Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20151116:18:14:00 :

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20151116:18:14:00

just overnight here in the paris area and the seat, the spanish-built car the terrorists used on friday night that was found on saturday morning, they found two ak-47 automatic weapons, these terrorists used automatic weapons in the bataclan nightclub where 89 people were killed, and this is not a country where weapons are available. forget readily available. they're not available to anyone. so people are saying well, wait, just overnight, they got 31 weapons and we have seen these terrorists as well as when the "charlie hebdo" attacks you referred to in january, they also used automatic weapons and they're saying wait, where are these weapons? are we awash in weapons but only these terrorists have them? this is something that is really a discussion that we are hearing here in the streets of paris of where are they and how many are there. >> the interesting thing from having a chance to speak to

Related Keywords

Liberty In Paris , Terrorists , Car , Weapons , Area , Friday Night , Seat , Spanish , Ak 47 , Two , 47 , People , Country , Anyone , Wait , Bataclan Nightclub , 89 , Charlie Hebdo , Automatic Weapons , 31 , Something , Thing , Streets , Chance , Many , Discussion ,

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