Transcripts For CNNW Jose 20240702 :

CNNW Jose July 2, 2024

plan to run again at next year's festival. thanks for watching. i'll see you next sunday. [music playing] [jose] fofor our nextxt advent, mymy girls andnd i are in n ss amamazing capipital city, , mad. madrdrid. madrdrid. -[-[ines] whatat a view. -this isis amazing.. [carlolota] incrededible. [j[jose] thisis city has s beet the heart t of spanishsh cultur, hihistory and d of course,e, d for hundrereds of yearars. did yoyou know it't's also hoe toto spain's r royal famili. we are g going to fofollow a deliciouous and happppy fofood story.. this looooks so goodod. from cookikies commissssioned by a queueen. magnificenent. and thisis low roaststed la, a feasast for the e rich and powerfrful back inin the da. lelet me go ininside. to thehe food of t the peop, taststy, fillingng -oh,h, my god. -and affffordable, likeke patatas b bravas, a madridid creationn now loveved all overer the worl. mmm. along ththe way we are g going to vivisit ththe famous s street markt that helpeped to make e this ciy the centnter of tradade and foo. [all excxclaiming] [s[speaking inin spanish]] tasty,y, succulentnt bites on our w way, like totostas, spspanish open facaced sandwiciches. oh, my g god, this o one is s so good. we trackeded down sweeeet trs made b behind monastery walls for hundrereds of yearars. our r family fooood trip through h madrid will b be almost l like a te of t two cities.s. one withth fantasticic food ft for r royalty anand the otheher full of f hum, but tatasty mealss for evereryday peoplple. mamadrid is a a masterpiecee ofof architectcture with royal palaces and histstoric monumuments all l around us.s. it's day o one of our r trp anand i'm takiking the girs to thehe heart of this s great cityty. itit's old town, ththis is la p plaza mayoro, madrid most iconic square. since the middle ages, this site has been a thrivingng marketplalace whwhere, of cocourse, food t takes centeter stag. plaza mamayor was ththe centr of madririd. eveverything w will happenen e for centururies. i love thihis. but madrdrid really y began to flourisish in the 16th c century, when t the spanishsh royal famay made the c city its hohome. they build this majejestic squarare. it's beaututiful. kings and d queens andnd histo. just aroround the cocorner, we roroyal traditition in actc. [hornsns blowing]] ththis is santnta cruz palal, homeme to the foforeign mininis. ththis is amazazing. manyy ambassssadors presesent the crcredentials s to the e minister of foreieign affairsrs. and d these willll be like if you wenent back a few centnturies ago.o. these regagal soldiersrs haveve escorted d guests to andnd from the e royal pae fofor centurieies. the amazining thing ababout md is t that its roroyal tradits survive e by far beyeyond the ceremomonies. if youou know wherere to lo, you u can find t them in t the city's s food. [allll speaking g in spanish] [in englglish] thisis is baky el r riojano. run by pasastry chef roberto o martin. -i-it is amazizing. -[gigirl] it's i incredible. there's s so much toto see. queeeen maria chchristina of bororbon gifted this bakery to her pastry chef in 1855. she made t this all hahappen. [jose] now, almosost 200 0 years lateter, itit still supupplies the e e with fascinating p pastries. -[-[ines] wow.w. -[jose] ] amazing. girls,s, i don't k know about, but i ththink we shohould als eat t like royalalty. i want u us to try t the paa del coconsejo. councicil pastrieses. roroberto makekes the smalall ln cookieies by hand every week for palacece and statete meet. first invevented moree thanan 130 yearsrs ago when anothther queen wanteded to keep h her nanaughty son in line. the king alfonso xiii was just a small boy at the time, and he didn't want to sit around talking with the grgrownups. becaususe the kingng was ststill a younung boy, anand really t the queen w s the reregent queenen in chare of the c country. and so to o keep him k kind ofof entertainined duringg -t-these long,g, boring--- -but w without brereaking the cookieies into thoususands of pipieces anand making a a mess, ththey createded this onee which i i guess is h hard... [speaking g in spanishsh] eachch cookie isis shaped le ththe letter c c. the e "c" is foror the ststate councicil. the c isis for ththe state cocouncil. it will nenever break.k. these lemomon cookies s mighe hard t to break, bubut they tasaste much bebr ththan they lolook. chew t them good. . they crumb. gigirls, wait,t, there is s m. we c cannot leavave without tg the torrrrija de leceche. brbread dippeded in milk a ag and then f fried. this i isn't the r royal deset bubut it tastetes like foood fifit for kingngs. torrijija de lechehe is like the best t thing. it's a pieiece of breaead, somemetimes brioioche that you p put in the e milk, n you papass throughgh egg was, ththen you fryry it. and ththen you putut it in a a syrup. forgrget my dietet, i i have to eaeat this. [carlotata] i know y you're nt gonna a like this s compariso, bubut could yoyou say it's simr to a frerench toast?t? okay, i i don't wantnt to be tatalking thisis kind ofof nonsense e ever againi. the frenchch people cocopy evererything frorom us. -y-yeah, yeah.h. -obvioiously. it shoululd be calleled the e spanish totoast. thanank you. [in n spanish] okay, , dad, i knonow yoyou're passisionate abouot alall things s spanish. but let's s try this f fren, um, spananish toast.t. you'veve got to mamake some room foror us. yeah, , dad. you undederstand, ththis is a perfectition. perfectition of humamanity. this is s food heaveven. this gololden toastt has bebeen eaten i in madrd sisince the 1515th centuryr. during l lent when c christias coululdn't eat m meat, ththey will mamake the most ofof leftovebread inststead. once y you start e eating it, you eat t it quick because e it's so gogood. how w is it? howow is it? mmm. it's so swsweet and soso goo. and so crereamy and soso juic. mmm. silentnt language.e. [i[ines] whatat we've trird is s so heavenlyly, it wouould be rudede not to taste t the rest. so w we're orderering just a few w more pastrtries to . one, this s one. no, n no. i want thihis one too.o. no, , and i wantnt this one. i never r understoodod the susugar rush t thing. whatat is sugar r rush? whwho says i h have a a sugar rushsh? dodo you undererstand thatt you comeme to pastryry chef like thiss anand he's, lilike, new ththi, new thingsgs, old d things. ththings i kno, thingsgs i thoughtht i knew and i dididn't know.w. ththings that t are historor. [carlotata] okay, , dad, this has b been a blasast, but t i think ththis might be a a good time e to walk ofof alall that sugugar. -i-i want my, , my sugar r r. -i-i don't thihink you neeeede for your s sugar rush.h. what?? we're e eating whahat theyey would havave had hundreds o of years agago. that tradidition remaiains and it's's still delelicious. and itit's awesomeme how we've seenen how tradiditions have contitinued. i'm excited for what's in store for these next couple of days. [jose] day two of our trip, titime to explplore ththe city's t treasures.. madrid wasasn't just p prosperos becacause of itsts royal fama. in the 1 17th centurury, it ws one e of the grereat trading citities of eurorope. almost every street was dedicated to a craft like calle de botoneras. theyey were the woman that will make the buttons for the shirts. clues to the golden age of trade are everywhere. look, calle de cuchilleros, the street of the knifemakers. [jose] i'm m going to s show my daughteters what w wealthy merchants will eat when they came to madrid. at the top of the listst, one ofof my all-titime favoriti, lechazo o asado, roaoasted baby lamb.b. tenderer, juicy anand crispy. it's's low roaststed in the w wood fire o oven. it gets bebetter. one of the inns that serve this incredible dish 400 yearars ago is stillll cooking t today. so welcocome to posada de e la villa.. all right. let's go in. welcome to history, ladies. i i can smell l it. oh, my g god. [ines]s] this is i incredibl. ththis oven wawas built inin. it's o one of the e oldest in the c city and cesar r rubio has tendnded this oven for r most of hihis life. he's thehe asador, the roroast masterer. ththis is not t your regulula, people.. there arare no dialsls and d no timers.s. cesar has s to listen n out fofor the skinin cracklingg to know w when the l lamb is ready.. [bototh in spaninish] [in enenglish] i m mean, the y theyey make thisis is so simple, riright? they had t the best lalamb, [s[speaking inin other lanang] ththere you sesee a baby l lb whwhole. the way y these guysys do it, you get t the animalal anand you cut t it in fourur p. ththis is so m much on thehe qy of the a animal. it's only y the animalal, the e salt, the e fire. [ines]s] that's itit? [j[jose] and t this is likie crunchchy, if i totouch it, it's l like... it t like crunc. this is prprobably onene of thehe most sophphisticated crunchininess in thehe histoy of mankikind. oh, mymy god, it's's perfecti. likeke sometimeses it's, lik, i wawant to go i inside, like, lelet me go ininside. this like e a pool of f lamb. i i want to, l like, jumpmp in the popool, like,, it's, lilike, i'm jujumping in the pooool. it's, likeke, control l me, holdld me, but yoyou need to o hold. i want to o jump in ththe poo. [ines]s] if that t dish was big enenough, i ththink dd would acactually do o it. i loveve learningg by tasasting, so..... okokay, are yoyou telling ge we'r're ready toto eat? i'm so r ready. ah, i i love this s place. [jose] totoday, this s traditil didish is affofordable, but t in the oldld days, you would d have neededed seriouous money toto dine in a placece like thisis. most p people didndn't eat met vevery often.. and babyby lamb was s like a royal fefeast reservrved for the momost wealthyhy mems of spapanish socieiety. in thihis time, wewe're eatig in a p posada, hundreds o of years olold. i meanan only the e powerful will be e able to eaeat this. oh, my g god, take a a look atat this. crcrunchy, crurunchy. it's sererved with a a tany and tartrt green salalad to complemement the bababy lab and frfreshen the e flavors. hehere is my f famous josese o lettuce e and lamb.. this is s one of my y best creaeations everer. you see hohow tender and thenen why we s serve the g green salad with the o onion, olivive oil anand a touch h of vinegara. [carlota] ] wow. we're e in for a m meal. yoyou see he p puts the jujue onon the side,e, so make s se that the c crunchy of f the sn is protetected. -t-that's it.. -smells s so good. this is inincredible.. itit's so tendnder. my favavoe part thougugh, is the e skin. -oh, my y gosh. wow.w. -handsds down. this jusust comes right off. -look at thahat. -wowow. [jose] w we are eatiting histo. this is s the ribs,, look a at how muchch fat! oh, my godod. i amam so happy.y. eveven to thisis day, you u e kikings and prpresidents and fafamous peoplple and d rich peoplple eating t . [carlotata] and tatalking of famouous people, , look who else w was here bebefore. [l[laughs] i h have ququentin tararantino. i have antntonio bandederas. dad, i knonow you're n not flexibible, but trtrust me, yoyou're gonnana want toto turn arouound for thih. oh, my godod, theyey've done m my chair. really? wowow. i cannonot believe e . i i am in a didistinguishehd hahall of fameme after r 400 years.s. it w was about t time, peop. therere's no betetter city in eururope like m madrid to go back in time, live in the present, but understanding who you are by undererstanding t the pas. boomom. okay, , family, nonow i got someththing greatt and light t for you. whwhere are wewe going? we'r're going toto place that i've n never been n before. we are abobout to enteter a hihidden worldld where reliligion is atat the e heart of s some very uniquque traditioions. this is a place that's been around forever. itit was foundnded around.d.... it has ovever 400 yearars. it's a a commune o of nuns. [bell l dings] this i is a convenent, ththe monasterery ofof corpus chchristi de las c carboneras.s. for centuries, the nuns here has been secluded from the o outside wororld. it's kinda cool they've been doing ththis for so o long. their r way of cononnecting with t the people e of the ciy is t through fooood. amamazingly byby baking coco. [buzzezer ringing]g] once y you are thrhrough the main d door, yoyou have to o walk downn a dadark hallwayay. don't t tell me this is nonot fascinatating. lolook at thisis place. you go through a small courtyard to a small door in the w wal, where you'u'll find the hahandy menu p posted neara. frosted anand sherry shortbtbreads, almlmond cook, orange a and lemon c cookis sold in one pound and d two pound d boxes. baked herere for 400 y years. it's a a miracle.. how w do we ordeder? -wow.. -take e a look at t this, our r treats magagically apppr on a turntntable. i bet you'u've never b bought cookies s like this s before. wowonder if i i tell her t tt i am a famamous chef,, she might t slip me onone ofof the age o old recipese? oh, , well, it w was worth a a . titime to tastste these divinene treats. these cocookies aree lighght and zeststy. delicioi. [cararlota] oh, , my gosh. ththe almond a and cinnamomn cookokies reallyly do melt in your r mouth. -this isis so good.. -you c can taste t the cinnamn in t that one. i love c cinnamon. you knowow what i lolove? ththat these t traditionss are stilill alive. thisis is like s spiritual cookie m moment. amenen to that. . i mean, how ofoften do youou get coos throrough a secrcret windoww made b by nuns? [upbeat music] ♪♪ ♪♪ new pork carnitas. only at el pollo loco. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. (♪♪) (♪♪) the new festive family meal. starting at $24. now celebrating at el pollo loco. [jose] it's sundaday, our r third day y in ththe majesticic city of m m. and it's t time for ththe girs to take e in a tradidition ththat has ancncient and humblele origins.. we'r're heading g to the soh of t the old citity toto a neighboborhood calld lala latina. famomous across s spain for its s delicious,s, street f food and itits enors fleaea market. el rastrtro. we're meeteting up witith mymy old frienend yanet. when i statayed in madadrid, this was o our sunday y ritua. visisiting the m market togeget. now, she's's a big timime fofood writer.r. one ofof the best t moments i remembmber was shehe takinge acrossss this markrket. she willll take me from bar t to bar. and i ththought, oh,h, who cn show us s this betteter thanan anybody?? she's s the personon. i've neverer been to el raststro before.e. it's a a kind of p philosoph, you knknow? you hahave a wal, you'llll meet yourur friends. you're d doing sometething. it's somomething andnd i lookt the ththings and t things, find youou, you knowow? [josose] i hopepe some amazag food findsds us. knowowing yanet,t, i'm suree it w will. this is s also a walalk bak in time. in 149497, the firirst officil slauaughterhousese opened in madadrid. back thehen there were t tanneries,, manyny of them r right heree on thehe main strereet as workersrs carried h hids through hehere. they l left trailsls of blood behihind them. inin english,, el rastrtro memeans "the t trail." thatat's how el l rastro gt its s name. [carlota]] sounds g gruesome, but, h hey, not asas scary as goingng shoppingg wiwith dad. ohoh, great. -this isis not for y you, i th. -thihis is for y you. how dodoes it lookok? -y-yeah. -y-yeah? you knknow? he's calalled me bigig head. i i say i'm gogonna give y u a bibig one. thatat's more dadad style. -[-[all exclaiaiming] -yeah. this p place is ununbelievay hugege. tatake a look k at all thehe s and alall the stalalls. dad, smimile. itit goes on f forever. oh, look, , for the mamanicur. oh! [all laughghing] and d every sundnday, they t ababout 100,00000 visitorsrs. 187272. whwhoa. [yanet] ] from 19th h centur. you nevever know what that t you'll finind her. [c[carlota] there's soso much to see h here and wewe're doig so m much walkining. and d do you knonow what haps whwhen my dad d does a lolot of walkiking? -i'm'm hungry alalready. -m-me too. -i'm hungrgry. -are y you hungry?y? alwaysys ready to o eat. [jose] yayanet knows s all the best t tapas placeces araround here.e. they sererve all kininds ofof tasty delelights. her fafavorite is s bar santuru. famous foror one perfefect bie of deleliciousnessss. sardinas a a la planchcha, grgrilled sardrdines. ththey look amamazing, but believeve me, they arere so good and soso full of f flavor. a very popopular and a affordabe strereet food. madrid m may be in the m middle of s spain, bubut it gets s fresh fishsh. -[exclaiaims] -t-they serve e the sardins with f fried and s salted padron p peppers. most of ththem are sweweet, bubut sometimemes you gett the hot onone. [ines] i it smells so good alalready. [yananet] sardinines are ththe food of f summer, sea and d the partieies. -m-mmm. -t-these are d delicious.. i love p peppers. -whoa, t they're hotot -mmm.. -i-it's very h hot. -w-why do you u peel? -[-[jose] i lilike to peell my pepeppers. -r-really? my m mouth is very sopophisticateded. ththese sardinines are crip anand juicy. put them t together with thehe salty sweweetnes ofof the peppepers. boom.. all l in one pererfect bite. it's verery subtle.. okayay. ththis is a dedelicious plpl. yanet t says next t door is a meccaca for r all thingsgs pickle. after r all, preseserving fd is a s spanish traradition. this w was one of f the was peoplele survive t the wints whenen fresh fooood was had to finind and, o oh, yes, ththe iconc spanisish olive is l like royaltlty here. you cannotot roam arouound elel rastro without ststopping to o enjoy a pot of t these delicious s snacks. yoyou will lovove it. thisise isis with whatat? -i-it's his crcreation. -dried t tomato? [womoman] and ananchovy. oh, so thihis is a verery mediditerranean.n. [a[all laughining] i i think he's's making fufn of c chefs like e me. asas the cooksks say, and d yol explosion n in your momouth. boom. i love thihis small ghgherkin. bubut you knowow the one i i e is this onone. thisis is like a a pickle sandwich. . these olivives, the e gordal thohose are amama. oh, they'r're very gooood. [cararlota] whwhoa, what is dadad eating?? isis that someme kind of giantnt olive? thisis pickle egeggplant is like nonothing elsese. it's's really asastonishing. -a-astonishingng, yeah? -try it. i nenever had a a pickled eggplantnt. i didndn't know that wasas possible.e. but t i guess yoyou can pipickle anyththing. it's s so good. last butut not leastst, mejils enen escabechehe, mussels wiwith vinegarar and d paprika. -t-this sauce e is incredidie withth... -p-potato chipips. -yeah. -spain's g got great p potato. oh, , for me? mmm. thesese pickled d mussels are so g good. bebefore cannining was invnved in the 180800s, pickling w was the wayay to prereserve not t only olivs and d cucumbers,s, but also oh ththat then cocould travell all the e way to thehe inland cities l like madridid. that's whahat is fascicinatig and today y is somethihing we enjnjoy when inin the pas. it was t the only waway theyey could prereserve ththe goodnessss of the ses. ththat's why t this isis so astoninishing. right now w for us, itit's fi, it's enjoyoyment, but in manany ways, this is s pure histotory. everytything was i invented in spainin and you k know it. but 100,00000 people d don't coe to e el rastro e every sunday just foror pickled g goodies, oliveses and sardidines. the otother must h have street fooood, is totostas. open face e sandwicheses, toa. thatat

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