Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20171215

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"an open internet is important for an open society." >> chris nguyen has more. >> reporter: dan and kristen, officials are not holding back. the attorney for the county has announced his plans to file a lawsuit against the fcc in the coming weeks. in the heart of silicon valley, there are growing concerns over the fcc's decision to repeal net neutrality. >> we depend on free and open access to the internet for startups, for innovation, for economic growth. >> reporter: santa clara county councillor james williams is planning to file a lawsuit against the commission. >> the need for these rules has only increased in the last couple of years. we're going to challenge that action as violating the law under which the fcc is required to operate. >> reporter: san jose state computer science professor melody mo says the fcc's argument for a free market made sense during the infancy of the internet in the early '90s, but that times have changed. >> innovators really need to have their share of free internet so that they can contribute to the growth, the technology growth of the internet. >> reporter: bay area based small internet provider sonic is also concerned, saying the decision puts more power in the hands of the bigger broadband companies. >> customers care about their privacy. they care about their internet speeds. and they care about net neutrality. >> reporter: law enforcement officers rely not only on a quick internet connection while on patrol but also social media to help alert residents. >> when we need information on someone and we're in the field, we need it immediately, for the purpose of safety for everyone, not only our deputies but for the community. >> reporter: many now wondering what other services could be impacted by the repeal. in san jose, chris nguyen, abc 7 news. ♪ net neutrality can be confusing. this video explains it all to you in one minute. you'll find it on our website, a man had to be taken to the hospital after he was bitten while swimming in san francisco bay today. the culprit is believed to be a sea lion. it happened near aquatic park not far from iconic fisherman's wharf. abc 7 reporter jonathan bloom joins us with the latest. >> reporter: police say the victim is in good condition, even good spirits, considering what happened. but it could have been a much different story if not for the captain of a passing sailboat who stopped to help. >> people have been nibbled over the years here and there. no one's ever really been seriously hurt. >> reporter: that is, until now. >> the vessel named gray goose had seen a swimmer in distress. they reported he had been bitten by a sea lion and was bleeding badly. >> reporter: the 56-year-old man had flagged down the boat, whose captain brought him aboard and brought him to shore. >> it looks like a bite wound to his right upper arm. it was uncontrolled bleeding when he came onto our dock. >> reporter: police put on a tourniquet, and a second in the ambulance. he went to the hospital where he's been upgraded to good continue. >> when they sink their teeth in, they can pretty much leave with your feet. >> reporter: sea lions tend to reserve that aggression for fish. >> i've never heard of anyone going to the hospital or getting stitches. >> reporter: george howell said this is mating season, when male sea lions can get aggressive. >> he said he felt threatened and that's why he started splashing water and tried to yell at it to get away, when it bit him. >> reporter: splashing a sea lion may not be the best idea. >> you're supposed to swim away gently. blowing bubbles is a sign of aggression among sea lions. >> reporter: it's best to swim in pairs. in this case the swimmer has a luck and an unlikely hero to thank. >> if the boat hadn'tthere, who happened. >> reporter: jonathan bloom, abc 7 news. today a judge ruled that two defendants will have to stand trial for the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire. 36 people died in that fire in oakland last year. the preliminary hearing has taken over a week. abc 7 news reporter leslie brinkley has the details. >> reporter: judge jeffrey horner echoed witness testimony in calling the ghost ship a death trap. he ruled the case will proceed to trial, saying, quote, both defendants are legally responsible for what happened on that terrible night and are responsible for the deaths of 36 individuals, end quote. oakland fire marshall miguel trujillo was the final witness for the prosecution. he testified they had received no complaints about the ghost ship that would have warranted a fire inspection prior to the fire. he stated there were no alarms, aspir sprinklers, or illuminated exit signs. the defense disagreed. >> that the premises were beautifully and orderly and aesthetic and clean and therefore not a death trap. >> we are confident we can prevail with a jury. we never expected to prevail in this hearing. it's too politically charged of a case. >> reporter: prosecutors said there was negligence involved, with chemicals stored in the warehouse, lots of wood, and an illegal staircase that all contributed to the fire spreading quickly on december 2nd, 2016. 36 people died. their names were read aloud in court today as victims, friends, and families broke down in tears. the bailiff passed around a box of tissues. defendants derick almena and max harris both face 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter. an attorney for the victims' families said it's the first step for accountability and justice. a ghost ship trial is likely to take place here next summer. in oakland, leslie brinkley, abc 7 news. new legal maneuvering tonight in the case of jose ines garcia zarate, convicted of a firearms charge in the shooting death of kate steinle. steinle was killed by gunshot while she was walking on a san francisco pier in 2015. last month garcia zarate was found not guilty of murder and manslaughter. but guilty of being a felon in possession of a firearm. now his lawyers have filed a motion for a new trial on the gun charge, saying the judge's instructions were flawed. >> i think a properly instructed jury, whether in state court or federal court, is going to find mr. garcia zarate not guilty of this offense. >> the judge has until january 2nd to rule on the new trial motion. garcia zarate is scheduled for sentencing on february 5th and is facing additional federal firearms charges. a murder that took the life of a young man over a year ago, his parents are pleading again for help to find his killer. >> a coward, that you took the most precious person in our lives. >> it's been a nightmare every single day. it's torn our family apart. >> last year on a saturday night in august at san francisco's aquatic park, their son kelvin was playing pokemon go. out of nowhere, a bullet struck him in the back and killed him. >> he had done countless interviews with family, friends and others. we have found no one who has any type of animosity. >> police have two vehicles of interest, a 2006-2009 black audi a3 suv, and a 2013 hyundai sonata. this christmas will mark the first for a north bay family without a wife and mother. she was among the 58 people skilled in las vegas on october 1st when a gunman opened fire from the abc 7 news reporter melanie woodrow has the story. >> reporter: you can see orange lights wrapped around garage after garage in this novato neighborhood. >> we were trying to think of a way where we could honor stacy and just show vinnie and the kids how much we love and support them. >> orange was her favorite color. she had an orange wedding dress, she had an orange couch in her house. >> reporter: where to get orange lights in december? >> we just weren't sure if it was possible. >> reporter: jen altman e-mailed one of owners of pini hardware. >> this was a no-brainer. >> reporter: shelves were already stocked with red and green lights. >> we contacted our warehouse. we said we're looking for anything in orange lights. >> i literally had a hundred boxes of orange lights in the back of my car within two days. >> reporter: she created care packages for every house on the block with a note about stacy and plans to surprise and honor the family. >> it all came into place. >> reporter: a show of solidarity this holiday season in stacy's favorite color. >> she's not coming back. so the longer that everybody rallies around the family, the better. so it's good. >> reporter: melanie woodrow, in novato, abc 7 news. more than $315,000 have been donated to support the family. if you would like to help out, find a link to this gofundme page on our website, the fight against the biggest active wildfire in southern california right now turns deadly. >> next, we'll have the details on the firefighter who made the ultimate sacrifice. and we'll give you a look at the conditions that are raising our fire risk here in the bay area. specifically, those conditions are strong gusty winds and dangerously low humidity. i'll have the forecast coming up. i'm worried. i have this medical bill...oll, huh? dave, you have anthem and they have people to talk to who are empowered to help any question you... is, is he okay? real people? living and breathing. hopefully not breathing like that. for all the things that keep you up at night, anthem blue cross has a solution. five years ago today, the sandy hook massacre took place. a gunman killed 20 children and sex educators at an elementary school in newtown, connecticut before taking his own life. a new school has been built and a permanent memorial is in the works. newtown officials say today is a day of mostly private reflection. today is six months since this deadly fire at a london apartment building, the grenfell tower. 71 people died there. today prince charles, william, and harry attended a memorial service. combustible paneling on the outside of the building helped spread the flames. those same panels are found on many other building including here in the united states. the national association of state fire marshals is putting together a tool to evaluate building safety. that tool should be available online next month. happening tonight, the band together to bay area concert will take place at san francisco's graham civic auditorium to raise money for relief efforts following the north bay wildfires in october. the first concert raised more than $17 million. tonight's show starts at 7:30. headliners include red-hot chili peppers and lucas nelson and promise of the real. a wind advisory could bring increased fire danger to the bay area's hills and mountains this weekend. fire departments are keeping a nervous eye on the forecast, especially in the oakland hills which of course suffered a scary fire monday night. abc 7 news anchor eric thomas and live along snake road in the hills, where there's also another problem to worry about now, eric. >> reporter: there are several things the firefighters have to keep their eyes on, kristen. we'll show you just one of them. you see down there in that rubble, it's still smoldering underneath. the fire department says as long as there are no embers, it's not a major problem. snake road is closed down right now. it is a major artery for evacuating this area should there be another fire. that's a second problem for them to worry about. and of course, as you mentioned, the weather. greg holtz's oakland hills home was close enough to monday night's fire to suffer external damage, but escaped total destruction. >> we had internal sprinklers, stuff like that. >> reporter: two homes were destroyed. his was damaged and will be out of commission four to six months. >> we had a fire getting ready to go on this property right here. >> reporter: we rode along with battalion chief dino torres who commanded the response to the fire earlier this week. it was driven by gusty winds and he's keeping an eye on the winds this weekend in case it happens again. >> crews have been advised to patrol a little more in their areas. as of right now, we don't see any real threat. >> reporter: but that can change in minutes, which is exactly what happened in the 1991 oakland hills firestorm that destroyed 3,000 buildings and killed 25 people. back then, the narrow winding evacuation roads were clogged. and today, there's one less road to use. >> right now, snake road is still closed. we're waiting for a geo engineer to come up and assess the situation. >> the only thing i'm concerned with is whether the fire engines can down here fast enough. >> reporter: fire undermined snake road, leading to fears of a collapse. fire crews will have to use an alternate route to meet up. evacuees will have to use that same alternate to get out. >> there's a thoroughfare north of thornhill that they could take as an alternative rout. >> reporter: any road with a double yellow line will lead to safely. eric thomas, abc 7 news. a cal fire engineer was killed today while on the front lines of the devastating wildfire in ventura and santa barbara counties. the thomas fire is one of four active fires, and currently the fourth largest fire in state history. it's burned at least 379,000 square miles. earlier today cal fire crews saluted their fallen colleague as his body was taken to the medical examiner's office. 32-year-old cory iverson was assigned to the cal fire san diego unit. sources tell abc 7 news he was killed south of highway 126 in ventura county by a so-called burnover. he leaves behind a 2-year-old daughter and a wife who is expectin the couple's second child. today the california public utilities commission agreed on new fire safety regulations. we told you about this idea last month when it was first proposed. the new rules split the state into three levels of fire danger. and the highest level, there will be stricter rules about the placement and maintenance of power and telephone poles and how closely they can be to trees and shrubs. several lawsuits blame pg&e for poorly maintained power lines that may have started the wildfires. during spare the air days in the winter, wood burning is obviously banned, unless it's your only source of heat. >> so tomorrow will be the eighth straight day. let's talk to spencer christian about when things are going to change up, spencer. >> it won't take long, if our observations are accurate, we should see a sharp improvement in air quality by saturday. here's a look at live doppler 7. we have clear skies right now. we have a bit of haze, of course, that's the been the pattern for a while. and it's been really mild in the daytime, but it's been turning sharply colder during the late night and overnight hours. this is the view from our rooftop camera looking out over the embarcadero. current temperature readings are 58 in san francisco, oakland a little cooler at 53. mountain view, 57. 56 gilroy. 54 at half moon bay. here's bay hills camera. temperatures have dropped into the 40s in many locations, napa, fairfield. well, concord and livermore in the low to mid-50s. 50 degrees at novato. the view from sutro tower looking out over san francisco. let's take a look at our forecast. a chilly start to the day, tomorrow morning, much as we've had all week long. it would be the eighth consecutive spare the air day. we expect improvement on saturday. this dry and sunny pattern will continue into next week. now let's take a look at our projected lows for tonight. on the coast, not so bad. mid- to upper 40s. low 40s around the bay. that's pretty chilly. inland it will be cold once again. with temperatures right around or just below the freezing mark in the north bay valleys and inland east bay as well. it will be bundle up time again overnight tonight and tomorrow morning. highs tomorrow afternoon, nearly at the levels we've seen all week long. low to mid-60s on the coast, 60s around the bay. mid-60s inland as well, although a few locations may move into the upper 60s. so here is the air quality outlook, spare the air again tomorrow. the poorest air quality will be the north bay. the coast and central bay, moderate air quality elsewhere. but then on saturday, we'll have good air quality most locations. mainly because of a sharp increase in wind, which will mix out some of the pollutants. let's start the wind gust animation. tomorrow afternoon, actuall, 5:00, during the late night and overnight hours, we'll see the wind increase significantly. we'll have gusts from 25 to about 40 miles per hour by 7:00 saturday morning. that won't change much going into saturday evening. so if you have outdoor plans saturday or saturday night, just bear in mind it's going to be gusty. those gusts will diminish going into sunday. by midday sunday, we'll have breezy conditions, 10 to 20 miles per hour for the most part. the powerful gusts will have subsided. as a result of the increase in wind, we have a wind advisory in effect for virtually all of the bay area, especially elevations above 1,000 feet, from 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night to 10:00 a.m. on sunday. winds will gust to 50 miles per hour or higher in higher elevations. as a result of that and very low humidity, we have a high fire danger, fire weather watch will be in effect for the same regions and for the same time period, 10:00 tomorrow night to 10:00 a.m. sunday. the relative humidity in the daytime will be between 5 and 20%, that's very, very low. the accuweather seven-day forecast looks like this. more sunny days, more dry conditions. more mild weather through the weekend, although we expect improved air quality on saturday. late next week we expect a modest decline in temperatures. they'll drop by just a couple of degrees, slightly cooler had. and maybe by the end of the week we'll have makings of a little rain coming in. >> that will be nice. thanks, spencer. next, it's not a question of life imitating art. we're getting a sneak peek at a movie that comes closer than usual to real life. and coming tomorrow, a major upgrade to the abc 7 news app. we're rolling out big exciting updates that feature more customization including personalized notifications. now you can get news alerts based on the topics and locations that you choose. the upgrade tomorrow. stay with us. it's just my eczema again,t. but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. this is the night millions of "star wars" fans have waited for, the opening of "star wars: the last jedi." and some of them will enjoy the latest "star wars" film in 70 millimeter imax. some parts of the movie were shot with that technology. some fans believe it's the best way to enjoy "star wars." some "star wars" fans brought holiday cheer to the line at the tech museum of innovation. they began lining up this afternoon. "star wars" is produced by disney, which is the parent company of abc 7. we're getting our first look at the trailer for a movie that features three real life heroes playing themselves. >> i don't know, man. it's just pushing us towards something. some greater purpose. >> "1517 to paris" is directly clint eastwood. it follows the saga of sacramento airman and army national guards men. the three tackled a gunman and stopped an attack on a train in europe. the film hits theaters february 9th. stay with us. a big deal is done between disney and fox. we're going to break down who owns what and what differences you'll unlesnotice. and getting ready for the new year means getting ready for marijuana sales in california. also ahead -- pi kind of got the short straw today, i had to come up to north star to check out the snow for the holidays. i'll show you, com >> announcer: live where you live. this is abc 7 news. it's a big deal. disney is buying parts of 21st century fox for more than $50 billion. it's one of the biggest media deals in recent history. >> disney is the parent company of abc 7, so we're paying close attention, of course. rob hayes from our sister station in los angeles has details. >> reporter: hollywood blockbuster movies may make a lot of noise. but the noise surrounding today's blockbuster deal is deafening, sending shock waves through the entertainment industry. >> i think it's actually a bigger deal than everybody's making out of it. >> reporter: david poland is editor of "movie city news." he says the walt disney company's $50 billion acquisition of 20th century fox's movies, sports channels, and entertainment brands, will trim the number of major hollywood studios and the choices of films available to you in theaters. >> will you not see as many movies being made. i don't think disney really expects to put out 25 or 30 movies a year going forward, because it doesn't make a lot of sense. >> reporter: if the deal goes through, there's also the likelihood of job losses. once so many fox properties fall under disney auspices, job redundancies may lead to layoff. >> people on the fox lot in century city are petrified. they are -- they're concerned, they're fearful, they're -- you know, what is this going to mean for them? ae there going to be massive lay jobs? >> reporter: the disney/fox deal has a lot of pieces to it. disney would own the rights to movies like "avatar," "deadpool" and "x-men," tv shows like "the simpsons" and "modern family" and "the x files." it would bump its ownership stake of hulu to 60%. what disney would not get are fox news channel, the fox broadcast network, and rupert murdoch's portfolio of newspapers like z"the wall stret journal" and "the new york post." consumers may see some benefits, says poland. future disney subscribers may have a lot more to watch for roughly the same amount they're now paying for netflix or other services. >> when disney comes in and offers literally thousands and thousands and thousands of movies, many of which you are familiar with, that $10 a month is going to seem like nothing. >> reporter: now, this is far from a done deal. it still needs government approval. not just our government. other countries as well. some industry analysts say it could be 2019 before this deal is finalized. in century city, rob hayes, abc 7 news. republicans are pushing for a final vote on their tax plan. some tweaks have been made for the wealthiest americans, the top tax rate drops from 39 to 37%. the corporate tax rate for big businesses is cut from 35 to 21%. the mortgage interest deduction is capped at $750,000. and for the middle class, the bill would likely expand the child tax credit and double the standard deduction. >> this tax cut will mean less of a paycheck going to washington and more to the hard working person who earned it. again, that's the whole purpose of this bill h. >> in every iteration, the tax scam becomes more cowardly, dishonest, a brazen theft from middle class families. >> republicans aim to hold a vote before christmas. there are questions whether they have the support to pass a tax measure. [ bell rings ] stocks dropped today because of concerns over the tax plan passing. so the dow lost 76 points. the nasdaq dropped by 19. and the s&p 500 went down by ten. new at 6:00, the first licenses are being issued in california to recreational marijuana businesses. buddy's cannabis e-mailed abc 7 news tonight saying it had received the very first license. recreational pot does not become legal until january 1st. but the state bureau of cannabis control says by handing out licenses now, businesses will be able to start operating on new year's day. >> we are going to be closed on january 1st. in order to meet our mandate we're issuing licenses early with an effective date of january 1st. so licensees will receive their license electronically. they'll be able to print it out, post it in their store and they will begin operating on january 1st. >> the agency says dozens of applications have already been submitted. it is possible that hundreds of businesses could have the green light to sell recreational marijuana in just a few days. now, the california department of public health is urging you to keep your smartphone away from your body and out of your pocket as much as possible. smartphones emit radiation and the department says research suggests long term heavy use may actually impact your health. the scientific community has not yet reached a consensus on the risk. but the health department is now issuing guidelines. they include keep your cellphone away from your bed at night, reduce cell use when the signal is weak, remove your headset when you're on a call, reduce use of cellphones for streaming audio or video, and avoid products that claim to block radioactive energy. an emotional tribute to the late mayor ed lee is expected at city hall. a viewing will be held tomorrow at city hall were the mayor will lie in state. funeral services are scheduled for sunday afternoon. large crowds are expected for a man fondly recognized as a dedicated civil service. >> it will be a very good turnout. because he was a very good mayor and helped the chinese community a lot and helped the whole city a lot. >> for those who cannot fit into city hall sunday, there ill be a live broadcast of the service at the library across civic center plaza. here are the details. you can pay tribute to mayor ed lee from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. this friday in the rotunda at san francisco city hall. at the memorial celebration of the mayor's life, that will be 3:00 p.m. sunday at city hall. both events are open to the public. an eighth planet has been found in a far away solar system. >> and it wasn't humans that made the discovery. a bay area company i some bay area startups will help walmart associates manage their money. >> that leads our bay area business watch. you're looking at a video made by a company with headquarters in oakland. another service is a san jose company. walmart will provide access to both for more than a million associates across the country for free to help them budget and work towards savings goals. airbnb is making reservations easier for bnbs. it will partner with two groups to make it easier for bed and breakfasts to post available rooms on airbnb. pandora, based in oakland, is letting users unlock premium features, that includes music on demand. listeners will have to view a 15-second video ad. pandora says the premium session will last longer than just a song or two. nasa came out with an out of this world announcement today. >> researchers discovered an eighth planet orbiting a distant star. and while this is a milestone in space exploration, it's the technique used to make the discovery that's making waves. >> that's right. abc 7 news reporter carlos s salcedo has more. >> reporter: this summer's total solar eclipse captivated the nation. and today, nasa announced the discovery of an eighth planet in the kepler 90 system. >> a star system that has as many planets around it as ours and there's every reason to think there are stars with even more planets than ours. >> reporter: the classification was made possible by analyzing data using artificial intelligence from google. >> nasa teamed up with google to put together a self learning algorithm or, you know, computer program that can teach itself to look for very faint signals from planets they may have overlooked. >> reporter: the discovery was well received at the space and science center in oakland. astronomers here say the new technique could lead to the discovery of more planets in our galaxy. >> the more planets you have out there, the more potentially earth-like planets you have, and the more chances for there to be a place that harbors life. >> reporter: the kepler 90 system is in our galaxy but it's not close. it's 2500 light-years away, which means it will take millions of years to get there. despite the distance, space explorers young and old say the research breakthrough is out of this world. >> it's quite a large frontier. and, you know, what we've seen so far is pretty small compared to what's out there. >> reporter: and who knows, we may soon find a planet that sustains life. in oakland, carlos salcedo, abc 7 news. coming up here next, we're going to take you up to the sierra. >> but not from far away. we a new exhibit in oakland combines food for thought with some thoughts about food. the display at the oakland museum of california is called "take root: oakland grows food." exhibits capture the flavor of urban gardening along with practical information on what grows well in the city and how to get your own successful garden going. curators say they didn't have to dig too deep to find examples. >> we found a lot of great community organizations in different parts of the city, growing food. everything from school gardens, actually every school in oakland has a garden of its own, that's a big source of urban gardening, and some urban agriculture products that are designed to create edible landscapes. people are growing for a lot of different reasons here. >> if you're interested in digging deeper yourself, the exhibit runs through the middle of january. our mild winter is enjoyab w but it's having an interesting effect. >> you can see the difference in the amount of white across the whole state, you can see the snowpack is visibly smaller. >> here's a tighter view focused around lake tahoe. abc 7 news reporter laura anthony went to tahoe to see the ski conditions firsthand. >> reporter: 'tis the season to hit the slopes. or is it? after decidedly dry december, there is real concern about what the mountains will look like when the crowds show up. but thanks to state of the art snow making, many resorts like north star california maintain the skiing is still well worth the trip. >> i'm going to go out on a limb. anything that is groomed, you can bring your brand-new equipment and come skiing here and you won't hit a rock, how's that? >> got enough friends to have a good time, get up here and have fun. >> reporter: you'll be in crowds too. >> can't beat that either. >> reporter: even without help from mother nature, here at north star they've been able to open the mountain from top to bottom. >> the thing we're headache the most is, this is a lot better than i thought it was. and it is. it's great. >> reporter: this family came to tahoe as a respite from their home in santa barbara. >> we're fleeing the smoke from the fire. >> reporter: good place to flee to. >> yeah. >> reporter: do you think there's enough snow?hat much, ba lot of snow on the locals. >> reporter: still, while pleasantly surprised by the current conditions, there are many here who will keep a close eye on the skies. for those folks down in the bay area who are panicking -- >> don't panic. come on up. enjoy the snow. i won't be here next week, so have your way with it. >> reporter: in truckee, laura anthony, abc 7 news. snow or no snow, the bay area is a beautiful space. abc 7 news viewers prove it every day. >> adrienne captured a frosty morning in sonoma county today. this picture has the #abc7now which helped us find it and feature it on tv. >> spencer is back with the forecast. it looks like we have at least one more frosty morning coming our way. here's live doppler 7. we'll take a look at overnight conditions, clear skies, chilly to cold conditions. if this looks familiar, it's because it's a pattern we've had all week long. lows drop to 30 in santa rosa, near or below freezing in some spots inland. low 40s around the bay. tomorrow we'll see another day much like the last four or five. has a sunshine, mild conditions. highs will range from mid-60s at the coast to mid-60s around the bay, mid- and upper 60s inland. here is the accuweather seven-day forecast now. we will have an improvement in air quality on saturday. tomorrow will be our eighth consecutive spare the air day. the wind will kick up tomorrow night. that will mix out pollutants and haze. we'll have much cleaner air on saturday. but notice the high temperature range. it doesn't change much at all over the next seven days. mid- to upper 60s for the first few days. into mid-week next week, look for a slight increase in clouds. there will be a slight reduction in the high temperatures, maybe a couple of degrees or so, instead of mid- to upper 60s, we'll have low to mid-60s, big changes. we're hoping for a bigger change. >> will we squeeze out any raindrops? >> a chance of rain next week. we'll see. >> thank you, spencer. we want to head out to oracle arena. >> larry beil is out at oracle arena. hey. >> reporter: how are you doing? no rain outside, could be raining inside. the warriors are getting set for the dallas mavericks and trying to extend their winning streak despite a whole bunch of injuries. we'll hear sfx: tsfx: feet shufflingc life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. >> reporter: how you doin', everybody? larry beil live at oracle arena. draymond green is running sprints at my side, not playing, though, as the warriors try to extend a seven-game winning streak despite a slew of injuries. steph curry out with an ankle injury. draymond has a shoulder problem as does zaza pachoulia. the beauty of this roster is the warriors have so much depth, they can win even without a couple of their all stars. >> if it should change, regardless of who is out there, you've just got to be yourself and do what's gotten you to this point. >> from henri to jb, those guys getting the opportunity to show that, you know, they're ready. >> reporter: we have a great high school football story. half moon bay has really come out of nowhere, and they have reached the state finals in division 3a. they will play a team out of san diego for the title this weekend. abc 7's mike shumann has their story. ♪ >> reporter: half moon bay has always been known for its beautiful beaches, vistas, fishing, surfing, and a quick getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city. but high school football? never. in this town of 13,000, the half moon high cougars have a 27-man varsity roster yet they're heading to their first ever state title game. >> this is like a dream come true. you know, obviously we're rooting for 'em and we're hoping for 'em. but we're just so proud that they made it to this level. >> reporter: head coach keith holden who also played for the cougars watched these kids grow up and appreciates what they've accomplished. >> we knew we would have a good group. they exceeded our the championship is a big deal here. >> reporter: this season has a friday night lights feel. >> last saturday it was packed. we feed off their energy. we just want to make them proud. >> reporter: senior running back chase hoffman has 36 touchdowns this year. i asked if he's feeling more pressure in this, his final game. >> i wouldn't say more pressure. but i'm feeling anxious and i want to get there already. i want to already be on the field playing already. i can't wait. >> reporter: the cougars have 21 seniors on this team. for a lot of them, this will be the last football game they ever play. the icing on the cake would be for this team to bring home the school's first ever state championship. >> for the entire community, it would be something they would cherish forever and it will be a legacy that these football players would be able to kind of hang their hat on for the rest of their lives. >> reporter: as the sun sets on their season, the cougars hope to bring home a championship. in half moon bay, mike shumann, abc 7 sports. >> reporter: half moon bay looks great. 49ers are playing the titans on sunday. jimmy garapalos' firstgarapaloso home. the focus is on tennessee's marcus marriota. he was a little grumpy with reporters after losing last weekend. his mom gave him a stern talking to over the phone from hawaii. here is the apology. >> you know, i was rude and inappropriate. i just want to say i apologize for that. i got an earful of it from my mom. [ laughter ] that's how i was raised. you know, i appreciate you guys understanding. >> reporter: i wish we could get marcus' mom to talk to a whole bunch of professional athletes to teach them how to deal with the media. aaron judge, yankees star in the house tonight, grew up in the central valley. abc 7 sports brought to you by river rock casino. back to you in the studio. >> that's great. >> way to go. thanks, larry. join us tonight at 9:00 on cable channel 13, checking for signs of life. what scientists found when they scanned this cigar-shaped object barreling through our solar system. that's at 9:00. on abc 7 news at 11:00, net neutrality no more. but tonight a bay area state senator has a new plan to make sure internet in california won't be affected. >> see you later for that. we appreciate your time. for all of us here, tha ♪ this is "jeopardy!" today's contestants are a food truck owner from grand rapids, michigan... a professor from roanoke, virginia... and our returning champion -- an analytics manager from evanston, illinois... whose 1-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! [ cheers and applause ] thank you, ladies and gentlemen. and welcome, as always, to a half-hour of answers and questions. you wanna make a good impression on viewers of "jeopardy!," do what bryce did yesterday -- win $32,401 in just one half-hour. craig and brennan, the good news for you is that it could happen to you also. we'll find out in this half-hour. good luck. here we go. categories for the three of you gentlemen are as follows... you all know about that. followed by... "m" in quotation marks. you know what that means. we give you the characters. hey, you know... that'll be a fun category. bryce. let's start with that. it was so cold... for $200. [ beep ] it was so cold, they were holding up photos of the thumb. [ scattered groans ] bryce, you -- let's try "m"mmm! for $200. wait a minute. you don't like our -- you don't like our writer's sense of humor? it was lovely. [ laughter ] -thank you. -let's try "m"mmm! for $200. craig.

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