Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20221212

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also coming to people are killed and prove as protestors demands the resignation of the new president and immediate elections. a libyan man is in us custody. accused of making the bond that blow up a plane over scotland. and nasa is a step closer to sending humans back to the moon as the ottoman spacecraft splashes down safely. ah, now the governor of the lou hunt screech and says ukrainian forces of hit a hotel that was being used by mercenaries from russia's wagner group. so he hide, i says advisors were killed in the blast in the town of cutty edgar. the wagner group is a private military contractor said to have close ties to the kremlin rushes events . ministry hasn't commented on the attack. meanwhile, operations have stopped at the port and the ukrainian city of odessa have to rush to attach the local energy grid. it's a vital transport hub for delivering grain to much of the developing wild. russia blocked ukraine's ports. you recall for months until 3 of them were allowed to carry on working, and the a deal breaker by to kia and the u. n. he wants more ports added to the deal, but moscow said that would only happen if it's earned demands. were matt, meanwhile, around 300000 people in the odessa region are still without electricity. russia has used drones to hit to power sites. electro supplies are gradually being restored, but many homes and businesses remain dark and cold. in freezing temperatures, ukraine's president has a current crews have been working to try to ease the power shortages to why you don't do any more than restoration works. continue in the south of our country. we are doing everything to return lights to odessa. at this time, it is become possible to partially restore supplies in odessa and other cities. we are doing everything to reach the maximum number possible in the conditions that develop off to the russian strikes. well, you can know that she has attacked the russian controlled city of melissa poll, ukrainian official se scores of russian troops have been killed while russia says 2 people are dead. the strike on leisure, paul is one of several overnight rocket strikes, targeting russian bases explosions have also been reported in russian, annexed crime. men fighting has also reportedly intensified around the city of buck worse in the eastern than yet, screeching into the only major area of the front line where russian forces are still trying to advance for a challenge has worn out from keith. the fighting in back mood has been described to me by some of the people involved in. it says, reminiscence of stalingrad like some of the 20 centuries, worst attrition of blood baths. but happening in this country. and right now, despite months of intense combat, you for new forces do still hold on to back, move quite why russia is willing to sacrifice so many men to take what is a relatively strategically unimportant city. as many observers perplexed in the southern city of a desa, the situation is improving for 1500000 people who are plunged into darkness by russian drone strikes and ukraine is hitting back probably using a high mars that precision rocket system given to it by its western allies, its been targeting russian bases and barracks in occupied territory. melissa pole being particularly hard hit. now 2022 is drawing to a close and ukraine is a country radically altered from a year ago. and our rapport looks at a group of ukrainian scientists who had big plans for this year. change in an instance by russia's invasion, a frigid landscape of snow and ice the natural habitat for a polar specialist. but this is, keeps war scarred, outer suburbs, not the antarctic wilderness, elena and her colleagues should have been exploring this year. ukraine's national antarctic scientific santa expedition was due to set off last february, till russia's invasion froze their dreams. instead, they've hung up the po lower and their lives have taken very different parts. some of our polar scientists, ah braden and indifferent kind of fall in france. so some of their mind and body, some of them in the south. but the one group of the scientists and form the whole a unit and they called themselves that it been going. i believe it's a characteristically ukrainian flourish of humour to help seed him through these dark times. they even have their own badge. you can see that it's been in cossack style. he is angry by the way, this penguin battalion of arctic scientists is doing real fighting in some of the was toughest battles. the guys also on the, on the, somebody near boston with, again, this is for sure. involvement, come back, which is tough for bath motors. i lena can see what the war is doing to friends and colleagues. she's known intimately for years. i see how he becomes old and older, and also he becomes sentimental when race and mental about motions. she like, she could start crying, watching some, some more fields or saying and, and what is it also important that we start to said, i love you. i care about how much more than before you actually love. march anchor is the antarctic centers technical director just out of a key of hospital following a close call and back moved to the fighting. he described a hellish coffin. he pounding on hillary and hand to hand combat the muzzle was keen. it usually be what we had a very difficult night battle. if i have a stone by 24 of them, they broke in some part of the building. we did not control. and the fighting was 5 or 6 meters grenades flying. everyone shooting grenades fell just one and a half meter from my head as i was in a pit under the mac, the mac. the suit for now, we are just now, i can't afford to think of what he be doing. if russia hadn't attacked the point completely focused on the war, but i really wanted to end when he returned to me for life. again, i want to create something, not destroy it, for now i have to destroy unfortunately, elena is busy helping to. she's raising money hand supplies, food helmets, drones to send to the front lines, the things that might end up saving the la it's of her colleagues, the story of ukraine's antarctic scientists and how they became the penguin legion, the frontline warriors crowd fund us, is one of millions of civil or transformations everyday lives indefinitely put on hold. so they can help their country. it's our with need or we talents al jazeera here. now the body of the zambian man who died fighting for russia in ukraine has landed in new saca m. a county near. and i had been serving a 9 year drug related sentence in russia when he joined the military and believed that the 23 year old student was pardoned on condition that he participate in the war. his family says the body will be taken for forensic pathology testing. zavion officials have demanded details from moscow surrounding his death. with lou, one who emotional in very bad circumstances. as government were due season with your mother, we are pulling up with the russian government, recluse, with motto, the court was important to good you brooklyn, and also to ensure them to get some good. now moving on and to teenagers, have reportedly been killed as protests. continue in peru. ah, and these are fine, tear gas at the protesters and allegedly beat, some of them demonstrate as on demanding that new president dinner blow out a resign and that elections be held. they want a former president hedrick astir to be released from custody. castillo was impeached and arrested on wednesday. marianna sanchez has worn out from limb. violent protests have erupt. it in different parts of the country. will protest is flashed with way of policing the center of the capital on sunday. they smoked main street near congress as the police force them with tear gas. now processors say they want congress to be closed. many of them are supporters. a former president and many are demanding new election. leiber. i'm here to the man, the media release of our president, president and the closing of congress. in the city of the why last 2 people were killed. 18 and 15 year old. the regional governor there said that at least 30 people were wounded. protesters took over the airport. they destroyed parts of the landing strip and prevented nearly 50 people from leaving the airport premises, including police officers who remained a hostages. protesters then burned the local police station. the governor of this region called up the mac has demanded the closing of congress and new elections. this happened, a social movement in that region had declared themselves in insurgency inside congress. while is also a ruptured of law makers. we're debating whether to suspend former president feels immunity person in the you know, they have sent her condolences to the families of the 2 youngsters during the protests and asked for com or quit. it's are saying that there is police repression and that's precedent by the and the interior minister must order the police to stop the use of force while the libyan man is being held in us custody. suspected of being linked to the so called the lockerbie bombing. gillum masoud is accused of making the explosive device that blew out pan on flight one or 3 over the scottish town of lockerbie in 1980 s all 259 people on board. the flight were killed as well as 11 people on the ground. the us justice department says he'll appear at the federal court and washington d. c. allen fisher has other gilam a suit was originally indicted with offences linked to the lockerbie bombing 2 years ago. he's now an f b i custody. how that happened will only become clear when he makes a court appearance. here in washington, d. c. it was reported that he was being held in a libyan jail on unrelated offences. another report from libya suggested that just last month, he was kidnapped by an armed militia group, and the intention was they would hand him over to the americans for a ransom. only one man has ever been convicted of involvement in the lockerbie bombing. that happened at 34 years ago this month when the pan am jet clipper made of the seas was blown out of the skies over lockerbie and scotland, $270.00 people were killed. one international law expert says the apprehension of mustard is a significant development. it sends a very, very clear message to, to the victims that this matter hasn't been forgotten. and those are we held accountable. the one man convicted of involvement in the lockerbie bombing was libyan abdel bassett on the ground. he was charged by the scottish authorities in 1991, eventually appeared before a panel of scottish judges in 2001, and found guilty. he was serving time in a scottish jail when in 2009, he was diagnosed with cancer. he was released on humanitarian grounds, and in 2012, he died in tripoli. now there are many families of those who died in the panel bombing, who believed that al mcgraw, he was wrongly convicted, that the libyans had no involvement with the piano bombing. no, the americans intend to put on trial. the man that they believe built the bomb the don't the jet over lockerbie. now pakistan's military says 6 civilians have died after afghan forces shall the border town. the army says 17 others were wounded and shannon and that pakistani troops fight back. afghanistan says a taliban member was killed and 10 people wounded. the cash reportedly happened after afghan forces tried to cut part of offense installed by pakistan. most trade between afghanistan and pakistan passes through chum. a palestinian teenager has been killed during arrayed in the occupied westbank. these railey army carried out the operation engine in on sunday night, 2 people were arrested. israel has been increasing military raids in the occupied territories. and the united nations as 2022 has been the deadliest year for palestinians in 16 years. stella had here on al jazeera tensions run high in northern kosovo, where ethnic serbs have blocked roads after a nice of gunfire and explosions. plus we had to our fever well cup studio, where our team looks ahead to the semi finals. i've cut on 2022. ah, anticipation is rising. and so with the office, with responsible cattle a ways away we go with your weather update for the middle east and africa will start this one off in the middle lease, some sundry down ports for the southwest of saudi arabia. so let's go in there for a closer look at some of this what, whether may leak into jetta, which of course we just saw some severe flooding there just a few weeks ago when still a factor down through the golf. but not as bad as they had been over the last few days. so for example, in dough her, i think gus anywhere from about 30 to 35 kilometers per hour. a shield of snow is moving across afghanistan. so rain, snow mixing, cobble at 6 degrees, but give it a bit of time at your temperatures are on the way whence have shifted a bit in karachi that springing in some sand and does so air quality has gone down there as well. for turkey. ha, i think most of the rain will be concentrated toward the south as opposed to the west or through cyprus, and then this batch of what weather will move west to east across the la van. so some showers and b route and ramallah in the days to come. central africa, biggest downpours really right across the democratic republic of congo, and lead stick to the south. not only stormy in south africa, but very windy as well, especially for the eastern cape province. i think wind gusts here about 70 kilometers per hour on monday. we'll see you soon take care to with sponsored by categories. what happens when the news media failed to do their joke? it's one of the biggest reasons why iraq is that yet democracy, there's no accountability. the listening post exposes the powers, controlling the narrative. russian media does the lot of favorably. his method has to be back by the whole propaganda. but apple and the tools they used to do it, how do you read through all of them? information found you determine what is this and from now, with the listening post your guy to the media on al jazeera, ah ah ha, we're watching all his era. let's remind you of our top stories, the sound around 300000 people in the ukranian city of odessa are still without electricity brushes, said to have use drones to hit to power sites are just as port as ground to a halt, but ukraine's agriculture ministers as much needed grain exports will still continue from 2 other forms to teenagers have reportedly been killed as protests continue, and peru, demonstrators are demanding that new president in about to want to resign and that elections be held. they want a former president pedro castillo to be released from custody. he was impeached and detained on wednesday. a libyan man is in custody in the u. s. accused of making the bomb that blue pan am flight one o 3 over scotland in 1988. the justice department says abil gillem, a suit will appear at a federal court in washington, dc while serving as president has held a national security meeting after unrest in northern crossover. there have been explosions, gunfire and roadblocks, in an area where the majority of the population are ethnic subs. barbara and group reports for a 2nd day trucks, a block in 2 main roads, leading to border crossings between crossover and serbia. that softer overnight gunfire. tensions been rising in northern cost ever since the rest of a former policeman. he was part of a mast resignation of serbs from coffers police force last month. they were protesting plans to buy license plates issued by serbia and replaced them with once issued by the cost of government. the serbian president is demanding their release was madeau. it's important that asian pan tissue and many of the serbs are released because they do not have any evidence against them whatsoever. that is the key point. they manufacture the indictments against them. caceres prime minister has warned, violence won't be tolerated. or to put an ambient, the, to the peacekeeping mission in kosovo is supposed to create a calm and safe environment. which also means to have freedom of movement. the blocking of public roads with heavy machinery by criminal gangs that shows at police officers is not acceptable, and should not be repeated again in the future. serbs living in northern casa, have mounted armed attacks over government plans. the consider anti serbian, the european union mission in kosovo says as tom grenade was held at one of its armored vehicles on saturday. the blocks rule of law chief called for dialogue. this new proposal, her husband t y, the european union support france, germany, most of the united states and the focus of younger focus reveal torso negotiations . casara declared independence from serbia and 2008 after a war from 1998 to 1999. but some subs in the breakaway republic said that being marginalized caceres president, post print local elections in the majority serb northern region until next april, after sub said, that boy caught the pulse. yup, barbara anger put out a sarah as ambien police had found the bodies of 27 people suspected of entering the country legally. they were found an angler. erin, an area north of the capitol and you soccer. it's believed the men were from ethiopia and died of hunger and exhaustion. migrants from east africa from new zombie as a transit route to south africa in search of better economic opportunities. all to rescue boats carrying more than 500 migrants and refugees have now been allowed to docket ports in italy. the g o barons arrived and selina and a 2nd vessel at the port city of barry, italian authorities granted permission because of poor weather conditions. all 3 democrats from the u. s. congress had been missing representatives of cuba, government, and havana. and the main topic that has been migration. it's estimated that the number of cubans arriving at the us mexico border has gone up 6 times compared to last year. the congressman spoke with cuban president miguel diaz canal leaders of cuba, congress and its foreign minister. when michael shift is a senior fellow at into american dialogue, i think time focusing on latin america and the caribbean. he says the u. s. in cuba have to cover a lot of ground for any effect on migration to be found. well, this is a huge issue and it's a historic issue. it goes back many, many decades. and obviously there have been moments when that trust is really a serious attempt to overcome it in the opening under president obama. but then with president trump, the trust obviously deepened as president biden really hasn't made any significant changes to the trump policy on the margins here. and there, but fundamentally the, the sanctions, very tough sanctions that were put in place under, under trump, a, have remained. and of course, there's the historic embargo or blockade of cuba, which is an act of congress. and i think there was an expectation when there was the opening in 2015 and with the obama that there would be a move towards greater political reform and economic reform in cuba. and, and greater attention to, to human rights. and if anything, the opposite has happened, there's been increased repression. and there have been some demonstrations in protest in cuba that have been put down and squashed. and so the cubans haven't helped having given the us anything that would be helpful in terms of making a shift in policy, sniffin shift, which would help alleviate some of the acute a, you know, humanitarian conditions in cuba. now the u. s. has been asking the question for decades can and return to the moon and it's still beyond us. now they have a courses on patty calhane has the story splashed down and this was the moment nasa knew success. a 1st step toward putting human back on the moon completed the latest chapter of nasa journey to the moon comes to a close. on november 16th, the artemus one rocket lifted off and left off of order this one. taking a journey deeper into space than ever before, coming within 120 kilometers of the moon. but the hardest part, getting the unmanned module back without burning up, it would re enter the atmosphere going $32.00 times the speed of sound, the heat surrounding it. more than 2700 degrees celsius, we're going to do scientists tried a new techniques to help with that and do a nominal maneuver. we're actually going to bounce off once. we have 3 fully inflated main shoots. the parachutes deployed and the u. s. navy was ready and able to retrieve the capsule and the tests inside. next up, they hope to have a crew complete with a woman. and a person of color make the journey in 2024. but the end goal is much bigger. getting astronaut on the moon, able to build a kind of way station for further exploration. that's why this is a defining de it is one that marks new technology, a whole new breed of astronaut. ah, a, a vision for the future. but big challenges remain before an american can step foot on the moon. the private company space x has to develop a kind of series of gas stations in space and build a lander. and there will likely be pressure from congress. these launches are costing 8 times more that was forecast in all expected to cost more than $93000000000.00 until you actually look at the earth yourself through the window. still susan kurland, the youngest person and only the 2nd woman to pilot a spacecraft tells al jazeera that she believed the eventual payoff is worth to have a price for. i think the most important is we're inspiring the, our, to miss generation. we're inspiring kids to wanna go into stem cells to want to shoot for the stars you send. the landing coincided with the 50 dana bursary of the last time an american was on the moon, leaving quite the impression high was throwing on him 160 years later, scientists believe they are one step closer to making sure some day. soon someone can take a stroll on the lunar surface again. patty, gl haine. al jazeera, the. what's now time to get the latest news from the fif wildcard here is joanna roscoe at our studio on the cornish here and creation play is sounding confident as they prepared to face argentina and woke up semi's. they reach the final 4 years ago. so this isn't new territory for many of the squad is criminal. i don't think we need to say anybody. we need to look at ourselves to play our best game. we will do a thorough analysis with the head coach and the tactical stuff, and then we will see how we will attack the game mobile. i would say the secret of our successes out together, miss our unity. the fact that we act and play as a family, everybody plays from one another. we play as a team and that's our secret argentina i've been training at that castle university base. it's the 6th time the country has reached the stage of the well coupling. messy is looking to lead his nation to the 3rd title, and 1st since $987.00, the defending champion, france, have been celebrating, reaching the semi finals. the team received the heroes welcome. as they returned to the hotel following the 21 victory over england, france bearing to the 7 semi final in the tournaments history, no team has successfully defended the world cups of brazil. in 1962, thousands of rural confines have travelled to cancel as a team progresses through the tournament on a historic run to the semi finals, americans have beaten belgium, spain, and now port school to reach this stage. they've only conceded one goal in the world as well, and that was an old well, let's look ahead to the semi finals with our support analyst gemini, select croatia. jim went to penalties in the last 2 games. can they get away with it for the time we get social tina? well, it's not only the last 2, but this number is crazy. in the 8th of the last 9, no code they just in measure startlement, they have gone to extra time. so we can say they are experts in that as a shallow psychological moment, and then the penalties. so i think that if something works done they, they know they are strong points. and this is said that technology held a rival. and i think they need to approach this game against argentina as they have been doing it because they have been very successful. so corporations strong and defense, what argentine is strengths and what are the weaknesses? of course, for waterline is one of their strengths and in the individual it is, they have more quality name by name in the squad, but they're not really these. i think they still haven't been able to show us that they can control a game much for a full 90 minute. we have seen these against saudi arabia. again, polar need glass yet maybe more control the game. but again, again, telstra, elia and the netherlands, there is a moment that they go crazy looking for a goal, or are they, they have a lack of at being efficient in defense. so that's, i think it's the weakness they have. all right, let's talk about from says a party mood in the french camp. they did find it tough spar against england. will they find it as tough against morocco? probably yes, because as you were mentioning just now, a moral cause, they don't conceive easily only one goal and nice and own goal. they are really strong in defense. they have that feeling of being the underdog up energy. so i think they will be a really tough opponent because if they are able to build that type pressure they did again to spain against croatia. again, this powerful teams, i think they were friends, they will have to be extremely efficient to be able to be moral. and i start moment from morocco reaching the semi finals. they have a lot of support here when they cancel get their locals. i mean, i was at the ration city that game against the spain, the bullying, the trying to impress a spain of the of the fun base was amazing. so much noise and he will be like this because they are the favorite itself. feel. 7 all the middle east, africa, it's a nice article moment as you were mentioning is so i'm sure that this play, you have a number 12 that is the fun base. it will definitely give them energy if in that key moments or in an extra time or, you know, penalties. they have been sol, health, helpful, and i'm sure they will keep on doing it. all right, jim, thank you very much. well, there's a new ball for those semi finals, and the final, this is al, whom, which translates from arabic as the dream. it was unveiled by well cut when as caca from brazil and cassius of spain. the high tech bull has sensors inside and is a gold color which mirrors the castle, desert sands. the dreams are still alive for teams at best. well, come monday is another rest day to prepare for the semi finals, but there's still plenty to look forward to here in qatar. and our team will have it all covered right here on al jazeera hello there. this is al jazeera and these are the headlines around 300000 people in the ukranian city of odessa are still without electricity rushes, use drones to hit to power site.

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Serbia , Qatar , Afghanistan , United States , United Kingdom , Brooklyn , Washington , Brazil , Gas Port , Krym , Avtonomna Respublika , Ukraine , Zambia , Russia , Mexico , Netherlands , Odessa , Odes Ka Oblast , Morocco , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Italy , Ramallah , West Bank General , West Bank , Libya , Spain , Karachi , Sindh , Pakistan , Moscow , Moskva , , Argentina , Stalingrad , Volgogradskaya Oblast , Congo , Boston , Massachusetts , South Africa , Tripoli , Tarabulus , Kremlin , Kosovo , Germany , Iraq , Israel , Croatia , Pedro Castillo , Sancti Spítus , Belgium , Saudi Arabia , Peru , Cyprus , France , Turkey , Italian , Americans , America , Russian , Scotland , Libyans , Pakistani , Afghan , Cubans , Ukrainian , Serbs , Libyan , Serbian , Argentine , Serb , Palestinian , American , Zambian , Cuban , Miguel Diaz Canal , Al Mcgraw , Gillum Masoud , Susan Kurland , Marianna Sanchez , Abdel Bassett , Cutty Edgar , D C Allen Fisher ,

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