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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20180301 00:00:00

those guys in pennsylvania and west virginia will not help him. the kids are coming to washington in two weeks. maybe a million of them demanding something be done. he can t hide in the white house bunker when kids and teachers say you have to do something. at that 340e789 it, hope hicks, his most loyal person walks. there s a lot there. you ve seen the unraveling of the power structure. veteran republican operatives, seasoned military figures and the family and inner circle. hope hicks, if josh rafael. jared kushner is supposed to carry on our most secret sensitive negotiations? hope hicks leaving, josh leaving. on guns, republican feeling the heat. rick gates turning on him, flynn already turning on him. manafort about to. on guns the republicans are feeling the heat. suburban voters in places like philadelphia want to see gun control.
republicans know the nra gets base voters to come out. they need to show some movement. that s why you saw the president today trying to show movement. he s got to deal with the appalachian wing of his party that doesn t want to do anything about guns. conner lamp is not talking guns. mieke, thank you for joining us. this is a political mess. it s about what is this president going to do in his situation? he s increasingly isolated. for a man who values loyalty, there is no one willing to go down with the ship with the exception of the family. dianne feinstein is 85 and she s sticking it out. this woman is 29 and she s going to spend time with her family? what family. i m sorry. it sounds like the thing you do when you ve been sacked. i ve got to spend more time with my family. everyone is fleeing the ship. they cannot get anyone else to replace them. not only was jared stripped of his clearances, but all these other white house aides.
now they don t have anyone who can do the basic block attack for the white house. as many mistakes as they ve made, expect far more because they don t have anyone who can help him. they always say you don t make new friends at the white house. i m wondering if at the meets anybody who could be the next flack for him. the fifth communications director trying to explain him to the country. he does what he wants to do, and by 7:30 in the morning you have to explain what he meant at 6:30 in the morning when he got the times and started rattling off his thoughts. i m giving you credit. it s a thankless job. the reason why hope hicks is the fifth person to have it in 13, 14 months. it s hard who might want it next. it s not just that she s been in that job. she has been somebody who kind of had a connection to him that few other people had. the people he s been close to e that he came to town with as
he says he s an advisor on foreign policy. if you ask rex tillerson or defense secretary jim mattis, is kushner the senior adviser making these negotiations? no, he s a confidante of the president. the reason he s there and the reason kelly is sensitive about going after him too much is he s family. can they visit on weekends at mar-a-lago? they want to be close to the flame. they re getting a piece of the action. what do you make of this, mieke? i m not a genius. i know the american and world history. nepotism is a problem. the roman negatives didn t do well. going with family members, we see all the time, leads to you lower quality advise ersand outcomes. if they want him to be a good will ambassador, shake some hands and do things purely slolic, they re only in it for the symbolism anyway. he s an official greeter. yeah. maybe ivanka went to the olympics for that reason.
yesterday the post reported officials in the white house were concerned that kushner was naive and being tricked in conversations with foreign leaders. jonathan swan reported the trump family and don junior in particular was angry at the overwhelmingly negative coverage about jared last night and feels general kelly is hanging jared out to dry. is he? you in your sourcing, do you sense or sniff out the possibility that mr. kelly doesn t love mr. jared kushner? i don t think he does. based on my reporting, he says i m the chief of staff. you can be family or you can be employees. if you choose to stay, you re going to be employees. of course, that has caused tensions. you can fully be an employee and still be the president s son-in-law or his daughter. this has created all this tension within the white house. even general kelly with four decades of experience in the military is finding it troubling to try to move forward and make some decisions. there s an irony go ahead. it s not just that this is
some vendetta family versus staff. kushner has huge security vulnerabilities. the reporting we saw that foreign governments are trying to influence him through his business. what did he do wrong that won t allow the fbi to clear him? he s had meetings with foreign people he wasn t disclosing. when you re dishonest with investigators, that s a real red flag. he has foreign businesses that create huge vulnerabilities for leverage from foreign countries that want to get to him. are people like ron dermer and bebe and people like that using this guy as a slight figure they can manipulate? that s what the reporting was. that s what the reporting suggests. the post reported, my colleagues two weeks ago, the fbi is still doing its background investigation on kushner. that s why he s not getting the clearance. they re still doing field work on all his foreign meetings. this is so much march of the second year. then candidate trump hammered
hillary clinton for her handling of classified information. let s watch him in action and what he says about his rivals. we also need the best protection of classified information. hillary s private e-mail scandal which put our classified information into the reach of our enemies disqualifies her from the presidency. this was not just extreme carelessness with classified material. which is still totally disquali disqualifying. this is calculated, deliberate, premeditated misconduct. in my administration, i m going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. okay. peter, so he gets elected president and flips. he starts giving all the classified information to his son-in-law that can t pass muster with the fbi. he s talking about background checks for buying guns but doesn t believe in them for people getting classified information. he s got a real credibility
problem here and it s his family that s causing it. your thinking. > you re right the classified information was a big theme of his in the campaign and the question then becomes, are you living up to the standard you yourself set. what he s doing is still on the attack against hillary clinton. you saw just today in his tweet assailing jeff sessions for not having an investigation into how the obama administration handled the fisa warrant of carter page trying to make sure that the focus is on the democrats as much as he can. it s a tough battle when you re the president of the united states. you re in office right now. it s your conduct and your staff s conduct at issue. right now, of course, jared kushner s in the spotlight. one of the reasons you bring in family on a staff like this because you want somebody you can trust. the downside is it s harder to fire somebody if they mess up. well, he didn t have to fire hope hicks. you know trump as well as any reporter.
how does he operate with all these moving parts, hope splits, his son-in-law is a problem, his daughter he gives her big opportunities. not problem there. the son is don jsh is no help. yet he relies on the people that are no help. who does help him? how does he get through the day and night? how does he do it. how does he do it? at the end of the day based on my experiences over the years was candidate trump and president trump, he s a loner. he relies on staff, hope hicks provided him with media information. he was his own strategist. he saw the republican primaries and said i m going to try to dominate that through the media. i ll do it my way. we keep talking about this staff are coming and going. if you know trump, at the end of the day, it s him alone choosing to be alone, making decisions. and as a reporter, you step back and say that s what i ve always encountered. who does he call up and say i m in trouble here. can you help me. is it tom barak?
he loves working the phone. he s more candid on the phone. sometimes he doesn t want to hear what people have to say. he ll flesh out ideas with them. people will say i spoke to trump last night for 45 minutes. what did you say? he spoke for 44. this is who he is. he s a complicated figure. and people work for him. they re friends with him but no one really controls him or ever has controlled him. i think back to my access hollywood conversation with him. he told me you don t know the life. i ve been through everything, personal problems, political problems, financial problems. and he said it was him alone after access hollywood watching television, watching the crowd outside of trump tower. you think how does he go without hope hicks or steve bannon? it s always about him at the end, not the staff. sinatra. sinatra in the white house. that s what i hear. thank you, peter baker, robert costa and mika, you were great
tonight. come up, as if the chaos inside the white house wasn t enough, trump s feeling heat from two big sources right now. nbc news is reporting tonight the special counsel robert mueller is zeroing in on whether trump knew about that stolen democratic e-mail cache before they were released by wikileaks and reports mueller is he digging into trump s business dealings with russia right now. on the home front, trump s also under pressure on guns. today he seems ready to get behind a bill that strengthens background checks and raising the minimum age to buy an assault rifle. he s got to do something in the wake of the deadly shooting in florida with all the young people coming to washington in march. another stein he s under pressure, he s back at war with jeff sessions. he called him disgraceful today. his own attorney general after the attorney general opened an investigation into surveilance abuse and now sessions is hitting back. finally, i ll finish with trump
watch. he won t like this one. this is hardball where the action is. get to spend more time together get more from your spring break getaway with exclusive hilton offers. book yours, only at i m walkin wow! nshine i m walking on sunshine wow! applebee s handcrafted burgers. any burger just $7.99. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood.
today the country paid tribute to america s pastor, the late reverend billy graham. the leader who counseled presidents more than 60 years was afforded one of the country s greatest distinctions as his body lay in honor at the capitol rotunda. he became only the fourth private citizen to receive that honor, the first since rosa parks in 2005. graham ministered to people from all walks of life from heads of state to every day americans. today he was honored by all of them. it was something to see, that wooden coffin sitting in the capitol rotunda surrounded by all that history. we ll be right back. and tank. and tiny. and this is laura s mobile dog grooming palace. laura can clean up a retriever that rolled in foxtails, but she s not much on articles of organization. articles of what? so, she turned to legalzoom. they helped me out. she means we helped with her llc, trademark, and a lot of other legal stuff that s a part of running a business.
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during the 2016 election. multiple people familiar with the probe tell nbc news robert mueller s team is asking witnesses pointed questions whether donald trump was aware that democratic e-mails had been stolen before that was publicly known and whether he was involved in their strategic release. as the u.s. intelligence community concluded over a year ago, putin himself ordered the operation that ultimately hacked it the accounts of the democratic national committee and that of hillary clinton s campaign chairman john podesta. those e-mails were then disseminated to the public through wikileaks as part of russia s influence campaign to help elect trump over clinton. among his lines of inquiry, mueller is questioning witnesses about the public overture that trump famously made to russia just after the first stolen e-mails were released when trump embraced their efforts and called on the kremlin to find more of clinton s e-mails. did you call on putin to stay out of this election?
i m not going to tell putin what to do. why should i? i will tell you this, russia, if you re listening, i hope you re able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. i think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. ha. ultimately today s reporting makes clear that robert mueller s determined to find out when and how trump learned of the damaging e-mails russia possessed back then. as miriam roca told me on monday, anyone who knew of russia s efforts and advanced their scheme could be implicated in a conspiracy charge. let s watch her. someone within the campaign if they were aware of those efforts and had knowledge of them and took symptom step to further those efforts, the goal of that conspiracy by others, then they could be liable for that conspiracy themselves. i m joined by senator richard
blumen tal, randall eliasson and kath i turco authored that report for nbc news. this is fascinating. let s start with the fact of preknowledge. if the president knew about what the russians were up to in terms of podesta s e-mail, the dnc stuff and knew they were out to help hillary, i m told by miriam and i guess this is common knowledge among prosecutors, if you advance the cause of a criminal activity, a criminal conspiracy, you re a co-conspirator. that is the big question. what did donald trump know and when did he know it. you played the sound bite a moment ago of that news conference from jewel 27, 2017 in the middle of the dplashlg convention. the hacked e-mails from the dnc had just started to come out. donald trump was asked about this. remember, had he taken these friendly positions towards russia and people were wondering why and what would trump say to this? would he tell russia not to meddle in our election.
you heard what he said, russia, if you re listening, i want to see hillary clinton s e-mails. investigators want to know if that call meant meant he knew not just about the hack of the dnc but the hack of the clinton server e-mails, podesta s e-mails which didn t come out till october. how did he know about that if he did? they re also looking into roger stone, one of trump s early campaign advisers. was a staffer on the campaign till august 2015. the campaign said he was fired. roger stone said he quit. investigators want tooid if he continued to be an unofficial part of the campaign and if so, what did he and trump talk about? could have about been some sort of liaison between the two of them and could it have resulted in a back channel potentially with whoever had the hacked stolen e-mails. roger stone in august of 2016 was tweeting how it was going to be john podesta s turn in the
barrel. a month later, the same day as the access hollywood e-mail, those podesta e-mails come out. that would help trump because he was facing so much scrutiny for what he said on that tape. senator, either stone is jeanne dixon, he s a clairvoyant or just knows stuff. how did he know it would be john podesta s turn to get hacked? there was some real facts here that make this timing deeply damning to donald trump. not only the prafgs roger stone but also remember george papadopoulos who has been convicted in his plea agreement it, he acknowledges that he knew in april months before wikileaks actually released the e-mails that they had been stolen by the russians, that they were in fact likely to be released. george papadopoulos is a foreign policy advisor to donald trump. one who wants to ingratiate
himself falling all over himself to make himself more friendly and impressive to the trump campaign. and there s additionally his son donald trump jr. who in a series of messages given to the judiciary committee, now made public, indicates a familiarity with wikileaks and with those stolen e-mails. what did he tell his father and when did that happen? so there is a ladder here of criminal culpability that the special counsel is following pieces of the mosaic are coming together. it is damning and extraordinarily significant. randall, when you re in a losing campaign, you look for hail mary opportunities, something that might change the game. you do. you re desperate. if somebody comes along and says i ve got dirt on your opponent that could break her campaign you know that s what you need to win. now, putting aside whether the russia involvement changes the result of the election, in the middle of last summer of 16,
trump thought he needed somebody 0 change the campaign. it doesn t surprise me he was take dangerous steps and listen to people like roger stone and papadopoulos to get anything he could to change that election around, which i was losing. of course, go ahead. is that a conspiracy if he tried to help the russians? we were told by miriam yes into it all depends what mueller uncovers in terms of the facts. 13 russians who s colluded illegally to influence the election have been charged with conspiracy to defraud the u.s. there s an underlying crime. that same crime applies to americans if they worked with the russian to illegally influence the election. conspiracy is all about proving intent and knowledge. that seems to be what mueller is probing now, what did the president and others now about the russian involvement, hacked e-mail and were they involved. even that public admission, request by the president, will the russians please put out more stuff on hillary, could that be
a crime since it s so obviously open? there s nothing sneaky about that. that doesn t bowl me over. if there was a secret conspiracy going on, the president is unlikely to announce it publicly at a campaign event snuch randall, from the day this russian thing came about, on a positive side, i thought trump may be trying to pull off a grand deal in the middle east, somehow the deal with syria he hasn t said a word against account russians from day one up till recently. not a word against them. everything around the context, the package of his relationship with the russians is good will, don t say a word against a terrible dictator. does that tell you anything what his motives are here? that s definitely part of the entire picture mueller is looking at, circumstantial evidence. trying to put the pieces together. why is he not willing to say anything negative? in that same press conference that you cited where he lauded the russians and asked them to
go find other hacked e-mails he said he would he consider lifting sanctions and recognizing russia s annexation of the ukraine and publicly, as well. to go to your point, i agree that it is not itself a crime to have said that in public. but it is evidence. all of this stuff really counts as very important evidence. a story that broke moments ago, the washington post is reporting that special counsel mueller has been investigating a period of time last summer when this is 17 summer that, trump seemed to determined to drive jeff sessions from his job. that s according to people familiar with the matter who said a key area of interest is whether those efforts were part of a month s long pattern of attempted obstruction of justice. katy it your on this, the president has never gotten over by the decision of the attorney general he put there, jeff sessions to basically pull himself out of the whole question to recuse himself with
the whole question of picking a special counsel, allowing the deputy attorney general to pick one and to set this whole train running toward him, this prosecution by robert mueller. is this all part of that, this effort to try to ruin and force out as part after obstruction effort the attorney general he put in there because he got this thing going, this prosecution? it seems like the anger he has about robert mueller he s taking out on jeff sessions which is why we saw flare ups like we saw today. clearly he is not happy his attorney general is not protecting him. he said as much on television in interviews. he thinks the attorney general should protect him. eric holder in his mind protected president obama. jeff sessions should be protected him, appointing a special counsel and allowing this to continue is not or excuse me, recusing yourself and allowing this to happen is not
protecting donald trump. so he s frustrated. i don t have that piece of the puzzle quite yet on whether the special counsel is asking directly about that line on jeff sessions on obstruction. but i can tell you, chris, that those who have sat for interviews say that it seems like they know what they re doing and they very something pretty concrete pretty clear on donald trump himself. and not just on the obstruction angle but rather on the coordination or collusioning and. yeah, it sounds like they ve got all three vines working including the laundering, too. that red line has been crossed already. i think trump s going to crazy on that. senator richard blumenthal of connecticut, thank you, and randall and katy tur for her reporting. up next, the trump white house is also feeling the heat on another front. guns. trump knows he has to do something or certainly look like he s doing something for the next couple of weeks. this is hardball where the action is. how do you chase what you love
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want us to do about what woulthis president?fathers i m tom steyer, and when those patriots wrote the constitution here in philadelphia, they created the commander in chief to protect us from enemy attack the justice department just indicted 13 russians for an electronic attack on america. so what did this president do? nothing. he s failed his most important responsibility - to protect our country. the question is: why is he still president? cleaning floors with a mop and bucket is a hassle, meaning you probably don t clean as often as you d like. for a quick and convenient clean, try swiffer wetjet. there s no heavy bucket, or mop to wring out, because the absorb and lock technology traps dirt and liquid inside the pad. it s safe to use on all finished surfaces tile, laminate and hardwood.
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that it will no longer carry high capacity magazines and will raise the age limit for gun purchases to 21. and late today, walmart announced too would raise the age limit from 18 to 21. today president trump hosted another discussion on school safety and guns with a bipartisan group of lawmakers pushing both sides to get something done. so as we continue to mourn the loss of so many precious young lives in parkland, florida, we re determined to turn our grief into action. i really believe that. i think that the people at this table want it. i see some folks that don t say nice things about me. and that s okay. because if you turn that into this energy, i ll love you. i don t care. we re going to be able to do it. at times the president seemed willing to go further when it comes to guns. you can buy a handgun. you can t buy one you have to wait till you re 21.
but you can kind account weapon used in the school shooting at 18. it s something you have to think about. if you add concealed carry to this you ll never get it passed. i d rather have you come up with a strong, strong bill and really strong on background checks. but republican leader who have control of the house and senate are reluctant to take on the nra. i m joined by charlie sykes, author and eddie glod, professor at princeton and an msnbc contributor. i had a sense that trump knows he has to do something. he has to do something at least on background checks. even that could be tricky. maybe in raising the age for an assault rifle purchase up to 21. i m worried that isn t going to pass muster with the appalachian guy like toomey and mansion. they didn t look very happy today when the president started to talking about racing the age to buy an assault rifle.
you have to watch some of the video where he talks about his support for grabbing guns without due process. if barack obama had said some of the things trump said, everybody in that room would have had their hair on fire. my advice would be give it a couple days. this reminded me a lot of that immigration meeting where he s sitting around the table talking about an act of love. i will sign whatever you bring up because one of the things that was clear is he wants to do something but he is profoundly ignorant of the policy. i think he s going to find out how deeply engrained the power and the authority of the nra are. so it continues to be. but some of the things that he said there mark a dramatic break with the nra and puts his fellow republicans at a very awkward position which makes me think that again, give it a little time to see whether or not when he goes back in and his staffers say you can t do this and wayne la pierre is on the phone
screaming at him, whether or not you might see the kind of reversal that you saw after that immigration love fest. yeah, i agree. eddie, i get the feeling watching so much of this is about geography. if you represent west virginia, you have to be careful not to break with the rituals like teaching your son or daughter how to use a gun. the fact that joe manchin looked a little easy when the president started to talk about raising the age to buy an assault rifle. right. i think charlie is right. this is classic trump theater. he feels the pressure. he wants to be seen as a man of action. and he s feeling the pressure of those young students down in florida who are pushing the agenda. so i also think that you know, he hasn t quite got his mind around the different constituencies and how difficult this nut will be to crack. and so we ll see once he gets back to the white house whether
or not he s going to flip like did he with the immigration issue. i think we need to take this meeting at face value. we don t know what s coming afterwards. eddie, while you re on, look how he set up the choreography today. he put dianne feinstein, the foremost advocate for limiting sales of assault rifles. she s the one you think of as go to for stopping the sale of assault rifle. two seats to his right, a strong gun control person, chris murphy of connecticut. he seemed like he wanted to what do you call it, not flinch, clinch like a boxer losing a round. he wants to stop the action a little bit and look like he also said i want to have a bill both sides agree with. i m not sure if he doesn t think this is one issue that s going to hit him in the burbs and he better be careful if he looks like the obstacle. if we were dealing with a traditional political actor, that would make sense. i don t know what trump s
political cue lus, how he thinks. i don t know what they are. so it seems to me that it would make sense on the one hand that that choreography that you just described would suggest that he s up to something. but again, i don t know what s going to happen once he gets back to the white house. what s interesting about the room, he s talking about gun violence in america. did you see any block congress members in there? you think about gun violence affecting black communities in this country? there was no one in the room. to give you a sense of who matters in trump s mind. it could be a suburban show, too. it could be about the areas for this 2018 lacks will be decided. you re smart about that. i didn t notice. that s the kind of thing i should have noticed, the absolute lack of diversity in that room. thank you for bringing that up. that s the thing that has to be brought up all the time in any meeting in any political setting in this country the need for diversity. thank you very much. thank you, eddie glaud and
charlie sykes. with the walls closing in, trump is lashing out attacking attorney general sessions over the russia probing his actions, his attorney general s, disgraceful. you re watching hardball. it s what this country is made of. but right now, our bond is fraying. how do we get back to us ? the y fills the gaps. and bridges our divides. donate to your local y today. because where there s a y, there s an us. today, smart planning is helping the new new york rise higher than ever. as the world leader in unmanned aerial systems, we re attracting the world s best talent to central new york. and turning the airport into a first-class transportation hub. all while growing urban areas into vibrant places to live and work.
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that puts ourselves in harm s way, and to have a partner that is so skilled at what they do is indispensable, and i couldn t ask for a better partner. welcome back to hardball. the walls are closing in on the president right now according to the latest reporting from nbc news, trump finds himself under the spotlight of special counsel robert mueller s investigation. one of his most loyal advisers hope hicks is calling it quits today after admitting to investigators yesterday she tells whitize for the president. and trump remains under pressure when it comes to gun control. in the face of forces beyond his control, he s act true to form lashing out at a favorite target believe it or not, attorney general jeff sessions who he picked to be ag. trump asked on twitter, why is jeff sessions asking the inspector general to investigate potentially massive fisa abuse?
isn t the ig an obama guy. why not use justice department lawyers? disgraceful. sessions fought back saying in a statement as long as i am the attorney general, i will continue to discharge my duties with integrity and honor. let s bring in the roundtable. carrie johnson, justice correspondent for npr, beth for nbc news and msnbc, and seth herndon national political reporter for the boston globe. gentlemen and ladies, pick your poison. he s got to do something on guns because the students and teachers are coming at him. he s going to do something about mueller because mueller is getting into his role in working with the russians to get himself elected president. it s getting in close. that s what he s looking at. what else? the guns thing, the mueller thing and hope hicks, the one constant in every picture he has there is she, a young person. a very important person to him. good-bye, i m leaving right now.
maybe she planned it. i said today, dianne feinstein is sticking around at 85 and she s leaving at 29 because he wants to spend more time with her family? i m going to pursue other ambitions when you get fired that s what you say. why is she leaving? this crew, mueller is let s go after sessions. he s still blaming jeff sessions for allowing robert mueller to come at him. that s right. nine months after special counsel robert mueller was appointed, president trump is still upset with his most loyal ally jeff sessions another attack this morning on sessions. disgraceful. the difference is jeff sessions fought back for the first time. he said as long as he s the attorney general, he s going to discharge his duties with honor and integrity. the justice department is going to follow the constitution, not the orders of president trump. he wants his justice department leader to be roy cohn. he wants to be a dirty trickster for him is what he wants.
he s talked about that. jeff sessions is not playing ball. robert mueller is here to stay. it appears jeff sessions is here to stay too even though the president now seems toe desperately want him to quit, sessions says he s not going anywhere for now. neither is robert mueller as he inches closer to president trump. what the hell is going on with hope hicks? they put out a lot of slop today. i shouldn t knock any reporter. they re the best in the business. especially maggie. to put out, she was always planning to leave . no news here. yes, it s news. our network tonight said a shocker. she was up at the house intelligence yesterday admitting she told white lies for her boss. they ve renders her basically ineffective. why did she say that? kennedy said he has a cold and has to go back to the white house. he didn t have a cold. she was saying when he s in
the office i ll say he s not in the office or he can see a visitor when he probably could, he doesn t want to. sorry, when the word is out of your mouth, white lies you re no longer effective. i know she s a very loved at the white house, very loved by trump and his family. how effective has she been? trump is his own communications adviser. is she there when he s up at 6:30 in the morning choosing what target to tweet when he tweeted at sessions and called him a disgray? by the way, right at the same time that paul manafort was arriving at district court to be arraigned. it was a bad morning for communications by president trump. waiting for him to roll. let s talk about guns. i keep thinking of when the doug boys arrived in world war i, the situation change and germany was going to lose and the brits and french were going to win. this new force of students and teachers are so credible, when they go on television, everybody stops and listens. and they give a sense of credibility to the gun control
issue and the sense of raw emotion. we know these are kids who just went through that. you can see in this meeting today that trump at least believes that he can believes rhetorically take on the nra. he s at least saying at least to republican senators you know, you are too scared of the nra. it s time to take them on. that s the truth. who knows. by the way, that s not a white lie to say they re afraid of the nra. we re going to stick around. roundtable is sticking with us. you re watching hardball. ncomb from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don t. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase.
we ll be back with the hardball roundtable. back after this. even a red-hot mascot. [mascot] hey-oooo! whoop, whoop! [crowd 1] hey, you re on fire! [mascot] you bet i am! [crowd 2] dude, you re on fire! [mascot] oh, yeah! [crowd 3] no, you re on fire! look behind you. [mascot] i m cool. i m cool. [burke] that s one way to fire up the crowd. but we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
.again and again and maybe just one more time. indulge in irresistible freshness. febreze unstopables. breathe happy. we re back with the hardball roundtable. kerry, tell me something i don t know. since the terrible shooting that killed 17 people at the high school, some disreputable companies have been markeding backpacks saying they re bullet proof. the justice department came out today and said the doj doesn t test anything other than body armor for police. any marketing you see about these being bullet proof, don t believe it unless it s coming from a reputable source. that s disturbing. chris. hope hicks served 168 days as white house communicates director. anthony scaramucci served ten. by my calculations she has served 16.8 scaramuccis. she s got the record. fun fact for the last day of black history month. good for you. this is a white house that
has no african-americans among the top lanks of the commissioned officers. our reporting says that s the first administration since omarosa left. you mean top people. among their top ranks of commissioned officers. first time it s happened in a long time. thank you. we ll be right back. i ll be right back. -ahh. -the new guy. -whoa, he looks -he looks exactly like me. -no. -separated at birth much? we should switch name tags, and no one would know who was who. jamie, you seriously think you look like him? uh, i m pretty good with comparisons. like how progressive helps people save money by comparing rates, even if we re not the lowest. even if we re not the lowest. whoa! wow. i mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. look at us. wow. i mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste.
want us to do about what woulthis president?fathers i m tom steyer, and when those patriots wrote the constitution here in philadelphia, they created the commander in chief to protect us from enemy attack the justice department just indicted 13 russians for an electronic attack on america. so what did this president do? nothing. he s failed his most important responsibility - to protect our country. the question is: why is he still president?
going to do something about guns, nothing great. just something. the reason he s taking action is that group of students and teachers from parkland, florida insys he do it. the game-changers, forces for action donald trump want becoming his enemies especially when they arrive for the big rally in the nation s capital of washington, d.c. on march 24th. these students and teachers are tilting the country toward action. doing nothing is not an option for the president. trump doesn t want to get ahead of those in congress. he wants the lawmakers to take the lead. he had dianne feinstein sitting right next to him today, the lawmaker most associated with banning assault rifles like the ar-15. he knows no bill will pass muster that fails to deal with that, the availability of easy to use mass killers. today trump showed himself eager to get action going on guns. he was carrying on a lively respectful, actually respectful conversation with chris murphy from connecticut. one of those wayne lapierre yea

Tell-me-something , White-house , Kids , Teachers , Guys , Washington , Pennsylvania , West-virginia , Two , A-million , Hope-hicks , Lot

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - The Quiet Death Of The Lions 20180519 02:30:00

game hunting in some areas the lions can no longer find enough to eat because their natural trait is also targeted by poachers. we come from europe so we like lions but that s easy for us to say because lions don t produce any direct threat to us but here it s not simply a matter of telling people to live in harmony with lions because they re only dangerous species you really have to help them find ways to better coexist with lions and that s what we re trying to do. conflict some not uncommon in july and phillip are responding to an emergency call for a cow was attacked by predators near a mass i village the livestock is valuable so the villages are understandably upset . aware of how research the mochas call in galle are mama simba the mother of the line. there.
she takes a look at the injured animal there s a nasty wound on its side the company survive because the pharma succeeded in driving away the attackers. in a level what i say here forever so we re told it was a lie and. the scow they are writing the problem. they probably made it should be ripped us punched michelle killing response to keep our lips was one of england s colleagues tends to the wound in order to save the young how it is hoped that free treatment like this will encourage the villages to become more tolerant of the lions but that requires patience. when they re angry they. claim that all the lions are my lions you know kind of resolve it here and now this is not the place for it but we re going to be here we re going to be kind and polite and. all get opportunities to talk them. out
in order to help curb the amount of conflict between the muscle and the lions in guillot wants to know more about the animals. that s why she s fitted some with collars that transmit their whereabouts to her computer via satellite techniques such as g.p.s. one nine s is currently sending signals from the middle of my country. just download the data here. and among the callers one is on my own with that i m female that i may get getting a bit worried about because i haven t received positions for for some time for her . to maybe check that s check on her we ve meant pattered where she said. the data provides very reliable information about when the lioness
was where. i don t but it s not possible to determine what she did there and whether she was alone or with others. a male member of the pride was killed right where now you know me is holed up that has worried she has no idea how the rest of the pride is doing. her and her adult daughter they had cubs earlier all last year. a way of saying that while some locations a couple of months back but now it s been a good while a source says wallace to see. so that s all say i d like to see she s still with the cubs. phillip and are out looking for the lions they are not so easy to find because england s research study area is around two thousand square kilometers in size how
many lions are there the research is hope the photo traps will help them find out. it s not common to find traces of lions here a dried out pile of dung is reason enough to set up a camera the photo traps provided by the conservation organization had zero are useful for gathering evidence of animals that would otherwise not be seen. in. this photo trap has been monitoring activity near a watering hole for some time a few animals venture out in the light of day like this but boone. it s only under cover of darkness the most dead to come out of hiding. and then giraffes appear. mongooses.
buffalo and small wildcats like this silva. there may be a wide variety of species here but never more than a few of each and their timid might there be a line to. the. indeed they are. or what you left so that s pretty exciting it was clear to large lines triggered the photo trap right in the heart of mass i can treat when lions are spotted here they are usually from the nearby serengeti it s one of the few protected areas in africa with a healthy law and population has plenty of natural prey that just as they used to be in large parts of africa.
was. the serengeti is home to around three thousand lions when young males reach the age of two or three they leave the pride and set off in search of their own territories in doing so they often leave the safety of the national park and pass through mass territory. men like roman lady leah are employed to make sure that they don t get killed along the way he s one of several local people who are helping in gala protect the lines. in dallas been living in tanzania since two thousand and six she s fluent in swahili having learnt it over the course of how many years here. they are going to go out of life they were very i think when he was ill. at. eighteen months and now work for england they enter steady salary that s part funded by now blue germany s
nature and biodiversity conservation union formally the men made a living selling cattle or doing our jobs and getting my life is definitely changed i can support my family with the money i earn i ve got my driving license and i ve learned a lot about technology such as g.p.s. and man monitoring out of audio in. the masses are traditionally livestock farmers that s why roman used to feel very differently about lions. tell me yours i ve killed three lions the first time i used a spear but i use another one on the other tree in a way that you have to hold a. muzzle i won t use who ve killed lions are regarded highly in their community. but that s also why they are very helpful to engage in her work. and they know them very well. and lots of the tracking skills comes from hunting the.
marlins. appreciates the worry is kills when it comes to finding lions but also their social standing because they have great influence on their clans you can convince something. i cannot. they re the best ones to their other family members and neighbors to take all of. the money roman has done a lot of lobbying on behalf of the alliance he s also gone from being a lion hunter to a line protect. there was a time when it felt good to kill a lime but i would not do it again the job i have now is far more satisfying than i m going to end up and as a. people and their herds have greatly altered the african wilderness and it s not easy for lines to adjust iommi to his suffering and dylan s team are still hoping
the transmitter will help them locate or. they still don t know how she and the rest of the pride of fairing using an antenna the messiah has managed to find naomi signal can be heard. she s somewhere deep in the bush i think that we ll have to try tomorrow morning. to call them up earlier so we can t we can t get in to see her she s lying out in a very sheltered area which is clever to stay away from from. conflict so. the research is won t venture into the lion s den that would be too dangerous. the next morning they are back to try again this time they even listed the aid of a giraffe carcass. past.
the arm the guest in the after we lost track of them yesterday we found a dead giraffe in the thicket because we can have a few bits to lure them out it might give us a chance to catch sight of her with her young but you re wrong too on the clean. but the meat is not enough to draw the lines out of hiding the researches use another trick they play sounds that. well attract the predators attention they begin with the cries of a buffalo calls looking for its mother for the lions that s a sign of easy prey. it s not long before the first interested parties appear. next in gala and phillip road const the laughter of hyenas. they hope this will bring the lions out of their land since lines enjoy snatching food from their
smaller competitors i. was. was. the hyenas all around the lions remain in hiding what i was predicting as the sun climbs higher in the sky philip and decide to stop for now but they planned to give it one more try so they take the bait with them nothing would be left if the hyenas were to get it. no sooner have philip and driven off than the herders arrived with their livestock around two hundred and fifty thousand cattle sheep and goats all scavenging for food in the area the land is being ravaged as a result of over grazing.
from before herds were brought in the region was home to around a thousand lines. today philip and in gila estimate there are around fifty mean. year. so what we can see here is an extreme case there are far too many cattle here so there s almost no natural vegetation left. wild ungulates in this area struggling to survive the few lines that still live almost have no other choice but we ll catch a. fish from the not so and. livestock attempted attacks happens maybe not for nigh on me on a daily basis but if you times per week i can imagine there is something where seventy take a percentage. of what you say came. to me with such a large number of cattle there are always
a few stragglers the lions pick off under cover of darkness they wouldn t survive otherwise. lie on me and i only moved on during the night that s why we have to try again now this is my only take ten with a bit of luck will get it this time thing. the dead is back in place and once again the sound of the last buffalo calf fills. move. a shadow appears near the dent jurong but it s another hyena. but then in the darkness the shape of other animals it s her naomi and she s not
alone at first only the experience lioness inspects the dead animal she s the one wearing the transmitter collar. the. grown daughter also appears with her young they re easily startled. week. finally the cubs dared to approach the carcass to eat. apprehensive that they disappear at the slightest hint of danger.
several attempts are required before curiosity finally wins out. only once to drag the meaty mosel out of the headlights and into the darkness but it s been safely secured and phillip are relieved the cubs are not any alive they also look healthy state. there are several males among them that s good news because they could help repopulate abandoned areas since male lions often roam over great distances there are four lion cubs feasting on the giraffe they ve been spared the fate of their father who was killed one of the cubs seems to prefer the wire attached to the bait
to the meat itself a sure sign that he is not hungry. but the lions a jumping. older daughter is startled by her own cubs playing in the tree. the young seem more care. free than the mature lionesses. naomi finally manages to pull the giraffe a few meters into the safety of done us. not only is a fantastic mother during the day my side were here with sounds of cattle and
nobody sense their presence. when we started the play back when the giraffe was already light out we heard the radio signal she was close but she didn t come out until it was dark in the halls of congress and. she s very careful and that can be seen in her movements to the slightest noise she left again. like gives us hope that the young will make it despite the large number of people and cattleman s because they got my only looking after them was called. the office result only lines like naomi can survive in a world dominated by humans there s less cautious are long dead but ideal habitats like the anger on google crater will only be accessible to roving animals if safe corridos a set up between protected areas because lions need space but what does that mean for own minds in africa will this soon just be a few isolated populations like the one in the crater populations that are well
protected but suffer as a result of inbreeding i think if the trend has been for for a long time that the lander scatting fragmented and protected areas of becoming more and more isolated from other protected areas i think that the crater is kind of a schoolbook example of what s happening in many men. the areas not only in africa but across the world that manderson if we want to have lines in africa or in fifty or one hundred years time then western countries have to help by offering financial support they have to say ok we want to protect these animals so we will help you find a way of co-existing with them. the king of the beasts faces difficult times. and he can t overcome them on his own.
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Finding-lions , Areas , Lions , Southeast-europe , Trait , Poachers , People , Species , Ways , Threat , Matter , Harmony

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180512 02:00:00

i don t know. he doesn t seem to have core convicts or beliefs beyond whatever donald trump decided they are. he s striking this balance, trying to be the man that will inherit the mantle of trump. there are two vice presidents. those accused of being out for themselves that they are not serving the president who picked them and those accused of being slavishly loyal lap dogs. mike pence decided to be the latter. he is a titanic fraud. he s the most of all the cultists in the cabinet. we have never seen such slobberingebering in this countn we do with mike pence. laura: consider the source, my friend. is pence really the worst person
in government? why are the pence haters lashing out now? it s interesting. let s ask mark lotter, and democratic party activist, chris han. mark, let s go to you. i have known mike pence when he was in congress. i found that from george will really sad. he s had an unbelievable career as one of the premier columnists, writers in the united states, he doesn t like donald trump, that s fine. but i thought it was filled with such low blows. i wasn t even angry about it. i was sad about it. in 1986 he wrote a column called then vice president george bush a lap dog. he would go on to be a transformational president. he has a problem with vice
presidents who serve presidents of the united states. to get to use a baseball term i know george would like, the best players in the world miss seven out of ten times. he struck out in the dirt. laura: there were overtones in this column. he was picked up by media figures. he talks about how he genuflex at the alter. it seemed condescending about mike pence s face, questioning his face, you are not a real question. he didn t write that. you can read between the lines. i like george will. a lot of people don t like him. i have known him for a long time. it pains me to say this, but i thought the column was beneath him and filled with low blows
and not at all in any way illustrative of the man who mike pence is. he s a wonderful person and i think a very effective vice president. the column got picked up broadly because the vice president decided to plagiarize richard nixon. while i do think the tone was harsh, it s not like george will said his opinion doesn t matter because he s about to die, which is something that s been said inside the white house these days. we got to back off on this is such a bad thing. the vice president is the boot-liquor in chief in this administration. he praises the president, he kisses his butt. what s sad, in to 20 this president will drop him from the ticket because this president cares about ratings. who he picks at the convention will be the biggest ratings night of that week. mr. pence, you might want to stand up to this president
because he s not going to stand by you in the end. laura: were you concerned about vice president biden taking on obama? i m trying to remember, wait, he never did. when did vice president biden take on obama for crewing up the healthcare website, for hounding people who applied for irs status. when did biden come out and challenge obama s abuse of power? never. why go after mike pence. you didn t criticize biden because his role is to support the president of the united states. why is mike pence being attacked? it s about pride and eve go of these never-trump writers. they can t admit the aagain
today is the most conservative agenda. mike pence, a man with a 99% voting record, i don t know what he ever got wrong, but he got one thing wrong, one time, in all the time in congress, you get attacked by these people because they think we are deplorable. they don t think we have any moral standing to make the case that what donald trump is doing is the right thing. laura: when hillary talked about the basket of deplorables. george will, in this moment, has more in common with their view of middle america from where mike pence came than he does with the conservative voters across america who said we are fed up with these parties, we are going to take somebody who takes a wrecking ball. it s unbecoming.
numbers on trump on what pence is doing. i think george will had a feeling about mike pence based on what happened in arizona when he went out there. a lot of people have reason to think joe is somebody who not be touted by the vice president or the president. he disobeyed a court order what he did was racist. so i think george will sees that. this is not the republican party, this is not the conservative movement he grew up with. he would like to see mike pence be the backbone to conservativism. mike pence has been a conservative all his life. so if he s becoming more like donald trump, then conservatives will have a problem with that. that s what he was lashing out about it. you want people to talk about it, you better say some crazy things. you are going good.
all i would say this, do we want to win or do we not want to win? if the president talked about winning. conservatives are getting more done. we are in a window laura: azar is going to be big. he clerked with me. he could have been a cabinet secretary. he s doing this because we got to get this prescription drug stuff, this has to be tackled. he will do a lot more. these hold on, chris. these are people of real substance who are doing really hard work. i think it really urks people. when steve schmidt, because he ran a great campaign with
pailen. we have listened to this guy for many years on his moral high horse. assaulting the dignity of guy people, across the board. his moral preening is famous throughout the land. laura: he just swore in a guy american to be a new ambassador to germany. so if you are a faithful christian as he is, he s, by nature homophobic. you can t disagree. it s a litany. he panders to people who are homophobic. i think this is a great thing for the country, the administration and america. look at the timing. if you look at the polls, it s the right track, wrong track,
improving. trumps numbers get better. you know the only place he s weak? foreign affairs. what the democrats are seeing is this big blue wave is starting to go away. laura: chris, i want to play a byte from nicole wallace. why can t you say if he says that, she will be fired. laura: how do you resist the temptation to run up and ring her neck? she said it s getting to her, used poorly chosen word. for that i m sorry. they are talking about the comment made by stadler.
it was made in private. well, hold on a minute, guys. you know, look, matt, matt, nicole apologized, the white house should apologize about the american hero. i don t know why? john mccain, i don t agree with john mccain on a lot of things, he is a hero. you don t know what happened in a private meeting. none of us knows. they admitted it. i think john mccain deserves his peace and quiet. but he still has a voting record. it s okay to talk about it and okay to talk about him opposing the president s nominee. laura: you know what john mccain said? matt, so much rhetoric that needs to calm down, it start at
to say that was unfortunate, we apologize. they are going through a trying time. call them. let s not try she called megan mccain. sarah needs to say something from the podium. we have policy disagreements with msnbc. he calls the president and acts like he has the moral high ground. same thing for nicole and these people who attack all of us republican whose stand with the president. it s different when it comes from the white house. you used to work there. my wife works there, and i don t think you should smudge the characters. i m not. they are smudging their own characters. laura: mocking people s face, if it were done against ani an
islamic individual, mike pence has been mocked repeatedly by the popular culture that are fans and fanatics of the left. it s been tolerated, it s a wink and nod. they think christians are stupid. anyone who supports trump is an idiot. i think it s backfiring. so the left is going to try their at a tick. we are out of time, coming up, the angle dives into one of the most under-reportereported stor. it s a scandal about race and the media barely reports on. and save 25% on camelbak hydration packs.
the white house chief of staff told mpr: the vast majority of people that move into the united states are not criminal. but they are also not people that would easily assimilate into the united states. they are rural people in the countries they come from, 4th, 5th, 6th grade educations. they are coming here for a reason. but the laws are the laws. laura: malcolm nance said disgraceful. he would have been kicked out of the u.s. marine corps fractionally the same. the daughter of mexican immigrants, john kelley s words were ignorance. what do you say, that is his view on immigration? you see that throughout the
entire administration. to only call for those with certain backgrounds is a really narrow way of understanding how immigrants have helped to build our country. laura: attempts to brand the trump administration as racist. as the weather armed in april, 84 people were shot and nine were killed over a 7 day period in chicago. so where is the nonstop media coverage of that? crickets. racism going on in the chicago in his latest column in news week, also civil rights attorney and forest cooper, the cochair of project 21. i want to go to lee. you wrote this piece in news week. the numbers out of chicago in a short period of time, so sad, so depressing, reminiscent of the wave of shootings and murders
last year. almost no discussion of this as we obsess on a comment that john kelley made on npr. 84 shot in one week, laura, it s parkland every week in chicago. there is no media coverage. it turns out that when young black men and women die in chicago, the press only comes out if they are murdered or killed by people wearing blue uniforms. this is carnage in the streets of our inner cities. we know what the real problem is. it s not guns. there is gun role, it s not ar-15s, not the nra. we know that where there are no fathers and lots of guns, there is lots of crime. where there are lots of fathers and lots of guns, no one will
talk about it. the fact that the press won t cover black on black crime is a crime in itself. laura: leo, john kelley gets last rated for comments that are factually true from the research survey, looking at the education levels, poverty levels of illegal immigrants as compared to native born population. the numbers are devastating. address some of the points about the graduation rates and so forth. leo, your reaction? i m embarrassed. my mother had an 8th grade education. even though she wasn t educated, i m able to be a civil rights attorney. john kelley has irish ancestry. this country brought over irish who were criminals, uneducated
and had allegiance to the catholic church. he has the audacity to challenge people who are not educated? my mother, 8th grade education. it s not high smart you are, it s what you do with that opportunity. let me be clear. there is a guy in the white house who said, please play the tape, laura, hey, to detroit and all the african-american community, give me a chance. okay, what have you done for the community, you went into the community during election 17 months ago and said the democrats haven t done anything, give me a chance. what have you done, answer that for me. please? laura: first of all, calm down. what he s done, he s actually done something called improve economic conditions across the board, which is why his numbers, even among african-americans where he has a lot of work to do, his numbers among
african-american males are improving. i would assume jobs and wages are important to all people. white, brown, black, asian. he s trying to stop illegal immigration which hurts the people trying to enter the work force for the first time. that s a good thing for all americans, but especially for african-americans. go ahead. absolutely. first of all, we are talking about the 21st century economic environment, not an 18th century, 19th century. you could get off the boat, not know the language, not have any marketable skills and still succeed. today we are already seeing this. all you got to look and see is who came in the 1990s. their children are not doing nearly as well, i m talking about immigrants, are not doing
nearly as well as what we saw in the 1920s, 1930s, all the way up to the 1960s. we are marginalizing these people by encouraging them to come when they don t have the skills. laura: let me set the facts in place that indicate that john kelley is right. he said we want people to come into the country, we want people to be part of the american ideal and experience, that is our country, it s welcoming people in. but there are facts we have to confront. here are a few of them. 61% of illegal immigrants live in or near poverty compared to 31% of natives and their children. 62% of households headed by illegal immigrants, access some form of cash or non-catch welfare, 22% on food stamps, 51% on medicaid. they lack healthcare. the reason why that s important,
is it becomes another pressure point for those who need the access to those services in the united states. the poor, the marginalized. what happened to the american dream? laura: the american dream is harder to achieve if we have open borders and lawlessness. it s harder on people to achiev. leo, you can close it out. lee, this is always the case, people say what about the american dream. we have a lot of people in america who can t reach the american dream. fatherlessness. crime is another aspect. ms 13 have thrived in this open borders atmosphere. go ahead. we get to decide who comes here and when and what skill sets are determined to come here. it s america that decides, it s for its own people. americans don t have problems with immigrants. we are sick of this, legal and
illegal immigration. we have to have legal immigration. it s best for the immigrants themselves. my parents come from lebanon and sicily. they were taken and chosen because of their skill sets, ideas and what they can contribute to the united states, were picked for a reason, they wait years to come here. they thought it was unfair that people can cut to the front of the line and decide for themselves when they would come here and why. laura: leo real quick. it s a code for racism. we don t want you, you are not educated enough. that s the code. laura: leo, you have to come up with a new argument. they aren t working. latinos call into my radio show from l.a., san diego, oakland, texas, they are legal immigrants, they happen to be
latino americans and they say this has to stop. this is not how we came into this country and it s unfair and hurting our neighborhoods and our jobs and our environment. that s from them. we are out of time. i love you all. i love leo, i love leo s passion. he s the best. i m sorry. i will be on radio, we ll do this longer segment. maxine waters going on a tirade. legos. carfax. start your used car search at the all-new
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sweating, confusion, and headache. check your blood sugar. low blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn t be changed without asking your prescriber. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your health care provider if you re tresiba® ready. covered by most insurance and medicare plans. tresiba® ready laura: welcome back. time for, we need a thing, friday follies. we need a thing. we start with a chairman of starbucks announcing a new bathroom policy for all its stores. what could possibly go wrong? here to explain it raymond
arroyo. remember those two african-american men, now he has announced a new policy. we don t want to become a public bathroom, but we are going to make the right decision a hundred percent of the time and give people the key. we don t want anyone to feel as if we are not giving access to you to the bathroom because our less than. we want you to be more than. laura: let me get it straight. when you go running on the mall, you get the drinking fountains, when i was training for the marathon years ago, people would be cleaning their socks. so you were desperate for water. then you see someone cleaning their socks. you don t want to drink when the
socks are rung out. we are not going to be a public bathroom, but you are. you are giving the keys to everybody. i have spoken to starbucks managers. they say it s a health nuisance. they have to go with the hazmat outfits to clean out these things. they clean articles and clean themselves. you attract the homeless and drive away. laura: time to go to pete s. rather than having this 8,000 store unconscious bias training at the end of may, the better is put public stalls, then you could call that unconscious common sense. laura: i just like what he said, we don t want you to feel like you are less than. we want you to be more than. that s a deep thought. we got mad maxine.
maxine waters, we have to play, she was upset about this is an obama era, anti-racism thing for car dealerships. the republicans repealed it, she went on a tear. we are trying to make sure we are making america great every day and every way. the best way to do that is stop talking about discrimination and start talking about the nation. we are coming together in spite of what you say. mr. kelley please do not leave, i want you to know i am more offended than you will ever be. this business about making america great again, it is your president that s dividing this country. i recent the mark about making america great again, he s making a speech for this dishonnable president of the united states of america. i reserve the balance of my time. i do not yield, not one second to you. not one second to you.
laura: i love it. i m not yielding a sec t seco you. laura: it s the bag. i wish she would get engaged and collaborate. she agrees on some issue. work with them. flood insurance, healthcare. she can find things. laura: that little act, that was dishonorable. that was lame. house rules. laura: we got racist legos. megan markle, they have created a lego, they are saying it s racist. she has the same skin tone as prince harry. i studied and found people saying the incredible hulk was lime green in his lego depiction. he s lime green and in the movie
he s dark green. we need to be consistent. lego has been charged with racism in the past. there was a job play set. he smoked a huka and that was a problem. so they werso they recalled tha. they are doing a fox set of play sets. the ingraham angle is it. this is from the collection. we ll put it up on the screen. this is you and i. just look. why do i have orange hair and you have big ears? i look like trump. i m upset about these depicks because my ears look nothing like that. you are a little lighter. i m finding that. there is inherent bias and
implicit bias against natural blondes. i take back the balance of my time. laura: i m not using. not a minute to you. laura: out. thanks, raymond. you know the more trump succeeds, the more media complained. this was a staged production meant for television, meant for the cameras. laura: she would know staged. we are going to expose the total hypocrisy, just one minute.
it s about donald trump, about the ratings. how long will it be before these images are turned around. donald trump is a former reality producer. this was a staged production meant for television, meant for the cameras. laura: maybe she s having amnesia. just four years ago president obama staged a photo op announcing the army. obama traded five terrorists who pled guilty to desertion. right from the beginning, obama, when he was nominated, he went to that invesco field speech in denver. they brought in the roman
columns. he was good at stage production. here we have trump at 3:00 in the morning going to greet the hostages and everybody is having a meltdown. the president went out to give them a hero s welcome. some have to minimize it. it becomes another anti-trump story. he didn t show enough empathy, he didn t bite his lower lip and feel their pain. same thing when he went to visit the hurricane victims. laura: leslie, here s a yahoo! headline. trump cheapens north korea hostage return. he made an off-hand comment about we ll get ratings at 3 in the morning. that s trump. he s not making it about himself
getting ratings. this compared to bill clinton in 2009, here s headlines, release of journalists, both clintons had key roles. bill clinton and journalists, emotional return to the u.s., august 5, 2009 when he got prisoners released from north korea. the double standard, whether you are a republican or diplomat, have some fairness. i have to say, i am a democrat who loves to attack the president every chance i get. but this one should be about these three men released, it should not be about politics. i didn t think and i know lefties get mad at me, i didn t think it was about the president. what bothered me when he gave credit to kim jong un. these men were imprisoned, they were in the dark, they were not allowed to go outside, not given proper food or water or medical
attention. that was the thing that bothered me the moment and the comments about the ratings. it is trump. we hope day after day, he will become more presidential and forget the size of cloud. there is a little inconsistency. when he was attacking little rocket man, he was denounced as crazy. yes, he s saying things about him because he s going to meet him and try to negotiate and try to negotiate a nuclear disarmament. a lot of things he does is controversial. bringing home american hostages, that s not controversial. laura: nobody thinks the president believes kim jong un is a nice guy. he says chuck schumer and i are pauls. pals. this is part of the art of the deal. he knows when he goes to
singapore on june 12, this is a dicey deal, no one trusts them, we have had a long history of them going back on their agreements. he goes in with eyes wide open. i think it s very, very important for all the americans who are watching the show tonight to remember how the press treat democrats when they have some good news for the country versus how they treat this president, he s had multiple successes and the coverage is not anywhere near balanced. before we let you go, do you think the american people are tuning out a lot of this given that the numbers are going up for trump? what. laura: the bias, treating the press like they are irrelevant. they have concluded this president is never going to get a fair shake from the media. laura: thank you, both. it may be the one question the
media is not asking about stormy daniels. we ll find out who is bank rolling this man. next. save big during the go outdoors event and sale at bass pro shops and cabela s. like bass pro or cabela s flag t-shirts for only $5. an igloo 48 qt. cooler for under $20. and save 25% on camelbak hydration packs.
to president clinton. do you think this article was going to take off. he s mad at you, avenatti. he s never challenged, did he get these bank record. is he a lawyer or political operative? no lawyer goes on 108 appearances. that s not serving his client. laura: this is what he said. too bad mark penn didn t do any research. had he bothered to review google or this seed, he would know who is paying him, we did nothing, raid of the financial info, true in bosta. he surfaces on march 7, which means he surfaced with a
lawsuit, he arranged to represent her sometime earlier. he was asked questions about being paid. it s not until march 15 he shows up with this internet gig. he raised $470,000. who originally paid for him. who paid and what operation gathered these kind of documents. laura: the banking records of michael cohn. it is criminal to release those records. they are obviously, any of us have those records, how he got them, we do not know, he hasn t revealed that. he s very loquacious, but he hasn t revealed that. the inspector is anxious to know and the treasury department. it s odd because you would think that stormy s first lawyer advised her not to break her confidentiality agreement, he says break t break the deal and then sue that the deal is
improper. the first lawyer is no. i wouldn t advice a client to break a deal. but it got him a lot of publicity. what lawyer would do that? do you think she s road kill for him? i don t know if he indemnified her. he did advise her. it s not just the inspector general. no judge is going to accept something like that without knowing where they came from and how he got to it. i think we are going to get to the bottom. laura: do you think for the democratic party, this aspect of this smaller off-shoot in the district of new york, is it working? cohn is cohn, who knows what they are going to mind about michael cohn. but with the president and democrats, they want to unseat
trump. they want to get. out, resist him, stop his policies. they would like to beat him by removing him or beat him. is this working? you have been around this town for a long, long time. i spent a year fighting ken star. i don t want to see a reverse repeat of 1998. this is backfiring, i don t know whether they are paying for it behind the scenes. i don t want them to. since stormy daniels and michael avenatti have appeared on the scene, the ratings have gone through the roof. you got to get him off the air, he s not talking about the real issues that people vote on. he s distracting the country. it s a circus. laura: mark penn, come back soon. we ll be back to close out the week. you don t want to miss it. some advisers have hidden and layered fees.
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don t use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes, or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don t take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, you re allergic to trulicity, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your low blood sugar risk. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and decreased appetite. these can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. to help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. laura: that s all the time we have tonight. tune in monday night. we have a story that might change the course of the mueller

Trump , Man , Balance , Core-convicts , I-dont-know , Beliefs , President , Vice-presidents , Mantle , Two , Mike-pence , Most

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner 20180730 17:00:00

harris: john roberts now on the north lawn. great to see you and healthy, sir. let s start off with the last hour of television with rudy guliani and we can catch everybody up quickly. he said some things twice in interviews on this network today that seemed to show a shift. i want to get your terminology for what we first heard and now what we just heard. good to be back, by the way, harris. good to see you. we ve been talking to guliani and his outside team for weeks. i developed some information that while there s discussions going on between the president s outside attorneys and robert mueller, that those talks don t seem to be going anywhere and the greater likelihood is that very soon, because a decision is about to be made, i m told maybe within the next week or two weeks that the president and his legal team will tell robert mueller no, we re not going to
sit down for an interview. there seems to be a growing consensus among the president s legal team on that ultimately as rudy guliani reported no, don t do it. the reasons are many fold. the president s attorneys don t believe that robert mueller has made a compelling case as to why he needs to interview the president and given all the news recently about how the mueller investigated was initiated, there s no desire on the part of the president s legal team to have him sit down in what could be a perjury trap. as you mentioned at the top, the president revving up his attacks on mueller and the investigation a flurry of tweet saying is robert mueller ever going to release his conflict of interest with respect to president trump, including fact that we had a nasty an contentious business relationship? i turned him down to head the fbi one day before his appointment to special counsel and comey is his personal
friend? why is he appointing only angry dems? why isn t mueller looking at the criminal activity and real russian collusion on the democrat side, the podesta dossier? at the same time, the president is trying a tried and true tactic about his former personal attorney, michael cohen. we have the news that rudy guliani was talking about regarding the recording, possibly one other recording what they re doing is shredding cohen s credibility so anything he says or tells robert mueller, if he does an interview with him is suspect. guliani also suggesting that cohen s taping of the president and other people shows an absolute lack of ethics, going so far to call him on fox and friends this morning a scoundrel. listen here. there s numeral recordings of other people having to do with
trump, the trump organization. to give you an idea what a scoundrel he was. i didn t know this about him. up until a month ago, two months ago, i said nice things about him. my opinion turned on a dime when i found out he s a lawyer recording his client. that s a disbarable offense. harris, on the mueller interview, when the president s attorneys tell mueller no, there will not be an interview with the president, mueller could issue a subpoena to try to compel the president to sit down and testify. the president s outside attorneys are confident that mueller won t pull that rabbit out of his hat. harris: and what rudy guliani described on outnumbered more than once, michael cohen is a scoundrel, what he said is there s 183 unique recordings. of them, there s about 12 that are on point with certain issues and topics and legalities. he pointed out there s a
ask the president during the press conference. one of the questions will be, can you say here and now can you say you will not sit down with robert mueller. stay tuned. harris: absolutely. if you get anything, come back. we ll make room for you always. glad to see you. thank you. good to be here. harris: my first guest, hans is a senior legal fellow at the heritage foundation and former doj official. a handy guy to have along on a day like this. were you able to watch rudy guliani in the last hour with the team of outnumbered ? yeah, i had you on. i always watch you in my lunch hour. harris: thank you. let s start with you can of an idea of a definition for collusion. rudy guliani wanted to clear the record, he wanted to get correction on live with us on outnumbered. he absolutely believes there s no evidence that the president had any collusion with russia or his campaign team. if there were any collusion
Interviews with newsmakers and roundtable discussions cover the top news stories of the day.
in this, what are you looking for legally to move forward? there s been some talk on outnumbered whether the investigation is ramping up, heating up, cooling down. rudy guliani says it has a natural feeling of an ending. look, after 1 1/2 years and the tens of millions of dollars they ve spent, they pretty much talked right to everybody they could have talked to and interviewed that might have known something about this. like i said, so far no evidence of any kind of collusion. so unless there s some kind of surprise witness that we don t know about with solid evidence, it would seem like they re coming to the end of their investigation. harris: hans, it was a moment of levity when rudy guliani said we hear on your air that it would be a bad idea for the
five on previous interviews which it seems like rudy guliani was moving the goal posts as far as what the president believed or what collusion was or was it a crime. he wanted to clean that up to make it clear. harris: you think he cleaned it up? listen, he said if there was collusion, it wouldn t be a crime. but there s not collusion, so he wanted to make sure that got out there. you know, technically he s right. the crime in statute i talked to james comey on special report about this is not collusion. it s conspiracy to work with a foreign power to steal an election. there s a number of technical ways to get to a crime there. the second thing that i thought was fascinating is the second trump tower meeting that comes out of the blue from rudy guliani, preempting what i guess he thinks that cohen is going to
know about the meeting in trump tower. that s what don jr. testified to. now there s some debate whether he did or didn t know. rudy guliani said he didn t attend the meeting. now there s talk of a second meeting. now we have to sift through that and see where that is. the next thing is this manafort trial starts tomorrow. i think you re going to start to see some of at least that piece of the mueller probe unfolding before our eyes about what they re trying to do or pinch paul manafort as far as getting him to testify. harris: it is interesting. you know, rudy guliani said that he was talking about that second meeting when he said that the president was not there. again, telegraphing information that is coming down the pike that we re not privy to. and we followed up on that
point. it was information that we didn t have yet about a meeting that apparently did not happen. but i want to move on to this aspect of what guliani said. five co-counsel but it s the president s decision. back to that political landscape now that seems to be shifting. what is the reporting on that? i think john roberts has some really good sources telling him there s a strong lean that the president is not going to sit down with robert mueller. harris: guliani says it won t happen. that tells you everything you need to know. then it becomes this loggerhead, whether mueller is going to push forward and test the constitutional bounds of whether the president cannot answer and if mueller files a subpoena, where that heads. likely to the supreme court. harris: it s so interesting what robert mueller has right now is no path to indictment
according to the doj expert that i just had on, hans, saying there s no direct line based on the evidence he s seen thus far. if you put it in the category of the president pushing into the subpoena, now you re into legal ground and gets tricky. and tricky for the mid-terms. it comes as important 99 days out that this president holds on to both chambers of congress. harris: want to get back on the record with this, too. i don t know if you caught it, but in that conversation with rudy guliani, apparently there s a recording of michael cohen making the decision to stop recording on another device and stick that in his desk. where are we going with this one might wonder. bret baier, the last word from you. let me say there s a lot to the michael cohen story that is yet to play out. you ll see trumps lawyers push for disbarment or whatever they re going to do to question his credibility.
a quick pitch. i m going to interview the italian prime minister today after his meeting with president trump. so there could be some interesting tidbits from that. harris: ciao to jessipi. president trump is expected to get questions about some of the material that we just covered with his personal attorney, rudy guliani. we ll take you there live. and red state senator joe manchin is the first democratic senator to meet with brett kavanaugh. it happens today. what will that look like? will manchin and other vulnerable democrats get behind the president s choice? stay close. (man) managing my type 2 diabetes wasn t my top priority.
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new ensure max protein. are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi.? a more powerful way to stay connected. it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. harris: brett kavanaugh is gearing up to meet red state senator joe manchin today. this marked the first meeting with that candidate for high court with the democrat. this is joe donnelly of indiana, heidi heitkamp of north dakota, planning to sit down with cavanaugh in the coming weeks.
most other members of the democrat party are refusing to meet with the judge as they ramp up demand to see all of his documents from past jobs including when he worked with the george w. bush white house. mike emanuel has more details. mike? harris, good afternoon to you. certainly brett kavanaugh would like democratic support. manchin is a possibility. manchin has head meetings to get his colleagues take. meanwhile, democratic leadership is pushing for more documentation from when kavanaugh worked in the george w. bush white house. this is one of the most important positions in the world. we need to know everything. not just some of the stuff and some of the stuff the white house wants us to know but everything. some republicans see that as
a stall tactic. i think when he was associate counsel to the president, his 200 opinions are very important. but chuck, to go on a fishing expedition to millions of documents that he had nothing substantive to say about is a mistake. now kentucky senator rand paul says he s a yes after meeting judge kavanaugh and reviewing his record. i decided to support his nomination. i believe he will carefully adhere to the constitution and will take his job to protect individual liberties seriously. fellow republican senators now sound quite confident. when it comes to brett kavanaugh, i have zero doubt he will be on the supreme court before the end of october. he s highly qualified, well-deserving. we re going to break the back of every democratic effort to stop
this good man from being on the supreme court. many republicans believe it s not a question of if judge kavanaugh will be confirmed but when, maybe just a few weeks before the mid-term elections. harris? harris: quickly before i let you go. are there any republicans that would put this in jeopardy that we know of? not everybody is on the record saying they re a yes but a lot of people are sounding like they re getting there, waiting for his hearing here on capitol hill before the judiciary committee. so far, no red flags going up in terms of republicans leaning no on kavanaugh. harris: red flags for the democrats who may have to fall on a plastic fork for their party. mike emanuel, thank you. thank you. harris: roman martinez was a former clerk to brett kavanaugh. thank you for your time today. thanks for having him. harris: are there any surprises that you think democrats would find in terms of your former boss that might get
them to vote yes for him? you know, i think, harris, one of the interesting things we ve seen the last few weeks is efforts but a few senators to try to demonize judge kavanaugh. senator schumer has said before the pick was made that he would oppose anyone that president trump picked. senator booker compared voting for kavanaugh to being complicit with evil. there s going to be a lot of wonderful surprises in the record because the record is outstanding. judge kavanaugh has been a judge for 12 years on the d.c. circuit. written 300 opinions, been vindicated by the supreme court 13 times. when people take a close look, he stands for individual liberty and faithfully applying the constitution and doesn t impose his own views on what the law is. harris: roman, you join a distinguished group of people that have clerked for kavanaugh
and have had fabulous careers. were you aware always of how he would vote or what his politics were? you know, one of the nice things about clerking for judge kavanaugh is the extent to which he brought his clerks in to the discussion process to decision making process. he would want to look at every brief, read every law review article and check the precedent and encourage his clerks to debate the issues in front of him and with him. what i was impressed by, his open-mindedness, fairness and attention and care that he gave to every litigant in every case, whether a big case or small case. that s the kind of thing that will make him a great supreme court justice. harris: one of the things the democrats have criticized him about, they want to get their hands on every document. we can talk about that in moments. they question whether or not he would be legally separate enough from the president as you have investigations going on right
now. what is your take on it? that criticism or critique is totally overblown and without foundation, frankly. judge cavanaugh has a very distinguished record. he investigated president clinton, been on the record saying no one is above the law and he s committed to independent and apolitical law enforcement. i don t think anyone should have any concerns. harris: what is interesting what you just said, it was at the time that he investigated former president bill clinton that he came up with the wording that has been troubling to some conservatives about how protected a president should be. i m paraphrasing that. i lean on you for legality. what can you explain to us? whether he was in that investigation or later in his service as a judge, he s just taking the law and tried to apply the law fairly to whoever is before him. whether he s been as an investigator or as a judge. that is exactly the kind of
approach he s going to take on the supreme court. one of the things that s been interesting the last few weeks is to see a couple of prominent democratic lawyers, including don verilli, president obama s chief lawyer in the supreme court talk about judge kavanaugh. he said that kavanaugh was a brilliant jurist, exemplary and that he s gracious on and off the bench. that s the kind of endorsement that won t come lightly and will reflect a legitimate view that judge kavanaugh is fair-minded and will be do the right thing. harris: interesting. it would behoove democrats to sit down with him and get their own take on him action we would expect any lawmaker to do with any candidate. ramon martinez, thank you. thank you. harris: we re awaiting the president s news conference. we hear he will take questions after going after robert
muellers investigation. we ll talk more about the hour rolls on. president trump threatening to shut down the government if he doesn t get enough money for his border wall system. how could that effect the mid-terms? we ll bring on john garamundi of california. stay close. to be their best, kids need good nutrition. and practice. lots of practice. get them started right with carnation breakfast essentials. it has protein plus vitamins and minerals to help kids be their best. carnation breakfast essentials.
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bracing for when they return to find. their house has been destroyed. take a look here. this house pretty much reduced to just ash. look deep. you can see what looks like a washer and dryer and in front of that, a filing cabinet and over here, this looks like what was once a garage. we take a walk over to this area. look at what all of these flames and the smoke did to this truck destroying the entire vehicle leaving just the metal. the fire is 20% contained. a day ago, it was 5%. the threat is still very real. only takes a few embers to pick up into the air and create another fire in an area that has already been extinguished. last night we had embers coming on just from a spot fire across the street. firefighters tell us what made this fire so difficult is that it is very unpredictable and very large. over the weekend, it was at
40,000 acres. it s now more than double. nearly 100,000 acres. back to you. harris: jeff paul, thanks very much. president trump threatening to shut down the government if he does not get enough money for his border wall system. that raises the stakes ahead of the september 30th government funding deadline. here we go again. top democratic congressman adam schiff said this president has no meaningful legislation to show for his presidency. john garamundi sits on the armed services committee. can we take a pause for a second? i know the wild fires are happening in your state. the largest, the carr fire, is just outside your district. the river fire is in your district. exactly. it s not a new situation. lake county area has had major fires every year.
this is the second major fire in lake county. small county, rural, very poor county. devastated by these series of fires. obviously redding and across the state, we re in a very difficult situation. i was thinking about it as you said, the threat of shutting down the government. all of us depend on the government. firefighting is the most obvious. they say with the exception of emergency services usually. but all of the support behind the emergency services get shut down. so the kind of foundational support that is necessary to really protect americans, whether it s a fire in california or floods or hurricanes or tornadoes or whatever and by the way, it is hurricane season also, we really need a functioning government in every single way to provide the necessary support for our safety. harris: i want to be delicate in pushing back here. i would say this.
we do not live in a country that would let the city burn without us helping. i don t want people to understand the politics you re saying to mean that that would happen. let s move on. i want to talk about the idea i do want to talk about government shutting down over the idea of a border wall system. congressman, this could be easy. you know that money was allocated in 2006 for a border wall system under a different president. this is something that democrats could work with the president on and work with republicans on. well, we ve been more than willing to do that. the problem is that many other things have been added to the border wall including a big beautiful border wall that is $25 billion. i don t think anybody really believes that we should spend $25 billion on a border wall harris: what portion do you believe? there s certainly places where the border walls need to be repaired and rebuilt and also extended. we see that some of that in
the south texas area. along california, the border wall in san diego, which is now 30 years old, actually older than that, is in need of repair that is good. we also need to use modern technology, drones, other devices to monitor the border, which are very effective. all of that including personnel. these are all things that are important. i would add to that list the biggest border of all are the oceans. that s the role that the coast guard plays. we need to make sure they re funded. keep in mind that the appropriation bill that is in the house of representatives, the homeland security bill, removes nearly over a billion dollars from the coast guard. so we need to be thoughtful about the totality of this system. once again with regard to a shut down, threats are always going on back and forth in washington. if it becomes real, yes, we always provide for emergency services, continuing
harris: absolutely. i want people to be clear on that. there s no question. it s the foundational issues, it s the other kinds of services that provide the foundational information. harris: i also hear some points where you might have negotiating to go on. when you talk about rebuilding and extending certain areas, shoring up with more people that sounds like a lot what the president has been calling for. it s a border wall system. some areas you can t put more structure on. there s water there. the coast guard and the money for that. sounds like there s an area. i don t want to be pollyanish about it but there s some time before september 30th. there is. there s two months that we re back in session. we have the month of august. i know that staff, the house and the senate staff are working diligently throughout this month to put together at least a frame work and clarity about what the differences are between the two houses and the bodies within the
houses. so yes, we do have time. and you know, bluffing and, you know, laying down harris: don t lean too hard. chuck schumer did more than bluff. you have it on your side, too. i have to let you go. thank you. harris: president up plans to campaign six or seven days a week for vulnerable republicans. that s a lot of energy. can he help the party maintain their majority in congress? stay close. itin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear. no mathere are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. call one today. are you in good hands?
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two things. first, i m no on a sit-down until we get ironed out exactly what they want to do. and then the process is, we have five co-counsel, senior people, who will advise the president. he decides. he s always leaned in favor of doing that. harris: what are you telling him about that? right now i m telling him no way. as a politician or as a lawyer? as a lawyer. harris: the mayor went on to say that he takes off his politician hat because he thinks the political landscape now is in the favor of the president on the issue of the russia investigation. he says there s a natural ending that he senses and even some democrats including one sitting next to me says that. guy benson from and a fox news contributor on during that conversation with guliani. adrienne elrod, a former hillary clinton for america senior
adviser and democrat strategist also on during that hour. adrienne, i told the mayor that you were there on the couch. you chose a question not to ask a question. i curious about your thoughts. a lot to unpack. i have a couple thoughts. first the fact i m looking at my notes here. first of all, the fact that there are now more tapes that we didn t talk about. more tapes could be troubling nor trump. in the second meeting that guliani referenced june 7, here s what we have to keep in mind. rick gates is a cooperating witness. he was cooperating with mueller. he was also in the june 7 meeting that has been disclosed. harris: two years ago. correct. if there was a send meeting, which it sounds like there was according to what mr. guliani just said harris: let s start with this. we ll get to the recordings in just a moment. i want to start with the meeting
and your take-away, guy. so it seemed like what happened was, we were discussing rudy guliani s interviews this morning on a couple networks including our own where it looked like he was shifting the goal post. saying if there was collusion, it wouldn t be a crime and also the president or then candidate trump did not attend that trump tower meeting with the russians. i said nobody is saying he attended it. we would his lawyer be denying that? so rudy guliani rings on outnumbered. what he said was, there was another meeting or a harris: that michael cohen said happened. by michael cohen prior to the trump tower meeting which rudy wept on to say never took place. he was referring to apparently in the interviews this morning the thing that trump never atenneded was this second meeting that cohen says took place which rudy says never
happened, which again to me continues to raise the question of if the meeting didn t happen, why would you deny harris: i got the answer to that. we drilled down on that more than once with him. i really wanted to get clear on this point. here s what he said. he said look, none of this is out yet. none of this is out there per se. so he s giving us information and now putting it in the blood stream of america real time. he said the president didn t attend the meeting that jared kushner and don jr. he said the meeting didn t happen. harris: then he says it didn t happen. he s telegraphing what happened down the pike. we re awaiting the president s news conference where he is expected to take questions. maybe this will come up. some of the stuff we covered with rudy guliani. stay close. you re turning onto the street when you barely clip a passing car. minor accident - no big deal, right? wrong. your insurance company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got
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harris: in my interview with rudy guliani, he gave us more information about the tapes with michael cohen. there s 12 recordings of any substance. of the 183? yeah, call me back, the president did this, the president did that. some have some substance but nothing harmful. put them aside. there s 12 conversation. one as long as two hours. the only one i can mention, by the way. it has come out publicly. harris: guy benson and adrienne elrod back with us. there were a few wow moments while we were sitting there. he went on to describe how at times michael cohen apparently or allegedly would go to great
lengths to pretend that he was not recording something. he would take one device and turn it off and somebody else would be reporting. rudy called this subterfuge. if that happened, it would make sense by the trump team is going nuclear on michael cohen and why president would feel so betrayed. harris: it brings up the issue of attorney client privilege. if you tell somebody, no, i turned off the device and you do it again, that is a little different of legal stakes. yeah, of course. michael cohen is not a good guy here. this is these are two bad guys going at it in a public manner. ultimately i think what you re saying here to the point that you just made is the trump administration, trump legal team knows that they re going nuclear
for a thousand different reasons. they re trying to preemptively get in front of some information that will come forward. harris: it s interesting. i m going to give you a chance to get back on the record. two bad guys. the president has no evidence against him of anything in terms of a crime. you called him a bad guy. i just importantly don t like the president of the united states. again, you re seeing the two harris: wow. two men play out their grievances against each other on social media. the president s legal team knows they have to get in front of something some of this debate will come out to he said he said probably. michael cohen doing what he did with faking the recordings and that stuff undermines his credibility. even if he s telling the truth of trump, i m dubious of that because he seems sketchy and the an ticks that he engaged in were
super sketchy, especially considering his role to have his client s best interest at heart. if you want to represent your client and have their interests at heart, you don t secretly record them and lie to them. harris: not to mentioned the fact that so much has leaked out now as rudy guliani said. we ll start to get a clearer picture of what went on and it looks to vindicate the president of anything. adrienne and guy, thanks very much. we re keeping an yeah on the news conference there where is president will take questions from the media. stay close. allergies with sinus congestion and pressure?

Harris-faulkner , Rudy-guliani , Everybody , John-roberts , Television , Sir , North-lawn , Way , Things , Interviews , Network , Terminology

Transcripts For DW Kino - Favorites The Best Berlin Movies 20180802 21:15:00

has often been at the cutting edge of history and this is inspired numerous movies this is our definitive list the top ten movies so hold on tight and join us for a cinematic rollercoaster ride through berlin s turbulence past. when one and a noted burn in a number of places both motoring and the bustling metropolis where young this film is a declaration of love twenty four hours in the life of the city from saturday to sunday evening. the script is written by the city itself with a little help from legendary film director billy wilder. five young people meet up at the berlin like. thanks for the nuff and they
dream fine for palin s four million inhabitants. number ten is a film in which palin and berliners of the stars. nineteen thirty one palin is dancing on the edge of the volcano. the city is a place of freedom and loose morals this is the ballin of cabaret the musical picked up by an english writer arrives in the city and meets irrepressible don t so sorry. i found both. the strange mystical feeling about. balinese cosmopolitan it attracts people who are happy that here they can just be themselves but the storm clouds are gathering few cities have been
shaped by history in quite the way that burden has the party will soon be over and the nazis will sweep to power. the darkest chapter in the city s history is about to begin. fifteen years on world war two is over and berlin lies in ruins a new beginning for the city and for cinema a holocaust survivor returns from a concentration camp. and. touched she has to share her accommodation with a bit war veteran. that it was. just. a city in trauma it s not just the victims of war who return which is the perpetrators back to. assumption but you got to tune it to why
not redefine. the theme here is crime and punishment the law and justice. the great billy wilder in berlin in one nine hundred sixty one the hollywood director was back in town to make a political fuss about the divided frontier city of bernie and cold war comedy coca-cola wants to use berlin as a staging post to counter the eastern territories behind the iron curtain that made all of those you re going to have are close enough to. any wings are justified when it comes to getting the russians on board. but while the film is being shorts communist east germany erected the pearl in wall the cold war had taken a serious turn spelling tragedy for many the clash of ideologies was no longer
i knew iraq has begun the film shows the shock of the new and the fears that this triggers that s one of our cars or. not it was all it was was it was it was you know that you know what so i thought of. a new beginning not only for the city. of. thousand and six it s just another summer in berlin time for more personal stories and trust reasons film is an intimate portrait of two women s friendship they spend a lot of time on the balcony. it. was in my city fashion. as was mine. beilin is now a single city and finding the right man is a tough task. strong
emotions in hard times in the first decade of the new millennium the situation is desperate but not serious. number three and we ve almost arrived in the present the berlin of the day the meanderings of a city slicker in search of a symbol cup of coffee. to go yeah. i got. my coffee. just scraping by in berlin can be a full time job the low budget a coffee in berlin one germany s top movie on a melancholy and poetic portrait of the city and its quirky inhabitants. in two thousand and fifteen another berlin film won the german film prize number
two is victoria. movie which is just one single shot taking us through the night. so we can show you if you want to. follow. the burning guys made a spanish girl in a club what starts out as an adventure soon becomes a nightmare after a bank robbery there on the run in is wild and chaotic victoria is a mesmerizing hypnotic tour de force. that. few directors have succeeded in creating a story that is timeless and universal despite it being set at a very specific moment in history the inventors is one of them he created a movie monument to the divided. and ensured that the city would forever be
associated with angels our number one pearl in movie and a location that has changed beyond recognition. director remembers at potsdamer platz revisiting one of the main locations for his a legendary bird in wings of desire. there are angels in the city watching over the people below listening to the thought. the west of the city closed in behind the wall frozen in low intensity conflict a bizarre standoff that had already lasted decades. and. we shot in the winter of one thousand nine hundred six that time the war was as impermeable as it ever would be but our angels could walk right through
it. the angels see into the homes and hearts of palin s trouble didn t have a chance they hear the endless streams of the thoughts. of the streets and. the. wings of desire is the ultimate berlin film in which all the shadows of the past meets up infused with the city s ultimate love of life. rest assured pearl in cinematic journey will continue there are many more stories waiting to be told and. so there you have it our personal choice the bird in movies perhaps you disagree drop us a line with your comments and visit our website for more about berlin on film until
next time been. going to. kill and africa smart solutions for now environmental. deniers now see horses endangered they re only found at the mounds of three rivers in south africa. habitat is under threat from pollution. project aims to permanently protect their mares species. go into africa next.
lawyer. culture. call a hair. superman a. superfood stylish dialogue on the lead a. life style during. the roman. sixty minutes. they make a commitment. they find solutions. they inspire or. africa on the moon. stories of both people moving in a different shaping their nation and their continent of africa on the

Berlin , Movies , Cutting-edge , History , List , Rollercoaster-ride , Us , Ten , Film , Number , Burn , Places