to do it with a smile on his face, relentlessly optimistic. >> he joined the peace corps and attended law school, he set out to make a difference in the world, and he did. >> it is such a waste. i'm sorry ... >> he is described as idealistic, courageous, and honorable. " we should all be so lucky to live a life that we've reached membered in that light. >> he was a public servant and he served so well, and so selflessly. i feel like he is such a great example about was great about this country in high-school be had the opportunity to visit spain and his family said that he was unflappable and never spoke about any danger that he might be and. >> a huge loss, thank you very much. the deadly attack was initially blamed on an anti islamic video that error on youtube, a film produced in the united states. phil matier continues our team coverage with reaction from the muslim community. >> in his global media age, film smocking islam and the subsequent riots in libya, are all part of a new american experience. for some 250,000 muslims that all the bay area their home. >> it is very sad, what ever happened, it is very sad. >> as the executive director of the council of american islamic relations in the bay area, he is one of the first to get calls for comment. >> what is the best way to respond to this? how can you explain to our fellow americans what is going on, and make clear what the position of muslims is on indiscriminate violence, it's very much feeds into the stereotypes that the filmmaker was trying to put out there, it has been very important for us to amplify the voice is a people condemning the mobs. >> as far as a backlash,? >> we are always worried about backlash and that is when something like this makes it into the headlines, we are on higher alert. but we have not received any complaints about hate crimes or eight incidents. we received one hate message this morning but one is a low number for a day like this. >> one of the biggest community center where the faithful gather, their take on the film and the subsequent events in libya? >> it is not right to say anything about that movie, >> it is against the muslims. >> in what way? >> give your opinion, there's nothing wrong with giving their opinions. >> the media affects the image of us leaving our lives peacefully. >> this should not happen on both sides, there should not be any movie, which is basically this honoring the prophet of islam, and the islamic religion as a whole. at the same time, when this kind of violence happens where innocent people are killed, this is very disturbing. >> this is not the first or the last that we have seen of this kind of story. as usual we have reactions of the adults, but there's another group out there that we do not pay a lot of attention to. >> for a lot of kids that are young and in school today, they were toddlers, if even alive, one 9/11 happened, yet so much of the past decade has been them trying to navigate their identities and trying to defend their face, trying to explain their fates. i think that incidents like this, unfortunately, to unfold on the playground. >> just another example, we live in a fast media age where images are transported instantaneously both for good and bad, often times it is the most innocent that suffer. >> thank you. >> youtube has blocked that video that some claim has incited violence at a number of u.s. embassies in the middle east but only in egypt and libya, the 14 minute video is a trailer to a low-budget movie which depicts the prophet muhammed in an offensive light, even so, you to says that it falls within their guidelines and will remain online in other countries. >> mitt romney condemned the attacks, and offered condolences to the families of those killed. and then he criticized president obama. >> the administration was wrong to stand by statements sympathizing with those that had reached our embassy in egypt. instead of condemning their actions. >> mitt romney said that instead of speaking out forcefully against that breach, the u.s. embassy in cairo issued a statement that he called " akin to an apology ". in an interview with 60 minutes, president obama said that mitt romney did not have his facts straight. >> there is a more broad lesson to be learned here and gov. mitt romney seems to have a tendency to shoot first and name later. and as president, one of the things i've learned is that you cannot do that. >> when asked if the remark was irresponsible, the president said that he would let the american people be the judge of that. we have continuing coverage of the libyan attack and the death of the ambassador on line, you can find the latest developments 24/7 on >> now back to the presidential candidates, mr. obama showing a strong lead over mitt romney in california according to an exclusive cbs 5 survey usa pole. we asked 750 adults if the election were held today, who would you vote for? pretty simple. 57 percent said that they would vote for the president and 35% say that they would vote for mitt romney. another part of the exclusive pole sounds the alarm for governor jerry brown as he puts all of his efforts behind proposition 30, the tax increase to fund education. political reporter grace lee is here with what these new numbers have found. >> in this poll, the numbers indicate that support for the governor's tax initiative is dropping, significantly. much more so than we have seen in recent weeks which means that not only is it possible that our state could lose teachers and school days, the governor could be facing a humiliating public and political loss. >> he has staked his political reputation on proposition 30. and three weeks ago gov. jerry brown campaign for his $6 billion tax initiative at san fransisco middle school. >> we have lost, and that is no reason to punish the children of california. it is rather a reason to invest. >> california voters may be reluctant to invest in a ballot measure that would raise the sales tax by a quarter percent and increase the income tax on those making more than $250,000 per year. a new survey u.s. a poll out today found that 34 percent would vote in favor of proposition 30 we'll 36 percent would vote against a higher tax and a large group, 29 percent, are still undecided. >> historically, if a ballot measure is not 50%, essentially runs and timber, it has a high likelihood of not being successful. >> supporters of proposition 30 say that these numbers are " dead wrong ". they say that several polls have shown that more than 50 percent of voters actually do support raising taxes for schools. including a pole at last month that 55 percent of californians passing the ballot measure. this political prof. aknowledge is the new poll numbers are much lower than before, and says that even still, it should be a wake- up call for the governor. >> this is different from what we saw a month and half ago, it is a number that i think would certainly scare a lot of people interested in this passing. especially the governor who has everything at stake in this ballot measure. >> the other big issue promised by jerry brown this year was pension reform, today in los angeles he signed a bill that would require new state employees to work longer before they can retire, with full benefits. it also caps pension benefits and puts a new regulation to prevent abuse of the system. it is expected to save the state more than $42 billion in the next 30 years. let's just go back to that usa poll, if it is right, the reason support numbers could be so low maybe because the governor actually manage to get pension reform passed. also remember that $54 million to the state parks department, but there were sitting on for 12 years? both of these could be explanations for why proposition 30 seems to be losing support, a lot of people said that if pension reform passed, we would not do it, and people lost confidence in the state governments. >> a lot of people suspicious of sacramento after that $50 million was found in parks. so it is up near .. >> absolutely, we will see. >> it may be a bumpy road ahead for north bay bus service. golden gate transit buses takes riders into san francisco every day but that agency also provide service within iran county, mike sugerman tells us that those are the routes facing a money crunch. >> golden gate transit buses are by most accounts, sweep. >> it gives you a lot of space to move and brief. >> if you ride a bus in the bay area, most would say it is not even close. >> these are the best buses in the bay area. >> the transit district is running on empty, less than empty. a $15 million deficit over the next five years, like a consumer that continues to shop like they did when they have money. they have been called a nordstrom of bay area buses. but can they continue to shop here or is it time to shop at target? >> it cost more to shop here. >> the general manager is negotiating with the marin county transit district which pays the bills. >> we believe that we provide first-class service and we recognize that we have some >> challenges the will work with them to offer a lower price. >> a 10% sales. it would charge the county that much less, service would be cut by a quarter and a different cheaper bus company would make up the difference, is that enough? >> i am not thrilled. >> supervisor susan adams is on the board that takes up the contract again next week. it has been continued for several months of painful negotiations taking place. golden gate calls this their final offer and if it does not give the contract that would have to lay off 125 people. >> no one knows for sure what will happen which makes for a great board meeting, it will be great theater. >> i am len ramirez, at apple headquarters in cupertino, the new iphone 5 will be coming out soon, just ahead, why some call it evolutionary instead of revolutionary. >> and coming up, the most trashy bay area waterways and the filth that the fed's fished >> apple officially unveiled their iphone 5 in san fransisco, and yes, technology riders swarmed and the apple geek goatees swooned. len ramirez says that it remains to be seen if this phone will be the one. it may be a last one? >> exactly, they will all be one and people need to decide for themselves but you are right, no doubt about it, apple got a lot of extra attention today and always does when it introduces a new phone to to some blockbusters in the past, was this a blockbuster today? that question is still up in the air but apple fans and the building that's got to see it firsthand were not disappointed. >> today we're going to introduce the iphone 5 ... >> apple fans remain faithful following the introduction of a bigger iphone 5 + new ipods and improve headphones and a revamp of itunes. >> bigger screen, lighter, thinner, everything that you once in an ipod or and iphone. >> let's take a look at the brand-new iphone 5 ... >> marketing chief introduce the new 4 in. screen iphone by having it pop up, somewhat awkwardly, from a small trapdoor in the floor. >> it is an absolute jewel. it is the most beautiful products that we have ever made. >> besides being bigger, center, and later, the new device will be faster using new high-speed data networks. >> when you are out of a wi-fi zone you can actually watch a video on netflix or youtube. >> but market watch says it is technology that competing funds have had for some time. >> to expect that every year they will totally revolutionized the smart-phone is not realistic. what they need to do is keep at it every year in terms of keeping on top and adding new features and keeping on top of competitors, but most of those things are evolutionary and not revolutionary. >> the first major iphone update since the death of steve jobs, some say that he was missed. >> it was different without steve jobs, but tim did an awesome job presenting. >> apple announcements have been very secretive in the past under the steve jobs era, but this time a lot of features and specs actually leaked out ahead of time such as the new connector that will come with the new iphones 5, interestingly that new connector use is eight pins instead of 30 pence but it does not use the newest technology which is wireless charging or you can actually just put a phone on top of a charging pad, and you don't need to connect anything, a lot of new funds have that an apple chose not to go with that technology in this phone. in some ways, a lot of the competitors are catching up or surpassing apple in some ways. >> if anyone from apple is listening, do not make it too big that it will not fit in my back pocket, that is all that i am asking. >> they have gone longer but not wider. >> thank you. >> other bay area headlines, first from the north bay, police released this surveillance video of an armed robbery. the suspect wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and a ski mask, he goes into a shell gas station in downtown san rafael and pulls out a handgun and robs the worker and then runs away. this happened two weeks ago. >> in the south bay, a car struck and killed and 81 year- old pedestrian. san jose police say that a toyota hit the woman crossing north jackson avenue. she died at the scene. police say that the driver is cooperating with investigators. >> home burglaries on the rise again, in palo alto. police say that burglaries at 31 residential properties in the past six weeks alone. that is up from 24 during that same time from one year go. police say that in most cases the burglars got in through unlocked doors and windows. >> some of the bay area's waterways are so full of garbage that they have made this year's list of trash hot spots. volunteers are finding things like diapers and beer bottles and cigarette butts. don ford shows us how environmental groups are trying to save the bay. >> it is not everyday that you see the epa specific regional administrator pulling tires from the bay. a media event, to be sure. but he genuinely want to that tire gone. they're promoting this coastal cleanup day. >> saturday as international beach cleanup day, a time when we can go out with kids to show them what it is all about which is cleaning up the junk on beaches. >> save the base as loss of spots around the bay violate federal law with so much trash. the five worst spots are coyote creek in san jose. the hayward shoreline, damon slue, and baxter creek in richmond. >> i did not have a big enough bucket for all the trash. >> here it is covered in trash, lots of drug bags and beer bottles, plastic grocery bags, executive director of save the bay says, you name it. >> most of this trash is ordinary household items, plastic and styrofoam. >> a lot of what is called micro trash .. >> it last forever, hundreds of years. >> tiny bits that could poison birds and wildlife, trash on the street eventually makes its way into the bay. >> a huge piece of styrofoam. it has been here so long that there are oysters living in it. >> it is estimated 3.8 billion of these plastic bags are used annually in the bay area. and over 1 million of them end up in at the shoreline. at this saturday will be your chance to come down and help pick up a couple, don ford, cbs 5. >> we love wildlife here, sea gulls are known to swoop down and steal your food at bay area beaches but what happens when a steel your camera? take a look. a tourist was taking in the sights when she put her camera down, it was still rolling when a seagull grabbed it and took off with it across the water, the sealed dropped off a few seconds later, video has over 60,000 use on youtube. and at the camera is probably a ok. the weather will be fine, some fog along the golden gate but big changes coming up in the weather as we head towards,,,,,, >> what takes two hours, three cans of hair spray and a jar of gel? the world's tourist mohawk of course, this japanese fashion designer has a 3 ft. 8.6 in. hair cut that he has been growing for 15 years, he showed it off in new york for the launch of the newest edition of the guinness book of world records. that looks like one of those garden gnomes. >> i'm sorry, he is in the bathroom for two hours doing his hair? and they talk about us. >> what if a seagull grab that and flew away with it? >> we have great weather moving into the bay area, if you like warm stuff, 90s, widespread 90's and even a few 80s near the bay, tomorrow likely the warmest day of the month. we're looking gorgeous, that will not change, sunshine will stay but we will be warmer because i pressure is on the move. oakland 69 degrees, conquered 82 and mountain view 70. a city checking in with 61, redwood city at 71. this evening we stay cloudy at the coast with fog until midmorning and high pressure will do its thing, we're clear for now for the day but blue skies are england with the mid- 70s. cloud cover at the coastline, we will do that for the next 24 hours but we are watching high pressure builds in, it has been lost to the west for the last several days giving us temperatures still running below normal. that changes tomorrow with high- pressure sitting over top of us, the wind is light at but and we will warm up especially in locations hitting the '90s. concord six degrees above average, for the first time in a week oakland is above-average by one degree, 76 for you and san jose one degree above normal. 84 in fremont in redwood city, 94 fairfield, concord, livermore. and vallejo 87, by far the warmest of the week is coming up tomorrow. still warm but not as warm friday and saturday. saturday will be warmer because an onshore flow comes and we will be cooler. next week bay area high temperatures only in the low seventies. that is your forecast for right now. >> a construction dig a south of market reveals a remarkable find, why a tree historic beast is missing part of his smile? >> i smash and grab at a busy bay area shopping district, how the suspects made this a highly unusual,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [ female announcer ] you want family dinner to be special. dad, we want pizza. you guys said tacos. [ female announcer ] it doesn't always work out that way. you know what? we're spending too much money on eating out anyway. honey, come look at this. [ female announcer ] my money map from wells fargo is a free online tool that helps you track your spending. so instead of having to deal with a tight budget, you could have a tighter family. ♪ wells fargo. >> crews working on the new trans-bay terminal in san fransisco have made a historic discovery. part of the gel from it will the mammoth, it was found 100 ft. below the construction site in downtown san francisco. joe vasquez shows us this rare find. >> construction worker made the find right back here on this site just south of mission. as a matter of fact, he called a staff archeologist, they have been standing by for these matters, he referred the case to a paleontologist at made a mammoth confirmation. >> like this ... >> the tooth and part of a job all osjaw belonging to a colombian mammoth lived in severed cisco 11,000 years ago. >> the led record is the enamel of the tooth. we have nice animal preservation. >> is telling colleges says it was not unusual to have these mammoth living here well before there was even a day, since it was more of a grassy plain. as you can see from this bbc recreations, the mammoths were huge, but not wholly, but with as much as 5 t, allen says that he has competing theories about how the tooth came to be left in what is now construction yards south of market. >> he either spit out a loose tooth and walked on, or this is part of something bigger down there. >> it looked too perfect to be a rock. >> this crane operator found to of monday morning when he was working on building the new transit center. his crane was lifting soil out of the cylinder from 1,100 ft. deep and as he dumped the dirt into a separate file he glanced down and saw i discolored object. >> i started digging deeper and discovered a bigger piece. at that point i knew it was not a rock. >> is not the first archaeological find of a construction site. people here have put together a display of other objects recovered underground. mostly gold rush era artifacts like pottery and ceramic figurines, they even found a gold nugget. >> they found gold here, you could have been the one to find gold? >> a lot of people find gold but how many people find a mammoth? >> good point. the digging continues, but gently, so far they have not found the rest of this mammoth. >> but i bet they will, how exciting? >> it is exciting, these guys are working hard, who knew that you could find something in a giant pile of dirt and it turns out to be a treasure? >> thankyou. >> a group of young women accused in a smash and grab robbery at a high and store in san francisco's union square. that incident happened at the furry excess restore at market and stockton street 2:00 this afternoon. police say that the girls burst into the store and then made off with $5,000 worth of merchandise. the group that included 120 year-old woman, managed to run one block but police caught up with them and arrested them. >> we have new information tonight on the man accused of fatally shooting a california highway patrol officer last week on interstate 680. christopher lacey was headed to sunnyvale on the morning of september 4th, the programmer was scheduled to consult for hewlett-packard. the san francisco chronicle sites colleagues that say he was doing a fantastic job in his new position as a software engineer for another company. they are puzzled as to why he shot at the chp officer during a traffic stop. a memorial service for the officer will be held tomorrow at a vaccaville church. governor jerry brown was among the dignitaries expected to attend. cbs 5 will have live streaming coverage of the service on our website cbs sf .com. >> one of the most unusual police chase is in southern california ended with cash everywhere, it started this morning as a bank robbery but turned into a police pursuit with the robbers throwing handfuls of money out of the car window. theresa garcia is here on the wild scene. >> news helicopters captured the high-speed chase, police cruisers followed to suspected bank robbers making their getaway in a stolen black s u v. police say that the armed men had just taken bundles of cash from a bank of america branch in santa clarita. >> 7 m.p.h., rather fast for this freeway. >> a man in the vaccine threw handfuls of bills out of the window several times, people ran into the street to grab the money. police believe the suspects were trying to slow officers down. >> their work on the victims of their own success because the traffic got so blocked up that they cannot go any further. >> the chase team to a halt in south los angeles and one suspect was pulled out of the back seat and the other from the driver's seat, a growing crowd quickly surrounded the police cars to watch the rest. >> it was televised so there were lots of people out on the streets. it was complete gridlock and sheriff's deputies called for backup. >> when we get these crowds it is very difficult to work in deputies are threatened. >> police took the suspects into custody and they're looking for two others that jump out during the chase. police are asking people that pick up the cash to give it back because it is now evidence in a federal crime. >> i figured it was something i owed and i was going to pay it >> it turns out that she paid the debt of a criminal. " by the state did did to her bank account without her consent? >> doctors say tha,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> a mixup with a criminal cost one california grandmother hundreds of dollars. how could this happen? julie was found out that when felons go to prison, they can give any name, social security number, or birthday, that it wants. >> he likes having his mother nearby, she has a home on the same property. >> it is nice to have her around. >> he helps her manager finances so when she had a $721 bank withdrawal from the franchise tax board, he looked into it. >> she thought it might have been a late fee for taxes that we had not filed on time. >> i figured it was something that i owed and i would say it. >> paperwork shows that it is a court ordered debt over the victim's compensation claims board. the order from the state has her social security number but it is for a felon currently in prison. >> i contacted the bankamerica said it it was a court order and they had to abide by it. >> the victim's compensation board said that a convicted burglar gave the wrong social security number. how could the state allow money to be wrongfully taken from the senior citizens account? >> they should be double checking. >> the taxpayers association thinks that the station have verify her career counseling to a felon before taking her money. >> we have an innocent victim here that has money taken out of her account illegally, and inappropriately. >> the victims board say they have no ability to double check social security numbers provided by inmates, the franchise tax board says that they tend but quickly adds this was not their fault. to add insult to injury, her family learned that it could take 16 weeks to get her money back. >> i was told that she is not special, there's a lot people before me and after me. >> the victim's compensation board has changed its mind and sped up the process to give genie an apology along with a full refund. >> it is still unbelievable that this would happen. >> so how could this happen? could the state take money that you don't go out of your account? the state franchise tax board will not answer that question, but she's banking admits that should have caught this error. especially considering the name on the account did not match the name on the order. >> for more than 40 years doctors have been telling us that eating fish is good for your heart. well now, some argue that fish oil supplements may not help reduce your risk for heart attack or stroke. new research examined the findings from previous studies. the scientists found that over all, taking fish oil supplements had little or no effect on reducing a person's risk of dying or suffering a heart attack or stroke. other experts maintain that the fish oil supplements to lower your risk, but maybe not as much as originally thought. >> in the end, he hopes that this is his legacy. >> that i did something not for myself but for the tried. >> how a bay area teacher uses magic and language to keep his culture alive? >> are you ready? are you ready for the roller-coaster ride,, happy birthday! thank you, nana send money to anyone's checking account with chase quickpay. all you need is an email address or mobile number. you're welcome. take a step forward >> he has been called a modern- day merlon. >> this week's jefferson award winner is a teacher that uses magic and language to keep his native american culture alive. >> ♪ >> he leads a song that he says his ancestors sang on the trail of tears when the u.s. government forced them to relocate in 1838. today he is teaching a language class in san fransisco for native american that want to keep their cultural life. >> the same things are told to them, that were told to me. >> he teaches a weekly at oklahoma choctaw language class at the association of american indians. when he started the course he was inspired by his mother and a growing problem with many tribes. >> a lot of their elders were dying off and no one knew the language in the government was saying " you will not be federally recognized anymore because you are technically not here ". >> although they help the military foil eavesdroppers during the world wars, these families did not pass on their language. this class helped this man reclaim his heritage. >> i learned french and german overseas, and i studied albanian at one point and it struck me that this was ridiculous because i did not know my own language. >> the class starts with one of the most common phrases " hello how are you? ". >> he has learned and now teaches both written and spoken choctaw. before his class his cousin could only speak it. >> it means a lot to me to be able to read it now, i can get my bible out, and read in choctaw. >> outside of the classroom he stages magic shows. a benefit native american and veterans groups. he uses magic to bring their stories to light. this one, about fire. >> we're teaching to listen to your elders because it was the grandmother spider that sound how to bring the fire back so bad the choctaw people can benefit from the cooking and being able to see. >> in the end he hopes it will leave this legacy behind. >> i did something not for myself, but for the tried. >> so for his work on keeping the language and culture alive, the jefferson award in the bay area goes to him. >> if you are interested in the choctaw language class is than you can contact him using his website which we have linked at cbs sf .com. click on the connect button at the top of the page and then " jefferson awards ". >> good evening, the forecast will be like a roller coaster, not crazy up and down but we are heading up over the next 24 hours and the warmest day we have had so far this month is coming up tomorrow. if you like it hot, 24 hours from now, we have mainly sunny skies but on the backside of that camera we have a lot of cloud cover sitting offshore. that will likely move in overnight tonight. current senators, san jose 74, santa rosa 75, san fransisco only 61. livermore 83 and concord checking in at 82 degrees. doppler radar scanning the skies and coming up crystal clear. radar will stay clear for the next several days .. mainly cloudy skies at the coast, clear for now with clouds and fog rolling in later in the day and we're looking inland temperatures in the mid-70s. in the '90s tomorrow. here's a look at the cloud cover which is just sitting off of the coast of marin all the way down to monterey and santa cruz. that cloud cover will slowly works its way inland as we go through the evening. it is all about high-pressure, sunshine, and warmer weather starting tomorrow. the same dome of high pressure that has been impacting us all week long but tomorrow it will sit over top of us meaning the onshore flow will be minimized. the wind will be light, we get a lot of sunshine around here so we will warm up rapidly without the influence from the pacific ocean. futurecast shows you cloud cover sitting offshore, marching along the coast by tomorrow morning but watch what happens tomorrow afternoon. everyone clears out, even coastal locations will be sunny with temperatures running 5 degrees more mild. less fog tonight compared to the past several nights and inland locations will have the hottest weather since labor day. we will trend cooler but still near normal for the weekend. high-tech mergers tomorrow, san jose up to 84. 91 in morgan hill. redwood city 80, union city 82, 90s from danville north 2 walnut creek, fairfield 95 and vallejo 87 and livermore 94 degrees with sunshine. richmond 75. on the peninsula, there was city, 64. sam zell checking in at 83 degrees. tomorrow is the warmest day of the next several. we will slowly slide back down with a temperatures in the mid 70's for friday and into the >> going for their 11th straight win on the road, watching from home will be branded mccarthy was released from the hospital last night. >> i have not seen the play. it sounds like it was pretty dramatic. >> it was dramatic. dr. peter weber who is a neurosurgeon that operated on his skull fracture and brain hemorrhage in this very room. here's a photograph of the start. the decision to admit mccarthy after the incident could have saved his life. >> this is one of those injuries where, when it occurs, someone can walk off, which say that these people walked away and die. it walked away from the injury and go home and say they have a headache and fall asleep and ever wake up. the doctors did the right thing. he is doing very well. he is a high and athlete in great shape with a great attitude. he has made a good recovery and is going on for some rest. >> you can watch the 49ers' host lions on sunday. the question should be " can they stop calvin johnson? ". but instead it is all about the handshake. >> i'm not going to go into what we talked about, you are making too big a deal of it already. >> both coaches are not playing ball with the media after this incident in detroit, a strong handshake and slap on the back. the best perspective in all of this is jim's brother john who is the raven's head coach. >> i was thinking about that a little bit, there has not been so much attention paid to a handshake since grant and lee shook hands at appomattox. you like that? a moment to think about that. i thought it was appropriate. obviously he was grant. for the rebels. >> judge for yourself. the two men spoke for 25 minutes, we shook grants hands to surrender and they never got another chance to read the brief history lesson is what separates us from other sports departments that literally put you to sleep. case in point, this host fell asleep on his radio show. >> as you can see mike, to share his absence, is part of this, the yankees ... >> stanford is going to host at usc on the form this weekend. among the stable of running backs is all famer barry santo. >> i have had people think that i am a father. >> if he plays anything like his father he will go far with sanders in the backfield. >> i will spend my next few years in college playing with a form. >> high-school star, he surprised experts when he turned down the chance to go to his father's alma maters, oklahoma state. >> it was not tough for me but it was tough to tell it to those people. to tell them " no ". >> the father and son do not share the same middle name but their appearance is very similar. >> i remember one incident where we were at a golf tournaments and her and her son were talking and her son told the lady to come over because he recognized us. she came over to me and said " i heard that you were barry sanders ". i looked at my father and laughed. >> he was in kindergarten when his dad's retirement shocked the nfl but even he remembers his father's work ethic. >> him going to early practices, i mean early practices, always making up to go to practice, i may be remembered going to one or two. >> are you the same size? >> he is shorter, but more wide. that is a solid human being. he is still solid and could swat a house if he needed to. i'm still working on that. >> dad might be stronger but certainly not faster. >> i could probably beat him at this point. just because he is a few years removed. the only person he chases around are my little brothers and michigan. >> sanders has not played yet because stanford is so deep at running back position that it is possible the cardinals could redshirt him,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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