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Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin 20180801 17:00:00

andrea, it is great to see you, congratulations on 40 amazing years. it is great to work with you. thank you. good afternoon to all of you, i am kasie hunt in today for craig melvin. stop this. the president tells is attorney general to end the russia investigation in a string of tweets on the same day his form er campaign chairman s trail. the press briefing should start in about 15 minutes. we ll see how they respond to questions about this. plus, russian influence, hearing on capitol hill reveals russia s push to sway american voters went deeper than we thought. we all these talks, when do we see action to stop it? off message, the president says you need to buy an id to buy
groceries the day after his administration floats the idea of a huge tax cut for the rich. we start with president trump s twofold twitter attacks today demanding his attorney general end the special counsel investigation. he defended the target of one of the biggest indictment results in that probe. former campaign paul manafort. the white house press briefing in about 15 minutes. we are expecting sarah sanders to take the podium and answer questions about why the president wants to end the probe that secured five guilty pleas and dozens of indictments. let s start with our nbc news reporter peter alexander at the white house and ken dilanian following the manafort trial in virginia. ken, i want to start with you.
what is the white house and how are they pushing back, there is some new reporting from rudy giuliani and the president s attorneys talking about the meaning of the word should ? reporter: that s exactly right. the white house is pushing back by directing reporters like myself to the outside counsel. i will be the reporter who goes in the room within the next 45 minutes and sarah sanders will be walking out here in about 15 minutes from now. here is what this all began with. it was in effect on extraordinary appeal, jeff sessions earlier on twitter. this is what president trump tweeted. we ll put it up on the screen. he says this is a terrible situation and attorney general jeff sessions should stop this rigged witch hunt right now before it continues to stain our country. bob mueller is totally conflicted and his 17 angry
democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to usa. the washington post heard from rudy giuliani and jay sekulow. sekulow telling the post, the president did not have any order on this. we heard from rudy giuliani that it is established that the president uses his tweets to establish his opinions, he carefully uses the word should. we reached out to the justice department as well and they are declining to comment. kas kasie. because we know the president is so exactly careful of which words he chooses to use. exactly. what did the president say about paul manafort? reporter: the president has been paying close attention to what s happening across the
river of that trial of this former campaign trying to distance himself in the past saying he was aman manafort campaign for five months. the president tweeted. looking back in history, who was treated worse, alfonse capone, legendary mob boss, killer public enemy number one. the bottom line of this president is he s frustrated on this. he thinks that he s being connected to the paul manafort s case that he knows all of these charges relate to actions. it is worth noting that the
president then kancandidate don trump knew manafort and he has known him for decades and manafort has lived at trump tower for a selected time. he did select him to go onto share his campaign without checking into that background. peter, thanks. ken dilanian tell us of the case. reporter: the jury has not told these prosecutors work for mueller. how extraordinary it is for the president of the united states to denounce his own justice department and fbi and unlawfully predicated criminal investigations over seen by his own appointee. we kind of got used to it from this president. as for the trial, it is so far from this political world in washington. right now kasie, we are deep in the world of men s fashion.
do you own an ostrich jacket? reporter: i do not. paul manafort does and the prosecution introduced some pictures of his closets at the condo from the fbi executed a search warrant and the next witness is the guy named matt katsman. the whole point is to show the jury paul manafort evaded taxes and spent money that was stocked in overseas bank accounts on these high end items and other evidence included land randolpher arandolp rover and $50,000 renovations on a couple of bathroom and property. the judge is constantly paul manafort is not on trial because he had a lavish style.
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Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
order. i think that i would rather be on the prosecution on that particular piece of evidence in the same way that he said would means wouldn t. to that point aaron. she s right in the context of any one of us operating in a day-to-day life with somebody and not just your boss but kind of the commander in chief of the united states of america tells you to do something, how else are you supposed to take it? i keep on thinking if i got my boss came to me and said hey, you should write about this thing. i would not take that as an option. i think maybe i should go write that thing. i definitely should if i want to watch out for my job. so i think that the question though whether that rises to the legal standards just because it is meant to be interpreted as a command. i think that s the argument that the president s lawyers are going to make. matt miller, what s the
difference between the public and private version of this? one of the things that s interesting of the idea that mueller is going through the tweets. often times we don t necessarily the president s keeping something secret. in this case, it seems that the public statements itself are problematic. they are just as powerful evidence as anything he said in private. if the president is taking direct action to conceal something, for example, when he asked all his staff to leave the room so he can have a one on one conversation with james comey. he knew what he was doing is inappropriate. if he were to do a television interview and directly admit what he did, why he did it with lester holt when he said i fired james comey because of the russian investigation. that s powerful evidence against
him. just because he s stupid enough to do it publicly does not mean it is any less damaging. although there is the question of contra dridictions the president makes. the strategy, you say one thing and the other thing and it is totally contradictory and nobody know his state of mind. is he doing that because he s trying to play in his defense of the russian investigation or is he all over the place? i don t think anybody knows the answer to that question. we spend a large portion of our time in the media psychoanalyzing the president trying to figure out what he means. that s a game to an extent of the mueller investigation have to play, too. jill, do you see any store rhistoric parallels that we need to focus on? everyday is parallels.
we are getting a pretty powerful case where the pieces of evidence are coming to ring tog now. i am going to count on viewers to come up with a fake nixon s account. matt miller before we go, we should not lose site of the fact that he s telling jeff sessions to end this. of course, much of the president and much of his anger, we know he s angry about this. jeff sessions had no choice to recuse himself. it was not an optional act. it was written in regulation. the president does not care about that and he s asking sessions to violate the department of justice regulations and unrecuse himself and shut down the investigation into the president himself. that s powerful evidence of the president corrupting. it is only wednesday. aaron blake and ji
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. right now we are waiting for the press briefing to get started on a busy day at the white house. it was scheduled to start five minutes ago. fis first, after facebook revealed it uncovered operations similar to the one carried out in 2016. the senate questions digital and social media experts on influences of the elections. t not just by the government but also by those who ought to
understand these tools best. they re creators. nbc jo lynn kent is gjoining me now. jo, i want to start with you. have anything you have been monitori monitoring this morning, have anything stood out to you? have you learned anything new today? u.s. focus activities by the internet research agency out of russia spiked into mid of 2017. that s a new nugget. another thing we want to hit is talking about what we should be looking for going into the 2018 midterms. automated accounts as we have reported are payable to put out much more devices content faster than humans so want to discord in the upcoming election and the individuals have been testifying have said faster than 25 or 30
acts. they are organizing facebook users bideny identity and other background issues and we are talking about antimuslims or anti-lgbtq and looking at extreme issues that can be used in extreme ways. i want to share some sound from some of the folks who testifies who this goes beyond facebook and twitter. we spend a lot of time talking about facebook and twitter. as renee highlighted and others have noted, this is a problem of the entire information ecosystem. this is crossed platform and reddit confirms hundreds of created accounts and tumblr did it and that platform was used to target the african-american community. this is why it is so difficult to quantify in any meaningful way the reach of these activities. this is across the entire
ecosystem. so kasie, what we are seeing is a continued attempt of manipulation. facebook declined to say whether those problems, problematic pages or accounts came from russia or not. senator mark warner says it is kremlin s activities. there are a lot of voices weighing into this right now. the real center of the issue so far from this, one individual testifying saying extreme are screaming while the majority is whispering. it captures the sentiment of what we are learning today. derek, i want to show you something that senator susan collins said today just exactly what the united states are doing with the problem that jo lynn just laid out. no, i don t think the administration is focused enough on this issue. for one thing, we no longer have a cyber security expert at the
white house whose sole job is to focus on issues like this. that s a very porpt step that muy important step to take. it may be too late. big question is will russia intervene of the 2018 elections in the same way we know? the answer is they started to try. facebook shuts down over a dozen accounts. they found out certain profiles have been linked to the internet research agency, the ira have spent $11,000 on its platform. they essentially said help us work on this problem. you have facebook having this sort of realization that their platform is being used to so division and hate and disunity
of election year. you have the white house which is doing something completely different. trump meeting with putin and refusing to say anything to russia acted inappropriately. you have the president repusing often to investigate moving further on these issues. i think she s exactly right. you have this remarkable situation where the business and political community, at least large parts of it are united in their efforts to combat russian attempts to intervene in our elections and the president of the united states is not only refusing frankly to help them, he s actually purposefully trying to shut down an investigation, illegal investigations into the origins of these efforts. it is a shocking thing. jo, at this point, facebook is turning to our government
saying hey, can you help us get to the end of this and figure out the last mile of what is going on here, right? well, facebook is cooperating with the department of justice and fbi and other agencies in washington. the real issue is regulation and self-policing. these major tech companies are not capable of policing themselves and running a flat form that can promote real true tiff or just the basic truth. there is not a political will right now, at least on capital hill to place regulations on these companies or sort out what it may look like. they re saying if it is necessary, they see a lot of political will coming out from the senate and the house and you got the intel committee hearing coming up from the week of september where you will hear jack dorsey and we don t know if the google s ceo is going to accept his invitation.
those are critical moments that s coming up that we ll be watching closely if anything can be moving. that s september and the midterm is in november. coming up very, very quickly. nbc jo lynn kent and jared thompson. thank you very much. thanks. we are keep on watching the white house s brief pressing room. these briefings have become less and less frequent. there is quite a bit of ground to cover. the president in his element among his supporters, how he connects to the everyday man. his interesting take on what you have to do if you want to buy groceries. i m ray and i quit smoking with chantix. i tried cold turkey, i tried the patch.
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the leader of north korea has followed through on his commitment to return the first set of remains of americans to our homeland. these brave souls deserve nothing but our honor and respect. the families of these soldiers have been waiting for more than 60 years for their loved ones to come home. we hope that as remains are identified, families like those of commander, can find peace. john was assigned to quad ron 125 and was killed. john s nephew wrote the president a letter explaining how his uncle was a special person who grew up in the great depression and wanted to serve his country. another letter from mary telling the president how her uncle have been missing. she has a picture of her uncle hanging in the living room as a
reminder of the servihis servic country. the president is committed to them and will work to bring them the closure they deserve. we have seen alarming images of the wildfires causing severe damage out west. the white house and fema have been monitoring the wildfires to ensure federal assistance are provided as quickly as possible. as a result, fema has placed resources from eight different federal departments and agencies to support the efforts of local firefighters and relief organizations. the president will continue to monitor this ongoing emergency and make sure the people of california receive the assistance they need to keep them safe and recovered. our prayers are with the firefighters who recently lost here lives battling these fires and their grieving families. the president have been closely
following in turkey involving the pastor. pastor brunson, we have seen no evidence that he has done anything wrong. we believed he s a victim unfair by the government of the turkey. the department of treasury is sanctioning turkey s minister of justice. both of whom played leading roles of pastor brunson. as a result, any property or interests in property of both ministers within u.s. jurisdictions is blocked. for anything further, i would refer you to the treasury department on that front. with that, i will take your questions. we would appreciate if you can give us more one of those turns out of the president s
tweets this morning about the russia s direction of sessions asking to end the mueller s pro probe right now. it is not an order, it is the president s opinion. it is ridiculous that all of the corruption and dishonesty that s gone on with the launching of the witch hunt, the president has watched this process play out. we look for that happening. you mentioned that the transfer of these remains. there is a report yesterday that north korea is still assembling icbms that it is not yet possible to verify remains. how did that meet some of the
tests that north korea is fulfilling its commitment. i am not going to comment on the first part of your question in. in terms of the remains, we have the best of the best that have been working over the last several weeks on this process. we ll keep you updated on this. we feel comfortable in the assessment that they made up up until the point. john. sarah, on the tariffs proposed against china, the figure for tariffs was 10%. the president wants to take it up to 25%. what s the reason behind increasing from 10% to 25% and in a tic-for-tat. > who has more bullets? china or the united states? we ll have an update later today and there will be a call at 3:30 this afternoon to
walkthru the walk through the details o f that update. the bottom line is the president is going to continue to hold china responsible for their unfair trade practices. this is gone on for long enough and he s going to do something about it. does the president believe that the president have made some head waves with the e.u. in terms of taking steps and leveling the plain field . does the president s team believe that s possible with china without some punitive measures. we would like to see the plain field levelled, the president as both he and i think about 15 members of his administration have said repeatedly we like to see the unfair trade practices. until that happens, the president is going hold their feet on the fire. he ll don t put pressure on china. he s not going to sit back and
allow american industry and workers to be talkken of. jay. evangelicals have been up? arms of last year s tax law, there is a provision in there that forced them to pay 21% of federal income tax. can i assure that they don t have to pay a new tax? i am not going to make a blanket generalization. the reform package was to provide the greatest amount of relief to the greatest number of americans and we feel that it has done that. we feel that the other policies that the president has put forward when it comes to the economy have move to the balfour ward and making our economy stronger than it has been in decades. i think you can see that by all of the numbers that have come out over the last year and a half. hunter. thank you, sarah.
what does the president prepare to do to make sure they keep their tax exemption? certainly something that we are looking into but i don t have anything specific. any threatening letter or communication aimed a aat rudy giuliani issued a statement saying he does not think this morning s tweet is obstruction because the president says sessions should stop the mueller probe. what i want to know is rudy giuliani the one giving the president legal advice on his tweets and does that statement reflect the opinions of the president s legal team. the president is not obstructing. he s fighting back and stating it clearly and expressing the frustration that he has with the level of corruption that we have seen from people like jim comey and peter strzok and andrew mccabe.
there is no reason he should not be able to voice that opinion. margar margaret? tesla plans to spend $5 billion to build a plant in china. certainly we love to see all american companies investing here and i don t have anything specific on tesla but we would encourage all companies to build their plants in america and put their investments here and not engage and help bolster like china that continues to be apart of of a very unfair process and very unfair trading practices. john. thanks a lot sarah. there was reaction to the president s tweets today from some of his allies on capitol
hill. republican senator hatch says i don t get what he s trying to do and another senator says the mueller investigation needs to move forward and let them complete their work. it needs to be completed and not cut-off. we would like for it to be completed sooner than later. it has gone on for an extensive amount of time and they still come up with nothing regards to the president. we said it for a number of time. so we agree on that front. sylvia. we are tight on time because the president is going to be speaking. sorry, john. just because we are tight on time, i will try to get to as many as possible. even if there are ten people that are voting illegally, it should not happen. the president wants to see the
integrity of our election system upheld and that s the purpose of his comment. he wants to make sure everybody that s voteing should be voting. it should be celebrated and not discriminated. [ inaudible question ] i never had to show an id when i go to the grocery store. if you go to a grocery store, if you buy beer and wine, you are going to certainly show your id. he s not saying every time he went in, he is saying when you go to the grocery store, i am sure everybody in here who s been to a grocery store that purchased beer or wine probably had to show their id. if they did not then there is a problem with the grocery store. major go ahead. you wanted the investigation to end and also without any
obstruction meaning without any interference. many described the tweets this morning as blowing off steam. it is just an opinion that he s throwing out there and had nothing to do of his control of the the president is stating his opinion. it is crystal clear how he feels of this investigation from the beginning. sarah. you said a moment ago, the investigation itself is corrupt. the mueller investigation and you mentioned comey and mccabe and strzok. it was paid for by an opposing campaign and had a lot of corruption within the entity which was overseeing which was peter strzok and james comey and andr andrew mccabe, we laid it out a number of time. if it is corrupt, why
diplomat the president just end it? the president is allowed this? the president has allowed this process to play out but he thinks it is time for it to come to an end sarah, go ahead. thank you, sarah. i want wondering if you can clarify this tweet from this morning. is it the president s desire for sessions to unrecuse himself in the probe and is it his desire for the special counsel to be fired. i think i have clarified this ten times. it is the president s opinion, i don t have anything further. steve. last night at the rally, the president again pushed for creation of a space force of a new military branch. the defense department missed the deadline, we are told that the white house twice rejected drafts because of the defense department does not want a space force. how is the president going to
force the creation of a space force? we are continuing to work with the department of defense to figure out and determine the best way forward, something that the president feels strongly about and we ll work with our team there and figure out the best solution. i have a question about the president meeting with inner city pastors. secretary carlson have pushed policies raised on poor people and antiimmigration initiatives. what is the president going to say to these inner city pastors who may be hurt with these policies. hearing their concerns. i know the primary point of discussion for today is to discuss prison reform. i would not be surprised if they raise those issues. that s why the president invited them here so he could have those ongoing conversations and determine the best. i am sor practicalthose poli
on people, are they helping inner cities? i would have to look at the cities, i would be happy to do that after the briefing. i am told it is under discussion for cuts as low as 25,000 next year. does the president feel that this country admits too many refugees and what is the proper level is and what is the rational - this is part an ongoing discussion and no policy decisions have been made but we ll keep you posted. i am sorry? does the president think there are too many refugees coming into the country. the president wants to make sure who comes to the country, who they are. they pose no danger or threats to tamericans. we want to make sure we have the processes in place and the ability to vet any individual that would come into this country if the department of homeland security and other
agencies that they would work in coordination with, determine that they don t have the ability to vet a certain number then certainly the president would have concerns with that. the number one priority is national security and making sure we have the ability to properly vet and process any individuals that come into this country. jeff. sarah, you said the president wants this investigation to be completed. he has not made the decision to sit down with bob mueller. is he apart of dragging this out? when he tells you something personally, do you take it as a directive or as his opinion? on the first part, i would refer you to the president s outside counsel and the second part, sorry when he tells you something as a member of the staff, how do you know if it is a directive or an opinion. the president makes it clear when i am having the conversation with him. the tweet this morning said that he wanted to it is time
for the investigation to be stopped. did the president know that the president can t stop the investigation? the president is aware of how the process works. he s stating his opinion once again. david. has he spoken to the nra about this? the department of justice made a deal without the president s approval. the president is glad this effort is delayed to give more time to reveal the issue. steve. the case of the pastor in turkey. are you talking about the i am practiisonment of pastor bru? is he upset about it? i think you can see in the actions of the president has made today that he s not happy
of turkey s decision not to release erdogan. does the president support the possibility of taxed, and te possibility of a shutdown, is the president talking about endorsing a government shutdown before november s elections, after november s elections, or both? on the first part of your question, this is something that has a lot of support from various people. no administration policy has been determined. the president asked the treasury department to look into it. on the second part of your question in regards to the shutdown, the president isn t focused on the timing of before or after the election. he is focused on the results. he has been talking about this for a year and a half. our immigration system is completely broken and he is begging and has been for congress, particularly democrats in congress, to step up, do their jobs, stop kicking the ball down the field, and actually work with him to fix our system. it s that simple.
reporter: does the president have a personal opinion as to whether or not the current system works or should be changed? he asked the treasury department to look into it. david. reporter: thank you. last night in tampa, does the president encourage the support of people who showed up in these qanon and blacks for trump fringe groups? secondly, is the white house willing to say right now in view of what happened with one of our t.d. colleagues last night that it is wrong for his most vocal supporters to be menacing towards journalists doing their jobs? on the first part, the president condemns and denounces any group that would insight violence against another individual. certainly he doesn t support groups that would promote that type of behavior. we have been clear about that a number of times since the beginning of the administration. on the second part of your question, the president, as i just said, does not support
violence against anyone or anything, and we have been very clear every single time we have been asked about that. when it comes to the media, the president does think that the media holds a responsibility. we fully support a free press, but there comes a high level of responsibility with that. the media routinely reports on classified information and government secrets that put lives in danger and risk valuable national security tools. this has happened in our administration and in past administrations. one of the worst cases was the reporting on the u.s. ability to listen to osama bin laden s satellite phone in the late 90s. he stopped using that phone and the country lost valuable intelligence. unfortunately, it s standard to abandon common sense ethical practices. we condemn violence against anybody, but we ask that people act responsibly and report accurately and fairly. sarah . reporter: they were trying to
prevent a broadcaster from getting his broadcast out and yelling that his network sucks. is that right or wrong? what was the first part of your question? reporter: no one was being violent in terms of hitting anybody and no broadcaster was broadcasting state secrets. they were trying to do stand-ups at a public rally, and people were trying to yell over them preventing them from doing their jobs and yelling their network sucks on live tv. do you support that or not? we support freedom of the press and freedom of speech. we think that goes hand in hand. ayesha. reporter: talking about the tweets earlier, president trump tweeted about manafort and comparing his treatment to that of capone. he seems to be saying being treated unfairly. does the president feel like paul manafort is being treated unfairly? when he talked about this issue of solitary confinement and the fact that manafort hasn t been convicted yet, does this
administration have a larger concern about solitary confinement being used for people who haven t been convicted outside of paul manafort? i am not aware of a specific policy position that the administration holds on that front. certainly the president s been clear. he thinks paul manafort has been treated unfairly. steve. reporter: i ll take it. two questions. can you confirm if the president has accepted the invitation from the prime minister to be the special guest? i know that the invitation has been extended. i don t believe a final decision has been made. i do know that both secretary mattis and secretary pompeo will be traveling to india, i believe it s next month, and will begin the dialogue and the process and potential discussion for a presidential visit later in the year.
reporter: a historic election, and mr. kahn, he ran on a corruption election in pakistan. he had very little to say good things about india, u.s., but he is the prime minister of pakistan today. how you are going to deal with him? the united states reporter: u.s./pakistan relations? certainly the united states and india have a deep and abiding strategic partnership and we are going to continue to build on that partnership and advanced cooperation. i think you will see that at the meeting that will take place with secretaries pompeo and mattis next month. reporter: does the president believe paul manafort is innocent of the charges he faces? i don t believe that s the president s role to play. he believes he is being treated unfairly. reporter: the views of the president saying that attorney general jeff sessions should stopped this rigged witch hunt right now. has the president said that directly to jeff sessions at any
point? i am not aware of the president state his opinion. one last question. reporter: at any point to rod rosenstein? not that i am aware of. reporter: a to a t on to that. it s his opinion that the mueller probe should play itself out? the president believes that he s watched this process, frankly, play out. he d like to see it come to a conclusion since it s been going on for the better part of a year and a half and they have found no collusion between the president, as he said many, many times before. the president has an event in a couple of minutes. reporter: you said the president believes he can fire mueller. so doesn t it look weak on twitter for him to say sessions should end this probe when it s rosenstein that could end the probe and the president believes he can end the probe? it s not weak for the president of the united states to state his opinion. thanks so much, guys. i want to bring in msnbc justice and security analyst
matthew miller and the washington post s aaron blake. they are still with me. let s talk through a little bit of what we just saw there. this was a chance to ask the white house questions about the president s tweets this morning. sarah sanders said the tweet about bob mueller. is / is an opinion. the president is not obstructing, she said. he is fighting back. she said most of america is angry about this. she also said that she defended we were going the viewers before we went into that live a clip of the president saying you have to get carded to you have to show an i.d. to buy groceries. she said he was talking about buying beer and wine. just goat that to get that on t she is arguing this tweet in itself wasn t a criminal act because he was expressing an opinion, not issuing an order. maybe. maybe not. i think it will depend how that tweet is interpreted what he means by should, whether that is
interpreted as usually a cabinet officer hears a president say you should do something, you interpret that as an order. it could still be powerful evidence of the president s criminality when taken together with everything else he s done to interfere with this investigation and try to get it stopped. i think that s what the special prosecutor is probably looking at. the most interesting sentence in that briefing was when she said the president is not obstructing, he is fighting back. this is actually something that the president has said before, both in an interview in january and in a tweet in april. that s also something that, by the way, could be used as evidence of obstruction. they are leaning into this. they want this fight. they want people to react to what the president is saying. they don t seem to be afraid that these things are being taken as evidence. when you say fighting back, that s the white house saying here that these actions are being taken on the president s behalf. that s not him making sure that this investigation is clean and
that we have a good government. that s him saying this is about me, i m fighting back personally in this investigation. so the fact that they would put that forward in light of this controversy, i think, is really interesting. that really is, matt, kind of the whole strategy that the president s legal team is employing. they are quote/unquote fighting back to destroy the credibility with the president s supporters? there are ways to fight back against a criminal investigation that are appropriate. i should say that are not criminal behavior. whether the president does it or not the president doing it is different than any other subject of an investigation doing it because he has a responsibility for the justice department as head of the executive branch. i think that let s talk about paul manafort for example. he is on trial right now for tax fraud and bank fraud. also under indictment for obstruction of justice in d.c. for tampering with witnesses. i think paul manafort like a lot of other defendants would say what we re doing is just fighting back. doesn t mean it holds up in

Andrea , Russia , President , Action , Id , American , Talks , Voters , Off-message , Administration , Twitter , Groceries

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Yemen - Kids And The War 20180802 09:15:00

medicine that it just. did not get. to observe the son of a new world recession. the mountains overlooking son are bombed on an almost daily basis the children have had to learn to cope. i. was. going to do studies that after death. i had what they felt less of let and keep. coming to more candles in for the match misfits contempt keep them out of kentucky them that can assemble can then send men and men cannot is who haven t met those commands in an ad and they don t come up that is why not just say mash as i can
only educated nerds and you know that though by then as i am never remembered to do i mean i left as a saudi mannish marmaton on my cabinet but i just knew that i had. been affect that. got any say to us that jack. come. to them to show you the message i met that that yes this. i explained to the children that other countries europe in particular would have to intervene to stop the war. that goes about it how debate. how dare i don t be mad offish. so that i don t have a lot of this goes that. you haven t heard from mitt.
you to hate. my younger my how you. only have it. can i just a tad bit. of a man of the going to give good that s a. good lover. goes up the new fifty you are. titled up and now we re stuck over there son of man and i love this one else has a cover but at the mic spread to have cancer but yet you know coming out of the debris and later you have enough to go under no you re not going to keep our focus will magically on a number of and i mean you have the well known. kind of the family jews well i just wasn t allowed to watch at the end of the job i like i said they wanted and though i do so not that mad i started bird than i but i m not have a on that mystic overload joke they are. looking at but then i m kind of full i love us
a lot. about i what. laghman was a mug a good bit of good payola no blueprint. good enough. done it. could do but mostly that day i lay on b.b.c. and. i m not going to be. a minimum i m that the head to head they had calum as a little modest of the show if you want to they had him became one go a little lamb as modest obvious that they had a lovely this time they got a nice jet you have to the not a lad. max wound that had one of the paddy if you had met me at least and looked at the girl would upset all three. groups before you.
happy have let me know. where she was ok must ve been mad men but now we smash old argument will die of it i love him and will live should be a gamble again and. you fall for love i loved now will come so it have the him again not some high heel in the d.n.a. i ll tell you the full island when lettie. looked at i thought i let me ok via smash and the magic in the teddy the totally i m a name for god and the first. caveat to get. was a total lack of the. budget that i have but not bush. but will show her that a show about. that
has put aside his rifle and enthusiastically slipped into the role of reporter. we have it here give. it to mario had. intended line to smack her leave. but if you re a sad sad good man must. go to.
this is miss mom. she s made a name for herself by posting photos on social media that illustrate the situation in yemen. the pictures are slightly staged designed to highlight the social problems affecting the country since the start of the war. flag and someone as a malcontent added i don t like it to my lines going like it to my looks. like it. that s my get to my head and it s much i had to do method to my head and it s mean smoke rings moment of like a heck of a physician revealing that we have a leg arsenal sort of so many of us could to my head of. a sort or kind of what would that matter. of this when you know where the telephone was crucial everybody i mean what are you mean you know shopper lemony for sort of
we re hearing from they re going to go to look at them but. it s up. fashion a tad over by. that appear to have a column of clue for him to do. best. tie the fever and the show would come visit money and man had a bad and yet look ahead about anything and he by then your mother saw him and ted to o.b.s. bill to fight had. had the third woman at the head to be movin to. a place that isn t. tendency toward some. of them there were joe maybe things some of us some of. the have found yourself.
set a two thousand and ten or. you could create a home yet you still have to suffer you know every i m toast from a shop and bought an idea many i spin. it to read well said. and not yemo to know that it s job yet most still not that much money yeah it s money for selling have had. a blockade imposed by the saudi led coalition has deprived the people of yemen of the basic means of survival gas medicine food and water are running out there are severe shortages across the country. that s set. to be too many and john have had many speeches we need to get to
get into and i say it s just a minister told yeah yeah yeah only edmee i did any membership any creation on that and i m via twitter and i m to be then. brought is and his younger sister fred was lost their mother in a bombing early in twenty seventeen. how much better. to. have come a little while after you. have to. thank you. it was john
legend and it. was thomas i was safe inside our nasheed. just ahead. tonight. daddy no mucha now you can get on that podium the deaf they have about him judge as a registered nurse and that s not a man. as ever i would rather do because i but i wanted to just. because fear does. we ve the people. who went bad at the time. that you haven t been moved when you close. the bridge to our home. i thought well i didn t can. you top. end up on the roads with the workers
and that. was easy enough and she could wallow simply knowing that he was. and the hit the road more quotable. munjal. right to make. more food. this is. what the. new movie the head cool we re going to have. to. handle. and this can go. now good luck and from. there up and out. but. that
would. be it to get in a i need my best masha. and i ve see a team with a few global may she admitted she had a profound cleared out of my two. tomb one and took a look bore me go right while i made her there been a history next to as some exit out of here at. the end there. had i made that not. one as i can be i m. quality as i would look at the house although not in another in the. south though. of a name. that. we had no sniffing at and gently. there s
a base of this movie and you know my tests show that i have no matter how has that no man that s in fact. it s sounds a little you know mind. you can catch. the voltage that in the bottom on which. the moon is not in the gulf well. that just says layers of saucers so it has arc and too little to cool hey wait a light had that and they were full of the beam i didn t from the face of a cut too late at the haze a soda and i can never see. them to look at and i had my thoughts same. with one of the fluid have known. by the battery the largest amount cans for getting there and. doesn t she have just spent and then get a new outfit. with a million
a bit with what i had you know. on the hand and what it. doesn t and on much. more who broke and tried to say it was so what not unless the shop shop. it was a color on how that image as it was cut young the fatal wound to the arm that you cannot actually get a good servant for my girl is not. doing them in bed and how the how can we use them and the while i m not going to talk down early with tom ridge i didn t manage to have a hakuna i mean when i met were nice enough. to do and then getting ready to have. dinner and upset i had let fear but i m such a fan for us because my luck for him at the have a guess who got her about then i am better than
a match. but. found there is a door. that you. don t have any idea. who can look out for films and i sure shucks maybe she said it. but. while a phone model looks goetia do we were laid to our little piece of about such. a long no name umbrella over the bow by a tenner. leisure shown on a motor cars that. they re going to begin to ship the new computer and they re going to have a computer chip. and that evidence. and that is easy
because you know they can. go. on october eighth two thousand and sixteen an air raid on sarno struck civilians gathered in this hall for a funeral the attack killed one hundred forty people and wounded more than five hundred. the ruins of the building testified to the ferocity of the bombing. that. the children to be cited to use the location as the backdrop to their interview of moggi a singer from santa. i don t suck and i was dizzy id number. national get up you know i m going to finish. well. and had.
a lot of the other. i lost a lot of. the. the. amount. was heavy for the care that. you would. get. the bus had a lovely. she had it all the. well let s get down. the road. can i just set up. jealousy the might have had. from because you know you could you. know who you. are going to manage.
but i may well they re not mine now if you want a lot of. the matter. they did and i heard. my you re lives of. to your money and they did more for their money and that they might have now given some earlier and i still plan me sick of anything political in your money and well see do you more poor take your money and see the humor for your memory and that s it i m a metaphor for you a. new one.
coming should plug. the bottom. of the wall i m one of. them in the not. to. have a hand. to . come visit him in on the tuna and on the. table the most. to. me. that.
can that s not know much but. we almost started. to. when the so you know the obama not. only the first with the feeling. that a lot of the above. yes some get. something in my column that i can live without. but. not the image. of. me.
a man perhaps a watch soccer mom was just to look at the focus of a medicine we heard or read canada should be a god had a tough. time he had competed in and i said no you ve been t. quit for good or some pepper have highly had actually read that one with ethernet had majesties to get at the top of the output that gets you know how to get tell you how to get into the thirty two hundred took to circa that and that s going to kill insanely many edmond wouldn t send you any incentive you can yammer and the results etc you can use it even and have it out you still have the insane you what we are need for so long that a lot of us in the us now who have met the only investor neck in san diego much has go my how as in your has this habit of could have passion there have been more there was a hundred who can go eat and i wouldn t have got out i guess there s no marco but a canard that i wrote them again why is it defacto work that different weapon be
a different weapon with a hammer gee that jimmy you know if i don t want them and obviously one of our fish keeley the number of fish the and the bin another their mother god rest not a big can my bone can define exactly. human hands had a tether to. the tempi had come i m ok and it s only. in the corner when i should not know how long a national bones tempy are out in the mud to selena no no no no no shit can be is my son and i send him to the him with her own way in but i never do and when i m with the inside that he should be i soon be had to marry but wife even how could he live in america too how when i live in america to now that it is shitty just to go home we need only food and not screw them to be rotten and i found mr g. . i.
map to do to change it living up to but i ve been up to a what the sabbath to be a matter got this yes i ll bust your ass out why god corral you why they can have them sunderland so much of of sort. if. i step mother thought it would look for the family at the foot i guess around the threat to fracture the flat because you thought about that you know mr musharraf the one most distant a young man has ever. asked to get a lot fun and much of the thief awful stuff when your looks are going to get a good as it is you had an eye and kept him in fact you were going to target men. and yet you were right. that i didn t give up on me right as well you had to shell out i looked but how about while if you plan on. luck and hand up some not. only his investment i ll quit my lemon doesn t matter to
that i will get me one student and stitch it for you for any senate bill in the fetus one thousand kids instead you re going to kind of wonder i am not only. their fish who are more secure paparazzi is not so honored by the views i perceive capable of it how dishonest will say you re going to get out of some of us not one of them will start a small family i m sorry can you not to say can i i just like to have a cast. time because hard life. sucks if they let that time she said. lover not understand yet want to say count it it shout. and that stadium flare i have asked did you think. the last hour can assign me. any feat and look a little niggas if you fancy
a lottery for some hours a lot of them going back to live you know who lost a lot of the head you know who had. come that cheap but now that i touch and one christmas to get. this year the head of. hill had valley police personnel lucian had a mad at him as a little while ago but that lead to terrible ones the happy little man she had done . up rough how to get up with a bit of bitten albums i ll bet a station have the full hello quality affordable mr didden she leash now no other mocking rude remark and also what is the whole matter if you don t want to work on well lack and how that could be full on looking for love so beautiful i m all i could not but i ve learned a lot of. feeling down right sam and to know who you and i am and caring and i am in that moment i know entertainment and the telephone who confided that you minister for you decide whether. to send us o.t.
our luck to our so sort or so i don t really like that and received an f. the last half of last resort not a measure so one of them again. i know who. live there are all or can be shy and yemen so i know a. fair local allam who are simply want this to help or that hire back then had to learn how to win some said i m here or not. thought out. but i theater bad in sound was out of. a lot of them. if you are.
who do yes. it is a menace loopback that at. best for us so they let me die or to no more access to. those who love us a look loved their long mission every vet had to give it up well enough i mean you know we will be let go and then a lot of that should it s so bad. that it will push. to get out. they said it will. come about the money that i would leave and i do
a good business and the. it is for me after the out if i do comes to. it to. the bear are. gone but you just never know lavish knapsack jesselyn and then miss that i have enough shadow genetical shafts right very reticent to sack a rubber boots and do. most of our part. if suddenly it was a play on kind and i doubt history and my devotion so i don t go into the museum in india where when i was a player and i m not going to be one i could get
a low action. by then but i didn t. have a view would it tell if i shot a yes i m sure. i m sure. well you know sure it was a show and if. it doesn t. look like what it actually. did. any of us. that s to get an update out a way doesn t return. many who survived the airstrikes are left homeless the u.n. says three million people have been displaced since the beginning of the conflict a large number now live in refugee camps. to the
negative mostly in this conflict are asking the left and moved to a myth that says if they really did. want to have an impact. when it s a lot of them not. i let you know that i am not as strong as the mother. and father were later seven. and i was like that diamond and i do now know. what is it my not and i became a brute. but dad as well must also if at all be i know no love as the hate hello larry and as the famous tacky moshe rabbenu. and i love him didn t i had them. wot of in the help. they forgot. the matter is a must. for enough so worked five and no you don t know if the said nope you turn
it when i had her minimalism but if any. fun few clues would only a month. that i left the and. other we will of her own my help shakun are nice but i have just. had better used to feel lucky and the benefits are due. to that. below. just outside the city limits the children find a little girl named nork sitting amid the ruins of her family s farm.
schlemmer most folks. were in no way to prove. skillfull lauder in. the other words they don t refer to. the bad sort of like. those. also. when idea. shift that s. like sort of and i m going to learn not that i will they talk on kindle as but i have similar to that of a car yet. so america side effect at the end. of the road to
the holder. the jets you know of that or who. the mother of over took on stage actually. the decision now my lot and i miss you know mother of my saddle and you also get a job as. the majority now do like i work and then eventually i think. michelle s chop. saw but. didn t you get a. clunker you normally. don t like what you know that. both. feet rather that if. most road much mentioned them over all of this madness
that has not had time gotten a holy spirit. or told i m struck a version not to mention mr. well. how. much. first. the little girl has now been taken in by her uncle. after a thousand days of conflict and nearly nine thousand casualties yemen remains in
the grip of war and the international community remains indifferent. transcends several other european countries are still supplying the saudi coalition with a vast quantities of advanced military equipment. such. as this is not a search for a cipher a living. inside the glass dome has been yet to flood death families have been. well protected from norway s something kleinman to the fulfillment of a family s dream. a sustainable oasis in. your moments in thirty minutes w. .
my first boss was a sawing machine. where i come from women are almost by this ocean for something as simple as learning how to write a bicycle isn t missing since i was a little girl i wanted to have of bicycle of my own. and it took me estimates by. finally they gave up and mentioned by me on my site there s been three times people sewing machine sewing i suppose was more apt procreates for goes than writing i m biased as now i want to meet challenge to bozeman back home so i volunteer by then two thousand and social rules and inform them of old dead base and rights my name is the amount of the home and they were more let s see them.

Facebook , Sun , Africa , Tw , World , Medicine , Son , Recession , Children , Cope , Mountains , Basis

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino 20180802 18:00:00

A look at the day s top news and headlines.
the nation outline the trump interference in upcoming mid terms voicing concerns about threats and saying our democracy is in the crosshairs. election infrastructure is not a destination. it requires aggressive and ongoing vigilance. everyone must play their role to ensure that every vote is counted. dana: unprecedented briefing from all of those intelligence officials at the highest level coming to the briefing room, making a show of united support and coordination at the highest levels of our government with sarah sanders explaining that the goal of this is to protect the 2018 elections, the 2020 elections and those in the future. they have their work cut out for them. we are less than 100 days away from the 2018 election. and joining me now is chief white house correspondent john roberts live with more. i m just going to turn it over to you, john there was a lot there. i have a couple of questions that i want to talk about aside from the election
meddling. let s start there. when did you find out that this press conference was going to be held? do you have any ideas of what prompted them to do it today? we found out when they walked out. and i think it is probably an attempt by this white house to try to give the press more access to the people who were involved in this. and with the mueller investigation ongoing, with a lot of charges about russian meddling in the election, with the fallout from the helsinki summit still out there, i think the white house wanted to get out the principles and it was a real high powered group of people here. director of national intelligence. director of the fbi. homeland security and director of the national security agency. i think it was an attempt to explain to the american people what the white house is doing to ensure the integrity of the 2018 election. what i found interesting, this was an extraordinary press briefing today from a number of different points. but what i thought was very interesting were statements by the director of national
intelligence, dan coats, and the director of the fbi chris wray that russia continues to be a maligned actor in terms of trying to influence voting in this country, to try to sow division in this country. i specifically asked director coats if this was rogue russian actors or if it was connected to the kremlin and he said both. which means that he believes that the russian government is involved. and we held the helsinki summit a couple weeks ago in which the president talked to vladimir putin about interference in the u.s. elections. we were led to believe that the russian government had no involvement in the 2016 meddling and likely wouldn t in the 2018 election. but, director coats put the lie to that statement saying that yes, in fact, the kremlin is involved here. so it leads us to wonder what came of that summit in terms of the president talking to vladimir putin about staying the hell out of american elections. dana? dana: john, you asked director coats, i believe, about helsinki.
white house believes that russia is trying to meddle in the election? i mean it certainly didn t leave me with any doubts when you had the director of national intelligence and the director of the fbi both saying that russia is heavily involved there are other maligned actors out there as well and sarah huckabee sanders talked about that as well though she would not say who those other actors were. i think we have pretty definitive statements two of the lords of the biggest intelligence agencies in this country that russia is heavily involved. so i don t think that leaves much wiggle room for anybody to say well, maybe not. dana: one more question of course hit privilege of being there at the podium as a press secretary. i have a lookout of empathy. i also respected the reporters in the room and the job you have to do every day. i watch them still try to do to this day. the tension in the room between the press secretary and the press, in particular jim acosta at cnn asking this question about does the president believe the press
election meddling, maryland senator ben cardin, the ranking member of the foreign relations committee is here. is he part of a bipartisan group of senators that today proposed new sanctions against russia. senator, thanks for being with us today. let me just open it up to you and tell me your thoughts about the briefing that the federal government just gave to the american people. well, dana, first, it s good to be with you. as you just heard, it was very clear about russia s meddling in the 2016 elections and their continued activities in the 2018 elections. that it s being directed by the kremlin. the language is very clear. it s different language than we hear from the president of the united states. so, that is, i think a little disheartening. there is no question about it. what i was very pleased to see though were the steps being taken. it s very consistent with recommendations that was in a report i authored six months ago on behalf of the senate foreign relations committee dems that spelled out what russia was doing and steps we needed to take, including our cyber defenses
and dealing with the social media and dealing with an all-agency approach. so, what i heard today was very much encouraging from what we recommended six months ago. dana: yeah it, unpress dentinged to have that kind of fire power in the room whether you have principles at that level. are you satisfied then with the level of coordination and do you think that they have done enough, given that we are only, i think, 96 days away from the midterm election? i was encouraged by what i heard today from the agency heads. what they were saying they were doing, what the fbi is doing with investigations, what the director of national intelligence is doing with the intelligence making sure it s available to all the different agencies, what i heard from homeland security they are working with our state and local governments to make sure the integrity of the election systems are being done, by the national security agencies, working all hands on deck, that was very encouraging to hear
that all government hands on deck working together in unified way. that was encouraging sign. what i just heard is that the president of the united states would reinforce it what we have yet to hear from the president is what happened in 2016 yes, the president says he is protecting our country in 2018. but he certainly has today from his team the tweets that he sends out. dana: let me ask you though. given that we have concerns about the elections going forward, what benefit would there be to the president coming out there and talking about the 2016 election in that way? well, it would be encouraging if the president s acknowledge what happened in 2016. we are told that, yes, it came up helsinki summit, but when they were in public with mr. putin, there was no challenge toll mr. putin said that he had nothing to do with the 2016 that gives him a pass in the international community. what we want the president to make clear to everyone that he is challenging mr. putin on what happened in 2016 and protecting us
registration databases if a voter shows up and tries to cast a vote they are not on the voter roles. basically not eligible to vote or meddle with the machines and the tallies and at the end of the day, if there wasn t a paper ballot or some sort of verification in place. then you don t know what the vote was. people don t feel like their votes mattered. underline mining the election. the stakes in the election is the key goal of russia and all of those steps are being taken to address that so that people feel confident as kirsten nielsen said that their vote mattered. dana: two questions one on the hacking and the other on the influence. the fbi director christopher wray said unequivocally no votes were changed in the to 2016 election. are they positive about that. 100 percent? they sound positive. we heard that not just from director wray but various people in the intelligence agencies and intelligence community. they continue to say that so, we take them at their word at this point. but, we haven t seen any evidence that would point otherwise. we do know they hacked into
companies and also our elections. how important is it that companies like facebook, which made a big step this week in confronting russia participates with our government? it s absolutely necessary. it s also very tricky and delicate issue. this day and age given all the threats we are seeing we are seeing calls from both sides from the private and public sector saying we do want to work together. we want to be able to share information about threats. the earlier it happens the better. if the fbi goes to twitter and says we are seeing this. yes there are problems. issues with working together and barriers in terms of security clearances that is a key piece. we are seeing my colleagues and i wrote a piece about. so fbi officials leaving the fbi to go to the private sector. that s one of the key things they will be working on is how to bring these two sides together. this day and age given the cyber threats this country is facing that s absolutely necessary. dana: what do you hear about the coordination
amongst the federal government? john bolton, the national security advisor kicked off the press conference. he is in charge of the coordination amongst all of these agencies. do we have a sense that they are actually working as well together as they try present today? that s a very good question. and i think, you know, put your money where your mouth is, john bolton is out there saying this is a very important issue. yet, there have been some changes in the white house that suggest cyber security might not be as important as everyone else thinks. i do think it was an important show of force. and them standing side by side all condemning russia and all saying this is a priority, that s important for the american people to hear. you know, how they work together and how things play out could be a different story. dana: well, shelby holiday we always appreciate it you coming. in thanks for having me. thanks for listening to that press conference with me. it was fascinating. dana: director of national intelligence dan coats talked about the steps the government is taking on election meddling. relative to what we have seen for the midterm elections, it is not the kind of robust campaign that
we assessed in 2016 election. we know that through decades russia has tried to use its propaganda and methods to sow discord in america. looking for every opportunity, regardless of party, regardless of whether or not it applies to the election, to continue their pervasive efforts to undermine our fundamental values. dana: now let s go to guy benson, is he a fox news contributor and co-host of harp. staff secretary to president clinton. guy, the fact that the white house got all of these folks together in a room, took them away from their day jobs for a moment to show unity, what does that say to you from a communications effort at the white house on this issue? do they realize that the american people are antsy about the integrity of this upcoming election. yeah. i think this was absolutely the right term. show of force has been used a number of times and it s
i look forward voting for him using a nice paper ballot in the fall. i do think he is right that we for once and i do mean for once have seen a loud and clear unified signal from the trump administration that they are taking this kind of election meddling seriously. i would poingted out this is making news today and talking about it today precisely because it is such a contrast to past behavior. i was on fox news two years ago with bill hemmer and got into an argument with him when i said all 17 of the federal agencies responsible for this say there was russian meddling. he was saying no, we don t know that that really has been the party line. i m gratified and relieved to see that the senior officials in the trump administration are at least acknowledging that, in fact, there has been and will continue to be efforts by russia. that s important. we need national unity right now. if there is one thing that will scare vladimir putin is to have people like me and my colleagues who is on with me here agreeing with each other that we actually have to stand up to the russians. dana: of course i didn t see that interview when you were on two years ago with bill hemmer i will defend
him as i am loyal to him as you are to the senator to maryland that at the time, guy, there were questions. now, some people might have had some utter certainty when the 17 intelligence agencies came out together and say we know it was russia. we know what russia doing and trying to help. that was definitive. so moving forward, can the american people have some confidence in these 2018 elections or, i just feel like it s a little difficult. the federal government is not going to be able to check the hardware and the software of these machines all these different states and all these different counties because our system is vulnerable. right. this is largely a state issue. but the resources coming from the federal government. and efforts to beat back russian interference have to stem from the federal level. so a couple points. first of all, bill hemmer does not toe any party line. i think there was some dispute about exactly how
many intelligence agencies and which ones came together with this unified assessment about russian interference. the fact is the russians did it. there is no question about that. dana, that s the other side of what we just saw today at the white house. this is not just about domestic political messaging. sure, that s part of it. you know, the electorates as you said a little bit antsy about this question. they wanted to address some concerns about the administration s seriousness on the issue. but there was another audience here which was the international community and the russians specifically. if vladimir putin thinks that a few sentences from ivanka trump in helsinki might indicate that the u.s. government isn t going to take this seriously, i think today was a very clear indication to moscow and the kremlin you bet we do. look at these people. the dni and fbi director and dhs secretary and national security advisor, they don t mess around. dana: john roberts asked dni coats about russia continuing influence in the election. i m going to play the sound bite and, dave, have you
react. you and director wray said russia continues to try to meddle in our elections. they do. and influence voters. are we talking about rogue russian individuals? are we talking about the kremlin? both and even add to that. russia has used numerous ways in which they want to influence through media, social media, through bots, through actors that they hire. through proxies all of the above and potentially more. i can t go into any deep details other than what is classified. it is pervasive, it is ongoing with the intent to achieve their intent and that is drive a wedge and undermine our democratic values. dana: dan, dni khat was confirmed with bipartisan support. so a lot of credibility there at the podium today. and the russians, what do you think they are thinking today? is it worth it to keep trying to interfere in our elections? well, if you take a look at the pattern of behavior
of vladimir putin and russia, it seems as though they are always testing boundaries. i mean, physically invading and taking the cry mean crimeaen peninsula. backing out. backed out. but there is always this irstd to push the nfl. en and i think it is critical. i will say this again that we put down the partisan armor and act together as americans and show unity that this is too far. that s a very important message. i also want to point out here that the thing that made director coats statement so, i think, terrifying he is essentially saying these are government actions. these are russian government actions. these are not just rogue actors. i would very much like to see because there were only two people in that room, president trump and vladimir putin, i would like to see the translator, the person there to translate between the two of them brought under oath to testify exactly what was said in that meeting. nobody was in that meeting
and they don t know what was said between those two leaders. we need to know. that s a really bad precedent. dana: of course nobody would want that guy, i want to ask you something. yesterday, had you an opportunity to interview jack dorsey, the founder of twitter. he runs twitter now. did you ask him about this and how did that conversation go? we didn t get into the russia issue. we talked more about some of the allegations against twitter recently about potentially targeting conservatives. is there enough international diversity at twitter when it comes to the human element of decisions being made when they might put their thumb on the scale on certain things and, of course, the whole alleged shadow banning controversy. we got into all of that and, plus, the difficult balance i think you can appreciate as a frequent tweeter yourself of trying to have a totally, you know, open and free exchange of ideas while discouraging a toxic platform. so, that s what we got into last night. it s up on our website if
people want to listen to it. it was fascinating because this is the new age in which we live. definitely something in the back of his mind and these social media giants mind is our platform being used or exploited by foreign actors to sow chaos and discord the answer so far recent solid yes. dana: last thing i would say on this is at what point do we declare it cyber warfare? it s just not social media meddling at this point. if it s the government as dan coats said, the government is the one in russia that is doing this against our country. then maybe we have got ratchet it up. all right, guy benson and david goodfriend thank you. thank you. dana: a fox news alert. pentagon set to holding a briefing at the top of the hour on how it plans to identify 55 sets of remains believed to be those of american soldiers killed in the korean war. vice president pence was in hawaii for a ceremony marking the return of those remains by north korea to american soil.
to see those 55 flagged draped cases be carried so solemnly and not just as a vice president but as the son of a combat veteran, from the korean war, it was deeply moving for me. but it s what great nations do. dana: i m joined now by lieutenant colonel michael waltz green beret commander and running for congress as a republican in the florida s sixth district. i wanted to ask you what is it like for families who have their loved ones who have their families and never come home and never get that closure that they so desperately want? yeah, dana, when we go into combat, there is a solemn oath with our brothers and sisters that, one, they will never leave us behind. that we will never leave a fallen soldier. but, if the worse happens, that our country and that america will get our remains back to those families. you know, it s going to be
quite a process to identify these remains. a lot of them are what s called commingled where they are mingled with others whether it s from a plane crash or some other incident. for the family to get those remains back, they are the ones that are truly suffering all of these years and to get those remains back and get those closures is absolutely critical. dana: take a listen to one vet concerned about the legitimacy of the remains. i have every doubt that those remains are of american military. this the first time they have turned over remains and there were all kinds of things in those remains. they even allowed us years and years ago before nuclear proliferation to go to sites and dig and only to find out that those sites were salted with remains just to collect money. dana: how much should why trust north korea on this,
mike? i think that veteran has every right to be skeptical of the north koreans. i m skeptical of the north koreans on pretty much everything. if they were serious will this not only would they continue at this point to turn over remains but allow us go back to the inspection teams where we did in the mid 90 s and early 2,000s where we have our experts over there verifying these are our soldiers and bring them home under an american flag. ainsley: of course, this is all happening while the president is trying to convince dung denuclearize. he said thank you, kim jong un keeping your word and starting the pros is of sending home the remains of our missing and beloved fallen. i am not surprised that you took this kind action. also thank you your nice letter. i look forward to seeing you soon. you have some thoughts about the next steps here with north korea. is it time to put a time
line together for what they need to do? so i understanding is that true president is trying to strike that tone and move negotiations forward with heads of state. but i also think quietly it is time to put a line in the sand and say, listen, to the north korean regime, if you are serious about this, we need to see some milestones and we need to see a time line and we need full disclosure of the program. it s an extensive program. it s going to take quite a while to dismantle it and to verify it and time isn t on our side. secretary pompeo when he was the head of the cia said they are within a year of having icbm reentering the atmosphere with a nuclear head. if they don t meet the time line i would like to seat president crank up the pressure again and put the pressure on the north koreans and chinese. dana: thank you. all right. thank you some. dana: other big story of the day, day three of the
paul manafort trial. we ll have the latest. including expensive suits and fake invoices.
show is that manafort spent money willy-nilly like spending all his money. but there was this thing about fake bills that one of his favorite place where he got his suits made. at one point he had bills of over $900,000 in suits. i mean, you wear nice clothes. no one is approaching that and he had them paid-out bills were fake, the invoices and paid by shell companies allegedly in his control. that shows an effort to deceive and the expenditure of money. you asked me a great question early this morning. dolls the jury care? does the court care? does it make a difference what he did with the money? the essence of the crime is money laundering and firewall report to the irs. the essence is not that he bought horrible things. he bought fabulously luxurious things. but the supreme court has held that juries are entitled to know okay he cheated the government and
took the money that he should have paid to the government. did he use it for heart medicine for his sick grandmother or did he use it for $25,000 suits up to the point of literally a 7-figure wardrobe? so, yes, the prosecutors are entitled to inflame the jury by explaining in great detail how lavish the lifestyle was and how deceptive the manner was of getting the money from these shell companies directly to the vendors. dana: they shed they would change like one thing like the zip code would be just one number off or something just to have it be fake. the other thing, this is a testimony from the exmanager of this suit company. beverly hills. only client that paid news international wire transfers. we have never to build global endeavor never had a client named global endeavor. he was trying to hide some things. look, the essence of the government s case against him is he received funds for behavior that he engaged in
in the ukraine, which as an american, he had to report to the u.s. so the work was unlawful because he didn t report it. he took the money and he laundered it through a variety of shell companies and one way that he got was able to hide the money was to have the shell company directly buy things for him. this max a mil million fellow extremely high end clothing stores. this shows in the prosecutor s mind and auger to the jury, this shows a pattern of deception on his part. dana, this is the tip of the iceberg. the judge sin parent nkt haven t even gotten to the principle conspiracies yet. starting with the least of his ills which is clothing. when they get to bank accounts and real estate, then you will start to see money really pile up. dana: i have another question. i might have disagreed with the judge on this but maybe you agree with him. the judge says they can t use the word oligarch because that can connotes criminal behavior on behalf
of these people backed by russia. isn t that exactly what they are. i think oligarch is a fair disprichings the people we are talking about. a lot of leeway and thin skinned and persnickety. this one is very thin-skinned and cranky. this is not serious interference with the government s case. he also doesn t want to hear the word trump. just doesn t want the president s word to come in. dana: i think that is smart. with respect to trump tower not with respect to trump himself. dana: i think that is smart for the judge to do that and probably good for the government s case to keep it secret. actually is good for all parties to keep it separate. although everybody knows who manafort is and what did he with respect to the president. he managed campaign at the time he won the republican nomination. dana: yesterday there was a question whether former colleague rick gates would testify or not. yesterday was no and today obviously yes. judge made a statement i
don t know how with you prove it. the prosecutor knows his case better than you do. they will decide what witnesses to put on. the court doesn t decide. i can say that as a commentary but difficult to say that as a judge in his own courtroom. you have to live with him he has that discretion. this one likes to make a lot of comments, editorial comments about the case. as long as those editorials are not made in the presence of the jury, it s essentially harmless. dana: this is day three. i read that the government has said that it is possible they could wrap up their case by middle of next week. that s a lot faster than any of us thought. we thought it would take two or three days. it took two or three hours. rocket docket in northern virginia that the government likes. a little bumpy for them so far but they are getting their evidence in. dana: love having you here judge andrew napolitano. you are welcome. dana: primary going to the polls today in tennessee where congresswoman marsha blackburn and phil bredesen are hoping to he radio place
retiring republican senator bob corker. steve harrigan is live in nashville. why is this race getting so much attention? dana, a lot of national attention here. a lot of outside money pouring in as well. this senate race could become the most expensive nut history of the state of tennessee. it could decide who controls the senate. it can also mean a lot to determine president trump s influence and popularity. keep in mind, in 2016, he won this state by 26 points. and the republican likely candidate martha black burn is basically running on a platform that she will do everything she can to push forward out pit s agenda. here s blackburn. a u.s. senator who is going to support the trump tax cuts because the trump tax cuts are working. and they know that my opponent called them crumbs. said he would have voted against the tax cuts. and they want someone who is going to be there every step of the way for tax cuts.
if blackburn does win, she will be the first woman senator in tennessee s history. dana? dana: phil bredesen, trying to run away or distance himself from the democratic party? he really doesn t have much of a democratic party to lean on here. in the state of tennessee. it s been 28 years since the democrats have been able to elect a senator. and bredesen has been really careful not to attack president trump directly. instead, he said he is really going to pick his battles. here is bredesen. i intend to be a senator who is not up here to work for or against the president. i m not here to work for or against any political party. but to try to figure out in this state what s best for the people of tennessee. when it comes to democratic calls to abolish ice, for example, bret sen has called that, quote, a
stupid idea. dana, back to you. dana: all right, thank you. karl rove is up next with his take on what happened today at the white house. about russian meddling and our efforts to combat it. (man) managing my type 2 diabetes wasn t my top priority.
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(man) i found my tresiba® reason. find yours. (vo) ask your health care provider about tresiba®. covered by most commercial health insurance and medicare part d plans. shepard: i m shepard smith on the fox news deck top of the hour shepard smith reporting. brand new information on mollie tibet the college student from brooklyn, iowa. now we will hear from her mother and vastly increased reward for finding her. in addition, feel like shopping? we will take you to the longest yard sale or garage sale as it were anywhere in the nation. how long could it be? hundreds of miles. jeff flock is on the shop today. top of the hour on shepard smith reporting. we ll see you then. relative to my discussions with the president on
whatever issue it is, knows i do not go public with that, i don t think that s the right and proper thing to do. our focus here today is simply to tell the american people we acknowledge the threat it is real, it is continuing. and we are doing everything we can to have a legitimate election that the american people can have trust in. dana: that was director of national intelligence dan coats at the white house moments ago. and there were quite a few other heavy hitters standing alongside him. i m joined now by karl rove former white house deputy chief of staff and fox news contributor. he is joining me now. carl, i wanted you to explain to the viewers what it s like at the white house when you realize that you have a problem that the american people are anxious about something as big as election integrity. and what is the process of pulling everybody together and how important is it for them to speak with a united voice? well, we have seen in the
last two days what is possible in the white house. yesterday we had secretary of homeland security nielsen convene a conference on cyber security that didn t happen overnight. that s obviously been in the planning for some period of time. but that was that was an effort to lay down a message on a wednesday that the government has been actively involved in this. that we have partners up and down the level of government, federal government, state government, local government, and we re focused on the problem. and then today they followed it up with a power panel if you will by bringing in all those officials with national security and with cyber warfare. putting them in the white house briefing room and having them say to the american people we know this is a problem. we acknowledge it s a problem. we have been working the problem. and we are going to continue to work the problem. so now they have spent two days, you know, signaling the american people we don t want russia to interfere in our election. they are continuing to try to interfere and we are doing everything we can your
government in washington to stop them. dana: okay, great. i want to then move onto the other topic that we originally had you scheduled to talk about because that briefing was a surprise to everybody and, of course, we will continue to cover that you wrote today about president trump and trade and one of the things you wrote was that when it comes to the european union, with his meeting with mr. yung juncker, mr. better path for trade policy if he reverses course he risks the dynamism that has marked his tenure. the reason for the tariffs to begin with was toy to try convince the chinese to modify their behavior. instead, they have been retaliating. so the president now feels that a potentially time to put more pressure on in order to modify their behavior. dana: what was the message you were trying to get across in your column
today? well, this is one approach, which is to say, look, we re going to raise prices on our consumers and make it more difficult for you to sell things to us. we ll both be painful. and until and unless one of you decides to blink, we re going to keep this up. and i think that s one way of going about doing it but, there are two things two points i would make. one is larry lindsey this morning in a newsletter to his clients, the economists that you and i served with the head of the national economic council made a point that the chinese have a tool to lessen the effect of those tariffs on their on their economy, on our economy and on our trading relationship. they are devaluating their currency. so, in essence, they will pay for the air force, you know, by sending us goods that are being, you know, in essence, worth less. dana: right. in terms of dollars. basically saying we are willing to take part of the pain in order to keep selling you goods. they may not be able to do
that forever. but, trade wars are not easy to win and everybody gets hurt in a trade war. i think the president on in his news conference last week laid a better alternative out to reign in the chinese. that is to go to the wto. he promised a new relationship between the european union and united states reform the wto to update its standards. the wto doesn t talk about things like trade related investment measures. that s the way the chinese steal our intellectual property. we have tools to use to get at subsidies. the president talking about creating new tools a far better direction to go and likely to result in some permanent changes new england the chinese. i m not certain this is going to get the chinese to change their attitude on stealing intellectual property. ainsley: we just have a few seconds left. do you think it s important for the president to do something soon in regards to the mid terms or does he have some time here? he doesn t have a lot of time. people in the midwest are being hurt. anybody who grows soybeans
or breeds pork is having a problem already willing to give the president piece. if they can solve the problem with chinese mistreating us great they will run out of patience and may run out of patience before the election. particularly if this spirals up. we have $88 billion. $90 billion worth of positive benefit from the tax cuts this year. the president is talking about sanctioning, already sanctioned $34 billion worth of trade with 25% tariffs. now they are talking about $200 billion of trade with a 25 up to 25% tariff. that s $50 billion. between that and what they have already sanctioned, a big chunk of the benefit of the tax cut of more money in people s pockets is being taken away. dana: all right, karl rove, thank you. you bet, thank you. dana: update on deadly wildfires in california. crews battling more than a dozen now. the largest the carr fire now the sixth most destructive wildfire in california history. inferno is also taking a big financial toll. the state has already spent
more than 25% of its annual fire budget just a month into the budget year. after a decade of being blocked in china. looking to breakdown the great fire wall? plus ohio state exfootball coach urban meyer on leave. while the winning coach is under fire. your digestive system has billions of bacteria but life can throw them off balance. re-align yourself with align probiotic. and try new align gummies
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ohio state head football coach urban meyer has been put on paid leave after claims he failed to respond to abuse allegations against a member of his staff. the ex-wife of a former oust assistant coach claims she told meyer s wife of the abuse at the hands of zac smith in 2015 and believes all the coaches knew about the problem. fox news 24/7 sports reporter jared max joins me now to explain. jared? good afternoon, dana. interesting story here, one we wish we weren t talking about. urban meyer, one of the highest paid coaches in college football second all around. he is a big fish here and somebody they want obviously should be paying for something that took place. we live in very different times because if you are not necessarily the person who did this, people hearing the story today wait did, urban meyer? urban meyer is not accused of domestic abuse here. we live in different times. he did not go and report. he is accused of knowing and not reporting. did he cover this up? and if so, he could lose his job. he just signed a new contract extension in april
which says if there is any sexual misconducted which he fails to report, he could lose his job and that can reportedly be a loss of almost $39 million for urban meyer. we live in very different times. they can reach back to things that happened before even though he has a new contract it? could be from this university or another. think about joe paterno and horrible scandal with jerry sandusky. paterno was this legend in college football. because he did not report the heinous activity that he is said to have known about what sandusky was doing, joe paterno became vilified. we saw a legend go from that to this. there is a saying there is a reason we have a saying you should stick your nose where it doesn t belong. if do you that today, it could cost you your career. dana: then there is a new report that claims that the former ohio state wrestling coach is calling accusers of congressman jim jordan and asking them to recant. russ apparently by text message nb nbc news got text
messages from former wrestlers the two boys not two boys at the time they were young men to recant their story. if you have something nice to say about jim, this would be a good time. if you feel there is something that you said that you got wrong, you could make a statement. was there pressure? i don t know. again, a same, similar story in the sense of if you knew something, nowadays you need to go report it. dana: pretty interesting. all right, all right, jared mac, thanks for being here today. how katy perry came to the aid of one of her fans who had to miss one of her concerts.

Place , Thanks , North-korea , Guys , Dana-perino , Briefing , White-house , Election-meddling , Reporters , Russians , Sarah-huckabee-sanders , Focus

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20180805 08:00:00

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official traveling with mike pompeo in indonesia said they heard the reports and are following the situation closely. venezuela is in the middle of a deep financial crisis. the international monetary fund said inflation will reach 1 million percent this year. blackouts and shortages of basic items are common place. cnn atlanta. what does this apparent attack tell us about the political and economic turmoil effecting venezuela? we posed that question to jennifer mccoy. a professor at georgia state university and the co-author of the book international mediation in venezuela. there s a great deal of unrest in venezuela and a lot of dissatisfaction apparently among military ranks. the government has been arresting and removing military personnel from the ranks
The latest news from around the world.
yet. there were funerals of those killed. the president elect said he welcomes the opposition taking their dispute to the courts here in zimbabwe but the growing cause in the region and continent for the opposition and leader to concede defeat. but so far, this dispute continues leaving this country in a potentially difficult limbo as it tries to move beyond years of economic stagnation. sources close to the white house tell cnn that president trump is worried his children will get called up in the russia investigation lead by special counsel robert mueller. mr. trump is said to be especially concerned about his son don jr. although the president s attorney denied that in a statement to cnn. mueller has been looking into the meeting at trump tower that don jr. held with a group of russians during the campaign.
if don jr. was lying when he told con depress underoath that his father did not know about the meeting at the time, he could be charged with with a crime. the political clout of u.s. president trump is about to be tested. on tuesday, voters in ohio go to the polls for a special election. the president is using his star power to energize his supporters hoping it will be enough to send troy to congress. the district normally favors republicans but democratic challenger danny o connor surged in the polls and is now statistically even. if he loses it could foreshadow aan electoral backlash in the midterm election which is are three months away. the president addressed that possibility with disdain and insults. they re talking about this blue wave. i don t think so.
i don t think so. maxine waters is leading the charge maxine. she s a real beauty. maxine. a seriously low iq person. seriously. maxine waters. maxine waters, a democrat. well, the president also addr s addressed election meddling but declined to single out russia. we have to stop it. we have to stop meddling. we have to stop everybody from attacking us. but there are a lot. russia is there, china s there. we re doing well with north korea but they re probably there. we have to stop everybody. let s talk more about it with the chief diplomatic correspondent from the new york times. he joins us from brussels. we appreciate you being with us. let s begin there with the rally
in the state of ohio. this is the final special election. a congressional battle between a republican and democrat. the vote is tuesday prior to the midterms. how critical is this outcome for mr. trump? well, for us it s critical. i think momentum is what we re talking about. if the republicans lose this seat which is possible, it would indicate that mr. trump has not only been energizing his base but has been energizing the opposition to him also because the democratic party is always arguing with itself. but the fact is there are a lot of people out there who will campaign and will vote against mr. trump as well as his base that fights enthusiastically for him. he is someone that lives on division and creates division and it could be that in the
midterms his party is cursed by that kind of division. but we have to see. yes. he continues to blast the media during his rally. was the attack on the news industry his war, if you will, on the media, do you think that could help him or hurt him in the november midterms? some of these are like trump s greatest hits. the way he goes after maxine waters and hillary clinton, these are buttons that he presses that he knows excites his supporters and the media is a very good target for him. we are, you know, he likes to use us as i keep saying as puppets in his little show. i do think, you know, it has certainly helped us as a newspaper. it s helped you as a network with more viewers. again, the country has become so polarized that people are much
they were three or four years - ago. what worries me is i don t think he actually in his heart of hearts means it. that s left to be said but enemies of the people, that s a dangerous phrase and i m worried that he s going to get somebody killed. he is having fun and may not be thinking of the consequences. when his daughter was out this week does she think the media is the enemy of the state. she said no. that s right. and then his press secretary, you know was dodging it. i don t think she thinks so but rather than say so which would have annoyed her boss. she said i speak for him and you know what his words are. and what he actually believes
inside himself, this is a man that has an outer person and inner person both arranged differently but they don t always agree with one another. right. let s talk about the investigation. sources close to the white house tell cnn the president is growing concern that the russia investigation is getting close to his son don jr., about that meeting at trump tower during the election with some russians and perhaps getting close to his son-in-law jared kushner and that may be what is behind his increasing public frenzied agitation over robert mueller. he continues to relent leslie attack the investigation. what do you think about that report about hill being concerned about his family. i think he s right to be concerned. i think he s right to be concerned. donald trump junior is on the record in an e-mail asking for more dirt on hillary clinton
from this meeting with russians. that s why he took the meeting. and so this, you know, makes him vulnerable, particularly if he lied to congress about it. i don t think anyone is is going to get him for perjury particularly but he is an instrument that mueller is looking at trying to decide whether there was real conspiracy, collusion, between the trump campaign and russia because the trump campaign was clearly looking for dirt on hillary clinton and these so-called representatives of russia seem to be offering it. so that s what mueller is looking into and i think the president is right to be concerned that this investigation will touch his son. i also want to ask you, steven, why is there such a back and forth about whether mr. trump will sit down with
mueller s team. well, his lawyers would like him not to. but president trump as we know is full of self-confidence. he believes he can get into a room with anyone, whether it s kim jong un or it s the president of iran or vladimir putin and win the day through his personal negotiating skill. so partly, i think he just, you know, wants a conversation with robert mueller because that s who trump is. but i think his lawyers will probably restrain him, maybe he ll answer questions, written questions that they ll be able to vet but, you know, the president does, as we know, what he pretty much wants to do. he wanted to beat vladimir putin and his aids thought it would go away and he didn t so he met vladimir putin. if he really wants to do a face
to face interview with mueller that s what he wants to do but his lawyers will encourage him not to do that. we always appreciate your insight. thanks for giving us the time. thanks, natalie. well, speaking of vladimir putin, how about this one, american martial arts actor steven segal became a russian citizen a couple of years ago and now the kremlin is awarding him. seagal has become a special representative to promote russia and u.s. relations. he is a close friend of the russian president. a small minority group gathers. why they re protesting a new law in israel. we ll tell you about that. plus officials are warning hawaiians to get their misdemeanor kits ready as hurricane hector gains power on its way toward the island. ahh. summer is coming.
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against the country s new nation state law. the law declares israel a jewish state but the druze say it discriminates against them. oren joins me from jerusalem. was this expected or some what of a surprise? the druze anger has been building since the law was passed and it s important to understand what they re angry about. the druze, a minority numbering less than 150,000 weren t angry about the fact that this makes israel the nation state of the people. they support that. they re angry that the law fails to mention equality or democracy or minority rights. that s what they would like to see added here and it s the lack of the word equality that leads them to say this law makes them feel like second class citizens. this protest had been planned. benjamin netanyahu had been meeting to workout some sort of
compromise. it looked like he a historic compromise but that fell apart when the meetings between netanyahu and the druze fell apart angrily. that lead into this protest where you see tens of thousands of people in the central square. two flags there you see. one the israeli flag and the second that multicolored druze flag. they lead this protest but they weren t the only speakers. in fact, the israeli mayor spoke and before this law was passed they were both jewish and democratic. all israel citizens are not treating he equally. that gets at the anger of this law. the question now is what happens next? dru e leaders said there could be a special law passed but israel s parliament isn t in session so any solution is on hold as anger over this law
builds. we ll see if there was more protests planned but this was an he enormous one. are they getting supports from others? they very much are. that protest was not only druze. would have been more than half the druze population in israel. others see it as discriminatory. it treats others as second class citizens. i mentioned the mayor of tel-aviv. he called for a solution to make them feel whole again. acknowledge what they contributed and not only the druze, but other israeli citizens and there are a number of different groups there so they were all part of that anger over the law and we ll see what kind of fix some of the politicians can work around or does this anger continue to grow here. all right. you ll be watching it for us. as always, thank you. more than 700 firefighters are battling a forest fire in southern portugal.
two villages were evacuated when flames erupted saturday and ten water carrying aircraft were deployed. the peninsula has been experiencing near record high temperatures. an extreme heat wave is stifling much of europe bringing drought and fires. and western europe remains in the grip of the heat wave with more records being set. we re going to talk about hawaii as well. something interesting going on there with hurricane hector but it was only a matter of time before portugal took fire here as a result of very dry conditions. basically what s occurring in california on a much, much smaller scale and we re hoping to avoid the calamity that was 2017 when we lost upwards of 100 people here as a result of the fires. so the government issued 700 plus now fire personnel as natalie mentioned. 10 aircraft are dropping fire retardant on these fires here.
1,000 hectares have been burned as a result. the temperatures are not helping out. it s well into the 100s. curtesy of this area of high pressure which will begin to move and the dry air will go away. we ll get into much cooler temperatures here. you ll be able to see what i m talking about here. see the cloud cover north and west? that s the milder air and rainfall from northern europe coming in but as you can see it s still a ways away so tuesday and into wednesday before we can get into the noticeably cooler air. so for now, mid 40s. 113 degrees in portugal. this is where they re fighting fires and dealing with these temperatures where they should be, well, they should be in the 20s and lower 30s or 70s and 80 degrees. temperatures similar to where they have been the last few days. this afternoon we ll continue to see this and one more day tomorrow before we begin to cool off.
by the way, the rest of europe is doing okay thank you as far as the temperatures. it s not cool but it s seasonal with temperatures in the 20s and the lower 30s but we ll get rid of extreme heat as that begins to push in and by the way as the cooler air ushers in from the atlanta it will bump the high east so the hot air not experienced across central europe will be on the way so here we go. look at that. one more day in the 30s. 40s today. 30s tomorrow and then the rest of the week will be in the 20s and it will be the other way around across berlin where temperatures here will be in the 20s and will begin to climb into the 30s by later on this week. this is a cat 4 right now. it s 130 miles per hour. get perspective here because otherwise where is this thing? well it s 1,300 miles away from
the big island of hawaii. this looks to be a mover here to the west for the next few days. it s not going to have much movement latitude wise north or south so it s got to go in a westerly direction. two things to watch with this forecast here. one the system will be weakening as it moves toward the west. so we re going down categories as opposed to the other way around and also the cone is just to the south of the big island. the problem with that is forecast areas are huge natalie by the time we get into wednesday here. so it shifts a little bit to the north. we could be seeing direct impacts from hector. and by the way, the rainfall associated with it will also mix in with the volcano. because that s where it is. that is also not going to be good. we ll watch that closely and we have plenty of time to do so. they don deserve to have a double whammy. thank you. coming up here, sharp divisions
within the democrats. factions within the party are arguing about how to pest handle november s midterm elections. the different strategies. coming up here on cnn newsroom. plus paying tribute to a man that lost his life on a rescue mission. the way the thai soccer team is expressing their thanks. this story ahead here. please stay with us. what do harvard graduates
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drones detonated explosives near him while he was giving a speech on saturday. he s accusing the outgoing coluc columbian president of being behind the attack. hawaiian officials are urging people to prepare emergency kits as hurricane hector gets closer. the storm is strengthening. it s now reached category 4 and is expected to hit hawaii on sunday. sources tell cnn that u.s. president donald trump is worried his son don jr. will get caught up in the russia investigation. if don jr. lied to congress about what he knows, he could face criminal charges. the president s attorney rudy giuliani denies anyone at the white house is worried. in the u.s. the midterm elections are just three months away. both democrats and republicans are struggling to find a winning strategy. the democrats are split. should their candidates push for
impeachment of the president or favor a more moderate message? miguel reports from new orleans where many democrats gathered this weekend. the yearly gathering. i think he is a threat to the united states and our people and our democracy. one star of the show, tom that spent millions urging the impeachment of donald j. trump. why hasn t congress started impeachment proceedings. all the immigration talk worries mainstream establishment democrats. running a campaign by having an impeachment vote when we could have spending that time and energy revealing to the american people how corrupt this administration is.
i don t think that that s a productive way to go right now. the fear, talking impeachment before the special counsel s investigation is complete could turn off independents and moderates ahead of the midterms and beyond. is there any concern that that fissure between the far left and the center is going to hurt candidates in november and possibly the presidential contenders in 2020? i don t think we should be quite so clever about pollsters and i think that the political establishment in washington d.c. should get back to much simpler questions which is are we telling the truth about the most important things in america? are we standing up for the american people? potential 2020 contenders making their way. senators elizabeth warren, and pamela harris. voting and supporting him for
governor is the right thing to do. and alexandria cortez that upset an establishment democrat in her primary and is stomping for progressives nationwide. we don t believe the way forward and the way to win for progressives and democrats is to go moderate. we want candidates that are bold that are visionary and speak to the people. now mainstream and the republican national committee called net roots a far left progressive movement that s become a key force in moving the democratic party further left. do you think the democratic party has moved to the left or is this just more open these days? i do think it s moving more and more left. i don t think progressivism or liberalism is a far out idea anymore. the elections are november 6th. north korea is pushing back against u.s. diplomacy.
u.s. secretary of state mike pompeo shared a handshake with his north korean counter part in singapore but he now says washington is going back on its word to declare an end to the korean war and he criticized the u.s. for not moving to end sanctions. he said that was not what president trump intended when he met with north korean kim jong un and promised good will measures including a moretorium on nuclear tests. a 7th day of large student protests unfolded saturday. students are demanding safer roads and a crack down on unlicensed drivers and unregistered vehicles after a deadly incident a week ago. traffic brought to a halt. hundreds of cars set on fire and dozens of people injured.
a student protest that began peacefully 7 days ago in the bangladeshi capital is spreading across the country triggered by the death of two teenagers run down by a speeding bus. we have been protesting on the roads for a few days with demands. we re demanding justice for those students killed by a bus and we want safe roads. it was a privately owned bus that plowed them them on sunday. the state run news agency reports that the driver had been arrested wednesday but tens of thousands of students are demanding a crack down on traffic safety in a country where more than 4,000 people die in road accidents each year. one of the highest rates a cording to the world bank. blocking intersections in bangladesh s largest city videos show school kids chanting for justice. some simply hold up placards.
one reading our transport system equals serial killer. others demanding to see the driver s certification. unlicensed bus drivers are reportedly a common problem in bangladesh. anger toward them became more heated as the protesting continued. i continue to stop our buses running as students a tacked and damaged our vehicles. we cannot go on the road. no vehicles could move. according to bangladesh s state run news agency the country s education minister told protestors saturday that their demands were accepted and the government would be working to bring discipline to the country s transportation but the outraged students show little sign of swapping. a city of more than 10 million. cnn. 11 of the boys rescued in thailand from a dark flooded
cave last month are honoring the man that saved them and the one that died trying. the boys age 11 to 16 and their soccer coach participated in a traditional buddhist ceremony in memory of a former thai navy s.e.a.l. the boy spent nine days training. the 12th rescue boy is a christian and was not ordained. the ms-13 gang has the attention of donald trump. he said they are animals and that they are a danger to the entire country of the united states. we ll see how far their reach really goes coming up next in a special report.
part of his law and order platform. mr. trump zeroed in on this gang made up largely of immigrants from central america. it is not the largest gang in the u.s. and it isn t just made up of undocumented immigrants. that said without a doubt, ms-13 is extremely violent and it poses a serious threat. cnn has our story. her life was taken, stolen from her. it s not right. she had dreams, she had goals, she had a future. just 16 years old. a talented athlete nicknamed the bullet. they named her the bullet because she was so quick. and sadly unable to escape the violence just outside her door. kayla and her best friend savagely murdered just blocks from home september 13th, 2016. this is where it happened.
she was found right here. attacked with baseball bats and a machete investigators say. victims of the gang better known as ms-13. i miss her every second of the day. ms-13 is one of the most violent street gangs in the united states. federal and local officials agreed. designated a transnational criminal organization with roots in central america more than 30,000 members worldwide. up to 10,000 in the u.s. and as many as 1,000 on long island alo alone. we have about 500 identified members here. out of that 500 we have 215 active. how do you identify who is active? self-admitting. they ll be all tattooed up. they do the signs. when they get arrested, are you a gang affiliate?
yeah i m ms-13. what s the mo? kill, rape, control. ruling by fear, victims are often young. local law enforcement says the gang first came on their radar in 2010 but they started to see an up tick in gang violence in 2013. that s when leaders of ms-13 in el salvador made an effort to grow and establish new branches of the gang in different pockets of the u.s. including the affluent suburbs of new york city and long island. why new york is the question. and the wbr id= wbr26820 /> answer is that in suffolk county at least there s a large salvadorian population. there s also a record number of unaccompanied minors coming to suffolk county during that time. since 2014 the u.s. government placed more than 9,000 unaccompanied minors. /b>
undocumented children and teenagers that crossed into the us. without parents and guardian with sponsors in long island communities. many don t speak english. they don t have money in their pocket. their parents aren t with them. they re seeking a sense of belonging and ms-13 says we can provide that but if you tonight join the gang, this is what is going to happen to you and you know, what we know where your family lives. you wouldn t believe how bad these people are. these are people. these are animals. is the immigration rhetoric that we re hearing from the current administration in d.c. helping or hurting your efforts? certainly the administration s wbr-id= wbr27420 /> focus on ms-13 is helpful. both in terms of awareness, resources, and driving the mission. but i think it is also very clear that we need to be sending a message to the immigrant population. the immigrant kmuncommunities t we stand with them. you don t feel like your
community is being used as a political pawn in anyway. as a police commissioner i stay out of politics. my job is to serve and protect all the people. it doesn t matter your political affiliation or color of your skin, it doesn t matter to me. rodriguez says she is grateful for the support of the president and new york s governor that recently allocated more than $18 million for gang violence intervention and prevention programs and she wants to be part of the solution to a safer community, whatever it takes to prevent another family s pain. i just want them to stop what they re doing. you re hurting family members, loved ones. and the end result, you re hu hurting yourself.
renee marsh has our exclusive report. a new personal tsa document cnn exclusively obtained shows the proposal to eliminate screening at more than 150 small to medium sized airports is just one of several cost saving measures the agency is discussing. a senior tsa employee tells cnn the agency is looking at cuts that could save more than $300 million in 2020. one cut reducing the number of air marshals. eliminating screens at small airports, staffing cuts at tsa headquaters and changing to benefits are also being discussed. tsa did not comment. a former official with the department of homeland security under obama is concerned. ending security at certain airports and ending or flat lining the air marshall service are inconsistent. if you re going to decrease
security what you would want to do is increase the he presence of air marshals or other security features just in case. cnn revealed the most controversial cut. eliminating screening at small airports like this one in redding, california where bryant garrett is the manager. since i don t want to take on the liability nor the cost and i m quite certain the airlines don t want to take that on. so if tsa backs out there s a void and i don t know who would fill it. air marshals are the last line of defense. armed agents aboard planes to prevent hijackings. critics questioned it s effectiveness but the tsa defended the program as a deturrent. the big question that congress and the american public is asking and would like
explained is whether they re being considered because the threat and risk to aviation has changed or is this an indication that the agency is under extreme pressure to cut cost. an vierenvironmental story f you. the grieving process of a mother orca is taking her on an endless journey. how it mirrors the endangered species fight to survive. for hundreds of kilobymeters over ten days a mother orca can t let go carrying her lifeless calf through the waters of the pacific northwest. mourning her baby s death in the sad portrayal of the struggle for survival. this population has seen it s numbers reduced dramatically over the years and it s something that maybe they re very aware of. they re losing family members and they haven t had a successful calf in three years. marine biologist spoke to cnn
by phone near where he and a team have been watching the mother known as j-35 at a distance for days now. his team keeps an eye on her health and warns other boats away from her location trying to mitigate risk to the pod. after 17 months of gestation her calf was only alive for a matter of minutes before it died more than a week ago. since then she has been arching her back pushing her dead offspring along the surface of the water with her forehead or finns or carrying it along by clutching it s tail in her mouth. whales and other animals know death as old age or a trauma related injury or being eaten by something. maybe they don t understand these outside pressures and effects that are causing them to die. they don t understand it because it s not their fault. it s this outside pressure, that is us, that is humans.
they often suffer from malnutrition. largely from man made contamination and overfishing of their main food source salmon as well as noise pollution from boating traffic. sound is how they find food and communication. a recent recording from washington s whale museum captures the grieving mother using calls and whistles to talk with her pod. likely foraging for much needed nourishment, fighting for their kind after the death of another calf. experts say orca s have carried dead family members in the past but the length of time j-35 has been pushing her lifeless calf is unprecedented. a sign she may be experiencing difficult and complex emotions not so unlike our own. it s just a heartbreaking story but i think that people can relate to these whales in a
multitude of ways and they re now showing us that they have this extreme grief and strong ties to family and i think that people can see that. it pulls at your heart strings. so very sad. we want to update you on a story we told you about yesterday. after backlash, the museum in washington has dropped that shirt right there, the fake news t-shirts it was selling in his gift shop. the organization said it was a mistake to carry the item. the museum is dedicated to journalism and the first amendment. finally here, one man is adding some horsepower to his new ride sharing opposition. check it out. he calls it amish, uber and it has four wheels, four lesson and good gas mileage. for $5 the driver will take you on horse and buggy to anywhere in michigan.
unlike uber you can t use a cell phone. you ll have to flag him down to let a ride. i ll be right back with another hour of cnn newsroom. please stay with us.
and kissed them all soundly. lights out. good night. child, voice-over: and put them to bed. hunger is a story we can end. end it at i m a small business, but i have. big dreams. and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees. feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually?

President , Story , Assassination-attempt , Venezuelan , Ranks , Explosives , Drones , Explosion , Military-ceremony , Soldiers , Body , Maduro

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Eva Braun - Life And Death With The Fuhrer Part 1 20180805 03:15:00

childhood and teenage years although her photo albums provide a little insight into her early life. paula brown was born in munich on february sixth one thousand nine hundred twelve the second of three daughters to vocational school teacher friedrich brown. her parents marriage had survived a crisis during the early twenties eva grew up in a middle class environment in munich shopping. ava brown was also the center of attention during a banking trip to vet has a. like everything. the brown s relatives from vienna visited munich and accompanied the family on their trips cousin get child vice care greatly enjoyed the time in the water.
and fanny and uncle fritz were very fond of the thirteen year old. care child kept her relationship with the browns a secret for more than sixty years. only her husbands knew about it and forbade her to mention it. not until the year two thousand did she decide to talk about her cousin eva i love that s my lot in a boa. we met with my aunt once or twice a week and went on a trip somewhere to keep their i m as a. mussy or bunch my body sometimes event her sisters joined us. talked i enjoyed their visits a lot it was a great family time but as for me she says she. was into good fun we went swimming or had coffee and cake and returned to my grandparents in the evening. my father
never joined us. he made it quite clear that he didn t want any contact with ava. we do eva can talk to her to. give us relationship with her parents wasn t as relaxed as the films might suggest her best friend later reported that ava spent most of her youth at her parents place as the atmosphere at home wasn t very pleasant. able to courses in housekeeping bookkeeping and typewriting at a catholic boarding school in one nine hundred twenty nine she successfully applied for an apprenticeship at a well known munich photoshop. hybrid hoffmann was the shrewd personal photographer to add off hitler. on one point he introduced his new worker saying this is our brave little boy line eva apparently the couple met frequently after work or confided to his adjutant for love if i keep
even turning her father s gun on herself. sits in you know you must want to be forced and it s a lot if you have to imagine her arbaaz a rather naive seventeen year old but at the same time she was quite an extrovert. she liked having her picture taken and was by no means a shy girl five skeins he shifted their relationship grew closer hitler told hydration hoffmann that he realized from the incident that she was really in love with have and that he felt a moral obligation to care for her but davis family was anything but euphoric about this relationship without a marriage certificate. does he still loose it because i made it out i was nine years old when i got wind of it by reading about it in the papers i saw a photo of even hitler i think he was on it to. keep the. date limited by of of eyes at me when people in the caption read even brown
a teacher s daughter from munich was hitler s new favorites for a while and he talked on his chaos of when she. i showed it to my mother and she said don t talk about this it s not true it s nonsense. and i don t want it mentioned again which does not leave out of who they did to. as hitler made no attempts to legitimize the relationship of a brown was considered his mistress by her relatives. photos of that time show her as a fashionable young woman who apparently was more interested in hairstyles and clothing then politics. her cousin get. this attractive young woman was twelve years my senior a very attractive woman but the guys that you and i admired her and her sisters. and just funny to you before she was well groomed with her long fingernails deep of
wooden and i enjoyed meeting and spending time with them five of should make it into something. of a mid to my as a ten year old i didn t wonder whether i wanted to become like her and didn t really think about it. thus says every fake lists no. the private film recordings from one nine hundred thirty seven only show the joyful side of the furious laufer but her relationship with hitler also caused her some pain it had only been two years since eva brown s emotional low fragments from her diary survived she noted on may tenth one thousand nine hundred thirty five ms hoffman told me in a way both loving and tactless that he now had a substitute for me. these were not the
embassy coitus by from what i know today i would say that she was pretty depressive and she always had to disguise this depression was dizzier shenhua bushby it with towards with clothing must be a she always needed to distract herself from her sorrows and nobody realized it in everyday life was when we met that. he should know me well enough to see that i would never put obstacles in his way if he should fall in love with another woman why should he care about what becomes of me. twenty three year old eva s manic depressive mood soon became apparent to her family. and he for me it was her family knew i didn t but in retrospect all this changing of clothes was manic behavior that s why i m mohnish jesus see him of you to all. of a few a few change five or six times a day is that their goal of where basically nobody was there to see her and admire her she just did it for herself said. she couldn t to see him
and she found it hard to concentrate. yet research better she used to ask me what are you doing when i started telling her about math or something like that she just replied for my never mind. now she quickly lost focus deliberately or not she couldn t to see what of words if she could simply and. she complained hitler only needs me for certain things when the dictator was traveling she did not hear from him and even attempted suicide for the second time on may twenty eighth one thousand nine hundred thirty five this time with sleeping pills she noted this time i ll take thirty five pills i want to make absolutely sure if only he d call. there s what physics if up on psyched if a brown suicide attempt shows that this relationship had evolved into something
deeper. that s it wasn t superficial anymore if he beats you and something had on a wrong that s. awesome would. he could ve been appalled by it and tried to get rid of her off as a tech as the last instead of an ai he saw it as proof of her total commitment and loyalty which was exactly what he expected from his disciples. and to death toil and she was ready to give and live it was even better fight it s a given to leave. it as parents reproached her constantly and made it impossible for her to remain in their home finally she moved to a house with a garden in the elegant district of bogun house in which heinrich hoffman bought on the furious orders. private apartment was close by eventually she was allowed to quit her job at the photo shop for appearances sake her sister gretel moved into
the small house with her in one thousand thirty eight eva brown became its official owner. lavish parties were frequently held at the house but the mood was anything but festive as eva s father didn t want to accept the disgrace that she was bringing upon the family. but her biographer doubts the credibility of free trish brown s later statement that he had written a letter to hitler ordering his daughter to return to the family home. especially because here ima be forced along for us you re thought about until now it s been assumed that her father was against national socialism so i thought he but the questioning he had to go through after nineteen forty five showed that he apparently believed in the future of her until the end. that s a daughter dr a hobbit based so let s and then through about. how nobody in the family was in
opposition to the regime heinen giving thoughts so these are all benefited from it the fun music from her mother to her youngest sister had to order off new gig is a sleazy i m giving this other hobs it a phone call for. this so here comes the stress that. in fact there was no falling out with the family on the contrary eva s parents were now also welcome guests at oprah s on spec like their daughter they accepted the fact that hitler wouldn t marry his life companion apparently francisco brown convinced her husband that resisting the relationship would be futile and he daughter can get a husband but someone like hitler. that was something different. and if a brown used uncharacteristic toughness and well and intrigues to drive possible
rivals for hitler s favor away from over salzburg her position there became undisputed over the years i m the lover of germany s and the world s greatest man she allegedly once said officially there was no talk of any woman at hitler side the dictator said my bride is germany. nazi propaganda claimed that the furore had no private life he served the german people day and night film and photography had become ava brown s biggest passions she loved to state her lover on the bare coffs terrace the film seemed to show the furore transported to another world distanced from his people welcoming friends and political companions up there some of her photo spreads survived uncensored in her private albums showing ava brown s professional work.
does a film on for the films and photos if a brown shot of hitler and the people of the bad cough what just of a private nature not before four hundred she still work for hoffman and also created those works to sell them to coffee in our almaty as she sometimes got big sums of money for them to use a film on hoffman one day he went to see thousand likes mark so i know one single photo for instance i smile at ty she was part of the propaganda machinery. part of hofmann s propaganda department which staged a few of us private appearances. to see presented him as a caring family man child loving patron that s kinda leading to. this doesn t really fit with the perception people used to have from the abuse that she took close photos only because she dreamt of a family life with hitler about on. for no she used those photos for business
ninety marked it down until i was well aware of that. but it was part of the plan that s at arkansas an awful spot us law of the voids. among the most welcome guests at the back office where hitler s favorite architect albert speer and you walk in fund ribbentrop who was appointed foreign minister in one nine hundred thirty eight . i miss hoffman and his wife were also frequent guests hitler felicien called nigger norm in that saddam s day long regarding the selection of people around him and the balco of hitler relied mainly on hina and eva brown. is their son his entourage basically was his emotional foundation. to his private life took place surrounded by these people in these mansion where as his biological family was kept apart. thirty thousand for it in tough as the other from one
thousand nine hundred thirty six they never visited the vagal. he met them separately. to decide if he selected his own replacement family which consisted of the b.s. the ball man his doctor s families the infant the hofmann s and eva brown and her family hoffman and if up on the often you. deserts of. this circle was evidently so important to him as it was that he often retreated to the back off before making important political decisions in these familiar surrounding us resist circuits zero of the stick it put it is entitled the. invitations to the bare cause were highly coveted among the nazi notables. even though life up there appeared to be quite stuffy some of the guests claimed that this petty bourgeois idle felt intoxicating to them. later albert speer wrote all that remains of the social life on over salzburg are memories of
a strange emptiness hitler hardly ever mention the jews his political. once or even the necessity of building concentration camps i suppose this wasn t intentional but rather due to the banal nature of the conversation. those people of the inner circle were aware of the special circumstances after a while they took for granted that eva brown would play the part of the lady of the house on such occasions. devonish put it this calm here she wasn t a political person and she hardly ever tried to influence hitler. but of course people talked about politics that the bad coolth in the women s presence as well that dominant about politics what they want involved in decision making will military planning in what they would discussions about how to proceed with australia after the so-called i m shocked that would be an exception for example
the high nothings who cannot fight back inside. gettler secretary margin borman who was also part of the inner circle he made sure that all the neighbors disappeared from around the bar codes and supervised its transformation to a secure restricted area for the fear of. hitler like to sleep long and usually ate lunch at three o clock in the afternoon this was often followed by a long walk with his guests this time ribbentrop appears to be hitler s preferred conversation partner delicate political matters were discussed confidentially the foreign minister was a loyal henchman to the dictator implicitly supporting his plans for war.
the destination was always the same the scenic outpost that most men are called. when the weather is good there is a superb view towards salzburg from there. nearby bormann had a tea house built for hitler. albert share later recalled at the coffee table hitler often like to lose himself in endless monologues we. give a brown film to talk with national youth leader balder fun shut off from a respectful distance albert share was one of the most frequent visitors he moved with his family to a house close to the barrack off in one nine hundred thirty eight and was good friends with eva brown he claimed after nine hundred forty five that she took advantage of her position like all other prominent collaborators of hitler only a few resisted the temptations of being in his entourage hitler didn t really resist this development spare later recalled his specific style of leadership led
to increasing loneliness believed he said he thought hitler was unable to form normal human relationships in hundreds of talks spare said he covered topics like fashion dog breeding theater and film operetta and it stars sometimes hitler fell asleep during his own monologues. at a results back so the furor and his entourage could reach its vantage point at eight hundred meters a road and an elevator needed to be cut into the mountains wrong. hitler in fact rarely went there apparently he suffered from vertigo put eva enjoyed coming there and she seemed much more playful when the dictator wasn t
around. a series of photos. shows hitler and eva brown at the cannes dined house with magda goebbels the propaganda minister s wife by his side and she had fled to the back off with her children and played her part as the betrayed and indignant wife she complained to the furore that her husband was having an affair with a czech actress. and wanted to establish. hitler was enraged and ordered gerbils to come to the overzealous back. home. it s not clear if these film recordings by eva brown show gerbils arrival that day or during another visit the fear of forced goebbels to separate from his lover and
for bade him to have any further contact with the actress the marriage with magda had been preserved for reasons of state gerbils did as he was told. this photo of the one nine hundred thirty eight new years party shows the furore and eva brown s kweisi marital relationship hitler the professed vegetarian got his own menu which eva brown put into her photo album. the results the dictator got during the traditional fortune telling games were not documented. nine hundred thirty nine was the turning point in hitler s rule he had achieved one success after another rearmed germany and incorporated the tsar region the sudetenland and the whole of austria into the third reich even his opponents agreed
that he would have been the greatest german since bismarck had he died at that point but the dictator wanted war so in fact this moment marked the beginning of his downfall even though eva brown was a good skier hitler did not like her just. as he was afraid of her being injured but once when the dictator was away from over salzburg he allowed her to go skiing in austria with albert speer for eight days spare later remembered that she danced with young officers until the early morning without being recognized. according to share they both were united in their resentment of martin bormann due to his arrogance and crudeness and cheating on his wife. over easter nine hundred thirty nine eva brown film cher and barman s many children
on their egg hunt. the children lived a secluded life in over salzburg nobody knows whether ava wanted children herself there were rumors that she had once had an abortion in munich but there s no proof that. they are sympathized with the unfortunate woman she recalled hitler had once said in her presence very intelligent men should choose primitive and simple minded wives and imagine if i had a wife who meddled in my affairs i want peace and quiet in my spare time. meanwhile the dictator preferred to rule nazi germany from the barrack hole. there he developed crucial political and military plans and issued laws and decrease one of the reasons may have been his firmer relationship with ava brown who always
happened to be at over salzburg when hitler was there with his entourage and adjutant later recalled that it became more and more difficult to obtain decisions from the head of state even senior party officials and members of the government were often unable to reach him. he was at a results back. only cultural events seemed to be able to lure the failed artist from his command center . in june one thousand nine hundred thirty nine hitler went to vienna on a whim to attend the seventy fifth birthday celebrations of composer richard strauss on his way back to best us gotten the furer a visited places where he had spent his childhood. eva brown filmed his arrival official han primary school near vents in his book mind comfort hitter described himself as a little ringleader when the boys of the village played cops and robbers his class
teacher later remembered him as pale and skinny an undisciplined boy who despised learning and squandered his talents. back at the back off hitler was planning the eminent military campaign against poland in the meantime the brown family decided to go on an unusual cruise mother francisca was filmed during her visit to a travel agent where she booked a trip to scandinavia for her and her daughters eva and gretel preterist brown did not go along. for. the little tour group arrived in hamburg shortly afterwards to board the crew ship
milwaukee. the browns with eva behind the camera took a launch across the harbor. the milwaukee was operated by the national socialist organization cost oibda strength through joy it provided holiday cruises for party comrades. the former north atlantic passenger steamer built in one thousand nine hundred twenty nine in hamburg had room for six hundred guests and was very popular as a cruise ship its destination this time the norwegian sure. gave a maid a well groomed impression on board her suits were made by high class berlin tailors still albert spared described her in his memoirs as modestly and unobtrusively
dressed and that she wore noticeably cheap jewelry. the first class passengers passed their time at the pool. younger sister gretel was frequently in the cameras on. a shore excursion in northern norway. of course the locals didn t know that the lover of nazi germany s dictator was one of the tourists. another highlight of the cruise mobster was served on deck at lunchtime. or.
the browns wallowed in luxury while their daughter s companion at home was preparing to plunge europe into. another war. on june seventeenth one thousand thirty nine hitler welcomed a special emissary from the saudi arabian king for a meeting at the barrack home. a vote was usually confined to her chambers during meetings with diplomats or top party functionaries. spare a thought that hitler considered her of limited social acceptability on such occasions even the big reception hall was out of bounds for hitler s lover. when a prominent guest stayed longer she had to move to the house of the unpopular martin bormann nearby.
sometimes she succeeded in filming scenes like these from a first floor window hitler is waiting for a visitor on the back office stairs. the guard of honor from the s.s. is in position. during his rise to power hitler was convinced that germany s former greatness could only be restored by another aggressive war for countries for conquered by force he knew it would come and wanted to start it when he was still physically fit enough to lead it the thought of sickness or an early death made him want to start it sooner rather than later. is or did you consider war as something shameful or to be avoided. poland would be his first casualty.
on august twelfth one thousand thirty nine eva brown had to disappear from the scene once more. from a safe distance she filmed a unit of the s.s. bodyguards lined up for the italian foreign minister count chano who had come to discuss italy entering the war with hitler. it is unclear if hindmarsh hoffman shot this close up photo of the visitor if a brown s note in her photo album reads there s something people are forbidden to see up there. or informed his ally about his decision to attack poland. eva brown called these snapshots departure viewed from the hotel rooms perspective. on
several occasions the dictator discussed the details of war terror and mass murder with his henchmen over salzburg and she was able to film s.s. chief language himmler and his associates. and carl vote on the back hope terrace. foreign minister you re walking fun ribbentrop also took part in hitler s talks about his war plans as peace in europe hung by a thread the furer isolated himself from the ministerial bureaucracy and assembled his confidant the dictator was planning a special coup. ribbentrop was to travel to moscow to sign a non-aggression pact with stalin. heinrich himmler and his inforce are beinhart hydration meticulously prepared the brutal oppression of poland they presented the details during their visit to the back off. so-called einsatz top and special action squads from the police and
security forces were to liquidate the polish ruling classes as hitler intended to occupy the country permanently on august twenty third one thousand nine hundred thirty nine hitler nervously awaited positive news from moscow. eva brown s presence was permitted that day she filmed and took photos the caption of her professional photo documentation reads then ribbentrop traveled to moscow when ribbentrop finally confirmed the pact with the devil the dictator rejoiced this will go off like a bomb. other photos show hitler bormann and gerbils as the news was spread of officially eva brown s comment hitler listens to the news on the radio still colin refuses to negotiate over brown s biographer is certain that the women were well aware of the historical significance of those dramatic days at the back of. it
what s your own quotes for. guests hitler stalin part of this situation at the back who ve shortly before stalin signed the non-aggression pact shows how grocers those men around hitler aware. how much they are in a circle with us and share what was involved in the political events at that time the invest politicize it if up all info took off you did these evil brown photograph that tense situation of the back of it that s high when ribbentrop was in moscow and the signing was imminent under spawn to see to it soon after that also shows that the women were in the know to us the fallen and i divide they spent evenings and weekends together for weeks or and of course they talked about these events. they were crucial for them as well. that to talk about hitler didn t distinguish between private and supposed little life. for him it was all to sour them leave him politically it must hurt him
a. ribbon trumps agreement with moscow guarantee that stalin s red army wouldn t intervene but only occupy and annex the eastern part of poland it gave him his murder squads free reign when war with poland broke out. over salzburg played a crucial part in the path to the second world war. and any attempts to stop hitler were doomed. nine days later he declared war on poland eva brown supposedly cried when he proclaimed at the rights tog now more than ever my life belongs to my people i want nothing more than to be the first soldier of the german right i have put on the uniform that was always my most sacred and cherished possession again i will only
take it off after our victory or i will not live to see the end. on that day september first one nine hundred thirty nine eva brown supposedly told her older sister ilsa this means war he ll leave and what will become of me. is a brown recalled she also said if anything happens to him i ll die to. that same evening if a brown ordered large amounts of food and drink to be stored at the barracks off reportedly explaining will need lots of supplies we ll need them to last for a long time.
my name is held on the back. and the mexican conductor. come on. any great musicians and friends from all over the world. a pretty normal guy canadian star pianist young the shot ski. scene. in reveals history as a. fifteen year old of. the young the mouth of an infernal monkey in greece one week on from the devastating a forest fire as. villages are trying to guard what s left of the homes against looters while rescue teams search for bodies and survivors. people here have been left to fend for themselves with little support materializing from the state.
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Sense , Tax-office , Tide , Life , Photo-albums , Daughters , Paula-brown , Childhood , Second , Insight , One-thousand-nine-hundred-twelve , Three