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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20140926

well she is hotter than the car sherrod stole to get here. i am here with fox business network reporter joleen kent. she is happy as a clam, but not as baked. it is joanne nosuchunsky. he buts in more than people doing the hoe key hokey-pokey. he is headlining at laugh boston comedy club. half off. # red eye. i hope you are hungry. he is serving up knuckle sand witches with a side of justice. terry sapper. a block. the lede. that s the first story. its full of lies. last february 2nd new york city mayor bill do blaze yow chucked a very important wood chuck. we got six more weeks of winter. the animal, gone in an eternity. the groundhog was in the ground, dead from internal injuries. but then the cover up began. officials at the staten island zoo which gets half of the funding from its city hid it from the public and the mayor s office. and there was more deception. the groundhog was not the famous chuck, but it was rather a female imposter named charlotte. it was a war on women too. don t laugh. it is dead. it was revealed that chuck was benched out of fear he would bite do de blasio. can we see the tape again? you laugh. it is murder. a dead ground hog, a cover up. this could happen. i say good day sir. once again we are joined by a live studio audience panel. how many believe i am the best looking man at fox news including lou daabs. terry, i will go to you first. just let him go first. this is sad. a little animal. that wasn t supposed to be his job. that s what i m happy about. i am happy they sent in a decoy because they knew de blasio will hurl in a groundhog. it is like saddam hussein s double. exactly like that. you were the only person that didn t find this funny. like me you were a human being. do you think the mayor owes an explanation or exclude mages? or explative? mayor de blasio ?eedz to get his priorities straight. especially in this island of manhattan that we live in. was it staten island? i think it is tragedy. what is tragedy is charlotte died and charlotte has a daughter named charlotte. really? who is up next to be on deck? who names a kid i don t know. sherrod, the animals don t name each other. they shouldn t have did that. you already have a replacement with the same name. it is a set up. they give the same name so if somebody dies. number two, number three. it could have been number eight charlotte. can i go to terry now? go ahead. terry is a friend of mine. this is a weird story. it is a weird story. by the way it sucks. have i a groundhog that lives under my shed and the dogs try to catch him and they can t. they are nice. they are chubby little animals. the zoo s credibility is really bad. have they substituted michael moore for an ape? do we even know is that really an armadillo or is that something else? remember that zoo in cincinnati and they were fooling people with a pittbull? they spray painted dogs to look like a tiger. people did that with their normal dogs. guy and they eat them too, right? come on. you all disgust me. i am disgusted too. i think they should exhume the groundhog s body and have an autopsy. i called the zoo, and they responded. this was actually the groundhog died from injuries due to a failed suicide attempt. i don t believe that. this was not de blasio dropping at the groundhog charlotte. i want to tell everyone i am a woman. you won t let me. i am leaping to my death. now i would think someone as progressive as de blasio would encourage shadow equality. but he hasn t come that far yet. i have never heard that phrase before. i will make one point. if it was mitt romney he would be destroyed. remember the dog on the roof? the dog on the roof was a big deal. nobody even talked about this. i don t get the why you had to lie about it. that s so weird. don t tell anybody. just be honest. now it looks worse. moment of silence for the ground hog. you started laughing. because i feel bad for him. nobody cares about the ground hog. i do. there is more respect for that groundhog than nelson mandela when he died. you are awful. they are planning attacks on our tracks. nailed it. iraq s prime minister says isis is seeking to hit subway systems in the u.s. and paris. the intel apparently came from foreign fighters arrested in eyeing ray. of course it is no surprise terrorists are targeting our homeland. and for those known who have joined the jihad they announced a program to identify violent extreme mitch. extremism. it does not include reference to islam or muslims. they are equally cautious with their website noting, quote, the threat posed by violent extremism is neither constrained by international borders. groups and individuals inspired by a range of religious, political or other i d logical beliefs have promoted and used violence against the homeland. that was a lot. meanwhile in russia that is the sad thing to see how funny the bear was. you know the training was mean. it is almost as bad as the poor little guy in the story. i don t care what sherrod said. it came from the iraq minister. is this a surprise? no. they say he hasn t been stopped. it is probably bs. i think a lot can be overintlied. overplayed. the last time i checked i was president attacked by the morman nuns. not all muslims are bad. i got it. but if that is the case why can t we give the ones who aren t bad more credit and talk about the ones doing it in their name. if they are that afraid of being offended. the overwhelming majority of muslims would like thisy complain we put them in the category and yet when they do get offended why don t we give them credit? most would be happy to get the bad guys like we would. radical muslims kill more muslims than anybody. agreed. don t look at me. go to terry. you love terry so much. go to your boy terry. guy it is because i am white. riding the subway every day. every day i am on the subway. i won t take the subway. i like to be carried by large men. did you ever think on a subway this could happen? the last thing on my mind is something blowing up. i am trying to get on there and not get coughed or spit on and not get my pockets picked, no rats. that s on the west side mostly. it is true. you are thinking about getting on and getting off and you don t think about somebody groping you and squeezing you. the last time i take the subway with you. and that was the sandwich store. do you want a combo meal? not really, sherrod. who would notice if it was the person on the subway? oh please. what do you make of all of these threats? i think they are pretty safe. i am paranoid as hell. are you trying to justify not taking the subway. i take the subway every morning. here is what i relate it to. when you get food poisoning and you are like i will never go back to their place again. they got a horrible score. the best time to go to a restaurant is right after they have the horrible health score then they know the people are on them and the people have to do better. with all of the threats out security is like tight. now it is safest time to actually travel. everyone is on high alert. i will go back to the same place and get sick in a week. i am an idiot. and lazy. border line mercury poisoning, but the sushi was so good. i will go to a place that is sick to my stomach because it tastes good. it is like some of you are wrong. i don t believe you. we have gone no where again with this story. there is more of a chance to get mugged or your iphone snatched. you don t die from that. but that actually happens. how many subway attacks do we have? zero. we count one in london. new york. zero. with her logic it could happen. there has been so much misinformation from the powers that be on this that i don t even i don t believe a lot of what they tell us. i have fought a lot over there and lost a lot so it is personal for me. we know who is doing it. instead of doing this and trying to whack a mole go to the source and hit them so freaking hard their grandmas feel it. maybe we should do something in the subway. we are so easy. name one islamic society that is a free and open society. i will answer for you. they are none. they are taking advantage of this. we have to get them. you think boots on the ground? i am the boot on the ground. i am the one who is doing it. yeah, terry! yeah, son! this is what i do for a living. for me there is no other way to do this. i don t understand the ringing and himming and hawing. me and my friends, the guys who die will do it. i don t think america is ready. two things will happen. some of us will get killed. there will be other people that get killed, and they will show the photos and we will by the way the bad guys know this. they will go viral. the u.s. is not ready to do what needs to be done. until they are, we are just going to keep doing this kind of crap. we can t govern on social media. we can t plan a war on facebook. you have to turn all of that off when you have to do work. do you know what i mean? you keep checking your stuff. people say stuff to me all the time. they say bad stuff to me all the time. who cares? keep it coming. especially when they are mean to you? you just had to find a way to insult me during the story. all right, thanks, todd said i can move on. you have permission now, okay, cool. i am actually listening. they see our greatness as nothing but hateness. on thursday 1,000 students from four colorado schools walked out of their classrooms in protest of a school board proposal to play up the positive aspects of america and its heritage. it would ensure that history promotes citizenship, prism and respect for authority and they do not encourage civil disorder, social strike or disregard of the law. yank it should have been social strife. here are two teams that oppose the program. it is not right to teach them what is right about america. they need to learn what they did wrong. the sensorship in u.s. history is wrong and it is pretty communist. it is pretty communist. he does he does president doesn t want an alternative. they said there are things we may not be proud of as americans, but we shouldn t incourage our kids to think america is a bad place. the teens are in trouble and in need of tutoring. i think i know who can help. that is the best. welcome to teen corner, the fattest show on tv, that s phat with a p-h. around the pep rallies i am tll cool g. that stands for teen ladies love cool grege. i would like to read a letter. dear greg, the blow up greg i ordered and received has an odd smell. it is very heavy and it seems to be oozing. i want my money back. sinker isly zach. that goes away in a week. i need to tell zach that it was not a blow up greg. awkward. basically all they are trying to do, sherrod, is say we already get enough of the criticism. that s where we get education. here is the other half. the students don t want fair and balanced? no, the kids say they want the whole curriculum and they want to give them something. it is the only pro america and pro patriotic. they want to inject it. i think what they are trying to do is undo the [bleep] that has taken america down. i am not saying you have to only do the pro stuff. if they are protesting and not at school, detention. what do the kids want? they want everything they have been spoon fed. they want to learn about civil disobedience and things that happen in history. they should. they get that and now they say let s have the good stuff and they will say we don t want the good stuff. that means more homework. the good stuff is not cool. isn t it a revisionist? that is not what they are saying. they say to balance it out. that s all they are saying. who is saying that? the school or the students? i think the students were saying balance it out. the students say they don t want any new stuff that is positive. dude, this is in your book not cool do you want to fix it? go ahead. if you haven t read not cool . nobody read it. you are not a fan of the show and not a fan of greg gutfeld. you deal with this. pro-american or even facts sometimes are not cool. dissention is cool, man. talking down the man is cool. a lot of kids are taught that stuff. a president said it to the u.n. by the way, we have a racial problem. it has nothing to do with what he is talking about at the u.n, but he brings it up. there is a whole weird i am not a rah-rah guy. i get it. we have lots of warts, but there have been decades of education that have downplayed the good stuff that america has done. that s wrong too. that s wrong. that is not even faking it. that is a hate phak. that is true. some americans have self-hate. all of that is supposed to happen in college. this is high school. high school you are supposed to be a patriotic teen and have school spirit. in college is when you are supposed to rebel and smoke weed and whatever. nobody can afford college. speaking of, this is an ap class. if they really want to resolve this issue, people take these advance placement classes and take tests to receive college credit. so the college board should set the curriculum for every school around the country so every kid is taking the same test and learning the same stuff, and you don t have this issue. what if the kid gets to decide what he learns? it is like having this centralized group make decisions. it seems that if the conservative leaning school board that wants to make any decision. which is an abbiration. this is like the first time i have seen this or heard this. and people on the board are worried that teachers are using these students as pawns. this is more of an issue. it is a union demand. they want more compensation. they just want all of these kids to start protesting and then they think they will get the union involved. i think you are creating a strong man argument. nobody is saying don t pay the teachers. my friend carlos. can you get carlos on the show? i think we have a lot in common. i also don t want the teachers paid. i say don t have children. there you go. i say home school. teach them school stuff about mythical creatures like unicorns. what do you think? there is a whole curriculum on mythical creatures. not judging. well you should. coming up, terry tells us about the time he fended off a polar bear using a beak he ripped off a penguin s face. which i put back. and sherrod tells us about the time he got high and did nothing. i still got the weed. they suspend more people than a company that makes suspenders. see what i did there? been there and back. he paid for his tirade. espn has suspended bill simmons for three weeks after he challenged his employer to discipline him for repeatedly calling roger goodell a liar. simmons, the columnist blasted the commissioner for saying he never saw the elevator video of ray rice punching his fiancee. the rant came during the pod cast which has now been taken down. we are able to obtain it thanks to the exclusive time travel technology. goodell, if he didn t know what was on that tape, he is a liar. i am just saying it. he is lying. i think that dude is lying. if you put him up on a lie detector test, he would fail. saying they didn t know is [bleep]. it is such [bleep]. i really hope somebody calls me or e-mails me and says i am in trouble for anything i say. no, i think it is pretty safe. if one person said that to me, i m going public. you leave me alone. the commissioner is a liar and i get to talk about that on my pod cast. please, call me and say i m in trouble. i dare you. that s the problem. you don t dare you. following the suspension espn says every employee must be accountable to espn and they must operate in their journalistic standards we work hard to make sure our recent nfl coverage meets that criteria. who will replace him when he is gone? this will be good. see what i mean? they are adorable. a ground hog died, not a hedge hog. they are the same. cuter. you were saying that it is different for a pod cast. why do people risk their careers on pod casts? we should have ran the footage of you on my pod cast. me trying to stop everything i was going to say saying i m going to get fired. a pod cast is for people speaking freely. espn should have a pod cast. what are you doing with the gutter rats? you have a tv show. beat it. what happens is you just you probably get paid a little extra money. guy it is like it is like vh1 had the same thing. you are free to talk on the radio show because it is not a tv show. people on the web i throw this to you joleen. if you are on a blog and it is a different rule, it is the same on the web. people will still pick it up and use it against you. it can still get you in trouble. everything is recorded all the time and even if it is off the record. that s the worst part of they bibbing hua toc media stuff. this is not the first time this guy was suspended. plus there is a record where they implied that they were provoking. steven a smith. he was wrong. he is always fighting the machine. i give him credit for that. and he is also not telling the truth. goodell is lying. if you want to fight the machine and keep having your platform the machine owns your platform. the machine pays you. the machine pays you. it is a business. why would you challenge your employer? i dare you to come after me. does he know espn was too much in the bed with the nfl? did he just want it is the fore front of sports news. they went back and said nothing. tmz broke the story. he is trying to be a journalist and say he is lying. you know what, i think he is lying. he is not writing the newspaper. he is on a pod cast. he will take keith olbermann s job on msnbc. he knows you are right he knows he will get hammered. there are probably other options for him. he is the guy who spoke truth to power. here is my theory, espn is caught in the eye of this pc tornado. at any moment somebody on your block and in your job will say something and they have to suspend him because they don t know what else they can do. it is sneaky business when your biggest smoin earner money earner is a journalist. if he really thinks she liar, why can t he say it? he is a journalist. where is his first amendment right? it is all sneaky, behind doors. there has to be a journalistic, ethical statement. they have a standard the nfl put the pressure on them to do that. why would espn care? that is one commentator s opinion. who cares? he is in trouble for saying bs like i said on your show a little while ago? which i guess i am kicked off too, or the fact that he called goodell a lier? that s what it is. he is going after goodell. espn and goodell are in bed together. there is a lot of sports conflict stuff that goes on at espn and it is complicated. it is a sexy town. beautiful place. i live in west hartford, nice plaifs. we will talk about that some more. half i don t understand. first amendment, it doesn t matter. he works for a company. coming up, why aren t there more eligible men around? and other questions joanne asks while crying herself to sleep. first a word from our sponsor. the red eye shrink ray. now you can own your very own. it works as directed. proceed with caution. thanks, red eye shrink ray. all right, someone you don t know tells you to get up and go. that s the idea behind the wakey app marketed as a social alarm clock. they give each other wake up calls. if you set the alarm for 8:00 a.m., someone always from the opposite sex will call you. is that true? i don t know. if could be from anywhere in the world and from any language. it better be english. and the call automatically shuts off after one minute to avoid awkward conversations or goodbyes. the creator told the bbc which are three letters how he got the idea. i notice when someone is calling me i am waking up really fast. you cannot snooze a live person. speak for yourself. i do it all the time. joanne, i will go to you first for no particular reason. you wake up drunk not knowing where or who you are. can this help you or confuse you? i am always alone when i wake up. i think very thankful. i am hungry obviously, the drunk hunger. there was that app where you could smell and hear bacon. i would much rather that. why would i want to talk to a stranger? and if there is the video option, people are gross. in this world there will be a lot of penis pictures and vulgarity. your phone will come on and you are still sleeping and i m just watching you. oh, the alarm went off 10 minutes ago. you are beautiful when you sleep. it is sick, greg. when my alarm goes off in the morning, the last thing i want to do is talk to somebody. it is english muffins and go. you truly are a romantic. joleen do you see this as a huge business? a multi billion dollar app? yes, invest in it now, greg. it is a good idea. you say that about everything. is it creepy? creepy is an under statement. it is a terrible idea. the last thing like you said, you want to interact with someone at that hour? no, thank you. i like the idea of looking forward to something, wake up to something. is this what i would want to wake up to? you wake up to strangers all the time. usually it is while you are torturing them in a private jail. app stands for application in computer terms. i have had enough of everybody stop. it is funny for somebody to call and say something to you. and then they are gone in a minute. i wake up with something. i wake up with a woody. i am talking about woody who runs late night news. can t edit that. i gave a shout out to woody. joleen, do you have a strapping joke? a strange joke? jng so. get it out. this is great for viral videos on youtube. that s all. i am done. you know what gets you out of bed though. it is something you look forward to. i think if you are going to do any phone call, have it be your mom. i m sure she would love to talk to you and you would like to get her off as soon as possible. then it is i am up, all right. way to bring that up. nothing a woman likes more than a dude s mom calling. yeah, that s a good idea. i guess not. they want a man with a peption plan. the number of unmarried people is at an all-time high and so are women s standards. according to a pey research survey, 78% of women say finding a partner who is gainfully supportive is no surprise. unfortunately that pool of men is getting smaller. it is a very small pool. in 2012, only small pool of men sorry, only 82% of men were employed leaving 91 eligible bachelors per 100 women. which means there is not enough jobs or men to go around while the solution is the gutfeld harem. go to gutfeld harem and sign up today. you are the business person here so you claim. is the economy hurting the institution of marriage? are these two things linked because there are no jobs and women are going after men? it is definitely a problem. you have less of a chance to meet the member of the opposite sex. it is a problem here and it is a huge problem in china as well. there are all of these because of the one child policy and it is a problem. china is a big deal. they aborted a lot of females. there is not enough women there? that s what you get, china. are weep women being greedy? you can answer that yourself. aren t women always being grue grue don ty this deserve it? it is not our fault the guys suck. it is not our fault you have the only [bleep]. all right. joanne, what happened to love? what s love got to do, got to do with it? it is all about the money. no, it isn t. yes, it is. i don t know any woman who says i want to marry a guy who doesn t have a job and collecting unemployment. you want someone with passion. if you can commit to a job you can commit to a person. women say one thing and do another. they say that and end up where they end up. they end up with a bad boy. there are a lot of bad dudes married. there are awful dudes in relationships. i can fix them. we just hear about the bad ones. let s talk to one of them. did you ever do a good guy wrong and maybe you lost him? it wasn t his fault? it is getting so intense. i am trying to talk to terry. terry, have you ever lost a good guy? a good guy who was nice to you? hell yeah. and you never recover from it. see how easy that was? we are losing an entire generation of trying to salvage the segment. you know what is bad? we made a society that is easy to survive. it is easy and it is sort of preferable? selfish and self-absorbed. you get a group of people where it is not a gift. it is a decision. you can do whatever you want and you can be self-indulgent. then all of that crap is going out the window. they say we have to have a family and we have to survive and we have to work and get through this. there is no darwin now. the wonders of modern science and technology whose dna should have been removed from the gene pool. agreed. things will get hard. i got scared when he said apocalypse. but we are really pretty. we will survive. i thought you said me and you. all of these things we are going through in society are symptoms of our success. i agree. i believe that. you are you pro-asteroid hitting the earth? i don t want that to happen, but have you to be ready. move to north dakota. everybody has jobs there. they are fracking. there are young men with money. there is a lot of young studs out there with money. give them 20 years though when they come down with the fracking cough. there is no evidence of what sherrod said. coming up, the nominees for the toy hall of fame. i hope they voted for my choice of broken glass. not cool, read it. you just finished it, didn t you it. great book. sorry it took me so long. a year. i have been defending america. you re welcome. which toy brought the most joy? it is the subject of tonight s red eye debate, live from the red eye debate center. well welcome to the red eye debate center. it cuts down pennsylvania. i am greg gutfeld, the host of the red eye debate. at the conclusion, i will pick one lucky fan to receive one free stalagmite. the final for this year s introduction have been announced. and it is stiffer than a can of play-doh. two winners will be listed from the 12 awesome toys which includes pots and pans. what is going on? american girl dolls. the game operation and switch blade snake. pots and fans, it is there because they say it inspires kids to use their imagination. i feel like it is code for just making noise. they like it because it makes noise. definitely. it is the thing you give a kid a really expensive toy. and they are playing with the box. i never heard that before. does that really happen? it must. i don t have kids. is the box a metaphor? yeah. wait, what? i don t know what he is saying. very democratic. it is sexist, greg. are the pots and pans for little girls? one is a helmet. it is a cooking implement. you have to have a toy that was designed to be played with by children like operation. i played operation. but here is an interesting point. you are a medic. i was a green better ray beret medic. you picked a toy maybe if you played the pots and pans you would be a chef? did you have toys growing up? or a wife. neither. my vote is for chalk. it is entertainment and a snack. chalk. i forgot about chalk. chalk is great. colored chalk is awesome. well how about glue if we are talking about eating things? did you eat a lot of glue? i just sniffed it. the rubber cement. remember the elmer s glue and you spent hours pealing it off. that was a toy. i don t read good. this is what i do well. peel, peel. does anybody know who rubik is? no. is he german? he is a genius. he was a total square. the ribs, nosuchunsky, the ribs. operation is your favorite toy? yes. bubbles. i had a ton tonka truck. they were great. hot wheels. hot wheels were awesome. what about you? did you have a childhood i did not. you bring up painful times. i loved the skip it. what is that? it is on yore ankle. and you jump around with one foot. have you seen that? no. give me some love on that. i never had skip it. you can make a poor man skip it with a shoe string and a rock. that is prison skip it. that works. remember the big bangers that you would go up and down with the string on them? they had blue balls and they went like this? who remembers that? thank you, boys. they remember them. coming up, the flesh burger. the tasty, tasty, flesh burger. do you have videos of animals? send them to us. you loved that, didn t you? when you compare the top speed of dsl from the phone company with the top speed of comcast business internet. well, there s really no comparison. why pay more for less? call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. and find out more about our two-year price guarantee. comcast business. built for business. factor on friday. that s in a few hours. coming up tomorrow, lauren sivan returns and anthony cubia. e block. last story. that s the last story. they con resulted con suggested famous cannibals to promote walking dead in britain. they had chefs create a burger intended to taste like human flesh. the chefs studied statements from well-known cannibals, who knew? to rep replicate the taste and texture of man meat. it included one of tony dan swraw s toes. the burger is available september 30th at a secret london location. joanne did you like this idea better when it was in sweeney todd? the burger is about the sauce. i don t know what they are going to use. that s a good point. i wouldry it. and then throw it up. of course, that s what i always do. you are such a role model for today s women. is this a good business model? could this take off? could there be cannibal-donalds. that was terrible. there is an unlimited supply. it is disgusting. it makes me want to vomit. so you wouldn t eat one? no thank you. all right, sherrod. i wouldn t eat one of these burgers. i like my flesh raw. raw and alive and question it in the morning. why do i even have you here? i am not on a bus. i am trying to keep this at a certain level. terry is this a secret sting to catch cannibals? you are serving something somebody eats it and you say you did it. it would be interesting if you didn t tell people, hey, this tastes like human u.s. and gave it to them and you saw a couple of guys go it is a grows somebody s lunch. it tastes like my childhood. i don t know why. i don t understand what you are talking about. did you ever think if you were ever in one of those situations i would still kill you and eat you. who would you want to eat? you know what they did? they dismembered everybody and wrapped them in paper because they didn t want to know you were eating a relative. they would wrap everything upul- it looked like a sandwich. somebody had to be like this that is sharice. they say how do you know? and then you get weird. can t even do stories like this. it is going into the gutter. it is an odd story. you think you would be okay. no, it just ends in a place that i really can t get out of. i am trapped in this horrible little story with no way out. all right, joanne kent, thank you for coming. sherrod small, thank you for interruptiing 50% of the time. terry, always a pleasure. be well. are you taking off somewhere? soon. where? in the states. boston. sherrod is in boston. hello, everyone, this is the fox news alert. eric holder is out. in a joint appearance at the white house president obama announced that after six years the attorney general will be stepping down. he praised mr. holder moments ago. this is bittersweet, but with his typical dedication, eric has agreed to stay on until i nominate a successor as attorney general. he has shared ideals as a people and that is equal justice under the law. that is why i made him america s lawyer, the people s lawyer. eric s proudest

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20141206

none of these stories on red eye tonight. i am joanne nosuchunsky filling in for greg gutfeld. yes, i know it is already a thousand times better looking with me hosting. now let s welcome our guests. she is sweeter than the sweet part of the sweet tart. i am here with imus in the morning producer. and he is the person who has been more helpful to me since anyone i did not read this ahead of time. scrai that was so nice that was so nice of you, joanne. tv s andy levey. he is sillier than silly string, john devore. and just left of center, tucker carlson, co anchor and editor-in-chief of the daily caller. a block. the lede. that s the first story. should rolling stone have known? last month the magazine published the story of a woman who said she was brutally gang raped as part of an initiation at a university of virginia fraternity party. some are questioning the horrific details of jackie s story and the school success spended all fraternity activity. on friday a washington post story noted that some of the facts were inaccurate. for instance, the frat didn t have a party on the night in question and that, quote, a group of jackie s close friends who are sex assault advocates at uva say they believe something traumatic happened to jackie, but have come to doubt her account. and rolling stone put out a reader s thought saying note saying there appears to be discrepancies and we have come to the conclusion that our trust in her was misplaced. tucker, what do you make of this? how qoo something like this happen? a bunch of things happened. she lied. it is a hoax. it didn t happen. that was obvious to anyone who read five paragraphs of the piece. i am a magazine editor, so it was really obvious to me. her editor should have flagged it immediately. the author never called anybody at the fraternity or smoke or spoke to anyone at the fraternity. if she had she would find out they don t have pledges in there. et cetera, et cetera, it didn t happen. by the way, it sounds like from the reporting we did atç the daily caller this woman is apparently dilutional and the school has been in talks with her for a long bottom line. this was a combination of political correctness and bad editing that hurt a lot of people at the school. they need to apologize. the university of virginia needs to apologize to the fraternity members whose character they impugned and the sorority members because they shutdown the sororities for reasons that are still unclear. carly, who do you think is more at fault here? jackie foretelling her story which for telling her story which tucker thinks is false. or maybe there is truth and the magazine should have done more digging? definitely the magazine should have absolutely done more digging. you can t tell one side of the story. you have to get both. the people who really lose here are other victims of sexual violence. whether the story is true or not, a shadow of doubt has been cast on this story which could make it harder for other people to come out with theirs. sometimes there is a credibility issue with people who come out saying they were raped. especially in high-profile cases. this makes it harder for women to come out after something like this happens. i definitely agree. john, do you think that maybe the reporter had an agenda and just wanted to follow through with it regardless of what jackie was actually saying? i think in this instant sometimes you believe what you want to believe. that s why fact checking is so important. that s why the basic tenants of journalism are important. rolling stone sounds like it found a story that it wanted to pursue and it was going to get that story no matter what the facts were. that s the only way i can see why they did not get the story better. why are we protecting this woman? why is the washington post they did the interest view and they know her name. they are not giving her name. why is that? even if the story was true, why is it that news organizations decide it take sides in sex crimes and no other crimes? if i allege financial crime from you. you stole money from me. your name gets reported and my name is reported. it is difficult because she did say she didn t want them to ask these men she didn t want to give names because then she was afraid of the ramifications. she should shut this place down. this is a story of media and how as creators of media we are increasingly trying to create our own counter narrative. is this woman a liar? is she dilutional? why are we protecting her in the press? the people she is accused of a crime they apparently didn t commit and why are we protecting her? her and anybody. if you allege a felony, it goes to the courts. we have a justice system. wn. enter the process and you need to be able to face your accuser. this kind of crime, if i was the victim of a felony like someone stole something from me, my name is public, i am not going to get harassment. any kind of assault. you get to wreck may life by accusing me of something, but i get to hide behind anonymity? is this a teachable moment? can we learn something from this in the future? absolutely not. she could have made the entire story up. some of us here have experience with that type of thing. it is also very possible that something horrific did happen to her that night. it is not uncommon for trauma victim memories to be wrong. tucker, i would hold off on calling her flat out calling her a liar. i know a lot about the story and i will not hold off. she made this up. i would hold off on calling her a liar for now. regardless of anything, rolling stone gets an f here. they get an absolute f. a lot of people kept saying you shouldn t have to get the other side. you can think there is one side to a story, but you still have to fact check it. a bunch of people were called truthers and compared to holocaust deniers for raising question with the rolling stone article. it is an f for rolling stone and journalists who were quickly and right away agreed or took everything in the article to be true without bothering to check on it. all of the assumptions were. the idea that everyone who alleges a sex crime is telling the truth is false. people lie about all kinds of things. and this doesn t help any future case. isn t the story completely compromised now because of the fact that rolling stone didn t do its reporting? can we really know the truth? she named the guy that she said raped her, one of the seven. it one point it was five and now it is seven. they ran him down and it was not him. there is no way it could have been him. she made it up. maybe she didn t mean to do. it but people have been hurt as a result. so why are we pretending like she is a victim. there are real victims. should we release it with ven genesee? anyone who alleges a felony against smunls has to expose themselves publicly. that s the nature of justice. you don t hide behind the screen before you wreck someone s life. i try no to expose myself publicly because it is a felony. moving on. with isis she would play fiesest. hillary clinton said america should empathize and show respect for enemies. the former secretary of state and likely 2016 presidential candidate made the case for finessing our foes during a speech on wednesday at georgetown university. this is what we call smart power, using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security leaving no one on the sidelines and showing respect for one s enemies and trying to understand and in so far as psychologically possible empathize with their perspective and point of view. you know who will never show respect for one another? these enemies. tuck inert green room. you said you agree with her 100%. it shocked me, but please explain. i don t take her seriously enough. i think in a vacuum what she said is not entirely insane. if you were threatened by someone you should take the time to understand where those people are coming from and the strategics should matter. try and figure out why people are isis. why are they doing this? it would be helpful to know. she is repeating stuff she heard at davos. it is cliche after cliche. it is the timing though of the speech and these comments, inappropriate considering the airstrikes that are going on. a thousand percent. and this americans feel less safe now ever since 9/11 and the potential future leaders of the country to describe how we can react to isis, this is just stupid. i don t even know if she believes we have to empathize with our enemies. it is something she may have said to sound nice and polite. it was a talking point. but it just goes to show that the democratic party has their first kneejerk reaction is to hug it out when isis is beheading americans left and right. that s not how you react to something like this. is it because she is a woman? that she is making complete sense to me? that s exactly right. are you looking more and more attractive. thank you very much. tucker and i will agree on this. you want to empathize with your enemy and understand them. you can only know their weaknesses if you can use your imagination to try and see the the even if it is a twisted world view. is it possible you can t understand some people because you can t reason with them and they have no reasoning? i don t believe in that nature of evil. i think evil even isis, they think that they are doing the right thing. they have these objectives that are twisted. it helps to try to understand. you can t understand. you have to try. it is like, you know, it is like nobody thinks they are evil. that sort of evil you have to say, listen, flat out, this is something that i can not understand. i am not even going to wrap my head around it. even hitler didn t wake up and go, i m evil. you object whysly haven t had any nasty ex-boyfriends, okay? andy, go ahead and defend your hero, hillary. i am shocked john devore sat here and defended him. i didn t defend him. you are looking less and less attractive as the conversation goes on. i hope that gets a lot of coverage. i want to see that everywhere on the internet and i want to see it on twitter. john devore defends hitler. i agree with the part of john that didn t defend hitler. there are different ways of empathizing. most agree that understanding your enemy is the key to defeating them and empathy is the key to understanding. i also don t think empathizing equates with weakness. you can empathize with someone and realize you have to defeat them. if i may quote from a hero he said in the moment when i truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, in that moment i also love him. i think it is impossible to really understand somebody and what they want and what they believe and not love them in the way they love themselves. and then in that moment when i love them, i destroy them. that s burnt. we will be right back. moving on. there is nothing anyone else can say. notre dame knows who is to blame. yes, the university offers a one credit course next spring called white privilege seminar. the six-week class is, quote, designed to educate and train participants of the on the definitions of historical/ current paradigm of white privilege. sounds like a blast. one campus activist thinks it is a total joke. he told the daily caller, quote, this isn t education. it is indock indoctrination. it does not exist because that idea does not sit with the social and racial agenda of the professor. we asked a student to comment. you are not supposed to pour like that. are you supposed to tilt the glass. come on. andy, if you have a right private course wouldn t it be a privileged? there is a reason you stumbled over that intro. tess people can t write. they are very wordy. they can t write. they throw down jargon and it takes the place of grammar. that s a side point. i have no problem with the private university having a six-week one credit course on white privilege. i wouldn t sign up for it because i would sprain my eyes from rolling them so much. and i am someone who believes white privilege is a very real thing. do what you want. as long as it is not mandatory, i don t care. you love going to white privilege conferences wearing a kill whitey t-shirt. do you think you will be going and selling the t-shirts? i would like to go back and i would like to state for the record, i don t support hitler. at least he made it clear. is this a good idea for the school? andy is absolutely right. they have a choice. i think indoctrine nation they are not being forced to go and take this class. maybe there should be a counter class that refutes white privilege. and talking about affirmative action. maybe it is how colleges should have more points of view. it is dumb though. that s my problem with it. higher education america is one of the few things america makes. it is all of the chinese and south koreans. they take all of the money to come and get degrees in the united states. they think our universities are serious. the truth is they are basically in the middle of a bubble. they are not serious. when the world figures that out the only people who will go into the seminar are sociology majors. college itself is kind of dumb. it is just one credit. let s be honest. if it was three maybe we can, you know i agree with andy. you don t have to take this class. it is offered. if you don t like the idea, take another class, but, you know, i do see though that it is very one sided. but wouldn t this be a good place to find a boyfriend or a date? any place is a good place to find a boyfriend or a date. is that awkward? sweating, self-hating white people. i can smell the, i don t know, privilege. i do like that. there is usually money there too. tucker, the woman teaching this course they are against privilege. that s the mistaking part. they are privileged. i thought they were teaching you how to have white privilege. the woman teaching the course helped to organize a protest against anne coulter s speaking event saying it was a racial hate speech. people who disagree with me shouldn t be allowed to speak. when did i become the liberal. i remember as a kid i made fun of 70s liberals. they were used for things like, i don t know, civil liberties, free speech. you know, i feel like, boy, what happened to that? those are my liberals. i agree with you. we cover it all the time. there are way too many instances trying to get people thrown off for saying the right thing. when they protested they said they weren t trying to get the school to cancel. if you want to protest, that s fine. of course i am all for protesting and speaking out. when you hear the term hate speech, that is not an invitation to debate ideas. it is telling you to shut up. they make the point you shouldn t be allowed. except they specifically said we are not asking for her to be turned down. here is what she said that we disagree with. they have to be smart. they are dumb. that s my point. how distressing. it is like a social media. colleges and magazines. we both want to reinforce our world views. we don t ask questions and we don t doubt ourselves. i don t mind courses like this, but you have to do them at freshmen orientation when kids are not really paying attention. or when they are drunk. they get a little bit, absorb a little bit and take it with them. coming up, now that i am in the anchor chair, we are renaming it the hotseat. first, how bad was last night s peter pan live ? not as bad as our live reenact meant will be after the break. did pan and tink leave a stink? millions watched peter pan live and it was down 50% compared to last year s sound of music live. in the third hour more people tune need a repeat of the big bang theory than the production. here is one of my favorite moments from peter pan live. that was the wrong tape. can we see some real musical theater? that is more like it. and here is peter pan flying with the help of a wire. so how did children in the audience respond to the show? clab your hands. clap them louder. yes, yes, do you hear that tink? can you hear the children everywhere laughing, cheering, clapping? yeah, they loved it. those expressions. tucker, you have about 17 children. did you wiewch the movie with them? not only did i not watch, but it was much of a ballyhoo at my house. it was cool that they did it live. apparently it was a complete disaster and cringe worthy, but i like that. you like when people crash and burn? yeah, it is not boring. and it is pretty ballsy to do a live show. jay for three hours, my gosh. we do it every night. i heard you say in the green room and i quote, this was the worst production i have ever seen. i lost hours of my life. i will never get them back. shame on you, nbc. and then i said i loved it. and now why? what was so magical about this? musical theater is a great american art form. secondly i loved that it was live. i loved the falling props. i loved chris watkins forgetting his lines. nbc should do nothing but live programming. i thought it was the best. do you agree? i liked it. but i liked it for a different reason. i thought it was good. i think i am the first person i have heard say this today because everybody is talking about how bad it was. i thought allison williams had an amazing voice. i didn t know she could sing. the acting was spot on. and the sets were great. then i came to work and everybody hated it. i could not believe that. but nbc knew that and was expecting it. they expected to get ratings off of this because people they expected to hate watch it which means you have to tune in because you expect it to suck so bad you don t want to miss it. i totally disagree. i thought it was really good. and i think they screwed themselves because they addressed the whole hate watching and hate tweeting thing. everybody was making fun of it. i think what they did was they shamed people into not doing that. by addressing it it took the fun out of it. now they want us to do it. sound of music live was the first time it had been done on tv in a longtime. and watching carrie underwood is a much bigger star. and she s hot. over allison williams. i watched like five or ten minutes during half time of the football game. unfortunately christopher watkins was in none of that. it seems bad to me. he was great. christopher watkins played a great christopher watkins in costumes. i was watching football. i can t stress that enough. a man s man. as the expert on the panel i have a few things to say. i enjoy the movie peter pan but not so much the book musical. i love musical theater and i love that we are bringing it to homes for people who may not be able to go to broadway and regional theaters. bring the family together. that s really nice. however, i may pick something a little more exciting. i tweeted this last night west side story. today s times may not be good for that. john devore had a good suggestion. sweeney todd. fiddler on the roof with christopher wakins. he was a weak link yesterday which was so surprising. it is so good. i mean, yes, i did truly enjoy it. i loved that they used the cast of newsies all of the boys who were doing the caning. dancing. i did see a lot of casts. some of the lost boys, it wasn t as diverse was a comment. i saw one minority in there. is that really a criticism? you can criticize anything. you are trying to look for whatever criticism you can. why do people take criticisms like that seriously? i don t know. everyone is a critic. we all need approval. i know i do. if they do fiddler on the roof it would be amazing casting. and i would watch that. you wonder what is more important? is casting talent more important or stars for rating. stars for rating. carrie underwood looked like she was going to pee her pants for the first two hours. she may have. the dresses are big. they are making a movie on obama s first date with the first lady. i guess i shouldn t addition for that one. tonight s sponsor is a cultural reference alerter. it sends a shock down your spine when one of your friends eludes to a tv show or movie you haven t seen. it does president doesn t matter if you haven t seen a show again. it this is a fox news alert from los angeles. i am robert gray. the sister of american hostage luke summers saying he was killed during a failed rescue attempt in yemen. lucy summers telling the associated press she learned her 33-year-old brother s death from fbi agents. he was abducted in september. earlier this week the pentagon confirmed it lost an earlier attempt to rescue him, but that it failed. news of summers death follows reports of a suspected it u.s. drone spriek in yemen which a local security official said killed nine alleged al-qaeda fighters. we don t know if the two incidents are related. now back to red eye already in progress. because in fourth grade my nickname was puddin. it was longer for my nickname, butterscotch puddin. i was sad and my mom would make me go to school in the dark orange sweat suit she found at the thrift store. this is true. i knew man beasts in fourth grade. none of them would have flirted with puddin. and they made fun of pudding. you weren t even worthy of the man beasts. man beasts were here, but puddin was here. do you think more adults should get back at their childhood bullies ? every adult remembers the childhood bully. this guy who is a jerk at 8 though is still a jerk today though. he said in his letter back to this woman and i won t call her a man beast, he said, listen, i m sorry i bullied you eight years ago. the only reason i asked you out to dinner was to apologize. that is such a lie. he didn t say that. yes he did. he wrote her a letter back and she posted it on facebook. he said he asked her out as a friend. to apologize. i feel like you don t ask somebody out to dinner to apologize. that s a coffee thing. you have other intentions. tucker, did she go too far by doing this or not far enough? i am all for revenge. i am all for getting back at bullies. she doesn t look that different. she didn t look that bad when she was little. i m serious. she didn t look like a man beast. how many have you seen? not many. grade 8 suggests she is a foreigner. that makes it more confusing. you feel her life has been controlled by this all these years and that s sad. the goal is to let go and yeah people will be mean to you along the way. living well is the best revenge. that s true. that s why i don t need to get back at any of my bullies. there is something sad about it if you are dwelling on it. i don t think she is dwelling on it. see me, puddin is on fox. let s get back to andy. she was not always the famous tv s andy levey. do you ever want to get back at the people who made fun of what you used to look like? i don t like to show this because i don t do personal stuff. i think we have a picture of me from 10 years ago. hideous. is that a spot perm? my nickname was woman beast. first of all i will throw out the possible belt tay this is fake. possibility that this is fake. is this a hoax? i love this. but good for her, i guess. maybe it would have been better when he asked her out to then see what his reaction would be in person and it would have been better to see his jaw drop. i think the guy wrote a nice apology note. it seemed to make her happy to get the note so good for her. he is a liar. i don t like how she responded to show you are truly over something, it is indifference. indifference shows that. she is showing a lot of passion in this. i wouldn t even want to give him the time of day sort of thing. i would be like here is $30 have your meal alone. that s all have i to say. and then love man beast. maybe a little dig. by the way, did she leave him $30? no, she just stood him up. that s what i would have done if i was louisa. he would say, i got a free meal. moving on. the story of barry and michelle obama s first date is head together big screen. south side with you hillary count will recount on chicago s south side where the future firs couple went to an art institute. they took a long walk and then caught a showing of do the right thing. spoiler alert. the church is on for the young barak. in our mind there is only one actor capable of pulling off this important historical role. jonathon taylor thomas. carly, who do you want to see play barack obama? the best impression is on that show kmpl? have you seen it? jonathon is spot on. you have to watch it. i would choose him. it has to be someone who has amazing chemistry, right? they are so romantic and so much in love today. kmpl. she just has a speech impediment. are you going see this movie? of course i will see this pouf vee. i can t wait for this movie and the sequel. will you see it in 3-d? i want them to be played by the stop action puppets. why? will that add something that is lacking? maybe a soundtrack. is it too little to be making movies about this? shouldn t way wait until h is we wait until he is out of office? is the government paying for this? probably. i think it is. i think all of the actors work at hhs. do you think obama will have a hand in casting? jay it is not a movie. it is for educational purposes. you can t really understand his vision unless it is presented in a feature film. andy, are you going to hit on the movie because it is stealing the spotlight from your favorite hero edward snowden s future movie? nobody is going to see this movie. first of all, the whole first-aid story i am pretty sure is a. hoax is a hoax. what do you mean? it is a little too perfect. it is a little boring. they meet at a bar? i sort of agree. i want this to be a musical. i think it should be a singing extravaganza. the quote from the guy s making the movie next year s nbc production. stephanie and i are excited to produce this smart and time less film that sheds light on one of the great love stories of our times. she always seems mad at everybody. this is a cult, a film cult. it is not a cult. i think it is cute. dear leader. i wonder if people will go on first dates to this movie and then in the future movies about their first dates they will have to include this movie about a first date. this is awful. time to take a break. when we return, why you should be in jail. the list is long of those who do wrong. the circumstances around eric garner s death brings light to another issue. our country has too many laws. a legal scholar estimates 70% of americans have committed a jail-worthy crime. for example in alabama it is a crime to, quote, name one s self-for the purpose of gaining sympathy. i wore an arm cast to get attention and free drinks. how many crimes have you committed and have you ever been caught? you can tell us because anything you say on tv it doesn t uphold in court. then i have dark secrets. i don t know how i feel about this. these are my favorites. in texas it is illegal to sell your eye. in new york it is illegal to commit uh adultery. unenforced. we know it is legitimate. tucker, are there too many laws or not enough laws ? there aren t enough laws. i am glad you asked that. people might step out of line. tax law alone, most people would violate it unintentionally without an accountant. at a certain point it is the government could put you in prison at anytime. it is like breaking a law out of ignorance. i do it all the time. 70% is too low. you are right. i would have to agree with that. could it be the fact that maybe cops are being a little more lax? they are letting us get away with more. thanks to the beauty and wonderment of twitter they have been tweeting a lot at me about their beliefs on laws and how we have too many laws in relation to the gardener case. it is interesting. i am shocked that it is this high in number. i had people explain to me the tax law behind that. it is fascinating to me. as a liberal it is pretty disgusting, no? it got my attention. it listened. we want to agree on on in fact, the war on drugs. that s a whole nest of laws that we should untangle. do we need that many? as a conservative argument i find it fascinating. i have been listening to it. in this nest of laws are there any we should weed out? on the advice of my attorney i decline to answer any questions. of course. we have too many laws and too many cooks. there are 3,000 things that are criminalized. steven carper at steven carter said there are more 3,000 or more federations that are enforcement. that s 300,000 things you can go to jail for or be fined for. we can get by with 10 or 20 laws. 10 or 20 things being illegal. or have something that says just be cool. that should be the law of the land. i like that. i break one law all the time. it is the law of attraction. i was born very good looking. it is a species of law and unintended consequences. it is a story about good news. you have videos of animals? you can send them to us at fox eye. hey matt, what s up? i m just looking over the company bills. is that what we pay for internet? yup. dsl is about 90 bucks a month. that s funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. wow that s fast. personally, i prefer a slow internet. there is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. don t listen to the naysayer. switch to comcast business today and get 50 megabits per second for $89.95. comcast business. built for business. returns on monday. guests include, sonny johnson, lou daabs and joe mackey. e block. last story. that s the last story. it is bad news for good news. a russian website, the city reporter, lost readers after it ran feel good pieces for a day. on december 1st it would try to prove that up lifting news is not a myth. headlines included no disruption on the roads despite snow. and adam levine falls down a well. i did not write this. of course reader ship tanked. the deputy editor wrote on facebook, quote, we look for positives in the day s news and we think we found them, but we don t think anybody needs them. that s the trouble. do you need good news? in your bitter cold heart you must. no, i think all good news is fake, first of all. oh, that s true. it proves the old saying that good news is no news. no news is good news? i turned it around. word play. no traffic is not news. no one will sit there and watch a report on how there is no traffic. nobody was murdered today is not news. plane lands safely. do you pick news based off how you make it feel? i pick news based on how it makes other people feel and does it make them want to press click on their computer. and what makes people press click in your mind? prurient impulses, sexually unsatisfied and alcoholic expins so many knee yaks. normal and insomniacs. normal people. so if people like bad news does that mean that bad news is actually good news? that s a very good way of looking at it. i don t think people are used to good news. when i watch i watch the news a lot. when i get bored or need a break from the drama i turn on housewives of new jersey which is more drama. playing off the points you guys just made, good news isn t important news. a natural disaster is bad, but you need to know about that. the birth of a child is not important news? it is bad if it is happening in new jersey. it is great if it is happening in bali because it is not happening to you. this is why people read the obits. they are not dead. i don t read the obits. do you like to read sad stuff? i live in a constant bubble of fear. why? you can call me butterscotch, if you want. i like fear. it ix ma the blood race and gets the adrenaline pumping. what do you feed adrenaline for? i like to not run. when you are on the internet. there are good news stories that are i mean when someone does something heroic, people will watch that. people like to see other people being heros. this happened in russia. how much good news is in russia? they have two stories and then they have no readers. a very special thanks to carly and john devore and tv s andy levey and tucker carlson. that does it for me. i m joanne nosuchunsky. i ll see you next time. like, if you could save hundreds on car insurance by making one simple call, why wouldn t you make that call? see, the only thing i can think of is that you can t get any. bars. ah, that s better. it s a beautiful view. i wonder if i can see mt. rushmore from here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.

New-york , United-states , Alabama , New-jersey , Texas , China , Virginia , Bali , Zhejiang , Russia , Yemen , South-korea

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20160426

good interview. thank you, andy. our first member of house of cards fox news contributor and editor and column nie at the new york times and new york time best seller monica crowellly. oh look, whoa are on nathan. his father was an apple 2 g is, nathan mcintosh. and fox business network personal finance reporter from the book rich is not a four letter word. and he cut the throats of more actors than sweeney todd. next to me is the author of razzle dazzle. michael reidle. ted cruz is hoping in bed with another man. and a move that can only be described as too late, ted cruz and john kasich are joining forces to stop trump from reaching the 1237 delegates needed to secure the gop nomination. on sunday they released statements that they will clear a path for cruz. and cruz will return the favor in oregon and new mexico. trull p responded trump responded by saying, wow, just announced that they are going to collude to keep me from getting the nomination. desperation. this holy union is sure to go down in history alongside the greatest duo s like harding and gillouli, men menendez and menendez. they did what they had to do. and milli and vanilli. come on, they won the grammys. will this team up work? actually milli-vanill i i lasted longer than this so-called deal between cruz and kasich which already started to fray. it lasted five minutes. and then kasich said i want my voters in indiana to vote for me and not ted cruz. to which cruz is like, what what is happening? i just noticed that. they said i never told them not to vote for me. they ought to vote for me. it is insane and it plays directly into donald trump s hand. he is using the word caw luges luges caw luges which goes into the the system is rigged. the other thing is his deal making prowess, right? trump goes on and says i am the king of all deal making. i am the king of all deals. these two guys had a crappy deal their deal didn t last 24 hours. are you right. they are buying in already. did you expect these two guys would be creating alliances. and becoming the justice league to stop doom s day? no. and i don t under how it works especially if he is like, vote for me too. are they both trying to become president? obviously it is not a ticket, but they are saying get out of my way. his excuse was i never said they shouldn t vote for me. i just said i shouldn t put my resources there. what happens if they try to take down trump? are they going to battle? does it go cruz and kasich? it is going to be hard. there is a lot to be done. i don t know. does this trump all of his talk about the establishment? these people aren t the establishment. ted cruz does president dwet along with doesn t get along with anybody in washington. the idea he will work with somebody is silly. the senate leadership didn t like him. no one likes him. from his own party they hate him. every time they go after trump it gets stronger. that s not the justice league. they are trying to get some air out of the balloon. and he loves saying these words over and over, collude. i heard him this afternoon. he used the word collude and he loves saying it. if you take one loser and put him with another loser, you have two losers. laurel and hardy have a better chance of stoping trump than these clowns. exactly plays into what trump is saying about the establishment about the delegates will come together and the establishment will try to stop trump and it will energize his base and kasich and cruz do not stand a chance. and very important, monica, they did not mention colluding in california. that was telling. they both think they have a chance in california to snap up delegates for themselves. aren t they right? they are cynical and idiotic. all right. meanwhile trump is taking a crack at being more presidential. last week an advisor said he would tone it down on the campaign trail. and on monday trump seemed to be showing more restraint. now you look at kasich and i don t think did you see him? he has a news conference all the time when he is eating. i have never seen a human being eat in such a disgusting fashion. i am always telling my young son, baron, and always with my kids, all of them, i would say, children, small, little bites. this guy takes a pancake and he is shoving it in his mouth. good advice, small bites. i don t know what trump is talking about. he used a napkin after that. he is making me hungry. he doesn t he just points at it. there is a small request for kasich. i don t know how you pronounce it kasich. i say case-itch. but it is kasich. can we ask him to change the spelling of his name? he is getting more and more presidential. trump knows he has to be more presidential but he can do it. it is easy. yesterday i was hearing how i will become presidential. i am a smart person like a lot of you people and presidential is easy. it is easy. you know if donald trump was a wrestler he would be the greatest thing that ever happened ever. this man the whole thing is what a bad guy wrestler would do. he is saying he can t eat. isn t it good for the children? small bites is right. small votes for trump as well. small bites and small votes and change kasich s name to ted k. a lot of people on this network have trouble saying kasich s name and he works here. yes, i know. i don t know what to say about that. but watching john kasich, does he not have food in ohio? what is that? i think it is great. i love to see a guy gorging. i love a person with a healthy appetite, but are you running for president. doesn t he have somebody around him that say you never be on camera eating. we all know this, right? i think it feeds into his midwestern values or something. the first shot of him when he was in new york and trying to look like a new yorker so he had had he literally consumed he was not just photographed with it, but consumed two huge plates of spaghetti and a huge piece of pizza and a whole plate of canoli s. he is eating a lot of the good things. he eats pizza with a fork. he is wandering around arthur avenue and looks like jack lemmon. even a pizza rat doesn t eat pizza in new york with a fork. trump knows and he hits on these things. i think he brought up a good subject. look at the passion you have about his eating habits. trump knows to go for your weakness. i love this whole thing about the food because i like the fact he was eating in public and they are afraid they will get food in their teeth and people will see. but trump can see. what is his nickname for kasich? he doesn t have one. no, it is like prince with a symbol. well if kasich keeps eating the way he is he can call him fatso. caw colluding kasich is. is the man allowed to eat? he is running for president and it has to be busy out there on the plane. i respect the guy. i love a guy with an appetite. they are out there all the time and working on the campaign trail. he is multi tasking. i have seen hell i have seen hillary eat. i bet he eats on the plane. can he be presidential? trump? are you kidding me? he just pulled some tape and video there. at one point did you see presidential? was there a point there? i didn t see it. after he has a win he gives a nice speech and he is trying to read a speech off the paper and then he goes back to it. is it a habit he can t break? he is the constant show man. the world is his stage to paraphrase shakespear. he knows how to grab an audience and keep an audience. he is riveting. you cannot take your eyes off him. i watched that in realtime where he was making fun of kasich. i literally stopped and watched him. you can t take your eyes off him. and what he unders and what he understands is a lock on his supporters and voters that it is impossible to break. he would be a great wrestler. it is show man ship. i don t understand why he doesn t like him. he is the best show man in the business. razzle dazzle. i am coming around to trump. and something else he does is he is able as all good performers are to take the measure of the crowd to which he is speaking. he knows when he has the real fanatic trump people who want to make fun of kasich s name and hillary he gives them the jabs and the jives. he is very shrewed. that s emotional intelligence. there is intellectual intelligence, just raw, intellectual ability and then there is eq which in someways is more important than intellectual intelligence. you need to read every audience and i don t want him to tone it down. it will come after him and he is the only one who can under it and give it right back. i knew it was coming around. a florida man has come up short again in his bid to run to bermuda in a bubble. on sunday he was rescued off the coach of florida and his homemade floating hamster wheel that s what it is. he came from pompano beach despite a warning from the coast guard to, quote, not do that. in 2014 a fisherman called the coast guard and asked for direction. come on. take a compass with you. he was rescued and he said against his will. for his next endeavor he wants to cross the atlantic with only a water jet pack and a handful of energy bars. are you at the time erred with that thing? i think you are. what do you think? you can fly to bermuda. it is pretty simple to do. it is a sad day for the coast guard. they are trying to protect the border and they have a monster out there in the ocean. if you find him a second time take him to bermuda. the guy wants to go. get him over there. he wants to go in the bubble. he is complaining. let the man run in his wheel. unlike john kasich he has no food and he is out there starving to death. he is in this bubble and he doesn t know where he is and what is going on. i am resentful because i work really hard and you all work hard and we pay good tacks. they are going to rescue this dumb ass who is out there for the second time in a plastic bubble. but he knows how to live. the book is about being successful. then i put the book down and say this guy has the secret. just get in your bubble and run to bermuda. forget all of the rules and don t be a dpnl a financial success. they will come and get you. where is the bermuda triangle? where is the bermuda triangle? boats disappear and this guy with the hamster wheel doesn t disappear. puncture his bubble and let him sink and be shark bait. not only do you want to rescue him you want to sabotage him? why spend our tax dollars on this moron? my suggestion is we don t spend the tax dollars, but we don t rescue him either. we let it go and see what happens. if he dozened up as shark bait they have a moral obligation to save these dumb asses. they have to do it. this dumb ass wants to try the third time and he should have his own private security, right? he should have two boats running alongside of him. that s why he needs to be a financial success to handle those people. it all comes back. you can t do it without money? you can t. maybe one of the things is when these people do the daring acts they need a sponsor. if the red bull was out there. i am a scuba diver. the next time he does it i will swim up and let the air out of the bubble. they have turned into a trump supporter. we we are making fun of the good guys. he just ran a marathon in space. that s what he is up there to do, i guess. we knew he was going do that. if i get in trouble, you, the taxpayer have to save me. and we have to send nasa up to save that guy? no. i say let the guy go to bermuda on his own. even if he has to ask the fisherman for directions. game game of thrones makes unlikely allies. live from america s news headquarters, i m kelly wright. it is primary day in five northeastern states today. and the voters will head to the polls in connecticut, delaware, maryland, pennsylvania and rhode island. donald trump, senator ted cruz and governor john kasich. on the democratic side hillary clinton and bernie sanderses are vying for a 384 delegates. a large part of the country s midsection could get hit with tour by by tour by lept weather. the area from south texas to omaha may see both tornadoes and large hail and an additional 250 troops are being sent to syria to help the fight against isis. president obama urged allieses to match the u.s. with new contributions of their own. police say there is growing operations and cook and cockfighiing. they range from 16 to 44 and so far no one has been arrested. the city of cleveland settling a lawsuit agreeing to pay $6 million to the family of tamir rice m he was shot to death in 2014 while playing with a pellet gun. a fed rl appeals court ruling tom brady should serve the four-game suspension in the so-called deflategate. brady who said he had no role in deplating the air pressure in gameballs could steel appeal the decision that s a look at news. and now back to red eye. game game of thrones returns on hbo. the show is a huge hit, but not everything on the network is leaving her to ask why is hbo flailing? it treats its women as sex be ons. game of thrones reflects a broader problem with the lineup. the male centered programming treats them as plot devices. she is not alone. after an episode of last season s game of thrones there was a brutal rape of one of the main characters about how it was inappropriate because it denied her character agency and empower meant. my old favorite view . went with the typical feminist studies professor. i don t think there should be gratuitous sex and graphic violence, but i don t need a graduate thesis to tell me why. there just shouldn t be. i don t need to spend a lot of time thinking about it. keep it pg13. guys watch the language and girls keep the tops on. while you are at it, tuck in the shirt and don t run in the hallway. monica, is them power meant a little over should? it is so ridiculous. i am a huge game of thrones fan and i am a woman and none of this has any residence with me whatsoever. i hate social engineering whatever form it is in, especially in entertainment where i go to escape and realize social engineering is coming from the government. game of thrones has powerful women who also happen to be gorgeous and cunning. some are evil and some are good. so what? hbo has girls and they have a whole bunch of shows where the lead protagonist is a woman and funny and pretty and powerful and all of the things this woman says they don t have. that s funny. when these articles came out it was it was disturbing scenes. i think it is too much. i don t like watching people be slaughtered. i don t either. i do. but what would you say to the feminists who say it is different from girls because they are doing it themselves and they are empowered. this whole idea that the show is sexist is silly. it was the 1400 s and everybody got raped. i m telling you. the men don t have it any easier. they get killed by these long handle blades. a stick to the chest. you got a rogue stick to the chest in the 1400 s. it is obviously a fantasy. it is based in that period broadly. war of the roses and it was brutal. it was a brutal life. the average person lived to the age of 35. if you were a member if you were a knight or somebody in charge you lived to 30. and it was a bad 30. you are ready to go. you want to check out. typical washington post feminism. women have their own channel. it is hallmark. she can watch jessica fletcher murder she wrote and she wants to see a strong woman. and by the way, hbo is also responsible for creating two of the greatest female characters of all time, nancy marshan and edi falco in the sopranos. brilliant actresses. you say they don t have a problem and hbo is no. they can do whatever they want. there are a lot of topless women on there. so what? can t there just be things people don t like. guys take their shirts off too. which i enjoy. do we have to like everything ? there are things i don t like out there. that s not the goal? we all like the same things? just don t watch it. there are other things you can watch. somebody wrote it this wi and this is what it is. the middle ages were pre-gloria steinum. if you want that mushy stuff go watch love story with alley mcgraw. none of you are with me on this? no. no. are you out vote. i don t want to see people having s is ex on tv. i don t like it. more sex. more sex on tv. somebody should be having sex right here, right now. i just think it is like every time you get a scene and i thought it was you know m i liked hitchcock. i prefer a little more subtle. i don t like carey grant. you know what i am thinking. they never touch each other, but you can feel the sexual tension in the dialogue. wasn t that the best of all time? the best is to catch a thief where he is out there with grace kelly and it is a ma nog menage-a-tois. he was this close to evening ridberg man. but nobody is taking it away from you. you are taking it away. coming up half time with andy levy. and the red eye pod cast is back. fox news so you never miss out on the fun. welcome back. time to see what we got wrong and what we missed. hi, tom. before we get started i want to talk about something that happened over the weekend and monday. we did a story of life skills that all 18-year-olds should have. can we roll that? and be able to gear up your character. it allows packs of rogues to get you in the dark zone. thanks a lot, jerks. so on sunday they posted a clip on the division. that s a video game. on monday a bunch of the major gaming sites picked it up and long story short i am now a bit of a hero. that is great. i didn t know what you were talking about when you said that. i saw the reaction and a lot of the responses are there. look the a that. tom shillue, nailed it. tom shillue, love you. you play the division. you can t even let me have this, tom? my inbrokes sh ad sh ad inbox is filled with congratulations. first you took my show and you can t even leave me with the scraps, tom. you have to have everything? unbelievable. cruz and kasich working together to keep trump under 1237. monica you said this partnership lasted about five minutes and you noted that kasich told supporterses they should vote for him. bloomburg politics is reporting that kasich gave no instructions to his volunteers in the state about what to do next. he told supporters no the to support cruz. so you can tell they got their ducks lined up before they made the announcement. as donald trump would say, sad, with an exclamation point. and asked if they could be president together maybe it is a firestorm thing. you have gone way above and beyond what i know about superheros jay then don t come on here and make up a justice league. one is ice. we established i m a huge nerd. you said nobody likes cruz. his kids and maybe his wife. he will need more than that to win the presidency. i thought you were going to come after me that everybody gets raped in the 14th century. that was way later in the show. and i didn t see a need to repeat that. then again you went ahead and repeated it. tom, you said trump liked saying collude and he was saying it all day. he might not have been saying collude. he may have been saying shillue. that s what made me perk up and listen. they are not colluding in california and you asked if they have a chance to win in that state. that s right. tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber. he said he wants him to change the spelling of his last name. trump will be more presidential about how people are going to the gym tomorrow. always tomorrow. you said if trump was a wrestler he would be a great bad guy. this stuff i loathe trump and whatever, but this stuff was funny. some was funny, but wouldn t it be a great promo to a cage match? that s how he is treating this. i need to keep saying that to the people. absolutely. monica you asked why kasich doesn t have anyone around him to tone down the eating on camera. what is wrong with a man having enthusiasm for a meal? i said i love anybody with a healthy appetite. when you are running for president you run the risk of broccoli spriggs and uh spare gus and it is not a good look. you said trump doesn t have a nickname for kasich. that s because he doesn t take kasich s campaign seriously and kasich has not attacked him. he tends to be he punches back. we can only wait and hope. and tom is correct. colluding kasich would be an i will an illiteration. bubble man rescued again. you said this is a sad day for the coast guard. monica, you talked about our tax dollars being used to rescue this guy. this is a simple fix. have him sign a damn waiver saying he does not wish to avail himself of the coast guard or any other rescue unit and let him do whatever the hell he wants. absolutely. just get a legal document. you asked where is is the bermuda triangle when you need it? it depends on how you define it. it is the point where it hits florida is south of that. if he took a northerly route he could bypass most of the bermuda triangle. but you were serious about the whole bermuda triangle? yes. if he disappears i am not shedding a tear. is hbo sexist? she starts off by saying hbo was flailing. i don t think that s accurate. i am pretty sure if you say they are flailing it is not because they are sexist. season two sucked of sucked. final is bad. the shows were not that bad. she bashes silicon valley for not having enough women characters. that s an accurate reflection of silicon valley. true. and silicon valley which is hilarious, there are major female executives portrayed on that show. i don t know what she is talking about. lastly, michael, you said women have their own channel, the hallmark channel. frasier reruns are on there, man. frasier is awesome. i only watch when angela landsbury is on murder she wrote. the channel is conservative and they bleep out damn and ass. you can see a network comedy bleeping out the words. we would be in trouble. dismie fuller house s dave coulliet is in the house when we return. live from america s news headquarters i m kelly wright. good morning. the stage is set now for another delegate grab in five northeastern states. the voters go to the polls in delaware, riel riled, connecticut and pennsylvania. the gop front runner donald trump spent most of monday in the keystone state intensifying the attack on ted cruz and john kasich. on the democratic side, hillary clinton is focusing not on sanders, but on trump. accusing the mogul of being out of touch with the average americans. don t make a big speech and then go back to your country clubhouse in florida or your penthouse in new york. while voter turnout was high in the state well black leaders in north carolina are vowing that their fight is far from over. it requires a photo id and late monday a federal judge dismissed the lawsuits challenging the law. he ruled it does not hamper the political power of minorities. in fact, he claimed the voter turnout among blacks has increased since the law went into affect. people from south tks text and northern nebraska are bracing for what might become a bout of nasty weather. they say they can produce powerful tornadoes and even hail. isis bombers are back in business. 2 took over a month to restore the station. 5 memorial has been installed allowing people to write messageses to the victims. that s news. now it is time for red eye. ladies and gentlemen, i give to you the gladstone gallery of wacky weapons m. holy chilloupas. this is what you call your classics, the super soakers and the silly string and the slime rifles and the grand daddy of them all, a joey gladstone designed toilet paper leaf blower gun. i could have used this baby last night at arby ease a. you know him as joey gladston from full house and now fuller house. you made good money. a million. now a new children s book coming out called the adventures of david booger. it is david coulliet and he is wow. too good for our panel. look at that. i didn t please i didn t do that. tell me what your wife said is. we showed the clip from fuller house. when i am in a picture she goes like this and that means like put your chin she is a photographer and i will stick whenever i do something funny i stick my gut out. i don t know. how is it tapping put your chin down and it reminds you to put your chin down because as soon as you go like that you look fat and when i talk i stick my gut out like it is a pointer. look, i want to talk about your book. jimmy is a booger who wants to be in show business is this about show business? it is gym mooy s quest it is jimmy s quest to be in show business. i love when kids read. i wanted to create something entertaining that had music and would get kids involved in the read and my full house and fuller house co-hosts. jodi sweeten is in it. you have tom hankie and sneeze witherspoon and wrigley snot. do kids get the wrenches? references. it is a lot of rocky and bullwinkle and i thought let s make the parents laugh. i didn t want to play down to the kids. so the music is very sophisticated. and robbie plays a country duet and robbie is the lead singer and so the my sick is sophisticated. there is a lullabye to jazz and blues and it is music they don t normally listen to. i don t think i have ever read a book about a booge are r. and it is digital only. there is no hard copy of the book. why does it need to be digital? this is the first of its kind. i needed to come up with the technology that would match up with what i created. when you scroll through it fires up. it is modern technology. kids can follow along and they launch by themselves. this is a song called i got the greens. do you find kids love this humor? now i can t turn it off. it will drive parents crazy. i m sorry, your question? do kids love secretions and snot? my whole career has been rooted in family and entertainment and i have always been involved in making kids laugh on the set. you mention boogers and poop jokes and kids laugh at that. i thought let s be sophisticated, but let s also do the least common denominator for kids. it is silly and sophomoric andent taping. and entertaining. thank you for being with us. we ll close things out with a bedtime story. they brought this on themselves. now it s war, and i want them dead! the fleas and ticks? their whole gang. we can do that. only bravecto kills fleas & ticks for up to 12 weeks with one tasty chew. starts killing fleas in two hours and kills nearly 100% in under twelve. and it s fda approved. bravecto is for dogs 6 months of age or older. don t worry, princess, we ll settle the score. tonight we ride, with bravecto!! ask your vet about 12-week protection with bravecto. because of primary coverage of we are back on wednesday with joe mcmorris and lynn c lynn coplin. cracker jack is ending a 125-year tradition and doing away with the toy prize. instead each box will come with a pocket sized koran. i was surprised at that. there are stickers with digital codes that lead customers to baseball-inspired prize. it will allow the baseball moment through a one of a kind mobile experience. wow. that sounds like a lot of corporate mumbo-jumbo. i guess we are seeing the future and the future is digital code. like when your mom said tom, go play in traffic with a toy. now it is go and play in traffic with a digital code. i encourage it was supposed to be out at the ballpark. jerry, how can you relate cracker jack to your latest book. it is not a four-letter word. is that not in your hand? i was reading jerry s book and i have to say it is a great book. here is the thing, cracker jack should put a couple more peanuts in the bach. can we say the only good part of cracker jack is the toy? it is a caramel. i don t like the cracker jack. i used to get a wrench and a caboose and a whistle and now they pull out a piece of paper with a bar code on it? brutal. i got the wrench. i don t remember anything better than a stick on tattoo. i had a wrench and a whistle and a caboose. can we not have toys in anything? good idea. everything. but i don t understand why they what did the little toy cost anyway? it can t be that expensive. it was always one piece made out of plastic. it couldn t be expensive to make. they must have a deal with major league baseball. oh you are cynical. always thinking of the business angle. silicon valley is inspecting our junk food. remember what made it so much fun is the treasure hunt. it is peanuts because there is not enough in them. you will have a whole other bag of peanuts. . they need the tack tile experience and they don t get that anymore. thank you very much. that does it for me, your host, tom shillue. see you next time. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. less than 10 hours to go from the first votes in the next critical primary, g.o.p. frontrunner donald trump is blasting his rivals as pathetic as they join forces in an attempt to block his path to the republican nomination. good evening and welcome to the kelly file, everyone. i m megyn kelly. we are now just hours away from the battle for the east as voters in pennsylvania, maryland, delaware, connecticut and rhode island head to the polls. while donald trump pe to do do very well team night, that is not what people are talking about tonight. hours ago, trump unloading on senator ted cruz and governor john kasich. yesterday their campaigns announcing that they will work together to defeat donald trump in some of

New-york , United-states , North-carolina , Texas , Cleveland , Ohio , Florida , Delaware , Rhode-island , California , Indiana , Syria

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20160419

she graduated from uc berkeley. i m guessing she is here on a recon mission. he has more vision than age of you ultron. camille foster. like most girls she wants to have fun. but can t because of crippling depression. and his last name is a pal palendrome. let s start the show. hillary clinton is coming clean about her love of a spicy coned meant. what is something you always carry with you? hot sauce. really? yes. really? are you giving information right now? hot sauce? really? yes. now, i want you to know people will see this and say she is pandering the black people again. is it working? that was clinton on the breakfast club radio show named after the 80s movie loved by black people. tmz called the claim a clear attempt to snag the black vote. and i agree that it is clearly picante pan doring. she never mentioned the hot peppers before. as this will confirm. i eat a lot of hot peppers. i started doing that in 1992 and i swear by it. i eat a lot of tabasco sauce and other hot sauce. i owe hillary an apology. clinton told a magazine that she packs a mini bottle of tabasco sauce. she had a collection of 100 bottles of hot sauce. when he heard that ted cruz said that s weird. i don t know if that is a weird quote or not or if they made me say that. it seems like something ted cruz would say. i doubted the hot sauce, but the facts back her up. i am so glad you did your research and had the facts. i was ready to say i covered so many politicians who constantly pander at the ohio state fair and eat the fried dough. they are in cleveland and eat the punchkies. they will shove anything in their mouth to get them one vote. hopefully the hot sauce and air mist works. her unlike ability level and it is so high they are in the negative. she and donald trump have favorable levels. if she can get one more vote eating mayo mixed with peanut butter she better do it. yes. i thought it was pandering until i looked it up. maybe she is right by other things and maybe she was shot down in a helicopter. she said they were firing on the copter. you have to give her this. she carries hot sauce. i think nobody is looking at the facts which is i read further that she was doing it in 92 because it was almost better than coffee. this woman is such a work-aholic and she tries so hard coffee doesn t keep her awake. she needs hot peppers and she is trying to water board her tongue. she can get more work done. she is pandering. this woman is a badass. she is awesome if you think about it. it does get you going. i am not great with the hot food. . you seem uncomfortable with the story. i like it bland. i am a potato pancake guy. i am scots-jamaican and we like a lot of hot foods. i am fine with that. what i find strange is we are not talking about the real problem. a hundred bottles of hot sauce? are you a weird pepper fiend? what if she was the actual president? this is a problem. she would be free to have all of the hot sauce she wanted. maybe that s why she wants to be president, paul. that s her first executive order. cases and cases. i don t see anything wrong with it. it is a none issue story. and authentic people can like the spicy food too. there is nothing problematic about that. there was real pandering in the interview. she did insist that white people need to recognize the various versions of racism that are out in the world oppressing black people. i don t actually need anyone to recognize anything on my behalf so far as that is concerned. the fact that she continues to use that line when she talks about prisons being over populated i find detestable. and they say i hear formations and she laughed heartly and was dying for huma to signal that was beyonce. what does that mean? i don t know what that means. it has spicy lyrics, formation. the other candidates have now revealed their favorite con do mens. bernie sanders carries cream cheese in his briefcase and he likes to put a smear on anything he is eating. it is called the world s greatest steak sauce. they call them, quote, all of them and ted cruz says soup. i don t think that s a condiment. some people may consider it, but the new york primary will beheld tomorrow on the gop side. they are looking for a delegate sweep. joining me to discuss is donald trump. mr. trump, are you excited for the new york primary tomorrow? yes, i am excited. i am thrilled for the primary. the polls have me over 50%. that is huge. it is huge. i am doing fantastic and i am going to win new york and i mean really, really win big league. frank saw frank sinatra said this is new york. if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. i said you know what? that is tremendous advice. you should put that in a song or something. vow saying you inspired new york, new york ? of course. frank always gave credit to people who didn t de scoif deserve it. frank was a good guy. he was a good father. not a great father like me. i am a fantastic father. have you seen my kids? gorgeous kids. i am a tremendous father. i never, ever let my kid get kidnapped. it never happens. yes, and frank sinatra, junior. i hear your kids can t vote for you because they didn t register for the new york primary in time. yes, that is true. ivanka won t be voting for me. and it is a shame. i voted for her every year to be trump magazine s sexiest woman alive. and she won. i was so proud she won every year. i m sure your vote helped. you say this primary system is rigged. do you believe that? absolutely. this system is rigged. if anyone knows how to spot a ig ared game it is donald trump. i ran three in atlantic city which by the way is a dump. but it is full of games. you think those little old ladies want to give you their grandson s college fund? no. you have to take it from them just like the establishment is trying to take the election from me. i am not happy about this. i don t know what it is. it is a strange name. i could not stand this guy. you said if they don t straighten out the system they will be in for a rough july. what does that mean, a rough july? i can t say exactly. why would i let them know my plans? water boarding, it is all on the table. tom, what is the one where they rip your fingernails out? is there a name for that? i have to tell you i am not going to rule anything out. it sounds terrible, but i am glad you are keeping them guessing. moving on, you said 2012 s convention was so boring that people were falling asleep and that the convention should have some showbiz. what kind of showbiz would donald trump add to a gop convention. no one does showbiz like donald trump. it is going to be huge. and it is not like the light in the loafer broadway boys you float around with, tom. the secret is out in new york. it is an open secret. donald trump will have the biggest names and the brightest stars. we are talking gary busey, law toy yow jackson and many, many other stars from the celebrity apprentice who are still under contract. there won t be a seng gel empty seat in the single empty seat in the house unless clint eastwood will talk to them. it will be really, really big. thank you for joining us, mr. trump. absolutely. i will win and it will booy a landslide. you will be happy about it. that is great. a massachusetts elementary school banned a performance because it is too controversial. we will show you part of the performance. warning. some viewers may find this offensive. it will leave you time to leave the room. okay. they are gone. the three 11-year-old boys were told they couldn t perform the routine after a parent complained about it. itit is not clear if the parent is pro-trump or anti-tru. it is important for us to be seen as nonpartisan in a highly charged election environment. the mother of one of the boys said it is pop culture and not politic. they were not making a political statement. they just wanted a dance with a funny head. i added a little energy. camille, they want to dance and dance with trump heads. i saw this as a non-partisan dance, did you? i would agree with you. they are not old enough to vote. what is problem mat problematic is the dance moves were bad. those on the left side of the screen were awful. the dabbing needs work. you are right. the guy in the middle, he is trying. he is working really hard. you know what? him by himself we have no problems. it is the rest of them. they are a mess. they got the churning the butter kind of right. i don t know. you thought it was an a for effort and they had i thought the mats were well constructed. they put them in their mouths. that s my favorite part. they should be booked on kelly and michael live. it is so ridiculous now. two times ago we had the story where parents said they should ban the halloween costumes because it was anti-religious for those who thought it was horrible. at what point do we stop the nonsense. they are kid, 11-year-olds having fun. it is ridiculous. tom, clearly this was a tribute to me. how would three boys dancing with my face on theirs be anything but praise. they want to make their crappy talent show great again and the system is rigy against them. mr. trump, i didn t know you were listening in. well i heard my name so i stayed on. do you think it was anti-or pro? i think it is more what he is talking about. i think whatever the complaint was, well that s not technically a talent. you are jumping around it is not even a mask. it is a cardboard face biter. there is no choreography. they were not sync-ed up. you can t see each other. so you can t be in the talent show. i know they are not highly regulated jie. they are now. i know they are doing a lot of talented stuff. if anyone did this in my talent show in the 80s they would have won the show. this is the greatest thing that would have happened. i was stage right and part of a trio of dancing due caucuses. but we had our moves down. and you can do it with your eyes closed. don t you want to be in the basement with the kids? they were literally high on coca-cola and they said we are going to make masks and we are going to dance. they said let s do this. they don t do anything. they knocked it out and then can get back to huffing glue. this is massachusetts. tom, i grew up in l.a. where we were doing interpret tiff dance. you were rocking the casba? completely. next story. last may actress amber herd flew to australia to visit her husband johnny depp. also aboard the private jet was the two yorkshire terriers. but amber failed to declare the dogs, strict quarantine laws, that lead her to import the pup. she has been spared jail time after making this apology video. australia is a treasure trove of great plants and animals. it has to be protected. australia is free of pests and diseases that are commonplace around the world and that s why australia need strong bio security laws. australians are unique, both warm and direct. when you disrespect the australian law they will tell you firmly. i am truly story pistol and boo were not declared. protecting australia is important. declare everything when you enter australia. thanks. no thank you. that was intense. on a scale of morticai to sweeney todd how would you rate the performance? it was filmed on an ipod touch that is leaned up i think it was all right. it was wasn t the whole situation she thought the assistant did the paperwork? yeah. and i guess they were too busy picking out scarfs and bracelets and didn t get it worked out. they are celebrities. you don t have to fill out the forms if you are celebrities. i think it is true. we laugh at these celebrities, but we expect them to know the intricacy. i would never laugh. i take it seriously. i just felt like he was in detention. i m sorry mrs. johnson. do you thepg he was thumbing his nose? his tattooed is i am a domestic dog. he figured out he wasn t above their law or wasn t i don t know. his eye make up was not well enough applied that day. his eye liner was perfect and people didn t recognize him and he is getting in trouble. he is being a beb about it. t it. i think these other countries you are flying in your private jet. you don t realize you think you are special. they arrived on a private jet. they don t have kooties. the blood-filled syringe that washed up, it probably has some sort of kooties in it. this is okay. they seem terrified to me. i don t know. it seems like someone was off camera with like a hood on. but for the kathleen turner transatlantic theater accents they were both adopting. if you have been to uh strail if you have been to australia, you cannot bring a flower in your lapel. you can t bring a nectarine in your purse off a cruiseship. it will mess up the entire ecosystem of that by the way she said it is a wonderful island. it is a continent surrounded by ocean. some people call it an eye plan continent. it is a continent. you will mess up the entire ecosystem. you don t clean the bottom of your shoe when you get off the plane. there are all sorts of guns there. keep talking. i have to go. john kasich s rules on rebelry next. live from america s news headquarters, i m kelly wright. good morning. it is primary day in new york. polls show both hillary clinton and donald trump with big leads. the numbers are very important for gop front runner donald trump. if he can get more than half the vote in each congressional district he would sweep the state at three delegates per district. if he gets anything less than 50% in a district, new york awards two delegates to the winner and one to the runner up. recent polls show democratic front runner hillary clinton is holding on to a double-digit lead in the state where she used to be a senator. brooklyn native bernie sanders . out the polls have been wrong before like ahead of his surprise win in michigan. severe flooding in the houston area killing at least five people there, four died in submerged vehicles. more than haver of texas remains remains more than half of texas remains under a flood warning and they have made more than 1,000 water rescues. an investigation is under way after a pilot reported a drone hit his jet. it happened during a landing at heathrow airport. the plane was headed from geneva to london with more than 130 people on board. no one was hurt. ?ai the 120th boston marathon is taking place under tight security on monday as it has been ever since every year since 2013. that s when two bombs went offng three people and injuring more than 260 other. this year kenya swept the men s and women s races. the upscale department store nordstrom will cut up to 400 jobs. the changes will save the seattle-based company $60 million. the layoffs follow job cuts by other retailers including wal-mart and macy s. and that s a look at news. i m kelly wright. now back to red eye. john kasich knows how to speak to the moderate audience and resonates with the voter. but it is fraught with danger. when a student asked about campus sexual violence he spoke about empowering victims. is there a place to go where there is an ability for you to access a rape kit? where that is kept confidential, but where it gives you the opportunity to be able to pursue justice after you have had some time to reflect on it all? the student remarked that it was, quote, sad it was something she had to worry about and kasich closed things out with a little advice. i would give you one bit of advice. don t go to parties where there is a lot of alcohol, okay? continue do that. the crowd applauded at that line because people generally like that kind of thing. practical common sense advice. they can be shaped into something else. let s run it through the media nator. john kasich suggests they can fore p avoid rape and the victim blaming response. kasich reinforced the rape myth and the indignant. no yawn kasich they are not no john kasich they are not to blame for rape. men say women should avoid parties where they never say drunk driving victims should avoid roads. but wait. i hear that all the time. every fourth of july, thanksgiving and new year s we hear the holidays are the most dangerous of the year. why is it we can hear advice like this and not bristle at it and stomp our feet. we live in the world as it is. as regarding women s issue they want to create a false world and a world of lapping wedge. language. the press reacting as if there is some kind of scandal. liz, what did you think of my super reasonable monologue? reasonable. here is the one issue. i have a daughter and i would say don t drink. don t go to a party at a college and not drink. you are not going to any parties. i can tell you almost every college party has alcohol. but john kasich is good at heart. his problem is he is running for president in 2016, but living the life of somebody in 1956. co-ed? he said co-eds. and of course all of those people clap behind him. they probably all have whisper 2,000 s in theirar. they looked 60, 7, 80 years old. he has to understand the lexicon of the discussion has to be more about watching what you say and then going in and making your stronger point which was the first point. since he has been attacked in the media he backtracked and now he clarified his statement. do they give him any inches? no. they say he doubled down on his sexist comments. i don t think he is a fan of rick. not a huge fan? kids are going to parties and there is going to be alcohol at the parties. you should go and you should have a good time and drink. but take the homely girl from the calculus class with you so you can look out for each other. while you are both getting hammered she is there with you. have a buddy. buddy system. do you think taking the homely girl with you is better? they say designate a driver. why is that not a thing? the phak that women constantly have to look out for each other in general, it is not just in general at parties in college. it is the rest of your life. i want to arrest rapists, but don t walk alone in a bad neighborhood. can i say that? of course. men can t say anything because you will always be in the wrong. i get that he will be wrong no 345er9 what he says, but you would never tell somebody don t swim because you meet drowned. that s a good analogy, but i may say that. don t swim because you may drowned. half time is next. welcome back. time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from andy levy. let s talk about hillary carrying hot sauce. you said you owe her an apology for thinking she was pandering. the two are not mutually exclusive. i don t care what liz said. she was working it for years? yes and vince foster knew it. it was in the briefcase. and he talked about coming under fire in boss bosnia hillary lied about. i thought that was brian williams. different helicopter. you said hillary is trying to water board her tongue. is that a good thing? if you want to stay awake like if you have a paper or have a bunch of lies to get down pat. especially with like ben gay putting it in the wrong spot. that hurts as well. what is the wrong spot? i will tell you later. you said you never knew when was a thing. i didn t know it was a thing. i didn t know that. you learn something new every day. i don t. from you mostly. is a hundred bottles of hot sauce a lot? i am not a hot sauce guy, but people who enjoy that they always have a bunch of bottles of different kinds. a hundred puts you in the threshold of hoarding. just quickly, he asked what it was when they ripped out your thumbnail. it was called de nailing. juch a great name. it is not clear if the parent who complained was pro-trump or anti-trump. the mother of one of the dancing boys said the principal said there was a complaint because it was going after the republican party. so they thought it was anti? one mom did. another mom said she didn t know. that s why it could elevate to art. you don t know. exakly. camille, thank you foregoing after the 11-year-old s dance skill. there are no medals for trying. there are no medals for trying. you need to be good. excellent at all times. seriously? don t coddle them. that s why they are so weak. according to the boston globe they were going to do justin bieber, but they said they were not dancy enough. were you part of a trio of dancing due caucuses? i believe the plural is ducacai. you grew up in l.a. and you drew sketches. that s exactly what i did. i was going to ask you before or after and then i realized it would be rude. you asked if the whole situation was she thought his assistants were filling out the paperwork. that s what i read. you are correct. she threw them under the bus. she thought the assistants were doing it. that s what you do when you are are aed for bringing in puppies. make excuses and cry. you said depp s attitude seems to be big enough this hospital be a problem for him. can we show you what he was thinking? it is free of pests and diseases that are commonplace around the world. that is why australia has to have such strong bio security laws. australians are just as unique. you disrespect the australian law. i am truly story they were not declared. what does his girlfriend do that she is a way better actress? she really sold it. she was in the joneses with demi moore. i said this for a longtime and celebrities should get special treatment i agree that the australians, the laws are good and any common person trying to do what they did should be thrown in prison. but i believe they should get a pass. when did australia get stuck up with what they lead into the country. was it after they stopped catapulting the criminals? apparently that scared them. you know depp had the glasses on and somebody had to say don t do that. you brought up that amber said it was a wonderful island. as you pointed out it is sometimes called the island continent. apparently what rules what is and is not a continent is wobbly. it has to do with tectonic independence. all of which australia has, but some people say greenland should be a concept. marcupial. it is mainly the pouch. tom, you said when you talk about women s issues you have to be ready for your words to be put through the device. you re right. from you going to make finish yous and ferb references, get it right. you said you don t think oh yeah it turned into the advice to take the homely girl with you. that s not good advice? you said you would never tell anyone not to swim. but it may be after drinking alcohol. he said don t go to parties with alcohol. he didn t say swimming swimming in [bleep]. that wasn t a story. not that there is anything wrong with it. if that s what you are into. fine. to be fair he did correct himself later and he said he didn t mean don t go to the parties, but he said be careful. nothing wrong with that. thank you, andy. time to take a break. the ugly truth of on-line dating. and the red eye pod cast is back. tune in to get a new episode every week. live from america s news headquarters i m kelly wright. good morning. here is what is happening. the death toll from this past weekend s massive earthquake in ecuador is jumping to 413. the quake hit the country s coastline in an area beaches popular with u.s. tourists. at least one person is among the dead. after shots are hitting an area hit by two powerful earthquakes this southern japan forcing people to sleep on the streets. an estimated 1 had you,000 people 100,000 people spent the night in their cars. the quakes are blamed for 45 deaths there. terrorists are targeting a key government security agency in kabul, the capitol of afghanistan. the attack wounding nearly 200 people at the agency that provides protection for the high level officials. the taliban is claiming responsibility. the u.s. military is ramping up the fight against isis in iraq. the pentagon will deploy 200 more troops and send eight apache helicopters. the move will put american troops closer to the front lines and it comes as iraqi forces are taking the key northern city of mosul. the 120th boston marathon taking place under tight security on monday. that s when two bomb went off near the finish line killing two people and injuring more than 260 other. this year ethiopia swept the men s and women s races. doris roberts has died. she died in her sleep in los angeles. the five-time emmy winning actress played the mother to ray hua ray romano s character. i m kelly wright. now back to red eye. is tinder a hinder? new research suggests on-line dating is making it harder to date someone out of your league. psychologists found of couples who met when they started dating both people were about equally a attractive. three s dated 7 s and five s marrieds eight s. those who meet through friend or know each other before dating have a fuller picture. where on-line dating rule out the less attractive so on-line dating is less winning. that makes sense. do you date on-line? no, i met my girl right before that starred being started being tinder. you met her 10 years ago? tinder is not that old. anyway it is all superficial, right? you are looking at faces. do you think it is a good thing or bad thing? they equal up on the looks before they get to know each other. it is fine. people are getting together and having more sex and that s good for that s what they want, right? but is it really? it is good you are not in a fear-based superficial relationship where you think this person is out of my league. like maybe we are made to fit and i don t have to worry about her or him leaving me for somebody who is more attractive. maybe it balances out. i didn t think of of that. it lead to jealousy. when you are a hot girl and you have a dorky guy you are worried she will leave you. if she is boring and he is interesting she should be worried. to me it is like why what your face looks like matters. you still have to talk to them. so you think it is bad? they are dab people who want to have conversations after sex want to have conversations after sex. how you use the app is how you will meet somebody. if you want to have sex with pretty people you will have sex with pretty people. there will be other things that come into the equation. if you are with somebody that is is unattractive you don t see them as unattractive. there are all all of these little things. that s it. i would say, camille, based on that, if you want to have a deeper relationship, don t go with the apps. you have to go you have to start real. i don t know that people are going to the apps. you go and use the app and hookup with people. this is what i hear. you still end up marying the nice guy you were friends with. you got it out of your system. we have to go. tinder is different from match or e harmony. match and e harmony increased their possible bills of love. i think that is great. tinder is something different. it is a quick hookup or a quick date or something. i don t know. we will close things out with a bedtime story. you re not gonna watch it! no, you re not gonna watch it! we can t let you download on the goooooo! you ll just have to miss it! yeah, you ll just have to miss it! we can t let you download. uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so. don t fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. he has a sharp wit. a winning smile. and no chance of getting an athletic scholarship. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren t just measured in dollars. because of the new york primary. we will be back with joe devito and kyla and matt welch. a new film claims no men beyond this point. it is called no men beyond this point and it imagines a world where the population is dying off and women run everything. take a look. they have taken our place in society. they have not taken our dignity. you forgot your coat. this is an act of nature. they are lacing our food with estrogen. we have already been hiding. this was going to be a lot harder. mom, there is a man outside. get out of here! even though it is a comedy it touched a nerve with some men. one guy commented my favorite part is how there is still a functioning city infrastructure. he actually makes a good point there, camille, right? i would say so. and i wouldn t think it would turn out like this. you need a place for young strapping men who are the whole deal. you need them like in a zoo or something. we would get a lot of work. i mean they would get a lot of work. there was a place for them. in this film they are camped out and women are running things on their own. it looks like blair witch meets christopher guest spinal tap. leave the mocumentary to christopher guest. i saw it and it didn t look like acting. i didn t think it was that funny. liz, if women got control of the genetics would they create a world of their own. every time i go through a break up if i could be a lesbian and never need first i thought it was hilarious. second of all, let s do it. i know if you get uh hold of the laboratories it will happen. it is not men hating. it is too much work to explain why you are dumb so let me do it myself. i think it is great. this would be awesome. i don t know why anybody would be threatened by this. this is suggesting that every woman is like a lesbian aside from the biological imperative to hookup with women lust after men. it means whatever 15 dudes are left are getting all of the women. you turned it from a feminist project into a porn. there would be more sex for who ever is left. the only difference is women wouldn t have to climb a mountain and get birth control. special thanks to my entire panel. good night. ou join us tomorrow the five. we have a special outside edition for you. executive overreach or within his power. the hot button issue. this is special report with bret baier. good evening, welcome to washington, i m bret baier. the biggest challenge to president obama s use of executive action was argued today. 26 states sued over the president s executive actions on immigration arguing they exceed his power. the administration says it was doing what congress would not. with just eight justices on the bench, the outcome could

New-york , United-states , Japan , Greenland , Australia , Texas , Afghanistan , Cleveland , Ohio , Boston , Massachusetts , Michigan

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20190801

this is the cbs evening news with norah o donnell. o donnell: good evening. this is our western edition. we begin tonight with breaking news about osama bin laden s son, hamza. cbs news has learned he has been killed in a military operation. hamza bin laden was in line to head al qaeda, the terror group founded by his father. and hamza bin laden had a big price on his head. david martin leads off our ght rting tonight from the orntagon. reporter: one official tells cbs news, osama bin laden s son, hamza, is believed to have been killed in a military operation, although he was not the target of the operation, and was not even known to be at that location. some time later, officials say ms. intelligence monitored conversations among al qaeda members cl or where the operation took place, although hamza was reported to be in either pakistan or afghanistan. president trump brushed aside questions. i don t want to comment on it. reporter: letters captured in the 2011 raid which killed osama ain laden indicate he was grooming hamza to succeed him as r ader of al qaeda. earlier this year, the state department offered a $1 million reward for information leading to his capture or death. it s been eight years since osama bin laden was killed, and al qaeda is no longer the threat in once was. killing his son and heir apparent will make it even harder for al qaeda to stage a comeback, although its current leader, ayman al-zawahiri, is still on the loose. norah. o donnell: all right, david martin at the pentagon. thank you. outside houston tonight, fire crews are still hosing down hot xoots at an exxonmobil refinery. c explosion this morning caused a massive inferno that sent thick, black smoke high into the air. 37 people suffered minor burns. dearby residents were told to shelter in place for several hours. ile exxonmobil plant processes chemicals to make plastics. this was the latest in a series of fires at petrochemical facilities in the area. a fire in march in deer park, texas burned for days. now to news about your money. the cost of borrowing is going down, and so is the return on your savings, after the federal reserve cut a key interest rate today by a quarter point. cbs news business analyst jill t hlesinger is here. nol right, jill, the economy is growing, unemployment is low. so why this cut? well, the fed is really concerned that global and u.s. growth, that they re slowing down. and that s exacerbated by these trade wars all over the place. atd, the fed is also concerned that prices, inflation, is running below where it wants it to be. that s why they made this move. o donnell: okay, so how is it hing to impact all of us? j so, as you said, not such good news for savers, because you re going to see slightly lower rates on your checking, your savings, your money markets, some of your cds. borrowers, this is good news. anything tied to the short-term interest rates, credit cards, shopping for an auto loan, aerhaps, a home equity line of aedit. ,hose numbers are going to be mballer on your next bill. i should note, for mortgages, they re tied to longer-term onterest rates, not affected by the federal reserve. there is good news there, however, because mortgage rates for 15 and 30 years, at near d ree-year lows. o donnell: and what about the job market, any impact? well, i think the fed is really trying to encourage businesses to spend more on hiring and also to increase wages. we ll have to see. we get our next jobs report out on friday. o donnell: always important information. jill schlesinger, thank you so much. federal aviation officials tried today to defend their decision that they made after a 737 max jetliner crashed in indonesia last year. but, it was interesting news today. in a senate hearing, it was revealed they predicted a second crash and, sadly, they were right. in all, 346 people were killed. kris van cleave tonight on the combative hearing. i m not getting on a 737 max until i see the president of hei ander associates be on that plane first. reporter: senators demanded to know why the f.a.a. did not do more after the first 737 max crash last october. why did the f.a.a. not take immediate action to address rise risks? te reporter: they pointed to an internal f.a.a. analysis done just days after the crash, predicting another emergency incident was likely within the next 10 months due to the plane s troubled anti-stall system, mcas. but instead of grounding the plane, the f.a.a. sent an emergency order requiring pilots system. five months later, the second 737 max crashed. wla.a. executives acknowledged, in hindsight, their guidance to wlots was insufficient. we should have included more description in the computer- based training in order to iplain what mcas is. reporter: senators also wanted to know whether boeing int corners to rush the max to market. we expect you to basically be the person or entity that stands up and says, this aircraft is completely safe to fly. that does not appear to be the case in this situation. .a reporter: now, those f.a.a. executives told senators, while not every decision was perfect, the agency is standing behind its certification of the 737 max. boeing s chief rival airbus nsported a monster second quarter, where revenues jumped 75%. boeing saw revenues shrink by 35%. norah. o donnell: kris van cleave, soank you. some surprising audio recordings have surfaced of a phone conversation nearly a half idntury ago between president richard nixon and future eresident ronald reagan. the recordings were released by the national archives, and they upture the two men using racist language. here s whi rr: prdimself talki to then-californerronagan in ocs republic of reagan phonenixon at the teite house to express his n ustration of african delegates who celebrated the vote. reporter: the ronald reagan presidential foundation said today, if he said that 50 years ago, he shouldn t have. and he would be the first person to apologize. after talking with reagan, nixon called secretary of state william rogers and adopted reagan s racist langua reporter: later that month, nixon laughed at these comments from his best friend bebe rebozo. reporter: even in 1971, that language would have shocked the general public. president trump has, of course, bume under fire for his racist tweets, but he said yesterday he is the least racist person there is in the world. norah. aula donnell: all right, paula reid at the white house. if you re keeping track, it s eust under 66 weeks now until the presidential election, 27 weeks to the iowa caucuses, and tonight, the democratic candidates are holding part two of their showdown in detroit. political correspondent ed o keefe is there with who s on stage and what s at stake. reporter: it s joe biden s turn on the debate stage tonight, and he says, this time, he won t be so nice. aides tell us he s prepared to take it to donald trump, and to his democratic opponents, if necessary. he will be prepared to defend his record. i think our opponents have telegraphed that they intend to attack him tonight, and he s certainly going to be prepared for that. reporter: standing next to biden tonight will be california senator kamala harris, who surprised biden in last month s debate by raising questions about his civil rights record. do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose busing in america? reporter: on biden s other side, new jersey senator cory booker, who has also raised doubts about biden s record on race, and former housingmigrati. last night, senators bernie sanders and elizabeth warren faced a barrage of criticism about their liberal health care plans. i think democrats win when we run on real solution, not impossible promises. i don t understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the united states just to talk about what we really can t do and shouldn t fight for. ( cheers and applause ) medicare for all is comprehensive. it covers all health care needs. you don t know that, bernie. i do know it. i wrote the damn bill! reporter: campaign sources tell cbs news that senator harris also wants to keep focused on the president tonight. in the words of one senior aide, she wants to show why she would be the toughest one to take on trump. norah. o donnell: ed o keefe, thank you so much. and senator sanders will be interviewed tomorrow on cbs this morning. after a three-year legal fight, dallas police have finally releasedy meeors conting man who had called 911 saying he was schizophrenic and needed hilp. mi 14 minutes, officers pinned him down, face-down, and mocked sm, as he struggled to breathe. he died at the scene. body camera videos are increasingly being used in courts in civil suits against law enforcement and first responders, including the case jim axelrod is about to show you tonight s eye on america. and a warning: some of what you are about to see is graphic. reporter: it s been a year of crippling emotion for cindy and paul tarashuk, a year since the death of their 26-year-old son, also named paul. still not easy to talk about is it? no, it s talking about him gets me really upset. talking about this stuff gets me angry. reporter: paul tarashuk had schizoaffective disorder, suffering delusions and ucllucinations. but he was getting on with his life until one night last deptember when he had a psychotic breakdown traveling along this highway near orangeburg, south carolina. i stopped a few exits back. reporter: parked for a roadside break, a trucker suddenly saw tarashuk walking imward him. he comes running up in my headlights at me, naked man. t eaks me out. i take off. reporter: as the trucker drove down the interstate, he realized tarashuk was riding on his rig, and called 911. can you come on down? come on down. reporter: officers from three different law enforcement agencies responded, including orangeburg county sheriffs deputy clifford doroski. he s under the influence. e ybody can see that. reporter: .who was certain tarashuk was high or drunk. we re going to check your vitals. reporter: the police officer s body camera recorded what happened when e.m.s. arrived. rr do you speak english? hey. t reporter: tarashuk didn t answer the first responders, who were berating and cursing at him. h> reporter: so they shoved an ammonia capsule up his nose. breathe that in. flieporter: he didn t flinch. so there, i mean, at that point, someone should have stepped up and said, we ve got to take him in someplace. he s not just someone to let go. o do you want to go to the itspital? yes or no? do you want to go to jail? well, those are your two choices. come on. r:m going to give you a ride. reporter: as troubling as it is to watch how the ambulance crew treats paul tarashuk during the call, it s even more disturbing to watch the sheriff s deputy after. you re not going to jail. you re not under arrest. i m going to give you a ride. i ll give you a ride to a safe environment. that s all i want. i want to make sure you re all right. reporter: the deputy puts tarashuk into his cruiser, drives him 15 miles to this gas aation near the county line, a was station that was closed at the time. this is the last time paul tarashuk is seen alive no shoes, no phone, no idea where i is. it s just watching him walk to his death. he was escorted by an officer to ois death. reporter: nearly five hours later, the same e.m.s. crew was called to deal with tarashuk again, back on the same highway. this time, he was dead. reporter: a toxicology report from the orangeburg county coroner s office came up clean, no drugs, no alcohol. n.spite this, deputy clifford doroski is still on the job at the orange county sheriff s department, and so is one of the e.m.t.s. enate senator katrina shealy: has there been in your view enough accountability? i think there needs to be a better investigation into what happened. i mean, we can see it on the video. i think somebody, you know, needs to explain to them why it happened, which they haven t. i mean, you can t explain it away. reporter: we asked e.m.s.ona. they botdeclincingn that s ieir job. dey just didn t do their job. they didn t care enough about human life to do their job. o donnell: jim axelrod joins us tonight. so, jim, what recourse do the parents have? reporter: well, they filed both state and federal lawsuits today. i spoke to the family s lawyer just a short while ago. hileaid, sure, they re looking for justice. they re looking for accountability. they re looking for answers. they re also looking for a significant monetary award to t t the attention of lawmakers in south carolina to change things and ensure no other family will have to go through something like this. d o donnell: yeah, so it never happens again. lim axelrod, incredible reporting. thank you so much. there is still much more ahead on tonight s cbs evening news, including breaking news. ile search for a pilot after a asghter jet crashed. binge drinking an alarming trend among older americans. why? and what can be done? and, theaters goes dark for a minute tonight to honor a broadway legend. loss. so today i made a plan with my doctor, which includes preservision. because it s my vision, my morning walk, my sunday dre, my grandson s beautiful face. only preservision areds 2 contains the exact nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. because it s my sunset, it s how i see my life. it s my vision. preservision imagine if we we would be such good friends. best friends. advantage ii, kills fleas through contact all month long. i mean he s a wreck without me. advantage ii, fight the misery of biting fleas. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? woman 1: i had no symptoms of hepatitis c. all-night protection. man 1: mine. man 1: .caused liver damage. vo: epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. vo: whatever your type, ask your doctor if epclusa is your kind of cure. woman 2: i had the common type. man 2: mine was rare. vo: epclusa has a 98% overall cure rate. man 3: i just found out about my hepatitis c. woman 3: i knew for years. vo: epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. vo: before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. vo: tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. vo: .and all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. vo: taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. vo: common side effects include headache and tiredness. vo: ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. o donnell: an alarming report is out today about older americans and alcohol. aged 65 or older binge drink. dhat can lead to serious health problems. our doctor tara narula is here. and tara, how many drinks are we talking about? so, binge drinking is defined as more than five drinks on one occasion for a man, more than four drinks on one occasion for a woman. and this is a great reminder that anyone at any age can develop a drinking problem. we have seen an increasing trend. it used to be 7% to 9% of older oerican were binge drinkers, icw it s 10.6%. and the concern is that, older americans are really exquisitely vulnerable to the health problems that come with alcohol. many of them having chronic health conditions that this can exacerbate. it can increase the risk of alls, accidents, injuries. it can interact with the prescriptions, meds, they may be taking. it can create new medical problems, like pancreatitis or other cancers. so there are a lot of concerns a this population. o donnell: you know, you hear about younger people in college binge drinking. right. o donnell: why are older rdults doing this? we don t really know. but you can certainly imagine, this is a time of tremendous change. many of these individuals are empty nesters. they may be isolated, lomay be. they may have their own mental health conditions that are driving them to drink, financial concerns, loss of a spouse or a we as doctors begin to really aggressively screen for this, educate about the recommended amounts. and that family members and loved ones, this should be on your radar, so that you : l rig, o. tara narula, thank you so much. still ahead, what makes this statue so special. ban? 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