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Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Wagner Tonight 20240614

they may not even have to go that far. i think the lesson is that you can terrorize people into not doing anything just by having a law and having the threat out there that somebody could be criminally prosecuted for doing something. the comstock act, this is not a hypothetical. there are lots of folks in right-wing circles writing about and talking about this. lisa rubin, thank you. thank you. that is all in on this thursday night. alex wagner starts now. good evening. there are women already terrified making choices about bodily economy. certainly. fear at all levels of american society. thank you, my friend. today donald trump made his first visit to capitol hill. the first time since his followers ransacked the capital on january 6. to understand why trump chose to come back now after more than three years away, you don t have to look as far back as the insurrection. you just have to remember what trump has been asking congress to do since his criminal conviction two weeks ago. the day after trump was convicted of 34 felony counts in his new york hush money case, eight republican senators vowed to oppose all biden nominees and all democratic legislation as retribution. today six republican senators led by j.d. vance put the oppose all biden nominees part of that into writing. senators explained they would block nominees including anyone who suggested the trump prosecutions were reasonable. anyone who opposed trump s guilt. anyone who supported organizations that celebrated the indictment of donald trump and anyone who supported alvin bragg or supported lawfare or censorship in other ways. which is just big enough to include basically anyone president biden nominated. these republican senators say their blockade will last until election day and in practical terms that means the u.s. government will not be able to appoint representatives to things like the u.n. general assembly or the world health organization or even the not particularly political seeming places like the civil aviation organization and public buildings reform board. what exactly do those organizations have to do with prosecuting donald trump? nothing. this is not about policy, it is about retribution. you might remember last year senator tommy tuberville pulled a similar stunt. tuberville became the first senator in history to do a long- term blockade of u.s. military appointments. senator tuberville kept more than 400 qualified servicemembers, 400, from being appointed or promoted for 10 months. all because of a department of defense policy that had nothing to do with those servicemembers. the blockade was such a blatant misuse of power. it was not just democrats who were appalled. there were some of his fellow republican senators no matter if you believe it or not senator tuberville, this is doing great damage to our military. this power is extraordinary that we are given as individual senators, but it is incumbent to use it in a reasonable way. everybody uses holds. the key is you put a hold on someone who typically has some kind of control over the issue you are trying to fix. there is not one senator in here who could not find a reason to object to an administration policy. in the military. none of us. we could all find something. i hope we don t do this routine. i just hope we don t do this routinely. does two times count as a routine? if so this makes it a routine and this time it is not even about the policy disagreement, however tangential. it is so republicans can protest donald trump being found guilty by a jury of his peers. today we also saw 29 republican senators sign onto this letter disparaging the rule of law and saying trump s conviction was nothing short of the evisceration of the american judicial process. so it is safe to say that from now to november the u.s. senate is effectively going to be at a standstill and unable to govern, not because of policy disagreements, but so republicans can perform an act of retribution on donald trump s behalf. as for the house where republicans hold a majority, well, things are looking worse. politico is out with new reporting saying that in the days after trump s conviction trump made a f bomb filled call to speaker johnson. trump s message, we have to overturn this. now a few weeks after that call it looks like speaker johnson s mission is not just to grind the government to a halt like his republican colleagues in the senate. it is to use the power of the government to make trump s criminal concerns go away. by way of an example yesterday, house republican leaders spent the day whipping votes for a bill that would allow presidents charged at the state level to move those cases to federal court. let me check my notes. how many presidents have been criminally charged at the state level again? oh, only one. what an interesting use of congressional power. politico also reports the speaker johnson is in talks with jim jordan about using the appropriations process to target special counsel jack smith and de-fund his investigation. neither of those have the votes to pass yet, but that is the kind of stuff that republicans in congress are working on right now, which helps put into context why donald trump went back to capitol hill today. it was not for any legitimate legislative concern. it was for what republican congressman matt gaetz called a pep rally for president trump. a pep rally complete with an early birthday party for donald trump himself. 11 something to do with this room. joining me now is the senior editor at slate two covers the courts and philip, columnist for the washington post. the birthday cake, pardon the culinary metaphor, but it really is the icing on the cake of fealty if that is the metaphor. are you surprised that the pledges of allegiance as they are are so explicit, so undisguised on capitol hill? i am not surprised. this is something we have seen for years. watching that package, the thing that struck me as republicans are a little bit like parents on an airplane with a crying child. they have this source of frustration and everyone is sick of it. they are stuck and have got to figure out how to calm this kid down. the kid is donald trump and he is mad about being convicted. don t worry, i will talk to the supreme court. they are doing everything to keep him happy, keep him quiet, keep him on their side and most importantly keep him from lashing out against them. that is what we see with this. they are all trying to keep him happy, keep him quiet and get through this. they are terrified of him and they adore him. he is the center of their universe and they can t control him at all. i do wonder as you see the machinations of the conference and republicans in the senate openly trying to undermine the rule of law, does it not throughout the notion of the justice system in america as we watch the legislative branch to this work? i think that is a feature, not a bug. i think we are seeing a systematic attack on the rule of law. i think even if we had not had the conviction in the new york trial, we have seen a long- standing set of attacks on judges, on juries, on, you know, prosecutors. on witnesses. i think the whole zeitgeist is, and it is not a surprise. this is a classic authoritarian play. just to foment doubt in institutions. if you foment enough doubt people start looking longingly at the strongman who will save them when institutions crumble. so no part of this is new or unfamiliar. i think what is interesting is seeing a lot of republicans who might have, at one point felt about donald trump, but stood fast on the principle that judges and juries and statutes and the concentration actually enforce some meaning. the degree to which they abandoned that and see no value in that i think is the part that is new and chilling. to that point, the idea that they will withhold these nominations across the government, right? the tuberville blockade wasn t great politics and yet they survived it and they are replicating it. on a different level it is not the u.s. military and certainly the w.h.o. and u.n. are not favorites of the republican party, but nevertheless they are stymieing the work and they think it is good politics? they do think it is good politics from the standpoint that the political focus at this point is retribution against joe biden and that is what they are focused on. mitch mcconnell doesn t wake up in the morning and say that is what he wants to do, but he understands. it is also mitch mcconnell in 2016, holding a supreme court seat. we have also seen this pattern in the past and it is very anti- institutional, but fundamentally about sending a message to the american public that d.c. does not do what it is supposed to do and we need to get trump in there. to make us do our work again. right. that is the singular focus from now to election day. i do think, you know, republicans are betting that the electorate won t punish them for this and that the broader american electorate is not tuned into this. this is part of the swamp, part of the dysfunction of the capital and you make an important point in one of your pieces this week about normalcy bias. americans have a normalcy bias. it leads them to believe everyone who tells them that everything is awesome. even as that system is hanging together by way of dental floss. we are talking about a system of justice, but i think it has extended to the dysfunctional government. because it still exists, because there is still a congress that occasionally passes laws, people can deride functionality, but they don t think democracy is in danger of falling apart in the same way they hold trumps criminal conviction as an example. a jury of peers found him guilty. it all works. things are not normal right now. things are very abnormal and i wonder if you can talk a little bit more about your level of panic in this moment. i try not to use the word panic because it makes my parents super scared, but i guess i would say think about where we were in 2016. what was deemed disqualifying in that race and think about the fact that in the intervening time we have civil jury s finding trump guilty of being a sexual abuser. we have 34 felony convictions. we have january 6. we have donald trump, who ran in 2016. we forget in the fog of memory, but as a family man, as a businessman who was going to drain the swamp. now just running as a straight up autocrat. he is running under the banner of violence, of suppression of rights, of suppression of speech. of deporting immigrants. this is really scary, what has happened, and it seems people are almost less dialed up now than they were in 2016 when they were like that access hollywood tape sounds bad. now every single day you get this drumbeat of what i think is really distressing. you know, saying kind of the quiet part loud about wanting to create an authoritarian state and i think we normalized it because we have to get to cvs to fill our prescriptions and we are raising our kids and we are tired. i think this allows us to wait until some adult says break the glass. i think what we have metabolized is normal is deeply frightening. you write about the way in which republicans were very incensed about the trump conviction. democrats were not about hunter biden s conviction and as a result republicans are up in arms and democrats are largely accepting of the hunter biden conviction. i find a number that is particularly staggering around all of this, is the number of people who acknowledge that the donald trump conviction is the right call. it is not moving them at all in their support for trump. this is new monmouth pulling out today. do you agree or disagree with the verdict finding trump guilty? 47% agree. 34% disagree. then you look at the numbers of people who are definitely or probably supporting each candidate. biden, 43. trump, 44. numbers are not moving even in the face of saying this conviction was the right thing. what does this tell you? it tells me two things. first we should expect this from the standpoint that even before the verdict a fifth of trump supporters said they thought he already committed a crime. we will vote for him anyway. the second thing is that donald trump did an effective job of inoculating his base against this. it is not just last year. it is in 2016. as soon as the russian investigation came to public consciousness he started saying it is a hoax and that pattern is continuing. it really helped his base. once they bought in on that that was it. this indictment, they look at it and they are like, that is exactly what he said. at some point rational people step back and are like it is hard to believe that they came up with all of these different crimes. they ve been busy. they are like they are allowed to get him. calling it an inoculation is right. ironic. because we had breaking news in the vein of the abnormal tonight, i want to get your thoughts. clarence thomas, who is a key part of the system of justice and rule of law, found to have three additional undisclosed trips that he took from his billionaire a friend harlan crow. these were trips he did not disclose. this is on top of the hundreds of thousands if not millions of gifts he has taken thus far and only lately come clean about. what does this tell you about the danger we are in in terms of the high court and the lesson it sends to lower courts? i think i would put this under the bucket that philip has been talking about. law is for suckers. you may have disclosure statutes. you may have ethics rules. you may have all sorts of obligations. this is not a surprise. and then coming out in drips. last week we had a partial disclosure of some of the trips that were paid for. but not all of them and here are three more trips that were never disclosed. so i think this is kind of part of the larger trump theory which is that we have leaders who do not have to answer to the rule of law and when the little guy fails to get his death penalty paperwork right, he goes to the death chamber. when clarence thomas again and again, time after time after time, does not file disclosures or amends disclosures partially, that s okay because the law is for the little guy. i find it part of this sort of very systemic devaluation of the rules that everyone is supposed to abide by and it is a very systemic effort i think to normalize the notion that some people are too cool and important to follow the rules. everyone is supposed to abide by the law. thank you both for your time and thoughts tonight. really appreciate it. we have much more ahead tonight. do you have any summer travel plans? today former president donald trump singled out one, quote, horrible american city he might recommend skipping. first the supreme court upheld access to the drug used in most abortions for now, but it does not mean the fight is over by a long shot. we will talk with nancy from the center for reproductive rights, next. rights, next. me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus. sandals jamaica sale is now on! with rates from $199 per person per night. visit or call 1-800-sandals here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue.. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. in a unanimous decision today, the united states supreme court maintained access to the primary pill used in most abortions, mifepristone. the court rejected a bid to restrict access to that drug on procedural grounds. justice kavanaugh claimed the plaintiffs, a collection of antiabortion doctors and dentists and unlicensed retirees calling themselves the alliance for hippocratic medicine, justice kavanaugh said they had no legal standing to challenge the drug s approval. this case is dead, but the group of doctors say they are not done. the court said the clients don t have standing in this case. we are grateful the case will continue with three states working to hold the fda accountable for its reckless actions. today republican attorney generals in missouri, idaho and kansas are continuing to challenge access to mifepristone using the same legal argument in the case the court rejected today. this time they are framing access as an infringement on states rights. even if this challenge fails in federal court, there are still restrictions at the state level. last month in louisiana where abortion is already banned, it became the first state to classify both drugs used for medication abortion as controlled, date dangerous substances. effectively shutting down access to these pills through the mail. joining me now is nancy northup, president for the center for reproductive rights. i would first like your general reaction. was it one of optimism, anxiety, pessimism? how did you see it? well, it was huge relief because if the supreme court had upheld the ruling from the fifth circuit, then availability of medication abortion by telemedicine, receiving it by mail, things that made it much easier for people to get access to medication abortion if they do not live near a clinic, if they do not take time off, could have been taken away. so relief, but frankly also anger because we should not have been here to begin with. you can tell that nine of these justices agreed with each other. this case had no merit in the law and no merit in fact. so while i am breathing a sigh of relief today, i am really concerned. we know and you just showed us, you just heard, the campaign against medication abortion by those who are opposed to abortion is far from over. yeah and it seems very clear that the adf, the legal organization that offended these doctors, is out there, ready for the next wave of this which involves the states. the attorney general of kansas said today that states have the standings that the doctors in this case did not. how concerned are you about that legal theory? well i am concerned about it because obviously we have lower court justice who even agreed to this case that the supreme court said had no merit and threw it out. but it does not have merit. you can t go into court because you disagree with the ruling based on science by the fda. let s be clear. why are they going after medication abortion? because it is the method of choice by almost two thirds of women who have abortion in the united states today, choosing medication abortion. they want to cut that off. they want to cut it off in states where abortion is illegal, in states like illinois and new york and california and beyond. we need to be concerned because trying to keep coming in with the junk science as they did in this case and really baseless claims, they will keep on going. they can t ban medication abortion, which obviously is the end goal. there is a non-core strategy which is for states to independently take it upon themselves as louisiana did to say this should be a controlled substance. we are not going to use a here. is that the most pernicious strategy? is that the one you are most concerned about or do you think the whole ballgame of banning it nationally is where they will focus their firepower? they are going to do both and let s also remember that abortion is already banned in louisiana. so where we are today is the same status quo which is unacceptable and harmful. 14 states have banned abortion with really severe criminal penalties and for people in those states, you know, that status quo is completely unacceptable. in the meantime, nancy, as this is debated in the courts and so forth, there is a reality for people seeking bodily autonomy and healthcare across this country. the new york times has a staggering map of the number of people traveling across state lines to seek abortion care. 171,000 people traveled for abortions last year, which was more than double the amount in 2019. what is the picture you can paint for us about the reality of abortion care and reproductive health care in the united states right now? it is completely unacceptable that in 2024, four people in 14 states, that they have to travel out of state to get care they should be able to get in- state. we were in congress yesterday. there was a hearing in the subcommittee of the judiciary on of course travel out of state and one of our clients in texas talked about how because she was denied a medically necessary abortion in texas, what would have taken 15 minutes and turned around her health in 15 minutes, she had to spend three days and thousands of dollars going to the state of colorado. that is the reality for so many women and not everybody can leave their state. they don t have the means or the child care or the time off from work. it is really a healthcare crisis happening in the country right now. a completely self afflicted crisis. nancy northup from the center of reproductive rights, it is great to have your perspective. thanks for your time tonight. thank you. survivors of the sandy hook massacre reached a major milestone this weekend tomorrow could bring another measure of justice. first, donald trump s new election strategy to compete against joe biden and the rustbelt. insult the wisconsin city hosting the republican national convention. we have more on that, coming up next. we re trying to save the planet with nuggets. because we need the planet. and we also need nuggets. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. slowing my cancer from growing and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment. and with kisqali, i can have both. kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live life and long live you. ask your doctor about kisqali today. they say we should stop eating so much meat. and long live you. so we made meat out of plants. because we aren t quitters. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. are your gutters clogged? 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it is not the end-all, be- all, but it is critical to maintain the presidency. when you look at wisconsin, i appreciate donald trump trying to dig a hole and keep digging, but you and i know what he is trying to do which is to set up a rural and urban divide. that is a state that he won in 2016. flashforward and biden wins with 20,000 votes. what happened in those four years? 300,000 more people voted in the state of wisconsin and that help to deliver a margin for biden. for those playing along at home, what are you expecting in 2024 and if it is closer to 2020, biden is in a great place. closer to 2016 and trump is in a better place. it is generating enthusiasm for the states to win. what you think about his actions and priorities in terms of what he talks about tailored to those states? what effect do you think that will have on the man in the coming months? will we see a focus on certain issues over others? geography matters. if you think of michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, what defines them? these are states that you know well that are factory towns that of lost jobs. due to manufacturing that has moved away from the united states. these are towns that are proud and built trades and apprenticeships. cars and parts supplies and they made crayons and all kinds of things. all kinds of stuff that we like and we saw those jobs move abroad. here comes joe biden saying i ve got a different plan. i ve got a plot that says we will make it in america. we will invest in industrial policymaking to bring jobs back. the priority is not just getting it cheap, to get equality and good and made in the united states. in 2016 and 2000 17 2017, everything is going terribly. here is joe biden doing it and now the politics as to translate in the states where we make that choice. you can see the way donald trump is campaigning. he does not have the same ability to go to these towns and argue that somehow he will do something to rebuild these areas when joe biden has come along to start to do it. the goal is to educate people about the fact that this choice has been made and do we stay on the track that joe biden is offering? do you feel there is tension within some of the states and i will pick pennsylvania because you have a more urban and suburban electorate clustered on philadelphia that he has to keep on his ledger and perhaps even expand his support and he also has allegheny county and the rustbelt part of the state which is much more of the scranton joe persona. is that a delicate balance? those are very different voters, different levels of income, different levels of information and education. how do you see his ability to strike a balance between the two? i tend to believe, alex, that i think joe biden does it well. the persuasion audience, the people who have not yet made up their mind about either candidate, the ones who are concerned about joe biden here and maybe donald trump there, those are working-class people who are often defined by not having a college degree, holding down a job, making under $100,000 a year. that to me is where you have to be laser focused and to my mind the argument they have not heard and need to hear over the next few months as you have a billionaire and ceo class. we are speaking on a day when donald trump went to the business roundtable to tell them you will get tax cuts for the rich. i will come back and you will be so happy. they have to know that that is the choice. as you mentioned, scranton joe, who has been taking on a billionaire class. trying to un-rigged the economy. fighting junk fees. going after uncompetitive mergers. things that speak to your pocketbook and trying to make your life better. here is a guy promising every day that i ve got the ceos backs. i will deliver tax cuts. that i think will be decisive and if you hone in on that working-class audience i do think they are the most important of all of the audiences we need to persuade. you are being generous and suggesting donald trump had a strategy by insulting the city of milwaukee, calling it horrible reportedly. mike johnson i think was on another cable news network saying he did not hear trump say that. i think other republicans don t think that is a great strategy, if it is a strategy. you know, is alex, i will say i blame myself for this. i listen to every donald trump speech and and everyone he tells you about the decline of american cities. he will go to san francisco, new york and wherever he is. he will pick a place nearby. everything is terrible. it is no slip of the tongue. this is intentional and by design. he is realizing the politics might not play exactly as i wanted it to because i will be going there shortly to court those votes. but this is what he believes. this is the american carnage theory. he believes in decline and everything is terrible. well, maybe he forgot that actually the rnc was in milwaukee, which is entirely possible. in the strange brain of donald trump. thank you as always for your wisdom and enthusiasm. it is great to see you. thank you, alex. coming up, today was the deadline for donald trump to file motions in his hush money trial ahead of sentencing next month. what did we hear from the former president and his legal team? that is coming up. stay with us. food isn t just fuel to live, it s fuel to grow. my family relied on public assistance to help provide meals for us. feeding america, a network of food banks, helps millions of people put food on the table. i go by jackie, i m 44 years old and had three kids at the time and single mother. i was working 60 hours a week, couldn t pay bills and skipped meals that they could eat. it s been hard because one thing falls into place, ten things fall out of place. you just can t do this alone in making work. one in five kids face hunger in america and food costs are rising. call or go online right now to join feeding america with your gift of just $19 a month, only $0.63 a day. together, thanks to a nationwide network of food banks, dedicated volunteers and the monthly support of people like you. we can fill plates with nutritious food for kids facing hunger this summer. one day my mother came over to my house and said, there s a meeting at the pantry. i said, okay and i went. they asked several questions. some of those were about me and my story. but it helped me to open up a little bit. we■re getting closer to the day when no one in america faces hunger. but we can t do it without you. call or go online now. visit and give $19 a month. just $0.63 a day. 98% of donations go directly to help millions of children facing hunger from coast to coast. and in your own community. and when you give my credit card, we ll send you this exclusive canvas grocery bag to show you are a part of a movement of supporters working together to help end hunger. i have people that i can trust. i have, i have hope. join the movement to end hunger and together we can open endless possibilities for people to thrive. please call now or make your monthly donation at working together, we can end hunger in america. we re trying to save the planet with nuggets. donation at because we need the planet. and we also need nuggets. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you d like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga it was december 14, 2012 when a 20-year-old man armed with an ar-15 style assault rifle entered sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut and killed 26 people. 20 of those victims were children between the ages of six and seven years old. the events of that day left a scar on the nation, but no one felt the trauma more than the families of the victims and the surviving children who witnessed the murder of their classmates. last night, more than 11 years after the worst day of their lives, the sandy hook survivors officially graduated high school. going into graduation we all have very mixed emotions. trying to be excited for ourselves and this accomplishment that we worked so hard for, but also those who were not able to share it with us who should have been able to. the shooting was like our most core memory growing up and i think that took away a lot of the joy we could have experienced. even going to prom, you think what if they were my prom date? or what if they were my significant other or what if they were able to walk the stage with me? who would i still be friends with now? seeing those children enter adulthood as a reminder of where this nation is 11 years later. according to the gun violence archive, america experienced more than 4800 past mass shootings in the past decade. in 2022 the nation mourned the death of another 19 elementary school students. another american community that will now be remembered as the site of a horrific tragedy. in the wake of that shooting president biden past the first gun reform in generations, but republicans have resisted the continued calls to ban the very assault rifles used at sandy hook and robb elementary. for years the family hook the sandy hook family were re- victimized by alex jones, who said that the shooting was faked. the families sued for defamation and eventually they won. tomorrow the judge overseeing that case is expected to move forward on liquidating alex joneses assets to help pay down the $1.5 billion jones owes those sandy hook families, just days after their children would have graduated high school. over the past few years there has been no shortage of discourse about how the next generation of kids will experience the transition into adulthood. could kids have a normal graduation during covid? tion d? will they survive long enough to make it to graduation day? in 2030, the children of uvalde, texas will become the next class of elementary school mass shooting survivors to graduate high school. maybe they can be the last ones to get their diplomas with so many missing classmates. missin. it only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick for amazing trap and lock. even for his hair. wow! and for dust i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact up high and all around without having to lift a thing. i m so hooked! you ll love swiffer or your money back! chewy, a citi client, uses citi s financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need. right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. limu emu. and doug. 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Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240614

plants and meatpacking plants. these aren t the most powerful people and where do they turn? you have a right-wing house of representatives and a very right-wing supreme court. exactly and i think this is why so many people feel powerless and ironically some are feeling so powerless that they turn to somebody who looks like a strong man. wright, with a golden toilet. who was actually at this moment giving big tax breaks and promising more tax breaks to the biggest corporations. people need to know that the most important thing to remember is the massive trump tax cut will expire next year. he is not for the regular person. robert reich, thank you so much. that is tonight s reidout . all in with chris hayes starts now. tonight on all in a hero s welcome on capitol hill for the architect of the insurrection. we are 100% unified behind his candidacy. a lot of support. the best speech i ve ever heard. we are incredibly unified in working with president trump to get him elected. tonight, how congressional republicans became accomplices to the criminal ex-president. this is an outstanding group of people. i m with them 1000%. they are with me 1000%. as trump pressures the speaker of the house to overturn his felony conviction. then, new reporting on undisclosed luxury gifts to clarence thomas. and why today s supreme court ruling on abortion pills is just the beginning of the battle, when all in starts right now. good evening from new york, i am chris hayes. a lot has happened on capitol hill since the last time donald trump was there. there was the deadly insurrection he incited. there was the biden inauguration he skipped. there was the record-setting second impeachment he faced and there was a time in the immediate aftermath of all of that, late january, february, march, it seemed he may never be welcome back. but we know how that turned out. today the former president and his 34 felony convictions tracked to capitol hill at the invitation of house and senate republicans where he was received like a different dawn. a crime don. seeking not supporters but accomplices and co-conspirators. they are using us as a bad example of democracy and they are getting away with murder and we are not going to let it happen. you are all elected or you are going to be elected again and reelected. i m with everyone of you and i will be with you always. this is an outstanding group of people. i m with them 1000%. we agree just about everything and if there isn t we work it out. the term kiss the ring has been used so often with trumpet has virtually lost all meaning, but it really was on display in washington today. everything about this appearance was meant to convey the idea of republican party unity and they all performed it strenuously. that unity essentially remaking the party of lincoln into a mafia type operation with him at the top. a man convicted in a conspiracy to pay off former paramore is because he feared their stories would complicate his campaign. a man found liable for sexual assault of exactly the kind he brags about. a man who surrounds himself with lackeys who have been convicted or charged of serious crimes. steve bannon, michael flynn. trump has pardoned or commuted the sentences of many of those men. of course they never snitched. because trump envisions interactions with people in these sort of organized crime transaction terms. you do for me and if i am in a good mood and i am happy with your performance, you will get a cut. the republican party signed up to be part of this. that was on display today with discussions behind closed doors. as sources told reporter jake sherman, trump singled out house republicans who voted to impeach him saying that out of the 10 that impeached only one is left. sherman pointed out that was wrong, there are actually two left, but this was trump basically doing his impression of al capone in the untouchables, pointing out all the people in his gang that flipped on him. a sort of snitches get stitches, stay on my good side message to the foot soldiers. if you think that pressure does not work, look at the outgoing majority leader mitch mcconnell. remember what he said about trump in the aftermath of the insurrection? there is no question, none, the president trump is practically and morally responsible for promoting the events of the day. no question about it. this was an intensifying crescendo of conspiracy theories orchestrated by an outgoing president who seemed determined to either overturn the voters decision or else torch our institutions on the way out. and yet here was mcconnell today. the old man, supplicant, submissive, bending over to kiss the ring. getting a breezy endorsement of trump s capitol hill pilgrimage. reporter: senator how was it seeing the former president? we had a good meeting. we shook hands a few times. he took questions from the audience and it was an entirely positive session. great work, mitch. despite all that plenty of those lawmakers were feckless enough to drip out details of trump s backroom talk to sherman and other reporters because you can never underestimate just how cowardly they are. for instance when trump told republicans today that milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city. another source told reporters trump was rambling to the crowd. said it was like, and i quote, talking to her drunk uncle at the family reunion. of course in public those sources will get in line and kiss the ring and give the don whatever he wants. maybe you think this is all being too literal. hyperbolic with the metaphors. crime bosses. surely he does not embrace actual criminal gangs and racketeering and violence as a campaign feature. but this is now part of his campaign. listen closely to this because i still can t get over this. it flew almost completely beneath the radar on the mainstream media. i will include us with this, with the exception of the associated press and a few others. but it was on display at his campaign rally last month in the bronx when he shared the stage with a few supportive guests. where is where is he? come on up, fellas. always going to whisper your accomplishments and shout your failures. trump will shout to the winds for all of us. make america great again. okay so trump is doing a rally in the bronx. to trump those rappers are powerful allies. they are also criminal defendants in a sweeping gang case where prosecutors say they gave material support to a gang during a violent street war with another gang. brooklyn district attorney gonzalez says gang members used more than 30 guns to threaten or eliminate their rivals. in total gonzalez says there was one murder, for attempted murders and 12 nonfatal shootings. what we allege and learned during the course of this investigation was that he used a lot of the money that he earned to help facilitate further gang activity. he encouraged gang members to participate in violent crimes. sheff g, who is the rapper on stage with donald trump that he invited up there. prosecutors allege that he threw a party to celebrate a drive-by shooting in october, 2020, in which one alleged gang member was killed and five others were injured. murder. again, alleged. innocent until proven guilty in our system, but did you hear all of that? imagine what the new york post would have done with this headline if those gentlemen had shown up at a rally for aoc or if president joe biden introduced to them introduced them on stage. but the fact of the matter is that conservatives have a criminal as their preferred nominee and he is embracing a criminal model for the enterprise that is now the republican party. michelle goldberg is an opinion columnist for the new york times. tara, let me start with that. those two individuals on that stage. again, i can t believe it happened and these are not, you know, there are all kinds of ways people have been accused of crime. the system can be unfair, but they are accused of being part of a gang that has killed and shocked and maimed people and they are on stage with donald trump and i don t think it is an accident because i think this is kind of the vibe of the campaign. yeah, i talked about this right after the rally, i think on this network, as a matter of fact. pointing out how despicable this was and how this is seemingly okay now in the law and order republican party. it is such an affront to so many things and it is an insult to the american people that we are supposed to sit here and think this is normal. donald trump is a convicted felon. republicans are welcoming him to capitol hill with a hero s welcome. back to the scene of the crime where mitch mcconnell calls him practically responsible for an insurrection. pal around with accused murderers. this is all normal. it s just fine. it s not. it s not. he gets very frustrating sometimes when there seems to be a moral equivalence made between trump and biden and the way the campaigns are covered. like donald trump did what he did today. he is having these rallies where he is going on random rants about sharks and boats and electrocution. he is palling around on stage with guys who are also alleged criminals. meanwhile president biden is overseas representing the united states with honor and dignity of the g-7 and just entered a security deal with ukraine trying to maintain democracy in europe. there is no moral equivalence. your point about how this slipped under the radar and seems par for the course for donald trump, unfortunately this is who he is. he thinks this is okay and by the way for any black folks who think donald trump is on your side, this is what he thinks of you. black people will like me because i hang around with criminals and they were flashy chains and gold sneakers. it is such an affront, honestly, but this is who donald trump is. michelle, one of the thing that happens and again i use the mafia metaphor, because the unity is so intense. of course behind-the-scenes you have like talking to your drunk uncle. he was rambling. everyone goes and tells reporters and there is this distance. the unbelievable applause and then everyone going to tell the reporter that he was really nuts behind closed doors. right, it kind of brings back memories of 2016 to 2020, where you constantly had republicans in these really degrading displays of fealty and then they would go and try to distance themselves from it when no one was looking. maybe because they think it is all a game and we see how far it goes over and over again. i think after the mafia element, it is not just these two rappers. the trim campaign is leaning hard into mafia metaphors. you have seen the godfather t- shirts and merchandise with godfather iconography. donald trump has compared himself favorably to al capone. recently breitbart ran an interview with peter navarro, former trump official and probably future trump official if trump is reelected. currently in prison in miami. he gave this jailhouse interview boasting about how he gets treated really well because the guards and the inmates love donald trump. sort of how a made demand would be treated if he goes to prison and is still able to slice the garlic really thin. i think what is important is it is not just hypocrisy. not just a defiance of law and order. it is a different model of governance that a lot of republicans have embraced. a hierarchy based on personal relationships that they see as an alternative to technocratic liberalism. yes, mafia state as an aspirational model. and then i never know what s worse, like the people who are pretending or the people who are true believers. i think i know which category marjorie taylor greene is, but let me just play her reaction to seeing donald trump today. i really found his speech to be one of my favorite speeches. he came in, talked to the conference. he was very honest. he was funny. he was joking around constantly with everyone. he was really sweet to me. he said to speaker johnson, okay, you ve got one more seat. you need to be tougher. i was sitting back a little ways. he saw me and he was like hello. he is always so sweet and recognizes me and said are you being nice? he was joking and said are you being nice to speaker johnson? he said okay, be nice to him and i nodded my head. the thing about this is, yes, there is always a duality here. he knows what he is doing and the transactional politics are real and they have all sort of bought into it. it is successful because they are willing to get on board for what it will mean for them. yes of course and to answer your question who is worse, the true believers or the enablers, it is the enablers 100%. the true believers, you can excuse it away that they are so far into it that it is not rational for them. the enablers are the ones who know better and are in a position to say no or to say stop, when no one else will. which is what conservatives were supposed to be doing according to bill buckley, the godfather of modern conservative history. they did not do that. they made a decision that this would be a transactional, politically expedient decision to suck up to donald trump who is a direct and immediate existential threat to our democracy. he wants a club talker see and they are okay with that as long as they get their piece of the pie, but no one is safe under donald trump. he will come for them, too. then we as a country and a democracy have to pay the price. that is why he has to be stopped. go ask mike pence who narrowly avoided correct. getting grabbed by a mob calling for him to be hanged. this is j.d. vance, speaking of people auditioning, to be the next person who may be facing that situation. no real republican with any credibility in the party is still blaming trump for january 6. i think it is a good thing. the republican party is in a good place. i think today was kind of like the button on the january 6 was bad era of the republican party. to whatever extent it was there, today was the definitive marking of the end. right and it has been coming for a while. this is obviously a candidate running extensively on january 6 rioters were heroes and warriors and i m going to pardon the mall. the party has embraced him and embraced that message. j.d. vance is right. there are not very many republicans, if any, who have credibility in their party who will say what mitch mcconnell said after january 6 and what i think most of them know in their hearts to be true. michelle goldberg, tara setmayer, thank you both. when you are the republican pic for president and you want to overturn your conviction for multiple felonies, who do you call? the plea he made to the speaker of the house, next. se, next. clean white socks? it can with tide. do i need to pretreat guacamole? not with tide. this is chocolate, right? just use. tide. yeah. no matter who s doing it, on what cycle, or in what temperature, tide works. so i can focus on all the 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the congress, nor should it be. also donald trump was convicted in the state of new york, not the federal system, but that s not stopping them. the morning after the verdict johnson was on trump news making an appeal to the conservatives on the supreme court. i do feel the supreme court should step in. this is unprecedented and dangerous to our system. i think the justices on the court, i know many of them personally. i think they are deeply concerned about that as we are, so i think they will set this straight. yesterday house republican leaders spent the day whipping a bill that would allow presidents charged at the state level to move cases to the federal court. she is a contributing writer at the atlantic where she wrote about trump s absolute disdain for democracy and joins me now. when i saw this i thought that is nutty and not the way any of this works, but that has not stopped things before. i thought that about the mifepristone suit and look how far that god. so it does seem like they are on board, the house republican caucus, on trying to come up with some way of bailing him out. the house republican caucus may be on board, but i don t think that means whatever they are planning will work. if this bill went through i think there would be serious challenges probably made on realism. congress can t just miss around with state courts however it likes and of course he has already been convicted. his options at this point are really appealing through the new york state court system and then the supreme court. there are a handful of legal arguments that he could make on the grounds of federal law, but that will take a very long time and it certainly won t be done before the election. the reporting around the sort of scotus hail mary and this is the daily beast saying that most request for emergency action go to the justice assigned to a particular circuit. in this case it is sotomayor, who has ruled against trump in a most every case before her. the rulebook says the petitioner may renew the application to any other justice of his or her choice and theoretically continue until the majority has denied the application, which means he could keep on the slot machine until the right justice pops up. i m with you again that that seems implausible even by the degree of standards of this supreme court, but that might be true now. all that stands between us and the unthinkable are are those people in power at the high levels going to do the right thing or do something transparently crazy? i do think this is a case for the courts. institutional equities are important to understand. it is also worth noting, the idea that he could ping-pong from justice to justice, that is not how the court tends to do things now. what they usually do is yes the emergency application will go to justice sotomayor and then instead of going to another justice it would go to the full court as a matter of practice and i think it is safe to say they would almost certainly turn it down. this is an extremely conservative court. it is a hard right court, but it is not really a maga court. there have been issues where trump s issues align with those of the conservative justices and uc benefits for him there, but it is really hard for me to see how he could even get to for justices who would be interested in taking on this case right off the bat. he really would be stretching. i totally agree and i think one of the things you see is mitch mcconnell had this sort of speech after january 6 that was basically like this is not the way you do this. basically he was saying you ve got to do the bush league or thing if you want to take an election away, not this january 6 nonsense. do it the bush versus gore way. that is a ludicrous argument and it has done what it needed to do almost certainly in terms of delaying. to call up mike johnson and yell at him to make a magical bill that i am no longer a convicted felon is not going to do the job. right and i think this is what things look like in a federal system. the congress, the president of trump is elected again, they do not have power over what the new york state courts do. alvin bragg, whose office prosecuted this case as district attorney, he was directly elected by the people of manhattan. to some extent i think what trump is really raging against is just the idea that there might be jurisdictions simply out of his control. that is exactly what has him so worked up. quinta jurecic, thank you. coming up, in case $4 million in gifts weren t enough, what s the, it looks like terrence kalama s forgot looks like clarence thomas forgot to disclose another set of gifts. that is ahead. ahead. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus. i have moderate to severe crohn s disease. now, there s skyrizi. things are looking up, i ve got symptom relief. control of my crohn s means everything to me. control is everything to me. feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with 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tiredness. with cabenuva, you re good to go. ask your doctor about switching. president joe biden is in italy today meeting with the world leaders for the 50th g7 summit. this morning the group posed for the classic family photo. this version of that picture, edited by political scientist ian brehmer, reveals something important about the leaders of the world s biggest economies. they are all unpopular. those numbers are net disapproval ratings with joe biden coming in second, underwater by only 18.5 points. there is one reason why these leaders are also unpopular. all g7 nations and most of the world have faced levels of inflation not seen for decades. none of the leaders are directly responsible for that. as you can see job creation coincided with the end of the pandemic. it was the result of a surge of pent-up demand amidst a constrained supply. but voters totally understandably hate inflation. it has been three or four years of prices going up and they blame the incumbent party. in the u.s. the consumer price index hit a whopping 9% in 2022 and we have actually recovered since then, better than our g7 counterparts. the index dropped to 3.3% as of yesterday. that is the rate of increase. prices are going up at a slower rate. cumulatively prices are still way up here and everywhere, but the truth is that joe biden didn t have a lot to do with the fact this line went up or that it went down. that is mostly circumstances outside his control. the bed. i will say this. joe biden s administration has tried very hard to cut costs for americans wherever they can, taking steps to lower prescription drug costs. canceling student debt. getting rid of junk fees for airlines and banks, for example. but for the most part being real, the rise and fall in inflation was the result of external factors like the pandemic and decisions by the federal reserve outside president biden s control. voters might look and say well then, why does it matter who the next president is? it is calming down on its own. it matters because donald trump is running on the most explicit inflationary platform in modern history. i think we should have a ring around the collar, as they say. i think when companies come in and dump products in the united states they should pay automatically, let s say a 10% tax. i do like 10% for everybody. trump s proposal, a 10% tariff on all foreign goods would basically be a sales tax. it would raise prices for american consumers 10% on everything from avocados to iphones. if you think that is bad, today, behind closed doors outside of the view of cameras, donald trump proposed one of the most arranged policies i have ever heard. he told republican lawmakers behind closed doors that he wants to eliminate the income tax and replace it entirely with tariffs, effectively taking us back to the 19th century. this idea makes as much sense as ripping up the interstate highway system and replacing it with canals. economist paul krugman did some math and estimates the policy would require an average tariff of 133%. not 10%. that is a 133% tax psych on all imported goods that would be passed on to consumers. it would cost americans hundreds of millions of dollars. a policy advisor explained further. another way to put trump s latest incredibly unworkable idea, get this, it would raise taxes by $5000 for a typical family if you are a working person who buys stuff. it would cut taxes for the average family in the top 0.1% by $1.5 million. this proposal would jack up everything everywhere for normal people, crushing the average american s wallet, while giving the wealthiest folks who no longer have to pay income tax and don t buy that much relative to their income, and enormous windfall of millions of dollars. this is the man who has a 50-50 shot of taking the white house, in large part because of the conditions that produced high inflation and he is seriously and earnestly currently running on the most inflationary platform i ve ever seen. higher prices, higher taxes for everyone. it would make what we ve seen over the past few years look like nothing. othing. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let s be honest. all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn t have to. when you sign up at, you ll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. children are the greatest joy and our best hope for a better future. friends, they are the future. but 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more undisclosed private jet trips. tonight we are learning supreme court justice clarence thomas took at least three private jet trips paid for by his benefactor billionaire republican harlan crow, according to an ongoing investigation by democrats on the senate judiciary committee. propublica is reporting the newly revealed flights add to the picture of using the jets for personal travel. he owns a high-end jet that can cost over $10,000 per flight hour to charter according to charter company estimates and thomas has repeatedly flown to a destination and back again on the same day. in a statement thomas s lawyer said the trips fell under the personal hospitality exemption and was not required to be asked closed to be disclosed. the reporter who broke the story about many of the undisclosed gifts, he and his rest of his team won a pulitzer for the reporting last year and joins me now. congratulations, by the way. three more trips. what have we learned? the thing that is so striking is the scale of it. we are looking at a picture where harlan crow s private jet, a particularly nice private jet was at the disposal of justice thomas and there are multiple incidents where, for example, flying from washington, d.c. to san jose, california, staying for a few hours and turning around and going back on the same day. that s happened repeatedly. and going from where the jet is based in dallas to d.c. to pick up the justice. it adds to a long list and the picture is a billionaire political donor in a real way subsidizing the life of a justice. they don t make clear the purpose of the trips that included trip from st. louis to montana. location of glacier park international airport. he was scheduled to be in st. louis for a speech. in one instance he flew from the east coast to san jose and returned home later that day. another he took a round-trip flight from washington, d.c. to savannah, georgia. this is how taylor swift or elon musk, that is how they get around. right, the round-trip alone, seemingly for some kind of lunch, we don t know what it was for, still, that could easily cost $100,000 for the flight. probably double the median income that an american makes in a year. it is an extraordinary amount of money. a $100,000 flight. yeah and last week justin thomas amended some prior years disclosure forms to disclose other things harlan crow has paid for. hotels and lodging and vacations. a trip to california. that is the third time he s done that. to be clear, these three no one knew about and no one reported. these were totally new to us. you had no idea? i had no idea. this is it, right? this has to be it. i think we have an absolute, definitive account. look, some of the reporting we did took myself and coworkers months of reporting to piece together these trips that justice thomas and justice alito also got. we don t have subpoena power. the senate judiciary committee does. they said today there would be a full report coming out this summer, so i would not be surprised if there are more revelations. they subpoenaed leonard leo as well, who basically told them to go pound sand. pound sand, thank you for stopping me from saying what i was going to say. harlan crow, he is cooperating. they are getting this from harlan crow. right. they authorized a subpoena. didn t actually issue attended became leverage in negotiations with lawyers and they came up with this deal where he is giving information about the past seven years. potentially not just travel. we will find out when the full investigation comes out this summer. we have to update our bar chart. it is a tough one to read. let s see, which one is thomas? right, there he is on the left. we might need to raise up that bar after we price these ones in. maybe this summer we will get more. can i get your response since i have you here about something justice alito said about your reporting. this is something that he said recently. surreptitiously recorded. take a listen. there are groups that are very well-funded by ideological groups that have spearheaded these attacks. that s what it is, you know. like who? propublica. propublica gets a lot of money and they have spent a fortune investigating clarence thomas for example. have you spent a fortune or are these ideological attacks? it was frankly disturbing to hear this because it was speculation based on no evidence. as one of the two or three reporters who did this work i tell you how it started, which was not a report on justice thomas and alito. we will report on how supreme court justices are spending their time when they are not at the court. it started with a stack of documents of travel records with no names and we pieced together that it is justice thomas taking private jets. we took a hard look at democratic appointed justices and simply found nothing equivalent. if we could put up that bar chart for a second, it is hard to find the signal for the noise in that chart. it takes a lot of energy to uncover that one on the left. right, if somebody out there knows about george soros funding trips, i would love to report it. you can find my contact information on all of our stories. thank you. coming up, as the supreme court rejects the attempt to ban the abortion pill, why the right wing is just getting started on reproductive rights. next. nuggets. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. when we say it ll be on time they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. my name is marie. i m 49 years old and i m a business owner. i own a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. i m still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. i did not want a dramatic change. i wanted something subtle. and i m really, really happy with the results. it s still me, but with fewer lines. botox® cosmetic 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plants. because we aren t quitters. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. today the supreme court unanimously rejected an attempt to limit access to the abortion pill mifepristone and that, i should say, is definitely good. mifepristone is used in more than 60% of all abortions in this country, as well as the treatment of miscarriages. it should remain easily accessible, but this case should not have made its way to the supreme court in the first place. it is shocking that it did. the case is based on faulty legal logic and was first introduced by a conservative group in amarillo, texas. incorporated there so they could file the case and ensure it would land before a hard right activist appointed to the bench by donald trump. predictably the pan plan worked. issued a nationwide injunction. the decision was mostly upheld by the court of appeals. that court of appeals is arguably the most radically right wing pro trump court in the land. the supreme court threw it out today because plaintiffs lacked standing and the entire ruse was too ridiculous even for this court. make no mistake, republicans may have lost this battle, but they are still fighting the war. it is all but certain that they will bring a similar suit again and will absolutely do so given the opportunity. they don t want to stop there. today senate republicans blocked a bill enshrining protections for ivf only a day after the southern baptist convention, the largest protestant this domination days protestant denomination in the country voted to condemn the procedure. the republican party and grassroots of the party truly believe in this. they are not going to stop there crow seed against stop there crusade against reproductive rights. joining me now is nbc legal correspondent lisa rubin. i guess let s start with the decision today which was not surprising. they kicked it on what are called standing grounds. what does that mean? standing is the notion that you have to be a person who has been injured to maintain a lawsuit. it goes back to the concept that the courts can only hear cases or controversies, not imagined grievances. what the court is saying is that the alliance for defending freedom did not have standing to bring their suit and there are a couple of lines. in one place justice kavanaugh says an organization that has not suffered a concrete injury caused by a defendant s action cannot spend its way into s standing by spending money together information and advocate against the defendant, meaning the food and drug administration s action. that is the good part of this. but as you noted, there are little easter eggs sprinkled throughout this decision that are sort of gifts to the antiabortion right. in large part because of one side can t have standing, the other can t either. one of the things this says is that doctors should not presume that they will have standing to advocate for their patients. that usually means something very different for pro-abortion doctors than it does on the anti-choice side. that s a great point. i want to read the standing argument the plaintiffs presented, because it is one of my favorites. this is from the initial, i don t think of this is the scotus brief or district court. doctors lose the opportunity to provide professional services and care for the women and child through pregnancy which causes harms to providers who can no longer care for their patients and bring about the successful delivery of a new life. you deprive me of the joy of delivering your baby, which is a tangible harm to me, ergo i have standing. the standing analysis survived the district court and survived the fifth circuit court of appeals. it is kind of galling and there is a twist on that argument, too. you deprive me of the ability to care for more deserving patients, the women who want to deliver their children as opposed to women who present in the emergency room having had a complication. hypothetically, to be clear. that hypothetically might do so. when i am forced to divert my attention from deserving woman a, to take care of you, morally bankrupt woman b. you can do this through the courts or through the department of justice if you have the teeth to do it. here is justice samuel alito talking about, he does not say the name, interestingly. he just reads the u.s. section and the solicitor general of the united states does say the name. listen. shouldn t the fda at least have considered the application i think the comstock provisions don t fall within fda s lane. the comstock laws, those are passed in the victorian era to outlaw basically all tools for abortion and birth control. and really sending them between states. if you want to talk about zombie laws and we have talked about them a lot on your show and others. these are statutes prohibiting abortion or things that allow people to achieve abortion. it was a zombie law and it was understood for many decades that the comstock law had no effect. why? because row was in existence. the biden administration has made clear they don t believe the comstock act needs to be enforced unless the intent is to help somebody accomplish something that would be unlawful and given the mail order prescription of mifepristone is lawful, then the interpretation is there is nothing to be done. a different administration however, you can count on the same sorts of folks to press that heavily with the department of justice. and i want to be clear. there are criminal penalties attached to the comstock laws. the department of justice could conceivably on day one start having the fbi arrest people and prosecute people for mailing abortion drugs. they may not even have to go that far. i think the lesson is that you can terrorize people into not doing anything just by having a law and having the threat out there that somebody could be criminally prosecuted for doing something. the comstock act, this is not a hypothetical. there are lots of folks in right-wing circles writing about and talking about this. lisa rubin, thank you. thank you. that is all in on this thursday night. alex wagner starts now. good evening. there are women already terrified making choices about bodily economy. certainly. fear at all levels of american society. thank you, my friend. today donald trump made his first visit to capitol hill. the first time since his followers ransacked the capital on january 6. to unde

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240613

maybe they could do an exhibition where he does some backflip that the open. maybe nancy pelosi will do that tonight of the congressional baseball game. no that s when trump visits tomorrow. is there a lightning bolt that s going to hit the capital? trump is coming. they said populism was over, that it was over in europe. trump was over. how many times can they declare trump politically over or populism is over? they ve been wrong and wrong again. the tide is rising internationally and i think trump s return to washington, this will be quite a day. you all stay tuned for that tomorrow. speaker-01: raymond arroyo, great to have you. that s it for us tonight, follow me on social media, thank you for watching, jesse is next. welcome to jesse watters primetime . tonight,. jesse: [ inaudible ] jesse: we finally figured out what they are going to do with joe. four more years, pause. [ chanting ] jesse: arab spring break, not over yet. [ crowd noise ] shot fired. jesse: crime is down. [ laughter ] jesse: new hoax alert. plus. jake paul. [ ] jesse: politics is like a game of cards, you don t pick the cards, you play the hand you are dealt. after using up their dictator on day one card in the lock him up card, democrats are down with only two cards left to play. joe biden and come in layers. around the democrat poker table, the question is, what s the next play. the obvious answer was joe biden he won them the first poker game, why not go for a repeat? the question is, everybody sees the play coming and the biden card, no guarantee. he s lagging with debate prep, skipping out on g-7 dinners and now his conviction is hanging over his head. sources inside the white house tell the new york times biden has grown more resigned and worried than ever about what the future might hold for his son. the media is starting to question the play. the people close to him say that this is the thing that more than anything else he wakes up, you know, if he s briefed by aids on gaza, the next immediate thing, constantly in contact with his son, they speak at least once a day. so this is something that is going to add more weight to the presidents mindset. i think it s a very heavy burden and by staying in politics, by being as exposed as they are in some ways, it has put pressures on hunter biden and i think that weighs on the president. jesse: like any poker game it s all about the odds. a prediction model gives biden a one in three chance of winning and after biden s approval rating just hit an all-time low, even the democrat numbers guru nate silver is a joe needs to drop out. or else it s a longshot. most americans they get biden is reelected, he will die in office. now the question is, do you take the risk or do you make a swap? i think a lot of voters have trepidation about whether or not joe biden will make it through a second term and so they tune out these other things. is this because they have issues about his vice president? also issues about kamala harris coming into the office, absolutely. whether that s racism, whether it s because of her track record at not being great at public policy. at someone new in? a convention would require do you think you should? we should watch for the first debate. jesse: what good does a harris candidacy do? she s less popular than biden and no one thinks she can beat trump. but she s still here because no one has told her no or maybe she just won t listen to it. i eat no for breakfast. i don t hear no. and many times in your life, you are going to here no. someone is going to many even many people will say to you, it s not your time, nobody like you has done that before, they are not ready for you. and then i love this next one, that s going to be hard work. really? jesse: democrats have a better shot of winning the white house with the guy that s about to die than with kamala harris. as machiavelli says in the prince, to maintain power you have to be prepared to act immorally when it comes necessary. that s what the democrats are preparing to do. charles cook in the national review says biden s candidacy is nothing more than a decoy biden is operating as a stand-in, a widget or a macguffin whose primary purpose is to make it to november 5th of this year without expiring. the most powerful man in the world has been transmuted into little more than a game token in a game that narrows down to this , biden must win because donald trump must not. the only way biden wins is if he s not seen as too old are too incompetent or too misguided. that means he cannot be seen as who he is. the media has to lie to you about him. the job is simple, boomerang every trump attack on biden to better the odds. for all his calls for president biden to undergo some kind of cognitive test, it s clear to say mr trump s remarks are not at all coherent and these rallies. mr trump s remarks have never been super coherent in his rallies. this split screen has always been there, will always be there. they are different people. jesse: it s risky when your candidate looks like this. i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] come on! i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] [ ] banning books about black experiences. [ inaudible ] jesse: so plan b, change the subject. i think you have to stop making it about gold versus not old versus bit versus unfit and it s very simple, you keep putting on the graphic fit and you show biden at the state of the union. unfit, you show trump. fit, unfit, and each one of trump s is very funny and then you go it s all fun and games until it comes to nuclear weapons. we can t have unfit. jesse: this guy might be a little old but his hand on the button is okay. this guy s hand is not on the button and i would bring it back to end of world stuff. jesse: notice how the democrats don t have a winning message. it changes every day and that tells you they are in trouble. as soon as biden is reelected, cook says that is when you will see a shift. 23 seconds after he has won, this will change and when it does the reversal will be astonishing in both speed and scope. instantly all of biden s senile ticks will be visible to all. within seconds of his inauguration got the scene will begin to cast doubts on the ability of any octogenarian to do such a demanding job and when the last weight falls, it will become clear as day that joe biden wasn t a presidential candidate, but a lumbering decoy . the media will turn in the kingmakers will go to work. hunter gets pardoned, biden gets pushed out and the torch gets past took kamala harris in the first year. whose presidency will look like this. to aspire to create wealth is a good thing as far as i m concerned. if that is what one chooses. i on the other hand have chosen to live a life of public service. but i am all for you getting yours if that s what you want. we dry in. that s what those tours about jesse: every day for four years it will be a dei victory. the media will celebrate the first black the mill president and the deep state will run a lock because kamala harris is easier to control that joe, just like joe she will be a macguffin to washington s poker game and when 2028 rolls around, they can say thanks for playing, kamala. would like to introduce you to someone, maybe you ve heard of him, gavin newsom. former house speaker kevin mccarthy joins me now. do you see this? i see it. year one, joe is gone, kamala is in, that s the play, that s the decoy. you know why it s so true? they ve already played it once. it was a hunter biden laptop. the first thing they did, they had it since 2019, they go out and tell people it s not real and then they told immediate you can t print this or talk about it and then once the election is over, it s real. the wall street journal did a story recently, and i told them, i watched this behind the scenes working with this president, is all the moments he s not there. i never hid from the fact and they are acting like this is a big shock. but if you follow the democrats, remember axelrod who ran obama s campaign? he started a year and a half ago trying to get him not to run. then clinton s tried to get him not to run. now they finally decided we can t get him off the ticket. kamala can win. jesse: so they have to lie to all of us about how great he is, how sharp he is, how he can outhustled the whole country just to get him over the finish line and then the switcheroo. ogc, they literally have the top people in hollywood working on it. those sunglasses. the problem is, he has to walk to the podium. he walks to the podium and everyone walks around like what are you talking about? when he starts to talk, then you are in trouble. they tried to hide him the last time and this is the play they want to do. they have to get through this last bit. jesse: when we see him swallow words or say things completely incomprehensible at these public events, or not clap to the beat, when you were behind the scenes negotiating, what did you see? he would always go with the cards. what i learned early on, he has to read from them. once he starts reading, i was would interject and he would not know what to do. then he would close it and just stop. kamala would have to start talking. so it was a player used every time. there was one time we were sitting there and he s taking us on a tour and all of a sudden he goes, you want to go out to the pool? and then jill is on the other side of the table and she goes know, they don t want to go out. he goes you don t want to go out? then he opens the door, it s wintertime, and he walks is down to the swimming pool into the changing room. and then we walked back up and he s created this little room outside the oval office to be a little office for him. president trump had it as a gift shop but clinton used for something else. [ laughter ] but he s made it an office for himself like 10 feet away from the oval office. why? jesse: like a mini office. not the grand oval office, a little cubbyhole. between you and i. all it does is have a desk in their and then it has one of those ballets when i walked in. a blue dress shirt all wrinkled. why does the president take his shirt off and there? then we come walking back and i m thinking oh my gosh, please don t show this to any other world leader. i will tell you, democrats. jesse: kevin, i can t believe you showed you the pool in the middle of winter, but not just the pool, the dressing room when he got to the dressing room, what did he say? first he got to the door and it was locked. [ laughter ] secret service comes and opens it up. i m like what are we doing? jesse: do some laps. all right. you are doing laps around him. we just mentioned hunter. and someone just floated the idea of a pardon but not who you think it would be coming from. watch this. i d like to see president trump coming out with a statement saying if hunter biden commits to a program of sobriety and inpatient or maybe outpatient, shows up got keeps his sobriety, i will partner him. i love to see president trump say that. mack not on his part, it shows humanity and flip the tables on the democrats magna minutes. i like it for this, it means trump is president. it also shows the democrats are fearful of trump to become president because they are fearful he will do what they are doing to him. and you know it s interesting, they run on bidenomics which fails because inflation, because than they run a democracy. npr did a pool of independence and by a vote of 53-42, they think the biggest threat to democracy is him having another four years. so what i think from this is it s not bad. trump shows that the greatest retribution you can do to anybody is be successful. jesse: i think that s the move. revenge is success. you want to go see the pool? [ laughter ] jesse: kevin mccarthy, thank you so much. more primetime ahead. [ ] if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what s on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! 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[ ] [ ] jesse: biden said his executive order which i don t the border but it s been a week and thousands of illegals are still pouring through. bill melugin has more. reporter: jesse, president biden s executive order is pretty much having zero impact whatsoever in the busy san diego sector where adult men from really all around the planet continue crossing illegally nonstop with most of them released into the u.s. fox news cameras have witnessed mass illegal crossings in california several days in a row with every day in the last week averaging over 1000 illegal immigrant apprehensions down in that sector. one border patrol agent is now voicing his frustration. doesn t frustrate you when you hear the narrative like why aren t border patrol doing anything? if i don t allow them to cross, they call and complain and i m in trouble and i lose my job. reporter: meanwhile at boston international airport, the baggage claim has been turned into a shelter for a legal immigrants with hundreds camping inside the sanctuary city s airport. at san antonio airport, a reporter posted this video showing americans having to wait in a long line at tsa while illegal aliens released from dhs custody with their notice to appear paperwork had their own much faster line. we reached out to tsa for comment and they said they are preparing a statement but as of this newscast, we have not heard back from them yet. meanwhile today fox news questions democrats about eight to g augusta national s with ices ties being arrested by ice and the fbi after they were caught and released at the southern border. to me, it s just a reminder that republicans need to stop opposing additional resources for more border patrol agents and other dhs personnel to help continue to enforce the law. they have the personnel and let them go. they need more. republicans need to stop getting in the way. reporter: and just a little reminder for your viewers, democrats held the white house, the senate for the first two years did not the about the border. jesse: thank you bill. trump has been clear when he gets into office he s going to get revenge but what does that look like? my revenge will be success. and i mean that. but it s awfully hard when you see what they ve done, these people are so evil and at the same time the country can t come together. can come together. jesse: revenge through success. everybody wins, even trump s enemies. jesus told his disciples that i say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and prey for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. what would jesus do? revenge through success. some people heard the word revenge and thought trump is going to put me in gitmo. maddow, wallace, will be goldberg and aoc worried about been thrown in solitary. stelter says that s just the beginning. jail of course is an extreme part of the spectrum. imprisonment is a sub extreme part but think about irs audits, government pressure, other forms of government interference. there are a lot of pressure points and rachel maddow is not the only one thinking about this. i ve talked to the heads of news organizations, they are thinking through not in dramatic fashion, because they are afraid of going to jail but because they want to know what could trump do to use his power in a second term to punish the media. jesse: trump doesn t want to put the press in prison, he loves them. he loves them so much that he talks to them even when he should not. and the press should love him back. he made them rich and famous. during his presidency, cnn and msnbc ratings were double what they are now. deep stators got huge tv contracts. million-dollar book deals being handed out like halloween candy. today biden runs away from the press. there s mass layoffs, no book deals and cnn is losing to reruns of martin. he s coming, he s coming! [ laughter ] jesse: the media is catching a case of arrest and be. they saw what happened to trump when he got arrested, legendary mug shot, 24/7 coverage, millions of dollars in donations and they want a taste of martyrdom. they are baking trump to arrest them for attention. it s the only way anybody will know they are still famous. they want their own trials like trump. gag orders, de niro showing up. but none of that is going to happen. of trunk trump locks up all the reporters, will he joust with? but there s a different revenge path trump could take. legal scholar says there s only one way to stop the political prosecutions, prosecute democrats. only retaliation in kind can produce the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutual assured destruction. without the threat of prosecution of their own leaders, democrats will continue to charge future republican presidents without restraint. john is a former deputy assistant attorney general. john, what would that look like, prosecuting democrats, be specific. thank you for having me on. i have to say, that was a great article you were just reading from. jesse: thank you. what a wonderful scholar. [ laughter ] this is what it would look like. you would have to have republican das indict hunter biden or indict joe biden just in the way that blue state das have been indicting president trump. and would it be for it would be for things like corruption, fraud, bribery, because that s the only way i think you can get democrats to stop abusing the legal system, to stop breaking the norms that they have. i was listening to your introduction to the segment and look, the democrats are so scared because they have broken all of these rules. they have crossed the rubicon and now they are worried because once they ve destroyed these norms in the way they ve gone after trump, they realize republicans can turn around and do the exact same thing to them. jesse: we heard a guy at the top, a consultant to trump in 2020, say that trump should promise to pardon hunter back preemptively back as a kind of way to rise above things and flip the script on democrats. you are saying trump wins, local das go after joe and hunter and go further than that. what other avenues or areas do you think republican das or prosecutors could legitimately do in order to get accountability? well one thing they can look at his influence peddling beyond just the biden family. are there other democratic politicians who engage in the same kind of conduct? they get their brothers hired, their sisters hired, their kids hired by foreign governments, foreign corporations or even u.s. corporations. and then try to help those companies out. look, the justice department actually goes after a lot of american companies when they due exactly the same thing abroad. if you were in exon and you hired say the sun of the head of saudi arabia, he would be prosecuted like that. so why can t republican das do the same here in the united states? and look, i don t want this norm to have been broken. i wish we were not using the criminal justice system to interfere in politics, but how else could you deter democratic das from doing the same thing? if you don t, they will just keep doing it and doing it worse and worse. jesse: insider-trading could probably be an area where prosecutors would have a field day. just look at nancy pelosi, look at some of these members of congress. could the sec get involved there? it could be the sec but it could just be, and this is the thing that the democrats really started, it wasn t just the justice department, it was leading any sitting county da go after trump. there are 2500 elected das in the country and so to really establish, and this is all to rebuild the norm, to get people to stop doing this, then you would allow republican das and in say texas or florida to ask why does a democratic senator or democratic congressman go into office and then 20 years later they seem to have millions of dollars and multiple mentions like bernie sanders? jesse: so don t do what jesus would do. don t love my enemy. [ laughter ] play the long game. jesus wasn t running for president. [ laughter ] jesse: john yoo, thank you so much. new hoax alert, right back. 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[ ] arab spring break might be over by the occupiers are still at it. over 100 hamas lovers marched into ucla holding fake dead bodies in looking to set up a new campus caliphate. but this time the cops weren t having it and started arresting the ecology hotties before they could pitch their tents. watch. [ crowd noise ] [ bleep ] [ chanting ] no racist police! [ bleep ] jesse: if they can occupy campus, they occupy a subway. a horde went underground, they love tunnels, fighting with cops, vandalized trains and demanding any jews identify themselves. [ bleep ] [ crowd noise ] [ chanting ] shut it down! raise your hand if you are a zionist. this is your chance to get out. jesse: a mostly peaceful commute, unless you happen to be jewish. crime so out of control looters are back and there s not even a reason to riot. [ crowd noise ] jesse: the whole mop recorded the rampage. one arrest. in seattle where they told johnny there s no crime, there s gang shootouts in residential neighborhoods. [ gunshots ] jesse: in new york, maniacs with knives are lunging at cops. let go of the knife! give me another taser. all right, all right. jesse: and in san francisco it was just another day that ended in the letter y. [ engine roars ] jesse: a sideshow with fires, burnouts and roman candles, those are fun. blatant and outrageous crimes occurring on a daily basis coast-to-coast but biden is running for reelection so the fbi is telling you crime is down. attorney and retired nypd inspector paul moreau. the fbi comes out and says crime is way down. is that true? no. let s just break it out in a simple way from the get-go. forty% of the nations police departments don t report to the fbi with their crime numbers. what a coincidence. let s do the roll call. new york, la, chicago, baltimore, washington, dc which is federal themselves. consequently, what do they have in common? big blue cities with high crime rates and those numbers are not going into the crime reports. furthermore, the fbi has a habit of trying to extrapolate those numbers. nothing is more dull than statistics but it s interesting what they do. for instance, this quarter when joe biden is claiming violent crime is down, he s focusing on murders, murders are down the nypd and the fbi murder number for this year are different by 44%. jesse: wait a second. and it looks like the new york city number is a little higher than the fbi is telling. and by the way, they use the same definition so it s not like the devil is in the details, the same order definition, they are off by 44%. you can t trust these numbers and just consider this, the videos you just showed, most of what you just showed would not be captured in any crime numbers. jesse: why not? that was a knife attack on a police officer, we saw i believe a shoot out in a residential neighborhood. that is legitimately classified as a shooting. they probably got that for in new york for instance you have to hit someone for that to be a shooting incident. jesse: i can empty my clip but if i miss, they don t count that? that s right. [ laughter ] and look, the bottom line is, quality of life is not captured in any of the fbi numbers and if you live in the blue city, walk outside and use your eyes. and by the way, what with the arrests be for those people who were yelling about jews on the train? where the hate crimes? where are the fbi hate crimes task force and all these other none of that gets captured. jesse: zero he crimes on that subway. just a handful of arrests. it looked like a music video in san francisco with the fires and the skits. and joe biden is talking about how he s supporting law enforcement, all-pro law enforcement. the day he came to town, he went to radio city, he had five hours before that event, he did not pick up the phone and call the family. donald trump went to that wake. if you don t think america s law enforcement sees that and will vote commensurately, you are not paying attention. jesse: thank you paul. jake ball joints primetime , next. 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[ ] jesse: young voters used to be la up for democrats on election day but now they are heckling joe biden, voting trump or straight up disappeared. why is that? war, high prices, biden is 140. so the democrats came up with a new plan to win back young voters, free beer and birth control. the washington post writes, a group of democratic donors think they may have found a cure for what ails you. they want to make politics looked different, like a dance party or comedy show or just a place to chill out. sometimes there will be free beer, manicures, boot shines, rent check sweepstakes, a handout of contraceptive pills or cooling towels, whatever those are. and if the booze, birth-control and boot shines don t work, maybe hollywood marketing well. won t pack down, get it? hired millenial and gen z directors back writers and producers to help craft pro biden content that is specifically engineered does sell an octogenarian candidate to typically disillusioned and hard-to-reach voters under 30. biden paid off their school loans and they still hate him? what a waste of money. professional boxer jake paul joins me now. so jake if the democrats gave you free beer, would you vote biden? man, it will take more than that, but it does not have to do to me it does not have to do with democrat or republican, it s about which president is going to fight for us and who is going to represent us the best way possible. and that s really what the young people in america want. we won t solutions, we don t want all of this marketing, we don t want all of the the yes. this is the smartest generation. we ve had the most access to information and knowledge out of any other generation, so you can t fool us. we just want the truth and we want authenticity. jesse: what are the solutions you want for, what s the problem? man, there s a lot to name. jesse: we only have a couple minutes. that s not necessarily my area of expertise, but i know people are struggling with jobs, mortgages, too much for people to afford. inflation, prices are going up and is minimum wage rising? people are having trouble paying off and going to school, and then they are feeling like i have this college degree but what has this gotten me? i believe there s a massive problem with our food. the stuff they are putting into our bodies and allowing a grocery stores is causing massive health problems. i think there needs to be a massive conversation with a national institution of health. that s why i created it gotta try this stuff, it smells delicious, but i wanted to make it, a product that took out all the weird stuff for young men and boys across the world because it matters what we are putting in an on our bodies and so definitely there s a lot of things. jesse: wait, jake, was that just body spray? yes. this is w body spray deodorant and body wash. i ve been working on this for two years and it s available in walmart nationwide right now. jesse: you gotta send over the skincare line to primetime . we will sample it and give it a review. your brother was just with trump let s watch the clip. explain what was going on here. jesse: what was that? yeah, no, i thick my brother is having trump on his podcast and i think that s what s important to young voters, is the president showing up, speaking their mind, saying how they are going to help. my brother has invited biden onto his podcast, the last i ve heard, and let s see what happens. i ve invited biden to my fight. i want both donald trump junior and biden to come to my fight but who knows which president is actually going to show up, talk to the people, it into the weeds and meet the young voters where they are at, give them that representation and give them that voice and somebody who will fight for us. jesse: so what s the deal with the fight? i heard mike had heart problems and it was postponed. what s next? he had stomach issues. but the fight is rescheduled to november 15th. same everything, dallas, texas, at&t stadium, still historic night live on netflix. mike says he will still knock me out and i just bought a little bit of extra time. jesse: well send that body spray this way. i have to sit next to dana perino and i have to be smelling good, if you know what i mean. jake paul, everybody check him out, and the skincare line w. no relation. [ ] jesse: time for waters mack cooler. let s bring in cat and friends watters cooler legendary hot dog eating champ was banned from this year s nathan sauder david and contest after he signed a deal with a vegan wiener brand. is that fare? you sign a deal was someone, we have that here at fox. we can t just go on cnn. coral, he s freelance so he did not sign anything, he s just a guest. jesse: so carl can go on cnn. if he wanted to. but if i were joey chestnut, i would be petty. i would compete along anyway. i bring my own hotdogs and i would sit there at coney island and fill myself film myself doing it and beat everyone anyway. jesse: ute the impossible dogs. that might give them a tactical advantage. go in the crowd into it anyway. win from afar. don t get mad, get petty. jesse: wise words. next up, a mom says she charges other parents who bring their kids over for a play date. are you ready? this mom charges three dollars for a bag of goldfish, two dollars for yogurt, one dollar for three squirts of soap. one dollar. four dollars for two juice boxes, four dollars for markers, five dollars for electricity, four dollars for meat sticks, three dollars for an ice cream bar and a ten-dollar cleaning fee. she s billing the other parents for the play date at her house. i don t think this is real but for the sake of television i will pretend that i do. jesse: i ve never done that before. not without the disclaimer. i think she s a troll and it s a good thing. that makes me want to have kids so that i can have my kids friends over and then send the bill. send it over and see how they handle it. i think it would be a really good test. if somebody said what is this, what are you doing? that s how you know you have a real friend. if someone says no problem, you know that person is talking about you behind your back. jesse: you have strong moral character. i do they when a lot of people don t realize but you do. next up, kit cats with catch up is all everybody is talking about. sounds disgusting. probably is but we have to try it. you squirt yourself. are you going to eat it? your not any need it. he just put a little squirt on their. right on there it. i never have agreed to do this. jesse: i m gonna go. let s go. cheers. it s not good. jesse: not good. that s so bad. i don t like this at all. so bad. jesse: do something with it. throw it at johnny. i don t like it. jesse: well, tell me about your dog. my dog is named karl. he has and instagram and he s greg s dogs uncle. i got the stock first. jesse: so greg stole your idea? they are biologically related got is the nephew of my dog carl jesse: a family tree. of dogs. jesse: a beautiful dog. i kind of like yours better than cost. shots fired. thank you for entering the ketchup and kit kat. the spartan race, that s next. [ ] when you re in the military you re really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how s it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he s always coming over. when i go to jack s house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning and ski with my fa when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. mily, i can t put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i m still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don t mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that s probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they re going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now choose advil liqui-gels and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. jesse: the spartan race you have to see this you know what it is 5 k through mud that s a killer. under barbed wire you have to crawl. monkey bars you have to swing. rope climb there s gerrit a 75-pound barrel there. wall climb it s like an hour or 2 hours and all day event. we ll let part 2 tomorrow with video a bunch of fox people involved with the primetime tear crew was there they wanted me to do it i pretended like i didn t hear them lets do some text messages. how we from new jersey says give biden a break maybe he watches waters window and uses his will for daily ice plunges. gary from tallahassee the last time biden brought someone to a pool he wrapped a chain over there and neck mccarthy is lucky he s breathing. alan from grove city pennsylvania trump pardoning hunter blessing those who kirsten a start of healing and uniting that america needs. is that possible? donnie from eugene, oregon. it you think they would pardon eric or donald trump junior? that s a no. stewart from colorado, jesse please don t laugh at jesus he s the only 1 new has it together. i didn t laugh at jesus i laughed with jesus. and andy from albuquerque new mexico. waters what s with you read hoping for a sob gate there soft daisies sound like opera man up. jesse: it s for sporting claves get it. sean: kamal khera seats know for breakfast. what you eat for breakfast? sean is next remember that i am waters and this is my world. sean: welcome to hannity. tonight and biden s attorney general merrick garland has rightfully been held in contempt of congress will you be held accountabl

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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240613

the survivors of the sandy hook elementary school shooting, graduating from high school. they were just first-graders when they tragically lost 20 of their classmates in that massacre 12 years ago tonight they still feel the weight of that loss this is such a monumental guy and we all can feel what we ve lost should been all royal classmates 391. one last time. and i just can t i gave you that. i can never be that. i think we all are carrying your memory through us and making sure that they re walking stage right there with us. the school s principal reading the names of all 20 students who were murdered in that attack, also leading a moment of silence and honoring, of course, the six teachers and administrators were also killed wearing white and green ribbons on their gowns, each inscribed with forever in our hearts to remember the victims it is a tragedy that has understandably shape the course of their lives. many of the survivors now activists, some of them meeting recently with vice president kamala harris to push for gun control thanks so much for joining us tonight. america hill, ac30 60 starts now tonight, not 360 breaking news, a gun, eight clips two axis, one, weighted whip, knives handcuffs, a stun gun one suspect. all we are learning about the man arrested in new york with all this in his suv. and what authorities think he had planned for it. also tonight, what happens when the attorney general of the united states is held in contempt of congress and the effort is led by a congressman famous for defying how subpoena and later this will both fill your heart and break it. randy k. with surviving first-graders of the sandy hook massacre. now, high school graduates john berman here, infer anderson and we do begin with the breaking news and i just want to show you again what new york police officers found in the back of a ford explorer, they pulled over early this morning in the city s queens borough. it is frankly terrifying seen as john miller himself, a veteran of the nypd and fbi, joins us now, along with former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe and john just just tell us what more authorities are learning about this man and what they found in his car? while they re doing the deep die, if you ve got the nypd detective bureau, but also the nypd s intelligence bureau, which specializes in counterterrorism matters and the joint terrorism i m taskforce with the fbi all peeling back as life on one hand, what you re not finding yet and may never find is that he was radicalized, that he was in contact with an overseas terrorist group or that he had a plan to commit an act of terrorism. the concerning fees, as you have very well-framed with pictures is that he was driving around in a car equipped to do so. not only the weapons, but a collapsible button with the words carved into it in arabic god forgive me. a social media page that displays, and this isn t secret information. i went to his social media page and looked it has a flag that has been used before by al-qaeda in one of the images. so they have to figure out what s going on with him from family members, what their hearing is troubled, having problems with drugs hugs perhaps meth paranoid, and somebody who who may just be going through some mental health issues. but the danger is clear. do they just pull this guy over randomly they saw that his license plate were covered by one of those plastic things you can buy them at auto stories, it s basically meant to thwart the red light cameras in the speed cameras on the traffic violation. they looked in the car and they said they saw a knife on the seat, asked him to step out of the car so a taser and then a gun also between the front seats. and that led to the arrest for weapons charges in the search of the car. so not complete luck that they found it, but it s certainly something that could have slipped through heading on the license great example, an andy mccabe will tell you this. i m how routine police works sometimes better than the best intelligence is. what can keep your head of one of these incidents, andy, that arsenal, that this man had in the suv can bind with the qualities that john just described there, how much damage couldn t have done oh, i mean, john, there s a there s really no no limit to what this guy could have done with that sort of arsenal. and the thing that really jumps out to me is the nine magazines, nine loaded magazines to go along with the glock semi-automatic pistol. i mean, that is someone who is ready to shoot oh lot. so even if there is no connection to terrorism here, even this is, if this is a lone actor, these very heads up on the ball, police officers may have stopped a mass shooting, may have stopped some sort of a stabbing spree in a large group of people which you can find anywhere on the streets of manhattan, pretty much anytime you want. so what they may have stopped here, well, we ll maybe never know. but no question. john s absolutely right. this is the result of really solid police work. taking a look at something that s clearly illegal, doing this sort of reasonable investigation that follows from that picking up on all the signs and taking a step to really make sure that new yorkers are safe. i can tell you that my former colleagues, john s former colleagues at the joint terrorism task force. i m sure all over this right now, they re john said peeling this guy s life back. but what they re most concerned about right now, john is who this guy may have been talking to. they want to fully frame out his network of associates, people, he s corresponding with on social media. what were those conversations in those communications like to the extent that they can be recreated, they want to know if this guy has anyone else in his orbit who is similarly armed or similarly inclined andy said the clips or what, what s most concerning, what about the mta vested in the police bulletproof vest? what does that indicate? that s interesting. the two least two deadly items on the table could be the ones that tell us the most an mta vest that will get you into restricted areas in the subway believing that you re a subway worker the police bulletproof vest is not the standard best it s the heavy, vest, it s the plate carrier that is meant to stop heavier weapons and he has put an nypd patch on it so we re talking about someone who is driving in a black suv that kind of looks like an unmarked police car with this other indicia you wonder what it was for nand just finally either is a day after that sources tell cnn at eight tajik nationals with potential ties to terrorism and possible links to isis members over see is were arrested in the us. again, the ipd stress is way too early to determine if this arrested eight has any connection to terror groups but you do get the sense that authorities right now are on alert for a potential attacks john this is a beacon. it should, it should really get people s attention to the fact that even though we re not talking about stuff like this, every day, our intelligence folks are law enforcement folks, people who are focusing on the counterterrorism targets and threats they are at a very high state of alert. we know this because what the leaders have told us recently fbi director christopher wray testified recently about the increased threat awareness from the community in this country that may be inspired by or connected to hamas actor. so there is a whole broad range you very concerning threats and we re fortunate to have those folks watching those things closely and became great to see a john miller will get you back to digging, find out what you can. thanks very much. more breaking news on capitol hill late today, the republican controlled house made attorney general merrick garland, the third attorney general to be held in contempt of congress. garlin now joins obama attorney general, eric holder, and trump attorney general william barr in the history books. in this case is for refusing to turn over audio recordings of interviews that president biden did with a special counsel, who later declined to prosecute him. but vote was both politically driven and somewhat rich in that one of those pushing hardest for this house judiciary chair, jim jordan fight a subpoena to appear before the house january 6 committee with us now, from capitol hill, seen as meloni s the nose. so how did the vote breakdown today, melanie, will john this vote fell almost entirely along party lines, just one republican that s dave joyce of ohio, voted against this contempt the dilution, while all republicans voted for it. and of course, all democrats voted against it. so now it s really up to the doj to determine whether they re or actually going to prosecute attorney general merrick garland, which of course is very unlikely to happen, especially since price on and biden did assert executive privilege over those audio recordings which were of his interview with the special counsel in relation to the classified documents case. but speaker mike johnson said, regardless of what ends up happening or not happening, this was an important step for the house to take. just listen. we did our job on the contempt i think it sends an important message. we re defending article one and ariff, the wording for oversight, and we have to do that we ll see what happens next. but i the house has to do its work and i m pleased with the outcome. so again, this is a largely symbolic vote. it s much more likely to end up in federal court than it is in a prosecution, but it is a dramatic escalation in the feud between congress in the doj with merrick garland now become just the latest attorney general to be held in contempt. the congress john. so we did mention that the congressman jim jordan, defied a subpoena to a b appear before the house january 6 committee. did he ever face any consequences for that? yes. so he never complied with that subpoena to appear before the committee to talk about his role in trying to overturn the 2020 election in the house, which was run by democrats at the time, opted not to hold him in contempt of commerce. so no, jordan did not face any repercussions for his decision to defy that congressional subpoena. but speaker mike johnson was asked at a press conference earlier this morning, how can republicans hold merrick garland in contempt for oh, congress for defining a congressional subpoena when several of their own republican members have done exactly that. but johnson just responded by attacking the january 6, but committee and falsely calling it an illegitimate panel. john, we ll get to that milliner zone with thanks for being with us. appreciate it with us. now, maryland democratic congressman jamie raskin, congressman. thanks so much for being with us what s your reaction to the house vote to hold the attorney general in contempt in your mind? what helped could the audio recordings provide that the transcripts cannot well, it s a ridiculous motion in a ridiculous decision it s really the first time in american history that someone has been held in contempt by the us congress for complying with a subpoena from congress there s been overwhelming compliance in this case. what they were interested in was president biden s testimony before the special counsel the attorney general, the department justice, turned over the entire testimony verbatim, the entire transcript. they turned over all of the correspondence related did to it, and they even produce the special counsel himself, robert hur, who came over and spent several hours testifying and answering all questions about it. so they were saying they wanted to audio tape like they wanted the e-book. it wasn t enough to have the book itself. they wanted the audio book to go with it and everybody on capitol understands that they are looking for in president biden s more than five hours of testimony, which he gave during the time right after the terrorists to try cities on october 7 some verbal lapses, some mispronounced words or some ohms, or some us or something like that. and that s all for the purposes of creating a political tv attack ad. and everybody knows that that s what it s about. about and it s a ridiculous waste and abusive congressional resources and it was particularly rich as i think you said, and as i said on the house floor today, that this is coming from people who did not support contempt citations against people who really completely blew off congress and produced no documents and no testimony. people like steve bannon and some of those members who spoke on the floor on behalf of holding the attorney general united states in contempt themselves had never responded in any substantive way. to the subpoenas that were sent to them by the bipartisan january 6 select committee, which by the way, was found to be perfectly legitimate by multiple courts when our jurisdiction or authority was challenged in any way, let me play let me play what house speaker mike johnson had to say about that, specifically the idea of jim jordan who did not come comply with your subpoenas, you were on that committee. listen oh, i m so glad you brought up the january 6 committee. we ll be talking a lot more about that in the coming weeks. there s been a lot of investigation about that committee. i don t think it was properly constituted. i don t think it was it was properly administered. and now we know that apparently some of the evidence was hidden and some maybe even destroyed so you ll see, you ll hear much more about that in the days ahead. you talk about apples to oranges. there couldn t be a more clear contrast between that and what we re talking about here. do you see this is apples and oranges and respond if you d like to his charge that your committee was on lawfully constituted yeah, it s of course the exact opposite of what speaker johnson just said every federal court to look at this said that the january 6 select committee, which was a bipartisan committee with the democratic chair in a republican vice chair was completely lawfully constituted and lawfully operated and none of the people who tried to litigate against us, one in any way, they re just repeating a bunch of stale obsolete charges that have already been repudiated by federal courts and jamie are asking, we do appreciate your time and i thank so much for being with us you ve got my pleasure and then looking ahead to the former president s meeting with republican lawmakers on capitol hill tomorrow with a party. now, almost totally remade in his own image. and the latest don john on kings all over the map series tonight, he talks with deeply divided auto workers in the swing state of michigan about their presidential choices in november you give, and you give, now you get with straight talk wireless, you get unlimited data and you get to choose who gets on your family plans starting at just $25 a line, doesn t have to 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after when he said that it was almost two months later, february 25th, but just 12 days after the attack, he said this there s no question nod. their president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day lindsey graham will also meet with the former president, now, a convicted felon here is what he said the evening of january 6, trump and i we ve had a hell of a journey. i hate it then this way. oh my god, i hate it. from my point of view, it s been a consequential president. but today first thing you ll see all i can say is count me out enough is enough actually for him. it wasn t. he later claimed that what he said there did not really mean what plainly does. then he endorsed the man almost unconditionally and just to underscore something you said earlier if he is convicted, you will still support him in both for him absolutely the former president is also expected to meet with house republicans tomorrow and separately, members of a business roundtable. well, this down new york times senior political correspondent, maggie haberman, also former colorado republican congressman ken buck. maggie, first you what would is on the agenda for this meeting, particularly the senate meeting? what does donald trump and the trump campaign hope to gain from it? they ve been pretty vague about the specifics of what they re hoping to talk about. it s been left sort of in broad strokes about policy the border medicare, social security. and i expect we will hear a lot about that. but i think this is mostly as one lawmaker put it to me about trump trying to garner enthusiasm the senators in particular, as you know, this is the first time he s going to be in a room with mitch mcconnell s since 2020 and the senate republicans, unlike house republicans, have been a group that have been not more resistant to him, but certainly less pliant in turn because of his demands. however, we have seen in the days since his conviction in manhattan is a pretty broad array of republicans, including senators, rallying around him and saying that this conviction tonight s improper or that democrats should be investigated or prosecutors should be prosecuted and i think this might be a different tone of meeting than we ve seen him have with senators for you know, congressman in 2017 when trump took office, the first time, there were some republican members of congress who went their own way are pushed back on some controversial statements or some policies that he had at the time are there any of them really left doo doo non trump republicans have any power and congress anymore well, one, i think this is going to be a great opportunity for president trump to be surrounded by republicans after felony convictions and show that he is still the leader of the party and is still generates a doozy asm. i think that there are some republicans who are running in biden districts, districts of president biden won in 2020, that will be concerned about being too close to president trump. and i think president trump understands that they have to win their races so while they won t push back verbally, they won t push back publicly they will certainly have some distance before they re election in november. so omega, as we said, mitt romney, lisa murkowski won t be there, i guess not for them specifically, but maybe others who haven t been fully in the trump camp. what outreach has there been from trump or the trump campaign? do they do the outreach thing they do actually do the outreach thing. they have people who worked in trump s world or close to trump s world, who do a lot of congressional relations. brian jack before he ran for congress himself, did a lot of that work. there are others who have taken over the political work there are people who work for trump directly, who have their own relationships. they do do outreach. but again, it s not always the kind of traditional political outreach we have experienced before. in the past are seen in the past. in some cases it is. i mean, one thing i will say about trump is he has been working the phones a lot himself. i mean, there are republicans who to have been shown over and over as these primaries took place, that trump is dominating and he s not going away and he is the presumptive nominee now and yes, there are some people who have races that it is more sensitive to be close to trump and they need some distance from him, but they recognize that he is potentially going to win the polling at the moment is showing him slightly ahead in a number of polls, not all of them, but in a number of them. and so there are cognizant of the fact that he is faring well and the message is clear to them that they may not want to be so at odds with the leader of their party. congressmen, as we mentioned, in addition to the congressional meetings, he s going to speak with ceos and business roundtable. i want to play you a portion of a speech he gave in new jersey and get your reaction i ll give you a trump middle-class, upper class, lower lower-class business-class, big tax cut you re going to have the biggest tax cut so big tax cuts across the board, including new business tax cuts, i guess on top of the 2017, 2018 tax cuts, is that even possible well, anything s possible it depends on who has majority of the house and who has a majority in the senate. if the republicans are in the majority of both and president trump wins reelection, then certainly something s possible. you only need a majority vote in the senate to pass a tax cut as we did the last tax cut, i m not sure what the appetite is going to be for a big tax cut. i think that he may want to play around the margins, but it ll be interesting to see if he can get a majority of republicans if there s especially if it s a small majority in either the senate or the house to go for a big tax. good. so in the senate, maggie, tomorrow you ve got jd vance tim, scott, marco rubio, and the house side, byron donalds. these are all people on the vp list, at least the ones that we know about how much auditioning do you think might be going on in public? but behind closed doors for everyone to see i don t think it s going to be that different than what we ve seen in public. john, i mean, what we ve seen in public is a number of these folks, not all of them, but a number of them show up at the manhattan courthouse where trump was on trial. we have seen them hold press conferences and denounce the charges against him. we have seen them defend him. i mean, i think there were few defenders that donald trump has on television anyway, who are as vocal as jd vance and i expect you will continue to see that. but the jockeying has been gone going on in private in public. i don t think it will be a massive change in private tomorrow. i do think you will see trump do what he often does, which is work the room talking, taking informal polls praising this one, praising that one, it will very much be a topic life is an audition. maggie haberman, former congressman chem luck, right to see you both. and i thank so much. thank you quit programming. okay. don t miss the source with kaitlan collins. her guest is former fulton county special prosecutor, nathan wade, who resigned from the former president s georgia election subversion case. and that s right here at the top of the hour coming yep. can t president biden rely on union rank and file members to help him squeak out another when in michigan, john king has the reporting for his all over the map series that s next this. is carbonic and this is how you can sell us your car. visit carbonic. answer a few questions, will give you a real offer. then sat a time for us to pick it up and hey, you on the sayyed your car the easy way with carmona you can expect to find crystal clear audio expensive display space and more comfort for everyone but we still left room for all the unexpected things. you ll find handout here. the new 2024 grand 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it for you. the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president one state to two very different visions for america s future. the cnn presidential debates thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max part of her all over the map series with john king, which seeks out crucial voting blocs and battleground states. we have reported on president biden s struggles in mush, when michigan, last month, john spoke with younger voters, upset with the president s role in the israel-hamas war. john has returned in michigan this time with a focus on what had once been a reliably solid democratic voting block. union workers. the united auto workers, for instance, has endorsed president biden, but donald trump has made clear in inroads into that. once unquestioned support and john king is with this now, so john, you spoke to auto workers. what are they had to say about the election? number one, they re very happy with the new contract they got last year after a strike. most of the auto workers told us they got more than they expected. most of them very happy, very proud. the president not states joe biden came out to walk the picket line. that was a little bit history. no president had done that, but inside the factory, the president showing up to help in the contract fight does not translate into universal support. donald trump still has a lot of blue collar appeal 30 years at the same job means you develop a routine. so when the united auto workers called the strike last fall tone, urine, khan was a little lost we were scared it was weird because none of us ever thought we d actually be out on strike and we didn t know what to expect and i mean, in living memory for it hadn t been on strike. i think it was the early 70s shoulders, knees, hips, right yeah. hard work for six weeks. the local 900 union hall was to place to get a meal. now, you can grab a biden harris yard sign. the president s pro-union record included joining the picket line. it showed solidarity with everyday men and women that are putting their lives on the line and putting their paychecks on the line for a better living it mattered. did it change the conversation about him at all inside the plants? no, i don t think it did if you had a secret ballot in there, how would it come up in the rankin file? it goes about 50, 50. maybe it ll move a small percentage in michigan is a state where small percentage is matter. so maybe it ll be 51, 49, but no doubt for you. no doubt for me now i m supporting president biden in this election. it s way down from detroit s heyday, but 134,000 members still makes the uaw a force in battleground, michigan crus via tally works in engine development at chrysler and believes president biden s push for more electric vehicles hurts business. the government seems to be appeasing the coasts everyone who lives in manhattan thinks everyone should drive an electric car vitale, he says he will again ignore union leadership and vote trump a third time hoping to end the ev mandates and to get better trade rules. i ve watched this region go from the arsenal of democracy loom. now, we re happy if we can get a sports stadium or we re going to sell wheat or fireworks or whatever it s absolutely pathetic. what we have sunk two now, our politicians just, they re, they re good with it he isn t. so that s the difference. build ova voted trump in 2016 and 2020, likely trump this time first though, he wants to study robert f. kennedy jr. and the michigan election math. if i would really rather have kennedy, but by voting for kennedy it means i think biden would win. i might have to vote for trump. go va is a 25-year ford worker and uaw member. this is a side business using dry ice to clean car under bodies and engine parts. he pours his savings into the business and is about breaking even right now. we re going to use dry ice to remove all that stuff, go va calls himself a middle of the road conservative, doesn t like what some people call him for trump. the powers that be labeled me as some far right white supremacy maga, republican. and you re still entitled to your opinion. but i just don t see him as the anti-christ or hitler at this ridiculous, bob king worked at ford for more than 40 years and served a term as uaw president when the industry was trying to recover from the 2008 financial crisis he ties trump s support among union auto workers two years of lost jobs, and lower wages. people feel like the government and the establishment hasn t been delivered for them is there like better now than it was ten years ago or worse? and for many, many working people, it s worse. their standard of living has deteriorated in some cases, their communities deteriorated. walter robinson, junior bets about 40% of his ford coworkers are for trump. he s never done a hard day s work, not physical work. like you re doing a plant. he has a solid gold toilet at home so how can he really empathize with your life and when you say wait, joe biden walked a picket line with us. joe biden spin a pro-union precedent they say that you know, guns gays, the bortion sleepy joe hunter biden, robinson says the new contract wins were impressive, but didn t fix everything. gas prices are still pretty high. food when you go to the grocery store, every time this is just me and my wife and his $200 every time i go to the grocery store inside job meet dj furious, helps pay the bills but robinson says he does it mostly for font and to make people happy no matter their politics what great discussions they re john looking back at the past two electrons, how did union members in michigan vote? well, let s take a look. john will move this over first big picture. this is 2020 look, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, the blue wall, right? joe biden, flip them back from 2016, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, donald trump won them and the rest of course, was history. so let s come back to 2020 with that map up there and take a look. the union vote was a big part of it. let me stretch this out for you. forgive me for turning my back, but just to stretch it out so you can see a little bit bigger. hillary clinton won, but with just 53% to 40% for trump in 20169 points better joe biden gets 62% in 2020, part of his coalition that helped him win in michigan. now, look, trump only went down to 37 percent, so it s not just a groundswell of union votes for biden, hillary clinton lost a bunch of those blue color votes to third party candidates. that s one of the big questions a can president biden keep that number, keep a close to 60% in 2020? or remember, third-party candidates didn t matter much of 2020, they might this time, so not watched, not only trump john, why? watch to see if the blue-collar voters trickle over to the third-party candidates were talking about or i m john can great to see you. thank you very much. david axelrod, former senior adviser to president obama, joins us now, david, let s talk about john behind his back and his report that we just saw there what do you make of that that you have these union leaders, the uaw leadership, very pro biden, but rank and file with a mixed response. first of all, i love what? i love what john s doing out there, so we can talk behind his back. its were spent so much time sitting behind desks, blow violating about what people are thinking out there. and he s going on i m talking to him and i think it s really, really valuable. this this trend is not new. i mean, the fact is that this has been going on for some time for deterioration of the democratic support among union workers even though democrats have advocated for the interests of union workers, more readily than donald trump or other republicans. but this has been going on and it s cultural, as john mentioned in many ways listen, there are 44 new factories in construction. i was just up in michigan, 44 new factories and construction under construction in michigan. asked anyone up there if they re ours have improved it s from 2019 to 2000 2024. and the answer is yes because there s more going on, there s a manufacturing renaissance, so biden has a good case to make what he can t be doing is trying to job own people into thinking that this is the greatest economy we ve ever had. and he tends to do that. he and this country is doing better than others in terms of recovering from the pandemic. but that s cold comfort to people who as that one gentleman said, go to the store and find the groceries are 20% more than they were a few years ago. and biden needs to recognize that make common cause with that target the things he s fighting for to reduce costs, many of which donald trump opposes and set up a contrast by the way, the support of shawn fain, there is not inconsequential. he is a very, very popular figure among his members, and i think his advocacy in this fight down the stretch could be meaningful for biden, talk more, delve into this a little bit more a day because you ve been talking about this for some time about how you think that there are things president biden needs to claim credit for without spiking the football as yeah, this is not a time for spiking the football people. the data is very impressive, but data doesn t buy groceries. data doesn t buy pay for the rent and there is a sense that the economy isn t as strong as the data was suggested is in terms of people s experience. joe biden s great superpower as a candidate and a politician has been as empathy joe from scranton who understands how everyday people live. we need to see more of that from him he needs to show more of that in order to win some of these voters he doesn t, he doesn t, he shouldn t be president biden from washington trying to jawbone people into feeling better. he ought to be joe from scranton advocating for people in a challenging economy when it comes to cost of living. david rohde, who never blow v8 i thank you so much for being let s say, i wouldn t agree creator that, but okay. thanks. raise yet it just ahead. a cold war flashback and a real-time thread. these russian warships, including nuclear-powered submarine and warship, entered havana harbor today, putting the button 90 miles from florida, we have images and interviews from inside cuba plus the story from inside russia. next looking to find your perfect somewhere. you have chronic kidney disease. you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with parse sega because they re places like to be for segal can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin perineum could occur, stopped taking four sika and call your doctor right away at the symptoms of this disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis whether you re moving across town or across the country, you can 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juneteenth, which special performances by john luck i did hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do. juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy next wednesday at 100 and cnn it is likely no coincidence that just as president biden is touched down in italy for a g7 meeting this evening with new sanctions against russia. plus according to sources, they knew long-term purity packed with ukraine, which recently got the okay from the president to return fire inside parts of russia. that for russian navy ships arrived in havana, cuba, about 90 miles from us shores. they include in nuclear-powered submarine as well of one is as well as one of russia s most modern warships it s a live picture looking at right now. it is a not so subtle reminder of cold war era geopolitics and russia s continue nuclear threats matthew chance reporting from moscow has more onlookers line to seafront in havana to welcome these powerful russian vessels, including the flagship of the kremlin s northern fleet, the admiral gorshkov the nuclear powered submarine, the qizan. the message for many cubans that moscow, it s cold war ally, is back from last week. we have historical ties with the former soviet union and now with the russian federation it says this havana residents, something that in my opinion is very important for the country. may never seen something like this so close says another. such a large ship of that magnitude. i m very impressed. she adds but the real message is aimed at washington russian defense officials say the strike group. now just 90 miles of the us coast has been practicing the use of high precision missiles against the mock enemy. us officials have downplaying any threat, saying they don t believe the russian vessels or armed with nuclear weapons. but us officials tell cnn that ships and planes have been deployed to monitor the russian exercises and the naval deployment comes at a time of worsening us-russian relations. just weeks after president biden greenlighted, ukrainian attacks on russian territory with us supplied-weapons with vladimir putin warning russia could arm us enemies in response. the easily i knew postalveolar if the west supplies weapons to the combat zone and calls for their use against our territory. then why shouldn t we mirror these actions? i am not ready to say that we will do and morrow, but we of course, should think about it there s no plan to supply cuba with the kind of weapons these modern russian warships usually carry but the kremlin could still make trouble. in america s backyard and matthew chance joins us now from moscow. matthew, what are you hearing from russians they re about these naval ships in cuba will john, i think russians are following this quite closely. certainly russian state television, which is controlled by the kremlin, has been giving this considerable coverage at one point, the state news anchors were saying the pentagon doesn t even know where are submarine is located as it was, as it was going across the atlantic. that doesn t track of course, with what us officials are saying, which is that they d been following this detachments of russian ships from the outset. in its whole journey, but it does point to the idea that this for russia is very much the country flexing its muscles on the international stage. matthew chance so great to have you inside moscow reporting. thank you so much for being with us next day. bittersweet milestone, the sandy hook school shooting survivors who lost 20 first-grade classmates and six staff or isn t the 2020 massacre? they graduate from high school and remember number those, they will always miss with two survivors told are randy k, that s coming up we talking about cash back, kevin hart, not again i m talking about cash greg, we talking about cash balance not talking about bragg. know. we talked about cash back and we talk about cash. we talking about cash we ve been talking about practice, but too long word all practice. 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remembrance, and two of the graduate spoke with our randy k on the eve of their graduation super excited about heading to college. it s definitely a very bittersweet kind of emotion bittersweet because grace fischer is graduating newtown high school without 20 of her classmates, they were killed in the massacre at sandy hook elementary, nearly 12 years ago emma ehrens was there that horrible day two and lost her best friend thinking about all the what-ifs of what if they were sitting next to me at graduation, what if we were still friends? where would we be? both emma and grace, we re just 6-years-old in 2012 and seated in there first grade classrooms when the gunmen stormed into their school, we thought it was construction because it s been going on for the past couple of days on the roof and then a guy armed came into my classroom and started shooting all of my friends and my teachers and my classmates, his gun and had been jammed and of friend of mine, jesse lewis had yelled at us to run and that s what we did. we sectioned ourselves into the cubby area, which is kind of like an indent. so from the door were absolutely hidden. i remember feeling like i was endangered emma remembers bumping into the gunman in her rush to get out. the boy who yelled to her and others to run jesse lewis was fatally shot on the spot. when you believe he saved your life? i do. i really in the hallway right by the main entrance, there was chairs in front of the office and under the chairs were people because because of the force of impact of the bullets, they were blown under the chairs when we got to the firehouse, we had to line up by grade. and that s when my teacher was really like, this is really not ok. because when we lined up by grade, half, our grade was missing and everyone else was there in the year since both girls have struggled to cope with the memories from that day, i ve gone to therapy for like six or seven years i have survivor s guilt, ptsd. it definitely still like a lot of fear in me. and even now, i don t think i ve been to a single column concert and my entire life just because i m really worried about that big crowd of people and not knowing where to go in case of an emergency. they ve turned some of that anxiety into action. i want to live in a nation that values children more than guns both are members of the junior newtown action alliance, which promotes gun safety. i do not want future kids of america to have to be spared in the classroom. we really are pushing obviously for a federal assault weapons ban ball. so we do shift our focus to safe storage laws and also mental health resources. they ve met with members of congress about gun laws. and just last week, vice president kamala harris. and yet school shootings continue. it s definitely like a knife to the heart when you see it happen again and again after fighting so hard on graduation de the names of those lost were red and ribbons marking the day of the massacre worn in there, honor, because their lives were lost so early and i went through that such an early age. i feel like it s my purpose to continue my life in honor of them i know whatever i do, they will be proud of me. i like to believe that on the most recent anniversary of the shooting, emma posted this photo on her instagram writing in part. i just want to live in a safe world. i miss you guys every day. i hope you are happy in heaven. the picture shows emma with her best friend avl richmond, who died in the shooting i hope you are happy and evan and ready. k is with us now. what strength they all showed there. what are the plans for after graduation? they have plans for college. this fall i m is going to go to roger williams university and she plans to study legal studies and grow race is going to hamilton college and she plans to focus on law and justice. they both really wanted to help people, but my guess is john, that even though they re going away to college, that new town isn t going to be very far from their thoughts. even emma told me during our interview that she still runs this five key and honor of her teacher who was killed every year. and they still visit the memorial on a regular basis. they re in so i think even though they have big plans, there ll be a way new town will be in their hearts. i have to believe that i hope they have a wonderful future. thanks so much, randy k well, you right back sharp. that s the until june 16 and get up to 30% off father s day gifts to go beyond the classic go-to c1 personalized year. and other things. dads do when you want a one-of-a-kind gift has shown, he s number one. etsy has accusing a treatment for your chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month each lasting four hours or more can be overwhelming. so ask your doctor about botox dots prevents headaches and adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it s the number one prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment so far more than 5 million botox treatments 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and hitting cars, then barreling on investigators said today it all started with an argument between two passengers, one of them was killed killed when according to police, the other grabbed his gun and shot him investigators say the suspect then threatened others in order to driver to get on the road. this as passengers frantically texted loved ones and call 911 for help. thankfully, police finally stop the bus and arrested the suspect. but that s not all police now say the main and a convicted felon was at the scene of a shooting earlier in the de he spoke with our local

Attorney-general , Merrick-garland , Thanks , Breaking-news , Republican , House , Trump , Contempt-of-congress , Capitol-hill , President-obama , Digging , Garlin

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240612

on russian territory with us supplied-weapons speaking ahead of the cuban naval visit vladimir putin warned of a possible russian response the easley and you put enough today in the worst supply weapons to the zone of combat operations and call for the use of these weapons against our territory. then why do we not have the right to do the same? to mirror these actions? i m not ready to say that we ll do it tomorrow, but we of course, should think about it elsewhere. moscow has been stepping up tactical nuclear drills to staging exercises with neighboring belarus near the ukrainian border. russian tactical nukes delivered from either ground or air can level entire cities for their the kremlin insists it has no plans at this stage to use the matthew chance cnn moscow thanks to matthew tonight. and thanks to you, of course, as always, for being with us ac30 60 with anderson begins right now tonight on 360. what happens now that the president s son is a convicted felon and why supporters of the convicted felon who is running for president are still complaining about the criminal justice system keeping them honest. also, a cnn exclusive course award goes inside a searing detention camp. were families, vices, fighters are being held and some fear the next generation may be being born. plus we have breaking news tonight. a bus hijacking, a chase and the deadly discovery at the end of it. good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight. keep them honest with three facts about hunter biden s conviction today and wilmington, delaware on federal gun charges. the first is the human impact. it must have on a family that has certainly known tragedy, including a car crash that killed hunter biden s mom and baby sister, the death to brain cancer of his brother beau, and his own descendance itself, destruction by crack cocaine in a moment, ronald reagan s daughter, patty davis joins us to talk about her own struggles with addiction. the second fact is that despite efforts to paint his trial as a counterpart to or even the equivalent of of donald trump s new york trial. unlike the former president a hunter biden is not running for anything. the third fact is the one thing they actually do have in common in each the guilty verdict was rendered by 12 men and women who heard the evidence and seem to have set aside any preconceptions they might have had going in as one biden juror told cnn today, politics played no part in their deliberations, nor did testimony about the degree of biden s addiction, which he described as heart-wrenching. the verdict was unanimous. and just like in new york, there s every indication the criminal justice system worked and continues to beyond that, nearly everything surrounding the two trials and their aftermath is a study in contrast, starting with how egypt defendant reacted to the verdict. quoting now from hunter biden statement, thanking his wife and others. i m more grateful today for the love and support i experiences last week from melissa, my family, my friends, and my community, than i am desert appointed by the outcome. he goes on to say recovery is possible by the grace of god and i am blessed to experience that give one de at a time by contrast, here are some where the former president has said after his conviction this was done by the biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent and i think it s just disgrace. but this was a rig decision right from day one, with a conflicted judge should have never been allowed to try this case, never well, he said as much over and over and so have republican lawmakers before, during and after the trial with a special focus on attacking the justice department and the criminal justice system every single person involved in this prosecution is practically a democratic political operative. this was not criminal justice. this was politics. the entire thing is political. it s political warfare, scam trial. this is a scam. it is a sham, sham of a trial sham convictions joe biden s two tier in injustice system while. keeping them on as they re talking about the justice department at which had nothing to do with the trump trial, which is currently prosecuting a democratic senator and congressmen and just oversaw the conviction of the president s only surviving son. and the president s reaction quoting him now, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process. as hunter considers an appeal, jilin, i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that he also told abc news he d ruled out a pardon for his son let me ask you, will you accept the jury s outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is? yes. and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. by contrast, the former president is now talking repeatedly about using the justice department if he s reelected as a tool of vengeance i would have every right to go after them. and it s easy because it s joe biden and you see all the criminality, all of the money that s going into the family and in him, all of this money from china from russia, from ukraine as for republican lawmakers who decried trump s trial and conviction, consider house oversight chair james comer, who has been holding hearings and investigating the bidens for months, always claiming to have the goods, but always coming up empty he is sticking to his story, tweeting today until the department of justice investigates everyone involved in the bidens corrupt influence peddling schemes. it will be clear department officials continued to cover for the big guy, joe biden more now, on the actual verdict and the actual trial and what comes next from cnn s paula reid just 90 minutes after hunter biden s guilty verdict, cnn got incredible insight into the case from juror number ten, won big mistake from the defense, calling hunters daughter naomi, to testify. i felt i felt bad that they put naomi witness i i think that was probably a strategy that should not have been done no daughter should ever have to testify or again, sir, dad despite feeling badly for hunter and his battles with addiction, the 12 jurors agreed that they had no choice but to convict all 12 jurors did agree that yes, he know on laying bought a gun when he was an attic or he was addicted to drugs although they all voted guilty, another juror, cnn spoke to off-camera question whether the case should have been brought in the first place, saying, quote it seemed like a waste of taxpayer dollars and the jurors interviewed by cnn said politics played no role in their decision. pressure, inviting never really even came in to play for me, his name was only brought up one store in the trial and that s when i that s when it kind of sunk and a little bit, but you kind of put that out of your mind. president biden released a statement after his son s verdict saying, in part i am the president, but i am also a dad jill, and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today and i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal, hunter also issued a statement after court thanking his wife and supporters saying i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from melissa, my family, my friends, my community, than i am disappointed by the outcome. in special counsel, david weiss made aware statement defending the case ultimately, this case was not just about addiction a disease that haunts families across the united states, including hunter biden s family this case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throes of addiction. his choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun and the choice to then possess that gun while it what else did did you hear from jurors understand? i was really interested to hear what they had to say about a possible sentencing for hunter biden then because the upper range for conviction on these offenses is potentially decades in prison, hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines. so it s widely expected hunter biden wouldn t get anything anywhere near that. this is of course, a first-time offender, but juror number ten told us he doesn t think that hunter biden should get any prison time. another juror said that hunter needs rehab more than he needs imprisonment or a fine. and while the jury is weighing in on sentencing, it is ultimately actually for the judge should determine the sentence and we expect, while there is no sentencing date, now we expect it will be roughly 120 days after this verdict, which would fall in late. okay? tibur. so that s before election day, but likely after his next federal criminal trial, which is scheduled for early september out in los angeles i ll read thanks so much, paula, let s go next to the white house from cnn s kayla tausche with more and how the president and the first family are dealing with this moment. what s the reaction been from the white house for president biden? anderson president biden is approaching the situation first and foremost as a father in the statement released today, president biden saying, i am the president, but i m also a dad, jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. so many families who have had loved ones battle addiction, understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery, the family greeted each other on the tarmac in delaware. this evening, hunter biden bracing members of white house staff and members of the security detail before the family then retreated to a nearby family home or they re going to be processing together what happens in the next chapter president biden has said that he will accept the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal and the biden reelection can and pain is telling allies that for them, it s going to be business as usual, the president gave a speech at a previously scheduled gun safety event after the verdict, which obviously is somewhat ironic, what did what did he say there? well, it was a fairly awkward confluence of events today. president biden finding out about that verdict just before this pre-planned event, where he was in this situation of a heralding a crackdown in gun violence and expected to tout a, drop in gun crime all while of these verdict had just come in, we knew that president biden was expected to announce more than 500 new charges brought by the department of justice on gun crimes in wake of his new bipartisan gun law that was passed and signed into law in 2022 instead, the president took a broader approach. instead praising the new tools prosecutors were given by that law. anderson kayla tausche, thanks, joining us now to people who ve worked with and no prison biden welsh and political commentators david axelrod and keep betting field also with retard federal judge johnny jones, the third and former federal prosecutor jessica raw, third, judge. let me start with you. does the verdict surprise util know the verdict didn t surprise me at all. anderson, i think the evidence was overwhelming and, what i thought was notable and picking up one, your lead, which i thought was spot on in both of these cases, you had judges want to state judge and the other a federal judge saying, among other things, you must follow the law 224 americans in these two cases, you must follow the law, whether you agree with it or not, and you re not to be concerned about the sentence that i may give if the defendant is convicted, clearly, it validates our system of justice because they did exactly that. jessica, how about you? i mean, any surprise and what kind of grounds? for appeal may there be? yeah. so i was not surprised by the verdict as the judge said, that the evidence really did seem to be overwhelming and the charges were pretty straightforward in terms of what the jury was being asked to find. i think the k is also highlights the limited role that we give to juries in our system. now, they re asked to apply the laws are instructed about the law to the facts and not to render an opinion in the courtroom about whether they think this was a wise prosecution or what they think is an appropriate punishment. i mean, they re really quite limited. it s not clear to me that there are strong grounds for appeal. i mean, there is a second amendment issue on whether or not the law that makes it a crime to possess a gun. if you are addicted to drugs drugs, whether that survives the second amendment challenge under the supreme court s current jurisprudence on that. but that would really only go to one of the three charges. and so it could be that there are some issues with respect to the evidence that was admitted, but that would be subject to harmless error review maybe there s an appellate issue about whether or not he was entitled to essentially the benefit of the plea agreement that he had reached with the special counsel that previously fell apart, but i don t see those as being particularly strong in david. i mean, you re since the verdict the impact it would have on the biden family and the white house. and i obviously on the campaign trail in the days ahead of any well, yeah. look, i think that s the important question anderson a couple of weeks ago and trump was convicted i said that i thought that really important question was not how it would affect voters directly, but how it would affect him in his behavior. and we ve seen his behavior become even more point until an angry since that conviction here this is such a devastating experience for the biden family to have gone through this week to have their families go through this people get into trouble. they go, but not under the glare of the spotlight. this and to have your dearest relatives on the stand and have to go through this has to be devastating to the present. kate would know this even more intimately than me, but i know how much this must hurt him and there must be some feeling of guilt because he is the reason there s a spotlight on the family and why they re travails are so much in the news. so the question is, how does it affect him? he s got a debate in two weeks he s dealing with multiple world issues right now and all the rigors of a campaign and how will he deal with it? i think is a big question. yeah. kate, we mentioned that the president promptly went to delaware to be with his son and again, the contrast between how the trump family approached the manhattan trial and how the biden family approach this trial has start how do you think this is going to impact the president? well, look, it is absolutely hard on him. he is a family man that you really cannot underestimate are under appreciate how close the biden family is, how much they lean on each other. i think it would be hard for any father to go through, not only the experience of this trial, of course, but obviously all that hunter is dealt with and dealing with addiction and things have happened when he was in the grip of addiction. so yes, of course it is personally hard for the president, but i would also note he s somebody who has shouldered a lot of personal tragedy and difficulty while also juggling being in public office, he lost his son, beau to brain cancer when he was vice president. obviously his as you mentioned at the top has his first wife and baby daughter were killed in a car crash just weeks after he was elected to the senate. so he has spent his entire life in public service shouldering challenges, difficulty holding his family close, but simultaneously executing the duties of the office isn t being able to put to put his work first two. so i think his resilience, i think will really be on display for people over the next few months. i think you saw a little bit today, frankly, when he was speaking at the gun safety event, he was lively. he was engaged. he was clearly talking with a lot of passion about the work he s done on gun safety and talking to them the crowd. so i think i think the american people are going to see a lot of resilience for him, but of course this is hard for him. it s hard for him and higher biden family, judge jones, what would you consider for a sentence on these convictions? and also with the idea in mind that he is facing a tax charge as well that s it potentially more worrisome for well, of course, the judge has to follow what are called the sentencing guidelines, which has my colleague knows are numbingly complicated, but the sentence needs to be sufficient, but not greater than necessary to fulfill the purposes of sentencing i think in this case, because he didn t brandished the gun, he didn t commit a crime of violence is on another crime associated with the purchase of very frankly, anderson over almost 20 years in the federal bench. i never had a stand alone case like this. this is really this actual charges or not something that s been tapped on. this is the pen a zebra case, if you will but i think in this case, there s a good argument for probation or with some kind of help remedial help counseling addiction treatment, and so forth. the real real peril comes with the tax charges because this counts as a conviction which has the it will in fact enhance any sentence that he gets if he s convicted at the tax charges. so there s that that s mandatory. that whatever the charges and this it impacts next, the get certain points for prior convictions. and then of course that case is driven in part by the amount of the tax fraud as well, which escalates the sentencing exposure. that s where he really is in jeopardy of going to prison. i don t think this case so much. david, what do you sitting republicans who were insisting tonight, the justice system is being weaponized again the foreign president, even though president biden s own son was just convicted in federal court and you ve got to menendez case and another congressman yeah, that s really complicated for them for that reason. and remember, yeah, you ve got senator menendez on trial right now. congressman cuellar awaiting trial right now. it just puts the light of the the idea that there s this weaponized justice department of justice department has nothing to do with the manhattan da s office, but it s also complicated for them because they have become so zealot zealous about the second amendment that they don t quite know how to talk about. this. so they re all shifting. and the thing that they re doing, anderson is this whole, the mantra and they all move as one. is this biden crime family thing because really what s at play here is they re strategy is to try and say everybody is corrupt, that everybody is swimming in the same murky waters that donald trump is no different than joe biden. and that voters should discount the fact that donald trump is a convicted felon and has some other major cases pending against him. so i think you re gonna see a lot of that. what congressman comer said today, chairman comer was really disgraceful as you pointed out he has been rolling out this cannon periodically. he lights the fuse and every time a flag comes out that says pop. and there s nothing there. and so if they ve got evidence of a crime maybe they should share it with people instead of just talking about it. and i think they don t because they don t in cape person biden and the foreign president obviously have their first debate on cnn june 27th. are you concerned about trump getting under the president skin by invoking hunter biden. he obviously tried it when they debated in 2020 yeah, he tried in 2020 and it really backfired on him. i mean, i can tell you that the data that we saw on the biden campaign after that first debate, where no trump really wound up and tried to come at hunter. was that what people remembered from that debate was joe biden defending his son, talking about his love for his son relating to when people all across the country who ve had dealt with family members and friends who ve suffered from addiction. so it was actually a very relatable moment that really connected joe biden to people across the country. so i think 44 joe biden, he should certainly expect that donald trump is going to come at him with this on the stage. we know that trump s going to try and throw everything he can it biden to get under his skin. but we ve also seen that this is a failing political argument. trump has tried to make it stick for five years. it hasn t, and it ultimately winds up being an opportunity for people to see joe biden s humanity. and that s very moving and power. david axelrod. thank you, judge jones. jessica roth, as well, coming up next, former first daughter, patty day hey, miss her own struggle with addiction and her thoughts about the verdict and later cnn s clarissa ward is exclusive look inside a syrian detention camp are women and children 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inflicts on families being in the public eye are being the child of public figures to add still more complications. my next guest, patty davis knows this well. she is, of course the daughter, of former president reagan and nancy reagan and a new york times op-ed, she writes this about the biden case. it might sound naive and the escaping le, partisan times, but it would be nice if the rest of us or even most of bus could look at how sad this story is. how a man with a loving, supportive family and every advantage and opportunity still fell into the roiling abyss of drug addiction and couldn t stop swimming around in this dark waters. petty davis writes about her own experiences in dear mom and dad, a letter about family memory and the america we once knew thank you so much for being with us. your essay. it was so lovely and to your point in the op-ed, i mean, do you think basic humanity and empathy are? possible in this hyper-partisan moment, the country is in well, i mean, on some days i think it s not possible some days i think it s extinct but i think we have to keep looking for that and we have to keep reaching for it. and i think even some of the comments from the jurors expressed sympathy and compassion for hunter because this is at its root. this is not this story about a hunter biden is not a political story. i don t even think really at its right. it s a crime story, even though he was convicted of some crimes but i think at its root, it is a very sad story about addiction and a disastrous choices that attics make the ripple effects of those choices in families lives and over over time, i mean, obviously this is yes, it doesn t here s the thing about about an you know, when you when you re addicted, your world is very insular. everything is about you and the substance that you re addicted that s that s kind of it, right and once you if you are fortunate enough to let go of that addiction and to stop using whatever substance it is, whether it s drugs or alcohol, you don t immediately change your mode of thinking. you don t immediately like break get out of that. it takes a lot of work and a lot of time and i am assuming that hunter biden is going through that. now. he s starting to realize the extent that his addiction had on everybody else. i think it was very poignant for him. i m probably seeing his daughter testify in court, which has a really difficult thing to do. you were candid about your own struggles with addiction in your teens early 20s in the piece you wrote for the time, as you said, as the daughter of first a governor and then a president? do you know what it s like to live under a glaring, unforgiving spotlight than never dims the choices you make in your life. the mistakes, the stumbles are preserved forever and sometimes tossed out in front of you like a minefield, you have to keep crossing it s i mean, first of all, you re really a lovely writer what kind of scrutiny to you in terms of what did that scrutiny due to you in terms of drug use, what was it like living under that kind of scrutiny? well my drug use wasn t made public. i mean, i have made it public because i ve talked about it since, but i basically i didn t get caught you know, i mean, i wrote about in this book how in my father was governor, i used to, i used to drive. are those so boarded in sacramento on this summer s? i used to drive up to folsom prison because they had a gift shop. how i found out that it keeps other calls from prison. i have no idea. it s not like a 70 is not like i go to google them, but i did and i used to like smoke a joint on the way for some prison, completely stone probably with other joints in my purse fortunately, they didn t search my purse, but a friend of mine when she read this story in my book said, well, were you worried that they would smell it on, you know, i never thought about that. so i never got caught. but the thing that follows me around, what is my activism? in the 80s when my father was president in my sort of stridency and the anti-nuclear movement. and whenever i not whenever i read something about myself, but a lot of times, if i read something about myself, it s patty davis, the rebel daughter president reagan, who protests, protested his policies and everything. it was 40 years ago that is the reality of that political spotlight, which is the harshest spotlight imaginable and unfortunately, hunter biden is going to be followed by yes for the rest of his days, it s just the way that s spotlight has a shelf life of forever. yeah especially now with camera phones and laptops and social media and all of it, which obviously was involved in this trial, that was not around when you were right, you were doing that? yeah yeah. you referenced in your president biden ruling out a pardon for his son, you wrote i m quite sure it wasn t the answer. they re grieving. father wanted to give, but his sons actions and his sons illness forced him into a choice between the primal urge to protect the child and the public responsibility to uphold law that is a terrible place to be. did you ever think when your dad was present that did you ever worry about about it becoming known? or as my drink? yeah. well, i owe well, as governor, i didn t think about it because i was you know, just to strung out on drugs, i didn t think about it, frankly and by the time he was president i had stopped doing drugs but i think like i was saying that that sort of self consumed mode of thinking, i think that was still very much my mode of thinking in the 80s when my father was elected president. and because if i d been thinking more expansively, i think i would have expressed myself differently and not as stridently. i think i probably still would have spoken out about the anti-nuclear in the anti-nuclear movement because i believed in it very strongly but i would have done it differently but i didn t i you know what i mean? it was still that well, i m going to do what i want to do. yeah mentality, patty davis. thank you so much for your time. thank you let me out. by cnn exclusive are rare inside look at detention facilities and syria housing not only captured isis fighters wear their wives and children, one of whom tells her clarissa ward, we don t even know what we ve done more this is country is corrupt. we got to save it do some terrible things for the greater good we need you built it for the soup, start rounding this up and dumping us off in cans show me that doesn t sound good. ashley? ashley. ashley shop etsy until june 16 and get up to 30% off father s day gifts to go beyond the classic go-to segall and personalized gear and other things. dads do when you want a one of a kind gift to shone he s number one, etsy has it. but bike riders again, those colors on in here, you d have to kill me to get this jacket on scan and rice. white writers were your daughter only beaters june 21st, how could anyone possibly know that every single one of these pistachios is 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the speed numbers special edition smart plus 0% interest for 24 months shop now at sleep priceline helps families, they 60% on family-friendly hotels. so many great trips we might just leave here with another vacation baby take it easy cust started today the the most anticipated moment of dyslexia and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america s future. the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine life i d cnn and streaming on max arrested eight nationals from tajikistan inside the united states over there, suspected ties to isis. they ve been surveilled for more than a month officials decided to finally arrest them before possible plot could develop the arrest comes the us also tries to figure out what to do with the tens of thousands of children of suspected isis fighters coming of age in detention facilities, controlled by allies in syria, or teenage boys are separated from their mothers it s produced fears that these facilities could be raising the next generation of isis fighters. cnn s first award was granted extraordinary access aside, those camps. here s her in-depth report. cell phone videos of isis is brutal justice that the world hoped it would never see again. she, my mom amash shared for the first time with cnn these images weren t captured in rocco or mosley and 26 steam they were taken in 2022 in the al-hol camp in northern syria the sprawling dumping ground for the women and children captured after isis was defeated five years after the fall of the caliphate isis is ideology lives on here security officials warn it is a ticking time bomb ungovernable and hostile to the outside world you can see just how fast this places more than 40,000 people are living here. and the most dangerous part of the camp is called the annex. that s where some 6,000 foreign nationals are currently within we were granted exceptionally rare access to the annex by the us back syrian democratic forces will sdf, who control the camp? the women here hail from more than 60 different countries several raise their right index fingers for the cameras, sign of solidarity with the islamic state do you regret your decision to join isis or wash she complains that the conditions in the camp are awful. there are people in the world who will say, you went to join isis. you deserve it. you deserve it. what do you say to that normally if enemy yeah. women and children need the majority of alcohols residents are kids who have ended up here through no fault of their own un has called it a blight on the conscience of humanity. it is effectively a prison camp for women and children are arbitrarily and indefinitely detained should to a group stops us with a frantic plea. one of their sons has been arrested trying to escape the camp. she s asking if she can get her son back, who s in a prison he s got me for monday need that youth march. we want to just send them out so the sdf wouldn t take him. she tells us, once boys turn 12 year, they take them it is a troubling story we hear over and over again the sdf says, it is their policy to separate adolescent boys because they are being radicalized by their mothers an sdf raid earlier here this year netted this video of a training session for children inside the camp. the sdf claims young teenage boys are married off to repopulate the next generation of isis fighters they say may explain the roughly 60 births recorded here every mother this is where some of those boys end up after they are taken. the or cash rehabilitation center conditions here are much better than the camps, but there are only one 150 beds and they are all full shamil. chicago grew up in cologne, germany until his parents took the family to the isis capital rocha. a shrapnel injury to his head has left shamil confused. how old are you come home? my bot without if you don t know shamil was living in our whole camp with his mother and siblings until a few years ago when security forces came into their tent in the middle of the night in colombia enough for a man came and pulled me up and tied my hands behind my back. my mom was screaming. she said leave him alone. he tells us i didn t want to go with them. he pushed me saying, put on your shoes, but i didn t hit me islam is from dagestan, russia, and is one of the youngest boys here three to it s via mama so he s saying that he is just 12-years-old. he has been here about three or for months. he was taken from his mother he doesn t even know what his last name is human rights organizations have said the separations are on a pauling violation of international law but the sds top general must loom abdi defends the policy. no duck admin instead of these organizations condemning what we re doing and calling it a human rights violation. these organizations should give us help when it comes to our program that we have in place for years now to rehabilitate these children the part of the problem seems to be that once these young boys turn 18, there s not anywhere for them to go, particularly if they can t return to their home countries. and so some of them i believe are ending up in prison necessity taken when he says this is not a policy that we are following to put them in prison at 18. the reality is, the goal is to reintegrate them with society but cnn has found that boys as young as 14 had been held here at the notorious panorama prison with an estimated 4,000 inmates. it is the largest concentration of isis fighters in the world. no journalist has been allowed inside panoramas since 2021 until now so the head of the prison has asked me to put on a head scarf what we walked through here because these are some of the most radicalized prisoners they have a senior us official told us the number one concern panorama is a prison break. of fear that was realized in 2022 when hundreds of inmates managed to escape and i look inside 25 men sit cross-legged in silence cell is spotless. the men we see appear to be indecent physical condition but tuberculosis is rampant in the prison. and we are only allowed to look inside two cells you versus your where he found a british man approaches the great, but does not want to show his face i know advocacy groups called the us that s funded panorama illegal black hole, worse than guantanamo bay in an interrogation room we meet 19-year-old stephane ucc or lou from suriname. he tells us he was brought to the prison when he was 14 along with more than 100 other miners have you had a lawyer ever you talk to a lawyer? well, i don t know about the big guys if you speak about the kids assume well, if you know the truth, we don t know even why we re always like punning just like five years in prison, i were punished we don t even know what he s done. like we ve been in prison because of our clients at the sdf intelligence headquarters, we need british pakistani dr. mohammed socket, accused of joining isis. he claims he was the victim of an elaborate kidnapping plot. it says panoramas, inmates are abused. so we live in torture i live in fear we you say you live in torture, do you mean that you are actually physically? ugly being tortured this happens on an off. what kind of torture like beating by the stick, by the gods to be on the side. i m just waiting for my death there s no getting out of this prison. probably never the warden at panorama called psaki pbs claim of abuse it was false saying, quote, all parts of the prison are monitored by cameras and no prison guard can act in this way the sdf and the us are pushing countries just to repatriate their citizens from syria, saying it is the only solution to this complex and dangerous situation. but the process has been slow and many including western allies are dragging their feet in the owl rose can we meet brits, canadians belgians australians, and a couple of americans survive basically 30-year-old hoda methanol has been stuck here with her seven-year-old son for more than five years i have to ask you, i m seeing all of the women here are fully covered. a lot of them covering their faces. you re not covered, you re wearing a t-shirt is that hard it was hard when i first took it. i would say for the first 23 years people were not accepting of it and they harassed us but they stole our stuff and i had to stay strong and show example for my son born and raised in the us, hoda became radicalized online at the age of 20 left her family and alabama to live under you re isis, a decision she quickly regretted if you were to be able to go back to the us and you had to go on trial, potentially serve time in prison. have you reconciled yourself without possibility? i always tell myself that i m going to prison would be a step forward in my life if i had any time to serve, i d server and come out and begin my life with my son for now. that is not an option. while the us advocates repatriation, it ruled holders us citizenship invalid on attacking my palette, i didn t write now, she lives in fear for her son s future what do you miss most about america i just want to breathe at moroccan era and be around people. i loved the people of america. they re very open and they re very forgiving and they re very, they re people who give second chances and i think if they were to sit down with me and listen to my story from the beginning, they would give me a second chance but second chances are hard to come by here. for most repentance is demanded and forgiveness rarely given. as the cost of ignoring this ugly crisis continues to mount first award joins us now, i mean, it s extraordinary to think of all these people in this limbo. you said the us government and rule the citizenship of the american woman you spoke with invalid on a technicality. what else what else do you know better situation node and what viewers authorities commented at all? yes. so we ve reached out anderson to the state department about who does case and they said to us the department has not changed its position with regards to ms madonna s citizenship status as the state department determined in the courts agreed she is not an never was a us citizen. we also heard anderson from her lawyer who responded, if hold them, athena is not a us citizen than she is stateless. and that is a violation of international law. all the directly contradicts what the us government has stated. other countries cannot and should not do. and i should add anderson that a senior us official told us there are about a dozen americans who are still in these camps in northeastern syria. the repatriation process is not straightforward though, because many of them, unlike the coda, don t actually want to go back. we spoke to one woman who asked not to be identified. she said that she has not put her hand up yet. she is a dual national and that she doesn t feel comfortable returning to the us because she s too afraid that she might have to face time in prison. anderson, clarissa ward. thank you. incredible report. thank you. more. breaking news tonight. a bus hijacking in lambda and the deadly discovery after the police chase through city streets in the interests during tonight s rush hour, that in a first in nevada politics, voting isn t just being done behind curtains today now it s from behind bars will explain ahead when i was diagnosed with aids with hiv, i didn t know who i would be, but here i am being me keep being you and ask your health care provider about the number one prescribed five days chevy treatment, big turvy bits rv is a complete one pill once a day treatment used for hiv in many people, whether you re 18 or any with one small pill, pick derby fights hiv to help you get to undetectable and stay there. whether you re just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking hiv treatment as prescribed and getting two and staying undetectable prevents transmitting hiv through sex. serious side effects 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get him not this this go to omaha slash tv today because dad deserves it just a little. father s day wisdom from omaha state remember space and leg room that s more like it the three role alexis, dx with priceline vip family. you can unlock deals five times faster. you don t even have to be an actual family. i d be the dad on the day physically, it s clear that i m the dad okay. so which dad is paying you don t cause bad debt holding me back only ran visions all in one low fixed rates our left 100 keg, no fees required. so phi get your money, right if you re shopping for a hall is real commute tool lets you find homes close to work school, even grandma s house, don t all apps do that. not really trust the number one app, real estate professionals trust this is cnn the world s news network. some were breaking news tonight to shootings in atlanta one at a downtown food court this afternoon, we have 23 people wounded. and while please run that scene, they got word of shots fired on a transit bus, just a few miles away and into a bus hijacking than a police chase onto the interstate finally, when that ended, police made a grim discovery. more now in all, from cnn s ryan young begin around 430 after a call about gunfire and a hostage situation on a bus when officers arrived to investigate, the bus takes off and the chase begins from above, you can see the county bus swerving uncontrollably through rush hour traffic and atlanta dangerously moving in and out of traffic through city streets and onto the highway where elana police officers desperately tried to get the bus pulled over. our initial call was of a gunman on on the bus that was holding hostages and possibly there had been a discharge of a weapon that was the initial nine will warn call that call disconnected, and then a short time later we received another 911 call also from the bus, and that line remained open for the entire time. officers tried blocking the bus in the attempt to use stop sticks, but the bus avoids early attempts to stop it. all of it through atlanta s rush hour traffic at one point, the bus almost hits this truck. it s worth around the car and then veers into traffic as drivers scrambled to get out of the way, a gunman with a gun to the head of a bus driver saying, don t stop this bus or else worst will happen. this is the type of thing that obviously no one is. i mean, it seems like the movies later the bus narrowly misses another group of cars as it drives on the left side of the road before coming to a stop on this tree-lined road, there were 17 individuals on the bus and putting the bus driver unfortunately, as the mayor has stated, one individual has died of injuries which we believe to be a gunshot wound. this is going to be a joint investigation by the atlanta police department as well. was from the georgia bureau of investigation. we currently do have in custody a 39-year-old joseph career officers from several police departments surround the bus. you can see someone coming out with their hands up before he gets on the ground. police at the ready, guns drawn with a tactical armored vehicle on the sea police find one person shot and killed anderson. we re also finding out the man who was arrested as a convicted felon, but i want to tell you something we were doing a news conference about that earlier shooting. and this start happening. i got a phone call from a source that was saying they could see several police cars chasing this car through the streets of atlanta. it was very harrowing. in fact, they saw officers trying to use their car to block that bus, but such a large vehicle moving through the city, it s amazing that no one else got seriously injured, even though sadly, one person did lose their life on that bus today? yes, i m just terrifying ryan young. thank you. now, to exclusive new reporting voting from behind bars, a unique development in the narrowly divided state and nevada, which could determine who wins the white house in which party controls the senate or murray has more inside the largest jail in sin city. it s my first time voting. for the first time that you ve ever vote in any election is when is here in the detention center? yeah. natalie inmates escorted to this holding and then a voting booth. the first one ever set up in the clark county detention center in las vegas. nor are you surprised that there was going to be a voting booth here today? yeah, i was surprised. yeah, it was i didn t expect to its debut just in time for primary de the result of a new law requiring improved valid access for thousands of non felons detained in nevada s jails soon after the booth opened the first voter cast her ballot. how did it feel to be able to cast your vote? it felt nice actually felt good for activists. shigella chambers. you can put that on my epa ten it s a hard-fought victory. there is a pressure for us to shine brightly on this first run. a felony conviction after a violent altercation during college costs, chambers his freedom and his voting rights for more than five years. and i feel that someone who is doing this work needs to be formerly incarcerated to engage their population now we worked for the non-profit silver state poises, running outreach to thousands of potential voters behind bars. one of the first bullet points on here it says why you cannot vote, okay, that s the key. you i cannot vote if you are serving a sentence on a felony conviction in a city or county jail, then it makes clear if you re pretrial or serving on a misdemeanor you re eligible jackpot. one of the biggest hurdles, convincing eligible incarcerated voters to cast a ballot amid polarization and misinformation, more than 2,500 ballots were cast by individuals whose names and dates of birth match incarcerated felons. do you think that has an impact on even people who are eligible to vote without question, without question it took months and the threat of lawsuits for jails to get up just be we had an election happened, but no jail fully. what s compliant with the law facilities across the state worked with voting rights groups like the aclu and election workers to finally ensure ballot access ahead of tuesday s primary, their vote should not be any less important than the individuals that are out here. and unfortunately, they face those barriers that we were here on outside, don t even really think about those barriers. the basics for those who are behind bars postage for change of address forums. blue and black pens to fill in balance and at least in this jail a polling booth something that goes beyond what the law while requires. this is something that is the first for us and i think we re going to probably do it better than anybody else. we ve tried to pride ourselves on that there really was no model for us to follow. we ve had a couple of opportunities to make sure we get it right for the general election in november chambers hopes this is one step toward politicians actively campaigning for voters behind bars in clark county. you have potential victory is lying in those sales at least for now. i want to i guess is it makes a huge difference night, i step toward voters like elliot carver hall having their voices heard, it felt a little bit of empowerment, a little slow, a little tiny bit sara marie joins us now from las vegas. so this is the first time he s running boost had been used. how did the process go? it went pretty smoothly, although there were voters who showed up to vote and found out they were actually registered in a different county or in some cases, in a different state, which is negating the education gap that still exist for those who are behind bars. there were dozens of folks who wanted to vote from the jail today and we expect that that s going to number is going to be even longer when we get to the general election in november. this was sort of a dry run for the big event coming up, anderson be interesting to do polling and see if they re running for it? sir, maria, thanks so much in news continues. the src

Cnn , Thanks , Cities , Stage , Plans , Kremlin , Matthew-chance , Matthew-tonight , Moscow , Us , Weapons , Territory

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240612

not that kamala harris was a good dancer, she was a terrible dancer too but at least she tried a little bit. it s just not a good idea to be around people who are great dancers or good dancers and then you are kind of rocking in an awkward this whole administration looks like a reality show called america s got issues. the whole video catches look at it, it s all we ve got. jimmy, i knew we would get in trouble with this got good to see you as always. don t forget to catch jimmy failla on the road, red bank new jersey next week. that s it for us, don t forget to follow me on social media. jesse next. jesse: welcome to jetties jesse watters primetime . tonight. hunter biden convicted of two counts of lying on a form. a combination of guns and drugs made his conduct dangerous. no one in this country is above the law. jesse: hunter finally faces the music. what s this mean for the big guy? have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. ideals and we don t know fully what american soil is. [ ] [ ] jesse: happy juneteenth. [ inaudible ] took everything from us. there s nothing that could replace my son. jesse: the face of evil. do whatever you can to keep this monster behind bars. jesse: plus. my name s wanda. that s not what you told me. will who are you? [ ] [ ] jesse: fox news alert, guilty, guilty, guilty. was the verdict handed down by a jury of hunter biden s peers. for the first time in his life, hunter faced the music. two counts of lying on a gun form, one count of possession of a firearm by a drug user. hunter biden appeared wide-eyed and motionless as he became the first child of a sitting president to be convicted of a crime. three felonies, hunter facing a maximum of 25 years in prison. sentencing guidelines suggest just a couple although the judge could deviate and do whatever she wants. sentencing will probably occur before september 5th when hunter goes on trial in la for tax evasion. that means hunter could be sentenced to prison just days before the second presidential debate. he will obviously appeal. here s a special council after today s verdict. hunter biden was convicted of two counts of lying on a form submitted to a federal firearms dealer about his addiction or use of crack cocaine. and possessing a firearm while a user or addict. no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions back even this defendant. however hunter biden should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. jesse: that s the same biden prosecutor who tried to hand hunter probation and lifetime immunity for the guns and tax felonies. we were wondering where this newfound concept of accountability came from. here s what one juror had to say after the verdict. watch. biden was on trial, just like anybody else. no one is above the law, no matter who you are. politics played no part in this whatsoever. jesse: the jury followed the law, the judge ran a tight trial and justice was served. but just because one democrat was convicted doesn t mean the american legal system isn t being abused. the feds are throwing dozens of republicans in prison on trumped up charges and trying to incarcerate the republican nominee for a crime they cooked up with black magic to hocus-pocus and election. hunters judge did not donate to a group called stop democrats either. the media celebrated the trump verdict like a july 4th barbecue but treated hunters like a funeral. this trial inside the courtroom, like virtually every criminal trial, was a personal tragedy, a family tragedy. every presidential family is part of the american family, that s the way it works. this is a tragedy for the biden family. that family drama played out in a courtroom in ways we have never seen before. it does not make it any less painful for the nation or for the family. but the verdict is now real and the consequences will apply. this public life of this family which began a half-century ago after all with the car accident that killed his late wife and his daughter, injured his two sons, you ve now fast forward to today and this really dramatic and ultimately painful process continues. jesse: hunters everything the media claims to despise, a white privileged sexist spoiled brat who barks don t you know who my daddy is? but he s a democrat so the media circles the wagons. the media has more sympathy for a crack addict to dumped a gun by a school than for a president who just wants to make america great again. moments ago, hunter and joe were seen hugging on the tarmac in delaware where they will be spending the night together. i m sure this father s day weekend will be a little awkward biden wished he could have been there sooner but in an act of poetic injustice, he had to attend a gun-control event just hours before the verdict. there s never been a time that says you can own anything you want. you could not own a cannon during the civil war. think about it, how much to here this praise, the blood of liberty give me a break. if they want to think they can take on government if we get out of line which they are talking again about, they need f-15s, they don t need a rifle. [ crowd noise ] no, no, no, no, no. jesse: biden s son was so high he s lucky no one died but he wants to restrict the cyclamen meant for sober law-abiding americans. our government had f-15s in afghanistan and attala bench one with rifles by the way. we are not looking to overthrow joe just to throw him out. after a jury found hunter guilty of gun felonies, joe biden said he is proud of him. jill and i love our son and we are so proud of them and he is today. there s no contrition at all by the biden family. hunter did not show any remorse, he was smiling afterwards. his father is not ashamed, would not even gently condemn his son s actions. hunter has committed more crimes than we can count and all biden says is he s proud. the reason hunter has broken the law for 30 years and not pay the piper is because of his dad. if every time i screwed up and my dad s response was i m proud, son, i love you, i would keep screwing up. bailing somebody out over and over again does not mean you love them. hunter was kicked out of the navy for cocaine on an administrative discharge instead of a dishonorable one because his dad greased the brass. hunter got caught with cocaine at the jersey shore way back in the eighties and the senator s son had his record expunged. when he left his crack pipe in a rental car, police investigated and dropped the charges. when he put 20 grand on his dad s amex for russian escorts, the secret service cleaned it up. when he lost his laptop, the fbi and cia covered it up. when he owed millions in back taxes, s sugar brother foot the bill. when he needed money for alimony and child support, daddy s donors bought his dopey art. his dad s own justice department tried to make the gun and tax case go away a year ago today. what makes you think daddy won t save him again? will you accept the jury s outcome, there verdict, no matter what it is? yes. have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. jesse: biden never used the word commute. commuting a sentence means you just spring him out of prison. the charge is still on the record. biden is going to have to save his son to save his own hide. remember that taxes and the gun, only a fraction of the crimes hunter and joe biden would be guilty of, it prosecutors were allowed to follow the facts, was there blowers have testified that investigators were blocked at every turn from following leads that lead to joe. the cia and fbi and the treasury department s are all in on the cover up. a strong case could be made for trump prosecutors to investigate money laundering, racketeering bribery, foreign lobbying conspiracies. donald trump calls the gun case a distraction. the trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family which is raked in tens of millions of dollars from china, russia and ukraine. rocha joe biden s rain over the biden family criminal empire is all coming to an end on november 5th and never again will a biden cell government access for personal pride it profit. hunter biden may have faced verdict today but the verdict on joe biden will come november 5th. cohost of the 5 judge jeanine pirro is here and she s matching me. judge, will this judge sentenced hunter biden to prison? well there are those who think that the sentencing guidelines which are no longer mandatory can call for between 15 and 21 months and of course if the judge wants to do a downward departure, she can do so but she has to give a reason to do so. i don t know that she would be inclined to do so given a couple of things. hunter biden could have pled guilty, admitted, took responsibility and admitted remorse. this judge also is the judge who first saw through the fact that the hunter biden team and the department of justice was trying to pull the wool over her eyes and create this immunity in perpetuity so hunter biden would never be prosecuted for a crime for the rest of his life. jesse: i want one of those deals. who doesn t? in addition to that, the nullification argument. i mean the defense that went on in this courtroom just divide any kind of reason and it was really an insult to the jury that s all right through it. i mean you ve got the defendant whose boys is bellowing in the courtroom basically saying i was addicted to drugs. you ve got all kinds of evidence, a laptop that the biden a ministration and everyone in so-called intelligence said was fake so this judge may say enough of pulling the wool over everyone s eyes, maybe i will give him some jail time. jesse: if the sentence comes down right before the fifth where he goes on trial for taxes in la, does hunter immediately appeal, when does he serve a sentence or would dad come in and commute? i don t think his dad is going to do anything before the election because he does not have to. if there is a sentence that is imposed that calls for some jail time, even a small amount, the defendant has the right to request a pallet bail. it will probably be granted so he will not have to serve any jail time. and of course joe biden can wait until the end of his term or he can commute his sentence. who knows, joe has changed his mind, we don t even know if he understood the question. but it s interesting. i want to say one thing, that whole biden family stood there and sat there in the front row with this united front, you know, we love hunter, and every one of them has been negatively impacted by hunter biden being a crack addict and getting a gun. but in addition to that, everyone part of that united front was getting money from what you call the crime family, from all over the world everyone got some money from an llc. so that family is not what they appear to be i think that the jury s all right through it. it s in no way a nullification. this is a very easy case. the quickness within which they brought back the verdict tells me that they weren t pulling any punches. jesse: why do you think the president of the united states at a time like this when his son has been convicted of a serious gun charge that could have piled up having a kid snatch it from the trashcan and may be shoot himself are his sister in the head, why doesn t he say anything contrite? like my son made a mistake or i m sorry that we are putting the country through this, just a gently worded phrase to show the american people that the family takes some responsibility and has some remorse? because hunter biden was considered the prince in delaware. everyone called him the prince. he s never been held accountable for anything he s done. he s 54 years old. in addition to that, they have to admit the hypocrisy because within hours of the sentence, joe biden was saying we have to have stronger gun laws, we have to make sure these guns are secure and kept in safe places. i mean come on tell that to your son. jesse: judge jeanine, we will see you on the 5 tomorrow. no more trials for a while, we are out of trials, what are we going to talk about? see you tomorrow. congressman james comer joins me now. congressmen, you ve sent referrals to the attorney general on perjury because he lied to you guys in a sworn deposition. so he s got a lot hanging over his head here. how do you think that s going to shake out in light of this conviction? well it s more problems for hunter biden. look, what hunter biden did in the deposition is he clearly lied and why did he lie? he lied to protect joe biden. but the fact that he lied under oath is clearly perjury. this will be used to determine his sentencing. so not only do you have the gun trial where he clearly lied on a gun application, the jury s all right through that, now he s got his tax evasion charges where we know he did not pay his taxes, we know to this day he hasn t paid his taxes, his taxes were paid years later by major democrat donor prior to the presidential election to help alleviate a problem joe biden had in the presidential election against trump. so what we ve done with the criminal referrals as you know is the first step. it s just the beginning, but it s a major problem for hunter biden and it s going to be taken into account when it comes time for his sentencing. jesse: how do you feel as an investigator who cracked this case wide open with a laptop, followed every lead as far as you could, ran into some roadblocks, and there are only focusing on a narrow, still in quincy and a gun charge, which they had to prosecute because he had pictures of it all over the internet? how does that make you feel. justice will not be served until the department of justice takes into account all of the financial crimes that the entire biden family committed. it wasn t just hunter biden, it was also joe biden and jim biden, the entire family benefited from the biden influence peddling schemes. we had three people testify who were once partners with hunter biden in these schemes. they testified under oath that the biden s were selling the biden brand, they were selling access to joe biden. there was never a legitimate business. we know from whistleblowers they never paid taxes on the tens of millions of dollars that they took from adversaries around the world. we have laws in congress where i am right now that prevent people from doing this. it s called the foreign registration act, foreign corrupt practices act. we know the biden s have violated these laws so until the department of justice takes the real serious crimes into account, justice has not been served. if i listed the top ten crimes that the president s son committed, lying on a gun application would not even make the cut. jesse: so true. is hunter biden taking the fall to save his dad? it sure looks like that. he looks like someone that s got a pardon in his back pocket. people asked today, will the president pardon hunter biden. while the department of justice is not finished with him. they have this tax evasion trial, then they ve got these criminal referrals, and as i ve said many times over the past week, we are not finished. the criminal referrals will just the beginning of the accountability face. we ve gone through great lengths and we ve been very transparent with the american people about the money this family has taken in, we ve been very transparent about the 20 shell companies, the llcs the biden s had that appear to serve no purpose other than to launder money, and when i say launder i m using a word that six different banks used in those suspicious activity reports. they laundered money to ten different biden family members and according to the irs whistleblowers, they never paid taxes. jesse: and you are still looking at new bank records you ve got your hands on. yes. we find new accounts every day. jesse: all right, thank you james comer, he was posted. let s bring in former white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany. how do you think president biden is feeling today? i imagine it s pretty rough because there has been reporting for a year plus saying that every single day he has been following hunter biden and the legal matter, so much so that aids will bring it up to him and he will kind of erupt. so aids kind of tiptoe around him, they don t want to bring it out, even though it is a live political story, one that we talk about often, and the white house press briefing, there was supposed to be one today, there wasn t one. i imagine they did not want to field questions on this. i imagine as a father this is a tough moment. he doesn t even want to talk about the politics of it but he will have to at some point. jesse: but the verdict does contain the potential thrust into his own personal and financial affairs. and so do the tax charges. they have been walled off from anything against joe biden. so at the same time, as distraught as he is about his son, his addiction and conviction, he must feel politically insulated from any future exposure. i think he does. i would be stunned if hunter biden did not take a plea deal ahead of the tax charges. that is where you start getting subpoena power. that is where you start getting subpoena power over all of these bank accounts that james comer is talking about. he subpoenaed them on the congressional level but they start to come into a live court case. there is simply no way they allow that to go to trial when they know they ve got, to your point if you don t want to pardon hunter, you have a commutation in your back pocket, you will either pay a lame duck president or second term president, more likely the first. he s going to pardon his son. s son is going to take a plea deal. i would be stunned if he allowed that. jesse: and he would take a plea deal to serve any time? remember he rejected serving time in the first plea deal that blew up. yeah, look, i think he learned a lesson. he overplayed his hand today. the facts are supposed to match the law in order to get a conviction. this was a slamdunk case. the facts match the law. he lied on a gun form. tax evasion. either you paid your taxes or you didn t and in his case he did not. this is a slamdunk. if he would have taken a plea deal today it would have been much better for him when it came to sentencing, would have gotten a much lighter sentence, so why would you not do that with the tax evasion? jesse: and right before the second presidential debate when everybody in the country starts paying attention. kayleigh mcenany has never broken a law and her life, have a great night. never, thank you jesse. jesse: breaking news on wanda the ballot stuffer straight ahead. [ ] [ ] - it s apparent. not me. - yeah. nice going lou! nothing like a little confidence boost to help ease you back in to the dating scene. that includes having a smile you feel good about. fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don t need to sacrifice quality work for a price that fits your budget. at $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping our patients put their best smile forward. it s one more way aspen dental is in your corner. [ ] jesse: last night was a special event to the white house? no, they did not bring back the trans plaster. it was juneteenth, nine days early. it s a celebration of the end of slavery after the civil war so the event is meant to be energetic. [ ] jesse: but sleepy lived up to his name. for nearly one minute joe biden froze like he was in the trump courtroom. watch this. [ ] it s juneteenth! let me see some people on the grass! [ ] come on, where my people at? come on and party! i need to see my people. [ ] jesse: it was so uncomfortable that george floyd s brother had to give the president one of those, you all right bro, you good? does not joe out of it. [ ] to snap joe out of it [ ] jesse: then biden had to speak and use words even 24 hours later we still can t decipher. they are all ghosts, trying to take us back. there are, taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote. banning books about lack experiences. grandmother juneteenth. she [ inaudible ] jesse: he s jet lag from france and tormented over his sons trial, he does not want to be at a juneteenth party and it shows. the man with the nuclear codes is cracking. it was the biden administration who may juneteenth a federal holiday and they are not even celebrating it on june 19th. what the heck is going on here? a new poll shows how much black americans distrust the biden government. three quarters of black americans believe that police do little to stop guns and drugs in black communities. a.k.a. they want more thorough police work. over half of black americans think the government encourages single motherhood to eliminate the need for black men. and over half of black americans believe the government promotes birth control and abortion to keep the black population small. the founder of plant parenthood degrees. what to do you know? black and white americans both think biden s governments deviously corrupt. founder of conserve the culture michaela montgomery joins us now. have you ever seen somebody celebrate juneteenth like joe biden? i ve never seen a more lackadaisical celebration when it comes to my people, so no. not at all. jesse: are you worried about the president? it looked like for a second there he forgot he was alive. i m definitely worried about the president s cognitive abilities to lead this country. when you look at everything that s going on internationally, i don t know how i could feel safe living in a country where my president does not seem to even know where he is, let alone be able to keep track of everything that s going on in the world. jesse: these poll numbers, i m so glad we showed them because the majority of black americans believe police don t do enough to keep guns and drugs out of those communities. in other words, they want more aggressive policing, they want police to do a good job, to have the resources and crackdown on crime. that s what republicans and all americans have been saying across the country for years. yeah, i never thought that d funds a police movement made sense because when something happens, who else are you going to call? even here in atlanta we have a public training facility being built so then we can better train our officers and give them the resources they need to better serve our communities. so yeah, it is, you know, pretty interesting how now everybody is more so shifting to something that was originally conservative value. as i was telling what of my friends earlier, there s no reason why the hood was the hood when your grandma was a child and it looks like it s still going to be the hood when your kids have kids, you know. these people are tired of seeing their communities being run down, tired of seeing addiction take over their loved ones. so yeah, they would encourage that the taxes that they pay go to better law enforcement, to better policy and better community relations. jesse: black americans getting tired of joe biden in the democratic party. why do you think it has taken until now, and all right after the trump presidency and four years into the biden presidency back on till now for black americans to say hey, we are not wedded to the democrat party like we have been for decades? one of the first things is of course joe biden telling us we are not black if we don t vote for him. that had a lot of us like what you mean i m not black. that started to raise questions. but then of course the current state of the economy is not helping. everybody is frustrated with the fact they need three jobs to pay one mortgage. so yeah. jesse: all right. do like my pink tie? getting a lot of compliments. i love it, you know, the pink is my thing. jesse: that s right. real men and women wear pink. have a great night. eight ice as fighters caught and released by the biden a ministration at the border. right back. [ ]as ( ) i don t care if we ever come back that i always remember the fun we had i love fishing with dad now through june 14th save 10% on dad s favorite gift, special father s day gift cards, bass pro shops and cabela s. this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you ll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it ll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. jesse: fox news alert. eight a legal s with suspected isis ties crossed over the border into the country. ice arrested him in philadelphia, la and new york. national correspondent bill melugin has the latest. reporter: a federal source with knowledge to this case tells fox news that eight nationals of to gk stan with suspected ties to isis were arrested by i.c.e. in recent days in new york, philadelphia and right here in los angeles. it is over 7000 miles away from the southern border and boxes told it all eight illegals received full that in by dhs at which time we are total derogatory information on them was flagged. we are told potential ties to terrorism and national security concerns flagged later on after they were apparently released into the u.s. in a joint statement of fox news, the fbi and dhs confirmed the arrest saying in part as the fbi and dhs have recently described in public and partner bulletins, the u.s. has been in a heightened threat environment. the fbi and dhs will continue working around-the-clock with our partners to identify it, investigate and disrupt potential threats to national security. you might remember back in april fbi director christopher ray told a house subcommittee that the threats against the u.s. have increased since israel was attacked by hamas on october 7th. given those calls for action, our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw some kind of twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out tax here at home. reporter: and the fbi, dhs and our sources haven t said when and where these eight tajikistan nationals crossed over southern border but sources tell us they did cross illegally, they were not visa overstays. this is exactly what people have been worried about. jesse: sure is, unbelievable, thank you. the election is less than five once away, the media thinks the most important question about the last election is this. as a journalist, as an american, what do you think is the most important question that needs to be answered from both candidates? who won the last election. very simple. let s discuss and debate. i mean look, it s been asked by donald trump, he refuses to answer it correctly but we will see what he s does. in front of 140 million people. it s a little different. jesse: stephanopoulos thinks november 5th is a referendum on january 6th. also rachel maddow thinks trump will put her in internment camp. she says i m worried about the country broadly if we put someone in power who is openly about way that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people. for that matter, what convinces you that these massive camps he s planning are only for migrants? so yes, i m worried about me, but only as much as i m worried about all of us. don t flatter yourself, rachel, if anyone is going to a camp, it s a costa. so like anybody with boeser. no one is sending anybody to camps, you silly goose. except for our sons and daughters as we can get some peace and quiet this summer. this preemptive strike against the next trump presidency is nothing compared to the preemptive strike against the supreme court which has been relentless and vicious, including everything from triggering armed psychos to hunt down justices to flag gate. work recusal from that trump cases is the goal, secondarily to delegitimize the court so the trump opinions are discredited. the latest dirty trick got a liberal activist went undercover and secretly recorded justice alito and his wife during a private event. she pretended to be a conservative and tried baiting the justice into saying something scandalous. watch. people in this country who believe in god have to keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. i agree with you. i support your ruling. i am very pro-life. i don t know how we bridge the gap. i wish we knew. i don t know. i don t think it s something we have a very defined roll. jesse: nothing controversial here about the answer. he does not think we will be able to change pro-choice people s minds and he thinks we should have more religion in the country. so what? but the media seized on it as disqualifying. we know alito is essentially a fox host on the court. new developments about supreme court justice samuel alito s compromised ethics and open support and comfort with extreme far right causes. jesse: former presidential candidate the back ramaswamy joins me now. i did not think they would have this kind of dirty trick in their back but they are going undercover now. what you think is next? the reality is, this radical left will stop at nothing to implement their agenda. they will go through the law system, they will go through prosecutorial systems, the financial system and through administrative agencies. the reality is, the american people are seeing through the farce they have put up and you full me once, shame on you, for me twice, shame on me. most people in this country understand that. the media s histrionics are becoming even more extreme because they realized that people aren t falling for it but that is going to backfire i believe heading into november. jesse: i m fine with undercover journalistic tactics, that s been bread-and-butter for decades but it s not like a big expose if he likes god and doesn t think he can change the minds of pro-choice americans. earlier i want to get your take on this because we had breaking news earlier. hunter biden found guilty of three gun felonies this morning in delaware. could be facing up to two years, possibly more in prison, if the judge sentences him that way. what do you think this will do to the biden campaign? look, i think there s a couple of things going on here. i think this particular trial and conviction is a bit of a farce, a bit of a faint retreat. no to the timing. it came right after the trump trial and the trump verdict. the purpose of this is in the public eye, to legitimize the trump conviction. it s also designed to deflect attention away from what they should be going after the biden family for which is selling off our foreign policy to make their family rich in places like ukraine where hunter biden has absolutely no business serving on the board of a state affiliated energy company which happens to be the same country we are sending $200 billion of american taxpayer money to. so that s what this is about, it s a bit of a deflection, all against the backdrop that these are federal charges when his father is the sitting president of the united states who can absolutely pardon those actual convictions. so we should not fall for that trick and i think that s what this is about. jesse: timing is everything in politics and in life. vivek ramaswamy, thank you, have a great night. you too. jesse: wanda is back. 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(reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin . no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it s easy. (kev) . i guess we re movin . jesse: fox news alert, wanda has been arrested. the democrat operative who was caught on camera allegedly stuffing pallets in bridgeport, connecticut last year was charged with unlawfully possessing another person s ballot and witness tampering. but this has nothing to do with her alleged stuffing in 2023. this goes all the way back to 2019. wanda was arrested for ballot fraud in the city s 2019 democrat primary for the same candidate she helped elect in 2023,. wanda is accused of filling out someone s absentee ballot, telling them to not vote in person and then asking them to not tell investigators about what she said. wanda is not the only democrat arrested for fraud. three other bridgeport democrats were charged. one of them is a city councilman. wanda has been suspended with pay from her city job for months she works for the front desk for the mayor she got into office. fox 61 reporter paid her a visit today. watch this. we like to talk with the mayor about some of the city workers being arrested for election fraud. be right with you. reporter: we waited. fast-forward. the mayor did not want to talk to us but his 2019 and 2023 mayoral opponents did. i always felt like they had been cheated. i did not know the depth of it. we called it live on video directly from city hall. the players and the actors remain the same. reporter: they both say they believe they should be occupying bridgeport s corner office. i m going down to city hall and telling him to get out of my chair. jesse: candidates were cheated, voters don t trust the system. this is why you need squeaky clean elections every time. we need every wanda locked up before november. a cleveland woman was in court yesterday for the murder of a 3-year-old boy and attempted murder of the kids mom. what she did next was disgusting. senior national correspondent kevin corke with more. reporter: evening. you know sometimes it really takes every ounce of your being to not say what you really want to say about a person because it would be propane and perhaps even worse, which is why tonight there s precious little i can say about bianca ellis. she is that cleveland woman who s been charged with killing a sweet 3-year-old little boy named julian and for stabbing his mother. but if you thought she would show any remorse for the crime or any ounce of humanity or regret, you would be sadly mistaken because at her arraignment yesterday she did no such thing. in fact she did the opposite, smirking and preening for the cameras without a care in the world, a foegele repugnant display of sheer evil. none of this should have happened in the first place because ellis already had a warrant because of a theft conviction. though she had previously been taken into custody by cops, she was later released. then just four days later she stabbed little julian to death and wounded his mother margo. authorities are calling it a random act of violence. her pale has been set at $5 million. we wish per no bail, period, or extended to the max possible at the very least. do whatever you can to keep this monster behind bars. jesse: your heart goes out to that dad. to top it all off, back in february ellis, who also has a felony battery wrap on her jacket, ended up in a women s shelter and allegedly told officers there she wanted to kill someone and eat their flesh. if convicted in this case, she could face the death penalty, and some would argue that s not enough. back to you. jesse: not enough. to give her the chair twice. kevin, thank you. more primetime ahead. 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Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240612

threat. but moscow has been signaling displeasure that washington recently green light getting ukrainian attacks on russian territory with us supplied-weapons speaking ahead of the cube and naval visit, vladimir putin warned of a possible russian response. easley, and you put it today in the west lai weapons to the zone of combat operations and call for the use of these weapons against our territory. then why do we not have the right to do the same? to mirror these actions? i m not ready to say that we ll do it tomorrow, but we of course, should think about it elsewhere moscow has been stepping up tactical nuclear drills to staging exercises with neighboring belarus near the ukrainian border. russian tactical nukes delivered from either ground or air can level entire cities or the kremlin insists it has no plans at this stage to use the matthew chance cnn moscow. thanks so much for joining us. the situation room begins now happening. now, breaking news, hunter biden s historic guilty verdict on three felony gun charges, becoming the first child hello, to the sitting us president to face conviction. we re getting new reaction from the defense team, the special counsel, the first family, and the trump campaign plus new tails, new details are emerging from donald trump s probation interview that could weigh on judge juan merchan, sentencing decision. what trump told me officials about a firearm. he didn t turn over to police after his indictment. and what that means potentially now that he s a convicted felon also tonight secret audio recordings to taken by liberal activist are raising new questions about the neutrality of the us supreme court. justice samuel alito s comment it s about religion, are raising eyebrows. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i m willing or a year in the situation room the skis, cnn breaking news the breaking news tonight, that president biden in delaware right now after a jury convicted his son, hunter biden on federal gun charges, are chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid has the latest developments of the conclusion of this historic trip president joe biden, son hunter, left federal court in wilmington, delaware today, a convicted felon, a jury of six men and six women, took less than three hours to find him guilty on three counts related to a 2018 gun purchase a few jurors spoke to cnn after court adjourned. one question, whether the case should have been brought in the first place, saying it seemed like a waste of taxpayer dollars, but another juror told cnn that this was a legitimate pursuit. i mean, do you think that this was a legitimate use of taxpayer resources to bring this case? yes. i do believe it, despite feeling badly for hunter and his battles with addiction, the 12 jurors agreed that they had no choice but to convict all 12 jurors. did agree that yes, he know and laying bought a gun when he was an attic or he was addicted to drugs and the jurors interviewed by cnn said politics played no role in their decision. those are inviting never really even came in to play for me. his name was only brought up one store in the trial and that s when i that s when it kind of sunk and a little bit, but you kind of put that out of your mind. president biden released a statement after his son s verdict saying, in part i am the president, but i am also a dad jill, and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today and i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal hunter also issued a statement after court thanking his wife and supporters saying i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from melissa, my family, my friends, and my community, than i am disappointed by the outcome. special counsel, david weiss made a rare statement defending the case ultimately, this case was not just about addiction, a disease that haunts families across the united states, including hunter biden s this case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throes of addiction this conviction comes to the possibility of a decades in prison, hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines. but that is the upper range of sentencing possibilities. it s widely expected here that hunter biden would face something far less. one of the jurors that we spoke with today said he doesn t believe that hunter biden should go to jail at all but the decision ultimately rests with the judge and we ll find out what she decides. we re back here likely in october for sentencing. there is no date set at this point, but is expected that it will happen before election day. wolf ball arena, delaware for us. thank you very much. i want to go to the white house right now. that s where cnn s kayla tausche is standing by. taylor what more can you tell us about how president biden is handling this conviction? well, well, if we can say that president biden is handling this emotionally and with his family i m late in-person, although the biden family has in the past sought privacy during events related to hunter s legal battles. but today, choosing a very republic show of support at the delaware air national guard, where you saw president biden hugging hunter, hugging his wife, melissa biden, and giving a kiss on the head to bone let s his toddler son to hunter and waleses toddler son, beau before hunter greeted the secret service members and many white house staff members before getting into his his own car. and leaving that scene. but this of course comes as president biden is seeking to wear two hats, one of both dad and president. and in that role president earlier in the day, he delivered remarks at a gun safety event everytown for gun safety is gun sense university where he was talking about all of the new the protections put in place by a bipartisan gun law that he and members of congress and promoted back in 2022 following the uvalde school shooting. and he was expected to announce a high volume of doj prosecution s on new gun crimes under that law, totaling more than 500. that statistic appeared in a doj press release but it did not appear in the president s remarks, the white house, when asked about why not they chose instead to point to the overarching message that president biden delivered. there. now as for what happens next, president biden has already been asked about the powers of clemency that he possesses as president and whether he would seek a pardon for his son he has said had no here s how that response came in will you accept the jury s outcome, their verdict no matter what it is? yes. and have you ruled pulled out a pardon for your son? yes. you have he was not asked about a potential commutation of a potential sentence, but the sentencing is currently expected to take place in the weeks before the election. wealth. kayla tausche at the white house for us, kayla, thank you. i want to dig deeper right now with our legal and political experts of course, khardori or former federal prosecutor, i ll start with you. what do you make of this fascinate the fascinating information we ve learned at least so far from jurors about how they reached this guilty verdict. well, it may think it s a testament to their honesty that the president s status as our commander-in-chief apparently did not weigh into there deliberations in any serious way. i do share the view of one of the jurors who described this as a potential waste of taxpayer money but nevertheless, that juror voted to convict hunter biden, understanding evidently that it s not that person s decision to decide whether or not the case should have been brought, but it was brought the judge the evidence and reach the conclusion that i think was largely unavoidable. jamal, let me get your thoughts and your mouth. simmons is with us. hunter biden, of course, is not a candidate. he s just the president s son. so what do you think the actual political impact of this conviction could be? i don t think there s going to be that great, but political impact, most people are not going to be swayed by this because most people have had some experience with their lives as the tragedy of addiction and gone down the road of what happens if people in their families who are addicted. so on one hand, you ve got the president signs and who is an addict? two substances on the other hand, you ve got a former president who has been convicted of 34 counts of hiding hush money payments to as pornstar mistress to keep her from going public during the midst of a presidential campaign. they re not the same thing. i think most voters know that alyssa farah griffin is also with us. alyssa, i want you in our viewers to listen to the house speaker mike johnson s reaction earlier today to this verdict. listen to this mr. speaker, you ve been saying two-tiered system of justice for some time. here s the president sayyed being convicted on three counts as that undercut your client it doesn t every case is different and clearly the evidence is overwhelming here. i don t think that s the case and the trump trials and all the charges that have and brought against couldn t have been obviously brought for political purposes. a hunter biden is a separate instance does this verdict elicit take the steam out of the republicans baseless claims about the weaponization of the us justice department of course, while it absolutely undercut said just taking a step back, we re in uncharted territory here were the same department of justice that indicted donald trump in the mar-a-lago documents case. and in the january 6 case, also just convicted the sitting president, son of a crime through a jury this is anything underscores that our justice system works without fear or favor despite the imperfections of it, it is something that works to be objective and i think it dramatically undermines this claim that it s a weaponized system. if you re an undecided voter, who d wasn t really sure what to make of the trump conviction. you her on the one side, on the right, that this was a weapon and on the left that no. a jury of his peers found him guilty. you re seeing this and i think you re saying, oh, wait, the system does seem to work regardless of who s who the name of the person that is on trial on kirsha, you were in the courtroom. my for much of this trial, hunters, sentencing, as we know, will likely take place in the fall before the election how much time, if any, is he realistically, realistically looking at? and does he have a chance on appeal? look, i would think he would be looking realistically at potentially months in prison if the prosecutors decide to seek a prison term and the judge is seriously considering it that would be consistent with sort of a first-time offender in this space. i m sure he will be arguing for a probation and he would have a good claim to probation given his history in and the uniqueness of this prosecution. but i think at the sort of the extreme he would looking at months, not not multiple years in terms of its appeal prospects. look, i do think he has a colorable appeal here based on his argument that the second amendment basically renders this prosecution unconstitutional and a prohibition it s not generally speaking, then as applied to him, unconstitutional. i have no idea how that issue will be resolved, but the supreme court has issued some very pro-gun rulings in this area. and if you were to follow the logic of the bruin decision to a t, there is a pretty good argument here that the laws under which biden was convicted are also unconstitutional as applied to him under the second amendment two, very interesting jamal or the timing of the verdict and eight, created a rather bizarre optics situation with the president biden delivering a previously scheduled speech, speech about gun safety. what just hours after his son was convicted on felony gun charges? the white house also later canceled the daily press briefing. is this a bad look for the administration? what do you think it s a bad day for the administration, but more importantly, it s a bad day for the president and for his son, but it s a bad day in a personal way, not really one about the administration and its policies. the president s policies aren t guns had been clear for a long time. he passed the assault weapons ban. but i just wanna go back to something we were at a minute ago with alyssa can you imagine a world where obama prosecutor, when after don junior, ivanka trump, while barak, while while donald trump was president he allowed that prosecutor to go after them, indict them, see them commit, can see them convicted, and then said he would not he would not pardon them. i can t imagine that world we all know. that s probably not the case. donald trump would i think we just lost, we just lost. that has a commitment to the rule of law that we just have never seen before. guard jamal standby, alyssa, the trump campaign statement reads in part, and i m quoting now, we read it this trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family. is this verdict something the trump campaign can seize on politically? what do you think? so i actually see this totally different than jamal does. i actually think this could be a boon for biden. it s certainly doesn t help trump. and i think this sort of this statement afterwards spoke to the fact that if anything, it proves this point that the system is not weaponized, that donald trump s own conviction was legitimate 52% of americans approve of the conviction as many is 16% approve of the trump conviction so when you start dealing in those realities, electorally, knowing donald trump s name is on the ballot, not hunter biden s. i think they re realizing that this might undercut his biggest vulnerability, which is the fact that he is the first convicted felon to be running for president then all right. good. point to all of you. thank you very, very much. just ahead. we re getting new developments that are coming in right now. donald trump s life as a convicted felon, including an effort defined in season outstanding firearm register to the former president. we have details on what we re learning that s coming up plus secret records go public amendment we re of the us supreme court and his wife coming under scrutiny right now for new comments. stay with us. you re in the situation room this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow. cnn how could anyone possibly know that every single one of these pistachios is guaranteed to be wonderful by reading, right here. wonderful pistachios are the pistachios that are wonderful. but the word wonderful on them organic soil from miracle grow has grown me the best garden i have ever had, good soil and you 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new information right now about donald trump s interview with probation officials ahead of his sentencing and 34 felony counts our chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller, has been working as sources for us and he has excellent sources. john, this concerns a gun in trump s possession, right? that s right. well, if yesterday when donald trump and todd blanche met with probation officials in new york to do the pre-sentence report they went to a number of questions about where do you live, where do you spend more time? new york or florida. things like that. and it came to your new york city pistol license is suspended. there s three guns on a two were turned over to the nypd where s the third gun and they were told there s a gun in florida so new york probation officials decided that they would reach out to authorities in florida to address that. now what that means technically is that since his conviction on felony charges in new york state on may 30, donald trump has been a felon in possession of a firearm now you don t have to have that firearm on you. it just has to be somewhere where you have what they call constructive possession, where you have access to it, whether it s locked away or not. but that would be a serious violation of not just a us federal law but also florida state law for a convicted felon now, let s set that aside for a minute authority say this is a complicated defendant he lives a complicated existence. he doesn t carry weapons, he s guarded by secret service but this is a detail that they want to resolve and make sure that that gun is accounted for all right. good reporting. thanks very much, john, for that report. let s discuss this and get some analysis from former federal prosecutor, at least adamson and cnn senior law enforcement analyst, charles ramsey alise, could trump s admission that he still holding onto this gun impact potentially his sentencing. it s coming up. what july 11, how soon does he have to turn this gun? well, that s a good question. well, if i think technically he should have already turned this gun in as was just reported donald trump was convicted of a felony. and so at this time, he would be considered a felon in possession of the firearm. now, new york has a very clear road map to how defendant needs to surrender their firearms post-conviction, it s a little bit different when we re talking about federally or other jurisdictions, when the conviction happened elsewhere however the by the letter of the law, once he is convicted, he can no longer be in possession. so it is odd to me at todd blanche would have sat there as he made this admission and not thought of this before the interview, we need more information when he says it s in florida, is it it is house. did he surrender it? where is it but assuming argue window, it s in mar-a-lago. that s a potential problem now, directly to your question as to whether or not it will impact sentencing. again, it s the facts and circumstances is the former president holding onto the firearm and just refusing to relinquish it. i think that would be a data point. the judge were merchan will take into consideration. but is this really just a case of figuring out how to surrender it or is he in the process of transferring ownership? all of those details will matter. come sentencing de chief ramsey, as you know, in new york officials said this information will be passed along to florida police to quote, and i m quoting now, take whatever steps are necessary if trump doesn t voluntarily return his gun what authorities do you believe have to step in well, you know, i think not at this has come to light that they ll work toward getting that gun. he s not supposed to be in possession of the gun. he is a convicted felon. but this is a situation where, you know, he s really living in two different places. i mean, he spends a lot of time in new york also in florida. the one gun is in florida now he had two others that he surrendered last year shortly after he was indicted so he s already given up two of the guns. this is the one that s outstanding i really find it hard to believe that they would not make every effort to try to turn that in as soon as possible, or leases trump potentially at risk of being criminally charged for illegally possessing a firearm yeah. so i don t think he is now, again technically, could they charged him perhaps if the circumstances are correct, if it is in mar-a-lago, if it is within his constructive possession, then yes. it s a very serious charge. they could charge him federally i just looked into it prior prior to speaking with you, it carries a term of a potential ten years in prison of slightly old statistic, but from 2021, the united states sentencing commission said 96.9% of defendants charged with that crime. were, were sentenced to prison. so very, very serious, risky, which is why i don t know why todd blanche would have not made sure that the gun was surrendered to authorities prior to the psi, but very unlikely because he s still in between the conviction and sentencing. and there isn t a clear legal requirement of when and how he surrenders the gun in florida. chief ramsey, your the former police chief here in washington, dc. former police commissioner in philadelphia, is trump getting more leeway, right now or is it standard for convicted felons to take time? to return their guns well, is that standard for convicted felons to take time to turn in a gun i m not aware of that occurring with any degree of frequency, but i do think that they will make some allowances to give him an opportunity to turn to gun in i d be surprised if that doesn t happen now, he is guarded as john miller said, by secret service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, he has a nice guy. he s got, but earth of his life, he ll have that kind of protection. and so there s a lot going on. this is unprecedented. we ve never had a homer president convicted of anything and so now this is just one of those things. it s very serious. i m not trying to make light of it, but i would doubt very seriously if this is going to be something that s going to go beyond a day or two before that gun is located, turned in chief ramsey. thanks very much. at least adamson. thanks to you as well. just ahead, the us supreme court back in the spotlight today. here, what two justices are heard saying in secret recordings. i m controversial topics the most anticipated moment of dyslexia and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine life, i d cnn and streaming on max reading that and yeah, that s not good happen huge things happen happens be there with three, learn more at with armor all little bit of this protects you from a lot of that armor all less work, more clean start your day with nature. the number one pharmacist recommended 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obtained by rolling stone magazine captured us supreme court justices are weighing in on political matters cnn s jessica schneider has more tonight, no comment from the supreme court after two of its most senior justices and one of their spouses are heard on secret recordings discussing sensitive topics people in this country we re leaving embedded, keep fighting to return our country to a place the bodley names. i agree with you justice samuel alito speaking to lauren windsor during a dinner last week, hosted by the supreme court historical society windsor, a liberal activist posing as a devout catholic when talking with the justice, where he also addresses the current the polarization of the country that we can go the polar if i it is a matter of like winning. i think you re probably right now one side or the other, one side or the other i don t know i mean, there can be a way of working our way of living together, please it s different because there are differences fundamental things that really can t it s not like what the difference. this society condemned the secret recordings, saying attendees are advised not to discuss anything from the event windsor defended her actions today in an interview with cnn there s nothing illegal in dc about recording people so long as one person is a party to that conversation to people who want to pearl-clutchers about this yeah. please tell me how we re going to get answers when the supreme court has been shrouded in secrecy and really just refusing any degree of accountability whatsoever cnn has not independently obtained or heard the recordings in full, but they come after recent an ethics concerns involving the court, including controversial flags flown at homes of justice alito, flags at the justice said, were put up by his wife martha-ann alito, also heard on the audio where she addressed the flag controversy head-on you know what i want i want sacred heart of jesus glad because i had to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. exactly. and he s like please don t put up a flag. i said i won t do it because i m deferring to you. but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them a message every day, maybe every week. i ll be changing the flags. windsor also secretly recorded chief justice john roberts, who rebuffed her when she made a case for a more christian society we live in a christian nation and they are supreme court. so be guided know that we live in a christian nation. i know a lot of jewish and muslim hello, friends who would say maybe not. and it s not our job to do that job, the decide cases, especially and so far no comment on these secret recordings from the supreme court or from the job justices are from justice alito s wife. now the supreme court historical society, they hosted this dinner where the recordings were made. this is a yearly event and it s held inside in the court building. were members of the society are allowed to buy tickets for themselves. and one guest. and then of course, the gathering provides members this rare access to the justices as we saw in these secret recordings, wolf, it ll be interesting to see if any of their rules change after this secret recording. yes, it will. let s see if that happens. jessica schneider. thank you very much. i want to discuss this with our cnn legal analyst, steve vladeck. he s a professor at the university texas school of law. steve, do you see these comments from justice alito specifically as inappropriate? and is it reasonable to question his impartiality wolfe, i think what i m struck by in those recordings is the contrast between justice alito who, you know, for better, for worse, took the bait and who had no problem expressing views on subjects that you probably shouldn t have versus what we heard from chief justice roberts, which is basically what they teach in judge school, ought to be the answer when judges are asked to weigh in on contemporary political debates so i think justice alito is remarks are probably right up, if not over the line, wolf, the problem is putting them in context where this is not a one-off, where we re seeing so many examples of justice alito saying things like this in public suggested that he has very strong political views now he s having a hard time checking those at the door. well, if i think it s the aggregation of all of these public statements by justice alito. that s really the source of the cause for concern. because you know steve, this is the second controversy involving a martha-ann alito ginni thomas, also has faced questions about her political activities. so how does that impact perceptions of the us supreme court? yeah. i mean, i think there s no question that it has some bearing on public perception of the court. i mean, we really ought not to be judged by the actions of our spouses that certainly my wife s position about me but i do think it s worth stressing that the real question here is not can justice x participate in case why? the real question is, are the justices behaving in a way that is enhanced in public faith in the integrity of the court as an institution or not. and so for as much as justice alito has tried to suggest that the entire flag controversy are basically his wife s fault. i think his responses have not suggested that he is especially concerned about the message that the flag sent. his responses at the supreme court historical society suggest that he s not particularly concerned about being publicly associated with deeply, intensely divisive political comments and so wolfe, i think again, the question is whether if you look at this as a whole, there s reason to worry, not about individual justices in individual cases, but about whether there are justices on the supreme court who really do cede part of their job as picking a side and who are caring about when winning versus what we heard from chief justice this is robert, which is their job is to basically toe the line politically and decide the cases before them. we don t expect the justices to be saints, but we do expect them to at least appear publicly as if they are completely uninvestigated. and i think that s the concern that all of this behavior by justice alito by justice thomas, by their spouses is really brings us back to steve vladeck. thanks for your legal analysis. appreciate it very much. coming up newly on earth messages from the leader of hamas reportedly showing my, he thinks deaths of palestinians will help the terror groups war with israel will have a live report from the region just ahead june 19th, cnn celebrate juneteenth with special performances by john legend how do you lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do. june celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn. kate made progress with her mental health, but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia or 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amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? 383882, or visit home i m elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles this rickie news, the gaza ceasefire talks are in turmoil tonight after hamas responded to a us back proposal with the israelis have characterized as a rejection of the framework. cnn national security correspondent kylie out when it s traveling with secretary of state antony he blinken in the region. she has all the latest on the negotiations tonight, a high-stakes life and death waiting game heats up in the middle east, hamas has responded to the latest ceasefire proposal from israel, but more talks are now expected as an effort to set piece into motion. i don t think anyone other than the hamas leadership in gaza actually are the ones who can make make decisions that s what we re waiting. secretory state antony blinken, who s traveling in the region, said that israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu reaffirmed his commitment to the current deal on the table that was detailed in speech 11 days ago by president biden the pressure now increasingly on one man alone who started this war and could end it. yahya sinwar, the military leader of hamas. sinwar helped mastermind the horrific october 7 attacks and is suspected be hiding out in the tunnels under gaza exactly where is unknown our frehse reports out today from the wall street journal details messages between sinwar and hamas officials participating in the ceasefire talks in doha. the exchanges show that the terrorist leader thinks he may have the upper hand in the current negotiations. quote, we have the israelis, right where we want them. sinwar allegedly said in recent messages, these stunning messages which cnn cannot independently verify, reveal his frame of mind as this war drags into its ninth month with the palestinian death toll climbing sinwar row quote, these are necessary sacrifices, and this is why us officials believe sinwar has had little incentive to broker a deal, not only with israel refuse to stop fighting, but the pressure we ll continue to mount on israel daily, which sinwar believes is to his benefit the israeli military responded to these messages saying, quote, hamas leaders don t care about gazans. how many times did they have to say it for themselves before the world believes them? and as blinken continues to push for a deal that could eventually end the war, he took game let s sinwar, are they looking after one guy who may be for now safe varied i don t know ten stories underground somewhere in gaza. while the people but he purports to represent continue to suffer in a crossfire of his own making or will he do what s necessary to actually move this to a better place? now the early response from israel, wolf is not setting a tone of positive momentum here according to cnn contributor barak ravid and israeli official characterize that response coming from hamas as a rejection of the hostage deal that was put on the table according to another source hamas put forth multiple proposed amendments, including a timeline for a permanent ceasefire and complete israeli fully withdrawal from gaza. of course, it making it clear that that permanent ceasefire, which israel has resisted coming to any agreement that it would lock it into a permanent ceasefire remains a sticking 0.2 farro, we ll see what the secretary of state says on this as the us has not given its evaluation yet, well critically sensitive moment right now, kylie atwood in amman, jordan for us thank you very much coming up. the us attorney general, merrick garland, response directly to house republicans as they move to hold him in contempt of congress. a key member of the house oversight committee is here. we ll discuss when we come back the cnn presidential debates, june 27th at live on cnn and streaming max, if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with parse sega because there are places you d like to be for segal can 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washington post defending the us justice department from republican good attacks. and it reads in part, and i m quoting using conspiracy theories, falsehoods violence, and threats of violence to effect political outcomes is not normal. the short-term political benefits of those tactics will never make up for the long-term cost to our country. close quote. let s discuss this in more democratic congressman ro khanna of california. contrary, thanks for joining us. the attorney general s your heard us taking a rare step to publicly defend the us justice department, but does that potentially approach does that approach come with some risks i think guesses growling attorney general garland is a patriot i mean, he was a judge. he s devoted his life to public service. he started out at the justice department. he s standing up for the civil servants. most of the people at the justice department are not political appointees. and he s saying, let s administer the rule of law fairly. don t attack them on another issue of hunter biden s felony gun conviction today, you sit on the house oversight committee shortly after the verdict, your committee chairman james comer, said, and i m quoting him now until the department of justice investigates, everyone involved in the bidens corrupt influence, peddling schemes. it will be clear department carpenter officials continue to cover for the big guy, joe biden. how do you respond to the committee chairman it said that he s politicizing this look, the verdict is very sad. under biden faced addiction, he overcame addiction and the president has said that he respects the process, but this had nothing to do. with what comer is investigation was about that covered no wrongdoing. and i think most americans will say, we know someone who suffered addiction. we understand that and it s just a sad situation. you think hunter biden s conviction, congressman, will have any political impact on the president no. other than showing the american people that a, he follows the rule of law. you haven t heard him criticized the judge. you haven t heard him criticize the jury and be his loving father, and that he really cares respects then myers, a son who s overcome addiction, went through incredible grief at the loss of his brother and he s a decent father. let me quickly turned while i have you congressmen to the israel-hamas war the us back ceasefire plan appears to be in turmoil right now, is mediators are parsing through hamas is response and push for prime minister netanyahu to publicly sign-on what we re leverage does the us have to get each side closer to accepting a deal? well, the united states i think has laid out a very reasonable pragmatic position on a permanent ceasefire, one that i wholeheartedly support. i hope hamas, accepts it even if sin, sinwar is an accepting and maybe the other hamas leadership will accept it. it s going to save pelosi allies and i hope netanyahu accepts it because it is the only way to get the hostages out. and it s the only way to start to bring peace in that region and have new governance and palestine with the saudis, uae, jordan, and egypt. the president has been right and putting this fall forward and i hope secretary blinken will prevail on both hamas and israel we shall see congressman ro khanna. thank you so much for joining us and we ll be right back. alder james is cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised, secrets and spies. a nuclear games sunday at ten on cnn. you give, and you give. now you get with straight talk wireless, you get unlimited data and you get to choose who gets on your family plans starting at just $25 a line, doesn t have to be family more leinz more savings switch to straight talk for plants starting as low as $25 a line kinda riva support your brain health. mary janet, hey edey know, fraser, franck, franck, bread. how are you? fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, 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pop star taylor swift back into the political spotlight and raising some eyebrows about his focus on her appearance, seen as brian thomas on the story for us, brian, the former president seems to be a fan of taylor swift, but not necessary clearly, over politics, right? well, the foreign president says he believes taylor swift is liberal and that she probably doesn t like him. aside from that, he s a few sieve in his praise of the pop star, especially her physical appearance she s captured the heart of kansas city chiefs star tight end travis kelce, and the attention of the former president of the united states in november interview for an upcoming book, excerpts of which are published in variety. donald trump was asked his thoughts about pop superstar taylor swift trump gushed saying quote, i think she s beautiful, very beautiful. i find her very beautiful trump then digressed saying, i think she s liberal. she probably doesn t like trump, but then he went back to talking about swift s appearance, quote, i think she s very beautiful, actually unusually beautiful. these are very donald trump quo, you know, he obviously he doesn t know much about taylor swift. so it s easy for him just to turn and look at her looks and comment on what she looks like one democratic strategist says, this could be a case of trump trying to get on the good side of the wildly popular singer. i think that he doesn t want to accept this 50s. i think we all know what happens when that when we awake a giant of the swifties, this comes as many in the political sphere are wondering, will swift endorsed joe biden as she did in 2024 years, analysts say swift was reluctant to get into polish her dad was really scared for her to step into the political arena because we know that comes with a lot of backlash no matter which sayyed your on in 2018, swift finally jumped in endorsing to democratic congressional candidates in tennessee, where she owns property hoping that i know is right. and you hey guys i need to be on the right side of history in a netflix documentary about her swift is captured in an argument with her father about getting involved in politics. she was critical of republican marsha blackburn, who ended up winning that senate race in tennessee she votes against against fair pay for women. she votes against the re-authorization of the violence against women act, which is just basically protecting us for domestic abuse. using stocking stocking, political analysts say both trump and biden need to cultivate the taylor swift voting demographic. this is one of the more popular entertainers musicians, and the world right now and it comes at a time where both candidates are also fighting for that younger vote for the younger generation some trump s supporters may already be skeptical of taylor swift and her politics in january pro-trump broadcasters and politicians put out conspiracy theories implying that the nfl had rig games and favor of the kansas city chiefs to promote swift and travis kelce and give them a platform to endorse president biden, none of which, of course, was even remotely close to being true wealth. how instrumental has taylor swift been in getting out the vote? this is why the biden and trump campaigns both want her on their side, wolf last year in september, she put out a message on instagram asking young people to register to vote according to tracking agencies. as a result of that in just one day, about 35,000 people registered to vote. that s how much sway she has especially among younger voters, turn biden both desperate for that demographic. vy

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Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240612

chambers hopes this is one step toward politicians actively campaigning for voters behind bars in clark county. you have potential victory is lying in those sales at least for now. i want to i guess is it makes a huge difference night, i step toward voters like elliot carver hall, having their voices heard it felt a little bit of empowerment, a little, just a little bit, a little tiny bit sara marie joins us now from las vegas. so this is the first time these voting booths had been used. how did the process go? it went pretty smoothly, although there were voters who showed up to vote and found out they were actually registered in a different county or in some cases, in a different state which is indication of the education gap that still exist for those who are behind bars. there were dozens of folks who wanted to vote from the jail today and we expect that that s cut number is going to be even larger when we get to the general election in november. this was sort of a dry run for the big event coming up, anderson be interesting to do polling and see if they re running for sara marie. thanks. the news continues right here on cnn outfront. next, breaking news, president biden, now it is son side behind closed doors after you re biden was found guilty today. and if federal gun case, tonight, a member of the jury who helped convict biden speaks out. you ll hear plus more breaking news this our federal agents arresting eight people from tajikistan with two suspected ties. i m sorry to isis after they entered the us through the southern border, tonight, we re going to take you to one of the dead please. stretches of that border. and martha and alitos secretly recorded threatening to put up more flags to counter the quote pride flag. that s going up nearby. her neighbor, who s at the center of the controversy over alitos flags is outfront tonight. let s go out front and good evening. i m marion burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news, president biden rushing to his sons, sayyed tonight. hunter biden greeting his father on the tarmac of the delaware air national guard base just hours after hunter biden was found guilty on all counts of lying about being addicted to drugs when he bought a gun today s verdict historic hunter biden is now the first child, sitting president to be convicted of a crime. and the first family is now grappling with the fallout of the jury s verdict. a verdict that came incredibly quickly, just three hours so fast. in fact, it caught almost everyone off guard. firstly, jill biden, who was attended the trial almost every day. been commuting back and forth from france was unable to get into the courtroom and time to hear the verdict yourself. and according to people who were there inside that room, hunter biden stared straight ahead as the verdict was read, stone-faced, showing little emotion. afterwards, though he could be seen hugging family members a close biden family friend, fran person who was with the bidens today gives us this statement tonight out front says there was nothing but love in that room with hunter after the verdict. abbe lowell and his team put up the best defense he could ask for hunter was incredibly strong and gracious. look at how good hunter looks today. sober, going on for years. it is remarkable how far he s come and he will be a powerful force story of redemption and hope for attics and their families that love conquers all. now, hunter biden could face up to 25 years in prison and a fine of up to $750,000 in a moment, we re going to hear from one of the jurors about the discussions that took place inside that jury room and those few hours of debating as the 12 men and women deliberated it really is incredible when you take a step back here, you ve got the president s done, just found guilty, criminally, less than two weeks after former president trump was found guilty and is now a convicted felon both are now awaiting sentencing. and yet the reactions from biden and trump could not be more different just hours after his son was found guilty, president biden spoke to the nation s largest gun control groups. so he s actually i had a gun control group. he did not mention his sons conviction. he did not talk about a corrupt judge or rigged trial or which time. instead, he released this statement separate from his speech. i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. priscilla alvarez is out front. she is live in wilmington, delaware and evan perez is outside the courthouse. i want to start with you, though, priscilla, because i know you ve got some new reporting on this last-minute trip by president biden to delaware. so what is the biden family doing right now? how did this all come together as far as your learning era and the president and his family are huddling behind closed doors here in their residents wilmington tonight after the president rights only hours ago and was greeted by his son, hunter on the tarmac. now, this was a last-minute trip with sources telling cnn that it was floated late monday night, but came together after the verdict was reached and finalize with the president arriving here again, only a couple well hours ago. but of course this is a family that has often come together over the course of the trial. the first lady in the courtroom, multiple times as these legal proceedings were underway and even coming back from france briefly to attend the trial. and that really underscores the delicate and difficult balance that this president has had to strike with his foreign travel in recent days. and also as these deeply painful family moments, we re planning out in this trial and publicly now, the president did release the statement earlier today, and it was a statement that was frayed seen through the lens of a father, not so much a president where he talks about the resiliency of his son, but also said that he would accept the outcome of the case of the president has previously firm that he would not pardon his son. now, also, hearing wilmington is the biden campaign headquarters and sources telling us that as far as tonight, it is business as usual usual for this very sensitive and delicate issue for the biden family. all right. priscilla, thank you very much. in wilmington. and i d want to go to evan perez now because he s been in the courtroom throughout this trial every day you ve watched the jurors you ve watched the biden family there and i know you just spoke to one of those jurors, evan, what did he tell you well, erin this is? juror number ten. he s man in his stuff, these terms his from southern the southern part of delaware. and one of the things that we heard from the defense team as we were going through this trial was they believed that politics had a role in why hunter biden was even facing these charges. he said the defense team believe that the us attorney who was appointed by donald trump was essentially bullied into going after hunter because of criticism from house republicans and republicans in general. i asked the juror number ten, who did not want to be to show his face on television, whether their politics played any role in these deliberations. listen to what he had to say if anybody, was in that courtroom or in the jury room, they would know it was not motivated by politics politics played no part whatsoever in my mind no. i can t speak for the other jurors but nothing was nothing was ever said about this election year that was never brought up and aaron, we also he also told me that that the gun form that hunter biden signed back in october of 2018 when he bought the firearm that was the crucial piece of evidence in his mind and he believe that hunter biden lied when he signed it, and none of the other evidence from the from the from the defense to try to explain it away, really worked on the part of the jury one of the things that may come up by the defense team, they do they are weighing an appeal of this of this verdict is the fact that jurors never got to see a second oppression at that form, because the judge did not allow it. and so i asked the juror whether he believed that that would have made a difference. he said it would not have aaron sheep all right. i evan, thank you very much. outside that courthouse and having a chance to speak to turn number ten, which was obviously so fast thing is we d we d heard about the jury and their reactions and who they are all right. i m a panel with me now, katie rogers, i want to start with you because you have covered the biden family closely for a long time at the new york times and now we re seeing the president arrive in delaware, greeting his son. what are your sources telling you about how this has impacted president biden personally? well, i think everyone who has spoken to me who is close to the president and close to the bidens. they always really reiterate to me how much the president believes in his sons ability to stay sober. he s very proud on that level of his son and they always stressed to me that, yes, he is worried about the legal problems ahead for hunter biden, but he believes in his son s ability to continue his recovery. now, that said, the people close to him say that this is the thing that more than anything else he wakes up. if he s briefed by aids on gaza, the next immediate get thing is about his son or he is constantly in contact with his son. they speak at least once a day. so this is something that is going to add more weight to the president s mindset. he s already been quite worried about these legal problems, never having an end for his son. and this just adds to that, right? it didn t certainly at a crucial time in this case campaign. congressman buck, i wanted to play something else for you that juror number ten shared with evan perez about hunter biden. let me play it i did have empathy for him, for his addiction i don t wish that on anybody and especially correct. okay. let me let was the has to be a terrible dickson it comes from i think just significant that that juror says that after they unanimously convicted him on all counts. right. but still able to have that human empathy and obviously a lot of americans can relate to that who are dealing with this themselves or with others and their families, some sort sort of addiction the president though is to deal with the political side of this. do you think that he has managed this? appropriately as a father and as a president congressman yeah, i do. i think it s very difficult. you look at your son having an addiction like bad. the federal government, the congress obviously passed this law because folks who are addicted to drugs and buy guns are more likely to commit crimes. so certainly not a hunter biden category necessarily, but i think the joe biden president biden has done a great job of trying to stay above the fray and recognizing that his department of justice was a very difficult position attorney general merrick garland appointed a special counsel s so that that council would be independent and render independent judgment. and i think that people look at this case and recognize that it was done in an independent and fair way the idea that there may have been other crimes are really irrelevant. this this defendant totter biden, got a fair trial, a quick jury verdict, and i think that joe biden made the right statements after the verdict ryan, the thing is this this is not done for hunter biden or for joe biden, the whole family, right? he can still appeal just even on this case, i m i m talking separately from the tax case, which is very serious. but on this case alone, is this going to drag out for the remainder of election between sentencing appeals and all kinds of this process 100% because he s going to both appeal on the grounds that certain evidence should not have been excluded from the defense. and he s going to appeal on the grounds that under the second amendment, the constitution, that this particular criminal provision should be invalid and none of that is going to be sewed up before november. in fact, we ll probably at least a year from now before any of that gets stored up, even conservatively speaking, well, even conservatively speaking. all right, so that s a long time, katie, and it s certainly shows in terms of weighing on the president all the way through the election way beyond, but through the election i mentioned how joe biden, the first lady, was not able to get there in time today because happened so quickly. she wasn t actually able to be in the courtroom for the verdict but she was there almost every day. hunter sister was there is on its uncle a lot of other family members, his daughter testified ex girlfriends wives and we ve seen support from almost all of them on hunter and he s recovery. it has been something that clearly has damaged and hurt this family for a long time. they ve struggled with it what does the conviction mean, katie, for the whole family? i mean i think that this family has dealt a hunter biden has detailed his addictions over the years in various ways, whether it s through a memoir, through a lengthy magazine profile. but for the rest of this family, it s been a really long private, painful battle as we saw, this week during and last week during the trial. sorry these members of the biden family, onetime members of the biden family in current members recounted what was essentially they had all described as a held that they were in with him and a conviction is really the first time this very private battle has been laid bare for public consumption. so it s uncomfortable for them and they have had to sit there and here the shrapnel hit them yet again of hunter biden s choices have had to sit there and listen to him in his own words through his memoir, recount his drug use is a painful time for them congressman buck, president biden was asked about whether he would pardon his son right? on this crucial point, i want to play that exchange. it was with david muir let me, ask you will you accept the jury s outcome, their verdict no matter what it is? yes. and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. you have congressman buck, how do you feel about this when he s saying that to show he believes in the system and he s not going to question it with a witch-hunt to rigged and all that, right? clearly, it is his son how do you feel? does he have to take this all the way to the mat? no. pardon? no commutation of his prison sentence, which by the way, he did not he did. not commit to or or do you think it would be appropriate and not hurt belief in the system if he were to commute his son sentence i don t think president biden wouldn t do anything until after the appeals are finished. number one, and that s going to happen after the election so he s going to have much more flexibility after the election whether he wins or loses to make a decision like this. now, if he were to engage in a pardon of president trump with president trump was victims of a federal crime at the same time that he pardon his own son. i think americans would understand a father doing that but i think he made the right statement at the time and that is i m not going to show preferential treatment to a member of my own family and a quick final word, ryan, just to be clear that this would go another year, you also have a very serious yes tax evasion charge, federal charge in california, which would carry significant present time that is underway. that s right. and the justice department said that it could carry up to 17 years in jail. and what s unfortunate for hunter biden is because you didn t do a plea deal. he will now have to convictions potentially steck up against each her to us sentencing guideline. the conviction that he just got today in delaware would count against him. he will not be a first-time offender if he is convicted in california. right. which could affect sentencing. i thank you very much. ryan. katie, and congressman, i appreciate all of you very much next trump and his supporters called the doj rigged and political. so what are they saying tonight? now that hunter biden was convicted by a jury on all counts unanimously, just like donald trump was a couple weeks ago. plus breaking news, the us is now tracking a flotilla of russian war ships less than 100 miles off the coast of florida and passing by a us cruise ship packed with passengers we are speaking to a person on board for that ship, just sending us some pictures of what they saw on that crews and new audio tonight of samuel alito s wife threatening to put up more political flags we what i want i want sacred heart of jesus glad because i had to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month alito s neighbor who had a confrontation with martha-ann alito and is at the center of the story is outfront tonight priceline helped stand can we say 60% on family-friendly hotels? so many great trips we might just leave here with another vacation maybe take it easy. paris and u2 for motor down lisa wasn t alito gardi are happy priceline hey, you ve seen this was the one you re telling me you can get direct tv, got good stuff, and you don t need a satellite dish are used to love doing my business on those things. won-sik pigeon, then dishes kept the rain off our beat we just have different priorities satellite free directtv never thought i d see the day or lifespans are quite short. extreme directtv without it satellite dish, you gonna do this thing with my neck just for a bit. right now, pet dander in sales mold spores, pollen, and dirt are being sucked into your air. ducks get cleaner air in system efficiency. now, with stanley steamer, your air done? 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are those some republicans who are coming to hunter biden s defense team format is outfront this is the first time that hunter biden has faced responsibility and consequences for his actions, political spinners on the right are spinning out of control in all directions. biden s calling the conviction of hunter biden a step toward accountability and kinda dumb and saying things like hunter biden might deserve jail for something, but purchasing a gun is not it. why is this verdict so confounding for the right? first, it is about a gun or some conservative politicians and advocates opposing gun restrictions. the case against hunter biden was an invitation to attack as father. so long as this president continues to use every tool at his disposal to harass and criminalized guns gun owner there s and gun dealers, his son should be receiving the same treatment and scrutiny as all of us. let s just do a little more shooting over here but other gun enthusiasts, while not fans of the bidens, leave the law in this case is unconstitutional. as a matter of principle i do not believe the hunter biden should be convicted of that anymore. that anyway well, now should hunter biden is not talking, but he is walking in right now second, this wasn t the case. republicans wanted for years. they have talked without evidence far-reaching foreign corruption, secret payoffs, and influence peddling tied all the way to the top. so after this verdict, the trump campaign quickly issued a statement this trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family. and lastly, this verse predict came just a dozen days after donald trump himself was convicted of 34 felonies, even as he appeals a course, republicans have joined him in calling the courts corrupt their case against president trump has been a witch hunt from the beginning. this was not criminal justice. the entire thing is political, but now some conservative seem to be squirming, suggesting hunter biden s conviction must be a ruse. posting timing is everything. this is the veil of fairness in the justice system. so maybe it is a measure of how twisted up the right is on how to respond to all of this. that when the trump team put out that statement after the verdict and much i made all those crazy claims about the biden family. they then send out an edited version shortly thereafter because the first version at the end so they wish hunter biden well. and then in the edited version, they had dropped the well wishes. they didn t fix the false claims. they just dropped the well wishes clearly, this has the republican right saying, what are we supposed to do on this? because there are cross purposes on so many issues, aaron. yeah. i mean, well, you know, you say it s a rigged system when your guy s guilty and then the other guy s guilty and then all of a sudden what he is supposed to say. maybe they could have foreseen that possibility. all right. tom, form. and thank you very much. i want to go now to ty cobb, a former trump white house lawyer. so tie i mean, can you believe hunter biden gets convicted on all counts by a jury in a case brought originally by a special counsel who trump initially appointed us attorney somehow, it s not fair and square to many in the gop can you believe it oh, yes, i can sort of believe anything. i mean, it s a really crazy de marjorie taylor greene is out there making the rest of us look like geniuses. what she can do on it regular basis yeah. i think it takes away from the gravity of the moment which is you know, he he wasn t added. it was a sad situation that was tragic but it wasn t political and keep in mind that he did have the opportunity to take accountability for this year ago and the plea agreement build up then they decided that they would insist on their de and courting and they got it but i think it s i think this is has to be looked at on its own merits. so i mean, this was a case the evidence says the jurors juror who was interviewed said was overwhelming and they didn t put politics into it and i just ruled on what they saw, on what they were told, just like trump s urey did. and i think both jury s got it right based on what they were told to do and the evidence that was before them. but i think it is a crazy time because you have the president today. i ve given a speech on tighter tighter gun controls. yeah. and keeping guns out of the hands of felons and people who don t don t deserve them. and his sons on trial. i think yeah, it s just it s a crazy time in america full of folic contradictions, but, yeah, but this was, this was a sad day and i think it was inappropriate result. i don t think he s going to jail for very long. my off the cuff assessment is scheduled for 1016 months as the first defender and the judge may well go below that and give him a probationary sentence. who knows? yeah. it s not going to be a punitive situation and then he does have that serious tax case involving $7.5 million in taxes. so yeah. i mean, that s that and that ll be in september and that ll be in the heart part of the heart of the election. so i think it s very hard for republicans to insist that this is somehow a ruse. well, i mean it s sort of amazing. it seems to me that if you did get a guilty verdict here, that this would be something that everyone could say. okay. well, there was it can t say that it s rigged or during goes one way or the other. and yet somehow that there are still some finding a way to say this is basically a veil of as nancy mace said, congresswoman avail of fairness, write that this is all to distract you from it s frightening in some senses, but you mentioned that a convicted felon, right? can i have a gun? and obviously, you know, donald trump and in this context, we found out today tie that he disclosed in his probation interview that he had three guns. now he acquired them legally. obviously, he is now prohibited from having any as a convicted felon were you surprised at all but to hear that donald trump own three guns not really. and i think all the people are hyperventilating on this a little bit. i mean, it s it s sort of ordinary that it would come up in this context particularly for somebody donald trump it s not carrying a gun i never saw him carry ganim, didn t know him to ever carry a gun. he s got to see as a concealed carry registration in new york, but you re right. that s what he had and i understand that, and i think he obviously has these guns and he s going to have to pony him up but that s what that s really what this process is designed to do is to get all that, all that, all those requirements out of the way before he couldn t run afoul of any other laws after the time of being sentenced up, tied before you go. also today, trump asked aileen cannon, the judge in florida, mar-a-lago, to dismiss the classified documents case. and if she didn t do that, he asked her to throw it any evidence gathered during the fbi search of mar-a-lago? which sort of confusing and confounding because that appears to be the entire case as far as most of us understand it that s actually much of the case. it s actually not quite the entire case, but it s it s most of the documents, yes. that we re included in the indictment and the worst thing that could happen to him is that she actually does it in advance of trial because that will certainly be reversed abruptly by the 11th circuit and giving them the opportunity i m for that. they re dying for given the circus that she puts on to remover. all right. we ll tie. thank you very much. as always thank you, aaron tax. and next new secret recordings tonight of justice alito s wife talking about conversations with her husband about political flag it s at their homes like, oh, please don t put up a black alito s neighbor who is at the center of the dispute with the alitos is out front but next, plus breaking news, this our federal agents arresting eight to gq nationals with suspected ties to isis after they came into the united states through the southern border. and we re going to take you tonight to one of the most dangerous stretches of that border right now, will take you there next detect this living with hiv. robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that s why he switched to nevado divider was a complete hiv treatment meant for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than davon detect this morning to learn that most hiv pills contains three or four medicines. devito is as effective with just two if you have hepatitis b, don t stop to vada without talking to your doctor. don t take to vado if you re allergic to its ingredients are taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects if you have a rash or allergic reactions, symptoms stopped a bottle and get medical help right away, serious or life-threatening? lactic acid buildup and liver problems can 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frank, brad. how are you? fnth call 1803 558999, or visit home served i m mj lee at the white house. and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by thunder shirt, constant gentle pressure for a calmer pet. if your dog suffers from fear of thunder, fireworks separation, or any other anxieties, thunder shirt can help thunder shirts find it. retailers like pet smart and petco tonight, martha-ann alito, the wife of supreme court justice samuel alito, in secretly recorded audio, vowing to continue flying political flags outside her home, mocking gay pride flags that fly nearby. mrs. alito to finally reacting to the controversy do that now swirls around her and her husband after the new york times reported that an upside down american flag flew outside their home in virginia in january of 2021. flag used by insurrectionists, as well as the second flag also carried by insurrectionist, seen flying outside their vacation home. here s part of what martha and alito said cnn has not obtained the full of audio you know what i want, i want sacred heart of jesus flag because i had to look cross the lagoon at the price the flag for the next month exactly. i made a flag in my head. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag is white and it s yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the word but goniometer that gunja in italian means shane gone yet vii car g, g they re gone shame, shame, shame anyway wow, shame, shame, shame on you spelling it out like that. such vehemence about the gay pride flag. those comments were secretly recorded by a liberal activist, journalists lauren windsor, who misrepresented herself to me this is alito as a sympathetic and like-minded admire her, but she recorded these conversations and we now know what was set out in front. now, emily baden, a former neighbor of the alitos in northern virginia. she s the person justice alito says provoked his wife and to flying the inverted american flag after a verbal dispute between the two a claim emily says is false and is backed up by police reports, which showed that the dispute actually happened weeks after the flag went up. so emily, i m glad to see you again what s your reaction now you hear this audio, you hear martha and alito a voice, you know, because you had conversations with her and she s saying she s going to fly these flags spelling this out, that she s going to fly a flag very gunja, and she spells it out. every letter to say shame that she wants to fly a flag against the gay pride flag. yes an erin excuse me. thank you so much for having me again, it s great to be with you again my first reaction to hearing this audio i think was the same as most other folks, which was absolute horror if there s one thing that is the basic job description of a supreme court justice. it is to remain impartial and with the upside-down flag, with the appeal to heaven flag samuel alito has shown that he is not impartial and yeah, hearing martha and talk about that, it s interesting because i was used as a scapegoat for why she flew the other flag and we know clearly that that s not true and she says you, you obviously interacted with her and in very negative circumstances at one point, which i ll ask about in a moment, but she when you hear her tone of voice here, that she s going to fly this flag against the gay pride flag that says virgo anya in italian means shame. and she says it and then she spells it out. she hits every single letter virgo kn. yes. she says again and then she says, shame, shame on you did that tone sound like the same woman, the same tone that you d heard yes it was defiance. it was just very, very clear that she wishes shame upon the lgbtq community and yeah, i definitely recognized the tone for sure. so that secretly recorded conversation went on for about six minutes. at one point, mrs. alito said her husband asked her to stop flying flags and she said she would do it temporarily. i want and to play that part of the exchange for you, emily, here it is nazis believed that he should control the hell. do you never can tell and he s like please don t put up a flag. i can i won t do it because i m deferring to you but when you are free of this nonsense i m putting it up and i m going to send them a message every day, maybe every week the change in the flag s, there ll be all kinds i mean, look, she you talked about how she glare at you, called you a fascist. she spat on your car. i know that you have said you regretted calling her, that that vulgar epithet but when you hear this audio, is this this is consistent with the woman that you interacted with it is. and i think it s only fair for me to point out that mr. and mrs. alito are essentially strangers to me and my my interactions with them are very limited. so i can t really make any type of comment on you know, they re their attitude or their mental state or just aside from the facts of what i witnessed and what i experienced, and i just want to bring that back to the facts of this whole situation that he showed allegiance to january 6, he showed allegiance to christian nationalism and it s just very dangerous for our democracy. and i think he opinion value are secular. he wrote, it, wrote an opinion actually, after a year after the upside flag was flown and it was actually about flags flying outside boston city hall i just wanted to read the operative leinz. again, this is after he himself had known these flags were flying at his homes. and he says, a passerby on cambridge street confronted with a flag, flag flanked by government flags standing just outside the entrance of boston seat of government would likely conclude that all of those flags convey some message on the government s behalf. so it s clear he s saying if they fly the flag than any reasonable person would think that you support what that flag stands for. and yet he s saying it s not the case when they fly at his own home is there any doubt in you did interact with him and i know he didn t really speak. you didn t say much in those interactions but is there any doubt in your mind that a supreme court justice sees the hypocrisy here so he must see the hypocrisy and maybe just doesn t care it seems to me that their behavior and these words maybe they feel like they re above the law. and a lot of ways they are. we don t have an enforceable code of ethics for the supreme court they essentially police themselves and that ruling is really important because it only proves me right, and it proves all of us, right? who think that he of course knew about the flags. of course, he he endorsed them and him making those statements to congress that oh, my wife did it. i don t know about it. oh, i did it because of a neighbor. those are lies and this is important for our country. we need to, we need to hold our elected officials accountable, and we need to have a congressional hearing. we need to enact term limits. we need to have an actual code of ethics that they have to abide by. alright, well, emily, i appreciate your time and thank you for coming back on. thank you so much, aaron. and for. all who want to hear more, more of those alito audio tapes will be played tonight on laura coates live. that is at 11:00 eastern. next we re going to take you to one of the deadliest stretches along the american mexican we re scores of migrants are now risking their lives what a look because of all the threats there they can t go back also breaking the us, tracking russian warships, including a nuclear powered submarine that are passing by florida, were speaking to a passenger who is right now on a us cruise ship and just saw those russian warships hi, my name is kim and i am 41-years-old. i ve been given the opportunity to work from home, so that means lots of video calls. i see myself more and i definitely see those deeper leinz i m still kim and i got botox cosmetic. i wanted to keep the expressions that i would normally have you re right, you re on camera. 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frank, frank, bred. how are you? fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge breaking news, cnn learning eight people with suspected ties to isis have been arrested after entering the us from the southern border a source as the suspects were arrested in los angeles, new york, and philadelphia. so they d fanned out three different cities and had been monitored for overall month. it comes to cnn is going deep into the deadliest stretch of the us mexican border, speaking to migrants, reaching this remote and desolate region. after days without food, seemingly, these people on aware of president biden s announced crack down on asylum claims. david culver has this special report that you ll see first tonight, outfront while this is a. larger group here, let s see she s asking us if it s much longer to reach asylum. so what this does documents in hand and this family desperate to find border patrol does they ve been walking through a yes. they ve been walking for three days obviously, she s very emotional, says there s no food, there s no way when you think we re in a remote part of the arizona mexico border, getting here, not easy, took us about two-and-a-half hours from tucson. much of the drive off road with no cells signal and yet as desolate as this part of the border might seem, the trash and close literary in the gravel tell a different story. we find makeshift encampments were migrants, shield themselves from the scorching sun and wait for border patrol to pick them up she said three board. of ritual past about a little more than three hours ago and they assume they pick coming back and go, but they haven t seen them yet. this family fleeing cartel death threats and kidnappings were surprised hearing where they re from illness on negative limit heiko, mexico. and as we drive on, we meet another they make windows towards an encampment further down they may go from he s saying there s a bunch more that are coming from from mexico and he said, after the election of particular i felt the motivation to leave fearing the corruption and the lack of work. see what we end up steam because it s late getting near sunset, there s a huge and camp and mostly children a non-profits at this camp up for migrants who ve just cross are saying, please wait here, immigration is going to come and get you here and actually have wifi setup. most everyone here mexican what s up candy he said that they ve been getting a lot of threats and they said it was sort of the reason of the elections, it didn t vote for as they put it, the candidate who ended up winning on june 2, mexicans voted and local, state and presidential elections that campaign season proved violent and deadly. even the roman, she says that the reason they left us for reasons of security, which she says as now, everybody that we see here is from mexico, but they might not be in the us for law just days after mexico s elections, the biden administration took executive action on the order allowing first swift deportation of most migrants after a daily cap is reached. in nogales, arizona, we see those deportations up close. we counted probably a dozen people altogether most of them kids, about eight kids from what we could see getting off that bus and border patrol agents then escorting them directly flee to the border. and they ll continue walking them over right into mexico. what do you think does executive orders that going to do anything more in a rare encounter, we meet a border patrol agent eager to vent he asked us to mask his identity. worried, he ll be fired for talking to openly does it frustrate you when you hear that when you hear the narrative like wire border patrol doing anything don t blown off the mecole one he blames the current administration but isn t any more hopeful with the alternative, really to learn we meet others also frustrated by border policy, though, for more personal reasons. is, is this the only way that you can get face-to-face? yeah. litter carla pachinko crossed illegally nearly 30 years ago. she s recently gotten her work permit, but it s still waiting on a green card. i can be within the us how the mexico side that s her dad, freddie, who crossed illegally and was deported more than a decade back. they and other families meet here every couple of months to catch up. when s the last time you got to hug your dad? 15, 16 years ago. when you think about what s happening at the border now what what goes through your mind? yeah, well, it s unfair because we ve been waiting what has been 20 years, 20 six years, and nothing nothing was being here paying my taxes and not owing anything, no tickets or nothing. yeah. i don t get anything out of it. while washington focuses on illegal crossings and asylum claims cases like carlos have been put on the back back burner for decades, it s still freddie. once his next crossing to be done, laughlin, i wanted to take you write everything, you know with my passport every in legal even if it means waiting years, though it will happen the way i can wait await for border patrol at this remote section of the arizona mexico border unbearable for some. and so you re going to keep walking where cartel back smugglers often mislead migrants to think that once they ve crossed the hard part s over, it s not a struggled to push on and triple-digit heat kliger, the border wall for balance and shade ahead of them, i ll seemingly endless stretch of hills to climb aaron, i want to go back to that breaking news you mentioned just a few minutes ago those individuals was suspected ties to isis who were arrested, believed to have crossed over the us southern border. it s something i d actually asked our border patrol agent that we had connected with somebody who is very candid and open and he was concerned about some of the folks who are coming in. he said, look, the vast majority sure. are women and children and he said, that it s heartbreaking. but they in turn can distract from nefarious activities that might become an cross including potential terrorists. he said, it s terrifying for him and it s for that reason, aaron, that he does not want his signature on any of those release forms. wow. that s really credible. and honestly amazing that you able to speak to him and admirable that he was able to both be honest, but yet he wasn t didn t express kind of rage or anger at anyone fastening and what he said about trump and biden not being satisfied with either all right. thank you so much. david culver for that spectacular reporting next to the us is now track king russian warships packed with high precision weapons that are just off the coast of florida one. can one. i want to do in which and to be with my family i want you to join your brothers in the rank welcome to the show i just love being out there with you guys the only thing that matters to me rigid or now streaming exclusively on max when to leave 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being tracked by us navy and coast guard ships as the russian flotilla is heading to cuba and out front has obtained pictures. a passenger and a celebrity cruise line ship. look at this picture off the coast of florida, took these pictures as the war ships pass by he says they were just a couple thousand feet away and he saw us ships and planes tracking them. the passenger telling us quote, i just happened to look outside and i saw one of the ships so i went outside to investigate. i can see six ships at one time across the horizon. there have been shifts in sight. most of the day and we just think about that most of the de, russian warships next to a us cruise ship, he adds quote, i was surprised how close they are. we re not that far offshore meantime, in moscow, russian state television is touting the deployment of the ships off the us coast as tensions increase with the us and matthew chance is out front from moscow tonight these are the first images of the russian flotilla steaming towards cuba, just 90 miles off the us coast the russian defense ministry says the strike group including a nuclear powered submarine, the qizan, armed with modern caliber cruise missiles practicing the use of high precision weapons. but it s really about putin flexing his muscles on the international stage led by the flagship of russia just northern fleet, the admiral golf cough, which russia s defense ministry says is normally equipped with latest zircon hypersonic missiles this is meant to deliver a powerful message to washington russian state television has been celebrating than evil deployment, placing some of russia s most powerful vessels in cuban waters. i boil and accordion. the american media, has been discussing the event, reports, the russian news anchor claiming the pentagon has no idea where our submarine is positioned. in fact us officials or downplaying any threat. but moscow has been signaling displeasure that washington recently green light getting ukrainian attacks on russian territory with us supplied-weapons speaking ahead of the cube and naval visit, vladimir putin warned of a possible russian response. easley, and you put it today in the west lai weapons to the zone of combat operations and call for the use of these weapons against our territory. then why do we not have the right to do the same? to mirror these actions? i m not ready to say that we ll do it tomorrow, but we of course, should think about it elsewhere moscow has been stepping up tactical nuclear drills to staging exercises with neighboring belarus near the ukrainian border. russian tactical nukes delivered from either ground or air can level entire cities or the kremlin insists it has no plans at this stage

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240612

sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left set it on dvr so you never ever miss the episode of hannity monday through friday 90 eastern let not your heart be troubled because greg gutfeld is standing by the idea to put a smile on your face next. [ cheers and applause ] greg: i expect nothing less. happy tuesday. historic day for the first time ever hunter biden did not to get off. found guilty of 3 felonies facing up to 25 years behind bars the good news if he goes to prison his family visits and conjugal visits could be done at the same time unlikely maximum sentence since his first conviction community services likely he shown a interest in working with unwed mothers not the kids. biden froze for 30 seconds at white house event calling it the longest he is gone without saying something stupid he then exchanged of fist bump his hand it should heal in 4-6 months. s&l talking with the biden campaign to reach voters biden s campaign raiders are asking s&l to write comedy. aoc and rachel maddow claimed if trump elected they will be locked up even more terrified is the view of going to fat camp. researchers using ai determine elephants call each other by names in their own language i thought we already knew that. trace gallagher shannon bream the canadian cancer society apologized for using cervix instead of the trends friendly front hold. not to be confused with the word ass hole. south dakota governor kristi noem says trump choosing a woman vp would help in wynne especially if he needs help shooting bleep bleep and books mentioning butts and farts can t be banned in public libraries good news for my new book. you know it s coming. you know it s coming. so prior to a jury finding biden guilty and has gun trial as defense found an unlikely ally the second amendment the thing democrats hate more than they hate soap. last week in a last-ditch effort hunter asked that as the questionnaire he said violated second amend meant rights of the argued the question asking if he was a drug addict was unconstitutional in the state had no right to infringe on his second amendment s rights just because he did a little dope and buy a little dope i don t mean george stephanopoulos i mean so much coco scarface would ve recommended rehab. is still the defense has a point so why is it unconstitutional well they argued historical intoxication statutes can t stretch far enough to justify disarming a sober a citizen based on past drug use and that i m sorry but make sense is a constitutional for the government to remove the secondment meant rights of a person based on an the conflict let s forget about hunter the same law would borrow wounded that who uses cannabis for pain from exercising his right to self defense imagine a person in recovery who now owns guns should he go to jail never mind the ruling people from going to treatment or seeking mental health help i need it. now did hunter break the law sure but it s an unjust law you can disagree with me you are disagreeing with the second amendment it shall not be infringed but if that sounds familiar to you then you must be paying attention to our very own kat timpf rolled the flashback flashback dude. you can make the argument and said this is unconstitutional because the second amendment doesn t have an exception in for if you re addicted to something you can make the argument that is secondment meant rights are being violated which it would be funny to see joe biden asking the court to make that argument her next book now the rules say estate you should only applied for me during the monolog but her next book should be called how i tried to keep hunter out of jail but imagine that the sun of a democrat president suddenly puts on an nra part saying politics makes strange bella bedfellows but for the second amendment s state i daresay get hope hunter were a condom because i don t want that getting genital warts. so while the verdict maybe bad news for hunter it s also bad news for the second amendment he was found guilty of being in possession of a firearm as a drug user or addict but there is many americans who fall into that category. but it offers trump a golden opportunity to condemn it but the democrats in a box if trump calls unconstitutional the democrats agree suddenly they are on the side of the second amendment but if they don t it forces them to applaud the guilty verdict of the president sent i bet his dad would love that what if the commander dims commander and soiled briefs he said he wouldn t pardon him but the odds abide in remembering that are the same as michael loftus wearing underwear it s a headache for joe but that assumes he has feelings about the neckline hears him at an event last night. was that joe or a statue of joe. if he was any more frozen maas protesters would ve spray-painted on his face. at this point the best they could do for him is unplugging with 5 minutes and reboot before calling tech support you want to hear something worse years joe today had a gun summit gun-control summit talking about you gun owners. by the way they want to take on that if we get out of line mr talking about they need f-15s they don t need a rifle what did he just say i kind of know what he said but still still is not about what you need it s your right to have a rifle this is the guy you believe january 6th was an insurrection apparently we shouldn t worry because he has f-16s or after 15 sees aft up and so his approval ratings dropping faster than his boobs when his bra comes off. even liberal election forecasters suggesting the unthinkable that biden drop out just he did in 1988 democrats what was a marketable candidate michael dukakis he says in biden just hit an all-time low and approval 37% dropping out would be a big risk but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk democrats would ve been better served if you decided a year ago not to seek a second term and give voters a say among the many popular democrats across the country the many popular democrats what i hope he doesn t fill out a gun application soon because apparently he is high as well who do they have this guy it looks like a tennis pro gave the entire country club committed chlamydia like this chuckle monster i ve seen whoopee cushions with more depth this guy s transportation secretary ellie transporter was illegal immigrants on midnight flights talk about a shallow bench they make fox and friends look like the supreme court what does joe think. no no luck nobody steps down i m not going anywhere. if you re going to beat me after run against me and nobody wants to do the right who do they have the california debt guy at the hearing the teeth really when he likes him is him get the vp lady good luck with that mayor gaye judge booty pete he can t beat me nobody respects him and it s not because he s gay either. it s because he s not a real judge let s welcome tonight s guests. she can use to handstands will she grandstands. [ cheers and applause ] he puts the half and half i m homeless michael loftus. her bumper sticker says food is for losers new york times best-selling author and contributor kat timpf and he doesn t wear hawaiian shirts he wears hawaii as a shirt new york times best selling author, comedian and former and debbie way world heavyweight champion tyrus. kat i would go to you first even though you re not a lawyer but i m interested what you thought of the verdict given your verdict feet of fillings on the secondment creek. you know how i feel because we talked about it this morning we also know i agree with everything in your monolog i think that what i read about is the way partisanship can do divide us and convince us to argue in favor of giving up her own rights this is a good example about that because everybody who wants to see the biden family go down i understand where that comes from i certainly think they been involved in corruption i don t think this is the thing to slammed him on because based on the data we do have on drug use in gun ownership tens of millions of americans could be guilty of felonies and faced decades in prison over the exact thing what i argue he was a responsible gun owner i would not but there was no victim here in the law doesn t designate that somebody who uses marijuana who s a veteran or a wounded veteran for chronic pain could fall under this and what you need to do to avoid it having partisanship clad your thoughts is take the biden s out of ask yourself do you agree with and is a constitutional debbie or second amendment s rights which shall not be infringed nothing what so ever do you want that to be up to the subjective standard of what doesn t doesn t qualify as an addict and have the government be the ones allowed to make that determination and the answer if it s no as it is for me then yet to be against us and also even if you like the law if you think it s a great law you have to say he can t really argue it s constitutional there s a difference between a statutory law unconstitutional you can t argue it s constitutional regardless i you feel about it. emily in the greenroom you said you hope biden fries. rereading my thoughts? no. geographic at orgy think it s a different thing how do you look at it. is a great point let s have that is the foundation over which let s put historical statutory applications bottom-line in 1968 the gun control act was passed where congress said you can t possess a gun if you are under the influence of you re addicted to these controlled substances then the controlled substances act which defined what that meant to be omega go for a whole decade here they make gutfeld stop it. the reasons many americans are vulnerable and that hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters and parents and uncles have been incarcerated is because of those lawes going all those decades back so currently over 157,000 people are incarcerated federally it s a federal prosecution 10% of them second-most is for firearms offences number 1 is drug offences so i also feel when the jury when they were pulled from the beginning they said over half of them direct family members they sought as being 1 more person just that being your last name you won t get away with it i saw them get incarcerated as well i cite taken away also so at the end of the day on the president released a statement saying we love her son were going to appeal and his family in court look so angry i feel it s welcome to the real world there are 157,000 american families going through the same thing right now he just went through today. can i just say some thing superfast i would love to see this actually get overturned on appeal and then it can strengthen second amendment rights for all of us. it would have to be the supreme court like for circuit courts and stuff. greg: you legal ladies pop pipe down i have to get the homeless guy in here. greg: whoa-mac he was she could go to prisons you could have a roof over your head? as a homeless lesbian i do and i realize now that i have developed a cardboard and shellfish allergy so no more sitting around eating clamps from a box. no more freak lamotta juice a want to talk about joe locking up you have to to keep them away from bright lights they are calling them home that s where he went he was just standing there going uncle bo z is that you did the un have an uncle bo z. you can t even clap at that point. as to the gun thing. [ snoring ] it s a good point in its true and is not what i want hunter to go to jail for what about the rest of the. [ bleeps ] laptop. it s like sweet jesus i m tired of the crimes where it s like yet to be careful about pulling that down like when trump as his attorney do something that s 34 felonies that you are slinging guns around high school dumpsters and doing drugs and that s just a 3. it makes zero cents the only thing good about this is a gives hunter a better story when he meets his fellow inmates right if he s like i opened up several shell companies and i was taking money from ukraine and putting that in the shell companies 10% would go to my father you might as well just suck a dude off their. greg: tyrus finish this out for us. he wouldn t to got that far. really disagree with you guys but if you like your examples are flawed like when you talk about the veteran. prescription lead is legal so he s not an addict the skylight about being an addict he s taking controlled substances yet to commit the crime to get it anyhow he is again there s a reason that simply as anybody who lives there it s a reason he was so he is lucky when he left the gun in the car it was someone in his family who got it he lifted there someday took it or there s a reason why we put these things in place of crack was legal he wouldn t be an addict unfortunately alcohol is legal because it was first it s 10 times worse than most drugs but you can drink all the beer you want and say i m not an alcoholic and you aren t lying. he asked if she was asked if he was an addict they check the box and 7000 people testified he lied so. [ bleeps ] send him to jail like the rest of us who commit crimes. crack is illegal. [ bleeps ] you you are going to jail. if you get arrested for a felony you can t vote you can t own again there s a reason for. greg: that was a spirited discussion alright. up next nancy pelosi admits fault in the january 6th assault. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles. what s missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they d rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we re not very athletic. 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( ) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly. while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services greg: nancy makes a clear will the national guard wasn t near here s footage from januare frozen face nancy pelosi taking response ability for not having the national guard and the capital that day watch. we have responsibility and there wasn t any accountability for what was going on there. we should have. it is ridiculous. they ve already breached should be called the capitol police i mean that the national guard i were they there to begin with. they don t know. they clearly didn t know with responsibility there because it s stupid in a situation like this they thought they had a wet thought they would act as civilized. even with the mask even with the mask she sounds hideous. emily what is going on here why is this out now. why is she taking responsibility for this there is something going on here. her daughter s making a documentary that s part of the file turned over after everybody found out about it the irony is that after the video was released the pelosi spokesperson said 3 years later house republicans are trying to whitewash january 6th it s shameful unpatriotic empathetic what i think is pathetic is the findings from the gop january 6th committee that returned it 10 p findings among them house democrats like speaker pelosi were concerned with optics after the summer of love it so want to the play the national guard being too afraid to have any form of law enforcement ready because they didn t want it to look bad when the streets are being burned down so that s her fault not trump s. didn t vindicate trump called for the national guard. it vindicates trump and that they should release all those january 6th people right now. and i am with you why are we seeing this now. nancy must have felt bad because both claws were going so sober as they had the ability to talk again crap the back of that dan gave terry we other responsibility i don t know how them going to buy stocks and do insider-trading now. it felt like a performance. low me get this straight she knew they were going in the building and did nothing about it locker up. 20 years is what you get. 20 years. what do you make of this iec conspiracy why are we seeing this now? and her daughter is filming this that s what i m struck by her daughter filmed she s making a documentary what s going on with this family like i would give anything a bravo reality show for nancy pelosi s family. greg: it s creepy the january 6th committee as that should be in there but the 2 republicans were. [ bleeps ] republicans. gold the great they saw something and it s going on getting worse we ve got him. they put people s lives at risk to get rid of trump they could have made the call they didn t because that s how we get them that s what it is. another hoax. up next as they declare trump making her scared. on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins. with rapiddry technology. that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. let s get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! ( ) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection go with simparica trio. a story in 5 words. we ll trump send rachel maddow camping. when asked if worried trump could target her she told the reliable sources newsletter worried about the country broadly if we put somebody empower openly of bowing to build camps to hold millions of people what convinces you these massive camps he s planning are only for migrants i m worried about me only as much as i m worried about all of us she should be worried about any kind of camp she would talk about how to build a fire and the history of fire all day long and she would starve to death. the most of boring my goodness i would watch a show she goes to camp but no 1 is going to go to a camp because conservatives don t want to waste of money on rate you have to higher dti counselors and brainwashing people of all spectrums and gavin newsom can t buy a homeless tent for a guy under 500 k know she wants to an episode of naked and afraid i d watch where are my clothes i m rachel maddow i m naked. and afraid. greg:, i like how they think of trump wins their careers in jeopardy their careers explode if he is in power because he gives them so much material it reinvigorates their careers. remember the tax returns they were drawing it out the whole time and it was nothing i remember watching that this you not remember how much fun she had with that also i can t decide if she really believes things are not like it she actually is afraid or just saying that or just thinking about it because i don t know how you could really believe that i think there s a lot of ratcheting up the rhetoric that happens it s ernie been ratcheted up quite high they just had to keep going and then you re not even thinking about it like a lot of the people i talked about who support trump this is top of the list of why is there just like wow this is why i shouldn t. and it sighing objectively stupid. the self-importance is a turnoff to the average person where it s like you really think he s going to take same from you so dangerous he will put you in a cage shut up. greg: it s true it s an ego thing is he is within a hundred to entertainers it would come for me next. no be cares about any of these idiots don t people he watch them are their own echo chamber do you think they will waste time i disagree if you work the first time because people thought there might be true to the russia thing we put up with this bowl. [ bleeps ] for 8 years that s likely going to say now why would else do you have it s passed that they overplayed their hand in their worried about consequences everybody who try to get away with stuff and lied and push false narratives are now afraid they re going to get their comeuppance and they call revenge are gonna me a camp signal you shouldn t be allowed to call yourself a journalist when you peddle lies narratives if anything once he wins where you going to do now because no matter what you do he s gonna finish his 4 years in the winds again absence like always going to lock me up at the celtics when the championship jayson tatum and jaylen brown are going to come to my house and beat me up. greg: by the way how does she think he s going to lock her up like what could be the crime like she leaps from a he becomes president i go to jail she leaves at all the stuff in between i was like is it because she s a journalist like whatever she is i don t know because it s so preposterous and if it s being a journalist but year paolo barack obama if you want to see the high volume of journalists imprisoned it s like they are in a space capsule they haven t evolved so outdated like listening to robert de niro when he was ranting and raving recently the thing coming out of his mouth trump s not going to accept the results fascism and he s wearing a mask is like watching somebody from 2016 and you re like we are so past that i don t know who listens to her but it makes me as lame as it sounds there are camps with millions of people in them and they are in china if i would her i would steward or time and platform a little better because the trump delusion derangement syndrome is stupid and i wish she would use it for sighing actual. greg: well put. maybe they would go on tv and say she has to go oh, no,. greg: coming up a coach to a slam dunk a question which stunk. for my patients. it really works. with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. fastsigns. make your statement™. this is steve. steve takes voquezna. this is steve s stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first and only fda-approved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months. of those healed, 79% stayed healed. and voquezna can provide heartburn-free days and nights. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. don t take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine. voquezna may cause serious side effects including kidney problems, diarrhea, bone fractures, severe skin reactions, low vitamin b-12 or magnesium levels, and stomach growths. call your doctor if you have diarrhea, stomach pain or fever that won t go away, decreased or bloody urine, seizures, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. ask your doctor about voquezna. home inspectors, general contractors, roofers; all kinds of pros recommend leaffilter. why? 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the journalist come on we need to stop using that term more watered-down than a racist in these days. when joe came and i thought he was too young didn t have experience but then he pulls a stunt like this you heard the race baiting pin just drop and nobody had a follow-up question they re trying to get him a gotcha moment glad to see a brother stand up and say it has nothing to do with my coaching ability or anything it s my work ethic and faith they got me where i was at and just ended it. forget the fact that we are up 2-0. i invaded his podcast dropped a bit and the full went for like it s a bin prank calling him a week but again it goes to the point where most of us just like the funny blackeye get field the skin is knowing to do with character and jokes. some glad her prominent black eyes because a lot of times psycho that school and he said enough of the seas done this before he did with the rowe family is like what was it like sing next to the prince he was like jesus is only king i serve so just murdered them all the time kat as a devout christian and sports however how do the comments make you feel great. like i could be a sportswriter. yahoo sports. i m serious because i could have known he would have answered this way there are a few things i follow lasted then basketball because you know what i did i googled him but to think you re going to go into an interview the same person when asked about meeting at the royal family answered like o chiese as mary and joseph this is a christian man gaia prioritizes his fave talks about his faith you could ve known he would answer this way if you bothered to google so sportswriters don t need to know sports or even pretend to google it if things don t work out here i ll just go to espn i guess. do they put basque ballgames on at the shelter? they do fro chicken wings from a distance to catch me where they actually from chicken? completely rowe seo and have to fight to kill the chicken with your single can of pork and beans the question was crazy is like for the first time since 1975 okay it was settled in 1965 are we seriously arguing about lack of diversity in the nba okay. let s out of the fight arrow lysed trans people having coached a single team in aussie let s get in there and fight for the ball and help me change my address. you are insane tonight mr loftus taking special outrageous bills last to you emily. only because of them. what you think. my point is do your research on the person you re covering but the promise we lived in an anti-christian anti- judeo-christian society is wei harrison becker i would say but to us and i know that s not right why he was vilified for speaking out for his faith at a catholic college in a filet no problem pray for them being a twitter handle when you tragically dropped on the field prayer is only okay when everyone else doesn t so i applaud this coach irrespective a sports team skin color or anything for being a bastion and beacon for being a christian man in the social environment. up next a texas court overrules banning books on butts in schools [ ] nobody is watching the news. [ ] gary: almost 11 on the east coast let s talk about butts and farts ruled houston area schools and libraries kennel longer banned books that mention but and farts like i broke my butt. and larry farley leprechaun. tyrus, are these books a gateway does shakespeare and chaucer? i think this is a gateway for your new tv shows where you have afternoon shows about farts and butts. gary: that s a great idea emily, as an adolescent boy in my past, i loved about farts and butts. if this is what gets a little boy to read, i love it. it is hysterical that there is this category but at the end of the day the ruling that you can t ban the book because you don t want to see the message but you can ban if it s unpopular so for those communities who do not want them to read about butts and farts. trace: my dream is to be number 1 on amazon in the category i don t know if there is a button fart category but i want to be the trailblazer. i m glad this ruling has been made those on staff picking up the slack and you been a way lobbying for this. gary: it was tough. being a homeless guy, you come in contact with smelly butts and terrible farts and that s how i know i m alive but it unites people rather than divides. farts are always funny and as long as they re not teaching little kids sex stuff and those are the books you want to have and here s who s riding these books because i wrote a book doing well at because you have to do the follow-up and it s don mcmillan is our whole thing she s written five books exclusively about butts. what s all that about and they all have the pseudo-porn titles that, hey, ladies slow down. we get it. greg: we need a second but. i glued my butt. greg: will talk about that will b e right back. s how do you find the perfect father s day gift? simple. just type weathertech has hundreds of premium products that will keep dad s vehicle looking its best. like laser-measured floorliners, cargo liner and seat protector for extra interior protection. sunshade blocks harmful uv rays. the cupfone perfectly secures his phone while driving. order these american made products or a gift card at happy father s day. greg: thank you emily, michael and the audience. i love you and good night. [applause] trace: good evening. i m trace gallagher and it s 8:00 and los angeles and this is america s fox news at night. [ indiscernable crosstalk

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cultivate the taylor swift voting demographic. this is one of the more popular entertainers musicians, and the world right now and it comes at a time where both candidates are also fighting for that younger vote for the younger generation some trump s supporters may already be skeptical of taylor swift and her politics in january pro-trump broadcasters and politicians put out conspiracy theories implying that the nfl had rig games and favor of the kansas city chiefs to promote swift and travis kelce and give them a platform to endorse president biden, none of which, of course, was even remotely close to being true wealth. how instrumental has taylor swift been in getting out the vote? this is why the biden and trump campaigns both want her on their side, wolf last year in september, she put out a message on instagram asking young people to register to vote according to tracking agencies. as a result of that in just one day, about 35,000 people registered to vote. that s how much sway she has especially among younger voters, turn biden both desperate for that demographic. very interesting guy, brian tied reporting for us. thank you very much brian. i m wolf blitzer in the situation room thanks very much for watching. the news continues. next on cnn leader is reportedly caught saying we have the israelis, right where we want them a federal jury hands down guilty verdicts for hunter biden on all three counts against him making him the first child of a sitting us president to be convicted of a crime the wife of us supreme court justice samuel alito s secretly recorded what she said about the controversial flags outside her home, and the people who criticize to the flying them cnn breaking news but we begin this hour with breaking news a new report released just moments ago from a un commission finds israeli authorities and palestinian militant groups, including mass responsible for war crimes and other violations of international law. the commission has also found israel responsible for crimes against humanity during its military operations in gaza following the october 7 hamas attack. i want to bring in cnn s jumana karachi, who joins us live from london. thanks for being the un says it has evidenced at both israel and hamas have committed war crimes or report just handed down to mount. and what can you tell us? well, linda, this is a these are the findings of the un commission of inquiry on the palestinian territories and israel, this is a body that was set up by the united nations human rights council back in 2021 during the offensive in gaza at the time. and now for the past few months, they have been investigating the events of october 7 and events since they have released to reports, 200 pages long in total so with their findings on both what is happening in gaza during these military operations, as well as what took place in israel on october the seventh. and what they say here is that they have found hamas and six other palestinian armed groups it s responsible for war crimes committed in israel. and they also found that, as you mentioned, that they accused israel of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity during its military operations in gaza. now this linda, they say, is the first in-depth un investigation into the events of october 7 and events since they accused israel of obstructing their investigations, not giving them access to israel or palestinian territories, but they say that this investigation relied on interviews with victims and witnesses. they went through thousands of open source item is that they verified, they say through advanced forensic analysis, they had hundreds of submissions satellite imagery, forensic medical reports. now, when it comes to october the seventh, linda, these are the main findings. they say that these militant groups, hamas and these other groups are responsible for the for war crimes including intentionally directing attacks against civilians murder or willful killing, torture, taking hostages, including children and more. now, these crimes, they say, we re committed by these militant groups as well as palestinians. they say in some instances, in civilian clothing, they identify they say patron s indicative of sexual violence. and concluded that these are not isolated incidents, but perpetrated in similar ways in several locations primarily against israeli women. and the indiscriminate firing of thousands of projectiles against israeli towns and cities. they say that causing deaths and injuries is a violation of international humanitarian and human rights law. then you ve got the report on what is happening and what has happened in gaza during these military operations, there accusing israel of these war crimes and crimes against humanity, including you including using starvation as a method of warfare, murder, and willful killing intentionally directing attacks against civilians, sexual violence extermination, gender, persecution of palestinian men and boys, murder forcible transfer and the list goes on. what they say is when you look at the immense number of civilian casualties in gaza, the widespread destruction they say that this is the result of what they have found to be a strategy to cause maximum damage, disregarding the rules of war, the principles of distinction shin proportionality, an adequate precautions. and what they say is the intentional use of heavy weapons with a large destructive capacity in densely populated areas. they say that you know, all these evacuation orders that the israeli authorities have issued, that that was not adequate, that that was not enough. that they found that civilians as well came under attack when taking these evacuation routes or in designated safe areas and then they go into the humanitarian situation where they say they have found to be a total siege of gaza imposed by israel. and they say that this as what they found here to be the use of the weaponization of aid and access to gaza. saying that this was what is happening amounts to punishment. collective punishment against the civilian population and they also found instances they say a significant number of civilians who posed no threat intentionally killed by israeli forces. and in these cases, linda, we have to mention that they mentioned, they cite to reports that were reported by us at cnn over the past few months. now we have now reached out to the israeli government for comment. but it s worth mentioning here that they have made their position very clear on this commission. they said that they are not going to cooperate with them months ago. accusing this body of being an anti-israel and anti-semitic body, they have had issues with members of the commission. and of course, this is coming we ve seen the tensions rising, the relationship deteriorated between the united name nations and israel over the past during the conflict, as much as israel has come under criticism for its military operations in gaza, it has accused the united nations and several of its bodies and of an anti israel bias and not being fair towards israel. but we will we will continue to try and get more common from israeli authorities today on these findings, linda yeah, we will stay across history or de john monocrop. good to have you with us on this breaking news story. thanks very much we are following more breaking news out of israel, whether military says a large missile barrage has been fired from lebanon towards its northern territory. the idf said about 90 projectiles cross the border in total with some marking fires seen as ben wade, him and following developments for us and joins us live from a root. good to have you there first ben, so they re fighting it. the israel-lebanon border is continuing to intensified is take us through this escalation yeah i mean, what we re what we re seeing is real intensification overnight, there was a strike in the town of zwei. you wear we re hearing reports of four people killed. and in fact his butler on its telegram channel has come out and said that four of its fighters were killed, including a senior commander by the name of tlaib sammy abdullah now, we don t know if they were actually killed in this strike in southern lebanon because his butler never says where they re people were killed. but it appears that this is a is, described as a commander. so in response, it appears hamas has fired a volley of rockets from the lebanese sayyed, where hearing more than 50 the israelis are saying as many as 90 according to the israeli media, it is caused fires in parts of northern israel. now, video has come out on social media showing that most of those rockets fired from lebanon have been intercepted and intercepted presumably by the iron dome system, but certainly what we ve seen in the last week is that his bulla is used because in weaponry that seems to be somewhat more sophisticated last week it appears that they were able to take out one of those iron dome batteries, several days ago, hizballah was able to shoot down a hermes 19 is rarely drone. that s the third so far. now those drones fly at a very high altitude indicating that hezbollah is now using fairly sophisticated anti-aircraft weaponry. twice in the last week, they ve also used anti-aircraft missiles to fire at is israeli planes in lebanese airspace. so although much of the focus of the last few days has been on the situation in gaza and israel. the situation on the border between lebanon and israel is becoming increasingly tense. and there is ever more talk of the possibility of war between israel and his berlin fact this morning, we heard the iranian foreign minister warning israel not to fall into well of lebanon know, suddenly a frightening thought of ben, but i do if weekend for a moment want to turn our focus back to gaza because the fate of that latest proposal for a ceasefire seems more unclear right now, what are you hearing from hamas in terms of baer response to this proposal? well, it appears both sides are accusing the other of rejecting the proposal. now, israel is telling, saying israeli officials are saying that hamas is rejected. hamas has responded saying, no, we haven t rejected it. in fact, is a rich pays a member of hamas is politburo is saying the palestinian factions have responded positively and seriously to the proposal and are accusing israeli media of incitement and attempting to confuse the situation. it s a bit like when you re bargaining in the soup just because you reject a price doesn t necessarily mean you re not going to buy the goods. this is a bargaining, this is negotiations. so at this point, i think both sides are accusing the other of rejecting it, but i don t think we can say that the deal is dead yet. it s just bargaining and we will continue to see what comes out of the next round of mediation band wiedemann forests, covering all those developments. thanks so much. well, hunter biden, the son of joe biden, is now the first child of a sitting us president to be found guilty of a crime after his conviction on three federal felony gun charges the president braced his son off to landing and delaware hours after tuesday s verdict, the jury deliberated for less than three hours concluding that hunter biden violated laws meant to prevent those suffering from substance abuse from buying or owning a firearm and of course, it created an awkward political moment for the us president who just hours after his sons conviction, was speaking at a previously scheduled gun safety event harold, in his efforts to strengthen gumballs and enhance the penalties for those who violate them. well, let s discuss this where the riva martin and attorney and legal affairs commentator, she joins us from los angeles. good to have you with us hi. sorry. i had to buy it and found guilty of three felonies lying to a licensed firearms gun deal. i m making a false claim and a firearms application. and of course, possessing that illegally obtained gun for those 11 days he does face up to 25 years in prison. but could get a fraction of that. what do you anticipate well, one thing we do know is that hunter biden does not have any prior felony or any kinds of convictions on his record he didn t use the gun that he purchased for any crime, so no crime was committed with bad gun. he has been according to reports, clean and sober now for at least four or five years, given that he is likely to demonstrate a great deal of remorse, given the types of mitigation letters and testimony that we will see from supporters and friends. i think he ll get the lowest sentence possible, and i think it s so important to note that this case, the case that was brought against hunter biden several former prosecutors who had been in charge of us attorney s offices said this is not the kind of case that they would have even brought so i think we can t overlook a gloss over the political aspect of this prosecution. so i don t expect there to be any sentence in the range. what s being reported with respect to the 25 years, i think it ll be at the lowest end of the sentencing range yeah. an array that just on that point, as you alluded to people at the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives, did apparently say that anyone else would have seen these these charges dropped with this case drop if he wasn t as well-known, just how unusual is it for someone we know criminal record to go to court for an offense like this it s very unusual. i saw some statistic that you ve talked about less than three to 5% of individuals in this situation would have ever had charges brought. and even if charges were brought most likely this was the kind of case they would have resulted in a plea deal, not the kind of case that would have occupied the time and resources that we saw the government put forth and you can t help again, but look at all of the personal and very embarrassing information that was revealed during this trial, it seemed like the trial was about embarrassing hunter biden and therefore embarrassing the entire biden family more so than seeking justice, i was quite surprised. i should say, at the outcome at the verdict by the jury, i thought there would be jury nullification. i thought the jury would look at this and say this just doesn t pass the smell test. there s something blatantly unfair about this prosecution but they looked at the facts and said they put aside of the reality that this was the president s son. and reach their conclusion. and like democrats have been saying throughout the day you have to accept the verdict the jury, and i m prepared to do that, but i was surprised by it of course hunter biden does face and other trial in september over his failure to pay his income taxes during a years-long crack alcohol spending binge. should that case b. of more concern to him? woke absolutely much much more serious case of very easy to prove cases where there are allegations of failure to pay federal income taxes the allegations here is that he failed to pay over $1 million over a three-year period. but i think we re going to see something happened in the tax evasion in case based on what we saw in the case that just resulted in the conviction, and that s probably a lot of testimony about his drug use, about his addiction that probably had something to do played some role in why he did not pay his federal taxes. again, this is the case linda that ordinarily would have been resolved by plea deal and remember, there was a deal that was interred into by the special prosecutor and biden s attorneys that would have allowed for both the cases, the gun charge case, and the tax case to be resolved without going to trial. and so given that it is going to go to trial, the second case in september does tuesday s guilty verdict potentially raise the stakes for any future sentencing? absolutely. yeah. again, i don t think he has much jeopardy when it comes to the convictions today, the nature of the charges, his background, what we expect to see in terms of mitigation however, the federal income tax evasion charges we ve seen very a high-profile famous people serve jail time on very similar charges. so my estimate is that to the extent there is jail time and that hunter biden has to serve any jail time. it s much more likely to be related to the tax evasion case than it is with respect to the gun charge case. right? good to get you on the program or even martin, as always, thanks so much for your time thank you. linda will the new are controversy for the us supreme court one justice and his wife are caught on tape speaking to someone they thought was a religious conservative that conversation next telling me what you want from this want to be a scar, cool to be normal, liked this is waiting for who knows where it traumas you, i will not let you down if i were you know, i ve stopped talking every time i need a new 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several critical primaries could serve as a test for the us elections later this year. in the case state of nevada, sam brown won the republican senate nomination, will face off against democratic incumbent senator jacky rosen in one of the most important races of the 28, 2024 election in south carolina scene and projects that congresswoman nancy mace will win the republican primary for the state s first congressional district. that s despite opposition from allies of former house speaker kevin mccarthy, whom she voted to oust nice to feed it to challenges and should be able to avoid a june 25 primary runoff or left activists is just added to the political term. i ll roiling the us supreme court the activist posed as a religious conservative and secretly recorded conversations with justice samuel alito and his wife, martha-ann as well as chief justice john roberts. she released those secret recordings on monday jessica schneider explains what they reveal tonight. no comment from the supreme court after two of its most senior justices and one of their spouses are heard on secret recordings discussing sensitive topics. people in this country, believing god, embedded, keep fighting to return our country a place the bodley names i agree with justice samuel alito speaking to lauren windsor during a dinner last week hosted by the supreme court historical society windsor, a liberal activist posing as a devout catholic when talking with the justice, where he also addresses the current polarization of the country we can go the polar i think it is a matter of like i think you re probably one side or the other side or the other is i don t know i mean, there can be a way of working our way of living together peacefully it s different because there are differences. one fundamental things that really can t comment it s not like we re going to split the difference this society condemned the secret recordings saying attendees are advised not to discuss anything from the event. windsor defended her actions today in an interview with cnn, there s nothing illegal in a dc about recording people so long as one person is a party to that conversation, to people who want to pearl clutch about this yeah. please tell me how we re going to get answers when the supreme court has been shrouded in secrecy. and really just refusing any degree of accountability whatsoever. cnn has not independent candidly obtained or heard the recordings in full, but they come after recent ethics concerns involving the court, including controversial flags flown at homes of justice alito flags that the justice said were put up by his wife martha-ann alito, also heard on the audio for xi addressed the flag controversy head-on. know what i want. i want sacred. heart of jesus glad because i had to look cross the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. exactly. and he s like, oh, please don t put up a flag. i can i won t do it because i m deferring to you. but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them most of every day, maybe every week. i ll be changing the flags. windsor also secretly recorded chief justice john roberts, who rebuffed her when she made a case for more christian society we live in a christian nation and our supreme court to be guiding i don t know, that we live. in a christian nation. i know a lot of jewish and muslim friends who would say maybe not. and it s not our job to do that. it s our job to decide i do the cases, especially we have not seen any comment on the secret recordings from the supreme court or from the justices or justice alito s wife. now the supreme court historical society hosted this dinner where the recordings were made. it is a yearly event held inside the court building. were members because of the society are allowed to buy tickets for themselves and one guest. and the gathering provides members rare access to the justices as we saw in these secret recordings jessica schneider, cnn, washington one doesn t his dad and a suspect now in custody following the hijacking of the commuter bus here in atlanta tuesday. well, 30 say they responded to our port of gunfire on the bus when they arrived, the boss took off with 17 people on board that led police on a dangerous rush hour chase through heavy traffic the bus striking several vehicles along the way. when it finally came to a stop, the suspected gunman was arrested on board, plays found a bus driver with a gunshot wound, who later died in hospital. here s what the city s mayor had to say about that harrowing ordeal. no mayor, no, no chief no share if nobody wants to have a day like this, a gunman with a gun to the head of a bus driver saying, don t stop this bus oh else, worst will happen. this is the type of thing is that obviously no one is. i mean, it seems like the movies stood a comment ticking time bomb about to explode scene and gets exclusive access to a camp housing the families of isis fighters what a top us 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some of the facilities at those camps. as well as the notorious panorama prison this is her exclusive report and a warning. it begins with some disturbing images cell phone videos of isis is brutal justice that the world hoped it would never see again. she might want him amash shared for the first time with cnn these images or captured in rocco or mosley in 2016 they were taken in 2022 in the al-hol camp in northern syria the sprawling dumping ground for the women and children captured after isis was defeated five years after the fall of the caliphate, isis is ideology lives on here security officials warn it is a ticking time bomb ungovernable and hostile to the outside world. you can see just how fast this place is more than 40,000 people are living here in the most dangerous part. the camp is called the annex. that s where some 6,000 foreign nationals are currently within we were granted exceptionally rare access to the annex by the us back syrian democratic forces sdf, who control the camp the women here hail from more than 60 different countries several raise their right index fingers for the cameras sign of solidarity with the islamic state do you regret your decision to join isis or wash she complains that the conditions in the camp are awful there are people in the world who will say, you went to join isis. you deserve it. you deserve it. what do you say to that? normally if enemy yeah women need me for the majority of alcohols residents are kids who have ended up here through no fault of their own un has called it a blight on the conscience of humanity. it is effectively a prison camp for women and children are arbitrarily and indefinitely detained should to a group stops us with a frantic plea. one of their sons has been arrested trying to escape the camp. she s asking if she can get her son back, who s in a prison the youth mark, we want to just send him out. so the sdf wouldn t take him. she tells us once boys turn 12, here, they take them it is a troubling story we hear over and over again the sdf says, it is their policy to separate adolescent boys because they are being radicalized as by their mothers an sdf raid earlier this year netted this video of a training session for children inside the camp. the sdf claims young teenage boys are married off to repopulate the next generation of isis fighters they say may explain the roughly 60 births recorded here every month this is where some of those boys end up after they are taken the or cash rehabilitation center conditions here are much better than the camps, but there are only 150 beds and they are all full shamil cha car grew up in cologne, germany until his parents took the family to the isis capital rocha. a shrapnel injury to his head has left shamil confused how old are you? chem omitted without if you don t know shamil was living in our whole camp with his mother and siblings until a few years ago when security forces came into their tent in the middle of the night in colombia enough for a man came and pulled me up and tied my hands behind my back. my mom was screaming. she said leave him alone. he tells us i didn t want to go with them. he pushed me saying, put on your shoes, but i didn t hit me islam is from dagestan on russia and is one of the youngest boys here which gives me three to it via mama hey so he s saying that he is just 12-years-old. he has been here about three or four months. he was taken from his mother he doesn t even know what his last name is human rights organizations have said the separations are on a pauling violation of international law but the sds top general muslim abdi defends the policy. no duck ethnic instead of these organizations condemning what we re doing and calling it a human rights violation. these organizations should give us help when it comes to our program that we have in place for years now to rehabilitate these children. but part of the problem seem it s to be that once these young boys turn 18, there s not anywhere for them to go, particularly if they can t return to their home countries and so some of them, i believe are ending up in prison necessity taken when he says, this is not a policy that we are following to put them in prison at 18 the reality is the goal is to reintegrate them with society but cnn has found that boys as young as 14 had been held here at the notorious panorama prison with an estimated 4,000 inmates. it is the largest concentration of isis fighters in the world. no journalist has been allowed inside panorama since 2021 until now so the head of the prison has asked me to put on a head scarf where we walk through here because these are some of the most radicalized prisoners they have a senior us official told us the number one concern at panorama is a prison break the fear that was realized in 2022 when hundreds of inmates managed to escape and i. look inside 25 men sit cross-legged in silence cell is spotless the men, we see appear to be indecent physical condition but tuberculosis is rampant in the prison. and we are only allowed to look inside two cells versus your, where you a british man approaches the great, but does not want to show his face i know advocacy groups called the us funded panorama illegal black hole, worse thing guantanamo bay in an interrogation room. we meet 19-year-old stephane, ucc or lou from suriname. he tells us he was brought to the prison when he was 14, along with more than 100 other miners have you had a lawyer ever you talked to a lot where i don t know about the big guys as we speak about the kids assume. well, if you know the truth, we don t know even my were always like punished as like five years in prison. i were punished we don t even know what he s done. like we ve been imprisoned because of our clients at the sdf intelligence headquarters. we need british pakistani dr. mohammed socket accused of joining isis. he claims he was the victim of an elaborate kidnapping plot. it says panoramas, inmates our abused. so we live in torture. i live in fear when you say you live in torture, do you mean that you are actually physically being tortured? this happens on an off what kind of torture? like beating by the stick? by the gods to be honest, i m just waiting for my death there s no getting out of this prison. probably never the warden at panorama called sockets claim of abuse false, saying quote, all parts of the prison are monitored by cameras and no prison guard can act in this way. the sdf and the us are pushing countries to repatriate their citizens from syria, saying it is the only solution to this complex and dangerous situation. but the process has been slow and many including western allies are dragging their feet in the owl rose can we meet brits, canadians, belgians, australians, and a couple of americans? survive basically 30-year-old hoda methanol has been stuck here with her seven-year-old son for more than five years. i have to ask you, i m seeing all of the women here are fully covered. a lot of them covering your phases you re not covered, you re wearing a t-shirt is that hard it was hard when i first took it. i would say for the first 23 years people would not accepting of it. and they harassed us a lot. they stole our stuff and i had to stay strong and show example from my son, born and raised in the us, hoda became radicalized online at the age of 20, and left her family and alabama to live under isis a decision she quickly regretted if you were to be able to go back to the us and you had to go on trial, potentially serve time in prison. have you reconciled yourself without possibility? i always tell myself that i m going to prison would be a step forward in my life if i had any time to serve, i d server and come out and begin my life with my son for now? that is not an option while the us advocates repatriation, it ruled holders us citizenship invalid on a technicality, but i didn t write now, she lives in fear for her son s future what do you miss most about america i just want to breathe ever i can arrow and be around people. i loved the people of america. they re very open and they re very forgiving and they re very, they re people who gives second chances and i think if they were to sit down with me and listen to my story from the beginning, they would give me a second chance but second chances are hard to come by here for most repentance is demanded and forgiveness rarely given as the cost of ignoring this ugly crisis continues to mount. clarissa ward, cnn, northern syria i m gonna statement to cnn a us state department said the department has not changed its position with regards to miss mu who found a citizen status as the state department to and determine and the courts are grade. she s not and never was a us citizen was sort of calm. the mystery of the north korean football star who went missing three years ago. i need to make a dramatic return now, we ll look at what s going on russian for trying to spy on us. we were spying on them this is a secret war. secrets and spies sunday at ten on seeing her on like minute 30 minutes. good one, remember, i don t want surgery for my do patreons contraction to i don t want to wait for my contracture to get worse. three, i want to treatment with minimal downtime for i want to non-surgical treatment good boy. and five and if not non-surgical treatment is an offering i ve get a second opinion let s go take charge of your treatment. if you can t lay your hand flat, visit, find a hand specialist to get started your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pro enamel active shields because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is the game changer for my patients. it really works you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with parsi mega because their places like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including 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extinguished. already say, no one was injured, but many animals were killed, including dogs, cats rabbits, snakes, birds, fish, and chicken. one pet shop owner says 400 of her exotic snakes worth about $136,000, died from smoke inhalation well, he was once a promising young football star, attracting interest from europe s top clubs. but when the covid-19 pandemic hit north korea s khan kuan song suddenly disappeared three years later, he returned to the football pitch trying to help his country qualify the 2026 welcome. cnn s alloca montgomery explains the vanished north korean soccer superstar missing no more. khan kuan song, the young striker from pyongyang to play for italian giant. your event is against some of europe s elite clubs he disappeared for more than three years after un sanctions ordered, north korean workers abroad to head home playing for north korea against syria, myanmar, and japan. finally, taking to the field again during the recent world cup qualifiers. but the mystery surrounding his absence remains and young hoc, a japanese born north korean former soccer player, who knows and met hahn tells me the striker has extraordinary talent. the two first met in 2019 when khan said he watched on to play for the country a pandemic later, they briefly met again in tokyo just this last march on, encouraged khan to help the team reach the world cup and says he was told by a north korean official that khan was stuck at a north korean embassy in china when the country shut its borders during the pandemic, then we re starting at 20. khan had to train alone for about two to three years, less the timbre i think they let them into the country on is worried the time away from the pitch severely affected the budding star s career, where the goal i feel like he lost out on the chance to grow more at the right age and time when he could have really developed. i think he could have played better. i ve been doing national team matches. it s really regrettable in north korea, sports are popular pastime and a tool for social control, discipline soccer in particular is a fan favorite and draws him thousands of spectators under the watchful eyes of sports enthusiast and leader in java and the kim regime is looking to elevate north korea into a sports powerhouse echoing its 2010 world cup qualification, only the second time it has desso a moment on remembers with pride, saying players were recognized with a certificate and departments and pyongyang. but the country suffered bruising defeats on the actual world cup stage and rumors quickly ensued of the national team facing punished schmidt from the regime, including public shaming, a narrative on strongly denies biotic. it s pretty hard to get information about the democratic people s republic of korea. so there are still stories about people being sent to the coal mine after losing a match or being lectured for six hours. but there are no such stories at all as far as i know, i was on the national team the more than ten years and then never have high hopes for his country men s returned to the global stage once it got khan, can t get back the time he lost. so going forward, i hope it becomes a great player will improve the image of the democratic people s republic of korea s national team with a little getting in or out of north korea. it s hard to know what the future holds for khan, but it s countries attempt to play in the world cup continues hanako montgomery cnn, tokyo we re going to take a quick break. we ll be right back. you re watching cnn as a guide gynecologist, i m embarrassed to say this. we use deodorant on our armpits and we kinda make women feel bad about body odor that they get on other parts of our body. why i created lumi whole body deodorant for pits, privates and beyond. it s clinically proven to block a told her all day controls odor for 72 hours soap can t do that. and since your pits and privates go everywhere, you go, keep them confidently fresher with 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just hours ago, but not to make new music jin, the oldest member of the group is discharged from the military after completing his 18 month mandatory service requirement. he was graded by five of his six bandmates south korean media reports, they released their requested leave from their own military assignments to celebrate the occasion jan immediately got in front of the camera on social media. we ve us racking up more than 3 million views performance and fan event to plan for thursday. at age 31, jen is the first member of bts to finish his military service with the ban expected to reunite next year once all members discharged will get your rooms ready. one, a brothers has announced a c-corps to the 1998 hit film practical magic sandra bullock and nicole kidman, stars of the original film are in talks to return for practical magic to a variety reports. the actresses are also expected to produce the project story fall is two which sisters who, because every man they love the film is based on alice hoffman s 1995 novel of the same name. no word yet on a release date for the sacral, one or brothers which is producing the movie as part of cnn s parent company, warner brothers discovery thanks so much for your company. i m mindy kincaid. have yourselves a wonderful day seeing on user and continues with max foster in london. after a short break, stay with us i m thinking i m going to die. and five, both one would with we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn. let s get the rest of these plants organic soil from miracle grow has grown meat the best garden i have ever had, good soil and you get good results this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil so who are you? i m in a child that you really need in life is some brick in total oh yeah four-star teach you, go into the torque, get you going? now we re talking guard bonds. so i know our job cornered or two totally torqued out crossover start your day with nature. the number one pharmacist recommended 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