admits her son is sick in the head "early" this monday morning, june 21, 2010. captioning funded by cbs gorgeous summer morning this morning. good morning everybody. i'm harry smith. >> i'm erica hill. good to be with you this morning. we have updates on joran van der sloot, apparently now recanting the confession, that in an interview with a dutch newspaper in his jail cell. and his mother coming out saying she minsk he may have some issues and she does not want to go see him. she says she can't embrace him. >> we'll have all the details coming your way in a little bit. first, it is day 63 of the disaster in the gulf. here's the latest. an internal memo from bp says in a worst case scenario as many as 100,000 barrels, that's 4.2 million gallons a day, could be leaking into the gulf. when the disaster first happened, bp estimated it was only about 5,000 barrels a day. bp has a new front man to clean up its image, american bob dudley, the company's managing director, will take over for embattled brit irish ceo tony hayward. bp says it has spent $2 billion responding to the massive spill. we'll have more from katie couric, who is in van isenice, louisiana, with the very latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. as you said it is day63. some progress is being made. there are some glimmers of hope. progress is being made in one of those two relief wells that is being implemented three miles below the surface that will plug this leak or at least they hope so. some 4,600 vessels are being used right now. when you think of d-day using 5,000 boats, you can understand that's a very significant showing. but some bad news shifting currents is starting to move. i guess it's good news for louisiana. but shifting currents are now sort of making the oil going towards alabama and florida. it's moving it in a north by northeast pattern. meanwhile, mark strassmann has been covering this story from almost day one. he joins me now. mark let's talk a little about this transfer of power from tony hayward, the ceo, to bob dudley. this bp claims was something they had in mind all the time but the image of tony hayward participating in that yacht race over the weekend probably hurt his image even more as if that's possible. >> if that's possible katie. let's face it. there are 32,000 people working on this relief effort and sometimes you think the focus -- there's only one guy, that's tony hayward. bp clearly i think had a sense this guy had to be moved off center stage so the focus could be the other 32,000 folks out here doing it. and the hope, i guess, is that dudley will be both a fresh face and a fresh start. as bp tries to get a handle on this epic disaster. >> he's from mississippi, a pretty short drive from the coast, so he is a son of the gulf. it took him some time to go out and see this disaster, some seven week, right, mark? >> it wasn't seven, more like five or six. i was actually with him that day. he went with governor bobby jindal here to barrier island. it was the first time he got oil on his pants, shoes, and to a lot of people it was almost unthinkable. yet this was the first time that here's a very senior bp guy, he had seen it from a big picture but actually got the oil on his clothes. and so he's going to probably have a little credibility issue here, too. he's going to have to work to earn that credibility in the eyes of so many folks, even though he is from this part of the world. >> meanwhile, you got a close-up look of some of the many challenges bp faces. >> it's such a daunting task. there's so much oil spread over a vast area here. you really get the best sense of that on the fight's front lines. >> this is oil coming up from 5,000 feet. >> reporter: out in the gulf, doug subtlettles reviewed. bp's chief operating officer coordinating 4600 ships battling america's worst oil leak in history. on this four-hour aerial tour suttles took us to this floating city surrounded by thick oil that runs for miles. bp's broken well head gushes here 24/7. many response workers call this spot, ground zero. >> cue have imagined three months ago you'd be looking at a scene like this and, i've got to fix this? >> absolutely not. this is something you never ever wanted to see. >> reporter: suttles, like everyone working for bp is also fighting a stain of more bad publicity this week en. this photograph shows tony hayward yachting in england, an ocean away from the calamity in the gulf. >> i thought that was the height of stupidity. i believe myself that he should go. >> reporter: this internal bp document estimated the daily spill worst case could be 100,000 barrels, that's 100 times bp's original estimate. >> you also understand the drip drip, drip of information, where the estimate keeps getting worse, frustrates and angers so many people. >> right. well, it's so difficult. i mean i think that you know everyone wants to know how much oil's coming out of that well. but even the best scientists the government could put together continually are reviseing their estimate. >> reporter: more frustration. the bp claims process for victims. in orange beach, alabama, suttles visited a claims center but many victims who did apply complain about bp's excessive paperwork and underwhelming compensation. the company has paid out $105 million, but like many unpaid victims, jacob nichols wants his. he's a deck hand on a charter boat. >> this is the fourth time i've been in here. >> reporter: bp says the average individual claim takes only five days to process. the average business day, eight. but so many people in the oil zone are so furious with the application process. and even the white house has told bp it has to do better. more victims will come forward as long as the oil leaks. the earliest permanent plug from a relief well isn't possible until august. >> i want to get out there one day when there sin oil out there, that we've got this thing shut off. >> that first relief well has to drill 18,000 feet. that's more than three miles below the surface of the gulf. it's now at about 16,000 feet, close, katie, but not close enough to plug the leak and this streding disaster. >> mark strassmann, thanks. we'll see you tonight on the billy nungesser, president of plaquemine parish in venice. tell me what is your reaction to the fact these internal documents show in a worst case scenario 10 0,000 barrels a day 4.2 million gallons. bp is now sort of saying that's not really true, these numbers aren't accurate, that's not going to happen, it's irrelevant. what did you think when you heard that? >> i was sadly disappointed. had bp been unp front from day one, we could have been better prepared, known this was coming ashore when we were told it wasn't coming ashore. we could have known what we were dealing with. unfortunately we're behind the eight ball trying to keep this out of our marshlands. it's a fight every day, a battle we're slowly losing. >> what do you think of this transition to power, to bob dudley, who's from hattiesburg. he'll be the new point person. it's unclear if this was expedited by tony hayward's participation in that yacht race, but do you think it's time for someone else to sort of be in charge here? >> absolutely. you know we knew we didn't have the right man just by the comments he made the sense of urgency, and hopefully things will change in the next week or so. we've got to see some sense of urgency in getting this oil picked up quickly. >> i know that over the weekend you and some of your crews, personal crews, i guess, or parish crews, came out and there was a stand-down. there weren't any workers keeping the oil off the marshes or the shore line. what was the explanation for that? >> they told me yesterday there was a meteorologist that said it was bad weather. well, there's bad day in south louisiana. if you don't like the weather wait 15 minutes, it will change. but you have to strategically be out there, picking up the oil. if bad weather sets in that's why we called for the jack-up boats early on. you have to have somewhere on the front line out there where they can take shelter away from lightning, but get right back to work. we're losing days. we're losing this war by standing down because a meteorologist somewhere says hey, it's bad weather. >> let me ask you a question that nobody seems to be able to answer. 17,500 national guardsmen, billy, as you know, were tloer authorized, and yet something like 6500 has been utilized. that seems like a lot of man power put to waste. why won't the governors call them up? >> there's only so much you can do here. you have to have vuflessels skimmers vacuum equipment. >> couldn't they be out laying boom out in the -- >> if we had vessels. what i've seen our governor do is drop sandbags put berms along the shore line. we don't have a lot of beaches. the ones out there are being worked on, dredges are building those beaches. when they're complete, we'll able to put a lot more bodies out there to pick up that oil. we need strategic teams in the marsh, picking up this oil before the birds have a chance to dive in it and save a lot more wildlife. and we're just not managing it in small teams at this point. we really need that management level to be divided by certain areas and strike teams to respond immediately, not days hours after the oil hits. >> billy nungesser, great to see you. thanks. harry, back to you. >> katie, thank you very very much. katie will have more tonight on the "cbs evening news." erica? >> thanks. joining me now for the raging wildfires in arizona prompts to be another tough day for firefighters as strong winds could move the fast-moving blazes. elizabeth erwin from kpho-tv in phoenix. >> reporter: if you take a look behind me you might think this blaze is under control. to give you an idea how big this is the fire line itself is eight miles long. so, you can see why so many people were told to pack up and get out. thick plumes of smoke hovered above as high winds fanned the second major fire in just two days near flagstaff, arizona. >> mandatory evacuation now. >> reporter: law enforcement officials went door to door advising homeowners to evacuate. the raging wildfire forced about 1,000 people to flee with whatever they could fit into their cars. >> it's unreal. i can't believe it. i never seen anything like this in my life. how high those smoke clouds are. it's bad. >> reporter: the sunday morning blaze has grown quickly scorching at least 5,000 acres and counting. throughout the day 300 firefighters helicopters and air tankers fought back flames moving towards residential areas. >> this is one of those fires that just the wrong place, the wrong time on the wrong day. >> reporter: in southwest flagstaff, firefighters are having more success. investigators say the first of two wildfires in that area was allegedly sparked by a california man camping on saturday. that fire is 30% contained and crews have kept the blaze from nearby homes and structures. so far, structures have remained unharmed here as well. crews working around the clock to make sure it stays that way. back to you in new york. >> elizabeth erwin for us. >> betty nguyen at the news desk. >> good morning. >> good morning to you at home. an american was one of four nato soldiers killed in afghanistan this morning. they died when their helicopter crashed in kandahar province. they say there's no indication of enemy fire. nato is trying to secure kandahar. at least 35 americans have died in afghanistan this month, putting it on track to be one of the deadliest months for u.s. troops in the nine-year war. a subway fire in chicago sent 19 people to the hospital. the fire broke out along the red line tracks yesterday. and the cars of one train filled with smoke. of the 19 passengers hospitalized, five were in serious condition. a section of billings montana, will be declared a disaster area this morning. a powerful tornado tore through the northeast part of the city yesterday afternoon destroying a sports arena. nicky lorenzo of our billings station has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, betty. we are outside one of the hardest hit areas in billings. residents waking up to quite a mess. rimrock auto arena was one of the hardest hit areas. it's the biggest venue in montana. if anything big comes to montana, it's held here. although the twister caused catastrophic damage officials are happy there was no loss of life. the tornado touched down at about 4:45 sunday afternoon. >> it is destroying the metra. >> reporter: it tore the roof off the rimrook auto park arena. >> these trees were uprooted like little toothpicks. >> reporter: police say the twister hovered over the building for 15 minutes. >> that's where people are supposed to go during a civil defense emergency. >> reporter: 20 people at mcdonald's took shelter in a walk-in freezer as the restaurant's glass front was blown in. a casino a bar and several other small businesses also suffered extensive damage. the tornado was accompanied by 135-mile-an-hour winds. heavy rain and hail the size of a baseball. 2 1/4 inches of rain fell. then as quickly as it came the storm was gone. the sun was out a half hour after the tornado had struck. and this is a piece of the roof here at rimrock auto arena. these were seen up to a mile in the air in the twister. witnesses reported seeing the scattered all over main street here. the only injury that was reported was one man that was hit by baseball-sized hail. luckily, no other injuries and no loss of life. betty, back to you. >> ktvq billings. thank you for is that. a rough week en. here's dave price with a first check of the weather this morning. >> good morning to you betty. happy summer everybody. it all begins at 7:2, in just a little while. in the 7:17. we're getting balloons and music ready for the big celebration of summer coming up 7:28 this morning. join us live for this celebration after the 7:30 half hour. >> balloons? i didn't know there were balloons. >> big time. >> now i'm sticking around. just ahead, breaking news joran van der sloot recanting his confession. we'll tell you what he is now saying. also from checking accounts to phone bills, we're going to show you how to avoid all those annoying hidden fees. plus the final frontier. we speak exclusively to a man who took these pictures from outer space. a little contraption he rigged up for under 50 bucks. stay with us. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. 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[ female announcer ] with thousands of rollbacks, it's rollback time. save money. live better. walmart. and why not cheer? it is the first day of summer. i believe it is now official as of two minutes ago. welcome back to "the early show," everyone. not that i was counting. we're ready for summer. just ahead for you this morning, they seem to be everywhere. annoying hidden fees at banks, i just got hit with a new one. but i successfully challenged it. 12 bucks back to me. hotels have hidden fees cable bills. we'll show you where to look for the hidden fees what you can do to get rid of them courtesy of our own business correspondent, rebecca jarvis. >> deciphering. >> it's an art. >> yes. take a look at these pictures. they weren't taken by some satellite. they were actually taken by a couple of cameras purchased off of ebay for around 50 bucks apiece. >> that's wild. >> we're going to talk to an inventor who schemed up this balloon that he put up into the air with the cameras and some duct tape and a couple of gps devices. and we're wondering if this guy has any ideas about plugging the whole in the bottom of the sea, because if he can get pictures like that -- >> i think we should ask him. >> right. he might have -- >> maybe duct tape is the aanswer to that, too. who knows. we want to turn to breaking news. joran van der sloot taking back his confession and his mother is also speaking out for the first time since his arrest. betty nguyen has the latest on that for us. >> good morning, erica. anita van der sloot told a dutch newspaper that her son suffers from mental problems and may have had something to do with the death of stephany flores but that is not what joran is reportedly saying. joran van der sloot has retract the his confession of the killing of stephany flores. he says he confessed only because he was intimidated during interrogation and had been promised a transfer back to the netherlands. that same newspaper reports anita van der sloot, who stood by her son for the past five years, is now wavering in her support. she even acknowledges that he may have killed stephany flores. >> i now believe joran may have indeed done something to center ni in peru. maybe in a burst of anger. i don't know. she won't even visit her own son in jail. if he killed stephany, he'll have to pay the price. i won't visit him in his cell. i cannot embrace him. anita van der sloot says the two spoke on the phone just after flores' murder. she told him, you're being searched. a girl is dead. where are you? joran van der sloot reportedly replied, it's not stephany, is it? no, not stephany. i told him, he had to turn himself in. she also claims her son refused treatment in a mental institution in the netherlands before the flores murder. she says quote, my son is sick in the head. legal experts say a confession and surveillance video of flores just before she was murdered will make for a convincing case. >> this case is moving forward. i don't think there's any possibility joran van der sloot will be moved out of peru. i don't think the peruvian authorities will ever let him go. >> van der sloot may be looking at three to six years if the insanity defense works. but if there's evidence suggesting sexual assault, as well as murder he could be facing 35 years behind bars. >> betty, thanks. joining us cbs news legal analyst jack ford. good to have you back with us. let's start off with breaking news that now a dutch newspaper reporting he has said -- he said he was tricked, very scared and confused. doesn't know what he signed. he didn't mean it. >> it's not that simple. you can't simply say, yeah never mind. this doesn't count. >> just throw it out for me would you? >> yeah. it's similar to our system also. basically, if a court takes a look at it and says, we still believe there's legitimacy to what you said then, you might want to disclaim it now, but we believe there's legitimacy to what you said then, testimony of witnesses, whatever, might lend itself to that determination. that confession might still be in play here, all depend on how -- now, he could turn around and argue again, look here's what happened, i was forced into it. it's really not true. i'm a pathological liar i make up things. look what i did in terms of natalee holloway? there could be interesting arguments. just because he says no now doesn't mean it's not in play later down the road. >> we're hearing from his mother who's speaking out and saying he didn't have anything to do with natalee holloway but she thinks he was involved, perhaps, with stephany flores. he says her son has mental health issues. how much do you think is accurate? how much could this be setting up an insanity plea? >> if i'm his lawyer first thing i'm saying to family and friends, if he's indeed confessing to this we need to find something. maybe that insanity defense. what can you tell about him in the distant past recent past. the interesting thing about an insanity defense is just because you're diagnosed with a mental defense defect personality disorder doesn't mean you're criminally insane. there's another big leap that has to be made here. experts might take a look at him and say, yes, he is a pathologic pathologicalpathologic pathological liar, a sociopath but to get to insanity defense, but generally speaking you have to show yes, there is a disease, a defect a personality disorder, and then you have to show because of that you either didn't know what you were doing, classic illustration, you thought you've got a banana in your hand it's a knife and you kill somebody. even if you did know what you were doing, you didn't know it was wrong. we've seen recently the mother of children who kill their children. they know they're killing them but they say, god told me to do it so they think it's the right thing to do. there's much more you need for an insanity defense than just saying there's some sort of personality disorder here. >> tears also coming up i brooef it's going to happen today, he'll be interrogated. so what specifically would they be asking hoping to get out of this? >> this is an illustration where ther procedures are very different from ours. not some core concepts but procedurally. this a judge who's going to question him. in our system you can walk in the courtroom and say to the judge, i'd like to talk. no thanks. there, he has to answer the questions. if he doesn't want to confess, he can or he might say, no i had nothing to do with it. >> is he legally bound to answer them honestly? i know that sounds silly butt there's an oath in the u.s. i take -- >> he's required to answer. whether he answers honestly or not is up to him. if he difz dishonest answer and the prosecution can prove he's lying, that's not going to help him down the road. it is an unusual aspect different from us where you have to get there, the judge will ask questions and you have to answer. >> love to be a fly on the wall for those. here's dave with another check of the weather. >> let's go to the maps. we'll go out to the pacific northwest at this point. head out to the areas where you can see we have rain rolling on through. as you head to the areas of the 7:38. that's a quick look at your weather picture. >> beautifully done. up next do you hate it when you find out you've been charged just to talk to a company representative on the phone? we're going to tell you how to avoid those pesky and expensive hidden fees when we come back. we're part of nature, and as we destroy nature we destroy ourselves. it's a selfish thing to want to protect nature. i never intended to be a businessman. we made the world's best climbing equipment out of here. we realized that putting in and taking out of all these pitons was causing damage to the rock. so, i made these little soft aluminum chalks that you just put in with your fingers. and i'm a dam buster. we've been working for years to take this dam out. the reservoir behind it is only 4 feet deep-- the water gets real warm kills a lot of the life in the river. when you take out a dam, that's a real victory. i mean, a concrete victory so to speak! when i get an idea to do something, i like to take the first step. if that feels good i take another step. to do good, you actually have to do something. no matter what you want to do members project from american express can help you take the first step. vote, volunteer or donate at ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, love me ♪ ♪ oh oh oh ♪ ♪ just love me ♪ ♪ oh oh oh ♪ ♪ just hold me ♪ ♪ oh oh oh ♪ ♪ just kiss me ♪ ♪ oh oh oh ♪ ♪ just want me ♪ ♪ l-o-v-e ♪ ♪ love, love, love, love ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ l-o-v-e ♪ ♪ love, love, love, love ♪ [ female announcer ] in a national blind test fresh out of the washer, women preferred the softness and scent of concentrated snuggle blue sparkle to the leading brand. and snuggle costs less, too. so go on, buy snuggle today. [ female announcer ] introducing new stouffer's toasted subs. 4 varieties like meatball italiano made with delicious meats and melted cheeses on bakery fresh tasting bread that crisps in the microwave in minutes. the taste of your favorite sub shop without leaving home. new stouffer's toasted subs. [ male announcer ] how about we open up a whole can of getting it done? and get this year's colors up on the wall...this year. let's get better prices... and better paint. let's break out the drop cloths rollers, brushes, and tape. let's start small. then go big. no matter what the budget. and when we're done let's take a bow. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. try behr premium plus ultra, it's paint and primer all in one, and rated number one. in this morning's "moneywatch," hidden fees. cbs news correspondent rebecca jarvis is here to tell us how to escape those fees. >> that's the goal, harry. >> let's start with checking accounts. is there no such thing as free checking? there usually is a fee associated with checking accounts, but sometimes they sneak up on you. >> often times there are these fees and you don't know they're coming. $12.55 is the average monthly average fee for checking accounts overall. but what you want to do is go to banks like community banks, credit unions, online banks, oftentimes these companies won't force you to pay for the checking account. also, if you keep a minimum balance, that will help you because a lot of these companies will say, as long as you keep a certain amount of money with us we're not going to charge you for it. >> is it true though some banks charge you for not acting or not using -- >> oh, yeah. this is kind of surprising because if you don't spend a certain threshold with, let's say, credit card companies, harry, many companies will charge you for the cost of doing too little business with them. so, what you want to do is you want to -- >> you're dammed if you do damned if you don't. >> don't be incentiveized to spend more than you want to spend but find a place that will let do you it for free. credit unions are a great place to start. will help you find the right one. >> hotels are notorious for fining things -- if you pick up the phone in a hotel room there's a -- >> 25 cents every second. or if you accidently knock a bottle of water over they'll charge you for that. you never know especially now when it's the summer and a lot of people are planning trips. it's important to call before you go to understand what kind of fees that might come up. the worst thing that happens is you plan a trip to someplace where you're planning on using the beach planning on using the swimming pool as a family and e observation, you can't use it unless you pay the resort fee. what you thought was a $100 night trip has turned into a $400 a trip night. call and know before you go. especially if you're booking online, make sure you know the information. and they can take it off your bill if you don't use it. >> atms always money to lose with atms. >> not only are you paying a fee to the company that intliz the atm, you're also paying for your bank if you're using an out-of-network atm. you can look ahead of time on the internet, there are also appear indications on your phone to find the specific atms. and you can also find again, these community credit cards and things like that that will help you. >> rebecca jarvis, thank you so much. up next lady gaga in pinstripes. why she's having a bit of a bad romance with the yankees. to say nothing of the mets. this is "the early show" on cbs. (jennifer garner) there's a lot of beautiful makeup out there to cover up flaws and make skin look pretty but there's one that's so clever, it makes your skin look better even after you take it off. neutrogena healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% of women saw improvement in their skin's natural texture, tone, or clarity. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics recommended most by dermatologists. ♪ (announcer) right now, all over the country discover customers are getting five percent cashback bonus at restaurants. it pays to get more, it pays to discover. [ poof! ] who are you?!? i'm your "genie"! weren't you just wishing for something more nutritious to eat? i was! well you could enjoy the taste of decadent dark chocolate, the crunch of almonds, plus 35% of your daily fiber... plus antioxidants in a kellogg's fiber plus bar. mmmm. right then. two more wishes? i'm good. oh. back to the lamp then. see ya! [ female announcer ] kellogg's fiber plus bars. you couldn't wish for more. quilted is towel speak for air. but viva puts 35% more towel between you and the mess. 35% more? are you ready to take that 1-step? yes, i'm ready. beautiful. [ cheers and applause ] [ sandy ] try viva® and quit the quilt. woman: i just joined extracare advantage for diabetes at cvs/pharmacy. i'm taking the right steps to manage my diabetes and my budget. extracare advantage for diabetes is a new program that helps me save money and earn double bucks on over 100 items, so we can stay a step ahead of... all: our diabetes! join extracare advantage for diabetes today and receive a free gift when you enroll. only at cvs/pharmacy. [ female announcer ] in a national blind test fresh out of the washer, women preferred the softness and scent of concentrated snuggle blue sparkle to the leading brand. and snuggle costs less, too. so go on, buy snuggle today. a little cheering on the plaza. not a lot of cheering for lady gaga in the world of new york baseball. she shows up at yankee stadium friday night -- >> dressed for baseball. >> because when i go to a game, i wear fish nets my underwear and a yankees shirt. >> it's a new kind of giveaway isn't it? >> actually the mets are apparently incorporating this. she goes to the yankees game makes her way into the clubhouse. she's in there and mingling. apparently no one really knew she's slugging whiskey, apparently jamison, and it was a huge uproar she's beento get her banned from yankee stadium. >> she does know how to get attention. >> this is right out of madonna's playbook. >> i mean watching the latest video, she's so madonna. >> i wonder how madonna feels about that. >> that's what i wanted to know. can we get her on the show? can we ask her? >> several days before she showed up at city field -- >> to a mets game. >> didn't like where she was sitting -- >> flipping people off. >> there we go. it's blurred. >> that's my girl. >> that's right. >> she got into jerry seinfeld's box. >> which he wasn't happy about. they moved her in there. >> pay attention to me. kiss those lines goodbye! bye bye! discover new juvéderm® xc, the smooth gel filler your doctors uses to instantly smooth out those parentheses lines around your nose and mouth for up to a year! temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps or risk of infection. lose those lines! the way you look with new juvéderm® xc... might just change the way you look at everything. ask your doctor and visit sometimes getting our kids to eat the way they should requires a little magic from mom. 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[ female announcer ] all you need for sensitive skin. all you expect from the number-one recommended detergent by dermatologists. all free clear is free of dyes and perfumes. and has powerful stainlifters to help get your whole wash clean. it's all good. ohhh. cheesecake. ok. what if i just had a small slice? i was good today i deserve it! or, i could have a medium slice and some celery sticks and they would cancel each other out, right? or...ok. i could have one large slice and jog in place as i eat it or...ok. how about one large slice while jogging in place followed by eight celery... mmm raspberry cheesecake... i have been thinking about this all day. wow, and you've lost weight! oh yeah, thank you! you're welcome. [ female announcer ] yoplait light. with 30 delicious flavors all around 100 calories each. yoplait. it is so good. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] you really don't think about the cost of office supplies until it's your office. ♪ ♪ well, when you buy all these items at walmart you'll save 30% or more versus the national office superstores. so you can take care of business -- can i have some more paper? [ female announcer ] or whatever comes up -- for a whole lot less. thanks. [ female announcer ] with thousands of rollbacks it's rollback time. save money. live better. walmart. now, it's officially summer on tv hill. we'll have the latest after the weather. >> we'll look for the forecast for the day. we're looking at 93 degrees today. and right now, we're pushing really through the mid-to upper 70s and about an hour ago, it was about 72 degrees and we're moving up to 77 degrees. sunny and hot and a high of 91. and now, over to sharon gibala. hi, sharon. hi, well, good morning. we picked up an accident on the beltway, watch for that one on the right shoulder. this one at snow river parkway and this one, blocking all lanes and another accident on 108, one more here and watch for that here on pearl road and watch for delays on 95 and little gun powder falls bridge, down to 895 and average speed of 21 miles per hour. and there's the average speeds and times on the beltway. this is brought to you by hh greg. browse through over 100 digital tvs. back to you. thank you, and in the news, the push to keep the bottle tax alive heads back to city hall today. andrea fujii has the story. don, if one council member changes their mind to a yes, they have until the end of the month to approve it. and with no bottle tax, several services will take a hit. they'll cut back on street sleeping and the sweeping of the inner harbor and rotating the fire house closiers and 71 employees will lose their jobs. there are no indications that anyone will change their minds. more than 6000 people attended the funeral of a trooper murdered last weekend in prince george county. he was gunned down friday before last while working security. and troopers called him an inspiration. federal inforcement call the surrender program an overwhelming success. more than a thousand people turned themes in. and many cases were resolved at the church. and it was the first time that the program has been here. subway now has breakfast! your... better breakfast. however you want it! [ male announcer ] spread the word -- subway now has breakfast! get the deliciousness just the way you want it like the subway western egg white muffin melt. build your better breakfast at subway. [ male announcer ] let's take the garden into our own hands. soak our yards in color. get our hands a little busier. our dollars a little stronger. and our thinking a little greener. let's grab all the bags and all the plants and all the latest tools out there. so we can turn all these savings into more colorful shades of doing. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now scotts naturescapes mulch or miracle-gro garden soil is just $3.44. very enthusiastic crowd. >> that's the way we like them. >> yep. here on the first day of summer. welcome back to "the early show." i'm harry smith, along with erica hill and dave price. coming up, astonishing images taken from space by a guy who had a dream and a couple of $50 ebay cameras. >> i love this story. >> put it on a balloon, up it goes. these images are just stunning. it's a real do-it-yourself project that has an amazing end. we'll talk to the photographer behind it all in just a second. >> there's a little duct tape too. that's my favorite part. we also know how nice it is to have a best friend, right? dave harry, bffs. it's sweet but may not be healthy. >> really? >> which may come to a shock to you too. there's a growing debate when it comes to kids whether having a best friend is healthy or not. we'll tackle that one. >> what about an imaginary friend? >> that's totally fine. that's tomorrow's segment so don't give it all away. >> first, let's go inside to our real friend betty nguyen standing by at the news desk. good morning to you. >> good morning, friends. and good morning to you at home. we do want to begin in the gulf of mexico on the 63rd day of that massive oil leak. an internal memo from bp says in a worst case scenario as many as 100,000 barrels a day or 4.2 million gallons a day, could be leaking into the gulf if in-f a key piece of equipment is removed. when the disaster first happened bp estimated it would only be 5,000 barrels a day. bp has a new front man on the clean-up image. american bob dudley the company's managing director, will soon take over for embattled british ceo tony hayward. bp says it now has spent $2 billion responding to the massive spill. meanwhile, the leak is having a growing impact on tourism in the gulf. cbs news correspondent cynthia bowers is in destin, florida, with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. just a few feet behind me you can see some of the thousands feet of boom being laid across the florida panhandle this morning in an effort to restore popular tourist areas. over the weekend coin-sized tar balls showed up at north walton beach, destin and as far south as panama city where the coast guard says there's an oil slick less than ten miles offshore. what will happen with that will be dependent on rain and weather. officials in the state say they're fighting a two-headed monster, a possible ecological disaster and what they fear is almost a certain economic one. visit florida is running ads promoting clear beaches and clean water. is running live web cam video of beaches to show tourists they're largely pristine. with 770 miles of the 1600-plus miles of coastline along the gulf florida says just a 10% drop in refuse new -- of tourist revenue for these 23 coastal counties could cost the state $2.2 billion. so here perception may matter more than reality. >> cynthia bowers in destin thank you for that. strong winds in arizona this morning are still fueling wildfires. three fires have been burning around flagstaff with one blaze west of the city. the first blaze broke out on saturday and burned over 300 acres. and a fire north of the city scorched 3,000 acres. and forced hundreds of homes to evacuate. recovery efforts are under way in billings montana, this morning after a tornado touched down late yesterday afternoon. take a look at this video. only minor injuries though, are reported. the storm destroyed a sports arena. and the third week of the search for missing 7-year-old kyron hor monman, investigators are focusing on the movements of his stepmother. hattie kauffman has the latest. >> reporter: an executive search around portland, they are also looking for clues close to home asking whether anyone saw kyron's stepmother at the elementary the day he vanished. >> she is the last known person to are seen kyron before he disappeared. >> reporter: she snapped this picture of him and left him before his first class. new flyers ask parent and students whether they spotted her ford f-250 truck that day. >> we don't have any hard evidence that she is responsible for the boy going missing, but all of the investigation seems to be keying in on her. >> reporter: investigators have reportedly reviewed her cell phone records and given her a second polygraph exam. >> this investigation has gone beyond a missing boy investigation. to a real criminal investigation. it seems to suggest they know that nothing good has happened to young man and they're keying in on who they believe is responsible. >> reporter: at this point police are not naming his mother as a suspect. hattie kauffman cbs news. in england there's only one place to mark the summer solstice, at stonehenge. 20,000 people gathered to watch the sun rise this morning at the an shen stone circle at 4:52 a.m. local time. the revelers were treated to a clear view of the sun on the longest day of the year. that's one way to experience it. how is it looking on the plaza, as it is the first day of summer. good mornrn all right, good morning, we'll look at the forecast for the day. it will be a sunny and hot day. the normal daytime high on the first day of summer, 84 and we're going for 91 degrees. tonight, 66 and clear and partly cloudy skies and tomorrow, more humid and we'll get to 93 as the high. a lot more humid on wednesday near 100 thursday, friday, and saturday, back with sunshine and we'll back >> announcer: in weather report sponsored by v12, with 13 new models it's a whole new voelgs wagen and voelgs wagen and a whole new game. >> if you're a census worker add another two for maryland and virginia, because they're not home they're here on the plaza. inside to you, erica. ♪ why can't we be friends ♪ >> in this morning's "healthwatch," bffs best friends forever, some critics are saying having one may not be such a good thing after all, especially when it comes to kids. >> okay. show me how to do it now. >> go like this. >> at 10 years old, robby and tion have been best friends for half their lives. >> she's my best friend because whenever i talk about something, she'll listen. sometimes we go to the park. we like to play wii. >> we're so close we call each other seniors. >> they share laughs secrets and their very own hand shake. >> we don't do that. word. >> as innocent as their bond may appear, some educateders, child experts and parents are concerned having a best friend could actually lead to problems. >> you might worry your child is putting all their eggs in one basket, so to speak, and you suddenly don't have anyone to turn to if that friendship falls apart, which it might, because they're kids. >> so should having one best friend be discouraged? >> i could see both sides of the argument, but there's definitely positives to encourage your children to foster strong relationships from a young age, but there are some mean little girls out there, so i guess it's a good reason to discourage your child from having one best friend. >> joining us child psychologist, and "early show" contributor, dr. hartstein. good morning. >> good morning. >> is this a bad thing to have just one best friend? >> it's hard to tell. it's an interesting question. it does potentially prevent there from being the friendship heartbreak, the eggs in one basket issue where we have to worry whether or not that friendship breaks up how does your kid recover? it is an interesting point. >> there's also the point that, hey, if you encourage your kids to have more friends it might open them up to hanging out with kids from different backgrounds, opening, broaden their mind a little bit. >> it may allow them to see the differences in other kids which is something we really want all of our children to be able to do. there is potential for them being able to accept differences on a much greater scale if we start that earlier. >> of course you want to protect your child from heart break but let's be realistic, we were teenage girls once. unfortunately, teenage girls are meep. it doesn't just have to be one girl, it can be a group of mean. are you helping them by shelter them what is sadly a reality of life? >> quee question. how do you know what a bad friend is if you've never had a bad friend? can we protect them from learning who they really like and who they gravitate to? in a group you'll have kids that will separate themselves. we have to be ready for that in our children. >> also f your kid finds a connection with someone, you don't want to kill that connection intishly. >> absolutely. >> there's the concern over cliques and bullying. is there a proven connection between having one best friend and cliques and bullying? >> there is no guarantee that any of this kind of friendship coaching and pushing friends to be all in a group is going to at all discourage bullying and cliques. we don't know that yet. in fact it could be more sub suberssive i don't want to hang out with that one, and we'll do it secretly, they're nod and smile and say, yeah we're doing what you want. so, we have to be careful not to force our kids to do anything. kids are kids. they'll figure it out. >> can't you find a happy medium and encourage your kids not to spend so much time with one friend but -- >> yes, absolutely. you want to say, maybe you can have three, four friends over. there still might be the one or two that will bring them closer and that's important to remember. you want to bolster that. >> thank you doctor. these are the pictures you've been waiting for and we'll speak exclusively with the high-flying mcgyver. this is "the early show" on cbs. >> announcer: "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by benadryl allergy. it works when you need it most. benadryl, use only as directed. [ male announcer ] what are you gonna miss when you have an allergy attack? benadryl® is more effective than claritin® at relieving your worst symptoms and works when you need it most. benadryl®. you can't pause life. you guys ready? yup. yup. ♪ ♪ [ man ] blue one. recessed lighting. it's absolutely -- blue one. ♪ ♪ [ grunts ] blue one. [ kids ] blue one, blue one, blue one! [ male announcer ] the routan. the only minivan with the soul of a volkswagen. can we do it again? [ boy ] yeah! sure. [ male announcer ] now with 0% apr for 60 months. it's a whole new volkswagen. and a whole new game. well-being. we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nurture it in your cat with a full family of excellent nutrition and helpful resources. purina cat chow. share a better life. i'm darryl willis. i oversee bp's claims process on the gulf coast. we have to make things right and that's why we're here. we're replacing the lost income for fishermen small businessmen and others who aren't able to work until the spill is cleaned up. our claims line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. and we'll help them figure out what information they need to file a claim. i volunteered for this assignment because this is my home. i'll be here in the gulf as long as it takes to make this right. [ male announcer ] prilosec otc traveled to fairbanks, alaska. home of one of the coldest longest nights on the planet. and asked frequent heartburn sufferers to take prilosec otc for two weeks. the results? prilosec otc's 24 hour heartburn protection gave a whole lot of people their days and nights back. ♪ ♪ [ cheering ] [ man ] prilosec otc has let me live the life that i love. [ male announcer ] prilosec otc. heartburn gone. power on. join us at it sounds like a multimillion dollar nasa project, a weather balloon shooting incredible video and still photos from 24 miles above the earth's surface. but it's tilely the brain child of a cinemaing toographer nailed colin rich who pulled it off with a homemade device consisting of two second-hand cameras, styrofoam and duct tape. he joins us from los angeles. good morning. >> good morning. >> thanks for joining us this morning. the pictures are amazing. let's go back to the beginning. you move out to los angeles. how did you get this idea of putting cheap cameras on the bottom of a balloon and shooting up as high as you possibly could? >> well, i think the idea kind much -- it came out of just why not? and it was something i kind of wanted to do. before i was doing different types of photography i was doing time lapse sequences a lot of night fraefr. i thought, why not push the boundaries a little bit. i just kind of working on the idea. basically, how cue do it? how cue do it keeply. it kind of came from there. >> wow. what was in the balloon? what did you use to get the balloon to -- that would go so high in the air? >> it's helium. you could use hydrogen as well, but it's a little explosive. so, i tend to stay away from that. you're not going to get any real difference in altitude so i stuck with something a little more inert. >> you got the cameras off ebay, is that right? >> that's correct. a lot of these old powershot cannon cameras are on ebay. they're dirt cheap. you can use these things and you can go through and they actually have these programs you can use to hack them. it's called cdhk. when you go through and use this program, basically you can tell the camera to do pretty much anything you want. >> wow. >> i felt like it was a pretty good system to use for this. it seemed to work out. >> it seemed to work out. now, how did you track it though? did you have a gps system of some sort? >> yeah a gps system. it made everything a little easier. we had some problems initially with the first test in the fact we were losing sell reception. we were kind of bouncing around. it said it was in one place, then it really wasn't there. eventually narrowed it down. >> the thing goes 4 miles in the air, takes phenomenal photos. you track it down. when you started to look at the pictures, what did you think? >> it was -- actually i didn't look at them at first because i was just ecstatic we actually found it. this was the first time we did it and the first time it was a long trek to find it. this time with we found it i was like all right, let's get back to the car. let's get back there. i'm so excited with long with my buddy. we didn't look at it all. we get to the back of the car and open it up and look in the cameras. just completely blown away. i was surprised at how well it looks. >> the ijages are phenomenal. in your wildest dream, if you were a kid -- anybody ko do this. it's not like it was horribly complicated, right? >> it's not horribly complicated. there's a lot of things you need to take into concern beforehand. if you're going to be releasing a balloon, i mean you obviously need to go through and -- >> faa -- >> -- realize you should contact the faa. there are certain regulations. stuff you should take care of beforehand. anybody could do this thing. it's a wonderful project schools should be engaging in. it gets people to think outside the box. hopefully, literally, colin, may i suggest to you as you're thinking outside the box, maybe you could call either the department of energy or bp and let them know whatever ideas you're conjureing up about how to plug the hole in the bottom of the sea. >> maybe we'll put weather balloons in there. >> something. >> colin rich phenomenal pictures and great fun. thanks for taking the time to speak with us today. >> thank you. still to come we'll meet one of the country's youngest movery reviewers and get his picks for summer flicks. crafted to be exceptionally smooth... decadently rich... delightful... chocolate... bliss. hershey's bliss chocolate. crafted for bliss. [ female announcer ] what if styling your hair to make it look good was good for it, too? aveeno introduces nourish + style, the first line of styling products with active naturals wheat to fortify while you style for a healthy hold that lasts more than 12 hours. new aveeno nourish + style. [ female announcer ] introducing new stouffer's toasted subs. 4 varieties like meatball italiano made with delicious meats and melted cheeses on bakery fresh tasting bread that crisps in the microwave in minutes. the taste of your favorite sub shop without leaving home. new stouffer's toasted subs. [ female announcer ] all you need for sensitive skin. all you expect from the number-one recommended detergent by dermatologists. all free clear is free of dyes and perfumes. and has powerful stainlifters to help get your whole wash clean. it's all good. ♪ ♪ daisy dukes ♪ a little california girl. that's girls, from katy perry. some people are saying this is the song of the summer. >> i believe so. it's catchy. you're shaking your head. you don't like it? >> no. >> have you seen the video? it's pretty racy. >> yeah, it's pretty good. >> cupcakes as, you know, bikini tops. >> well there you have it. >> there you see it. >> but coming up, what we're going to do this is in the running for what will be the song of the summer. so we're going to talk to somebody about what makes a super hit summer song. maybe even review a few of our own personal favorites. i hear that dave sort of stole harry's in a way. >> i responded first to the e-mail. >> right. but you responded with the right group but with the wrong song. >> i'm sorry. i didn't read your last column in "rolling stone." >> that's because it's not out until this week. don't worry. we'll take care of all that just ahead on "the early show." meanwhile, start doing a little dance. it's the first day of summer. work out the kinks. ♪ in the summertime ♪ 8:25 and here's i-95. i was just on i-90. that's what i meant. a little bit of a breeze. you can see corner here. we're cruising towards 80 and sunny and hot. high of 91 degrees. sharon gibala, good morning. wjz-13 tv traffic control. hi, good morning, everyone. not bad, things improved and the worst problem you'll face is on 100. an accident there involving an overturned vehicle and another accident there. and liberty and 95 southbound, still closed. and there's a look at the drive times and the speeds. and that's the slowest spot on the westside. and there's a live look at 95 and white marsh. this is brought to you by hh greg. browse through a selection of 100 digital tvs. back to you, don. and in the news, the budget battle continuing in baltimore city. some are trying to revive the bottle tax. with one council member changing their vote to a yes, they have until the end of the month to approve it. the vote was defeated last week. they'll cut back on street sweeping and graffiti removal problems and they'll rotate the fire house closiers and 71 works workers will lose their jobs. don, back to you. >> and an update on a shooting. the wife of a woman was killed husband called the police after they got into a fight and the woman showed a gun to the police officer and the officer shot at her. a new study finds that a cell phone ban may not make the roads safer. are crash data was compared to places with no restrictions and on average, they didn't see fewer car accidents. . stay with wjz-13, up next, a salute to summer and the season's movies. ♪ a beautiful summer morning here on "the early show." just ahead, it was -- you think summer, there's summer songs, driving around top down, music blaring. 2008 the song that may have been blaring, "umbrella," in 2009 black eyed peas boom boom pow. we'll take a look at top contenders for the summer anthem of 2010. also coming up he's been called the loopy love child of regis philbin and roger ebert, perhaps a fitting description since this 11-year-old movie critic idolizes them both. we'll meet the emmy-award winning boy known as lights camera jackson and see why he's become such a blockbuster hit. >> and our katie lee is here with great recipes to help keep you slim and sexy all season long. yeah, we like that. some very tasty summer salads. >> before we get to that, it's time for a final check of the weather. i'd love to call you slim and sexy, dave, but i can't. >> hold on. hold on. what am i missing? is it slim or -- >> you're slim. >> i'll just -- i'll let you figure that out on your own. >> what prohibits you from saying it paying that compliment? >> you don't find him sexy. >> maybe it's just too sexy for morning tv. >> there you go. >> work it there, dave. work that weather. >> by the way, happy anniversary to your sister celebrating an anniversary. >> very sweet. thank you. >> happy birthday to my mom. happy day to everyone out here from oak park middle school in leesburg, florida. nice people visiting. we have let's take a look at the forecast. 91 degrees is the high. and sunny and hot, 66, clear and partly cloudy. by the way. it's in the mid-70 now. tomorrow, watch for an afternoon thunderstorm. high of 93 and hot an humid wednesday. temperatures shy of 100. thursday, friday, satutu that's a quick look at your weather picture. happy summer and thank you for visiting the show today. there we go. erica, inside to you. >> they came to see that sexy weatherman, dave. summer is officially here and so is "early show" contributor katie lee. here with some great summer salads to get your beach bod in shape. so i can eat a summer salad and look better on the beach? >> absolutely. it depends on the summer salad you eat. a lot of salads we think we're making a healthier choice by ordering a salad but they have just as much fat as a big mac and fries. >> or sometimes more all those hidden things. >> exactly. >> it's important we put what things in our salad? >> the great thing about salads is that it's a lot of raw vegetables. raw vegetables have a high water content which will make your skin appear more supple and healthy, you know help reduce the appearance of cellulite. >> i'll take that. >> exactly, right? leafy greens like this beautiful kale and spinach, all of that has a high care carotenoid level. a new study says that makes your skin look kind of tan so you look better. and levels of vitamin "c" help you to not have collagen breakdown. so, all really good for your bikini body. by adding a whole grain like brown rice or couscous, that will give you more fiber and not have those blood sugar spikes which makes you store fat instead of burn it. >> our first summer sad lal is a take on the traditional cobb salad which tastes good but not good for you. >> i love a cobb salad but they can have up to 50 grams of fat. as soon as i found that out, i quit ordering it. this is a lightened up cobb salad. i have our butterburg lettuce. i cut out the blue cheese. >> not even a sprinkle? >> you can have a sprinkle. and lean turkey. lean protein is a crucial link in weight loss and makes you feel like you're getting more of a male. a meal. and egg would its, and tomatoes gives us lycopene. i'm using a chicken bacon. >> turkey bacon i've heard of. >> this is a new product from murray chicken bacon with only 35 calories a slice. you want to try a bite? it's really good. >> is there much difference between this and the turkey baken? >> well, i like the flaif. >> it's more flavorful. >> and it has that nice church. >> put in a little chicken. avocado. good fat if avocados. >> good fats are important because a lot of the fats in the vegetable are fat soluble so you need a little. >> the dressing? i've done a nice creamy dijon. this has a lot of flavor. the dijon mustard will give you the extra little bit to make you feel like you're having -- >> a little extra kick. >> a nice extra kick. we'll give this a toss. it's so nice and colorful. >> you have to have color in your salad, especially for summer, i agree. >> real yummy. >> i'll try a little bite. >> this is one of my favorites. a thai beef salad. >> i like this because it has a little kick in it. >> so, so good. you might think beef, is that healthy? this is sirloin so it's a leaner cut. i've done it on the grill. i'm going to add bell peppers for our vitamin "c," cucumbers with a high water content so good for the cellulite. >> i'm going to move you along. >> the dressing is chili sauce, fish sauce, lime juice, soy sauce and a little bit of sesame oil. really flavorful. cilantro. adding fresh herbs to your salad will give it a lot of flavor. whisk it all up and put it on your salad. >> perfect. and then the last one you have too, pie favorite things. >> it is high fiber and a super food and high protein. that just goes right in with our lettuce. sugar snap peas. >> oh, yum. >> and also some strawberries. high antioxidants and gives us the sweet kick. >> i wouldn't have thought to put them together. a little salmon. what's in the dressing? >> lemon vinaigrette. if you don't havefy sal fyany salmon use canned salmon and it's wild. >> it's always wild. >> and reduces inflammation. katie, good have you with us. for these recipes logon to our website at at age 11 he's not old enough to see q-rated movies but he's won a local emmy. his name is jackson, or better known as lights camera jackson. and he joins us this morning. good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> so you do reviews for this television station. >> correct. >> don't you also do stuff for disney radio? >> yeah for the local radio disney station i send podcasts of my reviews to them. >> how old are you? 11. >> i'm 11. will be 12 in august. >> you just finished sixth grade? >> yes. >> how many years have you been doing this? >> starting with the radio disanyway station for 4 1/2 years. >> you have serious experience. >> thank you thank you. >> now do you remember -- i read that you first started going to movies your parent would take you to the drive-in. >> the drive-in. really young i went to the drive-ins. drive-ins are great. there are only 800 left in the country but i'm fortunate where i live. they're a great experience. i love going with my friends and family as well. >> sure. what's the first movie you remember seeing and saying, that is amazing? >> i probably -- when i was 1 i went to "tar zonzan." in 1988 in my mother's womb i went to "mulan." i started going to the regular movie when i was 5. >> let's talk about the summer blockbusters. >> some big ones. >> i want to get your take on, first of all, "the a-team". >> big budget action film entertaining, a big roller coaster adventure. it's a bill difficult to follow who the bad guys are but all you need to know is that the a-team are the good guys. really fun a lot of action a lot of explosions. there have been several bad action films recently. but this one is really fun, really entertaining. >> you like this one? >> yes. >> now, are you old enough to remember there was a tv show -- >> there was a tv show back in the '80s. >> never saw it? >> never saw it. >> all right. so from everything i've heard you describe, you liked it very much. you have a very specific grading system. >> i do have specific grading system. >> what is the specific grade you -- >> on the official record card "a-team" gets a "b." definitely not for the younger ones. it's rated pg-13. >> let's move on to another movie then. let's go to "the karate kid." >> interesting movie, a lot of fighting and bullying for jayden smith's character, i was surprised by a lot of bullying. and the young kids won't get why this is occurring about the fighting. they might even be scared by bullies some time in their life. >> bullies are kind of a fact of life, you know for kids in grade school kids in middle school for sure. >> did you identify with any of this or at least see this kind of notion of bullying out there? >> i thought it was crazy what was happening in the movie. very graphic. and there also isn't enough of a positive message. the performance of jaden smith and jackie chan, but overall, it's not that entertaining. >> wow, wow coming down hard on the remake of "the karate kid." >> on the official report card "the karate kid" gets a "c." strictly a rental. i don't know if you should rent it. definitely not for the young ones. >> wow. last but not least -- >> the big one. >> -- just out in theaters. >> number one movie in the country. >> made a lot of money over the weekend, over $100 million. we're talking about "toy story 3." >> really fun. really entertaining. it's really emotional, though. i got to tell you. being that they're putting this as the last in the series, andy's going to college. what's he going to do with the toys? they get sent to a day care center. really emotional. i don't cry in movies but i almost did because you feel so attached to these characters over the last 15 years that it's really hard to say good-bye. >> because you clearly have seen number one a lot. >> and number two as well. >> a lot, a lot, many, many times over. >> the best movie of the year "toy story 3" is loved it, so good, so entertaining. >> let's see it on the scale. we want to see how it rates on the scale. >> gets an "a." the best movie of the year. >> whoa. >> and i've got to tell you, it's probably the best of the series because it's so emotional. it wraps it up so well. they're going to make a new toy story short for next year before "cars 2" so this is not the last time we'll be seeing these characters on the big screen. >> how about a hand for lights camera jackson. >> thank you very much. >> good to see you. have a great summer at the movies. >> thank you, harry. >> definitely not the last time we'll see seeing lights camera jackson. it seems like each summer no matter how hard you try there is one song that bursts onto the scene, you can't get it out of your head no matter how hard you try. by august you have memorized every line. about-t can be tough to define a summer anthem but you certainly know when you hear it. >> you know there's a lot of different things that can make a great summer anthem or a summer song. one, for example, would be anything that mentions the state of california. ♪ i wish they all could be california girls ♪ >> you know a summer song as opposed to a hit any other time should make you feel like it's summer. when nellie said a few years ago it's getting hot in here, it sounded like summer. ♪ it's getting hot in here ♪ >> so he said, take off all your clothes. that only happens for me in the summer. all other time i'm fully clothed. >> if you have summer in the chorus it's a safe bet people will want to rock that in the summer. ♪ summer breeze makes me feel fine ♪ >> it can be so ubiquitous that you can't get away from it all summer long like rihanna's "umbrella," which i'm still hearing in my head, ella, ella, ella. ♪ hot time in the summertime ♪ >> if you look at the core big hits, they tend to be fun. they tend to be light-hearted. ♪ tonight's the fight ♪ >> nobody says it's 90 degrees we're in bathing suits, let's play "stairway to heaven." ♪ and she's buying the stairway to heaven ♪ >> is it too soon to declare this summer's song? it's going to be awfully hard to beat katy perry's "california gurls." ♪ undeniable ♪ >> it mentions california. that puts it at the top of the list. ♪ west coast represents ♪ >> super catchy. people are blaring it out of their cars and jeeps. have you seen that video? it's hilarious. completely playful, light, fluffy full of girls, wearing hot pants. that says summer to me. >> lisa paige is an personality at new york's 93.2 now fm here to help us define this year's hot summer songs. good to have you here. "california gurls" it's almost impossible to think it's the song of summer? >> it's a four-minute song of desserts. it's just crazy. >> in more ways than one. >> just ask harry his opinion on the video. >> no, it's definitely great for the summer. i have not met one person or talked to one person that doesn't love the song. it's constantly getting requested all the time. >> there are a few other songs out there getting a lot of attention. they may not be the it song of the summer but eminem has one out now. we have the new eminem? maybe. >> yeah, "not afraid." >> it's got -- >> that's if it's summer along eight mile. >> eminem has a new album out today, bounceback to relapse called "recovery" and he also has -- he's doing a collaboration with rihanna called "love the way you lie" which if you listen to the lyrics it's not the most uppity song but a huge hit and already getting a great response on the line from request lines. >> usher, who can do no wrong, but usher is out with a new one. do we have that? i think on so. ♪ she got love ♪ >> this is sort of almost a summer ballad not really a ballad but really is -- >> get me to the clubs. >> see you with butter later? >> yeah. >> wait, this monday, all right. >> yeah no usher, oh my god, huge. he's divorced so nearly single and women are loving it. it's been a couple years since he's been out. i mean -- >> so the ladies are thinking he's available. >> yeah. >> lady gaga who is never short on attention, alejandro. >> love this song. >> she's huge. everything i touches -- >> did i see it was compared to bonita? >> the madonna -- >> yeah a little. >> we were talking about that this morning. >> there's a little in there. we also did a poll of our anchors to see, because one of the things about a summer song it has to make you feel good right? so we have the anchor picks. i didn't have one because i'm lame and i don't have one that specifically says summer to me. harry, "jack and diane." i love that. >> mellencamp. >> never heard of that song. >> you're way too young. you are too young to have ever heard this song, right? >> that's your summer anthem? >> living in the heartland. >> kids doing the best that they can. >> that's right. >> that's what harry is doing every morning. ♪ life goes on ♪ >> betty, i was -- i read yours and i had to sit down "ice ice baby". >> yes vanilla ice. come on everybody. you have heard this song. >> you canned deny that one. >> it reminds me of high school my friend and her beretta, driving around -- >> if her beretta? >> does that date me? she was the first to drive, jamie ballad was her name, cruising the high school. yo vanilla ice. >> first and last hit. >> but it was the first pop song to top billboard charts so i'm not the only one who loved it. >> dave you went into the way back machine. >> right. initially i wanted "the long days of summer" with "sunrise and sunset" and i rethought it. then i went to the beach boys right, any beach boys song is a fine choice "surfin' usa," listen to this. >> it mentions california, makes you feel good. >> well, what do you -- according to mr. smith -- >> the true beach boys summer anthem -- >> oh, tell me, casey. >> -- is "good vibrations." that is the true -- >> i'm not going to deny that. you want to make a long distance dedication now? >> very nice. how about we dedicate this first day of summer to everyone watching. enjoy it. i hope you can sneak out to enjoy it for a little while. we'll be right back. lisa thanks for being with h ♪ girls were unforgettable ♪ ♪ daisy dukes ♪ ♪ byikinis ♪ >> summer songs are about youth, because you can remember those great songs that you played on the radio when you were going to the lake or you were going to the beach. >> or that was on every fight you went out with your friends from college that summer. >> it takes you out. >> you can really place yourself. >> exactly, no question. >> sitting there with my parents. watching my friends get in their cars. >> not a lot of -- >> those are the times. >> not much happened during your childhood, did it, dave? >> life in poughkeepsie. >> doesn't change that much. >> no, not at all. not at all. it's the longest day of the year kids the summer solstice. >> what do we have planned for the longest day of the year? >> i'm going do harry's house. he doesn't know that. well, i guess he does now. >> we have sort of ancient rituals. pagan rituals -- >> it's called harry harry -- >> that's a whole other segment for tomorrow. >> harry and his two tall sons stand in the way of the sunshine. >> if you see your shadow -- >> then you know summer has six more @ ♪ ♪ hey, resolve stain busters. this stain is ruining the look of my room it has to go! she needs resolve triple oxi advanced. ♪ ♪ [ tires screech ] [ doorbell rings ] [ lab-guy ] resolve triple oxi advanced. [ lab-girl ] its unbeatable new formula removes stains better than the others! everything looks great! ♪ ♪ [ lab-guy ] resolve triple oxi advanced. trust resolve. forget stains. for tough pet stains and odors try resolve pet stain carpet cleaner. it's now 8:00 55 and the first week of summer is starting out nicely. >> let's look at the forecast for the day. we're talking about 91 degrees. we'll have a sunny and hot day. it's humidity and hazy, and we'll recurve the real humidity for wednesday. clear and partly cloudy and tough night. tomorrow, clouds and sun and tomorrow, more humid and watch for a thunderstorm and 93 is the high and almost 100 on wednesday. it will be a bit warmer with the humidity. and the chance of thunderstorms, a good chance. someone will try to revive the bottle tax proposal. >> andrea fujii has the latest. >> reporter: one council member can change the vote. and with no boat tax, several services will take a hit. and they'll cut back on street cleaning services and graffiti removal and rotating the fire house closiers and 71 works employees will lose their jobs. right now, there's no indication that they'll change their minds. >> and two are dead following a violent weekend. the 19-year-old was killed in north washington saturday night. around the same time, another man was killed near pimlico. the police are looking into seven separate weekend shootings. all are unrelated. federalling a sis are calling the surrender programs an overwhelming success. several turned themes in during the program and many cases were resolved on the spot. and this is the first time that the city has hosted a safe sur reasonedder event. -- -- sur reasonedder -- surrender event. one year ago, two trains crashed killing nine people. they're calling for a quick passage of a bill for more safety. the orioles got off to a fast start sunday and scored four runs. and the top pitching prospect struggled on the mound and the birds lose 9-4. they get a travel day today and they're back in time tomorrow night. and stst n