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right now. do you want to be a professional politician or do you want to be an american? and if you want to be a professional politician, and you're a republican, then you get in line, you hold your nose and say donald trump is the best, and then you go home and tell everybody you know that you can't stand him, because that's what's happening all across the country. >> totally. >> alice, what do you say to that? >> totally. >> this little marco? right, like, that's where we are? >> yeah. so many are fall -- >> obviously everyone knows that's what trump called him. >> exactly. >> amongst many names he called other people. look, of the establishment republicans are falling in line behind donald trump. we're seeing that across the board. and that is unfortunate. but to jeff's terms of nikki haley having momentum, we're seeing she's gaining in the polls. this des moines register poll, she has gone up and others have

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