Transcripts For WABC ABC World News With David Muir 20151019

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and another it unanimous check is delivered. tonight you can decide where the check goes. good evening from chicago. and we begin tonight with new reporting at this hour. after that passenger jet was forced to make an emergency randing just minutes into the flight. the cockpit calling air traffic control saying there were passengers in an altercation. tonight, the fbi is now investigating. police cars rushing to meet that plane after it touched down. eye witnesses say a flight broke out when a woman reclined in her seat. a man behind her now accused of choking her. the suspect seen leaving that plain. abc's david kerley with the audio. the woman talking to authorities deciding whether to press charges in the newest case of air rage. jet was only 13 minutes into >> hey, flight attendant just called. evidently we got two passengers altercation so we need to get turned around back to lax. >> west 2010, i'm declaring you an emergency. a woman reported she was choked apparently after putting her >> the lady who got hit, was talking about it. she was really emotional. >> reporter: police and the fbi were there. and the man, who was never and was taken into custody with officers talking to the alleged victim. >> you have to press charges. >> you're going to regret that. >> what am i going to do, i'm going to stay here all night? >> i can't do anything i'm going to need you to sign a private person's arrest. >> reporter: we've seen passengers acting badly in the past. tied until the jet could land. have been a problem. remember the passenger who used those so called knee defenders to keep the seat in front from he got a soda in the face. in that southwest case, the man was questioned and then rye leased. the fbi is deciding if charges should be filed. david, thank you. we turn to the race to 2016 and a brand-new poll out before we came on the air that was donald trump and ben carson neck and neck at the top on the republican side. marco rubio several points behind. trump taking stage in the midst of a fiery back and forth against with war of words. bush. would it have happened if trump was president? >> reporter: tonight, trump umming the ante. >> i believe if i was running things that those people would have been into the country. >> trump with these comments. >>ment george w. bush -- >> you can't blame him for that. >> he was president. >> reporter: jeb bush forced to blame his brother. >> does anybody blame my brother on the aing tas? >> reporter: there wasn't always bad blood between trump and the bushes. that's a younger, less blond trump campaigning for george h.w. bush in 1988. >> he's a great man. a man i support. >> reporter: the young tycoon raising money for the bush campaign and later supported jeb bush calling him exactly the kind of political leader this country will very much need in the future. but now the bush campaign is mocking trump's over-the-top style. >> dealing with killers. this moment to showcase real leadership. >> and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon. >> reporter: that image, thousand part of a bush campaign fund-raising e-mail to help, quote, fight back against trump. but, david, trump making another big move, now formally requesting secret service protection. dr. ben carson doing the same. department of homeland security looking into those requests. tom, thank you. now to the democrats all eyes on joe biden who appeared to take subtle jabs at the two democratic front-runner, hillary clinton and bernie sanders. biden under intense pressure to make a decision and soon. even president obama asked about jeane karl with the phone call. >> >> reporter: at the white house today even president obama was bombarded with questions about his vice president. >> we're talking about climate change, guys. >> reporter: biden had nothing to say publicly today about 2016 today, although at an event he did say this -- >> i don't consider republicans enemies. they're friends. >> reporter: could that have been a swipe at hillary? this is what she said when asked which enemy she is most proud of -- >> well, in addition to the nra, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the iranians. probably the republicans. >> reporter: and was this a shot a bernie sanders? >> i'm not one of these guys, you know, let's go after the rich and powerful and they're they're not a problem. but everyone has to do their part, man. a source involved with biden's deliberations told abc news the vp has not made a decision. but biden has been calling potential supporters. over the weekend talking to the head of the influence firefighters union who says he told biden he's likely get their support if he runs. >> as for when he could decide? they say he could drag out his decision until next week. the waiting game continues. jon karl in washington. thanks. tonight the fbi is investigating reports on a cyberattack of the top spy. the head of the cia's private e-mail account alleged bye hacked by the high school student. tonight what the alleged hacker is revealing. who else he got information on. pierre thomas tonight. >> >> reporter: tonight a young hacker is posting what he claims is personal information about some of the nation's top intelligence officials. the hacker, who describes himself as a high school teenager angry about the plight of the palestinians, says he infiltrated a private email account associated with the cia director john brennan that had details of brennan's application on twitter tonight the hacker also released names and social security numbers of other key intelligence officials on the cia director's contact list. the fbi and secret service are actively pursuing the hacker. and they are investigating another claim in which he says he got into the private account of the homeland security secretary. classified information was officials now face the real and data theft. david. >> pierre, thanks to you. now authorities believe another security list. new rules for drones. federal regulators requiring some drones to be registered. coming after close calls with an aircraft. more than 100 per month. americans are on track to buy 700,000 drones by the end of now to the weather whip lash and windy chicago tonight. a major cold snap over the weekend. this, from parrish new york. fall foliage covered in snow, up to 9 inches of snow in some parts. dangerous roads across it upstate new york as the cold front moved through. in the southwest, dangerous lightning in phoenix. now comes word of a it warm-up. rob marciano with the story. >> reporter: from the great lakes to the northeast millions feeling winter's early wrath. snow >> tim: near syracuse. than 50 accidents on icy roads in syracuse, an impressive 9 inches of snow falling just north of there. >> we thought maybe a couple of inches and then it just kept >> underneath this snow, there's some green grass and some fall leaves. >> reporter: boston enduring the earliest october temps below freezing in nearly 30 years. and in the west, more intense storms there, knocking out power in the phoenix area. hour tearing this cotton storage plant to shreds, knocking over this gas station awning and ripping the roof right off this home. >> it was dynamite going off. it was that loud, the floor shook. >> reporter: and in southern california, the last of the mud caked cars trapped in those mudslides, finally cleared from the highway. >> back in studio, we start with the west. more storms expected there. storms in the phoenix area. by the afternoon the focus shifts towards new mexico. high intensity rainfall. and potentially flash flooding. and the east, temperatures rebound into the 60s. 70s. maybe lower 80s by wednesday. 61 in syracuse. 74 in d.c. that snow will be long gone by tomorrow and wednesday. at least for now. all right. rob, thanks for being with us. we have breaking news on oscar misspistorius. the blade runner has been released one day early from prison. spending less than a year behind bars for the shooting death of his girlfriend. he'll spend five years under house arrest in his uncle's home. and now oprah and weight watchers. oprah making $70 million in one day and sending weight watcher's stock soaring up 105% today alone. here's mara schiavocampo tonight. >> reporter: tonight, one of the biggest names in weight loss. >> reporter: gaining a powerful new partner. weight watchers announcing oprah winfrey has bought ten percent of the company for coming on as a "board member and adviser", "owner", and celebrity face. believe in the @weightwatchers program so much i decided to invest..." slumping stock soaring. oprah herself making approximately $70 million today. the partnership reflects weight watchers efforts, "to broaden the company's mission to prioritize overall health and wellness." winfrey, who has famously struggled with her weight over the years. >> it is amazing to me that i can't lift it, but i used to carry it around every day. >> reporter: is a marketing force. books, her favorite things, and now, on the stock market. watchers as a member, sharing her own personal experiences with the program. david? mara, thank you. we turn next tonight to the long-standing debate over pregnant women and alcohol. and the new warning for women. contrary to what millions of expect ant moms have been told that a small amount of alcohol is okay. now saying no amount of alcohol is unsafe for unborn babies. >> reporter: a word of warning for expecting moms tonight from the american academy of pediatrics saying no amount of alcohol should be considered safe during any time of pregnancy. >> i think that their point is that it's better to be safe than sorry. >> safe than sorry. >> reporter: the new guidelines report identifies prenatal exposure to alcohol as the leading preventable cause of birth defects and intellectual disabilities in children. >> once you know you are pregnant or you are trying to get pregnant you shouldn't be drinking alcohol. still, according to one recent study by the cdc, ten percent of pregnant women reported drinking alcohol during pregnancy. >> i have had, occasionally, like one glass of wine. >> on occasion, i would say, more so at the very beginning. >> now, did either of you ever have a conversation with your own mother whether she drank alcohol when she was pregnant? >> she told me she had a glass of wine or maybe a beer. >> reporter: studies have been consumption on babies. >> some of the problems from alcohol may not show up until the child is a teenager. >> reporter: so while the american academy of pediatrics isn't saying a glass of wine is harmful, they're saying they don't know if it's safe. linsey davis, abc news, new york. linsey, thank you. there's much more to come. the anonymous check given out in chicago and you get to decide who gets the next check. and watch this, caught on camera. the driver swerving into the lane as a by tries to pass. the new consumer alert tonight. have you been duped? amazon's crackdown on phony reviews, that people are paid to post. how to spot the fake. and big news for "star wars" fans, the trailer and first chance to buy tickets two months before the movie hits the big screen. we'll be right back from chicago. (newhart) thank you. full disclosure. we forgot to come up with ideas. (cw exec) yeah, we got messed up last night. you're lucky we're even here. (newhart) but, we did bring breakfast. (jmh) bagels? (newhart) nope. (woman) oh my goodness. (newhart) peel and eat shrimp. (cole) not how i would have gone but it's good, it's innovative. and that's what we want here. 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beware of corporate lingo, like old brand name, model numbers and discount codes and links. look for ranting phrases like does not work or hate it. negative reviews can also be fakes. rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. and when we come back. the condition of lamar odum. and look at this. millions have seen this video. a car swerving when a motorcycle tries to pass. and the biggest reveal for "star wars" fan, tay tuned. becomes something introducing new centrum vitamints. a multivitamin that contains a full spectrum of essential nutrients... you enjoy like a mint. new centrum vitamints. the coolest way yet... to get your multivitamins. we live in a world of mobile technology, but it is not the device that is mobile, it is you. real madrid have about 450 million fans. we're trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. the microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see. it will help people connect to their passion of living real madrid. the way i see it, you have two choices; the easy way or the hard way. you could choose a card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or, you could make things easier on yourself. that's right, the quicksilver card from capital one. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. so, let's try this again. what's in your wallet? 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you hit them. >> i don't care. >> i got it on video, too. police investigating whether the crash was intentional. "star wars" fans, "the force awakens" trailer airing tonight on "monday night football." and on instagram the first order is coming. advance ticket sales months before we see it. and in chicago, we were right there as another anonymous check was handed out. this is going nationwide. how you can help decide where the next check goes.aleve is the better choice for her she's agreed to give it up. that's today? we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. after the deliveries, i was ok. more pills? seriously? seriously. all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? for my pain, i want my aleve. get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. hi, tom. how's the college visit? does it make the short list? yeah, i'm afraid so. it's okay. this is what we've been planning for. knowing our clients personally is why edward jones to feel this special... you need to eat this special. i love it kellogg's special k... ...made with whole grains and fiber help a body thrive. i love it folic acid and vitamin d... make a body feel this good. start your day with 150 nourishing calories... a bowl of special k. i love it eat special, feel special. discover more ways to eat special ...with special k. when you're not confident your company's data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly that's where at&t can help. at at&t we monitor our network traffic so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. here at humana, we value sticking with things. when something works, people stick with it. more people stick with humana medicare advantage. because we stick with them. humana medicare advantage. finally tonight, america strong. first time in chicago, giving teenagers the chance to give back. it starts with a simple question. if you could give $1,000 to one of your silent heroes, who would it be? first period this morning, we were headed into john hancock high school in chicago. about to surprise his music instructor. >> he has no idea. >> he has no idea. >> it's hard for teenagers to keep a secret. >> reporter: one of thinks students, daniel luna sent in the group invites teenagers 14 through 18 to send in videos about the heros in their lives. why should their hero get a thousand dollars? >> the person i would give $1,000 to is my friend, ellen. >> reporter: they are out to convince one anonymous family here in chicago, to write that check. >> you revealed a quiet hero in your life? >> that's it. it's 60 seconds. it's use your words, they are powerful. >> reporter: and today's about to be give to mr. herrera. >> if you had to sum it up, what was the gift he gave you. >> knowledge. a lot of knowledge. >> reporter: just watch as he walks in. [ applause ] >> all right. i have a surprise four. >> what's that? >> this is for you. this is for you. because you're so passionate, and dedicated to teaching us. >> i just want to thank you. this is amazing. [ applause ] >> daniel said he was really bad in the beginning, on the guitar. >> reporter: but daniel who learned so much from his hero is willing to play for his teacher. that teacher who, today, learned what it's like when the students given back. >> this is amazing, and this is something that i will never forget. america strong, right near here in chicago. and the cubs practicing atle wrigley field, gearing up for game three against the mets tomorrow. that's all of the talk here in chicago. they are still hopeful.

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