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of the key diplomatic posts. trump also naming betsy devos to be the next secretary of education. he called her an education advocate. she s been a major proponent of vouchers of the school pick for public education. devos, too, was a strong critic of trump in march shelf called him an interlope here she said does not recommend the republican party. meanwhile, nbc reporting that dr. ben carson is mulling an offer. saying that he is seriously considering carson to be the head of hud. an announcement is forthcoming is that he wrote, after serious discussions with the trump transition team, i feel that i can make a significant contribution particularly to making our inner cities great for everyone. for the latest, how trump s cabinet is shaping up. by kristen welker in palm beach. let s start with the officials we do know about. haley devos, you re adding voices who are critical of him in the past. what else does that say about donald trump and these two picks this particular? i think it is striking. you see him going outside his circle. when he started to name folks, steve bannon, reince priebus, there was concern that he was not looking outside that inner circle. so you have the fact these are two former critics of donald trump. and these are the first two women he is picking to serve as part of his administration. in materials of south carolina governor nikki haley, she is a rising star within the republican party. she is someone who gained national praise when she led that fight to have these confederate flags taken down in her state. she is also someone who opposed the muslim ban but supported blocking syrian refugees from coming into her state. so she has a large range of different policy positions. many of which do line one donald trump. but as you say, she was a former critic of his. last week after she spoke after meeting with him, she said i m not going to pretend that i was always a cheerleader for him but did i vote for him and i was thrilled when he was selected. so she ultimately got on board with him and i think that s something that matters to president-elect trump. .to one of his top officials and they said the president had good chemistry. there is a little intrigue with this pick as well. this is a win-win for trump in a number of ways. it elevates lieutenant general henry mcmaster in south carolina to governor. he was an early ally with trump. so it gives him a little bit of an edge. in terms of the pick of devos, she is a former critic. she is more of a lightning rod. she was praised by jeb bush. she is someone who favors the voucher program and who is opposed to common core. so she could have a tougher confirmation process. i think what you re seeing donald trump trying to diversify his cabinet in a whole host of ways. and quickly on ben carson, all those reporting, something is happening a week, two weeks ago. you had ben carson s people putting out this statement that he didn t feel ready to lead a federal agency. now may be on the edge of leading h.u.d. i think one of the concerns is that he doesn t necessarily have expertise in housing and urban development. so there was some concern from dr. ben carson himself. would he be ready for this type of position? i was told, he is mulling the decision. then this evening i spoke to a spokesperson who said he is considering taking up donald trump on the offer. then you read the facebook posts which are a real indication, not only is he considering it. everyone who serves in an administration says ultimatel they felt as if they couldn t say no to the president. to such a high offer. so we ll have to see what he ultimately decides. but i m told he will take this thanksgiving holiday to really consider it, really consider if he is right for this position. and donald trump has yet to make his selection for secretary of state but mitt romney, rorltdly a leading candidate there. publicly lobbying against that selection. i am for whoever the president-elect picks. i think there are huge advantages to rudolph giuliani, frankly. i think if you want someone who will go out and be a very tough negotiator for america and represent american interests in the way the trump campaign, i think rudy is a better pick ask has the right temperament. there s only one way that i think mitt romney could even be considered. he goes to a microphone with a public place and repudiates everything he said in that famous salt lake city speech. and everything he said after that. he said that donald trump wasn t fit and lacked character. that s why i think he has to stop and consider. for more, joined now by ken vogel and jay newton small. let s talk with this choice between mitt romney, rudolph giuliani, you have gingrich, huckabee. nobody drove them more crazy than mitt romney when they ran against him. do the anti-mitt romney forces have his ear? i think gingrich probably has his tear some extent. he was an early adopter that got on the train early. and a lot of this comes down to these are loyalists and these are not. one thing i think we have to look at with the devos pick. an appeal, not just to the gop establishment but to the donor class. obviously, mitt romney has a huge rolodex. devos is a major donor. anthony on the transition committee. they will bring along folks who will fund rnc and possibly a trump reelection in 2020. well, both were fierce critics of donald trump during campaign. mr. trump s bombast is already fueling our allies. he creates scape goats of mexican immigrants. he call for the use of torture. he calls for killing the innocent children and family members of terrorists. this is the very brand of anger that has led other nations into the abyss. donald trump is a phony, a fraud. his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. and nikki haley delivered the state of the union speech. we must resist that temptation. you were talking about those loudest voices, the angriest voices. in that context you were referring to donald trump, correct? he was one of them. yes. mr. trump has definitely contributed to what i think is irresponsible talk. donald trump is everything i taught my children not to do in kindergarten. i will not stop until we fight man who choose tos tonight disavow the kkk. well, we heard mike huckabee saying, look, donald trump s base, donald trump s voters, his supporters won t stand for this. you can t put somebody in a position like secretary of state like mitt romney who said those kinds of things like donald trump and never repudiated them. is there anything to that risk that donald trump would face putting that forward in. i think this will be an issue through his entire tenure. especially as he looks at thinking of re-election. it is the angry base. he s done that last week with his appointments of michael flynn, with the head of the ceo, jeff sessions, sorry, jeff sessions as a.g., so you saw him do these really bombastic fire brand appointments. and now he s looking more toward branching out and make bridging to the establishment republicans who he has to work for the next four years. they control congress. these are people who obviously did not want to see him get elected. now he has to make sure the party is behind him. he is creating a team of rivals. he is creating a team will debate very vociferously amongst. they and it will be very interesting to watch those debates. they recommend two sides of a republican party that he has to bridge and represent the whole party. i get feeling the decision here trump is facing on secretary of state is bigger even than that. not just the question of establishment republicans. talking about the donor class. i ve been hearing the critics saying, not that they would be trump supporters but to reassure that there there be stability. to put whatever good face on whatever happens. as donald trump said himself, he looks like he was born to play the part of ekt of credibility. and his fortune leaders are especially worried. he is much more isolationist. his job will be to reassure our partners no, donald trump isn t going on blow up the world and make massive change. and that s a great face to put on it. that s a common reassuring face and i think it is one that calms is that reassures people capitol hill. democrats and republicans alike who are very worried that donald trump really might basically screw up a lot of our relationships around the world. mitt romney also doesn t have a ton of experience in foreign policy. he pressed the case very aggressively against barack obama including calling russia our number one geopolitical foe during a debate in 2012. but he is a private equity guy. he vex fits into this mode that we have seen of trump nominees who don t really have a lot of subject areas of expertise. is it durable though? if donald trump sxgs says something or tweet something, or just something that cause as controversy, is mitt romney not going to be able to say anything? when they are saying, do you stand by what he just said? if mitt romney says something trump perceives is a slight, is trump going to have his back? or is he going to lash out? on that last part, i think everything we ve seen not. donald trump likes people who like him. whether it is vladimir putin. he said vladimir putin said nice things about him or his reversal on barack obama who he criticized during campaign that you suddenly has nice things about him. he is trying on thread the need well trump. let alone mitt romney who has an edge. someone who has some air space between them. we will note that. and then i think trump given his inclination would be hard pressed to not respond. and this is an uncomfortable position. when a lot of neo cons and the hawks were going into it, making this case that the weapons of mass destruction, he privately disagreed and they were leaked to the press. i don t know that mitt romney will ever be an insider on the trump team the way hillary clinton was an insider on barack obama s team. all right. thank you both for joining us. coming up, trump s transition. president-elect trump is a lot different in his sitdown than when he was candidate trump. we ll take a dive into his newest comments and see what reve reveal. and next, trump may be preparing for office but hillary clinton s vote count continues to climb. we ll tell you how many her lead has climbed. it is an historic number. we might be looking at. and getting ready for the big day tomorrow. we have a survival guide on how to speak to your families about the polarizing campaign. i think you have to talk to them about it. and finally, tell me something you don t know. president obama is enjoying the holiday and his highest approval rating in years. this according to the new cnn/orc poll. 57% of americans say they approve of the job he s doing. that is the highest that number has been since september 2009. that was his first year in office. he was 58% in that poll in september 2009. 41% disapprove of the job he is doing. sites to find a better price. .stop clicking around. the lowest prices on our hotels are always at so pay less and get more only at fixodent plus adhesives. there s a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening. just one application gives you superior hold even at the end of the day fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. love or like? 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he said, i was surprised. he said, i ve never found it to be useful. he said, i ve always found, give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and do i better with that than i do with torture. another example of how trump now appears willing to reconsider some of the hard line positions he took on the campaign trail. for more now, i m joined by the washington post robert costa, an mbls analyst, as well as a political report we are nbc news. so robert, i ll start with you. you ve interviewed him. you ve been following this guy from the very beginning. the trump who showed up on what seemed to be a charm offensive, how much of that is donald trump moving into a new role now that he is president-elect and not a candidate? trump throughout his career has always changed his volume level, his settings politically depending on his audience. not that he changes the message or the substance but he changes the presentation. he wants to keep the populist conservative side of the party with him. but he knows he has a problem. the establishment and the media and much of his own party is wary of him. he has to repair some relationships. it is an interesting situation. if he has the problems with the media, this is a guy who ran outside the republican party. he has republican leaders who are just as skeptical. he is a lot more of a blank canvas. you have the positions he took in the campaign. even during the campaign he was at odds with the republican leadership. now he goes to the new york times yesterday. he drops these hints that make a liberal audience maybe get a little bit hopeful. do we have any sense where he will land in. i don t think so. he s been bashing the times the whole campaign, talking about how they re losing readers. and then praised them, a crown jewel. and then he made the comments. if you look at them carefully. he was asked about separating the business from, while he was president. he said he was asked about climb change. he gave some liberal words about climate change. he didn t really commit to it. even on torture, he said he would change view but he didn t change vision. he changed what they would hear more. he didn t really change his views. on obamacare, he said he would like some parts of it with you it is not clear what he would do. he is still leaving himself a lot of wiggle room on the right and the left. right. those comments that perry is talking about about obamacare, they came after he sat down with president obama. and apparently, he is now donald trump, now practically gushing when the name barack obama comes up. so just one meeting with barack obama seems to change the way he talks about him. maybe got him to reconsider some of what he s been saying about obamacare. i m curious if you think this is an accurate assessment. is he one of those guys, we ve seen leaders before, the last person who gets to them before they have to make a decision, that s the one that will weigh on him the most. that will have the most influence in shaping where he finally come down on something. that s certainly a trait that has defined trump throughout much of his life. it is more than just echoing, the president-elect didn t run as part of the movement right or the traditional republican party. and so there is this pragmatism at the core of what he s doing in the transition, in these interviews. it is part of the chaos. you always see, there is this undefined pragmatism that is in many ways a blank canvas. that s why the new york times takes away that impression from their conversation. and they wonder corks their own agenda be trump s if the cards are played right? he also spoke with the role his son-in-law jared kushner may have in the administration despite accusations of nepotism. the president of the united states is allowed to have whatever conflicts he wants. he or she wants. i don t want to go there. jared is a very good guy, a very smart guy. the people know him, he is a quality person and i think he can be very helpful. i would love to be the one that made baes israel and the palestinians i would love that. that would be such a great achievement. nobody has been able to do it. i think he would be very good at i. he knows the region, he knows the people, knows the players. and you can put that down in a list of many things that i would like to be able to do. so during campaign when the subject of donald trump and his business, his family would come up. look, if i get elected president, i want the family to go run the business. i focus on the country. now he s saying maybe those lines being more blurry long term than he was saying. you have this role for jared kushner on the inside right now. what i heard, you heard a lot of criticism about nepotism and then family staying involved in the business. donald trump didn t seem to say anything that he would change his mind or move to where his critics want him to. i heard him saying jared kushner will play pretty big role, even on a foreign policy role. that s a big role. and he kept saying, he said two or three time in the interview, there is no conflict of interest. the law doesn t apply to me. that is correct technically. that doesn t reassure his critics. he seems to be saying, that he wants to stay involved in the business in some way and no one can stop him from doing that. i think he is right legally if not morally or ethically. guess who is coming dinner and who is talking politics? wave holiday survival guard. p is for privileges. o is for ordinarily i wouldn t. l is for layers of luxury. a is for alll the way back. r is for read my mind. and i. can t see a thing. s. see you in the morning. polaris, from united. gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fast-acting, long-lasting relief. it immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor-recommended gaviscon. small business saturday is our day to get out and shop small. a day to support our community and show some love for the people we love. and the places we love. the stuff we can t get anywhere else and food that tastes like home. because the money we spend here can help keep our town growing. this saturday is small business saturday. let s shop small for our neighborhood, our town, our home. get up, (all) get together and shop small. when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn t have that. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance authorities stay school bus that crashed monday in chattanooga was not on its designated route. five children died in the crash. the first family spent part of the day serving a pre thanksgiving meal serving veterans. they visited the retirement home in washington, d.c. and in new york city, security will be tight for tomorrow s thanksgiving parade. officials say they are ready. they say there is no credible or specific threat. back to hardball. welcome back to hardball. thanksgiving is upon us. it is supposed to be a time together with family and friends and express our gratitude for health, happiness and good fortune. this year s holiday follows the election. 37% of americans say it is likely they ll discuss politics at their dinner. i think the real number might be higher than that. so don t let a political disagreement put you and your loved ones, get ready, in a fowl mood. if you can t avoid talking politics, it is best not to wing it. i promise that s the last one. how to survive a political debate at thanksgiving. ron reagan, political an list and commentator, and nancy giles. 37% in that poll say they think this will come up at their family thanksgiving. i think the real number will end up being higher. and i think that s a good thing. one thing that became clear is this idea of two americas where nobody talks to each other. a real thing. you get extended family. you ll get two together. how do you keep it civil? what are the keys? i m still in shock. i might as well put that out there. and i ve been doing a lot of creative visualization exercises and get me over the hump. by the way, i really liked your wing and feather jokes. they weren t fowl at all. i ve been thinking one way to bridge the dwap in the conversation is to treat whatever your eating area, kind of in the same way you would an airplane once they lock the main cabin door. check your exits to make sure you have an idea, if you have to make a hasty retreat. keep your valuables under the seat, a little bit in front so if you need on make a fast exit, you can grab those things and bolt. if you need use some alcohol, make sure you re traveling with a designated driver who are you have your a.m.s for a lyft or uber handy so you re not drinking and driving. sometimes a little booze can smooth over those conversations. kit smooth them over but in many cases it makes it worse. i think that s the question. if it is inevitable it will come up at your family dinner, how does it start? you don t want to be the instigator but someone will bring it up. i would recommend not being the instigator. particularly if you re on the current losing side in this election. just let it go. it is also important, a lot of people travel for the holidays. all over the country. probably very important to check whether you re going to be traveling to a concealed carry state. that will probably be a trump state. and you might want to moderate your discussion accordingly. uncle bob in this case might be packing heat. and you might not want to cross him. i wouldn t know. i wouldn t instig tate conversation. let it come to you. let me ask you. the two americas that never get together. your family. that would have been the situation. you re on the left. your dad obviously an icon of conservative republicanism. what were thanksgivings like in the reagan household in. well, like any other family. i have to say in this particular case, we would not be arguing. nobody in the family would be in disagreement over this particular result of the election. of course, we would have arguments all the time. but presidents families are like any other family, there is the kid at the table who wants to always be poking dad and all that stuff. that would be me, often. but yes. it is like 90 family. you argue. it is about keeping it civil. you can have the discussion and there is no reason to pretend that we all have to be in a kumbaya mood. if you are on the losing side, you can always try to be nice and mention things like nice republicans. and ron s father would be one. eisenhower, another one. who maybe taxed on the high side but we got roads and bridges and the interstate. find some common ground. should there be some kind of rule? it is family ultimately. if it starts getting heated, who can be the hero who challenges the single? a funny story of the family s history? well, families even without politics. that can be some loaded stuff on thanksgiving. i ve been going over things like how about those cubs? what s up with kanye! or how about those kardashians can get you off the topic. change the subject. i m still literally having problems breathing. going back to the airplane metaphor. i feel like i have to do breathing exercises to make sure the cabin pressure goes down and then i can help others after i ve calmed my own breathing down. are you feeling any apprehension heading into tomorrow? no. nobody at my table will be in agreement on this. we re having some fun with this and we should on a day like today, the day before thanksgiving. but this is one of those elections that s different than other elections. i m old enough to remember the 60s and 60s and vietnam where the discussions were very heated. there have been other very heated periods. you can remember 1976 and uncle bob giving a roast. but this is a different sort of election. it is not just that the two sides of the table will disagree about let s say tax cuts or foreign policy or something. were unside of the table is feeling present smug and the other side genuinely worried that we ve made the terrible tragic error that will drag our country down. that s a tough thing on swallow. we need to be mindful. wow, that really brought me down. yeah. thank you for joining us. thank you very much. and coming up, back to our top story. donald trump stocking his cabinet. you re watching hardball. world ugly and messy. they are the natural born enemy of the way things are. yes, ideas are scary, and messy and fragile. but under the proper care, they become something beautiful. they also know you need to getg your annual check-up. now with one touch using the mycigna app you can find a doctor in your plan s network to save money. need to be thorough. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you re totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit mshe said i should think of my rteeth like an apple. it could be great on the outside not so great on the inside. her advice? use a toothpaste and mouthwash that strengthens both. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. it s uniquely formulated with activestrength technology to strengthen teeth inside and is better at strengthening the outside than colgate total. crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my whole mouth feel amazing. advance to healthier gums and stronger teeth from day one. my check-up was great. it is my prayer on this thanksgiving, we begin to heal our divisions and move forward as one country shared by purpose and very, very common resolve. this historic political campaign is now over. but now begins a great national campaign to rebuild our country and to restore the full promise of america for all of our people. welcome back to hardball. that was donald trump in a thanksgiving video released by his transition team, calling on the nation to come together. that video came as trump s unorthodox transition plowed ahead. for more on his transition, i m joined by our roundtable, joan walsh, raul reyes, and kristin tate, author of federal government gone wild. how d.c. politicians are taking you for a ride and what do you know about it. thank you for being here. i ll start on the trump critic side of our panel. we ve got a couple new appointments. nikki haley, absolutely a critic during the campaign. a lot of people seeing that as a signal that trump is trying to give. and also, mitt romney joining the team. as a trump critic, if you have vociferous critics like romney and haley, does that give you any reinsurance? not really. i cannot believe mitt romney would take this job if offered. he would have to put his conscience in a blind trust. after listening to the clip about what you said. to then reverse that. nikki haley, it is tough for her too, but mitt really went way farther. so i m not necessarily reassured. what i see today, i think they are rattled by the critique of white nationalists being associated with the campaign. we have a woman of color. a behind of possibly dr. ben carson and a woman. so there is a little of that. but also an astonishing lack of attention to any kind of experience on the part of certainly haily and carson if she accept. it is really staggering. that somebody who turned down syrian refugees, for example, in south carolina srgs going to be chab rating, representing us with a body so important to the resettlement of refugees wherever we think they might belong. so there is a lot of i gnorance here. when you look at mitt romney and nikki haley and the things they have said about donald trump, sneespecially in the casf mitt romney. this is a level you don t normally see. would that be durable in any way? in terms of a working partnership? having somebody like that be your secretary of state? look, trump will be a very action and results oriented president. he is not king and he understands that he needs to work with other people to get things done. i think that s why we ve seen him tone down the rhetoric. and also why we ve seen him reach out to folks like nikki haily and mitt romney. people who haven t been his biggest supporters. he is not a candidate anymore, he is now president-elect. we ve all been talking about how the republican party is in so much party. i think it is the democrats in big trouble. it is the surprise republicans who are running right now. they didn t think he would win this. so what is the message right now many that you re seeing. we re seeing the picks, discussing today, to me it is the saner heads to main stream a candidate who we know from his own words, is a bigot, a sexual predator, has endorsed the groups. remember, the worst that we know about trump came from him. secondly what these picks have in common, none of them as you touched on, are particularly suited for their job. even mitt romney. donald trump said yes, he looks the part. remember when mitt romney went to europe in 2012? he went to england saying they weren t ready for the olympics. off to the middle east. saying that jerusalem is the definitive capital of israel and enraged the palestinians. then he went back to poland. so three gaffes. nikki haley has no experience. even ben carson, i can see him possibly in health and human services but he doesn t really have experience. housing and urban development. the american people don t want political experience. that s what we learned in this election. they want outsiders. trump is going to get doers. people who have experience in the real world. look at the trump organization. he always thirs best of the best. and i want to talk about let s let her finish her thought. i think it is really important that we talk about betsy devos. the woman whoo he chose to be the secretary of education. trump has said that he wants to bring prosperity to the inner cities. that was the cornerstone of his campaign. the way you do that is bringing school choice to these inner cities. and i think that is going to be one way that he is going to mark his presidency and be able to lift all americans up. i think that was a good move. it is an interesting distinction. you had someone saying the other day that ben carson doesn t think he can be ready. if you look at betsy devos, her back ground. this is an area she s been interested in. i can see another republican president appointing her. she is such an education extremist. that she will preside over public education is terrifying. how is school choice extreme? she is not just in favor of school choice. that s a part of it. she would be a pick. probably any republican president. i disagree. we re in the process now of normalizing she is a very anti-lgbt candidate. she is someone who she is not just about school choice. what she is about is using public funds for private schools shelf herself has never, she did not receive a public school education. none of her children have. i think we would be having the same debate if john kasich whom she supported. i think she falls into the category i don t think we have to squeeze a break in. we re a little late for one. we ll be right back. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. on black friday make some time for black humor on a special edition of hardball hosted by chris matthews. you can join in at 7:00 eastern as he looks at al the rules that donald trump broke on his way to the white house. we re calling it how not to run for president and win. you can catch that friday night 7:00 eastern. all right. we re back. and some abouting news to tell you about, hillary clinton s national popular vote lead over president-elect trump has now surpassed 2 million votes. much of that margin coming from heavily democratic california where they are sill counting. remember, trump made it to the white house by winning 290 electoral votes, could go to 306 when they certify michigan. nearly 5 million supporters have signed an online petition to urge electors to pick clinton when they vote on december 19. the chances not good. donald trump will be the next president. hillary clinton will win for actual popular votes. right. that is a symbolic thing when you look for the actual specific meaning, but from a practical standpoint, next year democrats are the opposition party. will that mean anything practically? i think so. i think it will give her some spine. she s going to get about 2.5 million more votes in the end. that s unprecedented. it will cause people to challenge the electoral college. if this were fair system california would have 200 compared to wyoming. the per capita mismatch given the growth in the blue states, it s unfair. absolutely unfair. what do you make of it? you said the election is over. it s done. we have our president-elect. however, we do have researchers from university of michigan, from m.i.t., from stanford saying not that there is any evidence of hacking but that there could be we should be really careful we should be careful with this because when you start looking at the vote patterns they re looking at, they are explained by population distribution. but they do also say that there could be. now, this is something i got to be honest, this one s making me uncomfortable. i saw that last night and i took a real close look at it today. i got to say i can t see anything to this. there were no anomalies in iowa and minnesota and those are paper ballot states. if the kind of things they re talking about were happening we wouldn t see a two-point race in minnesota and a ten-point win in iowa. just consider for a second if this situation were reversed, without any certainty, the republicans would be demanding the we re talking hypotheticals. i get uneasy going down this road. the roundtable staying with us. these three will tell me something i don t know. if you re searching other travel sites to find a better price. .stop clicking around. the lowest prices on our hotels are always at so pay less and get more only at i am a first responder tor and i emergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. my children and my family are on my mind when i m working all the time. my neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so it s important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. it s an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we re building a better california. all right. we re back. tell me something i don t know. during the last year the media has been trying tirelessly to paint trump as an anti-muslim bigot but no one s talking about the fact that three times as many muslims voted for trump than for romney in 2012. i thought that was a really interesting fact. where is that from? actually care released this figure. romney received only 4% of the muslim vote, trump got almo15%. i have a number, 48%, 40%, basically half, that s the percentage of people in the agriculture industry who are undocumented. when we re celebrating our thanksgiving we should think about all those things come from, turkey, sweet potatoes, all those things are labor intensive and they depend on undocumented workers. get ready to learn more about the emoluments claus in the constitution because it will be talked about a lot. it prohibits our elected officials from taking gifts or financial donations from foreign leaders. donald trump had the hotel in washington where foreign diplomats are already staying. he s on a collision course with the emoluments clause in the constitution. that will be the last word tonight. wow. i m going to learn what that word is one of these days. thank you for joining us. that is hardball for now. thank you for being with us. have a very happy thanksgiving. all in with chris hayes starts right now. tonight on all in if i become president i couldn t careless about my company. it s peanuts. the historically unprecedented opportunity for self-dealing with a businessman as president. in theory, i can be president of the united states and my business 100%. plus, the latest cabinet picks. a governor for the u.n., a school voucher advocate for education, and dr. ben carson under consideration for hud? i know that i grew up in the inner city and have spent a lot of time there. then the prospects for minority rule as clinton passes a 2 million popular vote lead. the fight between the president and

Vietnam , Republic-of , Stanford , California , United-states , New-york , Jerusalem , Israel-general- , Israel , Afghanistan , Washington , Turkey

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye With Tom Shillue 20170304

stick around to hear why this is wrong. tom: if she had a reality show, it will be called ain t misbehaving. kristin tate. he won the anti-comic award, not for his company but his pro wrestling skills. comedian harrison greenbaum. his last name is so two seasons ago. comedian michael somerville. and he was fired from his job and he decided to compound the problem. sitting right next to me, host of the anthony cumia show on compound media, anthony cumia. okay, let s start the show. president trump has the midas touch. everything he tweets turns into gold. yes, trump is great for business, especially if he s mentioning you on twitter. ever since he won the election, the president has been popping up companies and industries. notes that everywhere you look, there is the speed to bump. check it out. the new york times added a record 276,000 new digital supervisors subscribers in the last quarter. saturday night live had their highest rated show in six years, february 11th. it s not just media getting a boost. activism is up since inauguration day. there have been more than two dozen demonstrations around the country, some of them anti-trum anti-trump. what else? the stock market is up. the dow and nasdaq are in record highs. even tourism in slovenia, bottom line trump is having an impact around the globe. this week, two giant pandas at a tokyo supinated for the first time in focal years. congratulations, ri-ri and chen-chen. i guess you can call that a trump baby bump. anthony? trump fever has taken over the whole country. everybody wins, even his distractors the tractors. if you are trying to go to slovenia to find a girl like melania, there are no girls like her. tom: you went there? it s like borat. and the other thing, the other day during the speech when he mentioned harley davidson, they were on the house it s like insider trader going on as he s talking about stuff. you ve got to be quick! daytrading. tom: that s true. harrison, jobs are being created because japanese have to do with people because what happens when trump mentions you. everyone he hates get a gigantic boost. i am trying to actively i don t know if he s watching, but it s 3:00 a.m., so she s probably watching on the toilet. donald trump, you are awful and i dare you to tweet against me. your tiny baby hands. tom: if he attacks you, you would love it. but it s not just what he hates. actually, michael, it doesn t matter. if he attacks you, it goes up for you. if he detracts if it reminds me of the chicago bears in the super bowl shuffle. i think you should do a music video where everything he touches turns to gold. and then say, look, i ve got the stock market, new york times, alec baldwin s career. he s doing a good job of it. trump bump is his nickname he uses for his penis. suite at me. do it! tom: harrison, you cannot talk the president like that. does he watch the network? tom: he does. but if he does come at president trump? ignore that man. you predict is this. you said watch the market take off, and it did. i said that. before the show, i saw a study that showed that trump is statistically the most famous person in the world. everyone around the globe knows who he is been more recognizable than jesus christ. he had said that he s going to be a president for all americans and help all americans, and that s exactly what he s doing. he s even helping those he disagrees with like the new york times and saturday night live. he s even helping protesters. these are folks that didn t have much going on for themselves but they didn t have jobs but now they get to be paid to protest and hold signs! he s creating jobs all over the place. i think this is truly a president of the people. tom: it really is amazing. anthony, i think christmas, too young to remember what happened to john lennon when he said more popular than jesus christ. it all went down after that. [laughter] there are no known photos of jesus. tom: i have an oil painting on my wall. donald trump and jesus christ are basically the same thing. tom: she s getting in deeper! [laughter] tom: moving on. rideshare services like uber and lyft aren t stopping millennials from buying cars. they are buying cars to work second jobs for those companies. around 15% of millennial car buyers plan to work for uber or similar service. a market researcher tells the washington post, a lot of millennials have the mindset that they have to have a side. something like uber to supplement their income. they are starting to buy new cars. harrison, what is your sight also? the idea of buying a car. tom: protecting the president! [laughter] it s weird to buy a card in uber, it s like getting married order to pimp her out. to it s a very nice spin on the fact that my generation inherited under george w. bush one of the worst economies tom: you are going back to bush? we had a terrible economy, i needed to have second and third s jobs. no, manon deals the reason they can t find high-paying jobs, we have more college degrees but we get paid less because we are in an army of educated idiots. we get our degrees in subjects that have no demand like gender studies, english, art history. and then millennials are shocked when they can t find a job! so they have to drive uber. as a person who was a comedian, i don t agree. tom: you are a harvard guy. i graduated summa cum laude, and i now tell [bleep] jokes. tom: michael, what think you of this? i think we are overlooking the age factor. i like the new car smell. i don t like the smell of a new driver for millennials have been as young as 18? i don t want to have a kid driving me around. you ve got to get a voting license, a pilot license, it takes hundreds and thousands of actors to make, right? this kid can get a new car and, hey, they can drive you professionally. they don t know where anything is! they can t release the gas tank because there is a hidden button on everything. tom: and it will be your fault. [laughter] i am that guy shaking my fist. get off my lawn . whether they are driving cars or in there, when i was that age, we had the good enough sense to hitchhike everywhere we went. and someone has the common sense to get horribly murdered while they were hitching. you don t have that kind of dela colling will the herd thing that happened back then culling of the herd that happened back then. i can t wait for the robots to drive us. maybe they will shut up. i don t want to talk to you uber guys. i don t know why i can t get anything that says don t talk to me. can i have a silent option on my uber? this is what people want. is that what happens, drivers talking the whole time? yes! they want to show you their screenplay. out of work actors tell me about their dreams. he said, how is your day? i thought i got a divorce in 99. i can t believe i m being asked that again. tom: they answer that at the hotel, too. you get in the elevator and the hotel is like i don t want to say anything. are you robbing me? i m paranoid. you guys stay at nice hotels. they don t ask you how you have been on the red roof? we ve gone after the red roof. i apologize, a great place to stay. moving on. finally, someone speaking publicly about the threat from moon rocks. this week, one space x announced it would send to people around the moon, game developer brianna wu drew attention to a troubling scenario. wu tweeted, this is a fun hygiene for rich people. but the idea of a private corporation having access to moon should give you pause. is that enough of a pause? i wasn t going to call it. tom: moving on! the moon is the most technically valuable ground for earth. rocks dropping from their have the power of 100th of a nuclear bomb. dropped? dropped into our giant planetary gravity, that multiplies the kinetic energy. i m reading verbatim. they are or few spec tics out there, there always are. but wu wasn t backing down. you can make fun of that statement, but it will still be true. wu says if i elected to congress, the government not evil corporations have control of the moon. kristin tate, control of the moon. it s a big issue facing us, is it not? it really is. please, miss wu, please run. it s like the fake indian elizabeth warren. ms. wu would fit right in. i want her to run to make a big joke of massachusetts. they don t have any republicans or any congressman or senators that are republicans for they are all democrats, so i think we should get the craziest ones to make a big joke out of them. tom: it may seem like a big joke, but harris and she would be elected in massachusetts? i lived in massachusetts for four years. tom: did you live in cambridge? i did. tom: a while back. if you send rich people to the moon, the bigger danger is an all-inclusive resort. can you imagine going to the moon and finding out that alcohol is not involved in the package? tom: it would be terrible. michael, what was she worrying about exactly? i couldn t determine about these rocks being thrown from the moon. do you think it s a military tactic? it s rudimentary. it sounds like she already got hit by a moon rock. my favorite part is not only her craziness but the people who chose to engage in all of this. if she was shouting that on the street corner out here, people would be like, that woman is nuts. let s cross the street. on line, let s engage for this is a productive thing to do. i think she is nuts. i don t know who s going to be throwing things at us. it s not like she was an actor who ran for president and when he was elected, spent $200 billion on a space laser. tom: reagan? i remember when we spent $200 billion to spend a space laser. you were six! i was six. it was beautiful! you didn t realize he massachusetts miracle, it came from the defense contracts that came from fdr that was so derogatorily named star wars. anthony? yeah? tom: what were we talking about? look, people would let her go, except for the fact she s running for office. but wasn t there a congress been recently within the past couple of years that said that too many people on iwo jima, it would flip over and capsize? [laughter] i swear to you. tom: there was a congressman that thought one of the islands in the south pacific, i think iwo jima, would tip over. she is well-qualified to be in congress. and also, i like that. remember the bugs bunny myspace modulator. [mimicking marvin the martian] [mimicking bugs bunny] we ve got to take care of this guy. it s a cartoon! tom: that s what she s remembering, right? how can you criticize her, anthony. some people on your show, some of your guests to have some theories that some might call alternative. they do. but i ve argued and debated with them. flat earthers, fitting in with a physicist, we discussed it and we got hate mail because people absolutely believe the earth is flat. anything you put online these days is fact, we know that. fake news, fake astronomy, fake space travel and everything. tom: on wednesday, alec baldwin sat down with jimmy kimmel, my rival for king of late night. they talked about the possibility [laughter] they talked about the possibility of baldwin playing donald trump at the upcoming correspondence dinner. there is a guy who was on the internet it s interesting how there are people now that he s not going to the white house correspondents dinner, there are people who are lobbying to play trumpet at the white house correspondents dinner. you are not one of those people? i m not lobbying, but people would say, what you do it? there are a couple of guys on the internet, please, i m the only man to play trump there is a lot of trump competition. no one will top view on this. they say i suck! nobody knows who these people are. i can t sayse i gave it up for lent, but [laughter] there is one guy lobbying. it should be whoever the president hates seeing the most, that is undoubtedly you. tom: the guy he is referring to is none other than red eye s johnny d. why don t you stand up for johnny d by using the hashtag # #thejohnald2host. . i ve got handsome hands, and i use them if you know what i mean. i use them in conversation. [laughter] tom: and here s alec baldwin. i want to apologize you on camera for you while to apologize? i asked you a question. get the [bleep] out of here! [laughter] tom: this trump is harsher. i don t like that harsh tone. is a different take. tom: i think it s pretty clear who is the better person. looks, it s funny. he s making fun of people for campaigning for the job, but it looks to me he s campaigning. campaigning pretty hard. for a guy who s had quite a career, it s weird that he s groveling for a job like that. i think things are going pretty well, right? or i thought they were for a while. spinning back to harrison. he s obviously so well known for it on snl, but johnny d is better, is he not? i think alec baldwin is a little cartoonish. he s also going up against james domi and the guys i m friends with. there are a lot of really good trumps out there. they shouldn t be throwing stones against these people. tom: kristin, what about canceling the entire dumb dinner? let it be known, i am team johnny d. you should totally do it. but, it s irrelevant because no one is going to watch the correspondents dinner. they are going to be watching whatever trump is doing. he will probably do something the same night and make all the media cover that instead. tom: he s going to pull something out. anthony, if would be a mixed blessing if johnny got it. they would make him be very anti-trump. they would make him do all the anti-trump jokes. absolutely. why not just put a heavy bag up there so they can get up and punch it, because that s all they want. literally, a punching bag. somebody they are so mad that he s not going to be there. if they want somebody he hates, chuck schumer puts away on him and does that. that would be perfect. he is hated by donald trump. other than that? you are right. nobody is going to care about this. they are the same, sanctimonious, out of touch, annoying, smug celebrities. they know it and they are starting to melt down. tom: there it is. support johnny d with the hashtag. when a web site makes you take a test before leaving a comment. it better be in english, or you lost this tweeter. live from america s news headquarters, i m patti ann browne. president trump took his edge in the two schools on friday. he is visit to a faith-based school in orlando was part of a plan to push education vouchers. the program gives money to student to attend private schools. he was joined by education secretary betsy devos. they held a roundtable discussion with school leaders to promote the program. the president then headed to his home in west palm beach for the weekend. the president went to florida, his vice president mike pence went to wisconsin. mr. pence told the workers that a replacement plan for obamacare would be coming in the next few days. i am perfectly confident that when it s all said and done, we are going to unify because we all, every republican ran on repealing and replacing it and we are going to keep our promises. it does nothing to harm the path of lowering costs, increasing coverage and expanding access. get something to talk about. calling cap colin kapernick refusing to stand up for the national anthem. home depot is adding 80,000 jobs, both full and part-time jobs are coming in time for the spring construction rush. the retailer also said they made the application process easier. they can apply by clicking on a smartphone or tablet. a california high school cashing in big time. the school made an investment in snapchat for just $15,000. what the company going public, they cashed in two-thirds of their original investment, then $24 million. i m patti ann browne, back to red eye. for all of your headlines, log on to tom: remember the old days when you read the news on your morning paper, and you wanted to comment on the story, you are forced to scribble long-winded conspiracy theories along the edge of the paper and then randomly show it to people in the subway car? thankfully, we can leave comments right on the new sight of our choice and engage responsibly with our friends and the readership community. but as someone famous once said, that reading is the hardest par part. and many of us just want to go right to the ranting. people end up reading just the headlines, which is being specifically written to garner cliques, and then they began yelling at the comment section without understanding anything in the story. so! norwegian new sight r and rk came up with a solution. about the article, before they are allowed to post a comment. that s right. you have to pass a test before you get to have an opinion. that is so norway. who was doing all the commenting? only 14% of readers report commenting on news stories. and 51% neither read nor post comments. the rest said, no comment. anthony, do you ever comment on any news stories? yes. tom: you do? a lot. tom: you are one of the commenters? but if you are not the first or second commenter, the comments have nothing to do with the story anymore anyway. they deteriorate into the lowest common denominator immediately. i like this. i mean, you should be a little educated on something if you actually want to contribute in a lively debate, but i would ve liked to have something like this for, let s just say, twitter, a few years back? [laughter] something that took your blood pressure reading at the right level, then you can tweet. tom: you need a test to slow you down before you can do anything on the internet. so many texts and tweets that i wish to go right past. that send button is too much! put a safety on there. and you can t delete blood alcohol, breathalyzers l ! tom: do you read them? to see what people are. i read them and i like the idea that you have to show that you have to know something a little before i don t think it should be an internet rule but all over the world, you ve got to prove you know something, if you want to come to my super bowl party, you ve got to answer ten civil questions about sports. i think we should do this everywhere. tom: kristin. this is going to make the internet suck! the comment sections are the best part of the internet. i get it s really fun. i don t read new stories, tom. just make everything suck! but conservative sites could use this as a tool to fight liberal trolls. make them answer five questions about the constitution before they are allowed to go on there and rant against trump. it would be sort of useful, i guess. i m not surprised you are against it. if there had to be no information or talk, you wouldn t be allowed to speak. but i feel like we needed an iq test for most of these things like facebook, if i see another hot take from brenda of the dental hygienist on immigration, we don t need any of that. if you have the word cuck or snowflake your comment automatically gets deleted. tom: you have a thing against dental hygienist? you would like a safe space for losing liberals. i wish i had a limousine. that would be amazing. tom: i like reading the stories. do you know what would annoy me? video. i don t want to sit through your dumb video because there is a commercial before it, but these sites make you watch the video. i want to go for the text. and i try to scroll past it. they figure that one after you get to go to the end. and then it says, you get another commercial. and for that. [laughter] touche! two times. an iq test on twitter so that donald trump would not be allowed to tweet. i said it. that s right! come at me, bro. i m going to try to make them tweet at me. i want to get that bump. tom: coming up. tv s andy levy. if you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn t cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn t pay. so don t wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they re the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now s the perfect time to learn more. go long. tom: welcome back. it s time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tv s andy levy over it on the red eye news desk. happy friday. friday! end of the week. always. the speed of [laughter] it s called banter, people. it is a skill and an art. anthony, you said if you are going to slovenia to find a girl like lonnie a i ended up missing the rest of the discussion because of that search. and women triple jumping is now my favorite sport. did you put actual slovenia women? or did you put bikini slovenia women. i just put slovenia women. they ve got a triple jumper, though. really? i ve got olympic fever now. harrison, you mentioned that everything trump hates gets a boost. believe me, it s not true. okay. i hope as this whole thing continues what he says creates the opposite effect, that he continues to tell people to vote for him the next election. okay. millennials are buying cars till s work second jobs. can we talk about how side hustle is a phrase we see in newspapers? it s gross. sounds like a dance move in the 70s. i m fine with it. it s just one of those phrases you find in newspapers. harrison, you said your side hustle is this. i hope you come for money. seriously. [laughter] michael, you said we are overlooking the age factor here and you do not want a driver who was 18. what if they are hot? [laughter] well, if they are slovenian. triple jumpers, yes. then we are okay. maybe i will drive. that s a valid argument. anthony cumia, you said you can t wait for the robots to drive us. that s the thing, the side hustle and going to last because there will be any more human drivers. i see it like the curve we saw with blockbuster video. it was like, you couldn t imagine a life without blockbuster video. now it s like. it s like the roman colosseum s. career builder did a survey last summer and they found that some of the more popular millennial side gangs are survey taker, housesitter, web site designer. they also listed more unique ones that people said including mystery shopper, barbecue contest official, firewood processor, trailer checker, and tattoo a princess. wow. apprentice? i would want my tattoos checked out by an apprentice. i would want someone with a driver s license and someone who doesn t know how to do a tattoo. 100%. cut your hair and get a job! staring at that man bun from the backseat. that is not a euphemism. [laughter] please tell me that is not a euphemism. it is now! [laughter] i m talking firewood. side hustle, man. briand of wu and the moon rocks. michael, you said that she already said like she got hit by a moon rock. honestly, this is not as crazy as it sounds before example, in robert heimlich s novel the moon is a harsh mistress, there is a sin to an ai plotting the correct trajectories which proves that this could happen. none of that is as crazy as it sounds. [laughter] also, look up project four all of you sometimes. an actual american project. look it up. i will do that. it involved dropping tungsten rods from targets lowered into orbit. is tungsten rod to euphemism? it is now! cumia, you said wasn t there a congressman a few years ago who thought that iwo jima would tip over if they were too many people on one side? no. that would be crazy. it was guam. [laughter] he congressman hank johnson. good thing they put a keel on it. [laughter] imagine if it were like a seesaw, they had to keep moving people? it might be cool. and lastly, the norwegian newspaper requiring comment news to past a quiz. kristin, use of the comment sections are the best part of the internet. may i recommend a good psychiatrist? [laughter] sure. okay. i am done. tom: thank you, andy. coming up, a new yorker cartoon about mansplaining. my first book from harpercollins. if you can preorder mean dads for a better america now at tom live from america s news headquarters, i m patti ann browne. some republican attorney general s are suing president trump. the attorney general say the purpose of the lawsuits is to have regulations overturned, which were started in the obama administration. sometimes, it turns out the best way to help president trump fulfill his campaign pledges is to soothe president trump. that is what we are doing their that s what i m doing in the state of missouri. we are finding key litigation to bring against the administration that will help expedite, accelerate the process of withdrawing these onerous regulations. federal reserve chair janet yellen is hinting that the fed will resume hiking interest rates later this much. yellen says the strengthening job market can inflation inching closer to the fed s 2% target could be the impetus for a re-height. she says it will be a positive for the economy. those increases would keep the economy from significantly overheating, thereby sustaining the expansion and maintaining price stability. european parliament votes to end visa free travel for u.s. citizens. this after parliament condemned president trump s order banning travelers from seven majority muslim countries. parliament says the vote is in response to way it was policy requiring visas from citizen from five eastern countries. arnold schwarzenegger is terminating himself from celebrity apprentice. he is stepping down after one season, blaming the shows low ratings on its connection to the former host, president trump. and the wait continues for the arrival of a new giraffe. new york zoo has been streaming live video of a pregnant giraffe online, and more than 15 million people have tuned in at some point hoping to see the birth of her baby. i m patti ann browne. now back to red eye . tom: a cartoon in the new yorker that went viral this week had put me and my fellow man in our place. a woman and the men looking at a painting. the woman says, i said i wonder what it means, not tell me what it means. oh, snap! new yorker cartoon speaks to every woman who has been mansplained to. women shared the depiction of mansplaining while men question it. one guy mansplained, not gender related. another guy manquestioned. it s sexist to volunteer an opinion? interesting point. kristin, was this man mansplain? maybe he was. i don t know. maybe sometimes women need to be mansplained, tom. sometimes men need to be womansplained. this is a pathetic excuse for a liberal woman to make themselves into victims. this is actually pretty demeaning to talk about mansplaining, because it basically pushes this notion that women are strong enough to tell a man shut the hill out. tom: there it is! look. i think, harrison, you have been mansplaining to me this entire show, i haven t held it against you. mansplain doesn t mean when a man is explaining. it s when a man is it s to explain his own perspective to her. tom: you are taking the humor out of our discussion. [laughter] new yorker cartoons are funny as donald trump is to breeding presidential. barely if ever. nobody looks to new yorker cartoons. you never laugh out loud. tom: do you, anthony? my god, it s a ziggy! seinfeld did an episode on how lousy new yorker cartoons are. my personal opinion? if a girl drag me to an art museum, i should be able to recite andrew dice clay s albums in front of her without taking any crap for it. tom: look at him. he s got the man born. leprechaun shoes, capri pants. i think the people at the new yorker think that that is a man. i guess to a lot of them, it is, right? but look. don t women love communication? i mean you were editor in chief at close. tom: i knew it was something like that. but you worked in women s magazines, right? you essentially were a professional mansplainer. i told millions of women what we were thinking and what we were feeling. and then i lost the job. [laughter] also on august, right? how can you won. women want us to talk all the time. never speak, once you do it s our fault. i think we are problem solvers. i guess that s what they are going for here. at the end of the day, just stay quiet and pay the checks. i m also single, i should add. [laughter] anthony, what happens what happened to women? do you remember when they were nice? no. quite frankly, i don t even remember. do you remember your dating history? it s so terrible! how angry you are at that whole thing is totally proportional to what happens at the end of the night. because that s how nice you are. you are nice enough to know until you are very nice. you don t want to start any fights or arguments until, you know, where the night is going. tom: it s true. but, harrison, we are more egalitarian than ever, which is great. well, it s great, but we aren t being treated that way. like i said, no matter what men do, they get snapped at and basic mansplain, i don t think it s an appropriate turn. there are problems, but it s a pendulum through the pendulum has won way too far in the sight of men. tom: there you go! thank you, mr. archconservative. what do you think conservativism is about? the pendulum has gone too far and were pushing back on you, my friend! now you are mansplaining it to me. i feel like i m on both sides. mansplaining is awesome. i m going to use it whenever a guy said something to me i don t like. you are mansplaining me! i guess, kristin, what should men do. how should we deal with this kind of attitude? whatever we want you to do. that s the answer. you know, do whatever we want. or else it s mansplaining. we are always right. women are always right. tom: keep your man happy, ladies. [laughter] coming up, too faster not too fast? the furious debate next. tom: coming up on the neck red eye. allie green, chris hahn, and jack ibanez and jackie ibanez. the archdiocese of hartford, connecticut, wants catholics to put down their phones on two very important holy days during lent. ash wednesday and st. patrick s day. you guys didn t get that? actually, it s good friday. okay. that went over my head. tom: all students will be encouraged to participate and they will get these purple stickers. the archbishop talked about what people should focus on instead. focus ourselves may be a little bit more on the things that last forever. on the state of our soul, on a relationship to god, on the attention we give to other people. tom: there you go. what do you think, kristin? i think it will be great to do this once a week. i guess. but the church s biggest problem is of the phone thing, it s getting people to church. church is so uninspiring. it s so boring. that s why no one goes anywhere. you walk in and there are five gray heads in the pew and they lecture you. now they ve gotten political. the pope is telling us basically to have open borders. it s a big turnoff. they need to make church fun again. there is i went to it. it s like a big rock concert and it s always full. they need to start doing that. that s happening all over the country! they need to do that more. that s the only way. everywhere, these big churches are exciting. what do you think is this idea of giving up the phone and reflecting? for lunch, i give up on my new year s resolution, so i m all about quitting things. i m with these guys. i don t like having to respond. on my phone, the idea of having an excuse to not you didn t write back at me. because of god, wouldn t let it. i finally have an excuse for being out of sight. tom: are you relieved when you get on the phone and you have to put that thing on an airplane? you are free. you are on a five-hour flight, you don t have to talk to anybody. it s quite a relief, is in it, and the nickel! only because you are completely forced to. you cannot get a signal. if you pay for the wi-fi, you are still using your phone on the plane. no, this will not work. we love our phones. we freak out without them. and i know if i leave the house without the phone, i know immediately i will drive back no matter where i am. i will not, i feel phantom buzzes and rings. it s scary. my phone isn t even on vibrate! yes, but you feel it vibrate. isn t that crazy? i can t see this working, but that sounds fun, though. if you do it every saturday will you give up all electronic electronics, this is an idea we ve had forever. sundown, right? son done on friday until sundown on saturday, no electronics. do i do it? e-uppercase-letter not. but orthodox orthodox jews, absolutely. i m a huge expert on the church. i just wanted to take that ash wednesday stuff. tom: so many people took that. i m like, i m not going to this is of the rock concert church you want to? note! i want to get a yarmulke and use that on people. if you aren t going to give up your phone, you must have some places you could give up for 40 days. oh, my god. i could have one a day! [laughter] i refuse to. tom: anything? what are you giving up? you give up your resolution. yeah. tom: i like this idea of giving things up. i went to eco-years of catholic school, so i feel like i m done. i don t have to do that anymore. i m in the club now. tom: harrison greenbaum, it s me, tom shillue. good night. rodney and his new business. he teaches lessons to stanley. and that s kind of it right now. but rodney knew just what to do.he got quickbooks. it organizes all his accounts, so he knows where he stands in an instant. ahhh.that s a profit. which gave him the idea to spend a little cash on some brilliant marketing! ha, clever. wow, look at all these new students! way to grow, rodney! know where you stand instantly. visit have a great weekend. special report is up next. bret: house speaker paul ryan one-on-one with an update on obamacare, tax reform and his view with the investigation into a possible rush of connection and leaks. a fox news exclusive. this is special report. good evening, welcome to washington. i m bret baier. we will have an interview with house speaker paul ryan just a few minutes. today, the continuing furor over trump officials. and president trump going on a twitter offensive against the top two democrats in congress. chief white house correspondent

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against another ai for resources. i can t see any way this ends badly for humanity. i m now being told that i m wrong. tom: thank you, andy. let s welcome our guests. she s always right, never left. kristin tate. this hahn always flies solo. a chris hahn. keeping up with him isn t more arduous than a korean march. michael malice. lucky for him, this can and it didn t carey. sitting right next to me, comedian mike cannon. keep waving. let s start the show. tom: soon after michael flynn resigned as national security advisor, two narratives emerged. a conservative one and a wrong one. the new york times piece notes that the traditional media focused on what led to flynn s downfall. misleading mike pence about russian transmissions. the more right-leaning outlets focused on the leaks from washington that had put pressure on flynn to step aside and whether these leaks were intended to damage president trump. what do you think? depending on where you get your news, flynn was either held accountable or he was a victim. on a certain fair and balanced network, you heard talk of the illegal leaks. the long knives were out for flynn almost at the moment that he was announced. i think this really was a death by 1,000 leaks. tom: the mainstream media, the leakers were brave. a writer at the new yorker tweeted that the story was a reminder of a big truth. public servants who got the story out are hitting heroes. i wish i had patriotic music to play behind that. an npr reporter observed at so which side is president trump on? the answer may not surprise you. he tweeted and later he said this michael flynn, general flynn is a wonderful man. i think he s been treated very unfairly by the media. as i call it, the fake media in many cases. it s very unfair what s happened to general flynn, the way he was treated and the documents and papers that were illegally, i stress that, illegally leaked. tom: illegally leaked, michael, he obviously has had a problem with the press. the press which is terrible in many cases, he always qualifies it a little bit. but illegal leaks, this is serious stuff, right? the best thing about trump is that he was going to promise a stalemate in washington and the h side ishave this kind of snapping at each other, the better it s going to be for all of america. my goal is to have nothing happen in washington, if they re focusing their fire, fair or unfair and illegal, these people should probably all be in prison anyway. great, let s take them all out. we got the democrats, let s take out the republicans, too. tom: you want the do-nothing government. don t we have to first undo the obama stuff and then do nothing? once we have up situation where political discourse is impossible, the situation starts to solve itself. tom: chris hahn, you and your fellow democrats had it in for flynn from the very beginning. admit it. no. tom: thank you. i do think that it s odd that flynn who was supposedly this experts didn t realize that the ambassador to russia s conversation will be heard by people in the justice department. that s incompetence, and i think quite frankly that donald trump fired him for being incompetent. tom: first of all, he can talk to the russians. that s what you do. he can t violate the logan act tom: that logan act it s ridiculous. don t lie about it when you know there s a tape. he had to know there was a tape, or if he didn t know he shouldn t have been in the job he had. either way, the guy can t be there anymore. tom: you don t have to raise your hand, i was going to come to you next. i don t know what the logan act is, is that based on the new wolverine sequel? tom: if you turn 30, you have to renew. that s real. [laughter] i like to make references that kristin doesn t understand. mike cannon, don t you agree that they wanted flynn to go from the beginning? i m going to sketch it out for you, obama set a trap, he put this sanctions in just before walking out the door. the trap was that he wanted trump to remove the sanctions, and then they would point to him and say the russians it did it. then the trap ended up working on flynn. i am enjoying the high property no longer the thing we even care about or discussed, it s so obvious that both sides are the biggest hypocrites in the entire world, obviously trump was championing every single leak coming out about hillary clinton during the entire campaign and now all of a sudden he s stressing how illegal it is and this is espionage against his entire cabinet. that might be the only smart thing i ever say. there s a difference between something from wikileaks and coming from within our government. don t those leaks originate in our government and are given to wikileaks? you re assuming that the leaks came from our government, you re not assuming that maybe trump was a little bit too harsh on the russians and they said let s get this guy who we don t like. they did come from the government. tom: the administration. kristin, take it away. i m actually really torn about this. you might be surprised, i tend to be on the side of leakers because i think sometimes we need leaks to expose horrific or unethical things that our government does, and i also think that the fear of leaks can keep a government official in check. so i support leaks when they are done for a noble cause, but the question is what defines a noble cause. that s a slippery slope, there s a thin line between nobility and just leaking for political motives. i think flynn has to go, he lied to vice president pence. but i think we also need to expose who leaks this, because of their no consequence is for leakers, everyone in the government will think they can just leaking national secrets with no consequent this. what s a national secret, this is not a national secret. this is a phone call. the point is if there are no consequent as for leaking, other people who do have national secrets will think tom: we went all through this with the wiretapping, everyone up in arms over it, this is one of those peep piece they were tapping the phones, but there was an american citizen on the other side. who should have known it was being attached. you should have known that people were listening to the tap at the time, the man is incompetent and shouldn t be in the job. donald trump calling him a great man, unfortunately this happened to him, that sounded like a guy with a lot to lose right there. tom: i think flynn is still in good with trump. we maybe have not seen the last of a flynn. now it s time for tom: for all those people who didn t get enough of the 2016 election because of the coverage you received on cable news, you ll soon be able to relive it in all of its glory in a ten hour miniseries by the screen writer and producer mark bowl. he is best known as the writer and producer of film such as zero dark thirty and the hurt locker. those were good films, that s why he is going to have trouble with this one, the left is going to be demanding that this is anti-trump, which is a mistake. i know hbo has made dramas that were completely anti-republican, but their hero obama won at the end of that movie. that s not the case with hillary. the only way a 2016 election drama will work as if it was totally pro trump. [laughter] here s my reason. trump won in the end, and as a drama it makes a great underdog story. so here s my idea for casting the drama. as trump, george clooney. i know what you re thinking, he s no fan of trump, but that s okay. because the things that hollywood hates about trump are all the things are that supporters love. the more that clooney tries to make them seem unlikely, the more trump fans will like him. as hillary, meryl streep. i know she won t do it, but you have to lie to her and say you re doing an alternate history drama like the man in the high castle. a utopian fantasy where hillary lenz, and at the last minute tell her she s been punk. and for bernie sanders, [laughter] siegal looks like a billionaire. a that s lot more hair. tom: chris hahn, do you think anyone it needs to see more of the election? i m done with 2016, i need to move on. i have not routed for this guy to fail, i think there s been a lot of problems with president trump. i think there s probably more to come, i think he could right the ship by bringing in a jim baker type that everyone respects, doesn t have to be jim baker but someone like that. tom: who do you think you should bring in? i think he should bring in john kasich. stu and he hates guy. he s starting to lose the republican party. tom: who was the guy that just jumped out. it was an olympian tom: he went down today, he s the only guy who lost. that s not his biggest problem. his big problem is that national security thing, he needs to bring in a stabilizing force of his government or he s going to face a challenge from his own party. tom: malice, about the movie, what do you think? should we dramatize the election? let s go back to a moment during the election, you want to watch it in a drama, it s not going to be realistic. the second debate, do you trust donald drunk donald trump with the nuclear button? this is awful. you re watching this, it s all non sequiturs, how do you have a realistic drama where the president all cabinet is talking about the size of his junk during the debate. you can t have a narrative where that hero is erratic and random and you don t know his motivations, and yet here we ar are. donald trump has never found a button in his life. he s found buttons. tom: i don t know, let s ask don t you think that you can t make it more interesting than trump, i don t care who s playing him. i don t think george clooney should play him, i think it should be bill murray and he can wear his kingpin week. give this some time to marinate, i just watched it. i don t need to remember something that i already remember. the reason why the o.j. simpson thing on fx wasn t so good, because it was 20 years later, you got to see how each character played out and got a good scope of what they re up to now. let s wait until trump is either dead or onto his sixth wife. tom: could they possibly be fair to trump in a drama? if they did that would be an awesome movie. i would love to see the purging of hillary clinton and barack obama be played out on the screen. but obviously it wouldn t, this is going to be the same hollow hollywood at drivel. trump is going to be the big bully, no one s going to watch it and it s going to get no ratings. i don t think she d be played as a victim, there are a lot of people on the left who are upset with this campaign. all i could think about was yes, the russians interfered, but you always have opposition research dropped off on you, if you had taken august often campaigned tom: moving on, on monday the half-brother of north korean dictator kim jong own was murdered. he was stabbed at an airport. as you see, in this picture she is wearing the classic garb of the session. some are saying that kim jong-un ordered the murder to take out his half-brother kim jong-nam. he that they may be grooming him as a ruler in waiting. the way the democrats did with hillary. i had to get a cheap shot in their. i wanted to get this and because michael is here. i wrote a piece on this in the observer. north korea is based on this bloodline, so everything is an assumption of kim jong-un s grandfather. the tenth commandment is the revolution that is written should be filled by generation by the narration. only his descendants can be and that role. kim jong-nam was the eldest, when he went to beijing and said they needed to be more bite beijing, he was an environmentalist and against nuclear weapons, he was passed over. the second son was regarded as too much of a sissy. if a kim jong-un is threatened and thinks he s about to be taken out, kim jong-nam is the only possible real backup. this is his insurance policy, because now if someone takes him out, the regime that s currently in power is not going to have any person to substitute him with, and if you look at all of other regimes, when the people in power go down, they have a very vested interest not to liberalize, because if they change governments they are going to be held accountable. tom: unbelievable. that was a very well-thought-out, i ve got to read that book now. look, this is a destabilized country that has a crazy leader. eventually were going to have to deal with them, or china is going to have to deal with them more than likely. i see what s happening here, if this was kim jong-un taking out his brother because they thought china was involved, china should get involved right now. otherwise, we don t really know what s happened. they can get involved because he would have 20 million people who have never seen a computer and don t speak china going to china. tom: should we ignore them, what should we do with north korea? go to the expert mike cannon. i enjoyed her assassin attir attire. at least she wasn t wearing a j.k. t-shirt. i don t know what to do, because frankly my foreign affairs binder is quite thin. [laughter] tom: it was a clever disguise, you don t generally think someone in an lol t-shirt is going to do that. i think she s awesome, i want to know everything about her. every thing i know about kim jong-un i learned from an interview, i know he s adorable and loves live music and pretty women and he has a wonderful heart under the tough exterior. tom: it s good to learn from hollywood. coming up, and upcoming star wars movie is introducing the first of its kind android character. it loves shopping for shoes and the bachelor. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that s over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. live from america s news headquarters, i m jackie ibanez in new york. the search for a new labor secretary marches on this morning, president trump s initial choice for the job abruptly withdrew his name from consideration on wednesday. the fast food ceo was scheduled for a confirmation hearing today, but democrats and even some republicans was concerned about his failure to pay taxes for five years for a former housekeeper who wasn t authorized to work in the u.s. the white house has yet to comment on a possible replacement nominee. just to go days after michael flynn resigned over reports to contact with russian diplomat, the cia has suspended his access to sensitive information. democrats are calling for a special counsel to look at other possible ties between the white house in russia. the public and lawmakers say that will be necessary. lawmakers in connecticut are expressing concern over the russian spy ship that has been sailing it near a u.s. naval base in recent days. the representative s are condemning what they are describing as russia s increasing aggression. it was later spotted about 30 miles from a sub marine base in connecticut. second woman arrested connected with the killing of kim jong-nam, he was the half-brother of north korean leader kim jong-un. he was reportedly poisoned this week while waiting for a flight. he has fallen out of favor with a kim jong-un and has been living abroad for years. he told medical workers before he died that he was attacked with a chemical spray. i m jackie ibanez, now back to red eye. for all of your headlines, log onto fox you are watching the most powerful name of news, of course fox news channel. have a great morning. tom: this is the droid you re looking for. if you are a feminist. star wars movies have only featured male droids, like c3 p po, r3d2 and bb8. the next movie will feature a female droid, the first time a major android will be voiced by a woman. a feminist blogger writes before feminists get too excited, maybe they should check out this footage red eye obtained of the female droid in action. [laughter] tom: we are kidding, that s not it. they haven t started filming yet, but early sketches of the female droid have surfaced. she s good, right? what do you think, should people be excited about this? do i get an award for setting my theory to a female voice. i don t member people celebrating c3 po for being gay. tom: was he? clearly, he was also bronze. tom: the other droids, i don t see them as male or female. no, because they re robots. tom: i don t know they certainly are. we had a female droid, and also if you re a feminist, why are you glad that the female droid is a sidekick? if you re a feminist you should want that droid to be in the lead role. we arty have female droids on earth, they re called washing machines. tom: also, rogue one. we couldn t get a female president, will get a female droid and star wars. we have to get something, rogue one exactly right. to quote strong characters, i am a father of daughters, i m happy. i don t think it matters. [laughter] captain phasma was a woman. she s a stormtrooper, they re not robots. tom: there s a person under there. kirsten, is it important to see your gender reflected in the android world. i was very excited to hear about the first female droid because as you know i m a feminist, but i was very upset when i found that the actress who plays the part of the female droid works in the cafeteria making sandwiches, and at the end of the movie she transforms into a vacuum robot and vacuums the whole starship. very offensive. tom: that would be a happy ending. the robot gets a happy ending? tom: i wish we could go back to when all the science fiction movies were just all guys, they were writing them, going to them, enough of this. i nerds brought the women into the culture, to be nice, women made themselves at home and now they re posing ideology. it s called gamer gates, google it. i thought the force awakening was one of the better it star wars movies. tom: the fourth awakening? to go the force awakens. it s great to see female characters, you change when you get older and you have kids. this is political corruption is nonsense. it s not going to work with star wars. people want to see good movies with a good script, they don t want to see i m sorry, you don t think rogue one and episode seven were good movies? tom: they were great films, i love them, coming up, halftime with tv s andy levy. a brand-new episode of red eye podcast is available, subscribe on itunes and on tom: hello and welcome back, it s time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tvs andy levy over at the red eye news deck. it s been too friday. tom: it s andy: i tried. tom: you almost fooled me. andy: the two narratives about michael flynn s resignation. malice, you said you want a do-nothing government. of the thing to me is why are people arguing over whether it was flynn s discussions with russia or the leaks that led to him going, they re both right. they re also trying to set up the next domino to fall, they re going to blame it on the individual person, they can say that it s not that they have an agenda, all these people have to be evil individually. andy: okay. chris, please don t bring up the logan act on my watch. and nobody wants hear about that. i want to law school, i ve got to throw it out there once in a while. i paid $5,000 for that. i m still paying it back, i m going to be paying it back until i m like 60. andy: you said he should have known that he was being recorded, i m sure he did. there s no way he didn t. he should ve watch what he said. it seems to me like he didn t know he was being recorded, and that to me suggests that he probably shouldn t have been the national security advisor to begin with. andy: given his background, there s no way he didn t know. he got fired from that job too. maybe he s not the right guy in this position protecting our country. a andy: i agree with that. i just don t think he knew he was being recorded, i think he just screwed up. who made the logan s run reference watermark tom. andy: i was going to say it nicely done but i take it back. mike, you said you re enjoying how hypocrisy is something we don t even talk about anymore. you re exactly right, i don t even have a joke here. thanks, i appreciate it. that s the first solid point i ve made in four appearances on this show. andy: is it really that many? and two months time. i assume people are really agitated by now. andy: were not airing the ones you re on. kristin, you said there is a difference between weeks coming from wikileaks and coming from our government. not picking a fight, i m not sure why you consider them to be different. first of all, the things about hillary clinton were not coming from the government, they were coming from the dnc. that s different than government official leaking things coming from the government. is that not? andy: i agree with that, i m just wondering why it matters if it makes a difference where the leaks come from, where they come from wikileaks or the government. if the wikileaks leaks had been government leaks? you can punish a government official, you can t punish russia. foreign government interfering with our election is not as bad at it s not good, but it s much easier for us to punish a government official. your logic is mistaken and you should probably try another tactic. first of all, are you questioning my intelligence he because i m a woman? no, i m questioning your logic. a misogynist! women are illogical, we all think that. andy: tom, you said this is one of those cases where they were tapping a russian but they picked up an american. aren t you in support of americans being surveilled by the government? if you re talking to a terrorist enter up to no good, yeah. andy: what if your talking to a foreign agent to enter up to no good? he was doing his job. andy: no he wasn t. tom: you re supposed to talk to people before andy: he didn t have the job yet. tom: when you re in transition, your job is to call foreign governments. i think he was doing just fine and he shouldn t have been fired, trump should have drawn a line in the sand, i m very is appointed interim. andy: what about the fact that he violated the logan act? drama being planned based on the 2016 election. tom, you said meryl streep should play hillary, no, she s overrated. overrated. you mean hillary? andy: we talked with us earlier, it should be hope davis. tom: and she s underrated, andy. andy: she is as underrated as meryl streep is overrated. you also said the only way this would work as if if it s totally pro-trump, you wanted to end with a classic underdog story. good point, but what you also said it would never happen. what if the entire thing is about how they all suck? sue and i said i don t you can do this, you re going to make everyone mad, you got to sell tickets. andy: the five libertarians watching will like it. mike, you said this tv show will be far more powerful in ten years when trump is either dead or on his sixth wife. or on his third term as president. kristen, did you say this is going to be typical hollywood dribble? yes. andy: okay. i meant that. whatever it is, it s not good. andy: michael malice, everything you said in the segment was dead wrong. typical u.s. imperialist propaganda. [laughter] andy: mike, you said you enjoyed the assassin s choice of attire. can we agree there is something sexy about female assassins? it s everybody s dream come true. andy: it had a james bond field to it. i like her bangs. andy: we disagree on that. the female droid and star wars, she s just going to keep crashing into things, isn t she? [laughter] as a ninth wave feminist, i can make those jokes. tom, you said in the script that the star wars movies have only featured male droids, then you later said you don t consider them to be male. i agree with that, i don t know why people think they re male. tom: i don t know. my favorite droid, k2 andy: if you re going to go by male voice, he was male. it was male, whatever. tom: that s why i liked him, he was my favorite. andy: also, mike, easy mistake, but see three po wasn t gay, he was british. and kristin, you said this is political correct nonsense like ghostbusters. i don t think it s the same thing, this is making one new character of female where s the other one was it s casting a female for the sake of casting a female, what the heck is a female robot, just a robot with boobs on it? it could play into it, you never know, she could leak oil for seven days. [laughter] andy: that s not funny and i am done. tom: thank you, andy. to doesn t look like much, but researchers say it s proof will all be murdered by robots someday. but first, kennedy. hey red i hockey goons plus, i ll try to trick them into building me a time machine and then i ll come see you yesterda yesterday. good morning and live from america s news headquarters, i m jackie ibanez in new york. they talked about the iran nuclear deal, the president also had a request for the prime minister on a touchy subject in israel. as far as sediments, i d like to see you hold back on settlements for a little bit, we ll work something out but i would like to see a deal be made. we have known each other all long time, smart man, great negotiator. and i think we re going to make a deal, so let s see what we do. as far as doesn t sound too optimistic. that s the art of the deal. workers in a south carolina aircraft factory give union representation of a big thumbs down. the election was viewed by a high profile for aerospace workers. another big day on wall street, the dow industrial rose. both new record highs, it s now up 26% over the past year and over half of that gain coming since election day. california officials say they are making great progress on repairs to the damage spillways at the oroville dam. they say the lake is draining rapidly. i am a jackie ibanez, now back to red eye. for all of your headlines, log onto fox you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. have a great morning. tom: many experts have warned about the x essential threat posed by artificial intelligence. bill gates, stephen hawking, and mario lopez. [laughter] the concern is that ai could become so advanced that it s uncontrollable, puts its own interest above humans, and takes over the hosting duties of the daily syndicated entertainment show extra. new reports reveal that machines become highly aggressive to get what they want. in this demonstration, when to robots were playing to gain the biggest supply of apples, they turned aggressive to be their opponent. here s another video illustrating the potentially aggressive nature of ai. [laughter] that s more vivid illustration i think of the risk of ai. isn t it? my, what do you think? are you afraid, weren t you blown away by that amazing video by the people in i thought it was quite lovely. it shows how far we ve come in 2017. does it remind you of the last scene in war games ? i don t know, i am a pong enthusiast, this is something i think very deeply about, if these scientists haven t developed an absolute kill switch to stop all of machines and they are out of their minds. i can t even imagine how they will go forward with this type of information without that. tom: i can imagine how you would have a kill switch, how are you going to do it? i m not a scientist, i assume they have something that connects all of them. tom: then people are going to be pulling kill switches all the time. the russians will hit a kill switch. what i m interested in about the story, you have these two artificial intelligences and they can already get along in any circumstances, we ve already had the dream of getting female droids. i married, i am not touching that. i ve never seen a man in a pink shirt so aggressive towards women. tom: are you worried that this experiment does show that computers actually will turn to aggression when all you did was give them a direction to collect apples. that does, that s scary. they didn t give them parameters to collect them fairly, it s just doing its job, it s doing what it s programmed to do. am i worried, yeah, because i think we re the ones programming it. we are programming our own habits into these computers and quite frankly where and aggressive species and where going to continue to be aggressive and the things we create will be just like us. sue and it s true, kristin, very quickly are you afraid of the machine? the solution here is a 3-foot extension cord, if it gets too aggressive, you pull the cord. problem solved. a tom: don t let chris hahn tell you that you don t have sound logic. coming up, what should we do when your kids are in restaurants? will discuss with our childless panel. a a four-star rating, we re good. his name is randy. that s like one of the most trustworthy names! ordering a getaway car with an app? are you randy? that s me! awesome! surprising. what s not surprising? how much money erin saved by switching to geico. everybody comfortable with the air temp? i could go a little cooler. ok. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. tom: coming up tomorrow on the next red eye , david, jiy jimmy, rich, madison. a restaurant owner in italy has, but they solution for rowdy kids disturbing the peace. offer a discount to well behaved families. he said when you get parents who are rude, the pet think thn do anything. and annoy the other customers. after seeing a family with several quiet, polite children, he delivered their bill with 5% off. and now that s a policy. a discount if they are delightful. as for children who disturb other diners, he is showing no tolerance. zero tolerance policy i guess, right? kristin, do you think kids ruine were some kids being all rowdy and everyone was kind of annoyed, and then the mom actually apologized and said i m so sorry, my kids are autistic. and that made me think this is kind of discriminatory against maybe some parents with special needs kids who can t help but act out. i ve got a special need to have a quiet dinner without your little hellions making a scene. my favorite restaurant in williamsburg, you re not allowed to bring children there. a restaurant is for adults, your children don t belong there. tom: i love a restaurant that allows kids, i have kids, it s great when they make room for kids. i married to an italian woman, and this goes against everything they stand for. do i think they should put shock collars to keep these kids quiet? yes, actually that would be i was concerned when my daughter was younger that she would act out in a restaurant, i get it when you bring kids out, you don t want to disturb them. but that s life, we are humans with more humans. there s this bit of jealousy above these kids who have the world in front of them. they re enjoying the dining experience like it should be enjoyed. kids wearing pasta on their head like a hat. tom: we ve got to go. kristin tate, chris hahn, michael malice, and mike cannon. my name is tom shillue, i ll see you. eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn t pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i ve been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i ll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you ll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don t wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare. and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there s a wide range to choose from. we love to travel - and there s so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn t pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more now - and down the road.lansfou i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. kimberly: set your dvr so you never miss an episode of this fabulous show. that s it for us. special special report is nex. bret: this is a fox news alert. i am bret baier. we are coming to live from the richard nixon presidential library in yorba linda, california. we will show you around throughout the show tonight. this, a busy news night. we are following three major stories of this hour. they followed over the resignation of president trump s national security advisor and the calls for investigations into possible connections by others to russian interests. president trump welcomes israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to the white house, changes u.s. policy on the two-state solution, and delivers a request about jewish settlements. first up, and other

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye With Tom Shillue 20170305

stick around to hear why this is wrong. tom: if she had a reality show, it will be called ain t misbehaving. kristin tate. he won the anti-comic award, not for his company but his pro wrestling skills. comedian harrison greenbaum. his last name is so two seasons ago. comedian michael somerville. and he was fired from his job and he decided to compound the problem. sitting right next to me, host of the anthony cumia show on compound media, anthony cumia. okay, let s start the show. president trump has the midas touch. everything he tweets turns into gold. yes, trump is great for business, especially if he s mentioning you on twitter. ever since he won the election, the president has been popping up companies and industries. notes that everywhere you look, there is the speed to bump. check it out. the new york times added a record 276,000 new digital supervisors subscribers in the last quarter. saturday night live had their highest rated show in six years, february 11th. it s not just media getting a boost. activism is up since inauguration day. there have been more than two dozen demonstrations around the country, some of them anti-trum anti-trump. what else? the stock market is up. the dow and nasdaq are in record highs. even tourism in slovenia, bottom line trump is having an impact around the globe. this week, two giant pandas at a tokyo supinated for the first time in focal years. congratulations, ri-ri and chen-chen. i guess you can call that a trump baby bump. anthony? trump fever has taken over the whole country. everybody wins, even his distractors the tractors. if you are trying to go to slovenia to find a girl like melania, there are no girls like her. tom: you went there? it s like borat. and the other thing, the other day during the speech when he mentioned harley davidson, they were on the house it s like insider trader going on as he s talking about stuff. you ve got to be quick! daytrading. tom: that s true. harrison, jobs are being created because japanese have to do with people because what happens when trump mentions you. everyone he hates get a gigantic boost. i am trying to actively i don t know if he s watching, but it s 3:00 a.m., so she s probably watching on the toilet. donald trump, you are awful and i dare you to tweet against me. your tiny baby hands. tom: if he attacks you, you would love it. but it s not just what he hates. actually, michael, it doesn t matter. if he attacks you, it goes up for you. if he detracts if it reminds me of the chicago bears in the super bowl shuffle. i think you should do a music video where everything he touches turns to gold. and then say, look, i ve got the stock market, new york times, alec baldwin s career. he s doing a good job of it. trump bump is his nickname he uses for his penis. suite at me. do it! tom: harrison, you cannot talk the president like that. does he watch the network? tom: he does. but if he does come at president trump? ignore that man. you predict is this. you said watch the market take off, and it did. i said that. before the show, i saw a study that showed that trump is statistically the most famous person in the world. everyone around the globe knows who he is been more recognizable than jesus christ. he had said that he s going to be a president for all americans and help all americans, and that s exactly what he s doing. he s even helping those he disagrees with like the new york times and saturday night live. he s even helping protesters. these are folks that didn t have much going on for themselves but they didn t have jobs but now they get to be paid to protest and hold signs! he s creating jobs all over the place. i think this is truly a president of the people. tom: it really is amazing. anthony, i think christmas, too young to remember what happened to john lennon when he said more popular than jesus christ. it all went down after that. [laughter] there are no known photos of jesus. tom: i have an oil painting on my wall. donald trump and jesus christ are basically the same thing. tom: she s getting in deeper! [laughter] tom: moving on. rideshare services like uber and lyft aren t stopping millennials from buying cars. they are buying cars to work second jobs for those companies. around 15% of millennial car buyers plan to work for uber or similar service. a market researcher tells the washington post, a lot of millennials have the mindset that they have to have a side. something like uber to supplement their income. they are starting to buy new cars. harrison, what is your sight also? the idea of buying a car. tom: protecting the president! [laughter] it s weird to buy a card in uber, it s like getting married order to pimp her out. to it s a very nice spin on the fact that my generation inherited under george w. bush one of the worst economies tom: you are going back to bush? we had a terrible economy, i needed to have second and third s jobs. no, manon deals the reason they can t find high-paying jobs, we have more college degrees but we get paid less because we are in an army of educated idiots. we get our degrees in subjects that have no demand like gender studies, english, art history. and then millennials are shocked when they can t find a job! so they have to drive uber. as a person who was a comedian, i don t agree. tom: you are a harvard guy. i graduated summa cum laude, and i now tell [bleep] jokes. tom: michael, what think you of this? i think we are overlooking the age factor. i like the new car smell. i don t like the smell of a new driver for millennials have been as young as 18? i don t want to have a kid driving me around. you ve got to get a voting license, a pilot license, it takes hundreds and thousands of actors to make, right? this kid can get a new car and, hey, they can drive you professionally. they don t know where anything is! they can t release the gas tank because there is a hidden button on everything. tom: and it will be your fault. [laughter] i am that guy shaking my fist. get off my lawn . whether they are driving cars or in there, when i was that age, we had the good enough sense to hitchhike everywhere we went. and someone has the common sense to get horribly murdered while they were hitching. you don t have that kind of dela colling will the herd thing that happened back then culling of the herd that happened back then. i can t wait for the robots to drive us. maybe they will shut up. i don t want to talk to you uber guys. i don t know why i can t get anything that says don t talk to me. can i have a silent option on my uber? this is what people want. is that what happens, drivers talking the whole time? yes! they want to show you their screenplay. out of work actors tell me about their dreams. he said, how is your day? i thought i got a divorce in 99. i can t believe i m being asked that again. tom: they answer that at the hotel, too. you get in the elevator and the hotel is like i don t want to say anything. are you robbing me? i m paranoid. you guys stay at nice hotels. they don t ask you how you have been on the red roof? we ve gone after the red roof. i apologize, a great place to stay. moving on. finally, someone speaking publicly about the threat from moon rocks. this week, one space x announced it would send to people around the moon, game developer brianna wu drew attention to a troubling scenario. wu tweeted, this is a fun hygiene for rich people. but the idea of a private corporation having access to moon should give you pause. is that enough of a pause? i wasn t going to call it. tom: moving on! the moon is the most technically valuable ground for earth. rocks dropping from their have the power of 100th of a nuclear bomb. dropped? dropped into our giant planetary gravity, that multiplies the kinetic energy. i m reading verbatim. they are or few spec tics out there, there always are. but wu wasn t backing down. you can make fun of that statement, but it will still be true. wu says if i elected to congress, the government not evil corporations have control of the moon. kristin tate, control of the moon. it s a big issue facing us, is it not? it really is. please, miss wu, please run. it s like the fake indian elizabeth warren. ms. wu would fit right in. i want her to run to make a big joke of massachusetts. they don t have any republicans or any congressman or senators that are republicans for they are all democrats, so i think we should get the craziest ones to make a big joke out of them. tom: it may seem like a big joke, but harris and she would be elected in massachusetts? i lived in massachusetts for four years. tom: did you live in cambridge? i did. tom: a while back. if you send rich people to the moon, the bigger danger is an all-inclusive resort. can you imagine going to the moon and finding out that alcohol is not involved in the package? tom: it would be terrible. michael, what was she worrying about exactly? i couldn t determine about these rocks being thrown from the moon. do you think it s a military tactic? it s rudimentary. it sounds like she already got hit by a moon rock. my favorite part is not only her craziness but the people who chose to engage in all of this. if she was shouting that on the street corner out here, people would be like, that woman is nuts. let s cross the street. on line, let s engage for this is a productive thing to do. i think she is nuts. i don t know who s going to be throwing things at us. it s not like she was an actor who ran for president and when he was elected, spent $200 billion on a space laser. tom: reagan? i remember when we spent $200 billion to spend a space laser. you were six! i was six. it was beautiful! you didn t realize he massachusetts miracle, it came from the defense contracts that came from fdr that was so derogatorily named star wars. anthony? yeah? tom: what were we talking about? look, people would let her go, except for the fact she s running for office. but wasn t there a congress been recently within the past couple of years that said that too many people on iwo jima, it would flip over and capsize? [laughter] i swear to you. tom: there was a congressman that thought one of the islands in the south pacific, i think iwo jima, would tip over. she is well-qualified to be in congress. and also, i like that. remember the bugs bunny myspace modulator. [mimicking marvin the martian] [mimicking bugs bunny] we ve got to take care of this guy. it s a cartoon! tom: that s what she s remembering, right? how can you criticize her, anthony. some people on your show, some of your guests to have some theories that some might call alternative. they do. but i ve argued and debated with them. flat earthers, fitting in with a physicist, we discussed it and we got hate mail because people absolutely believe the earth is flat. anything you put online these days is fact, we know that. fake news, fake astronomy, fake space travel and everything. tom: on wednesday, alec baldwin sat down with jimmy kimmel, my rival for king of late night. they talked about the possibility [laughter] they talked about the possibility of baldwin playing donald trump at the upcoming correspondence dinner. there is a guy who was on the internet it s interesting how there are people now that he s not going to the white house correspondents dinner, there are people who are lobbying to play trumpet at the white hinner. you are not one of those people? i m not lobbying, but people would say, what you do it? there are a couple of guys on the internet, please, i m the only man to play trump there is a lot of trump competition. no one will top view on this. they say i suck! nobody knows who these people are. i can t say bad words because i gave it up for lent, but [laughter] there is one guy lobbying. it should be whoever the president hates seeing the most, that is undoubtedly you. tom: the guy he is referring to is none other than red eye s johnny d. why don t you stand up for johnny d by using the hashtag # #thejohnald2host. . i ve got handsome hands, and i use them if you know what i mean. i use them in conversation. [laughter] tom: and here s alec baldwin. i want to apologize you on camera for you while to apologize? i asked you a question. get the [bleep] out of here! [laughter] tom: this trump is harsher. i don t like that harsh tone. is a different take. tom: i think it s pretty clear who is the better person. looks, it s funny. he s making fun of people for campaigning for the job, but it looks to me he s campaigning. campaigning pretty hard. for a guy who s had quite a career, it s weird that he s groveling for a job like that. i think things are going pretty well, right? or i thought they were for a while. spinning back to harrison. he s obviously so well known for it on snl, but johnny d is better, is he not? i think alec baldwin is a little cartoonish. he s also going up against james domi and the guys i m friends with. there are a lot of really good trumps out there. they shouldn t be throwing stones against these people. tom: kristin, what about canceling the entire dumb dinner? let it be known, i am team johnny d. you should totally do it. but, it s irrelevant because no one is going to watch the correspondents dinner. they are going to be watching whatever trump is doing. he will probably do something the same night and make all the media cover that instead. tom: he s going to pull something out. anthony, if would be a mixed blessing if johnny got it. they would make him be very anti-trump. they would make him do all the anti-trump jokes. absolutely. why not just put a heavy bag up there so they can get up and punch it, because that s all they want. literally, a punching bag. somebody they are so mad that he s not going to be there. if they want somebody he hates, chuck schumer puts away on him and does that. that would be perfect. he is hated by donald trump. other than that? you are right. nobody is going to care about this. they are the same, sanctimonious, out of touch, annoying, smug celebrities. they know it and they are starting to melt down. tom: there it is. support johnny d with the hashtag. when a web site makes you take a test before leaving a comment. it better be in tom: remember the old days when you read the news on your morning paper, and you wanted to comment on the story, you are forced to scribble long-winded conspiracy theories along the edge of the paper and then randomly show it to people in the subway car? thankfully, we can leave comments right on the new sight of our choice and engage responsibly with our friends and the readership community. but as someone famous once said, that reading is the hardest par part. and many of us just want to go right to the ranting. people end up reading just the headlines, which is being specifically written to garner cliques, and then they began yelling at the comment section without understanding anything in the story. so! norwegian new sight r and rk came up with a solution. about the article, before they are allowed to post a comment. that s right. you have to pass a test before you get to have an opinion. that is so norway. who was doing all the commenting? only 14% of readers report commenting on news stories. and 51% neither read nor post comments. the rest said, no comment. anthony, do you ever comment on any news stories? yes. tom: you do? a lot. tom: you are one of the commenters? but if you are not the first or second commenter, the comments have nothing to do with the story anymore anyway. they deteriorate into the lowest common denominator immediately. i like this. i mean, you should be a little educated on something if you actually want to contribute in a lively debate, but i would ve liked to have something like this for, let s just say, twitter, a few years back? [laughter] something that took your blood pressure reading at the right level, then you can tweet. tom: you need a test to slow you down before you can do anything on the internet. so many texts and tweets that i wish to go right past. that send button is too much! put a safety on there. and you can t delete blood alcohol, breathalyzers l ! tom: do you read them? to see what people are. i read them and i like the idea that you have to show that you have to know something a little before i don t think it should be an internet rule but all over the world, you ve got to prove you know something, if you want to come to my super bowl party, you ve got to answer ten civil questions about sports. i think we should do this everywhere. tom: kristin. this is going to make the internet suck! the comment sections are the best part of the internet. i get it s really fun. i don t read new stories, tom. just make everything suck! but conservative sites could use this as a tool to fight liberal trolls. make them answer five questions about the constitution before they are allowed to go on there and rant against trump. it would be sort of useful, i guess. i m not surprised you are against it. if there had to be no information or talk, you wouldn t be allowed to speak. but i feel like we needed an iq test for most of these things like facebook, if i see another hot take from brenda of the dental hygienist on immigration, we don t need any of that. if you have the word cuck or snowflake your comment automatically gets deleted. tom: you have a thing against dental hygienist? you would like a safe space for losing liberals. i wish i had a limousine. that would be amazing. tom: i like reading the stories. do you know what would annoy me? video. i don t want to sit through your dumb video because there is a commercial before it, but these sites make you watch the video. i want to go for the text. and i try to scroll past it. they figure that one after you get to go to the end. and then it says, you get another commercial. and for that. [laughter] touche! two times. an iq test on twitter so that donald trump would not be allowed to tweet. i said it. that s right! come at me, bro. i m going to try to make them tweet at me. i want to get that bump. tom: coming up. tom: coming up. tv s andy levy. if you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn t cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn t pay. so don t wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they re the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now s the perfect time to learn more. go long. tom: welcome back. it s time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tv s andy levy over it on the red eye news desk. happy friday. friday! end of the week. always. the speed of [laughter] it s called banter, people. it is a skill and an art. anthony, you said if you are going to slovenia to find a girl like lonnie a i ended up missing the rest of the discussion because of that search. and women triple jumping is now my favorite sport. did you put actual slovenia women? or did you put bikini slovenia women. i just put slovenia women. they ve got a triple jumper, though. really? i ve got olympic fever now. harrison, you mentioned that everything trump hates gets a boost. believe me, it s not true. okay. i hope as this whole thing continues what he says creates the opposite effect, that he continues to tell people to vote for him the next election. okay. millennials are buying cars till s work second jobs. can we talk about how side hustle is a phrase we see in newspapers? it s gross. it sounds like a dance move in the 70s. i m fine with it. it s just one of those phrases you find in newspapers. harrison, you said your side hustle is this. i hope you come for money. seriously. [laughter] michael, you said we are overlooking the age factor here and you do not want a driver who was 18. what if they are hot? [laughter] well, if they are slovenian. triple jumpers, yes. then we are okay. maybe i will drive. that s a valid argument. anthony cumia, you said you can t wait for the robots to drive us. that s the thing, the side hustle and going to last because there will be any more human drivers. i see it like the curve we saw with blockbuster video. it was like, you couldn t imagine a life without blockbuster video. now it s like. it s like the roman colosseum s. career builder did a survey last summer and they found that some of the more popular millennial side gangs are survey taker, housesitter, web site designer. they also listed more unique ones that people said including mystery shopper, barbecue contest official, firewood processor, trailer checker, and tattoo a princess. wow. apprentice? i would want my tattoos checked out by an apprentice. i would want someone with a driver s license and someone who doesn t know how to do a tattoo. 100%. cut your hair and get a job! staring at that man bun from the backseat. that is not a euphemism. [laughter] please tell me that is not a euphemism. it is now! [laughter] i m talking firewood. side hustle, man. briand of wu and the moon rocks. michael, you said that she already said like she got hit by a moon rock. honestly, this is not as crazy as it sounds before example, in robert heimlich s novel the moon is a harsh mistress, there is a sin to an ai plotting the correct trajectories which proves that this could happen. none of that is as crazy as it sounds. [laughter] also, look up project four all of you sometimes. an actual american project. look it up. i will do that. it involved dropping tungsten rods from targets lowered into orbit. is tungsten rod to euphemism? it is now! cumia, you said wasn t there a congressman a few years ago who thought that iwo jima would tip over if they were too many people on one side? no. that would be crazy. it was guam. [laughter] he congressman hank johnson. good thing they put a keel on it. [laughter] imagine if it were like a seesaw, they had to keep moving people? it might be cool. and lastly, the norwegian newspaper requiring comment news to past a quiz. kristin, use of the comment sections are the best part of the internet. may i recommend a good psychiatrist? [laughter] sure. okay. i am done. tom: thank you, andy. coming up, a new yorker cartoon about mansplaining. my first book from harpercollins. if you can preorder mean dads for a better america now at tom (announcer) at boll and branch, we believe everyone deserves a great night s sleep. so we created the perfect sheets. made from pure, 100% organic cotton. we made it our mission to perfect every detail. until finally, the softest, most comfortable sheets you ll ever sleep on. try them for 30 nights and get $50 off your first set at, promo code: tv. tom: a cartoon in the new yorker that went viral this week had put me and my fellow man in our place. a woman and the men looking at a painting. the woman says, i said i wonder what it means, not tell me what it means. oh, snap! new yorker cartoon speaks to every woman who has been mansplained to. women shared the depiction of mansplaining while men question it. one guy mansplained, not gender related. another guy manquestioned. it s sexist to volunteer an opinion? interesting point. kristin, was this man mansplain? maybe he was. i don t know. maybe sometimes women need to be mansplained, tom. sometimes men need to be womansplained. this is a pathetic excuse for a liberal woman to make themselves into victims. this is actually pretty demeaning to talk about mansplaining, because it basically pushes this notion that women are strong enough to tell a man shut the hill out. tom: there it is! look. i think, harrison, you have been mansplaining to me this entire show, i haven t held it against you. mansplain doesn t mean when a man is explaining. it s when a man is it s to explain his own perspective to her. tom: you are taking the humor out of our discussion. [laughter] new yorker cartoons are funny as donald trump is to breeding presidential. barely if ever. nobody looks to new yorker cartoons. you never laugh out loud. tom: do you, anthony? my god, it s a ziggy! seinfeld did an episode on how lousy new yorker cartoons are. my personal opinion? if a girl drag me to an art museum, i should be able to recite andrew dice clay s albums in front of her without taking any crap for it. tom: look at him. he s got the man born. leprechaun shoes, capri pants. i think the people at the new yorker think that that is a man. i guess to a lot of them, it is, right? but look. don t women love communication? i mean you were editor in chief at close. tom: i knew it was something like that. but you worked in women s magazines, right? you essentially were a professional mansplainer. i told millions of women what we were thinking and what we were feeling. and then i lost the job. [laughter] also on august, right? how can you won. women want us to talk all the time. never speak, once you do it s our fault. i think we are problem solvers. i guess that s what they are going for here. at the end of the day, just stay quiet and pay the checks. i m also single, i should add. [laughter] anthony, what happens what happened to women? do you remember when they were nice? no. quite frankly, i don t even remember. do you remember your dating history? it s so terrible! how angry you are at that whole thing is totally proportional to what happens at the end of the night. because that s how nice you are. you are nice enough to know until you are very nice. you don t want to start any fights or arguments until, you know, where the night is going. tom: it s true. but, harrison, we are more egalitarian than ever, which is great. well, it s great, but we aren t being treated that way. like i said, no matter what men do, they get snapped at and basic mansplain, i don t think it s an appropriate turn. there are problems, but it s a pendulum through the pendulum has won way too far in the sight of men. tom: there you go! thank you, mr. archconservative. what do you think conservativism is about? the pendulum has gone too far and were pushing back on you, my friend! now you are mansplaining it to me. i feel like i m on both sides. mansplaining is awesome. i m going to use it whenever a guy said something to me i don t like. you are mansplaining me! i guess, kristin, what should men do. how should we deal with this kind of attitude? whatever we want you to do. that s the answer. you know, do whatever we want. or else it s mansplaining. we are always right. women are always right. tom: keep your man happy, ladies. [laughter] coming up, too faster not too fast? the furious debate next. let me talk to you about retirement. a 401(k) is the most sound way to go. let s talk asset allocation. -sure. you seem knowledgeable, professional. would you trust me as your financial advisor? -i would. -i would indeed. well, let s be clear, here. i m actually a deejay. [ laughing ] no way! i have no financial experience at all. that really is you? if they re not a cfp pro, you just don t know. find a certified financial planner professional who s thoroughly vetted at cfp. work with the highest standard. tom: coming up on the neck red eye. allie green, chris hahn, and jack ibanez and jackie ibanez. the archdiocese of hartford, connecticut, wants catholics to put down their phones on two very important holy days during lent. ash wednesday and st. patrick s day. you guys didn t get that? actually, it s good friday. okay. that went over my head. tom: all students will be encouraged to participate and they will get these purple stickers. the archbishop talked about what people should focus on instead. focus ourselves may be a little bit more on the things that last forever. on the state of our soul, on a relationship to god, on the attention we give to other people. tom: there you go. what do you think, kristin? i think it will be great to do this once a week. i guess. but the church s biggest problem is of the phone thing, it s getting people to church. church is so uninspiring. it s so boring. that s why no one goes anywhere. you walk in and there are five gray heads in the pew and they lecture you. now they ve gotten political. the pope is telling us basically to have open borders. it s a big turnoff. they need to make church fun again. there is i went to it. it s like a big rock concert and it s always full. they need to start doing that. that s happening all over the country! they need to do that more. that s the only way. everywhere, these big churches are exciting. what do you think is this idea of giving up the phone and reflecting? for lunch, i give up on my new year s resolution, so i m all about quitting things. i m with these guys. i don t like having to respond. on my phone, the idea of having an excuse to not you didn t write back at me. because of god, wouldn t let it. i finally have an excuse for being out of sight. tom: are you relieved when you get on the phone and you have to put that thing on an airplane? you are free. you are on a five-hour flight, you don t have to talk to anybody. it s quite a relief, is in it, and the nickel! only because you are completely forced to. you cannot get a signal. if you pay for the wi-fi, you are still using your phone on the plane. no, this will not work. we love our phones. we freak out without them. and i know if i leave the house without the phone, i know immediately i will drive back no matter where i am. i will not, i feel phantom buzzes and rings. it s scary. my phone isn t even on vibrate! yes, but you feel it vibrate. isn t that crazy? i can t see this working, but that sounds fun, though. if you do it every saturday will you give up all electronic electronics, this is an idea we ve had forever. sundown, right? son done on friday until sundown on saturday, no electronics. do i do it? e-uppercase-letter not. but orthodox orthodox jews, absolutely. i m a huge expert on the church. i just wanted to take that ash wednesday stuff. tom: so many people took that. i m like, i m not going to this is of the rock concert church you want to? note! i want to get a yarmulke and use that on people. if you aren t going to give up your phone, you must have some places you could give up for 40 days. oh, my god. i could have one a day! [laughter] i refuse to. tom: anything? what are you giving up? you give up your resolution. yeah. tom: i like this idea of giving things up. i went to eco-years of catholic school, so i feel like i m done. i don t have to do that anymore. i m in the club now. tom: harrison greenbaum judge jeanine: breaking tonight. reaction pouring in to president trump s bombshell allegations against the man who preceded him in the white house. hello and welcome to justice. i m judge jeanine pirro. the president setting off a firestorm in the media early this morning making direct accusations against his predecessor president barack obama. he tweeted at 6:35:00 a.m. that he just found out that mr. obama ordered wiretaps of trump tower ju

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye With Tom Shillue 20170316

back to you, tom. tom: thank you, andy. let s welcome our guest. she s clockwise, always spinning to the right. kristin tate. he graduated from the tuck school dartmouth business school. comedian and author, paul ollinger. give him liberty or give him death, but please make it liberty, i kind of like the guy. reason magazine editor-in-chief matt welch. and his last name is latin for request a twin bed. comedian michael loftus. okay, let s start the show. rachel maddow released president trump s 2005 tax returns, and now all questions about his finances are resolved. good night, we ll see you tomorrow. late tuesday, the msnbc host announced on twitter breaking, we got trump tax returns tonight, 9:00 p.m., msnbc. seriously. her scooper veal that trump paid $38 million in federal taxes in 2005, on income of $153 million, and reported $105 million write-down in business office. he pulled over twice as much as i did that year. over. the white house was outraged that maddow had exposed how much money trump made, turning attention away from russia and g.o.p. infighting over health care. but ultimately, there was no smoking gun. and the liberals had such high hopes. hillary clinton s former press secretary that it was going to be the holy grail. but as maddow s show dragged on, the mood of her fans started to shift. they realized there was no bombshell, no evidence, no new information. just trump winning again. kristin, did you watch this? i did. she was pathetic last night. she spent the whole first half of her show hyping up this bombshell, it turned out to be a total flop, she looked like a fool, and as usual trump came out smelling like roses. it turns out he paid more in taxes than obama did, then bernie sanders did, even more than romney did. these liberal narratives are more boomerangs, every time they try to track trump it comes back and hits him in the face. this boomerang gave rachel maddow a black eye. tom: i felt a little bad, paul, for rachel. i wanted her to have something after that tweet, everyone got so excited. she didn t have much there, did she? it didn t look like it, the back half of that show was how atlanta falcons fans felt watching the super bowl. they gave her a lot of grief for hyping it up before the commercial break, leaving the audience hanging. that s network tv 101, have you ever seen lawn order, come on. tom: how about the show, we re always teasing. if they hang around for the end, it ll be a special. it was tv, they re treating it like she s a serious journalist, i want to give her a break, she s trying to get the ratings. she knew going in. she knew going in, it s not like it was breaking news and they handed it to her, you re alive. she knew this is nothing, we should definitely promote this. we should tweet about this. tom: did you like her 20 minute monologue that went nowhere, but doesn t she do that every night? i couldn t watch it, i got my fill of rachel maddow when i was watching the weather man talk about the blizzard. you get so prepared for stella the blizzard, here comes trump taxes, and then nothing. our member when i was a kid, geraldo rivera opened the vault, that s what it was. tom: he was all over the news talking about it today. it s when the bee gees were hated because they had the number one album of all time and michael jackson got it and they were like take it, enjoy it. geraldo rivera is having the best day ever, it s not on me anymore, all rachel. welcome to the crowd, lady. tom: i ve been watching a lot of rachel maddow since the election. but really, it s been on the web, i watch her gloating last summer about how bad trump was going to lose, i watch those videos over and over. they re very entertaining. what d you you think of this, rachel? it was the sixth pronunciation of the russian oligarchs last name, for, i tweeted what s the over under on her doing that, 10 minutes. where on minute 15, she s talking about some russian dude who had a yacht, i think his name is pronounced like this, no it s pronounced like this, no it s pronounced like this, and people are waiting, i went to the world baseball classic. it was terrible, nothing there at all, she knew that going in. tom: did she really? she did. she knew it was two pages, as soon as she knew it was two pages, all the stuff that she teased at the beginning about relations with russia and he hasn t disclosed this, was going to be immaterial. we were going to see any evidence based on that, does he have some weird loin not loin it wasn t going to have anything to do with that. democrats are set up for this, they want the magic bullet to come in and finally be the thing that erases donald trump from their lives. if i m trump, i m feeding her to go pages of this tax return every day for the next four years. why not? tom: that s what i thought, i felt bad for her because all she did was tweet out watch my show, the internet went absolutely crazy. i blame the people getting all frothed up more than her. i think progressives are so excited for any let s want to make the president look bad that they re looking in the wrong places. if this russia thing turns out to be a witch hunt, we are going to have the boy who cried wolf syndrome and the next time he really does something, they re going to have less credit ability with the audience. tom: i want to ask she didn t just weed out watch my show. she said watch the show, she has trump s tax returns. implying that she has them. tom: if i looked at that and i saw there was nothing there and that kind of made trump look good because he paid a pretty hefty tax bill, i would maybe cancel my show. tonight, we discussed the rules of. show is failing, this is a big stunt to get eyeballs. it s the first and probably last time i ll ever watch her show, but it was a fabulous night for trump supporters. we got to sit back and watch the mainstream media make foolish idiots of themselves. that was a real scoop, it was just plain wrong. herschel has been kicking it in the rating since the electio election. tom: a lot of left-wingers out there, they need their tail he don t dose of rachel. neck story. on wednesday, trump addressed the big scoop and a twitter post. he wrote does anybody really believe that a report of that nobody ever heard of went to his mailbox and found my tax returns? nbc news, fake news. several minutes later, he turned to another matter. can you imagine what the outcry would be if snoop dogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at president obam president obama? jail time. the present was referring to the latest video in which the rapper points a toy gun at a clown named tronald. tom: why the gloves? i think to sell the whole clown thing. let s just throw some gloves on him. tom: would trump someone go to jail for doing this? absolutely, if someone had done this to obama, yes. go directly to jail, do not explain yourself or your artistic integrity. i m happy for snoop dogg, this reminds america that he used to be violent. hearkening back to the golden age, stuff like that. there s a whole generation that sees snoop dogg in thanks oh, yeah, that cool guy who s the comic relief in those movies and sells me xbox is. no, kids, he used to be dangerous and edgy. tom: he s back. it dangerous and edgy. and make some kind of edgy again. it makes him edgy, the problem is it works against progressives again because it makes donald trump more of an empathetic character. like circe lent a certain game of thrones . she did the walk. the audiences on her side. the grand buzzard or whatever. a game of thrones or trailer. [laughter] tom: exactly period, what do you think, did anyone ever do this to obama? yes, the lead singer of creed. [laughter] 2014, he threatened to kill obama, or his wife said, but he was having some side type of psychotic break at the time. the secret service talk to him, did not charge them. it wasn t an artistic threat with a cartoonish bang on a clown, he said i m going to kill obama. they investigated. before obama came president, ted nugent made a comment about obama sucking on his machine gun and nothing happened. tom: was it loaded? kristin, what do you think? i don t think the issue is necessarily taking legal action against his people, it s just the public shaming. anytime anyone said anything bad about obama they were nationally shamed. i do think there is selective outrage here. snoop dogg is an irrelevant, washed up 45-year-old man, so i don t think this means too much. he used to be friends with trum trump. 45? what s wrong with 45? i think is 45 unless i got that wrong. he used to be sort of friends with trump. he performed at that roast, and now he s totally blown that and trump is not a good enemy to have. i love how trump just blasted snoop dogg right after this on twitter. like this glorious fighting octopus, takes on everyone at once. within 24 hours, he attacked rachel maddow, obama, msnbc, and snoop dogg. just what you want the president doing. don t worry about russia, let s get on snoop dogg. tom: michael, he tends to mix his serious political attacks, he follows it up with something celebrity. i think that s wonderful. that s good clock management. as long as i m here, this is bugging me, too. don t like you, boom, msnbc, fake news, snoop dogg, that s right, you re a loser too. send them all. all of this before breakfast. tom: he did at the other day, he tweeted about the bugging of trump tower. it works. going on, amazon says it will add 100,000 jobs in the u.s. over the next 18 months. that sums great. until you consider how many jobs they are subtracting. a columnist at marketwatch says the truth is that every job created at amazon destroys one or two or three others. and he warns, what they don t want you to know is that amazon is going to destroy more american jobs than china ever did. yes, it turns out that retail stores she suffer when people shop online. and at amazon, you really can by ending. furniture, appliances, 1500 live ladybugs. while amazon makes zillions, the live ladybugs stores may have to close. costing dozens of people their jobs. wow. matt, what do you think about this guy s forecast? i haven t seen precision like that, it kills one or two or three jobs. since we the stimulus was goino save or create 5 million jobs. this is the same thing, totally. saving or creating, same thing. garbage column. one or two or three, that s not a multiplier. we live in a dynamic, every month in this country, we kill 5 million jobs, and we create 5.1 million jobs. that s the way it goes. that s what it s like. that s the way it has gone, will see after we get the adjustment tax and what else from planet trump that might start changing things, but we have a dynamic economy. that s kind of what happens, a third of the country or more worked in agriculture. we don t work in agriculture anymore, tom. what are we going to do? it s garbage. tom: kristin, i like amazon. i like buying things online, if it destroyed some stores, what are you going to do? i think this is a good thing, when they invented the car, horse drawn carriage producers went out of business. when they invented the light bulb, candlestick makers went out of business. it s called progress and the american workforce needs to evolve to keep up with the ever-changing economy. this all speaks to how important it is that kids eat their education in subjects that matter. if you re going to study art history or gender studies, you re probably not going to find a great job. if you get an education in nursing or engineering, computer science or even communications, things that actually matter, you re probably going to get a good job. tom: pretty simple. back when the horse and buggy was around, gender studies could get you a good job. [laughter] do you think, that s what s happening. they are eliminating jobs, this is the thing, one of the reasons trump wanted he said he was going to do s and thing about the jobs leaving our country and our economy. tell that to all of the people out there looking for work. there s 6 million unfilled jobs in the united states. they are in places that are unpopular and hard to get qualified for, like nursing, engineering, like that. blame the consumer, it s our fault. we re putting retail out of business. tom: what s the answer, more school? i think she s right in a sense, you ve got to train people for where the jobs are going to be, you can t speak to where the puck is, you have to skate to where it is economically. tom: good analogy. i stole it from wayne gretzk gretzky. don t train for what was go to five years ago, train for what s going to be. even trade school, you get trained in a really practical skill. tom: you get to keep your tools, that s what i heard. i lost a fortune when i put all of my money into ladybug emporium. this hits a little close to home for me. i m a little taken aback. i don t like this at all. who s competing with amazon? they are this huge, the borg from star trek, you either assimilate or die, i don t want to wake up one day and have to talk to my alexa amazon home robot tom: you don t have one? days terrify me, they never stop listening. it s like samsung tv. tom: but you do use amazon? yes i do. wow, that was easy, i m going to do that again. i like going into shops, too. i like to try close on. i don t want to be at home going alexa, can you help me with my resume? can you hire today? i guess my worst quality is i m a perfectionist. i m going to get a job for my home robot. alexa is the only person in my house who listens to me, and what you just said about amazon is exactly what people said about walmart 20 years ago, it shows that the economy is dynamic and it does change over time. there will be somebody that comes out to challenge amazon, it might not be visible or on the road map right now but they will arrive., check those guys out, they re hot. tom: i love them, i don t know they are but i m going to check them out. coming up, with michelle obama out of the white house, our battle school lunches on the way? the latest dish, next. and i my first book mean dadsr a better america is available for preorder. go to to find out how to get it. ways wins. especially in my business. with slow internet from the phone company, you can t keep up. you re stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. switch to comcast business. with high-speed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. you wouldn t pick a slow race car. then why settle for slow internet? comcast business. built for speed. built for business. live from halftime with tv s andy levy president trump holding a rally last night in nashville, tennessee. president trump lashed out at a ruling that blocked his latest travel ban. the ruling derails his new executive order, scheduled to go into effect today. the resident telling the crowd he plans to fight it all the way. we re going to fight this terrible ruling, we are to take our as far as it needs to go, including all the way up to the supreme court. we are going to win, we are going to keep our citizens safe. and regardless, we are going to keep our citizens safe. believe me. the president also addressing efforts to repeal and replace obamacare, promising he and congress will get it done. speak of the house has put forward a plan to repeal and replace obamacare. let me tell you, we re going to arbitrate, all get together, get something done. november this. if we didn t do it the way we re doing it, we need 60 votes. we have to get the democrats involved. north korea s aggression topping the agenda as a secretary of state rex tillerson meets with the japanese foreign minister. he says it s critical for the u.s. to corporate with allies japan and south korea. the justice department has two russian government officials in connection with a yahoo data breach. it s unlikely they ll be tried in the u.s., there is no extradition treaty with russia. i m jackie ibanez, now back to red eye. for all your headlines, log onto tom: michelle obama s lunchroom tierney may be coming to an end. you remember healthy school lunches initiative that went along with her let s move campaign. these heavily regulated lunches, featuring salad bars and mandatory whole-grain were not as popular as she made us believe. it seems the health effects of her top-down approach to meal planning were not being realized because of something called reduce participation. it s a fancy way of saying kids were taking her horrible tasting lunches and throwing them directly into the trash. lunch is no good if you don t eat it. and schools knew it, but if they try to opt out, the feds will cut their funding. school bullying. the school representation of cafeteria workers never liked the rules but were too afraid to sanding. they are now calling for changes. they are calling for flexible opportunities to prepare health healthy, good tasting meals. for some reason, they think our new presidents will have their back. the standards came from the federal government, the schools had to follow them, it doesn t work if the kids don t either lunch. why? why would we let the federal government, let alone the spouse of the president of the united states, dictate what my kid in brooklyn eats at the school paid by my local. it doesn t make any sense at all, it s not the only example of that in the federal government, but it doesn t make any sense. local schools should figure out what they re going to eat, as long as they re not serving live rats to the kids, and even then, a library might be okay. as long as they re not completely going crazy, let the schools figure out how to feed their own kids. when the government tries to mandate food, where do they do that? prison and schools, two places in the world, and some times in hospitals. the places where you never want to be caught dead eating are the places where the government gets involved. tom: get the government out of food. but paul, the people i mentioned, the 57,000 employees of organizations, they don t really want to have local control of schools, they still want that federal money, they just want to change the sandwich to make it easier for them. easier to sling fries and hamburgers. tom: they still want the federal money, is what i m saying. i think it will all balance on the end, now with obamacare going away, the federal government will have to pay for these kids dialysis, so it s fine, just go back to hamburgers and fries. it s coolly working for our president, he looks really fit in those golfing videos. tom: he does like his fast food. did you eat healthy when you are in school? probably not, i probably ate like three or four swiss roles a day. tom: kristin tate, look, i use to bring my lunch to school. my mom used to pack me an egg salad sandwich every day, it was shameful. i had to walk through the halls and looked down at my feet and pretend like no one saw. tom: you ate well, right? it was better than the stuff they were serving in the cafeteria. everything matt said, yes, the government needs to get out of this altogether. if they re going to give the funding to the schools anyway, you might as will have the school district decide what food is being served. out of the federal government should have anyplace, the the lunches were nasty, i read a bunch of reports by the waste being produced because kids were throwing out their lunches, i think michelle obama should be forced to eat her own school lunches every day for a year and see how she likes it. putting these poor kids through misery. tom: they didn t like it, people were putting their photographs on the instagram, saying thanks michelle obama coastal. this is would you couldn t give away. a homeless person would it say what else have you got? exactly. so horrible, school is bad, high school is tough, you are worried if this girl likes me, you ve got to be able to look forward to pizza day, man. how many kids did not put the shotgun in their mouth because they look forward to pizza day? tom: they still have pizza day, my kids will has pizza once a week, we had pizza. it was a very good but we still ate it. the rectangle? tom: that s the best stuff right there. you have to keep the federal government involves of the lunch ladies have an excuse. what if i was cooking, it will be great but this is the federal government coastal. no matter what happens, even with the trump administration you re not going to see this go away. they re still going to be federal guidelines, nothing we can do. we can t have a matt welch worl world, we can t. congress can pass a law saying why do we have a federal school lunch program ? it through publican party had principles, they d ruled that. tom: not principle with the pal, different spelling. coming up, halftime with tv s andy levy. and a new episode of the red eye podcast is available, subscribe on itunes or on tom: welcome back, time to find a what we got wrong and what we missed from tvs andy levy over at the red eye news deck. andy: happy tom: it s a happy day. andy: i think it s wednesday. tom: most people call it hump day. andy: why is that? tom: middle of the week, you go over the hump. andy: rachel maddow and trump s taxes, paul, welcome to the show, first of all. man, blew it. [laughter] you said they gave maddow a lot of grief for hyping this up through the first commercial break, that s tv 101. that s up slowly, i totally agree. the problem is what she was hyping up turned out to be nothing. i think that s the problem. i disagree, when the sitting president refuses to share his tax returns and we seasoning that comes from the media which the sitting president really doesn t have any respect for, it proves the value of the thing that he s dismissing. andy: i don t agree with that, what i mean is, there were no bombshells. in the actual i agree that there were no bombshells to serve the cause that rachel maddow probably found, but a lot of really interesting information. andy: michael, you said you couldn t watch the show and you compared it to geraldo opening al capone s vault. that seems unfair to me, at least for that the part leading up was interesting. i ll give you that. what maddow needed was a third page. here s the third page. circus clowns from russia, needed that. and then snoop dogg would shoot them. andy: if he had bought circus clowns from russia i might like him. matt, you said it was the six pronunciation of the same russian oligarchs name that was it for you. she was connecting the dots, ma man. don t you get it, man? these day-to-day conspiracies andy: wake up. it s crazy. today, trump released those, did it on purpose to distract us. you have to figure out, he just starts from that fact which is completely not proven. everyone on msnbc, he was investigating trump, what trump did was fire him because there s not one shred of evidence that this is true, this is everything will day. people have lost their minds. andy: the beauty of that is that he fired every one of the u.s. attorneys, which is a great way to distract people from the fact that you really only wanted to fire one. that s a genius move there that nobody s talking about. kristin, you said the show was failing, and matt you sought to preempt me by saying it is not failing. matt, you are correct, but don t do that again. i wanted to write you, a fox employee, from having to correct someone about rachel maddow s ratings on air. i think you owe me an apology. andy: i have no problem saying the truth on air. keep telling yourself that. i think you re promoting fake news, andy. andy: trump versus snoop dogg. michael, you said that if someone had done this to obama they would have gone straight to jail. they would not have. [laughter] so? what s your point? andy: my only point is that snoop did not do editing illegal. i m not saying it was illegal, it was important. he s back, he s dangerous snoop. when the bank comes out, they added a little gunshot. andy: he wasn t snoop lion for a couple of years. he renounced violence. that didn t pay the bills. andy: kristin, i think you are more on point on this by saying that the reaction to the video that was hypocritical, people would be outraged if that had been obama. remember that one woman who said something about the obama daughters, they should be more classy or something? the comment was not tasteful, that woman was publicly shamed for three weeks straight, every major outlet in the country were in a story about it. no one really cares, everybody just writing about this new thing. andy: i m not sure why you had to say snoop is 45. ageist and personally hurtful. just trying to stay relevant with the kids, andy. andy: matt, you mentioned the lead singer of creed threatened to kill president obama. he believed he was a c cia aget tasked with killing president obama. he had just gotten out of a 72 hour site cold when this happened. very sad. andy: it was very sad. tom, did you say you often suck on a machine gun? only unloaded. what i meant to say it was i m not opposed to sucking on machine guns as long as they re not loaded. andy: i m glad you clarified, it makes much more sense now. amazon will kill more american jobs in china, matt, you don t think this is true? no. andy: to me this is not another way of saying technology will kill jobs, which i think is true. but to put the fingerprints on amazon, they don t wake up in the morning and choke a job to death. it s just more complicated than all of that. they also create jobs and where houses god knows what else in ways that we can t totally process or imagine. i just kind of hate that lazy causation, trade is not a zero-sum game. andy: kristin, you said this is called progress in the american workforce needs to evolve. totally agree, but i do think there is the additional problem again of technology and automation limiting available jobs. technology creates new jobs, we need people to create the technology, run the technology, and who knows what else will pop up. it s a totally new job market we are entering with this technology world. very exciting. andy: okay. tom, you mentioned the trade school where you get to keep your tools. was that devry or itt tech? i couldn t number what it was. tom: the guy with the mustache. andy: a commercial that people of our age or member. tom: refrigeration and air conditioning. andy: michael, alexa is awesome, deal with it. that s what i wrote, i don t know. i can t, it always listens. it frightens me, it s going to hear things. it ll testify in a court of law. my kids are constantly asking alexa who forwarded. andy: michael, your lunch lady impression [laughter] it s from my one-man show lunch lady. i m hoping harvey will direct. you re great, have some sloppy joe. you re right, it s harvey, it is. tom: thank you, andy. you ve got to go, right? coming up, kids can t read clock. i tell them what time it is after the break. if you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn t cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn t pay. so don t wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they re the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now s the perfect time to learn more. go long. live from america s news headquarters, i m jackie ibanez in new york. strike two for president trump s travel ban agenda. his revised executive order barring travelers from six predominately muslim countries was supposed to go into effect at midnight, but a federal judge in hawaii halted the ban, saying he questions what the president is actually motivated by national security concerns. speaking to supporters in nashville, tennessee, last night, mr. trump called the ruling unprecedented judicial overreach. he s vowing to take this matter to the supreme court if necessary. the president is excited to submit his first budget to congress today. the spending blueprint proposes dramatic cuts to many federal programs. at the same time, trump is asking for more money to beef up the military and to build a wall along the mexican border. fellow republicans on the hill might reject some proposed cuts that will eliminate programs back home. president trump is standing by his accusation that his predecessor wiretapped him, speaking to fox news channel, tucker carlson last night, mr. trump said he expects some very interesting items to service over the next two weeks. he may not have that much time, though, the house intelligence committee wants proof by next monday. u.s. special envoy for for syria is condemning yesterday s terrorist attack. it came on the six ends anniversary of the syrian conflict. the massacre was designed to spoil peace efforts. suicide bombers struck the major judicial billings and a restaurant. north korea claims they are rehearsing for an invasion, tensions are high after the north fired four missiles towards japan earlier this month. i m jackie ibanez, now back to red eye. for all your headlines, log on to you re watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. good morning. tom: it s an issue president trump continues to ignore. a lot of young children can t tell time. yes, a recent survey found that 80% of 6-12-year-olds in oklahoma can t read an analog clock. a volunteer at a local boys & girls club wants to fix that. she s hoping an after-school program to teach the mysteries of the big hand and the little hand. everyone s so used to seeing digital, she says, they all have cell phones and tablets so they don t have to look at the clock very often that is analog. and here sending that may or may not help kids to tell time. it s called the albert clock. you have to do a math problem to figure out the time. it s meant for children and adults, and the difficult levels can be adjusted to six different levels. so now you have one catchall excuse for being late, i suck at math. pretty good, right? what do you think of the clock, it s a problem, you got to figure out the time every time you look at it. that s terrible, that s a nightmare. there is a step between knowledge, don t want any part of that. he tom: you seem like a puzzle type of guy. i was the guy who made the 25 digit long did you my division problems are fun at school in between assignments, that was a way to spend time. but that s someone else. getting in between me and that that, tom: your watch, you have an analog watch. with this is telling me is that analog watches are a signaling device to show that you are from the older, aristocratic america, that you are a striver. you have gone through trade school, and you come out the other end, you wear this really fancy, you will have beautiful watches you don t. i m a workingman. tom: you gotta watch on. you didn t have to learn how to tell time on an analog clock, but you did. when it first read the story i was horrified by it, but then i thought about it and i was like so what. analog clocks are not going to exist 20 years from now. i can t tell time using a sundial, is that a problem? probably not. i don t think this is a big deal. it s all going to be technology driven soon anyway. tom: unexcited answer. paul, what do you think? my kids should come up what i other buddy else s don t matter. these kids are building apps for the iwatch, who cares what time is on an animal to mike analog clock. tom: maybe if they knew how to tell time they would be building fake digital bombs. that kid with the clock remember to cite your bomb forward. i mean clock forward. this terrifies me, first of all, whoever made up the math clock, that dude needs to be stopped. tom: i like that. when you get your first job, you don t want to be late, you set your clock 10 minutes early, that old trick myself into thinking i m late. but i m not. i hate doing math. that s horrible and mean. tom: i m taking of getting that clock, it ll be good for my kids. learn math and how to tell time. learn how to hate their father. maybe the kids in oklahoma have some kind of zen estate where they have transcended time. tom: coming up, there s a fountain of creamy deliciousness in your future, ranch lovers. tom: coming up tomorrow on the next red eye, dave smith, herzog, louis jay gomez and sam roberts. who needs a fountain of youth when you can have a fountain of ranch? in what many would describe as the greatest invention of all time, hidden valley has developed a ranch fountain. it s a four tiered spectacle of creamy dressing cascading down its sides. inviting you to coat your finger foods with its deliciousness. $100 will get you the glorious fountain, as well as a year s worth supply of hidden valley ranch. although if you are the kind of person that needs a ranch fountain, 12 bottles will probably not last you the whole year. the fountain is sure to make an excellent addition to your pantry of once used appliances, alongside your bread machine and cotton candy maker. kristin, what do you think of this? do you like ranch dressing? i think this is gross and i would never buy it, but i am so happy this exists. this is a quintessential america, we like everything bigger and better and you know what, if they think we are gross, they can kick kiss our . america. i love this from a business perspective, once you buy that fountain you re going to keep renewing that ranch dressing. tom: you got to fill the fountain. what are you going to do? tom: do a ranch? not a ton. tom: people love it. i think the president wants it on every elementary school cafeteria table. one of the top dressings, i m not sure why. i think i got a virus just looking at that. it s going to be at your house with a bunch of people sticking their carrots tom: one time, you dip ones. learn the etiquette of the fountain. you re not a double dipper? tom: no i am not and i enforce the single dip. if anyone goes back in, if i m at golden corral and someone goes back in, i m going to drag them out. at the golden corral? golden corral deputy. tom: it ll ruin your golden corral dinner, someone going twice and that fountain. you can go in twice, they ve done scientific studies. it s not a bad at germ thing. i m so excited about this. i m buying one before i leave the studio. i want this. tom: it s a good value. $100 in a lifetime of ranch. a year s worth supply, 12 bottles, it s a deal. i ve got my chicken wings flying through there, sandwiches, salads, you re all invited. tom: you put anything in the ranch. anything, it s a ranch fountain, it s the dream. we have ascended. you re selling me on this, now i kind of wanted. it s only available at amazo amazon. tom: very special thanks, kristin tate, paul ollinger, matt welch, michael loftus. that does it for me, your friend tom shillue. see you next time, good night. this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there s only one special edition? because, actually there s five. ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh! hooooly mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. it s truck month. get 0% financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get $5500 on select chevy silverado pick-ups when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. president trump: what the country is doing right now, very well. but it s illegal. it s not supposed to happen, it s not supposed be leaked. how bad obamacare is, it is the worst anybody has seen. obamacare is a disaster. if i had the greatest bill in the history of the world, they would not vote for it because they hate the republicans. probably hate me. wiretapped, it covers a lot of different things. you will see a lot of items coming to the forefront over the next few weeks. tucker: welcome to tucker carlson tonight, we sat down for an interview with donald trump. we boarded air force one with the

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