get to here tomorrow, or i worked out three times yesterday, so you're concentrating on the game. >> sound fundamentals are important in sports and vesting, whatever the advise of your paycheck. >> regardless of the size of your athlete, if you're a homemaker, factory worker or ceo of a company, everyone makes the same mistakes with their money. >> and that's the kind of thing you can see on "your money" every saturday at 1:00 p.m. eastern and sunday at 3:00 p.m. eastern. let me bring you up to speed with some top stories we're following. a new tropical storm formed in the gulf of mexico today that could hit texas and mexico late tonight or early tomorrow. at last check, tropical storm h hermine had top winds of 50 miles per hour. flash flood watches are in effect. nato troops may be headed for afghanistan. 2,000 troops could go under a plan backed by general david petraeus. a nato official says it's highly