Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20161108

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wind. high surf advisory from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., 12 to up to 20 feet. obviously this becomes dangerous if you are walking the seashore or having your dog out for a walk. be mindful of sneaker waves. meanwhile, temperatures, take a look at that. above average. typically in san jose we should be at 67. but instead mid 70s. typically in concord high 60s. instead 74 degrees. oakland around the estuary 73 degrees. winds will be pretty flat up to 10. nearly 70 at half moon bay, filters sunshine, into 70s around the peninsula from san mateo east to brisbane and palo alto. upper 70s, near 80 in morgan hill and gilroy. east bay numbers stacking up in the 70s, as well. good morning danville to blackhawk, in the high 70s. same around the trivalley. 78 at discovery bay. we will talk about rain, when we need the beneficial rains and when we anticipate them at 18 after the hour. >> thank you, roberta. take a look at san jose starting at the guadalupe parkway. northbound 87 on-ramp to the capital expressway, a well traveled area, an overturned big rig there off to the shoulder now, but it is an injury crash so an ambulance is on its way. and in from hayward to the peninsula between 880 and 101 that will take you a quick 15 minutes. the altamonte pass a different story, 205 just 20 miles per hour. north tracy boulevard to the altamonte a heavy 30 minutes. today is our independence day. [ cheering & applause ] >> love -- trump-hate. let's get out and vote. >> the presidential nominees making their final pitches to the voters. >> a live look where hillary clinton is casting her ballot. you can see the back of her head right there, and of course, her husband, bill clinton, in new york. her running mate, tim kaine, was found outside a polling place in virginia. there they are taking pictures. we all know who she is voting for. >> right, absolutely. tim kaine arrived too early and had to wait for the doors to open at 7:00 eastern time. interesting. >> that is hillary clinton urging supporters to vote for her, obviously in her hometown of chappaqua, new york, in westchester county. she will eventually make her way into new york city later tonight where she will be having her election night venue in the city of manhattan. trump will be in midtown manhattan at the hilton hotel in midtown. an exciting day for both candidates. there is a record number of 19.4 million registered voter in california. 5 million people have casted ballots. there are 17 statewide measure this is year. some of the biggest deal with recreational marijuana, the death penalty and guns. the polls open at 7:00 this morning. we will have a full report on everything voters here need to know coming up in a few minutes. most polls leading up to today shows hillary clinton has a slight lead. >> but even the best polls can be wrong. for more insight on where the race really stands, we stand for political insider mark. >> a quick lesson in polling. this is america. the red millimeter millimeter & millimeter s are hillary clinton, maybe the blue ones, but if you reach in and grab a certain number, you may come up with all blue or all red, but there is a mathematical formula that tells sewn difficulty weren't you have the right sample. but there is a difference. m & ms don't lie. if somebody tells you they will vote for hillary clinton, do they mean it? when polls say are you going to vote? they say of course i will vote but they don't. 40% of americans are unlikely to vote today. the big questions, if the polls are wrong do they get the turnout models right. if the turnout models correct and people vote as they have in similar past election, lindt win tonight but that is the big unaccident mark, what should we watch for tonight to provide for early clues? >> okay. the first thing, kenny, is to see whether or not the turnout models are accurate. for example, if we see heavy turnout in rural areas, but the city vote is down, big trouble for hillary clinton. she needs the support of people in the cities which tend to be minorities, toned to be democratic voters. another thing to look for are which states. donald trump can win this iowa, florida, ohio and new hampshire, north carolina, all these swing states, and still lose the presidency. he needs to capture some traditional democratic states, or at least one. that is why peninsula, michigan -- pennsylvania, michigan -- these have been big focuses lately. if trump is not winning in pennsylvania or michigan, chances are hillary clinton wins tonight. >> if hillary clinton wins it will shatter the highest glass ceilings of all. how has gender played a role in this election. >> it is remarkable when you think about it was only ten years ago that pelosi became the first speaker of the house. that was a huge deal in america. there have been 59 other nominations that have had women as heads of state. we have had 12,000 people in the history of this country elected to federal office, presidency, senate and house, only about 300 of them have been women. but this year, and maybe it is because barack obama just shattered another barrier being the first african-american president, maybe because millennials take for granted people like nancy pelosi, of course a woman can become president, but on the surface it has not been a big deal. this will be studied for years because perhaps some of the people who call hillary clinton insidious and on and on in trump's attack, maybe that is played up because of her gender. were prepping for the busy day. kpix 5's jackie ward is live outside the santa clara county registrar's office.. with everyt you're heading but, yes, in less than a day we could see history being made again with our first woman president. >> reporter: michelle, just two hours away until the polls officially open everywhere and here at santa clara county the registrar's office has been very busy. a lot of its workers have put in a lot of hours counting up votes, vote counting machines were running all through the night here because they had to count more than 300,000 vote by mail ballots sent in, a record number for the county and almost half of all registered voters. we are expecting record- breaking numbers across the bay area today. >> people are very, very interested this time around. you know, people are standing in lines and you expect them to be upset. they are not. they are smiling, they want to come get their "i voted" sticker. we are excited for the party. >> reporter: our political expert melissa cane is inspecting the results of all the votes that came in before today by 9:00 tonight, including early voting and vote by mail ballots. the polls open at 7:00 this morning and stay that way until 8:00 tonight. and across california people are making up their minds today on whether smoking recreational marijuana should become legal. we have more now on the fine print on proposition 64. >> it could soon be legal to smoke pot without a prescription in. a latest survey usa poll taken last week the measure had 54% support with 39% opposed. it would go into affect on january 1, 2018. the ballot measure itself is of 2 pages long. the highlights, you have to be at least 21 years old and need a license to grow or sell pot. the state would create packaging and labeling standards and charge a 15% tax on retailer sales. it is expected to bring in about a billion dollars. tens of millions would go for regulation and after that the money would go to the things you see on the side of your screen, marijuana research, etc. >> people have been asking me for years when do i think marijuana will be legalized? i always say when we are ready for it. when society as a whole is ready for it. >> prop 64 would allow counties andcies to impose their own regulations and taxes on recreational marijuana or they could ban marijuana businesses within their borders. the last time california voters weighed on this was 2010 when prop 19 loss with only 49% of voters casting yes votes. >> stay with kpix 5 news for complete election coverage throughout the morning and day and tomorrow morning we will have a wrap up of the results and analysis of all the big races. the time is 5:10. are ride sharing companies partially to blame for traffic woes around the bay? a closer look at the trend. >> and they are the giants of earth. they are disappearing. the extraordinary measures one group is taking to save the world's largest trees here in california. >> good tuesday morning. on election day temperatures well above average for this time of year. i will show you which areas will state route near 80 degrees.-- strike out near 80 degrees. >> and the metering lights will turn on at 5:30 this morning causing back ups. more on the mass transit when we come back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, driver slammed into them, just outside a family court. and police believe this hit- and-run crash - was no accident. in martinez three people are recovering from injuries after a driver smashed into them in front of family court. police believe this was no accident. it happened at court and main streets. a female driver hit a car and drove right into her estranged husband walking with two women. then police say the driver backed up to hit one of the women. a witness says it with us shocking to see outside a court. >> it with us two people, at least two people i saw lying on the street. both were bleeding. one lady and one gentlemen. >> 20 minutes later police found the driver, 60-year-old kimberly coldman, dead at the bottom of the bridge. goldman had reportedly filed for divorce from her husband in october. they were due for a hearing yesterday. a woman and her boyfriend are charged with murder in the death of a alameda sheriff's department explorer. laura rodgers and curtys entoine taylor went before the court yesterday. the body of karla ramirez was found beaten, stabbed and burned in oakland on thursday. investigators say the two women met a few years ago while working for a kentucky fried chicken. a motive for the killing has not been released yet. there is increasing explanation that the ride hailing industry is making the nasty trek in san francisco even worse. an estimated 45,000 drives from lyft, uber and similar companies in town, according to the san francisco treasure's office believe many of the drivers are from outside the bay area but it is impossible to tell exactly how many drivers there are because the industry is so lightly regulated. that continues to irritate highly regulated cab drivers that keep losing business. >> you are mad that they are out here on the streets. >> right. they ruin my life as far as making money. >> san francisco is a big money- making place for lyft and uber drivers because driving and parking are such hassles. well, if your kids are feeling left out on election day, they can cast ballotsers too. admission is -- ballots today, too. admission is free tot at the habitat museum. the museum opens up at 9:30. and the alcatraz fisherman's wharf ride is also open for free today. >> that is great. relieve that stress on election day. >> yes. let's head over to mass transit. if you are headed out the door to catch a train, they are all on time. also good news, looking good on the bay bridge. from morin to san francisco, 580 to the golden gate toll plaza will take you 15 minutes. and the downtown san francisco carquinez bridge along the east shore freeway to the maze will take you 19 minutes. the metering lights will turn on soon at 5:30. if you are heading out, go now. the san mateo bridge from 880 to 101 will take you 13 minutes from hayward to the peninsula. the altamonte pass, traffic getting bad here, 205 and tracy moving at just 20 miles per hour. doesn't get too much better into northland road, coming up to 34 miles per hour, freezing up through livermore, north tracy boulevard to the altamonte pass could be 33 minutes. the altamonte pass to 680 will take you 15 minutes. now, traffic, weather, pretty good so far. it should not affect your voting today, right, roberta. >> that is right, roqui. good morning, everybody. as you get ready to try to plan your election day and get the kids out the door, you can bank on a day with above average temperatures. right now pretty clear skies. visibility not an issue. we at this time have a high surf advisory that goes into place at 3:00 this afternoon through 6:00 p.m. on wednesday due to swells building to 20 feet. when you have that kind of a magnitude swell, obviously some sneaker waves, so if you are planning on exercising at the beach are going out for a run b mindful of the sneaker waves generated from this right here. it is a massey area of low pressure. this plume of moisture or the frontal boundary has so much power associated with it. as far as this area of low pressure is concerned generating the high swells. meanwhile we have a very active weather pattern. we are not going to see any of the precipitation from it. it is all going to the north of the bay area, but we are seeing clouds as a result. it is 50 degrees in santa rosa at this very early hour. it is mild around the rim of the bay. we are reporting 62 degrees at the estuary in oakland to 61 in san francisco. livermore, you are at 53. good morning, my weather watcher steve in los altos says it is 57 degrees. no excuse to get out and vote. a beautiful morning. go vote and be a part of history, so says the man. thank you, steve. satellite radar, again, an active weather pattern but we have this huge dome of high pressure diverting the storm track wall to the north of the bay area. storms take the vigorous track of the jet stream, taking all the beneficial rain from the pacific west, also into victoria and british columbia. here is how you can plan your election day. lunch time dry, all the way through wednesday. stratus clouds playing tag with the coast. cirrus clouds 20 feet in elevation floating crazy the horizon. 80s in the valley today. 60s in the high sierra, 70 in carmel. pinpoint forecast for san jose, this is the futurecast so you can plan your day according. easily into the low and mid 70s at lunch time. an afternoon high of 77 degrees. and at mineta international airport, the official reporting station for the santa clara valley. mid 70s there. 74 in mountain view. nearly 80 today in gilroy, 70s to the east and north. 70 in san francisco. there is your 80 degrees on wednesday, as well. and the weather pattern continues into saturday with a slight chance of showers in the evening hours. the sierra, nevada, giant sequoia trees have been beating the odds for more than 3,000 years. >> but the climate change and pollution have put them in pearl so they are cloning the mighty -- peril, so they are cloning the mighty trees. the scientists say the clock is ticking to save the giant sequoias because people have cut down about 90% of the world's ancient trees. >> there has to be something special about 2 tree, how it has lived so long and gotten so big. >> each one of these little things is a tree. >> right now the sprouts collect from the those giant sequoias are slowly taking shape at lab in michigan. the time is 5:21. we will be right back. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, our election coverage for the day, just getting started. welcome back. let's take a look at sports. golden state possession here. knocked down the 10-3 in the 9th. the warriors back up in front. with 3 minutes to play. golden state is up 9. curry hits an nba record, 13th 3- pointer of the evening. he broke the record. curry finishes with 46 and the warriors win 116-106. >> i am heading to the voting booth myself. i don't know about you but i am voting for steph curry. see you tonight. >> the play of the day here in seattle, take a look at this catch by the seahawk, jimmy graham. >> there is time left for seattle in the half. graham tied for the another one handed catch, touchdown seahawks. 31-25. >> one handed grab. that was his second one-handed td catch of the night, they beat the bills 31-25. it is 5:25. our election coverage for the day just getting started. the presidential nominees are casting their ballots. what to expect in the days ahead. the polls are already op >> reporter: and we are inside the beast of the belly here in santa clara county. the day is just getting started. ,,,, - announcer: here at airbnb, we want to work with the city on new common-sense home sharing rules. to help protect affordable housing, we've launched a one host, one home policy. so hosts may now only rent space at one address in san francisco. and we want to work together to improve the city's permit system so that it's simple, fair and effective. together, we can make the new rules work here... as voters decide -- who will be the next commander in chief well, the polls are already open on the east coast and will open soon here as voters decide who will be the next commander and chief. >> and with threats of terrorist attacks on election day, security is getting beefed up across the country. >> good morning from the kpix weather center on this election day we have a very active weather pattern. i will talk about the affects it has on your local forecast. >> and here is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza the the metering lights are turning on. more on that coming up. it is tuesday, november th. good morning, everyone. i am michelle griego. >> and i am kenny choi. election day has finally arrived. the polls have already opened in much of the country. >> yes. cbs news craig boswell joins us with the latest. >> reporter: good morning to you. polls in virginia opened about two-and-a-half hours ago. it has been a fast and furious two-and-a-half hours. folks lined up early before the polls opened in sterling, virginia. trump and hillary clinton campaigning well past midnight, holding dualing rallies. now it is up to the voters to put an explanation point on all of this. >> reporter: the polls are now open along the east coast. democratic vice-presidential nominee tim kaine cast his ballot in his home state of virginia this morning. >> we have done all we can do. now it is in the hands of the voters. we feel really comfortable about it. >> reporter: and hillary clinton made her final campaign push in north carolina, with the help of celebrity friends lady gaga and bon jovi. >> it is not just my name and donald trump's name on the ballot, it is the kind of country we want. >> reporter: the star-studded rally came as voters in the small town of the dixville, new hampshire, cast the first in-person ballots of the day, giving clinton a 4-2 win over rival, donald trump. trump held his own midnight rally in the battleground state of michigan, a democratic leaning state he is eyeing to turn red today. >> today lebe winning the great state -- we will be winning the great state of michigan and we will win back the white house. >> reporter: 42 million votes have been cast, making today the final day to vote at polling places like this one in northern virginia. trump's daughters courted voters in virginia why 13 electoral voters are up for grabs. clint goes into the contest. trump would have to take pennsylvania, florida and ohio to win and reach 270 electoral votes. donald trump made a lost minute stop in the northern virginia area sunday night to monday morning. the trump camp saying it can cut into the hillary clinton lead across virginia. back to you. >> thank you, craig. what has the mood been like in that part of virginia? >> reporter: well, this area is a bell weather for how virginia will cast its 13 deligates. this area with 35% or 45% of the population very concentrated with voting here. i have been speaking with folks here coming and going, lined up early and ready to cast their ballots and a lot of them ready to get it over with to tell you the truth. >> all right. craig boswell live in sterling, virginia. thank you so much. here at home the polls open in about an hour-and-a-half. people are already lining up. kpix 5 news jesaia woodall is outside -- jackie ward is outside the santa clara registrar's office where people have been prepping. >> reporter: yes. we are getting a closer look at people here counting the ballots of people working through the night, not just during business hours. this is a 24-hour operation here. some of the people that are here right now have been here since 7:00 last night, drinking a lot of coffee, water and red bull, sorting through the 345,000 ballots that came in during early voting, almost half the amount of absentee ballots sent out. i spoke to the registrar earlier who said people of santa clara county can trust their votes stay safe. >> we do testing of all the voting machines and counting machines before election day. we do manual reviews to confirm all the results. voters do not need to worry about our system being hacked. our system is not connected to the internet. it is a stand alone system, so our voters have nothing to worry about here. >> reporter: the ballot counting here became a 24-hour operation back in june for the primaries. the registrar says people want to know results now, as soon as possible, so this is the best way that they can keep up with demand. of course, we have a little less than an hour-and-a-half to go before the polls open. they will stay that way until 8:00 tonight. there are more than 800 polls locations across santa clara county. in san jose, jackie ward, kpix 5 news. >> in a few hours returns will start coming in across california. political reporter melissa cane has more. >> when you are looking at returns you have to think of it in three different buckets. the first bucket are the votes that came in before election day. the early voting, vote by mail ballots will be released by 8:00. then the ballots that are actually cast at polling places get counted that have day. so you will see that night into the evening, the sort of voting come in. you will probably get to what we will see as a 100% of precincts reporting, be you don't be fooled. that is not it. while the first two buckets have been counted on election day, the third, the votes that people fill out at home and drop off at ballot stations, those will not be counted on election night. those will be counted on the days and weeks following the election. >> the federal government is increasing security at key election day location, including the jarvis convention center and hilton in new york, sites of the clinton and trump possession election festivities, beefed up security coming as terror groups could be planning attacks in new york and other parts of the u.s. in hopes of disrupting the election. across the country. and the department of homeland security is running a cyber-command center, to prevent potential hacking attempts. be sure to stay with kpix 5 for election coverage throughout the morning and later today. and then tomorrow morning, we'll have a complete wrap up of the results and analysis of the big races. let's get a look at weather and traffic. here's roberta gonzales the time now is 8:36. let's get a check of the forecast. >> the biggest thing in my community happens to be -- it sounds crazy but a huge issue -- is whether or not to allow costco to come into our community with the traffic. it is one of those things and talk to somebody, one of your neighbors it gets fiery as far as the discussion is concerned. that is what is going on in our neighborhood in pleasanton, the mayor race and city council. >> but costco is top! >> it is. there is one three miles away, okay, people? [ laughing ] all right. good morning, everybody. i think i kind of expressed how i fool about it. let's take a look outside now. we have clear skies and areas of patchy fog along the peninsula. visibility not an issue. 50 in santa rosa to 61 in san francisco. it is mild around the rim of the bay. beach-wise we have a high surf advisory going into affect at 3:00 this afternoon to wednesday at 6:00 p.m. we are expecting 20 feet swells again, so please be mindful if you are going along the beach and enjoying a walk, watching your dog, as well. temperature-wise well above average. concord 74, up from an average high in the high 60s. mid and high 60s, calm around the beaches. 70s around rockaway beach. from redwood city, temperatures there in the mid 70s. nearly 80 in morgan hill and gilroy. east bay numbers with a westerly late day up to 15. temperatures in the high 70s throughout the tri-valley. good morning in vallejo, mid 70s there through the carquinez bridge, and the american canyon in the mid 70s. 65 in simpson beach with a gentle breeze, filtered sunshine, partly cloudy in petaluma and the far reaches of the north bay 75 degrees. common around the cloverdale and windsor area. rain and its return, we will talk about that at 48 after the hour the, good morning, roqui. good morning, everywhere. let's take a look at the altamonte pass. the slow traffic just got slower on tracy after this new crash at 205 and grant line road, causing more delays as you can see there, cars driving at just 16 miles per hour of the but it get better once you hit northland road with speeds town 30 miles per hour. north tracy boulevard to the altamonte pass will take you a long 37 minutes. into the dublin interchange, a live look at the slow traffic in the commute. altamonte pass and 680 will take you 16 to 20 miles per hour. moving to the bay bridge toll plaza the metering lights turned on as of 8 minutes ago. expect a 15 minute drive through the toll plaza to downtown san francisco. that is traffic. kenny, back to you. >> thank you, roqui. as we wait for election results there is worry a surprising outcome in the presidential race could spell trouble in the stock market. we have more with business analyst jill schlesinger. what do investors think will happen today? >> let's look at the last couple of weeks. basically the s&p 500 has been loosely tracking hillary clinton's odds of winning, tracking a little higher. then when the fbi director's letter broke this past friday, the s&p 500 fell about 3% along with hillary's poll standings. then yesterday, how about this, the s&p 500 up 2.2%, the best day in eight months, the day after the fbi said no new evidence found to warrant charges against clinton. what is it about trump that freaks out stock investors? i think it has to do with the global impact of a trade war and restrictions on immigrations. both of these issues are seen as negatives for the stock market. and recent research concluded a trump victory may decrease the value of the s&p 500 by, get this, 10% to 15%. holy smoke! we know there will be a lot of stock market volatility in the next few days, for sure. >> those are big numbers. is there history? >> when there is unexpected outcome, there can be negative stock market reaction. we saw it with brexit, right? and 68 years ago when thomas dewy was favored to win the presidency, then we had the shocked re-election of incumbent harry truman and the s&p 500 tumbling by more than 10% over the next two weeks. and in the year 2000 , closer in time, when the country had to wait for the supreme court to weigh in on a recount, stocks dropped almost 5%. remaining incredibly volatile during the 16 day period after polling day. for more on the election surprises and stock markets, you can go to my website. remember, no changes to your portfolio. do not get sucked in by your emotions. relax. >> and also fasten your seatbelts for the ride today. thank you, jill. >> you got it! are voters willing to pay to fix bart? coming up we will take a look at the arguments for and against measure rr. important step forward. the time is long overdue... pharmaceutical industry. passes - it is time for the pharmaceutical industry to stop ripping off the people of this country. the entire nation is looking at california. let's go forward together. thank you all very much. as bay area voters head to the polls, one of their biggest decisions today - centers on public transit. a bond measure worth billions - is promising major repairs, to bart. kpix 5 reporter anne makovec is as bay area voters head to the polls, a bond measure worth billions is promising major repairs to bart. andria borba is live in the newsroom to break down the -- an mack vic is live -- s many -- anne makovec is live in the news center. >> yes. this is a bond that would be paid for by property owners, used to fix and replace existing bart infrastructure. the rest would go toward crowd relief and better access to bart stations. thanks to them roughly 12,000 people get across the bay on trains compared to those that drive across the bridge. a lot of local politicians have gotten on board the campaign. >> the region growing we we will anticipate more than 2 million residents by 2040 in a region desperate for infrastructure and transit. >> we need a smart thoughtful plan that is comprehensive and doesn't allow them to take this money and use it for salaries and benefits to the highest paid transit work force in america. >> and state senator steve blazer has been a vocal opponent of measure rr citing the bart strike in 2013 brought the bay area commute chaos and left a bad taste in a lot of voter's mouth, especially those in contra costa county where the measure is going no, sir the polls. in san francisco and alameda counties it is likely to pass. live from the newsroom, anne makovec, kpix 5 news. meanwhile firefox and the san francisco zoo are giving us the sweetest of distractions on election day. three red pandas living their panda lives in an hour long live stream starting at 10:00 a.m. they believe watching the pandas play and eat is just what we need today. you may have heard of the movie "snakes on a plane." >> it turned into a reel live seen for people -- real life seen for people on a flight to mexico. look at that, the snake hanging out in the overhead luggage compartment. the airlines landed early so crews could get it out. it is poisonous, a poisonous green viper. they are not sure how it got there, but -- >> oh, my gosh. no! >> they don't want it to ever happen again. can you imagine being a passenger underneath that. >> we shouldn't be showing this video. this could be stressing people out. we are trying to calm people on election day. >> yes. wow. >> well, samuel l. jackson needs to get rid of it, right? >> everybody went to the front of the plane. >> i hope they have free cocktails on board after that. >> all right. >> wow! . let's get a check on traffic. let's head now to westbound 80. we had an earlier crash here in vallejo in this area but that crash has now been cleared and we have a lot of residual back ups, cars moving at 13 miles per hour after highway 37 in vallejo if you are heading out the door. downbound 82 to the bay bridge toll plaza, carquinez bridge to the maze will take you 23 minutes. and expect a 15 to 20 minute drive through the toll plaza, those metering lights are on as the traffic is backing up toward the maze already. and the altamonte pass off of 205 at 13 miles per hour. we had a two car crash onbound 205 after grant line road in the center divide but a lot of back up here. as you move along to northland road the speeds are moving up to 30 miles per hour. north tracy boulevard to the altamonte will take you a long 39 minutes right now of the bad commute along the pass. the altamonte pass to 680 will take you 15 minutes. here is a live look at the dublin interchange. the south bay, 101 northbound between the 280 plitt, highway 287 will take you 14 minutes and the parkway looking good. roberta. >> i am trying to look at where the viper snake originates from. southern africa? all right. good morning, everybody. i am hoping i got travel miles for that. clear skies from the transamerica pyramid, looking toward the estuary of oakland, the port of oakland. good visibility right now. unlimited. a few high, thin, cirrus clouds. that is it. temperatures from 50 in santa rosa to 60 in oakland now. mild around the lip of the bay. san jose is 57 degrees and cooler in red couped city at 53. all -- wedwood city at 53. all the clouds we saw yesterday made for the terrific sunset. clouds associated with the plume of moisture that trails off all the way to the hawaiian islands. we have an active weather pattern going on. the storms are so potent they are generating a lot of power. we have a high surf advisory in affect later today to wednesday evening with swells to 20 feet. this is the current system here taking that is all beneficial rain into the pacific northwest, also into victoria and british columbia. behind it another system, then another one. the only problem is taking the track of a vigorous jet stream to the north of the bay area leaving us with a shield of clouds minus the precipitation. 80s across the central valley for the election day. 07 in monterey bay, 63 degrees in the high sierra where currently they are waking up to freezing conditions. 6:43 is this morning's sunrise. high, thin cirrus clouds overhead. san jose your temperatures by lunch hour in the mid 70s, above average for this time of year. the winds later for all of us, westerly to 15. an afternoon high today in san jose of 77 degrees. so, 77 at mineta international airport, levi stadium, 70s to the north and east. 70 at rockaway beach. the extended forecast, 80 degrees in gilroy tomorrow. then we begin to cloud up with a slight chance of a north bay evening shower. that is a look at your election day forecast. don't go away just yet. we will be right back. ,,,,,,,, (upbeat music) - [voiceover] you are san francisco. we've been with you from the beginning. we've seen each other through good times and bad. sickness and health. we're with you san francisco, and you bring out the best in us. care. zuckerberg san francisco general hospital and trauma center. santa clara. santa clara has just filed a lawsuit against san jose, over the a legal battle is escalating between the cities of san jose and santa clara. they filed a lawsuit over san jose over the problem building nearly a million square feet of office and retailer space along winchester boulevard. the suit claims san jose did not do enough to study the environmental impact near the santa clara border. the city attorney rick doyle, begs to differ. >> we had a full blown environmental review. we did a major study on traffic impact. we imposed the fee. we are trying to do everything, dot all the is and cross all the ts when it comes to addressing the impacts and getting them paid for. >> since we share part of the valley fair shopping maland across from steven's creek boulevard we want to make sure we have all our requirements metals. >> four months ago san jose filed a similar lawsuit over city place planned near the 49ers football stadium. facebook is being sued in a california federal court. the class action suit claims the company let advertisers exclude racial groups from a target audience. a pro public article helped inspire the space. it created an ad targeting people interested in house hunting and facebook's advertising tools prevented tern racial groups from seeing the -- certain racial groups from seeing the spot. the company says the suit is completely without merit. there is a a report of a samsung phone exploding on the lengths j5. it started to smoke -- galaxy j5. a couple takes their 2-year- old daughter out for dinner and lets her watch cartoons on an iphone but a picture of a naked man pops up on the the screen. a phone's air drop each was on a setting that let anybody within 30 feet share pictures, videos or contacts. she declined the image quickly and learned a lot from the blunder now. >> i think more and more stuff is happening with technology that people are not savvy to it. and now i know better. >> the petersons don't think their daughter realized what exactly was on the phone but worried parent cans completely shut off the air drop feature by swiping up from their home screen. it can limit the feature to contacts only. it is 4 minutes before 6:00. in the next half hour one of the biggest measures on the california ballot, legalizing recreational marijuana. we will run down the final points of prop 64. >> reporter: and we are in the registrar's office in santa clara county. these people have been here since last night making sure that your vote counts. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, tomorrow... the presidential race could be settled. . election day is here. in one hour polls open up in california. by this time tomorrow the presidential race could be settled. hillary clinton and former president bill clinton cast their ballots an hour ago in their hometown of chappaqua, new york. we are still waiting on donald trump to arrive at the polls. good morning, everyone. it is tuesday, november 8th, election day. i am michelle griego. >> and i am kenny choi. kpix 5 news is live with complete coverage of everything that you need to know on this election day and anne makovec and jackie ward are following the bay area races and how election officials are working to make sure that everything goes smoothly today. we begin with the presidential race. hillary clinton and donald trump helped dualing midnight rallies in a final effort to tip the balance in key battleground states. lady gaga and john bon

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