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rather than coming north. and it will be the fight, like i said, of this administration. it was the site of the last one. here we go again. >> thankyou. >> right now a silence the violence rally is wrapping up in the san francisco south of market district. among those attending is the chief of police and the suspended sherrif ross mirkarimi. the area has more police calls than in any other part of the city and it has seen a high number of murder since the start of the year. joe vasquez is here with what the city plans to do about it. >> as you mentioned, this rally has just wrapped up, one of the hallmarks here is right back there behind the yellow tape. a mock representation of a dead body with a chalk outline. and, as i say, it is not, it is not real. but the concern for violence yourself of market street has become extremely real as of late. >> she did not want to talk on camera. but the woman morning at this makeshift memorial for the murdered victim tells me she is pregnant by smith and that she was holding him in her arms when he died to. >> i've seen everything here. nothing has surprised me. >> soma is experiencing a rash of violent crime this year. in fact of the 41 murders in the city this year, seven have been in the south of market area. three of them have been right here in this first block of six street. >> five of the seven homicides happened in the first 90 days of the year. measures were put in place, additional patrols, working with the community. >> police chief says there's foot patrols nearby and had even six that some of the lighting in the area but as for the opening of a police store from on sixth street, they have experienced several significant delays. in fact the murder happened right next door. despite the uptick in violence, but she says that crime is still trending downward overall. if you compare to other recent years in the past. >> it is not as good as it was the three years prior, but we're going to work to get back to that. we do not want to go back to the years when we were approaching 100 homicides. >> it is a jungle. >> this stretch of street is right next to the mid market area where the city hopes to bring in technology companies including twitter which is in the process of moving their headquarters a stone's throw away. >> they will be in for a rude awakening. because twitter does not know sixth street. >> officers arrested a guy for a stolen car here last night and the time of the suspect that more than 100 felony arrest on his record but here he is on sixth street. another major problem is people from outside of the area getting robbed on the street. perry watched as two men stole it woman cellphone recently. >> that nudge each other and one goes around her and runs and grabs a phone and they both run off the alley. >> i was talking to my photographer, and between the two of us we have covered many stories here over the last decade and that stretch of sixth street is by no means new to violence. but what is new is some expectation as the technology companies are moving in and other people in the area, that it will be safe. you have to watch out. the police chief says they have made some measure of accomplishment but it is still gone on. >> the more money that comes in and the big companies, the higher the tax base and maybe more money to the city to pay for officers? you know, it is a cycle. >> these people out here are hoping maybe to help put some money into violence reduction as well. that is what we will have to wait and see about. >> that will be great not just for their employees but everyone that goes down there. thank you. >> one person died in an apartment fire in san francisco's western addition this morning. neighbors say it was an elderly man that lived in the building. fire broke out just before 10:00 in a three story building. it is near the cathedral of st. mary. cate caugurian has details. >> neighbors were panicked, looking in fear as smoke enveloped their homes. >> i had a neighbor that called me and said " there's a building on fire and i think it is the one next door, i want to double check,. i have a dog, and she is at home right now. so corsican rushing home. >> the fire started before 10:00 a.m. and took crews 20 minutes to get it under control. but one person was lost to the flames. >> this fire was on the second floor in one unit. and it extended to the third floor. >> the third floor where this neighbor was sleeping and the flames broke out. >> i did not even know there was a fire. i was sleeping. so there will not. >> bill will be ok, he was one of two people treated for smoke inhalation. a tourist was able to catch the plans as the first broke out. the apartment is part of the laguna heights co-op, there are 12 units in all and crusade to suffered major damage and 12 people have been displaced. investigators say that they will take their time and try to determine how thifire started, we know that the red cross has responded to help those displaced by the fire. in san fransisco, cbs 5. >> police in contra costa county are looking for clues in a highway shooting that injured a man and woman last night. the driver pulled off interstate 80 near hercules to get help after being shot. the car was a mess of bulls and broken glass. neither victim suffered life- threatening injuries, four children ranging in age from 3 to 12 were in the back seat, they were unhurt. >> we are very concerned for their welfare. and they're considered victims in this attempted murder case. >> it is sad to hear. this is a quiet place, anything that happens here is shocking. >> police did not find anything on the close the highway last night. they're checking surveillance tapes for possible clues. >> new details tonight in the search for the speed free killer victims. wesely shermantine says that the remains of 14 people are buried somewhere near clearlake. around and casino in lake county. the lake county sheriff's department says they're skeptical about the claims but they are investigating. he and his friend loren herzog were convicted in a drug fuelled killing spree between 1994 and 1998. >> other bay area that lies, families in four homes were evacuated this morning after a gas line burst. pressure from the leak was so strong that it pushed dirt up into the air. pg&e cap the leak which was blamed on a tree roots. >> said a about stolen tickets to this weekend's gilroy garlic festival. police say that ac/1000 of those tickets, and maybe trying to sell them on line. the tickets are light purple and were meant to be sold on sites. now they will not be honored at the festival. >> no free rides for kids on muni. the metropolitan transit administration has voted no on a measure that would have given free muni passes to low-income kids. school district were pitching the idea, hoping that the mtc would kick in $5 million for the to your project. >> a landmark hotel in the east bay is about to get a makeover. the california hotel in west oakland has a story history dating back to the roaring '20s. john ramose plants on plans to revive that historic building. >> for drivers on 580 in west oakland, calif. hotel is a familiar sight. built in the 1920's, the hotel was once a vision of elegant beauty. it showcases many of the most famous african-american entertainers in the world. but like the neighborhood that it overlooks, the ravages of poverty and neglect have taken their toll. but history may have taken a turn today. a ceremony to kick off major renovations to the building, which now houses low-income residents, about five years ago they fought and won a court battle to keep the place open. now a mix of government and non- profit funding is creating 137 new places to call home. >> the interior will be brand new, the units will be upgraded, it will be much better experience. >> and the hope is that those that live here will find renewal as well. >> quality housing. a nice house and. when you are making a very low income. it makes you keep on trying to improve. >> but help is not always easily received. last night someone spray-painted the hotel walls and a brand new mural across the street. as the work to clean off their artwork, these volunteers know that it is all just part of a larger process. >> it takes persistence and it takes face that people will listen overtime. and it is tough work. but it is worth it. >> you have to show them that you want to work with them and that they also need to work with you. it is a two-way street. >> is on the street at the hotel to make changes for the people that live inside, and for those that live nearby. in west oakland, don imus, cbs 5. >> a victory for supporters of separation of church and state. i'm ann noterangelo and open with a monument that was removed by the oakland zoo. >> and cougars on campus? real ones. the bay area college where a family of mountain lions move in. >> and there could be site at the end of the tunnel for those three blind mic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> tonight a longtime resident of the oakland zoo is out of public view. it is not an animal but a monument that stood for decades. ann noterangelo is here with why is being removed. >> if you look behind me, you would never know that there was a monument here since the '60s that depicted the 10 commandments. this morning a worker can and and dug up and hauled away. >> i-80 think it is great what they did, and i think that people of all different faiths can come here now. >> since 1966 the 10 commandments have stood outside of a rental home in no one park. it was erected in a different era when as presidents was not controversial. but for years it has destroyed this man. >> i think when it is the only monument there, it does show disrespect for other religions and faiths. >> the removal was a personal three and half your effort for him, he was molested by a priest. he says that he respects others religions but he wants a separation of church and state and it was on public property. this is where the monument is now. in storage. >> it is not a corporate for public display. >> the zoo director says the zoo knew there could be pinned issue. >> why did it take six years to remove it? >> it just fell off the radar screen. >> but he has another theory, >> in the meantime, the east bay atheist have gotten wind of it and they were offended also. they have planned a large protest. i think that may have instigated the removal. >> he says about 50 people were planning to process this weekend at the zoo. regardless of what motivated the actions, this case has been resolved gracefully. but the overriding issue has not. he maintains that it was illegal, the zoo says " no it was not ". >> it is not illegal to have it put on display. but we're very sensitive to the visiting public. >> he will be the one that decides what happens to the money and now. but this man says he would like to see a donated to a local church. >> thank you. >> mountain lion sightings are common in some parts of the bay area. but now a family of the alliance has moved in near the greek theatre on the cal campus. christin ayers spoke with one gentleman who got very close. >> the security guard says that it happened in the blink of a night. >> the deer came first and jumped the fence. to nice box, and i thought to myself, all i need is a mountain lion. and right behind him was a mountain lion, and to fledgling cubs behind him. >> like something out of a national geographic special set in kenya, where he grew up hunting the big cats. >> the leopards were the ones that grab kids, >> but this is not east africa. far from it. >> i was a little bit shocked to see them on a uc campus. >> mere feet from where the security guard patrols and electrical switching station at berkeley. he thought that close encounter would be his last. t a male cougar showed up one week later. >> of thing that makes me worry. is that we are food also. >> and on a campus where this is likely the most dangerous animal you will see. students say that there spoke to. >> i am scared. i would probably run away. >> my dad told me that i'm not supposed to run away but make myself look larger than i actually am. >> that is what police are telling students to and he says now that he knows what is hiding in these hills he will be patrolling for more than just human trespassers. >> i watch for them now because i do not want to get caught in a position where it has to defend itself to get away from me because it will defend itself. >> remember the childhood did the " three blind mice ". what if those mice could see? uc-berkeley researchers are part of a team that discovered a chemical that temporarily restore sight two blind mice. see for yourself. the blind mouse on the right was treated at, exposed to light, and his people reacts. the untreated mouse on the left, nothing happens. oxides is called a drug it a 82 ". >> we could restore some level of visual function m4 up to 24 hours. usually less than 24 hours. but the new compounds that we have developed can restore functions for many days, up to two weeks at a time. >> it remains to be seen how or if the chemical will work in humans who have lost all or part of their vision. >> that is awesome. let's see what is ahead in the weather. >> could you feel the difference today? it looks like we did have a seat of a cold out at least by three or five degrees. lets pinpoint those neighborhood forecast temperatures. topping off at 58 in pacifica, 70 in oakland. mid-70s across the peninsula. today's highs all the way up into the 80s in the inland areas. this is the scene looking at san fransisco where currently to 60 degrees and we're seeing a robust sea breeze up to 20 mi. per hour. in fact this is the view looking at mt. diablo where we have dropped down to 72 degrees in dublin. western when kicking up to 20 mi. per hour. can you see that removing behind me? a little bit. lots of blue skies. later on tonight overcast, patches of fog tomorrow morning and then turning out to be slightly cooler day with a warm weekend slated. this is futurecast where you can see the clouds have already lined up against putting a day and are moving into the central day. tomorrow morning's commute will have plenty of low clouds and patchy fog from hayward through union city back through san jose. there's a possibility of airport delays at arriving flights as a vote. clouds in point reyes. otherwise tonight overnight into the fifties. 55 degrees in concord and in livermore as well as what creek. tomorrow's highs 50's on the coast, low '80s in morgan hill down for gilroy. warmer for the gilroy garlic festival this week and other was 82 in brentwood and antioch. low '80s in pleasanton and mid- 70s in navato. the extended forecast calls for warm up just in time for the week and other was unseasonably milmild conditions. >> we will see. >> with more employees allowed to bring their pets to work, why some people in the bay area say they're having a rough go of it? >> a new s,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, >> more bay area work places seem to be doubling as doggie daycare. this as companies become more flexible about bringing your car to work. but mike sugerman reports that is is things tough for businesses that rely on those bonds for cash. >> frankly, franklin and his pals are the best workers at balloons bought. located south of market san fransisco. they just lie around and drink, but they do seem to make their people better workers. >> bringing my dog to work is a nice perk and definitely a consideration when you take a new job. >> we'll out dog owners to basically come in at their own leisure. >> at this creamery just a block away, people can wet their whistles and so can dogs. there has been no official census yet but this summer neighborhood could be one of the most canine friendly anywhere in the united states. >> i believe that just in this apartment building alone there is close to 900 dogs. >> if there is a mean streak in this dog town it could be park avenue. the doggie daycare located in the huge avalon mission bay complex where amanda sees great possibilities. >> i wanted to bring our business to this neighborhood. because i thought that it would be a great place to serve the community. >> but there was a culture clash as worlds collide did. one applicant came in looking for a job, with her dog. the company did not allow dogs at work, and she did not get the job. but still, enough for dog friendly that dog professionals are having to come up with new strategies for their businesses. >> people that might come here three or four years ago, now these companies are opening a can take their dogs to work. >> and maybe not checking into this hotel .. >> so we may not get them for day care but if we can get them in for an overnight, then that would be worst business. >> but there's little doubt that san fransisco is so much the district has gone to the dogs. mike sugerman, cbs 5. >> eight new shark species have been discovered by students in central california. the marine laboratory students came up on the charts was studying for two months in the southern indian oceans. from there, they will perform extensive genetic testing and measurements pitch to learn all i can. they have also been given the honor of naming the new species. >> budget cuts are all too common these days but one bay area councilman is making one that we rarely ever hear about. >> a boy-scout fire, he says because he is gay, drastic action by fellow scouts to show their support of him. >> dragged underwater by a killer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> >> a raucous growing overseas tonight about the mitt romney campaign having to do with a comment allegedly made by an unnamed source on his team to a newspaper there. political reporter grace lee is here with the fallout from the mitt romney campaign, this is not true. >> they say that, we do know is that the fight for the president has gone international, and both sides are weighing in after what could be damaging story in the british press. the republican candidate arrived in london earlier today. the daley college telegraph refers to an unnamed mitt romney adviser who suggested that his commitment for a special relationship between the united states and the united kingdom would be enhanced by his anglo- saxon heritage, something the president could not understand, according to him. the telegraph says " we are part of an anglo-saxon heritage and mitt romney feels that the special relationship is special, the white house did not fully appreciate the shared history we have ". already vice president joe biden has returned fire with a statement. " our relationship with the british is stronger than ever, not surprisingly this is just another feeble attempt by the mitt romney campaign to store political science at the expense of the critical partnership. this assertion is beneath a presidential campaign ". >> a mitt romney spokesperson has denied reports telling cbs news that " it is not true, if anyone said that, they were not reflecting the views of governor mitt romney or anyone inside of the campaign. so the president's campaign advisor david axelrod is calling these comments " stunningly offensive ". but we should make a note that generally speaking carissa arrest is given more leeway to use anonymous sources than the american media. we do want to change gears because that and united states an important day in the senate. pass the bill to keep tax cuts on middle-class. this bill keeps the bush era tax cut for those making less than $200,000 per year and it is in line with what the president has said he wants. it did not however keep the tax cut for the rich as the republicans wanted. this bill is expected to die when it is passed the house with the republican majority. but it is still considered a political victory for the democrats and it is something that congress needs to figure out before the end of the year, experts are saying, including the congressional budget office, that if congress cannot come to an agreement, the economy could go into a double-dip recession. >> those tax cuts versus recession, is that we're looking at? >> yes and it is hard to know where the balance should be given the severity of the previous recession, any additional recession would obviously have a very negative effect. >> the economy is recovering, the professor says that it is still very vulnerable and at times like this, congressional policy becomes exponentially more important than it does during times when the economy is actually strong. so, we need the partisan bickering to end before the end of the year because we have very big stakes, if the dough into a double-dip recession your talking about people that have not had a job for years and still looking. >> it is hard to get out from underneath something like that. it is hard enough now. so that would make it much worse. >> absolutely, let's hope that congress gets this done. >> thankyou. >> it is not something that you hear every day, a city councilman in concord voluntarily agreeing to cut his own pay. don ford shows us why. >> the city of concord is a nice place, it has nice parks, nice restaurants, and like most cities in california, it has budget problems. but this councilman is trying to help. >> i had a medical program that i felt was substantial, and significant. i did not need any of the cash benefits, so i voluntarily declined to receive them. >> the councilman is giving back to the city the money from his health benefits, but he still has coverage. >> i have a supplement from the army to read >> he is returning nearly $7,000, while the says it is mainly symbolic, every dollar helps. citizens agree. >> it is nice that he is giving it back. >> if you don't need the money then why take it? >> it will make a small dance, but i think it is more representative saying that he is for the city and not for himself. >> similar issues going on in albany. the city usually pays about $8,000 for coverage of their city council members. but they take up the entire premium for what ever planned the five council members choose up to over $17,000 per year. two of those members get in lieu of payments because they get their health care through employers or spouses. the former albany school board member objects that the city council voted themselves a better plan and offered to city workers. >> it is immoral and unethical for the council to do this. i still feel that way. >> we have since learned one of the council members getting the most extensive coverage is now reversing the city for those additional costs. the other highest is for both the council woman and her husband. in albany, don ford, cbs 5. >> a california eagle scout says that he has been fired from his position in the boy-scout of america because he is gay. tim griffin is a decorated eagle scout and has been with the boy- scout since he was 5. he says that senior leaders told him that his mannerisms and jesters were a problem. he said that they also tell them that they had received complaints from visiting scoutmasters. >> dad complains that talked about how they were scared that i was a pedophile. and they were concerned for their children's safety because i was a homosexual. which is disheartening and heartbreaking. >> 10 of his colleagues walked off their jobs in protest. the boy-scout deny that person was fired because of his sexuality. they say it was an issue with performance, a violation of the expected behavior and camp standards. >> a dramatic show at sea world and nearly killed the trainer is being seen for the first time on video. it happened in 2006. this video was released on a court order. at t scene shows the trainer being dragged underwater by a female killer whale. the 30 year-old trainer kept his cool and escaped with only a broken foot. the whale was likely agitated by cries from her newborn calf. >> imagine being a mother and your child is calling for you, and you're not allowed to go come for your child because you have to perform a show? that would make you angry. >> the video is fuelling the debate over safety at sea world, in 2010 a female trainer in orlando drowned when a killer whale violently shook her and dragged her underwater. >> some unexpected extra money could be coming your way. why millions of californians are getting cash back? >> the group offers food for thought, the message they tried to convey in the bay area,,,,,,, >> about 2 million californians will soon be getting refunds from their health insurance companies. the payments will be made by insurers that did not abide by a new provision of the affordable care act. it mandates that insurance companies spend at least 80 percent of the premiums that they collect on actual patient care. the six companies paying refunds to customers are blue shield, kaiser, signet, and anthem blue cross and pacific care. the average refund is expected to be about $65 per family. >> in they come as a surprise to know how much of our tax dollars and a supporting the junk food that leads to childhood obesity. len ramirez explains where that money goes, instead of helping farmers that wrote the nutritious food. >> it is on its way to be well above 7 ft. by the time this season is done. >> the california public interest research group chose this tiny suburban farm to illustrate a new report. >> it is a beautiful plants. >> they found small farmers producing colorful variety of fruits and vegetables get only a fraction of agriculture subsidies compared to big businesses which produce commodity crops like corn and soybeans. what is wrong with that? >> we give over $1 billion per year to subsidize junk food ingredients. >> she is not talking about the wishes corn on the, but things like cornstarch and corn syrup and soy oils that become some of the main ingredients in things like twinkies, with 75 percent of subsidies going to less than 4 percent of farmers, she says the average taxpayer supports the creation of 21 20s per year compared to just one-half of one red delicious apple. >> at a time when america is facing a growing ibiza the epidemic, crushing debt, and a weak economy, the last place that tax dollars should be going is to create junk food ingredients. >> between 1995 and 2011, american taxpayers spend $277 billion on farm subsidies. she says most california farmers received none of that money. >> a lot of farmers like myself that are linking up with their neighbors to do suburban farming, as it stands right now we really do not have a hope to ever access any of that money. >> a big reason is because that they are growing things that are specialty crops. tomatoes, eggplant. they're not what the government calls commodity crops of they're not receiving this federal money. >> she has collected 2000 signatures on a petition that will ask congress to cut the subsidies when the farm bill comes up to be reauthorize the september. >> the cost of fine fashion can put even a pair of jeans out of reach for a teenager. >> you look at a price tag and it is $148? 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[ sighs ] sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability, and ways to connect. >> sometimes fashion means something more important than looking good. and that is why this week's jefferson award winner is giving away the latest styles. kate kelly has her story. >> while most teenage girls are scourings stores for back-to- school clothing in the mall, the 17 year-old is busy putting the finishing touches on her own store. allison was just 14 when she thought of combining her love of fashion with community service. >> that is how it came about, i had heard about prom dress drives before and i thought why not take it one step further. >> not just any clothing, she started it threads fourteens to provide new, free, stylish fashion to teams that would otherwise not be able to afford them. >> buckled donated these jeans and they are very nice brand. and you have some of them will look at a price tag and it is $140, >> top brands like tommy hilfiger and hot topic, they all wanted to help so they started as a school project but it grew into a year-round nonprofit. >> here i am 14 years old asking for donations. and, i had no idea. in fact, all the donations started rolling in and just taking over our house. >> up until now she has been operating out of donated office space but her dream was to have a store in thanks to raider nation, she is opening a permanent space. when the new store opens in windsor it will mark two years and almost 200 head to toe outfits that she has provided high-school girls >> this 18 year-old was referred to fred's fourteens by her high- school counselor. shopping is by appointment only and clients must be referred for schools and social service agencies. >> they also hit the self- esteem, in my opinion, to go out and feel confident. and the confidence carries over into their whole life. >> i think that is totally true because, you do not want to walk around in old stuff, it makes you feel down. >> allison is headed into her senior year of high school and plans to go to college. her mother has agreed to mentor others students that will volunteer to carry threads fourteens further. but now with a new store she is hoping to serve more girls than ever. >> in makes me feel happy that i'm making a even a small difference in someone's life. that is my goal, to help others, to realize their dreams and realize their full potential. >> so for outfitting teenagers with clothing and confidence, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to alison. >> you can connect a girl in need with reds fourteens using the link at click reconnect button at the top of the page and then jefferson awards. >> the cbs network is making a cross-country trip to think it's yours. in san fransisco.ere made a stop the cbs buzz tour is thinking everyone for making cbs the most watched network. elizabeth wenger was at the embarcadero and got a tour with one of the winners from the amazing race. >> if you cannot make it down to see us go to there you can download all of your favorite shows, the book from neil patrick harris, all kinds of stuff. when does a network to this just for saying " thanks for watching ". >> it will hit 60 cities in 60 days and you can find out where the next course that will be on >> how cool is that? i would love to be on amazing race. thank you. what a day across the bay area. outside we have overcast skies in the city by the day. the centers in san jose, 74. morgan hill awfully warm at 83 degrees. now but in the upper 60s. livermore at 64. and across the central day, after a high of only 64 today, san fransisco said at 60 we'll they were checks in at 70. we will see the intrusion of a blanket of clouds moving into the central coast. did you see it wraparound adult? dissipating by the morning commute. sunrise at 6 06 a.m. . a and then in inverness, it is only going to see partial clearing at best during the afternoon hours. overnight cloud cover. tomorrow grey skies, and only partial coastal clearing. the extended forecast calls for a warmer weeks ahead. this is alive cbs 5 whether camera looking at mt. diablo. you'll have black hawk, dublin, pleasanton. currently b.c. temperatures in the low seventies. average high this time of the year round pleasanton and dublin around 91 degrees. instead checking in at 83 today so we are averaging six to 11 degrees below normal for this time of the year. if you want to know why, it is because of this up here. an area of low pressure carving a trough and it continues to dig further in a southern direction and as it does so, a pool of colder air drifting into the northern half of the state. tonight overnight into the 50s. 51 degrees in terra linda and sandra fell back through del valle lee and kentfield otherwise mid-50s in walnut creek. into hercules. otherwise south bay numbers, 79 in santa clara and 77 in san jose. that is 10 degrees below normal. 70 degrees in los altos. northwest resumed winds between 10 and 20. 82 in brentwood when we should be in the low ninety's. 63 in san fransisco. hang on to the weather pattern for friday and then by the weekend, strengthening ridge of high pressure allows temperatures to return to where they should be for this time of the year. and in cooler conditions beginning next week.,, >> an mri confirmed today that apollo sandoval has a strained left hamstring after the a big stretch last night at first base. the giants will wait until friday to see if he needs to go on the disabled list. slow at the north also sand that is looking at tim lincecum coming off of three straight wins but took a step back today, bases loaded, angel could not come upper, a two run score, 2/1 san diego. tasers whose mom takes his former teammate steve for a 5/1. tim lincecum did not get out of the inning and took his frustrations out on the baseball bats. san diego 6/2 in the eighth. ryan theriot drive home a run and itget 6/3. ending the threat, and the giants hope of this week, pierre win 6/3. tim lincecum picks up his 11th loss of the year. >> i was a little firedi could e better against those. hitters to get out of that situation. leading to a bases loaded lever. >> the dodgers made a deal late last night that could shift the balance of power in the national league west. third baseman ramirez added to los angeles in exchange for two pitchers. he is batting just 246 but does have 14 home runs. three years ago he was the batting champion but his numbers have progressively dropped. the dodgers agreed to pay all of the $38 million left on his contract. the rogers center turned into a launching pad for the a's. 12 batters came to bat in the second, four walks, five hits, scoring eight runs. all but one of them off of ricky romero. then koko chris goes deep, and in the fifth, he does it again. the oakland a's are on their way to their seventh straight win their leading toronto, are you ready for this? 14/0 right now. after a 6/10 season last year the panthers offensive linemen took out a full-page ad in the charlotte observer guaranteeing that the panthers will win a super bowl this season. as jim hardball needed any more motivation. training camp starts friday. h the pavilion in front of hundreds of family and friends, so why is his most cherished fan coming in from halfway around the world? >> everyone says that i am hungry like a lion or a tiger. no one is hungrier than a roach. you turned the lights off and it will be right back. >> he is in a happy place, finally healthy and will step into the ring for the first time in 16 months. most importantly his wife is free from leukemia. >> it was important for him to be with me during that time because, you know the doctors said it could be a 50/50 chance of survival. >> her only option was a bone marrow transplants and her match was someone in germany. >> my grandfather died because of leukemia when i was 10 years old. i wanted to give another person who has this terrible disease a chance to live. >> stanford gave me a call and said " you can finally your donor if you would like ". and i said " yes i want to meet him ". so they gave me her name and where she was from, and an e- mail address so i emails her. >> 2 years after the transplant they finally met in april. >> i really appreciate it ... >> if she was not the kind hearted person she was to donate bone marrow then my wife would not be here today. >> she is like another daughter. i have to already and now have three. >> saturday she will attend her first boxing match with casey at h d pavilion. for casey is nothing new, but she has discovered that they have more in common than just bone marrow. >> her cousins middle name is roseanne my grandmother's middle name is rose. and my daughters middle name is rose and my sister and my grandmother are named rose. >> it was like meeting my sister after 22 years of my life. >> robert will fight saturday night and there will be a bone marrow drive. you can be screened and then you would go into the bone marrow registry, the screening process is just a cotton swab. >> it has changed so much, it is easy. >> someone from have around the world could be your match. >> it is very easy to do. what a great story. thank you. we're c,,,,,,,,,,,, imagine having a celebration with this you outside and inside. now this is a great space to party. welcome to eye on the bay, i'm preview. we'd set of some tricks of the trade to show you how you can get the biggest bang for your buck.

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