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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141001 10:00:00

jeffrey says it is not hate. it is heritage. thank you to evan who responded. appreciate it. we ll see you back here tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. fox & friends starts now. bye. good morning. it is wednesday, october 1. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. ebola here in america and this morning a warning to you, the very deadly and contagious virus may have spread. a hive report from the hospital straight a live report from the hospital straight ahead. the federal government getting involved now in the redskins controversy. the f.c.c. perhaps ready to ban announcers from saying the name redskin or face a big fine. as the secret service tries to explain how a guy with a knife ran into the east room, lawmakers offer a simple solution. have you ever heard of these guys? this morning the big question: how did a
convict with a gun get face-to-face with the president in a separate incident? but be happy everyone. mornings are better with friends. i m bobby bowden. you re watching fox & friends. bobby and everybody else, you re watching fox & friends, and today we are clad in pink because october is breast cancer awareness month. it is. we encourage you to wear pink with us today. pink pajamas. throw on a pink tie like the guys. all of out there have a big head start on us. we had to remember at 3:00 in the morning. look at us and say now i remember why we should wear pink today. we ll remind you throughout the hour as well. this is one of those days where there s a lot of news and it starts in texas. a fox news alert. the first case of ebola found in america. at this hour the man this deadly disease in isolation at a
dallas, texas, hospital. that is where we have a reporter live. what is the latest on this very scary news? reporter: the patient in isolation in i.c.u. because of privacy laws, they can t disclose his condition or his nationality or age. but we can tell you that, they re telling us that he is communicating and even saying that he s hungry. here s what we know. this is the time line. the patient left liberia on september 19 arriving in dallas on the 20th. no symptom for four days. on friday, september 26, he came to the e.r. here at the presbyterian hospital. doctors say he showed no signs of anything unusual, nondescript systems, they say. lab results, they were not impressive as they called it. he did not say, though,
where he had traveled. he was given antibiotics, sent home. two days later on sunday, september 28, he was brought back to the hospital by ambulance to the e.r. he had diarrhea and other symptoms. it is important to know ebola is not an airborne virus. people have to come in contact with either blood or bodily fluids. we protect people in this case by making sure we find the contacts, identify them and make sure they re traced every day for 21 days. if they develop a fever, they re immediately isolated. officials here working with the c.d.c. to identify those who came in contact with him, including family members as well as other patients in the e.r. who were here on friday. again, they don t believe that those folks are in immediate danger, if you will, because of how this
virus is transmitted. live in dallas, texas, at the hospital where this is an interesting bit of trivia. guess where my daughter works in dallas, texas? across the street from that hospital. i was talking to her last night. she said people down this, are you kidding? ebola is in america? we heard the president say it wasn t going to come here but it s here. the guy who heads up the c.d.c. with us in about an hour from now. he says they re on it. you don t have to worry. i watched him about 6:00 yesterday. the press conference was almost surreal, in the phone, on person, anybody else come in. we got it under control. got to run. it is interesting as we move into our next story, the president is actually visiting with the c.d.c. to get information on this situation. and this is where a huge
secret service breakdown took place worse than we ever thought. apparently a convict came within inches of our president. this is two weeks ago. and no one even knew he had a gun until he ended up turning it over. shocking. this is on the heels of the guy who ran into the east room of the white house with a gun, omar gonzalez, you saw right there. what s extraordinary about this case is and jason chaffitz found out about this from a whistle-blower. some people are trying to throw the director of the secret service under the bus. the president is in an elevator in atlanta and a security contractor who had three felony convictions over in the corner he s got a cell phone and taking a picture of the president. one of the secret service guys says stop that. he keeps doing it. the president gets off the
elevator and the agents go over and say what is your deal? they ran a background check, found out he had three convictions for assault and battery. they called his supervisor and the supervisor said you re fired. then the guy goes, all right, fine, then i m going to turn in my weapon. then they go he had a gun? are you kidding me? not until that point did they know. no idea. a huge breach. you understand why the grilling took place with the head of this department there on capitol hill. this is a systemic issue here. why aren t they taking it seriously? we re talking about the director, judy pierson. don t let somebody get close to the president. don t let somebody get close to his family. don t let them get in the white house ever. if they have to take action that s lethal, i will have their back. this, ladies and gentlemen, is not a democratic issue. this is not a republican issue. this is an american issue.
this is also an issue of national security. have you ever heard of these guys? i wish to god you protected the white house like you re protecting your reputation here. this is unacceptable, and i take full responsibility. and i will make sure that it does not happen again. all these excuses. moral is down. some actually said sequester cut into the funding. the guys are overworked. a lack of leadership. just unbelievable because the secret service, if you come to new york when the president comes here, everything stops. innocent people can t get anywhere and you almost think it s overkill. on the other hand, you find out there s no excuse for the fact that this guy, omar gonzalez, gets over the fence, gets into the house, across the lawn with the ushers deciding to suppress the alarm as he gets inside. off-duty secret service officer is the one who tackles him, who is the detail assigned to the
children. all this happens, and i think this woman in a way i feel so bad for her because she just took over a few months ago. she took over to bring some, i guess some sensitivity within the secret service because of two international incidents. she was also asked how many times she brings it to the president s attention when something like this happens. once in the past year in 2014 where this was actually brought to the president s attention. this is something looked at to be a systemic issue where those in the secret service apparently close to this situation feel as though they don t feel comfortable going to their superiors when they re not comfortable in a situation that could be potentially deadly or dangerous for our commander in chief. there s a fellow named dan emmet, former secret service marine as well. he says there s got to be big changes at the secret service. he says she has got to go. she s great. she s a career officer. she s a former cop. she was in the secret service for a long time but
she s got no military background. and he makes the argument we are a nation at war. you need somebody with a military background. what he s suggesting is the military take over. he suggests lieutenant colonel allen west because he s a leader, he s got great diplomatic skills and you know what? he s got a military background. that is the facebook question. do you believe it is time for the military to take over the secret service? in your mind is lieutenant colonel allen west the perfect mix of military and congressional leader? meanwhile heather nauert is poised to tell us what else is happening. hi. you were talking about the c.d.c. they are still investigating what has so many parents nervous this morning. an alarming report is out that that fast moving mystery virus that has sent thousands of children to the hospital all across the country and is believed to be paralyzing some is growing this morning. doctors first reported ten cases in denver, colorado, and now there are four new cases in boston. the victims there range in
age from 4 to 15 years old. a christmas party turned into a scene of mass murder and today muhammad muhammad will learn if he gets to leave prison if he is an old man. he was arrested in 2010 but he pressed a button on his cell phone to trigger a bomb and to try to kill thousands of people at a christmas tree lighting in portland. the bomb turned out to be a fake. pras provided by undercover it was provided by undercover agents. he could spend 40 years behind bar. police are saying aaron lewis, the suspect accused of murdering the real estate agent in arkansas is the only suspect in the case, even though we heard this yesterday. he pointed the finger at another man on live television. [inaudible] the air force has a military base why beverly? she was a rich broker.
do you have anything to say to the family? beverly is the victim right there. police question that man trevor he spoke about but they ruled him out. lewis could face the death penalty. he is behind bars for murder but this morning van der sloot is now a father. his wife whom he met while he was in prison gave birth to a baby girl. van der sloot is behind bars for a 20 year sentence for a murder in peru. he remains the prime suspect. in the world of sports the f.c.c. yesterday says they re considering complaints filed to them by a person who is concerned about the renewal of the washington sports station that carries the redskins, wwxf f.m. why? they keep using the name
redskins because that is the name of the team in the national football league and tom wheeler is considering whether they should get a license or not because they use this name. they could get severe punishment to be determined here. the owner, dan snyder, said he s not going to change the name. earlier this year the u.s. patent and trademark canceled the team s trademark on the famous logo saying it was disparaging to native americans. the team appealed the decision. this fine or punishment for anyone saying it over the air waves is a significant consideration. the f.c.c. would have to first pull the license that radio station. if they do, they effectively ban the use of that word on other radio stations and tv stations as well. wouldn t impact cable and stuff like that. nonetheless, we want to know what do you think? here s the administration once again injecting themselves into this debate about whether or not it is appropriate to use the word redskins. the name redskins. until they change the name, the name is the name.
sitting bull called himself a redskin. the team was named in salute to the redskins. the redskins fans want it. the indian tribes in 2004, 90% had no problem with it. now 70% have no problem. what is the problem? let us know what you think. 6:13. coming up, he murdered a police officer in cold blood and is in prison but that won t stop him from giving a college commencement speech and you won t believe who invited that guy. chef emril is dipping into politics. his opinion on why the economy is tanking and why the president is to blame.
at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. a fox news alert. for the first time ebola is here in the united states, and the c.d.c. warns the deadly and contagious virus may have spread. so what do we need to know? joining us is the infectious disease expert dr. saul. thank you for being with us. scary information, as we
know one confirmed case of ebola in the united states. what more do we know about this patient? we don t know a whole lot more than what the c.d.c. said. we we know is the patient traveled from liberia, got on a plane, was completely well when he got on the plane and developed symptoms after arriving in the united states. a few days later presented to medical care and was identified as a suspected ebola case. have they confirmed whether or not he came into close contact with any others and testing them as well? they know he s been in close cabt with some family contact with some family members and the health care providers who have been caring for him. they are in the process my understanding is the c.d.c. is in the process of investigating those close contacts and checking them for symptoms. is this virus, ebola, is it different here? is it different here in the united states than africa? if so, why? the virus itself isn t any different but the way we can care for it is different. the big problem with
transmission in africa is they don t have as many resources in terms of protective equipment. they have care practices that sometimes involve coming into contact more with bodily influence. here we ve got modern equipment so it is a different beast. is it contagious if you re near somebody? is it contagious through air? how do you get it? it is not contagious through air per se. if i had ebola and sneezed right now and happened to get mucous on your face that potentially could transmit it. you need direct contact from fluids. if somebody is having vomiting, having diarrhea, bleeding and spitting up or sneezing, things like that. casual contact like we re having here is not a concern. i guess what s going through my mind and i m sure many others, he went on a plane. that s close contact and that air is recirculated.
humidification systems et cetera. likely the chance for transmission or contamination is high. what are they doing to keepthese so the next round of people who get on there are not at risk or those who were on the plane are not at risk? you would think they were at risk but ebola is only transmitted when people have symptoms. what they re doing is at the airports they re screening everybody with thermometers. and anybody who has a temperature they re pulling aside. someone who is a symptomatic when they get on the plane can t transmit the virus. dr. hymes, thank you for joining us on a very important medical day. coming up, a television reporter makes a mother break down in tears. what did he do? we re going to roll that videotape for you. he dropped to his knees in prear and in prayer and was slapped with a
penalty. was he punished just because he s muslim? love campbell s soup?
well, it s been the number one soup in america. (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) for four generations. (family laughs) some things just run in the family. (slurps) ahhhh. (family laughs) (gong) campbell s! m m! m m! good! for four generations back to school? time to stock up on the soups they always love. campbells!
it s news time for you now on this wednesday morning. the sister of the accused boston bombers waking up in jail this morning. she couldn t come up with 5,000 bucks for bail money. she is accused of threatening to blow up her ex-husband. police busted her driving past the woman s house after the arrest. the suspect in hannah hannah graham s disappearance under investigation in a third case. investigators looking at whether jesse matthew was involved in the 2009 murder of a 23-year-old woman in virginia. brand-new evidence in
the manhunt for cop killer eric frain. eric frein. police found two pipe bombs he left behind. they had a long trip wire meant to booby trap and try to kill more cops. two democratic candidates feeling the heat for being m.i.a. when it comes to the war on terror. the armed services committee holds a hearing on new global threats. senator kay hagan absent. missed half the armed services committee hearings this year. while isis grew obama kept waiting and kay hagan kept quiet. the price for their failure is danger. with american national security threatened, warnings of islamic extremists, isil talks but what does mark udall say? isil does not present an imminent threat to this nation. really?
can we take that chance? with just five weeks until election day, will the democrats handling of the isis threat or not handling the isis threat help the g.o.p.? here to weigh in is former new york senator al d amato. who would have thought three months ago that foreign policy would matter so much and the war on terror matter so much. how does it play in this election? you just saw those ads. it is huge because isis and the threat and they re taking over major cities, taking over vast areas in iraq beheading americans. it has gotten the american public to wake up and say what s going on. when you look at the polls, you see people say this administration and the president is not handling this the right way. the president fails. and so those in the congress who didn t either listen to the briefings or didn t go to the meetings, who said isis is no threat,
they re in trouble. look at this poll from the u.s. times and cbs, they worked together and came up with this. when asked who is going to deal with terrorism? 48% of americans say republicans are. 31% say americans. you believe it could play into what s happening in new hampshire? no doubt. scott brown, former military presents himself he is also in the national guard. he is now within striking distance. the polling has him, some of it one or two points down, some one or two points up. in new hampshire, no one thought republicans had a chance there. but what s happening is democrats are going to stay home. they are because they re very disaffected. and independents, polling shows, are coming over to the republican way. and for the first time foreign policy has really become an issue because we see it as a threat to the united states. people begin to understand when they see what these
militants are doing. the beheading of the two american journalists really brings this home. and the failure of the president to follow his intelligence briefings, and he failed because the lieutenant general who is in charge of the defense agency, he said this in april. he said you better watch out guys. and was out there and is out there and his quotes can t be denied. senator, thanks so much. one of the new hampshire residents is one who was beheaded and now all of new hampshire, that independent state are really think upset, scott brown wins it. two minutes before the bottom of the hour. coming up straight ahead, he murdered a police officer in cold blood and is in prison but that will not stop him from giving a college commencement speech and you won t believe who invited him. celebrity chef emeril lagasse is dipping his
ladle into politics and he s grilling the president. you ll hear what he has to say because he is seethed. say because he is seethed. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you re talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. it s proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver,
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(cheering) yeah!! touchdown! nice catch! who s ready for half time? yes! ok i m going to draw something up new. wide receiver goes deep all the way to the corner and. who ate the quarterback? share what you love with who you love. kellogg s frosted flakes. they re grrreat! it s your shot of the morning. that is a 301-pound bear that gave cops and wildlife officials a run for their money in bergen county, new jersey yesterday. it was spotted roaming the streets of ridge wood. it went from tree to tree because one of the trees was near a school, they wound up locking down the school. you know what? take a look at this picture. two days ago my neighbor,
j.r., called and said look out your window. there s a bear. it s going to visit you, steve. that s your bear? frankie, my next door neighbor texted me that picture. that is a bear in my neighborhood. that is the day before yesterday. brian, you complained about a squirrel on your house. i got a 300-pound bear in front of mine. you see the bear, what do you do? the bear yesterday in ridge wood was eventually tranquilized and captured and apparently he was hauled off to the woods. you know what? it was a crazy situation over in ridge wood, new jersey, yesterday because there were news helicopters and there were a thousand police, and they were all working with the cops to try to do something about the bear up in the tree next to the school. it sounds like a crazy question but do we know why the bear left the woods? because we moved into their neighborhoods. the same reason the chicken crossed the road. why yesterday?
like what happened? he knew october was coming. if i don t get there it will no longer be spring. i m glad everyone s okay. very scary as we saw right there on the screen. take a listen to this. a former cop killer, black panther member actually was nominated to give a commencement address at a vermont college, chosen by the students to do so. we are talking about mumia abu-jamal. he was actually convicted of killing daniel faulkner, philadelphia police officer there. he was sentenced to death, by the way, and then nominated by one of president obama s selections to head a civil rights department. this guy is infamous. bad guy, convicted. he was sitting on death row. while he was there in prison, he graduated from this particular school in vermont. goddard college. he got a bachelor of arts
degree by mail also it sets up the insensitivity of this new class of students who don t realize that somebody lost their husband and father when they were shot in the head by this guy. marie faulkner had this to say. i am outraged they would have such a hate-filled murderer on as a commencement speaker. i mean, this man, he
murdered my husband with malice and premeditation. he is evil. what does he have to offer on any commencement? their commencement speech. exactly. she also said the selection of him was despicable. you know, here s the thing. les let s review. these nitwits at goddard college can choose anyone they want to. this choose this killer to be their commencement speaker. across the river at rutgers they said we don t want condi rice. is there a problem with this picture? this is a woman who already suffered the loss of her husband who was serving to protect his community. and every single time that this man, third time now, has been asked to give a commencement speech, she has to relive and hear his words, the pain there is immeasurable, i m sure. 24 minutes before the top of the hour. tell us what you think about that on twitter and
on facebook. you can write our show directly. we ll go over it at some point. heather nauert, what s happening in your world. a family is feeling some pain this oklahoma today. he is accused of exegd beheading a co-worker. his facebook page includes pictures of osama bin laden but don t call it an act of terrorism and that is what has some people upset. alton nolen is now charged with murder. new details reveal he and a colleague fought about race earlier in the day. he was suspended and escorted off the property. police say he went home, got a knife and came back and then committed murder. what do you think of that? two hackers pleading guilty to stealing more than $100 million in u.s. army and x box technology, hackers accused of breaking into the u.s. system to steal helicopter training
software. they also stole training secrets and financial information. it is not every day that a reporter becomes a part of the story but that is exactly what happened in tampa, florida. a reporter was reporting on a missing ten-year-old when all of a sudden he and his camera man spotted the boy hiding in a bush. the boy says that he ran away because he needed to get away from hi little brother. pollen tweeting out this photo with paul saying he is just happy to help. emeril lagasse may be rich and famous but he s even got a beef with the nation s economy. this morning he s pointing the finger at president obama. he says his policies of regulation are killing the restaurant business. he says, quote, it s becoming a very challenging industry and then you add all the obama nonsense in the last several years. i just say the government should stay out of things. what do you say about that? those are your headlines. i ve got some sports.
husain abdullah was flagged down for prayer. players can thank god after scoring touchdowns. think of tim tebow. they did not give a penalty for that. the league now clarifying. there is an exception for players going to the ground for religious reasons. olympic gold medalist michael phelps apologizing for his d.u.i. he was pulled over in baltimore for failing a sobriety test. tmz reporting he just finished an eight hour gambling session. he said i take full responsibility. i know these words may not mean much right now but i am sorry to everyone i let down. for phelps this is his second d.u.i. in the last ten years. tiger woods trying new courses. the 14 time major exam i don t know opening
champion opening up a restaurant in jupiter, florida. who would live in jupiter, florida? it is expected to open up early next year. no word on what kind of food will be served but it will be gluten-free. yes, but it will be low key. woods says he wants it to be a place where people can, quote, meet friends and watch sports on tv. we should point out brian was actually multitasking. not only was he walking over from doing the sports but he also kicked over his coffee. that s where that little almost expletive came off. with that much pause he managed to reset it. later, highlights of the big move game last night. big playoff game last night. where are you headed today? i m heading to dallas. president bush is warrior
open where elite wounded warrior golfers compete to be the best of the best. and the president is going to sit down with us. he ll be live on our show tomorrow. president bush 43. it s been a tradition with you. this is a different tournament and i promise i don t play. cannot wait for that. this coming up, critics call the candidate s independent, will this race determine the balance of power in washington? would this school s players like to touch this historic statue before a game?
a a a
just about 15 minutes till the top of the hour. we have some headlines. just call it the end of an era. the end of classic cartoons on saturday morning. could it be? this past saturday the c.w. became the last broadcast television network to air cartoons in their classic time spot. broadcast channels face increased pressure from cable forcing them to replace the programming. so no more scobeeee and the gang in the morning. get ready for the coffee maker-toaster combo. it can brew coffee and make toast at the same time. that is some good news, steve. that is a game changer. meanwhile, g.o.p. incumbent pat roberts, a senator,
neck and neck with independent greg orman who is making his message very clear. we are sending the worst of both parties to washington, bitter pts partisans who care more about pleasing the extremists than they care about moving our country forward. he is running as an independent because they essentially forced the democrat to get out of the race. but is he really a democrat in disguise? here to way in from this made big news a couple of weeks ago where harry reid called the democrats running for senate in kansas and said you ve got to drop out and this left this guy, mr. orman, who is now neck and neck or a little ahead of of the incumbent. it has been fascinating
to watch. roberts had trouble there, made it through the primary and republicans thought it would be okay in this three-way race. the democrat got out of the race and the independent is running almost ahead of him in some cases. and the republican party has flown out all the top surrogates that they can think of to campaign for roberts, spending some money this. this is a real wild card to watch in an extremely close race across the map. and he s running right now as an independent and he says i did vote for barack obama in 2008, the same year that i ran for senate against pat roberts as a democrat. john mccain came out to campaign on his behalf and said, look, the guy s a democrat. and republicans are pushing this very, very strongly, saying that he s kind of a democrat disguised as an independent. republicans are trying to get kansas voters to think about that in these last few weeks of the campaign.
meanwhile pat roberts has a new campaign ad out, and here s 15 seconds of it. politician greg orman would make things worse. orman gave thousands of dollars to elect barack obama, even harry reid. now orman says he supports giving amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. greg orman is not independent. what s curious right now kaitlyn is the fabt that now that he s surging he s been asked questions like where are you on keystone pipeline? i don t know. what about an assault weapon ban? i don t know. what about whether you would cawkdz with the whether you would caucus with the democrats or republicans? i don t know. he s not really saying where he stands on particular issues, giving broader assessments. what s so fascinating about this race is that if there is a tie in the senate
outcomes of these races, this could be a deciding race. and that will determine which party he caucuses with. all eyes on kansas. kaitlyn, thank you for joining us live today. coming up on this wednesday, so many of you have questions about the ebola virus. so do we. the director of the c.d.c., dr. tom frieden will join us live to answer them. a high school football team touches this historic statue before every game. it is a tradition, but atheists say it s too christian. one of those football players who touches that statue joins us next. will that be all, sir?
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a high school football team s pregame tradition of touching a statue is making atheists furious. they claim engraved biblical verses violate the constitution and demanding that it be removed. sam bartlet is one of the football players fighting to keep the statue there and he joins us now. sam, thanks for getting up early this morning. we appreciate you being here. tell us what this statue actually means to you guys as players. well, it was actually donated to us by the same person who built our new locker room and it s a very nice facility. what it personally means to me is i am a christian and it does have the biblical versines there
and i m very proud of this because it s a way to represent my faith and get christ s name out there where i can glorify him. talk about stepping up the defense there. what do your teammates say? do they want it to go or stay? many of my teammates agree with me and we personally are very thankful for the man that built this statue because he did it and donated it where it was totally free to our school. our school had no part in it. it was just a donation given by him along with the locker room. and so when you hear someone say look, this is a violation of my right to not believe in god, what do you say to someone who wants this removed, to the atheist group saying take this out of here? i personally don t have any anger towards them. i disagree. i feel like this is a way for me to represent my faith because
jesus christ died on the cross for my sins, along with everyone else s. i don t feel like they re in the wrong because i understand where they re coming from, but the thing is like god, even before the statue was put up, was still god. even if that has to be altered or taken down, he will still be on his throne and he will still be my god and i will continue to glorify him. i have no anger or resentment toward them. kind of strong message. what s the school doing? right now the school is under like they have about a two-week period to make a decision on how this will be modified by either the statue being modified or taken down so we don t violate any laws or anything and get sued for them. okay. let me tell you something, i know this week is a tough one for you. hurt your ankle. you got two weeks out, i believe, and i m sure the verses
on there, ones you will rely upon, we want to thank you for being with us. we wish you guys good luck this weekend and we ll stay on this. thank you. coming up, your e-mails are already pouring in on this story. if you could believe it, the ftc ready to ban announcers from saying redskins or face a fine. we re going to read your comments, top of the hour, without a fine. and they waited hours for their food on their anniversary. so why then did they give the waiter a $100 tip? that couple generous love, will that couple generous love, will join us next
at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio,
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good morning. it is wednesday, october 1. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. ebola arrives in america. a man in texas infected. this morning a new warning, the
deadly virus may have spread. a live report from the hospital straight ahead. wow. the secret service left fumbling trying to explain how a convict with a gun got face-to-face with the president. is it time for somebody else to take over security of our commander in chief? and they waited hours for their food on their anniversary. so why did they give their waiter a $100 tip? you know what? we re going to ask them because they are here live on this wednesday morning and live from new york city, you re watching fox & friends. this is dr. phil. you re watching fox & friends, the best treatment for waking up in the morning. i wonder if that s going to bug dr. keith ablow. of course. we re wearing pink for a great reason. it is breast cancer awareness month as we begin october and we just want to reach out with our
awareness. you can join us in wearing pink, maybe send us a photo. also this morning, it s ebola awareness because ebola, ground zero, for ebola in the south. we re going to get to that fox news alert for you. the first case of ebola found on american soil. the cdc confirming a patient diagnosed with the deadly disease is in isolation in a dallas hospital. this is where we have k dfw reporter saul garza to give us the latest. good morning to you. reporter: good morning. in isolation, in icu. that s pretty much it. we do not know his condition because of privacy laws. all we know is that he is communicating. let s tell you what we do know and give you a time line here. the patient left liberia on september 19, arriving in dallas on the 20th. no symptoms at all for four days. then on friday, september 26, he
came to the e.r. here at texas presbyterian hospital. doctors say he showed no symptoms of anything unusual, they say. lab tests were not impressive, as they call it. but he did not tell the staff here that he had been or had just traveled from liberia. but he was given antibiotics and then sent home. two days later on sunday, 28th, he was back here at the hospital, brought by ambulance to the emergency room and since then, he has been in isolation and yesterday is when it was official that he did have the ebola virus. officials here working to identify right now those who came in contact with him and that includes his family members, the folks here at the e.r., both from friday and on sunday, as well as the paramedics who brought him here. all those folks now being carefully monitored to see if they start showing any symptoms.
all right. saul garza live in dallas with the very latest, we thank you very much. we know you have a lot of questions about ebola. in a couple of minute, we re going to have the director of the cdc, dr. freeden, with us. if you have a particular question of interest to ask the good doctor, e-mail it to us right now or facebook it or tweet us and we will pass it on. that s right. now this, a shocking secret service breakdown, just three days the white house fence jumper now disclosed security breach that has everybody up in arms, to say the least. a report claimed an armed convict got into an elevator with president obama. this is two weeks ago, and no one even knew he had a gun. he was taking videos and photos of the president and three convictions on his record there for assault. he s in an elevator, probably inches away from the president of the united states and no one
even knew he had a gun about on him until he handed it over. if he wasn t such a knuckle head and ignoring the secret service saying turn it off, we never would have found out how bad he was and how much danger the president potentially could have been in. jason chaffetz heard about this particular breakdown from a whistle blower and he said, quote, the president s life was in danger. this country would be a different world today if he had pulled out his gun. so this very embarrassing news for the secret service came on the same day the director of the secret service was in the hot seat trying to answer the questions about how the guy with the knife and only a partial foot was able to jump the fence, run in through the unlocked front door of the white house and got into the east room before somebody who was off duty and just happened to be passing through saw him and tackled him. how does that happen?
well, it was a substantial grilling and here is the director trying to answer the congress questions. we have an automated system that can lock down the white house. $800 million a year and that door was unlocked with no one standing at it when mr. gonzalez came through it. is that correct? the door was unlocked at the time of mr. gonzalez ent)y, that s correct. the full length of the east room, down to the green room, to the american public, that would be half of a white house tour and there should be an immediate understanding that there is not a restraint factor here. this is not the nice cuddly secret service. so the big question is, and there was an editorial today, as we see that the secret service has fallen on the job at least two times, it was all about the international incidents that took place a few years ago and we know this, most are extraordinary people who sign a letter saying i will take a
bullet for somebody i barely know. very brave people. but maybe it s a situation where being that we ve been on a war footing really for 13 years whether they admit it or not, is this time for the military to take over? that s the case that dan emmitt, former secret service agent, former c.i.a. guy, he s a marine, he says the fence jumping and the fact that this particular guy, mr. gonzalez got that far, will embolden isis and others because you can do that. we need somebody who has got military background and he suggests number one, bring in the u.s. military essentially to guard the president of the united states and also says while julia pierson, former cop, 30 years at the secret service, highly competent, has good record, okay, she s done okay so far. but she s not the person for the job. we re in a war footing. he says we need somebody to lead in this time of war who has got some military background. he suggests somebody like
lieutenant colonel allen west who was actually on this program a couple days ago. he s a leader. he s got a military background. he s got good diplomatic skills. he suggests somebody like that instead of the person who is at the head of the agency right now. good leadership would be key. right. and also we put that on facebook. people are going crazy writing back and forth. seven minutes after the top of the hour. other big news today, accused of beheading a co-worker while shouting arabic phrases. his facebook includes photos of osama bin laden. casey stegall live outside the jail in norman, oklahoma, where the suspect is expected to arrive today. it was a bizarre set of circumstances yesterday, casey. where are we at? reporter: yeah. we have a clearer picture now after this press conference of the district attorney held yesterday. this clearer picture of what happened inside that food processing facility where this
unspeakable crime occurred last week. the d.a. now says that the man involved had been in some kind of an altercation with his co-workers earlier in the day over race. those co-workers apparently went to human resources and turned him in and then when hr later confronted 30-year-old altton nolan and suspended him for a few days, initially we were told he had been fired. he was actually suspended, escorted off the property. he went home, got the knife and then returned they say to exact revenge on the people who had turned him in to hr. officials have backed off their initial story that he had been turned in for trying to convert his co-workers to islam. however, listen to this interesting bit of information the d.a. said. my understanding that he was using some arabic terms during the attacks and certainly that s
one of the many reasons why the f.b.i. is involved at this point in time. reporter: he is still in the hospital this morning. we are told he is expected to be released at some point today. he will then be brought to this location where he will be formally arraigned by video conference. we ll be here and keep you posted. all right. casey stegall live in norman, oklahoma with the latest. it s interesting that the d.a. should say arabic phrases. i mean, the average person in oklahoma, what arabic phrases do they know, have they heard, aside from alu akbar? we don t know what it is, but if it is something other than that, why haven t we heard whatever it was? also they want to make it about race and is it really about terror or both? nine minutes after the top of the hour. heather nauert here with the latest. he tried to turn a christmas party into a scene of mass murder. this happened four years ago. today mohammed mohammed will
learn if he gets to leave prison before he s an old man. he was arrested in 2010, he pressed a button on his cell phone to trigger a bomb and kill thousands of people at a christmas tree lighting in portland, oregon. the bomb turned out to be a fake. it was provided by undercover agents. he could spend the next 40 years hyped bars. an alarming new report out that fast-moving virus that is sending thousands of children to the hospital in virtually every state is believed to be paralyzing some is now growing. this morning there are now four cases that have now been reported in boston. the victims there range in age from four to 15 years old. doctors first reported ten cases in denver, colorado, a few days back. the cdc is now investigating. talk about adding insult to injury, an already crumbling atlantic city. look at this. battered this time by a massive fire. this video just in to fox & friends a short while ago. those flames ripping through several buildings just steps
from the boardwalk there. no one has been hurt so far. but 17 people are now without a place to live this morning. atlantic city reeling from the closure of several casinos. i can t believe wal-mart is blaming me. that from tracy morgan. he is now firing back at the company after the company pointed the finger at him. wal-mart saying that the injuries from the crash were, quote, caused in whole or in part by the plaintiff s failure to properly wear an appropriate available seatbelt. he felt compelled to speak out. not too happy. thank you very much. the sec received a petition to deny renewing the license of a radio station, sports radio station in washington, d.c. because they used the term, redskins all the time. it s the name of the team. well, if the fcc pulls the license, that will effectively
ban stations from using redskins. we asked you in the last hour what you thought about it and the twitter machine and e-mail machine has lighted up. that s right. one says this, new sec means federal control of citizens instead of federal communications commission. david says on twitter, they are going way too far. but yet again, the pc police just will not stop. and bill e mailed us and writes, i m not a big football fan, but i feel the redskins name is no different than the indians or chiefs. the government needs to keep their noses out of it. or braves. there go. keep them coming. we ll watch and read. 12 minutes after the hour. many of you have questions about the ebola virus that is in dallas right now. so do we. the director of the cdc about be here to answer them live coming up next. and he dropped had his knees in prayer and slapped with a penalty. was he punished because it s a muslim prayer? the football controversy brewing this morning.
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joins us live from atlanta, georgia. good morning. good morning. i saw your press conference yesterday. i know you say the public has nothing to worry about, but my daughter works in the building directly across the street from the hospital and i talked to her last night. she s a little freaked out. i understand. people are scared. it s a scary disease, but she s not a contact. let s go back and look at the plain truth of how ebola spreads. it only spreads from someone who is sick and only spreads from direct contact with the person or their body fluids. all right. we asked folks if they had any questions for you and we have hundreds of questions. somebody by the name of sally, my daughter s name, wrote this: why are we not stopping air travel between liberia and other nations struggling with the virus? why allow flights into the united states, doctor? the bottom line is that the best way to protect americans is
first stop it at the source in africa. second, make sure that every single traveler who leaves the countries where ebola is spreading gets screened for fever. and cdc teams are on the ground and have made sure that that happens 100% of the time. and third, make sure that doctors and other health work increase this country think about the possibility of ebola in anyone who has been in west africa for the past 21 days. and test them and isolate them if they have been. let me ask you this, you say that we ve got cdc people there on the ground in west africa screening people as they get on the airplane. how do they do that? do they say, do you have a fever? do they have a wand to wave to see if they ve got a fever? do they just ask them? two different processes. one is a questionnaire where a series of questions is asked and second, hand held thermometers that work from a distance. so every single patient s temperature is measured at least once, often two or three times before they get on a plane.
that s important not only to protect other people, but also to keep the airlines flying. the impulse might be to isolate these countries. if we do that, we ll be increasing our own risk because really the simple truth is by stopping it there there and by helping them stop it there, we re helping ourselves. you talked about how this guy s family there in the dallas area, you re monitoring them. i know three of the emergency workers who drove the ambulance are being monitored. what about the people who were in the emergency room when he first came in and said, i don t feel good, and they said, take some antibiotics, go home? those people are being monitored, too, right? we have a nine-person team in dallas working with the hospital, with the health department and the family to identify every possible contact and will be monitoring every one of those individuals for 21 days. that s the tried and true public health means of stopping an ebola outbreak. one other theme we got on the e-mail was this, this is a
political thing, but you re part of the administration. they feel that the administration has misled a lot of people on a lot of things. why should we believe you when you re telling us this stuff? well, our approach at cdc is always to tell people more rather than less. we are going to tell you what happens, when it happens, when we don t know something, we ll tell that you as well. we level with people because that s the most important way, and that s the most effective way to get the information across and to get people to understand what we need to do and the fact is that what we need to do here is to trace every one of the contact carefully. and more broadly, stop it in africa for not just their sakes, but for ours. dr. frighten, i know you got a busy day, thanks for spending time with us today. thank you. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, how would you like some free legal advice? you can t have it, but illegal
immigrants can at taxpayers expense. the multi million dollar program that s bound to cause some controversy this morning. they waited hours for their food on their anniversary. why did they give the waiter a $100 tip? that couple joins us next to explain.
$100 million, that s how much taxpayer money the pentagon spent bringing military trucks we do not need back from afghanistan. the new report finds in one year alone, 1,000 vehicles were shipped. the cost per truck? $107,000. please don t use it. next, $9 million. that s how much you the taxpayers pay to give children that cross into the country illegally from mexico, an attorney. the feds shelling out the amount over the last two years. over the next two years. finally, 788 hours. that s how much time president obama has spent golfing since
taking office. he s only attended 700 hours of his daily intelligence briefings. you make the call on the difference. elizabeth? thanks. it was supposed to be a nice night out to celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary. instead they waited 20 minutes for a server to take their drink order and we ve all had experiences like that and been on the other end. but what they decided to do next was pretty extraordinary. instead of leaving a bad tip, they left a $100 tip on a 66-dollar tab. and a note that said we ve been in your shoes. paying it forward. their kind act has to say the least gone viral over 1.5 million likes on facebook. joining me are the couple. happy anniversary, first of all. we keep hearing how horrible this dinner was. thank you. tell us exactly describe the night for us. how bad was the night? well, from the moment we sat down, we could tell it was a
little chaotic in the whole restaurant. you could see that they were understaffed and it was dinner time. so people were coming in the door fast and sitting down. so we sat down and within took us probably 20 minutes before we even were greeted or had water at the table. we decided to stay. we just were excited to try the food and from the minute we started the meal, we could just tell that everything was going to take a really long time. the server really didn t have much time to interact with us at all. so we could hear tables around us complaining and just really upset with the service and saying they weren t going to be coming back. one table did get up and leave. actually one table walked in and decided to leave and another table said the service is so bad, i don t think you ll want to stay here. so they went to another restaurant. we fell into that negativity at first and were kind of talking to each other about it and but halfway through the meal, we
just said, we have nowhere to be, it s our anniversary, why are we in such a hurry all the time? let s kind of enjoy this extended dinner. this guy is working hard. he s doing all he can. he doesn t have enough time. at one point he had 12 tables plus the bar. more than any one person could handle. so we were just giving him a little bit of credit, like he s trying and there is nothing he can do but do his best. and then not only that, you left him such a generous tip. i ve waited tables before, you depend on them. anyone who has done that knows four tables is a lot. kyle hanson is his name, this is how he reacted to your big tip. i wasn t expecting that. it was a good ending to a really stressful night. my gosh, almost tears in his eyes. steven, were you surprised at how many people liked and
related to your message? went viral, 1.5 million likes. yeah, i know. it s kind of surreal, but it s one of those things where he everybody can relate, either being in the service industry or as a patron. everybody can relate to the story. you ve also said in your post that everybody makes mistakes, right? so this is a great message of grace. we want to wish you again a happy anniversary and for a message of real love that millions of people have liked. thank you very much. great story there. coming up, she is facing criminal charges for making bomb threats. but apparently that s not enough to make the sister of the boston bombing suspects behave. what she just did. and the baggage claim bandits strike again. how are they getting away with your stuff? give it back.
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downy. wash in the wow. two weeks after the white house fence jumper made news, there are claims this guy not only got into the white house, he actually made it as far as the east room. yeah. even crazier, reports that president obama almost made it as far as the oval office the other day. is there a golf ball in here? golf joke. jimmy fallon, right across the street. 28 minutes before the top of the hour. we ve got a fox news alert for you on this wednesday morning. the first case of ebola in america. the centers for disease control have confirmed a patient diagnosed with the deadly
disease is in isolation at aita. john roberts is live at the cdc headquarters in atlanta. john, are we we just had the guy who runs the cdc on and he wants to make sure everybody understands don t panic. reporter: right. that is the job of public health officials is to tell people not to panic. but there certainly are plenty of reasons for people to be concerned, particularly people who were in close contact with this fellow while he was showing symptoms. it looks like that might be limbed to family members. the doctor said yesterday that he expects at least a couple more patients may come forward presenting with symptoms of ebola in the wake of this. what he did say, however, was he doesn t believe that people who were on the aircraft that flew with this fellow from liberia here and we don t yet know how he got here. but it could be logical to assume maybe he flew an african regional carrier to nigeria and
then flew from there here because there are plenty of flights between the united states and nigeria. he thinks because he was asymptomatic at the time, there is no need to screen those passengers. if you look at the math here, eight to ten days on average for incubation, ten days ago he flew here. if somebody was going to get sick, we might know about it by now. he was also asked this morning whether or not it made sense to suspend flights between the united states and west africa or other european countries in west africa. here is what he said. the impulse might be to isolate these countries. if we do that, we ll actually be increasing our own risk because really the simple truth is by stopping it there and by helping them stop it there, we re helping ourselves. reporter: obviously when there was a big outbreak you need to stop it in those countries. however that, is very problematic because of the lack of medical facilities. if you look at what happened in
nigeria where the american flew in august, 19 other people were infected after he died from ebola. nigeria was able to get a lid on it and yesterday the cdc said it looked like that outbreak there was contained. our facilities here in the united states, much better than in nigeria. in terms of what s happening in west africa, that s still out of control and as long as people are migrating between the countries, there is always a chance that someone will get on an aircraft and land here in the united states infected with ebola. of course, are you just are you saying there is going to be no follow-up to the passengers of that plane as reported of yet, not in eight days, not in five days to see if any of them are displaying symptoms? reporter: at this point in time, the centers for disease control sees no reason to go back and monitor people who were on board the aircraft because dr. frieden says there is absolutely zero chance he passed along the virus to anyone traveling with him. what they re going to focus on immediately is family members that this guy had contact with,
medical workers he had contact with when he first came to the hospital on the 26th of september presenting with symptoms and then when he came back on the 28th and was admitted. i don t know if everybody on the aircraft will feel comfortable about being monitored, but that s where they re going right now. john roberts. thank you. heather inaugurate, turning our attention to boston. the sister of the accused boston bombers is complaining hyped bars. she says she never threatened to blow up her boyfriend s ex and is being targeted because of her family. she was sent to the slammer when she couldn t come up with $5 million in bail. the luggage thief striking again. look at this video here. two men get out of a red car, make their way into phoenix sky harbor airport.
they go to baggage claim, they walk away with three pieces of luggage, just sort of calmly putting the cases into their cars, like they owned them. weeks before at the same airport, a guy hops off the airport train, stole a suitcase, hopped back on without anyone noticing. a woman found alive after she was kidnapped and then shoved into the trunk of her car and held captive there for two days. dehydrated and struggling to breathe, she pounded on the car from the inside. good samaritans heard her. they called 911. but they could not wait for the emergency vehicles to get there. they threw a brick through the window and then were able to pop the trunk. the victim says she has no memory of what happened. listen. she got to a vehicle, there was a man inside, a white male in miss positive. she drove him around for a couple of days. she s not sure exactly where and what that situation was and subsequently she ended up inside
the trunk. thank goodness she s okay. she s now in the hospital with a broken arm. no arrests have been made just yet. in kansas city, the nfl admitting they got it wrong by flagging chief safety for celebrate ago touchdown monday night with a muslim prayer, excessive celebrations include kneeling. they get an automatic penalty. there is an exemption for players going to the ground for religious reasons. those are your headlines. october is national pizza month, heather. entire month dedicated to one of america s favorite foods. to celebrate, we re cooking up personal pizzas with papa murphy s. so we re getting our gear on to celebrate. how many slices of pizza are consumed throughout the year? starting with national pizza
month, we re launching five brand-new products this month. starting today. what makes you guys you guys? we start with fresh dough. the freshest of ingredients. it s made fresh, taken home fresh and baked in your oven. we don t cook it in the stores. how many locations do you have? 1450. and at each of those location, people are tossing the dough every day. we take it up here like this. with your knuckles up. like that. knuckles. then you kind of spin it like that. there you go. she s a natural. no one has ever tried a different way? why do you throw and why wouldn t you just leave it in the pan and gradually pull it out? you have to be really careful cause you don t want the hole there. it s fresh dough.
haven t we invented a robot to do this yet? good job. look at that. we re going to make how many different kinds of pizza? we re going to do four today. you ve got a gluten free. our brand-new gluten free dough. we re going to make thai chicken, spicy fennel sausage pizza and two others. you can put anything you want to on it. angus steak just this month on gourmet delight, that s what i m putting on. what s the number one pizza you sell? straight pepperoni. mama mia. does science come up with new pizzas ou you guys? we have food science people. each pizza is less than 250 calories. each one is 250 calories a
slice. thank you. thanks for papa murphy s coming out. coming up straight ahead, police keep us safe in the most dangerous situations. how does the attorney general feel about cops? i also carry with me an understanding of the mistrust that some citizens harbor for those who wear the badge. wow. is the administration turning its back on officers for political points? former f.b.i. assistant director ron hoskow next.
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the police protect us. that s the nature of their job. who is forgetting our police? officer deaths in the line of duty, up 16% from last year. the president and members of his administration are giving speeches like this. as an african-american man who has been stopped and
searched by police in situations where such action was not warranted, i also carry with me an understanding of the mistrust that some citizens harbor for those who wear the badge. in too many communities around the country, a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement. too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement. wow. is the obama administration turning its back on our police officers? ron hoskow is the former assistant director of the f.b.i. and president of the law enforcement legal defense fund. ron, is this the wrong tone or just an accurate tone we re getting from the white house? i think that it s a tone they ve been setting both the president and the attorney general for some period of time where race has become the topic of the conversation. the president has made some comments about having the bigger conversation. from my view of law enforcement, i think law enforcement would welcome that conversation.
but you want to have a conversation that s a little bit broader than mistrust. you want to talk about actually race and law enforcement and who is committing the crimes and the role of the officers officers is well as the assailants. absolutely. everybody should be on the table. we look at places around our country. you can count chicago and philly and camden, oakland, flint, michigan, detroit that are high crime areas that police, it s their role to go there and police and sort through the bodies in the street and try to identify witnesses and build cases. and there is great distrust in those communities. in places where it s not police doing the killing, it s somebody else doing the killing. assaults are up, deaths are up. what about attitude on the streets for those who enforce the law, who don t make a million dollars and one of the few jobs you get up in the morning and not sure you ll go home at night? that s a great point. i m very troubled by the tone of
the conversation, particularly in the wake of the ferguson situation. every year there are dozens of police officers killed in the line of duty. every year there are somewhere between 50 and 60,000 law enforcement officers assaulted while they re doing their job or trying to do their job. a mile from me is a memorial with over 20,000 names of deceased law enforcement officers carved into stone walls. i think that has to be part of the conversation, the role of our police in a civil society and i m not sure about the balance of the current administration. i noted three cases this summer where police officers were killed in the line of duty. and violent crimes. i did not see comments by the president. i did not see representatives from the white house at their funerals. i did not hear from the attorney general on any of those. the good news is, i think, the attorney general is leaving, we don t know how much damage he s actually done.
ron, thanks for what you ve done and do and thanks for all those who serve. appreciate you joining us this morning. thank you. 13 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, we watched this disturbing confession from the the realtor beverly carter, live as it happened. she was a rich broker. do you have anything to say to the family? sorry. yeah, right. this morning there is more. dr. keith ablow takes us inside the mind of this accused killer next. first on this day in 1908, henry ford introduced the model t. in 1961, new york yankees slugger roger maris broke babe ruth s record that stood for 34 years and it should still stand today. in 1980, another one bites the dust by queen was the number one song in america and it s on steve s ipod and walkman.
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the man charged with murdering arkansas real estate agent beverly carter and burying her body outside a concrete mixing plant speak out in a disturbing live tv interview. there is the perp walk right here as you saw it live yesterday morning. how do you explain what happened? the military base. why beverly? she was a rich broker. do you have anything to say to the family? sorry. sorry. police say trevor was interviewed but doesn t appear to be involved in the crime. what s going on inside the mind
of this suspected killer? we re talking to psychiatrist and fox news contributor dr. keith ablow. good morning to you. good morning. first of all, what did you make of the fact that he oftentimes there are news cameras around during the perp walks. usually nobody says anything. why would he feel like this is his chance to spill the beans? well, here is the thing, we don t know whether the guy is absolutely guilty or not. one thing i ve noticed in researching killers, particularly ones with a lot of narcissism, is that they think they re more believable than they are. so because they can t empathize, they can t feel the suffering of victims, they can t beauty emotions, so they think you ll believe their tall tales. and that may or may not be happening here because we don t know for sure whether the guy is guilty. so that i m sorry doesn t necessarily mean anything? well, i m sorry for this fellow may not mean much.
it seems very surgical in its approach. it doesn t mean he wasn t there or in some way knew about it, but it s a hollow i m sorry and almost like look, you re in the wrong place at the wrong time, i m sorry the car hit you. but i don t feel anything about it. so it s fascinating and horrifying. listen to him a little later that afternoon. are you hurting for some reason? yeah. what s hurting? i got in a car wreck the other day. i haven t been to the hospital yet. you pled not guilty. why? because that s what my lawyer said to do. reporter: why? just wanting this all over with. just sorry it all happened. i just want it all over. wants it all over with. your characterization of his attitude? again, you would say if this were a fellow who was for some reason wrongly accused, sure, you would want it all over with. but the reason this is chilling is because of the lack of
affect. if you or if i were in that situation and wrongly accused or god forbid had done something that was against the law, you d be weeping, yelling, let me out of here. i can t believe this happened. not this guy. this guy is generally very even, even after saying i m in pain. absolutely. and before he said i m sorry, is he why her? he said, she s a rich broker. what is the fact that she s a rich broker have to say? well, i think he said she was working alone. i believe he said that. i think we may see more of this. in other words, the division that has been encouraged between different classes in our culture, which is wrong, we re one people, can lead to violence because it suggests the person is the other, in the same way that folks hobbled by prejudice look at other races as the other. this could happen with socioeconomic groups and that
would be devastating for our country. it was almost like him saying of course, why wouldn t i? she s rich, alone. i got money. is that a justification in his mind? again, imagine this fellow attacking you or stalking you or trying to plead with somebody like this because what you get back is arithmetic. not feeling. she was a rich broker. what do you have to say? sorry. why did you plead not guilty? my lawyer told me to. why are you doing this to me with the knife? because. thanks so much. yep. it s troubling. thank you, dr. keith. coming up. he considered himself a progressive, even worked for liberal michael moore until he made a documentary about islam, then everything he believed in changed. that film maker will join us here. then the federal communications commission ready to perhaps ban announcers from saying the name redskins, which is the name, or they face a fine. is it really the job of the
government? congressman paul ryan works for the people of wisconsin and he s here and we ll talk to him coming up next half hour. [coughing]
dave, i m sorry to interrupt. i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don t take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine.
good morning. it is wednesday, october 1. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with o a fox news alert. ebola here in america. this morning a warning for you. it may have spread. what you need to know about this very deadly and contagious virus straight ahead. and as the secret service tries to explain how a guy with a knife ran into the east room, lawmakers offer a simple solution. have you ever heard of these guys? just 39 bucks a month. but this morning the big question, how did a convict with a gun get face-to-face with the president on an elevator? and the government getting involved in the redskin controversy. the fcc ready to ban announcers from saying the name or face a
fine? your e-mails pouring in on this because mornings are better with friends. hi, this is sam waterston. you re watching fox & friends . we re really kind of a law and order kind of show. but today we re talking medicine and we re talking about things you re worried about regarding ebola. the first case of ebola found on american soil at this hour, a man, sounds like he s from liberia, diagnosed with the disease in isolation at that dallas hospital. we spoke to the director of the cdc earlier about the fears of the virus could be spread on airplanes. he says everything is fine because there is a strict screening process before they get on the plane. one of the questionnaire, where a series of questions is asked. and second, there are hand-held thermometers that work from a distance, so every single patient s temperature is
measured at least once, often two or three times before they get on a plane. that s important not only to protect other people, but also to keep the airlines flying. what exactly do we all need to know this morning? we re going to ask disease specialist the very questions. this is a big deal. when we re talking about ebola, how contagious is it, in your mind? you have to be in close contact. now it s here in the united states. the conversation is reved up. it s not as contagious, it s very infectious virus burks it s nots contagious. you can t catch ebola from food, from talking to someone. got to have contact. you really have to have contact with bodily fluids. so that puts a little extra barrier. the other issue is that you really the infectious time is when you develop symptoms. so we re fortunate to at least have that because some diseases are infectious even before you
develop symptoms. how concerned are you about the people that he may or may not have been in contact with? there seems to be a lax attitude about that and i m wondering if they re trying not to panic us or them. again, it s because we have his contacts will be monitored for 21 days with temperature regulation. the minute you develop a fever, that s when the infectious part develops and begins. so they will have to be monitored for 21 days during the period of time of incubation. what about those on the plane with him? no follow-up just to be safe? no eight to ten day follow-up with anybody on the plane? they were a symptomatic while on the plane. so there is no risk on the plane ride this time. but there should be obviously heightened caution because you really can t get on a commercial plane with a fever coming from an indemic area. right. and the doctor made it very clear, they screened people before they get on.
maybe they should start screening people as they get off because it takes two days to get here from liberia oftentimes. so maybe they should be making sure people don t have a fever when they get off the airplane as well. that s a consideration. yeah. the other question, going back to what brian was talking about, people who came into contact with this person, the person comes to the united states, is here in the united states, no symptoms. and then a couple days later, feels lousy, goes to the emergency room. they say yeah, you got a fever, but we re going to give you some pills and he went home. all the people in that emergency room, he had the symptoms right then. shouldn t those people be monitored? they will be. that s part of the investigation and it should be because from the time that there were symptoms, anybody that potentially could come into contact with his bodily fluids should be monitored. you have a very calm tone. do you think the rest of us are saying, wait a minute. there is panic when it comes to flu, to lice.
as a parent, i m thinking, there should be a little bit of justification for worry here. am i wrong? the virus behaves a little different and were you virus is something flu virus is contagious through the air, date of birthlets. this is a little different. it requires bodily fluids. but it s here. it is here. but we re not in the same infrastructure as other areas where this has taken off. dr. frieden was on earlier and talked about the possibility, should we isolate the countries that are experiencing this and protect the rest of the world? here is his take. it is certainly possible that someone who had contact with this individual, a family member or other individual could develop ebola in the coming weeks. but there is no doubt in my mind that we will stop it here. right. that wasn t so should you just say okay. let s avoid that area, the rest of the world?
there should be no travel to that area unless completely necessary. the point is, is it irresponsible to not check people for temperature and fever as they exit a plane, in your estimation? minute with that travel history and with symptoms should definitely be evaluated. whether they re getting off the plane or two days after they arrive, anybody with that travel history, as health care professional, need to have a heightened sense of awareness. all right. thank you very much for making a couch call today. thanks a lot. meanwhile, we ve been talk being this the last couple of days. remember the guy who jumped over the fence, ran into the white house. he had a knife in his pocket and then tackled by somebody who was off-duty. just so happened to be in the east room, said, wait a minute. there is not supposed to be a guy here. there he is right there. mr. gonzalez. now on the same day that the director of the secret service was grilled on capitol hill for that security lapse, news comes out from a whistle blower that apparently two weeks ago when
the president as it turns out was down at the cdc talking with the people there about the ebola virus, he got into an elevator at one point and he was face-to-face with a security contractor who had a gun in his pocket and he had three convictions for assault and battery, and now the secret service is scrambling because they have to explain how the president of the united states was next to a guy, a convict with a gun. if he wasn t so obnoxious with his camera and ignoring the secret service when they said, can you stop that, and then getting fired, they wouldn t have gone into his background, found out he had a gun and found out how in jeopardy the president could have been in. apparently the screening is supposed to keep people with a criminal history is supposed to keep them out of the reach of the president. it makes you understand why julia pierson with all that s going on with the secret service has been coming under extreme scrutiny and yesterday in her
hearing she faced the music. don t let somebody get close to the president. don t let somebody get close to his family. don t let them get in the white house ever! if they have to take action that s lethal, i will have their back. this, ladies and gentlemen, is not a democratic issue. this is not a republican issue. this is an american issue. this is also an issue of national security. have you ever heard of these guys? i wish to god you protected the white house like you protecting your reputation here. this is unacceptable and i take full responsibility and i will make sure that it doesn t happen again. they re going to do a separate investigation and get independent counsel to look into it. is that going to be it? are heads going to roll? as you said, she had to face the music. now what? right. will there be a consequence? then he also said, how many times did you tell the president
his security has been breached? she said once. he s not even being candid with the person she s protecting. more big news, he s accused of beheading a co-worker while shouting arabic phrases. his facebook page includes pictures of osama bin laden. but don t call him a terrorist. he s charged with murder. casey stegall is live outside the jail in norman, oklahoma, where the suspect is expected to arrive. they seem to be emphasizing more race than terrorist. why is that, case reporter: you know, it s some conflicting information. you mentioned the arabic phrases that the district attorney said he was saying during the attack itself. but what he was exactly saying, the translation, that has not been made clear. let me backtrack. shear what we expect to happen today. according to the district attorney, they believe that the suspect is going to be released from the hospital. when that happens, he s going to be brought right here to this location. the cleveland county jail in norman, oklahoma, where he will be formally arraigned.
but it will happen via video conference. he won t physically go before the judge himself. meantime, the confusing investigation into this horrific crime continues. initially authorities had told us that 30-year-old alton nolan had been fired from his job at the vaughn food processing plant because he was trying to convert his colleagues to islam. now the d.a. said that he was not fired; he was suspended because he had been in an argument with co-workers earlier in the day over race, saying that he did not like white people. regardless, a virginia congressman has written a letter to eric holder demanding this be investigated as terrorism. not workplace violence. it is an act of terror, should be prosecuted at the federal level as an act of terror. what i m worried about is that the agents on the ground who believe this could be terror are being told by the leadership at the justice department workplace
violence and sort of a disconnect. reporter: there is no terrorism statute here in the state of oklahoma. so as this investigation plays out, if it is determined that terrorism was a factor that, would have to be pursued at the federal level. of course, the f.b.i. among many agencies now investigating. and they wouldn t do it given what frank wolf just said. casey, thank you very much. we turn now to heather with the news. good morning. he tried to turn a christmas party into a scene of a mass murder. today mohammed mohammed will learn if he gets to leave prison before he s old. the f.b.i. arresting the somali american in 2010. he pressed a button on a cell phone to try to trigger a bomb. he wanted to kill thousands of people at a christmas tree lighting in portland, oregon. that bomb was fake. it ended up it was provided to him by undercover agents. he now could spend the next 40 years behind bars. an alarming new report of the fast moving virus that s
sending thousands of children to the hospital. in virtually every state across the country, it s now believed to be paralyzing some children and it is growing. there are four cases that have been confirmed in boston. the victims ranging in age from four to 15 years old. doctors first reported ten cases in denver. the cdc is now investigating. and there is brand-new evidence this morning in the manhunt for the accused cop killer eric frien. police finding two pipe bombs that he allegedly left behind in the pennsylvania woods as a trap. they were covered and had a long trip wire that was meant to go off. and he is behind bars for murder. remember this guy, making headlines for creating a life. the convicted killer is now the father to this young baby. his wife, he met in prison, just giving birth to a baby girl. he s serving a 28-year sentence for murdering stephanie flores
in peru. what a story. those are your headlines. he s the father? he is the father. how does that work if he s in prison? conjugal visits. okay. thank you. murderers get that. yeah. 28 years. meanwhile, coming up, the fight against isis is not a religious war? i made very clear, we are not at war against islam. islam is a religion that preaches peace. okay. a guy who once worked for michael moore is even disagreeing with the president. his firsthand evidence next. plus, emeril legace will share his recipe for why the economy is tanking and who is to blame. bam! [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day,
you notice a few things. like the fact that you re pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that s alright. because we ll text you when your package is on the way. we re even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is.was. and always will
i made very clear, we are not at war against islam. islam is a religion that preaches peace. president obama stressed for a second time this week america is not at war with islam. my next guest, a former liberal film maker, disagrees with that. eric allen bell, used to be a
blogger for the daily coast and michael but his entire view changed unexpectedly while reporting on a controversial mosque in tennessee. he saw a darker side of islam that our politicians certainly won t touch. eric joins us this morning. great to have you here. what exactly did you find in tennessee while going through the footage for your documentary that really switched what you intended to do? i really read the koran and i read the hadif and i asked the tough questions to the islamic clerics and i found their answers matched the answers of people who wrote books that were critical of islam and i found out that islam is the greatest threat to human rights in the world today and the greatest threat to global stability. why do you say that? that realization changed my world view. i think we can judge islam first and foremost by its actions. you played a sound bite where the president said something to the effect that no faith teaches
this. well, i would encourage anyone to simply read the koran. there are numerous 9:5, kill them wherever you find them. it teaches kill the unbeliever. it s obsessed with killing the unbeliever. do you believe that there are those that practice it peacefully? yeah. i think that islam is explosive, but thankfully not all muslims are explosive. the islamic world seems to be going through a bit of soul searching and i think they estimate two out of three muslims world wide don t know how to read or write, a lot of them don t really know what islam is. a lot of them are in it because they can t leave, because the penalty for apostasy is death. so a lot of people are captured by islam or indoctrinated, but don t know what it really is and don t stand behind it. what do you want people to take away from your words here
and also why won t politicians touch this angle? i d like people to take away from my article why i do not hate muslims is that it is important as americans, as leaders, as an example that we not let ourselves become captured by hatred, that we not let that pollute our spirit. hating our enemy is not going to help us achieve anything meaningful. not all muslims are our enemy. islam, which is a belief system and not a human being, absolutely is our enemy and if you doubt that, read the koran, it makes it abundantly clear. as to why our politicians not touching this issue, i think that they do not yet have the sense that the american public will support them if they do. if they heard from more of their constituents that they re concerned about the spread of islam in america and radical islam in particular, i think they would go in another
direction. okay. eric alan bell, provocative piece that you ve written. thank you for joining us this morning at fox & friends. we ll be right back. thank you insurance companies are spending millions of dollars
trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here s the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too.
i m bob pack, and i m fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don t want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. story thousands of sudanese children orphaned by a brutal civil war told by some who survived. taken away by soldiers. instead of me. to protect us. to protect me. the stars of the good lie, a movie inspired by the more
than 20,000 displaced children now known as the lost boys of sudan. good morning to both of you. thank you. tell me about when you were eight years old and the war broke out, what happened? well, as you can see in the movie, when the civil war broke out, it was very i was very young, probably eight years old. then the helicopter came in the village and started bombing and everybody started running, scattered everywhere. those are my early memories as a child. people started running and you wound up walking how far? that s in south sudan. now we have to walk for thousands of miles to go all the way to ethiopia where we can find safety. so i was among those kids that really fled the country by foot and made it to ethiopia. not only that, we encountered different civil war in ethiopia where we had to come back to south sudan. so it was a lot of war in 1991, which by then i was about eight or 13, 14. how emotional was it for to you make this film?
very emotional, but we know that we need this story to be out there and in order for it to be told, we re lucky enough o have some sudanese telling the story. it s almost told through the eyes of kids who become adults. correct? what s that like, when we go see this film what, are we going to experience? you re going to experience the story of humanity because this is a story of survival, young kids who fled their homes, so their home destroyed. now they re in america. so from being children to adults. titanic humanitarian effort that brought this story out and saved what was left of the kids, right? yeah. it s a story that s going to create conscious global awakening. a story that s going to touch people s hearts and become more empathetic. because so many people don t know the story burks this is very personal for you, when you were eight, you wound up joining
the army. yeah. this is the story, it s deep. i was born in a difficult time and i saw how the war affected my family. all my aunties died in the war, including my mom, and all my uncle the. by eight, i was trained to become a child soldier. what did you do? well, we plan escape and escaped, i got rescued by a british aid worker. she smuggled me too kenya and now the world broke loose. i became a recording artist, and as you can see now you re a movie star. trying survive in new york. we came from the bottom, like lobsters, now we re rolling on very good.rock never heard that before. that s great. what an expression. 400 started out, 16 survived. you re here to tell the story. reese witherspoon also plays a key role in this. great message to be told to those who don t know the story,
and important, in fact. we see reese right there. she talked about it on fox news sunday with chris wallace. the movie opens in some big cities on friday and then opens across the country on october 24. the movie is called the good lie. thank you. rock star. america has been good so far. thank you. coming up on this wednesday, he murdered a police officer in cold blood, but that won t stop him from giving a commencement speech at a college and you re not going to believe who invited him. and then congressman paul ryan may have run against the president, but this morning they re actually agreeing on something, believe it or not. congressman ryan joins us and in a few minutes. come say hello to the congressman. cold. i took nyquil but i m still stuffed up. nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don t unstuff your nose.
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our shot of the morning. wisconsin congressman paul ryan stumping in iowa and making two new friends at the anderson ericcson dairy. and joining us now is former vice president no, ma amy and chairman of the house budget committee, congressman paul ryan. he s the author of the new york times best seller the way forward. where was that? that was at the dairy in des moines. we have cows just like that in wisconsin. it looks so familiar. what would you doing in iowa? i was helping joany ernst. she ll be the next u.s. senator from iowa. she s running for tom harken s
seat. she s part of our plan to get the majority of the united states senate. according to polls, she s starting to pull ahead. up six points now. let s talk about what s going on in the world. isis, a lot of people are terrified by the prospect of the beheadings and everything else. now in congress, it seems like a lot of republicans are on the president s side. we re glad he s taking the fight to isis. we ve been critical of his policy all along. he messed up iraq with not getting the agreement. series of missteps in syria. that helped give rise to isis. at least he s now taking the fight to them on both sides of the border. we were concerned he wasn t going to take it to them in syria. so we re supporting that. but my big fear now is we were talking, i worry he s going to in this case the and dime and micromanage the military. just like lbj did in vietnam. you never tell the enemy what he s doing. i saw that story this morning in politico.
if you look, we almost bombed the free syrian arm a few days ago and heard from anglican priest that they are a mile from bad dad and the iraqi doesn t want to fight. when you say i won t put any boots on the ground what, you re basically saying is the things that make our air strikes much more effective, having special forces team on the ground coordinating air strikes, working with foreign fighters, working with sunnies and peshmerga and free syrian army, if you say they can t be there to do that, then we re much less effective. we learned in afghanistan, putting special forces on the ground, coordinating air strikes really makes a difference. i worry that he s pulling punches that we should not give the military the mission and stand out of their way. it s the words that i m hearing that are maybe troubling to you. what we re forecasting to the enemy, but also how we re depicting our fight, are we at war or not at war with isis? are you content with how the
president portray this is war we re in? i worry a little bit about it. i think his speech at the u.n. was much, much better. it was more like a george bush speech. but he ll say something good on tuesday and then on wednesday walk it back. he has to communicate with the country. commander in chief needs to bring the american people along with the fight and show them we re going to have the resolve to see this through. so i think sometimes there is politically correct things that get mixed up in his wards that project ambiguity. do you feel bad for the president that he missed over half of his daily briefings? i used to get those briefs from the campaign. we get intel briefs in congress. we ve been warned about isis by the intelligence community for quite some time. how long? the intel community has been telling us for a couple of years. this is not new. it did not come as a surprise. maybe the speed of what they did
in iraq, but isis has been a threat gathering for quite some time. what s the advantage of getting it verbally as opposed to reading it on your own? president bush wanted it read. president obama says 41% of the time. the rest i ll do it. i go down to the reading room in a classified room of the i read the briefs and then go and get intelligence officers and pick and prod on them with questions. the key is to getting an oral briefing, you can ask questions of the person who would be writing the brief. is it possible he doesn t have questions? i don t know the answer to that. this statistic about the daily brief, i have a hard time comprehending that because the primary job of the commander in chief is to keep the country safe. and you need to get from your intelligence community, the defense community, especially when we have troops in harm s way what s going on. so i m just dumb founded at that statistic. i hope it s not true. we all hope that. but remember, you mentioned george w. bush in this conversation. in one of the presidential daily briefings before 9-11, there was a reference to osama bin laden
and he may try to attack the west. that s as specific as it got. he was excoriated for ten years and then you got the president of the united states, the current one, hearing about isis for 18 months in these briefs, nothing. the intel community has been telling us about isis. from isis to obamacare, once again we re coming up on another anniversary of the institution of it on the american system. you re worried a lot of people don t simply understand what s yet to come. oh, that s right. there are so many shoes have not dropped yet. this is one of the reasons why i wrote this book, is this which is we have real problems in this country and the government is going in the wrong direction. my point is we can turn this around. it s not too late to get things right. that s why i wrote a book to show how we can get things right in this country. with obamacare, the employer mandate hasn t kicked in yet. it s designed to kick people off their job-based insurance and put them into the exchange. the other point is the 15-person
board that the president appoints to put price controls on medicare, to cut medicare by quota each and every year which leads to denied care for seniors. that hasn t even happened yet. that s this so-called death panels we heard about when it was first proposed. correct? these haven t even been started yet. so so many more things which will cause people to lose their current insurance. we have a new set of rate increases coming in a few weeks for the people already on obamacare. then we have all these price controls in medicare that have yet to hit seniors. is the government about to get it wrong for the redskins? the government shouldn t be involved in this. i d call every team the packers if i had my druthers. but the government has other things to do. considering a been now on the term and actually putting the brakes, the fcc is, putting the brakes on a station. if it goes forward, it could mean they can not this is a private business.
people in the community and the owners of the business should make this decision. the federal government has other things to do and they should stick with it should be doing. once again, his book is a new york times best seller called the way forward. thank you very much. good to be with you. we want to see how the balance sheet is going. don t show us. there is the book right there. heather nauert has something to tell us. i ve got news now. controversy on a college campus after students select a convicted cop killer as their graduation speaker. abu jamal spent decades behind bars for murdering a police officer and this has been a big liberal cause celeb for years and years. now he s been asked to speak over the weekend at goddard college where he briefly studied. the police officer s widow is outraged. this man, he murdered my husband with ma little and
premeditation. he is evil. what does he have to offer? the graduating students believe that he has a message coming from prison f a unique perspective and speaks to issues that are important to them. a unique perspective indeed. that speech of his has been prerecorded by prison radio. it s not every day a reporter becomes part of the story. this happened in tampa, florida. he was reporting on the missing ten-year-old when all of a sudden, the reporter and his cameraman spotted the little boy hiding in a bush in his neighbor s yard. listen. his family so happy to see that little guy. paul says he ran away because he needed to get away from his little brother. emeril legace may be rich and famous, but even he has a beef with the nation s economy. this morning he s pointing the finger at the president.
he says his policies and regulations are killing the restaurant business saying, quote, it s become a very challenging industry and then you add all the obama nonsense. that s what it s become in the last several years. i m just saying the government should stay out of things. and those are your headlines at this hour. a lot more stuff coming up. bam. coming up, it doesn t even sound possible. a convict with a gun comes face-to-face with the president in an elevator. the secret service be held accountable for all of these security breaches? peter johnson, jr. next. but first it s the end of an era. no more saturday morning cartoons. just sleep til noon. dad, i know i haven t said this often enough, but thank you. thank you mom for protecting my future.
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the head of the secret service in the hot seat trying to explain how a guy with a knife ran into the east room. the history of misbehavior, security failures has clearly blemished that record. don t let somebody get close to the president. don t let somebody get close to his family. don t let them get in the white house ever! this is not high math. it is processing a crime scene. i wish to god you protected the white house like you re protecting your reputation. this is unacceptable and i take full responsibility. okay. but it only gets worse. this morning we have learned that a convict with a gun came face-to-face with the president. who is going to be held accountable for that and the other stuff? peter johnson, jr. joins us live. this is something all americans are upset about this morning. on september 16, a trip to the cdc, the president was in the elevator with a so-calledsecuri. he had a record. he was questioned for
videotaping the president, then it came out he had three convictions for assault and battery. the secret service was unaware, unaware that that contractor had a record and, in fact, had a gun in that elevator. he was fired after that incident. the head of the secret service, miss pierson, should be fired today. in fact, she should resign today as a matter of honor, duty and service to this country. this is the thing that affects all americans in a way that we really can t understand at this point. peter, you know how washington works, though. people go in front of a congressional committee and they say, i m sorry. i take full responsibility. the buck stops with me. and then that s it. nobody quits, nobody gets fired. we ve got to help the president and the first lady and the first family on this issue because it s embarrassing for them. it s hard for them to fire the first woman head of the secret service. we need to say, mr. president, we need you and your family, the free world needs you and your family. we can t allow political
considerations to deter security. look what happened in december 2013 when the president, when alt empty men della s funeral service was a man who was a schizophrenic and said later he was delusional during the ceremony. what is that about? that s right. and you look at that, but you don t have to go that far back in american history. how about famously one of the president s first big wing dings at the white house, these two people come in, the solahi family. i absolutely forgot about that. things were supposed to change. the failures of the presidency, the failures of assassination have been secret service failures in the past. the kennedy assassination, the near reagan assassination. we need to understand and we need to tell the world that our president is protected. maybe, in fact, it takes the
military to supplement what the secret service is doing. they re an incredible force. they re incredible people. but they need leadership from the top beginning with the president and then the secret service director. we need to change. we need it changed today big time. we shouldn t be discussing this. peter johnson, jr., saying she s got to go today. it s clear. all right. what do you think? please e-mail us. thank you very much. thank you. coming up, nascar race star danica patrick is here with a very special surprise under that rap. yes. i wonder what that is. some sort of a car, i got a feeling. martha mccallum joins us now. that can t possibly be your car parked under there. could it? that s the big surprise. good morning, everybody. there is a lot to take on today. ebola in the united states. what it means for all of us. my interview with governor chris christie, his strong words for the president on leadership and on isis and trey gowdy takes on
the mess in the secret service when bill and i see you on america s newsroom at the top of the hour h! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king s hawaiian bread.
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until noon eastern tomorrow, you can go to and anything over $10 you can nominate names to put on the car. i can put my mom and both grandmothers on that car? i ll run that car. anyway, it s pretty cool thing. and yeah, it s great cause. i ve been affected. we were talking before we came on air. you had two. i ve got this name, this name. you have a friend. my friend, heather. she tested positive for breast cancer gene. so 25, she had a double mastectomy and she went through all the hoops to take care of it. but far better than getting diagnosed, having that trauma, losing your hair, getting being sick. the brca. this is all through awareness, donation. the pink is part of the awareness and also the item we ve got behind us, it looks kind of big. we re going to unveil it right now. it s a car!
this is a big moment! can we unveil it? ready, set, go! look at that! go daddy! it s time to go! the names are all on the back of the car. you can see on the back what it s going to look like when names go on the car. so you can rest assure that had i ll be posting a lot of pictures from martinsville race weekend so everybody can get a look at the names that they have donated for, so that they can put someone s name on the car. it s a cool thing. can you stick around? yes, i can. the car is in park and we don t have the key. there is no hand brake, but i think we have some sandbags. back in a moment. more with danica
before we go, here someone for the road. you won t be hearing this anymore on saturday mornings. scooby doobie, doo where are you . danica patrick is outraged. this saturday cw became the last network to air cartoons. forcing broadcast channels to replace their programming. no more sunday morning? because that was scooby do was the only show that we watched. it was my sister and i would lay on the couch and she would have a quick. do you remember that chocolate drink? absolutely. was it bunny. she would have her quick on the couch and we would watch scooby doo. don t call me steve. call me shaggy.
meanwhile, here is another one. a bear giving police and wildlife officials a run for their money in new jersey. the bear spotted roaming the streets went from tree to tree. they locked down a school yesterday and you know what? there it is. in my neighborhood. the 301-pound bear eventually was tranquilized and been captured and now it has been sent back to the woods where it won t knock over my garbage can. at the end of every rainbow, there s a pot of gold. just ask this little girl who called her grandma with the good news. mimi, there is a rainbow hitting your house. i think you have the treasure. so when you get home, look in the garden and find the treasure. call me back. bye (. that s awesome! precious. tomorrow, i ll have a chance to go to dallas because there is a warrior open.
president bush hosts this tournament for elite wound warrior golfers and we ll have a chance to talk to him live. you ll hear from him and other vips live on this show tomorrow. travel safely. we ll see you live there. we ll talk with danica patrick in the after the show show. see you tomorrow. bill: good morning be everybody, our first case of ebola here in the united states. the first case of the deadly virus being diagnosed at a hospital in dallas. what you need to know. i m bill hemmer and welcome to america s newsroom. martha: the unidentified patient now in isolation, the situation is said to be contained. he traveled here from liberia. no symptoms showed until nine days after he arrived. he went to the doctor once, went home and

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140905 10:00:00

call after some students were hurt doing cheerleader-type stunts. finally, the ugly delaware governor jack markell apologizing after his twitter account sent out this photo. it was supposed to show him at an elementary school event but doesn t. it was quickly deleted and the governor saying that he wished it was a cat video instead. fox & friends starts right now. bye. happy friday! good morning. it is friday, september 5th, 2014. a fox news alert. meat. one of america s most wanted. the son of an american doctor raised in boston, educated at one of our top schools in the nation. now he s working for isis and leading the terror army social media campaign. what we are learning about him this morning will shock you. and the department of state, folks, not only is tough on isis, but they are tough on bill o reilly? i think that when the anchor
of a leading cable news show uses, quite frankly, sexist, personally offensive language, that i actually don t think they would ever use about a man well, you re wrong about that. he does use the same language for everybody. we re going to play the tape behind the story, coming up. just ask me, i love cooking souffles. and she called wisconsin governor scott walker a wife abuser. this hour, the governor s right-hand woman here with a message for debbie was yserman schultz. fox & friends starts now. announcer: it s time for fox & friends ! [ rooster crowing ] and it s a friday, and welcome to the program. and we start with a fox news alert you ll want to know about. u.s. air strikes have taken out three senior isis terrorists, including the top aide to isis leader abu al baghdadi. he was killed in the terrorist
strong hold of mosul. wow, many speculating that the president got his news when the secretary of state, john kerry, passed this note to him during nato meetings in wales yesterday. that s right. and this morning there s a new target. the fbi now hunting this guy, a tech-savvy american from boston believed to be the mastermind behind isis s brutal social media blitz. elizabeth is live in washington. what more do we know about this guy? reporter: officials here reportedly zeroing in on this american. he s been on the run from americans for years. ahmed abu al samarra. he s suspected of being behind their social media blitz that they ve been so advanced at, including gruesome youtube videos and twitter propaganda posts. he grew up, graduated from college in boston, even making the dean s list in undergrad, reportedly traveling back to the middle east back in 2004 where he worked essentially on media outreach for al qaeda in iraq.
this is the kind of person that law enforcement has been very concerned about. he s somebody who knows the english language, somebody who is obviously taken into the jihad crusade. he s going to use those skills, the language skills and social media skills that he probably developed here in the united states, to try and do what isis is doing. they re trying to recruit from within. reporter: well, there s still more evidence needed to confirm the suspicions. many experts say he has all the tools he needs to be an effective asset at spreading global terror. he speaks fluent english and arabic, so he s able to communicate these on social media forums and get this message out from isis to americans and other westerners, making him extremely dangerous. reporter: the 32-year-old is wanted on nine terrorism-related charges. he s been on the fbi s most wanted terror list since last year, and he s suspected to be in syria. elisabeth, steve, brian, back to you guys. all right, elizabeth prann with the latest. thank you very much. i ve actually got a family
connection to this guy and his history. well, according to reports, he attended a catholic high school in westwood, where my husband, his brothers all attended high school as well. looking back to see if there are any records there, pictures, et cetera, of course. you know, he also went to northeastern. that s where he did make the dean s list in terms of college, in massachusetts where many companies, one that i worked for, was located. typical american college kid. yeah, you know what i mean? look, good grades. but isis understands the power of social media following something brutal like a beheading. so, it s almost equal importance of recruiting people of these skills is high on their list. keep in mind, khalid shaikh mohammed, another guy who understands america because he went to college here. he was the college clown. they nicknamed him brutto, but he understands what might intimidate and motivate america. meanwhile, it s hard to believe it s been this many years since president bush authorized the surge in iraq, and he did it against the grain.
he did it when the american people were saying, i m tired of this war here, it s going on forever. how do we ever get on top of the insurgency? well, the president, as you know, accepted a plan that might have been written mostly by our own general jack keane, implemented by general petraeus. and it is amazing, as you listen to what he s about to say, how pressing he was in his prediction of what would have happened had he pulled out in 2007, and what he actually predicted when we pulled out in 2011. listen to president bush and then his chief speechwriter. i know some in washington would like us to start leaving iraq now, begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we are ready would be dangerous for iraq, for the region and for the united states. it would mean surrendering the future of iraq to al qaeda. it d mean that we d be risking
mass killings on a horrific scale. it would mean we allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in iraq to replace the one they lost in afghanistan. it would mean increasing the probability that american troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous. every single thing that president bush said there in that statement is happening today. obama did withdraw our troops before the commanders on the ground said we were ready. the general wanted to keep 24,000 troops in iraq. obama went to zero. president bush said if we did that, there would be mass killings on a horrific scale. what are we seeing? mass killings on a horrific scale, execution, women and children being buried alive, crucifixions, beheading of american journalists. president bush said if we withdrew before we were ready, al qaeda in iraq, which is now isis, would establish a safe haven. they now control a swath of territory the size of belgium. all of these predictions have
come true. and of course, we are back there right now launching strikes. we are. you know, i know that barack obama was running for president where i m going to end the war and we re going to come home and americans wanted that. we were all war-weary at that point back in 2007. but the way he pulled out of iraq essentially is the reason we are where we are today. and so, it was such a visionary prediction or a cautionary warning that president bush made there from the podium in 2007. a lot of people are probably scratching their heads going, i wish we would have listened to him. yeah. now we re in a situation that when you heard that last line, it gave you a chill. i mean, a chill through your spine, that we d be facing a much more dangerous enemy now. yes. it s called isis, and here we are. and our administration can t even verbalize what isis really is, you know, can t even say this is war. when james rosen went and, you know, pressed the state
department, asked jen psaki, remember, tuesday or wednesday wednesday. will you call this war? are we at war? direct question. simple, okay? following beheading of american journalists, two. she couldn t even respond. so, when james was speaking with bill o reilly on the factor wednesday, bill had this assessment fair. with all due respect, and you don t have to comment on this, that woman looks way out of her depth over there, just the way she delivers. it just doesn t look like she has the gravitas for that job. okay, so, he says she doesn t have the gravitas for the job. and you look at her resume, and she essentially was a spokesperson for a bunch of politicians. where s her, you know, her background in world affairs? she, according to what i ve seen, she doesn t really have one. nonetheless, yesterday, deputy spokesperson at the department of state, marie harf, said bill o reilly, he s talking about her colleague. he s clearly a sexist!
listen. i think that when the anchor of a leading cable news show uses, quite frankly, sexist, personally offensive language that i actually don t think they would ever use about a man against the person that shares this podium with me, i think i have an obligation, and i think it s important to step up and say that s not okay. yeah, there s a lot of things you could say about bill o reilly, and he d welcome them. there s a lot of people that could insult him. you might be accurate. you could compliment him, you might be accurate. but in terms of being a sexist, i don t think you re watching the show. right. he s an equal opportunity complimenter and defender. here s an example of bill o reilly noticing a few things about josh earnest. josh earnest. okay, he looks to me to be befuddled. i mean, jay carney, you may not have liked him, but he looked like he understood the process. mr. earnest doesn t look like he has a lot of credibility.
so, there you go. marie harf? bill o reilly does not like men. that was less than ten days ago that he said that, okay? august 26th. and if you think he s a sexist, how many women are there that he s in complete dialogue, debate with every single night, brilliant women that he is there discussing the top issues with. right. and you know, he s been quite fair across the board. but was that comment by marie harf? meanwhile, ten minutes after the hour. another fox news alert spans the world, the queen of comedy, joan rivers, dead here in new york city yesterday at the age of 81. her daughter, melissa, here making the heartbreaking decision to take her off life support, saying my mother s greatest joy in life was to make people laugh. although that is difficult to do right now, i know her final wish would be that we would be returning to laughter soon. rivers went into cardiac
arrest last week during a routine procedure, under investigation by new york health officials this morning. many remembering the comedy legend who broke down tv barriers for women. trace gallagher has more. reporter: the entertainment world is mourning the loss of a legend, comedian joan rivers passing away at a new york hospital at the age of 81. she cut her own swath through the world of show business. we won t see her likes again. she was an incredible lady. she never relied on the same old tired punch lines. she stayed relevant, she stayed raw, she stayed real and edgy in a way that was really remarkable. celebrities taking to social media to pay tribute to rivers. whoopi goldberg tweeting, my friend, joan rivers, has passed away. once again, to quote billy crystal, there are no words. bon voyage, joan. and a tweet from bette midler joan rivers has died. what a sad ending to a brilliant and tragic comic life. one of the bravest and funniest of all. fans placing flowers around
rivers s star on the hollywood walk of fame. i think it s fair to say there was only one joan rivers and never will be another. says what she thinks and doesn t care what anyone else thinks. reporter: rivers crashed the male-dominated realm of late-night talk shows and is seen as a trailblazer for female comedians. to be as sharp-tongued as she was, and you know, to attack celebrities in some ways on stage. she s also a beloved figure and innovator as well. so, there are comics like sir silverman and kathy griffin who would not exist without the path that paved by joan rivers. reporter: rivers will also be remembered as a red carpet fashion critic and a familiar face on tv shopping channel quuquuvc, where she sold her own line of jewelry. trace gallagher, fox news. joan rivers a good friend of the show, spent a lot of appearances here, was funny every time.
joan rivers s funeral is set for sunday in new york city. no word on whether it will be open to the public. rivers always said she wanted it to be a huge showbiz affair, just couldn t figure out if she was being sincere when she said that. she liked to plan. she would be happy, then, she made the cover of the new york times. a comic stiletto quick to skewer, even herself. one ballsy lady. she was born joan polenski and her agent said, you ve got to change your name. that agent s name? tony rivers. she goes, i like your name, i m joan rivers, like that. sharp she always was, and could make the funniest of funny laugh. that s right. all right, 13 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, you attack us, there will be no mercy. that was one marine s message to isis weeks ago. he s back now with a new one, and he hopes the president is listening. plus, take a look at this. it s the funniest prank you probably will see, but the people being pranked are not laughing one bit.
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that folks are getting a little further ahead of where we re at than we currently are. wow. the president may not have a strategy yet for battling isis, but our next guest always has. in an open letter to the terror group that s taken the internet by storm, has gone viral, marine corps veteran nick powers laid out his plan for the terrorists, adding, if you really think you stand a chance on u.s. soil, do you really think it would be smart to poke the bear? you attack us and there will be no mercy. man, that s the tact a lot of us wish this administration would take. powers joined fox & friends last month to talk about that letter and now is back with a message not only for isis, but the american people as well. nick, your message resonated with a lot of people. what s your message now? i mean, my message now is the same thing. you know, it s more of an outcry to the american public. you know, the framers of the constitution wanted to create a more perfect union, you know, a government that serves its people and also shows itself as
a long-lived example to nations around the world. that s a statement that s on the website. and with that statement being on the website of this current administration, who obviously is not living by that, not only are we not an example, we re an embarrassment to the world, but they haven t been serving us for years. i mean, look at the exponential amount of debt that they ve inrescued, you know. and we re paying for all these officials to live these lavish lifestyles that aren t doing what they were sworn to do. right. don t forget, nick, we are cutting one thing, and that s the military. that makes a lot of sense. but here s the vice president seems to take a page from your letter. he did this a couple of days ago. listen. when people harm americans, we don t retreat. we don t forget. we take care of those who are grieving. and when that s finished, they should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice. yeah. the only problem with the vice president s statement is, the
1,000 guys that we have there are saying this after hearing that quote. how can we follow them into the gates of hell? how can we accomplish that goal when we can t even leave the front gate of our own base? yeah, and that s been an issue for years. you know, i said it before on a previous interview, the rules of engagement, they have to be modified. we can t fight a force that especially doesn t play by the rules by having rules of engagement that limit us to being a responsive force. we need to be proactive. you know, these roes actually give power to groups like this because they know they can exploit it and use it against us. right. and nick, it s up to your leaders and the officers to go to battle so you can win, just go out and win the battles you re asked to fight. nick powers, thanks so much. appreciate your point of view and we ll be talking to you as this campaign continues. thanks. all right, thank you. all right, straight ahead, debbie wasserman schultz called wisconsin s governor a wife abuser. scott walker has given women the back of his hand.
well, this hour, the governor s right-hand woman here with a message for her. then, which democratic governor s apologizing for tweeting this steamy picture? how do you spell regret? ain t that kind of guy for a snack that isn t lame but this. takes my breath away every time you take advil liqui gels you re taking the pain reliever that works faster on tough pain than extra strength tylenol. and not only faster. stronger too. relief doesn t get any better than this. advil every time you take advil you re taking the medicine doctors recommend most for joint pain. more than the medicine in aleve or tylenol. the medicine in advil is the number one doctor recommendation for joint pain. relief doesn t get any better than this. advil
we ve got a fox news alert for you on this friday morning. this hour, the third american with the deadly ebola virus will land on american soil soon. dr. rick sacra got sick while treating pregnant women in the country of liberia. he will be treated at the nebraska medical center in omaha, nebraska. and later today, friends and family will say a final farewell to murdered journalist steven sotloff. a public memorial is being held this afternoon at temple beth am
in pine crest, florida. 1,000 people are expected to attend. thanks. well, as the nation mourns the loss of comedy legend joan rivers, we look back at her career and her impact on hollywood through one of her most recent interviews, a sit-down with our own in the foxlight host and vp of marketing here at fox news, michael tamaro. good morning to you. a special time you had with her. i did. it was 25 minutes i ll cherish my entire life. i remember being a young kid, sneaking out of bed late at night, 10 years old, watching this hilarious character making jokes about elizabeth taylor and the flight attendants on the tonight show, and it was just a moment i ll always remember, you know? she had such attention to the small things, the detail, the lighting, my socks, the texture of my coat. she was always looking for something to make a joke about. always looking for something, and she did. no, but she gave me the thumbs up. and she loved the idea that i wore two hats here, i was also doing entertainment news and also vice president of
marketing. and she was like, you know, can you make a phone call? joan and melissa just got canceled. i think it would be a great fit for the fox business network, can you make it happen? i was like, i ll try. it would have been great. there was a business aspect to it, yeah. she loved working hard. she loved giving up her days and being busy and observing everything. she did. even up to the end. people half her age couldn t keep up with her pace. she went to l.a. twice a week for fashion police. she had a show the night before and had a gig scheduled the night after the procedure that ultimately did her in. you were on with greta last night, as she spent her whole hour remembering. you ve got some of the 45 minutes that you sat down with her. i did. well, you know, we talked a little bit about political correctness and all that. and when comedy falls to become politically correct i ll get it out pc. pc. we might as well all pack it in. joan was determined to not let that happen on her watch.
do you think we re too politically correct these days? i think we are so politically correct these days that it s probably ruining everything. why is comedy important? somebody said it wasn t me, i think it was winston churchill, every time you make someone laugh, you give them a little vacation. sure. it just changes your life! it makes a terrible moment happy. you ve been in both sides of the business. yes. you go into business meetings and everyone s so, vrrrr. i ll do a joke, everyone will relax. then we ll say, okay, guys, now what do we want to do here? and it just changes everything. anyone you regret making a joke about? no. no, but it s all i say you re lucky to have a joke made about you exactly. because if america doesn t know who you are, they re not going to get the joke. so, i only put down people that are very, very famous. yes. cher. and i said this before, but she s not my act, she ll call
me. why aren t i in the act? if you re relevant, you re in the act. how has your life changed since the carson show? it s gotten so much edgier and you can say so much more. i think it s great. i love being able to be here at this time to say what i m saying. you guys, right up to the very end she was relevant for over 60 years. that s a huge feat in this business. before we sat down with her, we debated a little bit, should we do the interview? is she demo-friendly? well, excuse me, caa, who she just signed with, did a study, her average demo was 22.7 years old. are you kidding? fantastic. fantastic. joan rivers was here before us. she was actually, back when she was younger, she was a tour guide at rockefeller center. that s right. she wore many hats in her career. she sure did, and was happy to do so. yeah. all right, michael. thank you. all right, coming up on this friday here on fox & friends, forget isis.
hillary clinton says the most urgent issue for our nation is climate change. we ve got the video. and from the front lines to fashion week. our military members are hitting the catwalk, but this is about more than just fashion. our own lea gabrielle explains. american woman, get away from me great. this is the last thing i need.) seriously? let s take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good ol midas touch. hey you know what? i ll drive! i really didn t think this through. brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling)
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did he feel as though the deal he signed wasn t effective? i think since had t was his first day, he didn t know how it all worked out. i ve been there. i think i can find tape of me doing that. my first day doing a live tv show, i was a little nervous, as most people are. one of the camera guys was so kind to relax me by mooning me. yeah. that always works. and chris chulo still works here today. why didn t i get the moon on my first day here? moon over manhattan oh, here it is. that was very nice of you to do, joel. real quick, one of the things steve did on my first day so, i m doing sports and weather, then we used to sit in the green room and play jacks. so, i go, it was my first day here, so i go out, and we were set to do this thing where we have to take our microphone off, even though the guy told us he would kill our mike while we re in the restroom. my mike s in wisconsin. so, you basically say talk into
my lapel. so, the whole time i did sports while you sat there and you were my sportscaster, my color guy. he was. whatever happened to you? i had your back coming up on 20 years. absolutely. now you both have my back every day. absolutely. never taken for granted. no one s taken elisabeth s mike off. i think she would sue us. i wouldn t. i wouldn t. meantime, heather childers is back with the headlines. you know what they say, it s better with friends. hashtag! yeah. we have this for your headlines. a pilot forced to turn his plane around on command from the fbi. the reason? a mother was trying to kidnap her child and escape to china. now, the united flight returned to dulles airport five hours after taking off. the mother was taken into custody. investigators not releasing a whole lot of details about the custody case, but they do say that the child is back with his father. well, forget isis. no, according to hillary clinton, climate change, alignment change is our biggest threat.
this is the most consequential, urgent, sweeping collection of challenges we face. sea levels are rising, ice caps are melting, storms, droughts and wildfires are wreaking havoc. clinton speaking at nevada s national clean energy summit. well, the governor of delaware getting tied up by his twitter account. governor jack markell meant to send out this tweet on his official account, showing him at an elementary school event. but this is the actual photo that was attached to the tweet. clearly, a woman in leather straps is not elementary school material. the tweet was quickly deleted and an apology was sent out. and it may not be halloween just yet, but one prankster thought that she would pull this out of his bag of tricks and give some folks the scare of a lifetime. look.
did you see that climbing up side there? a massive eight-legged monster terrorizing people on the streets of poland. but okay, it s actually a dog dressed up in a spider costume. yeah, but that s pretty convincing! yeah, i think that would fake me out and i would run for the hills. what about you? in the dark like that? that would be scary. giant tarantula attacks. that will boost your raarak phobia, for sure. no spiders for you, maria. good morning. good morning to see you. hello, everybody. i want to look at the weather across the country, because we have a strong cold front pushing eastward, and this is going to produce showers and storms across parts of the midwest and also into the east as we head into the next few days. and today we do have the risk for more severe storms across parts of michigan, ohio, indiana and also into illinois. and if you live in new york city, come tomorrow, you could be seeing some severe storms as well from parts of new york city
all the way up into portions of new england. large hail, damaging winds, and even isolated tornadoes are a concern. now, behind this storm system, it s already going to start to feel a little bit like fall for some of you across parts of the northern plains. you re in the 60s today in minneapolis and rapid city. and by the way, these areas by next week, middle of the week to late in the week, we re going to have another front move through, and that s going to be bringing in some even cooler conditions, so very chilly out there expected into late next week. otherwise, ahead of that front today, 90s in places like dallas and also memphis. factor in that humidity, and it feels a little bit hotter than what the thermometer says. now let s head back inside. it s still summer. it is. it is also fashion week here in new york city with the top designers, models and trend-setters coming together. but this year they re adding some american patriotism, as u.s. veterans take to the catwalk. we have a former navy fighter who we call our anchor. you were a pilot, so you loved
this. it was a mix of your reporting background as well as walking the runway. those of us who wore the uniform were so proud of it and how we look in it, but sometimes it s nice to just feel pretty. i spent my 20s in combat boots, a flight suit and smelling most like jp-5 jet fuel. i of all people know when you look great, you feel great. and that s what salute the runway is all about. check it out. what is it like sitting here, new york city fashion week, getting ready to walk down the runway? it s pretty unreal. reporter: these women may not be your typical fashion models, but they re certainly role models. they ve all fought for our freedom in the united states military, and now they re opening up fashion week in the salute the runway fashion show. you re used to your hair being back or up. you re wearing combat boots. what s it like being pampered like this? this was amazing.
when you re in the rank, everybody s the same dress. it s limited. so, now you re like, diva. reporter: the show was hosted by fatigues to fabulous, an organization that supports military women as they transition to civilian life. i was a helicopter pilot, you know. you have all this meaning and purpose, and you get out, and all of a sudden, you re like, well, just one day, it s over, and you re starting over. so, that s the transition that s the most, i think, difficult to overcome. reporter: the women are given top model treatment from the best in the business. hair, makeup, and head-to-toe styling by high-fashion designers like calvin klein and tommy hilfiger. giving us the opportunity to get out there, wear amazing clothes, look beautiful, feel beautiful, and all at the same time feel proud of our service. reporter: retired army captain leslie nicole smith lost her leg and her eyesight from a blood infection while deployed in bosnia. her service dog, isaac, will help her navigate the runway.
when this happened, you know, i never thought actually i would even walk again. and so, i have to tell you, walking the runway tonight is so extra special to me. i mean, it s just overwhelming and it s so emotional and very empowering. fashion week isn t where you d expect to find women who fly airplanes, fire weapons and wear combat boots for a living, but that s about to change tonight as they take the runway. that s great. fatigues to fabulous also helps women who serve by providing job training, networking and research on health conditions faced by our returning veterans. you can donate to the organization and they could use your help. do that by downloading the cell phone app shout for good or by visiting you saw them strutting the runway. they were showing pictures of them in their body armor next to their aircraft waving american flags, saluting as they stood on
the runway. these are women who are proud of their service, and this really meant something to them. it was great. well, it was great that we sent you. you know something about the other kind of runway. sure do. i do. and just the bravery it took to see leslie strut down the runway in that prosthetic leg, wow. moving. yeah. moving. and you are fierce on both levels, by the way. thank you very much. lea gabrielle, thank you. all right, coming up straight ahead, debbie wasserman schultz called wisconsin s governor a wife abuser yesterday. scott walker has given women the back of his hand. well, the governor s right-hand woman here to respond next. and you want to know if you re getting the best deal at the store? these numbers hold the clue. insider secrets on how to get the best deals hidden in plain sight on the price tag. the guy who cracked the shopping code that you re going to want to hear about to save money with is here live. i believe in miracles since you came along, you sexy thing (vo) ours is a world of passengers.
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and with every purchase, you ll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one s taking your seat away. what s in your wallet? well, she called wisconsin governor scott walker a wife abuser, and now dnc chair debbie wasserman schultz is trying to backtrack. she said this i shouldn t have used the words that i used. that shouldn t detract from the broader point that i was making, that scott walker s policies have been bad for wisconsin women. hmm. but she never actually apologized for those comments that many say went too far. here they are. scott walker has given women the back of his hand, and there is no i know that is stalk, i know that is direct, but that is reality. what republican party tea party extremists like scott walker are doing is they re grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back.
well, here to respond is the governor s right-hand woman, the lieutenant governor of wisconsin, rebecca clayfish joins us this morning. good morning, lieutenant governor. what was your initial reaction when you heard those comments? well, i was shocked! they re horrible, hideous remarks, where she belittles the victims of domestic violence in order to score cheap political points. and the fact is, mary burke, the woman for whom she was in wisconsin, is not even denouncing these things. you know, you heard the nonapology apology coming out of debbie wasserman schultz. where is mary burke on this? we as women of wisconsin are waiting for her to stand up for us and say i stand with the victims of domestic violence and i stand against debbie wasserman schultz s horrible remarks. and what did you think after hearing her apology, the statement that i began with? it s not an apology! an apology means saying you re sorry, and debbie wasserman schultz not only did not do
that, but she s certainly not encouraging mary burke to come out and apologize or denounce her remarks, as she should. governor scott walker has a sterling record on women s issues. but on top of that, on helping victims of domestic violence. this last year alone, you take a look at the commitment he has made to wisconsin women ending human trafficking with a bill that he signed, cracking down on restraining order loopholes, and on top of that, spending about $15 million in order to further protect and expand services for victims of domestic violence. here is a governor who cares deeply about victims of domestic abuse. and apparently, mary burke won t stand with the women of wisconsin and denounce these remarks. well, the clock is ticking on those remarks, if they are yet to come. but you know, debbie wasserman schultz has been known to make comments which made some people s eyebrows raise. take a listen. you have the republicans who want to literally drag us all the way back to jim crow laws.
people in too many of the republican members of represent is a threat of bigotry, which is appalling. what the republicans are doing is dangerous for israel. they re undermining israel s security. the republicans are engaged in their circular firing squad and embracing extremism and running far to the right as humanly possible. i mean, we re talking the head of the dnc here. what message overall does that send about the party? apparently, that they can t find a high-quality leader with a little bit of class and a little bit of a filter, because you can differ on poll siitics day long, but there used to be some sort of standard by which you had an eloquent political debate. there is nothing eloquent about the shameful remarks that come out of her mouth. and there is nothing eloquent about mary burke s remarks simply saying, you know, i guess i probably wouldn t have put it that way.
we need a forceful denouncement of the statements made by debbi. debbie wasserman schultz came into wisconsin to support mary burke. mary burke needs to stand with the women of wisconsin and governor scott walker and support women who are victims of domestic violence and say, hey, listen, this is absolutely unacceptable, shameful, disgusting, to belittle victims and try and score votes. well, we thank you for those clear comments today, lieutenant governor of wisconsin, rebecca clayfish. we thank you for being with fox & friends. thank you very much. coming up, it s a fox news exclusive. the men who tried to save ambassador chris stevens going on the record about what really happened in benghazi. and you want to know if you re getting the best deal? just look right at the price tag in front of you. did you know there are numbers like this one right here that hold the clue to your cash? don t need your money, money,
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good morning. today is friday, september 5. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. an international manhunt is underway this hour for this man. he s using his american education at one of the country s top schools to wage jihad against the united states. and it s a fox news exclusive. the man who tried to save chris stevens going on the record for the first time about what really happened, when they tried to help. thumbs up, thumbs up. ready to go. i said hey, we re ready to go. bob looks right through me and looks at it and goes you need to wait. could they have saved these four americans? more from this stunning interview. and after years of hard work
and very little pay, a washington, d.c. congressional staffer finally snaps, saying [ bleep ]. the epic resignation for the parts we can show on television. mornings are better with friends you re watching fox & friends. it s a fabulous show. thank you very much, elizabeth hurley and elisabeth hasselbeck and brian kilmeade. if you re just waking up now, we have a lot of news to report. we do. we ve got a fox news alert. top of this hour. u.s. air strikes taken out three senior isis terrorists, including the top aide to isis leader abu ba car al bagdadi. he was killed in the terrorist stronghold of mosul. there was a lot of
speculation that he died yesterday. other speculation that the president got the news when secretary of state john kerry passed him this note during yesterday s nato meeting in wales. this morning there is a new target. the f.b.i. are now hunting for this guy you see here, a tech savvy american from boston believed to be the mastermind behind isis brutal social media blitz. elizabeth prann joins us live from washington. good morning to you. what more do we know about this guy? reporter: we know the f.b.i. is heating up its search for him. officials in the u.s. are using media and hopes to track down this so-called media expert by publishing this picture of amad and playing this recording of his distinct voice tone hoping someone will come forward with information. if they don t have a warrant, they don t have a right to do that. make sure you tell your mother that next time, cause they might scare her. you know what i m saying? he was suspected of being an architect hyped the internet and social media blitz.
the group has become so advanced at that includes the gruesome youtube videos and twitter propaganda post. he grew up outside boston, the same city where he went to college before reportedly traveling back to the middle east back in 2004 where he worked on media outreach for al-qaeda in iraq. while many say there is still more evidence needed to confirm the suspicions, some experts say he has all the tools that he would need to be an effective asset at inflicting global terror. sometimes the pen is more powerful than the sword and i think that s exactly what they re using. it seems like they might be using this individual for. reporter: officials say he may be in syria. the 32-year-old is already wanted on nine terrorism-related charges. back to you guys. all right. elizabeth prann in dc, we thank you very much. speaking of terrorism, everybody is looking toward next week. it will be the anniversary of september 11. what s interesting now is you know those 37,000 kids who streamed across our southern
border over the last year or so? where did they go? federal government isn t telling us that. all dino for sure is that our southern border is wide open and now there is a report from judicial watch that apparently isis is working in the border town across the river from el paso, juarez. there is a lot of chatter. radio chatter and other things, indicating that isis is going to carry out an attack on the border very, very soon. could be car bombs. could be vehicle borne bombs. don t know. there is just a lot of talk about how isis is across the river and could come over at any time. and maybe targeting fort bliss. so they re on alert and changed some of their security tactics reportedly just in case that would happen. also rick perry brought that up yesterday in a speech and says we have no clear evidence, but your common sense tells you when we see the number of criminal activities that occurred, rapes, assaults, murders, by individuals who have come in
illegally over the last five years, it would not surprise him what i will share with you that we ve seen historic high levels of individuals from countries with terrorist ties over the course of the last month, the obvious great concern that because of the condition of the border from the standpoint of it not being secure and us not knowing who is penetrating across, that individuals from isis or other terrorist states could be and i think is a very real possibility that they may have already used that. the pieces of the puzzle seem to indicate that. senior military official spoke with judicial watch this week and actually revealed that they only raised the security alert when clear and present threats are present.
so this isn t anything to be taken lightly. they re making these adjustments because they do feel as though something may indeed happen indicated by evidence on the ground. sure. rick perry said in that sound bite, he said isis could be. now according to judicial watch, isis is in the mexican border town of ciudad juarez and they want to do something. remember when january net napolitano said the border was secure? right? yeah. i think harry reid said that. yeah, he confirmed it as well. it s secure. let s hope he s right. meanwhile, six minutes after the top of the hour. we ve got another fox news alert fans around the world mourning joan river, dead at the age of 81. her daughter melissa make the heart breaking decision to take her off life support, saying this: my mother s greatest joy in life was to make people laugh. although that is difficult to do right now, i know her final wish would be that we return to
laughing soon. rivers went into cardiac arrest last week during a procedure. that clinic under investigation by officials. this morning many remembering the trail blazer who stayed in the spotlight for 60 years after smashing through the industry s glass ceiling. she got her first big break in 1965 on the tonight show with johnny carson. welcome please, joan rivers. carson became a mentor to rivers and eventually she became his permanent guest host. i love to shop, so when christmas is over action i am going out because i m a shopaholic. i m going to betty ford center for shopaholics. rough regime there. they take new a room and they sit you down and they show you pictures of queen elizabeth all dressed up. you ll never shop again. well. she left to host her own show. you just saw her competing on
fox and if cost her friendship with carson. she is perhaps best known for her presence on the red carpet. rivers brought her take no prisoners judgment of celebrity fashion to e in 2002 on the series fashion police. joan rivers was 81 years old. and some people are wondering what exactly happened. we don t know. we just know she went in for a relatively minor procedure, a routine procedure. she was going to go on tour all over the country and she was having a procedure where a camera goes down her throat for policy lips, relatively simple procedure. but during it, she underwent cardiac arrest and now they re just trying to figure out what s going on. that s right. our hearts go out to melissa, obviously and her entire family. they were all so close. we re with you. heather childers is also with us and she s going to tell
us what else is happening. she even had an event planned the very next night after the procedure. we have a fox news alert. live pictures coming in now from omaha, nebraska. just moments ago, we received word that the third american infected with the deadly ebola virus landed on american soil. he is headed to the nebraska medical center for treatment. dr. rick sacra got sick while treating pregnant women in liberia. in a few hours, family and friends will say a final farewell to murdered journalist steven sotloff. a public memorial is being held this afternoon at temple beth am in pine crest, florida. he attended elementary school there. 1,000 people are expected to attend. in prosecutor dice or paradise about to be lost? a major disaster on hawaii s big island. lava is inching within one mile of homes there. there is a new fear it could
reach them in five days. the lava has been flowing 800 feet per day since july. the trouble with the web site hacked again, this time in july. the government didn t find out about it until ten days ago. the hackers pleased to be overseas and hacked into the test server for the site. they claim personal data was not stolen. and those are a quick look at your headlines. thank you very much. it s a fox news exclusive. the men who tried to state of ambassador chris stevens going on the record for the first time about what really happened when they tried to help. five minutes, we re ready. thumbs up, we re ready to go. then what happened? i said hey, we re ready to go. bob looks right through me and looks at the team and goes you need to wait. bob was the c.i.a. s base chief in benghazi. he s on the phone talking to somebody. i assumed they were trying to coordinate us to link up with 17 february. which is the local militia.
probably been 15 minutes, i think. and i got out of the car. the team leader was standing on the front porch. i said hey, we need to get over there. we re losing the initiative, you know. and bob just looked straight at me and said stand down. you need to wait. started to get calls from the state department guy saying hey, we re taking fire. we need you guys here. we need help. after being repeatedly told to wait, the security team says they defied orders and headed to the besieged consulate on their own. they asked repeatedly for armed air support, which never came. looking back, the team believes that if they hadn t been delayed for nearly a half hour, things might have turned out differently. i gave you that 30 minutes back, would ambassador and sean smith be alive today? yes. they would still be alive. my gut says so. new on that?
i d strongly believe if we would have left immediately, they d still be alive today. this is all part of a new book coming out soon called 13 hours. you can watch the full one hour interview tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern time. bret baier anchors from washington. yeah. three years there. pseudo names. but there you might be getting the most accurate story to date? a lot of people haven t heard it and it will be summed up by people there on the ground that night. great interview by bret. 12 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, entire neighborhoods filling up with islamic extremists right under our noses. the top american cities where terror is taking hold inside the united states. and recess will never be the same. the safety police decide we need to ban get this cartwheels. about time.
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day after day we have shown you these faces, all of them americans who turn their backs
on their country, many of them willing to die for the cause, fighting for isis overseas. it s even more disturbing is that they re not alone. reports suggest up to 100 more americans are waging jihad in the middle east and could return home here to strike. eric is a terror analyst who knows exactly where they are gathering and where their next move may be. eric, we want to thank you for joining us today. serious information right here obviously. we want to talk about the top five hot beds for terrorism and why individuals are there. we re going to start with chicago. yeah. just last week, speak of the devil, in chicago we had a man waving an isis flag outside of his car window and he led police on a high-speed chase. that s just last week. but the network in chicago goes back much further. in recent years, we know that isis talking about the caliphate and establishing an islamic state in the middle east. well, we ve had pro-caliphate
conferences held in the chicago area over the past few years by a group called hiz but. we have a long running hamas support network in chicago. a hamas operative was arrested and convicted there and remember, number one, chicago has a large muslim immigrant population. number two, the seers tower is a sears tower is a major target. on twitter, isis made a threat against chicago. wow. we re going to move to virginia here. obviously proximity playing a major role. yeah. a few minutes from where i m sitting now, in northern virginia, in the shadow of the white house, a major al-qaeda-linked cell wassed here. 11 men. number two, we had radical mosques in this area. yes, just a few minutes from the white house on war al al-awlaki,
you may remember him, the al-qaeda preacher who was killed in a u.s. drone strike in 2011. he was the imam at a major mosque right here in northern virginia. again, large muslim immigrant population here. and again, washington, d.c., obviously major terror target. dearborn, michigan, number three. very unflattering nickname. other than new york city, dearborn has the top number of people on the terrorist watch list. remember, this is a small city outside of detroit. only 96,000 people in this city. the worry in dearborn is not that people so much are going to go overseas to join isis, but that people from that area may go overseas to join hezbollah. there is a big hezbollah support network there. dearborn is heavily shiite. hezbollah is a shiite terror organization. we ve seen people in dearborn area convicted for financing and
supporting hezbollah. sure. new york city, that won t surprise many people. but a city that did is minneapolis. what can you tell us about this? minneapolis, look, in the midwest, the twin city, the frozen tundra, look, minneapolis, number one. there is at least, by some accounts, a dozen folks from minneapolis who traveled to syria and iraq to join up with isis. but a big thing here is the large somali muslim migrant population in minneapolis. chilly minneapolis has the largest somali population in the united states and dozens, since 2008, dozens of somali immigrants have traveled to somalia to join al-qaeda linked groups and now traveling to syria to join isis. major problem. wow. eric, terror expert here, we want to thank you for the analysis and mapping out the hotbeds across the u.s. good to see you. thank you. snubbed again. another mistake at the v.a. costing our veterans millions. that s next.
and one author telling americans to stop watching football, saying it fosters tolerance for violence and other things. do you agree? your chance to weigh in on that, tackle it next hello! three grams daily of beta-glucan. a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. thank you! today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®, an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir® helps lower your a1c.
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time now for news by the numbers. first, $2.4 million. that s how much the department of veterans affairs accidentally withheld in disability checks. talk about adding insult to injury. the error has been corrected. none the less, it was a big problem. next, 19 million. that s how much google is refunding parents after their kids made unauthorized purchases while using apps. google changing its billing practices so parents will be notified of purchases from now on.
finally, 693 pounds. that s how much this massive sword fish weighs. wow. a 17-year-old just caught the 14-footer with his father off the coast of jupiter, florida, and think it is might be a record breaker. sure leta house. 2014 nfl football season got underway last night. seattle wasted no time making it a blow out, 36-16. but they trailed early. one author telling americans to stop watching football, saying this, quote, i have come believe that football fosters within us a tolerance for violence, greed, misogyny and million tarrism, consuming as a form of entertainment, a game that causes human beings to suffer brain damage is wrong. it would be convenient to ignore this fact or rationalize it away, but also immoral. our next guest begs to differ, saying football changed his life for the better and wrote about it. mark edmundson wrote about this in his new book. mark, why are you pushing back
against that earlier quote? well, because in a lot of ways, my own experience. football taught me lot. i was in a pretty bad way when i was in high school. my family was in bad shape, my sister just died. we were having a lot of trouble. and i was pretty aimless. i managed to get myself out for the team and worked pretty hard and changed my body and my mindset a little bit. i guess kids can develop courage and they can develop loyalty and they can develop character through playing football. and i d hate to see those things lost. i d like to see the game a lot safer. your dad wasn t a hands on parents. so-called helicopter parents you see in sports. but he did like football and he did say to you, you go play. let me see your helmet first. so he cared about safety. so that was a way for to you connect with your dad, right? it was, yeah. we spent a lot of sunday afternoons watching jim brown and his two favorite players. he told me a lot about what he valued.
he valued that he started out with not a whole lot of ability, that i was familiar with. he built himself up a brick at a time and became a star. and jim brown was a man god. hearing a guy in the 1950s massachusetts talk about an african-american that way with plain good respect, that was something i didn t hear all that much. it was great to hear. you say do you have reservation. yeah, you learn aggression and courage, but you have to learn to leave it on the field. correct? yeah. that s a hard thing. they talk about this quality called timosis, desiring to be in first place. it s really good to get access to that quality and that spiritedness and energy. but then i think you got to learn how to control it. that s where the coaches coachee parents come in. they have to be careful because they ve unleashed kind of a beast. that beast will be put to good use or put to destructive use. one thing i really like about your book, it s easy to look at mike strahan and say football helped you, no kidding. but if you look at a professor
at virginia and say football helped me, then people are intrigued because we can relate more to you than we can like this hall of famer who works down the street. well, there you go. i think i kind of have the every guy s relationship to football. i m still friends with a lot of my teammates. we sit there and we talk about the games we won and the ones we lost and also about the game and how it s good to be friends with them still. as you use a quote from tim green, former falcon, he said life is about getting knocked down and getting back up. that s with football teaches you. those are the types of things you pick up in your book that is now out why football matters. thanks so much. now to your students over at virginia. thank you so much. two minutes before the bottom of the hour. she called wisconsin governor scott walker a wife beater. up next, the governor s right hand woman responds and your e-mails pouring in. and after years of hard work and a little pay, congressional
staffer finally snaps. the epic resignation, or at least the parts we can show and let you listen to on tv. [ male announcer ] behind every centrum multivitamin are over one million hours of research. inside are specific vitamins and minerals to help support your heart, brain and eyes. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you.
some big tv news. abc just announced rosy perez will join rosie o donnell and whoopie goldberg as the new co-host of the view. which plays into the new sponsor, bohs noise canceling head phones. he s funny. what do you think about that? i got my head phones a long time ago.
i wish them well. i just talked to whoopie. how did that go? well, she s good friend. it s very interesting because they re going to put these five together on the air, going to try to get chemistry. do they even know each other? i don t know. a couple worked together, i think. somebody who should probably have when you watch this, you ll probably wish that you had noise canceling head phones from bohs. here is dnc chair debbie wasserman schultz. she was trying to blast governor scott walker and she did so by essentially calling him a wife beater. here she is. scott walker has given women the back of his hand and there is no i know that is stark. i know that is direct. but that is reality. what republican tea party extremists like scott walker are doing is they re grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back and
it s unacceptable and it s not going to happen on our watch. the outrage was immediate and she has since walked it back. tried to, at least. i shouldn t have used the words that i used, she said. that shouldn t detract from the broader point that s making that scott walker s policies have been bad for wisconsin women. in there somewhere, supposedly was an apology. but the governor s right hand woman, rebecca kleefisch was with us earlier and she said that s no apology. take a listen. this is absolutely unacceptable. shameful, disgusting, to belittle victims and try and score votes. governor scott walker has a sterling record on women s issues, but on top of that, on helping victims of domestic violence. you can differ on politics all day long. but there used to be some sort of standard by which you had an eloquent political debate. there is nothing eloquent about
the shameful remarks that come out of her mouth. and there are plenty of them. we asked you what you thought. we got an e-mail from kay. kay says this: scott walker has been a great governor. debbie wasserman schultz showed her true colors by having her outrageous comments. the women of america should take note of that. larry said, i believe her time is ahead of the dnc, soon to be over. even they must be getting tired of apologizing for her stupid remarks. remember, she the official face of the democratic party. tough but she did say i shouldn t say this, but. she actually walked herself back and then said it anyway. she must have given some thought to the original comments. i think everyone deserves the ability to apologize and be forgiven, but to undermine domestic violence when it occurs, her apology should have been more direct and more broad, according to many of the e-mails we are getting. and the lieutenant governor herself. keep the e-mail coming. in the meantime, it is a news channel. we need the news and that s why
heather childers is standing right there in the red dress. we have an update on a story. a dad going on trial for murder in the death of his son in a sweltering hot car. 22-months-old, his son, justin harris is the dad, he s accused of intentionally leaving little cooper inside a sweltering suv for seven hours while he sat in his office texting nude pictures to several minimum, including a teen-ager. prosecutors say that harris researched on line about how long it takes to die in a hot car and was desperately seek ago child-free lifestyle. he could face the death penalty. talk about a real shirt storm. a group of new york city teachers showing their support for the nypd by wearing these shirts on the first day of school. this is great. this despite warnings from their union, warning them of possible consequences. the union sent an e-mail to teachers that said, quote, public employees must remain objective at all times. this from the same union that
backed an anti-cop rally and busted teachers or bussed teachers to a protest led by al sharpton. a school banning unsupervised cartwheels and hand stands. that is right. students at an elementary school in australia are not allowed to flip unless they re supervised by a trained gym teacher. the principal made the call after some students were hurt doing cheerleader-type stunts. maybe not a cartwheel on a slip and slide. a fed up capitol hill staffer going out with a bang after 20 years on the hill. the dc worker wrote a biting expletive filled resignation letter to her colleagues. he takes unnamed politicians to task, calling them crazy, stupid, whole lot worse. the letter ends by saying this, after nearly two decades of unpaid and underpaid work, dealing with angry phone calls and always being on call like a sleep-deprived florence
nightingale, i got tired of hearing you re not dedicated enough. and they had it after 20 years. that s a look at your headlines. people are trying to figure out who that is and what congressman they work for. they ll probably figure out. thank you. we got to worry about 9-11 attacks here at home. we re following the latest on isis. but that s not all that s happening around the world. 22 before the top of the hour, a fox news alert. moments ago, the third american infected with the deadly ebola virus has arrived at a hospital in nebraska. john roberts joins us live from omaha and that hospital. good morning to you. reporter: steve, good morning to you. just a couple of minutes ago, we watched the ambulance go by, 51-year-old doctor arrived from monrovia, liberia, where he was infected with the ebola disease. he will go into the biocontainment unit here at the nebraska medical center. this is a special ten-bed unit, the largest one in the country. was built in 2005 after the sars
epidemic. doctors said they were consulting with the people at emory university who took care of dr. brantley and nurse writebol to get tips how to take care of this patient. there was questions to why the patient was brought here to nebraska as opposed to emory university. the government apparently wanted to make sure that all of these biocontainment facilities were up and running, wanted to make sure that everybody was up to speed on treating patients. here is the interesting thing about dr. sacra. he has been working at the same hospital in monrovia, liberia where ebola patients have been brought, but he was not working in the ebola ward. he is an obstetrician. so sim-usa, the medical mission for whom he works, figures the best guess and it s only a guess at this point for how he got infected is a patient came in infected with ebola, but was not showing any symptoms at all and that s how he was infected with the virus. his wife yesterday gave a press
conference in boston in which she said that his health condition seems to be pretty good. but he was not afraid to be with the lord if that s what his calling was. but instead, at the moment he is here at the nebraska medical center for top line treatment. he is indeed. all right. john roberts with the guy with ebola out there in omaha. thank you. all right. coming up, as we remember comedic legend joan rivers, the clinic where she stopped breathing during routine surgery, a procedure here in new york city, under investigation. what we know coming up next with peter johnson, jr. and the first lady s healthy lunches are proving too much to swallow. we have the story you won t see on the other networks coming up. ccaaaaaaaaaaaa! [popping & fizzing sounds]
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some headlines now. a pilot forced to turn his plane around on command from the f.b.i the reason? a mother was trying to kidnap her child and escape to china. the united flight returned to the dulles airport five hours after taking off. the mother was taken into custody. and some lucky passengers getting the view of a lifetime. a pilot taking a detour over an erupting volcano in iceland. passengers were able to snap incredible photos like these. i wonder if there are any selfies there, steve. thanks. we ve got a fox news alert. the new york state department of health now launching an investigation into the clinic that treated comedienne joan rivers just days before she slipped into a coma and died yesterday. rivers remembered for a career that spanned across five decades and several con meants. she even appeared right here as one of our friends.
i met somebody on 48th street. he s homeless and it s work out great. what? every night he says to me, your doorway to mine. fantastic. oh, man. the question now, did something go wrong at the clinic? peter johnson, jr. has handled these types of cases in the past and he joins us now to explain. condolences to the family, too. absolutely. so we re starting with an investigation. the new york state department of health has launched an investigation. they say it s a routine investigation based upon the clinic identifying an outcome that went wrong. obviously joan rivers was brought in cardiac arrest to mount sinai medical center in new york after undergoing some kind of procedure. meaning a tube or some kind of device was put down her throat. perhaps a vocal cord procedure according to some reports. obviously something went wrong.
either as a result of anesthesia or something called aspiration, when someone will disgorge the content of their stomach during a procedure. we don t know what s going on. so the department of health is looking into it. there is another body called the office of professional misconduct that would also look into a physician s conduct if it was warranted. you know what? a couple of people have said to me, why wasn t she in the hospital having something like this done? isn t this a procedure that generally hospitals don t do? you do have it done in clinics? that s an important question. almost half now procedures in this country are done in outpatient ambulatory facilities. we need to understand in new york and other states across the country, the same stricture, the same regulations do not apply to outpatient ambulatory facilities that they do to hospitals. very often there is nothing called accreditation. there is something called the joint commission on accreditation that every three years goes to hospitals and checks them out. these types of facilities, this
one open just in the last couple of years, not subject to that kind of stricture. so the issue is investigation in terms of discipline. the secretary thing people are asking about, is there a potential malpractice case? of course. means wagon there a meaning was there a departure from the standard of care in the medical community of new york? did they do something that they shouldn t have done? the question you asked, should this procedure, based upon any preexisting medical condition she had, pulmonary problem, cardiac problems, diabetes, any kind of issue, should it have been done in a hospital setting where there were more crash carts, where there was more of an ability to resuscitate? by definition f something goes wrong in an outfaith-based initiative an outpatient facility. they must call 911. do you delay time? absolutely. one of the things i heard people say is at this point, they didn t know how long her
brain went without oxygen, which suggests wasn t somebody watching that? absolutely. someone should have been watching it. either a board certified anesthesiologist, that s the physician. or a nurse practitioner anesthesiologist, a nurse who is trained to be an anesthesiologist, keeping something on her finger to measure the oxygen in her blood. were they monitoring that? her heart rate. yeah. it s tragic news. she died at the age of 81 and she was on this program a lot and you even sat down with her. i absolutely had a great opportunity to interview her here with brian and i went to see her show in vegas and she was so very nice to me. so we end on a very positive happy memory of fox & friends and joan rivers. want to give 12,000 people in that room.
1200 people. you have to make room for the walkers. joan rivers, died at the age of 81 and that s the way she would want it. she would want to leave us laughing. funny lady. indeed. thank you very much. okay. coming up, healthy lunches are proving too much to swallow. some kids are tossing them because they just don t taste good. how much money are we wasting? we compiled the numbers and you will see them next. first on this date in 2000, doesn t really matter by janet jackson number one song all across america. everybody s excited about the back to school savings at staples. from the customers, to the staples associates. with guaranteed low prices on mechanical pencils. you ll flip out! now go tell your friends.
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two more schools in new york have dropped the school lunch program. they re dropping out of michelle obama s lunch program. it turns out the food isn t so popular with students. not at all. not only do they refuse to eat it, it s costing schools even more money when they throw it away. joinings now is the president of the school nutrition association. these findings are shocking. we re glad you re with us cause you understand the numbers behind what the kids should be munching on at lunch and breakfast. 81% more food is thrown away with this program. 60% more cost from whole grain that s been instituted there. and 80% 87% think breakfast will add a cost in 2014 and 15. when you see these numbers what, does that mean? where is the money coming from if refuse is down from these lunch sales? the school meal programs are
very dependentent on the federal reimbursement and paid students cash. with increased cost is becoming increasingly difficult for districts to remain fiscally solvent. when the school meal program doesn t make money or loses money, then the school district has to pick up the tab. yeah. and kids are saying, i d rather just bring lunch from home or not eat at all. that s what they do in my high school. here are the recommendations. 15% of grains should be whole grain. there is nothing wrong with that. that s 100% nutritionally correct. maintain sodium levels and don t require a fruit or vegetable. and they want to loosen a la cart requirements. so these are the requests. what would the requests do to the bottom line? so first of all, the school nutrition association has supported strong standards for school meals for a long time. some of the new requirements go too far.
and whole grain rich would allow school districts to occasionally offer white tortilla or white rice, products that students are more familiar with at home. many districts are struggling with acceptability of whole grain versions of popular products in their region like biscuits and grits in the south, tortillas in the southwest, and bagels in the northeast. so a little bit of flexibility would enable school food service directors to plan menus that are acceptable to students, and will give them time to identify products that are acceptable to their students and available in the markets where they operate. an apple isn t healthy if it s thrown away, or something that s mandated, isn t so healthy if the kids aren t eating it. we re learning the money that they re not going to get is going to come from the educational fund. this these suggestions will make a difference, you say? yes, they will.
regarding the requirement for the fruit or vegetable, we support the expanded variety of fruits and vegetables that we offer and we also support larger serving sizes. but we don t want kids to have to take an item if they don t intend to eat it. one cornell researcher has estimated that it has increased waste 100% and there is over $680 million worth of fresh produce going into the trash each year. and people should keep their egos out of it and do what s work and hopefully they ll be open to your suggestions. you certainly carry a lot of weight. hopefully you ll be listened to. thanks so much. thank you for having me. straight ahead, an international manhunt is underway for this man. he s using his american education at one of the nation s top schools to wage jihad against the united states. are there more like him? geraldo rivera here live. forget isis. hillary clinton says the most urgent issue for our nation is climate change. we re going to play the tape.
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good morning. it is friday, september 5, 2014. a fox news alert, meet one of america s most wanted. the son of an american doctor raised in boston, educated at one of our top schools. now he s working for isis and leading the terror army social media campaign. what we are learning about him this morning. and what s it like to be face-to-face with a shark? ma am, where is the shark? i don t know. he bumped me out of my boat. more from that 911 call made from a kayak. and it s the funniest prank we have seen all day.
(scream) these people are not laughing about the surprise. i think many of them nursing wounds and injuries right now. according to every stat, mornings are better with friends. what is happening to our show? that was willie robertson hyped us. he s right over there. that is so unprofessional. duck dynasty first episode of the season will be in scotland. also his daughter is a big star with tap shoes on. we got a lot to talk to him about. there is a lot going on. he s also got another job. yeah. another occupation. unbelievable how productive he is. what is this? it s a tease. hello. geraldo rivera is going to weigh in on the news of the day and
willie is coming up in about a half hour. in the meantime, we start this hour with the headlines and heather. yes. we have a serious story to talk about. the ebola case, fox news alert for you this morning. new video just coming in showing the third american infected with the deadly ebola virus arriving in an ambulance at a nebraska hospital. dr. rick sacra got sick while treating pregnant women in liberia. health officials are confident patients, doctors doctors and sl be protected during his treatments. and a dad going on trial for the murder of for the death of his son in a sweltering hot car. his 22-month-old son. he s accused of intentionally leaving him in an suv for seven hours while he sat in his office texting nude pictures to several women, including a teen-ager. prosecutors say that harris researched on line about how long it takes to die in a hot car and he was desperately seek a child-free lifestyle.
is paradise about to be lost? a major disaster unfolding on hawaii s big island at this hour. look at that lava. it s inching within just one mile of homes there. there is new fear this morning that it could reach them in just five days. the lava has been flowing about 800 feet per day since july. and finally, president obama getting the royal treatment in the u.k. while attending the nato sum in wales. president obama had time to pal around with prince charles. president obama saying this, quote, having a great time in the country that every american should visit. acts like he doesn t have a care in the world there. so the president living it up with prince charlesnd geraldo rivera, you ve never lived it up with prince charles. never houston out with prince charles. he doesn t seem like a party guy. maybe i m wrong about that. he s got the secret life. i can see him more with
harry. yeah with harry or william. or how about this story about i like what cameron is doing over there. the prime minister. he s being more decisive than our chief executive. absolutely. he sounds like a leader. let s talk a little bit about isis. the very latest is apparently they ve been very effective with the social media. we found out the second beheading when it was accidentsally tweeted out, now the fox news alert is they re hunting for a guy who went to college, grew up in the boston area. he apparently is their social media expert, he is an american, that guy right there. went to boston university. his dad, a prominent doctor that. is the great fear, of course. chuck hagel says there is about 100 of them, american citizens carrying american documentation freely able to travel presumably. that s the great danger. that s how the war could go from the middle east, most directly, most immediately to the united states, these guys come home. they have shave the beard off. they look like anybody else.
they ve got a proper passport f we don t know who they were when they left, there is a possibility, although we re obviously on high alert that, they could sneak back in. they know our ways. remember the world war ii movie, the japanese has the american pow, i know your ways, i went to ucla. that s what we re fearing now. if they didn t want to go one way, they could come from the south a border we re hearing in terms of raised elevation level of security there at some basis. we ve got an issue right now. exposure on the south of our own country here. i had heard those reports. i did an hour documentary about it. i can only say two quick things. number one, there has never been a verified penetration of the southern border by an islamic extremist terrorist. how would we know? let me go on to what has been verified. there has been penetrations from canada and successful terrorist attacks launched from canada, but we have no great clamor to put a wall up with the great white north.
and i fear that that that fear, it is all justified that people could come in anyway. but i don t want our fight against terror to be mixed up with the whole debate on immigration. i fear that that is what s happening. it could be one of the causes. the story today is apparently judicial watch uncovered that apparently there is so much chatter on our southern border, they ve got evidence to suggest that isis is essentially in the town across the river from el paso and there is chatter, radio chatter i know juarez very well. i ve been there. i ve covered the dead bodies on the corner. if there was a muslim extremist there and the mexicans knew about t i would not want to be that muslim extremist. they re fierce in their own way. they have no common cause. they re deeply catholic. the people in mexico. i don t see that as the big threat. i see the big threat as people coming in with legal visa, like the 9-11 terrorists. next week is 9-11. how did they get here? with legal visas that they
overstayed. that s the danger. i think that canada is a very porous border and they can fit in more there. just so you know, they always change their tactics. they always adapt. absolutely true. the other thing is drugs and terrorists, that s a way to finance their terror activity. also agree. you reported on that in afghanistan. let s switch to joe biden. firey rhetoric talked about we will follow you, meaning eye circumstances to the gates of hell because that s where you belong. i loved that speech. right. then bret baier came back. i loved it, too. more to look at our enchristmas eve say we re going to take you out, which i was hoping our president would say. so the vice president says that. and bret baier was able to get intelligence from our special ops on the ground who said how can we follow them to the gates of hell if we can t even get off our base? i totally get that. and i understand that we have to put our boots where our mouth is to a certain extent.
you remember the campaign, the kosovo campaign against the serbs, how we did the whole thing by air. we even told the serbs we were going to hit that train at 12:00 o clock tomorrow and we hit them. i believe that the paranoia is given america s very shaky support for foreign intervention and boots on the ground, our fear is that we ll have american casualties. that s why you are seeing this fervent denial that we ll have troops on the ground. it s going to be an air campaign. and i believe in my heart of hearts as a veteran combat correspondent that an air campaign right now is sufficient. we are driving them back. what about saying what we re not going to do. nick powers a marine, said this to us earlier. the rules of engagement, they have to be modified. we can t fight a force that especially doesn t play by the rules, by having rules of engagement that limit us to be a responsive force. we need to be pro-active. these roes give power to groups
like this because they know they can exploit it and use it against us. okay. so joe biden says we re going to follow you to the gates of hell. we can t because of the rules of engagement. even the invisible border with syria we re not bombing there. i lament a couple of things. i lament that the president has not acted sooner and more decisively. i am calling on the president today, as i have been all week, to bring back general david petraeus, the former director of central intelligence. i was with general petraeus in mosul, in northern iraq. no battlefield commander in the uniform of united states knows that territory better. he was disgraced, had an affair with a reporter or secretary, whatever. let s forgive him his trespass. none of us are perfect. bring back general petraeus and also bring back general stanley mccrystal who was our commander in afghanistan and commander of special forces in iraq. have him take over the kurdish
fighters. let general mccrystal help direct the kurdish force. that s boots on the ground. exactly. general petraeus can give us an overall strategy for motivating. i have seen him with the sunni sheik, the tribal leaders. he s the best that would ever happen. on a much different note he may not want to be painted as a war president and those generals indicate war to many people and as keen and wise as much as they know about the region, our president may not want that. a declaration of war against isis. isis is a defacto state, let america declare war on isis. before you go, you got to talk about your friend more many years, joan rivers. i loved her. we were in the talk show business together. we did eight shows together. we just completed a reality show six weeks. she was a dear friend, tried, true, loyal. i think that back stage at
tom hanks play a year ago, it was a fun night with erica and joan, i think the big story there will be this is michael jackson type story again. dr. conrad murray went to jail for administering this powerful sedative in a setting where he had no capacity to deal with an emergency, an emergency resuscitation. she did a store front clinic, an 81-year-old woman going to a store front clinic getting totally knocked out with propothol, this powerful sedative. they had no ability to resuscitate her. how can that be that they have to call 911, six minutes. she s already dead by the time they get her to bring her to the hospital. i think it s outrageous and i think that the department of health in new york state is righteously and importantly investigating that clinic. what s going to happen with that reality show? i ve never really remembered this, she s passed away now. we haven t seen episode one. how do you think this plays out?
i think that my wife and i had this discussion yesterday. remember when fill philip seymorw died? sometimes there is more curiousity after the person is gone. in other terms it might turn off people. what do you think she would want? there is no doubt joan would want everything that she has on tape to be aired. there is no doubt. she had a gig planned that she we want to that procedure thursday. she was supposed to be at the theater in new jersey on friday. she left us laughing and you and she went under the needle together. remember that? when she filled the wrinkles in my forehead with the fat from my butt? yes. remember that? this is like free botox. the idea was they took the fat out of your butt to fill your
wrinkles. and all of the jokes that i endured, you can imagine butt fat in my forehead. joan was delightful. she was so funny. thanks for cracking up with us. i loved her. she was great. our condolences to melissa who she loved, and cooper, her granson. she loved new york. she loved trump. she was a grand, grand dame and we ll miss her totally and it s outrageous that she died this way. loved and missed. well said. thank you. well, what s it like to come face-to-face with a shark? i can t say. ma am, where is the shark? i don t know. he bumped me out of my boat. please, i m floating away! please! please! i m scared! we have more of that 911 call. it came straight from a kayak. then is joe biden eyeing a bigger seat at the white house? our next guest says he s the perfect candidate for president.
right. i mean right.
when people arm americans, we don t retreat.
we don t forget. we take care of those who are grieving and when that s finished, they should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice because hell is where they will reside! all right. vice president joe biden s visit to portsmouth naval shipyard fueling speculation that he could run for president in 2016. could he actually win? here to weigh in right now is democratic strategist chuck roker. good morning to you. hey, steve. he is the vice president of the united states. but historically, vice presidents have trouble winning. you tell us why joe biden could get the job. there is nobody more experienced in this town who is more qualified than joe biden. that s be obvious about that. he worked at every level of government. what you constantly hear about joe biden is his age. and that he s too old and hillary clinton is going to be the person. i d like to remind people the story of the old bull. i grew up in rural east texas and we had an old bull named
jody. every year my grand daddy would bring a young bull into the pen to take care of the cows. the next spring when all the calfs were born, they looked like jody. don t understim the old bull. they re kind of cunning sometimes. you say everybody talks about his age. you know what? i hear people talk about joe biden and all the crazy stuff he says. i don t have to remind you, but for the people watching, here is some of his juicy ones. [ bleep ] put y all back in chains. my admiration for you is equally as deeply held by president stop moving that, you know, what s this thing called? you know. teleprompter. there is no reason the nation of africa cannot and should not join the ranks of the world s most prosperous nations. that s right. chuck, he had said some crazy stuff. he s got a lot of gaffes on the record and they re all on tape. absolutely. but you know today in today s
politics, people are refreshed by people who will talk off the cuff, who are not actually run by teleprompter or so stiff that you never know where they re standing. i would remind people that in 07, we thought hillary clinton was goin thing hands down. we never thought we would actually elect an african-american president. especially one named barak obama. stranger things have happened and somebody who is qualified and good on the stump as you just saw, anything could happen. it sounds like you re saying he s more qualified, a better candidate than hillary. no, i said the best qualified probable low who is not named clinton. you pick. who do you like better? look, it s going to be hard to overcome hillary s money, but i never underestimate the old bull. we know that story. it s all about jody. all right. we thank you very much. he s the democratic strategist in d.c thanks. all right. is he leaving the duck dynasty behind? willie robertson is here with a big announcement. he s coming into the studio. there he is right behind brian. he s behind you. he s behind you.
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headlines now. a few hours from now, family and friends will say a final farewell to murdered journalist steven sotloff. a public memorial is being held this afternoon in pinecrest, florida. 1,000 people at least are expected to attend. and forget isis, according to hillary clinton. climate change is our biggest threat. this is the most consequential, urgent, sweeping collection of challenges we face. sea levels are rising. ice caps are melting. storms, droughts and wildfires
are wreaking havoc. wow. why did we even get up today? clinton speaking at nevada s clean energy summit with harry reid. i guess it s all about knowing your audience. speaking of an audience knowing a star, willie robertson here. our audience knows you. welcome back. hello. about a year ago we were all in west monroe. we were. out in the swamp. this is our anniversary. why haven t we been invited back? what was missing when we left? cause you just didn t have that louisiana look. we needed you back in new york. you need to be here. hillary was just talking about climate change. let s talk about scenic change. this is an exclusive, the first time you ll hear it. duck dynasty is going to scotland? yes. we went to scotland. so the next season opener we re going to try to find our roots that may or may not be scottish. what happens? give us a little sneak peek.
i m going to tell you, they re wearing kilts. i m just guessing. i m just guessing. possibly, possible. it is possible. what s crazy is from louisiana to scotland, they know you. they do, yeah. you walking around scotland not to the level here, but sure, they watch the show, love the show. they were super excited we were filming there. you re a big star now. you re a movie star. tell us about left behind. october 3, the movie is coming out. the book was so popular. so nicholas cage is star not guilty it and i m one of the executive producers. my friend and another executive producer got me excited about it. i m ready. do you love that, being the executive director, producer? it s kind of cool. i ve been on that side of it. as we do more with movies and god not dead was so successful. we were in that movie. we want to continue to do with television and also movies to
have something positive and especially spiritual like this. this movie will make you think. we don t really care about that. we want to make money. with our movie career. here is an example of you, of the movie you re executive producer on. welcome aboard flight 257 to london. i love you. people from all over the planet vanished. let me in! chris! i know you all want answers and believe me, so do i and i ll do my best to get them. and without revealing too much, the plane is flying during the rapture, right? yeah. when it happens. so elisabeth and i disappear,
y all carry on, all right? october 3 it opens, 2014. something everybody should see. i think so. powerful. it will make you think. something else everybody is going to see, sadie is taking to the dance floor on dancing with the stars. i know. we were so excited. 17. what s your feeling on that? did you want her to do it? i did. she came and asked me could she do it? and i said yes. and she started dancing right there. dancing all around the house. you know, the parent you re nervous. it s fun being on that side of it watching her do the press line and going off to l.a but i love her partner, love her dance partner. he s in west monroe. we re trying to get him some frog legs and squirrel for his energy to keep him up. you got to show him how to have a cup of tea in his back pocket. yeah. like si. willie, serious question, are you worried about losing that
small town family feel that you guys have as you re more comfortable in new york, comfortable in scotland. your daughter is doing hollywood. are you worried about losing the family connection? just cause i m sitting on the couch doesn t mean i m comfortable in new york. out at the u.s. open last night. i was, yes. and i owe him some money. i lost a bet and he actually said to leave it here with fox & friends. so i will leave my money. so you re not worried about that? no, i m not. i think that s in you, where you come from. we haven t lost it yet. we ve been successful for sure in television. so no. we want to continue to move that spirit out of family and small town. it s okay. there is some small town in new york city. so you can take the boy out of the swamp, but you can t take the swamp out of the boy. still may smell as bad. you smell okay today. give our best to your family. sure will. new season starts in november. the movie is out october 3.
we ll be watching sadie. besides that and the bowl game and nascar, you really don t have much on your plate. we ll think of a few other things. unbelievable. thanks. always great to see you. coming up, the president said we have no strategy to defeat isis. but his top jensening a very different message. so what is going on at 1600 pennsylvania avenue? chris wallace is next. and then the democratic governor who is apologizing for tweeting this steamy picture. how do you spell trouble?
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esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. we ve got a fox news alert. u.s. air strikes have taken out three senior isis terrorists, including the top aide to isis leader al bagdadi. he was killed in the terror stronghold of mosul. many speculate the president got the news when the secretary of state john kerry passed him this note during yesterday s nato meetings in wales. he continues those meetings today trying to both pressure russia to get out of ukraine and build a coalition to defeat isil. we ll bring in chris wallace with us now. chris, does it look like he s actually able to get through and get help in this coalition to fight isis and terror? i don t think it s clear, elisabeth. a number of countries have said yes, they re going to join and military efforts. but so far britain and france, other countries, mostly taken the form of military aid and
assistance to the kurds, but not necessarily they re going to start flying air strikes as well. it s certainly good news to hear we got some of al bagdadi s top lieutenants. i wish we had gotten the top guy himself. joe biden talked about sending them to the gates of hell. i suspect if they get there, they ll be ushered right in. right. the big question was, we talked about on the radio yesterday, the intelligence and the white house on separate pages and now back at home, we might have a strategy, according to the defense department. general dempsey said this at a town hall on facebook, at the president s direction, we have developed a military strategy with a series of option on how we can initially contain, continue to disrupt and ultimately defeat isil. so do we have a strategy? we ll see. i mean, obviously we ll find out when they decide whether or not they re going to go across the border into syria. it s terrific that we were able to get them in mosul.
but the fact is because they have the protection of this nonexistent border in syria and can just scurry back there because we have kind of kept our at least one arm tied behind our back, the question is are we going to strike them? they have a lot of targets. their main headquarters is in northern syria. a lot of their training camps. we believe the hostages, american and other foreign hostages were being held there. their supply lines are pretty exposed across the syrian border. so are we going to do that or not? we ll see. and what s interesting, he talked about the fact that we have a strategy or option for the president to decide on. the real question here has never been whether there are options and a strategy at the pentagon. it s been whether or not the president is going to adopt it. sure. and that could be one of the when the videos have come out where these americans are beheaded, if you watch what is available on line, it is despicable and disgusting and you see it and you re so affected and then you have the president of the united states, he s so cautious, some would say
aloof in some instances. maybe that s one of the reasons americans now are giving him very bad grades. according to augural lop poll, he tied his all-time low. 30% of the people in the united states approve of the job he s doing. i don t know that it means it s interesting. i don t think it means that people are rush to go get into war. when asked specifically on foreign policy, they don t approve of it. on the other hand they aren t itching to get into a war again in the middle east. but they want somebody with a plan. if i may, i think the thing that is upsetting them so much is the idea of weakness, that they don t like the idea of america and the american president being pushed around, whether it s by al bagdadi in the middle east, whether it s by putin on the russia-syria border. i think it s that weakness upsetting people. and we talked about it yesterday, you have elizabeth warren, you don t get much further to the left in the democratic party than elizabeth
warren and she did an interview yesterday or the day before in which she talked tougher than the president of the united states and talked about destroying isis. well, when elizabeth warren is to your right, you ve got an issue if you re the commander in chief. you also have an issue that the american people don t trust, you re convicted and you understand and believe we should be leading the way here. when you look back to 2007 and what president george w. bush said about iraq and hear it now, it is so relevant that getting out too early, getting out the wrong way in iraq could lead us to facing a much more dangerous enemy today and when you hear it now, it will give you chills. take a listen. i know some in washington would like to us start leaving iraq now. begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we re ready would be dangerous for iraq, for the region, and for the united states. it means surrendering the future of iraq to al-qaeda.
it means that we d be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. it would mean we allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in iraq and replace with one they lost in afghanistan. it would mean the increasing the probability that american troops would have to return in some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous. all that happened exactly like he projected and that was prior in the midst of the surge trying to get support. yeah. i was going to say, you don t even have to go nearly that far because at that point, the president was talking about a surge. we had over 100,000 troops in iraq. when he left, he had negotiated the status of forces agreement to leave a much smaller force, maybe 10,000 or 15,000 there as a kind of force to stabilize the iraqi government, to stabilize the iraqi army. and that s the one that president obama failed to work out a deal with al-maliki and as a result, we took all of our troops out and things kind of
went to hell. so you don t have to have a surge. you could have had a much smaller force that the pentagon was calling for, 10 or 15,000. we still have over 30,000 troops in korea and it s been a half a century. so just because you have troops on the ground doesn t mean they re in a combat role. it s kind of an insurance policy. a policy that we decided we didn t need anymore. chris, that s looking back. now let s look forward. who are you going to be sitting next to on sunday morning? well, couple of very interesting people on just exactly this subject. first of all, mitt romney. we ll talk about this. he s got a tough editorial in the washington post today in which he talks about weakness and foreign policy and what it gets you. we ll also talk to mike mccall, the chairman of the house homeland security committee and the big concern is could some of those american fighters that go over to isis, could they come back and launch another 9-11 as we approach the 13th anniversary? so i think it will be a very interesting fox news sunday. we ll be tube side. thank you.
mitt romney calling for the building up our defense forces again. meanwhile, here is heather with what else is happening in the world. we have other stuff going on to talk about. a brand-new. ems into some heart-stopping moments that a great white shark tossed two women from their kayaks and it comes from the 911 call that they made from the water with the shark. help! i was just on the boat! we re stuck in the water and there is a shark! where is the shark? i don t know, he bumped me out of my boat. please, i m floating away! please! please! i m scared! both women were rescued. the shark leaving behind some giant bite marks right there in one of the kayaks. a pilot forced to turn his plane around on command from the f.b.i the reason? a mother was trying to kidnap her child and escape to china. the united flight returned to dulles airport five hours after
taking off. the mother was taken into custody. investigators not releasing many details about the custody case. but they did say that the child is back with his father. the governor of delaware getting tied up by his twitter account. tied up. wait til you see what i mean. he meant to send out this tweet showing him at an elementary school event. but instead, this is the photo that was actually attached to that tweet. clearly a woman in leather straps. not really elementary school material. the tweet was quickly deleted and an apology was sent out. and perhaps the funniest prank that you ve seen in a while, but being attacked by giant spider didn t have these folks laughing. (scream)
yeah. the prank unfolding on the streets of poland. it actually looks like a giant spider, but it s just a dog in a costume. just in time for halloween. what would do you? that s a look at your headline. and they had the cameras all set up. exactly. how did that happen? yeah. you think they wanted to be on youtube. we got breaking news on the economy. brand-new numbers just released that reveal how the country is doing. we ll have them in a moment. you may think this will never happen to you, or your kids, being attacked on the street by a violent stranger. but there is a simple and legal way to protect yourself and we have the life-saving lesson next.
(knochello? hey, i notice your car is not in the driveway. yeah. it s in the shop. it s going to cost me an arm and a leg. that s hilarious. sorry. you shoulda taken it to midas. get some of that midas touch. they tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. next time i m going to midas. high-five! arg! i did not see that coming. trust the midas touch. for brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling)
fox news alert. moments ago, the u.s. labor
department released its monthly jobs report. joining us right now here on the couch is from fox business, melissa francis. the news not good. it was a huge miss. economists were looking for an addition of 225,000 jobs to the economy. instead it was 142,000. way below expectations. we thought the labor force participation rate, the number of people who are out there actively looking for a job dropped. it means that even more people gave up. it was supposed to be 225. we ve been above 200,000 for more than six months now. moving along. we really need to be at 300,000 or 400,000 to really get the economy back on track. this is a big disappointment and a big miss. manufacturing very light. that s where we saw a lot of big drop. also retail. so people just not really hiring out there. could it be anything to do with the summer job dismissal? it could. some of it, there was a strike in the northeast. that s one of the things.
at the auto plants, a lot of them are idle in august. you would have thought it would have been in the estimate because these are not things that are surprises. so that 142,000 really saying a lot. the unemployment rate now, 6.1%. you ve been talking about this throughout the day? we are. and you re seeing the stock market jump on this news because this is good for the walty t. means very low interest rates. this is something we ve seen through this whole administration. this is again, good for the wealthy, bad for the middle class. troubling numbers. yes. thank you very much. thank you. coming up, you may think this is never going to happen to you or your kids, being attacked on the street by a violent stranger, but it happens more than you think. and there is a simple and legal way to protect yourself. elisabeth will show us next. martha mccallum is here to tell us what s happening at the top of the here and if bill hemmer ever tries anything, i want you to take some of these things down. i will tell him you said so. he s going to be shaking in his
boots up here. good morning, everybody. there are some new revelations to tell you about. benghazi investigation that come directly from the men who were on the ground last night. it is something. it comes from bret baier s exclusive. and debbie wasserman schultz in hot water and now backing down a little bit for something she said. how scott walker is now react to go that. and what happened to joan rivers? a day later, new questions and a look back at the legendary talent, when bill and i see you at the top of the hour every centrum multivitamin are over one million hours of research. inside are specific vitamins and minerals to help support your heart, brain and eyes. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. centrum silver. even turn night into now she could use a hand, comfort keepers provides a variety of in-home services while truly connecting. comfort keepers. keeping the comforts of home. call comfort keepers now to learn more.
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staggering statistics show that 10,000 students are victimized by assault and burglaries each year. with schools in session around the country, it s more than important to stay protected and put your safety first. one effective way is pepper spray. and here to show us the proper
way to use it, personal safety expert david nans is with us here on the plaza. pepper spray, as kids go off to college, ultimately really important, those numbers are huge in terms of assaults. you say this could be the difference maker. why? it s the red zone right now. meaning now until thanksgiving is a time where the most injuries occur to college students and sexual assaults. 25 college age females are assaulted. this allows for protection at a safe distance. why go hands on when the attack could be more skilled? this pepper spray will fire up to ten feet, which gives awe huge advantage. give me ten meet. what would i do. you re approaching me, i see it, or maybe i don t. right. if you have a chance to give a verbal warning like stop, get back, that s great. but if you feel that your safety is in jeopardy, you re justified to use it immediately. take a simple spray ear to ear across the eyes. do it properly. that s exactly right. with the thumb? you always want to use your thumb. a lot of people use their index
finger. makes the can vulnerable. you can take it out of their hand. with the thumb you get a better grip and more pressure and you can strike if need be, which is a big advantage. use your thumb. this is a common pepper spray where typically it s locked on the left. now unlocked and ready to go. so here i am. this is ten feet. exactly. so i can actually spray this here. this is a practice. you can spray the car or me. it s about ten feet. that actually shoots farther than i thought. if you spray ear to ear, exactly. this does what, right after you spray somebody, they re not able to see? right. you ultimately want to aim for the eyes. so even if they re under the influence of drugs or alcohol, here is another one, it will slam their eyes shut. taking away their ocular area. it takes away their vision, it gives you the opportunity to escape. tower spray and run away? exactly. think about it as a train coming down. you just want to step out of the way of that train, side step and
escape to safety. they can t see you cause you ve taken away their vision. that s the biggest advantage of naturally occurring pepper spray. it slams the eyes shut, giving you that opportunity to escape. really blinding your opponent. your potential assaulter so you can get away to safety with sexual assault occurring on campuses. we thank you for being here today. i asked everybody here today if they had a young woman in their family if they would want her to be protected and use one of these and they said yes. one for the road is next.
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all right. their capable of doing that last night, the opener of the nfl season, finally underway. america exhaled and rejoiced as the seahawks beat the packers 36-16. sorry, wisconsin. lynch, 110 yards. still doesn t speak to the media. everybody in the media and tv land knows willie robertson from duck dynasty. he just sent me this photo. take a look. what the heck? that s my desk! what s he doing? meanwhile, what s coming up this weekend? i was talking to the owner of a gun shop who says cops gave him 24 hours to hand over the records of all of his customers who purchased a certain gun. we ll talk to him. also you think summer is wrapping up, we don t need to think about traveling. this is the best time to book your holiday travel. we ll have tips thousand book your holiday travel. love it. good deal on travel. and also we re going to
lumber jack school. are you jealous? really? on the plaza. i love it! there might be somebody getting hurt on the plaza. really? we ll be watching this weekend. in the meantime, thanks for watching this week. see you monday. social media campaign for isis is likely being run by an american from boston. police believe he s using his computer background to run the campaign. he fled the u.s. in 2006. new developments on how to push back against vladimir putin. president obama and our nato allies laying the ground work for a rapid response force against russian aggression. but will america act? mart:

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140917 10:00:00

[ music playing ] that s rihanna. the song goes on the, say, baby, please come back, baby, it was me. we will get to one of her hit songs that young girls love. good morning, it s twens wednesday, september 17th. we have the chairman of deutsche, incorporated, donny
deutsche and columbia university school of public affairs dorian warren is back. in washington where there is a lot going on, we have reporter for the new york time jeremy peters with us covering capitol hill. we have so much going on. we ll start in washington just to give you a sense of water going on there. developing news in washington, concerning america s war on isis. for weeks, president obama has claimed he won t be deploying ground troops in iraq. we all heard that, right? yesterday the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff testified it could be a possibility. now the white house is trying to clarify that. we will get every angle of this, this hour just ahead, but we want to start with news from the nfl and why we may be witnessing a turning point in our society. we can only hope something definitely is happening. first the latest. star running back adrian peterson is being told to stay away from the minnesota vikings, while facing child abuse.
he is accused of spanking his 4-year-old son with a wooden switch. they kept peterson off the field and announced he would be reinstated. that changed after the team and league came under heavy criticism. the state s governor mark dayton released a statement calling for peterson s suspension. he wrote, in part, this, it s an awful situation, yes, mr. peterson is entitled to do you process and should be innocent until proven guilty, however, he is a public figure, and his actions, as described, are a public embarrassment to mens mince strikes and we will have more ob that. sponsors are beginning to make clear statements about how they at least feel about this and they re asking for at least some sort of explain stiegs what is being done. the headline this morning is the vikings have reversed field. adrian peterson has to stay away
from the team until this situation legally is resolved. he was put on the, water kaushlgsd i haven t herd before the exception exemption rule t. vikings can t keep him away from the team. clearly under the pressure you described i describe, the minnesota vikings and the league said they have to find a way to get him off the field, we don t throw him off the team else inially, we keep him away from football until this plays itself out. it could be a long time. by the way go donny deutsche, right call or does it look like they are scrambling? here s the turning point that happened yesterday a. company out of toulous budweiser spoke up finally, it spends a billion or two on nfl. it was not dramatic. it was right. it says we cannot be behind this. this is unacceptable. pepsi, which spend $100 million. i said this yesterday. this is where the action stops.
this is where the zpom inos starts to fall. this is what happens to every ceo, letters show up on their desk. i annual not going to provide wour toilet paper anymore, i will not drink your beers. they turn to the ceos, the corporate people. we node to do something about this. this is what is going to change today, starting at 2:00 oom am this morning when the first press release came out. this is when the fuse starts to change. i think so. there will be news every hour on this. we will get to a complete look at exactly who the sponsors are, along with willie and me and what s in here. just how this paper is covering the nfl and this controversy is a way to look at it as well. you just wonder, is this a moment or is it not? are the fans still going to go? is this all going to go away? i m not sure. i want to say, a couple months ago, michael sam, everyone said, not everyone, culture players will be a distraction, right.
the first only gay player, what s a distraction now? this is a distraction. here s the other big controversy involving a star player. running back ray rice is appealing his indefinite suspension. the league s player s association, in a statement, the union write, in part, supporting facts reveal a lack of a fair and impartial process, including the role of the in addition i commissioner. commissioner roger goodell handed rice org untilly a two-game suspension for assaults his wife t. league then increased the penalty after another video showed the extent of the violence or confirm it. players cannot be punished twice for the same action. rice, dropped by the baltimore ravens has been accepted into a rehab program and can apply to be reinstated by the league at the discretion of the front office. the nfl is a billion dollar business and the companies that help foot the bill are clearly worried about what s happening.
we covered this yesterday, it was radisson hotel, which earlier pulled the sponsorship of the minnesota vikings now. another huge name is raising its concerns, beer giant anheuser-busch. we are disappointed and encryingly concerned about the recent incidents that have overshadowed this nfl season. we are not yet satisfied with the leak s handling of the behaviors that so clearly go against our own company and moral code. god just spoke. visa, who is this, visa says domestic violence in any form is unacceptable. it has for the place in the nfl or our society more broadly. our expectation remains all of visas partners remain high ethical standards and operate with full transparency. go ahead, willie. i want to say to your point and donny s point, budweiser,
$1.2 billion bore sponsor puts the heat on the nfl. last call bud. follow the money. that s what i have been tweeting. there is a lot of sponsors making comments. now the ones that don t, so it s a domino effect. here it comes, there s more. several sponsors spoke out against domestic violence, reiterating their support for the lead, bridgestone, fedex, verizon, taking a wait and see approach. fike stores in the twin cities have pulled peterson s jerseys from the shelves. the runningback is an atmosphere light. his product remains for purchase. they can pull it if they want. none of the sponsors are leaving the nfl. they have no choice. there is very few ways to get eyeballs of men, sports on television is about the only way. they re not going anywhere. having said that tow, they can certainly wield their bats to change the math.
are you surprised, donny, as a brand guy, that the nfl didn t act more quickly and decisively. i said this last week. i said they re protecting them to protect the shield. this is not protecting the shield. this is destroying your brand. i hate to say it one or two players are disposable in the nfl at the expense of your brand. this is the tip of what s been an iceberg that s been freezing for a long time. whether it s punching out a pregnant women. whether it s aaron hernandez allegedly killing people. item number 56. to me, i m not going to give these companies applause right now. let remember we watched the guy track her out of an el vamplt it was clear what happened. we watched. nothing happened. the companies do have the power. you will see it foul. i will give them a one-handed applause, to your point, where were they six weeks ago, 8g weeks ago? there are so many facets to this. you got the players, the nfl the
sponsors and the nfl working on such a moosive financial scale you can t get your arms around the numbers. you got the fans who love their teams and they love their teams. you got the tv networks who have a stake in this. you have the sports page was have a stake in this. there is one article in here about the nfl. there is about ten others page after page after page about the teams. here s where i have to fault the owners and the nfl, they could have tossed every one of these players as it happened and not one viewer is going. so it was only time. same thing with goodell. nobody was going to point a finger atful he suspended a guy for a year. there was no downside morally, commercially, so it tons me from a both moral and a dollars point of view where they would not
have taken a harder stance. i think society we are shocked we are here, that we when you are coordinating a football event, you book rihanna and you don t even think. i wouldn t have thought about it. i wouldn t v. so let s get to that part of the story. that brings us to the situation of cbs sports and pop sing erie hannah what may or may not be connected to her own past which is domestic abuse. in 2009, the seven time grammy winner was assaulted by boyfriend chris brown inside the lamborghini. the image of her injuries were online and seen everywhere especially by her fans and there are millions around the world that believe on twitter, she has 37 million followers. like willie. exactly. brown pled guilty to a felony assault and avoided prison time. he received five years probation and the two entertainers were
ordered to stay away from each other. three weeks after the assault, they reunited in miami. they have since split up. during an interview with abc, rihanna discussed the assault and her decision to go back to her abuseers. i realized that my selfish decision for love could result into some young girl getting killed. i could not be easy with that part i couldn t be held responsible for telling them, go back. christians, even if chris never hit me again, who s to say that their boyfriend won t? i just didn t realize how much of an impact i had on these girls lives until that happened, until that happened,
it was a wake-up call for me, big time. so since then, a lot of her songs have not reflected those combhents in a video with eminem rihanna speaks about an abusive relationship. just going to stand there and watch me burn? well, that s all right because i like the way it hurts. now cbs has abandoned its plan to use a different rihanna song run this town as part of its open for nfl football. that song contains the lyrics, hear the screams from every, where i m addicted to the thrill. it s a dangerous love affair. it goes on. last week, after the ray rice controversy hit, cbs dropped a song with the chairman of the sports division saying, in part, we to the journalistically and from a tone standpoint, we needed to have the appropriate tone and coverage.
rihanna wrote back, cbs, you pulled my song this week, now you want to slide it back in this thursday? no, f you, she added quote audacity. cbs sports pulled the song for the rest of the season saying we will be moving in a different direction with some elements of our thursday night football open. we will be using our fewly created thursday night football theme music to open our game broadcast. i can t believe i have something in common which are hasnrihanna sean mcmanus saying we have moved on. i actually agree which are hannah, why should she be penalized for being a survivor? chris brown s career is doing just fine. he hasn t been penalized economically in the same way. why are women often the ones that have to suffer the consequences economically? i agree with you. i actually disagree, by the
way, i m not saying she deserves to be penalized, but if you are cbs the reality is you are covering football. don t invite ler in the first place. once again, the new world changed in the past weeks. it s a commercial reality. they were saying the horrific picture we just saw there, they were setting themselves up for people to be thai saying is this the face of nfl football? they actually had no choice. it s a sad commentary. i would have done the same thing. the big point of view is why are we running lyrics like that in the first place? why are we booking? i like the decisions that cbs, i think they re doing what they have to do. i think we all are police it with why that booking seemed okay. it was okay to all of us. to your point if i could just argue, if she did that interview and she went on a campaign to help people understand domestic violence, to help people understand why they shouldn t go back, why it s so hard not to
and she didn t sing songs that say she likes the way it hurts, i would agree with you. yes, but it s the most violent professional sport we have. my car, we watch every sunday. i want to call my good people at the view. i love rosie and onepy. i was stunned how two days ago, rosie was saying i like chris brown s music, i will continue to listen to his music. even rosie, they were not outraged. they were like well explaining and i think the women have to get more outrage. these are victims in crimes f. the victims will not say yes. they cannot go back. we have to, too. when you have a platform like the view or like morning joe or like the today show, we have to take a stand even if it hurts our sponsorships, forget it. take a frisking stand. do what cs says, you are done.
we ent don t want to equivocate on domestic violence. i wouldn t have equivocated an their statement saying we are going in a different direction. no, domestic violence. we don t support it. we don t want anything to do with it. i m convinced. i think there is a double standard for male artists and female artists. erie hannah, let s remember, was a victim a. victim of abuse, when she sings those songs, these not endorsing that lifestyle, sometimes people ty sing about the way they were or felt in a different moment in time. so i don t think cbs putting rihanna on a pre-game show was an endorsement of her viewpoint. but it would have surfaced it. right. but i think we have to be careful walking the line. she a victim. rihanna is a victim. i know she s a victim. but her responsibility as a public person. yes. she s come out and talked about domestic abuse. a woman is singing the song. you can call it art or an
expression of a different time. i think it s eminem if she tries to f-ing leave again, i m attired to set the bed on fire, i m just going rihanna said i m going to stand there and watch me burn because that s all right. i loo tick way it hurts. well, there is some art i think if you know who you are appealing to, that s young, my girls listen to rihanna. my 11-year-old loves her. i just want to say i have the same standards around eminem and chris brown as which are hannah. i want to have the same standard because those men don t get penalized for the same lyrics. by the way. i m not saying that excuses rihanna. it s a bad message. in terms of chris brown, we should be criticizing them as well. you want to go into language, snoop, all the songs, that s a whole other discussion look, you know, we haven t talked much about peter zorub either and
we re going to get there. there is so much. and bloody scrotums and on and on and on. i do think it s a moment in time. i think the advertisers have spoken. the players will only understand one ting, if they don t get to play. that s i. they re not going to understand penalized for two games. you take away anybody s livelihood, people pay attention. that s what s got to happen. actor vigo mortonsen will be here. senator claire mccaskill in an op-ed, she wrote and sent it to me, i think she ruffled a lot of feathers. she will tell us the story live in our 8:00 hour with brand marketing inno straighter steve stout. up federal government, a dramatic robbery on video. plus a new study ranks the nations with the best well being. is it the u.s.? it s got to be sweden.
okay. apparently, we re not near the top. apparently, we re actually very far down the list. first. bill kierans has a check on the forecast. hi, meika. yesterday, we talked about the people stranded in the cabo san lucas area t. military is taking them out by helicopter and airplane. this is how people are ending their vacations. the only people coming in and out is the military. they re taking them to tijuana, mexico. imagine that, that s the end of your vacation. the problems are just starting in the desert southwest t. heavy rains have now moved into arizona and soon will be all through new mexico. that s where the heart of the flooding will be. this is the second time in ten days this area lab hit by a tropical system. that s never happened in our recorded human history.
potentially three to six inches of rain, life-threatening rain from albuquerque to phoenix, tucson, flack staff and possibly as far north as las vegas. the rain is already falling. the rest of the country isn t too bad. all the problems we will associate with this tropical system will be isolated. you are watching morning joe. we ll be right back. you can eat that on weight watchers? looks amazing. looks like my next dinner party. that s only 4 points? with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. dine out on favorites. or cook up something new. i can do this every day. join for free and start losing weight now.
learn how to eat healthier, while enjoying the foods you love. get inspired at meetings, online, or both. weight watchers because it works. when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! a selling machine! ready for you alert, only at to roll out a perfectly flaky crust that s made from scratch. or mix vegetables with all white meat chicken and homemade gravy. but marie callender s does. just sit down and savor. marie callender s. it s time to savor.
all right. 23 past. let take a look at the morning papers. the new york times the fate of nascar driver tony stewart is in the grand jury s hands, an upstate prosecutor says he will let the grand jury review the evidence in the kevin ward, jr., death to determine in stewart
should be charged. he hit and killed the driver during the race last month. ward had gotten out of the car after he spun out. stewart said it was a tragic accident and in a statement promised to cooperate fully. the guardian bill clinton is urging scotland to send a part of the message of unity. he was hesitant to speak but hoens his comments will be received in the spirit of friend scholarship scotts are set to vote tomorrow to end their union with the united king dom. that s tight, actually. thomas, take usa today. a few poll says that panama ramplgs first on the list of global well being. the index is considering how citizens feel about different aspects of their lives, including finances, social connections and whether they feel a sense of purpose,
rounding out the top five are, costa rica. what? we have denmark, and brazil. i can t believe sweden. it s 8th. united state ranks 12ings right behind trinidad and tobego. the baltimore sun the orioles beat the blue jays. listen to this song [ music playing ] magic, magic, magic did you see, he opened his show danceing and sing tag song? a little back story on the song. it s way too early these days. are those jazz hands? it s a very different show. it s a good show. you know, i m done, mcmanus says, we are going in a different direction. he says it so swiftly. this was a song they produced back in the 80s. listen to this thing. my daughter is excited,
actually. she wants to go to a game with you. you won one. so, the blue jays 8-2. the first baseman steps on the bag, they celebrate their first a. l. east title until 1997. confetti flies over camden yards, the fireworks, check out the baltimore outfielder sharon jones, if only i could be so lucky to get a pie in the face. oh, i got a friend in baltimore, jim hance. he can take us to the game. we can make this video. there is a video? that s in all the papers. the washington post in atlanta, speaking of baseball. the national city, 3-0. how about this d.c., baltimore, it s all hang, washington wraps up its second nl east title in the last three years. that s a little celebrating on the feel. they take it back to the clubhouse, they drench each
other in beer and champagne. that s what you do when you win the division title. is billy ripkin in the video? billy. he might have been. that s still okay. let go. a motorcycle rider from russia lucky to be alive after a shocking accident. caught on tape in this dash cam footage of cars seen approaching a traffic light t. cars prepare to go across, riding, he flips off the bike and lands in the middle of the two cars and prevents him from being run over. prevents him from being run over, survives on the hood and survives the accident. okay. there s a look at the paper itself. that was very diverse. was that in a newspaper? that s not papers, that s cellatious video that makes people watch. coming up, we will dive deep in the hearing on capitol hill the fight against isis the huge
story, for tim kaine is our news maker guest. we are hearing the term boots on the ground. first the beltway blame game. why frank rooney says it s time to stop pointing the finger at the bush administration t. must read opinion pages. we ll be back on morning joe.
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. welcome back to morning joe. we have john meacham with us we are getting a lot of conversation about our conversations. where were the sponsors when the nfl was hiding because of the injury stats and dangers for children. we put the gladiators up as role models and dan write, rihanna song the hip-hop genre is filled with songs like this. wow. they keep coming in. so if you have opinions on
this,@mick mica. we will hear from meredith viera. let s get to our must read. before that let s set the steam on what happened in washington yesterday especially containing to the concept of boots on the ground. jeremy peters break down what went on, on capitol hill for us. what you had was general dempsey, the president s top military commander saying he could not rule out going back to the president and asking for the authority to put more troops on the ground. of course, this is something president obama has flatly rejeblthed saying american ground forces will not be involved in combat operations. this set off an interesting scramble on capitol hill. because what it did is lay bare all of the deep, deep misgifl givings members of congress have. they are supposed to vote this afternoon in the house on whether or not to authorize the president s request to arm the syrian army and train the syrian
rebels. it looks like that vote could pass. it could be a real squeaker. i don t think you should ever underestimate this congress s ability for something that would initially be straight forward. was to the white house aware of what demp city was going to say the. these came in a q & a. they were not in his prepared texts. judging by the way the white house immediately pushed back on it, my sense is they did not see this coming. mm-hmm. all right. let go now. it is a perfect segue to apples and hurricanes, by frank roonfully. the slippery slope begins by the new york times. frank, whenever barak obama seems if danger of falling, do we have to hear that george wind chill bush made the cliff? i hear so much about bush s failings and bush s sins that
you d think he were still huddled over desk in washington. it isn t exactly reason for a parade. not being as bad as someone else is hardly the same as being good and then to the point that we heard on capitol hill yesterday the new york times, itself the slippery slope begins, there is no way to read this other than as a reversal from the firm commitment that mr. obama made not to immaniers the country in another endless ground war, even though general dempsey s remarks were conditional, the obama administration opened the door to diner more costly involvement even before the strategy is fully sketched out. what do you go, richard? two things. one is relitigating the first decade of the century is interesting to political types. it certainly plays, it s understandable in terms of the white house wanting to explain why they re in situations that they re in.
it s not particularly savthto satisfactory as a leadership. we are six years in. president obama sought the office twice. trying to push forward it seems to me is the most effective thing. blaming combush is a matter for history to work it out. politically. here we are. so this was a very quick about face. it was one week ago today, if today is wednesday, it is wednesday the president came out and talked about there won t be troops on the ground. six days later, general devoncy says there might be boots on the ground. as the time s points out, this is the slippery slope. as i said last week, we need congress to ask the right questions of the president and the administration one about the authorization to go to war. two, what the strategy is. three how much it will cost. we ve spent already close to 5 trillion or more in iraq
andiastic afghanistan. we should be learning the lessons. and moving forward. i think hammering often the bush administration at this point sounds kind of tin. still ahead, jane harmon will debate whether boots on the ground are, indeed, necessary to defeat isis. plus, senator tim kaine on the matter, more morning joe. next.
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lat i rally authorize a military attack to stopping an actual ongoing or imminent threat against the nation. i understood the president s comments last week and other comments to suggest that isil is a significant threat, a serious threat, a growing threat. in terms of an imminent threat to attack the united states that would trig ter article ii defense powers, it does not seem to suggest at this point. the virginia democrat serves on both the armed services and foreign relations committees. he joins us now from capitol hill. tim good to have you on board. good to be here. you where in the new york time s the president as head of our armed forces, must defend the nation, when it shifts from defense to offense, it s approval. what would change that equation? look. if there was credible evidence that isil had plans to attack
the united states or there was a imminent threat against the u.s. embassy, the president can always act to defend the nation or defend american personnel. but right now even the head of the national counterterrorists center said there is no credible intel suggesting isil attacks on the u.s. that s where it s so important and i believe constitutionally mandatory the president get the blessings of congress. how much support for your position is there on capitol hill? well, it s been a little challenging, mica. i tell you. a number of folks think the president might have the power so there are some debates about it. other folks are concerned about timing and all of that. but i will say this last week, after the president spoke, the head of the foreign relations committee, senator menen dez says, okay, i heard the president talk about this mission. it s not limited. it s long term in nature. congress is authorized.
i might like it a little sooner than we re going to have it, but at least it s a question of now when will we have it not whether and we have to weighing? i want to ask you about what general martin devoncy sa demps said we may have boots on the ground. is the white house equivocateing on a fundamental thing to this nation? two things. i was at that same hearing. i heard that same testimony. what general dempsey is saying i am the military guys, i maim i make recommendations, i don t dictate policy. ly always keep open the ability to make recommendations, but the president sets the policy. mica, that s one reason why today i am introducing a draft authorization for use of military force that supports the four-point mission the president outlined last week, that includes four critical limitations, no boots on the
ground, a sunset within a year, to examine the mission. an appeal of the 2002 iraq authorization still floating out around there, a pharaoh definition of associated forces. if we re going after isil we shouldn t say we can go after everybody that talked to isil. i want to bring in jeremy perters into this conversation. i don t understand why strategically you would make the commitment jeremy to put no boots on the ground or other conditions. is it political that this promise needs to be made or what do you think goes behind actually setting preconditions to something we can t predict the outcome of? i think you hit it on the head why this resolution is running into so much trouble on capitol hill. on the one hand, have you team e people who are war wary and are saying we see this going towards groups on the ground.
it s inevitable. on the other hand, have you more hawkish republicans saying, of course, there are going to be boots on the ground. that s exactly what we want. right now the president is ruling that out. so why would we support this? you have this unusual alignment between hawkish republicans and more dovish democrats. it s really complicated things. senator, i don t know how that promise can be made. first, it s what the president said last wednesday night. we not have boots on the ground. there is precedent for that in earlier authorizations. but second, in the description of the mission that general dempsey and secretary hagel were doing yesterday. they indicated the can t be the u.s. fight against isil. this has to be a region that s willing to police itself. because we can t police a region that won t. so supporting ground troops of other nations, whether it s the kurd itself, or syrian moderates is important to show the region is policing itself. we re a partner.
we re not carrying it on our shoulders. if we do it all, we won t accomplish the mission of destroying isil. senator cane, always good to see you. coming up, dan senor and jane harman have different takes on iraq and syria. plus, as the controversies mount, everything changes for the nfl and maybe the rest of the society. we can only hope. we ll take a look at how the nation responding to the breaking developments overnight. then pop music and high school announcements collide on the tonight p tonight show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. tonight sh music is still ahead. we ll be right back. tonight sho music is still ahead. we ll be right back. onight show music is still ahead. we ll be right back. night show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. ight show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. ght show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. ht show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. t show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. show. music is still ahead. we ll be right back. i m 16 and just got my first car feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one.
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we will not be sending u.s. troops back into combat in iraq. there is not an announcement about u.s. grund troops. this is not the equivalent of the iraq war. i want the american people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars if iraq and afghanistan. it will not involve american combat troops fighting on foreign soil. the best way to coast a group like isil isn t sending a large number of american combat forces to wage a ground war in the heart of the middle east.
that wouldn t serve our interests. he s pretty much made that clear. joining us foreign policy adviser to the bush administration dan senor and the director and president and ceo scholarship. jane harman. i think he should say no on boots on the ground. no american bother. i do think bother on the ground are necessary to achieve the mission. what we re doing with air power is clearing or hopefully clearing, or at least degrading isil. but we have to hold the ground. someone las to hold the ground. if the iraq state holds together, the new government, those are the folks that will do it. in syria, it s much dicier. that s why we are training 5,000 people in saudi arabia and perhaps jordan to do that mission. there will be u.s. special forces and maybe local special forces on the ground. but i think that in this case, given our history, those, the
bother the face of the boots on the ground ought to be a muslim face from the region. dan senor, i see you shaking your head. i do prep work here, it says what jane s positions are, senor supports boots on the ground always, dan senor? not always. not always. but in this particular case i do. i think it s inevitable regardless of what the president has been saying that there will be eventually troops on the ground for the following reason. jane and i probably agree that given the population dense areas where our air operations have to be conducted right now are such that we will need on the ground intelligence. if which don t have on the ground intelligent, we will be bombing indiscriminately and scores of incidents will be killed by us. we have to cross other countries to get that? yes, we can. who, jane, let s talk specifically about who you trust to be on the ground providing
intelligence to american air operations and who, by the way, you would also trust when isis seeks retribution against iraqis working with us? who are those iraqis going to trust to protect them? during the surge it was us, u.s. forces that protected sunnis willing to cooperate with us. jane. i understand, dan, i m saying the countries under threat are muslims in the region. who would i trust? i would trust uae. i would trust saudi arabia. i would trust certainly jordan. there are countries in the region under direct threat from isil who happen to be muslim. isil is anti muslim. let s get that. more than anti-western. i would trust them on the ground. john allen is an inspired choice to lead this coalition. that s what his mission is i understand why dempsey said what he said yesterday. military officers are supposed to speak truth to power.
what he said is speculative. if the mission needs it, then he ll recommend it. but i think our policy should be a coalition of not american bother on the ground. i think the saudis can play, make an important contribution. they have agreed train thousands of moderate opposition forces in syria. i think that s important. but the moment we have emaradi troops, gosh, turkish troops i can imagine on the ground in iraq, we ll have a hel of a time organizeing them, integrating them into the small unit of the iraqi army which is highly sectarianized. most importantly, how is iran going to respond? ask them how they will respond to saudis, to sunni gulf countries have been troops on the ground in iraq. it will invite ethnic division and sectarian division that it will complicate things. i have to leave it there. jane harman i have to believe are you right. dan i worry are you not wrong. your father agrees with me.
i know he does. we will have him being and both of you back as well. thank you have been much. coming up, banned from the nfl a day after the palestinians mince vikings reinstated their star running back. the team halls now taken him off the roster. what changed overnight? tweet me at morning mica. plus we will bring you up to speed about rihanna s fascinating part in the sag georgia this is controversial. definitely tweet met about that as well. we will read your tweets on the air. jimmy fallon channels his saturday night live roots. news you can use next.
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[ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few thi thing. like the fact that you re pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that s alright. dee houck weed standoffman kauffmanffmmanffmama and always will
all right. it s been a heavy morning. we will give you a little break here with jimny fallon. i love jimmy. his guest last night juliana margolies. together they play a principal and vice principal trying to be cool. watch this. there is principal davidson. i m vice principal mcmillan gunkel. it s time for the morning announcement. for starters, be wet. this thursday tpn marks the first meeting of the debate club and the first day of mr. truman home ec class fall bake sale. [ music playing ] bake bake bake bakers going to bake bake bake baking up the bake is off. i just want to issue a reminder, there will be severe
punishment for any student who is caught sect sexting during class. why you got to text so nude don t know your students do why you got to text those nudes so there you go. my god. that s fun. i love him. he s awesome. it s nice to lighten things up a bit. we have a lot to talk about today t. isis and i m sorry he might be corrupt with this debate. also, out this hour, experience in an abusive relationship using
the hashtag to why i saved and why i left. talk show host meredith viera is joining the conversation. i would say i was in an abusive relationship many, many years ago. i talked a little ability this. it started out we would have a fight. he sort of grabbed my arm. you know, i didn t think a lot about i. and then it turned into pushing me against the wall. ten it went beyond that to actually taking his hand and grabbing my face saying, i could ruin your career if i want to and no one would want to. i m a part is women, somebody would say maybe somebody doesn t have the wherewithal all to get out t. means to get out. i had that, i had a job at the time and i kept in this relationship and i ve done a lot of thinking ability why and i think part of it was fear.
i was scared of him and scared if i tried to leave something worse could happen to me. part of it was guilt because every time we d have a fight he would then start crying and promise i won t do it again and i felt like i contributed somehow to this. then there was the night that i shared an apartment and he threw me into a shower naked in scalding water and then he threw me outside into the hallway. we lived in an apartment building and i hid in a stairwell for two hours until he came again crying and said i promise i won t do this again and i continued to stay in that relationship until i was offered a job in another state and that s where i felt i have the ability to get away. so when people talk about domestic violence, it is really, really a complicated issue. wow. wow. that s really important she told that story. so people understand, it s educated people. it s white people it s
sophisticated people it can happen to. this is not a problem that s limited to one demographic or one age group or one part of the country. she s amazing. and you know to and se didn t go into detail about the psychology and the relationship and why she stayed other than fear and you just hear that story. because she s just an incredible woman, of such strength and passion. joining us now the editor-in-chief of essence magazine, thank you for joaning the table for this conversation. i was looking you up. the bottom line is you are responsible for the vision of what is the brand at the magazine for black women. so i m really interested in your insights, especially on some of the angles that have bubbled up over the past 24 hours. let s get the latest developments, though, first in the nfl story. star running back adrian peterson is told to stay away from the minnesota vikings, while facing child abuse.
the pro bowler is accused of spanking his son with a wooden switch. they kept him off the field for sunday s game. they announced on monday, he would be reinstated that changeled early this morning after the team and league came under heavy criminal. the state s governor, mark dayton released a statement yesterday calling for peterson s suspension. he wrote in part this, it s an awful situation, yes, mr. peterson is entitled to due process and should be innocent until proven guilty. however, she a public figure and his actions, as described, are a public embarrassment to the vikings and the state of minnesota. the league is coming under mounting criticism from its sponsors. we have a lot more on that in just a moment. van fess sa. in terms of how long this has played out, what do you think the message has been so far from all sides of there, the nfl, the sponsors, ten ultimately to the readtaries you appeal to? well, i mean, i think what s
fascinating to me is this whole conversation is around domestic abuse, right. matt: we re not really hearing a lot of women s voices, it s almost as if they are silent. we did hear from meredith viera to thankfully come out and share her experience, i am thinking ability the whole rihanna controversy and the fact that they pulled her song. when you think about the fact that she was a victim of domestic abuse as well, wouldn t it have been interesting if they had engaged her beforehand, not yanked the song, but engaged her in the conversation beforeland and asking her, is this the opportunity that you want to use your platform to talk about domestic abuse? is this an opportunity for you to really come forward with your personal story in a way that will affect millions and millions of women? really. that would have been more powerful. phenomenal. of course the nfl were not going to take the launch of tear cbs thursday night franchise and make it about this. wait a minute.
that s exactly what they have been doing. all o of their competenttators are coming out, making men, most of them, emotional pleas against, am i wrong? on national television? they took the first 25 minute of the broadcast and it was only about that. you are talking about james brown. who would make you think differently? the first 25 minutes they spoke with goodell, right, what if they had that conversation with the woman? let s take each one of these women i m not sitting in judgment. in the case of ray rice s then fiancee, now wife. we know at the time she took him back and said leave us alone. we hear time and time and time again and rihanna another example, it s got to start with the women. you know, for us, white guys to sit on the sideline or us guys to sit on the sideline and say there is horrific. what s wrong with this? if the victims are going to make themselves victimless at the end of the day and stay nit and not
stand up, it s not going to change. so it can t just be the media people. it can t just be the league. it can t just be the sponsors. it can t be the pundits. it s the women, i know it s uneasy for me to say. i i don t have financial independence, so on, so forth, at the end of the day, you can applaud rihanna, if she comes out with songs and still is not going to be a spokesperson, it s hard for anybody else to align up. i totally agree. ultimately, you can t look at her abc interview and have her talk about how she left and she can never be with him again. she sings i like the way it hurts. if she wanted to make it a moment and stand with the nfl and with cbs and say i m not going to sing ability this anymore him i m not going to make it cool anymore. it s not and this is the moment we all feed to come together and cut this out. that would have been amazing. that would have been amazing. i m just wondering if it was
ever considered. the way it was handled. she is victimized yet again because they re assuming that the, you know, experience that she had the music that she s making makes her incapable of making another leap into a totally different conversation. i tell you somebody i know him personally he s a fantastic guy, a guy like jay-z can make a difference here, he bridges music and sports who everybody looks up to, every demographic and who can basically send out a signal to the hip-hop community, guys with egot to start with this. we got to fix this. this is where moments where guys like that, i m not challenging him. he has never been accused of anything, she a delightful man, these are the kind of people that have to step up. let s get the latest from ray rice. willie has all of what s happening with the sponsors, which i think might be the biggest shift potentially coming in this story. ray rice is now appealing his indefinite suspension by the
nfl. the leak s association is demanding the punishment be overturned. supports facts reveal a lack of a fair and impartial process, including the role of the office of the commissioner. commissioner roger goodell initially handed ray rice two game suspension and the leak increased the penalty after another video confirm the extent of the violence that we already saw. the union says, players cannot be punished twice for the same action. rice who was dropped by the baltimore ravens has been accepted into a rehab program and can apply to be reinstated by the league at the discretion of the front office but the front office, willie, i think is beginning to feel the heat. absolutely. let s talk about money is a multi-billion dollar business. the companies that foot the bill are clearly worried of what they ve watched over the last couple of weeks. radisson hotels, which earlier pulled its sponsorship of the minnesota vikings on a local
level. now another huge name raising its concerns. the beer giant anheuser-busch says we are disappointed and increasingly concerned over the incidents that overshadowed this season. we are not yet satisfied with the league s handling of behaviors that so clearly go against our company culture and moral code. that s anheuser-busch. visa says, domestic violence in en any form is unacceptable. our expectation remains that all of visa s partners, including the nfl, maintain high ethical standards. several sponsors spoke out against violence reiterating their support for the lead, bridgestone, fedex and verizon are taking a wait and see approach on this according to a.p., nike stores in the twin cities in minneapolis, st. paul have pulled adrian peterson s jerseys from the shelves a. company spokesperson said the running back quote remains a nike athlete. his product continues to be
available for purchase. donny, i ll give you a couple numbers, $1.2 billion over six lesion over six years, that s how much anheuser-busch deal is worth to the leak. in advertising, anheuser-busch spent $185.3 million last season alone with the nfl. i tell you what will change, if you thattic the top 20 sponsors and we named two of them. 20 individuals, sponsors are companies, companies are run by individuals. if those 20 ceos got together, this would be great for our nation and their brand and said, you know what, it stops now. we want to understand that there is going to be a new type of punitive system set up where this is going to stop or we are not going to partner with you anymore. if the coca-colas and anheuser bushes and federal expresses, individuals, companies are run by people. those people say, you know what, we love football. we love this country. when want to protect women and
we want to protect children and we have the power to change it, more than anything, more than you, more than me, more than you, more than president obama. those 20 individuals somewhere the power to make this change and not in the soap box kind of way, but in a real way and say, we want to protect the women in this country. we want to protect the moral fiber of this country and we collectively have tens of billions of dollars. withoutous, there is for the revenue sharing. there is no cbs football. there is no monday night football. we can make the change. i call out those 20 ceos. what fascinates me are the numbers we are focusing on is number of billions of dollars. what about the numbers of one in four victim i women impacted by domestic abuse. that s is sad truth. we got to fix that. when the money starts to get in the way. when the money starts to be affected. that s when people pay attention. that s right. that is what is outrageous.
that s the deal. i m going to read a couple tweets. vanessa, i d like to you comment. i am being accused on twitter of not understanding them fully. so i don t know if you can help me out. the first one here just struck my eye. i m dying. i think i m dying. i agree with donny deutsche. there you go. that s got to be somebody from some how about the music industry. they re all culpable. that s from dennee thomas. sally albright. how do your daughter s interpret in it would be interesting to hear. my daughters do listen to rihanna and have listened to her. i heard the song loudly driving full of kid. am i misinterpreting that it seems, it s cool, it s hot to get beat up and to hurt. well, there certainly is artistic license. i know you talked ability that earlier in the show. that s one thing. also, let s think about this
song came out four or five years ago. she was in a different place then. maybe she s in a different place now. i don t think we re allowing people the opportunity to evolve. it s assumeing that you know what, am i not seeing that evolution in this latest development in i would love to see her, if there is an evolution, unfortunately, take the stand with the power she has, 37 million followers on twitter. young girls all around the world. i absolutely agree. i think that what she was trying to do by saying she objected to the way it was handled. the way that her song was snatched. i think she is trying to let people know she wasn t invited into the conversation. that is my opinion. we are running out of time. why doesn t she write a song for the more, no more, if he does it kick him in the nuts an run out
the door. they have the power to do that. are you writing that? that s out of my head. the women and sponsors together. i would love to, i know, she may not want to. she has wanted to share other aspects-ore life that were extremely artful and her art respects under healthy relationships. whether she was given an opportunity to work on this with nfl and cbs. clearly, she was not. it sounds like she was blindsided. i don t know. ly have to ask. as vanessa eluded to, i don t view those lyrics as an endorsement. i view her singing ability a person in that kind of relationship and explaining why they stay and what happens. i don t think she s saying i went through this with chris brown, i kind of like it, i m proud of it. i think she is pla singing
ability a place she was close to. the nfl can t be proud of that. meredith viera was saying earlier, you are going through a lot of deep emotional and psychological trauma and working through that is something that you may not necessarily want to do in the public eye. that s true. so where make it even harder for women to even say that they re in this kind of a relationship when you see how it played out. it hasn t played out the last couple of weeks. the woman is, ray rice s wife is attacked on twitter for you know attacked by other people in media. so what is the motivation? what is in it people of rape come forward. the victim continues to be a victim. isn t it then kind of uns understood to us, to sponsors and fans. especially fans wearing women, wearing ray rice jer what do you make of that? what is that? i can t even.
it is beyond my understanding of embracing, embracing someone, violence against women is wrong period. violence against children is wrong. it s wrong. we have a real problem in this country with it. no one is talking about. we re talking about the fact that the phone was pulled, endorsements are pulled. we are not talking about what these women go through. from our culture. in our culture. it s weirdly celebrated. essence magazine, please come back. still ahead on morning joe, actor vigo mortensen and senator claire mccaskill talking about issues that face professional sports and senator jeff flake, first the so-called king fire spreads closing down a california highway threatening more homes plus leonardo dicaprio messenger of peace?
we ll explain the actor s new role ahead on morning joe. new york state is jump-starting business with startup-ny. an unprecedented program that partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo. startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at
when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! a selling machine! ready for you alert, only at
. let s take a look at the morning papers, sal we? this is the philadelphia enquirer. a man lunt is under way for a man accused of killing a pennsylvania state trooper and critically injuring a second. they identified him based on documents left behind in an abandoned jeep. he is described as survivors will, authorities consider him armed and extremely dangerous. the trump plaza became the latest atlantic city to close on tuesday. the trump taj mahal has plans to close later this fall. atlantic city began with 12 and a third have since shut their
doors. look at the san francisco chronicle. nearly 6,000 firefighters are battling wildfires in california. the large and fast moving king fire has torn through 150 homes and structures outside of sacramento it is threatening ability 500 more. officials say the record breaking drought and hot conditions are exasperating the problems there. leonardo dicaprio has been named messenger of peace. he has a long standing commitment to environmental causes. he joins 11 other celebrities, including stevie wonder, michael douglas and george clooney. let s go to buzz gopro shows a man attempting to pull a gun and demands a backpack t. biker tries to flee
on foot and eventually the would be robber retreats the footage was turned over to authorities who was able to catch the offender. i don t understand, interesting? the guy where the guy flipping over the car is much better. much better. that was something, especially since he was okay. all right. maybe i ll share that next hour. coming up, milestones out of reach. what is to blame for millennials missing out on some of life s biggest moments, like marriage? like, seriously, marriage, they re missing out on it. first. they haven t found the right one. who would want to police out on marriage? in there. says donny deutsche. have you ever been married? twice. look at him. he s on his phone. i m working hard, trying to find my third wife on websiteles. it s just not working. how is that going? okay. first, awkward, senator jeff blake went to a deserted island for the sake of bipartisanship.
he will join us in a few minutes. morning joe will be right back
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. welcome back to morning joe. new just this morning, isis has released a new propaganda video that warns of attacks against american forces. the 1rdz titled flames of war features slow motion explosion. there is tejt that claims quote fighting has just begun. it comes as lawmakers plan to vote on the plan of o tack. there are new questions about the mission s direction. joint chiefs chairman general martin dempsey raised eyebrows by suggesting the possibility that ground troops could be introduced, contradicting what president obama has said repeatedly. my view at this point is that this coalition is the appropriate way forward. i believe that will prove true.
but if it fails to be true and if there are threats to the united states, then i, of course, would go back to the president and make a recommendation that may include the use of u.s. military ground forces. so a couple hours after that white house press secretary jack ernest says the policy has not changed and general dempsey referred to a hypothetical senatorio. nbc news has learned president obama and other officials are making a series of calls about the plan to arm syrian rebels. party leaders are optimistic, many rank and file members are undecided. that includes democratic senator joe manchin. one thing that i know we are sure of that training and those weapons will probably be used against us at some time in the future if everything has happened in the past. we took out saddam. iraq is in worse shape. we took out gadhafi. we got so bad if libya.
we lad to pull out our own people in the embassy. i am not thinking asaul saudi should be govenl as long as he is able to to remain there, he is fighting the same people we are asking the people to train to fight to pay $500 million. it makes no sense. you can t sell this stuff. senator joe manchin there. meanwhile this video allegedly shows the wreckage of the certain warplane shot down by islamic state militants. islamic confirms isis shot the video, they are working to verify it is the same plane. a man in rochester chester new york is indicted for allegedly trying to support isis and tried to kill members of the u.s. military returning home from iraq. wow. against that backdrop, joining us from capitol hill, senator jeff flake of arizona, senator flake, it s good to have you with us on this important day this, mo. what is your take about all this? it s a lot for the american
people to digest right now in terms of the vote coming out about authorization of force. i hear my colleagues and the concerns they are expressing. all of those share those. we have no good options. i m anxious to hear what john kerry has to say before our committee today. i m inclined to support the president s plan. what do you know about the syrian army that we re hoping to be able to prop up this work for us? is there anything that makes you feel confident that this could work? well, this is going to be a tough job. i mean, obviously, it s been revealed that we already having as in that regard trying to prep some fighters. this will expand that effort. like i said, there are no good options. this is going to be a long haul. it s going to be a tough thing. but i don t know that it s not
our best option out there right now. so i m inclined to support it. john meacham. senator, where do you stand on what appears to be not a difference of opinion, at least a difference in terms of discussing options between general dempsey and the white house? i think anybody who has studied this situation in any depth realizes you can t take boots on the ground or ground forces off the table and i think general dempsey was simply expressing that. so i mean the president may not want to admit it publicly, but obviously they ve considered and that that is an option and we may likely get to that. so i don t think it is any surprise to anybody who has been following this situation? we had a conversation earlier with jane harman and dan sen interestor, jane harman said there cob boots on the ground just not ours, dan sen interestinteresor, if
it s not our boots on the ground? we have to some extent some boots on the ground already. they just aren t on the front lines and whether there are other coalition partners that are willing to put boots closer to the front line is another matter. i think they have to be assured we will being them up and most of all,itative got to be assured that they ve got to be assured we are in this to win this and the signals said over the past couple of years have not been good in that regard some it s going to be more difficult to put together a coalition that will actually fight than it would have been a couple years ago. all right. senator jeff flake. thank you so much. we look forward to hearing what happens later today. still ahead, she has her sights on climbing one of the highest money tain, it s nearly an impossible feat, the sister of our own peter sal alexander, she joins with us her incredible story. up next as wall street
soars, are millennials left behind and what are they not doing? the washington post will explain next all that and more when morning joe. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman,
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it s time for chip to spread his wings. wow. well, this is very unexpected. we re going to blow out the east wall of my bedroom, enlarge the bathroom, basically turn the entire upstairs into a secondary master suite so there is room for the beth of us and the both of you under the same roof. what do you say?
that s a funny scene. the scene from the romantic comedy failure to launch. still at home. you didn t understand him. we do now. he s quite crazy in a good way. anyone here still living at home? no. define home. i live in my own home. a brand-new column looks at the reason why more and more millennials are not moving out. how they are missing out on many of life s milestones, joining us the author. good to havef to have you. already so many things they are not doing. yes, there are many milestones my generation are missing out as with previous cohorts. we are getting married less fwreektly compared to people ten years ago, 15 years ago. millennials it s a fuzzy term generally speaking it s
shorthand 18 to 45, 18 to 39 people in their 20s. there is no hard and fast cutoff. a third are living with the parents right now. that s only a quarter are married, in that same age range 18 to 35-ish were married in 2000. so we re definitely having somewhat they re not getting jo bs. not getting jobs. unemployment rates are very high. not getting married, not getting homes, not getting jobs. obviously, we know the answer here. this isn t a moral societal shift. this is the economy. right. as a somewhat i don t know i m a millenia again-y er yes, guess i call into that age range, i hear my generation as being lazy, sort of loose when it comes to family values, morally adrift. there are all sorts of slurs you can hurl at us and they are
often attributed to the fact that we don t care about settling down. we don t want to work. we don t want to have a ohio we don t want things a part of the american dream for generation past, if you look at survey data, that s absolutely not true t. vast majority say they are either married or those who are not married say they want to be married, only like in the single digit itself and percentage terms do you see that people never want to get married. has this been up on my smarten phone, i see this starting with even careers. you have so many young people who think i will start an act. i will be able to do it from my home. i think that s a very small share of my generation. they get a lot of press. i also see what i learn helplessness, they read in the maine papers, when i was 24, it was unacceptable to have a job.
today. i think those kind of accusations are made against every youth that enters the lego market. oh, they don t want to work. it s not stigmatizeing. they accept it. i always say to young people, there are jobs. it may not be the one you want or are qualified. if we line up ten people. you showed me the most aggressive to the least aggressive. that most aggressive will somehow find a job. so it s harder, it s more difficult. i almost sound like a grumpy old man. we all see it. tenacious kids, they can make it happen for themselves. you see a lot of young people that require skills below what their actual level of training is. you see a lot of unemployment in addition to high unemployment. mean tack kids who went. i say kids, they re adults, depending on what terminology
you want, who have gone to college, working at starbucks wlorks are working in retail they have taken on a lot of debt in order to obtain. so what are the implications then for society if have you this huge generation, a clunk of people who have come up sort of disillusioned not able to find the job they want or live the life they want to live. what does that mean culturally or for the country? you see a lot of disaffection politically when you look at statistics about trust government institutions and other institutions, you know, whether it s churches or schools or police or whatever, you see very low levels of trust, which could potentially turn into lower voter turnout rates and we already have relatively low voter turn jut rates but junl young people generally do. they don t vote in high numbers. but that could translate to all
sorts of belativiors later in life that are related to this feeling of isolation and the world has given on us, they re blaming me for not having a job for not being able to afford a home when actually i want all of those things. so katherine, when you first came on this show a few years ago, i remember you saying you leak it a lot. what s on your hand? i don t think this story is of you young lady this does not apply to you. i got married two weeks ago. wow! so i am one of the exceptions to my generation. what s the secret? what s the secret? how do you make it work? have a job. have a job, that really helps, it s truer for men than women. people who have the biggest dropoff in marriage rates tend to be less educated men with fewer job opportunities. that s why i think in some ways. it s outlook. it s about a lot of other factors in your life that make
it easier or harder for to you develop other relationships. to have those milestones, congratulations. thank you. i m so happy for you. okay. still ahead, we ll take a look at some of the brightest young minds shaping the world of tomorrow. first at the age of 12, she learns she would be robbed of her hearing and sight. rebecca alexander s inspireing story of overcoming adversity is next. it s not being peter s sister, she s dealt with more than that. that s a tough one. we ll be right back with more morning joe. when fixed income experts work with equity experts who work with regional experts that s when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration.
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and zero words per manwich. hold on. it s manwich.
. welcome back to morning joe request itself national koerntd beter alexander and his sister rebecca alexander the co-author of the new book not fade away. a memoir of sents lost and found. peter is here to share her story. it s a very personal one. good to see you guys. it s a great day. definitelifies to be here. definitely nice to be here. i am happy to share becky s story, he is one of the funniest, caring people, her world is changing rapidly.
she is lost losing her vision and hearing. she has little left. becky is the face of courage as you will see to me. don t stop, rebeck car, let s go. this is my sister rebecca. she is 35 now and the most impressive person i know. faster! looking at her, you have no ideas every idea shy has a disability. can you see my hand right here? yes. can i see my hand right here? no. when becky was 13 she was diagnosed with a rare disorder usher syndrome 3. it finally hit you i will go blind and deaf in college. what does that feel like? i felt as soon as i got that diagnosis, i need to do everything i can to make up for my loss. it was like my way of fighting back. becky is fearless, a tornado of energy, she s an extreme athlete leaving the rest of us in her dust. pick up your speed. with her hearing almost gone,
last year, becky received a cochlear implant, a surgically implanted device that gives ler a sense of sound. only becky passes the time before surgery like this. i came to see her the day before she got the implant. as you like to joke to me, i m getting a hole in my head. as i come to terms with this, even as a brother, this is the last time i ll ever look at you without a device on you. you know what i mean. yeah. which for me is shard too. does that worry you, in the way people view you? i m sorry, i m crying, i love you so much. it s okay. it s nice to know the people around you do care and they do have an emotional response to it. now, becky hears much better but her vision is limited to this. like she s looking through a star strau. and that window is closing. still, my sister remains upbeat and undeterred. it s incredible how in the last, you know, 15 years, how much my life has changed.
and it s actually better. i mean, it s funny that i could have a lot less vision and a lot less hearing and be a lot happier. wow. that s my sister becky. wow. becky. so we have to keep watching now after watching that. well, i m struck, becky, if i can call you becky, by your strength and your support for her, peter. do you remember how you first learned about this? at 12 or 13 when you get any type of news about when you for all intents and purposes are just fully sighted and hearing, it s hard to understand what it would mean to be deaf and blind so, don t thingk i really processed it. i just had difficulty seeing at night because that s the way it affected me most at the time. i accepted the diagnosis as it
progressed as i got older. your family s been incredibly supportive. i ve seen you talk about your sister. i know you re in awe of her. how has this journey from your standpoint built you as a person? i better call her rebecca because if i call her becky, i m going to hear it for the rest of the day. easy to be frustrated with something you re dealing with and being upset about nothing. and it just gives me ander would homes becky, rebecca, a sense of perspective. because it s hard to complain about a thing when you realize the experience she s having right now. i said that the day that my daughter was born was the happiest day of my life. this time right now is the proudest time of my life. she s still my kid sister right now. sharing her story so openly wither. that s a tough process. and not just sharing it, but inspiring people. everywhere, go, and i have the
blessing of being on tv, nobody asks me about anything i m doing. they say, how s rebecca? how s your sister? there s no one i d rather be associated with than her. rebecca, how are you? what is the status of your prognosis? a normally sighted person sees 180 degree. i have just about 10 degrees of my central vision. i have a very small sliver of vision in my periphery. so i have strong central vision but it s quite limited. and the hearing loss, i have profound hearing loss. i was very lucky that when i learned about having usher syndrome in college, i learned sign language. and i, you know, joined, really, the deaf community and learned sign language, win has been very, very hap felpful.
i had the implant a year ago. that has been helpful. that s the medical side of things. and then how are you how are you through the challenging moments of this? how do you describe them? well, it s interesting, because i think that we live in a little bit of a culture of focusing on all the things that we don t have or all the things that we re not as opposed to focusing on all the things that we do have and the things that we can do. it seems to me it s always worked for me that when i focus on the things that i still have, that i still can do, especially after being told i would not have inwas told i would be completely blind by 30 and i m 35 so to even have 10 degrees of vision is, you know, pretty remarkable and lucky and i don t take that for granted. see what you re saying. she s not messing around. no. rebecca s an extreme athlete. what the heck? i know, i mean it s ridiculous. she wrote this book, not fade away, and we call it a memoir
of losses sense and found. as much about the things you can find as it is about the things you have lost. it s far more important to focus on what there is to embrace than it is to the things you no lo longer experience. i want, before her window closes, for all those image, to be plastered inside her mind. for the rest of her life, when she hears me, that thoser erth go away. this book is literally for r forrer. because we all can peter s crying. it doesn t have to be nearly as bad as rebecca s. yes, thank you. the book is not fade away. rebecca alexander, thank you, so much. peter, thank you. can we talk about allison next at some point? yes. we ll talk. yes, my wife. we ll talk. she s great.
she s perfect actually. up next, a crisis of leadership. how the nfl is just one example of the lack decency in professional sports. senator claire mccaskill join us with an incredible story that showcases the root of the problem. along with marketing guru steve stout with his take on the seminal moment for the nfl. who s going to do it? who s going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who s going to take the leap? who s going to write the code? who s going to do it? engineers. that s who. that s what i want to do. be an engineer. join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america s future engineers. energy lives here.
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all right, just about the top of the hour. welcome back to morning joe. joining us now, brand marketing innovator steve stout, author of the best selling book, the tanning of america. also with us, senator claire mccaskill of missouri. donny deutsch still with us. willie and me. we ll get to the whole sponsorship issue. you represent some of them? yeah. okay. today, we are not talking about washington with claire mccaskill. senator claire mccaskill is a former sex crimes prosecutor. she has a problem in today s usa today about a case involving a former university of missouri football story. the story crystalizes how victory is put over decency. can you please tell us about dgb as he s called?
well, he was a big star coming out of high school. the number one recruit coming out of the country as a receiver. unfortunately, he had a lot of problems. most serious occurred in april we he broke in his girlfriend s apartment and pushed her roommate down the stairs with two hands to chest, drug her out of the apartment by her hair and her neck. the girlfriend then 16 different times by text message begged her roommate not to press charges. no charges were pressed against this player. but university of missouri, in a proud moment for me, kicked him off the team. just a few months later, he was picked up by the university of oklahoma. and with a straight face, they asked the ncaa to waive his eligibility limitation because he was run off, the run off exception in the ncaa rules, through no fault of his own. the ncaa denied that request,
thankfully. but what really brought this toem for me was over the weekend, i noticed there had been a poll of division 1 coaches. would who would you like your son to play for in college football. i couldn t believe it when i read that bob stoops, the coach, at the university of oklahoma, was the top choice. along with the coach from georgia. all the division 1 coaches. i said wait a minute, you want your son to go play for a coach who looked the other way, put this player on his team, and then tried to pretend he was kicked off the team at missouri through no fault of his own? to me, that is really the essence of the problem. that we are putting victory and winning or one-loss record over the conduct of these players and that reflects in every level of sports and every sport. lots of teams. i don t want to pick on university of oklahoma because
this occurs all the time. it s a story that s close to you. you ve got two major teams in your state. you re a big fan and you follow the college teams as well. claire, it s not just over sort of right and wrong, it s over the law in some cases, these choices are being made. it is. but what a lot of people have done is they hide behind the fig leaf. well, there was no criminal charges. you know, you judge the conduct of every case on its merits. regardless of whether or not women cooperate in prosecutions. regardless whether a woman is willing to come forward out of the shadows. there s a lot of pressure on women not to do that. but you look at the conduct and isolation. i want to mention another case, which has really got me. there s a federal judge in alabama that beat his wife in a ritz-carlton and was arrested in august and he sits on the bench today. and that is just as outrageous. we re spending a lot of time on the nfl, but there s no excuse
for that federal judge to be sit ing with that kind of power after he acknowledged his conduct in terms of beating his wife. hlaceratio lacerations, in front of her children, all of that. it takes people like you to have a unified front on this. i m still waiting if we ve heard from the governor of california. other governors have spoken out. let me bring everybody up to date. we re going to be talking about sponsors as well. running back ray rice is now appealing his indefinite suspension by the nfl. the league s players association is demanding the punishment be overturned. in a statement, the union writes, in part, quote, supporting facts reveal a lack of a fair and impartial process, including the role of the office of the commissioner. commissioner roger goodell initially handed rice a two-game suspension for assaulting his future wife. then the league increased the
penalty after another video could be irm firmed the violence that occurred. rice, who was dropped by the ravens, has been accepted by a rehab program and can be accepted by the league at the discretion of the front office. the nfl, and this is honestly what it s all about in terms of driving decisions, it s a $1 billion business. the companies that help foot the bill are clearly worried. one of the first to speak out was radisson hotels which earlier this week polled its sponsorship of the nfl vikings. now another huge name is raising concerns. the beer giant anheuser-busch says we re disappointed and increasingly concerned by the recent incidents that have overshadowed this nfl season. we are not yet satisfied with the league s handling of behaviors that so clearly go against our own company culture and moral code. that s a st. louis company, claire, by the way. visa says domestic violence in
any form, unacceptable. has no place in the nfl or our society more broadly. all of visa s partners, including the nfl, maintain high ethical standards and operate with full transparency. several sponsors spoke out against domestic violence while reiterating their support for the league. many are taking a wait and see approach. according to the ap, nike stores and the twin cities have pulled adrian peterson s jerseys from the shelves. a company ek sspokesperson says that s as far as they know. and his product continues to be available for public. you represent some? yeah, i work with anheuser-busch specifically. it s a shame what s taken place. . lack of leadership at the top of this is what really let this whole thing get carried away. what s the strategy for
sponsors? i ll tell you what i see. it feels liker s scrambling to catch up with the obvious. how does a major sponsor really make a stand on something and make clear it s eradicated, because it is wrong. the sponsors did it with the nba. i think the wait and see approach is goodell. is goodell going to keep his job and you know what the it s not about goodell. by the way. it s about i said this earlier. you and i brooth know, 99% of cs are good people. i think in this case, the ceos, budweiser and visa, have an opportunity now. they control the league. roger goodell does not control it. 20 to 40 ceos control the future of that league. you re talking about the
sponsors? but the tv money is so big in the nfl. of course, from the sponsors. we will be back in a second. nor do i expect the sponsors to leave football. but they have the opportunity to say, look, we want to change the rules. the punishment is different. we are behind this league. we love this league. we re also behind treating women in a certain way. they have an opportunity to not only do the right thing but it s good for business. why are you saying it s not about goodell? there s no diversity in the c sweet period. there s no women there to look at this video and say this is wrong, we can t give this guy a two-game suspension. but the sponsors were okay with the suspension. the sponsors did not know at the time there was video footage in the elevator okay, hold that thought. i think the point that s being made about the lack of women by the way, goodell has
worked to bring women in now to work on this problem, but none of the women are african-american and the league is 70% african-american so, you know, i think they re really this is a moment in our country for those of us who have toiled in these fields for decades in terms of domestic violence, whether it s judge mark fuller in alabama, ray rice or dgb, it is time for the sports world in general and every other part of our country to say, you know, we can foot turn a blind eye to this. now this has to be a priority in terms of recognizing this. the women are a big part of anheuser-bus anheuser-busch s market. they re a big part of the nfl market. the other things the nfl needs to look at. but the notion that this is all on goodell or all on the sponsors, it s on all of us. it s on women to begin to vote with their pocketbook about how they have been objectified and, frankly, how this problem has not been taken seriously enough. go ahead, willie.
i was going to ask steve, just obviously the core issue is domestic abuse, but your business is branding. strictly branding question. we ve been saying for last week, if they re so concerned with protecting the brand of the nfl, why would they protect the two players who, i hate to say this, but are disposabldisposable? why would they go out of their way to protect two guys? i think there s a long list of it. i think there s a long list of issues that happen all the time with these athletes and they tray to protect the league, protect the shield. they figure out ways going to get out away what s not going t out. then all of a sudden, social media and everybody came out rallying. the commissioner gets things like this across his desk, constantly. the senator, really fast, it
does fall on the sponsors. they re the ones that have the switches. i m a problem solver. it s great to say women need to stand up. what i m saying is the quickest fix, once again, to get where we need to get to, which is new rules and new penalties, are for the people who are paying the bill to change the game. that s just a harsh reality. but that s the networks. you want to talk about who pays it s not the networkings. it it s still the sponsors paying the networks they re paying 20 million why couldn t they do that? the networks could black out the game, they don t have to play the games that s not going to happen. claire, i ve got a totally different question for you, and then we re going to hit the musical angle of this and the television facet of this. the musical angle? it s not like a broadway musical. claire? yes. where are your counterparts in california on this? we have a san francisco 49er charged with beating his pregnant wife.
obviously he hasn t been convicted mcdonald but he is definitely someone who should be benched. where s jerry brown, where s barbara boxer? where are your counterparts in the state of california? i m sure that they are in agreement with me. i m sure that dianne feinstein and barbara boxer, i m sure they are firmly in the camp of this is a good time to say. by the way, all these players e deserve due process. we re talking about not allowing the system to make the decision. the player in california, the judge in alabama, the player in minnesota, all need to be held accountable for their conduct. need they say, enough is enough. one loss. we can win without having people on our team we can win without
people who have decided it is okay to not have moral character. i think they should speak out. these are women s rights advocates, are they not? are they penople who care about their constituents? like claire, that actually involve some moral conviction? we should point out both senators, boxer and feinstein, were on the letter that was sent to goodell ripping his decision. i would love to see more. handled correctly, so in new england, when ash hernandez came up for questioning, bob kraft, nfl owner, new england patriots, he made that decision to get rid of hernandez before law enforcement got involved. that s where he understood the ethics and he didn t care about the comments. i think that s what the nfl issue is is that rub between ethics and commerce. they re picking commerce. that s ways behat s been happen
in terms of the major sponsor here, but another element, the situation involving cbs sports and it the pop singer rihanna a what may or may not have been connected to her own past. the seven-time grammy winner was assaulted by singer chris brown. an image of her injuries was published all over the place. brown felt guilty to felony assault and avoided prison time. he received five years of probation as part of the plea deal. the two entertainers were ordered to stay 50 yards away from each other. just three weeks after, they reunited. they have since split up. during an interview, which we don t need to run right now, i ll just say, she discussed her decision to go back and talked about why it would be wrong to stay with him because it sends a bad message to other people. she went on to perform and sing. in a video with eminem, rihanna sings about an abuse nt
relationship. lines like this, just going to stand there and watch me burn. that s all right because i lake t like the way it hurts. now cbs has abandoned its plan to choose a different song for its open for college football. it contains the lyrics, i m addicted to the thrill, it s a dangerous love affair. last week, cbs dropped the song. with the chairman of the sports division saying, we thought journalistically and from a tone standpoint, we needed to have the appropriate tone and coverage been rihanna hit back, on twitter, writing, cbs, you pulled my song last week, now you wanna slide it back this thursday? no. you all are said for penalizing me for this. the audacity. cbs pulled the song for the season, saying we will be moving in a different direction. we will be using our newly created thursday night football theme music to open our game.
pat boone will be okay, so rihanna got got it completely taken what, what s wrong? i m laughing at donnie. a lot response on twitter pretty critical to my concern that perhaps her songs don t help any platform she would have to combat domestic violence. i haven t seen her really do that. go ahead, john tower, what are they saying? you wanted rihanna to step up. can educate the listener about what may be going on in a victim s mind about her lyrics. nicky wrote, you re still blaming the women. it s not the abused women s job to step up and put a stop to her abuser. steve is there any way they could have continued having cbs sports, rihanna in the open? i mean, thing there s a lot of it was music they picked
in the beginning. they obviously liked the song. when you read the lyrics of that song, it makes you ask, wihy di you pick it any way for thursday night football? along those lines, i brought up jay z earlier, who would be a great guy to champion this cause. he s a good friend of yours. don t we have to go i don t want to sound like a cranky old white guy. the lyrics of so many of these songs that glorifies violence, glorifies a certain type of thuggish behavior. don t we kind of have to start this is your business. you have to look at the lyrics of the song. look, my point is, i don t know why cbs chose to use that song. you look at the lyrics of the song. i think pulling rihanna s song at that point because of the ray rice situation or because of the nfl was overreacting. you didn t have to pull that song. the song was a popular song. totally disagree.
but why did they choose do you disagree with them using it in the beginning? i think it s stunning we re here right now, that that is think about all the things that were let go over the course of the past few months by fans, by viewers, by people who are supposed to be observers of culture, even us. everything just didn t connect. now it s all connected and it makes no sense to me that a woman who s the subject of domestic violence went back and still sings songs about it and does not have a platform against it should be opening nfl thursday night football. it makes no sense. i will tell you, that wasn t an eminem song. it was an eminem song she was on. okay, so what does that mean? you re calling it it s like it s okay? no, you just keep calling it a rihanna song, i want to correct you. rihanna is singing the song. that s the inappropriate connection. between thursday night football, in the middle of a domestic violence scandal, okay, that is
having far-reaching ko consequences you re telling me they re waiting for roger goodell to go, this is so bad. yeah. so how could they open their thursday night i don t know why they would ever pick that sock in the beginning. that s my point. was it that i don t know if it was that song. it wasn t that song. no, but the symbolism wait if it wasn t that song, why did they pull the song? the song itself also has lyrics. she herself and her story doesn t really work for them right now. they re going in a different direction. vanessa bush of es sense magazine on last hour brings up the point it might have been a great idea to approach her, rihanna, to see if she d like to join their coverage on thursday and talk about the issue. that would have been amazing. of course, we could all pontificate, but i want to say it again, you re a guy, you wrote a book, the the tanning
of america, bridges the corporate world and the african-american community in a meaningful way. isn t it time for the jay zs of the world, again, great man, people follow us, our lyrics inspire, challenge. people mimic. i think for any hip-hop artist at this point to be in any way in the song talking about violence against women and talking about hos and what not to be othver and i m starting i. we just pontificate. people have to start doing stuff. it s the jay zs of the world. not the pundits, unfortunately and not even the great senators like claire mccaskill. i would argue that jay z has done that over the last ten years. he s helped hip-hop grow up a lot more. he s led the way in that keep going. if i were the nfl, i would invite rihanna to do a brief to
camera monologue at the beginning of the game on thursday and point out to women across america that there are domestic violence shelters that can help them in their community. i think we need to remember there are thousands of women today in this country that will be too afraid to do anything. that feel helpless about doing anything. that are worried about the safety of their children. and we need to keep emphasizing every we re talking about this a lot. we re not spending enough time talking to the women that need to have the strength to get help and support in every major community in america. we now have a great network that can provide that assistance to women in the situation that rihanna was in. she did walk away from that relationship eventually. she did. and that is hard for these women. for a lot of complicated reasons. so i would hope, rihanna and i would think the nfl would ask her to do a public service
announcement. totally. saying reach out, get help. i agree with the senator. steve, and then we have to go. for the sponsor anheuser-busch, is it a matter of goodell staying or going? i think it s a matter of seeing an action that what s action? because you started out by saying it s all about what happens with goodell. i m saying the leadership. goodell, the leadership of the nfl, has to take action against all these cases and show all of their sponsors, whether it s anheuser-busch, visa, mcdonald s, that they re going to course correct so these things never happen again. it just seems like a lot of things are we even close to where we need to be we re not even might they pull their sponsership? i think if they don t see a quick change, they will pull their sponsorship. they re going to affect the change. senator mccaskill, thank you so much. great piece in usa today. coming up on morning joe, actor viggo mortensen join us.
first, apple s solution to its security flaw. then, nearly three years later, one lucky dog owner finds his missing pup thousands of miles away from home. are you serious? we ll be right back. what if a photo were more than a memory?
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from the washington post, as we take a look at the papers, nasa has awarded new space contracts to boeing and space x at the cost of nearly $7
billion. u.s. astronauts have been riding russian rockets since nasa retired its shuttle program three years ago. the agency hopes to resume launches from u.s. soil in 2017. nasa says its goal is pro dues an american-made spaceship that s less expensive and more reliable. let s look at apple is stepping up its security for i-cloud accounts. the tech giant has added two-step security verification for its cloud storage. users are going to be able to activate the new feature that alerts them via phone when suspicious activity is detected. the los angeles times . audi along with mercedes and google became the first company to test self-driving cars on california roads. joining michigan, florida and nevada with laws permitting autonomous vehicles. the times reports that
globally there may be more than 200,000 self-driving cars on the road by 2025. from our new york affiliate w nbc, after more than 2 1/2 years, a lucky dog owner will be reunited with his pooch that was found thousands of miles from home. this is a fantastic story. he assumed his toy fox terrier ni ka, not mika, but nika, was stolen from his yard in upstate new york. this week, he received a call from a florida shelter saying a microchip plan had turned up his information. he hopes that he will be reunited with his dog by thanksgiving. what? why thanksgiving? how did he get 3,000 miles away? get the dog home. poor nika. i take it it s a female dog. it s not as heart warming as i thought. i ll see you in a couple months. ask nicole wallace. she named the female dog in the
white house mika. who s better than nicole wallace? no one. even though she did that. the organizers of a pop-up restaurant under fire for offering the last meals of death row inmates on its menu. the website featured a series of photos with inmates with menus around their necks. the so-called death row dinners were going for 50 pounds or $81 a pop. after facing backlash, okay organizer, released a statement saying we re shocked and saddened by the response to death row dinners and are very sorry for any offense caused. the pop-up is every time you say it can t get any stupider in this world. and they re really shocked? they re saddened. could they be shocked? want to be in the room where the guy says, i got it, i got the next big idea. here it is. taunls, what do we have next? so, we want to show you this motorcycle rider.
it s from russia. incredible video that has no value but it s kind of cool. this person is so lucky to be alive. shocking accident. all caught on tape. a car can be seen approaching a traffic light. as the car preps to cross the intersection, a biker can be seen rubbing the red light and the driver of the two vehicles. the driver flipping off and landing in between the two cars and sliding down the center. preventing him from being hit by either of the vehicles. amazingly, he survives that accident. i mean, this could have been so much worse just by a split second. that s the morning joe action cam from leningrad? yes, something like that. apparently so many people in russia because of accidents and insurance claims have dash cams in their car to prove who s at fault in accidents. so there s a lot of very interesting russian video.
all right. coming up. getting an eblg on fight against cancer and uncovering the secrets of dinosaurs. those are just a few of the projects from the brilliant award winners. that s ahead. first, a look at the markets with cnbc s sara eason. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings?
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joining us now for business before the bell, cnbc s sara icen. we just got earnings out of general mills, which makes cheerios and wheaties. they are struggling. profit down. sales came in short estimates. it goes to this theme. you really see the winners and losers in some of these giant food companies. americans are shifting their habits. they re not eating breakfast cereal like they used to. remember, i told you, just a little while ago, a few weeks ago, general mills paid $820 million to buy annie s which makes the cheddar bunnies and mac and cheese. they re trying to get into these organic foods. so general mills has an uphill battle. the other big market story is going to be the federal reserve.
janet yelling will be taking the podium. they re out with their big interest rate decision at 2:00 p.m. it s always a market mover. today, everybody wants to know, is she going to change her tune on the economy which has shown improvement and when are they going to start thinking about getting back to a normal world where they would raise interest rates, get out of that crisis style policy. so that s going to be big to watch. i know you guys were all over the apple releases. the reviews for the iphone 6 and plus are out. how are they? they re pretty positive. i ll just point to ross because he s the tech critic. he calls it a winner. a lot of things he likes. i ll just point out one. because it matters a lot to me. the battery life. 14 to 15 hours. that s a huge improvement. wow. okay. that s something. now, that is something. and they re unbreakable? well, he actually said that
he dropped his, but and it actually crashicked, but it jus shows you you do have to have a case on it. he was impressed with the larger screen. how much is the case? some of these cases are 100 bucks. come on. you can pay anything for a case. you can get a caissse on the stt for ten bucks. those don t work. he dropped it and it cracked. the iphone 6 plus is big. so i wonder who s going to buy that. it s not exactly like the phone you put in your pocket. it s kind like a pmini computer all right, sara eison, thank you. give me those glasses so i can read the tease here. all right. here we go. how we doing. from a 50 cents paper microscope to a computer program that helps
people track what personal information they ve shared, one of popular science s brilliant mines. actor viggo mortensen in his challenging new role in his film the two faces of january. (vo) get ready! fancy feast broths. they re irresistabowl. completely unbelievabowl. totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she s been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood,
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factories will work with the cloud. one day. is today. 41 past the hourt. executive editor of popular science. the magazine is out with its brilliant awards. we also have one of those brilliant minds. who i guess is number one on the list, and i just have to say, you two are changing the face of science in the minds of many for so many reasons. you re on the top of the brilliant ten and you had an
incredible idea that protects us. tell us about it. right. so my work focuses on building tools to increase control and transparency over what happens to our data online. right now, a lot of web services, a lot of mobile applications, are collecting a lot of information about us. and we have no idea what they re doing with it. so my tools try to tell users a little bit of what s happening to their data online. i can t stand, thomas, that if you log on a certain e-mail system or you buy something, all of a sudden your private information is going elsewhere. it makes me not want to have an account on well, you re being mined and people are learning about you and learning about your habits. so your idea was for this system and for like the cloud for example to almost have demench sha, to forget about you. i know apple has come out with
its news today about adding layers of protection. how do you create the system to forget the information we re trying to get it to remember? one of the problems today is with this data collection, you know, the internet never forgets. these web services ha s hardly remooed information they ve learned about you. that s a big problem because if you write a sensitive e-mail and you want to delete it, you cannot do it. our tool is called vanish. what it does, it lets users create e-mails that are configured to self-destruct after a preset period of time. wow. okay. i love that. how did you how does she get chosen? every year, popular science looks for the ten people, the ten young scientists and engineers who are working in the united states who are incredibly impressive in that they re making ground-breaking changes in their field already and
making the world a better place. she s tackling a really big issue which is what happens to your data when you put it online and through this software she s creating, she s approaching the problem in really innovative ways. people looking at big challenges and then looking at them creatively. did she grab your attention because of, say, our conversations about edward snowden and celebrities in the i-cloud and really i think it s even more personal than that. when you go online and you re at a commerce site and you plug in your personal data and your credit card. a lot of these sites wants to know your age and your sex and you don t know what happens to your information. this is a pervasive problem let s look at the others. half of the people in the top ten are women, which is nice.
nicole abad, she studied bats to make drones smarter. yes, so she s lots of people tend to work at the intersection of different fields. nicole looks at how bads swarm and how to communicate with each other to not, for instance, bang into each other as they exit a cave. so to make robots smarter and help us create drones that can perhaps swarm. jordan green shows the immune system how to fight cancer. love that. yeah. creates censors for the internet i don t understand what that is. censors that can communicate with each other and can run indefinitely because they scavenge energy from their environment in order to power. it s a way to gather tons of data from the environment.
and katerina is making an alternative to antibiotics. that could be earth shattering. especially the overprescription of antibiotics and the development of immunity in children, especially, who take too many antibioticings. yes, she s doing it in such an innovate imway in that she s looking at the body s defense system, the mukess your body creates. she s applying it to an artificial substance that could one day potentially do the same thing. i love the cover, the future of the car. it s not just a car anymore. i love this. i m about to get my driver s license he s obsessed. yeah. we re going to be checking out the latest issue of popular science. thank you so much. visit the afternoon mo joe
session our website. afterno what s he doing there? viggo mortensen joins us next to tell us about his latest role and why fans of the movie the talented mr. ripley should take note of this new film. we ll be right back. what is that? machines will be sprayed to be made. and making something stronger. will mean making it lighter. one day, factories will work with the cloud. one day. is today.
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you reimburse my clients, we ll leave you and your love loy wife alone. my wife has nothing to do with this. look, see if we can come to an arrangement. unfortunately, i m not authorized to negotiate with you. i m just here for the money. yeah, okay, let me go get it. chester. that was a scene from the new movie the two faces of january.
the co-star of the film joins us now. what a scene. it s a really good movie. it s a wild ride and old-fashioned, very intelligently written story. we shot in beautiful places too. we were in greece, crete, istanbul. what are the two faces of january ? it s from mythology. it has to do with being partly in the past and partly in the future and it also means in mythology it s like a doorway or a passageway and the labyrinth, you know, the mist of the labyrinth, getting lost. patricia highsmith. we all know, talented mr. ripley. so this is very sexy, sleek. filmed in the same kind of vision as that film. my mom is happy for once.
i don t play a scruffy character. i m cleaned up. it s 1962 so it s kind of but you re a touch flawed. well, he s a con man. yeah, but even con men were dapper back then. kennedy was president. there was still the good will, the afterflow from world war ii. so americans were still, you know it was well before vietnam really got going and waterga watergate. you have an excellent co-star in kirsten dunst. as a couple, you guys are predatory in how you operate and play off each other, correct? we, she s not totally innocent. she sort of knows but turns a blind eye, like, i don t want to know. i know we have a lot of money and i m not sure how you got
this money. he s pretty charming. i mean, he s someone who just seems like a well off bit of a clumsy tourist. and then you realize. he s a younger con man, sort of starting out, and he sees this couple and thinks, i can take them for money and take advantage of him. and she s nice to look at so maybe take her from him as well. what he doesn t realize is i m just like him only i ve had more experience. so there s a real battle. it looks absolutely fascinating. the two faces of january is available on demand and on itunes and in theaters friday october 26th. we saw you holding up a flag in the tease. i realize now you have a present for joe. i know he s a soccer, football fan. he s a liverpool fan. this is the pope s team. my team. since childhood. i wrote a little phrase for
liverpool fans. you ll never walk alone. i m doing a panel with him tonight in detroit so i ll deliver that to him. do you like it? it s wrong what i m doing? they re not happy with this? if viggo s all right with it. it s very comfortable, thank you so much. the movie looks amazing. up next, what, if anything, did we learn today. take and. aflac! and a gentle wavelike motion. aahhh- ahhhhhh. liberate your spine, ahhh-ahhhhhh aflac! and reach, toes blossoming. not that great at yoga. yeah, but when i slipped a disk he paid my claim in just four days. ahh! four days? yep. find out how fast aflac can pay you, at
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la quinta! time to talk about what we learned today. i learned that willie geist, our colleague and friend, is really rising to the top. he s becoming the honorary captain of the vanderbilt commodores this saturday. oh, very nice. it s pretty big. that is huge. willie is a member of the student media hall of fame at vanderbilt. this is a big next step. so sort of a stepping stone to get there? i think so, i m running the campaign so thomas? this popular science magazine and how they pick the ten rising stars. we re going to talk about this in afternoon mo joe. so very cool how women scientists are leading the way. not fade away. get this book. it s a big for everybody. peter alexander was really
truly he s a big softy, that peter alexander. sharing his sister rebecca with us. rebecca alexander wrote this book. it will make you appreciate life in a way perhaps you never have before. we re going to go to the daily rundown which is hosted by rebecca alexander s brother. have a great day. very proud brother today, mika, thank you for those words. hill of problems. a very busy morning for congress with a vote expected on arming syrian rebels. speaking about terrorism. an ebola survivor. the plan to save thousands in african. benghazi review. a whole lot more. mounting pressure and outrage over abuse allegations. the vikings reverse course. barring adrian peterson, their star, from all

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140929 10:00:00

log on to our facebook page #keeptalking. we hope you have a great week. thanks for starting it off with us. fox & friends starts right now. bye. good morning. it is monday, september 29. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a monster truck show takes a deadly turn. oh no! what caused the driver to plow into a crowd of people right this? he beheaded a woman in oklahoma and tried to convert his co-workers to islam. and this morning he will be charged with first-degree murder. but what about terrorism? we have a live report. the administration underestimated isis but it wasn t the president s fault the our head of the intelligence community, jim clapper, has acknowledged
that i think they underestimated what had been taking mace place in syria. wasn t the president being briefed on isis for over a year? we ll take a cloture a closer look because your mornings are better with friends. live from studio e in the heart of midtown manhattan. it s fox & friends. by the way, if you are craving a cup of coffee today, it is okay because it s national coffee day. great news for so many. we can t wait to share that cup with m9ñ i think we have a special surprise object that very same theme. we have this for you first. a fox news alert. he s accused of beheading a former co-worker and seriously hurting another and today alton know lab will officially be charged but the question is why
isn t this being called a terrorist act. a big question as to what this is being called or what it s not being called. local police initially said it was workplace violence and he is still in the hospital but will now face first-degree murder charges and assault with a deadly weapon. police say he got angry in oklahoma city and went on a rampage at company headquarters. he killed one woman and was hacking away at another when the c.e.o. shot him. his mother recorded a video apologizing for her son s actions. our hearts bleed right now because what they re saying alton has done. i want to apologize to both families because this is not alton. there are two investigations here. the first being the local one into the attack but also a federal one looking
at nolen s possible ties to terrorism. his facebook page makes reference to share i can t can t sharia law, jihad and 9/11. he had been in jail but released on good behavior. locals say he was a frequent worshiper in his mosque where he was described as a little off. he also assaulted a cop and they get him out in less than two years when he should be in jail for six. it is a crazy story. local cops in oklahoma, they refer to what he did, he terrorized the people at work. the big question is will it be regarded as terrorism? let s face it. he s a guy who you look at his facebook page, he embraced radical islam actions and stuff like that.
could this be the beginning of the lone wolf attacks we ve been worried about? if we re going to stop it, we have to at least acknowledge it. he was obsessed with islamic extremism. did you watch 60 minutes last night? that interview generated reactions. pumped up prez blasts putin and china. that s how we roll. the daily news by the way george clooney got married. the daily news says see no evil. obama admits isis caught us off guard, that according to the new york post. curious is he s very outward in the fact that he throws the intel community under the bus. watch. i think our head of the intelligence community, jim clapper, acknowledged that i think they underestimated
what had been taking place in syria. with isil was that you had al qaeda in iraq which was a vicious group, but our marines were able to quash, with the help of sunni tribes. they went back underground. but offense the past couple of years but over the past couple of years during the chaos of the civil war where essentially you had huge swathes of the country completely ungoverned they were able to reconstitute themselves. that headline you held up initially that said bomb inator. i think it is really blame-in-ator. we ve been reporting, not just the c.i.a. and other members of the intel community have been pumping
information into the white house for up to two years now on the growth of the islamic state, on the chaos that was created by abandoning iraq, assessments on concerns over the readiness of the iraqi army, their abilities and their tactical and leadership command and structure. all this was going into the white house. so i don t know what they were doing with the reports. either they chose to ignore them because they didn t meet the narrative they were putting out there about decimating al qaeda. or they paid no attention. you hear mike baker speaking for c.i.a. operatives, all the people who said if you pull out there s a problem. the military said if you pull out there s a problem. we watch al-maliki replace all the sunni leaders with shia leaders. one of the guys for a minute we thought was nonpartisan tried to pull the sects together and start denying the kurds of
their rations. at the same time telling the sunnis you can hit the road, at the same time syria erupts and goes offense the border. for example, on january 3 do you need a threat assessment to tell you volusia fell, sinjar august 34. and then we get a strategy. how much lead time do you need? we know the president watches news reports because if he was watching he would have seen this happening. it bothers me so much to see somebody blame somebody else for a position they re in. that s the antileadership quotient. it was very clear. stevecroft tried to bring the president to say i thought you were the guy who didn t want to start a war. you ve started a war. we re not at war with isil which is funny because we had admiral kirby last week say we are at war with
isil. here s the president. he s done a 180 over the last month or so. now he says when the going gets tough, the tough go to america. america leads. that s always the case. we are the indispensable nation. we have capacity no one else has. our military is the best in the history of the world. and when trouble comes up anywhere in the world, they don t call beijing. they don t call moscow. they call us. that s the deal. it looks like we are doing 90% steve, this is not an when there is a typhoon in the philippines, take a look at who s helping the philippines deal with that situation. when there s an earthquake in haiti, take a look at who s leading the charge making sure haiti can rebuild. that s how we go that s
how we roll. and that s what makes us america. i loved it. i love that statement. i love everything he said right there. i hope it shows the situation where the president once he got behind the wheel of the country said we are unbelievable. because it is not seemingly how we always felt. who was that guy who made that sound bite? when you read that it looks reminiscent of president reagan, president bush president clinton too. president clinton as well. but it hasn t necessarily been the tone we ve been hearing so far from president obama. take a listen. america must move off a permanent war footing. america must always lead on the world stage but u.s. military action cannot be the only or even primary component of our leadership in every instance. unless we discipline our thinking, our definitions, our actions, we may be drawn into more wars we don t need to fight. these new circumstances
have also meant chipping away from a perpetual war footing. america should not be expected to police the world particularly when we have so many pressing needs here at home. remember what he said in 2009. i believe in american exceptionalism just as the greeks believe in greek exceptionalism. no offense but i don t think he can put us in the same category. his last sound bite america should not be expected to police the world and we started that with when trouble comes to the world they turn to the united states. we now turn to ainsley earhardt. thanks guys. let me tell you about the headlines. terrifying video capturing the moment a monster truck rally in the netherlands takes a deadly turn.
[screaming] you can hear all the spectators screaming as that truck knocks down the guardrail and plows through that crowd. thee people, including a child, are now dead. 20 others injured. the truck driver is now being questioned. investigators think the gas pedal got stuck or the brakes failed. new details in the case of a real estate agent who vanished in arkansas. police issuing an arrest warrant for this man, aaron lewis. the 33-year-old suspected of kidnapping beverly carter. lewis has an extensive criminal record in arkansas and utah and is on supervised parole until 2017. carter disappeared after showing a house to a potential buyer. beverly carter s son will join us live at 7:15 this morning eastern time with an update. the f.a.a. scrambling to restore a flight center. thousands of flights canceled since a fire
friday morning. the f.a.a. is bringing in extra technicians to replace the damaged communications network. they expect to return to full service in two weeks. 36-year-old contract worker brian howard is charged with starting that fire but is currently in the hospital. monday morning of course means nfl highlights. the dallas cowboys taking on the new orleans saints. romo throwing for three touchdowns and murray agd two scores on the ground. cowboys win 38-17. the green bay packers taking on the chicago bears. rogers showing off with four touchdowns. packers getting the 38-17 win to grab the team 700 all-time wins. those are your headlines. thank you very much, ainsley. a beheading in the name of islam at work. is it terror or workplace violence? a witness who survived the fort hood massacre joins us live next to react.
just after the clooney wedding, these photos are likely the only ones you ll get to see. just suck them in. these pictures they took to prevent guests from leaking pictures of their special day. (vo) watching. waiting. for that moment, where right place meets right time. and when i find it- i go for it. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that s why we give you the edge, with innovative charting and trading features, plus powerful mobile apps so you re always connected, wherever you are. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours.
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a recent convert to islam beheads a former co-worker while stabbing another. today alton nolen will be charged with first-degree murder as his mother insists, there are two sides to every story. i want to apologize to both families because this is not alton. but i just i m praying that justice will prevail, the whole story will come out. meanwhile nolen celebrated acts of terrorism against the united states on his facebook page. so should his crime be considered workplace violence or an act of terror? joining us is retired u.s. army sergeant howard ray. he survived the fort hood massacre after rushing nine people to safety. good morning to you, sergeant. good morning.
how are you? doing okay. i understand you saw the first news reports of this guy down in oklahoma beheading his co-worker; took you right back to fort hood, didn t it? absolutely did. it really made me think about how our fight with terrorism and really bad atrocities like this is far from over. i mentioned a moment ago how this particular guy on his facebook page appeared to be obsessed with radical islam. there are reports that he may have been shouting islamic phrases as well. we haven t really heard from the feds on this. we heard from some of the locals saying this guy did what terrorists do. they terrorize. but isn t this terrorism rather than workplace violence, which is what fort hood was categorized by the feds? well, obviously this did happen at a workplace. but i think the more and more that you look into the suspect s facebook page and
his ideology, i think you can really find the underpinning of why this happened. an angry co-worker doesn t just, you know people typically run into that situation. you ll see a shooting or something like that. but you won t necessarily see someone get their head severed from their body, which is so tragic and so painful. i know for that family and for the co-workers and everyone in moore, oklahoma, right now, it even pains me as a survivor of the 2009 attack at fort hood. it s horrible. i tell you what, the people at that particular processing plant, they re lucky the c.e.o., mark vaughn, was a reserve deputy and had a gun on him at the time and was able to, he shot him a couple of times. the guy s going to live but nonetheless he was able to stop him. there he is right there. that guy s a hero. absolutely is.
one of the great things that we can learn from this is small business has learned a lesson that if they arm their employees, their employees will be safe. the sad thing is on a grander scale as far as our government goes, i don t think we ve quite learned that lesson yet. i think you could be right. sergeant howard ray joining us from austin, texas. thanks for your service and thanks for getting up early to be with us here on fox & friends. thank you so much. take care. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up cloudstdy of tear gas swallowing protesters in front of a government building, but police cannot stop their cry for democracy. i hope that makes sense for you. after a two-time battle, nfl hall of famer jim kelly is cancer-free. it s all part of a plan that the lord has. and i m going to continue to follow that plan. we don t know where it s going to end up, but i m not going to stop fighting. up next, kelly
about his disease and how his family and god pulled him through the darkest time in his life.
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welcome back. quick international headlines for you now. police firing tear gas as thousands protest in front of the government headquarters in hong kong. [screaming] demonstrators chanting we want democracy as they call for free elections in 2017. and toxic gas and ash still spewing from a massive volcano in japan. rescue crews now being forced to suspend all efforts to recover victims bodies.
as many as 36 people died. lendingary buffalo bills jim kelly earned his motto. four years in a row they go to the super bowl. four years in a row they lost. his son tragically passes away at the age of eight. after being diagnosed and battling cancer twice, kelly this month announced he is cancer-free. we had the chance to sit down with jim and his wife jill to talk about their journey and how they found strength in their faith. almost a year to the day you were in our studio. i was diagnosed a couple of months ago. they removed my whole upper jaw. what has happened since? how long is this interview? 35 radiation treatments. you lose 51 pounds. what was that like? there was a period in new york city where i had so many bags hooked up to me, we really didn t know. even in my heart i didn t know if i was going to
live. i said to my brother, those are the longest two weeks. he said, jim, you were in the hospital for six weeks. i said what? i heard you got a little angry when you he said i might be seeing hunter before you. you got angry. we immediately started crying and i thought wow, that is not the road we re going to go down. although by faith we believe that god has a plan and all this for us, but there s more living to be done. jill, you took pictures? i did. none of us knew exactly what the outcome was going to be for jim, and i wanted to document every single thing. and i did. and i probably drove him crazy. tell me what you re thinking here. [cheering]
they surprised me. once again i got him on video. reminded me, you said it was something like a super bowl. you run through the tunnel. the hands went out. that was amazing because some of the people, along with my brothers, were all there. that was my last day, coming out of my last radiation treatment. and i remember that day because it i had so many people that were along my journey before i was even diagnosed. it didn t matter what i was going through, they were always there for me. and all the people that were this for me, that came to see me in the hospital came to see me at home, would send me letters, would send me packages. they were there that day. and as i said before, i m a truly blessed man to have so many great people around me. i watched every single minute this year of the whole thing. what s your reneck shun
your reflection on this? the last thing that i m going to say before my speech is over, i want to catch one more pass for my quarterback. at the end of the speech, he was done. in the toughest game around you were known as the toughest. but you said in this speech that he taught you. i remember that. hunter. hunter, born on february 14, valentine s day. i don t want to start crying. that s how i feel. i can pretty much tell you word for word what i said there. he is the toughest person i ever met. i realize that the good lord put our son here for a reason and that was to change the lives of thousands and thousands of kids and families, and he did. now full circle now. it s me. it s all part of a plan the good lord has. i m going to continue to follow that plan. we don t know where it s going to end up but i m not going to stop fighting.
you said one of your goals on your bucket list is to walk your daughters down the aisle? to be able to walk those two down the aisle. that is on my bucket list. hopefully before that one, i want to take this lady back for a honeymoon back to italy. before that i m going moose hunting with a couple buddies. i ve got about five or six on my list but the three most special ones are with them. that s great. he started lifting weights again. he looks good. what spirit he has and jill is so special. incredible couple. later in the show jim will tackle something on the a lighter note. the trouble in the nvment it will be interesting on his take and who he blames in the nfl fl terrorists with a new
warning for america. this is the happiest looking mug shot ever. why the heck is that criminal smiling? you have the right to remain happy.w72 she inspires you.
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# fox & friends. this morning george clooney waking up a married guy. we ve got the pictures and there aren t many but you re going to see some of the exclusive pictures released to the public in a minute. we can t wait to share those with you. first we re going to turn to insurance to ainsley
earhardt. a new threat from al qaeda. the leader of al qaeda syria affiliate vowing revenge for u.s. led airstrikes. the nusra front saying they will use all possible means to fight back. syrian rebels see the al qaeda affiliates as an ally to the isis militants. this come as the u.s. led coalition continue their aerial assault. overnight raids hitting isis targets in northern syria. will jodi arias get the death penalty, she stabbed her boyfriend 29 times. today a search will begin for a new jury. the previous one unable to agree on a sentence. jodi arias s lawyers have the tough task of trying to find jurors who have not yet made up their minds about this high profile murder case. sparks were flying at last night s iowa senate
debate. the candidates started knocking each other for political associations including the koch brothers and tom steyer. i m not sure that that s what ernst told the koch brothers when she went to their secret meeting. i stood up to big oil at yef opportunity. you re not running against these other people. you re running against me. i am a mother. i am a soldier and i am an independent leader. you are being funded by tom steyer, who is a california billionaire extreme environmentalist. so remember, please, that you are running against me. i realize that. president obama s name is not on the ballot. i m not going to owe president obama anything on election day. you re going to owe the
koch brothers everything. i will stand up and do what s right for iowans, not for california extreme environmentalists, not for senator harry reid, not for president obama. the latest des moines register poll shows earns is ahead with a 44-38 lead. a fallen navy seal immortalized in maryland. he died two years ago in a helicopter crash in afghanistan. now a bridge in annapolis, maryland, is dedicated in his memory. friends and family gathering for the ceremony for the unveiling of the sign that will be placed on that bridge. his father saying the bridge will serve as a good reminder. he can t be replaced by the bridge. but if this will serve as a memorial. people will remember that when the country goes to war there are sacrifices. the dedication ceremony attended by state and military officials. and those are your
headlines. ainsley, thank you. here you are looking at photos taken of mr. and mrs. george clooney the morning after their big wedding. and they are likely the only ones you re going to get to see. the couple made the event so private, they asked all their guests to leave their phones and cameras at home giving them burner phones to use instead so nothing leaked out. for insight let s step into the fox light wyatt now with michael fox light right now with michael tammero. one of the reasons they did that is because they sold the rights for the real pictures to somebody else. to u.s. vogue it is rumored and they will donate the money to charity at some point. he has a lot of charities he supports. and also they want to keep their pictures their own. george doesn t leave anything to chance. he s very detail oriented. this is classic clooney style. i heard the guests were not able to take their cell phones. is that true? they asked the guests to leave their cell phones at home and if they saw anyone
taking pictures to report them to security. a lot of rules and regulations at this wedding. they get married in venice but they re going to have a civil ceremony today at the venice civil hall? they tied the knot in a personal ceremony on saturday. today they re going to tie the knot again in a civil ceremony. she really wants to get him on the record with this. she s leaving nothing to chance as they say. it was attended by a lot of big a-listers. matt damon. except one b.f.f. of clooney prks ben affleck because he was stuff in new york talk to go me. were you a fan of the book before starting this flick? i read the book when it got to hollywood and made a big splash. but i just thought i have
no idea how you make it into a movie. it seems to structurally weird and how do you have the narrative work the way it does. of course david and gill yam got together and me i m completely wrong. never read the book. don t do a lot of reading when i m writing and i m writing all the time because i don t want stuff seeping in. but gilliam is amazing, david amazing. it is really incredible. i love the book. i love the book. i went back and read all the acknowledgements and i read both sides of the flap. i was very into it not ending. the book in 2012 sold over nine million copies. ben affleck produced? no. he just starred in t. gilliam wrote the book. we asked her twha it was
asked her what it was like. i have not enjoyed a movie like this in a long time. it is fantastic. you can catch all my interviews at in the fox snoip now now you know why ben affleck wasn t at george clooney s wedding. coming up on this monday, the manhunt is on for the suspect accused of shooting a cop in ferguson. this as the president makes his message clear. many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement. walking while black, dreefg while black, judged by stereotypes that cause fear and resentment. should the president be taking shots against law enforcement. is this the happiest looking mug shot you ll
ever see? and he probably has gingivitis. at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises.
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quick headlines for you on this monday morning. the happiest mug shot ever. a man charged with robbing a denver bank. cops say michael whitington was caught after trying to getting away on a train following a robbery. he faces a judge tomorrow. washington nationals pitcher george zimmerman getting much-needed help from his friend. yellich left center,
it s well hit and a diving catch. unbelievable. steven suza to make the catch and save the no-hitter. the nationals s first no-hitter. the manhunt continues for the suspect who shot and wounded a ferguson police officer saturday night. police say the shooting is unrelated to the death of michael brown. the unarmed teen shot by police last month. this as the president makes his message clear the same day. in too many communities around the country, a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement. too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement, guilty of walking while black or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness. should the president really be taking shots against law enforcement? here to react is former virginia police chief and retired u.s. marshal carl
rowan. do you think the president was irresponsible with those remarks? good morning, brian. it s not unusual to hear unfortunate racial rhetoric from some speakers at a congressional black caucus dinner but you expect better from the united states. his words were really troubling on many levels. at the same time unrelated perhaps, of course, to his comments, you see an officer shot in ferguson, which is white hot right now with resentment? absolutely. the president has made it clear that he sees the problem wholly with law enforcement. his words, his divisive words can create hostile actions at the local level that are totally unnecessary. and that s what s so troubling about them. it will be interesting to see one of the black leaders that go and, go out to ferguson to stick up for what they think is michael brown being gunned down
before the due process had taken place, it will be interesting to see them step up and talk about this policeman being shot on friday on saturday. well, unfortunately that would take leadership. and that seems to be in short supply. i don t see how any police officer can put his or her badge on and go to work believing that they re going to get a fair shake or the benefit of the doubt from this president or from anyone in his administration. i ve never seen a president or a justice department so hostile to law enforcement. there s very few jobs outside serving in the infantry or army or battle in fallujah where each day you get up could be your last. a ticket for speeding could lead to your death. i think in america at the present time we re taking
this for granted? absolutely. it would be nice to hear the president say something appreciative for the job that law enforcement officers do every day. and in new york we re experiencing the same thing. carl rowan former chief of police over in virginia, thanks so much. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, she went to show a house to a prospective buyer and never came back. now a suspect has been identified. beverly carter s son joins us live with the latest on the search. when a disaster hits you at home, how do you get out safe? our next guest has the one bag that could save your life. will that be all, sir?
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we have all seen the destruction caused by earthquakes and hurricanes, but would you know what to do in such an emergency? good question, steve, well september is national preparedness months and experts stress thousand crucial it is to have how crucial it is to have a bag. we are joined now with the tips that we all need. good morning, frank. what should be in this survival kit and why s it so important? well this is one of our auto survival kits. in your car. at all times. you re stuck in traffic, you ll wish you had this with you.
leave it in the trunk. for years, right? like five year food, five year water. frank, let s go ahead and start packing the bag, let s go ahead and innumerate what you re putting in. this is the five year food. apple cinnamon, and in this situation, it s going to taste like filet mignon. here s your water. put the blanket so we can fit it all real good. the water s coming in single drinking pouchs like that. how clever. like something you would give your team on a saturday morning. exactly. yeah. put the water in the zip lock bag. i ve never had one burst, and i ve sold many of them, just in case, it retains the water that s very necessary. and also doesn t ruin everything else. speaking of water, frank, tell me about the life straw, this is something you say everybody should have, what does it do?
everybody should have it. if you have to leave it, take it with you. water is everything, it ll filter 254 gallons of water out of dirtiest looking pond you ve ever seen. you could drink it if you had toe through the life straw. it s not going to taste good but it ll save your life. for sure. that s new. what s in the can? you don t to want get a flat and get stuck. that little refill the air in your tire and get you to a gas station. great. some of these make sense as well, a lot of this stuff is what you d take camping, storm matches, ponchos, why do i need an outdoor mirror? if you have thrown off the highway, you re stuck somewhere in the snow, you want to signal somebody, aim for the sun and get somebody s attention. just like in the movies. snap sticks, or just to warn. they re just too to keep you, have light in the car at night. yep.
okay. these are the reflective triangles. set these outside of the car. exactly. do you think now more than ever we need to have this kit? or is this just always? no one just has one. we ve always needed this, and now we need this, plus a lot more. have you seen an increase in people coming to your location and store? sadly yes. i say sadly because we saw 25 year shelf life food, house emergency things, things that ll keep you alive. after i question for you i have a question for you and after 9/11 people said you should be ready. my wife and i bought 25 gallons of water, then on the tenth anniversary of 9/11, we thought, you know this probably isn t any good anymore, how long does water in a plastic jar last? that water you would have to use a filter, it s a pump filter, and it would still be fine. we sell barrels that are blue,
ultra violate raies can not get through to make the bacteria. i would still keep the water just use the life straw. okay. or we have other pumps at our store also. we re going to put the complete list of things you need to have in your go bag on our website. for sure. thank you very much. thank you very much. great advice. thank you, frank. all right coming up, president obama says the american economy is the best in decades, and investigators are fighting to do business here. is that true? what about our taxes? we re going to talk to donald trump coming up next. do you give your kids timeouts, it could be hurting your kid more than it helps. you re going to hear both sides of that debate coming up next.
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good morning, it is monday, september 29th, i m elisabeth hasselbe hasselbeck. fox news alert, she was showing a house to a perspective buyer and has not been seen since. right now the hunt is on for this man who fled the hospital after a car crash. beverly carter s son joins us live with the latest on the search for his mother. president of the united states admits the usa blew it on isis, but it s not president obama s fault. . our head of the intelligence community admitted that. i think they underestimated that. they? the intel community differs with the commander in chief, donald trump here to react in moments. parents, have you heard this?
don t give your kids a time out, it might hurt their feelings. instead, try a time in. that means more time with mom and dad. oh. morningings are better with friends mornings are better with friend. what? i don t get it now. time in, you re in time in. great, now time with mom and dad is punishment. you re going to have o to spend more time with me, that ll straighten them out. how would you like to spend a whole day with me? keep up with that wise mouth. spending time with you for your children is torture? that s what it seems. we re in time in here, we re going to get a timeout if we turn to ainsley. thank you, elisabeth. good morning, good morning at home. he is accused of beheading a former coworker and seriously hurting another. and today, alten nolan will be
charged with first-degree murder and assault. police say that nolan went on a rampage in moore, oklahoma, after getting fired. he was eventually stopped when the company s coo shot them. nolan s mother posting an emotional apology on facebook. our heart bleeds right now because what they saying alton has done. i want to apologize to both families. because this is not happening. nolen will be arraigned as soon as he s released from the hospital. terrifying video capturing the moment a monster truck valley turns deadly. wow. you can hear the spectators screaming as that truck plows right into the crowd.
it happened in the netherlands, three people, including a child are now dead. 20 others were injured. the truck driver is now being questioned. investigators think the gas pedal got stuck or the brake s failed. brand new details in the case of a real estate agent who vanished while showing a house in arkansas. late last night, police just issued an arrest warrant for aaron lewis. he s suspected of kidnapping beverly carter. he has an extensive criminal record in arkansas, missouri, and utah, and is on patrol until 2016. carter disappeared on thursday after showing a foreclosed house to a potential buyer. the next day her husband says he got three text messages from his wife s cell phone. one saying she was out drinking with friends, but he says she s not a drinker. beverly carter s son joins us live next with an update on the search for his mother. close call for jennifer lopez and actress leah remini.
she was driving j-lo s car when a drunk driver hit them then took off. lopez instagramed this photo with a caption, sitting at a light, riding high, right before some drunk fool rear ended us in my new whip whip, #cursethatfoolowhip, #cu t whip, #cursethatfoolout #the bronxcameout. i did not know a whip. whiplash, gosh. thanks. it s how the kids talk these days. joining us now, you know him at @realdonaldtrump. i m sure you were watching the president of the united states. extraordinarily what we know to be true is apparently the intel community for the last year and a half has been briefing the white house on the threat of isis. and they have made it clear,
this is something to be worried about, last night, mr. trump, listen to this, here s the president throwing the intel community under the bus. how did they end up where they are in control of so much territory? was that a complete surprise to you? well, i think our heads of the intelligence community, jim clapper acknowledged that i think they underestimated what had been taking place in syria. he didn t just say that we underestimated isil, he said we overestimated the ability and the will of our allies, the iraqi army to fight. that s true. that s absolutely true. okay. so it s not his problem, he s blaming somebody else, mr. trump. well first of all, he s hard to watch. and constantly blaming other people and i really wonder what s going to be happening when obamacare crashes in 20d 16 because that s when it all comes about and you re going to see a
crash like never before. he ll be on the golf course and not worrying about it too much. his history is he blames everybody, he doesn t know what s going on. i don t know if he s a worker or not. i m not sure. maybe he s not a worker and he just doesn t have time to think about these things, but certainly he blames everybody for everything that goes wrong. and there s plenty going wrong. do you think it s he didn t want to know or that he knew and didn t care? i think he almost doesn t just know what s going on. i mean, my opinion is look, he has these people reporting to him. how can they not know? everybody else knew. everybody over there knew. iraq, where we spent $2 trillion, then taken over like a bunch of babies, they throw up our weapons, throw them up in the air and run like babies. and this is after we spent $2 billion, and he doesn t know what s going on as they take over big sections of iraq? that s inconceivable to me.
it might be more, if we stayed, we would have seen him oust all the sunni leaders. he would have saw that al-maliki was taking all the resources away from other regions and maybe he wouldn t have done it if we kept a force there, not to fight, but to watch and secure and advise. but listen to this, fallujah fell january 4th, telefar june 15th. we didn t take action until august and september. well he doesn t take action. he does things very late. in this case, it was years late, and it could have been stopped very easily early on. this is a much bigger threat right now. i think it s a threat we can handle, but we re going to have to handle it strongly. so far as troops on the ground, i watched the generals talking saying you have to have troops on the ground. it s a sad fact, but perhaps that s what we re going to have to do. believe it or not. well, when he wasn t blaming
the intel community for underestimating isis, he was blaming george bush, this is a bad time, you have ebola, ukraine, syria, well it was much worse when i inherited this mess from george bush. and steve cross said people don t feel good, he had this sound byte we re going to play for you about how people would feel better if they d simply passed what the president wants passed. if we raise the minimum wage and make sure people are getting paid the same as men. if we are rebuilding infrastructure, if we re going more to invest in job training to people can get the jobs out there right now. manufacturing is coming back to this country, not just the autoindustry that we saved, but reinvestment here in the united states. businesses around the world are saying for the first time in a long time, the place to invest isn t china, it s the united states. do you agree? you know business better than anybody? it s incorrect. china has been eating our lunch,
they have for years. mexico, look there, we can t get the sergeant out, the marine out of mexico. and yet, they re doing unbelievably well with our business. we have businesses moving to mexico and getting tax abadements and tax cuts for them. we re giving them tax incentive to move to mexico. it s crazy. many countries, and watch mexico, because in the future, that s the place, it s what s going on in this country is the opposite. we take a look at the new iphone, the apple iphone, and we talk about apple s an american company, is it really? it s made, every one of them made in china, and other places, but they re not made in here, not one of them. so the manufacturers are not coming here. manufacturing s being taken from here. look also at chooinl, if we china, if we sell a truck to china, which is a rare occurrence, they charge a tax. when they sell things to us, there is no tax whatsoever. right.
we don t know what we re doing. we don t know from an economic standpoint what we re doing. but, you know, what do you say, ian if you believe the even if you believe the minimum wage should be raised, isn t it dancing around the edges? where s the big picture on revitalizing and restructuring. do you have an idea of some of the things you would do? absolutely, but it s not about the minimum wage, it s about creating jobs. the number of #.3 6.3% is way off because all of those people that couldn t get jobs are considered employed from a statistical standpoint. you probably have an unemployment rate of 18%, 19%, could even be above 20%, and those people are considered employed. you have to get people working again. you have to get jobs. and we have to be, you know, he also talked in that interview about we re the ones that they call, well sometimes we re going to have to turn down those calls
on or sometimes people are going to have to do for the united states. we re a bunch of pat sis, we re very poorly led people, and what does anybody do for us? so you know, sometimes when they call, and there s a problem, we have to say folks, twoef straighten out our we have to straighten out our own mess. the american people are feeling it, 58% of them, according to recent fox news poll, when they is that true line, american economy, american workers are better off now than in 2008, almost 60% said that was mostly false. 58%. who are the other people? who are the 36%, i mean it s, who are these people but a you don t see it, you don t feel it. there s not a lot of spirit right now for the country. that s the other thing, our country needs spirit. when do good things happen? what have you seen a report where the country s booming, where we re doing great oil and natural gas. no one ever talks about it. we re taking business away
from china. where we re taking business away from all parts of asia and india. you don t see that, it s always that we re the ones that are losing. start exporting and selling our own oil and gas, that s the boom nobody s talking about. it s not government. every monday that the time, donald trump joins us live on the phone from his empire somewhere, and we thank him for joining us. if you like to follow him on twitter, it s @realdonaldtrump. this realtor went to show a house and never came back. now police fwhoe they re looking for. that woman s son is going to join us next. what a story. and wonder why 60 minutes got that interview with the president, anything to do with this prime time cameo? have we met before? no, we haven t. i heard that you were contemplating running for state s attorney. is obama s senior advisor
valerie jarrett going into acting or is there another reason she got the role? we ll tell you about that as we follow live from new york city. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america.
a fox news alert, a massive man hunt under way in arkansas this morning for a suspected kidnapper, aaron lewis. police say lewis may have learned real estate agent beverly carter into a foreclosured home last thursday. she has not been seen since. at first, he was only a person of interest in the case until yesterday when he was involved in a bizarre car accident that left him with cuts and bruises on his face. police took this photo right here before bringing him into the hospital where he managed to escape during a ct scan. so where is aaron lewis? and more importantly? where is his alleged victim real estate beverly carter? i am joined now we carl junior. we thank you for joining pus. this is an important morning for you, when you saw the picture, this suspect now on the loose, did he look familiar at all to you? no. it s just crazy. we re thinking and, you know,
going through photos and thinks of where have we been, where has she been and how could he possibly be connected and why, why is my mom a target? we have no idea. you know, your dad said he receivered a couple of text messages from your mom. can you tell us about those and this is the last time i believe he heard from her. yes, ma am. we, we had called the cops, and they had come out to the location where mom s car was left at that property that she was showing. and you know, we re sitting there and, you know, 10:30, 11:00, 12:00, you know, time passes by and the worry builds and all the sudden we get these texts from mom s phone, and it s almost joyous, like mom s okay, but then, the reality hits, and we read these texts and it s just not my mom. you say that because one
eluded to going out drinking with friends. right, right. she is not a fan of the drinking. she would have a drink or two, a year, and very social settings. it would never, never be let s go out with my girlfriends, she s just not that type of person. right. i know you want everyone to know if they have any information to go to have you received any information tips and support there so far? we have, we have received a lot of tips. and we ve passed those on to local law enforcement. and i encourage people, they say if they know anything at all, small, connection, especially related to this gentleman that is not a gentleman, but this person that has taken my mother, however small it may be, that you make that known, please.
please help me find my mom. and carl, there s a great chance that your mom can hear you right now, i want to give you thecñ0 we have the facebook on our website and 501-340-6600 is the sheriff s office if anyone wants to call with any information, our heart s are with you, we ll stay on this. thank you. got it. well restaurants are now
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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it s specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain.
time now for the numbers. $4.35, that s the average cost to withdraw your own money from an out of network atm machine. $4.35. $35 million, that s how much the new denzel washington film earned, making it number one finally 100, that s the age of this kansas city royals fan. francis van hugheser has supported the team for more than
50 years and to celebrate her birthday, the team gave her a shoutout on tv, sent her team shirts and the best gift, they made the playoffs. go royals. all right, yeah, who thought that was going to happen? 25 minutes now after the hour, earlier in the show, i shared the inspiring show of jim kelly and his wife jill. they talked about beating cancer twice now, and how they re continuing their fight, but could not leave without talking a little football. the current state of the nfl, and how the players in the league are dealing with the controversy they are facing today. i am sorry that we didn t push harder to get that tape. my actions are inexcusable. have you considered resigning. i have not. now we re seeing for the first time that i can remember the league is on its heels. how would you explain what the league has gone through? sad. but a very small minority, very
small group, 34 guys screwed up. people have to own up to their own responsibilities. i mean, you look at roger goodell and you blame him, you look at the owners, everybody s giving the blame to everybody else. give it to the guy that screwed up. he s the one that screwed up, not the commissioner, and everybody makes mistakes. i understand that, but when you re a 26, 27-year-old best way out? i have no idea. everybody has to look at themselves in the mirror. be responsible for yourself. i m not by no means a perfect kid, by no means, but my dad always said son, when you leave this front door, you go somewhere else, remember you represent our name. and i took so much pride in the kelly name that i never wanted to tarnish it. and i think players nowadays should do that. unfortunately, nowadays, social media, so many outl/j÷ out
there, you have to be squeaky clean. i thank the good lord ere day that i wasn t every day that i wasn t playing when social media was. i ve talked to so many other guys that said the same thing. do you believe that football players should be better than everybody because they have a responsibility, more than the average person? no, everybody s the same. except when you become a professional athlete, you are automatically a role model. and you are in the public eye, and you have to accept that. that s part of being a professional athlete, whether it s football, baseball, basketball, hockey, you have understand that there s a lot of dhads look up to you. adults that look up to you. you have to understand, that s part of it, again, it s only a few players, but a few is too many. life or death struggles, but yet the bills still matter. you wanted to make sure they stayed, and when that season opened up, they wanted to make sure you felt appreciated. what was that like? you know number one it s
humbling to know that there s so many people out there that do care. and one thing that aye learned i ve learned through my time coming to buffalo when i said i never wanted to be here is the people are amazing. they have hearts of gold. how they rallied around me after i retired when my son was born and of course when i had cancer, how many people that we ve helped change and how many people have changed me in this city is why i will spend the rest of my life here. just amazing, he s referring to the fact that he says i m going to the usfl, now guess where he is, he s in buffalo. went, spent ten great years. yo only were they nice enough to open up the doors, every time he talks it hurts. his mouth is still killing him. so to talk, he had to get pumped up to do that. every sentence, every word, he wants to inspire others with
cancer. he feels very bad for the people who are in these cancer wards and have nobody visit them. jim kelly, famous, great situation, but he felt so bad, he used to see everybody else by themselves, suffering by themselves, that s important. also megan mcdonald and kelly did an unbelievable job. what a special time you had with him, my goodness. extraordinary family and joy. went to buffalo and came back. great interview. he s a wonderful guy, and what an inspiring story. he ll be back up to 2:30 at this time. good call there. do you wonder why 60 minutes got that interview with the president? did it have anything to doed with this prime time cameo, huh? mis-jarrett, have we miss jarrett, have we met before? we haven t, but i heard you were contemplating running for the attorney? is valerie jarrett going into acting or is there another reason she got the role? we re going to look into it. and have you heard, today is
national coffee day and there s a bunch of places where you can get a free cup. we have them for you, plus we re going to show you something cool when we roll on live from new york city where we re going to get cranked um on java. (male announcer) it s happening.
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look at that. it is national coffee day and we are celebrating by getting our faces put on a la day. it s called theselfie. how cool is that? it takes a lot of talent to make one of these. this is extraordinary.
barista at a cafe has been in the green room, and he did such a lovely job creating our likenesses in lattes. by the way, because it is national coffee day, it s not just them that s giving out free coffee, duncan donuts, crispy cream, mcdonalds, and tim horton as well. free coffee on national coffee day. they came here, we appreciate them. and by the xbuwway, you can getm in time square and 25 other locations across the country. it s another successful franchise. barista to a whole other level. i don t know how you d do that on paper. a latte talent. don t draw me. won t be flattering. we know a lot of you watch fox news channel all the time, well if you were watching cbs last night, it was pretty much wall to wall about
what do you mean? the obama administration. there s a new show out called madame secretary, it stars secretary of state. it s curious, look at that, dan gainer from the media research center says quote, the show has been crafted to spruce up the image and say that hillary isn t everything. if you missed it last night, here she is asthma dam secretary. at 0800 hours, our embassy was breeched. were they still outside the compound? yes, and their numbers are growing. okay, what s the threat assessment? situation is still fluid. let me put it this way, on a scale of one to ten, how far are we from another benghazi? best guess, you re looking at
a seven. wow, that would be great, that would be good if our secretary of state was making quick decisions, but that wasn t happen pg. wow, that makes it very interesting. that show was on right before. that was 60 minutes. then just two hours later, valerie jarrett in the good wife with the cameo playing herself. i admire the way you set your own course. well, thank you, miss jarrett, have we met before? no, we haven t, but i heard that you were contemplating running for state s attorney. she ll know it s me. what do you want me to say? encouragement. and i wanted you to encourage you to run. step up. look at that, there she is playing herself. the new york times actually panned her appearance, they wrote, the political function theirs can t act, they re a distraction and flatten every scene their in with shock of recognition isn t worth it. there you ve got three hours of
prime time television last night on cbs, with the good wife, madame secretary, and 60 minutes, for the most part, they stood by celebrating brock. not enough going on with syria, the u.n., they needed more screen time. we also might be jealous because no one asked us. we re on a tv series. oh, starring us. we re on a long running number one around the world tv series. what else do you want? who plays me. someone special. this guy right here in the coffee. thank you very much. you sip that while we turn over it ainsly. we need to get you a latte. they re so talented, that s really cool. thank you guys. let me tell you what happened overnight while you were sleeping. the hunt is now on for the gunman who shot a police officer in ferguson, missouri. the burglary suspect opened fire, hitting the officer in the arm after he tried to chase him
down. we re told, that officer was wearing one of those body cameras at the time which is a new practice that began in the wake of michael brown s death. the only problem is, the body camera was not turned on. the officer is now recovering at home. the search for accused cop killer eric frein entering a 17th day. shifting a search in the new direction saying he s contained to a five square mile area near his parent s house. police also remaining cautious saying that frein possibly hit booby traps. this morning police are not confirming tloorts he has been spotted. talk about a traffic nightmare, at this very moment, there s a large tractor trailer stuck, blocking at least two lanes of traffic. look at that, after crashing into that overpass on a busy new york city highway. police say that driver went down a street he wasn t allowed to be on. and now they re working to free the truck. it s not clear if anyone was injured. and call it money for
manners. restaurants all across the country now shelling out rewards if you put down your cell phone during your meal. steve likes that. one new jersey spot offering 5% off in your neck of the woods, steve, if you can make it through your entire meal without texting or tweeting. you know what s interesting? i think we have a society, i think we got to the point where people are embarrassed to text at the table. but they do it all the time. i notice like every time if i have to answer a text, i feel guilty, and so does everyone else. that s a good sign. right? when we go out to dinner now, there s a rule, everybody puts their cell phone in the middle of the table, and if anybody picks it up, they have to pay. oh really? little maybe punishment and discipline. we re not going to touch it. love it. maria with a preview of the day weather wise. hey good morning, you know what, it s a beautiful day here in new york city, and i want to
take you international because out there in the city of venice, we have beautiful weather also. brand new images coming out of there. you can see right on your scene, george clooney has officially signed papers out there meaning that he s married and just completed his civil ceremony. so we knew of course that he had his ceremony over the weekend, and now it s official on paper in terms of the civil ceremony out there. congratulations to the lovely couple. and wishing much, much, much joy in the years to come. now parts of the southeastern united states, out there we have heavy rain and flash flood concerns across parts of florida and also southern georgia. and further west across parts of the rockies and into the plains, severe weather risk, isolated tornados are a concern and temperature wise, feeling a little bit more like summer across parts of the plains into the upper 80s across parts of texas and oklahoma. 81 in new york city for the high above average. meanwhile, behind that storm,
cooler across parts of utah and montana. highs out there in the 60s. back inside. maria, thank you very much, beautiful day here in new york city and beautiful day in ven miss. they venice. they look happy. man accused of convertingg9o islam is going to face murder charges in oklahoma today. but what about terror charges? closer looked in the case when we come back. and i am going to answer your facebook questions to that very topic right now. parents, don t give your kids a time out, it might hurt their feelings, instead, try a time in, that means more time with you mom and dad, we re going debate that next. hold my hand.
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today, the oklahoma man who converted to islam before beheading one of his coworkers will appear in court on murder charges. this as we learn he probably should have been behind bars at the time. peter johnson junior joins us right now. that s right. let s talk about who is alton nolen, going to be charged and convicted in january 2011 of multiple felony drug offenses, assault, and battery on a police officer, and escaped from the detention, he was supposed to be in jail for six years according to prosecutors, but under a deal, he got out in march, 2013. and they re trying to explain that away. when will he be charged? he s going to be charged today wl first-degree murder and assault and battery with a deadly weapon. he could also face other state and federal charges. and the charges that people are talking about really are, federal and state terrorism charges. and why the t word is not being
spoken about with this ad. there are reports that apparently he was shouting islamic phrases at the time. that s one report out there by a reporter in home. there is such a report and trying to get coworkers to convert. also a photo with the isis salute. and adherent of islamic extremism. when did this happen? happened at vaughn foods in moore, oklahoma. nolen proceeded into the front office. straight to the front office. he was ultimately stopped by a reserve sheriff who happened to be the chief operating officer of that company with his legal handgun. if that gay would not have had guy would not have had a gun, he would have beheaded a second person. it s certain because he assaulted a second person. the question becomes today, why if he s guilty of this crime why did in fact he do it? now we know he converted to
islam while in state prison. we know he tried to convert several employees to that religion. we know that he posted an image to facebook with the caption, sharia law is coming. and we know if you looked at his facebook entries, time and time again, islamic law and references to islamic extremism on his feed. sure, and peter, you look at the news over the last month or two, and we had these gruesome beheading videos, then this happens in oklahoma, a lot of people are connecting, when was the last time we heard of anybody being beheaded before the isis stuff. that leads to the question why does matter why he actually did it? and you go across twitter and facebook, across america, people are saying why hasn t the president spoken out? why hasn t the federal government spoken out? why hasn t there been a recognition that there s a
problem in the state and federal prisons with regard to conversions in gangs and to put the dots together with regard to this particular assault and murder in the state of oklahoma. why isn t the federal government saying, yes, this is a problem in the united states? why are they always resorting to the excuse that it was only workplace violence or the act of a deranged lunatic? we need to look at this very, very carefully and understand what it says about our culture, prisons, and radical extremism, islamic radical extremism in the united states and how we counter it. it was workplace violence, at the same time, it was terror. absolutely, if i was there and if people in oklahoma today, i m sure they re terrorized by what occurred in that facility. terrorism, yes. all right. answering five w s, peter johnson junior, thank you. coming up, parents, listen up, giving your kids a time out
could actually hurt more than it helps. details coming up. good debate. plus on this date in 1789, the first u.s. congress adjourned. in 1951, the first sporting event televised live, it was a football game between duke and the university of pittsburgh. and in 1968, this was the number one song in america, you know the words, you know the singers, gctead, sing along with paul. you, my friend are a master of diversification. who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it s a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what s our strategy with the fondue?
diversifying your portfolio? e trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e ?
okay parents, have you heard this one? new study says giving your kids
time outs may do more harm than good. scientists found the brain scans of kids were the same as those spanked. should we just abandon the tactic that most experts recommend? joining us for a debate on this, mental health consultant and parenting expert, stephanie, and jennifer of freelance writer who focuses on parents and cultural issues. so jenny and stephanie, glad you re joining me here now. put even s attention here, it was 2012, studied more than two dozen three to seven-year-olds. okay. and what they did was split them up, give some with time out zones, and some with no intervention at all when when they didn t perform a task. those that had time outs had an 83% success rate in terms of listening to their instructions. so what s wrong with time out? i don t think anything is wrong with time out. i like them, i think they re effective. i do believe that each child needs to be parented differently, on an individual basis, but i actually think
they re very effective. okay. so that we should go ahead with time outs, you don t agree that says it is damaging. no, i don t. i think professionally and personally, i use them, i have three kids myself, and i think that time outs are not just effective for children, but i think they re parent for parents as well. we need a time to cool off and say, we need a few minutes, whatever it s going to take to say, relax and unwind and then we ll come back and figure it out together. okay, jenny you say. i agree that the time out is for the parent. i think where the trickiness comes in is the unintentional message you give your child when you put them in a timeout, you re thinking they re processing what just happened. instead i feel like they re saying to themselves, mommy doesn t love me. why is mommy shutting me out when i m in a personal crisis, these are personal crisis. instead of leaning in and talking to your child, you re shunning them. but a child will need to be
removed. in the light of the recent news we ve heard about child abuse, allegations there. sometimes as you pointed out, stephanie, there are, the time out is for the parent, step away, take a couple minutes, get it together so you re not disciplining in a heated moments, in those cases where it would separate maybe make a big difference in terms of physical discipline. would that be something you would recommend? absolutely, but i again believe it s for the parent, it s not for the child. there are other alternatives that would help children be more effective. right, i think children do respond differently. there are some that would despise being alone, then have one kid in my family at least go to my room, i love it there. tell that to my kid. i think look, like you said, adrian peterson used a time out instead of his, the way he parented or disciplined his child, things may have been very different. and so again, it is for the parent as well. i believe 50% of is it just, i
need to cool off. but i do think that kids need to be disciplined and parents are afraid to discipline their children. and i don t think they should be. if kids are doing something and acting out, it s okay to discipline them or to say, you re going to your room, you need to think about, and i hear what you re saying i think it s age appropriate. absolutely. older child is going to maybe look and say, time out. and act out more, but i do think that there has to be the cool down period. but if they re acting out there s a reason, and shutting them out and giving them the cold shoulder is not building up the empathy and connection and understanding what children are craving. that s a conversation to say, i want you to let you know, this is not a time where i m saying i don t want to be with you, i want to let you know where we re both cooling off. that s all that this is. thank you both, for having this debate. you want to continue with you at home, let us know what you think about that on facebook, twitter, and e mill. time out or time in?
we ll be standing by. still ahead, president obama playing the blame game with isis. this time, he s pointing the finger at his intelligence team. will the american people buy it? brett baier with that next.
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good morning, it is monday, september 29th, i m elisabeth hasselbeck. monster truck show takes a deadly turn. exactly what caused that driver to plow into a crowd of people like that? my goodness. meanwhile the president admits the united states blew it on isis, but it s not his fault. our head of the intelligence community, jim clapper has acknowledged that i think they underestimated what had been taking place in syria. they underestimated, mr. president, the intel community begs to differ with you.
we re going to talk to brett baier live in d.c. in 20 seconds. have you ever googled yourself? i try not to. find something you wish would disappear, even pictures of your kids. how to erase those moments, you don t want everyone to see. good luck with mine. mornings are better with friends. yahoo, you can do something about google. yeah. find out how to do with that kurt the cyber guy. right now let s go down to washington, d.c. and the capitol i googled you the other day, you should stay away from that. brett, you are not exaggerating, i wish i had brett baier s background check, no problem. we re working on the delete. yeah. we re working on that. hey brett, we ve been talking today about the blame game,
president actually pointing fingers at the intel community, saying look, it s their fault that we underestimated al qaeda, never saw them coming, and you know, underestimated the passion of the iraqi army there. why would he do this? and the reaction can t be great. yeah, i mean listen, the phrasing there was not we, it was they. and jim clapper, when something great happens with the intelligence community it s a lot of i, and we, but i think, listen, the president gets his intelligence from the intelligence community. gets a briefing, and they, the intelligence community underestimated the isis threat, according to the president, the same president however who called this group the jv. sure. new yorker magazine, and that was in january. the same month fallujah fell. for example, i think, my humble
opinion, what i ve learned, brett baier is that the american people forgive you if you have an honest mistake. we underestimated what was happening in iraq. we ll never do that again and look to correct that over the next few months. i think that goes over a lot better than, james clamber admitted they essentially dropped the ball on this one. i[e agree with you. and how he phrased it was interesting. also not in that answer, while he said they underestimated the threat from isis, and they underestimated the fact that the iraqis wouldn t stand up to that fight, not in that answer was, we didn t fight hard enough to get iraqi troops to still be there to help these iraqi, i mean the iraqi government to still be there, u.s. troops to firm up the backbone of the iraq kiss in the status of forces agreement. you know, he says that that was not his fault because the iraqis wanted the u.s. out and no immunity deal. it s interesting to point out they have an amenuty deal now and no congress voted.
they have the deal to be on the ground of 2,000 roughly troops that are there. you know brett, guy from the intel community, i spoke to him on the phone last night after the interview, and they re steamed. the intel community is steamed, because apparently the white house has been getting detailed information about isis, about the khorasan group, which really is core al qaeda, for a month, rather a year and a half, coming up on two years. don t know that, you know, the president was processing what it all meant, but nonetheless, for him to say, you know, blame those guys, when he had the information on his desk, that s something. and they re upset about it, the intel community. yeah, i bet. and i m sure we re going to hear more through various channels about that. and you know, we ve reported that a couple weeks ago, katherine herridge had a report about the brief including the isis threat growing and as you point out, about a year ago.
that is significant in the wake of what was said last night. and just point out real quick, we don t have the sound byte in details, but the other issue is arming the free syrian army who are very mad at us now for bombing i.c.e.s and not isis and not assad. so saying that we have a ground force using the free syrian army is not going to work because the president s diminished their credibility from two years ago, nowments to back them up now wants to back them up. on the eyes of general petraeus and hillary clinton to get in there and arm them. to arm them, yeah. and, you know, just recently, few weeks ago, he said there were doctors and pharmacists and farmers, we remember that sound byte from the new york times, he was trying to explain last night that that was the status of that force two years ago, and that s why he said it was a fantasy to believe that you could provide them arms and they would make a difference. now we are going to train them and vet them, if you can.
and in a short amount of time to be the boots on the ground or the forces on the ground. a lot of skepticism that that s going to work. also he was tieing himself in a pretzel last night, talking about there are combat troops, and they are troops, and they are in combat, but they re not combat troops, even though they have boots, they re not boots on the ground. we talk about that here. special operator, and you re standing alongside an iraqi unit and you were calling in air strikes, and you re taking fire, guess what, you re in combat. sure. absolutely. it ll be curious to see what happens later today down in oklahoma, in moore, oklahoma, brett because alton nolen who is accused of beheading )>auñ cowo is going to be charged be at least capitol murder. it ll be curious to see whether or not the white house or the administration refers to it as what it appears to be, this guy was obsessed with islamic extremis
extremism, reports he was shouting islamic phrases, once again, it has echoes of ft. hood where they deemed that, the administration did, as workplace violence when in fact it was terrorism. yeah, i mean listen, this is a growing issue. and all that we ve heard about this, and obviously the case is moving forward, but that tied to some sort of radicalization effort, and perhaps through his mosque, we re just hearing reports on the ground of this guy s background. i mean, it matches some of the reports when you look at the murder of brendan tevlin. you look at fort hood as you mentioned, there are broader issues here across america that could be home grown. yeah, linked i m sorry, linked to the web who is somebody else who has a habit of radicalizing the congregation. yeah, and that s happening.
inside the country. and we don t hear a lot about it, until something gruesome happens. steve, you actually spoke to one of the witnesses of fort hood in 2009 on the shooting there saved nine people s lives. true hero, and he said look, it can be workplace violence, but it can also be terrorism, it can be both, take a listen. i think the more and more that you look into the suspect s facebook page and his ideology, i think you can really find the underpinning of why this happened. you know, an angry coworkers doesn t just, people typically run into that situation, you ll see a shooting or something like that, but you won t necessarily see someone get their head severed from their body. yeah. well put. you know, so we ll hold our breath to see if the administration refers to it as terrorism which it appears to be. brett, the hero down there is the guy who was the president of
this company because he was actually, he had a pistol on him, he s a reserved deputy for the sheriff down there, and he s the guy who incapacitated mr. nolen before he could chop somebody else s head off. yeah, it s a big deal. and the way that story unfolded, and you hear the 911 call, i mean, it s pretty gripping. go ahead. why the hesitation, brett, in your estimation and called it spay to spay, we ve been hearing about the warnings, why not call it what it is? based on all the evidence that s there? yeah, it s a good question. this administration, this president has been red sent to do just that from the beginning. and i think there is this, this fear of launching into something that stirs up hatred of islam, and you hear it in almost every speech that he gives on the topic. brett, you have to run, you re going to be be starring as special report tonight as
yourself. andly watch it and i will watch it. well, stay away. google myself for my tosses. wait until you see what i added to your wikipedia. have a good one, thanks. ainsly is in withlines. thank you so much, filling in for health they are morning. she was feeling a little sick last night. terrifying video capturing the moment a monster truck rally turns deadly. [ engine revving ] [ screaming ] you don t think that s going happen when you take your child to see something like that. you can hear the spectator screaming as the truck plows right through that crowd. it happened in the netherlands, three people, including a child, are dead. 20 others injured. the truck driver is now being questioned. investigators think either the
gas pedal got stuck or the brake failed. new details in the case of a real estate agent who vanished in arkansas. late last night, police issued an arrest warrant for aaron lewis. the 33-year-old suspect that you see there, suspected of kidnapping beverly carter. lewis has an extensive criminal record in arkansas, missouri, and utah. and is on supervised patrol until 2017. beverly s son joined us earlier on the show with an emotional message. you re my rock. you were my very first friend, and i love you so, so, so. . and i need you. our family needs you. and i want you to be strong, we will find you. anyone with any information, please call that number that you see there, it s the sheriff s department, 501-340-6600 or 911 of course. an outbreak of a respiratory
virus hospitalizing hundreds of children across the country taking a frightening turn. at least nine young victims in colorado are now paralyzed. they can t move or have even potentially paralysis of some of their limbs. it s too soon to tell how these are going to evolve or if they re going to get better or if this is something that s potentially more permanent. the nine children had a fever for about two weeks before developing varying degrees of limb weakness. right now doctors don t think it s polio, the cdc is now investigating. brand new video this morning showing newlyweds george clooney and amal. now legally married and leaving their civil wedding ceremony in ónice. today s ceremony wraps up their weekend, their wedding weekend. the clooney s more private ceremony was held on saturday and attended by a list stars like matt damon, cindy crawford, and bill murray, and those are your headlines. that is one good looking
wedding album. you see the snap shots. i really knew murray. what movie have they been in? they re movie stars. come on, hollywood, baby. i didn t know. all right, thank you. was clooney in stripes? i don t think so. ville to look more closely. coming up, could it be eric holder s last stand, a law to reform police surveillance banning controversial targets like mosques. what does that mean for our national security? former homeland security advisor michael balbony here next. and does this sound annoy you? [ clicking ] it could be coming to a store near you. goodness, that gum chewing. ññ
today the oklahoma man, that man right there, who converted to islam before behead lg one of his coworkers will appear in court on murder charges. this as the fbi investigates his potential ties to terror. like the facebook post that says, quote, shari ahlaw is coming. in the meantime, attorney general eric holder is pushing one last agenda item before he leaves office. a new policy that bans religious
profiling and understood cover surveillance at mosques by police officers. among other places. but what kind of an impact is that going to have on national security. are we tieing the hands of the fbi? well joining us is former homeland security advisor for new york state, michael balboni. good morning. good morning. what they re doing, there has been an exemption for national security investigations where if it s a national security thing, there can be surveillance at mosques and places like that. they re saying, no more of that. couple things strike you as really bizarre about this whole move. the first is the timing, why would you push for this exception now to be taken out? when we re probably in one of the worst threatened environments we ve had since 9/11. second is that why are we demonstrating why that security exception was bad? we have not had any type of information out there, hearings that says that that specific security exception was in fact resulting in civil rights
violations? sure. in the past, there have been police departments who have sent members of their team into mosques, into different situations to monitor. going forward, they won t be able to do that anymore, legally? really becomes a question of how do you monitor this, in other words, you have an investigation, there are lots of different exceptions in terms of something that is done when you have an emergency and you can follow somebody, but now, how do you come inó4÷ and practice thi and why would you want to micromanage an investigation? particularly related to national security? right. where they go is where they should go. the evidence takes you where it should take you, i really am concerned that this is an overreach at a time when we need to open up the borders of information, not just close it down. well, you know, if you look at wait they operate right now, you know, they ve been able to surveil things, they ve been able to listen to your phone calls and your data and look at your e-mail and stuff like that. they re taking one of the tools
away, then it leaves your phone that they can tap into. yeah, the investigative tools are, they shouldn t be limited in this space. especially when it s a national security exception. that s what we re talking about here. and many times, you ll get a warrant, subpoena, they can work through that, but again with this change, why now? why do you think? i think it is eric holder s last, as you characterized it before, i think it s one of his legacy issues. he wants to say i myuy u going make sure that we take away every type of profiling we can and i think he s overreaching. let s hope it doesn t put us in more danger. thank you very much. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. al qaeda not on the run. the terrorists have a brand new warning for america. and have you ever googled yourself? how about your kid? you might find something you don t like, like it to disappear, chris the cyber guy shows us how to erase the moments that you don t want the world to see, like that one, get
rid of it. i see the levy s parked in front of our house again. it s a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? oh, i do! (whoooosh! smack!) me too! (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) are those king s hawaiian rolls? (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king s hawaiian bread. find us in the deli or in-store bakery. also try the complete line of king s hawaiian sandwich rolls. who s going to do it? who s going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who s going to take the leap? who s going to write the code? who s going to do it? engineers. that s who. that s what i want to do. be an engineer.
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professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers. they re randomly tested for drugs and alcohol. but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands. hi, quick international headlines now. new threat from al qaeda, the leader of the al qaeda-syria affiliate vowing revenge and vowing to use all possible means to fight back. this as the u.s. led coalition hitting more targets in northern syria overnight. and police firing tear gas as thousands protest in front of government headquarters in hong kong. trying to keep democracy alive. chanting we want democracy as they call for free elections in
2017. and tooxic gas and ash still spewing from a massive volcano in japan. rescue crews forced to suspend all efforts to recover victim s bodies. as many as 36 people died on the mountain. i think i said that very wrong. sounded okay to me, brian. do you ever google yourself? brian does. and you can actually google your kids, you might find a link or picture that you thought was private there. they say the internet is forever, but there might be a way to remove those posts and protect your online reputation. and that of your kids for good. here to tellñus, kurt the cyber guy joins us with exactly the right step, hey, find out what s online and what to do if you find out a photo or post is there that you didn t authorize. there s a lot more power that you think you have in this arena. not complete control, but there s a lot you can do to get rid of something you don t like, you re looking at, it could be image of yourself or someone in your family. what do you do? first of all, go to the
source and find out where is this photo posted and you can request that it be taken down. also check the privacy settings of the photo site you re looking at. many times there s a little way to flag the photo and simply say hey, this is inappropriate. why, it s of my family and it could cause us harm. and that brings us back to really, it s about how you communicate back with a photo site or especially on google images where we see a lot of these things showing up. let s talk about that specifically, you find a photo, opportunity down, what things should you say to google so they have to take it down? bingo. it s about following the rules. the rules are very specific and they ll talk about why and how and what type of removals thatú google will do is strictly adhered to this policy. many of the policies are kind of common sense things, and they are also extraordinary rules that graphic, vulgar, pornographic content, they ll
automatically bring that down. they re not necessarily going to take down anything if you don t like the way you look that day. national id numbers, passport, driver s license, anything that could identify you, license plate, they ll pull it down for that, obviously if it s going to interrupt your financial world, bank account numbers, they ll take that down. images that has your signature on it that someone could copy. so the goal here really is to, you see a photo, and we saw the one with steve where he has the clown face on and everything. with that, you re going to have to find one of the silos to sort of complain about and push and push and push, and chances are, even though it doesn t fall in that criteria, they ll remove it if you re just determined enough, but the bigger thing is to find out where is that photo posted? and when you find that out, nine out of ten times, if you go to the source and say hey, look,
that s me, and it s hurtful to my family like another website or app that you have that has your photos. because one of the things that we forget, and we just updated our phones, many of us, right? and in doing so, sometimes privacy settings that we thought were ironclad they ve reset. they get reset. so also, when your friend share photos with you or take pictures and post them at shutter fly, the gamut where the photos fit. each and every one of those sites has tholicies. many times you simply go to that site and say look, this photo is causing me harm in one way or another, would you please remove it. if squeaky wheel gets the oil in the case. if it s important enough, you ll take the steps to keep your photos your own. flag those inappropriate photos. and our web, we ll show you thousand go through the google removal tools, just go to we ll show you how to support it for the image remoll tool. bringing people comfort, thank you. coming up, does this sound annoy you? [ clicking sound ] well, it could be coming to a store near you. not too long. and is this the happiest looking mug shot ever? he knows he s in a police station, right? maybe not. what can your fidelity greenline do for you? just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional. or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. and save on taxes where you can. so you can invest in the life that you want today.
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having a flash back, it s your shot of the morning, real central perk, from the sitcom
friend is outside on our plaza right now. shaking her head on this national coffee day. that s right, good morning, steve, elisabeth, and brian, it s national coffee day, and lisa harrison, a barista joins us on the plaza with the central perk, popup coffee cart. tell me about this. we ve all seen that where they gather in that coffee shop, and knew there s a pop up one in new york city? yeah, 8:00 coffee partnered with a warner brothers to create a replica. it s downtown in soho, and it s going to be open until october 18th. sounds good, awe now they can get and now they can get free coffee not just today, but for several weeks. since september 17th, it ll be open new mexico october 18th. today if you gho down, you ll get prizes and giveaways and more fun stuff. and people can get free coffee at mcdonald s, crispy cream, and pete s coffee as
well. we have the coffee ready, so let s go ahead and start giving out free coffee, steve, elisabeth, and brian, as i toss it back inside, some of the stats are incredible. 54% of americans drink 18, no, over 18 drink coffee daily. americans over 18 years old drink coffee daily. 80% drink coffee up from 78% back in 2012. so a the love people drinking coffee, i am one of them. i have my cup right here. us too. toss backç all right. thank you very much. makes you want to clap five times. there s an item in the washington post this morning about starbucks number one, is it the cia? you know when you order they ll write your name on the side. they won t write people s names on the side because they don t want to the die vul j their identity divulge their identity. it could be the busiest in the world. is it the cias? how is that?
you go through so many barricades just to get through, i guess you re hostage. you can t take your smart phone with if you are a barista at the cia into the cia. not a smart phone, but a smart anchor. let s do it. people drinking more coffee because they re watching fox and friends first at 5:00 a.m. absolutely. we appreciate all of you at home for doing that. thank you. here s what s happening in the headlines this morning, travel nightmare to kick off the week as the faa scrambles to restore the flight control center in chicago. thousands of flights have been canceled since an employee sabotaged the facility with a fire on friday morning. the faa is bringing in extra technicians to replace the network. they expect it to return to full service in two weeks. 36-year-old contract worker brian howard now charged with a starleting that fire, but starting that fire but is currently in the hospital. sparking were flying at iowa senate debate. republican senator and
democratic congressman started knocking each other for their political associations, including the coke brothers and tom styre. i m not sure that s what the senator told the coke brothers when she went to their secret meetings, she said that she was philosophically opposed to the renewable fuel standard and perfect world, it wouldn t exist. i stood up to big oil at every opportunity because their interests are not iowa-backed. you re not running against these other people, you re running against me. i am a mother, i am a soldier, and i am an independent leader. you are being funded by tom steyer, who is a california billionaire extreme environmentalist, so remember, please, that you are running against me. i realize that, and senator, president obama s name is not on the ballot, and i m not going to owe president obama anything on election day, you re going owe the coke brothers everything. i will stand up and do what s
right for iowans, not for california extreme environmentalists, not for senator harry reid, not for president obama. the latest des moines register poll shows her ahead 314-38 over braley. it s hard to ignore, one 7-11 taking steps to keep panhandlers away. installing those speakers that emit a high frequency tone to keep beggars out of their parking lots. employees say it s working, but it s also causing some problems. some patrons say the loud noise is more irritating than the panhandlers. fallen navy seal immortalized in maryland, petty officer first class patrick feaks died in afghanistan, and now there s a bridge that was dedicated in his honor. family and friend gathering at a ceremony for the unveiling of the signs which will be placed on that bridge, there it is.
his father saying the bridge will serve as a good reminder. he can t be replaced by the bridge, but, if this will serve as a memorial. people remember that when the country goes to war, that they re sacrificing. we will remember. than dedication ceremony attended by military officials. meanwhile, monday morning means one thing, nfl highlights. let me tell you what s going on if you went to bed early last night. tony romo and the cowboys beat the saints. romo, three scores, running back murray added two on the ground, cowboys, the shocker so far this year, winners 38-17. and the bucs with the steelers at the last second. hitting lewis murphy for a huge 41 yard gain. vincent jackson and pulling in a five yard catch. there it is, tampa wins 27-24, tampa gets first win for smith
as he takes over that team. fun times on the field. for one team, not the other. yeah. steelers are stunned. look at this, yeah, coming up now, this is a happiest-looking mug shot ever. he knows he s in a police station, right? and president obama says he s better that he s in office. his administration helped the economy get better? is that true, the governor of one of the biggest job creation states joins us right now, governor rick perry. . .
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. .
well police are classifying a brutal beheading of an oklahoma woman and the stabbing of another as quote workplace violent. what about the suspect in this case and his controversial ties to radical islam? should this case be classified as terror or do we have another
fort hood on our hand? we re joined by texas governor rick perry. good morning, sir. how are you? always great to have you here. is this just another workplace violent case? yeah, i think americans aren t confused about this what this is. this is a clear case of an individual going in and doing something that doesn t meet their definition of workplace violence, so you know, i think any rational thinking american is going to look at this and go, this is more than just normal workplace violence. sure. and you look at this the guy s facebook page, he was clearly obsessed with islamic extremism, and what does he do? he beheads somebody. before the isis videos have come out, when was the last time we heard of anybody beheading anybody? it just seems like, if it s not connected, it s the craziest coincidence ever. i made the point that other than the video, everything else here seems to fall into that
type of activity, but again, give the appropriate time to really do the investigation, make sure that that is in case the fact, and that is the point in fact, and but, at some point in time, i think the administration does have to address this as what it appears to many people that it is, and that is an act of violence. that is associated with terrorism. i think it s insulting to people s intelligence, we ve been through this for 13 years, when you pretend like it s not linked, i think that americans get insulted, but who knows, let s see where this investigation goes. meanwhile the president speaking last night on 60 minutes. i don t know if you watched as you traveled, but he talked about our war against isis and not against islam, listen. this is not america against isil, this is america leading the international community to assist a country with whom we have a security partnership
with. i made very clear, we are not at war against islam, islam is a religion that preaches peace and overwhelming majority of muslims are peaceful, but in the muslim world right now, there is a cancer that has grown for too long. that suggests that it is accept to believe kill innocent people who woim a different god who worship a different god. jv team grew into cancer. yeah. a major admission that this administration got it wrong. and it goes back to leaving iraq without an american presence, i think is, this is the result. and it ll bee927 interesting to if the president will ever make that admission, i don t know whether he will or not, but the fact is, we do have a major issue on our hand there. and being able to destroy them,
degrade them as the president said, you re going to have to have major heavy weaponry in the hands of the others, you re going to have continued, heavy assault from using air assets, and you re going to have to have assets on the ground. is there a problem with a state like yours or country like ours to admit when you re wrong? is it a problem? i get to admit it, i know it s not probably the easiest thing in the world, but, you know, when you made an error, you need to stand up and said we m miscalculated, we made an error here because the american people, in my case, the texas people are not going to trust if you if you stand up and say you know what, i m 100%, 100% of the time. he blames james clapper. and george bush. you know, the president needs to be looking for a way to address the issue, and the issue is, isis is a legitimate threat, it s not just a legitimate
threat in that region of the world, it s a legitimate threat in the united states. that is one of the reasons that we sent our national guard to the border to send a very clear message that that boarder is going to be secure. and we re going to have not only a law enforcement presence there, we re going have the military in the form of the national guard as a partner in that effort as well. great. and it is working. i mean we knew that if you put a presence, just like a neighborhood watch, it s just like having a residual force in iraq. right the presence makes a difference. they re going see that and respond, in the case of the border, individuals who are coming up with the understanding that if you cross the border and you can come into the united states and stay, they now understand that that is not the case. uh-huh. i want to ask you this, governor, the president also said in that interview that he believed, and i will summerize, that americans are better off
now than 60 years ago. if he s talking about economically, then everybody in this country knows, or the vast majority of the people in this country know that s not true. when we think about are we safer, i think most americans would say, you know what, we don t think we re safer, we don t feel safer when i have a border that is insecure, when we have an economy that is still so weak and anemic. i don t see how the president can say that with a straight face, frankly. he had 72% approval on his building of terror after the bin laden killed, he lost 40 points. we know you re very busy near new york city and why are you going to europe? couple of reasons, we were asked to give a major speechl on energy, which we are, and then the foreign minister of poland invited us over as well to talk about liquefied natural gas and coming into the baltic. we ll make a trip into ukraine
as well. it s a very good opportunity for us to go talk about energy security for europew1 using american energy. right up your alley. st the way to do it. great to see you. thank you, governor. subway map, elisabeth has one. i sure do, governor, pleasure to have you here, always. coming up, he was paralyzed in a terrible accident on the football field, and now he refuses to give up looking for a cure to his injury. mark here live with his story, along with the miami project and all advances they re having. but first, let s check in with martha maccallum for the top of the hour. good morning. good morning, tough questions for the administration about how al qaeda was able to make such a come back. britt hooum here to discuss. gruesome killing in oklahoma, affect terrorism or another case of workplace violence? we ll talk about that as well. ben carson and hillary and the latest midterm polls, brand new
number when we see you at the top of the hour.
it s an inspiring annual event attended by athletes, hollywood celebrities, every day great people and philanthropists. all coming together to raise money for a cure for paralysis. the great sport s legends dinner celebrates the 29th year tonight, since 1985, raised more than $100 million for the miami project which is leading the world in spinal cord research. joining me right now is the president of the miami project, and with him is the 2014 u.s. open runner up, progolfer eric kovrpton. recipient of tonight s inspiration award, and mark, great to see you again, you look
fantastic. eric, good to see you again. why dhuz guy get the award tonight? what did he do, mark? he s a personal friend, but also a real hero to mine, inspiration for millions. i mean here is a guy, every weekend, battling it out with the world s greatest golfers and surviving his third house transplant. at 33, runner up at the u.s. open, eric, how do you do it? well, we were hitting balls and you gave me a tip here in the last time. you told me never to play golf again. yeah, i mean, i ve been very, very fortunate, you know, it was nice to share it with friends and family and mark, mark s been a big supporter of mine, and i m happy to be here with him. share a great year that i had with u.s. open with everybody, and you know, i ve been very, very blessed, very lucky to be a recipient of two transplants, and couldn t have done it without the donors that have saved my life. what you re doing is not only
to get yourself out of that chair, you re also trying to get everybody else, and you are with you have done things to save people with a lifetime of paralysis. what innovations took place? we continue to work with hypothermia which helped kevin get out of his paralysis, out of his wheelchair, he s walking now. and now we re doing cell transplants. we had fda approval to do a cell transplant and new injuries, we ve already transplantedm cels into people. we continue to monitor their progress, and we re looking forward to beginning chronic injury, people like myself that have been injured far long period of time to get for a long period of time to promote recovery. one of the people honoring a bunch of people, hosted by tom brokaugh. you just love this night. it charges everyone s quju)qáy pedro martinez, we re getting
ready to build a new $100 million rehab facility for our clinical trials. to find out more the miami project and help out any way you can, mark and eric, thanks for coming here tonight, i ll see you tonight. thanks brian. back in a moment.
well before we go, here s one for the road, it must be the happiest mug shot ever. man arrested and charged with a robbing a bank in denver giving a toothy grin for the camera. police caught him during his dramatic escape attempt on a train. my final thought is this, watch sean hannity, remember they had it out, predicted shah re law in america, he s had legal problems, he s coming back on hannity, watch tonight at 10:00. he was just arrested and charged, right? that s going to be fantastic. and fiery as well which is whats after the show, when we re on the internet, it gets weird.
yeah. you become outnumbered. it s your own many outnumbered which by the way, you can listen to the radio too. thanks for joining us today. see you back here. same time, same couch. bye. different outfits. bill: thank you, everybody. have breaking news already now from this morning. the u.s. tomorrow will sign an agreement that leaves 10,000 american troops in afghanistan. senior advisor john podesta making that announcement in kaupe buell a moment ago. the same day that afghanistan gets its brand new leader. more details inside of america s newsroom. first show though blaming intelligence officials for dropping the ball on isis. president obama pointing a finger at a spy chief for underestimating the vicious terror group that sprung up in iraq and more so in syria. hope you had a great weekend. i m bill hemmer. welcome

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20141013 23:00:00

need. that s why eagle academy is effective. that s why public schoolteachers that are committed are effective. i grew up in minority youth, in a single-parent home. thank god for mentors, men and women, public schoolteachers that were dedicated, like gert trud cromwell. low expectations will be fulfilled. higher expectations will also be fulfilled and make a better nation. thanks for watching. i m al sharpton. hardball starts right now. think ebola. let s play hardball. good evening, i m chris matthews in washington. the nurse s name is nina fong.
she took care of america s first ebola case. and now she s the second. and the man-made virus called voter suppression. this weekend in north carolina i asked kay hagan whether republicans are out to cut the democratic vote or simply screw the black vote. here s her answer. so is this based on racial racism or partisanship? why are they trying to screw the black voters, because they don t like blacks, or because they don t like democrats? i think they are trying to suppress democrat voting. the african americans think they re being targeted because they re african americans. i tend to agree with them. so it s both. the ebola scare is front-page news. the washington post, dallas nurse tests positive for ebola.
the new york times, dallas nurse contracts ebola virus, elevating response and anxiety. and usa today, texas nurse contracts ebola. tonight, we ll give you the latest, including the 911 call that alerted the dallas hospital as to what was coming. hello? yeah, is this fire department? i m calling for ambulance, please. i say my daddy is throwing up [ indiscernible ] what s the address? all right, and you re hurting all over? huh? no, i said my daddy is throwing up [ indiscernible ] the director of infectious diseasas the national institute of health and the judge in texas. tell us about the protocols that failed to be used, people were
failed to be trained. how do you explain this to an average white person right now, what went wrong? how does this person contract ebola? well, there was a breach in the protocol, but we don t know the precise breach. we continue to investigate by interviewing every health care worker who had anything to do with the care of eric duncan. and we brought in two infectious disease specialists from the cdc and a host more epidemiologist to try to get to where that breach was. we have improved over the last 24 hours some of the infection control protocols there. but there was a breach, we don t know whether it was isolated, or whether it was something that affected more people. that s what our focus is on now. thank you, judge. less than a month ago, president obama said it was unlikely ebola would reach our shores, but it
has. when the first case landed in dallas two weeks ago, center for disease control director thomas frieden announced they were stopping it in its tracks. today the tone of the conversation is different. we have the first ebola infection in the united states and the cdc assumes more cases are on the way. we re concerned and would not be surprised if we did see additional cases in the health care workers who also provided care to the index patient. we re concerned there could be other infections in the coming days. would not be surprised if there are more cases, especially of those who cared for the first victim here. cdc director frieden called for an elevated level of readiness at hospitals around the country. here s more of what he said today. we ll work with hospitals throughout the country to think ebola, in someone with a fever or other symptoms who has had travel to any of the three affected countries in the previous 21 days. so, anthony, thank you very
much. you re very used to this, but most people are not, infectious diseases. right. what do you think we know and what we don t know? what s the known unknown here about whether it could be this person apparently did follow the rules, they thought. right. nina fong, and caught it. first of all, when we say breach, we better be careful that we don t give the impression that it s her fault or she did something wrong. breach is a public health terminology. it could possibly be that she may not have been actually trained or practiced in what she was doing. so she tried her best, and then you have to look at more proactive training, making sure there s good supervision there. so a breach can be a lot of things. it s that catch word for something went wrong. i think the important thing you just mentioned, there are things that did go right, despite the tragic event. one, this person was being
monitored because she was self-monitoring. soon as she got a fever on friday night, she reported it the next morning, went into isolation, and that s what tom frieden was talking about, when he said, there won t be an outbreak, because when you do contact tracing and do the isolation, you re not going to have an outbreak. so americans should not be concerned about an outbreak, but that s different than a significant serious situation, about making sure you protect our health care workers. we ve got to make sure they get the best of equipment and the best of training so that we don t have an unfortunate incident. but dr. frieden also said he would not be surprised if there were more cases coming out of people who were in contact with the first victim? right. health care workers, because if in fact what was going on in that intensive care setting allowed a single health care worker to get infected, none of us would be surprised, we hope it doesn t happen, but we wouldn t be surprised if we saw
another one or more health care workers, that s why they re being monitored extremely closely. what s the atmosphere like in texas? are people concerned he s wouldn t be surprised if there were more cases of ebola? the vast majority of our people are calmly concerned for these health care workers and are praying and thinking about nina and her family. and let me say this, i consider her to be a hero. she is a person who knew when she went into this field that there s always a risk of getting the very disease you re treating. it s happened to her. and she s dealing with that, with grace, and with dignity. and she has a brave and heroic family, and they re giving her
great support. and i m pleased but the president said it was unlikely that there would be cases in this country. and now the implications seem to be in the first couple days here, that we would be unlikely to see any more cases develop because of contact with this first patient, mr. duncan. and then here we are, is there any way to spread the news that it s possible, it s unlikely, but it s possible and throw in that word possible so people retain their authority to speak on the matter? judge? well, yes. here s the situation. if you didn t come into contact with the bodily fluids of eric duncan, you don t have ebola and you re not going to get ebola. but in this situation, we have a new area of concern for health care workers who we believed were following protocols sufficient to keep them safe while caring for mr. duncan. there was a breach, which is a term of art, but there was a breach that allowed her to get
sick. it means that we are focused on those other health care workers. of the 48 people outside of those health care workers that are contacts, they re asymptom attic and have no fever and we re now well past the most likely time for them to get sick. they ll be fully in the clear on october 20th. but now we have a new concern, and that s the protocols and the health care workers. the united states has been without a surgeon general now for more than a year. in july of last year, surgeon general regina benjamin resigned. in november, president obama nominated a replacement, dr. vivek murthy. then democrats passed a measure to make it easier to confirm. only a simple majority is needed. but then they moved to bock the nomination. including comments where murthy said guns are a health care
issue themselves. th the confirmation vote was called off that same month. what do you think of this? i m looking at a pack of cigarettes right now. i don t smoke, haven t in 25 years. but for an authority figure, we look at this, surgeon general warning, smoking by pregnant women may result in fetal injury, premature birth and low birth rate. it talks about cancer. so the surgeon general is the big daddy of the country who tells us what we should be afraid of. we don t have one. we have you, dr. frieden. do we need a surgeon general to come on television to do psas and say, here s what you shouldn t be worried about. this is what you should do? well, it would be nice to have a surgeon general, but the problem right now, chris, is not not having a surgeon general. i think it s a problem with the american government. i m in a different field. politically, we can t even do the basics, like approve a
surgeon general. that s a different story. i think there s a bit of a non-sec witter. we re not in the situation we are now because we don t have a surgeon general. that would be making some majestic leaps. but we need somebody to talk to the american people. sure. health officials and i have been on the air almost continuously, as has tom frieden and secretary bur wel. there s a lot to be done. we re in an epidemic of fear, and we need to break that so we don t need a tsar? i don t think so. we have good coordination from the white house, from the national security council. we have the division in labor, in country, it s usa i.d. here it s health and human services. the military are doing a great job helping with logistics. it s working smoothly. we need to get more resources. right now, the thing that people forget when they see the headlines that you just showed about a single case, which is tragic, that should not have
happened. but the way we can stop this from ever happening is to get rid of the epidemic in west africa. if we do that, we wouldn t be talking about this right now. we ll send 3,000 guys over there. the question is, will they get it? we must stop it in west africa. the lack of a clear-cut personage, for the president to say, this person is in charge. when he was asked who was in charge of the rollout for health care, he said it s the coo are the someone he never met. but that s a problem. but he knows you. thank you judge clay jenkins. coming up, my interview with senator kay hagan. she s holding strong in north carolina, where republicans have tried to take away the vote of minorities and young people. guess what? it s driving people to get out their vote in reaction. they might vote more in greater numbers because of this effort
to keep them out of voting. anyway, this is hardball, the place for politics. t beat? campbell s healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m m. ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell s healthy request. m m! m m! good.® campbell s healthy request. hey! so i m looking at my bill, and my fico® credit score s on here. we give you your fico® score each month for free! awesomesauce! wow! the only person i know that says that is.lisa? julie?! at discover, we treat you like you d treat you. get the it card and see your fico® credit score. dad: he s our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don t know exactly. kid: what if you re not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn t work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab
coming up next, will the republican effort to screw the minority voter in north carolina and elsewhere work? or it will backfire? looks like it might backfire in north carolina where kay hagan could be one of the big stand-out victories for the democrats this year against what looks like could be a sweep this year. and we ll be right back. $75 in checked bag fees. priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. i love to travel, no foreign transaction fees means real savings. we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the us. when i spend money on this card i can see brazil in my future. i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family which means a lot to me. (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies.
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just three weeks from now, in fact, tomorrow, a handful of crucial states will determine whether democrats keep a majority in the united states senate, or whether republicans get control. among the battleground states, north carolina, where the race to finish line is intensifying even as we speak. we were there this weekend and here s what we found. with control of the u.s. senate in the balance, hardball took to the road this weekend to check out the race in north carolina. it s where democrat kay hagan is in a tough fight with thom tillis, her testy republican
opponent. usually races that are this close bounce back and forth, but she s maintained a two to five-point lead non-stop for the last six weeks or so. the latest polling has hagan up two points 47-45. i think voter turn-out is the key. it s certainly the key in my election, in an off-presidential election year. we know voter turn-out goes down. and i have put together one of the biggest voter turn-out operations we ve ever seen in north carolina. but new voting restrictions passed by the conservative north carolina legislature, might affect turn-out on election day. the intent was to suppress democratic turn-out. it s wrong. people have fought and died for the constitutional right to vote. they took away a number of early voting days, they took away same-day registration. we allowed in civics classes as a senior in high school, that students could register to vote. you want to ask yourself, why?
hagan s republican opponent is the speaker of the house in the north carolina legislature. he pushed for the new voting restrictions which he must have known would weigh heaviest on his democratic rival. did he do this to suppress the vote? yes. when you look at these barriers to the ballot box. there are two states in the nation that he brought suit in, north carolina and texas, because of the egregious violation of the constitutional right to vote. it s 2014. why are there barriers to the ballot box? that s what they ve done. the restrictions are going to hurt the african americans the most. the naacp has been leading the fight to inform voters? what do you think voter suppression is about? partisan or racist? i think it s both.
the people who are going to be affected, it s african americans. there are people who don t want to see progress. but these folks here do want to see it, and they re leading the nation. this is where the action is. this is where the leadership is right here. among those leaders, a civil rights advocate in the tar heels state. when you talk to republicans and i think you do, about why they push for the new voter laws, do they admit it s suppression? thom tillis admitted on msnbc, where he said it wasn t about fraud. he admitted that. why is this a legislative priority? we call this restoring confidence in elections. there is some voter fraud, but that s not the primary reason for doing this. there s a lot of people who are just concerned with the potential risk of fraud. in our state, it could be significant. reverend barber gained wide
recognition for leading moral mondays in north carolina, a weekly protest movement with civil rights and voting fairness at the top of its agenda. we talk about what s constitutionally inconsistent. we ve had republicans and democrats stand on the stage and say, some politicians that will get elected and then use their power to keep from voting, is wrong. senator hagan has for her part made voting rights a key component of her re-election fight. we need to have a huge turn-out on november 4th. with your help and support, we are going to get out the voters. we are going to inform them, tell them what the rules of the road are. this election is that critical. so is this based on racial racism or partisanship? why are they trying to screw the black voter to put it bluntly? i think they are trying to suppress democratic turn-out. so it s partisan? sundays to the polls, done
away. the whole early voting concept, people have busy lives. they want to go and vote early. and to think you took another week of that away, that s wrong. that is really wrong. the african americans think they re being targeted because they re african americans not because they re democrats. well, you know, i tend to agree with them. some say tillis might trigger a voter backlash trying to en80 these voter restrictions. it could cause african americans to show up in greater numbers at a protest. from what i can tell, the state s voter i.d. laws are motivating the base like nothing i ve ever seen. i think the republican party overreached to such an extent that they ll have a hard time for the next couple of cycles. they re going to have to own what they ve done. the consequences of these new laws are far reaching and could determine which party wins control of the u.s. senate. every vote in a battleground state like north carolina counts. every vote that gets suppressed does too.
joining me now is political analyst gene robinson of the washington post. you grew up with this stuff and they re back at it. well, yeah. i thought we had established the right to vote back in 1964 and 65. i thought this was interesting. i brought back a little bit of advice for voters. this is a placard i got from the naacp, a non-partisan placard. a lot of people are spreading the word you need an i.d. card, even though these pushed off for two years. so that intimidation factor worked in pennsylvania for the presidential election. people say, don t bother, because you don t have an i.d. what do you think of this, that groups like the naacp, they may be democrats, but it s a non-partisan issue. and it s a group that doesn t get involved in politics in a partisan way. and i think that s highly significant. i think what we heard about motivating the democratic base,
frankly, in north carolina, could well be true. the counterattack, the backlash? yeah, there are some indications that in 2012, in some states, you know, attempts to suppress the african american vote resulted in a higher than normal african american vote, especially in ohio. let me ask you a question, i don t think there s an answer, but i m going to throw it at you. i asked kay hagan the question, african americans down here think it s at them. not just democrats, it s at them as a group? well, how could you not feel that way, if you see something that clearly has a disproportionate impact on african american voters. that in particular, that is something they went way out of their way to get rid of, and that s something they targeted the black vote. if african americans were
loyal republican voters, would the republican party be doing this? i m not sure they would. it s like nixon, was it anti-semitic or jewish or democrats. anyway, a new poll on the senate race in iowa. 47 for republican joanie arn eft, the hog castrator, and 46, one point behind her, bruce braley, who isn t the greatest campaigner, but he s holding his fight there. that s a five-point move. plenty of heat when they debated last night. let s watch. senator ernst is fond of saying things that sound good, but when you look at what they mean to iowans, they don t make iowans better off. i think it s important to have farmers in the united states senate. when you talk about your word behind closed doors at a
fund-raiser in texas. you poked fun at senator grassley for being just a farmer without a law degree. there s been a direct attack, there s been applause, i think i should have an opportunity to respond. senator ernst, you know that i apologized to senator grassley right away. no. it s called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. they cut the power. it ll fix itself. power s back on. quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable. can i get my experian credit report.eport card thing. like, the one the bank sees. sheesh, i feel like i m being interrogated over here. she s onto us. dump her. (phone ringing)
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now jump off the bridge. what? in 3.2.1. are you kidding me? go. right on time. right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. we call that predictable. thrillingly predictable. i am on the ballot in north carolina to be re elected to my u.s. senate seat. the president s welcome to come to north carolina at any time. that s senator kay hagan over the weekend, responding to reporter s questions about being associated with president obama. last week, another particularic candidate for senate, kentucky s alison lundergan grimes was asked if she voted for president obama. here was her response. did you vote for president obama in 2008 and 2012? you know, this election isn t about the president. it s about making sure we put kentuckians back to work.
did you vote for him? i was in 2008, a delegate for hillary clinton. i think that kentuckians know i m a clinton democrat through and through. i respect the sanctity of the ballot box and i know that the members of this editorial board do as well. so you re not going to answer? again, i don t think the president is on the ballot. as much as mitch mcconnell might want him to be, it s my name, and it s going to be made holding him accountable for the votes he s made against the people of kentucky. during my visit to north carolina, i asked senator hagan the same question. admittedly, she was probably prepared for it. who did you vote for for president in 2008 and 2012? president barack obama. that s not a hard question? that s not a hard question. i have a number of theories about it. alison lundergan grimes didn t want to answer that question.
what s your theory? i don t have a theory. it looked like that was kind of prepared. and if that was prepared, it was really weird. answer the question. do you think she voted for president obama? you think she didn t? i m beginning to be suspicious that she wanted to be honest and she had an answer she wanted to provide, but how can it be bad to say you voted for the guy that you obviously voted for? i think she s a regular democrat. no, no, regular democrats voted for barack obama obviously because he won twice. so they did. to not say that, it seems like you re going way out of your way to try to not offend kentuckians who don t like the president, yada yada yada. answer the question. mitch mcconnell, the old pro, is going to nail her on this and force her to answer it and say, it took you x many days to
answer the question. even if she does answer it tonight, he ll say, how long did that take you to do it? he can be a nasty sort of character to say the least. and he ll use this. anyway, eugene, thanks for having fun here. and i think kay hagan looks like a winner. she s running a campaign against a guy who isn t that likeable and she s focused on north carolina issues effectively. that s what we saw down there. up next, the round table and who s in charge of stopping ebola here in the united states? plus, race and politics, could the voter suppression effort trigger voters going in the other way? people who weren t supposed to vote are going out in droves. you re watching hardball, the place for politics. what s wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah. i do. try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates.
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here s what s happening this
nor. north korea s leader reportedly attended a residential planning briefing, the first time he was seen in public for weeks. protesters in the streets of ferguson, missouri today, hundreds of people marching from a church there to the police station, expressing outrage over the august killing of michael brown. and one person is dead after a tornado tore through kansas. part of what s kpeakted to be a multi-day stretch of severe weather. now back to hardball. welcome back to hardball. time now for the round table. and tonight s topics, diving into who s in charge on ebola and why is there no unified national response to the virus, no tsar. and could voter suppression efforts in north carolina motivate voters to turn out in
bigger numbers? plus, fire wall, north carolina, why the state could withstand a big sweep. joining me now, howard fineman, and michelle bernard, and darryl weiss. his new book is right on the numbers here, billionaires, reflections on the upper crust. want to talk about ebola. reminds me of one of those movies, invasion of the body snarchs. who s next? even though it s in small numbers, it s against the promise we were given in the beginning, that it would be unlikely for it to get here. what s frighten, we can t point to one person who is in charge. and now there s a breach in protocol in the hospital in texas where a nurse now has ebola. what if the protocol is just wrong? i have a friend who is a
physician in new york, here hospital treats a lot of african patients. she was sharing with me some details. and it s frightening. the protocol begins with put up a map of africa in your emergency room. train your staff on the names of the countries in africa and train your staff on the names of the cities in the countries where you find the ebola virus. or the donald trump protocol, no more airline traffic from that part of the world. it s ironic, we spend a lot of times hearing from conservatives about the need for less centralized government, the more local the better. in this case, the exact opposite is true. we need the best, global, national information, carefully administered and supervised by a central figure. for political purposes and maybe administrative ones as well. i don t know that dr. frieden at the cdc, as competent as he is,
is a big enough figure to match what s going on in the public sphere today. and after all, every infectious disease is also a matter of publicity and public affairs. so you need that strong person. if president obama doesn t have the time to do it, and he s busy with things like isis and so forth they need somebody of unimpeachable global stature to reassure the american people and every hospital in the united states. a chain of command, like eisenhower had. right down the line, like general of the army. or else people will be confused. the problem now is, no one is in control. the message now, the world is in chaos, no one is in charge, there s disorder out there. the problem for the administration, if this election gets framed around the themes of chaos and disorder, that will be damaging. the president has a policy. when he was asked about the
rollout of obamacare, it was, who is really in charge? well, it s the chief operating officer of the medicare, medicaid group in hhs. that s part of hhs. you say, who are you talking to? it was the president didn t seem to be talking to anybody. there was no chain of command. on certain issues, he is brilliant in his measured responses. this is not one of those areas. we don t want to cause or create large amounts of panic, but somebody needs to be in charge and admit to the american public that we don t have all the answers, and that we need to be stealth on this. why are we not looking at this the same way we would look at an act of bioterrorism? we need to be very serious about this. president obama s leadership style has always been one of, let s be calm now, let s be cool. and i think that s a very useful and a very effective leadership style for him in many ways. in this case, you still need some you need calm, but you
need the calm of utter scientific and administrative authority, which is not him. he s president of the united states. who is that person? does dr. frieden? until a week ago, nobody knew who that guy was. and we don t have a surgeon general. and he s not fully in charge. right now, we have panic with two cases in the united states, what happens when we get up to ten? the surgeon general plays a critical role when it comes to public health scares. the most famous was coop taking on the tobacco industry in the 1980s. this was him testifying about the dangers of tobacco. maintains and encourages the social acceptability of tobacco use. it just doesn t make sense to me to have unbridled advertising and promotion in view of the overwhelming scientific evidence
that we have of disease and those 350,000 deaths a year. authority is an interesting thing. it s not power. it s true authority based upon election or expertise. yes. he came off with that. he was appointed by the president, and he s the guy you check with about cigarettes. you may want to risk cancer if you want to, but it s there. and there s something about his leadership style at that point in time that instilled confidence. we need that, whether the person in charge is a man or a woman, we deeply need that right now. we don t have all the answers. either the world health organization or the united nations or both, just said within the last few hours, that ebola is going to be the biggest health threat to human beings in history. they made that statement just a few hours ago. talking about the deployment of u.s. troops being a mistake occasionally and sometimes they re necessary. 3,000 american gis, guys going over there, are they going to be trained in what not to touch, what not to be near?
there s the question of the extent to which they have been properly trained. i think they ve been trained to the limits of both what the army and the government knows. but again, as darryl said, one gets the sense that the cdc is here, the nih is here, the surgeon general doesn t even have a surgeon general now permanently because the republicans blocked that person. and while the president and there s hhs. the president has called people in for photo ops on sunday and monday, saying i m on top of the situation, but who is really running it? this is a great question. there s no clear chain of command, no tsar, so is it he like a president like kennedy in the missile crisis and get into the bowels of the government? is he that kind of president? i don t think so. he s not. in this political era, no one trusts authorities. we already have a situation where the hospital said one thing and it was wrong.
we had obama say it s not going to be a problem and we already have cases. it s not like this is the only crisis. we re facing challenges on the foreign policy front, on domestic policy issues, when you add ebola on top of the other things, that has the potential [ all speak at once ] the fact is exactly. at this point he needs two situation rooms. he needs a situation room for the middle east and the terrorism issue and he needs a situation room for this. and the question of the fat cats, the pigs from the 60s are going to spend millions of dollars to weed out liberals they don t like. anyway, round table is coming up. this is hardball.
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they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. back to the round table. howard, michelle, and darryl will talk about big money. the u.s. military and our allies have dropped more than 400 bombs in isis in iraq and syria. and as nbc s richard engel reports the extremist group doesn t seem to be degraded at all. in syria, they control more than a third of kobani on the border with turkey. in iraq, near baghdad, a campaign of suicide bombings. only eight miles from the city s airport where some of our only military are stationed.
meanwhile, the iraqi army is withdrawing from more territory. today the military made a retreat from a base in anbar provinc province. two different takes on it this weekend. susan rice said the campaign would take time but it was off to a good start. our air campaign is off to a strong start. we ve seen important successes in mosul dam, sinjar mountain, where we rescued tens of thousands of civilians at risk. this is going to take time and the american people need to understand that our aim here is long-term degradation and building the capacity of our partners. on the other hand, senator john mccain had this dire assessment. they re winning and we re not, and the iraqis are not winning. the peshmerga, the kurds are not winning. and there s a lot of aspects of this, but there has to be a fundamental reevaluation of what we re doing, because we are not
degrading and ultimately destroying isis. of course you have to agree with mccain. the trouble is, he has no alternative either. no. even if he s talking about putting boots on the ground. to me, the key is turkey. turkish friends that i know told me yesterday when the white house was saying, oh, the turks have agreed to a new situation where they re going to help us more to do this. well the turks came out today and said, essentially, no, we re not. they re there. they re right there. but they don t want to do anything that they think will help the kurds, which shows you one of the many wheels within wheels complexities of that region that even 50,000 american troops on the ground, i m afraid, is not going to solve. so in that sense, the president is right. but the bama campaign isn t working, either. so, michelle, who s going to
defeat isis? ultimately, i believe it s going to have to be the united states. i love that people have to say this is the iraqis war, maybe iran. who s going to do it? do you think obama is going to put troops in. president obama is not going to have any choice but to put troops in. this whole philosophy of degrading isis isn t going to work. isis has to be taken out. i don t think so. and he was wrong. he was wrong to take troops out of iraq. in this case, he was right. in the beginning, or a month or so ago, he said that countries have to do this. he wasn t acting that way a couple years ago when carefully nurturing and helping to build those kind of alliances and military capableties of the people on the ground would have been helpful. but to say that now
i don t think in hillary clinton s way back machine. how do you get the turks? the turks, the iranians and the asad. our nato allies are the turks. where are they? and the bottom line, it s in our national security interest not to sit around and have other people take care of this. let s talk about your book and the billionaires. talk about the role that you re seeing in the reporting today. that they re waiting until the last couple of weeks, these right wing, wealthy billionaires that s redundant are going to drop a ton of money. 2014 is going to become the battle of the billionaires. these are smart business guys. they re going to look at, you know, seven or eight key senate races that ultimately are going to decide control the senate. they re going to focus on the three or four where putting a million in, five million or even ten million is going to move the
needle one or two percentage points. you shouunder the law, is th limit? there s no limit what they can spend, if they re working through non-profit organizations. they don t even have to rorpt the expenditure. so from the voter standpoint, it s probablymatic. the messenger is as important as the message. most of the tv time in most of these states that s allotted to political advertising has already been taken. so more and more of it is going to go on to the internet. so what do you do if you you will hayou have a lot of money d you can t spend it? aside from walking around, i don t know. you have to put it into the ground game, which the democrats have already been doing. give credit to harry reid here. he focused on the ground game and not advertising a long time ago. the amusing thing is that
millionaires are going to have to pay a premium for last-minute purchases, but they can afford it. this is the place what an irony. this is the place to decide the golden election. if they re spending another 10 or 20 million, they re finding out how to capitalize. even with all the advertising dollars for people who live in under-served communities, if you can t vote, it doesn t matter. the advertising or not, they are so successful in all of these states. okay. which is it? it s both. okay, thank you. that s what i think, anyway. michelle, bernard, thank you, dear. and thank you, dear. i had a couple myself. we ll be right back after this. one must project success. that s why we use fedex one rate®. their flat rate shipping. exactly. it makes us look top-notch but we know it s affordable.
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let me finish tonight with the right to vote. the right to vote. it s not just about the power of himself or herself, it s about whether the power of those who hold office is jell lit mat or not. true authority as opposed to the simple, brute force of any government comes from being elected by the people. true authority in a democracy is to be chosen by the people. the essential basis of its powers being elected in the first place. when you deny the 350edeny the
people the right to vote, it lacks the legitimacy of office. who can say that they hold true authority to make the powerful, moral decisions of government. i think i know why the republicans in so many states are making it harder for blacks and young people to vote. i think it s their chances of winning elections. they can balloon the electoral power of older, white people. that s a math mat cat fact. and we ve heard a few republicans, a couple leaders from my home state of pennsylvania dare recite that fact out loud. it s about legitimacy. if we were to do to sports what we were doing to the electorate, we could reduce the number of black athletes. think what that would do? would the nba and nfl retain their status of having the best players available? or would they be in the arenas that can no longer make that claim. the legitimacy of being the best

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