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eremain mains had been found. tomorrow you might need something other than a coat. local retookds a the killing of a top al qaeda leader and the secret memo that authorized the strike. i'm doreen gentzler. >> and i'm wendy rieger. starting tomorrow getting caught with a cell phone while you are driving will mean a point on your license. drivers can not send or read text. it does not mean if you are in motion or stopped at a light. but there are questions about thousand thou law be enforced. let's get the latest live from darcy spencer. >> reporter: as you know, cell phones have many features now. you have your calendar and contact list. you have photographs. how does a police officer know you are texting and not using a feature on your phone? this law be virtually impossible to enforce. you see people texting everywhere you go whether walking on the sidewalk or driving a car. >> i have texted while driving at time. it is a matter of convenience and i try to get away with it. >> reporter: starting saturday will the be illegal to send or read a text message while behind a wheel or stopped at a red light in maryland. >> i believe that texting while driving is dangerous. >> reporter: cops will be allowed to pull you over if they catch you texting and hand you a fine and a point on your license. >> will the make people mindful of driving and texting at the same time. >> reporter: but will police be able to enforce the law and private their case in court? >> i think it is impossibility to enforce the law. there is virtually no way for a police officer to know whether a person who is operating a motor vehicle is texting or reading a text while driving. >> you will be able to drive and use a hand held gps device and that will create more confusion. >> i think they will just pull you over if you look like you are reading a text. sometimes i get lost and i use my gps own my phone. and i would hate to be pulled over. >> reporter: no matter how channelling, police will ticket drivers they think are breaking the law. >> it comes down to the individual officer and if he believe that the person is texting or receiving a text he would make the decision whether or not to pull someone over. >> reporter: here is one more aspect of the law, if police determine you are texting, caused an accident you will face a $110 fine and three points on your license. reporting live, darcy spencer. back to you. >> thanks, darcy. he was number one on the cia's kill or capture list. a top al qaeda leader is dead. anwar al awlaki was killed in yemen. he directed the failed underwear bombing attempt on christmas in 2009 and had a hand in the failed attempt to blow up u.s. carbo planes in 2010. u.s. officials say the strike killed one other person who is al qaeda's top saudi bomb maker. president obama called it a major blow to one of al qaeda's most dangerous affiliates. >> al qaeda and its affiliates will not find a safe haven in the world. >> anwar al awlaki was the ema'am at a mask in falls church. >> i think people need to become more knowledgeable about the variouses in each religion about the extremists and those who are just practicing to be honest individuals living a good life. >> there are concern that this drone strike sets a precedent for killing american citizens without due process of law. the washington post report that the justice department authorized the strike in advance and there was no dissent of the legal gality of killing saw alackey. there is chaos in the 2012 primary schedule. the decision sent iowa, new hampshire, nevada and south carolina scrambling to move their dates earlier. iowa is committed to having the caucus first and new hampshire said it would hold the primary in december if necessary. other states would have to give up half of their delegates. new video of casey anthony was released today from the moment she found out her daughter's remains had been found it it was shot in 2008. it shows casey appearing to double over and begin crying. a judge sealed the video in 2009 but the court said the video no longer impacted anthony's private to a fair trial. casey anthony was acquitted of murdering her daughter in july. she was found guilty on four counts of lying to the police. thieves steal copper to make a quick buck. but it is not just about the money any more. one new trend is endangering lives. >> reporter: fire officials tell us this is dangerous. the crooks are stealing coppers attached to water heaters and putting lives in danger. >> it was upsetting. >> reporter: thieves stole $1700 worth of copper piping from his house last month. >> the piping was stolen and the heater knocked over. >> reporter: he reached his boiling point. he was renovating his home and it was empty. today investigators said there have been 25 copper burglaries at vacant homes in the wood bridge areas. $14,000 worth. police say the thieves sell the copper at scrap metal yards. >> that is creating a buildup of gas which goes undetected in many cases for an amount of time and that creates not only a hazard to the citizens but also to first responders. >> it is makes me uncomfortable and worry for my mother and son's safety. >> reporter: fire officials don't have specific number bus have an increase of copper emergency calls in the last four months. >> the thyme that fire rescue devotes to these could be spent on other resources in time. >> reporter: jim had to spend $5,000 to repair the damage. he hopes police catch the copper crooks. >> they have done this to the so many others they deserve jail time. >> reporter: investigators want you to call the police wall yam county police department if you have information about the thefts or see suspicious people around vacant homes. in wood bridge, shomari stone, news4. >> you may want to get the blankets out. >> the temperatures out there right now 62 degrees. you walk outside it is a nice evening in the district. but some areas in the 50s. it feels cool especially with the wind out of the north-northwest at 14 miles per hour. we have cloud cover and a few showers throughout on the eastern shore. but look back to the west. 45 in elkins, west virginia. 46 in pittsburgh. that's the cooler air that is settling in the reonright now. how cool will it baa be and what else will you need besides the jacket? i'll show you. still ahead tonight, a teenager rushes into a hotel to save one of the owners after a small plane crash. a family's persistence and a father's will to live make for a happy ending. on top of the town, [ speaking french ] [ speaking french ] movie buffs! this film is tres bien, but the interest rate on your checking account is le pew. interest on your checking? earn more with new high yield free checking at capital one bank. your interest rate will be five times the national average. five times the interest! and free atms at any bank. show's over folks. make your way to capital one bank. what's in your wallet? were you crying? yeah. the pilot of a small plane was killed when his aircraft crashed into a hotel in kentucky today. one woman inside the hotel was injured. according to a local newspaper a 15-year-old boy ran into the hotel and rescued the woman. she has burns on her hands but is otherwise okay. the plane took off from a state park just minutes before the crash. an office manager in sterling, virginia is accused of embezzling half a million dollars from the company. prosecutors say between 2004 and 2010, she added fake names to the company payroll and then deposited their paychecks into her personal bank account. she is accused of using company credit cards to buy tickets and appliances. it is a survival story. a man in california is alive tonight and he has his children to thank. 67-year-old david drove his car off a cliff a week ago. he went 150 feet down into a ravine. this was too injured to get back up the ravine and drank rain water and ate whatever he could find. his son and daughter set out to find him and last night heard his cries. >> i thought i heard a voice and i said hello and someone said help. >> he is desai hie duranted but is expected to make a full recovery. wow. still to come, a dramatic day in the trial of conrad murray as the first paramedic to treat michael jackson takes the treat michael jackson takes the stand. ture, you're always looking ahead... to what's next... to what's possible confident... that taking action now, is the way to create... a better tomorrow. that's why we're announcing, that with the planned merger with t-mobile, at&t will begin bringing five thousand jobs to america from overseas. we will invest eight billion dollars more... and deploy the next generation of wireless broadband to nearly everyone in america. this investment will create as many as ninety-six thousand american jobs. here at at&t, we believe in the future. we're not hesitating. we're investing in america now. why? well, we know it's good business. because america... has always been... and always will be... a smart investment. at&t. the people who tried to save michael jackson's life took the witness stand today against the pop star's doctor. dr. conrad murray listened no court as the paramedics gave their accounts of a frantic scene. >> reporter: testimony on day four focused on what happened moments after this ambulance arrived at michael jackson's home. and the lead paramedic testified he was in full cardiac arrest. according to testimony he asked dr. murray if he had underlying medical issues and if any drugs had been given to him. >> he said nothing. he has nothing. >> did you hear dr. murray provide information regarding any medications that he had given mr. jax someone. >> no, ma'am. >> reporter: but martin blunt testified he saw three bottles of lidocaine near the bed. >> what is lidocaine? >> it is a heart drug. >> did the paramedics administer any? >> no, ma'am. >> reporter: the defense tried to offer insight into why murray didn't tell the paramedics about the propofol right away? >> you asked whether he was on recreational drugs correct? >> i don't remember. >> reporter: both paramedics described repeated attempted to resuscitate jackson before he was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. >> you can expect to see more people scaling the outside of the washington monument this weekend. these are pictures of the engineers doing the inspections for the earthquake damage today. they done looking at the tones near the top of the monument. the park service says they will be focusing on find anything loose debris. the group expects to wrap up their inspections by tuesday. they had a great day today. >> as lovely as it was to be hundred there today not that nice tomorrow. >> no. and it's really not, and not just because it will be cooler but we have a chance for shower activity tomorrow. you combine the temperatures with the clouds and with the showers and the wind and you get a day to stay inside and paint the houses. i don't know if they are going to be out there tomorrow. out there at the kennedy center tonight a nice night. a lot of people enjo joying what is going on out there. it is not that cool for this time of year. the average high is 74. we hid 76. the hoe temperature is 61 degrees. the coolest temperatures, the coolest high temperatures since april 9th. that was 58 degrees. 62 degrees is the current temperature. the dew point is 47. fairly dry. the winds at 14 miles per hour behind the frontal boundary. now we are cooling down. 57 right now in winchester. and 55 in gaithersburg. cooler air moving in across the region. but it's not going to be all that cold when you wake up. it's just going to be cooler than what we've seen so far this season. there is rain in the delmarva but it has moved to the east after providing maryland with a good amount of rain. all the ray up in philly and new york city where the game is currently still delayed at this moment as a result ofhe rain. as for the frontal boundary that is moving out. behind it the cool and breezy conditions and the chance of showers tomorrow. the cool, breezy air continues for the day on saturday with another chance of showers. you will need the jacket and umbrella on saturday, on sunday, and probably on monday. but they will be light showers for the most part. but the area of low pressure is not going anywhere soon and could stick around all the way through tuesday. the rain moving off around the area. but tomorrow morning notice the band of showers trying to norm around the region. we could see some tomorrow morning. and tomorrow afternoon around 5:30 everybody getting in on the action. the best chance to stay dry south and east of washington. and the best chance for snow, the higher peaks of west virginia but is it not going to amount to a lot and we don't have to worry about it. tomorrow morning, partly cloudy, breezy and cooler. the temperatures in the upper 40s to lower 50s. tomorrow afternoon will the be a cool one. scattered showers and breezy and chilly. 55 to 59 degrees with winds gusting up to 20ta 25 miles per hour tomorrow afternoon. high of 60 on sunday. we keep the shower chance on monday and tuesday but starting to get better every day. by wednesday, thursday, and friday, nice may be an understatement. i think will the be beautiful. >> still kind of far off though. at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call greater washington, d.c. home. from supporting an organization that helps new citizens find their way... to proudly supporting our washington redskins... and partnering with a school that brings academic excellence to the anacostia community. because the more we do in greater washington, d.c., the more we help make opportunity possible. we have the highlights right after this. we have redskins' stuff? >> we have a huge game on sunday. >> that's what they're telling us. >> this is a must-win game. you can't go 2-2 into the bye week. the rams have not been tough this year. they allowed the second most yards and points in the nfl this season. should be an easy win for the redskins right? st. louis has won two of the last three games against washington. and chris cooley knows the rams won't just roll over. >> when you look at them, they play very hard. i think they are a very solid, well-coached football team. it's a challenge for us. everyone likes to say we are just saying that but that's the facts. >> my mother said you don't want to fight someone with nothing to lose. they will come out swinging. they are in a situation where you don't want to set off the own four. it makes a lot of your hopes and dreams unattainable. church chill versus gaithersburg. churchill scampers for the touchdown and takes the lead. fourth quarter, gaithersburg answers. reyes to brown. touchdown trojans. cuts the deficit to 15-13. just under three minutes to go, gaithersburg to score. races down the sidelines. knocked out of bounds at the 10 yard line. reyes, oh, man can't handle the snap. it's jacob who recovers for churchill and the bulldogs win it 15-13. churchill hands gaithersburg the first loss of the season. the capitals open up their regular season at home one week from tomorrow. tonight pre-season hockey at home against the sabres. vokoun getting the start. mike green the shot from the point. ryan miller makes the stop. game tied at 3. we go to a shootout. in the shootout, backstrom looking to put the caps on top. he does. here we go. up next for the sabres is luke adam trying to keep buffalo alive. but vokoun makes the save. the caps win 4-3 in a shootout and host chicago in their pre-season finale on sunday. after two world series titles in eight seasons, terry fran cone that is out in boston. the red sox and francona decided to part ways. the red sox are the first team to miss the playoffs after having a nine-game lead in september. the tampa bay rays came out swinging against the rangers. game one of the divisional series. this is six-year-old cooper stone. he is the son of the man who died after falling to catch a ball that was tossed into the the stands by josh hamilton. two on, two out, the fan makes the catch and throws it back. the first of two homers in the game for him. he finished with five rbis. game two is tomorrow night. the tigers-yankees game is suspended because of rain. they will try to play game one tomorrow night. a lot of fans are waiting for that series to get underway. that will ♪ ♪ [ multiple sounds making melodic tune ] ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, every innovation, every solution, comes together for a single purpose -- to make the world a safer place. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. teacher openjm be the martin luther king memorial lie brain will be open on sunday afternoons after all. the d.c. leaders were planning to close the library. but a last-minute reprieve will keep the doors open for readers. the mlk memorial library is the only one in the city that is open on sundays. sneez he no matter how you say it, one teacher in california wants his students to stop it. he got so sick hearing god bless you after a sneeze he god- what i said it doesn't mak sense. >> some kids said it was getting out of hand. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you. . ♪ i love you baby. >> a former ucla student enlisted a flash mob to help his propose. hundreds of people assistanted dancing to the song i love you baby as he walked on campus with his girlfriend. he joined in and got down on one knee. his girlfriend was embarrassed >> announcer: it's "the tonight featuring rickey minor republican presidential

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