Verbeekâs grandmother, Cora Rounds Jones of Blair, was a Gold Star Mother.
By definition, Gold Star Mothers are Americans whoâve lost sons or daughters in service to the United States Armed Forces.
For years, the Scribner woman has worked with the American Legion Auxiliary, Jay Wormwood Unit 121, to raise funds to honor every deceased mother in Dodge County who had a child die while in active duty serving their country.
They pay special tribute to these mothers of fallen service members by placing a Gold Star Motherâs Grave Marker where each of the women is buried.
Funds for the marker project have come from a Scribner Foundation grant, the Fremont Area Community Foundation, donations from the auxiliary and Legion post and individuals.
BY Scribner Economic Development | April 18, 2021
SCRIBNER Carol Verbeek can see the light at the end of the tunnel. âAnd itâs getting bright,â she said.
After speaking with Scribnerâs Economic Development Director, Elizabeth Valla, about her American Legion Auxiliary needing more funds for their Gold Star Mother project, it was just a matter of time before word spread like wildfire.
Verbeek has been working tirelessly with her Unit 121 auxiliary members to raise funds to honor every mother in Dodge county who has lost a child while in active duty serving their country. She started the project in 2016 with 30 mothers to honor, either presenting them with a gold star if alive or marking their grave with a gold star.
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With help from Eric Geller
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