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be a fix for the glitch by novembe . >> they all do it. they all do it. >> reporter: kron4 showed tens of thousands of muni riders how to ride muni with nothing more than a hand wave. now, a source inside muni pointed out a new glitch. it's another glitch that also allows muni riders to ride for free. >> what happens is sometimes the gates get confused, often because of fare evaders. when that happens, the gates get stuck open like this gate and although this one closes, sometimes, they don't. >> reporter: these glitches in the system are because the city of san francisco chose to be different from every other city with similar gates. muni officials allow riders to walk out instead of tapping out. tapping out means using a card to enter and exit. because of this walkout feature in san francisco, it created glitches in the system that need to be fixed. muni spokesperson paul rose they expect a fix to the problem by octobe . with the soon to be developed firmware patches. it will be up to muni fair inspectors and station agents to toe the line. in san francisco, stanley roberts, kron4 news. >> kron4's jonathan bloom spoke with muni officials tonight, and has their reaction. >> muni officials acknowledged the switch to these new fare gates has been anything, but smooth, but they have a few new ideas, the bug that lets anybody ride for free. >> we're working to fix it. >> reporter: muni spokesperson paul rose made that promise as word of the free ride trick. it's as simple as fooling the motion censor. this man couldn't recyst trying himself. and rose says they will fix it in one of three possible ways. >> we'ring a at software updates to make it more difficult to break the beam. physical equipment to block that from happening and possibly tapping out our system. >> reporter: of the three, putting physical barriers around the barriers is the only one that would cost money. so the city will try the software update first. but rose says out of the 140 fare violations, there were not many attempts to exploit this loophole. >> nothing major. once we had the fare inspectors out here, people weren't taking their chances. >> reporter: those fare inspectors say they're spending most of their time helping the new riders or stuck outside a fare gate that won't open. and time after time, we saw station agents manually open the gate. >> they've seen them become visibly agitated with the new equipment. almost everyone who's come up to us has had something bad to see about these new fare gates. >> you can see more of our coverage of the glitch, including our first report on our website at eight current and former city leaders in the southern california city of bell have been arrested. bell is that small working- class city that we told you about several months ago, where the city leaders had extremely high salaries. kron4 tells us how their salaries plus extra loans led to their arrests. >> reporter: meet city manager of a çtown of 40,000 people. their average income? just over $40,000 a year. his salary, $800,000. double that of the president of the united states. and that's not counting millions more in loans and benefits for himself and others. >> they used the tax dollars collected from the hard-working citizens of bell as their own piggy-bank, which they then looted at will. >> reporter: l.a. county's district attorney says rizzo was the ring leader of a gang of corrupt officials. he called it corruption on steroids. those arrested today include the current mayor, hernandez. deputies reportedly had to use a battering-ram to gain entrance to his home. rizzo's bail was set at $3.2 million, the highest of any defendant. >> we have asked the court that nobody be allowed to post bail until there's an opportunity to examine the source of the bond. >> several smaller bay area communities have city managers with large salaries. more than $315,000 a year to oversee its city. san reloan pays nearly $360,000 and liver more makes more than $312,000. we visited another community, da ville, where the city manager also has an impressive salary. >> reporter: he earned 31 television $133 last year, making him one of the highest paid city managers in the state. his base salary is $223,000. he cashed out four weeks of vacation time for nearly $16,000 and in lieu of a pension, he pays 35% of his salary or more than $72,000 towards retirement, which he cashed out last year instead of investing in a 401k he he had to report it as income. that $70,000 towards retirement is why city councilwoman anderson says he is unfairly so high on the list, saying many other towns did not include their retirement contribution. >> he chose to take it as a cash lump sum and so really, what you have to do is you have to then look at all the other cities and say, okay. you're showing us your salary, but what are you putting in on top of the retirement? and none of the other cities shown on this to the best of my knowledge, they're not showing what the retirement amounts is. >> reporting in da ville, kron4 news. breezy and cooler out there. we're going to see nearly identical weather for tomorrow. fog is going to start to roll back in overnight. by tomorrow morning, early widespread fog expected. that's going to clear out, though, early in the morning, and then by the afternoon, we'll be seeing mostly sunny skies, a few of those high clouds that we saw today. the fog clears by noon, 3:00 in the afternoon, the winds start to pick right back up again. winds in the 25-mile-per-hour range, 60s, a few low 70s out there. we have a big warmup in store. it's going to get very hot this weekend. details coming up in justaint. a destructive end to a police chase tonight in the east bay. this is the aftermath of that chase. you can see that pickup there, it caught on fire after crashing into a building in richmond. police say it was a stolen vehicle. it started on interstate 80 and ended when the truck crashed into the building. two people were arrested at the scene, nobody was hurt. and police are putting out a warning to woman who use a popular walking area in an east bay city. that warning comes after two woman were sexually assaulted. a look at where the attacks happened and new tonight, a sketch of the man believed to be sketch of the man believed to be the suspect when male announcer] the turn changes everything. ♪ the turn will make you think. ♪ make you re-examine your approach. change your line. innovate. and create one of the world's fastest-reacting suspensions, reading the road 1,000 times per second. it's the turn that leads you somewhere new. introducing the new 2011 cts-v coupe. from cadillac. the new standard of the world. grease on his back ! i totally missed it, another shirt ruined. good thing the expertise of spray n' wash is combined with the power of resolve in our new in wash stain remover. only resolve has stainseekers. just treat the stains you see and add to the wash for the ones you miss. the stainseekers will find, penetrate and lift away the toughest stains. trust resolve. forget stains. saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. the guys who drive a heavy duty truck, have some heavy duty demands. like enough horsepower and torque to get out of just about any situation. a payload that beats the other guys flat out. a frame sturdy enough to bear up a max towing capacity that's over 10 tons. and a braking system tough enough to bring it all to a stop. heavy duty demands? gentlemen, your truck is ready. new details tonight about two recent sexual assaults in one east bay neighborhood. tonight, investigators released a sketch of the person they believe is behind both of the attacks. here's that sketch. the suspect çis 'wj](áraed xd black male in his 20s, 5'10" to 6 feet tall with a medium build, and he is armed with a weapon. authorities 0lççalso release specific location of both incidents. kron4 shows you where they occurred. >> reporter: here near the 1400 block of 3rd avenue and here close to 18th street çin lake shore. these are the two locations where police say two women were robbed and sixually assaulted. one victim had just got out of her car when she was attacked. oakland police say both crimes happened within hours. investigators believe the same suspect may be responsible. they are -- there are a few blocks between the two incidents. from the looks of things, security is obviously, a concern. most of these buildings have secure main entries or çgated doors, some with bars on the winds. police say they have stepped ç patrols in the area. investigators are canvassing the neighborhood in search of the suspect. kron4 news. breezy and cool weather continues tomorrow, but a big warmup. summer may be over tomorrow. it's not going to feel like de. details ngoo [ mom ] my son ryan didn't know his voulez-vous from his frere jacques... 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[ male announcer ] from linked accounts to citi mobile we make it simple to manage your finances. what's your story? citibank can help you write it. we make it simple to manage your finances. it's been more than a week since the san bruno gas line explosion and fire. still, there's months of work ahead. crews have begun cleaning up the fire zone on thursday. we see what's being done to prepare and keep neighboring residents safe. >> reporter: the crews you see here are spraying water on the fire zone, making sure the sash and debris is damp so when they start removing it thursday so that dust won't fly up into the air. the health department has been monitoring the air quality and with many occupied homes like this just a few feet away, they'll continue to be vigilant. >> while we're doing the debris removal, we'll also be doing air sampling. if the monitors indicate there's a problem, we will correct the problem. i do not accept that problem, because we will be taking every precaution. >> reporter: the health department says it will begin the process by taking away burned out cars like you see here. then excavators kill come in and remove all the debris, including the foundations of the homes along with the top two to 3-inches of soil. the health department says it's important to do this all quickly. >> we don't want to runoff when the rains begin down into the creek, and into the bay and also we don't want -- we want to make sure this stuff doesn't become air borne. >> reporter: they hope to finish in three or four weeks. ♪[ music ] well, it was clear out there this afternoon, but cool and breezy, and we're expecting very similar conditions out there overnight tonight into tomorrow morning, with the fog becoming widespread by tomorrow morning and then a cooler, breezy afternoon. but as we head into thursday, big changes as we start to warm things up. into the weekend, it's going to get hot. even though tomorrow's the first day of fall, it's going to feel like summer this weekend. a look at fog tracker for tomorrow morning and the fog up and down the coast line also becoming widespread into our inland valleys. we should see clearing relatively quickly in the places that fog is pretty extensive. 7:00 in the morning, already starting to break out of the bay shore peel back by 9:00. some lingering cloud cover, but temperatures are going to stay on the cool side. 76 degrees in santa rosa. 63 in san francisco, 67, vallejo, low to mid-70s in our inland spots. it's very similar to what we saw today. very similar at half moon bay, a mix of 60s and 70s in our bay shores and low 70s in the south bay. look at your seven-day forecast, don't ifth about the winds out there tomorrow. we're expecting wind speeds in the 20-mile-per-hour range. temperatures jumping up several degrees, but bumping up more on friday. mid-80s around the bay, we're going to keep that hot weather in the forecast through the weekend into monday, triple digit heat, upper 80s in the bay shores and upper 70s close to the coast. it's going to feel like summer out there this weekend. tonight's headlines, lare summer is the obama administration's pop economic advisory is -- adviser is leaving the white house. he says that he'll return to harvard university. he's the third member of the obama economic team to step down. senate democrats say they will try, too, push another vote on the pentagon's ban on guys serving openly in the military. today, senate republicans shut down an attempt to add a repeel of don't ask can sc -- don't ask, don't tell. and bedbugs are eaching epidemic levels, leading to a summit in chicago with experts and vendors and exterminators and scientists. bites are becoming common. pest experts say that new york is the worst in the nation for the bugs. they were discovered in a theater, office building, dorm, housing projects and posh apartments. well, the race for the pennant is heating up and the giants are right in the thick of it. could they beat the cubs tonight despite scoring just one run? gary has the answer to that and despite scoring just one run? gary has the answer to that and all the lots of us are sick or hurt we have four times as many emotional problems as other kids i'll have to move over and over again. i'm twice as likely to drop out of high school. there's a 50-50 chance i'll end up homeless. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. good evening everybody. 11 games remain and the giants are right there. a one-hour, 11-minute rain delay in chicago, pam, i've got to tell you the truth. i was raging. you should never sit outside in the rain. i'll tell you the sad story in the minute. nothing sad tonight. zambrano was the boss early. six innings, three hits, no runs, eight strikeouts. matt cain as effective. bochy, after 82 pitches, pinch hits for cain. the giants have to try to score when they can. and indeed, buster posey, the bullpen, three perfect and i can see they're a winner when posey, rookie of the year candidate goes deep in the 8th inning, and that was it. bryan wilson comes on to finish, giants win 1-0. they stay a half game up in the national league west on the san diego padres. dawned mattingly ready to take over for tori. clayton richard of the padres dominated. eight innings, six strikeouts, bellingsly gives up the r.b.i. single. 6-0 padres. they're right there with the giants, one half game back. the colorado rockies, baseball's hottest team until the last two contests. they are now two and a half games back of san francisco. jim tracy's team couldn't stop kelly johnson, two-run homer. arizona beat the -- beat the rockies tonight, final of 3-1. sitting out in the rain, pam, i'm a boy of about ten years old. went to the east-west college all-star football game, all excited, and it started to rain. so you know when you're a kid and my father said, i don't sit out in the rain for anybody, unless it's my son, my wife, my daughter. we're going. and he did not believe in sitting out in the rain unless it was for your own flesh and blood. >> sitting out in the rain for anybody. who sits out in the rain. >> i grew up with all these phobias. the kron4 picnic, if you remember four years ago, we're all sliding on the wet lawn. i had to go home. we didn't even show. i went out when it rained, i left. >> forecast, no rain. >> i'll be at the party. my father was right, who sits out in the rain. >> you go to the concession stand. >> not all of us want to be carried out after a six pack. anyway -- >> you don't get emergency room room -- beers. >> people think i pick on jackie. i am making jackie. when she's working in l.a., or new york, she's going to say, it was this old guy in san francisco who made me a personality rather than just no toss, no verbal toss back to the anchor. i have made you jackie. we're missing the a's, and the excitement. cahill got his 17th win. a's now are seven backup texas with 12 to go. they win over the white sox, 7-2. no question, mike singletary. this guy, he keeps saying i want to players to be the story. hall of fame player, full of personality, when he's a linebacker and today at the press conference. he talked about himself. >> i have to be who i am. i have to be who i am. and i'm not going to change, because -- i'm not a politician. i'm not a tapdancer. i say things that i feel. and i do have to do a better job at not letting the media bait me the way they did last week. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's luxury with fire in its veins. bold. daring. capable of moving your soul. ♪ and that's even before you drop your foot on the pedal. ♪ the new 2011 cts coupe from cadillac. the new standard of the world. grease on his back ! i totally missed it, another shirt ruined. good thing the expertise of spray n' wash is combined with the power of resolve in our new in wash stain remover. only resolve has stainseekers. just treat the stains you see and add to the wash for the ones you miss. the stainseekers will find, penetrate and ft away the toughest stains. trust resolve. forget stains. until two years ago, when my dad transferred to istanbul. they settled in quickly. found their local deli. a few shortcuts. and a neighborhood hangout. but there's one thing they miss. their beloved hometown team. so i asked citi -- how many thankyou points it would take to give them something special. their old seats, 5 and 6, row c. 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