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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240613

maybe they could do an exhibition where he does some backflip that the open. maybe nancy pelosi will do that tonight of the congressional baseball game. no that s when trump visits tomorrow. is there a lightning bolt that s going to hit the capital? trump is coming. they said populism was over, that it was over in europe. trump was over. how many times can they declare trump politically over or populism is over? they ve been wrong and wrong again. the tide is rising internationally and i think trump s return to washington, this will be quite a day. you all stay tuned for that tomorrow. speaker-01: raymond arroyo, great to have you. that s it for us tonight, follow me on social media, thank you for watching, jesse is next. welcome to jesse watters primetime . tonight,. jesse: [ inaudible ] jesse: we finally figured out what they are going to do with joe. four more years, pause. [ chanting ] jesse: arab spring break, not over yet. [ crowd noise ] shot fired. jesse: crime is down. [ laughter ] jesse: new hoax alert. plus. jake paul. [ ] jesse: politics is like a game of cards, you don t pick the cards, you play the hand you are dealt. after using up their dictator on day one card in the lock him up card, democrats are down with only two cards left to play. joe biden and come in layers. around the democrat poker table, the question is, what s the next play. the obvious answer was joe biden he won them the first poker game, why not go for a repeat? the question is, everybody sees the play coming and the biden card, no guarantee. he s lagging with debate prep, skipping out on g-7 dinners and now his conviction is hanging over his head. sources inside the white house tell the new york times biden has grown more resigned and worried than ever about what the future might hold for his son. the media is starting to question the play. the people close to him say that this is the thing that more than anything else he wakes up, you know, if he s briefed by aids on gaza, the next immediate thing, constantly in contact with his son, they speak at least once a day. so this is something that is going to add more weight to the presidents mindset. i think it s a very heavy burden and by staying in politics, by being as exposed as they are in some ways, it has put pressures on hunter biden and i think that weighs on the president. jesse: like any poker game it s all about the odds. a prediction model gives biden a one in three chance of winning and after biden s approval rating just hit an all-time low, even the democrat numbers guru nate silver is a joe needs to drop out. or else it s a longshot. most americans they get biden is reelected, he will die in office. now the question is, do you take the risk or do you make a swap? i think a lot of voters have trepidation about whether or not joe biden will make it through a second term and so they tune out these other things. is this because they have issues about his vice president? also issues about kamala harris coming into the office, absolutely. whether that s racism, whether it s because of her track record at not being great at public policy. at someone new in? a convention would require do you think you should? we should watch for the first debate. jesse: what good does a harris candidacy do? she s less popular than biden and no one thinks she can beat trump. but she s still here because no one has told her no or maybe she just won t listen to it. i eat no for breakfast. i don t hear no. and many times in your life, you are going to here no. someone is going to many even many people will say to you, it s not your time, nobody like you has done that before, they are not ready for you. and then i love this next one, that s going to be hard work. really? jesse: democrats have a better shot of winning the white house with the guy that s about to die than with kamala harris. as machiavelli says in the prince, to maintain power you have to be prepared to act immorally when it comes necessary. that s what the democrats are preparing to do. charles cook in the national review says biden s candidacy is nothing more than a decoy biden is operating as a stand-in, a widget or a macguffin whose primary purpose is to make it to november 5th of this year without expiring. the most powerful man in the world has been transmuted into little more than a game token in a game that narrows down to this , biden must win because donald trump must not. the only way biden wins is if he s not seen as too old are too incompetent or too misguided. that means he cannot be seen as who he is. the media has to lie to you about him. the job is simple, boomerang every trump attack on biden to better the odds. for all his calls for president biden to undergo some kind of cognitive test, it s clear to say mr trump s remarks are not at all coherent and these rallies. mr trump s remarks have never been super coherent in his rallies. this split screen has always been there, will always be there. they are different people. jesse: it s risky when your candidate looks like this. i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] come on! i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] [ ] banning books about black experiences. [ inaudible ] jesse: so plan b, change the subject. i think you have to stop making it about gold versus not old versus bit versus unfit and it s very simple, you keep putting on the graphic fit and you show biden at the state of the union. unfit, you show trump. fit, unfit, and each one of trump s is very funny and then you go it s all fun and games until it comes to nuclear weapons. we can t have unfit. jesse: this guy might be a little old but his hand on the button is okay. this guy s hand is not on the button and i would bring it back to end of world stuff. jesse: notice how the democrats don t have a winning message. it changes every day and that tells you they are in trouble. as soon as biden is reelected, cook says that is when you will see a shift. 23 seconds after he has won, this will change and when it does the reversal will be astonishing in both speed and scope. instantly all of biden s senile ticks will be visible to all. within seconds of his inauguration got the scene will begin to cast doubts on the ability of any octogenarian to do such a demanding job and when the last weight falls, it will become clear as day that joe biden wasn t a presidential candidate, but a lumbering decoy . the media will turn in the kingmakers will go to work. hunter gets pardoned, biden gets pushed out and the torch gets past took kamala harris in the first year. whose presidency will look like this. to aspire to create wealth is a good thing as far as i m concerned. if that is what one chooses. i on the other hand have chosen to live a life of public service. but i am all for you getting yours if that s what you want. we dry in. that s what those tours about jesse: every day for four years it will be a dei victory. the media will celebrate the first black the mill president and the deep state will run a lock because kamala harris is easier to control that joe, just like joe she will be a macguffin to washington s poker game and when 2028 rolls around, they can say thanks for playing, kamala. would like to introduce you to someone, maybe you ve heard of him, gavin newsom. former house speaker kevin mccarthy joins me now. do you see this? i see it. year one, joe is gone, kamala is in, that s the play, that s the decoy. you know why it s so true? they ve already played it once. it was a hunter biden laptop. the first thing they did, they had it since 2019, they go out and tell people it s not real and then they told immediate you can t print this or talk about it and then once the election is over, it s real. the wall street journal did a story recently, and i told them, i watched this behind the scenes working with this president, is all the moments he s not there. i never hid from the fact and they are acting like this is a big shock. but if you follow the democrats, remember axelrod who ran obama s campaign? he started a year and a half ago trying to get him not to run. then clinton s tried to get him not to run. now they finally decided we can t get him off the ticket. kamala can win. jesse: so they have to lie to all of us about how great he is, how sharp he is, how he can outhustled the whole country just to get him over the finish line and then the switcheroo. ogc, they literally have the top people in hollywood working on it. those sunglasses. the problem is, he has to walk to the podium. he walks to the podium and everyone walks around like what are you talking about? when he starts to talk, then you are in trouble. they tried to hide him the last time and this is the play they want to do. they have to get through this last bit. jesse: when we see him swallow words or say things completely incomprehensible at these public events, or not clap to the beat, when you were behind the scenes negotiating, what did you see? he would always go with the cards. what i learned early on, he has to read from them. once he starts reading, i was would interject and he would not know what to do. then he would close it and just stop. kamala would have to start talking. so it was a player used every time. there was one time we were sitting there and he s taking us on a tour and all of a sudden he goes, you want to go out to the pool? and then jill is on the other side of the table and she goes know, they don t want to go out. he goes you don t want to go out? then he opens the door, it s wintertime, and he walks is down to the swimming pool into the changing room. and then we walked back up and he s created this little room outside the oval office to be a little office for him. president trump had it as a gift shop but clinton used for something else. [ laughter ] but he s made it an office for himself like 10 feet away from the oval office. why? jesse: like a mini office. not the grand oval office, a little cubbyhole. between you and i. all it does is have a desk in their and then it has one of those ballets when i walked in. a blue dress shirt all wrinkled. why does the president take his shirt off and there? then we come walking back and i m thinking oh my gosh, please don t show this to any other world leader. i will tell you, democrats. jesse: kevin, i can t believe you showed you the pool in the middle of winter, but not just the pool, the dressing room when he got to the dressing room, what did he say? first he got to the door and it was locked. [ laughter ] secret service comes and opens it up. i m like what are we doing? jesse: do some laps. all right. you are doing laps around him. we just mentioned hunter. and someone just floated the idea of a pardon but not who you think it would be coming from. watch this. i d like to see president trump coming out with a statement saying if hunter biden commits to a program of sobriety and inpatient or maybe outpatient, shows up got keeps his sobriety, i will partner him. i love to see president trump say that. mack not on his part, it shows humanity and flip the tables on the democrats magna minutes. i like it for this, it means trump is president. it also shows the democrats are fearful of trump to become president because they are fearful he will do what they are doing to him. and you know it s interesting, they run on bidenomics which fails because inflation, because than they run a democracy. npr did a pool of independence and by a vote of 53-42, they think the biggest threat to democracy is him having another four years. so what i think from this is it s not bad. trump shows that the greatest retribution you can do to anybody is be successful. jesse: i think that s the move. revenge is success. you want to go see the pool? [ laughter ] jesse: kevin mccarthy, thank you so much. more primetime ahead. [ ] if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what s on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! 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[ ] [ ] jesse: biden said his executive order which i don t the border but it s been a week and thousands of illegals are still pouring through. bill melugin has more. reporter: jesse, president biden s executive order is pretty much having zero impact whatsoever in the busy san diego sector where adult men from really all around the planet continue crossing illegally nonstop with most of them released into the u.s. fox news cameras have witnessed mass illegal crossings in california several days in a row with every day in the last week averaging over 1000 illegal immigrant apprehensions down in that sector. one border patrol agent is now voicing his frustration. doesn t frustrate you when you hear the narrative like why aren t border patrol doing anything? if i don t allow them to cross, they call and complain and i m in trouble and i lose my job. reporter: meanwhile at boston international airport, the baggage claim has been turned into a shelter for a legal immigrants with hundreds camping inside the sanctuary city s airport. at san antonio airport, a reporter posted this video showing americans having to wait in a long line at tsa while illegal aliens released from dhs custody with their notice to appear paperwork had their own much faster line. we reached out to tsa for comment and they said they are preparing a statement but as of this newscast, we have not heard back from them yet. meanwhile today fox news questions democrats about eight to g augusta national s with ices ties being arrested by ice and the fbi after they were caught and released at the southern border. to me, it s just a reminder that republicans need to stop opposing additional resources for more border patrol agents and other dhs personnel to help continue to enforce the law. they have the personnel and let them go. they need more. republicans need to stop getting in the way. reporter: and just a little reminder for your viewers, democrats held the white house, the senate for the first two years did not the about the border. jesse: thank you bill. trump has been clear when he gets into office he s going to get revenge but what does that look like? my revenge will be success. and i mean that. but it s awfully hard when you see what they ve done, these people are so evil and at the same time the country can t come together. can come together. jesse: revenge through success. everybody wins, even trump s enemies. jesus told his disciples that i say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and prey for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. what would jesus do? revenge through success. some people heard the word revenge and thought trump is going to put me in gitmo. maddow, wallace, will be goldberg and aoc worried about been thrown in solitary. stelter says that s just the beginning. jail of course is an extreme part of the spectrum. imprisonment is a sub extreme part but think about irs audits, government pressure, other forms of government interference. there are a lot of pressure points and rachel maddow is not the only one thinking about this. i ve talked to the heads of news organizations, they are thinking through not in dramatic fashion, because they are afraid of going to jail but because they want to know what could trump do to use his power in a second term to punish the media. jesse: trump doesn t want to put the press in prison, he loves them. he loves them so much that he talks to them even when he should not. and the press should love him back. he made them rich and famous. during his presidency, cnn and msnbc ratings were double what they are now. deep stators got huge tv contracts. million-dollar book deals being handed out like halloween candy. today biden runs away from the press. there s mass layoffs, no book deals and cnn is losing to reruns of martin. he s coming, he s coming! [ laughter ] jesse: the media is catching a case of arrest and be. they saw what happened to trump when he got arrested, legendary mug shot, 24/7 coverage, millions of dollars in donations and they want a taste of martyrdom. they are baking trump to arrest them for attention. it s the only way anybody will know they are still famous. they want their own trials like trump. gag orders, de niro showing up. but none of that is going to happen. of trunk trump locks up all the reporters, will he joust with? but there s a different revenge path trump could take. legal scholar says there s only one way to stop the political prosecutions, prosecute democrats. only retaliation in kind can produce the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutual assured destruction. without the threat of prosecution of their own leaders, democrats will continue to charge future republican presidents without restraint. john is a former deputy assistant attorney general. john, what would that look like, prosecuting democrats, be specific. thank you for having me on. i have to say, that was a great article you were just reading from. jesse: thank you. what a wonderful scholar. [ laughter ] this is what it would look like. you would have to have republican das indict hunter biden or indict joe biden just in the way that blue state das have been indicting president trump. and would it be for it would be for things like corruption, fraud, bribery, because that s the only way i think you can get democrats to stop abusing the legal system, to stop breaking the norms that they have. i was listening to your introduction to the segment and look, the democrats are so scared because they have broken all of these rules. they have crossed the rubicon and now they are worried because once they ve destroyed these norms in the way they ve gone after trump, they realize republicans can turn around and do the exact same thing to them. jesse: we heard a guy at the top, a consultant to trump in 2020, say that trump should promise to pardon hunter back preemptively back as a kind of way to rise above things and flip the script on democrats. you are saying trump wins, local das go after joe and hunter and go further than that. what other avenues or areas do you think republican das or prosecutors could legitimately do in order to get accountability? well one thing they can look at his influence peddling beyond just the biden family. are there other democratic politicians who engage in the same kind of conduct? they get their brothers hired, their sisters hired, their kids hired by foreign governments, foreign corporations or even u.s. corporations. and then try to help those companies out. look, the justice department actually goes after a lot of american companies when they due exactly the same thing abroad. if you were in exon and you hired say the sun of the head of saudi arabia, he would be prosecuted like that. so why can t republican das do the same here in the united states? and look, i don t want this norm to have been broken. i wish we were not using the criminal justice system to interfere in politics, but how else could you deter democratic das from doing the same thing? if you don t, they will just keep doing it and doing it worse and worse. jesse: insider-trading could probably be an area where prosecutors would have a field day. just look at nancy pelosi, look at some of these members of congress. could the sec get involved there? it could be the sec but it could just be, and this is the thing that the democrats really started, it wasn t just the justice department, it was leading any sitting county da go after trump. there are 2500 elected das in the country and so to really establish, and this is all to rebuild the norm, to get people to stop doing this, then you would allow republican das and in say texas or florida to ask why does a democratic senator or democratic congressman go into office and then 20 years later they seem to have millions of dollars and multiple mentions like bernie sanders? jesse: so don t do what jesus would do. don t love my enemy. [ laughter ] play the long game. jesus wasn t running for president. [ laughter ] jesse: john yoo, thank you so much. new hoax alert, right back. 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[ ] arab spring break might be over by the occupiers are still at it. over 100 hamas lovers marched into ucla holding fake dead bodies in looking to set up a new campus caliphate. but this time the cops weren t having it and started arresting the ecology hotties before they could pitch their tents. watch. [ crowd noise ] [ bleep ] [ chanting ] no racist police! [ bleep ] jesse: if they can occupy campus, they occupy a subway. a horde went underground, they love tunnels, fighting with cops, vandalized trains and demanding any jews identify themselves. [ bleep ] [ crowd noise ] [ chanting ] shut it down! raise your hand if you are a zionist. this is your chance to get out. jesse: a mostly peaceful commute, unless you happen to be jewish. crime so out of control looters are back and there s not even a reason to riot. [ crowd noise ] jesse: the whole mop recorded the rampage. one arrest. in seattle where they told johnny there s no crime, there s gang shootouts in residential neighborhoods. [ gunshots ] jesse: in new york, maniacs with knives are lunging at cops. let go of the knife! give me another taser. all right, all right. jesse: and in san francisco it was just another day that ended in the letter y. [ engine roars ] jesse: a sideshow with fires, burnouts and roman candles, those are fun. blatant and outrageous crimes occurring on a daily basis coast-to-coast but biden is running for reelection so the fbi is telling you crime is down. attorney and retired nypd inspector paul moreau. the fbi comes out and says crime is way down. is that true? no. let s just break it out in a simple way from the get-go. forty% of the nations police departments don t report to the fbi with their crime numbers. what a coincidence. let s do the roll call. new york, la, chicago, baltimore, washington, dc which is federal themselves. consequently, what do they have in common? big blue cities with high crime rates and those numbers are not going into the crime reports. furthermore, the fbi has a habit of trying to extrapolate those numbers. nothing is more dull than statistics but it s interesting what they do. for instance, this quarter when joe biden is claiming violent crime is down, he s focusing on murders, murders are down the nypd and the fbi murder number for this year are different by 44%. jesse: wait a second. and it looks like the new york city number is a little higher than the fbi is telling. and by the way, they use the same definition so it s not like the devil is in the details, the same order definition, they are off by 44%. you can t trust these numbers and just consider this, the videos you just showed, most of what you just showed would not be captured in any crime numbers. jesse: why not? that was a knife attack on a police officer, we saw i believe a shoot out in a residential neighborhood. that is legitimately classified as a shooting. they probably got that for in new york for instance you have to hit someone for that to be a shooting incident. jesse: i can empty my clip but if i miss, they don t count that? that s right. [ laughter ] and look, the bottom line is, quality of life is not captured in any of the fbi numbers and if you live in the blue city, walk outside and use your eyes. and by the way, what with the arrests be for those people who were yelling about jews on the train? where the hate crimes? where are the fbi hate crimes task force and all these other none of that gets captured. jesse: zero he crimes on that subway. just a handful of arrests. it looked like a music video in san francisco with the fires and the skits. and joe biden is talking about how he s supporting law enforcement, all-pro law enforcement. the day he came to town, he went to radio city, he had five hours before that event, he did not pick up the phone and call the family. donald trump went to that wake. if you don t think america s law enforcement sees that and will vote commensurately, you are not paying attention. jesse: thank you paul. jake ball joints primetime , next. 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[ ] jesse: young voters used to be la up for democrats on election day but now they are heckling joe biden, voting trump or straight up disappeared. why is that? war, high prices, biden is 140. so the democrats came up with a new plan to win back young voters, free beer and birth control. the washington post writes, a group of democratic donors think they may have found a cure for what ails you. they want to make politics looked different, like a dance party or comedy show or just a place to chill out. sometimes there will be free beer, manicures, boot shines, rent check sweepstakes, a handout of contraceptive pills or cooling towels, whatever those are. and if the booze, birth-control and boot shines don t work, maybe hollywood marketing well. won t pack down, get it? hired millenial and gen z directors back writers and producers to help craft pro biden content that is specifically engineered does sell an octogenarian candidate to typically disillusioned and hard-to-reach voters under 30. biden paid off their school loans and they still hate him? what a waste of money. professional boxer jake paul joins me now. so jake if the democrats gave you free beer, would you vote biden? man, it will take more than that, but it does not have to do to me it does not have to do with democrat or republican, it s about which president is going to fight for us and who is going to represent us the best way possible. and that s really what the young people in america want. we won t solutions, we don t want all of this marketing, we don t want all of the the yes. this is the smartest generation. we ve had the most access to information and knowledge out of any other generation, so you can t fool us. we just want the truth and we want authenticity. jesse: what are the solutions you want for, what s the problem? man, there s a lot to name. jesse: we only have a couple minutes. that s not necessarily my area of expertise, but i know people are struggling with jobs, mortgages, too much for people to afford. inflation, prices are going up and is minimum wage rising? people are having trouble paying off and going to school, and then they are feeling like i have this college degree but what has this gotten me? i believe there s a massive problem with our food. the stuff they are putting into our bodies and allowing a grocery stores is causing massive health problems. i think there needs to be a massive conversation with a national institution of health. that s why i created it gotta try this stuff, it smells delicious, but i wanted to make it, a product that took out all the weird stuff for young men and boys across the world because it matters what we are putting in an on our bodies and so definitely there s a lot of things. jesse: wait, jake, was that just body spray? yes. this is w body spray deodorant and body wash. i ve been working on this for two years and it s available in walmart nationwide right now. jesse: you gotta send over the skincare line to primetime . we will sample it and give it a review. your brother was just with trump let s watch the clip. explain what was going on here. jesse: what was that? yeah, no, i thick my brother is having trump on his podcast and i think that s what s important to young voters, is the president showing up, speaking their mind, saying how they are going to help. my brother has invited biden onto his podcast, the last i ve heard, and let s see what happens. i ve invited biden to my fight. i want both donald trump junior and biden to come to my fight but who knows which president is actually going to show up, talk to the people, it into the weeds and meet the young voters where they are at, give them that representation and give them that voice and somebody who will fight for us. jesse: so what s the deal with the fight? i heard mike had heart problems and it was postponed. what s next? he had stomach issues. but the fight is rescheduled to november 15th. same everything, dallas, texas, at&t stadium, still historic night live on netflix. mike says he will still knock me out and i just bought a little bit of extra time. jesse: well send that body spray this way. i have to sit next to dana perino and i have to be smelling good, if you know what i mean. jake paul, everybody check him out, and the skincare line w. no relation. [ ] jesse: time for waters mack cooler. let s bring in cat and friends watters cooler legendary hot dog eating champ was banned from this year s nathan sauder david and contest after he signed a deal with a vegan wiener brand. is that fare? you sign a deal was someone, we have that here at fox. we can t just go on cnn. coral, he s freelance so he did not sign anything, he s just a guest. jesse: so carl can go on cnn. if he wanted to. but if i were joey chestnut, i would be petty. i would compete along anyway. i bring my own hotdogs and i would sit there at coney island and fill myself film myself doing it and beat everyone anyway. jesse: ute the impossible dogs. that might give them a tactical advantage. go in the crowd into it anyway. win from afar. don t get mad, get petty. jesse: wise words. next up, a mom says she charges other parents who bring their kids over for a play date. are you ready? this mom charges three dollars for a bag of goldfish, two dollars for yogurt, one dollar for three squirts of soap. one dollar. four dollars for two juice boxes, four dollars for markers, five dollars for electricity, four dollars for meat sticks, three dollars for an ice cream bar and a ten-dollar cleaning fee. she s billing the other parents for the play date at her house. i don t think this is real but for the sake of television i will pretend that i do. jesse: i ve never done that before. not without the disclaimer. i think she s a troll and it s a good thing. that makes me want to have kids so that i can have my kids friends over and then send the bill. send it over and see how they handle it. i think it would be a really good test. if somebody said what is this, what are you doing? that s how you know you have a real friend. if someone says no problem, you know that person is talking about you behind your back. jesse: you have strong moral character. i do they when a lot of people don t realize but you do. next up, kit cats with catch up is all everybody is talking about. sounds disgusting. probably is but we have to try it. you squirt yourself. are you going to eat it? your not any need it. he just put a little squirt on their. right on there it. i never have agreed to do this. jesse: i m gonna go. let s go. cheers. it s not good. jesse: not good. that s so bad. i don t like this at all. so bad. jesse: do something with it. throw it at johnny. i don t like it. jesse: well, tell me about your dog. my dog is named karl. he has and instagram and he s greg s dogs uncle. i got the stock first. jesse: so greg stole your idea? they are biologically related got is the nephew of my dog carl jesse: a family tree. of dogs. jesse: a beautiful dog. i kind of like yours better than cost. shots fired. thank you for entering the ketchup and kit kat. the spartan race, that s next. [ ] when you re in the military you re really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how s it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he s always coming over. when i go to jack s house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning and ski with my fa when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. mily, i can t put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i m still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don t mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that s probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they re going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now choose advil liqui-gels and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. jesse: the spartan race you have to see this you know what it is 5 k through mud that s a killer. under barbed wire you have to crawl. monkey bars you have to swing. rope climb there s gerrit a 75-pound barrel there. wall climb it s like an hour or 2 hours and all day event. we ll let part 2 tomorrow with video a bunch of fox people involved with the primetime tear crew was there they wanted me to do it i pretended like i didn t hear them lets do some text messages. how we from new jersey says give biden a break maybe he watches waters window and uses his will for daily ice plunges. gary from tallahassee the last time biden brought someone to a pool he wrapped a chain over there and neck mccarthy is lucky he s breathing. alan from grove city pennsylvania trump pardoning hunter blessing those who kirsten a start of healing and uniting that america needs. is that possible? donnie from eugene, oregon. it you think they would pardon eric or donald trump junior? that s a no. stewart from colorado, jesse please don t laugh at jesus he s the only 1 new has it together. i didn t laugh at jesus i laughed with jesus. and andy from albuquerque new mexico. waters what s with you read hoping for a sob gate there soft daisies sound like opera man up. jesse: it s for sporting claves get it. sean: kamal khera seats know for breakfast. what you eat for breakfast? sean is next remember that i am waters and this is my world. sean: welcome to hannity. tonight and biden s attorney general merrick garland has rightfully been held in contempt of congress will you be held accountabl

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240612

not that kamala harris was a good dancer, she was a terrible dancer too but at least she tried a little bit. it s just not a good idea to be around people who are great dancers or good dancers and then you are kind of rocking in an awkward this whole administration looks like a reality show called america s got issues. the whole video catches look at it, it s all we ve got. jimmy, i knew we would get in trouble with this got good to see you as always. don t forget to catch jimmy failla on the road, red bank new jersey next week. that s it for us, don t forget to follow me on social media. jesse next. jesse: welcome to jetties jesse watters primetime . tonight. hunter biden convicted of two counts of lying on a form. a combination of guns and drugs made his conduct dangerous. no one in this country is above the law. jesse: hunter finally faces the music. what s this mean for the big guy? have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. ideals and we don t know fully what american soil is. [ ] [ ] jesse: happy juneteenth. [ inaudible ] took everything from us. there s nothing that could replace my son. jesse: the face of evil. do whatever you can to keep this monster behind bars. jesse: plus. my name s wanda. that s not what you told me. will who are you? [ ] [ ] jesse: fox news alert, guilty, guilty, guilty. was the verdict handed down by a jury of hunter biden s peers. for the first time in his life, hunter faced the music. two counts of lying on a gun form, one count of possession of a firearm by a drug user. hunter biden appeared wide-eyed and motionless as he became the first child of a sitting president to be convicted of a crime. three felonies, hunter facing a maximum of 25 years in prison. sentencing guidelines suggest just a couple although the judge could deviate and do whatever she wants. sentencing will probably occur before september 5th when hunter goes on trial in la for tax evasion. that means hunter could be sentenced to prison just days before the second presidential debate. he will obviously appeal. here s a special council after today s verdict. hunter biden was convicted of two counts of lying on a form submitted to a federal firearms dealer about his addiction or use of crack cocaine. and possessing a firearm while a user or addict. no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions back even this defendant. however hunter biden should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. jesse: that s the same biden prosecutor who tried to hand hunter probation and lifetime immunity for the guns and tax felonies. we were wondering where this newfound concept of accountability came from. here s what one juror had to say after the verdict. watch. biden was on trial, just like anybody else. no one is above the law, no matter who you are. politics played no part in this whatsoever. jesse: the jury followed the law, the judge ran a tight trial and justice was served. but just because one democrat was convicted doesn t mean the american legal system isn t being abused. the feds are throwing dozens of republicans in prison on trumped up charges and trying to incarcerate the republican nominee for a crime they cooked up with black magic to hocus-pocus and election. hunters judge did not donate to a group called stop democrats either. the media celebrated the trump verdict like a july 4th barbecue but treated hunters like a funeral. this trial inside the courtroom, like virtually every criminal trial, was a personal tragedy, a family tragedy. every presidential family is part of the american family, that s the way it works. this is a tragedy for the biden family. that family drama played out in a courtroom in ways we have never seen before. it does not make it any less painful for the nation or for the family. but the verdict is now real and the consequences will apply. this public life of this family which began a half-century ago after all with the car accident that killed his late wife and his daughter, injured his two sons, you ve now fast forward to today and this really dramatic and ultimately painful process continues. jesse: hunters everything the media claims to despise, a white privileged sexist spoiled brat who barks don t you know who my daddy is? but he s a democrat so the media circles the wagons. the media has more sympathy for a crack addict to dumped a gun by a school than for a president who just wants to make america great again. moments ago, hunter and joe were seen hugging on the tarmac in delaware where they will be spending the night together. i m sure this father s day weekend will be a little awkward biden wished he could have been there sooner but in an act of poetic injustice, he had to attend a gun-control event just hours before the verdict. there s never been a time that says you can own anything you want. you could not own a cannon during the civil war. think about it, how much to here this praise, the blood of liberty give me a break. if they want to think they can take on government if we get out of line which they are talking again about, they need f-15s, they don t need a rifle. [ crowd noise ] no, no, no, no, no. jesse: biden s son was so high he s lucky no one died but he wants to restrict the cyclamen meant for sober law-abiding americans. our government had f-15s in afghanistan and attala bench one with rifles by the way. we are not looking to overthrow joe just to throw him out. after a jury found hunter guilty of gun felonies, joe biden said he is proud of him. jill and i love our son and we are so proud of them and he is today. there s no contrition at all by the biden family. hunter did not show any remorse, he was smiling afterwards. his father is not ashamed, would not even gently condemn his son s actions. hunter has committed more crimes than we can count and all biden says is he s proud. the reason hunter has broken the law for 30 years and not pay the piper is because of his dad. if every time i screwed up and my dad s response was i m proud, son, i love you, i would keep screwing up. bailing somebody out over and over again does not mean you love them. hunter was kicked out of the navy for cocaine on an administrative discharge instead of a dishonorable one because his dad greased the brass. hunter got caught with cocaine at the jersey shore way back in the eighties and the senator s son had his record expunged. when he left his crack pipe in a rental car, police investigated and dropped the charges. when he put 20 grand on his dad s amex for russian escorts, the secret service cleaned it up. when he lost his laptop, the fbi and cia covered it up. when he owed millions in back taxes, s sugar brother foot the bill. when he needed money for alimony and child support, daddy s donors bought his dopey art. his dad s own justice department tried to make the gun and tax case go away a year ago today. what makes you think daddy won t save him again? will you accept the jury s outcome, there verdict, no matter what it is? yes. have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. jesse: biden never used the word commute. commuting a sentence means you just spring him out of prison. the charge is still on the record. biden is going to have to save his son to save his own hide. remember that taxes and the gun, only a fraction of the crimes hunter and joe biden would be guilty of, it prosecutors were allowed to follow the facts, was there blowers have testified that investigators were blocked at every turn from following leads that lead to joe. the cia and fbi and the treasury department s are all in on the cover up. a strong case could be made for trump prosecutors to investigate money laundering, racketeering bribery, foreign lobbying conspiracies. donald trump calls the gun case a distraction. the trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family which is raked in tens of millions of dollars from china, russia and ukraine. rocha joe biden s rain over the biden family criminal empire is all coming to an end on november 5th and never again will a biden cell government access for personal pride it profit. hunter biden may have faced verdict today but the verdict on joe biden will come november 5th. cohost of the 5 judge jeanine pirro is here and she s matching me. judge, will this judge sentenced hunter biden to prison? well there are those who think that the sentencing guidelines which are no longer mandatory can call for between 15 and 21 months and of course if the judge wants to do a downward departure, she can do so but she has to give a reason to do so. i don t know that she would be inclined to do so given a couple of things. hunter biden could have pled guilty, admitted, took responsibility and admitted remorse. this judge also is the judge who first saw through the fact that the hunter biden team and the department of justice was trying to pull the wool over her eyes and create this immunity in perpetuity so hunter biden would never be prosecuted for a crime for the rest of his life. jesse: i want one of those deals. who doesn t? in addition to that, the nullification argument. i mean the defense that went on in this courtroom just divide any kind of reason and it was really an insult to the jury that s all right through it. i mean you ve got the defendant whose boys is bellowing in the courtroom basically saying i was addicted to drugs. you ve got all kinds of evidence, a laptop that the biden a ministration and everyone in so-called intelligence said was fake so this judge may say enough of pulling the wool over everyone s eyes, maybe i will give him some jail time. jesse: if the sentence comes down right before the fifth where he goes on trial for taxes in la, does hunter immediately appeal, when does he serve a sentence or would dad come in and commute? i don t think his dad is going to do anything before the election because he does not have to. if there is a sentence that is imposed that calls for some jail time, even a small amount, the defendant has the right to request a pallet bail. it will probably be granted so he will not have to serve any jail time. and of course joe biden can wait until the end of his term or he can commute his sentence. who knows, joe has changed his mind, we don t even know if he understood the question. but it s interesting. i want to say one thing, that whole biden family stood there and sat there in the front row with this united front, you know, we love hunter, and every one of them has been negatively impacted by hunter biden being a crack addict and getting a gun. but in addition to that, everyone part of that united front was getting money from what you call the crime family, from all over the world everyone got some money from an llc. so that family is not what they appear to be i think that the jury s all right through it. it s in no way a nullification. this is a very easy case. the quickness within which they brought back the verdict tells me that they weren t pulling any punches. jesse: why do you think the president of the united states at a time like this when his son has been convicted of a serious gun charge that could have piled up having a kid snatch it from the trashcan and may be shoot himself are his sister in the head, why doesn t he say anything contrite? like my son made a mistake or i m sorry that we are putting the country through this, just a gently worded phrase to show the american people that the family takes some responsibility and has some remorse? because hunter biden was considered the prince in delaware. everyone called him the prince. he s never been held accountable for anything he s done. he s 54 years old. in addition to that, they have to admit the hypocrisy because within hours of the sentence, joe biden was saying we have to have stronger gun laws, we have to make sure these guns are secure and kept in safe places. i mean come on tell that to your son. jesse: judge jeanine, we will see you on the 5 tomorrow. no more trials for a while, we are out of trials, what are we going to talk about? see you tomorrow. congressman james comer joins me now. congressmen, you ve sent referrals to the attorney general on perjury because he lied to you guys in a sworn deposition. so he s got a lot hanging over his head here. how do you think that s going to shake out in light of this conviction? well it s more problems for hunter biden. look, what hunter biden did in the deposition is he clearly lied and why did he lie? he lied to protect joe biden. but the fact that he lied under oath is clearly perjury. this will be used to determine his sentencing. so not only do you have the gun trial where he clearly lied on a gun application, the jury s all right through that, now he s got his tax evasion charges where we know he did not pay his taxes, we know to this day he hasn t paid his taxes, his taxes were paid years later by major democrat donor prior to the presidential election to help alleviate a problem joe biden had in the presidential election against trump. so what we ve done with the criminal referrals as you know is the first step. it s just the beginning, but it s a major problem for hunter biden and it s going to be taken into account when it comes time for his sentencing. jesse: how do you feel as an investigator who cracked this case wide open with a laptop, followed every lead as far as you could, ran into some roadblocks, and there are only focusing on a narrow, still in quincy and a gun charge, which they had to prosecute because he had pictures of it all over the internet? how does that make you feel. justice will not be served until the department of justice takes into account all of the financial crimes that the entire biden family committed. it wasn t just hunter biden, it was also joe biden and jim biden, the entire family benefited from the biden influence peddling schemes. we had three people testify who were once partners with hunter biden in these schemes. they testified under oath that the biden s were selling the biden brand, they were selling access to joe biden. there was never a legitimate business. we know from whistleblowers they never paid taxes on the tens of millions of dollars that they took from adversaries around the world. we have laws in congress where i am right now that prevent people from doing this. it s called the foreign registration act, foreign corrupt practices act. we know the biden s have violated these laws so until the department of justice takes the real serious crimes into account, justice has not been served. if i listed the top ten crimes that the president s son committed, lying on a gun application would not even make the cut. jesse: so true. is hunter biden taking the fall to save his dad? it sure looks like that. he looks like someone that s got a pardon in his back pocket. people asked today, will the president pardon hunter biden. while the department of justice is not finished with him. they have this tax evasion trial, then they ve got these criminal referrals, and as i ve said many times over the past week, we are not finished. the criminal referrals will just the beginning of the accountability face. we ve gone through great lengths and we ve been very transparent with the american people about the money this family has taken in, we ve been very transparent about the 20 shell companies, the llcs the biden s had that appear to serve no purpose other than to launder money, and when i say launder i m using a word that six different banks used in those suspicious activity reports. they laundered money to ten different biden family members and according to the irs whistleblowers, they never paid taxes. jesse: and you are still looking at new bank records you ve got your hands on. yes. we find new accounts every day. jesse: all right, thank you james comer, he was posted. let s bring in former white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany. how do you think president biden is feeling today? i imagine it s pretty rough because there has been reporting for a year plus saying that every single day he has been following hunter biden and the legal matter, so much so that aids will bring it up to him and he will kind of erupt. so aids kind of tiptoe around him, they don t want to bring it out, even though it is a live political story, one that we talk about often, and the white house press briefing, there was supposed to be one today, there wasn t one. i imagine they did not want to field questions on this. i imagine as a father this is a tough moment. he doesn t even want to talk about the politics of it but he will have to at some point. jesse: but the verdict does contain the potential thrust into his own personal and financial affairs. and so do the tax charges. they have been walled off from anything against joe biden. so at the same time, as distraught as he is about his son, his addiction and conviction, he must feel politically insulated from any future exposure. i think he does. i would be stunned if hunter biden did not take a plea deal ahead of the tax charges. that is where you start getting subpoena power. that is where you start getting subpoena power over all of these bank accounts that james comer is talking about. he subpoenaed them on the congressional level but they start to come into a live court case. there is simply no way they allow that to go to trial when they know they ve got, to your point if you don t want to pardon hunter, you have a commutation in your back pocket, you will either pay a lame duck president or second term president, more likely the first. he s going to pardon his son. s son is going to take a plea deal. i would be stunned if he allowed that. jesse: and he would take a plea deal to serve any time? remember he rejected serving time in the first plea deal that blew up. yeah, look, i think he learned a lesson. he overplayed his hand today. the facts are supposed to match the law in order to get a conviction. this was a slamdunk case. the facts match the law. he lied on a gun form. tax evasion. either you paid your taxes or you didn t and in his case he did not. this is a slamdunk. if he would have taken a plea deal today it would have been much better for him when it came to sentencing, would have gotten a much lighter sentence, so why would you not do that with the tax evasion? jesse: and right before the second presidential debate when everybody in the country starts paying attention. kayleigh mcenany has never broken a law and her life, have a great night. never, thank you jesse. jesse: breaking news on wanda the ballot stuffer straight ahead. [ ] [ ] - it s apparent. not me. - yeah. nice going lou! nothing like a little confidence boost to help ease you back in to the dating scene. that includes having a smile you feel good about. fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don t need to sacrifice quality work for a price that fits your budget. at $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping our patients put their best smile forward. it s one more way aspen dental is in your corner. [ ] jesse: last night was a special event to the white house? no, they did not bring back the trans plaster. it was juneteenth, nine days early. it s a celebration of the end of slavery after the civil war so the event is meant to be energetic. [ ] jesse: but sleepy lived up to his name. for nearly one minute joe biden froze like he was in the trump courtroom. watch this. [ ] it s juneteenth! let me see some people on the grass! [ ] come on, where my people at? come on and party! i need to see my people. [ ] jesse: it was so uncomfortable that george floyd s brother had to give the president one of those, you all right bro, you good? does not joe out of it. [ ] to snap joe out of it [ ] jesse: then biden had to speak and use words even 24 hours later we still can t decipher. they are all ghosts, trying to take us back. there are, taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote. banning books about lack experiences. grandmother juneteenth. she [ inaudible ] jesse: he s jet lag from france and tormented over his sons trial, he does not want to be at a juneteenth party and it shows. the man with the nuclear codes is cracking. it was the biden administration who may juneteenth a federal holiday and they are not even celebrating it on june 19th. what the heck is going on here? a new poll shows how much black americans distrust the biden government. three quarters of black americans believe that police do little to stop guns and drugs in black communities. a.k.a. they want more thorough police work. over half of black americans think the government encourages single motherhood to eliminate the need for black men. and over half of black americans believe the government promotes birth control and abortion to keep the black population small. the founder of plant parenthood degrees. what to do you know? black and white americans both think biden s governments deviously corrupt. founder of conserve the culture michaela montgomery joins us now. have you ever seen somebody celebrate juneteenth like joe biden? i ve never seen a more lackadaisical celebration when it comes to my people, so no. not at all. jesse: are you worried about the president? it looked like for a second there he forgot he was alive. i m definitely worried about the president s cognitive abilities to lead this country. when you look at everything that s going on internationally, i don t know how i could feel safe living in a country where my president does not seem to even know where he is, let alone be able to keep track of everything that s going on in the world. jesse: these poll numbers, i m so glad we showed them because the majority of black americans believe police don t do enough to keep guns and drugs out of those communities. in other words, they want more aggressive policing, they want police to do a good job, to have the resources and crackdown on crime. that s what republicans and all americans have been saying across the country for years. yeah, i never thought that d funds a police movement made sense because when something happens, who else are you going to call? even here in atlanta we have a public training facility being built so then we can better train our officers and give them the resources they need to better serve our communities. so yeah, it is, you know, pretty interesting how now everybody is more so shifting to something that was originally conservative value. as i was telling what of my friends earlier, there s no reason why the hood was the hood when your grandma was a child and it looks like it s still going to be the hood when your kids have kids, you know. these people are tired of seeing their communities being run down, tired of seeing addiction take over their loved ones. so yeah, they would encourage that the taxes that they pay go to better law enforcement, to better policy and better community relations. jesse: black americans getting tired of joe biden in the democratic party. why do you think it has taken until now, and all right after the trump presidency and four years into the biden presidency back on till now for black americans to say hey, we are not wedded to the democrat party like we have been for decades? one of the first things is of course joe biden telling us we are not black if we don t vote for him. that had a lot of us like what you mean i m not black. that started to raise questions. but then of course the current state of the economy is not helping. everybody is frustrated with the fact they need three jobs to pay one mortgage. so yeah. jesse: all right. do like my pink tie? getting a lot of compliments. i love it, you know, the pink is my thing. jesse: that s right. real men and women wear pink. have a great night. eight ice as fighters caught and released by the biden a ministration at the border. right back. [ ]as ( ) i don t care if we ever come back that i always remember the fun we had i love fishing with dad now through june 14th save 10% on dad s favorite gift, special father s day gift cards, bass pro shops and cabela s. this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you ll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it ll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. jesse: fox news alert. eight a legal s with suspected isis ties crossed over the border into the country. ice arrested him in philadelphia, la and new york. national correspondent bill melugin has the latest. reporter: a federal source with knowledge to this case tells fox news that eight nationals of to gk stan with suspected ties to isis were arrested by i.c.e. in recent days in new york, philadelphia and right here in los angeles. it is over 7000 miles away from the southern border and boxes told it all eight illegals received full that in by dhs at which time we are total derogatory information on them was flagged. we are told potential ties to terrorism and national security concerns flagged later on after they were apparently released into the u.s. in a joint statement of fox news, the fbi and dhs confirmed the arrest saying in part as the fbi and dhs have recently described in public and partner bulletins, the u.s. has been in a heightened threat environment. the fbi and dhs will continue working around-the-clock with our partners to identify it, investigate and disrupt potential threats to national security. you might remember back in april fbi director christopher ray told a house subcommittee that the threats against the u.s. have increased since israel was attacked by hamas on october 7th. given those calls for action, our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw some kind of twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out tax here at home. reporter: and the fbi, dhs and our sources haven t said when and where these eight tajikistan nationals crossed over southern border but sources tell us they did cross illegally, they were not visa overstays. this is exactly what people have been worried about. jesse: sure is, unbelievable, thank you. the election is less than five once away, the media thinks the most important question about the last election is this. as a journalist, as an american, what do you think is the most important question that needs to be answered from both candidates? who won the last election. very simple. let s discuss and debate. i mean look, it s been asked by donald trump, he refuses to answer it correctly but we will see what he s does. in front of 140 million people. it s a little different. jesse: stephanopoulos thinks november 5th is a referendum on january 6th. also rachel maddow thinks trump will put her in internment camp. she says i m worried about the country broadly if we put someone in power who is openly about way that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people. for that matter, what convinces you that these massive camps he s planning are only for migrants? so yes, i m worried about me, but only as much as i m worried about all of us. don t flatter yourself, rachel, if anyone is going to a camp, it s a costa. so like anybody with boeser. no one is sending anybody to camps, you silly goose. except for our sons and daughters as we can get some peace and quiet this summer. this preemptive strike against the next trump presidency is nothing compared to the preemptive strike against the supreme court which has been relentless and vicious, including everything from triggering armed psychos to hunt down justices to flag gate. work recusal from that trump cases is the goal, secondarily to delegitimize the court so the trump opinions are discredited. the latest dirty trick got a liberal activist went undercover and secretly recorded justice alito and his wife during a private event. she pretended to be a conservative and tried baiting the justice into saying something scandalous. watch. people in this country who believe in god have to keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. i agree with you. i support your ruling. i am very pro-life. i don t know how we bridge the gap. i wish we knew. i don t know. i don t think it s something we have a very defined roll. jesse: nothing controversial here about the answer. he does not think we will be able to change pro-choice people s minds and he thinks we should have more religion in the country. so what? but the media seized on it as disqualifying. we know alito is essentially a fox host on the court. new developments about supreme court justice samuel alito s compromised ethics and open support and comfort with extreme far right causes. jesse: former presidential candidate the back ramaswamy joins me now. i did not think they would have this kind of dirty trick in their back but they are going undercover now. what you think is next? the reality is, this radical left will stop at nothing to implement their agenda. they will go through the law system, they will go through prosecutorial systems, the financial system and through administrative agencies. the reality is, the american people are seeing through the farce they have put up and you full me once, shame on you, for me twice, shame on me. most people in this country understand that. the media s histrionics are becoming even more extreme because they realized that people aren t falling for it but that is going to backfire i believe heading into november. jesse: i m fine with undercover journalistic tactics, that s been bread-and-butter for decades but it s not like a big expose if he likes god and doesn t think he can change the minds of pro-choice americans. earlier i want to get your take on this because we had breaking news earlier. hunter biden found guilty of three gun felonies this morning in delaware. could be facing up to two years, possibly more in prison, if the judge sentences him that way. what do you think this will do to the biden campaign? look, i think there s a couple of things going on here. i think this particular trial and conviction is a bit of a farce, a bit of a faint retreat. no to the timing. it came right after the trump trial and the trump verdict. the purpose of this is in the public eye, to legitimize the trump conviction. it s also designed to deflect attention away from what they should be going after the biden family for which is selling off our foreign policy to make their family rich in places like ukraine where hunter biden has absolutely no business serving on the board of a state affiliated energy company which happens to be the same country we are sending $200 billion of american taxpayer money to. so that s what this is about, it s a bit of a deflection, all against the backdrop that these are federal charges when his father is the sitting president of the united states who can absolutely pardon those actual convictions. so we should not fall for that trick and i think that s what this is about. jesse: timing is everything in politics and in life. vivek ramaswamy, thank you, have a great night. you too. jesse: wanda is back. 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(reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin . no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it s easy. (kev) . i guess we re movin . jesse: fox news alert, wanda has been arrested. the democrat operative who was caught on camera allegedly stuffing pallets in bridgeport, connecticut last year was charged with unlawfully possessing another person s ballot and witness tampering. but this has nothing to do with her alleged stuffing in 2023. this goes all the way back to 2019. wanda was arrested for ballot fraud in the city s 2019 democrat primary for the same candidate she helped elect in 2023,. wanda is accused of filling out someone s absentee ballot, telling them to not vote in person and then asking them to not tell investigators about what she said. wanda is not the only democrat arrested for fraud. three other bridgeport democrats were charged. one of them is a city councilman. wanda has been suspended with pay from her city job for months she works for the front desk for the mayor she got into office. fox 61 reporter paid her a visit today. watch this. we like to talk with the mayor about some of the city workers being arrested for election fraud. be right with you. reporter: we waited. fast-forward. the mayor did not want to talk to us but his 2019 and 2023 mayoral opponents did. i always felt like they had been cheated. i did not know the depth of it. we called it live on video directly from city hall. the players and the actors remain the same. reporter: they both say they believe they should be occupying bridgeport s corner office. i m going down to city hall and telling him to get out of my chair. jesse: candidates were cheated, voters don t trust the system. this is why you need squeaky clean elections every time. we need every wanda locked up before november. a cleveland woman was in court yesterday for the murder of a 3-year-old boy and attempted murder of the kids mom. what she did next was disgusting. senior national correspondent kevin corke with more. reporter: evening. you know sometimes it really takes every ounce of your being to not say what you really want to say about a person because it would be propane and perhaps even worse, which is why tonight there s precious little i can say about bianca ellis. she is that cleveland woman who s been charged with killing a sweet 3-year-old little boy named julian and for stabbing his mother. but if you thought she would show any remorse for the crime or any ounce of humanity or regret, you would be sadly mistaken because at her arraignment yesterday she did no such thing. in fact she did the opposite, smirking and preening for the cameras without a care in the world, a foegele repugnant display of sheer evil. none of this should have happened in the first place because ellis already had a warrant because of a theft conviction. though she had previously been taken into custody by cops, she was later released. then just four days later she stabbed little julian to death and wounded his mother margo. authorities are calling it a random act of violence. her pale has been set at $5 million. we wish per no bail, period, or extended to the max possible at the very least. do whatever you can to keep this monster behind bars. jesse: your heart goes out to that dad. to top it all off, back in february ellis, who also has a felony battery wrap on her jacket, ended up in a women s shelter and allegedly told officers there she wanted to kill someone and eat their flesh. if convicted in this case, she could face the death penalty, and some would argue that s not enough. back to you. jesse: not enough. to give her the chair twice. kevin, thank you. more primetime ahead. 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you guys for that conversation. i will leave you with this get them bts army is celebrating the region turn of one of their own this morning, bts member jin has completed his mandatory military service in south korea. but k-pop star was seen leaving base today after 18 months in uniform he is far i will say, from the big first big pop star to spend time serving his country jaylen. jailhouse rock or elvis presley reported to the army after he was drafted in 19 58, the king was a soldier until the spring and 1961, earned his discharge from the army reserve in 1964 and then there was this i came the man in black, also a man in uniform. johnny cash wrote, i walk the line while stationed with the air force in germany after jimi hendrix was caught stealing cars in the early 1960s a judge gave them two choices, prison or the military what would you do? he enlisted in the army thanks to our panel for being with us. thanks to you for joining us. i m casing. don t go anywhere. cnn new central start right now very shortly president biden depart ports on a crucial overseas trip before boarding air force one, it is possibly speaks for the first time on hunter biden s federal gun conviction. we are our standing bach a good night for donald trump, the republican candidates he endorsed took home victories in multiple state primaries and one special election in ohio puts house republicans is on track to expand their slim majority. and russian war games, russian warships on their way to cuba, some of russia s most powerful vessel full, set to run military drills just miles from the us coast. what could go wrong? i m kate bolduan with john berman, sara sidner is out today. this get cnn new central a pivotal moment for a president, a painful moment for a father. we are standing by in delaware to see president biden depart for very important g7 meeting in europe. now the reason he s in delaware at all, the criminal conviction of his son, hunter on federal gun charges hours after the verdict, the president traveled to delaware and bracing hunter on the tarmac. the president release to paint a statement saying, quote, i am the president, but i am also a dad. this morning, we are waiting to see if the addresses the conviction out loud before leaving for europe, seen as priscilla alvarez standing by in delaware with the latest priscilla, what are you hearing so far this morning well, john, over the last several hours, the president and his family have been huddled together behind closed doors at their residents here in wilmington, delaware for a last-minute trip, the president deciding to come after the verdict was reached just yesterday. and as you said, embracing his son, hunter on the tarmac, of course, this is a family that has often come together over the course of this trial as some is their some of their most intimate personal struggles were put on disk blade. this is what the spiritual adviser and family friend of the family friend had this to say about how this unfolded within the family and. he said that let justice play out. and whatever the decision was of the jewelry, he would respect and accept the decision. but when i saw him come home tonight and embraced his son i saw the power of love president and first lady. they love hunter. and we love him and we will continue to walk alongside him with the ministry of presence now, the president statement was framed through the lens of a father, not a president, but he did have this to say in closing quote, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. now, of course, the president has previously affirmed that he would not pardon his son i m john wilmington is also the headquarter are where the campaign headquarters is, and their sources tell cnn, it is business as usual and the president going to italy for these important g7 meetings. what are the priorities? their priscilla well, just like it was in france, the shadow of former president donald trump moving, looming large over this next foreign trip by the president as he attends the g7 summit in italy and world leaders will continue to this dress as we ll president biden and the preservation of democracy. now, ukraine will be front and center again, the president will be having a news conference with ukrainian president zelensky. were again last week the president apologized for the delays in getting additional aid to ukraine given the stalls in congress that was a rare moment for a president to apologize to another world leader. more of that over the course of this trip where the two again will reaffirm their support and also perhaps ultimate is on additional aid to ukraine. and of course, the world leaders will also be discussing a range of other issues given the situation in the middle east, climate change and artificial intelligence and facts pope francis will be attending the summit to talk about ai. so all of this converging at this three-day trip for the president and italy, again, book ending a month of foreign travel, john so always force in wilmington, delaware this morning for slick rick to see you. thank you. kate this morning, we are seeing the power of donald trump s endorsement after it was put to the test and big republican primaries last night, going to show you this six all endorsed these six candidates, all endorsed by the former president, all victorious. cnn s mark preston is tracking all of this for us. so mark, what happened last night good night for donald trump is what happened, kate, we saw from the south all the way out to the west up to the northeast that candidates donald trump backed well, they one, let s take a quick look right here and go through some of them, some interesting races we ve seen that were resolved last night down in south carolina, nancy mace. now, this is somebody your congresswoman who was initially against donald trump after january 6. she has done an about face. she was able to push back against outside money from kevin mccarthy, the former house speaker to win her primary. if you also look, william timmons as well from south carolina. he was a moderate why i should ve said a conservative but yet not conservative enough for the freedom caucus. they went out after him, williams timmons does pull out a win. he was also trump endorsed. if you go out to nevada, we saw that sam brown. now, this is a purple heart. winter got a last-minute endorsement from donald trump he easily went out in nevada. that s gonna be a race that we are going to be watching for control of the united states senate. and then if you go up to north dakota, there was 32 or three up there in north dakota where donald trump did very well. and of course this is very interesting up in maine, a nascar, former nascar driver endorsed by donald trump won the nomination to take on jared golden up in maine. so six for six last night, donald trump as he heads into his convention, kate huge victory also for just for republicans writ large, especially in the house in ohio because they they held a special election to replace the retired retired congressman bill johnson yeah. you so what s interesting about this is it, we re going to spend a lot of time talking about this race because this is a congressional district that really borders the pennsylvania ohio border, right? they re incredibly conservative, republican should have a lock on it. they didn t do as well last night, don t necessarily they did win the race, but they didn t win by as many points. we should note those special election so there s probably about a fifth of the voters showed up yesterday. i will see certainly it s a different electorate going into november cave, but democrats will certainly be looking at this for some signs of hope we have. i mean, how many, how many cycles and how many years have we tried to figure out what special election say about the bigger general elections waiting standby, just you have via this one once again, we north dakota maybe one of the most fascinating things that happened last night, voters passing a measure. i m going to say it s the first of its kind. maybe i can t think of another another place that has happened, age limits on congressional candidates yeah you know, you talk about a states rights issue right here. let s take a look at this north dakota voters decided last night that they are going to how age limits now for members of congress, if you are over the age of 80 before the end of your term, i mean, it s just really interesting given the fact that we have two presidential candidate hey, it s right now, we have president biden, former president donald trump who are either at their age or will reach their age as president of the united states. but if you were trying to run for congress in north dakota, there is gonna be an age limit pretty interesting law that was passed. but again, shows you that the states rights, the issues is certainly moving back to the states. yeah, it s good to see you, mark. thank you thanks, kate how we got for us hamas responding to the proposed hostage and ceasefire deal. why israel says that response equals a rejection of the deal that was just approved by the un security council and 84 nationals are arrested in three major us cities with suspected ties to isis and the kids who survived the sandy hook massacre as first-graders, they re about to graduate high school how they re feeling, and what they re i m doing. honor the 20 classmates who will not be walking the stage with them devastating. and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in far away lands and it s easy to think it can t happen here if one hits home ready silent earth would liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn if you re 50 or over, you can be taking advantage of everything aarp has to offer right now, join aarp for $12 for one year and your second membership is free. get instant access to discounts on everyday purchases i karen 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well, this has gotten caught up so many times in the details and we re back at that spot right now waiting to see if the details can be worked out to push this it s meanwhile, at the same time, the un has released its most in-depth investigation to this point of the beginning of the war from october 7 to the end of the last year. so roughly the first two-and-a-half months. and in it, the un says both israel and palestinian militant groups include putting hamas have committed war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law amongst those the un says both israel and militant groups committed acts of sexual violence, torture, and the intentional targeting of civilians to put forward this report and put it together israel did not cooperate, but the un spoke with victims, witnesses, media reports, as well as open-source investigations and information that they were able to verify as they looked at the first couple of months of the war, the part about hamas and palestinian militant groups, perhaps no surprise, that focuses on october 7. and in it, they say hamas in those groups intentionally targeted civilians, committed acts of murder and torture outrageous upon personal dignity, as well as taken hostage including children. israel, which is accused of a systemic and widespread targeting of civilians, rejected the report, calling it anti-israel discrimination at the un and saying it viewed october 7, the rope palestinian lens. john we re very. quickly there has been a constant battle on israel s northern front with hezbollah in lebanon with a flare up overnight. what s the latest there one that we ve seen escalate over the course of the past couple of weeks and very possibly escalating. again, israel carried out a strike that killed hezbollah commander abu talib, as well as several other hezbollah fighters as one of the more senior commanders they have killed since back in january in response bonds hezbollah has launched more than 160 rockets towards northern israel, number of which have been intercepted. the us has tried to define some sort of diplomatic off-ramp here, but it is when you see what s happening right now, that is very obvious that there has been no success on that front. the risk of course a miscalculation and even further escalation perhaps another front in the war or lieberman in tel aviv this morning or nice to see you. thank you so one of the most important days of the year in economic news crucial inflation data do our shortly just before a key decision is to be announced. and then a commuter bus hijacked in broad daylight, the rush hour police chase through the streets find a great deal for your ideal hutto open your vargo typing where you want to go, select your check-in and check-out dates. you search, compare prices for the same hotel and save up to $30.09 hotel. trivago. what impacts hue every day? 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married janet, hey, edey know fraser franck. frank bred. how are you? fred fuel up to seven brain somebody you can sign and make official start your will. i trust and we ll dot com and make it count the greatest general in history his body and his tomb are missing but he s, you know, the new season begins with the hunt for alexander the great s tomb next wednesday at nine and discovery and stream on max today, a rare double dose of economic news. next hour we re going to get a look at inflation and where it stands when the closely watched cpi report is released. and then this afternoon, just a few hours later, the federal reserve is set to announce its latest policy decision in trying to control inflation, seen as matt egan is here with a look at that. so what is expected first and foremost with cpi this morning? well it s crunch time for the us. we ve got the fed decision inflation report back to back just hours apart. this would be like having game seven of the stanley cup finals and the nba finals on the same day, except here exactly, exactly. like that. except these issues, these events actually really impact everyone because it gets at the cost of living the major frustration with this economy. and so the big question for the inflation report is whether or not we re going to see any sort of progress at all and whether or not we do is going to have a big say in what the fed does next. now the fed, there s almost no chance that the fed lowers interest rates today. the big question is, what does it say about rates going forward previously they were penciling three interest rate cuts this year. that seems very unlikely, just looking at the calendar. so are they going to go to one cut, which would mean maybe no interest rate cuts before the election, or two, that would be good news for the white house and borrowers were dealing with really high cost of living and interest rates right now. and also, what does jerome powell say at the 230 presser today? how tough does he sound about inflation? how concerned is he, is he preaching patients? here s a look at the estimates for two days of inflation report 3.4%. that s the annual rate that would signal no progress at all. well ahead of the precocial ovid rate, but the silver lining could be the month over month figure 0.1% that would be a good number. it would be driven by lower gas prices. and this would actually be the lowest month over month inflation figure. we ve seen since last fall. and i think when you look at the trend for inflation, it s clear that we re in a better place than two years ago. this inflation shouldn t figure was about 9% two years ago, miles away from that, but it s also clear, kate that the progress has stalled and it needs to resume before interest rates go lower. yeah, way better than two years ago. but how people are feeling about it and how their personal economy feels. that these are not always in line as we know, you re also taking a closer look at the pay gap between the c-suite and all the workers below and help people are feeling about it today? yeah, people are feeling very, very frustrated about how much more money ceos make than the average worker. now, there s this new poll out from bentley university in gallup, shared exclusively with cnn. and it finds that 83% of americans say it s important for businesses to avoid a major pay gap between ceos and employees that includes 56% who say this is extremely important. and what s striking here is this really cuts across gender generation even when you look at it by party 96% of democrats say this is important, but also 83% of independence two-thirds of republicans. so this is a clear bipartisan issue across the political spectrum. and yet, when you ask americans, how re companies doing on this issue, they say the companies are failing. look at this just 13% say companies are doing good job of a voting and pay gap excellent or good. 21% say fair and a clear majority, 66% say companies are doing a poor job here. and i think the number is kinda back that out, right? ecuador had a study that showed that it would take a 196 years for the average employee to make what the typical ceo makes, 196 years. we saw that last year, the average worker got about a $4,300 pay bump. the average ceo, 1.5 million more, an even some former ceos are alarmed. i talked to a medtronic former ceo bill george. he told me that he he s trebled because ceo pay has gotten completely out of hand tomorrow, kate, tesla shareholders are going to vote on whether or not to approve elon musk 40 $40,000,000,000 pay package? yes. 40 billion not million? yes. let s see what happens there. but first and foremost, let s see what happens at 8:30. was cpi gives a really parton read and then we ve got the big decision coming out each day for the economy. it s great to see matt. thank you so much so i ll have ross any moment. we re waiting for president biden to be departing for the g7 meetings in europe. this is just a day after his son was handing a guilty verdict, handed a guilty verdict and while hunter biden awaits sentencing a look at how the supreme court may play a role in helping him with an appeal of that conviction cnn business update is brought to you by pods trusted with more than 6 million moves whether you re moving across town or across the country you can count on pods you deliver when we say we will which is why we were voted america s number one container moving company. hook your move today at next wednesday, cnn celebrate juneteenth with special performances by john legend edey lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do. juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy next wednesday at 100 and cnn nothing dems my light, like a migraine with nortech odi team. i found relief the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent all-in-one to those with migraine. i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults don t take if allergic to nurture echo detail allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects are nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time. we talk to a health care provider about nortech ott from pfizer came to riva support your brain health. mary janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, franck, franck, bread. how are you? 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so there s a process. good morning to take ammonia to john and here s what the process will entail. we have something called pretrial services at the federal level. what does that is to probationary wing, what they will do is they will do a deep dive into his prior history including everything, finances, health, family et cetera. they ultimately that is pretrial services, probation issue, a report and recommendation that s significant that goes to the judge while that s happening, what ends up happening is that your lawyers are preparing a memorandum with the recommendation as it relates to sentencing. i suspect that that ll be inclusive of all kind of people who know, you know what you re about, whether be clergy, businesspeople, colleagues, et cetera? euro. thereafter prosecutor submit their sentencing memorandum to the judge and then you of course, have the sentencing date where you go in. there ll be oral argument with respect to what s appropriate and there are these things at the federal level called sentencing guidelines. i know we talk about this with respect to 25 years, ten years on this, that not at all. the the federal sentencing guidelines include the offense level with regard to the offense for which you were convicted, in addition to your criminal history, let s remember, he s a first offender? no. no criminal history to speak of. and the nature of this allegation is not violent. and so all of that will be happening in the ensuing weeks and months. but he pleaded not guilty, made this go to trial? yes. generally speaking, in sentencing, when you plead out, you plead guilty. that s when you get the lighter sentence. so what might the impact be there? so that s true and obviously at they also at the federal level, have acceptance of responsibility points. it s this interesting mix, john, where you have these calculations is really, you quantify that at the same time a person should be permitted to exercise their due process. let s remember, this is a very sympathetic pick case. jurors themselves questioning whether it should have gone to trial, saying it s a waste of taxpayers money. so i don t think the judge will ultimately hold that against him. obviously, there ll be some explained i m going to do that was gut wrenching testimony, et cetera. it s not an offense for which she needs to write go to jail. that s obviously up to the judge, but when i m speaking about is regarding mandatory minimums, so it s very discretionary. the person in the black rozi will decide on some of the gut wrenching testimony. i did find it as the after this wrapped and the verdict came down, jurors seem to think that the defense is decision to call hunter biden s daughter, naomi, to the stand that it didn t help his case wonder number ten, so they felt bad that they put naomi on trial as a witness. i think that was probably a strategy that should have not been done. no daughter should ever have to testify against her dad. what do you think when you hear that? you know what it is kate hindsight s always 2020, right? right. and so what ends up happening is, is that you re having to make as a defense lawyer strategic decisions that you think and move the ball forward. i do believe that one of the plays of the defense was not only as it related to the merits of the case, you know what he wasn t addicted at the time. he didn t form the mental state he was in denial, et cetera i also think the play was what we call jury nullification having the jury failed bad about the fact that we re here having the jury believe it s a waste of resources to do it, having the jury believed that this is not adjust result to convict, and i think as part of that play, who would be more sympathetic? of course, then the daughter i just think some of it backfired with respect to what she said vs what text messages demonstrated with respect to how her father was really doing at the time, very quickly, the judge has said she wants to do sentencing when the next four months, but if there is an appeal, when does that how does that impact when hunter biden if he gets prison time, would have to report so what will happen is is that they have certainly will be an appeal that s part of the process. right. and what ends up happening is is that there s many basises to appeal. one of course, dealing with whether it s constitutional that is to take away his gun rights. another weather of course, a psychiatrist or medical health official could have testified as prediction while that s happening, the matter will proceed. the judge will pronounce sentence. i suspect that there could be what we call a stay pending that appeal. and then i ll also look for jon and kate, the timeframe timeframe is very important why dad is in the white house that has said, i m not going to pardon my son, has not ruled out a commutation. what s the difference if you re given prison time? do we delay the prison time? then there s that other case and i m looking for a timeline on that other case california tax case, because the timeline of that and should he be convicted and his father not be in the white house that presents other problems as father could be. we just don t know, but these are all things to watch out for. it s great to see a joy. thank you. always. thanks, kate. thanks, john. all as we said, president biden is in delaware with his son, hunter right now, but very shortly, he leaves for the g7 meetings in italy, are looking at live pictures, by the way, from delaware right now, where the president will be departing shortly. these are hugely important meetings that will cover everything from the israel-hamas war to ukraine to climate change. let s get right to nic robertson who is in italy right now where these meetings will take place. nick yeah, president says is expanded a touchdown here later this evening yes. a full schedules here. the first ticket on the agenda, if you will, will be africa. it will be climate change and development. they sound a little bit not as if they would be the central issues of such an important meeting. but of course they are fundamental to so much that concerns all the leaders here. and that is migration ration itself comes up on another day, but you ll have the leader of the african union here prime minister from kenya. you ll also have leaders from tunisia and algeria here as well. and why does african matters so much as just across the mediterranean of course, from italy, italy on the forefront of huge migration waves coming out, coming out of that continent. so what can these developed democracies with powerful economies? do to help the african continent and the people there. and perhaps in essence persuade them not to migrate towards europe. so that s one issue. then you have ukraine coming up and of course the central focus there will be getting agreement on how to fund a 50 billion dollar loan to ukraine, which is going to be paid for by frozen profits from frozen, frozen russian assets that looks likely us and eu will sort of underwrite that. then you get into the issue. as i said of me gracian. and you have a central and important issue for president biden the indo-pacific region, china, in essence, ai, that s also going to be a big topic here. and the pob coming in friday, ai will be something hill want to talk to these world leaders about a packed agenda? and for president biden. and of course, the specter, if you will of a donald trump, a potential president donald trump attending the next g7. that s what these leaders will have on their minds as well. but of course coming into this, there are five liters out of the eight liters coming here who face election of potential election challenges over the coming john all right. nic robertson for us in monopoly italy, do not land on boardwalk, nick, thank you very much for that new details this morning about the ice operation to detain eight men living in the us with suspected ties to isis the men are tajik nationals who sources say were screened when they crossed at the us-mexico border, and nothing in their past was flagged at the time cnn s josh campbell has much more on this. josh, what are you learning about this? well kate, you know, this is really interesting. we re learning about how federal authorities actually identify these people. i m told from law enforcement source, it was the us government s targeting of isis targets abroad that actually allowed them to make these identifications part of this ongoing investigation. of course, that s interesting because we know that earlier this year we saw that some of these us surveillance authorities come under heavy scrutiny and congress these sweeping ability of the us government to surveil certain targets abroad. but i m told it was those kinds of authorities that allowed them to actually determine. we have people here who have some kind of connection to isis targets overseas. now here s what we know, as you mentioned, these are eight tajikistan nationals who were arrested recently by ice as part of their removal authorities. now when they came across the southern border, they were vetted. a source tells me but there were no red flags that us authorities identified at the time. it was later after they were already in the country that this investigation determined they had those alleged isis connections. and the decision was made to deport them. i m told that this was hotly debated within federal law enforcement. do we continue to surveil them? federal investigators to determine if there s a potential plot here or do we just expel them and i m told that it was the ladder that us senior official ultimately decided to actually to just get them out of the country. now, of that group that was arrested, i m told that extremist rhetoric, so it s unclear whether the other members of the group were arrested simply by association with those individuals, but still questions there were winning to determine when the expulsions will actually take place. and then finally is worth pointing out this is obviously all coming as the department of homeland security and the fbi the office of the director of national intelligence have warned about increasing threats from terrorism. this is not a point in history. there are current threats. now, we know that the dhs recently came out with an assessment indicating just that it s something that federal authorities are certainly look king at this elevated threat that continues this year josh campbell, thanks so much. john and emotional day in connecticut, survivors of the sandy hook elementary school massacre will graduate high school almost 12 years after 20 of their classmates and six adults were killed, seen as brynn gingras is in new town this morning i have to imagine this is gonna be a difficult day. brynn yeah, john, listen bittersweet is the word that has been said many times in this community for what is going to happen today, this graduation and obviously there are more than 300 students who are celebrating the fact that they ve finally reach this milestone in their lives, graduating high school. but of course they will never and have never forgotten those 20 classmates that should be right there with them in those six educators should be celebrating with them as well. actually, during the ceremony, they re all going to wear green ribbons on their caps and gowns to have that memory close to them. the names of those 20 students are gonna be read throughout this ceremony. he said there are little bits of this celebration where they are really going to just remember how far they ve come and what they lost along the way. i want you to hear from three students who talked about what this day means to them after what they ve been through while they were in sandy hook on that day? we are so kids, so we do as much as we can to enjoy ourselves. and still live our lives will still carry the memory of those who lost it s hard because you have these big moments in your life things that are supposed to be solely exciting but they get clouded by those a way that we want to be remembering our friends and we are going to keep them with us, but it s also something that we wish we never had to deal with compared to some work classmates who can go say, are there are no, it s really like md with blocked out that first i don t you know, we don t want to make this is ultimately what should be the biggest de of most of our lives yeah, that day still so vivid in their memory is actually it s tradition john, in new town for these high school seniors to go back to their elementary preschool. there are several in this town and to go back to this building and see the people, the teachers that shaped their lives. of course, these students that you just heard from they had to go to a new high school since that other one where this tragedy happened was torn down, a new one rebuild. so the memory just continues to be with them, but they are survivors. look the objectory of their lives have changed. you just heard from people who say they now want to be activists. they want to be therapists. they want to be lawyers. they want to be politicians. they want to change gun laws. so it s quite incredible how far these little first-graders have come to now this high school graduation, and certainly the memory of those lost is very vivid today. we ll congratulations to all of them there. oh, the places they will go. and of course, we are thinking about that community this morning, a brynn geographic great to have you there. thank you very much. russian more ships sailing less than 100 miles from us soil what they re doing, and how the us military is now responding. and this morning, house republicans, well, here s the question do house republicans have the votes to hold attorney general merrick garland inke contempt all of a sudden that seems to be up in the air. we ve got the latest webcam the most anticipated moment of this electric and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america s future. the cnn and presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmatched. if you re 50 year over, you can be taking advantage of everything aarp has to offer right now, join aarp for $12 for one year and your second membership is free. get instant access to discounts on everyday purchases. i care in prescriptions and tools and tips to help manage your money and maximize your health plus aarp fights to protect your social security, medicare and more join and get an insulated trunk organized are free plus aarp, the magazine call or go to join the now, so this has pickleball with e-trade for morgan stanley were ready for whatever gets served up to get to with the chest i d rather work on saving for retirement poole college since you d like to get schooled it s pretty your burn write home the place where you created week those special moments we celebrate the home and the way you live in it. at three-day blinds, we help you create that special place. and because we know you re busy as we bring the showroom to you at your convenience and provided design expert to help you find the perfect solution that fits your style and budget three de blocks thank you love the treatment, call or go online right now to schedule your free in-home design consultation i can t wait for this family get away shingles doesn t care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks there s nothing like a day out with friends that s nice. what she doesn t care. 99% of adults 50 years or older already had the virus that causes shingles inside had them and it can reactivate it anytime a perfect de for a family outing. guess what? 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and what did you learned over the last 11 weeks? you know, what happened that morning was horrific, but what happened next was inspiring. so in terms of what we ve learned, i think the biggest thing has been about the power of teamwork. i asked our team to count up the number of agencies involved. we think it was 56, 56 different entities he s from our department of us coast guard and the army corps of engineers the state dot under the leadership of governor wes moore, county, city, all of the first responders from the divers looking for victims to the people making sure that traffic was handled and managed safely all adding up to this moment where less than 100 days after that shocking event, more than 50,000 tons of concrete and steel have been cleared out of the potassium river. the channel is open, the port is up and running. those workers are working now, obviously, we ve got a long way to go in terms part two, which is getting a new bridge up to replace the francis scott key bridge that was destroyed and more and more of the focus is going to now turn to that, although we ve been working on that from day one as well, already got $60 million after the state. but again, my big lesson, my big takeaway here is the power of teamwork. i have never seen this many different organizations, agencies responders, come together since i ve had this job to deal with a crisis, touching, are transportation system so it s what people expect from government that when something terrible happens, those agencies snap into action, team up and get results. you talked about the bridge you have any estimate on when there may be a new bridge so the original one took about five years to build. we re hoping we can beat that. this time around, but obviously a lot goes into building a bridge and it s going to look different. the design that went in the 70s is not the same as the right answer for a bridge that s going to be standing. hopefully well into the 2070s but we re already underway on that we released $60 million to help get that process going. were side-by-side with maryland their work, they re already engaging in the procurement, the design they estimated it ll take about 1.7 to $1.9 billion to get that new bridge in place. but when it is there, it will be not just a new part of the baltimore s skyline, but an important link for supply chains and, and for commuters so you were not a member of the president s family, although he has said you remind him of his son beau i m wondering what you think it must be like for the president now that his other son, hunter biden, has been convicted on federal gun charges as both a president on his way to europe for key meetings and also as a father i think anybody should imagine what would i do? and one of many things i admire about my boss is that it is so clear how much love he has for his family. and that s not just something that obviously as a human being, you see and feel in terms of how much he cares about his loved ones. but also as a boss, it is a tone that he has set across the administration that he expects. everybody who reports to him to take good care of their families. he made clear on day one, there s a standing policy that if any of us needs to take care of a family matter, we go look after that. no questions asked and and balance that with the responsibilities that we all have. just so you know, secretary, we re looking at live pictures from delaware right now where president biden is arriving. he ll he ll get a marine one. had to andrews and then head to europe for meetings again, we re looking at live pictures of that right now. it does not appear as if the president will comment before arriving at andrews and we don t know feel comment there. i want to ask you very quickly about another subject to there was a secret recording made at a meeting where many supreme court justices and their spouses, were in martha-ann alito, the wife has supreme court justice samuel alito was discussing how she feels about apparently a pride flag that was flown not far from our house. listen i want sacred heart of jesus because i had to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. badly. and he s like, oh, please don t put up a flag. i said i won t do it because i m deferring to you. but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them i think every day how does that make you feel knowing that the wife of a supreme court justice wants to send a message to people with a pride flag look i m often reminded that the most important thing in my life which is my marriage and my family and the two beautiful children that my husband chest and i are raising, that marriage only exists by the grace of a single vote on the united states supreme court that expanded our rights and freedoms back in 2015 and made it possible for somebody like me to get married and supreme court justices have an unbelievable amount of power and they ll, by the nature and the structure of the supreme court, there s no supervision over that power. they are entrusted with it literally for as long as they live and part of that trust is we expect them to enter into those enormously consequential decisions that the shape our everyday lives. with a sense of fairness. i also hope that most americans can understand the difference between a flag that symbolizes love and acceptance and signals to people who have sometimes feared for their safety that they re gonna to be ok. and insurrectionists, symbology i ll just leave it at that secure transportation people to hear. thank you so much for being with us this morning. appreciate it this morning uncertainty on capitol hill, the house is scheduled to hold a rules vote surrounding whether to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt over failure to comply with subpoenas. but there are whispers that it s possible there are enough moderate republicans that enough monitor republicans are skittish that this might not have the votes to pass, the contempt vote might not have the votes to pass seen as lauren fox has been whipping the votes on capitol hill, or at least counting him, where did thanks dan, this morning? lauren john, you re putting a lot of pressure on me as a vote counter, but behind closed doors, leadership is still trying to ensure that they have the support they need to go to the floor to try and advance his contempt devote. this is going to happen as soon as later today. what we expect to see on the house floor around 1030 they will vote on the actual rule governing the debate over this vote on contempt against merrick garland. but as you noted, there are some concerns that there could be some moderate holdouts and because the speaker only has a two-vote margin, that does mean that he has to get all of his ducks in a row before this actually comes to the floor. a critical meeting they will happen this morning at 9:00 a.m. when house republicans will gather for their weekly conference meeting, that is obviously going to be an opportunity for republican leadership and key voices on those committees to make the case for their colleagues. why this is so important to advance right now. but this all stems from the fact that republicans want to get those audio tapes of robert hur s special counsel, robert hur s interview with joe biden. we do have the transcript, but republicans arguing that they need that audio tape because they think that it could help them in their investigation in the biden family, they also say that they want to make sure that the transcript was accurate. they have not voiced exactly why they think it would not be consistent. john, lauren pfos in washington for us, counting the votes, let us know where things stand when you find that lauren. thank you very much us officials. are tracking a group of russian warships in the caribbean, right now, they include a nuclear powered submarine and also warships carrying hypersonic missiles. final destination, cuba, russia s military is planning to run drills with its high-precision weapons in the atlantic ocean war games that the pentagon says poses no direct threat to the us. but war games nonetheless, that vladimir putin is trying to use, as his latest muscle flex against the west seen as patrick oppmann joys us from havana, cuba with much more than this patrick, what are you hearing about this? good morning. well, cnn is also tracking these russian warships and they re actually right behind us. we re going to try to focus in. we could see them. it s a bit of a cloudy day. and behind that statue there you can just make out the lead russian, forget the admiral gorski have which as you were saying, carries hypersonic missiles it is when those modern russian navy ships that vladimir putin has in his navy and is at this moment bring havana harbor, one of four of these ships, including nuclear-powered submarine that is expected to arrive today in cuba, arrived in the next few hours into havana harbor. you see it just coming up behind that statue there as it makes its way into the port of havana. and there are russian ships, russian naval ships that come to cuba over the years. i don t remember what a convoy as large as this, a convoy that has the latest weaponry that vladimir putin to has at his disposal. so while it may not be a direct threat to the united states, it is very symbolic because vladimir putin has been talking recently about how if the us will deploy weaponry his borders. he could do the same to dus certainly. meaning countries like cuba or

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Transcripts For CNN CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip 20240612

and many cbp customs and border protection high-level officials have told members of congress and the public that they re concerned about terrorist and known as what we call k asts, known suspected terrorists, and people in the no fly list sneaking across the southern border because of the the volume of individuals that are coming and the number of countries are coming from. i mean, this is exactly what we ve heard from republican critics of the southern border and how it s being handled at this moment is a concern that this something like this could happen and the system not working yeah, it s always a concern, especially when we would call them up the gottaways. so if you look at if one in every hundred thousand individuals who get away is a known as suspected terrorists. you can have dozens or hundreds of individuals that could potentially threats and so this is a wake-up call to all yeah. it certainly is marvin southern border. your connection broke up a little there at the bet, but a great point and we ll keep watching this denial, harvard. thank you for that. thank you all so much for joining us. state a news night with abby. phillip starts now republicans tried to eat their cake and have it too that s tonight on these nine good evening. i m have you fill up in new york tonight president biden and his family are huddling together in delaware. after a jury convicted his surviving son on all three federal gun charges. it is the first time in american history that an immediate family member of a sitting us president was convicted of a crime. now the moment, of course, creates the split-screen of conservatives who just 12 days ago were slamming the rule of law, slamming the judge, the jury, and the verdict in donald trump s manhattan trial some even claimed the conviction was the end of the republicans. we know it but tonight, they seem to be singing from a completely different tune this is a new error in america, and i think it goes against the elc of who we are as americans and our faith in the criminal justice system in the end, this juror, jury of ordinary people from delaware, we re not intimidated and by that family and they recognize that this was a clear cut case and that clearly no one is above the law. this is a very political exercise. and you have to say that it accomplish what it set out to accomplish. but i would say this abet judge noreika, i think she ran a very fair courtroom. she ran a very fair brian, i guess we all need to shop at banana republic from now on because that s what it feels like. yeah, a banana republic for years, the bikes have been able to escape any legal accountability for their sleazy corrupt conduct but today they re luck ran out, at least hunters did. power is all they love. and they re willing to do anything to cling to it. they re willing to destroy the rule of law the republic has been wounded by week lawyers and talent less political bloodhounds gave me a little boost of confidence in the american legal system although they still have a lot of work to do to win me back, i believe that there was a conscious collusion of allies that came together it s pretty obvious with a private strategy to eliminate a common shared adversary, a hundreds going to jail. so joe doesn t have to and when he comes out, he ll be rewarded for his loyalty, like a made man and a biden crime family. this is a distraction from the influence, peddling and the kickbacks yes. these are two different trials under very different circumstances. hunter biden was federal trump s was not the crimes and the evidence all completely different. but you can t claim the justice system is dead because of a single conviction, while also praising it for another you can t claim president biden is weaponizing the justice department to go after his enemies. when that same department just convicted his own son but in a world of maga, perhaps you can prominent conservatives are trading baseless conspiracies, for another now they re claiming that hunter biden s trial was a sham to give cover to biden. charlie kirk. kirk says the democrats will use the conviction to claim that the system is fair. vivek ramaswamy, he calls it a smokescreen to deflect attention from biden s other crimes republican senator tom cotton says, it s a way to insulate joe biden who is guilty of corruption trump s campaign calls the case a distraction from the quote biden crime family. now remember, this is the same biden that conservatives claim can t walk, can t talk or think on his own but just so we re clear, biden has no power over a state-level prosecution but the same federal government that he actually runs just prosecuted his own son and the system we re supposed to believe is rate that just makes no sense we re gonna get to all of that in a moment. but first, tonight joining me now is reverend dr. christopher bolick. he is a spiritual advisor to light and family and the pastor at canaan baptist church in new castle, delaware. reverend, thank you for being with us. it s good to be with you, abby. god bless you. thank you for having me. thank you for being here. you spoke last night or before this verdict, i should say, with hunter biden how was he when you last spoke with him? he was upbeat. he was positive and but he understood the gravity of the situation and the nature of the trial. so he is well aware of what the possibilities where uncertainty disappointed in the verdict. however, things did not go on his favor does not mean that the favor of god is not a ban him. we believe that his faith is strong course is family is strong and width him. and i encouraged him to look to the heel from what s come at this help? all of his help coming from the lord. but he s focused and we know that things are going to work out in the end a hunter biden has talked about his addiction. he s talked about what that has been like for his life, but i wonder on this particular issue or the set of issues that he was charged, it has now been convicted of has he ever expressed remorse for what led to all of this? i believe that he s aware of every step of his journey and remorse is a part of the process therefore, he is prepared to move forward knowing that god is a forgiving god he has said in his own words that he has hurt people along the wake but we know that the power of prayer, the power family, the power of faith can change him and any situation listen, abbe this addiction issue is a disease this impacted millions of americans regardless of race, creed, or color, phd, no, d, g, d, md jd. this disease is real. and we know that it s a journey and it s a season in his life and this season will hopefully in, in a way in which we ve been endured for night, but joy will come in the next season i cnn spoke earlier today with one of the jurors in this case. juror number ten, i want to play for you. what he said about the defense i felt i felt bad that they put naomi on trial on witness i i think that was probably a strategy that should not have been done no. no daughter should ever have to testify or again, sir, dad you know, this family wow. was it a mistake for the defense to put a hunters own daughter through that i think they had to make some critical decisions. they had a particular strategy and they were going for what would work for them, what would give them favor in the face of the jury at all? the judge at all who are concerned. it was painful. but we understand that the fence had a strategy. they believe it would work. and we know that this family, again it has gone through was going through a lot and at the end of the day, it s all about what s in the best interests of hunter and the biden family we saw those emotional images of president biden hugging his only surviving son can you tell us what this has been like for him going through this trial? a different kind of trial compared to some of the other trials that he s gone through in his life with the loss of his late wife and several of his other children president, my friend and brother is a man of resilience. a man of deep faith a, man who understands the hand of god when god s hand moves in, his life. and he said that, let justice play out and whatever the decision was of the jewelry, he would respect and accept the decision. but when i saw him come home tonight and embraced his son i saw the power of love let me say this. abby love is greater than politics the bible says, loves the more excellent way love indu, with all things, believes all things love is patient. love is kind and the script it talks about that. nothing can separate us from the love of god, the love of god is in that family our president and first lady. they love onto and we love him and we will continue to walk alongside him with the ministry of presence. my role has been the past of presence in the courtroom. we prayed three times in the courtroom. we brought the church house to the courthouse. we prayed openly we prayed, we hugged, and he knows the power of prayer and god always has the last word. and i just think something good is going to come out of this in the end. and god will use this moment for his glory on his own time reverend dr. christopher bullock. thank you very much for sharing all of that with us god bless you. thanks for having me abbe and for more. let s bring in our panel here, former clinton white house aide, keith boy can also with a cnn political commentator, s. e. cupp and reason editor at large, matt welch asieh, that at the end there is basically what the message from the biden world is going to be about this, which is that this is a story three of a family, a family like any other, where someone has messed up. and the father loves the son. nothing more. do you think that that is going to work in this situation? i think everyone can relate to some parts of this. i don t find a hunter biden to be a terribly sympathetic figure, not because of his addiction, but because he s messed up a lot. he s broken the law and i don t think he s been a great family man, but at the end of the day, this is someone sign that someone happens to be the president. and for the president to say, i m not putting my finger on the scale for this one. i m not i don t even want to talk about it. i can t imagine how you do that. i can t imagine as a parent, how you disassociate from that. and i think that will look very noble and good to a lot of democratic voters. there s also a possibility that this completely doesn t matter to voters at all yeah i m one of the people who thinks it doesn t really matter to voters. hunter biden is not running for president and i don t know if that s a newsblaster. anyway, but donald trump was convicted and he is running for president hunter biden is a son of a candidate for president and the president himself refused as estee pointed, to, put his thumb on the scale of justice. he refused to intervene, he refused to stop the prosecution, refused to condemn the judge and jury. he refused to promise to pardon hunter biden after the conviction that s a stark and dramatic contrast from everything adopted. trump has done since donald trump has been on trial attacking everybody involved in his trial. okay. let me play this from the speaker of the house, mike johnson. he was asked by our own manu raju about the way that republicans are responding to a hunter biden versus how they dealt with donald trump. listen mr. speaker, you ve been saying two tier system of justice for some time. here s the president s son being convicted on three counts. that undercut your client. it doesn t every cases different and clearly the evidence is overwhelming here. i don t think that s the case and the trump trials and all the of charges that have been brought against could have been obviously brought for political purposes. a hunter biden as a separate instance that s a separate instance, but the other thing about the hunter biden is that this is not the only hunter biden trial. we ll see. there will be another one. it come this fall. so are we going to go through the motions again? i m saying everything hot? that happens to hunter is aboveboard. anything that happens to trump is not i think that the way that we should think about this is to try to get ourselves as individual consumers out of the non-stop political consideration. let s look for the republicans. there s at least one thomas massie. i saw him do this in congress today. say this is ridiculous. he, let s, we shouldn t be convicting someone and sending him to 25 years in prison for doing one thing, he lied on an application. there s no victim in this crime. there s no victim and trump s crime either, right? so if we we have a sickness of in the criminal justice system in this country, we have so many people in jail. we have so many victimless crimes. harvey solar relate the great civil libertarian writer has had a book called three felonies a day. that s the average that us very law-abiding citizens on this panel commit everyday because there s so much in the criminal code. right. so that puts everything up to the discretion. question of prosecutors. and we re sitting around and if we re republican, we cheered hunter biden getting locked up or a convicted for democrat would share donald trump, i say as americans, let s work back. is there a victim if there s not, let s stop sharing i listen. i m glad it for ones we are talking about the ways in which perhaps this country over criminalizes people, 20 people in prison. i just never thought that it would come up because of donald trump and hunter biden. but let me just as a gun owner. okay it s a crime to lie on a gun application for a reason. and there could have been a victim to this crime that s why you don t lie on a form or purchase a firearm. there wasn t that s lucky. but it s bad for every law abiding gun owner when people break the law in an attempt to buy a gun. i mean, i think that should have been i understand both your points, but i thought the point matt was making surprise. i agree with you and this is that even if we think that that hunter biden did something wrong, he broke the law which the jury found that he did maybe we shouldn t be putting him in jail for them. i m not sure if that s what you re making your knife. maybe you re making definitely a point. maybe you re making whether we shouldn t be prosecuting him. i think we should prosecute people when they when they violate the law, then maybe we shouldn t put everybody in jail and incarcerate everybody when they aren t found guilty. many people think have committed unlawful drug use while filling out a gun applicant probably 20 million. well, if they look at the number of gun owners in the number of people who smoke pot 20 million people and very few get prosecuted. almost all of whom who do have less material advantages than 100 biden does. are we thinking about that joe biden go to jail? i mean, he might not serve. i m saying we shouldn t be prosecuting people who smoke, break the law, who break. we should i say, this is man, granted, this is a weird libertarian thing to say, but i think that if you would expect nothing less, if the victim is the government s yeah. and you smoke pot and it filled out an application. you can get punished and not go to understand to properly understand the gun the part i take very seriously. do you think that this is an example? look, i mean, if we re talking about tonight, okay. maybe the argument is donald trump would not have been prosecuted where he not president hunter biden, would he have been prosecuted where he not the president s son? i don t think he might have been prosecuted. probably not. and he certainly wouldn t have had this thing here where we discovered new felonies only after the plea agreement fell down. think about this, like months ago were like cool with him walking free. and now we re like maybe he should go to jail for up to 25 years this is also a trial penalty, right? this is the reason why 98% of all criminal cases never go to trial because they re always stacking up of charges to scare the bejesus out of you so that you ll plead guilty and then you ll walk or maybe you ll go to jail for a brief period of time. can i just ask a case i mean, i think that s a very good faith argument that we re hearing here for matt. would you even consider applying that same argument to donald trump in terms of the crime that he was convicted of, new york absolutely. i don t believe in i don t believe in incarcerating everybody, including donald trump i know i ve never wanted to lock him up people i ve said that as a joke on my internet feeds but for the most part, i don t think we shouldn t be blocking anybody got for nonviolent white-collar crimes are non-violent offenses in general, i think we should find other forms of ways to freak to treat with, to deal with the situation of crime without incarcerating people. and we don t do that. and our country where there s donald trump or hunter biden, let s be fair, but i agree with you on that. all right. well, we have a lot of agreement at the table here. i appreciate that everyone stick around breaking news tonight from the pioneers having mccarthy s revenge tour against her pop blinken s who ousted him, plus the justice department takes the extraordinary step of debunking one of trump s most common conspiracies. and as concerned for this plot, a second trump term, democrats are now making moves of their own for 2025. this is news well, it s hard besides dad is a legends that his legendary moves might be passed down to you. ancestry dna can show you which traits were inherited where they came from and who he shares them with? but get moving. this sale is only for a limited time, introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with four powerful pain fighting ingredients let s start working on contact to target tough pain at the source for up to 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some more petals parents can get everything you need, right when they need it. keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward, for the love of progress we never thought that with verizon saving on the best and entertainment was going to be so easy before we had to pretend we d seen all these shows now that we have a ryzen, we can stop pretending disney plusair of odean hearing aid s starting at just $189 i hanako montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn i ve said it before and i ll say it again. what this presidential race looks like right now will be completely different from what it looks like in october but we re starting to get a preview of what democrats may be hanging their political hopes on. just take a look at these headlines from the last 24 hours. the world bank says that the us economy is growing faster than expected and is helping the entire world the fbi reporting that violent crime in america has shown historic declines with the murder rate showing the sharpest drop they also come as a group of house democrats are now launching a counter to the infamous project 2025, put forward by conservatives that s the heritage foundation s plan for a second trump term, which proposes eliminating, for example, the justice department, the homeland security department, and the fbi. now, even though it s only june if democrats, for example, our delta good hand politically the question is, are they capable of actually playing it i mean this is the big question. if you ve got an economy that is actually humming along, you ve got crime that is going down that is a reversal of fortunes for democrats. and yet americans are still sauer. can they reverse that? is that messaging? is it something else? they re not feeling it yet. americans are not feeling this american economic large jess, they don t care that we re helping the world. most americans feel like i helped my my own bank account, helped my wallet helped me at the pump they re not feeling they re feeling more unsafe. they re not feeling like crime is going down. so the numbers are important. but you can t tell voters that what they re feeling is wrong. and so the messaging is very complicated for joe biden and democrats to say, look how great the world is. but i know you re still hurting on this stuff is like a lagging indicator in a way sometimes i actually don t know if that characterization is right. i see because according to the polls, i ve seen, the public actually, they do feel that their personal economic situation is better. i just talking two according according to the polls, this is they don t feel like that the country has as a whole other, everyone else is doing as well, but they individually feel better about the, about their economic situation according to the polls, i say maybe i m incorrect, but that s what i ve seen. i think and i think trump voter one of the major reasons is they feel like this economy is terrible and inflation has been bad for them personally. well, i think the reality is that because people s wages have increased faster than actual inflation has increased, people have a stronger economic position and they would be otherwise we also know that more people have jobs 15.6 million people have jobs now for the african american community, we ve had the lowest black unemployment rate in history. we also complaining about that. no you re not playing. i know i know. but i think also i don t want to be the person to make this argument, but i m going to make it anyway. the media, we have a responsibility for his for doing this too. we can we continue to say this is reporting the facts. the economy is doing well or crime is going down. we say the economy is going well and the crime is going down. but this isn t really playing for the american people. why is it playing for the american people? because we keep asking this question the way that makes it a question instead of a fat, it is that the current that crime is going down. we re talking to the fact the kind of thing, but that s a direction as opposed to like an overall real-world thing. we had an incredible insane spike in the year 2020 in everything 2020, we lost our marbles and yes, things trend better since 2020, but a lot of people remember 2019 and that s not like a, like a trump nostalgia bit. they just remember when prices were different, when interest rates, which is a huge thing that almost never gets discussed about home prices. it is really, you can feel that and see that prices are just higher than they were in 2020 or 2021. and it s not gonna be good messaging to say you re just not understanding how great the economy you want to get to project 2025 for a second here, because this is something that i have noticed. i don t know if you ve noticed this. i see a lot of more liberals talking about this. it s kinda wonky, but it s become real fodder for democrats to say here are the extremist plans for a second, trump administration is this a wound that republicans have opened up for themselves? no, it is an election year, democratic party branding exercise, and it s not actually very serious if your project is to stop pop bad people from exercising government power. if you were actually interested in saying, oh no, trump might be in power, we should do something. maybe you would ve spend a minute. i don t know over the last four years or eight years, we re filling whatever timeline you want. actually reducing the power in the presidency, actually reducing power in government. i don t think elizabeth warren has been like, how can i reduce whose power in government? joe biden signed an asylum executive order last week that he knows is probably illegal that trump used that was thrown out by the courts because he was probably illegal. it s not about the use of the power is about the abuse of power and democrats don t have the power and have never had the power to be able to unilaterally make these decisions. because of the way you have a complicated system of government with the senate and the house and the filibusters know that. i think that the problem is that would project 2025 does is it takes us back in time. it reverses it reverses basic the 20th century. it takes us back to a time. the civil service rules don t apply. where protections for lgbtqi people don t exist, protections for women don t exist protections for minorities and immigrants and african americans don t exist. rev, voting rights are decimated, would become a christian nationalist country. and this is all weaponized because donald trump has no policy issues that he talks about. it just talks about his personal grievances. it s the only thing we have to go on is project 2025 and the heritage foundation and the conservative scholars who are putting this out there are letting us know that this is the plant they will implement if trump is elected. well, i m just glad that democrats are taking this seriously because i hear a lot of denialism from the left people who say the polls aren t wrong. joe biden is going to win, don t worry about this. i am glad there are democrats in the house who are very seriously considering what will happen when trump wins. yeah, we will see what kind of turnout mechanism this product 2025 turns out to be for democrats, keith asieh and matt. thank you all very much. and extraordinary step for the doj. now, disproving a conspiracy theory, i ll explain what the attorney general merrick garland said about that next. plus liberal tv host rachel maddow says that she is afraid the trump who jail her and other americans. bryan stelter joints plus results are rolling in now when key states across the country tonight, we ll have the latest on tonight s primary elections just to the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president s one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 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on capitol hill desperate conspiracy is call for desperate measures. the united states justice department tonight, taking an extraordinary step to debunk perhaps the central conspiracy in trump land right now about this conviction. more on that in just a moment. but first, it comes as the attorney general rights and op-ed demanding that the lies against justice department s stop immediately. merrick garland is keeping keep in mind, is running the department that not only is prosecuting donald trump, but also president biden s son, along with a democratic senator her and a democratic congressman, garland called out the bullying and the rhetoric and the conspiracies that are being peddled by trump and his media and right-wing allies, including this one that the biden administration coordinated with the manhattan da s office by sending an official there to target trump and now joe biden has weaponized law enforcement to interfere in our elections. matthew colangelo. it colangelo s should know. he faces years in prison. this was planned from the biden white house, is top person called angelo and some others i ve been placed into the da s office to make sure they do a good job of election interference. the number three under merrick garland at the department of justice, he left that cushy job at the department of justice to go be a line prosecutor in a city office that shows how coordinated this is. these are all biden trials because let s call angela works for biden. can you imagine they take a guy out of doj and they put them into the attorney general s office and then the manhattan da s office. to go after trump. alvin bragg, who not only met with joe biden, joe biden s lawyers in the white house. he took one of joe biden s lawyers from the department of justice to have him bring this case back collegial was obsessed with trump before mac collegial worked for letitia james michelangelo knows that democratic operative, he seems obsessed with trump. so now he comes back there to revitalize this case. well, angelo is a radical left from the doj, who was put into the state working with letitia james. and then was put into the district attorney s office to run the trial. hello. against trump. give us the communications if they exist, if they don t tell us, but he won t say which leads anyone with common sense to believe there was communication going on all right. well, let s talk about those communications according to the justice department, they don t exist in a letter to the judiciary committee, the doj says that they looked and there was a 00 email communication with the manhattan da s office nor any communications between colangelo s and the da s office? the doj calls their effort to dispel these conspiracies as extraordinary, which seems now like the new normal joining me is brian stelter. he s the author of network of lies. he s also a special correspondent for vanity fair brian, is there any amount of fats? given right to congressman jim jordan that would change this web of conspiracies, web of lies. lies, and there are not, there are not. and it s because of what cast sudden see wrote 15 years ago for the harvard law review, he said, this self-serving the self-sealing quality of conspiracy theories is what makes them so dangerous for government directed attempts to puncture the conspiracy theory causes the people who believe it to just fold all of that does debunking into the theory itself self-sealing. that s the problem with these theories. i want to play when we had dr. phil on the show and this came up but just listened to this exchange you really think that party politics don t cross state lines federal versus state leinz, that there aren t meeting some people talk about this and make decisions about what s best for the party if you think that there aren t politics that goes into some of these decisions. i think that would be a naive position while luck, all i m saying is that there s no evidence that that happened one way or another. he doesn t have any proof. he said it right there. i mean, the dpp sayyed that you saw me take there. i felt like i had to take another one now salted when i would walk is very difficult to rationalize when the people you re talking to acknowledge there s no there s no there there. and it s interesting to think about what is dr. phil doing? why is he motivated in that way? what is jim jordan thinking? i think they re trying to make sense of a complex world. conspiracy theories help simplify complexity, but they do so by taking shortcuts and real world and real life with real-world thinking, there are no shortcuts that s these guys are trying to take shortcuts, trying to use code words and buzzwords and propaganda in order to satisfy an audience by taking shortcuts. and there are no shortcuts in this real complex. we re just as a point on civics. the complexity is the point that is actually how the system is designed to work so that it doesn t get rigged up so that i do want to move on to what msnbc host rachel maddow has said she said in an email to cnn s reliable sources i am worried about the country broadly if we put someone in power who is openly vowing that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people into root out what he s described in sub-human terms as his enemy from within for that matter, what convinces you that these masses the camps, he s planning are only for migrants. so yes, i m worried about me, but only as much as i am worried about all of us she she makes a point that this is not just about migrants if he s really to do it for them, why not you or me are the enemy of the people are joe schmo walking down the street. but this has been shorthanded as matt, i was afraid which is gonna be thrown in jail. and unfortunately, her comments were nuance and thoughtful to cnn. a lot of the dialogue, i think ever since has been anything but nuance and thoughtful. she s raising something important i think it s valuable to think ahead to what may happen in a second trump term. this is frankly speculative nonfiction because we use the words that trump and his allies have said, and we use them to talk about the future future jail, of course, is a extreme part of the spectrum. imprisonment is an extreme part. but think about irs audits. think about government pressure on media companies. think about other forms of government interference. there are a lot of pressure points and frankly, rachel maddow is not the only member of the media thinking about this. i ve talked to the heads of news organizations, ceos, and media companies that are thinking through not in dramatic fashion, not because they re afraid of going to jail, that because they want to know what could trump due to use his power in the second term to punish the media. and it s also now a real question whether the voters actually take that information and believe in i also want to note that that a great interview with matt i was conducted by our own oliver darcy over at reliable sources, you re hold stomping grounds. bryan steck, that she s bringing it up because we need to think through these issues even though it can sound a little bit out there talking about it. yeah, absolutely. bryan stelter. thank you very much and polls have just closed in nevada where a key senate races now up for grabs. we re going to have the latest results coming up and also coming up next, our new audio from justice samuel alito, liberal activists lauren windsor shares new excerpts from her secret recordings live night 11:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn devastating and sudden power of tsunamis happened in faraway lins, and it s easy to think. it can t happen here if one hits home, we d be ready. silent, earth would liev schreiber sunday at nine cnn. did you know sling has your favorite news programs for just $40 a month my favorite news, but just $40 a month my favorite for just $40 news for $40 a month. sling lets you do that from medium rare to whelmed so many 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is election night in america for five key states and pulls him just closed in nevada where a senate seat could be up for grabs. cnn s harry enten is at the magic wall with the latest harry, what do we know so far? yeah. i mean, in nevada looks like nothing. there s nothing in nevada trump endorsed sam brown. he s the favorite going into this evening. obviously this is one of the key senate races that we re looking forward to. of course, republicans need one to get the 52 to guarantee neck control. so we ll see this could be one of those races along with west virginia, which has definitely leaning republican at this particular point. for them to get control. but i want to also take a look at some other cute primaries let s go to the palmetto state, south carolina where trump made a bunch of endorsements as well. we ll go down to charleston. and what do we see here? nancy mace, who of course is kind of gone back and forth with trump, right? but he endorsed her this time around. of course, kevin mccarthy was on the other side of this particular battle, but nancy mace with a very wide margin, 57% of the vote, way more than needed to avoid a run-off. she is going to win that republican primary. there are much stronger performance. then she had four years ago, let s go up to greenville in the north west part of south carolina this is a very interesting race. were william timmons, the incumbent, has been sort of angered some freedom caucus folks, donald trump though endorsed him right now. we have not called this race to my knowledge, but blamed timmons does in fact have an advantage right now of a little bit less than ten percentage points. so this could be trumped two for two on the evening. and of course, trump s so far has not lost a single race in which he s endorsed into their the congressional sayyed of the group and notorious but one other interesting house race that i m going to take you to. we re going to go away from the south and we re gonna go to the north. we re gonna go to ohio and we re gonna go to the youngstown area. and what do we see here? this is a very interesting race, right? we see the republican. he has won their 55% to about 45% for the democratic candidate. but what s the key thing that s going on? yeah, this is a very republican district. trump won this district by 28 points. and of course this margin right here is a little bit less than ten percentage points. this is another example of these special elections were democrats or app performing their 2020 baseline, i think democrats are hoping when actual people vote come the fall that you ll continue to see that type this is not a presidential battleground, but an important senate race. we will play out here in ohio, which will test exactly this neighborhood of ohio, youngstown, very enten, thank you very much i trump vp contender is doubling down on blaming democrats for creating social programs. he says are hurting black people. reverend william barber join me next 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public policy at the yale divinity school. he is also a spokesperson for the poor people s campaign. reverend barber, thank you for joining us tonight. thank you so much for having me in this book. you focus on the depiction of poverty in this country. how we talk about poverty, how we show poverty, and you say that black people on the edge of poverty, they re called pour, while white people in the same low-income situation are called working class and getting rid of those stereotypes you argue would help people of all colors, all colors, and races. how would you say that? that would actually happen well, first of all, what we hope to do in this book, and i hope to do is to take to america. the way we measure poverty in government official power measurement is, is a lie, it s distortion, it does not count all of the poor. i want to see america deal with all of her pool. we re talking about 135 million people were talking about 41% of adults and over 50% of our children and the fact that the matter is they re 26 million for low wage black people 60 some of black population. but there s 30% of white poor people. and that s over 66 million when you, when you, when you frame it as being poor people or black, other-focused but working what you re doing is dismissing millions of poor and low weight white people. and it has been down through history, a form of mythology designed to keep black and white people from working together who really are allies and unified when it comes to the experience of poverty in this country. reverend barber, i want to ask you about something that i m sure you ve seen. this is representative byron donalds. he s been making some pretty stunning claims about black people during the time of jim crow and even just today, he doubled down on it when it comes to the social welfare programs and he says are hurting black people in particular they don t want to acknowledge that jim crow was, was, was an era ushered in by democrat politicians and a south who still wanted to segregate and subjugate black people in this country. and they also don t want to acknowledge that is lyndon johnson s great society also heavy democrat policy? that actually lead to fathers not being at home i wonder what your responses to that well, he s doubling down on ignorance. first of all, democrats of that day were not the democrats are today have today, and republicans of that de, well-linked republics, they re not, we re not kind of trump and other republicans today. so let s give it back, but more so what he s dismissing its the same mythology to suggest that the war on poverty was just about black people went. in fact, the war on poverty cut poverty in a major way. and most of the measures in terms of raw numbers help white people, particularly white people in the south the king said in 1965 to the greatest feat of racist oligarch or the puppets like this young man is the fear of a mass number of four and poor white folk coming together, reframing the voting electric in order to change the economic architecture of the country right now in this country, 295,000 poor low-wage people that every year, 800 a day that we cannot dismiss, that, we cannot say that is all right. the fact that we can have presidential election after presidential election debate, after debate, and not even talk about 135 million poor low-wage people who by the way, makeup 30% of the electorate and non battleground states and over 40% in so-called battleground state. poverty is an american crisis. i m arguing in this book, let s talk about all the poor, how it is contrary to our fundamentals about democracy, like establishing justice and promoting the general welfare. let s talk about the 55 million people who make less than a living wage in this country. and let s start fixing policy. to abolish that is unnecessary scourge of poverty low way that does not have to exist in the wealthiest country in the world. yeah, you know, the idea of building a coalition based on class as opposed to race, has been around for a long time. i mean, going back to reverend jackson s rainbow coalition famously tried to do that, but one of the interesting things about this era is that you see this unique dynamic happening in the election where the white christian right has really we attach itself to donald trump, and that has been the frame by which they look at american politics. i want you to listen to what congresswoman marjorie taylor greene said just a couple of days ago in las vegas the democrats in the fake news media want to constantly talk about, oh, president trump as a convicted felon. what you want to know, something the man that i worship is also a convicted felon as a as a pastor, as someone who is a student of history, what do you make of this worship of the former president among the evangelical christian right? most mostly hey, the white christian right. well, first of all, i don t call it christian is religious nationalism. that s the first day because you wouldn t be applying white is the operative word. secondly, you can t talk about christianity and not be concerned about the poor. the first sermon that jesus preached, he said, you must preach good news to the poor and, jesus was crucified for standing with the pool. he was crucified for lifting those who are on the margin. that is not in any way comparison to what trump is doing, but more importantly the most of those folks that she s talking about are not the poor, are poor, and low wasteful. this is a moment in history that we say, we can no longer allow an american crisis to be marginalized or treated like an anomaly and that s what this book is about. it s about the stories of pot from appalachia and folks from the east kentucky that cannot be denied or dismiss. yeah, that often don t get told. that s fascinating what you re saying there again, the book is called white poverty. how exposing myths about race and class can reconstruct american democracy. reverend dr. william barber. thank you very much for joining us thank you and thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right now tonight a. new batch of secretly reported audio supreme court justice samuel alito, the activists behind the reporting s will share it with us in just minutes from now, plus, hunter biden convicted the new reporting about the reaction from inside the trump campaign and say it ain t. so why joey chest that s reign as one of the top dogs at coney island is coming to an end. good evening anja lithosphere now i ll go good evening. i

People , African-americans-don-t , Jury , Us , Faith , Juror , Criminal-justice-system , The-end , Error , Elc , Delaware , Terrorists

Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240611

denticola thinks kennedy can bring americans together and isn t worried about him taking votes from biden or trump a person like bobby kennedy who is really a messenger of unity, a message for all people i think that s why he s going to actually pull a lot of voters from both sides that s back on deal s farm. i shared desire for unity to address a deeply divided country. if we don t make some changes and find somebody who has creative solutions and somebody we can trust who wants to bring us together? we re gonna be on a world of hurt even rfk junior seemed to be pulling more votes away from biden or trump based on who you spoke to anderson kennedy s coalition of voters, they ve really span the political spectrum polling data does indicate the largest contingent could actually be those who didn t support either candidate in 2020. a lot of his support comes from the so-called double-haters. those holding unfavorable views of both biden and trump anderson, even mechan thanks the news continues here on cnn front next the breaking news, trump s interview with a probation officer wrapping up the first first of its kind in history, we have new details about the questions he faced and how his answers could affect his sentence, as well as who was in that room. plus a secret new recording tonight is supreme court justice samuel alito. this is the former republican governor kristi todd whitman breaks her silence about the man that she had publicly supported an introduced to the united states senate she now. regret backing alito, and it s the hottest stock on the planet. a little known company forcing apple today to play catch up we have a special report. let s go outfront and good evening. i m erin burnett, outfront tonight. the breaking news, former president trump, just wrapping up an interview with a probation officer. this is a first never in american history has a former president had to sit down with a probation officer well, because a former president has never been convicted of a crime. but here we are. this meeting was mandatory for trump as he is now a convicted felon in the state of new york. trump answering questions from his home and mar-a-lago. now, according to a source, the question answers lasted about half an hour and trump was asked we understand some of the basic questions that other convinced it did felons must answer those questions for regular felon would include questions about family background, financial status, living situation, and crucially, it chance for the defendant in this case trump to say why he thinks he deserves a lighter punishment now there is no pleading. the fifth year and the answers trump gave will influence judge juan merchan, who will formally sentence trump in july. here s the range trump is facing anywhere from probation two up to a maximum of 20 years in prison after being found guilty of all 34 counts in the new york hush money case. now, one of the most important drivers into whether which extreme this ends up on or where it ends up in that in that band is whether trump expresses remorse. and that of course is not happening trump today posting online, i truly wish people would remember that all of these trials in quotes are concocted and run by the crooked joe biden white house and doj for the purpose of election interference and damaging crooked political opponent me as much as possible. of course, it always bears noting in a moment when he says that the biden doj could have prosecuted this case and explicitly chose not to. and the white house, the white house officials privately call this case the run to the litter. but trump is going to melt this trial for all its political worth. and it comes as his top political ally today, rudy giuliani is now facing some justice of his own, charged with allegedly conspiring to overturn arizona s election. this just came out moments ago. what you re looking at on your screen is the mug shot of giuliani america s mare turned into trump s fall guy, and that is his mug shot in the state of arizona, maricopa county tonight brynn grasp begins our coverage outfront live in new york and brynn, you ve got new reporting about this interview between trump and probation officer so what are you learning yeah, that s right. so aaron is interviewed, took place around 330 today, as you said, it lasted for about a half an hour, a bud source in new york city s who was familiar with the actual interview that took place over a virtual meeting telling are john miller that trump was described as polite, respectful, and accommodating, answering all the questions asked of him. now, we ve reported that todd blanche trump s attorney was with him in mar-a-lago on that side? the virtual meeting by here in new york are understanding from this source is that the commissioner of the new york city probation department would need a homes was present. the general counsel for that department was present, as well as the probation officer that is assigned to trump s case. of course, this probation officer now will likely stick with trump and this will be the person who does the follow-ups. this are saying though that as of now, like i said, he answered all of the questions that were asked of him. and right now, there doesn t seem to be a follow-up, but of course there is always that option to should they need it. so one of my more details of how that probation interview went as we ve described before, many questions could be asked of certainly about trump s background, his financial history, has he abused drugs or alcohol in the past? it s certainly not much ground covered in a 30 minutes, but of course, we re talking about a defendant like the former president here. now what happens next the defense it s her attorney, todd blanche, his team. they re going to submit a sentence recommendation to the judge. the probation officer, who conducted this interview is going to conduct. it s going to compile hello report. and these are just two elements that are gonna be factored into judge juan merchan s decision when he makes that sentencing done, which of course we know the days next month in july 11, aaron, are i brynn? thank you very much. in new york outside the courthouse, michael jacobson and our team join me here. michael, let me start with you because you are the former new york city correction and probation commissioner. so when need homes now doing that now. so what s your take of what happened today? we ve been obviously probation or regular probation officer assigned to the case, but it sounds like the commissioner herself was in the room as well as the general counsel will certainly expected someone more than just a probation officer to be in that interview. i mean, it s so unusual for 1,000 reasons. most of them obvious but just the fact that it was remote. and that trump s attorney was there. those are two very odd things in enough themselves. so given all that, it certainly made sense that you would want someone other than the probation officer it certainly makes sense to me for the general counsel to be there the sort of equivalent of trump s attorney on the probation? and the commissioner runs the agencies. so i think she thought it was appropriate that she was there. now, i know these can often go up to 90 minutes or two. i then go longer. this went less than 30, and obviously this isn t a case where the judge needs to be reminded about the details of the defendant or anything like that as would be the case in normal situations. but what do you think they got out of it? well, it s just the beginning of what can be a pretty long and sometimes intrusive process. so you shouldn t take too much that it was just a a first polite interview. probation officer has wide berth here to get into, as you said alcohol and drug use. talking to pass as victims can examine trump s behavior in terms of the violation of the gag order revisit the finding that he sexually assaulted jean carroll. all that is open, fodder for a pre-sentence investigation. they wanted to sort of paint a broad picture. so this was the start of something at certainly not the end, which is important thing, right? it s not as if this is done and then we wait a month, right, terry, this is this is a part of it, but you ve watched the judge so closely in that room, judge, that trump had referred to looking like an angel, but he was really the devil was the way trump put it but a judge who his demeanor was always positive, serious, he never never betrayed any sort of emotion how much weight do you think he will give this report, this interview that s the report that s going to come out of the interview that michael s talking about. i think he s going to take it very seriously, but like you said, aaron, he knows this defendant, he knows trump. he saw him every the day he saw trump violate the gag order ten times and he imposed the fine for that. and i think he s going to really want to see whether there is remorse and he s going to take what s been going on in las vegas, the rally, what he s saying and all of the things that he saying now really don t show remorse. and i think that is going to have an impact. i m not saying he s going to incarcerate him, but i do think as to whether it s probation or house arrest or community service he s going to go with something that s a little more serious. so mark the way that it was described, brynn reporting, the way that trump handled himself today was that he was polite and respectful and accommodating to the probation officer. and the obviously the commissioner in the general counsel, who were also present for the new york parole commission. i m sorry, probation commission. but this is the first time of foreign presidents ever been in a situation like this. mark, you ve been in situations like this hundreds of times with clients. so does the judge already have his mind made up when you hear a accommodating, polite and respectful. does that mean anything considering what trump says about this, judge? pretty much daily i think it was a pragmatic approach that he should be respectful to probation officer interviewing him. i ve never had general counsel show up at the hundreds that i ve ever been on. i ve also never had the commission shouldn t have department of corrections show up. so obviously, everyone s looking at this very, very carefully. but aaron, as we talked about last week, i do think that this judge as most judges who sat through the trial before sentencing, have most of their mind made up 90% or so. this is not going to, i think move the needle very much because everyone knows who don t trump is. everyone knows about the facts of the case, which really interesting is whether or not they took this opportunity to give a written statement or a verbal statement of his position. i m almost surprised if he didn t just because of who he is, although i tell my clients never to give a written or verbal statement at this stage wait until you get in front of the judge all right. well, we ll see the mark. i want to ask you about one other thing here because it trump obviously was in this interview today means i m rudy giuliani, right? who was at the helm of this, his efforts to overturn state election results was he had his mug shot taken america county and arizona a process in phoenix after pleading not guilty to charges of trying to overturn the election, they re just looking at this picture and he s got a blue and a white star tie on. i tried to smile, i guess. i mean, mark, what s your reaction looking at that mug shot? it s insulting to the process to be honest, i remember rudy when i grew up in new york and all of that good stuff, america s mayor, like you mentioned, it s just sad that we re getting to the point where on the same day from a president, maybe a future president is getting your probation interview. and the former mayor of america is getting a mug shot taken heavy, said that he knows the respective should give the process he hasn t done it recently, but he knows and you don t smile, you don t look away from the camera. you give the respect even at the process of a mug shot, to respect the process that quite honestly, he was sworn to protect for decades and it s when will you say right? i mean, he s mocking it by the smile. it s not, not of a state of mind, it s a mocking. my goal when we talk of trump allies, it s actually very relevant here in the context of the probation conversation because florida governor ron desantis, they obviously were rivals for a time. they were allies, then rivals. and now here we are but desantis could actually be the one who oversees whatever sentence trump gets, right? right. so the way this works is a little known part of probation national e coli interstate compact. and if you re sentenced in a jurisdiction, but you happen to live in another jurisdiction, which is the case here, right. sentenced in new york lives in florida most of the time through the interstate compact, the supervision of that case will be done in a jurisdiction that the person lives in. so under normal circumstances, if he was sentenced to probation, they would make a request to be transferred to florida probation. right? those requests are normally fulfilled. i think this one there may be a little more of a discussion then they re normally is, but that agency is, as you say controlled by the governor and floor. so how he really has to check in or the way he s treated that would could potentially be the decision of governor to potentially the that compact gives wide berth to the receiving agency as they re called and the general rule is that agency treats this person as they do similar people there are no services, no similar people and it s a terrorist. what s the process here is my mega is point out this is the first step. it s a month from tomorrow that we re actually going to get the sentencing unless it s delayed. so the process here is what then trump s team files for what they think the sentence should be. and there s a whole lot of back-and-forth exactly what one of the things that the probation officer will be doing. they don t just have to interview some thinking interview family members. they can talk to prior victims if there were any victims in this case, it s victimless, so to speak, but they re going to be continuing to do their investigation. the judge is doing his research by the way, he is looking at how many similar people have had these types of charges and what has been their sentence. so he s doing that. and meanwhile, the attorneys obviously are working on their recommendations. both the prosecution and the defense. all right. well, thank you all very much. next we do at breaking news on the jury, deliberating in the hunter biden trial tonight, his family turning out in force today. the prosecution warrants the jury about by this family presence in the courtroom plus protests, breaking out tonight 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counts, the president s son could serve up to 25 years in prison he could also be forced to pay up to $750,000 in fines now, when you think about that, just speak declare here as father or the president, the united states has made it clear that he will not pardon his son if he s found guilty. i ve impressed has been following this trial since the beginning. he s out from the courthouse and obviously you ve spent nowadays in days inside that courtroom, evan so the jury has this now, what can you tell us tonight well, aaron, i was in the courtroom this afternoon as both the prosecutor fusion and the defense. did their closing arguments, you could see some jurors nodding off during the 90 minutes defense closing arguments abbe lowell the lawyer for hunter biden, really focused his arguments on trying to direct the attention of the jury on things that he says shows showed shortcomings in the government s case, who pointed out that because there is no direct evidence that hunter biden was using crack cocaine in october of 20 me 18 when he bought the firearm that that is reasonable doubt as to whether he knew he was lying on the form that he filled out when he bought that gun. now, in response to that, there are kinds the prosecutor said someone who holds a crackpipe to his mouth every 15 every 15 minutes knows that they re an addict. so that s really the concise nature of this case. this is a very simple case and so now that the jury has it, we anticipate this is not going to take too long. however what we know is this, once he wanted we get a verdict from this hunter biden faces up to 25 years, possibly under this law, we don t expect that as a first-time offender, if he is convicted that he would get that much. we also anticipate that the that the judge will take at least a few weeks to set a possible sentencing. again, if there is a guilty verdict, again tomorrow, the jury is back here at 9:00 a.m. and we expect that there ll be here all day tomorrow. alright. evan, thank you very much. i mean, we ll see when that verdict comes. and that could be tomorrow, and evan will be there in that courtroom, which was packed today and notably, a number of people in the room were related to a hunter biden, including the first lady, jill biden france over the weekend, she was back. prosecutors have been telling jurors not to be swayed by the president, the presence i m sorry, of the president s family in the courtroom saying, quote, this is not evidence tom foreman s out front as the jury headed into deliberations, hunter biden s family was there in force his mother, his wife, and others packing the first rows of the courtroom this even after a brutal week of testimony, full of painful details of his infidelity, divorce for this drug addiction, and grief, all of which he acknowledged long ago i made mistakes in my life and wasted opportunities and privileges. i was afforded for that i m responsible. women in his life had played a big role in court. ex-wife, kathleen buhle, testifying that she searched hunter s car before their daughters got in and found drugs or paraphernalia on approximately a dozen occasions, his former girlfriend, zoe kestan, whom he met when she was a dancer at a club, said he appeared to be smoking crack on their first evening together. his daughter naomi tearfully took the stand in her father s defense, only to be asked by prosecutors about this text to him. i m really sorry, dad. i can t take this and first lady, jill biden has been in court to holding hands and the family line. i love hunter and i ll support him. and i in any way i can. and that s how i look at things hunters, deceased brother beau has also loomed large. witnesses have talked about the devastating impact of beau s death or cancer in 2015 hunter has said the grief was so intense it spurred or romantic relationship with beau s widow, hallie and that grief turned into a hope for a love that maybe you could replace what we lost. and it didn t work it didn t work. indeed a trial, haley said hunter introduced her to crack it was a terrible experience. she said, i m embarrassed, i m ashamed. i regret that period of my life through it all the unstoppable refrain, drugs, drugs drugs with segments of his own audio book played as evidence i possessed a new superpower, the ability to find crack and anytown at any time, no matter how unfamiliar the terrain, it was easy. and of course, president joe biden is hovering, not in person, but in spirits. his decision already made will you accept the jury s outcome, their verdict no matter what it is? yes. and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes this would be a difficult bit of testimony for any family in this country to endure. i am sure, but with a member of that family seeking to hold onto the white house knowing the whole nation is watching, just makes it more so. aaron, tom, thank you very much. and ryan goodman is here, so ryan just going through that, how many people were in the room when you think about it ex-wife, sister-in-law, former girlfriend his his stepmother, joe biden, all of them in that room. what does that do to the jury? so, i, think it can make the defendant to look like a more sympathetic character, especially because you ve got this audio tape, which i think some of what they re playing, it makes him seem very creepy. and he s talking about criminal conduct in a sense. but here you have the family that s showing love and support for a person who is giving the image of being rehabilitated and so that could be sympathetic to the jury, and that s why the prosecutors maybe felt like they had to say something to try to defuse that, to say that s something separate from whether or not he s criminally guilty of the alleged right, which they re trying to say, don t look at who s in the room. it s not about the case, but is defense attorney abbe lowell as devin was referring to, said during his closing closing statement that hallie biden, who was bows wife, who at one point, as hundred talking about was hit dated hunter after beau s death, did something incredibly stupid. that s how abbe lowell put it when she threw out hunter biden s gun and your source, with the things you do for love in that instance, is that a good move with this jury? do you think i guess the context here is they were nodding off during his 90 minute closing all right. so i think he might need to say certain things to try to charge them up and focus back in on him. but that s especially using that kind of language against hallie biden that could come across as a sexes trope to identify her as such. and then the defendant is not somebody who s engaging in stupid but the woman someone exactly. and with that many women on the jury, it s not a good move and it s just wide wave and say something like that. they could just say, look, i don t like this. i don t like this. defense council. i don t trust him and part of his narrative that he s trying to sell me on includes that element in it and that s not persuasive. so again, interesting, as evan said, a few of them were nodding off during that closing. one hour of deliberations today, how soon do you think we got a verdict? i think we could get the verdict tomorrow and not in the way in which when if you get a very early verdict, you often think it is they re gonna be a guilty verdict. that s just having a manhattan with donald trump. i think the case is very straightforward. it s only a week s worth of testimony for both sides. and the law is very straightforward as well. so it s three charges all around the same set of facts over lemon day period i think they could come back tomorrow with guilty or acquittal or hung jury, and we surprised that president biden said he would not pardon his son. i don t think so. i think that he really has to the ground of that. he needs to be separate from this and that he s trying to restore faith and the justice department and in some ways, our criminal justice system. so for him to suggest anything other than that would be a mistake, right? right. all right. thank you very much, ryan. next, we have breaking news of massive protests breaking out tonight across one of america s major allies after the far right is pulled off, a major and historic victory could this be a warning sign for biden meet the ceo taking on apple s tim cook and winning. and what he s creating. wait till you see it changed the world this election seasons stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results follow the facts follow. cnn i m getting vaccinated by sir pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine syllabi because i m at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia i m getting prevnar 20 because there s a chance pneumococcal pneumonia could put it me in the hospital if you re 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at 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[sfx] ambient / laughing. scan the code now and ask about the bosley guarantee. high brazil alvarez at the white house. and this is cnn closed captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you cora, i can having utis for ten years. you, cora. we make uti relief products. we also well make proactive urinary tract health product. you cora, is a life s they tried today at your breaking news, massive protests breaking out across france tonight in the face of major victory is by far right, politicians across europe. we ve got new video and to cnn showing huge crowds and paris these far right winds were a shocking blow shocking to one of america s top allies, the french president emmanuel macron, suffering a stunning defeat that could see him lose its majority. the election results becoming clear as macron was actually meeting with president biden, who may face the same fate, a falling to the far right and just months. fred pleitgen is outfront is seizure all done? bother launch a landslide defeat for french president emmanuel macron s party in the european elections is a diesel donc swa less some blurriness, you macone immediately dissolving french parliament and calling for snap elections in france. so this is young the decision is serious, a hard one he said, but it is above all, an act of confidence, confidence in you, my fellow citizens the call came is the far-right as somone, as soon as one around twice as many votes in the election as macron s party sluggish economies in many european countries and the migration crisis similar to the southern border in the us, where the top issues for voters across europe many of the right-wing parties gaining ground, also sympathetic to russian leader vladimir putin like my thinking lappin of the asam, the mona s you now, who s been a kremlin out? for years. they processor. so this premier, the french have spoken and this historic election shows that when the people vote, the people, when she said in germany, chancellor olaf scholz s party also suffered a beat down coming in third behind the right-wing alternative for germany or afd, the afd with big gains even after their main candidate claimed there were decent people and hitler s buffon, ss and employed and accused a chinese spy in his office during the election campaign we had a bumpy start to the election campaign and then really caught up in the final sprint, the party chairman said after all the prophecies of dual after the barrage of the last weeks, we are the second strongest force europe s far-right, often skeptical of relations with the us. will be a strong force in europe s parliament, hungry. and one of former president donald trump s strongest allies in europe viktor orban of hungary, also an eu skeptic at a strong show i guess to sum up the results of the european parliamentary election, we can send in a telegram to brussels saying migration, stop gender, stop the war, stop soro, stop russell s stop. he said and aaron in various european countries, the centrist forces lost ground to those far-right parties and just i ll give you an idea of how dire the situation there isn t some places are here in germany, normally, the green party attracts a lot of young voters, but this time around, the greens actually lost a lot of young voters. and many of them went to the right alternative for germany. aaron, we ll questions and raising real questions here in the us, fred, thanks. thank you. and i want to go out adjacent van tatenhove. he s a former spokesman for the far-right oath keepers group, testified before the january 6 select committee, and he s also the author of the perils of extremism. how i left the oath keepers and why we should be concerned about a future civil war well, jason, i m glad to be speaking with you again because you can put real perspective on this. you know, the far-right movement in the united states. so well how emboldened are they by what we are now seeing happened tonight across europe? well, i think it does play a part. i think you know, what happens here. ripples across the world in that happens back-and-forth those victories are going to be seen as a victory here too, that there s momentum growing and i think we need to take it as kind of a dire warning as to where we really are right now, even with a front runner that is just been found guilty of so many charges it just doesn t seem to matter. there s certainly momentum growing you see it as a dire warning. i mean, we have seen jayson to your point a disturbing rise in rhetoric, violent rhetoric and threats since trump was convicted, axios reported another far-right group, the proud boys, wrote in a website hope these jurors face some street justice and don t be surprised, you know, this was going to happen stand back and standby. this is far from over. we promise. so stand back and stand by. of course, the words that trump himself had used in 2020. and someone told the pro-trump right-side broadcasting network, which is something many may not have heard of who watch this program, but it s out there and at a trump rally over the weekend, they said this we re in a, third world nation now. so yeah, i would expect it at some point that like it ll break out into violence. i mean, at this point there yet they re using the courts against their opponents we ve seen that before, so we know what s next yeah we re a third world nation now, and i would expect it ll break out into violence what are the threats and the talk of violence that you are seeing and hearing right now that were you most you know, really what worries me most is where it s coming from and my thought process. that s from trump this really seems to have evolved past what i would call stochastic terrorism, where you have a message that goes out. it seems to be passing a threshold where i think really he s just putting out this messaging and if you look at the emails that have been going out last week or so, the rhetoric is getting more extreme it s according that line of direct violent action more and more and unfortunately that audience, there, members of that audience consuming those messages that may take action that looked to be preparing to take action and that s a very concerning to me. when you say looked to be preparing to take action, do you really believe that there is sort of i don t know how organized you would describe it as, but that there really are those preparations that stand back and stand, stand back and stand by i think we would be foolish not to take them at their word i think that absolutely there we saw kind of an evolution of tactics after january 6 and during the prosecution s that happened with the people involved where it kinda it moved away from these, these big national groups and big national events to hyperlocal going after the drag storytelling hours and such. but now i think we re seeing a shift again where we re going back and there is a reorganization happening and i think we re going to see more coming from that national, those national groups that they are definitely ready to reappear. i will jason, i appreciate your time sobering warning. as you say, a dire warning that you re putting out are but thank you. next, a secret new recording of justice samuel alito, plus i m going to speak to the former new jersey governor, christine todd whitman. she put her reputation on the leinz. she endorsed alito during his confirmation hearing. she was the one there her face was out there. does she now regret it plus apple trying to play catch up to accompany now, there s a company worth more than the iphone maker and the ceo of that company has net worth is now 100 billion he says he s just getting started devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in faraway lands and it s easy to think it can t happen here if one hits home, will we d be ready silent birth with liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn doug lima someone needs to 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cause irregular or fast heartbeat or abnormal movements, seek help for fever, stiff muscle balls, problems thinking or sweating, common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness ask your doctor for us? instead. oh xr don t columns bad debt holding you back all. your, ambitions all in one low fixed rates far left, 100 keg no fees required. so phi get your money, right cities industry-leading global payment solution shins help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries, and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food two people in need. together, city in the world food programme empower families across the globe tonight, supreme court justice samuel alito secretly recorded on tape the conservative justice who wrote the opinion striking down roe versus wade, explaining why he thinks compromise is unrealistic on polarizing issues. alito making the remarks to a liberal documentary filmmaker who represented herself to alito as a religious conservative and secretly recorded their conversation, which was obtained by rolling stone. now, we have not obtained the full audio here is a part of it that they ve put out for you to hear one side or the other there can be the way of working our. way of living together, please it s different because there are differences. one fundamental things that really it s not like what the difference this comes as a leader was embroiled in controversy after the new york times reported that an upside down american flag flew outside his home in northern virginia in january 2021. it was, of course, a standard flat a standard bearer of january 6 protesters, as well as the second flag, one carried by the insurrectionist on january 6, it flew outside his vacation homes. so two different flags, both used on that day, out front now for republican governor of new jersey, christine todd whitman, who introduced alito at his confirmation hearing back in 2006. recommended him to the senate judiciary committee. so governor whitman, i really appreciate your time and obviously it s been a long time, nearly 20 years since you did that and you publicly vouched for alito you spoke out for him? and now time has passed and you see him things he has done. you see his defiance admits this flag controversy. does this make you see him differently or regret your support? absolutely. without question i mean, i was willing to support him because i looked back at his record and when i was appointing justices particularly the supreme court or any of the judge s. what i look for is how many times said they ve been overturned? did they write clear opinions and were they able to judge cases based on the facts presented to them in that case. and i actually saw a case that judge alito had actually had decided in favor of a plaintiff. it was clearly against what his personal convictions were relative to the matter of choice send abortion. and so my feeling was okay, he s shown that he will put aside his personal convictions to judge and decide a case based on the facts presented in that case unfortunately, since he s gone to the supreme court, that s just seemed to have gone by the wayside. yeah. i mean, obviously i wrote that wrote that opinion in roe v. wade in the letter to congress about the flag, alito said his wife flew the upside down flag because she was greatly distressed. those were his words by disputes with a neighbor and explaining his wife s motivation to fly the flag. he wrote, quote, house on the street displayed a sign attacking her personally a man who was living in the house at the time trailed her all the way down the street and buried her in my presence using foul language, including what i regard as the violet epithet that can be addressed to a woman. now, i spoke to emily baden. she was the neighbor and the dispute she put up the sign alito refers to which he said didn t refer to mrs. alito at all her husband are now husband is demand and alito mentioned in the statement, but she by the way, was the one who used the epithet in alito s presence. it was not her husband, as he said, but i want to play for you, governor, specifically, something crucial. she told me about alitos claim about the flag i just want to emphasize that the interaction that happened on february 15th is the one that they re using as an excuse for why they flew the flag. and i really want to hammer home the fact that that happened on february 15, and their flag went up two or three weeks before that, at best, he s mistaken, but at worst he s just outright lying the flag was flying before the altercation that alito says was the reason that the flag was put up, right? that s what she lays out very clearly. he wrote his version of things, governor in a letter to congress you re not allowed to lie to congress or they re serious penalties to that should he address this contradiction? well, first of all, it gets very tired and you see these guys pulling their wives. i mean, khan really it besides it is disrespectful of the united states of america. that s america slag it s not if you have a controversy with your neighbor, you deal with it with your neighbor, call the police if you want, use the courts, he should know about that. but you don t fly the american flag upside down. and as you mentioned before, it s a very clear signal two people who were part of the insurrection, and then how does he explain the other flag at their, at their other home? i mean, is his wife just doing that without his knowing and without his caring. when you assume a role like such as the supreme court justice you have a certain standard. you set a message, you set a standard for the entire court. the court comes under scrutiny when this kind of thing happens as it has already anyway, for a couple of other issues and they re having and the lack of it seems standards while his wife, isabel, quite for my wife is fond of flying flags i am not. my wife was solely responsible yeah. you find that jarring really? yeah. come on. man up at least. and if your wife did it, you should have seen it when you walked in the door and said, that s got to come down and then make an apology. say that was all a mistake. but say she put it up upside down by mistake for pete s sakes, but you don t you don t ignore it. let it hang and let the other one fly as well. you deal with them immediately. you re held to a different level of it. this is just a basic thing. i don t care whether it s a supreme court justice or not. that is so disrespectful to the, to the american flag. i mean, he won t rigueur some january 6 related cases he did write an opinion in 2021, actually, for the supreme court about a flag outside boston city hall. and in it he said that anybody who is looking at it would conclude that all of those flags convey some message on the government s behalf. he wrote that he was saying, if you fly a flag outside the boston city hall, people are assumed that s the view of the boston city hall government. but yet when it comes to himself, he says, it s my wife s fall it is their real hypocrisy. there is one statement oh, absolutely. i think it s very clear the unfortunate thing is, no one seems to really care and it doesn t appear is if the chief justice is going to do anything about it i mean, they ve adopted supposedly standards of content of conduct, but they re going to be judging themselves and somebody inside they re gonna be looking at each other to say what s appropriate and clarence thomas is a whole another issue. so the court right now is not in the best odor, shall we say with the american people and the real tragedy here is that when the american people lose faith and the justice system, we re going to really dangerous place. and we shouldn t, we shouldn t be here. it s not a good place to be. we have to have faith in our justices we have to assume that they are going to judge cases based on those facts before them in that case. and to have this kind of thing going on on the outside is undermining and demeaning to the court itself. all right. well, governor whitman, i appreciate your time and thank you my pleasure next it started with three friends in a denny s and now their company is worth more than apple. that s right, more than apple today, the iphone maker tried to play catch up. i ll give you the inside story when the competition is it s a nuclear competition, spying is extraordinarily important the russians were trying to spy on us. we were spying on them it s very difficult to determine whom you can trust i was studying right everything got out of control this is a war the secret was secrets and spies, a nuclear game. sunday at ten on cnn when i was diagnosed with hiv, i didn t know who i would be. but here i am being me. keep being you and ask your health care provider about the number one prescribed hiv treatment, big tare the dharavi is a complete one 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“un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. a bro pain-free absorbing for this cnn presidential debates, june 27, nine live on cnn and streaming and backs tonight, apple s stock slipping as it struggles to compete with the general public is rather a little known ai, company called nvidia. a company that is now worth more than apple and has the hottest stock in the world nick watt is out front ladies and gentlemen. this is blackwell take visionary dressed in black holding a thing that will change our world. you know, the drill. but this is the gray cpu. yeah, that s tougher to explain in an iphone and to unlock the phone, i just take my finger and slide it across hey guys, we work on something that is very important to the world that is incredibly hard to do. here s why you should care nvidia does is vital to artificial intelligence which will change everything. this is the company that makes the silicon that is powering all of these large language models. media is kinda everything in the ai space right now. it s almost like they re the only company making bricks during an old-fashioned building bu if you had invested just five grand and nvidia ten years ago. today, you re a millionaire and apparently that s not just built on crazy hype there are unverified online tales of even mid-level employees are massing multiple millions in stock options. i am not going to give you any financial advice that s not really my wheelhouse, but they re there is let s just say there s reasoning behind it. and in videos backstory is delicious, founded at this danny s and 1993 by these three dudes. they just hope to make for games look a bit better. one of them johnson, one still leaves the company, is net worth just topped 100 billion. and he s still hungry still thinking can we create a time machine so that we could see the future of climate change. let s see it today. and video survived an early near bankruptcy and eventually succeeded spectacularly on the video games thing with what they called graphics processing units or gpus. they ve dabbled unsuccessfully and smartphones successfully and crypto mining and took a big gamble moving beyond gaming graphics to more general use movies, health care climate modelling with processors that can make multiple simultaneous calculations. turns out they re fantastic for ai. they made a bad break correctly that it s the next big thing and they re making a very similar bet right now in the world of robotics. so as that begins to take off, they re gonna continue to be ahead of everybody. video is value just crippled from 1 trillion to 3 trillion in under a year. but video doesn t actually manufacture anything. they outsource that. they design still this is now the second largest corporation on our the planet with all our futures in its manicured hands toward holding this is the most complex highest performance computer the world s ever made. that that s why you have to care now, in the next few years, the competition is going to heat up in this marketplace for making the chips that train ai. but some analysts say that right now nvidia has maybe up to a 95% share of that market is they ve got a huge head-start on their main competitors intel and amd. amd just launched a new chip in video says are going to launch new chip every year that 3 trillion valuation peaceful world column. just said maybe

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Business Today 20240610

as the billionaire pop star s eras tour gets underway in scotland. welcome to business today. i m sally bundock. more now on the results in europe as the bloc s parliamentary elections come to a close. as you ve been hearing, we ve seen a surge on the right across the region. we ve seen a surge to the right across the region. in france, the strong showing for marine le pen s national rally triggering a snap election in france called late yesterday by president emmanuel macron. the outcome of these elections are of significance because the politicians in the european parliament will be agreeing on the bloc s budget and economic policies and its position on trade. the european union is the world s largest trading bloc the top trading partner for 80 countries worldwide. with 27 member countries and an integrated economy, it has a combined population of around 440 million people. that s a vast consumer base for its own producers and exporters around the world. let s hear now from rebecca christie, senior fellow at bruegel. good morning to you, rebecca. first of all, your reaction to the results? first of all, your reaction to the results? the situation in france is the results? the situation in france is shocking. - the results? the situation in france is shocking. not - the results? the situation in france is shocking. notjust| france is shocking. notjust that the national rally party came in with 32% of the vote, but that it was really twice that of emmanuel macron s renaissance party and that he called snap elections so soon after, because he felt he could not govern without a new mandate. not govern without a new mandate- not govern without a new mandate. ., ., , ., ~ mandate. so, what do you think drove voters mandate. so, what do you think drove voters to mandate. so, what do you think drove voters to the drove voters to the centre right and further right? was it about economics? cost of living crisis? the fact that people are feeling worse off at the moment? it’s that people are feeling worse off at the moment? off at the moment? it s very different. off at the moment? it s very different, country off at the moment? it s very different, country by - off at the moment? it s veryl different, country by country. you do see a lot of discontent with the status quo, and a feeling of frustration. in france, that turned out, as we just discussed. in hungary, for example, viktor orban s party is facing a challenge for the first time in recent memory. in germany, the centre right christian democratic union, which is a very mainstream party, did better than people might have expected. however, olaf scholz, the current chancellor his party did worse. so we re seeing just a general sense that folks would like to do something different. going forward, when it comes to the big decisions about the budget, for example, which is really controversial how much money each country puts in the pot what does this result mean for those kind of discussions and negotiations going forward? the discussions and negotiations going forward? going forward? the new parliament going forward? the new parliament will - going forward? the new parliament will probably going forward? the new i parliament will probably be more unpredictable, or even more unpredictable, or even more unpredictable and very fractious. i would expect different alliances to form on different alliances to form on different issues. the consensus on financial regulation will be different from that on, perhaps, environmental regulation and energy regulation. again, on the budget, as you say one of the big decisions coming up is whether the eu will continue to be a bond borrower the way it has been through the pandemic. and deciding what to do with the remains of this pandemic borrowing programme and whether to have another one after 2026 will be a huge deal. will be a huge deal. we ve mentioned will be a huge deal. we ve mentioned globally - will be a huge deal. we ve mentioned globally the . will be a huge deal. we vej mentioned globally the eu will be a huge deal. we ve - mentioned globally the eu bloc is the biggest trading bloc in the world. what does this mean in terms of its global position economically? in terms of its global position economically? the eu really has to balance economically? the eu really has to balance its economically? the eu really has to balance its relationship - to balance its relationship with china and also its relationship with washington. the us, of course, has its own elections coming up later this year that will be at least as much of an effect on that will have at least as much of an effect on what s going on in europe as the eu political situation. meanwhile, with china, we are expecting in the next week or so to get some news on how the eu is going to approach automobile tariffs. all of this sets the stage for a lot of debate about how open, how much trade, how is the eu going to de risk and not de couple, as they say? because the eu cannot afford to stop trading with china, but it also wants to protect itself. fik. wants to protect itself. 0k. interesting. wants to protect itself. 0k. interesting. thank - wants to protect itself. 0k. interesting. thank you - wants to protect itself. ok. interesting. thank you for your time. good to get your take this morning. seniorfigures from germany s governing coalition have reacted angrily to a speech by the chief executive of deutsche borse, theodor vymer. in it, he railed against the country s reputation amongst investors and said germany was on the path to becoming a developing country. the speech was delivered to the bavarian economic council in april, but surfaced on social media on friday. a leading social democrat told the financial times it was more beer tent than dax listed company executive, while a green party spokeswoman tweeted her irritation on x. here are some excerpts from that speech. translation: i know half the dax peeple translation: i know half the dax people here translation: i know half the dax people here personally i translation: | know half the | dax people here personally on a first name basis. i get around a lot. i don t want to spoil it tonight, but one thing is clear. our reputation has never been as bad as it is now. economically speaking, we are on the way to becoming a developing country. we re making ourselves small in front of brussels and berlin, the entrepreneurs. yes, and the americans tell me straight to my face, stop being a public economy that sits like a rabbit in front of a snake and demands that the snake bite. become a private economy like us. the difference is now that, in the usa, they say, we don t care which old man becomes president. our migration policy i don t want to get too political is seen by everyone as completely wrong. our focus on do gooders everyone as completely wrong. ourfocus on do gooders is not shared anywhere. economic migration means that, if you have a shortage of skilled workers, you bring in people who work, who speak your language, and generate social products. but not those who collect 50% of the citizens income and send it somewhere else. let s explore all that now with russ mould, investment director at aj bell. good morning to you, russ. good morninu. good morning to you, russ. good morning- this good morning to you, russ. good morning. this is good morning to you, russ. good morning. this is really good morning to you, russ. good morning. this is really come - morning. this is really come interesting morning. this is really come interesting that morning. this is really come interesting that this - morning. this is really come interesting that this comes i morning. this is really come l interesting that this comes to the fore now off the back of these parliamentary elections in europe, where actually things worked out quite differently for germany as well and for chancellor olaf scholz. - and for chancellor olaf scholz. ., ., - and for chancellor olaf scholz. . ., ., m scholz. yeah, i had a quick look on scholz. yeah, i had a quick look on x scholz. yeah, i had a quick look on x this scholz. yeah, i had a quick look on x this morning, . look on x this morning, formerly known as twitter, and it now has 470,000 views although only 13,000 of those who ve watched it have liked it, which is interesting in itself. it does raise some big issues. germany has been through geopolitical shock because of its dependence on russian oil and gas, which it s now had to wean itself off. its economically performed pretty poorly even in the first pandemic period. even the stock market one of its major companies is going through a mire in the courts, so you can see why there s a crisis of confidence. from an investment point of view, however, the german stock market is pretty much still at an all time high. i know vymer said it sjust because german trades are trading cheaply and it s like a junkjob, but international junk job, but international investors junkjob, but international investors still think, indeed, there is still something to look for in germany. he seemed to be venting look for in germany. he seemed to be venting a look for in germany. he seemed to be venting a lot look for in germany. he seemed to be venting a lot of to be venting a lot of frustration in this speech. i have heard other economists that i ve talked to, when they ve been talking about germany, talking about the fact that the lack of investment over time, and the fact that china is now really, when it comes to the car sector in terms of electric vehicles, in particular, taking so much ground, which is germany s most important market.? ground, which is germany s most important market. . . ? ground, which is germany s most important market. . . ? important market.? yeah - and what happens important market.? yeah - and what happens to important market.? yeah - and what happens to the important market.? yeah - and what happens to the internal- what happens to the internal combustion engine for germany is a huge issue. but a lot of theissues is a huge issue. but a lot of the issues that vymer is raising energy, tax, welfare spending, immigration it s a bit of a big echo of what we re hearing in the uk general election campaign where i m sitting right now. and it looks as if the uk s going to shift to the left, whereas europe is shifting to the right. again, there s a discontent with the status quo which we re hearing about. vymer talks about how america is uccing up a lot of investment, whereas germany s finding it hard to attract it. it s interesting that, on one half, he says we need interproblemers and need a smaller state. interproblemers and need a smallerstate. on interproblemers and need a smaller state. on the other hand, he s saying we need smaller subsidies. you can t have your cake and eat it too can t have everything at once. at the same time, it s coming on social media olaf scholz s party getting the worst ever result in the european election, coming third behind the far right alternative for germany. i mean, in his party, in his coalition, there s going to be a lot of naval gazing going on now, isn t there? i think the coalition overall is this sd/liberal/green coalition seems like it s a bit frozen in inaction at the moment, finding it difficult to get anything done. again, ithink it difficult to get anything done. again, i think that s probably part of the frustration that vymer is voicing. this loss of confidence just looking at the american economy, how that continues to surge ahead, is interesting. but remember, president biden is by no means certain to win this election in november that he s fighting, and discontent with the economy and discontent with the economy and inflation are two of the biggest hot button topics there as well. there seems to be a very, very common problem one that s notjust unique to germany, despite how frustrated vymer is. germany, despite how frustrated v mer is. ,, ., ~ germany, despite how frustrated v meris. ,, ., ,, vymer is. ok. russ. thank you. good to see vymer is. ok. russ. thank you. good to see you. vymer is. ok. russ. thank you. good to see you. see vymer is. ok. russ. thank you. good to see you. see you - vymer is. ok. russ. thank you. good to see you. see you again| good to see you. see you again soon. the global tech industry is gathering today for london tech week, with microsoft and ibm in attendance amongst investors and entrepreneurs. the event will look at the challenges of balancing ai innovation with regulation, along with the future of security and data. last month, a british firm called wayve raised over a billion dollars in funding to develop tech for self driving cars. that s the biggest known investment in a european ai company. but the most valuable ai firms are based in the us or china. last week, nvidia hit a valuation of $3 trillion. so, are london and the uk becoming more attractive for international ai investment? let s hear from one of the attendees, russ shaw, founder, tech london advocates & global tech advocates. good morning to you, russ. this is a really important event for you, in particular. given the chat a we just had with russ month old about what s happening here in europe and in london, there s so much concern about london, the london stock exchange, and how things are going for cheap. talk us through how, this week, london techis through how, this week, london tech is going to make a change? well, i ve heard that london tech week is this week. this is our 11th year doing it. it really gives a bit of a boost to the overall sector, the overall economy. you mentioned wayve our latest unicorn in terms of funding. we re going to have many companies represented this week. i think we have to step back and look at the uk tech ecosystem overall. we have over 150 tech unicorns by a number of metrics salary, the uk has the third largest tech system in the world. this week, we have nearly 45,000 attendees coming. last year, it was 30,000. we have over 100 being represented this week. there s a significant amount of interest notjust in london tech, but in uk tech overall and really getting behind this next generation of start ups and scale ups that are emerging. but we need to keep them as well, don t we? if we want to see companies really go above and beyond within the uk and across europe. it s all happening in california and in the far east, isn t it?- the far east, isn t it? yeah. we ve seen the far east, isn t it? yeah. we ve seen a the far east, isn t it? yeah. we ve seen a lot the far east, isn t it? yeah. we ve seen a lot of - the far east, isn t it? yeah. we ve seen a lot of listings| the far east, isn t it? yeah. i we ve seen a lot of listings on the nasdaq. we see a lot of growth in asia and asia pacific. but i think we re starting to see some very good growth coming from uk scaling businesses. i knowjulia businesses. i know julia hoggett businesses. i knowjulia hoggett will be one of our speakers this week talking about what the london stock exchange is planning to do to be more welcoming to the tech uniforms that we re seeing. i think there s a whole game plan being introduced in the coming months to talk about how competitive our public markets can be. so we have to look across the spectrum to make sure, from early stage through start up through scale up through the listings, that the uk market and the european markets are as competitive as the us. there s a lot of work to be done, don t get me wrong. but i think the innovation that s going to be showcased this week during london tech week, i hope, gives a bit of a confidence boost that a lot of great creativity, dynamism and innovation is happening right here. ~ , innovation is happening right here. ~ , ., here. 0k. well, it s good to chat to you here. 0k. well, it s good to chat to you again, - here. 0k. well, it s good to chat to you again, russ. - here. 0k. well, it s good to i chat to you again, russ. thank you. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. you re with business today. i m sally bundock. india s prime minister and leader of the bjp party, narenda modi, has been sworn in again for a third term in office this time leading a minority government. that s something he is not used to. let s cross live now to archana shukla in mumbai. archana, how have the indian markets been responding to the latest developments? it s the start of a new trading week. ~ ., ,, , .,, week. well, the markets opened on a muted week. well, the markets opened on a muted scale, week. well, the markets opened on a muted scale, but week. well, the markets opened on a muted scale, but on - week. well, the markets opened on a muted scale, but on the - on a muted scale, but on the positive side. from all the wild swings that we saw last week from record highs post exit polls to tuesday, when prime minister modi s party failed to win a clear majority on its own, the shock element subsided and the markets have actually been on an upward trajectory. investors have come back and market have erased all the losses they made on tuesday almost $400 billion worth of money was lost that day, but all of those losses have been erased. as prime minister modi and his council of ministers took oath yesterday, from the list of the council of ministers, it is evident that they are looking at a policy continuity and a majority of the council of ministers come from his own bjp party. and that is something that experts say markets would be comfortable with, because that shows a sense of continuity. but the wild swings that we saw last week is something that has been of a concern. opposition parties have raised that as a question that, should leaders be making statements, forward looking statements in the market remember, prime minister modi and his home minister, ahmet shah, did say markets would be impacted. thank you. in april, nigerian film star junior pope died when the boat he was travelling in from a film set capsized. an investigation found a number of safety failings, including the fact that the boat driver wasn t certified. hannah gelbart from the bbc s what in the world podcast has been speaking to nollywood actors and producers in lagos about the industry s safety record, and what needs to change. nollywood is booming but it s got a darker side. this is a cultural centre here in lagos, and what you can see around me are some of the remnants of a huge nollywood premiere that took place here last night. it had some of the top names in nigerian cinema. nollywood is one of the biggest film industries in the world it s up industries in the world it s up there with hollywood and india s bollywood. it puts out more than 2,500 films every single year. but recently, there have been some concerns over things like health and safety in its films. in april, top nollywood actor junior pope died in a boat accident. it capsized after hitting a canoe in a river, killing five people.- hitting a canoe in a river, killing five people. send a rescue boat! rescue boat! in this clip, filmed byjunior pope the day before he died, he s clearly concerned about his safety. an investigation found multiple failures the boat wasn t registered, its driver had no licence, and only one passenger was wearing a life jacket. that s because they d brought it onboard themselves. the bbc has obtained a now deleted video clip from the producer s instagram, where she says she was told there were life jackets, and junior pope was offered one, but didn t take it. actress and screenwriter ruth kadyri was a friend of junior pope s, and she was shocked by his passing. it junior pope s, and she was shocked by his passing. it was much more shocked by his passing. it was much more painful shocked by his passing. it was much more painfulfor- shocked by his passing. it was much more painfulfor me, i much more painfulfor me, because i have been in that exact situation before. so i understood the fear, everything he must have felt, at the last minute of his life. i had to shoot an epic movie, so we couldn t use life jackets. i asked everybody on the team if everything was ok. they said yes, the canoe was fine. so i got on the boat. action, they said. they started to paddle. it tumbled into this very big river. my colleague, frankincense, grabbed me cos i can t swim and stuff like that. it s. sighs it s an experience and a day that i will never forget. actor jud dk that i will never forget. actor judy dk says that i will never forget. actor judy dk says the that i will never forget. actor judy dk says the industry i that i will never forget. actor judy dk says the industry is l judy dk says the industry is learning from its mistakes. incidents have been quite low, but right now, it s better. i think the incident was a bit of a wake up call to everybody producers, directors, actors. actors, right now, we know we have to come home. we actors, right now, we know we have to come home. have to come home. we all do crazy things have to come home. we all do crazy things for have to come home. we all do crazy things for the have to come home. we all do crazy things for the love i have to come home. we all do crazy things for the love of i crazy things for the love of this crazy things for the love of thisjoh crazy things for the love of thisjob. coming home at 3am. things thisjob. coming home at 3am. things we thisjob. coming home at 3am. things we would not normally do. things we would not normally do our things we would not normally do. ourtiming for things we would not normally do. our timing for filming things we would not normally do. ourtiming forfilming is do. our timing for filming is insane do. ourtiming forfilming is insane. the industry agents should insane. the industry agents should have proper rest days. i also should have proper rest days. i also think should have proper rest days. i also think individuals should look also think individuals should look after themselves and just fix rest look after themselves and just fix rest days for themselves. as nollywood continues to thrive, the world will now be watching how it treats people who work there. the actors guild of nigeria said in a statement, afterjunior pope s death, that it has set up a committee to look into improving safety guidelines and protocols. it s been a long time coming. but taylor swift has finally brought her record breaking eras tour to the uk. an estimated 800,000 fans will put on their friendship bracelets on will put on their friendship bracelets and get ready to experience what some are calling the concert of a lifetime. but what about the economics behind the music? here s kate moore to break it down for us. taylor swift s eras tour is a culturaljuggernaut. with a run time of 3.5 hours and over 150 shows across five continents, it s generated global headlines and unprecedented demand for tickets. the figures are quite something. it s the highest grossing tour of all time, with over $1 billion in revenue. that sjust time, with over $1 billion in revenue. that s just from the first leg of the tour. some experts believe that it could generate $2 billion by the time it finishes in december. by the end of the run, taylor will have performed to 8 million ticket holders. one concert in seattle generated seismic activity equivalent to that of activity equivalent to that of a 2.3 magnitude earthquake. that s according to a professor at western washington university. the tour has coincided with a huge uptick in the body of taylor swift s work. she s released two new studio albums and re recorded two of her older albums, 1989 and speak now. she s the first billionaire in history where songwriting is the primary source of income. all this is combined to produce what some are calling the era of swiftonomics. i m joined now by a swiftonomics academic, megan wysocki, who s designed and written a course in the discipline at the american university in washington. do tell. . .! do do tell.! do you have a lot of students studying swiftonomics? ., ,, ., swiftonomics? thank you for havin: swiftonomics? thank you for having me swiftonomics? thank you for having me on. swiftonomics? thank you for having me on. yes, - swiftonomics? thank you for having me on. yes, we i swiftonomics? thank you for having me on. yes, we do. l swiftonomics? thank you for l having me on. yes, we do. we currently have about 50 students registered for the course and a waitlist that is just as long. course and a waitlist that is just as long- course and a waitlist that is just as long. and is it - what, three years just as long. and is it - what, three years study? just as long. and is it - what, three years study? what i just as long. and is it - what, three years study? what is i just as long. and is it - what, l three years study? what is it? so it s just a single class, an elective, in the overall major of economics. elective, in the overall ma or of economics.i of economics. ok, so it s a art of of economics. ok, so it s a part of an of economics. ok, so it s a part of an economics i of economics. ok, so it s a l part of an economics degree of economics. ok, so it s a i part of an economics degree or whatever? ok. that makes more sense. sojust whatever? ok. that makes more sense. so just talk us through how she has done this. i mean, she is incredibly wealthy. climbing up the forbes rich list, etc. but it s not so much about her wealth. it s about how she has changed so much within the music industry and what artists gain in terms of their influence and power, isn t it? ., their influence and power, isn t it? . ., ., isn t it? yeah. i mean, we are truly seeing isn t it? yeah. i mean, we are truly seeing an isn t it? yeah. i mean, we are| truly seeing an unprecedented level of market power from taylor swift. i think she s a gifted businesswoman, and she s truly changed so much in the music industry from, you know, streaming services and the portion of proceeds that artists received from their streams, all the way down to ticketmaster and ticket sales. she is truly, you know has truly, you know, cornered the industry and is placing her mark on it. industry and is placing her markon it. ., , ,, mark on it. but also, it s kind of on its mark on it. but also, it s kind of on its head, mark on it. but also, it s kind of on its head, isn t mark on it. but also, it s kind of on its head, isn t it? i of on its head, isn t it? because now, the tour, or the concerts the live events are sort of off the back of huge success, which is driven within the streaming sector, isn t it, really? isn t it, really? yeah. so she s continuously i isn t it, really? yeah. so she s continuously at i isn t it, really? yeah. so| she s continuously at the height of her career. i mean, taylor swift s last tour was, i m going to say, 2017. so we ve now had nine albums since then. she s only continued to grow. really, truly, with these streaming platforms as they ve grown in popularity, grown in user size, grown in market share, we ve seen an unprecedented level of the money and power that she s gaining from these streaming services. , ., . , gaining from these streaming services. , . . services. researchers at itarclavs services. researchers at barclays looked - services. researchers at barclays looked at i services. researchers at barclays looked at how i services. researchers at i barclays looked at how much this would boost the uk economy while she is performing in the uk. she s at various venues in edinburgh at the moment. £997 million boost to the uk economy with swifties, they estimate, forking out £848 on average to see her.?! forking out £848 on average to see her -?! see her.?! yes, truly. it s astonishing, see her.?! yes, truly. it s astonishing, when - see her.?! yes, truly. it s astonishing, when you i see her. . . ?! yes, truly. it s| astonishing, when you think see her.?! yes, truly. it s i astonishing, when you think of how many people can fit into a single venue and how much money that amounts to. that s something we ll be exploring in the course, and really the point that i wanted to explore and make apparent to students is that economics all around us. we can be fans of taylor swift and fans of economics, and how these tours and shows impact everything from your tourism markets, hospitality, these labour industries, the amount of not only concertgoers to these shows, but every single person involved with putting on each and every one of these shows it s monumental. it of these shows - it s monumental.- of these shows - it s monumental. , monumental. it is indeed. and we are out monumental. it is indeed. and we are out of monumental. it is indeed. and we are out of time. monumental. it is indeed. and we are out of time. megan, i we are out of time. megan, thank you forjoining us. really interesting and fascinating. swiftonomics it s a thing! you can go and study swiftonomics. let s show you paris this morning as the sun rises: people across france are waking up people across france are waking up to the news that there ll be a snap parliamentary election just in a few weeks time. the announcement came late yesterday from president emmanuel macron. there is so much more analysis and detail on our website. stay with us here as we keep you up to date on bbc news. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. good morning, welcome to breakfast withjon kay and sally nugent. our headlines today. tributes to the much loved television presenter michael mosley after his body is found on a greek island. friends and colleagues describe him as a national treasure. a promise to recruit more gps and improve cancer survival rates. the liberal democrats put the nhs at the heart of their general election manifesto. a surge in support for the hard right in the european elections. french president emmanuel macron responds by calling a snap vote, holiday makers beware. a rise in online customer service scams targeting airline passengers. we ll show you how to spot a fake account to stay safe on social media. in sport, former liverpool and scotland centre back alan hansen is seriously ill. his club announced yesterday their former captain and three time european cup winner is currently in hospital. new laws make it compulsory to get your pet cat microchipped in england or face a fine of up to £500. no sign of some of this week, i m afraid. today part of england and wales starred wet and very windy. no sign of summer this week, i m afraid. it s monday, the 10th ofjune. our main story. tributes have been paid to the bbc broadcaster and author michael mosley, following his death whilst on holiday, at the age of 67. dr mosley disappeared whilst walking in extreme heat on the greek island of symi last wednesday, his body was later recovered

Eastern-scotland , Billionaire-pop-star-s-eras-tour , Business-today , Person , People , Military , Soldier , Army , Crowd , Troop , Uniform , Fur

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240610

narendra modi sworn in as the prime ministerfor a record third term. the party is just getting started as celebrations kick off around the world for pride month. welcome to the programme. it is sam welcome to the programme. it is 8am in singapore and at 2am in brussels, where we start. next exit polls suggest there have been big gains forfar right parties, in elections to the european parliament. this was the first projection for the 720 seat assembly the darker colours to the right representing those right of centre parties seem to have moved to take up more of the seats. the most headline grabbing outcome appears to have been in france, where the far right national rally party has taken more than 31% of the vote. that s more than double the coalition which supports president macron. he has responded by calling an entirely unexpected snap election. translation: the rise - of nationalists and demagogues is a dangerfor our nation, but also for europe. the but also for europe. position in europe and the world. i say this even though we have just celebrated with the whole world of the normandy landing, and in a few weeks we welcome the world for the olympic and paralympic games. yes, the far right is both the result of the impoverishment of the french and the downgrading of our country. so at the end of this day, i cannot act as if nothing had happened. added to this situation is a fever which has gripped parliamentary and public debate in our country in recent years, a disorder which i know worries you, sometimes shocks you, and to which i do not intend to give in. however, today the challenges that present themselves to us, whether external dangers, climate change and the consequences, or threats to our own cohesion, it requires clarity in our debates. ambition for the country and respect for every french person. this is why, after having carried out the consultations provided for in article 12 of our constitution, i decided to put back in your hands the choice of our parliamentary future by the vote. in a few moments, i will sign the decree convening the legislative elections which will be held onjune 30th for the first round and july seventh for the second round. for the french far right, the result is one to celebrate. here s marine le pen. translation: the french have spoken and this - historic election shows that when the people vote, the people win. by giving more than 32% to the national rally, the french have just given us their highest score, all parties combined, in a0 years. it s a real emotion to see this beautiful popular force rising up throughout the country. the big question now where does this leave the european parliament? here s the president of the european comission, ursula von der leyen, who has promised to build a bastion against extremes in the eu s assembly. no majority can be formed without epp, and together, and that is important. together with others, we will build a bastion against the extremes from the left and the right. we will stop them. this is for sure. my colleague christian fraser has been in brussels, watching the results and exit polls unfold throughout the evening. he spoke to our europe editor katya adler, and started he asked what the biggest news was from the evening. the polls are closed and the finance rejection would be worked out within the 27 countries on stage. behind me, the european parliamentary president, who is about to give us the latest projections. we already know from the exit polls in these 27 countries that there has been a definitive shift to the right. in austria, the freedom party, top of the pile. geert wilders in the netherlands taking seven seats. marine le pen, a record 32% in france. the afd in germany coming second. that is one story tonight, but already this election has provided us with extraordinary news in france, where emmanuel macron, who sank to 15% of the vote, calling a snap election in the last week ofjune and the first week ofjuly. it is an enormous gamble on the back of a pretty humiliating defeat tonight in the european parliamentary elections. you can see behind me, we are about to get the latest projection, and here it is. you can see the epp, the biggest in the european parliament, is up from 176 seats to 189. big losers on the greens, 72 all the way down to 52. on the right hand side that chart, the european conservatives and reformists, up from 69, and identity and democracy, up from 49 to 58. those are the two groupings that include the populists and the hard right. there seems to be some confusion from the figures they have put up, and she did say they would continue to check the results and they will be refined through the evening, because the main polls in italy have closed just a short time ago. with 76 seats in the parliament, that will very much affect the projections they are putting out. what does this all mean at the end of the day? the big story, i suppose, aside from those rather dramatic headlines about the hard right, is that the centre and the centre right have largely held. they will control the majority of the seats. on the right, there tend to be some disparate groupings, they don t see eye to eye on issues like ukraine, for instance, giorgia meloni very much in favour of sending arms to ukraine, whereas marine le pen has been much softer on russia. it may be issue by issue where the groups on the right to try to work together, but certainly it is the centre and the centre right which will control the agenda. the question is how much will they need those parties to get some of the things through over the next five years? things like green policy, transition policy, migration and borders, the european budget still to be decided. billions of euros being put into the industrial defence strategy in europe as well. those are all big questions. of course integration and enlargement, always a thorny issue in brussels. so the impact of the shift to the right still to be worked out, i would think, in the coming months, as the parties arrange themselves in the various groupings. no question the story tonight, though, the shift to the right, and a very big backward step for the green playback the centrists. let s turn our attention to india now when arranger moody has taken the oath of office and has been sworn in for a third term as the indian prime minister. this time he will be a coalition government after his party, bjp, failed to win an office is in the general election to govern alone. thousands of guests attended the inauguration at the presidential palace, including the heads of several neighbouring nations. he was a little bit of what he had to say. translation: i little bit of what he had to say. translation:- say. translation: i will faithfully say. translation: i will faithfully and say. translation: | will. faithfully and conscientiously discharge my duties as the prime minister of the union, and that i will do right to all manner in accordance with the constitution. and the law. without fear or favour, affection or ill will. despite his victory. affection or ill will. despite his victory, why affection or ill will. despite his victory, why are - affection or ill will. despite his victory, why are these i his victory, why are these elections significant and different? here is my colleague with war. an oath that narendra modi is more than familiar with. but what follows is uncharted territory. a weakened prime minister, dependent on a coalition for the first time. there are hundreds of pictures of mr modi all over delhi today, and it s something we ve gotten used to here in india over these past ten years. his picture s been on welfare schemes, on vaccine certificates, so that doesn t seem to have changed. but what has is that while this is a win, it s a victory that feels like a defeat for brand modi. the aura of invincibility that has come to surround him has been damaged. and clues to why some voters turned away can be found here in the politically crucial state of uttar pradesh. it was considered to be a stronghold of mr modi s bjp, but it delivered the biggest shock. in a predominantly hindu village in muzaffarnagar, we met men who ve traditionally supported the bjp. but not this time, says shyam singh, who has four post graduate sons who are unemployed. translation: since four years, they have been searching - forjobs, but there are no vacancies. the government talks about development, but we can t see it happen on the ground. price rise has gone beyond limits, it s tough to put food on the table. translation: people had blind faith in modi, - but now they ve opened their eyes to the reality around them. a hindu temple opened by the prime minister ahead of the election, was expected to galvanize votes like these for the ruling party. translation: temples are a matter of faith, i but to feed ourselves, we need work. just opening temples doesn t help us. in another part of the constituency we met people from india s muslim minority who had found themselves to be the target of an overtly divisive campaign by the bjp. translation: when the results came in, we were happy - because we were worried that if they came to power with a full majority, they would make laws that would discriminate against minorities. bell ringing. a leader who s achieved an almost godlike status for his followers has been brought down to earth by the will of india s voters. for mr modi, keeping his allies together will be the test of a new skill. yogita limaye, bbc news, delhi. let s get you news from israeli aware benny gantz, one of the most senior members of the israeli war cabinet which was set up after the hamas attack in october has resigned from the group. he threatened to stand down unless he felt there was a postwar plan for gaza with a deadline set for saturday. he told reporters he was not satisfied and this is the moment he confirmed he was standing down. translation: unfortunately, netanyahu is preventing us i from approaching true victory, which is the justification for the painful, ongoing crisis. and this is why we quit the national unity government today with a heavy heart. yet we feel that it is the right decision. we are now in the midst of a campaign that will impact the fate of israel generations ahead. in order to guarantee true victory, this coming fall, when it will be the one year anniversary of this disaster, we should go for elections and reach a new government. i call on netanyahu to set a date for elections. mr netanyahu had called on benny gantz to remain in the war cabinet. he posted this message on the social media platform x. our correspondent donnison is injerusalem and put the announcement into context. well, i don t think it was a shock because he has been threatening to resign for some time. and he, in fact, was due to give a press conference yesterday and postponed that when we got news of the raid in the centre of gaza taking place. it s not going to bring down the government of benjamin netanyahu, who still maintains his majority in the knesset. but what it does do is i guess it isolates mr netanyahu a little bit at a time when he is calling for unity, and it removes a voice of experience and a more centrist voice from that war cabinet. you have to remember that the coalition cabinet is made up of, really, people with very little experience. that cannot be said of benny gantz, who is a former army chief of staff, a former defence minister, and someone with a long history in the military at a time when israel is now at war. and what it means, i think, is that those further to the right, the likes of itamar ben gvir, who is from the far right of israeli politics, are going to have more influence. and i m just seeing that mr ben gvir has requested himself that he now should be allowed to join the war cabinet. officials from the hamas run health ministry in gaza say that the israeli raid on a refugee camp on saturday which led to the rescue of four hostages led to the deaths of nearly 300 palestinians. a spokesman for the armed wing of hamas says that three hostages were also killed during the operation. we haven t been able independently to verify that claim. several hundred palestinians were also wounded in the raid. hamas accused the israelis of carrying out a massacre. that phrase was echoed by the european union s top diplomatjosep borrell, who described the deaths as another massacre of civilians . more footage has emerged of the rescue israel used helicopters to evacuate the hostages from an area around the nuseirat refugee camp in central gaza. the head of the hospital where they are being treated said none of them require emergency care or large procedures, but that they will need long term evaluations. being deprived of so many things for so long and living under this unbelievable stress is something that leaves its mark, both on the body and on the soul. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. you are live with bbc news. turning to the south china sea were a stand off between the philippines and china has seen tensions ratcheting up in the area. manila accused the chinese coins out of barbaric and inhumane behaviourfor and inhumane behaviour for stopping and inhumane behaviourfor stopping its navy evacuating six servicemen last month. the chinese foreign ministry accuses the philippines of lying and they see the philippines will be allowed to access these only forgives advance notice. chinese ships have repeatedly been accused of harassment of philippines ships, including firing water cannons and ramming boats. the foreign ministry honestly blame the us for tensions in the region. to understand the conflict as it stands at the moment, i am joined conflict as it stands at the moment, iamjoined by conflict as it stands at the moment, i am joined by a strategic and defence studies professor at the australian national university. thank you for your time here today. how seriously are you viewing these incidents? do they have the potential to spark a wider conflict? potential to spark a wider conflict? , ., ., , conflict? there is no doubt this is the conflict? there is no doubt this is the potential - conflict? there is no doubt this is the potential to - conflict? there is no doubt. this is the potential to spark a wider conflict but it depends on the resolve of the participants in this house. the philippines is not well armed and not in a position to assert itself strongly, china has more ships operating in this area, maritime militia, coastguard and navy vessels then the combined fleets of the philippines and the us navy operating in the east asian waters, particularly the south china sea. the question that china sea. the question that china has the numbers here but this has to be put in the context of your context as well. we have what my colleague describes as the full flashpoint of east asia, the korean peninsula, the east china sea, the south china sea and taiwan. my sense is that what we see in the second is the demonstration, if you like, when china is trying to say. including in taiwan and that it is prepared to press to a point by looking to not cross a kinetic threshold, if you like, not firing any bullets or guns or missiles, looking to provoke and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps trigger a reaction from the philippines or the us or someone in taiwan or elsewhere in a similar circumstances to then be there one so they can say see, we are not the starters of this conflict, you guys are. my senseis conflict, you guys are. my sense is that what we see here is not so much in the west we tend to view things in terms of war and peace and we tend to view things through a lens of traditional 19th and 20th century strategists, classing the classic one, and my sense is what we see here is not so much what could be putting the metaphor in a game of chess by perhaps more appropriately described as the game of go. in the game of go you do not remove players from the board, you flip them, you cajole and persuade them, you black male and you do not give them an option other than to be flipped. my sense is this happens with the philippines. i want to pursue one another point. basing blame the us on sunday for the increase tensions are missing a move to deploy medium range missiles in the area, dragging the region into the world is full of an arms race. allies like the us and evenjapan have fledged ironclad support but what is the level of commitment if things escalate? it the level of commitment if things escalate? the level of commitment if things escalate? it is touch and no things escalate? it is touch and go because things escalate? it is touch and go because we - things escalate? it is touch and go because we know . things escalate? it is touch i and go because we know the tribunal ruling in 2016 ruled in the favour of the philippines about its exclusive economic scene but the second is more clouded, much more grey, it says this is not something that has categorically legal recognised jurisdiction falling under the philippines, it is in there, but not the territory itself. the ship that has been lodged on this shoal having troops and people living there on a semipermanent basis is designed to provide evidence of the war that he philippines can legitimately claim that probably that is not recognised. china knows that it is the grey zone and echoes what happened 12 years ago over scarborough shoal where there was a contest between the philippines and china over who could control it, and the us did not want to back the philippines over that because it was not a clear issue in terms of the jurisdiction. similarly with the second shoal today. china knows it is putting the us into a difficult position because legally the actions of the filipinos are not ones that everybody is all that sure about, backing them over, except in terms of the fact it is inside the explicit economic zone and, of course, china did not accept the tribunal ruling of 2016 asset that dashed line does not count. ironically china did sign up to the un convention of the law of the scene. it is trying to have it both ways. i am afraid that is all the time we have but thank you very much for your views on that. main political parties in the uk will also manifest this week and they are being quizzed on how they will fund some of their key pledges was that the conservatives say they can save billions on the benefits bill but labour wants to provide more prison fleeces without having to raise household taxes. here is ian watson. cheering. the main parties are preparing to launch their manifestos this week. the whole country has been longing for and waiting for this election to come. labour s promising to provide more prison places and clamp down on anti social behaviour. now the big parties know you can t pay for policies from small change, but the labour leader wasn t keen to identify spending cuts or tax rises. instead, he insisted it was all about the economy. all of our plans are fully funded and fully costed and none of them require tax rises over and above the ones that we ve already announced. what we do need to do, just to take up the challenge that s being put to us, is we do need to grow the economy. cheering. the prime minister s keen to move on from his d day misstep. today his party wasn t talking about warfare, but welfare. they ve been looking for cash for tax cuts and claim they could save £12 billion from the benefits budget by the end of the next parliament. in my area of welfare, we ve saved £7.7 billion over measures that we ve brought in over this parliament. we cut fraud and error within the welfare system, within benefits by about 10% last year and we can go still further. the lib dems have been banging the drum for investment in the nhs to the tune of billions of pounds. they say they won t raise income tax to pay for this, but other taxes are available. we said we d increase the digital services taxes on the social media giants, the likes of amazon and google as well. so i think unlike the other parties, we ve actually already begun to show very clearly where the money for our health and care policies would come from. the snp accuse the main westminster parties of being deliberately in denial about the public finances. it s important at this election that people focus on the conspiracy of silence that is going on between the labour party and the conservative party. the tories have signed up to £18 billion worth of spending cuts, according to the institute for fiscal studies. and labour, according again to the institute of fiscal studies have not demurred from those figures. the parties manifestos will provide a political sense of direction, but they may be less clear aboutjust how rocky a road lies ahead. iain watson, bbc news. that is all for now, thank you for watching. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. india s prime minister begins a third term. we ll look at the challenges he could face when pushing through economic reforms. plus. how the death of an actor in the nigerian film industry comparable to hollywood is raising safety concerns. hello and welcome to business today. i m arunoday mukharji. we will start the programme in india. narendra modi has been been sworn in as india s prime minister for a third consecutive term. however, it marks the first time his bharatiya janata party has needed allies to form a government. so will that impact mr modi s ability to push through economic reforms? priyanka kishore, the director and principal economist at research company asia decoded, gave us her take. modi is actually working with an alliance which has a lot of experience of pushing through successful reforms under the government. and they will draw upon that experience. of course, i think there will be a slowdown in decision making in certain areas and the big calls that people are expecting, that won t come through. but we will not completely see a stalling. labour reforms, i think, will be prioritised. we can debate the outcomes, but the reality many people talk about is that in the last ten years, india has seen bold economic decisions as well made by the bjp government, and many feel that has worked in a way for international investors. are you likely to see that continue?

Translation , Nations , Heads , Bit , Palace , Duties , Say , Term , Narendra-modi , Party , World , Prime-ministerfor

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Sunday 20240609

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will: senator tim scott on what this means inching closer to november 6789 pete: rookie wnba sensation caitlyn clark snubbed from the olympic team. the bizarre reason why straight ahead. third hour of fox & friends weekend starts right now. pete: rhode island. nice and great. that s great. i imagine in three hours, four hours that beach will be pretty packed. pete: i went to the beach yesterday for many hours yesterday. will: what d you do? pete: mostly sat there and enjoyed with friends. made sand castles and buried my kids. they buried me in the sand. typical stuff swim out to the bank. this was kids go play and then little interaction. very nice day. rachel: very nice. pete: not too much because i had to get up and do the morning show. jen and the kids were there. you successly execute it had. rachel: you got your breakfast. will: they re on a team and they they re on a team and. pete: i finished the order and went into her app. rachel: you did. will: thousands of anti-israel protesters are gathering outside of the white house and furious with the response of oturu ongoing hamas war. rachel: the demonstration as president biden wraps up trip overseas. pete: madeleine rivera joining us now with the details. reporter: hey, guys, the area outside of the white house cleaned up by the time president biden returns and the pro palestinian protesters return and they re going to have these for their demand to send them to israel and thousands travel to the country and the nation s capitol to showcase their furry and andrew jackson with paint and making red hand prints and red line in rafah and crossed by heading into the city and as the protest unfolded overseas in israel, there was joy and they reunited with their families and israeli forces rescued them in a daring operation and we won t stop working till all the hostages are home and a ceasefire is reached. that s essential for happening. reporter:red biden administration is recontinuing to work for the remains hostages through negotiation and antony blinken is heading back to the middle east tomorrow. pete: look who s here with us this morning. shannon bream. i teleported in. good to see you guys. there s so much blow back from progressives in the left and the rights saying it s not too late and we don t like what you re doing and it s cruel and unusual and you wouldn t do that and getting this split of support within his party and israel and hamas with things that are polling out this week and going for every state and we polled and double digit advantage with president trump and people thinking he would be better on that issue so the white house is scrambling. will: acknowledging who sits on the jury. does he need to testify? we ve all talked about, president trump s trial here in manhattan, it s a jury pool that s 85% voted for president biden is we think last time around and those are numbers he s working with and delaware, it s different. that s biden country and they have generations there and they re well known there and a report one juror was crying during the testimony and one jury you need one to hang and not get a conviction. i don t know if i m the defense, i d lean against putting hunter on the stand. there s so many avenues that can open and that why president trump and his team wanted to testify and i think they knew for them it would be difficult and once you put them on the stand, they can go a lot of different places you might not want to talk about. same thing with hunter. rachel: she went through a lot of effort to get there. whether i started reading her travel plans, i thought i m not reading in right. this cannot possibly be. she got it done and i got to think she wants him to feel the support. pete: timing wise on monday for the trial and do you think it wraps up by the end of the week and rachel: one more case, the elderly pro life activist and she s like 75 years old and this is a very violent place to live and where are they the priority for the doj and the city? it s tough for the doj because we remember there were attacks doj is pursuing those people and assigning jail time for people demonstrating and live stream it had and knew what they were doing and it was against the law and i would imagine most of the fo folks and one pled guilty they re willing to know what they walked into and doj not a great optic and equally aggressive going for other folks on the side. rachel: only p 4 and another one in the 60s that got solitary confinement for 22 days, which violates the nelson mandela act that says you can t keep it for more than 15 days and these are very severe unusual punishments and coming to us from new york. will: what can we expect on fox & friends ? rachel: short list and rising and he ll tell us about that and talk over foreign policy and big part of the resume. he s got hesitation and the drain on the resources is real and talk about that . the trump rally that i know you talked ahead of that and that was the district and how does he feel? rachel: here in the south bronx. pete: i have seen all the promos on fox nation and going for fox nation. it s like a dream come true. should have made him wear a mullet wig for the show. janice actively kill it had. pete: proper fox news sunday host and fire cracker break dancing during every commercial break. will: and i m comfortable saying this, they smoked us, pete and rachel. i mean, brian and shannon and dagen embarrassed us. it was a lot of fun. rachel: i can t stop looking at you. tamara who did my makeup. hair and make up was the best and there s a lot of purpose and will blue eye shadow doing this and we ve got to embrace it. our outfits. rachel: i want to do this. i told tom i want to do the 80s thing. pete: anyone else on television that has the range to go from 80s game show to fox news sunday? the range? rachel: there s no one on television who looks more like olivia newton john. the most massive compliment i can give you. let s get physical. rachel: i love you. you are awesome. incredible. pete: check it out on fox nation, the quiz show. looks like a lot of fun. thank you very much. rachel: thanks, shannon. pete: turning to a few additional headlines starting with this, a landslide taking out a massive chunk of road at t town pass in wyoming cutting off a critical lake between eastern idaho and jackson, wisconsin. officials don t know how long it ll take to repair the road and say the closest possible route going more than 60 miles out of the way. hope that i m able to represent you again very soon. it s held in honor of king charles iii s birthday. will: assuming that s soccer style? we didn t show it yet. pete: it s coming up. come on. come on. will: i saw something he slides on his knees soccer style. pete: was that the preview or broadcast? will: throwing me off. pete: on air or not on air? we re not working with pros here. will: most talked about basketball player period, not women s but on l planet. caitlyn clark left off the women s olympic basketball team. christineen writing in the usa today. two sources long time basketball veteran withs decades of experience in the women s game told me friday that is concerned how clark s millions of fans would react to what likely would be limited playing time on the factor of decision making and if true, that s an extraordinary mission of real attention with the old guard of women s basketball for this multimillion dollar sensation. pete: wanting fans and larger contracts and even talking about it for years and then suddenly a sensation, fan favorite shows up and you don t say it s front and center synergy home your vote lifting and all of our votes lifting and you ve got serious animosity or serious reasons for not wanting to elevate that person. rachel: we had dan on earlier from outkick and what he had to say. they had a great opportunity and i don t care about luka or jaylen brown or nb ark finals and there s no basketball player that s a bigger draw right now in the world. i would argue in the world then caitlyn clark. what a missed opportunity. they could have had more eyeballs on women s basketball, which would have equated to going back to your season and fixing up even stronger now it s the same old same old and no one is going to pay attention and that s a missed opportunity and a really dumb missed opportunity. will: it makes with raise reporter: risen above ambition. there s no reason. they re cutting their nose off despite their face. rachel: i just i m trying to understand it all and i think what women of color in sports wanted was more diversity and seems like she s a diverse member inside of this, you know, cohort of female basketball players. rachel: break it down for me. will: i think a lot of women are christian and she s an outlier from race to sexuality and style of play even. she s an out lier. but outlier but it s all garnered her a lot of attention. ratings follow, money followings ratings, and now you ve seen jealousy i think. i don t think it s limited to the superficial factors of race or sexuality. at some point it s jealousy. pete: yeah, it is unfortunate for all the levels you played out and it s not uncommon in sports and like a new player comes in to a league and isaiah thomas famously got this treatment from jordan and magic and others that said hey, new kid, you re a little above and we ll knock you down a peg and tough fouls she faced and there s that dynamic but this feels like more than that. and the question is how long does it persist and to miss such a big opportunity like this for the country saying, wow, i want to watch the women s team at the olympics. rachel: she s good enough to be on the olympic s team. pete: according to to people that follow the wnba the answer is yes, i just don t no. rachel: so much for the sister hood. i thought that s what it was supposed to be about but guess not. a shocking new report reveals the dire impact of biden s energy agenda on the u.s. economy. we re going to talk to you about what it means for your gas bill, next. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i m cold? wait, no, i m always hot. sleep number does that. now, save 40% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. shop now at while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! rachel: biden s energy agenda on the economy and going to unleash prosperity and suffering how is this these policies are actually a war on american families and i want to talk about national security. so let s start with families and what are the opportunity costs of not producing enough oil and how is it impacting us? this is a war on american oil and gas and what has that meant for the american consumer and reason that the price of these policies that are reducing the amount of oil and gas producing in the country and rachel: what we were producing before and so, all that is affecting you and take your food in to deliver the grocery stores and the farms and those expenses are at it and a national security component to this and people understand we are empowering iran and iran is not just causing trouble in the middle east and the oil discovered off the coast of guyana and why empower iran when we have liquid gold right under our feet? i wish hi a good answer to that question. when i give speeches around the country about what biden has done the way he s kind of recked our economy and people ask me is this intentional and trying to hurt america. the higher world oil prices and we re not producing it here at home and makes no sense. rachel: no, you could only be doing this if you re trying to hurt america or in the case of john kerry in charge of that iran policy and at one point he was a hobbyist for iran and you have to wonder what s the thinking here? and the people who suffer of course are the poorest, are the working class, and we re really glad you re doing these kinds of studies and it s important to put it out there and remind people of the way it was, the way it is, and how it can be if we change leadership and energy policies. if trump is reelected president, we ll be producing every sin l barrel we can and a great job here at home and hurting our enemies. what s wrong with that? rachel: yeah, what s wrong with that? steven moore, thanks so much for joining us. thank you, rachel. rachel: biden s border order taking effect this week but is it doing anything? pete and will go off the wall to break it down, next. lord, you know what s on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up. rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun saying, this is my message to you-ou-ou singing, don t worry about a thing ( ) discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals oh, why leaffilter? it s well designed, efficient, i appreciate that. leaffilter s technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. what more could you ask for? call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit i m moving past republican obstruction and using the executive authority available to me as president and doing what i can to address the border. migrants restricted from receiving asylum on the southern border unless they seek it from entering through a established lawful process. pete: joe biden s executive order on the border is now in effect and what does it actually mean? will: go off the wall and see if we can understand what it does, and if it will be effective. pete: good luck. will: here in effect is the policy that is put if place and shuts down the border after 2500 encounters. pete: kind of. seven days in a row above 2500 at which point a cap of 1500 encounters goes into effect and you re still allowing people in but only up to 1500 and it stays in effect until you have 14 straight days of less than 1500. will: 1.8 million illegal immigrants to enter the u.s. per year. pete: under the policy we could still get almost 2 million a year because it s riddled with loopholes. will: that s right. that 1500 number does not apply to the following types of people that may try to come in illegally, visa holders, unaccompanied children, victims of severe form of trafficking, those that use cbp1 app. pete: this is what they ve been touting the entire time, go to the app to be more orderly and that could be thousands and thousands a day through the cbp1 app through ports of industry. people running across not through ports of illegal entry. this new policy is going to address it but it s not going to. will: the executive order by owe biden going to receive criticism include tag of former president trump. they did undo all of your policies with the stroke of a pen. now finally yesterday, he implemented a new policy and however it s nearly 2 million illegals a year. millions o f people are allowed to come in and meanly a joke and everyone knows it and it s got nothing to do with border security pete: the accusation is it has to do with a date in november where he s seriously underwater on this issue and wants to make it look like something is being done. the other reason why, will, he didn t want the television cameras down this. he doesn t want the heat and we ve got a lot of reporterrers down there covering it, one of which is bill melugin. will: take a look at illegal immigrant encounters since it s gone into place and putting in place executive order on wednesday 5600 daily encounters and on thursday 4,000 daily. that s two days over the threshold. pete: correct. that means we would need five more days of numbers over 2500 at which the rolling average would then kick in the 14 days where there s a restriction on asylum seekers and under 1500 for 14 days, then it can go back to these numbers until it goes back underneath 2500 for seven more days. will: not changing the numbers from before the new executive order. this week on the will cain show, which is live at noon across the state fox news u tube and fox news facebook and hang out live and we re watching it on spotify or apple or youtube by subscribing and we ll have pete hegseth on wednesday for off the rails and leading contender for vice presidency doug burgum. pete: your boy. coming on the will cain show check it out every day monday through thursday at 12, noon, eastern time. former president trump earning green in the golden state with a string of sold out fundraisers. will: vp contender tim scott on what it means to inch closer to the convention. inching closer to the convention. he s next. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. i m gonna hold you forever. i ll be there. you don t. you don t have to worry. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or 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torr, welcome. hi, rachel. how are you? rachel: there s been some really interesting positive news for the trump-appointed campaign. tell us where things are at and how you plan to help the president leading up to the convention. well, let me be clear, donald trump is going to be a juggernaut and it s the most remarkable fundraising in history of politics and question immediate to make sure we have donald trump for four more years and have him back on the world stage and one thing we have without question is working with joe biden on the world stage and best thing he can do is going for the vises yule stage ask stay off of it d visual stage and stay off and we need donald trump back on the stage and going from 2017 and we need a sharp president or the united states protecting the western allies and doing the right thing for the merri bowl people and that person is donald trump and it s time for us to fire joe bind. those resources will be very helpful. pete: senator, the left has thrown everything at him including what happened in a trial here in new york city, and they ve counted on it effectively being their campaign strategy and at every step it has backfired. why does it keep backfiring and why do they keep trying? they keep trying because they have nothing else to do but try to keep donald trump off the campaign trail and you know for sure the results of those efforts have backfired and his numbers go up in the polls and he becomes the biggest fundraising draw in american history and politically and it brings to focus the american people and protecting law and justice is job one from president trump and he will not target his political opponent and he ll fire merrick garland and restore confidence in the department of justice. they are out of answers for the american people so all they can do now is lie, cheat and steal. will: the vetting process including senator marco rubio of florida, senator jd vance of ohio, dug burgum, former governor of north dakota and tom cotton and elise stefanik and we sat down with the former president and asked him what are you looks arkansas looking for in a vice presidential candidate? my estimation he gave us three criteria: someone he gets along with. you seem to satisfy that. somebody that selfishly can help him win and historically isn t the case when it comes to vice president and that would be nice. and most importantly he said somebody that could be president. do you think he s satisfied that second and third requirement helped him win and could be president? well, there s no question that i think we have an amazing talented republican party and a great bench. without question having run businesses and having spent ten years in the senate in the house and understanding how this government works and what we need to make sure we do is have people who are ready to take this to the mat. president trump doesn t need any help. what he needs is amplifying his voice. when we do that, we re doing the right thing to make sure that american people have four more years of low unemployment, low enfellation, high enthusiasm and frankly enthusiasm and world peace and put shoulder to the grindstone and make sure the american people and the world experiences four more years of donald trump. listen, when donald trump was president, we didn t have war in ukraine, we did not have conflict in the middle east. we certainly did not have aggression from china, period. we had the strongest economy we ve ever seen in my lifetime. the person people deserve four more years and we have to restore confidence in our justice system. only one person does that. it s not a vp contender and not who the vp will be. it s what we do to make sure president trump gets four more years. rachel: senator, one of the things that the president also mentioned was somebody who aligned with him. obviously on many, many issues you do and you talked about world peace and that s an issue i really care about and i m really scared. i have young sons who are l of draftable age should we go in some sort of conflict. it s very personal to me and talked about the war in ukraine and that might not have happened and donald trump said that wouldn t have happened if he were president instead of joe biden is we are in a war with ukraine. should we take off the table and end that conflict. we need to make sure we have the end of conflict before nato takes on ukraine and the resources we ve seen has come to ukraine frankly because of donald trump. what donald trump said to speaker johnson was simply this, let s make it alone. don t give them the money. don t loan them the money and because of that, you saw the republican coalition rally around the wars of president donald trump and support mike johnson s efforts. what we ve seen in israel is in the middle east is something very clear. with president trump, we had the abraham accords and bringing together arab nations and support back into normalization and relationship with israel. without president trump actually seeing war in the middle east. and in china, president xi understood without question, you can t know what president trump is going to do so let s fall in line and do what we re supposed to do and there s no aggression density wan and look at results of president biden. afghanistan, 13 dead american soldiers. pete: absolutely. unnecessarily. look at the withdrawal, the botched withdrawal. i can go on and on about the contrast of the two and one thing for sure, rachel, under president trump, we saw a 9% increase of the wages of our military. the largest increase in the last 50 years. question saw respect for men and women willing to die for our country and under president biden we ve seen the exact opposite and finish the whole circle. president obama decided to gut the military with a $500 billion reduction in funds. president trump came to strengthen the military and president biden following the same footsteps of his predecessor obama wants again makes our military destabilized. pete: yeah. final point, not talking about mandates on the military. we can t have a conversation abother than fighting the cigar being successful rachel: thank you, senator. thanks, guys, god bless. rachel: you too. father s day is just one week away. the cyber guy has the latest tech savvy gifts to make you the favorite child. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome 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Transcripts for BBCNEWS This Is India 20240608 02:36:54

Transcripts for BBCNEWS This Is India 20240608 02:36:54 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

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Transcripts for BBCNEWS This Is India 20240608 02:36:56

Transcripts for BBCNEWS This Is India 20240608 02:36:56 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

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