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she has posted on her website. we ll show that to you as well. my heart goes out when i see her. to license the lighten the mood, on halloween was there a guy dressed as a breathalyzer and guess what happened, this is a mug shot because he was arrested for drink driving of course. enough said. he dressed up like a breathalyzer. i said he probably knew what he was doing. because i probably wouldn t know how to dress up like one. he s seen one before, i m sure. we ll have that and more throughout the course of the show. right now we turn our attention to tucker barns who will update us on the weather forecast. we have had a chilly start to the day again, tucker. we have. temperatures off to the north and west are below 32 in some spots. nice rebound in washington, we re now 46 and we ll soar into the mid-50s. 37 at frederick, 37 in dulles. patuxent naval air station 49 degrees. and in ocean city, 49 for you. so again, relatively comfortable start here off to the south and east. a lot of sunshine out there to start our day, but much like yesterday we ll see an increase in clouds during the course of the day today. and just the slightest chance, about 10-20% chance you might see a scattered shower. off to the north and west, we have a few clouds here. there is a little impulse in the upper levels of the atmosphere that will bring this through. so increasing clouds around here, kind of a mix of sun and cloud this is afternoon and cool with high temperatures only back in the middle 50s. mostly cloudy and cool by this afternoon. with just a couple of showers out there. bring along a jacket if you re headed out. high temperature 56 and winds light out of the west at 5 miles per hour. i ll be back in a couple of minutes with more details on another hurricane, hurricane ida and a look at the weekend forecast. it s a good one, you ll like it. a late season hurricane. thank you, tucker. our big story, montgomery county drivers dealing with day two of a commuter nightmare. hundreds of traffic signals unable to adjust to rush hour timing. many widely used roads still jammed with backups and delays. part of the problem is an aging system. it hasn t been updated in about 30 years. so is the time for a replacement and will the system be in sync by tonight s rush hour? sarah simons is live along connecticut avenue with the latest. sarah. reporter: well tony and allison, they don t know if this will be up in time for rush hour tonight. they thought it would be up in time for rush hour this morning but that didn t happen. so we ll probably continue to see the backups just like we do here at connecticut avenue and that we continue to see all around montgomery county. if you tack a look. this is sky fox video from this morning. you can see the line of traffic that was backing up. that was around route 29 and white oak, in that area. now of course this is all due to the computerized system that crashed. the system that actually controls the timing of the traffic signals that would have brought it online for rush hour, that didn t happen yesterday. now montgomery county officials say they are already in the early stages of an overhaul for this system and that it will take about five years. it s a long tme to overhaul the system but they re telling us it has nothing to do with a lack of money. we found out this morning in talking with the chief engineer. no, it s a very complicated time-consuming project. you just don t go out and convert 800 intersections overnight. so there is procuring equipment, engineering a new system, converting over the entire communications infrastructure, there is a lot involved in this and there is just a a lot of activity that is a schedule scheduled over multiple years. reporter: and there are about 750 traffic signals throughout the entire county that this affects so it will take a while to do. in the meantime they re trying to find a temporary fix to get this back up and online. in the meantime they re asking everybody on the roadways to just be as patient as possible. we know it can be difficult. we re live in montgomery county, sarah simmons, back to you, tony and allison. we ll see how the evening goes. thank you, sarah. officials are encouraging you to use mass transit to help drivers out and cut down on gridlock, montgomery county ride-on buses are free today. for schedules and more information, head to now just some upbeat news about your commute. everything is back to normal on metro. a commuter went down during yesterday s rush hour and it stopped metro cards along with debit and credit cards from working. and it hit metro access the hardest, the service for the disabled. the website and customer call center also went down. while investigating one case, police get a break in another. since august five women reported similar attacks and sexual assaults in the coverstone drive area of manassas. the most recent happened on tuesday. that victim fought back and roughed up her attacker. police say the suspect is only 15 years old. his parents saw him and thought someone attacked him and they called police. officers realized he matched the description of the suspect and arrested him. in frederick, maryland, four students are facing disturbing charges, accused of raping a classmate at the maryland school for the deaf. police say it happened last week. three 17 years old and a 20- year-old are charged with assault, conspiracy and a sex offense. the victim lives in the same dorm as his alleged attackers. d.c. police need your help to find a missing teen. she was last seen on tuesday. she s just 15 years old old and last seen wearing plaid pants and a william door shirt with a cardigan with the school logo. a plea or propaganda. attorneys for john allen mohammed have released a handwritten note. the letter to an appeals judge comes days before he s scheduled to be put to death. roz plater gives us a closer look. reporter: the handwritten letter is dated may of 2008, in rambling language, he proclaims his innocence. but the so-called d.c. sniper is set to die by lethal injection next tuesday. his attorneys are asking the u.s. supreme court to halt the execution claiming he is mentally ill. part of their appeal includes this interview with a juror. i can t believe there was all of this evidence of mental illness and childhood abuse and schizophrenia, all of that was known and we, the jury, were not presented with that evidence. his legal team says the mri s and scans shows he suffered from schizophrenia and has brain damage likely caused by severe physical abuse as a child. they claim his lawyers knew of his mental illness nd claimed he was a bright man. and because he refused to be evaluated by prosecutor doctors, that inrmation was not fretted presented to the jury. and i m absolutely convinced that the death penalty is not the right punishment in this case. i believe that justice is done, justice is served by him being in prison for life. georgetown law professor says that may not be enough to sway the high court. the law is very skeptical of anything the jurors say after a trial. reporter: but he says hishav avenue despite the odds. i don t think he has a very good chance of getting this overturned or even getting a new hearing on this issue, although that is a possibility. and that was roz plater reporting. his first lawyers have not responding to the mental illness accusations and tim kaine will wait for mohammed to exhaust his appeals to role on clemency. the court should respond in the next few days if they respond at all. and not long after his election, bob mcdonnell is focused already on the work ahead. he faces a projected $1 billion shortfall. kim cain will draft the first budget mcdonnell will work on. mcdonnell said he would like to see that transition changed. he s starting down a state staring down 6.7% unemployment. tim kaine s term expired january 16th. we re hoping more things will improve over the next few days and weeks. i also want to thank everyone. great news on a fox 5 followup. former redskins cheerleader, desiree jennings is responding to treatments and can now walk and talk formally for most of the day. the 25-year-old said she had a bad reaction to a flew shot in august and was misdiagnosed several times. her speech became slurred, she also suffered violent seizures and recurrent blackouts. the story got millions of hits on you tube. you can check it out on our website at to the second baseman, cano, the yankees are back on top. world champions for the 27th time. wow! well the new york yankees again on top. the bronx bomber beating the phillies 7-3 last night to take the world series 4 games to 2. mattu matsui drove in 7 runs. this is the 27th world championship and the first since 2000. thousands of fans have been partying or were all night long. this is video from times square. police were on alert but were happy to report there were no major incidents. a live report from yankee stadium is coming up in about 20 minutes. well it s been a story making headlines for weeks now. the contract controversy between the fenty administration and the council. earlier this morning the mayor responded in studio and up next we ll talk to two counsel members about this. chances are your kids have started the christmas list. how you can get the best deal on the list. in fact there is much more ahead this morning. we ll be right back. dude, your shirt. oh, i did it to let the ladies know, i m the right choice. i got the idea from general mills big g cereals. they put this white check at the top of every box to let people know their cereals have healthy whole grain so they re the right choice, like me. (announcer) general mills is the only leading cereal company to put healthy whole grain in every box. the choice has never been easier. for whole grain guaranteed, just look for the white check. a deadly accident in the district overnight. a person on a motor bike was killed before midnight at an accident on 16th and emerson. thdriver did stay on the scene. so far no word on what caused the crash and whether charges are being considered. and now to a deadly accident involving a montgomery county detective. this happened in southwest d.c. on northbound 295 near the laboratory road exit. police say the detective hit and killed a person on the roadway. the detective did remain on the scene. it s not clear what the victim was doing in the road at the time. and investigators are still trying to figure out what triggered a deadly fire at a gas station in frederick yesterday. they know what happened whileainsly gordon pumped gas into a can wednesday morning but they don t know how the fire started. there is no evidence that gordon or anyone else was smoking around the pump. he ran into the gas station covered in flames and later died at the hospital. the cost of some of the years must-have toys are being cut. that s good news. melanie alnwick shows us how to score the best deal. reporter: now that stores have publicked their big toy books, the wishing has begun. well there is a new backu gone video game. i wanted the nerf game. reporter: and parents are scanning the price list. and they know if we can afford it, they ll get it. reporter: wal-mart kicked off with 100 toys for $10. favors like monopoly, transformers and my little pony. and then another match for wal- mart price. wal-mart responded with price rollbacks on 100 more toys. the discounts lost through the holiday season. ashley reese said she would drive out of her way for that deal. today was just a matter of convenience. and that s how toys are u.s. is trying to stay in the game. opening hundreds of express stores to expand it s reach. it s also offering special prices through november 26th. gift cards and free byes with certain purchases and a big selection of merchandise. he s crazy into toy story and buzz lightyear and they have like six different versions of darn thing. reporter: for parents who want to make the holiday special on the right budget, finding the right toy at the right price on everything. now big box stores will sell them for a loss foing if you shop at the store and buy other things they will make their money back when you buy the rest of the items in the store. melanie alnwick, fox 5 news. if you re shopping for something for an adult friend, why now try 7/11. they are now selling a chardonay and a saveig none. and it s only $3.99. a california wine group is bottled it for 7/11 and they make core bit cannon and glenn ellen. it is being released in 15,000 stores nationwide. do you get a paper bag to wrap it in too. probably. a man dressed as a breathalyzer test gets to blow in one when he was picked up on halloween night on suspicion of drunk driving. he s dressed as the breathalyzer. he was driving the wrong way down a one-way street. i think it was por like the exit instead of the entrance, and i pulled out and as soon as i pulled out i got pulled over. well police say his bloodal hon content was .158, way over the legal limit. now the problem officers found was an open container in the center console and a half empty case of beer in the passenger seat. so you know the police officers have a ball with that one. yes. it s probably accessories to his outfit, the beer when we walked into the party. that may be the case in the future. three of the world s most popular chefs are coming to the white house to visit the first lady s vegetable garden. this is part of the episode. the three chefs can choose anything they want so long as it from the garden. it is slated to air on the food network january 3rd. and nasa is hosting a live discussion with astronauts aboard the space station. kids from two schools are chatting with the expedition 21 crew right now. that crew includes two astronauts and a few russians could mon oughts. and it all ended with this, a plane upside down, and the pilot from virginia walked away with just a few scratches. we ll tell you what happened next. plus holly is getting some holiday inspiration from area artists. holly, good morning. that s right. well the area this hour would be massachusetts and minnesota. because that s where our next two artists are from. two of the 190 taking part in the washington festival set to open this weekend but not before they give us a little sneak peek. and let me say, wood has never looked so wonderful. we re going to tell you about it later. holly. here is today s trivia question. what bruce springsteen song was quoted by walter reagan and walter mondale in the 1984 presidential election. it was merry land, born in the usa or ld of hopes and dreams. we ll have the answer coming up a little later. don t go anywhere. and yes, i know the answer. i was going to say, you have to know that.  in less than an hour the d.c. council will hold a hearing to discuss the emergency legislation over contracts, talking about cutting off the funds from the parks and rec department to the housing authority. some councilmens claim anywhere from $86 million from funneled through that agency to fund contracts, some awarded to friends of mayor fenty. two of his associate have been asked to appear at the hearing today. earlier this morning we asked the mayor about claims that his friends benefited from these questionable contracts. the question about whether or not people i know get contracts with the d.c. government, absolutely they do. i, just like all of you, know tons of people and i think the question is are they qualified, are they capable, was there a procurement process, and all of those questions from everything i ve seen are yes. and joining us for more on what may happen today, ward 5 council member harry thomas, jr., who sponsored the emergency bill and card 2 council member jack evans down at the wilson building. gentlemen, thank you for joining us. let s start in with council member thomas. i know you said you hoped to talk to omar karim and keith lomax, two associated of the mayor and they received some of the contracts. do you know whether or not they will appear at the hearing today? we have asked them to appear. if not my committee is authored subpoena power and so we ll have a follow-up hearing to subpoena individuals who don t show up. so you really won t know until the hearing begins? yes. we won t know. we have another tentative witness list. we ve asked them to come. but let me say, we have 10 of the 13 members that thought this was such a serious matter that we voted for emergency legislation because there is such glaring contract deficiencies and the question is whether there was a process followed that was fair and when you have some people sitting on the panel and then being able to be awarded contracts, that is a huge problem we need to get to the bottom of. and the man that deced not to vote for the legislation. jack, tell us why you didn t vote for this. good morning. reason i didn t vote for the legislation, it had two components. one, prohibited the cfo from transferring funds from the housing authority and the second was a notice requirement to the council of contracts over $75,000. i didn t think the emergency was necessary. and what concerns me today, there are really three components of this. number one, using the housing authority as a mechanism to do construction, something that the district government has done for over ten years, is that a process that still makes sense. number two, the transfer of funds. right now we have on going projects and some about to start. and by prohibiting these funds, what does that mean for the projects and the third question is the friends of mayor and that process need it s be examined to see was it done aaccording according to the rules of contracting and i think council member thomas are doing the right thing to look into these things and making sure that the public feels comfortable with what was done. so council member thomas, it sounds like you all are basically in agreement when it comes to the hearing today and what you are looking for. why do you think the emergency legislation was necessary? well the biggest reason it is necessary is because any funds over a million dollars should come to the city council and it seems like there was an avoidance of that to award contracts to certain people and we have to make sure that preference wasn t used. and many projects, as we talk about our communities, are being pitted against each other, we have projects funded in the budget cycle to be done but those dollars are actually being diverted to other proct ecks projects and that means that puts off other projects and if we don t have a fair and transparent projects and the last thing i want to do is argue with my colleague from wart 1 about the validity of process and we need something transparent and that represents all of the residents of the district of columbia and i think this process has avoided that. when it comes to the housing authority, mayor fenty has said to us that the housing authority has a procurement procedure and as far as he knows, it was followed from everything that he s read. he points out that the housing authority is not under his jurisdiction, so i guess the question would be how would he probably possibly influence that procedure? well what is interesting is we had an attorney general on friday of last week to determine that those contracts should have come to us, but then on monday he turns around and says all but for those contracts in the process. which is troubling because if we look at the home rule charter, all of these contracts should have come to us and quite frankly the problem with this is not the housing authority s independence, there is another subboard there is doing work that has another accountability screen that we don t know about. so we have a board within a board, deciding on contracts that came from our general fund that have very little oversite and transparency. and counsel member evans, your friends with the mayor. is this causing more friction? there seems to be quite a bit of friction between the mayor and city council. is this adding to that and making things difficult when coming to an agreement to the city. think this is just a routine of government. there has always been a lot of issues between the council and the legislature going back i ve been here 18 years, going back to the kelly days, the barry days and this is something on going. so i have no concern about that. but what i do have concern about, going back to your earlier question, is the housg authority and the contracting process. keep in mind the house authorities used to be called department of housing and it was taken over and during those times the housing authority didn t have to respond to the council at all. and it came back into the district government back in 2001 under the d.c. housing authority. but still did not have the requirement of sending our contracts to the city council. i think we have a situation that has to be fixed going forward. but what i want to be concerned about though is as we rook back, we don t put ourselves in a position of avoiding every contract left by the housing authority from 2001 to the present that didn t come to the council that was over a million dollars. that would entail hundreds of millions of dollars of contract if we took an action that declared them illegal. so we have to be careful what we re doing here, what our authority is and what, most importantly, what the ramifications will be for the city as we look at this. but it s very important that we do look at it. because there is a lot of concern about what happened. there is agreement with that. let me alleviate my colleague s concern because under the four committees coming together, we have learned that housing authority has sent contracts over a million dollars and so why they were not doing that in this instance is a problem because they re not following what is also prescribed process they were adhering so and so i want to make sure councilman evans knows they need ten hours of deliberation and one factor that did come out and we need to make sure they adhere to it and our attorney general said they should do it to and he can t change his opinion on the next day and void out contracts that we believe were friends of this administration. but keep in mind, the question is not whether they were do it, it s whether they were legally required to do it. because if they were not legally required to do it and they had not done some and then we retroactively say they should have, it could cause a lot of concerns about contracts that are already led by the department. we ll leave you to discuss it amongst yourselves and we ll see what comes out of the hearing today. thank you both for joining us this morning. thank you for having us. that could go on. that could go on. and it s not going anywhere. and there is a lot of talk about this throughout the city. there does seem to be agreement they have to have the hearings and see what happened. tucker barnes is joining us now. are you okay? hi guys. we have to switch over. but cooler start, but hey, as i said to tony earlier, for the first time i m looking forward to a monday. monday will be fabulous around here. we have to get there first. a cool start to the day. temperatures were 50 here in town. had a little sunshine in that live shot and things are a bit accident around here. want to start with the tropics. we have a new hurricane. this is hurricane ida. maximum winds 75 miles per hour. winds aren t going to be a fact sore so much as the rainfall as we get into the n. couple of days. the rainfall across eastern portions of nicaragua and honduras could total 15, 20 or even 25 inches. so it will be a very wet storm and slow mover, moving to the north at 7 miles per hour and we ll have to watch it as it s forecast to enter the gulf of mexico over the next 5-7 days. our weather temperatures, they are fine. 50 here at reagan national. 45 in gaithersburg. and 49 in annapolis. fredericksberg is 50 degrees. so temperatures, they re warming up nicely after being in the 30s and in some spots in the 20s overnight. there is your satellite radar. you can see we have some cloud cover off to the north and west a couple of light sprinkles, won t mount to much. the best chance of shower is north of us up into pennsylvania. but we could see a scattered shower or sprinkle during the course of the ton and more clouds are seen out there right now. so we ll become partly cloudy this afternoon with a chance of a sprinkle and temperatures will rein cool. our highs later today only in the middle 50s. allison mentioned, she s looking forward to monday and that is why. look at that five-day forecast. sprinkle today and then we start a gradual warm up after a cold e tomorrow and a cold one saturday morning. in fact temperatures even here in d.c. could be near the freezing mark saturday morning but after that, 60 on saturday, 68 sunday. monday 70 degrees with sunshine. so an indian summer. very nice. excellent. so yesterday i went to see this is it. and you saw it yesterday too. i saw it yesterday as well. michael jackson s movie as well. i saw it a couple of days ago. let me say, i was so as our producer likes to say, worn out emotionally afterwards. i went to bed at like a record early time. i was drained because it was so good and so good to see him on the stage and the story we never see. we only see his perfection on stage and never see what s goes into it and at a certain point syndey was like it s okay mom. because then he went back and thanked his brothers. this is a gift to the audience, the fan. it says this is a nice little bit of closure. i have a number of thoughts. first of all, i m a michael jackson fan. i thought it was a great. i don t think have to be a michael jackson fan to be fascinated with the movie. they re only eight days away from the show, the concert that is taking place. i think it s good for a number of reasons number one, all of the people who worked on it, the dancers, the musicians who you see working so hard and they re great, they picked from the best from around the world, they deserve to have this seen. because the concert will never happen. fascinating to watch michael at work. it answers some questions. anybody will wonder was he lip synching? no. he s singing and saving his voice. you could go to some of his concerts, the music sounded exactly like the record. and you would think are they just playing tracks, no they re not. it s a band. but he tells them i want it to sound just like the record. because he knows what the fans want. the emotion that got me obviously, i was joyous watching it. sad afterwards because he s gone. but felt bad for the dancers and musicians that looked up to him and excited about what was to happen and it didn t. and don t you wish he would have made it to one full concert. i too liked it, but my only criticism is i wish i got to kn more about michael jackson. and i found the director slash promotor distracting because he never found himself on the cutting room floor during the entire show. well he put it ogether. he was a big part of the show. he organize the the thing. and he definitely makes his presence felt in the movie. you didn t like that too much. well i thought it should have been more about michael jackson and less about him. it s been extended and it will play through thanksgiving and i eect it will be outon dvd by christmas. and i suspectly have it in my library. i can tell you that. very good. the season of giving is here. we ll tell you how you can help some less fortunate children have a happy holiday. we ll be right back with that.  making headline this is morning, get ready to pay more to drive to dulles or to drive the dulles toll road. a toll hike has been passed. it will cost you 25 cents more through the toll and at each ramp. it is expected to be one step in a series of hikes through 2012 that will help fund metro to dulles. checking national headlines at 9:39. police in cleveland are searching for more evidence after bodies of 11 people were found around the home of an attempted rapist. authorities say anthony sowell is being held without bond and could face the death penalty is convicted of murder and other charges. police also found a skull in the basement belonging to a woman who disappeared a year ago. anti-crime advocates say it highlights the need for police to take missing person cases seriously. one council member is calling for an investigation into how neighborhood crime reports are handled. a local pilot is thanking his lucky stars. jay morissette only suffered minor injuries when he lost power and crashed in albany. he said he just bought the prop plane in new hampshire and was headed back to the area and is unsure whatcaused the power loss. and need toless to say he s needless to say he ll be returned that plane. and how to help some children during the holidays. we ll talk about that next. and what bruce springsteen song was quoted by both ronald reagan and walter mondale in the 1984 presidential campaign. was it american land, glory days, born in the usa or land of hopes and dreams. the answer coming up later. back in a moment. 190 of the nation s top artists will be in town this weekend. and fox 5 s holly more sis with some of them today. as they get ready for the washington craft show going on all weekend long. holly, good morning. neat stuff so far. reporter: it is neat stuff. and it brings up a good point, because sometimes i think the word craft is misunderstood or maybe you need to understand there is more than within definition. when you think of cross stitch and latch hook rugs, that s not what we re talking about. we re talking about artists and their craft. and these artists are at the top of their game when it comes to their craft. there is 11 different mediums being exhibited here, one of which is wood. we have two wonderful wood artists with us th morning. jay mcdougal is from minnesota. good to be here e. and you re a sixth generation wood worker. well the previous five workers were the workers and i m the artist. reporter: and you work with 100% sustainable wood. so explain your art. so i gather my wood from fallen trees. so here is the way we start. i m looking for wood with character. i carve it, dry it and we end up with art pieces. reporter: and crafted. nice texture on the bottom that i carve and die for contract and then they re presented on a stand so you can see the whole shape of the piece. reporter: and you brought some pictures so people can understand. when you said you were looking for wood with character,what are you looking for? i m looking for the wood that lumber guys aren t looking for. i look for knots, for diseased areas, so that when we have a piece like this, for instance, with this inclusion or this piece, it just enhances the whole composition of the piece. whereas if you were having this on a staircase, it won t be very desirable. reporter: but the imperfection makes it complete. that s more fun to talk about. and do you find there is a big market for this? big enough for me. and that s all there needs to be. reporter: well jay, i m done with you, because you know why, i m going to talk with jay. the other jay. clearly you need to be named jay to work with word. this is brad rogers with cambridge, massachusetts. and now you do wood art of a differensort. i do only boxes and right now i m doing architecture on boxes and stairwell. this is based on a famous etching by mc etcher where he had stairways going into many different directions. it s a box, it does have secret drawers. reporter: so they re referred to as puzzle boxes? yes. just becausthere are hidden places where you might not expect to find a drawer. reporter: how long do you spend making one? i try not to keep track. and this will have different configurations on how the stairs will go. reporter: and there is detail and high level of skill. what would something like this cost? i was hoping you wouldn t ask that because i m still agonizing over my price. i am starting under $100 with the little boxes, and then they go up from there. i have jewelry boxes in the mid 1 hundreds, $200, 300less up to one of a kind art pieces. reporter: if people want to invest. but you ll only find it here. for you tbe a part of a show like this, what does it mean? because i know you had to compete via jury in order to get chosen, what does it mean? it s a great show to be in because there is such a high level of caftsmanship there and the people are wonderful. it s a very well run show. it s a very educated audience that knows something about crafts and can appreciate things that take a lot of technique and a lot of time and so i m delighted to be in the show. reporter: well we re delighted that you came out and took the time to be with us. thank you, jay. thank you, jay. is our website. we have a link to the washington craft website. it opens tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. here at the convention center. $15 is the ticket price, 12 and under kids are free. allow some time because i think you ll be impressed with the art on the floor here. back to you guys. that s cool stuff. we have a little preview coming up for you. we will show you a little bit of my interview with 50- cent. just enough to get you ready for the whole thing. i m going to tell you something, what a nice guy. nice guy. we ll be right back. that s his book. he has a book. (announcer) yoplait s perfect blend of real fruit and the goodness of dairy. .is just a peel away. explore all 25 delicious flavors. yoplait. it is so good. we re living in tight economic times and many americans find it in their hearts to donate to kids who might not having in under the tree christmas morning. today and tomorrow is the kickoff of the annual marine corp toys for tots drive. and toys r us stores are helping to collect your donations. and we have more on the program with rick. good morning. reporter: good morning, allison. well today and tomorrow the kickoff is happening at toys r us stores and marine officials will be there from the marine corp to help get this thing going. absolutely. and we re excited. it s our 6th year of joining with toys for tots for a great charity that matches our whole companies focus on kids so it s a great opportunity for us to join with a great charity charity. and i love how convenient it is. why not pick up another gift or troy and drop it in the bin on the way out. it s a perfect partnership. absolutely. from now through december the 6th, you can drop off any new unwrapped toy at toys are us and they ll accept cash donations through new year s eve and on our website, toys r us.c. and you see parents and grand parents load up the carts but there are kids who need your donations from folks who are watching and if you could just tell us, how far this dos. 14million kids living beneath the poverty line. the recent economic stuff is going to be important so for us to gather as many toys and help as many kids out there. and when you donate locally, all of the gifts stay local to the local area. so it s a great opportunity to help out those kids this this area that need it the most. and again, for those watching, it does kick off today and tomorrow. but it goes through the 6th. and you re looking for new unwrapped toys and baby products? that is correct. and we ll accept those right up through december 6th, because it gives them a chance to shop. but we accept cash after that because we re trying to raise $3 million in cash to supply additional toys at the last minute. we know the need. and we hope people will rise to that. i know its tough but every little bit counts and rick clark, we d like to thank you for joining us this morning. thanks, allison. i appreciate it. such a great program. and you know what, i promise it makes you feel better when you do it. it absolutely does. it makes me feel better. well the answer to today s trivia question is coming up after the break. don t go anywhere. the boss was in town monday night. time for the answer to today s trophy question. what song was quoted by ronald reagan and walter mondale? american land, glory days, born if the usa or land of hopes and dreams. is this song going to give it away in. yes. born in the usa. all of the guesses on our facebook pages were expect except one. that person was no, i m just kidding. and it sparked a big controversy when it was. tell us why. well by ronald reagan. and springsteen came out and said don t use my name. and we had a special guest stop by yesterday. curtis, 50-cent, jackson, sat down to talk with me. his book is the on the shelf and he has a new movie out called before i self-destruct. there is significance in the imperfections that

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Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News 20090917

we ll get to the forecast in just a moment. but d.c. schools facing a $60 million budget shortfall, making drastic uts, teacher will be laid off and classes will grow larger to makeup for the shortfall. we ll talk with mayor adrian fenty coming up. and let s check in with tony perkins for a look at the motorcycle. those the the forecast. those clouds lookmious this morning. you can see clouds moving through the region, mostly light, but heavier rain down near dale city and around gaithersburg we had that not long ago. it s pushing off to the east. reagan national reporting a temperature of 65 degrees. relative humidity at 81%. winds out of the northeast at 12 miles per hour. the northeast, easterly flow will keep us cool today with highs ranging from the upper 60s to low 70s, believe it or not. the forecast looks like this, mostly cloudy skies, scattered rain showers and cool. downtown i think 71 degrees for your high. a coastal flood advisory in affect for the west coast of the chesapeake bay until 10:00 this morning. more details coming up shortly. let s go to julie wright for a look at the rush hour traffic. the lanes are open at the wilson bridge with no incidents and northbound along route 5, that s been move overred to the right. so westbound on 50 out of buoy, heavy volume delays with an accident after route 3 on the shoulder. east west highway at coalsville road, traffic slows toward 16th street with reports of an accident involving a pedestrian. no word on the injuries of the pedestrian, but we do have traffic tied up toward 16th street where there was the left lane bloed. no incident to report on 395, lanes are open on duke street toward seminary road. traffic slows again crossing over the 14th street bridge. that s a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. turning now to the battle over health care. he has spoken to congress. he has traveled all over the country. now the president is bringing his message to students at the university of maryland and sarah simmons joins us from the university of maryland. reporter: the president is expected to speak here at the comcast center. this is his second rally in recent weeks and we ve seen him out and about trying to push health care reform. we saw some angry town hall meetings back in august. the lineup starting here at 5:00 a.m. and you can see how long the line was. i was informed by one student that said the line goes back into the parking garage. the doors are set to open here at 9:00 a.m. now this raleigh comes a day after the chair of the senate finance committee, senator max baucus unveils the bill. there is new price tag. $856billion for the senate ten- year health care fi this requires most to buy insurance or pay a fine. now we want to point out that under the baucus plan right that you that illegal immigrants are not covered under this. this is paid in part by cuts to government health programs. also new taxes and fees are called for under this for high- end insurance and drug makers. and the big one is that there is no public option in this current bill. now the baucus plan, we understand the white house is calling this an important building block in changing the system. we talked to folks yesterday to see what they had to say. i think to some degree a lot of pressure is falling on the president to have a quick solution and i m not sure it will happen that way. i think it s a compromise. and i think it might work. but it s not going to be bipartisan. reporter: now nothing is a done deal yet. we understand the senate finance committee is going to have a closed door special session with democrats to go over the details of the bill and many will be up for negotiation. but it has to be melded together with proposals from the house and senate and so that s why there are many details we don t know that point. doors op here at 9:00 a.m. here at the comcast center. the president is expected to speak at 11:00 a.m., possibly we ll hear about the current proposals out there. back to you, steve and allison. sarah, thank you very much. an arrest appears likely in the murder case of the yale university graduate student annie le. fox news reporting dna implicated yale lab tech darrell clark iii. he was detained to give dna samples but then released. authorities are staking out a hotel where he is staying. big headline this morning is that investigators say an arrest is coming soon and we expect a news conference to be held b new haven, connecticut, police, and we ll take through if new information is revealed. u.s. military are having more success in the fight against al-qaeda overseas. they say a missile strike killed a pakistan operations chief earlier this month, along with a commander. the deaths would confirm that the u.s. using unmanned drones to attack in pakistan is now working. investigators carried away boxes in a terror plot. it started in monday with several raids and now te investigation has moved to colorado where causey has said it s not true. john allen muhammad is set to be put to death. a judge delayed his execution by a day in case of last-minute court action. his rampage killed 10 people in all. he plans to ask governor kim cain for clemency. about a month and a half after a fire destroyed the home of peggy cooper kay fritz, the d.c. council held a hearing that discusseproblems leading to the fire. since then wausau has conducted flow tests and checked fire hydrants around the area. already some bad news to pass along after the new school year. budget problem are forcing layoffs. michelle rhee says $40 million will be cut to deal with a $666 million shortfall over the next three years. the plan is getting backlash. i don t see how we can have these cutbacks without giving children a quality education. we don t anticipate that any programs or offerings will be affected by the cuts. we will work to continue to work to work tirelessly for the transition. there is no word on how many teachers will be let go. up next we ll talk with the mayor about the cuts in the d.c. school system. plus the district s decision to get rid of the vehicle safety checks. and we re keeping an eye on the news conference on the yale university victim. and she was one-third of a legendary music group. we re looking back on the life of mary traverse of peter, paul and mary. that s coming up. 7:08 now. more and more, the quality of our lives depends on our connections. access to high-speed internet, t home and on the go, is no longer a luxury. it s how our children access education. it s how we find jobs, discover information, and connect with family and friends. it s the spark that drives innotion, creates investment, and builds a stronger economy. to shape a better tomorrow, at&t is investing in america s future - working to create an internet that s smart, mobile and safe. last year at&t invested more than any other company in the u.s. and we re continuing to invest this year, to expa and enhance our wireless and wired networks. we support a national plan that ensures high speed internet access and enables adoption by all americans, over the next five years. adoption by all americans, over the next five years. the future is our business. at&t. your world delivered. it s 12 minutes after 7:00 and we are joined by mayor adrian fenty. good morning. the news we re talking about are the possible or likely teacher cuts. man, that is a tough thing to pass along when school just started a month ago. it s tough, but this is a big city school system. we have one of the best chancellors, making tremendous strides. we hired close to 1,000 teachers at the beginning of the summer. so this is what big city school systems do. you make tough decisions but you commit to the residents that you re not only going to keep performance the same but you ll improve it. and the chancellor has been fantastic. i m asking how though can you assure parents, what is the take home message for people watching? sure. we could get way into the details and the way to do that is to talk to to divide the cuts into two parts. one of them is the cuts you ve been reporting since the city council made them in august. about $21 million. the chancellor has a billion- dollar system to figure out ways to absorb the cuts without making a major impact and that s what did managers do. the orange part of the cuts are is really you have to prepare for a certain amount of enrollment. every year the school system keeps a season - keeps a certain amount of teachers in limbo. i understand it those teachers stay on and the sim sift the system pays them and we can t do that this year. the economy is still too tight. it won t impact the classrooms. some schools we have more money than they ve had in past years. and again, the chancellor is doing what good managers do, she s getting more for less. you mentioned the hiring of a thousand teachers earlier this summer. about a thousand. and there are questions that why hire so many a few months ago only to cut now. you can talk about the tming? we all should spend a day managing a system like the district of columbia schools. it s tougher than it looks. you have to prepare for a wide variation of a particular enrollment and you absolutely don t know what exactly that enrollment will be until people sign up and come in. and luckily for us the enrollment is staying pretty constant. but if you don t hire people at the beginning of the year, you can t hire them now. so if you had too little, you would be in a lot of trouble and so we won t be faced to that situation, thanks to the great management of the chancellor and her team. and some good news is that you did get enrollment for what you targeted for the school year? that is right. and that will minimize what could have been worse. if it was less, than that would mean a lot of teachers would have had to ave ben reduced. so we ll have tough teachers to educate in an excellent way and you ll hear more on this issue as the school year goes on. southeastern university is said to not offer a fall session and are not accepting new students. what is the future of this institution as providing for adults education. i m not up to speed on the institution. there was proposals to close or merge. i ll have to get the answer and come back next week. and another cost saving measure and that is the inspection for people s vehicles. i don t think you ll find anybody in the city that will complain about not having to deal with the dmv one extra time and this will save the city money and those are questions that does this mean the cars won t be safe on the road. you can talk about that. most states do not require cars to go through any safety check. there have been many studies that show there is correlation between preventing accidents. in our system we crunched th numbers. a very small number of people failed these tests for material reasons. in the past we have failed people for very small reasons. we weren t going to do that any way. we wouljust tell people, go get your taillight fixed and those people had to keep coming back. a large number of people, we send them down there and it causes delay. beyond the emissions check, it will help us. it will save $400,000. well that won t make or break the budget. other states are doing it, we re just catching up. and an e-mail about the federal stimulus money and a viewer wants to know if the city applied for the share that was due or coming to perhaps the district? no. we absolutely have. i think whether we got we got cop grant dollars, we have enrolled in infrastructure dollars, medicaid dollars have gone to our health care finance agency. the short answer is yes. they started to roll in pretty much the last four months or so. and they will continue. and i think it s i think it was about $300 million each year for the next three years. we thank you for sending your e-mails in. thank you for being here on a thursday and we invite you to e- mail us your questions for the mayor. we ll see you next week. there is the address. fenty on fox on wttg. we ll see the mayor next week. another check on the weather from tony perkins. maybe it looks dark because of the low-lying clouds. there were some showers moving across the western portions of the beltway not too long ago. so we ll check with the radar and see where the precipitation is at this hour. but expect a few areas of rain and even some areas of fog here and there early this morning. here is hd radar. no showers at this moment on the western portion of the beltway. but we do have shower activity continuing around leesberg, pressing into the reston, herndon, ashberg area. and gaithersburg seeing some showers off to the south and east of the district. most folks remain dry but the scattered shower activity continues. here is a look at the satellite radar for the nation. good area of low pressure in the central part of the nation, around arkansas and northeastern portions of texas. you can see the spin in the atmosphere. there have been areas of heavy rain and storminess and a lot of clouds into the midwest. for us, we have cloud cover associated with a frontal boundy and the clouds being pushed in with winds out of the north, northeast and mostly cloudy skies today and a continuing threat of precipitation. temperatures around the country, we re stuck at 65 degrees. not a bad place to be stuck. wichita 64. bismarck 66. and phoenix is at 79 right now. miami 82. here is your forecast for today and the next five days. today mostly cloudy. widely scattered showers during the course of the day. a cool day. tomorrow warmer and 79. that is normal. maybe an early shower, but i think for the most part it will be dry tomorrow. saturday and sunday look to be dry. although more clouds will start to build in the latter half of sunday. monday could be brings. that s a look at the weather. now let s get more on the morning rush hour traffic. did you just say 82 and sunny in miami. yes, i did. but you can t go. no wond they say party in the city where the heat is on. i m taking the next four days off. right here southbound 270, accompanied by the wet pavement, you are gridlocked from before 121 in clarksberg and this delay will care you all the way down toward the lane divide. this is like deja vu. it s been like this for the last three days and bumper-to- bumper slow out of clarksberg toward the split. 355 will save you some time but you have to sit through the traffic lights through germ germ germantown into rockville. and slow on 128 into wolf trap. southbound 28 traffic under the toll road toward dulles. no accidents to report northbound on 95. this is traffic that s merging on from the prince william parkway over the fly overramp toward lorton. incident pulled over to the shoulder. now eastbound on the prince william parkway over 95, stay to the left to get by with very little delay. that s a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. back to you. in a big heads up if you are traveling on the beltway this weekend. pay attention. here is the deal. from midnight friday until 5:00 a.m. saturday. so over night friday night, v- dot is saying expect lengthy closures as it will shut down all lanes of the beltway at chain bridge road for up to 30 minutes at a time. the ramps to d from cambridge road, route 123 will also be closed. virginia dominion power need to move power lines. so again overnight travel on the beltway friday night, you will see lengthy closures. well it s 7:22. 65 degrees. despite claim that s the recession is ending, local governments are still dealing with the harsh affects. maryland plan to bounce back with a $3 million loss in revenue. and singer chris brown hard as work as he started his community service in virginia. and later we are walking with the dinosaurs. holly is taking us back to prehistoric times coming up. till now - i always got by on my own - ( audience cheering ) i never really cared until i met you. a1 makes the burger king steakhouse burger sing. the washington post calls bob mcdonnell a culture warrior. and what does that mean for virginia? it means: bob mcdonnell introduced 35 bills to restrict a woman s right to choose. he wants to outlaw abortion even in cases of rape and incest. and mcdonnell opposed birth control for married adults. learn more about bob mcdonnell s crusade to take virginia backwards. i m creigh deeds, candidate for governor and my campaign sponsored this ad. need a lift? hey buddy, i appreciate the ride, you know. no problem. mind if i take a shortcut? yeah, sure. i knew the subaru legacy was the smart choice. what i didn t expect. was the fun. the all-new subaru legacy. feel the love. a big debate today as the governor s race continues to heat up in virginia today. creigh deeds and bob mcdonnell will face off this morning at the fairfax county chamber of commerce. the key issues, health care and energy. and the worsening highway system. mcdonnell will also likely address the thesis he wrote years ago. and maryland s 7.2% unemployment rate has taken it s toll on the amount of money the state is taking in. revised estimates will be released later today. the governor says the drop in state revenue could be $300 million and will lead to more budget cuts. the time now is 26 minutes past the hour. remembering a musical icon this morning. mary travers of peter, paul and mary has died. we ll look back on her impact coming up next. i m creigh deeds, candidate for governor and my campaign sponsored this ad. the washington post calls bob mcdonnell a culture warrior. and what does that mean for virginia? it means: bob mcdonnell introduced 35 bills to restrict a woman s right to choose. he wants to outlaw abortion even in cases of rape and incest. and mcdonnell opposed birth control for married adults. learn more about bob mcdonnell s crusade to take virginia backwards. it gets an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon, and was named an iihs top safety pick. all for just $179 a month. and ke all new volkswagens, it comes with 3 years or 36,000 miles of no-charge scheduled carefree maintenance. it s all part of why the jetta is the top-selling german engineered sedan in america. this morning, we are remembering a folk music icon. mary traverse. one-third of the group peter, paul and mary has died. she was 72 years old. she had been battling leukemia for several years. peter paul and mary opposed the vietnam war. the video you re seeing here is from 2003. holly morris was with them when they returned to perform at the lincoln memorial. the website features statements from the two surviving members and we put a link to that page and photos and videos at also today, we are remembering actor henry gibson. he died monday after a brief battle with cancer. his career spans several decades. he s perhaps best known for hi appearance on row and and martins laugh-in. he was the voice of wilber in the charlotte s web series and he had a bit part in the movie blues brothers. he was 73. and remembering ncaa miles brandon. he died yesterday after battling pancreatic cancer, but he med headlines when he was president of indiana university and fired bobby knight after several players accused the coach of attacking them during practice. brand was named president of the ncaa in 2002. in january of this year he announced his cancer diagnosis. he was 67 years old. it s been quite a year that we re going through here with the well-known deaths that we re seeing. it s just rather extraordinary and disturbing in some ways. we were talking about earlier about peter, paul and mary because tucker pointed out to me, they were at wolf trap every year and continued to tour even this year. and obviously mary was ill. and peter and paul continued on. they performed and they turned it into a tribute to mary. so i read both of their statements about the loss of her and they re very honest and open and in some places humorous about their time together and neither of them can imagine what it will be like to not have her in their lives. they talk about the odyssey amongst each other and said while difficult at times, that kept them together and it s like a marriage. 50 years they were together, putting this together. so sure you ll have some ups and downs but they made it through. and to just define the voice of a moment is what is most special for me. absolutely. hard to follow that, but i will say it s 65 degrees. it is 65 degrees right now. a few scattered showers out there and it will be that kind of day, cool, claudey and scattered showers here and there. we ll start with hd radar and we ll show you where the shower activity is at this hour. and again, it s sporadic. and it s intermittent and we see some of it now on hd radar. now this is a rather odd radar to me because it looks different than the other images, showing precipitation just to the north. we were seeing some down to the south. it looks likes that pushed off and dissipated. to the north is where we re seeing the precipitation. most of our viewers are dry or at least you re not getting precipitation at this hour. and that s the way it will be today. somof you will see it and some of you won t. let s go to the graphics. a lot of cloud cover out there. today will be a mostly cloudy day. so frontal boundy down to the south will help keep the clouds in place and will help keep the developmt of shower activity moving through the region, hence the forecast for today. we move along to the current temperatures. 65 degrees, we ve been stuck there for a couple of hours. 63 in baltimore. 60 in winchester. 68 now in fredericksberg. the forecast for washington for today looks like this: mostly cloudy skies, scattered showers possible, about a 50% chance of that, cooler temperatures. our high today in town about 71 degrees. in some places i think the high will be about 69 degrees. so that s unusual. that would be10 degrees below normal. tonight cloudy skies, fog possible overnight. 62 for the overnight low in town. five-day forecast, tomorrow now looks okay. mix of clouds and sun. 79 degrees, a more normal temperature. saturday looks nice. sunday pretty nice with clouds building in for the latter part of the day. monday, chance of rain showers. that s a look at the weather. now let s get more on the morning rush hour conditions with julie wright. it s not pretty. mother nature through a curveball again this morning with the wet pavement and we have delays of 18 miles along 270, out of clarksberg and toward the lane divide. outer loop slows west of new hampshire avenue into silver spring. traveling southbound along 29, approaching the capital beltway, you re in a backup leaving tech road. delays southbound on 95 eaving 198 and slowing between 198 and 197. a slow go there. meanwhile new hampshire at brightondale an accident. a lot of slow traffic off the greenway toward wolf trap. southbound 28 south of the toll road, accident blocking the two left lanes. we have delays here on 66. this is the camera at monument drive east of 7100 and all of this slow traffic remains congested all the way in towards the cap ball beltway. you don t break way until past 95 and into the beltway. and very slow there. and can you only travel inside of the beltway at this hour if it s h.o.v. approved. so the inner loop will stack up between annandale and merrifield and there the lanes are hope. that s a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. another big story we re following this morning. crime at d.c. area metro stations on the rise and here are the three worst spots in the district. the highest crime rate is at the gallery place stop in virginia. at the fran ownia frankfield stop and new carrollton. metro says a steady increase in crime has come with a steady increase in riddership. wisdom martin has more on the crime spike and what s being done to stop it. repoer: in washington, d.c., the gallery place metro is one of the busiest stops in the city. unfortunately, it also has more crime than any other metro stop in the district. you have to be street smart. you can t be overly fearful. we want to come into the city. but at the same time, you can t be stupid about it. you have to watch what you re doing. we re conscious of the crime, but protect yourself. it s if you lose your focus, you re a victim. reporter: jeb delaineski says they have seen increase of theft of ipods and devises. we have used plain clothes operations in a decoy operation. reporter: he says while crime is up, so are arrested. they have made 989 arrests and issued 1644 citations. i think metro is doing its job in this area. in other years, i don t know. larceny and robbery are up so far for this year. larceny means those navigation systems and personal items left in vehicles. reporter: in fact he says most of the overall crime is related to automobile thefts and break-ins. i do feel safe here. i s police outside a lot. reporter: with more of a police presence, metro leaders hope to send a message to criminals and passengers that they are there. wisdom martin. fox 5 news. crime stats will be officially released at a metro board meeting september 24th. it is 38 minutes after the hour right now. coming up next, the redskins looking for the first win. facing a very beable rams team this weekend. up next why they are confident that the recent history of losing to the ram won t be repeated last year. if you have thinking of going out for lunch, pack your lunch instead and donate the money you would have spent at a restaurant, donate to the local area food bank. go to on information on how to donate today. (announcer) what the world needs now is energy. the energy to get the economy humming again. the energy to tackle challenges like climate change. what if that energy, came from an energy company. every day, chevron invests $62 million in people. in ideas. seeking, teaching, building. fueling growth around the world, to move us all ahead. this is the power of human energy. chevron. we re following breaking news now from northwest. a fire at an apartment building on 13th street, the fire, which is now out, happened on the third floor of the building in the 5600 block. again that fire though is now out. d.c. fire officials tell fox 5 ten people are being evaluated. several had to come down ladders to get to safety. it s 7:42 and we want to check in with tony. some trouble out there on the roads. mother nature not playing nice today. messy in some spots. many areas not seeing precipitation. in fact i would venture to say most of the area is not getting precipitation at this moment. but you could see some pop up again at almost any time. let s look at temperatures around the region. 65 degrees in the district. and elsewhere, look how cool it is to the north. boston, 54 degrees. pittsburgh, 54 degrees. new york city, 59. the warm spots are down along the coast to the south. norfolk, virginia, 71. and cape hatteras at 73 degrees. satellite radar composite for the region, showing you the precipitation moving through tracking to the east. again, most of the precip these different radar images are showing different things but precip through the area generally to the north. this radar indicating some precipitation to the south. and some cloud cover across the region. our surface map for today. the high pressure protecting us, that s pushed off to the north and east and that s bringing winds in here. out of the northeast and east, later today, that is going to do a couple of things. that will help keep us cloudy and cooler than normal. and it is the cause for a coastal flood advisory in affect along the west coast of the chesapeak due to water pushing up against the coast. high today 71, scatter shod you ares. tomorrow mix of clouds and sun. saturday looks good. mostly sunny and 74. sunday i think starts off good for the redskins game. but things will cloud up later on. are you talking about the game or the forecast? both, probably. oh, no. no, they ll win on sunday. they should win. the way you were saying. let s check in with julie wright. i m with you, steve. and i thought about you putting this on today because of the black and gold. and i thought about you and the steelers and mike tomlin. you ve been stalking him for a while. you ve been stalking him for a while. actually, longer than you, come to think of it. [ laughter ] that s saying something. it is. tony thought he was my number one. here we are out on the roads. major tie ups on the our loop of the beltway. here it is, three car accident. this one vehicle spun out facing the jersey wall. this fella in the middle is facing back in the opposite direction. it s a mess. so this is the outer loop of the beltway from college park hid headed past university boulevard. fire and rescue trying to inch through all of this delay and right now if you are traveling on the beltway, some traffic is able to squeeze by to the right and that s it. so big tieups. outer loop of the beltway from college park, 410 east west a good alternate until we get this cleaned up, but right now traffic stop ready they maneuver the equipment in on the scene. inner loop, rubbernecking delays from colesville road. this is a a live shot of 66, in for a slow commute. 7100 remains bumper-to-bumper slow. that s a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. redskins fans were disappointed with the way the season starts. and we were teasing with tony a minute ago. but the rams were shutout by the seahawks in their home opener. but let s not forget that rams came to redskins last year and upset a red hot redskins team. lindsey murphy on how the redskins hope to not let history repeat it. we take it. every moment, every minute. give it all you have. manningham on the outside makes the move, down the side lines still going. and the touchdown. reporter: the burn of sunday s loss to the giants is still felt around redskins park. dropping the season opening to an nfc rival is not the easiest pill to swallow. our season didn t end last season. we lost to the giants. not the first time. it s not the first time we lost the opening of the game of the season. we start off 0-1. the only thing that stops is us having the perfect season. reporter: they have begun to move forward but the fans aren t quick to forget. many are ruling this season a loss after only one loss. and you wake up monday morning and read the paper and watch tv and you might just ut a pillow under your head and pass out, because from everything you here you re done. it s game one. it doesn t define the rest of the season. reporter: at this point, 16 teams are 1-0 and 16 are 0-1. the redskins at 0-1 are not panicking. they re turning the focus to the rams. a game they need to win this sunday. we re taking this game extremely seriously. we ve talked three or four times now about the focus and the intensity and what it will take to prepare to win this football game. everyone on this team wants to win and cares and it s a big deal for us. reporter: the redskins expect a different out come this sunday. in ashburn, lindsey murphy, fox 5 news. and the rams take on the redskins here on sunday at 4:00 right here. and holly is traveling way back in time. some 200 million years. good morning, holly. i m scared. reporter: i m scared too. have youever wondered what it was like when dinosaurs room roamed the earth. well wonder no more. we are making friends as the huge spectacular show of unprecedented size and quality roam, walking with dinosaurs is under way. we ll tell you how to get tickets when we come back. stay with us. it s all live next on fox 5 morning news. more and more, the quality of our lives depends on our connections. access to high-speed internet, at home and on the go, is no longer a luxury. it s how our children access education. it s how we find jobs, discover information, and connect with family and friends. it s the spark that drives innovation, creates investment, and builds a stronger economy. to shape a better tomorrow, at&t is investing in america s future - working to create an internet that s smart, mobile and safe. last year at&t invested more than any other company in the u.s. and we re continuing to invest this year, to expand and enhance our wireless and wired networks. we support a national plan that ensures high speed internet access and enables adoption by all americans, over the next five years. adoption by all americans, over the next five years. the future is our business. at&t. your world delivered. kraft singles. american cheese. only one nation could create it. and that nation is america. kraft singles. the american cheese. the thought of dinosaurs roaming the earth may seem like something out of a horror movie. but you can get the sense of what it s like to see its prehistoric beasts up close and personal. because dinosaurs are walking at the verizon center. and holly morris is there braving it all for us. it looks like it almost got you there, as you were going to commercial. reporter: don t pet the dinosaur. that s what i learned. i love it. you guys say, it seems like a horror movie, let s send holly. it s freaky, i ll tell you. but it s fascinating to say the least. and i promise if you bring your family out to see the show, it will be unlike none other. it s called walking with dinosaurs and matthew is with the show and now i have a partner. it s scary being out here with yourself. i ve be trng all morning to make friends with this guy. it s a little difficult. reporter: so tell me about the show in general. we re based on the bbc tv series and what they ve done is they ve taken that concept and they ve turned it into this live theatrical production where you see 17 life size dinosaurs that come to live. larger than life for us. and they come to live before your very eyes. right on the arena floor. so everybody has seen the exhibits and the museums and the bones and that sort of thing. now you have this amazing opportunity to see them do stuff like this and roar and snarl. reporter: and you re telling an important story. so in 90 minutes you cover their 200 million years of existence. we go through the three period, and you re time warped back and taken on an incredible judge with the journey with the scientists. our largest dinosaur is moving, the height of a 3 story building and they move just like real dinosaurs. the big ones move just as great as that one does. reporter: how long did it take to put the show together. we ve been on tour since 2007. but it took them 6 years to develop and do all of the research for the show. over $20 million invested to make the dinosaurs appear as real as they do. reporter: don t you eyeball me. don t talk trash to a dinosaur either. that s what i would say. i m going to bring in another partner in crime. this is dave tewy, the vice president of booking and entertainment here at the verizon center. i m thinking we have more luck if we are in numbers. i m not looking at him either. reporter: and you say that literally this is one time you can sell tickets and you ll like you ll have a front row almost even in the second level. it s unlike any show. where a lot of times you want to get into the stage and see the performers. every seat can be in yur face, kind of like that. they can look into the second level, looking eye to eye and it s freaky, i have to be honest. reporter: i think we ve all been saying that. but you brought them back and it was successful first time around. it was very successful the second time around. we had a lot of rave reviews. it is a one of a kind show. you have to see it to believe it. they take on a personality of their own. reporter: and each dinosaur does almost have it s own personality. like this raptor, they re very sleek and mysterious. look at that face. reporter: their eyes blink and everything. and real quickly, i just what is an appropriate age. because some people might think my kid might be scared. i think age 3 on up. and if you think they ll be intimidated, like you said, sitting a little bit further awake you won t miss you won t miss a thing with this show. reporter: they re only doing eight performances, only here through sunday. your kids and you will be talking about it for quite sometime after you see the sho in the next hour, we ll get even close. i can t believe i m saying that. but we ll talk more about how they bring these to life and what it takes to take care of a dinosaur like that. back to you. holly, i said it a couple of years ago, it amazes me how real they look. they are really realistic. we ll see holly again soon with more on that. in the meantime, coming up on the 8:00 hour, soon the edit or and chief of d.c. magazine will join wuss a look at what is going on around town this weekend. and now is the perfect time to get your lawn ready for next summer. it may be hard to believe, i know. but it will be back again in summertime. derek thomas will join us with tips when we come back. now you can save more every time that you shop, with thousands of items at prices that pop. now double the number of deals through the store, with your new card, you can t help but save more. it s specials each week on the things that you use, and real deal savings, now how can you lose? low prices every day in every aisle, top off the savings, so go ahead, smile. more and more reasons to fill up your cart, it s good for your wallet, your family, your heart. isn t it nice to know that you re shopping smart? more savings every time you shop, only with your giant card. ahead at 8:00 this morning. we are standing by to for a press conference regarding the murder of yale graduate student annie le. police are expected to announce the arrest of a suspect. we ll have more details coming up this hour. and then the lines are getting larger at the university of maryland campus. three hours from now the president will hold a health care reform rally. we ll tell you which section of the beltway will be closed and we re talking all lanes. good morning. i m steve chenevey along with allison seymour. we have one unit. that s great. i m ty perkins. that s what happens when you do five hours every day. you just forget where you are. all right. let s talk about what is going on out there on the roadways and the weather. we do have a few wet areas here and there. a little bit of rain shower activity moving through the region, particularly to the north of the district. and you can see it s widespread. now we have another area vehicle south and west of the district. it will be pushing through. some of you remain dry and some will have showers and that s what it will be like all day today. intermittent rain here and there. reagan national 65. relative humidity 81%. winds have picked up and they ve shifted to out of the east. and that will keep us cool for today. here is the forecast for today. mostly cloudy skies, scattered rain showers high only about 71 degrees. normal high would be 79. that s a look at the weather. more coming up shortly. was hard to get the kids ready today or leave stuff out for them because it does feel chilly. prepare for cool. i heard you say get the jackets ready. you listen and you learn. let s check in with julie wright and find out what is happening on the roads this morning. hi, julie wright. i ll be with you in just a second. i just got off the air here. so you kn howthat goes. all right. we ll take you out on the roads and show what you is happening on the outer loop of the beltway past university boulevard. accident activity here has traffic squeezing by to the right. look for delays as you work around from route 1 to college park. this is the doesn t activity. a lot equipment on the scene. a lot three cars involved in this crash. and again, traffic is able to squeeze by to the right from college park. it means 95 is jammed up leaving 198 toward the split. inner loop of the beltway, no accidents to report, but a lot of rubbernecking delay east of silver spring toward college park. no accidents to report on 66. if you are traveling eastbound, v-dot was trying to zoom in for a disabled vehicle tieing up the two left lanes after nutley street toward the beltway. delays from 7100. that s a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. we are following breaking news in the death of a yale university graduate student. police are about to hold a press conference in new haven, connecticut. gurvir joins us with the very latest. good morning steve and allison. police expect to make an arrest in the death of annie le. investigators had been awaiting the dna evidence. let me get my microphone and i ll be able to finish telling you what is going on. they are expecting a news conference in new haven, connecticut very shortly. they do expect to arrest raymond clark iii. they say they do have dna evidence from this lab tech. fox news is now reporting that clark s dna does match evidence found on the crime scene. now after serving warrants late on tuesday police took the 24- year-old into custody and they collected dna and searched his apartment and car. he was then released. so far he was only named a person of inter. according to the autopsy. le died from asphyxiation. she was suffocated. her body was discovered on sunday, which would have been her wedy day. her body was stuffed in the wall of the lab. le worked in a lab that conducted experiments on mice. according to the computerized swipe card, he was last person to see le alive. there have not been any possible motives. we are continuing to monitor the live feed. the news conference is supposed to get underway in a few minutes and as soon as we hear any new information we ll pass it along to you. allison, back over to you. thank you for that update. meantime president obama is headed to the university of maryland today to tlk with students about health care reform. right now people are lining up around the comcast center where doors will be opening up about an hour from now. and our sarah simmons is there as well. joining us from a live look at what is happening in college park, sarah, good morning. reporter: good morning, allison. the president is set to speak at 11:00 a.m. it is his second rally in recent weeks. you can see how many people are starting to pour into the front of the comcast center. he band just passed by. they ve been able to line up since 5:00 a.m. this morning, but the doors will not open to the comcast center until 9:00 a.m. of course then a couple of hours after that the president will speak at 11:00 a.m. now this rally is free and open to the public. but something people need to know is that it will be like airport security here. very, very tight. there will be no bags, no liquids allowed, also no umbrellas allowed, which rain is in the forecast. people might want to bring one out. do not bring one. cameras we understand are allowed. now this rally is coming a day ter the chair of the senate finance committee, max baucus, unveile the panel reform bill. it has a price tag of $865 billion. it requires most people to buy insurance or pay a few. illegal immigrants would not be covered under the plan. now it would be paid in part by governments to government health care programs and implement new taxes and fees for high-end insurance and drug makers. now the big thing that is coming out of this is that there is no public option under the plan. senator baucus seems to believe they will still be able to get it passed. no republican has offered his or her support at this moment, but by the time we get to final passage, you ll find republican support. reporter: now senator baucus and the senate finance committee are expected to have a closed door special session to talk with democrats about the details of the plan, which is not a done deal. many of the details are still up in the air because this is something that would have to meld together with house and senate proposals. there are other proposals out there. this is not the om one. the white house has not indicated that they are supporting this baucus bill. they are saying that it s a important part an important building block for changing the system. hopefully we ll hear about that today but the president will be here pushing health care reform and what he believes needs to be in it. allison, back to you. sarah simmons live. thank you. ben card enjoins us live with another look at the health care reform bill and the possibility of passage. good morning, senator. good morning. allison. good to be with you. where do we stand to getting closer to having real health care reform. we re excited that the president will be in maryland. our delegation will be joining him at college park. i think we re moving forward. i think most people agree with the president that the status quo is not an acceptable option and we need to have a bill that will bring down the health care cost but provide affordable coverage to every american and i think we re moving in that direction. we saw the president address joint sessions of congress and now on to the street talking to the future students of america and other gathered at the university of maryland. is this final push what it ght take to get people everyone on board. absolutely. i think the majority of americans want to see us take on the problems in our health care system, build on what it right. the president has been able to disspell a lot of the misinformation out there and i think we re back on track in discussing a very serious of this country in a very serious way. there has been talk about the public option versus more of a co-op. is this a deal-breaker? what can happen here? i do support a public option because i want to bring down the cost of health care and offer more competition. but having said that, at the end of the day, we re going to be judged by whether this brings down the cost of health care and provides affordable coverage for all americans and there are different ways you can get there and we ll look at the different proposal buzz we but we want to get the job done. and you talked with doctors and nurses here at the washington adventist hospital. what was the feedback that you got from that meeting? i thought it was a very helpful meeting. i got some practical tips on what you need to do. clearly, i thought most of the people in the room were very excited about moving forward with health care reform but want to make sure we get it right and there are some practical problems. so it was helpful and just reinforced my desire to make sure that we move forward with health care reform, but we do it in the right way. and again just talking about some of the points that you ve emphasized for the people of maryland, you say the main need is to bring down the cost of health care and to make sure that each and every american is an sured. is that still your primary push? yes. they have affordable quality options for every american. we have to do it in a fiscally responsible way and make sure to get it right and build on the current system. yes, that is my priority and how i ll judge the bills brought ford in the u.s. senate. and the big problem is doing this without adding to the deficit. is that possible? it has to be done that way. i think the president has made it clear we ll do it in a way that won t add to the deficit. and you addressed consumer ideas, ending discrimination for gender and preexisting conditions. a lot of folks with preexisting conditions can t get insured. and frankly, the health insurance reforms will eliminate that and also have no caps on how much the policy will pay. it provides significant improvement on preventative health car with noco payments or deductible. so there will be national reform that will make it better for everyone who has health insurance today. ben cartin, thank you very much for joining us today. we go from the senate to the governor race. creigh deeds and bob mcdonnell will debate this morning at the fairfax county chamber of commerce. for deeds it s an opportunity to gain ground after trailing in the polls. one issue expected to come up for mcdonnell the conservative heat is he wrote this college 20 years ago. it s 11 minutes past 8:00 on this morning. we re there to tell you when the beltway will showdown. we re talking shut down for reel this weekend. and talking about metro crime. which metro stations have the most crime in the d.c., maryland, and virginia region. and peter, paul and mary have lost one of the members. we ll check out some of the other students and taking a look back on the life of mary when we come back. good morning, dan. what s going on? hey, guys, where the heck is dan? strange he used to eat cereal every day. i heard he eats breakfast out now, man. he what? i feel so cold. and alone. dan! dan! dan! dan! now everyone can afford a hot breakfast to go. buy a coffee or any delicious dunkin beverage and get our new sausage biscuit for just 99 cents. because it s breakfast, not brokefast. america saves on dunkin . sfx: school bell rings every day, life challenges your immune system. and when you re always on the go . your immune system can get run down. teen (underneath): mom, i m late for practice! mom, c mon! so when life catches up with you . try airborne. airborne helps support your immune system . th a special blend of . zinc, ginger, echinacea, and 13 other vitamins, minerals and herbs plus a blast of vitamin c! airborne guy: help support your immune system, with airborne. ( feedback ) ( burger clears throat ) till now - i always got by on my own - ( audience cheering ) i never really cared until i met you. announcer: a1 makes the burger king steakhouse burger sing. need a lift? hey buddy, i appreciate the ride, you know. no problem. mind if i take a shortcut? yeah, sure. i knew the subaru legacy was the smart choice. what i didn t expect. was the fun. the all-new subaru legacy. feel the love. 8:15 right now on this thursday morning as we look at stories making headlines this morning. the main suspect of a terror plot investigation says he s innocent. police searched naza zazi s home. investigators believe he has tied to al-qaeda and he says it s not true. plane 447 from rio plunged into the atlantic in june killing all 228 people on board. associated press is reporting that airbus may have known about airspeed sensors problems since 202 and how much that played in the crash we ll never know. and mary travers lived her life as she sang. honestly and with complete authenticity. she was 72 years old. highthis is at a fox 5 news segment that we did back in august of 2003. you can see the love just jumping out of in a video. you can. and it is 8:16 and tucker is joining us with a look at the weather and some cuteness. it is time for the cuteness factor of the day. it is time for the my first 5 photo of the day. this is 5-month-old layla. she s showing off her new hair style. the amazing thing is she did it herself. that s what is really cool. she has a great little smile. the over the shoulder. you should sport that hair style at ork one day. i do that on the weekends. thank you very much. send us your child s picture at and click on morning. layla, out at the play ground today, i think you ll have a chance. we have some showers out and about, but here in washington we re looking fairly quiet. light shower activity off to the north, up towards mt. airy, up into carroll county, showers and off toward ellicott city and baltimore. to the south and west, more showers. toward manassas. we ll see scattered showers on and off throughout much of the day, although much of the day will feature dry conditions. let s check out the satellite radar and see what we can find. and again we have the stationary front south of us. you can see the showers building along it. right along the border convenient virginia and north carolina. here in washington, we re on the northern edge of it. so we ll see a few showers through the course of the day. it will be cool as we ll have winds all day long out of the east. i think you ll notice the breezes at times. they ll be 10-15 miles per hour out of the east. 65 degrees. our highs today only in the low 70s. by tomorrow afternoon, sunshine returns. high temperature near 80. right now the weekend looks great. both saturday and sunday featuring sunshine and temperatures in the middle 70s. so one more day of great weather and the sunshine will return tomorrow. that will do it for weather and let s get to fox 5 on-time traffic and julie wright. all lanes are open on the beltway and traffic cleared. but slow from route 1 college park. southbound 270 not bad south on montrose toward the split. again all lanes here are open. traveling eastbound 66, disabled vehiclefter nutley street has cleared. traffic is slow on and off the brakes from 7100 toward the beltway. that s a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. a weekend traffic alert. we want to tell you about the beltway, temporarily will shut down near tysons corner for half an hour. v-dot will close all lanes of 495 at chain bridge road and exit ramps to and from 123. the closures will happen during a five-hour stretch starting midnight saturday moing. officials are doing work on the dulles metro exception. in virginia, franconia springfield, and other steady rises in crime for metro. metro police have seen an increase in robberies of electronic devises like ipods and gps. since january transit police have made nearly a thousand arrests and issued nearly 3200 citations. coming up at 8:20. we are on the money trouble facing maryland and big cuts coming to d.c. public schools and big changes to the librairies. we ll hear from mayor adrian fenty next. ( folk music playing ) kids who don t eat breakfast aren t getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. ( bell rings ) a nutritious start to the day is essential. that s why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies all the nutrients of a complete breakfast. soids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. it s 8:22 and we re back with an update on budget concerns in the state of maryland. alley says he may need to order as much as $300 million in additional budget cuts this current fiscal year. that is on top of the $735 million in cuts already approved. apparently the state s 7.2% unemployment rate is taking a toll on the amount of money that is being brought in. the board of revenue estimates it s set to release revised revenue numbers today. the next chapter for d.c. public libraries is budget cuts and now they will change hours and service. the district slashed the budget by nearly $5 million. hours will change at all locations and neighborhood librarys will be closed on sunday. but the mlk, jr., memorial library will now be open year round on sundays. less classes for public hools in the district. michelle rhee says $40 million will be cut from the budge tote deal with a projected $666 million shortfall over the years. no word on how many teachers will be laid off. the mayor addressed concerns when we asked him about this, this morning in our studio. we have one of the best chancellors in the system. this is what big cities do. you commit to the residents that you ll not only keep performance the same but improve it and the chancellor has been fantastic over the past few years. the budget cuts come at a time when schools are letting go of staff based on enrollment projections. teachers will take the biggest hit in six years. if you are working for work, check out our job shop. our job of the day is at at&t portables at the annapolis mall. salary is $25,000 a year plus commission. for this job and many others go to and click on the job shop tab near the top of the home page. time now is just about 8:25 on this thursday morning and coming up next we ll check out other stories making headlines this morning and that includes the latest on what chris brown is up to these days. here is a hint, he s back in virginia. and then first lady michelle obama makes time magazine s best dressed list. and we ll tell you who else made the list. plus the edit or and chief of d.c. magazine will tell us what is going on around town this weekend. you don t want to miss that. fox 5 morning news will be right back. the washington post calls bob mcdonnell a culture warrior. and what does that mean for virginia? it means: bob mcdonnell introduced 35 bills to restrict a woman s right to choose. he wants to outlaw abortion even in cases of rape and incest. and mcdonnell opposed birth control for married adults. learn more about bob mcdonnell s crusade to take virginia backwards. i m creigh deeds, candidate for governor and my campaign sponsored this ad. don t get the recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin d? that s where their favorite cereals like trix and lucky charms can help. general mills big g is the only leading line of kid cereals that has both calcium and vitamin d in every box. check for this banner on the cereals they already love. like cinnamon toast crunch and cocoa puffs. help them get more of what they need with general mills kid cereals. it is 8:23 right now. we want to get out to new haven, connecticut, where we are getting more information on the murder of the yale graduate student. the press conference is just under way. let s listen in. about 20 minutes ago, an arrest warrant was signed by the honorable judge fisher, charging a death of the murder of annie le. clark iii was arrested at a hotel in connecticut. annie le was reported missing on september 8th and a missing investigation person was started with the assistance of the connecticut state police. the police conducted a thorough forensic review of the building. the afternoon of the 12th, new haven police department assumed the lead in a criminal investigation in this case. close to 300 item have been seized in this investigation and detectives have worked around the clock on this case. based upon numerous interviews and forensic evidence and video surveillance, detectives have secured the arrest warrant for clark. this has been sealed, so no further information can be released in order to comply with this court order. annie le was a young woman with unlimited potential. her loss will be deeply felt by her family, friends and the community. i think it is not about urban or university or domestic crime, but it is workplace violence which has become a growing concern around the country. i can t thank enough the state connecticut state place, the fbi and new york police department. this was about as smooth an operation in four agencies as i ve seen in 39 years. every agency offered everything they could bring forward and aggressively pursued this investigation and to what we believe is a successful conclusion. so i would like to invite the commissioner. thank you, chief. on behalf of the department of public safety, we want to extend our sympathies to the family of annie le, to her fiance, and everyone affected. that is the new haven police department talking about the murder of annie le, saying that nav sec that they have secured an arrest warrant of clark who was detained a few days ago. they took dna samples from him. he had been staying at a hotel. new haven place saying they arrested him at the hotel a short time ago and they are now being charged and held on $3 million bail. they said they recovered more than 300 items of forensic evidence from the laboratory where annie le s body was found and saying this is what they are considering a case of workplace violence on the campus of yale university. we turn our attention now to weather and tucker is here with a look at what wean expect on this thursday. thank you very much. we have clouds out there. still light showers across the area. not going to rain all day. much like yesterday, cloudy and cooley. we have some showers off to the north and west right now. the heavy shower activity at this moment is up towards frederick and another little band developing to the south and west of the city, west of manassas. so you ll see on again, off again showers throughout the thursday. let s take a ligger look and look at satellite radar. you can see the cloud cover and the shower activity. the heaviest is down toward the border with north carolina and along a stationary front that will stay to the south today. so we ll be doing dealing with a risk of a shower and sunshine closer to the weekend. i mentioned the cool temperatures. 65 at reagan national. 63 in baltimore. 72 this morning in ocean city. our afternoon high temperatures will only reach into the low 70s. so be prepared for a cool one. bring along a jacket. mostly cloudy skies, scattered showers are a possibility along where the cool temperatures and then looking at your five-day forecast, afternoon sunshine tomorrow. right now the weekend looks great. both saturday and sunday, sunshine, high temperatures back in the middle 70s. so we ll hang in there for another day and things will look brighter into the weekd. thanks so much, tuck. steve chenevey sitting down with a woman who knows about the funnest and most wonderful things to do on the weekend. and i know funnest isn t a word. one more day to go for the weekend and if you re looking for something to do, we tried to get as much possible to keep everybody covered. we have a look at what is going on around town. karen, it s good to see you. good to be here. and it s always a busy weekend but you have to know where to look, right? absolutely. we re lucky in this town how many opportunities we have to do cultural things and how many times they are free. no other city is like ours. there is a lot to do. what did you find this weekend? top tier head to galleria. the best fashion show is on saturday from tim gun will be here narrating a fashion show and doing a personal show. and raised here in washington, d.c. so that will be great. any details, when where? tysons gallery, tim will be there at 1:00 for the fashion know andthen at 2:00 is the meet and greet. but throughout the weekend tysons will be hosting fashion shows. various people from around town will be there. and what about if we re looking for something for the kids. national theater hosts every saturday and they re kicking off this saturday, great free programming. 90:00 and 11:30, two different performances of the same different show, we re talking about ace of hearts, magic magician damien heart. he says it s no coins or cards, it s all tricks. and kids love magic. and for couples. well head out to vir vintage crystal is a wine tasting in its third year. this year it will be withtequil wine and salsa classes. i hope there is food in there. load up on the carbs. and it s $20 and the dukeelington festival is making a satellite location there. so on sunday, crystal city. and william eggleston was one of the first people to make color photography. so those snapshots that we frame now, he was the first to hang them in a museum. the neat thing you were talking about tim gun, he was at the corcoran when he was here. but this is the last weekend to catch the exhibit. this is groundreakinin the field of art. now it s seen every day but in it s time, 1973, before i was born, it was in fact ground breaking. and this is at the cork core on gallery. and then we mentioned music with what is happening in crystal city. but for those who want to see a performance this weekend, where should we go? > jim and java is in virginia and i love it for the kids performance but usually it s adults playing to kids. and this weekend the school of rock vienna group is going to be performing the beatles rock band premier. and they are doing a tribute to the beatlesment and you re talking about teens and teens. and that s carrying on the music to another generation as well. and i don t know if you ve heard this term, but beatles are like crack for babies and i have two kids and they love the beatles. great events going on this weekend. i know, allison, you make it to one of them. it is 65 degrees out there on this thursday morning. more on what chris brown is up to the days. plus we ll check out who is on people magazines best dressed list. fox 5 morning news will be right ba more and more, the quality of our lives depends on our connections. access to high-speed internet, at home and on the go, is no longer a luxury. it s how our children access education. it s how we find jobs, discover information, and connect with family and friends. it s the spark that drives inovation, creates investment, and builds a stronger economy. to shape a better tomorrow, at&t is investing in america s future - working to create an internet that s smart, mobile and safe. last year at&t invested more than any other company in the u.s. and we re continuing to invest this year, to expand and enhance our wireless and wired networks. we support a national plan that ensures high speed internet access and enables adoption by all americans, over the next five years. adoption by all americans, over the next five years. the future is our business. at&t. your world delivered. ll, that is r & b sing chris brown. he s begun his court ordered community service. he was clearing debris at the police horse stables in richmond, virginiach he was sentenced last month to probation. si months of community labor and violence counseling for the beating of rihanna. a new list for 2009. and the list divided into categories for best dressed woman, kate winslet on the carpet with sophistication and hollywood glamour and curves. and the best use of color. and it s not all about hollywood. first lady michelle obama is selected for best accessible glamour. and on the man side, brad pitt and robert patinson were among the best dressed of the year. do you agree with that? it s kind of like who cares. well because they were dressed up for events. and how about a good looking lawn for next summer. derek thomas will join us with tips when we come back. holly, good morning. watching jurassic park is great but if you want to experience dinosaurs, then you need to see what is going on at the verizon center where we are this morning and we are ware literally walking with dinosaurs. what it is and why you don t want to miss it coming up next. - ( music playing ) - we know technology can make you more connected. but now it can make you more connected to your doctor through e-mail. test results from home. check records. change appointments. now docts, nurses, techs, pharmacists are all digitally connected to each other. and ultimately connected to you. at kaiser permanente, we believe that if knowledge is power, shared knowledge is even more powerful. kaiser permanente. thrive. shared knowledge is even more powerful. [ sniffs ] music and dance calling you the best part of wakin up. is folgers in your cup need a lift? hey buddy, i appreciate the ride, you know. no problem. mind if i take a shortcut? yeah, sure. i knew the subaru legacy was the smart choice. what i didn t expect. was the fun. the all-new subaru legacy. feel the love. now is the time of year to literally plant the seeds for next spring s spectacular lawn. gurvir is in studio b. with derek thomas. i can t believe we re talking about next summer. reporter: i know. i was just thinking, derek, you and i were just talking about the spring and summer lawn care and now it is into fall. it zooms by. reporter: sowhat is this time of year perfect for. fall is the best time to get your lawn together. everyone wants to have a beautiful lawn. the soil is warm so get those things together like allison was saying to get the beautiful lawn going next summer, prep knew. one of the things that is a big problem because of the drought is bare patching. and you want to work out the lawn where the dead grass is. you want that to you want that out. and then you want to add a starter fertilizer, which we have some right over here. so add a little bit of starter fertilizer. and then this is a wonderful product. this is a shredded newspaper, it s got seed and fertilizer in it, it s made to do a lawn patch like that. you put the lawn patch on to the places that are bare and water it well and it prevents the birds from getting it away from it. reporter: that s the key to keep the birds away from the grass seed you put down. and maybe your lawn doesn t look bad, but at this time of year, you want to overseed the lawn. and what that will do is do like that, once again work that in and then water it well. reporter: because the birds end up eating half of the stuff you put down. they will. because if you re starting from scratch and maybe you have a bigger place to do, you can either do sod, which is a great product. but that s expensive. so you take a product called a clay breaker and you want to work about an inch of that over top of your earth that has been worked about 2 inches deep. ity want to once again seed. and i like to seed at twice the manufacturers recommended amount. because once again the birds will get some of it. this is one of the best products out. reporter: you can lift that so folks can see what it is. it s a lawn mulch and it comes like this and once you put it down, it has fertilizer in it, you put it on top of the grass seed after sewing your grass seed. water it in. the lawn mulch has a sticky consistency to it. once the birds like to try to get to your seat, they don t like having the feet sticky and they go to someone else s lawn. reporter: and i know this is very laborer intensive and we did it ourselves and we put straw over the top of it. the straw is messy and with this product, like i said, next spring when the grass comes in, you won t have the bare patches thanks to the bird. so it s called a lawn mulch and it s a new product, made to put down right after you ve prep the prep the area and then use the lawn mulch. this is all on our website, derek, thank you so much. back over to you. derek and gurvir, thank you. well now we are going back in time to the prehistoric era. we need a little cloud affect or something. holly is down at the verizon center walking with dinosaurs. reporter: i guess you could say it s quite a comeback tour. after a $65 million hiatus, dinosaurs are back. it s called walking with dinosaurs. an experience unlike any other. matthew joins us on the floor, along with our utah raptors. you got it. reporter: let s talk more this time about really bringing this show to life. because obviously the first time anybody sees it, they re like how do they make them look so real. it took 50 craftsmen over a fuel year to put the show together and they had to do it in a building that could house a 747. so it took a lot of time to create them. but to make them come to life, our small dinosaurs, there is a suit perform erin side there. the suit is about 100 pounds. he s 8 feet tall and 14 feet long. reporter: now is he an actor? is he a puppet ear? he s a little bit of everything. the first thing is they have to go through a stamina routine to see if they can actually keep up that kind of momentum, carrying 1 hundred pounds on their back. reporter: and who is controlling the noise and sound. they are all radio remote controlled. it takes three operators, and two of them are voodoo operators and they are making the head and the tail move, the eye blink and the roar. and then there is a driver that is driving the dinosaur around the arena floor. reporter: not only is there movement, but their stin looks like what you would think a dinosaur skin looks like. this is a movie magic brought to the stage? they use a lot of the same technology in the movies. the guys who created this show have worked on star wars and chronicles of narnia. but the skin has gone through it s a span dex type material and it s gone through thousands of processes to get it to look the way it does and then it s painting. i i would think the upkeep for this show would be pretty intensive. very much so. we travel with a crew of about 70 people and we have to feed these guys too. reporter: anything as far as taking care of the suit. i mean is here a lot of wear and tear, i know you ve been traveling, so is there repairing it and cleaning it. they have snags and tears and we have spare skins for the dinosaurs and we have to replace the skin. but there is quite a bit of maintenance and they are very high-tech. reporter: and they are very high-tech. you re onhe eighth of your seat throughout the whole show. does it work like there is two halves and an intermission? it is a 90 minute performance and there is an intermission. and to talk about how we get these dinosaurs from city to city, it takes 25 semis to move this from city to city. a normal rock n roll show is 12-15 trucks and we re 25. just to give you an idea how big the show really is. reporter: well i won t go ahead. we have over 300 movie lights and special affects. you have to watch your head. you almost get your head taken off. reporter: and i bet the actors had to really len to know what their face is. to not stay up, right. absolutely. reporter: so it s a different kind of rock star here at the verizon called walking with dinosaurs. they re only doing eight performances so come on out and enjoy. now you heard matthew talk about the view too that is done with the bigger dinosaurs. in our new 9:00 hour we re going up to the voodoo lounge to see how that magic works. back to you guys. that sounds good. let s turn thing overs to tony. tony, what are you working on the new 9:00 hour? we have a lot on tap. we re following two big stories. an arrest in the killing of the yale university grad student, plus the doors are about to open at the university of maryland for the president s big health care rally there. we ll is live updates at 9:00. and then sibling rivalries last a long time and what can you do to have a better relationship with your relatives. and jason lee will be coming to my 20 tv and snuggy fans, your wrap of choice gets legit in the fashion world. we re talking about an actual runway show in the big apple. wait until you see the snuggies that kim down the cat walk. that and more. we ll see you at 9:00. more and more, the quality of our lives depends on our connections. access to high-speed internet, at home and on the go, is no longer a luxury. it s how our children access education. it s how we find jobs, discover information, and connect with family and friends. drives innovation, it s the spark that creates investment, and builds a stronger economy. to shape a better tomorrow, at&t is investing in america s future - working to create an internet that s smart, mobile and safe. last year at&t invested more than any other company in the u.s. and we re continuing to nvest this year, to expand and enhance our wireless and wired networks. we support a national plan that ensures high speed intenet access and enablesameri, over the next five years. intenet access and enablesameri, over the next five years. the future is our business. at&t. your world delivered. how do you decide between crunchy and soft tacos? why don t we have both? old el paso. hard n soft tacos. true genius. mexican style. before we close out this hour of fox 5 morning news. we want to you meet someone. this is sultan coleson, the tushish man of only one of ten humans to have ever grown over 8 feet tall. he stands 8 1 . guinness has declared the 27- year-old to be the world s tallest man. you can see he has to use the crutches to get around because his knee joints have been weakened by his height. he hopes with his new found fame that he can get a car he can fit into and he says he s also looking for a girlfriend. he says women e usually scared of him. we wish him the best. that s going to do it for the 8:00 hour here on fox 5 morning news. it s time to turn things over to tony and allison for the 9:00 hour. steve, thank you so muh. here is a look at the stories we re working on for the next hour. the president keeps pushing health care reform, this time on the university of maryland campus and people are lined up to get in. a live report is coming up. plus breaking news in the murder case of a yale graduate student. an arrest has been made and police just wrapped up a press conference. we ll have the details. and metro ridership is up and so is crime. what police are dok to fight the problem. fox 5 morning news continues at 9:00, right now. and good morning, everybody. it is thursday, september 17th, just before 9:00 this morning on a wet and cloudy start to the day out there. thank you for watching fox 5 morning news. i m tony perkins. i m allison seymour. we ll have more on the weather and headlines coming up. a look at today s talkers. fans are remembering mary travers. she was one-third of the group peter, paul and mary. she passed away after a long batting of leukemia. we ll talk about her legacy later. and then you can be the

Vietnam , Republic-of , Tysons-corner , Virginia , United-states , Arkansas , Chesapeake-bay , Maryland , College-park , El-paso , Texas , New-carrollton

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News At Midday 20090901

two teenagers are fighting for theilive this morning. a teenage girl hit by a car and a teenage boy hit by the same car all while trying to get to school. i m allison seymour. and i m tony perkins. this happened in the 3100 block of brinkly road in temple hills near crossland high school. sarah simons is live there this morning with the latest. sarah. reporter: tony, this happened on a very busy road. as we noticed since we ve been out here. it happened at this metro bus stop where high school kids were being picked up to go to school. we know the two people serio injured, a 14-year-old girl and a teenage boy also taken to the hospital. he is expected to be okay. now the crash happened as you said just after 7:00 this morning. several teen-agers were waiting at the bus stop heading to school at crossland high when a woman driving a cream colored lincoln town car came up over the hill. the three boys were watching as one of their classmates was hit by a car. there were no cars in sight when we were standing this and when she crossed the street, the car over there just came out of nowhere and hit her and she flew in the air and then the car swerved and then it hit another car and then the boy, some little kids were right there and he was trying to push them out of the way and the guy got hit too. we were just trying to keep her face off the grass so she could breathe. but she tried to move, but it was just we were just more concerned that she was breathing. reporter: now we understand there were five other people in theother two vehicles that were involved in this crash. we understand they have minor injuries and are expected to be okay. investigators are stiltrying to piece together the evidence and figure out what happened here and why that driver hit that young girl. it s unclear if she just didn t see her. we don t know at this point. but investigators are looking into the fact that this is an area that does not have crosswalks. we have two bus stops here where people come here frequently to try to pick up a bus and there are no ways to get across here safely with the hill just coming up here to this bus stop. so it can be a very dangerous situation for anyone in the area. tony, allison, back to you. what a terrible thing to wit. sarah simons in temple hills, thank you ry much. meanwhile in a separate incident, several people were taken to the hospital today after an accident involving a metro bus. a spokesperson saythe sbus was clipped by a vehicle on i295 near malcolm x. avenue southeast. there were 50 people on the bus, five passengers were hurt. the jeer the injuries are not life-threatening. no word on if either driver was cited. following a developing story out of georgetown, so the called cuddler may have struck again. a woman said she woke up to a strange man lying xt to her around 4:00 in the mog inrnn ino the 3700 block of o. street. now the m.o ois similar to a string of attacks, including one on sunday. karen gray houston is live on the scene with the latest. good morning. reporter: good morning,al soon. the so-called georgetown cuddler has struck again. the latest incident here on campus, 3700 block of o. street as you mentioned. the m.o. is about the same. twice in 24 hours, sunday an incident happened on 33rd street. police and campus security officers are very concerned about this. the m.o., the guy comes in through an unlocked doors and gets close to the victim and then leaves. this is happening as school is just beginning to get started here as georgetown. classes are set to start tomorrow. we spoke to a student who is the roommate of sunday s victim. came in through i think an unlocked door and saw that one of my house mates was sleeping on the couch and then he laid with her on the couch and then when she told him to leave, he ran upstairs and when he saw all of the rooms upstairs were locked, he sprinted out of the house. did she have a good description of him. she said he was either light or latino with a close buzz cut. reporter: that was on 33rd street. the school today has sent out an e-mail right after that incident happened. the e-mail advises students to please leave doors and windows locked. many of the students that we ve spoken to can t believe after everything that s happened that women students on campus are still leaving windows and doors open. and so it s another advisory. there are some people who think that there is not only one cuddler, they think that the cuddler may be more than one person because there have been a number of descriptions of the person. some say he s unshaven and then later he was described as having a scruffy beard. some descriptions include a latino and than a black male. police are looking for help from the public. anyone with information is asked to call mpd. thank you very much. four people shot, one dead in the e district. this niormng we re learning more about one of the victims. gunfire was sprayed through an ally on hamilton street northwest last night. michael harris of northwest d.c. died. the group were in the back of a home at the time. sources say one of the victims may have been set to testify as a witness to another shooting. police don t have a description of the suspect at this point. well the fall preview continue this is morning. in fact it was jacket weather early this morning. i wish i had been wearing a jacket. nobody told you? it was cool outside. well tucker is here to tell us how long the fall preview will stick around. kind of a surprise out the. pe temorratures overnight were in the 40s. in places like winchester it was 40. here in washington in low 60s and now in the 70s. 71 degrees at reagan national. our humidity is 44%. our winds out of the north east rh te1mi0 es plouer . co0 a secrfatt ect pembination for me. i love this forecast as we mbha a lot of sunshine out there te n igbrno n oorn rn. no rain showers or thunderstorms in the forecast. there is our morning radar and you saw it. just a nice blue sky expected for the day and for the next few days. we ll be featuring a lot of quiet weather. and there is nothing else dor me to do. perhaps we can talk about something else. 78 expected in washington. we ll fall back again tonight but we ll talk about how cool and look at the rest of the workweek coming up. allison. now to developing story. wildfires on the west coast. one blaze has destroyed more than 50 homes in southern california. and it s threatening thousands more. the flames are raging on with temperatures above 100 degrees and with humidity hurting firefighters. adam housely is in tujunga, california. reporter: this morning we got here and this hill is burning. firefighters like to say its backing down or burning downhill and burns slower and gives firefighters a chance to get in there and knock the flames down. and to the right is an area flurrying up. you have hand crews down there. you ve a firefighter engine in every neighborhood. this is not the wildland. this is a neighborhood that has been here 33 years. most of the areas haven t burned in about 60 years and when you add severe drought to california and then the hot temperatures, triple digits and the low humidity which is down around 8 or 9%, it s ripe for fire. normally we show you the fire coverage here in california, it s all having to do with santa ana winds but those winds don t come up until late september, early october. look at that flare-up right there. and you have firefighters just below the tree going up. probably only 20-30 yards away. but that s what they re looking at and facing. it s just this fuel of extremely brittle. it s like putting a match to a straw is the best way to complain it. and it s extremely smoky out here and you can see on camera that the embers and the ashes falling almost like a snowfall out here and that s what firefighter have to do bat battle in. only 5% contained. and you re standing there. surely all of the home have been evacuated, we re sure. well they re spposed to be evacuated. it s under mondaytory mandatory evacuation. they knock on your door and they won t force you out. and if you do leave, yo come back in and so many stay. the sheriff said about 85% of the people got out. those who stayed, their cars are parked in a driveway backing out in case they had to rush out. these homeowners stayed and they have been spraying down eaves and plants and trees but firefighters would like people to leave. that s the ideal situation. yesterday we had five people trapped and as of this morning they were still there as the fire burned around them. adam, thank you very much for that report. some people have been injured because they chose to stay. thank you, adam. tujunga is 15 miles north of downtown los angeles. this is one of several destructive wildfires raging in california. northeast of sacramento flames destroyed dozens of homes over the weekend and wildfires force evacuations in several communities near the san bernardino mountains. another victory for gay rights. same-sex marriage is now legal in vermont. a new law went into affect at midnight. vermont joins massachusetts, connecticut, new hampshire and iowa in allowing same-sex marriage. one group is pushing for d.c. residents to vote on same- sex marriage. the group called stand for coalition is filing a bol ott with the board of elections today to preserve traditional marriage in washington. they re goal is for residents to vote in neither november 2010 or as part oa special election. back in may the city allowed same-sex marriages performed elsewhere to be allowed in the district. a grad school thesis now getting a lot of attention because bob mcdonnell wrote this thesis paper 20 years ago. it attacked working mothers and it attacks homosexuals. but mcdonnell says that was a long time ago and his views have changed. we talked to him this morning to see where he stands now. my opponent is trying to make that an issue, looking 20 years backwards and talking about former presidents and governors and i said very clearly, i strongly support women in the workplace. i have a daughter in iraq. my wife has worked. i strongly support making sure that we hire people based on their merits and not on any other considerations. an official with the campaign of creigh deeds says mcdowell has given no reason that this is not how he will govern if elected. federal workers, changes are coming to your paycheck and it might not be the changes you re hoping for. the governor of massachusetts makes a move or replacing the seat of kennedy. and a pin ball heaven on, just look at the off beat section. much more ahead on the midday show. we re back in just minutes. fios guy! what is this? this.oh.this is nothing. this is just a flyer i ve been putting all over town. warning, fios installation is responsible for 76% of divorces. os hates puppies. oh.that s evil! fios steals your youth. none of this is true. so what do you want; the truth? idlly.yes! so you would have me tell people that fios uses 100% fiber optics straight to your home and we don t? that s true. .that you have more bandwidth than cable and can deliver more hd channels and better picture quality? also true. whatever dude. you got to get into people s heads, confuse them; that s marketing 101. wait a minute, you took marketing? yea, from a guy. what guy? from a guy in the market? put that back where you found it. (announcer) don t let cable confuse you. fios is the best in home entertainment. end of argument. for the facts call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v 11:15. welcome back. we re learning more about the woman arrested in the murder of a local pizza shop owner who was found beaten to death in the pizza mart in northeast d.c. this month. 26-year-old shanika robinson married his brother in exchange for money so the man could get a green card. but when the payments stopped she hsshowed up with two men to settle the score. police found the body the next day. talk about a terrifying trip to the atm. two men wearing halloween masks robbed a woman at the atm drive through in severna park on friday night. she said they came up from behind the car and pulled out what appeared to be a fake handgun. police are warning atm users to be extra cautious. it is nothing short of a big day for swine flu preps across the area. kim cain and members of his cabinet and health officials are meeting in alexandria to discuss how to fight the spread of the virus. health official have been urging people to stay home from school or work if they suspect they are getting the flu. and the swine flu just one of the topics that emergency preparedness talks will be concentrating on for the d.c. region. the mayor and maryland governor alley are meeting with homeland security secretary janet napolitano this afternoo they will discuss a coordinated response in case of a natural disaster, an act of terrorism or swine flu pandemic. are you still in the dark about the virus. the fairfax county health department is hosting the first series of town halls on what to expect this flu season. tonight it starts at 7:00 at the drainsville district government center on balls hill road in mclean. and alexandria has a backup plan in case of an outbreak. we talked about that that this morn with school superintendent martian and talked about new student led conferences. if you go to a school and sit down with a parent, one person is listening and that s the child. and so the child will sit with the parents and teacher and say this is what i ve learned and this is what i can do better on this year. and they say stay home if you are sick and there say plan to replace staff as well. a work to clear up remaining high school scheduling problems. most of the 8,000 students who began the new year last week without class schedules are back in class today. it was blamed on a computer glitch. a few cases that are impacted are those who attended summer school. federal workers should expect less on their paychecks. the president is reducing cost of living costs next year. federal employees will see a 2% increase, that s down from the 2.4% imposed. the president says he is invoking special authority that allows him to implement a scheduled pay plan for serious economic conditions. just one week after the death of senator ted kennedy there are questions over whether someone will temporaly replace him. the governor of massachutts has announced plans for a special election come january to fill the seat. but a hearing is scheduled next week on a bill to change state law, giving the governor the power to appoint an interim senator. among the names being thrown into the ring, the senator s widow. and his nephew, former congressman, joseph kennedy ii. my job right now is to think about the best interest of the commonwealth. and i think that having a full complement, two voices, is about the best interest of the commonwealth. that s governor duvall patrick of massachusetts speaking. before he died, the senator had asked massachusetts lawmakers to change state law to let the governor appoint a temporary senator until a new one can be elected. the lockerbie bomber was released because of oil deals with libia. it shows him in a hospital bed in libia. he was replaced from a released from a scottish prison because he has cancer. he was serving for the 1988 pan am bombing. families of those killed plan to protest next month. more news about the man accused of kidnapping casey dugard. garrityo said he often prowled through neighborhoods as a peeping tom and had rape thoughts. cary prejean was fired in june and they claim she missed scheduled appearances but her attorney says she was ousted because of her controversial remarks during the pageant that marriage should be between a man and a woman. she is suing for libel, slander and religious discrimination. they say she was told to stop mentioning god. we re following some breaking news out of massachusetts this morning. this is i 495 in norton, massachusetts. a small plane made an emergency landing on the highway. early reports say no one was hurt. this happened just about 20 minutes ago and this is live pictures. from the scene, again in norton, massachusetts, a small plane making an emergency landing. we ll bring you more information as soon as we get it. meanwhile police need your help solving a brutal crime. what happened to one herndon man that has police worried about another attack. and he s a strong category five storm and is heading to the baja peninsula. so when and where will the hu uook.t? welcome back to what s cooking. and a very special guest and a very freak went guest and somebody we like to see, steven lucas of wildfire restaurant in tysons galleria. and you ll cook up something fun tay and sort of end of summer and something i love. and tony, you ll love this too. i have a new toy at the restaurant, a little panini machine or a sandwich press. but i thought i would make a roasted vegetable salad using the summers bounty. it s winding down so i have some zucchini and yellow squash, from peppers and mushrooms and i ll do a little roasted vegetable. and you re going to let me help you with this absolutely. and so what else. talk about the main course. we re going to do a blt and tick it the extra step by using white cheddar, arugola and a homemade mayonnaise and then we ll put it on a pan and roast it down. got something to look forward to. allison, salad for you, and blt and tony for myself. and i m starving. so we ll appreciate it. very fall like conditions out there. and you could even have a little sweater. sure. tucker will be up next with more on how long we can expect the chillier temperatures to stick around. it s comfortable. i don t want to say it s cool. you should read this. you re clearly calling me fat. no. most of us experienced this, the freshman 15. it doesn t have to be a college requirement. holly. reporter: school is back in session. chances are maybe your schedule is more busy as we head into the fall. it s why we are at george washington university this morning where we have signed up for the dorm room workout, courtesy of washington sports club. five exercises you can do that will make you fit and not cost you any money. it s up next on fox 5 midday news. is responsible for 76% of divorces. fios hates puppies. oh.that s 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attacks in the past year, including one on sunday. folks in rndon need your help to solve a similar crime. a man awoke to find three men standing over him. one had a gun. they kicked him in the face and upper body and he was able to jump out of a window and run to neighbor s house to call police. if you know anything about this, call 8666-411-tips. hurricane jimena has winds near 155 miles per hour. it is expected to hit baja california peninsula tonight. rain is moving across los cabos. workers are evacuating neby village where s some 10,000 people live in shacks. tucker barns is here with us. here is the question. could this storm provide much- needed rain to southern california. we ll have to watch it carefully. it will drift to the north. and the air will get more moist across southn california over the next couple of days because of the hurricane. whether or not it brings rain to southern california, we ll have to wait and see. it s interesting that a category four hurricane in close proximity to wildfires that are out of control. so it would be nice to get rain there. it would be. out it s perfect. this is perfect weather. l nyedtornean i aompt onmort tony learned an important leson and other people did as well. isten to tucker. that s t.e ora jack. in the morning a cket jamoto jacket. one too. one too. 68 at reagan national. actually we bumped up to 71. this computer is low to update. i m not going to play with it. 68 here at reagan national. 67 in baltimore. mid-60s here off to the north and west. frederick is 66. hagerstown too. winchester 62. winchester this morning, currently 63, they were 49- degree this is morning and we re going to do upper 40s and low 50s off to the north and west of town during the overnight hours. so north cool one. 69 right now at patuxent naval air station. and ocean city, maryland, checking in what warm temperature of 77 there. a nice looking day. nice looking from the mountains to the beaches today. and for the next several days as we re not expecting much in the way of changes here. our air pattern will stay very much the same. we re not the only ones enjoying the cool temperatures across the upper midwest into new england. tempertures are well below where they should be for this time of year. 63 in cincinnati. 64 in detroit. out to the west, denver is 62. dallas is 73. and 85 in las vegas. our weather looks fantastic. look at the clear ies. i showed you the cool temperatures. out toward cincinnati and detroit, there is nothing happening. that s high pressure that will build in and continue to drift to the east for the next several days. so our next chance for any shower activity would be friday. and right now, i haven t even put it in the forecast because it s passed to the south so we ll be in for a few days of sunny, dry weather. and so that will lead to another cool evening tonight. down to the tropics we go and this is a tropical disturbance, not yet a tropical depression or storm, but the hurricane center will fly a plane in here in the next couple of hours and don t be surprised if this doesn t become tropical storm erica. and it s off to the west northwest and we ll watch that path as the peak of hurricane season comes. 78 for an afternoon high. winds out of the north at 5 miles per hour. and tonight clear skies and cool again overnight. you ll probably need a jacket. 66 here in town. upper 40s and low 50s off to the north and west. five-day forecast, i can t that i remember a five-day forecast that looks this nice. upper 70s and low 80s. no rain in sight. we ll have to watch friday, but i think we ll stay dry right now. upper 50s and low 60s for the overnight lows. so save some money on the air- conditioning. the windows are open at my house already and it feel goes. i don t want to complain, but it could be warmer for the last week of summer. it s too cool. but it will be 80s. that will feel nice. good enough. you hear about us all of the time on college campuses, the dreaded freshman 15. you say only women get it. well isn t it more typical for women. i m asking. there are ways to avoid it. i knew some men that beefed up. holly is up next with how to get exercise in your dorm room. have you heard about miralax? miralax relieves constipation with no bloating. no cramping. no sudden urgency. announcer: only miralax is clinically proven to work like that. restore your body s natural rhythm with miralax. well college classes are starting back up again and one of the most dreaded freshman events. the freshman 15. it affects men and women equally. holly morris is at george washington university learning how to turn a dorm room into a workout area to fight the freshman 15. reporter: well to some new digs at george washington university. we re in south hall and it s one of the new dorms. and we re hanging out with marissa who is a senior here. are you exited for your senior year. very. reporter: and this morning we have invited jen feldman who is a trainer with washington sports club and they ve come up with a dorm room workout. tell us about that. if you have some cans and your desk or chair and that s all you need. reporter: we re going to go through five exercises that you are going to be doing that will help you stay fit, won t take up much time, right. total body workout. reporter: okay. ready exercise number one. go in here and do a close grip pushup, add a progression and also when you go up, you want to work the shoulders, increase the shoulder stability and go up like this. reporter: you try it, marissa. and as you do that, show me the second exercise. and then we re going to do squats. you have to make sure you have the right lines. this one to your back and then push up. just like your sitting back. don t think sitting down, think sitting back. squats are so good. somehow squats seem to be intertwined with everything. and you do exercise number three. crunches. ju some long arm crunches and we ll go straight up and down. reporter: and what is the extra weight adding. just resistance. you can do a much heavier weight. i don t feel this one personally. it s only peanut butter. reporter: okay. marissa down. crunches and number four. do some lunges. and good core for the body. and up and down vertical motion and the knee does not go over the toe. 90-degree angle, a little bit forward on the upper, up and down. and you can speed this up, turn it into cardio. reporter: make it more high impact. okay. marissa up, do your lunges, do exercise five. and now for the cardio blast. you should be the trainer. and everything tight, look at the spine. knees up and then you stop. you do it back up again. reporter: this is marissa s favorite. now here is the fun thing. there is two people in the dorm room so you can do it with a friend that, will help motivation. and i would say add music. that s a necessity. i need that. reporter: how was the work out. feeling good. i m ready to take on the day. reporter: no going back to bed. is our website. we have a link to washington sports club and to george washington university. thank you for letting us invade your dorm room. back to you guys. that is a really good workout. it s a big day for music and movies. tony is up next with a look at what is new in entertainment today and includes a long- awaited comeback. big cd release today. and plus we ll head over to studio b. to see what our friends from ldfire are cooking up for us this morning. do go anywhere. we ll be right back. it s a big day in the entertainment world. some much anticipated music hits store shelves and there are new dvds to pick up tonight. tony perkins is here with a look. hi tony. hi allison. he music release. first let s start with the dvds out today. disney s exploration earth kicks off new dvds documenting a year on the planet through a star of live animals with james earl jones narration. so you want to be paid to help solve the murder. russell crowe is a reporter investigating a high profile murder in stay of play. co-starring ben after flack. welcome to america, son. a baseball player in the dominican republic who hopes to play in the big leagues. cooking class friend kirk. if he s kirk, i m spock. dvd offerings are heating up, starting with dennis leery leading his new york fire fighting crew through the fx series rescue me. i always loved you. the super powered action of heroes season 3 heads to a six- disk set and 2.5 men brings laughs and a gag reel. she s back. the women of wiftieria lynn have a season that jumped into the future. hi. while brothers and sisters dive into the drama of season 3 on a six-disk set that includes a trip to a real family-run wine business. that movie earth that i told you about, beautifully shot. not necessarily for young kids. there is stuff in there that could scare them. i went to that. i can attest to that. and the most anticipated releases, whitney houston is back. her album hit shelves today. this is the first album in 7 years. it features a wide array of lists, eric hudson, diane warn, and it s highly anticipated review have been mixed. the first two singles have done so-so. everyone is hoping that they release a third single, a duet with alicia keys called million dollar something million dollar baby or something. it s pretty good. i heard it today. meanwhile, what s it called colby killay brings in new sounds. she s shaken up her sound bringing in a wide array of producers and picking up the tempo at times from her debut efforts signature ballots. and a country icon releasing new music. willie nelson returns for american classic. it includes several guest duets, including nora jones and diana croft. and collective soul is back with a new album. it was recorded in 45 days in their home studio in georgia. it was produced by ed roland, the member of the group. it has their mainstream music. my mother would love that willie nelson. i should pick that up. he s done some standards in the past so it s a natural for him. but whitney houston, a lot riding on this. clyde davis pulled together a big team. she s going to be on oprah next week and we ll see how this album does. who does she play on now? the programmers say we ll take each single as it warrants it and we ll see how it is when it comes out. seven years is a long time in the business to be out. the beatles will be out next week. we ll tell you about that then. and tucker is in studio b. and this is our guest chef. i ve rolled up my sleeves. we ll woron the ultimate blt and you have a great end of the summer salad. and i ll let you make the blt and i ll make a salad for allison because she doesn t like bacon. and we ll make her a sandwich without meat and we ll make the ultimate blt for me and tony. we ll start with the parchment paper. and what did you put on here? butter and olive oil. and that will help it cook? exactly. and not stick to the parchment. so we ll put mayo on there. and this is not going to qualify as good for me but that s okay. because you have to get all five food groups, right. yeah. all right. is allison allowed to have mayonnaise on hers. she ll love that. and now dress it with arugola on one side to give it a peppery flavor. i m loving this so far. gnaw what will take the blt to the next level? it will be the mesquite smoked bacon. how many slices? like 10 or 12? whatever you think. you re making it. and what kind of cheese? this is white cheddar. a couple of slices of that. and some heirloom tomatoes. and allison, i washed my hands before i did this. and wrap it up. why are you wrapping it. it keep it s from scorching the bread. because you re going to cook it. we ll cook it in the pan. and you don t have to have the special panini machine. you can do it in a pan or a grill outside. what is this paper called? parment paper. okay. i have to remember that, because that s for me. and we ll finish this up here. and will the paper light on fire? no. that s the cool part. that s the trick of it. i m not an expert in this stuff. and then how long do we cook it on each side? we ll cook it for two minutes on each side. we just want the stuff to melt inside and get arm through. and then you see we have the carpallized vegetables that we started here. this is what that is the finished product. that s what we were dicing up earlier. so we have yellow squash, zucchini and mushrooms. and what did you do to make it look like this? i carmellized it with oil and vinegar. and perfect end of the summer salad because all of this is in season. it is all coming out of the yard. hand me that plate of mixed greens right there. okay. and i want to finish this off. and it goes on top? sweet. so something for everybody here. some of us get the blt and the people that are not interested will have a fine salad. and finish that off with some goat cheese and season right there. and so you re telling me could do this at home? absolutely. for more information go to, click on the morning tab and we ll have the information on you can make a blt at home. and an awesome salad. and coming up we ll have a taste test. allison, i ve been working hard for you. i think you ll love it.  weckombae . we ll look at the five-day forecast and then get right to the most important part of the day and that is the food tasting. but as far as perfect forecast, that is a perfect forecast. look at that, the nextfive days temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s. the humidity is long gone. it s on vacation this week as we decided. overnight lows in the 50s and low 60s. it will be cool tomorrow morning. 56 in town and 40s off to the north and west. but you may need a jacket again tomorrow. not only that, but some will need to turn your heat on. in the 40s and low 50s. you think so? how about just keep the windows closed and no air. it can get cold in some people s homes. tony is a little sensitive to the teams. [ laughter ] we re joined by steven lucas of wildfire. that looks good. now i want to try this. tucker says he s a little under the weather. well i haven t been feeling sick for weeks. it s my way of saying you can t eat mine. no, i m fine. and you made a vegetarian one for allison. yeah. and i put this together and i don t know oh, that s the tomato, the yellow tomato. the fancy blt. i put it together and i wasn t sure what it was. all right. i ll have a little salad. the goat cheese salad. i don t have a for is it yum? after tasting that, that s incredible. i love eggplant. is this on your menu? it is. it s one of our new toys. we have a sandwich press so we have five or six different sandwiches that we ve added to the menu and it s kind of fun, a new toy to play with. it s fantastic. oh, this salad is so good. a warm salad. this is something you might not like. if i know it s going to be warm, i can

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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20101101:15:10:00

Crystal ball sees the gop gaining 55 seats, they need 39 to take majority control. on the senate side he sees republicans gaining eight seats. that would be shy of the ten needed to take majority over there. he is the director of the center for politics at the university of virginia. all right, larry, 24 hours to go relatively, give or take a few. any last minute changes? yes, there are there is movement in a number of races. i think what s information to remember is what s changed. when my crystal ball web site projected republicans to take the house at the end of august there was great disagreement about it, in fact on your say are dnc kim cain had a few choice words for me. you can t find a nonpartisan analyst who doesn t think the republicans are going to take the house and by a wide margin. you can argue about the exact

Alaska-senate , Republican , Seats , Crystal-ball , Side , Majority-control , Majority , 39 , Ten , 55 , Eight , Changes