Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News At Noon 20160804

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that will remain a pivotal part of the investigation. >> they can ping down certain places and times she was on the path and narrow it down to see if there were any other cell phones within that area. >> reporter: outside, the restaurant and bar where she worked, they are asking if this was a she knew. you can see the flyers police have put up. we know karina vetrano had a very large following on social media. you can beth police are leaving no stone unturned. for lack of anything else, her cell phone is the focal point of the investigation. we are live in howard beach, i'm stacey sager, eyewitness news. >> thanks. we are learning this afternoon the grandson of the arrested on drug charges. the home that his grandfather lived in for years. this was the first time nypd ever acted on a search warrant at a godde resident. the commissioner says the sale of oyccoton is issue. in mob, particularly with narcotics but the knob still has its fingers in so many things in the up city. >> and a separate operation, dozens of suspected mobsters arrested in an organized and columo families. extortion, illegal firearms, fraud, untaxed cigarettes. we are learning new details about a deadly night attack in london. an american woman killed, five others hurt. the suspect is a 19-year-old norwegian national from somalia and mental health issues may have played a role. using a power washer and a broom, workers cleaned the after a stabbing rampage in the heart of downtown london. a man walked through russell square randomly stabs people. in the end, one woman was killed and five others were residents. knocking on doors. >> reporter: they subdued the suspect, this morning, investigators described the attack as spontaneous. >> all of the work that we have done so far increasingly points to this tragic incident as having been triggered by mental health issues. >> reporter: the attack came days after british authorities warned the public to be vigilant in light of isis attacks elsewhere in europe. >> you have to be self-aware out and about. it could happen anywhere. it really could. i don't think it would stop either of us coming back. we were lucky last night. we took a cab instead. who knows. >> and the american who was killed has not been identified but was believed to be in her 60s . two of the injured remain hospitalized. and stay with eyewitness news and abc new as the investigation continues and no word on what caused a massive fire in sunny side queens. flames broke out in the new york custom interior mill work corporation on 37th street just before 7:3 last night. wood, lacquers, thinners, and paint at the business fueled the fire. firefighters were able to save three adjacent businesses. >> with very aggressive actions. a problem to the people working there, we feel their pain. we were able to save the businesses of the people without injuries. >> four firefighters were hurt, but not seriously. since chemicals were burns inside the shop, fire crews asked nearby residents to cope their windows closed. a 30-year-old man was found dead nearby the staten island might have gotten into a drunk dispute this morning. a man is being treated for stab wounds. he is a person of interest. police in newark are calling it a recovery mission after a man who ran from a traffic stop dived into the river and tried to escape through storm drains the. the wild scene all started when the suspect ran across a bridge and jumped into the river to avoid capture. for a while, he was holding support on the underside of the bridge before going into the storm drain. >> after that the fire department contacted sewage. they sent a robot into the manhole. there was no sighting of the individual. it was a rescue effort. unless he got out. no one has seen him get out. right now, it will be a recovery effort. >> police pulled open manhole covers and used special camera look for the man. turning now to the race president. republican donald trump will be on long island tonight for a fundraiser. it is $5,000 a plate and the campaign hopes to raise $1 million. this as turmoil swirls inside his camp over his hesitation to endorse house speaker paul ryan for reelection. abc lana zach has the latest. >> reporter: former mayor rudy giuliani says changes will be made to trump's game. >> donald trump is unqualified to be president. >> reporter: clinton is continuing to pound trump on his controversial remarks for the family of the fallen his attacks on obama and that the government exchanged cash for the hostages. >> we paid for the hostages. such a bad precedent. >> reporter: but his claim of watching top secret video is being corrected by a spokesperson. >> i will never forget the scene. the tape is of the scene taking the money off the plane. >> reporter: his spokesperson says the was actually this public one of the hostages being released in geneva. this comes after his campaign manager says his nonendorsement of john mccain and paul ryan has opened rifts. trump is not backing down from any of his comments and according to the latest fox news poll, it may be taking its toll. clinton opening up a ten-point lead. while trump's poll numbers may raising numbers are good raising $82 million in july. reporting from washington, lana zach, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> and we have special section of our website devoted to the latest developments in the race for president. just head to you can also follow us on twitter and like us on facebook. coming up, a tense situation on long island. a home invasion and then a standoff in another town. are the cases connected? ceremony for the olympics in rio. concerns about the safety of the water and why soccer star hope solo got booed on the field. and what a close call. imagine if this came to your windshield. >> meteorologist amy freeze here in the accu-weather center. we are looking outside. the temperatures look fantastic. there is this one sneaky cloud hanging over manhattan creating heading tout door, we are at 75 now. temperatures will continue to climb. we are going through the low 80s , the forecast high of 82 in new york. when we come back, we will talk temperatures through the temperatures through the weekend and come to sesame place before little kids become, turns to make-up. and tag becomes, hashtag and don't miss our brand new show, the magic of art, featuring abby cadabby. come to the only place, that makes little hearts race. save $10 on admission and get a free 2nd visit only at sesame place dot com sesame place >> staten island assemblyman ronald catrarino is set to propose a blue lives matter bill. it is already a capital crime to kill a police officer in new york but it would strengthen penalties for those who assault believe a pilot error caused the fiery crash in dubai. it hit the ground belly first and burst into flames as 300 people rushed to get out in time. in recordings of the conversation between the cockpit and the tower, there doesn't seem to be any alarm. >> some type of pit >> so far, investigators have not said what caused the crash landing. the summer olympics kicks off in rio de janeiro tomorrow amid concerns about water pollution, venue troubles and of course, the threat of zika. american goal keeper hope solo says she wasn't bothered by crowd chants of zika aimed at her as the u.s. women's soccer team defeated new zealand last upset some brazilians when she posted a hat with mosquito netting. some household cleaners can cause serious eye injuries in children. they wept through emergency room records saying one and two- year-olds are at the highest risk cleaners and the injuries happen more often in low income homes and homes in the southern region of the u.s. it is certainly not the first time we have seen this. two hover boards go up in flames. wait until you hear whe happened. >> and, we have shown you the dramatic video. a car flipping nearly a dozen times. now, the driver behind the wheel shares his story. >> and taking a live look outside, another winner of a if you're approaching 65, now's the time to get your ducks in a row. to learn about medicare, and the options you have. you see, medicare doesn't cover everything - only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're turning 65 soon, call now and get started. >> so amy, that was the observation >> well, red white and blue, the three of us, ready to go. just in case you are into things like this, all three of us, plus heather, will be back tomorrow morning and it will be the girl squad. >> a chick thing. >> i can not wait to see what we will wear. >> it should be fun. should we plan it this time? we should have a theme. >> yeah, let's work on it. after the weather. beautiful. great skies. temperatures nice. there is one large cloud right over the empire state building creating these shadows so it looks a little dark from this vantage point. the cumulus clouds block your sun. 75 degrees currently. we are going for temperature ins the low 80s . bump the number a degree or two this afternoon so we can add to the head start we have gotten. so murray hill, 75. 80. howard beach, 78 degrees. nice and comfortable sister and brother across the area. that will make it into the low to mid 80s inland. we can see from newark, trenton at 79, we will easily make the marks. as far as any rain goes, we are clear for today. even tomorrow is looking dry. humidity will increase just a little bit. then it is near 90 saturday when the storms do return. that will be the change in the forecast for us. little climb in temperatures as well. we will see an increase in the south. right now, the satellite radar picture is completely clear. no real worries about storms developing for the entire northeast. here is the next seven hours. a southeast wind is with us through the afternoon hours. as the sun starts to go, sets later on tonight, we will slip into the 70s pretty quickly. it could be another night where we see 50s in the suburbs. if you need to do the windows open, you might get away with it. the picture perfect day today is replaced with a real fine finish tomorrow. friday is a will see an increase in the mugginess, rain holds off until saturday. this is the wet day of the weekend. it will be very sticky. showers coming through. looks like right now, mid to late afternoon will be the time frame for this. this will be one we can track as a line coming through. on accu-weather, air quality is we have a moderate pollen count. tonight, clear, comfortable. 68 in the city. right around 68 in the suburbs. really cooled the last couple of nights. that happens again, more humid tomorrow in the accu-weather seven day forecast breaks down like this. saturday is the wet day. but look at sunday. really the better half. 85 degrees. then monday, tuesday, wednesday, temperature ins the low to mid 80s as well. i mean, this is really a beautiful forecast. the last couple of days we have had, very similar to how they wake in san diego which is a little morning fog, partly sunny conditions. temperatures in the 80s . our augusts are typically more like saturday will be. hot, kicky. chance of showers. we will talk about earl and the effects of it in mexico. >> thanks amy. was it a good deed that was punished? coming up, meet a fast food worker who says he was fired >> a man narrowly avoids a lightning strike. move over smiley faced lava. just some of the stories caught live on pariscope, nick greensman saw a beautiful sunset in scottsdale, arizona with storm clouds moving in. soon after he began his broadcast, the thunderclouds moved in and they turned dangerous. >> now the wind is going. whoa! >> yikes. yeah. the blogger said he could feel the heat from that strike. he said his hand that was phone even felt tingly aver wards. scary stuff. he strongly advises against trying to broadcast from your iphone during a thunderstorm. you think? >> yeah. >> oh boy. caught on camera, a high-flying birthday stunt. a canadian woman decided to tie herself to a bunch of giant balloons to float in the sky. the stunt worked. but it was under highly controlled circumstances and people are being warned not to try something like this at home even if you could. a professional sky diver and was tethered to the ground the entire time. oh boy. well, you may have seen the smiling volcano. remember that? well now, check out the heart shaped lava lake from the messiah volcano in nicaragua. it was shot by a seismologist for early warnings to detect an eruption. >> i don't know. i think the smiley face is fading out. a family of bears were not out of place taking to the waters of lake tahoe for a little fun in the water. humans watched and kept their distance as a mama and two cubs splashed around and hugged each other. they played around. >> it makes you smile. >> very cute. >> all right. well, the yankees are hoping for a repeat performance tonight in the bronx as they close in on winning the annual subway series. the mets took an early lead to have the yanks answer back in the bottom of the first. the next inning, mark tashera sending a blast to right field. on his left shin from steven notts. yankees go onto win it 9-5 and take a series game. fourth and final game at 7:05 in the stadium. still to come, taking a look at the damage after two >> you're watching new york's number one news. channel 7 eyewitness news news at noon with david novarro, shirleen allicot, and meteorologist bill evans. now, eyewitness news continues. these are live pictures now from news copter 7 over howard beach. if you take a look there closely, you can see new york city police officers are on the scene in the brush looking for clues in the death of a 30-year- old jogger. karina vetrano's body was found two days ago. she was strangled and possibly sexually assaulted. she was an avid runner, a traveler. this morning we asked the information. >> working with minimal information at this time. looking for the public's help. we have a lot of resources working on it. hopefully, we will get information that will help us solve it very quickly to reduce the fear in that >> people attended a vigil in howard beach to remember here. i'm lori stokes in for david novarro. >> i'm shirleen allicot. new details in the fight against zika. the health department will be on staten island for another round of mosquito spray. >> meanwhile, in miami, the virus is spreading and people are running to get tested. ray romundi has more. >> reporter: the good news on this thursday is that the state has reported no new cases of zika so far but we expect another update some time this afternoon, that means the number of local cases of zika in the miami neighborhood remains at 18 as some 20 people across the state of florida have been tested for zika. the air attack on the mosquitoes began thursday morning. miami-dade county attempting to halt the spre from the ground to high in the skies, intense spraying taking place in the winwood area of miami, also known as ground zero of the outbreak. >> they have tested 1,000 mosquitoes a day and they have not found a single one that is contaminated. >> reporter: it has been three days since the cdc issued an unprecedented travel ban telling pregnant women to stay health department confirmed 15 local cases of zika infection from mosquito bites. the panic creating a frozen zone for tourism in one of miami's most popular neighborhoods causing fear along expectant mothers and harming business revenues. >> the perception is as bad as the reality when it comes to something like this. >> reporter: mosquito inspectors hunting for any breeding areas for the insects to destroy them. the state spending $26 million to stop the spread zika but demanding help from the federal government. >> please. let's not lose focus of the fact there is $300 million waiting to be spent. >> reporter: the governor is making zika testing available to all pregnant women statewide for free. in the meantime, aerial spraying will continue for the next seven days. back to you. >> thanks ray. and new this half hour, a wild scene in suffolk county. two strike that incidents that into a home on chestnut in farmingville. they left shortly before 3:30:00 a.m. police are also investigating a barricaded situation on parnet court that might be related. the barricaded subjects at the home surrender to police 7:00 this morning. a child was removed from the home as well. to business. new jersey suffering significant spoke damage after two hover boards erupted in in the megausa hover board store in garfield. the batteries on two hover boards were charging on top of a desk when they exploded. firefighters were able to put the fire out quickly. we are looking at a suspect inside a sexual attack. this is 42-year-old asusion of mount carmel church last sunday. she fought him off and got away. if you have any information on where he might be, you are asked to call crime stoppers. a teen is under arrest for a shooting that injured a 14- year-old girl. floyd bruce opened fire on willow bruce on july 16. the bullet hit the young girl in her leg as she walked to the store with her mother. an armed robbery. 35-year-old ali kahd is charged with assault. he approached a woman from behind on webster avenue last week and stabbed her three times with a sharp object before running off. the woman is recovering at the hospital. 75 degrees out there. not a bad day. want to turn to meteorologist amy freeze with the afternoon accu-weather forecast. >> it really is beautiful out there. a lot like it was yesterday. and we will have a few clouds up in the skies from time to are easy to take and it is a real beauty. temperatures in the upper 70s for all of long island and east hampton, 74 degrees. newark already 79 degrees. andover, started in the mid 50s up to 77 degrees so cool start has turned into a beautiful afternoon. if you are going to the beach, whether you are boating or sitting in the stand. temperatures about 78 degrees. rip current risk is moderate. we will take a look at earl. the category 1 storm did make landfall. that in a few minutes. thank you amy. daily fantasy sports are back in new york state. governor cuomo has signed a new law allowing them to resume. it calls the popular online contest a game of skills instead of operations based on chance. that legal definition solves the central argument in a against draft kings and fan duel. well, a terrifying scene. a car flipping over and over again. now the driver who survived >> atlantic city is about to lose another casino. the trump taj mahal is going to be closed after the labor day has gone on more than a month. some 2100 people will lose their jobs. the casino is set to be losing millions of dollars every month. this would be the city's fifth casino to close in two years. the florida driver behind the wheel of this car when it flipped nearly a dozen times is now sharing his story. incredibly, 43-year-old joe myers only suffered a few scrapes. you can see the out of control car flippi ditch. a group of good samaritans rushed to get him out and put out a fire. he says he owes his life to those rescuers. >> they pulled me out through the sunroof. the doors were wedged shut. it is a miracle that i'm here. i'm grateful to those people for savoring me. >> he was able to tell them thank you in person. is looking to make the site of the deadliest massacre in modern history a memorial. city wants to buy the pulse nightclub according to a club spokesperson. pulse's owner has met with the mayor but the spokesperson says the talks are preliminary. the mayor wants to make it a permanent memorial, but it is up to the club's owner what will happen next. 49 people were killed and dozens more injured when a june. police in australia have swept in busting a meth operation that smuggled the drug in from africa. the meth is worth an estimated $90 million. the two men arrested in raids yesterday face life sentences in prison if they are convicted. a prestigious prep school in rhode island settling dozens they will receive undisclosed amounts of money being sexually abused at the school. some of the allegations date back to the 1970s . in a statement, the school said in part, it is our sincere hope that this agreed resolution will assist our survivors as they move forward toward healing. tonight, investigators are trying to figure out who put a pipe bomb on the hood of a police cruiser. just 20 minutes after the his cruiser in his home in thurmont overnight. the chief knows of no reason why anyone would target the officer. police firefighters and the at if are investigating. an electric truck and mini bus. the plans are expected within six to nine months but they will not enter production for tesla's quarterly earnings show the company consistently losing money and the quart earn ending in june and the losses believed to be $150 million. more than twice what wall street expected. speaking of cars, check out this close call. imagine if that came through your windshield. how did the driver survive this? find out. >> doctor says who underwent life changing surgery to remove a mass from her neck is doing extremely well. one-year-old sandy diaz is recovering after a successful surgery. the girl underwent an eight- hour procedure yesterday that removed 95% of the mass. doctors were able to preserve all of her facial nerves. she is currently in the post operative recovery area with her parents. doctors say she looks >> awesome. a chilling close call for a driver who suffered a medical emergency behind the wheel. a 12-foot metal pole crashed right through the windshield of the woman's suv just inches from her head. police say the suv veered off the road in massachusetts and slammed into a chain link fence after the driver blacked out. the top rail of the fence impaled the car. >> that far from her head. right through the middle. if you lo is, it was right here. scary. >> thank god tomorrow we are getting up and going to see her at the hospital tomorrow instead of the worst. >> witnessed helped the driver out of the car. she only suffered a graze wound on the shoulder from the pole. a graze wound. >> so fortunate. roadside traffic signs are supposed to give clarity to drivers but a new sign in north carolina is causing a lot of looks like a zipper right? it was installedty the dot to help traffic move smoothly through congested areas. officials say drivers are supposed to merge like a zipper by using both lanes but drivers say they don't know what the sign mean. >> what the heck is that? you don't want to get in trouble for not doing something. >> michigan and minnesota are among other states using the get it manufacture because we have the zipper that are sometimes difficult and the zippers that are often just easy to zip. >> i just thought of my zippers. and there are sometimes some bottlenecks there. >> what happened to a good old fashioned merge sign? >> i get it. i get it. we are in the minority. >> anyway. [ laughter ] anything that makes traffic better i'm for you an update on what is happening out and about. beautiful skies. temperatures have been easy to take. yesterday was fantastic. today is a repeat. we have changes coming that are in store just in time for the weekend. looks like the heat and humidity will start to build up just a bit. looking down to lower manhattan, we can see one world trade. 75 degrees in central park. very light all morning. they will continue to be 66% humidity. it has been a fast warmup. we have sussex, 78. wrightstown, 79. long island, 74 degrees. as we go throughout the day, temperatures will stay steady. making their way back into the mid 70s . pretty quiet weather pattern and pretty easy to take. sunset times also are going to be starting to change just a will be at 7:25. then the equinox happens. i'm not rushing just saying things will be changing for the skies as well. a beautiful day like today. if you can take advantage of it, go for it. saturday, we are looking for showers so let's start with futurecast saturday morning. showers moving in from the northwest. a line of shower coming through the afternoon. we are watching this computer arrives. there are uniform concepts. there will be showers during the day saturday. sunday looks great at this point. not so worried about that. but looks like we will see some showers coming in on saturday. earl is well, well south of cancun giving you a point of reference. it made landfall at belize. it has been moving west all morning about 12 to 15 miles an hour. the winds have decreased from land, that is what we will expect it to do. the wind fields are starting to shift further to the east. or, to the west. and we will see that trend continue. it is really the moisture inside the system that could produce up to a foot of rainfall and so that is really the problem. the storm will start to degrade. goes just to the south of vera cruz. it has 48 hours of rain left in all of it before all is said and done. 68 for the overnight low. tomorrow. humid. saturday, again, is the rainy day. the storms, the high of 88. much hotter and more humid. then sunday, everything looks good. low to mid 80s for monday, tuesday, and wednesday. earl part of the hurricane season and it would have been a bad idea if you made your vacation plans this week because monster flooding, flash floods, mud slides. that home invasion and standoff in suffolk county we told you about earlier in the half hour. police arrested three people from a port jefferson home. two men and one woman. they went to the home as part of an ongoing investigation. officers removed a two-year-old girl from the house. they found two people hiding in a crawl space one of them had outstanding warrants for family court issues. police did not release information about their charges and it is unknown if this was an earlier home invasion in farmingville. being a mom can be a very demanding but satisfying job. right? and raising a child with autism has its own challenges. >> so an actress and the armor company have teamed up to give one california mom a special had to quit her job to take care of him. >> this is a lot of help. i will struggle with that. i'm happy what they are doing for moms. >> aw. >> well, the money is part of a new campaign to help moms like erica make ends meet. awesome. >> sweet. >> good stuff. we'll be right back. but first a look at what is coming up on the chews. >> we are bringing you an hour of delicious ideas for three bucks a person. an incredible ?? approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. vers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps call now and request this free decision guide. it's full of information on medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. unitedhealthcare insurance company has over thirty years experience and the commitment to roll along with you, so call now and discover how an aarp medicare supplement plan could go long? for you. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long?. ?? >> coming up, a warning abouty traps placed along a popular walking trail in new jersey and how the popular pokimon go game is putting kids in the path of predators. it is all coming up at 4:00. it is time now for the feed. a facebook post about a jack in veteran free tacos? yeah. it's gone viral. >> i know what i did wasn't right to them. but to me, it is all right. >> 19-year-old alex sticking to his guns. every day one of his regular customers, a vet, would come in to get an 80-cent cup of coffee. he says sometimes he would give him that coffee for free. one day when someone ordered two tacos valued at 99 cents and never took them, he threw them in for the service member too because he said they would well, he lost his job after that. jack in the box saying the firing wasn't based on just one incident. he is now looking for a job and standing by what he did. well, heartwarming video of a young dog that was subjected to horrific abuse literally jumping for joy after getting his front legs back. video from thailand shows the dog named cola being fitted with prosthetic legs. the video shows, he took to his two legs right away happily jumping around after being able to talk again. it is hoped that cola will be adopted and be able to find a new loving home. >> oh, that tail is going 90 miles an hour. >> so nice. >> happy. >> very happy. >> so sad. >> yeah. that will do it for this edition of eyewitness news. i'm lori stokes. >> i'm shirleen allicot. for amy freeze and the rest of the team, we thank you for joining us. come back for eyewitness news >> announcer: if you like saving money, then we've got the show for you. get ready for incredible meals and terrific tips for under three bucks a pop. mario's stirring up a super delicious bargain bite that tastes like a million bucks. then, clinton's helping you be fabulous with his decor deal plus, michael's cooking up a feast with the hilarious joy behar that's guaranteed to give you a new view on grilling. the party starts right now, here, on "the chew." [ cheers and applause ] ? >> good afternoon and welcome to "the chew." [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you all very, very much.

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