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For Strategic Defense: A New Strategy For the New Global Sit
For Strategic Defense: A New Strategy For the New Global Sit
For Strategic Defense: A New Strategy For the New Global Situation
BG824: For Strategic Defense: A New Strategy For the New GlobalSituation
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North Dakota ,
United States ,
Moscow ,
Moskva ,
Russia ,
Israel ,
Saudi Arabia ,
Geneva ,
Genè ,
Switzerland ,
White House ,
District Of Columbia ,
New Mexico ,
White Sands ,
Alabama ,
Iraq ,
Kremlin ,
Syria ,
Libya ,
China ,
Grand Forks ,
Baker Spring ,
Washington ,
Chicago ,
Illinois ,
Minnesota ,
Alaska ,
Hawaii ,
California ,
Vandenberg Air Force Base ,
Iran ,
North Korea ,
New York ,
American ,
Soviet ,
Iraqi ,
America ,
Americans ,
Pacific Ocean ,
Colinl Powell ,
Harold Brown ,
Howell Heflin ,
Leslieh Gelb ,
Michael Dobbs ,
Yevgeny Primakov ,
Henry Cooper ,
Stevena Hildreth ,
Ronald Reagan ,
George Bush ,
James Fletcher ,
Charles Bennett ,
While Congress ,
New York Times ,
Vandenberg Air Force ,
United States Or Soviet Union ,
Department Of Defense ,
Reagan Administration ,
Washington Post ,
Ask Congress ,
Strategic Defense Initiative Organization ,
Heritage Foundation ,
Us Army ,
Congressional Research Service ,
Strategic Defense Initiative ,
Army Missile ,
Global Protection Against Limited ,
Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No ,
Persian Gulf War ,
Strategic Defense ,
Ballistic Missile ,
Soviet Union ,
Air Force ,
Brilliant Pebbles ,
Cold War ,
Ground Based Interceptor ,
Third World ,
Gulf War ,
Refocused Strategic Defense Initiative ,
South Asia ,
South America ,
United Statess ,
Saddam Hussein ,
Staff General Mikhail Moiseyev ,
Phasei Deployment ,
General Colin ,
Joint Chiefs ,
Staff Before ,
Armed Services ,
Brilliant Pebble ,
Revolutionary Idea ,
Foundation Backgrounder ,
Iraqi Scud ,
Endoatmospheric Interceptor ,
Exoatmospheric Reentry ,
Interceptor Subsystem ,
Kwajalein Atoll ,
High Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor ,
Ground Based Radar ,
Ground Based Surveillance ,
Tracking Systems ,
Extended Range Interceptor ,
Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment ,
Army Missile Command ,
Theater High Altitude Area Defense ,
Soviet Presidential ,
Executive Memorandum ,
Space Talks ,
Heritage Lectures ,
Wing Myths ,
Timothy Penny ,
Congressional Record ,
Theater Missile Defense ,
Senator Howell Heflin ,
Alabama Democrat ,
While Heflin ,
Persian Gulf ,
Defense Authorization Bill ,
Global Protection Against Limited Strikes ,