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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240612

more want to hear about her as a teacher send pictures as well. joe thought it was june 10th so he threw a party i thought biden was raised in a black church not without rhythm he was dougie fresh wasn t so great either you can were pink tie but can t drink with a straw while. that s all for tonight dvr the show hannity is next always remember them waters and this is my world. sean: welcome to hannity tonight complete hysteria on the west wacko conspiracy theorist rachel maddow claiming she might be put in the camp of donald trump is elected aoc saying trump would throw her in jail the left losing their collective minds but we are ready knew that maybe they never noticed it s only trump people they get charged harassed and put in jail and so on far left, merrick garland called trump s criticism of his weapon eyes department of justice dangerous for people s safety we will address this later in the show and the president to your great country the united states of america is fear mongering about the second amendment calling for new gun restrictions on the day his very own sun is convicted of 3 felony gun charges tonight don t get distracted pay close attention to what i m about to say if you are listening to the media mob and pundits and democratic tax they have no clue about what really happened in the hunter biting case at all. it is deep and profound what has happened the major story they are not talking about or telling you about from the trial is not the conviction on gun crimes it s important because that s a low hanging fruit the evidence was overwhelming uncontroverted and unlike donald trump he had a fair venue and trial judge with real charges not ones that were made up and you didn t even know about the critical development from this trial is a single piece of evidence entered into the official record by your u.s. government and that is hunter bidens laptop not only did the u.s. federal government confirm his laptop is a real they confirmed its contents are real and the contents have not been tampered with by anybody in other words you were lied to on a very high level just before an election by numerous people and entire institutions lied to by hunter biden himself by his father your president joe biden lied to by nbc, cnn msnbc premuch everybody in the media mob the list too long to mention you were lied to by the former intel experts the ones that signed off on a letter insinuating that the laptop was most likely at all the earmarks of russian disinformation meanwhile not a single 1 did anything to investigate the claim examine the contents of the laptop you were lied to by klapper and brennan and by your own government. what do they have in common they all want to joe biden win by any means necessary and it s worse than that according to a report the department of justice new that the laptop was real since before the 2020 election instead of doing the right honorable honest thing telling the american people the truth the federal government was out there debunking laptop story big tech executives in the months leading up to the 2020 election fbi was having weekly meetings warning big tech companies they could be victims of a foreign disinformation campaign about the election and that misinformation might be about joe biden and hunter biden it gets worse they knew his attorney had a copy of the very real laptop they knew the odds were very high it would happen before the election and knew it would likely destroy any chance joe biden had to win the election and they had to act after then your post broke the story on facebook and twitter asked the fbi specifically this is what they were warning about was the laptop misinformation they refused to confirm the truth leaving those companies free to censor very real laptop stories and that is what they did. you couldn t even send a private message with a link to the new york post. big tech, the media mob happily gobbled up there fbi doj pro biden contribution misinformation by the way if it was an alvin braggs district they probably wouldn t be charged in the used as a basis to censor the most important information in the final weeks before the 2020 presidential election all because they wanted their guy to win it s beyond egregious intellection interference and frankly if it s not criminal, it should be criminal tonight none of the is liars having an ounce of remorse none of any regret for them it was a means to an end wanting trump out joe biden protected by scandal little cost and you better believe the content so that laptop were and are today damning for joe biden as well as hunter biden with the salacious photos of drug use in prostitution the real scandal is around the biden brand for look at the laptop and other information by the house we means committee the judiciary committee house oversight committee look at texts and e-mails and other files. as their raking in cash from top geopolitical foes and dictators and despots around the world because of keen intellect instead the laptop appears to show it was likely selling access to the biden brand and the big guy was apparently eager to participate in spite of publicly claims and otherwise indicates his own father numerous times in the very real laptop. these people also debunked of the joel ayayi never once not 1 time ever spoke to his son or brother or anybody for that matter about foreign business dealings according to testimony from the house oversight committee he participated in meetings with his foreign partners by phone dying with others at a café and that s not all 2017 you might recall the west it whatsapp message published where hunter wrote to a chinese business associate with their energy and oil conglomerate i am sitting here with my father and i d like to understand why the commitment wasn t fulfilled. i will make certain between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows in my ability to hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction i am sitting here waiting for the call with my father. 2 days later magically according to committee $5 million way to a bank account associated with hunter biden and other texts and e-mails he allegedly talked about forking over half of his income to pops another e-mail talks about the big guy 10% for him allocating it as a cut in on 1 of his deals the hunter now convicted liars says he never intended to cut his father in on the deal according to a text uncovered by the new york post hunter paid for his dad s bills for more than a decade reportedly claiming his father was using it most lines of credit on his wells fargo account based on the contents of his real laptop it appears biden was participating in his son s business deals while also benefiting financially remember the testimony from his mane to business partner said joe biden participated in up to around 20 phone calls 40 never talk to business with hunter or his brother or anybody think about this donald trump was convicted on 34 felony charges of up charged misdemeanors passed the statute of limitations for mislabelling illegal for documents as illegal for expense trump ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars based on a far left new york judge unilaterally deciding in spite of evidence to the contrary that his estates only worth $4 million $20 million or 1 20th vacant lots go for $150 million and that s just dirt and yet nobody is above the law cult on the left they don t seem to care that joe biden now the president of our country was possibly selling access to the highest levels of the government and calyx in russia this is the reference they had for 4 years as according to neeson investigation he received $1.3 million from the wife of the former mayor of moscow former first lady of moscow if reports are true and evidence is accurate money went from russia to hunter to joe 1 way or another as devon archer saying they invested more than a real estate venture based on coverage fake news cnn the new york times washington post cbs they had no problem peddling the phony russian misinformation do dirty dossier they paid for to secure trump not 1 but 4 pfizer warrants where is their coverage of the events of the real laptop and the findings from the senate and house committees is joe biden about the law is hunter s current condition over a red herring 1 of his associates told him the gun trail was a distraction from the main event with their influence peddling he continued that i am convinced the entire justice system is an institution of people within agendas not in institutional flaws keep in mind the department of justice prosecutor tasked with investigating them let the statute of limitations ran out on the most serious allegations which could ve connected his business to the big guy himself sadly the department of justice isn t looking out for you. their primary concern revolves around protecting week democrats from scrutiny helping to elect joe biden while waging law fear against donald trump and needless to say massive reform and accountability as needed in washington and in the swamp by the weight starting in september early voting begins in 146 days election day only you can fix it reaction is jonathan turley we ve gone over the case evidence was overwhelming and incontrovertible about the real big story to me which is now we know they ve known from the beginning the laptop was real all these people why glide the intel agents the direction of antony blinken they all lied. joe biden light hunter biden lied and alvin bragg recall an ftc violation i think. has us what they gave the laptop at the trial date had it established by the fbi agent is real authentic and so the media said the evidence was now used they forget all the other files on the laptop the laptop is authentic at the files are real then you have these detailed accounts of a multimillion dollar influence peddling operation run by the biden family also being authentic but the media doesn t want to go there and that s part of the problem of what the house committees have faced when i testified in the biden impeachment hearing i said there was evidence to do up impeachment inquiry i didn t prejudge the evidence but at every stage democrats have opposed inquiries into the president s role or knowledge and allotted these files in the laptop that s not likely to change even after this trial. sean: merrick garland to scorching donald trump and his allies for attacks on the justice department sing it s dangerous for people safety. first of all we need to protect every government official let me be clear of said on numerous occasions on this show but criticism and freedom of speech are different in the idea that his department of justice and his fbi knew about the laptop being real and they investigated it for 4 years i ve a message for him he has a lot of explaining to do just like what does he think of james and bragg running on a platform to get 1 man 1 organization and 1 family i thank you might speak out against that but he hasn t. i think a garland has a unavoidable test of principal they sent him referrals of perjury by biden and his uncle before that those referrals are compelling i don t see others a case to be made that answers were anything but falls now they were a hairtrigger to identify indict trump officials the question is whether merrick garland will scuttle any prosecution for perjury so this is the other shoe dropping. yes the laptop was authenticated these files are real but after that hunter biden reviewing those files testified in congress in congress believes and has a good basis for the belief that he committed knowing perjury these are questions he knew were coming and he gave false answers according to the committees so what will merrick garland do about it it s time not time to write another op-ed it s time to show that. sean: he will do nothing. i haven t been around yet i hope you re right and i m wrong. i don t think he will lift a finger i think this is what weaponization a justice looks like. i hope you re wrong to. i hope so too but i m not. you can give me an ffm wrong. joining us now we have great jur and alan. john solomon and editor-in-chief as well john let me start with the news you broke a lot of this news when did they know it was a real laptop is that the big take away in the story not the conviction. is reported in 2020 which is now been confirmed the fbi corroborated its laptop in entirety by 2020. 8 months before the so-called intelligence analysts called it russian disinformation when they did that i called law enforcement and they said no, we corroborated so the fbi was telling people if you are willing to make a phone call in fall 2020 that the laptop was real and it s a shame 51 men and women sign their names trying to mislead the american people days before an election they all had serious click their security clearances the could recall the fbi they chose not to instead misleading american people in the most awful way. sean: why was the fbi why were they meeting weekly with a big check in the months leading up to the 2020 election and why when twitter and facebook requested an answer as to whether or not the story was real and what they were being warned about misinformation about hunter and joe biden went they tell them the truth that john solomon reported in march of 2020 and what you called. you call it fraud exactly what he charged trump with that is making false statements in an attempt to influence an election there only 2 choices if the constitution will survive. you can say okay there s been a conviction of biden in a conviction a trump let s stop this weaponization let s call if all these cases happening all over the country. drum people are going off to jail stays being denied let s call that off either that or let s have absolutely equal treatment go after people who have committed election fraud by denying the american public the right to know the truth about everything. would that include the 51 intel people and joe biden. sean: is it comparable that joe biden if he lied to the american people in these follow foreign business deals and he is being paid by hunter and he was calling in with his business partners any light levied that money and they continue to get paid millions for a job he had no experience at a time emit admits he was addicted to drugs tell me why that shouldn t be prosecuted and how is that lost their. that sounds like equal justice applied to him it doesn t sound like i made up try like the trump case. if you take seriously the charges that alvin bragg brought against trump 1 of which is that he tried to mislead the voting public by not telling them and about to an affair which probably wouldn t have had an effect on the election you take that to its logical extreme and then you have to look and see whether anybody among the 51 people among even the president of the united states may have written something on a form that we give rise to exactly the same allegations that a fraudulent statement was made in order to commit a crime. the crime would be according to break somehow to the fraud you making people to vote for somebody they otherwise wouldn t vote for you have to have a standard. sean: going to the issue of the money as he implicates his real father half the income goes to the pops of the big guy that s on the laptop which is very real now paying for his home repairs the hunter complained bitterly about seems like jonah only lied to the american people but benefited from the lie and also took action as vice president leveraging a billion dollars to ukraine in loan guarantees and as a net result he could continue to get paid for work he had no experience in by his own admission at a time he was addicted to drugs by his own admission. your right the biden s are still getting their way with the most serious suspected crimes corrupt foreign influence peddling thanks to the protection racket run by a biden s ga doj. it s revolting to watch them take a victory lap in front of cameras this is a guy who struck the sleazy deal to let hunter biden skate only when it imploded was he forced kicking and screaming to prosecuted but he still running interference charging him with evading taxes on tens of millions and oversee it schemes but not not the enrichment schemes themselves which are bigger crimes the selling out of america. it was weiss remember let statute of limitations expired many of those crimes while they secretly scuttled the investigation to shield joe biden i tell you he s not done yet don t be surprised if him and garland conjure up another sweetheart plea deal on the eve of the trial to avoid embarrassing evidence of joe s corruption coming to light right before the upcoming election it will happen. i agreed that. sean: they knew about the laptop 4 years they haven t lifted a finger. they knew july to the country they knew he benefited financially didn t think. yep and in 2016 they got 3.3 million documents from business partners. on monday you will see a whole bunch of the documents public the fbi had them in 2016. unbelievable thank you all and i appreciate it that s my big take away when we come back talking about bad timing he spoke to a gun safety group hours after his conviction we have reactions straight ahead. sean: talking about bad timing after the guilty verdict the white house canceled the daily press briefing adding there to be with family. not before joe had to give a speech to a gun-control group has read after they were convicted for gun crimes he said that he spent much of a speech going after law-abiding gun owners and donald trump in fact the only hunter joe mentioned was when he met campaigning in delaware decades ago may be an uncle bo s the moment the cannibal guy take a look as we aren t stopping there. it is time once again to do what i did when i was assigned to and senator he said what you mean i need that done i said if you need 12 to 100 bullets in a magazine you are the lousy a shot i ve ever heard we told the convention recently proud i did nothing on guns when i was president and that by doing nothing he made the situation considerably worse give me a break. i mean it seriously. and by the way there talking that they need at 15 they don t need a rifle folks this is crazy what they re talking about biden and obama did nothing about gun violence in chicago in big cities here with reaction to the big news the new york post and former attorney general pam bondi. the laptop from hell as you guys were right as the verdict it was the right verdict evidence overwhelming bigger story is introducing that laptop into evidence and all the other contents in that laptop are now meaningful as it relates to the law joe and hunter biden do you agree? absolutely in the fact joe biden, the biden campaign the cia the fbi those 51 former intelligence officials went to such lengths to lie about the back laptop as we wrote about the laptop and the contents of it it shows they were absolutely terrified of about the contents of the laptop as they knew it would be so damaging to joe biden that would wreck the campaign has it they managed to suppress the story and as you said earlier as that s why none of those they all refuse to admit they lied and they knew it wasn t russian information disinformation they had the laptop since december to 19 well-known within the intelligence community has that information was real if they admit they knew it wasn t disinformation it was a part of an election interference and acute to ensure the president donald trump didn t learn this when a second term. it came down to this now that we know all of this we also know that merrick garland the doj, the fbi they have all known this for about 4 years. a lot of information, a damning information on the laptop implicating joe hunter and the brother and all these other people they haven t done a thing if this evidence. but she reaction to this that s the bigger story for me here. i m glad they got a conviction on this because they can use the gun conviction and the tax charge. the only thing left against hunter biden because the case in 2014 and 2015 have the statute of limitations they let it run about dealing with foreign agents the case that could most likely implicate joe biden and the entire biden family they let those run. but now they are faced with the tax charges let s see what happens let s see if there is not a plea deal i think there will be at this point because of the conviction everyone now knows the laptop from hell as she said his real and everything on israel including an evidence that could be great for prosecutors. sean: what about garland as what about leveraging a billion dollars so his son continues to get paid what about the money they are getting from an oligarch and what about the millions of dollars the families raking and they have no experience in energy as i was he making the money well addicted to drugs? remember president trump had that single question as they impeach it over it of course right all along as it was the talk about weaponization at the fbi and cia and it all starts at the top with merrick garland having to respond to this being held accountable being way too important for the american people and the justice system is at stake. sean: maybe now yearbook a laptop from hell can be a bestseller and people look a little more deeply as they have confirmed way back when. thank you straight ahead merrick garland attacking republicans for daring to question the law fair against trump warned that straight ahead raising twins and as a single mother, presented, quite a few challenges. the financial aspects of oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family? i m going to have to get two jobs. thomas kennedy, he was a major in the u.s. army. tom loved hockey. he went to west point, to play hockey. and ended up falling in love with the army. he was a father. he was, a great husband, he would give you a shirt off of his back for you. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan. he was on his way to a provincial governor s meeting, tom was killed by a suicide bomber. when the bomb went off, tom was in a group of four that were, killed in the incident. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. you know, with not having tom around to be here in our everyday life, my sister moved in with us, and she helped me with the day to day life of raising, two year old twins. in 2018 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. kind of threw a wrench in to what we had established as our, our daily life and our new normal. my mother-in-law had told me about tunnel to towers. and when i found out that i was selected to have my mortgage paid off, you know, it seemed like i had won the lottery. today, we welcome the kennedy family into their mortgage free home. the timing was just incredible. with everything that i m going through with my treatments for metastatic breast cancer. having our biggest bill being taken care of by tunnel to towers, i m able to on my children and my health. people should give to tunnel to towers, because it really helps family members of fallen service members know, first responders who they wake up one day and it s a normal day and then their world can just be turned upside down. to know that there is an organization that can step in irreplaceable. please contribute $11 a month. to help families like mine please visit t2t dot org. my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. .look at her and i said, the pain is gone. and she said, i m glad it helped. i said, no, you don t understand. it s gone. you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now and get 35% off your first order. sean: last wasted no time spinning in the verdict with some saying the justice system is rigged against conservatives. they called out republicans for daring to question are blatantly weapon eyes department of justice going so far to say they are dangerous for people safety let us be clear as we are consistently on the program as freedom of speech exists. as they are not immune from having to answer questions do they think it was appropriate for the trump hating new york attorney general and running on this platform take a look. with the fundamental rights at stake. i leave the president of the united states can be indicted for criminal offences. you know my name for personally. we need to focus on donald trump and his abuses and follow the money we need to find ways laundered money find it whether he s engaged in conspiracy. it s important they understand the days of donald trump are coming to an end. i look forward to coming into the office of attorney general every day defending rights and then going home and apply for neglect or 1 man and 1 family or is merrick garland who thinks it was appropriate for alvin braggs to run on this campaign promise. people are wondering whoever has this job are they going to convict donald trump that he is the number 1 issue. the times calls bragg at talented prosecutors suit of the trump foundation could be invaluable experience for the investigation he will take over. the chief deputy attorney general i saw some of the office biggest cases from exposing illegal behavior from the trump foundation. we know there s an investigation i have investigated him and his children and held them accountable for misconduct with the trump foundation also suiting that more than 100 times we know the da investigating trump when i was in the ag office i sued him over 100 times for misconduct and brought a case against the trump foundation. sean: 1 more question according to whistleblower testimony fbi didn t know since late 2019 the laptop was real so why hasn t merrick garland weapon eyes politicize department of justice investigated the contents of the real laptop why was the fbi meeting with big tech companies warning them they would be targeted for misinformation campaigns and they might be about joe and hunter biden after the new york times story broke that was real why didn t the fbi confirm what they knew to be true that it was real as we have rnc cochair laura trump. they knew it was real garland knew it was real now that we all know it was real we know that joel lida at the highest level and he was involved in all these foreign business deals in the millions of dollars they raked in including taking direct action by withholding money so a prosecutor investigating the company s sun was in business with paying him millions with no experience continuing to pay them millions. all of this is true and garland hasn t lifted a finger with you or eric or what they would go after they go after all of you. when in doubt which is no model that they ve always had its credible as it complained as with a bias justice system. should be concerning because he s the attorney general of the united states we can t live in a country if we do not trust our foundational institutions like this as everybody knows what the trial of hunter biden was about it s about smoke and mirrors or red herring a distraction and as we need to know as american citizens as president of the united states is making decisions for the country as they made decisions based on what s best for the american people and not what s best for the bank account for the family as they should really question what s going on as of the whole thing is well for me to watch when they go back into a 6 seen as with real estate and golf courses around the world in international business originally what did we do when they won they wouldn t do any new international business deals the opposite happened when joe biden became vice president to the united states that s when the biden family got into international business we went so far as to pay back the u.s. treasury every penny that we got from any foreign dignitary that spent money at a trump property we got no credit for that we didn t want the faintest hint of impropriety and look at the way they ve gone after donald trump for anything they could find. they have a treasure trove with this laptop the american people are demanding transparency again it s about national security we deserve to know and i want to tell people out there how you can actually make a difference, how you can rectify this it comes november 5th of this year coming the first day of early voting in your state get out and vote in this election our country depends on it the future of america depends on it we can t allow those things to stand we need to get to the bottom of this we need to save the country but you have to get out and vote. sean: early voting starts in september. in september in some states i hope people keep that in mind get over your reluctance and resistance to voting early i know you re working hard on legal ballot harvesting to surpass democratic efforts but if you want to change it garland isn t going to change these weapon eyes that the department of justice and it will remain that way probably getting worse if it was reelected. thank you. will become back of the biden campaign flailing the left is resorting to scare tactics weight till you hear what aoc and rachel maddow had to say with their tinfoil hats. straight ahead men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there s a great “before and after”. then, there s the after the after that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that s why more men choose just for men®. weathertech products are designed and manufactured in america using only american raw materials. most competitors make things seven thousand miles away. and then wonder why they don t fit. with weathertech in your vehicle you may hear angels singing as you 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[sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. sean: with the biden campaign floundering there resorting to fear tactics over a possible trump second term during an interview with fake cnn with rachel maddow the conspiracy theorist made the claim that donald trump could try to put her in other left-wing media personalities into massive camps. aoc says she s worried trump would throw her in jail take a look. if donald trump wins we are looking at potential dissolution of democracy in the united states of america it sounds nuts but i wouldn t be surprised if the guy for me in jail. he s out of his mind. he did his whole first campaign around lock her up that was his motto. sean: pretty ironic coming from the left and those are the people who have no problem using law fair against trump and conservatives or republicans the same people had no problem keeping trump off the ballot joining us now kristi noem. honey and think he even knows who rachel maddow is how they lost their mind out of fear of the biden campaign is floundering these ladies are insane the things they are saying and it proves once again the left would use fear to control people they ll use it to promote their agenda been clear that is only revenge she will get november 5th is america s success all he wants is america to be great again and successful people to have more money in their pockets and families to be able to afford groceries and fill their cars with gas he s been clear he wants america to be all that it s ever been on its greatest days. for him to say that stuff is so completely responsible that i hope every american gets a chance to hear them say that when they know for a fact is not true and they are saying it just to scare them and they are saying it to control them as many as 8 people who might have isis ties captured at the border tens of thousands from russia iran syria afghanistan yemen kazakhstan on the economy, 2 thirds of the middle class say they are struggling financially gasping for air adding to the within 25% of americans admitting to skipping meals because of a skyrocketing grocery cost they are paying those are the things americans are caring about democrats lie and tell us everything is fine at the end of the day will that be what america votes on. that s what every american that i ve talked to in the last 6-7 months the only thing on their mind at the top of their mind how is my family being impacted by the biden administration they feel it every day just got back from a sconce and spent days there talking to folks independence in women talking to different groups we ll be in michigan as well these are states where people are making at their mind for donald trump because they know he makes our life better and they have personal responsibility for their families doesn t want to take more money out of their pockets he wants him to be more successful the economy and inflation are still big issues in the country and the biden administration attacking donald trump because that s the only thing the left has they have fears and attacks taxable weapon eyes to judicial system. 1 of the reasons the red wave didn t happen in 2022 is abortion rate. will americans biggest democrats will demagogue that will be successful? they will try to use that in every single stage and use it against donald trump and against his supporters what is important for us is to recognize that issue people know where they are at. as that s the way it is. people decide what their laws look like and we as leaders don t get to dictate that. no matter how may times they have lied about it they can t run on it. thank you. where hannity straight ahead there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology ( ) and goes the extra mile ( ) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we re the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it s the only way we go. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they re gonna need more space. (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life s doors open, we ll handle the house. sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left set it on dvr so you never ever miss the episode of hannity monday through friday 90 eastern let not your heart be troubled because greg gutfeld is standing by the idea to put a smile on your face next. [ cheers and applause

Joe-biden , Want , Teacher , Pictures , Party , June-10th , 10 , Hunter-biden , Dougie-fresh-wasn-t , Tie , Rhythm , Black-church

Transcripts For CNN The Source With Kaitlan Collins 20240612

bars in clark county. you have potential victory is lying in those sales at least for now. i want to i guess is it makes a huge difference night, i step toward voters like elliot carver hall having their voices heard, it felt a little bit of empowerment, a little slow, a little tiny bit sara marie joins us now from las vegas. so this is the first time he s running boost had been used. how did the process go? it went pretty smoothly, although there were voters who showed up to vote and found out they were actually registered in a different county or in some cases, in a different state, which is negating the education gap that still exist for those who are behind bars. there were dozens of folks who wanted to vote from the jail today and we expect that that s going to number is going to be even longer when we get to the general election in november. this was sort of a dry run for the big event coming up, anderson be interesting to do polling and see if they re running for it? sir, maria, thanks so much in news continues. the source of kaitlan collins starts now i m kaitlin collins. welcome to the source tonight. president biden wasn t scheduled to be back home in wilmington or what happened? inside the delaware courtroom earlier, abruptly changed his plants is only surviving son, hunter biden was convicted on all three felony gun charges just that he was facing today. hours later, hunter biden was standing on the tarmac, as you can see here, to greet his father when marine one landed in delaware it was striking to see the two of them embrace for the first time since that guilty verdict came down. in his only comment so far on the matter, president biden said, in part in his statement i am the president, but i am also a dad because he also praised his son for overcoming a battle with drug addiction. but this conviction also comes in the middle of a presidential election. there was also a message tonight and biden statement regarding his role as president he said that he will accept the outcome of this case, that he does accepted and they also respect the judicial process, seeming to reiterate a promise that he made last week that he won t part in. hunter biden but as biden balances both being an english parent and president in-between the verdict and that we re union that you just saw there on the tarmac. he also gave a speech on gun safety in washington it s time once again, do what i did when i was a senator, ban assault weapons before that speech, that was preplanned. i should note before the verdict came down this morning, it was in the delaware courtroom where the jury s decision on hunter biden was unanimous, guilty but notably three jurors told cnn after that they question whether or not these charges should have been brought at all a fourth, that was known to only us as juror number ten, said no politics were at play when they were deliberating their decision pressure, inviting never really even came in to play for me. you kinda put that out of your mind. politics was not even spoken about the first family was not even spoken about. it was all it was all about hunter and of course, as we know it, as far from over for hunter biden, he is facing sentencing on the gun conviction that is going to come at the height of the general presidential election and another potentially even more serious trial on tax charges. this fall. few people know more about the personal toll that this is taken on president biden than my source tonight. evan owls knows is one of the country s foremost biden biographers and a cnn contributor. he is the author of joe biden, their life, the run and what matters now and having joins me now, i mean, there s basically no precedent for what we are seeing right now. a president s a sitting president s immediate family member has never been convicted on any kind of crime while they were in office. and i just wonder what you make of it, what stood out to you have how president biden reacted today? yeah, it is something extraordinary to see. i mean, he is balancing these two distinct roles as father and as president and on some level, this combination of private life and public life has been at the center of his relationship with hunter since hunter was a baby after all you remember, of course, his mother was killed in that car accident when he was a toddler, joe biden at that point was between being elected and being sworn into the senate his hunters entire life has been in some ways straddling the struggles, the privileges, the choices, the risks that come with that. and i think of this tonight is a moment in some ways, it s part of this long arc, this really sort of epic american political story. yeah. i mean, the family seemed surprised when this came down today. it did it happened relatively quickly. hunter biden himself is not even at the courthouse today and you saw them them rushing back in there and including the first lady, jill biden. but after we didn t see any of this anguish or they re real response in front of the cameras. at least we saw the embracing the tarmac what do you think it s like behind closed doors and wilmington tonight? yeah. they ve got abundant experience of tragedy on some level, and tragedy is not to be exculpatory here when nobody and least of all, joe biden is saying that hunter biden didn t make choices that lead to this result. but they have also learned over the years about how you get through this. they turn inward. they have this. it s not a coincidence that they re going to wilmington for this. that s sort of the ancestral homeland and they go there and they meet as a family. they have these traditions of these family meetings and the line that you often hear in politics from biden is that through pain you have to find purpose. it can sound like it s a line, except that for him, it is at the core of how he gets through this. and i can tell you that is no question what he is telling the other members of his family that if we re going to get through this part of our purpose is to demonstrate that nobody is above the law that a president does not interfere in the activity because of the court that a jury can still find its way to a result even in a time of intense partisanship, you ve spent a lot of time with biden. i and his family as you are writing your book, did you ever think that you d see a day like today? i ll be frank. no, i think when i first started interviewing joe biden back in 2014, a decade ago, beau biden was alive. it was actually kind of a hopeful moment in the course of his treatment. they thought that they might have had some good news. and in so many ways, this story, the one we are inhabiting today is the result of beau biden s death in 2015. it was like a bomb that went off in that family and i have to say one of the things we learned from this trial and it really was a revelation even to people who know the family well was the depth to which the impact of addiction rippled all the way through hallie biden, as we heard, of course, also ended up involved with crack cocaine. it was just a a period of his life and i think as as political observers, we study president s not only because it helps us understand the choices they in make the pressures that they re under. but it s also a reflection of ourselves, of our country and our time and what this family was going through between 2015 and 2021 and all toya all the way up to today is in itself a very american story as someone who studies biden. i mean, what is it? what did you take away from? they already had this pre-planned event on gun safety at the white house, which i think a lot of people were thinking to themselves. i mean, the timing here is unbelievable, but he came out, he didn t give the full speech. she actually was going to talk about a new gun restrictions that the doj has enacted what that has resulted in. he did not he spoke about it more broadly. his speech that had been previously planned, but he didn t seem to give anything away. i don t want i saw that speech. yeah, not a word. i think there s a way that he has drawn this bright line between what s happening with the family and what s happening in politics. and it can almost look, i think a little awkward because people are expecting him to talk about this thing in his life. but he is so concerned that it will be turned into a talking point by his opponent that i think he s almost going out of his way not to talk about well, i wonder how, how does a way on him when he hears three jurors who told cnn obviously they voted. this was unanimous. they voted to convict, but they were asking themselves if this would have been brought it all had he not been a hunter biden. that s been a fact for awhile. i mean, joe biden is said to have told people around him that he knows that had he not continued on in politics, that his son might not be facing the charges that must really weigh on it. i think to tap that i think it s a very heavy burden and look the joe biden s decision to be in public life as long as he has has added to the pressure on hunter biden, joe biden has always known for a long time that the gene of addiction, which is in this family is in hunter biden his life and by staying in politics, by being is exposed as they are in some ways, it has put pressures on hunter biden, and i do think that weighs on the president. and obviously officers coming in the middle of the election year, we will talk in a second about how republicans are handling this. but how does biden handle this at the debate? i don t think anyone thinks it s gonna have a huge impact on the election, but we ll see, but how does he handle it for the debate trump, who of course, at the last debate brought up a hunter biden. i think in the broader sense, there is a way in which this adds to the psychic load of what he is contending with. i mean, if you think about the middle please do you think about the us and now of course, within his own family, actually though as a pro, as a political matter and in the debate that s actually an area where joe biden knows how to handle this. you remember in 2020 there was a moment when he essentially telegraph very clearly back-off. i love my son and actually, and the data in the campaign was clear about this. that was a moment that americans responded to. i think there is some piece of the public that says we want to see not only that president, but also that dad. yeah. everyone else and it s great to have you on this. thank you for joining us. pleasure. of course, as i mentioned, the fallout from this verdict is already happening in a fast and furious way from capitol hill all the way to mar-a-lago. tonight, joining us here also, andrew mccabe, the former fbi deputy director and cnn senior law enforcement analyst, ashley allison, scene and political commentator and the former coalitions director for the 2020 biden campaign. and also david urban, cnn, senior political commentator and former trump campaign adviser. so we really got the entire gamut here. and andrew mccabe. but let me start with you because we did hear from the special counsel, david weiss today, someone we have not heard from very often in this case, he came out and spoke after the guilty verdict no one in this country is above the law everyone must be accountable for their actions. even this defendant however hunter biden, should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct obviously, andrew mccabe, a hunter biden s legal team has made clear they re going to challenge this, but this is not the end of the legal exposure. legal troubles front or biden. he s got another case pending this november or this fall yeah katelyn, he s not out of the woods by a long shot. the case that he has coming up in september on the tax charges very serious case, and it s one that on its own brings the threat of much more extensive potential jail time. now, of course, they ll go into that case, having already been convicted of another felony, so he s no longer considered a first-time offender in the resolution of the tax case, which could make his penalties if he s convicted even more intense okay. so you do believe age or became that it would it could impact the outcome of the case potentially yeah, there s no question. he goes into that case now is having been recently convicted of another totally unrelated offense. so that s not a good thing for him. i think it was interesting that weiss made those comments about the fact that hunter biden should not be held more accountable than anybody else there s no question that this the trial was conducted in the way you would expect to see any criminal trial conducted. the prosecutors had an overwhelming amount of evidence. their case went in very smoothly. the defense had a very, very limited range of motion to work with here, trying to get the jury to basically thread the eye of a needle and focus on the fact that hunter allegedly wasn t taking drugs the day he bought the gun that was kind of a hail mary pass and obviously didn t work for them. all of that aside, despite the validity of this jury verdict, i think mr. weiss is going to have some really tough questions to answer in the long run about the broader decisions that he made along this path. why he offered such a favorable plea deal that he then walked away from and wouldn t give back to the defendant once when he asked her that initially. so there s a lot of questions about why hunter biden was held to this standard. maybe prosecuted in a way that most other defendants who might be who were allegedly involved in similar conduct would not have been held to the same standard. those questions are still i think hanging out there for me. yeah, weiss, it we don t often see a case like this broad as we ve noted and looked at the historical context david, can we talk about how the trump campaign responded to this day? because obviously republicans talk about hunter biden a lot, but this i noticed this today with the trump campaign where they first released a version of the state of a statement on what happened criticizing biden, criticizing his family, essentially saying that hunter biden should have been charged with with other things. but at the end, on the initial statement, they said, quote, as for hunter, we wish him well, in his recovery and legal affairs okay. but then they retracted that and put out another one striking that last line and no longer wishing him well and then resending the statement all together. what do you make of that? well well, kaitlan, i like i like the first version better, right? obviously, nobody wants to see anybody languish in an addiction and spiral downward any more than they already have been. and is well chronicled on the laptop and is andrew pointed out correctly, september 5, hunter biden stands trial. again on these tax charges, which is what are much more serious, they re seven charges, i think three felonies and for misdemeanor charges, he is facing for not paying over $1,000,000.5 in taxes over a five-year period on $7,000,000 earned and so he s he s in for, some rough sledding ahead and two, your earlier get to evan s point earlier, it s going to be right in the middle of that campaign, september 5th. and it was kinda right when people are getting ramped up in campaign season. and that s gonna be weighing heavily on joe biden mind, he is not campaigning and it s going to be in the news every day is american goods are contemplating what they re gonna do. i don t think it s going to have a positive impact on who votes for whom, but people republicans are going to point back to the laptop and the 50 plus national security individuals who said the laptop was rushing russian interference camp the pain and it wasn t real. and in this case, the laptop with the fbi said laptop was real. israel could be so it s going to provide a bunch of fodder for the campaigns. for the republican campaign moving forward. yeah. i just wanted to when we ve had any of those officials who ve signed that letter, james clapper, brennan, we ve talked to them about putting their name on that and what not but ashley, in the sense of this of what we re hearing from republicans and then struggling to kind respond to this. some of them are saying that they believe that conviction is kind of dumb in the words of one of them. in other situations they ve been arguing there was this two-tiered system of justice, but, but i mean the president s son was just convicted by his justice department yeah. i mean, it s interesting to see republicans contort themselves in certain moments to make the story work for them. downtown was prosecuted. will the state a state-level charge not joe biden, they blamed joe biden now, hunter hunter biden. joe biden s son is prosecuted by the department of justice, who joe biden are president nominated attorney general, and they still are not satisfied i love i think at the end of the day, i agree with david in terms of there will be another case that hunter biden and involved in. and i do not think that these outcomes of the case particularly related to joe biden, son joe biden, like donald trump, but joe biden s son will be determined them on how voters actually the decide to vote in the fall. but what i do get allows an opportunity to do is to draw a contrast. yet again, on how the two 21 former president, one current president, who both our fathers approach the situation, talk about the situation, handled it with compassion or lack of compassion, handle it with honesty. and i think that will be in there ll be opportunity hey, this fall to see the state contrast how one side handles it versus the other. well, and we heard from the house speaker mike johnson on this listen to what he told manu raju today. david mr. speaker, you ve been saying two-tier system of justice for some time. here s the president sayyed being convicted on three counts as that undercut your it doesn t every case is different and clearly the evidence is overwhelming here i don t think that s the case and the trump trials and all the charges because it had been brought against that have been obviously brought for political purposes. a hunter biden is a separate instance okay. but david, is that really i mean, it does undercut the claims that it s a two tiered system what it does, it look, everyone s saying, look, two things can be true here, right? people are saying, oh, this wouldn t have been brought if hunter biden wasn t joe biden? in sun, but yet nobody is saying that same thing, right? except maybe for fareed zakaria, that nobody would have brought the case against donald trump if you weren t his name work donald trump so possibly both those things are true in this and these both cases, and i think that s what s getting republicans goats here. andrew mccabe, can i just get your thought on this? i mean, you were the deputy director vector of the fbi. how do you view this in the sense of, you the rule of law and justice system overall and how that is. but this new political weapon at the center of everything caitlin, i spent my entire professional life in it. the justice system in this country is not perfect. it s got a lot of flaws, but it is not two tiered. i have also seen that people who have outcomes, they don t like, generally don t like the system. and people who have favorable outcomes, they like it this politics aside, that s basically what shapes people s opinions i guess the speaker believes that his own judgments about the quality of evidence in each individual prosecution, which he admits they re all very different, his own judgment about those things should supersede the decisions of judges and juries. i disagree with that but i guess we ll just have to leave it there and i should note figure johnson was not actually in the courtroom. we were listening to all of that evidence, of course, andrey cave, ashley, i ll send david urban great to have you all talking about this, breaking it down with us tonight. thanks thanks for having me. i head, stop the steal flags and now the wife of the supreme court justice samuel alito is condemning the pride flag and more lots of flag talk. it s all in tape will let you listen to it in a moment also for her republican house speaker unloading on former president donald trump tonight, holding nothing back truly he is a populist. he s not a conservative this populism is untethered to principles presidents, the former under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman, will be forgotten. he no longer the current typography is still a sacred qarrah. there s no country in the world better positioned to lead the world on who will be the next, the most anticipated? they did moment of this election, the weight only cnn can bring it to you moderated by jake tapper and dana bash to cnn presidential debates thursday, june 27, unknown live on cnn and streaming on max start your 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talked about moving no thank you. you could use open door. so your house cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19 filing earth would liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn tonight one of the former leaders of the republican party is unloading on the indisputable current one. and a new interview. the former house speaker, paul ryan called donald trump unfit for office. in squarely blaming him for republican losses up and down the ballot so he s process a lot of seats. i could probably spend some time to come with the numbers he causes senate twice. he causes the house because he has nominated. he is pushing through the primaries. people who cannot win general elections, but who pledged fealty to him. that s not a good way to build and grow a party without relationships still is ic as ever, we re also learning that another relationship may be on the verge of thawing out donald trump and senator mitch mcconnell will share the same air for the first time in nearly four years this week as after mcconnell confirmed to cnn today that he will be at that meeting, trump is having with senate republicans in washington on thursday. now this is so notable because donald trump and mitch mcconnell have not spoken since december of 2020 it was shortly before the january 6 attack on the capitol for which mcconnell, as we all remember, and that floor speech said trump was practically and morally responsible for what happened then of course four years later. and a remarkable turnaround, mcconnell announced in march that he will be voting for donald trump come november by source on all this tonight is former republican congressman adam kinzinger, who served on the january 6 congressional committee and gardens and just first off, what do you make of trump s upcoming meeting with senate republicans, but also the fact we don t know if they ll actually interact. it s not that big of a crown bit, but the donald trump in mitch mcconnell will be around each other for the first time in four years. well obviously the meeting itself isn t surprising. mitch mcconnell meeting with trump really isn t surprising. he s a political animal at his core. i mean, he s a he does some honorable things like the support for ukraine and stuff like that, but he s made it clear from the very beginning that he will support the republican nominee money i wish he wouldn t because, i mean, obviously, he could stay away. he could not say anything at all. and it s pretty obvious he s not going to be there in a number of years. so why not go out with the legacy? so it s too bad, but like i said, i m not surprised at all well, i mean, it s essentially the opposite of what we are hearing from paul ryan. he said is now voting for trump. he s going to write someone and he did that in 2020. so it s not a surprise. but this is what he said to neil cavuto about why he can t bring himself to vote for donald trump i think it really is just character at the another day and the fact that if you re willing to put yourself about the constitution and oath new or swear when you take office in federal office where there s president, remember? for congress, you swear an oath to the constitution. and if we re willing to suborn, it to yourself, i think that makes you unfit for office why do you think that other republicans more republicans who feel the same way, paul ryan does, don t say it i don t know when i wish they did. i mean, i look, there s reality that members of congress and former members of congress, particularly, or ones that are leaving don t want to make the party mad because they can go make a bunch of money lobbying after that. and so a lot of them stay quiet, which is why people asked me how can somebody that s leaving stays quiet? you don t want to tick off the party. i m very proud of paul ryan for saying that because he could have stayed silent. he could have not said anything, but he made a very clear, concise case for why he he s unqualified and on the point about the constitution law, caitlin when i swore in to congress, i did not take enough to my district. i didn t take an oath to the 700,000 people i represented. i took an oath to the constitution of the united states. that is the most important thing more than any issue. we re than any tax rate. the most important thing is, are we going to uphold these basic principles because democracy can t survive if you don t. so i think paul the speaker, made a very compelling case. he did it in front of an audience that didn t want to hear that. and i hope he says it more. it didn t talk about people though who are political animals that are interested in keeping their jobs on capitol hill. i mean, i think they look at this in a cynical way and say, okay, well, if i say what paul brian s out there saying, look at paul ryan, he s no longer in washington. he is no longer the house speaker. he left he s out why would i take that route if that s going to portend my fate? yeah. and let s look, it s true. you will be kicked out. the question is of conscience what is most important to you, a title, an identity. i mean, those are powerful things where you re conscience or your country, or the legacy that you leave. and so these people look at him, they ll look at, you know, liz cheney and i this is what a colt does by the way, it takes a few people that are out of line that don t swear fealty to the leader. they kick him out they politically execute them, and it sends a message to everybody else, don t get out of line. and that s why over the last eight years, we ve seen increasing, not just loyalty to trump but increasingly members of congress, for instance unwilling to go outside, criticized him for anything unwilling to go outside of what other whatever his daily orthodoxy is, which has nothing to do with conservatism and look, it s really just a question of conscience i m glad you said that about conservatism because this is what paul ryan s essential take was on what trump has done to the republican party. obviously, your lifelong republican, this is what he said also today i m a conservative republican. he is a populist. he s not a conservative. i want to see someone who s, who has fidelity to principles. i would prefer a party that is based on principles not personality or populism this populism is untethered to principles, but is that the future of the republican party mean that is the direction it seems to be moving in more and more look it depends how far in the future i think in a year, yet still that party i think if you fast forward ten years, i believe there s not going to be a person on this planet alive that will ever admit they support it and donald trump, because i think look, if he loses, obviously he s a loser once again. and that has a way of basically waking people up in a movement or in a political party, even if he wins, he s president for four years. very few presidents come out of that more popular than they went in america will be exhausted of him. and i i think the republican party will start to eat them up by the end of that. that s my optimistic view. but then somebody else could come along and run that same formula. and so who knows, but this is why people like paul ryan speaking out talking about being a conservative. but now being called a rhino, not because of what he believes but because he s not pledging to leave agents to a man and steady pledges, allegiance to a constitution congressman adam kinzinger. thank you you bet. if tonight there were not enough controversy surrounding the supreme court and won justices in particular, especially justice samuel alito. tonight, thursday, new one to keep up when it s a secret recording that is now been published of his wife or the end talking about flying even more politicized flags will play it for you after a quick break. alder chains is cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money. not only was the cia compromise heel so was compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game 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surreptitious audio recording of the justice samuel alito and his wife, martha. and it was captured by a liberal activists who posed as a sympathetic, sympathetic supporter. and like-minded admirer i want sacred heart of jesus because i had to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. exactly and he s like, oh, please don t put a flag. i can i won t do it because i m deferring to you. but when you are free of this nonsense get up and i m going to send them a message every day this audio of course, coming to light after the new york times first reported on two flags that were flown on alito properties including an upside down american flag, which became the symbol for the stop the steal movement around january 6, justice alito responded to that in a letter to congress saying that the response to that reporting, blaming his wife for putting those flags up tonight, their neighbor in the alitos house, emily baden, said that she believes that everything that has happened, everything new here on this audio proofs are right absolute horror if there s one thing that is the basic job description of a supreme court justice. it is to remain impartial and with the upside-down flag, with the appeal to heaven flag. samuel alito has shown that he is not impartial here tonight. the vernon jordan chair and civil rights at howard university law school. cheryl, an ipl and it s great to have you here. i should note, we ve heard the full recording. this is just what has been posted online that we can hear but from what we did here i wonder what stood out the most to you and all of this audio that is mostly about martha-ann alito, but also we re from justice alito himself as well yeah. katelyn, i am focused as well on the recording involving the justice himself. justice alito and the parts that i found most disturbing, probably the part that i find most concerning is when the reporter says that we need to return this country to godliness. and he says, yes, i agree with you. i find this to be a very shocking statement coming from a supreme court justice in a democracy like hours, which is not a democracy ruled by a particular religion you know, when john kennedy was asked whether as president his allegiance would be to the catholic church or to the constitution. he said, i swear an oath to the constitution. and that is what will guide my, thinking and my work. as president of the united states. i would ve expected justice alito or any justice on the supreme court to say the same and then similarly, i was very alarmed by his endorsement of the idea that it is impossible to compromise around a set of issues that people feel passionately about. the very nature of the judicial function on an appellate court like the supreme court, is to engage in compromise, to engage in conversation, to find a way towards an answer. justice alito is fond of citing brown versus board of education, which is indeed a magician important decision that changed american democracy. but it was born of compromise to get to a unanimous decision striking down separate but equal required months of work and wrangling. but but ultimately, the court created a unanimous decision because they understood the importance of coming before the country as one speaking to such a volatile issue and what justice alito essentially said was that he concedes he gives into the idea that there are simply things he cannot compromise on and that the two, what he calls the two sides cannot compromise on. and his framing of these decisions as well. winners and losers also suggests something that is, that i think is contrary to how we think about the judicial function. what does it say to you that we haven t heard from justice alito since these recordings were published? well, i d say a few things. kaitlan that i think we should be keeping our eye on. first of all, as, you know, senator durban is going to try to move forward. the senate ethics bill that he and senator whitehouse have put together that s obviously going to be a difficult thing to do, but he s determined to do to it. and when he was asked why he s doing this, pushes it because of the recordings. he said it is not because of the recordings and he said it was because of a financial disclosures and ethic statements. and i would remind everyone that justice thomas issued new disclosures, just a few weeks ago revealing trips from 2019. so quite late. and justice alito sought a 90 day extension, which he was granted so there may be other shoe to drop so we don t know. and i think that justice alito is not going to respond to every drip and drop of the revelations that are coming out. i think he responded last week around recusal from the case because that is imminent. yeah. but i don t think he intends to respond to each of these allegations. we saw him respond to that because they were asking him to recuse himself. he said he didn t fill he didn t think that it met the standard here. but cash you something else though because i m curious as we talk about this is i wonder what you would say to people who listen to this recording in their responses. well, i m uncomfortable or i m skeptical of this because it was someone posing as a conservative supporter or a sympathizer of what the alitos deal with. i wonder what you would say two people who raise questions about that when they listen to these audio recordings yeah. i mean if the questions are about the ethics of recording someone pretending that you are sympathetic to their cause. that is one set of questions that i think are actually not the focus of our concern. i think that the focus is that justice alito was speaking in an environment where he felt very comfortable. he was speaking unreservedly. he had a sounded as though he were speaking quite sincerely as did mrs. alito. and what was also interesting was that it confirmed much of the account that was given to us by the neighbor of the very disturbing account about what was happening winning between them in that community. and even that violates at least as i read it, the court s own code of conduct that they released in november last year in response to pressure that they were getting after the revelations of financial disclosures, many of us have criticized that code but that code does say that adjusted should require similar conduct by those subject to the justices control in terms of harassing behavior and conduct, simply saying it was my wife who hung the flag or it was my wife who was engaged in the altercation by their own standards is not enough so we learned a lot from that recording that i think is important, and we ll be watching closely for the disclosure as well. cheryl, an i fold great to have you. thank you thank you. caitlin. and i should note that tonight on laura coates live, you will hear new audio of justice samuel alito. it comes from the person that we were just talking about, those recorded this the liberal activists, lauren windsor, she ll share. new excerpts from her secret recordings. that s tonight at 11:00 p.m. eastern up next here, that when the source it is primary night here in america, it was your monitoring critical races that could sway the balance of power our in washington. one major question is, did ousted house speaker kevin mccarthy and get his revenge? she was seeking tonight a brand new scene and projection right after the break hey, mom, how many should i decorated have ran have blue that s a really tough call. who are you if you look at the latest data, you re probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy, when he knows his stuff i, bought the tape. i ll put it on my chase freedom unlimited call and i m a cashback on a few other things to data with the sound system. from deep step one more thing, the team owner gets five minutes again, because rose i like it. i ll break the clay back like a pro would chase freedom and limits. how do you catch back? jason, make more 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27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max breaking news as cnn can now project that republican congress amend nancy mace will win her south carolina primary tonight former house speaker kevin mccarthy tried to take her down by supporting one of her challengers after mace and seven other other republicans voted to oust mccarthy from the speakership last year. his revenge tour, not playing out though necessarily as he predicted. if you ve watched her, just her philosophy and the flip-flopping yeah. i don t believe she went through election cnn s senior political data reporter harrington is here as these primary results are coming in, not just in south carolina, but also across the country. and obviously, the mace race was interesting because she had kind of didn t hesitate to criticize trump previously, especially after january 6, that all changed as she was facing this challenge. listen to what she said in her acceptance speech tonight about president trump i also want to give a giant heartfelt thank you to the 45th and 47th president of united states for his support. president trump, south carolina will have your back in november how much of an impact did he have in this race? i didn t hurt. right. i mean, last time around in 2022, nancy mace barely squeaked by in that primary against kt arrington when she was seen as more of the anti-trump candidate. now she has this massive advantage and that kind of lines up with what we ve seen throughout this cycle, which is when trump makes an endorsement in either governor s race those are congressional races. his candidates have always one and 2024, at least before tonight. and the other thing i will note is somebody cares, at least in the republican primary electorate, what kevin mccarthy has to say, he s not the speaker anymore. the idea that he could go on this revenge tour and somehow get revenge against these candidates. these voters care about donald trump. he runs a reply publican party, not kevin mccarthy. yeah, there was some funding that kevin mccarthy helped with with mazes challenger, but but that was pretty much it. but we re also projecting that the republican michael ruling is going to win that that special election in ohio s six congressional district. this obviously matters because right now republicans having teeny tiny majority in the house and heal help with that margin just to teeny tiny bit. yeah. yeah. he ll help in that. but really what s interesting to me there is the margin which is he s not winning by a whole heck of a lot of the margin i last checked around was about ten percentage points. and why that s important, it s trump won that district by nearly 30 points. this is just another example of democrats turning out and high numbers in these special elections democrats are highly engaged and that s the thing they re hoping for come november, right? that this highly engaged electorate that they re seeing in these special elections will translate come november and their voters were turnout and trump s voters perhaps won t. okay, so that s interesting. so he wanted the district by how much in 2020 trump won it by a little less than 30 percentage twice and now you re seeing how close that is in that race is exactly right, and that s something we ve seen throughout the special elections since roe v. wade was overturned as democrats been outperforming their 2020 basin and democrats are hoping that translates to 2024. but of course there ll be a much wider turnout in 2024. the question is, how much larger? well, that turned out, actually, yeah, and highly engaged voters important can i ask you? we re going to talk about a few of the other races were still waiting on some polls so close in nevada, cui talk about what is happening with george santos, your war, the associated press is reporting tonight that the former congressman who has, we know is facing federal fraud charges right now, has just one. this bid from a judge to be able to go and visit the poker nose and pennsylvania yeah from a judge essentially granting his request to be able to leave the state to go to this area. it s restricted as a condition of his release while he awaits trial, but he is going to be at least allowed to go to the poker news, isn t that nice? you know, he can go skiing and the poke anos perhaps that could be my winter vacation come next year, the next time i take a winter vacation, i can go to the polk and maybe still a little bit with george santos and have a good time. i mean, george santos is the gift that keeps on giving. that s really all it is. his comedic relief and a political world in which everything seems to go wrong. and so down he is the comedic relief that actually allows us to smile once in a while when talking about politics, people don t ski in this summer, harry, you know what asking, taken water ski. why don t we go to a water park with george santos? we could do that. skiing s is for all seasons i ll leave that to your arians and i know you re keeping an eye on all these racism. we will to thank you for that. up next and i go to a concerning development that happened as the feds have now arrested eight foreigners who have suspected ties to isis, how they enter the united states according to our cnn sources, that s next to a cnn special event. it s time to celebrate freedom progress and the trailblazers who paved the way this is a festive day for all black americans. we still have a lot of work to do, joins cnn s victor blackwell for a native interviews the performance is by john legend, fatty new bill, smoky robinson, and so much more cnn s vegetable, june, celebrating freedom legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn kate made progress with her mental health, but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia or td so her doctor prescribed us dead oh, xr a once-daily td treatment for adults costello xr significantly reduced katie td movements. some people saw 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ll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70%, an sop tom today some breaking news for you. this evening as sources are now telling cnn that eight foreigners with the suspected ties to isis have now just been arrested here in the united states. we are told they re rounded up in los angeles, new york, and philadelphia on immigration charges and law enforcement sources tell cnn that they came in through the southern border, the us southern border, and they were screened by us officials, but apparently no red flags at the time investigators later discovered possible links to isis members overseas, which is what triggered this initial federal investigation. here tonight, danielle harvey and the former head of intelligence for the decent dc homeland security department, i mean, how concerning is it that homeland security officials and how worried are they after seeing this about potential terrorists, people with ties to isis exploiting the us southern border to enter the united states well, the good news is that the system worked, right? so let s just everyone take a deep breath. federal officials caught these individuals. they investigated them, they track them down. they have them in custody. so this is exactly how it s supposed to unfold. why didn t catch them when they entered is a whole different conversation. they will have to hear soon as the investigation goes through, it may be because of what we call trade craft. these individuals may have hidden their intention. they may be well coached. there may be a larger conspiracy at play. and if federal officials followed them that look at some of their communication, some of their activities, and deemed that they were a threat. so that s good news. they were caught the bad news is as christopher wray in an april and many cbp customs and border protection high-level officials have told members of congress and the public that they re concerned about terrorist and known as what we call k asts, known suspected terrorists, and people in the no fly list sneaking across the southern border because of the the volume of individuals that are coming and the number of countries are coming from. i mean, this is exactly what we ve heard from republican critics of the southern border and how it s being handled at this moment is a concern that this something like this could happen and the system not working yeah, it s always a concern, especially when we would call them up the gottaways. so if you look at if one in every hundred thousand individuals who get away is a known as suspected terrorists. you can have dozens or hundreds of individuals that could potentially threats and so this is a wake-up call to all

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Big Weekend Show 20240609

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thanks for watching fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. set your dvr to 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday on fox news and don t forget on social media and i everybody calm down to her, hey girl. parks across and listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. good night from new york city. it can be they republican, you can be a democrat, just don t be a [bleep]. there is. joey jones and charlie hurt, welcome to the big weekend show . the big boy tonight, calm, circumstance and politics for president biden in paris, biden telling the world that climate change is the only existential crisis to humanity. then claims is the son of the american revolution. what has correspondent peter doocy with the president tonight in paris. where the sun is setting what president biden is trying to say, he thinks putin could move further into alluding to the fact that a different dictator did that here in france, not that long ago. i meant france for the leadership as well. over 107 billion dollars in ukraine since the war began because you know what happened. there is a greater that can t be battled with standing armies or drones. the president said during a brief statement, it s climate change directly work together for peace and stability like good security and counterterrorism. that threat of climate change growing later working together to accelerate to net zero. only existential threat to humanity including nuclear weapons is that we do nothing on climate change. i could go on. president biden and first lady attended equity stake dinner a palace denver nuggets. tomorrow morning they will light a refund world war i memorial before jetting off to delaware. with us. thanks guys, gorgeous. what you think, existential threat of climate change is the only word? if you go with the horror movie and make climate change the only existential threat, you need to. the problem is he s making his mixing it with others like vladimir putin and. nuclear war. maybe i misread this but the way i heard him and who knows what he s saying ever but i thought he said including nuclear weapons, climate change is still the only existential threat which raises the question like thank god this guy isn t in charge of protecting the united states from auto, nuclear war. it does seem to be the same he focuses on regularly climate change in general so he s fitting it into a broader message about democracy and ukraine and the things the man was a what is important to president joe biden, climate change, he thinks it s an exit central threats to democracy it s funny, he said we know what happens if putin succeeds and he didn t say this because of where he was in the 80th anniversary don t want to talk about the campaign but media has, we know what happens of donald trump wins the election. there is this constant comparison by many on the left that trump is just like putin, i ll go further, the clinton said it hitler and that is the scare tactic they are trying to say. he must vote blue because of the don t, you will see what happens. there will be no more democracy and three branches of governm government. president biden does seem to get out there and enjoy telling a good story once in a while and me but genealogist to work with this one. one thing that s been election to my family is my middle name. allegedly i ve been told i my grandfather not going to get, maybe someone could help me, i am a son of the american revolution because he came over with lafayette and never went home. stayed in the united states it makes me a son of the american revolution the middle of the story, the french pronunciations he worked in, i love it. what you think, are you a son of the american revolution? i am a son of a penal colony so my ancestors were indebted came in for hard labor. [laughter] he pronounced his own name two different ways that. i can t get over that, is it robin a, robinette he s inferring whoever that is, was french so he s been irish, he s been italian, he s been mexican and puerto rican, he s been some version of african-american and now french. he is the baskin-robbins of presidents, we love him. [laughter] this is not something we should even concern ourselves with. it s not what you hope they can, is just no concern, he s lied his way all the way to the top of our government we obviously as a voting demographic except these lies. we let someone you play dress and lie about important things like how his family was killed in a car wreck and let him lie about his son and everything. let him lie about being french, do you want to be french? i want to be french. fine, go ahead at least get the right country though. i was impressed he dropped the french pronunciation in french, that s a step in the right direction. i think it was coincidental. [laughter] he corrected himself a few moments later. he touched we touched on this a few moments ago, the subject of democracy must make sure you are worried about democracy, take a listen. they understood democracy as democracy. here we prove i guess of our democracy when democracy is at risk across the world in world war ii, we defend democracy. it s never guaranteed. talk about democracy. american democracy. american democracy democracy. democracy. political calling it a wake up call to americans but it seems fear mongering may not be working. this is in newport beach, california, hundreds of trump supporters lined the streets as a former president) fundraiser. this crowd, liberal californ california [chanting] two days ago in san francisco trump raised $12 million at the silicon valley fundraiser. my house was sold out and by the way, the protesters outside, those were broke trump demonstrators. the number of people who were protesting against trump, there s maybe a couple dozen versus hundreds who are broke trump so even on the streets, a tremendous enthusiasm gap and that s what s happening in the broke san francisco, what does that tell you throw the country? so much money in politics is mind blowing and this is postconviction. it is liberal campuses. 85% of san francisco voted for president biden in 2020. i thought the number would have been higher. if you are republican in san francisco or even california for the most part, you re in witness protection. now you have, for years later, broke trump rally outside and the man who endorsed donald trump, venture capitalist, a popular podcast, he represents ingenuity and what we are seeing from the biden tc, biden d.o.j. is trying to strangle american innovation and what we do with artificial intelligence and etc. they don t like that. the law like but now that they are hosting a dinner for the president, former president and having supporters outside, it is mind blowing. there s this headline, it may mark the end of an american era. this cnn, no time since june 6, 1944 has the unshakable u.s. leadership of the west and support for international values has been so in question, democracy facing stern tests generations from far right populism. i think if you believe in i don t know what that person means but internationalist world order but if you believe in america first like donald trump thus, you believe in a strong concerned about american interests first that includes having a strong hand abroad. what it does mean is launching in two unnecessary wars or allowing unnecessary wars to happen and what we have seen president biden is supposed to be the world s greatest expert on foreign policy, we seen two wars start in the world because of his inability to govern and in america first agenda so i think it s all politics and you re right, the idea that joe biden is talking about concern for democracy is the party in america, democrats are trying to jail their primary opponent, nuts. final thoughts as we are talking about joe biden s perception of this threat to democracy. i guess, want to impeach someone twice and now convicted or found them guilty in several criminal court, more popular than they ever are, he speaks to what people are thinking at home. after january 6, trump didn t really hand them talking people casually observe politics, turned off by january 6 and have trump handled it, i can say that objectively. i was turned off, i thought it was ugly. now you fast-forward and they have this football they can run with and they spike it on third down. they don t use it, to go into this law fair and economy and foreign policy and national security are greatly more important to people then the character, no matter how you slice it, the individual who runs those policies he may believe biden is a good person, he s ruining the country. he may believe donald trump is the person we saw in the apprentice for ten years that makes comments in mexico all my god but think about where you were five years ago and that is the conversation, just can t hold? a lot of people care about kitchen table issues, that is for sure. coming up on the big weekend show [chanting] a stunning side-by-side as israel rescues hostages held by hamas since the seventh, thousands of pro- hamas protesters causing chaos steps from the white house. plus, facebook post that could throw out trumps conviction. also ahead, finished fanatical strike extremist? absurd claim about people who like to work out. welcome back to the big weekend show . for hostages held by hamas since october 7 are not home with the families and israel after baroque rescue by the idea. hours after rescue, chaos outside the white house at the hands of protesters all while the president is in france. i want to echo president macron s comments walking the rescue of hostages returning to the families. won t stop working until all hostages from home cease-fire is reached. chief washington correspondent mike emanuel the anti- israel protest in d.c. he is would here with us tonig tonight. good evening, protesters calling on president biden and his administration to stop sending bombs and military aid to israel. we are told some of the protesters here today travel as much as 16 hours ciattarelli in our nation s capital. the folks here are furious the president said israeli military operation would be a redline yet israel ignored him so protesters were read to create a human redline around the white house. joe biden, you may speak in our name but not with our consent. we charge you with genocide. it was designed to make us become quiet. protesters vandalized the statue of andrew jackson handprints suggesting the biden administration has blood on its hands. they used books raping to call for the boycott of israeli products. this was the third major pro- palestinian protest in washington over the past eight months. secret service took extra precautions with crowds expect expected. we heard free palestine and biden, biden, he will see. palestine will be free referring to the president is genocide j joe. of course president biden is in here, he is in paris. still, protesters sending a message to the president and his administration. thank you, mike. important to say in comparison of this moment on the left, pro, s supporters surrounded completely surrounding the white house with a red banner that protesters declare is there redline. they do not want the u.s. to support israel. on the right, pure joy of rescued hostages and families reunited after more than eight months. those hostages affected from the music festival. it is boggling we are even having to discuss this because it s amazing to think of these for hostages among over a hundred ducted and 120 we think are either now in custody but still in custody if they are still alive. emerging from captivity on this glorious day only to find out in washington d.c. there are protests in favor of their captors. i can t even wrap my brain around it is so insane cynical remarkable date and to see home, it s wondrous. one of the most recognizable hostages taken they and swept away from the music festival on the back of a motorcycle and one of the most torturous parts is hamas is given little information about the people that continued to hold among them, americans including : where they released video in april, a young man, american in california kidnapped had his arm blown off. miraculously survived in a forced video so remember there are still right now 100 hostages held and among them, americans. many headlines note many casualties as a result of this effort and successful rescue, a brave rescue but they were not being held, they want nothing elderly men and women and they take miraculous bravery, it wouldn t be necessary. miraculous day but there are two sides. these are not combatants held, these are innocent people at a music festival. joey, your among the few people that can imagine what this is like but israel lost a commando, portmanteau for others live. hamas only gives up one of their lives in an effort to kill people but the guy dies a hero obviously. i will take that everyday, if i die and for innocent people come home, that s why signed up for. they work but about a leader, commander so the way israeli army operates, their leader closing from what i ve read, it s a cultural thing food of the labor of going in he would never know that from these lunatics spray painting andrew jackson statue at the park. read handprints and the numbers in the headline of the washington post from the ap come from the health ministry gaza and consider the numbers because they have access to the hospitals and marks. i ll put numbers on because these facts could help inform the public debate about what is going on as many the size isra israel. sixty children killed in gaza climbed sharply, 64% of casualties after in october after the invasion and killing and in april it went down to 38%. did you see the headline in washington post and i would like to think it s a turn but maybe not. you will never find a case where israel intentionally killed innocent people. to get a heads up and they weren t about to do this. the entire tactic is to kill an object innocent people, the story and if that doesn t tell the difference in your hopeless i guess. coming up, social media, facebook post that could get trumps conviction thrown out. that s next. i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol s extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. welcome back to the big weekend show . possible bombshell and follow trunk trial. the judge notified trump defense team about facebook post : one of the jurors discussed guilty verdict with the family before the jury set up. the post said my cousin is adjourned incest trump is getting convicted. thank you folks, for all your hard work. trump campaign official those books and digital it is investigating the matter. it s important to note it s not verified the person who posted this can do any of the jurors but the judge sent a letter not just trumps team but the assistant da and if the judge is a letter that this person is akin to a juror it looks the judge like he s not on top of it so where to be dealt with this? i think this might delay it might delay the sentencing because trumps team will say let s push for an investigation and the judge has to bring in jurors say this is anyone s cousin? i go back to the way it s handled by the judge and the legal person for donald trump said why did you let these men and women go home for memorial day instead of sequestering them? high-profile unprecedented case is what is going to want to talk about and they would have spoken about with friends and family so if it s true must judge merchan might have wanted to do it in the beginning. i m in line with that, it makes the judge look kind of b bad. take all the things we ve heard from jonathan turley and others on the network how this is how a normal case would go and look at objectively 130 million people in this country, billions on social media block don t know if this person is legitimate and sent a letter to both teams and it seems like he would investigate that before you notify. you would think. you have to assume the judge knows more than we do. the judge knows more than what he put in the letter again, we have no idea if there is in relation the end of the cousin really is on a jury but you have to assume he knows more of the other thing is, the problem is the judge denied everything they ve made and what i saw, i thought maybe this is the off ramp where guy gets to embarrassing him self and it s out of doing whatever crazy think he ll do that will haunt him the rest of his career because the trial has to go down as the worst thing in his career so i don t have any faith that he will recognize that. next step is sentencing and applying for an appeal and is pushed out that way, is this grounds for mistrial? do you want a mistrial, what do you want? if you watch it, we seen a number of legal and was talking about transfer appeal that could potentially happen here in the course had but when it comes to specific individual who may or may not be a cousin of roger and the precise timing of the post before the deliberations, he had a 25% chance of being right no matter what the individual posted. i can t believe there are hundreds of thousands being investigated. it s like somebody tried to stir something up, carlo how real that is, a lot of questions house taken. the judge mentioned is so it takes it up, it has to be taken seriously and republicans are concerned. it seems a lot to me. there will columnist and attack on getting jacked claiming right wing if you work out. that s next. make sure you re watching one nation that o clock eastern ti time. there s me and then there is dana white. exclusive sit down with one of the most successful people in the country, advice for you and magic of donald trump and ufc plus keepsake except welcome back to the big weekend show . they say working out builds muscle. you need to go? i wasn t expecting company. this doing my workout. two says back. you asked me to come by. one liberal columnist, working out will turn you into a right wing jerk. she writes, you caps on and more energetic and you think you are master of your own destiny high on self-righteousness and you situate others problems within your failure. this is true if you don t know them and it s just a bunch numbers. these people with ibs, imagine how much better it would be they took responsibility for their health the way you have. charlie, you work out a lot. [laughter] i do the same and have the same results to show for it. or lady, she s confused and obviously bad at the gym and were set friday. she talks how she thinks is conservative to be the master of your own destiny and the cannabis and climbed the whole thing for independence, taking control of your life because you get to choose your own destiny. how is that a bad thing? i didn t disagree with the word of that. [laughter] i m sorry if i hurt your feelings. it might be the answer for a lot of people. where is the problem here? i didn t understand. she also says in the article, fitness has a capitalist logic because there s so much money in it so nothing is ever enough it as soon as you can run a 5k, you want to run ten was competing and striving for growth even of micro human strength. you have internalized market unfortunately. you re getting on everyone s nerves, does it change your mind? the whole premises if you work out, his ethical and legal and now set another one. stop the press, could you believe somebody would live their life that way? what are we supposed to do? they re supposed to wallow in our city believe the truth is we can t survive without the government, we can t take control of ourselves and lives in destiny, supposed to taken everything offered for all the symptoms we have, not change our diet or physical health, but big pharma from that. we are supposed to buy in to the system that makes us invalid every way possible because that s what makes naturally week or choosing to be weak people about i m sorry but i don t do it. i ve had my legs blown off in afghanistan and will be in the gym everyday and it makes me a jerk [laughter] right wing joke. [laughter] why bring politics into this? she s pretty for herself. i want to yield my time, i don t have enough to say but i googled about this to see if it was something emphasis fyi story five years ago, more likely to be right wing. a cousin to the studies so it s not the most original article of work. if you are republican, prettier, more attractive than the democrat a lot of people would defend that and say us because we republicans have more money, they can spend more on what they look like. to cinderblocks workout with. by choice. he lives an alternative lifestyle and is in good shape. one last thing on wheel of fortune so where do game shows go from here? we have that next. (birds chirping) well this isn t gonna work. try this. 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[laughter] was about whether a hotdog should catch up. she likes ketchup and mustard. speaking of, we have a clip from the 80s show hosted by chuck on fox nation. take a look. we love each other but very competitive. but no matter what happens, we will still love each other. [laughter] i wouldn t touch that with the forklift so here we go. deceptively simple around. i feel like you re not paying attention and it probably doesn t matter. [laughter] some punks sexy ladies. [laughter] doesn t stand a chance but you can see on fox nation it looks amazing. i m not into game shows, i am not a big wheel of fortune guy but i definitely will watch that for sure. shannon bream listen i love chuck, one of the og s just like the police exciting about the clip you shared that. the people in it it looks awesome. it is magnificent and is probably a suit of his. i am jealous i lived in the 80s decade but old enough to like that. the make up the apartment had a blast, for sure. they need to get me on. [laughter] fox nation s most of check in case much and now available on fox nation and stick around. big weekend flops are next. okay back to the big, it is the time for a big weekend flops these are big for what we think the biggest feels the week and i m going to go first, yes this one is pretty tough, hardly democratic town council, in wethersfield connecticut refused a thin blue line like to honor fallen to relate kind of duty. it is now been used by poison from certain other far right types of fruits and even many police department thoroughly country has indicated that i think it s a authorize or use that like to employment out of the city councilmember literally, that would was wondering do damage control for female number of female and don t remember her name is that some pretty important things and really, within blue line flight to racism and hatred in all be think about i guess what bothers me think of pride flag they flew to half mast of the american flag this one of the things were this bike has been around for hundred years enemies were going to memorialize those give their lives serving their community and if trying to hijack that, pushback and keep ownership of it and then to be it means from adobe so week pretty. it seems pretty simple okay major bill of the major discovery of essential for thousands of tons of lithium to be extracted annually from wastewater generated by tracking has been discovered a bit dirt dream difficult to refusing covenant have into the source it is further evidence, that that the whole environmentalism, green new deal, fa is a given to give more power to government and they do not actually want to solve anything because they cannot have a utopia without lithium and batteries. it is better for to get from china. [laughter] i guess right. porch pirates a doorbell camera captured footage of a thief fake amazon best posted as a delivery driver hazel packages from a home in massachusetts and so he walks up and he was dressed as a delivery driver within of the box and put them to box down on the porch and then stole the real box and porch piracy $8 billion a year theft in. there s one video pretty polls the box it blows up on him and i think everybody needs to be able to do that. go out. with dog manure. the latest bizarre food trended making the rounds of social media kcal bars smothering catch up yes and the skills here you go. and this is for you. no no no. this is a break me off moment, these are made it to be shared. that s not possible, that is not possible. the vertex, the vertex, charlie. no no no. i think the thing to do is you look awfully cancer first and then you eat the chocolate. this is an improvement on catch up. and the dozen for us and we will see you tomorrow the big we can show starts right now.

80th-anniversary-don-t , Everybody , Thanks , Fox-news , Saturday-night , Social-media , Jimmy-failla , Dvr , 00 , 10 , Person , Product

Transcripts for CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240608 04:43

Struggling with addiction, depression, and anxiety can you tell who is going to have a bad experience, who s going to have a transcendent experts in our ability to predict that is almost non-adult than about a third will at our, at a high dose, say that they have something like that. what folks would call a bad trip but most of those folks will actually say that that was key to the experienced karima go offline was a smoker for 46 years and said she tried everything to quit before being given psilocybin at johns hopkins last year. psilocybin itself is non addictive do you remember what specifically what you were seeing or the ceiling of this room? we re clouds like heavy rain clouds and gradually they were lowering and i thought i was going to suffer k from the clouds that was more than a year ago. she says she hasn t smoked since the study she took part in is still ongoing, but in an

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Transcripts for CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240608 06:23

Negative on bitcoin and crypto tweeted about it as president. now all of a sudden he s positive about it. negative on tiktok was going to ban it. now he s positive about it. i don t understand how he gets him free pass and i don t understand now these people don t realize how transactional he is. and at the spur of the moment, if it serves his personal interests, forget about the country. it s got to serve as personal interests. heel flip on a dime, and so right now the president has good political instincts and he sees those two things as raising money and potentially widening the birth of bob a younger demographic of voters but it s completely dishonest and i don t understand why he s not being called out on it the way other classical politicians have been called out on switching their views. flip-flopping anthony scaramucci. thank you very, very much coming up. we re getting new details just in to cnn our, preparations for donald trump s sentencing in

Biden , It , Tiktok , Pass , Positive , Negative , Crypto , Bitcoin , People , Country , Interests , Flip

Transcripts for CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240608 04:43:15

Transcripts for CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240608 04:43:15 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Something , Most , Will , Dose , Folks , Smoker , Trip , Karima , Our , 46 ,

Transcripts for CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240608 06:23:45

Transcripts for CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240608 06:23:45 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Donald-trump , Home-cnn , Anthony-scaramucci , Details , Sentencing , Politicians , Preparations , Views , Our , Flip-flopper ,

Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240608

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war cabinet expires in the hours ahead the key member is demanding when it comes to the conflict. and what could happen if he carries through on his threat we begin our in paris where the close ties between the u.s. and france will be on full display as us president joe biden. continues his official state visit with a full day of events. french president emmanuel macron will welcome mr. biden and the first lady with a formal ceremony at the okta triomphe. there will be a parade precession to the least, say palace, followed by a working lunch in the evening. the macron s will host the bidens at the music duo say for a state dinner it s coming on the heels of the 80th anniversary of d-day will president biden on the allied troops of world war ii during a speech on the cliffs of normandy on friday, he evoked the legacy as he called on the world to defend democracies under threat. today but i ll ask us to give or risk our lives but they are asking us to care for others and our country more than ourselves they re not asking us to do their job. they re asking us to do our job to protect freedom in our time to defend democracy, to stand up aggression abroad. and at home read part of something bigger than ourselves. for more on this cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson joins us now live from london, nyc obviously president biden spending a full day really with his host. it s testament, i guess to the bond between these two countries. yeah, i think it is and it s testament in a way to how comfortable president biden fills in france has been that it will be probably, by the time he leaves expanded to leave on sunday, it had been there for five days. i don t think a us president in recent history spent so much time in one single country outside of the united states for, for some time this is a relationship that s important to president biden he needs strong allies and partners in europe. it s a relationship that s important to president macron. you who courted donald trump when he was president hosted him to dinner. i think it was in the eiffel tower so macron has always been careful to try to have a strong working on solid relationship with us president s, particularly now, britain is outside of the european union. france s it is one of the strongest partners, if you will, that the united states can look to to have influence in brussels within the european union there are differences, of course, between the two countries, but today, we ll be full of sort of ceremony and the symbolic nature of that relationship attending a ceremony at the de triomphe for a parade, dan to the elysee palace are working lunch and then back for a state dinner at the lee say palace in the evening. so this really is the french de, the french president, laying on the best of what france has to offer to visiting world leaders president biden is really getting the treat at the french today nick, yeah, as we know, over these last few days, present, button really has been front and center on the world stage during this this trip to commemorate d-day what impact will this have on us foreign policy, particularly on the wars in ukraine and gaza well when you talk about gaza, there are obvious differences between president macrons position and president biden s position. a stark contrast can be seen when the international criminal court, the icc, called for the request for arrest warrants for prime minister netanyahu so and the hamas leaders united states, condemned that even there was talk from within the united states of the challenge to the icc but what we heard from france, which is a signature signatory to the rome statute, which supports the icc. what the icc is doing. and if there was an arrest warrant for prime minister netanyahu, if he was to go to france, then the french will be obliged to arrest him. if that was to happen so the french said that they supported the move by the icc. so clearly, president biden and macron the sea differently on israel france is much more forward leaning. i wanted to see a sea as far in gaza, but it supports the united states position that calling for an independent palestinian state are recognizing an independent palestinian stay right now is not the right course of action. and on ukraine as well president macron is more forward leaning down the united states. he wants to form a coalition of countries that will send international military trainers. military trainers into ukraine praying nato try to train ukrainian soldiers. know nato nation has done this. at least publicly, yet, and this is much more than the united states wants to do when macron has taught about this in the policy united states has been very careful to say no. that s not where we are on this. so will it how will it change in shape that? will macrons going to do is back as the push the united states forward, but we know that president biden is constrained not just by his own worldview, but by domestic politics at home. he is unlikely to take a strong position that france wants on the war in gaza. and he s going to be very cautious about how he approaches involving us troops, potentially on the ground in ukraine, the domestic appetite for that this is perhaps not in the same place as domestic appetite and frances robinson that joining us from london, many thanks well, back in the us, mr. biden faces mounting pressure from within his own administration to change you as policy over the israel hamas war, cnn s kali atwood has more almost a dozen us officials who have resigned in protest of the biden administration s approach to the israel-hamas war. i want us to abide by our own laws. there s a real disconnect between what we and usaid are saying and every humanitarian agency is saying why should the rest of the world look to is as a leader, are banding together to explore how to use their voices effectively from the outside. it s kind of like an underground railroad. when i was having questions about when it seemed like i cannot work on this anymore but what do i do? stacy gilbert, who worked at the state department for more than 20 years. so she turned to members of the group when she was considering resigning. now she wants to help those who are fighting the system from within if we can be a resource to help others find their voice find a way to try to affect some policy change that would be useful. gilbert and the others who have left the us government in protest, like alec smith resigned from usaid last month, are also in public events and statements to shed light on all they ve seen. know that i m no longer at usa and i can speak publicly and loudly about what is actually happening on the ground in gaza and i can try to get attention pointed towards me, but people who are suffering there now gilbert s resignation came after her office at the state department, which focuses on global humanitarian crises, found that israel was impeding the delivery of humanitarian aid into gaza only for the final version of the report to say that israel was not to blame what are the implications of a report like this for the us government globally? to say it undermines our credibility is an understatement and for this report to say, conditions in gaza are dating dress, and these organizations don t have the capacity is just patently false. it is absolutely dangerous and it is difficult to do the work burke but these organizations can do it. they are not being allowed to do it the state department says it stands by its final report. we want to hear their opinions. we want to hear the expertise that they bring to bear, but ultimately it is the president, the secretary, other senior officials that make the decisions about what the policy of the united states out of beep. but gilbert says that many of her colleagues still working on the biden administration s policy and are seeing the death toll of innocent palestinians rise. harberger, same frustrations and continue urging policy changes from within. if i were the only one who thought this way, i would stay in the government. but you re confident they ll continue to have slowly absolutely i will i will be a voice for them on the outside, but i really am. i am determined to do all i can help from the outside because it s it s very, very hard doing this on inside. now, these warmer officials say they expect resignations and descend from within to continue. and one thing we ll be watching to see is if the pressure that president biden and his administration are putting on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to come to a ceasefire agreement, can do anything to quell this mounting descent, this mounting frustration, but from our conversations with these former officials, it would actually take the biden administration cutting off the flow of us weaponry to israel in order to do that kylie atwood, cnn, the state department will that frustration is being fueled by reports that are coming out of gaza. it seems daily. the director of rafah s kuwaiti hospitals is to workers there were killed and five others wounded by an idf strike last month kuwait hospital was forced to close after continuous israeli strikes, cnn has reached out to the idf for comment. well, the coming hours could be crucial for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he s facing pressure from the united states to accept a ceasefire and hostage release agreement. now it came member of his war cabinet could quit. benny gantz has threatened to leave the cabinet and the government. and he says, he ll take his party with him. well, meanwhile, the united nations is adding the israeli military, hamas, and palestinian islamic jihad to a list of groups that harm children the un secretary general s spokesman says the list will be presented to the security council next week gaza s ministry of hills sysml than 15,000 palestinian children have been killed in israel. hamas war israel denies deliberately targeting civilians cnn senior international correspondent has been weighed him and joins us now live from beirut and ben, let s start with that ultimatum by benny gantz word is that the united states is trying to get gantz to stay. what more you learning? yes. well, he last month has said that on the 8th of june today, he would resign if benjamin netanyahu did not come out with some sort of post-war plan for gaza. well, that hasn t happened. it s 8 june and it is expected that it s evening and around the 8:00 p.m. a. local time, he will be giving a press conference and all indications from the israeli media is that he will indeed carry through with his threat. now, what does this mean? what his party is actually not a member of netanyahu s code collision, which has 64 out of the 120 seats in the knesset. so it s not like netanyahu s government is going to collapse but good gantz s considered to be sort of one of the adults in the room and experienced military figure who was chief of staff for the israeli army later at defense minister, he is someone who is perhaps according to these ready media, trying to keep the government on an even he ll pull him out and that means sort of that sort of level of control goes and netanyahu will be under the pressure more pressure from the extremist ministers in his cabinet but fundamentally for instance, guns does not support the creation of a palestinian state he does not support the idea of palestinian authority, going into gaza to administer it in the post-war phase. so basically, the difference between netanyahu and gun on tone, not necessarily the actual action on the ground node guns has been in favor of some sort of rapid end, to this war, we have now beginning the ninth month of this war. netanyahu doesn t seem to be quite as eager for that but the end of the day, i think the expectation is the war will continue. netanyahu s made it clear that despite the 31 may biden peace proposal, that his goal is the complete destruction of hamas difficult if not impossible, as that maybe anna and ben the un s designation of israel as a state that harms children the israelis are incense to tell us about the announcement and this reaction well every year the united nations puts out a report on entities and country he s harm children in war. and now israel joins saudi arabia, afghanistan, the democratic republic of congo, hamas islamic jihad, sudan, syria, yemen, and isis on that list. as you mentioned in the introduction israel has, according to the ministry of health in gaza, killed more than 15,000 children. it s a lot of children and certainly what we re seeing on our screens, what we re hearing from the ground is yes, many children have been killed as a result of this war in gaza, where the death toll is approaching 40,000. and therefore it s not necessary it s essentially a surprise. it was a surprise to the israelis, the chief of staff of the un secretary general, antonio guterres, called the israel kylian vasodilate to the un, to inform him before this announcement was made, the israeli investor recorded video recorded that conversation and described the israeli army as the most moral army in the world. now, this is something that the israelis have repeated for decades, but certainly this war, in particular brings that claim. in 2000 15,000 children certainly is a huge number and wait a min, joining us from beirut. thank you the secret service is preparing for massive pro-palestinian demonstrations in washington dc today, putting up extra fencing to protect the white house. they ve also blocked off access to the white house gates service agent till cnn. they re expecting up to 12,000 protesters. us president joe biden will not be at the white house since he s attending that state visit in france? we are getting word of a new russian strikes on ukraine as the french president spills out, the timeframe, the starting to train ukrainian pilots on french fighter jets. that story, plus bouton is bragging about having many more nuclear bombs than the us and europe but that s not always he said at the st. petersburg economic forum hey, mom, how many should i decorated have ran have blue that s a. really tough call for you. that s john king from cnn. let s look at the data. your county leaned red eye 15 points in the last presidential election however, looking at the latest polling, you re going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles. how this guy really knows this stuff. $5 a cupcake you know, the average cost of a cupcake around here is $3. no comment dad is a legend and his legendary moves might be passed down to you dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with best of all, it s on sale for fathers de but get moving this sale is only for a limited time. attention former marines and family members stationed to camp plus june, if you lived or worked that can t lose you in north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 to december 1987 and has been diagnosed with cancer, neuro behavioral effects at a child born with birth defects or been diagnosed with fertility issues are more significant compensation may be available called legal injury advocates. now, to discuss your case, golf 1805 013636. that s 1800 013636. call now pain means pause on the things he loved but bringing me go cool, the pain with bio free. and keep on going bio freeze green means go i m jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program if you re age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget. remember the three ps what are the three p s the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget our price, price and price a price you can afford a price that can t increase. and a price that fits your budget. i m 54. what s my price you can get coverage for $9.95 a month i m 65 and take medications. what s my price? also? 995 a month i just turned 80. what s my price? 995 a month for you to if you re a is 52, 85 called now about the number one most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. option started $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate luck. so uri can never go up for any reason so called now for free information. and you ll also get this free beneficiary planner and as yours free, just for calling so-called now for free information called 1806881300 for your free information in your free gift. that s what 806881300. don t wait her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. okay. alone this is a secret war. secrets and spies tomorrow at ten on cnn for. a seconds write de ukraine is reporting a wave of russian strikes across the country. officials say one person was killed at least six others injured in overnight attacks. that included drones. and artillery. some of the strikes cause more damage to the power grid and critical infrastructure lecture, that s coming on the heels of a un report that says may was the deadliest month for ukrainians in almost a year. more than 170 civilians were killed last month. about 30% more than in april and close to 700 were injured the increase is blamed on the growing number of strikes in the kharkiv region where moscow launched a new offensive. last month, well, meanwhile, french president emmanuel macron says his country will start training ukrainian pilots and mechanics in the coming days. he met with president volodomyr zelenskyy on friday de after pledging to send french fighter jets to give or meanwhile, russian president vladimir putin repeated threats to our adversaries of western nations that are supporting ukraine. he also boasted about russia s economy and military strength during a speech at the st. petersburg economic forum on friday, cnn s fred pleitgen as more lavender putin speaking at the st. petersburg economic forum, which of course is extremely important for russia and extremely important for the russian president remains bullish both on the russian economy and also on the war in ukraine as far as the economy is concerned, the russian president saying that despite the fact that russia is, of course, under immense western sanctions, that its economy is still going strong. essentially, what putin did in his keynote speeches, he outlined what he believes could be a new world economic order with of course russia being at the helm now as far as the war in ukraine is concerned, vladimir putin once again, pointing out that he believes russia right now is on the offensive. he said that russia, since the beginning of this year, has managed to take from ukraine some 47 towns and settlements near the front lines. so clearly he believes that the russians right now have the momentum. some other key developments as well. he says, right now there is no need for more mobilization on the part of the russian military because of course, he believes that they have enough troops for the front lines and also for the rear echelons as well. the other thing that we also saw was so vladimir putin, once again essentially telling western nations that russia has a huge nuclear arsenal and to be aware of that, but he did also elaborate on some remarks that he had made earlier where in light of the fact that western nations, some of them are now saying that you crane can use western supplied weapons to hit russian territory in a limited way that the russian since he believes, could also have the right to supply the same classes of weapons as he put it to adversaries of the west to put them under military pressure. the russian president now qualifying that somewhat saying that that is not something that is imminent. his exact words there, that is not something that s going to happen, quote, tomorrow, fred pleitgen, cnn berlin thank you for your company. i m anna coren for those of you watching internationally african voices changemakers is next for those of you in the us and canada. i ll be back with more news. just a minute. assignments are going off the tornado here you cannot out swim this. you cannot outrun it. really terrifying experience. it is a stuff nightmares you just hear and feel it is in my throat or burning i m thinking i m going to die and i thought 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prosecutors in hunter biden s federal gun trial finished presenting the evidence on friday, and the defense called hunters daughter naomi, to the stand. the son of a us president is accused of having a gun while abusing drugs and lying on a form about his use of the contraband. cnn s paula reid has more the government rested its federal gun case against hunter biden immediately after a hunters lawyers began their defense, which included emotional testimony from his 30-year-old daughter, naomi, when she entered the courtroom with her husband, peter neil, first lady, dr. jill biden motioned for him to sit next to her in the front row with approximately a dozen other biden family members. once naomi was on the stand, defense attorney abbe lowell asked her about the two time she saw her father in 2018. he seemed like the clearest that i had seen him since my uncle died and he just seemed really great. she testified that she had not seen her father for a long time when she and her then boyfriend now husband, met him at a coffee shop along with hunter s sober coach. i told him that i was so proud of him and i was so proud to introduce peter to him. she then testified she saw her father again in new york city in october of 2018, during the time her father owned the gun at the center of this case, she said she met him to give back because car she had borrowed for a move and she testified the car was in good shape and had no evidence of drugs adding that he seemed hopeful, but on cross-examination, naomi and defense attorneys seemed caught off guard when prosecutors presented texts between her and her father during that trip, when he appeared erratic and went dark for long stretches, one of her texts reading, i don t know what to say. i just miss you so much. i just want to hang out with you. and from him one saying, i m sorry, i have been so unreachable. it s not fair to you, naomi testified that she returned the our on october 19 and that at that time she didn t see any drug paraphernalia in it a few days after that, her aunt hallie biden testified earlier in the trial that she found drug paraphernalia in that same car, prosecutors seizing on this and suggesting that the drug residue and drug paraphernalia must have been put in the car our after she returned it, timeline crucial as hunter is accused of lying on federal gun buying forms about his drug use at that time. now, the defense team has a weekend to decide i d if they want to put hunter on the stand and this is a risk reward calculus source familiar with their thinking tells me they think hunter could provide additional context. so those text messages you said hallie biden, where he suggested he was on a car doing crack or meeting someone they mci presumably to buy drugs. you would like to testify that he was just trying to we d seen hallie and he wasn t actually using at that time. he also believed that putting them on the stand could help to build some sympathy or empathy from members of the jury there is also a risk these prosecutors they are at the top of their game. and as we saw with his daughter, naomi biden, they will look for any opportunity to undercut a witnesses credibility paula reid, cnn, wilmington, delaware a witness in the trial of us senator bob menendez says, he gave a continent and his wife as a bribe. jose uribe testified friday saying that in exchange for a mercedes convertible, nadine menendez promised to try to prevent an investigation into rubies trucking business everybody testified under a plea agreement bob menendez and others charged in the case of pleaded not guilty. nadine menendez is facing a separate to trial later. this year. former trump white house chief of staff mark meadows is pleading not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results in arizona is one of 18 trump allies charged in connection with the fake electors case in the stage. cnn s crayon law has more on the latest legal issue connected to the former president arizona prosecutors arrive for the arraignments of some of former president donald trump s closest advisers. sir, could you state your name, please? mark randall matters. trump s former white house chief of staff. we do an enter a plea of not guilty, also, entering a not guilty plea. trump campaign operative, mike roman, could you state your name, please? michael roman and meadows both face charges in multiple states and the fake elector scheme aimed at overturning the 2020 election results in arizona and in georgia. roman, also this week was indicted in wisconsin the state cases, all date back to an alleged plan hatched in the days and weeks after trump lost his last reelection bid, where the underside being the duly elected and qualified electors in arizona calling themselves electors. these 11 people assembled on december 14, 2020 to declare the state s winner. donald j. trump, of his state of florida. number a bonus 11 but joe biden had won arizona arizona prosecutors say meadows, roman, and other trump allies charged in april, like former trump attorney john eastman. i of course, pled night guilty. and current rnc election integrity council. christina bobb will be what the case coordinated fake electors in arizona and other swing-state attempting to keep trump in power. perhaps the most well-known of the 18 indicted by arizona is former trump lawyer rudy giuliani who say arizona prosecutors, dodge them for weeks as they tried to serve him court papers there. so incompetent, they can find me they also can t count votes correctly live streaming has taunts right thing until arizona agents caught up with giuliani and he said his 80th birthday in florida now has two weeks to appear in person in court and post a $10,000 bond giuliani so far hasn t indicated exactly when he s going to be heading to arizona. we did check with the maricopa county sheriff s department. and so far, he has not yet been processed for his mug shot or his fingerprints we checked in to see where giuliani might be. he was live streaming has show from michigan young law, cnn, los angeles the judge who oversaw the trump hush money trial is dealing with a social media post. they claim to know the verdict before it was even delivered. a poster who claims to be the cousin of a juror, said that trump would be convicted in a message on the courts facebook page last month the judge has brief both the prosecution and trump s defense on the comment. it is not clear if there is any validity to the post. will meanwhile, judge juan merchan s is trump s attorney. can join the former president. saturday s pre-sentence investigation interview the interview will form part of the report. the judge will receive ahead of trump s sentencing next month. the former president has been boasting of his fundraising windfall on the heels of his hush money conviction and he s in california to raise even more who cnn s alayna treene with the latest well, just a week after the former president was convicted in manhattan, donald trump is back on the campaign trail and aggressively fundraising in cattle hello, fournier. now on thursday, donald trump attended a san francisco fundraiser at the home of silicon valley investor david sacks, that was organized actually by jd vance, one of donald trump s top contenders to become vice president. and i was told that advance it really spent months working on getting sacks to endorse the former president. they viewed that endorsement and the fundraiser as a sign as silicon valley starting to embrace donald trump. now on friday, donald trump also has a fundraiser in beverly hills this one home hosted by le samson, a very wealthy businessman, who has endorsed the former president the past and has donated to him before and then on saturday, donald trump have another fundraiser in orange county and luck, all of this comes as donald trump is continuing to rail against that verdict in new york, we heard him speak about that in thursday at a rally in phoenix it s where he called the conviction rigueur, called the verdict rigged, and the jury rigged, and also said that if his case did not win on an appeal, would be no country anymore foreign. we also have heard donald trump really escalate his rhetoric for retribution against his political opponents. take a listen to what trump to dr. phil in an interview on thursday retribution is going to be through success. we re going to make it very successful. we have to bring the country together the word revenge is a very strong word, but maybe we have revenge through success while revenge does time, i will say that does and sometimes revenge can be justified if though i have this b honest, sometimes it can. now what i find very interesting about that interview is that donald trump, over the past several days now, has done a series of what i would dries as friendly interviews where the host have really tried to get him to step away from these calls for retribution. but as we just saw in that interview with dr. phil he s refusing to do so. instead, he s doubling if not tripling down on his calls for revenge. and this is something we really heard donald trump talk about ever since he was indicted last year, he is called hold for potentially going after and prosecuting some of his political opponents. and i think we ll continue to hear that rhetoric when he speaks at a rally in las vegas on sunday alayna treene, cnn, los angeles well on the campaign trail, trump is also railing against biden s new executive order on immigration. he is what he told a crowd in phoenix, arizona on thursday you people know better than just about anybody about the southern border because they are pouring through your state at levels, nobody s ever seen before. two days ago, joe biden signed and executive order to officially declare his formal approval and support for the largest border invasion in the history of the world. so this has been the largest invasion in history. we ve never, we are being invaded well, the number of migrant crossings at the us, mexico border has not changed much since new asylum restrictions went into effect earlier this week. but senior white house officials believe crossings will drop homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas spoke to cnn about trump s three action to the executive order it s inappropriate for me to respond to a political candidates statements. let me just say that president biden has taken an executive action to strengthen our border security after congress has failed to act, but only congress can fix what everyone agrees is a broken immigration system it s done the immigration landscape is a volatile one. we know that for for many years, but this measure, this executive action, is far different than what the former president sought to deal we have not eliminated asylum. we are allowing between 14 and 1,500 individuals to use our processes the cbp one application to come to a port of entry at a predesignated appointed time and claim asylum in a safe orderly, and lawful way. that was not the case under the prior administration. in addition, this president president biden, has established an unprecedented number of lawful pathways for individuals to seek humanitarian relief in the united states including asylum outside of the grip of exploitative human smuggling, organizations. so this is far different than what the prior administration sought to do. we are adhering to our nation s values and strengthening border security surprisingly, strong jobs, growths in the u.s. is dashing hopes that the federal reserve will cut interest rates anytime soon the us added 272,000 jobs in may, far more than expected and american workers earning more as well with wage growth coming in stronger than expected average hourly earnings are now up 4.1 0.1% on the year outpacing inflation on the flip side unemployment rose to 4% for the first time in over two years, i spoke with analysts ryan patel earlier about what the mixed economic picture could mean for president biden s reelection. bid you ve got the economic fundamentals. you see the numbers and you look at the back end and when you see where prices have increased in what parts of the country what types of demographics it turns to be when you see these numbers? then you see your bank account. i think the word they d been using as vibes. you don t feel that you re getting the economic benefit out of what the market is doing. and i think for president biden is uphill battle for him to face these type of vibes or feelings that people are feeling because they re not spending as much even though consumer spending overall has been there fair, but that doesn t mean with all the different groups that are there and even certain companies and they are sitting on the sideline and holding cash instead of investing it. furthermore, because they don t, they re still not sure where the market is and things are expensive because of industries being high. so people are not taking loans out there are waiting and waiting to see when that occurs. and so it does cause is built up where you see shelter prices, rent increase in wages don t always keep up with that. and so it is interesting the dilemma that the president, president biden the white house needs to be talking about the rhetoric has been interesting and it hasn t been really working when it comes in some as exit polls and surveys we ll have more on the jobs report coming up in the next hour. i ve seen a newsroom, but i hit the brothers who made any exciting dinosaur fossil find that resulted in a museum exhibit. and the documentary assignment with audie cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts pain means pause on the things you love. but brene me. go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going bio freeze green mean let s go a heart attack. do they have life insurance? no. but we have life insurance john, i m trying to find something we can afford fortunately, it only 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days three north dakota boys were out fossil hunting with their father a couple of years ago when they made an incredible find, a prime specimen of a juvenile tyrannosaurus rex. only a handful of ever been recovered. well now the bone it s a part of an exhibition at the denver museum of nature and science and the boys star in a documentary that premieres later this month my colleague, paula newton spoke earlier to the museum s curator and two of the boys this is just such a remarkable story of discovery. i mean, i think that s what makes it so special. i mean, sam kicking his boys, jessin and liam out and his nephew kaiden, going out and you re not stumbling on this fossil. they were out looking for fossils and they found a juvenile toronto a source rex. and to me, it s extra special because i grew up in that same area. i grew up walking sort of the same badlands and that s how you re salman. i knew each other where we re friends since high school. and it s just so cool to see these boys getting outside in making an awesome discovery, like they made and the find itself is it significant. i mean, we don t have that many juvenile tyrannosaurs that i ve ever been discovered. so this is only a handful that i ve ever been discovered so it s that s all remarkable find you use the correct word there. awesome boys. i have to turn back to you guys because you obviously didn t find out for quite awhile exactly that it was t rex. so when you found out it was t-rex what did you think i was very excited and it was me and hailar that found out first letter. it was a t-rex because we mean, i was sitting right across from tyler is that s when we found that first tooth but at that moment, i couldn t speak and jessin definitely 65 million years later, you got them you got the t rex. are there any names here that we re coming up with? do you get to name them? yeah we named it the brother because me and my brother and my cousin brothers to each other and the dayana shot feels like what. adorable boys youtuber is facing federal charges after posting footage that looks like it s straight out of the video game grand theft auto. the voice is called destroying a lamborghini with fireworks prosecutors say was filmed in southern california without any permits. the youtuber has been charged with putting an explosive on an aircraft. he could face up to ten years in prison when newly released bodycam footage shows golfer scottie scheffler telling police he s terribly sorry on the morning of his arrest outside a recent pga championship and louisville, kentucky so i m terribly sorry guys keep arms back. i promise i m about to trying to get to teach scheffler was on his way to the golf course when he came across the scene of what was a fatal crash, and officer trying to stop scheffler was dragged along by scheffler s kotb, but the officer didn t have his body camera on at the time. charges were dropped after the incident was deemed a misunderstanding united states cricket team is running high on confidence after they re shocking victory of the pakistan this week and the t 20 cricket world cup that s probably shocked the cricketing world and i know definitely here in the us it s been it s been a lot of media coverage of it, which is fantastic. i think usa cricket, as i guess not that well-known within america i think we ve put ourselves a little bit more on the map was very to hide team usa, like the chances and the upcoming matches against india and ireland in the final two group a matches and you book and a new movie are in the works and shorter delight fans of the hunger games. the first book in the franchise by authors suzanne collins was publishing 2008, turned into a hint series of books and movies. there s attracted legions of followers. now, yet another chapter of the dystopian fights for your life saga continues with a new book called sunrise on the reaping it s said to be published in 2025 and made into a movie the following year. the story revisits the world of panama, told in the hunger games, but goes back in time 24 years before those events are die-hard, fans predict the new book will feature the character of hey mitch abernathy played in the original movies by woody harrelson. hey, mitch was the victor that the 50th hunger games, which is the setting of the new book. well, that wraps up this. our, i ve seen a newsreel. i m in a car and i ll be back in just a moment you increase in wow fires is exponential on uncontrollable overwhelming consequences. the need to do something is urgent what we have schreiber, tamara, nine on cnn. pain means pause on the things you d love but breen means go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going. bio freeze. green means go. i m jonathan larson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program if your h 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget. remember the three ps what are the three p s the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget 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div class= gutr > preservation, age e1 works by making foundation on nutrition easy here combining vitamins probiotics, and whole foods source nutrients into one comprehensive formula multiple billion with a b we ve got this honor. you got this. i m dr. sanjay gupta. and this is cnn welcome to first of all, i m victor blackwell. we re going to start today with a breaking news out of israel. the idf says it has rescued four hostages who were taken from the nova music festival on october 7. now one of those freed hostages is no argument. she was seen being abducted by hamas and driven away on a motorcycle in the aftermath of the attack, cnn internet national correspondent paula hancocks is in jerusalem. paula tell us what you know about the operation well, victor, we understand from the israeli sayyed, but this was a joint mission. they say a very highly complex mission between the idf, the israeli military, the isa, the security agency, and the police. they say it happened at 11:00 this morning and it happened in central gaza, the area of nuseirat camp now, we know from the israeli side that they say that for israeli hostages have been released. and as you say, one of those hostages is noaa. money, a 25-year-old chinese israeli citizen, who, as you say, we did see on the back of a motorbike on october 7 being taken away by hamas militants. she was at the nova music festival this potentially one of the better known that hostages the that we have been hearing about over the last eight months we also know that andre kosla for 27-year-old, russian israeli citizen, has been rescued as well. he was working security at the music festival when he was taken hostage shlomi sieve, 40-year-old, who was also working security at that music festival where hundreds were killed on october 7 and i ll maga media johnny 20 one-year-old. so the four according to it, israeli officials, that we ve heard from our in good medical condition, they have been taken to a medical center to check them over. let s listen to what the idf spokesman had to say this was a high risk complex mission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in two separate buildings. deep inside gaza while under fire on fire, inside the buildings, under fire. on the way, on the way out from gaza, all forces rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks there are underwent intensive training they risk their lives to save the lives of all hostages but we also have to look at what is happening in gaza devastation left behind after this operation. we hear now from our producer on the ground, that at least 55 have been killed in the area that this operation happened is at the al-aqsa martyrs hospital and hundreds more have been injured hancocks with the reporting from jerusalem, paula, thank you. let s bring it back now, here state s sayyed and the 2024 race for president. now, 150 days until election day. but the election season starts far before that. first of all, this week, republicans can see the cracks in the coalition of black and latino voters that helped joe biden beat donald trump in 2020. but it s not clear that they have a seamless strategy to actually win those voters senator tim scott announced that he s giving it a shot this week. he s launching a multimillion-dollar effort to tor battleground states and recruit black and latino voters for trump and the gop here s the catch though, in the announcement a source told cnn the republican national committee, and the trump campaign are quote aware of the initiative and they plan to be resources where needed. but this was not a directive from the trump campaign. so it seemed like they know he s doing this, but nobody asked him to do this. and those no urgency to help him help them center is god s plan is expected to focus on michigan north carolina, georgia arizona, nevada, and pennsylvania. so let s go to philadelphia this past weekend trump campaign, they actually hosted a black americans for trump up prevent. this one is cognac and cigars because you know how much we love hennessy the philadelphia inquirer points out that the first event was in northeast philadelphia. one of the widest and most conservative parts of philly congressman byron donalds was the main speaker. and for the rest of the week, he had to clean up or explain or defend comments he made that day about black families being together during jim crow let s talk about this muddled messaging with michael harriet. he is a columnist for the grill and author of the black aif history, the and whitewash story of america. michael good to have you. thanks for having me. so let s start here with why is tim scott doing this? and is he the best? i guess ambassador for the gop to get black and latino voters. he s, he s expecting to get them for trump and the gop when he couldn t get them for his own campaign. well, no part of the reason tim scott is doing this is not like you said, trump didn t ask him to do it is part of like he has some leftover campaign money. any wants to be vice friend? so why not use this to by the vice presidency, he s best positioned out of all the candidates, like to be the black vice president. so that s part of it. and the other reason is, i mean, let s be honest, i d like you know, here black people talk about like, let s go to the tim scott party yeah, you don t want to go right out to the tilt kind of it. but tim scott is partially dorna s to kind of make a men s to his own black constituents in his own blackstone, which is also a part what i don t understand because the way tim scott speaks about race in racism in the country now and he says there is no structural racism, there is no institutional racism is not the way he has always spoken about. if this is tim scott in 2016 talking about racism and the scales of justice, watch this so while i thank god, i have not endured bodily harm i have, however, felt the pressure applied by the scales of justice when they are slanted i have felt the anger the frustration, sadness and the humiliation that comes with feeling like you re being targeted for nothing more. then being just yourself that was 2016 and he one on the same ballot is donald trump won reelection in 2022. what happened? there? donald trump happen right so i ve talked to tim scott about this issue about justice in policing. remember, for years tim scott was trying to push through police reform or the water scott notification act four years, but all that would away with donald trump, right? because this current republican party is not really a conservative party, is the party of fealty to one guy. and what one guy dictates is what you have to do or be on the outs with the entire republican base. and so tim scott has set aside all nest of this. he has been fighting for for his own self-preservation. and that is to serve donald trump, the lord and savior. here s what byron donalds said this week about black families and jim crow so one of the things is actually happening in our culture would your now starting to see in our politics is the re, in the region invigoration of black families with younger black men and black women that is also hoping so breed the revised hi have a black middle class in america. you see during jim crow going to go back to orange and grow back family wants together during more black people were not just conservative, but you always have 50 serving of my are more black people holy conservative leak and then hew, lyndon johnson. and you go down that road. and now we are where we are now he could. have made that point without invoking jim crow. why the frame work of american apartheid around families and families staying together? well, first of all, yeah, like you said, like, i don t even know why he spent the rest of the week defending stuff that he brought up. but i think that he was dog listening to a particular part of his base, white, not the black men, but there is a segment of black men who wish that they could return to the days when women didn t have all the rights that s one of the parts of that that we don t talk about that he s kind of dog whistling to like after the civil rights act women also got rights and that is why marriage rates in every race decline because they could have bank accounts, they could get jobs. and that s one of the things that he was dog whistling too. but the other thing is that he was dog whistling two part of his constituency because at those events, mostly white and at those events like those constituents who are gathered their they also are what to return to that jim crow time. that s the place that they want a return. that s what they re talking about, what they say make america great again. and that was also or not those people michael harriet. thank you for having us understand this outreach to black and latino voters. thanks so much for being with us. $130 billion. that s a lot of money according to the fearless fund. that s venture capital funding raised by us companies in 2018 the firm says that when they found out that only 2% of that financing with the companies founded by women. and less than 1% went to company started by women of color. it became their mission to close that gap with a grant program for black women entrepreneurs but their work is now on hold after a new federal well appeals court ruling fearless fund was soon on behalf of a group called the american alliance for equal rights. and they argue the program violates the law. and they say programs that excludes certain individuals because of their race, such as the ones that feel this fund has designed and implemented are unjust and polarizing. now, the aer is led by edward blum. now he s not a household name, but i m sure, you know, the fruits of his work recently he s the legal strategist who supreme court case dismantled affirmative action in college admissions. a blom is not trying to hide his continuing crew say this headline conservative activist who took down affirmative action is now going after law firms, diversity programs is featured on his groups website. his group is also going after a southwest airlines travel award program for hispanic students. the smithsonian institute, a national museum of american latino, in march blum touted as settlement that promised the museum s internship will now be open to all ethnicities but not just blum. it s taken up this cost since the affirmative action ruling conservative groups like here s have targeted a range of programs from those studying reparations to a program meant to help pregnant women of color now with that context, let s bring it now. ariane simone, she s the ceo and founding partner of fearless fund. thank you for being with me this morning. let me start here with i think is probably a pedestrian question, but i want to let you run a little bit with it. why socially, why culturally are these efforts successful, and why the fearless fund? i can t exactly tell you why the fearless fund, but what i can share is the impact that we have had prior to the fearless fund being in existence. black women had an average fund raise of $30,000 when the fearless fund was bounded, it came on the scene. we were cutting seven figure checks to black and brown women. our thesis is that a woman of color co-founder must be on the founding team and that is the impact that we have had. we ve raised somewhere over 60 million. we ve deployed investments at our investment vehicle and at our foundation, we have deployed grants as well as health education programs. i can t exactly say why we were targeted, but we this is the impact that we have and maybe some view it as a threat so among your list of investors, bank of america, jpmorgan, chase, mastercard, ally paypal does this ruling jeopardize that support that you then pass on to the women you award these grants well, there s two things going on. there s our foundation that s where grant programs are held. and there is our fund which is our investment vehicle, since the lawsuit, i can say that we have not had a closing on the funds sayyed, where we raise capital in order to invest in women of color since the lawsuit, we have had some corporate partners step up on the foundation sayyed, can continue those programs, but on the front side, we have not had a closing since the litigation has taken place. so there was a study from goldman sachs in 2020 that black business owners say that they were denied bank funding at a rate three times that of what we heard from are they heard from white business owners? what does this ruling practically mean for black women invest entrepreneurs and maybe other organizations that like yours target investment in this community that is at the front of the line when it comes to starting new businesses in this country it is very concerning. we only exist due to the racial disparities that exist as you stated, just recently, that there have been many times where people of color and black women and black people have been denied funding and financing there is no reason why black women are the most founded entrepreneur demographic, while receiving the least of the funding that takes place. there s no reason for that at all. these programs are at stake and they re at stake because this is a precedent case. this being used as a benchmark way to establish case law for what is either violating the law or accepted by the law. so yes, this is definitely very concerning and i hope everybody is taking note on simone ceo and co-founder of the fearless fund. thank you so much for your time this morning. well, he murdered a black lives matter protester in 2020. but daniel perry is now out of prison thanks to a pardon from the governor of texas, will speak to the district attorney who is now fighting to undo that. and the mother fighting for justice for her son, garrett foster plus id day medic, who s he wrote heroism, went unrecognized for decades because he was black we will show you the emotional tribute to corporate waverly woodson junior 80 years later the most anticipated moment of the selection and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president s one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27 the nine live and cnn and streaming on max now, at t professionally installs google nest products you re all set z, your home is safe and smarter. we re going to miss. you can check it on your home armed the system you should go manager system from virtually anywhere get intelligent alerts, like what a package has arrived are the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought you by adt. so how long have you lived here? 40 years. and how or the restaurants around here? are they good, bad man with the average household income? is there a mall? i don t know. a hair salon. where do you get your 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mockery of the laws of texas and the state constitution which give governor abbott this power well, travis county district attorney jose garza is with us now alongside sheila foster, garrett foster s mother thank you both for being with me. and let me start here with you, da garza, texas constitution, our region just a section of it. the governor shall have power on the written sine recommendation and advice of the board of pardons and paroles the majority thereof to grant reprise commutation of punishments and pardons. why is perry s attorney wrong? the governor s power to issue a pardon is not on limited and that s because the governor is not a king. he s not a monarch. keats still has to operate inside of our democracy and inside our democracy, there are rules that are laws that govern how pardons can be issued and what steps need to be taken before a pardon can be issued. in this instance. those laws were clearly violated. but texas also has defense council would read a little further in the constitution. he would also see that the texas this constitution has one of the strongest separation of powers clauses in the country. and as a result of that, it prohibits the governor from interfering in the role of the judiciary, which is exactly what he s done in this case. this pardon makes a mockery of our justice system. it has inserted politics above the law and above justice, and we intend to continue the fight. them to uphold this conviction or garrett and for his family ms foster, to you, you ve spoken about not just what this pardon means for you, your family, your son, but what this means potentially for other governors, for other offenders, the legal system it sets a precedent. it sends the wrong message it allows people to copycat what he did and how would everybody feel if that had been a trump rally? would he be pardoning this man if that had been a trump rally the garza, you say that this interferes with a judicial system if that is the threshold let me just give you some some room here to explain that. how does it interfere? i mean, the the guy oven or has the power after conviction on advice from the pardon and paroles board that happened here where did he interfere? let s let s talk about this from a couple of different perspectives. first of all this part is wholly unprecedented in many ways. the request for a pardon was issued less than 24 hours after the jury verdict the part in itself was granted after the appellate. i m sorry, before the appellate process even began it is the first time in the history of the state of texas that have governor has pardon someone before the appellate process has run its course. but the other piece of this is that the rules are clear. that in order for a pardon to be granted in the case defendant is asserting actual innocence. that the defendant has to either provide evidence from the district court or provide written letters from from two of the trial officials and in this case, none of that happened because all of this is political. let s remember that the governor old for this, pardon? i m after being bullied by tucker carlson and other right-wing voices on conservative media and so no one should be surprised that they circumvented all of the rules and all of the normal legal process to get to this political outcome. certainly the power of pardon is a strong one, but it is not an unlimited power. and it should be insulated from politics. that s not the case here sheila i having spoken with several parents in your position after losing a child, the conviction of the person who murdered that child is part of the healing not closure. i don t think there s ever closure, but healing how has this period since the pardon been for you i ve been sick ever since the governor announced his plans to pardon. i haven t been able to return to work because i am so sick because of the stress we waited nearly three years for a trial and when we finally got a guilty verdict, i was able to sleep fully for the whole night for the first time since my son s death. and then 18 hours after the jury verdict the governor announced his plans, departed it has wreaked havoc on my health and now that he s done it i don t i don t function normally anymore i m just honestly terrified how is weekend? i know saying yeah, i saw her last week and visited with her and she s she has struggling this is not right. there s nothing about this that is fair. there was nothing wrong done in that trial and they are just using this for political pandering. i should also say the documents show that perry texted in may of 2020 quote, i might go to dallas to shoot looters close. quote, and also shared racist messages, including white power memes, as well. now there are 14 attorney s general who are asking the department of justice to look into this see if there had been federal laws broken sheila foster, district attorney, jose garza. i thank you both for the conversation and we of course, will continue to follow this to see what happens next. a black d-day hero and his unit are finally getting the recognition their bravery deserves. will speak to the son of an army medic who treated the wounded on omaha beach and is being honored now, 80 years later this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts fall cnn nature you always know the right time to call when life plays dirty. water waves waterways pure, clean, healthy skin oh, no. running royal with chewy. always keep their bowl full, save 35% on your first auto ship order get the food they were delivered again and again sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep. so he takes z quell the world s number one sleep aid brand, and wakes up feeling like himself get the rest to be your best with non habit forming zeke. well, better days start with z equal nights and less time making cocktails and more time 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day, hurry. there ll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or shop today this weekend, june is an annual chance to remember the heroes that put their lives on the line for democracy on d-day even those who could not participate in that democracy fully themselves one of those heroes was corporal waverly woodson junior. he was an army medic, part of the 320th barrage balloon battalion that all-black unit landed on omaha beach june 6, 1944 and 80 years after spending hours treating wounded soldiers as he was injured himself. copa woodson was posthumously awarded the distinguished service cross that s the second highest military decoration that can be awarded to a member of the army. and on friday, the us army, the first army, honored woodson and his melody associated press took these photos of the ceremony and they described the metal being laid there on the sand and soldiers saluting it. the api described the metal being passed around among the soldiers delicately. and it was explained that we want to be able to say that this metal came from omaha beach and was at the site of woodson s actions corporate woodson son, steven is here also with this is shyam brown. she chronicled the stories of heroes like stevens dad in a new documentary a docuseries, in fact called erased world war 2s, heroes of color welcome to you both. and steven, let me start with you because i understand there was a reporter from the api who described to you over the phone what that ceremony was and what they did and as you heard it, what do you feel i was overwhelmed with emotion. victor, it was extremely well-done i actually did get to see portions of the video and on there s truly unbelievable and honored what does this mean for your family for your 90 mother? what does this honor, now, me it s a tremendous honor to our family. we ve been in pursuit for recognition for not only my dad, but just african american soldiers who participated in d-day invasion is 320th and by receiving this honor, it s just a little bit more of closure of recognition for all african american soldiers have participated in d-day. my dad s heroism was outstanding, but it s true honor, our family and shy. and do we know how many now black service members participated on that day in 1944? so with the free 20th, there were over 1,000 african american troops as a part of that barrage barrage balloon battalion and as well as the free 20th who were the only black combat unit to land on the beaches of d-day. there were also a lot of labor troops and so within our documentary series, we ve looked at combat unit combat units as well as people who would have been serviced troops at the time. so yeah, there s we re still discovering stories and it s just it s been an amazing journey to be a pole. according to the army, more than 1 million you in black people served during world war ii we know why they weren t recognized 80 years ago or even 50, 40 years ago. but why are they so under-recognized today, cheyenne oh, that s a tough question, but i think there s a way of rewriting history and what we mentioned in my film is that there are plenty or history books films, documentaries, which often leave out the black experience in world war two. but what we know is it was world war there were over 8 million people of color who served in world war two. and i think those stories need to be recognized and it s taken so long because i think it s hidden history and i think it s incredibly empowering and brave what these men and women do and had done there. so i think it s, i think it s who writes the history, what historians know, what archivists know. and another thing is a lot of the time to black troops what photograph, and they weren t recorded but in my film, you see black troops on in kettering in middle england. so we managed to discover that footage, but it was really, it s quite difficult to find a large array or photographs and footage steven, i understand that your family is now calling for your father to be honored with the medal of honor yes. matter of fact, we ve been in pursuit for this or with this for a number of years. my mom is really karatay, the torch or a majority of the time and with her being 95 now, she s doing great. but she has asked me to step up in and take her place in pursuit of my dad s recognition. so everything is going along fine senator chris van hollen from the state of maryland has been really instrumental and attempting to get recognition to him. well, i hope you are successful. steven woodson. thank you for your time. cheyenne brown. thank you as well. the d-day episode of erased world war ii, heroes of color is streaming. now alright, coming up we all recognize the regulatory and beat when we hear right but could a lawsuit over its origin bring down the entire genre will ask an expert? the athletes made you re pushing the limits of what is k before. ready to show the world how good i am. i train all over the globe. and that s what 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reggae tone with daddy yankee s smash hit gasoline up. but now more than 100 artists, including bad bunny and daddy yankee are being sued for copyright infringement the claim is that they are reggaeton songs derived from an instrumental by jamaican duo cleveland, cleaving brown. and white cliffs, steely johnson called fish market from 1989. listen to this three here. that beat is the beat you hear a lot in the genre s see, even just saying it because myself is moving. there were recent motions to dismiss this lawsuit, but a judge is allowing it now to move forward. wayne marshall is here. he s an ethnomusicologis t at berklee college of music and co editor of the book reggaeton weighing good to see you so this beat this dembo beat is everywhere. how foundational is it to the genre of reggaeton? oh, i mean that basic beat is absolutely foundational to reggaeton. a lot of people would say without that beat, that rhythm, it s not reggae tone. and you can find that beat propelling most reggae tone souls so this judge is now not determined whether the beat pattern is original work are warranted copyright protection you study this, does it first appear in fish market in 1989 or has it been around forever? well, yeah, it s a great question and perhaps a crucial question and one that will start to come out as the trial proceeds and it really depends on how you define it. obviously, steely and clearly or making the argument that they brought this rhythm into shape. and in an original and protectable way back back, then but it really is a question that basic beat that get to get, get to that we hear all the time and reggaeton. and that really define the sound of dancehall reggae in the late 80s and early 90s on the other hand, could be heard as a far, far older and more traditional rhythm these days we call it dembo pointing back to a dental rigueur record by sciubba ranks called dembo but 100 years ago, you would have heard somebody referring to that basic rhythm as the harb and anera because it was so closely linked to havana and in various other moments in time, it s been known as the tango. that s where tango gets its name. it s been known as bamboo law. according to robert farris thompson the great chronicler of afro diasporic culture in his work on tango he notes that back in congo, it was known as a mach-e new the call to dance. and so it s also not wrong for you to respond that way and apparently people have been responding that way to that rhythm for a very long time. one of the more than 100 artists who have been sued is, as i mentioned, bad bunny his album in 2023 was the most streamed album on spotify, 4.5 billion streams. what does this lawsuit mean in this moment of man? i save growth for reggaeton right? yeah, i mean, as you note reggaeton has been a massive growth sector in the music industry in general, bad bunny has been on top of the world more or less for several years. we had the story of days by sito back in 2017, making a record run up the anglo pop charts. so there s a lot of money, there s a lot of money, and reggaeton. and i think that s part of the backdrop here, is that jim making musical style has been a part of the global mainstream for quite awhile. and it has sort of defined the global mainstream through, through reggae tone for the last possibly 20 years, certainly the last decade or so. i think you ve got a lot of jamaican producers and artists looking around and seeing a lot of people who are not jamaican exploiting beats that they think really are from jamaica. and they re wondering what they ve been left out. yeah. and that is certainly the undertone of this now is reclaiming the origin of some of this music as so many around the world are profiting from it. wayne marshall ethnomusicologists. my first one on the show. thank you for being with me this morning to talk about reggae tone so he has are for sale paintings appearing exhibitions, a piece commissioned by the first lady of kanna. and he s not even 2-years-old yet meet the toddler who guinness world records just named the youngest male painter in the world. and artists like the assignments are going off and playing the tornado here. i m thinking i m going to die. and i thought that was it. marlin earth with liev schreiber tomorrow at nine on cnn homa glowed, just cleaned my entire house for $19. seriously, $19. they showed up right on time ended my dishes, my laundry they even cleaned my windows you just pick a date, pick a cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19. i love using glow and i think you will too i can via the windsor my daughter s mla she is 19 months old she is a little right of sunshine one of the happiest baby should probably ever made children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute mound looking at oregon, just looking in general here we are st. jude children s research hospital works day after day to find coors and save the lives of children with cancer. and other 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artists and ghana and doing interviews with international reporters, not bad for someone who in july will be 2-years-old. i met a slim and his mom after guinness world records named him the youngest male painter in the world. my name is chantel who am a visual act and full i gonna i am a mom of the current guinness world record holder as the youngest male he actually started painting at the age of six miles. i wanted to keep him busy while our supreme so i did put some on straight kind of us on the floor, gave you some pain. it was when he live in mind that when i introduced him to the traditional compass and easily brush and palette setup. but it might ahead. i thought i was going to now teach him how to do immediately. i put the set up in front of him. he took the rest. did they appear and started painting? i took out my phone and this is our old soul already knows what to do. i just have to be make sure that i m. opening the what s those core here you pled he couldn t do that. he as we speak, he had about 50 paintings so far, he has participated at just one wasn t. group is exhibition called sound out at an easier, more science and technology. people like lady of their public, of dana which keep committing a piece at some collective around the world. for me, i m very proud of him because having a child 8-year-old haven t such be liquidly, smith followed as good as the whole world recognizes came as judge not now okay the black one, the two canvases side-by-side that my favorite that is my favorite. so as liam is going to be part of another exhibition coming up next week for more information, check out his instagram page is run by his mother ace, underscore liam underscore paints thank you for joining me today. and every saturday at eight for first of all stay with us. we ll be back for a special our of cnn newsroom after a short break. you 19th cnn celebrates june with special performances by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work 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meeting with the french president today israel war cabinet could see a shakeup in the hours ahead as we await the end of a deadline set by former defense minister benny gantz. what he s threatened department shift from the cabinets could mean for the conflict in gaza. plus the u.s. jobs report is showing a mixed bag when it comes to growth and inflation by families and small business this is my have a less rosy perspective than what the numbers would the close ties between the u.s. and france will be on full display in the coming hours as us president joe biden continues his official state visit in paris french president emmanuel macron will welcome mr. biden and the first lady with a formal ceremony at the okta triomphe there will be a parade precession, the least say palace followed by a working lunch. in the evening, the macron s will host the bidens at the musee d orsay, 48 state desert dinner it s coming on the heels. the 80th anniversary of d-day. president biden on the allied troops of world war ii during a speech on the cliffs of normandy on friday, he evoked their legacy as he called on the world to defend democracies under threat. today they re not asking us to give or risk our lives. but they are asking us to care for others and our country more than ourselves they re not asking us do their job are asking us to do our job to protect freedom in our time, to defend democracy, to stand up aggression abroad and at home be part of something bigger than ourselves well, for more on this, cnn, international diplomatic getters and nic robertson joins us now live from london and make president biden. he s been in france now for, for quite a few days, you ll spend the day with his host, emmanuel macron. it really is testament today bond and the country s bonds it is. and i think it was testament to president emmanuel macron s desire to have a strong relationship with whomever the us president is. it was only a few years ago. it feels like now that he was hosting at that time, president trump, and undoubtedly one can imagine the possibility. i mean, this will be put, i guess in the most diplomatic terms, but the real possibility and president my mind president biden will believe he s going to win the when the upcoming us election. but in president macrons mind the concern that the next us president that he may be greeting in france could be donald trump, if he, if he wins the election. and that s a concern. and i think we heard those concerns overlaid and all the conversation and speeches that president biden has given while he s been in france about the importance of united states not being isolated, the importance of the duty of unity of the nation let s to support ukraine in its fight against president putin s russia which president zelenskyy himself compared to germany under the nazis and adolf hitler. so this is the sort of backdrop to the conversations, but the real meat of the conversations for what they both late to du really those lie in the sphere of peace in the middle east and, and of course how best to support ukraine and in juror that support going forward, whomever wins the us presidency as you say, nick, there are differing opinions between biden and macron despite their close bond. i mean, what impact do you think this trip will have on us foreign policy, particular regarding the wars in ukraine and gaza i think president biden is bounded by a couple of things here. when it comes to sort of how he adjusts his foreign policy for international pressure, even from a strong la lake like frogs. and that is the demands have domestic politics and the way that contains and constraints what he wants to do. we ve seen any apologized for president zelenskyy for taking so long to get that $60 billion aid package for ukraine because it got stuck. he said because of some hardline republicans so his constrained what he can do, macron, of course, we ll want to push biden to get tougher on israel. he supports president biden s latest peace proposal for hostage judge release and a ceasefire in gaza. but he wants biden to do more. and when it comes to ukraine, he wants biden to do more there as well and be more for forward leaning and support. his own initiative, macrons initiative, to have a coalition of international military trainers who would be inside ukraine we don t have this, at least not publicly knowledge at the moment that nato nations have military members inside ukraine supporting and training troops. and that s something match a chrome wants to, wants to do is something president biden is averse to doing because part of the american electorate is very leery about seeing a, you who is entanglement, a military engagement on the ground inside ukraine something president biden said wouldn t happen even if and when russia invaded ukraine. so it s hard to see what wiggle room biden has, but that just president macron isn t going to try to find that space to move things in his direction rather send journeys from london, good to see you. thank you in gaza fire and destruction at refers at kuwait hospital, the director of rafah s kuwaiti hospitals has two workers there were killed and five others wounded in a strike by the israeli military. last month, the kuwait hospital was forced to close after can you it s continuous israeli strikes. cnn has reached out to the idf for comment. they re going hours could be crucial for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is facing pressure from the united states to accept ceasefire and hostage release agreement and now a key member who s war cabinet could quit. benny gantz has threatened to leave the group meanwhile, the united nations is adding the israeli military, hamas and palestinian islamic jihad to a list of groups that harm children. the un secretary generals spokesman says the list will be presented to the security council next week gaza s ministry of health says more than 15,000 palestinian children have been killed in the israel hamas war israel denies deliberately targeting civilians we ll see you then that senior international correspondent, but wait a man joins us now, live from beirut. but let s start with an ultimatum that by benny gantz, what is the us s trying to get him to stay what could this mean for the israeli political landscape if he does leave? well, in the immediate short term, nothing really because his party is not a member of the ruling coalition now, benny gantz, a former army chief of staff, former defense minister. he was the main political opponent of prime minister netanyahu before for the war. but after the war began, he joined a national unity cabinet. he s a member of this so-called war cabinet with him, leaving it s certainly remove is somebody who was considered a somewhat moderating force on the prime minister. he s somebody who has maintained good relations with the americans. in fact, he s gone to washington, dc since the war began on more than one occasion without the actual cool permission of the prime minister for him to leave it means that that sort of counter balance to netanyahu s perhaps more bellicose inclinations is gone. and it means that, that really basically opens up for vacuum into which the likes of which national security minister ben gvir will step in. and he s sort of the extreme of the extremists in the israeli cabinet. so it could definitely spell more political chaos in israel. now, last month, gantz did he say that on the 8th of june it today, he would resign if netanyahu did not. in the meantime, come up with some sort of post war plan for gaza. netanyahu really hasn t done that yet. but fundamentally, even on the post-war plan for gaza, it s not clear what but he has in mind because gantz, like netanyahu is opposed to the creation of a palestinian state. and he is opposed to the palestinian authority taking over gaza after the war as well. but clearly this is going to open up another gap in an all ready chaotic scene. and israeli politics and wait a min, joining us from beirut, many thanks. the secret service is preparing for massive pro-palestinian demonstrations in washington dc today, putting up extra fencing to protect the white house. they ve also blocked off access to the white house gates. service agent tells cnn they re expecting up to 12,000 protesters were us president joe biden will not be the one white house says he s attending the state visit in france well, there s been talk of european concerns about possible second, trump presidency, but should be u.s. equally concerned about the european parliament election taking place this weekend. we ll check in with an expert plus these back on the campaign trail. newly convicted donald trump fundraises in california i brought in a short max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy. it just two weeks here i ll take that. i m sure not to protein 30 grams protein one frame, sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend 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required fired so phi get your money, right well, voters are casting their ballots. slovakia and latvia at this hour for elections to see the next european parliament over a four-day period, 27 european union countries voting in elections that will shape the blocks political direction for the next five years. the jack republic and ireland voted on friday, but most nations will go to the polls on sunday including economic powerhouses germany and france will cnn s bobbing to do has more. what s at stake? this concludes this unique transnational democratic exercise. the world is a very different place since european parliamentary elections were held back at 20:19 a global pandemic two major wars, including one in europe. and the subsequent rise in energy costs farmers frustrated by eu red tape and cheap imports i ve dumping manure in brussels a worsening climate with activists attacking cultural gems from paris to venice and a cost of living crisis are all among the issues facing europe s 300 373 million eligible voters these elections are the second largest in the world after india. and considerably bigger than the upcoming american vote. leinz, nine amendments by the computer responsible as a blog hotels in favor between june 6 and ninth, voters in 27 european countries will choose the 720 lawmakers to shape and increasingly splintered europe for the next five years your van elections are important because in eu member countries nowadays, a lot of important strategic decisions are taking at the european level. this is why the election of the european parliament, which is the only directly elected body of europe, is so important. policy making in europe is more complex and the election of the european parliament is only part of that. as a result, usually we record a lower turnout than in national elections. creating a functioning parliament when europe is making a hard rightward shift, won t be easy the first difficult task the parliament is choosing the president of the european commission with the current president s centered right german ursula von der leyen, leading most polls for the incumbent to win. she has to slalom between her center-right european people s party and the increasingly popular far-right parties of giorgia meloni marine le pen, to secure the newly elected parliaments support. you are preparing to work together with the ecr with that s not what i ve said. i wanted to be very clear. this is not what i ve said. okay. i m speaking about members of the european parliament. i want to see where their group themselves and then we work with a groups that are clearly, clearly pro-european approach ukraine against food. and for the rule of law are far-right with more members could greatly influence how europe deals with political priorities like how to share the burden of irregular migration and what exactly to do about artificial intelligence and regulating big tech against a more sort of china and united states the european union will need the parliament to set a clear path. but with balancing the wide-ranging needs of voters against the goals of divergent parties approving legislation with a fractured parliament will be complex. the stakes for europe and beyond couldn t be higher barbie lots of knidos, cnn, rome well, natasha lins is a professor of government at the university of essex and cultures to england. great to have you with us, with european politics are fragmented and a rise in support for right-wing bodies explained to us more what s at stake there are a lot of things at stake with its election, though the parliament isn t the most important eu institution when it comes to foreign policy making you see that the results will reflect what the national debates are going to be about these national debate, of course, inform what the commission does and the council, and we have some of the biggest issues facing europe since world war ii. by far the biggest security threat facing europe with russian aggression in ukraine and the ongoing war in ukraine but beyond the questions of whether or not europe can be united in its support for you ukraine. there are questions of european enlargement of the green agenda and also at the heart of what the european union is about whether it s going to be a model for democracy and supporting human rights. you see with the rise of these far-right parties that don t like institutions that are aren t particularly supportive of democracy or human rights it s very anti-immigration. they want to almost dismantle the european union from within. so these are really been questions that are coming with this particular election. disaster there s obviously a lot of talk about what will happen if, if donald trump becomes president again and what that would mean for europe. but let s turn that around if right-wing parties perform well, what could that mean for relations with us? it s a really good question, and i think in terms of if it s still joe biden in 2024 the biden administration has maintained that they are committed to democracy, to human rights into working to ensure that the partnership, the transatlantic partnership is ironclad and that they were working in lockstep in fighting against russian aggression and they ll have to work with whatever partners are there. and you see that biden is in france right now. and though he and macron don t agree on everything, that they are showing a united efforts here that they do mostly agree on on the issue of russian aggression. and in trying to strengthen the european union but with the trump presidency, i think you re going to see quite a bit of disarray and chaos if you look at the far-right, this family group is probably one of the groups that is the least united and trump promotes disarray. whether it d be just this isolationists idea that doesn t really work for institutions, particularly intergovernmental institutions. and also the transatlantic partnership. there needs to be i guess something fighting against that rugged individualism that these far-right parties want to promote. so it would be very hard to predict what s going to happen. but what you ve seen is just at least the voting of some of the var of the far-right in the european parliament. they vote to basically support russia either refusing to vote against putin or russia. but they show their true colors many times by their voting record. and this of course, would be a big win for putin as asha, whilst biden has been in paris this this week he certainly has reiterated, america s commitment to european security given these, there a sense that that s ringing a little hello given that he could be out of the white house come november definitely. there s a sense that europe cannot rely on the u.s. that is not a trustworthy partner because even though there were decades and decades of the us and europe being incredibly united against what they perceive to be similar threats and that they had similar goals. the trump presidency really through everything into total disorder because he has threatened to abandon nato course left the paris agreement at a moment s notice, left the iran nuclear agreement has threatened to leave the world health organization so u.s. commitment to these types of institutions appears to be wavering. and of course, france, president emmanuel macron has sounded the alarm on this that europe has to be more independent, both militarily, financially in every single way, and can t rely on the us and he s been talking about modernizing europe s nuclear forces because the big the big threat is without a united, us and europe making it very clear to putin, what they re capable of russia under putin was very risky accent acceptant, could take huge risks. whether that means using nuclear weapons, whether it means attacking other nato countries. there s a lot of unknowns there so. there have been many voices within europe besides just macron, that are saying that they cannot really count on the u.s. as reliable partner you d have to assume that vladimir putin is watching these elections very closely, hoping for that disarray and chaos natasha lins said great to see you. thank you for joining us. thanks for having me bill, former us president trump has been boasting of his fundraising windfall on the heels of his hush money conviction. and now he s in california to raise even more on his cnn s alayna treene with the latest we ll just a week. after, the former president was convicted in manhattan, donald trump is back on the campaign trail and aggressively fundraising in california now on thursday, donald trump attended a san francisco fundraiser at the home of silicon valley investor david sacks. that was organized actually by jd vance, one of donald trump s top contenders to become vice president. and i was told that advance it really spent months working on getting sacks to endorse the former president. they viewed that endorsement the fundraiser as a sinus silicon valley starting to embrace donald trump. now, on friday, donald trump also has a fundraiser in beverly hills. this one hosted by le samson and a very wealthy businessman who has endorsed the former president in the past and has donated to him before and then on saturday, donald trump will have another fundraiser in orange county and look all of this comes as donald trump is continuing to rail against that verdict in new york, we heard him speak about that in thursday at a rally in phoenix where he called the conviction rigueur, called the verdict. rigueur and the jury rigged, and also said that if his case did not win on an appeal, there would be no country anymore. and we also have heard donald trump really escalate his rhetoric for retribution against his political opponents. take a listen to what trump to dr. phil in an interview on thursday retribution is going to be through success. we re going to make it very successful. we have to bring the country together. the word revenge is a very strong word, but maybe we haven t revenge through success while revenge this time, i will say that does. and sometimes revenge can be justified. so i have to be honest, sometimes it can t. now what i find very interesting staying about that interview is that donald trump, over the past several days now, has done a series of what i would characterize as friendly interviews where the host have really tried to get him to step away from these calls for retribution. but as we just saw, in that interview with dr. phil he s refusing to do so. instead, he s doubling if not tripling down on his calls for revenge. and this is something we ve really heard donald trump talk about ever since he was indicted. last year, he is called for potentially going after and prosecuting some of his political opponents. and i think we ll continue to hear that rhetoric when he speaks at a rally in las vegas on sunday, alayna treene, cnn, los angeles after the break, a former top trump associate pleads not guilty, two election interference charges plus hunter biden s daughter takes the stand on day five of his federal gun trial russia we re trying to spy on us. we were spying on them. this is a secret war. secrets and spies tomorrow at ten on cnn, knew mr. kliger in ultra foamy magic eraser with the scrubbing power magic eraser and the cleaning barkat on question, make soaps come here, disappear and sprays can leave ghraieb that ultra foamy melted on contact can you ultra valmy magic eraser so who are you? i m in a child less horsepower keeps going up towards get you going on. now we re talking dodge order or two. but totally torqued out crossover ga, the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand slow ga with saif ovary. saif ovary is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over two years with increasing effect over 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our. viewers in the united states and canada on a current this is cnn newsroom. surprisingly strong jobs growth in the u.s. is dashing hopes that the federal reserve will cut interest rates anytime soon the us added 272,000 some jobs in may, far more than expected and american workers are earning more with wage growth coming in stronger than expected, will average hourly earnings and now up for 0.1% on the year outpacing inflation on the flip side, unemployment rose to 4% for the first time in over two years ryan patel is a senior fellow at the drucker school of management, say claremont graduate university. he s joining us via skype from los angeles. ryan, always good to see you tell us, what do these numbers say about the us economy? confusion i guess, right? you re looking for these reports to come out and say this is the direction of the economy is going but the number is kinda show both pictures where unemployment kinda continuous rise, wage growth rises, but jobs are actually increased as well. so what i mean by that, what it means we re looking at the federal reserve so they can do choose, decide to decrease interest rates. but this jobs report does not help the case. it also shows a painted picture that is divided on both sides. and so i don t the word is confusion, i guess for those looking from the outside, looking in, and it means that the fed, the federal reserve will continue to hold pat are not decrease in interest rate because the numbers are not still fighting an inflation as it wants to these 272,000 jobs added. i mean, the numbers are misleading as you say, because of the way that the surveys are conducted, payroll obviously focuses on large companies, but the broader household surveys suggest that unemployment is ticking up. so why are they not aligned i think also there s a couple of things capturing think about these surveys, how they re capturing it, where they re capturing at what time is it being captured? i also think that gig worker is not being captured in this as well, people choosing not to come come back into the workforce as another thing. so where do you categorize those types of folks in those and also companies choosing, think about small businesses. if wages starting to go up, they re going to have less employees on w2, which means that they re going to probably go contractor roles. and so that gets reported differently as well. and then you think about some of these industries. where do you think of that job growth out of that report? it was health care government, leisure and hospitality. these are consistent with the trends that are growing where the other sectors are not and then there is this, i guess confusion on the stock market you ve got the magnificent seven. are these big companies outperforming, making record profits they re hiring obviously remains strong with small to medium enterprises suffering yeah, no, i think it was clear in this report in the last couple of reports that small businesses are struggling. i think when you mentioned that magnificent seven, you have to call out nvidia all, of, this, the record growth bag had and that s holding the market, i would say. and the word ai for a couple of or amd and others are pulling the market up so that trend goes hot. it brings a market go up. now, mind you when the market goes down, typically, who are those who would the tech talks are taking the town with them? is these very, very sudden that you mentioned. so i think that s you see the market, but i think small businesses are really feeling it because of wages are becoming more expensive. supply chain costs to goods are expensive and i think that s part of why i think though the biden white house is trying to before the before the white house, before the november election to do more at the consumer level, or they can keep the soon we re spending at a high. and so it d be interesting to see what happens next employments is strong. i mean, that suggests that the economy is in good shape, but i guess not everybody is feeling that. and then you mentioned prison of biden. i mean, this is a big problem. him stealing. he s economic performance, the strength of the economy because inflation is hurting poor people the most yeah you ve got the economic fundamentals. you see the numbers, you look at the backend and when you see where prices of increased in what parts of the country what types of different graphics it turns to be when you see these numbers, then you see your bank account. i think the word had been using as by you don t feel that you re getting the economic benefit out of what the market is doing. and i think for president biden is uphill battle for him to face these type of vibes or feelings that people are feeling because they re not spending as much even though consumer spending overall has been there, but that doesn t mean with all the different groups so they re there and even certain companies and they are sitting on the sideline and holding cash instead of investing it. furthermore, because they don t, they re still not sure where the market is and things are expensive because of industries being high. so people are not taking loans out there are waiting and waiting to see when that occurs. and so it does cause is built up where you see shelter prices, rent increase in wages don t always keep up with that. and so it is interesting the dilemma that the president, president biden the white house, needs to be talking about the rhetoric has been interesting and hasn t been really working when it comes with some things, exit polls and surveys then i guess the biggest question in the markets is when will the fed cut rates? and i guess that s not gonna to happen while employment remained strong i with you. now, the market the market wants as of today, the market thought over 60% of the trend or the guesses were that they marked the future market was saying that they were going to see a rate cut in september. we ll find out next week when the fed meets, when, what the rhetoric looks like. but i can tell you this i d be hard pressed to think that they re gonna make a cut in september right before election. and if they did is 25 basis point no, that doesn t mean very much. and that would mean that they would start cutting it down. and as of today, i don t see them doing that based on the data that we have now, things can change until september, but it seems like maybe we ll get a rate cut by the end of the year and then going into next year, have a better plan, but it to me it doesn t look good for september even though the market, future markets are saying it s still over 50% chance that occur. but i think it s still coming down in that percentage when we get closer. my money is on ryan patel, any day the week rhyme to tell always a pleasure, love with his speak to you appreciate you. thank you. the judge who oversaw the trump hush money trial is dealing with the social media posts that claim to know the verdict before it was even delivered. a poster who claims to be a cousin of a juror. so drop would be convicted in a message on the courts facebook page last month the judge has briefed both the prosecution and trump s defense team on the comment. it s not clear if there is any validity to the post meanwhile, judge juan merchan says, trump s attorney can join the former president at his pre-sentence investigation interview. the interview will form part of the report. the judge will receive. ahead of trump s sentencing next month. or prosecutors in hunter biden s federal gun trial, rest of their case on friday, and lawyers for the us president s son. so they ll decide over the weekend whether he ll testify in his own defense on friday. his legal team called hunters daughter naomi to the stand. she said she was proud to see her father in rehab in the summer of 2018, but she appeared uncomfortable when confronted with text messages that appear to show he was somewhat erratic in october 2018? that s the same month prosecutors claim hunter bought and owned a firearm while addicted to drugs and to biden is accused of having a gun while abusing drugs, and lying on a form about his use of the contraband former trump white house chief of staff mark meadows is pleading not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results in arizona. he s one of 18 trump allies are charged in connection with the fake electors case in the stage, cnn s nick watt has more sir, could you state your name, please mark randall matters. thank you. and virtual appearance in an arizona court and facing nine felony counts of conspiracy, forgery, and fraudulent schemes because prosecutors, say meadows schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency. how did he go from this chief of staff to the most powerful man on earth? to this? if you failed to appear for court without good cause, a warrant could issue for your arrest. these indicted along with other trump acolytes, including rudy giuliani, lawyers, john eastman, jenna ellis christina bobb, as well as advisors boris epshteyn and michael roman also arizona s 11 so-called fake elector vectors, state lawmakers and republican operatives who gathered in phoenix december 14, 2020, pledging part president donald j. trump of his state of florida but joe biden had won the state, thus winning their states 11 electoral votes. they also sent the fake pro-trump electors turtle certificates to washington those fake electors hoped prosecutors say to encourage vice president mike pence not to certify biden s victory on january 6, 2021. according to the indictment, meadows worked with members of the trump campaign to coordinate and implement the false republican electors votes in arizona. and six other states. and was involved in the many efforts to keep unindicted coconspirator one in power, despite his defeat at the polls unindicted coconspirator one is, of course donald trump and that broad fake electors scheme plays a significant part. in federal indictment filed against him. over the january 6 capitol insurrection the arizona election was tight he s biden won by just about 10,000 votes. trump s supporters filed numerous lawsuits that all came to naught and later mounted an exhaustive audit of the maricopa county vote that found no significant fraud. that in 2023, a democratic state attorney general took office in arizona i will not allow american democracy to be undermined. it s too important. kris mayes succeeded a republican who investigated the unfounded allegations that fraud had benefited biden but not the fake electors the mayes office investigation led to a grand jury indicting meadows at al in april. and today confirmation that meadows will fight it, council. do you ever reading yes, your honor. we do an enter a plea of not guilty rudy giuliani also indicted in arizona. he s been a little trickier to deal with record officials who took nearly three weeks to find him an order to serve him a summons. they eventually tracked him through his live streams and gave him that some and served in that summons as he was coming out of his 80th birthday party in palm beach, florida giuliani also called into his first court appearance about an hour or latent called the case a complete embarrassment to the american legal system. the judge actually threatened to mute him. now, giuliani has been given 30 days to actually appear in person in arizona for processing and to post a $10,000 bond. he s got about 12 days left before that deadline expires. thank cnn los angeles record low birth rates in japan will show you what the japanese government plans to do to encourage births including launching its own the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be the higher the president and the former president s one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate, tuesday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmasked. i have moderate 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new toothpaste from periodontics, the gum experts. i brought a jew or max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. here, i ll take that ensure max protein 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic did you know taking xyz all at night relieves allergies while you sleep so you wake refreshed for more productive day get 24 hour continuous relief that does no feel i can has my back join me. it can decay come japan s fertility rate reached another record low last year. it s been declining for years with 2023 recording double the number of deaths compared to births. that trend is already contributing to a shrinking population. and to cnn s hanako montgomery reports it s prompting the government to take action running towards her future commonly be told me the decision to frehse rags in an effort to achieve her goals the shaima take it and now. i have this big dream of becoming number one in the world. and i want to achieve that first. i don t think that s something i can do ten or 20 years from now after having a child it s now or never the 33-year-old japanese marathon runner is working hard to be number one in the world s toughest marathon we do is one of a growing number of japanese women choosing to freeze their eggs? it s for future planning japan s birth rate hit an all-time low in 2023, according to the country s health ministry data released this week in 2020 d3, the average number of babies born fell for the eighth consecutive year. and government officials warned japan s youth population will rapidly shrink in the coming years if the trend continues, this could lead to a shrinking workforce with not enough young people to fill the gaps if this trend continues, japan socio economy will contract and it will become difficult to maintain our social security system and our local communities. the six or seven years we have from now until we enter the 2030s. it will be our last chance. government officials have announced various programs to tackle this issue. japan s parliament enacted a law to expand monthly child care allowances and parental leave policies. the tokyo government offers to subsidize women aged 18 to 39, up to 200,000 yen to freeze their eggs for future pregnancies. city officials also plan to launch a dating app encouraging singles who want to get married to find each other some contributing factors behind the low birth rates include the country s high cost of living lack of childcare support, and changing attitudes towards marriage and family the country s number of marriages has declined in the past couple of years, and the rate of divorce has increased a lot. they also anymore it costs a lot of money to raise children. and if there was more support for that, i think people would be more optimistic when sintering, raising children. he does not bto shared her experience with egg freezing on social media, hoping more women will have access to this option. dan it s reassuring to know that i have a choice and have the possibility to get pregnant when i want to hanako montgomery, cnn, tokyo we ll be right back after this short break i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy is just two weeks here. i ll take that ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic it s doomsday but neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it s light, but it s working hard. like me, neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen every night it s the same thing after dinner, you start soaking, scrubbing, scraping your stove top night. well, now you can wake up to a clean dream kitchen every day with stole guard slide on stove top protector that stops all the methods before they started. sauces are red to end sayonara gone in seconds, 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seen in sports correspondent carolyn menno, with more on clark s record night. hey, carolyn hi, her pro debut, as you noted, it has been accompanied by this very divisive undercurrent and she s dealing with life as a very rich and very famous rookie that juxtaposition hasn t garnered a particularly warm welcome from some of her colleagues on the floor. so before friday s game, she addressed a recent off the ball foul but when viral involving the chicago sky is kennedy carter. she said she doesn t expect an apology for the incident which a lot of people thought was particularly malicious and she understands that basketball is a competitive sport. she backed that up on the floor friday night car kit, 73 signed the rookie record set by chris robinson back in 1999. in her 30 points tying a career-high in the pros as the indiana fever beat the winless washington mystics, 85, 83. it s karch second, 30.5 rebound five assists game if she can do can use to make her way in the initial stages of her pro career if i ll go to the shoot the ball well, like i feel like even my missus were like right there, i thought multiple are still going in and it s nice to have a night like that. and obviously overall, we shot the ball well, 16 may threes, but i still feel like there s so many ways that i can continue to be better and that probably goes for our whole team. we saw so if i feel like there s so many ways for us to improve and execute, especially down the stretch and not make it as close elsewhere, german tennis star alexander zverev has been playing at the french open with the cloud over him accused in his home country of abusing his former partner in a friday, the two agreed to settle the case with no admission. patient of guilt by zverev on the court. he was able to focus and finally get over the hump at roland garros after three-straight exits in the semifinals zverev top reigning two-time runner-up, casper ruud and four sets to reach a grand slam final for just a second time. in his career. on the other side of the net onset and they will be carlos alcaraz carlitos and yannick sinner putting on an epic performance for the crowds in paris. this has been projected to be the next great men sentence rivalry. some they say is already there. the 21-year-old spaniard has two major titles, the 22-year-old the italian just want his first this year at the australian open, this time algorithm that s coming out on top rallying from being down one row and 2121 a marathon for our five-set match. alvarez breaching his first french final in the year that his hero, 14 times champion rafat on adele might have played in his last. meanwhile, in about three hours time, iga swiatek will try to make it a three-peat in paris, the world number one, taking on 28-year-old italian jasmine paolini. listen to this before the year paolini had never even made it out of the second round of a grand slam. and now she has a chance the biggest upsets in recent memory against the undisputed best player in the world. and lastly, for you this morning, the puck dropping on the stanley cup final states sayyed here between the euler s in the panthers tonight. and i can think of no better way to celebrate ana then with these he s adorable puppies. see nhl putting on the first ever stanley pup game 16 adorable dogs all up for adoption. and every one of them was named after a player. so there s connor mcdougal, surrogate, bob ruff ski, in honor of two of the stars in the edmonton florida series, the mvp or the most valuable part? up as it were award the went to nakoda, nikita pucci, her off. i think i got all those right. but just adorable event who doesn t love it? exactly. i think you d want to take them all home. absolutely. carolyn, lovely to see you. thank you for that well, that wraps up this our of cnn newsroom. thank you so much for your company. i m anna coren hong kong dna this morning is coming up next i m thinking i m going to die and i thought that was it would with 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