both happening on the hill right now. today's briefing with sean spicer will most likely be focused on drilling down on the idea of the investigation. how long donald trump and his aides have known about it. so, one of the real challenges for them right now is to zero in on what they want to focus on, health care, which is the reason they went to louisville, kentucky. the president going to the home of mitch mcconnell to make his case for the health care bill. as sean spicer, brian, said a matter of days ago, this is their one shot to repeal and replace obamacare. they recognize this as an opportunity they can't afford to waste and try to by climbing up hill. >> peter alexander at the white house, thanks. as casey hunt mentioned, we are showing a hallway with steam pipes over the members of congress. that is the republican caucus. republican members and staff arriving through the catacombs