Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20110414

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moving in to close a portion of the 80 offramp and a major street in hercules. "mornings on 2" starts now. good morning. i'm dave clark. >> i'm tori campbell. a fire watch continues at a former car dealership in vallejo this morning of the building on sonoma boulevard is -- this morning. the building on sonoma boulevard is still shouldering -- smoldering. jade hernandez has more. >> reporter: good morning. firefighters are getting ready to end their fire watch here at this former car dealership. the car dealership broke out in flames more than 12 hours ago at 1:00 yesterday afternoon. you can see that yolando drive is still closed at sonoma boulevard and barricades are still up. you can now see the building. it went up in flames yesterday afternoon. this building is located at 3301 sonoma boulevard. take a look at these pictures. about 50 homeless people had been living inside of the dealership. the dealership closed two years ago and had been deemed structurally unstable but had yet to be torn down. fire investigators believe someone may have started a fire using a torch inside the former dealership's auto repair shop. we've been told in 1078 spots, debris and trash, which is high -- in some spots, debris and trash, which is high -- >> we know the building is not structurally sound and we know that people are dumping hazardous materials and human waste in the building. so to put somebody inside on hoselines would just be ridiculous. >> reporter: firefighters are wrapping up the fire watch right now. no one was hurt. there is a small encampment set up. no one wanted to go on camera to discuss this. we're live in vallejo, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:02. this morning a new police description of the man who broke into a graduate housing apartment at stanford university and sexually assaulted a sleeping woman, investigators say -- investigators say he's a dark- skin man, about 30, about 5'6" with a chubby build. he has wavevy black hair -- wavy black hear -- black hair. he got through, through the back door. hikers were rescued last night. the hikers became lost while hiking through zimm zimm. they had a cell phone and they were able to call for help. a man, a woman, two dogs were rescued. no injuries have been reported. 7:03. oakland school district says hundred of pink slip teachers will keep their jobs offall -- afterjal. more than 500 notices were sent out last month. but the notices will not go out to the school. mourners are expressing their griefen a facebook page -- grief on a facebook page following the death of a polo coach. he died at the hospital. he was hurt at home. he played a huge development in the girls' water polo, fremont area. he was the coach at mission state high. kraig debro will have more later this hour. well, this morning, lawyers on both side of the barry bonds's case are already planning their appeals. yesterday, the jury convicted barry bonds of obstruction of justice. but it deadlocked on the three perjury charges. prosecutors will decide quickly if they are gonna seek a retrial on those other charges. and the defense is already planning an appeal. ktvu was out trying to find somebody on the giants' team willing to talk about this. we went to the ballpark just hours after the verdict. bruce bochy said the defending world champs are focusing on this season, not barry bonds. other coaches and players said pretty much the same thing. tara moriarty will have more at 7:30. you can get more coverage of the bonds's trial at any time. go to you can hear comments from the lawyers and from the jury members. the california public utilities commission is expected to approve an agreement designed to better monny -- monitor pg&e, it regards a safety report. after the san bruno explosion last fall, questions were raised about how pg&e prioritized high-risk projects. in the meantime, pg&e says if it is forced to reduce the pressure on natural gas pipelines, customers could be in danger. state regular lawsuiters are considering -- regulators are considering pressure gaugers. new this morning, jobless claims unexpectedly rose last week. u.s. claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly rose bouncing back above the key key00,000 level -- the key level of 400,000. this is a according to the labor department. as you can see on lower part of the screen, markets are not happy with this news. all right. 7:07. hey, sal, what is going on on interstate 0? >> well, they are doing some construction work. you might notice it if you use the willow avenue offramp. these are closures in hercules. the offramp is gonna be closed. they are gonna be closing it from 7:00 to 4:0. it does -- 4:30. it doesn't feel like they've closed it quite yet. reason, they are gonna knock down an old overcrossing and start to build a new one. this is part of a diamond lane construction project. this is today from tomorrow from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. it will be kind of crowded if you live in hercules. i would avoid willow avenue and use another way for these next two days while they do -- while they do this. let's go out to the bay bridge. that traffic is backed up for about a ten-minute wait at the toll plaza. no major problems once on the bridge. and this morning if you are driving into the south bay, 237 is the bus iest. and then -- busiest traffic. 7:08 let's go to mark. hi there, sal. good morning to you. we're taking a look outside. we have mostly sunny skies as high clouds pay us a visit this early thus morning. no rain clouds, juvenile something to look at in the sky. right now you can see the overcast over a good portion of the state. the over cast from santa rosa down to san francisco, livermore and down towards san jose as well. as far as the overall weather story, it's scattered high clouds. the weekend will stick with the partly cloudy theme. the temperatures you will notice a theme. in fact, a few more low 70s to talk about. that's different from what we have right now. it's cold up in parts of the bay for livermore -- for livermore. san jose at last check reporting 44. high pressure rebuilding a bit. it won't be strong enough to clear out the clouds. as a result, we'll have the clouds move into the region. showers likely from the north and from bay area just scattered high clouds. there is a slight chance of a sprinkle friday morning into saturday morning. as you can see, temperatures warming up nicely, especially for tomorrow and into the weekend. for this morning, mostly cloudy skies. upper 30s to the low to mid- 40s. 55 to right around 60. by 3:00, it will be breezy. there's the afternoon temperature range. you will notice a warmer afternoon, santa rosa 64. oakland in the lower 60s and san jose tops out around 66 degrees. here is a look ahead, your five- day forecast, a sun/cloud mix will take us into the weekend. warmest locations approach the lower 70s for friday, saturday and into sunday. coming up we'll take a look at the updated forecast. we'll show you the rain chances for the next few days. sfo's brand-new terminal 2 is now open for business. virgin america's first scheduled flight left about ten minutes ago and the flights to dallas/fort worth and miami on american, they took off at:00 a.m. we were there. kraig debro was there for big opening celebration. one passenger told us she's very excited to be one of the first to fly out of the new terminal. >> i think it's beautiful. i am really excite. i'm excited to be one of the first people flying out. i couldn't believe it. i turned on the news. i can't believe that we're here. it's exciting. >> it took about three years to remodel that terminal. it includes dom pewter work stations with -- computer work stations. and guess what. it happened again. an air traffic controller, asleep on on the job while pilot was trying to land a plane. coming up for you at 7:0 this morning, we'll bring you a live report from washington, d.c. with some brand-new rules from the faa to fix that problem. all right. it is 7:11. a battle is brewing in the bay area. it involves a cemetery dating back 500 years versus a parking lot. also we're getting new information about a brilliant yale university student killed in a wild lab accident caused by her hair. and the white house is up for sale. well, actually, it's a represent politic cau of the famous -- replica of the famous home but the asking price may surprise you. good thursday morning. we have mostly cloudy skies over a good portion of the dry area. a dry forecast for the day. we'll take a look at numbers coming up in a few minutes. 7:14. a real tragedy at yale university. a student has died in a freak accident. michelle default was killed tuesday in a university chemistry lab. her hair became entangled in the piece of equipment she was pulled into the machinery. she was reportedly working on her senior project and was due to graduate next month with a degree in physicalicks and astronomy. the safety standards at lab are now being reviewed. a proposal for adding a new parking lot to glen cover waterfront park sometime later this year, accord to some activists, the site is also the resting place to many native americans. some dating back some 3500 years and they want the development to stop. it's not the real thing. it's pretty close. the a replica of the white house is up for sale in virginia. the structure is one-fifth of the white house. it has many of the features of the original one, including an overral office but it has a pea -- oval office. the owner says he and his wife are empty-nesters and they want to downsize and have already heard from a few buyers. today, the house in washington is supposed to vote on the spending bill that prevented the shutdown last week. but as allison reports from our washington, d.c. newsroom, there's bad bad between both democrats and -- there's bad blood between both democrats and republicans. >> reporter: lawmakers are giving their opening speeches now. we expect the first votes in about four hours. there has been doubt about whether john boehner has the votes to get through today. speaker boehner says he will get there and be able to pass it. some republicans dahl it a -- call it a victory. analysts say it will do little to reduce the deficit. a lot of democrats don't like it either. liberals railed against it on capitol hill yesterday. >> by all meanses we should try to bring the budget into balance. let's do it by targeting wasteful war spending instead of going after seniors, going after school children and middle-class families. >> reporter: lin woolsey, war bra lee and pete stark have made it clear they will -- barbara lee and pete stark have made it clear they will be voting today. back to you. president obama asked the vice president to hold bipartisan meetings with the congress members to try to work out some differences on the budget issues. maybe the vice president was trying to rest up before, there he is right now. he only closed his eyes 25 seconds for that 45-minute speech but the cameras were on and caught it all. a new poll suggests most americans actually think the taxes they pay are fair. 54% of people surveyed said their tax bills are either somewhat fair or very fair. 46% said they are unfair. secretary of state hillary clinton is m germany meeting with other -- is in germany meeting with other partners regarding the situation in libya. she reassured nato that the u.s. will do its part to ensure the success of the international military campaign. clinton said the world must increase its support for the libyan opposition. the pentagon says u.s. war planes are still carrying out attacks in libya. the pentagon spokesperson says u.s. fighter jets have attacked libyan air jet fights to support the no-fly zone. pakistan now objecting to two u.s. missile drone attacks. the attacks came only two days after pakistan asked the u.s. to drastically reduce the cia operations in pakistan. pakistan's foreign ministry issued a statement saying say -- those attacks are "counterproductive and strengthen the hands of the terrorists." a global watchdog group says the number of pirate attacks at sea has hit a record high this year. the international maritime bureau says there have been 142 attacks so far. 97 have been off the coast of somalia. seven people have been killed in those attacks. just within the last hour, ford announced it's expanding a recent recall. we'll tell you why. plus -- mess left behind about who is responsibility to pay for vandalism during the protests of oscar grant -- of the shooting of oscar grant. ford is expanding a recall with the f-150 trucks because of the air bags. the recall includes trucks from the 2004 to the 2006 model years. nearly 1.2 million trucks are now included in the recall. in february, the company agreed to recall more than 150,000 of these trucks because of this problem. but u.s. safety regular layers decide the recall -- regulators decided the recall should be expanded because the air bags can go off unexpectedly and injure drivers. the sony cooperation is considering a two-week -- corporation is considering a two-week shut down, to cut down on electricity this summer. the quake and tsunami crisis have already caused a huge electricity shortage across japan's northern region. a search resumes in tennessee for a women who may have been taken away, abducted. witnesses report seeing the woman and a man wearing camouflage. about 250 people searched for her yesterday. investigators brought in helicopters and dogs to hetch out -- too help out in the search. 7:23. let's check in with sal. how's it going, sal? >> it's actually okay. we're looking -- i sat next to a gentleman at the diamond park, ballpark, who said he remembers the milpitas area with a lot of flowers. it's different now. one of the most crowded stott spots in the bay area heading west especially between 680 and 8 0 this morning. we're seeing -- 880 this morning. >> we're seeing no problems on the way to the oakland airport. if you are driving across the san mateo bridge, it looks good. 101 itself getting up there to burlingame and sfo looks fine. >> hi there, sal. good morning to you. on the chilly side. a few more 30s to talk about across parts of the bay area this thurmoning. looking outside i can -- this morning. looking outside, we do have -- we do have partly cloudy skies. some pretty views out there. current numbers you can see the upper 30s for santa rosa and napa. our friends in redwood city reporting 43 degrees. as far as this afternoon, we'll warm up nicely, warmest locations in the os. this afternoon will be warmer than -- in the 60s. this afternoon will be warmer. a look ahead, your five-day forecast a sun/cloud mix will take us into the weekend. there is a slight chance of a sprinkle tomorrow morning and saturday morning. temperatures warm in the lower 70s for a few neighborhoods by the weekend. another weather -- >> okay. thank you, mark. two men arrested during the protests following the joe han necessary -- johannes mehserle were arrested. they were among the dozens of people that night now they have to pay -- that night. now they have to pay $25,000 apiece to the owner of a jewelry store. the search is underway this morning for the people who drove up too an ambulance -- up to an ambulance, dropped off a victim who had within shot -- who had been shot and drove off. police say paramedics were on an unrelated call on 17th and international when a car pulled up. people inside the car handed over the shooting victim to the ambulance and left. the wounded man died at the hospital. this is 0 sad day for bay area swimmers -- this is a sad day for bay area swimmers. they are mourning the death of a polo coach. >> reporter: i'm tara morey a artie live in -- tara moriarty live in san francisco, where barry bonds trial was held. people are happy it's over or are they? 7:30. we know the verdict in the barry bonds's perjury trial but this case may be far from over. lawyers are on both side are already planning their next move. ktvu's tara moriarty is outside the courthouse in san francisco now to tell us what happens next. >> reporter: good morning. may 20th is the next time we'll see barry bonds back here with his attorney. his attorney is trying to get that guilty verdict tossed and the prosecutors are deciding whether they will retry bonds. jurors found him guilty of one charge, obstruction of justice. but they were deadlocked on the three perjury charges. as it stand now, bonds would serve -- could serve two years in prison. >> they will be studying very carefully to challenge the guilty verdict on the obstruction, given that the underlying evasive statement was not in the original indictment. >> reporter: we spoke to one sports righter who says giants' fans are a house divided and thered verdict isn't likely too -- and the guilty verdict isn't likely to change your opinion. >> if you liked barry, you would say, see, they only found one thing. if you didn't like him, you would say, see. >> reporter: there was a lot of evidence that was not allowed, doping calendars, steroid screens and, of course, greg anderson who refused to testify. bonds remains free until sentencing. most legal experts agree he will serve nothing more than house arrest. back to you. >> thank you. many young swimmers in the bay area are in mourning that's following the sudden death of a popular water polo coach. kraig debro is in frommont where the coach played a major role in promoting the sport. >> good morning. joe martinez was just 28 years old. he was the head coach of the girls' water polo team at mission san jose high school. he died on monday. kind of a mysterious death. people don't know a lot about it right now. but an autopsy is being done. i'm joined by zach larson. zach, i know that there is a facebook page already that a lot of kids are going to to share their fieldings what else is happening here at the high school? >> well, we have recognize we need to support the kids at this tie. joe had a huge impact on not just the kids at the school but the entire community and bay area. we've brute in counselors for support if they need to come in and talk or if they need to just come in and sit and have a moment. >> reporter: now, i understand in in addition to coaching the two teams here, he's been coaching outside clubs. so he must have had an impact on hundred of kids. >> thousands, i would say. >> reporter: what did they say about him? >> remarks about joe are nothing but positive. he had a positive impact on their lives, we were lucky to have him here for time we did. >> reporter: thank you, that's zach larson and mission san jose high school. there will be an event at high school on saturday from 7:00 to 9:00, not only to commemorate martinez, but also saturday is his birthday. kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. firefighters in santa rosa investigating an early-morning barn fire. now, it happened hours ago on hearn avenue. firefighters somehow put this out in 30 minutes. luckily no one was hurt. the barn was used by storage. no animals were inside. san francisco police are busy searching for alleged members of the hells angels suspected of attacking a man after a concert on market street. the police say the 35-year-old victim said he say his attackers in the lobby of the field. once outside, they asked him if he was a rival of the mogul game. he said know. he was beaten and stabbed, possibly with a broken bottle. police are investigating a bizarre incident at an adult bookstore. a man apparently set himself on fire. an employee said the man was watching a movie in the back of the store when he came in screaming. the entire front of his body was on fire. paramedics treated him for serious burns. his current condition is not known. accused serial killer joseph naso is due back in court in two weeks to enter a plea. yesterday, the 77-year-old reno photographer made his first appearance in a marin county courtroom. at one point, he looked up, spotted a camera and tried to cover his face. he's accused killing four women in northern california dating back to the 1970s. his arrest has drawn national attention because his alleged victims all had the same initials, starting with their first and last names. 7:35. right now, there's six very brave swimmers about to leave the faralana islands. they will swim the 30 miles from the islands to the golden gate beach. they will be swimming in chilly waters that are often infested with great white sharks. those six members are members of the south end rowing club. their dangerous swim will be to raise money for charity. there's good news for fishermen. regulators have set the most generous guidelines on chinook salmon in three years. the boat by the council means fishermen can start catching salmon by may 1st. b.a.r.t.'s board of directors will meet in less than two hours. they will talk about naming an interim general manager after a big shakeup the at top. dorothy duggard turned in her resignation yesterday. her last day is next friday. she had been under fire for the way the oscar grant situation was cover. but supporters credited her for two years about budget surpluses surpluses. >> it gave her room. >> now b.a.r.t. says it's made a deal. it will pay duggard $50,000 to leave -- $950,000 to leave. 7:36 is the time. let's check in with sal to see what's happening on the roads. we're just talking about b.a.r.t. let's check in on the bay bridge toll plaza. that's right. b.a.r.t. is a a good way to get into san francisco. if you are going to the toll plaza, it should be crowded for you. right now it's backed up for about 10, 15 minutes getting into san francisco. not a lot going on except for slow traffic. the commute on 8 0 northbound -- 88 with northbound looks okay. there are no major problems. traffic will be moving along okay. this morning's commute on the peninsula is all right if you are driving down the 101 to san mateo, it looks good. driving into the south bay, we already have some slow traffic on interstate 280, getting up to highway 17 and traffic is going to be a little bit slow also on 85 in cupertino. let's go to mark tamayo. you can see the sunshine out there. it will probably be the case out there today. the satellite shows you mostly cloudy skies over a good portion of northern california and the over cast conditions from concord to livermore and also down to the south bay for san jose and morgan hill. here is weather story for today. we have this. partly to mostly cloudy skies conditions. the weekend partly cloudy and warmer. it won't be completely clear skies as we head into the weekend. it will be warming you. -- warming up. it's cold. i will show you upper 30s in santa rosa and napa. san francisco 48 and livermore at last check reporting 40 degrees. high pressure rebuilds but it's -- it's still gonna allow clouds to push into the reason. the highest chance will be from mendocino county for today, tomorrow and saturday. we will continue to hold on for the partly to mostly cloudy theme. temperatures warm up today and the warming trend kicks 0 off for friday. the forecast shows you high clouds tomorrow afternoon at:00. tomorrow morning this generates a little activity, at least a slight chance of a sprinkle there. saturday morning, the same deal. it looks like the bulk of the showers remain to the north of the bay area. it will be warmer. that's after a cold start this mooing. we are expecting this, mostly cloudy skies and -- this morning. we are expecting this -- max. and we're warming to right around 60 degrees. by 4:00, partly cloudy and breezy. wind speeds pick up right now in the afternoon. warmest locations approaching the 70s over the weekend. we'll thicken up the clouds as we head into monday. breaking news. the official overseeing u.s. air traffic controllers has just resigned. this after numerous reports of controllers sleeping on the job. meanwhile, the faa is adding a second air traffic controller to mid knight shifts at 27 airports around the country. the latest air traffic controller found asleep on job was at the reno-tahoe airport. samantha hayes is live. >> reporter: good morning. hank kokaski who is head of the division over air traffic control systems, tendered his resignation. it was accepted. this is the latest fallout from not only this incident that happened wednesday morning in nevada but five others in the country this year. at reno-tahoe international airport, a medical flight was coming in. the pilot called the tower seven times according to a government official. there was no answer. the faa says that's because the lone air traffic controller who was staffed during that hour, fell asleep and was out of communication with the pilot for 16 minutes. we also want to have you listen to some air traffic control sound. you can hear the pilot talking about trying to land plane. >> they are not answering the phone lines. we are gonna need to land. >> roger. landing will be at your own risk. >> reporter: he's talking to another plane there. you can hear him say "no one is answering. we need to land "he was able to land the sean safely, there were no -- land the plane safely, there were no problems. what they are gonna do, the faa has identified 27 airports where in the midnight hour there's only one air traffic controller staffed and they are going to add an air traffic controller to those airports during that hour. tori, back to you. paul ryan who is chairman of the house budget commit eis holding a discussion on the federal budget. these are live pictures right now. his comments come just before he head to the house floor where a vote is scheduled today on the spending bill that averted a government shutdown last week. now, neither party really likes this deal. so does that mean a government shut down is still possible? we'll find out in a live report from washington, d.c. that's coming up at 8:15. another "american idol" hopeful will be going home tonight. ♪ i can't sleep at night without hold you tight ♪ ♪ >> last night the eight top contestants performed songs from movie. most got positivefield back. tonight, one of them -- feed back. you can watch tonight at 8:00. tomorrow at this time, we'll talk to contestant who gets voted off live. that will be right here on "mornings on 2." 7:43. what japan's emperor did today for the first time since the massive quake and tsunami one month ago. gay rights organizations react to the fine imposed on kobe bryant for a slur he used during a game. and the ironic consequence of conservation. why using less water equals higher water bills. business is booming on the internet. new figures out show internet advertising revenue jumped 15% to a record high last year. the total figure was $26 billion for 2010. experts say this new report proves more and more companies are going online in an attempt to boost their profit. 7:46. santa clara county residents could soon see their water bills go up. in almost 60% -- an almost 60% rate hike is being proposed by the santa clara county water district. the water district is proposing a 9.4% increase next year. there would be additional hikes every year until 2016. a vote is set for knicks month. water rates could also be going up in san francisco. an increase of at least 47% of an increase is proposed. that's because people are using less water and that has meant lost revenue brian apologized for his remark that he made during a -- kobe bryant apom juiced for a remark that he made during a game and he said -- apologized for a remark that he made during a game. he said it was not meant to be offensive. >> beat l.a.! >> fans cheered on the team in sacramento last night as they faced off against the lakers for what could be their final home game. there are already two teams in the l.a. area. the lakers and the clippers. those two teams are objecting to the move but analysts say it's still expected to get approved. the king owners, the maloof brothers, say this is for financial reasons. by the way, in the last game of the nba season, the kings lost last night 108-116. 7:48. in japan doctors say they are seeing more people for earthquake sickness. some people say they feel the ground moving even when it's not. experts say the constant aftershocks are affecting people psychologically. there have been 400 aftershocks of a magnitude of 5.0 or better in japan since the big one on march 11th. jerry brown is threing -- trying new tactics for tax hikes. the government warned public safety would be at risk if fund something cut to law enforcement agencies. all of this follows a breakdown in negotiations for republicans who oppose extending the hikes. they want to balance the budget with spending cuts only. and san mateo reportedly has an $82 million deficit. department heads have been asked to cut spending. programs for children with mental illness and developmental disabilities are at risk. the county manager will reveal his budget rock aches next month. it's a -- there is a very hot debate at issue. the dog leash law sign that -- signs that have mysteriously vanished. and can foreclosures ever -- ever be a good thing? we'll tell you why analysts thing a -- think sa spike in foreclosures could be poss a -- could be a positive sign. right now, nancy pelosi is holding her weekly press conference in washington, d.c. >> reporter: democrat -- democrats will move forward to strengthen the economy and create jobs and do it in a way way -- many seniors are being thrown out of nursing homes. it cuts education and increase es the cost of college for many young adults while it continues to give tax cuts to the rich. it's unfair. we will judge every measure that comes before us as to whether it creates jobs, reduces, the deficit, strengthens the middle class. that's exactly what our democratic budget does and i'm pleased to yield the floor to the distinguished ranking member of the budget committee. >> thank you, madam leader. it's great to be -- >> you've been listening live to nancy pelosi there, just giving some brief comments. ahead of the vote on the floor of the house scheduled today on the spending bill that's spent to -- that's meant to avert a government shutdown. she has praised the democrat's plan as one that would help grow the economy and criticize the plan. we'll have more on this budget 0 vote that's coming up in a live report -- that's coming up in a live report. the fbi and new york police are still out there searching for a suspected serial killer. this follows the discovery of ten bodies in recent months. it includes finding a school, the bones a toddler and remains of four missing prostitutes. police suspect a serial killer may have killed some of those victims. so far no suspects have been identified. back here at home. several signs posted in marin about a controversial dog leash law. they've disappeared. 11 signs were posted. notifying public how they could comment on this leash law plan. now all two -- now all but two of the signs have disappeared. the proposal would ban dogs from muir beach to marin and close off the areas to dog walkers or require pets to be on leashes. the preparal follows safe complaints about dogs being aggressive -- aggressive or out of control. nfl owners and players are trying to come one a new collective bargaining agreement. the owners have inposed a player lockout that's put this year's pro football season in jeopardy. :55 -- 7:55. hey, sal, have you fixed 880 yet? >> it's a tough job. >> yeah, i know. >> it's getting slower. if you are driving from san leandro up to downtown oakland, you will see slow traffic. although it's not as bad as it has been as i watch this every day. there are some worse stay -- worse days. you will see slow traffic at the bay bridge. toll plaza coming in westbound, which, again, is typical, we don't have any crashes. we did have a couple of minor things go on at the bay bridge. but they weren't big enough to change the commute. this is what it looks like pretty much on a typical day at this time. this is a look at the south bay. we're seeing slow traffic on 280 northbound right at 17. it stays that way into cupertino. a lot of people use 85 to get to mountain view and sunny. that's slow. let's go to mark. good morning. we do have mostly cloudy skies over a good portion of the bay area this morning of the most of the rainfall has moved out of the region. as you can see looking out toward the bay point we have the filtered sunshine effect but still partly to mostly cloudy skies and the sunshine poking through clouds. overall weather story -- temperatures up a few degrees. upper 50s to the upper 60s. winds kick in around 0 miles an hour. temperatures this afternoon, it will be warmer. the look ahead at your five-day forecast, a sun/cloud mix will take us into the weekend. warmest locations in the 70s for friday, saturday and sunday. coming up we'll update the 8:00 numbers and we will let you know if it's warmed it up at all. two stranded hikers rescued in napa. the one item they were carrying that helped save them. welcome back. i'm tori campbell. >> i'm dave clark. a fire watch continues right now in vallejo at that abandoned car dealership that was engulfed in flames. in fact, it's still smoldering hours after the fire started yesterday afternoon. now, jade hernandez has been there all morning. and jade, you know about some past problems there involving the homeless and horse who have squatted -- and others who have squatted, right? >> reporter: that's right. about 50 people are without a place to say because they were staying here at deal deal he -- at the dealership. they were out last night monitoring the hot spots. the fire broke out yesterday around 1:00. bill tweety with the vallejo fire department joins us, tell us a little bit about the problem here that firefighters faced yesterday and what the owner of this building has faced over the past two years. >> well, the biggest concern, first off, is the safety of the people that were squatting here or homeless people were living here. we want to make sure when there is an incident that we get all of them out first. >> reporter: they had a real encampment inside. that was the cause the fire. >> they had the -- two areas of the old showroom where the living area. there was tents and a full- sized full table in there. they were juneing -- running generators and using charcoal barbecues inside, which are allvy dangerous to their health. and where the fire started is where they would dump the garby. we would have -- garbage. we would have people dumping the garbage here instead of having to pay hazardous fee for those things. >> reporter: i understand the owner has been fined $20,000, thousands of dollars because he can't get some of the people staying inside out. >> yeah. the city has strict rules towards buildings like that that need to be removed. since he wasn't complying with the rules we have set, he was being fined by the city for not doing what he was supposed to do. on other hand, he was trying to get the building ready to be torn down but he wouldn't get the -- remove the home people living here. it was -- homeless people living here. it was a catch 22 for him because he would legally have to event them from a place of property that he owned before he could demolish it. >> reporter: the next step, this building is gonna be torn down and middle east likely by -- and most likely by tomorrow. >> yeah. the owner showed up, the owner's representative showed up and they are gonna get the necessary permits. >> we did allow everybody to go in and get interest possessions. >> reporter: thank you so much. bill tweety from vallejo fire department. jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, jade. it's two minutes after 8:00. stanford police have released a new description of a man who broke into a graduate housing apartment and sexually assaulted a sleeping woman. investigators say he's a dark- skinned man about 30 years ole, 5'6" with a chubby build, wavevy black hair and a rounded nose. police believe the attacker got into the apartment through an unlocked door. a california highway patrol helicopter rescued two hikers and their dogs in napa county last night. the chp says the hikers became lost when hiking towards zimm zimm halls, north of lake berryessa. fortunately, they had a cell phone and were able to call for help. they were all plucked to safety. no injuries were reported. tragic -- tragedy at yale university in a freak accident. the girl's hair became entangled in the equipment for her project. she was working on her major. police in southern california are investigating a deadly officer-involved shooting it happened last night at an apartment house in santa monica. police were forced to shoot a lover attacking his ex- girlfriend with a knife that woman is now listed in critical condition. plans to avert a vallejo park is drawing opposition of the proposal calls for adding a new parking lot to the glen cove waterfront park sometime later this year. but according to some legal activists, the site is also the resting place of many native americans. some date back 3500 years. they want the development to stop. oakland school district says hundreds of pink slip teachers will keep their jobs after jaw. more than 500 preliminary notices were sent out. but district says final notices will not go tout 0 -- will got not -- will not go out to elementary high school teachers. at a meeting this morning, the california public utilities commission is expected to approve an agreement to better deep an eye on pg&e. it calls for the utility to provide a semiannual safety report verifying on how money is spent on pipeline safety. after the san bruno disaster, questions were raised about how pg&e rises its priority projects projects. state regulators are considering pressure reductions after pg&e failed to produce some key safety records after that san bruno disaster. it is 8:05. stocks are falling at the opening of trading this morning. this after a report showed claims for unem employment benefits rhodes unexpectedly for the first time in three weeks. the labor department department said 412,000 people applied for unemployment benefits last week. economists had expected the -- economists had un-- economists had expected the number to fall. foreclosure notices went up and some analysts say na may an good -- that may be a good thing because lenders are considering certain programs only. sal's back with somens about. sal, what just happened? >> we have -- sal's back with some breaking news. sal what judd happened? >> there's something -- sal, what happened? >> there's something on fire under the freeway. jj, you can tilt down a little bit -- you can tilt down a little bit? the fire coming up in san francisco. the chp says they think this is possibly a homeless encampment in this area underneath the freeway in san francisco. the smoke has died down. we're gonna find out what was burning. we'll let you know more about this coming up. let's go back to 237. that traffic is busy. you will see slow traffic in that area. eastbound there's a crash. in the south bay, we have some slow traffic there on 80 and 285, on the peninsula. morning commute has been slow in mountain view. let's go to mark. temperatures slow slip beginning to warm up. why not going for a a nice row on you what irhere. you can see calm conditions. i look at that. you can see the glassy conditions. the winds are not too much of a -- too much of a factor. but gloomy conditions, partly to mostly cloudy skies. kind of filtered sunshine effect but you will notice the clouds almost all the way from monterey bay up towards eureka and when we come in, we have the solid deck overhead. for today, we have scattered high clouds out there. tomorrow, partly to mostly cloudy and then in the weekend we'll hold onto the theme. temperatures warm you. the warming trend begins today. here is a look at the current numbers. finally we're talking about lower 40s. so santa rosa, napa had been in the 30s. we're finally warming up. 42 in santa rosa. san francisco, 49. mountain view at last check reporting 47 degrees. high pressure trying to rebuild but we still have quite a few clouds in place as far as the shower activity, the bulk of it is foe us -- is focused up on the north coast. we will continue to have a few high clouds streaming in. so with that we'll hold on to partly to mostly cloudy skies. temperatures warm up. by saturday, the warmest location is approaching the lower 70s. here is our forecast model showing you the overcast right now as far as rainfall you won't find a lot on map here. but by tomorrow morning there is a slight chance a sprinkle up in the north bay. it looks like the extent the rainfall down to ukiah. and then saturday morning we'll see a weak system come in. still quite a few clouds in place. we'll scale back on the coverage as we head into the weekend. pretty much right now, we do have temperatures. most areas in the 40s. here is a look at the numbers. we're gonna warm up from 3 to 6 degrees. that means more 60s showing up in pleasanton, livermore, also los gatos. here is a look ahead at your five-day forecast. temperatures are warming up into friday and saturday. warmest locations in the lower 70s with a sun/cloud mix and no significant storms showing up on the five-day forecast. >> thank you, mark. a new poll shows how americans really feel about paying taxes. also, the vice president, well he had kind of an em -- ep baring moment. we had some breaking news in san francisco where they were just about to shut down this freeway offramp at king street because of a fire. you can see the fire burned pretty hot. the freeway's now blackened there. you can looking at this picture. several firefighters on the scene. they've asked the chp to shut down 280 at king street. that's gonna cause a huge backup, not only on 280. people are gonna hear about this and take 101. i'm aid fray this -- i'm afraid this commute in san francisco has gone from bad to worse. apparently it was a homeless encampment but we haven't confirmed that. that's what the chp said it is. we're trying to figure out in that's true. you should afraid the area because traffic is going to be bad especially once they shut down the king street offram. back to the desk. i want to show you something. this is not the real thing. its -- it's pretty close. it's a really cau of the white house. it's with -- replica of the white house. it's about one-fifth of the size. there's the oval office. the began know. the asking price -- the piano is there. the house has been on the market for a while but the owner says he's heard from a few possible buyers. it's still really hard to predict if this voting will pass. >> reporter: the voting begins in about three hours. there's some murmuring around capitol hill that there's still a slight chance for a shutdown. house speaker john boehner has been struggling to get this passed. a lot of democrats think the cuts go too far. >> there are cuts in there i just don't like. why should you cut money from community health centers? why should you cut money from plans at the national institutes of health for cancer treatment of people? there's no sense in doing that, in my book. >> in the last five minutes, we heard from nancy pelosi. she says she has not yet decided how she's going to vote on the deal. several bay area democrats say they will vote no, lynn woolsey, barbara lee, pete stark. but house speaker boehner in his most recent comments says he does think he has the votes to pass it. reporting live from alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, a alison. 8:15. president obama has asked vice president joe biden to hold bipartisan meetings with congress starting next month to try and work out differences on budget issues. maybe biden was trying to rest up for that task. during the president's speech yesterday, biden appeared to take a brief nap during speech. but in all fairness, he only closed his eyes for 25 seconds for the entire 45-minute speech. but it was caught on camera. there is a new poll that suggests most americans think the taxes they pay are fair. 54% of americans surveyed think their taxes are somewhat fair or very fair. 46% said taxes are not fair. 8:16. secretary of state, hillary clinton, is in germany today. she's meeting with other nato leaders about the military effort in libya. i want to show i some new video. we just got this in. there's secretary clinton arriving in berlin this morning. she reassured nato members that the u.s. will do its part to make sure that the success of the international -- at the international military campaign. she also said the world must increase its support for the libyan opposition. and u.s. wear planes are still carrying out attacks. they bombed three ground targets in lib ba since the -- libya since the obama administration announced they were shifting towards the no support. pakistan is reacting to drone attacks yesterday. they came two days after pakistan asked the u.s. to drastically reduce its cia operations in pakistan. pakistan's foreign ministry issued a statement saying the attacks are counterproductive and strengthen the hands of the terrorists. a global watchdog organization says the number of pirate attacks at sea has hit a record high in the first part of the year. the international bureau says there have been 142 attacks so far. 97 alone have been off the coast of somalia. seven people have been killed in the attacks including a couple from southern california. 8:18. there's a new developments surrounding the riot that followed the messer isly verdict -- mehserle verdict. this year's special treat for sailing fans. good morning. traffic is going to be affected by some sort of fire underneath the freeway on 280 in san francisco. ford says it's expanding a recall of its f-150 trucks because of problems with the air bag. the announcement came just about an hour ago. nearly 1.2 million trucks from the 2004 through 2006 model years are now included in the recall. originally in february, the company recalled only about 150 trucks because of the problem but u.s. safety regulators decided to expand the recall because the truck's air bags can go off unexpectedly and injure drivers. 8:21. in just a couple of hours a big boat show will open in oakland. there is a special street for sailing fans in the strictly sail pacific show. there's a chance to see the oldest trophy in international sports. yes, the america's cup trophy will be on display at the show at jack london's square. the cup will be on display during the day and then during the evening, the cup are move into the waterfront hotel for an evening presentation and presentation with some of the key figures with the america's cup organizing committees. >> how about that? sailing fans will learn more about the big america's cup race that will be held on the san francisco bay in 2013. the sailing show in oakland begins at 10:00 a.m. at jack london square and runs until sunday afternoon late. sal, the situation on 280, sounds like it could be very serious. are they closing that down in both directions? >> you know, they said they would. that's what the chp was saying. we have a live camera on it. it doesn't look like they have, at least not yet anyway. it looks like traffic is still flowing. sometimes what's put in the chp compute there we rely on turns out not to be the case. i can see that the traffic is still able to come down, it's not closed. 80 westbound, the traffic is backed up from the middle of the parking lot and the metering lights are on. it's about a ten manufacture hint delay. in the south bay, we have traffic on highway 17 and 85. peninsula traffic is bus iest on the -- busiest on 101. 8:23. let's go to mark. hi there, sal. good morning to you. we do have mostly cloudy skies over a good portion of the bay area. out to a cold hart. you can see a nice day -- cold start. you can see a nice. if you are gonna be on the water, it will be nice. we have winds and the winds will pick up this afternoon. you can see a little bit of activity on the radar primarily to the north. that's whereeer expecting it for -- that's where we're expecting it over the next couple of days. the clouds from santa rosa, livermore, concord, down towards monterey bay -- bay. temperatures beginning to recover -- recover. thissian, scattered high clouds -- this afternoon, scattered high clouds. the warmest locations approaching the mid- to upper 60s. here is a look ahead at your five-day forecast. a sun/cloud mix will take us into the weekend. still quite a few clouds out there and temperatures warming back up to the 60s to the lower 70s. :24. two men arrested during the protests that followed the mehserle verdict will be fined $5,000 apiece. the rally in july started peacefully but quickly turned violent. some of the protesters vandalized downtown oakland stores. a 33-year-old oakland man and a 23-year-old castro valley man were among dozens arrested that night. now they have to pay $25,000 each to the owner of a jewelry store they are ukiahed -- accused of looting. a search resumes in tennessee for a missing woman who may have been abducted during a home invasion. police say a witness reported seeing holly bobo being dragged through the woods by a man wearing camouflage. 250 volunteers searched for her yesterday. investigators brought in helicopters and search dogs to look for her. back here at home, b.a.r.t.'s board of directors will meet in less than two hours. they will talk about naming an interim general manager after a big shakeup at the top. general manager dorothy duggar turned in her resignation. her last day will be next friday. she'd been under fire for the handling of the oscar grant situation with b.a.r.t. rumors about her leaving have been rampant since february. that's when five members voted to terminate her contract. that vote turned out to be illegal and was later rescinded. b.a.r.t.'s said it's made a deal. it will pay dugger $950,000 to leave. that includes paying her to avoid any -- to avoid any lawsuits. he's now a convicted felon but barry bonds's legal troubles could be far from over. and what kids are doing for their swim coach who died plea maturely this week -- prematurely this week. we know the verdict in the barry bonds's trial, but this case may be far from over. the lawyers on both side may be planning their next move all right. tara moriarty is live outside the courthouse with the details. >> reporter: bonds's attorney is gonna definitely try to have that verdict thrown out. and the u.s. attorney's office said -- saysty will decide whether to pursue -- says they will decide whether to pursue another trial for those charges. most legal experts say that won't happen probably. the jurors found him guilty on obstruction of justice. he was found built eyen the ejection charge on 11-1. this woman, the holdout. >> i had felt like i had enough doubt to stand where i stood. >> reporter: that south reportedly stood on the -- that doubt reportedly stood on the testimony of kathy hoskins. on the stand, she said she didn't even want to testify and her brother dragged her in the trial and "threw her under the bus." now reaction to the verdict is taking different tolls -- >> i do wish him the best. he's a member of the international ball community. i wish him the best on that. >> reporter: some say he was guilty on all counts but the prosecution did not admit it -- but did not prove it. bonds' next hearing is in may, and most think he will serve house arrest. i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, tara. many young swimmers in the bay area are in mourning following the death of a swim coach. kraig debro is live with more. >> reporter: good morning, tori. i'm at mission san jose high school in fremont this morning. this is the pool where the coach coached for years. he died mysteriously and at a relatively young ainge. i just -- age. i just speak with his father. he said on monday his son had shortness of breath and fell down. he said mr. martinez was able to dial 911 himself and speak to the first responders when they got there, they took him on the gurney and after that, they took him to the hospital where he was later pronounced dead. he has -- he coached two club teams. a lot of people knew him. on saturday there is a big tribute to him at the high school planned. he said the way many kid can honor him is go go to the facebook page. that's the way he's del -- he's dealing with the death of his son. >> it's been tough, very, very tough. the guy was just a kid. he gave everything he had to the kids to the sport. >> reporter: this sign is on a fence right next to the swimming pool. right now we're joined by five people who were touched by joe martinez's life. guys, what are you feeling right now? >> we're really you upset and hurt over the loss our coach. >> reporter: i know a lot of you knew joe back when he was coaching club teams as well. >> he'd been my coach -- i mean, for nine years. i had seen him every day for the past six yee. if it was for the summer -- six years. if it was for the summer league, the polo team, i he have probably seen him more throughout the years than my parents. it's so surreal. you just can't believe it. >> reporter: on saturday there is gonna be a tribute to him. >> we're gonna have a candlelight vigil and also because it's his birthday. the five of us are putting together a slide show to remember everything he's done for the team and he's coached and all of the people he's touched. >> reporter: thank you, guys. a difficult time. saturday's joe's birthday. when i walked to -- talked to ron martinez, joe's father, he said the medical staff told him two blood clots in his leg traveled to his heart and that's why he was having trouble brying. an autopsy is being -- breathing the an autopsy is being performed. fire investigators are investigating an early-morning barn fire on hearn avenue. firefighters put it out in about 40 minutes. no one was hurt. the barn was useds to a -- was used as a storage unit. no one was inside. san francisco police are searching for members of the hells ainge jewels suspected of attacking a man. police say the 35-year-old victim said he saw his attackers in the warfield's lobby. once outside, they asked if he was a member of a rival mongo will. gang, he said no. he was beaten and stabbed possibly with a broken bottle. san francisco police are investigating a bizarre incident inside of an a$-- an adult bookstore. a man apparently set himself on fire. it happened last night at bookstore on 6th and mission. the man was watching an adult movie in the back of the store when he suddenly ran out streaming -- ceiling. paramedics treated him for very serious burns. we don't know his condition this morning. in about two weeks, accused serial killer joseph naso will be back in court to enter a plea. yesterday, the 77-year-old reno photographer appeared in a marin county court for first time. at one point he looked up, he saw a camera and then -- see right there, he tried to cover his face. he's accused of killing four women in northern california dating back to the 1970s. now, his arrest has drawn national attention because his alleged victims all had the same initials in their first and last names. 8:35. an 18-year-old registered sex offender is causing some concern at a southern california school. he was kathed of sexually assaulted -- convicted of sexually assaulting minors in another state. a letter was sent home on tuesday. the superintendent said he received several calls from concerned parent. a meeting was held yesterday where it was determined the boy will receive home schooling. today, a good samaritan will be given an award for his bravely and coming to the rescue a 15-year-old girl stabbed at a bakery in san francisco. kermit kubitz came to the aid of the girl back in may of 2007 and ended up being stabbed himself. he will join us here on "mornings on 2" along with george gascon. that's coming up at 8:50. just a short time ago, six brave swimmers left and are now swimming the 30 miles from the island to the golden gate bridge. they will be swimming in chilly, 5-degree ocean waters, often infested with great white sharks. they are members of the south end rowing club and -- club and this swim is raising money for charityies. fishermen can start catching fish by may 1st. 8:37. this is happening right now. washington, d.c. this is house speaker john boehner holding a news conference. let's just listen in for a moment. >> a signal to job creators that we're serious about stopping washington's spending binge. but that's not all. the bill eliminates one of obama care's programs, it cuts another one in half. it eliminates funding for four of the president's czars and terminates dozens of federal programs. that means washington will spend $78.5 billion less than what the president wanted to spend for this year. remember, president obama started this year by cauing for zero -- by cauing for zero spending caughts and now we're putting -- cuts and now we're cutting 3.5 billion and there's more to come -- >> this is house speaker john boehner speaking. you heard him just say his plan, the republican plan for making budget cuts, will cut $315 billion he's saying right now with more to you can. so the side, the democrats, republicans and president are still butting heads about how this will turn out. we still don't know if there will be a federal shutdown either. >> right. right now we want to check in with sal to see what's happening on the roads. >> that's right. we're looking at the gal bridge and traffic is doing pretty well in marin county. we had an earlier stalled vehicle now on doyle drive but -- earlier on oil drive. they've removed that. traffic is much better. bay bridge toll plaza also improving a little bit. the traffic is moving through well. maybe about a ten-minute delay. that's about all. if you are driving to the commute on the south bay, that's also impressed -- improved quite a bit along 280 at 880. let's go to mark tamayo. we're starting out with more cloud cover in terms of significant rainfall, really not in the picture. today, the notable change, we will begin -- begin to warp things up. here is a look at stormtracker2. you can see the clouds stretching all the way to eureka and crescent city and we do have this with mostly cloudy skies out there. the clouds are kind of breaking up ale little bit closer to the fremont area and the san jose area as well. so kind of that filtered sunshine deal. the weather story, scattered high clouds. tomorrow we'll hold onto partly cloudy to mostly cloudy clouds. we could be talking about a few low 70s. current numbers, most areas are in the 70s. 7 -- concord, 45 and mountain view at last check reporting 47 degrees. high pressure is trying to rebuild but we still have quite a few clouds in place. in terms of showers, the bulk of the showers from ukiah to the north over the next few days for today, tomorrow and saturday. we'll have parkly to mostly cloudy conditions and temperatures warming up. this afternoon at 5:00, partly cloudy skies. no significant rainfall expected. the bulk of the rainfall, to the north of the region here we go. temperatures this afternoon, most areas will be in the 60s. today will be wear than yesterday. san jose a forecast high of 66 and the as forecast for this evening, partly cloudy skies a bit of a breeze out there with temperatures in the 50s. a look ahead at the a sun cloud mix. warmest locations approaching the lower 70s. all right. thank you, mark. it's 19 minutes now before 9:00. a rumor about raider owner al davis, what the rumors are and how the raiders are responding. let's bring you up to date on some of the top stories we're following for you right now. on capitol hill, the house is about to vote today on cutting $38 billion in spending for the rest of the budget year. that's the deal reached last week that prevented a government shutdown. we're looking at video of barry bonds. attorneys on both side of the case are already planning their next move. yesterday, a san francisco jury convicted the home run leader of obstruction of justice. the jury deadlocked on the three perjury charges. in vallejo, dozens of squatters have nowhere to live after this big fire tore through a vacant car dealership that they had taken over. firefighters say the building on sonoma boulevard will be torn down tomorrow. 8:45. it started as just an ordinary saturday back in 2007 but in just minutes everything changed. in a horrific crime that almost cau cost a young girl and her recause -- her rescuers their life -- and almost cost a young girl and her rescuers her life. thanks for coming in. let's talk about this. you are strolling along on a sunny saturday morning. what did you see? >> i was leaving the bakery when this man rushed in and without a word began attacking this young woman and i thought it was a domestic violence thing. so he knocked her down and was about to kill her. so i just kind of took him on and tried to get him out the door. >> you went towards him and a lot of people may have run away from him or actually would think about their own safety did any of that cross your mind at at time? >> no, because it was life or death for her. >> you ended up getting stabbed in the process, is that correct this. >> yes. i sended up in -- ended up in san francisco general room right behind her with the doctor and his trauma attorney. >> district attorney gascon, he's not the only hero, two others helped out as well. tell me what they did. >> well, we're very fortunate there was a doctor there able to come to the aid immediately and provide assist tant -- aid immediately and provide assistance. the woman was abbeand he was able to stop the bleeding. he followed and help make the arrest. >> there was an incredible amount of good samaritans coming together, mr. kubitz, the risk he took, incredible courage. >> this man has already been given a life sentence for this couple -- crime. it's already gone through the system. what does it tell you as a police chief and now district attorney. what -- obviously you don't want everybody to jump in. >> it speaks volumes about the people we have in the community as mr. kubitz did -- as mr. kubitz. >> if you could go back do you think it all would have played out the same way? >> no, i wouldn't do anything differently. i think it's important to recognize that we have a very effective fire department and emt. they responded quickly. san francisco jen hospital is a great trauma place and the police apprehended the guy quickly and we had the trial last year and fortunately got a conviction. >> we're out of time but are you still close with the folks that you -- >> oh, yeah. i'm glad to see this young girl getting on with her life. >> and we're glad to see that you made it through in one piece. thank you so much for cupping in. those -- coming in. those awards will be tonight, this evening at the district attorney's justice awards. we're gonna send it back to the desk. 8:48. today, japan's emperor made his first trip to the country rashabled by the earthquake and tsunami. the emperor and em press tried to console -- empress tried to console. in the meantime, radiation levels have dropped enough for authorities to begin searching again. people in white suits began digging in the muddy debris. it's believed there are 1,000 bodies buried there. the official in charge of the air traffic control system has resigned and the faa is beginning a top-to-bottom review of the entire system. this after numerous cases of air traffic controllers sleeping on the job. most recently a traffic controller at the reno-tahoe airport failed to respond to calls from a medical helicopter forcing it to circle in the air for about 15 minutes. that employee is accused of sleeping and has been suspended. the faa is also adding second air traffic drollers to night shifts at 27 airports across the country. governor brown is trying new tactics to convince voters to extend tax hikes. the government appeared with law enforcement ans at the -- officers at the capitol and warned that public safety would be at risk if funding is cut to law enforcement agencies. all of this follows a breakdown in the negotiations with republicans who don't want to extend the tax hikes. >> santa clara county residents could soon see their water bills go up. an almost 60% rate hike over the next five years is being proposed by the santa clara valley water district. the water district is proposing a 9.4% increase next year. there would be an additional increase every year until 25016. a vote son the rate hike is schedule -- 2016. a vote on rate hike is scheduled. the san francisco public utilities commission is proposing an increase of at least 47% on water bills. that's because they say people are using less water and that's meant lost revenue. san francisco water users are already scheduled to see a 12% rate increase starting in ju. they are scheduled to vote on the latest proposal next month. 8:51. gay rights activists are praising a move by the nba after kobe bryant used a derogatory term for gay people. kobe will have to pay $100,000 for something he said during a game to a referee who called a foul on him. you can see. he's pretty angry. kobe said he apom juice and made the -- apom juiced and -- apologized and made says it was not meant to be offensive or towards the gay as lesbian community. there are reports that al davis is extremely ill. the organization is denying that. there were rumors the 81-year- old team owner was in the hospital last weekend. al davis last spoke publicly in january. that's when he announced a promotion of hugh jackson to head coach. a popular tourist attraction? san francisco is at the center of a legal battle. who is making claims of shady tealing. and the big game for -- shady dealing. and big game for san jose sharks is just hours away. 8. welcome back. the long time manager of the stow lake house are suing the city. they are questioning whether city managers with parks and recreation helped the new firm get a new contract. a new hearing has been scheduled for may 12th to decide if that agreement should be voided. the dating website is being hit with a lawsuit. an entertainment executive said she was sexually assaulted by someone she met on the website. she wants organization to stop accepting members until a screening is involved. a federal mediator will take part in negotiations regarding the nfl lockout. they are trying to come up with a new collective-bargaining agreement. 8:55. tonight, the san jose sharks begin postseason play. sharks taking on the los angeles kings, the first round of the stanley cup playoffs. game time 7:00 p.m. at san jose's hp pavilion. this is travel day for the san francisco giants. they will be playing the diamondbacks in arizona tomorrow night. the giants are somehow -- have now reached the 500 park -- 500 mark. they beat the dodgers 4-3. today is the home opener for the minor league san jose giants. they will face the rawhide. their first pitch is at 7:15. before that, they will have a special tribute for brian stow. the team will also be collecting money this month to help the family. several signs posted in marin about a controversial dog leash law have disappear. 11 signs werested -- signs were posted informing public how to respond. the proposal follows several complaints of dogs being aggressive or out of control. let's quickly go back to sal. see what's happening in the commute, sal. right now, traffic is still busy around the bay area. we're looking at interstate 80 northbound. driving up past the coliseum. you will see some slow traffic -- some slow traffic there as you drive up to oakland. the morning commute looks good if you are driving at the bay bridge. it's backed up for about a 5 to 10-minute delay which is better than it was. there are no problems in san francisco along 101 approaching the 80 plate. let's go to mark -- 80 split. let's go to mark. we do have scattered clouds. we'll go with the sun/cloud mix. no significant storms in sight, dave and tori. itit looks like temperatures are warming up toward the weekend. >> wow. sounds good. that will do it for us. thanks for watching everything. >> bye now.

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