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va. where there was an observance earlier today at the pentagon. >> michelle, many people here in the washington area are saying that if you look up to the sky, it reminds them of 11 years ago, another bright sunny clear morning, and day, as the nation pays tribute to the victims, first responders, and america's military. >> ♪ national anthem >> hundreds of people gathered to remember loved ones lost in the largest terror attack in u.s. history. family members read the names of nearly 3000 people, killed on this day 11 years ago. in washington, president and mrs. obama observed a moment of silence on the white house south lawn. at 9:37 a.m., another moment of silence at the pentagon to remember the 184 lives lost there. >> this is never an easy day but it is especially difficult for all of you. the families of nearly 3000 innocence that lost their lives. >> the secretary of defense told those gathered at the pentagon ceremony that in trying to attack american strength, the terrorist unleashed american spirit and the will to fight for their country. members of congress gathered on the capitol steps, much like they did 11 years ago. in pennsylvania vice president joe biden took part in a ceremony remembering the 40 passengers and crew members who died on flight 93. the republican white house hopeful mitt romney met first responders at the airport in chicago before heading to reno to speak to members of the national guard. president obama is also visiting with wounded soldiers at the walter reed army medical center in maryland. live in arlington va., danielle nottingham, back to you. >> on this 11th anniversary obviously this comes at a time when president obama and mitt romney are campaigning for the election in november, how did they pushed their campaign activities a side? >> both campaigns have already decided to pull their negative campaign ads for the day, they are also avoiding any campaign rallies but they're not completely pushing their campaigns to the side. you could say they're bringing down the town because @ mitt romney stop in a that he is expected to talk about his foreign policy plans, something he was criticized for not doing during the republican national convention and the democrats have dispatched bill clinton to florida to campaign. the campaigns are not completely off but they have taken the tone down. >> in union city many gathered at a memorial to the heroes of flight 93 at sugar mill land park. alissa harrington was there and spoke with some of the heroes family members to. >> we know they died for us. >> a ceremony that happens in union city every year. >> ♪ star spangled banner >> a tribute to the victims of united flight 93 at the memorial at sugar bowl landing park, it has been 11 years since those attacks but as the mother of nicole miller, one of the victims will tell you >> even though you get used to living with it every day, sometimes it does not get easier. >> the 40 passengers and crew members have been hailed as heroes for fighting back on the airplane was hijacked, many of them live in or have ties to the bay area, the original destination of the airplane was san fransisco. >> we can never forget, there's too much at stake. >> christian adams, todd d. moore, >> at the ceremony each name was read aloud. nicole miller's mother believes that her daughter and 79 year- old woman were together in the final moments and that has brought their families close .. >> it brought it all back again. >> today i especially remember the days when her airplane did arrive in san fransisco and should get off the airplane and say " i am here ". and everyone would smile. >> symbolic of reflection, something a lot of people are doing today on the 11th anniversary of terrorist attacks. in union city, cbs 5. >> flags at all fire stations are at half staff honoring the 343 fire fighters that were killed in the 9/11 attacks. early this morning, these firefighters gathered in front of station seven and rang the bells just before 7:00 a.m., the same time the south tower collapsed, this is a tribute to the fire chief and mayor say should be done each year. >> all those men, 343, they went to work that day on 9/112000 at 1, fully expecting to return to their families and to think that they did not and how the world changed because of what happened, that is pretty incredible and something we don't want to forget and we want to pay respect each and every year. >> firefighters observed a moment of silence before reading the names of those fallen firefighters. >> the secretary of defense is commenting on the controversial book by a former navy seal could took part in the raid that killed osama bin laden. >> there's no question that the american people have a right to know about this operation, that is why the president spoke to the american people when the operation happened. but, people who are part of that operation, who commit themselves to the promise that they will not reveal the sensitive operations, and not publish anything without bringing it through the pentagon, so that we can ensure that it does not reveal sensitive information, when they fail to do that, we have to make sure that they stand by the promise they made to this country. >> the interview with leon panetta appeared on cbs this morning today. a department of homeland security investigation has led to indictments concerning the hiring of illegal immigrants. a prosecutor in kansas city announced the indictments an hour ago, allegedly a couple that owns two hotels in the area knowingly hired undocumented workers and pay them less than others. the prosecutor said the workers sought out the hotels. >> there are not transported here by them, they came by their own accord. like a lot of people in the service industry. you know, they approached these employers, seeking employment. >> the owners face one count of conspiracy and five counts of harboring an undocumented workers for personal gain and if convicted they could lose their hotels. >> a dozen people rush to escape an apartment fire south of county fairgrounds in san jose, one person now in hospital with second-degree burns and patrick's zedillo is here with how the neighbors came to the aid of one another. >> i thank god that we were able to get out of there alive. >> after 3:00 a.m., an apartment caught fire and neighbors jumped into action. >> i put him in his wheelchair. >> she was the first to help her friend, a wheelchair-bound man. >> my other neighbor, another gentleman, they basically carried me down the stairs. >> the shot amazing video once everyone was out. >> our neighbors paralyzed on one side of his body so i basically had a fire man. down the stairs and after that we ran back upstairs with fire extinguishers to bust the windows out and then we realized there were two people in their three >> he broke the windows to let them out and they jump from the second floor, to safety, one had second-degree burns. >> the skin was stripping off of his hand, >> as for forest, he is thankful to be alive. >> your friend save you? the lord saved me, but they assisted me. >> a fire displaced 13 people and is under investigation. >> today federal investigators are giving contra costa county supervisors an update on last month's chevron refinery fire, they have been able to remove the pipe that fell on august 6th in richmond, the chronicle reports that pipe had eroded to only one 16th of an inch thick in some spots. investigators are looking into the chevron decision not to replace it, last year. san fransisco ethics commission will meet later today about the expenditure of ross mirkarimi. the commission is working on whether he should be fired as the mayor wants. the sherrif lawyers want the recommendation delayed until after the november election when five current supervisors are on the ballot, this morning mayor ed lee commented on the delays. >> there are tactics that are always being a minister by legal representatives and i understand that, i think that we all have really dragged this event out quite a long time. >> mayor ed lee says that all along on the matter has been fulfilling his responsibility according to the city charter. >> a graffiti tagging spree. >> how a a lot of then turned into widespread vandalism? >> the mayor of oakland continuing her efforts to keep local sports teams in her court, we'll tell you who she is turning to next and why this group fears it may be too late. >> clouds at the coast and sunshine in land and the little heat wave, the days to expect,,, >> new security measures were no match for the raiders fans as cameras captured a fight in the stands during last night's home opener, you can see a few men pushing each other before punches are eventually thrown. officers eventually break it up and end up handcuffing the men. the oakland raiders open up their regular season in front of a packed house and right in the middle of the raider nation, the oakland mayor. >> she is trying to keep all three major sports teams from leaving her city. cate caugurian is in oakland where the mayor is expected to show up any minute? >> that is exactly right, it is part of her rally to build support from local businesses here in this area but we're learning that they saw a flat side in the window, the support is already there. >> it is a business interests but it is also the heart, i believe in oakland and it is my community. >> it is sad. the community, i feel it is very invested in them, it is a big part of what goes on here. >> the mayor kicked off " oakland loves our sports team " weak yesterday at the raiders' game and is continuing her plight today but it appears that she does not need to convince these local businesses to keep their sports teams in oakland. it is something they are already invested in. >> it generates excitement, it is nice to see it out in the community, in beijing with people. >> of oakland is the only city in california with a major football, baseball, and basketball team but all three could leave, promising more revenue generating facilities. julie steven says that she hopes the mayor's efforts are not too late. >> it sounds to me like there are powers that are bigger than her already dealing with the money side of it. so i am not really sure if they have already got plans in the works but i hope that the oakland a's, most importantly, stay here. >> other cities may be able to offer new stadiums the money cannot buy you love. we are expecting the mayor to show up any moment, we're at her first stop where she is gone to visit six businesses in this neighborhood, we know this whole week we'll wrap up when the a's host the orioles this friday. >> thank you very much. >> i plan to turn an abandoned building into a work of art >> stocks moving higher today, right now the dow up 69 points, that is good news, many investors spenexpect the federal reserve to revive the sluggish economy. good day on the dow. >> good day outside. >> i took a walk and it is gorgeous out there. >> was it breezy? >> not on battery st., maybe on the bay. >> there's some fluctuation out of the west and southwest, because of the southwestern and it will keep the temperature along the coast and the bay down the right there, outside, looking out from dublin off of inspiration drive toward mt. diablo, nothing but seamless sunshine. and currently let's check in with some of the statistics in and around the bay area. 63 degrees in san francisco. concord 76 degrees and the mid- 70s throughout the try valley. and 72 degrees in downtown san jose. this is another view from the transamerica building looking out at russian hill received a stratus is breaking up along the coast, sunshine for most today, clouds around the bay lingering, later on tonight with warmer days ahead. this is what is going on, notice the hole in the deck of cloud cover lining the immediate seashore, that is where we see ample sunshine, even daly city reporting son, high-pressure firmly in place and what we see today, we will have a repeat performance more with an area of low pressure allowing the surface tied to build and and that is when we have the real warm up, today and drop the central valley into the mid-90s, mid-60's around monterey bay. your pinpoint forecast, 60s at the beaches, said it is at the peninsula, 84 in morgan hill, four degrees cooler in san jose when we should be at 84, 90 is pretty spot on at brentwood and tracy, 85 degrees in dublin and to the north upper seventies and peddled in the well san fransisco is 5 degrees below normal, we will continue to see the temperatures pretty much staying where they are again tomorrow and that a bump up in the numbers, by thursday and friday. that is the warmest weather we will experience and by the way, one week from this saturday, this the last summer saturday. >> that weekend looks great. >> a cool day at my house, let's go! >> a special event to give a graffiti artist and avenue to express themselves but it turned into more than a dozen calls of vandalism, christin ayers shows us how things just got out of hand. >> from abandoned building to graffiti gallery, this was allen's vision when he invited some of the bay area's most renowned graffiti artist, to use his rundown building as their canvas. >> we wanted to give it a last hurrah >> a last hurrah for a in a factory vacant for years, before restoring the place, the trusty at the oakland museum of california want to put on a show. >> it is a way of showing the world what these people do and some of incredible heart that they make. >> he partnered with a graffiti website " endless kan. ". they commissioned the artist who spent six weeks on this display of street art and on saturday they unveiled the result in a party blasted out of social media. >> we had no moneidea that so many people would show up. >> they only expected 300 people to show up, and what they got was more like 3000. >> i heard banging on a wall and someone was bring the building. >> i saw from the back of the other buildings, and downhole blocks. >> this is not what he or the artist had in mind, a tagging spree across a two block radius near that event, thousands of dollars in damage to lease 15 properties. >> it is unusual to have that many victims in that short amount of time. >> berkeley police are investigating the connection to the events and he has offered to pay for the cleanup and says,,,, >> today's tip of the day is going to be red peppers, i love red peppers and at this time of the year red bell peppers, they're coming in locally grown from everywhere. there is so many that the price is coming down. the most inexpensive you'll ever find these peppers and the quality is the highest. let's talk about a collection and storage. make sure there read, very important, top to bottom, no green whatsoever. make sure the stem is still attached with no shrilling on top. when you bring them home put them into the refrigerator right away. the shelf life is not too long. they don't last as long as the green or yellow pepper. so buy them and enjoy them, after the four or five days are over, the nutritional value will drop and right now 330 percent of the vitamin c you need every day. red peppers, enjoy them, saute them and grill them. i your first grocer, always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. on the grill, beautiful! >> a new way to get around the day started 40 years ago today, the first bart trains rolled between oakland and fremont on september 11, 1972, eight years after construction began. bart is not planning much of a celebration today but they are planning to mark the anniversary next week and the details of that will come out next wednesday. >> coming up tonight at 5:00, drinking and your health, the new evidence linking heavy drinking to your risk for stroke. those stories and more coming up at 5:00. >> that is all we have for you at the news at noon. >> that is going to do it for us, let's go outside and play. >> ,, ♪ [ male announcer ] it started long ago. the joy of giving something everything you've got. it takes passion. and it's not letting up anytime soon. at unitedhealthcare insurance company, we understand that commitment. and always have. so does aarp, an organization serving the needs of americans 50 and over for generations. so it's no surprise millions have chosen an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they help cover some of the expenses medicare doesn't pay. and save you up to thousands in out-of-pocket costs. to find out more, request your free decision guide. call or go online today. after all, when you're going the distance, it's nice to have the experience and commitment to go along with you.

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Fremont , California , United States , Russian Hill , Brentwood , Oakland , Beijing , China , Dublin , Ireland , Land Park , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Daly City , Berkeley , Central Valley , Monterey Bay , Pennsylvania , Maryland , Morgan Hill , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , America , American , Michele Griego , Danielle Nottingham , Christin Ayers , Nicole Miller , Todd D Moore , Joe Biden , Julie Steven , Ross Mirkarimi , Walter Reed , Alissa Harrington , Patrick Zedillo , Christian Adams ,

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