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Transcripts For DW DocFilm - The Last Royal Mail Ship To St. Helena 20171030

a remote island in the middle of the south atlantic ocean. the only way to transport cargo to santolina is by sea and that includes pretty much everything essential to every day life and only one ship makes frequent jenna s to the islands port. the r.m.s. st helena is the island s lifeline it s one of the last working royal mail ships in the world every three weeks the cargo line sets out from cape town south africa for the five day sea jenny to st helena. henri is the second officer on board but the island is her home it s one of the most remote places on earth it s not by chunks. that napoleon was sent to live in exile him. definitely an element of the speech and i ve always been interested in history anyway always kind of think about what it was like in the days of sail ships what it must have felt like coming to this big black rock in the middle of the ocean. the captain has given the order to dupont it will be some time before the cruise land again. the st helena sails under the british flag the island is part of the british overseas territory of st helena ascension and tristan de kooning located in the south atlantic. as table mountain fades in the background the ship sets off on the same route what yuki is explorers followed long ago. mia henry is on duty up on the bridge one of her is to keep the ship on cool there was a time when as many as a thousand ships traveled this route each year st helena was a vital stop the ship sailing around africa today the r.m.s. st helena travels regularly to the lonely island. what would have been very difficult even if you were. one degree of course if you were coming out from that. so even if we wanted to decrease off or. length of the journey between a town and think nina yes it is possible to completely miss the island. the island is located in the middle of the south atlantic between south america and africa those wishing to travel here have to embark on a long journey from cape town three thousand kilometers in five days one of the most remote on earth the island is just one hundred twenty one square kilometers in size. the r.m.s. st helena is not just a container ship it also provides employment to many of the island well as the fire . was almost all the crew members live on st helena and not sign up specifically for a chance to leave the island not many could afford to pay the fare. the few passengers on board who while away the hours on the sunday have their own special reasons the taking the trip never lived on an island so i don t quite know what to expect. from what i ve missed lots of activities going up leave. the center lenience are very friendly people and is always social activities going on so basically i am going with an open mind to know i will save and i kept saying lena is one of the very few truly remote islands in the world and when people have this idea of an island they generally think of an island like sadly most islands are actually relatively excessive. nothing but water as far as the eye can see for days on end the travellers pass the time in traditional british fashion by playing cricket on a sunday for example. on the net sand there simply to protect the spectators they also keep the bull from going overboard it s rare to see someone splashing in the pool but nobody wants to miss out on england s de facto national sport it s one of the last royal mail ships travelling in the world that actually still carries the queen s male in the back seat and probably in the proper fashion so yes i think all that adds to the charge of the ship and the atmosphere as well without supper kakar it up later and found that pot. another of officer mia henry s duty is is to announce the results of the cricket tournament something the british passengers in particular appreciate that. the a. on the last evening at sea the captain hosts a reception for everyone on board. her and another holdover from old empire complete with cocktails and dress. in one just. for this one evening the container ship is only this like a cruise liner and as night slowly fools the boat is that much closer to the island . it s the morning of the arrival the passengers cabins have to be cleaned one last time though the crew would prefer to be on deck. after five days at sea there s a feeling of excitement in the air even among the crew. it first appears as a grey strip on the horizon and then the island slowly comes into view. henry will safely navigate the ship into home harbor with the help of the helmsmen . the island rises abruptly like a huge black castle from the ocean that sal charles darwin once described st helena . cliffs everywhere it s safe to land in a few spots. i was thinking when napoleon got here. enough to felt well and truly exiled because it s taken us quite a while to get here and it was a bit slower a nice day. you just. can t really comprehend. the sounds the ship s arrival it s one of the last duties mia henry will perform on board. and new job awaits him on the island the royal mail ship may not be making the journey much longer. after seventeen years onboard she s going ashore the good. man is trading the wide open sea for the solitude of the island. jaynestown the capital and a new pool with. much air is reminiscent of the former colonial power and not just the bob is strolling the streets. same telenor an isolated village in the middle of the atlantic is home to just four thousand five hundred people. descendants of seafarers castaways and slaves from all over the world. at some point they were stranded on this rugged terrain in the middle of nowhere washed up by the weights of fate. originally the island was nothing but bleak volcanic rock like the people all of flora and fauna were imported from elsewhere brought by the by wind or by way of. some plants and animals cannot be found anywhere else endemic tree ferns the remote mountains of st helena are they any place this space is survives but the past has caught up with them for much of the twentieth century flacks were. grown on plantations here the flags industry was the engine of the island s economy the industry eventually fell into decline but the plants continued to spread over the land. ranges like dennis leo and joshua are trying to keep the flax and other plants brought by people from foreign lands in check st helena is sometimes called the galapagos of the south atlantic but without the rangers efforts many of the endemic flora and fauna would be threatened by extinction we are really european may already brought you here i think the string history special because it just goes to show you that five years on from discovery . has been destroyed so it s very important to keep going you know to keep going and going. to their original plans are worth fighting for but it s a tough battle perhaps even futile. it s much the same down in the harbor every three weeks the r.m.s. st helena brings fresh supplies to the island s inhabitants despite strict controls foreign plants and animals still manage to make it to sure. along with the usual goods today the ship has brought very special cargo crates from paris that contain historic treasure. furniture used by napoleon during the years he spent in exile on the island after being restored in paris they ll now be back on display on st helena. you get your plants good news for basil june woods he s a tour guide on st helena napoleon. might help to attract more tourists this time and the two visitors have traveled with the ship quite. a lot of people i think. been doing time you find is mostly elderly people. who can t afford the time. much today but that means he ll have more time for something else that s also important on a remote island. shopping the stores are restocking nash elves with the fresh produce brought by the cargo ship at one point. it won t last for ever so it s wise to move in quickly like basil george. finding bottled and canned goods is never a problem but fresh fruit is another story. the next morning is grey and of a cost it almost resembles rural england only here there s even move wind and damp one form or keep enter this stately home complained of it frequently. longwood house which served as napoleon s home isn t by the french government the french m. pro was sent here by the british in one thousand fifteen and it s why he stayed until his death six years later his nights are said to have been sleepless. restlessly he wandered from one bed to another he had three of them and no boredom seemed to have been a problem for him as well as the damp in the house. the restored furniture is being read and stored in the house including napoleon s billiard table that s reason enough for tour guide basil george to stop by. he finds napoleon s former prison most impressive. i think it was just to have a campaign to try and get him released i think to see how badly he was being treated. and i think the camp campaign. george and his son kevin know that not all prisoners on the island had it says good they are descendants of a man who was himself banished to st helena along with countless others as a prisoner during the boer war that s all george s grandfather lived in a camp where on this windy plateau six thousand men were sent by the british to the end camp and. like most of the island s inhabitants basil and kevin s family is a mix of many cultures their ancestors came from moved parts of europe vassals great grandfather from china. among the few traces left at the south african borders is this cemetery full of victims of a typhoid epidemic basle daughter s grandfather was one of five prisoners who chose to stay on the island after being released they d come to appreciate life on the remote island. the end it s near henry s first day on her new job as a security agent she will ensure that everyone in the harbor stakes to the rules and regulations she won t be saying goodbye to the sea completely but now most of her days will be spent here on a speck of land in the middle of no. for myself i won t be able to just go and do some retail therapy now as we go off but i think the island and everything that goes with it has other advantages that you will not find anywhere else in the vows we can enjoy the sea as you know i m passionate about feet and i can spend my weekends even in the ocean no irony is. me his partner liver oil also shares her love of the sea the coast or around the island is a habitat for hundreds of dung since. it s just after six o clock in the morning liver is out on a boat with his brothers when they go fishing they always hope to catch something big. they drop anchor in an area frequented by gina fishing is one of the few ways to earn money on the island today leroy is in luck. after don t give up. the fish puts up a fight but after twenty minutes leave manages to pull one hundred and ten kilos of pine tuna into the boat. so price wise if we would go up with a fish before we are frozen so the value drops but freshness for sure freshly caught we get thirty pounds. fresh on a flight of good summaries up to two to three hundred. which is a big difference from what we get now you know but for that the island would need an import the british government him vested more than three million pounds towards making this remote. thailand a little less remote that so lot of money considering there are only four thousand five hundred inhabitants but it would make it easier for more tourists to visit the island a change not everyone embraces to fix. something else here we place on gas mileage also is one of the project s harshest critics he runs a radio station on the island and says most people here share his reservations about the airport the solitude is part of their identity and that might be lost due to air traffic. it s very friendly. a little bit happy go lucky maybe have some of that in everybody will disappear but we don t want all of that disappear we still want a bit of it otherwise again i will be like anywhere else and you don t want dollars and. those chickens in the other recently that will be the place that. whenever my calls and is out walking the hills around the airport he feels vexed about the waste of money all the millions were spent to complete the runway there are still no shadowed flights to off from the continent mike also shows us a video of a test flight the plane failed at two attempts to land only the third try was successful the airport is in an area prone to severe wind shear something that only became clear after its construction as a result landing and takeoff is dangerous but equally on a runway that ends with a three hundred me to drop. seventeen point two meteorologists are now investigating whether the wind. around the airport are indeed dangerous if they are the peaks of two mountains might be blasted off otherwise the expensive airport might serve as nothing more than a simple and strip for light aircraft that don t require the full length of the runway. that wouldn t bother ranger dennis leone in the least he says the more remote the better it is for the island and its nature. kyle and dennis have spotted an animal that can only be found on st helena the extreme e rest st helena plowed over or while bad as it s called here to distract from its nearby nest the bird feigns a wing injury but the nests are what interests dennis and kyle most they keep a record of only eggs and adult birds they say there are only five hundred wild birds left on the island as ground masked as they re threatened by rats and feral cats and you know i get a thrill for me as i have to say this is you know i like doing this you know i mean i get a cattle trap. it s a good feeling you know i got a i got to kill it like if you ever lost a job like if you know you find a check this week and you lose it the next week you feel like appearance sometimes you know like i m a little chicks. the fact that the europeans turned the island into a fortress is a curse of a legacy says dennis others like basil and kevin see this historical legacy as an opportunity to attract more tourists not enough money has been made with st helena s attractions to date they believe they love their island and the fortress about the harbor it sadness and to see how more and more people are leaving st helena because there s not enough work and that s why they support the airport project and hope it will bring in tourists. there s not enough accommodation to deal with a boom and therefore this been talk of of looking at investors but i think you control the number of tours accounted island and then yes you grow with it rather than having big investors coming in but i can t see how the island can t pay for all the services it has to deliver four and a half thousand people in a developed country would be a village i don t think that they could cope with having to provide all the services your human resource base is far too small to be able to do it. the time has come for the passengers and crew of the r.m.s. st helena to depart a ritual that soon may be a thing of the past once the airport goes into operation the ship will be taken out of service. mia henry has come to see it off this time it will leave without her her former colleagues have already taken their positions on the bridge of the r.m.s. st helena. that. identity has just the way. i know is my new job is going to be helping them to find that identity again. wrong. song. drives me. to see it drag. me to germany which has its finger on. the market. d.w. . germany state by state. the most colorful. the liveliest. the most traditional find it all at any time. check in with a web special. take a tour of germany state by state on d w dot com. crime fighters the new season of radio crime thrillers begins. in. motion domestic violence cyber call. him and trafficking for investigative cases that will keep you on your toes the crime fighters stories of the best idea ever so every 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Germany , Iraq , United-states , Paris , France-general- , France , United-kingdom , China , Cape-town , Western-cape , South-africa , America

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - The Last Royal Mail Ship To St. Helena 20171029

lift them into pole position and would have the last word on that they were coming off a five mill win in the cup but that was over third division monta borke a tougher test awaited in hanover who would only conceded two goals at home all season when they put the clamps down on base or would a certain free scoring forward ruin that defensive record. heading into this match . and had scored as many goals this season if the entire had of a team but the home soon change that twenty minutes in. town fakes klaus penalty set the referee record signing john a tough day at the rest. it wasn t the storm and courage paid to bosch was looking for but his side responded within ten minutes however failed to clear from a corner. was in the right place to score his first goal for the club. then dortmund should have taken the lead andreae malenko. mr sitter with humiliation being the consequence and dortmund were made to pay for their wastefulness as they pushed high up the pitch had over hit them on the counter the last baby to the man with the composed finish. to one at half time and there was no let up after the break ja malenko levelled with an almost political volley and at the same time going from villain to hero. for his teammate zach i do though it was the reverse this found on john a task so him given his marching orders klaus cold in the resulting free kick his stunning afternoon capped with a magical strike. and four minutes from time baby to put the icing on the cake another counter another go for the striker dorman s given a taste of their own medicine will soon follow most of us and we need to get back to playing how we were at the start of the season starts. in front of course it s a setback for us we can t keep performing like this and it should be our last warning if you want to keep our place near the top of the table and heightens alderman in the deficit. meanwhile hanover s impressive climb up the table continues to boss and top men s is now three league games without a win. a shocker a result and one that opens up some opportunities for teams in the chasing pack to close the gap to the top teams glad they were to hoffenheim hoping to gallop back in the european places while shouter they had the chance to go third with a win against both sport the world blues had come out on top in their last three meetings against the men in green from germany s motor city where they make it four . shellcode dominated the first half against both burke and deservedly went in front from the penalty spot. kero was wrestled to the ground now bale pencil lead kept his cool to school. when a penalty of their own after the break after a foul by now though. but mario gomez slipped and blazed over the bar the visitors didn t give up though and equalized in stoppage time through de vocht or again martin schmidt six draw in a row as vosburgh coach. there is a moment it s crazy at the moment and we unbeatable capable of winning you can look at it how you want but we ll take unbeatable we was all in the name in the. coffin time could also consider themselves unbeatable at home at least they haven t lost in their own stadium for twenty two matches and got off to the perfect start through care and damage by. visitors glad but stepped up the pressure after the break talking as equalize much to heart and mind coach millionaire goals man s frustration. and a spectator is paying. now goes mind quickly apologized but his team is about to bottle it matty is intimated to once a glass set up superbly by then chancellor grief who dance through the hoffenheim defense. and yanick first to go out sealed the three points with eight minutes left . heading in against his former club. hoffenheim finally beaten at home the big. one here to berlin meanwhile they were desperate for a win against hamburg they have been on an express train down the table after failing to win a single game since matchday five the capital club also fell in the cup this week two last place side cologne on saturday the billy goats hope that that win would light a fire for their date with leverkusen show these two clubs suggest a quick commuter train ride apart so a motions tend to run high whenever they meet. cologne here in green and yellow were anything but shy again slaver cruzan after advancing in the german cup midweek the pressure paid off when say to good ass he got the visitors on the scoreboard first in the twenty third minute also his first one just the goal in the second half though up and coming laver cruisin striker leon bailey tied it up then teammate sven bender sealed cohen s fate with this strike for the two one leverkusen come from behind win before they could i mean at least notice the significance of this game had for laver coos and and yes if i could play a decisive role with my goal then it s a good feeling for me but also for the whole team because i was checking things out and was surprised by the atmosphere here. character berlin wanted to make up for their german cup exit and dispel rumors about a possible management shakeup in their match against hamburg they didn t disappoint because starks scored in the seventeenth minute. and then teammates cut him a racket double that. number pulled out all the stops and made it interesting when they re seventeen year old striker vs the art coach this goal but had to hang on to win it two to one a lifeline for coach. and. we were under a lot of pressure i think things went our way in the game but you could see from the goal we let in that we ve still got some work to do and that s why it was important for us to go into the week with a win and put some space between ourselves and the teams behind us and for those. start using the footage let s recount the ricans results so far in the big one buyer got the better of rb lives they hand over defeated dortmund both forgot that late equaliser to draw. hoffenheim gave up three unanswered delusive glove box that later they stage a comeback of their own they beat cologne here to berlin held serve at home against hamburg friday night saw a draw in the right. darby between mind and frankfurt we got two games to come on sunday we ve got braman first is out sport and friday trip to dart in the third darby of the weekend let s move over to what those results mean for the table now biron they are on top of the league for the first time this season crazy right there three points clear of dortmund leipsic hang on to third but now they have the season surprise package hanover breathing down their necks down in the bottom half fare to and both borg each climb just one spot for the time being well it s the familiar faces down in the relegation zone hamburg braman and co. we asked you on twitter for your play of the day and the winner is the sumptuous free kick from hanover s felix klaus with a game poised at two to the number eleven is curling effort left roman burkey with the chance and or without a win in three matches stand up and take a bow felix close your play made our play of the day. now remember you can keep up with all the pundits like action live on sunday on our website www dot com on facebook on twitter there are the requisite addresses we would love to hear from you any time that is all for us here at the bonus look at this time outs no we ask you just to sit back and enjoy some of the best scenes from match day ten in the bundesliga will be back on sunday from here and the rest of the team in berlin so next. the last royal mail ship bound for st helena says of course. the. volcanic island in the south atlantic could only be reached by ship until now there was no other way to get supplies to the islanders but those days are now over. a new airport is about to launch a new each. the last will ship to st helena next on to dublin. in good shape hepatitis the silence can. have a type just a b. c. d. a new many patients don t know that they are infected until the liver goes on strike dr custom let the talks the experts about new treatments and typical risk factors. good shape in sixty minutes on d w. when cities are ingolf by the sea. all the dams wallace and costly protective measures will have been. nothing. what s. the future starting november ninth on d w. health. and here it s too long. solidarity. they fall by the wayside when the gap between rich and poor grows. life in an equal societies. the divide starting november fifteenth on d w. onion s amputate has even staples like these a part of the regular shipment of supplies taken to a remote island in the middle of the south atlantic ocean. yet the only way to transport cargo to st helena is spicy and that includes pretty much everything essential to everyday life and only one ship makes frequent jenna s to the islands poort. yes the r.m.s. st helena is the island s lifeline it s one of the last working royal mail ships in the world every three weeks the cargo line sets out from cape town south africa for the five day sea journey to st helena. henri is the second officer on board but the island is her home it s one of the most remote places on earth it s not by chance that napoleon was sent to live in exile him. definitely an element of the speech and i ve always been interested in history anyway to. think about what it was like in the. us what it must have felt like coming to the big black rock in the middle of. the captain has given the order to dupont it will be some time before the cruise land again. the st helena sails under the british flag the island is part of the british overseas territory of st helena ascension and tristan de kooning located in the south atlantic. as table mountain fades in the background the ship sets off on the same route portuguese explorers followed long ago. mia henry is on duty up on the bridge one of her tasks is to keep the ship on cool there was a time when as many as a thousand ships traveled this route each year st helena was a vital stop the ship sailing around africa today only the r.m.s. st helena travels regularly to the lonely island. would have been very difficult even if you were one degree off course if you were coming out from. so even if we wanted to decrease off. length of the journey between cape town and think nina yes it is possible to completely miss the island. the island is located in the middle of the south atlantic between south america and africa those wishing to travel here have to embark on a long journey from cape town three thousand kilometers in five days one of the most remote on earth the island is just one hundred twenty one square kilometers in size. they are a mess and helena is not just a container ship it also provides employment to many of the on and wellness. almost all the crew members live on st helena and not sign up specifically for a chance to leave the island not many could afford to pay the fare. the few passengers on board who while away the hours on the sunday have their own special reasons the taking the trip never lived on an island so i don t quite know what to expect. from what i ve heard is lots of activities going to leave. the same to leave me and are very friendly people and is always social activities going on so basically i am going with an open mind. and i think there certainly is one of the very few truly remote islands in the world and when people have this idea of an island they generally think of an island like sadly most islands are actually relatively excessive. nothing but water as far as the eye can see for days on end the travellers pass the time in traditional british fashion by playing cricket on a sunday for example. on the net some there simply to protect the spectators they also keep the blue from going overboard it s rare to see someone splashing in the pool but nobody wants to miss out on england s de facto national sport it s one of the last royal mail ships travelling in the world that actually carries the queen s mail in the back seat and probably in the proper fashion. of the ship and the atmosphere is well without supper caught up later and found that. another of officer mia henry s duties is to announce the results of the cricket tournament something the british passengers in particular appreciate not. to. on the last evening at sea the captain hosts a reception for everyone on board. and another holdover from old empire complete with cocktails and home address. one just. for this one evening the container ship is owners like a cruise liner and as night slowly fulls the boat is that much closer to the island . it s the morning of their arrival the passengers cabins have to be cleaned one last time though the crew would prefer to be on deck. after five days at sea there s a feeling of excitement in the air even among the crew. it first appears as a grey strip on the horizon and then the island slowly comes into view. henry will safely navigate the ship into a home harbor with the help of the helmsmen. the island rises abruptly like a huge black castle from the ocean that charles darwin once described sent helena. cliffs everywhere it s only safe to land in.

Hanover , Niedersachsen , Germany , Hamburg , United-states , United-kingdom , Coos , Western-cape , South-africa , Cape-town , Dublin , Ireland

Transcripts For DW Interview - What We Learned From The Luther Jubilee... 20171029

a boat with his brothers when they go fishing they always hope to catch something big. before they drop anchor in an area frequented by gina fishing is one of the few ways to earn money on the island today leroy is in luck. don t give up. the fish puts up a fight but after twenty minutes leave manages to pull one hundred and ten kilos of pine tuna into the boat. so price wise i think it would go up with a full scale for be a frozen so the value drops but freshness for shia freshly caught we get. fresh on a flight of good summers up to two to three hundred. which is a big difference from what we get now you know but for that the island would need an airport the british government him vested more than three million pounds towards making this remote island a little less remote that so lot of money considering there are only four thousand five hundred inhabitants but it would make it easier for more tourists to visit the island a change not everyone embraces to fix. something else here we place on gas mileage also is one of the project s harshest critics he runs a radio station on the island and says most people here share his reservations about the airport the solitude is part of their identity and that might be lost due to air traffic. it s very friendly. a little bit happy go lucky maybe have some of that in everybody will disappear but we don t want all of that disappear we still want a bit of it otherwise again it will be like anywhere else and you don t want dollars and. those chickens in the other because recently that will be the place that. whenever my calls and is out walking the hills around the airport he feels vexed about the waste of money all the millions was spent to complete the runway there are still no shadowed flights to or from the continent mike also shows us a video of a test flight the plane failed at to attempt to land only the third try was successful the airport is in an area prone to severe wind shear something that only became clear after its construction as a result now. ending and takeoff is dangerous particularly on a runway that ends with a three hundred metre drop. meteorologists are now investigating whether the winds around the airport are indeed dangerous if they are the peaks of two mountains might be blasted off otherwise the expensive airport might serve as nothing more than a simple and strip for light aircraft that don t require the full length of the runway. that wouldn t bother ranger dennis leo in the least he says the more remote the better it is for the island and its nature. kyle and dennis have spotted an animal that can only be found on st helena the extremely rare st helena plowed over or while as it s called here to distract from its nearby nest the bird feigns a wing injury but the nests are what interests dennison kyle most they keep a record of only eggs and adult birds they say there are only five hundred wild birds left on the island as ground masters they re threatened by rats and feral cats and you know i get a thrill of of those i have to say this is like the witness you know when i get a cattle trap. it s a good feeling you know i got it i know i got to kill it like if you ever lost a job like if you know you find a check this week and you lose it the next you feel like appearance sometimes you know like i m a little. the fact that the europeans turned the island into a fortress is a curse of a legacy says dennis others like basil and kevin see this historical legacy as an opportunity to attract more tourists not enough money has been made with st helena s attractions to date they believe they love their island and the fortress about the harbor it sadness and to see how more and more people are leaving st helena because there s not enough why. that s why they support the airport project and hope it will bring in tourists. is not enough accommodation to deal with a boom and therefore there s been talk of looking at investors but i think you control the number of tours accounted island and then yes you grow with it rather than having big investors coming in but i can t see how the island can pay for all the services it has to deliver four and a half thousand people in a developed country would be a village i don t think that they could cope with having to provide all the services your human resource base is far too small to be able to do it. the time has come for the passengers and crew of the r.m.s. st helena to depart a ritual that soon may be a thing of the past once the airport goes into operation the ship will be taken out of service. mia henry has come to see it off this time it will leave without her her former colleagues have already taken their positions on the bridge of the r.m.s. st helena. that. identity has just the way. i know is my new job is going to be helping them to find that identity again. good shape for hepatitis c. the silent killer every time just a see. many patients don t even know their.

Iceland , United-kingdom , Islanda , British , Dennis-leo , Mia-henry , Dennison-kyle ,

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Arkansas , United-states , Ruleville , Mississippi , Fisk-university , Tennessee , North-carolina , Washington , Raleigh , Virginia , Memorial-gardens , Shaw-university