Correspondent, Broker, Liquidity Mgt., Marketing, AOT Produc

Correspondent, Broker, Liquidity Mgt., Marketing, AOT Products; Training and Webinars; Foreign Investment in U.S. Drops

“My mother used to say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Wonderful woman, lousy surgeon.” There is some great food in various parts of the nation, and today I will head from Dallas, TX to Jackson, MS, for the Mississippi MBA annual conference. Dallas is certainly home to its share of real estate owned by people outside of the country. But it turns out that annual foreign investment in U.S. existing-home sales declined 9.6 percent to $53.3 billion over the past year and the number of existing homes bought by international buyers declined to 84.6k, the fewest since 2009 and down 14.2 percent from the prior year. The average ($639k) and median ($396k) purchase prices for international buyers were the highest ever recorded by NAR. For those who like lists, China, Mexico, Canada, India, and Colombia were the top five countries of origin by number of U.S. existing homes purchased. The top U.S. destinations for foreign buyers were Florida (23 percent), California and Texas (12 percent each), then at 4 percent each North Carolina, Arizona, and Illinois. (Today’s podcast can be found here and this week’s is sponsored by LoanCare, a Fidelity National Financial (NYSE: FNF) division and award-winning developer of the most sophisticated mortgage servicing portfolio management tool, LoanCare Analytics, built to support MSR investors with a focus on customer engagement, liquidity, and credit risk. Hear an interview with Polunsky Beitel Green’s Marty Green on market participants finally wrapping their heads around the Fed’s hawkishness.)

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Arizona , United States , Florida , National University , California , Canada , Mexico , Mississippi , Dallas , Texas , North Carolina , Illinois , India , Idalia , Dubai , Dubayy , United Arab Emirates , Colombia , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , China , American , Andrew Berman , Tom Davis , Kristin Messerli , Tammie Gravlee , Knight Andy Walden , Las Vegas , Paul Diamond , Daniel Hughes , Robert Senko , Freddie Mac , Tricia Migliazzo , Dave Savage , Janisa Johnson , John Wise , Ashley Puckett , Steve Grossman , Mickey Schilling , John Holbrook , Robbie Chrisman , Alliance Bank , Mortgage Markets , National Mortgage Professional Townhall , Scoop Academy , Market Committee , National Sept , Fidelity National Financial , Vp National Renovation Jim Bopp , National Mi University , Loancare Analytics , Polunsky Beitel Green , Marty Green , Broker Products , Black Knight , Andy Walden , Vellum Mortgage , Senior Capital Markets Analyst , Mortgage Marketing Engine , Richey May , Broker Channel , Newrez Wholesale , Loan Details , Home Correspondent , Western Alliance Bank , Emerging Bankers , Upcoming Events , New England Mortgage Bankers , Planet Home Lending Correspondent , Home Lending , Regional Sales Manager Daniel Hughes , Renovation Jim Bopp , National Mortgage Professional , Lenders One , Keith Canter , Sue Melnick , Mortgage Industry Half Time Report Insights , Freddie Mac Online , Best Efforts Overview , Best Efforts , Loan Selling Advisor , Forbearance Extension , Native American , Loan Product Advisor , Reconciling Payments Using , Contracts Overview , Function Buttons , Loan Pipeline , Mortgage Collaborative , Knowledge Coop , Continuing Education , Code Chrisman , Beige Book , Tropical Storm Hilary , West Coast , Hurricane Idalia , Primary Mortgage Markets Survey , Federal Open Market Committee ,

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