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>> darya: armstrong says the u.s. a d a does not have the authority to take his titles and they say that they do and that is what they're doing. armstrong says that his decision not to appeal is not an admission of guilt but that he is just sick and tired of fighting these charges the year after year as the years dragged on. it has taken a toll on him and his family he says that he's done with it.he knows who won ts and so does his teammates and everyone else. >> mark: the dow jones industrial average is down 15 points. we had a drop in durable-goods. that includes washing machines, dryers, and long-lasting products. >> darya: we will be back with more developing news in just a couple of minutes as we take a live look at the big breaking story that is happening in new york right now. the police are all around this area at the empire state building where a gunman decided to open fight at various locations. we know that one person was shot and he was shot dead by the police. we will have more in just a couple of minutes. @(@(zy9ñówño gñ÷?ó?q @b >> justine: 2 people are dead including the shooter after a shooting that happened this morning at the empire state building in new york in all, 10 people have been shocked these are live pictures from the scene at midtown manhattan where there are dozens of police officers on the scene as well as the fbi you will also notice in these live pictures there is a huge crowd of tourists of people that gathered outside of the empire state building to watch this morning. the shooter is dead he was shot by police, 10 people in all have been shot and two people are dead that does include the shooter. the have more information on this and update in less than five minutes. >> darya: we have an update on the major wildfire burning the pot roast a fire. there are new containment numbers it is 60 percent contained as of this one is so far has scorched 28,000 a.. 84 structures have been destroyed by the flames and 900 homes have been affected by this fire. >> mark: we will be right back and we will continue to check the shooting outside of the empire state building we will have the latest details coming up. i can't stand these spots. those spots are actually leftover food and detergent residue that can redeposit on your dishware during the rinse cycle. gross. jet-dry rinse agent helps wash them away so the only thing left behind is the shine. jet-dry rinses away residues for a sparkling shine. >> justine: breaking news a man star reportedly randomly shooting at people outside of the empire state building there was a large crowd of people in midtown manhattan that have gathered at the scene. you can see clearly in the live pictures that we're watching a look at the crowds that have gathered by outside looking live pictures right now. this is in midtown manhattan. there multiple reports about how many people have been shot. we are going with the no. 10 because that is was cnn and others are reporting right now. we can see how many police officers are on the scene as well as the fbi. they have ruled out terrorism as something related to this. witnesses have said the gunman has started firing at random. again, 10 people have been shot and two of them are dead including the gunman that the police shot and killed after he began to randomly shoe people outside of the empire state building. we are getting lots of new information on this story keep it to here for the very latest. >> mark: this is in 2012, mit romney and the camp say certain questions are off- limits to reporters this includes anything per 10tain--pertaining to senate hopeful todd akin. >> mark: mitt romney had for station that he was supposed to interview with but he told them they could not bring up akin so only one station agreed. so there was only one interview. >> darya: take a look at this usa today poll that fines, if you look, men, 53 percent have a view and this year is 53% and 200859 percent favored the republican john mccain and that is 40 percent favoring mit romney. here is a reminder that you can catch the on interrupted speeches at the democratic and republican national conventions on comcast channel 193. >> mark: 12 bay area weather and traffic let us give more--get more information from erica. >> erica: check out the club coverage around the bay area we have cloudy conditions of around the coast sunshine expected everywhere else it looks like temperatures will start to heat up in the '70s and '80s. it will be well until the warm and comfortable condition expected in the south bay. it looks like redwood city could reach 75 degrees, 79 in santa clara and anticipating the sunshine and pretty warm conditions but not too high for antioch and livermore both reaching 87 degrees, 85 in livermore and 75 in union city. for the east bay shoreline for the most part temperatures are in the upper 60s. navato is coming in at 75 degrees with partly cloudy conditions and low '60's in downtown san francisco. later on, if you plan on routing on the home team the giants face off against the braves, it looks like temperatures will be in the upper 50s. we will seek sunny skies as we start the game but we will see cloud coverage increase as we go through the course of it. >> erica: your kron4 seven day around the bay forecast shows subtle changes hanging into the weekend. as we start the next work week we will see less and a live cloud coverage and it will warm up as we head into the middle of next week and i want to tell you about the new comcast channel 193. you can tune in at any time for the latest weather news and traffic. now rob and how are the role >> reporter: we are starting to see some heavy traffic to back up is slowly starting to stretch. we have had the metering lights on for about one hour over all your drive time out of the oakland a's heading into san francisco is clocking in at 14 minutes and that is not bad at all. now switching gears to the san mateo bridge i saw chp rolling west bound across the span. i have not seen any problems from the chp and no problems reported across the span. i will keep an eye open for you but we are at 92 at the limit. now the golden gate bridge is still trouble-free this morning you're writing to san francisco is doing just fine if hitting south bound address is about 13 minutes from 580 as you work your way up towards the toll plaza and into san francisco. traffic is not bad at all just a little bit of slowing on the 101. this is before and after highway 80 but it does loosen up just before you retire way to 37. you can also see some minor slowing for your ride on highway 280. we will head back over to mark. >> mark: in san francisco the first pair of painted transit only lines are set to debut next month. these plains of church street will be painted red. that means cars are banned and left turns are restricted at certain corners. >> mark: clipper card will cost $3 come september 1st. this change comes as an effort to stop the abuse of cars. there is a $3 surcharge that can be waived if customers sign up for the automatic load feature with a purchase the cards online >> darya: . a warning this morning for those big-- driving--a warning for those writing bart trains people have been snatching cellphone and laptop from distracted passengers. some bart riders say they are taking precautions because they do not want to become a victim. >> i am too broke to become a victim. [laughter] >> this is what happens people get on their cell phones they believe they are in a soundproof booth, or a protective bubble that is not what is going on, people have lost their sensibility and their ability to pay attention to their surroundings and large dangerous cities. >> people are not keeping a good watch out. >> darya: in addition the oakland police are adding extra patrols around the bart stations. also surveillance cameras are being used to track down the thieves. >> mark: we have a quick break as the kron4 morning news continues we are waiting for more information out of this breaking news story from new york and get and then randomly opened fire outside of the empire state building we know that at least four people were shot and the gunman has been shot and killed by the police. :ow >> justine: now the breaking news story we're watching two people have been shot including the shooter after a shooting happened this morning at the empire state building in new york. and all we're hearing 10 people have been shocked area we are watching these live pictures coming from midtown manhattan. you can see dozens of police officers on the scene the fbi is there as well. >> justine: we are hearing there are two different locations from where the shooting happened. we have new information about the story we will have an update in here from a witness who saw all this happened that is coming up in this a few minutes on the kron4 morning news. >> mark: other stories you're falling to go back and get more information about this the we are following the latest with mars and the rover curiosity right now. these are the latest pictures that are coming in right now these are of nasa right now. engineers are using this remote control system to let curiosity triumphal return, you can see the tracks and the rovers next mission is to drop about 1,300 ft. for a new location for driven into the ground. now these are high resolution pictures that show the final descent of the rover curiosity. >> mark: curiosity is moving over pasadena. --curiosity of flight crew was from pasadena. >> darya: we will be back with more on the developing story happening in new york city. a gunman was shot and killed by police but not before he wound and maybe even killed one person. police are on the scene evaluating this. mayor bloomberg is expected to speak live about what happened we will take that as soon as it is available. >> justine: 10 people are injured but we are not exactly clear how many people have been shot. 10 people were injured but it is not clear how many people were shot the shooting had--happened in manhattan we have live picture show and what is going on at the scene. there are dozens of police officers the fbi is there. they have ruled out terrorism a guard said this did not involve the building were tourist gathered to visit the skyscraper. so, as we watch this this happened just after 6:00 a.m. our time. we know that the mayor michael bloomberg should be giving a statement in a moment. we are also hearing that the police will update us on this situation of will. right now we have a witness from the scene, darya you have that. >> there were several shots fired i walked across the street before they blocked off. i saw a woman she was shot and she seemed like she was in shock. i was in the middle of the street right at the doors of the empire state building there was a man on the ground and police all around him a look they had shot him down. a lot of this i heard that this man was in pursuit of another man running down the street. i heard he shot a man toward sixth avenue he shot him in the head and then someone showed me a picture of him it was very gruesome. >> now cross the street at the empire state building i saw the police with him over and then i saw his head moved up like he was still alive of people told me that he was dead and that is basically what i saw. it is a crazy scene. it was not that long ago that 9/11 happened so i really had no idea. >> darya: the police are saying that this is not a terrorist related as that witness brought a per fears and the associated press says that this looks like this is from a workplace dispute they're starting to piece together the motive behind the shooting and what happened this morning in new york city. now law enforcement says that this shooting stemmed from a workplace disputes. we do know that winds describe who she sought to--who she saw a bit on the ground is the gunmen that was shot by the police were getting a mixed report of people who were shot by this government there was a workplace disputes that fueled him to open fire in new york at the intersection that you see here. >> darya: there is developing news out of san jose as well, there was a murder this to the 33rd homicide at happen around 11 last night. >> reporter: by the time officers arrived they found in 18 year-old man shot dead in this center. he was still alive when he was rushed to the hospital and doctors could not save his life. investigators say he may have been walking because they could not find his car at the scene. the city's fifth to murder this week it sounds like many other murders. there are no suspects and no motive. police are hoping the someone may have seen the shooting so they can tell the what they saw. >> mark: residents are being led back into their tenderloin apartments. a preliminary investigation was conducted. >> mark: some streets were shut down for several hours not want to bay area weather and traffic. >> erica: we are still dealing with cloud coverage bay area wide into the afternoon and a lot of because coverage will start to burn off revealing sunshine and blue skies temperatures could drop by a couple of degrees i will show when exactly will experience a one coming up an incident on the forecast. now it is time for a check on your morning commute with robin. >> reporter: we have traffic heading into san francisco here is a live look outside. >> reporter: we have no major incidents back to you. >> darya: 2 bay area men have fought a lawsuit against the san francisco 49ers, the nfl and parking lot security at candlestick. this stems from a game last august between the niners and the raiders were there was a lot of trouble. one of the men that filed the suit was beaten unconscious. and of the man was shot while he was trying to help the other man. the this was also the scene. since then the 49ers have camped up security but they refused to comment on this because of the legal investigation. >> mark: levels of particulates were slightly elevated after the chevron fire. some in the health department say that those levels were within state and federal standards. >> the fact that the sampling device did not record high levels of particulates does not indicate that people were not exposed to particulates, they clearly were. people have the symptoms of the particulates that they presented in the emergency room. so, we really do not have good information about the particulate levels that people were exposed to. >> darya: air quality officials say they're working to develop something that can measure the particulates and real time. >> darya: lawyer erica jordaning was arrested for getting killed to an inmate she will not be sent to prison because they found that the pills were actually melatonin. she passed the appeals to her client erin rawls in her jail visit. >> mark: now onto sports. it looked at this, this is the manager's son he has one of two home runs. this is a grand slam that put him up five to nothing. >> mark: petaluma will now play tennessee. they played them once already and then lost to them. now they play on saturday and that will be the american winner and then they will either play panama or japan. we will be rooting for petaluma tomorrow. we will be right back as the kron4 morning news continues tomorrow on the developing story we have a live look from your city right now. a gunman and disgruntled worker opened fire. we know that at least people who shot, the gunman was shot and killed by the police to get more information and mayor michael bloomberg is on the way to the scene. 3q back to school time means back to school germs. that's why lysol partners with schools to help teach healthy habits, habits you can reinforce by adding lysol wipes and no-touch hand soap to your back to school list. learn more at >> justine: we have live pictures from new york city were a shooting happened this morning. law- enforcement officials are saying that the shooting stemmed from a workplace disputes. we know that the gunman was shot and killed by the police and at least 10 people have been hurt. we have more news for you on the kron4 morning news and we will be right back here [music] >> justine: breaking news, a shooting happened outside of the empire state building in new york the shooter is dead apparently killed by the police and 10 people have been injured so far but the number of people shot is still unclear. there are conflicting reports out this morning law enforcement officials have said the shooting that happened at the empire state building stemmed from a workplace disputes. that is the only real details we are getting right now as far as some sort of motive. these are the two different live pictures we are watching. many people as well as bystanders and the fbi are curious about what is 11. we are waiting for a press conference from a khmer bloomberg. this will be happening soon on the kron4 morning news. witnesses reported that the gunmen began to fight at random. darya has more on that part of the story. >> darya: with this happening around 9:00 a.m. in new york city, there were plenty of people in the streets and here's what one witness had to say. >> people here have a slightly different perspective of what-- perspective than what the police are saying. this is a big tourist area. all of a sudden one witness described to me that a man ran after another man and he pulled a gun. he said it was not a handgun it look like a sock off shotgun with an automatic weapon at the start of pointed to the man's chest at that point people began to scream. an elevator man actually ran out and pursue the guy with the gun and call for help. the policemen chased after the gunmen and caught him in front of the tourist entrance of the empire state building and shot him three times. >> darya: they are still trying to investigate how many people were shot and wounded. >> mark: we will keep falling this we are waiting for mayor michael bloomberg to give us the latest on what is happening. in the meantime all want to update you on bay area weather and traffic. >> erica: clinton car, just because a looks clear in downtown san francisco does not mean that is the case everywhere else. certainly drive with extra caution and the slide the conditions are through as we reach navato and the wonder 1 interchange. if you're using highway one of the half moon bay and visibility is down to just four mouse. hopefully we will see clear conditions this afternoon. delays of up to 59 it certainly call ahead and check with your carrier and keep that in mind if you're picking someone up from the airport the good news is that those delays should not persist into the afternoons we should see '60s and '70s for the most part by lunchtime 80's along the delta and as we pushed closer to 3:00 p.m. it looks like the orange becomes a little more widespread however the '90s are out of the forecast area. temperatures are very similar to what we saw yesterday. temperatures will not move by much until we head to the middle of next week up into the north bay it is shaping up to the a gorgeous day. we will see the sun shine in mid '70s for petaluma and a bottle and 78 over in san francisco. we have temperatures in the upper 50s and your kron4 seven day around the bay forecast shows we will lose or gain a couple of degrees for the next several days. as the star of the network week we will see more in the way of sunshine and warmer conditions and fat that is mostly to the almost 90 for the warmest inland areas. here is a quick reminder if you are watching the kron4 forecast and you want to watch it at any time checkout channel 193 or digital over the air. now let us take a look at what traffic is doing. >> reporter: it has been slow off and on. now the plaza was backing up but it is starting to loosen up. overall is not too bad the metering lights remain on. your drive time is about 14 minutes out of the oakland maze into san francisco. so that is no problem. across 92 the san mateo bridge is doing just fine it is still at the limit. your ride is trouble-free add to get on towards the toll plaza. along the shore freeway will see some minor slowing but not bad at all. it is also getting a little crowded on the nimitz freeway traveling through downtown. >> darya: the summer crackdown on drunk driving is in full swing throughout the bay area. dui rest are up. in santa clara county there have already been 120 for rest and this time last year there were 105 people arrested overall state figures from this campaign are expected to be released on september 3rd. meanwhile at the chevron refinery in richmond they're slowly coming back down the prices are listed at that we are paying around the bay for gas. >> mark: we will be right back as the kron4 morning news continues we are now getting confirmation that not only is the gunman dead but one other person that was shot has been killed at the empire state building as many as 10 people were wounded but it is not clear if the others that were wounded were in fact shot. it appears to be a disgruntled employee. we are following the latest in new york city at the top of the hour you will hear from the mayor michael bloomberg with the latest. a shooting happened outside of the new york empire state building. this is the plan that revolves around you. introducing share everything. 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from the empire state building. there were tourists around some people saw the end of this, we do not know exactly all the details we expect to hear from the mayor when he arrives. [music] [music] >> darya: we have more information and a live shot were a shooting happened. police are saying that it was a broker that was recently fired. he shot a former colleague to death and then opened fire. we have eight people with non- life threatening injuries right now the gunman was dead and the person who shot--whom he shot at is dead. >> mark: we are waiting for more information from the new york city mayor michael bloomberg justine has been in the news room monitoring of these reports. >> justine: they're falling clicking reports. witnesses said the shooter to use a saw off shotgun, but us go to the live pictures to see what is happening right now. law enforcement officials said that the gunmen and one other person are dead. many people are wounded but it is not clear how many of those were shot. they could've been struck by bullets or may be trampled. we are hearing that this happened right outside of this landmark skyscraper during the height of tourist season in new york city this was in midtown manhattan. now they are switching things around because mayor michael bloomberg and the police commissioner are set to speak at any moment to give us an update on what is happening. you can see the amount of media there waiting for this information and of the taurus that were gathered by a side. we will have that in just a minute, so long for some officials are saying that this was a recently fired store worker who shot and a former colleague and then randomly started opening fire on the other is right and the empire state building. eight other people were struck by stray bullets of those injuries are not expected to be life- threatening. officials say the gunman previously worked at the store they never said when he was let go by the company. we are still getting the information on this story. i want to stay here in the newsroom and keep you updated as we get more information. >> mark: we continue to the chot that is overlooking the area it is still closed off right now. that is the press waiting on the left-hand side waiting for the mayor to come out to give his latest information can they did shoot the gunman after he shot and killed a co- worker and wounded eight other people in the process. >> darya: we were talking about the area where this happened the empire state building has a big line of taurus at 9:00 a.m. it seems like this may have been just around the corner. you were explaining that you know your city well and that building has a lot of shops and it and this man apparently worked in one of those stores. >> mark: we are hearing that people were wounded out in the street as well. so again this is not terrorism that is what people jump to a suspicion outside of a major landmark like this but it appears to be a former employee that work that one of the shops in the empire state building. we are hearing that some people have been wounded but those injuries are not believed to be life-threatening. the streets are still blocked off this is a very busy intersection of 34th street and fifth avenue at still closed off as it has been since the shooting happened at 6:00 our time. >> darya: here is a example of the confucian one witnesses reports that she was crossing the street and a woman next to her when down and was hit by a shotgun or a bullet in the foot and that is where it becomes confusing some say after he shot his colleague the man started to shoot randomly. we will start to hear what type of gun it was some say with a shotgun and not a handgun so that could of injured people. >> mark: there were probably hundreds of people on the street as it usually is the time of morning. >> mark: we are hearing from some people on the scene, it does not appear that there was a major threat to the tourist. there were some people out in the street that were hit by gunfire as this gunman on the disgruntled former employee shot a fellow worker. >> darya: we know that he was shot and killed a couple of times by the police there is a bunch of media waiting for the mirror, we think the mayor is coming out momentarily. now we have some eye witness accounts. >> here is one person describing what she saw. >> there were several shots fired. when i walked across the street i saw a woman that had been shot on the corner and she seemed in shock. she seemed like she was shocked that she was shot. i looked in the middle of the street ran at the empire state building in front of the doors where you enter and there was a man lying on the ground with police all around him like they had shot him down. i heard that this man had been in pursuit of another man and he shot the other man at the starbucks he shot him in the head and someone showed me a picture of that it was very gruesome. across the street at the empire state building i saw them rolled him over. his head went up and i was wondering if he alive or dead but people said he was dead. it was a crazy scene and not my--and not long ago did the 9/11 happened so it was just crazy. >> mark: as we did hear the gun and the chases victim down the street. now we are waiting for mayor bloomberg and we will go right to him as soon as he stepped to the podium. >> darya: right now we want to get a look iffy weather and traffic and we will go right back to nearly look when that happens. >> erica: we have a cloudy start to the day with no problems with visibility as we take a live look at downtown san francisco we have some fog situated along the coastline at to burn off for the most part transitioning into the afternoon your afternoon temperatures will be similar to what we saw and it looks like it will make it come back as we headed to the evening hours. visibility is good for concord and fail field. we have less than 1 mi. on highway 101. we will show you when this is expected to clear coming up in my next report. >> george: -- >> reporter: if you are heading out toward the golden gate bridge, your ride remains trouble-free. your drive time between 580 and the toll plaza in san francisco is still a quick 14 minutes. we do have some slow spot in the east bay overall it is not too bad. it is a little busy for the knicks as you work your way south bound out of downtown. some minor crowding and also 101 north bound but no major accidents and no problems so far. we would take a quick break and be right back, stay with us. hello? the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters. >> darya: this morning at 6:00 a.m. our time a man went after a colleague with a gun. it was a disgruntled worker. he shot the co- worker outside he chased him down and killed him and then the police shot and killed the gunman. >> darya: he also wounded eight other people as you can see the view from the street. this is the helicopter from above. it appears that this is still shut down at the moment. we also see social media with a lot of information that is pouring an already as the shooting happened hours ago erica has more. >> erica: that is right, i was searching on into gramm and witnesses are posting pictures taken look at what some people posted this morning. >> erica: we are getting a lot of people posting on line this morning we are falling all major developments on the empire state building shooting on our facebook fan page and twitter as well. >> mark: 50 we have it as a live look the streets are closed off from of the empire state building. this happened around 9:00 a.m. new york time in 6:00 our time. mayor bloomberg is supposed to be riveting--to be arriving on the scene to tell us what happened. >> darya: we will be back with more in just a couple of minutes. wow, look at this bed! this nightstand! this wardrobe! what are you doing here? you're in ikea. my dream bedroom is in ikea? yes. what's that bedroom over there? that's your husband's dream bedroom. whatever your style, take home your dream bedroom together. ikea. the life improvement store. both: we're the fruit guys! back in 1998, we had this idea to deliver fresh fruit to offices in downtown san francisco. we built these wooden crates, filled these with fruit in my one-bedroom apartment. the fruit guys has been with bank of america since they first started. we work with them to help them grow and succeed. we're coming up on 50 employees and delivering to thousands of companies every week. i would definitely say this is a fruitful business. fans, what was shot and was beaten up and they blamed security. >> the question is this can someone be held civilly liable. the interesting issue is that this is not like the first time this happened. you start to look at the history between the 49ers and the raiders, the shootings and stabbings and this is the most telling factor even joe montana says one do not bring your family to the raiders games is too dangerous. so if it is too dangerous for the star quarterback to bring his family that says a lot the question is whether they doing about this. >> mark: bryan stow was saying the same thing but they did not have enough security when he was attacked one. is this something that is hard to prove? >> the issue is were they being completely reckless like we are not going to do anything. this is clearly a really dangerous situation when the raiders show up. >> darya: yes that one night we were showing videos of fights that happened it was not just one thing it was not just one shooting. >> that is right, there were completely innocent bystanders like the tin year-old boy and the teen year-old girl. we see this over and over again someone has to be held liable. >> darya: we are standing by live wait for mayor bloomberg to talk about the workplace shooting that happened there this morning right now we want to go look at traffic. >> reporter: good morning we will start off with the bay bridge toll plaza it is starting to loosen up, we have had a little bit of it back up in the last hour but a huge improvement for your west bound ride into the city. >> reporter: highway 92 is still looking and n trouble- free in both directions. >> this was quickly cleared but the northbound 280 is a bit heavy. from the 880 towards highway 85. if you were thinking about using 101. no problems out of san jose. a trouble-free commute. from the 237 towards the peninsula. >>erica: we are looking at cloud coverage downtown san francisco gray start. with even delays at the are rivals of 58 minutes. call ahead. >> mayor michael bloomberg is speaking about the shooting. >> there could have been other victims. previously wounded and there is no expectation that any of them will do any of them will do anything but recover quickly please keep all the victims in your prayers. this is a terrible tragedy. they will recover quickly. >> we ask everybody to recover -- to keep everybody in her purse. with some extraordinary act of heroism. every day our police officers put their lives on the line to protect us. they did so again today by responding, immediately. and assistance with bravery from civilians. new york city is the safest big city and we are on pace to get the lowest number of murders this year. but we are not a new loan to the national problem of gun violence. commissioner kelly. >> thank you, mr. mayor. let me stress that this is preliminary information and it is an ongoing investigation. 9:0310 west 33rd st. a disgruntled former employee at that address shot and killed a former co-worker striking him three times. the subject, jeffrey johnson, beach 53 flat eastbound on west 33rd street towards that ave. he walked northbound along the curved line with a 45 caliber handgun and a black bag that he had under his arm. a construction worker who had followed johnson from west 33rd street alerted two different officers that were on posed in front of the empire state to alting. as part of our counter- terrorism coverage. as the two uniformed officers approached johnson he pulled the semiautomatic pistol from his back and fired on the officers. they returned fire and killed him. in addition, nine individuals were wounded or injured. six are in bellevue hospital and the three are at new york presbyterian medical center. all are not likely to die. johnson had been employed for six years. that hazan imports as a designer of women imports. during a downsizing about one year of coach johnson was laid off. in a dispute with a former employee of hzan, johnson produced a pistol and fired at close range. striking his 45 year-old victim in the head. we are withholding the identities until family notification scan been made. the area of a around the empire state building is an active crime scene. fifth avenue is closed near 42nd street to 33rd street. 33rd street is) the madison avenue in the americas. 34th between seventh and madison is also closed. mr. mayor? >> bloomberg: let me stress that this is the beginning of the investigation. there are a lot of people are injured and there are two officers dead. the perpetrator is dead. and we are going investigation. there are -- the perpetrator is dead. he does not appear to have been a criminal record. but it is at the beginning of our investigation we do not know much about him. we are just beginning a were investigation because the public is concerned and they should be. but we do not know about the victim or what into action occurred. >> to we know the ages of anybody? >> the shooter was 53 years of age. the person who was killed was 41 years of age. >> and the others? >> their reno children that were shot. and no elderly people. perhaps just middle age range. i believe that there were two men and seven women. >> of perhaps what one blocked because the police for their on their usual counter-terrorism assignments. they saw this, went after him and the construction worker help identify him. they approached and the police returned fire on the suspect and he is dead. the perpetrator is dead. >> clarify how many weapons? >> we think there are two weapons, or just one weapon. from the perpetrator. of course the police officers defending themselves. yes, ma >> we have no information. we would be happy to get information we would hope to put it out but it is preliminary. but we do not want to speculate. the number of people shot is what we do know and-perpetrator is dead. >> who is the construction worker is there a hero? >> of we all use the word hero he did what he should have done. he saw something and turned it over to the professionals. >> we do not know there is speculation of what happened but we do know that we have on tape the perpetrator pulled his gun out and tried to shoot at the cops. whether or not he fired and the bullets is to be determined. we do know that the cubs fired back. the perpetrator had the gun out trying to kill the police officers. he worked for an apparel company. >> we're still under investigation we do not know the details are going to change. and we will give more information. >> what are the officers in the process? >> it is going to take a while we look for shell casings, witnesses, video from the building, security cameras. the police will go through a time the checklist of looking through evans without destroying anything and getting as many witnesses. looking through -- evidence. call 311. they will connect you with the appropriate people we would welcome any information. and let me see any new questions? >> we do not think the government said anything. it happened very quickly and very recently. >> do we know where the suspect is from?, he lives in manhattan. >> the last question. >> at this point there were multiple shots from officers possibly in inadvertently hitting civilians. >> it is under investigation we do not know. >> with two officers firing shots. >> we believe the only shots were fired by the perpetrator and by the police department. there's no evidence that anybody else was involved. >> there are two officers. >> correct that is all we know. if there is something different we will... >> the suspect? >> we do not know what happened or where he came from but heat came from outside it happened to be near the empire state building. but -- the company up is a local company but not inside of the empire state building. last question. yes, 45 caliber pistol. it has eight magazine. it holds eight. >> the last question. >> we do not know it is much too early. what i want to do is assure everybody that this is nothing to do with terrorism. clearly, there is a murderer and a murder victim. the police responded quickly because there were on the scene at, the postal we assigned police officers. in a normal course of protecting the city. there was a number of shots fired. the perpetrator turned the police-the gun to the police. the cops returned fire killing him that is what we know. everybody else was just greased and is going to survive. there is no reason that it is that serious therefore-- grazed... >>darya: of this happened at 9:00 a.m. in new york city we will be right back [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. so call now to get at&t u-verse high speed 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the scene. a construction worker followed him and notified police officers that were standing outside of the empire state building. they were there as part of the anti- terrorism movement. the weapon was fired at the police officers when the police officers approached the shooter. now, there were gunshots is exchanged and police. they are not confirming how the other nine people that are in the hospital were injured. if they were shocked by the suspect or the police officers, trampled, heard some how. this violence started happening and they are saying that no children were hurt and the victim is a 41 year-old shot in the head. however they're not the are not identified the victim. but the suspect, a charge for johnson lives in manhattan and shot a co-worker at close range. this live press conference that we just covered. he worked here at six years, at this women's accessory department in manhattan. will have more on this as we continue on the kron 4. i know that you were listening and we are pretty familiar with the new york city how busy it must have been cured with the eyewitness accounts. it is pretty stunning. >> it is important to note that it has nothing to do with terrorism or the empire state building. it was across from the empire state building this apparel company. just after 6:00 a.m. our time, 9:00 a.m., their time. >>darya: the mayor saying that the construction worker was for observant and they have police right on that block at the empire state building. they were able to track down that guy. and there were seven men and two women that were wounded. there were no children in the area. >> we will keep back to school time means back to school germs. that's why lysol partners with schools to help teach healthy habits, habits you can reinforce by adding lysol wipes and no-touch hand soap to your back to school list. learn more at >>justine: there was a deadly shooting in new york city. we have just learned the name of the alleged gunmen. 53 robbed jeffrey johnson. as we are looking at these new images this just in to the kron 4 news room that he was a disgruntled employee. he was laid off from a woman's access restore one year ago. he went back to the store today at that woman's--accessory store and killed a 41 year-old victim. however with the exchange of gunfire from the shooter and police officers there were nine civilians brazen with stray gunfire. this construction worker witnessed the initial shooting and alerted police. we are still getting new information. >>mark: watching wall street and ben vernanncke that stocks could ge fant higher... >>darya: will keep you updated. with the recent new york city shooting ♪ >>justine: this deadly shooting outside of the empire state building. a co-worker and gunman are dead. the suspect is a 53 year-old jeffrey johnson. he approached a former co-worker that he was fired from one year ago. he returned to the store and fired at the co-worker and shot at close range,. a 41 year old victim is dead. the shooter fla --fled the scene house whena construction worker followed him and to notify two police officers. and shots were exchanged between the shooter and the police. denison by standards were hit by--innocent bystanders were hit by stray gunfire. >>darya: yes let us listen and. >> it took a couple of minutes. but i heard a lot of our marine in the crowd and i realized that a shooting had happened. i had to get it to work. >>darya: we have the gunman who was killed by police. the person was shot and killed and there are nine people that have been wounded. >> as we get more information we will keep you updated. now, weather & traffic. your weekend weather forecast. >>erica: it looks like a pretty mild weekend. though the most part some of morning fog with sunshine. 58 and still mid-50s in napa and walnut creek. as we look towards this afternoon sunshine will range with 60s-'80s. and sunshine but potentially cooler temperatures for tomorrow. we could see a slight warm up. no 90's as we start the next work week. details coming up with your a look at your 7 day around the bay. because of that cloud coverage we are contending with delays on s f o arrivals of at least 58 minutes. a truck with your carrier or if your picking somebody up. and check -- which or carrier. fs80s right now through santa clara. the warmer air rules could also see upper 80s antioch, livermore. 70s expected in hayward. relatively mild for the east bay shore lines with mid-70s for petaluma. 50's if you're going towards ocean beach this afternoon. the america's cup race begins at 10:00 a.m. expect mostly sunny skies and high cloud coverage. temperatures in the upper 50s and 60s with a small craft advisor 3 going into effect. pretty choppy water for the sailors and windy conditions. certainly bring a jacket and keep a at handy a look at your 7 day around the bay subtle changes as we go towards the weekend with a little bit of a warm up your wednesday, thursday. let me remind you that you can check out comcast 193. >> westbound 80 getting towards san francisco this improvement. no delays it is looking could out of the oakland maes and a smooth ride towards downtown san francisco the san mateo bridge definitely on the right side it is heavier. towards the peninsula but no problems. just a normal commute still problem- free between the 101 and the 880. checking the 101 in and out of san francisco it is also looking good. they drive times have not changed only 14 minutes out of the north bay. from the 580 through the golden gate plaza just 14 minutes. the east bay is having slow conditions with some stop and go to near golden gate field. towards the oakland maes. harbor 24, some slow conditions near the toddled near highway -- 24 for the volume seems to be near highway 24. it will be nearer closer to the oakland maze...' also the 238 towards downtown oakland is also slower. >>darya: we will continue to keep you updated on the shooting that happen to not far from the empire state building with in the last couple of hours. a disgruntled worker who was fired return and shot a former colleague x this just in to the kron 4 news room the anti doping is saying that they have stripped lance armstrong with all of his tour de france victories...however the agency has taken then all of his titles away. lance armstrong according to the us, he has been stripped of all of his titles. it is not an admission of guilt but he was just tired of fighting the charges. >> take a look with 11 strikeouts. and cut a lot victorious. a 11-1 over san antonio. take a look. japan or panama will play the winners on sunday. >> the giants are off to a good start. san francisco had four runs with barry zito and the giants are three games ahead of the dodgers and the a's are taking on the rays beat the a's 5-0.... the a's are in camp, again. >>darya: we will back with the developing details of the shooting and new york city. right around the empire state building. as they investigate a shooting that happened near a workplace. a disgruntled former employee shot a former worker. man on radio: mission is a go. you are good to go. so, have you made your decision yet? yeah, i think so. this year, more than 27,000 children will be diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition. their wishes are waiting to come true. you can make it happen. find out how today at [ flippers slapping ] right here in the united states every 9 1/2 minutes someone's father, mother, brother, sister, someone's friend, someone's coworker, someone's neighbor... every 9 1/2 minutes, someone is infected with hiv. be the solution. visit learn. know. act. >>darya: we have the latest details from the new-york shooting your the empire state building. a gunman killed a former co-worker. the alleged gunman has been shot by the police officers when he opened fire at the two police officers. this is where it happened. some of these roads are still closed. many tourists were lined up at the empire state building. this co-worker made it a couple of blocks but he was followed by a construction worker who witnessed this. they even have the video of the police being fired upon by this comment and the police returned fire. we have a word that there are nine people wounded. a another developing story in the bay area a news conference under way in the san jose with a gang task force. as that spike in homicides, 33 homicides so far this year. >> san jose is one of the safest big cities in the country and it has been for a long time. one of the reasons that we can have a community like we have is first the professionalism of the san jose police department. they work really hard and that is a key component but we also have this tremendous relationship with our community. that allows the department to of the eyes and ears of the community. it helps them solve crimes by identifying suspects and keeping the community's safe. one thing there would ask of for the community is that if you are concerned in your neighborhood now is the time to get organized. and organized neighborhood has the capacity to help us, immensely. to deal with those problems in that community and find the people that are committing crimes were the belong. unorganized community is a safer community. there are tools available. as a matter of fact, we were just talking about a program called " next door " to communicate and organize your neighbors. my request to the committed the is support with the police department and stand with us. work with us as we have with the gang prevention task force has been a national model for 20 years. we know what to do. the men and women know what to do it but we need help from the community and we appreciate that held and the let me introduce our chief of police. chris more. --moore... >> thank you, mayor read and thank you for being here. let me give a special thanks to my community advisory board and the members that are here present. when i started as the police chief i realized that this police the 17 members have been with me fo 1.5 year upper of ad th important issues. addressing the important issues. if at 4 context issues, let me address a couple of issues. we meet every other month. every quarter. with trends in gangs, climate, what is happening on the streets, what resources are being deployed at the police apartment. the sheriff's department, the deals, the schools, all of the community- based organizations that provide services to organizations. if you recall? when we did a press conference at the end of the month of june we talked about the fear for the summer. there were no funds for summer school. we wanted to keep him occupied with constructive activities were extraordinarily successful keeping the violence down. you will hear from dr. john porter he is the superintendent on how successful that was. for those the two months, the month of july there is for real little as far as gang crime. from year to year, we were down by 50%. >> we're getting the updates from chris moore addressing the recent spike in homicides. with the recent stabbing in east san jose this week. we will bring you the latest information. >>darya: we will have a live report at 9:30 and right now, the shooting that just happened and new york city not far from the empire state building. >>justine: let me go exactly what happened. the gunman is 53 year-old jeffrey johnson. he was laid off are from a woman's accessory store. he was laid off. he shot his former co- workers three times at close range. the victim was 43 years old. the victim fled and was followed by a construction worker who alerted police. the police were standing outside of the empire state building. the police approached johnson and there was a shoot out. the police shot and killed him and there were nine people that were hit by stray bullets. all of them are expected to survive. there are no children involved. they are looking at security video from the empire state building as well as from the street. will the much more on kron4. >> meira bloomberg was addressing the crowd telling the media about how the shooter died. >> because the police were there on their usual counter- terrorism case of this and went after him. the construction worker helped identify the shooter. the gunman pulled out the gun towards the police and the police returned fire. >> as they are investigating the bullets are being investigated with the exchange of gunfire. in fact, there is a picture showing the surrounding crowd of the empire state building with this took place at 33rd street/fit. >> much more developing stories and we want to check your weather and traffic. >>erica: good morning. we are starting to see some activity through downtown san francisco with us temperatures in the 60's and 80's with the fog return overnight. check on where those tents are right now. 54 degrees downtown. 59 degrees in san jose. your afternoon forecast, coming up. >> a quick san mateo bridge check a little bit crowded westbound towards the peninsula but no problems out of hayward. towards san mateo. the east bay the have some slow areas and a bit busy near the south-bay near highway 101 northbound. we will be right back. :ow happy birthday! thank you, nana send money to anyone's checking account with chase quickpay. all you need is an email address or mobile number. you're welcome. take a step forward and chase what matters. ♪ welcome back. a disgruntled employee chute and kills a former co-worker near the empire state building in new york city. he was then shot by police with an exchange of gunfire. there are nine people injured. we can follow the latest. still, the gunman has been shot. and how this has unfolded on the social the media. >> yes it has been involved in covering the shooting outside of the shooting. instagram... people have been posting photographs on what they saw from their twitter accounts. kyle tweets that is why they pore over around the corner at 8 they -- four round. right on the scene as the events were unfolding. and a woman said that to think i went by that wa- empire st. empire-state building. she is thankful she went into work early. kron 4 facebook fan page >>darya: of 9:13 san francisco public health officials another rabid bat was discovered last week. it is the fifth one. the second this month. health officials are saying to not handle any dead bat an infection could even cause infection or staff! death >>darya: will come back. this is another photograph not far from the empire state building. people were near the street were a disgruntled employee that was fired from an import company went back and shot a co-worker. at close range. wolfed down the street. nearby police were alerted. surveillance video showing that they were exchanging gunfire a very chaotic time with nine people comnine people -- injured. >> this is one witness i. >> it took a couple of minutes. it is not that uncommon however put upon hearing there was a shooting that happened. i had to get out of there to get to work. >> this shooting happened on the 33rd near fifth avenue. this was 33rd-34th street is still closed down. the investigation continues. >>darya: this major wildfire and shasta the ponderosa fire let me show you. 60 percent containment reported. the blaze has scorched 26,000 a.. it sparked last week by nigh lightning. 900 homes are still threatened with 80s structures destroyed. i know that it could return this week but erica? >>erica: let us called relief but there are no 90's with relatively " conditions on the bay area. it could get warm. with relative the -- cool conditions. a james lick we view showing that cloud coverage is expected to burn off. of course it could linger along the coast for this afternoon. temperatures in the 50s and 60s. oakland, hayward, 60s. antioch in the future cast showing by 3:00 p.m. 60s along the coast. 70's for the heart of the bay. livermore, concord toward santa rosa, napa, down towards the south bay. and if as we go towards 8:00 p.m. call it relief because we are back into the 50's & 60's. let us take a look at neighborhood by neighborhood. another cool day with only 78. and los cuddles however upper 80s in los -- los gatos with 60s expected and mild conditions for the east bayshore. 75 degrees near napa. partly cloudy with 60s for downtown san francisco. upper 50s for those going to ocean beach. if your going to coach the giants game? the braves game against the giants at 8:15. it will be partly cloudy with increase wind bring a jacket. a look at your 7 day around the bay >>jacqueline:showing the subtleh temperatures transitioning into the weekend. the workweek will see more sunshine and clouds. and even warmer conditions in nearly 90's as we go towards the middle of next week. a quick reminder if you want to watch 24-hours a still has the best information for news, weather, traffice but now it is 24/7 on comcast digital 193. a great way still, a great drive through san francisco and the san mateo bridge looking decent. westbound on the right side of but a bit crowded on the bridge span. as you make your way towards the peninsula and the same for the opposite direction. also a problem-free commute nice and smooth. the 101 through a sun rafael still only 14 minutes with no problems. still some slow traffic if your traveling on her 24 westbound. it has been sluggish not a major back up but slow on westbound 24 towards the tunnel. work your way towards oakland also on/off westbound out of livermore. however the 680 likens up and on fight its you're westbound towards castro valley and livermore. the south bay, some slow traffic near the 85 northbound between cupertino and mountain view. theft >>darya: at this hour is official the anti-doping the agency has stripped lance armstrong of his seven titles for the tour de france after deciding that he had used performance enhancing drugs. lance armstrong says that heat is not going to fight anymore against these allegations but that does not mean that he is guilty. he retired one year ago and a lifetime ban from site killings. the u.s. a da not taking on the arbitration triggers the lifetime and eligibility and the forfeiting of his victories he has strongly to a tonighthe has strongly -- denied any coping allegations. and for nike is standing behind him. as his foundation continues for cancer survivors. >> we will continue with this live look at 33rd street 34 at st. fifth avenue in new york city after this gunman killed a former co-worker and shoots police were he was shot and killed and nine people injured ask me what it's like when my tempur-pedic moves. 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[ female announcer ] for more information or to find a retailer near you, visit >>darya: of you can see roads closed around the empire state building in new york city. investigators looking at a crime scene where a gunman opened fire at a co-worker. a disgruntled employee was fired one a year ago shot a former co-worker at close range. killed hem. and was caught by police. they -- confronted him after he killed hi 45former co-worker or he was shot at close range and his face three times. the gunman turned up fifth avenue with a concealed weapon. however the construction workers notified police. a shootout ensued half. the gunmen wer was killed. and e are nine people that are being treated for non-life-threatening injuries. these streets are shut down at midtown manhattan. >> following the campaign trail. rick santorum is releasing delegates for the primary race to mitt romney. a. it is a formality freeing up 200 kel delegates -- that is in tampa next week. paul ryan will have a rally in michigan. >> still has the best comcast digital 193. a great way to check it out. the new home page for constant weather, and our news crawl at the bottom of the screen is breaking news from the newsroom still has the best traffice but now it is 24/7 on comcast digital 193. a great way if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, email at the >>justine: the latest of the shooting outside of the empire state building. we are still watching these live pictures of this active crime scene. let me go over information with you. 53 year-old jeffrey johnson had no criminal record. he was laid off from a woman's accessory store. he returned to the store with a 45 caliber pistol and shot his co-worker at close range. the victim was 41. after that he fled the scene and was followed by construction worker. the construction worker told police what happened. the police approached him and killed johnson. there were nine people injured. all of them are expected to survive. also, there were five men and four women. >>darya: this happened around 6:00 a.m. our time. 9:0 3:00 a.m. in new york city you can see the streets are bustling. all you see are the police. it happened not far from the empire state building. we carried at the press conference, like. mayor lung burke and the police commissioner keep us all of the details. let us listen. 0 the. 03 in front of 10 west 33rd st. a disgruntled former employee of the company at that address shot and killed a former co- worker. striking him three times. the subject, a chair for johnson, 53 of let the eastbound on west 33rd street. towards fifth avenue and you walked northbound along the curved line with a 45 caliber handgun secreted in a black bag under his or her. a construction worker who had followed johnson from west 33rd street alerted to police officers that were on posed in front of the empire state building. the fifth avenue entrance. as part of our counter-terrorism coverage that were in front of the empire state building. as he approached the officers he fired on both uniformed officers and they returned fire killing him. there were nine individuals wounded during this gunfire exchange. six are at bellevue and three are at new york presbyterian cornell presbyterian. how johnson had been employed for six years at hazan imports as a designer of women's accessories. during a downsizing about one year ago johnson was laid off. in a dispute with the former employees in front of the building he produced a pistol and fired at close range. he strike his victim in the head. we are withholding the victim's identity until family modifications can be made. >>darya: they're continuing to rack up their investigation and new york city. the markers of the shelves and even on video tape with the shell casings.... markers they will review evidence and videotape. it is roped off this morning are run the empire state building as the investigation continues. >> a gang task force is meeting in san jose with the recent violence spike. the 33rd homicide >>reporter: mark, they have that meeting about every three months. because of what is going on in san jose they decided to whipping news conference because everybody in san jose is talking about the spike in murders. there have been eight murders and the seven days. this news conference with the mayor, the police chief. i was able to ask the police chief why is there a sudden increase this is what he had to say. >> it is always a question of why does crime echo alternate number given them time? a number of factors involved. clearly, it is the time of year, school and the weather and i would say that my professional opinion. it could be a portion of the economy but not large piece at this time. beyond that you are talking speculation. when we look at specific identification if it is gang-related. since we started this spike a couple of mondays ago. we had to of those three were a gang related. two of those -- three were gang- related >>reporter: they are speaking to gang-related prevention interventions. so there is a $800,000 of federal funds to fight crime. and also there are people very much upraafraid-with this uptick in the spike it is not a trend. what should people do? his message is that all of our resources are pooled and we are asking the public if they know anything to give them a call. according to the police chief it is one portion of their defense. >> thank you. >>darya: we want to get a weather and traffic update. >> happy friday it is shaping up to be a mild and pleasant day. we do have some cloud coverage but for the most part it is going to burn off. temperatures will climb into the 60s. hayward, 62 mountain view, we will see temperatures in the low 60s and upper 80s as record towards this afternoon. some changes full details coming up on your a look at your 7 day around the bay >>robin: the san mateo bridge has been a bit crowded from hayward towards the peninsula but it is finally starting to loosen up. the east bay, the nimitz a bit crowded because of the accident near the colosseum. in both directions of the 880 but self fund is still slow. the 280, from the south bay towards the peninsula. however the peninsula traffic still light and trouble-free. >>darya: we will have more details as we continue covering the live seen in new york of the shooting that happened. a gunman shot and killed a former co- worker and opened fire on police. the police shot the gunman. you can see the investigation is not far from the empire state building. at bank of america, we're continuing to lend and invest in the people, businesses, and organizations that call the bay area home. whether it's helping a nonprofit provide safe, affordable housing within the city, supporting an organization that's helping kids find jobs and stay in school, or financing the expansion of a local company that's creating healthier workplaces, what's important to the people of the bay area is important to us. and we're proud to work with all those who are making our communities stronger. >>darya: welcome back. this area at this around the empire state building because they're investigating this shooting. there is a gunman dead. and there are nine people injured because this gunman opened fire on new york city police. they fired back at him. >> this was a disgruntled former employee who worked for and imperi -- and apparel wome's import store >>darya: welcome back you can see this live shot from new york city as they investigate a shooting. the eight disgruntled former employee returned to where he worked. and hunted down agent shot a 41 year-old former co-worker in the head. and there were two police officers that confronted him. not that far away from the empire state building. he opened fire. they shot him and killed him. however there are nine people that have been injured. with the videotape as evidence. >> convicted killer brevik.. has accepted his sentence 21 years and norway. he was declared " sane " to stand trial killing 77 people. this was just over one year ago. he made an apology to the militant nationalists for not killing more people in these attacks. this gruesome and defiant issue has haunted the country of norway for the last 13 months. >> the tropical storm by sec is expected to move towards haiti tropical storm-lashed eyes checke tropical storm -- isaac.s golf strength is expected to go towards fort myers with storm surge towards tampa. possibly a category one, a category two. towards western florida, pensacola, panama city or the panhandle during midday on tuesday. this is the latest from the hurricane center. a are expecting this to become a hurricane. not only the surrounding areas but the tampa of republican national convention on monday. >> take a look at this is in tampa of the mayor says get the republican national convention is ready for any problems. and it will be still up to him weather or not to issue a mandatory evacuations.. >>erica: we will see seasonal averages for this afternoon however you could use a jacket this afternoon. as we take a live look these clouds in the distance. it has cleared any delays on driving flights at s f o which is good news. of -- are arriving flights with 80s expected in livermore and portions of the south bay. as we go closer towards 9:00 a.m. temperatures will return to the 50s and 60s with relatively mild conditions. santa clara, 79 and 80s in campbell. upper 80s in antioch. upper 60s expected in san leandro. it looks like richmon, san francisco will see 69. upper 50s and ocean beach. if you're going to the america's cup? the event is even going to happen in just last 10 minutes. in the next-10 minutes. with 60s and a small credit cards for going into effect so choppy waters expected. with a small -- crafted 53 in place. a cool down a look at your 7 day around the still has the best information for news, weather, traffice but now it is 24/7 on comcast digital 193. a great way >>robin: things looking decent towards the central freeway. and we will go to the san mateo with heavier traffic westbound. hayward but it is just a bit crowded but moving near the peninsula at the 880 towards the 101. still problem-free to the north gate or the bridge span. working your way towards san francisco 14 minutes between 580 and the toll plaza. there has been a problem reported on the nimitz. southbound blocking the left lane in both directions of the nimitz freeway. the emergency crews are hoping to get this cleared, but it is impacting the southbound drive. heavy from oakland towards san leandro. and also the 238 towards downtown oakland >>justine: this just in to the kron 4 news room check up these live pictures. these commuters are stock on a swing at the minnesota state fair. this is the operator who is having to climb up. it has been stock for nearly 45 minutes. these are live pictures. this is called the stratosphere's wind powered it stopped in mid-air. it is a 200-feet tall and making its debut at the fair this year. it stranded these people when a safety latch was jammed. the only way to fix this is for him to a climate that 200 ft. tower and flip a switch manually. they are not happy. some of them are tweaking the and tweeting and waving to the helicopters and the minnesota.. state fair the petaluma little league could become the world series champions! these 12 year olds the managers and sun hit two home runs. and the starter, also already a hero of hitting a home run earlier. and struck out 11 and five innings usually it was six innings but 11-1 eagles final sc over sa now, they're going to play tennessee tomorrow. >> this is the team that beat them. >> they've beat them before good luck to petaluma. we will be right this live look at new york city ♪ 3q another one killed by lime scale. how can the dishwasher do its job ? adding finish power up to your detergent brings your dishwasher back to life. dishwasher buildup, cloudiness, spots, even tough stains-- gone ! so don't give up. add finish power up. wow ! see the difference. >>darya: this shooting at 9:00 a.m. in new york city. this is still an active crime scene in near the new-york empire state building. one man killed another person and he was shot by police. we will have updates ♪

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