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oscar goes to. carousel was safe to be in the dark comedy makes movie history becoming the 1st column language film to win the oscar for best picture. but we begin in syria where government forces have killed 5 turkish soldiers in the northwestern it lived province a turkish base in the region came under heavy shelling and korea has deployed soldiers in response to the syrian army's recent advances meanwhile opposition fighters have become a military offensive to push back against the government's video appears to show the rebels with nearly supplied turkish armored vehicles at le province and parts of neighboring aleppo are syria's lost opposition strongholds nearly 700000 people have been displaced by fighting. in this part of the country since december well seen of course you were is in syria close to the turkish border she says directs confrontations between syrian and turkish forces are changing the nature of the war the says the highest tension because the school ation between damascus and on car since the syrian civil wars began 9 years ago because the 2 armies have never confronted each other directly they have never combative each other directly until last week as syrian army hits a turkish convoy that was eventually bringing reinforcements to the turkish military observation posts inside this commission is expected to arise because the diplomats of talks doesn't bring any solution on the table turkey and russia as a go in terms of. this collision zone 2 delegations met in the turkish capital ankara last week and today there was a meeting which lasted less than and shorter than expected to build a geisha and it is still pretty place and turkish foreign minister said today that there is no response i meant to size couldn't come around in a dish a shim point it is actually a question for everyone what is going to happen what how moscow is going to respond because it seems the syrian government wants the turkish military observation post the turkish military presence out of it appears collations on this fight brokered cease fires and everything they want to advance because currently they are controlling at this one 3rd of the province and the syrian government has vowed to take control of all of that but by naming anyone they're opposed to the regime as terrorists this is what turkey has been against. well it seem a world health organization experts has now arrived in china to investigates the coronavirus i brake the global death toll has reached $910.00 after china reported $97.00 more deaths as the single that's the biggest single day increase in the country since the outbreak began millions of people were expected to go back to work on monday as an extension to the lunar new year holiday came to an end but says katrina a year reports from beijing many people decided to stay at home. street is usually bustling with crowds but this week it's living up to its name the lunar new year holiday has ended but fears of the coronavirus are keeping many businesses closed. his stall is one of the few that are open that customers are scarce but he still careful about who he allows inside delivery men are kept at a distance. how you would hire should come to your entire door that deliver driver has been to 2 very places and i have had contact with too many people so i need to be walk around workers like here. those staying indoors rely on these drivers for food and he says it is but the threat of the virus is taking its toll you know you through italy and of course i am scared this virus is very serious but what can i do i have to keep this job all i can do now is wearing the mask and gloves. millions of workers have yet to return to the city those who have missed health or she's which provinces they have traveled from. beijing's usually crowded subway is operating at half capacity those not wearing masks are being turned away before entering residential compounds or office buildings people must 1st have their temperature checked now. those find the temperatures higher than 37.5 degrees celsius let's go directly to a hospital to be to. in hyde the epicenter of the outbreak streets remain deserted residents are allowed to leave home only to collect food and supplies but elsewhere scenes so quiet. unverified videos of people being forced from their homes into quarantine that are circulating on chinese social media the world health organization has called for calm it sent a team to china to observe the government's response team will be bringing some of the world class epidemiologists from the w.h.o. that will be able to really understand the transmission dynamics going on understand the severity of illness understand the challenges that china is facing with this outbreak and it will really give the world hopefully a good glimpse of what's going on in china medical experts say the majority of coronavirus cases are mild but many in china are not taking any chances to train e.u. al-jazeera beijing otitis president sitting here in the period on state t.v. promising his government's efforts to contain the epidemic will prevail brian has more from hong kong. we haven't seen much of president xi jinping during the past couple of weeks that changed on monday when state television broadcast pictures of him visiting a district of beijing he met neighborhood representatives volunteers and medical workers and there he was wearing a surgical face miles i think that's possibly the 1st time we've seen the chinese president wearing a face mask he also had his temperature taken this was president xi jinping doing his best to burnish his man of the people image he also came to deliver a message he said that together the chinese people the country can overcome this virus if they work together. we must fight the battle for total warfare and the people's war against the epidemic with full confidence we must have the confidence that we will definitely when president xi jinping also wanted to deliver another reassuring message today and that was on jobs he said that the government would prevent large scale job losses that's because of course china's economy has been battered by this fire as thousands of factories across the country are now standing idle it's a reminder that the world depends on china for so much but so much of what it's producing simply isn't leaving the country and this cern one of the world's largest car producers in japan announced it was shutting production of one of its major plants the problem is the supply chain just last week high on day a south korean car manufacturer said it was having to hold production because it couldn't get the parts it needed from china it's bad now it's going to get much worse. well the woman designated to replace german chancellor angela merkel has unexpectedly quits as leader of the governing c.d.u. undergrads karrenbauer is stepping down amid a crisis over a decision by regional representatives to also alongside the far right a f t well that broke a longstanding agreement among mainstream parties to shun far right groups a cd you must know and the chief is take it into the next general election next year let's get more now from dominic cain he joins us live from berlin and dominate just start by tell us how significant a development the sense for german politics at the moment. pretty significant on the face of it hollow because this was the lady who had as it were being prepared being groomed to take over from anger to america from the present chancellor in time to stand as the candidate for her party for the christian democrats in the general election in late summer early autumn 2021 all those hopes those ambitions are now dashed dashed because of the perception among people in her party but also in the wider political classes and in the media that this person include come on bar had become gaffe prone had become unable to leave her party that she would make statements about wide federal policy but not able to really bring the people in this states of germany with her people in her own party that is certainly that was the accusation that was leveled at her last week after the events in 13 year that you referred to but also this weekend has just gone certainly there were newspaper articles and then there was a statement from angle americal saying that she believed that what had happened in the ring year was unthinkable forgivable excuse me and so when karen bar faced the media reporters this after this afternoon this is what she had to say. sat in the stump you get as far as i'm concerned this is no impact on the stability of the grand coalition government i was the party leader and i am the party leader and i will remain in this position for the foreseeable future what i have said is that i will not run for chancellor but other than that the situation has not changed. let's leave something repair a vacuum does it not mean are there any contenders vying to replace and a great crank out kraven bar. difficult name to say i don't have to worry about that that name in the in the general election campaign of next year hala but the point here is actually when she says nothing has changed that's really her opinion many people believe that the situation has changed radically because curiously enough right now we don't know who will be leading any of the mainstream parties into the general election because each party has to nominate what's called the shits and candy dart a top candidate the person who would take the chancellorship if that particular party either one a majority which is unlikely or emerge as someone who could lead a coalition from the christian democrats perspective the early attention following muskrat karen bars announcement is friedrich smelts that's the man who challenge her in december of 2018 he'd been a friend of angle americal zz until about 15 years ago she then sidelined him he made his way back he battled back from a political wilderness and ran muskrat karrenbauer a close 2nd but if the christian democrats opt for him his brand of conservatism is traditional conservatism much more to the rights than has been the case for angular machall so a choice for him by his party would be a clear sign that the c.d.u. wants to move to the right apart from him right now there's a great deal of speculation as to who else might challenge him for for this role but being be clear of this will not take place immediately the current party did ana that will stay there until the summer in other words allowing her party the time to try to find other people who might challenge for it melts and of course all the other parties are doing the same things are right now but have a power vacuum as you say with the one caveat though the person in charge of this country politically is still angular markel she is by far and away the most popular politician in this country and so for. or at least she shows no sign of wishing to go any earlier than she absolutely has to which of course is at the end of this parliament in the late summer early autumn of next year and well it's a blessing for all of us who have difficulty with these german pronunciations for dominic kane thank you very much indeed. what's more still to come here on al-jazeera including unstoppable. why the un is mourning over the most devastating plague ever any south africa within weeks and we're in the usa sophie hampshire of a climate change is on the minds of voters but will it change their preference for president. hello we've got some dry weather pushing into japan for the time being basin places of rain sleet and snow clearing away from honshu from the cot i brought the skies coming back a bit higher still a few wintry flurries there for tuesday but to the south of that slushy settled and sunny and i we got so wet a weather meanwhile across central and southern parts of china that could be the driving force as we go through the next couple days the rank gathers that they could play a very big downpours a possibility of some localized flooding in that wetter weather will also make its way across south korea towards q sure into southern parts of honshu for wednesday not a bad day in tokyo actually temperatures here around 14 celsius in the sunshine meanwhile sunshine and showers so cross southeast asia a few of those showers still affecting southern parts of india china a few of those showers affected the philippines but the the west the weather certainly further south not bad across borders we'll see some rather wet weather there into indonesia pushing over towards pop in new guinea and more of the same as we go on through why the stay the showers do slide their way up the. southern parts of thailand generally try but wanted to share was certainly a possibility here i wanted to show was a possibility into southeastern parts of india over the next couple of days more sorry just like to the north of that it's dry. on counting the cost to spike of our. to stop propping up straw men in africa france's backing a libyan war and child dictator isn't all about the oil plus the new case finally clears one british hurdle what does it mean for one of the worst performing industrial economies. counting the cost on al-jazeera. illustrates your fears a wise thing about china's growing influence on university campuses. one o one east investigates how beijing is moving. on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera a quick reminder of the headlines for you now turkey says syrian government forces have killed 5 of its soldiers in northwestern syrian government troops attacked their military post there earlier syrian opposition forces began a military offensive to push a regime troops a team of w.h.o. experts has arrived in china to investigate the coronavirus a break coble death toll from the illness has reached $910.00 china announced $97.00 more deaths on sunday the biggest single day increase since the epidemic began. the women designated to replace german chancellor angela merkel as unexpectedly quite as leader of the governing c.d.u. party and a great scrum karrenbauer is stepping down over a decision by regional representatives to vote alongside its the far rights a.f.c. . the campaigns to win the white house goes up another gear on choose day or to rallies are underway right now in the battleground states of new hampshire where they will cast the ballots in the 1st primary election the state's offer. shows the level of supports presidential contenders have and the results can either build or lose momentum dependent voters are importance in new hampshire because they far outweigh republicans and democrats and unlike most states independents can cast votes in either primary when it comes to the general election democrats have won the state in 6 of the past 7 presidential votes butts in 2016 hillary clinton barely won i just 0.4 percent or poll suggests one of the biggest issues is combating climate change but as al-jazeera as patty cool hand reports from the town of sandwich that won't necessarily impact the votes. new hampshire is all about the outdoors in every season most will tell you it's why they live here but everywhere you look you see signs it's not like it used to be when i started studying climate change into martha carlson is a sugar maker one of the hundreds responsible for creating new hampshire's iconic maple syrup about a decade ago she noticed her trees were changing the syrup was getting darker so she went back to school and got her doctorate to understand what was happening in the short answer climate change as it's less sweet than it was a century ago a century ago the average sap for material would be 3 percent or even 3 and a half percent now it's 2 or maybe 1.8 percent sugar now why is it less sweet is the trees making less sugar because maybe they're too caught climate change is impacting all aspects of life in new hampshire and this state has an outsized role in determining who gets to be president and they say climate change really matters to them but it doesn't seem to impact their vote after all he was on the campaign trail donald trump pretty much denied climate change and the state overwhelmingly voted for him in the last primary that is a challenge for katherine corkery of the sierra club i think trying to find solutions to the climate crisis is hard and there is not a lot of. solutions that come to mind quickly that will address it i can explain politics i can just tell you about budgets and carlson though thinks it's changing because the climate undeniably is the sugar producers said they are by and large conservative thinkers they said climate change was a hoax slowly over these last. helen as a mentor 10 years or more they've seen the darker syrup and they have seen these odd seasons the seasons are much more variable seen the problem and in a unique position to try and fix it by deciding the people that make the policies are getting another chance this tuesday perigal hain l. jazeera sandwich new hampshire vote counting is continuing for a 2nd day in arlen's historic general election a surge in support for left wing tsun fein has put it ahead of the 2 dominant sense of right parties for the 1st time leader mary lou mcdonald's has called it a revolution in irish politics no one party will win in a sense to form a government and mcdonald's has already approached other left when leaders for coalition talks but she says she and fein is open to discussions with 5 holes. they dance from across africa have concluded 2 days of talks on how to bring security to the continent's this year's african union summit focused on curbing regional violence of countries can embrace developments and boost their economies after hours of meetings the use peace and security council called on the international community to stop outside interference in libya we want this iteration of force to be fully respected. we want the un embargo all armaments to libya also to be strictly respected and we want an immediate cessation of all external interventions and interferences in libyan affairs. it is the worse invasion of desert locusts in a quarter of a century the food supplies and livelihoods of millions across east africa and south asia are under threat the situation has been declared a national emergency in some countries including somalia and pakistan priyanka gupta has this report. up on the trees and down in the fields. swarms of locusts are everywhere a 1000000000 of these desert insects are sweeping across east africa destroying crops and livelihoods as they fly from one country to the other. 10000000 people in the region are now at risk of hunger and famine. we depend a lot on the season our worry that locusts will destroy our harvest and will end up remaining hungry throughout the rest of the year. so malia has declared a state of emergency after its worst locust infestation in 25 years they are predicting in large numbers mostly remote areas under the control of al-shabaab and that's making it nearly impossible to fight the world's most dangerous mike retreat pests. the un says the most devastating plague of locusts in living memory could be within weeks if the world doesn't do enough to stop the outbreak we have about 12000000 people who are already in the humanitarian assistance in terms of food security programs what we are afraid is that with the invasion of. this area and you know it's done bursts and the quantity of food that this locust are you think we think that it will create. that there were further that are a lesson of the for security situation climate experts say and unusual bought of heavy rain in the region and a powerful cyclon and somalia last year i. some of the reasons behind the outbreak . and with more rain predicted in the coming weeks things are expected to get worse if the weather conditions prevail and this breeding you're seeing here continues all along northern somalia more than it's your the new member you'll end up having nearly $500.00 times the populations but we want to do with invading broadswords all that if you'll be a. desert locusts can travel up 250 club it is a day from parts of east africa millions of them have reached pakistan which too has declared a national emergency the threat of these ratios creatures feeding on farms and fields now seems more widespread and ever more urgent. al-jazeera. france's northwest coast has been battered by high winds as europe continues to feel the effects of strong kiera major flood warnings have been issued in several areas and power has been cut to thousands of homes you more hundreds of flights have been cancelled when meteorologists say the worst has passed but alerts are still in effect. movie history has been made at the 92nd academy awards film from south korea won the biggest prize of the night's best picture for its satirical week and class divisions well to serious rob reynolds has more now from hollywood and they are score goes to. parasite i am night of triumph for south korean cinema and director paul june home for the 1st time in the oscars night to hear history a film in a language other than english one the top award surprising many critics and so-called hollywood insiders. honks critically acclaimed story of wealth class power and deceit swept best director best screenplay and best international feature film in addition to best picture. thank you i mean i think on to next morning thank you. renee zellweger the star of judy won the best actress award for brilliant and emotional portrayal of one of hollywood's late stars judy garland misguide you were certainly among the heroes he knights in the final. as widely predicted joaquin phoenix won the best actor award for his electrifying portrayal of poverty despair and mental illness in joker he made a plea for social justice animal rights and lo for the planet whether we're talking about gender inequality or racism or career rights or indigenous rights or animal rights we're talking about the fight against injustice we're talking about the fight against the belief that one nation one people one race one gender or one species has the right to dominate control and use and exploit another with impunity brad pitt was selected as best supporting actor for once upon a time in hollywood and laura dern won her 1st oscar for best supporting actress in marriage story this is the best birthday present ever only one person of color was nominated for an acting award cynthia in harry and she didn't win. there was. much criticism of the lack of racial and gender diversity and exception is st louis superman the 1st oscar nominated film commissioned in produced by al jazeera as program series witness which has an african american as its lead character to indian american filmmakers and to producers from malaysia not felt like you know at this my time to stand the broadcast which for the 2nd year in a row was presented without a host seemed flat and sluggish at times perhaps a reflection of the uncertain times we live in but after all diversion and distraction is what the movies are all about and so the show must go on rob reynolds al-jazeera hollywood. correspondent rob mcbride has been speaking to people in south korea's capital but what they make of parasite success parasite is a biting satire on life in south korea right now that has obviously resonated with a global audience it tells the story of a family of have nots who were desperately poor and who managed to trick their way into the service of a much wealthier family of halves it starts as a slightly quirky strange comedy but quickly descends into a very macabre and dark fable it was when it was released here in south korea very quickly a commercial and critical success that went on to win a 1st international recognition with a palm door at the cannes film festival and then a golden globe but certainly this oscar win puts it now in a league of its. i was thrilled at the 1st time so i recommend to my friend a friend and so yeah it was a really amazing phenomenal back for time yeah. our society shouldn't differentiate between the haves and the have nots people should be able to live together. how do you know it's a great honor for the korean film industry i'm sure that other directors will be inspired by this and will be able to create movies that are recognized around the world. for the director and now oscar winning director bung join how this is his 7th movie to previous films have had some international success but nothing like this for him the cost and the rest of the people who made this movie life will never be the same again. and finally a new mission to deepen signs his understanding of the sun has begun. and liftoff of r.'s $1500000000.00 solar won't get close enough to pass the sun's. a spare but it is. state voters the sun's poles something that's never been done before. this is al jazeera and these are the headlines turkey says syrian government forces have killed 5 of its soldiers in northwestern ill of syrian government troops attacked their military post there turkey says it has retaliated earlier syrian opposition forces began a military offensive to push 8 regime troops a team of w.h.o. expert says arrives in china to investigate the coronavirus i break the global death toll from the illness has reached 910 china announced 97 more deaths on sunday the biggest single day increase since the epidemic began the chinese president xi jinping has appeared on state television for the 1st time in several days where he reaffirms china's commitment to containing the corona virus outbreak the woman designated to replace german chancellor angela merkel has unexpectedly quits as leader of the governing c.d.u. party and a great scrap karrenbauer is stepping down amid a crisis over at the session by regional representatives to vote alongside the far right a.f.p. that broke a longstanding agreement among mainstream parties to shun far right groups the cd you must now elect a new chief to take it into the general election next year such when the sum you get as far as i'm concerned of the says no impact on the stability of the grand coalition government i was the party leader and i am the party leader and i will remain in the spaces for the foreseeable future what i have said is that i will not run for chancellor but other than that the situation has not changed. this year's african union summit ended with a call on the international community to stop outside interference in libya that day meeting focused on curbing regional violence so countries can embrace development and boost their economies. france's northwest coast has be battered by high winds as europe continues to feel the effects of storm kiera her has been cut to thousands of homes and hundreds of flights have been canceled. for those are the headlines stay with us on al-jazeera the u.s. continues after counting the cost. of the clock this is counting the cost on al-jazeera your week you look at the world business. this week france in africa despite propping up straw men on the continent france is backing a libyan war lawton chiles dictator is it all about the oil. well forces loyal to her leave or have to have blockaded the oil port stopped pipelines trying to get the economy much needed from. plus getting it done breaks it clears one hurdle but the long slog to news we find out what it means for one of the worst performing in dust.

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