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the show is in the building and the former president gettining a standing ovation from the assembled masses. knoc democrats try to knock out corn. trump while more americans flock to his court. the he's a grown man.the sm >> he is the smartest man >> dow. this guy is the most generous, s honorable man that i know. hunde hunter biden's gun case kickd sf off. is >> is the fix in?e did you speak to the fbi, cia,eb dia concerning viral researchd? of any kind? i can't give you the specifics of i u t. fauci, koven and the cia. pl >> plus, do you trust the justice system? no, no, no. >> in his iconic speech, n the man in the arena, teddy roosevelt, said, quote, the credit belongs to the mans who was actually in the arena whose face is marred arena by dy and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly sodust that his place shall be with those cold and timid soulsr know who neither know victory or defeat. >> the manory or defea in the ai is donald trump. 34 felonies and 45 keeps moving. he attended ufc fight night saturday in new jersey. >> watch. also with us tonight, 45 game ushered in by ufc ceo dana white. donald trump is in the building and the former president getting a standing ovatioormen from the assembled masses here at ufc 302. boy, the round of applause stag getting right now is pretty staggering. and you had to imagine that's what was going to happenu ha next. >> that's a sellout crowd in newark, new jersey, not what you could calley a republicant stronghold whichh exploded in. let's go, brandon schatz a minute into the first fight, first down on marcelo. he tries to get inside his high kick there. th >> what is the audience is is ] not good. >> oh, and he had to be afterbro the let's go brandon chants. >> the arena was chanting, wee n love trump. the main event was outsidea wa of the octagon. jets quarterback aaron rodgers showins joing trump some love. e middleweight kevin holland broke his opponent's arm in an armbar in the first round, then hopped the cage to say hi to his favorite president. it's limp, limp by his side.armp even though he's pro jersey, he's at ease and picking the arm up. kevin holland shared a moment with donald trump and dana white and sean strickland, ende the number one contender in the middleweight division, dedicated his win to trumpin mi that's pretty cool for sean strickland to have a moment there a with donald a win trump after a win. president trump, you're the man, bro. it is a travesty what they're it damyg. you, harvey, donated you, my man. let'ans get it done.: >> now, if you missed it, live. trump for the first time everr posted on tik tok, the president is now on tik tok. my honorktok made it back in lo, nine 45. >> got over two and a half million followers in just 24 hours. , inbiden has been on tik tok fk months. doesn't even have half a mil fov what sporting event besides a wnba game could bit president biden attend and not get showered with chants of let's go, brandonttempt biden not a man in the arena. he's a michael dukakis. >> nice. what about trump's been gaggeddo in a cage all spring, but now he is on the loose and the former fbi director is fbi fantasizing about putting him behind barr,s. >> do you agree with that, that it would be difficult or nearly impossible for the law ft enforcement institutions to put him in actual jail? noheenforc, they would just pute in a double wide somewhere out near the fence, out in the grass, and he would eat there, e and shower there. he'd exercise ther woue. he'd be away, as daniel perry said, from general population. but it'sut it'vious yo obviousl. >> democrat bennie thompson just introduced legislation pre to strip presidents of secret service protectionecre if they're incarcerated. he wants trump shaved in the yardants. >> here's what the former president had to say about going to prisontsabledn. >> watch. the judge could decide to say, >> mr. tse arrest or even jail . how do you face that? because i'm okay with it. i sai'w one of my lawyersone of the other day on television saying, oh, no mer, you don't w to do that to the i said, don't, you know, beg for anything? you just the way it is that could happen. i don't know that the public would stand it. you know, i don't i'm not surecl the public would stand for it with a house i think i think it would be tough for the public to take, you know, at a certain point, there's a breaking point. >> democrats. think locking upsn trump locks up america first, logg makes it stron stronger. you ever see the prison bodies on inmatesger.? rump trump's in the bronx at the bodega. is that the figh bronxt down the shore? it's driving the media mad. trump appealths to democratsmoct more than the media does. >> the media isn't trusteds th anymore, and they know it. >> so if you tell the truth on their shows, they threaten to cut your mic. >> of course, the attorney general in manhattan has nothing to do with the department of justice. >> i vehemently disagree has nfr that the district attorney in new york was not politically motivated here, and in wasi vehemently disagree that president biden and his political allies tha aren'tn to their necks in this prosecution. i think the fact is, no, i didn't hear >> so there's no there's notnue, i'm not going to let you can continue to sa youy that. there's just zero evidence of that. well, how about the alliance ng g lower stand was standing over alvin bragg's shoulder when he announcedinoulder w this ver. i mean, colangelo was the number three official in the biden department of justice who suddenly disappears and shows up as an trsistant districtisappeard attorney right as trump's case in new york starts to proceed. >>n ne sta you want to talk about political court? >> this has nothing to do. this has nothing to do. no i, it's not. >> this has nothing to doth with president biden. yeah, sure. paser three guynumbe at justice took a 50% pay cut to just work for a local d.a. just weeks after trump announced he was runningen for president. >> and the case against him miraculously gett? ainss revived. do you think that's a coincidence? who gives themselves a demotions and slashes their own salary in half? >> unless they're ordered to. stephanopoulos thinks you're stupid. >> biden's entire campaign's dirty revenge tour.reveng >> which is crazy because he claims trump's out for reveng whie. trump >> here's trump on that. a lot of democrats have expressed concern that if you're elected, you're going to want revengf yoe. ng you've said, no, my revenge is going to be success forg to b america. you've just had this verdict. do you still fees tol the same? what's your what's your thoughts on that? it's a reall your y tough questione bad pe in one way, because these are bad people. thes e people are sick and they do things that are so destructivdestructe, you know?s my revenge will be success. and i mean that. but but it's awfully hard when you see what they've done. these people are so evil and at the same time, the country can and atcome together. >> success will bring the country together. biden's lock him up, campaigns u backfiring. a new cbs poll showsp the guiltt verdict hasn't changed americans view on trump at all . we sent our pollster out. we call him johnnye sendesta any told us the same thing. >> is this going to affect r? r vote in novembe >> i was never going to vote for voting for trump anyway.r >> i definitely wouldn't vote for biden anyway. if joe biden's the only one on that thing, i'm not voting. >> and i think a lot of americans won't vote either. >>otf americwe'll have more on r in the show. >> and this just in. trump's raised over $200 million since the verdict. >> it's the largest sum in any periode in the history of human political civilization. billwe went all the way back to the roman empire. billionaire miriamir adelson. '7 she owns the dallas mavericks, is pledging to donatshe upo to $100 million to support donaldsuppor trump. elon musk and jpmorgan ceo jamie dimon are joining forces of trump's fully financed. e that takes away biden's one major advantage. evenone advantag the political g mitt romney is calling bragg's case malpractice. >> nikki haley just endorsedagga trump. joe manchin switched parties from democrap?t to independentnp after the verdict. >> he doesn't want to be a part s no that jails rivals.or fox news contributor guy benson, who i would warmly anyor to as an anyone but trump republican, has been radicalized by the verdict donal and published a pitch which we a ghly recommend describing why the verdict was a gut punch to his political conscience. >> and for the first time, guyse considering voting for a man he believes is unfit for office just because the democratslong m have turned so tyrannical. >> lifelong democrat sheriffs are changing parties. >> hello. california service, say countyy sheriff chad bianco. over the past 30 years, i've been doing everythineriff. pasgd to keep our community safe by arresting criminals and putting themou b in jail. i'm getting tired and getting tired. and i'm wondering if i'm having a change of heart and deciding that, you know what? maybe i've been wrong and i think i'm going to change teams insteas?d of letting them outg m of jail and giving them alcohol and drugs and everything else. i think it's time we putouse a felon in the white house. trump 2024. >> maybe the whole country. feels like a ufc event.anting everyone's chanting for the man in the arena f . former ufc world champion tito ortiz is joins me now. >> good to see you again, tito . >> good to see you, jesse.than thanks for coming on the show again. of course. tell minn the show e about the crowd at a a ufc event. you were in the octagon. you've watched ufc the fights fm the crowd. to have trump come out toy, uerk, new jersem th blue city, blue state and received that kind of reception. what's the significance of thate ? >> well, i think it's huge for america just to see, you know, he did it in the bronx. he did in new jersey, and now he did it there. it's what fightersre are. we've been fighting our whole life and we're fighting for this american dream. now, trump's, this meg fightin t so we respect, we e back and we're goings to have his back no matter what. and this is what the american people want. america you know, it's been proven fromt time to time. again, this is no longeremocratc democratic, this republican versus liberal. this is america versus the lefbs . and trump is the person to save this country. counweople try to say, you kno what? oh, you're a trump person, you're a trumpster. no, you know what? i'm a patriot. tha and there's millions and millions of patriots that want our freedoms back. we waneour frk?t to unite. we want to make this countryak great. and the only person to do that is the heade thy grat coach the name of president donald trump. >> so what happened to this country trumpy? l you know, you had a lot of people supportingople trump p 2016. obviously, the pandemic kind of changed thingandemifs. t and then we got the biden presidency. it seems like noency, itw therei groundswell of support coming from almost everywherehi. that ? >> what do you attribute sick to? well, i think people are just sick and tired of being brought. people are sick and tiredd tire of being sick and tired. thisou know, 2020 was a huge positive for this country because a lot of people got a big wakeup call. pe they got to see overthis the last three years of what this country has pretty much almost diminishe coutyd to nothe the american people are sick of it. they're sick and tired and tired i said, of being sick and tired. president trump is going to step up. presiden goi the's going to pros he's going to do what he say and follow through, as he did in 2016. justw 2020. >> you heard sean strickland say he's going to give some of his perks from the wind to donald trump's campaignwill.p and that's just that is astounding to me. and then you see a numbe is r le 200 million cheeto. biden was bragging about 25s blg million and he needed barack and bill to clear that 200 clear million. t.and like four days. >> what does that mean? well, well, that meansro it's going to continue to grow more and more and more. >> it shows that the . people of america are sick and tired of the joe biden regimare sie. what they've done to this country is demolish it nn the border of just having ats invasion happen. people who live in arizona, california, texas, like i said, they're sick and tired of being sick and tired. and i thinnd toamerica is fed up and people need to wake up before we've lost what we have. e and rights and freedoms. t >> all right. well, tito ortiz, great seeingi you down in vero beach. that was a crowd, maybe not as good as the crowd in newark, new jersey. but we had lines going all the way to the beachn. a >> that was a lot of fun. great to see you, as always. you, too. >> thank you very much, man.av god bless. have a great night. god bless you, tooa gr. >> the jury has been chosen for the hunter biden gun trial. l while the biden family watched work play blink, relief, work, play, blink, release, the only three in one extended release formula for dry eyes blink. start your day with nature. meet the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. >> hello, i am former arkansas governor mike huckabee. a lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep. you need to stay healthy. i know it's scary unless you use relaxium sleep relaxium. sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night. you try it. >> it helps you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed, earning your body those quality hours of sleep that it desperately needs. >> join the hundreds of thousands of people who have experienced the relief and health benefits from getting a great night's sleep and get relaxium sleep. the first time i took relaxium and i slept through the night, i thought, wow, this worked for me. i could not believe it. >> relaxium sleep is studied, tested and designed by a neurologist to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. >> relaxium sleep worked from the very first night i took, i had more focus and mental clarity than i've had in years. relaxium is drug free and not addictive, so you can take relaxium every night and never worry about side effects. >> and the best part is it can start working from the very first night when i take relaxium sleep, i sleep better than i have in years. >> i wake up feeling like i've had the best night's sleep. stop being afraid and start sleeping your fears away with relaxium sleep your body and your mind. >> well, thank you. mike huckabee is so confident that relaxium will work for you. >> he's asked us to give away 1000 bottles. if you're not getting calm enough to go to sleep, take relaxium sleep. >> i promise you it'll work. get your risk free bottle of relaxium sleep now. it's guaranteed to work your money back. visit. try relaxium dot com or call 800 898 9322 that try relaxium dot com or call 889 eight 9320 two. >> this to drop what you're doing for the summer but stops because we're serving on copa america and the euro sky summer of stars kicks off on fox and fs more great on fox tuesday. two new families clash for a chance at a ton of cash. what words were originally acronym? 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chilreadand bbc news reports onr is childhood best friend died from a heroin overdose. another juror has an alcoholic brother-in-law. no called it a disease. brother-in-law is now dead. one jurors, dad was shot dead and his brother was arrested for narcotics possession. another juror pled. guilty to a dui. another juror had an older brother addicted to pcp and heroin, but doesn't think people should own guns if they're addicted to drugs. although gun another juror says weed's no big deal and youjut shouldit's be able to buy a gun on it. >> and another juror worked for the secret service. her husband still in the secret service. >> ashley biden reportedly smiling when she heard that. oh, and there's an obama donor as an alternate. >> so six men, six women, majority african >> and we'll decide what happens next. >> former fbi special agent geewart kaplan joins me now. we'll get to the jury in a secondur, but i think we just heard that the defense is going to claim that the fbisi form was doctored. do you think that is a defense that's going to seem feasible, jesse? that is an atf 4473 form, that document does not in any i way get transmitted to the fbi. wait goes through the atf database from the gun seller, meaning the gun store. the only way that atf 4473 camep into the possession of the fbi i is when there was an investigation that was initiatewhen t ad to look into the veracity of whether or not hunter biden, in fact, filled out and the truth and the veracity of whether or not he was an unlawfulh drug user. the idea to suggest that the the fbi in some tampered with thatmi document is that's. >> that's not possible. p okay. so that's a pretty ridiculouosee charge. of the we'll see if the jury buys it. what do you think of this jury? it.hinkthis is a wilmington, de jury. >> and you heard what they are. >> jesse, if this case wass, on the on mars, it would be and open and shubet case. tha but the fact that it's sitting in wilmington, delaware, there's siins only one card to , and that is joe biden. joe biden, the first lady, is going to sit there and play the sympathy card and everybody . and trust me when i tell you this, i would like to keep a coun t of how many boxes of tissues are going to be circulated throughou aret the nk two weeks. and you will see the jurs anyou be sympathetic. and what you're going to haveha at besvet is a hung jury in this particular case. >> and that's exactly the only card that's going to be played by this defense. >> yes. >> usually the first lady doesn't appear durine firsg jury selection in a criminal trial. >> but this, again, would be a r first. >> what about saying i'm an addict? stewart, you've dealt with a lo sayint of criminals in your career. to say you're yoyouru have ae, disease. they say he has a disease. he's a victim of a disease, e and he can't be held responsible fo forr breakingor the law for seven years. the form does not get into whether or not you've undergone treatment. unde itm is as ambiguous possibly could be written. it states, quoteibly cou, are yn unlawful drug user and or attic ? end of quote. and so the fact that hunte. r biden is a known drug user at the time he completedl that form and as well is a self-admitted addict. it's a self admin open and shute there's no further conversation. the form als is no on in a footnote and says and by the way, even if your statn bye has legalized the use of marijuana, the federal statute still makest it a scheduled one narcotic. and it's illegale stil. f you' so if you are a regular marijuana user, you are disqualifieda user y from the pe of a firearm. >> jesse this is open and shut all day long. however, you talk about a 180 town cooking. >> this is 100 and 80 degrees different than what we saw playl out last week over the last month with donal lasd this clearly is going to be a hometown cooking in favor of the bidens. >> yeah. trump was it an away game,ay hostile stadium, as you would sastadiuy, with a legal theoryor that was concocted by a biden gu conduy out of thin airs and this is open and shut back in the backyard of wilmington, delaware. >> we'll see how it plays out. >> you never know with these jurors, stuart. we'll have to waits and see. >> thank you, as always. always. my pleasure. thanu asgood to see you. >> oh, fauci goes under oath. ti >> shingles. some describe it as an intenseri some describe it as an intenseri burning sensation or an unbearable itch. here for, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be can disrupt your life for weeks there for your loved ones. shingles could also leadin shingles could also leadin to serious complicationsgles that can last for years. that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that cauask shingles is likely already inside you. or p, your risk of developing shinglessk increases. don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today. >> it's so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight. >> tell the people i haven't done it already, my man. let's start off as a ship and grew into a crack and it just keeps going. >> so what do we do now? 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de? there's every reason to believe that that jumping of speciessoro from an animal reservoir occurred. animal resincorrecly incorrect . act where you say we continue to support research at theolog wuhan institute of virology. >> part of what you're seeing as attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science. >> well, today, science was under oath >> j in front of the o house coronavirus committee. and frankly, it's been a lonf gm time coming. >> america now knowscoming fauci funded gain of function a research at the wuhan lab. the . lea bat the sloppy lab leaked and fauci covered up and shut the country down. gain of function is a risky method used to helphelp pharmaceutical companies come up with vaccinesing ahead of t. and we now know fauci getsno royalties from vaccines. we also now know, thanks to as whistleblower, fauci's's intelligence handlers were using the wuhan lab as a windowc into chinese bioweapons research. fauci, under oath, denied at all. >> did >> did the national institutes of health fund the potentially dangerous enhanced potential pandemic pathogens, gain of function researchn of at the wuhan institute of virology? >> i would not characterizitutez as dangerous gain of function research. you agree that theree it was a to downplay the lab leak theory? >> not on my part. really? really? wow. woul, i think i think mostn my . of the country would find that. >> i find that amazed. i still got 11 seconds, but look at the facts. >> i've kept an open mind throughout the entire procesg di marcs. york t not even the new york timesim f is buying fauci's lies. here'sauci a headline just froms this morning. why the pandemic? by t started in a lab. >> now, if you said that four years ago, the times would have called you a kook. t'vwe also now know fauci's right hand man, dr. david moran's has been hidinge the truth from congressional wordsight purposelom cy misspelg words so emails couldn't not be subpoenaed. moran's even confessed that he and fauci used personal emailds accounts to get around records requests. congress that's nott true and that moran's guy barely kno thaw him. t le >> let me state for the record e that to the best of myr knowledge, i have never conducted official businesficias using my personal email. dr. moran's was not adviserdvisr to me on institute policy or i other substantive issues. >> remember how we also had t to stand six feet apart for two years? fauci admittedo he made it up a and there wasn't any science behind ithere wat. s but he didn't want to say anything because he didn't think it would be appropriatanyl >> once we realized that the virus was not spareds by droplets and was aerosolized, did you feel an and to go back to the cdc and said,c let's base this on science,s ge let's get rid of this six foot rule? this six foot rule, crippled building businesses. it allowed students to stay at home and not learn. americans suffered suffere. i challenged the cdc multiple times publicly on this regare c it is not appropriate to be publicly challenging a sister organization . m of >> yeah, fauci's junk science ruined million js of lives in order to force people to get vaccinated t. elieve a >> you believed in institutional should make it hard for people to to livemigh their lives so they'd feel pressureo d to get >> run the audio clip on that. please dinated theo you think ti be done about it? i have to say that i don't see a big solution other than some sort of mandatory vaccinatio than. you want to come to this college buddy, you're going to get vaccinated. big corporatioollegeoun like amn and facebook and all of those others are going to say, you want to work for us to get vaccinated. and it's been proven that when you make it difficul and it'st for people in their lives, they lose their ideological and they get vaccinated. fauci had a financial interestit in force feeding the vaccine. his scientisnt made almostes mad $1,000,000,000 in royalties from pharmaceutical companies pe during the pandemic, and fauci lied about how effectivemi the vaccine was that like if you're vaccinated, you reallyd o don't need to worry about getting it in a wayor tra >> t serious or transmitting int . >> that is that is correct. delete it. protect you completely against infection. if you do get infected, s are thatu we you're going to be without symptoms and the chances are very likely that you'loingom be able to transmit it to other people. >> so fouchier gotito ot rich of deadly gain of function research and they want to putn o trump in prison for an nda, which congress has dozens of too the tune of $17 million. >> kentucky congressman and house oversight committee ranking member james comerjoin joins us now. congressman, how can anthony fauci just perjure himself like that and just walk home? >> well, we're going to do everything we can to hold him accountabl hinge. the key was doing all the , search, getting the emails working with the whistleblowers, getting the facts straight, and then giving dr. fauci an opportunity in a public setting under oathss to give his version of the story. >> and, jesse, it looks like he lie the d several times,n he especially when he tried to twist the definition of what gained t a function research is. and he threw everyone under the bus. we and emails that showed all or his circle of advisers were bragging about how they could avoid for you, how they could avoid traits parents see by deleting emails, but not putting anything in emails. andh and what dr. fauci said today was, oh, i neversaid talk to my personal assistant. he didn't have access to me. i don't know ile dif he's on his own. my son didn't hear it. was it me? it wassa the cdcid said you had to be six feet apart. i mean, it was offensiveuci said what dr. fauci said today. >> and i'm glad the american people got to se, i' e the mad scientist and all the damage he's done to our society. e to >> when you lie to congress, congress can make to the justiceic department to make an arrest. obviously, that's not going to happen under the biden administration. but if trump is reelectetion bus will you guys be making a recommendation to the trump justice departmentepartmet to arrest anthony fauci for perjury? arrest antl, it sure looks like that's a strong possibility. >> i mean, i would do that. and i thinrong posk, you know, o going to have to get together as a committee. we're going to getheo back. obviously, we've got the transcript. we're going to go line by line through ever y answer he gave,e es especially when he's throwing unl of his assistants undepecisr the bus. bu and i want to bring some of those people back in. we've already heard testimon wae from dr. moran, and now we heard testimony today from fauci sa, bey, oh, i didn't have anything to do with it wasn't me. it was all him. well, let's bring dr. pereall z back in and see if he has anysef more recollection of how things? really occurred. if dr. fauci is going to throw e under the bus,en then then that may change their tune as to how they dow th their answers. look, we know they useey dollars to fund gain of function research. dr. fauci can try to give usedec some slick answer to change the definition, but they knew what was goini veg on ands goin the evidence we produced showed they destroyed evidence, they destroyed emails, they did everything they could to coordinate with facebook. te dr. fauci, ms.. and facebook, in that clip, you start to tryi mentio to ceno dissenting views, any conservatives that dare question the the the great dr. fauci in this great scientific mind today. you know, he had a totally different tone, but he stille showed no remorse and tried to blame everyone fore made the mistakes he made. yeah, and it's funny that every funn, igation you do t congressman, the cia pops up, you have the whistleblowers don' othish, the cia told the prosecutors, don't touch the sugae sugar r brother. her and now we're hearing that fauci was meeting with the central intelligence faus meetiy during the pandemic. what? e whaow he kind of is vagu about whether he did or he didn't. what's going on there? i aske not.s d him specifically how often he met with the intelligence communitycally , ae never would give a definitive answer. look, i peter daszak, the ceolt, of ecohealth alliance. the same exact questiohen because, you know, peter daszak checks all the boxes of what our intelligence community uses as informant wha. d if and if peter daszak was anan informant for our intelligencein community, that means our intelligence community knew beforcee the covid outbreak what was going on in that wuhan undethatb. and everyone worked together under dr. fauci and the ones who knew in the intelligence community to cover this up, uldg to say anyone that would suggest the lab leak theory was plausible was a right wingwe art conspiracy theorist. >> and we heard today when jim jordan asked a question, dr wrdanasked . fauci said, i'mn equipped. it could very well have been a lab leak, but it bee come frot the money that we sent over there. that was dr. fauci saie sentd. yeah, probably it could have been a lab leak, but not from the tax dollars butt from e used that went towards something else. that's complete baloney. thinink the american pr dollar e through it and people areld acc mad and want dr. fauci to be held accountable. >> yeah, well, that is what the whistleblower toldou>> jeswhatts that dacic was being used by big intel to use the wuhane lab as a backdoor to spy as tha cutout on the defenseense department in china. >> so we'll see. depal se e if we can get some answers. maybe we'll get some movement one of these days. maybcongressman comer, thanks, y as always, for your good investigations. >> thanks always you. >> johnny hits the beach. o don >> what happened to donald trump? 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i'm a little upset by that l terribleittle . turne >> what happened there. he was railroaded. off like i shut off the tv at worf th k. >> i don't want to listen to it any more. would increase their ability an negotiate ty to. >> it makes me feel happy. why does it make him happy? everyone knew that he did things that he was not supposed to do. >> what was the crime d? t donald trump committe yeah, i'm not aware of specifics. >> i don't even know. oh, i can't thin can'tk of it. >> tell me. money. hush money. hush money. what is hush money? mone honey h money?y? you're supposed to be quiet about. it's actually money to be quiet. d to be quiet.paid >> he paid a star to be quiet. allegedly. e >> who was the porn star? stormy daniels. oh, i like her. she's goodlegedly.. , she' >> she's good. someone should take that magazine and you with it . did donald trump receive a fair trial. >> the judge was hand-picked. so, i mean, right there, that's not fair at all. you automatically know they're against them. >>e you taking me over telli to the middle east and telling me, start a fighngme startt. t' >> you know, i'm in the losingll world right now. they would have gotten like this and that would be the end of that. i'm sure it was fair. i mean, i don't see how it could no dt have been.>> o the judge is a democrat. the prosecutor was a democrat, r 90% of the jury pool voted for biden. and biden paid the judge pootheg his family. >> doe does that sound fair? >> bad luck? i guess that sounds a little rigged to me.ock to >> biden is more of a laughing to everybody. e dona >> well, the judge can sentence donald trump to jail. is that okay? what about an angel? yeah. trump a break, man. around >> a you shouldn't be allowed to walk around as a felon and run for president, but you don't even know what crime you committed. >> i don't. i mean, i can look, we have all the time, right? >> hunter biden and all of them, they should be in jail with them. the clintons j him. a bi >> we'regg going to need a biggr college. biden joe biden says if you don't agree with the conviction, thesn don't trust our justice system. do you trust the justice system? nor justice system, no, no. again. no, again. it's all no! set up. i think everything that has ever happened in the world i. s all. >> if they could do thisis to donald trump, what's next? this country's jus t going to goc. completely chaotic. >> just be ready when they like you, they come to get you. i di' they don't come at me. i do nothing anyth. >> i'm an innocent person. you can be guilty of something t that you may not be guilty is this going to affect your vote in november? i waty ou whens never going to r donald trump anyway. joe biden is the only one on that thing. i'm not voting and i think 'm not v thinkefinitel't vote either. i'll definitely want to vote for biden anyway. and you ain't black. if donalg vote fd trump is watc, what do you want to tell donald trump? i really lik o'donnelle you andu hope you come president in 2024. >> i love how you gave us moneyw when we were down low. you know, i'm voting forhen u>a you all day 24/7 and i'm bringing my friends. we voted for trump. >> so who's voting for trump? ten hands. what? hey, watchrump fox news. >> i do sometimes. what do you want to tell jesse?. jesse from the tv show. jesse, you are so high. you were. you were. you were high weight. jesse doesn't go, you know, jes oh, my. i love your program. aving i love johnny. jesse ran a loving cita y, havig a good time, staying in a very special personal announcement. that's next. >> salon past a lot of gangdid >> salon past a lot of gangdid flags, a super thin, flexiblwe e pat, maximum rotc strength, lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention it really, really sticks? 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make father's day special with the fox news shop's new proud american dad collection. from polos and hats to golf, a decanter set and more so dad ,the love with gifts you can't get anywhere else. order now at shop for holiday delivery. emm happy birthday to mama. june 1st. celebrate a great birthday with her and a bunch her friends. she's got a great group of friends. beautiful evenins gog at absolue blast. >> and who knew emma could dj? . my god, she shutj. it down. >> i had a girl. love you, babe. let's do some text xts?s. bill from lawrence, georgia, lawrenceville. o i'm so glad your personal announcement was not another bookis n. that hurts. christopher from louisville, kentucky, the secret service has to love guarding trump. he takes them to the best shows. yeah, just joe. just trump, s takes him to wilm every weekend. jeremy frojustm manheim, pennsylvania. trump should take it to biden's thorstepp, do a rally in wilmington. >> that is a greatat i idea. >> donald from texas,nald biden bragge frod about his cole football career and he couldn't put a helmet on. >> he tried to put it on over his aviators. sarah from richmond, virginia. r maybe biden should wear that football helmet whenn he he rides his bike. >> phil from illinois. i almost wani alsot hunter bideo be found not guilty. that will convince the country how trump's trial was a sham.w a >> i don't think you have. to hope with that jury and thati venue. >> pretty good chance he's acquitted. o is >> tony from colorado. cheeto is awesome, man. no ment the vodka, the guy foxx is good to. >> it's american made. leon from grand rapids. di what beach did johnny go to? i want to stay clear. there's obviously something in the water. ite. the jersey shor >> that would be atlantic city. donna from hamilton, alabama ata ouund. she said his personal assistant didn't have direct access to him. thisx prno acc johnny have dires access to you? >> unfortunately, yehnnys max fm rochester, new york. jesse. tell johnny to keep his shirt on. >> did you see that little geraldo? i'm waters, and this is my

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, Wered , Abbe Lowell , User , Drug Use , Needs , Courtoupl , Gun Form , Opinions , Couple , Whethe , Ir Otherher , He May Arn , Drugn Trac , Jill Biden , Trial , Custodyy Have S For Iss The Special Counsel , Hunter Wadents One , Chain , Cheh , L The First Lady , Alsoe , Sign , The Box , David Weiss , Hunter , Son , Bishe Jo , Courtroom T , Notes , Close Attentio N , Daughter , To The Juryselect Selection , Ion , 73 , Dad , Home , Statement , Wilmington , Pendr Boundless Love , I Don T , Bee , Strengthidence , Respect , Won T Comment On Pending Federal Cases , Ie T There For Hunter , Hav Meaning , Teoujessee , Venext Weeback , Fory , Questions , Answer , Prosecutors , Theory , Cut , Trialt , The Trump Trial , Have Tok , Hunter Ask , Dealer , Meeting , Girlfriend , Honestly , Hunter Boughtwith , Mdma , Car Smoking Crack , Mooki Namede , Fourth Street , Blue Rock Stadium , Rodneytre , Hr , Bidens , Theseand Co Pictures Of Crack , Bus Bidens , Hunter Said E , Minutesught E , Sad , 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Promotional Code Lock , Call , Alerts , To Home Title Lock , Five , Title Lock , Promise , Protection , 1 800 6731633 , 6731633 , 1 , Lab Leak , Crowds , Mitigation Methods , Organizations , Masks , Moresks , Lab , Research , Animal Reservoir , Speciessoro , Reason , Dude , Animal , Jumping , Theolog Wuhan Institute Of Virology , Science , Attacks , Oath J , O House Coronavirus Committee , Front , Lonf , America Now Knowscoming Fauci , Gain , Function , Method , Wuhan , Helphelp Pharmaceutical Companies , Lea Bat , Royalties , Whistleblower , Vaccines , Fauci S , Handlers , Vaccinesing , Windowc , Fauci Getsno , Oath , Potential , Bioweapons Research , National Institutes Of Health , Chinese , Lab Leak Theory , Researchn , Virology , Pandemic Pathogens , Wuhan Institute , Theree , Facts , Buying Fauci , York T , Headline , Lies , Timesim F , Woul , Mostn My , Di Marcs , Procesg , Here Sauci , 11 , David Moran , Pandemic , Hand , Kook , Hidinge , T Vwe , Congress , Couldn T , Cy 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Setting , Version , Everyone , Reelectetion , Definition , Ta Function Research , Advisers , Traits , Circle , Personal Assistant , Andh , Know Ile Dif , Damage , Mad Scientist , Society , Justiceic Department , Offensiveuci , Cdcid , Recommendation , Administration , Arrest , Perjury , Departmentepartmet , Arrest Antl , Line , Committee , Possibility , Transcript , Getheo Back , Posk , E Es , Wasn T Me , Assistants , Testimony , Pereall Z , Dr In Fauci Sa , Unl , Bu , Testimon Wae , Bey , Answers , Recollection , Veg , Goini , He Stille , Conservatives , Ms , Views , Tone , Tryi Mentio , To Ceno , Dare , Funny , T Congressman , Fore , Mistakes , Whistleblowers Don , Sugae Sugar R , Pops Up , Every Funn , Don T Touch , Igation , Othish , Remorse , Faus Meetiy , E Whaow , Ae , Intelligence Communitycally , Questiohen , Peter Daszak , Ecohealth Alliance , Ceolt , Informant Wha , Intelligencein Community , Intelligence Community , Informant , Ones , Beforcee The Covid Outbreak , Wuhan 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Whatcom , Listen , 2 Million , A Million , Anywhere , News Headlines , News Business , Audio , Election , Sirius Xm , America Is Listening , Hi History , Di Trump , Clot , Blood Clots , Atlantic Cityup , Gorgui , Thing , Scam , Embarrassing , Rudehi , Ty To , Tv , Upset , Ability , L Terribleittle , Worf Th K , Crime D , Stormy Daniels , Money , Star , Porn Star , Goodlegedly , Magazine , Prosecutor , End , You Know , Dt , Fighngme Startt , Losingll World , Middle East , Jury Pool , Little , 90 , Doe , Sound Fair , Luck , Lock , E Dona Well , 90 , You Shouldn T , Break , Angel , Biggr , Him , Clintons , World I S , System , Conviction , Thesn Don T Trust , Thisis , Jus T , Nothing Anyth , Goc , Vote , Is Watc , M Not V Thinkefinitel T Vote Either , Ain T Black , Friends , Moneyw , You Andu Hope , O Donnelle , 24 7 , Tv Show , Hands , Watchrump , Jesse Doesn T Go , Jes Oh , Ten , Announcement , Program , Aving , Loving Cita Y , Jesse Ran , Spain , Contours , Strength , Lidocaine , Gangdid Salon , Flexiblwe E Pat , Gangdid Flags , Maximum Rotc , Salon , Medicine , Progressive , Commercialan Get B Auto Qe , Commercial , List , Gutter Inspection , Flooding Problems , Monster , Calltand , Inspection , Schedule , Permanen Gutter Solution , Lee Filter , Porch , Cloggeto Sched , Visit Leaf Filter Econ , Prices , Quality , Quints , Luxury , Materials , Summer Essentials , Super Saturday On Fox , Purchase , Pond , Darts , Got , Brook Ball Flying Run , Quincy Aecom , 0 , 20 , Miss , Epic Rivalry , Clark , Saratoga , Phillies , New York City Lights , Belmont Stakes , Dodgers Battle The Yankees , Fox Light Doesn T , Generation , Season , Retired Fox Wednesday , Baby Boomer School Boomers Teaching Old Dog , Grandchildren , Tricks , Forefront , Student Loans , Payments , Generations , Goodbye , Birth Father , Master Chef , Refi , Com , Rates , Rate , Lenders , Pocket , Old Faithful , Boiling Hot Water , Ghana , 75 Million , Problem , Mypillow Sandals , Towel , Keys , Ecommerce , Dollar Extravaganza , 25 Dollar , Challenges , Special , Decanter Set , Father S Day , Golf , Hats , Proud American Dad Collection , Polos , Gifts , Delivery , Mama , Emm , June 1st , Group , Bunch , Cdj , She Shutj , Absolue Blast , Beautiful Evenins Gog , Emma , Christopher , Xts S Bill , Girl , Love You , Lawrence , Babe , Georgia , Bookis , Hurts , Louisville , Rally , Just Joe , Thorstepp , Guarding Trump , Jeremy Frojustm Manheim , Pennsylvania , He Couldn T Put A Helmet On , Aviators , Greatat I Idea , His Cole Football Career , Nald , Biden Bragge Frod , Football Helmet , Hunter Bideo , Wai Don T , Bike , Sarah , Richmond , Phil , Alsot , Virginia , Illinois , Wani , Sham , Ment , Vodka , Guy Foxx , Thati Venue , Colorado , Jersey Shor , Donna , Water , Di What Beach , Atlantic City , Leon , Grand Rapids , Bite , Alabama , Ata Ouund , Hamilton , Didn T , Access , Shirt , Acc , Yehnnys Max Fm , Thisx Prno , Rochester , My , Waters , Geraldo ,

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