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potential jurors about to walk again how are they going to narrow down this pool of prospective jurors to fill these last five spots. what do you think okay. >> here's here's how the process is going to go today. the judge's starting with a brand new panel of 96 potential jurors. and the first two questions he's going to ask are a do any of you have a hardship a job-related issue that prevents do from serving as a juror and b, are any of you so biased for or against either side in this case that you just don't think you could be fair and what the judge did the first time and he's going to do again is essentially anyone who raises their hand in response to either of those questions, you're out. no questions asked. and last time that cut the pool by more than half, they lost 50 people. whoever remains after that we'll then go through the questionnaire, the 42 questions that we see. we see some samples here up on the screen. >> after that, the judge will decide if they should if they can stay on the jury based on their impartiality. >> and then after that, the parties will get to exercise what we call their peremptory

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