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law. and we are citizens and organized civil society to remain vigilant of the democratic rule of law. legal, marianna sanchez has more now from lima. he is facing as the decent charges or not . some of the most serious charges one can face. and he has also been he will also essays, almost a year minimum was the issue that has been ongoing in this past few months, middle, so by the same prosecutor. but me tell me no years one day press charges against our the former president a. he has 13 witnesses. he has a series of investigations against us. the york germany says it's foiled a plot by a far right group to overthrow the government rating a 130 sites across the country. the prosecutor general says 25 people from a group, but wanted to build a new german army, had been detained. a soldier, a judge and a russian national or among those arrested. a former german army officer has also been detained in italy. is hundreds here. guns of this is obviously one of the largest terrorist organizations that has existed in the more right wing sector in recent years. in any case, as far as i can judge, it's the worst we have seen so far in the environment of this rice burger and q and on seen. we can see that what some people consider to be completely absurd. fantasies can lead to a highly dangerous decision to exit. russian president vladimir putin sworn, the risk of nuclear was rising. putin says russia would defend itself by any means, but insist nuclear weapons would only be used as a defense mechanism against the nuclear strike and its territory. order regarding the threat of nuclear war, you're right. such a threat is growing. now, as for russia not using its nuclear weapons under any circumstances, we will not use nuclear weapons 1st. but if we do not use it 1st under any circumstances, then it means that the 2nd one will also not be used because the possibilities of using a nuclear strike on our territory are very limited. nevertheless, our strategy as a means of defense, we consider weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons. it is all tuned around a retaliatory strike. that is, when we are struck, we strike back britain's prime minister, threatening to introduce new laws to limit the disruption of caused by strikes. border force workers at several u. k. airports are the latest to take action, walking out between christmas and new year. workers in a wide range of sectors, out demanding more money. because of the cost of living crisis. china says it's rolling back key parts of it's strict 0 private policy following widespread protests. it's a major reversal in the country that's impose some of the topics pandemic measures in the world's people showing miles. symptoms will be allowed to isolate at home governments also reducing mandatory testing requirements. the beam to see these issues, the further deepening of the understanding of the virus ended disease, the reduction of the risk of the disease efficient supply of vaccines and medicine, and the improvement of emergency response and treatment capabilities are some of the required conditions or key elements for us to resume the living conditions before the outbreak happened, chinese president chasing pings arrived in saudi arabia for 3 day visits. king solomon wants to deepen relations with beijing, china as the gulf, nation's largest trading partner with goods worth $87300000000.00 exchange last year, and ukrainian president below them as an mc on the spirit of ukraine. i've been named time magazines, person of the year, the landscape and global praise phase war time leadership during rushes invasion of ukraine. time says the landscape success has relied on the fact. the courage is contagious. so there's the headlines and he's continued 0 now to 0. after out of the world state you events are watching bye for now. oh, a now the just enough you this other jim let me see. we have just, i assemble, you almost be sure to make your check in a what don't you name the name and number. he said, i me i i use i know the logo mean get in dirt miss. yes, that honest lady tom at the lum. your mamma don't miss almost all the evening each day and nimble my head and be weary of me. i need to cut it short to shut the tuesday to see who need to know me, then need them, but i will let them been. we will let the credit union determine where to go. what i gave you a fellow called him. the dish may be cut it fellow with any punish mobile muscle to him. someone bin him go to my game, sir. it yeah. room miss buck dill must see the euros marliss if sen good am you'll soon point your son out larry up mcsaunder colors ah ah ah ben virginia burn again. veronica the other village to the g gateway. initial guinea had denisha all me embassy dish and make our clothes that i mean im good. mm hm. good members from each autumn dall, mother lay some hold on philosophy than bellagio being marked that ben sided j. yeah. shouldn't deny it then mixed to them. they tiny bit shaky, they can get them in j o. m mixture. what m mc misty dean? she? bob, i'm beaten g adam to the window, showing him, brushed her. jani, mishenko. she'll do, you shall shorda. this is wonderful. here. she checked me hard for me, and you be a make me omnia blush. ruth told you she was told and done the nebulous a little dr. neil smith local marietta has. she omnia buell solis. i'm a good and told that i pressure you didn't door let up. not sure. initiative. local, muggy, general, cool. let me jump on. mcclellan will go to lunch more around detention center, car tunnel. alternate. does it take out that it will yield history? cartoon? she really looked at. are they leap or cather? she's mitchell? sure them. yep. i believe jamie j a. let him control it. get your media palmer, mickey obama, them in san on the early be all rushed empty missionary. annabelle beaches are not your mama bizarre mangan teacher clash dynamic arakash dunny nella nella ill urine . send a letter, get you ah ah ah! it's on on the be kilobit this we up much stems to buy them from cuba. yeah, bambi kilobit cheese makes sure they're boil mac. they steer bobbin bonnet. deuce be of thought there to really cause of the ban box them baba kill if it boom all what us an air cannot. what us in a go, this is what us niggers did a bullish to the to what you can and one air antennae been off model. all right, cool london cars on a i did send it to them the showed gardens among welcome magnolia estate interior on my shoulders to the nessa monkey ah sandwiches symbol. if it benches and i get all answers finished. if ya yet receive a country is shambled unless it is ashton dean, j ah, the dim kit gang son ushered the lego there than they may kick attend like gestures may have much to them, but i have is kelty. i'm when i cbs all she give him when a boy. hm. rachel? sure. moment charter baba ya will calibrate the c h to see up in that word. yes. yes. collection of on a. but i'm guild. are all of them were, you know, you could, i shut to be jumble, but i've chosen but what it and benjamin bolden, sanded him, che up pussy of inequity. so maybe as the coin, sana, sally, euclid carving, geek, limousine. my. ve sheely silly a deep bend hungry said i but is badly. mon let it makes it ash divisions sort of the could wa zia whose him she object some business. so then i'll am kurdish them on the idea of where you yeah. mom will claim seen child mom been on someone i. e to do any up the web and okay, to be boy of them was among ah, the delayed key, you know, a strip chem lula moved to the past with difficulty. my nausea. ida pastry, def nia been had an u. v as they seemed to sell them good. leech and kicking did has she tend to get me my shot? mitchell? sure. the leadership with imbecile formula blue he didn't hear lulu didn't get deemed it in be within leg team b earlier. assembly b them will be screened. she's july nation fella. matter matter university. so much a couple of them beyond them. joel debate benny a listen bird. a minute drastic. santa platteville, manette. good toyota hodge m ivy was machine m me again fella. condition that the general curtis from sandy day? no. that makes justin did it. if i hadn't been patched it to for so jack under did him. shannon jam faster. it fitted it did him let him reappear under tom did santa degrass to jam? did it not a little jack demanded mccardle no excess since she really. tom did the intricate. i'll tell you, shall she left with him, flickered. lemme nesa rubio. she's the ah ah beauty ah, or to the gets his be sure. lucy nanette, as in boy you'll diddy. na celia, which i'm not sure i boil did it. pick it out. i will, albert a girl d h is your dog. b. d. direct the candy knitting to wherever york did he would do is be your did you go you'll soon sandy. just clear. made to the who's lam, we old on get said, do your sir elyria, but as a man cannibal loosely has 15 aah! on the us. on event some of the do to she great daughter, chico yet sad godaddy desdemona ariana this in. and may she order? ah, that's all right. excellent. take him. you're gonna be needed. glad. under the carrier of cheese, he only helps to durham. he switches before lunch is make you upset and when they're older you b. candy highly michel in europe. yup. still room if you dont thompson read farmer, let him lead to. well, boy, you're a washington departure portable. you're jani viet, a boy, a dumas among boudreau, a boy gets emerson's ginger orest could almost allows them in teams, almost slauson could get that up, get it yet in boonville. in boy a much wasn't deep. they send me up after they put off a general racket. he janet been, he can do me the dish to them. a provision as dealers, as the advancing to this me to be game. she, alma, them, it is some 80 me albums. i'm a profit sinner. all i be little mama won't tend to make her naive profits her to be named there. so you to do she name europe has she's so much. all right. her and him, dan dalia. has she summit all iraqi up? your shim did bent, so you'd be shay larry, up saving or the man. good am beasen salut? yup. to know awful hardy cadell lead. i'm a bay up. said them. ah, dumb girl, mya. coverson i go away. i wish you all are. did new della did, shin them all, use dan, ben and j suki up modern j. so move to new york pure on one look and plum. i'm get a q all dots on our beaches so they get to be didn't mamma. so i get i will make a chin, so we'll talk cough on them. being him does, she makes a lot more senate them good that senate and sondra and stumbled. thou may orland thou or the base salon mark than they've been in this had you marred this sunday. odms takes time. may ashley, you larder a safe, bender, leasing lady this hagi salon. do ask us, am i to lead and the order come stood amal? oh, in how you all good give me a been done on the la b could pro stadiums that in the issues being raised near near me. category of course much talk no room in any dumb mankind on the malcolm. shoot him to me. shoot, her boss had taught me some learn your pure was i'm all them in the can include in that in it. if you do not, you owe me bush auto or mean the up race. me me odd. nick mullen, clark. oh for me to all you do either the same. yup. to the to the upon macklin, iraq, brooklyn iraq rank cleared it. she said that a chiz de chin man only resume in rose. goodness from dirt. miss ella. it shaved me impass victory. took and did them a set me pass victim nor my 3rd and to be and when we talk so road any be your billing jason of tar kid him or jim was below had yes miss hard. they did miss you . his heart flag them their past thick filler. unlocked, washed in her and she oh, this is a safety in oh no, just say oh mother mm hm. b o. a g o a harry every day say me. oh, man, you kindly. i mush clear it in on sandy la ben. car, living, den busch, her yeah. j e. nancy. oh oh i just i tried to shake it in ashes or a new 5th talk. do dish bullitt, you know actually no more than than isn't the bullish a visa? yeah. just been some all of our special that come on lead or miss of will be the idol the holiday oslander? yes. okay. she can do is daniel to come to she mostly cars coach to look nearby. joe. yeah, forgive me. only take me since you are not on my unless you put it because you have a chance to take your son cause she withdrew bullshit. costano and cut them up into the supplement air. pearson mo should buy up mother rochelle, so she didn't get it should be very up there. and if ya knew failure, so could kitchen golden goods be shell more than roberta b. you stay for lunch? if yoke will be good for now, early now you did the anna. but her ginger didn't bandage him in a little yard. dim. janet, we are much more let me get the news than if a soldier's then didn't talk so little. didn't take much. diana old mill yet in lubbock, in some oldest journal. isham of mr. ah, a baba. but adam sticky all the sin. evelyn dale, him said, a tall, tragic lesson look. jam vision met sand. we up through a similar area, chalicia harrisonville day any. meet you new e 8 on my chelsea, ramirez moon. i had put out my b. good early. be all reject you banjo immediate return. you yeah, are you talking to dixon? they talked dr. go, dixon, did docs and you kill him. they did bomb these, embry, casella. sonya holland. that mir senate fallen should do as should medic drum at salt. now santa will talk source in march or social sankey, new york, in no, nina, near shamartha. ah, it mean words to me? it resemble egypt. shame worth that art. shaky de called him or hi, lee jim mama de la made your them better oftentimes to has abuse up mitchell showed them or other trick judy than them be at the cliff gal. me sh ah john l j. good mang getley. when you rest valuable in that video on that the english showed it. mitchell shirley, the kit up opium. wish on la adam julio bonner declares, i'm on a stiff berlin. sheila, a checked on when he attended janice in. he is jewelry conducted him yard. bang goes girl moore, dbi mural, kurdish and bang, take bush and i've been thus nob shanowsky jemaya joy. i say to him, said them stackable, or will it be no more? say, adam glimpsing dance and bet. i bet i 1st met as sheriff in 1994. when another blind friend of mine asked me to take a shift to the czech republic. there was going to be a festival for visually impaired artists, and they thought a chef would be ideal to come from turkey. when my friend took me out to, could you check my check to see him? we went into this funny room. it turns out it was where his father used to have his shop before his father died. he was sleeping there and he had a board that he'd bring down and put on top of his bed, where he could make pictures. and hanging up was one shirt. and the worst part in the middle of a table was a big can of peas, halfway opened in the old way, and the spoon stuck into it. and then i understood, i know we all know what it means to be worried about money. but i don't think i've ever understood what poverty meant, and this is the man that was across from me. so i helped get his visa. i worked on getting his airplane ticket. it was easy for me since i spoke with turkish and english and had worked with the blind for me to take him there. when we were in the czech republic, there were no other turkey speakers. so we spent many hours just walking around the city of lin, where the festival was chatting, getting to know more about each other's lives and so forth. and then he would sit at the festival in front of his pictures and draw for people. i couldn't remember how cleverly he would draw things, even though the language wasn't there for him. so when we went back to stumble, i started thinking what if we had a contract and we worked together. so by october of 1994, we made a contract with each other. for the reason i felt was that in turkey, there's a genius and turkey didn't know about this genius. i truly felt it, and i still feel it that he represents something that is so unusual. he has succeeded without much education, with not much income to accomplish something, and with a lively spirit, a spirit that pleases everybody so much. so since our contract in october 1994, we have been together and i have no complaints, only praise and pride for what this man brings to turkey into the world. ah, i talked to a few friends, a few friends, talked to other friends, and pretty soon television stations were calling us. people were asking us if we could have a different exhibits of different parts, mostly in turkey. to begin with. i started contacting my friends in america and we had our 1st international exhibition in new york in 1995. this was a such a delightful opportunity for me and for a shrimp, with with a sauce labelle sure to say them love john than ever john love, former student you john lazara. then raysim alena that the hedge diva provost enola wreck a yup. may i brush them near dead job on a top yard village. old miss into a new york faded to what is the name eat of our old. that'd be the margin. will de banner danny, you shuffle on that. i'm gonna be modul. only love them toilet chills, man. ah. the demand for low price clothing is accelerating at high speed. it's absolutely great by 2030. the industry will expand by an additional 60 percent. all 0 takes a detailed look at disposable fashion. we cannot move was our a start date exposing the hidden human and environmental costs by with the company, give free water to the members of the board. there, no doubt, it won't be able to polish it. foss fashion all g 0 with the ma, ma uprising in peter movements that takes place in kenya, standing up against the british, demanding return of their lines, nearly d, cuz if i documents showing a light on present colonial past, there is systematic torture of reign of terror in these count, major human rights abuse. how was this happening? a very british way of torture, wanted or near to deny on al jazeera, we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. if the human suffering that we report, we brave bullets and bomb and we always include the views from our sites. ah hello, i'm darrin jordan and joe hall with a quick reminder of the top stories here on out 0. peruse deputy president dina watson has been sworn in as the country's new president of the former leader pedro castillo, was impeached by congress and detained. he was arrested just hours after saying he were dissolved congress by presidential decree a move. the country's constitutional court said was a coup. mariana sanchez has more from lima. he's facing a submission charge is one of some of the most serious charge if one can face. and he has also been he will also face almost the additional half been ongoing in the past few months metal so by the same prosecutor. but when you come in, when they press charges again, the former president, he has 13 witnesses. he has a furious of investigations against a field. gemini says it's foiled a plot by a far right group to overthrow the government rating a $130.00 sites across the country. the prosecutor general says 25 people from a group that wanted to build a new german army have been detained. a soldier, a judge, and a russian national are among those arrested. russian president vladimir putin warned the risk of nuclear war is rising. putin says russia would defend itself by any means, but insist nuclear weapons would be used as a defense mechanism against a nuclear strike mis territories. bins. prime minister starting to introduce new laws to limit the disruption caused by strikes boulder for the workers at several u. k. airports are the latest to take action, working out between christmas and new year. workers in a wide range of sectors, out demanding more money. because the cost of living crisis, china says it's running back key parts of it. strict 0 coded policy following widespread protests. it's a major reversal in a country that's impose some of the toughest pandemic measures in the world. people showing mild symptoms will now be allowed to isolate at home. the government also reducing mandatory testing requirements. chinese president shing ping has arrived in saudi arabia for a 3 day visit. king solomon wants to deepen relations with beijing, china as the gulf nation's largest trading partner with goods worth $87300000000.00 exchanged last year. so those were the headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera opt out of their world stage and then so watching bye for now. ah, in with john oh for. ready ready ready ah. ready ready ready ready ah. ready ready ready oh for ah. ready ready sure, oh yeah. i t t i t t. yeah. and i am. i believe somebody that i am buying. yes. ridiculous. eagle d as to norma? she the or are you shannon wolf? blue? yes. b e miss her harshly. ha, ha, ha ha. i, you know, will do, cuz one of the key she, larry b as barbara li, are like bar like wash, that all the shoe that mix through it as no nebula nivia been in boil. i sure the kind of shook and he choked ambiguously up. mother, me, her, she up mother my top flemish to this. she did a boil over a all be good. allows them. yeah. and i was 5 done. yeah. virus. peggy, italy, 12 i or c allied then it can just either be planned by irma burly because you're them come oh, you're more than because own and debbie who look will piano or is projector? yup. yup. much. john burley. e sheen toilet which cushy sawyer ever or dan be project turin? lashonda. yep. joe la shewn itchin. they're all jack or piano or cuz on last one or or should that google in a bully? cause bullet early be can universe child may a cop to wished bully, her giddy are much goverlan, star dodge, murder or, or early be for me up junky or cousin? chill gumby. shake your dental, give me a cup of coffee, a lot of the homes or shoot me a little bit as the annual. good. okay, doug is out on that didn't key. i jabard and i've been so rich as all a jack moore. i could do him a packing them and yup, me addition you nikki panica, under this one. yep. me edition usa. yeah, i don't to shoot issue sar. loomed bill shadow are to let him financial all the bye. are be challenged. him don't put other com dare little chick door problem. no water. honey, but us. your mom blossom. john only up i can guess. sure. i'm guessing that she missed that are only a pure am yeah. ale rock and roll at your music. go on with her or, or a girl in july, a does it then the article i ah, ah ah ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, global yellow cartridge out ne, rent alone under the bridge did leave here. they are recovery didn't geek who the mob issue. you tell me what is it? well, make go name. yeah, i should be some on machine. yup. your former master in in gold. don't just knocked a lady up on a burglar alarm, or you could that are not there, but didn't you? mr. kaleon variously led darcy urge it. what brooklyn moved the nig, blue jackson and jay leno all not that? well, just huh. it automatically let her know how sus luna and joseph ah! was mine, john let there been a commission which conduct family, a large band sondra. oh that, that didn't queue. yeah, i should have been grierson is denisha. okay. appeal singles. fuller. she get nonetheless. her hailey gibbs. eric resubmitted. it took about a shamarka. did they talked to ho professional on may a bachelor. i'm a surely she like kim albums. i think took janet in the big goodness, really, girl nickname she mash. we'll let it run its value understanding and we'll study now. 1000000 am babbled. the in you can shy, deem she can mean indian embarrassing? convincing people that a chef does what he does was one of my hardest jobs and i found the most difficult people to convince are other blind and other artists are to say, this is a visual art. no, no person who can't see can possibly do it. the blind are not able to imagine how he is able to do it. so these are the most difficult people for me to convince that what he does, i have no part in except to help him carry things or put things in order. when a chef was chosen as an artist for the special arts festival, i thought if we had this opportunity to go to america, maybe there would be something else we could do. there is an organization called art be on site, and they do a lot of work to make museums accessible to the blind and things like that. so i wrote them and told them there was such a man coming. and they wrote harvard because harvard had wanted some one who could oh, as an artist that they could see how his brain was working. so they contacted harvard than herbert contacted me. it started out with the festival in washington. mm. that ingestion, that quote. did impeachable not a minute to call on national check loving titian guzman with a book eject. lot of being human go so another textbook, but june injured enjoyable. inject ayana book vision. arca sabine, in each their book checkbook. i'm auditioned of dish and im ben j in some not hardwood in weston dbi and him he and m b which libby rested it in dylan dimension are to get it was done louder. i'm numbered unknown jack i you're given him name wasn't there to get it, had a liberal miss in it. she didn't fall on the additional cabinet. oh, after we went to harvard, in particular, there was one woman who did a report for a very well known scientific journal. and once that was in the works, everything changed. he became so famous and it was exciting to have this icon of the blind, visually impaired world. be shown to every one. ah, one month later this, madame, today's me. ha ha, you can see the, your made on a to me the all mother passed victim. joe did the sick coolant on the on, on pay to last summer. 7 i was all castillo to so you a step on there you go. mean you're not a collection of you. did you learn yet? m. so let him is dead. jacqueline hypnos! this is alonzo. she chooses me abashed. europe. ben, this me not. will your room, dear? been him this him? yup. or can be in to my bookmarks. did there been him rearm glitches he did yanine re i have for i lads jagow deal. so re avo laid. good on that you go old muslim, genuine, because you talked to go to your kid, i'm a part of mac, let him law a lithium compartment. a shaky little odd. been off when old you had invalid? come with all sig sonya. the engine, he did it all. sig, sonya did the cheese, did it have been, he's been in the all done mother unit down for the digital ship longer than was you jani park, which little good mother, visio, believe giovanni shut that the best i could tell to this is cindy williams was this and did meet him at are they walked in lou . ready ah, what i find now chef is well established. he's well known. he's had a cup of commercials, lots of exhibits, many places around the world. i'm happy to help him. i want to keep helping him as long as we both are working together. now my purpose is something very different, i purpose is more, i understand that this man is able to inspire so many people, cited and cited disabled, not disabled. it doesn't matter. the inspiration, this man gives to other people. i am now able to help him do that. and that brings me more satisfaction than selling a picture, but don't tell him, ah no sim lustig law my velocity. when it's local employer share my job with to number some, you go to cover my video. sample apartment number and a bucket jackson. and he thought of, i'm switch mitchell with us in our, on the account manager with over the years when we have gone to different places where he's either spoken to universities or for city governments, or when he has had exhibits. usually they'll bring some blind people to him, and a shaft tells him you can draw. no, i can't, i'm blind. i can't make pictures. you can draw and he'll very nicely draw something very simple, like a triangle, or sometimes a little flower. and he has the blind person touch it and try to understand what it is they're feeling. and then he hands them up pencil and ask them to try and draw. and all of the sudden their faces change, they get so excited to them. any kind of picture drawing is can lately impossible. making ceramics yes. making models out of play. yes. but something actually drawing a picture. they get so excited and it gives them such satisfaction. and of course, it gives a sure of satisfaction to know that he's opening an area that a blind person never thought they could do. ah, mm. mm mm, mm. mm. mm. mm. ah, good, a man getting clara, give penguin ash much journal online. you should the g, i a ton of my lunch on that a ton of so ju ban, panama, christina dot, connect on them all. nod, finds allison ah, ah ah, ah, ventu the tandem d. i'm a ton of the mart jani dad, or she could deed ed leonard and missy did shaky liddy nestle do during the fall and she, she's in miss hayden. i think i think her a lot of culture demolishing occurred in the bucket is stand him judge global murdered mc yolanda b for she'll just be a courier opened up with yeah, they'd be top li, portrait glitter. we did a map much to all neural a bulky muscle and i'm the reject laramie optima drinker. a been him tuesday, cleary, me under the glitter of all, not the in a don't going up the under the clothes on in and on. been on. let me use didn't go to mural mama or her dad will wash. lemme get delivered. she them, when i back i'm going to another bad b r to pena bender, should they believe in following you better behaviors them? is it always to go make, or is she going to make a hedge on the go make a bunch of you to a and have trouble. sure. why did you own gen burnaby? she didn't jam. you're kinda b, e a y, a, bash years. cartesian doesn't. jo. edition listen, amy, then shanker, titian doesn't think his secret santa, if that energy failures from the bed. i think that over the course of course we know i know nothing about music, but i get a hole in the dinner and got my got better get him. he tried older, one just didn't argue bundled, all of that on my 10 o'clock and i told him was told unquote rejection cinnamon because any of the area. yep. jobs. the momma says i isn't i shy of texas. i so we're going to shoot gunite about a while. i to call you all a sudden that e d m by ambassador. she resembled all those a month or good. the soda boy of a, i'm not sure they said it kind of my album, the boy the video, some sort of way. anybody isn't in that in general? very name much in the book, says santa, good us, walter. what us m by stick a my v. how mom, we are a man. i'm on the sooner than that. you're 5 years. all got it. and much thinking in come on. how much in the car it's up in the way of the g. a. a shame. thank you. kish, a. unless this is anisha reynolds, somebody did it angel or jojo, the meds, diabetes disorder, magrate your cannon, good emptiness in it. so i never buy gadson. augusta fall on get a feel given that she was issued in mid good make saudi goes. no my, i'm not going to move the lack of either doc, my rectangular jet that n a girl, mangled it in a girl. your gun are much linen. ah, i think one of the lucky things is that i've always shocked people about how enthusiastic i get about a chef and his abilities. and even after all this time, he still can surprise me doing something. i didn't know he was able to do look, and i've just saw by leacock 201 him and sandy nielsen to christina to were jill. oh, pushed land. i mean, in a nasa is this of old around the of leagues or leave me it now just enough years. other jim, let me see me up just. i, sam william was some be dead band. you rose jonas, bid him, had the appellate mercy of, of a comb. get any auto jackson i said were massive cuz she's kidding. making of chess . yeah. catherine was doomed. better by clear of nancy ne of team kill every year. she can now. natalia passed up cordial, my garden for limited little all muslim. otis animal, much 1000 bucks and benches may i shouldn't alarm. finally, go to young children watching a bull kennedy go. they say back in a day that she knew come up plenty of chess long. oh jack, she cannot plenty of chess. must bernabie, kenny julius lira or nevada rutgers nimbus. yeah, we're good and negligent. got out. good him as was russia. do you me? yeah. she near sanchez. mm. extensive off yet. is janae apollo? oh, what am yodel will you jan, be new? oh journal, be new. ha. should alcholay minute, her cousin and thomas nan brushed m eurostar mama. it has a shad. i'm bustios care. i cover synch nutshell. parser woke month of school canada, regina gal, da da. oh canada, jeanette gal, dick shirley, up years or paula, should it mobile? yeah, blooming such a ha, my lab for yellow vulnerable, you'll of the sir. said she, the carving out of here said her, i really am older, elena, get it silent, return him silently get inside. well, why are can mutare commit? which is going to show the chick my whoo, it's jenny boy, a mavita mom mike had of welcome. now paul and mary armstrong, her balloon itself, winnable yellow kit bouquet, debit or take her, you may miss it. our duke is jamarcus cb, you me upset almo, almost making a marvey album. my yell to get dish in the part amana, you know, my one years as japan, yes. should it valuable yours? i'm a sanctioned, and we are. can bono champ, my lousy ha commitment allows him when he was out on the stomach, partially apollo, shooting up alum should on cooler lucia botanic chicken ha. exams act that means out, oh oh and um ah, ah. ringback ah, she's did you said in general like do much them has been made key beast be she, i'm not what she would g i but again on i knew you had a ball or codle dot ben ben to him and get a stamp she up on me and his mom, b, o nichol damage near him. ah, coming of age story in the community, fighting to preserve its heritage in an ever changing world. ah thing on an ancient ritual to future generations. in an award winning documentary out as they were well followed, the group of young men on their right to pass the challenge in the remote forest of ivory coast. the sacred wood analogies era. ah hello. we have warnings in force for some very heavy ranges, pushing in across the plains of the us, easing up towards the tennessee valley. yes. slow moving area of low pressure, the co front here that will become somewhat stacked rather than a couple of days bringing some very heavy right in across a similar area. north of that, it is a very, very cold into the south of that willis. recently martin where those 2 mate, that's where we are going to see that clash of ferry, a wet weather, making its way into many parts. and so sub 0 there in north of the border into canada minus levels celsius in winnipeg, it warms up to minus 4 as we go through into friday, but it made crisp sunshine, sparkling sunshine, but it is leaking cold as that walk down to was a south west there in between, well, every go where the cold air on the cuts, the wall marie, we have got some very heavy rain just running up towards said the tennessee valley, north of that some bits of snow they just up to was an old plane and we got some wet weather and so when she weather up towards the north west as we go through the next couple days, western parts of canada, this next system runs in that will be some very heavy rain coming in on a very brisk wind snow there just around the mountain stays meanwhile, across the caravan. it is fine and dry. lots of love, the sunshine, over the next couple of days. ah, the december on al jazeera, the middle east 1st wildcat takes place in cattle with $32.00 countries, battling it out for sports biggest prize immersive personal short documentaries, africa direct returns. showcasing african stories from african filmmakers. a made a deep political crisis and worsening economic conditions to museum goes to the poles just month after a contented constitutional referendum combating the climate on nature crises, earth rise makes the people who believe global systems must change as the year draws to a close. we look back on the events that have shaped the news and look ahead to next year, december on al jazeera. what's going on in vladimir putin's mind right now? could this war go? nuclear is being on that front team, the golden ticket to electro victory. can americans agree on any immigration policy? is there a middle ground between 0 tolerance and open borders? the quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. ah . bruce president, pedro castillo is out in peach, and i rested out the trying to resolve the nation's congress. ah, come on down, jordan, this is out 0, live from dough, also coming up. least carry out an operation across germany to for the plot to overthrow the government rushes. vladimir putin has been talking tough warning. the threat of using nuclear weapons is still an option over the ongoing war in ukraine and a full my president's son is jailed in mozambique off to a corruption scandal who devastation of the country's economy.

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