration official called netanyahu a chicken blank and said he was a coward on matters of iran. it was a provocative piece showing the divide. it is a crisis point between the united states and israel. it plays into the whole way we are going to deal with iran. to bring netanyahu here he wants to go directly to the american people. he has decided to write off the white house going to congress directly and to the american people to make an appeal as to what should happen going forward. as far as i can tell the administration has concluded there is no military solution to enforcing what we want in iran
which is for them not to have nuclear capabilities. they don t believe there is a military solution. netanyahu is going to make the case and i think powerfully. the administration today said it was a breach of protocol for the house speaker to invite netanyahu without telling the white house. i thought that was interesting because it is clear from the reference that laura gave the relationship with netanyahu is terrible. and to exacerbate it by actually making more waves about the protocol breached by the house speaker really makes no sense at this point. the best thing to do is put a big smile on and say everyone looks forward to meeting when he comes to washington. it is true there is growing bipartisan support for additional sanctions on iran. you saw the president when the british prime minister was here. he brought him to the mic. any kind of pressure for additional sanctions as we are going to delicate stages of negotiation is counter
productive and we want everyone to hold off on this. they have admitted they don t have a military solution but admitted that war should be always a last choice. they want more time and the pressure is building. they know that an audience like an address to congress the spot light on the issue where there will be democrats supporting more sanctions will put the administration in a very bad corner. we found a sound byte about this topic. let s go to the state department today. we would learn about the plans of the leader to come to the united states separately from learning about it from the speaker of the house which is how we learned of prime minister netanyahu s plans to come and speak to a joint session. i did not consult with the white house. the congress can make this decision on its own. i don t believe i m poking anyone in the eye.
there is a serious threat that exists in the world and the president last night kind of payoff er pavered over it. where do you start where this is a breach of protocol? it is a breach of protocol to have the prime minister of britain lobby issues and yet the administration announced that proudly last week when cameron was here. and i can tell you that the british are not in any way threatened by a nuclear weapon in iran remotely the way the israelis are. for israelis it is life and death. secondly, the idea that somehow this is an intrusion congress is an independent body. president rarely acts that way but that is what is written in the constitution. lastly, the reason all of this is happening is because obama promised when he began these
negotiations 18 months ago, they had a time limit the last ditch negotiation, the last chance for iran to come clean. he said we are going to do this for six months and then we will reinvoke sanctions. what does he do? he doesn t impose sanctions. he extends the talks. what does he do? extends it for seven months for a second time. this is the guy who said if you like your plan you can keep your plan, period. he promised sanctions. he does not want to do it and sanctions is the third way between a capitulation and war and that s exactly why congress wants to impose it triggering it only if iran doesn t agree to give up nukes. another hot spot, yemen. there is negotiations between the president there who at one point was said to be in captivity and the rebels.
here is the statement that chairman of the house foreign affairs committee. doesn t bode well for stability but that gives the branch more room to operate and plan attacks nearby or abroad. last night the president painted a picture of the united states that is more secure if only it were so. yemen like libya and syria is another example in which enemies are strengthening threats from terror groups is growing and american leadership is lacking. it s gotten worse. we have seen what happened with isis contrary to what the president said last night. isis is not advancing. sort of. isis has the third largest city in iraq slaughtered christians, beheaded children and still holding on strong. so the strikes we have done hasn t really worked and 400 advisers training some type of rebels in syria. so you go to that and hopscotch
over to yemen where we heard four months ago the president invoked that as a real success story in the middle east. it is not. this foreign policy isn t working. we have to come to terms with that. republicans have to have something to sell to the american people so the american people say i get it. we have to have perhaps more of a military involvement. we have to remember that the american people are still very uneasy about further military involvement in the middle east because of what happened when we went into iraq the last time. that has to be sold well by republicans and democrats who care. last word on this. there is concern about al qaeda and the arabian peninsula. they took credit for hatching the attacks in paris in yemen. yemen was an ally. we were running a covert war there with some success. this is really a crisis no matter who remains in charge from now on will not be able to
control the competing militias and terrorist groups that are given this oxygen there. reaction to the domestic talk of the state of the union address. meet the world s newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world s number one natural gas producer. and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue. and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it s red, white and blue. log on to learn more.
the things done. you have to tell me, work with me here. work with me. come on don t just say no. president obama in. boise, idaho, saying he wants to get to yes with the republican congress. we re back with our panel. how about that? looks like he still knows how to stir up a college audience. this sort of reenforces the idea that i m sure will be the epitaph of the obama presidency. he couldn t govern. but he sure knew how to campaign. as he said in the state of the union address, the best line he had and the most e vealing was i won twice. sort of congratulating himself. look, everything he presented last night all these tax proposals and also the new
entitle ment entitlements, he knows are going nowhere. the state of the the union address, you re supposed to if you re serious about it, you want to present theout lines of a real agenda. this was done entirely to seize the stage and the agenda after the shellacking he took in the last election to pretend he s still in charge, to put the republicans on the defensive, which is exactly what you saw in that sound byte. show me, work with me, this adolescent stuff, but it had no relationship with reality. and the reality he described of the great economy returning, he s had two quarters of growth and he s acting as if it s the california gold rush. what about this argument that he is driving now the conversation? republicans have not put forward proposals and where are theirs? i will argue that he s setting the agenda. . barack obama lost and he acts like he won.
republicans win and they act like, oh my gosh, we have to work with obama. they are jumping to the media sative instead of soberly looking at the situation and saying this guy really doesn t want to work with us but he s serious about defining recent history. turning the white house over to the opposite party. he wants his legacy to be a political legacy. i turn the keys over to the white house to the person who would follow me, hillary clinton. i think that s what this is really about, stealing the populous thunder from republicans. the middle class is ailing. we re going to give them a raise. those grinchs out there want to keep that raise from the poor middle class people. i don t buy any of this. but it s his political strategy. if the republicans aren t clear in appealing to that middle class anxiety out there, i think they are going to find themselves in a strategy problem, in a policy hole. we better start seeing some real policies because otherwise people think, what are the
republicans doing for me? so strategy wise i think he s smart. i don t buy anything he s saying, but it s the only thing he has to offer. that s the point, it was a campaign speech. . speaker boehner calls it veto threats and fantasy land proposals. when he was talking today, i told them tell me where we can get to where we re going to do the things that need to be done. it was a fantasy list. it was a wish list for a future when a democrat is in the white house and the party controls possibly the senate at least if not both chambers of commerce. the pressure is intense because what he admitted in so many words last night was middle class economics works. but he didn t say worked, past tense. he knows the middle class is not faired well in office. homeownership down stock ownership down, median income down, he s talking about what he
would like to do for the middle class and that he has not done. so he is setting up a campaign for hillary clinton. he s setting up contrasts with republicans, but he s admit ingting the pressure is on hillary to come up with policies. he says i want to work with you. it sounds like an oprah moment. we re going to work together. he s the same guy who a couple years ago told a hispanic audience to pun ishish your enemies calling out paul ryan from the stage. all of that rhetoric was poisonous surrounding eric holder and all the police protests. 7 this it has been a poisonous atmosphere atmosphere. i just want to work with everybody. what s remarkable is here he is standing up and decrying the plight of the middle class, the fact that wages are declining as if he s not been in office for six years under which all of this happened and he pretends now that his politics have succeeded when in fact, the issue today is the failure of
those policies and the squeeze on the middle class as a result of them. he was shameless in presenting that. he got away with it. stay tuned to see what you may have missed during special report last week. bayer aspirin. i m not having a heart attack, it s my back. i mean bayer back & body. it works great for pain. bayer back & body provides effective relief for your tough pain. better? yeah.thanks for the tip! hello. i m an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it s out there somewhere spreading the word about america s favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association s go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you ll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
every wednesday night we continue the conversation online. you can ask questions post comments. a lively conversation last week ab the president s new methane standards. methane accounts for less than 10% of our greenhouse emissions emissions, which a third comes from natural gas. a third from, as they say, enterk fermentation. watching sro with my 4-month-old gold. en retriever puppy. he thinks charles is right too.

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140507 10:00:00

the first legislation since voters born after the apartheid will be old enough to vote. let s go now to morning joe. hillary clinton gave the keynote address at the national council for behavorial health conference in maryland. she also held a q & a session afterwards. i think it s surprisingly personal. what is your guilty pleasure? [ laughter ] a hcht h, let s see. [ laughter ] are there that many? well, i m just trying to think of, you know, the g-rated ones. [ laughter ] well, hello, madam secretary. good morning. it is wednesday, may 7th. with us on set we have msnbc
contributor mike barnicle. morning joe s contributor mark halperin. and al hunt and white house correspondent for the associated julie tace. and welcome, everyone. good morning. inquiring. okay. i don t want to stay with the contributor title. is there something jels. ironically, do you contribute. i know. why not be called contributor. all right. let s start with hillary clinton. by the way, i have an incredible event last night, raising money for homeless new yorkers and there were protesters outside. but inside, a lot of money was raised to help house the 22,000 children in new york that are homeless right now. 52,000. the highest number since the great impression. i mean, it s unspeakable.
and this organization ran this, doing everything they can. a little sleepy this morning, but loved every moment. let s go to politics. hillary clinton is reining in some of the biggest pieces of domestic policy. clinton talked that. she told health officials she was struck by the latest health care poll. a small majority of americans don t think they like the affordable care act. but a large majority of americans don t want to do away with the protections that are in the affordable care act. a small majority wants to repeal it. but that is slowly receding as a rising majority says no fixes. well, that s in the tradition of good, old-fashioned american pragmati pragmatism. still, recent polls from pew and usa today shows obamacare
as unpopular as ever. nearly half americans believe the law s here to stay. clinton also tackled america s gun culture calling the recent licensing of firearms in public places way out of balance. i think we ve got to rein in what has become a almost article of faith. that anybody can have a gun anywhere, anytime. and i don t believe that is in the best of interest of the vast majority of people. so, first of all, mark, she hits on two big issues. a sign of something, perhaps? well, you know, she s been outdoing these talks and i ve been surprised and impressed with how little news she s made and how frequently she s awaded wading in. this is wading in. and if she runs for president, the biggest question of american politics, will she
run? and if he does run, what will stop her because she s the overwhelming favorite? affordable care act is a big one but i think she s going to embrace it. i thought that was surprisingly tentative in its support. there s no doubt in my mind that she thinks the law was good. she would work to implement it more and better than so far. she would know how difficult it is. yeah. mike barnicle, it was a little tentative, and she supported it but it certainly wasn t an overwhelming kick the republicans in their teeth, it s all their fault, approach that democrats have taken. considering the degree of difficulty in being hillary clinton right now, everybody asking will she or won t she run, everything she says, every word has to be so measured in the back of her mind, as well as what comes out of her mouth, i thought she did what is pretty expected. yeah. i thought the same think watching her talk.
she s going to live her life and go out and do events. it must be going out in front of public, with q & a, i ve got to answer questions about it. there s a lot of focus on hillary clinton. and there s certainly proof now that the political cycle is bringing back aspects of the 90s. look no further than monica lewinsky who has a new article in vanity fair. the one-time white house intern writes about her regrets of the affair that lead to the impeachment of president bill clinton. she s 40 years old now. and she writes in part this, sure, my boss took advantage of me, but i will always remain firm on this point, it was a consensual relationship. any abuse came in the aftermath when i was made a scapegoat in order to protect his powerful position. lewinsky claims she declined various offers of $10 million to tell her story. she says she was motivated to go
public now after the suicide of 18-year-old rutgers student tyler clementi. clemente was filmed on his webcam kissing another man. lewinsky said the shame, scorn and suicidal feelings were all too familiar. she goes on in the article to talk about how her mother stayed at her bedside the entire weeks, worried she would take her life. there s already a bunch of op-eds criticizing monica lewinsky about this. not necessarily buying it. maureen dowd has a really tough one on her. not buying what? her motive? yeah. what would her motive and whether lower motive i mean, if she wanted to make some money off of this, she could have made money. she could have made a lot of money. i think it s remarkable we haven t heard her name for ten years. we know how much we ve heard her
name for the previous five or six years. i don t know. i don t know what the criticism is. i get tyler clementi s legacy and tells the story, i think she s been remarkably quiet. what do you think? yeah, i don t quite understand that criticism. i think she s entitled to present her story ten years later. i haven t read the piece. i just read account. it seems to me to be a very, very sober and by all appearances honest. she s entitled to a life now. i will say i think the notion this is going to hurt hillary clinton a lot is nonsense. if it didn t hurt her in 2008 ten years after the incident, why is it going to hurt her now. for hillary clinton, that s incredibly sexist and completely it won t, mika. i ve got to tell you, if people are kick monica lewinsky
around, monica s life turned into a punch line by a person who is now a rock star globally. why the focus on this woman. maureen dowd wrote about it. she s not the only one. ruth marcus wrote about it. i m sorry, a woman s life was ruined. yes, she says it s consensual. she says it s consensual. i just do not think i would pick on monica lewinsky which her boss say rock star globally. and why kick around a young woman who was 22 at the time, i guess, 23, whatever. it was in that position. it s dumbfounding to me. it was dumbfounding then. it is dumbfounding now. i suppose it will be dumbfounding for the next 20 years. i don t get it. yeah, i mean she has, obviously, a right to have a piece in vanity fair to
express her feelings. and we have a right to mention it today. and never mention it no further ever again. you know, that s no more closely watched senate race in the country than the one in north carolina. and republican thom tillis, for the state house who avoided a costly runoff beating more conservative opponents who have backing from the tea party and people like senator rand paul and mike huckabee. tillis s visibility story being hailed as a win for the establishment. last night he laid it out in front of an energetic crowd. it s not the end of a primary. it s the beginning of a primary condition and add to beat kay hagan and make harry reid an irrelevant american. wow. tillis s win comes in large part through massive spending by the chamber commerce and groups like american cross roads. he faced a tough showdown with republican kay hague hoon easily
won her primary. hagan has raised millions. and millions from democratic-leaning groups. 90% has been spent from outside money. before we move on to other races yeah, this is an important race. julie, ongoing battle between the tea party and the establishment wing, the republican party. i think in the end they re all going to come together anyway because everybody wants to win. but this is not 2010. it s not even 2012. the establishment, the empire strikes back that started in alabama. julie, you ll remember, with the chamber of commerce and the ricketts and several other people poured money into the establishment and he won. it was like the first shot across the bow in the proposed cruz shutdown. boy, the establishment is pushing back hard to make sure a debacle like that doesn t happen
again. absolutely. the most important thing for the republican establishment last night was tillis doesn t have to go through a runoff. he cleared 40 which means they can focus all their attention on the race with hagan. you know, north carolina is an important state to look at in terms of establishment of the tea party battle. you know, we ll have more races over the next couple of weeks, we ll see if this is going to be a long-term trend. again, the most important thing at this point, republicans have target kay hagan directly. and kay hagan for as much money as she has raised and as much support that she s going to get from the democratic party is going to face a tough fight. still going to probably be in trouble. i think she has the toughest great of the governors this fall. by the way, mark, i talked to republicans in the country over the past year, they re sick and tired and really angry of putting up candidates that say
foolish things and lose elections. they think harry reid should have been retired in 2010. they think republicans should have taken control of the senate in 2012. and i just don t think most republicans are going to allow this to happen again. they want to win. democrats and tillis himself will tell you he s conservative. it s not like they nominated a moderate. this is one state that was huge to get the right nominee. karl rove wants him as a nominee. they got him. they still have to find a nominee in georgia and alaska. they can put 13 races in play if they get the right nominees. and this is a huge one for them. tillis, the establishment believes clearly in the right candidate and i think they re right. when you get out of this northeast buck that we live in here, when you talk to people in other states where there are contentious races going on, the degree to which harry reid is a focal point for republicans in
so many states? you know, he s like the koch brothers which is, if you care about politics, you know who he is. there s no doubt for rund raising and motivating the base which is a big part of what you need to do in the midterm, getting harry reid out of the majority leader s spot is a huge motivator. as much as stopping obamacare in some races because it s tangible. it says, if you wrote for our candidate, or take the democratic health seat, you can kick harry reid out. that s as big as getting nancy pelosi out of the speaker s chair in 2010. harry reid has become that figure. the koch brothers using harry reid as well. i will say that thom tillis this is the victory of the scarborough doctrine, victory over puritity. every statement from cross roads, the conservative group that backed tillis called it a center right group.
the chamber of commerce signed up behind them. the nra, national right to life. as mark said, this is a conservative guy. they thought she was the most conservative guy to win the race and beat kay hagan. by the way, i had issues with the nra last year the way they conducted themselves after the horror that happened. but, man, i said it before, as far as candidates goes, this is this is not the first establishment candidate they ve chosen in this cycle where they ve been lined up with the chamber of commerce. unlike a lot of these other groups, thesefulliby groups that come up and says the craziest things and the tea party you know, national so-called tea party groups. they are lining up with the chamber of commerce. and it s making a big difference. a couple of other quick races. and then we ll move on to one other big story this morning. american idol star clay aiken.
yes. he s got a lead in the race for congress. just 369 votes separate him and keith crisco. and speaker boehner cruised through his victory in north carolina. let s move onto benghazi. there are growing questions about the size and scope of the new congressional panel on benghazi. a house resolution says there will be a republican majority with seven republicans and five democrats. speaker john boehner picked republican trey gowdy to lead the select committee. minority leader nancy pelosi who has not yet committed to names democrats to the group objected to the unequal balance. some suggested boycotting the committee. congressman jim clyburn of south carolina says democrats should not take part if there isn t an equal number. this is what he says, quote i would be dead set against it. i m not bringing a noose to my hanging. the democratic congressman
elijah cummings of mtd md won t rule out participating. he said democrats need representation to keep republicans in check. al hunt, obviously, yes, tough language from democrats. also, the obama administration raised questions on the legitimacy of this investigation, even before it began. what should democrats do? well, i think they may well not participate. depends on what more than the size of the minute majority and majority there, it will be the rule, what rights they have to subpoena witnesses, whether information will be shared the way darrell issa didn t. i don t think there s any question congress has the right to do this as much as they want to. i wonder how much is going to resonate with the american public. this is not the first investigation. there have been multiple investigations of this instance that occurred almost two years ago. and i m just not quite sure how much is going to help them
politically. julie pace, what about the white house? do you expect the white house to continue to push back on this? at this point, yes. i mean, they ve danced around this issue of whether they re going to participate or not. they ve been saying they participate in legitimate oversight and they have questions about whether this would be legitimate. and there s two schools of thought on this in terms of white house participation. one is that, if they do participate, then it just it s going to keep this benghazi story in the spotlight, straight through the midterms. the other school of thought is that if they really don t have anything to hide, why not participate, turn over any documents that are left. and if you choose not to do that, doesn t that just feed into this republican narrative that they are holding back information. you know, there s real danger here. there are two dangers here. one for the democrats that they are seen as blocking an investigation where four americans died, the first ambassador since 1979, died. they could take a bad situation and make it much, much worse.
the danger on the other side, the republicans are seeing making the death of four americans look overly partisan and using it as a political football. so there are dangers on both sides. the investigation is being run in a professional, straightforward way and if it s not there will be dangers. but the democrats also have got to be very, very careful. because this is san issue where very bad situation, a tragedy, could be made much worse. still ahead on morning joe, elizabeth warren said she s not interested in the white house but that doesn t take people from taking note of her battle. and then in the 8:00 hour, the man in charge of the new benghazi investigation we just mentioned him, congressman trey gowdy, we ll talk with him and then senator claire mccaskill. get ready for that. i think you might want to change your clothes. up next, tim vander height
is here with the top political stories. mika, as advertised, the white house came out with the climate assessment of every four years. some of the important points brought up in reading the report, it s here now. no longer in the future which is kind of in the perception of the people. that the climate isn t changing. and the events dealing with it now are related to it. and urgent action is needed. as far as the forecast over the next century, the temperatures show go up 2 to 4 degrees. picture january being warmer 2 to 4 degrees but also in the summer, 2 to 4 degrees. and the bottom line, the result is heat waves and drought is how most of us in this country will experience climate change. the people that are dry are going to get drier. and the people who are wet are going to get wetter. and in the southeast, finding fresh water for agriculture and drinking needs is going to be a
huge issue. the increased occurrence of hurricanes should be up. heat waves, droughts. and also flooding in the northern plains will be an issue that will be more recurring. as far as what we re dealing with this morning. rain headed through detroit. cleveland, eventually here to pittsburgh. some of that may wake its way through philadelphia and d.c. late today. pretty nice day, though, boston down to d.c. middle. country, severe weather returns. not like last week with the horrible tornadoes. with the isolated areas of yellow of greater concern. oklahoma city, san angelo, back to minneapolis, again, large hail and damaging wind will snap the big tornado outbreak as we go throughout the week. more morning joe when we return. passion.
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time to take a look at the morning papers. something that halperin and willie noticed. when noticing all of these opinion pieces, look at that, about monica lewinsky. all female columnists just raking her over the coals. i don t get it. it s really disappointing, actually. i mean, i m not saying this woman s a hero but i would suggest she probably had a very difficult time during the time that it was revealed that the president took advantage of her in the white house. i don t understand these women. it s great for the clintons, maybe that s what they re doing. i think it s kind of disappointing. i can t believe what i m reading in the new york post. by the way this is something i you know, my rule has long been, do not talk about impeachment. do not talk about anything
surrounding impeachment. it s like don t talk about the start of the iraq war. there s just some things you leave behind. in this case, i ve got to say, how old, 52, 53? she s like 22. by attacking her, who stayed quiet all these years, they re attacking her. i don t know. i don t get it. i don t get it at all. i just don t let me just say one last thing. you can imagine what it must have been like to have yourself all over the internet like that, because the internet was just taking off. and terms of social media really spreading the word and just ripping her to shreds. i know kids in small local communities that can be taken from literally from straight a s because of a text that went bad or a picture that went bad. you can imagine the hell that this girl went through. she s clearly tormented and
people are making fun of it. but she essentially has been publicly bullied for decades. monica close her mouth and disappear andrea? really? come on. i wonder if that s one of the female columnists daughters who worked had a daughter who worked for an extraordinarily powerful man who is in her early 20s and the man was in his 50s. and the man preyed on their young daughter. their young daughter in her early 20s was preyed upon by a really powerful man. the most powerful man in the world in their 50s, i wonder if they would be attacking the 22-year-old or the most powerful man in the world? i think these women, if any of them are mothers, would not be attacking the woman who was
preyed upon. but for some reason, and, again, you don t want to bring it up but for some reason, this is what went on in the 1990s. you want to know what s in my head all the time? this is what went on in the 1990s. the guy who acted horrifically. the guy to not only monica lewinsky and a lot of other people. he got a free pass. his amrufl ratings went up in the 60s. i learned when that train was coming just come by and let it pass. there s nothing to said. he always got free passes. she s still getting free passes. for anybody who has a daughter that has anything to do with these attacks on monica lewinsky, ask yourself what you would do if your daughter who lived in shame for 18 years. and after 18 years actually spoke for the first time why the man who did what he did to a young woman was the rock stars of all rock stars. years later, this is not about
bill clinton. okay. we all believe in forgiveness. he s been forgiven. this bit american people, but this this should be about the women who are piling on monica lewinsky this morning. if it were your daughter, what would you do? if it were or daughter, why what would you do? it s a disgrace then. it s a disgrace now. and i can t believe i had to go back to the 1990s and talk about this. because i swore i would never talk about it again. i m sorry. you know what, this happened in the 1990s. forget about her. forget about her. talk about juanita broderick. talk about all these other women, again, i believe in forgiveness, et cetera, et cetera. why is it that even in 2014 it is the women who are turned into the bad guys? i never got it.
i still don t get it. and all these years later, there are females going out protecting bill clinton from his horrific act. again, i wouldn t bring it up, as you joke around a whole lot, bill clinton and i have made up. we re friendly. we re even nice to each other. oh, my gosh. this is not about bill clinton. this is about the women who are visserating monica lewinsky and she was quiet. by the way, her entire existence reduced to a punch line. and she stays quiet shows a lot of dignity. a lot more dignity than people who preyed upon her who tried to turn her into a slut or a nut?
a 22-year-old daughter, really? now, they re coming out and kicking her in the face. please, you all are sick. you re sick in the 90s. you women s rights, you re sick in the 90s. time and time again, whether juanita broderick, monica lewinsky, you are doing it 18 years later and you re pathetic. if you have young daughters, you should be ashamed of yourself. i wear to god i will not talk about this for another 20 years. go ahead, willie. i m so angry, i m shaking. i still can t believe the way she was treated in the 1990s. and it s always the women. and these people come out, and have the nerve to come out after defending him, after defending him, and claim to come out wanting to support women and attack women.
women s rights and that s protecting a really, really powerful man on our side politically. anyone disagree? mark halperin, do you agree? al hunt? no. julie pace, any issue with this? no issue. really, want to step out? no, i just didn t finally read all the way through maureen dowd. she doesn t go after monica lewinsky. her point is, we re going back again, we don t want to hear about this. actually, her point is my point. she has a couple points of criticism, she said the real bullies are the clintons and their attack dog. she has criticism of monica lewinsky and said she would like to seat circus move through. by the way, i was not talking about maureen at all. al hunt and maureen makes a point that i m making here. you went through it as well, mark was there, al, for those of us who went through it in the
1990s, oh, we don t want do go through it again. it was a miserable, miserable time. when this woman is attacked the way she is in the papers, i don t get it, i don t get it now. nobody ever accused maureen dowd of being a clinton no. and this is hillary clinton, so for anyone who thinks is this going to hurt her, i hope you re wrong ten times over. it has nothing to do with hillary. this is a completely messed up situation even more twisted. we ll be right back. ch money dok you ll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i m going to have to rethink this thing. it s hard to imagine how much we ll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement.
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we just ran through politico. that, we did. it was so good. the worse you say, the better you are. that was the best political yet. we ve been waiting for seven years to hear something like that. it s been building up for a long time. i m sorry, i never would have brought it up. come on. thank you. willie and mark, thank you for not saying anything. let s godo sports. silent cutaways. yeah. all right.
opening series last night, the nba playoffs, tip-off of the blazers and spurs in the western conference semis. tony parker, 33 points, spurs never trailed. a blowout win, 116-92 over portland in game one. let s go nets. let s go nets. not last night. nets in the season semi conference matchup. they ve been 4-0. totally different deal as we hit the playoffs. lebron had 22. the heat blowing out the nets. 107-87. tonight, wizards can go up two games to none over indiana. clippers in game two matchup, clippers could go up two in that series too. kevin durant has been named league mvp for the first time in his career. he was the runaway winner in the oklahoma is it star. the first player to win that and the mvp. he beat out lebron who has won
last two years in a row. an emotional durant thanking everyone from his teammates to his mother. i love basketball so much. i love playing it. i just never thought that i would make it to college, nba. or stand up here today in front of you guys today and be nba mvp. and just surreal feeling. i fell so many times and got back up. i ve been through the toughest times with my family. but i m still standing. [ applause ] and last, my mom. i don t think you know what you did. you made us. you kept us off the streets. put clothes on our back. food on the table. when you didn t eat, you made
sure we ate. you went to sleep hungry. you sacrificed for us. you re the real mvp. [ applause ] oh, wow. wow. okay. we re all tearing up here. that was so beautiful. a great player. great guy. what a beautiful moment between a guy and his mother last night. all right. let s do eye a little baseball now. cincinnati and boston tied in the bottom of the 12th inning. the red sox at bat with two men out. sizemore drives it to deep left center field. back is schumaker off the wall. it is off the base of the wall. here comes big papi around. and the red sox with the walk-off at fenway. i m looking at it, and we re tearing up. baseball now. sizemore, the go around with the red sox. they re just a game and a half back in the a.l. east where the
orioles and yankee, tied in the first. pittsburgh and giants tied at 1-1 in the bottom of the ninth. marte to right field. goes deep. over the wall. marte, around second, he s heading for third. and sterling marte is going to be a triple. no, he s going to the plate. here s the throw. he s good oh! on the plate. wow. you know, willie, we re actually explaining to people these games. these are just random baseball games. these are not last night s games. these are from 1997. they were classic. all right. got to keep moving. by the way, that out would have sent the game to extra innings but not before review on the replay. you see marte, he thought the something great happened. the card was overturned.
the pirates win. baseball fever. catch it. yes. the brew crew the brew crew. that s right. my mission is accomplished. with always the humble, the contrite. he s on the d.l. they re playing with wisconsin values. all right. what s coming up? more morning joe. on overdose now. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day.
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44 past the hour. time for the political pages. casey hunt, good to have you on board this morning. we re going to start with the national review one republican strategist pickings a take on what happened in the primary in north carolina. the tea party got screwed. although the primary was cast as the first major battle between the establishment wing and the tea party revel. if was the tea party, the strategist said why not like to make this my case. as we ve said before, despite the complaints that you re going to hear from the tea party, the test case in alabama, the test case has been in other primary state. you can t name one be, it it is so different in 2012 and you can t name one tea party who has
knocked off the establishment? no not one. with mississippi with ted cochran being challenged as a right winger. even there, i think cochran is the favorite. there are anti-establishment figures who won. walter jones won in north carolina last night. by and large, i think the establishment has learned the lesson of 2010 and 2012. and they have come back with an conservative effort. in a place like north carolina, got to remember that it s a very conservative gop establishment down there and they were behind tillis. and tim, you also have a lot of tea party candidates, it turns out that they like cockfighting rallies. and the guy in mississippi, it seems like everything he says there s a video that shows he s not telling the truth.
they haven t put up a lot of strong people. there s no rand paul or marco rubio or ted cruz out of texas? it s a little premature to discuss the strategy yet. i think we have to see what happens in georgia and mississippi and other states. they have a hard time getting businesses to kick in money. when they dump $10 million in a race like this and have success. they can erase their defeats. to do it now i think allows them to get more people to funnel in money to give the establishment more authority. and the establishment has been exception alley weak for the bulk of our lives in covering politics, the establishment was all that mattered. in the last five years, it hasn t mattered at all. so if it can be sustained, it s important. again, taking that alabama one race is done. we have the chamber and the nra, american cross roads lined up the wickets.
and now you have the chamber and the nra. and karl rove lined up together. that s powerful. they re focused. and they don t want to give away any more senate seats. an they said this at the outset. they laid this out. but i think one thing going forward that s going to be key as part of this is, if these candidates feel like the chamber and cross roads deserve credit for their victories, then we re going to avoid having people like ted cruz in the senate where he doesn t feel beholden to any of the establishment republicans who are in washington trying to get him to take a tough vote on the debt ceiling or anything like that. senator mitch mcconnell has very little influence over ted cruz partially because he didn t help to get him elected. that s a great point, willie. you know, you and jim will remember this, gingrich, everybody worked against me, tried to beat me in my primary. i won. why would they want to do
that? i don t know. i got my hands dirty. the republican party and the national level and state level worked against me, i had one person, jan willy, god bless her that worked with me, and everybody else worked against me. i got 62% when you worked against me this time. work against me again, i ll get 80%. you know? so this is significant for what kasie said when they get elected? and do you think we talked about cross roads calling itself a center-right organization going out of its way. now, they have a sort of track record now, they re going to use this strategy going through the primary season? i think so. i think it s also democrats will tell you what the establishment has done here is simply pick more conservative candidates. they haven t actually moved any
farther to the senate. they would say thom tillis who has been in charge of a very conservative portion of north carolina, and they can say the same thing about tom cotton in arkansas. they would say he s too conservative to beat mark pryor, and that s why you re seeing pryor in the polls. caskaesie hunt. thank you so much. all right. still ahead, hillary clinton gives a speech in maryland. that only fuels the presidential speculation. i don t care whether you re a republican or democrat, libertarian, i don t care what you are. don t vote for someone who proudly says he or she will never compromise.
find somebody in your party who is sensible. who understands the legislative process. who is not going to washington to proudly destroy what they built because they have a better idea to run our country. need to prove politico s point of how she has that flower. like water coming out of the flower. i love it. and a press guy comes up and squirts that flower. i know you know what i m about to tease next and it makes you cink coming up next, i m going to apologize. i expect more. claire definitely expects more. up next, what s one shocking thing kids don t know about their parents? this is so good, jimmy kimmel asked moms on his show. the hilarious responses. it s so bad.
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what s one shocking thing about you that your kids don t know? that i like dope. [ laughter ]
well, it might not be shocking but i used to cut all the toes and fingers off my barbies. like what? like being single so many years and having so much fun. like what fun do you mean? fun. like sailors, motorcycle men. no, no. sort of run-of-the-mill men? yeah, white collar workers. blue collar workers, plumbers. what s one shocking thing about you that your kids don t know? my kids don t know that i adopted them. just kidding. [ laughter ] are those your kids over there? yeah. [ laughter ] wow. i know. that my kids don t know? hmm. i mud wrestled naked when i
was in high school. she did not know that? no. but she does now. she does now. what do you think about that? it s creepy. that is hilarious. i love it. i love it. i love the creepy kid. that s fantastic. okay. still ahead on morning joe, he s been called the congressman who could bring down hillary clinton s political ambitions or even the entire obama presidency. and the benghazi investigation, trey gowdy is here and he s going to be here live in the 8:00 hour. one of the best political minds in the game is going to be joining us. first, harry reid has had enough of republicans on capitol hill.
is he going to freak out? for five years we ve put up with this. it doesn t matter what it is. if obama wants, they re against it. all right. harry reid is angry. we ll be back in minutes. nothing new. nothing. that s it. you can get a break now. i always say be the man with the plan
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kentucky republican senator rand paul and media magnate rupert murdoch spent the day today at the kentucky derby. murdoch said there there s speculation that murdoch could have paul endorsement if paul ran for president. he pulled out all the stops even wore a festive derby hat made of the finest gopher pelt. i love this celebrity power couple. i ve given them their own fun nickname rupaul. [ applause ] welcome back to morning joe. jim vanderhey still here. hi. how are you? doing great.
good to have you on board. hillary clinton wading into some of the most sensitive areas of domestic policy. speaking in maryland yesterday. clinton talked about poverty and political dysfunction. she told the room of mental health professionals she was struck by the latest health care poll. a small majority of americans don t think they like the affordable care act. but a large majority of americans don t want to do away with the protections nra the affordable care act. a small majority wants to repeal it. but that is slowly receding as a rising majority says no fixes. well, that s in the tradition of good, old-fashioned american pragmatism. still recent polls from pew and usa today shows obamacare as unpopular as ever. nearly half of americans believe the law is here to stay. clinton also tackled american s
culture of recent firearms way out of the balance. i think we ve got to rein in what has become a almost article of faith that anybody can have a gun anywhere, anytime. and i don t believe that. that is in the best interest of the vast majority of people. [ applause ] steven schmidt, harrisburg clinton walks across the street, we re going to analyze it in terms of if it s significant. there s policy statements she made there. yeah. but, you know, hillary s is a resump tiff nominee, we re going to be doing this for some time, aren t we. absolutely. she out there. she s talking about these issue, she s doing it very early which i think is curious. because she certainly has of the ability to control the entire process with regard tow. i was going to say, is it a
mistake to come out too early? i don t know. i do think this is a big republican year. pie don t think she wants any ownership of that. you do think it s a big republican year. it is. 2010 or maybe not it is as intense as 2010, but i think the impact will be bigger. because i believe it will take the senate and what s driving that? well, i think that obamacare is driving it. but larger than that is it s the sixth year of a presidency. it s not a great year historically. for the party that holds the white house. you look at the matchups where they re occurring in the selection of states these are red states. north carolina, for instance, which i believe will take that seat, you know, in november. but you look at all you look at all of these states. the issues, the turnout mix, and we re not going to give up the senate seats over the last two elections. we ve given up six senate seats
with crazy candidates. it s not going to happen. great candidates. and jim or joe, democrats can learn from their position on obamacare or not learn as they go into midterms? well, i felt like she was saying mend it, don t end it. i think if i m a democrat and i support it i d correctly say why i supported it, talking about the good parts of it. but then hammer away at the mistakes. all the errors and is this how we need to mend it. go back to where we were should be the message. that s all we really do. i agree with steve and probably even more empathically, this is 2010 with conservatives fired up on obamacare. there was a poll last week, a washington post post, independents said they re certain to vote for 23%. do you think it s as big as
2010. i don t think it s as big as 2010 but the environment is very similar. not just at the national level but the state level. if you look at the state races you have, what, five state senates that chambers that could end up flipping to republicans. when you have this happening and this much more with republicans, and just a lukewarm feeling among democrats. and that s bad in an off-year election because nobody votes. you re lucky to get 30% of people to turn out in these elections. julie, the white house knows republicans have a win at their back going into the fall right now. talk about what will be the implications of this for the president s agenda in the white house. if you thought washington gridlock is bad now if you have a house and senate going republican with a democratic president, it could be a long two years for the president? right. and the problem for the white house, the best case scenario of the november elections is essentially the status quo. right. republicans keep the house,
democrats keep a small majority in the senate. and we all know where that s gotten us the last couple of years. obviously, it would be tougher to get anything through if the republicans were able to take the senate. to link this back to what hillary clinton was saying about health care. you know, it s likely that some of these fixes that we talk about with obamacare that are needed. that even the white house admits are probably needs, will be pushed off until 2016, whoever wins that election. so that s, i think, part of why you see her starting to maybe take this position. she s laying the groundwork for what she would have to say in a presidential election. basically saying that the law as a whole is good for the country. but that she would take on some of these fixes. you know, mika, the only thing i would say is, republicans may might say the wind s at their back. democrats do have good senate candidates in these red states that would be the first to be swept out. we ll see what happens with
pryor in arkansas who has been more than we thought and tom cotton. and mary landrieu who may be an underdog, but she always figures out a way to win. and alaska, we ll see. but it is far from over six months out. there s perhaps month more watched senate race in the country than the one in north carolina. last night, republican thomas till itsis, the state house speaker avoided a costly runoff by beating opponents who have backing by the tea party. and people like senator rand paul and mike huckabee. tillis victory is being hailed as a win for the establishment. it s not the end of a primary. it s the beginning of a primary mission. and to beat kay hagan and to make harry reid irrelevant american. it comes from massive
outspending from the chamber of commerce and groups like american cross roads. he faces a tough showdown this fall with kay hagan who has easily won her primary. hagan has raised millions and has millions more from democratic leaning groups. steve schmitt, the empire strikes back because the establishment is not allowing these todd akin-type candidates to stumble in. the chamber, nra, cross roads, they re getting involved fast. the insumpence of pragmatism inside the republican parties when it comes to the races. we ve talked about it before. just a remarkable history in the republican party. giving up six senate seats over two election cycles with deeply flawed candidates. i think that s what motivates people in washington, d.c. you get up every morning, if you re working to elect republican candidates, fearful that we re going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. we did if in 2010 and we did it in 2012.
you go out, i don t care what the crowd is, you could be speaking to a majority tea party crowd and you could deliver the message, it s about do you want to change the world? you got to win elections. they get it and more and more republicans are getting it. moral victories i don t know about that. should have been beaten in 2010 but for a very deeply flawed candidate. harry reid is able to continue on in the united states senate, though i think brian sandoval is likely to run against him and will beat him badly in two years. but he shouldn t be the senate majority leader is the point. in kentucky republican matt bevan is challenging mitch mcconnell - he s the cockfighting guy, right? there s the cockfighting guy and the castration candidate. it s all interesting. this is the cockfighting guy. the castration candidate is doing well. but the cockfighting guy not doing so well. he can t figure out whether he
likes cockfighting it s kind of like the john kerry spin on the war. i was for the war before i was against it. matt bevan was for cockfighting before he wasn t. i would have never stumbled into a back road and gone to a cockfighting rally? never. never, ever. we re going to fact-check that. you better. it is so horrible. why don t you go at all macintosh and see. really, that s by the grace of god i don t think so. judge not. judge not. okay, anyway, the cockfighting candidate, what happened? monday, his target, leading democrat in the race, allison lunder gran grimes.
hay hand on a variation, she s young, she s new, she s a woman and she s not mitch mcconnell. and all of those, while they re not they re really enough to beat mitch mcconnell. so the reality essentially for all the competitive advantages she then is forced to run against me by talking about issues. by talking about vision. by talking about experience. and she really has none of those on any of those fronts. she really doesn t. okay. the cockfighting candidate. that was him. joining us from washington nbc news and host of the the daily rundown, chuck todd. chuck, you re a political director. does matt bevin support cockfighting or not what do you think he has to
say about his female opponents? this is always dangerous when you talk about the life experience. it comes across as condescen condescending. it comes across to younger folks. this is frustration when you talk to younger voters who think, you know what, this younger generation hasn t exactly wowed the country and how they should run the country. whose to say you should tell us about your life experiences. it s sort of a double and coming around condescending. as to the cockfighting thing, look, you ve got to give mcconnell credit, they ve been very aggressive of trying to find a couple things to stick on bevin to make him seem cookie. and saying, whoa, this guy is
kooky. by saying, hey, man, this guy is way out. this is not about whether or not you think mitch mcconnell is conservative enough, do you want that guy. do we have a count on how many times we said cockfighting ? it s a good day for him if you re saying that word. is there a big cockfighting lobby? who s he worrying about angering by coming out against cockfighting? you said it two more times. there must be a big enough constituency because he wasn t to a rally. let me find out from the commissioner of the league. commissioner of the kentucky cockfighting league. let me ask you about bengha benghazi. i want to ask quickly. do you see any dangers for republicans if they overreach? and i said in the last hour, democrats need to be worried. they need to be involved in
this. because four americans died, first ambassador killed on duty since 1979. this is a huge deal. the white house has bungled it. we re still getting e-mails trickling up. they need to be involved. if they don t, they re in trouble. i think politically it will damage them. what about republicans, though? what are the republican dangers, what would you advise trey gowdy and other republicans? there s a very thin line between investigative hearing between serious and kangaroo court. and we ve quickly drifted over the line into kangaroo court space. and if we do that, it will backfire. and going after hillary clinton gratuitously, as opposed to making this a serious, probing are you concerned about that, that there may be i m very concerned about it. that s the nature. and that s really the
gravitational drift of these things. let me ask you, chuck. what do you see? and what does the white house see on the benghazi deal? does the white house think they have to be involved? well, i think the white house would like to make sure if there s going to be a committee that, yes, they have some allies on the committee. but let me just make i don t understand why the republicans didn t say to nancy pelosi, she said she wants an even split. you know, and instead of beating her up and saying well she didn t call for an even foot before, say, okay, great. you believe this committee should be. you know what, that s fine, we ll do an even split, let s go. because it goes to steve s point there. it will allow the republicans to get in legitimacy for this. the way they rolled this out, it feels very political. it feels very hand handed. if they accept nancy pelosi s terms immediately, they get some of the high ground back. and theycy-k say, well, it s
fully bipartisan. we re doing it the way the way that nancy pelosi wants to set this up. we get legitimacy back to this. right now, it looks like nothing more than a partisan stunt. chuck, we ll see you at the top of the 8:00 hour. steve stay with us. jim vandehi, thank you. still ahead really, it s fine. still ahead, congressman trey gowdy will tell us how he plans to overcome a boy cost his benghazi investigation. and then senator claire mccaskill is here. it s going to be a packed 8:00 hour. we ll explain why democrats don t even come close to page the bill for what they want to accomplish. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. we asked people a question,
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now from washington, editor in chief of ezra klein. they have a new article out this morning on why they won t pay the tab for the liberal agenda. quote, the problem with socialism, you eventually run of people s money. ezra, there is a point to that, i will say. can democrats pay for what they want the government to do? well, you can pay for it. the kind of thing that a democrat runs on in 2014, it doesn t come anywhere close. it honestly isn t where the obama budget is. for more than ten years and it begins to run out of money as well.
when you take in the full expanse what liberals think would be good to do for the country. to pay for that, you need to turn to the kind of things you see in the house budget and the congressional black budget. what you see are tax increases that go on people making about $117,000 for one thing. and then you see broad-based different kinds of consumption taxes. for instance, a big carbon tox which would be good for all kinds reasons related to the environment. but when you re using that to pay for big things, you re using that to a level that no mainstream politician has come close to endorsinendorsing. what kind of tax when you say people earning $117,000, what type of rate would you need to tax people making $117,000 to pay for the agenda? so one of the things that s happening there, you re lifting the cap on the social security tax. so right now, the tax is a tax
that ends at about $117,000. if i m off by a few thousand, i m going by memory. and the budget would simply lift that. and that would bring in a ton of money over time. but it would mean an automatic 6% or 12% depending on how you want to count it, marginal tax increase on people making income above $117,000. that is a recently progressive change because right now everybody less than $117,000 is already paying that tax. everybody above is exempt from that tax. but it s a change from those making a whole lot less than $250,000. ezra, for the ill-informed, that would be me, who pays the carbon tax, explain it? a carbon tax say tax, what you re doing there, you re
taxing essentially the energy intensity of different taxes. you re taxing how much carbon is emitted when you make a car, when you make a piece of styrofoam. whatever you might make. that tax in ways you do it gets assessed through a production process. and it ends up being something, depending on how you want to do it, a sales tax. so things that have a lot of carbon in the production process would have more tax on them. things with less carbon would have less. it s important to carve b kv out, this isn t like an income tax. the point of this tax is not simply to raise money. the point of this tax is to push the economy to encourage lower carbon products. so that we begin to slow the spread of global warming. all right. ezra hey, ezra, willie, congrats on what you re ogg at vox over there. i want to go on another thing which is getting a job out of college which is a concern to so many people, graduates, their
parents. you say the most recent college graduates who finish 2010 or later are least likely to be employed out of a survey of 30,000 graduates. how dire is the problem and how do we attack it? for that group of people who graduated college in 2010, the un or underemployment rate, people who have part-time jobs, 17%. for people who graduated 2002 and 2010 it is about 9%. you re dealing with nearly one-fifth unemployment rate. in terms how do we tackle that, how do we get jobs, more to stimulate the economy. but the truth is anybody who has had any relationship with congress and watching this knows we re not going to do anything about it. the good news here, there is good news. the under employment rate is coming down. in the article, it s about 40%
if you did the same calculation in 2012 so that is good news. the economy is getting better. the labor market is getting better. but this is still a pretty bad labor market. a lot of folks who did everything they need to do to get ahead, it s not quite that bad. elizabeth warren has a plan to help people with loans for refinancing? yeah. this is an interesting one. it s a plan that would basically allow folks with student loans to refinance them easily. interest rates have been incredibly low in part to the bad economy, in part to the federal reserve doing absolutely everything it can to keep interest rates low. the way it s restructured it s impossible to refinance the way you would refinance a home loan. elizabeth warren would make that possible. he would have everybody refinance a student loan so if you got a student loan back when the interest rate was three or four or five percentage points higher, you d be saving a lot of
money. the way she pays for it to go back to the piece, the buffett tax, at least in part. but it is a change that would give student barrowers, again, we just spoke how a lot of them are not having an easy pass to a job. it is giving relief. what they re trying to do is stimulate the economy. this is place where congress could work in concert with the federal reserve rather than what s has happened in the last couple years working against the federal reserve s efforts to make the economy better. ezra klein, thank you so much. julie pace, thank you as well. coming up, the one issue that s managed to bring together democrats caroline maloney and patricia blackburn. we ll tell you what it is next on morning joe. (woman) the constipation and belly pain
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here with us now republican representative from tennessee congresswoman marsha blackburn and democratic representative
from new york, congresswoman maloney. they re the odd couple. there s no wall. they re women. and women actually know how to work together. they re reaching across the aisle. did you just say wawa? do you think i m a buzz kill? no. they want to promote a national cause building a national women s history museum in washington, d.c. congresswomen. welcome. marsha, takes it away, tell us about it. well, what we have worked on is a piece of legislation that establishes a commission to study the possibility of a women s history museum in d.c. and this is something caroline has worked on for for over a decade. and i have been so pleased to work with her and work to make
this a reality. it s an entirely new template for museums coming into consideration. and this commission would have 18 months in which to do their work, report back to congress and congress would have a vote on whether or not the project would proceed. one of the interesting things with the way this has been approached is it s fiscally responsible. there would never be one dollar of government money that would go into this museum. every penny has to be privately raised and all of that with a feasibility study. mike barnicle. caroline maloney, why has this taken jolg. i know, really. why has it taken so long? i have great respect, joe, for anything that can get that fragile past the united states congress. when it s over, they say, oh, that looks so easy.
that s what you should have done. we passed it twice. once it passed in the senate and failed in the house. marsha and i have teamed up. we ve both made it a top pry yoort and worked on it every single day to build support. to build the support of our leadership. marsha has done an incredible job of getting the leadership of her part to support it. and i ve also gotten the leadership of mine to support it. we hope that three times is the charm. it s my hope in 2020 which would be the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote we would open the doors of the doors of the women s museum near the mall. one of the things that many don t reallyize, that women s suffrage started in new york. and the right to vote was in tennessee. two states have come together
again. congresswoman blackburn, i want to ask you one other thing, which is the keystone pipeline. obviously, your party got huge desire to get this moving. what do you think it will take to get the administration to approve this? it looks like senator mansion and landrieu have taken the lead in the senate. when you listen to senator mansi manchin, he said he s got the votes. we hope there will not be a kill pill in it. and it will go through and it s up to the president to sign it. and i think he should sign it. you re talking about jobs. you re talking about an economic boost. especially in states that gulf coast state. carolyn, just so we can totally break the bipartisanship up, what s your view on keystone?
uh-oh. keystone well, let s focus on building this museum and making it happen. there you go. the vote is going to be on, we hope it s unanimous. less move forward. we hope to inspire a new generation of leaders. there s not one womens museum on the mall. although were are museums on stamps and law and order and everything else but there s not one in the united states that i can find that s just devoted totally to the contributions of women. and i can t even find one in the world. so this will be an absolute first. and women it s been large eye ignored of the 213 statues in the capitol, only a few of women. and the national parks, only two of women. hold on one second. i love the idea. i m the first person to say this is a good idea. can we ask you two about
keystone? carolyn, yes or no, good or bad idea? well, let s see how it evolves. it s evolving. there are many arguments on both sides. great idea. well listen, bipartisanship breaks out on capitol hill. i love it. i love the museum. congresswoman maloney and marsha blackburn, thank you very much. and mccord has got nothing on this guy. this guy does not tweet somebody while giving them mouth to mouth. the political career. we re going to break down some of the more conservative gubernatorial races next in the polling place. ahead at 8:00 eastern time, congressman james clyburn is pushing back. saying quote, i m not bringing a noose to my own hanging. wow, that seems harsh.
the man at the ahead of the investigation, congressman trey gowdy joins us at the top of the hour. hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection? yeah, we help with fraud protection. we monitor every purchase every day and alert you if anything looks unusual. wow! you re really looking out for us. we are. and if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you re never held responsible.
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make every day, her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrées crafted with care and designed to delight. fancy feast. love served daily. all right. control of the senate is not the only thing at stake in this november s elections. there are also very heated campaigns in decided governors races across the country. more on the mojo polling place. 2010 was a political tsunami for the republicans with the gop picking up a net gain of six governor mansions. but some of those pickups are not so difficult to defend. the poll showed republican terry
brandstad in close runninging with jack hatch. and gop scott walker finds himself tied with mary burke at 47%. in pennsylvania incumbent tom corbett is struggling to keep the keys to the governor s mansion with polls showing him trailing. however, the gop does appear toic maing inroads elsewhere. in oregon, john kitzhaber is in winning 49 prosecutes of the vote. gop representative dennis richardson is in a good position to make a strong challenge with the latest poll showing a race. all in all, it s shaping up to be a very competitive election cycle in state capitols across the country. guys? it s going to be close.
thank you, derrick kitts. i m surprised walker in wisconsin, tied 47/47. i thought walker was clear on that. well, he s had a contentious time in texas. he s been involved in controversy, he s a governor who has gone in there who has enacted an agenda. a lot of reforms. it s going to be a close race. i wouldn t count scott walker out of it. he s shown a lot of resiliency. she s a good candidate and pretty well-known. and steve said it, the structure of the race, it s a blue to purple state, and he s been controversial. so he s got a floor of support but also a ceiling. he s not going to get 55% of the vote here. once you re below that, you re in danger of losing it. same with john kasich in ohio. if they wanted to run for president, first, they ve got to
win the tough elections. coming up at 8:00, ronan farrow is going to be here. we ve had nice quality time at the vanity fair party. it s complicated yeah. anyway, luke is here. hi, luke. the fifth anniversary of his father s book. we re going to take a look at tim s lasting legacy with mike barnicle and, of course, luke. next on morning joe.
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my dad is a fierce lehr independent man, always has been. he left high school to fight in world war ii. was badly injured when his v-24 liberator crashed. back home in buffalo, new york, he raised four kids with my mom who sadly died a year and a half ago. he always met every challenge. working around the clock with two full-time jobs but living alone is hard. it s lonely. yeah. you ve got a great team, don t you? now at 83, dad has slowed down. still, he won t ask for help and
will not consider a retirement home. that was a 2007 report by the late legendary broadcaster tim russert. and here with us now is tim s son and nbc news correspondent luke russert. russert wrote the prefer for the edition. luke, big russ & me. it s great to hear his voice. it s a wonderful thing, people often go to me and they say they recognize me in an airport or coffee shop. they try and place me. oh, you re tim russert s son. some people think that gets old. it never gets old for me. it s endearing or heartwarming. sometimes, i get a pat on the back.
i can t tell you what happened to your dad. it happens all the time. there s just a hush that goes over the crowd. it really is, it s remarkable. i can t think of another public figure whose name we talk about or bring up. and the reference for your father all these years later, nothing short of extraordinary.
tv still remains an mri machine to people out there. the mri machine that is tv gave them an accurate portrayal of a guy who wasn t talking down to anyone, a guy who was there to get a job done for people watching tv, for presenting the news with very little spin or twist and he was going to ask what you wanted to find out. one of the lessons that my grandfather taught him and hopefully it s been passed down to me is that you re always loved but you re never entitled, the world doesn t owe you a favor. and sometimes in media i think we see that people for get who they re there for. you can relate, mike, to great
gr growing up with the nuns sister lucille. that he had to seek out the truth. what you learned in law school, to seek the truth. but he really believed that sincerely. it wasn t just something he said. as reverend jesse jackson once said, he died with his work shoes on. president bush had just returned from an overseas trip and came to the wake and the bribely. the president could not have been better that day with the family. but sister lucille was first in line. the president of the united states came into the library and he walked in and walked offer to sister lucille.
he said you must have taught sister lucille and she said, yes, i did. he said what grade did you teach him because you did a good job. and she said, i teach seventh grade and he looked at her and said ooh, that s a hard within. i think there is a responsibility you have to find the truth and seek the truth but you also have to be tough on politicians. i think nothing upset him more when certain journalists were overly cozy with politicians. there s an idea you re here on behalf of the american and you
can t back down. in your book you talk about how my father kept pressing hillary clinton about obtaining an illegal driver s license. that was unraveling of the campaign, and he didn t apologize for it. he said you can do it in a way of being objective. mike barnicle, we have a picture. it s a famous game, famous game. up there on nantucket. the barnicles and the russerts playing a little touch football.
what year is that, mike? probably 92. 92. my physique hasn t changed that much. i didn t have a sibling the barnicles are tougher but they re also cheats. thank you for sharing. pick up the book. we will. the tenth anniversary edition of big russ & me is out. things wouldn t be okay if give me the money you owe me, give it to me! give it to me! the cat dragged in barnicle. they say there s not a homeless problem in new hampshire? look at this. on car insurance. everybody knows that.
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hillary clinton gave the key note address at the national council for behavior health in maryland. she held a q & a session after. things got quite personal. what is your guilty pleasure? let s see. are there that many? i m just trying to think of the g-rated ones. no!
well, hello, madam secretary. i like that cut-away. that was good. welcome back to morning joe. mike hall pers halpern and jog us ed rendell and in chicago, former chairman of the national committee, michael steele. ed rendell, earlier we have tim kaine come out and endorse hillary. are you ready for that? i have to get permission. no, don t. come on. i think hillary clinton is
the best democratic candidate in the field. i endorse her over any others. no. there are no others. he s ready for hillary. a vote on the keystone pipeline has been delayed indefini indefinitely. yesterday reid put his foot down with his colleagues on the right over how many amendments could be put on the bill. working with my senate colleagues reminds me of chasing a pig in a greased pig contest. every time we get close to making progress, we see it slip through our hands and it slips away. they want a vote on keystone and it s not good enough for them.
they add four, five more amendments. it s never quite enough. harry reid quite upset. they did pass a most to proceed. republicans have been out of the mainstream over the past several years on a lot of issues. steve and i believe and a lot of others believe democrats are really out of touch on these energy issues. an energy revolution is coming up. if you read my feed yesterday to see the extremism from the far left and none as soon as sense e are saying we should fuel with wind. ask boone pickens the business model for that. he s lot a billion dollars doing that. where are you on keystone and what will transform the economy
and bring jobs back to good working class people. we had 70 permits for deep fracking of shale. my last year as governor we had 3,300. i believe fracking can be done in an environmentally safe way, but the pennsylvania economy did very, very well with fracking. a lot of people who thought they would die poor got royalties on their land and did well. it created a lot of good paying jobs. it was good for the economy and energy independence is crucial for this country. but that means we have to use all sources of energy. i m for the keystone pipeline but only if we pass a co comprehensive bill for so it s all of the above. it s oil, natural gas but also
the alternative energies as well. we can do two things at one. it s not a zero sum game. you re not go to create an energy revolution that you only want to chew on a granola bar at the base of a windmill somewhere. pennsylvania was the third highest state in the nation in what was called green energy jobs. energy independence is not on the key to our economy but i also think it s the key to our national security. amen. there are growing questions about the size and scope of the new congressional panel or benghazi. a house resolution says there will be a republican majority with seven republicans and five democrats. minority leader nancy pelosi objected to the unequal balance. some have suggested boycotting
the committee. and in part it was said i would be dead set against it, i m not bringing a noose to my hanging, said jim clyburn. and here we have a question for you, congressman. you said you had evidence of a coverup in benghazi. i wonder if you can tell us what that coverup is. you have the same document being produced at judicial watch that was produced to congress but with different redactions. that s one example of having discovery that you can t rely on. so with respect to whether it s documents or witnesses, i want to assure myself that we have
every document that we re entitled to, then we can quarrel about the classification and i want to talk to every witness who has firsthand knowledge. i can t aside motive to people, whether or not they fail to turn over a document in terms of negligence or intent we don t have the document. what s your response to the white house saying that want about benghazi specifically, it was more generally about the middle east? well, how many people were harmed in the middle east during that time period? the second goal or third goal of ben rhodes momeemo was to brin countries to justice for harming our citizens. what else was being discussed other than benghazi? jay carney has done a good job of explaining some this evening.
that was not one of his better jobs. what are your unanswered questions about you suspect that he did? i m an old prosecutor. i m not going to suspect what he did. i think he can clear it up by telling us what he did. people can judge for themselves. that s a part for the benghazi. that s a part of the story but not the biggest part of what the president was doing during that time period. only he can answer that. he certainly hasn t been asked by congress. whether or not he s been asked for the media, i will leave for y all to research. sir, with all due respect, it sounds like you have a lot of questions. there have been investigatiseve
investigations and questions. where does an investigation and a coverup begin? i want to know black and white, was there a coverup and do you have evidence? the talking points changed multiple times. the first iteration did not contain the talking points the last one did. there are lots of reasons for this. i know folks like to use the word coverup. i prefer to use evidence. i need all the evidence, unredacted and access to all the witnesses and then you are welcome to draw whatever conclusions you want but you can t draw any conclusions if you don t have the evidence.
mika, i got to say this, so. when i was practicing law, if the other side asked me to produce documentation involved in an incident and i did what the white house did and i kept an e-mail that goes to the heart of it and i didn t produce it, i would be one nervous attorney because the judge could hold me in contempt of court, in a civil case or criminal case, for withholding information. i don t know if you call that a coverup or not. i know if an attorney did that in private practice, he or she would be in big trouble. i ll come back at you and say i ve been very critical about how the whole roll-out of benghazi happened, with susan rice being put on meet the
press and i m skeptical about what trey gowdy is say, as well. you can say you have a cover up and you can say you have questions still because there s been 30 investigations. it s somewhere in the middle. what are you talking about? there have been investigations? we just had the evidence last week. there are a lot of people who say when you ask for an e-mail, all information involving this, which we all know the white house want straight forward on and then we find an e-mail just from last week where that are directing susan rice to steer it away from what really happened and talk about a video, there are a lot of americans that think that constitutes a coverup. the memo i think is evidence of a cover up but, joe, you have to keep in mind that every change that mike morrell made to the talking points sanitized or immunized the administration
from criticism. initially they were critical of the state department for missing every sign and signal in libya of escalating violence. he s the one who inserted spontaneous reaction or protest and despite the fact that the station chief and greg hooks said that s not true. i know mika wants me to choose between unanswered questions and a coverup. you can have both. the the only way you can sort all of this out is to have access to all of the documents in a timely fashion and sort it all. you called yourself an old
prosecutor. tell us as a prosecutor what is the single most important question about benghazi that has been unanswered. for me personally why our administration missed episode of violence after episode of violence in libya leading up to september 11th, 2012, an attack on the british ambassador, an attack on the international red cross, an attack on our facility in benghazi on the night where our four fellow citizens were murdered. others would go to the talking points, some would go to the military response but i want to know why when we had we were placed on actual notice that benghazi is a dangerous place, why were we still there? chuck todd. congressman gowdy, you ve
heard that nancy pelosi would like it to be an even number on the select committee. some democrats are talking about boycotting it. if you ve got the house democratic leader already ready to negotiate on the size of the committee, why not take her up on it? doesn t it help the investigation credibility if it is an even number. the house committee isn t an even number i staunderstand that but don you want to this has a whiff of politics to it, more than a whiff. don t you agree if you accept
her terms you d get more cr credibili credibility, which i assume is something you want. i do want credibility and i encourage you to watch the process. there are more republicans in the house than democrats. simply because something is evenly distributed doesn t mean it s tied to credibility. they went from boycotting it to asking it to be evenly constituted. there s no other committee in congress other than ethics, which is an entity of itself, and if you look at the history, when she had an opportunity to provide an evenly constituted committee, she passed on it. it can be fair and still dominated by one party or another and my challenge is at the end of this for you to say he s not very smart but he was fair. congressman gowdy, the whiff
of politics that todd is talking about is basically the base of mid terms is running off of benghazi. do you agree? the white house going out on benghazi, would you suggest your fellow members while this investigation is going on they not use benghazi for fund-raising purposes? yes, and i will cite myself as an example. i have never sought to raise a single penny on the backs of four murdered americans. so to the extent that they would look to me as some evidence of what s appropriate and what s not, there are two still, even if a culture of hyper partisanship, scertain things that ought to be above politics.
yesterday some people were bringing up around the set concerns that you could have a committee that could have one subpoena after another subpoena going out all the way through 2016, going after hillary clinton, going into the election campaign. do you think there should be a limit on how long the subpoena power should be for the committee, a limit to the scope so people don t say, hey, you republicans, you re just doing this to go after hillary? part of the answer to that depends upon how compliant the administration is with the subpoena. if the administration is slow walking document production, i can t end a trial because they won t cooperate. you go back and look at my 16-year career as a prosecutor and you re going to find defense
attorneys that say, look, i thought my client was innocent but the guy gave me a fair trial. you can say he s not smart, his suit doesn t match, bad hair cut, no one will say he isn t fair. and you will say the same thing. let me say, i followed your career and i do wonder about the hair cut. no, it s a good hair cut, it a good suit. trey, thanks for being with us. good luck on getting to the bottom of what really happened on september 11th. chuck, we ll see you at 9:00. ed rendell, michael steele, stay with us. michael just wouldn t stop talking in that segment. he was out of control. he was going all eugene roberts
on us. he went all vandehei on us as well. stay with us. the cardinals have a better record than red sox and i think i owe her a big apology, mika, because you told us not to go to st. louis. good morning, everyone. we re continuing to watch the central plains and areas through the southwest. you re in a drought situation now. the white house yesterday was saying the temperatures will ten to go up by 2 to 4 degrees over the next hundred years. and the way a lot of us will feel this is heat waves and drought and lack of water. that s kind of the deal we have right now. it also mentioned possibility of increased hurricane activity and also flooding.
there are some benefits of global warming and climate change. this morning we watching rain just south of pittsburgh and thunderstorms that could make a run at washington, d.c. this afternoon. as far as the southwest, yesterday was 99 in witchitawic kansas. the drought is quickly getting worse and windy weather, fire warning in this area. i don t think we re going to see tornadoes in this area like last week. in washington, d.c., a pretty nice shot of the white house on a beautiful day. more morning joe to come. (mother vo) when i was pregnant. i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust
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what a shocking turn of events that joe said he would be here on opening day ant isn t here. says one thing and does another. i say such nice things about her and she attacks me, those sleazy, left-wing tactics. claire doesn t tell the american people, why was i not here? you were at the airport. mika said he can t go. two this evenings, your back was hurting, you had that fund-raiser for the poor children i did, i did.
and i was crawling actually across the airport at laguardia, crawling on my hands and knees trying to get to the pay phones going i must call claire. and here she is attacking me and it makes me sad. here she is, the democratic senator, claire mccaskill. oh, be quiet. you look wonderful. how about mika. mika, you look wonderful. i want to come out and make it up. work on the grounds crew or whatever. oh, yeah, yeah. sure. i ll clean out the sewer. whatever it takes. we can have you headline the
fund-raiser at one my colleagues democratic events. i can t go to any fund-raisers but if you host a chicken dinner at $25 a head, i can do that but you won t make any money. claire, i m really sorry that my back hurt and my children really needed me. and hi, little boy,. hi, mama. let s end this here. let s end this here. a bigger question on
benghazi, when are we going toabto be able to fund a post in these areas that will keep them safe? before benghazi i had hearings on, security. we had real issues in afghanistan on embassy security. these are contracted positions. i believe strongly all of our embassies should not be protected by contract personnel but rather by our military. but obviously with the pressures, the financial pressures that we have trying to cut our budgets, it is now deciding that this is priority when there are so many privates that we ha priorities we have to fund. my brother can t go anywhere alone. the administrative review
board that the government commissioned to look at benghazi, they had real substantive recommendations, including for covert posts like, there you re able to transfer some of the oversee funding for like this. that s a big question. we are losing sight of that on the hill. what do you think? i think that s probably true. i don t think that hillary clinton was really criticized, you know, for what does it matter that, quote, they d taken out of context. what she was trying to emphasize in her testimony is that now it s most important, this was a tragedy, it s a terrible thing that happened is making sure we prevent it going forward. there s been so much focus in trying to extract political points on benghazi, a lot of people have lost sight of the fact we still haven t gotten it
fixed. and the fact of the matter is hillary clinton was on the hill begging for more money for securi security. yes, she was. what s going to happen with the pipeline? the notion is why can t we do it safely through the united states? clearly all of the studies have indicated we can do it safely through the united states. so i m for it. what s going to happen, though? i think we re going to have a vote. i think there s 11 democrats who have signed on to support it. clearly the votes are there to pass the keystone pipeline in the united states senate. michael steele has a question for you. following up on the pipeline, in addition to the idea of getting this passed, what do you see longer term in terms of the senate and house coming together
around some comprehensive solutions? joe and others were mentioning the bottom up, include the entire package. is there a real desire to do something like that so you doesn t get bogged done on key stone but the senate is looking to lead the country on energy? one of the story that s not being told here is we ve had a surge of energy production in this country and now less than half of our needs are being met by foreign oil because we have increased our energy production so much. getting our house together, that s really hard. any time we try to bring this comprehensive energy bill up on the floor, they keep moving it s like charlie brown. they keep moving the goalpost. first they just wanted to vote
on keystone. okay, you got a vote. now they want more amendments. okay, now they want more amendments. it s almost look they don t want to us get anything done because they think it helps them politically. michael stone, what are your thoughts? i think they should. even more so than benghazi, i think this is a real issue for republicans because it cuts into a couple of things. it cuts into the whole conversation about jobs. and what actually can be done to spur this economy as we just saw the report that came out last week about the growth in the first quarter being as anemic as it was. i think that was a real benchmark moment for the gop. for senator mccaskill s point, let s stop moving the football here and define what the football is and talk about it in a way that i think will rally the american people and sort of peel back some of the politics.
i think the administration is really on the hook on this issue. as the senator noted, there are 11 democrats ready to move on this thing. the white house is the stick in the mud here and they re playing politics here. i think the republican party and republican leadership can really bring that point home because it is affecting jobs right now. not 20 years from now, right now. senator claire mccaskill, it s always great to you have on the show. thank you. thank you. and i love your t-shirt, mika. next time i m back, let s talk about sexual assault on college campuses. would have love to do that. joe, i love you, too. i love you, claire. kind of, kind of. he doesn t deserve that. no, i m going to work on the grounds crew. i m going to get out of that dog house. trust me. yahoo! is set to been fit from alibaba s ipo.
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those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolution, the first waves of modern invention and the first wave of nuclear power and this generation does not intend to founder in the back wash of the coming age of space. we mean to be a part of it. we mean to lead it. that was president john f. kennedy telling the people we choose to go to the moon not because it s easy but because it s hard. with us the first technology officer, author of innovative state, how innovation can transform governments. mika is in it, right? how did that happen?
the white house council on women and girls took a deep dive into what is the source of the women s pay gap? and and your story unspierd us to open up a data competition where we invited the private sector, including sites like, who voluntarily opened up their secret data to have women have new tools to negotiate their case in the workplace. oh, my lord! we talked about the meeting before was launched. i said as a republican i was against the policy. i said if this works the way you tell me it works, you can expand
this to v.a., to social security. you can create innovation that will put people closer to their government. have i have to ask what went so terribly wrong? we have a culture now if the government put up a fair and open competition to create a health care.g because the bidders who compete almost immediately protest if they lose how did that happen? they did it off a limited set of vendors who had already been working with the government. you had a smaller pool of people competing so competition. lower the barriers to entry, expand opportunity. that s the formula for most success. ronnan. and it s about the technology that s used when you can go
online my colleague in the white house actually put forward a cloud-first policy where we changed the default setting around how we acquire technology to be much more aligned with what the private sector is doing today. i would go a step further. actually had its predecessor that went live in july of 2010 built on all the modern technologies in less than 90 days with no big governor procurement but my successor, todd park and former colleague meg and, led this team, a band of brothers and sisters of internal and external experts and built a robust site that was so successful, u.s. news and world report has powered their version with the data.
there are some states, new york and maryland are two examples openness by default is the model, secretary clinton convened about 50 heads of state to you have case examples all over the world, even using lesser means of technology, india has people writing chalk on the wall open data, who is getting paid for what and what purpose. they do not. yes, they do. what happens after it s written on the wall. it creates accountability. i have to step in. it s something where a lot of
governments got a chance to give platitudes about transparency but there are members that are terrible at transparency. how do you respond to that? the local ngos can hold them accountable based on their commitments. you re fantastic. thank you for coming on. you should come back and we should talk about these issues on a rolling basis. the book is rolling state, aneesh chopra, thank you very much. coming up, should google be
nervous? she keeps you on your toes.
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michelle caruso cabrera. michelle, someone is announcing an ipo. who is it? alibaba. this is big. it s huge, huge. if you have the large market share in china, you re going to be a huge online retailer. th they will be likely be worth as least as much as facebook but many believe may be worth as much as walmart. we expect the nyse and nasdaq to fight very hard for what will be the listing of this huge event approximately yahoo! owns 22% of this. yahoo! still can t get people to use their search engine or
mail. many investors bought yahoo! because it was a proxy to buy this internet company. now we re going to judge yahoo! on its own merits. but they re also going to end up with a lot of money. what is marissa meyer going to do with that? she s going into tv. maybe she needs a morning political show. i think yahoo! needs one. give me a call. write checks, big checks. i have a 10-year-old daughter, she absolutely loves frozen. she said i hope that s a musical one day. i m stunned by how big this thing has become. i think disney was even surprised. can you not get merchandise for this stuff. i ve never seen anything like it. there wasn t a big rollout. it almost caught everybody by surprise.
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mika, last night you do this so much now that women s causes no, i m serious. you wake up at 3:00 in the morning, you re still out at 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 at night. you re doing it for important
causes. what was it about? they re raising money to not on shelter but get homeless new yorkers back into life. there are 52,000, if you can imagine, homeless new yorkers. 22,000 are children. that s the highest number since the great depression. so a lot of incredibly generous people showed up last night for women like jimila, who has four kids, she was incarcerated and she has her life back. she has a job and she s looking to buy a house all because of the organization win. i was really happy to host the event last night. what an important, important organization. doing great work. coming up tomorrow we have a great show planned. we ll have former coach john grud i don t know. i love john gruden. he s going to be talking about the nfl draft. wait, donnie osmond is going to be on? a little bit country and a little bit rock n roll. the first 45 i ever got one
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