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Transcripts For CNN State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash 20240609

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business or my life, i have the fish tank was a blow it up. so whatever s next, we re cooking with phi. that s checkout for in brynn, certain. i m someone s are 40 in washington. and this is cnn error win right? rescue, joyful reunions it s rarely forces free. four hostages from hamas captivity as gaza hospitals reported scores were killed during the mission. what more do we know? white house national security adviser jake sullivan is next and turnout talk both parties focus on a key voting block suburban women, we were able to work on real solutions. are we going to empower americans to make their own health care decisions? shuns, is it enough to win in the fall due governors, republican kristi noem and democrat gretchen whitmer join me exclusively, plus american way donald trump calls for revenge as he awaits his felony sentencing. and now, vice president kamala harris says his response. it does qualifying cheaters don t like it. what do voters thing or political panel ways in hello i m dana. bash in washington where the state of our union is looking overseas after eight long months for israel israeli hostages are back home safely. family reunions and tears of joy after they were rescued from hamas captivity by idf forces in a special operations saturday morning, the rate of two separate apartments and a central gaza refugee camp took months of preparation and military spokesman said, since hamas moves, hostages frequently and embeds them in areas packed with civilians like this refugee camp. following reports of heavy shelling and artillery fire, gaza hospital said more than 200 people were killed in the operation. cnn has not been able to verify claims about the exact number of civilian deaths in what was the first successful hostage rescue since february here with me now from paris where he is traveling with president biden is national security adviser, jake sullivan. thank you so much for being with me. let s start of course, with the news about the rescue of four israeli hostages inside gaza. how specifically did the us assist in the mission well, dana, the united states has been providing support to israel for several months in its efforts to help identify the locations of hostages in gaza and to support efforts to try to secure their rescue or recovery. i m not going to get into the specific operational or intelligence related matters associated. and with that, because we need to protect those, i can only just say that we have generally provided support to the idf so that we can try to get all of the hostages home, including the american hostages who are still being held so i understand that intelligence u.s. intelligence assisted but what you say anything about u.s. personnel, us weapons? well, the one thing i can say is that there were no us forces, no, no us boots on the ground involved in this operation. we did not participate militarily in this operation jake a mosque claims that other hostages that they are holding inside gaza were killed as a result of the idf s mission, is that true? we have not seen that verified or were confirmed. i believe that the israelis have said they do not have any information to that effect. but of course, that is always a risk with all of these military operations, hostages have been killed over the last eight months. and so dana the best way to get all of the hostages home and to protect palestinian civilians is to end this war. and the best way to end in this war is for hamas to say yes to the deal president biden announced and that israel has accepted, which lays out a roadmap to an enduring ceasefire in the return of all hostages because that s what we re driving for, and that s what we re asking the world to call upon hamas to accept are you concerned at all given what you just said that the ball is in hamas s court right now that the rescue that happened on saturday we ll make it so that hamas might walk away from the negotiating table its a legitimate question. i it s hard for me to put myself in the mindset of a hamas terrorists. we don t know exactly what it is that they re going to do. but the basic bottom line here is straightforward to bring it into this war, to get the hostages tom, to get the full scope of humanitarian aid to the palestinian people in a safe and effective way, we need the steel and all of the people all over the world and the united states. and in countries everywhere who have been calling for a ceasefire, they need to train their attention on hamas and put the pressure on because this is the way to resolve this issue. and whatever the calculus is of hamas coming out of this weekend, the reality remains the same. this is the only credible path forward and hamas i should say, yes any word either from hamas or through hamas is intermediaries about their stance vis-a-vis the ceasefire deal that the president endorsed. a little bit more than a week ago. since what happened yesterday well, we ve heard a lot publicly from hamas over the last week. we ve not seen any official statements since what happened with the hostage rescue operation. and the two key error of mediators who are standing alongside the united states in this process, qatar and egypt have not yet received any official word from hamas representatives as to their stance on the deal so we are waiting that word and it should come today. it should come this, our hamas should say yet which would immediately put in place a ceasefire and immediately begin the process of bringing hostages home. this is the answer that the world is looking for. it s time to act jake, i want to ask you a little bit more about that mission. and one of the questions is what we re hearing from gaza different hospitals in gaza say at least 236 people were killed as a part of the israeli operation to rescue hostages what is your understanding of how many palestinian civilians not militants, but civilians were killed in that rescue mission we ve united states are not in a position today to make a definitive statement about that, the israeli defense forces have put out one number for the hamas-run gaza health ministry has pulled out another number, but we do know this dana innocent people were tragically killed in this operation. the exact number we don t know, but innocent people were killed and that is heartbreaking. that is tragic. the president himself has said in recent days that the palestinian people are going through sheer hell in this conflict, because hamas is operating in a way that puts them in the cross-fire that holds hostages right in the heart of crowded civilian areas that puts military and placement that s right in the heart of crowded civilian areas. but every day that we see more innocent people lost is another horrible, awful tragic de and our hearts in the united states and across the world, break for that, but there is only one answer to stop that from happening going forward that is a he s fire and hostage deal that ends the military operations brings the hostages home and puts us in a position to give the palestinians and opportunity for for a better future for their people and last just about the mission we re you don t want to specifically say how the u.s. was it s involved, which i understand. but just broadly, big picture no one can deny the amazing news of seeing these innocent civilians who were finally brought back to their families from gaza after being held there for eight months. but is the us comfortable with the way that the israelis carried out the mission? looked in a why is president biden going out publicly and calling for a ceasefire and hostage deal? it s because he thinks the best sway to get all of the hostages home is in a deal where they re brought out diplomatically, where there s no need for military operations to get every last hostage out. so that would obviously be the best solution to this in the absence of that without hamas saying yes to the deal, unfortunately, we are going to continue to see ongoing conflict and military operations in which israel makes efforts to recover its citizens. and frankly to recover american citizens. what we would much prefer to see is a ceasefire where the hostages come out peacefully. that is available. israel has said yes to it. now hamas needs to say yes to it. that s where president biden s full effort, energy and attention is. and you heard yesterday from the french president here in paris that france stands behind that the world stands behind that, and hamas should come to the table and say, yeah you mentioned that you are in paris. i have to before i let you go ask about the trip that you and of course the president is making to europe, marking the 80th, then first ray of d-day. you are soon going to be part of the g7 in italy. and the president gave a very big speech on democracy as he s trying to frame the 2024 president presidential election here against donald trump as a discussion about the fate of bankruptcy, do you think democracy is in jeopardy? the president said in his speech that democracy, democracy is at risk all over the world from without and from within. to a greater extent now than it has been in a very long time. and what president biden was arguing is that those brave men who stormed the beaches at normandy who scaled the cliffs at pointe to hakh, who liberated europe and literally saved the world. they are calling us to step up to do our job in our time, which is two ben democracy, to stand with allies, to refuse to bow down to dictators to push back against aggression that s what president biden is seeking to do. adapt that s the message that he gave here today. and it s something he will carry forward as long as he is president. he said around the world, is democracy at risk? in the united states as part of this election what we do hear voices calling playing into question the basic democratic values and democratic institutions that have made our country great for 250 years. and those voices have gotten louder in recent years. and that is a source of deep concern. but it s also a source of huge motivation, not just for the president, but for a lot of people who want to stand up to reinforce the things that have made this country great. and we ve had no better reminder. dana, than getting to see some of those still living veterans of world war ii who came not to make any political statement in normandy, but rather simply bleed to reinforce the timeless values that have made america, america, and it s something we should all remember as we go forward. yeah, those were remarkable images. and reminders no question about that, jake. thank you so much for being here. i appreciate jaden thanks for having me both the trump and biden campaign s are trying to turn a key voting blocs suburban women republican governor kristi noem and democratic governor regine witmer are coming up this election season. staley with cnn, with more reporters on the ground. and the best 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guilty in his new york hush money trial. that is repeatedly suggesting that he would prosecute his political opponents if he is elected with part of what he said it s a terrible precedent for our country. does that mean the next president does it to them? that s really the question. and it s very possible that it s going to have to happen to them based on what they ve done. i would have every right to go after them. revenge, just take time we will say that he does. and sometimes revenge can be justified governor, is that the message you think donald trump should be focusing on in this campaign right now? well, his message has clearly been that his only vengeance will be america s success. he is not interested in going after political opponents. he is interested in going back to the white house and working for the american people and their families, bringing down inflation costs and that s what i m hearing overwhelmingly here in wisconsin. is that this swing state is so important and these people here, they re number one issue right now, is not that sham trial and not the verdict and the convictions and not what s going on as far as what a lot of people are talking about in the media, they care about what s happening to their families, how much grocery prices this is have gone up, how much better their lives were four years ago. so that that s, that s really their number one concern yeah. i mean, it seems clear what you re hearing from voters that that is what their concern is. but it is what we heard from donald trump this week over and over and interview after interview, that he is considering going for his political opponents. so should he stopped doing that, given what you just said, you re hearing from voters what he said is that he s warned the american people if we start weaponizing the judicial system like they did against him, that it could happen to any president. it could happen to any political opponent. what he s talking about when he s having in those discussions, is that be careful what you do because that opens the door in the future to anybody doing it. and that s what he s trying to shut down. he wants people to trust or judicial system. he wants to make sure that we still have law and order in this country. if you look at conservative areas of this country, places where republicans were in control, we have law and order we have peace stability. you go to democrat states and cities that s where you see destruction and you see judicial systems and trials and corrupt judges that prosecute their political enemies. that s what new york was. new york, that was definitely a rigged elections are rigged judicial process against the president. politically motivated well, he was found guilty based on a jury, 12 members of the 12 piers, 12 piers of his. the other thing i just want to mention and i do want to move on is that right now? the justice department is prosecuting the president s son. president biden, son is prosecuting a house democrat is prosecuting a senate democrat so doesn t that fly in the face of the claim that the whole judicial system has weaponized against republicans i don t think anybody believes the whole, the whole judicial system is. i think they see places in this country where it is. and a new york was certainly one of those. and i don t know dana, if you read that letter from the judge in the new york city trial that came out that talked about the fact that some of these social media posts that came out before the decision in the verdicts even came out from that jury. so there may be a mistrial coming here because it was handled so poorly by this judge, and that s what i think that will be eye-opening to the american people as they really, truly will have proof then that that judge was corrupted. now, he should have recused himself according to the ethics and rules of new york. he should never have presided over that whole process. and president trump should have never been in that section. i just want to say that those details have not been confirmed. obviously, the trial is over. so i think you re probably referring to an appeal. i want to move on to some of the politics that we re seeing in the 2024 race specifically donald trump is actively starting to look for running mate cnn is told that there are seven potential trump vp contenders receiving vetting materials so far you re not on that list. do you have any indication that you re still under consideration to be donald trump s running mate i ve told president trump over and over again, he needs to pick whoever helps him when i have been loyal to him since the very beginning when he first started to run in 2016. he s told me his priority is picking a running mate that can govern on day one. it has been the loyalty him that can has experienced and run businesses, knows how to be a ceo, but also supports him and his policies. i don t care. i love my job in south dakota. i care about the fact that i want him to win and he knows that i will do that. so i talked to him three times yesterday. i think he s doing great and fantastic. i m proud of him i ve never seen anybody get out a bed and work as hard as this guy does just because he loves america and he s got some, a lot of corrupt criminals and a lot of political enemies coming after him and he still gets up, fights for the average everyday american that makes me proud of him on that list that i just showed so there were six men and one woman women, particularly suburban women. i don t need to tell you, could play a big role in who gets elected in november should there be a woman on the ticket a and b, you said you just need to pick somebody who will help him win would do help him win we ll all the all the pools such tell him in the swing states that a woman on the ticket, it helps him when the polls just say that people, one in four republican women haven t made up their minds because they want to have a woman talking to them about the issues they care about and women aren t monolithic. they don t, they don t care about just one issue. they care about health care, they care about their children, they care about their futures, they care about having an opportunity to have a business and to have a career. and all of that is being threatened. vendor joe biden but but yes, the women vote is extremely important and i spent the majority of my time here in wisconsin talking to women and talking to those people that are independent and on the fringe and they re leaning towards donald trump. but they also want to know that their perspective is gonna be at the table when decisions you should pick a woman. they want to know that there s going to be people involved i think that that would be a beneficial is according to the polling that i ve seen for him in a lot of swing states is that having a woman that is helping him campaign makes a difference. so it s an i could be home and bed or feeding my horses right now. are racking my grand babies, but i m in wisconsin because i believe president trump needs to win his policies are right for america and they re perfect for south dakota. and i want him to win and the polling tells me that he needs women out on the campaign trail curing his message about how much he cares it s about them and their future. two, let me ask you about a topic that is important to women will actually important to a lot of people. and that is contraception senate republicans is we ve blocked and bill to protect access to contraception nationwide. as a matter of principle, do you think republican should support company? fleet access to birth control yes, i do. i think that bill was a joke that bill was far-reaching in everything that was included and it wasn t just a single issue bill, which in my book i talk about the fact that single issue bills actually would fix a lot of what s broken in this country. but absolutely contrast section is something that should be available to women. why can t we just start talking about the fact that a lot of women, when they re in their situations, they re in a crisis situation. why don t we support them and give them information? and help them? so i think that whatever we re talking about when it comes to women s health care, that that s something that we as everybody in this america in this america public needs to realize is that these are difficult situations and we need to love people and win their hearts and minds as well as talk about policy. you mentioned your book. so i m going to ask you about that because in that book no, going back, you came under pretty intense criticism even from some members of your own party because you shared a story about shooting and killing your 14 year 14 month old dog, cricket. now that you ve had time to process all of that and all candor, do you have regrets you know that story s a 20-year-old story of a mom who made a very difficult decision to protect her children from a vicious animal that was attacking livestock and killing livestock and attacking people. so it s in the book because it was difficult for me and there s a lot in that book that i think people will need to read. i don t know if you ve read it or not. i read the whole thing, but it wouldn t be in the book if it wasn t a very hard situate. all good. well, i m glad you did. thank you for doing that, but but there s a lot in that book that s very important and i hope people read it because it s a how to guide for the average citizen on how to get their government back. yeah, why i believe that we need to have president trump back in the white house. yeah, i did the whole thing. and so i have the entire context of that incident. good. and so what i m hearing is no regrets, not just about writing about it, but we ve actually shooting the dog we ve covered this and i m a mom and protected my children from a vicious animal. we just had a nine-year-old boy and south dakota killed just days ago from a dog. that happens and i ve that nine-year-old boy will never be in his parents lives again. i ll never been his family s lives again. i think it s people are put in tough situations in life and we learned from it. and we learn a lot for what did you learn. and that s what i ve talked a lot in that book, dana, i ve learned that challenging times and hard decisions are hard. and that when you get into public office, you d learn from every single one of them and you use that knowledge to go forward into and to make wise decisions that are best for america. that s why joe biden s such a train wreck. the guys 80-years-old and making the worst decisions i ve ever seen him making his entire life and destroying or country, not just on the foreign policy stage by what he s doing in the middle east. and, but also what he s doing on our economy and he s putting every other country in our enemies in front of america. and i think that s just horrible right now. you realize dana that what he did last week is that when the trump verdict came out in his trial, he actually joe biden held a press conference announcing a deal between israel and a terrorist organization that was not agreed to. and he did it during shabbat i mean, how disrespectful to the jewish people. well, to hold a press conference that they can t even respond to if for regulation just residents. i just believed that we ve got people that we ve got people that really we need to recognize how week this president is. and you were talking about hostages earlier in your show as jimmy carter, who i ran held hostages for a 444 days under jimmy carter. carter because he was week back in 1979 and 1980. and the day ronald reagan was inaugurated, they were released because they recognize their ronald reagan would be a strong president we ve got the exact same situation here in america. why are we not? they re getting are americans home why are we not telling hamas, give us are americans back? why, why are we not doing russia to give us our journalists bad? yeah, i think one thing that this president should be doing is protecting americans. yeah, go get our americans and bring them home. that s what, that s what i m upset about. yeah. i think there s there s a lot there maybe you can come back and we can route a time. we can talk more about it, but yeah, obviously, president biden is very aggressively tried to get the americans back. it s a very complicated situation. thank you so much. appreciate it. i pray for their families. they come home alive thank you all do up next democratic governor gretchen whitmer of a state that could decide the next president. that of course, is the great state of michigan. you see her there governor whitmer will be her live next you increase in while i m fires is exponential unpredictable, uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences. the need to do something is urgent we have schreiber tonight did nine on cnn find the perfect fathers de gift symbol, just type, whether tech has hundreds of 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you so much. all 50 of my subscribers no, definitely not. you save with dr. wise and get a rate based on you during good hands with asd everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile, new censored in clinical white rights, two shades, whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity golf, but needs 775, 383882, or visit home i hanako montgomery in tokyo. and this welcome back to state of the union. some encouraging news for democrats and arizona and florida. a new poll shows big majorities in both states support abortion rights measures that will be on the ballot in november. now this week you re in washington democrats tried to lean into that topic with a push to and try and contraception rights nationwide. here with me now to talk about that and more, is michigan governor gretchen whitmer. thank you so much for being here you just heard governor known your colleague from south dakota talk about contraception. she says republicans are not trying to take away access to birth control. democrats are making this political, what s your response? i think that we all know the truth here. there s no question that with the three appointments that donald trump put onto our united states supreme court, three people who lied to congress, betrayed their oath of office and put forward? the dobbs decision. we know that there are women in many states who cannot access fundamental health care cannot make their own decisions about whether and when to bear a child. we know that mifepristone is under attack, that ivf surrogacy and now contraception is as well. and when the usf and it puts forth policy to ensure that they have an opportunity to enshrine access to contraception. and republicans vote against it and kill that bill. it is very much at risk here in this moment. and i think that what we re seeing out of the republicans saying that they protect, want to protect this as disingenuous at best and an outright lie at worst i want to talk a little bit about what we heard from the vice president kamala harris, who was speaking in your state last night? in detroit, and she said, quote, donald trump thinks he is above the law and this should be disqualifying for anyone who wants to be president of the united states what do you think well, you know what? i think that the fact of the matter is, we know under this democracy, no one is above the law. everyone is held into account. we have a system of jurisprudence that we have to have confidence. and then when you take that oath of office, we expect our leaders to live up to up to that oath. then this former president is now a convicted felon. he is the standard bearer unfortunately for the republican party in this moment this is a high-stakes election where you ve got someone who flouts the law and cheats and just got caught and someone who has four over the course of his lifetime made serving the public. the only thing that he is focused on, he has delivered for the american people and we ve got a stark decision in front of us and i really think that people need to take this moment very seriously and get out and vote because this is high stakes i want to turn to a different, very different trial, and that is one that is going on in delaware with the president s son, hunter biden he is on trial for obtaining and possession of firearm while under the influence of illegal drugs, which was against the law. a republican, lindsey graham, says that an average american would not have been prosecuted either. yes, governor can hear me okay. it sounds like the governor can t hear me. you know what we re going to take a very quick commercial break? and, get this fix. and we ll be right back. don t go anywhere the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher the president and the former president s one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming in unpacks nexium 24 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he openly attack the foundations of our justice system cheaters don t like getting caught vice president kamala harris in detroit yesterday, my panel is here, nice to see you all. so you have her clearly leaning into using the verdict as a political weapon and then you have donald trump leaning into the verdicts and using them as a political weapon, obviously in a very different way for retribution. bryan lanza, i m going to start with you since you re the only one at this table who has worked for donald trump? i know it s probably hard to stop him from doing that, which should he yells. i think the presence is going to do what he wants to do at the end of the de and i think the thing is is the focus for him and the rest of the campaign is going to be focusing on the economy and focus on the issues that matter. when i see an ad, like when i see her comma comma comma talking about, i almost want her talking more because the public has such an adverse reaction to the things she says. now, talking about genes, the only one feeling cheated here is probably the american public. they were promised something three-and-a-half years ago, a strong economy, a safe world if two wars overseas, we have a third one about to start between the philippines and china, which the us has military agreements with. and we have inflation wiping out the middle-class, wiping out savings, wiping up people s credits i think the public feel cheated. so you have to be careful with the word she uses. congressman khanna. well, the president is that a very strong record of bringing manufacturing back, of record job creation, lowest unemployment, but here is the contrast. the president is out there on d-day trying to bring this country together, speaking about our aspiration invoking president reagan saying we have a unifying message and donald trump is on dr. phil talking about retribution. i think that s gonna be the real case of what type of country are we, are we a country that s going to come together with the president s message. are we going to want to tear each other apart? doesn t sound very unifying to me. i mean, kamala harris on the attack this week and candidly, joe biden attacking, i think i ll trump during his overseas speech. normally we re worried about people attacking presidents when they re overseas. we don t normally have to worry about presidents attacking their opponents when they are overseas. i think it underscores the horrible week, the biden people had. wall street journal says he s slipping behind the scenes in a deeply source story, politico says, blows up the popular narrative that the biden joe biden has nothing to do with his family s business dealings. new york times today s out with a piece debunking all the personal narrative myths of joe biden. there s chaos all around the biden campaign, right now. and to top it all off, somehow virginia is now a swing state so i m not surprised see kamala harris desperately on the attack because the campaign is totally flailing right now love listening to you talking about chaos because i remembered donald trump in 2016, warning us that if hillary clinton were president, it would be chaos all the time and guess what? we had four years of chaos with donald trump, but dan out, let s talk, but it s really going on here internally. i m assuming the trump campaign is same one. i m seeing which is this talking about the conviction of donald trump on 34 felony counts is working. we have a cbs poll out just this morning. we have other polls coming out that are showing joe biden starting to come move ahead. and here s the problem for the trump campaign these things matter when they underscore something that people already sent and believe about someone they already sent and believe donald trump lied to them. he had lied to them when he said he didn t sleep with stormy daniels, he lied to them when he said he was going to make all these things better and guess what? his tax cuts help the very wealthy. they harmed the middle-class. and in fact, new york times, i m so glad mentioned new york times has a story out this morning about how so many of the promises that trump is making when he talks about mass deportations, guess what? that s going to increase our costs when he talks about this trade policy, trade tariffs, guess what? that s going to increase our costs, and that s consistent with our oil. hold on. that s consistent with our own reporting. that showed that ryan lins are just sorry, that showed the cost will go up about $1,700 for middle-class americans and all donald trump can do is talk retribution while his people du, the best they can with talking. and i just sort of frame this conversation in an tick of a different way. and that is how this race could change a bet, not a lot, but a bit he hasn t picked his running mate yet, and you just heard kristi noem saying pretty much point blank. he should pick a woman she would like for it to be her. i don t know if it s going to be her. we got the list of the people who have gotten there vetting materials. there s only one woman on that list and that is elise stefanik of new york the woman who pretty much hands down could help him win more than any horse is nikki haley? i don t know if it helped with me. i mean, it s it s listen i want us to you re already getting vote for him. i m a reporters when republican, but i think nikki haley would cause problems for me because he would say the future of the party is not in good hands. and i think that s what people are looking for for the president when he chooses the vp, somebody who continues along with the policies and the priorities are important to him, and nikki haley, just as matches up. so i think that s the challenge are going to have and she hasn t shown a propensity, even moved towards the issues that trump voters care about and what the voters are going to care about in this party. going to care about are more of these? things that president trump s talking about. they re talking about tariffs. we ve me scott s and shock here. i m shocking. we re now the party of tariffs and our party wants more of it. like i ve never predicted that our party is moving and that the reality is as nikki haley is not moving with the party i think the issue is abortion rights and that s why democrats have over-performed. when i was in wisconsin across the state. i mean, there s still an arcane law there that bans abortion when people were talking about is the right to access to reproductive health, the right to access to contraception and the fact that there s only one woman candidate on the running mate for donald trump shows that there s still out-of-touch and that s why women are going to win this election for president biden, i think that s what he s numbers are moving in the cbs poll and that s why i m optimistic that he s going to get reelected i actually heard brian, i think you need a running mate. first of all, the number one thing is do no harm and being a second is you have to have someone who is going to unabashedly support your agenda, like you cannot have somebody out there who is pulling their punches on a daily basis. and so the list that he has outright now are a group of people that have shown time and again, they are willing to step up and defend him and fight for his agenda nikki haley has a lot of positions that i agree with, but but she has a big problem with donald trump. she said at time and again, i m not sure that makes the best running. it s clear donald trump is continues to have trouble with women voters and consolidating suburban women. kamala harris, vegas and an excellent job. prosecuting the case for joe biden. i think they should consider if i don t want to give trump advice, but he might want to consider a woman, although i think the challenge for many women would be how do i defend some of them massage any of this man credibly, i think this is nikki haley s problem while trying to get people to vote for him. all right. we are out of time. we didn t get to the fact that donald trump was raising money from silicon valley billionaires pores. okay. all right. there you go. you got it in there. you ve got it in there. thanks. is everybody. and governor gretchen whitmer is back. believe we can see here and here, which is a great thing and she s going to come back to finish our interview on the other side of the break, don t go anywhere five good things listen wherever you get your podcasts centrum, it scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your home. said trump is everybody. i hope he foundations supporting your pitch. to you re plus tries centrum silver now clinically proven to support memory in older adults everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile new censored in clinical weight and rights two sheets, whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity of production. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients 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can do. close captioning brought to you by rule or law, iconic brands up to 70% off retail at roulette at rubella you never pay full price. these the deals on top before they re gone south today welcome back to state of the union. we are back with governor gretchen whitmer. of michigan governor the president s son, hunter biden, is on trial for obtaining and possessing a firearm while under the influence. of illegal drugs. that was against the law republican lindsey graham says that an average american would not have been prosecuted for this suggesting that a hunter biden s facing charges for political reasons what do you think you know what? i don t know how to weigh in on that dana, i ll just say this. i saw and i was happy to see you when the president was asked about this, he ll have confidence in the judicial system it s not going to undermine it and i think we ll see how it plays out. but right now, we know that in this country, there is a stark choice in front of us between a president who respects the rule of law and a former president who is a convicted felon who wants to use the implements of government to go after his enemies and is running on vengeance and grievance as his platform versus the sitting president who has delivered forward this country and respects the judiciary and wants to shore up this democracy. it s a lot at stake should the president lean lean-in more on the kind of message you just delivered you know what i think it s important for us to be talking about these things the american people are busy, they re good, hardworking people who expect their government to work as hard as they do and to be as good if not better than they are, to respect the oath of office, to respect our institutions, to fight for every american s right to make their own decisions about their bodies, to have a voice and a vote in this democracy. and i think all of those things are very much at stake here. so i m going to be talking about that. i m going to be reminding people and i m confident that the average person in this country was just trying to get ahead is ultimately going to be a part of the direction of this election and is going to weigh in and vote for joe biden. governor. i don t need to tell you how important your state of michigan is going to be when it comes to who is going to be the next president in your state, there is a third third-party candidate and his name is robert kennedy jr. he is going to be on the ballot there. he are 9% support in one recent michigan pole that s more than enough to tip the scales in what is sure to be a close election. how worried are you about having rfk jr. on the ballot and what it means for president biden s chances of winning there well this is michigan. dana has, you know, elections are always close here. i remind people all the time, don t clutch your pearls when we re down a couple of points, do not celebrate when we re up a couple of points. this is going to be a close election all the way through. but here s what i know. when you get on the ground and you show up and you talk to people well, and you listen helps make sure that you stay focused on the things that matter. president biden has huge list of accomplishments were seeing on shoring of supply chains. we re seeing the growth of good manufacturing jobs. this is the first president in a long time that has been able to deliver on emphasis structure and has a real manufacturing vision that is, that is playing out every day and good paying jobs. certainly, kennedy or any third party candidate gives me some concern and it s to be taken seriously and that s why we re showing up and we re working hard and all 83 counties earn the votes of the people. there are a lot of good traditional republicans who don t feel at home with the convicted felon at the top of the ballot, who know that kennedy has got lots of far out wild ideas about science and the future. and it doesn t even have the support of his own family. all that being said, we can t make any assumptions. we got to earn every single boat and that s what we re doing. okay. governor gretchen whitmer, thank you so much for being here this morning. i really appreciate it. thanks, dana. happy pride, everyone great jacket and thank you so much for spending your sunday morning with us. fareed zakaria picks it up next were you worried the wedding would be too much another destination? why didn t we just scott by for persisters it nap book, it s married in epoch, my daughter who gets with him can we get out of here? you d never asked join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real-time dashboard. born in real life conversations, empower what s next. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect new periodontics act of gum repair, breath freshener clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease a new toothpaste from periodontics, the dom experts from real quality that 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Gretchen-whitmer , Kristi-noem , Women , Go-get-our-americans , Governors , Democrat , Solutions , Health-care-decisions , Republican , Voting-block , Life , Business

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240609

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yes. and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. i just went to a riggs trial in new york. s first public campaign stops and says guilty convictions. if we don t win this country is finished. i really believe that, i think it is finished. i simply refuse to believe that america s greatness is a thing of the past. good evening once again, i am stephanie ruhle. we are now 151 days away from the election, and the contrast between the two presidential candidates could not be any clearer. this week president biden took action to close the border, and then traveled to france for the 80th anniversary of d-day where he stressed u.s. support for our allies. at donald trump, on the other hand, rallied against his guilty verdict, the judicial system, and then threatened to seek revenge with any possible person who has slighted him. let s bring in our nightcap and discuss all this. my friend, steve liesman is here. lizz winstead, cocreator of the daily show. she is also the cocreator. pablo torre, host of the public toray podcast. and to ray, host on thegrio. we look at this week you have president biden talking about freedom and the fight against tyranny, both 80 years ago and today, and then you have donald trump talking about how revenge is justified. liz, talk to us about where these two campaigns are and where they appear to be headed? tyranny of the past and tyranny of the present is basically what we are talking about. where are they heading? sometimes i honestly look at these two things and i think will the selection simply come down to will trump have more disillusioned people that won t show up or will biden have more dissolution people that won t show up? and that scares me. because i feel like for those of us doing the work, in the streets every day defending people s freedoms, if trump wins again, what we are facing is no dissent. and with no dissent we cannot challenge any of it. but, if he wins again there is no surprises about who donald trump is. in 2016 you can make the argument. people don t realize who he is. remember, he had all these people like no, no, you don t realize what you are in for. america knows exactly what they re in for. you say no. you know, there seems to be a lot of delusion. we hear a lot about the trump era was great, the trump administration was great. as if coven just did not happen. as if there was some reason why those last two years just don t count against his record. i don t remember covid but i definitely remember infrastructure week. infrastructure week was every week. i feel like trump is the most selfish person in the world, and everything revolves around me personally. every political issue comes back to me, myself. this woman asked him, this reporter asked him, katie from alabama wants to know what is your relationship with god? and he said i do very well with the evangelicals. that is not the question you were asked! and biden, to me, seems very outward. he is thinking about others. how can i help other people? think about the key moment of his life, losing a major chunk of his family in one horrific moment, as a relatively young man. who learned empathy, and to think about others and the importance of family. and this other person, who every bad characteristic we don t want our children to have, he has. i think what you said, you know, what is the question being asked and what are we trying to answer as instructed to what the biden campaign, i believe, should be trying to do? framing this even beyond needing to pay attention to the newsday today. more choice between extremism and not. i just wonder why we are not generally describing trump more as an extremist. forget about, again, let s not forget about the issues, people on the ground doing good work. when it comes to what are we expecting out of this, do you want someone who feels like they are attacking every institution, who is, again, do we need to recite the litany of felons and felonies? let s just talk about not being that. okay, but here is possibly why i think this is playing out. because, though they shouldn t be, president biden is focusing voters on democracy and on freedom. and these are fundamentally important things, but somehow they get viewed as kind of lofty ideals, and trump goes straight to the gut and grievance. because people don t know what it is like not to have it. i lived in russia for six years. they didn t understand democracy. they didn t know what it was like to not be, sort of the possibility of randomly being arrested and otherwise having appeal. but can i just go back to the beginning of the show? did all that stuff in this montage happened just this week? and there is 151 days, which means 21 weeks if my math is right. i m wondering if i have the stamina to make it through this, if this is just one week s worth of stuff. i really think this is going to be rather a dramatic, caustic, and i think biden is going to have to really bring home what is the absence of democracy, which is a very tough thing, whereas trump has only to say look, we can do all these things, everything can be great, and full of wall is not a sinitic and thing people think about. trump is a great salesman for his diseased ideas. biden has not yet shown himself to be a great salesman of his ideals, of what he has done. and there is a very significant and real and honest critique of biden from the left. that he has not done enough on what is going on in gaza. and there are a lot of people who would be democrats otherwise who will not support him because of that. i hear you. what s the conversation to have with that voter about what former president trump will do with the situation in gaza? was it not nikki haley a few weeks ago, when she went over there and said it is the job? you know, what lizz said about the margins is important. don t think about the potential, the imaginary hypothetical biden trump voter. i don t think that person really exist. there are a couple, but not many. there is a lot. know, the election is going to be about can trump get people who will say it is either trump or stay home? and can biden get people who say it is either biden or i stay home? the election is going to be won on those margins. and biden does have this significant issue, that a lot of people. there is agoing around on it tiktok . i don t know if using it. tiktok, home of misinformation central. we can talk about tiktok later. but they asked with man, gun to your head, would you vote for biden or trump? and he said the gun would go off . it is a meme that has been shared by people who are saying i will not go with any of them. this is my point about extremism or not. biden should also be as popular as the field broadly. do you want trump or anybody else? we are at a point where trump is not just specifically dystopian in the ways that we may remember or not, based on our experience during the pandemic. he is also just clearly against the will of all is the concept. so i think the question of democracy is how do you make this a tangible, scarier thing? because currently i think talking about democracy as a concept is a little pie-in-the- sky. the thing about democracy dying in darkness did not really work as a slogan for the washington post. it this week, with the remembrance of d-day, it was not just the stark contrast between president biden and donald trump. it was also between donald trump and ronald reagan. ronald reagan gave one of the most important speeches of his presidency in normandy. he stood against russian aggression, he stood with his nato allies. so isn t there question to ask of all republican voters, where has your party gone? because the current gop and what donald trump represents bears almost no resemblance to ronald reagan. correct. it is why you saw joe biden looking almost like reagan and referencing him while he was in france this week. i mean, i am just not going to go down that path, because i am somebody who doesn t have friends who are alive because of ronald reagan. so when i think about waxing back to the people who laid the foundations for this evolution, trump did not come to us in a vacuum. trump came to us because people laid foundations for hatred and bigotry and sexism. and i feel like i don t want to go back to the party that i could recognize of ronald reagan. but what i do want to say is people that we are leaving out of this conversation are the voters. i am constantly saying to people the election is not the end game. it is the starting game. you get the democracy you want and you get the democracy you participate in. and who do you want to fight? that is my whole thing. who do you want to fight? do you want to fight a madman? or do you want to fight somebody who might listen to you where you can get the needle move? because these other people. i do not think the election is going to be won by biden if he is taking democracy his issue. i think it has to be the economy. all of our polling shows people are most concerned about inflation, most concerned about jobs, most concerned about the economy. democracy should be like the sprinkles you get with the ice cream cone, if the ice cancun is the economy. but without a functioning democracy you can throw your economy out the window. that the economy is always the number one issue. finish your thought. i was just going to say that if he does not win it on the record that he is running on which is a strong one. which is a pretty strong one , and a vision of the future, i don t think he wins it by saying i am the democracy guy and that guy isn t. we are talking two different languages as far as the folks who may vote for biden and the folks who may vote for trump. i mean, this is not about issues at all. this is about personality. this is about who you believe. and the people on the right, like joy reed talks about earth one and earth two. the people on the right live on earth two. and we can sit here and believe the nothing that you believe is factual. we can go on and on. january 6, climate change, the election, the trial. but they are affirmed in their miss belief constantly, and they think we don t know what is reality. this is why i feel like the whole felonies thing should and hopefully does cut through to a silent majority, not to evoke reaganism s, but a silent majority of people who are like i am in earth one resident that i am just not that proud of it. it is, for me, a bridge too far, when we have a convicted felon surrounded by felons being again in the white house. i feel like i just want to simplify it down to do you want the felony guy or anyone else? that is a great question. donald trump wanted more than his face, wouldn t he be doing everything possible to court the nikki haley voter? he disrespected nikki haley in every possible way and still she endorsed him. if she actually wanted to win, it wouldn t he say she is my running mate, let s go for the gold? he hasn t, instead it is president biden who is putting together a coalition to try to go to for those voters and risking losing progressive voters in the mix. i wonder when we say nikki haley voter, i would wonder if they were not so psyched about nikki haley, or if they were just like i don t want trump. i am not like everything about nikki haley is just awesome. people weren t saying that. i feel like him going for that voter after he saw emma we saw the numbers after iowa. was it 28% of those people who said if nikki haley is not the nominee i could possibly vote for biden? i think when trump doesn t go out and try to expand his base he never has. but let me finish. why is even doing that? that should be the sign to everybody, he is not trying to expand past due. he is not looking at a world for you. can i do some reporting here with lizz ? i might be messing up the order of your show here. but when roe was first overturned we saw abortion rise up to the top of issues. since then we have seen it fall down. and i know the democrats are making a big deal of the abortion issue. do you think it is something that motivates voters? i don t think it is going to be democracy, and i am wondering if it is going to be abortion as something that trumps the economy, for lack of a better term, and becomes a real motivating issue. well, i am the right person to ask. no, no, only because you might not know this, i am on the ground all the time talking to people. and this is where democrats are actually making a mistake. i do think abortion, abortion polls better than politicians. in these ballot initiatives we are seeing in over a dozen states were initiated by the people, not by politicians. by the people. people who held their abortion stories to themselves for years, saw this as a time, and this isn t a couple people. you have to get 200, 500 in florida, 900,000 validated signatures to get it on the ballot. the question is will people vote for biden and the initiative, what we saw in kansas, the very first one, that people voted overwhelmingly for their abortion initiative and still voted for some of the people who created the laws in the first place. what? so, what we should carefully be looking at is these initiatives, i think, are going to greatly help down ballot. they are going to help senate races and places that will be surprising. congressional races. and will people say i am going to vote for everybody but biden? that is the question somebody needs to answer. we can do that in the next poll. we can ask about that. please do. the president took pretty aggressive action on immigration this week. it has been a vulnerability for him. republicans are going to say it is too little too late. how do you think it is going to play out? and just to be clear, republicans have done nothing on immigration, and thanks to donald trump, blotch doing anything legislative. this is how the republican party has shifted the overton window in their direction. we talked about the border, and about immigration. immigration is not a central issue in american life. it is not the source of crime, it is not changing the economy. republicans have made it this central issue. and people believe it. whether it actually is an issue in daily life are not is somewhat irrelevant, because republicans have been successful in convincing the american people. that s what i m saying, they have made us think about it when it is not as important as they wanted to be. i think this is the frustration for anybody who is not trump, joe biden specifically. your running election campaign, and administration based on it, i think, a practical execution of hopefully reasonable and increasingly moderated policies, and donald trump is running on vibes. it is a vibes based campaign. and the question, fundamentally, returns to turnout. vibes is too polite award for a period anger, resentment, ancient nightmares awake into the bloodstream of people who feel like they re being threatened by non-threats. i m sorry, i have a different view on this. i want to see the person advising biden on the politics of immigration fired. i think he has been behind the curve on this. he has let the republicans take this to a place where it shouldn t go. from a narrative perspective, but not a policy perspective. what have they done on the policy front? from a narrative perspective, if he is doing what he is doing now, why couldn t he have done that months ago? okay, fine. but hold on. you can argue with when he did it, but now he is doing it. now he is doing it. what have republicans done? nothing. they have objected to a deal that was apparently done that was agreed to, but the second thing i wanted say they want to continue to set this up as a problem. the second thing i want to say is there are some issues where you want to take on the lack of facts and the misdirection had on. this issue of immigration, i think, should be one that should be approached with much more sympathy for the people who are afraid and scared, and i think rather than head on white, which people? the immigrants? the people in montana who are worried about people crossing the border in xcode. you don t make it to montana. never make it to montana. so we should worry about what people in montana and west virginia should think about it? we already do. this is what is motivating them. and i think there is a way to address this in a way that is more understanding and less in- your-face. more understanding of what white people in montana think? exactly. here s why, because they vote. i don t think steve is saying because they are white. hold on a second. i don t think it steve is saying that person in montana is right. i think what he is saying is they vote. at the very least you have to acknowledge who that person is, where they are, and speak to them. the issue has already coddled them immensely by wrapping them in this notion of the demonization, i mean, so many americans would think of immigration and think of somebody getting murdered by an immigrant. but that is not the core of our relationship with immigrants in this country. and the right has made it that. yes, but the most important word that you said right there is made. because they made it that. because they solidified this falsehood, you have to at least address it and try to start solving for them. and you understand how people are scared? but who is scared? white people? white people. but we are continuing to be asks to be sensitive to the fears of white people? that are not real fears. it does not matter if they are real fears. they vote. i guess it is my question. genuine human empathy is being considered anybody s peers. i think we are trying to do empathy but also cold calculus about getting their votes. we are trying to disabuse them of the lies and ways that damages them in terms of their sense of security and sense of self. but before we get back in, i just want to ask what does it take to coddle the abstract montana and that is afraid that someone in mexico is coming over to take their job? there is a community i know in wyoming. they had no people from south america. all of a sudden they had 12 people. this was a huge change for them, and everybody, all of a sudden they had to teach esl. great, and guess what? that town in montana or wyoming had jobs for those people. they absolutely did, and those people added to the jobs and there were not people to do the jobs they were doing. all that is good stuff. i am just saying the change, the challenge makes people uncomfortable. i am wondering before we take them head-on if there is a way to talk to them. in an understanding way. last point. this is bigger than the immigration. because this is the republican pattern. create a fear that is not real, pass legislation that only harms other people, then the fear stopped because it never existed. and they think they won. they have done it with abortion, they have done it with lgbtq, trans people. there s kids who are pooping and cat boxes in schools! no, there isn t. if they were kids pooping in cat boxes in schools, high school kids would have put it on instagram. so, to me, it is a microcosm of the playbook and how do we dismantle that playbook to stop having that fear, and stopping the bs around it? we have to go to commercial, but i don t actually think you and steve disagree. i don t. no, i am not prioritizing the feelings of white so we do disagree. but i think that all steve is trying to say here is these people and their fears, he is not saying let s appeal to them. but if we simply ignore it then we are sending this people into trump s arms. we can practically see the statue of liberty when we walk outside this building. we are supposed to be a nation that welcomes immigrants. i mean, none of us were born here, right? but now we have this very hateful, xenophobic approach to a certain kind of immigrant. it is disgusting, and the notion that we should kowtow to the fears that have been grading these people. i am not saying you are kowtowing to anything, but if you don t at least speak to that person you are sending them into the arms of donald trump and going wild are that these people voting for donald trump? because they are getting it to work. and i am not saying they should be coddled. i am saying shouldn t we at least acknowledge them and get a basis of truth back to the center? this is part of what we are talking about when the new york times does what is going on in the world? we ask trump voters. they don t care, we don t care what they think. we don t have to be constantly checking in with what they think. i also think it is the responsibility of white people to educate white people. it should not be placed on lichen brown people and immigrants. i would like to know what it would take to achieve the persuasion that immigrants are not so scary. i would like a practical proposal before i decide to sort of center the feelings of people who are fed lies. what if you didn t reject the fears? and by the way, i am wanting to correct the record. i m not talking about coddling the fears of white people. i feel like there 20 a black and brown people concerned about immigrants coming over the border, taking their jobs. no one is taking anyone s jobs, we have a labor shortage. you have been there could be a rainbow coalition of people who believe that there isn t. i think we acknowledge the people have a right to have fear and be concerned, and not dismiss those fears. besides the four of you, someone else is screaming at me and it is the producers. we have to go to a commercial. there s five people yelling. when we return, the last four years have been great for the wealthiest americans. so i want to know why so many of the richest of the rich are opening their wallets, their hearts, their minds, and buying into his propaganda and pushing donald trump. i need some answers to this. and later, phenom caitlin clark gets hip checked and starts a bigger conversation about women s basketball when our nightcap and the 11th hour continues. s. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: marnina learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don t stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don t take dovato if you re allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: you could stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about dovato. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. you could stay undetectable with fewer medicines. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. in the week since donald trump was found guilty of 34 counts in a new york courtroom, some of the wealthiest americans have come out to announce their support for him. steve, i really, really want to talk about this. because just in the last week donald trump has this new crop of not even your average wall street is disguised. i mean the top of the top most successful. coming out, throwing parties for him, supporting him, and even making arguments that are not true. in the last 24 hours i have heard some of these guys say well, when joe biden asked that last covid relief, which, you know, killed us in terms of inflation. unemployment had already completely recovered. that is a lie. and an uninformed voter might not realize that. but i am talking about the most informed voters, the most successful guys in business are pushing trump lies on their, in a field that is their own expertise. why is this? the corporate tax cuts are going to be on the table in 2025. if you end up supporting trump you are most likely to keep those corporate tax cuts and lower tax brackets, because, by the way, i don t think trump is going to address the deficit at all, either. the record shows that perhaps some of the fiscal spending had a part in the inflation, but it was more about supply shocks, the inability to get stuff into the country, the reduction in the ability to spend on services, so all this money to buy patio furniture and stuff like that, all of the sudden that shot up and all of a sudden we had problems with some food distribution. and that has come off in a very big way. there has been extraordinary progress on the inflation rate but has not brought down the inflation level. and don t overstated, biden has plenty of very, very wealthy supporters. but you are right to point out how extraordinary it is that some of these folks, especially in tech land, are the ones who are out there saying i am going to vote for trump or support trump. and to read, for example, david sachs tweet today on the economy is just to be amazed that a guy with that much money . here s the thing. i get that inflation is difficult. these people who are now supporting donald trump have had extraordinary, extraordinary last few years. bill ackman this week, what is it announced? he is worth $8 million. think of everything president biden has done for electric vehicles. a huge win for elon musk. yet they are railing against this disastrous economy, when it has been a perfect one for them. i think, first off, taxes, let s start with that. and then get to realizing that for these guys, in silicon valley especially, shame feels like a market inefficiency. wait, hold on, if i don t have to care about the judgments of people who are paying attention to the news, maybe i can do the thing that donald trump offers uniquely, in my memory, of american presidents. which is the ability to dictate actual policy. the ability to get favors. i feel like this is the other part of the trump administration that goes underrated because we are talking about the bed of nails that is every single scandal. he is for sale. look at the adelson family. go down the risk of donors and what you get. if you are tech billionaire, ceo, philosopher, king. that is what these guys want to be. they know better. they may think trump is an idiot, and i think they do, but they also think they can puppeteer hemenway s, and they can help run the country. and that is something that joe biden does not offer them. the white house is for sale. and in some way, is this like re-creating putin s oligarchs, but here? you know, i have been listening to you, and i can t believe we are here, again. and a real chance that he might win. and something i ve read the criminologist talk about, the reason why jail does not work as a deterrent. because a lot of people do a stint in prison and they come out and they go oh, i can do that. now i m going to go back to the street, because that wasn t that bad. and for a lot of people they are like we survived trump. it wasn t that bad. covid does not count on his record, for some reason. and they are like we could do this again. and it doesn t make any sense. and i get a footnote to the oligarch story? a lot of those guys ended up exiled and dead. i don t know that all the people who are supporting trump understand the final end result of kleptocracy. okay, because you are asking for people to have something beyond short-term. it works for a little bit. but, see, we are talking about hugely successful masters of the universe who believe well, that will never happen to me. you know that is the way they all think. i think that is right. they re not thinking it through. i think they are also missing, getting back to the first conversation we had, the essential connection between democracy and free markets. what makes free markets work is the rule of law, and if the rule of law is something that is on the whim of the president you have a real problem with your free markets. lizz, let s talk about sort of these loud, influential voices were suddenly backing former president trump. why they would be doing it. i understand, inflation is a really difficult. you want to buy a house, rent an apartment, get any insurance, things are really difficult. but suddenly this group of people backing the former president, it does not really make sense from a policy perspective. why do you think it is happening? well, when you look at how many of them are feel adjacent, this is not my will house. but i d do see and have met and have been hit on by very, very, very rich and powerful men. and all those zeroes don t add inches, and somehow i think they do. and if that stays in the show i am proud of you. i promise you it will. because honestly, i don t have an answer. we are on life. is a family show until now. but honestly, what is the thing you are missing? what is the emotional thing you are missing? you are talking about the intellect of these individuals, and so much of it is about the performance of this analogy that trump offers, the ego. and if you have a massive ego, one of these masters of the universe, wall street, silicon valley, i completely understand why you rock with trump. because that ego seems to be like that is my guy, that s the guy want to be with. i am also just not convinced that they actually like him. that s correct, they don t. they think he is a puppet. i think that they are unbothered by the performance that trump does, which is a key, visceral distinction that i have with these people. but also, i think, what they want is power. trump offers them power. these guys right now believe they can purchase a bat phone into the oval office if donald trump wins. and it was funny, somebody on tv said to me the other day, yeah, but what if donald trump turns on them? what if he doesn t deliver than that? he might, though. and joe biden definitively will not. so they will roll the dice. i think we make a mistake in this country, that because you made a lot of money here you must be smart about things over here. we do it all the time on cnbc, and it is something that i disagree with. but like we will have a billionaire and asked him what he thinks about healthcare. and unless he made his billions in healthcare i am not really sure i care. it s a great point. it s interesting, but it is not essential. it is interesting as we talk , that the pronoun hymn has been used to bunch. because we ve been talking a bunch about men. and even when you said because they make money here they don t do it over there, when you think of somebody who is a billionaire, like the woman who invented spanks. sarah blakely. people are not going to sarah blakely, what do you think about what is going on over there? i don t anybody is asking these guys. these guys have realized they can become business celebrities. do you think somebody a year and half ago said what does bill ackman think about anything other than investing? no one asked him. but now he is posting tweets. it became a twitter personality. so the adrenaline addiction is real. they are all addicted to dealmaking, and now they have become business celebrities. this is a part of capitalism. the people who succeeded the most and capitalism must be the most intelligent people in the country. trump succeeded in capitalism. soon enough, he did not. he did! he took a big chunk of money from his dad. lost a bigger chunk. right, we think of him, he is so dumb. he is proof that you can be wealthy and done at the same time. is also not a successful business person. everyone is staying right here. when we return, fans love her. but caitlin clark is getting a mixed reception from the players in her first year of going pro. why one foul has people talking when the 11th hour in the nightcap continues. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. - so this is pickleball? 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(bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let s fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. annika. i found the bomb. ok johann. there should be a blue wire and a yellow wire. choose acid prevention. cut the blue one. they re both blue! visionworks. see the difference. (man) every time i needed a new phone, i had to switch carriers. (roommate) i told verizon, everyone can get that iphone 15 on them. (man) now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade. i m officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon it s time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california s premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much. or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. basketball star caitlin clark continues to crowd the spotlight as her wnba career kicks off. but it is a foul against her from nearly a week ago that is still in the headlines. pablo, she got body checked by another player. so why are people still talking about it? walk us through what happened in the line of all these new threads. on some level it is a simple story. it was a hard foul, should have been called a flagrant. wasn t, had to be assessed as such retroactively. but the reason it has continued is because it fits into this larger story, which is less and less about caitlin clark, and is a through line for today s show, perhaps, and more and more about us, the voters, so to speak. because it is a perfect culture war story. uninformed voters versus informed voters. and it is about vibes. so i want to address the feelings, because these are sincerely held. it is more than just the great white hope. it is more than just a minority group in this sport actually being a majority outside of it. wnba famously is 60% black women. so you have this star who is bringing attention, record ratings, real business for the first time in the history of the sport. and simultaneous to that you have a lot of people who pre- existed in this sport, who built this sport, who are saying we have not felt the advantages of being the majority group in a business that now everybody cares about. and so, a lot of people have a point, is my point here. caitlin clark is a great player. she deserves the conversation and the height and the attention and the money. and at the same time, those are advantages that are not granted to others because there is a novelty, as well as the substance to it. it is an endless culture war story which everyone can get mad at everyone for a very long time. i think i feel also the resentment of the women who are already there, who are like oh, you think this college kid is going to come in and dominate us? and at the time it seemed you guys are being rude and resentful. and no, actually, it is very hard to move from college to the pros in any sport, even if you are, maybe, one of the best, the best college players ever. we are going to do this entirely differently. we are stronger, faster, more experienced. it is going to be hard for you. so slow down, don t think you re going to walk in and take over. i have nothing to say. remember how i said that i didn t think rich people should be talking about healthcare? i am pretty sure the economics reporter should not be talking about sports. but how is there so much confusion here? suddenly the wnba has all these new fans, and they are watching a game. a game, a rough game that is played year after year. but suddenly the first game they have ever seen, the player who they love, they are seeing get pushed around and they are going, i mean, there was a republican lawmaker who was complaining about this. where you are going this is just how the game is played. yeah, would they feel that way if it was angel reese who got knocked to the ground like that? no. she did get knocked to the ground like that, and nobody cared. this is the other part of the story. sports are supposed to be fueled by hatred. by bad blood. by feuding. this is stuff that is great. part of the reason why i want to buy stock, business metaphor, buy stock in the nba is because people are actually invested in it emotionally, and that comes from having bad blood. the thing that is dystopian, lizz, which movie you can appreciate on this level, too. i love dystopian. yes, we are talking not so much about the story, and more about how everybody hates everybody else because they see themselves in it. and for me it becomes a culture war story, and when i say it is an endless forever war of a culture war story i mean it is because, in sports, we are still arguing about whether lebron james or michael jordan is better. we have been doing that for decades upon decades. some precincts have been reporting that it is jordan. but the point is this is not a thing that can be solved this positively by play. it is going to be, again, about how you feel. and being a minority group in a majority female, black sport that outside of that sport affords you advantages that track with the money and the attention and the privilege, it is like it is fair to object to all of this and it is fair to also say you are making too much of it, because isn t she just a basketball player? and this i will also say. i think it is also fair to say that caitlin clark knows the game that caitlin clark is in. caitlin clark is not saying anything. it is like taylor swift, when the whole taylor swift beyonce feud was happening, they were both like there ain t no feud. this happens in this sport. i just feel like caitlin clark is not screaming. there is a whole lot of pundits speaking, there is a whole lot of things. and what you said is real. the pundit point is important. because race is always a part of sports, we don t always talk about it, but it is always there. and not just what happens on the floor, but also because the vast majority of people who cover sports are white, and male , and generally they are covering, especially in basketball, covering a lot of black people. so, in this situation you see the white girl who is supposed to be the new star, who is changing everything, and she gets thrown to the ground by somebody. the white pundits especially are like oh my god, how could you do that to her? but it is not just about race. it is a lot about the fact that these sports analysts are men. as i have seen black sports analysts this week go on and on, shocked by this saying these girls out there are being mean girls to each other. in the same sports analysts watch football year after year, they watch rookies get the crap kicked out of them going that is on the game is played. but when it comes to women doing it they are like look at these mean girls up in here. and that is bull nonsense. and i agree with you. overwhelmingly it is not that the rest of the wnba is jealous and deceiving like this is a high school cafeteria over caitlin clark. but there are a couple of people who feel that way. if you were to tell me watch this clip of angel reese celebrating caitlin clark falling to the ground i can t convince you objectively that she is not taking some enjoyment. now, does that rise to the level of jealousy and mean girl stuff? i am not going to categorize it as such. but i believe in that he and bad blood can coexist. it is just a we over characterize it as this is a sport where this should not happen, all sports are fueled by this. this is my observation. i want to know if this is true. is less contact countenanced in the wnba than the nba? is even more physical. we have to take a commercial. it s more physical? yes. does ladies know how to get it done. what i want to know is all this talk about the wnba, is it helping the game? we don t know yet. everybody is staying put. when we come back are nightcap returns with our mvps of the week. you do not want to miss it when the nightcap continues. e night kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live life and long live you. ask your doctor about kisqali today. welcome to the wayborhood. and long live you. with wayfair, finding your style is fun. [ music playing ] yes! when the music stops grab any chair, it doesn t matter if it s your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] i m sorry, carl. this is me in chair form. i don t see you. -oh, come on. this one s perfect for you. but you. love it. i told you we should have done a piñata. i explained it so many times. um-hum. they re not sitting. -and it rocks. you need to sit down. wayfair. every style. every home. i don t know how long it s been there. long enough to produce eggs, it seems. it would appear that it has begun moving towards us! visionworks. see the difference. are nightcap is still here with the mvps of the week. who had the biggest we can your mind? one of my heroes, peppermint patty murray from washington state who took on an antiabortion physician who spoke in front of the senate and actually lied about that iuds were actually an abortion, and patty murray called her out on it. it is a public service to everybody. an iud prevents implantation of a fertilized egg. you cannot have a pregnancy unless the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. that is a fact. and this doctor, who is somebody s doctor, lied in front of the senate. and patty murray was like smacked down today. go, patty. another yelling at me because we are going to run out of time, but we should just think about this for a second. that person who sat there and told that lie with a political agenda is somebody s doctor. who is your mvp? i wanted to go in a different direction. corey harris, who became viral out of driving to his resume hearing about driving with a suspended license. hold on, walk us through. because people are not going to know this name but everyone saw this video. he drove to his resume hearing with the judge on his suspended license hearing. and everybody is like oh my god, what an idiot. and surely he made some bad decisions. and it came out that he has actually never had a driver s license. but the end result of all of this is that he ended up in jail for a nonviolent offense. he was not even intending to hurt anyone, and it is easy to look at an individual and say you should have behaved differently. more important to look at the systems and the institutions and say you should behave differently. why are we using jail as a corrective for something like this? a nonviolent offense like this? we are over incarcerating nonviolent offenders way too much in this country. and this is a prime example of somebody who should not be in jail. there are many, many other ways to make the situation work. cindy eldon is the clerk for esmeralda county in nevada. and she is undergoing a withering criticism at a recall petition. she is a republican from supporter, and there are people in that county the believe that there was problems with the election because trump only one of the county of about 700 people by 82%. and this wonderful story in the new york times about this clerk who is being criticized by her neighbors and all the people she has known for life is a reminder that democracy is not a mountain. it is not a building. it exists because of local officials, and the reason why the 2020 election was not overturned is because of these actions by these local officials . these people, i think, democrats, republicans, non- partisans all our heroes that make democracy still exist in this country, and don t take it for granted. and i am on a bipartisan crusade of my own. good luck with that. red panda is somebody that you may know if you have seen a basketball game. she happens to be the greatest halftime performer of all time. red panda is the older chinese woman and immigrant to this country who gets on a unicycle, elevated many feet in the air, balances holes on her foot, and kicks them off to her head repeatedly. and the crusade i launch after watching her perform in game one of the nba finals yesterday is simply this. at the basketball hall of fame has never inducted a halftime performer. it should be red panda, and i want to address america, the world, on my various social media platforms i have a petition. this is a real thing. all of you guys at this table need to sign it. i am begging you. we need to demonstrate that this person, read anda, is a part of history and should be remembered to me as such. right on. we are ready to sign it. my mvp, the families from the sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut. if you remember, talkshow host alex jones spread lie after lie of what happened in that elementary school in connecticut. the families of those children, those five and six-year-old children who were killed sued this man for defamation and they won nearly $1.5 billion in damages. but all sorts of cynics out there, me included, thought they are never going to see the money. a guy like this is going to move his assets, put them under family members names or friends, it will never happen. on thursday, yesterday, alex jones filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy, basically liquidating all of his assets. why? for the families who face the most devastating loss and then had to hear the lies that he pushed. this was all made up, and these families have said the money is not the most important thing. the most important thing is that he stops doing this. that might not ever happen, but we are one step closer to these families having one ounce of justice, and i welcome it. thank you all for being here. it was a pleasure to have you all. have a great weekend. thank you, thank you, thank you. we are going to be right back. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping. in 99% of people over 50. it s lying dormant, waiting. and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you re not at risk for shingles? it s time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you re over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. hi. my name is kim and i am 41 years old. i ve been given the opportunity to work from home, so that means lots of video calls. i see myself more and i definitely see those deeper lines. i m still kim and i got botox® cosmetic. i wanted to keep the expressions that i would normally have, you know, you re on camera and the only person they can look at is you. i was really happy with the results. i look like me just with fewer lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow s feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at sup? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Saturday 20240608

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div class= gutr > will: it s the 9 a.m. hour of fox & friends if weekend starting with a fox news alert, the israeli military rescuing four hostages alive after being held by hamas for eight months. pete: wow. plus, trump heading to the west coast today after scoring this big endorsement i just think there s no question about which of these men is cognitively, sort of more with it and intact. rachel: and summer break is here, and we have camping ideas and activities to keep your kids off screens. final hour of fox & friends weekend starts right now. i m gonna if need some whiskey glasses, cuz i don t want to see the truth rachel: [inaudible] [laughter] they re just trying to get us in a good mood. how can you not be in a good mood pete: this is chicago, by the way. will: we were having a country music argument during the break. not a argue, debate. rachel: no, it s more like will preening that he s so authentically country pete: thank you. rachel: and that that pete is just too highway country, recent country pete: i am a viewer ask and a fan of the highway on siriusxm p. it s what i m plugged into. i listen to it, i enjoy it. it introduces me will: it only hit that way with an insecure soul. rachel: i m not insecure, i come from arizona. been listening to country my whole life. will: we were play being ronnie mill if sap during the break pete: if i m, like, ronnie who? will: pete s, like, what s this? [laughter] pete: i group on michael w. smith and if chicago, the band. rachel: and he has is so embraced it will: i m trying to expand his horizons. i m not preen being pete: i think it s more of what you re saying, rachel, a little bit. he s got real knowledge though, and i respect that. he knew all the country channels on siriusxm will: garth is 55, prime is 58 [laughter] pete: the real deal. rachel: if you re impressed, please, email us. pete: nobody is. [laughter] this is the impressive, what we re about to talk about. rachel: absolutely impressive. this is a fox news alert. four israeli hostages landing in israel after they were rescued from hamas during an idf if operation in gaza earlier today. pete: all four for abducted during the assault on the nova music festival on october 7th. will: madeleine rivera joins us now. reporter: good morning, guys. that s right. after 246 days, 4 more hostages are back in israel, they are a 26-year-old, 41-year-old and 27-year-old, all of them kidnapped from the nova festival. the israeli defense forces said they are in good condition and are now undergoing more medical evaluations as they are reunited with their families. there are reports of people near the hospital cheering and celebrating their freedom, you can hear them there. and this touching moment shows one of the hostages reuniting with her father after eight long months in the hands of a hamas. a spokesperson for the idf says they conducted this rescue mission in daylight in two separate buildings deep inside gaza. israeli forces say they have been preparing for this rescue mission for if weeks and underwent intensive training. israeli president herzog saying on, and, on behalf of the entire people of israel, i thank the decision irk df, the israeli security agency, the israel police and israel s national counterterrorism unit for if an impressive and courageous rescue operation and wish for the immediate return of all of the hostages to their families. there are still 120 israeli hostages held by hamas in gaza, 433 of whom 43 of whom have been declared dead. will, pete and rachel. pete: i want to the know so much more about this. apparently, it was a hamas-controlled area, maybe even an ad a hoc area, but if they ve been training for weeks, means they have pretty solid intel. four found alive this far along, one of which is that young lady, one of the faces of rachel: yeah. who could forget that image of her on the back of that motorcycle and to see her pete: we. that s the girl from the back of the motorcycle. rachel: that s exactly her. this is a remarkable rescue. the images of her with her father, it appears to be, i think must bring a lot of joy to the entire nation. listen, this however you feel about this war, there are lots of people who have lots of feel beings about this war, these are innocent civilians. everyone should be rejoicing for them. will not just joy, but open. hope. i can imagine there s been a level of despair and resignation if after these many months. the likelihood of survival has gone down to a rachel: some of them are american, by the way. americans and and babies, children. pete: if sure. it also makes me think the israelis probably have a lot more intelligence at this point about precisely who is alive. maybe the general locations of with are they are. so when these negotiations are ongoing, we talk about it, they probably have a pretty good sense of what their really negotiating over here. thankfully, in this case that intelligence was so robust, they were you ve got to imagine hay maybe even had somebody on the inside. we ll see. we re going to get some guests, i m sure, for tomorrow morning that will unpack a lot more of this, but brave men and women going into harm s way to capture,s as you said, rachel rachel: these are innocent civilians. listen, this conflict, there have been innocent civilians on both sides, and that s why temperatures are high. lots of innocent civilians. these paris pete: there are lots of innocent civilians, but a hamas is the one that brought it rachel: i m not, i m not debating that. pete: brought it on themselves. rachel: these are beautiful images that we re getting right now of hostages that we weren t sure were alive, and thousand if we know they are and returned to the their families, and we re very joyful for that. will: well, a bit of a shift in american politic things as we approach election year 2024, and that is that donald trump is on the west coast. he s met a lot of success in not just fund raising, but in endorsements. in newport beach, california, today after silicon valley where, in a a fund raiser hosted by david sacks, raised over $12 million from silicon valley entrepreneur. and then david sacks endorsed donald trump. watch. yes. i think there s no comparison between the cognitive abilities of these two mening s. men. i think what we saw last night from president trump is he was very sharp, very on the ball. he stayed for something like four hours, he talked to everybody, everyone loved him. and at the same time, you saw biden at that a d-day event, and it looked like he couldn t keep up with whatever he was supposed to be doing there,,, so i just think there s no question about which of these men is cognitively sort of more with it and intact. pete: yeah. you might not if you re sitting at home like us saying what, why is david sacks important, or i don t really recognize him, he s got an influential podcast, he raises a lot of money, but he s representative of the center-right republican donor who was very skeptical of donald trump especially two years ago, probably never if would have conceived of being on our air talking about how he s going to host a fund raiser for him. and now he s not only hosting a fund if raiser, but with doubling the amount of money he s raising and raising real concerns about joe biden. for donald trump, that s a great sign that those types of billionaireses are weighing in on his behalf. rachel: yeah. and it s no, it s not a small thing. this was in san francisco, as you said, will. they expected to raise $5 million, they ended up with $12 million. they expected protests, and it turned out the people outside were pro-trumpers. again, not a sign that suddenly san francisco is pro-trump, but a lot of the energy on the left has been deflated because, listen, it s just not a great time in america, and people see that. he was asked, will, you know, what was it about a, you know this election that these people who might have been on the sidelines have jumped in? he said one was the regulatory environment which is can killing innovation, making it harder for entrepreneurs and investors to do their thing, but also the lawfare. this has scared a lot of people. and i know donald trump has sai, well, if it could happen to donald trump, it could happen to anyone. it s already happening. look what s happened to the pro-life protesters, elderly people who are getting the book thrown at them, getting prison time even though they ve sick. i just saw a list from the fbi, traditional catholics are still on the hate list for the fbi, traditional catholic groups. so the targeting of conservatives is still happening. with. will: yeah. you know, i ve been skeptical that after entering our third election cycle with donald trump whether or not there s anyone if left to win over, that 2024 would be more about motivation of existing bases, would joe biden s base turn out more or donald trump s? and lawfare serving to energize donald trump s base. i will tell you anecdotally knowing a few people out there the in that industry, there are a few people that are going to vote for trump for the first time in 2024. now, how much does that add a up to? i don t know. here s another one. russell brand who, by the way, used to be a huge voice on the left, has now all of a sudden not just become a voice of common sense p but now he s also endorsing donald trumpment watch. if donald trump. if you care about the moxie, if you care about freedom, i don t know how you could do anything other than than vote for donald trump for precisely the reasons that they claim you can t vote for donald trump. i m starting to think that, no, a greater threat to democracy is this kind of technological feudalism that a tells you that it cares about you and that it s protecting vulnerable people, all the while increasing censorship, increasing the funding of wars, increasing the division between ordinary americans. pete: that s when you put it that a way, will, it s a stunning turn of events. will: that s a huge swing from where he was at one time to what he s saying today. if. rachel: but with, will, this isn t about a donald trump and in this case with russell brand. i think there s a lot of people that were on that side that are now coming over, and i think a lot of it started with covid. i mean, when people started to see our government will lie to us, our government is willing to harm children in order if to advance its agenda, you know, whether that was, you know, the interests of big pharma, whether it was to get mail-in voting universal, something the democrats have wanted forever and covid provided the perfect if opportunity. i think there s a lot of that. i want to give you a quote from russell brand. i thought this was interesting. he hasn t just made a transformation politically, he s also made a religious transformation. he has been posting a lot of himself praying, praying the rosary. people speculate he s now become a catholic, but this is something that s really interesting. he said people are so cynical about the increasing interest in christianity and the return to god, but to me it s obvious. as meaning deteriorates in the modern world, as our value systems and institutions crumble, all of us become increasingly aware that there is this eerily familiar awakening and beckoning figure that a we ve all known all our lives within us and around us. of course he s talking about jesus christ. fascinating. pete: it is fascinating. in my year-long bible study, i m in e cleese whereas with tease right now which is written by king solomon, and he writes about having all the riches of the world and yet nothing new under the sun. and ultimately, you know, we are all ashes and dust. you know, nothing in this world is ultimately going to satisfy you, and i think a lot of people are in that a moment. they re looking around and saying there s got to be something bigger. and when you re fulfilled through god if or something greater than yourself, that provides that. clearly, that s been a big role in russell brand s life. rachel: that focus as everything gets crazy and we can t trust anything especially in our government, all that a matters is god and family. and i think millions and millions of people across the world are feeling that in this moment. will: we re going to turn now to your headlines. family confirming apollo 8 astronaut william anders is dead after his plane crashed after washington finish off washington s islands yesterday. ing he and his crew were the first three people to have traveled to the moon although they did not land on it, but he s known for taking this famous photo while in space. andrew s anders was 90 years old. a neighborhood in the hartford, connecticut, has formed a group to patrol their streets to fend if off violent crime. the self-defense brigade made up of around 40 legally-armed citizens voluntarily monitors the streets wearing body cameras on nights and weekends. when they are not the streets, they re monitoring the neighborhood if using drones and surveillance cameras. the group formed after there was a shooting at a church that left two men if dead. to the wnba, caitlin clark tying the record for most 3s made by a rookie, knocking down 7 at the indiana a as the indiana fever if take down the washington mist picks before a soldout crowd in d.c. katie after last night s game, so today really the first time [inaudible] for mitchell. clark, another one. [cheers and applause] will: the mist ifics trying to mount a comeback late in the fourth quarter, but clark made a free throw to ice the game, 85-83 and those are your with headlines. pete: tough shots. will: yeah. pete: those are tough shots. rachel: you know, the story about the people, you know, having to protect their own neighborhood, that s super third world. that s the kind of tough that happens in latin america. fascinating how much we ve devolved as a country, it s crazy. pete: connecticut. rachel: connecticut or el salvador which is safer are right now. el salvador s the safest country in the western hemisphere pete: at the end of a long week for me, one of the most edifying parts of talking about my book has been getting feedback from you, lots of it, over social media, text, whatever. can and one stuck out that that i got yesterday, and i ve got from people serving, and it s been almost universally positive and affirming. but i don t with get me mails from generals. i got an e that mail yesterday [laughter] rachel: you re not popular with the generals these days. president not really. this is from a retire tired army major general, and it s all redacted. i m retired and i confirmed this, by the way. retired army major general with 35 years of a certain type of experience and combat experience in our wonderful army. this chapter, chapter3, struck a chord because you codified my meal feels feelings about our senior military leadership. i served with many of our current and short-past generals. everything you wrote is spot is on. i was never a conformist. i got out in a certain year because with i wasn t promoted to three stars and thought maybe i could hop into the sweet defense industry gig. that s where i saw all of my old bosses compromised by thal a mighty dollar. everything you wrote is true, we need a new awakening and someone to stand upper for what is right. go, army. will: wow. ing that s a heck of a rachel: interesting. will: validation can, affirmation. pete: yeah. and just hearing from guys saying, you know what? my commander s reading this and he s laughing at this part, meaning agreeing with it, and, you know, spot on here. thank you for the response from so many viewers. you ve made this number one on amazon for most of the week, and you never know when you put if something like this out here k. and a lot of it has been fox & friends weekend viewers willing to indulge us and me and my two wonderful cohosts who have been willing to listen to me talk about this book for a get it now to read for the summer anywhere books are sold. rachel: i think just as you have with education, here on the military i think you have made this a campaign issue, something people are paying attention to as another benefit of changing this administration. i think i ll ask you right here, have you heard anything about the reaction of generals right now who are in service or what they predict their reaction is? if after our interview with donald trump said i now know who they aring those woke general generals o or the ones going along with the woke agenda, and he said i will fire them. what has been the reaction, what s happened since that really blockbuster moment on the interview? pete: yeah. i think a lot of them know that their time may be up in a new administration and, you know, donald trump s going to have the choice to pick a new and very different secretary of defense than lloyd austin. rachel: well, he suggested you. [laughter] pete: whoever it is, who s lloyd austin has gone along with all the woke garbage lock, stock and barrel. and and milli milley did it with him, and he doesn t like the book at all. all the other four-stars, many south america if they re focused on women and lgbt leadership issues in south america while china s gobbling up resources, totally distracted. our pentagon can get back to that with the right leadershipping and the fact that that donald trump knows that and is prepared to take that on is important because we ve got a dangerous world with, a really dangerous world. when you dig into china, will, they are building a military to take us on in 5-7 years. if not sooner. rachel: here in our hemisphere. pete: scarily. will: what institution are you going to take on next? pete: let s go. [laughter] rachel: because he already said he was going to get rid of the education department will: i told him which one to go for. california governor gab newsom s proposing a new plan to defund the police just as the state faces a surge in crime. rachel: and we talk to a former san francisco officer, next. will: california governor gavin newsom is proposing a new plan to defund the police and the state s justice system whale thl reeling from a surge in crime. the democrat s proposal includes slashing $97 million from the court system and another $10 million from law enforcement. and more than $80 million from the prison system. former san francisco police officer joel hayward joins us now to react. joel, thanks for being with us. it s pretty shocking. i think most of the nation has realized that defunding law enforcement, defunding the criminal justice system has been a massive mistake, and yet in california this is the place we re looking to save money. yeah. it s no surprise, i mean, to see this play from gavin newsom. i always say there s no bad teams, there s just bad leaders, and he continues to show up. and we see this though typically, there s always a cycle of hiring surges and then hiring freezes. it probably happens almost every decade, but right now if they ve got a massive budget deficit, and this is where they are look to cut the corners. and if you just look at areas like san francisco where i used to work, i mean, they went from an overtime budget of $25.3 million in 2023 that was projected, and it actually ended up being $81 is million. so they spent $55 million more on overtime, and they still can t curb the crime crisis. they had, like, 200 stores from downtown union square leave. productivity in san francisco is down 555, so what do you think s going to happen when they cut allocation to resources? it s just going to get worse. will: the office spokesperson for golf governor newsom is saying it will not impact public safety or release in the result in the release of inmates. cutting costs including through the deactivation of beds. you know, joel, what you kind of described there is a death spiral because part of what s happening in california is a lack of revenue because people are businesses, as you point out, but high net worth individuals and also a just regular citizens of california are moving out. we know this. idaho, arizona, texas, they re move being off the states, reducing your revenues. thousand you make it less safe to be in california, this spiral will continue. yeah. and what s happened so far? i mean, let s do this, let s increase the gas prices. i think they re, what, $8 in california? let s add a gas tax. even better, let s just take away your gas stoves. none of his solutions are working, and i just saw senator kevin kylie posted that they spent $53 million if on illegal immigrants in medicaid, and and that number is projected to be $3.8 billion in the if next year. so they re doing a lot, obviously, to fund other things like san francisco, for another example, the homeless are being offered alcohol. i mean, these are just insane policies and protocols, i mean, where we could be spending our money in a different way. and, you know, i think there s if california s going to survive, it s not going to be through law enforcement, clearly. and they re going to need to look for other disruptive solutions, and i think there s people out there will: like that? they re using drones and out creating other efficiencies with local law enforcement and creating local partnerships, private and public, and that s probably the only way you re going to see actual tangible solutions. and i think the community needs to collaborate and get together because that s the only way. law enforcement in california is not going to save you. clearly, the response times in san francisco pd, they just did a study and for an officer to respond to a violent crime, it s taking almost 10 minutes. it s the lowest in 6 years. will: that sounded like the story we just reported out of connecticut where local neighborhood watches are coming together to try to fill the gap to keep their neighborhoods safe where they weren t able to be supported in that case by law enforcement. if that s the case for california because of a lack of options, we wish you the best of luck. joel, thanks for being with us. you got it, thanks. will: hold your horses, janice dean is coming up with a preview of the 156th running of the belmont stakes live from saratoga springs. i hear you have a special guest. yes, very exciting. 6:411, is post time. we have got a bit of a freeze, i m not going to lie, we could sew some thunderstorms, but i think for race time it s going to be spectacular. the 1516th belmont takes 156th belmont stakes in share toeing baa. don t go away. i m coming at you like a dark horse. muck are you ready for, ready for, the perfect storm, perfect storm? with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. pete: that s a great graphic. looking ahead to the belmont stakes tonight, sierra leone is picked to come out on top. our next guest helps us break down the odds, let s bring in kwan misif dean who s join janice dean who who s joined by a sports expert. if. wagering expert, that s pretty cool. how d you get into something like this? i ve always been involved in sports and loved sports. i grew up on long island, so i group around belmont park and then being in miami if p it just continued, being in if college around gulf stream and hialeah. i ve always loved the horses and sports, so it s kind of a perfect confluence of events. your job is to make people money though. so tell me who your favorite pick is. i am those who follow he on my podcast and on big noon, whatever else, they know i m really not a favorite player. but here i am going to go to the favorite, sierra leone. i thought he was the best 3-year-old prior to the kentucky derby and he had a rough trip in the derby. he s had a tendency to lug out, is so today they fit him with a different bit, he s got a jockey change, chad brown, this is his home track. you ve got a shorter field, it s kind of put up or shut up for sierra a leone today. i think no more excuses. i do think he will prove he is the best 3 year. who s your long snot who s going to make the most money? i think resilience. bill mott is the train, pretty conservative, doesn t run horses he doesn t think has a chance to run. ever since adding blinker, the horse has been much more mature and focused. might be a little closer to the front of the pace today, but i think 10 to 1 or so resilience might be someone you might want to put underneath because as a handicapper, as a better, i m looking to make money. so i m going to look for resilience or maybe a seize the gray to finish second. how do you do it? to win, box em play an exacta, give me a $55 exacta a, sierra leone with resilience and seize the gray. 99 with 1 9 with 1, 2. someone s writing that down for me. how does it feel to be on this track for belmont? it s awesome. i ve been coming here for years, and it s really cool. i m a big advocate of them trying to get the breeders cup yes. so if they can pull this off for the 4-day festival, maybe they can say, come on, breeders. to get a taste before the meal opens up next month, this is great. second year for fox sports, have they been treating you well? it s been great. it s been awesome, fantastic. i love it. fox sports tonight, 6:41, but there s racing all day long. we re going to bet on some horse, oh, in about a 151 minutes. maybe we have already. maybe we have, but i haven t had a drink yet, chris. neither have i. [laughter] okay. we re going to do that right now. pete, will and rachel. pete: yeah, in 26 minutes, you re good to go. oh, it s happening. pete: nobody sets the stage better than you, janice. thank you so much. rachel: wagering expert. bill: will: big noon kickoff. rachel: i had an uncle who was a wagering expert. [laughter] pete: we all do. will: kind of hot on this story this week, there is a new stock exchange being formed in texas to take on the new york stock exchange. they plan to the take registration later this year. the wall street journal writing, new york democrats have long taken wall street for granted imposing punishing taxes and regulations. progressives in albany if recently threatened to revive a hong-dormant stock transfer tax. go ahead, make the texas exchange s day. pete: that s the wall street journal. [laughter] if. will: it s a big story, ask and i know it was big talk this week in texas. rachel: is it going to happen? will: oh, yeah. so they ve raised $120 million, and this is of interesting note, $30 million from citadel, $30 million from blackrock. now, the reasoning for this or part of the reasoning is that all these regulations in place in the new york stock exchange include requirements for board membership. is so this is a pushback on dei and esg policies. and i know in the past we ve talked a lot about blackrock s role pete: they were advocates. will: in advocating for everything sg policies. blackrock, probably like every other capitalist organization s, ultimate goal is to make money. they rode the esg wave while that was an opportunity to make money. they see now it s not, and they re putting together a new exchange to rival new york stock exchange to get around a lot of these things that have pulled companies away from if making money. and i think this is a real you know, we talk about alternative markets. this is a real, this is a real opportunity to put publicly-traded companies on the right path. pete: go, texas. rachel: really interesting development. i hadn t heard about it until you brought it up, but you re right, there s such a back lack. when we heard larry fink talk about all these policies and when it was dei or the climate stuff, he sounds so passionate about it, it s hard to believe that he s sincere in this. but, clearly will: $30 million rachel: $30 million is a lot of pete: i get what s going on here. think place that wants to be its own country has to have its own stock exchange. [laughter] rachel: this is part of pete: yes. we thought it was going to be governor will cain, it s going to be president will cain. rachel: oh, no, it s going to be president. it s so funny, we ve talked for a long time about, you know, where would we, i, the duffys, eventually end up, and we talk about the overseas, places in the country. sean has timely decided will: texas. rachel: texas. will: you ve still got to fight for texas. you ve got to fight for every. you ve got to fight for tennessee, but i to like some of the direction i think this is good for america. rachel: i do too. pete: the competition is great. will: i think you re going to see some very recognizable companies. pete: interesting. you never if even thought there was an option. one of those thing, the stock exchange is the stock exchange, it s in new york. given an alternative if your bottom line is what you re looking at, you could see a big change. rachel: think how many people are stuck in new york because of the stock exchange who who actually want to pete: oh, my goodness. rachel: fascinating. pete: look out. all right, we are three days into joe biden s crackdown at the border, so is it working? unfortunately, the answer will not surprise you. we talk to the arizona state senate president on the steps they re taking to try to limit the flow. if sing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. pete: we re back with a fox news alert, israeli hostages reuniting with their families this morning, in hospitals after a being with rescued in a daring raid from hamas during an idf operation in gaza. all four, you ll remember, were abducted during the assault on the nova music festival on october 7th. one of them is that young lady you saw being taken away on a motorcycle. madeleinely veria rivera joining us now. unfortunately, one of the officers involved has i dod, saying he was critically injured and identified as chief inspector arna a n. we re hoping to get you some photos so we can show you. this was a highly complex operation,s israeli forces have been preparing for this for weeks, it required intensive training. these hostages were found in two separate building inside of central gaza, and these hostages are 26-year-old noa, 22-year-old a a lmog with, 41-year-old shlomi and 27-year-old andri, all of them kidnapped from the festival. the israeli defense forces said they are undergoing more medical evaluations as they are reunited with their families. there are reports of people near hospital cheering and celebrating their freedom, and this is just crind, news for these families who have been waiting for 246 days for news about their loved ones, so now they are celebrating their return. so many emotional moments this morning. we received a statement from the defense minister saying our troops showed so much courage operating under heavy fire in the most complex if urban environment in gaza. i do not remember having pleated operations of this kind, of this intensity and with this level of cooperation and success is. israeli president herzog also saying on x, on behalf of the entire people of israel or, i thank the ix, the israeli id finishing, the israeli security agency and israel s counterterrorism unit for an impressive and courageous rescue operation. i wish for the immediate return of all of the hostages to their families. and remember, there are still 120 israeli hostages held in gaza, 43 of whom have been declared dead. pete? pete: wow. madeleine, thank you very much. much more on this throughout the day on the channel and, certainly, on our program tomorrow. rachel, over to you. rachel: thank you, pete. president biden s border executive order took effect this week, but illegal immigrants do not seem deterred. in the last few days the average crossings are almost 3900, barely down from 4 the 200 in april 4200. so arizona lawmakers are taking matters into their own hands, putting a texas-style november law border law on the november ballot. joining us now is the texas senate president, warren peterson. so great to have you on, senator. i guess joe biden is taking a lot of heat for what s going on, but it looks like the governor this arizona is too. tell us how citizens on the ground are feeling about this and if katie is feeling the heat as a well. well, yeah. as i go around and talk to my constituents, this is always one of the top issues if not the top issue. people are worried about the crime, the drugs, the fentanyl that s spilling in from the border. and and so the citizens are concerned. the governor has said she s concerned as well, but she, she vetoes our bills [laughter] to protect the border. so we re going around the governor. we have passed a referral out, it will go directly to the voters. they will get to decide and vote in november. it s basically just a law that mirrors federal law, that you have to come in there new, come into this country through a legal port of industry. and if you don t, then we re going to enforce the law since the federal government won t enforce the law and deter tease people these people from coming into the country illegally. rachel: you know, that executive order actually exempts unaccompanied minors from, you know, being returned back in any way. what do people in arizona think about that? because that seems like just from a humanitarian the point of view a terrible situation, really putting children in danger and making the chances that they fall into sex trafficking more likely. 100. all the energy, all the everything is now going to move to those children, the focus will be to use those children rachel: yes. as puppets for the terrorists and for these cartels. that is horrible. and biden s executive order is a joke. he s virtue signaling. it still allows a million people to come into the country illegally every year if it s enforced correctly. the number should be zero. and so it s really just, it s not going to do anything. and the fact that now it s going to be focused on children, this is, it s just setting up future atrocities. rachel: no, of course. it s horrible. again, i m so curious, like, i m not on the ground in the arizona. i m originally from there, so i m just trying to understand how katie hobbs is managing this politically. aligned with joe biden, she s done nothing to protect the board, and and now she see ises the numbers and9 that the peopld that the people of arizona want border security, how is she navigating this just politically? oh, gosh, it s, it s a disaster for her. this last week has been horrible. she was just referred to for criminal charges rachel: right. in what appears to be a pay to play with one of her favorite businesses. she, a judge just told her she s breaking the law because she wouldn t with allow us to she was nominating directors or without us confirming them. and with the border, she s failing. she talks the talk, but then when we put bills on her desk, she s not signing them, and she s taking a lot of heat for this. rachel: yeah. clearly, this open border s intentional with governor katie hobbs, she appears to be part of the effort to keep the border open and just pretend like they re doing stuff before november. it s really great of to have you on, senator. thanks for joining us. thanks for having me. rachel: you got it. coming up tomorrow on fox & friends weekend, governor doug burgum and senate tim scott. and we ll continue monitoring president biden s state visit to france as we await his statement with french president macron. we can secure our world. watch out for offers too good to be true. that s phishing! someone s trying to take advantage of you. learn more at that s how we can secure our world! [sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. we can secure our world. don t just use a password alone. mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone. learn more at that s how we can secure our world! rachel: school is out, but as the weather gets better, it looks like more kids these days are choosing smartphones and screens over sunscreen is. [laughter] pete: and we re here with a lifestyle expert to show us how to keep your kids out and about in your own backyard and off their phones. lenore. hi. we re going camping in our backyard today. pete: i love that. we re setting up the camp campsite. we have a tent, some chairs, and i got some camping toys from learning resources. a camp set and a camp outset. roasting some mar if, mall lows and he has a land person, really fun, or he s making lantern, he s making smores. rachel: that s impressive. pete: yeah. i love this. you really can get the kids excited about a camping, and you can see some really great screen-free sun. pete: hand me that shovel or, will you, buddy? [laughter] over here we have some crafts. what i ve done is i made some rock tic tac toe, you just paint it with crayola paint, and you can make fossils. you can send the kids out on a scavenger hunt, get leaves and rocks, all kinds of textures. you flat ifen it out, press down the rock or the leave are, you let it dry overnight and you have a keepsake from your campout. and then you paint it if you want the next day. screen-free fun. this right here is the tony box. they have these tonies, you put them right on top and from the character from that story, they have this is toy story, they have cookie monster, they have paw patrol president i m hearing some music, yeah. and stories from the actual movie or show that that character is in. pete: let me give you a paw patrol. hundreds events the paw patrol one is not set up pete: oh, sorry. follow the script, pete. sorry. [laughter] i m sorry, i m sorry. but, yes, you would set it up, and it would normally work with. pete: awesome. and so now all of these screen-free activities have gotten me hungry, so you re going to love these. these are the hill shire snacks pete: i like these a lot. i ve had em. they re really just an elevated snack, salami, some delicious cheeses, really delicious and easy rachel: you could pack a picnic lunch of just give them it s kind of like char cutely without the mess. pete: i just did hot dogs. well, these are a little bit elevated. ray i love it. and then we re going to make some smores. you want to come here and make some s moressome if we ve elevated it rachel: i love this idea. some circus animal cookies. you re going to roast the marshmallows, then i opened up these little bags of the animal cookies dis,. [inaudible] [laughter] and then what you re going to do is you re basically going to make walking smores pete: oh, lie take. and like that. and you can have mess-free smore ifs. pete: you re promising me mess-free s mores? that has never occurred in my life ever. [laughter] rachel: you can actually invent that, you ll be rich. we have these, you re going to put them right in here, add some chocolate and then just let it cool for a minute so you don t burn your little hands and that s it. how fun is this? pete: you have done it for us. rachel: you always do it right. thanks. pete: all right. more fox & friends in just a moment while we consume this. pete: well, thank you for joining us all a morning long, it s gone fast. rachel: it has. tony and shelley in roma, virginia is. finish. pete: thank you very much. to do two things today. enjoy the beautiful day and then the order the warren on warrior- rachel: in time for father s day. pete: we love our viewers. thank you so much, or we ll see you tomorrow. will: see you tomorrow. measure neil: fox on top of an election less than five months away now

Pete-s , Question , More , Men , Cognitively , Endorsement , Plus , West-coast , Wow , Will , Hostages , Military

FOX and Friends

Investigators. brian: thank you for come in. appreciate it. ainsley: thank you, ray. got bless. steve: i have got to shake your hand. brian: meanwhile, ray, if you would sit through this tease, that would be great. pete hegseth is the author of the war on warriors and he explains. ainsley: our birthday boy. maybe we can celebrate today. plus it, is the final jewel of course, triple crown and janice dean is live ahead of the belmont stakes. steve: night hat. giddy up. every single day i m more powerful known for getting everyone together. no o no o

Brian-here-san-example , Ainsley , Ray , Dna-steve , Pete-hegseth , Investigators , War , Hand , Author , Warriors , Tease , Got-bless

The Ingraham Angle

Supposed to be entertaining. he is weaponizing. jimmy: weaponizing department of justice. laura: shoe on other foot. jimmy: he sends pro-life activists to jail for years for being oud a clinic. trump is being brought forward, they are not filing against president because he can t remember anything. when is abortion a funsy topic for late night? laura: all they got, ray. if every women can t get a late-term abortion, this is end of times. that and weed maybe. jimmy: if you did not enjoy the vp on kimmel, alec bald win and his family are targeting duck dynasty. experience ups and downs,

Laura , Weaponizing , Foot , Jimmy , Jail , Activists , Shoe , Department-of-justice , Joe-biden-in-public , Trump , Anything , Forward

CNN News Central

Going to get what he s saying? we re going to get, which is retribution or is he going to govern? in a way that gives us the economy they we want and respective braun the globe. and america leads again. and that remains to be seen. so i think a lot of people are waiting to see how this develops in the fall and in the debate which will be very important. gotten ray such as and thanks so much for being with us this morning. appreciate your time, sir thank you, john. good to be with you millions of americans under extreme heat threats today. this morning, the first heat-related death of the season as temperatures continue skyrocket through triple-digits the cnn presidential debates, june 27 at night, life on cnn and streaming on max well done, viv, you ve got the presence, the balloons, and the raptor cake now how about something to put a smile on your face aspen

Way , Retribution , Saying , Braun , Economy , Globe , Lot , People , Us , John , Thanks , Sir

The Story With Martha MacCallum

Kharkiv. the russians were pushing and in trying to establish a buffer zone on the ukrainian side of the border so that they could hit kharkiv because they want to get kharkiv. that s what the need is right now. as i said in my first answer to you we will keep in touch with ukrainians nearly every day. if we have to make adjustments that we will make adjustments. martha: wall street journal wrote a piece about this saying this is a message to russia president vladimir putin to a little bit and will leave you alone. it off the border area you back up a little bit we will not allow ukraine to use attack guns that go deeper into your territory. dew you agree with that? i don t at all. martha: will you let them use attack guns right now? ray numbers no change in our policy about attack guns a long-range strike nestle 300 club motors or so for use inside russia and again i want to remind the guidance we ve given ukrainian is to after things that are a imminent threat just over that border. again we have to talk to them about what it looks for looks

Need , Side , Russians , Border , Kharkiv , Answer , Buffer-zone , Martha , Inside-russia , Piece , President , Wall-street-journal

Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Five 20240604 04:03:00

At where we are to date may of 2024, last poll conducted, it s about 18 percent back in june of 2020. joe biden was doctor troster the more on the question of border security and immigration by single point. good where we are in it may of 2024, my goodness gracious, look at those huge jump that donald trump has gone. is now ahead on this issue by 27 percentage points. jesse: judge jeanine, a lot of loopholes executive order. ray happy he took action are is it too little too late. judge jeanine: out will be one of the positive people in serena slam so glad he decided he had the power that he did not think he had and it took him five months to figure it out. have the feeling that joe biden really knew he had the power because you issued an executive order getting worried of donald trump s orders that kept the border more secure. and rbc what you ve got is you

Joe-biden-in-november , Point , Immigration , More , May , Question , Back , Border-security , Doctor , 18 , May-of-2024 , June-of-2020

CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta

In delaware where hunter biden s trial is starting. paul, you ve got some breaking news about the jury, what just happened that s right. even before opening statements got underway this morning, we already lost a juror now, this juror, we know this is a woman as she said yesterday in court during the jury selection process she is unemployed and overnight she emailed the court to say that she did not want to serve position lives about an hour away and she didn t realize she had to be here every day and didn t want to go through that commute. she also said that the only reason she showed up yesterday, this was her dad took the day off to bring her here. so allison, it does not appear that there is a political or a safety reason for her saying she does not want to serve. but notable, we ve already lost one juror before the trial really gets under ray. of course, there are four alternates. one of them will be selected to feel receipt before opening statements start any minute. now yeah you do have to be there every day. that is that really is what s expected. but thank you very much. we ll see what else today brings fall up next for

Hunter-biden , Statements , Juror , Trial , Jury , Woman , Paul , Delaware , Breaking-news , International-criminal-court , Commute , Reason

America Reports

Crossed illegally while the border is shut down its to make them ineligible for asylum and send them. john: and of course u.s. law does not allow the immediate removal of these people from a third country so we will see how all of that is supposed to work thank you, jackie. sandra: continuing, tell my coverage on fbi directors mike emanuel is there with the latest. hi, send of hearing were christopher wray as is with the appropriations committee those are the money people and couple hill perry won t expect senators would be asking ray about the fbi budget priorities and if enough is being spent to address the crisis at arles border. it will not be a surprise when he appeared before a house panel. does the open-door powerful make your job easier or harder or safer or less safe as a

Arles-border , John-roberts , People , Law , Asylum , Course , Removal , All , Sandra-smith , Country , Mike-emanuel , Coverage