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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240611

hello, i m sally bundock. a very warm welcome to the programme. the united states is making a major push to pause fighting in gaza, with diplomatic efforts taking place both in the region and at the united nations. the un security council endorsed a ceasefire proposal for gaza on monday. it is the first time the council has passed a resolution demanding a stop in fighting, after eight months of war. the resolution urges both hamas and israel to fully and quickly implement the three phase plan. 1a countries voted in favour, and russia abstained. us ambassador to the un linda thomas greenfield says the resolution shows hamas that the international community is united. colleagues, today this council sent a clear message to hamas. accept the ceasefire deal on the table. israel has already agreed to this deal and the fighting could stop today if hamas would do the same. i repeat, the fighting could stop today. our north america correspondent, nada tawfik, has been following the developments from new york and sent this update. what we heard from the united states was that this was the best possible way to secure a durable end to the war, saying that it really is a deal that was israel s initiative, it outlined three phases that they said would eventually, you know, lead to the complete withdrawal of israeli forces, the release of all hostages, in exchange for palestinian prisoners, major reconstruction of gaza, eventually. but, i think, from different members, you heard different positions. you know, while the united states says this resolution passing means that the international community is united, and that this will help put pressure on hamas to accept the deal, you know, algeria said they still had some reservations about the text, but supported it, because they felt it wanted to give diplomacy a chance, wanted to give a glimmer of hope to palestinians. but from russia and china, a lot more scepticism. you know, russia said it didn t want to block this resolution, because the arab group of nations supported it, but it questioned whether israel had really accepted the deal, as the resolution states, and they pointed to a number of statements by israeli officials, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that they will continue the war until hamas is defeated. china, as well, questioned if, you know, parties will actually implement these three phases of presidentjoe biden s proposed deal, and china noting that the other security council resolutions that have been passed weren t implemented, including a permanent ceasefire, including getting more aid in at scale into gaza, questioning, you know, whether this will have a tangible impact on the ground. so i think it remains to be seen if this resolution will, in fact, be different than the other ones. the vote came as the us secretary of state antony blinken is visiting the middle east. it s the eighth time he s been to the region since the october 7th attacks. mr blinken is fiercely advocating for the ceasefire deal proposed by president biden ten days ago. he met the egyptian president abdel fattah al sisi on monday and will holds talks in jerusalem with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu later. let s speak to president of the middle east policy council, ambassador gina abercrombie winstanley. good to have you on the programme. first of all, your reaction to the un security council vote to go ahead with president biden s plan, your thoughts on that. president biden s plan, your thoughts on that. thoughts on that. well, i believe it thoughts on that. well, i believe it was thoughts on that. well, i believe it was a - thoughts on that. well, i believe it was a very - thoughts on that. well, i - believe it was a very positive step forward for the un security council to come through with a really strong support for the resolution. just one state of staining is really important. we have seen a response from hamas to that vote. again, a positive response, and i believe this is a very effective way for the united states and partners in the region to put in the building blocks of pressure on both hamas and israel to get to this ceasefire. the both hamas and israel to get to this ceasefire. this ceasefire. the question is, well this ceasefire. the question is. well they this ceasefire. the question is, well they get this ceasefire. the question is, well they get there? - this ceasefire. the question i is, well they get there? there is, well they get there? there is, as you say, a positive response from hamas, which is encouraging. israel is well is said to be on board and yet there are concerns about the pressures on benjamin netanyahu within his own party? yes. pressures on benjamin netanyahu within his own party? within his own party? yes, i mean, within his own party? yes, i mean. the within his own party? yes, i mean, the departure - within his own party? yes, i mean, the departure of- within his own party? yes, i. mean, the departure of benny gantz means those to the right of the prime minister are in a different position. nonetheless, the leader of the opposition said he would provide a safety net for the prime minister to take this very positive step for the israeli people so the prime minister does have the ability to reach, and take the ceasefire deal which of course originated from israel. the challenge on both sides is his desire to stay in power would lead him to stick with the members of his coalition to the right of him. s decide to stay in power might also lead them not to give a definitive yes and sign on the dotted line. but the president is very clear about the benefits of the ceasefire and it gives important things to both sides that are needed now. my colleague that are needed now. my colleague pointed out that other resolutions have passed the un security council but when it comes to the implementation, it has not happened. what does it take? if both sides agree to president biden s plan, what will it take to see through its implementation do you believe? it is going to take the focus and energy, particularly from the region, but from the international community. we have been here before with conflicts around the world and throughout history and so we know how difficult it can be, but the ceasefire proposal lays out very clear steps and lays out very clear steps and lays out very clear benefits if they take steps and the hope is, in getting this ceasefire, getting this calm into the gaza strip, both sides will reap the benefits of that of getting hostages released, of getting palestinian prisoners returned and have the ability to start rebuilding in the gaza strip, hopefully quiet the northern border as well. you cannot forget there is a lot of tit for tat going on with hezbollah and we have tens of thousands of israelis displaced from their homes, it is not just into the gaza strip, and having the ability to reach the ceasefire will likely give some relief to that part of the conflict as well.- conflict as well. 0k. ambassador - conflict as well. 0k. ambassador gina i ambassador gina abercrombie winstanley, president of the middle east policy council, thank you for talking to us on the bbc news. my talking to us on the bbc news. my privilege. here, the conservatives will be publishing their election manifesto later. they re promising a further cut in national insurance contributions. rishi sunak will argue that another conservative government would enable working people to keep more of the money they earn. meanwhile in an interview on monday evening, mr sunak said it has been a tough few years but the election was about the future and the country had turned a corner. correspondent hannah miller reports. hoping for a warm welcome as rishi sunak prepares to set up his party s plans for another five years in government. on the eve of his manifesto launched last night, the prime minister hinted at tax cuts to come. ~ ., minister hinted at tax cuts to come. ~ . ., ., , ., come. we will have a manifesto that builds come. we will have a manifesto that builds on come. we will have a manifesto that builds on all come. we will have a manifesto that builds on all the come. we will have a manifesto that builds on all the things - that builds on all the things that builds on all the things that you ve just got free, that we have an us on this campaign, that yes, continues to cut people s tax because i believe in a country where people s had work is reported. work is reported. after cutting national insurance work is reported. after cutting national insurance last - work is reported. after cutting | national insurance last autumn and in the spring, the manifesto will promise to cut it a further 2p for employees. it would also pledge that the state pension will not be taxed and make permanent and existing cut to stamp duty for first time buyers, as well as promising that parents will only have to start paying back child benefit when the household income reaches £120,000. the manifesto will also contain pledges to raise defence spending, reform the welfare system and double down on plans to send asylum seekers to rwanda. labour says it amounts to a desperate wish list from what they call a desperate prime minister. after 14 ears desperate prime minister. after 14 years of desperate prime minister. after 14 years of the desperate prime minister. after 14 years of the tories, - desperate prime minister. after 14 years of the tories, the - 14 years of the tories, the money is not there so nope matter what promise rishi sunak max, he will not be able to deliver on any of them because it cannot explain whether money is coming from. the it cannot explain whether money is coming from. is coming from. the prime minister is coming from. the prime minister is is coming from. the prime minister is a is coming from. the prime minister is a bit is coming from. the prime minister is a bit is - is coming from. the prime minister is a bit is a - is coming from. the prime minister is a bit is a day i is coming from. the prime minister is a bit is a day toj minister is a bit is a day to when notjust attention but votes as well as to turn his party s votes as well as to turn his pa rty s forges votes as well as to turn his party s forges around after a rocky few days. hannah miller, bbc news. in france, political parties are scrambling to get ready, after president macron called surprise parliamentary elections across the country, several years before he needed to. he made the move after his ruling alliance was roundly defeated in sunday s european elections, with france s far right national rally securing an overwhelming victory for seats in the european parliament. our europe correspondent nick beake reports. emmanuel macron visited the site of one of the worst nazi massacres in france, perpetrated 80 years ago today. he s been drawing on the past to highlight what he claims is the current threat confronting the country from the far right. in the face of his opponents success this weekend, the president has taken an almighty gamble in calling a snap election. 40 miles outside paris, this is coulommiers, the land of cheesemaking, where support for macron has crumbled. the members of the monday club said they hadn t veered to the right. but then we met 31 year old mum of three, noemi, a worker in an elderly care home, who says she s desperate for something new. translation: what frightens people could actually do them j good, so we should try the national front, because france is getting worse. i m scared to leave my house and the public transport is not safe. whatever the result of these snap parliamentary elections, emmanuel macron is set to stay on as president for another three years, but a national rally victory could have a huge impact here and in many parts of france. it would also be hugely symbolic, too, because injust six weeks time, the country will host the olympic games and by then, france could have its first far right government since the second world war. this is the 28 year old who could be france s prime minister in a month. through his social media, jordan bardella has been winning young supporters in particular, focusing on the cost of living, softening the image of a party once condemned as unelectable, and working alongside marine le pen. she hopes to replace macron as president in 2027. so can national rally translate their victory at the european elections to the national vote? so they have some kind of, say, a political virginity people say, we do not know what they will do if they come to power but nevertheless, let s give them a try, and if we are not happy, we will have election next time and we ll get rid of them. it s not clear what the president s thinking is, but his legacy will be defined in the coming weeks. nick beake, bbc news, outside paris. let s get some of the day s other news now. the president of malawi, lazarus chakwera, says he s ordered the search and rescue operation for his vice president, saulos chilima, to continue until the plane carrying him and nine others is found. the military aircraft is thought to have come down in bad weather on monday morning. singapore airlines says it has sent out offers of compensation to all the passengers on one of its flights which was hit by severe turbulence three weeks ago. a 73 year old british man died on the london to singapore flight and many passengers were injured. the main channel for shipping to the us port of baltimore has been fully restored, nearly 3 months after it was closed because of a collapsed bridge. us army engineers and salvage crews have been working to remove tens of thousands of tonnes of debris since a giant container ship crashed into the francis scott key bridge in march. apple has unveiled new plans to integrate artificial intelligence into its products. apple intelligence will not be an app or a product in its own right, but will instead be embedded across many apps, to assist with activities such as writing messages and supplying travel directions. we will have a lot more on that in business today. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. the next session of the ukraine recovery conference, takes place later in the german capital, berlin. it s the third recovery conference, but the first time it s been held in an eu member state. there have already been some tensions ahead of the meeting, with the resignation of the director of the state agency for restoring ukraine. for some clarity on this, timothy ash, an associate fellow at chatham house spoke to the bbc earlier. it is the third set of these conferences are driven by the fact that during the second gulf war in a row, the west forgot about recovery construction. this time around, with the ukraine war, there has been a lot of focus on what happens when the was and and ukraine s recovery and reconstruction and is about the money in the end. winning a war is very expensive. about $1 billion a year to keep ukrainian in the war. the cost to ukraine around $500 billion in damage. it could be around $1 trillion for the total reconstruction. who is going to pay on that? these conferences will have some looking at that. and also about how the money is going to be manage and co ordinated. momentum behind the idea of using assets because the numbers are so huge. $100 billion a yearjust to simply keep ukraine on the wall. to win it, 50 billion and the recovery reconstruction $1 trillion. western taxpayers properly do not want to pay for populism was very strong in the eu elections recently. in western bank accounts, russian taxpayer money, a big campaign to make sure that money is used first to pay for winning the war so that you crank it the weapons to defend itself but also from the recovery reconstruction, that has to be a key focus of the g7 summit. the us, uk, and canada using for that money to be used. lobbying from their europeans to make sure that does not happen. they are less at about it. if the money does not come, ukraine could lose the war. a jury in the us state of delaware has begun deliberating in the trial of president biden s son, hunter, on gun charges. hunter biden has told the bbc he believes his federal gun case now before a jury went well. our correspondent carl nasman spoke to mr biden as he left the court. good evening, mr biden. have a comment for bbc news? no. i m positive. how do you think it well? i positive. how do you think it well? ~ positive. how do you think it| well? we well? i think it went well. we will be keeping well? i think it went well. we will be keeping an well? i think it went well. we will be keeping an eye - well? i think it went well. we will be keeping an eye on - well? i think it went well. we | will be keeping an eye on that case. hunter biden is accused of is accused of lying about his drug use on a federal form while buying a weapon in 2018, and of illegally possessing a firearm while he was allegedly a drug user. carl nasman sent this update from the courthouse. the jury will return to this courthouse behind me here in delaware on tuesday morning to continue its deliberations to weigh the evidence and testimony that they ve heard in this trial over the past week or so. much of that has been very detailed and sometimes difficult to listen to. the prosecution has laid out its case that hunter biden was addicted to crack cocaine, that he was using the drug on or around the time that he purchased that revolver on october 2018. and that he then lied about that on a federal form. of course, all of this evidence the text messages, the pictures, video, even some audio snippets from hunter biden s memoir has played out notjust for the jury, but also for the biden family itself. many members of that family were again in court today sitting just behind hunter biden in a show of support. among them was the first lady herself, jill biden. this is already an historic case, an historic trial. but a conviction here would also be historic. hunter biden would become the first son of a sitting president to be convicted in a federal courthouse. that would carry a maximum penalty of about 25 years. it s unlikely he would serve that amount of time the discretion would be up to the judge but, of course, it s in the hands of the jury now. they will continue those deliberations on day two here on tuesday. do elephants call each other names just like us? a new study into wild african savannah elephants suggests that they do. researchers from cornell university used al to analyse noises made by elephants and found that they used different names to call out for each other. let s speak to mickey pardo, a behavioural ecologist and postdoctoral associate who led this study. welcome to the programme. thank you for having me. i wanted to correct one thing, i was actually at colorado state university when i did this study so it was a joint study of colorado state university, save the elephants and elephant voices. ., save the elephants and elephant voices. . . ., voices. i m glad we clarified that was voices. i m glad we clarified that was did voices. i m glad we clarified that was did you voices. i m glad we clarified that was did you find - voices. i m glad we clarified that was did you find out? l that was did you find out? found that we identify, using a machine wording model, who and elephant cult was addressed to just based on the sound copies of the call itself that we found when we played those calls back to the elephants, that would respond more strongly to occult initially addressed to them than to a coal addressed to somebody else. that meant not only do the calls have some properties in them that identify the intended recipient, like a name, but the elephants can perceive this and they can tell if a call was made for them just by hearing that call. 50 just by hearing that call. so it is ust just by hearing that call. so it isjust how they just by hearing that call. so it is just how they talk to one another, which is fascinating? absolutely. another, which is fascinating? absolutely- absolutely. what else did you discover? absolutely. what else did you discover? other absolutely. what else did you discover? other elements - absolutely. what else did you discover? other elements ofl absolutely. what else did you i discover? other elements of the communication, for example touch? we are looking into that as well or was itjust verbal communication? taste as well or was it ust verbal communication?- as well or was it ust verbal communication? we were only lookin: communication? we were only looking at communication? we were only looking at verbal communication? we were only looking at verbal or communication? we were only looking at verbal or acoustic i looking at verbal or acoustic communication. we know that elephants also communicate by touch, by smell, by site and even by vibrations that they calls create through the ground but for this particular study we were only looking at vocal communication. communication. you are not tempted communication. you are not tempted to communication. you are not tempted to go communication. you are not tempted to go to communication. you are not tempted to go to a trip - communication. you are not tempted to go to a trip to i tempted to go to a trip to africa just to verify your research? africa just to verify your research? ~ , , ., ., ., research? we did spend a lot of time in africa. research? we did spend a lot of time in africa. i research? we did spend a lot of time in africa. i spent research? we did spend a lot of time in africa. i spent 14 - time in africa. i spent 14 months following elephants around in kenya. around in kenya. what a stunning around in kenya. what a stunning job. around in kenya. what a stunning job. are - around in kenya. what a stunning job. are you i around in kenya. what a i stunning job. are you living the gene? stunning job. are you living the gene? absolutely. it i stunning job. are you living the gene? absolutely. it is| the gene? absolutely. it is absolutely the gene? absolutely. it is absolutely fascinating. i the gene? absolutely. it is absolutely fascinating. l absolutely fascinating. living the dream. thank you for joining us. the tennis legend roger federer has attended a screening of his upcoming documentary, at the tribeca festival, in new york. the film which is called, federer 12 final days, follows the 20 time grand slam winner during the last 12 days of his career before his retirement. he said it was originallyjust meant to be for his family and friends but developed into the documentary. the film has its premiere in london on thursday. well, i think that is the beauty of this film as well, it shows you can be brutal rivals, tough competitors but then you can come out and get along and have so much respect for one another. it is a good message to the well, to the kids, all the competitors like juniors who take life so serious that when it comes to their matches, the aircraft and when they see that me and wrap nadal, yelling novak djokovic get along. coming up ahead on business today, do you use that fitness app today, do you use that fitness app strava because if you do that i do not but the people i spoke to who are using it a really enthusiastic and keen on the whole they are pretty positive about that. i have the chief executive of strava on this programme. we are also looking at apple, is it you have been hearing, apple is getting on board with openai and basically bringing chatgpt to iphones in its ai overhaul. apple has been seen to be behind end of this race. i will behind end of this race. i will be getting an expert view about this latest announcements and the rest of the business news next. hello, there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week, in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland, gusts of winds coming from the north, and in excess of 30 mph, at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story, further south and west. just look at anglesey beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west, so west will be best, through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers, certainly, are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so, sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature, 14 or 15 degrees, but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully, some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so, wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start, once again, to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but, hopefully, the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers, once again, to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures, generally, similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high, but the wind direction will start to change, as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part, a little a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant, because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england, we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. apple finally bites into ai or apple intelligence as it calls it teaming up with open al to make siri smarter. the uk has the highest housing costs in the english speaking world. we look at the challenges for those wanting to own a home and those trying to build them. singapore airlines sets aside over a million dollars to compensate injured passengers on this flight described as absolutely terrifying . and are you a strava user? it is one of the worlds most popular fitness apps. i ll be grilling its chief executive live on this programme. hello and welcome. this is business today. after months of speculation, apple has revealed its plans for artificial intelligence in a move that chief executive tim cook has called the next big step . the tech giant is to boost its siri voice assistant and operating systems with openai s chatgpt as it seeks to catch up in the ai race. it s part of a new personalised ai system called apple intelligence. here s our north america business correspondent erin delmore. the hardest abereaviation in tech these days is easily ai. now, apple is taking its shot at redefining artificial intelligence into apple intelligence. the company unveiled a series of ai related announcements at the world development conference on monday. chief among them

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240611

y all, but i think we need ai week off.thk i m not here to tell you thank you for what you did, but a week i don t know if you ve been black before, but there are some stressful days. when you are black, i need a week. speed he ran through hit list accomplishment of winning over black voters. i don t think this helps. . forura: it is late that is it for us.foll follow us on social media and thank you for watching. it is my son 16th birthday today. that is what hy soe looked liken i saw him for the first time.r h and that is what he looks like now. a madelei carley: a fox and friends first exclusive, father of the missionary couple murdered by gangs in haiti are speaking out for the first time in an emotional interview you will only see here. todd: and nova music festival swarmed in new york city shooting off flairs and chanting this. todd: hometown congresswoman aoc being panned for saying this on the same day. false accusations of antisemitism are wielded against people of color and women of color by political activists. todd: more of her comments. carley: and andrew couomo wil be forced to testify hours from now. i m carley shimkus. todd: i m todd piro. house republicans releasing never before seen footage from january 6 appearing to show nancy pelosi making absolutely stunning admission on camera. carley: madeleine rivera is live in washington with newly released tapes and the white house response. madeleine: oversight committee has been working to obtain footage, this video was shot by former house speaker nancy pelosi s daughter. as the speaker was being rushed to a secure location, she had this exchange about how the evacuation was conducted. why weren t the national guard there to begin with? they thought they had sufficient resources. there s not a question, they did not know and i take responsibility for not having them prepare for more. madeleine: chairman of the subcommittee, is seizing on the new video saying that nancy pelosi s january 6 committee spent taxpayer money for investigation. her admission of responsibility directly contradicts her own narrative. a spokesperson called it cherrypicked and maintains she is not responsible for security for trying to white wash the deadly insurrection. here nancy pelosi herself. the president of the united states and his toteies do not want to face the facts and are trying to do revisionist history on january 6. madeleine: some clips have been shared and republicans slammed panel s work as partisan. carley: madeleine rivera, thank you. today s primary day in nevada and polls will open 7:00 a.m. pacific time, crowded republican senate primary has trump-backed sam brown, retired captain running for the pivotal seat. democrats hold slim 51-49 majority in the upper chamber. trump endorsed sam on sunday night saying brown will never let you know. jackie rosen is expected to easily win her primary to face the winner of today s republican contest. she describes brown as ultra-maga. we will hear from sam brown later this morning on fox and friends live. todd: a barn burner if brown wins, they look tied right now. president biden sparking concern, he appears to freeze at j juneteenth celebration yesterday on june tenth. the president stands there smiling as everyone around him is grooving to love theory. there he is. this comes as polling guru nate silvers biden s approval ratings are so low. silver posting this, biden hit an all all-time low. 5:38 and nate silver site. there is threshold where continuing to run is a bigger risk. are we there yet? i don t know, it is fair to ask. four not ms after the hour. jury deliberations continue in hunter biden s gun trial. carley: brooke singman has the latest. brooke: the jury will continue this morning after no verdict was reached yesterday. the first son did not testify in his own defense. he was joined by a dozen family members. before deliberations began, prosecution presented an alleged text in a potential blow to defense. text sent on october 11 says meet me at 7-11 at 3:00. it is unclear if hunter met that draw drug dualer. alan dershowitz says the message is clear. best thing that can happen to president trump is if hunter biden getting prove beyond any doubt it is where this trial is convicted. if you are trump tried in new york, automatic guilt. if you are biden and tried in delaware, very different. best thing that could happen to trump is acquittal for hunter biden. brooke: 345,000 dollars could cover jill biden s 1400 per hour to operate the first lady s government plane. jill biden has only missed one day of that trial. todd: glad i got up in the middle of the night to pay for jill biden to fly back and forth. carley: she flew from france and delaware and delaware to france on the same day president biden called called it an exist threat. fox cameras capturing illegals crossing into the country. here is what one told our crews. i love biden. why do you love him? biden help us. carley: telling comment there. how president biden s border is impacting communities coming up. todd: the woman who recorded thissige raing bull, an actual bull, break loose from the rodeo and land in the crowd is here to tell us about this chaotic scene she caught on camera, keep it right here on fox and friends fi first . about this chaotic scene caught on camera, keep it right here on fox and friends first . e she caught on camera, keep it right here on fox and friends first . i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that s what we re doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it s a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some. and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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did you pay anyone to get here? no, i search internet and follow and got away and come here. what do you think of president biden? biden? i love biden. why do you love him? biden help us. todd: of course he helps you, by letting you in. bring in sheriff panel, wayne ivy, leo dlut to the know of lewis and clark county and rkirn donnahuuechl biden administration is looking into more border action, what goes through your mind when you see this administration struggling to reinvent the wheel when everything they need is on the books and has been forever? political stunt. too little too late, they could have secured the border long ago. instead they handcuffed men and women of border patrol and now we re overrun with drugs flooding the border, overrun with illegals coming across the border. they account have protected our border, fought terrorism, they are doing a political stunt and clown show. todd: 8 million migrants since president biden took office. people have lost their lives to drug overdoses with 70,000 being primarily fentanyl. president trump said over the weekend, listen. crooked joe signed an executive order that is pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking, pro-woman trafficking, pro-human trafficking and pro-drug dealers. it is a pro-drug dealer bill. it is weak and ineffective. millions of people will continue pouring in and coming right through the border like they have never come through before. they are changing the fabric of our country, destroying our country. todd: sheriff dlid you tell how would sheriffs like you partner with new trump administration to do away with what the cartels have done, put a stop to it. first thing we will do, go through the sheriff s association to talk about things and how we can partner, such as stopping the illegal flow. more importantly, cartels are overrunning and controlling the borders and been in power last three years. we need to address cartel, human trafficking and fentanyl overdoses. we re a border state, i tell you, every state in the united states is a border state. people are not staying there and have a lot of social impancts when they come to your community. they need help and they will run you dry quickly. not that we don t have compassion, that is not it, it is entering this country legally. todd: sheriff donahue, what happens if biden wins? will cartels grow more powerful than they are now if he gets a second term? without question, they will. we are overrun by illegal immigration, human smuggling, human trafficking and drugs. cartels are in every state in the united states and northern border is a threat, southern border is a threat and this is a national security issue, unfortunately, if he gets back in office, i fear for the united states as a whole. we cannot afford for him to do more damage than he s already done and this will pail in comparison if he gets another four years. the american people need to wake up. this is in your face right now with criminality, cartels and they will become more embolden and you will see far more criminality and violence in the united states. todd: thank you, keep up the fight. carley: fox and friends exclues i was, parents of the couple murdered by gangs during a mission trip to haiti join us for the first interview since this unthinkable tragedy, their story you will see only here, that is next. respiratory [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. 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(female vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don t take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. as you go with austedo (male vo) ask your doctor for austedo xr. austedo xr. carley: a young missionary couple killed in haiti have been laid to rests in their home state of. david and natalie lloyd, their tragic deaths impacting thousands. donald trump post ing god bless davy and ninetyatalie. they were honored last week. the life of davy and natalie shine as beacon of hope, a contrast of the age that tells a beautiful story of a christian abata-like example that defies the norm. lisa and i realize before for davy and hey hey and we had nothing to learn about. she accepted haiti and loved davy and haiti with everything she had and of course the lord first. a match made in heaven. carley: ben and naomi baker and the father of davy lloyd, d david join me. we are so sorry for the loss of your children, who lived incredible lives of service and were bonded by their shared faith. naomi, what would you like people to know about natalie? she was a devoted wife. she had no children of her own, little kelly over there was a s spiritual child of hers. she was sweet and loved those children. loved haiti. loved davy. an incredible human. carley: dave, what would you remember about your daughter? so many things. if you were to sum it up, their lives, it is about love and about commitment, their love for god and love for each other and commitment to the calling and the commitment to the people of haiti that they evenually gave their lives for. tell us about your son and who he was as a person? he was amazing, there wasn t anything he couldn t do or figure out. he would go and learn how to do anything and fix it. it was all about sharing love of christian abata with others and upon hadding those in need and they did that during their time there in haiti. carley: they did just that. ben, the situation in haiti has been going on for sometime now, almost completely out of the news in the united states and given what happened, it feels like it shouldn t be. what are conditions in haiti? it is awful over there and david could probably speak more to that than me being there so long and understand ing the people of haiti and knowing how to speak the language. it is like almost complete anarchy with very little government set up, it makes everything difficult for people there, especially. it is a dark place. i believe that the darkest places need light and davy and natalie were there. carley: david, pick up where ben left off. your son and daughter-in-law were working for a mission that you and your wife started. you have given of yourself and your family, too. tell us about the situation there and what needs to be done to help these people. yeah, it is terrible. we ve been there 26 years, started missions 24 years ago. the last four years have been complete anarchy, we have no current elected officials, they are by a ruling group trying to help haiti. gangs have stepped in, there is no rule of law, and have taken over. killing the president themselves, i don t know the details, i don t know if a gang or mrit cap opposition, but everybody expected international help would step in then and prime minister two years ago begged for international help saying the gangs had become too strong and were getting unlimited supply of ammo in the country and they said police were outmanned and needed help. a year later, it was approved for international force to come in, we are still waiting for them to get there. what we have experienced is great tragedy, haitian people have been experiencing this f forfour or five years. they are affected by gangs and their family members have been killed by it. carley: my goodness, naomi, your son and daughter were missionaries in the truest sense. they were bringing the word of god despite rest unfolding around them. they were in danger, they voluntarily put themselves in that situation for the greater good. i mean, the character your daughter showed at such a young age, how remarkable is that? it is beautiful. it is truly beautiful to see what they did there and how much they love the culture and the people. carley: ben, before i let you go, at the funeral, you spoke about the moment davy asked permission to marry your daughter. apparently, he was sweating, can you tell us about that? as dad of four daughters, it is next to salvation, most important decision you will make is choosing a spouse for life. it is a big deal, i want to make sure it is the right one and of course, davy was and its amazing how they fit together. carley: your son and daughter were more special than most and god secured a spot in heaven for them on the day they were born. dave and naomi, thank you for joining us and allowing us to remember your children with you. thank you. carley: you re welcome. todd: such absolute strength, those missionaries were doing the lord s work, may the lord watch over that family. carley: thousands attended the funeral. todd: now to this, president biden making an appeal to black voters on june tenth and sparking controversy when he said this. president biden: be clear, they are all ghosts in new g garments trying to take it back and making it harder for black people to vote, closing doors of opportunity, attacking values of diversity, equity and inclusion. todd: oh, boy, joining me now is larry elder. how do you view a false fearmongering statement like that? well, todd, i m old enough to know every republican candidate, republican president in my lifetime has been called a racist. i was 12 years old when barry g goldwater was elected and stifrn of fascismismful is in the air. fast forward to george herbert walker bush. he was called a racist and soros compared him to a propaganda minister of adolf hitler. donald trump has taken it to another level, it is on steroids. that is what democrats do, they have lost the white vote, the way they win elections, tell black people they are perpetual victims and that is what they do. carley: larry, at this j juneteenth ceremony, the president made a speech, cameras were on the president when he appeared to freeze during a performance for quite sometime. it is getting attention this morning. take a look at this. carley: you have the president standing in between the vice and george floyd s brother on the other side of him who wrapped his arm around him to help him out with some time the president being stationary. this video will not help with the age concerns, as well. come on, carley, that was joe biden s version of doing the robot. i believe those debates will not take place. donald trump issued a couple demands, one is joe biden take a drug test. as you know, he was confuse order iraq and ukraine. todd: none of that worked well yesterday to win black votes. shifting gears, surrounding exhibit, honoring victims of nova music festival. chanting long live intifada and at the same moment, this is happening, congresswoman aoc, alexandria ocasio-cortez being panned for saying this. watch. at the same time, it is also true that accusations and false accusations of antisemitism are wielded against people of color and women of color by bad faith political actors and weaponizing antisemitism is used to divide us and create a false choice between fight for jewish safety and cause for palestinian self-d self-determination. c todd: are my eyes deceiving me? calling for elimination of israel, celebration at basically a museum that shows artifacts from the day. there is a port-a-potty where you see bullet holes where people did not make it out of those. i guess that is not antisemitism, larry. todd, your eyes do not deceive. anti-defamation league have conducted surveys on antisemitism and blacks that are antisemitism is higher than nonblack serious problem in the democratic party. you have hakeem jeffress jeffers and he wrote a paper in college defending and al sharpton, a democratic king maker with a long list of antisemitism comments. there was riot between blacks and jews in 1991, blacks were assaulting jews and he is on tape saying if the jews want to come to my house, let them do it. serious problem, not just aoc and ilhan omar, long series in the democratic party. todd: larry elder, we thank you. former new york governor an crew cust cuoma will testify before lawmakers in a few hours. carley: cheryl casone will preview his testimony coming up n next. ur skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond s age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond. maria and julio thought their life would never slow down. then one day, it finally did. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. it s 20 degrees cooler under the sunsetter and we get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sun glare. for pricing starting at less than $1,000, transform your outdoor living space into a shaded retreat your family will love! when you call, we ll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you ll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions that will let you enjoy your deck or patio much more often. plus, get this $200 discount certificate that will bring you your sunsetter for as little as $799. but this is a limited time offer. call now! sunsetters are backed with up to a 10-year limited warranty! more than 1 million families in america own and love their sunsetter. now, you too can discover why “life is better under a sunsetter.” it s like putting an extension on your home. and talk about options: choose motorized or manual and for just a little extra, add led lighting for evening enjoyment. there are so many incredible styles to choose from in our free awning idea kit. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! call now to get the whole sunsetter story. you ll get this free awning idea kit. plus, a $200 discount certificate and there s no obligation. with sunsetter, you ll create the ultimate outdoor living space. perfect for entertaining friends. call now for your free awning idea kit, with local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!”act now and save! 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the main reason we do this, give insight into what the building industry really is. and changen the narrative what e think about us as carpenters. this is a great occupation and kids coming up should not be afraid of it. why did you decide to become a welder, you have a big following. i m sure that comes with financial benefit and opportunities, as well. i started my welding career 15 years ago, i ve worked from nuclear power plant to hydro electric turbine units and i want to show that you are not limited by the way you look, you are not in a box everyone wants to put you in. there are no rules. work harvard, try hard and be good at what you do and people will respect you. carley: that is so cool. matt, engagement around your videos is huge. vocational focus community college is on the rise. trade industries are having a moment right now, why do you think that is? i think people are a little tired of going into det with student loans and figuring out how to support families without going through that. trade is great way to do that. carley: cost of college versus cost of trade school is drastic, if anybody, you want to inspire young women who could be interested in following your path. if anybody is listening and heard something you said, follows you on socialia, how should they go about doing it? i went two a two-year school and got a degree in applied science with focus on welding. that started foundation for people believing in me. you can t say i can t do it because i have this degree, i have certifications to prove i can. it speaks to the possibility of graduating with no student debt. i paid through college and graduated with zero student debt. carley: that is fantastic. wall street journal featured both of you saying you are making blue collar cool and we wanted to meet you and hear your story. thank you for joining us. have a great day. todd: don t sell yourself short, i ve seen you weld. carley: secret between me and todd. yeah. have you seen this video of a bull jumping over a fen ce into the rodeo? the woman who recorded it is here to tell you what it was like. todd: here is steve doocy with look at what is coming up top of the hour. you are getting an early birthday present. steve: i learned to weld in high school in the day when they had metal shop. carley: i did take wood shop and i have the key rack i made. todd: me, too. it works. steve: things we keep forever to show our children, look what i made in high school. carley: exactly right. steve: i made a gun rack. i know. fox and friends kicks off in eight minutes and two seconds. we have a busy program on fox and friends . power and senate on the line, stakes are high and nevada state voters head to the polls today for the state s primary election. republican candidate and retired army captain sam brown, sam will join us this morning. also new york city police depend is looking for two migrants that attacked and robbed a tourist and if that is not enough, they were staying in a taxpayer funded shelter. should not work that way. calls are growing to shut down migrant shelters, we ll talk to a democrat who is joinings them. this middle school principal is cracking down on vaping in school. remember smoking in the boys room, now they are vaping. he will tell us about unique punishment he has in store for rule breakers. busy three hours, kicks off seven minutes and 45 seconds from now on the channel you trust for morning news. todd and carley back in a couple, you are watch ing fox and friends first . dinner compreh dinner compreh , . have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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[bleep], [bleep] todd: oh my gosh. have you seen these videos yet? shows the moment a bull breaks loose at oregon rodeo jumps the fence and hurts five people in the process. danielle smithers was in the stands and caught it all in camera the shot you saw in the stands. danielle, set the scene for us as you are taking this video. what going through your mind. first of all, good morning, thank you for having me. the first initial thing that i thought was, wow, you can hear me state in the video i m completely in shock. a friend and mine had just been down there in the common area where that bull had jumped moments before returning do our seats. and we were actually standing at the gate to try to get a closer look at the bulls. and the sheriff s department was very diligent in doing their job they looked right at us and said you are either in or out. this is not a safe place for you to be and you need to return to your seats. so we went up and took our seats and i initially started shining my flashlight and swaying with the crowd and turned around and looked at my husband and said this is way too beautiful for me to be shining the light. i m going to stop and i m going to start recording this. and i just happened to catch him right as he was coming out of the gate. todd: unreal. were you scared for your family s safety when you saw this bull do this jump over the fence? my entire family was there. we even had a group of friends there. and i was not scared at all. at that point when that bull escaped i was in probably the safest place that i could have been high in those bleachers. my thoughts did go out to the people that i had initially seen moments before in the common area. todd: those people while injured are not life-threatening injuries. thank god. let s be real, if to the for the quick work of the rodeo crew, how much worse could this have been danielle? it could have been much worse. the rodeo crew i will say was absolutely amazing. they immediately they had been following that bull. they said he was out to get to safe place. they initiated protocol. and i haven t timed the video, but i would say that they had him in less than 30 seconds roped and contained. todd: wow. they were amazing. todd: we got to run. will you bring your family back to the rodeo ever again? 5 seconds to you you, danielle. most definitely. not only the sisters rodeo every year but every other rodeo that is close. we are definite rodeo fans. todd: danielle smithers thank you for that video. the bull was named party bus. more like the bachelor party at the end of the night at the beginning. carley: not a busy would want to be on. todd: fox & friends begins right now. carley: have a good day, everybody. the sitcom begins. brian: sounds liked i should be walking and the kitche

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS HARDtalk 20240611

well, not necessarily. my guest is the renowned colombian novelistjuan gabriel vasquez, who weaves powerful stories out of fact and fiction. is there anything magical about colombia s current reality? juan gabriel vasquez, welcome to hardtalk. thank you for having me. it s a pleasure to have you. now you inhabit two different intellectual worlds. you are a political commentator. it is yourjob to have instant, strong opinions for newspapers. on the other hand, you re also a novelist who writes complex, nuanced novels that are sort of riddled with doubt and uncertainty. which of these two mental attitudes comes more naturally to you? well, i m first and foremost a novelist. iwas. i began writing fiction at a very young age, and it was always my ideal to write the kind of novels that i had grown up with. but in south america, a novelist is also a citizen. and so you develop very quickly the need, the compulsion sometimes, the feeling of obligation to comment on the political reality. so in a sense, there are two different and opposite ethics. erm. you write fiction out of uncertainty and doubts and questions. novels are written to ask questions, not to give answers. but at the same time, you re a political commentator who tries to have certainties, who tries to shed doubts. are you faking it when you come up with those certainties for your columns? no, but there are few. there are very few, very few moments during the week in which you are absolutely sure about something and you write to convince, you write to do a kind of proselytism. uh, you write to try to get answers. interestingly, you dig deep into your home country, colombia, and yet you spent a significant part of your adult life out of colombia. yes. would it be correct in a way to say that you became confident in your voice, you know, exploring your home country once you d left it? yes, yes, ithink that s quite accurate. erm, in a sense, also, i was following a very old latin american tradition of leaving our countries to write about them, to understand them better. this is something that has been happening since, uh. ..since the nicaraguan poet ruben dario lived in paris and madrid in the early 20th century. and then, of course, the generation that i grew up as my role models, the latin american boom, and. and garcia, gabriel garcia marquez. ..garcia marquez. yes. ..perhaps the most famous south american author of our times. yeah, yeah. he belonged to a generation that, erm, that wrote, that retold the history of our countries from abroad. so we have this very strange situation in south america where the best novel about colombia 100 years of solitude was written in mexico, and the best novel about peru by mario vargas llosa was written in paris, and carlos fuentes, the great mexican novelist, wrote in washington and london. erm, so it is a kind of necessity, perhaps, that we find to, you know, get a little removed from the places that we are discussing. it s interesting to just reflect on garcia marquez, cos. yeah. i know it s become a bit of a cliche, but this this phrase used about his work and, indeed, 100 years of solitude was magical realism . you do something very different. yes. you use a lot of recent history, of facts, and you weave personal stories around those facts, and it s often quite brutal and it s quite violent and difficult. yes. was your writing a deliberate reaction against that sort of quote unquote magical realism ? no, no, my writing isjust the recognition that my world is different. my world view comes from a different place. i was born in a big capital city in the middle of the andes, so 2,600 metres over sea level. whereas garcia marquez was born in a very small town, caribbean town, with a very different culture and outlook. so his, his demons, his obsessions, his ghosts were quite different from mine. and you were also raised at a time of horrible violence, instability, chaos. yes. your home city, bogota. yeah. i mean, did that. do you reflect on that and think, you know what, i was actually quite traumatised as a kid, as a young adult, by what was happening around me ? yes. well, when i left colombia in 1996, i was 23. erm, i thought i was leaving because i wanted to become a certain kind of writer, and that was the latin american tradition. with time, i understood that i was also fleeing the violence. i was also fleeing a, erm, a particular situation. this was the years of drug wars and drug related terrorism. erm. narco traffickers like pablo escobar were at the height of their power as you were a teenager and a young adult. exactly, exactly. napoleon says somewhere that, uh, in order to understand a man, you have to understand his world when he was 20. and i turned 20 in 1993, which was the year in which pablo escobar died at the height of his threats to the colombian system. so that s that. do you, do you think, when you reflect on it and of course, i m mindful you were writing in europe about this colombia of corruption, of chaos, of violence do you think you were, erm, expressing in a way, a sort of deep fear and anger about what had happened to your homeland? em, frustration in a sense, but mainly, uh, mainly uncertainties, maybe mainly the feeling that, the stories that were being told were not complete. i think i write out of a sense of darkness, of shadows in the collective story of my country, and i think of fiction as a way to shed some light, particularly, on that, on that very special place in which the historical meets private lives, in which private individuals, erm, as brothers and sisters and lovers and, uh, and fathers and, and siblings, they have. they suffer the consequences of politics and history and those forces that we have never learned quite how to, how to control, but that do change our lives. and this is the territory of our human experience that i try to tell in my novels. you call it fiction, but of course you fill your books with facts, sometimes very personal facts. yes. i mean, i m thinking of one of your most successful novels, the sound of things falling, which involves a plane crash. and in fact, you really did find, i think, the transcript of the recording of the last moments of a plane, which i believe was carrying a family friend, which crashed. that s right, yes. and you very literally took these horrific final moments and wrote about them. yes. you also included some other bizarre facts, like the hippo that escaped from pablo escobar s infamous zoo and which was then hunted down years later. and that was the beginning of your book. so i guess, you know, your audience might be sometimes quite confused about these blurred lines between fact and you re a journalist, so you deal in facts but then fiction, which is where you as a novelist come in. yes, i ve understood with time that in my work. my work always begins with meeting an actual person who has a story that seems to me interesting, uh, or who is hiding something, who has evidently some kind of secrets. and i start asking questions. so i always begin writing as a novel. as a journalist. i m a journalist first, and then, since my novels often deal with the colombian past, with our collective past, i turn into a historian ifind documents, i go into archives, and then the last, uh, the last person to come into the process is the novelist. and the novelist s only task is to try to say something that neither the journalist nor the historian has said. but in so doing, you twist and bend the truth. or do you not believe there is such a thing as truth? i do believe there is such a thing as truth. epistemologically i do believe that, but i don t think it s accessible through one story. i don t think one story can.interpret it fully. so you need several stories coming from several parts. and this is particularly true in my country, where we are trying to, uh, deal with a recent history of violence. and we are all trying storytellers, journalists, historians, novelists who are trying to open a space in which different stories about these last 50 years coexist, have the right to exist. but if, if your perception that, actually, truth is complex and it requires the understanding of different people s perspectives and memories. yes. ..and they can recollect the same event in very different ways. yes. where does that leave colombia s attempt to reach, you know, what in south africa was known as truth and reconciliation ? is it possible in colombia? that s what we are trying to do. the peace agreements that were passed in 2016, which i think is one of the great successes in the history of my country, these agreements between the colombian government ofjuan manuel santos and the farc guerrilla. yeah, it should be said it was with the farc group, which was the dominant insurgent group. only one of them. ..but there are many other rebel groups who have not made peace and who are not part of that agreement. exactly. but it was the biggest guerrilla, perhaps the oldest one, and the strongest one, certainly. so it was a success story to make peace with this guerrilla movement. erm, now, part of the. part of what the agreements created were two institutions, the commission of truth and the transitionaljustice tribunals. both of them are, among several other things, in charge of telling stories, opening spaces in which people can come and, uh, tell their story, be recognised as victims of violence, or as perpetrators who ask for forgiveness. the victims may or may not forgive, but the most, the most wonderful human situations have been created or allowed by this, by the institutions. and they all go through the same phenomenon of telling stories. but is it really healing wounds, or do those wounds still fester in your country? that s, that s a great question. you never know if remembering can be sometimes, erm, exciting new resentments or keeping hatred alive. erm, i do have i do have faith in the power of remembering correctly and accurately the past. carlos fuentes, the mexican novelist, said there is no living future with a dead past, and part of our role, i think, as novelists and storytellers in general, is keeping the past alive, trying to keep it true, keep it honest, so that we can understand it and move forward. ah. i mean, something pretty extraordinary happened in 2022 when the colombian electorate voted into power. yeah. ..president petro, who in a previous life, not so very long ago had been a committed guerrilla fighter in the m 19 group, and now he sits in the presidential palace. but that clearly sticks in the throat of many colombians. and ijust wonder, as you look at your country today, whether you fear that petro, who came to power pledging, quote unquote, total peace with all of the different armed groups in his country. yes. ..whether in fact his presidency is deepening polarisation. well, uh, i m very critical about president petro. i think he is a populist and a demagogue, uh, of a very old latin american tradition. but he had this unique opportunity of and this is why i thought his election was good news of implementing the peace agreements of 2016, which had been, uh, disregarded or actively sabotaged by the last conservative government of ivan duque. erm. he hasn t. it s not looking so good right now, is it? i mean, as i understand it, of the different armed groups. because he seems to be saying that he wants a, you know, an ultimate peace and a disarming of all the groups, including criminal gangs as well as insurgent rebel groups and paramilitary groups, he wants them all to be in this umbrella of total peace. yes. well, of the 20 or more different armed groups, only about five are currently engaging with the government. yes, and not only that, to me, the bad side of the whole project is that he is taking away from the 2016 agreements, all the attention and the resources and the rhetorical energy of the government. so he is forgetting them, leaving them to die a slow death through inattention, through negligence, concentrating on his own projects. erm, whereas we, we looked forward during his election to the first serious implementation of those wonderful agreements that we managed to pass in 2016 after much polarisation. it s not, it s notjust a question, is it, of the men with guns. it s also the politicians who for decades and decades, at the very least, turned a blind eye and sometimes were actively complicit in the violence, the murder, the chaos and the mayhem in your country. do you think there will be an accounting of those politicians one could say the old political elite in colombia will they be held to account? well, i certainly think they re one of the. one of the main objectives of the peace agreements and the peace negotiations has to be to find the truth, to have people speak the truth and, and accept some kind of truth as the only way for which we. a reconciliation of the country. but there has to be a reconciliation. it s absolutely no use to go through these difficult processes that have, uh, divided us and polarised us as a nation. so as you say that and you talk about your hopes for the future of your country i m just looking at my notes where i noted down that right now, opposition leaders in bogota are saying that they have plans to launch national strikes to paralyse the country if petro attempts to establish this talk of a constituent assembly, assembly to bypass parliament and the courts. there s allegations of corruption being bandied around involving close family and associates of petro, including charges that his son is facing of bribery with allegations that it was linked to campaign finance, which of course, he the son and indeed the president himself clearly deny all involvement. but nonetheless, it looks in a way like colombia is sinking back into something very dark and dangerous. i think we are not strangers to a certain kind of dynamics in the whole of the continent. 0ur continent, our continent in south america is being divided into different kinds of populisms right wing populisms such as bolsonaro in brazil some years ago and milei in argentina and the left wing populisms active in nicaragua and venezuela, which are turning their countries into failed democracies. in the middle, we have this negotiation between two kinds of extreme ideas, extreme erm, projects, political projects in colombia. and in the middle there are some looking for a way to create a new political centre of a progressive kind, and this is turning into one of the most difficult things of all. because of the current situation of that tension between what the government of petro is doing, a populist demagogue, erm. on that spectrum of latin american politics with the populism, as you describe it, of both the left and the right where do you see the greatest danger lying for colombia? which way do you believe it might. it s very clear to me that the greatest danger is that petro s government will open the way for a right wing or rather, extreme right wing populism, which is already in the making and gathering force as a reaction to what is going on from the government. that is the most worrying situation for me. underpinning much of the violence in colombia and we ve talked about politics and insurgency but underpinning much of it has been drugs. yes. narco trafficking. yeah. ..and the vast amounts of money and indeed the power that come with controlling the drugs. you have suggested that the only way out of this for a country like colombia is the full legalisation of currently illegal narcotics. yes, for any country, i would think. but particularly. what do you think that would do to colombia? erm. i think drugs are a double problem. you have public order problems linked to the violence and the corruption and the instability created by criminal gangs who try to vie for control of the trade. and on the other hand, you have public health problems linked to consumption of drugs and what that does to. the burden that places on health systems. if you legalise, every experience tells us that legalisation would get rid of the first problem violence, corruption, mafias, criminal gangs are a product of the illegal character of drugs, not of drugs themselves. and we saw that during prohibition in the united states only during prohibition did we have not only alcoholism and private problems, but also mafias and corruption and violence, which are the results of illegality, of the criminal world that is built around the protection of an illegal business. you legalise, you get probably rid of all these things, and you can devote the insane amounts of money that we use in drug wars to prevention and education and treatment of addiction. when you, as a journalist, write about the narco traffickers and the scourge that drugs represents in your country and you write about corruption and the corrosive nature of corruption you re in very dangerous territory. journalists and writers get targeted in colombia. yes. some of them occasionally get killed. do you worry about that? well, this is. this is a trend in the whole of the continent. journalists are being persecuted and imprisoned in venezuela and nicaragua. there are networks closed there. they re being actively persecuted by the government. i m interested in your personal story because we discussed you moving to europe to get a distance where you could write about colombia, but you then moved back in around, i think, around a decade or more ago. 2012, yes. yeah, so you have a presence inside colombia now. do you feel constraints on what you can say? i d rather not think about that maybe. erm. surely, you have to. well, i, uh. i do believe there s a kind of, erm.obligation i have as an intellectual, as an observer, and as a novelist. we have a certain kind of take on colombian life, novelists, erm, and it is, it is very difficult to. not to do what albert camus, who is a big figure for me, said it is the role of the journalist to say things are so when you effectively see that things are so, and this is what i try to do. and i know you are friends with many writers around the world, including salman rushdie. when you see what happens to writers who take on, uh, those who don t want their voice to be heard on certain issues, does it make you become more careful about what you say and write? well, salman, salman rushdie is a great example of somebody who has spent the last 30 years defending the freedoms the rest of us take for granted and thriving. i think he is an example of, of courage and of resilience. erm, and it s. .. for me, it s a source, it s an inspiration and a source of admiration in many senses. and you will continue to write about your country from inside your country? i have never, except for one book, i haven t written a page of fiction that is not obsessively about my country, about trying to understand its violence and trying to, uh, explore it and illuminate it. and as a journalist, i only try to defend our right our right to peace, to have a peaceful country. which is, you know, hopefully in the making, but not there immediately. juan gabriel vasquez, thank you very much forjoining me on hardtalk. it was a pleasure. thank you. hello, there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week, in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland, gusts of winds coming from the north, and in excess of 30 mph, at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story, further south and west. just look at anglesey beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west, so west will be best, through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers, certainly, are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so, sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature, 1a or 15 degrees, but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully, some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so, wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start, once again, to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but, hopefully, the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers, once again, to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures, generally, similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high, but the wind direction will start to change, as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part, a little a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant, because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england, we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. live from london, this is bbc news. the united nations security council adopts a us resolution supporting an immediate ceasefire in gaza here in the uk, campaigning continues as the conservatives launch their election manifesto today. jurors have started deliberating in the trial of president biden s son, hunter. later in the program, we ll be finding out how elephants call to each other using their names. and coming up in business strava is one of the worlds most popular fitness apps. i ll be speaking to its chief executive on this programme. hello, i m sally bundock. a very warm welcome to the programme. the united states is making a major push to pause fighting in gaza, with diplomatic efforts taking place both in the region and at the united nations. the un security council endorsed a ceasefire proposal for gaza on monday. it is the first time the council has passed a resolution demanding a stop in fighting, after eight months of war. the resolution urges both hamas and israel to fully and quickly implement the three phase plan. 1a countries voted in favour, and russia abstained. us ambassador to the un linda thomas greenfield says the resolution shows hamas that the international community is united. colleagues, today this council sent a clear message to hamas. accept the ceasefire deal on the table.

Novelist , Reality , Feeling , Obligation , Citizen , Compulsion , Need , South-america , Person , News , Display-device , Product

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Sportsday 20240611

hello and welcome to sports day with less than seven weeks ago until the olympics, some contenders have been an action ahead of the global extravaganza in paris. our reporter natalie pirks rounds up reporter natalie pirks rounds up the stories from the italian capital. up the stories from the italian caital. l, up the stories from the italian caital. a, , capital. another busy night environment capital. another busy night environment with - capital. another busy night environment with yet - capital. another busy night i environment with yet another gold for host italy to keep them on top of the metal table. on a british point of view, there were two medals, a silver for charlie dobson in the men s from a hundred metre and a bronze in the women s pole vault finals. charlie, another personal best in what was a fantastic season so far. that he was over the moon could not be happier to take silver in what was his first individual major 400 metre final. the race was won by relevant alexander dugina with a new championship record. molly codger came into the pole vault with the world leading height and rolled indoor champion but fell a little short by her standards and had to settle for bronze. the gold was won by switzerland, the only athlete tim clear phonic emitters and 78. she was a little disappointed after quite literally setting the bar high for herself but is dreaming about her first olympics this summer and cannot wait to get there. the women s pomegranate amid the final was a thrilling head to head down the back straight to poland atalla cataract and islands rashida at a lanky. it was close but the pole just fell clear when it mattered to win gold. the fastest time from anyone in the world this year. setting a new personal best to come second. d5 is the personal best to come second. 05 is the penultimate day and ds is the penultimate day and we have the women s 200 metre final. that is the women s 10,000 metres and women s and men s racewear pomegranate emitter hurdles and it means this crowd will get a chance to see a bone a bona fides die. start. i could not be happier with that. i think executed the race perfectly. exactly the way me and my coach wanted. unfortunately it was not the gold but more than happy to take silver exposure with like that. around for selection and once that is done, stay fit and healthy and we will be in paris. two make it with the top quys paris. two make it with the top guys especially once i have watched in the past is incredible. teams have arrived in germany today as euro 2024 draws closer. after acclimatising to their surroundings in their resort, the first training session for the first training session for the team will take place onto tuesday and kickoff tournament sunday against serbia. their welcome party were very excited for them to arrive. first, we are really proud to have such a team here, and i think all the people around living here in the small town are very proud to have the english team here. and my staff is quite excited, but even the english staff is now excited because they will arrive today, and everybody is waiting for the resurrection of the team, if they are satisfied and everything is ok, and it is a really big thing for us here to have the british team here, the english team here, it is really fantastic. italy arrived for their campaign on monday. italy come into the competition without the weight of the favourites tag over and come having enjoyed a tricky qualifying campaign. they have since had the misfortune of being placed in arguing the toppers group alongside heavyweights spain. experienced side creation and perhaps the dark horses. tracer are croatia began their campaign against spain in a tantalising tie in berlin on saturday. followed by the defending champions italy. portugal and cristiano ronaldo haven t quite left for germany yet they are continuing preparations for euro 2024 at their their training camp outside lisbon, after losing 2 1 against croatia on saturday. portugal has one more friendly against the republic of ireland on tuesday before they start their competition against the czech republic onjune 18 in leipzig. three valencia fans have been sentenced to eight months in prison, in what is the first conviction for racism at a football match in spain. it comes as a direct result of a complaint filed by la liga. brazilian forward vinicius jr was subjected to the chants at valencia s mestalla stadium in may last year. as well as facing prison sentences the three fans were also banned from la liga matches and spain internationals for two years. la liga presidentjavier tebas called the verdict great news for the fight against racism in spain. real madrid and manager carlo ancelotti have clarified that the champions league winners will compete at next year s club world cup despite the italian earlier saying the club would refuse the invitation . carlo ancelotti made the comments in an interview with the italian newspaper il giornale, where he also claimed other clubs will refuse to play in the enlarged 32 team competition due to be held in the united states. ancelotti now says his comments were misinterpreted while real madrid say they ll play with pride and with the utmost enthusiasm . our chief football news reporter simon stone has more he gave an interview in italy in which he said that real madrid would have 12 european clubs do to play in the club world cup at the end of the 24 25 season would not be participating in it because basically, they had not been offered to play in it. i spoke to the european clubs association not long after her and said they did not understand where the comments had come from, 11 of the european clubs apart from real madrid who are competing in america next year are in the eca and as far as they were concerned, they were all competing and they did not understand the comment. then real madrid put a statement out in which they said that they had never spoken about not playing in the competition and that as far as they were concerned, they would be involved and then a few moments after that, and szilagyi himself put a statement out saying, his comments had not been interpreted the way they thought he would be. i m not sure what he thought the interpretation would be putting on them but that is what he said so real madrid along with the 11 other european clubs will be playing in the club world cup at the end of next season. the t20 world cup now. bangladesh came close to a surprise victory. bangladesh s bowlers putting on a superb display south africa to 23 4 at one stage. on a tricky pitch reaching 113 for six of their 20 overs. bangladesh make a decent run chase and slight favourites heading to blast over. this is how close they got, the six required off the lost two balls, caught on the boundary ensues away from the win. south africa in the end taking the match by four runs on the brink of qualifying for their group. and it s official, history made on monday. jannik sinner is the first italian to become men s world number one in tennis. sinner won the australian open earlier this year and secured his position at the top of the atp rankings by reaching the semi finals of the french open, where he was beaten by eventual champion carlos alcaraz. sinner replaces novak djokovic after the serb withdrew from roland garros before his own quarter final. the 22 year old say there s plenty more to come. i was happy and it was some relief now of what i have dreamed of since i was little kid, it was only a dream that day and now i know i can say i am world number one, it means a lot to me. it took some time, that is for sure. but it was a very nice feeling. the meaning of world number one i think is the biggest meaning we have in our sport. it is the best number you can have and as a set already, this is everyone s dream to be in this position and obviously it is an important grand slam and masters event and to be number one in the world is an achievement, what you build in one year time and now obviously we see how much you can stay there. that s all the time we have for now. you can get all the latest sports news at from the bbc sport app, orfrom our website that s from me and the rest of the team at the bbc sport centre, goodbye. hello there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland. gusts of winds coming from the north and in excess of 30 mile an hour at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story further south and west. just look at anglesey, beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west. so west will be best through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers certainly are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature 14 or 15 degrees. but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius, not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling, ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it, there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start once again to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but hopefully the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers once again to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures generally similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high. but the wind direction will start to change as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part a little. a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. live from washington, this is bbc news. the un security council backs a gaza ceasefire proposal, as us secretary of state blinken makes a diplomatic push in the middle east. the far right advances in the european union s elections, prompting fresh questions about europe s future. and jury deliberations begin in the gun trial of the us president s son, hunter biden. how do you feel today when? i think it went well. thank you. i m sumi somaskanda. thank you forjoining us. the us is making a major push to pause fighting in gaza, with diplomatic efforts taking place both in the region and at the united nations. the un security council endorsed a ceasefire proposal for gaza on monday. it is the first time the council has passed a resolution demanding a stop in fighting, after eight months of war. the resolution urges both hamas and israel to fully and quickly implement the three phase plan. 14 countries voted in favour, and russia abstained. reactions to the resolution between the two parties have been mixed. hamas says it welcomes the endorsement, and that it s ready to work with mediators. a senior israeli diplomat said her country would continue to pursue its objectives. us ambassador to the un linda thomas greenfield says the resolution shows hamas that the international community is united. colleagues, today this council sent a clear message to hamas. accept the ceasefire deal on the table. israel has already agreed to this deal and the fighting could stop today, if hamas would do the same. i repeat, the fighting could stop today.

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Click 20240611

all of a sudden, it clicked in my head. wow, the international space station is a submarine in space. ..moon bots and moon dust. the surface is fine and powdery. i can pick it up loosely with my toe. you know, i think i ve seen that chap somewhere before. jfk: we choose to go - to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. i neil armstrong: it s one small step for man. - giant leap for mankind. 52 years ago, we laid our last footprint on the moon. as the crew of apollo 17 left the surface, they didn t know that gene cernan would be the last person to walk on another world for quite a while. we re on our way, houston. but now, in this decade, finally. ..we re going back. mission control: and lift off of artemis 1. nasa s artemis programme will, in the next year or two, return us to our neighbour. part of its mission to land the first woman and the first person of colour on the moon. another part to use what we learn here to send the first astronauts to mars. this is where it all began florida s kennedy space center named after the president who made the original pledge to go to the moon. and now, this place is at the centre of even grander plans, because this time, we re notjust visiting the moon we want to stay. this is gateway, humanity s first space station that will orbit another world. it will go round the moon every seven days. and, like the international space station above earth, astronauts will call this place home . although, where the iss can accommodate up to 12 astronauts and is comparable to a five or six bedroom house, gateway will be.more cosy. gateway is a studio apartment. it s. we re going to have room for our four astronauts, multiple docking ports, so we can bring our orion crew transportation ship, we can bring logistics, and we can dock a lander. these four explorers won t all be cooped up on board for the whole time, though. two will actually be spending a week or two on location, down on the lunar surface. it s a chance to further study the landscape and hopefully find a location for our next giant leap a permanent moon base. gateway will be there before we put a habitat on the surface. gateway allows us to access any point on the lunar surface. when we went with apollo, we had to pick that spot on the moon and go to it. gateway will give us the opportunity to go down at different locations. the first section of gateway could be launched as early as 2025, with new modules then being added from 2027. a lunar base is admittedly further out and it comes with risk, but also reward. so, how do we make that a reality? to find out, it s time for me to take one small step of my own. oh, wow. i can instantly see the dust kind of kicking up. yeah. it s really fine, isn t it? it leaves the footprints like you d expect. oh, my gosh. that s brilliant. and this is how moon dust behaves, itjust puffs up like that? it does, yeah. it s so fine. welcome to swamp works. ..the dusty, dirty lab where they work with simulated moon dust. now, the loose soil that covers the lunar surface is called regolith. it s extremely fine, very sharp on a microscopic scale, and it gets everywhere. so when we landed with apollo 11, we didn t know what the surface of the moon exactly was going to be like. you ll notice from some of the footage, the landing pads are quite huge on the landing legs and the ladder s far away from the surface. there was a lot of concern of, how much will this lander sink into the surface? how fluffy is this regolith? the surface is fine and powdery. i can.| can pick it up loosely with my toe. in fact, it s because the eagle lander didn t sink in as much as expected that neil armstrong had to take such a giant leap from the bottom rung of the ladder. today, swamp works is developing robots that can cope with and take advantage of lunar soil. and it will be very useful. see, moon dust is made of materials like silicon dioxide and calcium oxide, which all contain a lot of oxygen. if we could mine the regolith and use chemical processes to extract the oxygen, we could make our own breathable air and our own rocket fuel. the way space flight exploration has been working right now is imagine you re going on a holiday with your family, you re going on a long road trip, thousands of miles, right? right now, we are bringing a trailer behind us with all the gas, you know, that we need with us, all the fuel, everything that we need comes with us. so we want to change that paradigm. we want to. and one of the biggest things that makes the biggest impact is the fuel, right? if we can source some of that from the moon and eventually from mars, that will allow us to bring more and to go more often. making our own fuel makes regular trips to and from the gateway space station much more viable. now, mining moon dust is called isru. and, because they love an acronym round these parts, the robot to do this will be called the isru pilot excavator, ipex. we had to really reinvent how you do excavation for doing mining on the moon, and eventually mars. the challenge is the technology we have for mining here on earth relies on a lot of mass and a lot of weight, right? the more steel you put on an excavator, the heavier it becomes and the better it digs. we can t launch something as heavy as we want on a rocket. it s still very expensive, right? so we have to reduce the mass of what we put on rockets. and then when you land it on the moon, so the way the robot scoops up the dust is using this thing called a bucket drum. and it s got a kind of spiral in there. and if it turns it one way, it scoops the soil, which gradually works its way towards the middle and stays there. like that. and then when it wants to unload. turns it the other way and it all comes out again. we put them on opposite ends of the robot and when it excavates, it s using both sets of drums at the same time, but they re digging in opposite directions. so one is pulling it that way and one is pulling it that way. right. ..and pulling itself down to the surface. yeah. one of the main dangers faced by extraterrestrial rovers is getting stuck. so, as an added bonus, ipex s scoops and arms can also help it to get out of a hole orflip it over if it takes a tumble. one of its other defences will keep its cameras free from all that electrostatic dust, which will cling to every part of it. its lenses will be fitted with an electrodynamic dust shield. simply apply electricity and the charged dust particles are repelled, keeping its vision clear. but after a while of going to and fro, we might want to stay a little longer on the surface. robots like this one will prepare the ground for permanent buildings by smoothing and compacting the foundations. do you have a name for this arm? um. we call it. we call it meercat, actually. you ve always got cool names for these things! yeah. why? it s called the multipurpose end effector for regolith acquisition. meercat. .. ..transportation and. yeah, yeah, that s it. you see, what worries me is there are some brilliant inventions you guys haven t bothered with because you couldn t think of a cool acronym. a cool name. that is like one of the. it s very important to have a good name for your projects because it, like, represents the soul of the project, right? now, just like the fuel situation, we can t take building materials with us to the moon either we have to make our structures from moon dust. these bricks and blocks and bars have all been made by mixing and melting regolith with plastic. in the future, giant sd printers will build shelters to protect those living on a world with no atmosphere from radiation, asteroid and micrometeoroid impacts, moonquakes and temperatures ranging from +100 to 200 degrees celsius. even replacement parts can be made from regolith. so this is a wheel that has been printed with regolith and polymer. ok. this is another example of what we can do if we capture the resources from the moon. now, do you know, i ve seen and held wheels for rovers before, full size wheels, and they re really light. right. but this is really heavy. yes, this is the opposite. and heavy wheels are a good thing, i guess. it s better, right? especially for a digger like that. like the more weight that we have on the excavator, the better it s going to perform. would you believe you can even make rope out of regolith? this is made from basalt glass really, really thin fibres, a bit like optic fibre. so you could even make rope out of moon dust. these are hopeful times for space exploration, but it s always been a risky endeavour. im 1 odysseus lunar lander separation confirmed. this year, we ve seen three probes sent to the moon. two made it, and both of those had, shall we say, awkward landings. and the artemis mission to put boots back on the lunar ground has been pushed back to 2026 at the earliest. but nasa says space explorers need to take these setbacks in their stride. i don t see it as a disappointment. it s very cliche to say space is hard, but what we re endeavouring to do is highly complex. we expect challenges along the way so this doesn t surprise us and we re pushing forward. it sounds really expensive to do space exploration. is it, and is it worth it? so, yes, it s really expensive. it was really expensive for us to explore this planet, really expensive to lay rail infrastructure, to lay highway infrastructure, to put the infrastructure in place that allows us to travel in air traffic around this globe. it s absolutely necessary for us to lay that critical infrastructure for going to space, because what we learn in that endeavour is tremendous. the exponential growth that we ve seen in the world in technology is because of great endeavours like this. it s absolutely worth it. here in the united states, every year the general population is spending as much money on potato chips as our budget is every year to go out to the moon. that s a good figure. the motivation may be different to that of the space race of the 1960s, but the size of the ambition is just as great today as we shoot for the moon once again. i m alistair keane with this week s tech news. google has confirmed it s started restricting election related questions on its ai chatbot gemini. if a user asks the chatbot about a political party or candidate, it would tell them to try google search instead. they started rolling out the measure in india. the plan is to expand to other countries where big elections are taking place. the european parliament has approved the world s first framework for regulating the risks of artificial intelligence. the ai act works by classifying products according to risk and adjusting scrutiny accordingly. the law s creators say it will make the tech more human centric. however, the act still has to pass several more steps before it formally becomes law. a surgical team at cromwell hospital in london have come the first in europe to use applevision pro to perform two microsurgery spine procedures. with xx software, the apple headset allowed some in the team to have touch free access when assessing up the surgery and offered them visualisations that were previously unavailable. and fancy wearing sunglasses that can quickly swipe to become reading glasses? well, deep optics have you covered with their newly created 32n glasses. users can transition between the two settings thanks to liquid crystal lenses. they contain pixels and tiny electronic controls. i never dreamed that i could become an astronaut. i m talking to kayla barron. time resident of the international space station and now part of the artemis crew, the team who are preparing to go back to the moon. first time i looked out the window of our capsule. ..16 sunrises and sunsets each day over our beautiful planet, really fundamentally feeling this interconnectedness. everything each one of us does has an impact on the people, notjust immediately around us, but on the entire planet. that inspired me to be really deliberate about, what contribution am i going to make to leave a better, healthier, more connected, more cooperative planet? what inspired you to become an astronaut? i did decide from a pretty early age that i wanted to serve in the military, and ultimately found my way to the naval academy and to the navy and to the submarine force in particular. and i met an astronaut at a navy football game, and hearing her story just reminded me so much of my experience on the submarine. and all of a sudden it clicked in my head, wow, the international space station is a submarine in space. and i told her that and she said, it totally is. it s exactly the same. you have these really complex machines out in these extreme environments that are designed to keep human beings alive in a place we re not meant to be, really, which is deep under the surface of the ocean or in the vacuum of space, and notjust keep us alive, but also allow us to accomplish a mission, do something as a team that s of value to others. what do you think it might be like to live on the moon and then mars? well, the moon is beautiful from the space station, first of all. when the sun is reflecting off this sphere, it s know, a crescent moon, a sliver in the sky. it felt like you could just reach out and grab it, and i think made me realise how incredible it is going to be to send human beings back. and there s incredible scientific questions we re going to be able to answer. we re planning to return to the moon, but this time, to the lunar south pole. so we ll be exploring a different area than we visited during the apollo era. answer some really fundamental questions not only about the moon s formation and its geology, but about our entire solar system. you are part of the artemis team. the artemis 3 crew is the one, i suppose, that everyone wants to be on, cos i think that s the one where the people are going to stand on the moon. are you in with a chance of being on artemis 3? of course. everyone in our office dreams of the opportunity to be part of those crews. you wait and hope. but the really cool thing is even if you re not in that seat on the flight, you get to support them and be a part of the team that makes that happen. the artemis 3 mission, they will put the first woman and the first person of colour on the moon. i m guessing that those two people will become as famous as neil armstrong. put yourself in her shoes, even if it s not you. what would that represent for you? for humankind? you know, i think that moment will really represent how far we ve come. you know, we did amazing things in the apollo era, but not everyone had the access to those opportunities. there have been women in the nasa astronaut office for a really long time doing really incredible things. so we ll be standing on those women s shoulders. the first woman to command a space shuttle, the first to do a spacewalk, the first to command the space station. and when we look around at the diversity of our office, it s really incredible, like, who we have around us. it will be this incredible, historic, iconic moment that i think young women and girls around the planet will look to as an example of the fact that you can do anything if you work hard and are supported by the systems, the communities around you to have an opportunity to achieve those goals. you might have seen space food before. but what about space plants? if nasa wants its astronauts to stay out in space for longer, they ll need to be able to replenish their own food supply. this is nothing new. astronauts have been growing crops in space for the past a0 years. but there s still an awful lot that scientists are trying to learn about space farming. we have things like radiation that we have to deal with. we also have issues with microgravity. plants have learned how to detect gravity with their roots and gravity sensing organelles in the plants, and so they know how to use these cues. and without these cues, they have to re adapt to this environment. so, without gravity, the next cue that they use is light. so, how to go up and down, how to orient themselves is based on light now, cos they don t have gravity. water behaves very differently in microgravity. it has a high surface tension, so it likes to cling. and when the water clings to the roots, it prevents the roots from breathing. and so the plants can experience things like drought stress. they mayjust look green to you and me, but plants appear very different when viewed in the infrared and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum. and the scientists here are learning how their appearance changes under different types of stress. here in the plant processing area, we re giving the plants a stressor. so, in this case, we re reducing its watering. because on the station, we know it s difficult to water. and so we can identify through our imaging project, using infrared and visible light, as well as fluorescence, that stress. we take all this data and to make that association we use machine learning. then we can associate the wavelengths that are most indicative of that stress and include them in a camera that would monitor the plants on station. this is where the plants live when they get up there the veggie unit. this is how they grow stuff on the international space station? yep. it s a simple led system, as well as a bellows, so it s open to the crew environment. we have two of these and six plants each. so you can imagine we re not making a huge feast, but it s enough for a nice serving of lettuce. lovely salad. yeah. how excited are the astronauts that they can now have salad and not just space food? they re very grateful. they can have salad, we ve grown peppers as well, and they can even have flowers cos we ve grown zinnia on space. now, there is a knack to getting these seeds to sprout in space. the way you grow plants on the international space station is using this, which is a plant pillow. so, this is the wick that sucks the moisture up. you plug your water source into here and you fill the bottom with soil, and then you get your tiny seeds, which stay in these polymer wrappers so they don t zip off and you lose them around the iss. and you pop it in here, and 28 days later. ..get yourself a lettuce. aside from the obvious benefits of creating a renewable food source, there are all sorts of other advantages to growing plants in space. gardening is very therapeutic. it s something that the astronauts would say, hey, you know, let me take care of something green. it makes them happy. plants produce oxygen and they recycle waste, they recycle water. all this fundamental stuff together will make them a very important organism to take with us. when we re living on the moon and when we re living on mars, what type of plants will we be eating? we would like to have things like nuts and citrus, but, again, there s still so much we don t know about how those plants adapt to the environment. the current goal is to use hydroponic systems, which rely on water based nutrient solutions instead of soil, which is heavy and expensive to transport. but in 2022, scientists showed that plants can grow in lunar soil, regolith. which kind of brings us full circle in a way, doesn t it? if we want to live on new worlds, we need to use the resources that they provide us instead of taking more from our home planet. this has been a fascinating trip to nasa, a place which will one day help us put builders, miners, and even farmers on the moon. hello, there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week, in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland, gusts of winds coming from the north, and in excess of 30 mph, at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story, further south and west. just look at anglesey beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west, so west will be best, through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers, certainly, are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so, sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature, 1a or 15 degrees, but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully, some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so, wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start, once again, to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but, hopefully, the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers, once again, to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures, generally, similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high, but the wind direction will start to change, as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part, a little a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant, because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england, we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. live from washington, this is bbc news. the un security council backs a gaza ceasefire proposal as us secretary of state antony blinken makes a diplomatic push in the middle east. jury deliberations begin in the gun trial of the us president s son, hunter biden. how do you feel today went? i think it went well. we ll see. weil think it went well. we ll see. we ll wait for the jury to come back we ll wait for the jury to come back. thank you. the far right advances in the european union s elections, prompting fresh questions about europe s future. i m sumi somaskanda. the us is making a major push to pause fighting in gaza, with diplomatic efforts taking place both in the region and at the united nations. the un security council endorsed a ceasefire proposal for gaza on monday. it is the first time the council has passed a resolution demanding a stop in fighting after eight months of war. the resolution urges both hamas and israel to fully and quickly implement the three phase plan. 1a countries voted in favour and russia abstained. reactions to the resolution between the two parties have been mixed. hamas says it welcomes the endorsement and that it s ready to work with mediators. a senior israeli diplomat said her country would continue to pursue its ambassador to the un linda thomas greenfield says the resolution shows hamas that the international community is united. colleagues, today this council sent a clear message to hamas. accept the ceasefire deal on the table. israeli has already agreed to this deal and the fighting could stop today if hamas would do the same. i repeat, the fighting could stop today.

Space , Moon-dust , Head , Submarine , All-of-a-sudden , International-space-station , Moon-bots , Person , Facial-expression , T-shirt , Uniform , Smile