Transcripts For RT News 20180104

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made. i mean there's always mistakes you can always go back and look at things you wish you had done better but i think he's done a very very good job considering while he was up against and and actually having to deal with the resistance and persistence and congress not being able to to move bills along fast enough but i think he's learned some of those lessons on how to negotiate obviously is probably the master of negotiation but they were going to see a lot of great wonderful things happen in two thousand and eighteen and i'm looking forward to seeing what happens in early january when the house and the senate come back together i know there is a meeting this weekend at camp david and i'm hoping and praying that mcconnell and ryan will get it right and start supporting our president and leaving his agenda forward not just for the well i just i just i also for the country yeah well i i hope you're right that some of the stuff good good you've done some of these missteps the tweets and stuff to me just you know that's a learning curve that i hope it gets over but to i admire your optimism is birkenstock thank you very much and good luck with your race they are you thank you for joining us thank you have a blessed day thank you so much time now for a quick break but stick around because when we return we'll take a look at how the your i was going to hit a record high. plus in the wake of the tax reform bill officials in some high tax states are looking for ways to reduce the impact on their citizens whose deductions for state and local income taxes will be care less the calls for his take on what might actually occur and as we go to the break here are the numbers out of the closing bell. but i'm stephen bob. taft hollywood guy usual suspects every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v.'s to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru well he's a little bit different i'm not. going to hire no no no no god with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road to have fun meet everyday americans . and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people. it's the cradle of jazz. this is america is the america we are. told this jazz feeling. a city of climatic catastrophes alligators on the loose of poverty and crime are used by the least twelve members of my family to close most. of street racing in the peace of the night this is new orleans. the best place in the world. liniers are already a little bit happier for people who work for a living a variety of minimum wage increases took a back to yesterday in eighteen states as well as some cities many of the increases were passed by direct ballet. it initiatives as in arizona while some states including florida for example index their minimum wage to inflation many of the increases are part of a gradual increases set to kick in over many years and two more boost for this year are in the pipeline for july and maryland and oregon the current federal minimum wage is seven dollars and twenty five cents congress has not raised the minimum wage since two thousand and nine and failed to index its inflation rate to inflation the inflation adjusted value of the minimum wage peak to in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight if it had kept pace with the increase in average wages it would be eleven dollars and sixty two cents according to the economic policy institute a p i also found that if the minimum wage had kept pace with productivity increases as a dead until nine hundred sixty eight it would be over one thousand dollars an hour today meanwhile wages in some of the nation's most prosperous cities may finally be catching up with the tightening labor market but wall street journal reports that in cities including minneapolis and denver with unemployment under three percent wages are increasing and response minneapolis for example has an unemployment rate of just two point three percent and the labor department says private sector wages increase four percent year over year and the second quarter of twenty seven team the journal also reports that basic trend of wage increases at double the national average as also holding and cities including san who say alston and de morning to bring all of this news as a report from the human resources management company paychecks the firm says they're small business jobs and excel point seventy eight percent for twenty seventeen overall the paycheck c.e.o. was reported as saying we still have moderate job growth wages are up just under three percent so we expect lower job growth but so moderate and pretty straight for perhaps this news is delivering some a long delayed and sorely needed gains for working families and twenty team. manufacturing activity in the euro zone ended a strong twenty seventeen on a high note according to a survey of the region's purchasing executives published on tuesday acceleration in output new orders and employment all contributed to pushing the euro zone purchasing manager and back to our record high of more on this r.t. that david miller joins us now and happy new year guys good news for the european factories to start the new year as financial reports indicate such specter has had their strongest month since before the creation of the euro and businesses in germany our land austria all reported record growth in law greece enjoyed its best results for nearly a decade all this capping off a much better than expected the year for the businesses and single currencies areas and europe's economy consistently beat expectations throughout two thousand and seventeen leading economists and policymakers to increase their growth forecasts and forward looking indicators bode well for the new year and new orders rose at a near record pace purchasing growth hit a new peak as firms ready themselves for higher production and meanwhile job creation was maintained at november's record pace with the currency union becoming the success story of last year so much so that the economic performance was outpacing that of its peers including the united states however upward price pressures may be returning as a manufacturing sector does appear to have balance higher input prices with a strong overall performance the sticking point raising some doubt as inflation remains stubbornly below the target in spite of record growth and those levels at the figure of two percent raising slight concern all for the european central bank david considering inflation and thinking about markets in the us i mean we had something like seventy record dow jones industrial average highs in the market last year it was just on a. chair and some people. myself included maybe think we're about tapped out although i've been saying that for six months so is this a place where in the e.u. the eurozone a place where people should be investing higher investment should help boost productivity and profits also job creation was maintained at a record pace in inventor and combining that with new orders and rising that near record pace while purchasing growth and a new people are giving investors more confidence and inflected some of those fears when it does come to inflation david miller thank you so much appreciate your help . now that there is a new tax reform law officials in higher tax states like new york and california are looking for ways to reduce the end packed up on their side of the new law limits deductions from state and local taxes here to discuss white what might happen is conservative t.v. and radio host steve malzberg steve happy new year and thanks for joining us again you were right that the tax reform bill would pass but a lot of people from these high stakes high tax states say that it was so so wrong what did congress do on limiting the deductions at the end how's it going to impact people well first of all congrats happy new year to you it to ashley and congratulations to you on the position you know you're going to do wonderful things with the show and i'm glad to be a part of it ok so of course they call it salt state and local taxes and the deductions used to be you know a limitless whatever your property taxes were in your state local taxes where you were able to deduct them and big states like new york and california for instance which are blue states by the way they have higher property taxes and higher state and local taxes so they had these big deductions and now they're capped at ten thousand dollars so the governors of these states especially cuomo in new york and brown in california are trying to come up with ways to circumvent. all these what they consider to be penalties and that being picked on which i think is ridiculous now that they've talked about a couple of different approaches and i might agree with you on the ridiculousness factor here a little bit but one of those is they're going to go to court and the states would claim that the law unfairly singles them out is that is that one hiring your ridiculous scale. yeah look i live in new jersey and i'm going to be burned by this but the fact of the matter is it this isn't specified actual set of rules for those states it's these are the rules for all states and just because these high tax states on their own decide to be high tax states what are you going to say they're punishing us they're singling us out because we tax our people more i mean that's their problem and now my problem it's not the court's problem or the country's problem and i am magine that chris christie will not be leading the fight in federal court to change that for new jersey steve so what about the other option that states are reportedly looking towards and that's replacing state income taxes which as you explained were fully deductible and now the cap is only ten thousand with a new tax free form law on employers which are deductible what about that. i mean this is. a shell game or i want to say money laundering but you know you're the expert you tell it's not money but it may be a shell game they have i have instead of you the president the president of the state paying what they owe in state tax ploy or take it out of your paycheck so you'll never have the money in the first place and they'll take it to the government and then they say well now you can deduct it because we're going to call it something else i mean i can see i i could see a judge who's a democrat liberal judge saying yes but when this ultimately gets to the highest court they'll laugh it out i mean i don't see how they could pull this all off well one man's loophole is somebody else's something i mean one of ben franklin say there's only one thing in life that certain death and death and sadness tactics are now the most interesting of the scenarios that the state sees high stack tech states would consider steve is it would allow residents and you know this but i can't believe it for our viewers the residents of these high tech states to replace their loss of the deduction with a charitable contribution to the state so just like on the form where you fill out a blank there check the box if you want to contribute to the presidential public funding campaigns you would give a charitable donation to the states and therefore you can deduct that what your take on that one well i don't even understand that really see the way the way i interpreted it was that they would call these your whatever your tax bill was they would call it a charitable contribution otherwise you're going to be paying that charitable contribution to offset what you lost in addition to so i don't know i'm not sure if i'm right maybe i'm wrong maybe you're correct but either way it's just again it's a shell game it's i just don't see how it's going to fly. get the i.r.s. is not going to allow this for crying out loud the i.r.s. is already cracking down on some people who pre-paid their mortgage interest and state local taxes. all seventeen to circumvent teens so that that that never going to go for this system be a law court battle and that's what the democrats want heading into the zero eighteen elections is it only democrats steve. well know all i mean by that it's only democrat governors it's only blue states so they'll be the ones involved in this yeah i don't see a red state governor you know jumping on with this because it's the blue state liberals that spend that have the higher taxes and i got a solution for them it's a three letter word cut. thank you so much when i have you back talk about the shutdown sometime steve conservative commentator steve malzberg thank you again my pleasure. chocolate is a big business and mars the candy company behind m. and m's is worth over thirty five billion dollars and global consumption of chocolate is expected to hit over seven point seven million tons by twenty nineteen nations that actually produce the most chocolate are the united states germany switzerland and belgium that belgium chocolate in twenty seventeen switzerland consumed more chocolate than any other country on the face of the planet more than seventeen pounds of chocolate per person however all of that could come crashing down if things don't change by twenty fifty currently almost half of the word world's kickout beans from which chocolate of course is derived are grown into african countries the ivory coast and gonna on a narrow strip of rain forest land that is twenty degrees north and south of the equator however the global rise in temperature puts these plants in a precarious position as warmer climates cause the plants to rot sorta like a cavity in your tooth and by the way while many parts of the nation have been experiencing a real chill and cold in recent days remember that global warming is about the averages it's not about a few days this way or that way on temperatures it is a fact that last year twenty seventeen was the hottest year on record without an n l l nino effect and by a huge margin twenty fourteen previously held the record so what's a candy company to do about climate change and chocolate well you turn to science of course currently scientists in conjunction with mars and some other candy companies are trying to develop a cow plant that can survive in warmer drier climates while reducing the company's carbon footprint so cooperation has never sounded so sweet will wish them luck. thanks for watching be sure to catch boom bust on youtube youtube dot com slash boom bust arctic. hello my name is peter and i've been living in russia for about seven years and this is a film about just some of the crazy things i've got time. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and guarded than forty six. place. is controlled by. the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe must to pieces by artists like. unsold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers up deals with naturally discreet commercially discreet but also discreet secrets they concern fraud. some. of those paintings to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport. you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. to be needed in the field. has got a little more use in the real clue to believe this might. be more could you. please don't leave. me. in two thousand and sixteen the panama papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets two trillion united states dollars passed through most of conseco in the amount of time that we've been in panama papers exposure that's what it shows a lot of money it really is. journalism it's a fact of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of most fun psycho documents were examined. the only people we basically have tried to get an advantage out of this sort of. newspaper. and probably other politician which were. other politicians the media were quick to find their targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president vladimir putin of course. because i've had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance he was very striking there were no more americans in the us specially good a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and. this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. the panama chronicles. we are taught to tremendous courage of the iranian people washington throws its support behind the anti government uprising in around threatening sanctions against iran if it attempts to suppress peaceful protests. also with. muslims across the middle east where jerusalem state has the u.s. president considers cutting aid to palestinians on accuses them of not wanting to. pressing each other's buttons donald trump on the north korean leader trade barbs over the power of their nuclear arsenal. live from our to here in moscow this wednesday the fourth of january welcome to the program you know neal our top story tens of thousands of government supporters have been rallying across around to denounce the violent protests that have been gripping the country at least twenty one people have died there in clashes over the past week the demonstrations are thought to have been triggered by widespread economic hardship on the prospect of a fuel crisis there quickly became political in nature with protesters calling for the deaths of the country's leaders violence then erupted in several towns with police posts attacked in the past several days there have been four hundred fifty arrests in tehran alone the trumpet ministration meanwhile has threatened to impose sanctions if feels to respond to be on the wrist in a way washington deems appropriate. don't get ahead of sanctions but that is one tool can we are watching reports very carefully of any potential human rights abuses. of these protesters who are protesting peacefully we are now seeing an organic popular uprising organized organized by brave iranian citizens on the largest scale since two thousand and nine the united states supports the iranian people and we call on the regime to respect its citizens basic right to peacefully express their desire for change or we ask people in tehran for their thoughts on the protests on the encouragement coming from abroad. but this is not giving that that i feel that if people's economic problems were addressed these accidents would never happen if someone from the government came and spoke to them these incidents would not escalate. the cost of living unemployment a lack of attention to people authorities say that this problem started with a surge in the prices of basic food supply so. they need that pass and who says time for change should think and be worried about their own country and the ring and should think about their country everybody should stop by trying to make progress at home and. i don't think trump should interfere in our country's issues i don't think our issues are any of his business . well the u.s. is also calling for an international response to the on rest in the country with more another aspect here some your account. the u.s. has firmly voiced its support for the anti-government movement baster nikki haley has even called for an emergency meeting of the u.n. security council to discuss the ongoing situation it takes great bravery for the iranian people to use the power of their voice against their government if the iranian dictatorships history is any guide we can expect more outrageous abuses in the days to come the u.n. must speak out iran's president has come out in defense of peaceful protests but the supreme leader believes foreign powers are to blame let's check out what was said to the enemy is waiting for an opportunity for a crack it can infiltrate president trump kicked off the new year unleashing a stream of tweets on the issue accusing iran of corruption human rights violation and spending its wealth on terrorism and of course the israeli government has followed suit even going on to say that iranians and israelis will be friends once the regime falls but what's even more surprising is that israel faces the same discontent some anti-government protests and some over trump's recognition of jerusalem as its capital but what did nikki haley have to say about this now you so strong when it comes to the freedom and dignity to a very union people who have but you have a different meaning of freedom and dignity when it comes to the palestinian people would be to have been brutalized for over fifty years of occupation the palestinians now have to show their world they want to come to the table as of now they're not coming to the table but they ask for aid we're not giving aid we're going to make sure that they come to the table and we want to move forward with the peace process yeah as mentioned america's ambassador to the u.n. revealed that donald trump plans to stop funding a u.n. agency that's giving aid to palestinian refugees shortly after the the u.s. leader himself suggested cutting donations to the palestinian ministration in a tweet he claims that despite giving them hundreds of. dollars a year they show no appreciation or respect to the u.s. trump also suggested cutting aid because according to him the palestinians are not willing to talk peace with israel however that is something the palestinian administration does not agree with the president's office says that jerusalem is not for sale and that they are not backing away from negotiations but stress they should be based on international law last year the palestinian authority received around three hundred million dollars in aid from the us quite a sum but that pales in comparison to the three billion dollars that israel received from washington in any case though mistah for barghouti from the palestinian national initiative sees palestine doesn't need foreign aid to sustain itself the would think in his statement. was his declaration that he's taking off. from the people of negotiations he's deciding what is the one and he still wants us to come to the table which is empty the man been officially from the money of that is coming to palestinian authority is that. you might be surprised but most of that money goes to funding security cooperation with israel and is there and is the need for that security cooperation not palestinians we are not dependent on foreign is as a matter of fact the total amount of money that is coming from you. and from other countries is no more than sixteen percent of the budget of the palestinian authority while the public palestinians are being with their taxes if the four percent of the course of the palestinian authority in my opinion. that money is not is not going to affect us seriously so he can take. around palestine north korea all have been on the sharp end of donald trump's twitter eye bursts of late as the us president continues to pioneer is own unique brand of social media diplomacy and this down off explains concern is growing that his online invective could have serious real world consequences. christmas that new year even the seasonal holidays haven't put the brakes on trump's twitter train in twenty eighteen pakistan got it first. the united states has foolishly given pakistan moving thirty three billion dollars in aid over the last fifteen years and they have given us nothing but lies and deceit they give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in after little help no more no love lost their trumps administration has been walloping pakistan for months but it's not like anything in particular happened on monday to trigger the backlash but to say this tweet got islamabad and age would be an understatement three ministers including the prime minister the army the navy and air force chiefs all converged for an emergency security meeting following trump's post the u.s. ambassador was summoned for an explanation as protesters burned american flags in the streets then it was the turn of iran one of the biggest thorns in donald trump's side. erast by the terrible deal made with them by the bammer ministration the great iranian people have been repressed for many years they are hungry for food and for freedom it republic has been erupting in rallies and briards as people have been swarming the streets both against and in support of the government people died the tweet hasn't gone unnoticed in iran urging against the violence president rouhani denied to trump the report phase with the nation well.

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New York , United States , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Texas , Iran , Washington , Islamabad , Pakistan , Brazil , Florida , California , Austria , Oregon , Denver , Colorado , Arizona , New Jersey , Morocco , Tehran , Belgium , Saudi Arabia , North Korea , Maryland , Panama , Switzerland , Greece , Palestine , Americans , America , Russian , Iranians , Iranian , Israelis , North Korean , Swiss , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Taft Hollywood , Chris Christie , Nikki Haley , David Miller , Geneva Freeport , George Bush , Stephen Bob , Ben Franklin ,

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