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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20190430

choice. embry s democracy, protect civilians and members of the democratically-elected national assembly, or face more man-made suffering and isolation. rich edson is live at the state department with the more on this. rich, this has turned violent in the streets. it appears to come if you re watching that video, harris. this is as opposition leader juan guaido singh the time is now. what he s going to beginning of operation liberty. american officials say they are closely watching this, counter protests, protests, street fighting, what appears to be violent repression of those protests for those who want nicolas maduro to leave power. the military leadership and that country has long supported the disputed president, nicolas maduro. it s a question whether they can turn to support guaido. that s the intention of guaido here. he calls this a coup attempt and says he still has the support o. guaido s government says this is not a coup attempt. it s only a legitimately-elected government trying to seize power from an illegitimate leader, that would be nicolas maduro. publicly, only a tweet from the state department and secretary of state mike pompeo, saying, today interim president juan rigo announced operation liberty. the u.s. government fully supports the venezuelan people in their freedom and democracy. democracy cannot be defeated. the foreign minister said, it flaunts diplomacy by promoting and financing coup attempt in venezuela paid washington s obsession with controlling venezuelan oil wells takes them clumsily. they underestimate the people of simon bolivar. he s also tweeting at john bolton, vice president mike pence, saying of penance that in the name of god he calls for violence and death. is this what a good christian does? in january, the united states recognized one way to as the legitimate leader in venezuela. more than 50 countries joined the united states in that. the administration followed with sanctions, attempts to bring aid to those suffering from a humanitarian crisis in venezuela. maduro, though, has remained in power. he has support of many in the military leadership. in the cuban and russian government, we are hearing from russian state media on this that russia president s letter report and paid attention to news reports about the coup attempt in that country. we know that russia had recently flown russian hardware there, and some military what were expected to be military to that country. the u.s. is hoping that this is a final push for venezuela, that they can finally replace nichols merger with the interim government, and that it would eventually lead to elections and permanent democracy in the country. harris? harris: i just want to kind of set the table here. we have been watching video for the last 30 minutes or so. we ve given some details here. we saw appeared to be military vehicles that were not stopping for clouds of people. we talked about the violent turn that this has taken. that s what we re talking about. we are going to step away from this for just a second and let s go to the white house, because of your news is being made right now. two big stories. speaker of the house nancy pelosi there, just after meeting with the president. let s watch. and agenda of that kind. we did come to one agreement, that it would be big and bold. our distinguished leader from the centage will announce how big and how bold. thanks. [laughter] what remains to be seen, we agreed we would meet again to talk about how it would be paid for. but we are very pleased with the positive attitude toward recognizing the trillions of dollars of need according to the american society of civil engineers, the deficit that we have in our infrastructure, and now we have an opportunity to work together in a bipartisan way. building infrastructure for america has never been a partisan issue, and he hoped to go forward in a very nonpartisan way. for the future. thank you. it was a very constructive meeting. it s clear that both the white house and all of us want to get something done on infrastructure in a big and bold way. there was goodwill in this meeting, and that was different than some of the other meetings that we ve had, which is a very good thing. first, we agreed that infrastructure is crucial to the future of america. we agreed it creates jobs. we agreed it keeps us competitive. we agreed that for 25 years this kind of build we could pass would make america a better place. this is just not a one year or 2-years. we agreed on a number, which is very good. $2 trillion for infrastructure. originally we had started a little lower. even the president was eager to push it up to $2 trillion. and that is a very good thing. then we talk about a number of things we would do. obviously, the roads and the bridges on the highways. obviously, water. but also, a big emphasis on broadband. that every american home, we believe, needs broadband. an emphasis on the power grid. so we can bring clean energy from one end of the country to the other. and several other issues. we told the president that we needed his ideas on funding. the last bill he proposed to, which was smaller, but b, took as much money away, and the speaker emphasized this. it took as much money away as it put in. where does he propose that we can fund this? certainly, in the senate, if we don t have him on board it would be very hard to get the senate to go along. and we said we would meet in three weeks, and he would present some of his ideas on funding. this is a very good start and we will see we hope it will go to a constructive conclusion. reporter: how hard is it to work with this president on infrastructure when when he is stonewalling you on investigations? obviously we are here to do something for the american people. we have said all along in our for the people agenda that we ran on that we were there to lower the cost of health care for the american people by lowering the cost of prescription drugs, and we hope to work with the president on that. we said we were there to lower health care costs, bigger paychecks, by building the infrastructure of america and ia green futuristic way. we talked about cleaner government. for the first two, we think we can work at president on it while we may have difficulty in other areas. but we cannot ignore the needs of the american people as we go forward. [reporters shouting questions] reporter: did that issue come up in this conversation? you can ask the same question of the senate reporter: to both of you, right after the midterms, the president suggested he wouldn t be able to work with you if you were simultaneously investigating him. do you get the sense that that has passed? can i ask you, what is the bigger priority for democrats? investigating a president or trying to work with him? our priority is to honor our responsibilities under the constitution of the united states. to meet the needs of the american people, and to honor our oath of office. i will yield in previous meetings, the president has said if these investigations continue, he couldn t work with us. he didn t bring it up. we are going i believe we can do both at once. we can come up with some good ideas on infrastructure, and we want to hear his ideas on funding. that s going to be the crucial point in my opinion. dowson senate can proceed in its oversight responsible it is. that you are not mutually exclusive and we are glad he didn t make it that way. we will take one more. you all turned into shouters! last question. i will take one from a woman! [laughs] reported next thank you. did you choose a leader don t nag leader you to run the infra- structure going forward? we have our leader there. i have a rule, when we go to a meeting with many members, and that rule is the purpose of the meaning is not to criticize the president of the united states. secondly, that every person has a chance to say what he or she came to say. this is a collaborative effort and we hope it will be very bipartisan. but we will be meeting next about how it s paid for, and that will engage, of course, the secretary of the treasury, among others. and our leadership, in terms of the ways and means in the finance committee. wait, wait. we agree some of it will spring from the committee of jurisdiction, for example. transportation infrastructure committee, which has its own funding. this is a technical question you re asking asking. but everybody who is appropriate to the solution will be involved. this is the last thing we are going to say. we agreed that the same group would meet in about three weeks and the president would present his ideas on funding, and we would take it from there. if we had to break up in small groups after that, so we would. thank you. reporter: limp let me just add one point i want you to take us home with you. one important advance that we made in this meeting was the president s acceptance or maybe just agreement i don t want to say except it s because he may have been thinking of this all along and that is that infrastructure should include broadband. and it s important. health care, for education, it s important to commerce. his embracement of that, in addition to her transportation and water issues, was very important. thank you very much, everybody. melissa: a very different tone coming out of this meeting than the last time we saw this group get together. we have their senator chuck schumer and, of course, the leader from the house, nancy pelosi. just coming out of a meeting with the white house where they were talking about infrastructure but they described it as a very constructive meeting. they said it was clear that the white house wants to get something done on infrastructure, that they quickly came to a number. shockingly, they are all good at spending money to give it. harris: [laughs] melissa: a few trillion dollars committee came up with that number. it s going to include roads, water, bridges, broadband. nancy pelosi saying they are, you just heard, one thing the president maybe he was thinking this all along, that we wanted to include broadband. very effusive about the president, saying that they will meet in three weeks to talk about and hear his ideas on how this could be paid for. remember, that s in the context that they had said some of the tax cuts would have to be rolled back in order to pay for it. they wanted to raise taxes. obviously they said they would hold back on talking about that for another three weeks. based on what she said. asked a number of times by reporters, is your priority investigating the president or working with him? they sort of demerit and said they could do both at the same time, that it was very friendly. we are in a position where we are supposed to to to her overt duties. close group at a very different tone coming from this meeting than the last. lawrence jones, what did you think about that? lawrence: first of all, after they said it was a constructive meeting of the first press do not question from the press corps was, how hard is it to work from with this pn a? melissa: when you want to impeach him. lawrence: housel there. it doesn t surprise me that they don t have a problm spitting money. deciding what they will steal from the american people to pay for these programs. what got me most is the broadband thing. so now governments responsibility is to get broadband for the rest of the country. the theme of the conversation that i heard from the democrats seemed like a lot of things could potentially be in the new green deal as well. i m sure we are going to hear upgrading facilities, upgrading private harris: melissa: she saidn and futuristic way. lawrence: exactly. kennedy: you know who was watching this press conference? shoeless joe biden! he took off both of his loafers and threw them at the tv! this whole thing could ve been paid for by the trump reelection committee. this was so congenial and so it effusive, and not really what i expected from them. and that is not my issue. americans want to see the president and congressional leadership work together in their best interest. nancy pelosi is absolutely right about that. i do share your trepidation, that they are spending this much money $2 trillion. is that on top of the $32 trillion we will care for medicare for all? melissa: no doubt. i want to tell our viewers, we will get to venezuela in a second. but this is also a huge story. go ahead, katie. katie: infrastructure across america is pretty bad. it s about the government mishandling and abusing them i need been given. the stimulus package that president obama pushed through, the trillion dollars there, is a perfect example of that. money was just handed out for infrastructure projects, shovel-ready job sprayed some of the same language being used now but nancy pelosi and chuck schumer about millions of jobs being created. and yet those jobs never came to fruition and the projects in the that was put aside for that never actually got spent in the way it was supposed to. the trump administration has talked before about having accountability to the states that are given the checks for these local projects, and doing private and public partnerships. so there is a streamlining of the costs and the fees associated. also, one more thing since we are talking about the green new deal the president has talked about how we can get any infrastructure projects down this country because of all the permitting processes and all the lengths of time to the environment to impact studies take for example to get companies there permits to actually build a new bridge or to build a new freeway. it ll be interesting when they get to the details of the negotiation, if democrats are willing to do dominic adjust some of the regulations in addition to finding ways to pay with it with accountability and not just blank checks to all of the projects in the pork barrel spending they want. harris: i just wanted to point out one point you were in agreement on, the fact that it almost looks like we are going to the words make america great again. house speaker nancy pelosi was asked, about those investigation. not only was the first question, it was also the second question. how are you going to do both? and she said, we can t ignore the needs of the people. want to lower health care costs, build bigger paychecks. and senator schumer said, crucial to infrastructure, creates jobs. we reached a number, is $2 trillion. it sounded a lot like the politics have crept back in. i agree, both loafers to the screen for an off by joe biden. because they just stole his whole train. kennedy: i m so sorry, lawrence, but joe biden is talking about this being a battle for the soul of the nation. and here are nancy pelosi chuck schumer. katie: with labor workers, as well! lawrence: the question is, where do they get the true trillion dollar number from? the programs is this going to be another project for all of their friends in congress? where they get to pay them and say, hey, we know that guy! let s give him the construction deal. there needs to be transparency in and a bidding process. harris: you know what that sounds like, like? swamptastic. lawrence: it is. what trump won that they have to take back, in this presidential race. they need promises and those congressional districts. there is nothing better than telling the local businessmen that is a construction worker, hey, i ve got you. katie: it from the companies, as well. if you go solyndra on us after we give you millions and billions of dollars, you have to repay that money to the market taxpayer. because you re being given an opportunity to help your country, rebuild the infrastructure. if you want to waste it with accountability, there has to be a consequence for that, or else people take the money and they walk away. the kennedy: that s why government contracts are so great. there is no account ability. you don t have to end on time or on budget for it hallelujah. spew on the president has said all along the lack all along we could do something on infrastructure. she said, he may have already been thinking about this. kennedy: very gracious. harris: the big story of the day also breaking at this hour, venezuela. the violent uprising there, as opposition leader juan guaido has of course, back engineer, declared himself interim president. and now protests in support of guaido, pushing out maduro, the current president under fire right now, are happening in the streets. you see our own senator come marco rubio, in a tweet storm this morning. if you want to call it that. a breeze of treats talking about what s going on with this liberty operation on the streets of venezuela. the president has back in rare form and opposition leader, recognizing guaido as the legitimate leader. history being made today. we will get right back to that breaking news after a quick break. stay close. to look at me now, you don t see psoriasis. you see clear skin. you see me. but if you saw me before cosentyx. i was covered. it was awful. but i didn t give up. i kept fighting. i got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. clear skin can last. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you. cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis find clear skin that can last. don t use if you re allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me now. i m still clear. how sexy are these elbows? 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this picture? okay. because you can hear gunfire there. we ve been hearing about all morning. this was moments ago. i want you to hear that it s something else. it s a violent situation on the ground and then. lawrence: the freshman senator, rick scott, from florida, talks about what the u.s. role would be paid would be set on the sidelines? he saw adam kinzinger alluding to that, as well. as it relates to foreign policy on these topics, especially on the right, there are some disagreements on this. i would like to say that the people have to fight for themselves right now. this is a tragic situation. but we are seeing what happens when a dictatorship is in play. harris: kennedy, i want to go to you real quickly. just what we know about guaido. 35 years old, industrial engineer before he came president of the national assembly on january 5th. why is he gaining popularity? kennedy: he s getting populated because venezuelans are miserable and the wealthy ones the engineers on the doctors and anyone who has any sort of economic mobility have left the country. that means the people who are there, children, the very second, the very old, they don t have a lot of health care. the country is literally crumbling around them. they ve got something like a 10000000% inflation rate. harris: that s what they are projected for this year. kennedy: it s a phenomenal number. when that math starts to add up, it really doesn t bode well for maduro. but he will not go gracefully, because he has the backing of china and russia and cuba. it is not just going to be the united states helping out militarily. if we are on the border of venezuela, we are taking on in a proxy war some very dangerous harris: one second, we have an opportunity to bring in the former state department senior advisor for both the trump and george w. bush administration s. christian white and, you re with us now. i want to ask you about the opponents of maduro, and what it has meant to be living in this country where if you speak up against maduro, what happens to you? it s been increasingly repressive. that s one of the things that led to this new spike, this much higher plateau of activity with the release, by the military, of someone who had been thrown in jail. lopez, who had been somewhat of a mentor role model for guaido as far as leading a political movement. it hasn t been as repressive as, say, north korea, where any dissent gets you killed, but there has been intense repression. the attempt to turn guaido into a political prisoner himself also helped spark this new level of protest. melissa: christian, it s melissa francis preliminary sku, vice president mike pence tweeting, saying we are with you. what does that mean exactly? are we with them militarily? at what point would you guess of the united states would step in here as we see trucks mowing down people? we are with them politically, we are with them economically. it s amazing, actually, how unified the atmosphere is. this is part of the rightward shift within the hemisphere. we have great allies in brazil and argentina and colombia. they are putting a lot of pressure. this is not an interventionist demonstration. we are seeing here is trump-pentz foreign policy. you can be very active, you can american power, political worker. short of actually getting in an intervening militarily, which actually is best for the venezuelans in the long run, as well pray that they achieve their own freedom. that it s not the gringos scene coming down and imposing some form of government. as the new government they want. katie: christian, katie pavlich here. there are questions about the u.s. interest in venezuela. can you talk about why the united states is so involved with backing guaido as the legitimate leader of the country? sure. that s a fantastic question for the most critical national interest we have is in the security of the hemisphere. i don t mean that an abstract sense, i mean that in the sense of having millions of people streaming across borders as refugees. really, swamping columbia and coming for our borders in the long ter long term. more broadly, the idea that we should resist socialism and oppression within our hemisphere. we had this thing since the monroe doctrine was promulgated, that we do not allow this hyperforeign political and military interference that we are seeing from russia, china, and others, and certainly from cuba. a lot is at stake. focusing on our own backyard. we ve been so distracted by wars in afghanistan, iraq, and faraway places. this is something that is in some ways much more critical to our interests. harris: this has just come in. before we leave go, i want you to hear this. pat shanahan just tweeted, the fans in support of one cueto and the people of venezuela in their quest for freedom and democracy is a take back the country. #operacion libertad. that is more of that american support that you just heard christian talking about. we will take a quick commercial break as the story continues to develop and bring you the very latest on the other side when you start with a better that s no way to treat a dog. .you can do no wrong. where did you learn that? 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[ limu grunts ] only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty melissa: back to venezuela in a moment. in the meantime, the battle rages on between attorney general william barr and house judiciary committee chairman jerry nadler over the format of barr s house hearing scheduled for today. the committee is expected to vote tomorrow, to allow an additional hour of questioning at the hearing by staff attorneys. the ag has objected to that format. here is the ranking republican on the committee, doug collins. he is doing everything he can to sabotage a perfectly good hearing in which the attorney general has volunteered to come. more or less, they are wanting to look like an impeachment hearing. they wanted to have the feel of an impeachment hearing, because they do not want to go to an impeachment hearing. they just want people to think that they are. melissa: in the meantime, house speaker nancy pelosi saying that barr must appear before the committee, and slamming president trump. honor your oath of office. melissa: barr is set to testify to our before the senate judiciary committee. lawrence, let me start with you. do you think it s right for attorney general barr to refuse to do that last hour of questioning? not from congress itself, but from lawyers that they bring in? lawrence: well, i mean to be fair, the lawyers do congress does have the right to allow questioning to happen by a counsel. we saw that happen during the kavanaugh hearing, as well. i think that is kind of wrong to deny that, because he has a role to answer to congress. two i agree with congress actions? no, i don t agree. there questioning him this is all going to be on the obstruction case. what we know from the attorney general is, even though he disagreed with mueller s theory of obstruction, he still took it and ran with it and decided, can t we actually take this to court? he wasn t able to take it to court. there wasn t enough proof. you can t have obstruction when you are the chief executive. that was the theory behind that. that s with the question is going to be, and we are going to have is a lot of legal scholars going back and forth with the ag. that should be done in court, not in front of the american people. kennedy: by the way, the people in the house judiciary committee, the numbers of congress, they are lawyers. they are perfectly capable of asking the attorney general questions. melissa: answering from anyone, however it is anyway. we are going to go back to this situation in venezuela as soonest we get back from the break. if you re a veteran homeowner who needs cash, call newday usa. home values are rising, and with newday s va cash out home loan, you can borrow up to 100 percent of your home s increased value. you could get 54,000 dollars or more and lower your payments by over $600 a month. with automatic authority from the va, newday can say yes when banks say no. take advantage of your home s increased value. call newday usa now. go to or call 1-800-405-6714 cake in the conference room! showing em you re ready to be your own boss. that s the beauty of your smile. bring out the best in it with crest 3d white. crest removes 95% of surface stains. in just three days. if you have a garden you know, weeds are lowdown little scoundrels. draw the line with roundup. the sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to target weeds precisely and kill them right down to the root. roundup brand. trusted for over 40 years. this is an extraordinary man with an extraordinary career in public service. somebody who has devoted his entire professional life to service to this country. he revitalized american manufacturing is the head of our task force, he fought to make college more affordable. katie: former vice president joe biden releasing a new campaign video today featuring the voice of former president barack obama from biden s metro freedom ceremony in 2017 he s trying to break out from a crowded field, of 2020 hopefuls, it just is after entering the race. getting a boost from a new poll. this shows his lead over senator bernie sanders increasing to more than 20 points. in the meantime, biden is such a burn storm the state of iowa where he plans to hold two events to be. he is holding his first rally ih yesterday, where he slammed the first commander in chief. president obama isn t giving an official endorsement, but it seems like joe biden wants when! [laughter] lawrence: it s so funny because he told us to start off with he asked the president not to endorse him. now if overdue endorsement. it s very obvious that the obama coalition is split amongst the other candidates. especially ones that have the energy like kamala harris, the beto o rourke prolapse of the world. so he is trying to pull as many of them as he can. i think you will pull some of the voters away because of the rest of them are so crazy. as far as those diehard obama campaign workers, they won t melissa: cannot i just add, joe biden told an outright lie yesterday at a rally? i know it s not unusual for politicians who want to be elected to lie, but he said, the stock market is growing but you don t feel it. there was a $2 trillion tax cut last year. did you feel it customer did you get anything from it? of course not. all of it went to the folks at the top. so i m wondering if the media is going to say that he lied the same way that they harris: a which media? melissa: i don t know. [laughter] won the president does say things that are untrue, and they say he lied, when joe biden says something that is untrue, will they say he lied? kennedy: that is a complete misrepresentation. may look at 3.2% gdp growth, low an appointment, hourly wages going up for lower-income americans who work in retail and the service industry. harris: the upper echelons of economy, which is rare. kennedy: they have bigger paychecks because of the tax cuts. the thing to cut spending? of course they do. he also completely missed or presented the unit picture in this country. go visit some of the cities in california that have been lawrence: it s a good move by him, though. there is some polling to suggest that when people got their tax refunds back, despite it being harris: we talked about this a little bit yesterday. lawrence: the way they feel about not getting that extra money back katie: but for him to say didn t get anything, even the middle got a tax cut. harris: what you did is the state and local taxes. when you take that away, it feels like you got lawrence: exactly. but it was an emotional play, not a factual play. harris: a lot of people may have complained in different brackets. kennedy: that s why you see the gdp growth. there will be more in the second quarter because people will be spending more money. it s a very tight labor market. that means wages are finally going up and following the logical chain. that s a really difficult thing to campaign against. to melissa s point, you can t use lies in order to make your case when people know what they feel and they know what they are able to spend. harris: i just look of a conversation we are having now. it s not about a cultural issue. it s not about foreign policy. it s about that dinner table topic of the economy, taxes, which you feel. is happening under this current president. that also makes it very tough to fight, because we know our history of incumbency. it s very rare for an incumbent not to come back kennedy: melissa, a lot of joe biden suggested he was about the comic, talking about worker. that he puts his video today with president obama talking about his character. what doesn t that also remind people of the gdp growth under president obama? the loss of jobs, the stagnant wages we saw under his tenure. there are some risks to tying himself to the obama legacy. harris: or arista obama s legacy. melissa: he has two arguments to try and talk down the economy, which we know is factually incorrect and he has to tell lies when he does that about the numbers that exist, or he does the moral argument. interesting to say that he is about truth and being street and at the same time he says that he asked the president not to endorse him and put his thumb on the scale. [laughter] that doesn t ring authentic and true to a lot of americans. to try and take the moral high ground where you are telling something that sounds untrue kennedy: then there are commercials like the hologram. it s like tupac at coachella. to someone who didn t see the commercial, president obama that did endure some, this is great! katie: we will cover venezuela after the break. we re family. we d do anything for each other. but this time. those bonds were definitely tested. frog leg, for my baby brother don t frogs have like, two legs? so they should have two of these? since i m active duty and she s family, i was able to set my sister up with a sweet membership from navy federal. if you hold it closer, it looks bigger. eat your food my big sis likes to make tiny food. and i m okay with that. navy federal credit union. our members, are the mission. i was told to begin my aspirin regimen, blem. and i just didn t listen. until i almost lost my life. my doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. listen to the doctor. take it seriously. but dad, you ve got allstate. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won t go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. are you in good hands? kennedy: medicare for all facing a major test on capitol hill just this morning. the house rules committee holding the first ever hearing on the health care legislation, which two democratic congress women introduced in february. medicare for all asking popularity among some top 2020 democrats, and drawn fierce opposition from republicans. jim mcgovern. jim? you can go broke if you get cancer. you can use it on mike lose your home if your kids get sick. that s not health care being delivered as a basic. that s health care that remains out of reach for too many. the medicare for all would change every thing. the uninsured americans and our country today would get health care. the 40 million underinsured people would have the peace of mind of finally knowing that their health care would be there for them when they need it. kennedy: plus, the top republican on the committee says this is pure socialism. medicare for all would require all americans to pay more in taxes, wait longer for care, and received potentially worse care. this bill is a socialist proposal that threatens freedom of choice and would allow washington to impose one-size-fits-all plans on the american people. everyone. every man, woman, and child in america with private employer or union have a base health care would lose their plan. kennedy: does this proposal add up? melissa: no. not even close pay [laughter] the reason people like medicare so much when you look at the numbers is because they use, in dollar terms, four times as much care as what they pay in. the only reason that works is because you have younger people subsidizing. medicare for all would be medicare for none. but we should make the same mistake we did last time, which is to blow up things that are working in order to provide health care for those who don t have it. if we are really committed to providing health care for those that don t have it, we should focus federal dollars on that and leave the part of the system that is working, working. there are people who have insurance, that it s working for them. why would you disrupt that? we could just focus, if we were going to come on the part not working. kennedy: bernie sanders is a promising maternity care, rehab, dental, vision. this is what they don t have in places like canada and australia. lawrence: they are making a lot of promises they can t keep. people know where i stand on this when it comes to socialized medicine, but i m willing to have that debate. but that doesn t belong in the rules committee. the fact they re putting it in the rules committee shows it has nothing to do the rules, first of all. they re not willing to have that debate because they have no grounds to stand on. katie: but they are having the debate. they re having it on the 2020 campaign trail, the primary. people like malaria saying they re going to get rid of private insurance and having to walk it back. they don t know exactly what they want. the thing is that republicans love to come up with a way to talk about this on an individual, emotional level. it sounds really good to be able to get free health care, which we all know is not free, but that sounds good. when you are sick or have a child who is sick and you can t afford to pay for something, or you are on don mcgahn entry to the time, that sounds great. how will republicans message to those people about how a social system will actually make you unavailable to have health care? it s not medical care. they have to be able to message that, and they are to ready for a fight. interested in the idea. the lawrence: after the failure of obamacare, the fact that it wasn t the first thing babe don t like that congress kennedy: they tried. lawrence: of the problem. kennedy: but once you have an entitlement it s almost impossible to unring that bell. we ve got more ring a ding dong for you. morse p25 and moment. please stay. thank you, admiral. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. need cash? at newday, veteran homeowners can get $54,000 dollars or more to consolidate high rate credit card debt and lower their payments by $600 every month. 0g$ç)fmnndv-b0.h#ú$dp;n.úun&>xqi jimmy s gotten used to his whole room smelling like sweaty odors. yup, he s gone noseblind. he thinks it smells fine, but his mom smells this. luckily for all your hard-to-wash fabrics. .there s febreze fabric refresher. febreze doesn t just mask, it eliminates odors you ve. .gone noseblind to. and try febreze unstopables for fabric. with up to twice the fresh scent power, you ll want to try it. .again and again and maybe just one more time. indulge in irresistible freshness. febreze unstopables. breathe happy. 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom. is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and heart disease? 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katie: yes come on venezuela, i would say he used to be democracy and that s what people seem to be trying to go back to. they are not starting from scratch on that point, so we will see where things go. but it looks pretty violent and ugly today. hopefully things get better. lawrence: important for the people to duke it out. fight for the country. harris: we are back here at noon eastern tomorrow. for now, here s harris melissa: harris: let s gee breaking news. unrest boiling around venezuela, where a military uprising is underway. i m harris faulkner pray this is outnumbered overtime. opposition leader juan guaido is calling on the military to help with the final phase of a plan to oust embattled president nicolas maduro. chaos unfolded today in caracas, where guaido took to the streets with a group of heavily-armed soldiers. we want to warn you about this next video. it is graphic. you can see government vehicles plowing into crowds of people, driving through, not even stopping for the people they are crushing. maduro loyalists clashing with antigovernment protesters. tear gas being fired into those crowds, as well. the u.s. is standing with juan guaido

Afghanistan , United-states , Bolivar , Monagas , Venezuela , Argentina , Washington , China , Cuba , Florida , Libertad , Barinas

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20191114

happened. i got a phone call. this was a bombshell. what did you make of the bombshell? going back to the bombshell, devastating testimony. typical devastating new information. bribery. it was an attempted bribe. they already have more that n they had against richard nixon to impeach him. jesse: if you are wondering what it s really about, aoc just set it out loud. listen. at the end of the day, we have to be able to come together at the caucus. if it s this ukrainian allegation that brings the caucus together, i think we have to run with however we unify the house. we are talking about the potential compromise of the 2020 election. this is not just about something that has occurred. this is all about preventing a potentially disastrous outcome from occurring last year. jesse: she set it out loud, dana. not supposed to say that. dana: i don t think the problem in the caucus is that they don t have an agreement on impeachment. they do have an agreement on impeachment. the problem the democrats have is that they don t agree on which way it should go. free market capitalism or socialism. the divide is not about not liking donald trump. they have a 99% agreement on not liking donald trump, so i don t think that the consensus that they needed wasn t dumb i was about this i do think that nancy pelosi is going to have two look at them and say, this was not a good idea. my consensus this morning was that nobody woke up this morning thinking that impeachment is an imperative. it did not change anybody s minds. they have this buyer s remorse. if the president were to lose next november, it won t be because of impeachment. it will because dell might be because of a bunch of other factors and turn out and all that. if he wins, i do think that the republicans and probably a lot of the democrats will look back and say that impeachment helps them get there. jesse: i think he raised $3.1 million just yesterday since the first day of impeachment. greg: there op ship without a paddle. i like the media, because they are complaining about how this is not being taken seriously by the public. they expect more people to be enraged. they are acting like a film director after the movie bombs that first weekend and they read rotten tomatoes. they are just saying that your movie. they are taking this rejection personally with cnn complaining about all the right-wingers who are telling viewers not to take this seriously. it wasn t a hearing. it was a say on. the entire process was based on the power to read minds. it s like they thought they could see into trump s brain, but you can t see his thoughts. you can see his actions, right? that s why everyone was going, there s nothing here. the worst thing about this whole thing, and it s kind of funny but sad, they sent therapy dogs dana: that was a coincidence. speak to del mike thomas lee two oh, was it a coincidence? dana: this group was planning for months ahead of time. they just happened to be there on the day of the impeachment. some people thought that they were brought in for impeachment. it was just a coincidence. greg: what i love about it and i m going to pretend that you never said that. these clowns manufactured the anxiety that they pretend to suffer from. we are going to edit all of that out. [laughter] jesse: we are not life right now? greg: no. jesse: to his point about the audience being blamed for the press not understanding the bombshell, not understanding the complexity of these high crime misdemeanors. even the michael cohen hearing had a bigger radiance than this first impeachment hearin hearing. before i don t know why anyone would think that nancy pelosi has regrets. that s pretty significant to me. i noticed that when i m listening to conservative trump media, they say hey, this was a joke. donald trump jr., this is insanity. some of the talk show host, don t watch it. a waste of time. this is stupid. okay, greg said that. [laughter] dana: we had the most viewers. speak to the show did very well. thank you, adam schiff. juan: to my mind, it s like you know what, you get separate audiences. the message to conservatives is don t worry. don t pay attention. don t listen, because it might change your mind and we don t want anybody to change their mind. jesse: fox news was the largest audience. before i agree, because the message not only here, but i m talking about on a lot of conservative talk shows was this is to be ignored even though this is an historic even. this is a remedy that the founding fathers put in place for when the executive, when the president is abusing his power. greg: that s not even the case. before they are not building a final case. like a grand jury, they are looking for a preponderance of evidence and testimony. they have shifted on impeachment, jesse. we know that it s really high. if you look at the republicans on the committee, they are not the one saying that you shouldn t be watching. in fact, they are saying that we want to present more people and different kinds of evidence to the american people. adam schiff is refusing to do so. the question going forward is what is his strategy? is he going to continue down this road wanting to bring articles of impeachment on the floor for a vote? at this point, you kind of have to. of course, that s what they would have to do to maintain his own credibility and his own ego, because he is leading the charge on this. or, are they going to shift the goal post? there s all this collusion. one of they couldn t prove that, is it going to be obstruction? jesse: dana, if this does go to the senate, does that mean that every senator must be there throughout the entire deal? a lot of the senators dana: it s pretty interesting, actually. pretty much, if you are a senator, you can choose not to go, but then you just increase the chances that the republicans are able to acquit, because of the vote. think of kamala harris, senator booker, warren. jesse: bernie. amy klobuchar. dana: you can imagine that mitch mcconnell would be like, i ll just sit here for two months. january, february. new hampshire the second week. super tuesday right after that. also, if you are a juror and senator, you are not allowed to talk about it. jesse: do you think you can keep this to themselves? dana: i think this is going to come to a pretty quick conclusion. jesse: in the house. juan: they are like oh, yeah, let s get this over. let me just say, dana, to you to dana s point of all, if he stretches this out to embarrass the democrats, don t forget that democrats think this is good. dana: yeah. greg: it s the purest example of an orchestrated event meant to manipulate the public, right? what do we see? witnesses who didn t witness anything. we knew from the start that this was a sham. jesse: told you so. republican congresswoman, hit with a very sexist smear by the liberal media. straight ahead. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. woi felt completely helpless.hed online. my entire career and business were in jeopardy. i called reputation defender. vo: take control of your online reputation. get your free reputation report card at find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. woman: they were able to restore my good name. vo: visit or call 1-877-866-8555. so w i m searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like i m just wasting time. wasted time is wasted opportunity. exactly. that s why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, personalized education center. see, you just oh, this is easy. yeah, and that s oh, just what i need. courses on options trading, webcasts, tutorials. yeah. their award-winning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. and it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. so it s like my streaming service. well exactly. well except now, you re binge learning. oh, i like that. thank you, i just came up with that. you re funny. learn fast with the td ameritrade education center. call 866-295-0908 or visit get started today, and for a limited time, get up to $800 when you open and fund an account. that s 866-295-0908, or dana: congresswoman coming under attack. will you be prohibiting witnesses from answering member s questions as you have in the closed-door deposition? only one member in the staff. will suspend. dana: matthew going after her in a tweet, many are calling sexist. she is a perfect example of why just electing someone because they are a woman or a millennial doesn t necessarily get you the leader we need. he later deleted that tweet and apologized. she accepted it, but also added that you should be ashamed of your comment. this is one of the reasons young women don t run for office. let me go to you. what do you think question what he made it worse, because he deleted the tweet, shared an apology and said that we not only need to elect people not just because they are women or because they are millennials, but because they need integrity. then, he implies that he has no integrity. you try to walk it back and then you are patronizing and say oh, i made a bad statement. right, and she worked with him in college to help write a book and this is the way that he has repaid her. he didn t think that she was accomplished then. dana: another example of twitter not making anything better. the other thing that happened with her is that she is the youngest congresswoman baird i guess, alexandria is. she had a lot of firsts. but she didn t get on the cover of glamour magazine and all the other things. in the closed-door hearing, she goes to ask a question to a witness and the witness lawyer says i m sorry, i didn t think that staff was allowed to ask questions. she very graciously said, it s okay. it happens all the time. she is the young woman. greg: she has young woman. i can see that, dana. how condescending. i think that s absolutely right. you shall not elect them because of what they are. you know what i mean. you don t elect them because they are black. you don t elect them because they are white. you don t elect someone because they are woman. you don t elect someone because they are a man. you elect someone because they are persuasive, they ve got talent. having said that though, i ve changed my mind 4 times on the story. if she was going after, they whicwould say that she is a natl contender for the presidency. then, he apologized. you are supposed to accept every apology. i believe that you should. dana: yeah, you should. and she did. greg: but then he made it worse. but it s only a tweet. i go back to your point earlier. twitter makes everything and everybody worse. you are never a better version of yourself on twitter. i know that. i am much worse on twitter than i am here. if you can imagine how i am here, it s really bad. dana: do you think you are worse on twitter? jesse: i don t do anything on twitter. let s put it that way. greg: ironically, that makes you a better person on twitter? [laughter] jesse: i think i have a very good ear for sexism. dana: oh, yeah? jesse: because a lot a lot of sexism is directed at me. my hair. i pretend that it doesn t bother me, but it does. it does. i don t know. does he have a crush on her? dana: no, no, no, no. [laughter] jesse: i think she s actually a very confident, harvard educated, aggressive defender of impeachment. she s on the intelligence committee. defender against impeachment. she wasn t elected because she was a woman or because she was young. she is obviously very talented. she didn t do anything in that hearing to invite any sort of ridicule. dana: and if you remember, juan, when she was first running, she was running against two older republican males who did the same thing. she really worked and made her way. but she apparently rubbed adam schiff the wrong way when she was basically saying, aren t you going to allow us to have any of these witnesses? inappropriate. juan: i think a lot of people thought it was a concerted effort that started even before to try to disrupt the hearing and get schiff off his game. the idea, the woman and a millennial. to me, it could be bad and it could be good. to me, the tweet is offensive. i m sure i disagree with him on lots of things, but not on this one. you got to remember to, he is a republican. jesse: independent. juan: his history is as a republican. he was a presidential advisor, so, to me, to get back to this point about twitter. the other day, there was a situation where somebody said, okay boomer. and then an aarp official came back and said, we boomers, we have all the money. that set off a huge yeah, exactly. i thought to myself, this gets us nowhere. is this entertainment for some people? anyway, you shouldn t have jesse: to make another point, that s his boss. he should stop criticizing this congresswoman. they ve been covering up a lot of nasty stuff. and adam schiff especially doesn t like elise. she noted the date of the letter, the complaint, and was calling him out. she wants more transparency about who they can and cannot talk to. greg: now i ve changed my mind again, dana. he should be fired. he should be fired. twice now i ve changed my mind today. dana: will go to commercial and you can see how you feel after that. hillary clinton claims she is being pressured to run. i need a ride. here hold this. follow that spud. 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katie: first, i want to say hillary clinton, everyone is asking you to run, it s like when biden told obama not to endorse him. everyone is like, yeah, joe. sure. he s an interesting candidate. his background is different than other people on the stage. he s a capitalist. he is a minority. he allegedly, reportedly has the blessing of barack obama, which will help him behind the scenes in fund-raising numbers, but also going into the primary. if he wins the primary. so look, i read the comments on the twitter announcement that he made through the video and they were not good. people were really mad about it s too late. everyone else has done all of the work. there is not enough room for you. get out. you are a hedge fund guy, financial guy. he has a lot of work to make up in terms of going to iowa, as andrew yang was saying, knocking on doors, getting people to vote for him. juan: dana, michael bloomberg, it also looks like he s going to get into the race now. they are both taking aim at joe biden, with the assumption being that if biden collapses, they would wind biden voters. but biden is not collapsing. dana: know, and i think you will see some more of that coming out in the polls next week or so. i actually think that he s going after elizabeth warren and bernie sanders. maybe they think biden won t be able to go the distance or he s all ready done some damage by these allegations about bribery and hunter biden. they think he won t be able to do it. plus, he can t raise that much money. bloomberg, i think, is a much harder sell. i think that he has a much greater chance of being able to deliver an obama message. i think he would go for bernie and liz a run for their money. might not be able to beat buttigieg, who is doing very well. i really believe that it would be narrowed down by now, but it s actually growing. jesse: it s a weak field. it s wide open. there could be a catastrophe next summer and here s how. if you see joe biden collapse and not win iowa and new hampshire, and then, you have bernie and liz split the socialist about to come, peach doesn t have enough juice to run up the middle, you could have them going into the convention. no one hits that delegate ceiling. you could get. we are going to have the best time. juan: may be the will nominate trump. to pick up on this point, i personally like patrick. you are no obama. obama s charisma. that s a famous speech. i don t know that deval can deliver. dana: don t some of his famous speeches come from patrick? juan: if you don t know what he s doing, it looks like well, he s a great guy. people like him. he is a governor. why now? greg: i think is actually probably one of the strongest people out there if he gets obama s endorsement. that s going to be great. i call it elec electile dysfunc. they are now in anchorage, alaska. they are in trouble. that s why this is happening, because all the smart people, bloomberg is going, what? deval patrick is a strong candidate. you should have entered earlier. katie: you know it s bad whenever hillary is like, everyone is. greg: it s like saying sorry for your loss at a funeral. they are saying her oh, you should run again. juan: here s hillary saying what it would have been like if she was president. look, i think all the time about what kind of president i would have been, what i would have done differently, what i think it would have met to our country and the world. of course i think about it. i think of it all the time. greg: i m tired of being her shrink, juan. i was her therapist. before you were pathetic. what do you think? dana: she can do whatever she wants. if you run for president, you never give up the dream. do you think that al thinks he would have been a better president than bush? yes. of course he does. everybody who lost thinks they would have been a better president than the person who won. the difference between wallowing in your loss and accepting your loss and moving on to have a really great life, it s not hard to do. you can accept it and move on or you can continue this charade. greg: she just doesn t want to spend time with bill. juan: obviously john mccain lost. al gore is running the whole dana: i m saying that they all made a different choice. juan: i think they were critical at times. dana: very rarely. they went on to do other things. katie: she will never be a margaret thatcher. juan: there we go. we can agree on that. disney is facing harsh criticism for slapping a warning on some of it s classic animated movies. (client s voice) remember that degree you got in taxation? (danny) of course you don t because you didn t! your job isn t doing hard work. .it s making them do hard work. .and getting paid for it. (vo) snap and sort your expenses to save over $4,600 at tax time. quickbooks. backing you. katie: police alert. watching this could be offensi offensive. [singing] katie: that s right. new streaming service disney plus slapping a warning on shows like dumbo and lady and the tramp . to greg, our local cultural expert. what are your thoughts on this? greg: this is another example of what we are seen constantly. and out of proportion response. nobody wants to be the object of a mob on twitter, so they try to change things and put out content warnings. i love the good old days with the old content warnings. kids these days, dana, they don t have the giddy thrill of sneaking into an r-rated film and knowing there s a possibility that you might see partial. was it 1979? 1978? i was 14. i wasn t allowed to see that and i saw stuff that i could not unseat. inc. you, jeannie. sneaking your kids into r-rated films. no one does that anymore. katie: lady and the tramp is allegedly offensive. should they be, should they just not show these films at all? jesse: i agree with greg. this is disney reacting to a backlash by the left. i think a disclaimer is fine. don t butcher the whole movie. i agreed that there are obviously things from the 50s, 60s, 70s where they depict racial groups in a demeaning way. we understand that that s wrong and that s hurtful, okay? but you can also as a cartoon depict other groups in a humorous harmless way as well, by just portraying the surgeon characteristics of certain groups that are common among all people. you don t do it in a nasty way. greg: are you talking about the katie: you are growing up in 2019 and you are a 5-year-old kid. would you know that these things are stereotypical or would you just be watching the film? would they know if it wasn t being pointed out to them that it wasn t racist, sexist? juan: no, they just accept it for what it is. katie: so is pointing it out to the kids necessaril nece? juan: yeah. people change and cultures change all the time. if you are watching bugs bunny today, patrick, my son told me that they have a warning. if you watch bugs bunny going off to war with elmer fudd, they have a really nasty depictions of japanese. i mean, it s unbelievable. if you look at westerns, you look at some of our westerns, americans, native americans, they are savages. i think cultures change and we have different views. i agree with you, jessie, you shouldn t destroy the film. but there s nothing wrong with you saying hey kids, that s not true. that s a caricature. katie: but unless you pointed out, i don t think that kids would necessarily know. i watched dumbo a lot. the crows speak in a stereotypical african-american way. dana: i m going to have to take this piece of paper home for peter. i told him about this segment and he s like, what in the world? what happened? from the greatest generation to the snowflake generation. this is also happening with schools banning books. maybe they were insensitive at the time, but everybody can learn. don t erase our history. learn from it. juan: what was it, the prime minister of canada or the governor of virginia? it was accepted, especially for young white men. i m going to stay out of your neighborhood. [laughter] greg: a disclaimer. katie: we don t know. juan: the point is that young white guys thought, oh, yeah, there s nothing wrong with us. greg: jr apparently felt the same way, right? dana: up next, greg has the fastest seven. turn on my tv and boom, it s got all my favorite shows right there. i wish my trading platform worked like that. well have you tried thinkorswim? this is totally customizable, so you focus only on what you want. okay, it s got screeners and watchlists. and you can even see how your predictions might affect the value of the stocks you re interested in. now this is what i m talking about. yeah, it ll free up more time for your. uh, true crime shows? british baking competitions. hm. didn t peg you for a crumpet guy. focus on what matters to you with thinkorswim. greg: welcome back. time for the fastest seven. we are going to throw up this video of a fish with a human face. take a look. yuk. greg: yeah. it looks like this video is real. a type of carpet. this is why we don t eat fish, because it s almost cannibalism now. could you eat that? katie: i could if i didn t see what it looks like before hand. greg: it looks a little bit like brian stelter. juan: [laughter] you are so mean. greg: is this real? i m assuming this is real. jesse: did we just get deep faked? greg: just shoot me. jesse: you know when you go to the restaurant? greg: my wife does. she orders a just to. it s disgusting. dana: i think that peta put this in a lab so that we would all stop eating fish. juan: it now, because if that was the case, they would do that on a cow. greg: a chicken with a human face. how about a human with a chicken face. no, next week, we are going to have a human with a fish face. they are everywhere. up next, this is great. an airline passenger snapping this picture of someone putting their dirty feet near her head. jesse, death penalty? jesse: you know what that calls for? snap those legs right back. dana: i think that what she should have done is then held her phone up, taken a picture of her face and posted them side-by-side. i want the face that goes with the feet. greg: i have very delicate feeds, jesse. those could be mine. katie. katie: this is disgusting. there are personal space issues on plans already, so don t make it worse. greg: juan what s going on with people s space? it s like, other rules don t matter when you are in the air. a parental responsibility. people aren t teaching their kids. juan: this is such obnoxious behavior. i don t even know where to start. i must say that i ve never seen it. never seen it. i travel a lot. i would be appalled. i will say that sometimes people will take off their shoes. sometimes they will fall asleep and snoring loudly. that s beyond me. greg: i hate that. i hate it when they fall into your shoulder and they start snuggling you. you can t move and you ve got to get them off you. katie: i m like dude, get away from me. speak to the national hall of fame is out with some new inductees. i love those. a collectible card game. i believe, dana, that was your nickname in high school. dana: i wonder which one of these cars you are going to drive home tonight. greg: all, that was very mean. dana: they have a convertible. greg: i was a matchbox guy. that s a carmen. juan: a mini cooper. dana: he would love it, actually. juan: i got to tell you, greg. not only am i a child this version. the child in me collects them. i grew up in new york city, right? not these. i grew up in new york city, so i had a new york city police car on my desk. they are matchbox. some of them, like i m sure you would appreciate this. one comes from the beach, which i m not from, but it has a surfboard. greg: what was your favorite toy, dana? dana: i had a sesame street brownstone. you could open it up and you can have all of the, like a dollhouse. greg: the sad sad dollhous dollhouse. dana: what was the barn? you could open it up and it went moo. juan: dana, didn t you grow up on a farm? greg: what was your favorite toy? jesse: my mom throughout all my garbage. that s not a toy, though. those are worth a lot of money now. star wars stuff. the transformers. things like that. sh greg: he transitions. [laughter] katie. katie: my favorite. it s hard to choose. i had a lot of cars. i had all five spice girl barbies. greg: oh, me too. katie: i was very sad when they broke up. greg: you need to apologize for that right now, jeff. juan, what was your favorite t toy? juan: favorite. a ball. some kind of ball. i must say that dukes of hazzard created a big fuss and my family. i didn t have one, but my kids. i was like hmm. you know what this means? greg: dana just said that she loved simon says. i was against that, because women don t need men to tell them what to say. simon says it s sexist and i can t believe you still adhere to those old patriarchal rules. one more thing is up next. rded minivan three years in a row. the van just talked. sales guy, give em the employee price, then gimme your foot. hands-free sliding doors, stow n go® seats. can your car do this? man, y all getting a hook up and you don t even work here. don t act like i m not doing y all a favor. y all should be singing my praises. pacificaaaaa! purchase and get $5,361 below msrp plus 0% financing for 60 months on the 2019 pacifica limited. financing for 60 months on the 2019 cologuard: colon cancer and older at average risk. i ve heard a lot of excuses to avoid screening for colon cancer. i m not worried. it doesn t run in my family. i can do it next year. no rush. cologuard is the noninvasive option that finds 92% of colon cancers. you just get the kit in the mail, go to the bathroom, collect your sample, then ship it to the lab. there s no excuse for waiting. get screened. ask your doctor if cologuard is right for you. covered by medicare and most major insurers. how did you find great-grandma s recipe? we re related to them? we re portuguese? i thought we were hungarian? grandpa, can you tell me the story again? behind every question is a story waiting to be discovered. cause no matter how far away for you roam. ys. behind every question when you pine for the sunshine of a friendly gaze. for the holidays you can t beat home sweet home. the united states postal service goes the extra mile to bring your holidays home. here hold this. follow that spud. [ tires screech ] the big idaho potato truck is touring america telling folks about idaho potatoes. and i want it back. what is it with you and that truck? with sofi, get your credit cards right- by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. and get your interest rate right. so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. time now for one more thing. greg. the dates for the got filled monologues. four coming up this weekend, jacksonville, florida. durham, north carolina, saturday, sunday. then in december ukiah cleveland, ohio, knoxville, tennessee, special guest tom shillue, a.k.a. adam schiff, so that the tickets, now let s do this. greg has fox news! lesson on the masked singer, cohosted and made this a guess the fox. the possibility that this could be a fox personality, nobody s mentioned lou dobbs! fox business network anchorman. lou dobbs is too important to do that show. he s busy! i think the masked singer is inside of lou dobbs costume every night. i thought he was too busy pumping your gas! lamborghini. dana. one bright used her wedding day to encourage pet adoption in a very creative way. instead of having her bridesmaid carry flowers down the aisle, and io dena ditch to put at additional bouquets there were puppy kays and each puppy was adoptable. the manager of a pet resort in florida, she said she wanted to make sure we brought some awareness to shelter animals were his so passionate about adopting personal shopping. the puppies at the wedding will spend a few more weeks with her mother, but guess we are welcome to fill out paperwork to adopt the pups when they are ready. that s cute. a bunch of dogs. also some wedding news. congratulations. fox news very own rick leventhal is engaged to real housewives of own to orange county star kelly dodd. they got engaged last night. very good, rick, well done! also, katie and i! not again! face-off tonight at 8:00. very funny. with both won like nine times, right? we got to figure it out. chair for me. who won last time? would never gone against each other but we both won nine in a row. i m going to have to watch. everybody my age knows mr. rogers and now there s a new movie about the iconic child show host. it s coming out next week, it called a beautiful day in the neighborhood. well, yesterday was world kindness day and to, pittsburgh western hospital dressed up its infants and red cardigans to look like mr. rogers. tv station w qed and pittsburgh has created a holiday, cardigan day as a tribute to mr. rogers. the tv show mr. rogers neighborhood started on w qed in 68, ran for 33 years, still holds the record, the longest-running entertainment show in history. the hospital is letting the newborns keep their cardigans so they can enter the world with a little kindness. that s really cute. katie. vector marriage proposals. hawaii man was surfing with his girlfriend and instead of catching the next wave, he got down on one knee on his surfboard and propose. if you ve got to be in really good shape to do that. while his now-fiance said yes before chris garth dropped the ring in the ocean, which, wow, he dropped it. the real one. the fair one. it wasn t the real one, but he had an extra back at home because he knew this might happen, but he said he knew that it could go wrong. he used a dummy ring they were out of the water and the real bling bling i guess i should there they are, right there! juan? do want to do this right now? speaking of weddings. this will shock america, why not! i was shocked earlier. katie. all right. where is bret baier when we need him? are going to hang by ourselves for 20 more seconds. that idea. taking the real one into the ocean? if you re good enough surfer you don t need a dummy. if that guy s office not very how did rick afford that rin ring? [laughter] maybe it s a dummy ring! never miss an episode of the five, special report is up next. bret. bret: what exactly is happening up there? thanks, jesse. another democrat gets in the presidential race as former massachusetts governor deval patrick makes a late entry. we are in the eye of the impeachment hurricane. we will bring you back, today s back and forth setting the stage for tomorrow s hearing and we will tell you about the case of the missing venezuelan spymaster who may hold the key to a lot of very bad behavior in his country and this one. this is special report. good evening, welcome to washington, i m bret baier. the theme of the democratic presidential race this month seems to be the

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20190626

they there are no do-overs. we spent a long time working with mueller. i gave them all the witnesses he wanted. i gave him lawyers. i gave him people. i guess he interviewed 500 people. 2,500 subpoenas. they had everything they could possibly have. nobody has ever had more. nobody has ever been more transparent and now it continues further? this is just a hoax. dana: top republicans calling it political theater this could backfire on democrats. here is mark meadows and adam schiff. what i find so disheartening is that bob mueller said it all. 445 pages. that s all i m going to say. and what has he been doing? he has been courted by the other side, just so that they can harass the president and keep on this narrative. he did not want to testify he made that re clear nonetheless they will respect the subpoena. he will appear. you are going to accept the role of special counsel and n. one of the most significant investigations in modern history, you are going to have to expect that you are going to be asked to come and testify before congress. dana: of course, the media has been takings in the hyping this as a must-see event. this is what the american people have been waiting for. the mueller report was released to us in the form that we got. he is going to speak in front of two committees on the same day. that s a lot. the 9-minute appearance was the trailer for the movie we are about to see. i think it s big. i think it s a real break through for the congress, for the house. i think it could really define the remainder of the trump presidency. dana: greg, just when you thought it was your chance to enjoy the summer. it s back. greg: they think it s the summer blockbuster but it s just a lousy sequel. it s like jaw s in 3-d. it s actually going it destroy the mueller franchise. even the people the more sensible democrats are going you have got to let this go because what s happening is you are focusing all your energy on this drug and you are not focusing on issues which you should be doing. and essentially they are leaving their drug addict with enough supply to kill themselves. they are feeding them collusion smack. and they can t even admit that they are addicted to it so they are constantly going back to it, and they are going to end up destroying their chances for any re-election because they look like they re obsessed over something. and it is sad to hear them talk like that because they talk like addicts. oh, this is going to be the one. this is going to be it. this is going to be great. all right. how much do we have? is this going to last? it s sad to hear them sound like that because you realize they are trapped in a delusion. it s kind of funny when you think about it. dana: it is a little bit funny. jesse, the risk, i think, that democrats have here is that when mueller did the little statement that he had, he basically said he didn t have a problem with how william barr, the attorney general had handled the report. was like yeah, i m good. i don t really want to testify. i m not going to say anything outside of this report. will the democrats risk big build up and then yet again nothing? jesse: i think there is going to be a lot of action on the republican side because mueller has never been cross-examined before. we know what he is going to say when the democrats ask the questions. is he going to stick to his 400 page script. the republicans can t wait to sink their teeth into this guy on live television. i spoke to republican today who is going to grill him he said listen, foreign interference you were supposed to investigate. why did you only look at one side. why did you never look at the ukrainians giving manafort documents to the dnc. chris steele drumming all that stuff up about russia scwh? when did you know there was no collusion? was it before the midterms? why did you stack your entire team with partisan democrats in the top democrat was crying on stage with hillary as she lost the election. there is a lot of questions you can ask and i don t think perform very well. dana: you are looking forward? jesse: greg said the real one run of the mill democrats in the country care more about global warming than they do about this. that says a lot. this will fire up the republican base. dana: medicare for all. juan, what do you think about all of this? juan: i m so surprised. i was watching the president talk on maria bartiromo s show this morning and the thought occurred to me why is he attacking robert mueller. i think he says no obstruction, no collusion on the basis of the mueller report. so, if the mueller report is so good for him, why is he attacking mueller and why are republicans reacting as if oh, the democrats are the ones that are just so hungry to put mueller on display. well, if that s the case, if mueller is like someone who has exonerated the president, you would think the president would, therefore, say i welcome having him testify. but that s not the reaction i m getting. so i m thinking hey, something is going on here. one, there is the democrats still don t have an unredacted report. katie: yes, they do. juan: they don t. they say they don t, katie. katie: look at the report. juan: i think when mueller gave his 9-minute report, he did challenge bob barr. he did change the perception because barr has been out there saying nothing here, don t look anybody. in fact, mueller said, you know what? release the whole thing. let congress proceed. given the justice department policy on indicting a siting president. president is attacking mueller. bill barr specifically didn t want to release the report in chunks because he wanted to be more transparent american people. he released the entire report without grand jury revealed something american people should want it s a privacy issue for every single person. going to the questions that are going to be asked about the mueller going to be asking him why didn t you yourself come up with requirement or obstruction. a decision on obstruction? why did you give that to bill barr to decide instead of team of attorneys and coming up with that? that has been a big point of political contention. he didn t want to testify. because he didn t want to become a political football. when rachel maddow says americans have been waiting for this moment? no. this is the bottom of the barrel of what people are interested in. the president is frustrated with it because he actually wants to move on and have democrats work on other things besides what he calls the witch-hunt which takes up a lot of time and resources. greg: dana? dana: greg. greg: can i use an analogy involving golf? dana: let s hear it. greg: they have a golf bag used on trump. think are not getting him in the green. they are always in the rough, which is not a good place. one day collusion. next day mental instability. a club. is he going to serve a third term that was a club. torturing kids. that was a club. now they are reaching in and they are going back to the collusion club shooting like 150 and 9 hole course. katie: is that bad? greg: it was a bad analogy. running out of clubs. dana: running out of clubs. greg: going back to the old club which is collusion. dana: i imagine that bob mueller is going to be like i didn t want to be here. you guys asked for it. and. jesse: he is not going to be a good witness. you saw in his press conference he did not look happy to be there he didn t look sharp. he didn t look energized. he is going to face really tough questions. katie: if he looked energized he would have been criticized for being jesse: when the last time. dana: oh my gosh he is angry. jesse: when is the last time he had to face tough questioning under oath in a live setting when all the cameras are there? i think weissman carried that investigation. and he doesn t want to be there when they ask him hey. russian agent. he was your source. he has been feeding the american details for two years. juan: maybe some of the democrats will get some of mueller wants staf s staff to ce testify. why do you have donald trump. jesse: they dual it behind closed doors. jesse: that s my point. also, why didn t have you donald trump testify that he takes the fifth? what about donald jr.? we don t know. jesse: we know he didn t take the fifth. juan: why didn t he testify? dana: we will do what the american people want and mo on. employees at wayfair protest furniture sales to migrant facilities. weigh in on that next. i switched to liberty mutual, because they let me customize my insurance. and as a fitness junkie, i customize everything, like my bike, and my calves. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. iand i don t add up the years. but what i do count on. is staying happy and healthy. so, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet with boost®. boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. all with guaranteed great taste. and now try new boost® peaches and creme natural flavor. with 27 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. boost®. be up for life™. car vending machines and buying a car 100% online.vented now we ve created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it s a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car s value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you re ready, we ll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that s it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. jushis local miracle ear t at helped andrew hear more of the joy in her voice. just one hearing test is all it took for him to hear more of her laugh. and less of the background noise around him. for helen, just one visit to her local miracle-ear is all it took to learn how she can share more moments with her daughter. just one free hearing test could help you hear more. call now for your free hearing test from an industry leader: miracle-ear. what s going on? 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[ slap ] your nails! xfinity home. cameras. xfinity home. disarm the system. door s open. morning. welcome to the neighborhood. do you like my work? secure your home with x1 voice control. and rest easy knowing you have professional monitoring backing you up. awarded top pick by cnet. demo at an xfinity store, call or go online today. xfinity home. simple. easy. awesome. greg: employees at wayfair are staging a walkout selling beds to facilities that house migrant children. yeah, they are outraged that our government would provide beds to kids. so what s the al term tiff? letting the children lie on the floor covered in foil like leftovers from those pretrump days when no one cared? so now you have people who only months ago laughed off this humanitarian crisis because it didn t serve their politics. montage. this president just used the back drop of the oval office to manufacture a crisis. president trump must stop holding the american people hostage. must stop manufacturing a crisis. the crisis on the border is a manufactured crisis. they are engaging in what i would call manufactured moral crisis. this so-called crisis at the border is fake. this is a crisis of his own making because it was a campaign pledge. mr. president, we don t need to create artificial crises. we have enough real crises. tonight, the president tries to sell a crisis that the facts tell us does not exist. all of this, this whole mess is manufactured. it s a manufactured crisis. a noncrisis at the border that s really not fooling anybody. this shutdown that he caused by creating a phony crisis actually did cause one danger after another. but no sign of the national emergency that the president has been talking about. as a matter of fact, it s pretty tranquil down here. greg: you wonder why america hates these ghoulish hypocrites mocking you, they demonize you. you worry about families crossing you are a monster. they worry about families crossing now, they are heroes. screw them. misery didn t matter when the crisis didn t work for them. but now migrants are a boon for publicity crazy dems and has been actresses. nancy lee tweeted a shot of children wrapped in emergency blankets at detention center blaming trump for that if the time and date hadn t been cropped from the picture you would see it occurred under obama. now nancy s deliberate lie was retweeted 30,000 times. now 30,000 people are as dumb as she is. for the left it wasn t a crisis then and it wasn t a crisis six months ago when collusion was the weapon to unseat trump. but now that s failed. you claim trump tortures kids while denying the same kids their beds. this is how democrats solve the border crisis. making it worse. so no cots for tots. what s next? boycott dairies that send milk to feed them? and now, they use pictures of the dead as if they actually care? they don t one bit. they are exploiting the suffering just to win an election and shame on all of them. juan: i guess that s me. i will tell you. what i think this is so troubling what s going on at the border. and i say that sincerely. i just think that you don t treat children in this manner. greg: you didn t mind it six months ago. no, six months ago, greg, the president was saying it was a military crisis. we were having an invasion. greg: kids died back then i remember the laughter. i remember the laughter and mockery. juan: okay. the second thing to say is with regard to wayfair, i don t think anybody wants to see children sleep on the ground. i think these are americans who want to call attention to the atrocious conditions, the immoral treatment of children going on right now and they are using their platform in a very american way. they are walking there. they are saying we are protesting what this administration is doing. and i think all of us at this table, i don t think this is political. i think all of us at this table would say that the conditions for children on that border right now are unacceptable. greg: i wish you felt that way when we brought it up six months ago. you didn t. you laughed at it. you laughed at it. juan: he was sending troops to the border. greg: i was here when you laughed at that time. juan: stop. greg: there is video of it. katie: wayfair these people protesting are protest protesting the company selling kids to children. you are arguing that they are protesting a horrible awful situation but actually they are going out and making it the same. so if they really want to make sure jauronon they can get beds somewhere else. katie: those beds aren t good enough? going to boycott the next place that gives beds to these kids? juan: no, they are using that moment to say this is wrong and call attention to it. greg: they do nothing for those kids. this is a political stunt. indicate indicates they re bringing attention to what they think is that you problem which is not. the kids are still not getting their beds. luckily wayfair is saying we are not going to deal with it. i want to give more context. you keep saying this is a military thing in january. juan: no, that was when it was manufactured. katie: this crisis started in 2014. juan: oh. katie: when central american families started coming over under barack obama. i was there. i was covering it. one of the very few people actually talking about it. and we have been warning about this problem for years. and now that we are here and now that democrats are looking at this and saying wow, this really is a problem, then instead of solving the problem, they are protesting companies that want to give beds to children and they re blaming the president for the issue when he is the only one trying to solve it by changing the asylum laws. juan: people who work at the company are protesting. greg: jesse, thoughts on how cnn is now calling it a crisis. jesse: they can t figure out what it is and neither can juan. he has changed his mind and language about seven times. juan: i have not. oh my gosh. you get locked into this crisis. jesse: i m not locked into it. we have called it a crisis for six months. juan: military. jesse: military, humanitarian, stop splitting hairs it s a problem. you can t complain about something if you won t do nothing to fix it either. your side is doing nothing to fix it. here s the deal. people have been warning professionals that there is a huge problem growing for months. katie: for years. jesse: media reports saying we can t handle it. families are pouring in. we don t have the infrastructure. we don t have the manpower to house all of these families. so what do we do? trump starts housing these families because you have to keep them together because you are not allowed to separate them. so he keeps them together and then they are in a facility for 100 people and there is 600 people, and then the left calls them concentration camps. greg: yep. jesse: the last time the democrats fought tooth and nail to put a limit on how many beds they could put in these so-called concentration camps. then the republicans come along and say let s give you guys more immigration judges to speed up the asylum appeals process. democrats say no. no more judges. what? it happened today on capitol hill. they said no more immigration judges. they don t want any more beds. greg: crazy. jesse: don t want any more facilities built. so to complain now about the conditions is so unfair. there are americans living in unsanitary, unsafe conditions in the south side of chicago in west virginia, in skid row. you don t see any democrats visiting those places. they didn t even visit the border. they had to go visit a detention facility because, like you said, it s a stunt. and our border patrol men and women, they are not trained to be child care takers. they don t have the training for this. they don t have the money for this. they don t have anything they are doing the best they can. i agree, it s got to get better. but to say that this is trump s fault is wrong, juan. they can fix it in a second by fixing the loophole. greg: i find the way the media is using this latest photo to be disgusting. i can t i mean we know the picture tells a story but using it to sell a political agenda and they should be ashamed of it. dana: do you remember, this is images do prompt action. greg: it s reality. greg: remember the young boy found dead on the beach because serbia. greg: no one disputes that. dana: chemical weapons attack. that picture, that s why president trump took action. that is very unfair. because, well, yes, just comparing those two things are not the same. also the administration asked for $5 billion of additional money about 8 weeks ago. the democrats have dragged their feet on it. now it s a crisis and i think the democrats one of the reasons they went down and got those pictures taken is because they knew the story was about to turn on them. but the senate did pass the bill in a bipartisan way. the extra money is coming. the other issues are not solved yet, which is also unfair. watch tonight in the debate and president trump will be public enemy number one. and they won t address the key issue. greg: think just wash over the fact that they did nothing. they didn t care. juan: the picture that you dismissed is very real. those people are dead. greg: i didn t dismiss it. i dismissed your hypocrisy over it. you laughed about a dead kid months ago. next on the five can. juan: that is discussion. greg: it s not a discussion. juan: it is you don t tell the truth. greg: the democratic debate is going to be a snooze fest our prediction. that s next. after my dvt blood clot. .i wondered, is another one around the corner. or could it be different than i thought? 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do i want to watch these people? that s a very unexciting group of people. jesse: each of us has come up with a prediction for tonight s debate and i will go first. so i predict there s going to be audience interference. i predict there is going to be some heckler, some screamer. dana: chanting. jesse: something where the audience member or members try to interrupt and cause a scene and they are going to have to be handled. all right, katie. you are next. katie: everybody is going to get a free car and free college. jesse: you are right. katie: they will say you will get that i think john delaney will go after other democrats he will be one of the few who does. he is the more moderate. he has been saying in speeches socialist policies are bad for the party and country. jesse: he will get booed. katie: he will get booed maybe audience and zero questions about late-term abortion. jesse: also correct. juan? juan: i guess that would be a republican debate, kate. i think it s a big night for elizabeth warren. she is the only one on stage who is polls in double dightsz. in terms ever the other people i think it s pretty clear going to have julian castro really show up. i think this is miami. hispanic audience on tell munsd dough. i think it s an opportunity for him to shine. and second thing this goes back to big surprise here. less talk about trump, more talk about policies and you may say that s boring. they will distinguish themselves someone may say to elizabeth warren maybe dana: beto o rourke will get a second wind. ted cruz race. what did he raise $50 million. $80 million. he has a following. he, i think he could find a way to get a second wind tonight. jesse: i like that prediction. greg: i predict not a second wind but a broken wind. three predictions wayfair. jesse: like your omts can t stick to one. greg: wayfair will provide beds to anyone watching this debate including landfall the participants. prediction for the audience. hard time telling the difference ideologically between the candidates and the moderators because we know it s all one flavor of leftism and finally my bold prediction beto will accidently take out someone s eye with a flailing elbow. dana: use his million dollars to pay the final. jesse: juan brought up elizabeth warren who is far ahead in the polls compared to the other people who are going to be on that stage. i think she is going to be asked about herr indian heritage. and i think she has to be you don t think so? katie: i do. jesse: one of the things that the president likes to say how are you going to handle this? you don t think she is going to be asked about it? katie: i do. juan: i don t. jesse: i think she has to have a different answer. and i m going to give her some advice. because she has to flip it back onto the president. she has to say the president is obsessed with my family tree and i care about families being separated at the border indicated indicate why are you giving her advice right now. dana: that s a great line. jesse: a better line than what she she has been saying. greg: we lead with that tomorrow. jesse: her night to shine, would you agree? dana: yeah. her night to shine. jesse: she has a lot to lose tonight. dana: she will make it to the second debate. one of the things that the democrats have done, the dnc has done is said to get to this first debate 65,000 small donors. to get to the next debate you have to have 130,000. jesse: you need momentum. dana: she ll be able to do it. many of the others are not going to be able to make that you have fewer people in july. juan: by the way, jesse, when you are talking about the advice you are giving her. just reminds me i think you want a debate that s more like the republican debate. jesse: i do. juan: little marco, lying ted. jesse: i want personal attacks and sharp exchanges. i m not going to be bored by policy on global warming. katie: expectations are going to be a little let down. jesse: yesterday you, i mean i said not going to watch. are you standing by that? greg: because there are so many people and their time is limited, how can you make an ass of yourself. hard it for people to make an ass of themself. but they do have less time to mar martial one candidate. need this much to become the nominee it could be anybody. swalwell. dana: never run out of reasons to run. they run out of money to ru run. jesse: that s right. katie: not enough time. people could say something without enough context and taken out of context. juan: i have got to tell you, the key is not that exciting, so i agree with you on that. the key is introducing yourself. most people don t know these folks. greg: that s true. tonight and tomorrow. jesse: 9:00, everybody, try to stay awake. disgusting attack on eric trump in chicago. that is next on the five. that i won the best of i casweepstakes it. and i get to be in this geico commercial? let s do the eyebrows first, just tease it a little. slather it all over, don t hold back. well, the squirrels followed me all the way out to california! and there s a very strange badger staring at me. no, i can t believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. uh-huh, where s the camel? mr. big shot s got his own trailer. wheeeeeee! believe it! geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance. it s a revolution in sleep. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our lowest prices of the season. it senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it even helps with this. so you wake up ready to hit the ground running. it s the lowest prices of the season. the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is now $1299, save $400. plus, 0% interest for 36-months. ends saturday. sleep number. proven, quality sleep. i felt withdrawn, alone.mile, you become closed off. having to live with bad teeth for so long was extremely depressing. now, i know how happy i am. there was all the feeling good about myself that i missed. i wish that i had gone to aspen dental on day one and not waited three years. at aspen dental, we re all about yes. like yes to flexible hours and payment options. yes to free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance. and yes, whenever you re ready to get started, we are too. call now at 1-800-aspendental. this ijust listen. (vo) there s so much we want to show her. we needed a car that would last long enough to see it all. (avo) subaru outback. ninety eight percent are still on the road after 10 years. come on mom, let s go! possibly as as bad as the media says they are. it s impossible, actually. they push it, they push it. that s why smollett chased his path. that s why people attack trump supporters. that s why politics is now a personal vendetta. we have the soccer player. what s her name? rappen nay? no one knows the hell who she is until she becomes. this then she becomes a protected class. she expands her media footprint by screaming infantile. the self-centered athlete cost the sports money but trending by being a selfish grandstander. this is the same problem. the media makes it to so that people think this might help them or make this emotionally gratifying thing by attacking somebody but you just look like a loser. katie: jesse, eric trump is not pressing charges. the secret service also took a look at who this person is we repeatedly see this happening now and gets justified as okay because the president is destroying the country somehow and, therefore, they are validated in their actions. jesse: right. you know, juan is making a face. but i came prepared with a whole long list of violent attacks on trump supporters for the last two and a half years. it s a very long list. greg: go through each one. jesse: fire bombing, attacks with crowbars. attacks through windows. including burning animal car cus ancarcass and leaving on someone s stoop. i know juan you can say there is other things from the right you can say they have done. the overwhelming amount of violence is coming from the left. imagine if this had been chelsea clinton. imagine if this had been maliyah obama or any son or daughter of a democrat president, would this person still be unidentified? there is no interest in the media to find out who this the spitter was if this was a republican spitter they would be doxed and all over the place. dana: like the guy who was on your show. jesse: he lost his job. his family doesn t talk to him anymore. they would go around to congress and ask every single senator and congressman what do you think about the spitting attack? has your rhetoric contributed to the spitting attack? don t we need to have a conversation about the culture of hate on the flight this is how this thing goes. it s sad. it s just very sad. katie: juan? juan: i don t think there is any defense. i think it s repugnant behavior. it s awful. i don t think it s effective either as you can see at the table it doesn t generate anything but generate sympathy to the victim of such an awful act. it s good to speak out if you disagree. i think it boycotts are terrific. criticism is okay. but i think the ultimate response would be mobilization. to get people out to vote and prevent a second term of donald trump. jesse: right. juan: in response to you, i mean, there is just no question. i remember the people who were sending pipe bombs to democrats and cnn and the like. and if you go to a trump rally and you are the press, i don t care who you are, it s pretty hostile. juan: steve scalise got shot. we can play that whole game. when you go to the trump rally it s not the hateful, horrible people. they are happy. energized. juan: what i don t think. jesse: i have been. they treat me a little differently. katie: dana? dana: i can t believe women spit on someone. greg: the act of spitting disgusts you. dana: i remember once i spit on my sister. i got in so much trouble. i never did it again. it s disgusting. and also, guys, when you are walking around don t spit on the street either. i don t want to see that i don t want spit at all. greg: sometimes we have to spit. you have to spit. but i don t spit on people. dana: if you have to spit, i m sure you do it in a very classy way. greg: did you ever accidentally spit on somebody because you didn t know they were there? dana: no. i thought you meant in conversation. juan: that would be a fight. katie: with class. dana: if she does it to him in person what does she do to the food? investigation over. katie: coming up, claw hands and a second set of eye lids. scientists are now predicting how humans will look after decades of smart phone use. shocking results are up next. i ve been diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration, which could lead to vision loss. so today i made a plan with my doctor, which includes preservision. because it s my vision, my morning walk, my sunday drive, my grandson s beautiful face. only preservision areds 2 contains the exact nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. because it s my sunset, it s how i see my life. it s my vision. preservision are we tnot yet.? at crystal geyser we put our mountain source on our bottle. that s cool. .because we bottle at our mountain source. crystal geyser alpine spring water. always bottled at the mountain source. when you can t get to the mountain. that s cool. .we bring the mountain to you. let s go hike over there. i m out. i m out. me too. guys! crystal geyser alpine spring water. always bottled at the mountain source. juan: last week we warned you about how smart phones could be causing millennials to grow horns in the back of their heads. that pales in comparison what scientists it seem to be predicting about modern tech on the body. the company creating this 3-d model of a future human circa the year 2100 features a thicker skull, claw like hands and a second set of eye lids. oh my goodness. a negative consequence of all those years of strange your neck and spine to post that instagram selfie that s so important to you. now, let me just say, dana, last time we did this story, i then heard scientists aren t exactly sure about that horn in the back of the head. dana: that was an article in reason magazine by robby soave. greg: close enough. dana: when it comes to the horn isn t all of a sudden happening because of smart phones over the decades ever since people have been reading books and things like that. this is british tabloids. who really knows. clearly something is going to happen. let s say you go on the subway or airport or restaurant and watch people s posture. everybody is doing that something is going to happen. i just don t understand the third eyelid thing why is would you need that? katie: blue light on phone. jesse: to wink at people. juan: thank you, jesse. jesse, the one thing, what was interesting to me i think the one thing we can see that is happening is that people are getting lonelier, get fooled by false commentary online. we have deep fake videos. why don t they talk about that? jesse: i don t know. i m a creationist so i don t believe in evolution. we are never going to change. god put us here and evolution is some fake theory by scientists. greg: you are joking. [laughter] jesse: got you, mom. juan: also got me. i remember the puerto rico stuff. i was getting worried. jesse: click bait. juan: katie, even if this is true it s going to take 1,000 years. it s not going to ruin your looks, katie. katie: i m sorry, i was looking at my phone there this is obvious to me that that we will change as a result of this technology. you have a spleen that isn t we have a spleen apea appendix no longer functional. tailbone with no tail. jesse: wait, what? katie: yeah. if you believe in science you would know this. jesse: you are a saying my appendix doesn t do anything? katie: it s a worthless organ. greg: like a politician. katie: doesn t function anymore. i m just letting you know. all the science here. juan: in the break, greg has told us we have a third eyelid already. that gooey thing in the corner right here is a nictating membrane. a third eyelid that never quite became what it is. it is there. to your point, there are adaptations, but not in this way. first, social media has magnified your desire for attention and status, which has made you kind of meaner and more of an exhibitionist. pornography satisfies basic needs for intrainvestigators without the messy human contact. creating a decline in birth and public interversion and video games further softening of the human body because you aren t using your muscles and going outside for daily activity. so we are in a sense becoming sphbors part of your body. don t need a chip in your brain. dana: implanted it in there. greg: a lot of work. already there you feel like have you lost a limb when it s over there it s a weird connection. dana: 200 years when they look back on our tape? juan: think we are being anti-tech here. dana: no. greg: fun story that picture was hilarious. i think i met her. juan: all right. one more thing is up next. but your entertainment on the five. doug mmm, exactly! liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice! but uh, what s up with your partner? oh! we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance because no two people are alike, so. limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. ya. he ll figure it out. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. openturning 50 opens theuard. door to a lot of new things. like now your doctor may be talking to you about screening for colon cancer. luckily there s me, cologuard. the noninvasive test you use at home. it all starts when your doctor orders me. then it s as easy as get, go, gone. you get me when i m delivered. right to your front door and in the privacy of your own home. there s no prep or special diet needed. you just go to the bathroom, to collect your sample. after that, i m gone, shipped to the lab for dna testing that finds colon cancer and precancer. cologuard is not right for everyone. it is not for high risk individuals, including those with a history of colon cancer or precancer. ibd, certain hereditary cancer syndromes, or a family history of colon cancer. maybe i ll be at your door soon! ask your doctor if cologuard is right for you. covered by medicare and most major insurers. that s ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. it s a sit-up, banana! bend at the waist! i m tryin ! keep it up. you ll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein. it s a revolution in sleep. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our lowest prices of the season. it senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it even helps with this. so you wake up ready to hit the ground running. it s the lowest prices of the season. the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is now $1299, save $400. plus, 0% interest for 36-months. ends saturday. sleep number. proven, quality sleep. csaid alice.d curiouser, the rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way. i ve seen a cat without a gri, but a grin without a cat. hey, mercedes, end audio. change lighting to soft blue. the completely reimagined 2020 gle. with intelligent voice control and available third row. your adventure awaits. visit your local mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional lease and financing offers. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. dana: time now for one more thing , we love dogs her. how about dogs chasing on iguan iguana? i m going to try to get this iguana. it s a french bulldog but now take a look at what happens when he really gets going with it. greg: how can you like this this? dana: watch what happens! [laughter] the iguana wins in the end, it jumps on his back and the dog is like what happened? greg: how did you not have that video? i sympathize with the iguana. you are for the dog. mine looks like crap compared to that. if you like evil animals this one, this dog gets all the checks, check it out. he s a literal chick magnet. he s got a of little chicks, it just shows you you can be different species and everyone gets along. there is no spitting, this love that there is not speak its name barks it and the quacks at the end it s joyous. this could have been yours. i should have had your evil one. that poor iguana. dana: but the iguana won, that s the point. juan: we ve already celebrated father s day but i have an excellent nominee for father of the year. take a look at this video, this is a 1.5-year-old boy chasing an inflatable ball on a sunny florida day when he falls in the pool! when his dad seems sees him fae springs into action, he leapt over a 4-foot safety fence to save his son s life and what a beautiful dive in case you didn t know that. i gave him ten points for the dive but a million points for the saved. while you are having summer fun, be safe around the pool and lock the baby gate in case you didn t know, drowning is the number one cause of death for children ages 1-4. greg: did he leave the phone? when he dove. juan: even though they had the safety gate, it was open. jesse: my orthodontist texted me, the appendix actually is useful. it provides a safe haven for good bacteria to hang out in the gut. katie: why does your orthodontist know that? jesse: she went to medical school. there we go look at our attorney general. busting out bagpipe skills. at the u.s. attorney s national conference in washington, performing scotland the brave at the nypd emerald society, another thing wand is jealous, our attorney general can t play the bagpipes. juan: that s one thing i knew him for, he is well known for playing bagpipes. these days he s known for a lot more. katie: first i m going to apologize to the appendix for saying it s worth it. last weekend, i went to england for the royal ascot, it was a horse race and we were invited by our good friend donald blaney to this really fancy event, there we are going into the royal enclosure. the horse race is an annual race that is held over five days in berkshire england, it was founded in 1711 by queen anne and it s very well-known, fancy hats and lots of amazing outfits, lots of champagne. greg: any drunken fights? jesse: how many pounds did you lose? [laughter] dana: special report is up next. bret: this is a fox news alert, i m bret baier. we are coming to you live, the democrats first in a series of presidential primary debates starts right here in about three hours. we will have a preview and i will talk live with one of the candidates who is not being allowed to participate tonight, looking at the spin room here. we start with several major breaking stories. a former special counsel robert mueller will testify to a pair of house committees three weeks from today after being subpoenaed by democrats, republicans say that could backfire and they would like to see him on the senate side too. president trump is on

Miami , Florida , United-states , United-kingdom , Washington , Boston , Massachusetts , Russia , France , Chicago , Illinois , West-virginia

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20191227

and some other people who helped the dead financier facilitate sexual abuse. she was someone that recruited and groomed and allegedly participated in some of the activities and this is not good. if you like it would be bigger news if we found out the fbi was not investigating this because she really any of the accusers have pointed to her as somebody who was the recruiter and basically ruin their life. and remember also, she s been playing this game of cat and mouse with the fbi, when all the epstein stuff broke and he got arrested, was in california at an in-n-out burger and it was a big photograph and turned out the whole thing was staged, i just think it would be surprising if she wasn t being investigated. jesse: she came from a very wealthy, successful family. and from what it looks like, she helped cover up a lot of the problems that were in a lot of the locations in the island in the estate then in palm beach, katie. katie: the fbi is saying it is in the very initial stages, aren t accusing her of any wrongdoing yet but it s very obvious given her association that if they weren t talking to her, it would be a major problem. let s remember that fbi went to the island and got all of that evidence that we still haven t heard a whole about, probably going through all of that and they probably have some questions about his behavior whether he was having tendencies to be suicidal. a lot of questions about his behavior and whether or not that was going to line up with what we know now about his death. jesse: had also been accused of helping the work teenage girls from overseas with the promise of jobs in the fashd modeling industry. i ve done a lot of work back in ohio on the issue of human trafficking, places like ohio in the middle of the country with a lot of interstates and connectivity. one of the things i am glad to see that federal law enforcement is looking at this, part of grooming behavior, obviously engaging in a pattern of criminal activity but if there are states like ohio that she is somehow engaged in activity, whether or not they are american or not might actually be able to expedite this process for her. they have stronger laws of the state level that they can expedite, through all the charges. jesse: hasn t been charged yet, maybe the feds are potentially using some leverage in her case, maybe she has a lot to share about coconspirators and maybe she plea bargains, who knows what could happen. michael: i am a bottomless well, i just want more of this. scares me, mob justice is a real thing and if this was the old west, i am signing up for this. i want to know everybody involved, i want people to talk, people to get in trouble and the parents and the human being, it just makes my blood boil. i m not making fun of epstein, but i m not suicidal and i m in very good health. it s how the rich and famous get away with things for so long, this comes after the prince andrew disastrous interview in the u.k. they were friends and also peter mcmahon sent me an article today for the telegraph saying revealed, duke of york set up secret investment fund under a siousurname. katie: the only justice is through his associates who were possibly complacent or advocates for his behavior. jesse: a looks like more and more victims are coming. in two are other top story, more outrageous liberal media bias, smearing republicans over impeachment while praising pelosi. he is now the third president that s been impeached and is one of the most masterful parliamentarians of our time. if she had been masterful in holding her caucus and controlling her caucus, she is as kryptonite. donald trump plays waccamaw and she plays chess. jesse: invoking the ku klux klan when talking about mitch mcconnell. for mitch mcconnell to say he is working with the white house for what the child has even begun as atrocious. he may think he s a judge and getting an all-white jury for a klansman trial. jesse: i m glad santorum pushed back there. and atrocious comparison, you come to expect this but the memo got out about masterful. katie: i have some advice for the leftist progressive media, people who are sending these emails out, like media matters. to send out a couple different emails with different talking points because it s so obvious everyone is using the same word, masterful, it happens every single time. i do when i actually don t lookup them on purpose because i don t want to accidentally start playing into that. dana: unsubscribes to all of those. i m curious because i look at it during the initial impeachment stuff. i was in england and not on tv at all so i was just curious to see. you ve got to be careful with the talking points. i would say invoking the ku klux klan, people thumbing around nazi. you can say the same thing without being that incendiary and without invoking the clan. jesse: they incentivize some of this bomb throwing on cable tv. inflammatory language on this network but obviously it is rewarded. dana: someone i worked with at the end of the white house years, haven t talked to him since but seems to have no idea what he s talking about here. how upsetting it is for people who are either representing their constituents, what nancy pelosi has done is okay. to me, that is talking about mob justice. in a way, by holding it back and not giving the president and the republicans a chance to have a trial like it says in the constitution, that to me as unconstitutional. jesse: i can t believe they played the race card and impeachment. i speak and whenever there s a big thing going on in the media, it is like that kevin bacon game, 6 degrees of kevin bacon kevin bacon. but you play 1 degree of racism. i want to take it to clan right now. katie: not just one guy, but a whole jury of ku klux klan members. michael: i want to bring back pee-wee herman for the word of the day. it s nancy pelosi, masterful. jesse: you touched on that, so let s dial in on some of these emails that go out because we ve heard unprecedented, that something that gets repeated a lot. you get these emails in the morning and they have masterful, unprecedented, constitutional crisis. here s the thing that we have to be honest with the fact that democrats and republicans both send out talking points. dana: unsubscribes to all of them, that s my advice. katie: they repeat it like it s supposed to be saying instead of coming up with original ideas and if you re saying what you re being the send in emails directly and everyone saying the same thing and invoking the clan and racism, you ve already lost the argument. the lesson should be we can t have a trial in the senate until nancy pelosi sends over the articles. jesse: was that in their? we ve always been told to stay on message but the american public is sick of people saying on message in the last few years have proven that. so my tip to democrats and republicans alike, say what you think. jesse: we do it here, i haven t gotten an email yet. no one emails me. someone s going to say something about that. 2020 liberal insanity. mayor pete has a major announcement about drugs. wait until you hear what he says about drugs. what d we decide on the flyers again? uh, fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. i think we re gonna swap over to over seventy-five years of savings and service. what, we re just gonna swap over? yep. pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over? that s right. instead of all this that i ve already-? yeah. what are we gonna do with these? keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. (children laugh and scream) (dog barking) music it s the final days of the wish list sales event. hurry in to your lincoln dealer today to get this exceptional offer. today s senior living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. and there s never been an easier way to get great advice. a place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. a place for mom. you know your family we know senior living. together we ll make the right choice. here, it all starts withello! hi!. how can i help? a data plan for everyone. everyone? everyone. let s send to everyone! wifi up there? uhh. sure, why not? how d he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help. at xfinity, we re here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your local xfinity store today. top 202 controversy. mayor pete buttigieg raising eyebrows for saying he wants to come i get this, decriminalize drug possession. incarceration should not even be our response to drug possession. across the board, so meth or coke or ecstasy, any drug, incarceration isn t? that s right. and elizabeth warren creating new problems over how she talks about her family s history. mourns own brother reportedly furious with how the 2020 democrats has been describing her father on the campaign trail. listen up. i am grateful to an america that gave the daughter of a janitor a chance. the daughter of a janitor. my daddy, he ended up as a janitor. warren has previously described her dad as a maintenance man but has recently changed it to janitor. a lot to unpack their and i want to start with you and this mayor pete drug decriminalization stuff but i overheard you say it s going to play really well in iowa. i dana: he is winning in iowa so maybe i m wrong, but whn the lady from the des moines register says even mess? that takes a little bit more explaining. not the only one who thinks like that. every time i woke up to the line of thinking i could be for that, i step back and maybe it s my own personal biases. one of the most interesting political feats is that he s been able to cast himself as this moderate person when most of his policies would make bernie sanders blush. he wants 15 supreme court justices, wants to abolish the electoral college. he has a moderate tone and he looks like somebody would want to have over for dinner like he could be your friend but i don t know if his policies are really that moderate. voting for the midwestern sensibility being from indiana but data makes a good point that if you dig a little bit deeper, maybe he is not as moderate as people see and this kind of thing is something where a lot more progressives are saying we should just decriminalize, throw the dealers in jail but not necessarily. katie: democrats are trying to find their own version of criminal justice because i do something the president has done successfully, mayor pete is struggling with black voters in south carolina, they care about criminal justice reform and that is something he is trying to put on the table as the version of this is decriminalizing all drugs, shouldn t be using the judicial system to put people in prison either short-term or long-term for possession of these types of things and that s what he is trying to do. they will be more questions about what the impacts of that are common lots of debate about how legalizing marijuana has affected cities over the country and whether or not it s been a good thing but can i talk about elizabeth warren for a minute? elizabeth warren has repeatedly and desperately tried to paint herself as a victim whether lying about her parents having to elope because her mother was cherokee, saying they were discriminated against, saying she was fired for being pregnant when that is not what happened, lying about how she paid for school and now she s trying to turn herself into someone you should feel sorry for or she comes from middle class blue-collar home with her father was a janitor. nothing wrong with being a janitor. any kind of job is good work but the problem with her is that she is lying about it repeatedly. so was he a maintenance man, was he a janitor, and she continues to change her story based on how she thinks people feel sorry for her and how she can use it to her advantage. michael: her dad was 124th janitor. dana: nothing wrong with that. the that she is sticking to you. what do you think of this? jesse: that s a pretty good line. you think this is something that is another fib from a politician or does it really hurt her credibility given some of the things katie said? jesse: only politicians lie about not having money. everybody else lies about having it. why would you downgrade your own father s job to establish a stronger connection with the working class? working class people don t care about that. you shoot straight with working class people and fight for them, that s what they care about. look at donald trump or jfk, their fathers were janitors, working class americans those guys. she lies about her history, lies about her family, lies about her heritage, she is a phony. speaking of being totally transparent and straight up, mayor pete has not pulled any punches on this drug stuff, do you think the american people are like great, you are being honest about this? jesse: going after the hunter biden about. one group of americans want to be able to walk around with meth and needles hanging out of your pocket and the cop just gives you a ticket. is that a society that we want to live in? you want for people to hit rock bottom and get sent to rehab, that s what family members want. run on decriminalizing crack against donald trump in the general election and see how that goes. do year impression. michael: it s not ready yet. i have to unleash it on another show. who is going after that crystal meth about? they ll vote more than once and try to take the voting machine apart and then rebuild it. it s insane, completely insane and i m just thinking if i m an aspiring criminal in south bend, i m going to just tell the cops amount drugs. dana: katie can speak to this more, cartels are funneling drugs and if you legalize marijuana, the price goes down and have a cartels have switched to meth or fentanyl or things like that. katie: there were valid arguments to be made, i just think the system is so in its place that to say we re just going to decriminalize it across the board at this point is not a realistic thing to do. yes, it would lower the price of drugs for cartels which makes them less powerful and they wouldn t be in the streets of chicago but someone would be and a consequence of that is what americans are going to have to live with. do they want it coming in from mexico where their local communities? they are separate issues in terms of economics and the societal impacts. everyone has to be in favor of taking down the dealers but this is not what it s about. lots to talk about, but the next, the new thing environmentalists want to ban. we are going to tell you what it is ahead. i need a ride. here hold this. follow that spud. [ tires screech ] the big idaho potato truck is touring america telling folks about idaho potatoes. and i want it back. what is it with you and that truck? thouwhich is breast cancer metastthat has spreadcer, to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. katie: more examples of liberal and insanity first step, san francisco has a new target. a paper coffee cups. some businesses they were getting ahead of the curve and are trying to phase out paper to go cups being replacement glass jars or bring your own cup policies and all of this comes as the city continues to grapple with a devastating homeless crisis. so glass jars in san francisco streets seem like a really good idea. jesse: i ve changed my mind on this whole san francisco thing. have at it, do your thing, be weird, trip over a homeless guy on the way to a coffee shop and shatter your glass jar on the street. that s what s going to happen. i don t care anymore. live there, do your thing. people want to lose business or cut themselves with glass jars, live and learn. i don t actually think they care about the environment because they let the homeless people s street the city like a toilet. doesn t make any sense. katie: that is true. i agree with this idea, when the president said he will step in to try to deal with california s homelessness crisis mothers not a lot you can do but the hardest part of governing is at the local level. so all the decisions you have to make that are actually affecting people s day-to-day lives, not just because the jars could break but because of diseases and illnesses and things like that coming of to make sure things are properly cleaned. jesse: imagine going to a coffee shop and they say would you like to rent a mug? is a like bottle deposit was back in a day, you bring it ba back? katie: this is a plague ready to happen. michael: is going to make starbucks coffee taste any better? at some point, they re just going to throw some grounds in your face is flashy with hot water. went san francisco can t make another worst decision, though go watch this. katie: they have all these real issues to deal with and it s almost like they are doing the silly things like banning paper cups after we banned all the plastic that now we are not allowed to have that. instead of actually really focusing on hard governance at the local level. the less time and money they are spending on a real issue. i agree and most people at home agree but we are not the ones where the constituents did as someone who served at the state level, it really is a local decision and if the people don t like it, then those elected officials are accountable to the voters. dana: what if you just want to get a cup of coffee? katie: speaking of local governments, one of the country s biggest school districts taking heat for a new policy that students in virginia county will now be able to miss class to protest, the district announcing kids in grades seven through 12 will have one excused absence each year for civic engagement activities. so are they going to skip scho school? jesse: if i m a student, i love this and if not, i don t like it. i am doing some thing. i don t trust the school to encourage equally the type of civil protests that are going on. are they going to push my kid to do you will have protest against paper cups or my kid wants to go to a tea party or an open carry rally. now come i can t do that. i doubt this is how this works. first of all, we have to assume that fairfax county, virginia, has a pta engaged in the school board and people know about this but i don t know, it sounds to me as if you get one excused absence and you pull that card and whatever it is, it is. i don t think they have a say necessarily. when that do they know they re going going to a rally? you re at the bar like this later. katie: i might be a good idea if people want to go out and learn but it does seem like based on leftist indoctrination. in dana: parents think their children are going to be the next greta. that happens in london a gazillion children and also as a parent you don t trust them. as a taxpayer, i m sick of it. i don t pay the local taxes in fairfax county but no, go to school. . may be on that day a teacher will teach you something that will have you them up with an innovation that is going to solve a global warming. i want kids in school and you think fox news is going to say we will definitely pay you to take a day off of work and you can go protest downtown. you are being paid to go to school. in katie: is this just an example of leftist indoctrination to go protest when they should be at work? michael: it is only one day. they intended to be fair, wouldn t it be two days? is going to be the one day and they re going to protest global warming or let s get the paper cups out of starbucks in virginia, it s going to be horrible. that s all they care about. where do we start? michael: if i showed up with a school bus that we are going to go protest planned parenthood, this would not be an issue. we don t do that. katie: when i was in college, i took a day off and had to take it to get my absence excuse after they allowed everyone to take off school. jesse: i discovered you there. i did, i put her in a little package and that s how she got booked on fox. katie: i got booked on fox because i rode the bus to go on the redeye. you can have the credit. the five responding to being cut from his famous scene in home alone two. that is next in the fast of seven. i m your 70lb st. bernard puppy, and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier. hey! my focus is on the road, and that s saving me cash with drivewise. who s the dummy now? whoof! whoof! so get allstate where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. sorry! he s a baby! when youyou spend lessfair, and get way more. so you can bring your vision to life and save in more ways than one. for small prices, you can build big dreams, spend less, get way more. shop everything home at if you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don t use if you re allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you re pregnant or planning to be. ready to treat differently with a pill? otezla. show more of you. michael: welcome back, time for the fast of seven, dana says it is going to be hard. a first up, a canadian television ignited a major fire storm after cutting the scene out of home alone to and now the president is responding with a lighthearted jab, prime minister justin trudeau. doesn t much like we discussed this yesterday, what is going on, they lie. when he responds with humor as a lightheartedness, the best way to respond. he didn t want to risk spelling trudeau. this edit took place in 2014. this would have been censorship. i apologize for that. however, it is still stupid. you took my statement, this happened in 2014 and i do think it is petty for trump. the leader of the free world, don t worry about canada or home alone two. going to have to edit justin trudeau out of aladdin live-action. we might have chosen the wrong career path because people are making a killing on social media. soccer star cristiano ronaldo is raking in almost 50 millions of dollars. do you have an instagram? sometimes i make money but not that much, that s for sure. and by diamond rings. i saw someplace that apparently there are camps now they are sending their kids to on how to become youtube stars. 26 million, i think renaldo is legit, he s got a lot of followers of just like any platform look at that toy, it s horrible. who can actually say that soccer players are dumb, they are pretty smart. i remember a few years ago there was an instagram model from australia. it s all fake, i am paid to wear this and paid do that and i was like. our tech addicted and isolated world, 75% of adults say they aren t friends with any of their neighbors, so sad and a single person from their box. why do you like this? i don t need to be friends with you, it is okay if we don t talk to each other, i am part of the problem. i live on the same street with two-thirds of my family, so i m pretty sure i know them. they fix stuff, that gives you lots of opportunities to interact with the neighborhood. i don t live in the suburbs anymore, but when i did, i would go across the street and knock unannounced. emergency purposes. i actually do know my neighbors but this is from being for california. after an earthquake. i lived here for three years, this is the first time we ve spoken. please won t you be my neighbor. that s a beautiful sentiment, won t you be my neighbor, my name is mister rogers. coming up next, fan mail friday. who s excited? dana: i am. great riches will find you when liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wow. thanks, zoltar. how can i ever repay you? maybe you could free zoltar? thanks, lady. taxi! only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. billions of problems. sore gums? bleeding gums? painful flossing? there s a therabreath for you. therabreath healthy gums oral rinse fights gingivitis and plaque and prevents gum disease for 24 hours. so you can. breathe easy, there s therabreath at walmart. in america, the zip code you re born in can determine your future. the y helps fill the opportunity gap with education programs for all. for a better us, donate to your local y today. mostly. you make time. when you can. but sometimes life gets in the way, and that stubborn fat just won t go away. coolsculpting takes you further. a non-surgical treatment that targets, freezes, and eliminates treated fat cells for good. discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. some common side-effects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. don t imagine results, see them. coolsculpting, take yourself further. save $100 on your coolsculpting treatment. text resolution to 651-90 to learn more. fan mail friday, i m going to send us off. number one, the question is, we start with you michael, what tv show would you like to get a reboot? michael: oh, my gosh, there are so many great ones to get a reboot and we are living in the golden age of television and everyone i think of, they ve done it. it reboot the star trek, let s do battle star galactica but it s fantastic. dana: we will come back to you. jesse: that needs a reboot. of the error of today. nicor, why not dana: xena warrior princess. i think gilligan s island could use a reboot to that be fun. golden girls. that s good. i don t know. jesse: i m not kidding you guys, there s so many great shows on right now. they must show i wrote, yes we should do a reboot of the low pressure. dana: and to another instagram asks, were you in a school play and what character do you play? jesse: i was in a school play and i forgot my lines in the entire school left at me. i sat there forgetting my lines and staring at all my friends going [laughter] and i to get fed lines by my teacher. it was dana: how? jesse: i was fourth grade. dana: you decided to go out for journalism. we see jr. lines. creative jesse: talking points of the morning. katie: i was in a lot of plays that i can t remember what i was. i did some of the stuff. dana: a big impression on you. katie: i like that, but it was not the crew. it was the character i remember what it was. dana: i like model u.n., i remember i was 13 but i got there and they said you are going to be that you ae and that s not even a country. jesse: s and the greatest play of all? i was in the girls of the garden club. michael: i saw that, i think i rented that one. dana: did you write a play? michael: i was in several plays, i would love to write a play, when i was in middle school or high school i got into i was in bye-bye birdie and i was in the chorus and just total lucille, the total geek was birdie and then he was getting all the girls and i was like hello, i was in little abner. he carried me around. it was a wonderful experience. dana: here is a facebook question from your favorite, if you re given a time slot on a cooking show, what would be the one recipe you choose? katie: as a person coming out with a cookbook in june, i cook on tv quite a bit so i make pies, i guess i have to pick something kind of pie. butterscotch with butterscotch pie and cookie crust. either that or something my grandmother would make us an italian and a mak make a lot ofe italian cookies. katie: my dad was such a good cook, i m not. dana: barbecue some meat. of spac katie: elk, maybe the green chili enchiladas, he also makes apple pies in dutch ovens. pretty good. michael: that s amazing. how about you? jesse: i love to cook, it would make ribs. he just kind of get them going and you stand around and talk. michael: i don t know how to cook, i know how to grow, it s different. it was dana: when you do that? michael: no, i would not do that on television. if you want me to do that, oh, come on, cook something in the morning. dana: i ll take your spot. i could fill an entire hour just showing people how to make. a plus question, facebook question, this goes off to a everyone, when your kid kid you must ve known your neighbor. michael: my best friend in the whole wide world, sean, big irish catholic family, 100,000 and we just ran around and got into mischief and it was fantastic and a wonderful fami family. michael: i forget their names, it s a good thing, but they let their grass grow way tg and my father got so fed up one time he went across the street and mowed their lawn. speed it where they grateful? jesse: no, they never said anything. it was shameless. i remember. dana: okay. we all live on the same street, my cousin, so cousins at home and ohio what s up. we actually had a wonderful neighbor, who still lives there, our neighbors were kind of far away and she was a ceramics professor at northern arizona university and she taught me how to make big ceramic things. speed it we had irene, and town center, and right next door to them and they are a lot older than my parents and one of the station wagons were the backseat and you are writing in the back you were looking backwards. i remember going out. good memories indeed and one more thing is up next. in a world where everything gets a sequel. it s finally time for. geico sequels! classic geico heroes, starring in six new commercials, with jaw-dropping savings. vote for your favorites at: ahhh, which way do i go?! i don t know, i m voting for our sequels. with geico, the savings keep on going to a screen near you. not the leg! you dang woodchucks! geico sequels. vote and enter to win today! (air pump motors) not the leg! you dang woodchucks! (lamp crashes) music it s the final days of the wish list sales event. sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first month s payment. jesse: it s time for one more thing, rest in peace don imus according to a representative from the family, the radio legend passed away earlier this morning and he was hospitalized since christmas eve. if he was 79 years old and he left a huge impression on the radio industry. if he had a lot of child cancer patients who he helped through the organization. if so, don imus, the legend of radio will be missed. okay, katie. katie: do you want to talk about yourself? okay, i m not kidding. jesse: reaching out i got low confused. okay, a lot of people go underage on christmas eve, but they don t see this at the christmas eve mass so take a look at the tree in ireland how he left on peter o connor, out in the church and everyone cheered him on and he was showing off the early christmas presents he got off during the service in the video was posted on twitter by the parishioners, and it s gone viral. jesse: so glad he did not wipe out. dana: that would be not good. my turn, okay. we do this, on a friday, okay, are you ready at this is the first time. michael: this is your first time. it was dana: s number one, my duty a jeweler on december 21st? why do need a jeweler? michael: to ring in the new year new year. dana: yes! what did the man get for stealing a calendar? oh, that s good! michael: i have no idea. dana: 12 months. michael: just let him go. dana: what s an elf s favorite type of music? rep. why do they love coffee? katie: because it s i don t know. it michael: i don t know. dana: because they are santas star box. this is the last one, wears new year s eve the most mathematical? where s the new year s eve that s the most mathematical? michael: at the setup is horrible. [laughter] dana: is that bad? it s in times square! michael: very good. bret dana: i had an intervw with tracy who is amazing fitness instructor, exercise guru and everything s got a new app called pilates bar which i recommend and i talked to her. jesse: what s your one more thing? put it on me, okay, the survey says, will you marry me? not me, but apparently north carolina man is going viral for the family feud inspired proposal. it take a look. how would you finish this? will you marry me? yes i will. [laughter] might as well make it official, right? dana: isn t that crazy? joshua bell prepared a series of marriage themed questions and asked his girlfriend in the show, and she thought she was playing just a normal game with the family but then he proclaimed that the question marry me to which she happily proclaimed yes. they gained 2.4000 comments. michael: there s a group of cyclist writing to the australian town during a heat wave and they stop by a koala bear in need. yeah, the koala would not leave them alone. speeder is on paper or a plastic cup? michael: that s a paper one, they had to slow it down. dana: no! boo! michael: this is amazing, we need to make them up ahead. i love koala bear s. jesse: most memorable moment of 2020 and have a good weekend. five. bret: navy seals to scrap the former brother in an armed special operations chief eddie gallagher is evil and link videos. even on vacation, president trump and house speaker nancy pelosi s bar on twitter and the faa offers a plan to deal with the growing number of drones in the sky and this is special report. good evening, welcome to washington, i mike an manual ann for bret baier. this week, after supporting through the war crimes trial they acquitted him of murdering the capture in the islamic state fighter but can fit into him of he

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20191227

the senate. griff: she still hasn t moved on them. ed: democrats are pushing with their attacks on mitch mcconnell. minority leader still steamed about what he said working with the white house. democratic attacks are sounding a lot like the attacks that some in the media are launching. almost one in the same. take a listen to the democrats first. my hope is that some of my republican colleagues will have the same misgivings that senator murkowski expressed. mitch mcconnell is sabotaging this proceeding by saying he won t be imimpartial. he will do the president s bidding. he has a responsibility to conduct the trial in a way that allows the facts to be heard and let others make up their own minds even if his is closed. she has concern. serious concern when you hear your majority leader say that he is going to work hand in hand with the white house. you know, facts doesn t matter. griff: there is the democrats. if you listen to what the folks in the media were saying, it s pretty similar. listen. represent as real crack publicfully mcconnell s efforts to forego a real trial. a potential crack in the president s wall of republican support. mur can you so i can signaled a possible crack in the party s unified front. pelosi and the democrats may, may have found unexpected ally in the president s own party. president trump dealing with a potential republican defection on impeachment. ed: a crack in the armor. using the same talking points, essentially. it s hard, katie, sometimes to tell the difference between what the democrats and the media are saying. katie: not surprising. we heard this about the bomb sell revelations. ed: on ukraine or russia? katie: the media and democrats have been very similar in what they are saying. i think a lot of these people went to journalism school. it s time to find new ways to explain when there is a disagreement within the republican party and not use the same term is there is a crack. ed: when there is one. katie: leaving out the quote in the sense that she is also concerned about the house not doing all of the work they should have done and moved too quickly. they d.o. didn t do due diligence. you get the point, right? griff: as we were pointing out, while the christmas week happened, impeachment never left the forefront and certainly was part of what americans were talking about over their holidays, no doubt. and we had steve scalise, the house minority whip, talking about he believes pelosi is just ignoring what people really feel about this. take a listen. she loves controlling power, holding on to power. she has probably approaching record right now for the most people who switched from democrat to republican since she has been speaker. she did it the last time. obviously she did it again this time. i think people have gotten fed up with this impeachment fixation where everything is about a witch-hunt to go after donald trump instead of working for the hard working families of this country who would like us to be working together to lower drug prices and tackle problems like infrastructure. ed: some people may be talking about impeachment. do they really care about it? front of mind. what people around the kitchen table and around the christmas tree care about. katie: americans believe they should be impeached for what he did. republicans in the house said i don t think the phone call was perfect. but i do believe the democrats have gone way too far in trying to impeach the president. the media has glommed on to senator mur cow is i having some concern as if democrats wouldn t be doing the exact same thing if republicans were impeaching a democratic president. they are not covering joe manchin democrat from west virginia and doug jones saying look if all the dots are not connected i m not sure can i vote for impeachment. democrat are having a hard time holding their coalition together as well. griff: start fast and fewer use. speaker pelosi has to do something. the administration can t do something judges and other initiatives while this hangs in the balance. we will talk here shortly with an insider inside the trump administration, the cabinet secretary bill mostly cloudy beginfully this hour. he may have some insights to share. ed: people may be talking about jobs, historically low unemployment rate. stock market hitting gains after gains. kitchen table issues front and center in 2020. other big problems around the country. the president saying he wants to get involved and do something about it including the homelessness crisis all around the country but particularly california. the president tweeting about that in the last day or so. last night ben carson the housing secretary gave exclusive here on fox. he fired back at gavin newsom. we will get to that in a moment. gavin newsom the democratic governor of california a couple weeks ago blaming all of this on the trump administration. watch. and i imagine if you are president of the united states, any leader, like myself, feels a deep sense of responsibility to address some of the most vexing issues in the country. the president could do a hell of a lot more. needing to provide that final allotment, 25% when hud finally does their damn job and the administration recognizes that s the issues human beings, humanity. housing and urban development provide vouchers. fair market rent for those vouchers is about two times higher than the value of the voucher. so you have a voucher, you can t use it. ed: he keeps talking and talking and talking. and meanwhile the homelessness crisis is getting worse. about 20,000 or so more homeless people in california this year alone on top of the tens of thousands already homeless in this state. that s why the president tweeted a couple days ago. california leads the nation by far in the numbers of homeless people and percentage of increase in the homeless po homeless popula. crazy nancy should focused on that in her very own district and helping her incompetent governor with the big crisis. griff: we get right to the actual people trying to do things. you spoke with secretary carson and pressed him on not only what he plans to do but why it is it is so difficult to get things done. take a listen to some of your interview. the better thing to do is to go and look at the root cause why are things there so expensive? what could be done about them? and then how can we deal with the mentally ill individuals. let s put the people first. let s not worry about the other peripheral issues. and it s christmas time. think about what the bible says. he that oppresses the poor reproaches his maker. but he that honoreth him has mercy on the poor. let s think about mercy on the poor and think about real compassion. not think about ways we can keep people depend denting and in these horriblizations but how can we liberate them. ed: that s interesting. he was trying to bridge that and say look we are tired of the governor not willing to do anything. you have to work with the governor on something like this. katie: keeping people dependent is the key word. different policies implemented. a lot of money thrown at this problem and, yet, it has gotten worse. the question is it a good idea keep policies that allow people to continue living on the streets or do they need a major shift and pivot away from that that enables law enforcement to enforce some laws and rules but also is compassionate towards people who have drug addictions and mental illnesses and get them into rehab centers and get some help. the administration has offered a number of things. policies like bad zoning laws that make housing very expensive. the bottom line is in these cities like san francisco and los angeles. these have become public health crises for everybody involved. whether it s business owners, citizens who are living there, and, of course, tens of thousands of people living on the streets. griff: i would add to that when you press secretary carson playing his own words three months ago saying it would only take a few weeks to fix this? what about now? he said listen, we are ready to work. we saw the president tweeting he wants to get involved. even the san francisco chronicle pressuring newsom undoubtedly the ball is in their court now. ed: it s not everyday that nancy pelosi s hometown newspaper san francisco chronicle as you noted yesterday is saying give ben carson a chance here. maybe they have some new ideas. it s time to actually act. what do you think? should the federal government get involved if the democratic governor of california doesn t do anything about homelessness crisis katie: with that over to carley with morning headlines. carley: good morning. we have update on big story we have been following. the teen defansd in connection with deadly stabbing of tessa majors is released without charges. the nypd questioning the 14-year-old before releasing him into custody with his lawyers hours later. police were looking for the boy for two weeks after majors was attacked and robbed in a mantz park. police say charges could events actually be filed. 13-year-old is in custody facing murder charges. a fox news alert, the coast guard searching for a missing helicopter off hawaii. the search is focusing off the coast of coul kauai: the helicopter has electronic locater but so far authorities haven t detected any signals. the stock markets are set to open in a few hours on the heals of historic post christmas gains. the nasdaq setting a new record closing above the 9,000 for the first time. and one of the biggest winners amazon. the company s stock jumped more than 4% after reporting its best holiday sales ever. the new year s ball getting a face lift before the big drop. more than 2600 new waterford crystals will be installed today in times square as it prepares for new year s eve. waterford has been making crystals for the 12,000-pound sphere since the year 2,000. the new numbers arrived earlier this month. more than a million people are expected to ring in the new year in times square. and, griff, i hope it s a little drier this year than it was last year. griff: we got wet last year but it was fun. carley: it was. ed: people already showing up. you can see them out on the streets. katie: more power to them. thanks, carley. griff: as democrats make a move on impeachment we get inside look what the president could be planning. cabinet secretary joining us next. ed: man suing a casino after loses hundreds of thousands of dollars. why he argues they never should have let him place his bets in the first place. wait, it s their fault and not his? 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(thud) (crash) (grunting) (whistle) play it cool and escape heartburn fast with tums chewy bites cooling sensation. tum tu-tu-tum tums griff: congress may be out of session but the battle over impeachment on democrats defending calls for impeachment as impeachment moves towards the senate. how is the white house gearing up for their defense? let s ask former white house under president trump william mcginly. this is the first time you have spoken out on television since leaving the white house. what are your thoughts as pelosi holds the articles and criticism of mcconnell escalates. thank you griff for having me. at the end of the day the white house is going to continue to work for the american people. democrats are quite concerned about what they have done in this rigged, flawed process that denied the president fundamental fairness to put on the case he wanted to and due process to call the witnesses he wanted to make his case. when this actually reaches the senate, fairness and due process will be restored and the president will have an opportunity to lay out his case to the american people and be exonerated in a fair process. griff: we saw in the last week that leader mcconnell is possibly open to calling witnesses where do you weigh in on this? i think senator mcconnell is taking the exactly the right approach. in order for a process to be fair it should be able to be interchange jingle bell between democratic presidents and republican presidents using the clinton impeachment process is a fair way to start. the president s lawyers are going to have an opportunity to respond to the articles of impeachment that have no evidentiary record or foundation and never should have been passed. there is going to be arguments on both sides and the senators will have an opportunity to submit written questions to both sides. aat the end of that process then they can decide whether there is a need for any witnesses or not. and so speaker pelosi, and minority leader chuck schumer, their drive to try to rig the trial against the president i think is misplaced. this needs to play out in a fair and objective manner. when that happens, this president will be exonerated. griff: that s really the question, bill. when will it happen? do you believe that pelosi has a constitutional duty to ultimately be forced to hand them over or not? she realize thrs is not enough of article to turn them over to the house. he understands a fair process in the senate, which is something that will happen, the house democrats in their process and the lack of evidence is going to be on trial just as much. and so what she needs to do is build the defenses to try and figure out how to get them out of this. we saw during the impeachment process in the house of representatives, support for the president rose. and support for the impeachment process went down. she realizes she has a political and legal problem by handing down these articles of impeachment that have no factual basis. this president should be reelected, not impeached. griff: so, bill, we have seen, obviously, democrats and some in the media. we played it in the last segment, have a problem with the murkowski criticism saying that you know, leader mcconnell and the white house should not be working so closely together. is that a fair criticism? i don t believe so. i think that, you know, the senate is the upper chamber. it has its own traditions. i think senator murkowski was just making a comment that she intends to be an impartial juror. if the process is actually impartial, this president will be exonerated. there is no factual basis for the articles of impeachment that passed the house. and i think that the senate, with its traditions and especially the precedent established during the clinton impeachment trial will lead to the exoneration of this president. there are going to be many arguments on both sides. but the house managers, the people sent by nancy pelosi other to the senate to defend the articles of impeachment and to lay them out before the senate are going to be on trial just as much. griff: last question and that is minority leader schumer is demanding documents related to mcgahn, even talking about additional articles of impeachment on obstruction of justice. what say you? it s outside the scope of these articles of impeachment. it just shows that the democrats are more interested in investigating rather than governing. they are more interested in scoring political points than governing this nation. this president has produced record economic growth, record unemployment. rising wages. improved our standing in the world. he deserves to be reelected, not impeached. and i think the way they are trying to rig this process shows that they just have no basis for moving forward with this. the senate should take it up and dispose of it quickly. griff: we will see what happens. bill mcginnly thank you for your time. merry christmas. merry christmas and thank you for having me. griff: some voters say the democratic party abandoned them now they are turning to trump. diamond and silk says trump has liberated the black party: canine who passed away. the gift who moved him to tears. you don t want to miss it thank you for being a friend thank you for being a friend can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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a data plan for everyone. everyone? everyone. let s send to everyone! wifi up there? uhh. sure, why not? how d he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help. at xfinity, we re here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your local xfinity store today. ed: good morning again. quick headlines. 8 people sent to the hospital when a car slammed into a building during a funeral. the car plowing into a tribal hall in southern california. the driver was among those injured. only one of the injuries is described as serious. and police arrest a suspected carjacker after he crashes into their cruiser. watch this. the white car swerving on to an l.a. sidewalk before slamming into the cop car head on. that driver tries driver tries to he is scab by climbing out a window. he didn t get far before officers cuffed him. luckily, nobody hurt. katie: thank goodness for that. ed: don t try that at home. katie: president trump touting his accomplishments to black voters. our opponents have abandoned african-americans. before the election they start courting the african-americans. the election is over and then they leave them. we did just the opposite. what we have done for hispanic, for african-american, for minorities, what we have done is unprecedented. griff: are his efforts enough to turn voters in 2020? ed: here to react fox nation personalities diamond and silk. good morning, merry christmas. good morning. merry christmas to you. ed: how is the president doing with african-americans. we know about unemployment which he touts all the time is that going to work in 2020. president trump has been a champion for americans. especially black americans. i m just so excited about that. he didn t just speak words or gave words. but he gave us some action. that s right. he has become not just the beacon of hope but the hope for black america. and i know you don t want to talk about that low unemployment. but low unemployment among black americans. the first step act giving people a second chance. opportunity zones. yes. giving more money to hvcus than any other president in history. he has done more for us in the past three years than the previous president did in 8 years. that s right. and when you look at black america, black america don t want to take their tax dollars and take care of illegal aliens. you have these democrat candidates talking about how they want us to take care of these illegal aliens, sanctuary them. pay for their medical. black america don t want to do that. that s right. it s time for us. we were born on this soil. black america deserves the american dream. and by golly president trump is delivering on that. that s right. there are people who are paying attention in the headlines. this one from the washington times saying awakening black voters abandoned but democrats warm up to trump. so, when you talk to your friends, you are down in georgia, i believe. what are you hearing about people who previously supported democrats who believe they have been left behind? well, first of all, we are in north carolina. north carolina. i apologize for that north carolina. when we talk to florida and when we talk to friends and when we hear people are tired of democrats. that s right. they are liars. they tell lies and fan flies and people are tired of it. and there is an uprising going on in the underground. a lot of people don t want to recognize that. when people come up to us and be like is he a little rough around the edges. our response to them is that we need those rough edges to cut through all of the b.s. that s going on up there on the hill. all of those smooth edges go along with the b.s. we need the rough edges to cut through it. it s president donald j. trump. he don t care what color you are. he want wants everyone to drive in this country and prosperity and he is giving it to all of us including black america. griff: i will give you one last thing to push back. joe biden has a lot of african-american support. isn t that a probable. no, it s not a problem. no. because i don t see joe biden becoming the president. listen, people have ditched and switched, walk away and ran like hell from the democratic party. that s right. let me tell you something, black america is not going to be fooled by cricket joe. cricket joe has been in government for 25 years and not delivered. what is he going to do in four years if he hasn t done it in 50 years? you won t fool anyone anymore. he is the one that pushed that crime bill. ed: that is something he have to deal with. live from the tarheel state diamond and silk. we appreciate you being here. happy new year to you. thank you. happy new year. ed: monster winter storm pounding california. cars trapped in snow. very slick roads. a lot of dangerous conditions. the system now threatening the midwest as well. millions heading home after the holidays. a live report on the delays and potential concerns around new year s. that is next. the doctor s office might mejust for a shot.o but why go back there when you can stay home with neulasta® onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. in a key study neulasta® reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1% a 94% decrease. neulasta® onpro is designed to deliver neulasta® the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. neulasta® is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta® if you re allergic to it or neupogen (filgrastim). an incomplete dose could increase infection risk. ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. if you d rather be home ask your doctor about neulasta® onpro. pay no more than $5 per dose with copay card. griff: back with extreme weather alitter. major traffic delays expected across the country as a winter storm tracks across the midwest. katie: the system causing post travel headaches in southern california. ed: aishah hasnie has been covering all of this from the newsroom. good morning, katie, griff and ed. this is the nightmare after christmas. we are expecting double, even triple the traffic delays in some cities. part of it has to do with the shear volume of travelers this year. the other part is the weather. nobody was prepared for this in southern california. take a look. cars submerged in snow on the freeway over the grapevine there people trying to push their cars out of snow banks. officials in have to close that highway in both directions last night. leaving a lot of people stuck inside their cars. and a few hours south in san diego, county. take a look at this. traffic came to a stand still because of several fallen trees. big trees, i might add. that became came down with heavy snow there. and then check out the backups in the cajon pass area. this highway as well also closed temporarily. if you live in the heartland, you should head home today. this same storm in california is headed straight for the plains and the upper midwest. possible blizzard conditions that will create travel headaches this weekend. if you are traveling by plane, get ready for long lines. we are seeing long lines out of ohio and phoenix. people are traveling by plane, that s actually up 5% this year. so the best piece of advice this morning if you haven t left already, you should get going now. back to you. ed: all right, aishah, thank you. get over to adam klotz to stay on this story. is he tracking where the storm is heading next. good morning. it s that big system that we saw spinning across portions of southern california that he would continuing to pay attention to if we get my map up here. this is the system that brought the snow to southern california. on the move. lifting to the plains and you were midwest. as it moves that direction they are already preparing for it. we have winter storm watches and warnings in place from southern california all the way up into the upper midwest. that s minnesota a large area here that s where the frontal boundary sits and that s the area where we will be seeing the worst of this. this is our forecast precipitation. interesting all where the cold air and warm air is. if you live in the eastern united states have you noticed it s been really warmth last couple days. heavy snow in some of these locations 18 inches, running all the way up to minnesota. everything off to that is going to be big thunderstorms as it eventually moves into this direction, weekend and early into next week. winter in the west and feels a little bit more like spring in the east. forecasted highs for friday. temperatures sitting into the 60 s. 67 degrees in louisville for saturday. 51 degrees in chicago. all that cold air just hovers back in the west. and that s going to be the case running probably all the way into the new year. warm in the east. unfortunately all that winter weather for hec folks traveling is something people are going to be dealing with in the western states. griff: now we will toss it over to carley. what have you got for the headlines? carley: the nypd investigating six anti-semitic attacks since the start of hanukkah. one caught on camera showing a jewish man being hit from behind and beaten on the street. the antidefamation league is offering a $10,000 reward. the nypd says the number of anti-semitic attacks in the city is up from last year. a day care provider accused of hiding two dozen kids behind a fake wall. carlos has been arrested on suspicion of child abuse. police spent six weeks investigating complaints that her colorado day care was caring for more children than its license allow you had. when they checked it out. they found a walls wall leading to a basement. that s where they found 26 young children and two adults. three other employees are also facing charges. listen to this a compulsive gambler suing a casino for letting him play. the man s lawyer says caesar s casino in windsor, ontario, canada should have known about his gambling addiction, alcoholism, fraud conviction and past banishment from other casinos and stopped him from drinking and gambling. the man claims he lost $260,000 after casino. he is now demanding that back. plus $3,801,000 in damages. caesars has denied any wrongdoing. a christmas gift leaving a police officer in tears. take a look. you can t cry because i m going to cry if you do. thank you. you are welcome. officer josh madsen getting a stuffed animal version of his late k9 partner lennon who died this month. police in the community getting him the stuffed animal after reading about his passing on facebook. they even used a photo of the police pooch to design the publish, so it was the perfect representlyca. how sweet is that. ed: that s terrific. i m still trying to get past the casino story. griff: let us know if that works out for him. katie: should have known about my long record of bad fate. thanks, carley. ed: all eyes on wall street after markets close new record highs again and again. the holiday surge wrapping up a year of milestones. charles payne, the man, the myth, the legend breaks down what our stock market means. what it means for our wallet. coming up. big time big time (male announcer) check out the after christmas sale like no other at bass pro shops and cabela s. now s the time to take advantage of clearance markdowns throughout the store and online. like savings of up to 50% on select men s and ladies clothing; men s and ladies footwear and slippers; fishing and marine gear; toys and more. it s the perfect time to redeem your gift cards and save. don t miss the after christmas sale at bass pro shops and cabela s. your adventure starts here. it s not getting in my way.? 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ed: very sweet. thanks, carley. all eyes today, once again, on global stock markets as they continue to surge. adding $17 trillion. that s trillion with a t in total value this year alone. griff: this comes amid a record-breaking 2019 for stocks in the u.s. how does this impact our standing on the world stage? katie: here to discuss the best is the host of making money on fox business charles payne. charles, good morning. good morning. ed: people are making a lot of money. they are if they are in the stock market. and if they listened to me they would be. there were many times this year when people probably bailed out because we had a few dipsz this year. last december there was talk of recess. so, you know, i love doing these stories but it is a bittersweet thing because i have championed this market particularly now under this president. honestly, if there was someone else in the white house, we would be talking not just about the stock market but americanna. how do you get the world market to sore when the world s economies were soft. it had to be the central figure of a strong u.s. economy. right? also, i think this idea of nations being more self-relines, you know, some people are worried about nationalistic trends. but i think the idea of individual nations taking on more responsibility, doing more things for themselves and large organization whether it s the world trade organization or nato, all of this, i think, helped to sort of propel animal spirit that we got here a couple of years ago. but i think it s spreading around the world. our markets are obviously leading the parade. griff: focus in on a few of them. we of course saw the nasdaq record yesterday. there is one specific thing that was interesting to me. that is the s&p has returned 50% since president trump took over, which is more than double what the average 23% of past presidents. it is over a three year period. president trump s average is far above those. the s&p 500 is what wall street uses. often people talk about the dow. it s not nearly representative of the entire economy. the s&p 500 is more. hence the name 500 stocks. and it s been absolutely remarkable. this year well over 400 of those stocks are up. well over 300 up 20%. the nasdaq is great story, too. because if you would have bottom the nasdaq november of 2008, right now you would be up almost 500 percent. 3 to 18 trillion. that s where all the exciting names, netflix, apples, amazons. things changing our lives. not just our lives but everyone on this planet. that s an american story. katie: what about the argument for democrat wall street might be doing great but main street is. wall street can t do great if main street isn t doing great. that s the chart i keep saying put it up. show me blue collar wages over the last two decades. over the last three decades. again, this is an awakening. this is a renaissance in this country and it s been absolutely phenomenal. the market would not be it was great that the federal reserve changed course. this couldn t happen if the fed kept raising rates. you still need the underlying economy. you need that american consumer who is confident. has a lot of money because of those wages. and, by the way. still not getting over their skis. savings rate is near 8% which is about more than double where it was at the onset of the great recession. katie: what you are saying wall street and main street are both doing well. absolutely. wall street couldn t do this well if main street wasn t doing great. ed: the energy of charles payne that we just saw on the opposite side. paul krugman wrote this actually in november of 2016 it. really does look like president donald j. trump and marks are plunging. when might we expect them to recover? our first pass answer is never. the election results come in. the market before it opened, the preopening trading was we were down like 200 points. 300 points, 400 points. paul krugmans in the world were saying doom and gloom. president trump gave his acceptance speech. it was great. he wasn t hostile. guess what? we were off 500, 400, 302, hundred, 100. we are up. we are up again. we are up again. what s going on? golly, may be lower taxes, fewer regulations and unleashing. anna: mall spirit. the first area we saw was small businesses. second i can t remember home builder confidence. stock market is now catching up to animal spirits. griff: manufacturing took a little bit of a hit. no. manufacturing haas had a major renaissance. here is the real problem of manufacturing. let me help you out it. wept like this for years it. went like this and then it dipped here. you see this dip here? that s the recession now they are talking about. but when it was going like this just like farm income. farmer income went like this all right. then guess what? we had the war with china and complicately targeted our farmers. now mainstream media is farmers. so disingenuous. griff: charles payne. be careful though. i hate to say this. the financial media has been really talking about the market and up vesting through a tainted lens of trump hatred. i hate to say it. but investors must be aware and do their own homework. katie: if they want the real scoop watch you. every day at 2:00. griff: i will be watching. [laughter] thanks a lot, man. griff: happy new year. ed: speaking of money. deputies in one community are handing out cold hard cash in one community instead of tickets. i m not going to give you a ticket today. thank you. what we are going to do is give you $100. we are out here stopping cars and donating. oh my god. thank you so much. griff: that is a shock. you will meet the sheriff spreading the christmas cheer. he is here with us run, run rudolph santa got to make it to town santa make him hurry tell him he can take the freeway down run, run country roads, take me home there s a booking for every resolution. book yours at any price, at (children laugh and scream) book yours at any price, (dog barking) music it s the final days of the wish list sales event. hurry in to your lincoln dealer today to get this exceptional offer. i m not going to give you a ticket today. thank you. what we are going to do though is give you $100. we are out here stopping cars and donating. oh my god. thank you so much. katie: drivers brought to tears after deputies from the madera county sheriff s office in california handed out cash instead of tickets to drivers for minor violations. ed: sheriff jay varney joins us now. good morning. how did you come up with this idea? well, it wasn t original with me but about five years ago myself and the ceo of agri land and their employees got together and they wanted to do some charitable giving in the community. and if you recall at that time, kind of the public perception of law enforcement wasn t really what it should be. so, we got together. we put this idea together and i think it s been super beneficial for the community, for the deputies that work in the sheriff s office and also for the agri land employees that pattern pate. katie: yeah, so we have seen the reaction of people pulled over thinking they are going to get a ticket. what is your reaction from the deputies who get to do this every year? i think it s a great thing for them. it helps them to get out and do something where they are not dealing with someone who is in crisis and they re actually able to kind of connect a member of the community, someone from agri land with someone who was expecting maybe a citation and ends up getting a very nice gift that s put together both by the deputies and by our sponsor. ed: sheriff, i don t want to be the grinch here who stole christmas. why are you rewarding bad behavior. if somebody was speeding they should get a ticket. so generally these are stops that involve more minor things. things that might be a fix-it ticket here in california like no front license plate. equipment violations. things like that. hazardous violations we tend to steer away from. katie: okay. good. can you talk a little bit about the money? this is not taxpayer money that s being given out. donated money to the tune of $5,000, correct? yes. this year it was $5,000. all money that comes from a private business. the vast majority of the deputies that are working, that you have seen in some of the videos, they have come in on their own time to work. or they have actually cancelled vacation time to come in and participate in this action. ed: talk about the reaction. we have seen it in some of the videos. people sort of shrieking with joy. well, every year we seem to find someone who is either coming out of a crisis. whether it s monetary or personal thing or something in the family that s just not going right. so, you know, frankly, it s a cliche thing but we never get tired of seeing the reaction of the elation that the folk have that this money is going to do something very positive for them during the christmas season. katie: certainly a nice surprise, that s for sure. also a surprise, your wife of 38 years, you wanted to say something to her? well, it s 34 years but thank you for that opportunity celebrating the 40th anniversary of her 20th birthday tomorrow. amy, love you. thanks for the support. ed: that s very sweet. in addition to being nice around christmas. you are very diplomatic about your wife s age. in all seriousness, thank you for what you and everyone else does in law enforcement. you mentioned that at the top and it s very important for us to recognize that sir. we really appreciate the opportunity to showcase some of the positive things that are a little different that law enforcement is doing in california. katie: love to see it. thanks for coming on this morning. you bet. katie: impeachment push may be back firing on democrats. the media is going all in on the left s strategy and even praising nancy pelosi s leadership. she has been masterful legislatively. donald plays whack-a-mole and plays chess. ed: masterful. why aren t they calling her out on the impeachment process? next. my point of view i got a new attitude us. it s what this country is made of. but right now, our bond is fraying. how do we get back to us ? the y fills the gaps. and bridges our divides. donate to your local y today. because where there s a y, there s an us. ed: kiss the sky. griff: good morning. ed: i have never heard that one. katie: last friday before the knew new year. griff: very exciting. i m not sure who is kissing the sky in washington. great shot of the capital there. you can see the fog hanging over it and perhaps that fog is an katie: an omen. griff: an omen for impeachment. ed: kisses for nancy pelosi you might say from some in the media. holding back articles of impeachment. not sending them to the senate. we noted yesterday new york times columnists not usually friendly to the president did this little conversation online where they were basically saying they are worried that this is going to backfire on nancy pelosi and democrats. so they don t know how it s going to play out politically. and it s coming at a time when the stock market is setting record highs. the economy is roaring right now. the kind of set-up for the president that if all of this backfires at a time when terms of impeachment on the democrats at a time when the economy is doing so well. that sets them up pretty well in 2020 a lot of question about the way nancy pelosi is handling. this she said impeachment was divisive. bipartisan process. didn t get any republican votes. yet, griff, the media saying she is the one now by holding the articles who is really glanch the process. leverage somehow over the president and the senate. griff: that s right. kiss the sky. roll the tape. over and over she has proven herself to be the president s most skilled adversary landing the most damaging political blows to the president. he is now the third president of the united states impeached in part of because how masterfully she has landed this one of the most masterful parliamentarians of our time. she has been masterful controlling her conference. she is his kryptonite. donald trump plays whack amole she plays chess. crypto night, masterful. nancy pelosi has been run over and controlled by the left wings of the party. pushing impeachment since the day president trump got elected. tried to impeach him for criticizing nfl players for kneeling for the flag. russia. now the phone call to the president to ukraine. this is something that she has tried to avoid she has been unable the look on her face when she struck the gavel both times when the articles passed before christmas time and tell her caucus to stop cheering shhh and waving her hand telling them to stop celebrating. knock it off. cut it out. katie: shows she is not in control. griff: masterful can mean any number of things. give her due credit. speaker of the house twice. first woman and done it twice. the fact that, you know, she is now sitting on these articles of impeachment is putting her in a position and remember she warned against for the very reason that the lesson of impeachment in bill clinton which gained seats in both the house and senate. first time it s ever happened in history and only time as well as increased bill clinton s approval ratings. she is now in this stuck position where the constitution looks like it says she is going to have to hand it over. we spoke with bill mcginley speaking out for the first time. the cabinet secretary at the white house since the beginning of the trump administration, he thinks that ultimately the president will be exonerated. listen. speaker pelosi. chuck schumer, i think this needs to play out in fair and objective manner. when that happens. this president will be exonerated. if the process is actually impartial. this president will be exonerated no. factual basis for the articles of impeachment that pass the house. i think the senate with its traditions and especially the precedent established during the clinton impeachment trial will lead to the exoneration of this president. katie: so on the senate side there are a number of democrat senators who are skeptical of this process but back to nancy pelosi. you know, she was unable to slow this process down to get the house to do the work that it needed to make this a successful trial for democrats in the senate. she was unable to convince jerry nadler and adam schiff that if they wanted to call white house witnesses that they should go through the court system. slow this down and do it the proper way. the job of the house is to get all of the evidence that they want. all of the witnesses before they then head over to the senate. the senate can question the same people. they can look at the same documents. but that all of the people who are going to be involved here are supposed to be interviewed by the house and the inquiry process. and she was unable to do it. unable to slow it down to get it passed in the senate. ed: articles never mention bribery things they have been pushing for weeks and weeks maybe because of what you just said. griff: you spoke on martha with a republican congressman who thought this not only benefiting president but even perhaps in the house. ed: pennsylvania house judiciary committee he says republicans are going to end up winning the house of representatives in 2020 not just the president being reelected. we will see. a big part of that case for republicans, at least will be the roaring economy we mentioned at the top. look at this headline from fox business. stocks rally to records. nasdaq blows past 9,000 for the first time ever. look at these record closes. dow over 28,000. that s up 105 points just yesterday. s&p 500 up. smaller margin. nasdaq up as i mentioned about 69 points. clearing the 9,000 mark for the first time. you think about the perspective of when this president first got elected. and we mentioned it this a moment ago. paul krugman from the new york times right after the elections. markets are going to tank. we have seen political articles around that time that were saying economists predict. market free fall if donald trump is elected. and just the opposite has happened. katie: this comes at a time when brexit is happening. this comes when the united states is engaged in a trade war with china. yet, you are still seeing incredible numbers. griff: cnbc headline i want to show you, too. trump stock market rally is far outpacing past u.s. precedence. i talked a little bit with charles before he schooled me rightfully so. ed: raised a fair point about manufacturing had a little bit of a slow down and came back in the last jobs report. he jumped all over it. griff: he did. what i asked him about that before the s&p 500 which is the indicator for the market, it has returned 50% since president trump took office. doubling the 23% average. past presidents. and that s certainly in that cnbc seeing that. charleston had a whole lot to say when we talked to him. that s the wage growth thing that s the chart i keep saying put it up. put it up. show blue collar wages. show me blue collar wages over the last two decades. over the last three decades. again, this is an awakening. this is a renaissance in this country. it s been absolutely phenomenal. the market would not be the same. it s great that the federal reserve changed course. this couldn t have happened if the fed kept raising rates. still need to underlying economy. you need that american consumer who is confidentiality. has a lot of money because of those wages. ed: immediately after that we got charles a cup of decaf. no, no, seriously. he is right. it s on fire right now. is he right to be excited about saying look. this is good for american workers. because, yeah, you hear the criticism oh the stock market doesn t really matter to average people. tell that to the workers been saving money in their 401(k). katie: exactly. ed: it s up 20, 25%. tell that to the folks whose wages are going up. we keep hearing as well. well, the low unemployment rate. that s a statistic. yes, when you also couple that with wages coming up for lower and middle class workers. that is a big deal. griff: it s long been a theme in getting elected in politics if you grab them by their pocketbook their hearts and minds will follow. what is exciting as we head to iowa and new hampshire and nevada, south carolina, you are going to find out what the true answer is on how people s lives have been impacted whether or not their wages have gone up. whether they re seeing increase in 401(k). ed: important point about brexit and china trade war. all of these head winds that could be bringing the stock market down. impeachment as well obviously. katie: even with factors that you think would be destabilizing to the economy. things are still going well. democrats, since the beginning, have been saying we are going to go into another recession, possibly a depression. they have had one argument to hold on to and that was the wage growth they no longer are able to do it. president trump has been able to take away a lot of economic arguments democrats used to be able to make. pennsylvania, wisconsin on manufacturing. oil and gas and really put them in a tough place to talk about the economy. ed: a lot of those issues he ran on. strong economy. take on china. have a new trade deals. a lot of those things the boxes are being checked. what do you think as the president heads into 2020. is the impeachment deal going to backfire? katie: meantime carley is here. carley: unfortunately sad news to get to. tragedy at los angeles international airport. a young girl is dead after having a heart attack on a plane bound for seattle. the flight turning around shortly after takeoff. landing back at lax. first responders were unable to revive the girl. her name and exact age have not been released. right now an urgent manhunt is underway for an escaped texas inmate. an east texas sheriff s office says this guy, jace martin laws beirut broke out of a county jail by somehow carving through the brick wall of his cell he was behind bars on several charges including assault on a police officer. two of the men who helped subdue the london bridge attacker will receive the highest medal for beretry. they held off guzman with a fire extinguisher and tusk taken off the wall at nearby hall. khan was eventually tackled to the ground. a spokesman for the prime minister boris johnson called them the very best of the british people. khan eventually shot dead after stabbing and killing two people. a smooth operator popping the question during a home additioedition of family feud. name a date a woman always dreams of. her wedding day. will you marry me? yes, i will. make it official, right? [laughter] oh my gosh. survey says i do. these high school sweet hearts who have been together 8 years getting engaged on christmas day. the north carolina couple s heart-warming moment is going viral. how amazing is that? katie: great idea. ed: it s not official yet she didn t propose to him too. ed: i follow your headlines every day. lindsey vaughn is now proposing to her fiance. she still has two years to propose back to him to make it official. ed: there is a window. carley: there is a window. ed: yale professor going after mitch mcconnell the senate leader claiming he has zero constitutional authority in impeachment trial. really? our next guest says he has got it all wrong. byron york is on deck. griff: plus, talk about commitment. a husband gets this picture of his wife snoring tattooed on his arm as pay back. uh-oh. that story is coming up. ed: commitment or a mess you brush, you may have gingivitis. and the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums, and possibly. tooth loss. help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. leave bleeding gums behind. parodontax. - in the last year, of cybercrime every second. when a criminal has your personal information, they can do all sorts of things in your name. criminals can use ransomware, spyware, or malware to gain access to information like your name, your birthday, and even your social security number. - [announcer] that s why norton and lifelock are now part of one company, providing an all in one membership for your cyber safety that gives you identify theft protection, device security, a vpn for online privacy, and more. and if you have an identity theft problem, we ll work to fix it with our million dollar protection package. - there are new cyber threats out there everyday, so protecting yourself isn t a one time job, it s an ongoing need. now is the time to make sure that you have the right plan in place. don t wait. - [announcer] norton 360 with lifelock. use promo code get25 to save 25% off your first year and get a free shredder with annual membership. call now to start your membership or visit ed: welcome back. one yale professor attacking senator mcconnell s position on the impeachment trial claiming the senator has quote unquote zero constitutional authority. writing back a distinguished professor at yale tells the senate majority they have it all wrong. did you see the impeachment trial? here with more is byron york. good to see you byron. good morning, ed. where does he have it wrong? he has it wrong in a lot of places. first of all, the thing to remember is the constitution gives the senate the sole power to trial all impeachments. and the senate runs on majority rule. that is the founding principle of the senate. and the majority elects a leader. so the idea that the senate, which has the sole power to try impeachment. the idea that the majority leader has no role seems to be completely nonsensical. ed: yeah. in looking at the impeachment of president william jefferson clinton. the constitution dictates that the act as presiding officer. the content of his role is subject to determination by, yes, the senate. the constitution assigns the senate the sole power to try all impeachments. it seems like, byron, the precedent is clear. yes. and the tweet storm said that mitch mcconnell is not in charge of the trial that john roberts, the chief justice, will be, quote: in charge of the trial. whicwhich is simply not the case. the senate can overrule anything that the chief justice said the senate has the sole power of impeachment. if you look back at the clinton impeachment. the chief justice at the time was william rehnquist. after the trial he said of what he did he said my job was to do nothing. andy it very well. ed: exactly. let s shift to the politics of all of this. it s very interesting. you being in washington a long time know that the political report is seen as a bible in terms of a nonpartisan look at all of these key house and senate races. just the last few days, two races have sort of shifted. you have justin amash s seat in michigan where he obviously left the republican party and voted for impeachment. now babies republican. that babies-basicallyrepublican. leaning republican. a toss-up who voted for impeachment. limited evidence but two battle ground states michigan and pennsylvania, two key house races shifting republican after the impeachment votes. well, clearly what has happened since the whole trump-ukraine thing blew up in september is at that time there was a spike in approval for an impeachment inquiry. an approval forever impeachment and removal of the president. and some republicans, there was increase in support by republicans and independents. and what happened in the next two months as democrats made their case for impeachment support among those groups republicans and independents went down it. stayed high among democrats. there is no doubt that there is like 85% support for impeachment and removal among democrats. but it has gone down among everybody else. so it s not a surprise to see a change in some of those polls. also, this is a different dynamic of impeachment and politics than what we have seen before because they are impeaching, democrats are impeaching the president in an election year. haven t seen that happen before. ed: yeah. last question. what you are referring to, also, obviously is these independent voters in these polls we re seeing who help decide elections. shifting against impeachment. you know, even if they are not trump supporters, just the idea that why are they doing it now when we are going to have an elections in 11 months is a pretty strong argument many. i think it would appeal to practical minded people around the country. ed: byron york, we appreciate you coming in. thank you, ed. ed: he was ridiculed in this peloton ad. the ton husband gifts his fiancee a peloton bike anyway. rachel campos-duffy got one as an anniversary gift. she loves it. she is here to react and talk about a whole bunch of other stuff next every day american a little town in a great big land (music) if you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don t use if you re allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you re pregnant or planning to be. ready to treat differently with a pill? 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(danny) s voice) of course you don te because you didn t!? your job isn t doing hard work. .it s making them do hard work. .and getting paid for it. (vo) snap and sort your expenses to save over $4,600 at tax time. quickbooks. backing you. [ drathis holiday. ahhhhh!!! -ahhhhh!!! a distant friend returns. elliott. you came back! and while lots of things have changed. wooooah! -woah! it s called the internet. some things haven t. get ready for a reunion 3 million light years in the making. woohoo! -yeah! griff: time now for news by the numbers. first, 1.9 million. that s the record number of christmas packages u.p.s. expects to return next week. 26% spike from last year. 77% of people are expected to return at least one gift this year despite our warnings that s a bad thing to do. next, 81 pounds. that s the size of bill gates secret santa gift for a complete stranger microsoft co-founder has been taking part in the annual gift exchange since 2013. the woman s huge box of goodies included legos. many of gates favorite books and sweets. finally 55% how much concert tickets have increased by over the past decade according to poll star. top concert is just under 100 bucks. pricey. 2020 democrats zeroing in on key primary states while making their pitches to voters. ed: as hispanic veterans are set to make up the largest voting block in 2020. some in the community say they feel ignored by democratic candidates. griff: here to react fox news contributor and host of moms on fox nation rachel campos-duffy. rachel, belated christmas and happy new year to you. merry christmas to awful you. griff: talk about voters 2020 by racial and ethnic group 66.7% white. 13% hispanic. 4.7% asian. what say you? look, you can t ignore the hispanic vote. it s very important. it s very large. and it s growing. i mean, it s fastest growing demographic with voters, you know, turning 18 at record numbers. every month. so, it s a young population and it s growing rapidly. and what we know about hispanics is they are highly entrepreneurial. respond to policies that make the american dream happen for them policies that help their family no. question that the trump economy has been excellent for all minorities and in particular for hispanics. so, any presidential candidate on the left or the right who ignore them do it at their own peril. katie: rachel it, seems like argument about illegal immigration saying that they are okay with that the washington post, some people in that demographic are saying that leaders and activists in the democratic party, they say they feel ignored and misunderstood by candidates who have spent much of them time focusing on iowa and new hampshire and law teen know officials feel far removed from hispanic communities could be blunt excitement for november election. ignoring the issues they care about. immigration ranks like number 4 in terms of things when they poll hispanics and ask them what they care about. number one is economy, jobs, healthcare, education, and on all those issues, democrats aren t just not speaking to them, you negotiation agree graphically going into southwest and into the areas where hispanics are at. those issues just don t they don t care about those issues they are against school choice which hispanics really want. they are not making it easier for people to start businesses and keep more of their own money or pass their business and their wealth once they get that on to their kids. these are something hispanics care deeply about. yes, i think there is a problem. one of the things i think was not noticed very much by the mainstream media how many hispanics have shown up at rallies for donald trump in the southwest? in new mexico, in arizona, in texas? there were huge number of latinos inside. i was getting texts from friends of mine who were there and all three of these rallies who were hispanic saying i can t believe how many hit-and-runs are here. and i saw none of that covered in any of the mainstream media press on those rallies. ed: rachel, another big controversy around the world christians being targeted and killed simply for their faith. boris johnson had this to say in his christmas message. watch. i want us to remember those christians around the world who are facing persecution. we stand with christians everywhere in solidarity. and we will defend your right to practice your faith. ed: how do you react to that important message? good for him. there are not enough leaders and certainly not enough people in the media covering what is happening. christians are absolutely and there are organizations that track all of this. they are the most persecuted religion justice group in the world. just this past week on new year s eve boca group killed seven people and kidnapped a teenage girl. they kidnap these girls and force them into converse or marriage. there are still 112 girls from the raid that happened under the obama administration that are still under captivity and have not been found. these kinds of things are happening all over the world. chris practicing faith in secret. being imprisoned and killed in ways beheaded, crucified in ways that we haven t seen since the first century. important that people like boris johnson do that also important what donald trump has done which is to appoint a religious liberal czar. the persian isn t just happening abroad, it s also the kind of persians that christians of faith have here in the united states where i think they are being pushed out of the public square and in many ways attempted to be silenced. ed: those people killed on christmas eve a horrible tragedy. griff: got to turn to a little lighter subject. the peloton ad. the husband getting the wife the peloton that got all of this attention. well, that s the ad, of course. people upset taking selfies and made a video. already attractive and skinny. well, there is development, and that is the peloton russ actually got his real girlfriend a bike on instagram. here is how it goes over the second time. merry christmas to my girlfriend. please don t leave me. your thoughts? you negotiation of my husband bought me a peloton last year for mifer anniversary. one of the people really kept me interested when this whole stupid thing blew up on the first time with the peloton ad. i say good for him. this was such a stupid outrage. no need for it. most women who get a bike like this would being greatsful. most probably hinted to their husband like i did that they wanted a peloton. only way to handle this fake outrage, this woke cancel culture is to do exactly what he did, which is double down, mock it, laugh at it, and pay very little attention to all the trolls on twitter. ed: seems like a fake controversy. maybe even a controversy created by peloton in some way because they have gotten so much publicity. katie: the stock price though when it came out was bad. it will come back. heather: catch rachel and her show moms. plus get 35% off using the code celebrate. maybe use peloton. katie: that s not a real code. griff: merry christmas, rachel, thanks. happy new year. griff: amazon hefing to help after a delivery driver is apologizing. sheriff grady judd he joins us live to sound off. ed: the teen suspected of killing a college student is released without charges hours after taken into custody. what happens next? we have a live report after the break. with advil, you have power over pain, so the whole world looks different. the unbeatable strength of advil. what pain? the sleep number 360 smart bed. prices of the season on can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only $1299. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all beds. ends new year s day. (children laugh and scream) (dog barking) music it s the final days of the wish list sales event. hurry in to your lincoln dealer today to get this exceptional offer. griff: welcome back. a teen detained in connection with to the brutal murder of a new york college student is freed without charges. after two week search, police questioned and then released a 14-year-old boy. kaelyn from our fox report in new york city at the park where tessa majors was killed. kayla? yeah. just because that 14-year-old boy is waking up at home this morning does not mean police believe he is innocent. sources say that they are just looking for more evidence. more than two weeks into an all-out manhunt. police have finally located that 14-year-old boy they have been looking for. sources tell us he was found in family s apartment in the bronx. morning side park where tessa majors was murdered. now that boy was taken to the police precinct where a search warrant was executed with his attorney by his side, the teen was fingerprinted and swabbed for d.n.a. investigators are trying to match the teen s d.n.a. to blood found at the scene of the crime or to genetic material recovered from majors teeft from biting one of the a sal lents. fatally stabbed her. the barnard college freshman was just a short distance from campus. a 13-year-old boy is already in custody. he was charged with felony murder. telling detectives he was at the park with other teenagers but wasn t the one who stabbed majors. officers have questioned and released a second teen after he refused to answer any questions. this is the third subject in the murder investigation officials have previously said they believe plunged the knife into majors, that 14-year-old has been released to his family and attorneys no charges have been filed at this point. the results of those d.n.a. test also be yet critical part of this investigation. i mentioned that bite mark according to the new york times this morning. authorities belief that the boy s family was actually hiding him until a mark on his hand had healed. the time says that mark was incredibly similar to a bite mark. so, guys, this investigation is far from over. charges could still be coming towards that 14-year-old boy. griff: all right, kayla. thank you. mystery continues on the details. toss it over to carley shimkus who has more headlines. good morning. carley: start with this. new clues for the search for a missing hiker. police aren t saying what they found in connection with to her disappearance. alisyn watterson reported missing on monday while hiking in the wood about 18 miles from portland, owing. her parents now pleading for any information. thank you, this community, for all your help. she is a very special person. and i will do anything to get her home. anything. the 20-year-old s boyfriend claimed they wer separated during their hike. he has since been arrested on unrelated charges. one of the nation s biggest school system giving students a break to protest. fairfax county schools? virginia giving students one excused day off per year what is called civic engagement activities. supporters claim it s the only way to handle a new wave of student activism in the country a couple calls 911 ready to confront what they thought was a christmas eve grinch. well, that s right. it was all because of a roomba. the couple got the gift just a few days earlier and wasn t used to their new friend roaming around their house. get this a rude awakening for this woman. her husband getting a tattoo of this unflattering picture of her sleeping on a plane. the british man says he wanted to get back at her for giving him a bad hair cut. she apparently telling her prankster husband he went too far. guess what? you snooze, you lose. that guy is going to be in the dog house for the rest of his life. enjoy the couch. griff: i m in the dog house. actually gave the roomba to my wife for christmas. i haven t heard. she has been back 24 hours in d.c. i don t think she liked it. that s worse than the peloton although she doesn t have to do the work. ed: you get your wife stuff to complete up around the house. don t use around the dog. griff: i think the dog would like it. katie: there are horror stories about dogs and roombas. i think you know what i m implying we were victims. griff: yesterday he had a dog but today he has a giant crowd out there on fox square. adam: no dog but fantastic crowd. [cheers] adam: crazy loud all morning. a ton of fun on fox square. some folks brought signs. this one i keep looking at this one. it says you were married 50 years today. 50 years ago. adam: i understand that. were you married when you were 10? 18 and 20. i don t know if if i buy that. you were 5 years old when you were first married. that s what i m thinking. 55 years old. roanoke rapids. where is that? north carolina. adam: north carolina. do you want to give a shoutout to anybody. shout out to my friends in north carolina and go trump 2020. adam: can you help me with the forecast? you hit that button when i tell you to. don t hit it yet. take those graphics full and do this forecast. what do you think about the weather out here today? [cheers] adam: feeling fantastic. close to 50 degrees in new york city. that s not the case in the western half of the country. temperatures down closer to freezing. why we are tracking winter weather. hit that button for me. there is the system we are tracking. that is going to turn into now i m going to have to hit a different pu button. it s a team effort. winter storm watches arched warnings from southern california all the way up to minnesota. that s going to be the system we pay attention to. if you are here in new york city. as a lot of people behind me are. [. [cheers and applause] adam: we are going to have great weather throughout the rest of the day and the weekend. have a fantastic day. have a big back to you. do it on 3. 1, 2, 3. back to you. katie: we appreciate it. katie: amazon refused to turn in a driver caught stealing a package until one florida sheriff laid down the law. now retailer is reversing course and apologizing. is it enough? ed: we will scut sheriff himself. he joins us next i fourth the law and the law won [cheers] my psoriatic arthritis pain? i had enough! it s not getting in my way. joint pain, swelling, tenderness. .much better. my psoriasis, clearer. cosentyx works on all of this. four years and counting. so watch out. i got this! watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are feeling real relief with cosentyx. cosentyx is a different kind of targeted biologic. it treats the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis to help you look and feel better. it even helps stop further joint damage. don t use if you re allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability. .to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen. .or if you ve had a vaccine, or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. i just look and feel better. i got real relief with cosentyx. watch me! feel real relief. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. carley: good morning, quick headlines to get to. a garbage truck driver leaves a gift for biggest fan. aden loves the sanitation crew and runs outside to waive at the truck every time it drives by. so the driver gave him a couple of toy cars including, of course, a garbage truck. aden s family hopes to reach out to the worker and give him a gift in return scottish man. he actually left notes telling her how to feed the wild fox to hangs out around his yard. they included feeding times and menu options including chicken and dog treats. that is one spoiled fox, katie. katie: don t they say don t feed the animals? anyway, 2020 contender pete buttigieg releasing alarming criminal justice reform calling to decriminalize the possession of all drugs. incarceration should not even be a response to drug possession. is this the across the board meth or coke or ecstasy any drugs if it s possession incarceration isn t. that s right. griff: this as his immigration plan promises to update the quote overly harsh list of offenses that led to deportation. joining us now to react is president of the major county sheriff s association. grady, good morning to you. thank you. good morning, griff, it s good to be with you all today. griff: let me ask you, here, mayor pete rising and leading in iowa going out there to the good folks. he has laid out this immigration plan that decriminalizes the drug offenses and easier to deport people. let me translate what he said. what he is telling people of iowa and the united states hey i m going to guarantee that crime is going to go up. i m going to guarantee people are going to steal more of your stuff. i m going to tarre guarantee you more people will become addicted to crime. when there is no discipline, when there is no line, when there is no law prohibits an act, people do what they want to do. and that s exactly what he said. he is guaranteeing more drug addicts. he is guaranteeing more crime. and is he guaranteeing less help we don t have enough services for those addicted to crime now. is he going to create nor addiction. i have done this my entire adult life. i doubt if he has investigated or dealt with those who sell, those are use, and those who use crime drive the market. and they buy this stuff, creating the traffickers. so when they are buying it, guess how they are getting the money to buy it? they are stealing your stuff. so, the at the end of the day, this is not good policy. and he should know that. but, who is he playing to, anyway? i think people across the united states and iowa are smarter than to believe not holding people accountable for possessing cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine is bad. and think about this. how are we going to get people to go into diversion programs and agree to mental health and drug abuse rehabilitation programs without the strength of the criminal justice system? the criminal justice system is the only system that can force people to get help. katie: sheriff, you have talked about people stealing stuff and recently you had running in with amazon and they have apologized to you after refusing to help you with a case of a driver stealing packages. they released a statement from amazon they said we work regularly and close with law enforcement across the country and working to understand what occurred here to make it right and to reach out to polk county sheriff s office to apologize. so what exactly happened here? well, first off, i m a fan of amazon but we didn t get two day delivery. here s what occurred. we had a guy that stole, actively stealing an amazon driver, we thought this would be a slow pitch. you call amazon up, we have the date, we have the time. we have the security footage. hey, give us his name and address we will go out and arrest him after all he is steal your stuff and is he stealing your customer s stuff off of front porches. not one, not two, but three separate supervisors absolutely totally refused to cooperate. they sai said send a subpoena to delaware. first off, that s not a requirement of law. there was nothing that prohibited them to turn to the computer system, type in that data. that information, and immediately tell us who their driver was. instead, he got to go on stealing or doing whatever he wanted to do while we had to slug it out in the trenches and finally figure out who he was and arrested him without amazon s help. i was furious. i do appreciate their apology. they understand the misstep. but i ask them this. what if that same amazon driver had kidnapped the lady instead of stole the package? would they have told us send us a subpoena to delaware? katie: did they think it was a liability for them and that s when they didn t want to admit this guy was doing that? did you send them the video showing him stealing the packages? katie, they weren t thinking at all. none of them were thinking. griff: yeah. it was obvious to us and it was obvious when we got a call back from people high up in management several days later and after it was on television. we work with carriers every day. we worked with amazon before it s never happened. griff: sheriff, you work with criminals, too. i know your message to them in 2020 is just don t do it. sheriff grady jihadi is just don t do it. thank you for joining us, sir. have a great day. katie: bernie sanders may be climbing in the polls. is it enough for him to win over the democrat establishment? a former sanders campaign staffer weighs in next hour. griff: the left s latest target hallmark movies. we re not kidding. one outlet is calling their movies fascist propaganda. dean kaine is sounding off fresh start. i think that s a beautiful thing as are many things around this town. at chevy, we re all family. we re a festive family. we re a four-legged family. we re a get-up-and-go family. we re a ski family. we re all part of the chevy family. and as we kick off the new year, we d like you to be a part of ours. because our chevy employee discount is still available to everyone. the chevy price you pay is what we pay. not a cent more. so happy new year, and welcome to the family. the chevy family! the chevy employee discount for everyone ends soon. ed: from the to the personal computer to star wars. do i remember seeing stars? i don t know. do you remember the day that changed your life. the son of sam in 77 had all new yorkers on edge. randomly shoot people. we were genuinely impressed. something that was huge could store the equivalent of maybe three emails. who can forget just one of the shows you can watch on fox nation. here with topics of year fox nation host kacie mcdonnell. casey, welcome. this is fantastic. i remember the day star wars came out. i was 7. i remember the apple ii. all of that stuff. i was shut chatting. i haven t seen any of the star wars. the six were enough for me. we are talking about who can forget? so cool. i m a 90 s baby. so maybe i could forget because i wasn t around then. we have these rolled out on fox nation right now. see 1977, 87, 94 and 2008. and we have 2019 rolling out on new year s eve right here on fox news channel and on fox nation little like i saw star wars for example premiering. and crazy stories. they might be sad stories. they might be fabulous stories just stories you will remember from each of these years. rolling them back to 1969. big story this year killing of all baghdadi. the killing of usama bin laden, such a seminole moment in american history and you have a documentary on that. yes. that s available on fox nation as well. peter doocy did an absolutely incredible job sat down with rob o neill to has the navy seal who actually did kill usama bin laden back in that neptune sphere may of 2011. everyone remembers where they were at that exact moment. here is a look at that documentary. there was another seal i knew well sitting next to him sinking in what had just happened. this seal was from new york city. and he yelled at me over the whine of the engines taking off who shot him? who got him? i said i think i did. so incredible. right? he talked about how he chose to become a navy seal. he wanted to be a marine. their uniforms are way cooler. but we have got a promo coming on. you can watch it right this second. head to fox nation. download the app. and get 35% off now through december 31st. use the promo code celebrate. all right. kacie mcdonnell. thank you, guys. happy new year. you too. still ahead dean cain, dr. bill bennett joining us live next hour on my way (lamp crashes) music . at signing, and a complimentary first month s payment. good to be alive, good, good, to be alive, right about now it s good to be alive, i know sometimes your reaction off camera, to like different news items out there like the one last hour, about giving kids at school time off, so they can get civic engagement going on. yeah, civic engagement meaning go be part of a leftist organization, or protest. you know, when conservatives ask for time off they never get the same treatment. ed: i think we should get more of your thought bubbles because i saw them. [laughter] katie s thought bubble coming soon. griff: good to be alive right about now. we just had a fantastic christmas week, although one thing that never left, the public eye was impeachment. ed: impeachment goes on and on and nancy pelosi still holding on to those articles of impeachment maybe with dear life she doesn t know what s going to happen next, maybe some will boomerang on democrats but the talking points have already been laid out for democrats, about who the villain is now. they have the target on mitch mcconnell all because they are looking with the white house on the contours of the senate impeachment trial, something a lot of people expect would happen, they are now trying to claim well you know, he s no longer an impartial juror, even though half of the senate democrats are running for president. so democrats have been saying a lot about mitch mcconnell and they are praising some of the maybe things going on. take a listen. i hope that some of my republican colleagues will have the same miss givings that senator lisa murkowski expressed mitch mcconnell is sabotaging this proceeding by saying that he won t be impartial, he will do the president s bidding. he has a responsibility to conduct the trial in a way that allows the facts to be heard and let others make up their own minds even if his is closed. she has concern, seriously concern when you hear your majority leader say that he s going to work hand in hand with the white house. that doesn t matter. ed: boy they seem shocked that the senate leader is going to lead the senate. save the congressman that didn t do the work to get the trial they wanted in the senate. griff: a lot of criticism from democrats taking a look at the media to see how much they differed. sounds kind of familiar. griff: watch this. represents a crack, a real crack, publicly in mcconnell s efforts to forego a real trial. a potential crack in the president s wall of republican support. lisa murkowski signaled a possible crack in the party s unified front. pelosi and the democrats may have found an unexpected allie in the presidents own party. president trump viewing with a potential republican deflection on impeachment. ed: so what do you think is there a crack? the unexpected allie of lisa murkowski who voted against kavanaugh? this is not an unexpected statement from her and they are leaving out the other half of the story which is she is also concerned about the house not doing enough to give the senate a proper reason to move forward with the trial. ed: there was a crack in the democratic party when jeff van drew switched parties. griff: did they call it a crack then? it is testing the record though about a crack because we now have this movie, where you have to have 67 votes to remove the president of the united states, byron york, a pretty smart guy, weighing in on saying you know the democrats are just attacking mcconnell really makes no sense. the constitution gives the senate the quote sole power to trial impeachments, and the senate runs on majority rule. that is the founding principle of the senate, and the majority elects a leader, so the idea that the senate which has the sole power to try impeachment, the idea that the majority leader has no role just seems to be completely non sense it call. ed: in that clip back from byron york who as you said is very smart on these matters been following politics for a long time the more we talk about senate process and procedures the more the president is going to win, right? and be acquitted because of the process is such that the majority leader is going to have a big say in this, and it s likely to be an acquittal and they are sort of just delaying the inevitable. it s not just the majority leader mitch mcconnell. it s concerns about the process, democrat senator joe manchin, of west virginia also expressed concerns about the way the house conducted impeachment inquiry. ed: was that a crack in the democratic party. there s another crack, democrat doug jones from alabama senator saying look this is a serious process look at all of the facts he deserves to be impeached, so if the dots aren t connected which doesn t seem like they happen in the house then i can t vote for it. ed: you but about the amount of time we ve spent on impeachment, how much time both parties dealt with impeachment all of the other issues that may not be confronted one big one out in california. the homelessness crisis. gavin newsom out on the west coast the democratic governor has been pointing the blame, guess what at president trump and his advisors like ben carson or, housing secretary, watch. i imagine if you re president of the united states, any leader like myself feels a deep sense of responsibility to address some of the most issues in the country, and they could do a hell of a lot more. waiting to provide that final allotment, 25%, when hud finally does their damn job and the administration reye s that s their issues by the human being. the housing and urban development provide vouchers. it s a fair market rent for those vouchers is about two times higher than the value of the voucher. ed: setting aside who he s pointing the finger at if you look at the annual report on homelessness, they say homeless ness increased in california by 21, 360 people or 16.4% accounting for more than the entire national increase. that s this year. another 21,000 more homeless people in this state so when you got a democratic governor saying do your damn job i m not letting the federal government off the hook and the president is tweet ing he thinks the feds may have to step in but do your damn job if you re there and you re the governor of the state , whether you re democrats or republicans in all 50 states they have vast power to do things, you know this. look in the mirror and ask the questions about why california s policies on this issue are leading to a 16% increase with thousands of more people coming in, and having this increase, rather than a decrease of any kind. griff: last night, you had a really powerful interview with h ud secretary ben carson and pressed him for tangible things and you put the ball in his court. let s watch some of that. the better thing to do is to go and look at the root cause, why are things so expensive, what can be done about them, and then how can we deal with the mentally ill individuals? let s put the people first. let s not worry about other peripheral issues and it s christmastime, think about what the bible says. he that oppresses the poor approaches his maker, but he who honors him has mercy on the poor let s think about some mercy on the poor. let s think about real compassion. let s not think about ways that we can keep people dependent and then these horrible situations, about how can we lib rat them. ed: when you talked about, griff , pressing ben carson, we ve go to hold everybody in power accountable. in september, he said that this was going tubeworks not months that the trump adminitration is going to deal with this so here we are three or so months later still waiting for what the plan is so to his credit he stepped up last night saying some of the things they want to do on mental health and housing and we ll see how they follow through but i thought it was a very powerful plea to the democratic governor. okay we ve had our differences let s put it aside. think about the bible, let s fix this problem. because there are real big human consequences and this doesn t have to be a partisan issue, there are a lot of back and forth about what the word compassion actually means when it comes to the homeless, people argue that california s policies have allowed people to live on the streets when they need to be put into shelters or given mental healthcare, there s a lot of different options on the table but the governor seems to be focused on one thing and that is housing vouchers more money from the federal government rather than working with ben carson and changing the policies and blaming the president for the problem that keeps getting worse in their state. griff: and if indeed gavin newsom administration can work with the trump adminitration and actually resolve this problem which is clearly unsustainable, it needs to be addressed quickly maybe that s the sort of unity the nation wants to see in 2,020 ed: speaking of unity in 2,020, we have headlines. i love you guys we ll start things off with a fox news alert , and missing helicopter in hawaii, the search is folk us off the coast of coo why. the chopper was carrying seven people, two of them children. it hasn t been seen since yesterday. the helicopter has an electronic locate or but so far authorities haven t detected any signals. today friends and family will honor heidi broussard at her lake and will be laid to rest tomorrow in her louisiana hometown. the mother was found strangled to death outside a houston home, and her infant daughter was re united with her father this week, after being found unharmed at the very same house. her close friend is charged with kidnapping and tampering with a corpse and her lawyers releasing a first statement saying there are still many questions to be answered e russia raising a legal battle to get back in the olympic games and its anti- doping agency is appealing a four-year ban. the sanctions were handed down earlier this month by the world doping agency and russia is accused of running a sophisticated scheme and manipulating lab data and the case heads to an arbitration court ahead of the 2020 summer games in tokyo. listen to this a gambler suing a casino for letting him play. the mans lawyer says caesar s in windsor, ontario, canada should have known about his gambling addiction, alcoholism and fraud conviction and past banishment from other casinos and stopped him from drinking and gambling. the man claims he lost $260,000 at the casino and he s now demanding that money back, plus about $381,000 in damages. they made him do it! i don t know. they strapped him down to a chair and shoved alcohol down his throat. it forced him to gamble. griff: bernie sanders may be climbing in the polls but is it enough for him to win over the democrat establishment? a former campaign staffer weighs in. plus one media outlet claims hallmark christmas movies are fascist propaganda. what! if you find him guilty, you had condemning the very best, of the human spirit. ed: guess what? dean cain has starred in 10, count them 10 hallmark movies he joins us live to respond. he s fired up, coming up. if your gums bleed when you brush, you may have gingivitis. and the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums, and possibly. tooth loss. help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. leave bleeding gums behind. parodontax. ed: and they re off 2020 candidate senator bernie sanders climbing to second place in nationwide polls as more and more democratic insiders say that they believe sanders could actually win the nomination. griff: so is the democrat establishment finally feeling the burn? here with her take is former director of social justice on the 2016 bernie sanders campaign , and good morning to you. good morning. griff: so as all the candidates head to iowa you have sanders in a close second behind mayor pete buttigieg, but if we look back to what happened in 2016, it was so close, hillary clinton barely beating him by .2%. what do you think about this? is the burn going to be felt in iowa? well you know i ve seen a lot of takes on this this morning and hi think that it s hilarious that the establishment is all of a sudden pretending as if they don t know who bernie sanders is. who is this bernie? like my aunt would say they go good and hell well who bernie sanders is, he taught them a great lesson in 2016, and this is their response to the media, blackout. the bernie blackout is what they call because they completely ignored him just like they did in 2016 and they see his followers aren t going anywhere and he s a powerhouse fundraiser and he has the most loyal support and he has the most consistent record. i have criticized bernie sanders myself as you know but when it comes down to who he is and what he stood for its been consistent they know people like senator ni na turner have organized all over this country literally in every state for the last four years where they were thinking about running they were actually running, so this is just a game that the establishment is playing, to pretend as if they re cozying up to bernie sanders when in fact they haven t challenged him at all on his record and i would say they are scared to challenge him because of that. ed: what about the fact he seems to be copying them? in 2016 as you know from being there he was pushing medicare for all before it was cool. now there s large portions of the country are very skeptical of it but in a democratic primary it seems to me that a lot of the other candidates are trying to copy bernie sanders. yeah, that s exactly what they are doing let s just call it what it is and be straight shot with no chaser. they stole the entire platform, and have tweaked it and bernie sanders has really been the only one honest to say that your taxes will be raised under medicare for all. again, i m not a socialistic. i work for him. i have criticized many of his policies in other things that he s done particularly with all of the candidates with the african american vote, but i will say that he has had the same message literally for the last 30 years plus and it s hard to compete when you have flynn- floppers on stage. griff: give us a prediction here because as ed points out medicare for all was an outlier in 2016 and now every candidate in every debate is emulating them and he wrote the damn book. do you predict bernie sanders wins? what i predict is he will either win or come very close. we won iowa almost by a point or two like you said before, but what i will tell you is regardless if the math works in bernie sanders favor i can predict he s going to go all the way to the convention period. they can crown joe biden if they want to, but bernie sanders is not going anywhere and his followers aren t going anywhere. it s going to be a long season. ed: he s going to straight shot no chaser. appreciate you coming on. thank you. griff: all right, some of the media triggered by hallmark christmas movies again. this time, calling them fascist propaganda. ed: dean cain starred in several hallmark movies he says they got it all wrong and he joins us live, next. it s a fresh start. well i think it s a beautiful thing as are many things around this town. [jingle bells ringing] liberty biberty- cut. we ll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. and mine super soft? yes! with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? no problem. .and done. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise. prove. and now, during our new year s special queen sleep number c4 smart bed is only $1299, save $400, plus 0% interest for 24 months on all beds. ends new year s day. back with quick headlines boeing s ousted ceo may be getting a golden parachute. he could reportedly get $39 million in cash and stock options as part of his severance in contrast, families of those killed in crashes involving boeing s troubled 737 max jets will only be getting about $144,000. and government keeping a watchful eye on drones, the faa proposing a surveillance network within the next three years, to remotely track all commercial drones, which the agency says could potentially be used to track threats. ed: the hallmark channel steal ing the crown, you may say, when it comes to christmas movie s, and if you seen one you know they are packed with christmas scenes like decorating the tree with family and ice skating with friends. instead of spreading christmas cheer, one website believes the film should serve as a warning to viewers, and declaring those hallmark movies are fascist propaganda. ed: oh, no. griff: joining us now to respond is a man whose been in at least 10 hallmark films dean cain. dean, my favorite, charlie fish er from broadcasting christmas, happy belated merry christmas. well it s really terrifying to wake up the day after christmas to find out that santa is a nazi, shocker. it s the most ridiculous thing. at first i thought it was so ridiculous i thought it was a terrible adam schiff pairity but then i went and read it and it s insane because the hallmark movies are about love and bringing people together, they are just about people falling in love and your family can sit and watch the movies and enjoy them. it s the farthest thing from fascism that exists out there, to me it s completely shocking. if you don t like the hallmark channel which had huge ratings over christmastime like 70 million viewers you don t like it don t watch it but it s certainly not fascist propaganda that s insane. it s literally you want to know who the fascist is look who wrote the article. they are the fascist telling you what you should leave or what you have to do or you have to conform to their view of what society should be, which is completely insane. as popular as it is it s beating cnn, the hallmark channel. so this is what it actually said running down this years schedule of christmas movie offerings is like a trip into an uncanny valley of shiny-piece blow-dried normative whiteness. it s like watching the stepford wives but scarier and the nazi minister of propaganda were escape and feather-light with a hallmark movie style emphasis of the importance of normal it. you definitely look like that, dean. but you may disagree. well, yeah, that is just a whole bit of word salad there. madness and craziness and literally everybody who doesn t agree with me is a nazi and a fascist and a racist. i mean, that s it and the hallmark channel is the farthest thing from that. you know i ve done 10 movies yeah, i haven t done any the last couple years so there s no reason for me to be out here defending them other than the fact that it s just completely wrong, to say that it s fascist propaganda. it s insane. and do you know what? they rip on small town american values and things like that and the market actually in new york and chicago and los angeles, a higher percentage of people watch there than even in rural america. ed: that is fascinating the author of the article facing this backlash, actually had to tweet out on christmas, you know , and try to pushback. she writes laughing at the right wingers calling it a joke because i think hallmark movies are dumb i think someone s life is if their only source of entertainment is so empty what a depressing life, free of real, satisfying, entertainment, and hobbies. she seems really nice. ed: she seems really nice but i want to go straight to the source. you ve been a friend of mine for a long time, i like to call you, dan, the hallmark heartthrob. i ll take it ed. especially from you. no question it s just so crazy. her response she wasn t laughing maybe she was just excited because people are paying attention to her absolutely ridiculous article, but i m sure she wasn t laughing, and the movies, you know, fine, people falling in love, it s terrible. griff: dean, here is what some said, it s important to understand the way this operates and how it can be used as a weapon to marginalize people as different from being lgbtq, non- white or being women with career ambitions. enjoy your holiday fare, but do so with a critical eye. what do you make of that? i make nothing of that. that being just check out our website, because they re not really saying anything that means anything. it literally is just a bald- faced attack on christmas, and on love, and it s a bunch of hate being, you know, they are the haters if you will. they are hating on hallmark. if something is popular they hate on it like that. i m sure they hate fox news, you have been number one for what, 25 years now, 35 i don t even know how long ed you can correct me. ed: like 50 years. but hallmark is number one and they go after it how long? ed: i m joking it was 50 years might as well be 100. an attack on american values as a cultural institution. exactly what it is. griff: you re going to be hosting a lot next week, so we look forward to having you here, right here in these chairs and on the couch and it ll be interesting to see, dean if anyone joins your calls that it s okay in holiday time to tune into the hallmark channel and enjoy the movies you made. or any time. ed: all right, dean. i think people will tune in. ed: merry christmas, the hallmark heartthrob will be visiting us. dean cain, thank you very much. ed is very famous. ed: 2020 democrat pete buttigieg s criminal justice plan is out. a key point, decriminalizing the possession of all drugs, not just marijuana, even meth and cocaine. former drug czar dr. bill ben it , he weighs in, next. (male announcer) check out the after christmas sale at bass pro shops and cabela s. with savings of up to 50% on select men s and ladies clothing; footwear; fishing and marine gear; and toys. use your gift cards and take advantage of huge savings in-store and online. steven could only imaginem 24hr to trenjoying a spicy taco.burn, now, his world explodes with flavor. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day all-night protection. can you imagine 24-hours without heartburn? (children laugh and scream) (dog barking) music it s the final days of the wish list sales event. hurry in to your lincoln dealer today to get this exceptional offer. everything your trip needs for everyone you love. expedia. ed: well, pete buttigieg may be looking for a little forgiving with this new policy plan he s put out there so let s bring in bill bennett fox news contributor host of the wise guys on fox nation former education secretary of course under president reagan, former drug czar in the george h. w. bush administration, good morning and merry christmas, sir thank you, same to you i ve never been called a hallmark heartthrob though or superman. [laughter] dean has all of the labels. ed: he s got all of the good nicknames but there may be some choice words that you may have for pete buttigieg after these comments of the des moines register. watch. incarceration should not even be a response to drug possession. while there continue to be all kinds of harms associated with drug possession and use, it s also the case that we have created in an effort to deal with what amounts to a public health problem. we have created an even bigger problem. is that across-the-board? so it s a mess, or code for any drugs, if its possession, incarceration? that s right. ed: oh, boy, mr. secretary it seems to me you and others have been warning about this for some time. you legalize marijuana you can debate that but this is opening the door saying meth, cocaine, let s just decriminalize it all. yeah, well we should debate that and maybe we can get to that but this is crazy. this is a bright guy. i don t agree with them but obviously he s a guy of some subtlety and intellect. he acknowledges the harm that these drugs do, goodness gracious it s incredible the harm these drugs do. cocaine? i was the drug czar during the crack epidemic. this was a terrible horrible thing, particularly devastating in the inner city communities. he said its created a larger problem to enforce the laws against this. i don t know what that larger problem is. let s remember 62000 people a year, now die, from these illegal opiates and that s more, every year, than we lost in vietnam. we have a terrible problem going on in this country, we do not need to encourage more of it and c. s. lewis says a wonderful thing in his book, he says when the boats are half filled with water, don t reach for the fire hoses. griff: yeah, let me ask you though as you look at that decriminalization do you see also a danger when it comes to the cartels in mexico are becoming more violent, obviously , this involves more than just the personal use by drug-addicted folks here in america. yeah it s a great question and it s an interesting one in a lot of ways. i ve urged the president and i understand he s considering it to declare those cartels foreign terrorist organizations. they are killing americans and killing americans every day by sending this stuff into the united states, and the havoc they are reeking is unimaginable the legalization movement, one of the hypothesis there was that it would end the black market and drugs that would legal marijuana the black market would disappear. the black market has grown because it undercuts the legal market by selling cheaper and of course it s easier to hide the black market when you ve got legalization going on, but again , why would one want to encourage more of this? 95% of the people who get into trouble with heroin, with cocaine, with meth, started with marijuana. the marijuana that s out there now is four or five times stronger than the marijuana of the 60s or 70s and we know, centers for disease control just issued a great report pointing out that it leads to mental problems, serious mental impairment, lack of focus, not good for students, obviously, anxiety, and then later in life, it could lead to psychosis and often does. more young people are in treatment for marijuana than all other drugs combined. sorry to be worked up on this but this is just nuts what we re doing here. dr. bennett all good advice based on your expertise. we want to switch gears a little bit. next week we will mark a brand new decade and we wanted to get your advice to lawmakers as they prepare for the next 10 years. stay home. no. [laughter] other than that. yeah, well, as i said to doctors first do no harm. let me connect the two, katie, because when you re focused or indeed obsessed with something like impeachment, which the democrats are for i think no good reason, then you lose attention to things that are really important, and which congress could do something about like the issue we are talking about. arthur miller said in his play, death of a salesman, attention, attention must be paid, and when you re paying a lot of attention to one thing, you lose attention on other things. bill buckley used to say the question is what you talk about, but what you emphasize and by being overwhelmed with this ridiculous impeachment business, they re losing sight of the important things so focus on what matters to the americans. ed: good advice, catch wise guys on fox nation plus get 35% off by using the promo code celebrate until december 31, those are the wise words of fox nation heartthrob bill bennett. [laughter] ironman ed henry, listen take a break, ed would you? ed: i ll try! merry christmas, happy new year. thank you same to you guys. carlie is here with headlines. we have an update on the tragic story we ve been following dozens of family and friends gathering for a candlelight vigil overnight to honor two young men killed in a bar stabbing. one of the victims is clayton be ther, the younger brother of 49 years quarterback, the other a high school classmate paul tripenny. they were the loyal and humble and they had a heart for others, empathetic, almost to a fault. michael mosley has been charged with homicide. police say he stabbed the men after they confronted him for making unwanted advances towards their friend. the into y nypd investigating six attacks since the start of hanukkah. one caught on camera showing a jewish man being hit from behind and beaten on the street. the nypd says the number of attacks in the city is up from last year, and mayor bill deblasio tweeting this morning, in addition to heightened visibility, there will be increased visits to houses of worship, and other critical areas in the community. amazon is apologizing after a florida sheriff calls them out , because they didn t have a subpoena, amazon initially refused to help track down a delivery driver accused of steal ing a package he delivered. amazon now saying they are working to understand what occurred here to make it right the sheriff at the center of it all, grady judd weighed in earlier. not one, not two, but three separate supervisors absolutely totally refused to cooperate. they said send the subpoena. there was nothing that prohibit ed them to turn to the computer system, type in that data, that information, and immediately tell us who their driver was. instead, he got to go on steal ing. surveillance video appeared to catch jose campos in the act. lions quarterback, matt staff ord pulling off an awesome christmas surprise for two young mans mourning the death of their father. watch this. hi, how are you? oh, my god! oh, my god! are you skylar? yes. that is amazing he and his wife leaving the boys speechless as they arrived at their home, with gifts. he even played video games with them. their relatives planned the surprise but the boys had no clue, it was happening. and i loved seeing those happy faces i m sure. ed: the amazon story got us thinking. griff: if amazon can apologize carlie would you like to apologize to santa claus? no because i am a victim in this situation. this is such revisiting history. santa was wrong. and i love what katie said yesterday. oh, no. not everybody gets trophies. that s true you ve got to earn it. ed: let s check out with adam klotz on fox square. big crowd. adam: big crowd out here it s an all-american christmas. [cheers and applause] adam: i m loving it because we have great crowds do you guys like fox news? yes. adam: are you enjoying this forecast? yes. adam: beautiful weather in new york city. let s take a quick look at the graphics as we re dealing with temperatures close to 50 degrees in new york city if you live on the western half of the country it is cooler feeling like winter and that s the system we re tracking there are winter storm watches and warnings for portions of southern california stretching across the high plains getting into the upper midwest that s the big weather story but i do have good news for everybody in new york city and that is the weather is great for the rest of your trip and you all feel good about that, right? [applause] adam: as i toss it back into you guys i ll give you an opportunity, whose your favorite anchor, here this morning or on the couch? ed! adam: me? me? we didn t even practice this that, why would they say that? ed: rigged. setup. griff: the klotz crowd. ed: they even sang in the same tone. adam: amazing they did that thank you, adam. well, coming up jail time for gun owners that could possibly be what s going to happen in virginia as the state prepares to crack down with its gun control laws going into effect but was it legal? we ll break it down, next. let s be honest, quitting smoking is freaking hard. like quitting every monday hard. quitting feels so big. so, try making it smaller. and you ll be surprised at how easily starting small. .can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette car vending machines and buying a car 100% online.vented now we ve created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it s a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car s value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you re ready, we ll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that s it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. ed: christmas may be over but there s plenty of shopping to do analysts say today is your best chance to save big on electronics as stores push to clear the shelves before the new year. jeff flock from our sister fox business in illinois getting a first-hand look at all of the bargains. it is a good day if you saved your money at christmas this is the largest single store electronics retailer in the nation just outside chicago, and why is this a great day to buy? well, sometimes, guys like apt bought too many of something carl prowdy is with me a sales specialist what is that? the apple air pods and this is with the wireless charging case we have them for $166 normally 200 so it s the best deal in the country. somebody screwed up at apple and was that you? not me but i m happy to sell them. that helps i want to show you the best deals that you can get on televisions because a lot of people want to buy after christmas on televisions. what is this i m looking at here it doesn t have fox news on but there you go. this is an lg oled tv on sale for $1,800 and normally $2,400. sometimes people return their televisions after christmas it s not what they wanted so you put that on an even bigger sale like these are floor models right? that s right so as people are saving a tremendous amount just because a product has been opened and returned. reporter: what is this normally? it s a 75-inch led tv normal ly $1,100 marked down to 650 clause because it s opened. it s almost half price so that makes today a great time to buy. of course it s always a great time to buy as carl would say at apt electronics they ve got everything washing machines to headphones to you name it. abt, but, it s a family name. abt. i think you can get them online too. ed: sounds good jeff flock good time to buy a television maybe for the super bowl which by the way, will be on fox. perfect tie-in. thanks, jeff. katie down to you. thanks, ed. before virginia s new gun control laws officially go into effect, democratic governor ralph north am is already increasing his state s constructions budget in anticipation of jailing gun owners. here to react attorney and gun rights calling in, so tell us what s going on in virginia? so from what i gathered, you have northam, who honestly, if you ask me, isn t the governor, michael bloomberg is the governor of virginia now considering that he bought the general assembly, but what he s done is he s anticipated that there s going to be a lot of non -compliance with respect to the gun control laws that you pass in january and as a result, he wants to bump up some of the funding for the corrections facility so that from an operating standpoint, they understand they are going to have more people going to jail as a result of not obeying these laws which to me is ridiculous. katie: originally the governor who were backed by bloomberg wanted to pass legislation that banned semi- automatic rifles commonly owned firearms and put magazine limits on and without grand fathering in those firearms they ve now changed their mind on that, but they are going to require that people who have these firearms register them and that s where the non-compliance comes incorrect? absolutely. and if i can point out one thing , the fact that they kind of backtracked a little bit and said now okay, well we ll give you the grandfather clause, i don t think that s enough. i think however you slice it, it s alan infringement on the second amendment as far as i m concerned. katie: so you re an attorney. are they capable of throwing you in prison for failing to register a constitutionally legally-purchased firearm? i would like to think they can t, however, there has always been this saying like sometimes you may not beat the ride but you ll beat the case and unfortunately, with the way things are in this country and the way things have gone some people may find themselves in a position where they are actually thrown in jail. now whether or not the case will actually stick is a whole different story but as far as i m concerned i don t think anybody should have to undergo any aspect of this whatsoever because i think the laws in general are an infringement on the second amendment right and i just don t understand how we even got to this point, but one of the beautiful aspects is you do have i want to say over 90 counties in virginia now, and as far as i m concerned i think not only virginia but the rest of the country should start following in suit. katie: there s a lot of pushback 100-plus cities and counties deemed themselves voted to be second amendment sanctuar ies there and we ll see what the legislation looks like but thank you, we ll check it out on youtube and instagram. absolutely, thanks for having me. katie: thanks. tis the season to get engaged, to pop the question on christmas but now what? we ve got the tips, of newly- engaged couples we get to know. i swear that i will mean, will you marry me at chevy, we re all family. we re a festive family. we re a four-legged family. we re a get-up-and-go family. we re a ski family. we re all part of the chevy family. and as we kick off the new year, we d like you to be a part of ours. because our chevy employee discount is still available to everyone. the chevy price you pay is what we pay. not a cent more. so happy new year, and welcome to the family. the chevy family! the chevy employee discount for everyone ends soon. what are you doing back there, junior? since we re obviously lost, i m rescheduling my xfinity customer service appointment. ah, relax. i got this. which gps are you using anyway? a little something called instinct. been using it for years. yeah, that s what i m afraid of. he knows exactly where we re going. my whole body is a compass. oh boy. the my account app makes today s xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. not my thing. will you marry me? yes! yes! yes! griff: that s exciting, and has your social media been flooded with new engagement posts? there s a reason for that. it turns out december is the most popular month to get engaged with one-fifth of all proposals happening during the christmas season. ed: here with tips for newly- engaged couples relationship expert, good to see you good morning. good to see you too thank you so much for having me. ed: give us a couple of the big tips. first of all it s important to take time to celebrate with your loved ones, you re engaged have fun and enjoy it and my next biggest tip is tell your family and friends do not post on social media until you tell your close ones, because there s nothing worse than your aunt finding out that her favorite niece or nephew is engaged via social media. right? like that s the worst. did they find out on social media? griff: well i ve refrained from putting it on social media i m just telling it on national television. tell friends and family not to share it either until you ve told everybody. ed: communication is important. definitely. communication is super important you definitely need to talk a lot to your husband or soon-to be-husband or bride about what you want to do. do you want to have a big wedding or a small wedding or do you want to elope or how many groomsmen, do you want, interest s there s so many things to discuss, you want to avoid those pre-marital flights. what about budget? it s extremely important. it can start piling up so you want to definitely create a budget right away because you want to know what truly is a necessity on your wedding day. griff: i want you to grade my advice i was telling you and that is having been married for 21 years, sometimes have trouble understanding these complex things you re talking about my rules are simple. shut up, show up, pay up, and smile. that s perfect and yes, dear of course. ed: in terms of the wedding and planning? next you ll want to set a date and start planning, there s so much to look forward to and of course, have fun! start booking your photographer, hair and makeup, all that you need to do right away, because the best and most popular wedding vendors do book up very quickly. do you have any advice on when you should set a date? as soon as possible. time of year? i think it s great to do, time of year think about like your friends and family who are coming into town, are they going to be flying in, maybe you want a long weekend, but definitely talk to your partner about that because that s something you want to get on as soon as possible. ed: communication pre-marital important as a pre-game to marital. that is correct. communicating. it s very important. we appreciate your advice. thank you very much. happy new year. ed: more fox & friends momentarily. hey baby, i think i want to marry you music (children laugh and scream) (dog barking) music it s the final days of the wish list sales event. hurry in to your lincoln dealer today to get this exceptional offer. i think griff is in trouble. he revealed his wife s christmas gift on error. merry christmas. this weekend, join us. were going to have a lot of fun. great to be here, see you next year. head over to fox nation after the show. fox news alert, the opening bell on wall street 30 minutes from now dow futures are up to me yesterday all three major indices hit new record highs. the nasdaq topping the 9,000 mark. the dow up more than 100 in the s&p 500 picked up its 34th record close this year. will it be another record setter? were going to take you downtown when the market opens. first, president trump weighing in on the impeachment impasse. again attacking house speaker nancy pelosi and her decision to delay turning over those articles of impeachment of the senate. were beginning to see where these battl les

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