spot on with that, you know, i can't think the voters in new hampshire are dying to get a 9% increase in sales tax because it's zero up there. >> income tax code down to 9%, though. >> a lot of people would like to see their taxes and me being one of them is flattened and simplified this tax system that we've got but the idea that we're going to keep that in place and add $0.09 of sales tax, americans, i'm going to suggest to you, are going to push back on that. it's a catchy slogan but when you really look at the details, americans are not going to buy into or trust washington, d.c. to leave that nine in any of those three places so you need a balanced budget amendment. quit spending the money. that's the real issue. like we did in texas, we've kept our spending under control. had a tax system of fair regulatory climate, fair and predictable and a legal system